#i will never get tired of prinxiety
aollosjustlurking · 11 months
Oh you want a prinxiety prompt? Here's one to try!! :D
Virgil put out an ad on Craigslist for someone to help him with his new magical powers -- which are beginning to interrupt his everyday life. To his surprise, he gets a response quickly. They agree on a date and place, but to his surprise it's not an old mysterious woman in an old cottage, but instead the enthusiastic local baker?
I have tried it! Here you go!
Magical Powers are the Best Wingman
Word Count: 905
Virgil was fed up. He was tired of accidentally changing object’s sizes and or locations, tired of animals swarming him while looking at him expectantly (what was he supposed to do?), and he was especially tired of the random sparks he let off when he was stressed and hadn't used his powers in a while. He never asked for this, and now he needed to figure out how to get this all under control. That’s how he found himself in an unfamiliar field waiting for an unfamiliar face. The idea of enlisting a random stranger off the internet’s help as well as meeting up with them was a terribly unsafe idea, and Virgil recognised this more than most. But he also, as previously mentioned, was fed up with his situation and desperate. It was probably going to be an old, kind witch who had answered his cry for help, right?
Nope. Virgil watched, confused, as the town baker, who he knew to be Roman, walked towards him. Roman had not ever shown any signs of having magical capabilities, at least not that Virgil had noticed. But maybe that was good, yes? If he did have powers and was great at concealing them, he could teach Virgil to do the same. The two exchanged quick greetings once Roman had reached Virgil’s spot in the meadow. 
“I didn’t know you had- um,” Virgil was struggling to find the words he wanted to say. 
“Magic isn't a shameful word, you can say it,” Roman apparently was not struggling at all to find the words Virgil wanted to say. “But I am surprised, I’m not really secretive about my powers.”
“Well, I don’t visit the bakery much these days.”
This was met with a chuckle before Roman replied, “Yes, haven't seen you in a bit since you accedently changed the color of my counter then shocked me as I gave you your change.” Virgil was mortified at that memory, and Roman could tell. “Don’t worry, that's what we’re here for, yes?”
“I guess.” This was all too new and too much for Virge. “This is all such a pain.”
“Magic? It can be I guess, but it can also be, well, magical,” Roman’s eyes were bright with some sort of positivity Virgil could’t begin to decipher, but he did find himself drawn to it.
“Shut up, you get what I mean, don’t you?” Roman had never met a person with powers who seemed so off put by them. How could one be given such a great ability and be repulsed by it. 
But it wasn’t that Virgil was repulsed, rather he was afraid. “Sure. Your redundant statement doesn’t really do much for me though,” he looked Roman in the eyes, those stupidly bright eyes, and continued, “Level with me here, is there a way I can just not use any of this ever? Like never even have to think about it?”
“No can do. You can’t push magic away, that will only make it harder to control. It has manifested in you, and you can’t change that.”
“Great.” That was not what Virgil had been hoping for.
“Look, once you start practicing this all it will be easier to manage, fun even.”
“I doubt that.” Virgil had not been having fun with his new aliment so far, why should that change because this bright eyed, well toned man said it would?
“Wanna bet?” Roman smiled at Virgil, gears clearly turning in his mind.
“What’s on the table?” 
“Say, if you’re right and magical powers are just the worst gift ever given to you, then you can have any assortment of baked goods of your choosing on the house,” Roman proposed. 
“That is tempting. And what if you win?” Virgil doubted it, he was already planning what pastries to get once he became victorious. 
“If I win and you learn to enjoy magic then I get to take you out some evening for a lovely night together, sound alright?” 
“Oh. Um, ok I guess, but don’t get your hopes up.” Virgil found himself speaking more to his own mind than the man in front of him. 
The two discussed ways of releasing pent up magic, how to focus energy in one space, and even began to practice some simple spells. They met at that clearing multiple times a week. Virgil honed his powers and was beginning to be able to effectively use them, but that was not his favorite aspect of these magic practice sessions. His favorite part was when they would finish off laying in the grass just talking. He wondered if the enchanting aspect of Roman was something magical or just innate about him. The setting sun illuminated him in such a way that Virgil could not make his brain move past it. 
“Did you hear my question?” Roman had apparently been speaking while Virgil had been staring at him like an idiot. Great.
“No, sorry. Tired,” Virgil muttered the last word as an excuse, hoping the other would buy it. 
“I asked if you’ve been enjoying magic as of late.” Roman was now looking back at Virgil, their faces close. 
“Oh. Yeah, sure. It’s been alright.” Words were once again not coming easy to Virgil.
“You know what that means.” Roman was grinning like an idiot but Virgil didn’t mind.
“Can I still get a few pastries though?” 
Roman laughed and pressed their foreheads together. “Maybe.”
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Prince of Hearts
Summary: Each side has a special sight, allowing them to see things according to their function. Like Virgil being able to see fears and worries physically or in someone’s mind. Roman can see too. As the prince of romance, he can see his fellow sides’ hearts, able to know when they’re heartbroken or healing. He’s grateful only he can see hearts though. Roman’s own heart is broken and he has yet to let it heal so no one needs to see that yet.
(A/N: It took me a long time but I've finally written this idea down! I'm dedicating this to my lovely dear @enigmasalad who stuck with me when I wanted to rip my own heart out. Thank you for healing my heart, mi amor!)
Pairings: Prinxiety if you squint, BROTHERLY CREATIVITWINS
WARNINGS: slight mention of blood, implied gore but no actual gore, slight description of a cut
Each of the sides have a special sight. They each can see things according to their functions.
Logan can see the logic of things and the factual aspect of things, allowing him to learn here and there as well as guide those who need it. Patton can see the others’ inner warmth, allowing him to see who is cold and hurting and in need of warm love. Virgil can see fears and worries, able to detect what’s scaring or worrying his little family so he can fight them off.
Remus can see the worst and darkest of thoughts and sometimes it’s delightful while other times…it’s just kinda sad. Of course, Janus can see lies and truths and through disguises that aren’t his. He can tell when something is even the slightest bit off with a person or object.
And Roman? He can see hearts.
Roman not only handles Thomas’ creativity, but he’s also romance and passion manifested. So, he is able to see the others’ hearts. He can see who’s low on love and passion. He can see where they’re healing, where they’ve been broken, and its little cracks and scars.
Roman has seen all of the others’ hearts and he’s glad they’re all healing little by little after everything that’s happened. He can still remember the many times he’s seen those precious hearts falling apart in pain and in dark times.
Roman remembers Patton’s heart and how it would crack more and more as he bottled up his feelings. He remembers how it burst in the end and it came back together when Patton accepted that he wasn’t okay and took some time to heal.
Roman also remembers Logan’s heart and how slow his heartbreak was, the logical side too stubborn to admit his feelings. He recalls how the heart throbbed more and more, wanting to burst but ending up crumbling into tiny pieces instead before slowly reforming again as if it had stronger reinforcements.
Then there was the time Roman saw Virgil’s wounded heart pounding in worry and fear. He remembers feeling pity for the poor thing, seeing such a scarred heart. It made Roman wonder what Virgil had gone through.
Then Roman saw Janus’ heart and half of it was broken and the other half was scarred. It made Roman feel guilty, wondering if he did that or if Janus had his own dark past. And then there’s Remus. Roman was a bit surprised to see Remus even had a heart but that surprise turned into heavy guilt as he saw Remus’ heart. It was heavily scarred and broken…and it looked like it had been mended over and over.
Then there was Roman’s own heart. It was…well…It was the biggest out of everyone’s, full of passion and love for his work and his family. It was loud and pounded with bravery and joy, exuding the creative energy he uses every day. At least that’s how it used to be when everything was okay. Then things weren’t okay and they never were again.
Roman’s heart weakened and shrunk as if were hollow. Then it shattered loudly like glass. Roman hadn’t know what to do or who to ask so he repaired his own heart.
But just as he had healed it…his heart had been broken again. So the vicious and painful cycle started. His heart would get broken and he’d repair it again.
Over and over and over it continued until Roman grew tired of trying to repair his heart. He accepted that it was broken forever and it couldn’t be healed so he gave up trying, taking advantage of the fact that no one can even see it.
Sometimes though…Roman looks at his heart and wishes he could rip it out along with his real heart. It’s a thought Remus would be proud of and concerned about but it’s one thought Roman can’t stop thinking of. It’s just…why keep something broken? Why have a heart if it only breaks over and over and it hurts?
Maybe Logan was right about not feeling things. Sadly, Roman can’t rip his heart out. He’s needed by Thomas. Or, well, his ideas are needed. His creative work is needed. Roman himself? Well, clearly the others have made it clear he isn’t needed.
            The thoughts alone make Roman’s heart crack again. He’s lost count of how many cracks and scars he’s got across his heart. He doesn’t know anymore how many times he’s felt it throb and ache in pain. He’s used to all of it by now, ignoring the pain and the scars. He has an image to uphold and no one needs to see his battered, aching heart. Besides, they’ve all held his heart and left it destroyed. Why would he let them hold it again?
This is how Roman finds himself sitting in his chair at the dining table, having tuned out today’s discussion as he wasn’t needed yet. That stung a little but he doesn’t argue. Making a scene won’t do any good here. Instead, he keeps staring at his heart as it rests in his palm. It beats slowly, almost tiredly.
It used to be a bright red but it’s long faded over the years as his passion and love dwindled. His eyes then travel across the cracks and scars. His fingers twitch with the urge to crush the little thing into pieces until he can feel nothing. His thumb just barely digs into the surface. He doesn’t notice Remus or Janus watching him subtly.
Remus had long grown bored of the discussion as Patton babbled on and on about whatever. The intrusive side had stopped paying attention a while back. He had been chewing on the pen he stole from Logan when he glanced over at his twin. He can see him pressing at his palm with his thumb and he hums curiously, wondering what his brother is thinking of.
He usually doesn’t look into the others’ thoughts much since they’re often boring but he’s been peeking in on Roman’s lately. They’ve been growing more and more dark each day. It’s worrying though Remus will never admit that to anyone. So, Remus peeks into Roman’s mind and-
Just one squeeze…
It’ll hurt less…
Can’t trust them…
Want to rip it out…
It hurts…
Don’t want this anymore.
No more.
No more.
No more.
Remus pulls out of those thoughts with a soft gasp which he quickly hides with a cough. He knows Janus saw him though and he shakes his head at Janus, mouthing a ‘later’ at him before glancing at Roman. The creative side is still staring at his hand, running his thumbnail across his palm over and over. It makes Remus grow a little concerned for his twin. Sure, he doesn’t act like it but he does care for Roman in his own ways.
Meanwhile, Roman is oblivious to everything, still running his thumb over his heart. It beats weakly, slowly, tiredly. He so badly wants to squeeze it until it breaks and bursts. He wants to rip it out and tear it into shreds. He’s tired of having a broken heart. It hurts too much and the others have no idea. Of course they don’t. They can’t see it. They can’t see his heart. They can’t see-
Roman jumps, blinking as he’s pulled away from his darkening thoughts.
“I was asking you a question. Are you lost in your daydreams again?” Logan asks, that stern look on his face.
“I-I’m sorry, Specs. I suppose I was.” Roman smiles sheepishly.
Janus hides his one glowing eye as him and Remus glance at the prince.
Logan merely adjusts his glass.
“I’m not surprised. Please do pay attention. This discussion is beneficial for our next meeting with Thomas. Even if Creative input may not be needed.” he lectures before returning to the original topic.
Remus has to resist throwing another shuriken at the logical side’s forehead for that harsh comment. He glances at Roman again. His twin is staring at it his hand again and he frowns. The intrusive side peeks into his twin’s thoughts again.
No daydreams.
Daydreams are bad.
I’ll rip my brain out too.
After I rip my heart out.
My heart hurts.
I don’t want my heart.
No more heart.
No more pain.
They can’t see anyways.
They can’t see.
They don’t see-
Remus pulls out of those thoughts and glances at his twin. Is that what he sees? His own heart? He blinks and gazes at Roman, eyebrows slightly creased in concern. He doesn’t see what heart Roman is thinking about. He’s still…staring at his hand, dragging the nail of his thumb across the dry skin of his palm over and over as if he were trying to cut something.
It makes Remus want to say something but not even a little nasty thought comes to mind. It’s quiet in his head and it terrifies him. Remus can’t do much but squirm in his seat out of restlessness. As he shifts in his seat again, he hears Janus hiss softly.
“Janus?” Remus whispers, glancing at him in worry.
“Roman…he’s lying.” Janus mutters, pulling the brim of his hat down to hide the glow of his eye once again. “I can hear them.”
Janus looks over to Roman again. He hadn’t meant to tune into the prince’s dark thoughts but he could practically hear the lies screaming inside the Creative side. He’s heard the others’ lies but they were more like hushed whispers. Secrets not meant to be ever, ever told.
Roman’s, however, sounded like a cacophony of cries. It’s like the prince was hoping someone would hear them if it screamed loud enough. And it seemed to grow ever louder.
“Shit.” Janus hisses softly, biting his lip.
“Jan?” Remus squeezes his arm.
“His lies. They sound so agonizing.”
The two glance at Roman.
“Oh, RoRo…what’s going on in that messy head of yours?” Remus whispered.
The rest of the meeting continues as Logan lectures on and on. Remus and Janus continue watching Roman as said prince continues to remain oblivious. He barely registers if anyone is watching him. He hasn’t noticed Virgil glance his way with an anxious look or Janus letting out another soft hiss. He doesn’t hear Remus whimper softly out of worry for his twin. He doesn’t even move when Patton says his name or when Logan gives him a disappointed glance that makes Remus want to rip the logical side’s face off.
Roman just keeps staring at his heart. His thumb running over the growing cracks and digging deeper with each line. Just one rip or squeeze. Anything to rip this old heart apart. Just one tear or two or three and maybe it won’t hurt anymore. He starts to count the lines with each trace.
One, two, three more times he drags his thumbnail, driving it into the ravine of his glass heart.
Four, five, six more and he hardly notices the angry red line he’s creating on the palm of his hand.
Seven, eight, nine lines he’s traced, trying to dig even deeper. Deep enough to severe this wounded heart into pieces.
“RoRo, stop, you’re bleeding!”
Roman blinks and gazes down at his hand. The heart isn’t there anymore. Just his hand…His bloody hand…Roman stares at his hand again a little longer, wishing it were his heart instead. He frowns and runs his thumb over the line again, barely flinching at the sting. He’s felt much, much worse anyways. He just wants it to stop. He doesn’t like hurting anymore. Obviously, he can’t duck out but-
Roman looks up and Remus is right there in front of him, hands on his shoulders, the others behind him staring at him.
“RoRo, are you…okay?” Remus asks, voice unusually soft and worried.
It makes Roman want to cry and give in but what do they care? They’ll just do the routine again. He’ll cry, they’ll worry and prod, he’ll tell them his burdens, they’ll assure him and comfort him, and then once he’s on his feet, the others will leave again.
Roman smiles weakly instead.
“I’m okay.”
And then he sunk out as tears pricked his eyes.
Roman sinks up into his room and the tears fall along with the weak smile as he crumples to the floor. How could Remus ask him that? He never cared. He should be happy with the bloodshed. That’s what he wanted right?
And the others…they wouldn’t care either. Roman chokes, stuck between broken laughter and agonizing sobs. It hurts so much, realizing that he’ll always have a broken heart. It hurts even worse, knowing he’ll always have it inside him…unless…
The princes stands up, not caring that he’s still bleeding or crying. His other hand presses at his chest as he drives it deep inside. There’s a reason why the sides’ bodies weren’t as real as Thomas’. For once, Roman’s glad they’re metaphysical. It’ll be less messy.
Roman digs around and around. It’s here somewhere…there! He feels his heart’s fragile glass, threatening to crack any second. He’s tempted to leave it there until it breaks again so the shards can stab him from the inside but really, he’s sick and tired of feeling it beat and throb and break. So with a growl, he pulls.
And he pulls.
And pulls.
And pulls.
The prince finally rips his heart out with an agonizing cry.
Roman nearly sags in relief, finally free of the heavy pain and ache. He nearly falls again and his wounded hand grips at the sink. He feels tired now but he glances at his heart. It beats ever so weaker and it’s become so small. But that’s okay. He doesn’t need it. Not anymore.
Roman stares at the damned thing and…he laughs. He laughs and laughs until it hurts. Until tears start streaming down his face. He laughs as he staggers back to his room, falling to the floor with one final thought.
I’m finally free.
And Roman’s heart stops beating as it falls to the floor and shatters into pieces.
Before he could even sink out of his chair, Remus screams in pain and doubles over.
“Remus! Remus, what is it?” comes Janus’ voice from his beside him.
Remus hisses, clutching his chest.
“What hurts? Are you hiding an injury again?”
“N-No! R-Roman, I can feel him! He’s-ngh!” Remus cries out again. “He’s hurt!”
“Remus,” Janus tries to ask only to be cut off by another cry.
“N-Need to help RoRo! Now!”
Before Janus can ask further, Remus tears out of his hold and braces through the pain, dashing out of the kitchen and up the stairs. As he stumbles up the final steps, Remus tries to listen for his brother’s thoughts but he’s only met with dead silence. This terrifies him and makes the intrusive side hurry down the hall.
When he gets to the door, Remus doesn’t even bother knocking. He musters some strength and bulldozes right through. Then Remus freezes up.
Roman lays unconscious on the floor, his colors now dull like his dead eyes. The wound on his hand had long stopped bleeding but has yet to heal. His room felt cold and dark. It’s as if something or someone were missing from it. Like the life of the room itself was…gone.
Remus is immediately at his twin’s side, pulling his body onto his lap. Shaky hands move to turn Roman’s face towards him and for the first time, it makes Remus actually sick to see his twin like this. No silly smile, no excessive glitter, no rainbow blush or even his glow. It’s completely wrong. It’s not Roman at all. It makes Remus sick and angry. With a low growl, Remus summons everyone to Roman’s room.
“Remus, I told you not to-oh. Oh no.” Janus steps forward, kneeling down.
“I hate it when you-oh shit, Roman!” Virgil is immediately on Roman’s other side.
“Remus, you know it’s rude to-oh goodness!” Patton’s hands fly to his mouth in shock.
“What did you have to summon me here for-oh. Oh dear.” Logan falls speechless.
Remus sniffs and glares at the others, eyes glowing red as he holds his twin protectively.
“What happened to him? I. want. Answers.” he growls.
“W-We don’t know, Remus. Honest. We haven’t noticed anything off with Roman.” Patton replies with a gulp.
“Yeah, Princey said he was fine yesterday.” Virgil stammers, wringing his hands.
Remus huffs and looks to Janus.
“They’re both telling the truth.” Janus hums then frowns, looking up with a glowing eye. “But there seems to be a lie in there.”
Remus glares at Patton and Virgil again then to Janus.
“What is it? What’s the lie?” he asks.
Janus looks at Roman and shakes his head.
“That Roman is fine. He is very far from fine.” he sighs. “He lied to Virgil.”
Virgil blinks and frowns.
“But he…he looked fine…Didn’t he?”
Janus shakes his head.
“Our prince is a better actor than we give him credit for.”
“Oh, Roman…have we been hurting you all this time?” Patton sniffs, taking a step closer.
Remus only growls ferally and holds Roman closer, making Patton yelp and jump back.
“It’s alright, Remus. They won’t harm him.” Janus assures him, squeezing his shoulder.
“They already did. I don’t trust them not to do so again.” he huffs. “The only reason they aren’t splattered all over my mace and across the walls yet is because I know RoRo doesn’t want me to hurt them.”
Janus gazes at Roman’s face, guilt pooling in his stomach. Despite their rocky relationship, the prince never once wished harm towards him. Not even through Remus. And in return, Janus could only keep hurting him. What had he done?
“Roman’s been hurt a lot. I think…he’s been carrying so much weight that he’s buckled over from it.” The snake side sadly mutters a moment later. “He’s exhausted.”
Remus sighs and fixes Roman’s hair the best he can, tucking in that one stray curl.
“He looks more than exhausted, Jan. He looks fucking dead. Like the life has been ripped out of him.” he mumbles.
At the same time, Patton gasps softly and all eyes are on him.
“Roman…he’s…he’s so cold inside. How did I not see?” he sniffs, his tears falling.
“Cold?” Remus tilts his head.
“I can see when one of you are feeling cold inside from feeling bad or hurt. It helps me know when to provide warmth and love.” Patton explains, hands shaking with the want to warm Roman.
That’s when Virgil realizes something too.
“Oh fuck…Yesterday when I asked Roman how he was doing…I felt something off but I didn’t question it. I thought…fuck, I thought he was nervous about his trip to the Imagination or today’s meeting.” he explains, pausing to take in a shaky breath. “I didn’t know how much he was hiding until earlier today when he cut his hand. He panicked and he was scared about us finding out something then…it was just…gone. Like he wasn’t scared anymore.”
“You can see things too?” Logan questions.
Virgil nods, a hand hovering over Roman to touch him. When Remus approves, Virgil holds one of Roman’s hands. It feels cold.
“I can. I see fears and worries but I try not to pry unless I needed to.” he mutters. “I should’ve looked into Roman’s though.”
Remus huffs.
“Don’t blame yourself too much. Roman was just too good at hiding things.” he mumbles before sighing. “I saw his thoughts though. They…They were fucked up. Like, super fucked up for someone like Ro who usually has sunshine and love coming out of his ass.”
The intrusive side still remembers Roman’s thoughts from earlier. So dark. So painful. So loud.
Logan gazes at Roman and frowns.
“I can’t see anything logical. Or any facts.” he gasps before flustering and clarifying, “I can’t see anything there to help me with Roman other than his title and traits. I do see insecure, burned out, and…oh. Oh, Roman…”
Roman Sanders is brokenhearted.
And Logan averts his gaze as guilt sinks in. He’s hardly felt this much guilt before. But now, it feels like a growing weight as he wonders how much Roman internalized his words. All of it.
“Logan?” Patton shakes him out of his trance.
“I…I have hurt Roman a lot…haven’t I?” the logical side whispers, a lump in his throat. “Everything I’ve said and done to him…I didn’t think Roman took it that much to heart. I-I thought—"
“You thought you were knocking RoRo down a peg or two? Oh, you did. You knocked him down so hard his self-esteem is fucking broken.” Remus cuts in with a growl.
Logan bows his head in shame, his dignity long gone.
“Sometimes I forget that Roman is also The Ego. I never realized how much my words had impact on him. Did…Did I push him too far?”
“I think…we all did. We all hurt Roman in many ways and we didn’t realize it.” Janus hisses. “But we still don’t know what he did to himself.”
Remus sucks in a breath as he feels another wave of pain.
“Whatever it is, it really fucking hurts. It’s like something’s…missing. Something’s gone from Roman and it feels like something’s missing from me too.” he shudders, a free hand on his chest. “Ugh, it feels like something’s been ripped out of me.”
Janus blinks and glances between the twins.
“Like…a heart?”
“Yeah…wait what?” Remus asks, confused. “What are you talking about, Janus?”
Janus places a hand on Roman’s chest, shuddering at how he can’t feel the prince’s once mighty heartbeat. Not that he knew what his heartbeat was like.
“Everyone here mentioned what they could see. For you and me, Remus, it’s quite obvious. For Roman, we can’t see what he does. So what if Roman can see hearts?”
“It…It makes sense.” Logan gasps, eyes widening in revelation. “Roman is not only Creativity or the Ego. He is passion and…love…”
“S-So Roman could see our hearts? Even when they were broken?” Patton squeaks, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. His poor, poor kiddo.
Janus and Logan nod.
“He always did know what to do when we were hurting. We never realized how…or that he did it to hide his own heart.” Janus whispers, turning away as a single tear rolls down his cheek.
Roman was always there for everyone, comforting them and cheering them up. He set aside his own broken heart to be there for the others. No one even bothered to help him. No one noticed how desperate he was for someone to hold his heart and fill it with love and warmth or how scared he was to even give his heart away. Roman made sure that everyone came first.
Now, here was Roman. Lifeless. Loveless. Empty. And they all blamed themselves. Janus had manipulated him, threatening him with every weakness he could find like it were blackmail.
Logan knew what words to use to keep Roman in line, to shut him down and put him in his place.
Patton pressured him too much, piled expectation upon expectation and never gave the prince a chance to defend himself. Whenever Roman tried to express himself or voice his opinion, Patton would unknowingly guilt trip him back into compliance.
Virgil belittled him every chance he got, throwing insults at Roman and never once apologized because Roman was always being told off. Even if he was hurt all the same.
Remus tried so hard to be a better brother but The Voices often got too loud or he’d hit him too hard.
It's dead silent for a moment before Remus sniffles. Remus never cries so it’s almost an alarming sound to the others.
“How do we fix it? How do we fix his heart?” he asks, his voice painfully small and broken. His eyes looking Roman over. He misses his loud, colorful brother.
“Well…Broken hearts need love, right?” Patton replies. “We just have to love Roman more.”
Remus can’t help but huff and scoff at that.
“Oh, now he says that.” he mutters.
He knows Patton wants to help but after seeing how the fatherly side betrayed Roman at his weakest, even the intrusive side himself couldn’t trust him. It makes Remus hold Roman just a little tighter, another tear rolling down his cheek and onto Roman’s face.
Janus, however, knows Remus well and squeezes his shoulder.
“Remus, you have to let them in so they can try to help. They won’t hurt Roman anymore. Not now when they know the truth.” he sighs before gazing down at Roman’s pale face. “Besides, we’re both guilty of hurting Roman too.”
Remus droops and sniffs.
“You’re right…I just…I want to be a better brother for RoRo so we can be friends again. I swore he’d never be hurt again but I failed.” he whispers brokenly, running a thumb over one of Roman’s scar on his cheek. “I want to help too.”
Janus dries Remus’ tears.
“You already are, Remus. Now,” he gestures to the others who were standing by and waiting. “Let them in.”
Remus looks up at the two, breathing in shakily. He glances at Roman then back at them.
“Fine.” he huffs but puts a hand up before they could move. “But I’m watching all of you. And not a word about what I said earlier. I still have a reputation to keep because you shitheads need to learn when to back off from RoRo.”
Virgil chuckles softly, face hidden in his hoodie.
“We know, Remus. Your secret is safe with us.” he promises, squeezing Roman’s hand.
Remus, slightly flustered, huffs and looks back at his twin.
“Let’s just help Ro already.” he mumbles.
It’s awkwardly silent for a moment before Janus decides to step forward, kneeling down in front of the prince. He removes his right glove and takes Roman’s other hand, squeezing it gently.
“I may have apologized before but I’ll do it again. I…I am so, so sorry, my dear prince. I never noticed how much harm I have caused you. I never saw your broken heart. I was meant to protect you.” he says, gazing at Roman’s sash then his face as if he were reminiscing. “I promised myself I would and I didn’t. For that, I’m very sorry and I know mere words may not fix everything but know that I will do what it takes to earn your forgiveness. Know that you are very much loved. You are our prince. Our Roman. We need you more than you think.”
Janus squeezes Roman’s hand and leans over, planting a kiss on his forehead. When nothing happens, Janus lets go and replaces his glove as he gazes sadly at the sleeping prince.
It’s then that Virgil feels brave and swallows his nerves, taking a deep breath.
“Fuck, uh, I’m going next.” he gulps, moving closer to Roman and pulling his hood down.
A clammy hand moves to caress Roman’s cheek.
“Hey, Princey…I’ve been a shitty friend, huh? You’ve made up with me and always did your best to make me feel welcome and included here on your side. You always fight off my worries and…” Virgil pauses and flusters. “You were the only one who really knew how to calm me down. And yet, I hurt you without realizing it. You never really did get an apology or even a chance to defend yourself. It was always me that got away with it. I guess I should’ve pumped the breaks too.”
Virgil takes in a shaky breath, eyeshadow darker than ever. He then continues.
“I’m so fucking sorry. For everything. For hurting you. For all my awful words. For constantly making fun of you when you work so hard.” he mutters before smiling softly. “You know…we were an awesome team at the mall. Yeah, I freaked out but if you weren’t there, I don’t think I could’ve pushed Thomas into meeting Nico. Literally. You were always so much braver than me and I wanted to be just as brave too. I…We love you, Roman. Flaws and all. I wish you could see that. I wish you could see how much you do for us.”
He then leans down and kisses Roman’s cheek, face flushed.
Janus can’t help but chuckle a little.
“How cute. Though, were you going to say something else there, Virgil? I thought I heard something else…” he teases.
Virgil blinks and reddens, glaring at Janus for a moment.
“S-Shut the fuck up, asshole.”
Remus raises an eyebrow at that.
“We’re talking about that later, emo.” he says, grinning slightly.
Virgil swallows again and nods, letting Roman go so Remus can hold him again.
“R-Right, yeah. Whatever. Who’s next?”
Logan steps forward, kneeling beside Virgil.
“May I, Remus?” he asks first.
Remus huffs but loosens his hold on Roman.
“Thank you.”
Logan then takes Roman’s hand, gazing at it. Oh, the poor thing’s hand looks so worn. So tired.
He can feel the callouses on his fingertips and the scars on his skin. He wonders just how much Roman often pushed himself to meet everyone’s demands. Especially the logical side’s own requests. He can’t help but feel guilty. Both he and Roman do a lot of work for Thomas and everyone but he always treated Roman like he was never working enough or that he was only worth 0.5% of Thomas’ day.
Glancing around the mess that is Roman’s room, Logan realizes just how hard Roman works.
There’s stacks of papers piled on the desk and a big cork board above it, covered in notes and reminders on top of a calendar filled with scribbles. Several books are stacked on the other side of the desk with sticky note tabs jutting out from them in different pages. Logan realizes too that he should visit Roman more often and brainstorm here. He then turns back to Roman, squeezing his hand.
“Roman…I’m sorry. For every word I said. For underestimating you. For using your weaknesses against you whenever we argued. For making you question your worth. You are worth so much more and I failed to notice.” he sniffles regretfully, failing to keep his voice from breaking. “You work just as hard and I understand what it’s like to see your efforts go to waste. I should have been there for you. Especially since you’ve worked so hard to be better for us. You don’t have to. You were enough. You were so good enough. I apologize for never realizing how much my words have broken your heart. You’re not stupid or a fool or worthless. You are Prince Roman of Creativity. You are important and needed.”
Logan kisses Roman’s hand because he’s unsure of what else to do before letting go.
He then turns to remove his glasses and scrub at his face before turning back.
“I…I hope Roman can hear us.” he stammers, clearing his throat.
“I hope so too.” Patton nods. He had been lost in thought. He kneels beside Logan, tears already rolling down his cheeks. “C-Can I go next, Remus?”
Remus nods.
“Just watch yourself, froggy.” he mutters.
“I will. Thank you.”
Patton then takes Roman’s hand, squeezing it too.
“Oh, kiddo…I’m so, so sorry. I’m supposed to be the dad that takes care of everyone but I failed to take care of you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!” he sobs, hiccupping and sniffling. “I should’ve been there. I should’ve listened to you too. I shouldn’t have weighed you down with all those expectations. You always make us feel happy and loved. You know how to cheer us up and you make us feel so safe. In return, we made you feel as if you had to hide. As if you had to play your role perfectly. You can take a break, Roman. You can let your guard down. You aren’t weak for your mistakes. We still love you. You are part of our family and we can’t be whole without you. We need you too!”
Patton then breaks down and sobs harder into Roman’s hand, kissing it. When he manages to calm down a bit, he reluctantly lets Roman’s hand go.
Silence falls back in as everyone watches Roman. Remus then realizes it’s his turn and sighs, staring at his twin. He then glances at the others who are waiting for Remus to speak.
“Look,” Remus huffs. “I…I don’t usually do this mushy, gushy shit so don’t fucking judge me if I say all the wrong stuff, okay? RoRo and I have our own brand of showing we care.”
“Of course, Remus. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Yeah, Remus. You’ve always been more of an action guy. I know.”
“We know, Remus. You’re a good brother, kiddo.”
“Understandable. This is between you and your brother.”
Remus nods his thanks and turns back to his brother, taking a deep breath. One hand holds Roman’s and the other tugs at the sash, turning it so a messily embroidered “R” in green is shown at the bottom.
“RoRo? Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling bad again? Why do you keep hiding? I know I’m not always the nicest brother but I’m trying. The voices are assholes sometimes, y’know? Yeah, I said I wanted you dead but I didn’t mean it. I still need you here. You’re my literal other half.” he whispers sadly, his hand moving to tug at his own sash which has its own embroidered “R” but in golden cursive this time.
Remus breathes out shakily, more tears rolling down makeup-streaked cheeks as he continues.
“Even though you were jealous of me. Sometimes I was jealous of you. You could create without fail. You could heal and fix whatever I messed up. I…I always thought you were amazing, little brother. Even when everyone else didn’t think so or were too blind to see it. Please come back, RoRo. We royal promised we’d be brothers forever and you can’t break that promise. We still gotta annoy Logan and mess with Virgil. We were supposed to hang out with Janus too so you guys can be friends. S-So wake up already you dramatic fuck. Wake up!”
Then Remus sobs and it’s…actually gut wrenching to hear. No one besides Janus and maybe Virgil has ever heard the Intrusive side cry like this. Sure, the twins don’t get along but it’s clear now that they really need each other.
“Shh, he’ll be okay, little squid. We’ll love him as much as he needs.” comes Janus’ soft voice, a hand rubbing Remus’ shaking back.
As everyone cries over their fallen prince, there’s a golden spark in the corner of the room and warm glow fills the room as that spark rises from the floor. The sides gaze at the spark as it rises higher and higher, moving towards the center of the room.
Then glass-like shards appear one by one in different colors. Green, Yellow, Purple, Cyan, Navy blue, Red. They spin around the spark and come together forming…a heart.
Sometimes, metaphorical hearts are compared to glass, tough during the hardest moments and fragile during the weakest moments. Easy to shatter, harder to put the pieces back together.
But love makes it easier to keep the pieces together and it seems it did for this heart. The heart spins and lowers, moving towards its home. To Roman. It stays there though. Ripping out a heart is difficult and it would be just as hard to put it back in.
Remus then blinks.
“I-I can see it. I can see RoRo’s heart. What do I do?! I don’t know how to heal. I’m gonna mess it up.” he stammers.
Janus squeezes his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s alright, Remus. You can do it. You want to help your brother, yes?”
Remus nods.
“I do but…” his hands hesitate above the heart. It looks very fragile. “I don’t want to hurt him again.”
Oh Remus…
Janus smiles softly and puts his hand over Remus’ shaking pair.
“You won’t, my dear. I’m right here too.” he soothes, squeezing Remus’ hand to still his shaking.
Another pair of hands join, pale and clammy and just as shaky.
“I-I wanna help Roman’s heart too.” Virgil nods.
Remus nods.
“For Roman.”
Patton and Logan step forward, both nervous and still guilty.
“C-Can we help too, Remus? We want to make this right.” Patton asks, wringing his hands.
He owed Roman lots of love and care after lacking the past years.
Logan nods too.
“I want to atone for what I’ve done. For what I’ve said. I want to remove every awful word I must have buried in there.” he manages to choke out, not even caring that his face is wet with tears again.
Remus breathes in and nods.
“You can but it’ll take more than this for Roman to heal so you both definitely have a lot to make up for. Fuck that up and I’ll have your heads before Roman can even stop me.” he growls, glaring at them.
“We won’t hurt him anymore, Remus. We promise.” Patton assures the dark twin.
“We’ll be kinder to him. Give him the love he needs.” Logan adds.
“You better.” Remus huffs. “Now get over here.”
The two nod and place their hands over Virgil’s.
Then they gently push the heart down into Roman’s chest, slowly and carefully.
“Wake up, RoRo. Please don’t rip your heart out again.”
“Come back to us, little prince. We need you so much.”
“We’re here, Princey. We see you and hear you.”
“Please take your heart, Roman. It is a vital part of who you are. Our dear prince.”
“Oh, kiddo. Don’t worry, I’ll be here to help you if your heart hurts again. I’ll give you all the warmth you need.”
They push down more and more and slowly the heart sinks into Roman’s chest. Once it’s fully in, a golden ray of light blooms from Roman’s body as if the heart were thanking them for returning it home. Then-
“RoRo!” Remus gasps.
With a sparkle of magic and gold, Roman’s color slowly returns. It starts from his feet and climbs up, his sash bright red again and his skin turning back to its beautiful tan color. Even Roman’s eyes regain life, the dull green brightening back into a lovely emerald.
Then Roman gasps for air.
Roman doesn’t know how long he’d been out but he hadn’t expected to wake up. When he does, he gasps for air and squirms in the pair of arms he’s in before looking about. His eyes widen. They’re…They’re all here. Why are they here? This isn’t right. This isn’t how it’s supposed to end.
No, no, no. Why did they fix it again? They’re just gonna break it. He’s gonna break it again and-
“RoRo! Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.”
Roman shakes his head, squirming out of whoever is holding him.
“No, no! It’s not! It’s not okay!”
He stumbles to his feet but someone grabs his arm.
“Roman, look at me.”
Roman whips his head around and he sees…Remus?
“Hey, dumb dumb. It’s okay now. It’s okay.” Remus soothes, his voice unusually soft.
Remus doesn’t look like it but he can be soft during the right times. It’s not often he shows it though. It’s often reserved for his brother since the poor thing doesn’t do well with tough love.
Roman, stubborn as ever, shakes his head as his breath hitches.
“It’s not! I-It wasn’t supposed to be fixed! It wasn’t supposed to go back inside!” he cries, clutching at his chest.
Janus takes that moment to take Roman’s hands in his, the snake’s gloves nowhere to be seen.
“Roman, my dear prince, look at me.”
“J-Janus?” Roman gazes at him, confused and lost. Poor, poor thing.
“There’s that pretty face, beautiful rose. You look so tired. So weary. We’ve hurt you a lot, haven’t we?” Janus replies, caressing Roman’s cheek.
Roman can’t help but lean into his touch. It makes Janus’ heart ache.
“W-What’s…What’s happening?”
“That’s what we want to know, my prince.”
Roman blinks.
The prince then looks around and he’s startled to see the others here too. His head feels dizzy as he looks between every face in front of him.
Patton looks antsy as if he were itching to give a hug. Logan looks remorseful, gaze averted in shame.
Virgil looks very worried, eyeshadow messy and dark while his hands twist into the fabric of his hoodie. Remus and Janus are the closest to him, smiling small but sadly in concern.
It makes Roman pull away from Janus, hugging himself as if it was going to protect him.
“I…How did you even know I was here?” he asks.
Remus squeezes Roman’s shoulder.
“Twin bond. I knew you did something to yourself the moment I felt like I was stabbed.” he sighs, a hand over his own heart. “I felt your pain, Roman.”
Roman swallows and shrinks in on himself.
“Oh…I…I forget that you often feel what I do, Ree. I’m sorry.” he mumbles.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault, RoRo.” Remus sighs. “So, do you want to tell us why your heart was outside of you?”
Roman hangs his head in shame. The words are on his lips and he so badly wants to tell them everything. Yet, he feels hesitant. What if, after they comfort him, they go back to what they were doing and they end up breaking his heart again? What if they’re only doing this to make sure Thomas still has his Creativity and not Roman himself? What if they’re doing this make themselves feel better and they’ll drop him later?
“Hey. Princey. Roman, look at me.”
Roman looks up and blinks, seeing Virgil standing in front of him.
Virgil cups his face and wipes a stray tear.
“Let us in, Roman. We want to help you.”
“Y-You do?”
“Of course. We all do.”
“But…But it’s rotten work…”
Virgil chuckles. He missed Roman’s little movie references.
“Not to me, it’s not. Not if it’s you.”
Roman blinks and takes a deep breath.
Virgil takes that moment to let Roman go.
“Take your time, Princey.”
Roman nods, still hugging himself.
Then after a moment of silence-
“I ripped my heart out.” Roman whispers like it’s still a secret. “I ripped my heart out because it was broken and it hurt inside. I was tired of feeling it break and be fixed over and over. I was tired of feeling hurt all the time.”
Soft gasps fill the room.
“Oh, Roman…”
Roman places a hand over his chest where his heart his now.
“I guess you all figured it out but I can see hearts. I can see who needs love or passion. I can see broken hearts. I knew none of you could see mine so I never bothered to fix mine. I thought it was too broken and…”
Roman gazes at Patton then Logan and then Janus, the three of them wilting in guilt.
“I was scared.” Roman whimpers. “I didn’t want to give my heart to someone who might break it again and again. I’ve put my heart into all your hands and…”
“A-And we broke it, didn’t we?” Patton whispers with guilt and anger at himself in his voice. “I’m so sorry, kiddo. We didn’t know how fragile your heart already was.”
Roman sighs.
“It’s okay—”
“Stop right there. It’s not okay, little one.” Janus cuts in. “We all hurt you and made you feel as if you couldn’t show your heart to us. We should be apologizing to you.”
“B-But what if you break it all over again?”
Oh, Roman…
Janus can’t help but feel guilt churning in his stomach again. Part of him feels like he’s majorly to blame for the prince’s trust issue.
It’s no wonder the poor thing can’t reach out or open up. He’d become too afraid to ask for love let alone even try, thinking he’d be slapped in the face with rejection or be called out for being overdramatic again.
It’s a horrifying realization to Janus and he holds up his right hand.
“I promise you that we won’t. Not anymore, my prince. We all love you more than you’ll ever know.” Janus swears. “I know you might not believe it but it’s true.”
Roman feels his heart and…oh. It’s…It’s beating so much. It really wants to be loved. He wants to be loved. So much.
“Please be careful with my heart.”
Janus smiles softly.
“I will, my prince. We all will.”
Remus squeezes his shoulder again.
“We won’t let you feel the need to rip your heart again, RoRo.” he adds.
“You’re okay now, Princey. We’ll take care of you.”
“We love you so much, kiddo! We’ll always love you!”
“I may not be the best with love and affection but I will do my best to be here for you too, Roman. You are worth more than you think.”
Roman blinks.
Overwhelmed by all the sudden love, Roman forgets all his words and his legs give out as he falls to his knees. Oh dear.
Remus is immediately at his side.
Roman trembles.
“I just…you all…I…”
Then the prince finally lets out the tears he’s bottled up. His broken sobs fill the room like a sorrowful song.
Remus whimpers and holds his twin tight.
“You’ve been keeping that in for so long, huh? Just let it out, RoRo. We’re right here.” he whispers. “You’re going to be okay, little brother.”
Janus decides to join too, kneeling and wrapping his arms around the twins.
“You’ve been through so much, little prince. Let yourself cry. We’ll dry your tears.” he murmurs.
Virgil crouches in front of them and squeezes Roman’s shoulder this time.
“You’re safe, Roman. I’m here to protect you and your heart.” he assures him.
Logan and Patton join too.
“We love you, Roman. We love you.” Patton repeats over and over to remind Roman as he promised.
“We’re here, Roman.” Logan adds.
Roman cries and cries until he can’t and it dwindles into soft hiccups and sniffles. He doesn’t pull away from Remus though, not wanting him to leave. He desperately wants to believe this all real.
As he holds onto Remus and feels his family around him, Roman feels his heart beating peacefully now. Of course, the pain is still there and will be for a long time. Yet, he can feel some of it ebb away.
It’s difficult to heal a broken heart but with enough love, it can be free of its pain little by little. It’s definitely going to be a long time of healing for Roman and his heart but each side makes a silent vow to help him along the way.
And maybe in the future, Janus steps up as the Ego’s protector and carer. He’s there to hold him when he cries and to stand up for him when the world seems against him. He helps Roman be more open with his feelings and takes care of him when his days start to get dark. He does his best to silence the lies in the prince’s mind.
Virgil is a little more careful and kinder. He still banters with Roman but apologizes this time when he goes too far or says something hurtful. He’ll be more alert, slowly helping Roman tell him all his fears and worries so he can help him through it. At some point, Virgil and Roman even sit down and go over what insults might be too far or a sore spot, both promising never to use them against each other.
In the future, Patton is softer around Roman, doing his best to be understanding. He makes sure to hear Roman out and checks in on him when he sees him feeling cold inside. He loves him a little more and puts out a big effort to listen to Roman in discussions and works more with him to find compromises or better ideas to dilemmas. And if Patton hears Roman say an ‘I love you, padre” one day, he cherishes it.
Logan is a lot less harsh with Roman, helping him with his work and being understanding when Roman asks for a break. He’s more careful in giving Roman feedback to his ideas, starting with what he liked and ending with suggestions for improvement. He also makes sure to remind Roman that he’s very much worth a lot more than he thinks. And when they start arguing, Logan reminds himself of Roman’s heart and pauses to let them both cool down before talking to Roman again.
And as for Remus, he tries the hardest out of everyone. He’s still his chaotic self, often pestering Roman but also getting along with him better. They do still fight like siblings but when Roman’s hurt, Remus is there to pick him up and hold him. He does his best to cheer Roman up when he’s sad and they take more trips to the Imagination to just hang out when Roman doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by the others.
With all this love for the prince, Roman’s heart would feel fuller than ever. It would finally be on the mend and Roman would come to see that it won’t ever be broken again. Not with his family there to keep the pieces together.
For now though, Roman lets his family hold him as his heart keeps beating inside him where it’s meant to be.
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always-anxious612 · 1 year
Close Calls Ch. 2
This is the last chapter of this but I may do more of this au in the future! Also please don't judge me for my accuracy lol. I only did surface-level research on wounds and infections :')
Description: The infection grows more serious, and Virgil has to drag Roman to the clinic before it gets any worse. Unfortunately, he doesn't quite succeed. In other words, Roman is stubborn, Virgil is tired, and everything goes wrong.
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality
Warnings: panic attack, injuries mentioned, infections, homophobia menntioned, crying (let me know if I missed something or if you want something tagged!)
Word Count: 5,360
Chapter 1
The next day, I woke up a bit late, and, after hurriedly getting ready, began my duties as usual hoping Logan wouldn’t notice I was late. Logan was already in the clinic, as always, but this time Lord Patton was there as well. Thankfully, his presence saved me from a lengthy lecture. Patton was a well-known Lord in the castle, famous for his kindness and friendliness. Plus, he and Roman were pretty close as far as I could tell. Well, as close as a visiting Lord and a prince who only saw each other in formal spaces could be, I guess. They seemed to get along well is what I’m trying to say. Everyone at the castle loved him, though to be honest. Recently, I’d noticed he’d been visiting the castle more frequently and staying for longer periods of time, making a point to visit the clinic and say hello when he did. It had gotten to the point where he insisted that I call him Patton and drop the formalities while we were in the clinic. Logan had seemed to drop the formalities with him long ago.
“Um, good morning, my Lord,” I greeted Patton, still not quite being able to break the habit quite yet and trying to run a hand through my hand to make my bedhead more presentable. What so sue me, I didn’t have time to fix it that morning. I’d been up all night worrying about a certain prince.
“Oh, hi, Virgil! Good morning!” Patton grinned brightly. Ugh, how did he have so much energy so early in the day. I’d never understand morning people.
“I told you to just call me Patton, kiddo. No need to be so formal,” he added, coming over to ruffle my hair. Welp, guess fixing it had been pointless. Sometimes, I wondered if he knew we were the same age or if he just called everyone kiddo. From what I knew of him it was probably the latter.
“Um, right, so uh, is everything ok?” I questioned, awkwardly clearing my throat. “I—I mean, you’re not sick or anything, right?”
Sure, he’d been showing up here for a while now on his visits, but it never hurt to make sure. This was a clinic after all.
“Oh, no, no,” Patton assured, walking back over to Logan. “Just checking up on my two favorite physicians!”
“I’m still a nurse, technically,” I reminded him, though I couldn’t help but relax at his friendliness.
“Oh, Virgil, I meant to tell you. Today, you have the day off,” Logan finally spoke up, looking up from the papers he had been flipping through on his desk. So much for worrying about being late…Wait what?
“The day off?” I blanched. “But you always say that a doctor’s work is never done.”
I truly couldn’t remember a single day off since I’d started working here unless it was for medical reasons—ironic really.
“Ah, yes, well, Patton has expressed an interest in my profession, and I thought I’d take today to teach him a few things,” Logan replied, blushing slightly. Strange, Logan didn’t blush very easily…. I glanced at Patton and raised an eyebrow, trying not to jump to conclusions. If Logan understood what I was hinting at, he promptly ignored me, and I squashed down the thought. It wasn’t my business anyway, especially considering my own circumstances.
“If an emergency arises, I shall send for you, but soon, I’ll be taking Patton on my rounds to teach him to deal with less, um, life-threatening injuries and illnesses. You’re welcome to stay in the clinic if you’d like, but in case you need to find me, my list of patients to visit for today will be on my desk,” he instructed, clearing his throat.
“Oh, um, ok,” I muttered, already inching toward the door, “See ya later then, I guess. Bye Lo. Uh, Patton,”
I nodded a goodbye to both of them and waited until Patton had smiled and waved cheerily and Logan just nodded back to make my escape. Well, this gave me a chance to check on Roman at least.
Once I got up the many stairs and reached Roman’s room, I took a minute to catch my breath and look around before knocking. You’d think I’d be more used to making that trip by now.
“Um, your highness?” I called when I received no answer to my knock, glancing around again, just to be sure. When I still received no answer, I decided it was safe to just go in. Maybe he didn’t hear me?
“Roman?” I called after I made sure the door was closed behind me. Roman was standing by his window, studying the lush gardens outside, but he made no move to greet me.
“Princey?” I tried again, growing more concerned by the minute.
“Oh, Virgil!” He finally exclaimed, turning around a bit unsteadily. Huh, well that didn’t seem good.
“Uh, hey there, Roman. You doing ok?” I asked, already trying to examine him. His forehead was slick with sweat, and—though it looked like he had tried to cover it with makeup—I could see how flushed he was from across the room.
“Yeah, Yeah, I’m perfectly ok, V,” he smiled, as I came closer. The closer I got the worse he looked. His eyes were glazed, and he looked a little out of it, constantly rubbing at his eyes. Plus, other than the badly concealed flush of his cheeks, he was concerningly pale.
“Really,” I deadpanned.
“Yes, really. You’re only a tad bit blurry!” he asserted before cursing as he realized he’d just given himself away, “It’s really not that bad. I’m fine.”
“Wha—Roman, that’s not fine,” I chastised, hurrying the rest of the way over to him as he blinked sluggishly. “Can you make it to your bed?” “No, because I do not need to be in my bed,” he waved me off nervously.
“Roman,” I growled, grabbing his arm.
“Truly, Virgil, I’m completely fine,” Roman insisted, pulling at my grip.
“Obviously,” I retorted when he failed to get his arm back, “Just drop the act so I can help you. I need to see exactly what’s going on.”
“No,” He snapped yanking away from me, “I said I’m fine. I-I have an important meeting with the council to attend about the raids. So, if you’re done, I need to be on my way. Good day, Virgil,”
“Don’t you dare, Roman,” I threatened as he made his way shakily to the door.
“Listen, just—just make an excuse. You’re the prince. I’m sure you can postpone the meeting.”
“It’s not my meeting. My father called it, and he’s expecting me. I’m very sorry, Virgil, but I have to go,”
Ah, so that’s how it was. If this involved his father, it was going to be a whole lot harder to convince him to skip.
Roman had made it into the hallway and halfway toward the staircase by the time I collected my thoughts and made it to the doorway. However, I didn’t miss the fact that he was hugging the wall the whole way there.
“Roman—er, your highness—” I cleared my throat, looking around quickly. It was strangely empty. Whatever, it would be a lot more trouble if I got caught with Roman looking like this than for not addressing him properly, so I pushed it to the back of my mind.  
“Roman, please. You can’t do this. You can barely stand up straight, much less last through a whole meeting,” I begged. Roman straightened slightly but otherwise kept walking making me tsk.
When he reached the staircase, he turned to glance at me before straightening once again and disappearing down the stairs. Groaning at his stubbornness, I hurried after him.
“Roman?” I called, getting worried when I turned the corner and didn’t see him. I made it a little over halfway down the winding staircase before finding Roman, leaning against the wall and panting. How the hell had he moved so fast and gotten so far ahead in this condition?
“Ro?” I asked hesitantly, eyes flicking over his slouched posture and glassy expression.
“May—Maybe I don’t feel so great,” He muttered before sliding unceremoniously down the wall.
“Princey,” I gasped, grabbing his arm and part of his shirt to keep him from toppling down the stairs.
“Hey, hey, Roman, are you ok?” I questioned, shifting to get a better hold on him and pinning him back against the wall. Roman mumbled a response too quiet to hear as his eyes fluttered.
“No no no no. Roman, stay awake, ok? Stay with me. We’re still on the staircase, I can’t get—I don’t—ugh, damn it, Roman. I’m not strong enough to carry you back up. Why didn’t you just listen to me,” I muttered, starting to panic.
It’s ok, it’s ok, I started coaching myself, taking deep breaths as I tried not to launch into a full-blown panic attack. just take a deep breath and think. It’s not that bad, I blatantly lied to myself, trying not to even entertain the thought of what would happen if someone chose this moment to walk down the staircase. I could do this, right? I could—I could at least get him to the clinic if not back to his room. That was better anyway. He needed medical care that wasn’t me, and besides, going downstairs would be easier than going up, right? At least that’s what I hoped…
I was wrong. Or maybe I wasn’t. Maybe this was easier than going upstairs, but if that were true, I dreaded to think how going upstairs would be. After I had convinced Roman to finally let me take him to the clinic—as if I was really giving him a choice this time or that he was alert enough to fight back anyway—I found myself carrying a delirious, semi-conscious Prince on my back. Unfortunately, no matter what direction you go, trying to navigate stairs with a whole person on your back is rather difficult.
“Remind me—to—to kill you—after I make sure—you’re ok,” I huffed, out of breath and already sweating. Roman didn’t reply, concerning me even more. How had he gotten so sick just overnight? It had to be the infection, right?
After what felt like ages, I reached the clinic and almost sagged in relief.
“Logan?” I gasped, kicking open the door. At this point, Roman was completely unresponsive and slack against me, making it even harder to keep him on my back. I quickly laid him on the clinic bed and frantically looked around for Logan before realizing he was probably already on his rounds.
“Are you kidding me,” I grumbled, going to grab a damp towel for Roman’s forehead. The whole point of risking bringing him here instead of to his room was that I didn’t know what to do.
Huffing, I gathered some bandages and supplies to check on Roman’s wound again. That’s really the only thing I could think of that could be causing this. Did the infection get worse? Just how bad? When I got the bandages from yesterday off, I hissed in sympathy. Just as I had feared, the infection was much worse. It—This whole thing was beginning to feel like my fault. If I’d done better cleaning and stitching it. If I’d noticed that he was developing a fever yesterday. If I’d convinced him to come to Logan. If—If…I took a deep breath, pushing away the thoughts to focus on what I should do now. My hands trembled as I began thoroughly cleaning and sterilizing the infected area. At least there were actual supplies in the clinic, I guess.
            After I cleaned it, I set to work quickly, gently rubbing some antibiotic cream over the infection and making sure the stitches were ok. I’d have to make sure to change his bandages more often and to keep it clean so this wouldn’t happen again or get any worse. Next, I grabbed a cup of water and some medicines that should help with both the fever and the infection. This was the only other thing I could think of doing. The infection didn’t seem severe enough to have to remove it surgically or anything, but I’d be sure to ask Logan when he came back. The thought of him seeing how horribly I’d messed this up made me sick to my stomach, especially when the prince was the patient; but I knew it would be much worse if I didn’t get his help.
Sighing, I brought the medicine over to Roman and sat on the edge of the bed
“Princey,” I whispered, nudging his arm. Roman groaned and groggily batted my hand away.
“Come on, Princey, I need you to take these,” I coaxed softly, ignoring his swat and shaking him again. This time, he managed to squint his eye open.
“Do wha’?” he slurred tiredly.
“Take these pills, Ro. They’ll help.”
“M-My father. I have to—” he remembered suddenly, trying to push himself up and ignoring the offered pills.
“No,” I responded curtly, pushing him back down gently, “Your father can wait. I’ll even help you make up an excuse. Or you know, I’ll have Logan write you a medical note to prove that you have a fever and are not fit for work today. You—You passed out, Roman, I think that warrants skipping the meeting. Lean back and take these. Please.”
Roman sighed heavily but did as he was told and took the pills and water from me. His easy compliance told me all I needed to know about how badly he must be feeling.
After he gulped down the rest of the water, he ended up passing out again, leaving me to sit and wait by myself. Logan’s rounds usually took about two and a half to three hours because of the amount of soldiers the castle housed. More soldiers meant more injuries to check up on, and on days were the infirmary wasn’t full, or when the clinic was slow, Logan took his time to personally visit and check on every one of them. That’s not even mentioning the other castle staff that he’d tend to when illness spread throughout the castle or the fact that he had earned the title of royal physician, meaning that he also took care of not only the royal family but also any visiting noble staying in the castle. Needless to say, he had a lot of patients, and though he had other physicians and nurses that would regularly come and help him, especially when there was an influx, he usually preferred to work alone when he could. Today, no one was scheduled to be in the clinic, and no one was in the infirmary, so I knew Logan would be taking his time. With Patton there, it would probably take him even longer. He loved any opportunity to teach.
Sighing once again, I went to stand to get some water for myself when something warm clamped around my wrist.
“Roman?” I questioned, turning to find his hand holding me back. “Is something wrong?”
He grunted softly before yanking me forward, almost causing me to trip onto him.
“Cuddle,” he mumbled before I could yell at him. I felt my face flush bright red at his request.
“R-Roman, you know we can’t,” I protested, trying to pull away.
“Virgil,” Roman pouted, gazing up at me blearily, “Please?”
“We’re—We’re not in your room, Ro. Someone could walk in.”
“Please?” he begged, already struggling to keep his eyes open. I bit my lip hesitantly. He didn’t look far from falling asleep again. Maybe I could just cuddle long enough to get him to sleep then slip out before anyone could see us. Besides, it wasn’t as if anybody but me and Logan usually came into the clinic when it was closed anyway, and Logan was out on his rounds.
“Fine,” I gave in reluctantly as Roman smiled victoriously and scooted over to make room for me.
I couldn’t help the contented sigh that escaped my lips once I was settled in his arms, making sure to be careful of his wound. It was just so warm and comforting, and the way he was playing with my hair…I absentmindedly snuggled into his chest and let the warmth numb my mind. I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, worried about Roman—apparently for good reason. A quick nap wouldn’t hurt, right? Besides, I was sure Logan wouldn’t be back for at least a couple of hours, and he was always complaining about the dark circles under my eyes and telling me to get more sleep. He should be happy I’m finally taking his advice. Unfortunately, my brain was too tired and too content to remind me just how bad an idea it was to let my guard down out in the open like this. Roman’s now steady breaths lulled me deeper into comfort and I felt myself slipping. It was so warm. This is nice, my mind almost sighed as I slid into sleep with Roman’s arms still wrapped securely around me. I should really learn to listen to my instincts more…
I was pulled from that warmth a little bit later by a rough nudge to my arm. Thinking it must be Roman, I groaned and shoved the arm away. The nudging paused and I was about to go back to sleep when there was another nudge—softer this time—followed by a voice.
“Virgil, you should probably get up.”
Oh. That—That wasn’t Roman’s voice. In an instant I shot up, inhaling sharply as I saw Logan and Patton peering down at me. No, oh no, no no no, how could I have let this happen? I should have never fallen asleep. I always harped on Roman for doing things that could get us caught but this was all my fault. What should I do? What could I do? Both of them had always been kind to me, but there was no telling how they’d react to this. Were they going to be angry? Were they disgusted with me? Were—Were they going to report me? What about Roman? I couldn’t let anything happen to him because of my carelessness. As my thoughts swirled around me, it became harder to draw air into my lungs. Once I realized that I couldn’t breathe, my chest constricted, holding back more of my breath. If it tightened anymore, I feared it would be impossible to breath altogether, but I couldn’t seem to collect my thoughts enough to loosen the knot there. My hands shook as I hugged myself, willing my panicked thoughts to go away. Obviously, it didn’t work. I saw motion from the corner of my eye and realized Logan was talking to me. Had he been talking this whole time?
“Virgil,” he coached, “Virgil, do you think you can take a breath in? Follow my breathing, ok?” more movement, to my left this time, but I couldn’t bring myself to look up. I tried to follow along; I really did. But every breath hurt. Everything hurt. My throat was burning. My chest ached. My head pounded. And everything was going wrong. Everything that I feared was happening. We’d been discovered. I ruined it. We couldn’t—I couldn’t—we just…half formed thoughts plagued my mind and my breath hitched as I realized I was crying. Was I going to be executed for this? 
“Virgil, dearest. Look at me, my love,” a different voice spoke up this time, but there was only one person who called me dearest and my love. I felt a hand touch my cheek hesitantly, then gently tilt my face until I was face to face with Roman.
“I need you to breath with me, Virge,” he instructed, calmly. “In for four seconds. Hold for seven. Out for eight, remember? You can do it.”
As he counted out the seconds, he removed his hand from my face in order to take my hand and press it against his chest. I struggled to follow along at first, but he continued breathing deeply and counting the seconds until I could. With Roman’s reassurances and guidance, I slowly felt myself relaxing.
Once the world came into focus again and I could breathe regularly without feeling like I was dying, I took one more deep breath before slouching forward into Roman’s chest.
“It’s alright, V,” Roman soothed, carding his fingers through my hair. Except, it wasn’t ok. Logan and Patton saw us. They know. I couldn’t even bring myself to look up and see if they were still standing there or if they’d already gone to report us to the king. The silence in the room made me inclined to believe the latter. I loved Logan, but he was very strict with the rules. There’s no way he’d let something as big as this slide. I was just another nurse, right? Instead, I sniffled and buried myself further into Roman’s chest.
“Oh, your shirt,” I lamented shakily, brushing my fingers against the wet spot that now stained the expensive fabric.
“It’s nothing, stormcloud,” Roman hushed, pulling me closer. I felt more tears burn my eyes at the action.
“Sorry,” I whispered, feeling the weight of everything settle uncomfortably in my chest.
“You have nothing to apologize for, dearest,” Roman assured softly. Liar. How could he say that when I was the reason we’d never get to see each other again.
“Um, pardon me for interrupting, my prince, but I believe this tea may help Virgil,” Logan’s voice offered softly from behind me making me jump. He was still here? Wait, he didn’t sound angry or disgusted. “Ah, um, thank you,” Roman responded, accepting the tea.
Taking a steadying breath, I finally pushed myself away from Roman’s chest. Roman handed me the tea before placing his arms loosely around my waist. I looked at the tea then hesitantly back to Logan. Patton stood behind him, worry swimming in his eyes. What was going on exactly?
“The tea helps to calm the heart rate and I find it to be quite helpful when I’m feeling stressed,” Logan explained awkwardly when I didn’t make any move to drink it. Nodding warily, I took a sip, relishing the calming warmth that flooded me when I did.
“Um, I also would like to apologize, Virgil. I did not realize that waking you would cause such a reaction. I should have been more careful,” Logan continued after a short but tense silence. At his apology, I couldn’t take it anymore. Why wasn’t he freaking out?
“Aren’t—Aren’t you gonna say something? A-About this?” I stammered out, hating how raspy and shaky my voice sounded.
“What would you like me to say, Virgil?”
I blanched at him, then glanced back at Roman who looked equally confused as I felt.
“I—Aren’t you, d-disgusted or—or something?” I pressed incredulously.
“Why would I be disgusted?” Logan questioned, tilting his head. I mirrored his look of confusion before setting my tea down lest I spill it with how much I was still shaking.
“By—By us? Or—I mean—m-maybe not disgusted but, you know, this isn’t really…accepted. I-I mean don’t you think it’s—wrong or something? I mean we’re both—and on top of that, I’m just a—I—”
“Virgil,” Logan interrupted before I could work myself up too much, “I would never be disgusted by this. Any of it. By you both being of the same gender, or by you being from different social classes. I—You know that I’m your friend, right? And that I would never report you or anything? Even if I were against it, I couldn’t do that to you. I would never do that to you.”
At my shocked expression, Logan’s shoulders slumped.
“I take it you didn’t know any of that,” he sighed, looking even more miserable as I shook my head.
“I suppose that’s on me, then,” he frowned remorsefully.
“Lo,” I started, suddenly feeling guilty for ever doubting him. I never would have dreamed that he considered me a friend. I thought I was just another apprentice. He’s had plenty before me…
“No, no, I should have made it clear that I care for you,” Logan insisted. “Let me make it clear now.”
I shut my mouth and nodded for him to continue.
“Virgil, I have considered you a friend for a while now, and if you’d like, I’d still like to consider you one,”—he paused and I nodded frantically at the offer before he smiled and continued—“I care for you and your well-being very much, and I would never wish harm on you. I have no intention of ever reporting you as long as the current king is in rule. His methods and punishments tend to be a little cruel, and I never want to see you hurt. Nor will I report you for something that shouldn’t even be considered a crime. If Prince Roman is the one you love and you are the one he loves, then I support you fully. You cannot help who you fall in love with. If it is mutual and consenting, then there shouldn’t be a problem, social class or gender be damned.”
“That’s right, kiddo,” Patton spoke up stepping forward, startling me. I’d kind of forgotten he was there. I was really not on my game with being vigilant today.
“I won’t report you either. It’d be a little hypocritical of me if I did,” He smiled, shooting a quick glance to Logan. I wanted to ask him to elaborate on that last part but decided against it. I was pretty sure I got the hint, and again, it wasn’t really my business anyway.
“And I know that I haven’t known you nearly as long as Logan, but I’d like to be your friend as well if you’d like,” Patton continued, shooting me a beaming smile. I returned his smile hesitantly, though mine wasn’t nearly as big or bright. I don’t think I could fully comprehend what was happening right now. This was certainly not how I thought things would be going. Just a few minutes ago, I’d been getting ready to say goodbye to Roman forever.
“Ok, um, we—we can be friends, if, uh, you really want to,” I nodded, snorting as Patton bounced in place a bit and nodded happily. He was always so excitable, I couldn’t help but grin.
“You—You really won’t report us?” Roman assured, arms tightening around me slightly, “Either of you?”
“Of course not, My Prince,” Logan confirmed.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Your Highness,” Patton chimed in.
“Please, just Roman is fine.”
Patton grinned at him and nodded, while Logan just raised an eyebrow.
“Alright then, now that that’s been settled, may I ask what you two are doing in the clinic in the first place? Is something wrong?” Logan inquired, studying the two of us.
“Oh, that’s right. It’s a bit risky to be cuddling out in the open like this, even if it was pawsitively adorable,”—Patton giggled at his own pun— “Wouldn’t it be safer in your room, Roman? Or somewhere hidden?”
“Ah, well—” I glanced back at Roman and at his reluctant nod, began explaining.
“Princey, er, Roman sneaked off to take part in stopping the raid on the nearby town and came back with a stab wound. He wouldn’t let me take him to you, Lo, trust me I tried,” I grumbled, taking a second to glare at Roman which he promptly ignored, “so, I tried to tend to it myself. I, uh, I guess I didn’t do very well. It got infected. Then I tried to fix it, but when I went to check on him this morning it was even worse, and he had a fever and ended up passing out. I managed to get him here and tried the best I could with mending it an everything, but uh, if you could take a look…”
Logan nodded at my request, and I scrambled out of Roman’s lap as he bent down to pull up his shirt. He quickly undid the bandages I’d wrapped and started examining it, asking what medications and ointments I’d used as he went.
“Well, you’ve done a remarkable job at cleaning the infection as far as I can tell. You gave him all the correct medicines and ointments as well. The stitching is also very well done. Keep in mind, Virgil, that the infection may not have been caused by you or by improper care. It could be internal body bacteria, or the fact that you did the stitches in an unsterilized environment under what sounds like not ideal conditions. All things considered, you did everything right,” Logan commended before leaning back and turning to address both me and Roman. I felt the knot in my chest lessen even more at his words even as I blushed at the praise.
“All you can do now is monitor the infection and keep it clean and dry and change the bandages often. Also be sure to avoid scratching at the stitches. They may begin to itch, especially because of the infection. I’d recommend avoiding heavy physical labor that could stretch or break the stitches as well. If you need an excuse, come find me and I’ll be more than happy to write you a note or talk to your father myself. You’ve suffered a very bad fever after all, even collapsing from it. I’m sure I could convince him you need bedrest,” he instructed, smiling softly at both of us. I blinked at him, pretty sure I’d never seen him smile so genuinely before. Huh. Today was full of surprises.
“Oh, also, take these pills for the next week, your Highness. Your fever seems to have gone down quite a bit, and I’d like to keep it that way. I’ll have Virgil keep up with your infection as he’s done an excellent job already and I’m sure you’d both prefer that.”
“Thank you, Logan,” Roman nodded, returning Logan’s smile and taking the pills that he offered.
“And I’ve told you a million times to just call me Roman.” He added with a huff.
“And I’ve told you a million times that it’s unprofessional to address you as such,” Logan tsked, sighing as he quickly re-bandaged his wound.
“Well then don’t do it as a professional do it as a friend,” Roman shot back, making Logan pause. He slowly finished up the bandages before taking a step back and raising an eyebrow
“A friend?” he questioned, crossing his arms.
“Yes. I believe this could be the start of a great friendship, the four of us. Don’t you guys think? Besides I’ve known you for years, Logan. Plus, I’m well acquainted with Patton already, though we’ve never gotten to spend much one-on-one time together. And Virgil, well, of course, uh, you know…” Roman cleared his throat blushing a bit. “Um, anyway, it’ll be nice, don’t you think? We can all just be here and exist together. No need for formalities or regard for social status or any of that. We can all relax and be ourselves.”
Logan took a minute to think it over before sighing and nodding softly.
“I—I suppose that’s acceptable,” he agreed, “You seem to constantly land yourself in my clinic anyway; so, it’s not as if I don’t get enough of you. It would be…nice to be friends.”
“Yay! New friends! I need you to know that I already love all of you so much,” Patton cheered as Roman stuck his tongue out at Logan.
“I think you just love everyone, Patton,” I couldn’t help but snort.
“Well, maybe, but you guys are special. I can’t wait to get to know you all more,” he replied, looking fondly at Roman and Logan who were now arguing about who-knows-what.
“Yeah,” I chuckled, rolling my eyes as Roman dramatically gasped and put a hand to his chest, “Me either, Pat.” Me either
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
"Who's Manny?"
I just found out that "Manny" is used as a nickname for "Roman" and i decided to make a short fanfic about it because i got inspired.
Resume: Virgil has been crazy about his new boyfriend lately and has been talking non-stop about him, his two best friends, Remus and Janus, start to befome curious about this new man Virgil is dating, his name is, "Manny" or at least that's what Remus thinks since that's what Virgil calls him, to his surprise, Manny is only a loving nickname that Virgil uses to hyde the identity of his boyfriend, eventually, the true comes out and Remus is not happy about who "Manny" actually is.
Pairing: Romantic Prinxiety, mentioned romantic Demus.
Warnings: Swearing, lying, Remus being an overprotective brother and Virgil is a simp.
Remus is rolling his eyes, once again, Virgil started going on about his new man. Virgil has been like this since he started seen his current boyfriend, he was going on and on about how beautiful and talented he is: "Manny did this" "Manny did that" or "Manny and i went to X place last week". Remus was tired of it, it was cute at first but now it was just annoying.
He couldn't understand how Janus was SO patient with Virgil, meybe because the emo has never been so invested in a relationship before, Virgil is usually really private about his love life and never talked this munch about his dates. But this time he was head over heels and couldn't stop talking about this "Manny" guy.
Janus was starting to get really curious about him, and really suspicious about their relationship too, because as he said it: "For a man who brags so munch about his boyfriend, he is trying really hard to hyde it from us" and he wasn't wrong, Remus couldn't care less, he was tired to hear about Manny, but he admited that it was really weird how little Virgil shared about his boyfriend. Sure he talked a lot about Manny, but at the same time he didn't? Sure, he talked about how amazing he is, but he never gives any actual information about him, like how old he is or what he does for a living, what he is studying in collage, nothing.
"is kinda impresive, you know?" Remus heard Janus said "How you can talk so munch about this guy, but never tells us anything about it" Remus looked at Virgil, who now had his eyes wide open and had gone completely silent. Janus continued:
"When are we going to meet him?"
Virgil said the same reason he gave the last time they asked him that "is too soon" but Janus wasn't having it
"Come on, Virge, is been seven months since you used that scuse, you can't keep using when you two have been dating for ten months by now"
Virgil shrugged his shoulders and look away:"You can't meet him now, he is out of town".
"Oh, why? Is he gone because of work? Or collage?".
Virgil looked unsure to answer that question, but finally he said:
"He is away because he got a role in a musical, is not a big one, but he is really exited about it".
"So he is an actor"? Janus asked and
Virgil nooded, Janus wanted to know more, Remus was listening to the conversation, he wanted to see how munch information Janus could get from Virgil before the emo decided to leave. Janus asked another question:
"How old is he?"
"Is he in collage?"
"Why does that matters?" Virgil was starting to get anxious, so he grabed his drink and looked at Janus before taking a bif sip from the cup. Remus was starting to get interested in the conversation joined in:
"don't get defensive, Emo, Jani just wants to know more about your little boyfriend, is normal since you want to hyde him so badly"
"I AM NOT trying to hyde him"
"Then why don't you tell us more about him, right now the only thing we know about him is that he is an actor and is 22 years old" Remus smiles at janus and laugh.
"And that his name is Manny, don't forget his name, Jan"
Janus looked at Remus and said, with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, i don't think that's his actual name Remus, little Virge here has a bad habit of refering to his boyfriends by nicknames only" Janus looked back at Virgil, who looked like a bowl of cold water had just fall over him.
"So what's his actual name? I guess is something like Emmanuel? or Manfred?"
Virgil was now sweating and got up.
"None of those, now if you scuse me, i have to go"
"I guess his name just end with "Man"?"
"Wait a minute"
Remus looked at Virgil, something was weird, things started to connect in his head. Virgil had a 22 years old boyfriend, that was an actor and was away from town because he got a role in a musical, meanwhile, Remus just happends to have a younger brother, who is put of town, is also and actor and is the same age as Manny.
"I REALLY HAVE TO GO" Virgil grabed his things and left his part to pay for the drinks. In that moment Remus got up and started to follow Virgil.
"Virge, wait, who is Manny?"
Virgil didn't listen to him and walked faster.
"Virgil, come back"
Virgil started to run.
"VIRGILIO DON'T FUCKING RUN AWAY FROM ME, TELL ME WHO THE FUCK "MANNY" IS FOR?" Remus screamed while running behind Virgil.
Janus soon regreted his choices, payd for their drinks and run behind them while telling Remus to calm down.
Three weeks later, Roman come back to town and he was not happy when he found out about the fight his brother and boyfriend had in the middle of the street, and he was even more livid when Remus had the audacity to give him the silent treatment for dating one of his friends.
This is my first short fic and i'm terrible with writting in english, i am so sorry for the terror grammar. I wanted to do this as a writting practice and because i was inspired. If you want, you can't correct my writting mistakes, i am open to critics and corrections.
Tag list: @emobeanwhoneedssleep @maze-arts @roman-can-gay @dorkyduckling16 @meowthefluffy
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Literally dying for the next installment of the superhero au. Absolutely can’t wait to see Janus wreck patrons shit again
(Or perhaps if you’re thinking of adding other heroes/villains possibly hero Roman putting villain Virgil in his place?)
Anyway very much enjoying this universe
thank you anon im glad you like it!!! I have Thoughts and it might turn angsty (i as a writer am lowkey wired for angst, smut, and angsty smut, tho you guys have been spared the angst so far)
(this might sound silly but i lowkey struggle w/ prinxiety i went off the way the fandom wrote them like, a few years ago and never recovered. i'll see how i go...?)
I Am still rotating how i want to distribute the heroes and villains, actually. i have it in my head that Logan's actually a Lex Luthor type, kinda corrupt/morally grey CEO who might have a mecha suit hiding in a backroom. which would be ironic that Patton doesn't know
it could even be fun if Remus *and* Roman were villains as like a duo. but again. shrugs. i can see Virgil being Patton's teammate.
tho i do have the concept of Roman being a superman-type being called Hurricane (w/ red and white theming)
tbh Remus could be a poison ivy type and then i get to introduce aphrodisiacs. tho Remus could also be a hero! im talking myself in circles. the only things i know for certain is that Janus is basically Catwoman-cross-Zatanna, and Patton is... Batman. basically.
but yeah. yeah. lowkey i have no idea what im doing also. you can probably tell by the fact i keep comparing it to DC that it's a few shades off a justice league au
im talking way too much it's like midnight and i just had a huge dnd session im real tired im going crazy insane you didn't ask for this much of a reply
.......tho lowkey a hero fucking a villain so good they domesticate them is a good concept. sdlghdkfjgfdg >.<
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
A Snake By Any Other Name…
(A Sanders Sides High School AU)
Ships: Logince (they are dating at the start of the story), Loceit (slow burn, they date after Logince split up), Prinxiety (friends to lovers, they date after Logince split up), intruality (secret relationship, already together at the start of the story)
Just to clarify: This isn’t unsympathetic Roman. He’ll start out as forceful but he gets character development. This also isn’t unsympathetic Janus. Part of his motives are to spite Roman, but he also genuinely cares about Logan’s well being.
Warning: This story will likely contain swearing, Roman being overly controlling/overprotective at first but he’ll get character development, and sexual themes. I’ll try to put more specific warnings for each chapter.
Edit: I’m going to write this on AO3 instead of Tumblr, just to make things easier and so that all my followers aren’t just flooded with a long post. Also I saved a draft for a chapter I was working on and edited it to write the chapter but then lost the whole thing when I saved it without knowing my internet cut out. (Let this be a lesson to write stuff in a document instead of just writing directly on Tumblr 😅)
Description: Logan Croft wasn’t planning on acting in the Drama Club’s production of Romeo and Juliet. While he’s a fan of Shakespeare’a poems, he’s never been one for theatre. The only reason he’s in the Drama Club to begin with is because his boyfriend, Roman Gomez, insisted on him being there. He was supposed to be the tech guy, that was the deal at least, but when Roman discovered that the play was a gay rewrite of Romeo and Juliet, he insisted Logan audition to play the Juliet to his Romeo.
Much to Roman’s dismay, however, Janus Viper, his arch nemesis, is the Drama Club’s director. Surprisingly, Logan does get the role of Juliet, but the role of Romeo goes to Janus himself. Will Logan be able to navigate the difficult situation he has found himself in?
Chapter 1: Auditions
“Roman, I thought we agreed that I would only be joining the Drama Club as the ‘tech guy’ as you call it.” Logan sighed as they entered the cafeteria, where their friend Patton was waiting for them. “But they’re doing Romeo and Juliet! Or, as it’s now called, Romeo and Johnathon! I could be Romeo, and you could be Johnathon! It would be perfect!” Roman cheered as they sat down.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?” Patton asked, seeming as chipper as he always was. He was used to his friends bickering, though it was a bit tiring. He honestly wasn’t sure why they were dating, but he tried his best to be supportive.
“Patton, my friend, would you please tell Logan how great it would be if we were to play as lovers in the greatest love story known to man?” Roman scoffed. “Patton, could you remind Roman that I agreed to sign up for Drama Club on the condition that I wouldn’t have to perform?” Logan retorted. “Okay guys, calm down.” Patton told them softly. “I am calm.” Both Roman, who raised his voice slightly as he said it, and Logan, who said it more matter of factly, informed Patton in unison.
Patton took a deep breath before turning his attention to Roman. “Roman, if Logan is uncomfortable with it, you can’t force him to audition.” He began, causing Roman to pout. “Well, yeah… I know that. I just thought it would be something we could do together… He doesn’t have to, obviously.” Roman explained. “Thank you, Patton.” Logan stated.
“And Logan, this does seem to be really important to Roman. Now that he’s calmed down, maybe you could explain why you’re uncomfortable, so that he knows this isn’t a rejection to him, just to performing?” Patton suggested. “I suppose that sounds fair… I’m uncomfortable with the idea of performing as a character. I have trouble suspending my disbelief enough to enjoy a play, therefore it would be difficult for me to play a character, even if I am actually dating the love interest.” Logan explained.
“That… makes sense.” Roman admitted. “But will that make you uncomfortable? If I end up playing Romeo, and you have to watch me kiss some other guy and remind yourself that it’s not real?” Roman asked nervously. “I… I’ll know that you are simply following instructions.” Logan assured him hesitantly. “Are you sure?” Roman questioned, noticing that Logan seemed uncomfortable with the idea.
“Hmm… I suppose that would be difficult, but I don’t want to prevent you from doing something you enjoy… but I’d also be uncomfortable playing a character, and kissing you in front of so many people.” Logan admitted. “How about this. We audition, if you don’t get the part, we both drop out of the play and I’ll just work on back stage while you work on tech.” Roman suggested.
“And if you don’t get Romeo?” Logan asked. “Then you can drop out and go back to being the tech guy. Besides, I highly doubt I won’t be Romeo. Even with Janus as the director, I’m the best actor there. He has to cast me as the lead.” Roman assured him. “And you don’t have to even try that hard, all I ask is that you audition. If you’re uncomfortable, they won’t cast you. No worries.” Roman quickly added.
“Alright, that does sound fair.” Logan agreed. “Splendid! Oh, Patton! You should audition as the Nurse! Then you’ll be able to support Logan if he does get the role!” Roman decided. “That sound’s like a great idea!” Patton cheered. “Wonderful! We can meet in the Auditorium on Wednesday!” Roman exclaimed, relieved that everything seemed to have worked out.
“Alright everyone, quiet back stage. Auditions are about to begin.” Janus announced. He was sitting in the front row of the school’s auditorium, waiting for the chatter back stage to come to an end. “First, auditions for Romeo. Will Farris Becker please come to the stage?” Janus called.
After watching two auditions, Janus waved a hand to dismiss the auditioning actor. “Thank you, the cast will be posted on the Auditorium doors on Friday.” Janus informed him. He then put his feat up on the seat beside him as the actor left the stage, checking his list of people auditioning. “Roman Gomez.” He called, a smirk on his lips as he did.
Roman strutted onto the stage, confident as usual. Janus chuckled as he brought his legs down, sat up straight, and gave Roman his full attention. “Hello, Roman.” He greeted. “Janus.” Roman returned in a bitter tone. “Any day now.” Janus sighed, gesturing for Roman to begin his audition. Roman nodded, clearing his throat before delivering the lines.
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?” Roman began, the lines already memorized as he gazed at the lights above, as if gazing to Johnathon’s window. “It is the east, and Johnathon is the sun.” Roman sang, gracefully raising a hand to the imaginary window. “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off.” Roman continued, waving his hand aggressively to the side, as if to cut off the moon’s envious light.
“It is my lord, O, it is my love!” He then declared, his expression gentle as he reached again towards the ‘window’. “O, that he knew he were! He speaks yet he says nothing: what of that? His eye discourses; I will answer it.” Roman continued before placing a hand on his chest, his expression one of admiration. “I am too bold, 'tis not to me he speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat his eyes, to twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if his eyes were there, they in his head? The brightness of his cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; his eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how he leans his cheek upon his hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!” Roman concluded.
“Thank you, Roman. The cast will be-” Janus began. “Yes yes, I know.” Roman dismissed with a cocky smile. He walked off the stage, leaving Janus to roll his eyes. “Oh Roman, I don’t think you know much at all.” Janus mused, his smirk growing as he read the list of people auditioning for Johnathon. “Next, auditions for Johnathon. Will Logan Croft please come to the stage?” Janus called.
Meanwhile, Roman and Logan stood back stage. Roman had just returned, and he smiled brightly as he held Logan’s hand. “Break a leg.” He whispered, kissing Logan’s cheek. “I would hope not.” Logan murmured. “It’s an expression, Starlight. It means good luck.” Roman laughed softly. “Oh.” Logan replied as Janus called his name again. “Go on!” Roman urged, gently pushing Logan towards the stage.
Logan took a deep breath, then walked over to the stage’s centre. He blinked, his eyes sensitive to the lights. “Logan Croft, I didn’t expect to see you auditioning.” Janus mused, though it was a lie. He knew Roman would convince Logan to do so. It was all going as he had planned.
“Yes, well… Roman wished to audition together.” Logan explained. “I figured. Whenever you’re ready.” Janus then prompted. Logan nodded and cleared his throat. Having also memorized his lines, he began his monologue without the script’s assistance.
“O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!” Logan began, his fingers starting at his temples before popping way to display frustration. Janus was instantly taken aback. He had expected Roman to have Logan perform Juliet’s, or in this case, Johnathon’s more famous monologue, the one where he confesses his feelings for Romeo, struggles over first love, yadda yadda yadda. Instead, Logan seemed to have chosen this one… One where Johnathon is angry with Romeo, but is conflicted between his love for him and his anger at Romeo’s actions.
Janus couldn’t help but feel intrigued.
“Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?” Logan continued, pacing around the stage as if irritated. “Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! Dove-feather'd raven! wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show!” Logan shouted, arms angrily tossed into the air as he paced. “Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st,” Logan scoffed, pausing to laugh and wave a hand dismissively into the air.
“A damned saint, an honourable villain! O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell, when thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend in moral paradise of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous palace!” Logan concluded, taking a deep breath to ease his nerves after he had finished.
Janus watched Logan with great interest as he applauded, the sound startling Logan. “Well done, Logan. I’m surprised, who knew you were so talented?” Janus remarked. It sounded like mocking, mainly because such a tone was a force of habit for Janus. However, the compliment was genuine. “Casting will be posted on the auditorium doors on Friday.” Janus then informed him. “Thank you.” Logan replied, giving Janus a respectful nod before walking off the stage. “Not a problem. Not a problem in the slightest.” Janus mused quietly as he watched Logan leave.
“You did amazing!” Roman cheered. “Did I?” Logan asked, genuinely asking. He just did the performance to the best of his ability. It really wasn’t much of a difference to him whether he did well or not. “Yes! I’m sure we have this in the bag!” Roman cheered. “Is that another expression?” Logan questioned. “Yes. It means we’ll surely succeed.” Roman answered, chuckling as he held Logan’s hand and brought him out of the auditorium.
“Hey Jannie! How did auditions go?” Remus asked as Janus walked with him to class. “Better than I had even hoped. Logan was there, just as I had predicted, and you’ll never believe it, but he did terrifically.” Janus admitted happily. “Really? I thought he was gonna be stiff as a plank.” Remus replied. “I thought the same. It seems Logan Croft is full of surprises.” Janus mused.
“You sure you’re not just biased cause you want to fuck him?” Remus teased. “Shut it!” Janus hissed, glaring at his friend. “What? Afraid someone’s going to hear? Who cares.” Remus taunted. “If he finds out I… like him… He’s going to reject me before he’s even gotten to know me, all because he’s loyal to Roman.” Janus explained, rolling his eyes.
“I doubt they even like each other that much. Everyone in school knows they fight constantly, hell, they’re more like brothers than you and Roman are. Sure, they’re inseparable, but boy do they have at it when they disagree on something.” Janus ranted. “Yeah, Patty gets pretty tired from helping them sort things out.” Remus confirmed. “But if Logan gets to know me, without Roman there to cause a bias, then I may get a chance. Practicing lines with him will be the perfect opportunity.” Janus concluded.
“Oh so that’s the reason for your big plan. To be honest, I thought you just wanted an excuse to kiss him.” Remus snickered. “That’s just a perk.” Janus admitted, blushing slightly and waving his hand dismissively. “It will certainly be thrilling to practice with him… I really meant it when I said he did well.” Janus sighed fondly. “We get it, you’re a goner for the nerd.” Remus mocked. “You’re one to talk. How’s kissing your boyfriend in the janitor’s closet so your brother doesn’t find out going for you?” Janus countered.
“Okay, okay, listen.” Remus began, stopping in his tracks and pointing a warning finger at Janus. “I’m listening.” Janus stated, smirking as he stopped and turned to face Remus. “Patty and I will tell him… We’re just waiting for the right time.” Remus insisted. “Sure. You’re totally not avoiding it out of fear that he’ll try to break the two of you up.” Janus teased, causing Remus to glare at him.
“Shut up.” Remus complained, causing Janus to chuckle as they continued walking to class. “You’ve had a crush on Patton since Kindergarten. Even someone as idiotic as Roman is going to eventually realize you’ve been avoiding talking about Patton lately.” Janus pointed out. “This conversation isn’t about me.” Remus huffed. “It is now.” Janus mused. “No, it isn’t.” Remus stated before clearing his throat.
“So, you’re gonna cast yourself as Romeo and Logan as ‘Johnathon’ or whatever. What are you going to do if Logan just backs out of acting?” Remus questioned. “If I can’t find a way to convince him without making him uncomfortable or making Roman get too aggressive, I’ll simply warn him that auditioning for a role he doesn’t even want will get him removed from Drama Club for wasting my time. That’s what I’d do with anyone else who did the same thing. Roman will want his precious boyfriend around, so he’ll convince Logan for me.” Janus plotted.
“See, this is why we’re friends. You, good sir, are an evil genius.” Remus declared. “Now now, Remus. We don’t use the E word around here.” Janus told Remus before laughing softly. “But yes, being an intellectual certainly has its perks.” Janus then agreed.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Roman: You know who I think the ugliest boy in school is? That Virgil Sanders
Logan: *blank stare*
Roman: On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10's the prettiest, I'd give him an 8. Well, 8.5
Roman: Absolutely no higher than a 9.8, because there is *always* room for improvement
Logan: *rolls eyes*
Roman: But I'm holding out for a 10. Because I'm worth it.
Logan: *deep sigh*
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The Shadows Will Never Find You
Pre-romantic Prinxiety, Fantasy Au
Word Count: 1,756
Warnings: Fighting, Blood, Violence, Kidnapping, War(?), Knife/Weapons, Fainting, Campfire ment,
Summary: Virgil protects Roman from everyone who's out to get to the prince.
The crackling of the fire and the soft rustle of the leaves had lulled Roman to sleep which was good on Virgil's anxiety. He carded his fingers through Roman's curls as his head rested in his lap.
Virgil was tired too but he's keeping lookout. They can't get to him. He's gotta make sure they don't get to him.
Roman doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be back home, dressed all pretty, and painting or singing or whatever things he did while Virgil watched from afar, not running for his life, exhausted, covered in sweat and dirt.
Not to mention the fact that he feels so guilty. He knew that Evercrest would be attacked like this. Well, he didn't know but he had heard. He could've said something and he didn't. He didn't say a fucking word. He got Roman away in time. That's all that matters. Roman's safe...
Virgil immediately felt the lack of weight on his legs and warmth by his side and his eyes snapped open just in time to see Roman struggling to get out of someone's grip, a yelp barely escaping his lips before being covered by hand. He was looking right at Virgil utterly terrified.
"Shit." Virgil jumped up quickly, chasing after him.
He fell asleep! He fucking fell asleep and it got Roman in trouble! Fucking hell, Virgil.
He noticed there were a few others in the dark with the person who had taken Roman. Virgil stopped running to put both of his hands out and have the area around Virgil and the people who've taken Roman sealed and it glowed and faded to show that the spell had been cast. They cursed.
"Put him down!" Virgil growled, his hands still held out. They turned to him and Virgil could see that Roman was still fearfully squirming to get away. "I mean it."
The guy holding the runaway prince laughed. A smaller person to his left pulled out a knife and held it to Roman's throat.
Virgil didn't flinch. They wouldn't kill him.
"How about you let us go and the prince lives?" He can hear the grin just off of their words even if he can't see it in the dark behind their mask.
"You and I both know you need him alive." Out of the corner of his eye he sees the lady to the right of the guy holding Roman make a hand motion off into the distance. He didn't pay too much mind to it as he was too focused on Roman.
They huffed, "Fine. You're right. ... We don't need him to speak though." They slowly slice the knife against Roman's skin and Roman screams behind the guy's hand.
"Wait! Stop!" Virgil yells frantically and they do. He's gotta figure out something... something... something...
"He's a person! Not an object or a machine. You guys have to have better morality than to try and use him the way that you want."
The guy holding Roman scoffs, "Says the magic user who ran away with him."
Virgil watched the body collapse to the floor and huffed from the exhaustion of fighting.
"...You're a magic user?" His voice came out hushed and alarmed.
Damn. He turned back to Roman. "Listen, I-"
Roman stepped away from him. "No. You lied to me. You're a magic user!"
"I'm sorry. Please listen to me." Virgil tried to come closer to Roman.
"No! Get away from me! I don't trust you anymore!"
"I promise I wouldn't hurt you!" Virgil pleaded. "I swear I'm just trying to protect you. I... I lied cause I didn't want you to think I was one of the magic users I said would try and get you."
"That's exactly what one of them would say isn't it? Oh my gods. I'm so stupid." He turned away.
It's fine. He knows Roman trusts him now. He doesn't need to worry about that. Just get him back.
Virgil opens his mouth to say something when the force field flickered. He looked back at the girl to the right who was staring back at him, scared that she'd been caught trying to break it.
She shot a flash of light toward Virgil and broke the force field while Virgil was distracted, dealing with that.
"Go!" She shouted and they took off again. Virgil was right back to chasing them.
Virgil threw his hand out, having the roots of a tree trip the girl down. That'll keep her down for a bit.
He pushed his hands out and a gust of wind rushes forward pushing the guy holding Roman over which caused Roman to fall out of his grasp. Roman was disoriented trying to get up and away. The other kidnapper next to him only tripped up a little bit. However, he saw that Roman had gotten loose and then glanced back at Virgil. He, then, lunged out to grab Roman pulling him along.
Roman tries to pull himself away from them, yelling for Virgil to come get him.
Virgil caught up to them, grabbing on to the person's wrist where they were holding Roman. They pulled out their knife again and Virgil placed his hand over theirs on the handle of the knife.
"Let. Him. Go."  He let his hand heat up hotter and hotter til they were shouting.
"Okay! Okay!" They let go of both the prince and the knife.
Virgil stepped away from them, shielding away Roman.
Roman tugged on Virgil's shirt. Behind them the other two had come back.
Virgil is exhausted. "Just leave us alone!" He yells.
The girl whistled and a few moments later someone dropped in seemingly from the trees and another person dropped in on the other side of them. Another person came up and another.
Virgil looked around, standing back to back with Roman. There's no way that he can take on their entire group. They're so fucked.
Roman grabs Virgil's hand in fear looking for some semblance of comfort, whispering for Virgil to get them out of this. Then the people in front of Roman stepped back, much to Roman's confusion. His irises began to glow this golden white and then Virgil's eyes followed.
"I don't get it? Why do they want me? Why risk all this?" Roman asks, while they're resting on the first night after Virgil helped him get away from... everyone who was attacking Evercrest.
"You're like an untapped source. They call it Potential. Whatever it is inside you, it's like magic you can't access but everyone else can. Mundane people too but especially magic users. And it's like a huge boost in just raw power. Power hungry magic users are going to be after you like insane but those people are rotten inside."
Roman shook his head like he couldn't wrap his head around it. "...Are you a magic user?"
Virgil froze for a second. "...No. But even still, I'm not after that from you. It's more important to me that they don't... fucking kill you trying to use you."
"Why? You don't even know me?"
"... Let's just say, I'm just a really good person and leave it at that."
Virgil instantly felt that power. He was way more alert and aware of his surroundings. He felt energy just surging through him.
The people around them got scared and that made one of them throw the first blow.
Then the battle broke out and Virgil was managing to keep Roman from being hit even with him standing in the middle of it all.
Then it ended. Just as quick.
It was like Roman blinked and everyone surrounding them ready to fight was on the ground in an instant and Virgil...
Roman looked back to Virgil who was swaying and out of breath. He watched the white glow of his eyes fade to dark brown and then Virgil collapsed and Roman's heart dropped.
"How do people even know I have this Potential?"
Virgil shrugged, "It got out. I don't know how he found out but I think your Royal Mage told someone who told someone who told someone and... yeah."
Roman groaned, throwing himself back to lay on the blanket. "Why me? Why am I the only thing with Potential?"
"I don't know the history behind it really but Potential is a divine thing. There were a group of people a long time ago who had it as well and... Well you see all they're doing to get a hold of just you. We thought no one else held Potential anymore and no one else would."
Roman looked up at Virgil, wide-eyed.
"Shit. Look. I mean what I said. I won't let anyone hurt you."
Roman quickly pushed himself back up and hugged Virgil tightly. "I appreciate it. I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't come along."
Virgil tensed at first before hesitantly wrapping his arms around Roman.
"...Of course. I'm just doing what I can."
Virgil blinked open his eyes, staring up at the trees and their rustling leaves and hearing the campfire crackling and—
Virgil sits up.
Roman looks over, from picking at his clothes and tending the fire, at Virgil, concerned. "Hey... How are you feeling?"
"What the hell happened?" Virgil asked, looking around frantically trying to gather himself. They're... back at where they set up camp? Roman had bandaged his neck up himself.
"You fought those guys and then passed out. I have never seen you do anything like that. You were taking them out like flies, like it wasn't anything." Roman recalled. "I brought you back here when you fainted."
Virgil nodded as he listened. His memory is a bit foggy but that sounds somewhat accurate. He's just glad Roman's safe. He looks up to ask about Roman's neck when he cuts him off.
"Did... I do that?"
"You got Potential from me and you– you were able to do that?"
Oh. That makes sense.
"Yeah. I think so."
Roman's silent.
"Yeah. I see why people are trying to get that from me." He brought his knees to his chest.
"No one's getting anything from you. Not unless you allow it. We're going to get you to your parent's safe house and everything's going to be okay." Virgil says, trying to reassure him. It's all terrifying.
Roman looks up at Virgil and smiles a little. He moves over closer to him. "I guess, I'll be okay—" He wraps his arms around Virgil and Virgil follows. "—as long as you're here."
Virgil hums in acknowledgement.
The prince falls asleep again.
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starshard17 · 3 years
For @rose-coloured-prince
Some Prinxiety Kisses and Cuddles ❤️
Virgil was nestled comfortably in Roman's arms. It became a daily thing that they did. After a long day of getting work done for Thomas it was nice to kick back and relax. Sometimes, it was even better in the presence of somebody else.
Virgil laughed as he felt gentle kisses being pressed to his head.
"Hey!" Virgil spoke, turning up to face Roman, a mix of a glare and a smirk on his face.
"Something wrong Emo nightmare?" Roman asked, rubbing Virgil's hips with his palms.
"You can't just pull the kisses out of nowhere Princey. You've gotta give me fair warning first!" Virgil said, gently flicking Roman's cheek.
He laughed.
"My bad..." Roman muttered.
"Fair warning. I want to kiss you right now." Roman whispered. Virgil's pale cheeks flushed.
With zero hesitation Roman leaned in close, pressing a sweet, loving kiss to Virgil's lips.
As much as Virgil wanted to protest against it he couldn't. How could he? He melted into it, his hands moving to cup Roman's cheeks.
They would pull away and take short breaths, sharing sweet words and soft kisses.
Once Virgil grew tired of all the kissing he pressed his head to Roman's neck, resting one hand against Roman's chest.
The princely side rested his hand on top of Virgil's and they locked their fingers together, holding tight.
"Was that warning good enough for you?" Roman asked, his other hand wrapped around Virgil's side and effectively pulling him closer. Virgil let out a laugh, gripping his hand a bit tighter.
"Yea... it was perfect." Virgil mumbled against Roman's neck. His breath was warm and his words were spoken with such sincerity it made Roman grin.
"Do I have to warn you every time I wish to be graced with your sweet lips?" Roman pondered, moving his hand from Virgil's side to stroke his cheek with his thumb. The emo snorted.
He then tore his hand away from Roman's grasp, touching his fingertips to Roman's velvety skin.
"Maybe only a couple times. I doubt I'll need a warning every single time, Romeo." Virgil answered. Roman smiled.
Once again the two drew closer, pressing quick yet loving kisses to one another's lips.
Roman tasted sweet, like a warm fruit... cherries or apples... it was a familiar taste. One you could yearn for for days on end.
Virgil tasted a bit more salty, like salted caramel... a delicacy when paired with the right fruit.
Despite being two different flavors they created a lovely blend, and that's what was special about them. They were so different yet they were so lovely paired together.
They were in love.
Virgil pushed his hand through Roman's dark brown locks and held the back of the Prince's head, pulling him closer. Roman copied him, placing his hands firmly on Virgil's lower back. They closed the space between each other. Got as close as they could if only to eat each other alive.
Their bond was like nothing else. It was something they wished to never be broken. They kissed and they held tightly to one another, refusing to let go as if doing so could cause the other to disappear forever.
They drowned out the world, drowned out its sounds. Nothing else existed but the two of them, and they were content with that.
Soon enough, all too soon even, Roman pulled away. Their breath was heavy and their cheeks were flushed and warm.
"What would you do if one day I disappeared..." Virgil muttered against his lover's lips. Roman pressed his forehead to Virgil's and the two of them shut their eyes.
"I haven't thought about it, because I hope that day never comes around..." Roman responded.
They shared one more kiss.
"Keep a close eye on me then, Prince Charming... in case I choose to run away." Virgil spoke with a soft laugh. Roman laughed as well, holding Virgil's body flush against his own.
"I'll never let you go..." Roman muttered. Virgil rested his arms around the princely figure's shoulders.
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the-bluerecluse · 2 years
Working Through Illness
Sanders Sides: Platonic LAMP; Romantic Prinxiety
Summary: Virgil is very sick but due to financial pressure is forcing himself to go to work despite his illness. His friends are worried.
Warnings: sickness, vomiting, fainting, arguing, i think that’s it.
this fic is... sooooo just my own personal experiences. its practically a self insert. but, oh well. 
Virgil was getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. He didn’t know what it was about his life, but he was almost never healthy. He’d always have a cold, or the flu, or an infection, or anemia, or a rare tick disease only two people get in his state a year! Lucky him, he was one of the pair that year. 
Not to mention all the soreness from his posture, his sciatica issues, hormone imbalances, and on he could go. And he still hasn’t even gone into all the mental issues!
To summarize, Virgil’s life was the opposite of healthy. 
He’d gotten a little used to it. Well, there’s only so used to you can get with the diseases, but for the most part he ran with the punches. He saw doctor’s regularly, took his medications, and recorded his symptoms.
But he could sense his bosses at work were getting irate with his many shifts missed due to illness. And worse, if he kept missing work, then he wouldn’t be able to pitch in for this month’s rent.
There was no way Virgil was letting Logan pay all of that month’s rent. They lived together in an apartment with a clear agreement of rent paid 50/50. This wouldn’t be a problem usually, but this stupid tick disease had been clinging to him for weeks! He’s missed almost all of his shifts in those two weeks, and the few he had gone to he’d had to leave early. 
Virgil stared his reflection down in the mirror looking like death itself. He shook his head and splashed some cold water on his face. He wasn’t missing work again. He could make it through this shift. It was only 7 hours. He was a delivery driver; he could just throw up out of his window on the road and no one would be able to send him home early. No one would be mad at him, and he could finally get paid for a full shift. 
“Are you going to let your bosses know you can’t come in again?” Logan asked from outside the bathroom. Virgil met his gaze in the mirror. 
“I’m feeling better today. I can go in.”
Logan sighed. “Virgil, I know you don’t like... ‘feeling like a burden’” Logan made generous use of air quotes. “but you really need to rest. Isn’t that the advice your doctor gave you?”
“Yes.” Virgil sighed. “But. I feel better now.” Virgil turned and pushed past Logan. He stopped for a quick glass of water in the kitchen and downed it.
“You still need your rest-” Logan began a previously experienced rant just as Virgil’s stomach sent a message of “YOU DRANK THAT TOO FAST” and Virgil shoved past Logan to the bathroom to painfully retch up the grand total of nothing in his stomach. 
“You cannot work in food service if you’re vomiting!” 
Virgil had plenty of time to plan out his retort as his stomach took its time making sure it was completely empty. 
Once he finished, he gasped for the air he couldn’t intake while retching. After a moment he wiped the wetness from his eyes and stomach acid from his lips.
“We already know the disease causing it. It’s blood borne; it won’t spread to anyone. I’m not that big of a dick.”
“And if you throw up into the food?”
Virgil gestured to the toilet. “There. Nothing left over. If I don’t eat or drink anything else, I should be fine.”
“That is completely devoid of logic, please lay down!” Virgil could hear Logan growing incredibly frustrated. 
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?” Virgil panted. 
“No! Because my... my friend, someone I care about, is clearly sick and needs rest but he has decided going and delivering sandwiches is more important than that!”
“It’s my life, I’ll do whatever the Hell I want!” Virgil shouted and stomped out of the apartment, all but slamming the door behind him. He made his way to his car and got out of there before Logan could come out after him.
Virgil felt a little guilty for yelling at Logan, but there was no other way he’d listen.
He just had to go to enough shifts for rent. That’s it.
Virgil could feel the bags under his eyes growing as he pulled into his workplace, a chain sandwich shop with a way too loud oven buzzer. He sighed and grabbed his hat from the passenger seat and pulled himself out of the car with a groan. He wobbled a bit before firmly planting his feet into the ground. His vision was a bit fuzzy around the edges.
He checked his phone for the time only to see 11 new texts. 4 from Logan which he expected, but now his boyfriend Roman was texting him too.
Logan snitched on him, the bastard. 
Virgil sighed again.
Logan wasn’t a bastard, just... being a bit of a mom.
Virgil set his phone to do not disturb and went in for his shift. 
Just seven hours. He could do seven hours.
It wasn’t even 30 minutes of work before workers were commenting on his paleness and asking if he needed to sit down.
Pity. Oh, how he hated pity. 
Eventually one of his managers came out with a frustrated look. “Are you going to ask to miss the rest of your shift again? We can’t keep calling in people to cover for you.”
Virgil winced. “Yeah, I’m fine. No more leaving during shifts.”
The manager’s expression softened just the slightest bit. “Good. Now, you’ve got a few deliveries. Remember your car topper!” 
Virgil nodded and got to work. The deliveries themselves were the easiest part, just driving with his playlist in the back, it was the in-shop work that was the hardest. Working with and around food, sweeping and mopping, cleaning the bathrooms, all that was making him regret not just hiding under the blankets for the next 5 years.
Rent. Gotta pay rent. 
That was the only thing pushing him at that point, that and adrenaline. 
Virgil wasn’t sure how far he was into his shift when he felt the tell-tale curl of his lips and nausea in his gut. He walked as quickly and discreetly as he could to the bathroom, locked it, and had a repeat performance of that morning. He retched and hurled so much he couldn’t get a breath in. He just kept gagging and hurling until he could finally breathe. At that point, he tried to stand up and instead things went black for a moment.
Virgil slowly opened his ten-ton eyelids with his face on the goddamn bathroom floor of a shitty sandwich shop. He could feel a bruise forming on his chin and bile in his mouth.
He heard a knocking. “Virgil? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” Virgil rasped out in a voice that most certainly did not sound fine.
“Are you sure?”
Virgil cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m fine!”
“You know, if you’re sick you can go home-”
Virgil’s mind flashed to his disappointed manager and his double digit paycheck. “I’m fine! I promise.”
There was a pause. “Okay...” The voice trailed off and footsteps were heard leaving the bathroom.
Virgil let out a breath of relief. “I swear to god, if I hit my face on the fucking toilet...” Virgil muttered to himself. He stood and looked in the mirror. 
That bruise was already noticeable, but what bothered Virgil most was the fact that his face just came off a bathroom floor. He quickly made use of the hand soap and thoroughly scrubbed his pale face.
He pulled out his phone. Just an hour and a half left. As long as he doesn’t pass out like that in front of people, and he keeps his vomiting to the toilet, he can keep this up right? Seven-hour shift with his wage... plus what he had in savings... 
...He’d still need at least three more full shifts before he had enough for rent this month.
Whatever! He could do this! 
He’d made it this far, right?
Virgil plastered on his usual smirk and exited the bathroom.
Just a bit more for today...
Virgil pulled into his apartment complex feeling oddly proud. He may have felt like complete and utter shit, but he did it. Just a few more, and he’ll pull it off. Maybe tonight he can finally eat something and just get some sleep, maybe watch some anime or something.
He fiddled with his keys and entered the apartment, not expecting to see his roommate, his boyfriend, and his best friend all sat in the living room waiting for him.
“Dear Zeus, there you are.” Roman rushed to Virgil and wrapped him in an embrace. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”
Virgil winced, trying to pretend like that didn’t sting a bit. 
“Kiddo, let’s not make him feel any worse.” Patton put an arm on Roman’s shoulder. 
Roman sighed and let Virgil go.
“We were worried sick, mi amor. Though not as sick as you’ve clearly been.”
“Virgil, why on Earth did you go to work after being so sick?” Patton asked.
“In case you don’t remember, I’m an hourly worker. I don’t get sick leave. So, no work, no money, no rent.”
“Oh, honestly, Virgil, is that what this is about? I told you I’d cover this month.”
“I’m not gonna have you spend all your savings paying the rent I’m committed to paying.”
Patton spoke softly. “Vee, we can all pitch in to help, it’s not just on Logan.”
Roman shrugged. “Yeah, and Logan’s got a great job, he can handle another month’s rent.” 
“That’s not the point!” Virgil practically shouted. “I am not gonna depend on others and never do anything for myself. I have to do this. I have to do things for myself. I have to carry my own weight!”
Logan matched Virgil’s volume. “Virgil, you are ill! You can’t carry your own weight right now no matter how bad you want to. You need to depend on others. On us!” 
“I can’t! I can’t just- I can’t! I-” Virgil gagged and ran to the bathroom for another encore of that morning. 
Logan sighed and looked to his friends, feeling helpless. 
Patton walked towards the bathroom and took a knee behind Virgil, rubbing his back in soothing circles. 
“What are we gonna do, specs?” Roman asked in an uncharacteristically small voice.
“Honestly, the rent’s not that big of a problem if you two can help out. However, the issue rests in Virgil’s pride. He feels burdensome and weak if he cannot figuratively carry his own weight.”
“Even if he’s practically dying?” 
“He’s not dying.”
“I said practically!”
“In any case, Virgil is suffering physically and mentally. And by his behavior, I believe his mental suffering is more distressing than anything physical he may be dealing with.”
“Then what do we do?”
Logan was quiet for a moment. Nothing was to be heard other than Virgil gagging and gasping. 
“We support him mentally however we can. We cannot force him to take care of himself, but we can encourage it and be there for him.”
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daised-daisy · 3 years
27 with roceit or prinxiety?(p.s i love your work!)
27. “Awww, is someone jealous?”
Ship: Roceit
Word Count: 2,348
Royalty/Fantasy AU
A cool, crisp atmosphere wrapped around Roman as he entered the large pitch black castle after crossing the crumbling desert surrounding it. On his first journey through it, Roman had struggled greatly. The air was heavy and dry, and every breeze that blew by carried sand. His feet sunk deep into the black sand with every step, and all that trudging quickly tired him. Now, however, Roman simply put on a mask and goggles, hopped onto the back of one of the desert mares, and let it take him across. He always made sure to thank it with a treat afterwards.
Inside the castle, Roman admired the details of the architecture, the intricate carvings that one could find pretty much anywhere there was wood. He was headed towards the throne room, and from there he’d go to the library, where he usually found the one he was looking for rifling through old spell books or developing his latest dastardly plan.
Roman’s sword clattered onto the floor as soon as the villain he was supposed to slaughter with it came into his sight. When the villain spotted Roman, he froze, his brown and yellow eyes growing wide, then a smile breaking out onto his face. Without the malice he was meant to have, the prince sprinted towards him. Janus dropped his cane in favor of opening his arms. Roman jumped into them, and Janus spun his prince around a few times, both of them laughing joyfully. When Roman’s boots hit the ground again, they connected their lips in a sweet kiss that they’d been wanting to share for a long time.
“Hello, my flower,” Janus murmured once they parted, stroking Roman’s auburn hair between his gloved fingers, as if he could feel its softness even through the yellow fabric. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Roman said, sighing contently as he rested his head against Janus’s chest. “It’s so wonderful just being in your arms again.” Janus rolled his eyes.
“You’re such a sap,” he said. Roman pulled back and frowned. Janus grinned. “I love that about you.” Roman’s smile returned, and Janus leaned in to kiss him again.
“Do you think we could sit down somewhere to talk?” Roman said when they pulled apart once more. “I’ve had a long journey to get here.”
“Of course,” Janus said, taking Roman’s hand and leading him towards the library. He watched Roman tiredly trudge along for a few steps before stopping again. Before Roman could ask why, Janus scooped Roman up bridal style and continued.
Roman hummed and closed his eyes, resting against Janus’s shoulder. Janus kicked open one of the two large oak doors and went inside. He set Roman down on a couch, then sat next to him. Roman leaned against him.
“So what’s new in Imagnia?” Janus asked, tugging off one of his gloves and running his fingers through Roman’s hair. Roman whined contently at the feeling, snuggling closer to Janus.
“Not a lot,” he said. “What about here? Any magical breakthroughs?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Janus said. “But I took your advice about remaining calm when an experiment fails and instead of destroying my work, I think of things that make me happy and I document it.”
“That’s wonderful!” Roman exclaimed. Janus hummed in agreement.
“I had to come up with a few different things to think of until I found the one that really worked,” he said.
“And what did you settle on?” Roman asked.
“You,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to the top of Roman’s head. Roman smiled brightly.
“I love you,” he mumbled, burying his blushing face in Janus’s cloak.
“And I love you,” Janus said. “I always will.”
“Mm, I wish I never had to leave,” Roman said, sitting up slightly. “It’s so much nicer here with you. I’m so tired of all the princes and kings trying to get my attention all the time.”
“Princes and kings?” Janus repeated, furrowing his brows. “What do you mean?”
“There’ve been more suitors looking to win my hand in marriage,” Roman said. Janus froze. He growled lowly. “One guy tried to serenade me outside my window while I was trying to sleep.” Roman laughed, expecting Janus to join him, but he only tightened his grip on Roman, pulling him closer. “Janus?”
“What?!” Janus snapped with more force than he meant to.
“What’s gotten into you all of the sudden?” he asked. Janus sighed.
“It’s nothing, my flower, but… can we not talk about your many, many suitors right now?” Janus requested, practically grunting the repeated word. Roman furrowed his brows and skewed his lips to the side, then a smile slowly spread across his face.
“Awww, is someone jealous?” he asked teasingly, poking Janus’s shoulder.
“Of course not.” Janus scoffed, crossed his arms, and looked away, but Roman could still see the blush settling onto his face. He gasped in delight.
“Oh you are!” he giggled. “How adorable!”
“I am not!” Janus insisted, standing up and walking towards the window to look out of it instead of at Roman’s wide, knowing grin.
“You definitely are,” Roman said, popping up and following him. “Come on, just admit it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, honeybun.”
“I think being called ‘honeybun’ could count as something to be ashamed of,” Janus grumbled.
“You’re just saying that because you’re jealous,” Roman said. “Time to admit it, dear. You’re–” Roman cut himself off with a squeak as he was shoved up against the wall.
“Jealous,” Janus hissed. “Yes, I am jealous! I’m jealous because one of those idiots is going to sweep you off your feet and marry you and take you away from me! I’m jealous because he’s going to have everything I want and everything I can never have!”
Roman stared at Janus with wide eyes as he regained his cool, backing off of Roman and straightening his posture.
“Janus…” Roman began softly. Janus avoided his gaze.
“I apologize for losing my temper,” he said. Roman ignored the apology.
“You... you want to marry me?” he asked, his voice wavering. Janus turned to him, taking his hands in his.
“More than anything,” he said, bringing Roman’s hands up and kissing them. He looked into Roman’s eyes only to realize he was crying. “Roman? What’s wrong? Oh god, did I hurt you?” Roman shook his head.
“Y-you can’t marry me,” he sobbed.
“I know, sweetheart. I’m a villain and you’re–” Janus began, but Roman kept shaking his head.
“No, no! It’s not that! It’s because they’ll hurt you!” he said. “They’ll hurt you to get me back, and I hate it!”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Janus said, pulling Roman close. “There’s nothing they can do to me when you’re by my side. You make me feel invincible.”
“But you’re not,” Roman whimpered. “Don’t pretend that you are. You’ll only get hurt.”
“Pretend…” Janus repeated thoughtfully. Roman looked up at him, but he was staring off at nothing.
“Jan?” he said.
“Huh? Oh,” Janus said, looking back down at Roman. “Sorry, I got lost in thought.” Roman pouted.
“Well, don’t do it again,” he demanded. “I want to be able to cherish our every moment together before I have to leave.”
“I’ll do my best,” Janus promised. But before either of them knew it, they had to say goodbye, and it was just as painful as it always was.
Roman stared blankly at himself in the mirror. He looked gorgeous, and he was sure he’d be told as much a hundred times that day. He should be grateful for that, but the thought of the day ahead of him brought nothing but a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“You look hideous.” Roman spun around at the sound of his brother’s voice. He put his hands on his hips and pursed his lips as he tried to hold back a smile.
“Look who’s talking,” Roman said, meeting his brother halfway into the room and immediately beginning to adjust his askew outfit, starting with his shirt’s collar.
“Why are you always so grumpy during these things anyway?” Remus asked as Roman worked. “Princes, dukes, and kings come here begging for your hand in marriage because you’re so perfect. I thought you’d love that!”
“I know, but when they literally get on their knees and beg, it sort of ruins the mood,” Roman sighed. Remus laughed, but Roman just continued to fix Remus up, not even smiling.
“Are you serious?” Remus asked, his laughter dying off. Roman nodded.
“It was pathetic,” he added. “Then when I said no again, he tried to kiss me to ‘show me what I was missing.’ I punched him.”
“Jeez,” Remus said. “I think I need to start coming to these initial meetings.”
“You can if you want,” Roman said with a shrug. He patted Remus’s chest as he finished his adjustments. “He’s supposed to be coming soon, so you can just come with me to the throne room.” He turned to the mirror again. “Do I look okay?”
“You look gorgeous,” Remus said. “Now come on! Your potential future husband awaits.”
“Ugh, when is this guy coming?” Remus whined as he paced in circles beside his and Roman’s thrones.
“He’s a king,” Roman pointed out. “He probably thinks he’s above basic manners just like the rest of them.”
“Roman,” his father, King Roland, scolded. “Please keep an open mind. This suitor has a lot to offer Imagnia if you accept his proposal.” Roman rolled his eyes, but Roland had already shifted his attention. “And Remus, sit down. You’re making me dizzy.” Remus huffed and collapsed onto his throne.
Finally, faint footsteps slowly became louder until a tall figure entered the room escorted by two guards. For the most part, he looked like every other suitor who had stood in that very spot, with the exception of the large brimmed black hat he wore, which covered his face from Roman’s slightly elevated angle on the raised throne.
“Welcome, King—“ As Roland began to speak, the king looked up. Roman gasped as he met familiar pair of brown and yellow eyes. “—Janus.”
“You!” he exclaimed, standing up. His father and brother turned and stared at him. Janus gave him a nervous look. “I mean… your face… it’s the one I’ve seen in my dreams.” He smiled as he began to descend down the small set of steps leading down from the thrones, giving Janus a sly wink. “I apologize for being so abrupt, Your Majesty. I am Prince Roman.” He curtsied, then held out his hand.
“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Janus said, taking it and kissing its back.
Roman glanced back, not surprised to see King Roland’s jaw dropped and Remus furrowing his brows.
“Father, is it alright if I go ahead and get to know the king?” Roman asked.
“A-absolutely!” Roland said. “Go on! Be merry!” Roman smiled and grabbed Janus’s hand, leading him out of the room.
“You’re an excellent actor, darling,” Janus whispered once they were out of earshot. “That mushy man of my dreams thing was quick thinking.”
“Thanks,” Roman giggled. “But I don’t think I can quite say the same for you. Why’d you use your real name?”
“You’re the only one who knows it,” Janus pointed out. “To the rest of the world, I am only Deceit.”
“But you’re not a real king. They’ll find out,” Roman said. “You should leave now before it’s too late and they—“
“Relax, my flower,” Janus cut in soothingly. “I may not be a king, but I am a powerful sorcerer. I covered all my bases. I created a fake kingdom and everything.”
“So they won’t find out,” Roman asked.
“They don’t suspect a thing,” Janus assured him. Roman grinned.
“Great!” he said. “Now I can finally show you our library!” Roman tugged him along before he could get out any sort of response, but he didn’t mind at all. How could he? Anywhere his flower took him was a perfect place to be. Besides, he’d always wanted to see the library Roman had described so fantastically to him.
They burst through the doors and Roman looked to Janus for his reaction, incredibly pleased to see the excitement sparking in his eyes.
“Do you like it?” he asked. “Isn’t it just lovely?”
“It’s wonderful!” Janus said. “And almost as big as mine! Oh, I wonder what books I’ve never read are among these shelves.”
“Well, hopefully, you’ll have plenty of time to find out,” Roman said. Janus turned to him.
“Which reminds me,” he said. “I know this is sort of already a given in visits like these, but I figured I’d like to ask you officially anyway.” He dug around for something in his pocket. Roman tilted his head. His eyes widened when Janus got down on one knee. “I never thought I’d be lucky enough to be able to do this, but now that I have the chance, I won’t take it for granted.” He pulled out a small back box and held it out. “Roman, my flower, I love you more than anything.” He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring. “Will you marry me?”
Roman was in tears before the question left Janus’s mouth. He nodded frantically, not able to even squeak out a word. He put his hand out, letting Janus slip the ring on before standing, scooping Roman up, and spinning him around. When he was set back down, Roman held onto him tight, like this was all a dream he’d wake up from if he let go.
“I love you,” he sobbed when he finally managed words. “I love you so much.” He looked up at Janus. He was sure he gross hideous with his face all red and puffy and shiny with tears, but he didn’t care. And neither did Janus. He pulled him in for a sweet kiss despite the salty taste of tears on Roman’s lips.
Finally, finally, he had his prince safe in his arms, and he never had to worry about letting him go.
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eliemo · 3 years
Bored of Love
Summary: Virgil knows Roman is going to leave if he doesn't change. But he still has time. He can fix this.
TWs: social anxiety, fear of a breakup, misunderstandings
Notes: Enjoy this little oneshot while I work on some of my bigger projects. Romantic Prinxiety, established relationship
Virgil didn’t know how much longer he could keep doing this.
Which was stupid, he’d put himself in this position. It’d be selfish of him to back out of it now. He might ruin everything irreparably if he even tried.
Virgil could suck it up and deal with this, even if it felt like he was going to die the next time he stepped into a public place the Imagination created for him.
But that didn’t matter. Because this was for Roman- and Roman was beaming. He’d been thrilled all week, eyes lighting up in a way that made Virgil dizzy whenever he suggested another date idea or activity to the Prince, carefully hiding the exhausted waver in his voice that hadn’t gone away after three straight days of taking Roman out.
He’d thought he might have been going a little overboard, offering to go out and do things day after day. He’d been a little worried Roman would catch on to what he was doing. Maybe he’d laugh at how disgustingly desperate Virgil was.
But he didn’t. The Prince just looked more excited each time, jumping up and sweeping Virgil off his feet and into an embrace when a new idea was presented.
And that made it worth it. Roman was happy- happy with Virgil- and that was the best feeling in the world. If it meant Roman would keep loving him, that Roman would stay, a little exhaustion and extra anxiety was something he could live with.
Virgil was just...glad he’d forced himself to do this before it was too late.
He hadn’t noticed it until last week, how...annoying it must be for Roman whenever Virgil wanted to stay in and do nothing. Again.
Virgil had thought it would be ok, that Roman understood that sometimes going out and doing things, being active and social, was just a little too much. He’d warned Roman about it before they’d gotten together, that his anxiety could be an obstacle, that he’d do his best but he’d always prefer to be alone with his boyfriend, held safely against his chest.
And Roman hadn’t cared. Not even for a second. He’d waved it off with grand declarations of love that he’d quickly pushed aside in favor of more serious, quiet promises, holding Virgil close to make sure he understood.
All he wanted was Virgil to be comfortable and happy. All he wanted was for them to be together. If Virgil would let Roman love him, he would be happy no matter what they did.
And that’s what they’d done. And everything had been...perfect. It had been better than he’d ever thought it could be, everything he’d never let himself dare to hope for. Being with Roman made the world feel ok, and the bad days more than worth it.
Virgil loved him. And he was so so scared to mess this up.
Which was why last week, when Roman had actually been annoyed by his introversion for the first time, Virgil had panicked immediately and scrambled to fix everything.
Roman had suggested going out on a date night, something a bit more extravagant than their usual quiet dinner in Roman’s room or in the empty kitchen. And as nice as it sounded, Virgil knew there was absolutely no way he would have been able to handle it that night.
His anxiety had been acting up, leaving him jumpy and tired, and even just the thought of venturing out into the Imagination left him wanting to curl up in his bed and never leave.
And he’d said as much, sheepishly admitting he’d really rather just stay inside for the night. And instead of the usual gentle understanding he got in return, Roman had scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Of course you don't,” he’d muttered. “Come on, Virgil, you never want to do anything fun. Staying inside all day is boring. I’m just trying to do something nice for you like a boyfriend is supposed to do since apparently you can’t return the favor.”
And then he’d stormed off, probably to complain to Patton and Logan, and Virgil he’d been left on the couch feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over his head.
Roman had said when they’d started dating that it was ok, that he didn’t care. He wanted Virgil, not the dates and outings and activities. He wouldn’t care if Virgil was too anxious to go out. He’d be perfectly content curling up in bed and watching a movie they’d both seen a hundred times before.
Was that...not true? Had he changed his mind? Was Virgil getting boring? Was he annoying Roman?
Was Roman going to leave if Virgil didn’t hurry up and get it together?
Maybe it was already too late. Maybe Roman had already gotten bored and fallen out of love with him. Maybe there was nothing Virgil could do to convince him to stay with someone like Anxiety.
Beneath the panic, Virgil had recognized he was spiraling. Roman wouldn’t leave him, not out of nowhere. Not over this. Virgil still had time to fix things. He could be better.
Roman had apologized less than an hour later, complete with a bundle of purple flowers and a nervous smile. Virgil hadn’t been mad, of course, and he assumed the apology had only felt necessary because it was impossible for Virgil to hide the fact he’d been crying.
But they were fine now. That had been days ago, and Roman clearly wasn’t giving it a second thought.
But Virgil hadn’t stopped thinking about it, and the next day he’d come to Roman with a date idea, something similar to what Roman had suggested. Virgil had been tired and a little unfocused, but it had been worth it to see Roman positively beam at him.
And then Virgil hadn’t...stopped. He’d kept making plans around their pre-existing schedule for filming and time with the others, more and more piling up until Virgil couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a moment to himself.
It had almost been almost a week now, a week of taking Roman out every day and pushing down panic and exhaustion because Virgil was fine. This is what he wanted because it was what Roman wanted.
Every time a date ended the thoughts would come rushing back, panicked and insistent that Roman was still going to leave him no matter what he did. What if it hadn’t been enough? What if Roman had wanted more? What if Virgil had been too quiet- too boring?
They wouldn’t be silent until Virgil made another plan, took them out again, until Roman smiled with undeniable excitement and led them back into the bustling Imagination.
They had another dinner date tonight, in just a couple hours. Virgil found himself hunched over the breakfast bar in the kitchen, staring blankly at his half empty mug of coffee, and trying very hard not to think about how Logan was staring at him.
“Virgil,” Logan said carefully, and Virgil heard him approach from the kitchen doorway. “Are you...alright?”
“I’m fine,” Virgil said quickly, too quickly, because he wasn’t fine, it felt like he was going to break down if he had to do one more thing today. They’d already worked on filming, and Thomas had gone out with a friend that morning, and Virgil just wanted to sleep. “Why?”
He heard Logan move even closer, tensing when the logical side put a hand on his shoulder. “Because you’ve been incredibly active this last week, and that isn’t like you.”
Virgil grimaced and shook off his hand, probably more aggressively than was necessary. “I’m fine. Maybe I like being active.”
“You don’t,” Logan said, and it wasn’t a question. “And there is nothing wrong with that, Virgil. Some people are more introverted than others, and socializing drains them more quickly. Not to mention your anxiety makes you—”
“Yeah, I know,” Virgil snapped, pushing himself off the stool to dump his coffee in the sink. “I’m shit at doing things and I’m trying to fix that.”
“There is nothing to fix, Virgil. Pushing yourself like this will only hurt you. I don’t understand why you’re doing this to yourself.”
Virgil sighed, squeezing his eyes shut and grabbing at the edge of the counter to keep himself from having a breakdown on the kitchen floor. Logan didn’t deserve to deal with that.
“I’m taking my boyfriend out to dinner,” he said, hating how his voice shook. “And I took him out a few times this week because he deserves it. That’s all. I’m fine, Logan.”
Logan was silent a moment, Virgil still refusing to turn around. “If you told Roman this was hurting you, I’m sure he would—”
“Don’t tell Roman.” Virgil finally spun around, eyes wide and panicked, meeting Logan’s raised eyebrow.“Please, don’t tell Roman, Lo you can't.”
Logan shook his head, watching Virgil with a mix of something between sympathy and concern. “It is not my place to talk to Roman about this. But I do not recommend letting this continue.”
“I’m doing this to make him happy,” Virgil said, and it sounded small and pathetic to his own ears. “I’m...I have to, Lo. He deserves so much better.”
Logan sighed, short and quiet, and for a second Virgil thought he was going to be told off. Virgil was being ridiculous, and no amount of faking excitement and energy could get Roman to stay with someone like him.
But Logan just reached over to squeeze his hand, smiling gently. “Roman is happier than he has been in years since entering a relationship with you. Please try to remember that.”
And then he was gone, leaving Virgil to try and catch his breath in the middle of an empty kitchen until he found the strength to hurry upstairs to get ready for dinner.
Dinner was great, obviously. It was great because Roman was there, smiling, eyes twinkling as he talked about...something. For the life of him, Virgil couldn’t focus on the conversation anymore.
He was exhausted and the background chatter of the other people in the restaurant (because of course when Roman created something he had to make it as realistic as possible- what was the fun in a date at a fancy restaurant if it was completely empty and quiet?) was grating against his skull. It was too much and as wonderful as it was to see Roman so happy, Virgil just wanted it to be over.
He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to Roman’s room and climb into bed and sleep against the Prince’s chest and forget about the world.
But he couldn’t, because this wasn’t enough. It still wasn’t enough, he had to do more because the second Virgil showed just how much he hated this Roman would stop smiling, and he’d realize just how awful Virgil was to be with. Roman was a Prince, he deserved so much better than Anxiety, and if Virgil didn’t change—
“Virgil?” Roman had stopped talking, and Virgil quickly snapped to attention when he realized Prince was staring at him, brow furrowed. “Are you alright?”
It took Virgil a moment to notice he’d started shaking, uncontrollable trembling that was impossible to hide when he took a sip of his water.
But he was fine. He was fine and he needed to get over himself before Roman picked up on anything.
“I’m good, Princey,” he said, cursing how weak his voice sounded. “Do you want to go out to breakfast tomorrow? I had some ideas.”
Roman stared for a second, and Virgil’s heart sank when his smile started to drop. “You’re shaking like a leaf, Virgil. Do you feel sick?”
“No.” Virgil squeezed his hands into fists, nails digging painfully into his palms. “I’m fine, I’m...I’m just cold. It’s cold in here. Do you want to do breakfast tomorrow?”
It was clearly a lie, Roman always kept the temperature perfect in his realm, and Virgil felt more like he was overheating than anything.
“Virge...” he reached forward, freezing when Virgil flinched back before he could stop himself. “Honey, you...do not look fine.”
“I am,” Virgil argued, even as tears began to gather in his eyes. “I’m fine, I swear. We’re having a fun time, I’m ok. You’re...you’re having fun, right? You like these dates?”
Roman didn’t respond for a moment, cautiously looking Virgil over before speaking carefully. “I...I do, but—”
“That’s good!” It came out a bit too desperate, and Virgil internally cringed. “That’s...that’s good. They’re for you.”
“But I’m an extrovert,” Roman said. “We know I enjoy being out and about like this. You’re...Virgil, it’s ok if you don’t want to.”
“No, I do. I do want to, I promise. We’re..we’re having fun. You’ve been having fun.”
“I have,” Roman said slowly. “But if it’s at the cost of your mental health we can have fun doing other things. You don’t have to push yourself.”
“Yes I do,” Virgil said before he could stop himself, wincing when his voice broke. “And I’m fine. Do you want to go out to breakfast tomorrow?”
Roman was silent for a long moment, too long, watching Virgil like he was worried the anxious side might break. Virgil thought he might, too.
“Actually,” the Prince started, voice soft. “I was thinking we could stay in tomorrow.”
Virgil hated how quickly his head shot up, hope clawing at his chest when he saw the sincerity in Roman’s eyes. “You were?”
“I was,” Roman said. “I may not be as good as Patton, but I could figure out how to cook us something edible. We could eat it in bed and watch movies, if you’d like.”
It was like a weight had just been lifted off of Virgil’s shoulders, letting him breathe for the first time all week as he wiped away tears still pooling in his eyes. “That...would be really nice. If- if that’s what you want to do. If you’re sure.”
Roman nodded, back to smiling gently, and Virgil couldn’t even try to hold back the pathetic sobs that broke free, leaving him hunched over and trembling in the middle of the restaurant.
He heard Roman’s chair scoot back and for a terrifying second he thought the Prince was leaving, finally giving up on the pathetic mess sitting across from him.
But then there was another chair being pulled up beside him, and Roman had gathered Virgil into his arms and against his chest, letting Virgil cry into his shirt as he held him close.
“I’m sorry,” Roman said, and Virgil didn’t understand why he was the one apologizing. “Gosh, I’m sorry Virgil. I’ve...I’ve been so selfish, haven’t I?”
“What?” Virgil pulled back, still clutching at Roman’s shirt. “You’re not being selfish, Ro. I’m...I’ve been trying to make you happy.”
“I was perfectly happy how we were,” Roman said softly. “I thought you were being more social and I didn't want to discourage you, but I completely missed the signs that you weren’t enjoying it.”
“I was enjoying it,” Virgil said, and it was only half a lie. “You were so happy. You were happy. It was worth it.”
“You’re breaking down,” Roman said, and Virgil flinched. “Nothing is worth this.”
“I’m gonna talk to Logan about a day off,” Roman continued before Virgil could argue. “You’re going to sleep in, and I’m going to make you breakfast, and we’ll spend the day unwinding. Alright?”
It sounded amazing, like everything Virgil had been desperately wanting all week long, but...but it was the opposite of what he’d been trying to do. He’d ruined the night, and Roman...Roman didn’t look upset, but...
“Are...are you mad? It’s ok if you are, but I—”
“No baby,” Roman said, soft and gentle in a way that only shattered Virgil’s resolve further. “I’m not mad at all.”
Virgil wasn’t sure he entirely believed that, not when he’d so royally fucked everything up. “I’m...sorry. I’m so sorry, I was just trying to be better.”
He felt Roman freeze, tightening his hold for just a second before loosening again to look Virgil in the eyes. “Better?”
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed, not sure why it was a question. “I’m...look, Princey I know I’m a shitty boyfriend and I- I don’t know how long you’re going to put up with it so I’m...trying to change. I can do better. I promise I can do better next time.”
Roman was silent for a long moment, and Virgil expected him to sigh, begrudgingly admit that Virgil was right, he’d just been hoping his frustration wasn’t so obvious, and agree to try another date tomorrow when Virgil got over himself.
Instead Roman tightened his hold, eyes wide and...horrified? “What on earth are you talking about?”
Virgil frowned back at him, panic and uncertainty coiling in his gut because he hadn’t actually thought any of this needed to be explained.
“I know I hold you back,” Virgil said, continuing before Roman could protest. “You love going out and doing things and I know it’s...frustrating that I don’t. You don’t go on quests as much anymore and you're less active because I like to stay in, and I don’t take you out like I should, and I—”
“I don’t go out as much because I’m happy spending time with you,” Roman cut in. “I’d go out if I wanted to, darling. I like staying in with you. Yes, these dates have been wonderful, and I appreciate them. But I’d prefer to do something where both of us are comfortable.”
“But—” Virgil’s breath caught on another sob, and he tightened his hold on the Prince. “But you said I never...I- I thought you were getting bored with me.”
Roman looked confused, but it only lasted a second before realization took over. “Is this...is this because of the fight we had?”
Virgil shrugged, eyes on his lap. “It...wasn’t a fight. You were honest with me and I tried to fix what I was doing wrong.”
“Oh, baby.” Roman’s hands were suddenly cupping his face, tilting his chin up to meet Virgil’s gaze. “That wasn’t me being honest, Virgil. That was me being an asshole because I had a long day and I took it out on you. It wasn’t fair. I didn’t mean any of it.”
Virgil couldn’t see with the way the tears were blurring his vision, but the anxiety that had been relentlessly wrapped around his heart since Roman had lashed out was beginning to unravel.
“Oh,” he said, a little breathless. “I thought...I just wanted this to be perfect for you. I wanted to be good.”
“Neither one of us will ever be perfect.” Roman smiled, wiping away Virgil’s tears with his thumb. “But I love you. I love you so much, Virgil. You’re perfect to me.”
Virgil struggled to breathe around hiccuping sobs still coming from his chest, completely lost because this wasn’t...this was all wrong. “But you...you deserve the best.”
“And I have that. You being comfortable and safe is all I could ever want, Virgil. You’re my world.”
And well...great. Now Virgil was crying in earnest all over again, collapsing into Roman’s chest and letting it all out, melting into his embrace as he once again held him tight.
Roman shushed him gently, rocking them both where they sat, running gentle fingers through Virgil’s hair. “You deserve the best too, Virgil. Please don’t ever put yourself below me.”
“I do have the best,” Virgil said, muffled from where he’d buried his face in Roman’s chest. “If...if you stay.” He quickly pulled back, panic clawing at his throat. “Not- not that you have to stay. You don’t. I’m not...you’re not trapped or anything, I just—”
“I know, Virgil,” Roman said gently, and he relaxed again. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Ok,” Virgil sighed, breaths still shaky, head rested on Roman’s shoulder. “Sorry for ruining dinner.”
“You didn’t,” Roman assured, rubbing gentle circles along the anxious side’s back. “Would you like to go home?”
Virgil probably nodded a bit too fast, but Roman didn’t seem annoyed in the slightest. He just scooped Virgil up bridal style and carried him through the now silent restaurant. Virgil belatedly realized Roman had gotten rid of the rest of the customers.
“I love you,” Virgil whispered, wrapping his arms tight around Roman’s shoulder when the Prince kissed the top of his head. “I’m really sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Roman said, stern but gentle in a way that didn’t send Virgil’s anxiety skyrocketing. “I’m going to take care of you.”
Virgil nodded, too tired to form another response, closing his eyes and letting Roman take them back to his room. For the first time all week, Virgil found himself looking forward to what tomorrow held.
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Ship: Prinxiety
Character mentions: Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders
Ratings & Warnings: General Audiences
Additional tags: Fluff, slight angst, like a sprinkle of salt, Hispanic Roman Sanders, Background Logan Sanders, Background Patton Sanders
Summary: A prinxiety morning
Word Count: 930
Author Notes: Had a sudden urge and insipration to dabble on some prinxiety, not my best but it’s still cute and was fun to write. Also, a good little break from  🥊 au :]
You can also read this fic on Ao3
Rain began to pour in the early cool fall morning, chinking off outside the red and gold embroidered curtained window in Roman’s bedroom. A low rumble in the sky echoed throughout the entire mindscape, stirring an auburn brown-haired prince awake.
Roman grumbled, his eyes still shut from sleep. He yawned, slowly fluttering his eyes open. The first thing that caught his attention, was the easily recognizable wild mess of purple hair that belonged to his boyfriend whose head was tucked sleepily against Roman’s neck. What little face Roman could see from the mop of hair covering him, Virgil seemed to be at peace. Hopefully dreaming of soft wonders instead of the nightmares that often plague his mind and distort his face into agony.
If our dashing prince could, he would fight and destroy the demons that haunt Virgil everyday. For them to never torment his love ever again. However, all Roman can do is be there for Virgil and ground his struggles through during his anxiety attacks. It hurts to see him go through it, but Roman does his best to temporarily take away the anxious side’s worries.
Roman dopily smiles at Virgil as he plants a kiss on top of his head, pulling, and pressing their bodies closer together. The coarse of movements, caused Virgil to shift, groaning and mumbling non coherent words during his sleep.
The prince chuckled, feeling the vibrations of sounds coming deep from Virgil’s throat bounce off against his neck as he planted a few more kisses on his sleepy boyfriend’s head
“Rise and shine, mi tormenta. It sounds like you got some competition. There’s also another little storm right outside that wants to make some noise this morning as well.”
Virgil lifted his head up to give a half ass sleepy glare at the romantic side.
Roman grinned, pecking his boyfriend on the lips. “There’s my sleeping beauty.  Buenos días mi armor. Sleep well?”
“Mm, yeah, but wam more sleep,” Virgil languidly slurred, dropping his head back onto Roman’s neck.
Roman let out an airy laugh, “You and I both know that if I let you sleep some more, you’re definitely not going to wake up anytime soon and then you’ll be complaining later at night that you can’t sleep. Thus, staying up all night. Again.”
“Willing to risk it.”
“Then you’re not going to get anymore kisses or cuddles for the rest of the day.”
“I can live with that.”
“Virgil!” Roman whined.
Virgil laughed while propping his head back up and planted a kiss squarely onto Roman’s pouty lips. “I’m kidding.”
The fanciable side’s pout turned into a grin as he reciprocated his boyfriend’s kiss, peppering in a few more on Virgil’s chapped pink lips before fully capturing them into his own. They kissed leisurely, sweetly enjoying one another’s taste, regardless of that bit of morning breath lingering around. Gently, Virgil caressed Roman’s cheek and deepened their kiss. Roman sighed contently into his mouth, smiling as he felt Virgil’s other warm calloused hand on Roman’s hip; his thumb rubbing circular motions on Roman’s bare, tanned, freckled skin.
Shortly, they parted for air.
“Good?” Roman asked.
Virgil huffed out a laughter, “Yeah, I’m good.” He gave another peck on Roman’s lips, smiling affectionately. “Morning, Princey.”
Roman’s heart swelled from the affection. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of seeing that lopsided smile Virgil gives him. A special smile reserved only for those, closest and dearest to him. It instantly fuels him with ambition to pull that expression from Virgil more often. A fulfillment that he always strives to do, to see Virgil in contentment.
The prince sighed dreamily, “Have I ever told you how much I love that specific smile of yours? How it makes my heart flutter like crazy?”
Virgil flushed, playfully slapping Roman’s shoulder. “Sap, it’s too early for this.”
Roman grinned brightly, “It’s never too early for me!”
Virgil rolled his eyes, “But you know what is too early for? Getting out of bed right now. Can we at least stay like this for a little longer?”
“Hmm, okay. Deal. But only for a little bit because it’s Patton’s turn to cook breakfast today and we don’t want to be late for those scrumptious, God like chocolate chip pancakes with crofters and whipped cream dolloped on top before Logan consumes them all. Literally can not even have crofters out and that man is already there scarfing it down. You can cautiously, slowly, open a jar of it and the next thing you know he’s standing right before you ready to steal it away. It’s like his call or something. At least, I’ll know now how to summon him when needed. Especially, whenever he’s mad and ignoring me when I try to call his name. Got to choose an alternative move.”
Virgil snorted, “Yeah, that’s L for ya. Although, you better watch our Princey. He’s bound to do something similar to you as pay back.”
“Ah, see that’s why I have you my scare armor to help me keep him from even doing such things.”
“No promises on that.”
“Virgil!” Roman cried, pouting at his lover.
Virgil chortled, enjoying himself a little too much from purposely riling up Roman. He apologized, planting even more kisses onto his boyfriend.
They continued to lie there, embraced in each other’s arms before the aroma of delicious pancakes wafted into Roman’s room that had both of them being pulled away from their beds in a hurry, changed, and rushing over to the kitchen before a certain spectacled nerd could consume them all.
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always-anxious612 · 1 year
Close Calls
Uh, wow, it has been so long since I posted a fic, heh. This is actually an old fic from a while ago that I never posted. Recently I decided to revamp and edit it. There may or may not be one or two more chapters in the works but I was also thinking of leaving it here. Let me know if you want more of this!
Description: Prince Roman has gotten plenty of scrapes in bruises in the past, and he doesn't see how one more stab wound is that big of a deal. His dearest Virgil, still just a nurse in training, begs to differ.
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairings: Prinxiety
Warnings: injuries mentioned, mentions of past abuse, homophobia mentioned (I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything or if you need something tagged!)
Word Count: 2,014
Chapter 2
“Of course, it’s infected,” I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face in frustration. “You should have gone to the royal physician when you came back, and not me. “Yeah well, maybe I didn’t wanna,” the prince in front of me huffed petulantly. I rolled my eyes at him, and stood, examining the stab wound that rested a little above his hip. I’d stitched it up a few days before and had come back to check on him as I had promised. Unfortunately, he was complaining that the pain was getting worse instead of better, and, well, here we were. “Seriously, your highness, why won’t you just go to the physician? This seems pretty bad. It’s swollen and I don’t want the infection to spread or get worse. “Oh, we’re playing that game,” Prince Roman scoffed, leaning back against the headboard of his bed, “I told you not to call me that He looked so tired that I gave in much quicker than normal, groaning and rubbing my temples at my growing headache “You’re being too stubborn, Roman,” I grumble “You’re a nurse. It’s basically the same thing,” he muttered.
“No, you idiot, it’s not the same thing. I didn’t even have the right tools with me when you called for me last time. All I had was what I managed to smuggle from the clinic without drawing too much attention. And if someone had told me what had happened before I came, maybe I could have gotten the right supplies. I didn’t know you’d been stabbed. I should have just reported this to Logan and let him handle it. Maybe we wouldn’t be here right now if I had,” I ranted, plopping down on the edge of his bed where he was lounging.
“…But you love me, so you’ll still keep this a secret for me, right?” he grinned sweetly, leaning closer and reaching up to try to cup my face. I glared at him until he sat back again with a pout.
“You are so lucky that I’m more concerned about your stupid health right now than arguing anymore,” I grumbled as I got to work tending to his wound.
“Aw, come now, stormcloud,” he countered, still pouting, “at least it’s an excuse to see you again.”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.
“Yes, I just love being responsible for the prince getting an infection and then having him argue with me for the millionth time seeking about actual medical health.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” he tsked, reaching over to brush back my hair. I promptly swatted his hand away and glared at him again.
“No fun,” he sighed petulantly.
“You know the rules, Roman,” I reminded him with a sigh of my own.
“Yeah, well, coming here and doing this is against the rules too, but you’re still doing it,” He pointed out, huffing in irritation.
“Under protest.”
“I think a little touching in my own room is fine, Virgil. You’ve said you loved me before.”
“…Under protest.”
“Was not,” Roman muttered, snorting.
“That—I shouldn’t have said it, ok? You know that we’d get in a lot of trouble. It would just cause problems for both of us,” I huffed, glancing up at him before refocusing on my work.
Roman opened his mouth, probably to argue some more, but cut himself off with a flinch.
“That hurts, Virge,” he hissed, pulling away a bit.
“Well, obviously. It’s a stab wound Roman,” I spat out, glaring at him, “and I’m trying to clean it; so, hold still.”
He huffed but did as instructed, and we fell into a tense silence. I’d made a mistake in telling him I loved him, obviously, because he never let me forget that I’d said it. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing late one night when I was fixing some bruises on his face. He had been acting so sweet, but he looked so broken, and I poked and prodded until he admitted where the bruises had come from. It would have been so much better if they were just from him defending the nearby city from the raids that had been plaguing the kingdom for quite a while. It would have been ok if they were from one of his stupid quests to who-knows-where because he wouldn’t tell me about them but always came back bruised from them. It would have been fine if he’d been out training with the knights again and got a little carried away.
Instead, I cursed his father and the fact that he was the beloved king and that Roman couldn’t do anything about that. I cursed that his father had said he wouldn’t relinquish the throne until Roman found a suitable queen to rule by his side, and I cursed that I wasn’t a born girl of noble blood so that I could be that for him. I cursed that us being in love wasn’t enough. I cursed everyone who found it disgraceful and lowly that he’d fall for a servant; and everyone who found it disgusting and sinful that he’d fallen for a man. I had a lot of curses to give out, apparently. Too bad I didn’t know a suitable witch.
Pushing away those thoughts with a grimace, I refocused on cleaning and wrapping Roman’s torso. Luckily my hands had been moving on autopilot during my little internal rant, and I was basically done at this point. I sighed, staring at the place I knew the wound was underneath the bandages, hoping I’d done enough to stop the infection After all, I was still just in training to become a physician. I hadn’t even gotten through all of my training to become a full-time, work without supervision nurse yet, despite what Roman seemed to think.
Speaking of Roman, he was zoning out, staring at a spot on his bed, and I just grew more worried at the slightly dazed look in his eye. This infection could have serious consequences if it got much worse.
“Come on, Princey, please let me take you to Logan,” I tried one more time, already expecting the answer I’d get. Couldn’t hurt to try, right? He paused for a second before blinking and shaking himself out of his stupor.
“No, Virgil. Just—please. You know that if my father finds out about this, he’ll—he’ll forbid me to go into town anymore at all,” he begged, “he’s already banned me from helping fend off the raids—”
“Which you obviously ignored,” I interrupted, making him huff.
“—If he finds out I disobeyed and got injured…again…he won’t even let me out of my room.”
I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some sort of comfort. I knew he’d been having more problems with his father recently, but I didn’t know how I could be of any help. What could I say against the king?
“You know, when he banned me from helping with the raids and fighting off any other attacks on the towns, he said that I should learn that my life is more valuable than theirs,” He scoffed, breaking the soft silence that had fallen between us as his face twisted in disgust, “He told me there’s no reason I should get hurt protecting them. That I was making a fool of myself…what kind of ruler doesn’t protect their people?”
“A bad one,” I muttered without thinking, making Roman snicker.
“Hear, hear,” He grinned before growing serious once again.
“Virgil, when I’m king, I’m going to do better,” he avowed, glaring down at his lap.
“Of course, you will, Ro,” I agreed softly, “You’re already doing better than him.”
Roman smiled at my words as I tried not to imagine how much trouble I’d be in if someone overheard me slandering the king.
“I’m going to actually help our people. I’m going to make sure to put an end to threats for good instead of brushing over the issue by sending out more and more untrained soldiers to their deaths. I’m going to make sure everyone is as happy,” He continued, sighing—probably at the thought of everything that’s been happening lately. There had been a lot of infighting in the kingdom recently. Not only did no one know who was facilitating the attacks and raids on the towns and cities near the castle, there was increasing evidence that it was coming from within the kingdom and not from outside forces. I couldn’t imagine how much not being able to help how he wanted was weighing on Roman. I couldn’t even blame him for sneaking out to help defend the citizens. I just wish he didn’t always come back hurt.
“You’ll make a great ruler, Ro, even if you’re an idiot for not taking any of my advice, like…ever,” I assured, hoping to ease the melancholy atmosphere that had fallen with a little teasing. He chuckled softly, but remained as serious as before, looking up to meet my eyes. I melted a little at how much they softened when he looked at me.
“I’ll make sure we can be together too, Virgil. I’ll—I’ll make sure no one can hurt you. No one will have to hide anymore, and those stupid rules will be abolished,” he promised, taking my hand in his. “Just…wait for me, ok? I’ll protect you. I’ll protect us.”
My breath wavered at the sincerity in his voice. If anyone could accomplish all of that, I was sure it was Roman. He already had the love and loyalty of most of the castle staff. He visited the town as often as he could and had made friends with many of the locals. Even many nobles—the ones who weren’t stuck with their head in their own asses—loved him as well. I smiled softly, patting the hand that still rested on mine.
“Looking forward to it, Princey,” I murmured.
As Roman started to blush and lean forward, I realized just how close we’d gotten during his promises, and jumped up, clearing my throat. I already missed the softness that I’d just destroyed by pulling away. I wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t.
“Um, uh, the stitches I did last time look fine for the most part,” I started, pushing away the thoughts as I frantically started collecting the left-over supplies and tried to hide how red my face had grown, “but as I said earlier, it’s definitely infected.”
When I turned back around after gathering everything, Roman was pouting forlornly, a blush still tinging his cheeks.
“You—um, I put some ointment that should help with it, but if it gets worse…” I sighed, rubbing my neck awkwardly. I knew telling him to go to the physician again would just cause another argument, and I really didn’t want another one of those right now.
“Well, I’ll try to come back tomorrow to check it, but you know I can only sneak up to your room so many times without people getting suspicious,” I said instead, trying to chuckle to lighten the mood.
“So…you won’t tell?” he asked hesitantly. “You know I won’t,” I rolled my eyes as a bright grin took over his face.
“Just get some rest, Princey, I’ll be back tomorrow. Probably,” I instructed, biting back a grin of my own at the look on his face.
“Good night, Edgar Allen Woe,” he sang as I started for the door.
“One day, you’re gonna run out of those stupid nicknames,” I snickered.
“Never,” he gasped dramatically.
With a soft chuckle, I bid him goodnight and closed the door. As I sneaked back down to the servant’s quarters where I lived, I let the stress of—all of that—slide off and took a deep breath. It was quiet, and I took comfort in the fact that my footsteps were the only ones I could hear echoing down the hall. It seems I was safe this time. One day that prince was going to kill me with worry. Too bad I liked him too much to care.
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oh-theatre · 2 years
Objection!: Chapter 31
Chapter title: Soon
A/n: Stands awkwardly. Hi! Okay so, i know its been two years since the previous chapter and I honestly did not think I would be writing a new one. But this story deserves an ending so I do intend to finish it to all those still out there who read it. So whoever is still here, thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter <3
First | Previous | Next
words: 1511
summary: Pattons finally recovering, where does everyone go from here?
pairings: Logicality, Prinxiety, platonic Demus, romantic Remile
warnings: Hospital mention, Courthouse/Law mentions
Ao3 Link  
“I'm cleared!” Patton announces, a tired whoop from the crowded room makes him giggle. Logan grunts in approval, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. “I get to go home” He explains quietly to the sleeping twins resting on his bed, his fingers carding through their hair.
“And while we’re all ela-” Roman pauses, yawning “-ted, it's far too early” Virgil nods, looking sadly at his now empty cup of coffee. 
“He should be able to be checked out around noon today, we want to go over some home care, medicines he’ll need to be taking…” Patton nods along, not sure where the doctor's instructions fell out of tune but Roman was right it really was too early. Once she had finished, given an extra copy of instructions to Logan and taken her leave, the two made their way out.
“Work and stuff” Virgil had, oh so kindly explained, taking his leave with Roman sleepily guiding him the right way. The lawyer couldn't help but smile, glad his friends finally put the puzzle pieces back together. 
“Hmm” Logan hummed next to him, “I'll be back around noon to pick you up, Emile and Remy have agreed to take the kids for a bit so you'll only have to worry about rest” He explained through his own suppressed yawn. Patton flashes a grateful smile to the detective and his partner, receiving two thumbs up from Remy. He watches as the couple gently lift the sleeping children, waving t​​hem off. “And while I love you” Logan continued “I have work to get to” 
“Aw shucks, you sure you dont wanna hang out with me and my Friends reruns?” Patton teases, Logan lips turn up slightly, signs of an amused smile. “Go, be a lawyer, I'll see you at noon” He assures, tugging the taller down only a bit to plant a kiss.
“Noon then” He confirms before joining the others and leaving Patton alone once more. 
“Finally” he stretches. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends, he loved Logan, his kids. But finally, eyes weren't constantly watching him, he could breathe. He only hoped this refreshing feeling continued at home. He was finally feeling like himself again, his fingers itching to be back in the courthouse, standing in front of a judge fighting for something, for someone. “George!” He exclaims to himself, rushing for his phone on his nightstand. He practically punches in the number. “George” He smiles, the other line connects instantly. He hears apologetic rambles at first listening as they turn into worries for the lawyer then a burning anger of vengeance. Christ, Patton could barely get a word in. “Ge-” He tries, cant blame him for not being heard over what he thinks is the man shouting at the tv for…existing? He can't help but laugh, shaking his head. “George,” He states firmly, finally receiving silence. He knows, knows you should never judge solely by a cover. Any man can fake who they are, any person can smile while hiding a sinister secret. But Patton couldn't help it, this man wasn't capable of what he'd been accused of.  “I'd love to meet up” 
~~~ “Too early” Virgil complains again, “Early early early” He shakes in defiance. Roman finishes checking himself and his guest into the courthouse, wrapping up a polite conversation with Jenny. 
“Honey” He begins, Virgil's soft “Early”s continuing “Ho-ney” he enunciates, taking his partner's hand. “Coffee?” He offers, allowing himself to ignore just how many the detective had already consumed. Suddenly, like magic, Virgil brightens. Or, as much as he could. After all, he needed some coffee in him. “Come along then, my treat”
“Well I'd sure hope so” the shorter quips, nudging Roman.
“You are spoiled” he decides, lifting up Virgil's hand to kiss it sweetly, regardless of his words.
“Blasphemy, I am so unspoiled, in fact i a-” And before Virgil can continue whatever tangent he planned, Roman saves himself and his ears, he kisses his partner swallowing up whatever words he had. “Cheater” “Work smarter, not harder” Roman grins. And even with Virgil's mumbles of rejection, he was smiling. 
“Is that what you teach my kid when you babysit?” Virgil sighs, though his disappointment is only an act. 
“Absolutely!” Roman nods, his smile wider than ever. “I tell him, I say ‘Damian. Listen, when you're in math class, simply use a calculator’ and oh does he smile” 
“Oh my god, you're a terrible influence” Virgil laughs, feeling his chest bubble with warmth. “He needs to learn how to do math without the calculator” “Virgil” Roman turns, taking the detective's face in his hands. “Mi amor” He starts, Virgil rolls his eyes covering his obvious blush. “When, literally when, will he ever have to do math where a calculator is not available” Romans eyes are stern.
“That's so not the point, it's good for him to have the skill” Virgil rebuts
“The answer is never! Never is he going to be an adult, doing math that requires a calculator, where a calculator is not available” He turns back to the path, stopping by the coffee stand, ordering two cups. 
“You're impossible” Virgil whispers, with absolutely zero malicious intent, watching his breath in the cold air. He joins the judges side, thanking him for the coffee. 
Strolling the courthouse, both fully aware there was no destination, made him happy. Being by Romans side, even in silence, made him happy.
Virgil was happy. 
The guilt washed away with ease. Every ounce that had been shoving him to his knees, grinding them to pieces, let him go. Patton was okay, he was going home, safe. Liam hadn't bothered the group since Logan put him in his place. Remy and him had been forgiven, by both Patton and Logan. James, may he rot, was in jail. And Roman was his. All his to love for however long he was permitted to, a small- no, a big part hoped it was forever. At this bright hour of 8:05 AM, Virgil allowed himself this moment of self indulgence. This moment to be selfish, coffee in one hand, Roman in the other.
He was happy. 
“I am not happy, Tolentino” Heard, processed, and instantly forgotten. Logan's head was killing him, the last thing he needed was a scolding and running on no coffee as well. “I think we need to have a discussion about your recent work ethic”
“Mhm” Logan was barely listening, honestly, his mind was nowhere at the moment. His boss could be firing him from the firm, but he was far too tired to care. After another lecture, Logan was dismissed, giving him ample opportunity to find the nearest coffee booth and consume all of it. 
He had been skeptical of the firm working out of the courthouse at first. Lawyers coming in and out, cases he wasn't on though dying to participate happening just next door, the judges bothering him, it had a recipe for disaster written all over it. But it ended up being perfect. It was exactly the place he wanted to work at. If his stuffy office ever got too much, just a quick stroll and he could find himself in the courtyard, listening to the steady fountain flow. 
It was perfect.
Plus, this is where he met Patton. Fell in love with him, proposed to him, and watched him everyday.
That wasn't so bad. 
He smiled, lifting the coffee to his lips, sipping carefully at the hot beverage. One could argue the worst things also happened here, and they wouldn't be wrong. But the good for Logan, far outweighed the bad. The love of his life walked these halls everyday, lighting up his path as he smiled. Hm, he thought to himself, he should call Patton. He missed his fiancee, and noon was so far away.
“Patton Hart!” A familiar yet welcome warmth creeped on Logan.
“Whos taking whos last name” Well. That was definitely not how he wanted to start the conversation. 
“Well,” Patton thought for a moment, considering Logan's question with sincerity. “Patton Tolentino”
Logan would blame the red tint of his cheeks on the cold air. 
“Its not bad…but I like my last name!” Patton chirps, Logan nods, covering his mouth “And it's the kids last name” It is, Logan's mind was gone once more. Patton Tolentino, Patton Tolentino, the name ran through his mind. “Lo?”
“Present” A soft giggle resonated through the phone “Logan Hart” He repeats, it felt odd falling off his tongue at first. “Loooogan Hart” He tried once more, it wasn't bad. However, could such a sweet name, filled with adoration, suit him. With his mind busy, he hadn't noticed the other line had gone quiet. “Honeybee?” He inquires softly
“Can't we just get married already” Had he not been listening so intently, Logan would have missed the whisper of desperation. 
“What about combining them?” He proposes. A laugh rings through, approving the idea. They continue an idle conversation, but Patton's question continues to play over and over in his mind.
Soon, I promise. 
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shapa-likes-art · 3 years
Ok high school human au thing
(Minor prinxiety. I mean... It's me, what do you expect-)
Currently liking the concept of Virgil learning how to pierce his ears himself when he was younger because he didn't want to go to a professional piercer- he's a broke teen- and also he wanted to piss his parents off.
And so he just did some research and did it at around 3 am. He couldnt sleep properly for a few weeks, sure, but he has piercings now and no one can do anything about it now.
I like to imagine a scenario where Roman is kind of the goodie two shoes student who follows all the rules and is liked by all and One day, Roman just comes up to Virgil asking him to pierce his ears because he's so tired of being perceived as a goodie two shoes so he wants to show he isnt only just that by getting his ears pierced.
(Will cut here to avoid long-posting)
Virgil finds it hilarious that Roman thinks getting his ears pierced is "Wild" and "Rebellious" and definitely teases him about it which prompts Roman to be flustered. Nonetheless, They meet up at Virgil's place and Roman's sitting on Virgil's bed, nervous because he's never had piercings before. Does it hurt? Will it bleed? Oh god-
And virgil's just like, "Chill, dude, It's almost like an injection. It'll sting then it'll be fine. Just don't sleep on it and clean it sometimes-"
And Roman tries to relax then he sees Virgil with the needle and lighter and he panics, though Virgil pierces his ear before he could say a thing.
In the end, Roman gets his ears pierced and Virgil ends up getting him red heart earrings "Because it fits".
Roman absolutely loves it and perhaps he hugs Virgil as a thanks and Virgil maybe gets flustered at the sudden contact and maybe he pushes Roman away calling him an idiot but his face is red and he's smothering a smile and Roman's just beaming and looking like an idiot.
The next day, The whole school just stares at Roman and when asked where he got his ears pierced, he credits virgil and he always smiles when he does.
And yeah, that's about it dhgsh
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