#i will burn my breakfast and give a dollar to a person on the street and yell PENIS PENIS GOD FUCKING DAMNIT when i stub my toe
d3l3t3d-deactivated · 4 months
#realized/had an epiphany today that so many of the traits my abusers have condemned me for are the same traits that my friends and family#love about me#im weird and funny and slightly insane#i will threaten to reanimate steve jobs so that i can kill him again and yell at cars driving in the bus lane#i will burn my breakfast and give a dollar to a person on the street and yell PENIS PENIS GOD FUCKING DAMNIT when i stub my toe#i will cover myself in fake blood from target and pretend to be a serial killer to and EDM song because i think it’s funny#i will quote webshows me and 5 other people have seen and i don’t care that you don’t wanna watch it with me#i will interupt people by mistake because im excited to talk to them and you won’t be there to yell at me#i will buy the expensive treat for myself because you aren’t there to steal it from me#i will watch that horror movie and play thay horror game because you arent there to say im gross and depressing for liking it#i will make a fucked up meal with microwave rice and canned beans because you arent there to tell me im a terrible cook#i will fuck around with my makeup because you arent there to tell me i’m bad at makeup#i will thrift for crazy costumes and style crazy wigs because you arent around to steal them from me#i will make new friends because you arent there to tell me you don’t like them so i shouldn’t hang around them#i will keep leading with kindness and not shit talk people i don’t even know just because they give you ‘a vibe’#don’y you dare ever take away my claws and clip my wings again im a weird monsterman and i like it that way
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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All I Really Want Is You
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older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader chap four/ten - a slow burn series of blurbs - updated every wednesday
Good Morning & Goodnight
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summary: Your first night out with friends ends when Steve’s work day begins.
wc: 1.2k
warnings: 18+ series for future chapters, we’re a hot mess but Steve loves it.
authors note: It’s a shorty! I can’t believe we’re almost half way through. 🥹 this is a stepping stone chapter for the next one but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t at least give you something 😉
🌇 chapter three <- -> chapter five
The Masterlist/The Playlist/The tune:
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Middle of June - 6:15am Monday Morning
Free drinks with your coworkers at the bar after close seemed like a great idea, until you were stumbling out of the club with a few of the other girls at dawn. Birds chirp loudly into the fuschia sky, mocking the hangover that was sure to hit as soon as your stomach processed the breakfast sandwich you ate on the train ride home. 
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The dull throb of your dehydration headache starts rearing its annoying head once you hit your street, your platform sandals dragging against the sidewalk. You can feel the way your eyeliner starts making your lashes stick with every slow sleepy blink of your eyes. Throat dry, all you can think of is your Brita in the fridge and how much you hope you refilled it last night. 
“Howdy neigh- oh, honey.” 
Your eyes widen when you hear the voice of the last person you want to see you like this. but you know there’s nowhere to hide when you reach your gate right as Steve’s leaving his. Meeting his gaze sheepishly, you can feel the heat rise up your neck and cheeks. You remember the blurry image of your smeared make up in the club bathroom mirror a few hours ago.
“Hi Steve.” You give him a small wave, embarrassment making you kick the sidewalk with the toe of your sandal.
“Fun night?” He smirks, pulling his Raybans on top of his head and pushing the hair out of his face. Specks of gray stand out on the sides in the fresh new light. His face is clean shaven, a crisp white dress shirt fitting tight across his chest, the outline of the tank top underneath visible. It brings you back to the way it clung to his muscles in your kitchen last week.
“Yeah, actually it was.” You use the last of your strength to form a smile, immediately wincing when you do and he has to stifle a laugh.
“I’m glad to hear it, although I do hope you don’t work today.” He reaches down adjusting the belt around his waist, before shoving a hand in his black dress slacks leaning against the gate with the other. His silver watch is just as shiny as his shoes. 
“No I’m of -“ your voice cracks, making you clear your throat and suddenly the sun is extra bright. “No, I’m off today.”
“Good and please tell me you have ibuprofen up there?” Genuine worry paints his handsome features, he knew what a first Chicago hangover was like. It takes all of his will power not to work from home so he can check up on you the rest of the day.
“Yes, I’m not completely useless in taking care of myself you know?” You don’t mean for it to sound so snippy, but the hangover is getting the best of you and getting words out feels like knives to your skull. 
His eyebrows raise, a little shocked before his face relaxes with a warm smile. A silent understanding.
“I didn’t mean it like that tough girl.” He straightens up with rosy cheeks.
“I’m sorry, that was rude. I’m just really tired and Ubers were like a million dollars -“ You can hear how your words start to shake, the lack of sleep finally catching up with you.
He steps forward on instinct, arms starting to outstretch in a hug, only to stop once his brain connects with the movements of his body. Maybe it was the little bit of alcohol still left in your system that makes you bold enough to meet him in the middle, but there is no turning back when your arms snake around his waist. 
The muscles in his abdomen flex against your touch, and you feel him freeze up for a second before pulling you tight into his chest. The aftershave and cologne are overpowering against your senses, but you don’t care, inhaling deeply. He rubs a soothing palm down the dip of your spine with just enough pressure to make you sigh.
“I know, it feels like death,” he chuckles, “Go get some sleep okay honey?” His words come out soft against the top of your head before he gives the sides of your arms a squeeze pulling back just enough to see your face.
You want to kiss the two moles that sit side by side on his cheek, especially when he looks at you like this.
“Sorry for the dramatics at 6:30 in the morning.” You can’t help but giggle, brushing away the glitter that rubbed off onto his clean shirt. 
The way he smiles with all his teeth tells you he could care less.
“Hey, you might not believe it but I used to have many nights like this way back when, alright?” He gets the eye roll that makes his whole day, and he has to resist the urge to pull you in for another hug.
“Suuuure grandpa,” you tease — his affection enough to make you feel like a functioning person even if just for a few minutes.
He scoffs with fake offense before he gives you one of those winks that makes you weak in the knees, and for a second you think he might kiss your forehead.
“Alright, I need to get to work and you need to go to bed. Don’t be a stranger if you need anything later okay?” He rubs up and down your arms before finally stepping back and you wish he’d just come lay with you. 
You muster a nod before straightening out your wrinkled dress, shyness coming back when he slips his sunglasses back on. Why did he always have to look so good?
“Have fun at work, I promise I won’t die. I just need some water and a shower.” You try and wave off his worry as you make your way through your gate.
“You better not. Bandit would be very upset about losing his new best friend.” It’s his turn to get sheepish. “Me too.”
It doesn’t hurt when you smile this time.
“You have my word Steve.” You put your palm against your heart in a vow just for him.
“That’s my girl.” He grins, twirling his keys before catching them in hand, finally turning around to go to his car and leaving you a mess on your front steps.
That’s my girl. 
The words play in your head on a loop while you shower, when you drink your bodyweight in water, and as you take enough ibuprofen to give you an ulcer. They haunt your dreams when your body gives into sleep and your headache finally subsides.
A loud knock on your front door wakes you from the kind of sleep that leaves you with a sore throat and a foggy brain. The sun is lower in the sky that shines through the crack of your new curtains, your clock reading 6:05 pm in glaring red letters when your eyes catch the time. 
You can barely pick your feet off the ground when you shuffle to the door, a yawn loud enough to hear over the whir of the A/C. You unlatch the dead bolt, and when you open to see what’s on the other side, you’re reminded of his words from earlier that felt like a lifetime ago. They make you feel special again like they did at six in the morning despite the roll of your eyes, your lips twitch when you read the note that’s attached to the Doordash hangover cure from your handsome neighbor.
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beta’d by @superblysubpar
dividers by @newlips
🌇 -> chapter five
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neonatenecromancer · 6 months
I woke up this morning the richest man alive, I poured me some black coffee and I kissed my lovely wife, I walked out of the door yelling I would be home soon, And darling don't you worry I'll be poor again by noon, First I bought some breakfast for a woman on the street, And I told her to buy breakfast for each person that she sees, Went to the supermarket and bought every grocery, Then I bought the store itself and made each item in it free, I went to the doctors to ask to foot the bill, The receipt had lots of zeros but it wasn't a big deal because then I bought the hospital, when the doctors asked me why, I told them no one on this planet should pay to stay alive, Then I bought the banks and gave dollars out like candy, Cause Lord knows when a dollar bill could really come in handy, You might need something to write on, Or something dry to burn, But a dollar isn't something we should all be forced to earn, I'd buy my wife some flowers from the local corner store, and pay each customers tuition before I walked out the door, Then I'd write a check to buy each university, And give out cats at graduation in lieu of a degree, I'd walk through the door with the flowers in hand, My would ask me how it felt to be a wealthy man, It didn't last me, It's not even noon, But I spent my last few dollars buying her the moon.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright Part Six
All other parts on on my masterlist, link provided below.
AN: damn okay wow i REALLY loved writing this part ommggggg
Warnings: angst, language
Enjoyed this and want more? Send in your requests!
Request Guidelines
You went to bed late, tossing and turning, replaying Loki’s words in your mind like a mantra. He couldn’t eat too. He suffered just as bad as you did. You fell asleep somewhere around two in the morning, clutching your sheets. The dreams took you back to him, momentarily dropping you in a reality you knew could never exist when you woke up. 
The sky was a deep purple - like a bruise - when you woke up. You lay there, staring at the ceiling. You knew sometime during the day Steve and Nat and probably Bruce would listen to the call from Loki last night. You groaned just at the thought, sighing under the covers. 
You got up and showered, mentally preparing yourself for the day. When you got out, there was a missed call from an unknown number. You entered the contact as Idiot, then opened up the messages to text him. You weren’t sure if Loki had bought a burner or a full phone, but you tried anyway.
Stop calling me.
You didn’t wait for an answer. You got dressed in a green hoodie and black jeans, pulling your hair into a ponytail. 
Your phone dinged.
Do you prefer we talk here?
Oh so Loki had an iPhone. Texting in blue texts and all. 
You debated answering, wondering if it would just spur his insanity. You left your phone in your room, deciding that it would only be a distraction. 
You went down to the kitchen, eating breakfast alone, enjoying some peace before the storm. 
And here it came.
Bruce came barreling through the dining room, eyes round, wide, fear written clear on his features. 
“Loki called you last night!?”he exclaimed, leaning over hands on the table.
That was quick. “The line’s tapped,” you answered, fighting a blush, gulping down the last of your cereal. “And he didn’t say anything about where he was or whatever.”
Bruce sighed, hanging his head. “Did you do what Nat and Steve trained you for?”
You shrugged. “He saw me coming.”
“That was to be expected.”
You struggled with the lump in your throat, fighting the want to go to Bruce and wrap your hands around his shoulders. Tell him everything would be fine. That Loki would never get you. 
But you weren’t so sure about that. 
Instead, you sighed, playing with the last Cheerio floating in the milk. “Bruce,” you began, biting the inside of your cheek. “How - how am I going to do this?”
He looked at you, all that older brother worry written clear on his face. “It’ll be fine,” he said, covering his hand with yours. “We’ll all be there to back you up. He won’t hurt you.”
It came out all in a rush. “But that’s not what I mean. What am I going to do about the fact that he’s my fucking soulmate?” You heaved, fighting tears brimming in your eyes. 
Bruce stood there silently, then took a seat, dusting off imaginary dust from his dark blue t-shirt. “Y/N,” he started, voice low, serious. “The soulmate bond is... the research proves that it’s mostly based off the animal instinct to provide better genes to your progeniture.”
You frowned. “Ew.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s what the science says,” he chuckled, trying to hide the reddening of his cheeks. “And I know that there are stories out there about people finding their mates and it all goes well, but sometimes, it doesn’t. Nature gave you the most perfect match for yourself, but evolutionarily based, it’s all about babies.” 
“Oh my God, Bruce, stop being so gross.” You played with your cereal, fighting your blush. You didn’t want to imagine yourself making babies with Loki because then, that’d be all you thought about. You didn’t want to go there. 
“My point is, little sis,” he continued, tone soft. “You don’t have to fall in love with him. You don’t have to do anything. Trust me. You can get over the bond.”
Nat had told you that you simply got used to the emptiness. Wouldn’t that make you... miserable?
There was a burning in your chest, spreading slowly like melting butter down your limbs. It was longing. 
Bruce got up without a word and left you to your one-Cheerio bowl and coffee. You stared out the window, at the greying sky, the rising sun, the freedom of the world beyond the trappings of the Avenger’s compound. 
Nothing kept you, really, from leaving. There was no law keeping you here. You could actually walk out and find Loki. You weren’t the criminal. 
He was. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. A mass murderer. You could leave here, go find him, tell him you’d stay by his side, but at what cost? Losing your family? Your friends? A normal life? It’s not like Loki would play the good boyfriend and bring you coffee at work. He’d burn the place down for a stupid reason like they didn’t give you enough vacation days. 
All this thinking had you boiling at barely nine in the morning. 
And the one person you wanted right now was Loki.
You cleaned up your dishes methodically, then rushed back upstairs to your room. The sun was now out and shining through your windows, and you used the light to gather a few items into a bag. There was no one in the hallway, which gave you all the peace you needed. Most of the Avengers were out dealing with whatever Loki had unleashed on the city, and the other half, like Nat and Bruce, were downstairs in the computer lab.
You grabbed a baseball cap and loosed out your ponytail. You grabbed your phone. Heart pounding, knowing you must have less than fifteen minutes before you were found, you sent a quick text.
Number. Now.
It took a few seconds until a reply came in. It was a phone number. You quickly scribbled it on the back of your hand, deleted the messages - even though you knew it was futile - and left the phone on the bed.
Something wild was stirring in your chest, something akin to adrenaline. Your blood roared as you leaped out of your room, quietly down the hall, down the stairs, hands trembling as you exited the front door. 
If only Nat and Bruce were here, it could give you a head start. 
You slid into the garage through the side door and took the keys to the Jeep. It was a thirty minute ride to the city, and you were not about to take the Maserati.
You slid into the Jeep, breathing erratic, and threw your bag into the passenger seat. The second the garage doors were open, you sped out. 
The Jeep wasn’t the most fast car, but it took you the edge of the property in a matter of seconds. You’d never driven like that before; wild and fast, but you had to get away as fast as possible. The country turned into the suburbs, blurring by you, but you only had eyes for the distant, gleaming horizon of New York city. 
You kept looking in the rearview mirror, but no one was tailing. A frantic tremble had begun in your fingers, urging you to press just a little more on the gas pedal. 
When the city began to manifest itself, molding out from the horizon, you ditched the Jeep by the side of the road. You left it visible enough and grabbed your bag, hitching it on your shoulders. Leaving off at a small jog, you left behind not only the Jeep but also the life you could have had if you’d never met Loki. 
There was a tenacious voice reminding you that Bruce would suffer from this. 
But the pull in your belly, deep within your chest, was calling you elsewhere.
You made it through the back streets of the city, slowing your pace to a walk. By now, Nat and Bruce would have noticed you gone. They would have seen the message you’d sent to Loki and his response. Maybe they’d try contacting that number, but you knew for a fact, Bruce would be in a car on his way here. The Jeep definitely had a tracker. 
You went into a Deli Meats, catching your breath in the doorway, your heart hammering vehemently in your chest. 
You asked to borrow the phone and they had a fucking honors system so you bought a sandwich and dumped it in your bag. No appetite. 
The phone only rang once before he answered.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in New York,” you answered, breathlessly.
“Have you been running?”
There was rustling on the other side of the phone. “They know you’ve left,” he said. “They’ve tried tracking this number.”
“And did they succeed?” you asked, heart in your throat. 
“No.” He inhaled sharply. “I want to trust you, y/n,” he mumbled. 
“Then come and get me,” you replied, your mouth dry, your heart hammering. “I’ll meet you wherever.”
He laughed, more like a hum than a chuckle. “Okay.”
He gave you an address on the other side of town, and told you not to call a taxi or an uber. He said if you made it there on foot, without any intervention by either the Avengers or your brother, he’d know they hadn’t found you. Or that you weren’t being followed. He had eyes everywhere. 
You thanked the clerk and left in a hurry, mentally replaying Loki’s instructions on the directions. Just the sound of his voice had been a relief, like taking a long, deep breath after being under water for so long. 
Something sharp had lifted from your ribs, where there’d been an imaginary knife twisting. 
The day had warmed, the city had awakened, and there was no way to identify you within the crowds moving steadily. You kept your eyes to the ground, the cap low on your brow, your hair around your face. 
The address Loki had given you was a subway’s sandwich, squeezed between a Moroccan restaurant and a hair salon. You frowned. Was this the right address? It was closed, the sign hanging in the door, the lights off in the store. 
You pulled on the door slightly, and it opened, your heart leaping as a wind of fresh air swept against your hot cheeks. 
Stepping inside, the eerie silence greeted you. No one was there. Only silence and the dark store. A fridge where they kept the cold drinks hummed, the blue light beckoning. You went to it, ripping it open wildly and grabbing a water bottle. As you chugged it, you pulled a rolled dollar from your pocket and put it on the register.
“No need for that.”
You jumped, spilling water all over your green hoodie. With a curse, you set the bottle on the counter and grabbed for the napkins. 
“I’ve got it.”
He was close now, and you could smell pinewood, your senses invaded by him. You looked up. He smiled, his lips pulling gently at the corners. Your heart was hammering wildly, but you swallowed, looking down at him as he looked down at you. He wore the same all-black ensemble as two weeks ago, his short raven locks pulled neatly behind his ears.
He was a specimen. 
His hands, which you swore were previously empty, came up with a green t-shirt. “More fit for the current weather,” he said with a quirk of his brow. 
You licked your lips, carefully reaching for the garment, fingers grazing his. A short shock slithered through your arm. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled, feeling heat crawl into your cheeks. 
You motioned for him to turn around, and with a roll of his eyes, he did. You quickly changed, discarding your hoodie in the trash. Once you were done, he turned and took one good look at you.
“Wow,” he said, making your heart sputter back to life. 
“So, what now?” you asked, both to dispel Loki’s current fixation and to actually know what was the plan. 
He straightened. “I have to get you out of the city.”
“Okay,” you breathed. “Where?”
But he didn’t have time to answer. Something came crashing through the front windows, loudly, sending a million little shards of glass flying. As quick as lightening, Loki came rushing to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, shielding you from the tiny little projectiles. 
You felt the heat of him, the pressure of his arms, his front against yours, your cheek against his chest. You smelled him everywhere. You sensed him on every inch of yourself. He invaded your senses, and for a brief instant, that nagging pull in your belly ceased. 
And as quickly as he came, he vanished. When you opened your eyes, fingers trembling, the smell of him clinging to you, he had changed his attire. The illusion previously placed on him, the one of the elegant man dressed in all black, had made way for the God. 
Long, golden horned-helmet on his head. The same green and gold breast plate, the black trousers. And in his hand, a golden staff, the tip gleaming menacingly, a blue light hovering within it’s extremity. 
Standing before you both, on the glittering pieces of the broken window, was Thor and Tony. The former stood in the light of day, his hammer raised, light gleaming off of it threateningly. Tony stood, arm erect, suit gleaming red in the mid-morning sun. 
“Nice work, kiddo,” he said, the helmet coming undone, revealing his face; stricken with fear and concentration.
Loki turned a glare on you, eyes dark, and your insides burned. Tony was making it look like you had a hand in this. That you’d betrayed Loki.
You opened your mouth to say something, but Loki took one step towards you and grabbed your wrist.
Thor roared something like, “Loki no!” But Loki was faster. Quicker than Tony’s blast you heard charging, quicker than Thor’s hammer. In a flash, the tip of Loki’s staff glowed a clear, crystal blue, and your entire world vanished to black.
tags:  @subtlemalice @yallgotkik @buckyandlokirunmylife @kaz11283 @legolas-bromance @shylittlemountain @tofeartheunknown @feelmyfckngsoul @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @caffiend-queen @tomhollandsslilslut @lady-loki-ren @nathan-no @rosaline-black @abundanceofcarolines @my-own-oracle @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @marvelouslovely @drbaureid @bored-as-hell-666 @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @theinfinitenerd @toe-vind-ek-jou @ink-and-starlight @blank-bakabane @sunshineonloki @holaamishamigos @palegoopbearlight @heyarely16 @pleaseexecuteme 
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
Hey pal, I'm a bit sad, so if you're up for it kill me with saaaaad stucky headcanons because you're absolutely awesome at them. (No pressure tho, love ya <3)
hello friend! love ya too! i'm sorry to hear that you're a bit sad-- i'm here if you'd like to talk!
after some deliberation, i have decided to use this particular headcanon of mine:
-So one day around the holidays, Steve and Bucky go out on a little day trip to some shops in upstate New York
-It's a cute little outdoor mall type place with coffee shops and string lights and an ice skating rink at one end, which is a much needed change of pace from the usual bustle of the city
-Of course, they get some treats at one of the cafes and take to the streets after, bundled in similar winter sweaters and walking at a leisurely pace, arm in arm and hands warming around hot coffee cups
-They window shop a bit, deliberate over gifts, and enjoy the peaceful air, and all in all, it's a nice area but it's not until they come across an antique store at the end of the strip
-It's a humble looking store with three levels-- an upstairs and a basement-- and a warm glow to the whole establishment. Books are grouped in one corner, a sign near the basement boasts clothes down the stairs. Old jewelry lays in cases along the middle of the store
-Naturally, they veer off from one another, taken by different things within the store. Steve finds himself wandering through the old record section and into the art supplies, which enthralls him for a while as he combed through old products that didn't seem so old to him. Except now they're worn and delicate-- another thing allowed to grow through time naturally while he was cursed to miss it
-Just beyond the room, there's a section filled with children's toys-- old rocking horses and wooden toys, still somehow more modern than what he grew up with. There's a section with dolls and dollhouses and he barely registers that he's moved before he comes back to himself holding one of the small dolls
-Steve turns over the doll, running his thumb over the worn features of its face. It is dressed in a colorful pink and yellow smock, a pink bonnet secured over its blond ringlet curls. He recognizes it as a Lenci Doll; Becca had some that she'd let Steve play with her when he'd come over the times that Bucky wasn't around. He'd wanted a set of his own, loving the idea of nurturing and loving something so sweetly, and he'd asked one day while out with his ma and pa-- a rare outing they'd taken as the three of them to the shops if his pa were sober for once. He winces, remembering the disgusted look on his father's face, the reservation on his ma's. It was the first heartbreak he could truly remember, and he didn't understand why it was so wrong to want a doll. How different was it from his teddy bear? Or army men?
I'm telling you, Sarah. He's gonna turn out a little queer.
Eyes suddenly burning, he grips the doll tighter.
"Got a whole collection of those, we have. A big find."
Steve jumps, blinking away the wetness in his eyes as he glanced to the side. An older man is standing next to him, dressed in a red sweater vest and sporting horn rimmed glasses. He has a name tag on, clearly an employee there.
"Oh, cool," he says, unsure of what else to say.
"Got a niece or something? I bet she'd love that."
Okay, so he hasn't recognized Steve. Thank god, honestly. He can't imagine what it would be like to find Captain fucking America holding a goddamn baby doll.
"Oh, uh, just-- just looking. It, uh, reminded me of my ma," which isn't exactly a lie. He looks back down at the doll, stomach aching. Would his ma have even wanted him to have the doll? His father had made it clear enough, but he can't read the memories of his ma all the time. What she might have thought of his queerness.
"How sweet," the man says. "Well, we sell them for cheap considering how much they go out for on the market-- only twenty dollars."
Steve shifts his feet, nodding. He doesn't want this man talking to him anymore. He feels oddly exposed.
"Cool," he says again.
Luckily, Bucky catches up to Steve then, holding a stack of dime store sci fi novels, and an old leather jacket that reminds Steve of one George Barnes used to wear. He wonders briefly if that's why Bucky had chosen it
Hastily, he puts down the doll before Bucky can see, but Bucky knows him better than anyone and he catches the movement
"Whatcha got there, pal?" he asks, reaching past Steve to pick up the doll.
Steve blushes, scuffing a shoe.
"It's nothing, it's dumb," he says, quickly, eyes landing back on the doll. He wants to reach for it again. "Just... Becs used to have those, remember?"
Bucky's eyebrows furrow and he glances down at the doll, thumb smoothing over the cheek. "Yeah, she was real protective of them. Never let me touch them unless I was helping her fix the tangles from one's hair."
Steve frowns, an old, irrational tinge of jealousy curling around his gut. He wishes he'd had one to be protective of. "I used it play it with her when I was real young still and-- and I'd come over when... you weren't around," he says. "Used to want one of my own..." He bites his lip, frowning. "I asked for one once when I went out with my ma and dad." Shrugging, he laughs dryly. "Definitely didn't get a doll that day."
He shakes his head, eyes downcast. It really was dumb, ruminating over this now.
"It's okay," he says, giving Bucky a brave smile. Bucky's watching him with an unreadable look on his face-- Steve thinks it might be anger, but there's a certain sadness there, too. "It doesn't matter, um... I'm going to check out the clothes."
-The subject is left alone for the time being. Steve clearly doesn't want to talk about it, but Bucky stays behind, watching Steve's retreating back. He looks down at the doll, smoothing his thumb over the cheek again, and thinks of Steve-- six or seven, maybe-- hoping for a doll. Innocently asking, only to be denied. He doesn't know much of the specifics about what went down in the Rogers' household, but he knows there was a lot of pain. A lot of denial. A lot of anger. He glances one more time at Steve, across the store now, and tucks the doll under his arm, hidden in the jacket.
-Christmas morning comes with a quiet morning together. Breakfast prepared while snow falls outside their apartment, personal gifts exchanged, and some soft music playing in the background.
"I think there's one more gift, honey," Bucky says, pointing to a small bag under the tree.
Steve frowns and reaches for it. It's not heavy, but it clearly has some weight to it. He glances up at Bucky, a questioning frown on his face, even as a smile lights his eyes. He carefully unpacks the tissue paper and reaches inside and--
Oh. Oh.
His eyes fill with tears as he looks down at the doll, her blonde ringlets still tucked underneath that pink bonnet. Her weight is warm in his palm. Instinctively, he holds her to his chest.
"It isn't dumb," Bucky murmurs after a long moment. He'd wanted to say that that day, but Steve had walked away. "You deserve her, Steve. You deserved her then, and you're allowed her now. You always should have been. I'm sorry you were ever not allowed to be yourself."
Steve is crying now as he reaches for Bucky, and then they're hugging, his face tucked into the crook of Bucky's neck. A doll won't fix the pain his father inflicted, but Bucky will always be his safe place. That space where he can be authentically and undeniably himself.
"Thank you," he whispers. "Thank you."
Bucky holds him tighter. "Always."
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 4
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo
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When you woke up your head was pounding. Reluctantly, you dragged yourself out of bed anyway.
“Hey Mia” you spoke as you knocked on her door “I need a favor.” 
She opened the door just enough for you to see her tired form, bedhead and all looking back at you. 
“It’s 9am on a Sunday what the hell y/n.” She opened the door the rest of the way and rubbed her eyes. “What is it?” 
You felt bad waking her up, but you needed to tell her what had happened. And you needed your car back, which was still parked at the club. 
“I’ll explain more on the way, but Baekhyun drove me home from work last night and I need you to take me to my car.” 
You saw your roommates eyes widen “He drove you home? Are you insane?” 
“Just let me explain everything, I promise it’s not as crazy as it sounds.” 
“Okay, let me get dressed though.” She looked at you skeptically, closing the door and meeting you in the living room soon after to get going.
“So he drove you home.” She stated simply, keeping her eyes on the road as she made her way through the streets towards your work. 
“I know it sounds bad but he saved my ass last night. I was so nervous about him possibly showing up that I let some assholes get me blackout drunk. When he showed up he took me into a room to sleep it off and drove me home.” 
“You got wasted at work? You know how dangerous that is.” She reprimanded you. 
“I know, I know. And I usually don’t, but these guys seemed nice and I was so nervous that I just kept taking the shots they bought me. The assholes had me in a VIP room for a while too, from what Baekhyun told me. I can’t remember any of it though, thank god. All I remember is laughing and having a good time and then waking up with my head on his lap.” 
“Baekhyun’s lap? How do you know he didn’t just make it all up to seem like some sort of hero?” 
“Yeah.. He usually always gets there early, like 7 or 8, and when I woke up it was past midnight. He told me I was asleep for a few hours.” 
“So he just sat and watched you sleep that whole time... that’s not weird at all.” 
“I told you it’s not like that! If it wasn’t for him I would’ve been all on my own last night. I don’t even wanna think about all the fucked up shit that could’ve happened to me in there if he hadn’t taken me somewhere safe to sleep it off.” 
Mia stayed quiet. She knew you were right, Baekhyun had actually helped you. 
“I can’t explain it but it’s different with him, he’s not like the other guys there at all.” 
“Y/n, do you like him?” 
Her question caught you off guard. You didn’t know what to say. Did you like Baekhyun? 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean do you like him as more than just a customer.” 
“Well...” There was a pause, and you knew she could tell what was going on in your head. 
As you were trying to form your thoughts, Mia was already pulling into the parking lot of your work. She parked next to you, but before unlocking the doors she looked over at you. 
“You know you can tell me anything. I’m not gonna judge you if you have a crush on your professor, even if I think it’s a really bad idea. You’re my best friend.” 
“I don’t know what I feel. He’s always so sweet to me that it’s hard not to like him, even though I know I shouldn’t. I know I’m pushing these feelings down but they’re getting harder and harder to ignore.” 
She gave you a sympathetic look and you heard her car doors unlock. “Let’s get home, it’s too early to be thinking about this now anyway.” 
You got out and entered your own car, starting it and making your way back towards your shared home. When you got back you started making breakfast for the both of you, as both a thank you and I’m sorry for waking her up so early on a weekend. 
The two of you were in the middle of destroying some cinnamon rolls when she caught you off guard again. “Do you have a picture of Baekhyun? This whole time I’ve been  imagining him as a smelly neckbeard. He’s cuter than that, right?” She asked you, and you couldn’t help but crack up. 
“Yes” you laughed “he’s cute, really cute actually. Definitely the most attractive professor I’ve had in a while. Let me see if I can find something.” 
“Ooooo yes I wanna see.”
You logged into your universities website and started searching around, seeing if there were any photos of him there. To your dismay you couldn’t find anything on there, so your next guess was facebook. You typed in his full name, and what popped up was not what you had been expecting. 
There were several posts, all fairly old, and all pictures of him with his arm around a beautiful girl. His ex. 
Mia saw the change in your face and immediately snatched your phone out of your hand to see for herself. 
“What the fuck y/n...” She said as she stared at the phone, eyes wide. “THIS is him? This man right here.” She turned the phone around, pointing at him. 
“...Yeah. And I think that’s his ex in the picture too.” 
“Fuck the ex y/n this man is fucking beautiful... no wonder you like him. I would too. I’m sure half the girls in your class would love to hop on that.” 
You took your phone back, looking intently at the image on the screen. 
“She’s pretty.” 
“Who? His ex? Of course she is, look at him!” You just kept staring at the picture of the two of them together, feeling how it made your stomach twist up in discomfort. “Damn you do like him if you’re that stressed over one picture with his ex.” 
You knew she was just teasing, but she was still right. 
“Shut up, I just haven’t seen her before. I knew about her but seeing a picture of them together feels different.” 
“Y/n you have the fattest crush on this guy come on just admit it.” 
“It’s not a crush! I just think he’s an interesting person, and he’s attractive, and he likes me, soo..” 
“So what? Are you gonna try to fuck your professor?” 
“MIA” You shouted, and grabbed a pillow to hit her with. 
“Come on if I had a professor that hot I would too! And you already know he’s into you too.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, prompting you to roll your eyes. 
“He’s my professor, that’s the problem.” You sighed. “And my customer. Starting anything with him is a bad idea.” 
“It’s definitely a bad idea, but it could be really fun.” 
“An hour ago you thought I was crazy for letting him drive me home and now you’re telling me I should sleep with my professor just cause he’s hot?!” 
“Well I didn’t know what he looked like then! You should’ve at least told me he was cute.” 
“You’re so shallow!” 
“I’m not shallow! Y/n you need some spice in your life, maybe he could be good for you. And he’s rich.” Her eyes suddenly went wide, before asking you, “What car does he drive?” 
“An Audi... we still don’t know if he is though! He’s still just a professor, remember?” 
“You should try to find out how he has all this money, what if he’s secretly a mafia boss or something.” 
You only rolled your eyes. Sweet, shy little Baekhyun, a mafia boss? It was laughable. He was way too nice. 
“If he is rich, I don’t know how. Maybe he’s just a trust fund baby or something.” 
“Yeah maybe, but you’re gonna find out! Did he pay you last night?” 
That thought hadn’t even crossed your mind, you assumed your money bag was empty when you got home since you hadn’t given any dances but you hadn’t looked inside of it either. “I don’t know... let me check.” 
You got up and went to your room, returning with the bag. You sat back down in the living room with Mia and dramatically unzipped it, before holding it upside down and shaking it. Both you and Mia gasped at what fell out. Hundred after hundred fell until your living room couch was decorated with hundred dollar notes. 
“What the fuck...” You heard Mia whisper, obviously just as shocked as you. 
You gathered the money and counted the bills. Over two thousand dollars had been in that bag. You looked at your friend in disbelief. “He must’ve paid me for every hour I was asleep...” 
“Holy shit” 
“I have to give it back, this is too much.” You started shoving the money back into the bag, but Mia grabbed your wrist, stopping you. 
“Are you crazy? He gave you the money for a reason! You’re basically set for the rest of the semester now.” She was looking you in the eyes intently now, not letting you ignore her. 
“No, you don’t understand. I didn’t even give him a dance or anything I was literally just asleep and then cried a lot, he shouldn’t have paid me at all.” You said, shaking your head in disbelief.
“It’s your money and I can’t tell you what to do with it but I’d keep it if I were you. You’ll probably just hurt his feelings trying to give it back.” 
“I don’t care. I’m giving it back. Especially if he is just a professor I don’t want him spending any more money on me.” 
“It’s up to you...” She looked skeptical. You knew she wanted you to keep the money so she could reap some of the benefits as well, although she would’ve never admitted to it. Deep down you just couldn’t help but worry that Baekhyun couldn’t afford to give you that much. You had to at least try to give it back. 
The rest of Sunday went by in a blur of netflix movies and youtube videos. Sundays were your lazy days, a sacred tradition you were dedicated to keep. You knew however that when Monday rolled around, you were going to have to try to give Baekhyun his money back. You weren’t sure what that would look like, but for now the plan was to just corner him after class and tell him he needed it more than you did. Hopefully, he would accept it and that would be the end of it. 
Class on Monday was even more confusing than the previous days. You felt like you understood less with each passing class period, not more. The concepts he talked about only got more and more abstract, to the point where you had little clue what was going on at all. 
You were anxious about class ending as well, since you were going to have to face him to try to return his money. 
Eventually the lecture ended, and today you had to wait for several other students to talk to him first before he could get to you. They all had questions about their essays, the essay you had yet to even start. 
You knew Baekhyun saw you waiting and purposefully made you go last, although this time you were grateful. 
“Do you need help with you essay too?” He asked once he was done talking to the last student. You shook your head. 
You glanced towards the door, making sure the last student was out of the room before before pulling out the stack of cash that had been in your bag Sunday morning. “I can’t accept this.” You said, placing it on his desk. 
Baekhyun looked surprised, however he still wasn’t going to make this easy for you. 
“Why not?” He asked simply, looking genuinely confused. 
“I have plenty of money already, from you. I didn’t even give you a dance or anything and I know you don’t make THAT much as a professor and I just-”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me y/n. Just keep it. I promise I’ll be just fine without it.” 
“No. You need it more than I do, I already have enough to keep me going for a while and this was too much, I didn’t even do anything to deserve it.” 
“Y/n. Please. Just take it.” The look on his face was tired. You could tell he was telling the truth, he wanted you to have it, but that didn’t stop you from feeling guilty, and you weren’t taking no for an answer. 
“You’re a college professor, not some hotshot CEO, I know you don’t have this kind of money Baekhyun. I’m not keeping it.” You said, crossing your arms. 
Baekhyun just sighed, scratching the back of his head. He looked annoyed, but also somehow.. sad? 
“I told you there’s a lot you don’t know about me. And I’m not taking it back.” He said staring down at the wad of cash. Obviously he wasn’t taking no for an answer either.
“Baekhyun pleaaase” You looked at him again, giving him your best puppy eyes but he wasn’t having it. His face remained stoic, the only visible emotion was a twinge of what looked like sadness. 
“Y/n...” He sighed again. “I’m going to my office now. You can come with me, or you can take your money and go home.” He said sternly.
You pouted, but picked the money back up, shoved it back in your pocket, and followed him anyway. Eventually he unlocked the door to what you assumed to be his office and he held the door for you to walk in. He sat down at his desk, and you sat across from him on the other side. As you looked around, you couldn’t help but smile at how Baekhyun the office was. The space was very cozy, filled with little trinkets and lots of books, all of which you were sure would make absolutely no sense to you. Everything felt so much like him. He had pictures of him and his friends sprinkled throughout as well, and the room even smelled like his comforting scent. 
You took the wad of cash back out of your pocket and placed it on his desk. He didn’t acknowledge it. 
Once both of you were sitting down, an awkward silence filled the air. Baekhyun was sitting right across from you, but instead of the usual intense eye contact you’d grown accustomed to, he was staring solemnly down at his desk. 
He was the first one to break the silence. 
“My parents died in a freak accident last December.” He said it without looking up at you, eyes still fixated on his desk. “A semi hit them going 20 over. They both died on impact.” 
Your stomach lurched. “Baekhyun wh-”
“Between the two of them they had quite a bit of money. I inherited it. I could quit this job if I wanted to. I have more than I even know what to do with, so just keep the money, please.” 
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know...” Your voice was barely loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. Finally he looked up and you met his eyes. 
“There’s no way you could’ve. I understand why you probably thought what you did but I definitely don’t need it, so keep it.” 
“If anything” he interrupted “I feel bad I couldn’t give you more. We were up there longer than what I paid you for but that’s all the cash I had on me and I didn’t wanna have to leave you alone to go to the ATM.” 
“Baekhyun, I...”
“You can go now, sorry if that was uncomfortable but I wanted to tell you before you insisted on giving the money back.” He said, scooting the cash back towards your end of the desk. His expression was once again blank, making it impossible for you to try to figure out what was going on in his head. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry about your parents.” 
Although he had told you you could leave, you found yourself planted in the chair and against your better judgement, you stayed. Maybe it was the cozy feel of the room, or the comforting smell of old books and vanilla, but you didn’t want to leave yet. 
“Were you really close with them?”
He smiled at your question, and because you were still sitting in front of him, even though you didn’t have to be. 
“Yeah, they were amazing parents. They always supported the things I was passionate about. Lots of parents would get mad at their kid for studying something as useless as philosophy but they always had my back.” He sighed solemnly, the sadness making it’s way onto his face. “You never really learn to appreciate things until they’re taken from you. I should’ve visited them more often, told them I loved them more. Everything I have now is because of them.”
“I’m sure they were really proud of you.” 
“Yeah, luckily I was able to make the best out of my degree. Most people who study philosophy aren’t as lucky and end up doing something totally unrelated. I at least get to teach people about something I’m passionate about.”
“Is that why you keep working here even if you don’t need the money?” 
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “ And I know my parents wouldn’t want me to quit just because of the money. It would also get awfully boring to just sit around at home all day and not work anyway. I like having somewhere to go and feel productive.” He paused for a second, eyes meeting yours again. “And if I wasn’t here I wouldn’t get to see you.” His face turned up into a smile with his last sentence. 
At first his words made you think he was just trying to find an excuse to hit on you, but his face told a different story. His smile was so gentle and welcoming, it didn’t feel like any kind of sexual advance, just his raw emotions. Emotions that he was willing to show you without any filter. Baekhyun had always been so open with his feelings with you, it made you feel even worse for how hesitant you were about your own.
You couldn’t help the pink tint growing on your cheeks at his statement. 
“You’re blushing.” He said, now grinning. 
“Shut up.” You tried to hide your face, but with him sitting directly across from you, staring intently there was nothing you could hide.
“You’re lucky I like you enough to let you talk to me like that, any other student would be in trouble.” 
“So you admit I get special treatment?” You asked, leaning back in the chair and crossing your arms, one eyebrow raised at him. 
Before answering, Baekhyun leaned towards you, resting an elbow on the desk, halving the distance between the two of you. “Sweetheart, I’ve never even spoken to a student outside of campus. Special treatment is an understatement.” 
Your face turned an even deeper shade of red at his use of the pet name, which didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked you as casually as one would ask about the weather. Your eyes widened, not at all expecting him to ask such a thing. 
For a moment you just stared at him in disbelief, hoping he’d say something else but his expression remained the same. Eventually you shook your head, but before he could ask you anything more you had your own question for him. 
“What happened with your ex?” 
Immediately his face fell into a deep frown. You’d caught him off guard again, and this time he didn’t quite know what to say. 
“Well...” He said, still pausing to think. “After I got the inheritance from my parents things just changed. All we did was fight about money. She didn’t even seem to care that my parents were dead. She just wanted access to the money. Eventually she realized I wasn’t going to give it to her and she left me.” 
“I’m so sorry, that’s awful.” 
“But that’s how I got to meet you.” He smiled, taking one of your hands in his. “I’m glad she left me when she did, and Chanyeol talked me into going to the club that night.” 
“Baekhyun...” You felt yourself getting scared again. The things he was telling you and the way he held your hand was beginning to feel too intimate, to a point where you were becoming anxious. You felt an unfamiliar sensation blooming in the pit of your stomach. 
“I remember when he pitched the idea to me, I called him a dumbass.” He laughed. “I really didn’t wanna go but he dragged me in there.” 
“Well I’m glad he did too.” You responded shyly, before you could think twice about your own words.  
Now it was Baekhyun's turn to blush. He was already shocked enough that you were willingly staying in his office, hearing you say something that flirty to him sent his mind into chaos. 
“Y/n...” He grabbed both of your hands now, looking into your eyes with that familiar intensity. “Do you.. like me? Not as a customer or a professor, but as a man?” 
He had been wanting to ask you since Saturday night, but couldn’t find the courage. He knew how terrible of an idea it was to be having this conversation with one of his students, but when it came to you all rational thought seemed to fly out the window. He had stayed up all night torturing himself with the thought. He needed to know. 
But you could only stare back wordlessly. Not because you didn’t want to tell him no, but because you couldn’t deny to yourself that you did like him. You just couldn’t get the words out. It was one thing to feel something deep inside your heart. It was another to be able to say it out loud.
Baekhyun quickly noticed your discomfort and withdrew his hands. “You don’t have to answer that, sorry. But you know how I feel about you. I just need to know. Whatever your answer is, whenever you’re ready to tell me, I’ll accept it. If you want me to leave you be, just tell me and we can act like we never knew each other before last Monday.” 
But you didn’t want that, not at all. Your feelings for him had only grown and you couldn’t see yourself ever going back to only seeing him as your professor. It was too late for that now that you knew what his arms felt like wrapped around you. 
“I know I don’t want that.” You said so quietly, it was almost inaudible. But Baekhyun still heard you.
His eyes widened in surprise, but his smile found its way back into his face as well. “I really hoped you wouldn’t choose that. But whatever you do decide, will be fine by me.” 
“Okay.” You spoke, as you got up out of your chair. “I should go. Thank you for explaining everything.” 
“Don’t forget this” he said, holding the wad of cash. You sighed, and took it from him, shoving it back in your pocket “and thank you for listening.” 
Baekhyun waved you goodbye as you exited his office, shooting you another gorgeous smile that you couldn’t help but return. As you walked back home you felt that same unfamiliar feeling still blooming in your stomach. You tried to ignore it, but it was unmistakable. This is what people were talking about, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you talked to someone you liked. You’d felt it before with past flings and crushes, but never as much as now. 
And the more you let yourself think about it, the clearer it became to you. You were becoming just as fucked for him as he was for you. 
Next Chapter
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
impatient | m. tkachuk
a/n: a little bit of pining, a lot a bit of other things. this was super fun to write even if it killed me a little to do. 
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol, and more smut
(this is a new and optional (no pressure but I think it will add to your experience reading my fics) thing I’m starting where all of my fics now come with a recommended wine pairing to drink while you read. full disclosure, I know absolutely nothing about wine and don’t intend to learn a damn thing about it while doing this. i order by the color and price per glass. these recommendations are based off how I feel and nothing else)
wine pairing recommendation: pink moscato, because we’re all basic bitches for matty tkachuk and pink moscato is the basic bitch wine. you know you like it. don’t lie.
word count: 5.3K
“Fuck, Matty,” you breathed out between moans as your fingers threaded deeper into the mess of curls between your thighs. 
“Oh, like that?”
His hot breath fanned out across your hot, sensitive core and you groaned at the sensation. Matthew leaned in closer to you, his broad shoulders pushing your legs further apart. He still stopped short of putting his mouth on you. 
“Matthew, please,” you whined, your body stiffening as you tried to grind your hips down to get more contact. 
“Patience,” he kissed the inside of your thigh, a few inches from exactly where you wanted his mouth, “is a virtue, honey.” 
“I fucking hate you,” you complained, but it came out empty. 
“Mm, that’s hot,” was all he said before his tongue finally touched your clit and you couldn’t help but let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
Your body decided that moment you finally felt the tension start to unfold was the perfect moment to wake you up from a dream you haven’t asked for, but decided to enjoy anyway.
“Oh, fuck me,” you groaned as you pulled the covers up over your face. “He’s everywhere.”
You stumbled slowly out of bed to the bathroom. Your inability to be patient meant you washed your face with water that was verging on ice cold, which luckily today came in handy and helped you cool you off from your dream. Matthew had found his way into a lot of your thoughts when you were by yourself. He was becoming absolutely unavoidable.
“Good morning!” your long-time roommate and self-identified best friend Kayla sang as you entered the kitchen.
You have her your customary grunt in reply. One of the biggest issues in your friendship with Kayla was that she was a literal ray of sunshine presenting as a human being. She was a blindingly bright, cheery, peppy morning person who wore her heart on her sleeve and believed that everything would be better with a sprinkle of sugar and a little more love. You couldn’t understand how a person older than eight could possibly have the personality Kayla did, but she’d made it this far into life like this, so this was how she was.
“I made you a smoothie bowl. It’s in the fridge next to your coffee that’s chilling so it can be iced coffee,” Kayla informed you, sounding more like she was meant to sing to birds so they would assist her in baking a cake than that she made you, a woman arguably resembling a river troll right now more than a person, a smoothie bowl and coffee.
You grabbed the bowl eagerly, needed something to try to get your mind from replying the self-created imagine of Matty’s shoulders and curly head between your thighs. You sighed as you took your seat at the breakfast bar next to Kayla. You dug in instantly. It was one of Kayla’s better ones.
“Is good, K,” you mumbled around the berries in your mouth.
“Thank ya,” she replied with a bright smile.
“K,” you wiped the corners of your mouth before you turned to her, “can I tell you something if you promise not to tell anyone else?”
“Of course!”
Kayla was lying and you knew it. Loose lips might sink ships, but your friendship was too strong to sink despite Kayla’s knack for spilling all the beans she knew as soon as she was pushed in the slightest of ways. But, you needed to get this off your chest.
“I had a sex dream about Matthew Tkachuk,” you said bluntly.
Kayla’s spoon paused on its journey to her mouth before it dropped back into the bowl aggressively. Little purple droplets of smoothie sprayed across counter due to her sudden movement. Her mouth dropped open as she processed what you said.
“It was like, almost a sex dream, I guess,” you sighed. “He was about to eat me out and his shoulders, god the shoulders and the curls, and it was just, it was so hot and I have no idea what this means.”
“If I start singing that nursery rhyme about you two sitting in a tree kissing are you going to throw your coffee at me?” Kayla was already wincing back in her seat with her hands protectively in front of her face before she finished her sentence. “This cream sweatshirt doesn’t deserve it even if I do for saying that.” 
You rolled your eyes at her and turned your attention back to your quickly thinning breakfast. 
“Do you maybe like him, like him?” she asked hesitantly. 
“He’s super annoying, Kayla,” you reminded her, “and I doubt he’s even into me in the slightly.” 
“He’s totally into you and I know you’re into him. Annoying and a big ego is your type. He’s annoying to you because he’s constantly pulling your metaphorical pig tails.” 
You rolled your eyes again, wondering if maybe they were going to get stuck up there that your mom had always threatened when you were little, before replying with, “This isn’t elementary school, K. Even if I did have a little crush, he’s not that type of guy and I’m not his type. ”
She shrugged and put her hands up, telling you that her opinion was her opinion and you could like take it or leave it. 
“I just told you what I think, that’s all,” she said. “I also think we need to dress you up extra hot for the bar tonight and you better shave, just in case, you know.”
As the first shot of tequila burned down your throat later that night, you were starting to regret telling Kayla. She’d already had three drinks and around four was when the secrets started spilling out and Matthew was bound to show up any minute. The team had lost tonight, but they were still coming out to celebrate someone’s birthday. 
“That shirt makes your boobs look amazing!” The last word was sung, entirely unsurprising with your best friend. “Thank god you let me do your makeup tonight too. He’s not going to be able to take his eyes off you.” 
“K,” you sighed as you sat the empty shot glass down on the bar, “he’s not exactly a buy-you-roses, take-you-home-to-his-momma, remember-your-anniversary, kind of guy. Pretty sure, if I wanted to, this would be a one and done sort of thing.” 
Kayla shook her head after taking another shot that you couldn’t identify the origin of since you didn’t have another. Oh great, four deep. 
“I’m telling you, babe. He’s into you. Like, he’s actually into you,” Kayla told you.
“Who’s into you?” 
As if on cue, with an actual tug of your ponytail, Matthew was by your side with his classic, every present cocky smile and mop of curly hair, grabbing your attention even though you didn’t want to give it to him. 
“No one,” you told him. “You’re just in time to pay for my next drink though.” 
“You’re the worst person I know,” Matthew told you with a sigh. “You just talk to me for my money, don’t you?” 
“Well, it certainly couldn’t be because of your personality,” you chirped back.
His credit card still hit the bar a few seconds later though, a wide smile on his face. He slid tight up next you, one of his hands gently resting on your back as he threw some cash on the bar along with his card to catch a bartender’s attention. His hand pressed against your back was warm and strong and you wanted to lean into it, into him. You resisted, your body stiffening as you resisted the urge to collapse into him. 
“Oh, sorry,” Matthew mumbled as he took his hand away.
“Oh, you’re good! You can keep it there if you want.” 
You’d said it a little too quickly and with a little too much pep for you, but luckily the volume of the bar covered it. Matthew just nodded and let his hand gently rest on your back again, his fingers drumming against you, as he ordered his and apparently your next drink. 
“Don’t I get to order myself?” you asked him as you tilted your head back to allow for eye contact. 
“When you’re paying,” Matthew chuckled before giving your ponytail another quick tug. “So, how’s work? Pretty sure you know how mine went today, so distract me with yours, please.” 
You just started to make small talk about your work and his when your drinks arrived. Matthew was already being pulled away from you the second his beer touched his hand. 
“Find me in a few!” he shouted over the noise as he was led off to the dance floor. 
You definitely didn’t like you if he left that quickly, but you tried to focus on your drink instead of him. You couldn’t figure out what he’d ordered you by the taste. It was strong, but still tasted good, which was about all that actually mattered. You shrugged it off and headed over to mingle among the team and your other friends, mystery drink in hand and thoughts of Matthew in your head. 
By the time your ass was back on your barstool, you weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you’d had three of Matthew’s mystery drinks and you were feeling them. Still, even at your worst, you weren’t Kayla who had already been yelled three separate times by security for climbing on a chair, a table, and the bar. She could not hold her alcohol even if you paid her a million dollars to do it. 
“Jesus, I’m amazed they haven’t kicked her out yet. I see we’re being boring over here though instead of fun like Kayla.”
Matthew. Of course he’d find you the second you decided to take a little breather. You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed lightly. You knew he was teasing. He was always teasing you, always chirping you. You took the last sip of your drink and began the internal debate on if you could handle one more or not.
“Look, Chucky Cheese, not all girl are table dancing types,” you sighed, settling on the idea that one more would probably more likely than not be one too many. 
Matthew slid his stool closer to you as he waved the nearest bartender down to close out his tab, apparently deciding he was also done for the night along with you.  The scent of his cologne was engulfing you in a way that made the rest of the world around you slowly start to disappear. 
“I’m not into table dancing types,” he informed you as he intercepted your tab before you could glance at how much he was shelling out for you tonight. “More into the roommates of the table dancing types. Especially,” he slid the clipboard with the bill to the opposite edge of the bar as his eyes turned back to lock with yours, “when I have it on good authority that table dancing girl’s roommate is into me.” 
If you’d still been drinking, you would’ve choked on it with that statement. 
“What?” was all you managed to get out in response.
Matthew chuckled a little and nodded softly, as if he’d been expecting that very response. He pivoted on his stool to face you. Slowly and steadily, Matthew leaned in closer to you. Even sitting, he towered over you and it made your breath hitch in your throat. Him leaning into you like this enveloped you in the feeling of him and the smell of his cologne. His lips came to rest just next to the shell of your ear, accidentally grazing it for a moment. If you weren’t already sitting, your knees would’ve buckled. 
“Kayla is a little too drunk to keep your dreams a secret. She said something about how my shoulders would look between your thighs? Could’ve heard that wrong though.” Matthew said softly to you. “It’s okay. I’m happy to make your dreams come true tonight.” 
He paused for a second and you weren’t sure if you had breathed the entire time he’d spoke. He took a deep breath before continuing. 
“That is, if you’re interested.” 
Loose lips sink ships, but maybe, just maybe, Kayla’s loose lips were about to make something float for the first time in her life. 
“Don’t worry so much,” he whispered against your ear as he sensed your nerves, his lips ghosting across your sensitive skin as he spoke, “I want you so fucking bad right now.”
He pulled back, settling onto his stool again with practiced ease, and your heart started racing in your chest. You could barely hear the crowd over your heart beating in your ears. You had to think of something to say and you didn’t have a lot of time to do. Your brain was racing, not landing on any thought in particular long enough for it to take hold. Matthew knew he had you exactly where he wanted and his confidence was turning you on in a way that you hated that you loved. He leaned in closer to you, his smirk still strong as he came closer to you, his mouth inches from yours. You wanted to throw him off guard, wipe that cocky smirk right off his face, so you said the first thing that came to mind. 
“You’ve got to buy me dinner first, Tkachuk.”
You didn’t know what part of your brain found those words. You didn’t know why they’d come out of your mouth. You didn’t even know how truly interested you were. The last one was a lie to yourself, but those words were a 50/50 gamble. Maybe he wanted to fuck you and take you to dinner. Maybe he just wanted one night to get over a tough division loss tonight. You had no evidence other than Kayla’s pigtail pulling theory to support the idea that maybe he might not just be looking for a one night stand and Kayla was so often wrong.
“Hmm, any chance I can cash in on dessert tonight and take you to dinner tomorrow?” The smirk was replaced with a soft smile, a smile that made you want to fall right into his broad chest and never leave. “Because I’m not exactly super patient here and I know you’re going to look absolutely killer in a tight dress at the stupidly expensive restaurant I’m going to take you to tomorrow night, but you’d also look so fucking good in my bed right now.”
"Is that so?” you asked him, stealing his smirk from earlier. “How nice is this restaurant?”
“Not as nice as I’m going to make you feel in a few minutes if you let me.” 
You pressed your mouth against his as your way of answering. Matthew’s hands were on your waist, pulling you off your stool and into him as he took over, his mouth working aggressively against yours. Your hands clasped together behind his neck, securing you against him. Matthew was the one to pull back, surprising you. He released one hand from your waist to pull his phone out of his pocket and open up Uber on his phone. 
“Unless that didn’t mean what I think it meant, I’m taking you home, woman,” Matthew said as he ordered the car.
“What ever do you think it could mean?” you countered in the lightest, brightest sarcastic voice you could find. 
“Don’t tease me like that,” Matthew smirked, his face inches from yours now that his phone was secured in his pocket again. His forehead dipped down to press against yours. “You want this, right?”
“I’m just in this for the idea that the stupidly expensive restaurant has lobster,” you teased him again.
He shook his head softly and let out a soft breath before kissing you again in a way that told you that you were about to be in for a hell of a night. The Uber to his place was a blur for you due to alcohol and anxiety. You wanted Matthew. You knew for certain he wanted you too. That didn’t mean doubt and insecurities weren’t trying to worm your way in and ruin this for you. Matthew’s arm around your shoulders pulled you back to the present. He was pressing you tight against him in the elevator ride up to his apartment. 
“Stop with the mind racing thing you do. I can see the hamsters running up there,” Matthew laughed, his head falling back against the elevator to rest as he looked at you. “You’re not going to have to dream about this anymore. You get the real thing and I’m buying you dinner. You’ve come out on top here, even though you’re not actually going to be on top tonight.”
“Keep chirping me and see if I won’t turn around right now,” you replied as the elevator doors opened. 
“Your prerogative,” Matthew shrugged and he pulled his keys out with his free hand, “but I think taking your right hand over me is a poor choice for you.”
“Aw, you think I don’t own a vibrator.” Matthew’s hand stumbled as he tried to put the key into the lock, probably something to do with what you’d just said.  “Cute of you.” 
“Own anything else I might want to know about?” he asked you curiously as he pushed open his door after successfully wrangling his key. 
“All in due time, Tkachuk,” you said with a pat of his broad chest as you breezed past him into his apartment. 
Matthew breathed out a long sigh. It turned slowly into a chuckle towards the end as he shut the door, his mind jumping forward to when you’d hopefully let him see whatever you were alluding to that was in the back of your top drawer. You didn’t make it far into Matthew’s apartment before his large hands grabbed your hips and spun you to face him, his mouth crushing against yours moments later. Your hands grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and started to pull it up. 
“Whoa, whoa, easy there, tiger,” Matthew laughed against your mouth while letting his hands take over and pull his shirt up. “We just got here.” 
“If you’re in a slow and steady mood, I’d rather go home to my vibrator.” 
Matthew pulled back from your mouth, still laughing as he tossed his shirt to the floor. He didn’t answer you, instead choosing to attach his mouth to your neck, nipping at the thin skin there as your hands found purchase on his bare chest. His teeth grazed across the skin over your collarbone as he worked his way down and your nails slid down his chest, leaving red lines down his pale skin. 
“Jesus, fuck,” Matthew groaned out as your actions, his voice only deepening due to the sensation. 
His hands on your hips gripped hard, the tips of his fingers pressing into the exposed skin where your shirt had rode up. Matthew slowly guided you backwards until you felt the back of your knees hit the edge of a couch cushion. Matthew left a searing kiss on your lips before he gave you a shove so you fell back on the couch. 
“Clothes, off,” Matthew told you as he unbuckled his belt. 
“You think-”
“I am in charge. Don’t even,” he laughed softly as he yanked his belt from the belt loops in his jeans and dropped it to the floor. “You’re still very dressed by the way.”
You huffed and stuck your tongue out at him, only making him laugh harder, but you listened to him nonetheless, tossing your clothes to the floor along with his. Matthew stopped with just his boxers left, and you followed his lead. His light eyes were darker as he took in the sight of you in just your bra and panties. Kayla had insisted you wear the one matching set you owned tonight and you made a mental note to thank her tomorrow. Matthew’s tongue darted out to lick across his bottom lip. 
“Man, that’s a good look for you.” Matthew paused as he climbed over you, holding up his large frame over yours on the couch on his hands pressed into the cushions next to your head. He lowered his mouth to the swell of your breast, biting gently into the soft skin there. He mumbled against your skin, “Don’t wear clothes anymore.”
“I think I need to, to go to work,” you muttered, your mind far more occupied with what Matthew’s mouth was doing at the moment than speaking. 
His hands were coasting up and down your skin, over your thighs, across your stomach. He was touching every part of you and your body was coming alive under his touch. You opened your mouth to add something, but Matthew had used that same moment as his opportunity to pull one of the lace cups of your bra aside and quickly take your now exposed nipple into his mouth. Your open mouth turned into a loud moan as his tongue rolled across the sensitive nub smoothly. You were already almost seeing stars when he gingerly took it between his teeth for a moment. 
The bra which had previously been something he appreciated, was now in his way, so it ended up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. Matthew groaned at the site of you without it. He’d decided that naked was your best look, before he’d even gotten you completely naked. You could feel his eyes drinking you in and you would have felt self conscious if not for the fact that Matthew shifted over you, pressing his hardness against your thigh in a desperate attempt for friction. 
“Why didn’t we,” Matthew took your other nipple into his mouth mid sentence, letting one of his hands finally stop moving across your skin, to pinch your other nipple between his fingers. He repeated his actions from the other side, tongue rolling your nipple softly before taking it between his teeth. His fingers pinched the other roughly as he did this, making your whine underneath him. He finally finished after releasing your nipple with a soft pop, “do this sooner?” 
“I don’t know, but I really need you to touch me,” you whined, your hands flying to his shoulders to push him down.
He didn’t budge. After all, he was a professional athlete with the strength and weight to match the job title. He relented though without much effort on your part, after throwing you a teasing grin, and pulled your panties down your legs with two fingers hooked into each side. He sank onto the couch between your thighs. You gasped as you could feel his hot breath on your wet slit. Matthew looked at you, taking in everything that was in front of him. 
“You,” he pressed a kiss to the left side of your inner thigh, “are,” he kissed the opposite side, “so,” he kissed higher up on the left side, closer to where you wanted him, “fucking,” he kissed the opposite side at the same distance from your slit. His mouth moved closer, hovering an inch above your core and he added, “Sexy,” before pressing his tongue between your folds and licking in one firm line up to your clit. 
Your eyes rolled back in your head at the contact and your hips bucked up toward his mouth to try and get more contact. One of Matthew’s hands came down low on your stomach and pushed you flat back onto the couch. 
“Easy, easy,” he soft softly, giving your clit a gentle, chaste kiss. “I’ve got you.” 
You let out a deep breath as you tried to get your body back under your control. Your control held until Matthew’s tongue started to circle your clit for the first time. He was pulling moans from your throat that you didn’t know you made as he worked your clit slowly and steadily. Matthew was brash and bold and fast on the ice, but he was steady here, taking his time. You were his guide as he let the noises he was causing you to make guide him. 
You took notice when he flatted his tongue against your clit and looked up at you, his blue eyes locking with yours for a moment. He slowly and purposefully applied more pressure on your clit before shaking his head back and forth, dragging his tongue across your clit firmly. Your eyes slammed shut and your hands flexed into his curls at the sensation. 
“Matthew, fuck,” you managed to break out, your voice cracking between the words. “Holy fuck.” 
“Easy, baby. Easy,” Matthew reminded you softly before returning to you. 
He ran his tongue down your slit again, dipping it ever so slightly into you, making you squirm and whine, before returning his attention to your clit. He started moving his tongue faster, sliding left to right against the sensitive bundle of nerves as he could hear the noises you were matching shift and build. You were becoming more restless under him as your orgasm starting building, desperate to feel that release. Matthew was impatient to get you into his bed, or onto his couch, earlier but he was so very patient now, milking you slowly and gently, making sure to savor every taste of you he was getting, making sure you were enjoying yourself. 
“Matthew, more, please,” you begging softly, tugged his curls to try to push him more into your core. 
He listened, suddenly taking his clit into your mouth and sucking softly on it. You were seeing stars by the time he released it, his tongue moving in quick circles over it. You were so distracted that you didn’t noticed his hand move from your stomach until you felt two of his fingers slide into you. The new feeling pulled you over the edge almost instantly. Matthew’s fingers pumped in and out of you as his tongue continued his movement on your clit to bring you through your orgasm.
“Oh, my, god,” you breathed out, your chest heaving, as Matthew slowly pulled back from you. 
“I don’t think god had anything to do with that actually,” he joked in reply, throwing you a wink that made you remember exactly the kind of guy he really was.
You were about to throw that back in his face, until he slid the two fingers that had been in you into his mouth, sucking them clean in front of you. Your mouth was slack as you watched him, drinking in the sight in front of you. 
“Dessert was fucking delicious by the way,” he told you after releasing his now clean fingers. 
He pushed up off the couch and disappeared down the hallway. You heard a drawer open in what you assumed was his bedroom and shut quickly after. You were still catching your breath by the time he was back, foil packet in hand. 
“Yes?” he asked, lifting the condom up slightly to you as his way of checking with you. 
“Please,” you simply replied. 
Your dream hadn’t even gone as what he’d just finished, but you can’t say you hadn’t imagined this before. You desperately wanted to know what it felt like to have him inside you. Matthew nodded in response before dropping his boxers to the floor, quickly ripping open the foil packet and rolling the condom down his hard shaft. He sighed happily as he looked you over, stroking himself a few times. 
“Hands and knees,” he told you as he crossed the room to you. 
You obliged, flipping over onto your knees, bracing your arms on the back of the couch for more leverage. You felt Matthew sink onto the couch behind you before one of his large hands gripped your ass roughly, squeezing it. He gave the now reddened skin a soft tap before his hand slid to your hip to steady himself as he lined up with you. You both moaned as he slowly slid into it, your wetness allowing for him to enter you in one smooth motion until his hips were pressed against your ass. 
“Jesus, shit,” Matthew mumbled before taking a deep breath. “You feel so fucking good. Christ, woman.” 
“You going to lose it or are you actually going to be able to-”
You didn’t get to finish that sentence as Matthew pulled almost all of the way out before roughly slamming his hips forward until they met your ass again. You gasped at the sudden and now unrelenting movement as Matthew moved at a rough, fast pace, thrusting in and out of you quickly. You gripped the back of the couch and began to push off from the couch slightly, meeting his thrusts with small movements of your own, making him curse between his teeth at how deep he was inside of you each time.  
One of Matthew’s hands was digging into the skin of your hip, steadying him to you and his other was on your shoulder, fingers slowly sliding over from the back of your shoulder to the front, inching ever so slightly toward your neck. You knew what he wanted, but wouldn’t ask for this time around, but you could offer it. You steadied yourself with one forearm on the back of the couch before sliding your free hand up to grab his. His rhythm flattered a little until he realized what you were doing, and then he almost fell apart far too early. You gently guided his fingers until they were wrapped around your throat. 
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he spat out between thrusts.
You nodded and he slowly and steadily applied pressure to your throat, the side of his hand from his index finger to his thumb pressing in just the right spot to restrict your breathing, but not cut it off dangerously. You started moaning louder with the added sensation and Matthew’s thrusts were becoming sloppy. You knew he wanted to last longer, but he got caught off guard by your assertiveness in the best way possible and wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer.
“Fuck, fuck,” Matthew mumbled before his breathing hitched in his throat. 
He groaned, his hand squeezing down hard on your throat, as his thrusts started to slow as he came down from his high. He collapsed down onto your back when he was finished, releasing your throat so he could wrap his arms around your stomach and give you a quick squeeze. Matthew pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder before slowly pulling out of you. You sighed as you flipped over so you were sitting up on the couch, giving your knees a break. 
Matthew climbed off the couch and headed back down the hallway, returning a few moments later with a damp washcloth for you. You were surprised by the gestured, but grateful for it nonetheless. 
“I meant it,” Matthew told you as he dropped down on the couch next to you, a water bottle in hand.
You gave him a curious look, trying to figure out what he was referring to in that moment. He took a swig from the bottle before answering.
“Taking you out tomorrow,” he continued when he saw your confusion. He passed you the bottle, before continuing, “I meant it.”
"I didn’t think you weren’t,” you replied with a shrug before popping open the bottle to take a few swigs, grateful for the cool water since you’d both managed to work up a sweat during that.
“Good,” he nodded, curls bouncing with his movement. 
The moment was sweet, too sweet for how the rest of the evening had gone. The teasing tone that covered not only the evening, but your friendship with Matthew needed to return. Matthew was also too sure of himself to miss the opportunity at his feet. 
“So, did I live up the dream?” he asked you, a cocky grin on his face that matched his tone. “Actually, I know I was better. But how much better was I?” 
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yehet-me-up · 4 years
Fractions of Tomorrow
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Pairing: Zitao/Reader (female)
Word Count: 10,249
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Summary: They always say opposites attract but you and Tao are putting that theory to the test. He works nights at Flanagan’s, you work the crack of dawn shift at Starbucks. He wears leather jackets, sings in a rock band, and drives a motorcycle. You prefer Keds to Chucks, study poetry at UW, and ride a pastel purple bike across town. Luckily, he’s not someone who’s afraid of a challenge.
When Baekhyun dares you and Tao to test the idea that two people can fall in love in one night you don’t expect to care so much, so fast. And when the sun rises all you can hope is that he feels the same.
Part seven of the Exodus Mall series (Can be read independently, but you’ll get some extra backstory if you read the other parts first!)
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February 28, 1997
His head aches, body still reeling from the alcohol he drank far too much of the night before. The line at Starbucks is endlessly long and he groans. If he was responsible he’d go to the grocery across the street and get a decent breakfast. But his brain needs a substitute for the gin he was coerced into last night by his friends and it will only accept caffeine as an offering. 
A saccharine song pours in from the speakers and people around him clear their throats or rustle in their pockets and the sheer noise of the morning grates against him. He’s a creature of the night; he finds other humans far more tolerable without the sun beating down on him. Only desperation pulled him from his hangover to acquire the nectar of the gods. He taps his foot and shrugs his jacket further up his body, hoping the collar will keep the bright light pouring in from the tall windows from reaching him. 
A sweet voice breaks through the din and he turns to watch you, drawn by the warmth of the sound. It’s not his first time here, but it’s his first time paying attention. In the thriving ecosystem of the Exodus Mall everyone’s a friend of a friend of a cousin of someone and he distantly remembers you’re related to one of Baekhyun’s friends. 
Maybe it’s the way early mornings after late nights distort the world, making everything feel hazy like a dream. Maybe it’s the fact that he went home alone last night, yet again. Maybe it’s the bright, energetic shine in your eyes, astounding for the pre-eight-am time. Or maybe it’s the dimple in your cheek when you smile at the customer, writing his name on the cup and passing it to your co-workers. 
When the man moves aside and you turn your focus on Tao, for whatever reason, his intuition tells him to notice. Maybe it’s an illusion, but today feels different. You feel different. 
‘Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?’ 
He opens his mouth, unsure what to say. For a long beat he simply observes you. The little hearts drawn around your name on your name tag. He rolls it around in his mind, matching your face with the word, almost saying it aloud. A dangerous proposition. A door he should leave shut. 
Someone coughs behind him and he shakes his head, stepping forward. ‘Just a big Americano please. As big as possible.’ His voice is thick and his throat dry. One day he’ll remember to drink a glass of water before bed after getting drunk.
You nod, reaching to the stack of cups. ‘A grande?’
He swallows to wet his throat. ‘Sure.’ 
With a deep inhale he smells last night’s cologne still clinging to his skin. God he needs to get his shit together, he thinks with a sigh. His general state of dishevelment is even more noticeable next to you. He wonders if you ironed the collar of your shirt to be that precise or if you simply move through the world without acquiring any wrinkles. 
‘Zitao,’ he says finally. 
‘Cute.’ You say it under your breath but he still hears. His eyes go wide, his sluggish mind coming awake. After handing the cup to your co-worker you say the total. ‘That’ll be four oh two please.’
Automatically he reaches into his pocket for his wallet and pulls out the five dollar bill. He knows he’s staring like an idiot but he can’t help it. You hand him his change and on reflex he drops it into the tip jar. Service industry solidarity, he thinks with a half-smile.
The smile on your face blossoms; tentative at first, it grows when his eyes meet yours again. ‘Thank you!’ You pull a small coffee can out from beside the register and hold it out to him. ‘Anyone who tips gets a poem.’ 
He stares at the can and the slips of paper neatly folded within. Amusement fills him and he reaches for one at random, his fingers brushing yours as he pulls back. The sensation makes him want to linger. How long has it been since he touched someone, in the daylight? Since he wanted to hold and be held? Tao tells himself it doesn’t matter. It can’t. He’s got plans to leave Seattle and he doesn’t need anything tethering him here.
Before he embarasses himself he slides the paper into his pocket with a nod and moves on down the line. As he waits for his drink he keeps his focus on you. The efficiency of your motions and the genuine happiness on your face as you take order after order on the busy Friday morning. People come and go around him but he leans against the wall, waiting, thinking. 
Finally his drink is done and the cup spreads heat along his chilled palms. The world is too sharp and demanding and the thought of a day full of errands on too little sleep followed by a full shift at the bar drags at him. But the smell of coffee and your smile and the mystery poem in his pocket are life preservers thrown to him today. He clings to them with both hands to keep himself afloat. 
On his way out he finally reads the poem you’ve gifted to him. The writing is done with small, neat lettering and he knows it’s yours. 
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don’t you?
- Rumi
With a groan he pushes out the door with his shoulder, blinking on the too-bright sidewalk. It’s too early to feel so raw and exposed, he decides. 
Friday July 18, 1997
You trail into Flanagan’s Pub after Baekhyun and your sister, Hitchcock. It’s not her real name, but she’s had the nickname so long it might as well be. As always, they argue about movies. As always, you’re the third wheel. Not that they’re actually dating. But everyone agrees they should. 
‘Come on, it was brilliant.’ Baekhyun waves his hands dramatically as you wind your way around the crowded bar after them. 
‘I’m not saying it wasn’t,’ she responds. They slide into a booth opposite each other and you follow after your sister. ‘All I’m saying is it’s unrealistic, that’s all.’
Baekhyun scoffs, offended. ‘As if realism was the point here.’ You unfold the drink menu while he carries on, undeterred. ‘I know you’re not a hopeless romantic like myself, but are you honestly telling me that you don’t think it’s possible?’ 
Tonight’s Friday-movie-night tradition was your first viewing of The Fifth Element and Korben and Leeloo’s instant connection has revived their years-long argument about love at first sight. You roll your eyes when your sister shakes her head, leaning forward to tease him. She’s told you about her crush on Baekhyun, her best friend. For someone who’s been in love for as long as you can remember she fights awfully hard against Baekhyun’s romantic nature. Methinks the lady doth protest too much…
‘Look at Before Sunrise,’ Baekhyun says with a click of his tongue. ‘One night and they fell in love.’
She hums and scans the menu. ‘So what? It’s just one night. Show me what happens ten years later. After they see each other with messy morning hair and when he leaves dishes in the sink or, I don’t know, when she bites her nails.’ Baekhyun huffs and she smothers a laugh. ‘Let’s see how that instant love does after it’s put to the test. I’m not saying it isn’t possible, I’m just saying one night doesn’t mean it will stand the test of time, that’s all.’ She folds her menu and rests her elbows on the table, looking incredibly smug. 
Baekhyun opens his mouth to argue but the server arrives and interrupts his tirade. ‘What can I get for you?’ 
The gravelly voice is familiar and your eyes widen in surprise when you see Tao towering over the table. Quickly you look away, back to the dark wood table. 
You’ve noticed him before - at Starbucks, at parties at Baek’s from a distance, at Moe’s ages ago - but tonight he’s so cleaned up you hardly recognize him. Gone are the bags under his eyes and the nervous, jittery, curmudgeon energy that seemed to hang over him like a dark cloud. Tonight his eyes are alert and crinkle at the corner when he smiles broadly and you can’t help but notice. A very bad idea. 
‘Hey man, how’s it going?’ Baekhyun reaches out and does a complex handshake with the man before you. 
‘Oh, you know. Just working at the salt mines,’ Tao says with a laugh. ‘Are you coming to Chan and Soo’s party tomorrow night?’ 
‘You know it. I wouldn’t miss your big send off. My man here is taking off on a national tour on Sunday. Local boy making it big!’ Baekhyun gives Tao a friendly punch on the arm before drumming his fingers on the table and raising a brow. ‘Since you’re here, maybe you can settle an argument for us.’ 
Tao darts a look to you and clears his throat. ‘Sure thing. Lay it on me.’
‘Do you believe you can fall in love with someone in one night?’ Baekhyun waggles his brows at your sister and she groans. ‘Like, soulmates burning-down-the world you’re the person I’ve waited for always Blockbuster kind of love.’ 
He tilts his head to the side, considering. After a moment he shrugs. ‘I’m not sure.’ For a flash Tao’s eyes linger on you once more. ‘I think it would depend on the person.’ And then the bastard goes and winks at you. 
Baekhyun snorts and lounges back in the booth, resting his arm on the back of the seat. 'Good luck, buddy. You'd have better luck charming a brick wall. She only reads about love these days, Double Shot here is a bit gun-shy at putting it into practice again.’
You glare at Baekhyun, body going rigid at being called out. For as long as he's been your sister's best friend he's acted like a surrogate older brother to you. He vacillates between telling you it’s good you’re so focused on your studies and telling you that you're too serious, too focused on school and work. Since you got broken up with Baekhyun seems focused on the latter, always needling you to go out and have fun. But, as they say, once burned twice shy. 
You focus intently on your hands resting on the table and absolutely avoid looking at Tao. From the first time you rang him up at Starbucks you knew his gaze would see more than you'd like. He's the type to see through every bullshit line you give about how you’re fine being alone, fine with how things ended, fine fine fine. 
If life was kind the three of you would order and Tao would leave and that would be the end of it. You could safely stay in your cocoon and hide. But of course, life doesn't play fair. 
Tao sticks the pen behind his ear and folds his arms. ‘Is that a bet?’
Your cheeks warm and your heart races. Finally, you look up to him fully. 'Excuse me?' 
He shrugs and gives you a lopsided smile. 'If you're game, of course. What do you say, shall we put this to the test?' 
'You want to see if we'd fall in love in a night?' You're certain you look like a terrified animal. In a vain attempt to fold yourself back into someone confident you lean against the booth, pressing your feet to the ground and making your spine tall and straight. 'What makes you think you're even my type?'
‘Sweetheart, I’m everyone’s type.’ 
God knows he probably is. Tall, handsome bad boy who sings like an angel, drives a stupidly hot motorcycle, and looks like he knows the fastest way to make you come undone with just a look. But charming is only skin deep and in return you want to see if there’s anything underneath it that would keep your interest. 
‘Fine, then.’ You hold out your hand. ‘I’ll take your bet.’ Stubborn, always so stubborn. Baekhyun giggles and claps excitedly as you grip Tao’s rough, much larger hand.  
Your sister leans across you to stare Tao down. 'Hang on. I'm not about to let her go off with some random dude. How do we know you're trustworthy?' Hitchcock has turned her interrogation mode on. ‘I’ve seen you around, but I don’t know you from Bruce Willis.’
He must have other tables to attend to, other things to do, but he rests his palms on the table and leans down to meet her glare. 'I'm an open book. Ask me anything.' The move brings him inches from you. He smells like whisky, the kind that burns, and you swallow instinctively in response. 
She narrows her eyes and hums. 'How old are you?' 
'Twenty three.' 
'Did you go to school?' 
He chuckles. 'High school. No need for college.'
'Why not?' You speak up, preparing for an argument. He looks like he could actually keep up with you and a spark of excitement grows low in your body.
'Between singing and bartending I make plenty of money.’ He answers you, not your sister. ‘Don't get me wrong, I respect an education. But I get far more inspiration from living life than from just reading about it.' 
You bristle. As a poetry major this feels like a personal attack. ‘Are you telling me you’ve never read anything that made you feel - I don’t know - inspired. Magical. Exposed?' You press your lips together, wishing you could gather the words back. 
Tao looks at you through his lashes, bending close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips when he speaks. ‘Words are just the appetizer, darling. I prefer to have an entire feast.’ 
His dancing eyes dart down to your lips. But then he straightens, pulling the pen out and readying it on the pad. You grip the table to avoid swaying towards him and almost hate him for how much of a magnetic pull he seems to have over you. 'Any other questions or can I grab your orders?'
Baekhyun orders a Smirnoff Ice, delight pouring off him. Your sister narrows her eyes at Tao for a moment. Finally, she relents and orders a sex on the beach. You stare at the red plaid shirt tied around Tao’s hips and order something. An Appletini maybe? Your mind seems to have abandoned you but thankfully Tao nods and winds his way back through the crowd to the bar. In his absence you can breathe fully and look up to see Baekhyun smirking. 
‘What?’ you practically groan at him. 
‘Oh, nothing.’ He looks like the cat that caught the canary. ‘I just love being right.’ 
Hitchcock kicks him under the table and he winces, reaching for his shin. They resume their discussion, transitioning to talking about their opening shifts at the theater tomorrow and how much they can reasonably drink tonight and still be functional in the morning. You drum your nails on the lacquered wood table and wonder if your heart is racing from the heat of the packed bar or from the prospect of Tao holding you to your bargain. 
The man himself comes back with drinks a moment later. When he slides the light green concoction across the table to you he tilts his head in question. ‘So, how about tonight?’ 
You choke on your sip and fight the burn in your throat. ‘Are you serious? So soon?’
He grins. ‘Why, did you want time to get ready? I think if we’re going to put it to the test it would have to be tonight. Also, I leave on Sunday morning, so the clock is ticking so to speak.’ 
‘But I work tomorrow at Starbucks. At the crack of dawn.’ You sputter, waving your hand in front of you. ‘I didn’t think you-’
‘Guess we should get started soon, then.' He winks again and you're tempted to throw your drink at him, just to get the upper hand. ‘I get off at nine.’ Without another word he puts the serving tray under his arm and leaves.
Your sister rolls her eyes. ‘You’re such a bad influence, Baek.’ 
He throws his arms out wide. ‘I can’t help it baby, I’m a lover. What can I say?’ 
She snorts and pats you on the back sympathetically. You down your drink in two swallows and absolutely refuse to look at Tao, Baekhyun, or your sister. Instead you pull some bills from your purse and push your way out of the bar before anyone can suggest anything else insane. 
It takes you several tries to find a presentable outfit. It's been more than six months since that last fateful date and in the time between you’ve built a literal barrier around yourself, bundling up in sweaters and blankets at home, only emerging for work and class and Friday movie nights. 
Baekhyun's words come back to you as you frown and throw yet another outfit on the bed. Are you really a brick wall, impenetrable and cold? You weren't always, surely. Byron's 'and thus, the heart will break, yet brokenly live on' swims in your mind, still fresh from the finals you took just a few weeks ago. 
You don't feel broken, just stuck. Numb. Waiting. You hold a dress up to your body and wonder if your ex feels the same or if he, as the one who did the dumping, moved on instantly, and it's just the broken-up-with half that flails around trying to find new footing.
With an defiant press of your lips you sigh and settle on your favorite black and white checkered dress and white Keds. It’s a declaration of intent in a peter pan collar. Your ex always hated your clothes, what you chose to study, your music; everything about you screamed soft and he tried so hard to bend and form you into someone he wanted. 
But you are as you are - romantic and idealistic and sweet. You roll your eyes. It’s the truth, and you remind yourself that just because you didn’t match him doesn’t mean you have to change just to make someone else happy. The outfit screams innocence it dares Tao to judge you tonight. As if you care what he thinks. Which you definitely do not. 
You barely make it back in time to Flanagan’s. When you rush up Tao is pushing out of the bar onto the street. A thrill runs down your spine at his smile when he sees you. Your ex doesn't control you anymore, you remind yourself. You get to decide when you move on; when you stop mourning something that's dead and over and find something new. Even if it's not with Tao, tonight is an experiment. To see if you can handle a fresh start.
‘Hi,’ you start, breathless from your hurrying. 
'Hi yourself. You still game?' he asks, mischief in his eyes and hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. 'If you want an out I won't hold it against you.' He looks you up and down and smirks, but doesn’t comment on your appearance.
In return you scan him as well. His hair is mussed just-so and his earrings match too well to be an accident. He’s trying too, even if his devil-may-care attitude would make others think he’s not. Everyone has an image they present to the world, tonight you’ll find if there’s substance behind Tao’s.
You press your tongue between your teeth and tilt your head at him. 'I'm ready to be surprised.' 
He barks out a laugh. ‘Fair enough. I’ll see what I can do’ 
Tao starts to move towards you across the sidewalk, but you hold out a hand at the level of his chest, stopping his movement. 'So, love, huh? There's not some girlfriend or boyfriend of yours waiting for you at home?'
‘I belong only to myself. For now, at least.' He smiles and holds his arms out wide. His brows tug together suddenly. For a moment he looks unsure. Vulnerable. But the look is gone so fast you wonder if you imagined it. ‘What about you?’ 
You want to fold in on yourself and turn away, hiding. As if the stain of failure is written across your face. The words that were thrown your way like scarlet letters on your skin for him to see. Prude. Uptight. Tease. Your stomach churns and you’re glad you only had the one drink tonight. 
‘Single.’ You suck in a breath after you get the word out, like it stole all the air from your lungs in speaking it. 
He nods, holding your gaze for a moment. Those eyes of his drink you in and you’re sure he can see it - the hesitation and the fear. But once more he simply stands tall and gives you space to think. ‘Shall we head towards the waterfront?’ 
A public place, lively and full of people on a Friday night. Safe, reassuring. He didn’t suggest a club or somewhere heavy with expectation and you like him better for it. Tao waves an arm out in front of you, inviting you to go first and you start walking, clutching your purse under your arm. 
He falls into step beside you. 'So I guess if we're going big or going home, shall we start with our dating history?'
You should have expected this level of inquisition, especially from someone who is friends with Baekhyun. ‘Jesus, you don’t pull any punches.’ But against your will you let out a laugh. 
There’s something refreshing about someone who seems like, for all his mystery, he doesn’t hold any secrets. Everything out in the cool night air and you wonder if it would be freeing, to let it all go. To not question the words you say. To trust that the person you’re speaking them to will hold them without judgement.
‘Never have, never will,’ he reassures you. The cat-like grin on his lips is teasing. ‘That I can guarantee you. I’m happy to go first, if you’d like?’
You nod, and he sighs, looking through the clouds to the moon that peeks through. The streets are dry for once, a brief respite after the wet Seattle spring. Everyone around you takes in the night with gleeful laughter, on the search for music and connection and entertainment. But even with the full sidewalks around you all you feel compelled to do, inexplicably, is lean in closer to hear Tao. 
A group of women brush by you, giggling, forcing you into Tao to avoid them. On instinct he reaches out an arm to keep you both from being overrun. You turn into him and end up meeting his eyes. In the night they’re so dark they look almost black, with flashes of light from passing cars.
The moment stretches around you and irrationally you want to stop him before he says anything else. No stories of the people he’s been with or kissed or loved or wrote songs about. Maybe that’s the appeal of one night love stories, you think. The beginning of love is always a lightning bolt. If that’s all it ever is you never have to deal with being knocked on your ass by the resulting thunderstorm. 
The women pass and Tao respectfully brings his hand back to his pocket and time carries on. But the look on his face remains as you both start walking towards the Market again. 
‘I should say up front, I uhh - I guess that I’ve never been in a relationship. Actually.’ He runs a hand through his hair and winces like he’s ashamed of it. ‘I came close a few times. But it’s just never worked out.’ 
You open your mouth but aren’t sure what to say. Do you make fun of him for clearly being a playboy, not wanting to be tied down, fitting the stereotype of the rockstar he’s on a path to becoming? Do you play coy, asking him if you might fit the bill? Or do you reassure him? 
The latter feels the most natural. ‘You’re young. It’s the nineties. I don’t think it’s unusual to be playing the field right now.’ You lift a shoulder and shrug, the edge of your black denim jacket slipping down your back a bit with the motion. It exposes the skin of your collarbone above the strap of your dress, where your neck meets your chest. 
Tao licks his lips and drags his eyes away from your shoulder to meet yours with a nod. ‘That’s true. I guess most of my friends are single. Sehun is. Jongin is. Baekhyun is, for sure. Even if he is in love with your sister.’ Your jaw drops and Tao bites his lip. ‘Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything. Please don’t tell her I -’ 
He looks genuinely panicked and you laugh, waving a hand. ‘Trust me, she’s in love with him too. They’re both too stubborn to admit it though. So your secret is safe with me.’ 
Tao sighs, relaxing, and gives you a half smile. ‘Thank you, I appreciate that.’ The neon lights from the bars and clubs along Pike street pass over his face, painting him dozens of bright colors. ‘So, that’s my story. Too busy working and writing lyrics and singing to be tied down. What’s yours?’ 
‘That’s hardly a story,’ you challenge, raising a brow. ‘More like the cover of a book.’
‘It’s plenty!’ he laughs. ‘I’ve exposed myself as a perpetually single man. I think that tells you tons about me.’ At your pursed lips he continues. ‘Fine. I’ve been chasing music for so long that I have avoided getting serious with anyone, lest it keep me from my dreams of stardom. I crave that intensity between me and an audience when I sing, but I’m afraid to let myself have something real. Something intimate, that expects more of me past one performance. I’m afraid that off-stage I’m more disappointing than on et cetera et cetera.’ 
He cuts off his rambling monologue, his eyes widening as he stops in his tracks for a moment, like he can’t believe he just said so much. But you stand next to him without judgement. Something about his disarming honesty and expressiveness makes you want to tell him the truth, ugly that it might be. 
While you stand on the corner and wait for the light to change you look at the zipper of his leather jacket to avoid his eyes and spit it out. ‘I got dumped six months ago.’ You lift your hands and drop them uselessly to your side. 
He tilts his head back in appraisal. Blessedly the teasing is gone from his face. He doesn’t offer sympathy, cloying and patronizing words about how you’ll find someone else. He doesn’t flirt with you, even though that seems to be his nature. 
‘I don’t know the circumstances, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but all I can say is - it’s his loss.’ He gives you a slight smile, not moving even when the light changes, and you can’t help but return it. 
It’s strange that it could be so simple. Perhaps if you do carry on something with Tao you’ll tell him more. But for tonight it can be that easy. The pain and doubt and shame can fade into a pinprick of light heading off into the distance and get swallowed up by the night. Like you can just wipe the slate clean and start over. You inhale a deep breath of cool, salty air and look up at Tao, your smile growing, becoming more genuine and whole. 
A lightness fills you and you wind your arm through his, pulling him into the crosswalk just as the last few seconds show on the countdown. He lets you guide him easily and you come to rest on the concrete looking down at the Pike Place Market. The bright neon red sign reflects against the dark night and the inky blue waters of the Bay beyond it. In the twilight ships move back and forth through the port, full of tiny lights of their own. 
He drops his hand a little, running over the clothed skin of your arm until he reaches your palm. The contact of his hand on yours makes you jolt. ‘Is this okay?’
Without thinking you nod, twining your fingers with his, savoring the heat as he presses against you. Your ex hated holding hands in public, hated any kind of PDA, calling it childish. But Tao stands by your side, hand in hand, as though it’s the most natural thing in the world.
People mill about you, heading to the endless restaurants and food stands that line the Market. In summer it’s in full bloom, crowded every night, and after a long winter and spring holed up in your apartment it’s disorienting to be out in the world again.
You start walking together, without a plan. It’s far more comfortable than you’d expected, the companionable silence with him. Everyone in your life talks a mile a minute - Baekhyun and your sister, your co-workers at the busy coffee shop, your classmates, hungry for discussion - but Tao seems content to just hold your hand and admire the rows of vendors you pass. The lack of pressure from him eases something that had drawn tight and anxious in your chest over the last few months. 
Before you is a maze of stalls. Tables full of tulips in bright yellows and pinks, bouquets wrapped in brown paper, that you stop to smell. Screen printed tee shirts with the Sonics logo or photos of the Space Needle or trendy political puns that Tao points out with a laugh. People sell everything from watercolor paintings to homemade honey to snow globes. As a recent college grad, you’re saving all your money, but everything is still fascinating to look at. 
The two of you settle on a kebab place for dinner after a long debate about the merits of the taco cart and the hole-in-the-wall seafood stop. The steam brings the rich smell of meat and vegetables to you. Against your protests to split the bill, Tao insists on buying dinner. 
‘If this is an official date I have to follow the guidelines,’ he winks. 
You roll your eyes and defiantly go to the next stall to order two Jones sodas from the seller. When you hold them up he laughs and inclines his head. ‘Alright, that’s fair.’ 
When you’re settled on the narrow rock wall beyond the far edge of the market, balancing Jones sodas on the uneven stones with a warm kebab resting on your knees, he carries on. 
'So, poetry. What made you choose that?' He asks around a bite.
After a sip of soda you tilt your head at him. ‘You can't laugh, okay?'
'Why would I laugh?’ His brows furrow like it’s the furthest thing from his mind. ‘I'm a singer, sweetheart. I don't take the arts lightly and anyone who does is an asshole.' He narrows his eyes at you in mock seriousness but the way his mouth fights a smile is endearing.
You snort, liking him yet again without planning on it. ‘I don’t know. I’ve always loved it and sometimes I try to write it. I’ve had some job or another since high school, so I’m confident I can always get a job if I need it but - there’s something so - so delicious about poetry.’ You swallow another drink of your soda and Tao’s eyes flick to the motion of your throat. ‘If I was going to go to college, and our parents kind of insisted on it, I wanted to study something I loved.’
Tao lifts his own soda and clinks it to yours in solidarity. ‘I can respect that. What’s your favorite poem?’
Suddenly shy you turn to set your soda down on the stone beside you, letting your hair fall over your face while you think. It’s not that you don’t know, but that it feels too close, too personal to tell him just yet. ‘That’s very private.’
When you look back to him he holds your gaze for a moment. ‘Hmm. Okay I can respect that. Favorite songs are pretty personal too so I’ll let you hold onto it, for now.’ With a movement as casual as breathing he tucks your hair behind your ear, as though he does it twenty times day, and resumes his eating. 
Poems run through your head as you chew, heart racing. You’d thought this was an experiment that would quickly go south. A quick walk to prove that you’re not compatible. A smug ‘I told you so’ to Baekhyun. And then a return to the comfort of your bed to read for the night. You didn’t expect to want him. Words, endless remembered words filter across your consciousness, ones of love and lust and death and the exhilaration of life. 
Normally your own creative voice is quiet, too afraid to give permanence to the ideas, the words, that live inside you. But as you watch the gentle night breeze ruffle his dark hair you think you could write some tonight, if you had pen and paper. Instead you shove an enormous bite in your mouth and chew, afraid of the attraction you have to him. 
When you’re both done eating he holds his hand out for your trash and you wad up the wrapper and hand it to him along with the empty bottle. He walks over to the trash and dutifully puts the bottles in the recycle, like any good Seattle boy. Dusting off his hands he turns back towards you, approaching slowly and holding out his hands. 
After a moment’s hesitation you reach for him, allowing him to help you stand. Continuing the night’s adventure. When you’re on your feet he releases one of your hands, keeping the other one tucked in his as the two of you wind your way back through the crowds. Both of you stop to pat the bronze pig at the crux of the Market for good luck.
He leads the way down the narrow stairs to Post Alley and the line outside the comedy club at its base winds around in a long chain. It’s funny, normally you’d want to know The Plan. Baekhyun calls you anal retentive, but you just consider yourself organized. You like knowing what’s coming. But tonight you consent to following him without knowing the destination. You bite back a smile - it’s exciting and terrifying all at once.
A group of people tries to come up the stairs as you’re going down and you are pressed against the rail, trying not to slip. It definitely isn’t meant to be wide enough for both directions of people at the same time. As if sensing your predicament Tao presses his broad back into the rowdy man behind you, ignoring his grumbles of annoyance, making space so you can descend the last few steps onto the courtyard. 
Out front of the Market Theater you thank him and wonder what exactly his plan is. Is he taking you to an improv show? A concert? Drinks? With your hand still in his he gently moves to the left, under the archway and in front of the long gum wall. You raise a brow at him but he merely smiles and shrugs. 
‘I didn’t peg you for someone who likes tourist attractions.’ 
His eyes dance with amusement. ‘Oh yeah? What kind of person did you imagine me to be?’ 
You purse your lips and try to figure out how to answer him. ‘I’m not sure, actually. Normally I can read people pretty easily, but I can’t pin you down.’ 
‘Me?’ He presses his hand that holds yours to his chest. ‘Baby, I’m an open book.’
The gum wall around you smells sickly sweet and you can almost taste it on your tongue. Everyone around you is taking polaroids in front of the wall or chewing their own gum in preparation to add to it. 
You wonder what the two of you look like from an outsider’s perspective. Tao, tall and imposing with his thick motorcycle boots. You with your white Keds and sweet, checkered dress and headband. It might seem like you’re an odd couple, but the heartbeat in his chest against your hand is strong and underneath it all perhaps you’re not so different. 
With a breathy laugh and a roll of your eyes you grip his hand and pull him further along the alley beside the gum walls, towards the water. Nearby one of the many buskers permitted to perform along Pike Place starts signing a loud and heartfelt, if slightly off-key, rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline,’ drawing the cheers of the onlookers. 
Away from the crowd in Post Alley you emerge onto a side street a block or so from the water. Tilting your head back you watch as everyone sings along. Tao’s free arm suddenly comes around your waist and dramatically he starts swaying you back and forth, crooning along to the Neil Diamond song far better than the busker. A few other people on the street around you smile or laugh, making their way to the pier up ahead. 
Instead of asking him what on earth he’s doing or feeling embarrassed about dancing in the middle of the sidewalk you just cling to him and try to keep up. His voice is rich and soothing, his hand holding you against him is sturdy and comforting. You can’t help but giggle and roll with it, holding onto his jacket and watching his jaw move as he sings. 
All too soon the performance back at the Market behind you ends and the last lyrics are drowned out by applause. Tao takes a step back and the night is cold without his warm embrace. You long to step forward and close the distance once more. Instead you brush your hair back and compose yourself. 
‘What kind of music do you like to sing?’ you ask as the two of you resume your progress towards the pier. 
‘All kinds.’ He shrugs. ‘But mostly love songs.’ 
‘Really?’ The light before you changes and ahead the aquarium looms in the night. To your left is the Kingdome waits, past the long stretch of the boardwalk. Without waiting for Tao you head that direction, the briny ocean air filling your lungs. 
He easily comes to your side. ‘Of course. Everything’s about love I think, when you get down to it.’ 
‘You weren’t singing love songs when I saw you perform.’ 
You answer without thinking, remembering the concert a few months ago that you and your sister went to. Baekhyun had invited you both to see Chanyeol’s band - Yeol and the Salty Wolves - and Tao was performing with the opening group. 
‘You’ve seen me on stage?’ His proud grin is teasing and playful and damned if you don’t want to kiss him. 
‘Yeah. It - my sister dragged me out of the house. She thought getting outside would do me some good.’ You focus on picking off a section of your pink nail polish that’s started to chip. ‘You guys were great. But you were definitely yelling about anarchy, not love.’ 
The imagine of him in his tank top, wide slits cut under the arms revealing a broad swath of his tanned skin, singing passionately, makes you suddenly very aware of him. Tonight he’s composed, a rebel in street clothes. But that night his face was slicked with sweat from his intensity, red in the cheeks and headbanging along with the crowd and the rest of the band. Even that night, so close after your recent break up, you wanted him. It was a dangerous idea then and it’s a dangerous idea now. 
He hums and veers to the right, heading down one of the longer piers. ‘I could argue that anarchy still is love. Love of your beliefs and love of a person or a place or a thing so much that you’re willing to fight for it, to go to war for what you care about.’ 
To that you don’t argue. ‘That’s true. I guess anything could be love when you get down to it. There’s so many poems about sadness - missing love or rejected love. Anger. Bitterness.’ 
The wooden boards of the pier below you give a gentle thunk with each heavy step of Tao’s huge boots. Below you the water sloshes against the planks. Now at the end you lean forward, resting your elbows on the railing, before turning back to Tao. 
‘I guess this is a day to be debating love,’ you smirk, thinking back to the conversation that got you into this. In the wind off the Bay you shiver. 
Like a reflex Tao shrugs out of his jacket and holds it out to you. But you lean over and wave your hand at him. ‘No it’s okay, I’m fine. Please, you don’t have to -’ 
But he drops it over you anyways, the warm weight of his jacket settling on your shoulders and insulating you from the wind. In his black, long-sleeve shirt he doesn’t even seem cold. With a sigh you pull it more fully onto you and bend upright again, inches from him. 
‘Debating love indeed. See I think love and intimacy is made far too complex by a lot of people.’ He slowly rubs his hands together, forearms resting on the railing as he leans over, looking at the waves. ‘I think it comes from knowing someone. Really knowing them. Hopes and fears and memories and all of that. and choosing to be with them. Simple and complicated as that.’
‘Simple as that?’ you gape at him, holding your wind-tousled hair out of the way with one hand so you can look at him. ‘There's no way to truly know someone in one night, though. There's too much nuance for love in such a short time.’ The beating of your heart in your palms when you look at him would argue otherwise and you inhale deeply, trying to keep your center. 
‘Hence why I also said complicated. But now we’re debating what love itself means.’ His gaze darts down to your lips before he meets your eyes. ‘I know plenty about you.’ 
You open your mouth to argue but he carries on. ‘I know you’re stubborn, given the soda earlier and the coat just now. I know you’re practical and competent - I’ve seen you at your job. I know you’re a romantic at heart, you have to be to study poetry, and even if some asshole temporarily doused that fire you look for evidence that love is real everywhere.’ 
Feeling raw and exposed you try to find anything to say to brush off the way his statements cut to the heart of you. ‘That doesn’t mean you - uhm - that you know me.’ 
The word you almost said in your haste was love and the thought makes your palms sweat. Irrational. Impossible. Everyone always says your emotions are easy to read, that they’re written all over your face, and you wonder what he sees as he watches you. The moment you said it you could see the slow smile start on his lips. At the very least he knows you’re not arguing with him as much as arguing with yourself, against what you feel. 
He leans in closer so that his forehead touches yours, low voice almost a murmur. ‘But I want to know you more. I want to do a lot of things. Does that count?’ 
‘Count?’ If you wanted to you could press up on your toes and kiss him. The thought is intoxicating and you close your eyes, heaving a breath into your lungs. 
After a long moment of thinking and waiting and wondering you finally open them again. Tao looks just as conflicted as you are - his brows tug together and the casual flirtation is gone. He holds himself still before you and something far more serious crosses his face. Though he doesn’t answer with words the look in his eyes telegraphs his feelings for you. 
With a sigh he pulls back, reaching to the railing with both hands to steady himself, and you sway in his absence. He looks up at the night sky, at the moon through the clouds, and smiles. The stars peek through here and there. It’s not a cold night, just a breeze across the water to relieve the heat from the long summer day. Distantly a line of poetry comes to you, about being thirsty, parched almost, and wanting to drink him in to quench it. 
Rather than indulge the dangerous impulse to touch him again you take off back down the boardwalk. Back to the city and the lights and far away from the closeness of being with him in the dark. The pressure of his thick jacket will have to be enough, for now. 
‘So, where do you want to go next?’ You’re impressed you manage to sound steady. 
He sticks his hands in his pockets once more and ambles after you, a small smile gracing his lips. ‘I know a place.’ 
As you make your way along the waterfront he turns the conversation to safer territory. You fill each other in on your jobs - how they started and what you like and don’t like. Co-workers who are dating, friends you have in common at the mall. Notorious customers. Tao has dozens of stories and his laugh is easy, his eyes bright with flirtation now that you’re both on safer ground. 
Through the night you meander around the city in a vague Northward direction. Past the Science Center, it’s great white sculptures lit up. Around the Space Needle and the fountain. Another city and the streets would be deserted this late. But here there’s groups of people, laughing and splashing each other at the base of the enormous bowl that forms the center of it. You pass the occasional jogger or couple holding hands, walking home. 
The two of you stop to use the restroom and get a drink of water at a 24 hour grocery store. Tao also insists on buying some snacks, chocolate and a bag of chips that you keep in the large pockets of his jacket as you progress to the edges of Lake Union. 
It’s easy, being with him. His energy is calm, reassuring. He’s got a wicked and witty sense of humor you wouldn’t have expected and you easily spend half an hour looking out at the boats, making up other, naughtier names for them. 
It turns out he likes X-Files just as much as you and your sister do. As you stroll along the Fremont bridge you end up taking his hand once more. The snacks are gone and you can’t resist touching him again. It must be well after midnight, but he doesn’t mention going home. Strangely, you don’t want to either. For someone who’s life has become so habitual you’re surprized you’ve not even spared a thought for your nightly routine of reading in bed with a glass of wine and a candle burning on the windowsill. 
There will be other nights for that, but for tonight you let the momentum of the evening carry you along with him. You both decide to skip a visit to the Troll, not wanting to tempt any disasters. The Keds on your feet hold up well and you give a thanks to your past self for not wearing heels or sandals. 
Eventually his destination becomes clear. The gates to the park are closed for the night. ‘Gas Works? This is your plan - breaking and entering?’ 
He nods, biting his lip. ‘Yep. I know a way in. The nighttime view is unbeatable.’ 
You hold out your hands, gesturing to the enormous PARK HOURS: DAWN TIL DUSK sign. 
‘Afraid of being caught?’ 
You roll your eyes. ‘Yes, actually. I don’t think getting arrested for trespassing would be a great thing for my resume.’ 
Tao considers before backing towards the edge of the fence with a smirk. ‘Come on. How about a little mischief here ‘upon the honey’d middle of the night’?’
‘You know Keats?’ It leaves you breathless, rooted to the ground. It’s not from your favorite poem, but he is your favorite poet. A good guess or has he been doing his research? 
‘Of course. Don’t you?’ Tao teases, folding back a corner of the fence and easing himself through. 
You scoff and charge after him. The smug bastard can’t just quote Keats and then run away from you. Once again you want to kiss the proud look off his face, to rattle him the way he seems so capable of rattling you, getting underneath your surface. With a last thought to your reputation you step through after him and a thrill runs down your spine. 
The rusted red containers and machines that form the center of the park are tall ghosts in the night, rising from the grass and casting long shadows around you in the distant light from the city. He holds out his hand and you easily catch it, both of you winding your way carefully around the gentle hills to make your way to the view. 
You find a suitable spot and sit down on the grass. ‘You’re right,’ you tell him reluctantly. 
‘About what?’ Tao sits beside you, linking his hands over his knees. He sits near enough you can feel his thigh pressing against yours. Close, always so close, but not as close as you want him.  
‘About this.’ You gesture to the Seattle skyline in front of you. 
Sure you’ve been in the daytime, watching the boats sail on Lake Union and the groups of yoga practitioners and families with young kids fill the grassy slopes down to the water. But by night the lights of the city look like a painting. Skyscrapers touching the clouds as the first hints of sun are lightening the horizon. 
‘I thought you’d enjoy it.’ He nudges you with his shoulder and smiles at you. 
The gentle sounds of the water below is relaxing. Even as you lift your hand to cover a yawn you don’t truly feel tired, like the night and closeness to him could keep you awake forever, if you let them. But even so, dawn is coming and you think back to the reason that you’re both here. 
‘So. About that bet?’ Your words are a sigh and somewhere between the late hours and the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles you don’t second guess the question. 
He side eyes you and can’t smother the grin on his face. ‘You mean the one about if we can fall in love in one night?’ 
‘Yes, that.’ It must be the lack of sleep causing the giddiness you feel, you tell yourself, as you lean back against the grass and cover your face with your hands. 
His own hands find yours and you turn to see him on his side next to you. Gently he pulls them down, holding them to his chest, so he can look you in the eyes. ‘Hmm, I don’t know about love, but I feel a whole hell of a lot right now. We never came up with an objective definition of it, anyways.’ 
You snort. ‘Did you honestly just say ‘objective definition?’’ 
‘Yes, I think if we’re going to agree here, we need to be on the same page.’ With his intense focus on yours he brushes a kiss against the backs of your hands. ‘If we say love is a feeling, who’s to say that we aren’t in love? If we decide it’s an action then which one is it? A kiss or a commitment or - maybe it’s nothing more complicated than putting words to the way I feel when you look at me?’ 
The smile blooms across your face and right then you’re tempted to say it’s all of them. How much you want his mouth on yours and his hands all over you. How you’re not quite sure you know how to have a relationship with a man anymore, after your ex, but that you want to try with him. How wild and free you feel being next to him. 
‘I don’t know about -’ you whisper. You let the truth fall out, not bothering to think about what it might mean. ‘Long term or after tonight. But I’d say, much that I hate to admit Baekhyun could be right, I’d say… uhm, he could be right.’
You avoid Tao’s eyes, focusing on his jaw or the fabric of his shirt or the way his hands hold yours. But still you see how he smiles, almost glowing in the light of the moon and the barest reflection of the sun coloring the skyline to your left. 
He clears his throat, pressing another kiss to your hand. ‘Well, I'd look at it this way. Let's say we do get together. Maybe we last a month or maybe we last for the rest of our lives. Another fifty or sixty years. In either of those cases tonight would be just a fraction of the relationship. A small sliver. Important when looking at the broad view of a life together, but not crucial by itself.’
With a nod you look at him and the heat in his eyes makes you gasp. He moves over you, releasing your hands to brace himself on the ground behind your head. The sturdy press of his body reminds you this isn’t a movie or a dream, it’s something real that’s happening to you. The cool grass sinks into your dress at your back and brushes against your thighs. 
'Or.' His hot breath cascades across your lips. 'If all we have is tonight.' Moving himself to the side he runs his nose along your jaw, mouth teasing the skin of your neck with barely there kisses. 'One night would be everything. For all the marbles, as they say.' He pulls back and looks at you with a lopsided grin. 
You huff out a breath, blowing your bangs out of your eyes, absently running your hands across his shoulders, along his chest. 'I don't know. I like knowing there's always time for more. Like - what if I was tired tonight or hungry or cranky and I messed it up? The thought of just one night still makes me nervous.’ 
He kisses your forehead and the words come faster, as if hurried along by the morning. ‘If we're a forever thing, then it's okay, because there will be a thousand more chances to get it right. But just once? How can it be perfect if it's so brief?'
'Well, even if we do get together we'd still only have one first kiss.' He rests on one elbow and uses his free hand to cup your jaw, clearing his throat around the roughness of his voice. 'Do you want to wait or shall we attempt perfection tonight?'
The thought of waiting any longer makes you far sadder and you nod. ‘Screw it - kiss me. Please?’ 
Instead of answering he simply drops his head, closing the distance and sealing his mouth over yours. He groans at the contact, the sound vibrating in his chest where it rests against yours. You grip his neck, winding your fingers through the strands of his hair and hold on, to ground yourself, between him and the grass as he slowly, hungrily, kisses you.
Your eyes flutter for a moment as he sucks on your lower lip. Behind him the sky is bright, the rays of light spilling through the clouds and rendering him art himself. The arch of his brows, full of emotion. You squeeze your eyes closed and hold him tight, grazing his neck with your nails and sighing into his open mouth. Before you can kiss him again he pulls back, his cheeks flushed and his eyes full of delight. 
‘That was pretty damn good.’ He huffs out a laugh, running his tongue along his lower lip like he’s trying to keep the taste of you close. ‘Are you sure you want to risk another one? It could be -’
‘Yes,’ you answer immediately. ‘Again.’ 
He grins and buries his face in your neck, his hot breath falling on your sensitive skin. ‘I think we’ve found the crucial difference between us.’ At your hum he carries on. ‘I can take one moment and hold onto it forever, perpetually living off the way it felt. You want to have it over and over again. And here I thought you were the poet.’ 
Rolling onto his back he pulls you on top of him with a squeal as you right yourself, bracing hands on his shoulders for balance. His hand rests against your cheek. ‘But if it helps. I - feel the same way.’ 
‘Oh.’ To keep your surprise and delight from exploding all over your face you bite your lip. ‘Alright then.’ You trace patterns in the fabric covering his chest. 
It’s as simple and as complicated as that, just like he said, hours ago. 
As the day rises full and bright with the heat of the sun you do indeed kiss again. Several more times. When you’re both red lipped and thirsty and covered in wrinkled clothes you head back to your apartment by UW. He gives you a piggy back ride when your feet start to hurt and helps you make breakfast with a sleepy smile and runs his fingers over the covers of the numerous books stacked on every surface of your apartment and all the while the feeling in your chest grows, not diminishes. 
You hurry through a shower and getting dressed for work while he patiently waits on the couch. His eyes are closed when you emerge, putting your hair back in a ponytail. Leaning against the door frame you watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest. You stifle a yawn and think of how not twelve hours ago you didn’t know what his skin felt like beneath your palms or what he’d be like to kiss or how perfectly your bodies seem to line up.
Tomorrow, or perhaps later tonight, you’ll have to report back to Baekhyun and your sister. Though you still have no idea what you’ll say when he asks if the two of you fell in love in one night, you know that, at the very least, it was the start of something. 
You leave Tao a note with instructions to sleep as long as he wants and a spare copy of your keys. He works his own shift tonight at Flanagan’s at two, his last one before he leaves on tour. Reassured that at least you’ll see him once more tonight at the party, before he’s gone for - well, you suppose you didn’t ask the specifics yet. You laugh at the thought and quietly shut the door and sprint down the steps to work. 
It’s hardly after nine in the morning when Tao arrives. Far earlier than you were expecting, but you’ve learned that he likes to surprise you. When you see him standing in line you bite your lip, tilting your head and giving him a sleepy smile. 
‘A bit early for you, isn’t it?’ You ask, friendly and professional. ‘You look like you had a long night.’
He laughs, shaking his head and resting his palms on the counter. ‘I did indeed. But it’s been over two hours since I last saw you.’ 
‘Oh yeah? Is that a long time, then?’ you tease him. 
He whistles and leans in to whisper so only you can hear. ‘Far too long for someone in love.’ 
‘Love?’ The word thunders in your chest.
‘Maybe it’s too soon to know,’ he says, not backing up at all. ‘Maybe love is confirmed by time. But what I feel, whatever this is the start of, I’m greatly looking forward to.’
‘Are you sure you want to start this? You’re leaving, like, tomorrow.’ Suddenly in the light of day the reality of the situation makes your stomach flip.
He clutches his chest dramatically. ‘Don’t sound so sad, love. Please. You say that like I won’t come back.’ He reaches for your hand across the counter. ‘At least we'll have tonight. Tonight or forever, right?’ 
‘Exactly.’ Unable to resist you lift your hand to hold his cheek and kiss him. It was killing you not to and why not? He’s right. If it’s just one more night, you’re going to make it count.
You pull back and fill out his cup, insisting it’s your treat. Before he leaves you hold out the jar of poems. When he reads the line he laughs, holding it out to you.
“And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.”
― Pablo Neruda
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atruththatyoudeny · 4 years
Monthly Reads | December 2020
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I haven’t had much time to read much this month but I really enjoyed all these fics. As always, all the love for all the authors. Thank you for making this time brighter ♥
❅ Like a Picture Print by Currier & Ives | armadillosunset | Christmas - fluff - humor - established relationship - 10k “What thrift store clearance bin did you pull that atrocity out of?” Niall wheezes, doubling over from laughing so hard. They all stand there, holding their collective breaths in that moment. Everyone except Niall, whose laughter is the only sound in the entire flat — the entire building, the entire universe at this moment. “Didn’t know we were doing an ugly sweater party this year! Why didn’t anyone tell me?” — Every year, for as long as they’ve been dating, Harry knits his boyfriend, Louis, a sweater. And every year, Harry hopes for a ring on his finger in return. Maybe this is the year Harry finally gets what he wants.
❅ Baby, You're On My List | lovelarry10 | Christmas - fluff - meet cute - pining - kid fic - 17k Harry takes his niece to see Father Christmas, but he doesn't count on meeting the cutest Christmas elf. Taken by the handsome stranger, Harry decides to recruit as many children as he can so he can see him again, and again, and again...
❅ The Ideal Flatmate | Larry_you_know | Christmas - roommates - hate to love - musunderstandings - no smut - 12k Louis shares his flat with the ideal flatmate (or I-F as he often nicknames him). Harry is a bit younger and a bit taller than him. He’s polite and there is nothing to complain about. Harry rarely brings someone over, he isn’t loud, he eats at the table and when he uses the shared area for his crafting projects he always tidies after himself. Harry doesn’t bother Louis and he pays his share in time. The ideal flatmate. The only problem is: Harry hates Louis. This will be very lovely Christmas.
❅ room for your love underneath this tree | we_are_the_same | Christmas - famous/famous - strangers to lovers - fluff - no smut- first meetings - 11k “IwannameetHarryStyles,” Daisy mumbles, and Louis blinks. “What?” “She says she wants to meet Harry Styles.” Phoebe pipes up, and Louis blinks again, absently switches the camera to himself because he knows that his followers will want to catch his baffled expression. “You-” he starts, and then stops himself, because he did tell her she could ask for anything she wanted, and how can he go back on his word and tell her that he doesn’t actually have the power to make that happen? Because Harry Styles is -- he’s next level kind of famous. Louis has two million subscribers on his YouTube, but Harry has eighteen times as many followers on his Twitter alone. He’s had three number one hits in the last year, and his last album had charted at the top spot for a record breaking 27 weeks. He’s a singer, actor and philanthropist, and there is no way in hell that Louis can get him to come meet Daisy for Christmas. So of course he laughs, even if it’s a little bit breathless, and nods at her. “One Harry Styles for Christmas, coming right up.”
❅ Something Carries On | blue_marauder | Christmas- angst - fluff - minor character death - anxiety - strangers to lovers - 18k Louis would do anything to escape the prison of his emotions around the holidays. He would even go so far as to abandon his remaining family members and go on a trip to Greece, seeing as they're better off without his holiday angst anyway. While on his trip, Louis meets a kind and vulnerable stranger who manages to break through his defenses.
❅ blinded by the sparks | wallstracktwo | angst - fluff - smut - 22k "You can’t even keep your lies straight. Mike has the memory of an elephant and can remember every single detail about every single person he’s ever met, so don’t stand there and tell me that he mixed you up with someone else.” He took back Harry’s cigarette. “I saw you exchanging lower chips for higher ones. I saw you counting the cards. There is no fucking way you won seven thousand dollars tonight honestly. And so I will repeat myself — I want in. Fifty-fifty.” Harry was completely taken aback by the stunningly attractive man standing in front of him. He made several attempts to say something — opening and closing his mouth at least twice before he was finally able to string a few words together. “What? No. No way. No. Sorry, but I work alone.” That was the truth too — he had never trusted anyone enough to let them get close, especially when it came to his scamming, so having a partner was completely, utterly out of the question. “Don’t you think you need someone on the…” Louis’ tongue darted out, licking his lips as his eyes flickered to Harry’s mouth, one eyebrow cocking up. “...inside.” Or - Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
❅ The Golden Prince | behappyhl | royalty - mistaken identity - strangers to lovers - grief/mourning -19k When He arrives in London, he’s speechless. It’s so different from his little hometown, he can’t help the feeling that it is an unknown planet. Everything is bigger; The streets, the buildings, the stores. The people are always running somewhere, always in a hurry. Harry instantly feels out of place. Or, Harry lives a perfectly normal life until he gets a life changing job opportunity.
❅ somewhere in between | soldouthaz | dom/sub - strangers to lovers - 43k Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers. There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant. Shit.
❅ tastes like summer, smiles like may | outropeace | a/b/o - historical - hate to love - royalty - arranged marriage - slow burn - unrequited love - angst - 47k “Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?” “There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.” “Do you know what this means?” Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.” A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
❅ sweet like honey | falsegoodnight | college/university - roommates - friends to lovers - friends with benefits - amateur porn - minor angst - 33k Weeks of flat shopping with their limited budget with Louis as a librarian aid and Harry as a barista and arguments about whether a balcony or extended bathroom suite were more important (Harry wanted to be able to feel the crisp night’s air and watch the sun set and Louis just wanted to take long bubble baths) led to them stumbling across the perfect fit. A small flat only ten minutes from campus with a cramped but lovely balcony and an included bath. It’s affordable too… well, sort of. But they always manage. Louis picks up more shifts as an aid, adapting a habit of bringing his Psych textbooks and homework with him to finish in between duties, and later his script so he can quietly practice lines with little distraction. Harry also increases his number of shifts at the cafe and valiantly endures the nasty customers who for some reason flock to their establishment like moths to a flame. For a while, it’s enough. - Or, Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
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mab1905 · 3 years
More Fitzjames content? Yeah... here’s a playlist for ya’ll...
These are songs which I think describe him at different points in his character developement or simply different aspects of his personality. Somewhat James/Crozier (Fitzier) but all about James.
(25 songs, 1 hour 33 min)
Song List + Most Character-Relevant Lyrics:
Fancy — Orville Peck
We didn't have money for food or rent / To say the least, we was hard pressed / Then Mama spent every last penny we had / To buy me a dancin' dress / Mama washed and combed and curled my hair / And she painted my eyes and lips / Stepped into a satin dancin' dress / That had a slit in the side clean up to my hips / It was red velvet trim, and it fit me good / Starin' back from the lookin' glass / There stood a woman where a half-gown boy had stood / ... / It sounded like somebody else that was talkin' / Askin', "Mama, what do I do?" / She said, "Just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy / They'll be nice to you" / "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Lord, forgive me for what I do / But if you want out, well, it's up to you / Now don't let me down now / Your mama's gonna move you uptown"
gold rush — Taylor Swift
What must it be like / To grow up that beautiful? / With your hair falling into place like dominos / ... / At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit / And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it / And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea / 'Cause you know it could never be
The Name Of The Game — ABBA
Your smile, and the sound of your voice / And the way you see through me / Got a feeling, you give me no choice / But it means a lot to me / So I wanna know / What's the name of the game?
Spectrum — Florence + The Machine
And when we come for you / We'll be dressed up all in blue / With the ocean in our arms / Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms / And when it's time to pray / We'll be dressed up all in grey / With metal on our tongues / And silver in our lungs / ... / And when we come back we'll be dressed in black / And you'll scream my name aloud / And we won't eat and we won't sleep / We'll drag bodies from the ground / So say my name / And every colour illuminates / And we are shining / And we'll never be afraid again
Dreamy Bruises — Sylvan Esso
How can we question / What we knows feels right / Black eyes turn to marigolds / In the morning light / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Shaken all over like some dogs at the pool / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / They’re kicken all the records over acting like they hanging water / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Down in the basement where the sun don't show / Ohweeohweeoh kids movie so slow / Naked dollars wonder piles dreamy bruises rotten lovers / And they say I want you / To bend me back in two / To make me sing your tune / To make those words so smooth / Fill me like a song do
Wolf — Sylvan Esso
But no birds nor beast does he eat / He only wants the tenderest meat / And oh the sounds he makes them speak / Under all different patterns of sheets / ... / The modern wolf, the modern wolf / Drippin' in all the lives that he took / He'll go on home, try to wash them off / But when he shaves, he hears them call
Francis Forever — Mitski
On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything / I don't need the world to see / That I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me / And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me
James — MGMT
James / If you need a friend / Come right over / Don't even knock / And I'll be home / The door is always open / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?" / Oh, James / My little doll / You just go outside and you call / Oh, James / Oh, you're never too far off / If your fire's out / There's no need to shout / I'm always home / And walk on in / I'll make you tea and breakfast / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?"
South London Forever — Florence + The Machine
I drive past the place that I was born / And the places that I used to drink / Young and drunk and stumbling in the street / Outside the Joiners Arm's like foals unsteady on their feet / With the art students and the boys in bands / High on E and holding hands with someone that I just met / I thought it doesn't get / Better than this / There can be nothing better than this / Better than this / And we climbed onto the roof, the museum / And someone made love in the glass / And I'd forgot my name / And the way back to my mother's house / With your black cool eyes and your bitten lips / The world is at your fingertips / It doesn't get better than this / What else could be better than this? / Oh, don't you know I have seen / I have seen the fields aflame / And everything I ever did / Was just another way to scream your name
Oh! You Pretty things — David Bowie
I think about a world to come / Where the books were found by the Golden ones / Written in pain, written in awe / By a puzzled man who questioned / What we work here for / All the strangers came today / And it looks as though they're here to stay / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Let me make it plain / You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
Venus As A Boy — Björk
His wicked sense of humor / Suggests exciting sex / His fingers they focus on her and touches / He's Venus as a boy / ... / All across your lips, oh, then until / Well be that it's a little now, until / He believes in a beauty / He's Venus as a boy / He believes in a beauty and gentle
Winds Change — Orville Peck
Had a lover but I lost my patience / Gonna get a song on a radio station / Got a fire but you just can't use it / I don't mean no lies, baby, please don't lose it / Lost my way on the other side / I know why, I don't know when / From the way that we said goodbye / I knew I'd never see you again / Left my mind in the Salt Lake City / Met a lot of men who would call me pretty / Pack of reds, watch the days get colder / Don't it make you cry, how we're getting older?
Fluorescent Adolescent — Arctic Monkeys
Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up... / Flicking through a little book of sex tips / Remember when the boys were all electric? / Now when she's told she's gonna get it / I'm guessing that she'd rather just forget it / Clinging to not getting sentimental / Said she wasn't going but she went still / Likes her gentlemen not to be gentle / Was it a Mecca dauber or a betting pencil? / Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up / Falling about / You took a left off Last Laugh Lane / Just sounding it out / But you're not coming back again.
Cheerleader — St. Vincent
I've had good times / With some bad guys / I've told whole lies / With a half smile / Held your bare bones / With my clothes on / I've thrown rocks / Then hid both my arms / I've played dumb / When I knew better / Tried so hard / Just to be clever / I know honest thieves / I call family / I've seen America / With no clothes on / I don't know what I deserve / But for you I could work / Cause I don’t want to be a cheerleader no more
Queen Bitch — David Bowie
She's so swishy in her satin and tat / In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat / Oh God, I could do better than that / Oh, yeah / She's an old-time ambassador / Of sweet talking, night walking games / Oh and she's known in the darkest clubs / For pushing ahead of the dames / If she says she can do it / Then she can do it, she don't make false claims / But she's a queen and such a queen / Such a laughter is sucked in their brains / Now she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / Yes, she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / But it could have been me / Yes, it could have been me
Boys Keep Swinging — David Bowie
Heaven loves ya / The clouds part for ya / Nothing stands in your way / When you're a boy / Clothes always fit ya / Life is a pop of the cherry / When you're a boy / When you're a boy / You can wear a uniform / When you're a boy / Other boys check you out / You get a girl / These are your favorite things / When you're a boy / Boys / Boys / Boys keep swinging
Caterpillars (Of The Common Wealth) — Will Connolly
You know you'll always be my valentine / Now swear to god that you will never tell / They're streaming every indiscretion live / For caterpillars of the commonwealth / Gotta go / You can stay / Make yourself at home / Gotta go / This campaign / Don't run itself you know / You've got potential little parasite / I tie your hands so i can wish you well / Cuz i'm a gentleman and you are like / A caterpillar of the commonwealth / Gotta go / I said no / You need to know your role / Gotta go / I said no / It's all under control
Imposters (Little By Little) — The Fratellis
You wear your mask, I'll wear mine / They don't come cheap, but they fit just fine / You can be her and I can be him / We can both sink when the rest all swim / ... / We can pretend that our fates were entwined / A beautiful lie is the beautiful kind / Everybody knows that the sun still sets / And everybody gives and everybody gets / ... / I could be the one that you just can't shake / Till you swear that your eyes go blind / We can disappear till the sun burns a hole / In the life that we left behind
Sweet Painted Lady — Elton John
I'm back on dry land once again / Opportunity awaits me like a rat in the drain / We're all hunting honey with money to burn / Just a short time to show you the tricks that we've learned / If the boys all behave themselves here / Well, there's pretty young ladies and beer in the rear / ... / Forget us we'll have gone very soon / Just forget we ever slept in your rooms / And we'll leave the smell of the sea in your beds / Where love's just a job and nothing is said
Super Trouper — ABBA
Super trouper beams are gonna blind me / But I won't feel blue / Like I always do / 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you / ... / So I'll be there when you arrive / The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive / And when you take me in your arms / And hold me tight / I know it's gonna mean so much tonight
Babooshka — Kate Bush
She sent him scented letters / And he received them with a strange delight / Just like / His wife / But how she was before the tears / And how she was before the years flew by / And how she was when she was beautiful / She signed the letter / All yours...
Paris is Burning — St. Vincent
I write to give word the war is over / Send my cinders home to mother / They gave me a medal for my valor / Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power / They say, "I'm on your side / "When nobody is, 'cause nobody is / "Come sit right here and sleep / "While I slip poison in your ear" / We are waiting on a telegram / To give us news of the fall / I am sorry to report / Dear Paris is burning after all
Dream of Sheep — Kate Bush
Oh I'll wake up to any sound of engines / Every gull a seeking craft / I can't keep my eyes open / Wish I had my radio / I'd tune into some friendly voices / Talking 'bout stupid things / I can't be left to my imagination / Let me be weak, let me sleep and dream of sheep / Ooh, their breath is warm / And they smell like sleep / And they say they take me home / Like poppies, heavy with seed / They take me deeper and deeper
Hunger — Florence + The Machine
At seventeen, I started to starve myself / I thought that love was a kind of emptiness / And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt / And I didn't have to call it loneliness / ... / Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free / The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me / Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen / We never found the answer but we knew one thing / ... / And it's Friday night and it's kicking in / In that pink dress, they're gonna crucify me / Oh, and you in all your vibrant youth / How could anything bad ever happen to you? / You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment / I forget to worry
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Old Friends 9
 Part 1 of a series finale!!
Spencer Reid x Reader
I just wanna say thank you for all the love I’ve been getting :) the positivity is wonderful, so thank you and I love you !!
Please enjoy!
Chapter 9:
I groaned at the sound of the alarm clock screaming at me. “Spencer, time for work,” I said as I flopped out of bed. 
“Huh?” He flinched at me opening the drapes in my bedroom window, sunlight illuminating his sleepy eyes. 
“Get up, c’mon,” I pulled the covers off of him, and he jerked upright in his boxers. “Help me make the bed.”
There was something so entirely sweet about how domestic and loving getting ready together is. While he was brushing his teeth, I was standing there putting on makeup. When I was straightening my hair for work, he was making sure his hair fluffed in just the right way. 
I could easily see this being the rest of my life. 
“Breakfast will have to be on the run, we’re already late because you couldn’t get out of bed.” I poked him in the stomach as I passed him a breakfast bar. 
“We should just call in sick.” He spoke in the most serious tone, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. 
“Yeah, if both of us called in sick, I think there would be some questions.” I giggled as I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, Spencer following close behind. 
Morgan gave me a look as I settled down at my desk. “Did the pretty girl get some loving last night?”
I tried to ignore him as I pulled out reports I needed to finish. “Morgan, what are you on about?”
He laughed out loud and patted Spencer on the back as he passed by our desks. “Go get em’ lovebirds.”
Hotch had already talked to us about keeping everything professional in the office, but that didn’t keep the team from teasing us endlessly. Just last week Emily asked me if we’ve ever had sex at work. 
“You would think he would have a little more manners than that?” Spencer chuckled without looking up from his work. “You look beautiful, stop checking your camera.”
I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket. “I’m actually worried about something else…” There had never been a time where I showed up to work with a hickey, and I was worried last night had broken my streak. 
Spencer smiled sheepishly, and glanced over my neck. “I don’t see any, so you’re okay.”
Garcia trotted across the catwalk in her heels. “Hello wonderful people! You have a case!”
“You are headed to New York City my fine friends, where there have been three murders, all women in their twenties, with cause of death being a gunshot wound to the head and a… message, written on their stomachs.”
Garcia pointed to the screen, where the crime scene photos popped up. 
“The first message read ‘mine’, the second one said ‘sin’, and the most recent read ‘whore’.” JJ explained, looking in the case file. “The words were carved into their stomach antemortem, that’s torture.”
“But the gunshot to the head is a completely different MO than torture.” Spencer looked at me, clearly confused. 
I furrowed my eyebrows. “What if the gun is just to keep them still? ‘I cut you, don’t flinch or it’s the last thing that you do.’ Psychological and physical torture means he could be a sadist.”
“The women were shown to have been killed in a week’s period, and the unsub is speeding up his timetable. Wheels up in 20.” Hotch took a phone call and left the room.
On the plane, Hotch explained his phone call. “The NYPD found another body three miles from where the last dump site was. Victim had the word ‘love’ carved in her stomach. The unsub seems to mostly be operating in Queens, one body was found in Brooklyn.”
Garcia made a video call with information. “My pretties, with my all-knowing powers of tech I have been able to identify all four victims. Most recent is Hallie Jones, she was a high end prostitute. $10,000 dollars a night, kind of high end. Third was Macy Johnson, she was a street prostitute, not much on her. Second victim was Fiona Lamber, she was also a street prostitute and kinda the same, not much information. First victim was actually a well known woman, Jamie Lorretta. Her father owns an oil company and she has had problems with drugs since she was a teenager.” 
Morgan gave a puzzled look. “Why change victimology from a well known woman with money to street prostitutes to a high end call girl?”
“The victimology could mean that the unsub himself comes from money and power himself.” Spencer pointed to the case files. “The gunshot to the forehead is personal, as is the cutting on the stomach. Both of these things point towards a craving for total domination, just two different kinds. The cutting represents a need for possessions, marking his property, and execution style killing shows an already confident mindset.”
“Both of which are things people in power need, ambition for possessions and major confidence,” I added. 
“The key to solving this case is Jamie Lorretta. Find out everything you can about her Garcia!” Hotch called over the video camera. Garcia nodded firmly and hung up. “Morgan, Prentiss go to the ME to examine the bodies. Rossi, JJ go to the latest dump site and see what kind of attraction the unsub may have to the area. I will go to the first dump site and see where the killer’s head was at when he first started killing. YLN, go to the station and interview the families of the victims and Reid, go with her and work up a geographic profile.”
I nodded at him and looked back down at the case file. 
What did these women do to get themselves killed?
Spencer squeezed my hand reassuringly, reading me like a book. “We’re gonna get him.”
I gave him a side smile. “We always do.”
Macy Johnson and Fiona Lamber’s families were distraught for sure, but it soon became clear that they didn’t know anything about the case. 
Hallie Jones’ family was one of the most composed families I’ve seen. They had sad eyes, but not once during our conversation did either of her parents shed a tear. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. 
“How are you so… stoic? I’ve interviewed many grieving families before and you two seem extremely calm considering your daughter’s body was found this morning.” I hated to be so blunt, but neither of them were showing any sign of grief over their daughter’s murder. 
The parents just looked at each other, then back at me. Mr. Jones took a deep breath. 
“Hallie… did what she did. We offered to take care of her, but she chose to have sex with men to pay the bills. After we paid for her degree, the least she could do was use it.” Anger burned in her father’s eyes, and disgust curled in my stomach. His child is dead and he was thinking about money?
“We told her God would punish her for her actions,” Mrs. Jones blurted. “She deserved what was coming to her in the end. All in all, she was probably asking for it.”
I wanted to vomit. These parents blamed their dead child for her own murder? “No one asks for this, Mrs. Jones. And right now, it looks to me like I want to catch your daughter’s killer more than you do, so either give me something that I can use, or leave.”
Both of her parents glared at me. After a moment, Mrs. Jones stormed out of the room, her husband close on her heels. 
I rolled my eyes and approached the police chief. “Where’s the Lorretta family? They were supposed to be here at noon.”
The police chief made a face. “The Lorrettas are refusing to leave their home. ‘Don’t want the attention’ of the local press. They said if the FBI wants to ask questions, you’re going to have to go to them.”
I swallowed my annoyance. “Okay, I’ll head over there. I don’t think I’ll be much use here.”
Reid raised his chin. “I’ll come with you.”
I appreciated the company. Maybe around him I won’t flip my lid with these damn parents. 
What kind of families are these?
The Lorrettas’ home could give Rossi’s mansion a run for its money. We pulled up in the SUV to a long paved driveway and saw gardeners working in the large front lawn. The front door was made of opaque glass and I could almost smell the entitlement. 
Spencer knocked on the door, which was opened almost immediately. A woman with obvious dyed blonde hair and botox greeted us.
“You must be from the FBI! Come in please,” she said as she basically pulled Spencer and I into the house. Not exactly the demeanor of a grieving parent.
“We’re here to ask some…” my voice trailed off as I saw the massive chandeliers and luxurious couches. Money and possessions. 
“Are you from the FBI?” A girl about 10 approached me hesitantly. She had clearly been crying, and I got on my knees to talk to her. 
“Yeah, I’m YFN and this is Spencer. We’re here to ask some questions.” I glanced over at the Mrs. Lorretta, who had suddenly abandoned her politeness. 
The girl looked to her mom, who was giving her a death glare. The girl just turned and ran up the stairs. 
“Ma'am, we’re to ask you about Jamie.” Spencer put his hands in his pockets. “Mind if we sit?”
Mrs. Lorretta picked the politeness act right back where she left off. “Yes, yes. Please sit.”
After a few minutes of awkward small talk, I went with the hard questions. “How did Jamie’s drug habits influence her? Did she have any enemies?” 
Mrs. Lorretta’s mouth tightened in a straight line, and she looked between Spencer and I. “Well… um, I’m not sure. She wasn’t really home much… she’s always been distant with us. I never heard about any enemies, but she never talked to me much anyway.”
Over her shoulder, I saw the girl peeking behind the staircase. Spencer noticed it too, and tapped me on the leg. 
“Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?” I kept my tone light and cheery. She pointed down a long hallway to my right, and I made a small motion to the girl to follow. 
Once we were out of earshot, the little girl burst into quiet tears. 
“Hey, what’s your name?” My voice was soft and I rubbed her shoulders. 
“Lily,” she hiccuped through her sobs. “My dad was always so mean to Jamie…”
“What do you mean?”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut. “He would always go into her room… and I could hear him hitting her. They would fight all the time. He’s why she did drugs… she needed to escape from him.”
I lowered my voice even more. “Do you know who did this to her?”
She opened her eyes and sniffled softly. “I wasn’t surprised when the police found her body. It was only a matter of time before he… and I heard screaming coming from our shed in the backyard.”
“What’s going on here?” 
Mr. Lorretta stood behind me, a smile looking like plastic on his face. 
Money, power, ambition. 
I smiled sweetly, patting Lily’s shoulder. “Oh nothing. I was looking for the bathroom and I just saw that she was upset. Your wife is answering some questions of my colleague’s, come join. I’m sure she’s being very helpful.”
In his eyes I saw an evilness that said that he would tear me to shreds given the chance. I turned away from him, beginning to walk down the long hallway back to Spencer. 
I felt him pull my gun from its holster behind me, and he wrapped a strong arm around both of mine, his other hand pressing the cold barrel against my temple. “Move.” He growled in my ear. 
Lily had taken off running, and as we moved closer, Mrs. Lorretta had taken hold of Lily in her arms. 
Mr. Lorretta hissed at Spencer, who had his gun drawn at this point. “Think about this, Agent. Don’t want the blood of two people on your hands.”
I looked at Spencer, begging him to lower his gun. Not for me, but for Lily, who was still in her mother’s firm hold, a kitchen knife pressed to her throat. 
The cold barrel of my own gun pressed into my temple, and all I wanted to do was kiss Spencer when he finally dropped his weapon. 
“Honey, they’re federal agents. We can’t kill them,” the wife reminded her husband, who seemed torn on what to do now. 
“Why did you carve ‘mine’ into your daughter’s skin?” I blurted. 
He laughed softly in my ear, and I wanted to throw up. “Because she needed to know her place before I put her out of her misery. That was the only way she would understand. Do you know your place, Agent YLN?”
“You are in complete control here, Mr. Lorretta.”
“Damn right I am.” I felt him beat the barrel of the gun against my head, and I was out cold. 
TAG LIST: @itsarayofsunshine @thesailbells @squirrellover1967 @softpeteparker @parkeroffline
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lockedstuck · 3 years
and time goes quicker between the two of us
You’ve never met anyone on earth who takes such earnest joy in living as Ray, smiling beatifically as she drinks her tea, eats her snack of a toasted tennis roll, and sways along to the music coming from her headphones. She puts on another pot of tea, then stretches her arms toward the ceiling. 
You wish you looked forward to life as much as she does, but you don’t. Life is kind of like laundry, a minor inconvenience you have to engage in because the alternative is worse. Thanks to both Aradia and the ECT, you’ve reached a point where you no longer want to die, but you’re not the most keen on living.
You drink your morning tea and take your medication. She washes out her coffee cup in the sink, still singing, and dries it out. You go into the fridge and take inventory, intent on making some kind of edible breakfast food. On the lowest shelf, there’s a chicken you started marinating yesterday, but that’s definitely too much work for you to cook right now.
“Ray, what do you wanna eat?” you ask. She keeps jamming.
 You pull one of the earbuds out of her ear. She turns to face you.
“What do you want for breakfast? Besides that roll?”
“I don’t know. What’s around?”
You shrug. “I’m indecisive. Pick something.”
“Spinach and cheese omelette?” she asks. 
Yeah, you’re not super awake, but you can do that much.
Alone, you can’t be bothered to fix something more complicated for each meal than a cup of Cafe Bustelo and a bowl of Doritos. But since Aradia still eats your cooking like the novelty of someone preparing her meals for her daily - other than her mom, at least - hasn’t worn off yet, you kind of make it a point to cook when she’s around.
She told you that she used to invite herself over to your dorm room so often back in college because getting you to make food ffor her was a surefire way to make sure you ate something nutritious. At first, you were slightly affronted. Were you really so subpar at caring for yourself that she had to resort to that? Then you realized that the answer was “Yes” and got over it.
“Okay,” you say. “Sounds good.”
You pull the gruyere, the baby spinach, and the eggs out of the fridge. Aradia jumps off the counter with a little shimmy that makes her nightgown ride up, and you nod appreciatively, earning a smirk from her. She takes the cutting board off the rack, and the ingredients from you, cutting them up without a word. You turn the stove on.
“How fine do you want the cheese and spinach?”
“They’re eggs. Who cares?”
This is how meals go in the Megido apartment. Whoever doesn’t cook does meal prep, another tradition dating back to your college days, where Aradia would opine that she felt awkward doing nothing in your kitchen. You’d point out that she reminded you to take your meds and make your appointments, along with occasionally acting as your therapist when you couldn’t afford one. Therefore, you two were even. 
Then she’d roll her eyes at you and insist on being handed something to work on.
Once she’s done, you melt butter in the frying pan and then put in the eggs. While you keep an eye on the pan, she starts to tell you about something one of her students did.
“He asked me if we could watch this meme video in class? And I was like… I have a lecture schedule to keep to, but maybe? I don’t know?”
“Which video?”
“The entire history of the world. It’s by Bill Wurtz. It made me laugh.”
You snort. You’re familiar with the video. She comes up and hugs you from behind while you  shake your head, and flip the eggs over, happy when they don’t stick to the pan. She puts her headphones back in and starts jamming out once more.
You, you, you’re thinking of the code you have to review and probably rewrite for this job. It’s pretty basic shit, below your pay-grade, but the pay is decent, so here you are. 
She told you yesterday that Geek Squad for the Best Buy in Astoria is hiring. May you’ll go apply there, see if you can land another regular nine to five like the one you had right after you left undergrad. You don’t know if it’ll work, but there aren’t many desirable positions for a guy like you. Most of the good shit relies on you actually having completed bachelor’s degree in computer engineering.
Ray actually offered to pay your tuition for your final semester at CCNY with some of the money her father left her in his will, but something stops you. Other than the fact that you don’t want to get stuck paying her back. She probably wouldn’t even mind if you didn’t, and that, in and of itself, rankles you. 
Besides. You won’t admit that to anyone, even her, but what if you’re not as smart as you used to be? When you were an undergraduate, you took a full scholarship and made your classes your bitch. You had a 3.83 GPA. It’s been a couple years since 2017, though. What if you’ve forgotten all you’ve learned? What if - even with her footing the bill - you can’t finish? You’d probably jump off her roof or something.
You think she may have caught onto the reason you won’t take her up on her offer, but she refrains from giving you any shit about it.
You flip the eggs again, pile them onto a plate and put out two forks.
While she eats, you dig your laptop out of its little alcove and start it up. You open your text editor software, and take a fresh look at this hell of repetitive code. Whoever wrote this needs to be shot, resurrected, and shot again.
She deposits the plate in front of you, after she’s finished eating her half of the omelet. “Food first, then work.”
Yes, okay, fine. You eat your food - the gruyere’s fucking delicious with the spinach. You stretch, then decide to go for a walk around the block, and have a cigarette while you’re at it. You’re outta smokes, so you go digging through Ray’s pack, pulling a Newport 100 out of it and putting it into your mouth.
She waves at you as you slip out the front door.
Her apartment building is nice enough that she has a doorman, a balding Trinidadian dude who nods at you when you pass his desk. He asks you how your girlfriend’s doing. Ray’s not your girlfriend, not even close, and you think he knows her mostly because she brings him guava candy and tennis rolls every so often. A taste of home.
You jog around the block, lit cigarette burning between your fingertips, mentally rewriting that fuckawful code as you go. You hand a five dollar bill to the tamale lady at the end of the block with her little pushcart, coming away with three tamales that you’ll eat over the next few hours, as you redo things. You bite into one; it tastes heavenly. 
Since Ray has to teach today, you’ll work either in her bedroom or in the Starbucks a couple avenues away. She’ll need to use the living room slash office to teach her three classes.
You should probably go home today, take the 7 train to Main Street and see how your dad’s doing. You spoke to him last night, and he seemed alright, if a little tired. He always seems alright, if a little tired. You wonder if his new prescription for Metformin is in yet, if he’ll want you to pick it up from Duane Reade on your way over. 
When you get back, Ray looks a little out of sorts, her dark, curly hair framing her face like a great load of cotton candy. 
“What happened?” you ask.
“Your mom called. She left a callback number. She says she’s in the hospital.”
Something sinks to the pit of your stomach, something akin to lead.
“Shit,” you reply. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You call the number, ask for Jun Captor, and someone on the other side of the line goes to get her. 
A minute passes.
“Sollux,” she finally says, matter of factly.
You feel as if you’ve travelled in a complete circle sometimes. Your earliest memory is of talking to your mother on the phone, while your dad cooks breakfast, during one of her twenty-one hospitalizations over the course of your lifetime. 
Is this so different?
“Mom?” you ask.
“You have to help sign me out of here. They picked me up last night.”
“Why? What happened?” you want to know. 
Ray takes your hand, squeezes it, and lets it drop, her chin on your shoulder as you sit in her kitchen, anxious and relieved both.
“The CIA is following me around,” she says. “Their agents were in the grocery store again. I tried to fight one of them, they called 911 on me, and now I’m here. Your dad knows, but he won’t sign me out.”
You sigh. Your mom’s damn lucky that whatever innocent and random person she decided to fight got her hospitalized instead of dragged to the 109th precinct on assault charges. 
“I’ll do what I can do, and bring you a couple changes of clothes, but - no offense, mom - I think you’re where you need to be for the moment,” you reply. 
She starts crying, curses you out, and hangs up on you. You can feel the concern emanating off Ray in waves as she gazes at you.
“Something on my face?” you half snap. She envelops you in one of her tight hugs, her hair tickling the area between your neck and clavicle.
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs. You sigh.
“I gotta go home and get some of my mom’s clothes together. She’s in trouble.” You can hear your heart hammering in your ears. “The timing on this is fucking annoying. I have shitty code to fix, and she’s in the fucking hospital. Again.”
“Do whatever you have to,” she replies. She glances at the bag in your arms. “Are those tamales?”
“Yep. Knock yourself out.” You toss the bag to her.
Even despite everything you have to do, you mentally quiet down sitting beside her, munching away on a tamale and listening to the birds sitting on her fire escape.
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gay-for-paulson · 4 years
“Well, No One Told Me About Her...”-- Vikki Hiller x Original Character
~~Hello there! Long time no see! So, I wrote this fic about the great Vikki Hiller a few months ago and forgot to post it! Vikki is my babe, she’s a star, I love her to pieces. And we all know what a power lesbian she is. I actually plan on writing a sequel to this story, so keep your eyes open!!
Enjoy, lovelies! <3
P.S. Shout out to @grilledcheeseandguavajelly for reading through this for me a bajillion times, for always being there to boost my confidence in my writing, and for consistently reminding me to actually post my stories ;)
Warnings: Gay Panic™ lol but for real, I don’t think anything in this warrants a warning, but let me know if you feel otherwise!
Word Count: 7,327
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“Well, what a surprise! Catcher’s late, once again!” Vikki announced, tossing her gloves onto the table next to her chardonnay.
Barbara jumped in, “I wonder what it could be this time. I mean, how many stray poodles could that man possibly need to help in three days?”
“Now, now. I-I’m sure he just got held up in traffic, I mean you know what the bridge is like at this time of night,” Peter said, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers.
“Peter, he doesn’t need to cross the bridge to get to this restaurant.” Vikki pulled a compact mirror from her her purse and reapplied her lipstick.
“Well, still,” Peter muttered softly, “The bridge can get very busy…”
The maitre’d walked over to their table with a telephone in hand, “Excuse me, Miss Novak?”
“Oh, look! Right on time!” Barbara exclaimed, as Peter let out a sigh of exasperation and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Oh no, no!” Vikki interrupted, slamming her compact shut and reaching for the telephone, “I’ll talk to him this time. I refuse to let this man make a fool out of you or me any longer!”
Vikki picked up the receiver and sat back in her seat, “This is Vikki Hiller.”
Catcher Block’s voice came through the telephone over the slow swinging of a jazzy tune, “Ah! Miss Hiller! Listen, the darnedest thing happened to me today-“
“Let me guess,” Vikki crossed her legs curtly and twisted the telephone cord around her index finger, “You needed to help a blind orphan read a book? Youuuu ran into a group of homeless nuns? Oh, I know! You singlehandedly saved a group of school children from a burning building, what a hero!”
“Your words, Miss Hiller, not mine.”
“Mr. Block, let’s cut to the chase. What is your location?”
“Well, now, why would you want to know a silly thing like that?” Catcher laughed.
“Because, I am running out of patience. Miss Novak and myself have been floundering about, waiting for you to show up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past three days. Now, I can’t speak for Miss Novak, but I, personally, am getting awfully cross.”
“And I’ll bet you look adorable when you’re cross.“
“I want an address.”
Catcher sighed, “1552 Park Street.”
“1552 Park Street,” Vicki repeated. Peters’ eyes widened as she continued, “I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” 
Vikki hung up the telephone and stood up, pulling her gloves back on, “Barbara, you enjoy your dinner, I’m going uptown to meet with the rat.”
“Oh, Vikki, you really don’t have to go to all this trouble.”
“Nonsense!” Vikki pulled on her large coat, “You’re my client and you’re my friend. I promised you a meeting with Catcher Block, so a meeting with Catcher Block is what you’ll get!"
Peter stood up from his seat, haphazardly gathering his things, “Uh-uhhm, perhaps- perhaps I should join you!”
“Peter MacMannus, you sit!”
Peter sat, and Vikki grabbed her purse and stormed out of the restaurant.
Vikki’s cab turned the corner onto Park Street and she was brimming with rage, just waiting to give this Catcher Block a piece of her mind. 
The cab driver pulled up in front of her destination, “That’ll be $3.25.”
She pulled a five dollar bill out of her purse and handed it to the driver, “Keep the change.” 
She got out of the cab and looked up at the blinking neon sign on the brick-front building that read, ‘Sunset Lounge’. She believed she’d overheard some of the other editors talking about this place over coffee during their morning meetings. It wasn’t until Vikki made her way closer to the entrance and noticed some smaller posters that read, ‘DANCING’, ‘GENTLEMEN’S ENTERTAINMENT’, ‘BEAUTIFUL GIRLS’, and ‘TOPLESS HOSTESSES’, that she realized what lurked inside. 
“Of course Catcher Block would be wasting my time in a place like this,” she shook her head, “He’s just like every other man.”
Vikki hiked her purse up over her shoulder, puffed up her hair, and marched inside without giving it a second thought.
The door closed behind her and the hallway inside was dark and seedy, the sound of muffled jazz music coming from somewhere she couldn’t see. She walked slowly, trying her best not to touch anything and eventually she came across a pair of glass doors that opened up into a fabulously decorated room, the music now swelling all around her. 
Vikki inhaled and took in her surroundings- half naked ladies dancing to a choreographed number on a large ornate stage, topless hostesses serving guests at the bar, a VIP lounge filled with all kinds of people. 
Well, this place sure is a gas.
She lit herself a cigarette and scanned the room for Catcher, but when she couldn’t find him, she took to moving about the room. She inched her way through the bustling crowd of tipsy older gentlemen and topless ladies holding trays of drinks, when she was dumped out right by the stage. She looked up and watched the girls dancing around in their teeny, tiny, shiny skirts and their knee high boots. Some girls wore bustiers, others simply wore tassels on their nipples, and Vikki found herself wondering whether or not those things were comfortable.
She realized she had been staring a little too long, but one of the ladies had caught her eye. All of the girls had their hair pulled back into ponytails, except for this one. Her long, dark red, wavy hair was bouncing around as she kicked her long legs high into the air, and-
“Oh!” A large man bumped into her, causing her to drop her cigarette onto the ground.
Her last cigarette.
She exhaled angrily, and shouted in the direction of the man, “Well, thank you very much!”
Vikki turned around and was met with a topless women holding a tray full of different brands of condoms, cigarettes, and tiny bottles of liquor.
“Oh. Umm,” she murmured as she scanned the tray, just trying to keep her eyes on the tray and the items on top of the tray. The tray. She found her brand, plucked a pack from the bunch, and tipped the hostess, trying incredibly hard not to make eye contact with her breasts. 
She didn’t want to be rude.
She pulled a cigarette out of the new pack, lit it, and searched the room once more for Mr. Block. Vikki took a long drag and exhaled a colossal cloud of smoke, “That man had better hope that I don’t find him, because when I do, the next exposé he writes will be about his own funeral.”
She caught a glimpse of the ropes leading to the VIP lounge and figured that he must be hiding there, pompous as he was. So she elbowed her way through the crowd, her cigarette locked between her knuckles. Once she made it to the red velvet ropes, she was confronted by an unenthusiastic bouncer of sorts.
She took a step back, brushed her hands down her dress, and cleared her throat, “Vikki Hiller.”
“Not on the list.”
Vikki’s eyes dropped down to the piece of paper in the man’s hand and then shot back up to meet his eyes, “You didn’t even look at the list.”
“You’re not on the list.”
“Well, how could you possibly know that if you didn’t take the time to check?” Vikki crossed her arms, and took a quick puff of her cigarette.
“You’re a woman.”
“Miss, the VIP lounge is for private dances from our female dancers.”
Vikki straightened up and adjusted her coat, “You don’t know what I’m into.”
“Look, lady, you’re not on the list, so why don’t you go back to your book club or whatever and let me do my job, alright?”
“No, you look, buddy!” She pointed her index finger into his chest. “I am trying to find Catcher Block so that I can wring his sorry little neck! Now, is he on the list?”
The man sighed and looked through the names on his form, “I’m sorry, miss, there’s no one on the list with that name,” he turned the sheet around, “Look for yourself.”
Vikki scanned the names on the list and, sure enough, Catcher’s name was nowhere to be found. The crowd erupted into an uproarious round of applause as the stage dancers finished their number. She dragged on her cigarette once more, and blew the smoke up toward the ceiling, eyeing the man, “Well, thank you,” she said sarcastically, “for all of your help.”
She turned on her heels and trudged through the crowd in the opposite direction. This time, when she made her way out of the crowd, she found herself by the bar, and if she was being completely honest, a comfortable seat and a stiff drink sounded amazing right about now.
She dropped herself onto a stool, tossed her purse onto the bar, and asked for a gin and tonic.
While she waited, Vikki spun her seat around so that she was facing the crowd. She started to wonder whether Catcher was really here or if he had just sent her to this place to drive her crazy. She definitely wouldn’t put it past him. 
That man. Some nerve he has.
She caught sight of some of the dancers coming from backstage. Some were still in costume but the rest were dressed in regular clothes, so Vikki figured they must have finished their sets for the night. And still, some of the girls were only wearing those tiny skirts and those nipple tassels. Now, Vikki was definitely one to risk comfort for a stylish outfit, but if that were her, she knew she would be just freezing! She wondered if those girls were cold, too. And then there were the ones on the floor that were straight up topless. She really respected those girls. She typically had a good amount of confidence in herself and her body, but if she had to have it on full display like that, at work no less… she simply wouldn’t be able to do it. 
Wow, she thought, these girls must be so confident in themselves. So tough. She crossed her legs, and took a drag on her cigarette.  Ugh. The men they probably have to deal with night after night. No, thank you.
“Your gin and tonic, miss.”
Vikki spun back around to face the bar. She thanked the waitress, and took a sip of her drink, thankful that it helped to melt away at least some of the tension of the night. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed another woman take the seat next to hers and overheard her order a dry martini.
“Rough night?” The lady asked, leaning her elbow on the bar.
Vikki took another sip of her drink, stamped her cigarette out in the crystal ashtray on the bar, and said, “As rough as one night can get, I think.”
The waitress placed the girl’s martini on the bar, and the girl put the olive between her teeth and pulled it off of the toothpick, “Care to talk about it?”
Vikki thought for a moment. Part of her felt uncomfortable, and a little guilty, unloading her problems onto a complete stranger, but the exhaustion of the night was taking over and she desperately needed some advice. She sighed, “I’m having trouble with a certain… gentleman. If one can even call him a gentleman, that is.” She rubbed at her forehead in an attempt to dissipate her headache, “He told me to meet him here, and-“
The girl played with the toothpick, stuck it between her teeth, “Well, you’re right, he doesn’t sound like much of a gentleman to me.”
Vikki nodded in agreement, took a large sip of her drink, and tilted her head back. She closed her eyes and allowed the warmth of intoxication to spread throughout her body.
“I mean, he could have at least taken you to the Russian Tea Room or something, but hey, what do I know?” The woman laughed.
Her eyes still closed, Vikki actually started to laugh a little bit, too. “No, no. This wasn’t supposed to be a date or anything of that nature.”
“So, you two aren’t…?”
“Heavens, no!”
“Well, thank goodness for that! I was beginning to worry about the future of mankind for a moment, there!”
“Oh, goodness,” Vikki laughed, “No, he’s a writer, and for Know magazine of all things, so that should already tell you how pompous he is. You see, I’m a senior editor at Banner House, and this man has swindled my client out of a meeting for the past three days. I finally got so fed up that I demanded to know his whereabouts, so that I could give him a piece of my mind in person, and he gave me this address. I’ve been looking for him all night, and either he’s reeeeeally good at hiding,” she finished off her drink,” or he stood me up.”
“That sounds just awful!”
Vikki ordered a second gin and tonic, “Or he simply lied to me, which is also an incredibly real possibility, given his plethora of alibis over the past three days.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what, he sounds like a proper jackass.”
Vikki looked over at the woman, “He is a proper jackass! I’m Vikki Hiller,” she stretched her hand out, “Thank you for listening to me ramble on about my problems, I’m sure this is very uninteresting to you,” she laughed. 
The woman shook Vikki’s hand, “No, not at all, I’m… really enjoying getting to know you, Vikki Hiller.”
“May I ask your name?” 
Vikki hesitated for a moment, “Huh, that’s… different!”
The woman laughed, “Don’t worry, that’s not my real name. Cashmere is just my stage name.”
“Oh my goodness!” Vikki put a hand over her heart, and laughed. “Not that Cashmere isn’t a pretty name!”
The waitress set Vikki’s second gin and tonic on the bar.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Some of these men can get pretty sleazy, so I like to protect my identity. My real name is Quinn.”
“Mmmm,” Vikki sipped her drink, “Well, if it means anything at all, I think Quinn is a lot prettier than Cashmere,” she smiled.
“Why, thank you, that’s very sweet of you.”
“Stage name… Oh, wait! Aren’t you one of the dancers I saw on stage earlier?”
“That I am, Miss Vikki!”
“I knew your face looked familiar! Your hair was down while you were onstage,” Vikki remarked on Quinn’s hair, now pulled back in a low bun.
“Oh, you’re right,” Quinn reached back and pulled her hair out of it’s bun, letting it fall down past her shoulders, “Some of the other girls can’t dance with their hair down, they say it get’s into their eyes, or it makes them sweaty, blah blah blah…” she laughed and shook her head, letting her hair bounce around, “I think it’s fun!”
Vikki became so distracted by Quinn’s hair, that she almost forgot to speak, “Uhm, well,” she cleared her throat, “You have really gorgeous hair, I must say.”
“Thank you!” Quinn sipped her martini, “I also wasn’t wearing this jacket on stage.”
She flashed it open for a brief moment and Vikki saw that she was one of the dancers wearing the tassels on her nipples, and her eyes went wide for a second before she forced herself to reign it in, “Oh!”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I wasn’t even thinking!”
“Oh, no! It’s not that, it’s just… aren’t you cold? When you’re walking around in just… those?” Vikki leaned in and asked.
Quinn laughed, “It can get a little chilly, yes! But when you’re dancing, it just feels so… freeing. And comfortable!”
“Wow. I don’t think I would ever have the confidence to pull those off,” Vikki crossed her legs.
“Oh, come on! You would look great, I’m sure of it!”
Vikki laughed, and covered her now reddening face. She was enjoying this conversation so much, she almost forgot why she had originally come here. That is until she noticed Catcher Block out of the corner of her eye. He was leaning against a wall, talking to another gentleman and drinking a scotch.
“Oh, lord.” Vikki drawled. 
“What is it?”
“Don’t look, but that’s the man I’ve been trying to find all night,” she said in a hushed tone, as if Catcher would be able to hear her from across the room.
Quinn looked anyway.
“I said don’t look!” Vikki laughed, “Oh, see? There. He saw you.” Vikki pulled her compact out of her purse, and reapplied her lipstick. “Well, this should be a fun conversation, that is if he doesn’t try to run away again. Is he still looking over here?”
Quinn checked, “Mhm.”
Vikki snapped her compact shut and put it back in her purse.
“You wanna give him a show?”
“What?” Vikki glanced over at her.
“Y’know… A little something to really get his attention.”
“What do you m-“ 
Vikki was cut off as Quinn reached over, hands on her cheeks, and planted a giant kiss right smack on her red lips. She was so taken by surprise, that her hands shot back and her fingers splayed open, and she practically froze right there on the spot.
Quinn pulled back and noticed Vikki’s stiff demeanor, “Ah gee, I’m so sorry… was that too much of a show?”
Vikki closed her eyes, her eyebrows raised, “Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Uhhumm, it was- Oh, god he’s coming over here.”
Quinn turned to look, and then turned back to Vikki, “Hey. You’ve got this.”
“Yes. I do.”
“Don’t let him take you for a ride again.”
“No,” Vikki downed her whole gin and tonic.
“You’re the senior editor!”
“I am!” She lit another cigarette.
“Go get ‘em, Vikki Hiller.”
Vikki stood up, took a long, deep drag on her cigarette, blew the smoke out in front of her, and brushed her hands over her dress, making sure it was perfect. She puffed up her hair, and rolled her neck. 
As she walked over to Catcher, she took notice of the smug look on his face hidden underneath the thin layer of charm, and she was ready to blow her top.
“Catcher Block.”
“Ah, you must be Miss Hiller! You sound as angry as you did on the phone earlier.”
“Mmmm, yes, earlier, you mean three hours ago?? Where have you been?”
“Well, you see, I was a little busy, Miss Hiller, I-”
“Busy! Ha! Peter, Miss Novak, and I were all busy, too. Busy waiting for you! Busy sitting around when we could have been working. Or having social lives! But no, we were all busy waiting for the phone to ring so that you could tell us whatever harebrained alibi you had come up with that day!”
“Oh, have you not heard my brilliant story about how I had to help an elderly woman with a broken leg cross a busy street?”
“Why, no. I must have missed that one while I was arguing with bouncers, getting knocked over by men twice my size, and trekking around this seedy joint looking for an arrogant, self-indulgent lunatic.” Vikki’s pokes into Catcher’s chest with her index finger. “But don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll catch the next one.”
Catcher started chuckling to himself.
“I’m sorry. Do you think this is funny?”
“Oh, no no. I don’t think this is funny.”
Vikki was losing her patience, “Just what are you laughing at?”
“Well, pardon me if I’m wrong, Miss Hiller, but it sure looked like you were having a good time over at the bar…”
“At the b-“ Vikki stopped in her tracks, almost forgetting the out-of-the-blue kiss that Quinn had planted on her a few moments ago.
“There it is, yes! The kiss! The one deployed in order to 'get my attention’.” Catcher made air quotes with his fingers. “The one that you definitely ‘didn’t enjoy’.”
Vikki thought for a moment. Had Quinn kissed her with intention? And not because Catch was watching? No, no. No, that’s ridiculous. Quinn had to be straight. Vikki wouldn’t necessarily label her as a ‘girly girl’, but she was still pretty feminine. And pretty. She couldn’t be a…homosexual. A lesbian. Weren’t all lesbians supposed to be butch and masculine? Yes, right, and they wear suits, not… tassels… on their nipples…
Vikki shook the thoughts from her head, “Oh, what do you know?”
Catcher let out one more snide chuckle as he eyed Vikki and leaned in close to her ear, “I know an excited woman when I see one…”
Vikki stood stark still and stared straight ahead.
“…And you were one excited woman.”
Catcher stood back up, and Vikki took a long drag on her cigarette and blew the smoke across his face, sarcastically, if that was possible. He patted her on the shoulder, “You think about that one a little bit longer. I’ll meet you and Barbara at the Waldorf Astoria tomorrow for breakfast…” he eyed her once more, “Or maybe lunch, perhaps?”
He walked away and Vikki stood alone, cigarette in hand, lost in her thoughts for a moment or two before eventually shuffling back over to her seat at the bar.
“Hey!” Quinn said, “I ordered you another gin and tonic.”
Vikki eyed the drink and considered downing it all in one gulp, but she wanted to hang on to whatever sobriety she had left.
“Do you have everything sorted out now?”
Vikki pulled her focus from the glass and simply gazed at Quinn for a moment, biting her lip. And then she stopped thinking. No more thinking. No thoughts. She leaned over and grabbed Quinn by her jacket lapels and kissed her, right there. And for longer than she had anticipated.
She sat back down onto her seat and exhaled, before wiping at the corner of her mouth with the tip of her ring finger, “Yes. Yes, I think I do.”
Quinn settled back into her own seat, dazed, “Well. That certainly was…” she trailed off, “What was that all about?”
Vikki tried to put on an air of confidence, however her vulnerability was seeping through slowly.
“You kissed me.” 
Quinn looked down at her drink, “I did.” She lightly slid her finger around the rim of the glass. “I apologize if I put you in an uncomfortable position.”
“No, no, it’s- you didn’t. In fact, I think you might have done just the opposite.”
“…The opposite?”
“Quinn, I think you may have… opened me up to a part of myself that I didn’t even know existed.”
Quinn looked more than relieved to hear Vikki say these things, yet it seemed she was still having trouble looking Vikki in the eye. She exhaled, “I’m just glad you’re not upset.”
“I am not upset. I… I don’t really have the words to describe what I’m feeling, but,” she paused, and shook her head, “I really like you, Quinn.”
Quinn looked up, her eyebrows raised. She smiled, “I really like you, too, Vikki Hiller.”
Vikki smiled back and took a sip of her drink. “I must say, this certainly does explain the things I was feeling when I saw you up on that stage,” she laughed, swirling the liquid around in her glass.
“Oh, really?”
Vikki caught Quinn staring at her out of the corner of her eye. She slid her now reddening face into her hands, “Stop that!”
“Stop what?”
“Looking at me like that,” Vikki laughed.
“I can’t help it,” Quinn sipped her drink, “Y’know, I saw you, too, when I was up on stage.”
Vikki peeked her head out from behind the palms of her hands, “You did?”
“I did. The look on your face was… pure wonder. I almost messed up the whole routine because I couldn’t take my eyes off of you,” she chuckled.
Vikki gazed at Quinn.
“And then this big lug bumped into you and made you drop the cigarette you were holding, and the vexation that washed across your face was absolutely priceless, I just knew I had to talk to you.”
“Oh goodness,” Vikki cackled, “did I really look that angry?”
“Yes, but it’s alright because then you bought another pack,” Quinn laughed right along, “Once you pulled out a new one and lit it, all I saw in your eyes was confidence. Strength. Determination.”
“Well…” Vikki grew quiet, “that’s very sweet of you to say.”
“I mean it! You, Vikki Hiller, are a force to be reckoned with.”
Vikki blushed, and took another sip of her drink, and another drag on her cigarette before stamping it out. The two girls sat in comfortable silence for a moment or two, until Vikki turned back to Quinn.
“Y’know,” she said, “I really enjoyed kissing you.”
“I enjoyed kissing you, as well.”
“I think… I think, I’d like to do it again.”
“Well, then what are we waiting for?”
“Well, I certainly don’t want to do it more in public! I might be a force to be reckoned with, but I am more reserved about things like this.”
“I’m not talking about here, silly!”
Quinn pulled some cash out of her jacket pocket and left a tip on the bar. Vikki followed suit, pulling a neatly folded ten dollar bill from her purse and placing it on top of her glass. Quinn grabbed her hand and pulled her through the buzzing crowd.
“Wait, where are we going?” Vikki shouted above the music.
The music swelled as they made their way closer and closer to the stage in order to reach the door. The girls ducked and weaved themselves around groups of people large and small. Dancing, drinking, networking, and definitely not moving out of the way. Vikki wasn’t afraid to use her elbows, but she made sure to keep a tight grip on Quinn’s hand, afraid of losing her in this mass of people.
After what felt like an eternity of “Hey, watch it!”’s and “S’cuse you, sweetheart!”’s, the two ladies made it to the door and pushed their way through, finally managing to escape the commotion.
Quinn exhaled, triumphantly, “Okay. Made it.”
“Well, wait, aren’t there still going to be people back there?”
“There shouldn’t be, it’s pretty late.” Quinn led Vikki down the long hallway. “Besides, I’m taking you to the dressing room. There might be some dancers lingering around in there, but I assure you they’ll be very cool about it when I ask them to leave.”
“How do you know that?”
“Honestly? Most of the dancers here are queer, and the ones who aren’t are incredibly supportive. They’re like my sisters.”
“Well, that’s really sweet.”
“And plus, they use the dressing room for this kind of thing all the time.”
“Less sweet,” Vikki joked. “It’s interesting that all of these queer women work at a gentleman’s lounge.”
“Well, now, there are a couple of reasons for that. For one thing, this place pays very well,” Quinn laughed, “And the men who come into this place might be scum bags, but at least if we’re dancing for them no one really suspects anything about us.”
“And we all get to be together! I’ve known some of these women for years from other jobs, gay bars around town, things like that. Y’know, there is a bar downtown that I’d love to bring you to sometime,” Quinn winked.
Vikki tried to hide the blush spreading across her cheeks.
The two approached a large blue door with ‘Lounge Dancers’ printed on it, “Here, we are!”
Quinn opened the door to a room filled with flashy costumes and feather boas, bright lights around mirrors and posters of famous female performers plastered all over the brick walls.
There were three girls chatting on the sofa, when one of them looked over and said, “Oh hey, Quinn! Would you please tell Ginger that we do seven high kicks in this dance and not eight. She keeps messin’ up the timing,” the girl laughed.
“Listen, Kit, when we learned that dance, I swear on my life it was eight counts and eight kicks!”
“Oh yeah,” the third girl spoke up, “and the rest of us just happen to be messing it up at the exact same time in the exact same way.”
Quinn laughed, and closed the door behind Vikki, “Ginger, it’s seven kicks.”
“Told ya.” 
Ginger rolled her eyes, and Kit asked, “Who’s the tall dame ya got there, Quinn?”
“Ladies, this is Vikki. Vikki, this is Kit, Ginger, and Pamela.”
“Well, hello there, Vikki,” Pamela purred, and Kit smacked her on the shoulder.
“Soooooo, Vikki and I were hoping to use this room for a little while, if you girls don’t mind…”
Kit stood up from the sofa, “Say no more, we were just about to head out anyway.”
The other girls arose and collected their things, making for the door. Ginger said, “We’re all gonna grab a few drinks at Lottie’s if you wanna meet us there. Vikki can come, too!”
“We’ll see. If I don’t catch up, you ladies have a great time!”
“Goodnight, Quinn!” The girls hollered. 
“Goodnight, Vikki,” Pamela winked from the doorway.
Kit tugged on Pamela’s ear, “Whatsa matter with you?”
Quinn closed the door, laughing.
“Your friends seem like a real blast,” Vikki chuckled, placing her purse on top of one of the vanities, and tossing her coat onto the sofa.
“Yeah, they’re definitely an interesting pack of gals,” Quinn placed her hands on Vikki’s waist, pulling her close, “but, um… I don’t wanna talk about them anymore.”
Vikki’s voice hushed, and she glanced down at Quinn’s lips and back up to her eyes, “What do you want to talk about?”
Quinn was now an inch or two from Vikki’s face, and getting closer by the second. She brushed her bottom lip against Vikki’s, and said softly, “I don’t want to talk.”
A fire lit behind Vikki’s eyes and she closed the space between them with a passionate kiss. She threw her arms around Quinn’s neck and pulled her as close as she possibly could. She doesn’t remember ever kissing a man this intensely, or feeling anywhere near the amount of things she’s feeling right now. Sparks. Fireworks.
The two parted, breathing heavily. Quinn looked up at Vikki, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“This isn’t just something you’re experimenting with right now that you’re going to regret tomorrow, is it?”
“Quinn, just shut up and kiss me, goddamnit,” Vikki said, breathlessly, and Quinn did just that.
Vikki let her hands wander for the first time. They were exploring so many new places. Touching so many new things. Her hands were laced through Quinn’s hair, tugging, pulling. She’d never experienced anything more sensational than running her hands through the long, luscious hair of a woman. She grabbed Quinn’s ass. Every man she’d ever been with in the past had a backside so flat, you had to use a telescope to find it. Her hand lightly brushed against Quinn’s breast. Men sure as hell didn’t have those.
She slid one of her hands underneath Quinn’s jacket, embracing the bare skin of her stomach, hips, and back as she pulled her even closer, wanting to experience all of her.
Quinn started kissing down Vikki’s neck, “I wanna wrinkle that perfect dress of yours.”
“I want you to take it off.”
Quinn looked up at Vikki for a brief moment, and kissed her hard. Rough. She reached around to unzip the dress and Vikki let it fall to the ground as she kicked her shoes off. She was now standing in the dressing room of a gentleman’s lounge wearing nothing but her bra and underwear. Which were matching, of course. 
“Wow,” Quinn breathed, “Red lace. You didn’t peg me as the red lace type.” She winked.
“Oh, didn’t I?”
“No. But, my god, am I glad to be proven wrong.”
“Well, if things keep going the way they’re going, you might be able to see me in nothing at all,” Vikki leaned in and kissed Quinn slowly, with purpose. She slid Quinn’s jacket off until it fell to the floor next to her dress. She traced her hands down the other woman’s bare, freckled arms, causing her to shiver. Quinn took off her boots and her skirt, until she was just as bare as Vikki.
Quinn quickly flipped the switch and pushed Vikki up against the door, Vikki gasping as her bare skin met the cold metal. Quinn kissed down Vikki’s neck once more, her hands running over her smooth skin, cupping her breasts, as Vikki’s eyes drifted shut. Quinn reached up and removed Vikki’s hair from its ‘do, and it fell down into a mass of dark waves that now sat just below her shoulders.
“God, you’re gorgeous.”
Quinn kissed down Vikki’s stomach and Vikki leaned her body against the door, her arms stretching up and over her head, as something inside of her pulsed, ached.
“Quinn,” Vikki breathed.
Quinn looked up and into the big, dark eyes gazing down at her. Vikki simply stared, her chest heaving. She didn’t know how to ask, but it turns out she didn’t have to say anything.
Quinn stood up, making understanding eye contact with Vikki, and she leaned in and kissed her softly, her hands on her hips. But her hands slowly moved, now teasing at the hem of Vikki’s underwear. Both of their eyes closed, Quinn broke the kiss and waited a beat, as she leaned her forehead up against Vikki’s. She felt Vikki nod, and she slid her hand down, between her legs.
Vikki exhaled at the touch, at the long-awaited release of tension, while Quinn moved her fingers rhythmically, quickly realizing just how turned on Vikki actually was.
“Oh my god, Quinn,” Vikki hummed.
Quinn kissed along her jawline, down her neck, across her collarbone.
Vicki whispered, “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course you can.”
Vikki bit her lip, “I’ve never… you know… with a man before.”
“You’ve never…”
“…Orgasmed. No. Only by myself, never with another person.”
“Oh, honey,” Quinn kissed Vikki, “I can promise you won’t be saying that after tonight.”
She began moving her fingers expertly once more and Vikki moaned and threw her head back. Quinn was slow and fast. She was rough and soft. She was so many things all at once and Vikki almost didn’t know how to process it. Sometimes her brain would take a brief second to remind her of exactly what she was doing. Something she’d never thought in her entire life she would be doing. But then Quinn would bite her ear, or leave a mark on her neck, and Vikki would tell her brain to zip it, because she was having the time of her life.
“Oh. Quinn. Fuck.”
“That’s it,” Quinn said softly. She could feel Vikki tensing up beneath her. “C’mon, Vikki Hiller. Senior editor at Banner House. Tall, gorgeous, force to be reckoned with.”
Vikki moaned, biting her lip, almost in an effort to stifle it. She was nervous. Once she did this, it would mean that she really… did this. And she was anything but prepared for what she was about to feel.
Vikki had her arms wrapped around Quinn, and she leaned her head on the other woman’s shoulder, “Quinnnn, ohhh. Oh, god!”
Quinn felt Vikki clench up around her fingers and she held her as her body rattled and jolted against her own.
Vikki held on to Quinn as tightly as she could, afraid she was going to fall to the ground because her legs just about gave out. Her vision blurred for a moment and she shook from shivers of aftershock. 
“That was…” she breathed, “I can’t…”
Quinn kissed her nose.
Vikki exhaled, smiling, “That was cute…” her smile turned devious, “but I’m no princess, honey.” She pushed Quinn over toward and onto the sofa and straddled her. She leaned down and whispered into her ear, “It’s your turn.”
Vikki moved Quinn’s long hair out of the way and kissed down her neck, leaving little bites and marks, trying to mimic what had been done to her. She felt like she should be more nervous, but she just… wasn’t. She had never made love quite like this with a man. Vikki liked it a bit rougher than the average person, but any time she was with a man, it was about as bland as an unsalted cracker. Now, she realized she was able to really let her true colors shine.
“Jesus, Vikki…” Quinn moaned.
Vikki kissed down Quinn’s chest, stopping at her breasts. She looked up at Quinn, “I wanna take these off.” She flicked one of the tassels covering Quinn’s nipples, and pulled it off. And then the other one. She massaged Quinn’s bare breast and then moved her hand down her stomach, resting her hand right above where Quinn wanted it to be… needed it to be.
She teased Quinn by rubbing overtop her underwear, just light enough to make her squirm.
“Vikki, please. Please…”
Vikki kissed Quinn’s breast and sucked on her nipple, making Quinn moan much louder than she expected her to.
“God,” Vikki said, “You think I’m gorgeous? You should see yourself.”
“Shut up,” Quinn breathed, giggling softly.
Vikki quit teasing and shoved her hand beneath the waistband of Quinn’s underwear and moved her fingers like she would on herself. Slow circles. She could feel Quinn’s arousal, she could feel her chest heaving, could hear her whimpering and whining. She wanted more. She wanted to unravel this woman. She’d never wanted anything like she wanted this.
She sped up and Quinn gasped, clutching the cushion beneath her with a white knuckled fist. Vikki took that as a wonderful sign and kept speeding up, changing rhythms, soft, hard, light, rough. 
“Vikki… aahhhh, my god. Please, Vikki.”
Vikki decided to try something that she had done on herself a few times, and she moved her fingers down and pushed two of them inside of Quinn, thrusting hard, still working her clit with her thumb. 
Quinn moaned, almost screaming, “Oh, god! Ah-Oh my god! Ohhhhh…”
Quinn’s back arched off the couch and she shook, her legs wrapped around Vikki’s body, squeezing her tight. She covered her face with her hands, muffled moans escaping.
“Vikki…” Quinn said, breathlessly, “Jesus Christ… You are very, very good at that.”
“Why, thank you.”
“You’re sure you’ve never done it with a woman before?” Quinn joked.
“Mmmmm, I’m fairly certain,” Vikki blushed, and adjusted her bra strap.
She got up off of the sofa and sauntered over toward the vanities.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Getting a cigarette,” she shuffled through her purse and she could feel Quinn’s eyes on her. She popped her hip out to the side and heard a small “Mmm…” from across the room. She just adored teasing this woman.
Vikki placed a cigarette between her lips and and lit it. She took a puff and let out a deep exhale, looking into one of the mirrors and playing with her now tangled hair.
“That was just the best time I’ve ever had. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like that, Quinn, I mean it.”
“I hope you don’t think we’re finished…”
Vikki held her cigarette between her fingers, and glanced back over at Quinn, “…Really?”
“Come here.”
Vikki smiled a devilish smile, stamped her cigarette out in the ashtray on the vanity, and sauntered back over to the sofa, kneeling in front of Quinn. The other woman sat up and unclasped Vikki’s bra in one swift motion. She tossed it over with the other clothes on the floor, and said, “Lie back.
Vikki, impressed, raised her eyebrows and did as she was told. Quinn leaned over her and began pulling down her underwear. She spread Vikki’s legs apart and kissed her way up her thighs. The kisses didn’t last long though, as she made her way all the way up, and immediately licked from her entrance to her clit, making sure to linger there a little bit longer.
Vikki hummed in approval, letting out soft moans of pleasure. No man had ever done this for her. Missionary, yes. Most of time, actually. But this? This was definitely a first, and she was so far over the moon, she was dancing with the stars. This exact moment could last forever, if she had anything to say about it. 
Quinn used her tongue in ways Vikki certainly never imagined one could. She went a little lighter for a moment and Vikki’s hips jerked reflexively, as she ached for as much contact, as much pressure as she could get.
Quinn dug her nails into Vikki’s slender thighs and scraped just a little bit, causing Vikki to gasp, and tense up. She reached up and massaged Vikki’s breast with her free hand, pinching at her nipple, effectively undoing the woman. Vikki was already incredibly turned on, so it didn’t take any time at all.
“Quinn, fuck. You’re gonna kill me.”
Quinn sped up, she could feel how close Vikki was to breaking.
“Oh, fuck, oh my- Oh my god… Quinn, fuck. Fuck.”
Quinn felt Vikki squeeze her thighs around her. Vikki felt as though she was about to explode, her body quivering, almost unable handle the intensity of what she was feeling. Quinn dipped her tongue inside and that was it. Vikki was gone.
She screamed out Quinn’s name, her hands gripping the other woman’s hair as though it were the only thing tethering her to the earth. She jolted, surged, feeling like her body was struck by 1000 volts. By lightning. 
Quinn kept going until Vikki made her stop, and then she crawled up the length of the sofa to lay next to her. She held Vikki as she came down and kissed her, softly. An intimate kiss that lovers share. She brushed the hair out of Vikki’s face and cupped her cheek, and the two just lay there in the silence for a few moments. Soft breaths, the only sounds to be heard. 
“You certainly are no princess,” Quinn whispered.
Vikki chuckled, softly, “You’re damn right.”
“Hey, the night’s still young. We can still meet the other girls at Lottie’s, if you’re in the mood.”
“That sounds like a gas, it really does, but… maybe we could just stay here for a while?”
“Maybe we could… go back to my place instead..?”
“I would love that.” Vikki smiled, her tongue between her teeth.
Quinn smiled back and then remembered, “Oh wait, don’t you have that breakfast meeting tomorrow morning?”
Vikki thought about it for a moment, “Mmmm. You know what? I think tomorrow morning I have to bring food to the homeless shelter, and help a child get their cat out of a tree.”
Quinn laughed.
“Well, darn, I guess I’ll just have to phone them and tell them I can’t make it.”
Vikki leaned over and kissed Quinn, then rested her head on her chest. She let her eyes close as Quinn played with her hair, and she melted into the other woman completely. 
She lay there, breathing softly, thankful that Quinn had kissed her earlier. Thankful that she decided to take the leap and kiss her back. Hell, she was even thankful to Catcher Block! If he hadn’t put her through the mess that he did, she probably wouldn’t be here right now, completely comfortable with herself for the first time in a long time. 
Quinn hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head, and Vikki found herself looking forward to the rest of the night. Looking forward to tomorrow. Looking forward to forever, wherever it took her.
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bh7theseriesblog · 4 years
Fire and Ice Roses: BH6 Oneshot
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*Across the Pacific ocean the sun begins to rise in the east, the ocean sparkles with light as the mist parted ways to reveal San Fransokyo. The lights eventually hits on a small house, where a family of three live. The light shines through a port window which roused a person on a futon mattress beside it, the person shifted before it revealed itself to be a 13 year old girl with dyed blue hair. She is shorter than most girls her age, and her figure still resembles that of a child and yet it is starting to curve a little bit. She stood up in her futon mattress as she looks at the sun outside. She stands up and makes her futon mattress decent, and then she looked at her surroundings; her room is decorated with posters ranging from robotics, the ocean, old anime posters like Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena and various homemade mural pictures made out of seashells and had many homemade wind chimes/chandeliers also made out of seashells hanging from her ceiling. She straightens her baby blue nightgown before she walks out her room and into the bathroom, she looks at herself in the mirror as she brushes her teeth and looks at herself. She sighs in disappointment that her bust remained small, but she quickly shakes hear head from focusing on her lack of mature body and starts her day. With the dawn still young she dresses herself to her outfit, a yellow tank top with a sea green plated skirt, she brushes her hair and places her purple eye contacts in. She heads downstairs once more to prepare for breakfast, setting water to boil to put the rice in. A drop of hot water slightly burns her hand as she reacts with a soft ow; when she stirs the rice she hears footstep coming in the kitchen.*
Kaguya: Good morning Cora.
*The girl named Cora turns her head to give a small smile to the old woman wearing the traditional kimono with her signature cane.*
Cora: Good Morning Grandmama.
*After she was done cooking she places their breakfast on the table and walks out to wake the third person in her family. She gently opens the door to see her Father, who is slowly waking up from his deep slumber. Cora looks at the table in his room and found it filled with bills and job resumes. She sighs as she sits beside her father as his massive figure lifts up and his vision clears to see his daughter.
Cora: Morning Papa.
*Mizuchi slowly walks to the table where his daughter and mother-in-law are waiting for him. He sits down and eats his breakfast, his eyes weary and lost. Cora sighs as she begins to eat her breakfast as well. After breakfast the father and daughter are sitting in the living room where it had a TV with a VCR, a blue ray player, VHS tapes and DVDs of old and new anime and movies. Cora looks around before she brings out the small robot she made; the robot was small, sleek and pale as a pearl and resembled more of an egg. When she brings out her controller she activates the robot. The robot activates its eyes to a electric green eyes and floats around to Mizuchi where it begins to dance. Though it does not have legs the robot moved with grace and purity. Mizuchi looked at the robot and his daughter and gave a small smile...just for a little while. Cora's smile drops as she stops playing with the robot she made and puts it in her dress pocket.*
Kaguya: Cora, it's time to go grocery shopping.
*Cora nodded as she stands up and tiptoes to kiss her father on the cheek as she prepares to join her grandmother. She puts on her outdoor shoes, which are her favorite rain boots, and steps out.*
Cora: We're heading out Papa...We'll be home soon...
Mizuchi: Be safe.
*After the grandmother and girl get on the trolley the city begins to come alive. The stores are opening as people soon fill the streets to go wherever they need to go. Cora looks at her grandmother,who at the moment is checking over the money in her purse as she looks to the streets across them. She sees a group of young friends walking and talking happily as a young couple hold hands and kiss. Cora sighs sadly at the sight as she looks down at her feet, and her grandmother notices this but said nothing. Once at the stop they got off the trolley and walk to the grocery store, and once inside Cora grabbed a basket and begin to search for their groceries. Kaguya spots a familiar face nearby and places a hand on her shoulder.*
Kaguya: Cora, there's a music store nearby that you can visit right now. They are even having a sale right now, here.
*She places a few dollar bills in Cora's hand but Cora begins to shake her head.*
Cora: N-no Grandmama, groceries are important I-I don't need to-
Kaguya: I insist. You are still young, enjoy your life.
*Cora sighs in defeat as she hands the basket to her grandmother and walks out the store. Once she was gone the old woman turned around and saw the person she recognized.*
Kaguya: How are you doing today Felony Carl?
Felony Carl: Oh, hey Kaguya. I'm doin' fine, just getting some Tofu and apples as my doctor recommended. Was that your granddaughter I saw with you a while ago?
Kaguya: Indeed.
*Both Felony Carl and Kaguya walk over to the apple stand where they begin to look for good apples.*
Felony Carl: She's a lot quieter than what you told me.
Kaguya: I know. Cora has been shy and quiet yes, but she has this burst of life inside her. Like how she would splash around in the waves and search for seashells. In a way she's an oyster.
Felony Carl: Grey on the outside but a hidden gem within?
Kaguya: Exactly, just like her mother...but ever since my Son-in-law was fired he has been struggling to find a job and paying for the bills. Cora is worried sick about him, and it doesn't help that his weariness is obvious in his eyes.
Felony Carl: I understand that, when people look at me they get scared and want nothing to do with me.
Kaguya: Mhmm, Cora has been home schooled her entire life as I recall telling you.
Felony Carl: Yeah, cause she hacked into her dad's computer at age four?
Kaguya: And Mizuchi protectiveness kept her from going to real school in fear she will be ostracized. But I've seen how Cora looks at the children her age...she wants friends...and possibly someone who loves her.
Felony Carl: You mean as in a romantic sense?
Kaguya: Yes. But with Mizuchi's financial struggles, Cora will be forced to push away her desires. She's been the main chef and caretaker of the house for a long while now and has even been thinking of selling her seashell collection and homemade art. And she may think of never going to College.
Felony Carl: That's tough.
Kaguya: It's times like these I wonder what Akemi would do... I know Cora needs to make the first step to talk to people...and yet I hope that someone will see Cora for who she really is and cherish her... someone who can understand her and connect to her...
*Meanwhile around the same time, the cafe is buzzing with customers as Cass Hamada is busy taking orders. Upstairs at the moment, two brothers are up and ready to start the day. The older brother is putting on his baseball head while the younger is making some adjustments on a small, black and somewhat derpy-looking robot.*
Tadashi: OK Hiro, I'm off to meet up with some friends, and remember to call me if you need anything or if you're heading out.
Hiro: Kay, I will.
*The boy named Hiro is a 13 year old genius prodigy and his brother is Tadashi, a intelligent young man with a good heart. Tadashi calls out as he heads downstairs.*
Tadashi: And don't give Aunt Cass any trouble OK?
Hiro: I hear ya.
*Once Tadashi heads downstairs Hiro fixes up the bot with a satisfied smile.*
Hiro: OK, now that you're fixed up Megabot, I just gotta head to the mechanics store and upgrade your controller. After all, another bot fight is coming up tonight.
*He goes to his drawer where he pulls up a panel where he placed the cash he won over from the bot fights before. He had to admit, he was impressed of himself that he can make this large sum of money from bot-fighting. He supposed he could almost thank the bullies from high school for driving him towards Bot-fighting, where he can use his big brain for the thrill of beating everybody to a pulp. He shook his head to avoid the memories of high school and the harassment he endured there, after all he had just graduated last week and now has the summer to himself.*
Hiro: Alright, that should be enough.
*With that he heads downstairs and through the cafe where he sneaks in a cookie.*
Hiro: I'm heading off to the mechanics store Aunt Cass, I'll be back soon!
Cass: Be safe!
*With that, Hiro heads off down the street to get the parts for his upcoming bot-battle that night. Meanwhile at the other side of the town Cora wearily looks around the music store, spotting whole shelves ranging from vinyl record players to digital songs displayed on Holograms. She holds tightly to her purse as she looks at the songs available in the anime and movie soundtrack.*
?: Hey kid.
*Cora looks up and turns her head to see a woman in expensive make-up and rather revealing clothing. Cora diverts her eyes the other way as she addresses the scantily clad female.*
Cora: A-are you talking t-to me?
Scanty: Well I don't see any other blue-haired girls around here. So yeah, I'm talking to you
Cora: *Looking down in embarrassment* Um... I-is there a-anything you want?
Scanty: Not really...but you certainly do have something on your mind.
Cora: W-what do you uh...mean?
Scanty: You've been pressing the scroll button for too long that its speeding up and you haven't even noticed.
*Cora sees the scroll bar in the hologram as it became non-visible as blurry icons of songs zoom past her. She lets go of the button as she looks down again at her feet blushing.*
Scanty: I guess you do have something going on in your mind then?
Cora: Yeah... there's... a little trouble at home...Money trouble...
*The scantily dressed lady sighs before she grabs the young girl to a more secluded part of the store.*
Scanty: How old are you kid?
Cora: What?
Scanty: I'm asking how old are you?
Cora:...13 ma'm.
*The lady nods her head before she whispers to Cora.*
Scanty: If you're looking for quick cash, I might be able to help.
*Cora's eyes light up at the prospect that she could earn money to help her father.*
Cora: Really? What is it? I'll do anything!
Scanty: There's two people I know that are looking for a double date, and since my old business partner bailed out on me...you might be a possible candidate to date the other guy. And they are paying good money for the date.
*Cora's eyes slowly widened in shock as she realizes what the lady is offering her. The lady notices the look in the young girl's eyes.*
Scanty: Look kid, I know this is a big girl's game but if you want to help out your folks you gotta be out there. Sides, you're pretty enough for guys to see you, even if you are a little...flat.
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*Cora consciously covers her chest as she looks down at her feet.*
Scanty: The date is nearby by Good Luck Alley where a bot fight is hosting.
Cora: A bot fight? I thought the Bot fight tournament was at the capital.
Scanty: That's not the bot fight I'm talking about. This one is where people bet on the fighters, and if you're lucky enough to win you might just get some good cash.
*Seeing this as a chance to make money, she quickly pulls out her robot that was in rest mode.*
Cora: I have a robot! It's in rest mode but it should-
*That is when the lady snickers at the girl, she clears her throat after a little bit and faces Cora.*
Scanty: That's a sweet thought kid, but there is no way you can beat those big boys at a bot fight, especially since your robot is basically an egg. You can be set for life by going on these dates with the guys offering good money. Sides it's not illegal, you're 13. You're of age of consent. Since it's you're first time, I'll just call them and tell them that we'll just going out for dinner and nothing more.
*The lady picks up her stuff and starts to walk out, and Cora follows her to the exit.*
Scanty: It's your choice baby girl, either your face money trouble or you can go out with these men and have them beg you to date them. Who knows, if you're good enough you'll be a favorite.
*The Lady walks away down the street leaving Cora looking at her robot in hand. She then looks at the direction the lady walked down and sighs. She then decided to head back to the grocery store, keeping the event the lady told her in her head.*
*Hiro arrives at the store as he immediately searches for the part for his controller. The cashier greeted Hiro, since he remembers the times both Tadashi and Hiro have come over to the store to buy the tools and gears they needed. Hiro only gave a dismissive hello before he inspected some of the gears on the shelf. Just then another person comes into the store, a big jock with a Letterman jacket coming in and spotting the young teenager.*
Jocky Jerk: Well well lookie what we have here, if it isn't Zero the brainiac twerp.
*Hiro sighs but refuses to acknowledge the older adolescent as he continues to rummage through the wires.*
Jocky Jerk: Hey! I'm talking to you freak.
Hiro scrunches up his nose in disgust as he speaks without turning his head to acknowledge him.*
Hiro: Hello Kurt.
*Kurt smirks as he heads over and ruffles Hiro's hair which made the young boy groan.*
Kurt: Haven't seen you since graduation, what sort of things you doing now you little twerp?
Hiro: I know I'm not repeating a year of high school and taking summer school while being kicked out of the football team.
*Kurt's smirk is wiped clean as it turns a murderous glare, he looks around and then has a devilish grin.*
Kurt: Looks like your annoying nerdy brother isn't here, so I'm sure you don't mind if we head out and talk-
Cashier: Sir, if you're not buying anything, I suggest you leave right now.
*Kurt scoffs as he shoves Hiro before he exits the door. Hiro gives a scoff in return as he grabs what he needs and pays for it; the cashier then directs Hiro to the back exit so he won't be attacked by Kurt and possibly his goons like Ram.*
Cashier: Seriously kid, I don't know how you handle those jerks. I probably wet myself if I made that comment to that big donkey like you did.
Hiro: Eh, guys like Kurt are idiots. He's butt-hurt cause I refused to take his SAT exam for him, sides I'm used to it.
Cashier: Why didn't you tell your brother? He's always stuck out his neck for you, so why haven't you told him this?
*Hiro sighs as he turns to face the cashier.*
Hiro: Tadashi's been really busy with an after school project and is rarely home. I don't want to bother him.
Cashier: *Sighs* OK then, well I'll see ya later. Tell Cass and Tadashi I said Hi!
Hiro: K.
*With that Hiro exits through the back and safely to the streets. He passes through the corner where the other jocks are waiting to ambush him. But they were confused on what's taking Hiro so long to come out. Once Hiro makes it safely to his street address he snickers quietly over the stupidity of those pea-brained jocks. He enters inside the Cafe where Cass is delivering juice to an group of elderly people.*
Cass: Hey Hiro, how was your trip out?
Hiro: It was fine, nothing much. I'm just gonna be heading upstairs K? I'll make sure Mochi's okay.
Cass: Alright Hiro!
*Hiro heads upstairs and starts getting to work on his controller, anticipating for the bot-fight tonight.*
*The day soon turns into early evening where Cora is back home, facing a dilemma, and her father is out looking for work while her grandmother is out doing whatever she's doing. She sprawled out two outfits on her bed for her to change into; one is a set of a black long-sleeved shirt with a black denim vest with cloth hood, along with dark cargo pants and boots and complete with a traditional Japanese cat mask, and second one is a sleeveless knee length red dress with black flats and a see-through black shawl. She paces back and forth as she thinks over what she should do. These two activities are both dangerous each in its own way. On one hand, she could battle off fighters that would be more aggressive since the rules of the tournament will not apply to the streets. But on the other hand, she will be facing older men who she has no idea who they are and may potentially be dangerous.*
Cora: What to do, what to do, what to do? *Sighs as she stressfully runs her hands through her her and over her face* Maybe I should get a glass of water.
*With that, Cora closes the door behind her as she heads down to grab a glass. She drinks the glass of water as she passes by the living room where she sees it...a small Butsudan dedicated to her mother... Cora sighs before she heads over to the small shrine. She kneels down in front of the bustudan and clasp her hands in a prayer, she takes a deep breath before she looks up.*
Cora: Hi Mama...how are you? I mean... I know you're dead, but I hope you're OK in...wherever you are now...
*Cora goes quiet for a few moments before she speaks again.*
Cora: Papa has been teaching me self-defense for a quite while now, and Grandmama says I'm becoming strong. Also, I've graduated...in a sense...I finished my high school course, I even got a diploma.
*Cora points to a diploma where it states that Cora graduated as a home-schooled girl. But Cora's forced smile fades as she looks back at the shrine and talks again.*
Cora: Mama...I'm really worried about Papa... Ever since he was fired he looks so defeated and lost and I can't bear to see him like this anymore... I want to help anyway I can...actually that's what's happening now... A lady from earlier told me that she's looking for a partner for a double date and that they'll pay me... she also told me about a bot fight that's happening at the same time but she says I have no chance... Mama what am I going to do? I don't know what these people will be like when I go against them, but I also don't want to go with these strangers for a date...what would Papa and Grandmama say...
*Cora turns her head to another section of the shrine and saw a picture of her mother when she was pregnant and her father, they were both smiling. That's when she gains a determined look on her face.*
Cora: You know what Mama? I'm not going to that double date. I'm going bot-fighting! If I ever do go out on a date, I want it to be with someone who I love and loves me back and is around my age, not be paid like a doll for a middle aged man whose desperate to buy dates from girls like me.
*Cora stands up but quickly kneels down again to end her prayer.*
Cora: Thank you Mama for listening. I'll be careful at that bot fight!
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*She then stands up and leaves, not noticing how the candle flame brighten with soft warmth on the main picture of her mother, a beautiful woman with golden-blond hair and sea blue eyes smiling gently. She enters her room as she looks at her outfit for bot fighting.*
Cora: Alright now! Lets get to work!
*Cora spends the next few hours working on her robot so that she'll be more suited for an intense bot fight rather than the fragile dancing robot she made as a child. She upgrades the controller with spare parts as she adjusts wires. Once she was done she grabs the outfit and starts dressing up. Now she appears more of a rouge modern ninja as she packs her robot, controller, and cat mask in her bag. She then writes a note to her family saying that she is using the money her grandmother gave her to see a movie and won't be back for a while. She knew that her father will still panic since she's going out by herself, but this is a risk she must take. She then makes a makeshift rope to climb out the port hole window, and due to her small height and size she can manage with ease. Once on the ground she starts sneaking through the streets as she heads her way to Good Luck Alley. A decision that will change her life forever.
*The evening begins to darken by the time Tadashi heads back to the Cafe where Cass is making some cappuccinos for her customers and smiles when he sees Hiro helping out by picking up the dirty dishes.*
Tadashi: Hey Aunt Cass, how's it going?
Cass: It's been pretty good so far, Hiro has been helping me out for a while now. He even fixed the espresso machine!
*Said espresso machine coughs a few times before it resumes to normal.*
Cass: Hopefully it'll last long enough to save up for a new one.
Tadashi: Alright Cass.
*Tadashi heads over to Hiro who is struggling with the massive load of dirty dishes, where he surprises Hiro by lending a hand to carry the dishes together.
Hiro: Tadashi! You're back early!
Tadashi: Nice to see you too knucklehead, and yeah I've managed to get some stuff done sooner than usual and decided to come home early for a day off.
Hiro: Cool!
*Hiro gives a somewhat strained smile, because while he's happy Tadashi is here right now, he was hoping he would be gone long enough to sneak out without raising suspicion.*
Tadashi: Something on your mind Nerd?
Hiro: * Smirks* Who are you calling a nerd, Nerd King?
Tadashi: *Chuckles* Alright, if you say so.
*After a while with the Cafe closed up and Cass finishing up dinner, Tadashi and Hiro talk over their day.*
Tadashi: So you went over to the mechanics store? How's Willie doing?
Hiro: Willie's fine, just getting some stuff for me to experiment with.
Tadashi: Hopefully not like the time you turned every utensil in the house into a rocket which caused a fork to land on my forehead.
Hiro: It was funny and you know it Dashi.
*Tadashi shakes his head as he chuckles, his little brother is definitely up to something for sure. After dinner, Tadashi and Hiro head up to their room where the older brother opens the screen door and flops down on his bed.*
Tadashi: Welp, today was exhausting, I'm just gonna lie down here and sleep like the dead.
Hiro: OK, sides I think I'm gonna crash down soon too.
Tadashi: Alright, night Hiro.
Hiro: Night Nerd.
*Hiro gets to his bed where he simply waited for the soft snoring of his brother. Once he knew that Tadashi is in deep sleep, Hiro quietly gets up and takes Megabot, his controller, and the wad of money to bet. Once he gets out of the house he dashes towards Good Luck Alley, excitement running through his system as he can't wait to win the jackpot tonight, equally unaware that his life will change forever.
*At the time of Hiro and his family are having their dinner, Cora had arrived at Good luck Alley. She spots from the distance the scantily clad lady with two older gentlemen, and the men looking more impatient as the time goes by. She pulls up her hood over her head and hides behind a trash can as the men are finally fed up and they walked with the lady together.*
Enjo: Can't believe this, that little piece of s*** ditched out on us.
Kosai: Eh, maybe it's for the best. I wanted a busty lady, not some flat chested brat.
*Cora held her breath as they walked down her path, waiting for the men and the lady to go away. But she did notice that the lady gave what looked like a small sigh of relief over the girl not showing up. Once she was sure they were gone Cora headed up and waited for the person running the bot-fight. She immediately slips on her cat mask and makes sure her hood is secure over her head and hiding her hair as she meets up the person in charge.*
Hime Na: What do you want kid?
*Cora's mind went to a state of internal panic. What was she going to say? How will the lady respond?! What if they turn her away?!*
Hime Na: Well? I'm waiting.
*Cora then remembers the time her father had scared off a group of rude teenagers when they were at the beach. His eyes burned along with his height that made them run in fear. Cora's eyes became determined as she simply pulls out some of the money and points to the bot fight ring, giving off her best imitation of her strong father.*
Hime Na: Alright, ya can go on in.
*Cora gives a nod in thanks before she seats herself to the opponent seat, which caught the woman off guard since she thought that the kid merely wanted to watch the fight and not be part of it. The first person to come was a late adolescent male with serious acne problems and a neck beard.*
Neck beard: Well lookie here, a little cosplayer.
*The crowd began to snicker as Cora remained silent.*
Neck Beard: Anyway, I'll go easy on you kid since this is your first time.
*He pulls out a robot that appears to have muscle and doing macho like poses. Needless to say that he was compensating for something very important. Cora pulls out her robot as she activates it with her controller, the robot goes from her egg mode to her robot form, still floating with electric green eyes.*
Neck Beard: Aww is the little kid gonna beat me with their little EVE dollie-
*That's when Cora launched her attack.*
*Hiro arrives at Good Luck Alley as he makes his way through the crowd to sign up for the bot fight. Once he signs up by using his innocent boy charm, he sets out on the opposite side of the alley where another ring is open.*
Spector #1: Hey, have ya heard? Some new kid beat the living crap out of Yabo.
Spector #2: Oh man... I never seen that loser bawl so hard, and that kid just keeps beating everyone every single time!
Spector #1: Yup, I heard that tonight, the two best bot fighters here will get into a special event where'll there'll be a ton of dough!
*Hiro is intrigued by this news. A new arrival that may be the perfect challenge for him? This is going to be fun. He immediately starts his usual bit where he'll appear as a first-time bot fighter and purposely lose, then go around and beat them. Once he finishes a number of rounds the person shows him the person he'll face next.*
Hime Na: Looks like it's gonna be you two next. This ought to be very interesting.
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*That's when he finally gets a good view of his new rival. A person around his age wearing a cat mask in modern ninja clothing using what looks like a slimmer version of EVE from WALL-E and mercilessly beat it's much larger opponent. Due to it's small stature and electro-magnetic suspension that causes the bot to float, it can easily dodge and land a swift hit that ultimately left the rival bot scrambled.*
Hime Na: Looks like we have our winner! Now then, Nekodome come here.
*The one called Neko stands up and walks over as they pick up their bot, not even uttering a word.*
Hime Na: Now that we have our two reigning champions...it's time for the Duo Dual!
*The crowd began to chant as both Hiro and the ninja-clad person become confused. They thought they were gonna fight each other, not partner up!*
Hime Na: Now that these two are placed in the duo dual, they will face more danger for the large cash prize! Can these kids beat the baddest of the bad? Lets find out!
*Hiro and the ninja-clad person look at each other before they reluctantly sit down next to each other. Neither of them spoke as they are face to face with two opponents. They brought out their own robots that appear to be much more tougher than the others. Hiro turns to the person as said person looks over their robot as it gently skims over the smooth metal.*
Hiro: So...you're new here?
*The person doesn't respond, but they nod slightly as they place their bot down. Hiro then places Megabot down beside the EVE robot as the lady begins to set the stage.*
Hime Na: Four bots enter, only two can escape...fight!
*Immediately the other two charge their robots as Megabot launches forward while the EVE robot flies up, dodging the attack. The robot pinned Megabot down while the other goes after Eve. Megabot separates to pull out its circuits but the robot simply threw it away. Megabot barely stays within the circle as it lands and stands up. Eve is facing a similar problem, as it is pulled to a magnetic armor the bot wore; Evie barely escapes as it slams its head to the enemy bot. Then by a complete and miraculous accident, Megabot is launched to Evie's bot as it knocks it down and leaves a rather large dent, leaving the magnetism useless. Hiro and the person look at each and realize how they can beat them and win the prize.*
Hiro: You thinking what I'm thinking?
*The person nods their head excitedly as they both charged their robots at the damaged enemy bot. Evie zings forward as it spins its head in a tizzy, once it falls down Megabot jumps up and knocks out its heads. The person controlling the magnetic bot throws their controller in frustration as the other gets tense over the fight. The large bot jumps up and tried to pin down Evie but Megabot stops the enemy bot and restrain its limbs, leaving Evie to strike the robot repeatedly until it was nothing more than scrap metal. The pieces of metal rain down on the two victorious bots as they returned to their cute mode when they ended their fight with a bow.*
Hime Na: And the winners of the duo dual...Hiro and Nekodomo!
*There was a mixture of cheering and disgruntled disappointment. The person went over to collect the money and the prize money, and just as the person is heading over to give the jar to Hiro... Sirens went off in the distance.*
Spector #2: Crap! The cops are here!
*The first spector grabbed a bottle of a beer and smashed it to the ground and yells out.*
Spector #1: SCATTER!
*Everyone else begins to run in different directions, desperate to avoid the cops. Hiro went to run towards a shortcut he knows when he sees the ninja-clad person stand still like a deer in headlights. They were still carrying the money in their arms as their knees shook in terror. Out of his better judgement he went back and grabbed their hand and they bolted out of there before an officer can spot them. Hiro drags the person far away from the police cars as the person could only stare at the young teen in what appears to be an awe. They were approaching a safe distance when the person tripped on a piece of loose concrete and falls on their face. Hiro picks them up and they continue to run, leaving behind a broken cat mask. Once they are in a safe place away from the cops, Hiro turns his attention to the person.*
Hiro: *wheeze* That...*Wheeze* was close...*Wheeze*...this really must be your first bot fight huh? I have to admit though, you are really...
*But Hiro's voice trails off as the person removes the hood from their head and he finally gets a good look at the person beside him. They was actually a she. And she was his age with large beautiful purple eyes and short blue hair that fluffed with elegance. And just her face is described as innocent and very cute. Cora also finally gets a good look at the boy beside her named Hiro. He was her age with large almond brown eyes, messy black hair and a tooth gap, and Cora couldn't help but think that he was very cute too. The two teens stare at each other as they felt something sparkle in their eyes..*
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Hiro: He-hey...
*Cora blushes as she looks down a little over the silent space between them. Hiro then clears his throat as he regains his state of mind.*
Hiro: A-as I was saying...You're a really good bot-fighter...
Cora: Thank you...
*They both stand up as they feel their hearts pounding heavily inside them.*
Hiro: So...Nekodomo is probably an alias right...
Cora: Yeah... but if you want to know... My name is Cora Mizichio.
Hiro: Cora...W-well my name is Hiro. Hiro Hamada that is.
*Hiro straightens his voice to be deeper to try and flirt with the cute girl, which causes Cora to giggle at his flirtation. Then Cora reaches out her hand to shake his.*
Cora: Thank you for being my partner in the bot fight...and for saving me back there.
Hiro: O-oh! It was no problem actually...
*Cora then looks at the prize money she stuffed in her bag.*
Cora: Oh right! So Hiro...do you want to split up the prize money?
*She begins to pull out the money, but in the distance Hiro sees a very familiar moped. Oh crap, Tadashi is coming!*
Hiro: Uhh... Actually, you keep it! I guess...hopefully I'll see you around again?
*Cora's face became a deep shade of red over his generosity. She expected that he would want half of the prize money, but this...this is the sweetest thing he has ever done for her, and they had only just met.*
Cora: T-thank you...I gotta go right now...but yeah, I'll see ya later... Hopefully we can team up at another bot fight again sometime?
Hiro: Y-yeah! T-that sounds great! See-see ya!
*Cora was about to run off with the money, but not before she unthinkably kisses Hiro on the cheek. Hiro blinks in shock as he watches the girl run off into the darkness as he slowly brings his hand up to his cheek with a stunned and lovestruck look on his face... At that moment, all he could think about was if this is how Prince Charming felt after Cinderella ran off from the ball when the clock stuck midnight. And that all that was missing from this moment was a glass slipper.*
Tadashi: Hiro! what are you doing out here?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!
*Hiro doesn't respond, as he's still staring off in the direction Cora ran off in with a derpy lovesick smile on his face.*
Tadashi: Hiro? Hey Hiro, are you alright?
Hiro: Hmmm...Oh hey Dashi... When did you get here?
Tadashi: *Giving Hiro a confused look, now starting to get concerned for his younger brother* I've been here for the last twenty seconds trying to figure out why your all the way out here this late at night, which by the way you still haven't answered me about yet. Are you okay though? You're acting kinda weird and you look a little flushed too. Are you starting to get sick?
Tadashi tries to place his hand on Hiro's forehead to feel his temperature, but Hiro snaps out of his newly developed lovesickness just in time to swats his hand away before he can get the chance.*
Hiro: Relax Nerd King. I'm not getting sick, I'm just...a little tired that's all... So what are we waiting for? We heading home or what?
*Tadashi just watches with concerned eyes as Hiro gets on the moped without another word and puts on his helmet. They both ride off to the Cafe in silence as Tadashi wonders what the heck happened to his brother at that bot fight?!*
*Cora climbed up the window as she quietly strips her ninja clothes and into her sleeping gown as she quietly puts the money into her father's savings. She blushes over the memory of the boy who gave her the prize money when he could have easily demanded it all. She sighs dreamily as she heads upstairs to finally sleep.*
Cora: Good night everyone...goodnight Hiro...wherever you are...
*Since then, Cora and Hiro have met up in the following four months after. They would meet up at night where they not only bot fight the other fighters, but chatted in private over their lives, interests and hobbies. Both are surprisingly similar and yet so different. Hiro talked about his life at the Cafe with his aunt and brother and their pet cat, his interest in robotics, anything that came to mind when usually he wanted nothing to do with conversations. Cora told him that she lived with her father and grandmother alone in a small house nearby his place, her love for marine biology, and how she was home-schooled her whole life. They both instantly connected when they learned that they are both genius prodigies, someone very intelligent like them. Even through their excitement and obvious feelings for each other, they never told the other in fear that they would consider it gross or reject them and thus ruin their newly formed, but already highly valued friendship. Young love at its finest.*
Kaguya: Cora, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you've seemed to be in a very good mood for a while now.
*Cora looks up from her daydreaming daze as she sees that she had not taken a bite out of her porridge.*
Kaguya: Not that it's a bad thing, it's like you have a new burst of energy that radiates inside your heart and making you glow with pure happiness.
Cora: *blushes with a small smile on her face* Well...thank you Grandmama.
*Kaguya did indeed see a big change in Cora. Her shy demeanor was slowly fading away as she became more confident over her voice, she began to sing more than usual, singing mostly love songs as she noticed, as she slightly dances with the broom while doing chores, and she has more energy in self-defense lessons with he father.*
*Across the kitchen, she hears her father talking on the phone, he was talking a manager of a job that her Dad applied for. His voice turns from soft and low to excited and booming.*
Mizuchi: Are you sure? No I will take it! Thank you very much!
*Mizuchi hangs the phone up as he lets out a joyful booming laugh.*
Mizuchi: Mother-in-law! My little Cora!
*Mizuchi runs to the kitchen where he picks up the two ladies and spins around happily.*
Cora: Did you get the job Papa?
Mizuchi: Yes!
Cora: I'm so happy for you!
*Cora hugs her father tightly as the grandmother gently pats his head in approval. He puts them down as he starts preparing for his big job coming soon. As her father prances around happily while her grandmother goes to make herself tea, Cora's heart suddenly drops as she realizes what this means...*
Cora: Oh no...what am I gonna tell Hiro?
*She only joined the bot fights so that she can support her father, and now that her father is no longer unemployed, she would have to stop going there. But that also meant she coudn't see Hiro anymore...*
Cora: I...I should tell him that this will be my last night...
*As of while, Hiro was also busy daydreaming over the blue-haired girl he had gotten close to, playing with the yolk of his eggs as leans his head to his hand.*
Tadashi: *Waving his hand over Hiro's face and than snapping his fingers trying to once again get his younger brother out of his daze* Hello? Earth to Hiro, earth to Hiro! Where are you?
*Hiro snaps out of his thoughts as he stops playing with his food. The funny side up egg glared at Hiro for destroying their friend's face.*
Tadashi: Seriously Hiro, you been acting really weird for the last few months. What's gotten into you Bro. Are you sure you're feeling alright?
Hiro: *Clears throat* Y-yeah, yeah! I'm fine Tadashi, totally fine! There's nothing to worry about at all!
*Hiro finishes his breakfast as he puts away the dirty dish. While Tadashi's eyebrows furrowed, Cass leans over and bumps his shoulder with her elbow with a wide and excited smile of her face.*
Cass: I don't know about you...but I think he's really got it bad!
Tadashi: It? What 'it?' And why does Hiro 'really got it bad'?
Cass: Oh Tadashi...don't you see? I think Hiro might be in love!
*Tadashi's eyes widened as he takes in this information his aunt told him as she hums merrily to continue working.*
Tadashi: Hiro's...in love?!...With who?!
Cass: Well obviously he's not gonna just tell us. You don't know this because you haven't found someone yet, but everyone always keeps their first love a secret, especially when it's young love! *Sighs* Our little Hiro is growing up so fast!
*After his aunt tells him this, Tadashi begins to think over Hiro's behavior ever since that night he found his brother in a daze. And the following months since then, Hiro has been much more helpful around the house and Cafe, been in a much more cheerful mood than he's usually in, constantly dazing out and daydreaming with a dopey lovesick look on his face, and if all that hadn't been odd enough, he has also been looking up information about the ocean lately with the newly developed focus on killer whales. So if what his aunt just told him did in fact ring true, along with the fact that Hiro wasn't gonna tell him about it since this was his first love and what-not, He than decided that when Hiro goes out to another bot fight, he will finally meet the young person his little brother has been seeing for the past four months.*
Tadashi: Alright Hiro, since your obviously not gonna tell me who your new little friend is, I'm just gonna have to follow you and find out myself.
*Later on, Tadashi waited for Hiro to sneak out of the house to follow him in the cover of night, determined to find out who this mysterious person that had stolen Hiro's heart.*
*Cora and Hiro are at the bot fight as a tag team where they are currently facing off a representative of Yama, a notorious Yakuza leader in San Fransokyo. They were head to head as both Cora's bot Evie and Megabot held hands as they spin fast enough to chop off the head off the bot. However the crowd didn't exactly cheer so loudly this time...The man playing against Hiro and a disguised Cora had made a bet using Yama's personal cash he made from his illegal businesses... And he just lost it to the two teens. Hiro happily accepts the money and stuffs it to his pocket.*
Hiro: Thank you very much, now lets see... who else want some?
*But then he notices Cora walking away after the bot fight, and she appeared downtrodden. Hiro stuffs the money in his pockets as he runs to catch up with Cora, all the while the loser was giving the stink eye to the two teens, and his buddies are standing behind him dangerously.*
Hiro: Hey Cora! You a...y-you heading out early? What? Did you're Dad figure out or...?
*Cora sighs as she removes the mask and hood and looks at the boy.*
Cora: Hiro...You do know that the reason I come to bot fights is to help my Dad out with money issues right?
Hiro: Yeah...?
Cora: Well, my Dad finally found a job...and since he's not so stressed out anymore and our money problems are settled out now... I can't go to the bot fights anymore...
Hiro: W-what?
*Hiro, though being a genius prodigy, is still a 13 year old boy. His thoughts were running through his head as he felt his heart begin to tremble. Cora felt her eyes grow warm as she looks at her feet.*
Hiro: Does this mean...I-I won't be able to see you anymore?
*Cora continues to stare at her feet as she does her best to hold back her tears. But before either can respond, they hear footsteps behind them, stopping as their shadows loomed over them.*
Dead Meat: Well lookie here...seems these little kids are having a little trouble...
*Hiro recognizes them as the people who lost the money that belonged to Yama, and they most likely want it back. He then turned his head to Cora who looks at the grown men with wary eyes.*
Dead Meat: Either way...I want that money back.
*The men grab Hiro and pin him to the wall where they begin to punch the boy. Cora rushes towards them and begins to try and pull the men off Hiro.*
Cora: Leave him alone!
Goon #1: Don't get involved girly.
*The man throws Cora to the ground where she injured her leg. She looks up to see the men now kicking Hiro where he fell to the ground and curled up in a ball trying to shield himself. Cora's eyes changed from fear to pure fury. She looks at the men with a low and dangerous voice.*
Cora: I said...Leave. Him. Alone!
*Tadashi finally manages to arrive at the location where the bot fight is taking place, as he stills to a halt he hears distant screaming coming from his right. His throat tightened as he fears the worst. He speeds up towards an alley, immediately getting off his moped and ready to use his karate skills to protect Hiro...What he saw was the opposite of what he expected. In front of him is a young 13 year old girl with blue hair punching the men in the face and delivers a hard kick to their groins. He then spots Hiro on the ground where he rushes to his brother's aid.*
Tadashi: Hiro! Are you alright?!
Hiro: *Groggily* I'm f-fine... just check on...C-cora...
*Tadashi raises an eyebrow before he realizes what's going on and ultimately, the identity of the person Hiro was gushing over.*
Tadashi: *Looks up at the girl who was beating the men to pulp* So..that's Cora...
*Cora finally flips them over as she breathes heavily over the bruised men.*
Cora: Now Get Lost!
*The men stand up and run with their tails behind their backs. Cora takes a few breathes before she turns around and sees a young man holding Hiro. She straightens her clothes and clasps her hands together as she recalls the pictures Hiro showed her on his phone that showed his family and the stories he told her about them.*
Cora: O-oh! Um...H-hello... My name is Cora Mizchio! I'm Hiro's Gir- uh...h-his friend! You must be Tadashi. Hiro's told me all about you.
*She gives a sheepish smile as Tadashi looks over the girl and his brother, deciding that they all need to figure out what the hell is going on.*
Tadashi: Uh, do...do you mind if we all head to the cafe?
Cora: Sure?
Tadashi: Also...we may need to call your parents...
Cora: *Suddenly looking very nervous*...Oh...
*The ringtone playing Sebonzakura loudly got Kaguya's attention as she answers.*
Kaguya: Moshi moshi...Who are you...Wait...What?! Alright. We'll be right over.
*Kaguya hangs up her phone as she heads to her Son-in-laws room and pulls off the covers.*
Kaguya: Get up stupid son-in-law! Cora is out there in the middle of the night!
*Mizuchi barely heard anything as his senses were not fully activated. He was ready to doze off when Kaguya then told him what he feared most and would most likely listen to.*
Kaguya: Cora is at a Boy's house in the middle of the night!
*That shot Mizuchi awake as he immediately runs out and gets dressed, yelling loudly on how and why is his innocent daughter doing at a boy's house in the middle of the night. Kaguya shakes her head as she mumbles to herself.*
Kaguya: ...That girl better explain herself...
*As of while Hiro, Tadashi, and Cora got inside the house where Tadashi takes them upstairs.*
Tadashi: Alright, I'm going to get some bandages for you guys, also Cora, you're grandmother and father are on their way now... Man what a night...
*Tadashi goes of to the bathroom to get the medical supplies, leaving Hiro and Cora alone...*
Cora: So... this is where you live huh?...it's cool...and the Cafe looks pretty..
Hiro: Thanks... I'll tell Aunt Cass what you said..
*After a few minutes of silence, a chubby white and calico cat walks over to the two injured teens*
Cora: *Gushing* Oh! Hey there little guy, aren't you a cutie! Is this your pet cat Hiro? The one from the pictures you showed me on your phone?
Hiro: Yep, that's Mochi alright.
Cora: Well the pictures clearly don't do him justice. He's even cuter and adorable in person!
*Mochi starts to sniff the young girl as she says this and purrs. He than jumps up and rests himself on her lap.*
Hiro: Wow, he must really like you.
Cora: *Petting Mochi* Really?
Hiro: Yeah, he usually never trusts anyone this quickly.
*However, While Mochi senses she is in fact a good person, he is more attracted to the fact that she smelled of the ocean, therefore fish and therefore food.*
*They both start petting Mochi for a moment more before Cora finally breaks the ice as she begins to laugh.*
Cora: Oh my god...I just realized something...
Hiro: What?
Cora: Hiro, just because I can't go to bot fights anymore doesn't mean I can't still see you again...
Hiro: Oh! Oh...
*The two teens begin to laugh, while unbeknownst to them Tadashi is listening to the conversation, along with Cass who woke up from the commotion, along with Cora's father and Grandmother who had just arrived and were at the moment observing the two teens from the top of the stairs. They all look at the two teens with still breaths.*
Hiro: Yeah...so much for us being teen geniuses am I right!
Cora: Yeah, after all we can see each other at other places like the movies.
Hiro: Yeah! There's also the arcade and maybe that aquarium you like so much!
Cora: Uh huh! After all, they would make some awesome dates-
*Cora stops talking as soon as she realizes what she said. Hiro looks at Cora with also wide eyes as he too blushes over Cora's words. The two teens remain silent for a while as the adults ponder what's going to happen next. Finally Cora speaks up.*
Cora: Hiro...I know this is going to be really crazy for you to hear...but when I'm with you I feel like I can do anything, like I'm not afraid of what's outside anymore... You helped me when I was scared or confused over the slightest things... What I mean to say..is...
*Cora clenches her eyes as she finally spits out her feelings.*
Cora: I really like you Hiro! As in Like you-like you...You know what, screw it! I love you Hiro!
*The adults held in their gasps as they watched the young girl who have been so quiet and demure confess her love to the boy with such a loud and unwavering voice. Silence rang for a few moments as Cora mentally prepares herself for rejection. She opens her eyes as she sees Hiro holding her hand in his, Cora blushes intensely as Hiro gathers his courage and rushes out his words.*
Hiro: I...really like you too Cora, I don't think you should really like me cause I'm a huge freaking nerd and I'm awkward and I don't really know what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right, I don't even know if I'm holding your hand right! Also you're very pretty and smart and sweet and in just these last few months we've known each other... I'm just plain crazy for you!
*Cora's face blossoms to a loving smile as she tightens her hand in Hiro's.*
Cora: But you being a nerd and awkward are two of the reasons why I like you, and to be honest I thought you wouldn't like me because compared to other girls I'm not exactly...developed is the best way I can put it...
Hiro: I... I actually don't mind that you're n-not developed. I-I mean you're still really pretty...and I don't really like girls who put way too much effort into being attractive anyway... I mean it kind of makes them look fake you know...?
Cora: Yeah...
*As they spoke they begin to lean closer, their hearts pounding as their eyes slowly close...*
Cass: Wooh! Go Hiro!
*The teens snap out of it as they realized they were watched by both of their familes.*
Hiro: W-what the heck guys! What ever happened to privacy?!
*Cass simply hugs the two together which in turn they let out cringes and soft ows. She lets go as she realizes that they have yet to be treated for their wounds.*
Cass: Oh! Sorry! Sorry! My bad! Didn't mean to hurt you two through hugging! Alrighty then! I'm...I'm gonna go make some tea! Does anyone else want tea? I'll make that tea!
*Cass leaves the room with an excited squeal while Tadashi heads over to Hiro and Cora with the bandages with a sly smile on his face.*
Tadashi: Nice job Hiro.
Hiro: *Awkwardly rubs the back of his head while blushing* Hehe...thanks...
Tadashi: Even if you did one up me by getting a girlfriend first.
*Tadashi jokingly said this as he ruffles Hiro's messy hair.*
Hiro: Dashi...
*Tadashi looks at Cora who shyly looks up at him as she swings her legs back and forth. He leans to Cora's ear as he whispers.*
Tadashi: *Whispers* Cora, whatever you did, thanks. I've never seen Hiro this happy.
Cora: *Giggles as she whispers back* Your welcome, and I'm glad he has an older brother like you to watch out for him.
*Both smiled at each other as Cora and Tadashi shook hands. Finally, Cora acknowledged her family.*
Cora: Papa! Grandmama! I know you two are here, so you can come out now!
*The sight of Mizuchi's Goliath-like stature kind of made Hiro lean towards Tadashi as the older brother keeps his cool over the massive man who is looking at Hiro with an intense stare...*
*Both boys are caught off guard as the small elder woman whacked the taller man with her cane.*
Kaguya: Stop trying to scare the poor boy Mizuchi! Cora and that boy Hiro are dating now! So you better not try to scare him or break him!
Mizuchi: But Mother-in-law! We don't know anything about hi-
Kaguya: Then take the time to get to know him better! *To Hiro* I am so sorry for my son-in-law. I assure you, he means well. But I'm afraid sometimes he can be a little too intimidating and protective of Cora for his own good. Now then, lets get a good look at you shall we.
*Kaguya than leans down to get a better look at Hiro. She looks deep into Hiro's eyes, which caused Hiro to feel a little unnerved with how intense the older woman's gaze was and wondering exactly why she felt the need to stare him in the eyes like this. When she finally stopped gazing into his eyes, something he was grateful for, She was smiling approvingly at him.*
Kaguya: Yes. Oh yes, you are a true keeper my dear boy, a true keeper indeed. Definitely perfect for our Cora, no doubt you'll treat her as the treasure she truly is.
Cora: *Looking down in embrrassment* Grandmama...
Mizuchi: But...Mother-in-law, are you sure that he's-
Kaguya: Mizuchi!... I know how you feel about all of this, but you and I both know that this was bound to happen eventually. And need I remind you, I myself was overprotective of Akemi when she first met you, but in the end I accepted the fact that you were both made for each other. Besides...it can't be helped. They obviously have true feelings for each other...they both need each other now Mizuchi...
*Both Kaguya and Mizuchi looked at each other intensely for the next few moments. Though it wasn't exactly a stare down as some people would think, it was more of a silent conversation. Hiro and Tadashi shared a glance with each other before both boys looked over to Cora hoping she could explain the situation, however Cora just shrugged looking just as confused as the boys before all three of them went back to watching the two intensely staring/silent communicating adults wondering how long this was gonna keep up. Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long as Mizuchi finally relents as he sighs heavily and runs his hand through hair.*
Mizuchi:...It really can't be helped can it... Alright Mother-in-law. I'm still not thrilled about all this...but I guess I don't really have a choice now do I?
Kaguya: You already know that answer as well as I do son-in-law.
*The three shared another confused glance with each other, still not fully understanding as to what was going on. But thankfully at that moment Aunt Cass returns to the living room with the tea cups as she finally sees Cora's family.*
Cass: Oh! You two must be Cora's Father and Granmother! Hi I'm Cass, I'm Hiro and Tadashi's aunt.
*Cora yawns loudly as she felt the sleepiness start to run to her head.*
Kaguya: I'm sorry Miss Cass, but it's pretty late now...
*Cora then speaks up.*
Cora: However that doesn't mean we can't meet up again.
*She turns to Hiro as she smiles*
Cora: Would you and your family like to come over to our house and stay over for dinner?
Kaguya: Would you like to stay over forever?
Mizuchi: Mother-in-law!
*Hiro covers his mouth to suppress his giggles before he clears his throat and faces Cora.*
Hiro: Dinner would be great.
*With that the families parted their separate ways, Cora giving a kiss on the cheek for Hiro as she gives him her phone number but not before she apologizes for what happened between her father and grandmother, still having no idea as to what that was all about. To which Hiro told her it was fine, a little weird he was willing to admit, but fine, much to her relief. As she flops into her bed, she felt like she could float on a sunbeam. She is officially in a romantic relationship with an amazing boy, someone she can relate to and talk to, someone who made her feel special. Hiro also flopped onto his bed, exhausted, but happier than he had ever been in years. He now has a girlfriend and had scored said girl's number, although Tadashi wouldn't stop teasing him about this. Like when are they gonna have their first kiss? When are they gonna get married? Could he be his best man at the wedding? He knew it embarrassed Hiro and made him freak out, which is why he did it. Hiro couldn't wait to show Cora the inventions he and Tadashi had invented over the years! Maybe he'd even share his secret stash of gummy bear with her.*
Tadashi: Hiro, get into your pj's, you can't be comfortable sleeping in your normal clothes.
*Tadashi is in his bed and ready to pass out. Hiro just groaned in response, his eyes already closed as he drifted off to sleep with the thought of Cora on his mind.*
A.N: Here is an updated one-shot of the story 'Fire and Ice Roses'. With the help of Wolfwithchuntress1314 and Thank you for following Big Hero 7 the Series and for being patient. Love you!
19 notes · View notes
Almost Fate P1
Forty Quinn x Reader
Warnings: Death of a textbook, I wrote a swear and drinking.
Notes: This was requested. Honestly, you can just skip to any of the ~ if you’re not interested in me dragging the story. I like Forty but I also get carried away.
You started your morning off poorly.
For one, your alarm clock had failed to go off. For what reason? You didn’t know. All you did know was that you were late for your class.
You grabbed your bag, stuffed some important-looking papers in and shoved your text book on top of it all. The zipper had become stuck but you continued your rush throughout your dorm-room anyway.
Your legs felt sore as you ran across the campus to reach your classroom. Luck was definitely not on your side as you found the door locked.
You knew this was a risk. Your professor locks the door after attendance because they’re an asshole.
No—no, no... it’s not their fault. This is your fault. You always made it to class by the skin of your teeth; it was about time you’d learn your lesson and, hopefully in the future, realize you have to wake up at a decent time.
With the end of the semester fast approaching and no other classes left in your day, you thought: “I should probably finish my homework.” Having something to hand in next class could help with today’s late incident.
But as you swung your bag over to peer inside, your textbook in-turn swings itself into the nearest and dirtiest puddle you could imagine.
You stand there for a moment as the water seeps into the pages of the textbook.
You just stand there. And stare.
Did that really just happen?
After a moment or so to recollect yourself and calm the fire burning beneath your skin, you grab the textbook like a bear catching some salmon. But, you know, with your very-much-human hands.
Despite it all, you remain calm on the outside. Your heart is racing as you shake the textbook, wanting to get as much water off of it as possible. It’s becoming tedious.
Lucky for you, you know how to remedy this particular situation, so you dump the textbook into the nearest trash bin.
You secure your bag on your shoulder, take a deep breath, and make your way back to your dormitory.
In the room, you find nothing has changed since you rushed out. Your duvet is nowhere in sight, you left scattered papers on the floor, and a pile of dirty shirts sits on the end of your bed.
Oh how you miss the days you lived with your mother.
Beep Beep.
Oh. You’re also pleasantly surprised to find your phone still on your nightstand. Without wasting any more time, you drop your bag and make your way to your phone.
The notification reads:
Meet us at Jerry’s!! @ 7 pm
Jerry’s? What the hell is Jerry’s? You prod your friend a little more, trying to get your hands on an address.
The greatest thing to happen thus far? An instant reply with a place to be. Thank god for that.
A party seems like the best place to get your mind off of things, but you feel hesitant and wonder if studying whatever papers you shoved into your bag seemed like a smarter choice...
Oh well! Seeing your girlfriends is more appealing anyway.
You’re lost.
After the taxi dropped you off at the wrong address, you had to search for it on foot yourself.
You walked around with your phone out, searching for this apartment building... but this street had none.
Did your friend really just give you the wrong address? How could you be so stupid as to not double-check?
Some stranger with a baseball cap decides to run by. They’re fast as they grab your purse along the way and you find yourself spinning before hitting the ground hard. Your phone slips out of your grasp and slides across the pavement.
“HEY!” You shout towards the already disappearing figure. And there goes your keys and wallet.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! This is fine.
You’re accepting that this just happened, despite how angry you fucking are at this very moment.
You stand up, brush the dirt off your skirt and make your way to your phone.
You regret picking it up because you’re now faced with broken glass and a barely readable screen.
Going home now is ridiculous, but there’s no way you’re rubbing fingers on this device to try and get to this stupid party.
There’s a glowing sign in your vicinity that catches your attention.
You step through the doors of the building with the glowing sign, which so happened to be a very clean looking bar, and made your way to the bartender with a mission.
You pat the wooden counter with your hand. “Do you have a landline I can use?”
“No, sorry.” He replies.
Damn it.
You check your pockets. Or, well... you don’t have pockets, but you do have a secret hiding spot.
Your hand slips into your bra and you find yourself with 2 dollars.
“What can I get with this?” You ask as you sit down at a stool. You’ve clearly never been in a bar before.
The bartender looks you up and down before reluctantly turning around.
“Come here often?” An unfamiliar voice slips into the scene.
You turn your head to the right and smile. “Only when I need to make a call.”
“You don’t have a phone?”
You drop the broken device onto the counter. “Not anymore.”
“I guess that eliminates asking for your number then.” He takes a sip of his drink.
You force a laugh and shake your head. “Funny.”
A glass of water is set in front of you. You can’t help but sigh. Pitiful.
The stranger signals something to the bartender, but you don’t pay it any attention. You’re already taking your glass of water to one of the booths, not forgetting the broken phone.
The stranger finishes his drink with a swig.
The booth is soft and you’re now the most comfortable you’ve been all day.
The water is room temperature, but who really cares anymore? Definitely not you.
“Heyy!” The stranger from before makes his way into your booth. He sets down two identical drinks. “Here’s a drink. Because I’m such a sweetheart, it’s on me.” He’s smiling innocently.
Has this guy ever heard of personal space?
You take a moment to look at him before saying what’s on your mind. “I appreciate the gesture, really. But I don’t even know you.”
“The name’s Forty!” He instantly replies. “Now you have to say your name, as goes a normal greeting.”
“Oh, is that how it works?” You’re being sarcastic now, bordering on playful with your smile.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s how it works. I have talked to a lot of people before.” And so is he.
“My name is Y/N.” You look down at the drink in front of you and then back into his eyes.
“I didn’t put anything in it, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He states. “Ask the bartender if you still doubt this pretty face.” Now he’s exaggerating a frown.
You have to admit, he’s got an interesting aura to him and you can’t help but drag your drink closer to yourself.
Forty smiles happily and rests his cheek on his fist.
“So, Y/N. What brings you to this particular bar on this particular night?” He asks.
“Well, Forty. You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had.” For this, you’re gonna need a couple more drinks.
Time is going by quickly, but you’re too dissociated with the world around you to notice. Realistically, it was probably only 11 pm at night, but you wouldn’t know.
Forty was fun to talk to. You two chatted it up with some drinks, talking about your day and eventually talking about Forty’s day.
“I started off my morning like any other... rolling off my bed and probably bitching about it.” You couldn’t help but subtly laugh. Forty was the type to appreciate it, though. He made these remarks purposefully. “Then I got myself some—“
“Green juice? That stuff you mentioned liking earlier?” You continue for him.
“Yes, exactly. Wow, we’re already thinking alike.” He gazes at you for a moment before continuing. “Green juice. Yeah, I get myself some green juice to start off. Breakfast was kind of lame, I think I had something with spinach in it.”
You take a sip of your drink as you lazily watch him.
“Then I made my way to the whole foods store as it opened for the day. Without me, the place would totally fall apart.” He’s sounding very confident about his position there. “My sister works there too. She’s like an aspiring chef.”
“That’s cool.” Your head is becoming heavier and heavier as he speaks.
“Then I called my dad, hoping he’d pick up. Took me about 7 tries but he eventually did.” That confidence he had is starting to slip. “Didn’t like the proposal I had for my next project.”
You can tell he’s feeling hurt, but you can barely hold your head up. “It’s gonna be.. okay.” You eventually manage to mumble out.
Forty is watching you intently. He seems perfectly fine, no swaying of the head or sleepiness in his eyes. The only indicator that he’s been drinking is his slightly slurred speech.
Oh! What’s that? That’s a weird feeling. Forty has his hand on your knee, but you only really felt it when it started to slide itself up.
“Y/N.” He’s eyeing you now. “Do you believe in fate?”
You don’t reply. Well, more like you can’t reply. You’ve had one too many drinks and your mouth feels numb.
“I think...” He scoots closer. “I think it’s fate that lead us here.”
“I... don’t know.” You finally reply to his question.
“You don’t have any money, am I right? I mean, you said it yourself, that guy with the baseball cap took your purse.”
You’re being silent again.
Forty takes out folded up money and slides some onto the table. “It’s yours.” He states.
This feels wrong... but you really do need the money, now that your wallet was stolen. Getting yourself a new textbook and phone flips through your mind and taking the money doesn’t feel all that bad anymore. You reach out to pick it up. Before you can, he slides it back to himself.
“Ah, ah. But I want something in return.” He’s got a playful look in his eye and a shit eating grin. You’re feeling uneasy again.
“Kiss me.”
Is that it? You’ve kissed before, it’s hardly your first one... but intimacy means something to you. What does it mean for him?
You force your head up and straighten your back. Your vision blurs for a moment, but that’s hardly important right now. “Okay.”
Forty is still grinning and waiting. None of you pull a move and he can’t help but wander his eyes across you. “Are you going to do it?”
Oh, he expected you to engage? Okay... you can do this.
You lean forward slowly, trying not to stir your brain any more than you already have. He’s very still, only his eyes are moving along with you. One of your hands balances itself onto the table while the other hangs onto the booth’s seat. You’re leaning forward, getting closer.
Forty seems amused by your drunken state and naturally begins to lean in as well.
Your lips softly touch, but not much other happens.
You pull away from him and he happily boops your nose with his finger. “You’re a cute one.”
If your face wasn’t already flushed, it definitely is now.
“Do you need a ride home?” He suddenly asks innocently. “This place closes soon. I have a driver who could bring you home.”
You smile along with him. “That would be nice... Th-Thank you.”
Forty brushes a loose strand of hair out of your face before leaning in and giving you another peck on the lips. You didn’t pull away, so he continued.
You couldn’t quite tell how you felt over the situation, but you let it happen anyway. All you really felt was tired.
He suddenly gets a text message, halting his kisses and checks his phone. “Rides here. Raincheck?”
He wanted to see you again? Oddly enough, despite only meeting him that night, you were flattered and looking forward to it. “That sounds like a plan.”
You both get up and get ready to leave. You were kind enough to bring your empty glasses to the bartender, but Forty had to help you the entire way. Gravity seemed to be working extra hard tonight.
Forty helped you outside as you stumbled around like a child learning to walk. He imitated your awful drunken stance, but you took it lightly.
You both laughed at yourselves on your way to the car.
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pookapics · 5 years
Sugar, Butter and Flour - A CEO!Steve Rogers x Baker!Reader (Christmas Series) Chapter 1 ~ Opening up!
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Summary: Steve Rogers is a Grinch, he pushes through the Christmas holidays with a smile for his young daughter, Sarah. The widower doesn’t enjoy the holidays and would rather focus on his work at the ‘Avengers Law Firm’ but with an upcoming ‘Christmas Wrap Party’ at the firm, his path becomes entwined with (YN) (LN), the owner of a small bakery who’s catering for the event and has managed to steal the heart of Steve’s young daughter. Will he fall for the young baker? Or will his bitterness toward the Christmas holidays and his grief keep him from finding happiness again during the ‘happiest time of the year’?
Warnings - Nothing! This is just fluff~ Reader and Steve do not meet in this chapter though!
Word count - 6,038
Masterlist - https://protectthelesbians.tumblr.com/post/189337379588/are-you-wanting-a-heart-warming-fan-fiction-just
Opening up the shop in the mornings was the most stressful but rewarding part of your day. The hustle and bustle of the city contrasted the almost serene and homely atmosphere of the bakery. Smells of freshly baked buttery croissants wafted out of the door, leaving a scent trail for the hungry passerby to follow. Flour dusted in your hair and hands, which you quickly dusted off onto your apron before waving to fellow shop-owners across the street, to Mrs Crazinski, who owned the flower shop or Mr McCloud, who owned the traditional-styled butcher shop. The shops in this corner of the city were like a little community, hiding amongst the busy streets of New York in plain sight.
Picking up a piece of chalk, you started to write up the special ‘Sweet Treat Of the Day’ upon the chalkboard, the treat of the day was never the same, always coming up with something new and tasty for your customers to try. Sometimes you spent hours the night before testing and trying out new ingredients which would make people’s mouths water at just the name alone. Just as you were writing up the special, your tongue poking out of the side as you focused on the chalkboard, trying to write it perfectly when suddenly the door crashed open which made you drop the chalk piece to the floor with a squeak.
“MORNING!?” A flurry of auburn hair ran in, a yellow scarf wrapped tightly around their neck, it was your best friend Dot or Dottie as you called her sometimes, she was a highly rambunctious woman and your partner in crime. She helped you out on the ‘business’ side of your business, your focus was mostly on the treats themselves and baking “Morning Dot, nearly scared me half to death.” You teased and picked up the chalk piece you dropped and resumed writing up the new ‘Sweet Treat Of the Day’ which you wrote in soft cursive.
Dot scoffed and put her bag down and pulled off her scarf “So, what the special today (YN)?” She leant against the counter and watched as you put the chalkboard up in its rightful place, facing the door “Today’s special is cinnamon spiced apple pie bites.” Dot let out a face of pure delight “Oh my god those sound heavenly! I don’t know how you do it, (YN).” You giggled in response “I just bake with the heart, when I get the idea I run with it. Want one to take with you?” You knew the answer already and approached the dessert cabinet which held your freshly-made treats. Dot nodded happily as she watched you gently take one out of the cabinet and wrap it in festive paper, starting to ring her up on the till.
“Already in the festive mood I see?” She looked around the bakery which had tinsel and decorations littered around the place, Christmas lights strung up above over the sit-in area of the bakery as well. Flushing gently, you nodded “I like to get in the festive season, it makes people more cheerful.” Pushing the buttons on the cash register “And I like to make people feel happy when they’re in here, a break from all the stress out there.” Pointing where the sound of car horns was coming from and the general sound of traffic.
Smiling, Dot got out her purse “I think you always succeed at that, you could even make the grinchiest person smile I bet! So! How much do I owe ya?” Unzipping her purse, ready to pay. With a gentle ring, the total came up “That’ll be $3.50.” watching as your friend pulled out a five “Keep the change” Dot winked which made you laugh “Well! Aren’t you being rather generous?” cashing the 5 dollar note into the register, Dot snorting “What can I say? The holiday’s makes me feel generous!” The two of you laughing as you handed over the wrapped up treat in a small paper-bag. You turned your head suddenly when you heard your phone going off and then hearing the oven timer go off “Dot, be a pal and see who’s messaging me, I’m not letting these loaves burn!” You always put your phone to the side near the office, the kitchen and ovens needed your attention more than your phone did.
Scuttling back into the kitchen, grabbing your oven mitts and opened up the large oven and took out the trays on trays of beautifully risen bread loaves, each dusted golden on-top. As you took out the last tray, you could hear Dot squealing happily, which made you call out “Dot? You alright?” Leaving the bread to cool for a moment, going to check on your friend and go see what was going on. Poking your head round front, seeing your friend clutching your phone in her hands with an awestruck expression upon her face “Uhm Dot?” looking at her as she turned her head to look at you
“The Avengers Law Firm want you to cater for their Christmas party…”
You coughed on your own spit, shocked beyond belief.
‘THE Avengers Law Firm’ wants you to cater for them! YOU!?
“W-What?! No! You’re not being serious!” The law firm was notoriously wealthy, the clients were high-end officials, hell even politicians used the firm for their needs. You’d never catered for this big of a client, this was a big opportunity for the bakery and you couldn’t give up this big of a deal. Dot was as shocked as you were “You have to respond!” shoving the phone into your hands which were still covered in oven-mitts, you quickly shed the oven-mitts “How did they find out about the bakery!?”
You were shocked, how would a big law firm like the Avengers find out about your bakery? You stared at the email which was sent by a representative from the company, your eyes scanned through the email, picking out the important parts.
‘Dear Miss (LN),
I am a representative from the ‘Avengers Law Firm’ and hoping to start correspondences with you concerning an offer for your bakery ‘Fairy-Cakes Bakery’ to work with our law firm for a catering job for our annual Christmas party. This is the biggest event for our company and we wish to share the opportunity with your business. If you wish to further communications and start working with us on the event, email back and we can organise a meeting with a representative who can agree to the terms. Thank you and hope to receive a response shortly.’
Maria Hill
(Representative for ‘Avengers Law’)
You looked up from your phone “I-I don’t know how to email back?! What if I sound like an idiot!” Looking at Dot, who took the phone “Hey Hey! Calm down, I deal with business emails all the time, I can sort this out! You focus on opening up the shop! We can do this!” Dot reassured you, you nodded and flipped the sign around to say ‘Open’. You let out a deep breath “Okay… I can do this! We can do this! I’m taking this offer!” Dot cheered as she typed out an email as you turned the ‘CLOSED’ sign around to say ‘OPEN!’.
This morning was definitely one of the most eventful opening mornings for the bakery yet.
Steve’s POV
I was up making myself some coffee, dressed in my shirt and trousers, my tie not tied yet. Still in the process of waking up and getting adjusted and enjoying the morning-time for a little bit before the rush of work began. Sipping my black coffee, I relaxed at the kitchen-counter and enjoyed the peace and quiet for a moment
“DADDY!” A loud squeal could be heard from upstairs, peace never lasts when you have a tiny child tornado in your house. I turned to watch the stairs as the sound of little feet padded against the floorboards upstairs, a little figure appearing at the top of the stairs. The little girl with golden curls, matching my hair perfectly, said hair covering her eyes a little so she used her forearm to push the hair away from her face, letting out a large cheesy grin. That cheesy grin made me smile “Morning Sunshine, careful going down the stairs remember!”
His little girl.
His Sunshine.
His Sarah.
Sarah held onto the banister and headed down the stairs carefully, watching her feet as not to tumble down the stairs, she hopped onto the landing when she reached the final step, she rushed over to where I was sitting at the kitchen-counter. Sarah climbed up onto my lap, she was dressed in her ‘Winnie the Pooh’ onesie as it was starting to get cold outside and I didn’t want her getting too cold in the night. I brushed my hand through Sarah’s hair and smoothed it back away from her face “How did you sleep sweetheart?” Wrapping my arm around my daughter’s waist gently, holding her safely on my lap as she looked up at me “I slept good, Daddy!” giggling and stared up at me, she had her mother’s hazel brown eyes.
Humming softly, I held Sarah close “You’re getting to spend the day with Uncle Bucky today! You excited?” I began to softly tickle her sides as she squealed “I love Uncle Bucky!” It was the weekend and of course I was still working on a case so I asked Buck to babysit her today, not that Bucky minded. He loved his niece to death honestly and would do anything for her.
Holding Sarah on my hip, I decided that breakfast needed to be sorted out “What do you want for breakfast, Sunshine?” he asked and watched as Sarah tried to decide “Strawberry Jelly on toast!” She pointed to the loaf of bread “I can definitely get that ready for you, Sunshine. Want some fruit as well?” Placing Sarah down as I went to get started on her breakfast, she nodded and waddle around and went to watch some morning cartoons as she waited for her breakfast patiently, plopping down in front of the TV.
Putting the bread in the toaster, I finished off my coffee and watched over Sarah as she watched ‘Sofia the First’ on the TV. I began cutting up a banana for Sarah’s breakfast on a chopping board, plating everything up as I waited for the toaster to pop up, sighing.
Sarah was 5 already, in Kindergarten and growing up so fast. Too fast for my liking. I didn’t want my little girl growing up so fast. It felt like only a few moments ago, I was holding her for the first time, her head dusted with soft golden hair, no doubt I was her dad. The toaster pinged as the bread popped up, grabbing it quickly, I spread the strawberry jelly on for her “Alright Sunshine! eat your breakfast at the table!” Seeing her scuttle to the kitchen table, meaning I wouldn’t have to watch ‘Paw Patrol’ for the 8th time in a row. Placing the plate of food down in front of Sarah “want juice!” Sarah squealed and looked up at me from her seat “What’s the magic word?” Quirking my brow and watching as my daughter giggled “Pwease!” I nodded and ruffled her hair, getting her some orange juice.
“Good Morning!” Bucky burst in, his leather jacket in the crook of his elbow, wearing one of his burgundy Henley shirts, his hair swept back into a bun to keep it off his face, he grinned as he heard the squeals of little Sarah “UNCLE BUCKY!!!” obviously excited to see her uncle again, strawberry jelly on her cheeks from her toast. Chuckling, I embraced Bucky “Ready to spend the day out with Sarah?” Bucky hugged his best friend for a moment “Of course! Me and Sarah are going to have the best time together today! Just the two of us!” Bucky grinned and rested his back against the fridge as I checked my phone, it was from Maria saying that the caterer agreed to a meeting.
But we only had one person who could go out of the business today to go meet with said caterer, we always preferred to have a pair meeting with collaborators. And since this was a bakery, we needed someone to test the confectionery before we signed anything for certain. That’s when the idea hit.
“Hey Buck, could you possibly do me a favour when you’re out with Sarah?” Asking Bucky, knowing that as soon as I mention who would be joining the two, he would not be happy “A favour? Want me to do a grocery shop too?” Acting sassy and quirking his brow, making Sarah giggle into her toast. Rolling my eyes, I continued “We’re hiring a bakery to cater for our Christmas Party but we need someone to test out their goods before we sign anythin-” Bucky interrupted “I’m sold! You know I have a sweet tooth Bud, and so does Sarah. We’re perfect for the job aren’t we?” Sarah squealed and nodded “Yep yep!” finishing her toast.
“But you’ll have to go with someone who’ll sort out the business part so… I’m asking Sam to join the two of you.” I saw Bucky’s face drop, him and Sam had a rivalry of sorts, like siblings which keep trying to outwit each other, I always had to break apart any scuffles they had with each other, flashbacks to thanksgiving dinner last year made me shiver.
Bucky looked betrayed at Sarah’s exclamations “But don’t you want a day with your favourite uncle?” He pouted towards Sarah, watching as she pondered up what to say back “No! I want to spend the day with my favourite uncles!” Bucky knew he couldn’t fight Sarah on this, not when he knew that if he said no, she’d pull out what he called the inherited ‘Steve Rogers Puppy Dog Eyes’. Anyone and everyone lost to those eyes.
“Fine… Bird-brain can come with.” Bucky was not impressed but Sarah wanted him there and Steve needed this for work. I smiled at him and nodded “Thanks Buck.” texting Sam that the plan was a-go and to get to his apartment as soon as possible. Watching as Bucky wiped Sarah’s face clean with a napkin since she had jelly all over her face “Well sunshine, you should go get dressed since Uncle Sam’s on his way!” Sarah nodded and scurried off to go get changed, she was quite independent for a kindergartner and liked getting dressed herself, together they usually laid an outfit out for her the day before just to make it easier for her in the mornings
“She’s grown up so fast…” Bucky sighed and watched as Sarah climbed up the stairs on her own “I remember her first taking her steps, it was on your birthday.” looking over to me, I remembered that day, I cried when she took her first steps “She’s still my baby, she always will be…” sighing as I heard Sarah giggling upstairs to herself. Hearing the front door open, I turned my head to see Sam walking in “Morning Steve! Sarah getting ready?” He wiped his shoes off on the doormat “Yeah she’ll be down in a sec.” Still sat at the kitchen-counter as I watched Bucky and Sam catch eyes, it felt like a stand-off.
Like cat versus dog.
Sam cleared his throat “Bucky.” Bucky frowned and glared at Sam “Samuel…” I just rolled my eyes “Can you two behave for Sarah’s sake?!” I honestly sounded exasperated, annoyed by the two of them. They both glared at me for a moment before they sighed, crossing their arms “Fine. We’ll behave!” still glaring at each other slightly but their eyes softened when Sarah came waddling in, wearing a cute pink polar bear jumper with a dungaree dress “Uncle Bucky! Can you help me with my hair!!” Holding pink hair ties, brush and a bow in her hands, needing help with her messy blonde hair. Bucky was immediately by Sarah’s side and had her on his lap, brushing out her hair and pulling her hair gently into two ponytails, sliding the bow into her hair as well “There! Now let's get your jacket and shoes!” Sam grinned and grabbed Sarah’s jacket and shoes for her “Hey Sarah-bean! Come get your jacket and shoes!” He called out, watching as Sarah rushed to cuddle Sam’s legs, happy to see him.
I watched my two best friends help Sarah with her coat and shoes, I grabbed Sarah’s backpack for her, it was a paw patrol backpack and was her favourite “Here you go Sunshine, you have fun with your uncles alright?” smiling and holding my arms out for a hug, Sarah launched herself into my arms “I will Daddy! Have fun at work!” She hugged me happily, I kissed her forehead gently as I watched her pull away and walk off with Sam and Bucky. Waving them off at the door, I turned to check the clock, I needed to be in work by for an hours time for a meeting with a client.
That was definitely enough time to make myself another coffee.
It had been a few hours since I had Dot write up that email response for me, Maria had gotten back to me and said that the representative would be out to the bakery in the next couple of hours to discuss the catering job and to test some of the bakery’s treats. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about a company official coming into your small bakery, you were scared they’d rip into you. You kept serving up to your customers, chatting with your regulars who came in a lot when they were in the area, packaging up their orders. Christmas music softly playing in the shop, getting everyone into the Christmas spirit slowly “Here you go Barry! I hope your wife enjoys the cheesecake!” Handing the bag of treats over to Barry, who nodded “Its wouldn’t be a date night without one of your cheesecakes, (YN)!” He put a tip in the jar and took the bag, walking out of the shop happily. Waving him off, you put the cash in the register and heard the timer go off, that would be the shortbread.
Heading back into the kitchen, sliding on your mitts, you started to pull out the trays of baked shortbread cookies, the buttery smell wafting into your nose delightfully. The bell which notified when a customer entered went off, you turned your head “I’ll be there in just a moment!” you called out and put the cookies on a rack to cool off, quickly dusting caster sugar on-top of them before leaving them to cool. Walking up to the front, you took off the oven mitts and stuffed them into the string of your apron, you could hear 3 different voices. You entered the front of shop and now could match 2 of the 3 different voices to faces. There were two tall men, they had a sense of tension between them which was palpable, you held back a giggle but then heard a soft voice from just below the counter speak out “Uncle Sam! Uncle Buck! Look at all the caaaake!” Peeking your head over the counter, you came face to face with a big pair of hazel brown eyes and golden hair “Hello there!” you spoke softly, the little girl giggled “Do you make all of these cakes?” Smiling, you nodded “I do! I make everything fresh everyday!” your words made the little girl’s eyes widen “Really?!” You couldn’t help but smile at this little girl, she was just a bundle of sunshine.
Glancing up to the two guys “What can I do for you gentlemen?” Asking them, resting my elbow against the counter, watching as one of them stepped forward “Hello I’m Sam Wilson, I’m partly here on business, I’m a representative for ‘Avengers Law’.” You gulped and looked at him “I-I see.” you tried not to stutter but failed, Sam chuckled “But as you can see, I’m also here with my niece, she’s our taste-tester.” The little girl giggled at that, the other guy who was with them picked her up and held her on his hip with ease “I’m the other uncle, Uncle Bucky as you probably heard.” he shrugged his shoulders.
You nodded and slightly relaxed, realising there wasn’t a heavy pressure being placed on you right now “Shall we start with the taste test?” you quirked a brow which made the little girl nod fervently, excited to try some sweet treats “Now what’s your name, little taste-tester?” Asking the little girl, who looked at you happily “Sarah! What’s your name?” smiling you responded “Nice to meet you, Sarah! I’m (YN)! Would you like to pick some things for you and your uncles to taste test?” Little Sarah nodded quickly and wriggled out of Bucky’s arms so she could walk over to the dessert case, her little chubby hands on the glass as she stared at the pure variety of sweet treats, never seeing this many desserts in one place before.
Bucky laughed and watched his niece stare at the sweet treats in wonder “This place is like Willy Wonka’s factory!” he noted which made you and Sam snort “I get that comment a lot!” Glancing to Sarah, who was still trying to decide on what to test “So how long have you guys been open?” Sam asked and walked up to the counter “We’ve been open for a whole year actually! I’m happy that my little business is thriving!” giggling softly and dusting off your apron. Sam and Bucky nodded and smiled, Sarah called out “I’VE DECIDED!” She called out and was pointing at the cabinet, you walked over “Let's get your order ready then! What do you like the look of?” Doting on Sarah, picking up your kitchen tongs and taking out the cakes and desserts which Sarah chose and plated them up, putting them on the counter “Shall I bring these to a table?” Sam and Bucky agreed and herded Sarah over to a table, sitting down, the Christmas lights hung from above gave certain spots on the floor and table a soft red and green glow. You carried the plates over to the table and placed them down, giving each of them a fork and spoon to use.
Sarah had chosen 3 desserts.
Her first choice was a British classic, a slice of Victoria Sponge cake, the sponge itself was soft and moist with the top dusted in powdered sugar for decoration. The jam or jelly in the middle was a simple strawberry jam sandwiched together with a smooth buttercream, the two layers of the cake gently sandwiched together but not hard enough for the cream and jam to spill down the sides of the bottom layer. You hoped to introduce a British classic to your customers and possibly introduce a new favourite cake into their lives.
Her second choice was a donut, one of your late-night creations that you came up with. The donut itself was the perfect thickness, not too thin and not too thick. The flavouring was the special part of the donut, it was caramel apple flavoured. Inside the donut, there was an almost apple-pie filling inside with a caramel sweetness peeking through which would sate any sweet-tooth’s cravings.
The last choice Sarah made was a cookie, this was a limited edition Christmas cookie, it was created when you remembered the sweets and candy you ate growing up. The soft and still warm cookie was flavoured and inspired by ‘Terry’s Chocolate Orange’, you remember opening one of those around this time of year, sometimes getting them in your stocking. The chocolate bits in the cookie were melty, oozing when you broke the cookie apart, the chocolate infused with an orange zest and flavour. You hoped this would feel nostalgic to some people and make people smile.
You sat back and watched them take bits of your desserts, awaiting a reaction from them, most of your customers left with their desserts so you never got to see their reaction to trying out your creations so you were excited to see Sarah, Bucky and Sam’s reactions. Sarah’s little face lit up, she was digging into the Victoria sponge cake happily with her fork clutched in her tiny hand, crumbs all over her cheeks. Bucky on the other hand, had his hand on the donut and the filling was covering his lips and dripping a little bit into his facial hair which made you snort a little. Sam was trying out the cookie and was in awe when he broke apart the cookie and saw the gooey chocolate dribbling from the cracks when you pulled it apart. You bit your nails, watching them with a smile on your face, swaying to the soft sound of Christmas music playing.
“You like em?” asking the three of them who nodded, swapping around the desserts so they’d all get a taste of each of the chosen desserts, you giggled “I’m glad!” Bucky turned his head “They’re just… wow!” He wiped the filling from his facial hair with his finger and licked it off. Sam nodded “For once in my life, I agree with Bucky!” Bucky glared at Sam’s comment, who just smirked at him in response. Sarah had her mouth full of cake, cheeks covered in crumbs, legs swinging back and forth on the chair. Sarah finished her mouthful “They’re scrumptious!” You snorted a little, so did the boys, not expecting that word to come out of her mouth “Well I’m glad I get your seal of approval!” using your apron to gently wipe the crumbs off of her flushed chubby cheeks, she squealed “that tickles!” You finished wiping her face clean of cake crumbs “There.”
You turned to Sam “Has the taste test changed whether or not you want to work with me?” You were much more relaxed so joked around with them, Sam laughed “It definitely solidified us wanting to hire you for the catering job! Those were delicious!” He reached into his satchel “I suppose the fun stuff has to end for a little, boring business stuff now.” You nodded and glanced to Sarah “I have a small reading nook over there, I’m talking business with your Uncle Sam now.” Sarah nodded happily and dragged Bucky with her to go read, he was happy to be escaping the business stuff.
Sam brought out the paperwork to go over, you remembered what Dot had told you and knew what to look out for in a contract, Dot had a business degree so you trusted her advice. Flicking through the paperwork, eyes flickering across the page and taking in all the legalities of the job and the pay you would be receiving for said job. You’d only catered for weddings so you weren’t used to the extensive contract which was placed in your lap but you got through it and agreed to any terms and asked about anything that raised concern. And with a simple signature, you’d made the deal with ‘Avengers Law’, officially catering for their event. You even shook hands with Sam, officiating the deal.
Sam called over Bucky and Sarah “Business talk is over! You guys still up for seeing Frozen 2?” Asking Sarah, who’d been pestering Steve about wanting to go see it but suddenly she pouted “B-But I wanna stay here with (YN)!” She whined, the boys didn’t know what to do but you stepped in “Hey kiddo, going to the movies sounds fun! I wish I could go see Frozen 2 but I have to work! And hey, if you ask your daddy or your uncles, you’re welcome to come back here sometime and bake with me?” You suggested, kneeling on the ground and getting down onto her level, not towering over her. She gasped “Really?!” excited at that idea, you nodded and smiled “But only if you’re good and go have fun with your uncles!” She nodded and rushed over to stand with Sam. Bucky helped you to your feet “You’re really good with kids.” he noted, you smiled “I get a lot of customers with children, I learnt a few things.”
Bucky smiled slightly “Can we take something to go?  I think Sarah’s dad definitely needs to try one of these treats.” You smiled “Of course! What kind of flavours does he like? He got a sweet-tooth?” Bucky shook his head “He prefers savoury or deeper things like dark chocolate I suppose.” he tried to explain, but even with just a tiny description, you had a few things picked out already “I have a few things in mind.” walking back to the dessert cabinet, you picked out a few things “Here’s a bourbon and maple syrup donut, a personal favourite of my adult customers.” Bucky nodded as you wrapped it up in the festive wrapping paper, humming Christmas songs to yourself faintly “Do you think Sarah would like something for later? An after-dinner treat for being a good girl?” Sarah’s ears perked up at that “Can I Uncle Buck? Uncle Sam?” Looking between them for reassurance, they both nodded “Pick something, kiddo.” She rushed back up to the cabinet and pointed to the gingerbread men “One of those, please!” showcasing her manners and politeness “Thank you for being so polite, Sarah! I’ll get that right for you Little Miss!” Using your tongs to take one gingerbread man out and wrapped it up in the festive paper which made Sarah smile “The paper has candy-canes on it!” she squealed and peered up at the counter from where she stood “Indeed! Its coming up to Christmas after all!” smiling widely at the little girl who then spoke “How did you know I’ve been a good girl today?” tilting her head. You smiled faintly and knew exactly what to say “Well. A jolly man in a red suit told me you’d been a very good girl and only good girls get dessert after all!” Seeing her little face light up at that  “Santa told you I’d been good!?” she squealed and bounced up and down “Yes he did! Continue being a good girl for your uncles okay?” You winked, she nodded happily as you handed over the wrapped gingerbread man to her, giving Bucky the wrapped donut. Bucky reached for his wallet “How much do I owe you?” he opened it and prepared to pay when you held your hand up “Its on the house! Please just make sure you guys enjoy your day and the rest of the holidays.” smiling, watching as Bucky put his wallet away “Thank you Miss (YN), I hope you have a good day.” He walked towards the door as Sam followed, Sarah began to wave “Bye Miss (YN)! I’ll ask my daddy about coming to bake with you!” She waved and held her gingerbread man in her other hand, walking out of the shop with them.
“Bye! Have a nice day!” Waving goodbye to them, sighing softly, that little girl really did make you smile, she was just so darn sweet. Watching out the window, watching as Sarah happily skipped down the street, heading to their car. Turning away from the window, you headed round back to grab the trays of shortbread, which were probably fully cooled by now, preparing them for display. Hearing the bell go off again, you knew it was a customer, probably a regular in for their usual coffee and cake.
And you couldn’t help but smile even wider when you chatted with them, still buzzing and full of happy giggles from spending time with little Sarah, she really was a little ray of sunshine.
Steve’s POV
Arriving back from work, I parked in the apartment building’s secure parking lot before heading up, briefcase in one hand and my phone in another. Opening the front door gently, I called out “Guys! I’m home!” Wandering in, I came to find Sarah asleep on Bucky’s chest, who two was passed out, she was in her Elsa dress, obviously went to see Frozen 2 today as planned. Sam was in the kitchen, sipping a coffee “Hey man, yeah she crashed immediately after dinner, her face was nearly in her spaghetti.” Sam had cleaned the dishes clearly and left them to air dry on the rack “Thank you for today, so did you go to the bakery?” Sam nodded “Steve, the owner is extremely kind and their food is divine, you made the right choice choosing them to cater for the Christmas party.” I smiled “Good. What did Sarah think?” I asked, Sarah’s sweet-tooth was always the best judge “She loved everything placed in front of her but she loved the owner more, she was begging to stay and bake with her.” He chuckled softly, I smiled, “Well I trust my daughter’s opinion on sweet things.”
Sam smiled “Shall we get them to bed?” Pointing to the sleeping figures of Bucky and Sarah, both cuddled on the couch sleepily. Grinning, I wandered over to the couch and picked up Sarah, holding her to my chest gently and trying not to jostle her “Let's get you to bed, Sunshine.” carrying her up the stairs to her room. The walls of the room were painted with pictures of animals and mythical creatures, I’d painted her room for her when she was very little and I was on paternity. Memories flooding back to me as I picked up her onesie, helping her out of her Elsa dress gently and putting on the onesie, had to make sure she was kept warm throughout the night. New York winters can get very cold, especially for little ones like Sarah. After gently zipping up the onesie, I placed her down into her princess bed, pulling the covers over her and sliding her favourite teddy bear since birth, Bucky Bear under her arm. She immediately cuddled into it, I kissed her forehead softly and switched on her star night-light, quietly leaving her room, making sure the door was cracked open a little “Goodnight my Sunshine…”
I left her to sleep, walking down the stairs to see Sam trying to lift Bucky “I’ll give him a lift home, I can bring him back tomorrow to collect his car.” I nodded and helped Sam get Bucky to the lift “By the way, the baker picked something out for you, something to fit your tastes. Its on the counter.” Sam waved goodbye as the lift descended, taking Sam and Bucky to the parking lot, leaving me standing there in my apartment. I turned to the kitchen and found the little package on the counter, decorated in festive candy-cane wrapping, I wasn’t one for the holidays but the details of the packaging made me chuckle gently. Unwrapping it carefully, I pulled out a donut, I quirked a brow in curiosity and leant in to take a gentle bite.
Flavours burst into my mouth with a single bite, the faint sweetness of maple syrup coating my lips but it was nicely complemented with the smokey and deep taste of bourbon, I’d never tasted a donut like this before. Again, I didn’t usually enjoy sweet things, but the balance of the sweet maple syrup and the deep bourbon liquor made me go in to take another bite. This baker, the one who seemed to enchant his best friend and his daughter, definitely knew how to pick out a treat for those who didn’t like things ‘too sweet’.
I thought to myself for a moment, it entered my head as I took the final bite of the donut ‘I guess I just might have to go meet this baker and buy another one of these’ and as I thought, I turned to stare out my window. And as I did, the first snow for December began to fall gently, the snowflakes floating past the window-glass and cascading down, refracting light like shimmering glitters.
The Christmas season had officially and properly begun.
END OF CHAPTER 1 ------------------------------------------------
@nervousstrangersandwich​ @justthatfangirloverthere​ @sheadre​ @125bluemachine125​ @giggleberts​ @kind-sober-fullydressed​
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