#i’m also thinking of like. non ring markers
padfootastic · 1 year
miss padfootastic, I would like you to tell me about the prongsfoot proposal. does Sirius propose? or does James? or do they both propose at the same time? is it fancy, or spontaneous? tell me all your thoughts!
hi miss imp!!! thank u for this question, i had a lot of fun w it 🙈🙈
so immediately my mind went to ‘marriage? huh?’ because i just. can’t see either j or s caring so much about a ritual when they’re also so intertwined. like they’re soulmates ykno?a piece of paper or a ceremony won’t make a lick of difference to their bond, right? but if there does have to be one, then i totally feel like it’ll be that ‘character A brings the ring out and character B bursts out in laughter bc they have one in their pocket as well’ thing
maybe something like,,, one day someone, one of their friends or a random person, makes this comment about how ‘you still haven’t put a ring on it? damn’ and it’s like this—james and sirius aren’t insecure about their relationship, not really (but there’s a part of sirius that always thinks james can do better and a part of james that’s worried he’ll be Too Much for sirius one day and he’ll leave) but both of them are pretty possessive. and they’ve seen how much others thirst over their partners and how desirable they are and all that.
so. both of them, simultaneously but parallel(ly?), buy rings and plan a whole proposal out bc 1. they don’t ever want their partner to think they’re not valued and/or wanted, 2. they want the world to know this is HIS person, 3. doesn’t want anyone pawing what’s theirs, and 4. likes the possessive branding aspect of it.
and then they’re just trying to find the perfect time to propose (bc they’ve overthought the shit out of this for no reason) but it just. doesn’t. happen until one day, james gets annoyed and just. sits sirius down in the middle of the kitchen and goes ‘listen, i think we should talk’ proceeding to share the wits out of sirius who’s like ??? what happened???
james is like no. this is important. and gets the ring box out. sirius is goggling at him, james proceeds to give an endearing, bumbling speech and hopefully holds the ring out, hazel eyes wide and imploring, body shaking a little from leaning all his weight (and muscle) on one knee for so long, and just. generally being a face no one can say no to ykno?
except,,,,sirius just goes ‘you absolute tosser’ and storms/runs out the room and now james is kneeling there, blinking, not knowing what just happened. was sirius crying? angry? hurt? what. enter two point six minutes later, james is literally still in the same position, and sirius is panting a little from the flights of stairs. he pushes the chair aside and kneels right in front of james, holding one of his hands and bringing his own (coincidentally matching) box out of his robe pocket.
now it’s james’ turn to goggle.
(spoiler: both of they say yes of course. when they go to announce it to their friends in the trad way of ‘he said yes!!’ all of them facepalm and give them a deadpan stark like duh, ofc he did)
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lucrativesoul · 11 months
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summary: your car breaks down on a deserted road at midnight. you have no signal, it’s getting colder, and you are five miles away from help; you’re stranded. a stranger offers his help to you, and you find a way to pass the time.
pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
word count: 7.8k
warnings: smut, oral (male recieving), bondage (very softcore), don’t trust strangers this much
a/n: i kind of hate this title and i also don’t love this one but I hope i made it work. going to immediately start one that i’m actually into. this one’s shorter than the last one, but they might all fall around the same word count from now on. again, i can’t stress how thankful i am for the love on ‘the assistant’ as well as my headcanon blurbs, 900+ notes on the fic and 300+ on the headcanons, you guys are too nice. i can’t wait to come back soon with the next fic! enjoy :3
You thought back for a brief second, clearing your head as best you could to gauge your current situation.
In the backseat of a tinted SUV, you were straddled over a thick set of thighs, that of which belonged to a man twice your build, who was bound at the wrists in front of him. The waistband of his jeans were dangerously low and his shirt was somewhere in the front seat. His breathing was shaky and he was looking at you with hooded eyelids, loving every moment of this situation.
What was the catalyst to this exact interaction? Let’s see…
As badly as you wanted to scream, to cry, to blame everyone else but yourself, this was all on you, and you knew it. There were plenty of ways to avoid this situation.
Your car was toast. Literally. The steam was coming out in soft puffs, and you were thanking every deity up there that it was only steam and not smoke, because it was dead winter, too cold for even snow to fall, and you did not want to get out of your car. How can a car even overheat in 10 degree weather?
The road trip back home was close to three hours and you were nearing the second one when a light started flashing on your dashboard. Inclined to ignore it, but knowing the risks of doing so, you pulled over, hoping for a brief stop. 
The road was dark. It made you a little cautious to step out, but this wasn't a common place for people to pull over, but you were unsure if you could make it the next five miles to the rest stop. It was only a two lane road, trees on both sides of you. The worst, you decided, was a deer deciding to dash out and body slam you. You should move quick enough to avoid that.
Looking behind to make sure no one was suddenly driving by, you briskly opened your door and walked to the front of the car. Finding the latch and pulling it aside, you lifted the hood, and a puff of metallic smelling steam hit your face. You backed up, letting it clear, before going in again. Well, you observed, the engine is definitely still there.
Shutting it and shuffling back to your car, you pulled your phone out of your pocket. Should you call a tow service? You didn't know where you were. Should you call the police? They would probably tell you to call the non-emergency line and then tell you to call a tow service. Should you call your friend? She would probably call you stupid, then tell you to call a tow service. That one was the most comfortable, though.
It was, after all, her fault you were here. It’s easy enough to cast the blame on the friend that moved this far away that you had to plan out a whole weekend just to hang out. But, once again, it was on you for deciding to leave this late.
She answered after one ring. “Hey, I’m in trouble.”
“Of course you are. What happened now?” She didn’t sound incredibly concerned.
“I don’t know. I think my car’s overheating. I’m scared to keep driving it.”
She gasped. “It’s only been like… an hour and a half? You’re probably in the woods.”
“If darkness and trees means woods then yes, that’s precisely where I am.”
“You need to get a tow, or something.” Knew it. “Do you see mile markers?”
You leaned forward in your seat, straining to see something that isn’t there. “No, I can’t see. I don't remember passing any either. I’m a few miles away from a rest stop, but, I really don’t–”
Dial tone.
Pulling your phone away from your ear to look at the screen, you wanted to scream even more now. “Fuck!” You shouted out to nobody. No service. You wasted your last few moments of contact, and now you had nothing.
You sat for a moment, stilling your beating heart and trying to think rationally. Walking was out of the question. You nearly froze just going to open the hood. You could wait for service to come back, probably in waves, you might lose a call again. It was the only choice. The call to 911 would be quick, and if you lost service, they would know where you are from pinging you, and if they couldn’t reach you again, they would come find you. It was the best you could hope for. 
Settling back into your seat, the last few wisps of orange light disappearing behind the trees, you were ready to wait. 
You dragged your hands up and down the man’s torso, watching his muscles constrict and hearing delicious whines pour from his lips. He threw his head back onto the seat behind him, unable to look away from your body for even a second, even to blink. You could see the way his jaw tensed and relaxed, you could tell he wanted to say something, but he obeyed you, and he didn’t say a word.
You knew he was staring at the way your body curved and dipped, the way your frame was visible as you had also taken your shirt off, left in only a bra and the jacket that he had put on over you. He was probably ready to cum untouched at just the idea of you wearing his jacket alone, nevermind with nothing on underneath. 
Your fingers teased at the waistband of his pants, flitting your fingertips back and forth over the button of his jeans. You could see the way his erection was pressing hard through them, twitching ever so often as you kept your eyes on him. You, yourself, were desperate to pull it out and put your mouth on it, but you couldn’t let him see that.
“It’s tempting,” You whispered into the space between you two. “I want to take it right now,” He strained again, both his hard cock and his upper body, his arms slightly tugging at the restraints. “But I need you to beg for it…” You palmed his dick hard, and his lips parted in a moan. The sound made you even wetter than you already were. His hips bucked upward, moving the both of you, but with one steady hand to the chest, he was still. 
You knew well enough that he could bust out of the restraints at any second, he was strong enough to do that and probably tie you up even more securely than you had tied him. But, the mere idea that he was sitting there, being a good boy for you and letting you have him as he was, well, that idea alone had you foaming at the mouth, wanting to take control of him.
This wasn’t the first time you were making someone sit still and be a good boy for you, but it was the first time that a man had you dizzy trying to enforce those rules in the first place.
“Tell me,” You spoke, a sultry look in your eyes, you leaned in just a tad to get in his face. “Do you need it?”
He sighed out as if he had been holding his breath. “Yes, please, I need it so bad…” He nearly tripped over his words trying to force them out, showing you how bad he needed you to touch him, to suck him off, to ride him. Yes, you needed it to, but you couldn’t give it to him without a little bit of teasing involved.
“Do you now…” Your hands wandered up his torso again, fingers gently wrapping around the base of his neck, now even squeezing, and he tipped his head back with a sigh. You peeled your hands off, tracing his shoulders, his biceps, his forearms, and settled your hands over his. “If you keep being good, you can be released and touch me.” You felt his muscles strain again. “Not yet, though.”
He swallowed with the implication. Moving your hips forward, you grinded down onto him, making him screw his eyes shut and groan. Your own heartbeat quickened at the action, and for your own sake as well, you were going to need to speed this up. 
You leaned forward once more, mouth next to his ear, lips ghosting around the shell. “You’ll be my good boy and let me suck it, won’t you?”
A shrill whine, then, “Yes, yes, I’ll be your good boy, I promise, please, you can suck it. Please,” His voice was cutting in and out between a whisper and its full depth, you could tell he was worked up, and while you loved the chase of it all, you couldn’t help but to give in and treat yourself, as well. 
Your hands fell to his jeans again, hovering over the button. You pressed a kiss into his jawline. “Good boy.”
This was much more boring than you anticipated. You wanted to scroll through your phone so badly, but you knew you needed to conserve battery. There wasn’t much in the way of entertainment in your car, merely your overnight bag in the back with your clothes in it, your laptop buried at the bottom for work, and your water bottle which was almost empty now. You kept checking every 5 minutes for a service signal, watching as the percent in the corner slowly ticked down.
It was growing colder by the minute in your car, and you had a blanket over your lap trying to conserve what you could. You felt like you were trapped in the wild, stranded with no food, no communication, when realistically you were only a hair outside of the nearest civilization.
No one had driven by yet. It was odd for no one to be taking this road at this time, at least one or two people would be coming by, maybe even a freight truck, but so as your luck worked out, there was not a soul tonight. 
You were getting tired now, but your nerves were too lit up to allow yourself to fall asleep. Resting your head back against the car seat, staring out into darkness, your mind began to wander.
How many deer were out in these woods right now? Probably none, with the way your eyes were fully adjusted to the darkness now, you could spot one a mile away. It would be the only movement. What was your friend doing? Was she still trying to call you? Clearly she hadn’t called anyone for help, as it’s been a rough 30 minutes since you lost service, and the nearest city was just outside of where you sat. They would have gotten there in 15 max. Was it possible to freeze to death in just a few hours within the confines of your car, even though you were nowhere near that point yet?
Just then, your head shot forward as you spotted light behind you. Finally, a person! You straightened out and pulled the blanket off of you, debating if you should step out or not. That would definitely get their attention, but what if they were in the right lane and they hit you? Surely there would be no point in waiting for signal after that.
You didn’t even need to make a decision, as you put your hand on the door handle to step out into the brisk air, the headlights suddenly swerved and became aligned with you. They grew bigger and bigger, you were sure they were going to hit you, but they stopped.
You stared, scared, but knew this was your only shot at help. You stepped out.
The car that pulled up behind you stayed running, lights still shining, and you squinted to see past them. It looked like an SUV, much bigger than your own sedan, and could definitely do this drive without overheating no problem.
The driver’s side door opened, but you only saw the silhouette of it, still trying to block the headlights. You lifted your hand to your eyes to do so, and you saw a man get out. Ideally, for safety, you would have wanted a woman, but you couldn’t be picky when this was the first person you saw for almost an hour.
He walked over to you, and placed himself in front of the headlight so you could see him. Now, backlit, you could see the bulky build of a man, donned in a leather jacket with a fur collar, long hair falling down to his cheekbones, his breaths rolling off in slow puffs. He stood a good distance away from you, probably aware of how you might be feeling in this situation.
“You need help?” No shit, you wanted to answer, but couldn’t choke the words up. 
“Uh, yeah, I got stuck.” You turned briefly to look at the car. “It overheated. I lost signal to call for help.” 
The man nodded, walking around you and over to the hood of your car. He bent over and lifted it, messing around in there for a few seconds. You took one step closer to him, hugging yourself for warmth, now missing the inside of your car.
He shut it suddenly and walked back over. “You probably just have no antifreeze left. I don’t have any in my car, though. Do you know if you happen to have any?”
You stood staring at him for another second. “I’m gonna guess no, considering I’m not totally sure what you mean.” You could see him clearly now, standing in front of his headlights. His face was covered in dark shadows from his hair and the contours of his face, his deep brow casting darkness into his eyes, but you could still see they were blue. He had on a dark t-shirt, and it didn’t leave much to the imagination to picture the figure underneath. You met his eyes again.
He just nodded. “That’s alright. Not something you tend to prepare for.” He walked closer to you, but you stood your ground and let him approach you. “Want to come down the road with me to get some? There’s a 24/7 convenience just a few miles away. I can have you out of here within the hour.” You said nothing. You weren’t sure if you entirely wanted to do that, but you also didn’t want him to not come back at all. As if sensing your inner turmoil, he stuck his hand out towards you. “Leon Kennedy. I work for the state. I’m on the way home from a detail.”
You slowly extended your own hand, telling him your name. His hand was warm. You didn’t want to let go. “Detail? Are you a cop?”
He shrugged. “Sort of. I don’t want to leave you here. You should warm up.” You looked back at his car, still running, positive that the heat was blasting, and you gave in.
“Okay. But don’t think about trying anything. I can put up a hell of a fight, you know.” 
He laughed. “You have my word.”
You walked around to the passengers side and hopped in, hoisting yourself up into the surprisingly high cabin. You looked at the dash as he settled in, getting comfortable with the space. This was a much newer car than you were used to. 
His phone was connected to the bluetooth, music rumbling quietly out of the speakers. Deftones. Maybe I can trust him for now.
You subconsciously settled into the seat, the warmth enveloping you. The ride was much smoother than your own car, and you knew you weren’t going to stop the comparisons until this experience was over. You kept an eye to the left of you, still needing to be alert, you were in a stranger's car after all, even though you knew his name and job, that didn’t mean anything.
You saw him sneak a glance over at you, and you shot your eyes back down to the display on the dashboard. 
“You like them?” He hit a button on the steering wheel and turned the volume up a few notches. You could still hear him clearly. 
“Of course.” You let the silence hang for a second. Testing the waters, “If it was country, I might have had to pull a tuck and roll.”
He barked another laugh. At least he wasn’t stoic. “You’re lucky you didn’t catch me on a Wednesday, then.” You giggled. After saying nothing else, he continued. “What brought you to this position anyways?”
You sighed. “One of my good friends lives out here, about an hour away or so. I was on my way home. I know I shouldn’t have left this late, but in my defense, I didn;t know my car was going to overheat, so…” 
He hummed. “That’s not your fault. It happens. Can’t prepare for those things, again.”
You looked out the window to the pitch black nothingness as you rode past. You looked back over at him, he had his right forearm on the console while his left hand steered. “You seemed too prepared to stop, though. What if I killed you?”
His mouth quirked, and you couldn’t help but repeat it. “I could handle it if you tried to.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, I could have surprised you. I’m stronger than I look. Men love to doubt the ones that are smaller than them.”
The smile on his face didn’t falter. “And what are you capable of against a man like me, then?” 
“I don’t think you want to find out. I’m dominating, you know.” Wait… what? You truly didn’t mean it to sound like that, but you couldn’t suck the words back up. You just furrowed your brows in frustration at yourself, and blamed the lack of sleep, the cold, your aggravation, whatever you could. Regardless of the words you couldn’t take back, Leon didn’t stop smiling. He turned his head a degree in your direction, and you could still see him out of your peripheral. 
A few minutes later, the convenience came into view and he pulled into the lot. You squinted at the bright lights of the parking lot. 
“Hang tight, I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
You only nodded, watching him stalk away into the building. You decided, seeing his full body in the lights, if you had met him under any other circumstances, you wouldn’t peg him as the helpful type of guy. His gait was strong, like it said Don’t fuck with me, or else. It almost made you giddy, knowing that you were the one being helped when he wouldn’t have otherwise. Like, in a romance book, when the bad boy doesn’t like anyone, but likes you. 
It wasn’t as uncomfortable as you had thought it would be. Maybe he was lightening up his personality so he wouldn’t scare you on purpose. If he really was just a helpful guy, the last thing he would want is to scare a young girl in the middle of nowhere at midnight. 
You were getting comfortable in the seat now, the heat wrapping around you, making you dread having to go back out into your cold car. You sighed even harder when you remembered that you still had a long ride to go before you could even go to bed.
Leon walked out of the store and back to the car, bottle of antifreeze in hand, and you tensed up when the cold air hit your skin as he opened the door.
He watched you as he lowered himself into the seat. “I didn’t mean it literally. You could have moved.” 
You shrugged with a smile as he closed the door again. “I didn’t need to.”
After a few minutes of chatting and listening to music, you arrived back at your car after needing to loop around to get back onto the right side of the road. You sighed and hit your head back against the seat of the car.
“What’s the sigh for? You get to go now.” Leon unblocked his seatbelt and took the bottle from where he left it on the console.
“Yeah, but it’s cold. I don’t want to get out.”
Leon grinned softly. “So don’t. I’ll be right back.” 
You sat and soaked up the heat while he went back over to your car, popped the hood, and disappeared behind it for a few minutes. You could only wonder how cold he must have been right now. Probably not very, maybe only his hands and neck, that jacket looks warm enough. You were stupid to only put a zip up on.
You looked down at your lap, then your gaze wandered to the interior of the car. It was very clean here. Leon did seem like the type to want to take care of his vehicle, and you were afraid to make any sort of move in case you put dirt on anything.
The backseat was empty, not even an extra piece of clothing (which there was plenty of in your own backseat), and you wondered how it was even possible for someone to be this neat.
You looked back through the windshield to see that Leon was still working in your hood. Your eyes fell lower to the glove compartment.
Realistically, this wouldn’t be the worst thing you could do right now, since you didn’t know Leon, and you could pass it off by wanting to assure yourself that you were safe, but at the same time, you felt guilty even thinking about it, since Leon had been nothing but nice to you so far. He trusted you enough to leave you alone in his pristine car while he helped you out.
That alone made you shift your gaze back up, pushed the thought of snooping down, and settled in to see Leon walking back to his car.
“Alright, you should be all set now. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again for another long while.” He shut the door next to him, and you gazed out at your car, making no moves. 
“How much?” You rolled your head over to look at him.
“Huh?” He furrowed his brow. 
“The antifreeze. How much was it?”
He breathed out a laugh, not moving much. “I don’t want your money.”
You shrugged. “You didn’t need to do this for me, this is the least I could do for your help.”
Leon simply looked at you. “I stopped because I wanted to help. I don’t want your money.”
You stared at him. His eyes were half lidded, a small smile was gracing his features. He was lit up from the light of his display screen, still softly playing Deftones. You could see the texture of his face, his lips, his hair. He was unmoving under the scrutiny of your gaze; yet so were you. 
“I can put up a fight. I’ll make you take it.”
His smile grew. “So the legend goes, as you’ve told me.” He moved his right arm to come back and rest on the console in between you two. “I’m not going to accept it, though.”
“So, what? Am I gonna have to force you to take it? Cause I’m not leaving until you do.” You settled right back into the seat. Leon kept smiling at you. “I’m defiant. And I’ll get my way. If I have to slap you around to take it.” Leon hummed and quirked an eyebrow at your words. It only added fuel to your confidence fire. “Even if I have to tie you down to prevent you from fighting.”
You looked at him with your eyebrows raised, showing you meant business, but he remained still. “Is that so?” You nodded. You saw him tighten his grip around the steering wheel, but the action didn’t frighten you. You could hear in his tone that he was mostly relaxed. You almost felt bad for being like this– it was late at night and he, too, was on his way home, but you simply couldn’t let this good deed go unrewarded.
“Open that.” His voice cut through your thoughts, his tone light, but his voice deep. You met his eyes to see where he was looking, which was in the direction of the glove compartment. See, you told yourself, good karma can aid curiosity. You looked at it and hesitated a moment, trying to scan your brain as quickly as possible to see if this would be a trick. After a few seconds, when you thought of nothing, you reached over.
Tumbling forward as soon as you swung the compartment open was a small black bag, maybe about the size of a water bottle. It stopped on the door itself, and you made no move to grab it. You simply looked over at Leon.
He was watching you intensely, his smile had disappeared, but his look was not stern or angry. It made your stomach twist with… something, but what exactly, you couldn’t tell. You slowly swung your gaze back over to it.
“I hope those weren’t empty threats you were throwing at me.” You kept your eyes on the bag, but the pieces started falling in place around you. In a whisper, barely loud enough for you to hear, Leon said, “Can’t you show me what you are capable of?”
Ice and fire ran through your veins simultaneously as you reached out to grab the bag, noticing upon touching it that it was smooth, silky. Holding it in your hands, you rotated it to find the opening. You could feel Leon staring at you. 
Finding the opening and flipping it downwards, you held onto the bag as you dumped the contents into your hands. A tightly wound bundle of black rope fell out.
You couldn’t form words for a minute, struggling to find air in your lungs. The rope was just as soft as the bag was, and you knew exactly why, exactly what the use intended for this was. You turned your head slowly to look over at Leon again. His head had rolled back to rest on the back of the car seat, but his gaze never left yours.
You found the energy to speak. “You come prepared for these types of situations?”
A slow smile blossomed on his features again. “I don’t usually need it. I guess, I never find myself wanting to use it.” He turned his head, looking back at the dash now, almost embarrassed at his words. A smirk was fighting its way through on your features. He licked his lips, then turned back to you. “I think now… maybe I do.”
You breathed a laugh, and turned the bundle over in your hands. “How am I going to hold up to my word if you want to use this on me?”
Leon leaned forward just a tad, looking you deep in the eyes. The blue light coming off of the digital display screen lit up his face, and though color was distorted, his cheeks had more hue to them. 
“I don’t want to tie you up…” You tilted your head up at the sudden realization. You held eye contact. 
“A big man like you? I didn’t imagine you’d be wanting me to do that to you…” You spoke slowly, not trying to give the impression that you were against the idea. Because, truly, you weren’t, at all. The idea of having him bound for you made your lungs cut the air supply short and had your knees weak. The power you felt sitting in this seat was immeasurable, hearing that the man who was twice your size wanted you to remove his sense of control, well, it had you thrumming with anticipation.
Leon huffed a laugh. He looked down, obviously slightly ashamed at having admitted this. “Well, you haven’t had much time to get to know me.”
You shifted in your seat, turning to him, bending slightly to get him to look into your eyes again. “So tell me, then. I have the time to listen.” 
He attempted a shrug, and leaned back at the same time so you could see his face clearer now. Some of his hair was covering his eyes, but you left it, though you did think about moving it for him. “I’m 27, I used to be a cop, still affiliated though, I do some late night stuff at the station…” He looked over. “I did just want to help you. Even if there was no one in the car, I probably would have stopped anyway.” You nodded, listening to every word. “I…” He trailed off, looking for the words to say. “I don’t… do much else. I’m not that interesting.”
“You have no girlfriend or wife?” You whispered, and though you knew, hoped, the answer would be no, you wanted to know why he thought the answer was no.
He shook his head, as predicted. “I don’t seem to have luck.” He laughed lowly, almost in a self-deprecating manor.
“Well, I hope this isn’t always how you try to pick up women, it’s kind of scary, you know.” You laughed, and he smiled with you.
“I never particularly bothered to go looking. I just figured they would come around.”
“You can’t always bet on fate like that, it might not get you anywhere.” You shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow. “It did tonight, though.”
You nodded, seeing the irony in the night. After a second of silence, you slightly shifted your position again. “So, now what? A man like you has me in your car, holding rope, that you already had in here, by the way, and you’re telling me you want me to use it to show you what I’m capable of.”
He shrugged and leaned back, breaking eye contact for a moment. A small smile played on his lips. “Well…” He sighed. “I think it will keep you warmer than you would be in your car.”
The two of you migrated to the backseat without another word. Something shifted in the air, some silent agreement had settled in between you two, and the moment the doors shut behind you, mouths on one another, heat rising, hands slithering in between, leaving no inch of skin left untouched. Leon was quick to snake his warm hands up your shirt and hike it over your head, but you let him, followed quickly by his own. His lips were soft and warm, the kiss became sloppy, greedy, you would have succumbed to it then and there if there wasn’t a promise to uphold.
You raked your hand through his hair, soft as silk, and gripped at the base of his head, making him moan into the kiss. The hand he placed on your waist gripped the flesh, and with one swift movement, you swung your leg over his to straddle him. It was already like he was at your mercy before you even took anything away from him, and it only made him look all the more desperate for you.
The kiss broke, and for a second the two of you were just staring at each other. You watched the rise and fall of his chest, which you had discovered with your hands before even seeing it, that it was incredibly toned, and you almost didn’t even want to stop touching him. HIs hands rested on your hips, holding you in place on top of him, eyes full of lust.
He shook his head slowly, forming a thought. “Are you sure you weren’t in charge of fate to make me find you tonight?”
You grinned, running your hands up his torso, you just couldn’t stop yourself. “If I was, don’t you think I would have made it a little more convenient for us?”
He sighed at your touch, head rolling backwards, closing his eyes. After a low hum of satisfaction, he replied. “I guess so… What about fate the second time around?” Your hands slid up to his shoulders, feeling the texture underneath your palms, all of the skin and bone and muscle. You pushed yourself down into his lap, already feeling his hardening dick through his jeans, making him groan louder, and you sigh in relief.
“We haven’t even gotten started and you are already thinking of round two…” You leaned in, teasing a breath along his neck, then gently licking on his jawline. The skin of your stomach felt the heat that he was producing, and you pressed your bodies together, the contact feeling like bliss.
“I already know I’ll need you again.” He said in a whisper, and the sheer intensity that it caused within you made you lean in and bite the tender skin under his jaw, and he moaned, gripping your waist even tighter.
Your hands kept running along his skin, desperate to get even more contact between you two. Your mind was getting foggy with desire, needing to be as close to Leon as possible, as much as the small space in his backseat would allow. His fingers were starting to dip below the waistline of your pants, and while you almost let him slide them past, you grabbed onto his hand and pulled it out, remembering the reason you were in the backseat in the first place.
“Don’t forget why we’re here…” You mumbled into his ear, where you were still pressed up against him. You heard him sigh, as well as felt it, and finally pushed yourself off of him.
He looked up at you from under his half-lidded eyes. “Tell me what you want me to do, then. I’ll do anything.” His voice was breathy and low, and his hands came down to rest on the top of your thigh. You sat up as straight as you could, feeling all of the control get handed over to you in that one second. Involuntarily, a chill ran through your body. Cold air had hit your heated skin as you parted, as well as the added sensations that Leon was contributing to. He pushed himself up, leaned past you to the front seat, one hand steadying you on your lower back. When he fell back, he put the shoulders of his jacket over you.
He sighed as he leaned back, examining your frame as it rested over him, straightening your posture as the warmth fell around you. “Looks better on you anyway…” 
You stared at him for another moment before your brain kicked into action. “Hold your hands out,” You whispered, and he obeyed. You reached behind you and grabbed the bundle of rope. “You’ll behave if I tie you up like this?” 
“Yes…” He breathed out, watching your hands as they wrapped and knotted the rope around his wrists, not too tight, but he couldn’t slip out of it too easily. You felt a surge of confidence at the mere premonition of you tying up a huge, muscled man, submitting to your dominance. You felt heat pool in between your legs as his head fell back, his chest flexed, and the feeling of his hard cock poking you through his pants. You were suddenly glad your car gave out on you on this random night.
This brings you to your current position. Everything playing an equal hand in getting this man in his own backseat underneath you, staring up with sinful eyes. You weren’t sure what to do first, you wanted to do everything to this man, and let him do everything to you. 
He had already professed his need for you to take him in your mouth, and you were itching to keep teasing him, but as a reward for not leaving you stranded, you were going to play nice with him.
HIs breathing was ragged and his eyes were locked on you, not daring to look away as your hands snaked closer and closer to the button on his jeans. Your fingers flitted over the tent in his pants, the sensation barely registering with him, and he bucked his hips up, but you pressed them back down by his hips. 
“Patience… patience baby…” You murmured, not looking up from where your hands were dancing around letting him loose. He whined, and the sound traveled straight to your core, making you all the more desperate. As a second reward for obeying your command, you pressed your palm fully into his hardened cock, and he groaned and threw his head back. You smirked in response, now needing the skin on skin contact. 
Your hands made quick work of the button and zipper, and he lifted his hips when you pulled down his waistband of both his jeans and underwear. His erection sprang out, slapping his toned stomach, and you felt saliva pooling in the corners of your mouth, slick gathering in between your legs, and Leon was almost shaking with anticipation.
You wrapped a delicate hand around his dick and he whined again, his chest shuddering with shallow breaths, sighing out profanities at the contact. He was so warm and hard in your hand, and even just the ginger strokes you were delivering had him crumbling under you.
The other hand that wasn't wrapped around him came up to brace yourself on his chest, and his skin matched the temperature of his throbbing girth. His tip was leaking profusely, and you brought your thumb up to press through it and spread it, which elicited another whimper from within him. The friction was dry, and you were sure it didn't feel the best for Leon, but there were no signs of pain in his expression, and if you kept this up long enough, he might cum from this alone. 
He was of average length, but you were never one to complain, especially not in a situation like this, and it was a benefit when the attempt to deepthroat him came along, knowing it would make it easier. You couldn’t wait any longer, and even though watching him writhe under you was more pleasure than you expected, you needed more.
You leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to his neck, coated in a thin layer of sweat. You made a brief note of how hot it was in the car now, probably all from him, and though it was completely dark outside, you were sure the windows were foggy. He sighed at your lips on his skin. 
“Thank you for being so good to me,” You spoke softly to him, and you lifted your head to press your lips together, which he hungrily accepted. Your body fell forward slightly, your hand still balancing on his hard chest, and you could feel his arms in between the both of you, but he was not protesting. 
You pulled away, but hovered over his face and pressed your foreheads together. He whispered, “Need you so bad…” heavily breathing onto your lips. You grinned, seeing he was quickly reaching the brink of his patience. 
“I got you baby,” Another quick kiss, but you pulled away before he could deepen it. “You’re being a good boy for me.” He quietly moaned at the praise, and let you remove yourself from on top of him. You hopped off his lap and sunk to your knees in between his legs, looking up once last time to see his pretty face before ducking your head, and licking a thick stripe up the length of his cock. 
His groan was louder than it had been before, and you felt his whole body shudder with his breaths. The saliva that had been gathering in your mouth coated him easily, and when your tongue met the tip, with a swipe to collect the precum (which resulted in another sharp whine), you let all of your spit pour over your lips and leak down the sides, which you hastily swept up with your hand, and continued to pump his dick with. 
Every breath that he released was paired with some sort of noise, whether it be a groan, a whine, a whimper, anything that you were doing to him right now was causing him to quickly become unwound, and just seeing him fall apart under your hands was causing your strokes to become harder, quicker, and you stopped refusing him to buck his hips in your hand because you loved seeing how desperate he was becoming. You could see the veins in his forearms and biceps, the flexing of his arms against the rope around his wrists, and it made you weaker to know he was the only person keeping him within those restraints, and he could flip the power dynamic at any moment if he wanted to. But, he didn’t, and he let himself be dominated.
With another lick from base to tip, your lips closed over his head, our tongue dipped and swirled around the soft skin, the tangy salt of his precum coating your tastebuds, and at once, you took his entirety into your mouth. A rough gasp came from Leon as you swallowed him whole, pressing your tongue against the underside of his cock, feeling every ridge and bump. Your hand continued to work below where you could reach, giving gentle squeezes, and your other hand occasionally worked his balls, causing him to throw his head back every few seconds.
You were reveling in his taste at this moment, every bead of precum that spurted out of his tip was lapped up instantly, mixing in with your spit as you took him in your mouth, your tongue studying and memorizing his shape and size. You sucked him down like it was your last moment to ever be with him, hoping you would be able to find yourself in this position with him again. 
“Fuck… fuck, you feel so good…” Leon couldn’t contain the words spilling out of his mouth, he was losing sanity it seemed with every movement you made with your tongue, every stroke your hand delivered, and every time you opened your throat to shove him as far back as you could. He would whimper every time you stifled a gag at trying to deepthroat his length, loving the way you worked past pain just to have more of him. 
You could feel so much heat and wetness within yourself, and as much as you wanted to relieve your own pressure, you knew you wouldn't be done with Leon after you made him cum.
After another hit to the back of the throat with his tip, you heard him whine out, “I’m so… I’m so close, fuck–” paired with more gasps and whimpers. His fists were balled up so tight, the rope was straining against his flexing, and his mouth hung open as he watched you take him all. 
Your hand that wasn’t on his cock was gripping his thick thigh, feeling it twitch underneath your palm. You gripped it tighter, deciding against an urge to want to edge him, not able to fight your own need to taste him. 
After another lick, you released him from your mouth and resorted to stroking him so you could talk and breathe for a moment. “How close are you, baby?” Your breathing was heavy, and you could feel the spit hanging off your lips, still connected in thin strings to his tip.
He gasped again at the feeling of cool air touching his wet dick. “So… so close,” He bucked his hips again into your hands and you let him, liking watching him chase his own release.
“Where do you want it, huh? I’ll let you decide.” You kept working his dick while he tried his hardest to contain himself.
He groaned, clearly struggling to speak through all of the sensations. “I… I, oh, god, anywhere…” His head was back against the seat again, and this time it seemed to stay there while you kept touching him. Underneath his arms, you could see his torso tensing and relaxing with the way his whole body was pulsing, and even through the darkness you could tell he was toned, insanely so, you could see the rigid outlines of ab muscles where his arms weren’t blocking them. Sharp lines contoured his hips where they dipped into his pelvis, akin to a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end that you currently had in your hands, dripping with precum and saliva. You couldn’t take it. You needed to see him blissed out.
You moved your hand back down to the base and planted your flat tongue on the underside of his cock, licking all the way up to the tip. “Come on, cum for me, I’ll let you…” With quick movements and the occasional lick to his tip, you brought him closer and closer to his release, and you could see it written all over his face whenever he put his head back up to look down at you. His brows were furrowed, his mouth open, and you could see the glint on his face from sweat. 
“Shit, oh, fuck, I–I’m coming,--” Leon rasped out as much as he could through his thick breaths, body convulsing the second he hit the threshold of his release. You felt it the same time you saw it, his dick throbbed under your palm and a rope of hot white cum spurted upward, landing on his stomach, some on his hands, and yours. You hastily pressed your mouth to the tip, feeling it coat your tongue, the roof of your mouth, drip to the back of your throat. You kept your tongue pressed to the underside of the head, feeling that, too, pulse with his orgasm. He was groaning in tandem with this happening, and you lapped up everything he had to offer, the salty, hot, viscous liquid sitting heavy in your mouth. You choked back a gag with the swallow, but it made it down, and you cleaned your hand, his twitching dick, and wherever it landed on him by licking it up. He whimpered at the feeling of your tongue on his hands.
“You looked so good for me,” You whispered into the air as you slowly rose from your position, and hovered over him. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me like this…” You looked down at him, spent, panting, eyes lazily making eye contact with you, but you could see so much more in his gaze. 
A second passed before either of you spoke again. Without moving too far, you brought a hand down to untie the rope, and his hands came to rest over your thigh once they were free. The rope lay discarded on the floor.
“We still have the rest of the night… don’t we?” Your stomach turned at his implication, he still wanted you, and he was still ready to keep going. Your hand came up to gently touch the side of his neck, thumb tracing the edge of his jawline.
“We have however long you want. I’m not done with you.” 
He grinned, his eyes opened a little further this time, and his hands left your thighs to hold your face as he kissed you deeply, blissfully ignoring your phone incessantly ringing, abandoned in the front seat.
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hanniehearts · 2 years
Halloween w/ Jess Mariano 🎃🃏💿🍂🔮
A/N: Came up with these little scenarios last night w a friend on ft and thought to share! No promises as to what the content of my blog will be, for now this is a one off. Happy Halloween!!!
Jess Mariano x reader
Warnings: none
not based on canonical timeline events!
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Pics via Pinterest, not mine!
Ps. I’m not good with dialogue so feel free to imagine or share anything you feel fits in these scenarios, I appreciate any feedback <3
Pumpkin Carving 🎃
In Luke’s after hours, crazy set up at the counter, the essentials: newspaper, bowls spoons, knives, dry erase markers
His ass is NOT spending money on a carving kit 💀 especially not when he has a kitchen of tools to choose from.
Getting an ‘if you guys are going to keep those things in here, make sure it’s a appropriate’ talk from Luke
Jess brushes off the comment, but lowkey starts to wipe away whatever he was drawing initially
Sneaking glances at your outline from over your shoulder, so he can make his somewhat match
Cutting out the tops of both pumpkins so you don’t hurt yourself if it slips
Getting each cut out started for you if you have trouble with it
Nah he is getting those seeds out BARE HANDED after losing patience w a spoon 😟, will shove the guts in ur face
‘Cmon what’s the big deal… jeez 🙄’ ew dude
Leaves both pumpkins lit in Luke’s window instead of on the doorstep cuz according to him ‘they’ll get smashed, I would know’
Naturally, that’s what he had in mind for the rest of your evening together, go figure.
Movie night🎞
Jess isn’t one to celebrate holidays too hard, but he sees you eyeing the Halloween section of the video store while you guys are out on a late night walk, passing by the window
The next day he rents as many as he could, grabbing an array of horror, Halloween classics, and any other movie that could be passed off as scary, with very loose parameters only he could come up with
Goes to the market for those Halloween pillsbury cookies, and microwave popcorn for you to make while he sets up the surprise in the next room
Also snagged some candles from an emergency kit in the bottom of Luke’s storage closet
is lowkey so excited to show you your little surprise date, but doesn’t show it
Will only show you horror as an option for the movies, will have a field day teasing about your reactions ,‘I thought this stuff didn’t scare you?’’
Very much will give you a little jolt on purpose during jumpscare moments, followed by an apology coloured with a smile that lasted a little too long
This has falling asleep on the couch written all over it sorry 😞 he’s the type to not move no matter how uncomfortable he may be to make sure you don’t wake up
Trick or Treaters 🍬
Tough guy doesn’t want to hand out candy to the kids 🙄
Basically have to drag him to the door the first time it rings, candy bowl in the other hand
You’re met with a lot of ‘your better at this kind of thing’ and ‘why do we have to give them candy?? there’s plenty of other houses around this town’ blah blah whatever
pretty much looming over your shoulder as you step out to greet the neighbourhood kids, but he follows anyways
Awkward at first, taking sweets from the bowl, and passing it into awaiting buckets, thinking, the faster these kids get the candy the faster they leave and the more time he gets with you
By the sixth set of kids, Jess is opening the door, making comments about the costumes, the children giggling at his remarks
Nearing the end of the night, the bell rings likely for one of the last times
‘Cmon the kids need their scores’ Now he’s doing the dragging.
‘I thought you didn’t like handing out candy’
‘Yeah well… maybe it’s not so bad’
So basically he loved it and will never tell, but you both knew
Thanks for reading! I have some more non Halloween scenarios in mind if that’s something you’d like to see, let me know! I am also by no means a writer, these ideas originally came out verbally, so conveying it in written form is kinda difficult, but I hope you enjoyed!
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lightbarebunnies · 4 months
Hello hello! I saw that there was one more matchup slot open and was like “hey, don’t mind if I do!”
So… about me. I’m a 19y.o. transmasc person (he/they). I’m a Pisces (cusp Aries) sun, Aquarius moon, and Capricorn rising, my MBTI type is ENTP, and my enneagram type is 8w7. I stand at 160cm (5’3”). I have shoulder length naturally wavy (I straighten it) strawberry blonde hair that I highlight with platinum blonde. I also have hazel eyes, pale skin and freckles.
Generally I dress in a mix of business casual and gothic aesthetics, combining stuff like your typical button-up shirt/dress pants combo with combat boots and long jackets/trenchcoats. Also tying bows around the neckline of collared shirts in the place of a tie, or wearing a bejeweled tie. I’m also quite the fan of blazers haha. In terms of jewelry, I usually wear cuff earrings (my favorite being a silver snake that slithers up my ear), and finger armor style rings, or ones that are designed to bend with your finger. I also do wear makeup, but usually it’s only eyeliner, and then a bit of eyeshadow and some rhinestones near my eyes in a color that matches my outfit.
I’m a sophomore in university, majoring in music with a concentration in vocal performance. I’ve been taking private vocal lessons since I was in elementary school, and music has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’m also an amateur composer (although my teacher does say I’m a mature writer for my age, which is something I’m definitely proud of, hehe.) I’ve also been an actor since I was small, so I spent a lot of my formative years on a stage, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Although, I will definitely say, growing up in the entertainment industry and around so many people I grew to idolize made me a bit of a perfectionist in regard to my own work. I hold myself and anything that I make to a very high standard, but that’s because I want to see it be what I know it can be. I’m also a bit of a busybody since I’m almost always performing, composing, or working on college work. I do love it, though! Every day I’m always improving my craft, and working closer to finally being the musician I know I can be.
Outside of my professional life, though, I’m much less uptight, especially regarding myself, although music is still my lifeblood. I was on my debate team in high school, too, though. In terms of non-music related hobbies, I enjoy roller skating (I go every week), drawing (markers are my main medium), writing (I’m working on a gothic horror duology, but I also roleplay, literate to advanced lit), playing games (I also play Magic: The Gathering biweekly), dancing, and visiting museums (art exhibits or historical houses, there’s some preserved mansions nearby the theater where I work and perform nearly every day, and they’re my happy place, I go on my birthday nearly every year). I also read tarot, and I have a collection of crystals that grows by the day haha.
Some favorite bands/artists from outside of Ensemble Square would have to be Laufey, Frank Sinatra, Kaya, The Mechanisms, Evanescence, Dreamcatcher and Ali Project.
My love language is primarily compliments and acts of service, especially as I’m growing more comfortable around a person, since it takes me a second to be comfortable with being vulnerable without the safety of the stage lights and a role to feel safe behind. I’m more comfortable with hugs once I know someone well and we’re both clearly comfy with the idea of it. (Also, late night texts, usually driven by creative ideas.)
Hopefully this isn’t too much 😭 I did get a bit carried away, I was like “what else can I say” haha. I’m really curious to see how this goes!
Hi, hi! Your result will be under the read more to maintain the surprise surprise, while my thought process will be displayed below – it is entirely skipable <3
Initial Thoughts: Ah, ENTP… the dream partner MBTI /j I think Pisces-Aries cusps are incredibly interesting given how drastically different the individual signs typically are, but you being an 8w7 matches your sun sign perfectly? I love that for you!
Basically, 8w7 desires freedom and a feeling of self-control, while also not stomping those around them into confirming to them. You would get along best with someone slower paced, to build friendship before you move on to partnership – a sense of trust needs to be built so you can feel secure.
Initial Selection: Rei, Shu, Eichi, and Tatsumi are the four I ended up picking to examine further.
Rei: Old man no.1… He’s definitely the type who needs time to get close to someone before opening up about his true self at all. Rei is an INFJ, which may seem like an opposite to ENTP, but in reality they gel well together because their differences are so complimentary. You’d be able to give Rei new perspectives, while also keeping him from getting to deep into his own head.
Shu: INTJs tend to get along exceptionally well with ENTPs, providing deep and meaningful discussions and generally understanding each other far more than other MBTI types do. As a 1w9, he can relate to being an advocate for others to maintain their individuality and freedom (… I mean, look at how he gets frustrated with Mika for not embracing his own unique sense of creativity) but he also might nag you for not having as much ‘tact’ as he does.
Eichi: Eichi is a Capricorn, which gives him that strong ‘get things done’ work ethic as well as a general sense of passion and tenacity. Pisces-Aries cusp is unique in that it’s basically a more determined version of Pisces. You’re both able to be honest, and Eichi won’t absolutely dominate your personality with his own – while you both have your individual passions, you can appreciate the other’s.
Tatsumi: The layers of Tatsumi Kazehaya are not meant to be pealed back by just anyone, which is why I think the two of you would make a pretty good match. Like Rei and Eichi, he’s an INFJ. The biggest difference between the others is that he’s a type 7, which is your wing. You’re both more cooperative, warm people who are generally pleasant… so forming that initial bond will be easy and eventually you’ll get to a mutual sense of trust and comfort.
With all of that in mind…
I'd match you with Shu!
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It’s definitely a slow burn, but once that fire starts it’s going to be impossible to put out. Even if you do something to absolutely infuriate him, he’ll be adamant on letting you know rather than ignore you or brush it off.
Music will definitely be the place your bond begins. He loves your creativity, especially in the various mediums that you enjoy, and the passion you have for music as a whole will spark that initial attraction. When hit with an idea that he can’t quite get out properly, he’s going to want to talk it out with you. Your varying perspectives will be more than enough for him to trust you with having a part in his creative process.
Given your similar need for time to develop a full relationship, things would progress slowly but surely. Museum trips for inspiration slowly start turning into dates, he’ll start to reach for to your hand when in a more populated areas, you might catch him looking at you more than the art.
Once you’re properly together and have established your romantic relationship, Shu is going to want to do more for you. He’ll offer to do your make-up, make you accessories to match a certain outfit you particularly like, and… if you’d let him, he’d certainly want to make some sort of matching attire for the two of you to wear. He’s proud of you, of being yours, and he’d like others to know that much.
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valreadsfics · 2 years
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♡ genre: non idol au, librarian!chan, all fluff
♡ pairings: chan x reader, changbin x reader, seungmin x oc (kind of)
♡ word count: ~1.5k
♡ description: you didn't even want to go to the stupid library to begin with, but unfortunately, your best friend needed a movie and you both couldn't find it online.
♡ warnings: none, as far as i know
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originally, you were just going to borrow your best friend’s card, but upon hearing they had nearly double the fines that you’d had at the start of your life, you had no choice but to get a new card for a different branch. you walked in with the intent of this being an in-and-out thing, since you had places to go and people to see. places being your house, and people being the pizza guy, but who was asking?
you walk up to the vacated desk, full of unmanned computers and scanners, waiting for someone to help. there was a bell with a sign that begged you to ring it for service, but you would rather die than do that. so, you waited. you looked around at all the people, seeing a couple people walk by. a guy with some sapphire blue hair holding a stack of books about cats, holding hands with another man with soft, blonde hair, complaining about said cats. another guy, down the aisle, sitting comfortably in one of the chairs, nose pushed into the latest chronicle of some book about dramas. 
a voice, deep and warm, shook you from your thoughts, “um, sorry, how can i help you?”
your eyes snap back to the person behind the desk, and immediately you’re startled. in front of you, a guy with a thousand watt smile and crescent-moon eyes, dimples in his cheeks as he smiled. thin, golden wire rim glasses perched low on his nose, he still smiled, and you realize you had been asked a question.
“oh, uh. i needed to get a library card.”
“yeah, sure!” the guy responds, smile getting larger if that’s possible. you search for a name tag or some indication of who this is as you spout absent information for the librarian to fill in. finally your eyes catch the ID card laid on the desk from when the librarian had hurried up to help you. christopher.
after a few minutes, christopher hands the finished card to you, smiling, “now all i need is for you to sign it and then you’ll be all set.”
“thanks,” you reply, still lost in the concept of the librarian boy in front of you. christopher hands you a permanent marker, and you sign. 
“if you need any help, feel free to find me, or... i think seungmin is also working today.” between the two, you already preferred christopher, but the two didn’t need to know that.
you hurry along, going to get the dvd you came to rent. it was your dumb best friend’s idea to rent it to begin with, since they couldn’t find it anywhere else and their internet was broken. they were waiting outside in the parking lot to drive back to their house to watch it with you.
you search through titles, reading the spines of them as you go, finger trailing down the sides. you regretfully discover they’re sorted not by alphabet but by ISBN number. searching for what felt like hours, your fingers finally reach a copy of ponyo. jesus... why did things take so long... you pull the dvd out and another hand reaches close to pull another dvd out. you squint at it as it’s removed from your sight. the shining. your eyes follow the dvd up to the owner of the hand, seeing a tanned guy with a fierce expression. he was wearing a white tee shirt that was probably a size too small and showed off more of his body than you’d typically deem acceptable, his brown wavy hair falling towards his eyes.. despite the fierce expression, there was a hint of softness to his eyes. 
the guy speaks, a warm, rough voice, “i’m sorry, did you want this one?”
“n-no!” you quickly say. “uh. i just... uh...” didn’t know how to explain yourself. “s-sorry.”
a small smile pulls at the guy’s lips, “it’s alright. what movie did you pick?”
you simply offer the case to the guy, too afraid of saying something else dumb.
“ponyo... i haven’t seen this one.”
“it’s really good. one of my favorites.”
“i’ll have to see it sometime,” the guy says. “maybe we can do a movie exchange.”
“maybe,” you say, increasingly losing confidence in this conversation.
the guy smiles again, “i’m changbin. it was nice to talk to you...” his voice was hardly above normal library volume, but seemed to resonate within your head. “i hope i’ll see you around.”
“y-yeah,” you say.
changbin hands back the dvd and walks off. you stay rooted to the spot until he’s borrowed his dvd and has left. when you look down, you see that you have...not ponyo. in your hands instead is the shining. oh no... he was gone now... there was nothing you could do.
you go back up to the desk, and christopher is there, grinning brightly again. 
“find everything okay?”
other than the fact that you now had the wrong dvd and there was only one copy of ponyo in this library... “yeah.”
“i’ll just scan this and your card and then you’ll be on your way!”
“thanks,” you say. christopher does so, and waves to you as you leave.
“come back soon! we always have new dvds being cycled in and out!”
you planned to never come back to the library ever again after returning this stupid dvd....
but you couldn’t resist. christopher’s smile was infectious and changbin always had something funny to say or a laugh to share. after that day, you and changbin began to recommend each other dvds, and then come back the next time and discuss. this week’s choices were big hero 6 from you and insidious from changbin. 
“it was so creepy!” you say. “and i felt so bad for the wife. after all that, she gains one family member, but loses another...”
“ah, yeah... i agree. but that’s part of what makes the story really emotional, even though it’s scary, right? as for big hero 6, i knew it was going to be fun... i liked it a lot. baymax would be a helpful invention.”
god... he was so cute. “yeah.”
changbin offers you another horror movie, and you offer an anime movie that came out recently. you smile at each other and part ways.
you go to christopher to get your dvd, and christopher smiles at you like he does every time. “find everything?”
“yup,” you say, smiling back.
christopher opens the dvd to check that the magnetic lock on it had been taken off, and looks surprised. he says nothing for a moment, before saying, “hang on.”
had someone tampered with the dvd? you stand and wait. christopher steps back to a desk further back behind the counter, and beckons seungmin over. they talk heatedly. in the meantime, your mind wanders again. you’d been thinking about introducing your best friend to seungmin, but you’d never got around to it. maybe if something worked out, you could double date. your best friend and christopher’s coworker, and then you and ... changbin... and christopher. was it still a double date if you had multiple dates? would they be cool with th--
“y/n?” christopher’s voice snaps you back.
seungmin was back to shelving the holds over behind the desk. christopher was offering the dvd to you. woah... how much time had passed?
“here’s your dvd.”
what was wrong with it? 
you walk out and open the dvd. everything looked fine but... inside was a little dark blue card. there was a star on the front, with your name written in it, in scratchy pen.
the words were in pretty silvery ink.
on the backside was a message.
do you want to see a movie with me together? we could go see watcher. it’s another horror movie. tomorrow at 2?
underneath it, in neat, boyish handwriting, in a gold-ish ink, was something else.
i know that that was an offer for you, but i’ve also been interested in you and changbin. can we make it three?
both of them...? with you?
on the bottom were both of their phone numbers, each in their respective colors. how did changbin get the card inside the dvd? that must’ve taken some planning...
you text changbin first, saying that you’re interested, and asking if it was okay if christopher came too.
changbin texts back almost immediately, saying he’d be more than happy to have christopher come along. you tell christopher, and christopher responds with excitement. you’d just set yourself up on a date with two different guys...
you feel a tap on your shoulder, and turn to see the puppy-like coworker of christopher. “hey, uh, did you say yes to going out with chris?”
“y-yeah. why?”
“you know that person who drives you to the library every day?”
“the one with the green car. they drive you here every day.”
“can you introduce me?”
you can’t help but laugh. fate worked in fickle ways. the next day, you, changbin, christopher, seungmin, and your best friend all went to see a movie. you felt on top of the world when changbin twined his fingers with yours, and your heart soared when christopher took the other and slotted your fingers together. things were looking up, all because you went to the stupid library.
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copyright // valreadsfics / val 2022. do not repost. :)
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etola · 11 months
hello! feel free to ignore if you don't reply to asks like these but i just found your blog and im in love with your plushies! im interested in crafts myself and would love to make my own but im unsure what materials/equipment would be necessary for it. would you mind sharing what you use to make them? thank you in advance 💕
hello! Thank for the kind words!
take this with a grain of salt since I just started too The fabric I’m currently using is Velboa for all the parts While they’re really affordable, the fur got matted a bit after you finish embroidering them
There’s another fabric that is similar to Velboa but have higher quality and pricier, which is Yelvo Locally, the price difference between the both of them is only a few cents
Keep in mind, both of them are furred fabric, so even though the fur really soft, you can still feel it The fur is also quite visible for small dolls
If you’re looking for non furred fabric, you can try Flanel or Nylex, both are similar textured with Nylex being the higher quality and pricier However, I don’t really recommend Flanel since they’re quite stiff
As for the thread, for colored thread I used DMC cross stitches thread, this is just because my family often make cross stitches too so I have a bunch of them They’re quite durable and the color selection are wide too so it’s nice They’re also the brand that is most commonly used here because of the decent quality and price so I figured if I ran out in the middle of the work I can easily buy them lol
Though you don’t really have to use embroidery thread, you can use sewing thread for them too For white and black color, I used them, but I’m not really sure of the brand since there’s nothing written on the tube and it’s quite old ^^;
Oh, I used water solluble paper to trace the face pattern first then put in above the fabric I used the one without adhesive so you need to use embroidery ring though so the paper wont slip out Also, you can’t really draw on them with pen, so use some fine tip marker
Don’t forget that the ink drawn on the water solluble paper can transfer to the fabric So unless you’re yolo like me, make sure to use washable markers to save yourself from the headache
Lol it ends up quite long, but I hope I can help you a bit I think I listed all of them, but if there’s still something that’s not clear, feel free to ask me! Good luck on your doll!
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zippy-reacts · 2 years
Sonic the Comic liveblog- Issue 1
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Starting off with the cover, while the art itself isn’t particularly notable, it’s interesting that they have a bunch of other Sega stuff too. Makes you wonder why the comic is named specifically for Sonic? Idk maybe its just because he’s the most well known Sega character.
I’ll read the the non-Sonic sections but since I'm really just here for Sonic, I don’t think I’ll discuss them in much detail, just pointing out anything that’s interesting.
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Lmao the audience are called Boomers. Anyway, the free gift thing is something I associate a lot with UK comics, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it being a thing with US comics (feel free to correct me though). I used to read the Beano a lot as a kid and every other issue would have some cheap tat taped to the front.
Thinking about it, comic gifts are probably an absolute nightmare for lost media enthusiasts, because of course kids aren’t gonna preserve them! In the case of this issue’s stickers they’re just gonna be slapped into a book or onto furniture or whatever.
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He’s round! Like a really cursed interpretation of Kirby using his copy ability on Sonic in Smash. Also, I actually really like the way you can tell this was coloured in marker, there’s something really charming about it
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Three egg puns in two panels. Oh dear lord.
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Interesting implication of rings being a power source. Curious to hear more about how this works
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This art is a little janky but I actually kinda love it for that. There’s this sort of mixture of clearly using official art and sprites as a reference, but also making shit up to fill in the gaps
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I think I have heard that name before. Don’t know shit about the character but I know that this is not the design I associate with the name. I’m prepared for this to be typical pilot episode/early issue retcon shenanigans though
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That’s a pretty cool looking panel, neat choice to have it in silhouette
Overall that was a very basic story; pretty much just Sonic 1 summarised in a handful of pages, but this is Issue 1, it’s just setting up the basic idea of Sonic vs Robotnik. Plus, the Archie comics were a gag comic at first, they didn’t get serious until later so I assume it’s the same deal here.
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To talk briefly about the Shinobi and Golden Axe comics, from an artistic stand point they are certainly more detailed and polished looking than the Sonic story. Although having seen bits and pieces of StC’s panels over the years, I know Sonic catches up in quality
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Also shoutout to this little legend in the letters section who seemingly used to spend a lot of his pocket money on snacks. I don’t know how much wotsits used cost in ’93 but that’s an impressive amount
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (PS5)
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An excellent continuation.
After Fallen Order impressed me so much, I was keen for the sequel. Even more so when I found out a friend had worked on it; from their reports, conditions at Respawn are very healthy and the three-year development went smoothly. The result is a “next episode” that is mechanically iterative, experiments a bit with the structure, and tells a satisfying new story with its cast.
Building off the now-popular template of “like Dark Souls but”, Survivor presents deliberate combat and exploration with encounters designed to test you, but with puzzles and platforming segments layered in. The new Force powers of lift and slam (working through the cardinal directions of movement after the first game’s pull and push) factor into each, while a grappling hook makes for fun traversal options. Additional combat styles include off-handing a gun—which I found too fiddly and underpowered—and my preferred combo: heavy crossguard style offset by the swift, offensive dual-wield style. Mind-tricks can now also turn a difficult multi-enemy engagement into a farcical fracas.
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After an opening jaunt in Coruscant, Cal crashes on Koboh, a rocky planet that’s got more going on than first meets the eye. The first game had you returning periodically to Bogano, but Koboh is much more: not just a huge map, but a hub, and a home base. This frontier planet is a site for prospector’s mines, that’s also the base of a bandit troop who have co-opted Clone Wars battle droids, plus it’s a haven for outcasts who gather in the local saloon, not to mention a focal point of scientific Jedi research from the golden era of the Republic. It’s got canyons, forests, swamps, sky-high peaks, run-down outposts and high-tech labs. This rich history gives Koboh a great sense of place, avoiding one-note single-biome planet tropes to create a world that feels real and important in a big and complex galaxy. Also, its open-world design grants a new layer of discovery and exploration beyond the intricate dungeon design (which does still exist here).
Koboh is the real star of this game (with a runner-up recognition to Rogue One’s Jedha with its smaller open-world map and ancient temples). Initially just a stop-off, Cal (now sporting a rugged and customisable stubble alongside an array of outfits) finds ancient terrors, entrancing possibilities, lots of fun nods to Star Wars ephemera, and a motley group of new friends and acquaintances. Special shout out to the queer representation; I thrilled at the non-binary character and I think almost every romantic pairing or allusion is gay, which is awesome! Returning to Greez’s cantina to check in with the patrons and gradually continue conversations as you get to know them was a great feeling, as the derelict dive gets spruced up and populated over the course of the adventure.
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When Survivor introduced the High Republic era as a key part of its plot in terms of legacy and flashbacks, I saw it as a cynical Disney marketing ploy. But they won me over because like everything else in the game, it’s well-developed and paid off, with engaging heroes and villains, distinctive visual design, and fun setpieces. The High Republic Jedi chambers are fun self-contained puzzle chambers like the previous game’s Zeffo stuff, and the chaotic crystals and ferrofluid of the exotic “Koboh matter” make for interesting interactions while looking damn cool.
I loved my time with this game. It’s got a strong central thrust and story, lots of fun sidequests and collectibles, and the open-world aspects aren’t overwhelming like I found Elden Ring to be. You’ve got fast travel and an excellent map with unlockable collectible markers. The battle droids are an always charismatic foe with fun dialogue and designs. The story does have some real bummer moments towards the end but cool twists as well. I’m just sad that I now have to wait a few years to see what Respawn comes up with next!
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okay so idk if y’all have heard but somebody has gotten the hidden lyrics in Big Shot the clearest they’ve ever been and after listening, I have thoughts.
These are lyrics I can make out to make it easier for y’all:
“I think he's/it's coming for me, answer the phone I can't explain until you're all alone It pulls the strings and makes them ring Until your heart (turns red?) I think he's/it's coming for me, answer the phone I can't explain until you're all alone Pull the strings and Pull the strings and TELL ME WHAT YOU -----”
I know a lot of people have thoughts about what the missing lines are, but I still can’t make it out or match what they suggest, so I’m leaving them blank for now. Everything else I think is pretty clear though.
Based on the implications of these lyrics, I personally think this is talking about the Player. Or at the very least, whoever hijacked our communications with Gaster in the beginning. The reason I think this is because of the purposeful lack of pronouns. ‘It pulls the strings and makes them ring’. ‘It’s coming for me.’ As far as we know, Gaster uses he pronouns. Kris for sure uses they. We’re avoiding a gender marker for a reason, and we’re using a type of pronoun that typically brings to mind something non-human or otherworldly/beyond human comprehension. Whatever Spamton is talking about, he’s perceiving it as some kind of entity, which would make sense with the religious imagery surrounding him heavily at the end. Who else fits in a God like role or literally ‘pulls the strings’ but us and the thing that ripped our control away at the start? The other reason is because of the line, ‘I can’t explain until you’re all alone’. There are multiple instances where not only Spamton insists on meeting him alone, but Ralsei also has now done something twice that separated our perception from Kris’s. And when we came back, he seemed to be explaining something to Kris.
Here’s what I think.....
I think Spamton is trying to send a message to Kris through these lyrics, using bits and pieces of an old conversation he had with someone else (maybe Mike???)
I think he’s trying to warn them about something 
I think the lyrics were so deep fried so that WE couldn’t understand it, but Kris (and potentially the rest of the party) could
I think what people have been saying about Spamton’s “deal” with Kris is correct, and how we don’t ever get to hear what it is specifically because it’s to do with getting freedom in exchange for freedom
This is getting a little out there, but I don’t think Spamton does his glitch speak accidentally. I think it’s to encrypt what he’s saying so the Entity can’t understand him. Especially when it comes to [hyperlink blocked]. It’d be pretty sick if Spamton was aware we can only learn info from text, and speaks what this word is to Kris but blocks it from the Player’s perception. We already know Kris does things (besides rip out their soul) to project their true will over the Player’s decisions, so if Spamton is truly in the same boat, perhaps this is his way of doing the same thing
In theory, he’d stop if Kris ever got the chance to truly be alone with him. ‘I can’t explain until you’re all alone’
Unfortunately, I don’t think Kris completely understands the glitch speak either, as they seem pretty unsettled by Spamton’s behavior the whole time
If this is correct, it means the Entity can perceive the world through Spamton like we can with Kris, to the point where he doesn’t feel comfortable talking openly with anyone until they can guarantee the Other presence is gone. Or, at the very least, it means the Entity is omnipresent, but that would make me think it’s Gaster again, since it’s already been canonically established that he’s always listening (’It’s rude to talk about someone who’s listening’)
This would also explain why, when he started talking out of turn about the Knight, Spamton seemed to get punished by Something and then immediately switched to an ad
I think it’s clear Spamton is terrified of the Entity and believes it will seriously harm him, if it hasn’t already 
Side Note: Is this why Spamton is afraid of Jevil?????????? Was he originally siding more with the Entity and perhaps acting like an assassin or hitman for the Entity against the followers that tried to back out and he was threatening him on behalf of their boss????????? And that’s perhaps why Jevil thinks locking himself away is true freedom, cause the Entity can’t get him where he is? (Even more so now that he’s an item for us to use?)
I don’t think Kris is so afraid at the end of the fight because they’re afraid that they’ll die without the Player. I think they were afraid because, assuming all of this is correct, Spamton is a literal example of what’s gonna happen to them if they can’t find a way to break the Player’s control. Spamton and Kris are in the same situation. He was the only one who truly understood, and Kris honestly thought this could be the way out. Once Spamton was free, they would be free. But that didn’t happen, so they’re right back where they started.
I think this is why Kris rips out their soul. One of two things is happening: One, the Dual-Possession theory is true and Kris is being controlled by us and Something Else. The Something Else is ripping out the soul, because if we can’t ACT or perceive, then neither can Kris, and it’s completely free to do whatever it wants. Or Two, Kris is aware that the Entity is using the Player to gain information and manipulate the world, and rips out their soul when they want to do something without the Entity’s interference, similar to Spamton’s glitch speak.
I do not think Kris is the Knight now. Whoever they are, they are much, much more callous than Kris if this is what they’re doing to Spamton.
I think this is all why Kris tries to avoid the Player learning anything about Asriel, like covering their eyes when looking at his room. They’re trying to protect him from the Entity.
Finally, I do not think we the Player are the Big Bad. But I do think we’re unwittingly helping the Big Bad, and all the self-aware characters are aware of it and avoid us accordingly.
Okay so humor me a bit and let me paint a picture for you to further justify this theory:
You have an Addison Spamton, extremely down on his luck. He is somehow perceived and gets a phone call from Someone With Determination. They offer help. They’ll use Spamton’s body and tell him what choices to make, and he gets to make off with the benefits. And no, of course not, there’s no extra charge, they really just wanna help out a new friend =)
So Spamton agrees. Gets rich and famous because the voice in his head knows all the good choices somehow. But then they fight. Maybe Spamton wants to make his own way for once. He doesn’t want to be a puppet anymore. Or maybe it’s even more cocky like ‘What do I need YOU for? I’m a big shot now!”. So, the hubris made the Entity take him down a couple pegs. It goes completely silent. And without their guidance...all the gains go to shit. Spamton couldn’t do shit by himself. He loses everything. No matter how much he begged and prayed, the Entity ignored him. Maybe a hitman gets sent to collect debts one way or another. But either way, the fact remained that he would be the Entity’s bitch forever, per the contract. He just needed to find a way out...before they started talking again.
Sorry this got so long but let me know what you think!!!!!! I might add more later cause I’m tired and keep forgetting things I wanna say!!!!!!!
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
i’ll wait and i’ll listen
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mentions of deafness/hearing loss, cursing, i think that’s it
recommended listening: new song | maggie rogers & del water gap
a/n: hi! first and foremost, i want to say that this is based off my own personal experiences with a deaf father, and it is in no way a reflection of how other people or families with hearing issues operate. this is just how we live and how my dad goes about life. with that out of the way, enjoy some soft nolan content i threw together in 45 minutes. pretty sure i made this gender neutral, but please point out any mistakes!
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There’s no legitimate reason for you to be so apprehensive about Nolan meeting your parents.
He’s a great person who is all you could ever ask for in a partner. The two of you get along like peas in a pod, and honestly most of the time your relationship feels like two friends hanging out. Of course there’s a bit more romance involved – but being with Nolan is so easy you barely have to think about it. 
Your parents aren’t the issue either. They’re both incredibly supportive of your relationship, and anything else you do. If it weren’t for them, you never would have left home – they’re the ones who packed the car and drove you all the way to Philadelphia. You never would have met Nolan if they hadn’t practically forced you out of the house and into the world. 
Truthfully, both parties would probably get along great. Your mother is kind and welcoming, and your father has interests similar to Nolan’s. Your younger siblings adore him – they came to visit one weekend and you took them to an afternoon game at Wells Fargo Centre, and afterwards the four of you went out for burgers. Since then they talk to him regularly, and have been begging for you to return home with Nolan. You can tell your parents are getting antsy too – after all, you’ve been with Nolan for nearly two years. 
Yes, Nolan has a busy schedule that doesn’t allow for much travel, but there have been plenty of opportunities over the years for everyone to get together. You’re the one who always comes up with a reason for him not to meet your parents. One time you were ‘sick’, another you were too busy with work to make the trip home. It isn’t that you’re worried they won’t approve or that Nolan will resent them. You’re apprehensive about bringing Nolan around because you’re worried there will be a communication barrier. 
Your dad is deaf, and Nolan doesn’t exactly enunciate his words well. His voice is also exceptionally deep, which doesn’t help much. It isn’t a secret, your father’s hearing issues, and you’ve spoken to Nolan about them numerous times. Most of the time it’s you fretting about it getting worse and he listens intently while you sob into his chest. Since the hearing loss came from years of working around loud machines, it was gradual, which was frustrating for him. You were in high school when he got hearing aides, but eventually they lost their desired effect. Now your dad relies on reading lips and other non-aural markers like hand gestures to fill in the gaps. 
“Babe, I have to meet them at some point,” Nolan says through a mouthful of pasta. “Especially since I plan on sticking around.”
Your mom had called earlier in the afternoon to ask when you were coming home next. The upcoming weekend is free in your schedule, and when you told her she insisted you bring Nolan. He’s out for the season with the migraine related issues so you couldn’t exactly lie and say he was going to be out of town. Instead, you fed her some bullshit excuse and said you’d check to see if he could move some stuff around. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I just don’t want you or my dad getting frustrated if talking doesn’t go smoothly.”
Nolan pushes his chair back from the table and walks to stand behind you. He rubs your shoulders soothingly and leans down to whisper in your ear. “There are a million and ten other ways I can communicate with him Sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
Deep down, you know he’s right. There’s no reason the two of them can’t communicate, even if they can’t do it verbally. After discussing it more and ironing out all your doubts, you call your mom back to let her know both you and Nolan will be coming. A small weight lifts from your chest, knowing that you’ll get the first meeting over with, but dread slowly creeps in. There are so many ways it could go wrong. 
You and Nolan stand on the doorstep of your childhood home hand in hand. As if he can sense how nervous you are, Nolan squeezes gently, reminding you of his unwavering presence. 
“Whatever happens isn’t going to change the fact that I love you,” he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
To steady yourself from the negative thought swirling in your brain you lean closer to Nolan. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and uses his free hand to knock on the door. Less than two seconds your sister is bounding towards the door and flinging it open. 
“Mom! Y/N and Nolan are here!”
She steps to the side and lets the pair of you in. You shrug off your jacket and hang it on the rack behind the door – Nolan copies. As soon as you’re inside the entryway your mother is wrapping you in a massive hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re home darling,” she says, arms tight around you. “Was the drive okay?”
You go to answer her question but her attention is turned to your very tall boyfriend who is standing beside you like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“You must be Nolan. It’s so nice we could finally meet. Y/N has told me a lot about you.”
Nolan clears his throat before speaking, his deep voice echoing slightly off the ceiling. “All good things I hope,” he laughs, looking to you for reassurance. 
Nodding your head, you join in his laughter. You travel farther into the house, giving your brother a fistbump when you pass him in the hall. When you moved out your parents converted your room into a sophisticated guest bedroom, so there aren’t any embarrassing posters from your teenage years on the walls for Nolan to make fun of. You quickly unpack your suitcase, wanting to get back downstairs and spend time with your family. It’s been a while since you’ve been home, and you missed them more than you thought. 
“Is your dad here?” Nolan asks, hanging the couple of sweaters you guys brought up in the closet. 
You glance at the clock on the wall, you shake your head. “He’ll be home from work just before dinner.” 
The two of you head downstairs to chill with your siblings, but not without sharing a few kisses that make your spine tingle. At your brother’s insistence the four of you head to the basement to partake in an air hockey tournament. Though Nolan can hold his own in the NHL, he’s rather miserable at this iteration of the game. Your sister eliminates him in under five minutes, and after a hard fought battle you defeat your brother. 
Nolan tries to coach you before the gold medal game but you laugh him off. “Nol, you were terrible. I think I can hold my own.”
He breathes out harshly through his nose, but you know he isn’t upset with your teasing. “Fine,” he mumbles, “See if you can win without my all-star advice.”
Your sister manages to win in a shootout. It was a close game, and you challenge her to a rematch after dinner. She accepts, insisting you’ll lose again. Nolan bets he can race her around the property, so you move outside. Your mom lets you know dinner will be ready soon, and you throw her a thumbs up. 
Though your sister is a fast runner, she’s got nothing on Nolan’s six foot frame. He passes her with ease, cheekily throwing her the finger as he rushes by. You’re the finish line and instead of stopping when he reaches you, Nolan throws you over his shoulder and continues running through the yard. 
Your laugh rings out as you kick your feet. “Put me down!” you shriek. When he makes no attempt to prove he listened to your cries, you try again. “Nol, come on, put me down. If you fall it’ll be really bad.”
Knowing you’re right, Nolan stops moving and gingerly places you on the ground. His hands move to cup your face and he plants a warm kiss on your lips. You refuse to let it get too far, but you lean into him slightly and sigh when he pulls away. 
In the distance you hear your mom calling for dinner. “Kids, it’s time to eat,” she says. “Your father just got home.”
Your heart beat rises exponentially, and your steps drag slightly as you get closer to the door. Nolan notices, but doesn’t say anything. Instead he flashes you a smile that’s reserved just for you and makes your heart melt. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure I don’t mumble.”
In the dining room, you guide Nolan to sit beside your dad. You figure it’s the spot where he has the best chance of hearing your boyfriend, and no one seems to protest. They give each other a polite nod while the rest of you rush to place everything on the table and serve the food. 
Once everyone is sitting, Nolan takes the initiative to introduce himself. “It’s nice to meet you Sir,” he says a bit slower than his normal speaking voice, making sure to clearly enunciate his words. 
There’s no response from your father, and you suck in a breath. You watched him focus on Nolan’s lips while he spoke, but you fear he still couldn’t quite understand what your boyfriend said. It takes a few more beats for him to process what was spoken, but then your dad is cracking a smile and holding his hand out for Nolan to shake. 
“Glad Y/N isn’t hiding you from us anymore. I thought the first time I’d meet you was at the engagement party.” His voice is a few decibels louder than everyone else’s, due to not being able to hear himself, but Nolan doesn’t seem to mind. 
They slip into an easy conversation about work and hunting, asking each other a million questions. There’s barely room for any one else to contribute but the rest of you don’t mind – it’s been a long time since your dad has been able to go this long without asking someone for assistance. Of course there’s a few bumps in the road – Nolan not speaking clearly or looking elsewhere while telling a story, but that was to be expected. You step in when needed, repeating phrases and recreating scenes with hand actions. Overall, the meal goes swimmingly, and the two men leave the table eagerly to swap stories. 
You spend the time catching up with your mother, and she gushes over how Nolan is handling everything. “He’s doing so well,” she exclaims. “He’s so patient with your dad, waiting to make he understood what was said before continuing, and he doesn’t have an issue repeating himself a few times. You really lucked out Y/N.”
“I know,” you say honestly. “He’s simply the best.”
It’s a few hours later that Nolan finds his way back to you. You arch your brow, wondering what he got up to, and he explains that your dad took him for a walk in the forest to show him the deer he’d been tracking the past couple of weeks. It’s heartwarming that they get along so well, and you feel a little silly for fretting over what would happen. 
“Your dad is nice,” Nolan shrugs as you crawl into bed beside him. “I could hardly tell he was deaf most of the time.”
You tuck yourself into his side and hum. “He does a great job of not letting it define him,” you agree. “But thank you for being so patient with him.”
A small peck is placed to your shoulder blade and you sigh at the contact of Nolan’s lips on your skin. “He did grumble about how my voice is too deep,” he laughs. “Said he could barely hear me. Once I knew that I made sure to speak clearly and let him read my lips.”
You’re speechless. None of your friends or past romantic partners had made that much of an effort to treat your dad like he was a person. They got short with him for needing them to slow down or repeat themselves, and often would refuse to see him again. It’s part of the reason you were so hesitant to introduce Nolan – you wanted to protect him from another person who might treat him differently because he can’t hear.
“I really fucking love you,” you whisper into the darkness. 
You can practically hear the grin in Nolan’s voice as he speaks. “I really fucking love you too.”
The rest of your stay will go just fine, you think as you drift to sleep. There was nothing to worry about, and you can’t wait to watch a friendship blossom between your dad and boyfriend. 
taglist: @jamiedrysdales @kiedhara @tortito @boqvistsbabe​ if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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rubysunnday · 3 years
Dear Mother,
A/N: Inspired by the post about what Mrs Shelby’s name is. It’s also inspired by my first ever fic on here, The Letters, since it’s almost been a year since I posted it. 
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Her name had become a taboo. No one dared to mention the same of Mrs Shelby - the woman who’d thrown herself into the Cut because she went out of her mind. It was always “Mrs Shelby” or “the Shelby’s mother”. 
Her name had died with her. She didn’t even have her name on the grave. Just mother. 
Y/N Shelby didn’t even know her mother’s name. It was nowhere to be seen within the walls of the house and there was no record of it in any photo album or bundle of letters. 
She was a ghost - a nameless whisper on the wind. 
Y/N never asked about her mother’s name. Her brothers had told her she’d died from an illness - slowly wasted away before their eyes until she was no more. It was the truth, in a way. Her mind had give up and her body had followed not long after. 
She’d thrown herself into the Cut and had sunk to the bottom - like Ophelia when her lover had murdered her father. Left behind was an already broken and bruised family who’s eldest members were about to go to war. 
Y/N didn’t remember her mother. She didn’t remember the screaming, the crying, Tommy trying to shield her, Finn and Ada from their mother as she went out of her mind. 
Committing suicide was no way to go. A mother committing suicide was another thing entirely. How could she be so selfish and abandon her children? 
That was were the fear and suspicion of the Shelby’s had begun. All because of their mother. And they used it to their advantage, quickly becoming the most feared and respected family in Birmingham.
But no child should have had to grow up hearing whispered secrets about their mother and how it wouldn’t be long before the children followed her into the cold, icy depths of the Cut.
Y/N Shelby had no mother. Polly tried her best but she was never a maternal person - the loss of her children had damaged her beyond repair - and Y/N missed the nurturing nature mother’s apparently had. 
She didn’t remember her mother. There were pictures of her in Tommy’s house - of her with John, Arthur, Tommy and Ada. She looked beautiful - like a Hollywood movie superstar. She was picture perfect, smiling at the camera with a loving hand on John’s shoulder and her arm around Arthur’s waist. 
It was a snapshot of a forgotten time - before the demons invaded her mind and ripped her soul from her mind. And it wasn’t a true snapshot, not really. She’d suffered with the demons for years before that image, but it only got worse.
But Y/N took that image of her mother - looking perfect and like a porcelain doll. And she wrote her a letter. She introduced herself, told her what she looked liked and what her favourite things were and put it in her desk draw.
For the next twelve months, Y/N wrote a letter to her mother every day. She poured her heart and soul out to this invisible woman who’s name no longer existed and who’s image was frozen in a dusty photo on her brother’s desk.
8th April, 1923
Dear Mother,
I turned nineteen today, Nothing spectacular happened - I had a nice meal out with Ada and went riding with John and Arthur. Tommy vanished off to London - again - and I didn’t see him all day. Not quite sure what I’ve done to piss him off but, alas. 
Polly gave me your necklace today The string of pearls you bought with the first bit of money Arthur made. I’m wearing them, and your engagement ring, as I write this. I look like a proper lady with my new dress on...
It’s been sixteen years since I last saw you. I’m doing alright without you but it’s hard. I see Ada with Karl and Polly with Michael and my heart aches for that. But i know I can never have it and will never have it. 
I hope you’re alright, wherever you are, mother.
All my love,
Your ever loving daughter, Y/N x
As the days and the weeks went by, the bundle of letters got bigger and more tattered. She told no one about her little ritual - she knew they wouldn’t approve. Her family never dared mention their mother for fear of bringing about a curse.
Y/N was never that superstitious. No curses existed - it was just poor luck and death threats. 
1st August, 1923
Dear Mother,
I feel like I’ve almost caught you up on the past sixteen years. The Great War, Tommy’s wedding, both of John’s weddings and his gaggle of small humans he calls children. There’s almost nothing else to say to you.
Not that you’re actually here, that is. I doubt you were ever really here.
I wrote my brothers letter when they were in France. That was different, though, because they wrote back and sent me little things. I still have the violet John sent me from the Somme. 
I have all your things. No one else wanted them - they say they’re cursed or some shit like that. I was never that superstitious, it’s just life attempting to play God. No one has a say on who gets to be a survivor and who gets to be a martyr. 
I like to think of you as Ophelia. She sang to herself as she drowned, oblivious to her death. I hope you were like that, finally at peace with yourself as you floated down the Cut with the fallen flowers and leaves around you like a halo. 
There’s me trying to romanticise your death. No one even mentions you by name so forgive me for trying to make you seem more alive than apparently you are.
Well, you’re not alive are you. You’re dead. 
You have a grave. It’s up on the hill by the old tree that was used for hangings back in the day. Near Tom’s house. It’s an alright spot, I suppose. Nothing special. No one ever visits you, however. Your name isn’t even on the pebble someone put there as a marker.
We couldn’t afford a headstone. We can now but Tommy would murder me if he knew I did that. He hates talking about you.
No one ever tells me about you. All I have are a few photos that are practically falling apart and your clothes and jewellery. 
Anyway, I need to go. Family meeting and all that shit.
Your ever loving daughter,
Y/N x
By the time Christmas came, Y/N’s desk drawer was full of letters to her non-existent mother. Each letter was bundled together by month with colour coordinated ribbons for each month. February was purple, September orange and so on. 
She’d told her mother everything she’d ever wanted to. Her first kiss, her first love, her first break up, the time she got shot, the numerous times she almost died. 
She had no need to tell her anything anymore. Her mother felt so much more real to her now than she ever had before. 
She made her decision on Christmas Day evening. Everyone else was inside Arrow House watching the children open their last few presents and drink the remaining of the wine and whiskey. 
Y/N slipped outside, grabbed her horse, and rode up to the hill were the old hanging tree had once been. Her mother’s grave sat to the left of the tree - a tiny mound of earth with a pebble as its only marker. Y/N dismounted from her horse and approached the grave, clenching the letters tightly.
Twelve bundles. Almost 365 letters. 
Y/N found some twigs and branches and made a small fire at the foot of the grave. A moment later it roared into life and crackled away, casting an orange glow over her face.
She spread Tommy’s coat out on the ground and sat down, cross-legged, in front of the fire, clutching the letters. For once, she wasn’t wearing a dress belonging to her mother. Instead it was a mismatch of her brother’s old trousers, shirts and waistcoats. 
She started with the first of January. 
Y/N untied the ribbon and pulled out the first letter, the date neatly scrawled on the top left of the envelope. She read it through once, flipped it over to look at the address and then put it on the fire.
The paper curled as it burnt away, the writing fading into nothing but ash and sparks. 
The second of January followed suit before the first of January had even finished burning. 
Each letter curled and burned in the fire, the words and the sentiments becoming nothing more than ash. 
Fifteenth of February quickly followed the fourteenth. 
Twenty-eighth of April was followed by the twenty-ninth. 
Each and every letter was add to the fire until she was only left with one. 
25th December, 1923
Dear Mother,
I’ve told you everything. 
There’s nothing left to say, now. I’ve spilled my darkest secrets and untold stories to you. 
I’ve moved on, now. I still wish I had you around but I’m coping with it. I wish you were more than just words and pictures and jewellery. But nothing is fair. 
I’ve burnt all the letters and I hope the words reach you. I hope their spirit and their meaning reach you and reassure you that your daughter is doing fine. 
You used to be mine but now you belong to the world.
I only wish I’d learnt your name.
All my love
Your ever grateful and loving daughter,
Y/N Miriam Shelby
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theadventurek9 · 3 years
In ring marker for in between exercises?
Anyone have one or thought of doing one?
Was thinking this morning about how unfair I have been in obedience trials with using my ‘yes’ marker. I had remembered a podcast (cog dog or drinking from the toilet) talking about how markers are cues on how to eat food or interact with a toy. If I’m being good and doing clean training ‘yes’ is a cue for eat food in my hand.
I have previously used yes to mark after the completion of an exercise in obedience. Which has got to be confusing because there is no food reward for her. She actually may have to wait another 5+ minutes before she can get ANY food or toy reward.
Thinking of introducing a non-food non-toy marker. Could be a play, jump and be excited marker? After the completion of an exercise I can pet, praise and have her do a fun trick or anything but it has to be in control and in general moving to the next exercise. It can’t look like training either. Problem is that while she is working she tends to not like pets that much. So petting is out, might be able to work in butt scratches and pushing around.
Also want some cue that she gets a small break between having to focus on me. So an implied completion cue as well.
I think I may work this with the extension of her ‘cookies’ marker. (Cookie jar game). To help with duration and motivation.
Anyone done this or thought about this? @quichehound @twobigears
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Hiiiiii 👉👈 so I was wondering if you could do a bayverse tmnt match up for me????
Um so I’m pan and non-binary (they/she), 5’3, chubby (I have like bit more than medium sized breasts and big ass thighs, calves, and well.. ass lol. Also got a big stomach. Small hands and feet tho:/) fem presenting, long (like to my waist) curly brown hair, dark brown eyes.
I have adhd and autism so.. that’s a thing. Got some no no fabrics and foods and such. I hyperfixate on things a lot. (Gorillaz is a huge one). I have a stupid good sense of smell for some reason. Though I need glasses cause my pupils are shaped like footballs (they’re Harry Potter glasses lol). My hearing is good, which is surprising cause of my music lol.
Speaking of music my favorite artists are Gorillaz, P!nk, and ICP (insane clown posse). Also really like Studio Killers, Steam Powered Giraffe, Penelope Scott, Skillet, and Burn the Ballroom. Course I listen to a bunch of artist, I just don’t think you wanna hear me list em lol. I don’t really have a favorite music type. I’ll try anything 🤷
I used to live in Brooklyn (Born and Raised) but unfortunately I currently live in the south (help me)
I do art. Mainly traditional drawing w/markers or digital art, and painting. and I draw mainly people. But I also dabble in other art forms and I’m willing to try anything once.
Favorite movies are Robin Hood (old Disney), Texas Chainsaw massacre 2, Lady and the Tramp, Howel’s moving castle, The Jungle book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, (the original) Pete’s Dragon, Silence of the lambs, and Spirited away. (Though after Lady and the tramp is susceptible to reorder and change)
My favorite book is Spiderwick and my favorite show is Dinosaurs (it’s an old Disney tv show) and Doctor who. Also Sonic underground.
I mainly dress either comfy, punk, goth, or like… girly ig??? I dunno. My go to shoes are my doc martins or my beat up doctor who converse. Also always wearing my Gorillaz bracelets, my pentacle necklace, and my upside down crucifix necklace. (I’m a witch and a Satanist btw)
I have to warm up to people a lot before I really let them in. Most people don’t actually know anything about me:/
I act tough so it seems like I can protect my friends but idk if I actually am. I will die for them tho.
Sorry for this being so long-
Hey there, my lovely friend. I am deeply sorry for not getting into this request earlier, High School is killing me. I´m sorry for any mistakes and I hope that you will like your match.
Incarnation: Bayverse
Here we go
I think I´d paired you with...
Our local hothead will fall head over heels for you
When you two first met, he was amazed by you and your personality
He was so glad when he earned your trust
When you started to open to him, he couldn´t be happier
Omg! He adores your style, it´s so baddass and comfy
With your glasses, you´re so cute to Raph. He can stare at you for hours and he will not be tired by the sight in front him
He loves your taste on music, and when you two are together, he will put on some of your favorites just to make you smile and happy
He will be done if you draw him. Lot of hugs and kisses, and tears.
He´s so proud of you and he reminds you of it everyday
He make you rings and bracelets and he will knit you lots of sweaters
He loves your artworks and he enjoys to watch you while you create a masteriece
He´s interested in you being a with and he will asks you a lot of questions about it
He adores you and he will never hurt you
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I hope that you like your match
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officialleehadan · 3 years
Firebrand Burning
Hello darlings! I hope you've all had a lovely day so far!
Today's story was brought to you by Kriggens! Darling, thank you so much for all your support! I hope you love it!
Prompt: HGE - Local Librarian
Laure was angry.
Not for herself, or not entirely for herself, but for her vampires. For the peaceful lives this unknown attacker was shaping apart. At the deity whose blood she apparently shared that mad her a prize that a vampire would risk terrible war to possess.
She was also a librarian, with access to a very fine collection of books on a topic she knew so well she had written her dissertation on it.
It was time to show the world what an angry research librarian could really do with the right motivation.
It was time to dive into the rabbit hole.
“…Do we want to know what you’re doing?” Victor asked when he stepped into Teucer’s library to discover Laure with more than a dozen books spread out on the floor around her, two laptops open, and most of a notebook eaten by notes. “I heard that you sent Teucer’s oldest off to collect your personal books from your house. What are you up to?”
“Remus was nice enough to offer when I told Teucer that I needed a few things from home if we’re planning to stay any longer,” Laure told him without looking up. Her hair was in a messy bun held with two pens and a pencil, and there was a stripe of bright pink highlighter across her cheek, although the marker itself was nowhere to be seen. “Do we have any powdered silver in the penthouse?”
“Uh, probably?” Victor asked, taken aback by the non sequitur. Laure leaned over and dug for another book, pulled one of the pens out of her hair, and started taking quick, dirty notes in her notebook. “Why do you need powdered silver?”
“Because mercury is super toxic,” Laure told him, ripped a page out of her notebook, and handed it over. Her eyes burned from spending hours hunched over the ancient books in four languages, only three of which she read well, cross-referencing and translating. “But powdered silver is supposed to be a reasonably good substitute. I called Wylkind. He’s sending me a spur of demon bone. Do you think that the tomia on a goose’s tongue and beak will substitute for hen’s teeth?”
“Not well,” Bai said as he stepped into the library, took in Laure’s chaos of a work-space, Victor’s baffled face, and settled himself on the couch well out of Laure’s way. “Why do you need hen’s teeth?”
“I need either djinn glass or a dragon’s tooth, too,” she told him as if she wasn’t halfway to speaking in tongues. When she realized they were both staring at her, she sighed and nodded to the sheet she had handed Victor. He looked down at it, and raised an eyebrow at her, apparently impressed despite his confusion. “I’m the blood of a deity, right? Well, it’s about time that started working for us. I’m casting a spell.”
“Everything on this list is either fire-oriented, or is an amplifier,” Victor said when he had skimmed over the list and handed it off to Bai. “Why are you digging for fire magic?”
“Because there are two places a shadow can’t go,” Laure said with an angry edge to her voice that made both vampires look at her strangely. “In a snowstorm, or in the heart of a fire. Everything I’ve read about Brigid says that there should be plenty of fire in my blood, so that’s what I’m going for.”
“This is about the attack from the other night,” Victor realized without much surprise. He sank down onto the chair closest to Laure, his face serious. “We aren’t going to let anything happen. Now that we know how far they’re willing to go to get you, we can defend against it.”
“Or I can defend myself,” she snapped back, and softened at the hurt that flashed across his eyes. She winced. She hadn’t meant to hurt her friend. “I’m sorry. I’m stressed out, and I’m scared, and I’m angry, and I’m tired of being helpless.”
“With good reason,” Bai told her, still calm and steady, his ever-present serenity a balm on her frayed nerves. He offered her page back to her and Laure tucked it back into her notebook. “You fear the shadows will return?”
“I think I’ve had the same dream of them trying to get me outside every night since the first one,” Laure revealed tiredly. She felt ragged inside. The shadows couldn’t touch her, not with Teucer’s spell-dust protecting the penthouse, but she could still feel them trying to get in. It was like hearing rats in the walls, every-present and all around her, desperate to eat her alive. “and I think I’m tired of hiding. It’s about time that whoever’s after me finds out that I’m not just going to shrivel up and die because I got a bad scare.”
They were quiet for a while, and Laure felt the weight of their ancient regard on her shoulders. She looked down at her notes, and crushed her fear down into a little box where it was manageable.
“Right,” Victor said at last, and straightened. “Bai, would you grab Teucer and Draco? We’re all of us fine students of magic. If we can’t turn our librarian into a living firebrand while we wait of the Covens to arrive, we aren’t giving this half the effort it deserves.”
HGE - Local Librarian:
Laure is an overworked doctorate student. Her best friend is living history, and thinks of her museum as his own personal vault. Gift of a Rose Curse-Bound Leather Bloody Stress Flip the Page (Subscriber Only!) Luxury Flight (Subscriber Only!) Hotel of Memories Ancient and Old (Subscriber only!) Hearth Not Home (Subscriber Only!) Of the Hearth (Free on Patreon!) From the Earth (Subscriber Only!) Ring Panic (Subscriber Only!)   Red Gems Black Stone (Subscriber Only!) Unexpected Ally (Free on Patreon!) The Words of History (Subscriber Only!) A Bit of History (Free on Patreon!) Enemies Old and Gone (Subscriber Only!) Third Brother (Subscriber Only!) Folding History (Subscriber Only!) At War by Moonlight (Subscriber Only!) Firebrand Burning
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fyexo · 4 years
EXO's Kai Talks Independence, Motivation And His Incredible Career
There’s the saying that you’ve made it into the upper echelons of fame when you achieve single-name status. Monikers like Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, and Billie Eilish ring a bell for they’ve relentlessly dominated not just the music charts, but pop culture, fashion and news in general. Then there’s also Kai. The 26-year-old main dancer of popular K-pop boy group EXO and a member of global K-pop boyband SuperM, beloved for his powerful moves, and experimental style — read: crop tops — that challenges the traditional markers of masculinity.
Today, it’s clear that the space Kai inhabits has only gotten bigger since his debut eight years ago, most recently wearing the hat of Gucci’s first-ever Korean male global ambassador — dismantling cultural boundaries and parlaying the mononym, Kai, beyond the K-Pop realm. In this cover interview, the superstar chats candidly about going global, being independent, and why he felt like he needed an Instagram account.
Some time ago you revealed the results of your personality test on Instagram live. With regard to the question “Have you wondered about your existence?”, you answered that you have.
I think I have always thought about the question, “Why was I born?”. Also, I often wonder about questions like, “Why am I not born as someone else but as me; is the world I see through my eyes different from another person’s point of view?”
You revealed that you have an INFJ personality type based on the MBTI — it seems quite accurate.
I don’t really remember my result, so I plan to take it again. My family has taken it too, and after seeing my mum’s result I thought it seemed like a very credible test [laughs]. My mum is a dreamer. Even before I debuted, she said, “You like to dress up, and because I brought you up in that way you are definitely going to have something to do with fashion brands in the future.” Naturally, when I became a Gucci ambassador, she was ecstatic.
Your Instagram feed’s theme is filled with “EXO”, “family” and “Gucci”.
I created my account in 2018 when I was having a shoot with ELLE for Gucci’s Cruise show. I’ve always known that social media was important, but I really felt that even more when a lot of celebrities asked for my account during the show.
You participated in the filming of a global eyewear campaign that was revealed not too long ago in the Amoeba Music store in Los Angeles. Was it a special experience for you as a musician?
Of course, it was supposed to be closed down and so the fact that I managed to take pictures and create memories of that historical place made me feel happy and blessed. The production crew were all non-Koreans, and the atmosphere at the location was different as well so it was all very nerve-racking. I felt like I had gone back in time to when I first debuted.
Even Kai gets nervous. Have you had any other similar experiences when a location you liked disappeared or closed down?
The old SM building I grew up in when I was a trainee and formed so many memories [at] just recently underwent some remodeling works. The rooftop and a few other spaces where I spent so much of my time have all disappeared. Those were places that meant so much to me, so with the new changes made, I was able to actually realise how much time has passed.
There are many people with a good [sense of] style. [Your] outstanding point is that when you try out different styles, it doesn’t seem foreign [to you].
I think that cool and pretty things can be captured easily but capturing a specific concept — in terms of fashion — can be a difficult feat. I use that mentality as an excuse to try out different styles of fashion that I would not have dared to in my daily life, such as the reggae hairstyle that I did in Growl, or the short crop jacket that I wore during my promotions for Obsession. I think two weeks is more than enough to prepare and try out new things [laughs].
You have made appearances in variety programmes such as Knowing Brothers and Radio Star last year. Were these experiences enjoyable?
Thanks to the humorous moments that came about, I actually received many offers from other shows. However, I was worried that the Kai that I portray on stage could be hindered by my different sides shown on TV, and that it might be difficult for anyone to focus on my performances due to the drastic differences.
I can’t not mention SuperM’s group promotions. Three different groups under SM came together to form this sub-unit, as part of a project!
When EXO went on our American tours, we experienced that culturally, races and traditions had been blurred. I could feel that there was less of a “line” separating us. I was able to approach fans more easily; I don’t think there’s a limit to K-Pop. I don’t need to deliberately mention the [global] success of Parasite. The fact that I became the global ambassador of Gucci eyewear proves that race does not matter at all, but it’s more about one’s talents and charisma.
Personally, I felt the progress of K-Pop after watching the safety briefing videos that SuperM and BoA shot together for Korean Airlines.
I am too shy to watch it, but I did receive a lot of video stills of myself from my friends and they didn’t look good at all. They keep sending me parts where I look bad [laughs].
Due to your performances and dancing, I think the pressure on the stage is incredible.
Usually I don’t have much worries, stress, or even anger, but it’s different right before going up on stage. I get so stressed to the point it can be tiring. Honestly, waking up at six in the morning with hardly any sleep just to pre-record our performances for music shows — it sounds impossible. I’m only able to show 20 per cent of my all and that is really sad. Last year was such a busy year, I hardly had any time to recharge myself nor did I feel I was ready to stand on stage, but the show still had to go on. I was not fully satisfied with the performances as a dancer, but it just has to be endured.
What are the reasons that you are able to carry on despite all the difficulties?
The contentment after I get things done, and the comfort that I was able to pull through. On the other hand, I think the sincerity I feel towards everything I do and the constant ambition to do things better is a huge motivation and a relief when I accomplish it. If I don’t feel this way, it will mean that this work no longer means as much as it did to me in the past. Showing my fans the best version of myself, and the comfort and happiness I feel when I’m contented with my performance or work, is really important to me. In the past I couldn’t even sleep after making one mistake, but I sleep really well now [laughs].
And dancing is still something you enjoy?
I’ve been dancing for almost 20 years now. I can’t not dance. Even when I was young, I’d dance everywhere and anywhere, to the extent my mum said, “Stop dancing, it’s embarrassing.”
It’s well known that you have some really special and tight relationships with a few people around you. Do you get any inspiration from their advice, or from their influence?
I’m not the type to ask for advice from anyone first. Even when I ask what’s the better of two choices, I already have an answer [that I’ve] decided on in my mind. I’ve always felt that I needed to be independent; to [think for myself] when I decide, in order to be able to say that it is “mine”.
So, you’re a man of few words around people.
If they want me to be. If necessary, I will say good things, but more [so] the realistic point of view. I always think of the worst possible situation before saying anything [when giving advice], so those who know me well will not ask me trivial questions. When things go south or important decisions to be made, they will look for me. As for myself, I humbly listen to criticism or harsh words.
“Sexy” and “beautiful” are words that you probably hear a lot, but your fans call you “cute”. Which sides of yourself do you think are cute?
None! Even if I have thought of myself as cute, I won’t say it or admit it [laughs].
There are many people who idolise you as they see you as an iconic person. Does [the phrase] “a symbolic beauty of youth” or any other nicknames that you carry, feel a little too exaggerated?
Everyone views me differently, so I can’t say that it’s burdensome or exaggerated. Instead, I’m thankful. I don’t want to think of these nicknames or titles consciously as I live my life. Like, “Oh since they call me this, I should try to behave a little more as such”. I only want to show my true self without having other considerations — always.
What do you consider to be beautiful?
Definitely cool clothes, sculptures, drawings and paintings. When I look at some really good-looking people, I feel that that is beauty too. But personally, I think that true beauty lies in moments. Past memories and ordinary moments that when you look back, [you] realise that what you felt back then was more beautiful and precious than any other happiness that you’ve experienced.
A line from the drama The Miracle We Met pops into my mind — “Memory isnot [just] a record of time, but [is always]accompanied by emotions. That’s something surprising we never expect.”
Good memories always bring back rushing emotions, regardless of when you look back at it. That is really beautiful, and that is why I really love watching movies with film static noise, as it seems like I’m looking into someone’s memories.
Your name Jong (鍾) comes from“iron drum bell” and In (仁) comes from “benevolent”. Your grandfather named you that, which means to be as benevolent as the person who rings the morning bell. Throughout your life, have you ever thought about the meaning behind your name?
Hmmm, firstly, I’m not a morning person [laughs], but hitting the bell at dawn means to be of use to someone and to [have] more initiative, so I do want to live up to that and inspire others. Perhaps I could already be doing just that, I’m not sure.
I’m sure you’ve garnered plenty of praise for your dance techniques, but the shoot today focused quite a bit on your looks too. Which feature of yours do you like?
I do like to think that I have my own attractive features, like my small ears or a round bear like nose which most would say is so-so — but I still like them. If I really had to choose, it would be my chin and eyebrows for now. I think these two features make up 80 per cent of my defining look.
What does family mean to you?
Family is family. There may be no one in the world who will be completely on my side, but my family will still accept me as I am. I grew up happily with two siblings, and so if I were to have a family of my own, I always thought three kids would be just nice. But now when I look at my sister struggling with childcare, I realised it’s definitely not something to think lightly of. My family members are also my seniors (sunbae) in life.
Your eight-year anniversary is coming up soon, and you’ve probably been through many hardships. Do you think it is necessary for a person to go through pain to mature?
Looking back now, not all hardships have changed my nature; I personally don’t see the need for a person to go through change and pain in order to mature. But you know there is going to be a tough time for everyone at least once in their lifetime, and it’s not so bad a thing to be positive and think of precious things to get through it. Most importantly, just because you’re going through something difficult doesn’t mean you should hate yourself or be hard on yourself, because the most precious thing in the world is yourself.
Some may look at you and think that you’ve got it all. In spite of this, is there still anything that you wish to have, and is there a further goal you have in mind?
Before my debut, I had a lot of ambitions but the Kai I am today doesn’t have anything else I could wish for. I don’t think the place I am today is my final station but even if it is, I would be okay with that. Even if my debut was the end, I am proud of the life I’ve led, and I would be super proud of whatever I do. I am able to say this confidently because I learnt that the more fixated I am on something, the less happy I am. I learnt that it is better to focus on and enjoy the present; to enjoy doing what you do.
What type of person do you hope to be to your loved ones?
There is only one thing I wish for and that is for them to always be by my side no matter what decisions I make. Likewise, I will do the same.
SOURCE: Elle Singapore June 2020
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helpinghanikan · 5 years
One and Only (SoulMate Au)
X-men x Reader
Sum: Soulmates happen no matter who or what you are. 
AN: Picture was found using google, credit to OG making when I find them 
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Charles Xavier: Meter of how dangerous
           Past college age it’s pretty accepted that nobody cares about their soulmate or their meter. The only people that really care are those that are 120% sure they have their soulmate. Even then it’s impossible to be sure until one dies and the others meter slams down to zero like a knife in your heart.
           People who still cared about their meter were the absolute worst.
           “Look how tough my soulmate is, they could beat your any day!” And this was said by the husband of the wrestler. Saying this with a smug face while you just smiled back.
           All you had to do was hold up your wrist and that smug face dropped like a beautiful rock.  
           The average number of the populations meter was five or below. Less then twenty percent reach over six and less then five reach ten. You are in that five, even from a young age everyone you showed it to assumed you had just drawn over it. More then one teacher forcing you scrub the area with soap to make sure you weren’t lying.
           Just like everyone else you stopped caring about the number after college. Instead focusing on your teachings and the new school where you were officially the only non-mutant teacher at Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters. Not thinking about that little number until almost two years, and well over establishment of relationship, later. Rubbing your thumb over the number and looking between it and Xavier still looking over papers.
           “Can I see your wrist?” You ask, sitting on the edge of his desk, having gotten bored with waiting for him to pay attention to you.
           Still writing with one hand he holds out the other without looking away from his papers. His arm stretches out for you to hold it, rubbing your thumb over little three etched in black. Placing your wrist next to his, the ten next to the three and looking back and forth between them.
           “I doubt it will change with you staring at it.” Charles says after a few seconds.
           It’s usually not until after marriage that you even consider someone is your soulmate. Avoiding saying it out loud you instead say: “Do you think I’m tough?”
           He hesitates and that’s never good.
           “You’re tough on the students.” He finally says.
           “Yeah, but am I like, fighting tough?” You ask.
           He hesitates again. He’s such a jerk.
           “The students say you’re tough but good.” He finally says. He’s a lying jerk.
Erik Lehnsherr: meter of how in danger
           Since you can remember the little number on your wrist has never gone down below a seven. Rubbing your thumb in soap and water never helped in removing the number, drawing over it with a marker was just sad.
           It was your “friend’s fault that you had gone running to the teacher the first time the little marker hit ten. She looked over your shoulder and said, “they’re gonna die” right in your ear. At that young age it probably didn’t occur to them that there was anything wrong. Instead just watching you run to the teacher sobbing. Even so, you didn’t really hang out with them after that.
           Also, after that incident long sleeves and bracelets were all the rage. Keep your wrists turned down, keep the thought of your soulmate out of your mind and away from your present. Only checking it once a day, when it stayed high that slowed down to once a week. By high school it was monthly.
           By this point in your life it’s stayed at a constant nine, best not to think about it.
 Raven/ Mystique: heterochromia
            It was a scene out of a bad teen movie. Both you and Raven sitting cross legged on the bed facing each other. She stares into your eyes, flicking back and forth between your natural and the yellow that matched her’s.
           “Okay, okay, hold on.” Raven talks like a little girl talking to her new puppy.
           She never really had to concentrate to change her appearance. Staring into your eyes, her own changing slightly until it was created into hazel. Based on the smile that decorated her face your eye had changed at the same time.
           With her mutation Raven didn’t have the same effect on her eyes as the rest of the world. Her body naturally wanting to be even on both sides, giving the impression that she either had a soulmate who could also change their eyes or didn’t have any at all.
           It wasn’t until an off notice that she ever realized she had one.
           A mirror is held up next to Raven’s head. Looking at yourself at the same time she could look at you. A giant grin and one too hazel eye looks back at you. Raven laughing at the same time you did.
           “Now go back,” You say, a high from excitement.
           “Go back to what?” She asks.
           “Yellow, go back to what it is natural.” You say. Gently pushing her sitting for as encouragement. “Come on.”
           You were probably one of maybe a handful of humans who understands what she was going through. Having to live your same young life with a constant changing face and eyes. Being mocked until reflective sunglasses became a regular piece of your wardrobe.
           You were either still too giddy about this interaction or didn’t realize what you had asked. Either way Raven took a second before complying. Her grin wasn’t as wide as it was before, but she still smiled at yours.
Peter Maximoff: Share the same fingerprint
           Your leg is bouncing so hard the table is going to vibrate right through the floor. For the first half an hour in here you were left alone. Listening to the metal table bang and tang against the floor until the first officer came in.
           “I want a lawyer!” You immediately demand, banging the table once more with the top of your thighs. Practically knocking the whole table over.
           “Calm down and sit down.” She says pointing at you with a file, “You’re not under arrest, Ma’am. I just have a few questions.”
           Madam officer is nicer then you expected. The usual tactic was for the first officer to come in guns blazing, acting angry as a badger, slamming files and barking orders. It was the second cop that would be the nice one; apologizing for their partner and asking if you were okay. This time you got the kindness without being bullied.
           “There have been several break ins at stores and museums in the past few years.” She explains. “Some goods were stolen, and they were all by the same person. A dumb-ass who doesn’t know to wear gloves.”
           “I literally just got off the plane, this is my first time in the state.” You immediately say.
           “Oh, I know, I know. We’re taking you for this. Unless you were a sprinter in high school.” She says with a closed mouth smile. Holding up a blurred picture that was nothing but a gray smudge in a black and white still. “We just want to know; do you know who your soulmate is?”
           Just like the idea of a mother’s instinct there was an assumption that everyone is protective of their soulmates. Even when you don’t know who you were meant to be with there was a serious about them coming to harm.
           “No, what was even stolen?” You ask.
           She sighs deeply and holds up a list. “Uh, pop, a souvenir bear, the bathroom sign and almost completely cleared the gift shop of any candy.” She says, tossing the paper back down.
           “Are you sure you weren’t robbed by a twelve-year-old?” Your arms cross in annoyance.
           The officer was toying with her wedding ring. Watching you start to shut down. “We all can’t get lucky with who we’re destined for.
           “And we all can’t be lucky in knowing who we’re destined for.” You almost snap back. “Look, I don’t know who he is, I haven’t met them yet. And since I’m not under arrest I bid you a good day.”
           “Can you try not to leave the state, we might need you again.” She calls after you.
           “Not under arrest, ma’am!” You call back.
           Being new in the state you had to call for a car. Sitting perched next to the police sign, a leg swinging back and forth. The wind picks up to a hundred miles in second and dies in another.
           A little bear still it’s tags left by your side.
Hank McCoy: Color for the first time
           It was a gentle touch that he didn’t notice until glass shattered around your feet. He was too focused on the microscope in front of him to worry about a delivery girl accidentally catching his hand.
           It was anybody’s guess what he was looking at. Probably some DNA that was naturally black and white, he wouldn’t see the whole world of new colors until he looked up.
           In every movie when the soulmates meet there is a second of silence before they quickly grab each other. More then half of the movie would then be each soulmate trying to describe color to their respective friends and family.
           Instead all that came out was; “Sorry, I dropped your-. The sample, fuck, I’m sorry. Hi.”
           He was equally as useless. “I can-I’ll make new ones.” He says, both of your looking down to the liquid that was now obviously purple compared tot eh gray it had been before. “I’m Hank,” He finally says.
           You go to say your own name, he says it at the same time.
           “I’ve read your name tag when you deliver them,” He explains. “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself before.”
           A small laugh comes out of your mouth. “Could have saved us a lot of time if you did.”
           He laughs at the same level. “You weren’t jumping over things to shake my hand either.”
           “And take away my chance to break stuff?” You say, gently nudging the broken glass.
 Jean Gray: Timer for when your soulmate will die
           There is no better feeling then looking down at your wrist and seeing literal years in neon green numbers. They dwindle down by seconds, stare long enough and it goes down into minutes. Nothing to worry about, though. Jean still has years and years, so much so that you don’t bother covering it up with bracelets or sleeves like most do.
           It’s such a common fashion choice to cover that wrist you didn’t notice Jean did the same. Keeping a firm hand over her wrist to keep the bracelets from slipping, even though nobody would have seen it.
           After you found each other there was no point in asking how much time you had left. A recent poll showed that over eighty percent of people (taking away any factors) would/have lied to their soulmate about how much time they have left. The small percent that did only would because their mate had decades left.
           Jean was in that eighty percent. Refusing to say how much time you had left, in turn you refusing to say either. Taking it as a joke instead of anything serious, even though Jean refused to touch you with that side of her.
           It was only a few months after finding each other that she started to hang around you more and more. The word “clingy” was even used after a few weeks. Not that it stopped her, instead her making jokes that possibly you were following her and that you just happened to know ahead of time.
           Subtle weird behavior is never noticeable until after it’s pointed out. Your mutual friends being kind enough to pull her away for the night. Long enough for you to get away to the store. You loved her, but it was nice to buy some oranges without being hovered over. That your phone kept blowing up did nothing to deter your mission.
           It wasn’t uncommon for one of the team to hit you up when they have one too many drinks. Determined to keep you as much in the loop as everyone in the room. If you had answered you’d likely be given narration of a board game gone violent for the rest of your shopping trip. It’d be better to wait until you get back; hear the narration over a nice glass of wine and your woman leaning against you.
           It didn’t occur that there’d be another reason until the barrel was staring you down. A distant order to “get down” being heard too late to obey.  
 Logan/ Wolverine: Red string of fate
           People always described that stuff in different ways; a long stretch of light, silk ribbons or actual bolts of sparking lightening. No matter how people described it, they were all red in just as varying colors; some call it wine or blood, one particularly creative bartender called it “like a whore’s lipstick before work.”
           Logan had never seen that stuff. Either brushing it off or just not participating in the conversation. For awhile he held his ring finger up to the light, maybe his ribbon was something thinner then dental floss, maybe even thin as hair and barely visible by the strands owner themselves. Eventually he stopped holding up his hand, even later he didn’t even care.
           Forty years and three shots of the hard stuff later and he’s finally looking at his hand again. That little line of red wasn’t there a second ago. It wasn’t a ribbon or a string, certainly wasn’t some cool like lightening or floating liquid. Just a small chain, looked like the same width and strength of a necklace chain. In theory he should be able to rip it right off. He could feel it between his fingers and tell each link between each other, even then he tried pulling there was nothing.
           It took days before he got the balls to actually follow the damn thing. It was a kid thing to take a year off between college and high school to try and find their destined. Logan was a little late to the game but not like he had anything better to do.
           It wasn’t until he reached a hospital that he stopped in his tracks. Little chain of destiny leading right into the exit into the nursery. It only took him a few seconds before audibly going “nope,” and heading back to that bar.
 Kurt Wagner: Same injuries
            At some point it was easier to pop an Advil and ignore the point in your feet and knees then wonder why they were hurting. The real bitch came when you invisible drug was stabbed right into your neck. More then once falling face first onto your desk in school.
           Given that the only cramps you experienced were yours they were a small vengeance. Easily the worst part of the connection were the cramps. Either you were born male and got to experience them without any warning, or you’re born female and get double the dose of them. It’s no wonder business is always booming for pain meds.
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