#i will DIE for this father/daughter
slushy-sash · 10 months
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do NOT talk to him or his daughter ever again
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north-noire · 8 months
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"You'll always be my daughter, even in spirit." My Henry Emily and Charlie/Charlotte Emily designs in my FNaF AU, Hidden Hands. Took a while to finalize, but here they are. ^^ Thank you for the 150+ followers as well! It means a lot that you guys like my work. I see a lot of your reblogs and stuff and I'm so stoked seeing all of your comments and interest in my AU. I never expected to get new friends and mutuals because of my interest in FNaF. Thank you so much <3
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quillkiller · 5 months
all im saying is ive never seen someone criticize those marylily or dorlily fanart/fics where they’re harrys mothers and theres no james in sight
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spite-and-waffles · 9 days
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
The thing that is so amazing for me about Doran is that he is essentially the FIRST father we get in this series (we are like FOUR THOUSAND PAGES IN AT THIS POINT BTW) who realizes he has allowed his own faults to harm the trust his daughter has placed in him and then takes responsibility for how he has hurt her. Doran is livid with Arianne until she finally makes the comment about believing he is set to disinherit her and give Dorne to Quentyn and then his anger completely deflates, and he says very clearly to her, “Dorne will be yours. You have my word on that, if my word still has any meaning for you.”
He doesn’t try to put the blame back on her after this, and in fact he puts the breaks on the conversation, making it clear that the problem here was his lack of communication and not Arianne's mistrust. And more than that, just this tiny little acknowledgment that he’s done her wrong is enough for Arianne to completely forgive him! All she needed in the end was a simple acknowledgement that he was being unfair. The moment she gets it she is determined to be her father’s dutiful daughter all over again, even after years of resentment and mistrust. It is, ultimately, i think all most of the daughters who clash with their fathers need in the end and that really only Arianne is lucky enough to receive; a simple acknowledgement that he is the one who messed up, and that she was right to be wary of him. And that little acknowledgement is all either of them needs to face whatever comes next -
“Go swiftly, go safely, be my eyes and ears and voice… but most of all, take care.” “I will, Father.” She did not shed a tear. Arianne Martell was a princess of Dorne, and Dornishmen did not waste water lightly. It was a near thing, though. It was not her father’s kisses nor his hoarse words that made her eyes glisten, but the effort that brought him to his feet, his legs trembling under him, his joints swollen and inflamed with gout. Standing was an act of love. Standing was an act of faith. He believes in me. I will not fail him.
Doran makes the effort to try. He is not perfect but at least he tries for Arianne and it gives Arianne the confidence to pick herself up and try again as well.
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mokutone · 1 year
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i just really think theyre SO alike,
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Joel meeting Ellie: *slams her into a wall & threatens to shoot her*
Joel five minutes later: *kills a man w/ his bare hands for threatening to shoot her*
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whenuwishuponastar · 5 months
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I just crave protection for my ball of perfection <3
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vii-doodles · 2 months
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The hashtag bitches
I have so many HCs for those two idiots
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justanamartins · 6 months
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leoleolovesdc · 6 months
Steph: Hey dad, can you pass me the salt?
Tim: She didn't!
Jason: Oh my god, she totally did
Cass: No...
Duke: [Snickering] Holy shit!
Bruce: [Passing the salt] Here, sweetie
Dick: He didn't!
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creative-hanyou-girl · 3 months
You guys know on how InuYasha, the few times he talks about it, badmouths his father and says he doesn't care to avenge his death when he battles Ryukoltsei?
I wonder if InuYasha starts to regret his mindset towards his father once he himself becomes a father. Or at the very least, he starts to understand his father better. Especially if you want to go by the Movie 2 canon where part of Toga's death was from protecting InuYasha and his mom.
Just makes me wonder if InuYasha looks at Moroha or any of his other children and has the thought that it'd break his heart if any of his kids felt resentment towards him like he felt for his own father, especially when everything he ever does is to protect them. And I wonder if it makes InuYasha start to look at his father's memory differently, now that he's a parent himself and would do anything and everything to protect his kids, even if it meant dying and leaving them without a father.
Not that he'd go and try to get himself killed, as he wants to actually be alive so they don't have to grow up like he did, but you know he'd sacrifice himself if it meant his children could live, just like his father did for him (according to movie 2).
I don't know, I just wonder if InuYasha starts to ever regret the way he looked at his father's memory back when he was a teen once he becomes a father to Moroha and starts to understand his father's actions as a parent now that he himself is a parent. Ya know what I mean?
#not that Inuyasha will ever have to worry about missing his daughter's life because nothing bad ever happens to break any of them apart#and the same for any other potential children he and Kagome has#its just a hypothetical#Yashahime? i don't know her#all I know is Teenage InuYasha vs. Papayasha#and how differently the 2 must have thought on the same topics#like their father. and how InuYasha felt so bitter or angry at his dad for leaving him in the name of protecting him#while simultaneously secretly yearning and missing the opportunity to know him#versus Papayasha who looks at Moroha & any other potential kids with the overwhelming understanding that they are his whole world#and he'd do anything to protect them. including laying down his life if it came down to it#& how he realizes that his father felt the same way for him & in that way Inu starts to understand his father in ways he didn't before#but he also understands how hard it is to survive without a parent esp. as a hanyou & refuses to let himself get killed battle-#-leaving Moroha and his other kids at the mercy of struggling in the world without his protection#so he resolves himself that. while he is willing to die for his kids. he must work even harder to STAY ALIVE for them above all else#so that they never have to grow up without him and wonder if he even cared or why he wasn't with them#the way he did with his own father#inuyasha#inukag#moroha#moroha higurashi#inukag child#inukag baby#inukag family#inu no taisho#inuyasha family#inuyasha movie 2#inuyasha headcanons#inuyasha theory#post canon
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science-lings · 2 months
"A Magician never reveals her secrets!" is the rule but Trucy's family has always been completely made up of other magicians. They've taught her all she knows, cards and throwing knives and sawing people in half and how to smile no matter what. So she may call Phoenix 'daddy' pretty much immediately but when she starts really thinking about him as her family is when she starts to teach him some magic.
She can tell that he's already a bit of a performer as well, his false smiles are practiced and perfected, he appreciates some theatrics, he knows the security that comes with an act. He's her father now, so she teaches him some sleight of hand and how to throw knives so he stops coming back from work all bruised from a card game gone wrong.
Just... the Wrights being a completely in-sync duo who above all, are performers, acting out the life they want others to think that they have. They have smiling iron masks that can only be seen through by each other and they're all each other has.
Phoenix didn't adopt Apollo when he figured out his parentage, no, he figured it was too late when Trucy started making him her magical assistant.
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yarart4ever · 2 months
Feeling nostalgic (and bored) so here's some kfp incorrect quotes again! (!KFP4 SPOILERS!)
Zhen: *dealing with an interrogation with a bandit*
Po: "Nice job, Zhen!"
Zhen: "Thanks, dad. So, anyway-"
Everyone in the room: *freezes and looks at Zhen*
Zhen: *darts her eyes to everyone* "Why is everybody staring at me?"
Crane: "You just called Po 'dad'. You said 'thanks, dad'."
Zhen: "What?? no I didn't! I said 'thanks, man'!"
Po: "Do you see me as a father figure, Zhen?"
Zhen: "No! If anything I see you as a bother figure because you're always bothering me!"
Tigress: "Hey! Show your father some respect."
Po: "No, no, no, Zhen! I take it as a compliment!"
Mantis: "it's not a big deal. I called Viper 'mom' once and she's my girlfriend."
Monkey: "Old news, but you calling Po daddy-"
Zhen: "Hey, 'daddy' is not on the table here!"
Bandit: "Yeah but you did call him 'dad' dude."
Zhen: "You shut up you've done nothing but lie since you've got here!"
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bibxrbie · 8 months
No, please, please don't force these non-related characters of a found family into a Western nuclear construct. Noooo..
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partywithponies · 8 months
Julian died shagging a woman who appears to be close to Alison in age. The secretary he flirted with in The Ghost of Christmas also looks to be about the same age. He both lusted after Mike's sister, who is roughly the same age as Alison, and treated her as a surrogate wife. He has been sexual about/towards women younger than Alison on multiple occasions. Almost all of his pictures of Samantha Fox? They're from when she was considerably younger than Alison (she was only 27 when Julian died, and she was 17 when she first became a topless model). Women of around Alison's age and younger are demonstrably what Julian is primarily attracted to. All this to say, Julian seeing Alison as a surrogate daughter is not only not supported by canon, but people spreading the idea in the notes of my posts as though it was canon makes me very uncomfortable. It's weird. I don't like it. Please stop it.
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