#i watch with my former roommate and boy is she in for a treat!
ourflagmeansdeth · 11 months
pregaming the finale because i’m gonna be too critical of it if i don’t
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hedgiwithapen · 5 months
Tell me about your favorite TTRPG PC!!!!!
I have so many of them i want to talk about all of them like there are some that I loved playing but like. they had their time, they are done, and that's kinda it, would play them again sure i guess. but some. some live in my heart forever and one of those is my boy clubs, a bull from masks, and he is. just. my heart. he is strongly associated with things like playing cards and the color yellow and tomatoes and i show these things to my roommate without any context and she knows exactly what I'm doing and he has such a wild origin too? like not in game, in game it was the fairly standard ' evil lab abducts a toddler for Experimentation and twelve years later he breaks out and sees the stars' dealio but the path to making him is so damn good? like. 1 a. I come out as ace to my roommates 1b. I watch leverage and the flash with my roommate 2. my roommate, also ace, makes a joke about stealing from a hardware store. 3my roommate, our friend, and i gaze upon a hoard of paint chips, drinking milkshakes, and go. hey. you know what would be fun. a leverage team. but like. Aces. 4. several pages of backstory and short story about a crew. 5. ok but what if they had superpowers? and met the flash? 6. several dozen pages of fic for this au. 7. different friend goes hey, you like ttrpg. you like heroes. join group for a campaign for superhero ttrpg? 8. i go ok! sounds good, i like superheroes and my other game is changing nights, i will have time! let me look at the playbooks to choose-- oh, bull. dibs on bull. dibs dibs dibs. please. and then I played Clubs, the superstrong former lab experiment who treats his healing factor like proof his safety is the lowest priority in the world, for 2.75 years and i love him i love him i love him he once got a drug dealer to tell him where the superdrugs came from by showing them a kitten hidden in his jacket and he learned to knit a shawl and garden and he had a bullet in his shoulder for like a year but shhhh that doesn't matter it's fine, it's fine! he is a himbo and he is perfect
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pavvo20 · 2 years
The Spark - Chapter 12: Lighten Up - Poe Dameron/OC
Summary: When her childhood best friend recruits her during an undercover mission for the Resistance, Captain Kara Embers embraces her family legacy and joins the fight against the First Order. As the secrets of her past come to light, Kara never expects to be training with her mom’s best friend, flying her father’s ship, and falling in love with the Yavin-4 boy who always said he’d be the galaxy’s best pilot.
A/N: Love me a good stubborn Poe..
Warnings: violence, language, sarcasm, moodiness, whump, fluff, kissing, ya know.. all that stuff. Implied smut (lots of teasing..) and well, ghosts.
Links: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4| Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10| Chapter 11
Masterlist on my blog!
Word Count - 10.8K
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The third night she was gone, Poe had spent most of his entire evening off in the hanger tickering on his ship. That was until Snap hopped from his X-wing after a late supply run and noticed his commander’s boots sticking out from under the fuselage.
“Dameron, it’s 2am.” He called, his voice echoing a bit in the quiet yet cavernous building. He heard a wrench hit the floor and a curse, the wheels of Poe’s creeper squeaking a bit as he rolled back into the light.
“I can’t sleep.”
“You can’t eat either right?” Snap’s tone was laced with sarcasm as he watched his friend roll his eyes and slip back under his ship. “Poe, when was the last time you actually slept?”
“Last night.”
“Passing out in your cockpit doesn’t count.”
Poe sighed, rolling back out to look at his Captain. He was just as tired as he was, likely also suffering from the same “my girlfriend is off world” insomnia that plagued him. Kare was running a special mission with Jess on Coracuant and wouldn’t be back till the end of the next week. Only difference was she called every night to check in, and could text on most occasions.
He hadn’t had anything more than the faint glow of Kara’s homing beacon on the chain around his neck for 72 hours. Chewy had sent a broken up message that they’d made it back to Comms, but otherwise it had been completely quiet, which was to be expected but also worried him even more.
“What if we both crashed in your quarters tonight? I’ll hit the mess for a few left overs and we can treat it like old times.” Snap could see some of Poe’s anxiety subsiding a bit with the thought. It wouldn’t take a Jedi to know that they were both lonely. It also didn’t take a genius to know they both could use the time together, even if they did just eat and pass out on the couch in each other’s presence.
“Sounds like a decent plan to me.” The commander stood up, setting his tools on his bench and shrugging his jacket back over his oily shirt. “Kara’s got space waffle mix in her trunk, if you can swipe some milk on your way over…”
Snap’s eyes widened, a smirk creeping onto his face; “You had me at waffles, Commander.”
It didn’t take either of them but a few minutes to get back to Poe’s room, random ingredients in tow. Snap couldn’t recall the last time he’d had a space waffle, let alone a late night snack session with his best friend. Sure, being in committed relationships were nice and all but there were times he missed the comradery of a night with his former roommate.
“So, why is she off planet again?” Snap asked, seeing the homing beacon resting on Poe’s bare chest as he cooked. His curls were still damp from the quick shower he’d taken before they started cooking. A pair of dark sweats hung low on his hips as he poured batter into the waffle iron they’d managed to snag out of the base kitchen.
“She is training with Leia’s brother.” He said, “at least that’s what the plan was.”
Snap cocked an eyebrow as he munched on a waffle from the previous batch on the couch; “And he couldn’t come here?”
“Apparently he’s exiled himself. So, Kara had to go talk him out of it.”
“I think I’m more surprised that Leia didn’t go with her.” Snap paused as Poe turned around, looking at him like he was nuts. “What? Pretty sure she wants to beat the snot out of him too. Two porgs, one stone?”
Poe couldn’t help but laugh, “There’s a fight I’d pay to see.”
“Oh the girls have that one locked up, it probably wouldn’t even be fun to watch.” Snap snorted.
“Considering Kara could kill with a look…”
Snap’s chuckle was the instant dopamine hit that Poe’s body craved, bringing a smile to his face that he hadn’t worn since before Kara had left. It spoke to just how difficult this was for him, even if it was just another necessary sacrifice.
Wexley saw the pain in his friend’s eyes as he caught the reflection of the homing beacon around his neck in the durasteel cabinets. He was gentle when he asked, “There’s something different about this mission for you…isn’t there?”
Poe closed his eyes as he turned off the appliance; “Luke is the reason Ren is the way he is…at least that’s the story we all know. The last thing I’d want is Kara to come back with doubts.”
“Give her a little credit, Poe. She’s a lot harder to crack than Ren was. Ben craved power when we were younger, and that’s before you get into all the constant bullying.” The bigger man settled further into the couch as he spoke, “We’re all a little conflicted. I mean hell, the losses alone make us all wonder if what we are doing is right, especially once the adrenaline wears off.”
He was right. There were nights that Poe lay awake in his bunk, wondering if the bomb strikes, dogfights, or blood he had on his hands was actually what he wanted out of this mess. It usually didn’t take much to remind him that deep down, these were the people that had thrust him into this conflict from the age of 7. He never got a real childhood. They’d killed his mother and tore his family to pieces as he worked his way up to enlistment. He knew how to fire a blaster and hotwire a speeder before he was even licensed carry or fly. He was lucky he knew what a “quiet day on the ranch” even was, and that was only because his father insisted he wasn’t getting back into the war. So much for that.
Kara’s own doubts stemmed from a similar upbringing, but with her mother’s authoritative hand dictating her early life, it was hard to know how much of that she resented. Poe knew that Kara and her mom had butted heads from the day she was old enough to walk, given she had taken more outward interest in her father’s line of work than following in her mother’s footsteps. It didn’t help that Athena was determined to raise her daughter in hopes she’d be a senator or a diplomat, while knowing full well that her little girl was more a rebel than she ever was.
It was all that she kept mostly to herself, a battle she fought all on her own that scared him the most.
Snap took a deep breath as he watched the gears turn in his friend’s mind. “Just like you and me, Kara has hope. She might even have more hope than we do. She told me, the night after we took out the weapons depot on Nar Shadda, that had you not found her in that bar on Tatoonine, it was only a matter of time before she would have lost her way.”
Poe wasn’t completely surprised to hear that, given that he was the one who called her out on it right then and there. He wasn’t afraid of being honest with her then, just like he wasn’t now. It did speak to how comfortable Kara had gotten in the Resistance though. She hadn’t told anyone about how lost she was before she got here, except for Leia and maybe Jess. And while Poe had known that Kara had gotten close to her fellow Captain, he didn’t realize just how close the two had become…as clearly she trusted him just as much as he did to be that vulnerable with him.
Snap continued; “She didn’t have to listen to you. In fact, she’ll be the first to tell you that she almost didn’t.”
A smile played on Poe’s lips as his heart skipped a beat or two. “Sounds about right.” That was his girl…
“But she’s so glad she did.” Snap saw the glimmer come back to Poe’s eyes. “She got her family back.”
The two men took in the soft silence, letting their minds drift to the girl who’s usual spot on the couch sat empty.
“I didn’t realize she had told you about that.” Poe said, leaning against the countertop. “I guess you know about the admiral too.”
The captain nodded, “We got to know each other again pretty quickly after she got here. She wanted to impress you so, naturally she asked me to help her get up to speed.”
Poe shook his head, he should have figured that she’d do something like that. Kara always had been resourceful, especially when she had something to prove.
“I mean we didn’t have to spend our nights off at the cantina sharing stories but after spending all day catering to our rather demanding commander, it made sense.”
“So, she told you everything?”
“Not everything.” Snap corrected, reviewing the nights he’d spent listening in his head carefully. “I didn’t know she was Force sensitive or anything like that but I did know that she was the girl for you after the first night.”
Poe cocked an eyebrow as he slid his empty plate to the side. “Oh, did you now?”
“You were seeing… who was it?...”
“Lana, from comms.” He said, his face flushing with embarrassment.
“That’s right. Lana.” Snap shifted in his seat, smirking as he continued; “She got super jealous when you came back with Kara. Totally cornered me in the bar right before Kara met me over there and wanted to know who the hell she was, what you thought of her, all of it.”
“I broke things off with her –”
“Literally an hour after she talked to me, you ended it.” Wexley snorted, “And Kara had to have passed her in the hall as she went to see you cuz she was like ready to deck her.”
“Wait – start at the beginning?!” Poe redirected with a laugh. “Kriff, this explains so much.”
Kara stepped out of her quarters, still in the dark blue tank top and orange flight suit from training earlier. Snap would be waiting for her in their usual spot, just as he had been each night after they started working together. She remembered him from Yavin, but considering he was quite a few years older than Poe and herself, a lot of the memories were a bit fuzzy.
Wexley meant business, which made him a great addition to Poe’s squadron. It balanced out the commander’s impulsivity in ways not many could. He was also kind, smart, and generally well-liked amongst his peers… which again, made him a great counterbalance to Poe’s sometimes abrasive tendencies. She had only been on base a few days now but she felt she could call Snap her friend at this point. They certainly spent enough time together… she figured she could trust him, Poe did.
The cantina was quiet that night with many of its usual regulars gearing up for a few morning missions to pick up supplies and new recruits. Lucky for them, Black Squadron was on a short break as Poe and Snap attended some special funding meetings with Leia later that week…which left plenty of time for them to train her and well, blow off some steam.
She popped herself up on the stool next to the captain, where a beer was already waiting for her. She would get back at Snap for that later – as he was always such a gentleman. She had learned all about his mother last night, who had clearly made sure the man respected every woman he ever came in contact with.
“Hey.” She greeted, carefully taking a sip of the cold drink in front of her.
“Good evening, rookie.” He said, smiling softly as his blue eyes caught hers. Kara didn’t love the nickname at first, especially when Poe used it, but had given Snap special permission to keep it. “Doing extra credit?”
He had noticed that she hadn’t bothered to change from their time in the hangar. “Maybe a little.”
“You’ll be the commander's pet in no time.” Snap snarked, playfully elbowing her as she blushed a bit. “I’m surprised he let you work on his ship this early.”
“It was just a favor. I’m sure I’ll be kept far away from it moving forward.” Kara remarked, knowing that she did still have to earn the respect of her former childhood best friend as any new recruit would have.
“You might be surprised.” He took another snip of his drink, seeing the girl smile a bit with his reassurance. He knew Poe would let her do anything to that ship. Hell, he wouldn’t be surprised if she flew it one day. Especially after the stories he had already heard about her.
Both pilots watched as a few other cadets started a game of pool before Kara spoke again, “So, I think I met Poe’s girlfriend.”
Snap almost blew beer out his nose but caught himself before looking back to his trainee. “Oh, Lana?”
“Yea, she stopped me on my way back to my room.” Kara said, noticing Snap pull his datapad from his pocket and check the screen. “She said that I should be careful around him as he doesn’t date girls he flies with.”
Captain Wexley bit his tongue to keep from laughing. His friend - his commander - had always said he wouldn’t date anyone who flew in his squadron but that was because he didn’t want anyone to assume that whomever he was sleeping with was getting ahead because of their evening activities. It protected them from the incessant rumor mill that often spread news across the base.
He had always respected Poe for that. Especially since it debunked the usual stereotypes that swirled around the women on their squad. They were all incredible pilots in their own right and had earned their place on the elite team. They deserved that recognition first and foremost.
It had only taken him a few training flights with Kara and Poe to see that his commander was thinking about breaking his own rule. Poe was a flirt to begin with but he really turned on the charm around the spunky young woman, especially when she showed just how skilled she really was. He was lucky that Lana hadn’t heard him on the radios the other night – especially after Kara had beaten them all in the simulated dogfight.
Snap looked back to Kara, realizing he had just been quiet a little longer than he had originally planned to be. “She’s not wrong…it is kind of his unspoken rule.”
“It’s so people don’t think they can sleep their way into the squad. I know.” She retorted. Snap cocked an eyebrow to himself as he took another swig of his drink. They really did know each other THAT well. “So, how long has he been entertaining himself with Lana?”
“About a month.” He replied, smiling as he caught Kara rolling her eyes. “It’s always on again, off again.”
“Sounds about right.” Kara muttered, taking a sip of her beer before pulling out her own datapad. “Nice to know he hasn’t changed too much.”
“Not much changes around here, to be fair.”
“Eh. Not what I mean.” She said, a playful glint in her eyes. “He’s always had a thing for pretty girls that don’t know enough about what he does to worry about him. They are almost always brunettes who would be an absolute liability in the event the base was invaded.”
Snap choked on his beer this time. Kriff, if Poe could hear her now…
“He pretends that’s enough for him when in reality, if Leia was our age, he probably would have married her already.”
His datapad lit up with a text from Poe, almost as if his ears had been ringing. He had just broken up with Lana and she was headed to the hangar. He was worried about his ship. Snap ignored his messages. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that.”
“Come on, you’d have to be blind not to see it right?” Kara laughed, seeing Snap nod in complete agreement. A cheeky grin spread wide across his face. “His mother would kill him for this.”
“Heard she was quite the pilot.”
“She was a force to be reckoned with. A great pilot and ruthless fighter.” The young woman said, setting her empty glass back on the bar. “He gets a lot of his drive and general fearlessness from her.”
Snap noticed his pad flash again as he kept his gaze trained on Kara. She didn’t seem to realize that she was exactly the girl that Poe supposedly needed in his life. The one he really would have brought home to meet his mom. She had proven it over the course of the last few days in the air and on the ground. Kara was strong and smart; didn’t take shit from anyone, and wasn’t afraid to put Poe in his place if necessary. She also respected the fact that the man’s first love was his ship… and she’d shown that in the meticulous way that she had replaced its navigational computer only a few hours earlier.
Her pad lit up and she looked down. “Shit.”
“Poe needs us to check on his ship. Apparently he and Lana had a fight.”
Snap closed his eyes, shaking his head at the lack of craftsmanship Poe had put into the lie. “I’ll be right behind you.”
Kara had jumped down from the stool, left a credit on the bar and slipped off the hangar when Snap dialed his commander. He had to be drunk…or maybe Lana had gotten him in the head with his blaster.
“Are you fucking insane?” He interrupted him immediately. “Lana will freak if she sees Kara, she’s already asked me about her.”
“Shit. Shit.” Poe said, “I’ll fix this.” And hung up.
Snap sprinted to the hangar, surprised to only see the clear distraught communications technician standing in front of Poe’s infamous black ship, a wrench in her hand as she contemplated where to leave a dent.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said calmly, looking around as he caught Poe’s dark haired blur sprinting past the other door. Kriffing idiot.
“Of course he sent you to clean up his mess.” Lana snapped, her tear streaked face dark with running mascara. “He told me there was someone else Snap. I know it’s her.”
The captain wasn’t sure what to say at that moment. He usually resorted to honesty, especially with the girls in his life, but it wasn’t his place to tell this heartbroken woman that she was never going to be the one for his friend. Nor was it the right time for him to tell her that he was likely going to marry the girl she was worried about the most.
“Just give him some time, Lana.” Snap soothed, settling for a more diplomatic approach. “He’s got a lot going on.”
“He always has a lot going on, Wexley. He’s the general’s golden boy.” Boy, she was pissed.
“Denting his ship is not going to help him realize his mistakes though.” He said, easing the wrench out of the girl’s hand as Jess appeared at the door across the way from them. Her eyes wide before she shook a normal look back onto her face and entered the hangar.
“Lana! There you are!” She said, jogging over to pull her into a hug. “We’ll go back to my room and talk about this ok? The boys just don’t get it.”
Snap silently thanked his squadmate as she corralled the young cadet into her arm and away from their commander’s ship. The captain leaned against a nearby tool bench as he relaxed, Poe owed them all for this one.
Poe shook his head, passing his friend a beer from their fridge. “I really did owe you guys, which is why I took you all to Yavin what, a week later?”
“The night at the ranch was a nice break for sure.” Snap said, “but yea, Lana knew I’d lied to her so that didn’t score you any points. Honestly dude, you made it really obvious that Kara was going to be the exception to your rule pretty early.”
“Taking her back to Yavin didn’t help.” He admitted, blushing as he remembered sneaking Kara outside so he could have a moment to tell her how he felt. Instead, Poe kissed her without too much of a warning, Just like he should have when they were younger.
“Han and Leia knew exactly what you were doing as soon as they saw you both outside.” Snap said, “and I was more surprised you hadn’t done it sooner.”
Poe smiled, the butterflies he had in the moment coming back to him. “I should have when I saved her from Lana.”
He hung up with Snap and took off toward the hall between the cantina and the hanger. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Lana had spent the entire night before interrogating him about Kara when he’d texted her — he just knew that the comms tech would put a hole through his starfighter if given the chance.
She was turning the corner when he purposely crashed into her, “Hey Stargirl, there you are!”
He slipped her arm into his grip and yanked her into an empty utility closet before she had a chance to protest, clamping his other hand over her mouth as he pressed her against the wall and closed the door, listening for his ex to call his name. Kara’s eyes were wide as he stayed pressed too close to her, his chest heaving as he caught his breath and his dark eyes showed just how terrified he was of the other girl as they both surveyed the dark space for potential weapons.
He had his fists, and Kara’s, assuming she didn’t want to hit him too. “Shit, sorry.”
His hand fell from her lips and she unconsciously moistened them again as she shifted her weight ever so slightly from underneath him. There wasn’t a lot of room to move and he was already a little too close for comfort. She could feel every part of him, which caused them both to freeze, absolutely horrified at the idea of scarring the other by shifting the wrong way.
“What did you do?” She whispered, hearing Jess scurry by in a huff.
“I ended it.” Poe breathed, still on high alert. He swore he heard a wrench clatter to the floor but couldn’t be sure.
Kara cocked an eyebrow, trying her best to appear like she hadn’t noticed that he was wearing a different collonge. “Please tell me you at least did it in person?”
“Why do you think I didn’t join you and Snap at the bar?” He said, catching a glimmer of Kara’s kind stare in the light streaming in from the vent in the door. She smiled and Poe immediately relaxed.
“Dameron!” It was short-lived. They both heard Lana’s shrill call echo through the hallway, making it apparent in her tone that she was ready to kill him. She clearly escaped Jess’ attempt to corral her in her room and had gone from sobbing mess to royally pissed in minutes. “I swear to Maker, Poe… if you are with her already, I’ll put a blaster bolt through your fuselage!”
Neither of them moved. Kara could feel Poe’s heart leap into his throat as she met his gaze. He was calm but terrified, trying to get a better read on her as remained pinned against him. He’d broken up with the comms tech for being jealous of Kara — and he firmly believed that Lana should be envious of her. There was a reason the Galaxy had brought her back to him, and well… who was he to deny fate?
“She’ll kill us both.” Kara sighed, feeling Poe’s hands settle against her belt. She was used to him being close, but this was even a little much for her. Especially when all she could think about was how many games of 7 minutes in Heaven she’d played at the Academy that were never quite right because Poe wasn’t an option.
He let his eyes wander over her lips and immediately regretted it. This wasn’t the right time, no matter how badly he wanted to kiss her. Especially with his ex on a murderous rampage. “She knows better than to mess with you.”
Poe had a point, she had made it pretty well known in her initial testing that she was borderline lethal in most hand to hand combat situations. Lana had been there to watch, just as most of the base was, and the pilot had gotten in trouble that night for looking like he had actually enjoyed sparring with her.
Her smile distracted him again. Maker, she was beautiful. A rapping against the durasteel door snapped him out of it, as a large but familiar shadow blocked their light vent.
“Hey, it’s clear.” Snap said, smiling as the door revealed his commander and trainee. His eyes skipped over Poe for a moment and winked at Kara, who had blushed as she noticed him take stock of how tight the space they’d been hiding in really was. “She’s in her room, finally.”
“Thanks again, man.” Poe smiled, his fingers running through his wild, sweaty curls. “That went better in my head.”
“Clearly.” The Captain remarked, seeing Kara roll her eyes. “Should we get drinks?”
Poe turned to his best friend, a curious eyebrow raised as if to ask the same question.
“I could definitely use one after that.” She said, brushing past her friend to walk in step with Snap. Poe’s heart panged a little as he noticed his Captain’s eyes light up with her presence. He was only a little jealous of Wexley, as Kara clearly had come to trust and enjoy spending time with him. It was a conflict of interest for him to train her for her ranking evaluations directly – even though Poe knew she could pass them in her sleep - which is why Snap had been assigned to do it. It was one of the few times he really couldn’t stand protocol.
“Hey, Flyboy!” She was looking at him again, just off shoulder from Snap about 25 yards away from where they had just been cramped together in the closet. “You coming?”
“Yea, hang on!” He pressed the door shut and jogged to catch up with them, carefully wiping any sign that he’d been thinking about his own jealous tendencies off his face. It wasn’t a good look for him anyway.
Kara secretly loved the looks she got when she was flanked by Snap and Poe, especially as one of the newest members of the Resistance. Not only did it make her feel like she was already one of them, it seemed to quietly show everyone on base that she could be trusted. Most of the flight corps knew she was still a trainee, but they also knew that Commander Dameron wouldn’t let just any join his squadron, even if it did end up being temporary.
It didn’t take a Jedi to know that the placement was going to be permanent. In fact, there were more bets on who was going to get shifted out of Black Squadron to make room for her than there were on her delegation. Kara’s former military training had definitely given her an edge, one that many Resistance pilots didn’t have…but she was willing to share that knowledge, which was something no one had expected.
Kara climbed back on her usual stool, accepting a drink from Poe as she returned from catching up with a few of the female mechanics that had waved her over when they arrived. The sight brought a smile to his face, seeing hints of the girl who used to love laying under a ship alongside her father when she was younger. Her eyes were bright and vibrant and when paired with that authentic smile, it all made it hard for him to focus on anything else. She was here. It was still hard for him to believe.
“Something on your mind?” Kara cracked, catching him staring for a little longer than he should.
“No, just thought you had a little oil on your face.” He internally kicked himself. That was a shit line. He was better than that.
“You were just inches from it and didn’t notice before?” She took a swig of her drink, raising an amused eyebrow as she indirectly gave him a chance to fix it.
“It’s just nice to see you making friends.” Poe admitted, catching her blush a little as she glanced toward the cracking of the billiard balls across the cantina. “I know it hasn’t been easy, starting over.”
“There are definitely worse places to try and get your life back…” She replied, leaning into him a little.
Poe put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, “I knew Coracuant wasn’t your style.”
“Seriously Poe, Thank you.” She murmured, just loud enough for him to hear her over the general conversation. “This has been the best few weeks I’ve had in awhile, crazy ex-girlfriends included.”
His laughter lit up the room, “Thanks for giving that crazy dude on Tatooine a chance to prove you wrong.”
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Ahch-To was a stunning planet but Kara had had enough of Temple Island and Luke Skywalker in the first few hours of contact with him.
The legendary Jedi had become a hermit and had enough pent up frustration for the entire galaxy. All of which he did a poor job of hiding. He had spoken to her mother, who had of course spared no detail in telling him all about her life from beginning to end. He met the Falcon on the cliff with a preconceived notion that he was dealing with another Ren, which only made him even more resistant to help.
“Your mother spoke very highly of you.” He grumbled as he walked her back up to his hut. “She also clearly recognizes your early faults.”
“We’re all human.” Kara remarked, “None of us are absolutely perfect.”
“Now you sound like your grandfather.”
Kara had only heard a handful of stories about Ben Kenobi but knew that he was remembered for being wise, compassionate, and a natural diplomat. She also knew how the man in front of her remembered him - as the maker of a monster. Just as he perceived himself to be.
“You scare me, Kara Embers.” He said, taking a seat across from her, his face lit only by the flickering fire in the center of the dwelling. “The last time I encountered someone with this much power, they massacred the future of the Order.”
He sighed as he sipped on a natural tea, trying his best to get a good sense of the girl in front of him.
“You think you are different than Ben was, and I’m here to tell you that you are not.”
“Master Skywalker–”
“Hush.” Luke cut her off, something he knew the girl hated based on the stories he’d heard. “My sister has led you to believe that you can lean into your emotions and that the light in your heart will steer you right. Well, she’s wrong. Did she tell you why she stopped her own training?”
Kara didn’t get a chance to answer, seeing Luke’s own rage start to wrinkle in his forehead.
“She felt Ben’s death at the end of her training and that was too much for her.” The man set his clay mug down and took the saber off Kara’s hip with a flick of his wrist. “And with no thanks to me, he died anyway.”
Kara felt her own emotions bubble in the deafening silence. “Ben Solo isn’t dead.”
“Oh really? What makes you say that?” Luke sounded almost as if he was taunting her now. “You felt it didn’t you?”
She didn’t bother with the nod, her own anger causing her knuckles around her mug to go white.
“Did anyone tell you that you are just as dangerous as he is…if not more?” Luke was wide eyed, looking more and more like a mad man every second he dwelled on his former student. “The Force isn’t just for tricking your friends and making shit float.”
Kara bit down on her tongue, surly drawing blood as she resisted the overwhelming urge to lash out at the legendary Jedi. She would have never let anyone else talk to her like this, in fact she had gotten in trouble for calling out admirals for talking down to her like Luke just did, but she could feel that it wasn’t worth it. She closed her eyes as Luke continued his tirade, focusing hard on Leia’s soothing voice in her head. He’s always been a lot to handle…but remaining calm is key. He will sense your control. Let him see just how disciplined you already are.
It only took a minute or two for Luke to notice the girl disregarding his flippant insults and concentrating on keeping herself from leaning too far into her own powerful emotions. He wouldn’t admit it to her yet, but she was truly a remarkable student of his sister’s. Leia had worked hard with her on being self-aware and in complete control even in circumstances that usually challenged her. He could sense her desire to lash out early, only to have it quelled just as fast as it arrived. That was something he spent years struggling with, especially with Ben, but in true Kenobi fashion…she exhibited exceptional control, especially for a girl her age.
Kara opened her eyes again when she felt Luke’s glare focus back on the fire, the hut falling silent for the exception of the crackling wood and soft breeze blowing against the stones. She watched the old man think for a moment, noticing his wandering gaze and fingers tracing the sleek metal of the lightsaber he still held in his grip. She could feel him calming down finally as a gentler look graced his piercing blue stare. He reminded her a lot of her mother, appearing calculated and careful on the surface while being almost entirely unpredictable underneath it all.
When he glanced back at the young woman, she was looking right at him. Her green eyes had speckles of her family’s legendary gray in them. It made her look a little older than she was. He softened his tone, sensing her apprehension; “When did you lose your mother, Kara?”
“I was seven.” She said plainly, “She was sick.”
“Did she ever train you in the ways of the Force?” Luke caught himself, “I mean to say, did she ever tell you about your special connection with the Force?”
“No.” Kara replied, her eyes falling to survey the floor. “At least not in my memory. I learned most of what I know from Leia.”
“Did she tell you why she didn’t train you?”
“She said that she made you a promise.” She shifted in her seat, her eyes finding him once more; “A promise that she’d never take a padawan given our family legacy. A promise I find to be unfair.”
Luke’s eyebrow shot up as her words hit his ears. It was the first time Kara had voiced her opinion since claiming Leia’s son wasn’t gone.
“I’ve never met my grandfather. He died well before I was born and my mother passed very early in my life. I was raised by my father mostly, who was just a rebel mechanic and a pilot. Between him, the Solos, and the Damerons.. I don’t consider myself to be tied to the legacy of my family name. If anything, my legacy is simply the Rebellion, the same one you supported before the rise of the First Order.”
The aging Jedi swore he could hear his late master’s voice in her words. Ben Kenobi had spent years learning to be self-aware and the girl in front of him had already formed those thoughts for herself and she was right. It wasn’t fair to compare her to people that she barely knew. Legendary or not.
“No one said anything about things being fair, Kara.” He quipped, doing his best to hide just how impressed he truly was with her. “The galaxy has been unfair for centuries.”
She bit her lip in frustration and Luke hid a smirk. Her control was wavering a bit. If he could get her to lose it just one time… that’s all he needed.
“And your legacy influences you whether you agree with it or not. Your mother stayed true to that promise and I am inclined to do the same.”
He handed the girl the lightsaber and stood up, “Tell my sister I said hello.”
Kara rolled the saber in her hands before glaring back at the man across the hut. She wanted to punch him, sever his other arm off, anything that would get him to see that she wanted his help. Instead, she stepped back into the cold Temple Island wind, carefully hiking down toward the landing pad. Luke watched as she went, knowing that any second, she would break. He could feel it in her aura. All she wanted to do was get far enough away to where she thought he couldn’t sense her.
She was half back to the Falcon when she ignited her blade and slashed down a rock formation on the side of the cliff. Her cry echoed across the mountains as the sounds of the rocks splashing into the rough sea followed shortly after. Luke felt her power plow him in the chest like a jump to lightspeed. As angry as she was, Kara maintained only a brief outburst, one to be expected from someone who had as much trauma in her life as she did. Luke could grant her a little bit of grace for that.
But he had underestimated the sheer strength she possessed. While not nearly as untamed as the young Solo’s had been, her signature was raw and rooted deep in her emotions, whether she presented them outwardly or not. The Force seemed to move with her as she continued her walk to the landing pad, ensuring the little Porgs weren’t hurt by any falling rocks and the wind seemed to ease up, knowing that it wasn’t nearly intimidating enough to scare her inside.
He found her sitting on a stone outside the hut he had offered her for the night only a few minutes later, her fingers toying with a small ring on a necklace as he carefully sat down next to her. Kara briefly looked at him in her peripherals, her eyes remaining focused on the setting suns of the planet.
“3 lessons.” He said, carefully watching her work to hide her surprise. “Then you can go home.”
Kara didn’t say anything as Luke seemed to wrestle with his own stubborn tendencies. He was breaking so many of his own rules for this girl, who presented just as much danger as Ben did so many years ago. There was something different about her though, and maybe it was her Kenobi-like tendencies just getting to him, but he couldn’t send her back without something. Leia would have his head.
She likely already wanted to kill him, but that was something he could deal with another day.
His gaze fell back to the ring in between her fingers, recognizing it almost immediately. “That’s Shara’s ring isn’t it?”
Kara simply nodded, as she could see the man fumbling for a few more words.
“You were young but she adored you as much as she did her own son.” Luke remembered the look on the boy’s face when he had overheard him tell his father that his mother had been killed. Shara’s death had already been a heavy loss but seeing the toll it took on her family had made it that much worse.
“I remember her more than my own mother.”
“Can’t say that surprises me.” He said, “Her love knew no bounds. It’s the same reason you all love Leia as if she was your mother also.”
Kara allowed herself to turn slightly, seeing Luke at ease soothed her nerves a bit. She could see traces of the younger man that lived in her memories, the one they used to tell all the stories about.
“Athena took the Jedi code more seriously after you were born, especially as she watched my sister wrestle with her son’s own strength.”He said, a twinge of guilt in his tone. “She kept your power a secret but yet ordered you around a bit like an unruly padawan. You resent her for that.”
“I understand why she did it.” Kara stated, knowing that Luke could sense her feelings. “But yes, it made me feel like I was never good enough for her. She was always working too, only to be home late when I was usually already asleep.”
Luke nodded to show that he was listening, all while he carefully concentrated on how the Force wrapped around the girl like a set of supportive arms. It was shockingly balanced given how dark things usually got when there was resentment present in someone’s signature. It was such a deeply rooted emotion that was complex and difficult to separate from, but she didn’t present it as a weakness. At least not yet.
“She is overwhelmingly proud of you, whether she’ll admit that or not is another story.” Luke said, offering the girl a genuine smile for the first time. “It’s part of the reason you’re here.”
“With all due respect, Master Skywalker, I’m here because I’m a threat.” Kara said, “You said it yourself. If left untrained, I could be just like Ren and that is the very last thing I want to become.”
The few moments of silence weighed heavily on Luke as he continued to analyze how the Force moved around her. Her fingers went to Shara’s wedding band again and it shifted this time, her previous signature becoming intertwined with another, one that also seemed familiar to him.
She was bonded. Athena had told him that much, but it was the first time he was feeling it for himself. These things weren’t completely unusual but hers was grossly more powerful than it should have been. Especially given that he was aware that Shara Bey and Kes Dameron’s own connection to the Force was nothing to write home about.
The aging Jedi could tell that the girl had no idea just how strong her bond was to Dameron, let alone how strong she was on her own. No wonder his nephew was so relentless in his search for her.
“I’ll meet you at the peak in the morning.” He said, sensing her exhaustion starting to get the better of her. “Get some sleep.”
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Leia slapped Poe hard across the face when he got on the bridge, his face contorting in shock as Finn winced at the sound. “You’re demoted.”
“Wha-wait.” He countered, shaking off the sting of the strike rather quickly. “We took out a dreadnought!”
“At what cost?”
“You start an attack, you follow it through.” Poe’s tone was firm, knowing Leia would be looking for signs of weakness. Sure, he was saddened that so many good Resistance fighters lost their lives. Hell, these people were his friends for crying out loud. They gave their lives to deliver a debilitating blow to the First Order. They died as heroes.
The general’s temper flared, “Poe get your head out of your cockpit. How many times do I have to tell you that there are things you cannot solve by jumping in your X-Wing and blowing something up. I need you to learn that.”
The young man looked away from her, his lips pressing in a firm line. He didn’t like disappointing her but they took out a dreadnought. This was a big win for them and she was pissed? He stopped her as she went to move past him. “There were heroes on that mission.”
She could see him starting to break a little, his heart getting the better of him. “Dead heroes, Poe. No leaders.”
He took her words like a blaster bolt to the chest. No leaders. That hurt more than the demotion did. He had brought home what he could, the plan was going tremendously well considering that ship would have annihilated planets if given the opportunity. Now wasn’t the time to be timid, especially when Ren was turning over entire starsystems looking for Kara.
Poe left the command center and headed to his quarters, knowing better than to get into it further with Leia while the battle was still fresh in everyone’s minds. His luck, she’d knock him down to Liutentient for trying to defend his reasoning again, even if he did still think he was right.
He collapsed on his bunk, the homing beacon flopping lightly against his chest as the mattress gave slightly under his weight. Kara had been gone over a week now with no new communications from the Falcon or Chewy. He had even sent a message that direction just to see if maybe he’d get through, only to have it go unanswered.
The door slid open to allow Finn to wander into his space. They’d become pretty close since the day he’d helped him escape from the First Order, while also proving to be a great asset to the Resistance with his deep knowledge of their shared enemy. Finn was also just a good guy, fitting right in with everyone like he’d been with them the entire war.
His friend took over his desk chair, a half smile playing on his lips even though he could tell Poe was in a shit mood. “What’s Leia want to berate me some more?”
“I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a few more good digs in her before the evening debrief.” Finn said, doing his best not to feed the dejected pilot’s negativity too much. He knew that Leia was just trying to teach him a lesson about restraint, one that he was pretty sure would take a few more mistakes to really sink in. “It’ll take her weeks to get the bomber fleet back up and running.”
“At least there’s one less dreadnought to worry about.”
“Too bad there are likely hundreds more behind it.”
Poe rolled his eyes, they’d gotten the one with the big gun. That’s what should matter. Not that he could change Finn’s mind or anyone else’s.
Finn caught the glow of the beacon under his shirt and suddenly could see why Poe seemed more upset than usual. It wasn’t like Leia hadn’t scolded or demoted him before. He was used to that. It was the fact that his girlfriend had been gone well over the few days she had told them her mission would take that had him on edge.
“She’ll be back any day now.”
“She was supposed to be back a week ago.” Poe countered, barely hearing what Finn had actually said. “What if she’s in trouble, Finn?”
“Chewy would have found a way to reach us if that was the case.”
The pilot groaned, officially sick of the constant corrections. “You think.”
“No, I know.” The former trooper snapped, tossing Poe his datapad with a lock on Chewy’s location. “He’s got one too. If she was in trouble, neither of them would be on our maps, Dameron. You know that better than anyone.”
Finn heard his friend sigh, his eyes closing as he slid the little pad back onto his desk. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I’m worried about her too.”
Poe had hoped Kara would have been back to fly this dreadnought mission with them. She had helped him scheme up his initial distraction for Hux, and was going to lead the secondary strike team. Obviously when she hadn’t returned last night, he had to restructure the plan, which likely led to a few of the day’s more devastating mistakes.
“I needed her today.” The pilot murmured, “She would have been able to defend those bombers. She would have gotten them home.”
Finn didn’t say anything at first, seeing the pain cross his friends' features as his mind caught up with the events of the last few hours. He knew Poe could see the faces of a few of the bombers he had wished good luck to before taking off in his head. He had helped them make repairs to their ships just a few days ago, ensuring they would all be at their very best for the attack, and took the time to answer their questions and ease their anxieties.
It’s what humanized Poe to so many of the rebels. He wasn’t just the best pilot in their ranks or one of Leia’s most trusted operatives. He was a mentor, a resource, and most importantly, a friend.
“I’m sure she would have wanted to be here too.” Finn finally said, catching Poe’s gaze as his datapad flopped down on his chest, it’s chirp catching them both off guard.
Poe turned the device over and shot forward in bed, his eyes wide as he hesitated over the screen. Finn’s eyes caught the corner of his screen as he sat forward, watching as his friend processed what he was seeing.
The message was from Leia, which wasn’t an abnormal thing for him to receive, it was the contents of the message that seemed to be throwing him off. Finn couldn’t see that part, as the text was too small. “Poe, what’s it say?”
The man shook his head and looked at the screen again, “They’re back. All of them.”
“That’s gre–”
“All of them, Finn.” He said, standing up and yanking himself out of his flight suit. “Skywalker included.”
Finn had only gotten a handful of the stories about Leia’s brother but it was enough to elicit the same level of shock Poe had a few minutes ago. “Maker.”
“Come with me.” Poe pleaded, yanking a clean shirt over his head and slugging his boots back on. “I can’t do this alone. Not when she could be completely different.”
“You really think she would let him change her?”
“I can’t sense her like I usually can.”
The pilot slipped his datapad in his back pocket and slugged his blaster back into his thigh holster as he punched out of his room, walking quickly across the base as Finn jogged to keep up. Poe cast him a concerned glance as they entered the command center, only to see it wipe completely off his face as the girl he had spent the last week worrying endlessly about noticed him from the other side of the holotable.
He could tell that she wanted to run to him, but she held her position, simply letting a smile grace her features as Luke Skywalker watched his every move.
“Luke, you may remember Poe.” Leia said, her hand squeezing his shoulder affectionately as he and Finn joined her. “He’s grown up a bit since the last time you met.”
Poe could feel the Jedi getting a read on him through the Force as he shielded his mind. He wasn’t about to let the man who drove Ren to the dark side just wander through his head. Even if he was a family friend.
“When did you realize you were force-sensitive, Dameron?” Skywalker cut right to the chase, his tone flirting with being hostile.
“That’s a little bit of a personal question for just having met you again after 20 some years.” He snarked, noticing both Kara and Leia bite back giggles. Luke on the other hand was not amused.
“You were not a force-sensitive child.” The aging Jedi remarked.
Poe didn’t miss a beat, “Only because my parents weren’t right? Least that’s what we all thought.”
“He’s a late bloomer, Luke” Leia cut in, sensing her brother growing more and more irritated with the young man’s confidence.
“And you’ve taught him to protect himself.”
“Ren tortured me for a map to you, so forgive me for not being a bit more open minded.”
Luke scowled hard at the pilot as he shifted his attention back to his twin sister. “And how do I know that you aren’t leading him right to me?”
“No Leia, let him answer the question.” Luke insisted, creeping a little closer to Poe as he squared his shoulders and stood a little taller. “You can feel the block can’t you?”
Of course he could feel the block, it was why he didn’t immediately feel that his girl was back in their atmosphere or that she was standing right in front of him. It was also likely why he hadn’t felt that she was ok when he had thought he was reaching out to her. Not that he would know if he was reaching her or not.
Kara looked at Leia, “This is going to get ugly..”
“Yes it is.” The general thought back, noticing Kara blink back her surprise. They had never communicated like this before and she had a feeling it was about to get a lot more frequent. Even if it was only over the next several minutes.
Poe rolled his shoulders as Skywalker locked him in his piercing blue gaze. “I had no idea there was a block, I just thought maybe like any other form of communication, that she just got too far out of range.”
“Don’t screw with me, Dameron.” Luke didn’t appreciate his sarcastic tone, but knew the man was far from done toying with him. Poe was his mother’s son after all, and he’d die before he let anyone get in the way of what he loved. “Your bond is no secret.”
Poe’s eyebrow cocked as he suddenly could feel Kara’s energy again. “So, you do know.”
“You don’t have any idea how powerful the two of you are.” Skywalker snapped, turning to Kara quickly. “She’s got a connection I haven’t seen since Ren, and you think being bonded to that is just as simple as maintaining a regular relationship? This isn’t a game, Dameron.”
Kara felt Poe’s blood start to boil. He had already been upset before walking into the room. He lost a lot of friends only hours before this moment and hadn’t been given any time to grieve or decompress before being thrust in front of easily the most indignant old man he’d ever encountered in his entire life. Luke was testing him just like he did to her. The Jedi wanted to feel just how strong Poe was, knowing that the younger man couldn’t just call upon it like she could. He had to get him emotional.
“What are you afraid of, Skywalker?” Poe growled.
“Right now, you.” Luke said candidly, seeing the pilot’s fist clench and unclench at his side. “And your reckless streak.”
Finn caught Poe’s arm before he could get it back far enough to really swing at the Jedi, anger coursing through his signature like a fuel line fire. Surprising to Luke, the pilot was still fiercely guarding his consciousness and energy, even though he had let his emotions get the better of him.
Leia blinked, trying her best to hide her pride. “We should have let him get hit.”
“He already has a few burns from me.” Kara smirked, watching as Poe wrestled himself free from Finn, his apologetic stare flashing at her before returning to bore holes in Luke. “The black eye would clash.”
“Offer to take him to cool off, don’t go far… get his guard down.” Leia laughed internally, “Luke needs the read to be able to effectively work with you both.”
Kara stepped forward, placing herself between Poe and Luke before anyone got any new ideas, “Give us a minute.” She said, taking her boyfriend’s wrist in her hand and guiding him out of the command center.
Poe’s back met the cool durasteel wall just as the door whoshed shut, his tired, aching, adrenaline laced body caged against it by Kara’s deceptively strong arms. She had initially looked pissed off, in fact, he thought he was about to get slapped for the second time that day when instead, he was tugged forward by the collar of his shirt, his protest muffled by a set of lips he craved more than caf in the morning.
Simultaneously, Kara felt his walls come down as his hands fell from her grasp to her waist as he tried to pull her closer. She smiled against him as he let a quiet moan slip between them as she pulled away for a second, seeing his once embolden brown eyes soften as they met hers.
“Long day?” She huffed, playing with the curls around his ears. His hair was a little longer than usual but it suited him.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He sighed, “Lost the entire bomber battalion in our dreadnought strike earlier.”
“Oh Poe.” Kara soothed, “I’m so sorry.”
The dreadnought strike. The one that had succeeded without her but had forced Poe to pull his resources, leaving the bombers defenseless as they proceeded toward their target. The one had she been around, likely would not have been as devastating.
She’d blame Luke for that. He was the one who had insisted on one more day of training.
“It happens.” He said, letting his nose brush against hers. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Flyboy.” Kara giggled, allowing herself a second to get lost in the man in front of her. Despite his clean shirt, he still smelled like X-wing fuel and sweat from the day’s earlier battle, which brought her a sense of comfort. It meant he had at least tried to carry on as if she was just gone on a regular mission. She could feel his frustration melting out of his muscles, clearly choosing to push the tension of the last few minutes out of his consciousness “I’m going to need you to loosen up a bit.”
Poe smiled coyly, his grip on her waist tightening slightly, “I mean all you ever have to do is ask..”
“Not that kind of loosen up, you dope.” She said, “Luke is here to help us. He needs you to cooperate with him.”
The pilot let himself slump against the wall, showing only trace signs of defeat as Kara smiled peacefully in front of him. His previous annoyance returned to him in waves; “Of course he does.”
“It’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“Is he going to be a kriffing jerk the entire time?”
“Only if you continue to be obstinate.”
Kara could feel Poe at war with himself. He didn’t appreciate the Jedi’s earlier challenges but also knew that he would likely be the key to getting them in a position to actually defeat Ren. In the same vein, he could think of plenty of things he wanted to say to the old man, especially after his quip about his parents.
Poe brushed a loose strand of hair behind Kara’s ear, “I’ll tone it down…a little.”
He smirked as she looked unamused by his answer. “I don’t feel like I’m asking for a lot here, Dameron.”
“You aren’t, Stargirl.” He gently pulled her even closer to his chest by looping a finger in the chain of his necklace that she still had around her neck, “I’m just not changing my entire personality to save the galaxy.”
Kara welcomed his playful kiss, letting herself deepen it for just a second before stepping just out of Poe’s reach. They needed to go back into the room with the others, no matter how badly she wanted to yank him into the storage closet down the hall and escape reality for a little while longer.
She watched Poe run a hand through his hair as he stood a little taller and straightened out his shirt. A few cadets waved to them from down the hall as Kaydel Connix seemed surprised to see them as she turned into the corridor, clearly on her way to an important briefing.
“You’re back!” She said, her eyes lighting up as Kara nodded, accepting the exuberant lieutenant into her arms for a hug. “Leia said she was meeting a ship but didn’t elaborate on who would be on it.”
“You know how I feel about crowds, Kaydel.” Kara laughed, “Plus, we wanted to make sure this base stays hidden from the First Order, given our precious cargo.”
Leia’s most trusted lieutenant nodded, clearly knowing that Skywalker had traveled with her friend to the base. Poe did his best to hide his jealousy. He knew why Leia had left him out of the loop, she had told him that she was going to. She wanted to make sure if he was caught in that morning’s attack, that he wouldn’t jeopardize Kara or Luke in the process. It didn’t change that it felt like she didn’t trust him as much as she once did… especially after his earlier demotion.
“I’m sure Leia is waiting for you.. I’ll catch you both at dinner?” Kaydel said, noticing a new alert on her datapad.
“Absolutely.” Kara replied, noticing the shift in her pilot as the blonde scurried back down the corridor toward the common space. She put two fingers under his chin, pulling his tired eyes up from their place on the floor. “Hey. Stop that right now.”
“What are you–”
“That self-doubt trip you are on.” She cut him off, “You are better than that. We all make mistakes and Leia trusts you with her life. You’re family to her.”
Poe didn’t speak, knowing damn well that it wouldn’t matter what he said, she could sense exactly what was going through his mind. He knew that Leia wouldn’t have reprimanded him the way she did earlier if she didn’t care about him. As for not telling him about Kara’s return, that was for his protection, as well as her own. Had Ren captured him again, he would have gone looking for that information in his mind right away. It increased Poe’s chances of survival if he didn’t have it. Leia knew that.
And Leia knew that Ren would use him against her if given the chance…and he’d need him still breathing to do that. But that also meant he could be rescued or better yet, escape. It was something they’d given a lot of thought the night that Kara left to find Luke. Especially given that Snoke had just cast a spell on her from lightyears away.
Kara had that fiery look in her eyes again, the one that had always caused his heart to skip a beat each time he saw it; “And you are more than family to me. This wasn’t about trust, Poe. It was about ensuring that you had the upper hand if something went south.”
“I know.” Just because he was aware of it didn’t change that it still felt like he had majorly screwed something up. “It just feels different after this morning alright?”
As she turned to the door, she felt him reach for her hand, squeezing it as his thumb brushed her tattooed wrist. Kara froze. The simple gesture was their childhood secret handshake, something that they used to use to remind each other that they had each other’s backs when things got overwhelming, lonely, or well beyond their usual degree of scary.
She could see the traces of fear in his eyes and feel his apprehension as she returned the grip on his forearm. Poe was not easily frightened, at least not on the surface. The last time she had felt this kind of fear in him, he was about to run out of their hiding place on Jakku to protect a few villagers.
Kara had initiated the shake back then, right before guiding BB-8 into the back alley and taking off in a sprint toward Black One to get the map home safely. It was their own silent prayer. One that seemingly had worked in their favor since the day they’d come up with it when they were seven.
Poe sensed her peace and confidence almost immediately through their connected hands. While he didn’t trust Skywalker, Kara did in the same way she trusted Leia. She wasn’t at all afraid of what he had planned for them nor what had happened in his past. At least not anymore.
“I’ve got you, Poe.” She whispered, a confident smile tugging at her lips. “Right here and in the stars. Always.”
He closed his eyes, feeling her warm touch on his skin as he eased himself up from his place against the wall. If she could trust, so could he. Even if it was initially going to be difficult. “I’ve got you too, Stargirl.”
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20moonchild21 · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 14
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, Hobi x female!oc, Fox!Hobi x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x Hobi x female!oc
Mentions of former abuse, injuries, traumatizing past
Hmmmm, I am not 100% satisfied with this chapter, but I hope you like it anyway.
My friend @starlightauroras-writes uploaded a new chapter of her story Inferiority Complex recently. Please, check it out an leave a lot of likes and comments, because she deserves it so much!
Enjoy the rest of your week. Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 13 ||| chapter 15]
„Wow.” The boy – Hoseok – wiggled his now sock-covered feet in front of him, before he happily looked up at the girl, who just came back with a cup of tea. “Thank you, Miss Hope. I have never had socks on, but I love them. They are so soft and warm.”
Hope smiled at him and placed the cup in front of him at the small couch table. All the other boys were standing around the sofa in the living room, looking at the scene in front of them. Jimin was holding his brother’s hands tightly, looking worriedly at the fox Hybrid. Taehyung on the other hand was rathe looking amused at the bubbly boy, who was talking as if they had known each other for years.
Jungkook was sitting next towards Hoseok, looking at him wide eyed as he was sipping on his tea cup. Jin had told the bunny, that they had actually met Hoseok once at a fight club, and it seemed like Jungkook indeed had remembered him, because he immediately offered to get the shaking boy some of his clothes and sat down next to his willingly.
“You don’t have to call me ‘Miss’, Hoseok.” Hope sat down on the other side of him, giving attention that she didn’t sit too close. “Just call me Hope.”
“Okay, Hope.” He sat the mug back at the table and smile brightly at the girl. “But then you have to call me Hobi. It fits better.”
Hope didn’t know what was going on right now. Someone had clearly hurt him, but he was acting bubbly and happily as if nothing happened. His personality made her smile unwillingly, but also brought more and more questions into her head. Looking at her boys, she could tell that they clearly had the same kind of questions.
“This is the strangest circus construction I have ever seen.” Hobi suddenly said, as he laid his ears back and cocked his left eyebrow up. “Two tigers, a leopard and a bunny. What kinds of tricks can a bunny do?”
It took Hope a while to finally understand what he was referring to. Jin had told them earlier that Hobi came from a circus a little bit outside of the city. If he had been there his whole life, he doesn’t knew how the world worked outside. Jungkook meanwhile seemed to suddenly realize what the fox had just said. He blinked a few times, before shaking his head wildly.
“Tricks?!” He asked confused, as he puffed his chest up and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t do tricks! What makes you think that I would do any tricks like I am – “
“Jungkook.” The girl just laughed at the bunny. She walked up towards him and carefully drove her hand over his fluffy hair, hoping to calm him down a little bit. “He didn’t mean it in a bad way. We are no circus, Hose – Hobi. We just live together, you know? Like friends or roommates.”
While talking towards the fox Hybrid, she let her hand carefully slide over Jungkook’s face who was pushing his head further into her soft skin. He whined a little bit when she moved her hands away to grab the first aid kit that was already laying on the table.
“What did happen to you?” Jin suddenly asked from behind the sofa. “How did you escape from the circus?”
Hobi’s bright smile dropped a little bit and he sunk his ears down a little bit. He looked up towards Jin, before he sighed slightly and looked back at the girl who was just about to put a small amount of gel onto a small cotton pad.
“It was a few days ago when I wanted to go to bed.” He began talking, holding his cheek out for the girl to put the gel on it. “There were suddenly some loud noises, so I went looking what was going on. I saw some police officers talking to the director about how the circus would be illegal and that they would confess all the Hybrids and sell them to some other people. I was so scared, because I heard stories how bad human treat us, so I run away at when they came to get us out of our cages. I hide, but when I became hungry I went to look for something to eat. I found that nice supermarket that had some trash cans where they threw away their food. I thought that they would not need it anymore, so I climbed in a took one of the food, but it seemed like they didn’t like it, because a man found me and tried to scare me away. I hit my head while tried to run away.”
His voice had become quieter and quieter as he kept talking, and the girl could hear the sadness in his tone. Her gaze fell onto Jin and Jungkook, who were looking at the with sad eyes at the thin fox on the sofa.
“Don’t worry, Hobi.” She tried to encourage him a little bit, as she threw the cotton pad away. “You are safe here. I think the boys wouldn’t mind you staying a little longer.”
She locked eyes with every single one of the boys, getting a confirming nod from them, even from the black tiger. Immediately, the smile on Hobi’s lips was back. He bowed his head politely and said ‘thank you’ all over again.
When she was done cleaning everything up, she asked Jin to show Hobi the last empty bedroom where he could rest a little bit. She also asked him to get some fresh towels and offer the fox to take a proper shower. Both older boys made their way over to the bedroom, while a whining Jungkook made his way up to the girl.
“Why are you always bringing some Hybrids home?” He chuckled, as he threw his arms around the smaller girl and nuzzled his face into her neck, causing a wave of goosebumps over her body. “it was a long time ago that just the two of us spent some time together.”
“I promise you that we will spend some time alone soon, Kookie.” She whispered into his ear, as she drove her hands once again over his soft hair. “But how about you choose some fresh clothes for Hobi to use until we have brought him his own? I bet he needs some after his shower.”
Jungkook nodded slightly and pulled his head away from her neck, before he leant forward and nuzzled his nose against hers, making their lips brush against each other as well. Too quick for her feels, the bunny pulled away and made his way over into his room, leaving just the two tigers and the girl back in the living room.
“What?” She asked amused when Taehyung shook his head smilingly, arms now crossed over his chest. “Jealous?”
“No. He is just so whipped for you. It would be cute, if it wasn’t making me throw up hearts and unicorns.” He stated, making Hope roll her eyes. Of course, she knew that he was only messing around with her.
Her eyes fell onto the smaller tiger, who was looking with big eyes at the girl, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He was looking like he was dying to say something, but was trying to hold back really hard. When her eyes met his, he quickly looked away.
“Are you okay, Jimin?” She carefully took a step closer towards him. “You can ask me anything, you know? I won’t be mad.”
Jimin just nodded, before he lifted his hand to scratch his neck, eyes were meeting here now.
“I – ehm – “ He caught, looking at his brother and then back at the girl. “I wanted to ask if – ehm – if you could alsogivemeahug.”
The last part he only mumbled towards himself, but Hope had understood every word what he was saying. Though they hadn’t known for long, Jimin was a really sweet guy who was looking for affection from the people surrounding him.
„Of course, Jimin.“ She smiled and opened her arms for him.
Quicker than she had thought, Jimin was taking a few steps forward and wrapped his arms around her body, laying his head sideways onto her shoulder. Hope wrapped her arms carefully around the taller boy and leant her chin onto his shoulder, her mouth right next to his ear.
“Are you uncomfortable with Hobi around here?” She asked quietly, hoping that she had not taken it too far.
Jimin quickly shook his head, pressing her even closer towards his chest.
“I think I like him, he seems funny.” He whispered back. “But – but you won’t sell us, will you?”
Her stopped in her chest when she heard the fear in his voice. Hobi’s experiences had clearly scared him that the same destiny could come after him and his brother. Hope knew that it would need some more time that they actually trust her fully, but she would show them with every action that she meant what she promised.
“I would never let anyone take you away, Jimin. Never.”
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“I think it is fully health, Tae.” She said as she tossed the bandage onto the small table.
Taehyung cocked his eyebrow up when she called him by his nickname. It was the first time he had heard her call him something else than by his real name, but he didn’t mind though.
“Tae?” He teased, as he smirked at her. “Did I already allow you to call me that?”
The girl sitting next to him just rolled her eyes, as she stood up and walked into the kitchen to throw away all the used supplies. The black tiger chuckled at that gesture. She would often roll her eyes when he teased her about something, and something inside him was enjoying that.
He watched her small form walking back towards the sofa and sitting down on it. He had caught himself a few times, that he like the elegant way she was walking around, or how she would move her hair out of her face in one powerful movement.
“Where are the others actually?” She asked when she was leaning herself back into the soft cushions of the sofa.
“Jimin and Jungkook are in his room, because they wanted to play the guitar.” He replied. “Jin and Hobi are still in the bathroom showering.”
Without thinking he let his instincts come over him, and he suddenly let himself fall to the left side where the girl was sitting, placing his head in her lap and smiling up at her. Hope was taken by surprise when he did so, letting out a small yelp and lifting her hands up.
“Where did that come from?” She laughed a little bit awkwardly, before she sunk her hands back down, resting them onto his hair. “And what did you say? They are showering together?”
Taehyung didn’t miss the small shade of red that was spreading over her plumb cheeks, as her gaze over to the bathroom door, where the light from inside was shining through the keyhole. He did never mean to embarrass her in any way, but it was fun to mess around with her.
“Mhh.” He just hummed and closed his eyes, enjoying her fingers that were messaging his skull. “Do you have a problem with that? Me and Jimin are showering together, too.”
Her fingers stopped for a second, and Taehyung could sense her heartbeat stronger and faster now. He smiled inside in.
“N – no.” She stuttered, trying to steady her voice. “It is just – strange? I mean, they met literally 3 hours ago, you know?”
“I know.” Taehyung opened his eyes again, just to meet her dark eyes. “But Hybrids are different from you humans. We can tell from each other’s scents whether we can trust someone or not. We don’t make a scene out of like you do.”
The black tiger laughed again, an even louder this time, when Hope rolled her eyes again. Human could really be uptight in some points like being nude with one another. Maybe it was because they could not smell the other one’s scent, but maybe they were just lame, he couldn’t tell.
“And are you trusting the others?” She suddenly asked with a quitter voice, as if she was afraid to hear the answer.
Taehyung was still looking into her eyes from laying in her lap. The truth was that he had known from the first time they met that they were good people. Of course, one could never know, but never had a doubt that they were keeping their promises. It had more been his pride and his fear that had held him from trusting them.
“Yes, I do.” He simply said back.
“Are you trusting me?” She asked even quieter.
Human were another thing. While other Hybrids had their ears and tail that could give away a lot of information about someone’s intentions, human could act really good. They were acting all nice and safe in the beginning but would show their real personalities when you were less expecting it. That was why he had been so sceptical about the human girl.
“Maybe I do.” He smirked, teasing her once again. “Maybe I do not. Who knows.”
“You know, Tae.” She emphasised his nickname on purpose. “You don’t have to act like the cool guy all the time. There is nothing wrong with showing one’s emotions. You can show us when you are happy, because it makes us happy too. But if you are sad and scared you can show us as well, because then, we can help you.”
Taehyung purred when her fingers came close to the roots of his ear, but they were not touching them. He knew himself and his behaviours. He knew that he was sometimes overreacting, and that it took him a lot to admit his emotions in front of someone else, but he never meant to hurt someone in a bad way. It had always been to keep him and his brother safe.
He had always thought that emotions are some kind of a weakness. He had thought that showing off his emotions would make him transparent and vulnerable, but since he had been living here – with his brother and the girl – he had never felt vulnerable anymore. He had seen the way Jimin’s eyes would sparkle every time he was laughing and how the people would react on his emotions. He wanted to feel that free too.
“I – I am happy.” He almost whispered with his deep voice.
He said it. For the very first time in his life he could truly and open say that he was feeling happy. Hope didn’t say anything else. She just smiled down at him and kept driving her hands through his thick hair. As she smiled, Taehyung once again got lost in her eyes.
From the first moment he had seen her, those incredible dark orbs had caught his attention. It had never been like he was looking into his brother’s eyes, who had also dark eyes, it was more like he would look into a set of emotions that locked his heart and made it swell with nothing but love.
It was him who was turning red while thinking about that. He had no plan what was going on with his body, but he knew that he liked it and this time, he would not be the one to stop those emotions.
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Hobi laid on the soft bed this evening, his arms and legs were sprawled out to either direction while he was thinking about what had happened.
Not only had he found Jin when he had been strolling around the streets of New York, he had found him with that small human girl. He had been surprised when Jin had told him that Hope had adopted him and his younger brother Jungkook.
He had never met a human as nice as that small girl who had offered him some new clothes and a bed to sleep in. Back in the circus, he had had his cage with his blanket that he had thought which was comfortable, but it was nothing to compare to this blanket.
His chest squeezed a little bit tighter when he thought about his blue blanket. No one could probably understand why he missed that worn out and dirty blanket, but for him it was his home. He had always loved to cuddle into hid blanked after an exhausting day, shutting everything out beside the warmth that he felt under the blue piece of fabric. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had the chance to take it with him when he suddenly had to leave the circus.
In that moment, he suddenly felt nothing but lonely, even though he had felt over the top just a few minutes ago. Everything was now hitting him all at once. Within just a few minutes, he had lost everything he had ever know, before he was thrown into the cruel world of New York. Of course, the circus life had also been hard sometimes, but after all, they had always provided him with a small amount of food and a place to sleep.
In New York, people had scared him away in the most humiliating ways, even though he had been hungry and cold. They had never cared.
That was why he had been more than happy when he had suddenly smelled a familiar scent. Hobi had remembered Jin immediately when he had passed the small alley he had been hiding him. He had almost not recognized the boy he had sometimes talked to at some fights, because he had hide his ears and tail.
For a moment, he really had doubted his senses, but he had clearly remembered the older boy’s scent even after that long time. To his surprise, the girl that had been standing next to him, had not looked shocked or scared at all when she had spotted his tail and ears. She had patiently waited for both boys to finish their conversation, and she even when Jin had turned around to ask if Hobi could spend the night with them, she had not hesitated a single second to agree.
“Hobi?” The fox’s ears shot up when he heard Jin’s voice coming through the door. Carefully, the leopard pushed the door open and peaked his head inside the room. “We want to eat now. You are welcome to join us.”
Hoseok just nodded his head, before he carefully stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. He poked his head around the door frame. Jin had already sat down on the table next towards his the younger white tiger, while the bunny and the girl were carrying some pans and pots into the dining area.
He hesitate for a second to leave his room. Though Jin had told him that he was invited to join them, he wasn’t sure if it was appreciated. After all, she had already given him a bed to sleep in for the night.
“I know what you are thinking about.” A deep voice from behind made jump. He quickly turned around, just to see the black tiger, Taehyung, standing behind him with his hands int his pockets. “Just a few days ago, I was looking at them in the same way, I was thinking the same things. But believe me, you will regret not joining them at some point.”
The fox Hybrid was looking at the younger boy with wide eyes. The poor boy must have gone through some bad times, judging from the way he was talking. Hobi wanted to ask him about that, but he decided that this might could be the wrong situation, so he just nodded his head and walked fully out of the room.
“Hey, you two. Come and sit down.” Hope flashed them a wide smile, before she pulled herself chair back and sat down at the table.
Hobi was amazed by her kindness and her smile. Never in his life before, a simple smile had made him feel so welcome and…safe. It was not just her smile that made him feel that way. He had also seen the way she had been talking to the other boys and more important, he had seen the way how the boys had been talking to her.
They had never shown any hint of fear or hesitation, which he was glad about, because he had heard stories from other Hybrids that had caused a heavy fear in his bones. For the first time in his life, the feeling of completion was developing deep down inside him.
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@blank-et-noir I really couldn’t find you. I am so sorry🥺
[inspirations ||| recommendations]
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
I watched “Imitation” and it was surprising (... okay, I loved it!)
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Full disclosure: If you haven’t the slightest interest in kpop, not even in the drama or juicy gossip that produces, this won’t be your thing. I know it’s not a drama for everyone. Stop reading. Just know that OTP (and most characters) had a happy ending but there was a bunch of drama to achieve it. Typical. And a death may or may not have been in the mix.  
Well well well... I'm pleasantly surprised, that's the perfect three word review for this drama. It would seem that when those little projects that come out of nowhere and you have no expectations about, turn out to be even a little big good, they made the strongest impression. And this drama is up there in my top 3 of favorite dramas of the year, it has my heart.
Yes, it was about kpop idols and 90% of the cast was made of idols (even one from the very first kpop gen hahaha), yet the acting was decent (and from some, truly great), yes sometimes it got a bit cheesy and silly and yes, there was a ton of drama concerning fans, reporters, dating scandals and bad and greedy CEOs of entertainment agencies BUT it was also sweet, really romantic, funny, lively, full of music (I'm OBSESSED with the last OST which was sung by the whole cast, it makes me FEEL things) and dancing, it had lots friendship and found family AND at times, it was heartbreakingly tragic.
I think this drama tried to tell the audience two important lessons, worthy of mention: the first, work hard for your dreams, don't give up on them but also, you never know what opportunities might come your way that could end up changing your direction and perhaps make you chase something that you never thought you would, so persevere, breathe and hang in there just a bit more; the second, one that we all know if you have a little bit of sense and even if you are mildly informed about the k entertainment which is that idols are just people(most of them teens when they debut some not even 18) who want to and deserve to have a pretty f-ing normal life, so f-ing let them! the consequences of putting these youngsters over a pedestal are catastrophic and there are real life, heartbreaking, examples of this.
Main characters
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Ryok: the Golden Boy of kpop, from the most popular boy group, also a an actor (a decent one? Idk they never said). Perfect in every single aspect, except when he is nice to girls who aren't his fans, then they will crucify him. SUPER clumsy whenever his crush is nearby and does something he finds cute, otherwise super cool and chill. Also great at pining for his crush. A romantic, which means he chose the worst career path. My favorite character.
Maha: A bright and optimistic girl with a strong might of perseverance in going after her dreams. Loves dancing. Very sweet and very tiny. Despite appearances, she's not a pushover or weak FL. And that's why I loved her.
Yujin: Second ML by the book. Became an idol because he was pursuing FL (who in turn was pursuing ML). The only reason why I never hated him is because he was a great friend, knew he wasn't doing anything healthy and decided to end his one sided love and opened his eyes. Two words: Character development *chef's kiss*
LaRiMa: A soloist. A Queen. At the start, it looked like she was the typical and mean second FL. But she wasn't, and I adored her for that. She had a heart of gold. She deserved the world, and she knew that so she made decisions accordingly (a Queen chases no one, least of all a man!) lol best character in the drama and my second favorite character (sorry Maha!)
Also starring: The members of SHAX (the leader, SF9′s Hwiyoung, the maknae from Ateez and the funny guy who spoke random english) the group of Golden Boy. Tea Party members (bffs with FL, Riah and HyunJi), Maha’s group. Sparkling members (the very angry and frustrated leader and two members of Ateez whose names I don’t know), second ML group. AND in the longest and most important cameo (ala Go Kyung Pyo in My roommate is a Gumiho) SF9′s Chani, a former member of SHAX, who disappeared into thin air one day.
The story
On paper it doesn't sound like anything groundbreaking (and tbh it really wasn't lol): a story about idols who willingly chose their career path, trained for years while underage, got treated like products by ugly men in suits and realized it kinda sucked, especially when you don't become a hit group and have to protect your personal life like it's a dirty secret that could damage your image and maybe end your career this is why I said it’s not a show for everyone. But this drama is what Dream High 2 (2012) wanted to be and never could in the aspect of actually making you feel something for these idols and the situations they were facing while loving the musical side of the show and making it all believable.
Even if it's not exactly about teens in high school sort of thing, it does give you the same hopeful and uplifting feeling of a coming of age story, especially because the characters are still youngsters trying to be happy and realize their dreams for the future.
You can just stop reading here if you want to go watch the drama with no spoilers. And if I haven’t convinced you despite not being appalled by kpop themed dramas, then I guess you should keep reading lol or trust in my taste and judgement when I say the story is worth it (but to be fair the first two eps are a bit slow).
The romance (super spoilery!)
At the core, this show was a love story. What started the plot is the fact that main couple reunite in the same work field as idols, and they actually met and befriended each other years ago; so being older and able to spent more time together brings them closer to finally accept and give into their feelings, but soon enough their relationship becomes a ticking bomb threatening their careers and then this big mystery of how and why SF9' Chani disappeared and abandoned the group becomes really important in the last third of the drama
Because once upon a time, Chani had a gf but she was still a trainee so once their love was exposed (the truth of who exposed him is devastating) and their respective companies threatened them, it all becomes too much too fast and with seemingly no other way out, the girl makes a terrible decision, that ends up changing the lives of most of the characters.
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I’m sure this is from a bts but their chemistry was really good and sweet. Also, height difference to die for!!
Yet, there is a happy ending for main couple but it's only achieved after certain people learn from their mistakes and support Ryok and Maha, which makes it clear that no matter how in love and willing you are to face adversities for and with your loved one, you still need a support system (and maybe the right people in a position of power) because sometimes two against the world isn't as romantic as it sounds, but sad and lonely.
And the main reason why I loved this is because of the way the show drew a parallel between the two most important couples in the story and tells the audience “had it been even a year before, under different circumstances and less luck, had they had no friends and no people to support them, main couple would’ve ended in the same tragic way” and I think that is a haunting realization. That also makes you appreciate things.
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*cries* they were adorable
The bad (spoilers!)
I do wish this drama would’ve elaborated on some bits that were really worth diving into, or that it would’ve shown how some things came intro fruition instead of just skipping it and showing rigth away the outcome of conversations that were never had or reunions never shown. It is clear to me that they wanted to make the drama longer and could have told a better story had it been a 16 ep show. 
Basically yes, the main story, main romance and side couples' arcs got resolved but ugh a list of plot holes:
Why was LaRiMa so obsessed with Ryok for half the drama? The minute the girl knew he was dating someone he truly liked, she gave up right away, so I gotta believe the only reason she didn’t quit on him before, is because he did gave her a reason to hold onto him. Perphaps they dated before? Or maybe they like each other at one point? I can only do fanfiction in my head to explain this.
Why was the angry leader of Sparkling such a bitter bitch? How did he end up in another company?
I wanted to see SF9′s Chani reunion with his ex-members from SHAX.  It NEEDED to happen. At least they showed Chani with Ryok (which was really emotional) but arrgh.
Also, Chani deserved a kneeling apology from SHAX leader, I mean, come on!!
If everyone knew about Maha and Ryeok at some point, they needed to use that. You can’t just have a bomb like that in your drama and not use it. Is a principle of storytelling. You can’t just have the thing that your main characters fear the most, in your hands, and do nothing about it. But I guess it was not done because of lack of time.
Also, they never showed how they announced their relationship. Instagram post? Company statement? An exclusive to Dispatch? And how did the fans took it?? Answers, drama! Damn it!!
Final thoughts
Despite its many flaws, I loved it. It had heart. It seemed low budget and even more so due to the fact that it was done in the middle of the pandemic and a big part of kpop are the fans and concerts, you know what makes it all the more big and shinier. But the drama people and the actors put effort into it, and you could tell (and the fact that there were also original songs and choreographies made for this drama amazes me, and that they chose to promote the drama by having some of these fake groups perform on actual music shows). So there you go, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Before I finish, let me just say that the actor who played Ryok is a REVELATION in my eyes.This boy needs to stay in dramaland and get more main roles (and after some research I’m happy to say that he is thriving!!). Also, he has great timing for comedy. The actress who played Maha elevated the quality of every scene she was in. (Not for nothing she was God in DAYS). Jiyeon (LaRiMa) was excellent. It really showed at times that she’s not only an experienced idol but also an experienced actress. The contrast with most of the cast was noticeable, sadly. The drama wouldn’t have been the same without these three.
Also, watch AND listen to the last OST sung by the whole cast here. Beautiful song that just makes you cry if you’ve seen the drama.
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with-paint · 4 years
Not Alone
Part 1 of 2 of Whatever the Outcome Series
Rating: Teen and up
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,555
Summary: Lip needs your help to convince Amanda to speak to the board regarding the picture she leaked of Helene, and you’re coming for blood
Warning: lots of swearing, blood, broken nose, slut shaming (kinda)
A/N: Okay so clearly I’m watching Shameless and writing Fics as I go. I know I got problems. That’s on meeee. I’ve never written for Lip so don’t @ me if it’s ooc. Set in 6x06. Part 2
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A series of knocks on your dorm room door made you sit up blearily. The mid afternoon sun streamed into your room and you looked over at your roommates bed. It was empty. The incessant knocking turned into frantic pounding as the door remained unanswered. Yawning and stretching you stumbled out of bed, ready to cuss out whoever decided it was a good idea to wake you up.
“Alright shit what do you want?!” You hissed throwing the door open. Lip Gallagher stood there, he ran a hand over his mouth and jaw and let out a heavy breath.
“Y/N fuck can you come with me to talk to Amanda about Helene? Amanda’s always liked you. Maybe she’ll listen if you come.” He rushed out looking behind his shoulder to her dorm room.
You blinked at him and sighed deeply. This was about the pictures of Professor Runyon, of fucking course it was.
“She’s scared of me idiot. Alright fine. Let me put some pants on.” You sighed out and turned away from him. Tugging a random pair from your floor, you shoved them on and turned back to Lip. Usually he’d make some comment about your constant state of half nakedness, but not today. He was standing in your doorway, eyes staring at the floor. His thumb traced his lips. You couldn’t help but notice how bright his blue eyes looked. They always got this way when he was stressed. Something you always thought was both incredibly endearing as well as so fucking sad.
Usually eyes get brighter when their owner is happy and carefree. Not with Lip. The poor boy only knows the feeling of stress so his anatomy worked around it.
You smiled softly and put a hand on his shoulder, scaring him out of his panicked silence.
“It’s gonna be alright. We’ll fix this. It’s gonna be alright Lip.” You murmured rubbing, what you hoped, was soothing circles into his tense shoulder. He let out a deep breath and allowed himself five seconds to calm down before his eyes snapped open and he pulled away from you abruptly.
“Alright let’s go.” His voice was still rushed, but not nearly as fast. He jogged over to Amanda’s dorm room, looked over at you for confirmation, and began banging on her door as loudly as he had yours.
You let out a little laugh and slammed your open palm on the door next to his, yelling at Amanda to open the fuck up.
“Open up Amanda.” He called and you kept your knocking up to keep the noise loud and clear for this horrible person. “Look just tell the board you made a mistake.” Lip called again.
You kicked the door and yelled your own plea to get her to open up, “Say you’re a jealous cunt and you didn’t mean to get her in trouble.” Lip looked at you with an eyebrow raised. You only shrugged and kicked away at her door again before it swung open.
Amanda stood in all her stuck up glory, holding two bags and looking down on the both of you. You wanted to deck her on sight. You never liked her and when you found out she was the one to send out the picture because her itty bitty heart had been broken, you were halfway across campus to break her arm before Lip caught you and carried your swearing form back to your room. You kept your anger in check this time. This was all Lip’s fight and causing this bitch any pain would only result in more harm done.
You leaned on the door frame as Lip took up most of the space in the doorway to plead with Amanda.
“What board?” Amanda snapped looking between the two of you. “Y/N why the fuck are you here?” She huffed.
“Like the committee, the provost.” Lip cut in before you could make a wise ass comment and make Amanda even less likely to help you two out.
“No idea what you’re talking about.” She said and had the audacity to seem irritated with this conversation. You forced down a snarl.
“What do you mean? They didn’t ask you to come in?” You hissed instead. There was no way she was getting out of the mess she created without having any repercussions.
“Nope. Excuse me.” She said dismissing you and attempted to push past you two, but you stepped forward and crowded her, she took a step back and turned to Lip with a sigh.
“Okay, wait, then, then make a statement or post a retraction somewhere.” Lip stuttered looking frantically between the both of you.
“Where?” She demanded.
“Online!” Lip exclaimed, sounding as panicked as he looked. You pursed your lips and crossed your arms. If she kept this “holier than thou” attitude up you were going to make her bleed.
“Do you actually not understand how the Internet works?” Amanda spat. You took a step forward, read to level her only to have Lip pull you back by the waist.
“I don’t care how it works, okay! Helene could lose her job!” Lip shouted before his voice faltered at the end. He squeezed your stomach as a grounding point and you stayed still. Letting him have an anchor in his panic. Amanda jumped in at the sign of weakness.
“Well, maybe she should have thought about that before she started banging her students! And maybe you should learn how to treat the girls that you sleep with better. Ever heard of the campsite rule?” You wanted to punch her right in her snotty nose. You completely agreed with her, but making the dig about how Lip treated people was too far. Amanda knew damn well all she was was a fuck buddy and she created this fantasy of a boyfriend in her mind. It wasn’t Lip’s fault, it was hers.
“The what?” You spoke up, an eyebrow raised as you challenged her. Lip sighed sounding dejected.
“Leave the area in better shape than you found it, asshole. Move.” She spat and knocked her shoulder aggressively into Lip.
“Wait wait wait.” He cried letting go of you to block her path.
“Give me a break.” She whined doing all but stomping her foot down.
“Where are you going?” You said interrupting her tantrum. She huffed and looked down at her bags.
“The Feminazis are after me. Accused me of trying to destroy a high-status female because I’ve internalized my own gender oppression. Two thousand comments on my Facebook page, including death threats. My parents want me to leave campus until it blows over. You’re on your own, Lip.” She turned the lights off in her room before facing Lip again.
She smiled sickly and hissed out. “But then again I guess you always were.”
You sucked in a deep breath, shoved Lip out of the way, and slammed your forehead into Amanda’s nose. Her glasses fell off as she doubled over, gripping her nose in shock and pain. A scream came out of her mouth as she stumbled back into her dorm. You made a move to lunge at her before Lip’s arms grabbed you by the midsection again and hauled you back.
“Y/N that’s enough!” He yelled as you tried to kick out from his hold. Wanting nothing more than to get your hands on the now fake blonde cunt who ruined two peoples lives with her bullsht jealousy. You didn’t like Helene either, fuck you might’ve even hated her. But Lip was falling for her and she made him incredibly happy. So you kept your mouth fucking shut.
“You send out a statement to the board right now you bitch!” You snarled watching as she cried hysterically, her tears mixing in with the blood gushing from her nose. It was now crooked and you stared at her broken nose for as long as possible. Wanting this to be what you remembered when you thought of the fucking skank. The damage she deserved from your own hands.
Lip yanked you as he walked backwards. “Amanda shit, I gotta go!” He yelled as you kicked and flailed, your feet off the ground as Lip hauled you away from his former fuck buddy. He kicked open your door and dumped you on your bed. You scrambled off it and made for the door before Lip was on you again. He forced you back on the bed and straddled you to keep you down.
“Hey hey hey that’s enough! You broke her fucking nose I think you did enough!” Lip sighed and rested his head by your elbow. “We’re fucked. It’s over.”
He sounded so broken as he rolled off you and lay face first in your pillow. All the anger in your body melted out as you took in the sad dejected boy curled up next to you. You ran your hand through his hair and sighed.
“Lip I’m so sorry.” He didn’t say anything just laid there letting you comfort him.
You didn’t know how this would end. Didn’t know if Lip would get expelled or Professor Runyon would lose her job. But you knew whatever the outcome, you were going to be there in Lips corner. Because what Amanda said was dead wrong. Lip wasn’t alone. And he never had been.
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AN: @liliesoftherain​ @keishiins​ I’m reuploading this because Tumblr hates my guts. I got the idea from Ronda Rousey stating before her matches she would have intense sex with her husband. I was intrigued with the idea and wondered how many athletes do the same thing? Anyway enjoy this request
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❉ Warnings: Praise Kink, Sub Bokuto, Bondage, and little bit of Breeding kink at the end? Bokuto x Fem Reader.
❉ Disclaimer: Sex is not a cure for mental illness. Since we don’t know why Bokuto has mood swings I played around with the idea. Please don’t take this seriously.
❉ Summary: As part of the Jackals, Bokuto no longer had the luxury of messing about in this matches. But little did his teammates know he had someone special picking up the slack at home.
t’s not until you lose something that you start appreciating it for what it was. For Bokuto, it was his team, and more specifically, it was his setter Akaashi. He never realized how bothersome his mood swings were because he was too busy dwelling on his emotions. But when he started playing professionally, Bokuto no longer had the luxury of his teammates looking after him anymore. Technically, Tsum Tsum did his best (best meaning he just ignored him until Bokuto’s mood settled), but he was unsatisfied. He was starting to hate that the tiniest things would unsettle him and affect his play.  
He tried everything from calming teas and even listening to rain ASMR before falling asleep. But his mood swings kept happening. Bokuto was at the end of his rope so much so he decided to visit Akaashi at his college. He had sent him a text letting him know he would drop by; hopefully, his old teammate would have something for him.
The university itself was pretty large and was known to attract international students from across the globe. Even now, Bokuto could see several foreigners staring at him in curiosity, but he just shrugged it off, thinking it was his eccentric hair (but really, it was his frantic pacing).
His face brightened when he saw his friend leisurely walking towards him.
“Bokuto-san, how have you been?” Akaashi inquired.
“Akaashi! Your school is so cool! I should come here more often,” Bokuto said while excitingly looking left to right.
“Please don’t,” murmured Akaashi, who was promptly ignored by Bokuto.
“Keiji! I thought I told you to wait for me,” a feminine voice called out.
Bokuto turned around to see a girl with a womanly figure walking towards them.
“Gomen, Y/N. I thought you already went back to class,” Akaashi replied to the girl.
Bokuto looked at her fascinatingly. She was beautiful, to be frank, and her beaming smile radiated happiness.
“Oh, who’s this?” she asked, looking at Bokuto directly, making him more nervous than he had felt in a while.
Akaashi turned to Bokuto only to narrow his eyes at his smitten face.
“This is Bokuto Koutaro. He was the captain of the volleyball team I was on in high school.”
She let out an excited gasp. “The Bokuto? The one you comp-“
“Anyway, this is Akaashi Y/N. She’s my cousin,” Akaashi cut in, confusing Bokuto.
Y/N sent a teasing smile to Akaashi.
“Our mothers are identical twins, and we were born in the same year. So, we’re more like siblings than anything. I should be calling him Keiji-ni, actually. It’s nice to meet you, Bokuto-san!”
Cousins? Now that she was closer, he could see the resemblance. They had the same dark hair and bright blue sharp eyes. But Y/N’s hair was longer coming down to her waist, and her eyebrows were neatly trimmed, unlike Akashi's. She also had the pinkest pair of lips Bokuto ever had the pleasure of seeing, or was that makeup? To be honest, he could never tell.
“What do you think, Bokuto-san?” Y/N asked him hopefully.
She had asked him a question which Bokuto wasn’t even listening to. Too busy staring at her animated face the entire time.
“Not today, Y/N. Maybe some other time. Go to class,” Akaashi said, almost sternly.
She pouted and said, “Fine! I’ll see you later, Bokuto-san.”
Y/N bowed politely, to which Bokuto scrambled to return before she walked away.
Akaashi muttered, “Don’t even think about it. She’ll eat you alive.”
His yellow eyes still on the retreating figure of Y/N, Bokuto distractedly replied, “what do you mean by that?”
His former teammate opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind.
“Do what you like, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Bokuto should have listened to the almost ominous warning by his friend, but he was too excited.
“You mean it?! Can you give me Y/N’s number then?”
Akaashi grimaced; nevertheless, he fetched his phone before complying with his former captain’s request. The two friends talked for a while before Akaashi had to leave for his class. By the time Bokuto had arrived at his lonesome apartment, he had realized he had forgotten to ask Akaashi for the advice he initially sought out him for.
Still, he considered the day to be productive and successful while staring goofily at Y/N’s number.
Over the next couple of weeks, Y/N and Bokuto exchanged texts. When he had first texted her, she was cordial and pleasant.  As his interest became fairly apparent over time, Y/N responded to it with the utmost enthusiasm. Thankfully, Akaashi didn’t seem too opposed to it; instead, he made Bokuto promise to treat his cousin well. They had been dating for only a month when she asked him to take it a bit further. He honestly thought she was a virgin and was quite speechless at her question. Y/N was a petite and genial individual; in fact, Bokuto often worried that he would eventually drive her away with his boisterous attitude. And so, he was adamant about taking it slowly with Y/N. Only for her to flip the script and proposition him.
“Did you have fun?” he asked earnestly after another date,
“Of course! Next weekend I'm free, so we should go out again,” Y/N replied cheerfully, swinging their interlocked hands.
Bokuto watched her closely and leaned in for a kiss.
She didn’t back down and instead tugged him closer. Their lips connected just barely before she moved back, but it was enough to entice him.
“Bokuto-kun, do you wanna come in? My roommate’s with her family for the weekend,” Y/N proposed.
He swallowed nervously and nodded. Her dorm was a standard two-room affair but standing in there, Bokuto felt such dread and excitement in the pit of his stomach.
Y/N took her time while removing her hoody before, with a teasing smile, she tried to help remove his jacket.
“You’ll get hot if you keep this on,” she cooed while pulling down his zipper.
Bokuto’s heart started racing out of control when he felt her small hands unashamedly caress his toned upper body in the guise of removing his jacket.
He distinctly heard something hitting the wooden floor but was way too preoccupied with helping Y/N unbuckle his belt to notice.
That night Bokuto was never so glad in his life to be wrong. She was no virgin. The way she roughly yanked his hair and demanded him to be faster and harder. It was hard to imagine Y/N not having prior experience. Despite him clearly being on top, it felt like she oversaw the entire affair. The praises that spilled from her mouth each time a particular thrust compelled her to see stars caused him to feel like he just scored a winning point in the finals. Her sleek legs that wrapped around him prompted him to renew his smooth but rough rhythm. Y/N eventually kept having to rewrap her legs each time he pulled out before she gave up and just splayed her legs to the side. That made it easier for him to reenter but strained Y/N’s muscles. She didn’t seem to care too much, though, as her nails embedded into his back. Bokuto lost count after her sixth orgasm and his fourth. The night continued into the early dawn. He barely slept, yet he found himself not caring after possibly having the best sex of his life.
Bokuto felt at ease as the whistle blew and signaled the end of the match. The Jackals bowed to their devoted fans, and he could feel his teammates’ eyes on him subconsciously. Tsum Tsum was whispering lowly to Sakusa, who didn’t seem to be paying too much attention to whatever Tsum Tsum was saying. Even Hinata seemed subdued despite them winning the game. But Bokuto wasn’t bothered; he was satisfied. Y/N was out there in the bleachers waiting for him. Now that he won, she owed him a night of relaxation and back massages.
Even in the locker room, it was hushed, and only the bangs of the lockers resonated in the quiet.
Bokuto turned around when he felt someone tug at his uniform.
“Oh, Hinata! Good game, and that smash at the end was great. But you still have a long way to go before you can catch up to your teacher,” Bokuto loudly complimented while slapping Hinata’s back harshly.
“Ne, Bokuto-san, can I ask you something?” Hinata nervously inquired as he rubbed his back.
Bokuto looked at the younger boy and realized he was acting weird. Hell, he could tell all his teammates were listening to their conversation inconspicuously.
So, he just shrugged and motioned Hinata to go ahead.
“How come you’re so focused nowadays?”
Bokuto could almost hear the underlying question, ‘why haven’t you turned into emo Bokuto lately?’
Tsum Tsum, who had a towel in hand on route to shower, stopped to listen in. Even Sakusa, with his wet hair, stood by and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave.
“Well, Hinata...” Bokuto began as his thoughts drifted back to last night.
They stumbled blindly through his dark apartment, not bothering to turn on the lights. Y/N let out a shriek of delight when Bokuto hoisted her into his arms and went straight to his bedroom.
He pushed back her hair and sucked wherever her neck was visible.
“Y/N, babe, want you right now. No. I need you,” Bokuto corrected amid his trailing kisses.
She grabbed the back of his dyed hair and pulled.
“On the bed then. I’ll grab my goodies,” Y/N encouraged.
He cocked his head in confusion at the mention of goodies but tugged off his shirt and shorts in a hurry. Bokuto tossed his clothes somewhere at the side of the bed, where he could find them easily in the morning before making himself comfortable on his bed. He could hear her fiddling in his bathroom but waited patiently. Y/N always rewarded him whenever he did precisely what she asked of him.
She stepped out of the bathroom, hiding something behind her back.
“Oh, did you start the party early?” she asked, eyeing his naked body with amusement and hunger.
“Yeah, but I’d rather you take off your clothes and join me,” Bokuto replied as he pointedly stared down at her white wrap dress.
“One sec. Let me show you my present.”
Y/N presented him with two pairs of silver handcuffs.
Bokuto tried to play it off coolly, but he didn’t think he managed as her cheeky grin widened at his flustered composure.
Y/N got on his bed and ordered, “Sit back. I want to see how good it looks on you.”
She didn’t even need to say please as he hurried to do what she asked. Placing a quick kiss on his forehead, she managed to get both his hands cuffed and attached to the bed frame separately.
“Now, the real fun begins. Do you trust me?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Bokuto joked.
While sliding down his body to make herself comfortable, she pushed his chest back down.
His soft member laid against his thighs. Which he supposed that Y/N wasn’t satisfied with because she immediately went to work.  
Y/N started by placing her hands on his firm thighs to which in turn made Bokuto jolt. But settled down at the soothing touch of her slender hands. Slowly but surely, she started to blow on his member. Feeling her hot breath, he shivered and clutched the bed sheets. It seemed like Y/N was in a playful mood, and that usually meant Bokuto was in for a long night.
That grip only got tauter when she started doing eskimo kisses to his cock.
Bokuto let out a low “fuck” when he felt tentative kitten licks while she traced the throbbing, purple veins along his shaft.
Y/N pulled back his foreskin to reveal the head. She rubbed the tip spreading the watery precum before sucking. She reveled in the familiar intoxicating taste and then swallowed him whole until his cock hit the back of her throat. Feeling the need to gag, Y/N took his member out of her mouth.
“Ko-kun, you taste so good. Maybe I should keep this up all night?”
“No, don’t,” he gasped.
Bokuto let out a groan when he tried to pull Y/N’s hair to make her take him deeper. But the handcuffs prevented him from doing so.
She let go of his cock entirely and shimmed out of her dress. Her bra and panties were next to go, and Bokuto’s eyes never strayed from the moment she started getting undressed. Y/N made herself comfortable and settled on top of his right thigh.
He felt his thigh’s muscle flex instinctively when he felt the soft lips and coarse trimmed hairs of her cunt. She already complimented him multiple times on how much she appreciated his physique. But she was paying extra attention to his bottom half tonight, apparently.
Unfortunately, his situation only got worse with her grinding against his thigh.
“Please, babe. I- I can’t wait,” he stuttered, which was an accomplishment of itself.
Y/N only laughed and said, “Come on, Ko-kun. You can do better than that. Remember last time how you begged so nicely? You can do it again.”
Bokuto imagined her swollen clit sliding along his bare skin. Which, he wasn’t wrong about because each time her center dragged against his leg, it wasn’t hard to notice the wetness she left behind.
“Ko-kun, should I just get myself off like this and leave you handcuffed until the morning?” Y/N asked wickedly.
“Don’t you dare-,” he started but let out a yelp when she pinched his inner thigh.
“Don’t be rude! I was just kidding, but I might do it for real,” she warned as she aggressively humped his thigh.
“F-fuck! Fuck!”
Oh god, he definitely felt the fluid dripping down from her cunt now. Bokuto could even hear the wet squelching sounds as she slid back and forth.
“Ko-kun, I wanna ride your face,” Y/N panted.
Bokuto’s eyes lit up, and he replied, “Are you going to uncuff me?”
“Nah, I think you’ll do fine just like this.” She didn’t say anything more as she leisurely crawled up his body.
Usually, he would have held onto her thighs while she sat on his face. But now, he could not do much once he caught a whiff of Y/N’s distinct scent. When her pussy was near enough, he licked the puffy clit that stood out so readily. Perhaps that was all the encouragement she needed because soon Y/N was aggressively shoving herself into his face.
“That’s it. Lick it all up. Don’t let a single drop go to waste,” she cried out while simultaneously pulling his hair.
He could barely breathe from her cushy thighs and the way her hands purposely kept him in one place. But god Bokuto loved it whenever she got like this. He could tell from her unsteady movement and the heavy breathing, Y/N was close. Laying his tongue flat, he licked from top to bottom and finally inserting the tongue inside her cunt. She lost her mind, convulsing uncontrollably.
“Fuck me! I-I’m going to cum.”
Y/N started enthusiastically grinding, and suddenly, an outpour of watery fluid started running down his cheeks. Her soft moans escalated to piercing screams before yielding to the spellbinding ecstasy.  Bokuto helped her ride it out by slowly sucking on her clit.
“Ko-kun, stop... Too much,” Y/N whimpered, pushing his face away from her overwhelmed pussy.
She scooted back a few inches and collapsed on top of his chest, trying to recuperate from her intense orgasm.
“Y/N, how did I do? Tell me.”
“Yeah, you were amazing. You were such a good boy.”
He felt lighthearted and incredible despite his erection still being prominent to the point of almost being painful.
Bokuto attempted to turn Y/N on her side so he could enter from that angle, but the handcuffs once again stopped him. He turned wide-eyed, totally forgetting about the cuffs attached to the headboard.
“Y/N help me out here,” he asked, kissing her sweaty hair.
She snapped out of her exhaustion to grab a pair of small keys on the nightstand. Y/N soon freed his hands, and he noticed his wrists were red from the metal straining against his skin.
Bokuto positioned Y/N in such a way that she lay on her side but was facing him. Her bangs were damp with sweat and stuck to her forehead. Still, she was visibly glowing, just like she always does after their sessions.
“My turn, ok?” he murmured, leaving love bites on her humid neck.
Sliding one leg in between her legs, he then encouraged Y/N to encircle his hip over the leg he just slid in.
Now Bokuto could easily clutch her firm butt while kissing her lips. With an erection that was now beginning to purple, he decided he had waited enough. With one swift nudge, her sopping entrance gave away to his cock.
“So good. I—” she stuttered as he hammered away. “Yes. So good.”
Y/N tucked her face away in his neck.
“You’re doing amazing. Keep going just like that, babe.”
His breath hitched at the ongoing praises, Bokuto’s skin becoming more heated by the second. His heartbeat racing out of control and tingles resonating down his back.
“I’m close. Gonna cum,” he groaned.
With a sensation that started at the base of his length before it coursed throughout his entire cock, the closer he got. Then as Bokuto got to the point of no return, he could no longer contain the inevitable release. He couldn’t control himself as his eyes shut and his body started shaking. He almost wished he could recount the entire experience, but Bokuto himself had blacked out right after he spilled inside of her.
He later would open his eyes to his body still on the side and entangled with Y/N. The deep-seated satisfaction from knowing he ejaculated inside of her left him bone-tired but rejuvenated at the same time. In no way were they ready for a pregnancy but god damn it if the thought didn’t leave him content beyond comprehension.  
Bokuto snapped out of his flashback to Hinata, still looking at him expectantly.
And with a smirk that was uncharacteristic of him, Bokuto said, “Let’s just say I have a girlfriend who’s been taking real good care of me before each game.”
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
You Confess While Drunk//ATEEZ
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(A/N: I’ve been binge watching anything and everything NCT related for the past few days. Someone save me 😭 Also, this is super unedited because it’s so L O N G and I’m exhausted lol)
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Hongjoong didn’t stop you from taking another swig from the bottle of vodka you had saved from your birthday party over a month ago, he also didn’t stop you from lying your head in his lap as you sobbed loudly on your sofa. Why? Because once he stopped you, what could he possibly do?
Your boyfriend of a year cheated on you and you made the hard decision of breaking up with him, leaving you in a position you’ve been desperately avoiding for so long. You hated being lonely, you dreaded it, being left with the harsh thoughts that you were unwanted, unlovable and, based on the relationships you’ve had in the past 3 years, those thoughts were growing true.
But Hongjoong knew you and your thoughts were wrong. You were in the wrong for crying over someone that didn’t deserve you, and your thoughts were just years of anxiety that built up and finally found a way to consume you. His heart broke every time he found himself in this position: stroking your hair as you drunkenly questioned him on why you couldn’t find the perfect guy. He hated it. But you were slowly starting to hate him more.
But not really. You were only growing more desperate for him.
You used your free hand to hold yourself up and glared at him through your tears, your eyes puffy and red as you sniffled, setting the half empty bottle onto the ground.
“This is all your fault!” Hongjoong stared at you with wide eyes, prepared to retaliate but you continued on your tirade.
“I’ve been waiting for you for so long! And you just ignore me, and treat me like I’m just your best friend, when we both know we’re more than that!” A choked sob escaped your lips as you rested your forehead against his shoulder, knowing you were too emotional and drunk to be doing this, but you couldn’t stop it.
“You say you hate seeing me like this, but you never take the hints that I give you and I…. I just want you to love me the way I love you.”
This situation was unusual for Hongjoong, usually having at least something to say to ease your dejection. But he was silent. The real reason behind your disdain started and continued because of him, more tears spilling from you than usual as you both took in the fact that you were finally honest with your emotions, with Hongjoong, and yourself.
He didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around you, taking in the moment and your words, his heart aching with each beat as he tried to figure out how you haven’t noticed him being by your side all these years, aiding you through each break up and rebound as if it were nothing. Giving you overall care and companionship was his own silent confession. You both so oblivious to each other’s advances, yet so obvious about your love for one another.
Seonghwa Seonghwa was not holding back his anger as he held you by the arm, practically dragging your drunken form from the restaurant as you squirmed in his grasp, your free arm swinging at him in an attempt to release yourself.
“Get OFF, you fucking nerd.” You groaned, eyes glancing to the sweater vest he wore and chuckling to yourself. He really did dress like a dad sometimes.
He ignored you as he made his way to his car, placing you in front of the hood to balance yourself so that he no longer had to hold you. His gaze was fierce, piercing into your soul as he tried to determine where he should start in explaining how you ruined this night.
You were the one who invited all of your mutual friend’s out to dinner, saying you missed the get-togethers you had, only to order five cocktails and swear at your former roommate and high school friend, Miyeon. Seonghwa didn’t know what had gotten into you, barking out insults and telling her to keep her hands away from him, his only option to drag you out before it escalated into something violent. And what seemed like a happy reunion turned into an utter disaster, and he was pissed.
“Can you explain to me what the hell you were doing back there?” He asked, trying to sound calm but his heavy breathing and burning stare were a dead giveaway to his rage.
You ignored it though, matching his fury with your own as you leaned against his vehicle, glaring at him as if you were intimidating, but really looked even more drunk than you truly were.
“Don’t get mad at me! She knows what she did wrong! She should be the one getting yelled at!”
“She’s not the one that got drunk and tried to attack you!”
“But she’s the one that kept touching you knowing I called dibs!”
He stared at you as if you were an absolute idiot, or psychopath at that, his hands raking through his hair as he tried to make sense of your behavior.
“’Dibs’? What are you, five?”
“I told her in high school that I wanted you, and she even asked me when I texted her the other day if I still had a thing for you and I said yes! Then she sits there and touches you, and you’re laughing with her like she’s the best thing in the world! Well, why don’t you do that with me?”
Your rambling swirled in his head, his brain picking it apart before a simple conclusion was made: you were jealous. And as much as Seonghwa wanted to remain upset with you, he found the situation suddenly amusing, holding back a smirk as he approached you.
“So you got jealous of her and decided it’d be smart to act out in public?” You only rolled your eyes to look away from him, gasping at the feeling of his thumb and forefinger grasping your chin, turning your head to face him, his eyes swimming with amusement.
“I could laugh with you like that, especially knowing we feel the same about each other, but you’re gonna have to learn to behave.” The words alone made you gulp, a breath you didn’t realize you were holding escaping your lips as he finally released you, stepping back with a wide smile.
“Let’s go apologize and tell her I’m taken.”
The boys looked up from ‘Harry Potter’ playing on their television as the front door opened, eyes falling out Yunho carrying you bridal style through the living room. You didn’t look alive, but the way your face scrunched in annoyance of being moved around was enough proof you weren’t dead, but that still didn’t explain why the giant brought you back to the dorm of all places.
“They drank too much at their office party and asked me to pick them up. And they wouldn’t stop whining when I said I was taking them home so I just brought them here for the night.” His explanation was wordy, Seonghwa sighing in exasperation as he rubbed his temples before looking to the younger male.
“You were drinking too, weren’t you?”
“N-no! I swear!” Yunho said in a panic, not enjoying the way their eyes bore into him.
They had planned to have a movie night, finally having some time to relax now that their tour was over, and as much as they adored you, you were ruining this night for them.
“I’m just going to put them in my bed and I’ll come back. I promise.” Yunho rushed out, San calling out a loud ‘hurry up’ as the older boy eased further into the dorm.
He easily found his bedroom, trying to make as little noise and movements as possible to keep you asleep, but you weren’t asleep. You felt your body press onto cold sheets before a thick blanket covered your body, your hand reaching for the one that was attempting to tuck you in.
“Please stay with me.” You murmured, Yunho conflicted as to what to do.
He didn’t want to leave you, but he already kept his promise to the boys, his body growing hot as the gears turned in his head for who he had to be there for. But as soon as your hooded eyes opened, staring into his with a cute and desperate gaze, the boys were an afterthought. Yunho hastily got beneath the blankets, your body moving further into his warmth as your arms wrapped around his torso, slowly but surely preparing yourself for sleep.
“Why did you want me to stay with you so badly?” The vibrations from his chest made you stir but your eyes remained closed, honestly and absentmindedly responding to him.
“I always want you with me, being in love makes you that way. But, even if it’s not romantic, that’s fine. I just need you by my side.”
A strange flutter emerged from his chest, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip to hide his smile. Your words were so simple yet made his body shiver with excitement, knowing that you wanted him in the same way he wanted you, or at least from what he interpreted from this moment.
His lips gently pressed to your forehead, your head tilting back as you tried to find his lips with yours, both of you so close until the bedroom door slammed open, San rushing in and standing above you both with a stern look.
“I told you to hurry.” He said while grabbing the tall boy’s arm, yanking him from beneath his blanket to drag him to the living room.
Yunho was about to protest that you needed him to stay with you, but you were sound asleep, Yunho no longer having an excuse for the night.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble that was caused tonight.” Yeosang apologized to each of your parents once more, bowing profusely whilst still holding you in his arms, an arm slung around your waist as your own draped over his neck, your eyes shut as you wanted to do nothing more than sleep.
Your parents invited you both to dinner, mainly because they missed Yeosang, but also enjoyed the fact you both were still close friends, prompting them to also invite Yeosang’s parents in order to reminisce. And despite you and Yeosang being so close, friends is all they assumed you’d ever be, causing them to question when you’ll find someone of your own, not realizing that that someone was your childhood best friend. One day, at least. You tried to ignore their comments by drowning yourself in various glasses of white wine, especially when they began to bring up the possibility of Yeosang dating other people, losing track of how many cups you had until you were nearly blackout drunk.
And here you were, slurring your speech as you made a slightly incoherent rant while dangling loosely from the poor boy’s arms, a quick goodbye leaving him as he “carried” you to his car. Once settled into his seat, he immediately started heading towards your apartment, listening to you groan at his side with your eyes still clamped shut.
“They want me to find someone so badly but they haven’t even considered that Yeosang might be good for me.” You grumbled, the first intelligible thing you’ve said in the past hour.
A smirk came onto his face hearing you speak about him as if he wasn’t the one driving you home, playing along and pretending he was some inner thought of yours.
“Really? What do you like about Yeosang?”
“He’s so pretty! And smart! And he does this really cute laugh whenever I try to talk to him about music but mess up the terms. He’s always been so nice to me too, even though I was a weirdo in middle school, but he didn’t mind. He always loved me for who I was.” You spoke with a soft smile, eyes still shut as your head pressed to the window, and a gentle smile on Yeosang’s own face before you started speaking again.
“But my parents are right. Yeosang is so great that he’ll find someone, and they’ll be a million times better than me and a million percent made for him and I can’t do anything about it.”
The mood grew melancholy, Yeosang ignoring your words to mentally argue with you, knowing you probably were drifting in and out of consciousness at this point and wouldn’t process a word he said, his face growing hot with frustration. You knew how much he loved you, but were too blind to see that he was in love with you. It was ironic, and a very (Y/n) thing to do, one of the things he loved about you. Another smile gracing his features as he peered over to you, watching you lazily shift in your seat to get comfortable. He couldn’t think of anyone in his life that would be a million percent perfect for him than you.
Although San was an idol, he never passed up your invitations to parties on your college campus, wearing clothes that were comfortable and helped him keep a low profile. But, being with you, there was no such thing as a low profile. Your clothes were flashy and personality loud and bubbly, everyone perking up at your presence once you arrived to the large fraternity house.
San spent the night dancing and drinking, mingling with a few people who were probably too out of it to remember who he was, which was good enough for him. You, on the other hand, went from showing off your bartending skills in the kitchen to pounding back shots with your “customers”, growing louder and giggly as you sloppily poured more. One of San’s biggest concerns was that you were a people pleaser, incapable of saying no and shyly agreeing to go along with whatever scheme they had in order to not have anyone hate you. It was a dangerous flaw you had in your normal life, and he was almost scared to think about what would happen now that you were extremely drunk.
He stepped away from the girl rambling about her boyfriend ditching her that night, heading towards the kitchen to see you lying on a counter, a collection of guys and a few girls finding the other ingredients they needed for body shots. If San knew you properly, he knew you weren’t comfortable at all. It was as if in an instant, you were being lifted and set on your unstable feet, listening to the outraged protest of the group that were prepping you as San guided you towards the more populated area of the house, making sure they didn’t follow you before pulling you close, his mouth by your ear as he swayed you both to the loud and upbeat music.
“Don’t go off with random people like that.” He muttered, finally moving away to see your face.
You could barely keep your eyes open but still managed to look at him in utter adoration, a lazy smile settling on your face.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, just stay by my side for the rest of the night, okay?” You nodded and continued to move your body with his, absentmindedly tangling your fingers together while keeping your eyes trained on him, his body shifting uncomfortably at your gaze before looking back at you.
Maybe you were misinterpreting the situation, but he was like some knight in your eyes. Rescuing you from a situation where you don’t remembering saying yes and couldn’t bring yourself to say no. He was always like this, protecting you and holding you close when he felt as if you were in danger. You probably were just projecting your own feelings but maybe, just maybe…
“I love you, San” You both froze at your words, his eyes wide as he began to process what you said.
“I- nevermind. Forget I said anything.” You muttered, averting your gaze as you mentally slapped yourself.
Your confession was so childish yet effective, San mentally battling with himself over if his next move would be wise or not. You were clearly drunk, but his body thought it was the right thing to do, his brain not having time to decipher what was going on before he pressed his lips to yours, hungrily but gently moving them in unison as he held your body close to his, the relief of waiting years to do this washing over both of you as you drowned in the kiss. Much to your dismay, he pulled away, a small but audible ‘I love you too’ leaving his lips in case his actions weren’t loud enough.
Mingi sat timidly on his bed hiding away from you, knowing you were still in the living room consuming your sixth beer. Or was it seven now? He couldn’t keep up at this point, but Mingi knew how you were when you were drunk. You were playful yet so rough, hitting him with the strength of a body builder despite your lighthearted behavior. But for some reason, you were rougher with him than others. He had a bruise forming on his shoulder where you punched him earlier after telling a joke.
So, he hid away, not wanting to face another punch or slap on the arm from someone who couldn’t control their own strength but, as he heard the bedroom door open with a whiny ‘Mingi’, he couldn’t help but cower away.
“Why did you leave me?” Your face appeared from the door, a bright blush on your cheeks as you pouted at him.
He sat upright to appear as if he wasn’t intimidated by you, despite the fact you waddled towards him cutely, plopping at his side and resting your head on his shoulder.
“I just needed some space.” He admitted, watching as you looked up at him with doe-like eyes.
“Did I do something wrong? Ooh! Did you wanna play hide and seek? You always loved hide and seek!” He flinched as your pitifulness returned to its original aggression, your fist making contact with his already aching arm before finally putting a stop to it.
You were a bit out of it as you watched him grab both your fist in his hands, turning to face you with a serious, but almost pleading, look.
“I know you’re not doing it on purpose, but your hits hurt. A-and I notice you’re rougher with me when you’re drunk, and I just want you to stop.” He confessed, your eyes dull from your intoxication but he could still make out the glimmer of sadness in them as you looked away.
“I just don’t know how to express my emotions properly.” Although Mingi’s wish for you to be gentle came true, it was almost scary not seeing your usual drunken grin.
“Just use your words.” He explained, waiting patiently as you slowly looked up to him, uncurling your fist until your palms rested in his.
“I like you. And, whenever I’m near you, I feel like an elementary student with their crush. Because when girls play with boys like that, it means they like them, right?” You could feel your face burning at the comparison, realizing you were ridiculous for your actions.
It was a strange sensation flowing through Mingi. It wasn’t embarrassment but he couldn’t bring himself to look at you, nor was it fear as his mind raced with endless possibilities to reciprocate your feelings. He was at a loss for words though, unsure of what he should say or do to get rid of the sudden panic in your eyes as you realized what you’d done.
As you went to pull away, Mingi gently pulled your arms until you fell into him, your head colliding with his chest as he held you, letting out a content sigh. It wasn’t the first way he planned on accepting your feelings, but it was the most appropriate for the moment.
“Fucking fuck fuckity fuck,” You groaned as you slowly pushed yourself up from the mattress, your eyes squinting at the sun pouring in and all you wanted to do was die.
You shouldn’t have drank so much last night. Speaking of last night, you barely remembered what happened at all, or how you got home.
“Oh, great! You’re up!” You winced at Wooyoung’s booming voice, reaching out to slap him as you buried your head beneath your duvet.
“Why are you here?”
“I brought you home, silly.” He teased, grabbing the blanket from your grasp so you could see his grinning face.
“And based on that question, I’m guessing you don’t remember last night at all. Which is why I started recording you after your eight shot.”
Wooyoung grabbed his phone, sliding through various videos before finding the one he’s been replaying since 1AM. He hurriedly positioned himself under the blanket with you, pulling you into his side while pressing play, but the still alone, you leaning forward while standing on stage at the familiar karaoke bar, seemingly screaming into the mic, made your eyes go wide with the realization of what happened that night.
“I wanna do a song!” You slurred into the microphone, the KQ staff cheering you on as you tried to find a song to play, choosing the first one you recognized before straightening your body, the upbeat trot instrumental causing everyone to dance around.
“I just want you to know, this is dedicated to Jung Wooyoung!”
“Jung Wooyoung!” Everyone cheered back, no one seeming to care that they lyrics on the screen went by without you singing along.
“Why Wooyoung?” The man himself instigated from behind the camera, an amused smirk on his face while watching you stumble slightly, moving closer just in case he had to catch you.
He knew how you felt about him, just waiting for the day you finally said it out loud but, if this was as close as he’d get to a confession, he had to make sure you remembered it somehow, and what better way would that be than video documentation?
“Jung Wooyoung is sweet! And nice! And the only man I’ve ever loved! He takes care of me like no other! So, Jung Wooyoung,” You raised your free hand before bringing it down to point at nothing in particular.
“I love you!”
“I love you too!” He called back just before you began singing, laughing hysterically as it was a different song from the one chosen.
Your head was buried in the blanket, face hot with embarrassment as Wooyoung continued to rewind it to you professing your love for him, taunting you in your hungover state.
“This was a great way to start our relationship.”
You could hear the smile in his voice and, although you finally got the relationship you wanted, and finally knew he felt the same as you, you knew no amount of begging would make him delete that video.
Idols lived their lives under a microscope, society watching their every move to see their flaws and praise their perfections, even some of their perfections being criticized. It was a fear for most to slip up and do something reckless while in public. But you? You lived recklessly.
You had finally got your first music show win and invited all of the backup dancers and staff from KQ to join you for a celebration at a nearby bar, a few of the Ateez boys joining, more specifically Jongho. You were only recently of drinking age but he was with you the night of your birthday a month ago, watching you down ten shots easily before they hit you at once, his hands holding your hair back as you puked into a nearby trashcan. He wasn’t much of a drinker himself, so tonight he was playing the role of your guardian angel.
But you proved to be more of a challenge than he thought. You were dancing on tables while playfully beginning a strip tease, Jongho grabbing you and taking you from the intoxicated crowd. You were running off to talk to strangers, Jongho apologizing prolifically to the bar patrons. You were a walking tornado in his eyes. Yet for some reason, he loved you as is, even now as you laid in the booth with your face pressed to the table, signaling it was time for you both to go.
Everything from then was a blur, your eyes opening to see you were lying in bed, out of your original clothing and in your usual pajamas, a faint light from beside you causing to squint as it made the dizziness you felt worse. A silhouette appeared before turning the light off, slowly approaching you as you laid back in the bed, exhausted and disoriented.
“Hey. You alright?” Jongho’s familiar voice made you look up to him with a grin, something cotton-like and  wet touching your cheek.
“I’m just trying to get your makeup off so you can sleep.” He commented, paying close attention to make sure he didn’t miss a spot.
Once he finally wiped over your lips, you smirked playfully at him.
“Did you undress me too?” A faint pink dusted his face, glad he didn’t turn on the lights in your bedroom or else you’d see how flustered he was.
“Y-yeah. I thought you’d be more comfortable in that.”
“Did you like what you saw?” The way he froze made you laugh out loud, tossing your head back before placing a hand on the crown of his head.
“I’m kidding, but thank you. You’re always so sweet to me.” You commented, shutting your eyes and he began to scrub away your eyes shadow.
“What else are friends for?” He muttered, your lips pursing into a thin line.
“Friends keep you from doing dumb things when you drink. But boyfriends help you take off your makeup after a long day.” When he finally removed the makeup covered towelette from your eyes, you stared him down with no hesitation. You were just as bold drunk as you were sober.
Jongho swallowed hard as he struggled to find a response.
“W-what do you mean?”
“I mean, I want you to be my boyfriend.” You said plainly, your eyes trying hard to focus and meet his wide ones, your stomach turning with butterflies.
He was always so cute to you. Sure, he was mature and manly, but the way he squirmed under your bold statements, even simple compliments, made your heart beat faster, a brief moment of joy filling you as you daydreamed of the days you could be that open with him, shying away because of how cheesy you are rather than being the friend that unexpectedly hits on him. You dreamt of that day for years. But now was the only time you could think to act.
Jongho didn’t know what to say, clearing his throat as he stood, eyes hard while gaining the courage to respond.
“You should probably confess when you’re completely sober.”
“You’re right. I’m not sober at all, Jongho. Just a really competent drunk.” Your tone was sarcastic.
For a split second, he almost believed you were just tipsy, aware of everything you were doing and saying. But as he went to the bathroom to dispose of the wetwipe, he returned to you completely out cold, snoring like a bear in hibernation, his feelings swirling into confusion as he no longer knew what to believe.
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hecksupremechips · 4 years
Lgbt movies, musicals and shows
Hey y'all so Christmas is coming up and we're bored so I thought I'd compile a list of all the LGBT stuff that I've seen! This list definitely doesn't include everything there is to see, just what I've seen. Hopefully you can look at this and find something you like!
Note: some of these movies/shows I really love, some... not so much. I put how many stars (in my opinion) they get at the end of each title. If you like a movie I don't, good for you. Vise versa. If you want me to go more into depth about a particular movie or show and my opinion on it or possible content warnings, please leave a comment or an ask. I love talking about this stuff so I'd be more than happy to answer questions (as long as they're not weird or inappropriate).
Okay let's go
The following movies are on Netflix
The Half of It- a smart girl befriends a kind jock when he asks her to write love letters for his crush-also her crush. Asian Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
Handsome Devil- a socially awkward boy at an all-boys boarding school that worships rugby is horrified to find that his roommate is a talented rugby player. Gay protagonists. Four stars
Alex Strangelove- a teenage boy and his girlfriend plan to have sex for the first time, but he questions his sexuality when he befriends a gay guy. Gay protagonist. One star
A New York Christmas Wedding- a woman gets to see a version of her life where she gets to marry her childhood best friend. Also it's Christmas. Lesbian/bi protagonist. Four stars
Moonlight- shows the three stages of the protagonist's life: his childhood and his relationship with his father figure, his teens and his relationship with his childhood friend, and his adult life. Gay Black protagonist. Five stars
Saturday Church- a teen questioning their gender forms a familial relationship with trans women after the death of his father. Queer, implied trans Black protagonist
Yes or No- a traditional girl starting college is horrified to find out her roommate is a butch lesbian. Asian lesbian protagonists, background bi girl character. Three stars
Disclosure- a documentary discussing the history of trans representation and its impact on trans people and society. Many trans actors are in it. Five stars
Other People- a man moves back in with his family to help his mother with cancer. Gay protagonist. One star
Freak Show- a new boy at school makes a reputation for himself by dressing in outlandish costumes. Gay protagonist. One star
Straight Up- a man with OCD who identified as gay begins to question his sexuality and forms a complex relationship with a woman. Queer Asian protagonist
These movies are not on Netflix. They might be found elsewhere, but I am unsure
Booksmart- two best friends who spent all of high school making good grades decide to spend the night before graduation partying. Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
But I'm a Cheerleader- a girl is sent to a conversion camp when her friends and family fear she's a lesbian. Note: the camp is treated very jokingly so it's not a terrifying/completely accurate portrayal. Lesbian protagonist, background gay men and lesbian characters. Four stars
Love, Simon- we all know it I assume. A closeted teenage boy befriends another closeted kid at his school and he is threatened to be outed to the whole school. Gay protagonist. Three stars
The Way He Looks- a blind teenage boy dreams to study abroad to prove himself and he begins to catch feelings for the new kid at school. Queer male protagonist. Four stars.
Boy Erased- a memoir telling the story of the time a gay teen spent at conversion therapy. CW: this movie is very dark and definitely do not watch it if you are triggered by sexual assault, suicide, and aggressive homophobia. Gay protagonist. Three stars
The Miseducation of Cameron Post- a lesbian is sent to a conversion camp where she befriends two outcasts who rebel against the Christian ideologies of the camp. CW: this movie does make fun of conversion therapy and has many lighter moments, but it still has dark content like aggressive homophobia and self harm. Lesbian protagonist, background queer and trans characters. Three stars
Hidden Kisses- a new kid faces bullying when a picture of him kissing another guy gets posted online at a party. CW: this movie doesn't seem to be for LGBT people at all. It's a lot of oppression porn. That's the movie. Gay protagonist. One star
GBF- a gay kid gets outed and becomes the "GBF" of the popular girls at school. Gay protagonist. One star
Falsettos- a man name Marvin goes through a terrible divorce after being discovered as gay, but he tries to keep his ex, child, and boyfriend all in one family. Gay protagonist, background lesbian characters. Five stars
Fun Home- a musical based on Alison Bechdel's coming out memoir following her life as a college student coming out and her relationship with her secretly gay father. CW: while this musical is very fun and lighthearted, there is suicide, implied pedophilia, and verbal abuse. Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
Spies are Forever- an American spy in the 50-60s struggles to work again after the death of his lover. Gay protagonist. Four stars
I'll give a description of the show and then of the representation in it
Trinkets- a girl at a new school forms an unlikely friendship with two other girls at a shoplifters anonymous meeting. The main character is a lesbian and forms a relationship with another girl. Lesbian protagonist. Two stars
Special- a man with cerebral palsy lies about his condition to his new coworkers, saying he was in a car accident. Gay protagonist. One star
She-Ra- we know this one mate. A girl from an evil group discovers a sword that can turn her into a powerful princess. There's a large amount of LGBT characters so you won't be disappointed. Five stars
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts- a girl named Kipo finds herself on the surface surrounded by strange creatures called mutes. One of the characters is a gay black boy and he actually has a coming out scene where he says the word gay. All the main (human) characters are black or mixed as well. Five stars
Pose- a woman named Blanca takes in a homeless gay boy, a trans sex worker, and a former drug dealer to form a family and walk in balls. This show has great representation of trans women of color as well as queer men of color. Five stars
Twelve Forever- a young girl travels to the fictional land known as Endless to escape her fears of growing up. She is shown having crushes on girls and you can possibly also hc her as trans. Four stars
Steven Universe- we also know this one y'all. A half- human half-gem boy named Steven defends his town and the universe with the help of the crystal gems. Many LGBT characters, primarily wlw. Four stars
Never Have I Ever- a teenage girl tries to fix her reputation after the death of her father by becoming more aquatinted with the most popular guy in school. One of her friends has a coming out arc where she realizes she's a lesbian. It also has a very diverse cast and age appropriate actors. Five stars
One Day at a Time- a sitcom about a single Cuban mother and former veteran trying to juggle her family, job, and love life. Her daughter Elena has a coming out arc in the first season and dates a nonbinary character later in the show. Five stars
Queer Eye- a reality TV show about five gay men helping people get their shit together. We know this one. Five stars
That's about all I can think of. If anyone has any additional movies/shows they like, feel free to add! I am always desperate for more representation, specifically trans representation and some bi male rep. Have a gay ass Christmas you funky lil shits 🤡🤡🤡🌈
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snarkwrites · 4 years
-- masterlist -- archived, 2020
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single fandom I’ve written for so far. If [mature] or [suggestive] is present in the title/post, 18+ only. If you’re looin for y/n here, you won’t really  find it. I prefer to use oc’s in writing most of the time because it’s easier for me.
** the titles in bold and not linked I either haven’t written or I’ve lost the link for. jsyk. I do that so that when/if I get around to writing something, it’s already got a place. It’s weird, I’m weird.**
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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--𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ 1984 ]
 xavier plympton - cherry popped | spring | mature.
[ Miami ]
eric delko - tba | fall/winter | mature.
tim speedle - perfect | spring | mature.
[ Vegas ]
greg sanders - tba | fall/winter | mature.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Avengers ]
bucky barnes - slippery when wet | winter | mature.
captain america - choke me | winter | suggestive.
pietro maximoff - faster, baby | spring | mature.
[ Guardians Of The Galaxy ] 
starlord - eat me | spring | mature.
[ Venom ]
eddie brock - milf isn’t a bad word | spring | mature.
-- ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕝𝕖
archie andrews - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jughead jones - tba | summer/fall | mature.
reggie mantle - yours  | summer | mature.
sweet pea - selfish | summer | mature.
--𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - needed me | spring | mature.
--𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jonathan byers - surrender | summer | mature.
steve harrington - wet | summer | mature.
steve harrington - disaster | summer | mature.
dean winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
kevin tran - tba | fall / winter | suggestive.
sam winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
embry call - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jacob black - found you | spring | mature.
paul lahote - tba | summer/fall | mature.
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-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
matt saracen, remember you young by thomas rhett | angst & fluff / reunion
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
jonathan byers, i think i love you | fluff. two best friends admitting their feelings for each other. an au take on my oc pairing with Steve Harrington, so an au of an au oops rip.
steve harrington, blindsided | fluff and awkward cute first kisses,ftw.
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-- 𝟙𝟚 ℝ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝟛: 𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟
jon shaw - galentines / be my valentine - ex lovers, drinking tw, intense fluff.
-- 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ Apocalypse ]
michael langdon - moon dance - a witch and her dance under the moon captivates Michael Langdon. sexual tension, ftw.
-- 𝔸𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Legends Of Tomorrow ]
ray palmer - back where you came from - time travel, mutual crushes
ray palmer - bachlorette party gone wrong or right - flirty first meeting at a bachelor party
ray palmer - villainesses want heroes - a good guy with a bad girl? more likely than you think. 
-- ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕔𝕜
 dennis zalewski - photo booth montage - angst / hurt comfort, major character death & mourning, ghosts.
the kid / henry deaver - you were different - alternate universe personas reunite, intense makeout ensues.
--𝔻ℂ ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Suicide Squad ] 
captain boomerang - expecting someone taller - first date / blind date.
-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
 landry clarke - if i only had a brain | someday my prince will come - tutor turned friend turned crush. kissing and stuff.
tim riggins - wedding bell blues | so this is love - a wedding brings two people closer and the end result is Riggins, settling down.
tim riggins - voice like honey - tim flirting with a new girl in Dillon? the chances are more likely than you think.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Avengers ] 
bucky barnes - girls,girls,girls - bucky’s omega likes to dance. and to offer herself up as bait. bucky doesn’t like this... intense heated conversation ensues.
captain america - no selfies in the bathroom please? - oh, nothing but Steve Rogers and an OC flirting over the phone. Innuendo towards the end if you squint.
[ Punisher]
 frank castle - patient of the week - patching up Frank isn’t the only thing she longs to do. A kiss is shared.
-- 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤
lip gallagher - wedding crasher | the nanny and the professor - lip and his girl and their ups and downs. They go from him crashing her wedding drunk to the two having a night of domestic bliss.. and a kid. mildly suggestive the second part is.
-- 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - crow flies | rough rider | treat you as good as my leather - snippets from the relationship between juice and my OC, Hazel Teller.
juice ortiz - glass houses | throwing stones - more from relationship between Juice Ortiz and Hazel Teller, tbh. 
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - let the days go by - flashbacks to a first meeting as an OC mourns Billy’s supposed death post S3.
jonathan byers - should’ve been a better shot - Tommy H’s girlfriend (not Carol, an oc) is getting more than a little sick of being Tommy’s property. Kissing Jonathan Byers seems like a good way to end that and to let jonathan know that she likes him a lot. Fluff/humor, warnings of Tommy H being his usual asshole douchenozzle self.
steve harrington - glass houses | throwing stones, this is set in the now main au timeline I have for Steve Harrington and my original character Charlotte Granger.
-- 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕝
crowley - the witching hour - just a father/daughter heart to heart with Poppy. family bonding ftw. [ goes with pop goes my heart tangentially]
dean winchester - pop goes my heart - poppy gets under his skin in all the wrong ways AND all the right ones. 
dean winchester - gingerbread family - the boys find themselves waking up to Christmas as a totally normal family. How will they react to the things they find themselves able to do at last?
sam winchester - heaven knows - his guardian angel only wanted to protect him. now she’s been banished to earth and she’s mortal. and they wind up flirting / getting closer.
sam winchester - candy apple kisses | gingerbread family - sam never forgot about her. maybe that’s why as a result of a wish he and dean may or may not have both made, he wakes up to find himself married to her.
-- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕
[ The following ones are all part of this huuuuge everchanging universe/storyline that I have with BOTH men, for my OC Evie. In some, she’s with Daryl, in others, Shane. They’re all wildly canon divergent and all over the place, lmao.]
daryl dixon - watch the world burn [married au] | a vision from a sugarplum fairy | garden by the sea  - a series of alternate takes / twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Daryl Dixon.
shane walsh - scream queen [reunited lovers au] | sweet morning rose | you and your high horse - a series of alternate takes/twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Shane Walsh.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
jacob black, one day more, angst | 
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-- ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕤
derek morgan x -being roommates with | 
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
sam wilson / falcon x - dating falcon | 
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tim speedle [ d m y ] | [ b o u ] | [ c e k ] | j w x | l f | 
kylo ren [ k l r ] | 
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CSI: Las Vegas;
t r o u b l e | greg sanders x Sidle!Sibling OFC, Belle | genres : suspense/action, romance / fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one | two | three pt1| three pt2 | four | five | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, attempted murder tw, murder mentions / crime mentions tw, eventual smut/sexual content tw, [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
m i n e | tim speedle x former lover!OFC, Sylvie | genres : suspense/action, romance/fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one two pt 1 two pt 2 three three pt 2 ] | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, crime / stalker tw, other themes and eventual smut/sexual content tw, [discontinued to be rewritten]
gangsta | sweetpea x Andrews!SiblingOFC, Alyssa | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, romance, slow burn | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten- eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut.. your typical high school overdramatic bs. Bit of an au because I only plan to loosely follow the series. | [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
Sons Of Anarchy;
home | juice ortiz x Teller!OFC, Hazelynn | genres: action / suspense, hurt/comfort, angst, slow burn, romance, smut | chapters: one - two - three - | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, heavy sexual tension, violence and other adult themes, alcohol / drugs / illegal activities, sex worker ofc tw, sexual content eventually | [ being rewritten to be reposted soonish ]
Stranger Things;
upside down | steve harrington x OFC, Jenny | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, friendship, fluff, action, | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut... your typical high school drama + science fiction-y type misadventures,lmaoo. | [discontinued to be rewritten]
58 notes · View notes
peppusae · 4 years
[kth] lavender honey ch. 8
note: this fanfic has multiple chapters, so please look forward to more!
lavender honey: kim taehyung x reader
genre: crack, fluff, college au, smut
word count: 3.6k words
lavender honey
ch 8: in which taehyung makes minji choose voilence, while jungkook makes her strip for him.
“My… my chances are rare, hyung. I might want to hold tight, the person I like, but... I can’t. Not when things are going well for her with the person she likes. I don’t want to be the person that ruins things for the one person I have the hardest time staying away from, you know?”
The person Taehyung likes?
You suddenly think about the time when you had come home and Namjoon was doing some revisions on a song Taehyung had written, about a girl. Back then, you thought he might have had too much strawberry milk and gotten emo enough to write some good shit for his assignment.
But hearing his words, you realize that he was genuine about what he was saying back then, and it makes your heart hurt a bit.
Who did Taehyung like?
Your heart hurts more as you listen to your brother’s sad little ‘oh’ in response.
Clearly, Namjoon isn’t the one you should be going to for advice.
Taehyung, for one, doesn’t seem to care.
“Like, what if Jin-hyung started dating a friend of yours? You would be sad, right, Hyung?”
“Well…. Yes, I would.”
“And if you find out that it’s someone close to you, that’s going to be even sadder, right?”
There is a moment of silence and you start to feel guilty about eavesdropping, so you decide to go downstairs to create some kind of ruckus so the two would know you were home and close the door, at the very least.
Before you’re able to go downstairs, you can hear Namjoon asking the very question bubbling in your head.
“The person you like is dating someone close to you?”
You’re not sure why, but you’re glad you didn’t wait to hear what he had to say.
“So. I need to survive another day with you, huh?”
Taehyung greets you the next day, and his words and actions don’t match at all, because he's holding out a cup of iced coffee for you as he takes his seat behind the library counter.
“I’m trying to finish the assignment we have due on Friday.”
“Oh? You still have a whole week for it, though.”
You open up a new tab on Google, trying to find more sites for citing purposes. “If it’s okay with you, I want to go collect the books on Friday after classes. We finish early on Fridays, remember?”
Taehyung raises an eyebrow, and it’s probably the gray shirt he has on that makes him look really, really attractively confused.
What in heckles is that even.
How does someone look attractive while they’re confused?
Library duty is kinda scary, it makes you find out more stuff about the male that you need to make points for the essay you’ll be collaborating with Seokjin; about all the other-worldly features of Kim Taehyung.
It’s either the shirt, or Minji is just extra horny today.
You decide that the former is a better option, so you go back to your laptop.
“We can go on Friday. We have to go to Daegu, Gwangju, and Busan too, right? We obviously can’t finish the entire trip in a day, so we have to stay the night-”
“We’ll stay at Daegu. At my house.”
That’s kinda weird of him to say that out of nowhere, but you decide that he might just want the excuse to hang out with his family.
You give him an ok sign, and you find yourself smiling a little when you find him pulling out the same assignment sheet you’re working on, from his backpack, and then starting his own work as well.
A little before the borrowing time ends, students line up to take the books they are interested in, so you and Taehyung get a little busy. When the announcement for the end of the borrowing time is announced (in Taehyung’s ridiculously deep voice), you two decide to stay back at the library to finish your assignment before going home.
In fact, you are actually so immersed in finishing your task, that you don’t notice the time until someone taps your shoulder and you find Namjoon, a smiling Jungkook standing beside him.
“Hi, Noonim!”
Jungkook actually does try hard not to call you that when the others are around, but habits are habits, and you’re glad Namjoon and Taehyung don’t make a big deal out of it anymore.
“We’re all going out to eat, Hoseokie-hyung is giving a treat because it’s his birthday! We gotta eat as much meat as we can!” Jungkook announces happily, looking at you with a big grin. You give him a smile, glancing at Taehyung who has closed the lid of his laptop as soon as the two arrived.
“I think we’ve done a lot of work for one day, right? Let’s go?”
“What do you mean, for one day? I’ve finished my assignment.”
You stare at Taehyung in disbelief.
“The fuck?”
“Oh shit.” Namjoon says, making you glare at him. Only when you see Jungkook’s slightly bewildered face, do you realise you’ve probably cursed for the first time in front of the younger boy, and it makes your face heat up while you turn back to face Taehyung.
“How did you finish it so fast? And why are you staying here if you’re already done?”
“I’m an amazing guy, [Name]-ah. You need to give me a fuckton more of credit.” He has to say, cooly picking up his belongings and throwing them all into one big salad bowl (aka his hugeass backpack). “You weren’t done, so I was waiting for you.”
While Namjoon and Jungkook head outside and Taehyung follows you after you pack your belongings, you ask him how long it has been since he’s finished his work.
“I think, 2 hours, maybe?”
“Why the fuck,” you hiss, “Did you not go home?!”
Taehyung looks a bit annoyed right about now, and you want to yell because how dare he have the audacity to look annoyed?!!!
“Like I said, I was waiting for you!” He yells, this time making Namjoon and Jungkook who are walking ahead of you also, to turn around to look at Taehyung. When he sees the two looking at him, Taehyung takes a deep breath and glances at you.
“Leave me alone and go with your little boyfriend.”
Then, he storms off, and Jungkook looks as blank as you feel like, and you don’t know how long you’d have stayed, watching Taehyung walk through the length of the hallway and disappear if Namjoon did not snap you out of your trance and asked you to hurry up.
Who pulled Kim Taehyung’s panties into a wad today?
Taehyung colors his hair black for the next day.
It’s so out of the blue, and the incessant way everyone makes a big deal out of it seems a bit understandable.
It really isn’t fair, how good the guy looks.
Yoongi hasn’t even finished that song he says he’s writing about a really stupidly attractive man, yet, and it isn’t fair because you really could use a listen to that song right about now.
Even while Jungkook - a really hot kid - sits right beside you, you can’t help but just stare in awe because honestly, there is nothing - human or extra-terrestrial creature included - that could beat the beauty and attractiveness that is Kim Taehyung.
Minji is shaking her head because a) How dare you say two words like  ‘hot kid’ that should never be even put together in the first place, b) Because Jungkook and you are dating, right? Or is it pre-dating? Does that exist? Wait a second-
“Noonim, I’m going with Jimin-hyung and Taetae-hyung to the arcade after classes are over,” he says, “Can we go on that date I mentioned tomorrow, instead?”
“What date?” Seokjin butts in out of nowhere, in the middle of taking a bite out of his grapefruit tart. “Is this why you asked me to stay out of the house until late at night tomorrow?!”
Seokjin, obviously, is a meathead, and a really dumb one, at that.
Multiple things happen at once.
The first one is Jungkook standing up from his seat so fast that he almost spills the bean sprout broth bowl on his tray.
The second one is all eyes turning to Seokjin, which in turn, makes the elder male’s ears turn bright red and him starting to mumble nonsense to himself like a lunatic.
The third one is Jungkook getting off from the bench and dragging Seokjin away from the lunch table, all while Hoseok, Hani, and Hyojin seem to be enjoying the entire ruckus.
Only when you glance at Namjoon do you remember that Jungkook had mentioned he has a roommate… and that roommate was Seokjin, himself.
“You’ve started doing what with Jungkookie now?”
“Shut up! He just asked me to go see his animations and paintings, what are you talking about, Namjoonie?!” You protest, eyes turning to Taehyung, who runs a hand through his hair, takes a final sip of his cola, and then heads out of the cafeteria - a pastel pink-haired Jimin running after him.
Namjoon blinks, and then continues to eat his food, much like Yoongi who sees and hears nothing because of the radio show he’s busily listening to while he gobbles up his lunch.
If only everyone was like Min Yoongi.
It’s ten minutes later when both Seokjin and Jungkook return, the younger one apologizing to you like crazy, even when Jimin comes back a while later, saying Taehyung had some assignment to complete beforehand.
“I don’t know about you guys, but didn’t I bet these two will get it on within a month?”
Apparently, Seokjin doesn’t know when to shut up, and you’re very glad Namjoon has already left by then and that Hoseok does the honor of punching the elder male in the back for spewing nonsense - which he claims is the truth.
This is going to be a long day.
You’re driving to college the next day with Namjoon only, for the first time in what feels like ages.
You’d been dreading questions about Jungkook that he might have, but it isn’t about the date you’ll be going on after classes today that worries Namjoon, but something else, entirely.
“My precious sister. We did promise that we would share our secrets with each other, did we not?”
“We did, my precious brother.” You play along, watching the little koala keychain hanging from the mirror inside the car.
“I am not going to question you about why or what you’re going to do with Jungkookie, that’s none of my business,” he starts. You shake your head, mouthing ‘It is, Namjoonie’, which makes your brother smile a little.
“Thank you. I’m not going to question it, because I know my sister well and I trust my little sister. What I’m only going to question is one thing. Are you sure of the choices you’ve made, till now?”
“What do you mean, Joonie?”
You watch as he scratches his head a little, not saying anything for a while as he steers along a few curves and stops at a red light.
“I’ve noticed that your thoughts have been wandering a lot recently.” He points out.
“I don’t get what you mean.”
“What I mean is, your mind seems like it’s always somewhere else, and that has not been the case when you first started going out with Jungkook.”
Has Namjoon been watching over you enough to notice that your mind always wanders all around the place, eventually landing on some stupid thought of Taehyung, in the end?
“It seems to me like you’re not really in love with Jungkookie, but someone else.”
You could swear you felt chills run down your spine because of the absolute bingo he had managed to make; Namjoon had a high IQ for a reason, that you realize then.
You manage to chuckle, shaking your head and waving it off. “That’s ridiculous, Joon-ah, I had a crush on Jungkook ever since we got introduced to each other by Jiminie.”
Namjoon doesn’t say anything, as if he doesn’t believe you - but this was the truth, even if your fraying thoughts only began much much later after that.
Perhaps it’s because you’ve arrived at the parking lot at college, that Namjoon decides to drop the subject, giving you a nod in response.
“Well. It turns out Kookie also liked you since back then. You’re my sister and I just want you to be happy, with whoever.”
It moves you, hearing that. You know that it must have been hard on Namjoon who not only finds out things easily, but over analyzes things he finds as well. It makes you smile, going around to Namjoon’s side of the car when he gets out after parking, and then giving him a big hug, right in the middle of the parking lot.
“Yah, Kim [Name]-ah, what are you doing?!”
“You don’t have to worry about Jinnie wondering if there’s something between us, he knows we’re siblings now!” You say, giving him a wave and running inside the campus before he can say anything else.
“And that’s the project I’m working on right now, Noonim!”
You can’t help but to give a big grin to the boy who looks very pleased with your positive reaction after he showed his animation work. Jungkook really wasn’t called the Golden Maknae for no reason, his animations were realistic and flawless, at least from your - a complete amateur’s - point of view. After you say this, Jungkook laughs, thanking you and saying that that is a very lovely compliment to receive considering most of the people who would consume whatever he produces would also be amateurs too, in the end.
His literal statement makes you laugh, and you enjoy the time with the male, your mind definitely not wandering as much as it did on your previous date. You’re glad it doesn’t, and you enjoy eating chocolate pudding and having the banana milk Jungkook prepared for you, while you go through all the lovely paintings and digital art the male had created.
“By the way, Noonim, can you take a seat over there?” He asks, pointing at the center of his bed. Minji has started to strip out of nowhere, and when you glance at Jungkook with wide eyes, you’re very surprised to see that he has taken a digital camera.
So he wants to take a picture of me sitting on the bed, not to start-
Okay, Minji, you need to get a toy or something because you’re being way too horny and there’s no other way we can calm you down.
You find yourself awkwardly waddling and taking a seat at the center of Jungkook’s bed - and gosh does it smell like a very boyish citrus over here - allowing the male to take a few pictures of you which he wanted.
“Okay, I got them. I can’t wait to start drawing you!!” He says, much like a little kid, and it makes your heart swell, holding your hand out towards him and watching him raise a surprised eyebrow, doe eyes wide while he slowly walks up to you. You can tell he is nervous by the way his ears have become a little red, and the fact that he had dimmed the lights and turned on a warm light for your picture does not help.
You give a smile, watching him place his camera on the side table carefully before he walks back, slowly intertwining your fingers. His nervousness shows in the way he looks down at your hands every three seconds, unable to keep eye contact for long. It’s so adorable that your heart becomes warm, mumbling a little ‘Jungoo?’ barely enough for him to hear.
“Yes, N-Noona?”
“Why did you ask Seokjinnie to not come for a while?”
Now, Jungkook refuses to look you in the eyes even for a second, his cheeks turning beet red.
“I… I never get to hold your hand like this unless we’re on a date…”
You can’t help but to smile up at him, tugging at his hand so that he bends down a little, coming to face-level with you. Even before you put a hand on his face, you could tell that his cheeks were burning, and it makes your heart race because you simply can’t get over how adorable he is.
Jungkook closes his eyes and you kiss him on the nose, gently, and that makes him open his eyes a little startled.
When you end up bursting into a smile, despite the serious look on Jungkook’s face, it seems to make the boy less nervous, chuckling a little before he sits down beside you on the bed.
“What did you expect, Jungoo?”
“You enjoy teasing me a lot, don’t you, Noonim?”
“That’s what you get for calling me Noona.”
Jungkook bursts out laughing, shaking his head. “I shall not make that kind of mistake again.”
You find yourself smiling, and your heart has stopped racing, now feeling more comfortable around Jungkook. Even when he smiles and leans in to kiss you, you close your eyes, kissing him back, so, so comfortable that you don’t even notice until Jungkook leans away, that one of your legs have gone over his thigh and he is looking at you with wide eyes.
Holy shit . You’d always know Jungkook was a muscle-y kid because his jeans always fit him in all the right places, but it’s a different thing when you can actually physically feel that under your own thigh-
“You did lock the door, right?”
Jungkook looks baffled at your question, his jaw dropping open, but he still nods in response.
“No one else will come, right?”
The male closes his mouth, still very startled but nods again.
“Then we could do this a bit more, right?” You ask, and his response is faster this time, nodding once again, a hand going behind your neck and pulling your face to his. You can feel his tongue on your lips, and you part and let him in, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable sitting with one leg over his. It felt like Jungkook felt the same way - and this is where you learn about the mighty strength he has - when he wraps an arm around your waist, completely pulling you onto his lap.
Not only has Minji finished stripping by now, but she has also put on her finest lingerie now.
You’re actually very, VERY startled by this action, so much that you break away from the kiss, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes.
Suddenly feeling embarrassed, you look away from his eyes, a down at his neck. There is a sheen of sweat forming on his neck, and his white shirt has stuck to his skin a little by now.
Oh God save me.
“Should I let you go?”
The way he says that, the way he words it, sounds so, so sad and you wonder how you can tell him that you were simply embarrassed, nothing else.
And you can’t think of anything to say, so you close your eyes, grabbing his face and kissing him on the lips, heart racing at how brave you were feeling out of nowhere. Was it because this was Jungkook’s room, because you knew no one else would be around?
Or is it because it was Jungkook, both his hands hugging your back, pulling your body so close to his that it’s almost too embarrassing to bear, kissing you like this might be his last chance to do so?
Whatever it is, you find yourself opening your eyes, slowly pushing him back and watching the way his eyes go wide when he falls back down on his bed, pulling you along with him.
For a minute, neither of you do anything, and it looks like Jungkook took a minute to get over his initial surprise, because he wraps his arms - which are already around you - much tightly, rolling over so that he’s the one looking down at you while you look up at him.
And this is so much more embarrassing, because now you don’t even have anywhere else to look, because Jungkook is just so, so, so damn close, and you find yourself closing your eyes, not knowing what else to do.
“Look at me for a bit.” Jungkook whispers softly,  and you open your eyes, to see his face a little further away, eyes closed while he takes in deep breaths.
“Noonim. I like you so, so much.”
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pucking-insane · 4 years
Speak Now - Ryder Donovan
Player: Ryder Donovan Word Count: 1866 Warnings: Swearing
Inspired by: “Speak Now” by Taylor Swift
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I  am not the kind of girl Who should rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you Are not the kind the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
The invitation was a surprise to say the least. Of course, you knew Ryder was dating, but you weren’t expecting the “save the date” to come. Immediately, you texted Shay, who, even though you and Ryder had broken up years ago, you remained close with. 
It killed you to know that Ryder had moved on. You were happy that he was happy, but you were still in love with him.
Even though you didn’t really want to go to your ex-boyfriend’s wedding, Shay had convinced you to come as his plus one. 
When you got to the wedding venue, you took a deep breath before even opening your car door.
Y/N Shay I can’t do this
Shay Donovan I know it hurts bub But you need closure I’ll see if I can sneak out to your car
Y/N Thank you
Eventually, there was a knock on your car window. You unlocked your car for Shay, who slid into your passenger seat.
“I can’t do this.” You said quietly.
“I know it’s hard and I know it hurts, but he’s happy.” Shay explained. 
“It should be me.” You cried. “I should be getting ready to marry the love of my life. I should have my hair and makeup done and my dress and jewelry should be on. We should be taking pictures right now.”
“Believe me, Y/N,” Shay sighed. “It should be you.”
“You’re not making this any easier, Donovan.”
“Sorry, bubs.” Shay rubbed your back. “I’ll save a dance for you. That is if Cole or Turcs don’t get to you first.”
“They’re here?”
“Of course they are.” Shay smiled and glanced at his watch. “I should probably get going. But find one of them and you’ll be fine.”
I sneak in and see your friends And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel And she is yelling at a bridesmaid Somewhere back inside a room  Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry
Eventually, you willed yourself to leave your car and walk inside. You quickly spotted the familiar head of curly dark hair you had known since college.
“How’s LA treating you Turcs?” You asked as you fell into the natural conversation.
“Great. Thinking of buying a ring for Tori.” He smiled.
“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!” You gave your friend a congratulatory hug.
“What are you doing here?” Alex asked. “Not that I don’t want to see you, I just thought you wouldn’t want to go to your ex-boyfriend’s wedding.”
“Shay asked me to be his plus one, claimed I needed closure.” 
“And how’s that working out for you?”
“Well. I had a mental breakdown in the car, so I’d say things are going swell.” You replied sassily.
You made small talk with Alex, Cole and some of their college teammates joining you. You laughed about the good old college days, when you and Ryder were dating, after all, you did follow him to Madison. You joked about the TikToks that were created in your dorms and the adventures around campus. The four years you spent at the University of Wisconsin were easily the best four years of your life and you were glad to spend it with your good friends, even though some of them left for their NHL teams before the four years were up.
But talking about your college years with the UW-Madison men’s hockey team brought some sadness. You remembered all of the wonderful memories with Ryder. How many times you fell asleep in his room that he shared with Shay, the number of games you attended at the Kohl Center with “R. Donovan” proudly displayed across your shoulders, the picnic lunches you would have on the quad.
Now, the love of your life was probably fixing up his hair, which you knew he was always particular about, one last time before entering the wedding venue. Those would be his last moments as a free man.
This is Surely not what you thought it would be I Lose myself in a daydream Where i stand and say
“Don’t say yes  run away now I’ll meet you when you're out Of the church at the back door Don’t wait Or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said ‘speak now’”
When you are all seated, you start to lose yourself in your thoughts. 
What would it have been like at your wedding?
You would’ve gotten married in a church, for starters, and there would be far fewer flowers. Your bridesmaids would have been Ryder’s sisters, your college roommate, and a high school friend or two. The color scheme would have been coral and navy, two colors that complimented Ryder’s olive skin. Your first dance song would’ve been something by Dan + Shay. You would’ve had red velvet cake at your reception.
You would’ve been marrying Ryder.
Alex notices that you’re in your head and puts his hand on your leg, giving a quick squeeze to your thigh for reassurance. 
In a perfect world, you would object when the preacher called for objections. You and Ryder would run away together, go to Vegas, and live happily ever after. 
But it wasn’t a perfect world.
Fond Gestures are exchanged And the organ starts to play a song That sounds like a death march And I Am hiding in the curtains It seems that I was uninvited  By a lovely bride-to-be
She Floats down the aisle  Like a pageant queen But I Know You wish it was me You wish it was me, don't you?
The piano starts to play a nice andante movement as the ushers escort Bill and the bride’s mother down the aisle, and the preacher follows. Next, Ryder walks with his mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek before going to stand next to the preacher. 
Cole, who is seated on your right side, gives you a sad smile, knowing how hard this was going to be for you. 
Ryder stands in a black suit, one you had seen countless times on game day, only this time, he wasn’t wearing his usual beanie and a boutonniere was pinned to his chest. 
You lock eyes with your former love as the wedding march starts to play. The doors open and Ryder’s bride and her father stand ready to walk down the aisle. She looked gorgeous. You looked back at Ryder, who had an empty stare. 
He wished it was you walking towards him, and you knew it.
I hear the preacher say “Speak now or forever hold your peace” There’s a silence There’s my last chance I stand up with shaky hands All eyes on me
Horrified looks from everyone in the room But I'm only looking at you
“Dearly beloved,” The preacher starts. “We are gathered here to join Ryder Donovan and Alyssa Johnson in Holy Matrimony. If anyone has just cause as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Your heart races in your chest. Alex and Cole both look at you, making sure you don’t speak, Shay doing the same from next to Ryder. 
You stay quiet. If Ryder was truly happy, then you were happy for him. Eventually, you would find someone to be your happily ever after.
You zone out for the rest of the ceremony. Until the vows.
Alyssa had already said her vows, saying “I do” through her tears.
“Do you, Ryder Donovan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse,” Ryder glanced in your direction and then back to the preacher and then to Alyssa. “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”
Ryder took a deep breath before speaking. 
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in On a white veil occasion But you Are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
“I don’t.”
Gasps come from everyone in the room. Ryder looks in your direction before turning to Alyssa.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I thought I loved you more than I really did. You deserve the world.”
Ryder pressed a kiss to Alyssa’s cheek before walking back down the aisle. 
Shay runs after him, pulling you with him as he runs past you.
“I told you everything would be fine.” Shay smirked.
You and Shay found Ryder back in the groom’s dressing room. He sat with his head in his hands, sobs rocking his body.
“Hey.” Shay says as he approaches his younger brother.
“I just couldn’t do it, Shay,” Ryder cried. “I just couldn’t.”
“It’s okay.” Shay said as he rubbed Ryder’s back.
“I wish I hadn’t been so goddamn stupid when I left for Vegas. I should never have dumped Y/N. Never.”
“She’s here,” Shay said. “You know.”
Ryder looked up, his cheeks soaked with tears and eyes puffy. 
“Can you give us a minute?” Ryder asked.
“Sure.” Shay said, patting you on the back as he left the room.
“Hey.” You said softly.
“I said ‘I don’t’ because of you.” Ryder said, staring into your eyes. “I saw you with Alex and Cole and then as Alyssa walked down the aisle, I wished it was you.”
“I kept imagining what our wedding would have looked like.” You explained. “How you would cry when you saw me and how we would have red velvet cake with lots of cream cheese frosting because it’s our favorite.”
“I’m so stupid for letting you go.” Ryder sighed, taking your hands in his.
“If you love something, set it free.” You smiled. “And if it’s meant to be, it’ll come back.”
Ryder looked into your eyes before leaning in and kissing you on the lips. The kiss was tender yet passionate. 
And you’ll say “Let’s run away now I’ll meet you when I’m out Of my tux  At the back door Baby I didn’t say my vows So glad you were around  when they said ‘speak now.’”
Two years later, you were at another wedding involving Ryder Donovan. But this time, you were the bride and he was the groom. 
Ryder cried as you walked down the aisle and you had tears in your eyes yourself.
“Do you, Ryder Donovan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse,” Ryder smiled wide as the preacher spoke. “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”
“I do.” He smiled at you, squeezing your hands.
“By the power vested in me by the state of Minnesota, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The preacher smiled. “You may kiss the bride.”
Ryder pulled you in for a kiss and whispered in your ear. 
“I’m so glad you were around when they said ‘speak now.’”
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Getting Back Together
Thank you so much for the patience and support as always, @breeachuu! I hope you like it!
Summary: After five years of loneliness and anxiety, Wolfram discovers that Byleth had woken up from her Slumber and had headed to the Monastery. The day they had promised to meet again when they were younger had finally come, so now the former classmates all flocked back together to fight for the Kingdom.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Wolfram felt the icy grip of fear encroach him from inside. Byleth was nowhere to be found -- thought that wasn’t even the worst part.
He couldn’t feel her, either. It felt very much like that time whence she was thrown into a portal by Solon; it was as though she didn’t exist. The Blood that had been emitting its constant energy throughout the years… it simply wasn’t anymore.
“No, Wolfram, calm down, maybe,” he took a shaky breath as his eyes darted from one side of the dark cave to the other, “maybe she’s just confused after waking up from the Slumber. Mother said that we shouldn’t wake a dragonkin from one because we don’t know the state of mind they’ll be in…”
The half manakete quickly made excuses as his breathing became more and more uneven. His body shook, though he couldn’t even pay attention to it at the moment, what with his mind being so preoccupied.
If he was to look for her, then he had to be quick about it -- dawn was just about to break so he would lose the cloak of the night to shield him and his wings from leering eyes. Perhaps it would be better to fly on Aquilo to be safe.
Breathing deeply, Wolfie made up his mind to do what he could do at the moment instead of despairing. Look for her. Be with her. The Heart of Immortals had finally woken up from its Slumber so he had to be beside her to fulfil his mission.
… Of course, Byleth had turned into a special existence for him after all these years as well, so it wasn’t just about the mission. He had to help a valued friend in need.
Besides, Dimitri was back at the Monastery as well. If all else failed, Wolfram could still reunite with his friend and they’d plan what to do next together.
“Together…” Wolfie murmured as he nodded to himself in the darkness before running out of the cave with a steeled resolve. He had gotten used to solitude during this exile, but it wasn’t as though he enjoyed it.
He was a boy who loved to be around people first and foremost, after all.
The moment he exited the cave to call for Aquilo so they could watch from the skies, Wolfram sensed something pulling at him from the Monastery. It was something hard to explain, like he had walked to the wrong direction once he gave his back to the mountain; like something, not unlike a string, had made his steps heavier as long as he went against it.
Wolfram gasped, looking up as he blew his whistle to call for Aquilo.
It was the Blood!
Well, not entirely, anyway. It felt too drowsy to feel like the Blood, but since it was a presence so akin to his own though it bore a significant difference he couldn’t quite pinpoint; Wolfram was sure it was the presence of the Blood.
He had been right, after all! The Heart of Immortals was truly in a confused state after waking up from the Slumber! 
As the first lights of dawn broke, Wolfram got on Aquilo’s back, flying at full speed towards the place that had been all but a shell of what it once was; towards the only place that he had called home outside of his own world.
To the Monastery!
Huffing, Wolfram made use of all of his heightened senses to scout from the sky, still finding it difficult to pinpoint the Blood’s exact location. He could hear the sounds of fighting from multiple sources -- perhaps more ruffians had broken in after Dimitri had cleared out the first few that had gotten in his way -- but he couldn’t see through walls, so he would need to land eventually to get a closer look.
A voice not too far from his spot at the sky made Wolfie steer Aquilo in its direction out of pure reflex, however.
“Why… Why are you here?”
It was faint, almost like a whisper, but it was unmistakingly Dimitri’s voice. 
Had he found Byleth?!
“Maybe that’s really the right direction! I can feel the fog around the Blood clearing…” Wolfram said aloud, habit he had cultivated even more during these years of solitude. As he approached the remains of a garden, he saw some familiar faces. “Wait, those are…!”
Ashe, Annette, Mercedes… and Byleth. There were more presences all around them so he couldn’t be sure of how many of those were hostile or friendly, but to see the faces of those he had missed for so long, finally within his grasp…
Wolfram’s eyes itched with tears before he even approached them to help with the bandit problem.
“Hey, Wolfie’s here too!” Annette waved cheerfully, forgetting that she was giving away her position to the enemies all around.
“Annie, shh!” Mercedes pulled her friend’s arm, taking her behind a wall.
A fight against looters and robbers certainly wasn’t the time to feel as elated as Wolfram felt at that moment, but he couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear before drying his tears. Puffing his chest, he focused on the task at hand so he could properly hug all of them later.
The most impressive part was how more and more of his past classmates showed up the longer the battle went on. Ingrid, Felix, Sylvain, Dorothea, Caspar, Linhardt and even Bernadetta…
By the time they all gathered together, it felt as though they could simply sit down and wait for Byleth’s lesson to begin -- they were basically all accounted for!
Wolfram covered his face with both hands to sniffle silently as the grown-up faces of his treasured classmates one by one entered into view.
A strong arm around his neck made Wolfram bend down in surprise, being almost choked in the middle of the incredible strength behind the shorter stature.
“Yo! Still crying as always, huh, Wolf?” Caspar grinned as he tightened the embrace, patting Wolfram’s chest with such vigor that it should be called ‘manhandling’ instead of ‘patting’.
“C-Caspar…” Wolfie hiccuped, his chest wringing in emotion. Byleth was awake, his classmates were flocking together… it felt as though all the loneliness he had felt so far was a lie.
There were so many things he wanted to do. So many things he wanted to ask.
He wanted to shake Byleth’s shoulders and ask her how in the world she had woken up so suddenly; how did she get back to the monastery in the exact timeframe he was away… How did she feel, why did she need to go into a Slumber… So many things.
He wanted to ask each and every one of his classmates how the war had treated them; he wanted to hug them and cry in their arms; he wanted to hold Dimitri’s hand to help him out of the dark place that seemed to have taken over inside his mind.
But he was overwhelmed -- with his own feelings and emotions, yes, but also with the amount of people talking all around him: they were asking each other how they’d been, what they had been doing and how in the world they all managed to come together after five years of war.
However, the answer they most wanted to hear was Dimitri’s. He had been sentenced to death right after the war started, so having him stand there in their midst was surprising to say the least, especially to the ones who had been looking for him all this time.
Blinking the tears away, Wolfie remembered what the merchant had told him some weeks (or years?) ago: people from Duscur helped him escape, hadn’t they?
“Dedue.” Dimitri answered simply, the weight in his voice making Wolfram’s hairs stand on end instead of bringing him solace.
Noticing the somber tone, Byleth cocked her head to the side, “what happened?”
The prince scowled as his bangs covered more of his good eye. “He’s dead. He died in my place.”
A low murmur ran across the classmates as Gilbert nodded solemnly, speaking something or other about sacrifice or the war. Honestly, he could’ve started talking about baking for all that was worth -- Wolfram had stopped listening.
A buzzing sound started to ricochet inside Wolfram’s head, getting louder and louder the more he struggled to breathe. It got so painfully loud to the point of Wolfie having to hold his head with both hands as his breathing shook.
Dead? Dedue was?
They barely had had the time to properly forge a friendship.
He had been Wolfram’s first roommate and the one who opened Wolfie’s eyes about Dimitri’s inner struggle. Even though he was a man of few words, it simply meant that every single thing that left his lips was worth listening to. To think that that admirably loyal man was… That he had given his life to-
He owed Dedue so much. So much.
Trembling, Wolfram didn’t listen to a single word said during the meeting, or what was decided after it.
It was only after Caspar shook him with enough force to make his brain bounce inside his skull that the half manakete managed to blink and focus on his friend.
“Are you back? I was about to call Linhardt to take a look at you.” The shorter man frowned slightly, worried about the lack of color in Wolfie’s face.
Looking at Caspar made Wolfram suddenly aware of his surroundings again: he felt the morning air; heard his classmates’ voices and their steps as well as the ruffling of leaves all around them. It was like he had taken his first breath in a new world after a long Slumber.
Was he- was he about to enter a Slumber out of shock? It couldn’t be!
He couldn’t get into a Slumber now. Surely one had to be a very ancient or powerful dragon to need a Slumber? Although he was the child of a manakete and a human, he had much more prominent human features, so all of his family seemed to agree that he was a quarter manakete at most. Could he even get into a Slumber?
“Heeey, c’mon man, you gotta focus.” Caspar waved in front of Wolfie’s eyes, nudging his shoulder to walk to where all the others were going. “Look, everyone’s leaving us here! I’m not really good at cleaning either, but I can at least lug heavy stuff around.”
“Cleaning?” Wolfram didn’t recognize his own voice, too confused to even realize he had started walking.
“Yeah. You didn’t hear anything? We’re gonna use the Monastery as our base, but this place’s a mess. So we’re gonna clean.” Caspar kept pushing Wolfram, apparently unbothered for having to do so as he pointed with his chin towards the group walking right ahead of them. “The girls said it’s better to start with the dormitories so we can have a place to stay tonight, so c’mon, let’s go and check how everything looks now!”
Caspar’s enthusiasm and obliviousness to Wolfie’s inner turmoil stole a smile from the half manakete, though the weight inside his chest didn’t get any lighter.
“... Yeah, let’s go.” He managed to say in the end, holding Caspar’s hand so he could lead the way.
Wolfram often heard -- both back home and in Fódlan -- that a common thing humans did to cope with difficult times was to keep the body busy with chores, regardless of their nature. But that honestly wasn’t the way manaketes’ minds worked. They needed time to think and put their feelings in order, so doing other things in the meantime was distracting and stressful.
Especially because they had started cleaning the dormitories located on the first floor -- right where the room Wolfram shared with Dedue was.
The more stuff they carried outside to air them, the more they dusted and cleaned the surprisingly untouched furniture, the heavier Wolfram’s heart became. Even his head seemed to be so full of knots it made him tilt it sideways whenever he walked.
He remembered how anxious he had spent the first few nights in Dedue’s room: what if his bandanna came off while he slept? What if he sneezed and his wings popped out by accident? What if his secret was exposed on the very week of his arrival?
Of course, he also felt a tad anxious when he went to share a room with Caspar, especially about his bandanna, but it wasn’t as much as the first time -- and it was precisely because of how peaceful the time he spent with Dedue had been.
… It hurt so much.
Wolfie had wanted to tell both Caspar and Dedue about the purpose of his arrival in Fódlan, because he knew both of his roommates would accept him just like Dimitri did. Actually, he wanted to come clean about his reasons to all of his classmates, especially after living in exile for so long. He had pondered over which words to use and under which circumstances, but now everything was just a blank.
His body moved as he was told, but his brain felt like wet cotton.
Suddenly, he remembered the words his elder siblings had left him with. The words about death, parting and finding ways to deal with the loss the best way he could. Pressing his lips into a thin line, Wolfram sniffled the warm tears back as his shoulders trembled.
They never taught him how to deal with a secret he didn’t want to keep. They never taught him how to come clean with a lie he had kept for years.
They told him that experiencing war with his own skin would be hard and that he had to do anything in his power to cope with it, but… to think that it would be like this. He had barely done any fighting and the weight of this responsibility was already so heavy.
Wolfram dried the tears that fell uncaring of his best efforts to keep them away. He simply stood there, in the middle of cleaning, hiding his face with both hands as he sobbed.
There weren’t many people assigned to that specific area, but it wasn’t as though he was alone -- yet he couldn’t help the tears that streamed down his face.
Out of the former students assigned to this part of the dormitories, there were Dorothea, Caspar, Wolfram and Ashe; and the first one to see Wolfram hunched back was Dorothea. She gasped and meant to comfort the tall boy, but bit her lower lip in hesitation. Wolfie had confided in her in the past, but perhaps the best person to be by his side at that moment wasn’t her, but…
Dorothea spied Caspar with the corner of her eyes, quickly running to his side to tap his shoulder. “Caspie, I need help with something.”
“Yeah?” The young man brushed one hand over his forehead to dry the sweat after placing a cabinet on the ground. “Anything you want me to move?”
“No, it’s actually about Wolfie. Can you take him to the gardens? He… he needs a break.” She whispered, stealing a glance at the crying boy.
Caspar’s eyes immediately widened in surprise as he hurried to Wolfram’s side without even giving Dorothea a reply. “Wolf?! Hey, you okay, man? Wolf!” He shook the half manakete’s shoulder vigorously, making the hands slip out of his crying face.
“C-Casparrr!” Wolfram wailed pitifully, hugging the shorter man so as to sob on his shoulder.
Confused out of his mind, Caspar looked around as if he could find the answer of what to do just lying in the middle of the scattered furniture. He awkwardly patted Wolfram’s back, his chest sinking in what he assumed was sympathy.
Catching Caspar’s gaze, Dorothea pointed to the gardens, which made Caspar remember her previous words. “Alright!” He heaved and took Wolfram in his arms to smuggle him to the gardens. Honestly, he had no idea why they had to change locations, but since he knew he wasn’t good with sensitive matters, he chose to simply trust Dorothea and do as she said.
Wolfram barely noticed that they had moved as he hugged Caspar with everything he had as he poured all of the loneliness, uncertainties and grief of the past 5 years onto his friend’s shoulder.
Without much to do, Caspar patted Wolfram’s back with one hand as he grippeda t the grass with the other -- he felt like fighting someone. Who had made Wolfram feel that way? He wanted to fight them and settle things for good, but there was no way he could get a clear answer from his friend at the moment, so he simply waited.
It was only after the tears had dried and his throat hurt that Wolfram managed to stop himself from crying as he slowly pulled away from Caspar. “Th-thank you for being with me, Caspar. It means a lot.”
“Don’t mention it! Are you alright? Did you get into a fight? I’m gonna punch ‘em for you.” Caspar punched his open palm as he cracked his neck, but that only made Wolfram’s shoulders sag and a faint smile sprout on his lips.
“Actually, it was like everything rushed in at once, so it wasn’t just one or two things.” He took Caspar’s hands in his own so his friend wouldn’t hurt himself from clenching his fists. “It helped me clear my head a lot, though, so thank you again.”
“Sure, but,” Caspar tilted his head to the side, looking straight into Wolfie’s red, tear-stained eyes, “I’m still mad for some reason. I don’t like seeing you like this, Wolf.” He said in a whisper, unsure of his own feelings.
Wolfram’s chin trembled with emotion as Caspar reached out to move a few strands of hair that had glued themselves on Wolfie’s face. “Actually I- I have something to tell you, Caspar.” Wolfram sniffled, unable to take a deep breath through his stuffy nose.
Crying had taken an immense load off of Wolfram’s shoulder, but the issue itself remained. He grieved for his friend; he wanted to tell everyone about his secret -- he wanted to be able to stand beside them proudly, without the need to hide who he was or what he had come here to do.
And Caspar had to be the first one to know from his own mouth. Not by accident like what had happened with Dimitri, but willingly, from the bottom of his heart. Of course, his mind wanted him to wait at least for night time, even if they were in a secluded location, there were people wandering around amidst their cleaning effort.
Yet, Wolfram’s heart pounded, wanting him to blurt everything out at that very moment.
“Yeah? I can’t help much with words, but I can listen.” Caspar nodded, looking up at Wolfram with the clear, sincere eyes that Wolfie liked so much.
“Actually, I’m not human.” He lowered his head to pull the bandanna off of his head, exposing his pointy ears. “I came here with a mission-”
“Whoa, wait, wait, wait, what? Wait, you remember you past? That’s awesome, Wolf! And those ears-” Caspar moved from one side to the other, taking a better look at them. “Whaddya mean ‘not human’? What else could you be? I never heard of anything not human living here…”
“Heehee,” Wolfie laughed awkwardly, scratching his chin. “I’m not from ‘here’. I came from another world under the guidance of the goddess I worship.” He grasped his locket as he spoke, his chest feeling lighter and lighter the more words left his lips. “I was told to stay by Byleth’s side and protect her during the ‘turmoil’ that would shake this world, though I had no idea how soon war would break out after I arrived…”
Caspar frowned so deeply one could see the gears inside his brain struggling to work. “So the goddess appeared for you too? Like with the Professor?” He still couldn’t grasp it due to the sheer absurdity of it all.
Snorting, Wolfie held his locket closer and focused on his dragonstone. “I’ll just show you.” He brought out dragon half as he felt part of his body being covered by scales. The wings, tail and horns popped out as well, making Caspar let out a loud exclamation of surprise.
“HOLY SHIT, YOU CAN FLY?” He jumped out of his spot. “That’s dope. What the hell, man…” He murmured as he walked all around Wolfram, poking at his wings and horns.
Is that really the most surprising part here…? Wolfie snorted inwardly, glad that Caspar’s reaction was much better than he had anticipated.
He called his wings back after a few moments, still wary of the bright sun above them. “I couldn’t tell anyone about my origins since, well, it’s crazy, right? So I just said I didn’t remember anything so I could stay with Byleth.”
“Hey, wait, bring it back!” Caspar slammed Wolfram’s back with both hands right where his wings were. “That’s so cool, I never saw someone with wings before.”
… Clearly nothing else Wolfram said would get through Caspar, so he simply giggled in amusement. “It’s still a secret, so please don’t tell anyone, okay? I can call them back at night.” He slipped the bandanna back on his head, once again covering his ears. 
“I dunno why you’d hide this, it’s fucking amazing.” Caspar kneaded his knuckles on Wolfram’s back, wondering how the hell the wings went back inside. Ticklish with the constant contact, Wolfie’s laughter grew, his heart lighter than any other time he spent in Fódlan.
“We can go flying sometime when it’s quieter,” Wolfie suggested, wondering if he should ask Aquilo to carry Caspar as they soared in the night sky.
“REALLY? Hell yeah, man! When’s good? Let’s go tonight!” Caspar arm-locked Wolfie’s head, excited like a little boy to go on an adventure.
Wolfram laughed heartily, falling backwards as Caspar’s hug turned more into a wrestling match the more they cuddled.
It still hurt, but now Wolfie was glad that he had taken a tiny step towards the road of feeling better.
The cleaning effort took weeks to finish -- and it honestly would take much longer than that to actually bring the Monastery back to its full glory. They did the best they could to make the place at least enough to shelter them from rain and wind, but there was much they couldn’t do with their meager numbers -- not to mention how morale hadn’t been the best due to how Dimitri acted.
Wolfie had so much to digest he couldn’t find a good time to speak with his first friend so as to deliver the jewel to him. Besides, the friendship jewel should be exchanged when both parties were ready for the commitment of being confidants for life -- and the current Dimitri wasn’t in that state of mind, not at that moment.
Dedue’s words rang true even five years after they were uttered: Dimitri fought a losing battle within himself, and now it seemed like he had accepted the defeat. What Wolfram could do -- what any of them could do -- was to support him in any way they could.
For now, that meant fighting for him, a goal that would be accomplished much sooner than they would like, for an imperial force had been seen making its way to the Monastery after the Empire had caught wind of the Knights of Seiros coming back to reclaim it.
Dimitri laughed without any mirth in his voice once he heard about the imperial army breathing down their necks, his sleepless mien carving for the silence of the dead. Gulping, Wolfram nodded as Byleth started guiding them to their defensive positions: the Monastery had taken a great blow at the battle five years ago, but it was still a fortress of its own might; so they would be able to protect it should they act wisely.
The battle was fierce -- the imperial forces would stop at nothing to take the Monastery back as they resorted to long range weapons, destructive fireballs and assassins that slipped through their defenses to take out their healers and commanders.
Byleth guided them with all of her power, commanding them as though she predicted the enemy’s every step: She cleared out their reinforcements, secured the ballistae and surrounded their elite knights with the precision of a seasoned soldier.
Once the commander was backed into a corner, he shook with anger. “A total loss… But we can’t just return home like this…” He raised his face with fire in his eyes, aiming at the one who orchestrated his defeat. “I’ll take you with me!”
“Professor, get down!” Dimitri threw himself in front of the blow the commander sent to Byleth’s way at the same time Caspar ran to intercept it. He managed to catch the javelin with his hands before throwing them on the ground in front of the commander.
Frowning, he looked up at the man. “Hey, so you’re Randolph, right? My uncle.” He rolled his shoulder and neck before adjusting the gauntlets wrapped around his fists.
“Uncle?!” Wolfram gasped from above, making sure to hold the position Byleth had told him to. How horrible, to fight his own family in a meaningless war…
The man called Randolph widened his eyes much like Wolfram did. “Caspar?! Yes, indeed... So, I see you have chosen to oppose the Empire.” He stelled himself, taking his battle position. “If so, be warned that I won't hesitate. I'll strike you down, even if we're of the same house!”
Caspar hopped in place to warm himself up. “You took the words right outta my mouth! Graaagh!” He jumped into the fight without hesitation, his resolve having been tested a long time ago.
Wolfie admired the way Caspar threw himself into battle like he had all the answers of the world, but it still pained him to see blood fight with blood like that, so he averted his eyes from the brawl entirely.
Eventually, Randolph fell in defeat as Caspar puffed his chest proudly.
However, Dimitri stepped in, basically shoving the shorter man out of the way. “Capture him.”
The battle was won, but there was a sense of uncertainty in the air, as no one could predict what the ‘Delusional Prince’, as Dimitri came to be known, would do. Soldiers who came under Gilbert’s command heeded Dimitri’s orders and tied the man down as Byleth instructed the people who still had energy to start cleaning after the battle.
Randolph was dragged down the steps he had climbed just hours previous as the attacker, with Dimitri pulling on the rope as though unconcerned of how the commander’s head was bashed on the stairs.
He coughed blood after the third staircase, his head spinning. “I-I have family waiting for me, p-please… I can’t die here.”
Once again Dimitri laughed without mirth, pointing languidly at the fallen commander. He then took out a dagger as he crouched in front of the decaying Randolph. “A beast of your depravity, prattling on about family?” he tapped the dagger on the bleeding cheek. “How amusing.”
“As though you could understand...such a thing as love…” Randolph panted with difficulty as several of his ribs were shattered during and after the battle. “You heartless monster!”
“You are a monster too, General. You just have yet to realize it.” Dimitri slid the sharp blade through the man’s skin, as though pondering where to stab it next.
The conversation was sickening to say the least. Wolfram had been ordered to move the wounded on Aquilo back to the Monastery, but he couldn’t help but listen in with his sensitive hearing. He felt like a pit had opened in his stomach, just waiting to swallow him whole.
Not to mention, that man was Caspar’s…
He looked at his friend with pity in his eyes, wondering what the young man thought about it all.
When the conversation started to take a bloodier turn, Wolfie could see Caspar flinching in contained anger -- he was just about to reach out to stop him from doing something foolish when the smell of fresh blood rose to his nose.
Byleth had taken Randolph out of his misery.
“... What is the meaning of this?” Dimitri asked in a cold voice at the same time Caspar’s shoulders hardened and his breathing stopped for a moment before being let out all at once.
Soon the young man turned away from the scene and went back to doing what he had been ordered to do, but Wolfram couldn’t help but notice the entire scene. Byleth tried to help Dimitri out of the dark place, so there was no space for Wolfie at the moment -- besides, he wanted to give Caspar a big hug for his loss, even if it had looked like he had made peace with it even before the battle.
Wolfie ran back inside after placing the last wounded on an improvised cot on the floor, leaving it to the healers to help them back into shape. Soon he found the blue-haired head he was looking for due to his own height.
However, when he approached, he didn’t know how to even start that conversation.
“Hey.” He looked down awkwardly as Caspar was setting out to the dining hall.
“Hey there, Wolf. We did good back there, didn’t we? We taught them a lesson.” He tried to cheer, but the voice didn’t come out as high as he thought it would.
“Are… are you okay? Even if you were estranged, he was still your uncle, right?” Wolfie reached out to his friend, tentatively patting his shoulder.
Caspar twisted his lips uncomfortably. “Nah, I’m not really feeling bad about that. We weren’t really related by blood and… ugh.”
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Yeah, I don’t, really. It’s just… Dimitri’s methods, man.” He scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. “The guy was defeated already, there was no need to-”
It was now Wolfie’s turn to hug his friend and lend him a comforting shoulder to lean on. “Even if you say you’re okay about it, it’s a different story to be face to face at opposing sides with family. Especially after all… that.” Wolfram glossed over so as not to upset Caspar more, patting the spiky hair soothingly.
Unaccustomed to get in touch with his feelings like Wolfram, Caspar frowned inside the hug. He didn’t think that he was that upset about it, but there was this nagging feeling at the back of his heart that weighed a ton.
He was fine, he was. Truly.
But… being in Wolfram’s arms made him feel better. Lighter. So perhaps he wasn’t as ‘fine’ as he thought he was, since it felt better just to be within his friend’s warmth. There was a lot to process and he didn’t have much brain capacity for it all, but for the moment it felt good to just enjoy the hug and be pampered for a change.
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 17 - Moving
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Aunt Cass very nearly tipped over the bar stool she had been sitting on as she rushed to the door. 
“Varian!” She exclaimed and flung her arms around the bedraggled boy in relief. 
Guilt pained Varian like a knife. He had been anxious the whole trip back, unsure how he would handle being reprimanded again. He had walked into the Luck Cat fully expecting another lecture and the sight of both Professor Granville and Officer Cruz had only heightened his anxiety. Instead he was met with a tearful hug. Apparently Aunt Cass had been crying when they had entered the cafe, and according to Hiro, she had been crying since he’d disappeared last night. 
“I’m...I’m s-sorry.” He sputtered. “I was just trying to earn some money I’d... I didn’t mean to...I didn’t want to hurt any-” 
He cut his apology short when he felt Aunt Cass wrap her arms tighter around him. She gave him a comforting squeeze to tell him it was alright, but that only made him cry all the more. Why was she being so nice to him? After all the trouble he had caused her, she should be furious at him. But she wasn’t mad at all, just relieved that he was alright. 
When she finally released him from her embrace, Aunt Cass cupped his face in her hands and brushed away his tears using her thumbs. She gave him a warm smile as she sniffled and blinked back tears of her own. However, that smile fell away as she studied his face more intently, which quickly turned into a full on inspection. 
He was covered in dirt, his clothes were still damp in places, and his hair was more disheveled than usual. She picked a twig from his bangs and gave him a concerned look. 
“Where were you?” She asked and Varian felt his cheeks grow hot as he realized how ridiculous his decisions from last night had been. 
“We found him in Muirahara Woods, '' Hiro explained. 
“The woods?” Cass echoed. “You were in the woods all night?” 
All Varian could do was nod sheepishly. 
Aunt Cass looked appalled. 
“When’s the last time you ate?” Was her next question.
Varian thought for a moment. He hadn’t expected that question. “Uh...I had an apple for lunch yesterday.” 
This only horrified Aunt Cass further. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him over to the closest table. Then she went over to the counter and grabbed a sandwich from the display cooler, nabbed a plate, and poured him a glass of milk. 
Varian didn’t really feel like eating, his stomach was still tied up in knots, but there was no point in protesting. Aunt Cass was insistent and he had already caused enough of a scene. So Varian sat down and forced himself to eat.
He had to admit that the chicken salad sandwich she had made was delicious, and that he had been going hungry for several hours now, but he couldn’t relish the meal. As he sullenly chewed on his food guilt gnawed at his insides and an uncomfortable silence befell the cafe. His friends tried to dispel the awkwardness by joining him at the table and a few even ordered food for themselves so that they could eat with him, but it did little to uplift the pensive mood. 
Aunt Cass served everyone but constantly came back to Varian to hover over him. She would straighten his collar, wipe a smudge of dirt from his cheek, or run her fingers through his hair to tidy it up. It was as if she was afraid he would disappear again and so found excuses to fret over him in order to remind herself that he was really there safe and sound. 
Varian didn’t know how to feel about this new attention. No one had ever fussed over him in such a manner. Perhaps his own mother had when he was little, but he had only been six when she’d died and therefore couldn’t remember much. On the one hand, he felt even more self conscious now than he had when he'd first entered the restaurant. On the other hand, he couldn’t deny that it was comforting to be treated with care and kindness instead of the contempt other adults had given him when he was last in need. 
“Cass,” Chief Cruz interrupted them, “can we have a word with you?” 
Aunt Cass stopped in the middle of refilling his drink and looked towards Cruz and Granville. They had been standing patiently off the side while she had mothered over the teens.
“Oh yes, right. I almost forgot. I’ll meet you both in the kitchen.” She told them. “I’ll be right back. If any of you need anything just holler.” She instructed the gang and then, much to Varian’s surprise, she gave both Hiro and him a quick kiss on top of their heads before walking off. As if he had been her own child, the same as Hiro. 
Varian watched all three adults walk away in increasing alarm and confusion. Usually grown ups discussing things out of earshot of you meant something was wrong and he'd just recently screwed up big time. Plus Aunt Cass’s recent behavior had knocked him for a loop and he no longer knew what to expect. Were they leaving to discuss his punishment or figuring out how to keep him from leaving again? It had to be something to do with him but he didn’t know what. He looked at his friends questioningly but they only shrugged, equally confused. 
By the time the adults returned, Varian was sick to his stomach with worry and he wasn’t sure if the food he’d just eaten had helped or not. 
“Varian,” Aunt Cass stepped forward as if to make some sort of announcement, “Officer Cruz, Professor Granville, and I have been talking about yesterday and we’ve come to a very important decision.” 
That didn’t sound good. 
“Do you want us to leave?” Honey Lemon asked helpfully. 
“No, this concerns some of you as well.” 
Everyone shared worried glances at that. 
Aunt Cass took a deep breath and slowly continued on, “In light of what’s happened, we don’t think you should be living in the dorms anymore.” 
“You’re kicking me out of school?” Varian wailed, terrified. 
“Certainly not!” Granville interjected, “And don’t forget you still have an essay on Einstein's photoelectric effect due on Monday. I fully expect to see it on my desk in the morning.”
Varian had forgotten actually, but he was less concerned with homework at the moment and more concerned with where all of this was going. At least the professor’s usual no nonsense attitude eased his fears of being expelled. 
“A college roommate isn’t enough of an authority figure to be watching over a sixteen year old,” Cruz put in, annoyed, only to notice Wasabi standing across from him, and added apologetically, “No offense.”
Wasabi held up his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, none taken.” He assured the police officer.
Wasabi liked Varian just fine, but he had to admit that the past month of living with him had been stressful. He’d had his fill of trying to halfway parent someone who was only three years younger than himself. 
“Varian,” Aunt Cass bent down to look him in the eye. “I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re not welcome here, or that you can’t come to me or another adult for help and I’m sorry if what I said in the car last night upset you.” 
“No,” Varian’s voice cracked, “no, I’m sorry I ran away.” 
‘Why did you run away, Varian?” 
“I...my dad...and the arrest.” He couldn’t coherently string together words. He couldn’t explain to her what was going on and he tried to look away from her gaze.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Aunt Cass soothed as she stroked his face with the back of her hand to gain his attention once more. “Professor Granville explained to me what’s going on, about your father and what you’ve been through. You don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want to.” 
Varian looked first to Granville and then back to Aunt Cass in confusion, and so did the rest of the gang. How much had the Professor given away?
“I’m sorry Varian,” Granville spoke up, ”I know what you said to me was in confidence, but Officer Cruz needed to know about your past record.” She paused to give the officer an irritated look. “However, no one is blaming you. It’s not easy being a refugee from a former soviet country.” 
The heroes clued in on her hint and kept silent as Aunt Cass picked back up the conversion, unaware that they were hiding anything. 
“Those things should never have happened to you.” Aunt Cass told Varian, her own voice now cracking with emotion. “But, without your father around, you need some sort of guardian to look after you.” She took a deep breath to steady herself before announcing her big decision. 
“That’s why I would like to become your foster parent.” 
Everyone looked at her in surprise. Varian glanced over at Hiro who appeared to be even more shocked than the rest of their friends. This was just as much news to him as it was to Varian. Aunt Cass stood back up and reached her arm out to her nephew, motioning him to come join her. He did so and found himself wrapped up in a half hug as she continued to speak with Varian. 
“We would love for you to come live with us here at the Luck Cat.” She smiled. Hiro took a moment more to process what was happening before also giving his own strained smile
“Yeah, of course you’re welcome here.” He agreed. 
His voice sounded cheerful, but Varian could tell that he was still reeling from the decision the same as he was. Varian wanted to decline the offer and spare them both the trouble. Besides, he was only just starting to get used to living in the dorms, and he would now have to upend his life for what would be a third time in less than two months. However, the serious faces of Cruz and Granville told him that he didn’t have much choice in the matter. 
Varian swallowed hard before slowly nodding his head in agreement. 
“Alright.” He said, but his own voice sounded small and far away to him. He barely remembered what happened next. His mind was a blur as everything seemed to be happening at once. 
There were discussions on what to do next; who would sleep where, when he should start packing, and a list of rules and other things that would be expected of him once he moved in. The adults talked about paperwork and formal records while his friends tried to offer optimistic words of encouragement to ease both his and Hiro's discomfort. But for Varian it was too much to take in at one time. 
Fortunately things started to wind down as one by one everyone started to leave. Cruz stated that he was glad that Varian was safe before going back to the station to call off the search party. Granville mentioned that she would gather up the forms that were needed and help Aunt Cass finalize everything as she walked out the door. And finally, Varian himself left, along with Wasabi. It was agreed that he could spend one more night at the dormitories before the move. He heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he was able to escape. Though as he and Wasabi drove away in his car, Varian knew that it was only a temporary respite from the awkwardness.
Hiro stood by while his aunt busied herself with making up Varian’s bed. It had been decided that the other teen would sleep in the ‘guest bedroom’, which was really more of a small office space that Aunt Cass kept a fold-up rolling bed in. She wanted to clean it up and make everything ready before Varian came to stay with them tomorrow. 
Hiro helped where he could, like grabbing things from the attic, taking out the trash, or handing her the sheets as she made the bed up, but for the most part he tried to stay out of her way as she went into a cleaning frenzy. Still he made sure to stay nearby in case she called for him to give her a hand with anything. More importantly though, he just didn’t want to be alone with his thoughts. 
He was still stunned by her announcement today. He understood why this was happening, but at  the same time it was still a major change to all of their lives and he didn’t know what to say or how to process his feelings about it. 
Aunt Cass, however, sensed his discomfort.
“I’m sorry, about not talking to you earlier,” she said as she tucked a sheet corner under the mattress, “about what’s going on. I know this is a big change and it’s all very sudden, and that you didn’t get a chance to have a say in the matter.” 
“It’s okay.” Hiro assured her. True the decision had caught him off guard, but he didn’t want to come across as being unreasonable or bratty by whining. Varian had been through a lot after all and Aunt Cass raising him was probably for the best. 
“No, it’s not okay.” Aunt Cass turned to him and sighed, "and it’s not fair to you. You deserve to know about things that’ll affect your life and if you’re upset you can tell me.” 
She gave him an apologetic smile, but Hiro didn’t respond to it. He didn’t know how to explain to her the swirl of confusing emotions tumbling through him at the moment. He didn’t even have words to identify most of them. 
She sighed again and continued on, “I don’t know how much Varian has told you, but it turns out that Corona isn’t as safe a place as here in San Fansokyo. He’s been through a lot, and he doesn’t have any family right now to take care of him. He may be staying here for quite some time, for the foreseeable future anyways, but,” She rested a hand upon Hiro’s shoulder," he needs us.” 
Hiro met her pleading eyes. She needed him to understand why this was important but mostly she needed him to support her decision. To let her know that this was okay and that she was doing the right thing. She had rushed in, yes, but what else was there to be done? Who else was there to help? 
“He told us, a little.” Hiro admitted. “About his dad being injured and about how he got sent to prison.” Aunt Cass bit her lip at the reminder of Varian’s time in jail, but remained silent and let Hiro continue. “Look, I understand, Aunt Cass, really. It’s...it’s fine. We’ll be fine. We’ll make it work somehow.” 
It was now Hiro’s turn to offer his aunt a small smile, one of encouragement. She returned it and tenderly swept his bangs to one side like she so often did. 
“Thank you,” She said,” Thank you for being so grown up about this. I’m very proud of you.” She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Now, let's get this room fixed up. I’ll grab the duster and you go get the furniture polish, okay.”
Varian did a mental count of his belongings now splayed out upon the couch. He and Wasabi were packing up his things for the move tomorrow and he wanted to make sure that he left nothing behind. Not that he had that much stuff to keep up with. 
"Wasabi?" Varian asked.
"Hmm?" The older teen answered as he folded Varian's clothes neatly into a suitcase. 
"Do you think Aunt Cass would let me stay an extra night here?" 
"Why? That would put us making the move after school on Monday." Wasabi reasoned. 
Varian sighed and gave only a shrug in reply. He had no reason other than the fact he wanted to stay, but no one seemed to care about what he wanted. 
"Look, I know this is a major readjustment," Wasabi continued, "but the adults are right. You need a guardian." 
Varian desperately tried to suppress an eye roll. Yes, he had messed up yesterday, but that didn't mean he couldn't take care of himself. Surely his past was proof enough that he had what it took to live on his own, but now that the truth was out, well mostly out, everyone was even more insistent on coddling him. Varian didn't want to seem ungrateful, but he was starting to become irritated. 
"Can't I just… I don't know, come to you or Professor Granville if I need something?" 
"It doesn't work that way. Granville can't sign off on stuff or pay your bills, and I barely qualify as an adult. Besides we both know you don't listen to me anyways." 
"I listen," Varian protested, "sometimes," he then added after a pause. 
Wasabi gave him a stern look. 
Varian sighed in defeat. "It's just, I was just starting to like it here, alright." 
Wasabi's expression softened at that. "I get you. I'm going to miss having you around too. For what’s worth, you're the best roommate I've had since I started college. But hey, it's not like we won't ever see each other. We'll still meet up at school and such, and yeah you can probably still stay over sometimes. You just gotta get Aunt Cass's permission first." 
Wasabi turned back to his task of organizing Varian's suitcase when Ruddiger popped up from underneath the neatly stacked pile of clothes. The raccoon stood inside the luggage bag, paws outstretched, underwear caught on one ear, with an expression that suggested he was immensely proud of himself for pulling off his little prank. Wasabi fumed at the creature and picked Ruddiger up by the scruff of his neck. 
"Now you I shall not miss." He scolded as he pointed his finger accusingly at the raccoon. Who only huffed at him in response. He then handed Varian his pet before turning back to clean up the mess. 
"It's okay, buddy." Varian reassured as Ruddiger nuzzled his cheek. "You'll like it better at the Lucky Cat anyways. There's more room, and I saw a few other raccoons running around outside. Maybe you'll make a friend there, hun?" 
At least Aunt Cass was allowing him to keep Ruddiger. She had also offered him a part time job at the cafe, since his desire for spending cash is what had led to the whole bot fight fiasco in the first place. 
The only two things that she had requested of him, was that he would tell her where he was going when he went out, which given the circumstances, was fair, and that he would have to attend something called therapy. When asked what that was, Baymax had called it ‘a means of improving an individual's well-being and mental health using psychological methods’, and Hiro had said it just meant he’d have to talk to someone who was paid to listen to his problems. Varian still wasn’t sure what that entailed nor was he too keen on the idea of speaking to some stranger about his past and innermost feelings. He found opening up to people that he actually did like hard enough as it was.
“Hey Wasabi, have you ever gone to therapy?” He asked tentatively, finally giving voice to his thoughts. 
“Yeah, lots of times. In fact there’s a student counselor right here on campus that I see regularly.” He admitted. “I like to go to him sometimes when my OCD starts acting up again. Talking about it tends to help.” 
“Uh, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, it’s a type of mental illness.” 
“You’re sick? And you didn’t tell me!?” Varian couldn’t stop the fear and concern creeping through his voice. True, this world had better medical treatments than his own, but that didn’t erase all the times he had known someone who had died from an illness, like his own mother for instance. 
“What!? No! Well, yeah. I mean... mental illness is still an illness but… but it’s not like that...” Wasabi stumbled over his words trying to explain the difference to the time displaced teen. “Look, think of it, like, owning a car.” 
Varian just stared blankly at him, not understanding what Wasabi was getting at, still worried over his friend’s health. 
“Your brain is a complex machine. You gotta treat it right. Make sure it’s well fueled, and recharged, and not making any clunky noises while you ride around. Sometimes that means you gotta go to a mechanic for a tune up, or in this case see a doctor to help you look under the hood and figure out what’s wrong. And sometimes what’s wrong can just be some minor thing that merely inconveniences you, like a busted headlight or a window that won’t roll up, and other times it’s something more serious that you need to deal with on the regular, like changing a spark plug now and then or adding oil when it gets low. Usually you can drive around with these things for a while before having to deal with them, but if you don’t deal with them they’ll turn into bigger problems later on. Then you got your emergency situations, like a breakdown or an actual injury. That’s when you need to seek immediate attention.”
Varian mulled over his friend’s words. He’d never thought of his brain as like being one of his inventions before, but it made sense in a way. 
“So which is it for you? Are you in danger or not?” 
“No, for the most part. It’s not as if OCD will kill ya, but every now and then you get overwhelmed and have a panic attack. You feel your chest get tight and your heart rate speeds up, and it’s like the whole world is closing in around you.”
Varian looked at Wasabi in surprise. His friend had perfectly described how it felt while running through the city last night. How could anyone else know that kind of blind fear? What on earth had Wasabi been through to cause such a ‘breakdown’, as he had described it? 
However, instead of prying, Varian asked a different question, “What do you do when you have these attacks?”
‘Well, I try to take deep breaths, maybe do some yoga, anything to get myself away from what’s stressing me out, and if I have a particularly bad one or if they keep happening a lot, that’s when I talk to someone, like the counselor.”
“Could… could I maaaybe come to you, if I have one? You know, ‘get away from it’ like you said?”
“Of course you can. Heck, you can even keep the spare key to the dorm. Drop by anytime you need to, even if I’m not here. Just let someone know where you’re at.” 
“Ok, thanks.” Varian offered up a smile, knowing he had some place familiar to run to when stressed greatly eased his mind. 
“Hey, what are friends for?” Wasabi said, echoing the same words Varian had heard him say during his first night in this new world. 
“You know, before I met you, I didn’t know the answer to that question. You’re the first real friend I’ve ever had, well next to Ruddiger that is.” He admitted sheepishly as he placed his beloved pet down. When he stood back up he noticed Wasabi was blinking back tears. 
“Maaan, come here you knucklehead.” He grabbed Varian into a mock headlock and gently mussed up his hair with his knuckles. Varian had to laugh at the ridiculousness of it. 
“Ahh, no! Noogies! My one weakness!” he feigned and they both started to snicker. 
“Yeah well, next time don’t scare me like you did yesterday.” He let Varian go and added more seriously. “We’re best friends, and nothing’s going to change that, not a panic attack nor a move. Got it?” 
“Got it.” Varian repeated. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad after all, not when he still had friends he could turn to.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
The First of Many
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Summary: Sometimes people surprise you.
Word Count: 3375
Warnings: People being assholes, swearing, but other than that absolute fluff
A/n: I wrote this a million years ago as entry for @themaskedwriter and i felt as if y’all should get some fluff because the angst train is coming on literally all my other writings so here ya go
It was happening again. You could hear them. They thought they were being quiet but alcohol made people stupid. Especially former frat boys, somehow you always managed to run into the ones that never fully left college when you were out and about.
You were sitting at the bar waiting for your roommate, who wasn’t usually late but seemed to be today.
The bar was a dingy old place but it was fully stocked and drinks were cheap.
It was Friday and you’d just gotten off of work and desperately needed not only a drink or two but to interact with other adults. However, you could’ve dealt without the group of men behind you because you had a feeling you knew what was going to happen. You only hoped that Okoye would get here before one of them decided to come over.
No such luck.
One of them came up and stood next to you. He played dumb by staring at the wall of alcohol as if he was deciding what he wanted.
“What do you suggest?” He leaned over and asked.
You gave him a blank stare, he was cute. Or at least he could’ve been.
“I’ll have whatever she’s having,” he told the bartender, Wanda, who gave you a look.
“A sex on the beach,” you told Wanda, who knew you were lying.
“Wait, what?” The overgrown frat boy asked.
“One sex on the beach comin’ up.” Wanda pulled out what she needed before he could change his order.
Shaking his head he looked to you, “So, what’s your name?”
“Y/n,” you answered unenthusiastically.
“Y/n,” he repeated, “that’s a beautiful name. I’m Grant.”
His overconfidence was already annoying you. But you had to continue to remind yourself to play nice because he and his friends outnumbered you and you didn’t want to start anything
“Nice to meet you,” you gave him a half-smile.
“So, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here at a bar alone?”
“Waiting for true love to come in and sweep me off my feet.” You took a sip of the rum and coke Wanda had just set in front of you.
“Oh, well here I am,” he said making you choke.
“That’s presumptuous of you.”
“Thank you,” he smirked, “so can I take you out?”
You wanted to laugh or throw your drink in his face but you just smiled at him and shrugged.
“Maybe,” you said as flirty as you could manage.
Grant wrote down his number on a napkin next to you. He slid it over to you and winked, you smiled but you wanted to gag. 
Once his back was turned you took the napkin and ripped it up and watched as the pieces floated onto the bar.
Wanda placed the drink she’d just made in front of you and winked, “On the house.”
“Thank you, Wanda,” you said as you played with the disregarded napkin pieces on the bar.
“That seems a little dramatic, don’t cha think?” A voice next to you asked.
You turned to a blue-eyed man who was sitting next to you with a quizzical look on his face.
“No, I don’t think it was,” you answered.
“Ok,” he nodded, “Then why did you rip up his number?”
You looked back to the group Grant had just rejoined then back at the stranger. 
“It was a dare. He did that because they have dubbed me the least attractive person here and thought I would be an easy target. Jokes on them, though I’ve been the butt of that joke before,” you threw up a peace sign and looked to your almost finished rum and coke.
Why were you telling this guy this? He is probably no different than the rest of them. And there you were telling this random guy about the one thing that kept you from dating the most.
“So if I was to give you my number or ask you on a date, would you assume that I was doing the same thing?” He asked.
“Well considering that I don’t know your name -”
“James,” he answered, “But people call me Bucky.”
“Who calls you James?” You asked surprising yourself with how interested you were in him.
He smiled while writing something down, “I guess if you really wanna know,” he slid the paper over to you, “you’ll find out.”
He gave you a wink and walked away.
“Who was that?” Okoye asked from behind you.
You turned and looked at your roommate.
“I don’t know,” you answered.
“She was just hit on,” Wanda said.
“By that guy,” Okoye pointed to Bucky who was joining his group of friends.
“Yeah but I think he felt sorry for me because that guy,” you pointed at Grant, “was dared to hit on me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Okoye said.
“It’s whatever. Here,” you said sliding the sex on the beach to Okoye who grimaced and looked at you, “It’s free and I’m not gonna finish it.”
 “Wanda, I would like to buy my lovely friend a bunch of drinks,” Okoye took the drink you handed her anyway.
“The usual coming up,” Wanda said pulling out multiple shot glasses.
“So how was work?” Okoye asked and you launched into a story about what happened during the day. Neither Wanda or Okoye missed how you slipped Bucky’s phone number into your purse.
Being a nanny was interesting, to say the least. Especially when one of the kids you were a nanny for was only six-months-old and every person on the planet thought that the baby was yours despite the fact that the baby looked nothing like you. But that didn’t seem to matter to anyone, it’d be one thing if they thought you adopted him, but most of them made a comment about how ‘your son looked so much like you’ which made you want to scream.
But that wasn’t going to stop you from taking baby Mike out, because sitting around all day with a baby could get boring.
So you took Mike to Target because you wanted to buy some new clothes. 
You were holding up two different black shirts.
“What do you think, Mikey? Black or black?” You asked the baby, who just stared at you, “No, I know. They’re both black, but one is more black than the other and they are different style shirts.”
Mike coos.
“You’re right, I should just get both, it’s not like I’m trying not to spend money,” you said sarcastically tossing the shirts in the cart. You look up and your eye land on someone across the way. “Oh, shit. Ok, Mike let’s make a quick getaway.”
“Hey,” Bucky made eye contact with you before you could dash off.
“You never called,” he said getting right to the point.
“Is there an expiration date on phone numbers?” 
Bucky laughed, you’d never heard anything like it, and you instantly wanted to make him do it again.
“No, I guess there’s not. I never caught your name.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “are you sure? Because if I remember correctly, you were there when I told it to the Gus guy. So is this your way of trying not to seem creepy for already knowing despite my never telling you?”
“Yeah,” he blushed.
“Who’s this?” He nodded towards Mike.
“Ah, this is Mike or Mikey. He’s one of the kids I nanny.”
Bucky leaned over so Mike could see him, “It is very nice to meet you, Mike. I’m Bucky.”
Mike stared at him for a moment, this baby had a serious case of resting bitch face, before he smiled at him and Bucky’s face lit up.
“Well, ya know what they say, babies are a great judge of character,” Bucky told Mike.
Mike grunted and Bucky gasped.
“Tell me more,” he said.
Watching him interact with a baby was almost too much for you and you needed to get him away from this before you completely broke down and asked him out right then and there.
“Well,” Bucky turned back to you, “I will leave you two to it. And I sincerely hope you do decide to call me, but no pressure.”
That night, after Okoye stared you down, you ended up calling him and asking him on a date.
“Stop pacing, you’re starting to make me nervous,” Okoye said from the couch not bothering to look up from her phone.
“Ok, but consider this,” you said continuing to pace, “What if he’s also doing this as a dare? What do I do then? Oh my god.”
“What?” Okoye looked up at you.
“What if he didn’t do this as a dare but hates me anyway? Or what if we start out liking each other and then -”
“Y/n!” Okoye cut you off. She shot up from her place on the couch and placed her hands on your shoulders. “If you don’t stop I will kill you. And I’d rather not kill you because that’s a lot of clean up for me and I don’t want to find a new roommate. So just chill out ok?”
“But -”
“No, if anything happens, I’ll kick his ass. So sit down and breathe.”
You sat in the armchair next to the sofa and took three deep breaths. Your text alert went off, you wasted no time in checking it.
Bucky: I’m downstairs.
“Ok, he’s here,” you got up and grabbed your things.
“Have fun and be safe,” Okoye called just before you shut the door.
Despite all your doubts and worries, you were excited, you couldn’t remember the last time you went on a date. Once you walked out the door your eyes landed on Bucky who was wearing black pants with a navy floral button-up shirt and a leather jacket. God, he was breathtaking.
When he saw you he started grinning.
“You look beautiful,” he said earnestly once you were within a foot of him. 
You looked at the ground bashfully, “Thank you. You look beautiful too.”
“It’s the shirt isn’t it?” He teased.
“I like the shirt,” you told him and his smile widened, which you didn’t think was possible.
“Alright well,” he held out his arm and you took it, “let’s get the night started shall we?”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” he smiled.
He led you to his car and opened up the door for you.  Once you were in, he shut the door and jogged to the driver’s side.
You looked out the window not wanting Bucky too see the embarrassed look on your face. 
This was the first time anyone has ever treated you like this on a date and it hadn’t even really started yet. And just like that, you finally understood what everyone meant when they said they had the best first date ever.
“You ok?” Bucky asked.
You turned to him, hoping that your facial expression had pulled itself together.
“Yeah,” you said.
It wasn’t technically a lie it just also wasn’t the complete truth.
He smiled and kept driving.
“Ya know what sucks the most about first dates?” He asked out of the blue.
“Uhh,” you stalled not sure how to answer.
“The 20 questions game, like I ask you where you grow up and then you answer and then you ask me some stupid question that I answer.”
“What would you suggest we do about this dreadful game then?” You held back a laugh.
“I think we should just tell each other our best stories for the night.”
“So you want to burn through all of my date material in one go? What would we talk about next time?” You asked as he came to a red light.
He looked over at you and smirked, “We aren’t even at the date site yet and you’re already talking about date number 2?”
“I- I uhhh -”
“Well, I better not fuck the rest of tonight up if I’m almost guaranteed a second date.”
Once again you had to look out the window to hide your face.
After a minute or two of driving Bucky stopped the car at the pier.
“Really?” You asked.
“What?” He looked at you, “Dates should be an experience, not just a fucking dinner.”
He got out of the car first and raced to your side to open the door for you but you opened it before he got there.
“Ya know, it’s hard to show off my gentleman-like qualities if you ruin my opportunities,” he said.
You laughed at him as you got out of the car. He offered you his hand and without even thinking about it, you took it.
He led you to the first stop, an elephant ear stand.
“Dessert first?” You asked.
“Are you not a dessert person?” He asked looking worried.
“What about me says I’m not a dessert person?” You laughed.
“Ok, well my current plan was to split one but if you want your own -” 
“We can split one,” you told him, “but I expect cotton candy on the way back.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You hadn’t realized that neither one of you let go of each other's hand until he pulled away to reach for his wallet.
“If I’d known we were going to be near the water I would’ve brought a jacket,” you muttered, not meaning for him to hear.
But of course, he did. So, he shrugged off his jacket and placed it on your shoulders. You slid your arms into the sleeves. Involuntarily you inhaled his scent, it smelled like old spice.
“Ok, so normally I’d save this story for the end of the date or date number two. So this is either going to make or break tonight,” Bucky said in between bites.
“Lay it on me,” you licked your thumb and forefinger.
“Ok, well,” he then launched into a story about the one time his friend Steve and Sam were trying to show off for some girl at the bar and they happened to be playing darts at the time. One thing led to another and Sam ended up hitting Bucky in the shoulder with a dart. Then apparently Bucky dramatically threw his arms into the air and hit not one but two women in the face.
You couldn’t stop laughing if you tried.
“It’s not that funny,” he clearly thought it was funny by the smile on his face.
“Did it hurt?”
“Not really I was drunk,” he admitted.
“Were they ok?” You gasped.
“I didn’t ask I was too focused on the fact that my friend hit me with a dart!”
You continued to laugh until you made it to the Ferris wheel line. Your laughter died down a little and you caught Bucky looking at you with a fond smile.
“What?” You asked.
“Nothing, it’s your turn to tell a story,” he said.
“Ok, well there was this one time Okoye, my roommate, thought that it would be a good idea to try and set me up with someone she knew from her home. So he came to visit and then confessed his love for her right there in front of me while I was all ready to go on a date with him.”
He looked at you in disbelief, “That’s not funny.”
“First of all, it’s hilarious. Second of all, I don’t have a lot of friends. It’s not like I have co-workers I can go out with. The majority of my time is spent with a baby and I don’t have many opportunities to talk to other adults.”
“Alright well,” Bucky said as you moved up a few spots in line, “I think that you will get along great with my friends.”
“Oh, so we’re skipping right over the second date to meeting your friends? That’s almost more important than meeting your family,” you teased.
“How so?” He asked.
The ride attendant let you on to one of the seats. Once you were seated you looked at him.
“Well, you pick your friends right? You can’t pick your family and in my eyes, your friends' opinion is more important than your family’s because you picked them. And you can be embarrassed by your family.”
“So what should I think about your lack of friends situation?” He teased.
“That I’m very selective with who I hang out with and that my time is precious and I don’t waste it on just anybody.”
You looked at him and his eyes drifted down to your lips for a fraction of a second then he looked back up to your eyes. The Ferris wheel stopped when your cart got to the top.
“What?” You asked.
“Your laugh is the most sound I’ve ever heard.”
“Oh -”
“And you are smart and beautiful, and it boggles me that you are single.”
“People use me as a dare -” you reminded him.
“They’re stupid and don’t know what they’re missing,” he whispered as his eyes drifted to your lips again.
“Bucky -”
“Y/n, I really,” he paused, “I’m having a really good time tonight.”
“Me too,” you answered.
“Would it be too forward if I said I wanted to kiss you?”
“No, but we don’t always get what we want.”
“But if you try sometimes you just might find -”
“Don’t,” you told him.
He leaned in really close to your face and you scrunched your face as he sang, “You get what  you need.”
“I hate you!” You laughed.
“Do you?”
“So,” he put his arm on the back of the seat, “On a scale from one to ten how is this date going?”
“I’ll let you know at the end of the night.”
And the night went on and it went amazing. And you would never admit it in a million years, well you might but not for a while, but you could feel yourself falling in love with him.
The drive home was odd, only because you didn’t want the night to end and that had never happened before. Typically you were ready for the night to end and you couldn’t wait to share with Okoye while you share a bottle of wine and laugh about how stupid the date was. But not this time, you tried to think of excuses to elongate the date.
At the end of the night, he walked you to the door.
“So I had fun tonight,” he said, “so, what’s the verdict on your side?”
“Well if ten is the best,” you clicked your tongue, “I’d have to go with a ten.”
“Just a ten?”
“Well, it’s a scale from one to ten,” you argued.
He stepped closer to you and cupped your face with his hand, “Do you want me to stop?”
You smirked, “No.”
He mirrored your expression and leaned in and kissed you.
His lips were soft as they glided over yours. He tasted like the cotton candy you had forced him to buy on your way back to the car. You leaned into him and pulled him to you like you couldn’t get close enough to him. And you couldn’t. You pulled away after what seemed like years to catch your breath. Your heartbeat went haywire and you could only hope that he was feeling what you were. You were about to invite him up to your place but he spoke.
“If I asked you on a second date -?”
“You’d get it,” you answered.
“Ok,” he gave you a quick peck on the lips before kissing your cheek, “until next time, then.”
He waited until you were inside the doors to walk back to his car. After you made sure that he was safe in his car and driving away, you rushed up to your place to tell Okoye to tell her about the date you’d just had. You’d forgotten that you were wearing Bucky’s leather jacket but you didn’t mind so much, it just gave you an excuse to see him again. You didn’t have to tell her that you were falling in love, she could just sense it.
You didn’t know this at the time but he also felt like he was falling in love with you too, and he had no intention of letting you go. And neither did you.
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in-class-daydreams · 5 years
Parlay (Kuroo x Reader) | Chapter 4
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader (ft. Roommate Kenma)
Word Count: ~900
Genres: Fluff, angst if you squint, general buffoonery
CW: Some swearing, but otherwise none!
Summary: (Y/N), a first-year student attending Tokyo U, is living with her best friend, Kozume Kenma. Little did she know, her life would be turned upside down after being exposed to Kenma’s volleyball teammate and close friend, Kuroo Tetsurou. One wrong move, and the parlay’s stakes only get higher each time.
Chapters: First | Previous | Next
“This is impossible!”
“Kuroo, Kirby’s the easiest character to play as.”
After his character got knocked off the screen yet again, Kuroo flopped backwards and pressed a pillow to the sides of his head. Kenma rolled his eyes.
“What a baby,” he mumbled. (Y/N) nudged his shoulder with hers.
“Be nice to Kuroo-san,” she placed her head on his shoulder, “Not everyone can be a famous pro-gamer.”
Kenma looked away from her.“Pfft, I’m not famous.”
She grinned teasingly. “Kozume-san! Can I get your autograph? You’re my idol! Kyaaaaaa!” she squealed in an exaggerated high-pitched tone.
Kenma struggled to free his face from its place between her hands. His hands gripped her wrists and they play-wrestled together. Kuroo got over his despair over being a video game amateur, and watched the two roommates tease each other. The two of them were a cute couple. Kenma pulled (Y/N) towards him, and Kuroo jolted in his spot. Of course they’d kiss. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, after all. But why did the idea make him so uneasy?
Kenma leaned in close and coldly said, “If you don’t stop, I’ll make you do the laundry. All by yourself. For a week.”
(Y/N) gasped loudly. ‘You demon!’
“But folding clothes is so hard! Ken-Ken--”
“Don’t ‘Ken-Ken’ me. I’ll make you do it. I really will.”
(Y/N) retracted her hands. Pouting, she said, “Fine, fine.”
Since sitting together in class that first day, she and Kuroo went to class together every session. Afterwards, Kuroo would drop her off at work. Every day, without fail. She never could convince him to stay a while for some treats. Chisai’s songpyeon was a life-changing ambrosia, however, and she was determined for Kuroo to try it. Last week, she’d texted Kuroo to go into class without her instead of waiting for her in the hall. A minute before class was set to start, she scurried in and placed a cute wooden box tied with a silky lilac ribbon.
“What’s this?” he asked in surprise.
“It’s songpyeon! A gift from my coworkers and me,” she chirped.
“I’ve never met your coworkers, though?”
She shrugged, “We’re all like family at Chisai, so they wanted to thank the boy they see through the window who the time to make sure I make it to work safely. We’re all really grateful.” She bowed to him.
His heart beat a little faster. He kept chanting ‘Bro-Code, Bro-Code, Bro-freakin’-code!’ in his mind like a mantra.
“It’s not a problem. Thank you for the food.”
In the living room, she turned back to the TV screen and was reminded how Kuroo only got in 64% damage and took 312%. Rather than bruise his pride going easy on him themselves, she and Kenma had paired him against a CPU at the easiest setting. It looked like his pride couldn’t be saved after this defeat.
“Kuroo-san, don’t feel bad. Games are hard and you’re talented at a lot of other things, like school, and you’re good at volleyball, aren’t you?”
Kuroo straightened up at that, “Good? I’m excellent. I’m the school’s star spiker!”
“Actually, Ushi--”
The taller male cut him off, “Come to our game tomorrow. There you can see me in action, and I’ll prove that I’m amazingly talented.”
(Y/N) felt she had seriously opened a can of worms, “Kuroo-san, I never said that you weren’t--”
“Come on! This is a chance for you to see both your boyfriend’s and my talents. Just make sure you remember you’re Kenma’s girlfriend. Make an effort not to fall for me after watching me play,” he winked at her.
‘Idiot! That’s such a weird thing to say! Pull yourself together, Kuroo. Kenma, my sweet boy, I’m sorry I’m such a creep.’
Kenma and (Y/N) shared a look before the girl dryly replied, “I doubt that’ll be an issue.”
Kuroo ended up leaving for practice a bit early today, and Kenma had to pre-record some ”Let’s Plays” before finals week ate up all his time. Honestly, she wondered how her friend was able to be a successful gamer, and a genius setter who could analyze just about anything related to volleyball while being a college student. It was, quite frankly, the flex of the century.
Before he disappeared down the hall, he called out to her, “He’s an idiot, you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he’s never gonna get it. He’s too wrapped up in his own head.”
Kenma huffed a laugh. He could feel the cogs turning in her head. The former brain of Nekoma’s volleyball team chuckled to himself. It looked like he’d be winning the bet sooner than expected.
(A/N) : Hey everyone! This chapter is probably one of the shorter ones we’ll write in comparison to some of the other ones. Hopefully, it still was just as enjoyable as the previous ones so far! The cover is slowly making its way to completion. (I just finished the linework for it T.T). Anyways, see you guys soon, and please look forward to the next chapter! :)
- Admin Kiwi-Chan
(A/N): This was a little shorter because I originally storyboarded it to be short, but I’m also kinda tired from doing four chapters in four days, lol. Hope you enjoyed, and the next chapter will be up as soon as editing is done. Thanks!
- Admin Mango-Chan
Taglist: @joyful-jimin
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