#i’m 5’3 so yk??
thegirlivealwaysbeen · 8 months
loll?? yk what’s funny a guy in my class is as tall as jacob elordi and yeah. height difference is indeed a thing !! it’s good for reference
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aanhedoniaaa · 1 year
Tbp boys with an S/O who is Taller Than them
the entire time while writing this, thirsty by AJR was stuck in my mind, help.
Finney Blake
is fine with it, he’s honestly a little used to it because he’s shorter than a lot of dudes in his grade / in school
when he needs help reaching for something he will NOT ask for your help
well, he will but only give you subtle hints
like he’ll reach for it and go “oh man, i can’t reach this” then shrug or just give you a quick stare and then say “geez i sure wish i was taller”
and you’ll help him, like the good partner you are <3
hes probably 5’2 ik he is, hes bursting with 5’2 vibes
Robin Arellano
well it’s a little love hate thing with you being taller than him, he loves how you can grab things for him, intimidate people if you wanted, i’m guessing hes about 5’3 or 5’4
CONSTANTLY trying to look taller / your height, like he’ll stand up on his tippy toes and go “wow look i’m finally your height”
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS looking for an opportunity to fight you, not really fighting but yk? play fighting, he loves that shit, even if you weren’t taller he’d still do that with his partner in general
Vance Hopper
OH GOD, HIS EGO IS SO BIG DUDE, he’ll hate it at first, always making remarks (they’re not rude, don’t worry, he’s not heartless) “you’re not so tough cuz of your height, i could beat you up in a minute”
he could not. he is 5’7 or 5’6, you can’t convince me otherwise
when he’s finally used to it and not just…edgy about it, he’s fine with it.
will tell people “yeah? well, my partner is mad tall, they can fuck you up”
Bruce Yamada
he’s cool with it, he loves you for who you are, weight, height, and overall appearance doesn’t matter, he loves you.
is not ashamed to ask you to help for things, even if he can access them perfectly fine.
i feel like he’s 5’9 or 5’8 somewhere around there, i know he’s not too short though
he’s already a big hugger, you being taller will just make him want to hug you even more, idk i just feel that way, ATTACK HUGS.
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waitingonher · 3 months
pjo please!
okay so i’m a very extroverted person, i’m an entp, aquarius and a daughter of hermes! i feel like i talk a lot but alas i’m just a yapper. i’m a very goofy person and i tend to be really clumsy too. i smile a lot, and i make jokes all the time. i have a darker sense of humor but i tend to be a little bit emotional. i have adhd and anxiety and i’m pretty smart, i’m either really tired or really hyper there’s really no in between. i like to randomly dance or randomly sing. my favorite season is autumn and i love road trips and movies. i wanna work on screenplays/direct movies when i’m older! i have medium length faded red hair, blue/green eyes and freckles on my whole face but i have a lot more under my right eye. i’m 5’3” and have an upside down smile (legitimately) and ummmm yeah! 😁
physical touch is my number one love language and then quality time, and words of affirmation are my second and third!
i love skateboarding, listening to music (i listen to like everything except stuff i don’t like 😭😭) i also love flowers and taking walks/nature, i hate the cold tho bc i feel like i’m cold all the time, i love road trips like i said earlier but my favorite hobby/intrest is film. film is my life! i watch so many movies and would love to write one someday, but for now i’m only doing reverse screenplays for practice hehe.
ironically not the cinema because i feel like you can’t talk and get to know each other. i think a walk in the park with coffee or ice cream would be my ideal first date. you can get to know each other and there’s really no effort or money needed!
my TYPE is blondies with blue eyes but i doesn’t really matter to me, they have to be taller than me tho. they have to be funny, and sweet, and takes initiative to do cute things and like be there for me and call me cute names and stuff yk like act like a bf.
thank you!!!! <3
your matchup is . . . jason grace!!
if you and jason had a trope it would definitely be sunshine x grumpy, except jason’s not even grumpy, he’s just on the quieter side lol!
he’s always there to listen to your rants about anything and everything, his focus as sharp as if he were on the battlefield. it could be the stupidest conversation ever, but jason’s still nodding along, as if the soggy pancakes at breakfast were the most important thing in the world. 
jason’s favorite parts about you are your smile and your freckles! 
there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to see that favorite smile of his. the way your eyes light up so beautifully makes him think that you’re somehow related to the sun. because of this, jason subconsciously compares you two to the sun and the moon. whenever he spots little trinkets of the two, he buys it no matter the price or the line in which he has to wait in. couples with matching sun and moon keychains stay together! 
sometimes at night when you two are cuddled up, jason decides he absolutely must kiss every single freckle on your face. his warm hands hold the sides of your face as he peppers millions of kisses across your face. sure, it tickles, but who are you to say no to your boyfriend’s kisses? especially when he tells you that he’ll stop loving you when he’s done counting and kissing all of your freckles (jason’s lost count). 
jason who supports your hobbies with every fiber of his being! if you’re one to be open about your ideas/the screenplays you write, then just know that he’s listening to and reading every single one of them. he loves how creative you are, and him being able to see what your mind can create is one of the many blessings you’ve given him. 
if you were to ask for any feedback (he rarely finds that you even need critique), jason’s very honest about it and he words it in a respectful way. 
random dancing and singing breaks with jason!! 
he might not be the best at either, but he’ll do it because you’re having fun. 
beach dates!!!! 
especially when it’s summer and the sun’s at its hottest, what’s better than taking a trip down to the beach with his favorite person? this may or may not be your favorite summer activity because when jason asks you to put sunscreen on his back, and you can feel his toned muscles as you rub in the product…wow (he also may or not be flexing them purposefully) 
jason who’s never surprised when his closet is completely CLEARED of any and all of his jackets, hoodies, sweaters, etc. 
he never minds though because he loves loves lovesss seeing you in his clothes! 
anyways…yeah you two are endgame!
your second contender was . . . percy jackson!
. . .
author's note: yaaaay first matchup woop woop! i hope you like it <3 thank you for your support!!
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
mia & sebastian's theme , ships • send me a short description of yourself + a fandom and a gender preference and i'll ship you with a character
hihi blair !! i’m 5’3 , my hair is the color of cinnamon and i have blue eyes and freckles. i’m an extrovert and i have anxiety and adhd. i tend to ramble a lot and get hyperfixations of things easily. i enjoy reading and writing and watching all things horror <3
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fred weasley : i was leaning towards george for this one, but fred would LOVE watching horror with you. like, anything horror, he would sit down and watch it with you. he would also love listening to your hyperfixations and will ask questions about it so you can ramble even more. he would admire you as you read during afternoons and he'll crack dumb jokes every once in a while to distract you a bit in a teasing type of way yk? he would love to read whatever you were writing and keep all the love letters you would send to him. he's also so sweet to you, patient w you, and would comfort you if anything happens.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
So I wanna do a romantic hunter x hunter matchup and idk if I’m doing it right but whatever🧍‍♀️Im a female and im a ISTP.
I love being alone but I definitely don’t mind company and actually get lonely sometimes if I don’t interact with somebody.
Places with a bunch of people make me dizzy and annoyed idkidk🥲 so I like quiet places
I never start conversation first and I’m rlly shy at first but yk if I have to tell someone something I’ll do it fr😭 like If you’re being mean or annoying u bet I’m gonna tell u something.
And sometimes I have no filter but most of the time I do. I can say I’m pretty humble.ykyk
I’m honestly not a fan of PDA… holding hands is fine and so is kissing as long as you don’t go overboard it’s fine….but I’d prefer private affection.
Im 5’3 and I have brown skin and dark shoulder hair. And I wear glasses most of the time. My style changes everyday, but I think my main is grunge.
I have a type, and it’s respectful, nice, kind hearted guys, introverted, (even tho i am, I just can’t handle overly talkative or energetic ppl🥲🥲)
And honestly I’m kinda harder on guys than I am with girls…I hate men but like ykyk…… expect if u are not overly energetic and loud then you’re getting on my good side😁
My love language is words of affirmation. But ofc I don’t care what love language u give me
Idk if this is enough information…LMAO SORRY😭💀
hi!!! i dont get a lot of hunter x hunter requests so i knew i had to get this one done! i absolutely love this anime and it's almost rare to find fans??? unless that's just me lmao. but anyway! onto the matchup because i have the perfect character for you! <3
the character I chose for you is...
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i mean come on
he's introverted and is willing to tell someone off if he needs you
he also doesnt like PDA so you're all good there
i feel like he is that perfect man that isnt a dude (i mean he totally looks like a girl) so he's the perfect guy for you tbh
he respects you to an insane degree
he knows you can take care of yourself, so he doesnt need to be up your ass about everything and feel like he needs to protect you
he just needs to be your boyfriend and that is something he can handle
he cares about you so much
will give you the best hugs and gifts
he's the perfect guy if you just want to be alone
like he would hang out with you, but it would be silence of you just hanging out, so you feel alone, but in the company of your boyfriend!
he really does care about you like a lot
and definitely doesnt want to lose you, so just show him your love and he'll do the same in return! :)
matchup rules --- pinned post
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mistydeyes · 1 year
oh.. maybe I could do too?
Idk where to start maybe.. I like animals yeah? I had 7 cats at one point I’m still too young to be a cat lady but I’d like to be one :) I’m also really good at cooking I make some great pasta. I’m good with kids and a social butterfly, shy at first but give me like an hour if I’m comfortable with you and you’ll see me blossom. I have good humor if I’m comfortable with the people I’m around I crack a few jokes, something about making people laugh and smile makes me smile too. I guess happiness is contagious
I’m 5’3 kind of hourglass body? I’m good looking even if I put in the work or if I don’t I don’t have any tattoos, I like modest wear and I always look clean and elegant the type of “not one stray hair out of place” person. and loooveee jewelry. A makeup freak but don’t wear it too often I try to stay natural :). Im an achiever I must try my best in everything.
Loooveee reading even if the book is shitty but something about flipping pages and getting into a diff world by just words is just ❤️. I also write some stories that aren’t published I’m good at poetry kind of? I’m a great performer on stage but get shaky. I’m a nerd.. you won’t tell but I am.
I’m sweet naively very confident some people call it cocky but I know who I am. I love to help and provide and aid, hence me getting into the medical field :). I’m very nice I’ve been told and I have a “welcoming and nurturing aura” a friend told me that. I’m actually very outspoken and my mom keeps joking about me becoming a Lawyer rather than a doctor.
Somehow people feel very comfortable around me and I feel very grateful to be their person at least :) it brings me joy knowing that someone trusts me and feels like they can tell me anything.
I love spicy food and anything sweet I have a sweet tooth I’m talking like 5 packs of sugar for ONE cup of tea. Oh shit I’m a tea drinker I hate coffee it tastes weird to me.
I love nature to a extreme point unless bug bites and mosquitoes bites are involved. I also love sightseeing. I enjoy my hectic life but also want to go home to peace and quiet. At the end of the day I can manage my life without a partner or with, I just want someone I can share peaceful silence with yk cooking in the kitchen with the cats watching.
Also I love ur writing :) !!
Thank you <3
John Price
How you met: Civilian You were enjoying a nice summer day in Brighton when you met John. You spent the day lounging along the rocky shores and dippy your toes into the brisk water. It was a much needed reprieve from your late nights trying to remember diseases and treatments. Eventually, you found yourself on the boardwalk and admiring the small trinkets at the various kiosks. As you tried on some sunglasses, a small child came running up to you and hit behind your legs. "Well hello there," you exclaimed and bent down to the child's height. The brunette girl smiled up at you as you looked around for her parents. "I'm hiding from my uncle," she whispered and you saw a flustered man trying to find the missing girl. You smiled at her before offering a hand. "Tell you what, let's get you to your uncle and I'll buy you a treat?" to this she smiled and followed you as you walked up to the man. He took off his hat and looked relieved when you returned your niece. "Found this one trying to hide behind a kiosk," you said as he gratefully shook your hand. "My sister's kid always finds a way to run off," he joked and held his niece's hand tightly. "I did promise her a treat for being so cooperative," you said and she ecstatically nodded. You pointed to an ice cream stand with a short line and the young girl ran towards it, with her uncle at her heels. While John tried to pay, you selflessly offered to pay for your two small cones and his niece's large ice cream cone with extra toppings for good measure. With sticky ice cream coating your fingers, you and John learned of your many shared interests and even exchanged contacts as his niece enjoyed her reward.
A peek into your relationship: John was always at awe at your interesting taste in food. For someone so polite and elegant looking, he would assume you were picky but you loved everything under the sun. Today, you had decided to spent dinner in your flat and you made him Spicy Southwest Bean & Corn Salad. He insisted helping you cook but you simply told him to just sit on the couch and entertain your new litter of kittens. As you saw John hold up their small ribbon toy, you called him to the dining room table. "I made yours not as spicy," you joked as he sat. You knew John had a low spice tolerance and he smiled gratefully at your mercy. As he chugged water after every bite, he looked shocked as you added more and more hot sauce to the salad. "You're crazy," he laughed as you enjoyed the meal, "have to say this is one of your best dishes." You thanked him as you continued your conversation about the latest novel series you were reading. Finally, you both finished and John kindly took your plates and cleaned up the kitchen as you settled on the couch with one of your kittens curled up next to you. "Want some tea, love?" he called and you readily agreed. When he returned with two mugs, you took one sip and your smile faltered. "No sugar?" you asked and he nodded seriously. "I think it would be a crime to add five sugar cubes," he stated and before you could get up to the kitchen, he pulled you in a comforting hug. "Not letting you out of my sight, sweetheart," he said and you accepted defeat before settling back down and continuing to read your novel in his comforting presence.
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la-sopa · 1 year
do you happen to know how tall Ferus and Anakin were as padawans? i need to know for fic reasons.
I did math for this.
TinyTim, why are we doing math?
You might be thinking. Well simple answer to the methods of my madness. The we can use Anakins height to gauge(?) Ferus’ height and create a time table because idk how old they are in your fic :)
Anakin Skywalker
Let’s start from the begin
Jake Lloyd was 9 when he played anakin and was 4’5(135cm(this number was rounded)
Hayden Christiansen was 19 when playing Anakin in ep 2 no was 6’0(182cm)
Now why do we need this information? Basically we’re going to find the average growth (in cm) per year between ages 9-19.
We can take 135cm and divide it by age,9, to give us 15cm. Now this makes sense because you grow a lot from when you were an infant to a young kid but this rapidly growing doesn’t add up when you are older. ( I am not accounting for growth spurts I’m working with a fixed continúes growth) so we 15/2=7.5cm which does mathematically make more sense. So we can set up this equation 7.5x= y which basically means 7.5 times X years (because time is a constant) and Y is height.
Yes we can switch the variables to a different symbol but this makes sense to me, because in my mind, there’s a graph. Very blurry graph but still there :)
Also Give or Take a few cm because no one grows at a constant.
Now we can do the fun part 🤩
By setting up a chart.
9. 135 (4’5)
10. 142.4 (4’8)
11. 150 (4’11)
12. 157.5 (5’2)
13. 165 (5’4)
14. 172.5 (5’7.9 ( technical 5,8)
15. 180 (5’10)
16. 182 (technical 187.5 so 6’1) 6’0
17. 182
18. 182
19. 182
I don’t care that the chart is impractical
Let me explain a little bit also, most boys hit their growth spurt from 12-16 but the chart shows hit it early, good for him ig, Also most boys stop growing at 16 and start growing muscle mass instead of height :) science 🧬
I would make a graph online but I’m too stupid
Ferus Olin
Now the disclaimer I TinyTim am very biased and this is opinion based off of my own and other peoples opinion and my foggy memory.
I always just assumed he was about 2in taller than Anakin
And you can carry this on for when there adults and have him permanently taller. But I like to have fun with it and have him stop around 5’8-5’11 (because I think it’s funny and there’s no way all that stress didn’t do anything to stunt is height yk.)
Now I took 5’8 (177) and divided that by 16 (for already explained reasons) and got a scary number 11.0625 so I just then I divided it by 2= 5.5
So to do this logistically I worked backwards
16. 177 (5’8)
15. 171.5 (5’6)
14. 166 (5’4)
13. 160.5 (5’2-5’3)
12. 155 (5’0)
11. 149.5 (4’9)
10. 144 (4’7)
Also small thing to keep in mind, which I love to talk about for some reason. Is the 2-3 year age gap (I think it’s 2 but there’s a possibility it could be 3) so when Anakin is 12(5’2) Ferus is (5’4) making him taller ever though he caps at at a not so short short king. Anakin surpasses Ferus at 15 Anakin being 5’10 and Ferus at 5’8
Ok everyone clap now I did it.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 9 months
Hiii would it be possible to get a jjk matchup? :)
I’m a female, 18, n bisexual with a preference for men.
Looks wise um im 5’3 or 5’4 ??? I wear glasses and I’ve got shoulder length curly hair/ wavy hair. I’m kinda chubby? sometimes I’m pretty insecure about that tbh and other times im like hell yeah this is cute af everyone loves to have something comfy to squish.
Personality wise im an ISTJ! I tend to be sort of quiet and awkward when I first meet people, and I am almost NEVER the first one to try and make conversation with someone I don’t know. Like I’ve been told by friends that when they first met me, they thought I hated them and looked mean. I guess I can still be pretty harsh, but the closer I get to someone, the more comfy I am with being more I make more jokes and open up more and allow myself to be more childish? I guess? Like with someone im not close to I’ll be stiff as a board but with my sister im laughing and being stupid constantly.
I dont like talking about myself, at least not often. I always try to steer the conversation towards the other person cause i feel guilty for talking about myself “too much” so I just avoid doing it completely. I also hate when a conversation feels forced, like I want to be talking more to the other person than they want to talk to me, in which case I just match their energy lol cause I don’t wanna embarrass myself.
My hobbies are reading, listening to music, writing, and editing! I love listening to like beabadoobee n NIKI n TWICE !!
Honestly on the inside im a lot more excited and cheesy than I am on the outside. Like in my head im always gushing about stuff if yk what I mean but on the outside i dont show it because I feel cringe. And mentally i know it isn’t cringe to be affectionate towards people or to be excited about things, but when i try to say “i love you” to people or when i gush over some hot guy, it just feels so wrong.
Anyways my love languages are def words of affirmation (to receive) cause I like the reassurance, but also quality time cause that means I can just sit in silence with someone while we both do our own thing and that’s just the best thing ever.
This was sorta long I kind of went along the same format as the person before me cause I didn’t have an example to go off so thank u to that person too😭 <3
(NO REQUEST IS TOO LONG FOR THIS BLOG. Also I hope you enjoy this, have a lovely day!)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- He’s the first one to talk to you and y’all became friends quickly. He doesn’t mind carrying the conversation, he likes to tell you jokes to make you laugh.
- When you start talking more and start to joke around, he gets so happy.
- He makes sure to reassure you daily to make those insecure thoughts you have about yourself disappear completely (he also reassures you that you aren’t being annoying or talking about yourself “too much”. Then he flicks you on the forehead)
- You two will often times sit or lay down together in silence doing your own thing. Occasionally he will show you something on his phone that he wants you to see (you never know what to expect, it could be a funny meme, a random video, or a cursed image)
- If you are writing a story or something he gets curious about what it’s about so he’ll often take the paper, laptop, or whatever you’re using to write and read it.
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
✧.* ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ
ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵈᵉᵗᵃⁱˡᵉᵈ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵖᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁽ᵃᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉ ⁺ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡⁱᵗʸ⁾ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ˡˡ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿᵃˡ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ!!
Sooo physical description brunette, blue eyes, 5’3 & 1/2 ft. Tall, freckley, kinda defined muscles, but also kinda curvy too yk?? Personalityyyy I’m creative, stubborn, friendly, either obsessive or easily distracted, I’m suuuper social, funny, sarcastic, one of my main personality traits is doing swim lol. I draw allll the time and I’m constantly reading/writing too!
idk why this is just sm hp lightning era to me
harry would be so down for you
ginny to icel
and hermione and pansy would be your bffs <33
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umm0lly · 1 year
thoughts during the first aftg book
spoilers below ~
no way in the nine circles of hell will i accept that andrew minyard is a BLOND. no. that man exudes such dark haired energy it’s insane. also no blond man is named andrew.
the dynamics are so all over the place this is wild oh my god
okay andrew 100% likes kevin and vice versa?? like this is factual? i have never seen a bigger example?
the crush andrew has on neil right now… and they don’t even kiss until the third book KMS KMS KMS
enemies to lovers >>>>>>>>>>>> school for good and evil fed me good shit with this trope PLEASE don’t fuck it up
maybe it’s cuz i just finished binging ginny and georgia but uh seth and allison gives me same vibes as press and abby sooooo there’s that.
the casual usage of slurs? hellooooo?
erm i’m sorry but dr betsy doesn’t seem like, real? like she’s a robot or something i swear “if you feel that nickname is too personal we can EDIT it to be best suited to you” like miss girl ?
HELPPPP ANDREW IS A FULL ON ADULT MAN AND IS SHORTER THAN ME 😭 5’0 THATS INSANE WHAT HAPPENED. and neil is no better at 5’3 it would be a cute height different if you added maybe 6 inches to both of their heights???
hmmm. hmmmmm. i’m getting fishy feelings about something. i don’t know what yet but kevin day… you may just be gay…
THOSE FISHY VIBES WERE THE FUCKING RIKO SHOWING UP THING OH MY GOD. neil josten shut your MOUTH before you get killed by the japanese mafia
yk… if it wasn’t for his innate blondness i would actually be in love with andrew right now because my type in guys actually fucking sucks but he is blonde which automatically makes him an ugly bitch sorry not sorry
wait sorry lemme get this straight… KEVIN = the blondest name ever, exudes the vibes of a blonde, should be blonde, IS DARK HAIRED ANDREW = the dark haired name the dark haired vibes ACTUALLY JUST SHOULD BE DARK HAIRED… is blonde. and then neil is just. red headed. because of course he fucking is.
andrew should just dye his hair so he can be my type in looks there we go problem solved yayayayyayaya
ALSO THE CRUSH THAT ANDREW HAS ON NEIL OH MY GOD neil is so oblivious i cant i cant
help seth is dead what 😭 didn’t like the bitch but nora could have kept him around for like. one more chapter
“i don’t feel for anyone or anything” whilst being in love with the man in front of him………
fucking hell that was a good book. uh. yeah.
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bunnywabbit2 · 2 years
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2 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Bunny tell me about your OCs (this is Gleam I’m just too lazy to log in dhdjdj)
omg omg ily gleam ok ok so
disclaimer these r the characters I made with my elementary school friends in 5th grade but I’ve been talking to one of those friends and we talked a lot about our little guys and I just hold so much fondness for them
we would get on our family computers each night and type out roleplay stories on google docs (legit istg we wrote like 4 books (docs) that were like 80pgs each…where is that creativity and motivation now huh!!)
also ive forgotten a lot about them </3 but thats ok!
so. theres 9 of them. yea kjdshfsfdhdsjk XD 6 'good guys' (ivy, iris, alex, jake, christa, carson) and 3 'bad guys' (justin, jade, madison)
where do i begiN
oh yea also they all have powers and fancy colored eyes bc i mean thats just the fifth grade elementary school girl experience yk
also their base characters were created back then but a lot of the more specificy stuffs like heights and headcanons (which? ig would technically be canon since its our characters? but?) were kind of all thought up like a week ago at 2am on discord <3333 also friend & i queer-ified them
ivy: wasian, pan, she/they, 5'5, libra, brown hair dark green eyes, plant powers i believe..?
alex: chinese, demiro, agender & transmasc, he/any, 5'11, capricorn, black hair black eyes, prob something like shadow powers or whatever i forgot
justin: chinese, aroace, nor/mal (/j), 5'9, black hair black eyes, also prob something like shadow powers
iris: wasian, bi, she/her, 5’3, libra, dark brown hair purple eyes, light powers???
jake: cishet white man (derogatory). 6'0 but says he's 6'3, august leo. blond hair blue eyes. gym bro. i forgot powers lol
jade: east asian, lesbian w major comphet, they/fae/she, 5'7, black hair green eyes, ice powers prob
christa: southeast asian, she/her, omniro, demisexual, 5'9 (taller than justin), aries, black hair red eyes, fire powers??? mayperhaps???? forgot
carson: white boy, bi, 5'1, gemini, brown hair something eyes, something like poison powers idk
madison: hispanic, aro, she/any, 5'2, red hair brown eyes, animal powers??????
they're all like 18 ish except justin whos early 20s prob?? ivy & iris are twins, alex and justin are siblings uhhhhh
ivy and alex are in a wonderful very soft and sweet relationship <333 ivy makes alex flower crowns and alex paints her nails and does her eyeliner and <3333 its kinda prep(?) shy cottagecore girl(?) x goth yk
so in fifth grade we made this whole iris jake jade love triangle thing and i think we were giving jake too much credit back then. jade gets one of those incredibly Gender haircuts and iris has her bi awakening <3
christa and carson! are also together i believe..? mwah i love them very much <333 christa is buff and is on some sports team prob basketball or whatever and carson is just this little guy. she gives him her sports jackets to wear. the height difference my beloved. girlboss x little loser man.
but also carson had his bi awakening from jake which is. so funny to me like jake is one of those flirts with his friends and says 'no homo' except it actually made carson Feel Things and that was a dark time <3
and justin and madison are just too cool for this <333
im prob missing a few things but yea :D if you actually read this far wow lol sorry for this being so long <333
2 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
for context, the ad title is 'let him in'
credit: @gleam-and-darken
2 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
3 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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3 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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heartkaji · 26 days
HIIII FIRSTLY I WANNA SAY love ur writing and to take care of yourself MWAH okay here we go
She/her pronouns but I don’t mind they/them,,, female and straight🫶🏼🫶🏼 f/o character will be Togame Jo from windbreaker (HEHE IM GEEKED)
1. Who fell first and who fell harder?
2. At what moment did they fall in love?
3. How was your first kiss like?
I’m 5’3 girlie but I will not hesitate to confront someone who hurt people I care abt. Can’t throw hands but I’ll throw insults🫵🏼 idc who u are mess with the people I care about I’m after you. MOVING ON LOL Strengths is being understanding, friendly, respectful, and having a lot of empathy,,, I WILL cry if I see someone else crying/upset (even if it’s not directed toward me). I’m serious abt boundaries too. Cross it once,, a warning but twice?? Yeah no get out of here💀I love to joke around and tease my friends. I love seeing their reactions😭Weakness: stubborn, getting rather loud at times(when I’m really excited), snaps easily when patient is thin, a little gullible. I consider myself an introvert that has a high social battery. Once it gets low enough,, u won’t hear from me for like a 2 days💀💀 need to recharge yk.
I carry more on my lower half bc I have thick thighs/calfs. I have a mole right above the right corner of my mouth. I’m sure I have other moles on my body too. Hair is thick and semi curly… still trying to figure it out ngl—🥲 my hair is so thick I actually have an undercut. Summer is my enemy BOOO
Ok my perception of togame🫡🫡🫡 I first thought of him as… rather intimidating and scary. First of all, he’s a man.(I’m a man-hater from what my friends say🤨) Secondly, he’s tall as heck. But once I saw his backstory I was literally so sad like :((bro just wanted his best friend to be looked up to. Now all I see from togame is that he’s a big softie😭 I believe in soft!togame agenda GRRRR. He’s a big guy with a big heart, and does his best to love (even if his decisions aren’t the greatest but that’s OKAY I CAN TEACH HIM I SWEAR—*gets shoved off the stage*) scary to everyone but the ppl he cares about.
…that was a lot of word vomit I apologize😭😭 lemme know if I did anything wrong💔
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[ ★ ⸻ @munchieschomp ]
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MUNCHIES OMG HI MY LOVE !! i always love seeing you in my notifs doll 💓💓 ALSO UR SO FUNNY I LAUGHED READING THIS 😭😭 anyways, you and togame scream feisty gf x calm bf. you’re giving the stereotypical short girl with short temper (not to say you have anger issues, but you definitely take no bs) and togame is the more level headed, mature person between the both of you.
you fell first !! omg so this is how i imagine it : you and togame are friends & one day you get into an argument. it’s more of a one sided argument though, you’re hella upset at him but togame is calm as fuck. it confuses you sm because you’re SO used to people matching your energy in arguments — you yell, they yell. you hurl an insult, they hurl one too. but togame doesn’t do that. he’s apologizing and trying to explain himself but you keep talking over him </3 either way after the confrontation ends you’re left feeling bad about how you spoke to him, but also really warm and fuzzy—he didn’t raise his voice at you, not even once ? you find his self control intriguing & soon you’re beginning to notice him more & more. more sooner than later you realize his kind heart & soft smile has you falling in love 💘
the moment you called his nose cute :( LMFAOO okay so this is how it began : togame’s over at your house late at night for a biology project but your textbooks are long forgotten. instead the two of you are watching scamilton (an illegal remake of the play hamilton) and trying not to laugh. you’re lazily feeding him popcorn & your thighs touch more than they should, the denim of his jeans brushing against your bare skin. you rest your head against the headboard while togame is focused on the movie, corner of his lips tugged into a grin. you let your head turn to take a glimpse at him: his face bears a mix of focus & suppressed laughter, lips pressed & nostrils flaring with every hushed chuckle. you’d never seen the curve of its shape this close, & so you talk without thinking: “your nose is so pretty, jo.” you catch him by surprise, he turns to you with raised eyebrows. he’s not sure where that came from but the room is dim & the light from the laptop illuminates half of your face. fuck, you’re so pretty. but you don’t say anything further & neither does togame. your eyes flit from his eyes to his nose & down to his lips & god his chest is heaving but you’re both startled by a sudden shout—you and togame’s attention turns back to the play on your laptop. damn, better luck next time lovebirds </3
AHKKKHH GIGGLING because i can see you and jo being the type who are always ALMOST KISSING !! the moment is always right BUT IT NEVER. SEEMS. TO HAPPEN. you had your first kiss in a very unconventional way. being the very terrible girl you are (tsk tsk) you insulted a senior because he made one of your girl friends cry. now he’s hunting you down along with his clique. running down the halls your first thought is to hide away in one of the lockers—fortunately for you you’ve stopped right outside togame’s. you know his combination so you fit your small body in & close the door in hopes you can avoid the impending doom. the door cracks open & you think your fate is sealed, but lucky for you it’s just jo—he greets you with a confused look & you respond with a finger over your lips, a silent plea for him to shush. you can hear hurried footsteps down the hall & your eyes widen in fear— they’re already here ?? togame’s about to part his lips to speak & potentially blow your cover so you pull him by the collar—you weren’t sure what you were doing, in fact you were really hoping you could shut him up & make it look like he was just using his locker, but you tug a little too hard & now his lips are on yours 💔 he tastes like raspberry chapstick & artificial sweetener :( you hear your hunters run past but jo doesn’t pull away at all🤞
[ O1 ⸻ complete ]
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© ─ heartkaji ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
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gasoliniko · 1 year
yk all i want in life is to be taken seriously but god made me 5’3” so instead i’m just going to kill myself
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appletittiebites · 2 years
one time i dated this boy who said I was too pretty to fuck from the back. i loved him. he treated me so well. well actually he cheated but like😭 still. he had a really big dick too. i was gonna ask him out and stuff actually. like to be my boyfriend. i really did like him. i was gonna treat him like my king. i felt like he was one of the only people ever in my life i was truly myself around. it was just like this vibe he had. and when he talked dirty… i was soaked every single time 😵‍💫😩… that dick was gon be swimming in a ocean 😭. he was gonna let me ride. he was gonna put his hand around my throat and kiss me. and i was gonna fuck the shit outta him. in his car. then we were gonna finish our date. well after. after i sucked him crazy and we fuck atleast 3 more rounds. i was gonna dress up in this tight little dress he liked. and he is so much bigger than me y’all. i’m a relatively normal sized girl but he always called me fun sized. which used to crack me up i loved it. the truth is he’s jus big as hell. 6’5 to my 5’3 n a half. yea. i’m a small girl compared to him. i jus imagined him picking me up and fucking the shit outta me so many times. masturbation material. he was good. but first date? when we linked and i first saw him he was gonna take me out then we would fuck in the car. get everything a lil wet. he said he would make me cream and i would call him daddy😭. i actually rather die so he was gone have to fuck the shit out this lil pussy to get it out of me☠️. i planned to leave him unable to walk straight and full of nut. imma plan b typa gal sometimes 😭. he wasn’t even gon need to eat it. i can get ready all on my own. always ready. i was gon get my little hole stretched allll the way out ughh. y did he have to reply like that i was only 🙃 maybe it’s a good thing. bc i was gonna get attached to that dick and he was gonna need medical attention if he kept playing with me. i am not afraid to run someone over with a car. we probably would’ve been toxic. he used to try and make me jealous sometimes too. and i’m also kinda positive if i did something to hurt him he would do something right back. he was a drug dealer i think. literally refused to tell me what he did but always had hella money😭. he used to talk about how he would take me out and spoil me and fuck me and cuddle. plus he always had weed. and lemme tell y’all something… i am a pot head. like all the way through. i smoke every day😭 and so did he. i truly loved it there. he was the shit to me. i wish it didn’t end the way it did. i don’t regret it all the same. i’m starting to try and look at things in new perspectives and it’s really helping me. if it’s meant to be, it’ll be. we both made bad decisions. made us tear apart. which is okay. sucks but yk. although if he called i would still fuck and suck him.
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trouble-in-space · 2 years
hello! i was wondering if i could get a mcu and stranger things ship (preferably a male)! i’m 18, go by she/her, i’m 5’3 with brunette hair and blonde highlights that make it a bit lighter. i am an artist and love to geek over movies and tv shows. i love listening to music and my fav artists are queen, harry styles, and taylor swift. i also love to bake, cook and read in my free time. i am quiet when you first meet me but then once you get to know me i’m super talkative! my love language is physical touch and i’m pretty much the “mom” when it comes to my friends and they always come to me for advice. thank you! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thanks for submitting love!
Stranger Things: I got both Steve and Jonathan vibes. Let's go with Steve! Steve's a certified Swiftie, so he will totally geek out over her with you. He's a mom too so your art will be everywhere, I have the sweetest thought that he would carry a small piece you've done in whatever medium you use everywhere. Like he'd put it in his wallet along with a picture of you. With you also being the mom of your group, you guys would become the parents of the party 100%. I think you could both benefit from it too, you'd always have someone to talk to that knows how to comfort you and give you the advice you need. Please teach him how to cook, he just can't. Another sweet thing I think he does is beg you to teach him to bake something like cupcakes or something. Just so he could make you some homemade as a surprise.
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Marvel: Peter Parker! I think Steve and Peter have similar vibes. He's probably a swiftie as well but is less open about it yk. You guys could do art projects together! Peters is a total film geek so you guys would have movie nights weekly, he'd always bring a new movie that reminds you of him in some way. If you're baking he will rush right over to help you, he isn't great at it but he loves doing it with you. Unlike Steve, he's not the mom friend but he does need someone with that vibe in his life I think.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Hii can I have a match up for the quarry?? Please and thank you!
I’m 5’3 they/she gender fluid
I love green pink and brown
I have curly hair ( I like to change the style and color a lot)
Brown skin and freckles
I have many piercings (3 nose piercing, tongue piercing, and bellybutton piercing normal ear ones I like lil mushroom earrings)
My style of clothing is justly baggy pants and crop tops long skirts flannels dresses rings necklaces bracelets
I love nature and animals and taking pictures I’m huge into crystals
I like making jokes all the time and pretty down to earth chill but I don’t take shii from no one
Music is literally my life
I’m kinda like a witch but in a good way yk
I’m queer still questioning but I like both genders so either are fine (honestly hoping I get max🧍🏽‍♀️ but choose who you think best fits me💪🏽💪🏽)
even before i read that last sentence i knew
i match you with... max!
he really loves your style. he cannot dress himself at all so he asks you what you think would suit him the best and whenever he tries on clothes he asks for your opinion
he loooves your piercings and he thinks they're really attractive! he thought you were attractive before but they just add to that lol
he doesn't know a thing about crystals but he's happy to learn if you ever bring them up to him. he just likes to spend time with you
he listens to all of your favorite music and he plays all of your favorite songs during long car rides or around the house whenever you're feeling down
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