#i was the most serious about it when i left japan
daidonzo · 1 year
Girls just wanna have fun
A/N: little insight on what i think Chishiya and the reader's relationship is like after the ending of As much as you want. •ᴗ•
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Usagi and Arisu were getting married.
Chishiya had simply congratulated them when they announced the news. Kuina had been shocked, but had run to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Ann, on video call, busy because of work, had clapped and cheered, just as anyone would. Your reaction, however, had been a bit different.
"A child bride." You had gasped, eyes wide open, half-joking, half-actually-serious, your voice low so that nobody but him could hear. "What's next, teenage pregnancy?"
Chishiya silently laughed, burying his face in your hair so that nobody could see, one arm around you.
"She's your age." He pointed out, entertained by your reaction.
"And what am I? A literal child." You whispered, brows raised.
"A literal child way past her twenties."
"Three words: I. Am. Baby." You lifted a finger with each of them, and then stuck your tongue out.
The two of you had been dating for as long as Usagi and Arisu had, but clearly your relationship had a different timeline. Chishiya didn't mind. You, judging by your comments, didn't either.
"I wonder, what will I do now with the ring that I have in my pocket…?" Chishiya asked, teasing you, staring at the ceiling as if the answer to his question laid there.
"Don't you dare." You pointed your index finger at him, menacingly.
He chuckled, and lifted both arms above his head, his palms directed at you.
Things had been good. You had found a job in Japan, which meant you could stay for as long as you wanted and had moved on your own, although truth be told, Kuina pretty much lived with you, even if she didn't pay rent. The two of you had become inseparable. Ann and Usagi had later on joined your little group.
Chishiya and you also spent a lot of time together. He had got a definite workplace in a hospital close to where you lived and would come spend most nights. Or afternoons. Or mornings.
It didn't matter the time of the day, if he was available, the two of you were together.
Yeah… One could say things were better than good.
-------------------------------------------------- The night of the bachelorette party came.
Usagi had wanted something simple. To go to dinner with her best friends, maybe have a couple of drinks and call it a night.
Kuina and you had a different idea.
Ann just let you do whatever you wanted, lifting her shoulders every time Arisu or Chishiya would ask, as if saying "Well, what can I do to stop them?".
So you did go to dinner. But then you also went to a huge party in some fancy club, all of you dressed in pink except Usagi, who was forced to dress in white, wear a crown and a t-shirt saying "Here comes the bride!".
Chishiya had been working the whole time. He had a night shift, and it was about nine in the morning when he finally was done. First thing he did after changing into his normal clothes was checking his phone.
And saw he had an impressive amount of notifications. He was surprised the device hadn't blown up.
He opened his always on-going conversation with you. You never said goodbye, not even good night. You just went to sleep, and would continue where you left off the following morning. Sometimes you would write "(going to sleep, love you, tty in the morning <3)" between parenthesis, but that's as much as he would get.
Again, Chishiya didn't mind. He loved it.
He stopped to look at your photo, holding one of your parents' cats. It was from a trip you took on Christmas to your home country. You had kept saying that this particular cat reminded you of him.
He read the messages with a smile on his face:
hiiiiiii! we just had dinner and we are going to go to da club nowwww
After that, you had sent a picture of your food and another one of your outfit in what was probably the bathroom of the restaurant. You were wearing a pink dress and looked absolutely beautiful, at least in Chishiya's opinion.
hi agaiiiiiin, in the club now!!! good music today, i know every single song
i really hope i'm not bothering you and your phone's on muuuuuuuute
miss u
miss u again
miss u a third time <3
A picture of the four of you. A video of you singing one of the songs with the lyrics copypasted down below, because they said stuff about being in love and you wanted him to know you were thinking about him when they played it.
i'm having so much fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
wish u were here <3
A lot of pictures of Usagi. More selfies of you. Selfies with Kuina.
Your writing got worse. The messages more sappy.
i jst wished i coold go home and be with u tnight bcs i miss u
u mean evvrthing 2 meeeeeeeeeeee
bst dctor ever
go bby go!!!!!!!
A picture of you, sent by Kuina using your phone, in what seemed like a car. You were sleeping.
You had another message, from Arisu:
I went to pick the girls up. Kuina is with your girl at her appartment. Everything fine! b(^^)b
Thanks, Arisu.
Chishiya put his phone in the pocket of his dark jeans after replying to the text and left the hospital.
It was about an hour later when he rang your door bell using his elbow, holding three coffees in his right hand and a brown bag with breakfast buns for three in the left one.
Kuina opened up, very sleepy, wearing pyjamas. But her eyes grew wider when she saw the coffee Chishiya was holding, extending both arms to grab it and opening and closing her hands, clearly thrilled.
"You're the absolute best!" She said after taking the first sip and Chishiya simply tilted his head to one side, conceding. He left everything he was carrying on the kitchen counter.
"She's still sleeping?"
"I would be as well. She's in her room."
The woman with dreadlocks just threw herself on your sofa and turned the TV on.
Chishiya went to your room, opening the door without knocking, because you probably wouldn't have heard it, sleeping as you were. You usually slept in the weirdest positions, but now, you were on your side, both your arms below your pillow. You were still wearing the make-up from the night before. He smiled when he saw you were wearing one of his t-shirts.
Silently, he took off his shoes, and climbed to bed with you, placing himself at your back and putting an arm around you.
"Chishiya?" You whispered groggily, not even opening your eyes just moving backwards so that you could be closer to him.
"Yes you are, dummy."
He smiled and gave you a kiss on the top of your head, covering the both of you with the blanket.
"Had fun?"
"Yes, very much so. How was work? All good?"
"Boring means good. No accidents. No meteorites."
Chishiya laughed at that. You had met in the hospital, after being victims of a meteorite hitting Shibuya. In his opinion, a natural disaster wasn't such a bad thing.
It had brought you into his life.
"Did you bring Kuina coffee?" You asked, suddenly, opening one of your eyes and turning your face so that you could look at him.
"I did."
"I think you just moved to the number one position in her list of favorite people."
"What number am I in yours?"
"Did you bring me coffee?"
"I know you did, so you are number one."
"Because I brought you coffee?"
"No." You flashed him a lopsided grin, cheekily. You used to do it only sarcastically at first, but Chishiya had mentioned once or twice much he liked it when you started dating, so you had incorporated it to your list of smiles. This one you used when you wanted to mess with him. "Because I know you brought me a cinnamon bun."
The blonde laughed, and you ended up completely turning around in his arms so that you could be face to face. You gave him a kiss on the tip of the nose, then on the lips.
"Can we stay here a little bit longer?" You asked, feeling warm and safe.
"Yes. But only a little bit."
A small wrinkle appeared between your brows, and you squinted your eyes.
"Kuina will eat all the breakfast."
You laughed and cuddled up to him.
Five more minutes wouldn't hurt anyone.
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they find out you're being bullied
tw // bullying, implied murder, sexual harassment
psa: if you can only send hate on anon, then you have no right to send hate. you are literally choosing to consume the content, why are you acting like writers are holding you hostage and making you read their works? if you don't like it, simply block them or keep your mouth shut ♡
@megumi-divine for you my love
rin loved and supported you in all of your endeavors and knew how much your blog meant to you
so when he woke up to you glaring at your computer like it had personally wronged you, he could take a pretty good guess as to what was going on
"what's got my baby so worked up?"
all you could do was turn back to look at him and silently show him your screen
rin would die for you, kill for you and maybe this seemed like a trivial matter to the rest of the world but it was genuinely bothering you, making it a serious problem for him too
"how about you close that laptop and come back to bed? promise i'll take care of it pretty girl"
dating an executive of the most powerful gang in japan had its perks, and he would take full advantage and go to the ends of the earth to see you smile
you were the light of his life, his princess, HIS
so when you came back with bruises on your arm that looked eerily similar to handprints, he silently beckoned you to sit on his lap and stared into your eyes
"who thought they could damage my property?"
you looked up at him with a wobbly smile and tears in your eyes
"'s nothing, really"
he could never be angry with you, but he did have a bit of a temper when it came to matters than concerned you
"now princess, you know i hate when you lie to me so let's try again, who did this?"
it was like a dam broke and words were pouring out faster than you could keep up with
you explained how there was a guy in your class that wouldn't stop bothering you, asking you on dates, asking you for nudes and when you said that you had a boyfriend, he had gotten mad, really mad
he let you cry in his arms until you fell asleep and he gently laid your body down onto the bed
he put on his jacket and headed out and when you groggily asked him where he was going all he had to say was "i have some business to take care of, you trust me right?"
now who would mess with his girlfriend? surely there was no one dumb enough out there to do that right? wrong
he noticed that you had been acting a bit odd the past few weeks but you waved him off with a "it's nothing i can't take care of!" and a forced smile
he trusted you, he really did, but he decided enough was enough when he started to notice the bags under your eyes get darker and the light slowly drain from your eyes
deciding to cheer you up, he picked you up from work for a surprise lunch but was instead greeted with the scene of some girls surrounding you in your office, seemingly berating you
he watched as you did nothing to defend yourself from their words
before he knew it, he was grabbing one of the girl's arms and twisting it behind her back, ignoring her cries
your head slowly lifted and you were met with empty eyes
"so this is what you were hiding from me princess?"
the girls all scattered and left the ringleader to take the punishment, thinking they were in the clear
"let me make this abundantly fucking clear, if you ever step foot in this building ever again i can't guarantee the safety of your family and friends. make sure to let those other girls know too"
he released her, watching as she scampered away
"now princess, how about we go get some ice cream!♡"
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sazandorable · 6 months
akai shuuichi
For nearly a year now I have been plagued by awareness of and lust for Akai Shuuichi from classic manga/anime series Detective Conan, of all things. It never stops. It keeps getting worse. My friends with me in the fandom are angels of patience, indulgence and gentle teasing, but for everyone out of that loop I need to explain.
Akai Shuuichi.
He's got striking green eyes and identifiably long lashes.
He is so tall, wears leather jackets, and often has one or both hands in his pockets.
He's left-handed.
He smokes.
He drives cool cars.
He has lived in the UK, in Japan, and in LA.
He used to have princess long hair he was super proud about. He chopped it all off after "a bad breakup" (more on this later).
Most of the time he looks like death badly warmed over in a prehistoric microwave oven. Bags under his eyes, sharp boney facial structure that makes his face look like a skull, an entire scene dedicated to him dropping a can of shitty coffee in dramatic slow-mo, apparently out of exhaustion. I want to bundle him in a huge duvet and spoonfeed him chicken soup.
He is so fucking smart.
He is so fucking funny in a deadpan way.
He looks so serious but does the wildest shit like it's a normal (and easy) thing to do.
He is a sniper. An absurdly good one.
Also excellent physical fighter. He's so cool, he doesn't do karate or judo like the protag's close allies or even boxing like Sherlock Holmes -- he does Jeet Kune Do like Bruce Lee.
He is good at everything.
He's FBI, one of their best.
He doesn't say shit but understands everything.
At any given point you have no idea where the fuck Akai is and what he's doing, but he'll always be where he's needed.
Hottest trait: reliable. Unfailingly reliable.
He infiltrated the big bad meanie shadow organisation at the heart of the series' overarching plot and became a very high-ranking member of it.
Now that he's been found out and burned, the common reaction to Akai Shuuichi from members of that organisation is "shit, he's our biggest threat, kill kill kill".
A guy from the organisation once realised he was being chased by the Akai Shuuichi and immediately shot himself in the head rather than deal with him.
Another shot himself after having been dealt with by Akai Shuuichi.
To be fair, it's apparently the guideline of the org to not leave loose ends and not get caught alive, but still. This doesn't happen with other characters.
He was a honey pot.
His seduction method was to let his target hit him with her car and then hit on her when she visited him in the hospital.
He ended up catching genuine feelings for her. Then she got killed, so now he has angst about that.
He refers to wanting to avenge her death and kill the guy that killed her as "I'll make my girlfriend cry tears of scarlet blood in regret for ever dumping me".
He says to himself "Hi, my precious, precious lover ❤" while sniping at the man who killed her through that guy's own sniper scope from over 700 yards away.
Hits him, too. 600+ episodes later the guy still has the scar on his cheek and touches it occasionally.
He also dated a FBI colleague, whom he first met when they bumped into each other and he pointed out she should apologise too because "the blame was 50/50".
She was super offended. And then she dated him.
Another, male, colleague once referred to Akai Shuuichi as "my wife".
The official resident Pretty Boy fanservice man is obsessed with him because he believes Akai caused the death of his own childhood friend(/boyfriend).
It was actually the pretty boy's own fault. For incomprehensible reasons, instead of ever telling him that, Akai "the blame is 50/50" Shuuichi takes on that responsibility and even tells him he still feels sorry about it, and lets this incredibly dangerous man repeatedly try to out and/or kill him and put so, so many people in danger in an attempt to get his revenge. It is all incredibly homoerotic.
He still humiliates this guy every time they meet, and sometimes when they don't.
He's so sweet about so many upsetting things like this or his own honeypot girlfriend incident, but also so ruthless about others. He'll do anything to get a foot into the shadow organisation. He'll use himself as bait. He'll use a colleague who idolises him as decoy (with his knowledge and consent). He'll use a 6yo as scout. He'll use a comatose woman, her little brother, your crush's dad, your dad, his ex, himself again.
"No, Conan-kun, don't get your loved ones entangled into this, what we do is dangerous and sometimes we get people killed. Anyway let's use this entire hospital full of injured civillians for a high-risk trick." - Akai Shuuichi
He's so sweet and also such a dick.
He also has daddy issues because his father was MI6 and seems to have died on the job in mysterious circumstances.
He's an oldest brother.
Because of his choice to start a dangerous job after what happened to his father and various other plot reasons, he is estranged from his remaining family they don't even share a last name anymore.
He and his little sister barely know each other, but she's emulating him and looking for him and trying to know him and it's so sweet. He can't let that happen for both of their safety, but also he's being a dick about it.
He faked his death.
So he's currently on his 4th name (that I know of).
He's now pretending to be a 5 years younger phD student with pink hair, glasses, and turtlenecks.
The turtlenecks are for hiding the fact that he's constantly wearing a voice-changing device. The device is a metal choker.
He's now living his best domestic quiet life at the hero's parents' manor-like house, reading their books and drinking their booze.
The hero's dad, who is a very popular author, wrote a book inspired by him. The book inspired by him got adapted into a movie and won an award.
The hero's mom, who is an incredibly talented and famous actress and a total hottie, has a crush on him. She taught him to cook.
Sometimes he drops by the neighbours' to share a meal he cooked with the old man and little girl living there and the kids often visiting. The kids told him his curry was not that great so he's working on it.
For another meal that failed to satisfy, he read cookbooks then asked an old lady to teach him the special recipe that had emotional value to her.
Man who is good at everything is not good at cooking. So he's learning that. From the women in his life. For the kids in his life.
He's so fond of the hero. They get each other and they don't usually run into anyone who does. They like each other so much. Autistic to autistic communication.
The hero is in the body of a 6-year-old. Akai is so impressed with him and thinks he's so cool and talks to him like an equal.
One time they went fishing and for a cover the hero called him "daddy".
Akai Shuuichi knows he's a weapon of destruction and can do pretty much anything. He's not a brag about it, just practical. He is basically the hero's on-call guard/attack dog now.
When the hero needs help, he calls Akai-san, and Akai says yeah, I followed the situation, I was waiting for your call, I know what you're going to ask me to do. Point me at the target and I'll take care of it.
And then he just does that.
In the latest movie, the hero needs to take care of an armoured submarine that is currently underwater and doesn't get picked up by radards. Akai goes "ok, I can handle that".
He shows up in a helicopter with an American rocket launcher and is like "ok, just show me where it is". The hero just has to light up the submarine for a couple seconds. Then Akai one-shots it. From the helicopter. While it's still underwater.
Then he goes home.
(To the hero's parents' home.)
This is Akai Shuuichi with little resources and lots of constraints, such as being an FBI agent in Japan not supposed to be there or do anything, certainly not use weapons, and by the way legally dead and cannot let the organisation know he's still alive because that would endanger several other people.
He plays the accordion.
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
haiiii!!! is it okay to request some dating headcanons of Yutaka Yamai from IW? :D
LAST ONE FOR TODAY I have saved my personal favorite ask of da day for last, I have been obsesssssssed with Yamai. Also if you didn't know, Infinite Wealth asks are officially on da table so smoke em if ya got me. Some mild NSFW below, and welcome Yamai to the blog!
Don't let his dark demeanor fool you. Yamai is actually a big softie inside. Bit of a romantic himself, you can easily find him daydreaming about what was and what could've been.
He can be rough around the edges but he does have a sweet side to him. Type of guy who, despite all apperances, would help an old lady across the street. Carries that energy into romantic endeavors as well.
Given his history, chances are he will not confess to you first. In fact, he may try to bury his feelings. More of a flirt than anything, he hasn't had a serious romance since he left Japan and there's never been a steady partner of any kind.
Has had his fair share of experiences though, let's get that out there. Did his time at the strip clubs and hostess clubs, sometimes with the strippers and hostesses.
One of the most open minded guys out there. Things like age or race or appearance don't mean a darn to him. If he likes you, he likes you. Period. End of story.
Will not fall for someone easily but when he does he falls extremely hard, it's almost debilitating for him. Man won't be sleeping right, he gets disorganized, hell he stops getting cold so often. Everyone thinks he might be like dying or something, it's that drastic.
A shameless flirt and good at it. Blame it on all the lonely years at the clubs in Hawaii. Not a talkative guy and not the most profound conversationalist but boy does he have good voice control. Also has the most wicked fuck-me eyes. Key word being wicked.
Speaking of which, he can be an animal in bed. He's not messy or anything violent but he can be frantic, if that makes sense. Once he hits a certain limit, he's gotta relieve himself, either alone or with someone. He can't just pretend that isn't there. Translate that to a long term relationship, and you get some very hot and steamy sex.
Down to go on dates, it's the relationship part that's scary. A date can just mean getting food or having sex. A relationship means FEELINGS. And the last time he did that he had to leave Japan! Not a gamble to take lightly.
As stated previously, it is highly unlikely he will confess. Having said that, if you do, his face will kind of shift. Suddenly he's not some sullen, dark eyed fiend. He just looks so... soft. Like a cloud, almost. If you weren't serious or making some kind of joke, he would probably just fade away into dust right then and there.
He and Joon-Gi share the trait of loyalty. When he's in love, you are his person. Would do anything for you, for better or for worse. Despite how much his past has scarred him and how that's affected how he deals with his feelings, he still hasn't learned, huh? All these years later he's still a lover at heart...
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Orange ~
Sana X M Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst (for the most part)
WC: 4.1K Words
Chapter 9: Keep Me in your Heart
A/N: Wrapping up Orange's story. No smut tho.
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Reader –
“Now tell me, what are you planning to do?”
Sana was so serious in her tone, nothing of that respectful daughter demeanor, business-like and ready to hear the terms of a very unfavorable circumstance. The atmosphere was heavy inside your office, tension was high, thick and palpable. Both you and Sana have not been on good terms with her father, and then there was the hospital director, caught in the crossfire. You look at your girlfriend and admire her resolve, although it doesn’t come as a surprise now, she has been a fighter ever since you knew her, and it is clear she’ll fight this one too, even though you are doomed to lose. However, it is also clear that there is also vulnerability in her voice.
“I advise you to be calm, my dear daughter.”
You can already tell it’s not going to be easy, her father sounded too confident on the card he is holding. He cleared his throat, and took a seat on the couch, not in a hurry whatsoever. He is taking his time, maybe even enjoying the agony written all over your faces. He may be the father of the girl who means the world to you but you can’t help but curse him under your breath, he is giving you all the reasons to hate him, and probably also a little more. As it stands, it's you and Sana against the world.
“So I heard that the owner of the place you are staying needs a heart transplant. You know I can help you with that, Sana." Her father started his spiel with a smug face. He knew his gambit would finally pay off.  "You see, this should not have been your problem, but you have so much love to give and you can't help but care." The grin on his face grew wider which made you clinch on your fist tighter. But deep inside you can't argue his logic. You view care and connections as unnecessary. It's one of the reasons why you opt to keep to yourself; before this orange haired girl changed your life at least.
 "You know what you need to do, come home with me to Japan, and I'll make sure she'll have her new heart as soon as possible."
He acted so calm, so cool when he laid out his terms. Sana's father thought he had you both on a checkmate, a chokehold; and maybe he probably did. If you didn't hate him, you would for sure admire the man, respect his composure by not laughing hysterically because he had the upper hand. Although you think you didn't expect less from her father, it's really hard to run a hospital, especially if it's controlled by three big families. Well perhaps you do, you already do sound like it.
At that moment, you noticed your girlfriend sob. You've been focused on your own feelings to not be aware that tears are now falling on her face. Instinctively you wrapped your arms around her, she cried enough for the night. You hate her father for doing all this, but even more so you hate yourself for not being able to think of a solution; a way out. You just want to dig deep and find something inside the big brain of yours you always seem so confident about, but somehow the well just ran dry. It can't keep on giving it seems.
There was a brief pause inside your office, the kind that you could not be blamed for thinking the world stood still, and somehow time stops moving forward. It's not a moment of respite however, it's full of dread and uncertainties. Sana knows it, you know it, the odds are not in your favor. "I'll give you time to think, but remember time is of the essence if you want that landlady saved." Sana's father broke that silence with absolute conviction in his voice. He left the office with his shoulders high, and so was his spirit; he knew he had won. You and Mr. Cho's eyes met, and you could see that he is emphatic to your situation, but it's out of his hands too and there's nothing he can do about it. You gave him a smile of acknowledgement as he tapped you gently in the back, and he went out as well after that.
Your focus went back to Sana, and she's crying as she leans on your shoulders. But what more can you do? You just wrapped your arms around her and rubbed her back. "It's all going to be alright." Inside your head you are thinking, asking, do you really mean those words? Maybe not since you yourself are afraid of what will happen next, but it's all you can think of for now. And maybe she knows you are just spewing out words and not meaning them, because she cried even harder when she heard it.
Morning came, and you are still occupied with things that need sorting out. You notice your girlfriend roll over and wake up, making a mess of her orange hair. Normally, you would have found it cute but right now you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. It's a completely different circumstance. "Did you have any sleep, Doc?" Her eyes puffed and her voice hoarse, as she asked you the minute her eyes found yours. It is clear she worries for you too.
"I'm fine, baby." You managed a weak smile. You've been up all night, trying to find answers, but all you could produce was the name of Mrs. Kang's nearest relative using hospital records. You also tried to find ways and cases that a patient was given the priority to receive a heart but that proved to be all for naught. Absent a personal donor pledging their hearts when they die to a specific person, given that the receiver is compatible with the organ; the only recourse is to sign up and be included in the waitlist. 
Then you felt your girlfriend sitting on your lap, you realized your attention was never really on her but on your computer, on the things that addled your mind because you did not notice her walk towards you. Sana wrapped her arms around your neck and rested her head on your shoulders; and you always feel at peace when she does that. But there's a feeling of sorrow in her embrace, the kind that screams goodbye, the kind that is making the most out of the remaining time. Anyone can walk in your office and see the both of you and be called unprofessional but those things don't bother you now, the world will understand.
"I already found a relative who can help us with the paper works of the operation." You are just hoping she will see it as good news, praying silently that she will not see it as you are already giving up by thinking about the operation already. Sana tightened her arms around you and you already knew that she understood what it meant. "We don't have any other options, do we?" Her voice trailed off as she tried to finish her sentence. For the first time today, you shifted your attention fully to your girlfriend. "I want to be selfish, you know. I just want to run with you and escape all these." You pat the back of her head and run your fingers through her orange locks. You mean those words, but you know as well that it's impossible.
Sana immediately removes her head from your shoulders to look at you straight into your eyes. "Then let's go, hmm?" There's pleading in her teary gaze, she's desperate just like you that she'll take any alternative without really thinking.
"We can't, baby. I know you can't. You're not capable of leaving the ones you care about." You hate to be the bearer of the grounding news, but you have to; even if it means putting an end to your selfish desires. "We will just go back immediately the moment we try to leave because of our conscience.” You fixed her messy hair, it has become your habit. After a long pause, of just both of you staring at each other, Sana went back to lean on your shoulders, vulnerable, defeated, devastated for the lack of choices. And your heart goes out with her.
Sana –
Sana is in a state of trance, her eyes are fixed on the face of her still unconscious landlady. In the background is a beeping noise of the electronic vital sign monitors, constantly reminding her that she too still exists, even though she thinks her mind has stopped functioning. As she holds the hands of the woman that serves as her guardian in a foreign country, Sana came to terms with what you said earlier. She really could not just run and leave it all behind. Unbeknownst to her, a pool of tears starts to accumulate again in her eyes. Perhaps, the choice is crystal clear now even if it means you two being away from each other. Sana resigns herself to let it all out again and cry but is stopped by the sound of the opening door. She immediately wiped her tears with her bare hands and tried to fix herself before turning to see who the visitor was.
“Unnie.” Dahyun’s head peeked on the small opening of the door, with her signature smile. “Doc said you haven’t eaten yet. Do you want to join us? Your boyfriend and Doc Jun Han still have a doctors meeting, and Sang Hun has a lecture to attend so it’s just us with Jihyo-unnie.” The anesthetist smiled brightly as she completed her invitation, obviously trying to exude positivity. Sana finishes to wipe her eyes dry and continues to fix herself, she can’t say no and frankly speaking she craves some company too.
Sana noticed that the two ladies tried to talk normally to her as the three of them settled on a table, careful to not bring up the topics related to the things that happened. No one seems to be giving her some weird looks in the hospital so she is thankful that the news didn’t really go out. Yet she could not shake off the feeling that it was a bit strange, normally Sana expected to be bombarded with inquiries but both of them talked about completely random things. "Did Doc tell the both of you not to ask me questions?" She just had to make sure, to confirm her suspicions. Both Dahyun and Jihyo awkwardly looked at each other but ultimately smiled in defeat and admitted that it was indeed the case.
"Are we that obvious, Sana?" Jihyo asked in defeat to which she nodded in response. "It's just highly unusual. You two don't want to be late with the news." Dahyun's mouth dropped in shock when Sana just casually calls them nosy but in a more sophisticated way. Then her lips formed a small smile in amusement, it's the first time she did for the day. It's just friendly banter, and the three just laugh about it.
"Did Doc fill you in with the details?" Sana considered both women more than just colleagues now so she decided to talk about the situation even though it is hard at the moment. Jihyo shaked her head."I only know about your landlady's situation, that she needs a new heart." Dahyun echoed Jihyo's response, also saying that she only knew the same information. "Doc seems to be avoiding the topic entirely so I didn't really pry and ask more." Dahyun added.  Sana immediately thought about you. Of course it's hard for you too, you just act tough because being a doctor requires you to be, and as a boyfriend it requires you even more. 
"This is basically saying goodbye." Sana tried to hold back her tears as she felt like a hand grips her heart again. It is heavy and it keeps on getting heavier that she closed her eyes and the flood gates of tears are now open. Concerned, both women at the table with her scoots closer. Jihyo sitting on the same side gently rubs her back while Dahyun offers tissue. However Sana gathered herself and proceeded to fill them in with the specifics, of how her father wants her to go back to Japan in exchange of securing a heart, of how there is no other choice, of how you two will be apart.
Sana looked at you, deep asleep. Probably the only place of peace amidst all the chaos. She examined every single line on your face and she was sure she memorized them all by now. The road to this very moment has not been easy, and Sana thought you deserve the rest you are currently enjoying. It has been your first taste of sleep ever since all of these ensued. She has been itching to touch your face and kiss your lips, but she was also afraid she might wake you up. 
She looked back on the long day you both had, on the emotions and struggles. You both wanted to spend the remaining time together. Even though both of you avoided talking about it, not wanting to make it hard while you are still together. But somehow Sana knew that you also knew that it is just a matter of time, that you need to do what is needed to save a life. She involuntarily sniffs as her nose and eyes swelled again, for which she panicked a bit thinking that might wake you up but fortunately didn’t. Sana then took the chance to slowly get off the bed, careful to not disturb you in the slightest. She fetched a letter from the pocket of her coat, and placed it on your lone bedside table making sure you would see it. Then she took an all look around your room, a bittersweet smile. So many great memories she will forever cherish. And lastly, her eyes landed on you and God knows how much she wants to go back to your side. The few inches apart has been such a torture already.
Reader (Three weeks later) --
You opened the door to see Mrs. Kang sitting up looking outside the window. This is the first time ever since the operation that she has been strong enough to do so. You know she is deep in thought and you hesitated to interrupt her, but you need to make your rounds to your patients and it is her turn. You carefully knocked on the open door to not surprise her, and as she slowly turned around you gave her your best effort for a warm smile.
“It’s much better that you stay lying down, Mrs. Kang. Recover as much strength as possible. The more you do that, the faster you can get out of the hospital.” Normally it takes an average of two to three weeks to recover from a heart transplant. But given her age, you decided to monitor her more than that. She also showed signs of slow recovery so you couldn’t take the risk.
You quickly assisted her in lying back down and proceeded to check on her vitals. “How are you feeling, Mrs. Kang? Not feeling any more discomfort in your chest area?” The old lady slowly shook her head in response. “Your vital signs are well within expected now so I am happy to say we are getting good results. Give it like a week and I can consider releasing you. Sounds good, Ms. Kang?”
“Thank you, Doc.”
“Alright, and don’t forget you can always tell your attending nurse if ever you feel or need something.” You take a final look and give instructions to her own nurse since no relative has even taken the initiative to care, really tragic. You gave her a smile again as you were getting ready to leave when she held your hand to stop you. “Would you allow me a couple of questions, Doctor?”
“Of course.” You obliged after much thought, you were debating internally if it was the right time to let her in on the news. But with her determined eyes, you knew it would just be wrong to not let her know, to deny her of the truth.
You pulled a vacant chair and sat in front of the frail woman, thinking that the conversation would not end that quickly. She looks so much better than before her operation, visibly pain free and presumably getting quite adjusted to her new heart. The heart that has so much weight for you and a particular someone. You immediately remembered how you cried your own heart and eyes out after the successful operation, given how much it meant to you. The hospital director voiced his concern to you, suggesting that you should let other doctors perform the operation because emotions can get in the way, but you have to do it. You just have to make sure that it’s gonna be all worth it, and besides it’s the very last wish she said to you. And today, somehow sitting across her landlady, you realized you did just that. But as for the question if it was worth it, your heart is not that professional after all.
“You are Sana’s boyfriend, right? She always talks about you.” Mrs. Kang reaches out to hold your hand again, soft and gentle.
“Yes, her boyfriend.” It’s technically true, you did not separate that night; in fact not much was really said aside from a couple of lines. Yet you still hesitated, it has been almost a month that you haven’t seen her, not in any shape or form of conversation wahtsoever too.
“I haven’t seen her visit, she told me she works in the same hospital as you. I would very much like to see her.” There is a certain anticipation in her expression, you can clearly see how Sana means to her as well. However, you hate to be the bearer of the disappointing news.
“Sana-” you paused to clear your throat, you once again feel the grip that very fact holds upon your heart. Just her name solicits so much emotion from you. Yet you have to gather yourself and persevere, keep a straight face as much as possible. You have to soften the news to her, she is your patient after all. “Sana is back in Japan, Mrs. Kang. But don’t worry she already knew that you had a successful operation.” The last sentence was a lie. In truth, you don’t have an inkling of news about her, none whatsoever. Not even knowing if she safely arrived. Although, you thought it’s safe to assume that she does, you want to assume. And besides you really could use that particular white lie.
You saw the change in expression in Mrs. Kang's face. From hopeful anticipation to visible sadness. You didn’t do a great job of what you intended to do. "But you don't have to worry, all expenses have been taken care of too already." You tried to distract her with positive news. Yet you know, just like your heart, only a certain someone can fill that void. 
“Can I talk to her at least?” That request was full of desperation, somehow it reflects your heart's desire. You would give the world to just have the chance to hear her sweet bright voice.
“I’ll make sure to let you talk to her once she calls, I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear you well and healthy. But right now, you just need to think about one thing, and that is recovering.” You immediately stood up, desperately wanting to get out of the conversation. You don’t want to lie anymore, but most of all of you just couldn’t hold on to your tears if you keep on talking about Sana. So with the last bit of perseverance, you remained professional. Telling her that you have to go to check on other patients, it’s the last lie you will tell her today.
You head to your office after completing your afternoon rounds, you just want to be alone. Unknowingly, you started to go back to your old self, loner, grumpy and unapproachable. And you realized that when you opened the door of your office hearing some laughter but it completely went silent when they saw you walk in the door, well except for one person who was confused about the situation. For the first time in what feels like forever, there was some semblance of joy in the corners of your office; the office that was once a well of happiness when Sana shared it with you and made it her own. Somehow in your heart, you wish she was one of the visitors you have but that is just wishful thinking of course.
“Are you this strict on them that they can’t laugh when you’re around, Oppa?” Your sister was ready to scold you. Jihyo and Dahyun immediately react that it was not the case but Tzuyu’s eyes were fixed on you. 
“What are you doing here?” You disregard your sister’s question. However she was not having it.
“My sister can be a bit feisty.” You smiled at your colleagues. The two of them laughed again, looking more relaxed. They already understood you are a man of a few words. “It’s the first time I saw someone you can square up to you aside from–” Dahyun stopped on her sentence and looked away, conscious about what she almost did. Of course you picked up on it, in fact everyone did as Jihyo was shooting some lethal side eye to the anesthetist. However, you decided to let it go, nothing really good will happen if you mind it. “Will you excuse us, ladies?”
Both Jihyo and Dahyun of course obliged and immediately headed out the door after taking their leave. You sat down on your chair, legs gave out as soon as you reached it. Perhaps you are now done acting tough, you are with someone again where you are not afraid of showing vulnerability. “You didn’t answer my question, little sis. What brought you here?”
“Just checking on you. Anything wrong with that?” Tzuyu took a seat on the chair in front of your table. There was a pause after, yet somehow you know she didn’t expect any kind of answer. “You should stay with us for the meantime, you know. It will do you good to have company.” Ever since Tzuyu and your father met, they have been catching up so fast with each other’s life up to the point that she now lives in his house. You can see that your sister is happy so you are just as happy for her. Her happiness should not be hindered just because you still have your wounds.
“I’m doing fine, Tzuyu-ya.”
“Fine, I brought some food by the way. You should eat it. I won’t linger long, I still need to visit my shop.” She immediately ran to your side and gave you a hug.
“You can tell your father, I might invite him for some drinks.” You told her after the hug.
“He will be happy to hear that.”
The next morning rolled around and you woke up as the sunlight from your windows slowly creeped up on your eyes. Every morning has been pretty much the same ever since that night. Just like as you recalled, the first thing that grabbed your attention is the letter waiting for you to be read. And without fail ever since that morning, you reached out for it and unfolded the piece of paper that brings you both hope and sadness; the piece of paper that she left her heart with. Then you start to read again, each line somehow feels like it's the first time you ever read it:
You know I love you, and I will always do.
I’m such a coward for choosing to do it this way. But I know I wouldn’t be able to do this with proper goodbyes. I know it would be impossible for me to go seeing you cry the moment I leave. So allow me to go like this, while you are peacefully asleep.
This is not goodbye. Keep me in your heart until the day that we will see each other again. Promise me that I will still be your Orange.
Lastly, I will go because it is the right thing to do. Because you and I both know we can’t live if we took the selfish path. So let us make it worth it, promise me you will save her. Do all you can, I know you will.
I have so many things to say, but let’s just talk about them when we see each other again.
You know I love you, and I will always do.
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super-paper · 2 years
Highlights Summary of the new event in MHUI
The LOV gets a fancy new hideout!
They immediately take out a load bearing wall and cost the PLF hundreds of thousands in property damage. :)
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The chaos begins bc Twice made a bunch of clones for the league to beat up spar with-- Twice thinks they should be able to mop the floor with their clones because they all powered up during their fight with the MLA (with Compress futilely attempting to point out that Twice’s clones all have the same exact combat ability as the originals), and Spinner is a little mean and asks the clones to just go away (lmao). Clone!Dabi and Clone!Tomura’s feelings get hurt, Clone!Tomura retaliates by decaying part of the PLF villa and Clone!Dabi just starts setting stuff on fire. Completely healthy expressions of sadness as always, boys!
The league eventually defeats their wildin’ clones, but are left with a very-large-very-noticeable-very-on-brand hole in the side of the PLF villa. They decide to do the logical, forthcoming, and responsible thing and hide all evidence of their involvement.
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The League: >talk about how good and experienced they are at hiding evidence
>They proceed to get caught immediately.
Rather than own up to anything, they all run away and hide in a dark room. These are the guys that destabilized all of Japan.
Side note: Tomura’s blasé reaction to whatever hijinks the LOV instigate is one of the best things about their group dynamic. Like yeah, Tomura, this might as well happen. they’re having fun so what the fuck ever right. no matter what insane bullshit they get up to, he just hopes it kills him first.
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“Are you The League of Morons!?” D... Do you want a serious answer.
They encounter Skeptic, who was apparently just…. Sitting alone in that dark room, monitoring the league through hidden cameras this whole time?? Most of the league is understandably creeped out. Noticeably, Tomura doesn’t have any real reaction to his privacy being invaded by either the LOV (who barged into his room without knocking at the start of the event) or Skeptic (who again, basically admitted to monitoring him in his bedroom through surveillance cameras) at any point during this event— which fits with his lore about growing up under constant video surveillance by AFO. :’)  Let’s give the MHUI devs a round of applause for their canon compliant fridge horror!
Skeptic diverts attention away from his voyeurism by calling the league out for destroying PLF property. ReDestro and Trumpet also appear, much like ineffective chaperones on a middle school field trip, and scold the LOV for their wanton property damage (this is made funnier when you remember that Tomura absolutely cratered the base of their operations like a week ago-- ya’ll knew what he was about). Trumpet asks the LOV if any of them are able to use their quirks to fix the damaged wall.
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Tomura’s suggestion for fixing the wall? Just destroy the entire villa and rebuild it from scratch (smart). He even offers to lend a hand returning the settings to zero (kind). He gently but firmly emphasizes that the LOV is a team and reminds Trumpet that there is no “I” in anarchy (patient)-- Destruction is OUR thing. :)
Trumpet knows a landmine when he sees one and immediately changes the subject from “fixing the wall” to just having the LOV clean up their own damn mess. 
The league spends a good few minutes talking about the best way to clean up the debris and lamenting that the pieces of rubble are too big for Mister C to compress… with all of them casually forgetting that Tomura can just decay the pieces of rubble, until he chimes in at the last minute while seeming kind of offended that they forgot (thanks, Boss!).
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Tomura reminds them that he is an honors student in destroying things and that he can totally decay pieces of building with one hand and that if sensei had been here he would have TOTALLY given him a good grade in senseless property damage-- >:(
Ujiko appears at the end of the event and spoils the fun immediately with his usual ominous bullshit-- because we know it’s not a *real* LOV-centric event unless we’re reminded about the Constant Unspeakable Horrors surrounding Tomura’s whole existence somehow. The end! 
TL;DR: Everyone say thank you to MHUI for continuing to capitalize on the LOV’s potential for whimsical and mildly unhinged hijinks.
Bonus cute LOV found family + shipping crumb stuff under the readmore:
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The event started with Tomura confined to bed in the PLF villa, recovering from the injuries he sustained fighting Machia and the MLA. He’s hurt pretty badly, but relieved that the MLA/PLF has loads of money bc it means he can recover his HP in peace, quiet, and comfort--
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--Just Kidding ☆ The League decides that he can Sleep When He’s Dead and barges into his room without knocking. Tellingly, instead of getting angry or telling them to get out of his room, Tomura is just resigns himself to the fact that he’ll never have peace or quiet with the league in his life and immediately joins in on their hijinks. The amount of affection he has for the league is palpable.  Rest in chaos, Shigaraki Tomura.
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Tomura broke his leg in the fight with ReDestro, and it’s become difficult for him to move around as a result. The league decides to strong arm ReDestro into making Tomura a wheelchair so he can play with them explore the PLF villa with them. The painkillers possessing Shigaraki Tomura think this is a great idea, so he tells ReDestro make him one. ReDestro folds like a lawn chair and agrees immediately while Skeptic shrieks about budget restrictions in the background. It’s all very fun.
There’s also something mildly amusing about Compress being the only one to call ReDestro by name, while the other members just call him “that guy” or “baldy” or “PIGGYBANK WHO BUYS ME NICE THINGS AND OINKS ON DEMAND That CEO.” Further evidence that the LOV is just a group of disaffected teenagers, part 5ive hundred sixty seven-- 
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Tomura nearly collapses from his injuries, and Twice quickly clones himself and catches Tomura before he falls (this is somehow faster and more efficient than original!Twice just catching Tomura himself-- just admit that you wanted Tomura to praise you for cloning yourself again, Twice). Their relationship remains tooth rottingly adorable.
Spinner is also still riding the high of his gay awakening, for those who are into ShigSpin, and he spends most of the event fussing over Tomura’s injuries.
We also get a Dadpress moment when the LOV reflects on how they’ve gotten stronger, and he mentions that Toga’s fight-to-the-death with Curious “warmed his heart” (Compress?? Bro??? She almost died????). Toga immediately channels the spirit of a bratty teenage daughter and she tells him to stuff it.
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max1461 · 9 months
One of the most frustrating things is making a post that you think is right, and also important, but which unintentionally conveys something that you think is subtly wrong. Especially when the post gets popular. You want to keep it circulating, you want your point to keep spreading. But you worry that you're spreading something bad along with it, a misconception that your readers might not even know they're absorbing.
That post I made about the Meiji restoration a while ago was one of these. I ended up making in unrebloggable, mostly because I was just getting tired of that discourse. I think it was a good post and I stand by it. I criticized the Meiji government for an ideology that saw "Westernizing" and "industrializing/modernizing/becoming competitive with the Great Powers" as necessarily part-and-parcel, and I criticized contemporary political leaders who think the same thing. And I think that's a fair criticism in both cases.
But I did have a major concern about that post, which is that it I think it played into this idea that the Meiji restoration was some absolute break in Japanese history, where Japan stopped being... idk, "authentically Japanese" and started being "a Westernized country". Which is almost exactly the type of narrative I'm trying to critique! Like, no! Disregarding even the general dubiousness of those categories: there was serious continuity between pre-Meiji and post-Meiji Japan, this wasn't an early-Soviet-Union-level reshaping of society.
Maybe I shouldn't say that, I don't know enough about the early Soviet Union. But you get my point. I worry that my post made it sound as if the Meiji government were ripping up shrine gates and shit left and right, shredding kimonos and foisting Western suits upon people, and banishing nay-sayers to the gulag. No! That would not really be an accurate description of what happened.
So I worried about giving the wrong impression. I think I've posted about this already.
But my whole point, really, the point I was trying to make with that post and the point I am perennially trying to make, is that the modern world is not inherently "Western". Not in principle or in actual fact. Modernity was made across the whole globe. That sounds like a sort of trite statement, a meaningless inversion of the typical Western chauvinist narrative, but it isn't! The more you learn about early modern history the more clear this really becomes.
Japan was an early industrializer. Not among the very first wave, but ultimately still early. This means it was not only "on par", in terms of access to material wealth and technology, with many nations in Europe, but that its industrialization also meaningfully predated that of much of Europe, especially Eastern Europe. The core element of industrial society—the industrial factory—is a technology. A technology invented in Britain, which just like any technology spread first to nearby regions and later to far off regions. Of course in the increasingly interconnected modern world, sometimes technologies make big geographical jumps, as industrialism made to Japan in the nineteenth century.
And of course I'm oversimplifying the history here, but my point is that this is all ordinary. There's a narrative which sees the whole process of the spread of industrialism as almost mystically exceptional. A divine enlightenment was given to the West, which from then on separated the West and the Westernized in their very essence from the rest, the unenlightened masses, the savages. The White Man's Burden. But, aside from being a perennial justification for colonialism, this view is intellectually immature. It's a just-so story.
Like all inventions, the industrial factory and the technologies which emerged around it have a geographical place of origin. But like all inventions, they spread—both inside and outside the West—and people in the places to which they spread immediately started iterating on them and adapting them to local conditions and contributing to the larger sum-of-effects we call the modern world. Modernity was made all over the globe. Japanese modernity is not a mere Western importation, layered on top of indigenous pre-modernity. It was made right there in Japan, by Japanese people, in Japanese institutions, and so on and so forth. It drew from ideas developed elsewhere (as cultures always have! As Japan did with China just centuries before!), developed in France and Germany and Britain, and it contributed ideas which were then taken up in France and Germany and Britain.
And these kind of effects are easy to see with Japan, because it was an early industrializer, but once you pay attention you see them everywhere. The making of the modern world not as a unilateral imposition of the West upon the rest, but as a mutual engagement of many societies across the globe making something new together—sometimes cooperatively, usually competitively, and very often at the expense of the most marginal. But, still, together, as an aggregate process.
Our world was made everywhere. I do think it sounds completely trite, especially because I'm rather tired and don't have the wherewithal to source more specific examples. But I really do think this because meaningfully clear when you engage with the history.
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heongiu · 10 months
Gun x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slight mention of SH, sensitive topics. Reader suffers from Endometriosis.
A/N: I suddenly thought of this when I was researching about endometriosis, if you're not comfortable with the following, please stop reading. And I'm sorry if somehow this makes you sad 😭
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Gun once again, had arrived at a place where he was feared the most at.. A place where his story all began, and also a place where he had found you.
In Japan, at the old fashioned Japanese house, where lived the Yamazaki Clan. This time he had arrived with an unexpected guest... None other than you, his wife.
The people and other clan members looked shocked, it had been years since they saw you, you looked.. Like you had gone through some very grim times, perhaps something others could not understand, but you looked better than before, at least.
"How dare you make her step here?" The old woman interrupted Gun, he had been stopped in his track, he stared at her holding your hand in his tightly.
"Move aside" He ordered angrily, his tone was stern and cold, almost piercing like an arrow through some one's heart and if they were to continue being this impudent, he would manually do it with just his bare hands, but unfortunately, he couldn't.
"That woman is a witch! She can't even bear a child! What good would she do for giving us no successors?!" She reviled towards You and you knew just how much those words left a wound on you, that no one could fathom the depth and agony of.
Gun's expression had turned furious, his eyes were glinting with anger upon hearing such insulting words, and that too from someone he shared common blood with. If she was not a woman, he would've punched them so hard they would've faltered to the ground terribly.
You stopped, holding his hand tightly as you squeezed it, then came out few vaguely audible sentences from your mouth.
"Gun.. Leave it be, I-I'll be fine here.. You go in" You encouraged him to move forward without you. upon seeing you so depressed and hurt, he couldn't help but feel even more anguished at those who had nerves to utter such words. you could feel him let go of your hand slowly, as he towered the woman.
"I said move" the annoyance in his tone was enough for them to know he was very serious to his core.
Blood and relations were nothing to him anymore but meaningless terms. for you he could fight the universe and go against every law.
It had been years that you were struggling with endometriosis. And during those days of the week, you couldn't even breath due to such intense pain. you felt nothing more than a burden to him, even though he had told you several times that he loved you more than anything, your vulnerable mental health let you fall into depression quite easily.
And now when You had finally secured your way out of it, which you once used to face everyday, people just couldn't help seeing you looking better could they?
Previously, You had even suggested Gun to get married a second time, with someone who could give his clan the successors they had put their hopes high for. But oh how he loved you, too much to even replace you, and in fact, no one could, in his vision, you were more than enough, more than he had desired.
Maybe, just for once, you wanted to feel like a mother, because you knew you'd do your best to be one. Perhaps you had failed yourself somewhere in the past, to face such a thing is not wished for often. And what good did taking more-than-prescribed pills do to you?
When many, expected children, you were taking rounds of the hospital, just to see if this prolonging gist, would depart, but to your demise, it couldn't, and you were stuck with it for your life time. You were not one to adopt, you did consider, but you knew the poor child would face injustice.
you snapped back to reality, Gun looked back at you, his eyes had widened at the fact you told him to enter without you, and how could you? He approached you, gently holding your hands in his together as he spoke to you.
"I placed this ring on your finger that day for a significant reason, it's so we both would stay together forever, no matter what goes and what comes." With a squeeze on your hand, he brought you inside, with no resentment or regret on his face. even if in their eyes now, he had become a villain, he couldn't care less.
Though the looks the other people gave you, and how they mocked you, they all would descend on their knees if they were confronted by the man himself.
That very night, when the moon had risen from it's slumber, you were entangled in his arms, without a worry, without a thought, drifting to peaceful sleep.
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lorkonsghost · 16 days
Sorry I met post this last night the rest of chapters will be on Ao3 but here's the completed chapter 1 hope guys forgive me about this I haven't really wrote fanfic for anyone other myself for while which was mostly self satisfaction fics I had in brief spurts of inspiration I had so understand this might be a bit oocish for now and hopefully it gets better and in this au is more about the how turtles and friend react with dc April and jason are just tools that and if happen to write a good love story along the way is good to.
The Red Hood ,The Red Head, The Big Bats, And The Big Green Turtles.
They miss being normal
Things about this au this all started when the Turtles where 13 and April was 16 she’s been with the Turtles for 5 years after her father dies in this au she only has 3 human friends in this au Irma who doesn’t know anything about the Turtles. Casey Jones who left for college and hopefully to go pro in hockey also he going for a physical education degree. An Karai who is currently in Japan trying to take over the foot clan their from shredder.
Jason in this au is friends with all outlaws and Rose he’s been back in Gotham since he was 17 and a crime lord. He’s been and is on good terms with Bruce for most part they can be in same room and have pleasant conversation as long as the joker not brought up. He doesn’t like Ra’s for a few reasons a lot because of Tim although don’t tell him that and he feels used by Taila
 Jason has no idea why he’s fighting alien robots with almost 6ft tall turtles, or why the girl he started dating a month ago is also fighting said alien robots but he wasn’t really going to question it. He was fighting alien robots makes a lot of things easier if you don’t question them wait are those fucking ninjas and why did the turtle in red say their name like it’s a bad thing. Jason was really rethinking coming to New York to go drinking by himself was a bad idea maybe if he at least brought Roy he wouldn’t be in this mess.
1 month ago, and 2 weeks after Jason’s 21 birthday
Jason was getting sick of always having someone tag along every time he went drinking, for his 21st birthday wasn’t the problem, but the 4 times he tried after that though. The first time doing it solo Dick showed up not 10 seconds after his first shot the next tine he did it was in star city and Roy showed up before even his first shot. The third time it had to be a joke because why did Rose fucking Wilson show up at the bar he was drinking at in central city she normally never even visit central city. The fourth time he knew it was joke because he went to the most sewer rat bar in Gotham and for fuck sake why was Bruce their wearing a fucking fake mustache. Jason wasn’t really annoyed at not drinking alone if he actually wanted to do that he would just stay home and buy a few beers with Bruce’s credit card but it was the fact that he kept running into people he new he just wanted to get drunk and make a few mistakes but no now somebody he new was their and he can’t go embarrassing himself in front of them he had reputation to up hold. So that’s why he’s in New York he knows almost no hero’s who even touch New York so he thought no problems.
Jason was a few drinks in when he first saw her it looked like the first time she ever been in bar by herself and Jason thought why would she choose such a warn down bar like this. Jason took a shot for confidence and approached her thinking the most he could do is keep her company.
“Hello their beautiful looking kind of lonely mind if I join.” Jason say with his buzzed confidence
 “Hmph ha ha ha are you serious my ex had better pick up lines.” the red headed girl says
“Sorry I never been the kind of guy to try pick up a girl this way.” Jason says with a slightly bruised pride
“Oh so how you do it mister aren’t you looking lonely miss.” Her blue eyes smiled behind her glass
“honestly most of the time we just start dating or they fall for bad boy charm” Jason with a cocky smile
“Sorry dated one bad boy don’t know if I need another” her red hair drops a bit but she says with a cheer in her voice
Jason doesn’t know actually why he tried flirting with her Jason knew it wasn’t good to get involved with a civilian Isabel taught him that he missed the flight attendant. But maybe it was the alcohol In his system, or it was the fact he wanted to ignore the hero stuff that’s also probably why he wanted to drink  without anyone he new he just wanted a night where he’s okay to be somebody other than Jason Todd the red hood, the son of Batman in somebody’s eye just Jason.
“I never introduced myself I’m Jason I’m not just a bad boy I also happen to read pride and prejudice.” Jason says in half cocky smile with another swig of his drink
“Okay mister Jason tell  me your favorite quote and I’ll tell you my name” Her smile softens
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.” “I know the original quote is about falling in love but it’s like I lived my life by it”  Jason says trying to hide the emotions he feels when he says it
“My names April so you where telling the truth about reading it” April say with a reassuring smile
Jason collects himself for a moment he’s kinda surprised how far he’s come along in this conversation. Jason really was only Jason right now no baggage to unravel yet and he’s okay with that right now it only him, April, his slowly blurring vision, and the hope maybe he could get a date out of this.
“So miss April tell me something other than your name please”. Jason say with a half smile
“Well currently I’m trying to be a journalist but to get the last 5 credits of my degree I need to intern under another journalist for a year.” April says with a slight annoyed frown on her face
“so what’s the problem can’t find respectable enough journalist or something else” Jason says trying to offer a chance to vent
“It’s not that it’s just any intern ship I apply for needs me full time and my home life just doesn’t allow that right now” April says with happier expression
Jason wants to call in a favor from Clark or Lois so bad right know he really could solve this girls problems with a phone call. But Jason was taught by Bruce, Ra’s, Dick, and Talia you can’t solve all the problems even if two them he would stab and not regret it and Bruce and Dick have been off his shit list for a good minute. But all of them where right he can’t just solve her problem for no reason but Jason wanted to do he makes a compromise.
“Okay that’s problem I could possibly help with” Jason says with cockiest smile yet
“Oh how so” April says with curiosity
“So a family friend is a journalist I could put in a word for and give you a chance at something buuut with it would be uup to you to convince them to agree to whatever youuu propose” Jason say with seriousness but with slurring
“Are you serious why would you do that for me” April says questionably
“Well I could ask you for a date as compensation but instead here’s what in going to do I give them a word if they give you a chance you go on date with me as celebration if they don’t drop my number we never talk again” Jason says with a smile
“Well mister Jason you got a deal and if don’t get I might stillll give you a chaaaasnccce for at least not being a creeeep” April tries to say a little flirty
Jason grabs a napkin and calls the waiter over to closes his tab and ask to borrow a pen and writes his number down
“call me in the morning I’ll set up an interview” Jason say as gets and walks over to April
Jason kisses the back of April hand and says as looks into her eyes once more ”Did you admire me for my impertinence?”
April laughs “yeah I did.”
Jason offers to pay for April’s tab as well but she’s says it’s okay and as Jason leaves he wonders if he’s doing the smart thing involving April in his life.
April was tired, The Turtles where getting on her nerves a little yeah they where her little brothers in her eyes but still April missed Casey Johns. Although they dated for awhile and lived together and also one maybe 5 good humans who actually new about the turtles. But then Casey Jones afford a full ride scholarship and a almost guaranteed spot on the hockey team for some big school in North Dakota. Both April and him knew this was only chance out of this life and chance to full fill his dream of going pro.
April didn’t blame him but she could still be mad dammit then he comes back for your 21 birthday a week ago and their it is the spark. But then he leaves again now April here drinking in a bar she never been to because she only been 21 for a week and she had pass up on another internship. Also this the first time she’s been in a bar by herself and honestly it probably wasn’t a smart idea.
When Jason first approached her she felt like he was similar to Casey but she was wrong he was a little awkward and had already a few to many drinks in his system. But without much he Offered to help with internship, he let her rant although he was bit to drunk he answered all her questions honestly. April actually wanted to give it a shot although she could see how it could look like a rebound. She hopes the turtles won’t give her hard time about this.
After she left she knew how to get home and it wasn’t by car she wished it was sometimes she walked be behind the bar and found the manhole picked up and went down. She had a normal apartment but that was only for mail and throwing away of dirty money they took from shredder or the purple dragon’s and honestly she wished they just had over to the police but nope. Officially April’s a college student who works for nights at TCRI Donnie faked it for her who make a pretty penny their all though that’s just so she could have the fake address most money goes for food and other essentials for the lair.
Getting to lair is never easy since it technically apart of section of abandoned sewer. But April was taught by master splinter even drunk she navigate theses sewers and make all the jumps needed. When she finally gets close she knows because it always has a hint pizza coming from it.
Ralph was only one up it appeared she could hear Splinter snoring so she new he was asleep so it was safe to assume they other where as well. Although Donnie could be working in his lab but she didn’t hear anything so not likely and Leo normally doesn’t stay up on slow nights. Ralph was probably awake ether waiting for her return or was playing the pinball machine again.
Ralph in a rough voice While not looking away from pinball machine ”So your back form the bar April”
“Whooos said I went to the bar “ April tries to lie
Ralph says with a bit of worry “April I can smell booze from here, and I see your stumbling I don’t even know how you made it back without getting hurt. You also just slurred you words together I might not be a detective even I can see your drunk”
Ralph takes a breath looks her up and down “ I know why you went to bar and probably not the best for this conversation but April I get it your lonely and all other humans who know about us are old, evil, or we can’t meet often. And it doesn’t help you can’t bring yourself to live normal life”
April went silent maybe it was alcohol or it was Ralph being right on mark. Unlike Casey who joined this as like a helping hand, April was kind of forced into this and feels she owes the Turtles so much. April knows she doesn’t she helped them as much as they helped her. They become her family when none of hers where left she can’t abandon them Casey still had a sister, and a mom he didn’t need a family the only reason he stayed as long as he did was for her. An as long she was their sister she wasn’t abandoning them.
“Can we talk about this in morning when I’m not drunk” April use as excuse to leave the conversation
“Fine, but know this I know full well your capable of having a full on ass complex conversation. Even when drunk splinter taught us all how to maintain cognitive thinking even under the worst hallucinogens being a bit drunk is same as fully lucid to you” Ralph says with a tone that says this isn’t over yet
“Ok just let me sleep it off and Ralph your right” April says with defeat
Ralph says “About what”
April open her rooms door ”probably everything”
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shihalyfie · 6 months
Why do people like Saban dubbing digimon but really hate 4kids for dubbing anime?
To be honest, I don't think that's quite the case. I think most people who tend to have apologia-level worship of the Saban Digimon dubs also have similar sentiments towards 4Kids dubs. It's "my childhood", so it's sacred and you're not allowed to say anything bad about it.
That said, it is true that 4Kids is the one usually thrown under the bus to blame for radical dub changes while Saban is treated as "comparatively loyal (for the time)". This is misleading at best. If it's loyal for the time, it's by a very small margin, and certainly not enough to claim that it's "practically the same" as the Japanese version as many do.
Saban's Digimon dub looks closer to the original because all of the surface elements supposedly look closer:
They kept almost all of the names in Japanese and only gave them "nicknames", unlike other dubs that changed the names radically! (Except they functionally never mentioned those "nicknames" again after the first time, and no matter how many letters each name may share in common with their Japanese versions, that doesn't change the fact they treated most Japanese names like hot potatoes because they sound too Japanese.)
They left the setting in Japan instead of making it a fictional American city! (Except they tried to do that until the number of Tokyo landmarks made it too recognizable, and it's still something they were able to get away with because the Digital World is prominent enough in the narrative for them to not worry about it too much.)
They didn't cut any episodes! (Probably the only one that does hold legitimate water in comparison to 4Kids actually cutting entire episodes at times, but one also has to consider that Digimon is a heavily serialized narrative where dropping an episode would create serious problems for the story, whereas you could get away with a dropped episode from 4Kids' longer properties with filler episodes since more of their shows were based on manga.)
They didn't make any huge changes to the overall plot! (Almost nobody watched Adventure or 02 for the plot alone, and it's only natural that slowly changing every single line to suggest completely different characterizations from their Japanese counterparts would have a massive effect, especially on 02 where it didn't have an extremely linear in-your-face plot that offset that to some degree -- and even then, Adventure wasn't completely immune, because it didn't stop Koushirou and Mimi's Japanese characterization changes from still remaining relatively unknown in the English-speaking fandom.)
"The Digimon (American) English dub didn't change that much" is the biggest lie the fandom will ever feed you, yet it still persists to this day because people will look at these surface factors and call it a day (and even worse, because this myth persists, fewer people will be inclined to check it out in Japanese and confirm whether this is actually true or not). It's never been about how many actual changes there were; it's about how many were noticeable. Few people talk about how there's actually a significant difference in how dub changes were handled the moment Disney took over (late Tamers to Savers), because it's hard to notice unless you actually have seen the Japanese version. Fusion gets treated like a laughingstock dub just because people were actually able to watch it in Japanese first and see how much got changed later; in terms of actual changes, it's not that much worse than Adventure or 02, it's just that it happened during a time it was less socially acceptable to do that.
So because of that, Saban is seen in the lens of a localization company that did its best to be "loyal" in a market where the 4Kids method of drastic changes were more dominant, when in fact they were aggressive about it in different ways (and you can see a very fair share of derogatory, dangerously-racist-leaning comments about Japanese media, writing style, and content from people who were involved in Digimon localization, so it's frankly kind of absurd to imagine they were doing all of this because they cared so much about loyalty to the origin). On the flip side, it is on record that a lot of 4Kids' radical changes were actually requested by the Japanese side itself, because they themselves wanted to push something that would be appealing to the American market, and 4Kids would sometimes go as aggressive as they did specifically because they got the Japanese licensor's blessing to go as hard as they wanted.
(I actually personally prefer 4Kids' original music and theme songs to the Digimon ones -- they come off to me as feeling like they have a lot more genuine spirit put into them -- but that's just my personal subjective opinion, and everyone has their own music tastes. Anyway, that's a digression.)
I personally don't think it's productive to be mad at the dubs themselves. This was all more than 20 years ago, the market was very different, the attitude towards localization was different, Japanese companies had their own varying stakes in the situation, and most importantly, what happened happened and I'm not going to blame kids for watching the only thing that was accessible to them at the time and developing an attachment to it. I don't think there's any point to speculating how Digimon would have been accepted in the US/UK/etc. if it hadn't been changed so radically, because the fact is, we don't live in that alternate timeline, so we won't get anything useful out of fixating on that idea too much.
The only thing I have negative feelings about regarding the American English Digimon dub is, simply, the way the fandom still talks about it. With things like Pokémon or One Piece or Yu-Gi-Oh, where everyone already understands that 4Kids made super drastic changes, if you say you're talking about the Japanese version because what you're discussing wasn't in the dub, people will easily believe you and acknowledge you're talking about something different, but if you try to claim the Adventure or 02 dub was different enough to merit a distinction, you get called nitpicky or accused of being delusional. This is what I really wish would stop. The dub was different! I know localization discourse loves to conflate "different" with "bad", so people don't want to admit that their childhood dub changed a lot, but it did! That's reality! Please don't make this more frustrating to talk about than it needs to be!
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desultory-novice · 6 months
I recently found out that “weekend Susie” is a mistranslation and it’s actually called “susie on vacation” in jpn. I’m pretty sure she’s supposed to be Susie in the future like Manager Magolor..any ideas on why shes missing her hairclip and the “Secretary” title she always has in jpn? Susie is so hard to figure out..like how she only smiles three times in the entirety of robobot (once when she takes the program controller and twice when singing the noble haltmann but ONLY when saying the words father in jpn) so I’m curious on what your thoughts are on her (and unfortunately has the worst localization ever…i had to look at the robobot translations from @/kaialone on tumblr) sorry for rambling but shes so interesting to me and it’s a bit sad seeing how a lot of the details she has in characterization never get talked about
Anon...Did you somehow know I've been replaying Robobot in Japanese?! And it's basically strengthened my confirmation that some people - though less than before - are a bit too harsh and/or restrictive in their takes on both Susie and her father. 
That said, I do I try to give people room to "safely hate" these fictional characters as, for a lot of people, it may be one of their only ways of processing a gross problem that affects the real world/so much of history that they can't do much about.
But I love the silly/tragic Haltmann family. I'm sympathetic and even semi-defensive towards 'em. Which is why I'm happy to answer any good faith Haltmann asks.
Ahem! Also, before I get into it, I wanted to say that technically "Weekend Susie" vs "Susie on Vacation" is not a mistranslation per se.
What it IS is a localization.
休日 can mean "vacation," yes. When you break down the kanji, literally it is made up of the words "rest day." So it can also be just about any day when you're not working/not at school/not busy.
For most of western civilization (not me because I'm a contractor XD ) the weekends are people's "rest days." To read 休日 as "weekend" might not even be that much of a stretch/localization!
Probably explains the lack of "secretary" title. She's literally not on the clock! As for the hairclip, who can say...? Similar reasons? I know in Susie's case, it's sentimental, though hairpins in Japan often have this association with studiousness/"time to get serious" so removing it is an easy indicator "She's allowing herself time to be silly!"
I do like to imagine that this is a post-canon Susie though. That girl deserves something nice after her trauma...
Anyway, reminder that post-FL, the localizers have been working more closely with the Japanese team to create a more accurate translation for us. I know the wounds from PR's rough translation (and SA's fast-and-loose in weird places one) still hurt, oof, but the Kirby series is getting better about its translations!!
Actually... you know... there's not THAT many cutscenes...
Maybe I will make my own "If they'd hired Dess to translate Planet Robobot" translation of the game? I've already threatened several times to do a full translation of "The Noble Haltmann" with all references/metaphors intact...
But yes! Speaking of how Susie uses her emotions, I was so moved by something in her first meeting with Kirby, I actually wrote about it! And I'm going to share it here, because you might find it interesting~
So, I had my eyes peeled for any interesting bits of characterization left behind on the cutting room floor. Immediately, I was amused by how politely Susie talks to Kirby in the beginning. She doesn't really "talk down to him" or insult his intelligence in the slightest. (One could argue that it's a false business politeness, of course. Although she only breaks that in like, the second to last cutscene) Any dismissal of him feels very "company-mandated." (And the company is run by a murderous computer but leaving that aside...)
She gently praises how beautiful the water and the air on this planet is and that's when something... starts to change in her...
Susie gets impossibly sad. And her attitude changes COMPLETELY.
I stopped for a second reading this. "Hold on. What? Why does she lose her cool HERE? Is this some indication that the place she and her dad used to live on was a really poor planet without clean air and drinking water?" And heck, maybe that is the case!
But something else struck me about her line:
"...You don't even know the value of what you have..."
It's not the snooty we-know-better-than-you "misappropriation of resources" that is triggering her. It is having something precious right next to you and you don't even recognize it.
It's about her dad. Right from the beginning.
She can't NOT talk about it. It affects all her actions. Maybe another reason while I feel like it's better to judge Susie on a whole than any one individual action she takes, because (like Magolor, oops oops oops) she is masking her intentions alllll the time.
Also, omg, I know some people are still sensitive about the Mechaknight thing but that is PEAK grim humor in Japanese! It is treated way too cold and business-like in English, imo.
In Japanese, she starts to describe him exactly like she's telling her bestie that she just met the man of her dreams and then the WHAM line: "So, I gave him a full-body modification!"
Yes, it's unhinged. But it's also wonderful. (She's so Eggman-core.)
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An interesting background detail implied but not exactly explicitly stated is that there is a tradition of open hand martial arts in Altazia. The way that Taiven has a sparring dummy even though she's a mage with a weapon, the poses that she has in the art, it points to some type of unarmed technique. "Well no shit sherlock, why bring it up?" I wanted to establish this because in most dialogue, her comments of knowing how to fight and physical fitness could be interpreted as her talking about using weapons in combat. And I wanted to establish that because I was trying to figure something out. Why is there an unarmed tradition in a world of mages? Martial arts are not born in a vacuum. Willingly deciding to train how to fight without a weapon instead of with one is usually done with other factors involved. Sure, most cultures in our world developed some type of unarmed combat, but most of the time it devolves into some type of sport overtime (like boxing and wrestling now) as weapons prove more and more effective (from what I understand). What usually kept unarmed martial arts alive for serious self defense is either a) a population that can't afford weapons or b) an oppressive government that bans weapons to disempower resistance (this is based on my limited understanding, I know there are gaps in it). I know that Okinawan Karate became as strong of a tradition as it did because Japan banned Okinawans from owning weapons and they had to find a way to defend themselves without them (some people argued this was with the goal of fighting in a secret resistance with guerrilla tactics but that's been heavily disputed). So, in the MoL world, why would weapons be banned? How useful would unarmed combat be in a world where organizations that can ban weapons can also have mages? Because unlike having a weapon, magic can be taught to any one, and probably be much more effective. I can personally only think of three reasons why. 1) Mages were much less common than they seem to be in modern day Altazia. Fighting other people with weapons when you didn't have any was still viable and learning magic from anyone at all (including non-giant power structures like witches and tribes) wasn't viable for most. 2) Weapons were important to mages, as it was hinted in the gods' boons to mortals magical artifacts and weapons were used to push back against the frontier. This suggests a significant portion of magic use was done through objects and weapons, and the banning of it meant that people had to learn how to cast without those objects and fight without them at the same time. (Of course overtime spellcasting without weapons/objects were adopted by everyone as all superior spellcasting does, and as the spellcasting tradition was separated from the martial art, all that was left was the physical techniques). 3) Martial arts aren't a method of self defense at all and are only regarded as a sport. Only useful for exercise, and most importantly, cements Taiven's character as a jock official as she is the coach's assistant to teach the sport and has dummies to practice at home.
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w0nd3rplay · 5 months
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inspired by @running-with-the-feels and @laismoura-art. Fuck NRS for not letting their own mascot be happy. @theelderhazelnut @bloody-arty-myths @starneko123
In the new era, the Shirai Ryu is mostly composed of pyromancers and plant magic users as opposed to the Lin Kuei, but their origins on how they came to be are different: the founder was a pyromancer himself and couldn't handle the cold environment, also got homesickness, so the Lin Kuei grandmaster assigned him to start a japan branch but then founder got shipwrecked and met a bunch of plant magic users, who have a redeemed Cetrion as their patron goddess. The island is her blessing towards them.
The matriarch of the plant magic users was the one to become grandmaster, as the founder see her as deemed worthy of the role when she was participating in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
The Shirai Ryu takes on the same role as the Lin Kuei but the difference is they deal with a bunch of external threats towards Earthrealm while internal threats are dealt with by the Lin Kuei. Both clans are on civil and friendly terms. (This may explain Harumi's connection to Outworld and the Umgadi)
There was no massacre that took place, just Hanzo and Harumi living a happy life with their beloved son. As I said, fuck NRS.
Hanzo wasn't a pyromancer after becoming Scorpion, it was by birth, and this goes the same toward Harumi as she's one of the best plant magic users within her clan. Oh, not to mention she's the official grandmistress.
Satoshi was born on October 11, making him a Libra.
In his early years, there were many marks that looked like scars and injuries that made Satoshi look like he grew up in a terrible household much to his parents' concern, they went to see the doctors but it was always concluded that Satoshi was perfectly healthy overall, no serious skin condition going on whatsoever.
Then a psychic came over to the village, they told them that Satoshi has a soulmate, and there was bad energy surrounding those marks because whoever was predestined to meet him must've grown up in a not so pleasant home life. They told his parents that their son must simply wait for his soulmate as that person would eventually find him, assuming around his teenage years.
By the time he was 5, the marks appeared less frequently, then for two months where it kept popping up left and right. Satoshi also had a really vivid nightmare of a village being destroyed with its residents being killed in the most gruesome ways possible, which was very alarming for his parents and that was a time where security measures had to be held up because they assumed it meant something wrong was about to happen to the clan.
Satoshi grew a habit of making up stories about the random scars that appear in his body, thinking they were from other different lives, from the past to the far future. Even his playmates get on the fun. This is because he didn't understand this whole soulmate ordeal at the time until much later in life when his parents sat down with him that day.
Is childhood besties with Takeda, as Kenshi settled down in the Shirai Ryu after freeing his own clan from the yazuka and marrying the love of his life, Suchin. They were practically raised like brothers growing up and liked to push each other's limits to ensure they grew up to be great warriors. Takeda loved being a big brother figure towards Satoshi as they were both only children with no siblings whatsoever.
His favorite pastime was gathering plants in the island's wide variety of otherworldly plants, he lets his parents cook the plants he's gotten during dinner. It even stayed after his childhood.
Another one was catching bugs with his dad, his favorite being those butterflies. He also learned how to paint and was a gifted artist like his mother.
Got a HUGE FNAF phase around when he was like 7-9 years old, his favorite animatronic would be Bonnie (blame @laismoura-art, those headcanons with Bi-han are truly hilarious) and shipped him with Freddy before he even knew shipping meant.
Inherited his father's facial features and resting grumpy face, though that resting face becomes more prominent once he was 11 years. It was also when he started to take on grandmaster training as per the clan's tradition.
He eventually started to learn how to hunt to practice his assassin skills, helping other villagers and members as a way to connect with them. He's now often seen practicing in the Fire Gardens or in the courtyard.
He also took on babysitting duty as well and eventually became like a protective and loving older brother towards the little fellas, he started becoming good with kids at this point too.
Satoshi didn't know about Zhenbing, the son of Bi-Han & Sareena until he began his grandmaster training despite knowing Zhenbing's parents personally due to monthly annual meetings between the Shirai Ryu & Lin Kuei, because he was often sent to Kenshi's home to be babysat while the meetings took place. They bonded over the fact they went through a FNAF phase albeit Zhenbing happened to him pretty early (sometime around 6-7) and the high expectations, pressures that comes with being both future grandmasters.
When he first met Zhenbing's adoptive older sister, Frost, she was responsible for Satoshi's bisexual awakening and had a brief crush for only two months. Currently he's a pansexual in denial.
He started to experience a growth spurt once he was 12 years old, and was 6'0" by the time he hit 13, his current age. (My boy would've been freaking in the NBA with the height I gave him at this point 💀)
He's also gotten more intimidating looking in terms of appearance due to the grumpy resting face that he has, but don't worry, he's a sweetheart but is really omniverted at best.
Whenever he wants to wind down and relax or wants some alone time, he goes to this huge lake with a pretty waterfall hidden within a forest only he knows and even plans to show his soulmate this place once he's trusted and got to know them more. He usually paints or plays with the small animals that come and stop by.
When an Ainu elder joined the clan, he got to get more connected to his heritage since while his father was afraid to pass on the traditions to his wife and son yet due to being disowned after joining the Shirai Ryu, so he takes that opportunity for a nice father-son bonding, since he too wants to take pride in his heritage as well and let his father join on a journey in learning about themselves. This was a core memory during Satoshi's teenage years (I loved the 'Hanzo being Ainu' headcanon from that one anon sent to @running-with-the-feels)
He enjoys reading those old choose your adventure books he'd find in those bookshops as well with some nature books, he's a huge fan of horror and fantasy novels as well.
His music taste consists of 90's japanese hip-hop, along with some from its western counterpart, along with indie rap. He listens to artists like Joey Valence & Brae, MC Hammer, Kid N' Play, and Salt N' Pepa
As Satoshi is now a teenager and now understands the whole soulmate ordeal that he has, he starts to wonder what his soulmate would be like in person, other than being such a reckless idiot as marks resembling external injuries tend to pop up often. He often says to himself 'Oh what they've done now??' or 'Here we go again...', yet beyond those scars, he wishes to meet them but alas, a psychic told his parents that he must wait. For now.......
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scarredwoods · 7 months
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I know I'm pretty late to the trend of making your own Rise version of this and that character, but if I may, I would like to introduce you to my Mona Lisa and Miyamoto Usagi.
At first, it was going to be Yuichi, but I'm too addicted to the comics and Usagi's silly behavior. He's not as much of a serious badass as most people think, trust me. As for Mona Lisa, well... I'm not sure how to not make it sound like a self insert, because it's not, but overall I really wanted to make her Hispanic for the sole purpose of her cussing people out in our native language. I know my language, I know my culture, and I like putting in references of what I see and hear in my day to day life with my family. Overall, the story I had planned I mostly centered around them.
After Usagi's master died, he was told to deliver an artifact and scrolls to a member of a "dead clan" out of respect because as it turned out, Mifune's clan was once allies with this other clan. The last place anyone remembers last seeing this last clan member moved to Hollywood, California. To fulfill his Lord Mifune's last wish, he leaves his country in Japan to go find this dead clan. The problem is that Usagi has only ever known about being a Samurai and nothing else, considering this is what he was raised to be. He doesn’t know how to function in a busy city or with other strangers. And he especially doesn't know about scammers.
This is when he first meets Mona Lisa. Usagi has just arrived in California, and the Yokais there immediately sniffed out the foreigner. Trying to get him to spend all his money at their store or over price his food, saying it's "authentic" only to be saved by the Salamander who puts the others in their place. After hearing that Usagi has never left his village before and that he needed to find a human with what minimal information he had, Mona saw that this guy was gonna be in serious trouble and become flat out broke in the next two days if she didn't help him.
That's all she was planning on doing, help him find the human and teach him how to survive properly in this new place. One thing led to another, and they find out that the human they're looking for is an action star actor who was last seen at the Battle nexus over a decade ago.
After both realizing that Usagi had to travel to the other side of the world in order to find him, Mona begrudgingly tells him that she's a bounty hunter for the Yokai police and that she travels everywhere to find who she needs to find and offered let him travel with her for a while up until there's a moment where they need to part ways.
But that didn't happen.
After sticking by eachothers side and going through all these adventures/near death experiences, they've basically adopted each other as siblings and Mona has promised him that she will get him to New York no matter what.
Unfortunately, through their travels, someone has been following them and has even placed a price on Usagi's head. With Mona being a Bounty Hunter, this person offered her a large sum of money in exchange for her travel partner. She refused and tried to get away as far as possible, not telling Usagi about her interactions with this strange Yokai.
The relationship that Mona and Usagi have is heavily based off of my own protective relationship with my little brothers. Including all the jokes and teasing and buying them ice-cream as a treat for being good.
I've seen a lot of duos and team ups of Usagi and Mona Lisa with other tmnt characters, but I've never seen anyone do one with them together (Understandable considering they've never met in anywhere, I think)
Please let me clarify that THIS IS NOT A SHIP. They have a sibling relationship in my AU, and I do hope you respect that.
I also want to clarify that this is NOT Yuichi Usagi, this is Miyamoto Usagi
Thank you for listening to my rant
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icycoldninja · 6 days
Cam you write the DMC men who’s similar to Akira Fudo from the Devilman Crybaby anime?
Once a regular human, she gained the power of the demon Amon after being inducted into a Sabbath ritual (The Sabbath Parties were the latest popular trend among the wealthy and dissatisfied individuals of Japan: Underground rave parties with an occult aesthetic.
When Ryo Asuka took Akira Fudo into in a dilapidated old church, with the intention of fusing with demons. It went about as well as could be expected and most partygoers ended up being possessed by a demon or slaughtered by one) organized by her best friend.
She was originally physically weak, but after being fused with a demon, she became much taller, with visible muscles and a permanent eyeliner
In her “Devil Trigger” form, her skin becomes a shade of bluish gray. She possesses a coat of dark fur that covers her entire legs, and she has clawed feet and fingers. Her head is covered in hair that sprouts small wings from the sides and antenna near the top, and forms into a widow's peak with a red forehead. Her back sprouts large black wings resembling those of a stereotypical devil with a purple interior. She also has a thin monkey-like tail.
She admits that other than the trauma from the Sabbath Ritual, she felt somewhat “appreciated” after being fused with a devil. She barely has friends, is always quiet and reserved and looks normal. So the whole fusing is just making her more devilishly attractive
But shit hits the fan when devils started targeting those around her and herself. There’s an instance in the anime where Akira found his friend killed from being associated with him and she was killed pretty brutally (there’s a scene of her death on YTB):
After that, she went berserk, so blinded by rage and agony that she started mauling devils and humans left and right as she felt they deserved to be “punished” for killing those who are innocent
The boys then had to devil trigger to subdue her, not without some pretty serious injuries
After a few days cooling down, she just rot in her room as she was depressed and still feel as if her friend’s death was still fresh and had just happened seconds ago:
“I’m sorry…it’s my fault…I shouldn’t have gone with Ryo to that party” she mumbled
They obviously had to check on her since she had locked herself in the room without food and water for days, when they came in, she’s just rotting on her bed silently so they gently ask her what can they do for her
She’s just silent and unresponsive the whole time and when they thought she’s asleep as they were about to walk out, she just mutters that:
“Babe…Do you think Miki died because of me?”
“Are you disgusted of me…are apart of who I am?”
“Miki died because of me…Others died because of me…and I indulge in this fantasy of mine of how good of a change my life had become after being fused with a devil without considering the possibilities for tragedies to happen….Oh god Miki…I’m sorry”
She also says that she had hurt them while going berserk in her devil trigger form and she does not trust herself to devil trigger once more, knowing she might not be able to control herself like last time
How can they help her? How will they comfort her and what would they do to help her control herself better?
Sure, here.
Sparda boys + V x Akira Fudo-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He'd heard about what happened to your friend and wanted tohelp you, but you locked yourself in your room and refused to come out. Dante eventually figured out how to pick the lock and entered with food and water, only to find you laying face down on the bed, stiff as a corpse.
-He asked you if there was anything he could do to help you, but you didn't respond. He thought you were asleep and was about ready to sneak back out, when you started mumbling about how you wished you hadn't gone to that party.
-He told you that what happened wasn't your fault, it was the demons who did that to your friend, and assured you he still loves you no matter what.
-He could never be disgusted by you, ever. Even if you are partly a demon now, so what? So is he!
-He's not scared of you either; he's honestly seen a lot worse and has gone through plenty of injuries more serious than the ones you've given him. He knows you never intended to hurt him, and won't blame you for it.
-He honestly thinks your Devil Trigger form is pretty cool. It's not every day he runs into a humanoid demon who's actually beautiful.
■ Vergil ■
-When Vergil heard about the tragedy that befell your friend, he wasn't sure what to do. This was a delicate situation that needed careful words to smooth over, and he didn't do so well with words.
-He eventually decided to portal into your room with some snacks and drinks to ask if everything was alright.
-When you didn't respond, he simply gave you a kiss on the head and promised to return later, thinking you'd fallen asleep. He got a tad bit startled when you suddenly started muttering regretfully, saying how you wished you hadn't gone to that party.
-Vergil then gave you a MOTIVATING pep talk explaining how he would never think any less of you for what you are now, and how the death of your friend was not your fault.
-He told you he would never think lowly of you for your new demon side. If anything, he finds it impressive, a testament to your POWER.
-Vergil isn't going to leave you for such a trivial matter, so you'd best stop laying around feeling sad and pull yourself together so you can make the most of these new abilities of yours.
□ Nero □
-Nero heard the news and knew you would be absolutely destroyed because of what happened. He understood, and wanted to be there for you.
-Despite your attempts to shut him out, Nero managed to worm his way into your room with gifts and snacks, and sat down on your bed, patiently waiting for you to start venting.
-When you refused to say a word and just lay there like a lump of lifeless mass, Nero knew what you were doing. You weren't really asleep, just too depressed to even look at him, so he decided to initiate conversation by lying down with you and wrapping you up in his arms.
-The comfort you needed finally being given to you, you began to open up and expressed how you regretted going to that party, because now you're a violent, unpredictable half demon who has become a target for other demons, and whose best friend just died as a result.
-Nero assured you that your friend's death wasn't your fault and that despite these changes, he still loved you and would stand by you forever.
-He promised to help you work through your new state of being. Being half demon didn't scare him one bit, considering both his father and uncle are like that too. You two will explore your new abilities and figure out how to better control them together.
● V ●
-V grew very worried when you didn't come by to visit him like you normally did. He figured it was because of an emergency, but as time went by and you still didn't make an appearance, he knew something was wrong.
-V learned the news of your friend's untimely death from one of your family members and raced to your house as fast as his weak legs would let him.
-When he got there, he found you lying on your bed in a gloomy haze, seemingly ready to stay there forever and just rot away. V didn't want that for you, (who would?) and sat down next to you, waiting patiently for you to start speaking, screaming, or whatever.
-You felt comfortable in his presence and slowly disclosed how you felt; how disgusted you were with your new form and how you regretted your decision to go to that party. You ended up revealing more than you meant to, but that was a good thing, since V now had a better grasp on how to comfort you.
-He stayed with you for the next several months taking care of you, constantly assuring you (despite weak protests on your part) that he would love you till the end of time and beyond; no matter what you became or what you did, this would always be true.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
flash bang - e. & s. todoroki ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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warnings: 2.1k explicit! pseudocest, fem-bodied reader, spitroasting, office sex, mild jealousy, rough blow jobs, squirting, creampie, sho and enji don’t actually touch each other during the do, reader is older than sho (unspecified ages), reader is adopted but nothing about it is detailed
terms used: “father, brother, little brother, daddy, sister, sister-cunt”
note: sorry i was possessed. i have no other explanation. if you like this filth, let me know! and if i missed any warnings also let me know :3
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This isn’t the first time the three of you have posed as a family, standing closely in front of the camera as you’re blinded by every flash. You let the director shift your positions, turning Enji just a little more to the right, placing Shouto’s crossed arms in a very precise way, bending down to nudge your legs apart just a little bit. Your brother shifts uncomfortably on your left as your father lets out a smoky huff of disapproval.
This isn’t the first time the three of you have posed, no, but it is the first time in front of a camera since…
“Is it necessary to touch her legs like that?” Enji growls. You feel him grow warm from the fire building in his chest.
The photographer chuckles and stands, pointing at the dragon of a man with a grin. “Overprotective father. I like it! Makes that glare of yours even scarier!”
“It isn’t about me being overprotective. It’s about you being inappropriate with my daughter.”
The other man’s smile falters, his throat bobbing with a swallow, but Shouto steps in like he always does when given the chance to undermine Enji.
“Don’t mind my dad. He can get… sensitive when it comes to this one.” A cold hand on your shoulder fights to balance out the heat on your other side.
Smirking, you can’t help but add, “I’m a bit of a touchy subject.” Enji clears his throat a bit too loudly and Shouto’s fingers dig into the skin above your collarbone.
When the photographer is far enough away, Enji mutters a scathing, “brat,” under his breath, but it only makes you giggle.
Countless camera flashes, more uncomfortable poses that include squatting and flexing and jumping on your brother’s back. The Todoroki’s are famous and fearsome, not just in Japan but all over the world. Most photoshoots and interviews only show that intimidating side of your family, so it’s refreshing to work with someone who wants to make all of you look more personable, even if there are also plenty of serious shots in the mix.
Of course you aren’t actually a blood related member, but you’ve been with them long enough now that you may as well be. Your quirk may be different as well as your overall demeanor, but the closeness you feel to them—specifically to Enji and Shouto—is even thicker than blood.
There is another fluid you could compare it to, though…
Shouto’s agency building is the closest safe space. His staff is more than accustomed to seeing you, whether it’s whenever you walk in alone, with Sho, Enji, or both. Nobody thinks anything of it. Because nobody knows what goes on, on the top floor.
“You thought you were being so cute back there,” Shouto scoffs.
You grin, bat your eyes at him, “I don’t have to think about it. I know I’m cute.”
He catches your hand before you can tap him on the nose, a habit of yours that he loathes, but it’s the way his eyes widen for a split second before narrowing that makes you keep wanting to do it.
You can see your father roll his eyes without even looking at him, hear the exasperated grunt in his throat.
“Arrogance isn’t an endearing quality, you know,” he says while stepping toward you. His palm covers your entire cheek when he touches your face, and your stomach begins to sizzle in a familiar fashion.
You slip away from both of them, arguing, “I wouldn’t call it arrogance.”
“No?” Shouto looks and sounds unimpressed. “What would you call it then?”
The desk that Shouto almost never uses is meticulously clean as you boost yourself up on it, sitting on the edge and throwing one leg over the other.
“Confidence…” Your sweet smile turns mischievous. “… that I have the two of you wrapped around my little finger.”
Shouto moves first which is typical of him. He tries to be stoic, but he still has the impulse control of a man in his twenties. Enji, however, has more self control, watching as his youngest son peels your legs apart to slot himself between them.
One chilled hand gripping your thigh while hot fingers gently wrap around your throat. He’s trying to prove that he has more power, but all it takes is palming Shouto’s growing hard-on for him to buckle.
“Not fair,” he hisses as he shifts his hips forward.
“Oh?” You give him a quick squeeze, enjoying the way he sags forward. Too easy.
So close to Shouto, you never even realized your father made his way around the desk, not until you feel him seize your waist and tug you backward. You slide away from Shouto with a yelp, able to see dissatisfaction all over his handsome face.
Towering over you, Enji rips your head backwards and the pull of it leaves your mouth hanging open wide enough for him to spit in.
“You’re the one ready to fall to your knees at a moment’s notice.” He reaches down the front of your shirt to grope your tits while Shouto busies himself with your shoes and shorts. “Always eager to take daddy’s cock.”
“And for little brother to eat your pussy,” Shouto adds when he shoves your knees wide apart. “You think you’ve got us wrapped around your finger?” He leans down and presses his mouth to the skimpy underwear that barely covers your cunt. You can feel the weight of his tongue pressing against the material, saliva soaking through it and adding to the wetness that’s already formed between your legs.
You open your eyes when you feel something slap against your cheek, Enji’s cockhead leaving a bead of sticky pre on your skin. Your head is already hanging off the desk now that you’re flat on your back, and though he has to bend his knees a little, your father easily guides himself into your waiting mouth.
“Hard to be a brat when your mouth is full, hm?” he mocks, slowly pressing himself forward. “That’s a good girl, open wide for daddy.”
Your gag reflex causes saliva to pool behind your tongue as tears prick your eyes. The stretch is always uncomfortable, but knowing it’s Enji’s girth that’s forcing your jaws apart makes slick arousal leak from your pussy.
Shouto chuckles while playing in the mess, cold fingers dancing up and down your slit and purposely bumping your swelling bud. You let out a muffled whine and pathetically kick out, begging for more of his touch, and thank god he understands, middle and index fingers pushing past your entrance.
The moan you let out vibrates around Enji, a guttural noise rumbling from his chest. He pulls out a little only to tilt his hips forward even further, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat and then slipping into the tight sleeve of it.
You can’t breathe for a moment, both because Enji’s length is impeding your airway and because Shouto is curling his fingers so nicely, pressing against just the right spot.
The father and son rarely interact during these escapades, yet somehow they make an incredible team, doing everything in tandem, making you melt at the same time in different ways.
The sounds you make are awful. Gurgles and pitiful moans and whimpers escape you, and it only gets worse when Shouto pulls his cock free of his uniform and rubs his tip between your folds. Up and down, up down, slapping himself against your clit until drops of your arousal start splashing back toward him.
He’s slow to push into your heat, feels like it takes forever, but he’s so hot with those two-toned tresses hanging in his face, licking his lips as he stares down at where you’re connected.
“Be polite, Shouto,” Enji chides. It’s a rare occurrence that he actually addresses him like this. “Tell your sister how good she feels.”
Shouto groans, pulling his hips back before thrusting forward quickly.
“Feel so good,” he pants heavily, already drunk off of you, “love this sister-cunt.”
You can’t respond with Enji’s dick sliding in and out of your mouth, but you do wrap your legs around Shouto’s waist, pulling him tighter against you. It causes him to start rutting into you, quick shallow thrusts, unable to rock his hips back, only forward so that he keeps hitting your cervix. It feels like someone pressing on a bruise, painful but oddly satisfying, and all you can think is that you want him deeper. Deeper. Until all he can do is gyrate, stirring your insides.
All the while Enji keeps fucking your throat, your drool like slime all over him. You’re able to take in a deep gasp when he pulls out, but it’s only so he can lift his cock and dip his balls in your mouth.
“My sweet baby,” he rumbles as you use the tip of your tongue to drag up the seam of his sack. “Look at you, just letting me make a mess on your face.”
And he’s right. You’re filthy with tears and snot and pre-cum, and you love it. It makes your pussy throb around Shouto, still buried to the hilt. “Suck on them, mmm, such a dirty mouth…”
One ball and then the other, you alternate back and forth until Enji reaches down to pull your bottom jaw down further, using his free hand to work his fat sack into your mouth—swollen and full of cum. You can’t wait for him to spill it all over you.
You can’t breathe, eyes rolling as dizziness sets in. Shouto is playing with your clit, rubbing in circles then slapping it. You gush squirt, feel the puddle beneath you, and when you cum even more comes out, a fountain. Your brother finds the strength to yank himself free, bending down to attach his mouth to your cunt and swallow all the fluid leaking from you, shoving a finger in your sensitive core and moving frantically so that he can drink more of you. He’s like a dog dying of thirst, sucking your clit. Your pleasure paired with your lightheadedness is sure to make you pass out, but your father’s warm hand slaps your face hard enough to sting.
“Not yet, baby. Want you awake so you can swallow all of me.”
He gives you a break, feeling up your tits as you breathe heavily, each rise and fall of your chest making your hardened nipples chafe against his rough palms.
Still eating you out, Shouto starts fisting his cock. You can feel the movement rocking his body, pushing his face against you in a rhythmic pattern. You’ve just stopped panting when he surges upward and slides back inside of you, just in time to cum.
Your brother always makes the prettiest noises when he climaxes. He throws his head back to expose his pale neck, something between a whimper and a groan climbing from his throat. His hips stutter, and his fingers spasm where they grip your thighs, and then he falls forward, Enji moving just in time so that his youngest can bury his face in your chest.
Enji taps your face a few more times, urging you to open your mouth again. The way that Shouto gently sucks your nipples makes it slightly easier to take the huge cock that’s sliding in and out of your throat. Your body is tired, and you’re not sure when or what your last coherent thought was.
Even in his spent state Shouto has the presence of mind to rub your clit, pulling more of your juices from you until you cum around his fingers one more time. You moan around Enji’s throbbing cock, back arching and forcing it further down. A warm hand wraps around your neck, and Enji grunts obscenities at the feeling of his dick moving beneath his own palm.
“That’s daddy’s good girl,” he praises, hips moving faster, uncaring of the ache in your jaw, the tears pouring from your eyes. “Almost there, fuck, take… all of it…”
He buries himself as deep as he can, making your whole body convulse as his hot seed shoots down your throat and into your tummy. Enji pulls out, leaving you so empty yet so full. Your pussy feels raw and swollen, Shouto’s cum still dripping out of you, and your mouth is coated with spitty mucus and cum, strings of it all over your face.
It always starts with you being mouthy and ends with you splayed out and ruined. Just another sordid tryst you’re sure you’ll have to atone for one day.
If there’s one thing the Todoroki’s are good at, though, it’s asking for forgiveness.
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2023©️shdo-xplosion. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platform.
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