#i will make new friends because you arent there to tell me you don’t like them so i shouldn’t hang around them
d3l3t3d-deactivated · 1 month
#realized/had an epiphany today that so many of the traits my abusers have condemned me for are the same traits that my friends and family#love about me#im weird and funny and slightly insane#i will threaten to reanimate steve jobs so that i can kill him again and yell at cars driving in the bus lane#i will burn my breakfast and give a dollar to a person on the street and yell PENIS PENIS GOD FUCKING DAMNIT when i stub my toe#i will cover myself in fake blood from target and pretend to be a serial killer to and EDM song because i think it’s funny#i will quote webshows me and 5 other people have seen and i don’t care that you don’t wanna watch it with me#i will interupt people by mistake because im excited to talk to them and you won’t be there to yell at me#i will buy the expensive treat for myself because you aren’t there to steal it from me#i will watch that horror movie and play thay horror game because you arent there to say im gross and depressing for liking it#i will make a fucked up meal with microwave rice and canned beans because you arent there to tell me im a terrible cook#i will fuck around with my makeup because you arent there to tell me i’m bad at makeup#i will thrift for crazy costumes and style crazy wigs because you arent around to steal them from me#i will make new friends because you arent there to tell me you don’t like them so i shouldn’t hang around them#i will keep leading with kindness and not shit talk people i don’t even know just because they give you ‘a vibe’#don’y you dare ever take away my claws and clip my wings again im a weird monsterman and i like it that way
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littleroaes · 7 months
( 🌷 ) ❀˖° — ‘ ACQUAINTANCES ‘ — a list of my MOOTS ( writers and non ) who I have interacted with and fic RECS.
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( 🌷 ) ❀˖° — AUTHORS NOTE : a list of my acquaintances here on tumblr! as I’m very timid, I don’t have too many interactions with some users. but the net of people here is very sweet and sincere. please please give them love!
I will update it as I get to know new people, read past works/ new works!
• LAST UPDATE : oh my god! it’s done! I think I have gathered all? don’t feel afraid to comment or something else if I missed you! It’s pretty rushed at parts, but I’ll improve on it, for the time being, I’m released it’s finally up!
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➵ @blue-rainydays 💙
➵ @cloverdaisies m.list personal rec ➤ HEY CHAT! ∩^ω^∩ ↳ no one loves this fic like I love this fic! reread it a lot because it genuinely makes me so happy! i wrote it in my reblog but im so sad this yn and hj arent together lol. i would be the biggest minecraft fan if they were real →
➵ @cupidjyu m.list personal rec ➤ he’s hopeless! ↳ the fluffiest fluff that has ever fluffed! kicked my feet all the way through! juyeon's character is so entertaning to read! → other: detention for romance
➵ @everynewiee m.list ( @adorablehyunjae ) personal rec ➤ Honey - Dew Cat Cafe ↳ so cute! juyeon wears an apron and owns a cat(do I need to say more?) their pet bring them together!au !!! →
➵ @from-izzy m.list personal rec ➤ this summer… ↳ hyunjae is so patient! real love im telling you! that giddy feeling of when you feel special! It's what it gives! I wish to have someone like this hyunjae →
➵ @haet-sal m.list personal rec ➤ Cinderella Boy ↳ really creative fic! i loved the concept, had me in my seat the entire time! youre gonna feel so bad for juyeon though →
➵ @heemingyu m.list personal rec ➤ Serenade ↳ so feel good! I absolutely adore eric's and sunwoo's dynamic in this one! eric is down so bad, and i love it! → other: Rainy Days
➵ @hyungseos-cafe m.list personal rec ➤ the thought of you ↳ love this series! very easy to read since all of them are pretty short, but each one is so distinct and cute! I especially like changmins and erics! →
➵ @juyeonszn m.list (@fawnieszn/ @jungwonszn @yeonjunszn @eunseokszn )
personal rec ➤ BLAH BLAH ↳ I feel like there’s a lot of coincidences between me and this fic lol. but I do truly love it. jacob is 🫠🫠, basically all fawns fics make me feel 🫠🫠 lol →
➵ @kimsohn m.list personal rec ➤ polaroid & hearts on your sleeve ↳ polaroid is such a cute one! makes me want a jacob for myself even more! hearts on your sleeve is heart-aching, but I find it so creative! →
➵ @kpop17
➵ @leaz-kpop-life
➵ @onceuponabloom tag system! personal rec ➤ taste your lipgloss ↳ I’m so bad at describing things! but kicking my legs! very typical flirty, oops, heart fluttering vibe but I love it! →
➵ @o-onikix m.list personal rec ➤ Enchanted ↳ was some time since I read it, but I remember enjoying it! First time I wish to end a relationship with hyunjae →
@seolboba m.list personal rec ➤ 8:36 AM ↳ not tbz, but very cute! I really like rin (oc)! though I’m a kevrin stan, I really like Felix and her in this one. chans immediate leadership/ family ship is amazing! →
➵ @sungbeam m.list personal rec ➤ ain’t no romeo ↳ listend to it in speechify! a fic with so much to explore! there's so many good dynamics between characters and different elements! from humor, cutesy, fluttering and mysterious! →
➵ @winterchimez m.list ( @midnightfantasiez ) personal rec ➤ Make or Brake ↳ love changmin childhood friends to lovers! he fits it so well for some reason. really feel good fic! → other: criminal,
➵ @zzoguri m.list personal rec ➤ of linked arms and bruised hearts (you are the reason i keep on going) ↳ a long one, but the ending is so satisfying. every moment feels well-earned! again, changmin fits f2l so bad! I love their friend group, and jacob lowkey broke me lol →
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panjakes · 2 years
Black on black
Parings: Adams family!wonwooxBlack!reader
Summary: the Jeon family have always been a weird family
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“Hey! Ever heard about the Jeon family?”
“The Who?”
“Your new around here, would really expect you to know who they are”
“Well, who are they?”
“See that house over there?”
“Yeah, it’s abandoned right?”
“Wrong, the Jeon family lives there”
“They live in that house? Why?”
“They like it like that. I couldn’t tell you why”
“Who are they?”
“Jeon wonwoo married Jeon Yn. They have two three kids. Wednesday jeon and their twin boys Atsu and Taiwo Jeon. Wednesday is about our age and the twins have to be like three by now”
“They always wear black and white. It’s like they’re attending a funeral”
“Do they come out?”
“The kids do. Wednesday goes to our school and she drops the twins off at daycare. You barely see their parents”
“I seen them once at the grocery store. Everybody tried their best to avoid them. The cashier didn’t even want to ring them up so they just walked out with their groceries”
“Whoa seems scary”
“Talking about my family again?”
The three boys jump turning around seeing Wednesday
“My parents arent scary. They just like keep to themselves. You should really mind your business. And didn’t I tell you to stop watching my house or my mother will eat you”
Wednesday says scaring the three boys. They scream and run away causing her to smirk. She walks into the house and was greeted by Jun, the family’s butler.
“Good afternoon Ms.Wednesday. Causing a ruckus again?” He asks taking her book bag
“You know it” she says causing the man to chuckle
“Your parents are in the study, your mother asks that I tell you that the twins are asleep so keep it down” Jun says
She nods and makes her way to the study. Once reaching the door she opens it to hear her mother rambling
“She had the nerve to tell me I scare her damn cats! Do I care about her damn cats?!” Yn asks
“Not at all” Wonwoo says flipping the page
“She’s lucky I didn’t steal the damn cats” Yn says folding her arms
“Do you want cats my love?” Wonwoo asks
“No. I’m fine with the four baby cats we have” she says and with that being said Wednesday and one of the baby cats walk into the room
“Afternoon princess, how was school?” Wonwoo asks closing his book after bookmarking it
“It was fine. Some kids were stalking our house again” she says walking all the way into the room
“When aren’t people stalking our house” Yn mumbles looking at the shelves of books
“Are they’re your friends?” Wonwoo asks
“Of course not. I have no friends” Wednesday says
“It’s okay to have no friends sweetheart. Your auntie Amina was my only friend growing up” Yn says
“But mommy, daddy said having friends is good” she says making Wonwoo says
“That’s because daddy lives with his best friend” Yn says making Wonwoo chuckle
“Mommy do you know there’s a rumor in town that your way children and cats?” Wednesday asks crawling into wonwoo’s lap
Yn rolls her eyes with a scoff
“Yes I do. They said I ate you when you were born” she says shaking her head. Wonwoo let’s out a chuckle making Yn snap her head in his direction
“It’s not funny woo” she says in warning tone
“I’m just laughing at how ridiculous it is my dear” he says as he takes down Wednesday’s curly pigtails
“I’ve never seen mom eat cats. We have four baby cats” Wednesday says
“And your mother loves our four baby cats” wonwoo says kissing her forehead
“I told them mommy would eat them” Wednesday says making wonwoo chuckle and Yn sulk
“That’s my girl” wonwoo says
“Thats not good Wednesday. Don’t tell anybody else I’ll eat them” you say
“But why? People are always taking about how ugly and scary you are!” She says making your jaw drop
“Ugly?!?!” Yn screeches making the girl nod
Wonwoo reaches over grabbing her hand caressing it with his thumb
“It’s okay sweetheart I find you very beautiful and…very sexy. I would say I’m a very lucky man” he says silting after kissing her hand.
She pulls her hand away with a smirk
“Thank you love” she says
“Honestly my opinion is the only one that matters” he says
Before Yn could respond, Jun walked into the room with both twins holding his hand.
“The twins are awake” he says
“Mommy!”Atsu shouts running over to Yn who scooped him up into her arms
“Hi baby! Did you have a good nap?” She asks making the boy nod. Taiwoo slowly let go of jun’s hand walking over to Wednesday and wonwoo. He didn’t say anything as he tapped her leg putting his arms up
“Up!” He says and up he went as Wednesday picked him up and put him in her lap.
Wonwoo runs his hand through his wild curls with a smile
“Hi son” he says causing the boy to wave. He didn’t talk much, it didn’t bother his parents tho.
“I have an idea!” Yn says
“And that is?” Wonwoo asks with a raised brow
“Jun! Get in here!” She shouts
Soon enough Jun was in the room
“I need you to make us a reservation at a restaurant. Any restaurant” Yn says making wonwoo frown
“We’re eating out?” He asks
“Yes! Make them for tomorrow night and also count yourself” she says making Jun nod before leaning the room
“Why are we eating out if Gyu comes and cooks for us?” Wednesday asks
“Because I want people to see I don’t eat children and cats!” Yn says
“Honey…who cares?” Wonwoo asks
“You don’t care because it’s not you being accused! I’m a very nice women! I eat children and cats because I wear black and dark makeup?” Yn asks putting her hand on her hip
“No” Wednesday says with a shout
“No!”Atsu says following suit
“That’s right babies! We’re going out tomorrow night!” Yn says making the children cheer
Wonwoo sighs with a smile shaking his head at his family
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“W-what’s the name of the reservation?”
“I think we both know the name” wonwoo says
“R-right sorry. Right this way”
The women was practically shaking and the restaurant was quiet. Every pair of eyes was on the jeon family
“They actually left their house?”
“They don’t serve cats and children here what is she going to eat?”
“They have three kids?”
“Who’s the blond guy with them?”
“She’s actually really pretty”
The family sit down at their table and pick up the menus looking over what they may want to eat
“Chickies!!!” Atsu says holding a crayon out to Yn
“You want chicken nuggets Su?” Yn asks grabbing the crayon
“Yes!” He says
“Okay daddy’s going to get you chickies” Yn says coloring the tiger with the small child
Everyone in the restaurant stared in shock at the women and child.
“You want Mac and cheese Taiwoo?” Wonwoo asks causing the boy to shake his head
“You want chickies?” He asks making him nod
“Su are you going to share your chickies with your brother?” Wonwoo asks
“No” he says causing Wednesday and jun to laugh
“Why not?” Yn asks
“He can’t have any” he says
“But why? Sharing is caring” Wonwoo says
“Fine” the boy mumbles coloring away
Yn giggles kissing his forehead
Everyone in the restaurant was shocked at the family. Especially Yn and Wonwoo. All the rumors that went around town about the both of them were Wrong. Yn wasn’t an ugly old women who ate children and cats. Wonwoo wasn’t an mean old cranky man who didn’t take care of his family.
“I’m going to the restroom” wonwoo says before getting up from his seat. As soon as he turned the corner a women with red hair sat in his seat.
“Can I help you?” Yn asks
“Is Mr.Jeon a good husband and parent?” She asks catching you off guard. You look over at Jun who held the same expression you did
“Yes…he is?” You say in a questionable tone handing Atsu his spoon so he can feed himself
“I knew it! From where I was sitting I seen it all! The way he looked at you as he cut your steak and the way he feed the kids?!” She says
“Uh thanks?”
“I can’t even get my husband to take out the trash! Girl he loves you I can tell! And look at these babies oh my aren’t they gorgeous!” She says tickling Atsu who giggles
“Thank you” you say with your brow still raised
“I can just look at you and tell your a kind women. Your so beautiful. Those rumors don’t even have a little bit of truth to them! Why did they start anyway?” She asks
You point to your makeup and dress
“I’m not exactly this towns norm” you say with a sarcastic smile
“Yeahhh…Wednesday goes to beacon middle right?” She asks causing you to nod
“You should come to the PTA meeting tomorrow! You and Mr.Jeon!” She says
“You sure? I won’t scare the other parents?” You ask
“Girl no! I got your back! You’ll be there right?” She asks
“I guess” you say taking the spoon from Atsu who was now playing in the bowl of Mac and cheese
“Great! I’ll see you tomorrow!” She says leaving the seat
“That was weird” Jun says
“Yes it was…Wednesday who’s mother was that?” You ask
“Cherry…I don’t like her. I want to punch her in the face” Wednesday says
“Honey, who was that women in my seat?” Wonwoo asks coming back to the table
“Cherrys mother”
“And who’s cherry?”
“My classmate. Daddy I don’t like her.” Wednesday says
“What did she want?”
“She told me to come to the PTA meeting tomorrow night”
“Are you going to go?” Wonwoo asks cleaning Atsu’s mouth
“Yeah” Yn says making the whole family stop and look at her . Even the babies
“Why?” Wonwoo asks
“Why not? We should be more involved in Wednesday’s school life” yn says shrugging
“This might not be as good of an idea as you think baby” Wonwoo says handing Taiwoo his cup of juice
“We’re going. End of discussion” yn says
“As you wish” he says throwing his hands up in surrender.
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“You always look beautiful in black” Wonwoo says kissing your cheek
“I know. It’s my favorite color” Yn say fluffing her puff
She applied black lipstick to her lips before grabbing her purse. She leaves the room with Wonwoo in tow.
“Mommy!! Mommy!” Atsu shouts running over to her wrapping his tiny arm around her leg
“Hi Su baby! Mommy and daddy will be back okay?” She asks causing the smile child to nod
“Now, go get Uncle Jun!” Yn whispers
“I heard that!” Jun shouts from wherever he was
Yn giggles before opening the door.
“Wednesday!” Wonwoo shouts
“Yes?” She says coming from the shadows
“Be on your worst behavior”Wonwoo smirks with a wink
“Aren’t I always?” She says making her parents chuckle before leaving the house
“Now are you doing this to fit in? Cause I don’t get it?” Wonwoo asks
“Fuck fitting in! I just want to prove that I don’t eat children and cats. They took that rumor TOO far” Yn says making Wonwoo nods parking the car.
“Understandable my love, please understand your probably a better person that most of those women in there. That’s why they started rumors about you” he says kissing your knuckles
“Aww aren’t you sweet? I appreciate it love” you say leaning over to kiss his cheek.
Wonwoo rushes to your side of the car opening your door and you made you way into the school. When you made it to the PTA room everyone got quiet
“Hello ladies, and gents how are you?” You ask taking a seat
“What are you doing here?” A blond women asks
“Uh I am a parent of a student who goes here” you say looking at her as if she was dumb
“Well it’s good we have you here because we have something’s to discuss about Wednesday” another blond women says
“Ah! My darling daughter! She’s just an angel isn’t she” you asks making Wonwoo chuckle. You both knew wrong
“Quite the opposite actually. She threaten to stomp another girl into next week if she pulled on her pigtails again”
“Well what was another girl doing pulling on her hair?” Wonwoo asks raising a brow
“Is the other child punished?” Yn asks tilting her head
“Uh no but-“
“Then we don’t need to hear anything else. Next” you say waving your hand
“Well Uh Wednesday also threw a book at another student”
“And what did the other student do?”
“Is that really important? Your daughter is hurting and threading other students”
“It does fucking matter because I know my daughter isn’t just doing stuff unprovoked. So what did the other student do?” Yn asked crossing her legs
“The other student poured milk on her”
“So these students are just fucking with my child and you want to make her out to be the perpetrator? I’ve heard enough.” Yn says standing up
“Wait! Ms.jeon!” The women from the restaurant says
“No! Your lucky I haven’t heard about any of this sooner” yn says
“Or what?” A black haired man says getting in yns face
“I’d step down if I were you, and don’t step to my wife ever again.” Wonwoo says standing up from his seat
“Psh I’m not scared of you, your kid gave mine a black eye. You think your family’s all high and mighty because everyone is scared of you? Well I’m not. Get your dumbass wife and disobedient child under control” the man says
Before you can say anything else Wonwoo grabs the man by his shirt before punching him in the face. He hit him two more times before letting him go allowing him to fall to the floor
“That’ll be your last time disrespecting my family” Wonwoo says dusting off his all black suit
“Well Cherry’s mom. This was a very eventful PTA meeting. This was my first and last time coming to one of these. Please do not let me catch wind that my daughter is being messed up or I will reign hell…Thank you.” Yn says taking wonwoo’s extended hand
He clasp his hand in hers before leading her to the door and back to the car
“How’d it go?” Jun asks
“Oh it was splendid! Wonwoo punched a man!” Yn says chuckling
“Daddy! You punched a guy?” Wednesday asks
“I sure did. Why didn’t you tell me and your mother that kids were bothering you?” He asks
“I didn’t need to. I took care of it” she says making Yn clap
“That’s my babygirl! Defend yourself” Yn says
“That is good you took care of it but you still need to tell us just in case it gets out of hand, okay?” Wonwoo says
“Okay daddy” she says nodding
“We love you okay?” Yn says
“I love you too” she says smiling
“Love too!” Atsu screams coming down the stairs in jun’s arm. Taiwoo holding his hand
“Of course baby, we love you too” Yn says taking the child from jun and Wonwoo picking up taiwoo from the ground.
“Ya know what. Fuck everybody else. Our little quaint family is all we need. Ain’t that right Jun?” Wonwoo says
“That is right”jun says smiling
“I really don’t care about anybody else. I just draw the line at me eating cats and children” Yn says
“And it’s understandable sweetheart. Movie night?” Wonwoo asks
“Come on! Jun pop the popcorn please” Yn says walking towards the living room with her children and husband tow
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magolandandfriends · 9 months
Hello Magolor and friends, I have been watching your tale play out for a while and its interesting to me. I also brought a gift *place four bags of popeye's chicken in front of them* Its four chicken tender family meals making it 64 pieces of chicken twenty biscuits 20 sauces and 8 sides. I didn't know what you may want so I got 4 sides of fries, 2 sides of mashed potatoes and 2 sides of mac and cheese. Oh right and before I forget I had two questions. First, Magolor are you feeling any side effects from your little heatstroke incident. Second, I saw that Zan Partizanne and Susie are a couple so I was wondering if anyone else among the four of you (sans susie given my earlier point) or other people you know are in relationships. - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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[ They’re all happy. Very happy. Certified :D moment. ]
Magolor: No I haven’t been feeling any kind of side effects! It’s been a month since I fainted I’m doing perfectly fine! No need to worry!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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Susie: That’s oddly specific-
Taranza: Trust me if I knew why I would tell you but- also don’t tell Marx I told you this I’ll never hear the end of it
Susie: oh don’t worry I won’t. I’ll just use this information to mess with him
Wanderer belongs to: @the-omndell-chronicles !!
(…. It’s been. Almost a month. Since I answered an ask. And it’s been. Almost 3 months. Since I’ve gotten this ask. Um. So how y’all doing)
(Anyways HOLY FUCJING SHIT ITS BEEN ALMOST A MONTH SINCE I FED YOU GUYS WITH MY ASKS IM SO DAMN SORRY- like I said before- college started, i had to wait for my new iPad to arrive, I have to do actual assignments now and I’ve been B U S Y, and this ask wAS SUPER LONG- I had to restart it twice because I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out)
(AND DAILY REMINDER ESPECIALLY WITH LIFE STARTINF TO GET MORE BUSY FOR ME. YOURE ASKS ARENT BEING IGNORED. NOT ONLY AM I LETTING A WHEEL PICK FOR ME BUT IM SUPER BUSY NOW. This time I’m going to focus on the asks from July before I go back to the wheel BUT hopefully now that this big one is finished they’ll come out quickly- I’ll try to get 1-2 out by the weekends but if not then please forgive me)
(And to those that read my tags on posts that were marx and Magolor focused- where I get extra silly. Yes this is technically a part where it starts to pick up but it’s more of a prologue if anything so do with that what you will)
(Ok anything else I wanna say- oh yes- Magolor isn’t lying he hasn’t been experiencing any side effects that were linked to the fainting incident. But his friends are keeping and extra close eye on him when the weather is hotter than usual. Man I hope something like that doesn’t happen again that would be cra-)
(OKOK ONE LAST BIT IF IMPORTANT INFO- I normally draw characters from the magoverse for silly and fun but this time I tried to draw this askers OC wanderer for fun- I tried goikg based off the text post that was on their profile but if I messed anything up then I DEEPLY apologize- I’ll try to make fixes if I don’t forget-)
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dragon-queen21 · 1 month
thinkin about usopp and franky taking vent regressing luffy into their respective workshops and showing him all their new projects or wips to help cheer him up
- “and this is my new floatation device for the sunny im working on- luffy please dont touch that!”
or chopper letting luffy play on his spin chair and chopper giving him a “checkup” and just ending up with chopper giving luffy a fake diagnosis
- “i see, i see.. i think you have severe case of silliness..”
or jinbe just sitting with him and somehow that brings luffy so much comfort because jinbe understands, jinbe was there, and jinbe protected him with his life (he knows they all can, they all would, he trust them too, but for some reason its different with jinbe) (they both respect each other in their own way)
i feel like the crew would still try to cheer luffy up so he doesnt go down a emotional rabbit hole, but still letting him feel the emotions he needs to feel (hc that luffy has a hard time genuinely letting himself feel negitive emotions that arent anger, im sorry he did not “get over” aces death in two years just to never talk about it with his crew)
sorry i really need to just drop my thoughts- sorry if they donr make sense !!
Waaaah!!! A severe case of the sillies. My heart 🥺🥺🥺
Luffy: “I think I have the big sad.”
Chopper: “No! You have the sillies! I am the doctor here!”
Luffy giggling: “Tay”
Also Jinbe- I haven’t met him yet where I am in the anime, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him! The dad ever.
Just, holding the baby, and the other straw-hats are running around looking for the regressor and the two are just chilling.
Luffy: “Day loud.”
Jinbe: “They really are. I wonder what the fuss is?”
Also I agree with your last head canon. No one just ‘gets over a death.’ Also with how much Luffy has gone through just the trauma of watching his friends fight and get hurt you can’t tell me that he isn’t scared of not being enough or what if he doesn’t save everyone in time? It has to come out some way in like nightmares or intrusive thoughts or something. He just never talks about it and no one asks because that’s just Luffy.
I also always like to look at all the injuries a character has gathered and just wonder like the amount of chronic pain that would still be there, or the scars, or just, other things that never seem to be brought up. I mean yes, his body is made of rubber so maybe the chronic pain wouldn’t be a thing for him but you get the idea.
Thank you very much for your thoughts! Hope my comments did them justice ^^
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spaceagebachelormann · 7 months
Hii am I able to request Dean Portman x M!Reader who is also goth and Bombay’s son? Like how would Bombay and the rest of the team react when they find out Dean and him are dating?
dean with a goth bf who’s bombays son !
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✧ warnings: maybe some homophobia (it takes place in the 90s after all), and mentions of people being judgemental towards readers style. also there’s like one sexual joke
✧ additional info: been wanting to write this for awhile now ngl <3, and also reader is on the team because it makes my life easier
✧ nav. — m.list.
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i’m gonna be honest
he probably thought you were weird at first cause of the way you would dress
he didn’t say anything abt it though because you were bombays son and he didn’t wanna get kicked off the team so he js kept quiet
but i feel like he eventually starts to think ur cool because he’d talk to u through fulton cause fulton seems like that one mf who’s friends with literally everyone
he finds out ur music taste is the bomb (GOTH MUSIC EATS IDC) and slowly builds a friendship over that
he seems like he would be able to easily recognize his feelings for u
but he has internalized homophobia and hid it because his thought was “he’s hot but in a friend way” (it’s not in a friend way)
i hc that him and julie are close friends so when it starts to frustrate him he goes to her
they talk it out and she helps him realize that he def likes u
“everytime i see him i just wanna grab him and kiss him but like in a friend way” “dean would you flirt with your guy friends” “no?? tf?? oh.” “yeah”
probably takes a week to accept it before realizing this way he can pull both guys and girls
he starts making like subtle moves at u since he knows everyone will just think y’all are joking abt something
he’d probably get annoyed if u don’t catch on 😭
after a week of accepting he likes guys he decides to ask u out cause like what’s he got to lose
it was probably SO random too
y’all are sitting on his bed when suddenly he moves closer and just says “ur hot ngl”
and then he confesses slightly normally and y’all start ur relationship!
now because it’s the 90s and it’s a mlm relationship he becomes so much more protective than if he had a gf
someone looks at you guys weird in public? he’s looking even weirder back. someone calls you guys a certain f slur under their breath? he walks up to them and calls it them to their face
at this point he thinks ur style is so cool and interesting and js wants to show u off a lot
will walk behind u to check u out mainly and so u can have the spotlight
and he will fight anyone who makes fun of you
he’d always have an arm around ur waist or shoulders or on ur thigh for funsies
also probably calls u the names of goth artists cause he thinks it’s funny
u bring him something? “thanks robert smith”
u give him a lil kiss after practice? “why don’t u give me another marilyn manson?”
as for bombays reaction
dean probably fucking told him by accident during practice 😭
“dean nobody likes when ur get agressive like that—” “OH YEAH? UR SON SURE FUCKIN DOES”
and then everyone js kinda stares at him
and bombay turns to u and then looks at him again before js telling everyone to keep practicing
he pulls y’all aside to talk to u
he’s supportive ofc <3 but he also reminds u to be careful because people aren’t very accepting
but he also knows there isn’t much to worry about cause when ur dating dean ur also probably bsfs with fulton and those two will die before letting anything happen to u
i cant think of anything else rn but i might come back and add to this!
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Hey, could you write something for Reyna? There's so little content and you're an amazing writer.
Maybe about how on the Argo II Reyna and the reader have had a secret relationship, and the crew finds out. Except they haven't even been hiding it this whole time. Like when they thought Reyna liked Jason and Percy, she really didn't.
And if you feel like it, something about Nico learning to accept himself after seeing queer relationships. Please and thank you :)) 🙏
((Thank you for the request! I'm only on the House of Hades so I don't know Reyna that well yet but I hope this is ok! I was already spoiled on Nico and Piper's sexuality but please be careful and check what book I'm on in the masterlist in the future! I hope you enjoy! 💕))
Reyna Secret Dating + Nico Accepting Himself
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
-You two weren’t one to flaunt your relationship. You never saw the need too. You both knew that you cared for each other and that wasn’t something the world needed to know.
-Maybe because both monsters, demi-gods and gods alike could find out and use it against you. But it was better to be safe than sorry. That didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy the moments of peace with her.
-The two of you stayed in the Argo ll falling asleep in each other's arms after a rough battle. You didn’t expect Leo to come knocking loudly on the door and burst in. “Hey! The meeting is- wait what?” he looks between you two for an explanation 
-Reyna was not having it this early in the morning glaring daggers at Leo. “If you don’t get out I’ll shove you out myself.” she says sternly. Leo puts his hands up in surrender and backs out as if staring down a bear, closing the door with that.
-You were all gathered up for the morning meeting while Leo kept looking at the two of you. “So… When were you going to tell us?” Annabeth asks from the head of the table. You raise a brow at that in confusion “We never hid it?”
-”What? But you guys don’t like… Hold hands or even kiss!” Piper asks in confusion. You raise a brow and look over at Reyna who just shrugs. “We’ve held hands and kissed before. We just don’t make a habit of doing it in front of people.” 
-Needless to say everyone was pretty shocked by the news but they were at least happy for you both. 
Nico Di Angelo
-Being out wasn’t easy. Even though his friends supported him he still struggled with his own thoughts and memories. He was from the 1930’s after all where being gay was well… Unheard of to put it lightly.
-He was torn from his thoughts when Piper put a gentle hand on his shoulder with a sheepish smile. “Are you doing alright?” Nico normally hid his emotions but… Piper was like him, she had a girlfriend. If anyone could relate it’d be her.
-”I… It’s been hard.” Nico admits softly. He wasn’t used to opening up but Piper sits down beside him, watching the sunset over Camp Half-Blood. She seems to take a moment to form her thoughts and words.
-”I’m sure. I couldn’t imagine how you’re feeling knowing how things were in the past but… Things arent’ the same anymore.” Piper says looking over at Nico now with a kind smile on her face.
-”We have a community, even a celebration. I think you’d love going to a pride festival.” That does get Nico’s attention as he perks up in curiosity at that. “A pride festival?” he asks softly. 
-Piper nods happily “An entire festival for people like us, where we can all group up and just be ourselves without worrying what people think. Where we can form up as a community and celebrate being ourselves.” Nico looks at Piper mostly to see if she was joking, but seeing she was serious he hesitantly nods. “I… I want to go.” Piper grins happily at that and ruffles his hair, much to Nico’s annoyance “Perfect! We’ll go to the next one together!” 
-He may never be able to get over the hesitance he felt but he was glad he had friends and a community to be there for him. He hoped his sister was proud. 
~Masterlist & Rules~
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
terrified to even use our sign off for this.
we, well, actually i, have been so fucking scared that this makes us invalid. i once talked about it and our system friends didnt go "oh yeah that happens!" they went "oh... hm thats weird, usually..." and its scared me. im so terrified.
normally, we dont split with roles. our mind and body have a huge struggle connecting, and we have a hard time understanding our needs due to trauma and other disorders (adhd, reactive attachment disorder, undiagnosed autism), so i think that may be why. we have some caretakers and soothers, a worker, a protector, and one alter whos kinda like a gatekeeper but he cant control memories, but thats all ive ever seen. most are fictives with no clear roles.
ever since i figured out were a system, i.. regretfully didnt try to change how we– how **i** functioned. i let everyone do whatever they wanted, and i simply did everything. i tried to function like a singlet while i had 70+ people in my head dissociating or screaming or complaining. sometimes others help, but its not their role. sometimes a few have a mindset of "i dont have to do it, im new here, idk what to do" and i get it. theyre new, they really dont know how to live our life and function yet.
but we never even tried to function as a multiple
we are extremely young, no adult or professional believes us, we arent diagnosed, and were afraid to talk to our therapist because she gives us a weird look and constantly tries to shoot our experiences down as something else.
no one is a true frequent fronter, so i have a hard time thinking of who i could "assign" roles to.
i think my bfain needs help in figuring out WHAT we need help with, because were just splitting alters with no roles. they dont seem to be fragments really, or maybe they are and i just cant tell the difference?? because they feel fully fledged. just no role. its like my brain just gives me random guys on the street to hire or something.
its frustrating, and holy fucking shit my head hurts so bad right now auuggh
It’s not weird to split and an alter have no role upon first being around. It’s normal for a few, if not a majority, of systems. Even we do this.
We give the parts that split with no roles a few days to get their bearings and see if they front or if they’re just around to help out other alters or something else. If they don’t front, they have no role because they’re the only ones that need to know what they do at that given time. If they front? Hey, what role best describes you? We have a list. One doesn’t describe you? Okay, we’ll go to a blog and anonymously ask for a role name with a flag specifically for you and others like you to have a role as a just in case.
Not every alter needs a role or has one that you can tell. It’s okay to not force roles onto an alter.
If you can, try asking them what they’d like to help with. Cleaning? Caretaker. Protecting the body from others? Protector. Things like that.
You’re young. Focus on what you need rather than what others want from you. Be patient with yourself and see what everyone can say in your system to help function together.
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endermahn · 1 year
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3 | part 4 (not made)
Plot: Wenclair fic but Wednesday and Enid don’t make up ep 8 and Wednesday goes insane after that scene.
IDEA FROM AN EDIT BY “emmamyerswife1” ON TT
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of Blood, Knives, detailed-ish Description of death, Major character death, OOC Wednesday, slightly out of character Enid(??), LOTS OF SWEARING! Co-dependancy basically, Wednesday is a psychopath Wednesday with psychopathic tendencies.
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT encourage this behaviour, it’s just a fic, if you do feel like this, I urge you to seek help, it ISNT a healthy coping mechanism and can hurt you and who you feel this way for!
An: Xavier doesn’t exist in this fic because of the actor’s actions. His studio is just left untouched and empty, so is his dorm 👍 ALSO, PLEASE DONT BRING UP REPEATED JOKES IF THERE ARE ANY, I WROTE THIS ACROSS A COUPLE OF DAYS AND TELL HORRIBLE DAD JOKES 💀 BEAR WITH ME, OKAY
IFHY - Tyler the creator.
8 days after the fight, 11:30pm
She was hyper aware of every move she made, every thing she left and every mark she made. And thats why she had prepared for this, cleaning products, anything to hide what was about to happen.
She was also hyper aware he could hear her, that whatever she said would be taken with the heaviest of weights.
“I wonder if it would be easier to just break you in stone form” she mused. “Or are you not fully stone?” She let a smirk grace her face, just this once.
Wednesday stands up and travels to her backpack, searching it for a very specific item again.
She had a total of 4 hours until he would turn back. That gave her plenty of time to decide which one of her malicious plans would be the true winner.
Of course she had prepared a base plan, first, incase she couldn’t decide fast enough to put either plan into motion. But she wouldn’t be needing it.
“Hm.. These will do.” She stood up. Double latex gloves that she had altered to have much better grip. Even though the suit had glove-like fabric, she didn’t want to chance anything tonight.
00:00am. 3 hours, 30 minutes until he turns back.
After quite the while of cleaning, adjusting, editing, Wednesday had done it, cleaned her tracks, her marks, her boot stains. Even though they were new and they were going to be thrown away, its still better than having them discovered and checked.
“Time to get up.” She walks over to the mound of stone and grabs him by his underarms.
Then, with a little strain, she picks him up and places him on the cold, tile floor. Puts her bag on.
Despite her height the raven haired girl’s strength was unmatched. she then picks him up horizontally.
“No mountain will get between me and Enid. No matter how annoying.”
The woods, abandoned studio. 2 hours, 43 left until unstone-ment. (2:43am.)
“We have arrived. Arent you just delighted?” She revelled in the silence that came after. The voice changer just made this all the better, she sounded so skin crawling, anyway. The voice changer amplified the fear factor.
Maybe they’ll make a movie about her.
The door was kicked open, the lock that stayed firmly on one side of the door, not locking it just yet, clanked noisily. But did it really matter? Who was going to hear?
Certainly not the birds, Wednesday had made friends, and birds do have a wonderful memory. They would pass on the message to vouch for her, to interfere with anyone who did her wrong in the view of one of them.
The birds reminded Wednesday of herself, how if anyone even looked at Enid the wrong way how she would disadvantage them in a small way or another. You muttered something about the wolf? Suddenly your homework had disappeared that was due next period, even though you checked your pocket two seconds ago.
“He.” was seated uncomfortably in a wooden, electric chair like, chair.
“I have waited for this for so long, you would never begin to understand how much this will satisfy me, how your death is a sacrifice to a better cause, something much bigger than you. How much joy this will bring everyone. How much joy your death will bring to us. And the fact you were so adamant to be killed, its like you wanted to be killed just as much as i wanted to kill you.” While voicing what used to be inner thoughts, she rested her head on the wall and took a breath in to steady herself for whats next to come.
She reached back for her bag, assorting and organising each tool, each one varying in size and effectiveness. All was to say, he was going to die tonight. No matter how much he struggled, no matter how much he fought against her.
You could say her decision was set in stone.
Wednesday laughs to herself, as she keeps laying out everything. “You know why this is happening, correct? There is no way you do not. She.. the world is hers, the stars yearn for her attention, the sun can only dream of shining brighter than her.”
The ravenette’s voice becomes awfully dreamy, almost sickeningly sweet. It sounded off, like it didn’t and never would fit her face.
Everything sent silent, only the clanking of tools being audible. She could sense the vibe become more sinister, almost as if “his” demeanour had altered the whole room.
“Well,” she supposed to herself. “It kind of did. Its not like hes dead, yet. His vibe can still be felt.”
And it was true. He wasn’t dead yet.
She then bellowed an unnatural laugh again. The voice changer making it sound as if she were laughing in a commercial.
“You have to know who i am, Mr Petropolus. I know you aren’t the sharpest chisel in the shed, but its been oh, so painfully obvious.” She didnt bat an eye, much less turn around as she said this.
“Actually, I wont ruin the main event just yet. We still have quite the way to go.” At this point she was just letting words roll off her tongue as she set up.
“I cant even say your name. It disgusts me. You disgust me. How dare you take her. You don’t deserve her. You don’t deserve anything you get. Even what im going to do to you is a gracious death.” She scoffed.
She got rope a clock, a bin bag, and a smaller of the chisels. Silently she tied him up best she could with his position.
“I wont lie to you, so I will not say that I am sorry.”
She then sat down, cross legged. placed the clock and bin-bag near one of the chair legs, the bin bag going just in-front of him.
With the chisel, she took it to any defining features, first his foot, chipping away at the bottom.
She felt the atmosphere become desperate and dire. She felt him become in more and more distress, more and more pain. And that was her aim, really. He had to pay, and if she could get as much out of the way now, that meant less clean up later.
She then stood up and chiselled away his fingers, one by one. She let herself openly smile behind the mask while she felt the mood changing constantly, the terror filling her with a sense of euphoria, with a sense of relief. In fact, this felt like some sort of outlet to her, some sort of outlet for her feelings.
Maybe she should get into sculpting, it seemed to be helping.
She continued doing this, carefully chipping away at everything and anything that could identify him as who he was.
And it wasn’t like she even had to chisel away his snakes, either. If anything it would help her get away with it if worse came to worse and he was found.
The Jericho police, despite desperately claiming it wasn’t true, delayed any outcast cases. Hell, there isnt and never was any outcast’s on the police team to even change this.
They hate outcasts, which is why she knows that his death will be chalked up to the scary outcast monster in the woods, turning on “their own kind” and killing him.
How does she know this? Well, its the easiest thing to do to shut the case the fastest, all she had to do was claim one o his body parts and leave the rest in the woods somewhere.
The faster the case for an outcast is shut, the better. And who wouldn’t believe that the Hyde killed him? Stole one body part for something or other and scampered away with it?
They believed the monster was a bear for much longer than they should have, so this was child’s play.
After she was done, she looked at her work.
He reminded her of deteriorated angels, how their eyes would be pits of black, how horrifyingly beautiful theyd be, praying to someone who would never restore them, never save them, who could never wash their sins in the eyes of others.
Every piece of everything was gone. He was no longer him, he was a shell of a human. And she wasn’t even finished.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
Sorry to be in your asks again about this 😭 but I love your posts and the resources you've got
How the fuck do you cope with not feeling punk enough as a disabled person
Not having the capabilities to actually go out and get involved in your local community and scene, not having the coordination to fix up or make your own clothes
I know it's mostly about philosophy and not (entirely) how you dress or what concerts you can go to, but it's so hard to not feel like I'm failing at being punk when I can't make my own battle jacket or go volunteer with how exhausted I am just from existing 😭😭😭
First, don’t be sorry! I love getting asks (I actually have a lot that I need to get through 😬)
I feel like in order for my answer to have any real meaning, you need some background on me and my life, so I’m going to put a cut so this isnt the longest post known to man lol
Okay, for anyone new, I need to point out here that I approach all of this from a chronically ill perspective. I’m not physically disabled, but I’m certainly not fully functioning by any means. Okay on to the actual answer:
You ask how I cope with not feeling punk enough without being able to get involved in a local scene and dealing with the realities of chronic illness.
When I was in highschool (mind you this was like 7 years ago), I was just starting to get into punk. I was enamored by it. But I grew up country. I was the kid that wore jeans and a flannel every day. To this day I own cowboy boots and a few hats. I still listen to country music when Im sad. So I was a country kid who wanted to be a punk rocker.
My friend group in school thought that was absurd. I was 16 when it first came to my attention that maybe I couldn’t be punk enough. At this point I hadnt even learned the first thing about what punk really means besides ‘sticking it to the man’. My friends, no my best friend at the time, she looked at me and said ‘You arent punk.’ Then she scoffed and went on her merry way. I was sad, I was hurt, but more so I was angry.
I actually stayed friends with her until about a year and a half ago. During that time, I learned everything I could about what it meant to be punk. I cut my hair off, I had a jacket with a few pins on it, I listened mostly to alternative music. But I could never really sew (Im still shit at it and stab myself every time I make an attempt at it), I never listened to the right bands, I never word the right clothes, I didnt go to the right school. Nothing I ever did was going to be ‘punk enough’ for her. Through out most of that time, I was a baby punk who had never met another person in the punk scene. And through out all of that time my supposed best friend never thought I was punk enough. (God this person is honestly a story in and of itself)
But when I went to college, I met new people. And to these people, I was the epitome of punk (mind you their experience with alternative people was basically zero because I went to a christian school). That was a new experience for me and gave me a lot of confidence. I still wasnt around punks, but the girls in my dorm would hear me playing Papa Roach or Falling in Reverse and see me in a band shirt and either avoid me or tell me I was pretty cool. I still didn’t have an actual punk jacket. I didnt know how to sew. I just liked music and was wearing a nirvana shirt I got on sale at walmart.
I tell you this to point out that simply changing my environment, neither of which were full of alternative people, drastically altered my view of myself and if I was ‘punk enough’.
I’ll even give you another example to think about. Is a chemist still a chemist, even when they aren’t surrounded by or doing research with other chemists? If someone likes chemistry and knows a lot about it, but are surrounded by business people, are they not still a chemist, even if they arent the ‘perfect chemist’? I’ll go even further, making your own capillary tubes out of glass pipets is a very common and almost expected skill that most chemists have. I’ve never been successful at this once, does that make me less of a chemist?
You can still be a punk even if you aren’t surrounded by punks. You can still be a punk even if you cant do all the things that are typically expected of punks. Not all punks have the same skill set. Some can sew, some cant. Some can garden, some cant. Some can make graffiti stickers, some cant. Dont try to fit yourself into this box of what punk is ‘supposed’ to be. Punk is whatever you want it to be.
And I know, I know. Theres a difference between knowing that and feeling that. I completely understand. And thats part of why this blog has been so important to me. Like I said, I live in a very rural place. There are no punks. I know a grunge kid and a few teenagers who like to dye their hair. Sure, I live near Pittsburgh, but going into the city isnt a daily occurrence for me. But on tumblr, I’ve met some really amazing punks like @/polyamorouspunk and @/my-chemical-ratz. There is a pretty awesome online community of punks. These people have made me feel welcomed and included in this community, and I’m very thankful for that.
And even if you just want to look at the chronic illness/disabled perspective… your existence is punk. You are here, and you arent being quiet about it. Thats punk. “In the face of extermination say fuck you” may have been aimed at trans people, but it applies just as much to sick and disabled people. You are punk by default.
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justablah56 · 6 months
oh god hi. gothweebcleats here again. i’m finally catching up to the new episodes (still only on 47!! i’m dragging my partner through them) but dear god
(also using canon pronouns rn im a lil put of it LAWL) (also also warning possible sad ahead)
honestly i loved LOVED!!! freddie whipping out taylor’s emotions in hell or high father. like. yeah taylor’s a good fun kid he takes very little seriously and he likes himself and that makes for a charismatic sorta dude that seems like he doesn’t really think much. but god no this kid since day one has been wanting his dad he’s so curious he can barely contain it ‘there’s an empty spot waiting for you where are you’ he loves his mom so so much and she will never be a replacement she will never fill that hole. dad where are you. dad there you are and my first impression of you is terrifying. all i hear is fighting and my friend and i need to be safe we need to get out. my friend left himself behind for you and youre telling me to leave him forever? dude that sucks. no wonder you werent around. i wish i didn’t remember you anymore and that there was a different you here taking care of me
and also thinking abt lincoln. link who loves his dads more than anything. link who thinks knows how important his dads are to his wellbeing, that he wont be safe if his dads arent there. link who grew up and learned his fathers were people too. link growing up and seeing his dad’s mistake firsthand link growing up and seeing that he has to fix his dad’s problem. link knowing his dad cares for him link knowing his dad doesn’t care for him correctly (don’t get me started on grant) link knowing his dad will always love him link knowing his dad will never love him enough.
ykw we’re gonna do the other two as well (as i get closer to current episodes i get Immensely Sadder)
terri marlowe grows up without a dad (there’s an empty spot in my brain; i don’t remember anything before first grade…). a man comes by when she’s 12 and asks for money (we have the same nose (?!) ). her mom yells him out of the house (she never yells, what’s going on??) and they leave the state three weeks later (mom where are we going? … mom??). scary starts at a new middle school somewhere in california (i grew up in illinois). she joins the soccer team (they’re nice enough). her mom gets a boyfriend (ew) and apparently he has the same name as her (double ew!!!). scary wakes up the next morning clinging to a man she doesn’t remember for the sake of hurting a man right in front of her (i want to be mean). she does not spit vitriol during dinner (this chicken is gross..) and she does not warm up to him (i won’t not ever never ever no no no) and he looks like he wants a hug but he goes for a high five instead. scary marlowe has to take a second as her boundaries are respected. scary marlowe hates terry stampler jr with a passion that will never end.
okay so i gotta be real. i’m not.. the biggest oak family fan. henry was my least favorite of the dads and if i look at normal too hard he’ll start looking back and then my eyes will fall out of my head as i try to avoid looking in a mirror. however. normal growing up and his parents (and their friends) liking his sister more. not loving never loving ‘we love you both equally!’ but. normal starts liking citrus candy because his sister doesn’t and that’s all she leaves in the bags that marco brings. normal wearing hero’s hand-me-downs. normal’s mother giving hero the first cookie from the batch every time (even though they aren’t very good anyways). normal’s dad spends, like, every afternoon with hero but it’s totally, like, okay and cool, like, i have homework to do anyways, like, by the time they get back i’ll be snoozing from how hard i was hitting the books haha. normal assuring his parents to put hero first because they will anyways and at least then he doesn’t feel bad about it because now they don’t feel bad about it and see everyone is happy!!! see everyone is having a good time!!! everything is fine nothing is wrong nothing ever will be my parents love me and that’s all that matters
okay i need to finish my partner’s christmas present now i took a break to do this and it’s been. a Hot second. hope u r having a nice weekend aether :) happy holigays
ough oguh ough absolutely eating this up btwwww OK BUT YEAH . taylor in that episode man ,,,, hurt me so much ,,.,..,.,. him just being sad and showing even just a bit of vulnerability and that no , it's not all ok . *I'm* not all ok . ough sobs about Taylor Swift (not that one) forever and ever he is everything to meeee
and linc :( Linc realizing his dependency on his dad's and their failures in raising him ,,,, her realizing that they aren't perfect , they're actually both super fucked up , and as much as they tried not to , they fucked him up too . man ....
waough scary ,, , your whole little analysis here is sososo important to me bcs ough yeah :( scary not knowing her dad as anything other than the one thing that can make her mom yell , and yet attaching to him over Terry . dismissing it bcs cmon he couldn't've been that bad , he must've just had a bad day . I must be remembering it wrong . but really she's just afraid that Terry could be just like him - anyways ,,,. scary makes me so 💥💥💥💥
normal ,, but that's so real like Henry is probably my least favorite of the dads and then normal ,, I cannot look upon him , he is too just like me fr fr /neg . but yeah :( him being upset about being the second choice so he starts to convince himself it's because he wants hero to be the first choice . that it's fine , he likes being second anyways . hes happy to take heros leftover candies , they're his favorites anyways . oh yeah hero can go out with Dad and uncle lark , he has homework he has to be doing anyways . ough normal ,,,,
anywayssss hope you were able to finish your partners present !! hope your weekend was also v good and I wish you happy holigays :3
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gravyhoney · 7 months
HHonestly I dont have a lot of ninjago takes that arent character design related.
But i've got to say, Prime Empire was not a jay season. No matter what anyone says I'll never see it as one. It had no character growth for jay it just rehashed skybound but awfully. We've all see trapped in video game atoriea but never trapped it a pirate sword. it was nes and scary for jay and us. Nothing abput prime empire scared jay evwn in the end. Not truly at least. Prime Empire is not a Jay season even with that dumb speech at the end. Which has its own levels of crazy but I digress...
Ok I’m gonna try and judge this fairly because Prime Empire is my FAVORITE season, so if my verdict seems unfair, y’all please tell me.
Prime Empire definitely didn’t feel like a Jay season. I mean, hell. He wasn’t even in most of the first act! But like, if not him, then who was that season about? I really don’t feel like anyone got growth in that season, except for like, some of the NPCs but a lot of those guys were in maybe 2 episodes at most and they wouldn’t make a focus season for background characters (pause, sorry, background character focus season would probably be sick as fuck, but back to the post)
I honestly don’t see the Skybound similarities except for maybe Jay having to watch all of his friends get picked off one by one and end up alone to save the day at the end. And to your point ‘we’ve all seen trapped in a video game before…it was new and scary for Jay and us’ I have to disagree with that. Yes. Us as real, living breathing people has seen the trapped in a video game trope. It’s nothing new. But Jay as a fake character with no access to I guess the real world, has probably never seen that so it would still be new and scary for him. All in all, I think your opinion is fair. Yeah, you aren’t going to like every season of a show, don’t even mention Hands Of Time to me I’ll fly into a blind rage and break shit (/j), but I think you saying it’s just like Skybound is a little unfair.
You can sit on the porch.
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
Okay so I have a bit of a random question that you might or might not know the answer to. For context, I’m gonna be doing a working holiday in Ireland because it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity due to having to be currently enrolled in college or at least within the first year post graduation. Well I’ve been told by multiple people, who have no relationship with each other, that it’s much better for me to say that I’m from Texas than say I’m an American. While both are true, they’ve told me that people have been much more friendly towards them when they say that they’re from Texas and just leave it at that. Do you by any chance know why that is? I’ve tried to look it up, but all I’ve found was the impression y’all get from us are basically guns, big, and BBQ. To me those don’t seem like things that correlate, which has made me more confused.
All good if you don’t know or if it’s not even something you’ve personally experienced or heard of people experiencing. I’m just curious more than anything
Hey! Well I'm a Brit, London based, very English, so I can't speak for the Irish at all (and wouldn't dare even if I thought we might share an opinion on the matter!) but I've never heard of this.
Honestly though? Its just my opinion but I would have thought it would be the other way around? If the people telling you that are from Texas, I'd say thats a bit biased as I know Texans are known for being very proudly, well, Texan.
Most people I know from this side of the pond, whether British or European, aren't gonna judge individual Americans just on the fact that they are American. Unless you are a walking stereotype and rather obnoxious about it I wouldn't be too concerned. We are aware that America is a huuuuge place with a LOT of different types of people living there.
But Texas does have a reputation. The Texas stereotype is more ingrained that the general American imo. Loud, large, right leaning, guns, cowboys, etc...
Texas is one of the more recognisable states to most people over here along with New York and California (and Florida although I think most Brits (again, I cant speak for the Irish) just associate Florida with beaches and Disney World). So whilst I doubt your friends assumptions that people here are friendlier to Texans, its likely coming from a place of recognition. The reaction upon meeting a Texan might be "oooh Texas! Cowboys!" And the Texan in question would view that recognition as extra friendly when its really just "i am aware of you" whereas if you said you were from say Missouri you'll be met with a blank face.
A Californian might feel the same reaction applies to them, that by saying theyre from California, they are likely to get a stronger reaction than saying they are just from America simply because the European person is more aware of California and can make assumptions based on their general knowledge of California.
So thats my best guess. If you want people to associate you with cowboys, horses, guns, bbqs, etc, then by all means proudly state you are from Texas - you just might need to elaborate to then fight a general stereotype.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying everyone will stereotype you, but these are generalisations. I'm actually from Essex, and I often don't admit to that because Essex in the UK has a very strong stereotype which was only further encouraged by that ghastly reality TV show about it. If I say I'm from London, people aren't gonna make too many assumptions. Saying I'm from Essex I immediately get the smirk and the knowing look and the "oh youre an Essex girl are you?" And I HATE it. But some women from Essex might get a kick out of that I suppose.
So what I'm actually saying here is it all depends on how you want to be viewed. Its not about friendliness. People arent friendlier to Texans than other states. Its about whether or not you wanna be associated with peoples general stereotypes of Texas and whether you view those associations as positive or negative.
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
bird primary + snake secondary (bird model)
hi! apologies if this is all over the place, im going a little crazy. so, i am going absolutely crazy trying to figure out my primary and secondary. i used to think i was a snake bird (modeling badger snake), but then i started thinking about it and went “hm. maybe im actually a double snake?” and now im thinking i might be a lion snake or . something. i have absolutely no idea. i do know ive either exploded or burnt both primary and secondary at some point though.
So some Exploding or Burning, probably an Internal primary (Snake or Lion) with an I Move secondary (Bird or Snake.) Let’s see what we have. 
so, ive always thought i must be a snake primary because i’m very people-oriented (and i regard people with a certain type of possessiveness), but thats mostly because like… i have an intrinsic fear of being alone thanks to lgbt things (im aromantic - so the internalized arophobia and fear of dying alone is REAL big, esp considering my ex was just straight-up an arophobe) and mental illness issues (i have autism and ptsd that both mesh together to create my being incredibly anxious when around new people/situations - which doesnt lend itself well to interacting with others, so when i do latch onto someone, i latch on HARD). 
Just breathe. It’s okay. But yeah, that’s survival mode human stuff. We do have Burnt secondary language “not good at dealing with new people/situations” etch. And you *did* apologize to me first thing, which is my favorite litmus test for whether a secondary is burnt or not. 
i would not feel bad dropping each and every person in my life for literally zero reason other than i didnt like their vibes. in fact, i really wish i felt comfortable enough to do that! 
Cool. That’s kinda badass. Make me think Idealist primary... and probably Lion, who are classically the most comfortable being loners. 
im so tired all the time, and being the resident mom friend doesnt help that at all. 
ooooh we’ve got a burnt secondary, compensating Badger secondary model. (Or possibly just badger secondary.) 
ive honestly started getting a bit resentful of my friends bc i feel like theyre making me take care of them (though i know they arent).
That’s a common problem with Badger secondary people who aren’t *really* protective of their boundaries. 
so… i guess it would be helpful to explain my morals and motivations, huh?? to be blunt, i really dont know what they currently are. ive started pulling away from relying on other people. which is really healthy for me i think. i used to rely on my ex in particular to handle all of my morals (with them convincing me i was actually evil in the process - they were abusive) and im really glad that im healing enough to stop outsourcing at least that, but im still trying to build up… something to rely on. 
You’re the second SortMe post in a row that to use the specific phrase “outsourcing my morals,” but I don’t think I’m going to sort you the same way, and I’ll tell you why. 
Mainly what I am doing here is making what I consider to be statistically likely guesses. I’ve read a lot of these, and it’s enough to start seeing patterns. And I can tell you that “gaslighting ex” is MUCH more of Burnt Bird primary story, than a Burnt Lion primary story. Put that together with “I’m trying to build up... something to rely on”... and I’d be very surprised if you weren’t a Bird, friend.
i really dont ever feel quite secure. especially not enough to actually express myself as myself. hopping from relationship to relationship has been my stand-in for support up to now, but relationships are just … augh. i dont like them. ive always also felt a drive to protect and care for people (and animals! i wanted to do wildlife rehab growing up, and on the people side ive been interested in anthropology) in need
Sounds like a pretty good start to building a system. 
which sounds very badgery on paper, but honestly i cant relate to badgers really at all. something about it just doesnt really fit me, i guess? i cant relate to the community aspect of it. like yes, every person is a person, but also like. thats not whats important to me. i want to do good things, and be good, or at least better than i was before, and yes that involves taking care of those in need (to me at least), but its not… like how badgers are typically described. i dont even have anything against badgers, i really like them, but im just. not that.
You’re not a Badger. You like some of the values, but your life is not built out of communities, and you seem to like it that way.
i have also almost never forgiven anyone in my life. the few times i have ended up being mistakes, so never again. 
There was another Bird primary post that made the important distinction that there’s forgiving someone... and then there’s letting them back in to do the same thing again. 
on the snake side, i feel like i might have used to rank people according to how important they are to me, but i think that was more of a learned thing than anything else. i really admire snakes, and i want to be one, but i feel more like im just . not being genuine when i think of myself as one, even though thats what i get each time i take the official shc test (which i have recently taken the 2.0 one) and what ive considered myself to be for years now. its stopped fully fitting (unless im somehow gaslighting myself here) and i really dont know what to do about that. 
You also weren’t in a very healthy place recently, and it’s a lot harder to get a read on yourself when you’re not doing okay. (Not impossible, just... harder.) 
like, ill live, its really not that big of a deal, but i still have emotions and its still difficult. i dont like being wrong.
That’s also sounding pretty Bird to me. Both “I don’t like being wrong” and the “my emotions are difficult.” If you were a Lion, those emotions would be your compass, but Birds don’t work that way. 
on the how i do things side - i tend to react very aggressively when what/who i care about gets fucked over, and see no problem with being vicious or lying, acting, whatever i need to do to get my point across. i dont view it as bad. whatever works, works yknow? 
Okay, so you’re probably a Snake or a Bird secondary (which you knew.) And I do see where that Snake primary false positive is coming from. You have some Snake values in your system for sure, but you don’t sound like a Snake when you talk. 
i do like planning at least an outline before things, but im also perfectly content throwing it out the window. though i do enjoy collecting little bits of info i can use later! and learning! and using what i learn! but its very much a “oooohhh this is fun!!!” type thing. 
So that’s at least a fun Bird model (and it seems like every single neurodivergent person has a Bird model, so that’s not all that surprising.) 
i am not a hard worker. at all. i HATE doing things the badger sec way. it sucks and i hate it and i just want to get things done with immediately right now.
Hmm. Now that sounds very In-the-Moment, doesn’t it? I’m starting to lean Snake. 
one thing i very clearly remember from childhood is that once, in middle school, i hung out with a group of mostly boys and we were like. the loner weirdo kids. and one guy smacked me across the face for whatever reason and i immediately went “if you do that again, i will kick you directly in the crotch,” and then he went “i like you!” and we were. ig friends? from then on. Guys.. idk 
Guys are known to socialize like that sometimes. 
i didnt really have that much of an opinion on him that i can remember. i thought i was a bird for a while because of the aforementioned “oh learning fun!” thing and my reliance on at least a light plan, but then i thought about what i do under pressure. and i realized that i go fully improv, and that i feel better doing that than planning. 
Yeah, I bet it does. 
because planning also sucks and i dont really like it. ive tried using planners before and its…. so hard to keep up with….. now, my mom is a lion sec and i dont understand her AT ALL. like yeah, i can imitate her and also push through things directly, but my god is it uncomfy. id prefer to poke around and get a handle on things first, so i can have more of a finesse to what i do. 
Oh this is such classic Snake secondary stuff. Right down to the way that Snake Secondaries do not get Lions, and vice-versa. Also, I dunno, from all the examples given, I would not describe you as “not good at interacting with others.” 
i tend to favor seduction and assassination or rogue-ish routes in games, if that helps any. 
It does. (Snake.) 
sometimes my mom will be set on doing things a certain way and will be metaphorically banging her head on a wall, 
like a Lion 
and ill be in the corner desperately just like “mom please let me do this please let me hand you a different way to do this oh my god you are killing me here that isnt going to work”
Yeah, that seems like a pretty clear communication disconnect. 
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
On my mind: Feeling worried that my going back to posting fitblr content is going to trigger my followers; worried that I lost a couple mutuals who are going through it(TM) right now, and not being sure how to actually help them; general anxiety; excitement over making new friends and reconnecting with old ones; and generally just being my usual anxiety riddled cucumbery self.
Lmao @ cucumbery. I don’t know what it means or but I find that description hilarious for some reason. Anxiety’s a lil brat tho.
Remember that somebody else’s triggers aren’t your sole responsibility. I’ve had to unfollow people I genuinely adore because of triggering content when I couldn’t manage, and it sucks, but that’s just what life is like sometimes. I didn’t block them- they could still send messages or comment and talk and engage, I just couldn’t handle seeing all of the body checking, for example. I’m not saying to say fuck it and post without any thought for others, but if you tag your stuff appropriately, then it’s on them to use tags to filter content they don’t like. I have a permanent filter on the thinspo tag so if a post has been tagged as thinspo, even if it’s not the person reblogging it to my dashboard, tumblr filters it and tells me it’s marked thinspo. Fitblr or fitspo is harder because a lot of fitblrs ARENT triggering but sometimes triggering content wiggles in and I just like… cope? Tbh tho I actually unfollowed two people recently because their content was just getting to be too triggering for me to spend mental energy coping with it. Like I COULD but I also gotta save some of that for other things in my life.
I’m word vomiting but I think what I’m trying to say is: it’s great to be mindful about what might trigger followers, but you don’t need to avoid being you and posting content YOU like out of fear of triggering somebody else- just tag it appropriately and let people decide how they want to engage with it. Maybe make a post saying what you’ll be posting, tags you’ll be using, and then let each person decide. Beyond that, though, each individual is responsible for their own triggers, whether that’s avoidance or coping or some combination.
It’s hard to know how to help people who are struggling, especially so when it’s online and you can���t really DO (like, for IRL friends I can help cook or clean or whatever, can’t do that with tumblr friends). Perhaps the best thing is to just be there if they decide they need an ear. If they have anons turned on, send a thinking of you / hoping you have a good day message or even a random anon compliment. Something about anon love is just so warm and fuzzy. One of my favorite old tumblr pastimes is sending anon love to anybody who seemed to be having a hard time (I still do sometimes). It’s hard to sit and feel like you’re doing nothing practical tho. I hope they find peace soon.
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tommytranselo · 2 years
im so sorry to bother you with this but i just. cannot get behind the thought process that Sam 100% willingly betrayed Paulie and Tommy for Salieri like the game tried to make it out to be.
like theres no way Sam didnt contemplate and weigh his options and only chose Salieri bc he saw a side of him he had never seen before. he saw an outburst Salieri had when talking about Tommy/Paulie and didnt want to be on the receiving end of it. and of course this ties into him killing Paulie/trying to kill Tommy.
if he didnt kill them, Salieri would have had something worse in store for Sam. if he did kill them then. thats literally that but youve lost your best friends and the people youve had a heart for. your brothers, as Tommy put it.
Sam killing Paulie but being killed by Tommy is so bittersweet but i feel like that was the best for many reasons. Tommy practically avenging Paulie was built on nothing but pure emotion. Tommy actually talking to a wounded Sam, Sam trying to give Tommy a way out by saying he can leave. Felt like Tommy vonsidered it for a second and was gonna spare Sam and just leave him there, but hearing Sam reminiscing on the good times they had and brought up Paulie, Tommy remembered why this went down like it did and killed him.
either way Sam new he wanted to die and had Tommy do it bc he was literally backed into a corner at that point. and im sure he preffered Tommy to do it than Salier.
im so sorry if my thoughts arent clear but i just have a LOT of feelimgs abt Sam betraying Tommy/Paulie for Salieri. like i get that Sam is practically playdoh when it comes to manipulation but aint no way you thought Salieri ACTUALLY cared about you more than Tommy and Paulie, hell he didnt care about you at ALL.
Sam knew what he was doing and he hated he had to take Paulie’s life for it to work out
you’re not bothering me at all!  i love hearing other people’s thoughts/analyses
i definitely agree that sam only did it to save his own ass, and he clearly feels guilty as hell about it too.  he tries to distance himself from paulie’s death (“no, paulie got himself killed”), blames tommy for making him choose “again” (when the hell was the first time?) between his loyalties, and throws out all these wild accusations about how tommy would do the same in his position even though the proof otherwise is literally right in front of him.  half the shit he says in the art gallery makes no sense–he’s just talking out of his ass to keep the crushing guilt at bay (i have a looong post about the last chapter alone, somewhere).  he even says pretty clearly that it’s a position he was forced into, not one he wants.
hell, he even says he won’t tell salieri about paulie’s plan (even if he actually robs the bank) when it first comes up.  additionally, paulie claims they’ll cut the don in afterwards and they’ll be safe if they pay him off, to which sam (after tommy says “i don’t know...”) very tellingly replies: “yeah, i fucking know. you do what you want, i won’t say nothin’. i owe you that much. but salieri, he founds out you’re goin’ behind his back, you’ll be planted in the ground right next to morello. you ask me, there ain’t no haul worth that.”  he sounds genuinely frightened when he says it.  he also sounds stressed when he says “salieri is the goddamn difference, you nitwit!” when it’s first brought up, and when they unload the goods, he’s first afraid of salieri being pissed if any cigars are ruined, then sounds strangely resigned to the real score being drugs (whereas paulie and tommy are pissed at the lie, sam is upset but not very surprised), then frantically warns them not to say anything about finding it because “if he wanted us to know, he would’ve told us.”  he sounds scared as shit. sam knows something they don’t.  it’s obvious from the beginning of the chapter that salieri has been deliberately isolating sam from the other two, and it’s obvious long before that he’s a manipulative piece of shit–and you’re right, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about sam.  tommy was the golden boy (remember his crack about tommy getting a break from “paulie and his cockamie schemes” in the chapter bon apetit? trying to pry them apart) until it started becoming clear he was potentially getting tired of the life, so he picks sam as his new bright star purely because he’s easy to manipulate.  he briefs him about the alleged cigars before the other two, and then instructs sam specifically to give him a ride back to the bar (without inviting tommy & paulie, it’s sam who does that; i assume this is when he was told about the dope).  it’s a deeply fucked up relationship, and sam clearly has reason to be so obviously terrified of him.  i agree with you that he witnessed an outburst over the bank job, but there was something going on before that.  he’s scared and feels trapped and is terrified of anything rocking the boat.  he sees no other options.
i think he puts a lot of faith in salieri, and not in a good way.  sam views him, almost, as all-powerful; he’s a force of nature, absolutely fatal to cross (given that he does eventually get tommy, it’s fair to say he has reason to be afraid).  i know a lot of people headcanon that sam had a bad childhood and i’m inclined to agree.  in any case he’s clearly traumatized by his work and struggles to open up to people, and his loyalty seems based on a fear of being left behind.  the salieri family is all he has.  when tommy tells him “you’re not loyal, you’re just scared,” he doesn’t even deny it.  and hell, he was the one who at the beginning urged tommy to come back if he needed work and seemed to genuinely like him too...except then tommy turns out to be much better equipped to be the kind of friend paulie needs, he starts to feel left out, and salieri takes advantage of that to isolate him even further and make him dependent on him.  his prospects are grim.
in the end i don’t think he did tell salieri about the bank.  i think the getaway car in his club was found, and he was accused of involvement and ordered to kill them as atonement and as a test of loyalty.  if he’d had more time/hadn’t been suspected, i genuinely think he might’ve warned them to skip town or at least contemplated it–he seems like he’s afraid for their safety too–but he doesn’t get that chance, so he panics and says yes.  when tommy hesitates, sam (who was bracing for the shot with his eyes closed seconds before) goads him into pulling the trigger, because even if he doesn’t bleed out in the middle of the gallery, what salieri will do as a punishment for failure will be much worse.  hell, he had no real guarantee salieri would keep him alive even if he succeeded.
sam never stood a chance.
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