#i’m hopefully getting dinner soon and then coming back to my dorm to hide under my bed for a while. to cope.
aropride · 1 year
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o bringing home a pet / interacting with animals
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↳ a/n: hello my darlings! we are back at it with another tbz reaction! this is for my lovely anon who requested this. i hope you don’t mind i altered the request a little bit. i’m so sorry that requests are coming out slowly but bear with me i’ll get through them. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy! also, all my reactions are canon to my boyfriend series so i highly recommend checking those out as well! ☻
↳ genre: fluffiest of fluff
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 2.7k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
it had been a week since you last saw sangyeon and you were finally going to see him, but you never would have guessed the unexpected to happen one rainy evening when it was nearly 35°F
as you were walking up to the dorms that’s when you heard tiny meows and spotted a small white kitten near the alley trying to make cover in a box
you instantly felt bad for the poor kitten due to the harsh weather conditions and it looked like it was lost from it’s mother
you swiftly picked up and tried your best to cover the tiny kitten with your jacket as you made your way inside the dorms
as sangyeon open the door he instantly smiled seeing your face giving you a cheek on this kiss
“what’s that sound?” he wondered as he heard the faint meows coming from your jacket
removing your jacket sangyeon saw the small kitten that was in your hands
“i found him outside, i couldn’t just leave him out there. do you think we can keep him?” you asked hopefully giving sangyeon your doe eyes
he sighed “i don’t know baby, we’re both really busy with our schedules.. he should be with a family where they can properly take care of him”
you nodded hating that he was right, you knew that you couldn’t take care of pet when you had a full time job and sangyeon had his idol responsibilities
sangyeon noticed your sadness and lifted your chin to look up at him “we’ll make sure that he’ll go to a loving home okay?” he promised
you smiled in response giving him a small peck setting the kitten down on the floor where he quickly ran under the table
「 Jacob Bae  」
you were excited, it was the day of your birthday and jacob wanted to make it extra special for you
he knew you always wanted a pet so he decided that you could go to the pet store and get any pet you wanted with his card
he wanted to go with you but unfortunately practice overlapped
nevertheless, you were ecstatic looking at all the different animals that were for sale, when your eyes finally landed on some caged rabbits
you smiled as you saw a light brown one with his long whiskers, in a way it reminded you of jacob
as you told the seller that was the animal you wanted, you bought all the corresponding items you would need like food, treats, toys, and a cage with a matching bowl set for his food and water
once you had everything you needed you made your way to the dorms to surprise jacob with your new pet
as you knocked on the door jacob answered noticing the huge cage covering your entire face and half your upper body
he laughed “what on earth did you buy?” trying to peek through the cage grabbing it from you with ease setting it on top of the dining table
“something that reminds of me of you” you smiled
“that’s funny because i don’t see a golden retriever anywhere” he teased
“this is better! just close your eyes” you instructed as jacob did was he was told
once you knew his eyes were closed you opened the cage and grabbed the rabbit holding it in your arms “okay open!”
when jacob opened eyes he saw the small brown rabbit in your hands “aw… you got a rabbit?” he asked scooping it from your hands wanting to see it closer
“yes!” you squealed not hiding your excitement as jacob set him down on the floor so that he could hop around
“well it’s super cute, and it suits you so well” he said giving you a kiss on the cheek before he continued “now c’mon i have more surprises for my birthday girl”
「 Kim Younghoon  」
you loved younghoon, you pretty much had the perfect little family including your little poodle bori
but when your friend texted you that her maltese dog had a litter of puppies you couldn’t deny that you wanted one, they were just so precious
you kept hinting at younghoon all week that you really wanted to snag one of your friend’s puppies
“younghoon look at this cute picture again” you grinned showing him your phone
“they are cute baby but we already have bori” he said glancing at the picture
“but bori needs a friend” you protested leaning your head on his shoulder “pleaseee?”
he let out a light sigh “we can go and look at them but no promises okay?”
you shrieked “yay that’s perfectly fine! i love you so much” you repeated grabbing his face giving him kisses all over
as expected when you and younghoon went to go see the maltese puppies he was excited and couldn’t deny their cuteness and agreed that you could get one
you ultimately decided on the runt of the litter which was a boy and the smallest out of all the puppies
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
it was fun weekend when your sibling asked you to take care of their pet hedgehog
at first you weren’t even going to mention it to hyunjae since he was busy but he decided to surprise you at your apartment one evening
that’s when he noticed the small cage in your living room that definitely wasn’t there before
“hey babe what’s this? did you get a pet?” he wondered curiously
“oh! no i didn’t i’m just watching him for the weekend while my sibling is out of town” you replied heading to the kitchen to get dinner started
as hyunjae opened the cage to get a closer look at the hedgehog it quickly curled up into a ball out of anxiousness pricking hyunjae’s fingers
“ah! it feels like needles” he nearly screamed closing the cage quickly
as you ran back into the living room to see what the commotion was all about you saw the hedgehog still curled up in a ball in the corner of his cage
“aw hyunjae you scared him” you said opening up the cage grabbing him carefully
the hedgehog slowly peeked out of his little ball and started to relax in your hands
hyunjae came up behind you laying his head on your shoulder trying to get a better look at the hedgehog’s face
“it looks cute, but he still hurt my hand” he whined playfully
rolling your eyes at him you set the hedgehog back inside the cage where he started to walk freely
you grabbed hyunjae’s hand giving it a small kiss trying to make him feel better
“it hurts here too babe” he said pointing to his lips smirking
you chuckled as you leaned in giving him a small peck
「 Lee Juyeon 」
you were visiting juyeon during practice when he finally met your pet turtle for the first time
it was a yellow-bellied slider turtle and it was still small enough that it fit in the palm of your hand
you walked in the studio with your small portable cage and saw juyeon practicing alone to new dance moves for the boyz next comeback
he smiled when he saw you through the mirror reflection turning around walking towards you giving you a peck on the lips
when he pulled apart he noticed the tiny cage in your hands
“hey babe, you didn’t have to come all this way to see me. i was gonna head to the dorms after” he said
“i know, but i wanted you to finally my meet my pet turtle. i’ve had him ever since i was little” you smiled taking your turtle out of the cage handing him over to juyeon
“he’s super cute” he commented as the turtle kept sticking its head in and out of his shell
as you both sat down on the floor you grabbed a little bit of juyeon’s fruit from the table and started to feed your turtle
juyeon laughed at how slowly the turtle was eating
“that was all the food i had for practice and it’s gonna take him at least 5 years to eat it all” he teased as you giggled in response
「 Kevin Moon 」
after dating for about a month kevin finally decided to visit your apartment for the first time
you were a bit apprehensive at first mostly because of your pet since you weren’t sure how he was going to react
as you walked into your apartment he casually looked around
“wow i’m jealous i think your place is bigger than our dorms” he commented
you laughed before stopping in front of your bedroom door
“okay, so don’t freak out but i have pet snake..” you told him hesitantly
“no way for real? can i see?” kevin asked excitedly
you nodded opening your bedroom door as you and kevin walked up to the medium sized cage in the corner of your room
“wow he looks really cool can i hold him?” kevin asked
“absolutely he’s actually really sweet” you replied taking out the medium green snake and handing him over
kevin held the snake in his hands while sticking out his tongue copying the snake as you smiled
“i actually have to give him away soon since i’m moving to another building and they don’t allow pets” you mumbled
“aw that sucks [name] i’m sorry, how about i help you find him a good home?” kevin asked placing the snake back in the cage
you nodded happily wanting nothing more
「 Choi Chanhee 」
you weren’t expecting that this was the way that chanhee would meet a pet mouse for the first time
it was a memorable experience to say the least
when chanhee was on vlive you figured now was the time for him to meet the cute little mouse
“i’ll be right back deobi’s i’m gonna bring a friend” you smiled
chanhee gave you a confused look as far as he knew it was just you and him that were gonna do the vlive together
once you came back into the room chanhee turned his chair to greet the new acquaintance but the first thing you heard was his screams
“love what is that? is it a rat?” he shrieked as he covered his mouth in disbelief
“no! it’s my pet mouse, doesn’t he look cute deobi’s?” you asked showing him to the camera
“look at his cute little round ears” you added as chanhee was still giving you puzzled looks
“oh love, i don’t know…” he finally said looking at the mouse from afar and at his phone reading deobi’s comments
you giggled responding “relax chanhee it’s my neighbors mouse, i just wanted to see your reaction”
he sighed putting his hand over his chest dramatically “love you almost gave me a heart attack in front of deobi’s”
“sorry deobi!” you apologized sincerely leaving the room
“what just happened?” chanhee asked the camera jokingly
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
it was a nice sunny day when you and changmin decided to take a walk through the city
it was a spontaneous day, doing everything that caught you and changmin’s eye like the cafe and shopping
as you both were making your way home that’s when you spotted the pet store asking changmin if you can go in
“changmin-a, can we go there?” you asked pointing to the pet store
“of course babe, i was thinking about getting some new fish” he grinned grabbing your hand
as you both walked around the store looking at the various fishes and reptitles that’s when you saw a cage full of adorable hamsters
“aw changmin look how cute these are, they look just like you! especially that one” you pointed laughing at the individual hamster in the corner eating with its cheeks puffed
changmin laughed showing his adorable smile agreeing before asking the seller if he could hold one
the seller opened the cage and handed changmin a hamster to hold
you quickly took out your polaroid camera as changmin started to pose with the hamster
the rest of the day was spent taking pictures with all the animals in the pet store
「 Juhaknyeon 」
it was a chill day spending it haknyeon on his rare day off
as you two were watching t.v with your head on his lap you were casually scrolling through your phone
that’s when you saw an ad for a chameleon that was for sale
you didn’t know much about chameleon’s besides thet fact that they were really cool looking and that their skin camouflaged itself to hide from prey
you gently tapped on haknyeon who was slowly starting falling asleep
“haknyeon look someone is selling their pet chameleon” you said lightly trying to wake him up
“hmm? that’s nice babe” he replied still half asleep
“can we go and see it?” you asked hopefully
“mm, sure babe” he murmured bending down to kiss your forehead before falling back asleep
a couple of days later you were seeing the chameleon for the first time even though haknyeon barely rememberd the conversation on going
“this is him” the older lady introduced you two to her loving chameleon adding “would you like to hold him?”
you nodded enthusiastically as she grabbed the chameleon and placed it on your forearm
haknyeon lightly touched his back commenting on the odd texture
you then placed it on top of haknyeon’s forearm and saw the chameleon changing colors to haknyeon’s jacket
“wow, this is officially the coolest pet ever let’s get him” haknyeon’s said smiling
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
kim sunwoo loved you, in fact he adored you. in his eyes you could do no wrong
but he also loved the two lovebirds you had together as pets as they reminded him of your relationship
the birds were always together, eating, sleeping, and flying simultaneously
the male lovebird had a black face with a grey body and his name was jae
while the female was light blue with white body with her name being eun
he especially loved it whenever he would come home from practice and they would fly all over the dorm
“sunwoo wait, jae is on top of your head” you giggled as sunwoo entered the apartment taking off his shoes
you pointed your index finger outward as jae flew on top of it landing easily
jae quickly flew over to his wooden play stand walking to eun as she was eating from the bird feeder
sunwoo pulled you close wrapping his arms around your waist pressing light kisses in the crook of your neck from behind
“how was your day?” he murmured in between kisses
you moaned in response “so much better now that you’re here”
sunwoo smiled as you both heard the the faint chirps from jae and eun in the background
「 Eric Sohn 」
one of the reasons you loved hanging out with eric was because he always made you feel like a little kid again
it was his idea to spend the day with you at an amusement park where you two went on countless rides and ate all the junk food you can eat
you both decided that it would be best to take a break from all the rides and go to the park’s animal exhibit
“wow babe come look a this” eric exclaimed excitedly pulling your hand running towards the reptile exhibit
you giggled in response at his energy following right behind
you both took in all the different snakes, lizards, and turtles before you finally stopped in front of an exhibit where a worker was explaining one of the lizards they had which was a bearded dragon
“now would anyone like to hold him?” the worker announced to the onlookers
“i would!” eric grinned raising his hand in response
as you both walked closer to get a better look the worker handed eric the bearded dragon where he was also explaining more fun facts and instructions on how to hold him properly
“hold still eric i wanna make sure i get a picture of this” you smiled taking out your phone
after you took a few snaps you sent it to the boyz group chat where texts started to flood in
you laughed when you read hyunjae’s comment saying that the bearded dragon looked like eric
eric peeked at your phone to see what was so funny until he read hyunjae’s text
“just wait, he won’t laugh once he finds a bearded dragon on his bed” eric chuckled mischievously
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Funny Cat Videos
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Minho
Caregivers: Jisung, Felix
Prompt: Persistent Sniffles @sicktember
No one’s POV.:
Minho had caught a runny nose about a week ago. He didn’t really feel sick at all and he knew his nose had always been sensitive, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the weather changes were messing with it. The temperatures had dropped significantly last week and it had been rather windy since then. Already used to being a bit sniffly during the colder seasons, Minho didn’t think he had caught a cold, so he didn’t let his runny nose stop him from going over his day as usual. He’d just have to make sure to take some tissues everywhere he went. The group too knew that little quirk of his and didn’t think much of their friend’s sniffles. They had a few practices together till lunch, during which Minho was fooling around with his dongsaengs as usual. He even promised to meet up with Jisung again after their separated practices in the afternoon, to go for a walk and take some pictures before the seasons would change entirely. They split up after lunch and Minho went to the practice room with Hyunjin and Felix to work on some choreographies. It all was well and they had a lot of fun, at least in the beginning. The longer they continued dancing, the more run-down Minho felt. He usually had more stamina than that but wasn’t all too surprised to be more out of breath as his nose was slowly closing up. “Hyung, do you want to go home?”, Hyunjin offered. They had just struck the ending pose before Minho doubled over with his hands on his knees, panting. His lips were chapped already from only breathing through his mouth. The older shook his head, breathing: “I’b fide, just ndeed to catch mby breath.” – “Come on, you sound so stuffed up and we’ve already been at it for hours. We’d go home in a bit more than an hour anyway, so let’s just head back a bit early”, Felix frowned, surprised when Minho gave in and nodded.
They took their time to drink some water and stretch before, packing their things and throwing on their hoodies. Felix also texted Jisung that he might need to postpone his plans with Minho for the evening. He also secretly shot a picture of the older and sent it to Jisung, who agreed that their hyung looked a little worse for wear and told the Aussie that 3racha had actually gone back to the dorm an hour ago. There was construction work in the part of the building where the studios were located and they found their dorm to have less background noise at the moment. Felix smiled at the thought of having their friends back already. Way too often did they stay at the studio till the early morning hours, so this was a pleasant change. The three dancers made their way back mostly silent, apart from Minho’s frequent sniffles. The wind had picked up, making his nose run and eyes water. At this point, he wasn’t so sure about not having caught a cold anymore. The fatigue a strong indicator, as dancing didn’t usually take that much out of him. The longer they walked through the cold wind, the more aware Minho became of a few things. He felt weak and exhausted, shuddering from time to time as the wind penetrated the fabric of his hoodie. Sure, he had been dancing for a while but it wasn’t enough to explain why he felt so sore. All he wanted now was a hot shower, maybe a cup of tea and to curl up in his bed. Yeah, he had probably caught a cold, he figured.
Minho sluggishly stumbled into the dorm, kicking off his shoes. His eyes fell on the trio sitting at the dining table with sheets of papers scattered around Chan’s laptop. That was when he remembered, he had promised to take Jisung out as soon as they got home. A shiver ran down his spine and he rubbed his arms in an attempt to generate warmth, dreading the thought of having to go out again. Hyunjin had gone straight to his room to get changed while Felix sat down next to Chan, who looked at the quiet Minho and mused: “You were a lot more upbeat a few hours ago.” – “That was whend I could still breathe through mby ndose”, the dancer sniffled, giving a soft cough afterwards. Feeling to tired to stand, he sat down at the table too and was soon joined by Seungmin and Jeongin, who had gotten back mere minutes before the dance-line. “You sound rough”, Jisung smiled sympathetically, as his hyung crossed his arms on the table and rested his head on top of them, whining: “I’b so condgested, I cad’t evend swear properly ‘bout how bad I feel.” – “Oh, my gosh, what a tragedy!”, Seungmin mocked, smiling innocently when his hyung lifted his head to glare at him through watery eyes. “I dond’t appreciate that sarcasmb”, Minho pouted, dropping his head onto his arms again with a pathetic sniffle. Jisung got up and rounded the table, resting a hand on the older’s back and whispering: “Come on, you’ll feel a lot better after taking a shower.” Felix had been completely right earlier, there was no way the rapper would drag his friend outside in this condition.
Minho brought his sweater-paw up to his face and pressed his fabric-covered knuckles against his itching nose, sniffling while Jisung pulled him to the bathroom, promising: “I’ll get you some comfy clothes, hyung. Just go and warm up, yeah?” A hot shower sounded way too tempting for the dancer to argue and he slowly peeled off his sweaty practice clothes. Sighing as the hot water soothed his achy muscles, Minho relaxed his tense shoulders and tried to breathe deeply, so the steam would help clear him up a bit. He heard the bathroom door open and close again a short time after and when he poked his head out of the shower, he found his favorite sweater along with his warmest sweatpants on the sink. Jisung really knew him too well. Minho didn’t want to leave the shower but he knew his dongsaengs wanted to wash up as well, so he forced himself out and hurried to towel off and put on his clothes before he could get cold again. The shower had really helped him to feel better and he could at least breathe through his nose a little. The only downside was that he felt incredibly sleepy and knew he still had plans for the evening. He felt guilty, especially after Chan had pointed out that he wasn’t as upbeat anymore, and worried about ruining Jisung’s fun during their walk later.
Minho went back to the living room to ask the younger at what time he was planning to head out but Jisung was nowhere to be seen. Felix sat where the rapper had sat earlier and got up when his hyung approached them, frowning: “Hyung, your hair is dripping.” – “Where’s Sungie?”, the older asked as Felix dragged him back to the bathroom to properly towel-dry his hair. “Jisung is waiting in your room for you. There you go, that’s better. I’ll make you some tea”, he smiled when he was satisfied the older’s hair was only slightly damp. Minho nodded and shuffled to his room, while Felix made his way to the kitchen to fix his hyung a cup of tea. Dropping onto his bed next to Jisung, the dancer rested his face in his hands for a moment and sniffled before looking at his dongsaeng blearily. “I’m sorry, I’m not as upbeat as this morning. When do you want to head out, so I can change into something more fashionable in time?”, Minho rasped, feeling more drained as the minutes ticked by. The younger looked at him with a shocked expression before asking: “You don’t really think I’m dragging you out like this? It’s totally fine that you’re tired and I didn’t make you put on something comfy only to change again.” – “Oh”, the dancer hummed, too out of it to really catch on.
There was a knock at the door before Felix entered, placing a steaming cup on Minho’s nightstand. “How do you feel, hyung?”, the Aussie frowned, taking the opportunity of Minho lifting his head to look at him to feel his forehead, “You feel a bit warm to me.” – “Ndo, I’b cold”, the older argued, “I’b jus’ stuffed up ad tired.” Hugging him for warmth, Jisung cooed: “Do you need company?” He himself always preferred to have a cuddle buddy when he wasn’t at his best and he knew the same was true for Felix, so they wouldn’t mind hanging around their friend. “I dond’t want you to catch mby cold”,Minho muttered sadly, wishing at least one of them would stay. He was dead tired but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, since he had always struggled to sleep when his nose was blocked. From experience he could tell, he’d just keep tossing and turning restlessly. Hugging him tighter, Jisung pouted: “Shame, that’s exactly what I came here for.” – “Wait, really?”, Minho asked confused, causing both his dongsaengs to laugh. “No hyung, I’m joking but I really don’t care. I don’t mind keeping you company even if that means taking a risk”, the rapper explained, moving aside, so the older could lay down. “Same goes for me”, Felix smiled, “For now, I’m going to take a shower but I’ll check on the two of you later.”
Once the Aussie had left, Jisung settled with his back against the headboard, Minho instantly rolling onto his side to hide is face against the rapper’s thigh. “Want to try and sleep already? I could wake you for dinner”, the younger offered. The dancer shook his head, sniffling: “I cand’t really sleep when I’b sick. Mbaybe we could watch sombethi’g.” Jisung nodded and went to retrieve his hyung’s laptop from his desk. He knew the older loved funny cat videos and it would hopefully take his mind off his misery for some time, at least till dinner. Afterwards, he’d try to convince him to sleep. Minho got comfortable with his head on Jisung’s lap, while the younger absentmindedly played with his damp hair. The soothing action almost made the dancer drift off to sleep and he drowsily closed his eyes, when the door opened. Felix had finished his shower and quietly slipped into the room, a tissue-box under his arm. “Hey, I thought you might need this”, he whispered, placing it down on the nightstand before climbing over his hyung and cuddling against his back. Sandwiched between his dongsaengs, Minho melted into the warmth, accepting the drowsiness and letting Jisung’s hand in his hair lull him to sleep.
When Chan went to get them for dinner, he was surprised to find both, Minho and Felix asleep. Jisung paused their video and looked at the leader questioningly. “Dinner’s ready, do you think we should wake them?”, the oldest whispered. Shrugging, Jisung reached over, tapped Felix’ shoulder and whispered: “Lix would be mad if we wouldn’t wake him but I think Minho-hyung should sleep.” – “Hmm?”, Felix hummed lowly, blinking at his hyung standing in the doorway. “Dinner”, Chan mouthed and Jisung carefully slid out of bed. However, when Felix tried to climb over Minho, the older woke up and looked at him confused. Cooing at the dancer’s disoriented expression, Felix whispered: “Sorry, we didn’t want to wake you but dinner’s ready. Do you want to come or go back to sleep?” Minho rubbed at his face a few times, yawning before sitting up and swinging his legs out of bed. He shouldn’t have slept anyway, so he wouldn’t lie awake at night, and now that he was awake, he might as well eat.
Minho spent the entire meal in a sleepy daze, completely zoned out of the conversations and only focusing on eating whatever Chan had scooped onto his plate. Eating itself was a quite tricky task, as his nose was blocked entirely and he struggled to breathe at all while eating. It also didn’t help that everything tasted bland to him. If he could at least enjoy the flavor, he’d probably find more motivation to eat. When they all finished and the table was cleared, Minho sluggishly made his way to the living room, plopping down on the couch. “Hyung, you still look sleepy, don’t you think you’d be more comfortable in your bed?”, Felix frowned, reaching out his hand to smooth down his hyung’s disheveled hair. Minho’s eyes fluttered shut, lips slightly parted before he brought his sleeve up to his face, ducking down with a sneeze. “I’b sleepy but I always get restless. Dond’t thigk I could go back to sleep”, he sniffled, rubbing at his tired and watery eyes. The ceiling light made his eyes water even more and he contemplated going back to his room, just to have some dark and quiet, but that would mean him laying awake all by himself with no distraction from how miserable he felt. Seemingly having read his mind, Felix sighed: “How about cuddles? That worked pretty well earlier, didn’t it?” The older bit his lip, feeling guilty. It truly sounded nice but he had already ruined Jisung’s plans of going out, he didn’t want to ruin Felix’ evening too.
“Come on, we’ll get you to sleep somehow”, the Aussie smiled, pulling Minho up without giving him much chance to argue. Jisung watched the two of them with a fond smile and followed, taking a short detour to the bathroom. When he joined them in Minho’s room, they were already in bed with Felix snuggled against the older’s back. “Hey, don’t exclude me from the cuddle session”, the rapper pouted, making Felix laugh. Minho shuffled a bit to the side, so Jisung could squeeze into bed too, which he did, going back to his earlier position as the dancer’s pillow. “Before you go to sleep, please put on some lip balm because they look like their going to bleed soon”, he whispered, handing his hyung the lip balm he had collected from the bathroom. Minho hummed and put some on his lips before getting comfy again. Gently running his hand through the older’s hair, Jisung questioned: “Does it feel good like that?” Minho hummed in confirmation, closing his eyes again. The younger two exchanged a smile at their hyung’s pleased face. He really resembled a cat sometimes and they were sure, if he could purr, he’d be purring right now. Despite his earlier objections, Minho actually fell asleep pretty fast. At some point during the night, Jisung shuffled down into a laying position too, sandwiching the older between him and Felix. Laying that tightly squeezed into a small bed, at least one of the two woke up every time their hyung grew restless and was quick to pat his hair, successfully soothing him back to sleep.
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gruviafan-forever · 3 years
A/N: Hello everyone, Happy Gruvia Week to you. I didn't expect that I would be writing contents for this year's event too. But I'm really happy to be writing stories about my favourite anime couples.
   Hopefully, everyone likes it. This year the prompts were very similar to previous years. It had me in fix how to write content without making it a repetitive fashion.
   Finally got an idea and tried to merge all those 7 prompts into a storyline. Hopefully, it convinces you all.
   Thank you for reading and spending your time here.
Main Pairing: GRUVIA
Summary:- Celebrity Gray x General Public Juvia, Modern AU
Words:- 2K
Currently, Fairy Tail Agency has arranged for a press meet to officially declare the facts of the new movie in which two of their most famous actors are going to be a part.
Gray Fullbuster, 25 years, tv artist turned actor and Lucy Heartfilia, 24 years, model turned actress, has signed up for this movie which is under the production of Straussl Inc.
As the reporters who out various questions regarding the details of this upcoming venture and some related to their personal life.
"So, Mr Fullbuster, tell us about how you feel knowing that you have been nominated for 3 categories of awards this year?" 
One of the reporters asked and was ready to note Gray's response.
"I'm sure that I will receive the awards for best actor and handsome face. Also, my last movie 'Icy Days' has been nominated for the best movie of the year. But not sure about the 'Gem of the decade' award." 
Gray confidently answered and smiled which made the female reporters squeal.
Lucy interrupted, "Not to ruin Gray's fantasy but my movie 'Starry Night At Stella' was a blockbuster hit. Myself and my co-actor Natsu Dragneel were praised by critics for our performance. So, Gray, don't forget that even we are on the race too." Lucy smiled which made everyone chuckle after hearing her opinions.
"Sure Lucy... All the best to you and Natsu" Gray told and looked at his manager, Erza Scarlet, who also happens to be Natsu's manager, to know when this press meet is going to end.
"Another 10 minutes" Erza gestured by hand signals. 
Suddenly, one of the reporters from Magnolia Times shot down a question that took Gray off guard.
"Recently, there was a photo of Mr Fullbuster with a child in his arms. Who does that child happen to be? And is it true that you are having an illicit affair with someone, Mr Fullbuster?" That reporter smirked. 
Gray remained indifferent and calmly answered him while his team members and staff panicked.
"Everyone in Fiore knows that it was a piece of fake news. In today's era of modern technology, it is easy to photoshop one's picture with anything and anyone, Mr Invel.
    Even my agency owner, Mr Makarov Dreyer and my manager, Ms Scarlet have clarified about it. So, don't go digging the old hoax rumours." 
Gray stood up and thanked everyone for their time and presence before dashing off to the exit where Lucy followed him back.
It was Erza and the production team who bid a farewell to the reporters before joining the actors in their cabin.
Once Erza reached Gray's cabin, she saw him tossing his coat and tie around the room while Lucy stood silently.
"Gray, I think you should disclose your relationship before it gets exposed in a bad way," Erza said calmly and patted his back.
"That's what I was thinking, Erza. I can't continue to hide this big news about my life for a long time from my fans. I will reveal this during the awards function." Gray looked determined and hoped that his fans would take it on a positive note.
"They will surely accept your relationship status just like how they received mine and Natsu's." Lucy encouraged him and patted his arms which seemed to make him calm down.
"Gray, tomorrow you have your day off then, on Wednesday, we will be going to Phoenix Mall for a fan meet up event where other actors of our agency will join us." Erza informed him and handed the invitation.
From the invitation, it was clear that this mall was quite near to his apartment complex. Moreover, it was arranged by Mr Makarov himself so there was no way of turning it down.
"Fine, I will get ready for this. Just send the car near the children's park no need to come in front of the complex." He informed Erza and thanked them both for their words of motive before he left them.
After half an hour, Gray reached the children's park and put on his disguise, cooling glass, mask and a cap to conceal his identity while he was dressed up in a simple t-shirt and jeans.
"Max, tomorrow's your day off. Pick me up here at 9 am on Wednesday. Bye."
"Yes, Mr Fullbuster. Bye, and Good night" The driver left him while Gray made his way towards his home.
The apartment complex in which he lived was one of the expensive housing in Magnolia. The higher the floor level, the higher is the cost and the higher is the security.
Till the 11th floor, the general public who did high order jobs lived while the next 10 floors were occupied by celebrities of various fields.
One of the perks of this housing agency was that their identity remains secret, not even their neighbours know about them until and unless the involved party discloses it.
Once Gray reached the 17th floor, which had two apartments where one was still vacant.
As he hit the doorbell of his apartment, Gray could hear voices coming from inside which brought a smile on his face.
The door opened and his eyes met the gorgeous lady who welcomed him with a beautiful smile that captivated him.
"Welcome home, Gray-sama"
"I'm home, Juvia," Gray said and got inside.
Soon, he removed the disguise and leaned forward to kiss her lips which she reciprocated back.
Once they broke off the kiss, Juvia hugged him and whispered, "I missed you, Gray-sama."
"Even, I missed you, Juvia. It's been a week since I last saw you and…." Before he could finish, both of them felt someone hugging their legs.
And it was none their 3-year-old daughter, Yuki Fullbuster, who resembled her mother but had father's hair and eye colour and his sharp nose.
Seeing his daughter's smile was enough for him to get distracted from his wife, then, have his undivided attention on his little munchkin.
Gray raised Yuki in his arms and kissed her cheeks and forehead who did the same to her papa.
"Yuki missed you, papa."
"Even, papa missed you, darling. Were you a good girl during papa's absence?" Gray asked her as they moved towards the living room.
Gray let her down who ran up to a table and tried to fetch her drawing notebook.
Juvia made her husband sit down and inquired him about his work as he looked tired and kinda depressed.
Gray convinced her everything was fine and told her about the press meet excluding the details of the rumours.
It had been 4 years since Gray started his acting career starting as an ad shoot model to tv artists then to movie star.
Gray, Natsu and Erza were childhood friends who did their schooling from the same institution till college.
It was during the 3rd year, Gray and Natsu got scouted to act as models for a tv commercial which they accepted readily as of then they needed some kind of part-time jobs to meet their ends.
Even, Erza thought that it was a good opportunity for them to succeed as the agency, Fairy Tail, was well known throughout Fiore and persuaded them to take up the offer.
Once, their commercials began to reach people mainly because of their handsome features and physique especially Gray got popular among the female fans.
It was during this time that Gray and Natsu had to move out of the college dorm so that they could work freely without time restrictions.
That's when Gray meets Juvia for the first time in his life. She was his neighbour whom he thought lived her boyfriend but it turned out to be her best friend, Gajeel Redfox, vocalist of Phantom Bands, an upcoming band.
Gray rarely started any kind of conversation with anyone. It was with the help of Natsu that they befriended Juvia and to date, Gray was thankful to his friend.
Until the moment he met Juvia, Gray was never keen on love or relationships. 
But to him, Juvia was way different from the girls he had met in his college. She was modest and shy but a kind person with a large helping tendency.
Gray knew her personality and beauty had beguiled his attention and wanting to know more about her made him fall for her head over heels.
Of course, they would exchange greetings whenever they met while leaving the house together. Slowly they deepened their connection and exchanged numbers.
Due to her friendly nature, Juvia would invite Gray and Natsu over to her place for small weekend parties which she would arrange for Gajeel to relieve his stress.
At first, he was reluctant to invade a party meant for Gajeel but the latter happily welcomed them.
That way, they got acquainted exchanged their work details and stress with each other.
It was after a few months of that weekend party that Gray had offered Juvia a dinner date which she accepted after a week of thinking.
By this time, Gray gained quite a lot of recognition. The reason he called her out on a dinner date was to reveal that he has signed up as the main lead for a tv drama which was produced by a well-known production house.
Juvia was elated and congratulated and wished him luck. It was during that time Gray confessed his love for her and waited for her answer.
To his surprise, Juvia readily accepted him. He still remembers her words from that time,
"Gray-sama, even I feel the same for you. I was afraid to convey my feelings to you as each day our world was getting apart. I was determined to tell you today after dinner.
     But to my surprise, I never expected even you would feel the same. I love you, Gray-sama."
After hearing her say those golden words, Gray got hold of her hand and kissed it lightly and asked Juvia to be his girlfriend which she agreed.
Once they reached their respective place, Gray kissed her lips and shared a hug before calling off that night.
The next day, both of them informed their friends about their relationship. Erza and Natsu were supportive.
But Gajeel was reluctant he wanted to tell Juvia how difficult it would be for her to date a celebrity.
She has to remain under the shadows. Moreover, if words go out then obsessive fans might harm her and she would be constantly under paparazzi's scrutiny if Gray's facing bad times.
But Juvia was ready to face any difficulties and wanted to support her boyfriend in his career.
Once the family had their dinner together, Gray tugged his daughter in her bed before planting a kiss on her forehead and wished her good night.
Juvia was washing the dishes when Gray snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her neck which made Juvia squeak.
Gray turned off the tap and turned his wife so that she could face him.
"Juvia, tomorrow's my day off. Even the night is still young. Moreover, I missed my wife…" He leaned forward and kissed her lips which made her moan against his lips.
"Juvia…." Both of their eyes were clouded with lust and decided to continue their passionate night inside their bedroom.
After an hour, both was them were under the blankets, Gray had his arm around his wife and hummed in her ears as she talked about her day with Yuki.
Juvia could sense her husband's hold around her waist getting tight. He did only when he felt insecure or paranoid.
Juvia turned around to face him who kept looking at her. She cupped his face with both of her hands which startled him.
"Gray-sama, what's on your mind? Spill it out. Don't go huddling up those stressful thoughts within you. Share it with your wife. I will help you lessen those burdens." Juvia conveyed her thoughts and smiled at him.
"This is what I'm beguiled about you, Juvia. You can easily find out my conflicting thoughts just by sensing my actions. I'm really lucky to have you as my soulmate, dear." Gray said earnestly and kissed her forehead which made Juvia feel special.
Then slowly Gray disclosed his fears about how the world will perceive his relationship and worried that this shouldn't cause any harm to either Juvia and Yuki especially.
After hearing his fears, Juvia cradled her husband and patted his back just like how she does it for her daughter whenever she has nightmares.
Gray seemed to relax from this action. Juvia assured him that nothing terrible is going to happen and just hope everything turns out well.
Suddenly Gray raised his head and questioned her, "What if things repeat? And this time to our Yuki."
Juvia's eyes grew wide, but she can't show her fear, at least, not in front of her husband for now, who himself was feeling paranoid.
"I'm sure nothing will happen. Let's have faith in ourselves and your fans, Gray-sama.
       I'm just worried that your fan number might get reduced once you reveal your married status." Juvia voiced her concern.
This time it was Gray's turn to convince her, "Nah! Just like you said let's hope for the best. I love you and Yuki. Remember that, okay"
Gray smiled and kissed her lips, "Juvia, you are still warm. Wanna continue from where we left?" He teased her.
It seemed her Gray-sama was back to normal for now.
A/N: Sorry for posting it bit late. Hope I will be able to update for the rest of the event.
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mysingularitybts · 4 years
I miss you || K. NJ
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Pairing: Idol! Namjoon x reader
Genre: romance, slight angst, smut  
Word Count: ~5k
Warnings: handjob, fingering, oral (female and male receiving), unprotected sex (please wear protection), multiple orgasms
Wake up. Have a quick breakfast. Get dressed. Go to my classes. Have lunch. More classes. Have dinner. Study. Have a shower. Go to bed. Repeat.
It seems like it's the only thing I've done in the past few months. My life has become an endless cycle and I am so tired of it. I wish I could stop, but my education depends on it. I can't just stop or, everything I have worked for will be for nothing.
At least when my boyfriend Namjoon was here he'd help me get out of my routine and helped me distract myself, but now that he's on tour I'm left alone with no one to stop me.
For the past couple of months my mental state has been deteriorating. I feel it every time those negative thoughts come into my mind and make me doubt myself. I don't bring it up to him for a few reasons. One, the thoughts leave after a few hours. Two, I don't want to worry him. He already feels guilty that he leaves me for such long periods of time I don't want to give him any more reasons to feel that way. He shouldn't even feel guilty, it's just my mind being a bitch.
I'm usually not a sad person, but everyone has those days where everything seems to go wrong. It's those days that thoughts of self doubt and wondering if I am good enough attack. I cry a little or a lot, go to bed and when I wake up I'm all good.
My pockets of sunshine come when Namjoon calls me. I could spend hours just listening to him talk about all the things he's been doing, about the fans he has encountered, how the show was, new equipment he got, etc.
He would smile, eyes crinkling, his dimple would show as he'd talk animatedly. I'd let him get everything off his chest and smile along with him. But then, he'd ask how my day was and it's always the same answer, nothing exciting happens in my life. On a normal day the most exciting thing could be that I got takeout. He would still listen and smile and tell me how proud he was that I was following my dream and doing good in school.
I know his life isn't perfect either. As the leader, he tends to doubt himself too, and be under a lot of stress. I'd be there to help him through it no questions asked. I'd give him as much advice as possible, listen to him, and reassure him.
So, why was it that I found it so hard to open myself up to him when I was sad? I've thought about this a lot and I guess it's all just me not wanting to be a burden and making people pity me. Which is stupid, yet that's just who I am.
The thing is, this past week has been hell for me. I did not do well on my exam, I am sick, I am missing Namjoon terribly, and I got my period. All of these factors combined have me in a state of mystery and instead of those self-doubting thoughts being for a few hours they've lasted a few days. I've been avoiding talking to Namjoon on the phone 'cause as soon as he hears me he'll know something is wrong. In fact, I think he is already suspecting because of how much I've been avoiding him.
I was cooking some chicken soup for my cold when my laptop began ringing from its place on the counter. Checking who it was I found it was my wonderful boyfriend. Hesitantly, I answered since there was no way I could keep avoiding him.
I turned off the stove and sat on the bar stool of the counter.
"Hey Nam," I greeted him, my stuffy nose, making my voice weird.
"Hi baby, how do you feel today?" he sweetly asked.
"Um, better, I think," I told him, tilting my head.
"You think?" he let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, I still can't taste anything but I have a bit more energy," I explained recalling how I felt yesterday.
"That's good to hear, did you take medicine?" he questioned, narrowing his eyes, knowing my distaste for any type of medicine.
"Yes, sir," I nodded, showing him the medicine on the counter, "How about you, how have you been?"
"I've been good, you know the usual with rehearsal and the concerts," I knew he was holding back he always had more to say.  He was the type of person that didn't exactly talk a lot, but when he told you something he'd tell you all the little details.
"Oh, okay, cool."
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," he said, not looking at the camera.
"What is it?" I asked, leaning my head against my palm.
"I just feel like you have been avoiding me these past few days," he spoke glancing up at me to gauge my reaction.
"I'm sorry, I just felt really sick and didn't want to worry you," I explained, not looking at the screen.
It was a half truth, there was more to it, but I didn't want him to feel bad about the whole truth.
"That's the thing I don't mind being worried and it worries me even more when you avoid me like that," he insisted, talking directly to the camera. I feel like he was looking directly at me, his gaze traveling hundreds of miles just to focus on me.
"I'm sorry Nam I didn't mean to," I muttered, looking down at the keyboard of the laptop. In the end no matter how much I tried to hide it he still got worried.
"I know baby, but talk to me okay? I'm here," he sweetly reassured me.
Hearing him say those words so tenderly made me break down, I couldn't hold back the tears stinging my eyes, so, I let them fall.
"What's wrong, baby?" he asked, concerned watching me crumble before his eyes.
"Honestly, not much, I just-" I couldn't finish my sentence as a sob racked through me.
"It's okay, let it out," he soothingly spoke.
"That's the thing Nam I miss you so much and I wish you were here to hug me and cuddle me," I cried out, wiping my tears with the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing.
"This week was the worst I failed that biology test, I got sick, I got my period and all I could think about was how I wished you were here," I sniffled trying to control my breathing.
"Baby I-" he began, but I interrupted him.
"I don't want you to feel bad 'cause you are doing what you love and I'm usually okay and I know what I was getting into when we started dating, but all of the things that happened during the week triggered me."
"What do you mean, you're usually okay?" Namjoon questioned, looking upset.
"Baby?" He asked again at my lack of response.
I hadn't meant to say that.
"Um- you know there are days where I just feel sad and that's okay," I shrugged.
"Sad why?" I know he just wanted to understand what I'm trying to say, he always likes to get the whole spectrum of things.
"I start doubting if I'm good enough. I see what my friends have done and feel like I nearly haven't done anything compared to them," It was hard to say this out loud, yet it was necessary. It was time I spoke to him about it.
"Whenever you start feeling like that don't hesitate to call me, okay?" He lightly chided me.
"Good 'cause I'll always be here to tell you that you are amazing, everyone does their own things at their own pace and we are all making our way towards different paths, it's okay if you haven't done enough, you can always work on it, there is no rush," he spoke in that wise tone of his.
"You're right," I nodded, giving him a tight lipped smile.
"About the biology test, it's okay, it's just a bump in the road. I know you will keep working hard for the next one, am I right?" He gave me a knowing look.
I laughed, "You're right," he knew me too well. This bad grade would motivate me to do better on the next one, it wasn't the first time that has happened and I always ended up with a good final grade.
"Exactly, and I'm sorry I haven't been there I hadn't realized so much time had passed," he apologized again for the millionth time.
"I don't blame you. I know touring is a lot of work, especially since you've also been doing a lot of promotional work," I reassured him.
"Still, I should have taken some time off, do you forgive me?" he pouted at the camera.
"I forgive you Nam," I giggled.
"Ahh, great I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't," he dramatically said.
"You'd probably die," I said, rolling my eyes, sniffling.
"That's probably true," he smiled, his dimple showing.
It felt good to finally talk to Namjoon. I definitely missed talking to him during this week from hell. And it felt good to get all of this off my chest too. I felt lighter in a sense. I guess I understood now the importance of talking about it.
Two weeks later I had just finished yet another test and headed home, I took a shower and got comfortable for a weekend of doing nothing, my brain would be grateful for it. I was focused watching a movie when my phone rang.
"Hey Nam," I exclaimed answering the phone.
"Baby! How was your test?" he asked in a cheerful tone.
"I think it was good and I didn't have too many doubts," I cheered.
"That's great, you'll see all that studying will pay off," he reassured.
"Yeah, hopefully," I sighed.
"Can you do me a favor?" he suddenly asked.
"Sure, what is it?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. It wasn't often he asked for favors. I didn't mind at all, it was just a little strange.
"Do you think you can go to the dorms and send me pictures of a notebook I left behind, please?" he begged me.
"A notebook?" That was an odd request, although I didn't put it past him to leave something behind.
"Yeah, it has some lyrics and I can't seem to recall them," he explained nervously.
"Oh sure, I'm not doing anything now so I'll go by in a few minutes," I told him.
"Thank you so much baby I gotta go, the boys are calling me," he said in a rush.
"No problem, I love you," I sweetly reminded him.
"I love you more," he breathed out.
This boy is always leaving things behind. He started with a passport and then he began forgetting everything. Like the air pods, I swear every now and then I'd find one in the most random of places.
Getting from my comfortable position on the sofa I put on some white sneakers since I was decent enough with my leggings and hoodie, well, more like Namjoon's but close enough. I drove down to the dorms and made my way inside. I took off my shoes by the door and walked into the living area. It was clean and tidy since somebody always comes to clean and dust the place.
I found it odd that the light was on but didn't think too much about it. Maybe the last person in had left it on, but then I heard a noise down the hallway. I grabbed a nearby blunt object, which just so happened to be an award trophy, and creeped my way further into the hallway.
My mind went into overdrive thinking of the worst. There was a thief in the apartment and I was unlucky enough to be here when it happened. I made sure my steps were silent as I walked. I located the sound to be coming from Namjoon's room. Wow, this thief works fast if he already went through the other three rooms before Nams.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door. Gathering some courage I slammed the door open and held the trophy in front of me. I heard a man scream which made me scream in return, but nothing else happened. Opening one of my eyes, I saw Namjoon looking at me holding his laugh.
"Wh-What?" I stuttered confused.
"Hi baby," he waved, laughing at me.
"Namjoon?" Is he really here?
"Yeah, who else were you expecting?" he asked, tilting his head, the smile never leaving his lips.
"But- but- you're on tour," I stupidly said, my heart still pounding in my chest.
"I took a few days to come see you," he told me, walking closer to me.
"You idiot you scared the crap out of me," I smacked his chest, which is harder than I remembered. I saw him drop his smile at my aggressive response. What did he expect? He scared me to death. I was ready to die or commit a murder.
"I missed you so much," I promptly exclaimed, and pulled him down by his shirt to smash my lips against his. I captured my lips against his desperate to feel the softness and the taste of him. He eagerly kissed back, pulling me closer by my hips.
"I miss you too," he whispered against my lips once we pulled back just enough to catch our breath.
"Next time just knock on my door or tell me you're here," I softly said, "I almost had a heart attack."
"Still, as dramatic as ever," he laughed, placing his forehead against mine.
"You surprised me, that's all," I tried defending myself.
"Are you going to let me go?" he asked once he noticed I hadn't released my grip on his shirt.
"Not yet, I want to make sure you're really here," I told him, closing my eyes.
"Okay, I ordered some food if you're hungry. It's in the kitchen," He really knew the way to my heart.
"One more minute." It felt nice to be able to breathe him in again and feel his warmth close to me. His hoodies were losing that feeling the more I washed them.
After a nice dinner we sat on the sofa facing each other and talking about what happened last week.
"I was worried about you, you know?" He revealed rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.
"I'm sorry, I promise I'll never do it again," I promised him, holding out my pinky finger.
"You better," he threatened linking his finger with mine.
He then proceeded to get closer to me, thinking he was going to give me a kiss. I leaned forward and closed my eyes, but he started tickling me aggressively.
"Stop, stop," I yelled, laughing and pushing him away with my feet, but last minute he grabbed them pulled me forward with him making me straddle him.
I giggled, trying to catch my breath as he stared at me with a fond look. We placed out foreheads against each other taking the moment in, Namjoon giving me an Eskimo kiss, which made me giggle like a school girl. It was a moment we desperately needed after many months of being apart.
"Till when are you staying?" I whispered, not really wanting to know the answer.
"Until Sunday night," he responded with a gulp.
"We need to make the most of it then," I murmured, hoping he thought the same.
"I couldn't agree more," Namjoon lowly growled in my ear.
I let out a squeal as Namjoon suddenly stood up making me tighten my grip on his waist. He led us to his room where he then sat down on the edge of the bed. I wrapped my arms around him as he kissed down my neck, stumbling upon the edge of the hoodie he took it off in a swift motion leaving me in my bra. His hands were making contact with my warm skin as he rubbed them up and down my back giving me goosebumps.
I pulled him in again for another kiss, my tongue swiping his lips and slipping past them. He let me have control for a few seconds before shifting and grazing his teeth on my bottom lip, giving it a quick nip before further deepening the kiss.
My hands roamed his covered chest, noticing the difference caused by his new exercise routine. I managed to slip them under his shirt now feeling the softness and the temperature rising.
His hands never stopped touching me. They caressed my body, squeezing my thighs, my ass, my hips. He dragged his nails over my back till they found the clasp of my bra undoing it with ease never missing a beat.
The only thing that could be heard in the room where my needy moans as Namjoon's big hands found their way to my chest and started playing with it. Every squeeze, pinch, and graze drawing out sinful sounds from my mouth. So far his mouth had been muffling my sounds, but soon enough he started dragging them down and licking a trail from my neck, clavicle, down to my perked up buds, drawing them to his mouth. I just held on for dear life, my hands grasping a handful of hair pulling him in even more.
Noticing the grinding of my hips one of his hands made their way down my stomach and stopped at the hem of my leggings playing with it a bit before going under. He traced my slit through the underwear teasing me as I bucked my hips begging for more. Namjoon let out a chuckle at my eagerness. Deciding to give him something to laugh about I placed my hand on his growing bulge cutting his laughter short.
"Why'd you stop laughing?" I mocked him, palming him through his pants.
"Don't be a tease baby," he growled in my ear. His voice alone turning me on even more.
He flipped us over my back hitting the bed, knocking the wind out of me. Namjoon kneeled on the floor, taking off my leggings and underwear at the same time, throwing them somewhere in the room. He grabbed my thighs and pulled me to the edge of the bed where he started kissing the inside of my thighs getting closer and closer to the apex. My breath and heart beat got more erratic as he got closer.
"Namjoon please," I cried at his teasing.
"Why should I, after your teasing?" he asked, his stare challenging.
"Because I lo- love you and missed you- ah- so much," I stuttered out feeling him lightly blow where I needed him most.
"Hm, alright," he purred.
He dove right in his tongue dragging up my soaked folds, his fingers digging into my thighs holding them open. Namjoon stared at me through his lashes not wanting to miss my facial expressions. I looked at him as he did so, hands tightly gripping the bed sheets. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my moans.
Namjoon abruptly stopped, "No-uh baby, I want to hear you, got that?"
"Yes, Namjoon, please," I pleaded like a mantra not wanting him to stop touching me.
This time around, he inserted a finger into my opening as his tongue played with my clit. I let out a squeal at the feeling, very sensitive at the teasing and anticipation.
It was as if my whines urged him more, he went faster lapping up my juices and pumping his finger deep and curling it. I had to stop myself from closing my thighs, not wanting to push Namjoon away. Either way it's not like he'd let me he was drinking me in as if he'd never see water again.
I felt a knot forming in my stomach. Noticing my clenching Namjoon added another finger, speeding up and hitting that special spot. Just before I reached my climax he nipped my bud with his teeth pushing me off the edge.
At the overwhelming surge of pleasure my back arched more than I thought possible, toes curling, eyes closed shut, my mouth open in ecstasy releasing incoherent words. Namjoon eased me down, slowing his movements. Once he felt me relax, he slowly took his fingers out placing them on his plump lips and tasting my release.
I stared at him with hooded eyes catching my breath. That sight alone caused the heat to course through my body again.
With shaky arms I sat up Namjoon standing up in the process. He undressed himself calmly, my eyes focusing on the expanse of his chest and arms as they contracted. He gave a chuckle noticing my staring.
"Enjoying the view?" he questioned as he proceeded to take off his pants.
"Very much so," I shamelessly admitted.
Namjoon leaned against the headboard of the bed, pulling me to him letting me set the pace for now. I straddled his thighs pumping his shaft slowly. He was already hard from the show I had put up his tip leaking pre cum. He had his head leaned back, his chest heaving, but he stopped my hand giving me a warning look.
Feeling ready I placed his tip on my entrance, lowering into him slowly. Once he was completely in I stilled my movements. Namjoon's hands were on my thighs tightening his hold. Deciding to tease him some more I clenched my walls around him a few times, causing him to release a low moan.
He slapped my thigh causing me to jump, "ah!" I whined
"That's it baby move," he growled, "Oh, how I missed you."
I started moving my hips in figure eights loving the feeling of him inside of me. Wanting to be in control Namjoon grabbed my hips stilling my movements and started thrusting into me slowly. I loved the way he was looking at me with lust pooling in his eyes. He was always the gentleman and a sweet, cute guy, but there were moments like this one or when he was on stage where he reminded me how sexy and dominant he could be.
He picked up his pace going harder. I felt him fill me up deliciously, he was hitting the perfect spot causing me to lean forward and grab onto him moaning into his ear. I left some kisses on the side of his neck and ear as I bounced. My soft moans urging him on.
The way he was going my clit was also being stimulated, the sound of his low grunts and moans adding even more to my pleasure. I was sure I wouldn't last much longer.
I would surely have some marks of his hands tomorrow by the way he was gripping me, but I didn't mind and it would be the first time. Since I was still very sensitive it didn't take long for me to cum a second time. Namjoon stilling his movements as I clenched around him.
"Oh baby," he rasped in my ear as my thighs trembled.
He lightly pushed me back from his shoulder and kissed me as I gathered my strength again. I acknowledged he hadn't had his release yet, so, I made him lie down on the bed as I kissed down his neck, I made sure to pay special attention to his chest, it was my new addiction, leaving a few hickeys so he would remember me by. Reaching my destination I noticed his cock was glistening with my release. I grabbed it, pumping it a few times before licking its length. Namjoon tensed his jaw at the action. I did that a few times before placing his head on my mouth. I lightly sucked on it gauging Nam's reactions.
"More baby," he urged me on.
"Your wish is my command," I purred deciding not to tease me since he had been very good to me.
I began working my way down his length, pumping what wasn't in my mouth. After a few tries I had him completely in my mouth and I started bobbing my head. Soon enough I felt Namjoon's hands on my hair setting the pace and thrusting his hips every now and then. He loved to do that and I loved every second of it. It's better than having to guess what he likes.
He didn't take his eyes from my lips taking him in. His eyes narrowed, and his lips swollen from biting on them. He had a blush making its way from his neck onto his face.
One particular moment I gagged my eyes watering, which caused me to constrict my throat. The sight setting him off as he released a particularly loud moan. Not long after he announced he was close.
"Babe, I'm so close, where-uh?" He stuttered out.
"Wherever you like Nam," I told him, releasing him from my mouth.
Quickly I went back down sucking him and paying attention to the tip as I swiped it with my tongue. Namjoon's hold on my hair loosened as he finished in my mouth and his muscles went slack. I stared at him in the eyes as I swallowed the warm liquid and he couldn't help but to let out a groan at the sight.
I crawled back up to him and he grabbed my face, giving me a sweet slow kiss.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you," I responded back meaning every word.
We laid on top of the covers the AC cooling our hot skin. My head resting on his shoulder as he had an arm around me drawing figures on my side. My arm around his stomach and a leg over his.
"I missed you," he softly spoke.
"I know," I laughed recalling his words from earlier.
"Yah, I'm serious," he whined, but a smile on his face nonetheless.
"I missed you too, Nam," I admitted even though it was not a secret.
"What are you doing after the semester ends?" He questioned, his face nestling into my hair.
"I don't know, visit you?" I said unsure.
The semester ended in about a month and a half and he would still be on tour. I needed to make time count, so what better than to visit him during my vacation.
"Glad we're on the same page," Namjoon told me.
"Of course," I scoffed at his response. He was always the one telling me to visit him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way I can't be apart for this long again," He confessed, hugging my side with the arm wrapped around me.
"Agreed," I told him, giving his chest a peck.
"Nam again?!" I exclaimed, noticing he got excited again.
"I'm sorry baby, but you are irresistible," he laughed pining me under him.
I couldn't help but to laugh along with him as we got ready for round two.
This was ot supposed to be smut! okay?! It just evolved and it happened.
Honestly! It was supposed to be sad and about the struggle, but Namjoon sneaked in and I couldn't resist his sexiness.
I have more one-shots in the making including a Florist!Jimin and Emperor/King! Yoongi. 😉
-Nikki Marie 💜
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nanasarea · 4 years
Park Jisung as your idol bf
Genre: fluff
Pairing: jisung x idol!reader
Word count:1757 (dear lord, the longest in the idol bf series damn...) 
a/n: this is more of a jisung as your bf in general, not so much the idol aspect sorry. Also yes, i ended up writing about jisung having a baby, sue me, I’m in jisung hours now! also do i even need to say it’s not proofread at this point?
Haechan /  Yuta / Mark / Jeno / Jaemin / Chenle / Renjun / Jaehyun
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you were in the same dance class when you were younger
so you were friends way before either of your debuts
like when you knew each other when he was an smrookie
and of course, both of you being talented dancers
you were both training under companies at a rather young age
and it isn’t easy being a trainee regardless of your age
but because you were both still in school
and so young
you knew you should stick together
let’s say you had chemistry homework
but you also had vocal lessons
i’m not saying he would help you
because he wouldn’t
but he would be there to motivate you 
and study his own school work 
so you weren’t alone
it’s safe to say you were each other’s motivation when it came to school
he would also insist on his mom picking you up from school and driving you to the company when your mom couldn’t
same would go reversed
not that either of your moms minded
they found it adorable
and they shipped you both anyway so
that means him and his family coming over for dinner 
and you and yours going to theirs for dinner
and your moms would document all of your childhood memories
they would bond over it
since you didn’t have time to make any friends in school, 
you both valued your friendship a lot
he ended up debuting before you
and you teased him a lot
until he “taught” you how to ride a hoverboard
and you ended up falling in the first 4 seconds
then he would tease you
and you’d now understand how hard his dances really were
you met most of his members when they were smrookies
but you didn’t know renjun and chenle that well
so whenever you could, 
you would hang out with each other
and become very close
which is why they were all so supportive when you ran into their dorms and yelled that you were debuting 
you end up having a little celebration
when you actually did debut, 
they were so hyped
especially jisung
he streamed your mv so many times
he knew every detail of every scene in the mv
which was adorable
the fans knew you were childhood friends so they absolutely loved your interactions
which meant your company/companies being like 
so they make sure you have a collab stage 
like really early in your debut
and it was kinda awkward
but because you knew each other beforehand
you felt completely fine
at this point, your moms were betting on when you’d start dating
to which you would both just blush and tell them to stop
you end up going on so many variety shows together
mainly dance specials
and everyone finds you too adorable
like everyone ships it
but they’re kinda lowkey about it because they don’t want to make you uncomfortable 
not the case of his members tho
or yours
you can’t tell me jaemin’s hiatus wasn’t just him laying in bed, resting and planning your wedding
you can’t
taeyong ends up asking him why he hasn’t asked you out yet
he just blushes
it wasn’t until you were both a bit older
and you were at an award ceremony
where everyone was complimenting you
like your dress, makeup, hair, etc
that he realized he liked you
seeing you like that and realizing he needs to stop looking at you as his little childhood friend
and start looking at you as an adult
or somewhat of an adult
he can never look at you as an adult
because he would always have the image of you
with 6 empty chocolate milks around you
and a gummy worm hanging from your mouth
as you tried your best to color the coloring book correctly
but hey, you were always going to have the imagine of him
hanging from monkey bars
after he finished his 5th scoop of ice cream 
and laughing because he overheard someone say a fart joke
he starts seeing you as an adult
and he gets slightly jealous when everyone compliments you
so after that, he goes to taeyong and jaehyun
and asks for dating advice
jaehyun just yells 
“wooooo! you should know my usual boba order by now, right, lee?”
These fuckers bet on how long it would take for jisung to realize his feelings 
and jaehyun would regrets only asking for a free boba when he won
but he’s way too happy about winning to care
it ends with half of 127 and half of dreamies giving advice, 
the other halves teasing
and wayv cooing on the phone as they were in china at the time
it takes him like 5 months till he confesses
he’s a nervous baby let him be
and when he does get the courage, 
he takes you to an amusement park
you don’t go on any of the rides
because he’s scared
but you do play the games and eat food
you even watch the fireworks
which is when he finally holds your hand for the first time
you did a lot of skinship before
like when you were friends
but it wasn’t like this 
it was cute
he was so nervous
your palms were both sweaty from nervousness
but neither of you cared
you were just happy to enjoy the moment
 that got cheesy
he even walked you to your dorm 
like to right in front of your door
which is when he hesitantly gave you a kiss on the cheek 
but you wanted a real kiss so you gave him a proper kiss
and he ended up almost tripping on his way to the elevator
where he smiled to himself
and tried to calm himself down
so the members wouldn’t see him like this
but they did
they teased him
and just yelled with him
“our baby had his first kiss!” -jaemin
“life is going way too fast! weren’t you like 3 years old yesterday?!”- jeno
“how come he’s 2 years younger and already getting more action than me?!” -renjun
the others find out 
and tease him
mostly they just congratulate him tho
“wooo! our baby is becoming a man!” -taeyong
“doyoung, hold me, i’m emotional!” -johnny 
“when’s the wedding?” -taeil
“wedding? i always cry at weddings...” -jungwoo
“no weddings! yet!” -kun
“yeah! he’s not getting married before me!” -jaehyun
they might have gone a bit overboard
but can you blame them 
it’s their baby we’re talking abt
they still see him as the little toddler from when he was on mickey mouse club
also you end up not telling your parents right away
and they keep match making
so you end up being like
“Mom, we’re already dating, you can stop”
cue both of your moms get excited
like they’re already talking about being the best grandmas
and having the cutest grandchildren
even tho you’ve only been together for 2 months
something tells me he’d be the type to want to have matching everything
phone cases
(probably anna and kristoff ones)
then profile pictures
anything and everything
he’d find it so cute
speaking of matching profile pics
the fans would realize what was going on 
when you would match your pfps
so your company/companies were like
yes, they’re dating, no one is surprised...anyway 127 comeback 
your dating announcement is like super chill
mainly because everyone was waiting for it 
also i feel like he’d always be playing with your hair 
and fixing it
like all the time
a single hair out of place?
we can’t have that!
his hands are in your hair already
would text you for advice while filming chenji’s this and that
and would always make something for you too
“chenle’s turned out more aesthetic but mine is made with love, so mine is better my default.” 
also it wouldn’t matter if you’re older than him, the same age, younger than him
doesn’t matter
would want to hear you call him oppa
but immediately get shy after
also he’s an aquarius
so if you end up getting really random texts during the day
like during your schedules
don’t be surprised
like he’s already maknae on top
so he will rebel to like some of the things you say
“jisung! we need to get back to filming in 3 minutes!”
“but weeee!” -jisung going down the slide for the 5th time 
cries when you joke about leaving him there
speaking of crying, 
we all know he’s emotional
and cries easily
so he just runs to you whenever he wants to cry
and just placed his head on your shoulder
to hide his facial expression
but it’s okay
you’ve already seen everything from the random snaps you get every day
he might not know how to comfort you at first
but he will learn
and he’s pretty mature for his age 
so he would take comforting you very seriously
he’s a really good listener 
so he would love to just hear you vent to him
it would kinda boost his ego a bit too
like he’s the one who you’re venting to
yknow what i mean?
but also he protects you very well
you get scared of a spider 
he goes all manly mode 
and gets rid of it for you
doesn’t like to admit it, 
but he thinks about you a lot
and your future
like once you two grow out of your idol lives 
and into a more adult life
where you get married
and have kids
kids who tease their uncles (aka nct members)
because THE maknae on top was their teacher after all
speaking of weddings
his older brother got married
and obviously you were his date
and everyone kept looking at you two
asking when it was your turn
your mom said “hopefully soon”
“mom, we don’t have time, we have busy schedules”
“but one day...”
time jump to when the news breaks about your engagement 
and everyone is crying
they watched you both grow up and now you’re getting married??
the announcement was everywhere
also you don’t announce anything about a child
one day, you just both post a picture of your daughter
with a caption like
“she’s so cute, i knew my genes were good.”
or something like that
and everyone goes wild
nation’s babies having a baby?
legend says chenle’s screaming caused 2 earthquakes that day
to sum it up: nation’s babies turned nation’s it couple because jisung is the best boyfriend you could ever have asked for 
.....i might have gone way more invested than i thought i was going to. Do i regret it tho? hell no. Am i emotional now because I pictured adult Jisung with a baby? hell yes.
tag list: @soleilchannie​
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Snape One Shots ~ A Touch Of Blue
Summary: Cloe has been hiding some strong feelings for her professor. Soon her friends will find out this hidden secret and maybe, just maybe, Cloe and Severus can make their much needed relationship work.
Pairing: Snape x Female
Warnings: Swearing and such
Time: Half-Blood Prince
Word Count: 8100
Recommended Song: False God by Taylor Swift
Main Character: Cloe Todd; sixth year; Ravenclaw; Leo; long black wavy hair; bright blue eyes; tall thin figure; low self-esteem
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The day was Friday night and nobody had classes until Monday morning, but I had taken all week to handwrite a letter to Professor Snape because... Well... It really isn't easy to hide a crush that you have on a teacher from your best friends let alone have them keep their mouths shut about it around people so you kind of have to take things into your own hands, like what I am doing. Writing a letter to be sent to Snape at 11 pm where he will hopefully not chase Hope, my owl, back to my room. I read over the letter I had written to make sure that I had spelled everything correctly and I had made the sentences sound realistic hoping that he wouldn't slap me across the head right when I got into class on Monday or search for me over the weekend. I warmed up some black wax, put the letter into an empty envelope and pressed the hot wax onto the sem and then painted some gold glitter on the rose that the wax press left. I whistled for Hope and gave it to her and told her,
"To Severus Snape, and don't mess this up." She flies out of my window and I took this moment to go to sleep and if there was a response waiting for me the next morning we'll see if I have enough time to even look for it since Luna will want to take me to Hogsmeade bright and early.
****The Next Morning****
I woke up to the sound of someone trying to play my piano but failing miserably. I opened my eyes and saw Cho gently tapping on the keys trying to find a good rhythm that made sense, but to be honest she was having a hard time trying to figure it out. I groaned when she hit a flat note and she turned over to look at me.
"Ugh, thank gosh you're awake, Luna won't stop sending messages to ask me if you had woken up already."
"And thank gosh you stopped playing." I chuckled as Cho just frowned at me.
"I'm trying my best alright?" I chuckled again and got up to go to the bathroom. I put on some fairly normal muggle clothes which are only black and wrapped my hair up in a bun since I was too tired to go and have a shower before meeting Luna in the courtyard. I grabbed my combat boots, a bennie and throw on my light grey jacket and left the common room hoping I wouldn't run into anybody knowing about what I sent to Snape last night. I made my way through the hallways saying hello and good morning to the professors that I knew and finally found myself walking towards Luna where she ran up to me and grabbed my arm.
"Come on! We can't waste any more time!" She said before she started to drag me alongside her as she starts to move at a jogging pace.
"What is SO important that I have to wake up this early and run to Hogsmeade with you for?"
"We have to prepare for your first date dummy!" I stopped in my tracks which made Luna slow down very quickly and turn towards me.
"No, I am NOT going on any dates you have planned Lovegood."
"Oh come on Clo! You'll love him!" I let go of her hand and said back,
"I most especially will not! You know I'm not the kind of person to do these types of things." She sighed and responded with,
"Trust me, once I am able to hook you up with Snape-" I cut her off right when she finished saying his name.
"Shh!" I looked around and saw a few people walking in front of us not even look back at us like we weren't even here. I looked back at Luna and said,
"When and IF you do it better not be a joke or some shit like that." She laughed and said with her airy voice,
"That would be a funny joke, but I wouldn't want to hurt you in the process. I also know that you sent him a letter." My eyes widened at her last comment.
"How?" She patted my back as we started to walk again.
"I saw your failed letters, but don't worry I think you probably did a good job." She smiled and not as a joke, but she was being serious. I smiled back and we started to talk about some other stuff as we made our way to Hogsmeade. Once we got there Luna needed some new books first and foremost so we went and got those spending 20 minutes of the day, but I honestly was NOT ready to see what she had planned for me today. After a few more minutes walking around she finally brought me into a store which was actually a tailor store for formal wear, now I was starting to panic.
I better not have to wear a damn lace red dress for this.
After Luna dragged me around for about half an hour trying to find a dress for her she then finally moved on looking for one for me. At first, I hated it to the point that I was ready to just disappear and leave Luna here, but of course, she wasn't going to let that happen and sooner than later I started to have fun with trying on dresses. Luna would say things like, "Just imagine walking into a ballroom wearing this! You would win all of the guy's hearts!" or "Snape would fall over on his face if he saw you wearing that." After a while, she started to bring up my confidence in dress shopping and at one point I didn't even realize that we had missed lunch. I finally had the thought of what this was all for and asked Luna.
"The Yule Ball of course! I know you wanted to go just for fun, but I think you should try to grab someone's attention while you're there." She then winked at me as she pushed me back into the dressing room. After that Luna had given me a few more dresses to try on, but I wasn't too comfortable with how much flesh they were showing off whereas Cho really wanted me to wear them. I went around the store one more time to try and find the perfect dress and I finally found it. It was a nice pearl blue with a tad bit of beads on it. I ran to the open dressing room and throw it on as quickly as I could, once I was finished putting it on I can out and showed Luna and Cho who both gasped at the dress, I also added in a quick spin to make the dress flow in the thin air. Yes it didn't really have much holding the dress up and I didn't need to wear a bra, but it definitely was the dress I was going to buy.
Luna loved the dress and once we got back to Hogwarts she made Cho and I do kind of like a fashion show with the dresses we all picked out and because Cho is Cho she told us that we all should get pearl blue dresses to match each other at the ball in a few weeks. But of course, Luna then came up with another idea where I would have the lighter coloured dress and be in the front of the group, like V-formation, and Luna and Cho would have darker dresses and be on my left and right sides as we entered the ball.
After we had dinner and I jammed out a bit on my guitar I was pretty bored and decided to take a walk around the school just because I could. Soon I left the common room and decided to start my walk on the top floor near the Ravenclaw common room and to also get a beautiful few of the school grounds from the top of the astronomy tower as the sunset. I made my way up the steep stairs and sat on the railing that viewed the Black Lake with the sun coming down reflecting off of the water making everything look gorgeous. I took this moment to just relax and breathe deeply, I didn't have enough time to think about what Professor Snape would say to me about my letter since I was busy dress shopping, but now my mind was ready to just relax and calm down so I wouldn't be so stressed about it if I thought about it at this moment. As I watched the sunset disappear under the horizon and have the darkness of the nightfall over the school I walked around the lower east part of the school making my way to the courtyard I heard an owl screech coming from my right and saw a deep grey giant bird about to fly into me, but flew up and dropped what he was asked to deliver on my head. After I stared down the owl as it flew away I opened the letter, but before taking it out of the envelope I made sure that it was my name on the front. Then my heart started to pound at a crazy strong rate so much that I could feel and hear in it my forehead. It was my name written in Snape's handwriting. I ran back to my dorm room praying that Cho and Luna were at least in the common room so then they could read the letter before I do instead of me waiting around for them or just reading it myself and feeling hurt and scared by myself. Thankfully Luna was sitting on a chair near a window and I quickly grabbed her arm and pull her up the stairs, once we got into the dorm Cho was reading as well along with studying Herbology. I sat them down in front of me on the floor while I rocked back and forth basically having a panic attack as they read what Snape had to say in response. After a few minutes of them reading and me trying to breathe normally and keep my heart rate low they finally looked at each other and whispering quietly until they both looked at me and then gave me the letter. As I was reading my heart and breathing weren't staying stable, but Luna was trying to do her best as I read it. To sum up the letter in response he just addressed what I had said and wants to meet up with me to talk about it. As I was trying to calm myself down as my mind was racing with thoughts of him going to yell at me, tell Dumbledore or punish me in some way or another. Cho read over the letter, again and again, Luna was rubbing my back and trying to calm me down by playing music and singing along with it. Her voice has helped me calm down from a panic attack before so it clearly works, but I wasn't so sure about this time. After about 20 more minutes of Cho and Luna talking about what the letter could mean and breaking it down I was slowly feeling very tired and felt like trying to fall asleep. Luna told me what time it was and after I got under my blankets Luna kept singing lightly and rubbing my back as I slowly drifted into sleep.
Waking up the next morning was hard since I really wasn't up for leaving my bed when I might run into Snape and get screamed at in the hallways. Luna had convinced me to at least go have a shower and all of that jazz before breakfast which I'm guessing she was going to try to convince me to go to as well. I put on my black muggle clothes and put my hair up in a messy braid, but Luna said otherwise. She had me sit down on the bathroom counter as she curled my hair and put on some light, but visible green and black eyeshadow. I was confused about why she was dressing me up when I was just going to be in here for most of the day besides meals, so I asked her.
"Well, if you do run into Snape, not saying you will, but if you do, I think that you should look your best casually and maybe, just maybe if he isn't happy about what you sent in that letter then he will see you and think 'damn maybe I should at least give her a shot' and then bam true love." She giggled and I said back in response,
"Umm, I don't think that's how love works."
"I know, but it's the best way I can think to explain it to you." As she finished to my hair and all of that jazz I started to think about what he might say if my looks changed his mind. I smiled to myself and I guess Luna noticed and she smiled as well. We walked to the Great Hall and sat in our normal spots at our normal time before everyone arrives all at once. Cho came along soon after and was talking to her other friends who I never talked to before and Neville Longbottom came and sat on the other side of Luna. After a few more minutes students and teachers started to flow into the Great Hall and took their seats before our breakfast magically appeared in front of us. Once everyone was in their seats and Dumbledore talked for a few minutes our food arrived and people started filling up their plates and started up conversations with one another. Just out of curiosity I looked up to the professors' table and scanned my way through the teachers until my eyes locked with someone, it was Snape. He was already looking at me before I glanced his way, but as soon as we made eye contact Luna tapped my shoulder and brought me back to the conversation we were having. I tried my best to keep my eyes away from the teacher's table and started up any kind of conversation that I could to distract myself from looking up there. After about 15 minutes half of the students had finished and left the Great Hall me being one of them. As I stood up to leave a tall and dressed in black person was right in front of me, I looked up to who it was to ask them to move so I could walk past, but my voice was caught up in my throat when I saw that it was Professor Snape. We looked at each other for a few seconds then he spoke first and said,
"Ms. Todd." I could only respond with,
"Professor." Then I slipped past him and walked away with a little more speed to my step. As I was nearing the entrance of the Great Hall ready to start running once I got out of there to the common room I left someone staring at me and I knew it was Snape, but then in the back of my head it felt like someone was trying to fight off my mind and look into it. The feeling only lasted until I rounded the corner and was out of the sight of whoever was doing that to me. Once I got back to the common room I grabbed my guitar and my notebook and started writing down some chords and notes. After about half an hour of finding a nice melody, I started to write some lyrics down and add them into the melody. As I strummed my guitar I added the words slowly into it and listened to how it sounded to see if I needed to change anything in the song.
I opened my eyes
watching you pass me by
Not even looking in my way
Wondering why you don't see me
But I won't judge you
I just want you to stay
I wrote down a few changes to the chords and started up again.
Not only that
But you don't even smile
I'm wondering if you even have a heart
I feel so broken
Without you
But you'd never even notice
What I'd do for you
I had practiced playing those chords and singing those lyrics to make sure that they fit together right and as I was doing this, many people were listening in and watching me play. As soon as I stopped playing and decided to use this uneventful day nearly everyone in the common room complimented me on my songwriting and the Head Boy even told me,
"Whoever that song is about, they clearly don't deserve you if they make you feel like that, don't get distracted by idiots, do your own thing, Cloe." I thanked him and went to go on a walk on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. As I was walking I was thinking about what everyone said to me after they listened to the lyrics that I wrote down and gently laughed to myself.
If only they knew.
I stayed outside for a little while longer and sat down on some clean grass near the water's edge of the Black Lake and just took in the cool breeze that moved my hair and loved every bit of the fresh air that surrounded me. Soon I was laying on the grass with my eyes closed and just taking in the heat of the sun as it shone down on my face. I could hear other students that were either outside for a walk or were playing some kind of sport-related game along with the sounds of birds every which way. There was one point where I heard someone walk fairly near me then the footsteps stopped and I couldn't hear them for a few minutes until the person walked away, and yet again I felt that weird pain-like feeling in the back of my mind trying to get into my head. I quickly pushed them out even though it was pretty difficult to do so. I frowned and sat up to see where this person was so then I could give them a glare, but I couldn't see anyone around me what so ever so I then decided to get up and head back to the Great Hall to get some lunch and then probably go have a nap or something until dinner and then study for my classes while there still was time left in the day. As lunch was passing and Hermione was giving Harry a lecture about something just behind us I, yet again, felt that pain-like feeling in my head and at this point I really wasn't happy and wanted to smack whoever was trying to get into my head. So as anyone would I tried to search out for this very bold person and after a few minutes looking around at the students I still could feel them trying to get in my mind and I realized that no student would be able to do Ollcomency so I looked up at the teacher's table and looked to see if anyone was staring me down. Nobody was looking at me from what I could tell, but I still could feel someone trying to get into my mind, I looked back up at the teacher's table just to make sure. And sure enough, I found the person staring me down trying to get into my head. I was fairly shocked and kind of scared when I realized that it was Professor Snape. My heart started to beat faster with fear and anxiety and soon enough I could hear it in my head. I was very worried that at some point he would get into my head and hear my thoughts which will most likely be about him or that he might search through my memories and find the ones involving him. My breathing got heavier as the fear was boiling under my skin, I could also hear another heart beating and more breathing like it was coming from me, but it wasn't.
Was I able to hear the pace of his breathing? There's no way that can be possible? If I can hear him, can he hear me?
My eyes widened with even more fear, I was completely shocked by the fact that I could hear his heartbeat beating in my chest versus my own and feeling air being pulled into my lungs, not on my command. It was very nerve-wracking to know that we had traded breathing paces and heartbeats, but I was trying my best to calm myself down to not hyperventilate or embarrass myself in front of Snape. I broke eye contact with him and I know it probably made me seem weak but doing so it was easier to calm myself down without having to see him stare into my eyes. Soon I was able to push him out of my mind and feel myself breathing again and was able to hear my heartbeat once more. I let out a big long sigh which seems to catch Cho's attention.
"What's with the sigh Clo?"
"I'm just tired and don't want to start classes again tomorrow, mainly Potions." I put my hand on my head trying to keep my heart beating at a slow pace and to cool myself off from the huge stare-off I just had with a teacher.
"Why Potions?"
"Snape is assigning another essay again."
"Damnit, I forgot about that."
As Cho asked Luna for help with a Potions essay and just help, in general, I looked back up to the teacher's table and saw that Snape was having a conversation with Professor McGonagall not even realizing that I was now the one staring at him. McGonagall glanced at me and saw me staring at Snape, doing I was snapped out of my thoughts and went back to eating food and listening to what my friends were talking about hoping that she wouldn't ask me about it or even realized that I was looking at Snape and turned my eyes away when I noticed her looking in my direction. As soon as my friends and I were finished lunch we got up right away and made our way out of the Great Hall, but before I could leave I felt the pain again and this time I really wasn't having it. So I spun around and saw Snape looking at me as he made his way to the main entrance of the Great Hall which was also where I was. As soon as he got closer to me I glared at him harshly and he came near me and stopped in front of me making me look up to be able to see his face as I had a not-so-happy expression plaster on my face. We just stared at each other for a few seconds until I said,
"Yes, Professor?" He responded to my question with,
"You seem to have joy with trying to intimidate me, am I correct?" I smirked and said back,
"I could ask you the same thing." We both stood there just glaring at each other not saying a word until Cho called my name and grabbed my attention making me look away to find where her voice came from.
"Looks like you'll need to try harder next time, looking away really doesn't work." He then passed me and left the Great Hall leaving me there wandering through my thoughts. I sighed and found Cho who asked to go to the Black Lake to do something and she wouldn't even tell me what it was she wanted to do after I asked her about 20 times in two minutes. Once we made it there, Luna and Ginny had already claimed a spot on the bright green grass and were having a conversation until Cho and I sat down beside them. Ginny gave them both a look that seemed pretty cheeky and mischievous like Ginny was at certain times. I didn't want to ruin their surprise or whatever so I didn't address the look on Ginny's face, but I did ask them,
"So, what is this all about?"
"Your date of course!" Ginny said very loudly and covered her mouth and laughed right after she said basically screamed it at me. I tilted my head and asked them what Ginny meant by 'date'.
"Well, remember how I told you about that guy I had a date planned for you with?" Luna said,
"Well, we still kinda have to get him to say yes to having a date with you because I didn't actually ask him I just thought that we would be able to get him to like you enough, the reason why we are here, to get him to ask you out." I slammed my hand on my face and sighed. Cho and Luna sat there waiting for me to tell them that I wasn't doing this, but instead, I asked them,
"And how were you planning on doing this without me finding out who the guy is?" Luna opened her mouth and responded back with,
"Right, um haven't totally planned that bit out yet, but I think I got it." I nodded and Ginny smiled and said in one very quick breath,
"I'm so happy you're going to finally have a boyfriend!" She giggled again along with Cho and they started to talk about what each person had to do and what things could happen and go wrong along with what we needed to do to fix those mistakes if they happen. After about half an hour of that we walked around, Luna said that they were looking for him but to be completely honest I think she was just stalling, but soon Luna spun me around and set us up for whatever she thought was going to work. As I had to help a little first year with Potions and saying things like 'my mark in Potions is so high I think I might've beaten Snape's marks when he was a kid' or 'I think I'm Snape's favourite, but you know him, he won't talk about it' I kinda felt bad about bragging about this stuff to a first-year who probably too scared to even look me in the face, but as Luna signalled me to keep going I could feel the pain start-up in my head again. I stopped talking mid-sentence and peaked my head up to find Snape standing somewhere staring at me. Soon enough I found him walking closer to me through the courtyard locking eye contact with me. I realized that I couldn't stare at him for too long since I was just having a conversation with another student so I looked away and continued on while I did my best to keep him out of my mind. After I looked away I could feel him pushing harder and harder into my mind and it became difficult to focus on what I was saying. As he walked by both the first-year student and me looked up at him and I glared at him whereas the first year kind of cowering in fear which I don't blame him for that, but once you get to know him it isn't so bad. He stopped in front of us and he said to me,
"Ms. Todd."
"Snape." You could feel the heavy tension that was growing between us and I could see Luna kind of freaking out behind him, but I didn't want to pay attention to her at the moment, her plan could wait. I continued to glare at him and then he asked me,
"Why are you wasting your time on this first year?" I scoffed in my head and responded with,
"I think that it's at least worth a try to help someone versus just watch them struggle, don't you think?" This time he scoffed and walked away without looking back, but still trying to get into my head. I finished helping the student early since I really wasn't having it with Snape today and went up to Luna and asked her,
"Did your plan work or what?" Cho nodded aggressively and Ginny was jumping up and down.
"Yeah, I'd say it worked. So what did Snape talk to you about?'
I knew this was going to happen.
"Nothing much, he just insulted the first year and we glared at each other for the most part." Cho was shocked by what I had told her and said,
"What? Why!"
"Ummm because he's bee-" I stopped myself before I said anything too loudly and pulled them closer to me so I didn't have to talk loud enough for others to hear.
"He's been trying to use Occlumency on me all day." They all gasps and I smacked them on their arms.
"It's really not that shocking, to be honest," Ginny said and I nodded in agreeance. We talked about it for a little longer until Hermione came and grabbed Ginny who I guess had promised to study for a test with her and forget about her so Luna, Cho and I just went back to our dorm and just studied for our own classes I also went over the lyrics and chords that I wrote and put into a song and finished it. Soon it was dinner and I really didn't want to come face to face with Snape again or have Luna randomly say that it's time for another setup plan thing. We made it to our usual seats and waited for Dumbledore to say his daily speech before we can all eat. As soon as the food was on the table I dug right in and tried my best to hold myself back from looking up at the teacher's table for as long as I can, which hopefully will be throughout the whole meal. Luna was talking about the next setup with Cho and I was just listening in to the best of my ability since they were trying to talk quiet enough so that they could hear each other over the other students talking, but not loud enough for me to hear. I sighed and just focused on my food and thought about classes and whatnot which I was happy to get back to so I didn't have to be under Luna's rath the whole time with this stupid date-set-up thing. Soon it was the end of dinner all three of us had finished and wanted to go and take a walk around the lake I looked up at the teacher's table just out of instinct and as I scanned I didn't see Snape sitting in his normal spot.
Maybe he's in his class getting ready for classes tomorrow
I thought. I walked out with my friends, but before I could round the corner I felt a tinge of fear or anxiety in the back of my chest, probably because I thought that Snape not being at dinner was odd, even though I probably shouldn't think much of it, it still was in my mind. I pushed it out of my mind when Cho punched a Slytherin in the face and he fell to my feet. I stood there shocked at what Cho had down and looked up at her for an explanation and she said back with some tone,
"He slapped my ass!" She was about to kick him when Snape came around the corner and stopped her foot mid-swing with a spell. He let her foot fall to the ground and came up to us to say,
"Ms. Chang, Detention for hurting another student. As for the rest of you move along." Luna and I walked past the kid and grabbed Cho's arm and started to walk away from the scene, but before we could get far Snape said,
"Ms. Todd, I need to talk to you after I get this boy some ice, meet me in my office," He stared right into my eyes and said once more,
"Don't be late." He grabbed the boy's arm to pick him up and summoned some ice as we walked away fairly quickly so I could freak out without Snape seeing me.
"Are you kidding me?" I put my face in my hands to try and calm down my anxiety whereas Luna was freaking out more than I was. Well, she was more freaking out because of what I told her earlier and how now he wants to talk to me, alone, along with the confession letter I sent him earlier this week.
"I think you'll be fine, no worries Clo," Luna said as her breathing got a bit faster as she talked. I rested my head on the wall behind me and told them.
"I better go, can't be late." Cho wished me good luck as I rounded the corner to head down into the dungeons to Snape's office hoping that I wasn't going to be embarrassed or anything.
Who am I kidding?! This is going to be the actual end of me
My breathing slowed as I tried to calm myself down, but I just ended up making my breathing worse since I was slowing it by not breathing in general until I needed to breathe to stay alive. I ended up in the main part of the dungeons and followed the hallway to the Potions class, I was doing my best to keep myself calm, but being able to hear my heartbeat in my head wasn't really helping. I got to his classroom, but before I entered I leaned against the wall and let out a sigh, as soon as I felt comfortable with entering to my death I stood up straight and went to knock on the door, but before my hand could make any impact I heard someone on the other side say 'come in' I dropped my hand and opened the door saying to myself,
"That's a little creepy."
"It's hard to ignore footsteps coming from the other side of a door." I looked up and saw Snape sitting at his desk and from what I could tell he was marking tests. I walked farther into his classroom and with each step it felt like everything was getting hotter and hotter as I got closer to my death and I was going to be dragged to hell for it.
"You wanted to talk to me, professor?" I made it to his desk and stood on the other side of it hoping to keep something physical between him and me.
"Yes, I wanted to talk about many things, but I think we both know what we need to talk about Ms. Todd." I breathed in deep when he said my name in such a manner and told myself to not think like that which he was most likely going to yell at me. He glanced to a chair near his desk as to say 'pull up a chair as I did so I could feel the fear building inside me and just wished for like a basilisk or something to just pop out of thin air and kill me on the spot. He cleared his throat and said,
"How have you managed to be able to stop someone from using Occlumency on you?" I wasn't really expecting that kind of question and I didn't really know the answer, but I had to ask him a question about that too.
"Why were you trying to use Occlumency on me I think is the better question?" I glared at him and he snared, but still answered my question before moving on.
"Dumbledore has me making sure that each student is following the rules."
"And he said that it's okay to use Occlumency on students that break simple rules?"
"Students that could be moving into the path of becoming a death eater." I widened my eyes, but then thought,
Why would he use it on me then?
"Why on me then? I can confirm that I have nothing to do with Voldemort or have any intention to join him and his little rebellion." He continued to look at me and then asked,
"Again, how are you able to block people from entering your mind?" I sighed and said,
"I don't know. I seriously don't know." I crossed my arms and then he leaned forward in his chair and said,
"Seems a little suspicious, don't you think? You aren't involved with Voldemort, but you can stop people from taking over your mind..." I sighed and said,
"Okay, I gave you an answer to your question, can I leave now?"
"Oh no, we still have way more to talk about." I looked up at him and in his eyes when he said,
"How about we start with the letter, Ms.Todd." My heartbeat dropped and as well as my breathing. I knew that he was probably going to talk about it, but I wasn't sure that it would be right now. I kept looking into his eyes as he leaned back into the chair and said once more,
"I think that's the better question." I gulped and seat down more in my chair and to be honest I didn't know how to start this or what I should do first off.
Do I just run for it? Or do I sit through it and deal with nearly facing my death right here, right now?
Soon enough I got the courage to speak and give him some kind of response.
"Are we sure we need to talk about this? I mean classes are tomorrow and I want to get started on my essays-" My breathing hitched as I listened to his words.
"Yes, we need to talk about it. You sent me a confession letter and have been ignoring me all weekend instead of saying it to my face." My throat started to close up which meant that tears were about to form, but I didn't want nor need them too so I pushed that feeling away and said back to him,
"It was a ridiculous act that I did at 11 pm on a Friday after a week full of school, I was most likely not thinking straight." I folded my hands together and sneezed hoping that he will buy my bait and let me leave, but I knew that wasn't going to work.
"You've literally run away from me after you sent it, normally you'd stare me down or say hello, but you haven't been. You clearly were thinking straight when you wrote it." He was staring me down and at this point, I didn't know what to do. I was scared. Being as frightened as I was I just, out of random instincts, told him,
"I really am uncomfortable talking about this right now and I'm not going to lie I am pretty afraid." I squeezed on my hands again trying to hold back tears of fear and it wasn't the normal fear, it was the fear of rejection and fear of saying something wrong and messing this whole thing up, and I might've just done that now. I gulped as Snape took that information in and we sat there in silence for a while until he spoke up, but his voice was very soft and quiet.
"You know you did bring this upon yourself, and you can't blame me for trying to talk to you about versus going right to Dumbledore and talking to him about it instead." It was sympathetic really, and I didn't understand why he would talk like that. I stayed silent for a while which I guess moved him to speak some more, probably trying to make me feel better and not scared.
"Listen, I didn't want to talk about this either, believe me." I still couldn't find my voice and was actually starting to think on how I could make this less nerve-wracking so I just asked him a simple yet kind of dumb question since I know the answer already.
"Do don't need to have these kinds of talks often, do you?" He shook his head no and now I could feel that he wanted me to speak and continue to speak for as long as I could and knowing this I was very anxious, but I decided that since I'm already here, might as well face a fear I didn't know I had.
"Look, if you don't want to talk about it, which I get, can we just forget this ever happened?" I said leaning forward in my chair as in ready to get up and leave, but his next response made me want to stay longer.
"You know, I've been in the same place as you, and you can't just forget these feelings. Trust me, they're the reason I'm so cold to everyone and why my life has become dark." I was shocked to hear him confess something to me. I really wasn't ready to hear that and it stunned me, not gonna lie. I give him a look of interest but also mixed with shock and empathy. His face was softened and kind, but as soon as he saw my reaction of empathy it faded away and the cold hard Snape was back. I let off a disappointed expression and then said,
"But this time those words don't matter do they?" I realized how attacking those words sounded and instantly wanted to take them back, but it was too late now. He was giving off a vibe of sadness or guilt rather than making me feel that way since that was the way he had treated me and everyone else for years before now and it's hard to think that he could try and be nice. He sighed and said,
"It really does seem that way doesn't it?" I nodded lightly and dropping my head down a little to break eye contact with him, he continued with,
"Maybe it doesn't have to be that way... for you." I was shocked and lifted my head back up to look at him and he just gave off a slight smile and he totally changed right in front of me. His posture softened and the muscles in his face relaxed and his eyes, good god his eyes, they shone with so much sympathy and possibly love that I instantly relaxed too and took in a deep breath waiting for what would happen next. Soon enough he leaned forward in his chair and got up. I stood up with him and he said,
"You should probably go now, it's a few minutes until curfew." My eyes widened once again in fear.
I'm going to get caught by Filch and have to do some sort of scary punishment"Don't worry though, if you don't make it back in time, I'm always here to give an explanation." He said pointing to his head.
"You probably don't know it, but if you can block someone out of your head then you most likely can enter someone's head." I nodded after I learned something new and made my way over to the door with Snape following me. Before I could leave he turned me around and asked me,
"Why don't you give it a try. Try it on me." I shrugged and focused on him and him alone, feeling myself push into a cold and hard barrier like it was right in front of me but there was nothing there. I felt the wall drop and I instantly pushed into his mind and was brought to his mind only to hear him say to me through his thoughts,
"See? It really isn't that hard once you get it, and neither is this." He had trapped me in his mind, closing the wall behind me, but I had pushed myself out. Once my mind was back in its rightful place I noticed Snape leaning in and felt my own body leaning towards his. Soon enough his hands cupped my cheeks and the coldness of them seeped to my hot skin. He looked at my face getting in every detail until he brought his eyes to mine and at that point, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me causing our lips to crash together. Soon enough he started to kiss me and we moved our lips in sync causing my legs to go weak by the way his lips covered mine and how passionate and sweet his kisses were. Before I could actually fall to the floor he wrapped his arm around my waist and I could feel myself go light-headed with the feeling of his cold touch on me and the fact that we were face deep into each other. But all good things have to come to an end and I slowly pulled away from him still in his arms looking into his deep onyx eyes. Not knowing what to do next and being so full of love and happiness I smiled and gently laughed which made Severus smile and laugh a little too.
"Okay, but you should really get going."
"Yeah." I was still in his arms and leaning tight against his chest and I said,
"I'm going to need to be set free to be able to go you know."
"Oh yeah right." He gently dropped his hands and rubbed the back of his neck. I put my hand on the door to leave, but before I opened it I said to him,
"And thank you for understanding me." He smiled at me and it just filled me up so much that I turned back to him and gave him a deep long hug, soon enough he returned it and I needed to feel his lips one last time before whoever knows when again. It was much more gentle and loving than the last and I left his office feeling like I was at the top of the world. I basically ran back the whole way to my dorm to tell Luna and Cho feeling like I would never run out of energy every time his laugh played back in my head or his smile showed up in my vision. Once I burst through the door getting their attention I closed the door, cast a sound-proof spell around the walls and just yelled at them,
"We kissed!" Luna literally jumped up and grabbed me in a huge big hug and spun us around as Cho screamed and was super shocked. Soon enough I was laughing and daydreaming about him along with tears flowing strongly down my face. After we had calmed down a bit an owl landed in our window and dropped off a letter. I grabbed it to see who it was for and yet again I had received a letter with my name on it in Snape's handwriting, I squealed again and basically jumped onto Luna who was ready to sleep for tonight.
"Read it, read it!" Cho said from the other side of the room on her bed and I opened it carefully making sure not to rip the parchment and read it out loud for them to hear.
Dear Cloe, Yes this is random and there really wasn't any need for me to write this to you, but I just want you to know that if you need help with anything I'm here for you. If you need any comfort I'm always by your side and I will never leave it. You have finally made me come out of my hard shell and have made me realize that living in the past is never a good thing. I couldn't imagine what would've happened if I missed you and didn't give myself another chance at love. You truly mean a lot to me, and I know that I mean a lot to you, and that's all I've ever wanted to feel.
Sincerely, SS
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bangchanshehe · 4 years
Play With Me pt. 5
Summary:You had a one sided love with your best friend Taehyung, but Jungkook was pursuing his one sided love for you. One night of sexual frustration causes for your relationships with one another turn upside down.
Jungkook X Taehyung X OC
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All of the members and staff immediately got back to work, taking shot after shot of Taehyung and checking the images on the display LED to make sure that they captured the perfect image before moving on. As you walked closer to the set you noticed the image board, and editors going through each member’s images to find the perfect one. The board was dark, but bright at the same time and the boy’s each brought their own flare and mood to the set.
For instance, Yoongi was already pretty dark and serious so his images came out extra well since that was already the mood of the set. Namjoon seemed handsome and noble standing and sitting in straight and upright poses. Hoseok seemed sad almost, as if he was tired and exhausted. Jin seemed mysterious and strong as he posed in more dark and abandoned places. Jimin seemed lustful as he posed in different poses that elongated his body and glared at the camera as if it were his prey. Jungkook seemed like the bad boy next door who hung out in dangerous places for fun. And as you looked at Tae’s incoming images you took a deep breath.
Tae had a bored look on his face, but with his dark hair and the dark backgrounds he looked like he belonged there. The other members somehow took the mood of the set and made it into something of their own, but Tae seemed to really cling onto and own the darkness theme of the shoot.
You looked up at him and gave him a small reassuring smile but being the professional that he was he gave you a glance and continued his photoshoot flawlessly. You crossed your arms over your chest and watched but were shortly interrupted by Jungkook who stood next to you anxiously.
“everything okay?” he asked about tae
You turned to him and gave him a small smile and then glanced away, feeling shy about the debauchery that just occurred in the van. “everything is great. We talked things through and he’s hanging on” you answered
Kook nodded his head and eyed Tae up and down before he turned to do the same to you. You met his gaze as his eyes swept up your body and you gave him an awkward smile, trying to avoid suspicion.  But instead of saying anything kook just smiled at you before turning back towards tae.
You let out a quiet breath, happy that you did not have to make up a lie or try to hide what had happened. And hopefully you never would have to, if the two of you were careful enough.
“so how was work?” Kook asked you without turning to look at you
“it was good, we were pretty busy which made the day go by pretty fast.” You answered “how were your schedules? Are you tired yet?” you asked him with a smile and he finally turned to look at you
“they were fine…. Just the same old thing.” He said with a smile that almost looked sad
“are you starting to get burnt out on things?” you asked him quiet enough that only he would be able to really hear the two of you speaking
He let out a deep breath and shook his head “not necessarily burnt out per-say” he started “I guess I’m just ready for the next chapter to start.”
“the next chapter?” you asked him confused on what he meant.
He looked at you with slightly panicked eyes for a moment but then hid it well with a small smile. You couldn’t tell if he was in some sort of trouble or if he was having issues with dealing with everything, but the way that his smile never reached his eyes bothered you.  You looked his face over for a moment, hoping to find some sort of sign but his makeup and hair, hid all of his pores and wrinkles let alone any signs of stress.
You looked down at the ground for a moment debating if you should ask him any more questions. Sure…things between you were starting to take a turn, but at the end of the day you were still a friend to Jungkook and whatever was bothering him made you concerned. However, you still understood that whatever was going on with him might not be something that he wanted to share with you right now. So in an effort to respect that you dropped the topic.
“so what are we going to do tonight?” you asked him with an amused smile
He finally gave you what looked like an honest smile and shrugged “I don’t know we can do whatever we want. After this is done I’m completely free” he answered
You looked around, but not staring at anything in particular as you considered what you wanted to do. “are you hungry?” you asked him
He nodded “should we go eat some bbq?” he asked “or maybe sushi?”
You were about to speak up when he continued listing off more food, not even giving you the chance to speak for yourself. You gave him a look of shock and amusement as he continued, and you were almost sure that by now he was just listing different types of food.
“or Chinese, or Thai food sounds good. Or we could even just have dessert for dinner if you wanted.” He said finally bringing his long list to a close.
“I’m pretty much okay with anything. We can go eat whatever sounds good to you.”
He was about to answer you when a hair and makeup coordinator came over to Jungkook and asked him to follow her to her workstation. He turned to give you a small apologetic look and then immediately went back into good idol mode.
You watched as she signaled something to him as they were walking and when they reached the station he easily picked up the makeup chair and hauled it over to a van where they were packing up things and preparing to leave. You smiled at the sight of him helping and some of the other members selflessly joining in to help with the cleanup. It was something that you even admired about the boys. They didn’t act like they were the celebrities that they were. They never behaved like they were better than any one person or deserved more.
After a few more shots of Tae the photographer stopped to look at his images and discussed with tae about a few of the images, pointing up and down and sometimes at another members’ images. They nodded and headed back to the set and tae immediately got into each pose and moved from stance to stance at lightning speed, trying their hardest to finish a little bit faster.
A few more flashes from the camera, and you could see the tense muscles in tae’s face and body completely relax as if he had been holding in a deep breath. The photographer checked his LED and then let out a loud comment “set’s a wrap” signaling to everyone that they were done.
Tae immediately bowed to the cameraman and the rest of the crew and apologized and thanked them for their hard work. Shortly after the other members had said their thank you’s and the entire crew was packed up and ready to go home after a long day’s worth of work.
The boys were walking towards you to get to their team van and all of them stopped around you.
“thanks for helping tae today!” jin said with a  small, appreciative smile.
“its no problem, I’m happy I could help” you replied hoping that your cheeks weren’t turning bright red.
“what are your plans for the rest of the night?” Jimin asked you and you smiled and looked over to Jungkook
“We’re going to dinner” Jungkook said only loud enough for the group to hear, so that the managers wouldn’t try to stop you two from going out.
The boy’s ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ and you nodded your head in confirmation, but hearing silence from tae you glanced at him to be met with a cold and empty glare.
“oh, are you coming back with us then?” jimin asked
“yeah, I had to use all my money on a taxi to get here” you admitted with a sad face
The boys continued on with the conversation as they waited for their managers to finish up their final conversations, but their voices were drowned out by the feeling of the boys looking at you and each other.
“ready?” one of the managers said
“READY!” the rest of the boys replied in unison
They each turned to their vans and piled in leaving you tae and kook standing outside of the two vans. The boys looked at you eagerly waiting for you to choose who you would leave with. You eyed the both of them and then turned to Tae.
“Since kook and I have plans I’ll go with him tonight” you explained
Tae politely gave you a smile and nodded his head, but for a split second you saw the pain in his eyes when you rejected him. And although it was over something as stupid as a seat, you knew that it hurt his feelings deep down. Especially after the two of you had finally expressed your feelings for one another earlier in the van.
Kook took your hand and pulled it slightly trying his best to politely pull you away from the conversation.
“c’mon, we still need to decide where we want to go” he said excitedly
You gave him a small smile but when you turned back around to tell tae goodnight he had already left the two of you behind to get on the bus.
  After the two of you had arrived at the dorms kook grabbed his car keys and the two of you were off to roam the streets and decide where you wanted to eat along the way.
“tell me when you see something that looks good” kook said as he carefully tried to drive and eye the business across the street
“oh! Oh! Kook just down the road there a ramen bar that I’ve been interested in going to!” you practically yelled making Jungkook laugh
“alright, we’ll go there then.” He said under his breath as if he didn’t have a care in the world where you were as long as you were happy.
He looked up and down the street for a place to park, and found a space just two blocks away from the restaurant. When he finally parked the two of you hopped out and took a deep breath of the slightly chilly night air. You could smell kimchi, liquor, grilling beef and vegetables, even the fish cakes and dishes from street vendors.
You silently started walking towards the restaurant and just appreciated the view and environment silently as you made it to your destination. But just as soon as you felt that you finally had some sort of plan, you came face to face with a ‘closed’ sign on the front door of the ramen bar.
You sighed and put your hands on your hips, silently cursing the store.
“well… what should we do?” kook asked
You turned to look up and down the street and see what your options are, but the choices were tight. Sure, there were lots of options, but it was hard to eat out when you had a superstar for a friend and could easily be exposed. Especially since you were of the opposite sex and rumors could be spread like wildfire and potentially damage his reputation and career.
“our choices look a little slim kook” you confessed to him
He looked around with you and assessed each place as if he was determining the risk that might come with each place. You could see that he was desperately trying to make things work out but he just couldn’t bring himself to risk anything.
“we can always just roam around for now and decide a little later” you offered “it’s only 7 so things are still going to be open for a while”
He nodded his head as he thought about what you said and then gestured with his head to the side telling you to walk with him on the street. You gave him a smile and followed him down the sidewalk, eyeing businesses as you passed them and cheering on buskers and talent who were playing in the roads.
You stopped by one particular group who was dancing to a BTS song and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile the entire time with genuine happiness and pride in his eyes. You had to admit that the group was doing very well but you couldn’t help but watch kook’s expression as he watched the group.
However, one group of teens had turned around and gave kook a series of glances and were whispering to each other in a way that made your heart drop down to the floor.
There was no way in hell that the two of you were going to be busted if you could help it.
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Fourth Year: Butter Beer is our Negotiator
Summary: Jason and Merula rivalry has gotten to the boiling point and Jason is sick of always competing with as her ego tends to blind her. It takes some talking with Ismelda to insert an idea for the benefit of her, Jason, and the entirety of Hogwarts sanity...
Word Count: 3,073
"Admit, I am right, and you're wrong! Say it!" Merula said as she slammed her fist on the coffee table of the common room, clearly unaware that her housemates were onlookers onto another argument between the house's resident trouble child and the cursed child. 
"Your argument has little fact to back it up, Merula. Can we just drop it?" Jason signed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, visibly annoyed with Merula false claims. "I don't even think you bothered to read that chapter, so how can you tell me that scurvy grass is not part of Befuddlement draught? We just went over that chapter yesterday."
Merula and Jason's argument had been going on for thirty minutes straight, and it didn't seem it would cool down despite their head of house looking in on the two. The two's heat was almost suffocating to the witnesses of the clearly pointless banter between the two. Professor Snape was about to make his presence known but stopped when Rowan grabbed Jason by his robes and pulled him away, which honestly defused some of the tension in the hair with a bit of laughter. 
As Rowan was taking Jason away, Merula kept on shouting at the boy and quite visibly fuming from her ears. It was only until Ismelda called Merula attention that the young witch realized half the house was staring at her. Merula gave a glare to her housemates, who went on back to their business. Merula left the common room with Ismelda to the training grounds, where she began to beat on one of the practice dummies. 
"Stupid, know-it-all, cursed, unbelievable jack-!!" Merula yelled as she cast a barrage of Flipendo on the dummy. "Can you believe he had the nerve to go ahead and say that I am wrong?"
"Well, you were half asleep during yesterday's review over the potions for our next test." Ismelda fiddled her scarf end while staring off into space while Merula abused the dummy. She knew that her friend was bound to get mad but give that it was the truth, and that was something difficult to accept. Primarily because of her pride in herself. Ismelda then glanced at Merula, who was giving her a "are you serious" look, to which she responded with a small smirk and a raised brow. "What?"
"You're supposed to be on my side here." Merula places her hands on her hips, looking at Ismelda then sighing. "It's just so annoying how he acts like he knows best, and I can't stand that."
"But he does pay attention heavily in class. You can't really fault him in that Merula," Ismelda comments as she adjusts her scarf, "and, you two always have this constant back and forth since our first year."
"Your point?"
"As far as I can say, he seems to be smart, albeit annoyingly smart, and do you notice how he's not very confrontational with you?"
"Random thought, can't believe I'm saying this, have you consider just burying the hatchet?" Ismelda asked as Merula looked at her, almost dumbfounded at the mere idea of making peace. 
"No. Absolutely not gonna happen because I'm sure he'll relish at that me showing weakness."
"Merula, that's not how that guy is, and as annoying as it may sound; he is way too easy to compromise with him. If you want my opinion-"
Merula raised her hand, getting Ismelda to stop in her thought as she didn't want to hear another word. Shrugging, Ismelda told Merula she was going to make her way to dinner, leaving her friend to keep destroying the training dummy until she was calmed a few hours later. As the night slowly encased the night, Merula wiped her brow and started making her way back to the dorms. After grabbing her hygiene items from her dorm room, she began to go make her way to get cleaned up. 
"Merlin, the fact she could even think of that is beyond lunacy. Compromise? Pffft!" Merula muttered as she turned the knob to turn off the shower. She then when on two dresses herself in nightclothes, a pair of pajama shorts with a tank top. While she was doing the last of her evening route, she couldn't help but hear Ismelda words ring in her ear, causing her to get groan in frustration. "Why is it whenever I'm trying to do something or prove I'm right he is the first one to try and prove me wrong?" Merula left the girl's bathroom and was making her way back to the dorm when she saw someone coming in her direction. 
"Great," Merula muttered as a clearly sweaty Jason passed by with his own clothes for the evening. He wasn't in his full uniform, but that alone wasn't able to hide the subtle definition of some of his arms from Merula. What does he do? Play catch boulders with Hagrid?
Jason smiled at her only to receive the kind gesture of Merula, turning her head in annoyance. His smile slowly fades as he walked past her to make his way into the boy's bath. Merula looked backed only to see the door close. What was that? 
"Did I make him sad?" Merula pondered that thought for a moment but then made her back to the dorm to get some sleep. As she laid down on her bunk Ismelda tossed a book to Merula's bed. "What the hell-"
"You forgot this after your lover spat with Aurelius De Leone. Khanna gave it to me since you know his whole love for books. Anyway, you do get the argument was kinda stupid, right?" Ismelda sat on her bunk, grabbing her notebook for history. Knowing how things would go in three, two, one...
"Lover spat! Like hell that would ever happen! So what if I forgot about yesterday's lecture! Maybe I was just testing him is all!" Merula said as she slammed her fist on her bed, scaring one of her roommate's cat that seemed to hide under her bunk for some reason. "If he's so smart, then maybe he should be the professor. I know I am better than him!"
"Has he ever stated that to you? Like at all?"
Merula paused to think if Jason did ever say he was superior to her. As she pondered the thought, it concluded that he never once deemed himself better than her. It only survived to make her feel the pit of emptiness she tried to hide by her false and abrasive confidence.
"No. Not a single time."
"Look, he's not as horrible as much as you want to believe." Ismelda got up from her bunk and sat on the edge of Merula's bed. "Maybe it's time to try and compromise. Or don't. You'll do whatever you want."
"Blimey, can you stop trying to preach to me about making?" Merula tossed her pillow at Ismelda. "Fine, I'll try. Maybe..." With that, Ismelda went to her bed and fell asleep while Merula began planning her strategy to "make nice" with Jason, and hopefully, it wouldn't be difficult. Surely a guy as nice as him wouldn't hold a grudge, right? This thought began sowing the seed of doubt as Merula slipped into a rough sleep of thinking of the worst-case scenario. 
The next day...
"AURELIUS DE LEONE!" Merula shouted down the corridor and frightening an unsuspecting fellow Slytherin and causing him to drop a stack of papers he was carrying. Merula bit her lip as to hold back a fit of laughter growing from her counterpart's mishap. Jason looked to her with a slight groan and crouched down to pick up the mess he had to clean up. Merula winced slightly at the look he gave her, "okay, not the best way to get his attention," Merula knelt down to help him out.
"So any reason you wanted to give me a heart attack "out of the blue," was the saying?" Jason asked as he stood up, taking the papers that Merula had picked up. "I am in a rush to get these to Professor McGonagall."
"This will take a second." Merula stated as she wasn't going to take a 'no' or Jason running off from her. At least, if she intended to chase him around the school for the hundredth time in their lives.
Sighing with a nod, Jason decided to hear Merula request and hoped it wouldn't be something stupid or life-threatening in the least.
"You and I are going to the Three Broomsticks, and we are going to bury the hatchet. Believe it or not, I," Merula looked to the ground avoiding his curious gaze, "I am getting tired of this rivalry of ours in the sense it doesn't seem as much as I believed it was. Despite my 'misconduct' with you and your goodie goodies, you have not once tried to take vengeance and have been Nothing but kind to me. So we are solving this tomorrow, and you have no choice in the matter. F-first," she forced herself to speak, "first round of butterbeer is on me. Be there at ten! No excuses or I'll burn your robes!"
"O-okay." Jason nodded, feeling slightly terrified and yet excited. "Would this kinda be a date? No! Stop, she doesn't like me like that. Or like me, period. But she wants to get along?" He shook his head to ignore the thought of the little voices in the back of his head. Well, it seems these plans would go really good or really bad for Jason.
After Merula had made to turn the corner to see Ismelda giving a small grin. "Don't you dare!!" Merula thought as she glanced at Ismelda, who held her hands in a mock surround before her face returned to its usual stoic appearance. No doubt, Ismelda watch the entirety of the talk between her two housemates and couldn't help but still have a minor look of amusement. The two Slytherin girls walked off to their next class in silence as Merula (for lack of better) was excited for the interaction with Jason to come soon. "Would it be considered a date? The way it looks, it seemed like I was asking him out, wasn't it? Oh by all that is holy, if I find out rumors are getting spread, I'll kill someone." 
The rest of the week had gone by, and the dreaded but exciting day for the two Slytherins was to come, and for all of Hogwart's sake, it didn't fall apart into a duel that would destroy the entirety of Hogsmeade. 
Jason stood outside of The Three Broomsticks looking at his watch, nervously tapping his foot. He dressed in his preferred ankle-length black boots and faded ripped blue jeans that seemed loose despite the use of a belt to keep it up. Jason wore a silver and black plaided flannel with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his developing forearms, which carried an off-white cargo jacket in case if the weather got cold. He'd grown quite a bit compared to his first year at Hogwarts, both physically and mentally. But at the end of the day, he was still a kid who was nervous about his "not date" with his rival, former bully (and his secret crush).
"Where the heck is she?" Jason muttered to himself. "If this was a prank, then it wasn't a very Snyde plan."  He thought to himself but was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard an "ahem" from behind him. "Holy shit."  Was the only thing that came to Jason's mind when he saw Merula dressed to the nines. "Negotiation is either gonna well, or I'm dying tonight."
Merula looked at him with a frown, "what?"  she asked, slightly annoyed. 
"Nothing, it's j-just your outfit. It looks good." Jason turned his face from her view while he scratched his neck nervously. "Why did you say that? Are you an idiot?!" 
"Oh," is all Merula thought as took Jason's compliment as a slight hue of pink came across her cheeks. Merula had dressed in a plaided skirt with her beloved boots and black stockings, a violet tank top that read "Grunge Punk," and a sweater cut with the bottom half cut off. Hang of her waist was a pair of belts and purse in hand that seemed to throw the outfit all together. 
"Thanks," Merula said, barely audible for Jason to catch.
The two teens stood in a silence that held before Jason suggests they head inside instead. The two stepped in to see that it was as lively as ever. He and Merula took a booth in a corner away from the vibrant noise of the shenanigans of the young and older wizards and witches. The two placed their orders after a moment of brief silence. Merula eyes darted up to Jason then back to the table while trying to figure out what to say.
"I don't understand what I should do. I mean, I get this was my idea (Ismelda's), but what can I do? This is beyond uncomfortable, and I'm sure he rather just -" Merula thought to herself as she was pulled out of her thoughts by Jason giving an audible cough.
"So, Snyde," Jason gazing at her with a stern look on his face, "why do you want to stop this feud? Now?" He was genuinely curious as she never showed general interest in conversing with him unless it was to her benefit. Despite himself, he still wanted to listen and hope that something had to come of this; something good.
"Aurelius, we have been fighting for too long, and if you want my honest opinion? I am quite exhausted as it hasn't been beneficial, nor will it really satisfy my interest." Merula leaned forward, chin on her hands with a sly smirk. "But I am still willing to keep this feud going if it allows me to prove I'm superior."
"I do not doubt your skills, Merula," Jason looked out of a window, "if anything, your efforts have shown you're constantly improving. I'm not so simple-minded that I don't notice my "nemesis growth." Why now?"
"Aurelius..." Merula struggled to find the words. It wasn't her to fall short in terms of words but still was unsure of how to proceed.
The tension was cut short after Madam Rosemerta brought their butterbeer, respectively. "You two may not want to hear this from, but you both look quite cute together. Aye, but I am not going to assume too much." She left the two teens gobsmacked and confused as to the wild declaration from the owner of the fine establishment.
"Did she just-?!" Merula stuttered while blushing redder than a cherry. "Why would she think that?!"
"I don't want to know." Jason sighed with a blush as he took a swing from his drink, feeling the smoothness run against his mouth. "Anyway, mind if I say something?"
"I would expect you to anyway. That's how negotiations work." Merula replied, recomposing herself.
"Alright," Jason smirked as leaned forward, maintaining eye contact. "I want us to become friends."
"Friends? Seriously? I thought you'd ask me to leave you and your friends alone."
"Look, despite what you may think, it would be better if we are. I wanted us to be friends for a long time. We don't always need to get along or fight, but you are someone I respect." Jason traced the rim of his glass, looking into the contents of it with a flabbergasted Merula. "Merula, I like to hope and believe in the best in most, even if some might think otherwise."
"I don't think you as bad as you portray yourself."
"I thought I was supposed to be the one starting this, but there you go taking the lead like with everything." Merula found herself laughing but not out of her usual need to tease but finding joy in Jason's actions. "It is quite admirable how he takes charge without realizing it. Wait, what am I saying?"
"Sorry," Jason rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly, "I'm just honest is all, and it's really what I think."
"My God," Merula covered her mouth to stifle her laughter but only failed again. 
"Stop laughing!" Jason pouted at her.
"I can't help it!" 
"God, I swear Snyde, I am gonna steal that butterbeer and drink it myself!"
"Oh?" Merula leaned forward with a smirk. "You got some guts trying to get between me and my beverage. Your death will be quick and painless."
"Uh-huh," Jason rolled his eyes but smiled at her with a slight chuckle of his own.
"You really don't think I am that bad, huh?" Merula said as she sipped from her drink.
"Never have."
"You're an odd one, Aurelius."
"So I've been told, but I am who I am," Jason shrugged.
Merula couldn't help but smile at his words because she knew he was honest, as it always showed in his eyes. Remembering an old story of her mom told her of how the eyes were the "windows to the soul." Despite it being a fairytale idea, she liked to believe it, even if it seemed outlandish as she felt that someone could see into their soul if someone could look you in the eye. Not many did look Merula in the eye as Jason did her, and for that, she was grateful as it let her be able to read him. Albeit, not too much but enough to know he's truthful.
"If you want to be friends, then does that mean I can borrow your notes?" Merula joked, getting a laugh out of him.
"Sure, but please don't put syrup in my coffee," Jason said with a grin.
"Oh, that was one time. Maybe two or three."
"I knew it!" 
The two spent the rest of their time discussing the terms of the friendship. Some of the conditions were crazy, like how Merula wasn't allowed to use and spells on Jason more than a few times within a single week—not fighting like animals at the beginning of each school year. The craziest from Merula was actually another chance to hang out with Jason, but he had to have the entertainment approved by her. Slowly but surely, they would reach a final agreement between the two housemates, and hopefully, the feud between them wouldn't rise again. Unless Merula put syrup in Jason's coffee...
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sunshine-pup-fics · 5 years
S T I C K Y N O T E S // Sero x Reader
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(Y/n) sped down the hallway, eyes blurred with tears from the stinging cold. Her breaths were ragged as she hauled herself up yet another set of stairs. She haphazardly clutched her books to her chest, unsure if they were even the correct ones. ‘Just a final set of stairs and then it’s the final sprint to the classroom! I might actually just make it in-‘ The (h/c) haired girl was ripped from her thoughts as a jarring pain flared in her ankle. She, however, didn’t have time to investigate, as the floor was coming screaming toward her. She closed her eyes and tried to brace herself for the impact.
Sero heard the pounding footsteps of someone running up the stairs and turned to see who it was. He thought he was the last one out of the dorms, falling tardy due to staying up late the previous night. He watched as (Y/n) came rushing into view, clearly disheveled and lost in her own thoughts. He opened his mouth to greet her, but instead watched as the poor girl tripped over the last step, sailing toward the floor. He moved before he realised he did, skidding onto his knees and wrapping his arms around her. Her books and pens clattered to the floor.
The first thing Sero noticed was how cold she was. Only wearing her thin white shirt. “Hey, are you okay?” The girl seemed to relax a little in his grasp, letting out a sigh. He couldn’t see her face, but she seemed to linger in his touch for a moment, before seating herself on the floor. “Ye-Yeah... I’m fine. Just a... really rough morning.” She tilted her face upward, offering a weak smile. That’s when Sero finally got a look at her. He took a sharp breath, gently taking hold of her shoulder. Purple bruises littered her face. “What happened? Why do you have bruises?” He murmured. The girl quirked a brow. “I-I always have bruises? I get them from training every day.” She trailed her fingers across them before she slapped her hand across her mouth. “Shoot! I- uhm- I didn’t mean to say that! God I’m too tired for this! I can’t believe I forgot to put the makeup on today! I’m an actual-“ Sero lightly shook the girl's shoulder, snapping her from her thoughts. “It’s okay. Calm down. What do you mean you always have them?” Sero felt a little guilty for asking, knowing (Y/n) was clearly out of it and wouldn’t give this information otherwise, but he figured it was important. Hiding injuries was never good.
The girl cast her gaze downward. “I’m not nearly at the level the rest of you are, so I lose every practice battle... I usually get bruises, so I'm worried you'll all feel bad and then go easy on me... We’re all working toward the same goal and these steps are necessary! I can’t be better if I don’t challenge myself... not to mention I don’t want to slow you guys down. So I hide the bruises so you won’t feel guilty...” she trailed off, unconsciously rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself. Sero quickly removed his own blazer, draping it over her shoulders. He smiled at her.
 “And what kind of person forgets their jacket on such a cold day?” He tried to help lighten the mood. “I didn’t sleep last night, then I lost my blazer and spent all morning looking for it, so I had to skip breakfast, but I’m still late for class anyway.” She huffed. Sero’s jaw dropped. How was this girl still functioning? In his moment of disbelief, (Y/n) gathered her books and got to her feet. She seemed to snap herself out of her daze. “Here. Please just... forget this. I’ll be fine.” Sero gazed upward. (Y/n) stood, hand outstretched offering his blazer back. Her (e/c) eyes were locked on something down the hall, refusing to look at him. After he sat there staring for a few seconds, he jumped to his feet, waving his hands before him. “Please, you need the jacket more than I do.” She only pushed it into his hands, apologising once more before stalking down the hall. He watched her go, squinting at her retreating figure. He realised too late something was off, as she’d stepped into the classroom. 
Sero watched the girl throughout the day. She seemed to be completely back to normal, throwing around her usual jokes and always smiling. But he noticed she blocked her face a lot more. Leaning into her hands or not turning to fully face who she was talking to. She was still attempting to hide the bruises. It made him wonder. How many days had she done this? That afternoon, Sero couldn’t even get in a word to her at the dorms. As soon as they got back, she dismissed herself to her room. Sero let out a frustrated sigh. All he wanted to do was talk to her, assure both of them that she was alright. But how was he meant to do that when she hid away? “Dude, you’ve been sighing angrily all day. You didn’t even laugh at my good joke today!” Kaminari whined, leaning over the back of the couch. Sero rolled his eyes. “Bold of you to assume any of your jokes are good.” Kaminari feigned hurt, dramatically clutching his heart. “Uncalled for Bro. But seriously, what’s up?” “He’s makin googly eyes at (Y/n) is what’s up! He must be frustrated because he doesn’t know how to profess his undying love for her!” Mina proclaimed, sprawling herself out in one of the couches, smirking at the raven-haired boy. “Wha- no I’m not! It’s just- I was worried about her! Did you see the br-“ Sero cut himself off, deciding that information shouldn’t be shared. “I just... I just want to talk to her, but she doesn’t seem to want to talk to me...” he trailed off, gears turning as he tried to think of something to do. The other two bickered for a moment, but once again Sero found himself tuning out. “I’ve got it!” Sero hollered, leaping up from his seat. Kaminari fell off the back of the couch with a startled grunt, while Mina cheered. Sero sped off toward his dorm, grinning to himself. Sero peeled the sticky note from the pad before gently pressing it to the wood door. He smoothed it out, reading the text a final time. Hopefully, it would stick well enough. He placed the pad of colourful sticky notes beside the door, along with his pen. Hopefully, by dinner, his plan would be complete.
(Y/n) awoke from her nap, feeling more groggy and tried than when she had laid down. Everything ached, and she decided she really should have just gotten some ice. Her room was dark, the only light seeping in from under the door and the soft moonlight that entered from her partially closed curtains. The clock beside her bed blazed the time in red numbers. It was almost dinner, no doubt most of the students would be preparing for it. She swung her feet off the bed, taking a sharp breath at the pain that flared in her ankle. She cursed under her breath as she examined it. It was swollen. 
She placed her foot back down and cautiously got to her feet, wandering to her closet and changing into some fresher clothes, baggy pyjama pants and an equally baggy sweater. She headed for the door, swinging it open. She was startled by the sheer number of colourful papers stuck to her door. Her eyes danced over them, and she realised each of them had a message written on them. She furrowed her brows, glancing around for any sign of why there were various colourful sticky notes on her door. Hesitant, she carefully plucked a hot pink one off the door and read it. “You’re so fun to be around! And I love the way your hair looks! (Btw what hair products do you use?)” the note was signed with Mina’s name. She smiled to herself, a warm fuzzy feeling settling in her chest. She plucked another one, a dark blue one this time. The handwriting was very a neat print. “You work very hard to ensure you know everything you need. It’s very admirable.” This one had Iidas name signed at the top. She continued to pull each sticky note from her door, reading each little message. There was even an orange one with Bakugos name scrawled on it. She stared down at the pile of stoicky notes in her hand, smiling softly. She glanced up and down the halls, but no one was around. She could hear the usual chatter and laughter trailing from the common room downstairs, and more than ever, she wanted to be down there with her friends. But she still had one sticky note to go. (Well, at least one important one. There was another one, purple and stuck close to the floor, rather than in the bundle of others. She was pretty sure it was from Mineta and she didn't particularly want to read it.) The last one was yellow. She plucked it off, quickly reading it. “You’re incredibly talented and you shouldn’t doubt yourself. You're already an amazing hero in my books.” Her smiled only widened. She quickly flipped the paper over, just in case, and was surprised to find writing on the back. 'I don't know how many days you've hidden your injuries, but that just proves how strong you are, considering none of us notcied. Please take care of yourself.’ She felt tears start to trickle down her cheeks. She sniffled and hastily wiped them away with the back of her hand. Seros name was signed neatly at the bottom of the note. She slipped this one into her pocket. She ducked back inside her room, placing the pile of sticky notes on her desk. She’d come back to them later. She then hurried to the bathroom, applying her usual makeup to conceal the bruises. She wasn’t quite ready to show her friends that. Yet. After that, she finally slipped downstairs to the common room, finding herself unable to stop smiling. All her classmates seemed to send her sweet smiles and soft greetings. She became blissfully unaware of the usual throbbing pain, lost in her friends jokes and playful banter. These people cared about her, and she knew she’d be alright.
Sero was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling as he tried to fall asleep. (Y/n) looked so much happier at dinner, and he hoped it was because of his plan. He wasn’t even entirely sure if it had happened. He hadn’t told anyone about the note, simply hoping people would catch on and leave genuine notes for her. He didn’t see any on her door when he headed for his dorm, but at least she has his note. He nearly jumped when there was a soft knock at his door. It was after curfew, no one was allowed out of their rooms. He slid out of bed, creeping to the door and tugging the door open. (Y/n) stood before him, face down as she played with the hem of her top. “Hey (Y/n), are you okay?” He crouched down a little, trying to see her face. She kept her gaze locked on her feet. “I- uhm. I just wanted to say thank you. For this morning, and the- uh... note.” She trailed off. Sero felt a smile tug at his lips. “No problem. We’re all here for you, you know. I know I always will be.” He rubbed the back of his neck, a little embarrassed at how cheesy that sounded. But he managed to catch sight of the poor girl's ears turning red. “Oh- thank you. Again... I- uh- here.” She stuck her hand out, offering a (f/c) sticky note. Sero took the note, but his attention was kept on her as she quickly bowed, before taking off back down the hall to her room. Sero watched her disappear, before turning on his heel and shutting his door, letting out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. His gaze dropped to the note, reading over the message. (Y/n)s name was signed neatly at the bottom, with a little heart scribbled in the corner. Sero sputtered into his hand. This girl was too cute, and would definitely be the death of him. But that was alright with him.
Possible idea for a part 2, anyone interested??
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bnha-hq · 6 years
For that prompt list thing (if you’re doing that) could you do number 61 with Ojiro and Hagakure?
This prompt was adorable, this was the first time I’ve written these two, I hope you enjoy it!
Ojiro had beendating Hagakure for a while and he still couldn’t believe it! She’d approachedhim, of course, and asked him out. After what felt like an eternity ofstumbling over his own words he finally managed to squeak out a rather undignified‘yes’ but it had started a long, very happy relationship. Hagakure was alwaysthe first to make a move, she was more confident than he was in most ways,their relationship included, but he wanted to change that. He didn’t likefeeling like he was giving less into the relationship than she was giving andno matter how often she told him that that really wasn’t the case he couldn’tshake the feeling. So he decided he was going to initiate a date, and it wasgoing to be the best date she’d ever been on. He walked into the dorms commonroom, finding her was always the hard part in all honesty. He looked around theroom, eventually finding her on the couch with Uraraka and Mina.
“Hey Hagakure”he walked over, he didn’t necessarily want to ask in front of the other two buthe knew it was the easier option, they’d get too curious if he just asked tospeak to Hagakure alone, plus there was always the possibility the vagueness ofthe question would worry her and he really didn’t want that at all.
“Yes Mashi?” Heloved that nickname so much but only because it came from her, the other twogirls looked up at him.
“I was…uhm I waswondering if you wanted to maybe go on a date tonight possibly if you weren’tbusy…maybe” I internally cringed, why was it so hard to ask my own girlfriendon a date? He couldn’t see her face which didn’t do anything at all to ease theanxiety curling his gut. He did his best to hide how nervous he was as hewaited.
“Of course!”She jumped up and hugged him tightly, she seemed excited so that put him atease.
“Awesome, wecan go at 4?” He hugged her back.
“Perfect!” Shekissed his cheek and ran off with the other two, presumably to get ready.Meanwhile Ojiro had to focus on slowing his far too fast heartbeat, it was justa date with his girlfriend, it wasn’t his first one and it wasn’t even thescariest thing he’d ever encountered.
A few hourslater he was walking into the nearby carnival, Hagakure holding onto his arm.She was in a yellow summer dress that Ojiro had bought her for her lastbirthday.
“This is amazingMashi! What ride should we go on first?” She jumped eagerly, her grip neverloosening on his arm.
“You can decide.”He wasn’t too keen on many of the rides, they moved around too much for him buthe knew she loved them so he could tolerate a few for the night. At least itcould hide how nervous he was about this whole night for reasons he still wasunsure of.
“Alright, howabouutttt that one!” She pointed to a large red ride, the seats flipped aroundas the whole thing spun, he felt nauseous just looking at it but he nodded.
And onto the metaldeath trap they went.
Ojiro grabbedthe harness, he was sure his stomach was trying to escape the entire ride. Hescrewed his eyes and did what he could to keep it down, meanwhile Hagakure wasscreaming and laughing, having the absolute time of her life by the sounds ofthings and well, that made his escaping stomach and frazzled senses worth it inhis mind.
The rideeventually ended, Oijiro felt like he was going to fall over and hurl hisdinner up but he managed to save his grace and not do either of those things.
“That was somuch fun!! Don’t you think so Mashi?” She jumped over and grabbed his hands, itwas a sensation he still wasn’t fully used to, especially now since he was sodizzy from the ride. He couldn’t see her hands but they felt so soft anddelicate in his own, he was worried his hands may be a little too rough but shenever seemed bothered so he managed to push that insecurity away.
“Oh yeah, itwas great” he gave her a lopsided smile, everything was finally settling.
“Yay! Let’s goon that one next!” She pulled him to another ride, one that was faster and moreintense that the one they’d just been on. This was, naturally, followedimmediately with an even faster ride and another one right after that.Eventually they’d been on all the rides in the park and honestly? Ojiro wasn’tsure he couldn’t handle one.
“We should trysome of the park games!” She suggested to his relief. He nodded and held herhand.
“I’m reallygood at those clown games?” He mentioned as they browsed the games, he was immediatelydragged over to one, Hagakure slapping a few of the coins he’d given her on thebench, eagerly requestion some balls so he could play.
He took themfrom the vendor, most of these things were rigged but he’d never lost a game ofthem before in his life, who knows, maybe that was his second, lesser knownquirk. Always Wins At Carnival Clown Games.
“You can do itMashi!” Hagakure cheered, it definitely helped. He gave her a small smile andbegan to toss the balls and as he had expected he managed to get them all in.The vendor looked surprised.
“Not bad kid,pick whatever prize you want.” He naturally let Hagakure pick. She chose a hugehippo plushie, hugging both him and the plushie at the same time.
“Imma call himOjie” she chirped, linking her arm with his and leading the way to what hepresumed was another ride.
“Really? Thankyou” he felt his cheeks warm up, he rubbed them to hopefully lessen the blushhe knew he had. She had stopped at the line for the Ferris wheel, this wholenight had planned out like a movie, it really had gone perfectly.
The two wereushered into their cart, she put Ojie by the door. It was big enough that it blockedmost of the entry way, she shuffled closer as their cart rose, it eventually stoppedat the top, showing them the amazing view of the rest of the carnival. Thattrain of thought was cut off as soon as the cart came to a full stop though.Hagakure climbed onto his lap, running her fingers through his hair. It wasvery difficult to initiate a kiss with Hagakure, he was always worried he’dkiss somewhere awkward and ruin the mood so he always let her make the firstmove. And she did.
She kissed him,her hands moving to hold his face. He moved to place his hand on her waistgently, tracing them up a bit and moving them to her back. He skin was soincredibly soft he wasn’t sure how she managed to keep it that way but he lovedit. He felt the cart begin to move but he paid it no mind, the girl in his lapwas a million times more important in that moment.
He decided nowwas a good time to take some form of initiative, he pressed his fingertipsunder the back of her shirt, gently drawing soft circles against the smallstrip of bare skin that was left exposed by his actions. Hagakure broke awaysuddenly with a soft gasp, he hadn’t expected that response from her and hecouldn’t help but smile.
“Mashi, thatwas bold of you” she giggled and kissed his cheek, the ride coming to an end. “Likeit?” I asked, I felt on top of the world even as we reached the bottom.
“Oh definitely,we’ll continue when we get back.” And with that promise they got off the ride,this date really had been perfect
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shoddy-sonneteer · 5 years
Felicitous Rivals
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Pairing: Jinyoung*reader
Genre: Enemies to lovers! AU, Fluff
Word Count: 2969 words
Summary: Your life takes a turn when you decide to agree to a lucrative bet placed in front you by your rival, Park Jinyoung.
 The scores for the class test that you and your classmates had taken a week back was being announced by your professor. Even before your name was being called out, you were an anxious mess. You knew you had done fairly well. If you were being a bit too confident, you would also say that you had done better than majority of the class. You were listening intently to all the names hoping for your name to be announced soon so you could get rid of the anxiety.
Soon, your name was called and you had scored 95% in the test. You were the happiest person in the whole hall as you were the only had scored above 90%. But that happiness was short lived because of the name of the next person that was called out.
“Park Jinyoung. 96%.”
Surprised, you turn to look at the owner of that name as he shot you a smirk cocking his eyebrows from his place.
Fucking Park Jinyoung! You absolutely hated that guy though the both of you have barely spoken to each other. He was there in almost every class the you attended and his name always comes right behind yours.
There was a silent and unspoken competition between the both of you regarding who would score more than the other and it had only been getting intense as days pass by neither of you wanting to give up.
At first it didn’t seem as if it was a competition. The both of you were seated at the far ends of the big hall with no means to contact each other. You even have completely different set of friends that had no connection in any way.
It started when you were in your sociology class and a similar class test was conducted. You had scored more than him but since you didn’t know him, you paid no mind to the judgy look he sent your way. But in the next test, he scored more than you and gave a look that said ‘Got you loser’ and you were no loser. So, you decided to put your heart and soul and prepare for the next text and this is exactly how the competition came into effect and has been going for the past one year.
The more annoying thing was that this competition wasn’t limited only to the test. The both of you proceeded to compete in almost every competition held by your uni. You didn’t know if he was keeping track of his wins and losses, but you sure were in order to pay him back for every loss of yours.
Your friends never really understood your need to win in every competition and thought your obsession to win against him as an obsession to win over him which annoyed you further. They sometimes would never shut up when you whined to them about how he scored more than you. As a result, you stopped talking to them about Jinyoung altogether.
 Determined to score more than him in the next test, you exit the class to find your friends before heading to the next class. But you had to stop dead in your tracks hearing the voice of the one person that you didn’t want to calling out for you. All you wanted to do right now was hide under a rock than look at his smug face which would tempt you to punch his face.
“Yes?” you asked turning to face him you could see that he didn’t even make an attempt to hide the smug look on his face. Well did you expect him to not flaunt it on your face? Absolutely not because you would have done the same.
“I want to make our ‘competition’ more interesting.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we have been competing for so long with neither an end to it nor any reward to the winner.”
“That’s because this is the first time, we are even talking to each other properly and not glaring.”
“You sure about that? Because I feel like if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead for more than thousand times within the span of two minutes we started talking now.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his exaggeration. Maybe you were slightly glaring at him right now. But that was because he scored more than you and were being detained by him to talk about something that he wouldn’t get to any time soon.
“What do you propose?” you asked ignoring his last comment.
“Uni is ending with this term and we are going to part ways after it for good. So, I was thinking, the person with the highest GPA at the end of this term is the ultimate winner and the loser has to do whatever the winner asks them of. For 24 hours.”
You thought about it. Though on one hand it seemed lucrative, it was risky, the margin in which either of you lost to each other was very small and that’s what made this competition between the both of you interesting. Besides the reward seemed attractive. Imagine the things you could make him do for one whole day.
“Sounds good. I’m in.”
“Great. It’s a bet then.” He announced extending his hand for a shake. You shook his hand with a smirk. You were least surprised to see a similar smirk because the both of had the same thought of winning and making the other your slave for one whole day.
Ever since the bet, you had been spending more time reading either at the library or your apartment where there was less chances of distraction. You had to win this bet at all costs because losing meant you doing whatever Jinyoung wants you to do. And you didn’t even want to think of all the sadistic plans he made in that pretty – sorry petty – brain of his.
Everything was going great and as per your plan. You had finished studying the complete syllabus and had also done your revision one week before the final exams. You were quite confident that the one losing the bet would not be you.
After completing your revision, you decided to step out of the apartment to grab some dinner and also get some fresh air. Since you didn’t want to spend a lot of time looking for a good place and travelling, then eating and then travelling back to your place, you decided to go to the diner that was situated near the college dorms.
As soon as you entered, you weren’t the least bit surprised to see that majority of the population that was occupying a seat was from your uni. You took a seat at the counter service and ordered your regular dinner.
But your plans of having a peaceful dinner had to be thrown out of the window because the devil himself decided to take a seat next to you instead of sitting with his friends who were seated a few booths away.
“Enjoying your meal?” he asked handing you the bottle of ketchup that you were reaching out for.
“Thanks, and yes. Isn’t that why you’re here too?”
“Yea. But I wanted to talk to once before the exams start.”
“Go ahead. I’m listening.” You said looking at him with full concentration.
“Well, its nothing big. I just wanted you to be ready to do my bidding for a whole day after the results are declared.”
“In your dreams, Park. There’s no way I’m losing that bet.”
“We’ll see (Y/L/N). after all the exams start in a day and the results will be announced in a month. But you know, after analyzing our history, I thought I should give you a heads up.” He said with a smirk which only annoyed you further.
But you decided to not act upon that annoyance when you could rather prove him wrong by beating him in that bet.
“Thanks for the heads up then. Now, can I eat my dinner in peace?” you asked passing him a fake sweet smile that made him chuckle.
“Of course. Who am I to stop you from eating your delicious meal? I’ll see you later, (Y/L/N).” he said walking away to the booth where his friends were already seated.
You knew that if you paid too much attention to what Jinyoung had just said, it would mess with your brain and you might end up forgetting whatever you had already prepared. In order to distract yourself from his words and the commotion at the diner, you started listening to music in your earphones successfully tuning out all the noises.
After having your meal and paying for it, you decided to revise a topic that you weren’t so sure you’d be able to write well if asked. Though your brain had this idea. Your leg had a mind of its own. It is no surprise that you were a clumsy person and often tripped on air even on flat surfaces.
Just as you got off the stool, you collided head into a person that had been walking in that direction and while you made an attempt to steady yourself, your hand slipped from the stool and fell on the ground hitting your head hard on the diner counter.
The events that took place after that were a blur to you – literally. You couldn’t see anything clearly and that was until you slipped into a state of unconsciousness.
 When you woke up later, all you could guess was that you were at a hospital. But you had no idea who brought you here and how they did it and for how long you were unconscious. You decided to call for a nurse but your throat was dry as a parchment and to your luck, no one could see you because of the curtains drawn around your bed.
Soon, you heard some voices talking behind those curtains, among which only one of them was a familiar one. As much as you were embarrassed to meet Jinyoung right now, he was the one to whom you could ask the happenings of the previous (hopefully) night.
After he finished talking to the person who you assumed was the doctor, you saw him part the curtains and approach your bed with a bag in his hand.
“You’re awake.” He declared noticing that your eyes were open wide as compared to the last time he saw you at the same bed before leaving to grab some necessities. “Want some water?” he asked handing you a bottle of water not exactly waiting for a response.
You took the bottle from him mumbling a small thank you and emptied its contents in record time.
Now it was time for some answers.
“What happened?” you asked looking at him with a clueless expression.
“You tripped and fell, hitting you head hard giving yourself a severe concussion. You are under observation as of now. I spoke to the doctor about you having the exams. He said that you will be discharged within tonight.”
“How long was I out?”
“Well, let’s assume you tripped at around 8:30PM. And since its around 10, let’s say a solid 13.5 hours.”
“How did I get here?”
“My friends and I called for an ambulance and since they wanted one of us travel and stay the night, I volunteered.”
“So, you’re saying that you were there with me the whole time?” you asked shock lacing your voice.
“Yea. Who else?” he asked in a tone that made you seem like a little child being scolded.
But Wow. That was a lot of information to take in at a span of five or more minutes. You had tripped multiple number of times before but never once was it too serious for you to get hospitalized like this. And you also never expected Park Jinyoung to stay by your side till you woke up. I guess things really do change.
“Thanks for staying and taking care of me.” you thanked him sincerely as he took a seat that was near your bed.
“It’s no problem. Besides, I had to make sure that the person with whom I placed the most important bet of my lifetime was ok. But looking at you right now, I guess we will have to cancel the bet as you are not exactly you.”
“NO! I mean no. I’m fine right now. And I’m sure I can do well tomorrow at the exam if I revised properly right now.” You answered eyeing the book he had in his hand.
“You sure you’re not lying in order to continue the bet?” he asked eyeing you warily.
“No. I really feel fine right now. Besides, I was out for more than 13 hours. So, I feel somewhat fresh right now. Though it would be better if someone gave me some food.” You said pouting making him chuckle.
“Here, I saved an apple for you. I will ask Bam to bring some legit food for lunch for the both of us.”
You mumbled a small thank you and started eating the apple and asked him to help you revise for tomorrow’s exam.
As much as you hate to admit it, studying with Park Jinyoung was actually good and the both of you were studying till you were finally discharged from the hospital. He even made sure you reached your dorm by dropping you till your door and then left for his own room.
As soon as you entered your dorm, all you did was lay in your bed and sleep as you felt all the fatigue from earlier hit you at once.
 Next day when you woke for the exam, you knew that you were fucked and it was not in the good way. Yes, you had been studying for these exams for more than 3 months. But the concussion you suffered still had your brain fuzzy for the next few days that followed and though you knew you would pass the exams but at the same time, you also knew that you may not win the bet you had with Jinyoung.
You can’t back out of it now because when he offered to cancel the bet, you had let your pride get the best of you and had asked him to not cancel the bet. All you could do while waiting for the results to be declared was prepare yourself mentally for doing whatever he asks of you for one whole day.
 On the day the results were declared, Jinyoung sent you a text asking you meet him at the same diner where your accident had taken place.
When you arrived at the diner, he was already seated in one of the booths that was situated in the far corner. You approached him with confidence as you were prepared for your fate.
“Hey.” You greeted him as you took a seat facing him.
“Hey. Saw the results?” he asked cutting to the chase.
“Yea. My GPA is 3.7.”
“Not bad for a person that wrote the exams with a concussion.”
“Thanks. What’s your GPA?”
“A four.” He said with a smirk.
“Congratulations then.”
“Thanks. But the both of us know that we are not here to congratulate me. We are here to finish that bet once and for all.”
“I know. And your 24 hours start from now based on one condition that your demands must not be unreasonable.”
“Does asking you to go on a date with me fall under the category of unreasonable request?”
His question had thrown you off guard. You had been preparing yourself for petty requests like cleaning his apartment, doing his daily chores and similar activities. But not once did you imagine that he would ask you out on a date.
Park Jinyoung wants you to go on a date with him. But you two were never able to see each other eye to eye because of the competition you had going on. But now it was all done. Uni was over and unfortunately for you, you lost the bet. But he is giving you an option to say no to the date too.
That time when the both of you spent at the hospital together when you were under observation was not that bad. He was sweet to you and made sure you studied something in a manner that you weren’t giving your brain too much work. Maybe he’s not all that bad and anyway, one date couldn’t hurt anyone right?
“I don’t think so.” you replied, this time throwing him off guard. He hadn’t expected you to say yes so easily. But then again, you were so full of surprises.
“Alright. Be ready by 6PM for our date. I’ll come pick you up.”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“Nope. Just this one. For now.” He said his boyish features returning along with a smirk.
“Don’t make me regret saying yes, Park.” You threatened him narrowing your eyes.
“Don’t worry (Y/L/N). I’ll make sure you have a good time.” He replied with a chuckle.
“I’ll see you at 6 then.” You said getting up from your seat.
“Okay. But be careful when you walk at this diner. I don’t want you getting another concussion.”
“It was once ok? Just let it go.”
“It may be once for you. But it’s one too many times for me to see you at the hospital.”
“Fiine. I’ll be careful. Bye.” You said heading out of the diner minding your steps just in case to avoid another concussion.
Despite how you feel or rather felt about him, you were actually excited and looking forward to this date and kinda hoped it would turn out to be something nice in your life.
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nancywheelxr · 6 years
(our friends set us up on a blind date as a prank because we don’t like each other but neither of us wants to let them win so ) | Part 8:
( part 1 ) ( part 2 ) ( part 3 ) ( part 4 ) ( part 5 ) ( part 6) ( part 7 )
Game nights at Kara’s are always very fun in a very competitive sort of way. Winn loves every second of it. And it’s been around as a tradition for about as long as he’s known her. It’s the sort of thing that used to be just for fun and then stayed existing just for the normalcy. It’s kind of impossible to imagine life without those weird nights now.
This one, though. For this one, he’s as nervous as the first time he talked himself into knocking on her door.
“We can do this,” he says half to the mirror, half to his anxiety. They can do this. “It can’t be that hard.” His sentence rises at the end, almost bending into a question; too dubious to be a statement.
“It will be the first time they all see us together outside of work and its distractions,” Brainy answers him from the living room anyway, still idly flipping through channels. He’s been slowly becoming more comfortable in Winn’s apartment after their fake-date and dinner at Valentine’s Day; Winn is sure even his small one-bedroom is better than the dorms at the DEO. “Are you ready yet? I’d rather not be late.”
A deep breath. Not to say, of course, that they don’t get into each other’s nerves anymore. “That’s not as helpful as you think,” he calls back, then quieter, “asshole.” To be fair, they should get all the insults out of the way before going to Kara’s, you know, really get it out of their systems.
“I apologize, it was not my intention to make it worse,” Brainy appears at the door, seizing him up with a carefully neutral face. Winn is surprised he didn’t hear him approaching, even more at the petty need not be found lacking that rises at the inspection. He tugs at his collar at the same time Brainy clears his throat, “to me, knowing all the parameters of a situation helps. What would help you?”
Not to be under a microscope tonight. Instead of replying, he meets his eyes on the mirror with a look that hopefully carries all he really wants to say, and splashes water on his face, wishing to dispel some of his nerves with the cold. If he’s being honest, he’s not even that sure why he’s so apprehensive.
“If it helps,” Brainy continues, a little hesitant, passing him the towel hanging by the door, “they have no reason to be suspicious, they want to believe us.”
Clutching the towel on his hand, Winn gives him an almost-smile. “Now, this helps,” he dries off, hiding the full extent of his grin, “thanks. But we should get going or we’ll be late even by my standards.”
Maybe Brainy is right, things might be fine tonight. If anything, everyone will be already expecting bickering from all sides, it’s game night. Maybe, as a surprising amount of things in this lie, it will be easier than he expects it to be.
The kitchen table is littered with snacks and Winn is sure this is what heaven looks like. Why was he so nervous earlier again? Nothing could possibly go wrong with this much junk food available.
Besides, now that everyone’s here, the air is full of laughter and inside jokes and the warm, steady promise of friendship– it’s really hard to be nervous.
This is his family, of course it’s going to be okay.
“So how was the date?” comes Lena’s voice, drifting faded from the living room.
Right. Even if they’re halfway through this stupid lie.
“Very nice,” follows Brainy’s reply, “even though, Winn was five minutes late.”
Scoffing to himself, Winn makes his way around the counter, taking the bowl of chips with him, “hey, you should be nicer,” he says over the prattle, “I’m your boyfriend now.”
Brainy makes space for him on the floor, “I am being nice, it’s why I said five minutes, instead of the fifteen.”
“Thanks, really,” Winn deadpans, leveling him with a deeply unimpressed glare, and sets the bowl on the table.
Lena snickers, laughing fondly at his grudging expression as he holds one arm open, letting Brainy settle back against him. After over two months of pretending, casual touching like this is easy– Winn has always been an affectionate, tactile person, it wasn’t hard to accommodate Brainy into his personal bubble. It’s almost nice.
“Okay, are we ready for this?” Kara calls their attention, tapping a spoon against her beer, “after some serious requests, I have finally dug out Clue!” She sets the box on the middle of the table, smiling proudly at their cheering.
“I have not played this before,” Brainy whispers, watching Kara bring out the board and all the pieces. “Is the title as misleading as the others?”
“No, actually,” Winn says, “it’s pretty much what it says on the tin. Someone murdered Mr. Boddy and we gotta figure out who, where, and with what.” He snags two pieces before Alex could claim them all and start assigning them like codenames, “here, you should be Professor Plum.”
Turning it over on his hand, Brainy raises an eyebrow, “and who will you be?”
“Apparently,” he snorts, “Ms. Peacock.”
“Alright,” Alex calls, shaking the dice on her closed fist, “where’s Miss Scarlet?”
With a tired, long-suffering sigh, James raises his hand. “Let’s get this over with, hand over the dice.”
“Here you go, Red.”
James sighs again.
“Alex!” Kara cries, throwing the last of the chips at her sister. “You’re cheating!”
“How am I cheating? It’s Clue,” she laughs, ducking and holding up a pillow as a very ineffective shield, “and– stop it– you’re wasting food!”
“Okay,” James stands up, watching Kara scrap the bowl for ammunition with a face that doesn’t seem to decide if it wants to be amused or afraid, “I think it’s time for refills.”
“Hold up,” Winn detangles himself, unfortunately flailing all the while, “I’ll help you.”
The brewing war in the living room is left behind as he wanders into the kitchen behind James, going straight for the cabinets and raiding them for Kara’s emergency stash of chips.
Bags are poured into another bowl in relative silence, as they eavesdrop into the bickering drifting in. It’s imported to keep up with it, really, by the time they get back, it might already have devolved into an all-out war and they might have to choose sides and– Kara squeals, followed by a burst of laughter, and both of them turn to see her clinging to the couch behind her, crumbs all around, and Alex holding the bowl above her, grinning darkly satisfied.
But it’s not any of it that catches his attention.
No, while it is a funny scene to watch and it does startle a chuckle out of him, it dies on his throat once his gaze lands on Brainy. Winn can’t look away. Because Brainy is laughing openly, and Winn hasn’t noticed this before, but when Brainy smiles it lights up his whole face, makes him look younger, and it’s just–
James sidles up beside him, elbowing Winn lightly, “I know that face,” he chuckles, way too entertained by the whole thing, “it’s your smitten face.”
His mind screeches to a stop, and Winn freezes for a second, before going into overdrive and whipping his head around fast enough to give himself whiplash in compensation. “What?” His voice cracks embarrassingly. He clears his throat. Is his mouth hanging open? It might, he’s not entirely sure what’s going on, things are spiraling fast. “ I mean, what, pshh, why would you say that?”
“Uh, because I know you? And I’ve seen it way too many times now not to recognize it?”
That’s. Wow. When you think you know a guy– seriously, how long have they known each other and– how can James even. That’s. Wow. It’s supposed to fool everyone but, this is something else; for James to just come out and say that– where did he even. Wow.
“You okay there?” James, who clearly does not know Winn as well as he thinks, asks. He even has the gall to sound concerned. “I know it’s still fairly new– I didn’t mean to freak you out, man.”
Winn shakes his head, burying his inner monologue for later when he’s not supposed to be agreeing to this so very wrong statement. “You didn’t freak me out,” he shrugs, kind of trailing off. How do you follow up on that? Goddamnit, it’s too soon for Winn of all people to get tangled up in the lies. If anyone should trip, it should be Brainy, not him. “You just– caught me by surprise, that’s all. Kinda forgot you were there for a sec.”
“I hear that, alright,” and man, it’s the chuckling that irks him. James is just so sure, it’s. It’s whatever. “You were smiling like you didn’t see anyone else,” he claps Winn in the shoulder, calling back as he ducks out of the kitchen, “you’ve got it bad, man.”
Well, would you look at that. Maybe Winn should have looked into the Broadway thing, after all.
Who would’ve thought he’s such a good actor.
Clue goes about as well as it was expected. It’s to no one’s surprise when Alex wins, although Lena narrows her eyes in a way that promises hellfire of a payback later and Kara pouts, already resigned to be caught in the middle of that.
With the night winding down, they exchange the board games for a movie, because in all honesty, they have all missed getting together like this. Winn had not been there for the worst of it, but he’s seen the last drags of awkwardness lingering after all that went down last year.
To have everyone in the same room without any pressure, it’s kind of a miracle.
They’re mostly fine with not talking about it, though.
But the movie seems to be one of Alex’s, some action flick that demands just this tiny bit more of attention than he can give it right now. It’s a Friday night, and Winn’s tired; he’s been working all week, he’s so, so tired, he can feel gravity winning and his body tilting, head lolling to the side, eyelids insurmountably heavy. Maybe, if he closes his eyes for just a second, then–
Just one teeny-tiny moment, then he’ll give the movie all of his attention.
The warm, soft wall he’s leaning against shifts, and Winn burrows in the warmth more comfortably. An arm wraps around his shoulder, and oh, right, it’s a person. Something nags at his mind, too faint to go through the sleepy haze setting in, and Winn lets it slide away, as he goes further and further into the dark.
With the background noise quieting down around him, Winn sleeps.
A hand shakes his shoulder.
Scowling, Winn half-heartedly tries to bat it away, holding his pillow closer.
Someone coos nearby.
Now, his eyes fly open.
The first thing he sees is dark green, soft under his cheek. A sweater, his brain helpfully supplies with an unwanted delay. Then, there’s awareness of his surroundings– shit, right, he was at Kara’s, game night then a movie, and– “where’s everyone?” He mumbles, pushing himself off Brainy.
“Lena left half an hour ago, James is probably still waiting for his taxi outside,” Kara counts off her fingers, grinning unashamedly, “and Alex is out cold in the guest bedroom.”
His legs are still unsteady, stiff from sleep, and Winn is forced to accept Brainy’s hand to pull him up. Maybe if he weren’t still dazed and a little disoriented, he wouldn’t be so blasé about all of this, but as it is– things are already so goddamn weird, why not just go along with it?
“You have slept through the entire movie,” Brainy tells him, monotone, dusting himself off, “overall, it was very inaccurate.”
“That’s what you got from it?” Winn snorts, accepting his jacket from Kara. He gives her a smile, opening his arms in an invitation for a hug and she goes easily, laughing. “Told you we’d resurrect game night.”
“Says the guy who slept through half the night,” she turns him around, pushing him back towards Brainy, “here, I think this is yours.”
“Yes, I suppose so,” Brainy makes a terribly resigned face, trading a sympathetic look with Kara over his shoulder, both struggling to keep a straight face. She herds them out the door, bundled up in scarves to brave the cold weather, snickering at his dramatically offended face. “Thank you for inviting us,” Brainy says, stepping out in the hall, and Winn takes his hand.
“Yeah,” he echoes through a yawn, nodding at Brainy’s direction, “what he said.”
Kara waves goodbyes, shutting the door with a soft click, leaving them alone in the empty hallway, and Winn drops his hand.
Broadway-levels acting right there.
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holland-ish · 6 years
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Prologue Part 1 Part 2
Summary: Hey I loved your fratboy tom blurb but I’m sadistic and was wondering if you could do a blurb with a spin like say the really reason he dated you was for a bet/dare and you find out.
Word Count: 2,404
Here’s the third part of this series that I’m working on with @hollandroos and @cosmetologynerd ,enjoy!
“So, you and Holland, huh?” Your friend speaks, her voice hiding something other than excitement. Possibly concern. You had been walking to your dorms, discussing classes and what you were doing in the weekend when she’d bought up the boy you could barely get your mind off of.
Your face immediately turns a light shade of red and you couldn’t help the words that fell from your mouth sounded shaky, stumbling them out a little too quickly. “I mean, we’ve been studying together for a few weeks now. He needed someone to help him with his English paper and I just happened to be in the library at the time.”
“I’ve heard rumours about the two of you heading up to his room at that party a couple nights ago” She pried. There were reasons you hadn’t given her too many details about Tom, reasons involving her pestering.
“We didn’t do anything.” You didn’t lie, well, not really. “Harrison came in before we could do anything too serious.” You try to hide your face in your books, shielding your eyes from your friend's disappointed glances.
“We always said we wouldn’t get involved with boys like them, Y/N.  Boys like Tom-, they only want one thing” A part of you knew she was right, but the other part was head over heels for the boy with chocolate brown eyes and toffee curls. You sighed.
“He’s not like that!” You couldn’t stop yourself from defending Tom against his reputation. “Tom’s nice. I think he might actually care about me. He’s really flirty but he doesn’t pressure me or anything. He respects me.”
She sighed and looked at you, doubt written all over her face. “I can’t even count the number of girls who have fallen for his tricks on both my hands.”
You were starting to get annoyed with her by this point, fully believing every word she’d heard about Tom without getting to know him like you had. You knew on some level that she was right. Tom had probably told these same lies, had those same conversations, made them feel this way- but you didn’t listen to that voice. No, he had been like that. In the past. But he was different now, you saw it in the way he looked at you, the nervous way he’d fluttered his lips over yours, the way he smiled at you. He was your Tommy. He wasn’t Tom Holland the playboy. Not with you.
“You don’t know him like I do,” you whispered to your friend. She nodded slightly, seeing that you were clearly head over heels for this idiot and it was then and there that she promised to be there for you if- no, when he played you.
“I’m just saying, keep an eye out when it comes to him.” You nod, feeling your insides swimming with guilt and regret due to talking about the boy that’d given you so much happiness and showed you so much affection in the last few weeks. He’d made you feel wanted, beautiful, and most importantly, desired.
“If it worries you that much then it’ll make you happy to hear that after today we should be finished with his paper. He probably won’t even want to see me again,” the words held your deepest fears, all of your doubts about what you knew in Tom. You hoped you were wrong.
She nods her head, your dorms coming into view. “I just don’t want to see you getting hurt over this boy.”
“Trust me, I’ll be fine,” You shrugged, though you did have a few doubts. You were filled with anxiousness just at the thought of him doing something to upset you. He wouldn’t hurt you, right?
Still, as much as you thought you believed that Tom wouldn’t do anything to hurt you on purpose, there was still an underlying layer of doubt that was muffled out by the way he charmed you.
Tom was at your dorm before you arrived back, his bag slung over his shoulder, typing away furiously on his phone. The sight of him waiting for you in front of his door made you smile and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Maybe you were turning into a lovesick kitten.
He saw your first, immediately flicking his phone off and trying to ignore the messages Harrison had been sending him, seemingly all afternoon.
Haz: Dude, are you seriously with her right now? You’re whipped.
Haz I’m starting to think you may win this bet
Haz: Party this Friday @ the frat across from ours
Haz: I invited the girls from the sorority, I found the perfect one for you.
Haz: I can’t wait to see Y/N’s face when you tell her this was all a bet.
Tom did feel guilty, in fact, he felt disgraceful, because he was going to be liable for everything you felt when eventually, you found out about the bet. He would admit it in a second, he was a bad person. Though anyone else would disagree. It wasn’t him himself, it was his actions, his inability to give into peer pressure. There was nobody else to be held accountable for the pain he was worried that he would put you through. Just him; just Tom.
As much as Tom hated that he had let himself reach this point; that he had let himself stoop so low as to knowingly shatter an unsuspecting and innocent heart, he convinced himself that there was no way out of this without making an ass of himself in front of his friends. So be it, he thought, if he had to do this to get through university with a reputable image.
“Hey there, Holland. Ready to finish that paper of yours?” You gave your friend a small wave and in return, she flicked you a wink, stepping into her dorm opposite yours.
Tom looked up quickly, stuffing his phone into his back pocket, smiling as he looked at you. His stomach was filled with dread of the hopefully late future. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”
“That’s it! Paper complete, I can assure you that’s a solid A,” You smiled, placing your pens back in their holder though on the inside you were bummed that your last session with Tom was over, the chances that he’d want to see you again were thin.
“I can’t thank you enough for this,” He smiled genuinely for a moment before a cheeky grin took over his features. “You know, I didn’t actually need help with this paper. I would’ve been happy with a C but I just-, I had to get closer to you.”
You coughed awkwardly, continuing to fiddle with a pen. His words made your heart flutter as you stared at the completed paper, his handwriting messily scribbled over the work as well as the small, coin-sized heart he’d doodled on your hand when he’d got bored still sat in all its glory. You were trying not to look into his eyes knowing that if you did, you’d melt in an instant. The tiny details were enough to make a smile break out on your face and your heart swim with joy but your friend's words still sat in the very back of your mind.
Ignoring the way that your stomach seemed to do somersaults inside your body, you flicked through the work you had created to distract yourself from overthinking about what Tom had just said. This was all so unrealistic in its own sense but it wasn’t as if you were complaining.
You weren’t in love yet, but you were surely in over your feet in possibly the best way possible. “I mean-, you told me the other night but I thought you were kidding. You could’ve just talked to me, Tommy.”
“But with my reputation, would you have let me in?” You put your head down, chewing on your bottom lip. “Exactly.” He nods, feeling slightly disappointed. Tom places his hand under your chin, gently forcing you to look back at him. You saw genuinity in his eyes, he wasn’t smirking or teasing you and that made your heart grow possibly the size of a balloon because goddammit, maybe you changed the player.
“You’re not who everyone says you are and I’m glad I got to see the real you. The Tom that doesn’t get wasted every night despite coming to lectures looking slightly hungover every day.” You let a giggle pass your lips. “The you that actually likes theatre but refuses to let anyone else know, or the you that carried my books back to my dorm yesterday not because I asked you too, but because you wanted to.”
He felt heat rush to his face at your words and his stomach twisted uncomfortably for a moment, guilt flashing through his mind once again. But you were right; you did know the real him. You knew he loved theatre, you knew he wasn’t always focused on the next pretty girl who flashed him a grin, you knew his quirks; like he knew yours. “S-so. I was wondering… Now that my papers finished and all- how about that dinner?” He said the words with a slight stutter, his ever so confident act fading away for a moment.
You couldn’t possibly be hearing him right. You were half convinced he’d walk out that door as soon as you finished his paper, but was he really- did he just- “T-tommy, did you just ask me out on a date?”
He smiled, his true genuine smile and you felt yourself smile back at him. “I did.”
For a second Tom swore you were going to say no, kick him out of the dorm and never associate yourself with him again. This was the first time, possibly ever, that Tom Holland was afraid of being turned down.
“Yes. I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
A smile split across Tom’s face, his insides fluttering nervously as butterflies erupted in his stomach at your answer. You said yes. He’d been so sure, convinced himself that you would say no… But you were smiling just as large as he was, both excited and both just as nervous.
He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly, laughing his head off. “Great!” His smile was infectious and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him as your insides fluttered happily. He asked you on a date. Tom Holland asked you out on a date! He placed a kiss on your temple before heading towards the door. “I’ll be by around eight to pick you up, yeah?”
“Okay,” you smiled nervously at him, a blush creeping onto your cheeks as you placed your fingers on the temple Tom’s lips had graced only seconds before. “See you then, Tommy.”
As eight o’clock rolled around, the reality of your situation hit you. You were going on a date with Tom Freaking Holland. You could only imagine the types of dates he’d been on before and you’d hoped your favourite black dress held up to par. You nervously played with your hair, questioning the style over and over, touching up your makeup even though there was nothing to fix, just hoping he would be impressed.
What you didn’t know, was that the infamous playboy was equally as nervous. He’d paced around his room one too many times, and tousled his curls so much he was sure he looked crazy. He looked at his copy of Romeo and Juliet lying on his desk, pages bookmarked with his lines, and he smiled to himself as he remembered your words the last time you were with him here. It suits you. He shook himself and walked out of his room, his confidence growing with every second as he walked to your dorm with a slight skip in his step, purposely dodging his frat buddies.
A few called after him, “Where ya off to, Holland?” or “Ya hit that yet?” but Tom ignored them, his ears heating up at their words. He knew they were all in on the bet, but he didn’t count on them flustering him this much. He shook himself to calm down before knocking on your door, dancing on his toes waiting for you to answer.
When you opened the door, his eyes widened and he swore then and there that he was in over his head. You looked gorgeous. Yes, he always thought you looked gorgeous but right now, in that black dress, your hair in that updo and your makeup done lightly, not at all overdone, he almost melted.
His breath caught in the back of his throat, his palms felt clammy and he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat as he took you in. “Y-you look stunning, darling.”
Your cheeks heated up and you dropped your gaze from him as you responded softly, “Thank you, you look nice as well.” The two of you were absolutely smitten for each other. If only you knew just how much he truly cared for you.  “Where are we heading?”
Tom held out his arm allowing you to loop your arm through it and he smiled, “It’s a surprise.”
You laughed nervously, following him along the campus pathway, chatting lightly, noticing that the few people you passed on campus gave you strange looks. You could understand why; you were the booky English major nobody, arm in arm with the hottest boy on campus. “People are staring at you,” you whispered, feeling embarrassed as Tom let you up the steps of the theatre on campus.
“Trust me, darling, they’re all staring at you.” He placed a small kiss on your temple before opening the doors to the stage room and allowed you to enter first. What greeted your eyes was the stage set of Romeo and Juliet, along with a checkered picnic blanket and a woven basket stuffed with all kinds of foods. Candles littered their way around the stage, and two wine glasses sat at the front of the stage.
“Oh, Tommy,” you whispered, walking down to the stage, looking back at him with a large grin plastered on your face. “It’s s beautiful.”
He smiled to himself, glad he had asked his mother for an idea on how to woo a girl. “What do ya say, sweetheart, a glass of wine to celebrate finishing my paper?”
Tagging: @hereiamhereigo @wtfholland @saracastickid @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic @cutehollands @joetasker @whileinparis @lionheo04 @tmrhollandkay
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trashyazeohane · 6 years
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Wait For It - Hogwart!AU
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3
Summary: Max tries to help, David is really confused, Nikki and Neil are really good friends and Daniel seriously should choose a different time to knock on the door.
Additional comments: Kissing, Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn
Word count: 16 851
Beta-read by my amazing friend @maxvid-fan
You can also read it on AO3. Enjoy!
゚ 。 ・ * . ☆ ━  II  ━ ☆ . * ・ 。 ゚
“(…) And we keep loving anyway
We laugh and we cry
And we break
And we make our mistakes (…)”
– Lin-Manuel Miranda
Christmas at Nikki’s house was nothing like Christmas at Max’s. His house was dull, empty, hollow and emotionless. It was cold and dreadful. It was ripped of all those warm tones it was supposed to have, even though the lights and colorful ribbons were scattered all over the place, decorating perfectly every possible corner in the house.
Max’s Christmas consisted of a silent dinner and too expensive gifts that never were useful and never brought even a simple spark of joy.
Nikki’s house was a mess – a very positive, lively, vivid, cheerful, warm, sizzling and beautiful mess that made Max want nothing more than to stay here forever.
Nikki’s father’s house wasn’t hollow – it was a disaster with dozens and dozens of toys (mostly belonging to Nikki’s younger brothers), clothes, half-finished furniture, half-eaten packets of biscuits and random utensils lying here and there. An iron in the middle of the kitchen? No problem. A pile of dirty clothes waiting to be washed in the corridor? Sure. An unfinished homework lying on the floor in the living room? Yeah, everyone had to jump over it.
It was a disaster, a mess without any control and Max loved it.
(Neil didn’t like it so much, especially as he stepped into a puddle of water after he had taken off his shoes.)
Nikki’s father welcomed Max with a heavy pat on the back. Nikki’s stepmother gave him cookies and pinched his cheek. Nikki’s little brothers almost tripped him when they ran through the corridor to the kitchen.
It was amazing.
Max decided to stay there for two days – he didn’t want to make things difficult for David, but he was still kinda selfish, so two days it was. He was going to sleep on Nikki’s floor in a borrowed sleeping bag. Neil too, but he brought his own one.
Max wasn’t sure how he should behave or what he should actually be doing during Christmas, but Nikki’s stepmother quickly found him and Neil a job. Nikki was left to get rid of the raccoons sleeping under the roof.
The house was loud – kids screamed, people laughed, things got broken, a dog loudly barked at the shimmering lights – and God, that was amazing.
The Christmas dinner wasn’t silent, but filled with voices, shouts, yelps, asks, answers, groans – with conversations ruling over the table to the soft accompaniment of clashing and squeaking utensils.
It was the best Christmas in Max’s life.
After the dinner they spent the evening and night in Nikki’s room, where they played something on a big, flat screen using weird thingies – controllers apparently or at least Nikki called them that. Max sucked at it first, but quickly found a way to defeat both his friends and be at the very top of the ranking. Nikki threw a giant pack of crisps at him which exploded, showering them with salty treats.
Max laughed when Neil started screeching that the salt got into his eyes.
They talked till the Sun welcomed them on the horizon.
“And this is a present from us!” Nikki happily said, pushing a package into Max’s chest.
“Is it gonna explode?” He asked, staring at the pink paper.
He could never be sure with Nikki nor Neil.
“Unfortunately no.” The girl sighed. “Neil killed the fun part.”
The teen huffed and stared at the girl from behind a book (his present from Max, thank you very much) with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m so bad for not trying to kill my friend.”
Max snorted and then put the package on his lap. He quickly tore through the childish, pink paper to unwrap a plain, brown box, which he then opened. Inside there were Filibuster Fireworks, tons of sweets and a scarf with a logo of his favourite Quidditch team.
Max grinned under his nose when he found a small note at the very bottom which only said ‘use fireworks only to mess with crazy Daniel’.
“Thanks guys.” Max said, feeling the happiness bubbling inside his chest, but he held it down strongly to not let it show on his face.
But it was probably a futile job, because Nikki was grinning at him like crazy. Even Neil had a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips behind the book.
The rest of the day was spent eating the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, watching TV, laughing at the lame jokes said there and occasionally fighting with Nikki’s brothers.
And too soon the evening came and Max had to return to the school.
Nikki’s stepmother packed him a whole bag of food (Neil too). Max had no heart to tell her that he didn’t have any place to hide it, so he just took it and thanked the woman. Nikki’s father shook his hand and smiled warmly. He told Max that he would always be welcome here.
In overall it wasn’t much, but damn, it was a lot in Max’s opinion.
To be honest Max was kinda tired when he returned to the dorm. Plus a soft hue coming from a candle wasn’t giving him much light, so it was logical that he didn’t see a few packages lying near his bed.
But he did notice them in the morning, when he almost crashed down because his leg got caught under one.
“What the…”
Oh yeah, his parents had also sent him a present – wrapped in a neat, gold paper. For a brief moment Max thought about leaving it here, maybe even throwing it out of the window, but then decided it was better to get this over with.
Some fancy clothes, a tie and a book – where the shirts looked uncomfortable, the tie had a disgusting pattern and the book was about economy.
Yeah, this present totally deserved being thrown out of the window. Or maybe he could burn it. It would probably burn nicely.
Max scoffed under his nose. Yeah, his parents will probably expect him to wear those things, so maybe getting rid of them wasn’t that best idea. Especially as he didn’t want nor had the energy to search for excuses.
So in the end he grabbed the pile and pushed it in the furthest part of his trunk. He had to give it a good few kicks to push it between some books, but soon the present was buried deep down and was hopefully taken off Max’s mind for at least few months from now on.
So what should Max do? He still had a few days of freedom and no detention. Of course he had a shit ton of homework he could do, but yeah… that could wait till the very last few days, so he could then curse himself that he didn’t start earlier.
So yeah, a day of doing nothing it was.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t as beautiful as Max initially had thought, because damn it was fucking boring. The castle was so empty that he had barely seen anyone walking around!
Even the teachers’ table was almost empty. Yet he definitely saw crazy Daniel talking with a Numerology teacher.
(David was absent, but it was normal. He usually was late for breakfasts, so Max’s brain didn’t let him dwell too long on it, even though he kinda wanted to see the teacher.)
So he spent most of the day sitting in the common room and reading random books. For a brief moment he even wanted to start doing homework, but his brain quickly shot that idea down.
He wondered what David was doing. From what Max knew and heard from other people, David never really returned home. Not counting the fact that beside him there was no one here who could take care of the plants, it didn’t look like he had anyone to whom he could return.
Maybe that was why he was so gloomy during Christmas? It was a possibility, but Max had a feeling that this wasn’t exactly true. There were of course tons of rumors spreading through the school like a disease, but Max hardly believed them. They were only there to make people enjoy evenings in the common rooms.
Max hadn’t seen David for the whole day.
So Max spent this whole day doing nothing.
When he washed himself, he moved slowly to his empty bedroom (the rest of his roommates had gone home for Christmas), whistling some catchy song he had heard in Nikki’s house under his nose. A few people wished him a good night and he only nodded at them in reply.
Inside his bedroom he lit up a candle and slowly shuffled around, hiding his dirty clothes and books he had read today in his trunk. After that he stretched his hands above his head and then moved to his bed –
Only to stomp on something kinda crunchy during this process.
Max glanced down. It was hard to see anything in the dim light of the candle (he could definitely use Lumos, but well then it would be too bright), but there was an outline of something lying under his foot. He leaned down and grabbed it.
Max sat on the bed, moved the candle closer on the nightstand and looked at the thing he had stomped on.
It was a package, wrapped in a plain brown, kinda tough paper with a yellowish string holding it all together.
What the heck? Was it another Christmas’ present? But from whom? Some far away relatives? But then again why would they send it now, after so many years?
Only one way to find out.
Max grabbed the thread and pulled, untying it and letting it fall softly onto the bed. Then he slowly moved the paper away, which rustled and swished under the touch.
Max blinked.
Gloves. Typical gardening gloves. Kinda thick, navy blue gloves.
Max grabbed them, feeling kinda harsh touch of the leather under his fingertips. He rolled them over and oh! a small piece of parchment fell from between the fingers.
Merry Christmas!
I thought they may come in handy :)
Max stared at the gloves. There was a short silence inside his chest, but it was quickly broken when a sudden waterfall of emotions surged through his lungs – with happiness foaming at the very top and overpowering his chest and ability to breathe. It was a small present – a simple pair of gloves. Max wasn’t even interested in gardening or taking care of plants – but it still felt like he received the best present in the whole world.
It was stupid, maybe it was even childish or unreasonable – but feelings, crushes, always were. And Max was glad that currently he was alone in the bedroom, because damn, he knew he was smiling under his nose, he could sense his muscles stretching into a grin as joy stormed through his mind.
David had not only helped him have the best Christmas of Max’s life, but he had also given him a present. And he didn’t have to do either of those things!
Max’s mouth was dry as he slowly put on the gloves. They were kinda hard, as the material wasn’t bending to his will, just as the old one always did, but soon after he had the pair on his palms. He moved his fingers, wiggling them a little bit, feeling the leather bend and twist under the movement.
His heart rose inside his chest like it wanted to fly, float, run far away.
(Or maybe not far away at all, but just to the greenhouse a few floors away.)
It was stupid. It was only a pair of gloves – gardening ones – but Max still felt like he just received one of the best gifts ever.
And he felt a sudden urge to jump out of the bed and run, to the greenhouse, to the man and thank him somehow, but he quickly drowned those needs. First, even David at this hour probably wouldn’t be in the greenhouse and second… Well, there was no second reason – other than the fact that it was probably stupid.
But tomorrow he will definitely find David and thank him.
Easier said than done – as most things in life actually.
David wasn’t at breakfast, which wasn’t surprising. Plus Max wasn’t really sure whether he wanted to thank the man in front of the other students – not many students, but still students.
Surprisingly Daniel wasn’t present either.
Max furrowed his eyebrows, but decided not to dwell on it too much.
So this left only one thing to do and it was visiting David in the greenhouse. He was almost constantly there. Sometimes it even looked like he was sleeping there, but that wasn’t the truth. Though Max wouldn’t be surprised if the man indeed spent a few nights there, just because he fell asleep on his desk.
With every step bringing him closer to the greenhouse, Max felt more and more nervous, with the stress pulling on his nerves, like some kind of a musical instrument. The heart beat and drummed so loud in his ears that he barely heard any other sounds – including the snow crunching beneath his shoes.
And in just a few minutes he was in front of the greenhouse. A few breaths to calm his shivering chest and then he grabbed the doorknob.
Only to find out that the door was locked.
What the hell? David wasn’t here? But then where could he be?
Max tried the door once again, but it didn’t budge, only rattled loudly. After that he circled the greenhouse in search for some additional entrances. He found two, but one was barricaded with wooden planks and the other one was also closed.
Max circled the building one more time, but when he found out there was no way of getting in, he stopped in front of it and kicked a lone pile of snow. The stress fully melted inside his body and was replaced with the mushy, muddy, uncomfortable mess of anger, disappointment and worry.
David didn’t appear at dinner nor supper and he wasn’t in his greenhouse till the end of the day.
When he didn’t appear for breakfast the very next day Max was kinda (really) worried.
Yeah, that something squeezing his insides, making them clench painfully, was definitely worry.
However today Daniel appeared near the teachers’ table. He didn’t smile at anyone, only gave them short, courteous nods as a greeting and then sat down to eat something.
Max observed the table from the corner of his eyes, eating bacon from his plate. It tasted perfect, but it still left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.
Somewhere near the end of breakfast, Daniel leaned to Gwen, sitting on his left, and whispered something into her ear. The woman glanced at him, nodded and said something back quickly. Soon after Daniel took one last sip from his cup and then stood up. He was just about to move away when he turned to the table and snatched a raspberry muffin from one plate.
What the hell? Daniel hated sweets. No one even saw him sugaring his drinks, so why was he now stealing muffins?
The dinner was delicious, yet it felt like ash inside his mouth.
Okay, at this point Max couldn’t lie to himself anymore. David still wasn’t at the dinner. But that wasn’t the worst fact. It was Gwen, anxiously glancing a few times at a chair where the man was usually sitting.
So something had to be wrong.
Max had never stayed for the Christmas break, so he didn’t know if this was normal. And asking other students seemed like a bad idea. So this probably left two options possible – ignoring it and asking some teacher about it.
And damn, Max wanted to ignore it. But he couldn’t – even the simple idea of doing it was making him twitch internally, with his stomach churning painfully. So yeah, that was out of the question. Which left the more stressful option – asking someone about it.
(And this option had a high risk of accidentally revealing himself and Max didn’t want that.)
His best shot was Gwen. Of course he could always ask Daniel (as he was also friends with David – how was still beyond Max’s mind comprehension), but the teacher hated him, so maybe this wasn’t the best route here.
It took Max a few hours to find the courage to walk through the castle to Gwen’s office.
However he never reached it, because one voice stopped him:
“Max, can you come with me for a second? I need to talk with you about something.”
Shit, it was crazy Daniel, staring at him with that cold, deadly look.
Max didn’t have any good excuse that would help him escape the man, so he only nodded and followed Daniel into the Dungeons from which he had come out just a few minutes ago.
Their steps echoed loudly in the empty, stone corridors, accompanied by drops of water dripping somewhere in the darkest corners of this place. Not even once did the blond teacher glance back to check if Max was following him, but Max didn’t mind.
And way too soon they were stepping into Daniel’s dark office, illuminated only by a lone candle standing almost too close to the edge of the desk.
“Please sit down.”
Max was too familiar with this place. He had spent too many hours here – hours filled with Daniel giving him detentions, talking about his bad behavior or giving him long, boring lectures about acting his age. So he sat down on the used chair, feeling the familiar seat beneath himself.
Daniel circled the desk, flicked through a few pages of the open book he had there and then sat down. He intertwined his fingers and hid his mouth behind them.
Max put one leg on another and threw one hand on the backrest.
“So what did I do this time?” He asked.
Because this had to be it. Max didn’t know what he could have done wrong, what kind of thing pissed Daniel off now, but he must have done something to land here once again. He didn’t know what, but Daniel probably had no problem finding a small, unimportant reason.
However Daniel blinked, looking kinda taken aback.
“I’m not here because I have done something?” Max asked, raising his eyebrow.
“No, not this time.” The Potions teacher said, shaking his head a little. “I brought you here to ask for a… favor of sort.”
Favor? Daniel asking him for a favor?
Did Max die and was in hell? Because it had to be it. But where could he die? Maybe he had fallen from the tower and everything after that had been some weird, messed-up seconds of beautiful dreams before fully slipping away from this world? It was a possibility. A high possibility, because Daniel would never ask Max for help.
Plus he didn’t really want to do it.
“Favor?’ Max parroted.
“Or more like David is asking for a favor from you.”
Max’s heart skipped a long, painful beat, knocking on the chest heavily. He was fucking sure Daniel could hear it! Because there was no way the man hadn’t heard that!
So something indeed was wrong. This lone thought made Max flinch, made him shiver and tremble internally. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want for anything to be wrong.
“What happened?” Max found himself asking, letting his hand drop and leaning forward, closer to the desk and to the man.
Now it was Daniel’s turn to raise his eyebrow. He sighed and then flattened his hands on the desk.
“David is feeling… under the weather nowadays.” Daniel stated, stopping in the middle and looking around, like he searched for a perfect word to use in this situation. “So he is asking if you could take care of his plants in the greenhouses?”
Max was… lost. His brain stopped working for a second and only came back again after he blinked a few times. But no, Daniel was still sitting there, behind the desk, and staring intently at him.
And Max wasn’t sure how to respond. On one hand he was kinda happy about it, kinda even proud that David asked Max to help him around the greenhouse. But on the other hand he was terrified. Because it had to be really bad, if David wasn’t able to take care of his precious plants. And Max was scared of failing.
Because, to be honest, he didn’t have a green thumb. Back at home he hadn’t even remembered to water the only one plant he had had in his room and suddenly now he was supposed to be taking care of the whole greenhouse?
That was a great responsibility and Max really didn’t want to let David down.
“Why me?” He asked instead.
“I don’t know either.” Daniel stated the truth, and damn Max really felt his hand twitch, only to curl into a fist under the desk. “He asked me to ask you.”
“Why won’t you do it?”
Daniel’s eye twitched. He tapped one finger on the counter rhythmically.
“The plants in the greenhouse… don’t like me that much.”
Oh, to be honest that was really gratifying. Max wasn’t sure whether plants in David’s greenhouses liked him either, but knowing that they didn’t like the blond haired teacher was a very pleasant thought.
(Okay, it was a very amazing feeling, spreading through his chest like some kind of a virus.)
Max tried really hard to not show any emotions on his face, but he couldn’t stop the small twitch of his mouth. Daniel probably noticed it, because he furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth. Mas was expecting some kind of a snarky, unkind remark, but then the man sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Listen, Max. I just need an answer. Will you do it?”
Will Max do it? He wanted to do it, to somehow repay the kindness David had given and showed him, but he was terrified.
“I don’t know anything about his plants. I don’t know how to take care of them.” Max finally answered truthfully, slumping and sliding down the chair a little bit.
Daniel moved the hand back and put it into his pocket to take out a folded piece of parchment. He passed it to Max, who hesitantly grabbed it and opened.
It was an instruction – a pretty long one – which described what someone should do at specific hours, which plant should be watered, where to move them, which flower needed this or that potion and which had to be placed in shadowed spaces. It also had a small annotation where the utensils and gardening tools were hidden.
Max blinked. Everything was well thoroughly written there, step after step, in an easy, kinda sloppy, way.
Max swallowed hard. He could sense the stress pulling on his nerves, but it was also mixed with something else. Some kind of assurance and a spark of need of responsibility bursting behind his eyes.
“So?” Daniel asked, leaning back and crossing his hands.
Max could see he was displeased with the whole situation – probably the most humiliating thing he had done in his entire life was asking Max, of all people, for help.
Max took a deep breath and then folded the paper back.
“I need some keys, right?”
The door opened with a low croak and a whine when he pushed it and stepped into the humid greenhouse.
In the dim light of the afternoon Max could see a shift in the background, a slow movement of leaves, vines and petals fluttering around. Several flies buzzed in the air, circling Max’s head as he swatted them away. He lifted his hand and casted Lumos – a simple, blue ball floated above him, lightening up the place.
The Flutterby bush on Max’s left quivered and shook as he passed it to get further into the greenhouse.
The place without David happily singing around felt devastated, kinda scary, but mostly lonely. It seemed ten times darker, with the shadows dancing around as Max stepped above the vine and then jumped over a root sticking from the ground.
He could sense a few plants turning their pods and leaves at him, but he decided to ignore them. If they attacked him, he could always defend himself. However he really didn’t want to harm any of David’s precious plants – especially as he wasn’t feeling well nowadays.
They never had been hostile towards him, but also David always had been with him here. Now he was all alone, trying to do something at which he wasn’t good.
But he wanted to do it. He wanted to thank David somehow, to make him feel a little bit better and allow him to take his time to rest and then return back in the future, being the bright sunshine he always was.
Max took out the parchment and read through it one more time, even though he had already done it like fifty times.
He found every tool he needed and started working, moving around the thick atmosphere of the greenhouse and doing every task he should do during the afternoon and evening.
A few plants swished around him, almost peeking (if plants could peek) at him curiously, trying to decipher what he was doing and why it felt so different and unfamiliar.
Max only smiled sadly at them and then shook his head, moving the watering can to another pot.
It took a few hours to finish all the task he had to do. The sky turned black and the birds already left the place, leaving him accompanied only by the sounds of swishing around vines and leaves. When he was done, he hid everything in its rightful place, ran through the list one more time and then walked around the greenhouse to see if anything needed his assistance. Oh, there was one tilted bush which he put back in its straight position. There was also one flower which was bent, so Max took a stick and tied a thin thread around it and stalk, making it stand proudly once again. In the light coming from the orb above him he didn’t see any more anomalies, so he slowly moved to the exit and stepped outside, closing the door softly after himself.
Okay, waking up so early definitely wasn’t comfortable. If David had to do it every day, then no wonder he had bags under his eyes.
The early morning wind nipped painfully on Max’s nose and his fingers, so he fastened his pace and in just a few minutes he was in front of the door and taking out the keys. Opening the door now took way more strength, but it was probably due to the coldness of the night which had frozen the hinges.
Max stepped into the humid greenhouse, smiling at the emanating warmness which transferred to his skin.
A few leaves waggled, almost in a waving motion, shivering and bending around. Max clasped his hands, brushed them together to get some feeling back and then slipped on the gloves David had given him.
The morning routine was kinda shorter – or maybe Max felt like that, because now it didn’t take him twice as much time to find the needed things, tools, plants and rows. A few flowers even wiggled happily when the crystal clear water was poured on them (the note said that he should pour water on them and not only on soil) and it weirdly made Max vibrate inside.
The birds returned and flew above the glass ceiling, chirping and fluttering their wings.
Max moved to the small pot standing in the corner and watered it, bending down in the process. The plant’s leaves were kinda brown and it didn’t look like it was in the best condition.
It would probably break David’s heart to see it like this.
“Sorry, bud. Hope you’ll feel better.��� Max said, not really sure why he was speaking in the first place. He wasn’t sure whether the plants could hear him, but he had seen David doing it so many times that the words slipped almost naturally from his mouth.
Maybe it was his imagination, but he could almost see the plant twitch after the words had left his mouth.
(It had to be Max’s brain playing tricks on him.)
He shook his head and stood up.
Though a few more times his mouth slipped and he found himself talking to the plants. Those weren’t big conversations, but simple words and sentences. Sometimes it felt like he had a response and sometimes not. Though once he had to scold one tree, because Max was sure it lifted its root just to make him trip.
He finished his tasks, took off his gloves – now dirty with soil, water and other different things – and then moved to the exit.
“See ya later.”
At some point Max fully stopped caring that he was talking with the plants. To be honest he was kinda lonely – without Nikki and Neil here, he didn’t have that many other friends with whom he could speak and most of them were at home anyway.
And if he had to be honest with himself, the greenhouse was calming him. Waking up in the morning was still a pain in the ass. However Max felt some kind of euphoria and fulfillment when one day a small pod leaned in his hand when he had scratched it.
Max was glad no one saw him smiling under his nose.
A few other plants also moved closer to his touch and Max felt accomplished – to this point one day he came here for a few more additional hours to do his homework.
But there was one plant with which Max had problems. It was the Venomous Tentacula. He had always felt some kind of hostility the plant emanated towards him. But to be honest, it didn’t like anyone, beside David, in the end. The Tentacula hadn’t tried to do him any harm on the first day, but kinda had scared Max with a sudden movement of its vines. After that he had been extra careful around it, keeping his distance in case it would try to do something. But it didn’t.
It looked down, really. The leaves were hanging sadly on the branches, swirling around whenever a small gust of wind passed them as Max opened the door, but other than that the Tentacula didn’t move much.
It was kinda sad to look at that.
Max wasn’t sure why he started to speak to it one afternoon. But to be honest the stress was eating at his nerves and he had no one with whom he could talk so openly. And somehow his heart poured so naturally from his mouth.
“I miss him too.” He mumbled, bending the water can and pouring water on soil around the Venomous Tentacula. “I know you would prefer David instead of me, but at least crazy Daniel isn’t the one doing it.” This brought a small smile to his face. “Though I kinda want to see him doing it.”
There was a flutter behind him, something similar to a laughter.
Max snickered under his nose and then moved the water can away. He grabbed a few vials and looked at them. He popped both open and then started to pour the insides on the ground, drop after drop, alternately.
“I also would prefer if he was here, you know? Without his giddy mood it’s kinda empty and lonely here.” Then like an afterthought, he added. “But don’t tell him that.”
The Tentacula didn’t move.
“I miss him walking around here. I miss seeing his dopey smile. I miss the happiness I’m feeling whenever I am around him. I miss him excitedly talking about random things. I miss seeing him almost cry when some student gets a bad grade. I miss his kindness. I miss so many simple things.” Max snorted. “Shit, it’s so stupid of me, pouring my heart out to you.” He added in a whisper, closing his eyes for a brief moment. “Sorry you had to listen to it. I’ll try not to do it in the future.”
The Tentacula still didn’t move and Max didn’t expect it to.
In the afternoon of the last day of the year David still wasn’t back. Max spent the last few hours in the greenhouse, doing his tasks and reading a book. At some point he sensed a movement to his right and saw a few plants bending in his direction.
“Seriously?” Max stared at them with one lifted eyebrow.
They twirled their leaves, pods, and roots, and Max could only sigh in return. He moved his chair closer to them and moved the orb of light closer to himself.
“If you tell anyone that I did this, I will personally cut all of you.”
And he started reading to them.
In the end he spent way too many hours in the greenhouse, to this point he could actually hear the fireworks being sent to the sky. Max had heard about them, but never had seen them. He closed the book and stood up, moving through the greenhouse in search for a perfect place to look at the fireworks from the inside.
He found a neat place from which the sparkly bursts were pretty visible and he stood there, staring at them in kinda childish awe. They shimmered and glimmered nicely in the dark sky, appearing, only to disappear during the next few seconds, leaving only a cloud of smoke and nice memories after themselves.
Oh, David would like them.
Max felt something sliding up his hand – and he had a giant urge to twitch and shake it off, but he knew better not to do that. He only glanced down to see, in the dim light, the Venomous Tentacula’s vine wrapping itself around his wrist and sliding further up his arm.
It didn’t look like it tried to hurt him and more like it sought comfort than anything else.
Max let it slide a few inches higher and then moved his other hand to pat it softly on the vine.
“He’ll be back soon.” He said softly.
Max wasn’t wrong.
Max walked through the grounds, stepping onto the old footprints and holding his hands under his armpits. His breath was coming out in thick, dense puffs, floating around his head.
Tomorrow the school was starting, so both Nikki and Neil should be back today. Well, now it was probably too early for them to be back yet.
But there was a more prominent problem. Or more like a worry. The classes were starting and David wasn’t anywhere in sight.
(And Max had something special for him, a teeny-tiny present he had ordered one evening.)
What if something really terrible had happened to him? Maybe he won’t be back for a few weeks or months? But if that was the case, then crazy Daniel would tell him, right? Max definitely hoped so as he tried to bury the dark thoughts swarming in his mind. He had to stay a little bit positive, but it was so hard. How could David do it almost all the time?
Max took out the keys, picked the right one, put it into the lock, only to find out it wasn’t moving.
What the hell? Had someone broken in? But why? Why would anyone want to steal something from the greenhouse? Besides David’s plant, there weren’t that many important things.
With a loudly beating heart Max grabbed the handle, pushed it and opened the door with too much force than probably necessary. But damn, how could he not, when there was a slim chance, a small spark of hope that he would be –
David was inside, holding a giant bucket in both of his hands. When Max so haphazardly entered, the teacher lifted his head and looked at him. And even though Max could see the dark bags under his eyes (so terribly, terrifyingly big), David grinned at him and oh! – everything seemed so much better.
“Hey, Max! Beautiful morning, don’t you think so?”
Max stepped inside, still staring with wide eyes at the man.
“You’re here…” He mumbled.
“I sure am!” David said and then put the bucket away. He raised his hand and brushed his cheek, smearing the dirt there during this process. “Oh no, you had to wake up early today to come here! I’m sorry, I should have informed you somehow.”
Max shook his head, letting out a soft chuckle. He hasn’t even been here for two minutes and David still managed to start worrying about him, even though nothing that bad really had happened.
“You’re impossible.” Max said, raising his hand and combing it through his curls.
“Me?” David asked, tilting his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I get… what you mean.”
Max shook his head one more time and then moved forward.
“Did you already water the north greenhouse?”
“Max, I missed you!” It was Nikki, almost choking him to death as she had thrown herself at him when he had been in the middle of the dinner.
Max coughed, feeling as the grip on his throat was tightening with every passing second as Nikki brought him closer for a tight hug. He patted her shoulder, hoping that maybe she would free him.
“Nik, he can’t breathe.” Neil said, stopping next to him.
“Oh sorry.” The girl said and then finally moved away.
Max took a deep, sweet, delicious breath, feeling his lungs swelling up. He put his hand on his chest and only then finally turned to them.
Neil waved with a soft smile tugging on his lips and then flopped down on his right. Nikki swirled and sat on the other side of Max’s.
“How was your sweet break without your parents?” The green haired girl asked, tilting her head. Her hair was tied with the small, red hair ties with tiny, cute reindeers.
For a brief moment Max thought about telling them the truth, but decided against it. At least for now, because he didn’t want to tell his story out loud in the Great Hall, where everyone could hear him. So yeah, this story had to wait for another time.
“Great, and yours?” He said instead.
Nikki jumped into wild stories about her break, filled with snow, sledding, eating cookies, pissing off the neighbor’s dog, and spending hours in front of the TV. Then Neil told him what he had done – and the story definitely wasn’t as exciting as Nikki’s, but it still sounded pleasant – however most of it was filled with homework.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about doing it.” Nikki said at the end.
Neil facepalmed and groaned loudly. Max snickered under his nose.
He liked spending time alone, but spending it with his friends was good too.
Max took a deep breath, fingers tapping rhythmically on the teeny-tiny pot in his hands.
To be honest he kinda felt like vomiting – with his stomach clenching unnaturally and painfully inside his body. He knew it was stupid and he shouldn’t even feel like that, but he couldn’t stop.
Because what if David doesn’t like it? What if Max makes a fool out of himself? What if he –
No, he had to do it. He wanted to do it, even though he was terrified.
Max stepped inside the greenhouse, exhaling slowly and feeling the hot, thick air warming up his skin. Or maybe it was only an explanation he wanted to believe. Because there could be ten thousand other reasons why his cheeks were suddenly so warm.
“Hey, Max, you’re early!” David said, peeking from his office and smiling like the brightest star in the galaxy.
Max felt like he could faint. His tongue seemed like it was made from heavy, dense lead and for a brief moment he couldn’t speak.
But David quickly disappeared back into his office and Max could breathe normally again. Or at least almost normally. His one hand fidgeted and he could feel that it was sweating quite a lot.
Damn, he was nervous.
However David had done so much for him, so it was almost natural to pay the favor back.
So gathering the last few sparks of bravery still roaming around his body, he closed his eyes, inhaled slowly and then moved to David’s office.
The teacher was in the middle of gathering the gardening supplies, when Max cleared his throat.
David straightened his back and glanced at him.
“Everything okay, Max?” He stepped forward, putting the tools away and brushing his gloved hands to get rid of the dirt residing there. “You look kinda stressed.”
For a moment Max lost all coherent thoughts his brain had possessed just a few seconds ago when David looked back at him, with that worried and hesitant smile tugging on his lips. But then Max’s fingers twitched, sensing the smooth structure under them and somehow he found some shadows of words inside his mind.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Max said, patting himself on the back in his mind that he didn’t stutter. “I just… I mean… what you did really means a lot to me –”
David tilted his head and the worried tone in his grin was replaced with kind amusement.
“And I… I mean…” Fuck, Max was lost, with his eyes jumping around and hands fidgeting in place. He was a disaster. A mess. But he was a mess with a job and he would be damned if he didn’t do it. “Shit, just– It’s for you!” And with that Max pushed a small, potted succulent in David’s direction.
He closed his eyes, but found the curiosity being bigger than any other emotion storming through his chest, so he slowly peeked open his one eye.
David stared with wide eyes at the small pot that was almost touching his chest. He lifted his hands and took the plant from Max’s palms – their hands brushed for a moment and Max’s heart jumped high in his throat – to bring it closer to his face.
“It’s for… me?” David slowly asked, licking his lips first.
Max nodded and only then answered:
“Yeah. Thanks… for everything.”
David opened his mouth and it looked like he wanted to say something, but it all died down when a single tear rolled down his cheek.
Max snapped his head up, only to see the tears gathering in his teacher’s eyes. His heart dropped painfully down, hammering against his chest in some sick, terrific symphony.
“Oh, fuck, sorry Da– Mister David, I didn’t mean to… I mean if you don’t like it, you can throw it away or I don’t know just give it to–”
“I love it.”
“Of course I won’t be ma– Wait, what?”
“I love it, Max.” David whispered, lifted his one hand and softly patting the leaf with the mouth stretching into the happiest smile Max had seen in probably a month. Small, teeny-tiny dimples appeared in the corners, catching a few tears that sometimes streamed down the cheeks.
Max felt his throat constricting and lungs clenching with his stomach making a weird backflip inside his body.
“Really?” Max asked, literally dumbfounded.
David nodded and brought the small plant closer to his face, only to snuggle it to his tear–stained cheek.
“Yeah, it’s the most adorable present I’ve ever got.” Then the teacher blinked and sniffed. “You didn’t have to do it.”
“I know, but…” Max lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head, looking away for a moment. He could sense the heat raising to his cheek and he tried to muster all his body cells to calm down. “… I just wanted to do it.”
David looked up at him, and even though a few drops still rolled down his red cheeks, he looked like the happiest person in the whole word.
“Thanks, Max. I’ll treasure it.”
And somehow Max wasn’t surprised that he fell for David more.
“You did what?” Neil asked, raising his voice.
Max put a finger to his lips and tried to shush the Ravenclaw student a little. They were still in the castle and even though it didn’t look like there were that many people around, they could never be sure who was lurking around.
And the castle was full of too curious and noisy people.
“A little quieter, will you?” Max said, glaring at his friend.
Nikki looked surprised too and to be honest Max was kinda astonished she hadn’t been the one to shriek right now, but Neil. Usually she was the one to excitedly (or not excitedly) react to some news.
And yeah, Max had just told them that he had taken care of David’s greenhouse. Of course he hadn’t told them every detail, but the most important facts from the story.
“Wait, David gave you gloves?” Nikki finally asked, shaking her head first from whatever dreamland she had stepped into.
“Uhm yeah?”
“Dude, my teachers never gave me any presents. Maybe I should get a detention at David’s.” Nikki mumbled, looking up at the ceiling and scratching her chin.
She swayed back on the chair and for a brief moment Max almost saw her flipping back and falling down, but gladly it didn’t happen.
“But just how?” Neil asked, staring at him with bewilderment swirling around his eyes.
Max shrugged.
“I did everything the list said.”
And it was the honest truth. He mostly had done what the sentences written there had pointed him to do. The fact that he had done some additional things didn’t need to be said.
“But like… by yourself? No one forced you to do it?”
Max’s brow twitched.
“Is it so hard to believe?”
“I mean, kinda –”
“Neil, it’s because it was David.” Nikki butted into the conversation, grinning from ear to ear like a madman and glancing a few times at Max with that malicious glint.
Okay, you know what? On the other hand, he loved the peace without his friends in the castle. Especially right now.
Neil blinked and then glanced at the green haired girl. There was a sudden snap in his façade and the surprise immediately disappeared, replaced by full understatement.
“Oh yeah, now it makes sense.”
Yeah, now Max really was astonished how he could had missed them in the first place.
It was a calm afternoon filled with soft brushes of leaves moving in the greenhouse, delicate light coming from the candles and spells floating above their heads and warm hums coming from David’s lips.
It was one of those afternoons, when a lone thought invaded Max’s mind. Lately more often and often he had to brush it away, sweep it under a carpet, and hide it behind the door.
Although that said he started to like doing it. He started to like spending time in the greenhouse. He started to enjoy the company of the colorful plants, which lately started to turn to him and touch his skin. He started to find peace in the atmosphere and mostly in the presence near him.
He liked spending time with David.
And it was dangerous.
Of course, in the past he had had detention with David, but they had been shorter and he had still been a kid – kinda confused with his feelings that had swarmed his mind and heart back then.
And now he was older, turning into an adult in just a few days.
Oh, right, his birthday. It wasn’t that far away. It was even too close in Max’s opinion.
Max didn’t really like his birthday. Or to be more precise he often forgot about it. He didn’t understand why people made such a big deal out of it. Or at least he had thought so until he had met Nikki and Neil – for whom not celebrating the birthdays was a grave sin.
But even Max had to admit that this year was different. Because this year he will become an adult. Or well, at least this was what the wizarding world’s laws said.
(There was some small spark of enthusiasm inside his chest, but Max tried really hard to forget about it.)
And on such a normal, calm, peaceful and beautiful afternoon David dropped the bomb.
The teen hummed and then sprayed another leave with a mixture of some potions. Gladly David understood that he was listening and continued:
“You know… you helped me a lot nowadays and I thought that maybe we should shorten your detention?”
Max literally slipped, while standing, and almost crashed face first into the Valerians he was spraying. The flowers fluttered under his force. Gladly he somehow caught himself in time.
“W-what?” Max stuttered, looking back, only to find David staring back at him.
“I mean… you worked so hard through the whole detention and then you helped me during the Christmas break, so I thought it would be fair to let you off the hook earlier.”
But stopping the detention earlier meant stopping meeting David so often and, damn, that thought, that lone, terrible thought made Max’s insides squeeze painfully, twisting and curling like they were put under the Incarcerous Spell.
Max stared intently at the teacher to the point David blinked and then looked away, hesitantly with hands brought closer to his chest, fiddling with the small shovel resting in his palms. The eyes which had leaped to the floor, returned to stare back at Max unsurely.
“You don’t want that?”
No. Max didn’t want that. But the Max David knew would never say that. The Max David probably was familiar with would grab the first chance with both hands to run away from this place. The Max would grin at that idea and then bid farewell, while exiting the door, not even letting David finish.
But he… he didn’t want that.
What to do, what to do, how to plan his next movement to not accidentally shorten his detention? Oh God, even Max couldn’t believe he was thinking about it. Why was he acting so weird around David? Why could this man make Max do things he wouldn’t normally do! Like trying hard to make someone happy!? Or care for some plants? Or be happy after simply seeing someone!?
But, God, he didn’t want to stop it. Max didn’t want to stop seeing that smile which made him all warm inside. He didn’t want to stop hearing this delicate, kind voice around him. He didn’t want to stop the heavy beating of his heart – that felt so alive and full and vivid and amazing.
“No.” Max finally said. “I almost destroyed the corridor I… I deserve it.” Though that wasn’t the full truth, but it was the closest to it, the closest to the truth that could make David change his mind. “Plus I don’t think Mister Daniel will agree.” He had a horrific habit of making Max’s life miserable for his own amusement and fun.
“I’m sure, if I talk with him –“
“No, it’s okay I don’t…” Max licked his lips. “I don’t mind.”
David blinked and then the gentle smiled surged onto his mouth, wavering a little, but holding strongly in the end nevertheless.
“O-okay, if that’s what you want.”
Max shrugged, trying not to show that this was exactly what he wanted, and returned to his work.
“Where is Neil?” Max asked, breathing at his hands to try to warm them up a little bit.
“Uhm… he went to some shop to buy uhm… a cauldron?” Nikki, next to him, mumbled, casting her gaze away with a hesitant smile tugging at her lips.
The two of them walked through the snowy streets of Hogsmeade, maneuvering around students and other people who also visited this place. The happy chatters floated above the crowd, mingling with shouts and chirps of birds perched on the nearest branches. A man and woman on the right were arguing loudly about the prices of eel’s eyes that were staring at the people passing them by. On the left two lone boys were standing with their noses and cheeks glued to the window of Honeydukes, surrounded by the heavenly smell.
Max sighed and looked up at the gray sky. Damn, not enough sun today. He wondered if David moved the Flitterblooms so they would get enough sunlight. But knowing this guy, this was probably the first thing he had done today morning. Oh, wait, the drying petals probably should be moved –
Max felt a heavy tug and stepped away, missing being stomped by a horse.
“Watch out!” Nikki shouted, way too late.
If she didn’t drag him away, Max would actually be lying under the horse’s hooves, probably also in pain.
“Oh, sorry, got lost in my thoughts.” Max mumbled.
“Yeah, I can see. I fucking hope that they were filled with David at least.”
“Louder, Nikki.”
“I hope they were fi–“
In this very moment Max slapped his hand over Nikki’s mouth, silencing her.
“That wasn’t a challenge.”
The girl grinned and then licked his hand, leaving a wet, disgusting trail of saliva on his skin.
“Yuck! Nikki!”
Max brushed his hand on her coat and then both of them entered the Three Broomsticks.
Neil appeared almost forty minutes later, trying and failing miserably to hide a package that was clearly sticking out from his backpack. Max eyed it suspiciously and only hummed in reply to Neil’s greeting, taking a few big sips of a butterbeer standing in front of him.
Nikki already had finished two mugs.
“What were you doing?” Max asked instead, from behind his mug.
“Buying new quills, ink and parchment.”
Max hummed in reply, glancing at the girl. He didn’t point out the obvious fact that their stories were different. Of course he could, but why should he? They had to have their reasons to not tell the full truth to him, and Max, even though he didn’t like it, respected it. To some point that was.
Plus something told him that it had to do with the package in Neil’s bag, standing secure between his legs, so no one would focus on it too hard or try to take a peek.
Damn, at first Max wasn’t interested in it, but when Neil tried to hide it so hard he kinda was curious what was inside.
But till the end of their Hogsmeade trip Max hadn’t once been able to even get a look from where the package had come from.
It was so irritating!
“I don’t think it was your fault.” David suddenly said, without any sign that he was going to suddenly start speaking.
Max glanced at him and then moved the cup away from his mouth.
“What wasn’t my fault?” Max asked, having no idea what his teacher was babbling about.
To be honest Max had no idea about most of the things David was talking about. Most of which were related to the Muggle world. There were times when David would suddenly jump into long talks about this or that – like, what the heck even was an Apple phone? Max had no idea, but David could talk for almost half an hour about the differences between it and An… An–something.
(Max liked listening to David, seeing him so openly talking about random things, especially after the break.)
But this was on a whole other level.
“The fight.” David said, glancing down at the cup of tea he had in his hands. “I mean the one that gave you this detention. Not all the other ones.”
Max snorted and put his own cup away, next to the gloves David had given him.
“I did destroy the corridor.” He stated, lifting his one leg and resting the ankle on the knee. “Or almost destroyed.”
“I know, but…” David swirled the cup in his hand. “I don’t think you would do it without a reason.”
Max smirked under his nose, rested his elbow on the table next to him, only to put his chin on his palm and glance at the teacher sitting next to him.
“Like what?” He asked.
He kinda expected to play a little game with David – with the teacher trying to guess the correct answer and Max denying every one, simply because he didn’t expect David to even guess right.
Yet the man did, on the very first try.
“Like you wanted to protect someone.”
Max’s heart hammered loudly and his chin almost slipped from the palm, but he gladly and miraculously somehow remained in his place, not doing much beside twitching, which definitely had to give him away.
David looked at him.
“What happened?” He asked, staring right into Max’s eyes and damn –
David could break every wall Max had put around himself. He could in mere seconds destroy every barrier put in front of Max’s mind. He could smash to pieces every resolution Max had in himself.
Max swallowed hard, feeling as his stomach churned under this gaze, with his heart playing a symphony inside his skull.
“You know, the usual. Wizards from magical families bullying people from not fully magical ones.” He stated.
David blinked.
“But you are–“
Max quickly closed his eyes and shook his head slowly.
“Not me. But…”
Should he say the truth? But wizards teasing other people due to their blood relations wasn’t anything new. It was happening around the whole castle every day. Max never had offended anyone because of their ancestry, simply because he didn’t give a flying fuck about such stupid shit.
But some people did.
And during that day it had been one of the worse encounters.
“… Nikki.” Max finally said, glancing away for a second. “I guess it was just a bad day for everyone. Pikeman and his stupid friends stopped us and started insulting her. Usually those things don’t get to her, but that day… they kinda did. So I gave them a piece of my mind, which they didn’t like and well…”
He remembered the anger surging through his veins as he had listened to their venomous and spiteful words. Oh how much he had wanted to strangle them, to grip their necks and choke hard. How much he had wanted to make them scream in fear. How much he had wanted to make them pay for what they had said and done.
Maybe Max sometimes acted bad, maybe he sometimes forgot about anniversaries, maybe there were times when he said something mean to his friends without meaning to do so. He had made so many mistakes, errors. He had tripped so many times on the road of trying to be a friend. He had done so many things that he would change right now.
But he wouldn’t change his friends.
And he didn’t regret what he had done that night.
“Were you…” David licked his lip nervously. “… the first one to attack?”
“No.” Max quickly said. “Niksslip did. He casted Confringo.” There was an audible gasp coming from his right. “But missed.”
“Max, they should be gravely punished for what they did!” David almost shrieked with hand moving to his mouth. “Such kinds of spells shouldn’t be cast at each other in the castle!”
Max shrugged.
“Then you don’t know about half of the things which are happening around the castle when the teachers aren’t looking.”
David stood up suddenly.
“I need to talk about it with Daniel.” And with that he marched to the exit.
Or well he would do it, if Max’s hand didn’t shoot forward and catch his wrist, preventing him from moving further.
“Dav– Mister David, no.” Max said, raising his head and staring at the red haired teacher.
“Max, they need to be punished for what they did. I– I can’t allow students to get hurt! I can’t allow them to feel like they don’t belong here when they do!” David whimpered, trying to break his hand free and get to the door.
“Now there is nothing you can do. You can only make things worse.” Max said with his mouth pinched in a tight line, frowning at David who was struggling to escape the grip.
“But I have to do something!” David tugged harshly, but Max did too.
“You can’t.” Max said, raising his voice maybe too high, definitely having a tone that was inappropriate while talking with teachers, but he didn’t care. “It all happened a few months ago. We all healed and moved on. There is no use in going back and opening old wounds.”
David stopped struggling and lifted his face a little to stare at Max.
Something in David’s disheartened façade broke Max’s heart, made his breath stop in the middle of his throat, made him choke on this little bit of oxygen still residing in his lungs.
(He hated that look.)
Max loosened his grip on David’s wrist and with some fear noticed that the skin there turned pink. He kinda expected the man to retrieve his hand quickly, maybe even dart to the exit, but nothing like this happened. David was still staring at him with this devastated and miserable look on his face.
It didn’t fit him.
“Besides I think I punished them enough. They will definitely remember my Fiendfyre for some time.” Max slowly said, putting a mischievous smile on his lips, hoping and praying that this way he could –
Oh, David chuckled. He laughed softly under his nose, closing his eyes and barely moving his shoulder.
It was a sweet sound, which tickled Max’s chest and made him breathe once again, filling his lungs with delicious air.
They stayed like that for a few seconds, with Max holding David’s wrist and the teacher not moving away, when the male opened his mouth once again.
“You did it again.” He said softly, voice barely above a whisper.
“Did what?” Max asked, raising his one eyebrow, not sure what the other one meant.
“Almost called me by my first name.”
Oh shit.
“I’m sorry–“ Max quickly jumped to excusing himself, apologizing for the slip, but he was even faster interrupted by David’s giggles.
“No, don’t worry. I don’t mind.” He said, opening his eyes and staring at him. “I kinda like it.”
Max’s heart beat loudly as he snapped his head up and looked back at David who was smiling softly back at him. He could hear it resonating in his ears. He could hear it hammering almost painfully in his chest. He could almost hear it echoing on the glassy walls of the greenhouse.
He was almost sure David and every plant here could hear it.
David slowly retracted his hand.
“We should get back to work. We need to cut Aconites’ roots to dry them!”
It took Max a few seconds or maybe minutes to collect himself.
It was a day like any other.
Or at least Max thought it would be a day like any other. Because it started normally. He woke up, went to wash himself, put on more or less clean clothes, grabbed a few essentials for the morning classes and then slowly walked through the Slytherin common room to the Great Hall to eat much needed breakfast.
It was a day like any other.
Not counting the colorful streamers which were suddenly blown into his face, coming from both sides as he literally just sat down. The green, red, blue and yellow papers swirled for a few seconds around his head, blocking any way of seeing who actually had shot him – but he didn’t need to see to know who it was.
Nikki and Neil. It had to be them. They were the only crazy ones who could have done that.
But why? Did they want to murder him by making him choke on the small bits and pieces of paper fluttering around and now even getting into his mouth?
“What the fuck?” Max mumbled, trying to get the glittery scraps from his eyes. Shit, noisy little fuckers, getting stuck in places they shouldn’t even be touching.
And then he felt something being put on his head, messing up his black curls. And only when he managed to get the last few bits of  the rainbow colored paper off his face, he could fully see what was happening around him.
Nikki was grinning from ear to ear at him with Neil standing next to her, who also looked well… happy, but kinda hesitantly happy. Almost like he expected Max to suddenly draw his wand and cast Expelliarmus. But they weren’t the only people here. There were also those two nerds from Ravenclaw with whom Max occasionally talked – Nerris and Harrison. There was also the other Neil – a tiny Hufflepuff, smiling at him, holding a ripped piece of paper. And of course, the most annoying of them all, Preston. Why was Nikki hanging with him anyway? Ah yeah, the same house and all that shit.
Max stared at them, eyeing everyone individually, until they opened their mouths and shouted:
“Happy Birthday!”
Max stared at them, kinda pissed, kinda surprised and kinda – also – pleased.
Because they remembered.
And Max totally forgot. Yet again.
Max had to stare at them for a good minute, because they all started to look at each other nervously, whispering some questions and shrugging in replies.
“Did we get the wrong date?” The other Neil asked, standing on his tiptoes to whisper into Nerris’ ear.
“No, I think it’s the right one.” The girl answered, though she hesitantly glanced at Nikki and Neil.
“We got it right. Don’t worry, Max always acts like that.” Neil said, looking at them and pushing his glasses higher with a paper tube he had in his hands.
Max reached, grabbed a small piece of a tomato and flung it at his friend, who surprisingly dodged in time and the fruit hit a head of a random student behind Neil.
Max would say that he felt bad, but he didn’t.
“And he’s back.” Neil murmured, apologizing then to the person assaulted by Max’s tomato.
“Fuck you.”
Neil smiled at him, shaking his head softly.
“You may be an adult, but you’ll never change.”
Max grinned.
This day was the same as any other, yet it was different for a whole other reason.
Everyone sat at the table with him and ate breakfast, talking irrepressibly about everything and nothing in particular. Nerris gave him the enchanted dices – that were rolling the number he would think about or close, so he could cheat. Harrison gave him a colorful cube that will definitely waste Max’s endless hours while he will try to solve it. The other Neil gave him a book which described every constellation – poor guy probably thought Max was interested in them, but to be honest Max only had needed help with his homework. So that’s why he had asked the other Neil about the stars. Preston probably beat everyone by giving him the dark glasses that, while being on a nose, would cast an illusion that he had a beard.
So even though the presents were lame, Max really loved each and every one of them.
Near the end of the breakfast, his family owl dropped a small package in front of him, together with a letter. But Max liked his good mood, so he only threw the present into his room before going to classes and deciding to check what his parents had sent him later.
Much later.
Through the day a few of his friends also wished him a happy birthday. Even a few teachers gave him best wishes while passing him in the corridor. Some even let him slack off a little bit.
The dinner and afternoon classes were spent in the same cheerful atmosphere.
Max simply felt happy, with the joy bubbling inside his chest and spreading to his limbs, overpowering his mind, to this point it was sometimes hard to maintain his usual emotionless façade.
(He felt like maybe his life wasn’t that bad. He had good people around him, who loved and cherished him, so… yeah, it wasn’t that bad.)
Max felt like nothing could destroy this day.
Life had a funny way of doing exactly that.
“And this is a present… from us!”
Max eyed the package suspiciously, but after a few seconds he grabbed it and brought it closer to himself. He got rid of the sparkling paper surrounding it and was met with a simple brown box underneath it.
Nikki gleamed at him, but Neil looked kinda nervous. Or very nervous. His hand fidgeted as he corrected his glasses, pushing them higher on his nose.
Max opened the package to stare at… a blue sweater. It had to be hand–knitted, because the material was uneven in some places and crooked in others. But it was a sweater, made from the warmest wool he had ever felt – and the best written message at the very front.
(He had actually said it a few times in his life. Me? Sarcastic? Never!)
Max grabbed the sweater and took it out, only to see that beneath it there were at least seven more balls of yarn, two pairs of new needles and a frame. A plain white frame. But this single pearly white frame held a picture of the three of them, smiling at the camera. Or Neil and Nikki were smiling, Max was simply pleased.
They had made it during the vacation after their third year, when Max had run away from his home to crash at Neil’s house for a week.
That time had been a blast.
And yeah, maybe the present wasn’t much. Maybe it was childish, kinda stupid for some people or just too cheesy, but Max could feel a soft, prickling sensation in the corners of his eyes.
“Uh, the mistakes are mostly my fault. Knitting is not my thing.” Neil said, scratching his shoulder and staring everywhere, but at Max.
“This is the worst present I ever got.” Max mumbled, then took off his robe, put on the most disgusting (amazing) sweater and threw his dark robe back on his shoulders.
“I think he likes it.”
Max decided not to answer, instead he palmed the material in his fingers, smiling stupidly at the soft sensation under his skin.
They sat on the wooden stairs directing them to the Clock Tower and talked about small things, unimportant things, important and difficult topics, putting in a few jokes from time to time and even sharing some deep secrets.
It was an amazing day.
But everything good had to come to an end.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Oh, Max immediately felt blood boiling inside his veins, storming through them with brute force.
“Fuck off, Pikeman.” Max snarled, looking up the stairs at the very center of his hatred.
The said teen indeed stood there, staring down at them with his chin darted up.
“Well you’re standing in my way. And I want to walk down the stairs.” The male said, glancing at them and furrowing his eyebrows.
But of course he wasn’t alone. His two dumb friends had to be with him. Niksslip and Petrol.
“There is a lot of space next to us for your fat asses to walk down.”
Maybe Max shouldn’t be so hostile right now, but the memories of the last fight were still vivid in his brain, were still swirling in his mind, were still reappearing in his nightmares, because what if he had been just a second too late, one small movement too short, one thought too slow –
Nikki glared at the trio, hand moving to her waist to rest protectively on her wand. Neil looked disinterested, but his hand was also close to his weapon. Even though the Ravenclaw was a major nerd, in dire times he didn’t hesitate. And Nikki… Nikki was simply reckless.
Pikeman snorted in reply, but obediently started to walk down the stairs with his two friends following his every step.
They eyed each other suspiciously.
Max could feel the thick atmosphere on his lips, the electricity and anger swirling in the air between them. It looked like it only needed a small spark and then everything would start to burn.
His heart beat so loud, so spastically inside his ribcage, banging vehemently on his ribs. Max unclenched his fist (which he didn’t know he had tightened) to relax it for a second, so he was ready to attack at any moment.
Pikeman, Niksslip and Petrol passed them and Max found pleasure in a sight of a scar on Pikeman’s face, which he was sure he had given him during the last fight.
Served him well.
“How is your detention going?” Pikeman suddenly asked, stopping next to Max and staring at him with hands behind his back.
Max couldn’t see the wand and wondered if it was already being held.
“Good. How is your pride?”
The red haired – so so different color from David’s warm one – male’s eyebrow twitched as he glared down at Max, who still sat on the stairs.
“Definitely better than your style.”
Billy snorted, but Petrol looked unfazed.
Max furrowed his eyebrows and his hand moved to the hip, but he held strongly.
“I don’t think you should be talking about style with a face like yours.”
This time it was Nikki’s turn to giggle. Neil simultaneously moved his palm to grab the handle of his wand.
There was a twitch in Pikeman’s body and Max was sure that he would attack, would draw his wand to cast something, anything, but everything remained in the thick air between them.
Pikeman didn’t move forward though, he remained in his position, almost beside Max but still one or two steps higher.
“Hilarious, Maxwell.”
Max smirked, like he just received a compliment.
But the boy didn’t stop talking, he didn’t stop to think that maybe it was all wrong to say or even mention. Or maybe he did that only to rile Max, to make him angry, to make him furious, to make him want to jump to his feet and kill the person right in front of him.
“But please do tell me if Mister David is any good in bed. I may know a few people that would want to check those suspicions.”
Max felt like he was burning. Like he was sizzling with fire under his skin that wanted to explode and hurt the person standing right in front of him. He wanted to scream and throw himself at the male and strangle him and see the color drain from his face. He wanted to see Pikeman’s face twisting in agony with the fear rippling through his eyes.
Max wanted to see it all with his own eyes. But David would probably move past all of those bad things thrown at him, he would welcome them with a smile stretched over his lips and warm words.
So Max remained in his place, glaring at Pikeman with the hatred he felt emanating from every part of his body.
The boy had to know that he had hit a sensitive spot, because he continued.
“Oh, why such an angry face?” The prolonged words hung in the air, slicing through it with perfect precision. “Are you jealous? Oh poor little Maxey! What? Even the good David didn’t want you? But it’s not surprising –“ There was a dry chuckle leaving his lips. “– who would want a fuck up like you, right?”
It hurt. It hurt like hell. But Max decided he wouldn’t budge. Or at least not in the physical way.
“Well, your mother found someone.” Max said, quickly searching for the perfect words to use here. “So I think I have a high chance actually in comparison –”
“You –“
Pikeman moved, together with his two friends behind. Hands were pushing away the folds of the robes to grab the wands –
Surprisingly they weren’t the first to attack.
Well maybe attack was too big word to describe this moment.
Surprisingly it was Neil who did it. But he didn’t take out his wand. No, no. He did something else. He reached into his pocket, took out something glittery and then threw it at the trio that was already shouting some words under their breaths.
They were enveloped in a cloud of pink, glittery streamers.
“Run!” Neil shouted.
No one had to be told twice. Max grabbed his package and they all ran down the stairs as fast as their legs could take them.
Max could hear loud curses coming from behind them and when he glanced back, he saw the puff of pink dust dissipating. Pikeman’s face was red, blaring red, as he lifted his hand and cast a spell. Max wasn’t sure what spell, but the only thing he knew was that it was too dangerous.
And yeah, fluttery, white light exploded near his head, leaving black, scorching soot on the stone wall.
Shit, it was bad.
“Run, run, run!” Max yelled, ushering his friend out the door while he grabbed the wand from his belt.
Only when Nikki and Neil were outside, Max glanced back. The trio were running down the stairs, glaring at them, all with wands in their hands. Max didn’t have enough time to think thoroughly about the consequences of his actions as he casted an Impediment Jinx.
This time he didn’t destroy anything, only slowed the trio down. But not for long.
Max jumped out of the building. They had maybe a few seconds or so. Not enough to get to the main part of the castle, but enough to hide.
They all searched for a perfect place, gasping and huffing loudly. Max felt the passing time on his skin as his eyes desperately searched for some safe hideout. And after five or so blissful seconds, Nikki pointed at a small, partially destroyed niche. Most of the walls were destroyed, with pieces of concrete lying on the ground. But at least half of it was still standing.
Plus it was in the direction of their escape.
The tree of them ran to the niche and hid behind a half–broken wall, crouching down, so not even an inch of their body would be visible.
Max could hear his heart inside his ears, beating loudly and almost stopping when he picked up the sound of the door to the Clock Tower bursting open.
“Where are you!?”
Well Max definitely wasn’t going to answer this question. And it looked like Neil and Nikki didn’t really want to raise their hands either.
They could hear the steps outside, shuffling around the grounds in front of the tower, muttering curses to each other. There was a brief silence and then someone cast a spell, causing a small explosion of rocks nearby. Too close for comfort.
And Max suddenly thought that maybe their hideaway was the worst option here. Because if they found them, Max and his friends would have no place to run. They would have to duel – something Max didn’t really want to do right now.
Because, to be honest, Pikeman and the rest were all a year higher than them and knew some highly offensive and dangerous spells. And Max didn’t want to see his friends getting or being hurt.
Why oh why had he opened his mouth!? Maybe Pikeman was right. Maybe Max was a fuck up. Maybe he was a mess. His friends were in danger and it was Max’s fault. They shouldn’t suffer because of his stupid mistakes and even stupider choices.
Max took a deep breath when he heard the ground rumbling too close for comfort.
As much as Max could he turned around to Neil and Nikki and whispered.
“Wait a little bit and then run.”
Neil was the first one to shake himself from the shock.
“Max, what are you –“
But Max didn’t hear the rest of the reply, as he jumped to his feet and leaped from their hiding place, leaving his present and friends behind. Miraculously, Pikeman and his band didn’t look in his direction so he had a few additional seconds to run through the ground and get away from the hideout.
“Hey dumbfuck!” Max shouted, holding a wand tightly in his palm.
The three of them immediately turned to him. Hands were put into motion, raised up to the sky and there was a soft glint of light –
Max wanted to say more, to rile Pikeman a little bit more, but it looked like he didn’t need to.
Now he needed to get the hell out of here and hope, pray, that his friends will be okay.
So Max ran. He ran through the school grounds, feeling the cold winter air moving through his veins and the wind swishing past him, messing with his clothes and hair. It was so chilly, so freezing outside, but he barely felt it, with the adrenaline rushing through him and a few explosions appearing too close to him for comfort. The white snow crunched under him with every step he took – faster, faster, faster, far away, as far as he could – it was a sick cacophony inside his ears.
Max felt like he could faint, but he pushed his body to the limits, he forced his legs to move even though they were heavy and he was so so tired. But he miraculously still managed to jump over a stone fence and then tumble for a second on the ground.
(Faster, faster, faster, further away from the danger!)
“I’ll kill you!”
Max had no doubt that it could happen.
He had no time to glance back to see how many of them was following him, but judging by the heavy sound of footsteps definitely more than one. The sparkling, bursting spells quite confirmed his suspicions.
Oh, if he and his friends get out unscathed from this chase, Max will start listening during Potions. He will even answer Daniel’s questions, without being forced to! He won’t even wait till the last day to finish his essay.
He will do all of it!
Max felt like his lungs could collapse, like his heart could jump out of his hurt chest. But step after step he was getting away from the people behind him with their footsteps becoming some kind of background noises.
But he still needed a place to hide! A place to lay low for a few more minutes.
Max lifted his head, looking around for the first time in like forever and unfortunately he noticed that, even though he was dumb as fuck, his mind was miraculously even dumber.
(Or maybe it was too smart.)
Because he, of course, ran to the greenhouse.
Max had no other options, so he jumped to the front door and prayed hard with all his heart that it will be open.
It was.
Max wanted to scream in joy, but the only thing he did was fling the door open. After glancing back, he literally stormed inside. It took him two or maybe three steps, still looking back at the door he had shut down with too much force, to crash into someone.
They tumbled down to the floor, yelping. Max heard a small shout in front of him. There were movements, small kicks and pushes, there was sudden darkness and Max’s clothes fluttered around him, a small whimper of pain, a blurry vision jumping in and out of focus, before Max’s mind could fully process what had happened. Or tried to fully process what had happened.
“I’ll kill you, Maxwell!” Came a shout from the outside, too close for comfort.
Max’s brain acted on an impulse. His wand moved, making the lock in the main door move, blocking the pathway in and making all the candles inside the greenhouse die immediately, engulfing them in darkness. When the footsteps, running ones, came too close to the greenhouse, Max grabbed the body in front of him, or whatever part he could actually grab, and rolled them both weirdly and painfully under the table, pushing away the pots and smearing dirt around.
It wasn’t the perfect cover, but it was the best thing they could have now.
Max’s breathed hard. He felt his chest moving heavily up and down. He could sense his heart running wildly in his chest, trying to work properly to get the needed oxygen to his veins and organs. He could feel a weird pulsation in the back of his skull.
“Max, what is wrong?” David asked, his hot, but quiet breath tickled the skin near Max’s cheek.
Because yes, Max had the worst luck in the entire universe. Yes, he had crashed into David face first after entering the greenhouse. Yes, he had made both of them fall down on the dirty and rough ground. And yes, he had rolled them under the table to hide from the chase.
And now David was lying on the crummy ground under him, while Max prepped himself on his elbows above the teacher.
The situation couldn’t get any worse.
But of course it could.
“Max?” David repeated himself, wiggling a little beneath him and trying to move the hand which rested between him and Max, quite uncomfortably probably. “What is happening?”
“Shh…” Max shushed him and then glanced at the door.
There was a short span of time where nothing happened, a blissful two seconds or so, where Max hoped that maybe Pikeman gave up.
But the doorknob wiggled and then a loud thud resonated in the air, when someone probably punched the door.
“We know you’re there!”
Max wanted to curse. He wanted to scream and shout. He wanted to punch and kick and kill someone. He wanted to do all of those things, but he couldn’t do even a single one.
David’s breath hitched in his throat – it was weird, but Max could feel the movement reverberating inside his body. He could even sense David’s chest moving up, only to stop for a second.
“Don’t hide there!” The handle moved again, but this time too the lock kept them at bay.
Max swallowed hard, tightening his grip on the wand and glancing at the door. Even though the table was giving them half cover, they probably would still be pretty visible from the sides, especially from the window. It will probably take Pikeman and the rest a second to notice them. Or at least to notice Max who was above.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
There was a short span of calmness and then the footsteps moved to the side. The glassy side!
(No, no, no, no, no!)
Max felt his heart leaping painfully in his throat when he glanced to the side. Maybe if he ran through the back door, David would be safe and Max would only spend a few weeks in the Hospital Wing.
Max could feel air on his cheeks, a soft murmur leaving David’s lips, a shuddering resonance in his chest almost glued to his teacher’s one. There was a beat when nothing happened. Then Max could hear a flutter of something moving, a swishing sound of sneaking around, a tiny whisper of leaves quivering.
Then slowly, step after step, the image of the glassy side was blocked by the giant leaves, vines and tentacles moving around, intertwining, hanging or interlocking.
Max could only stare in awe as the plants moved, swirled, maneuvered, twirled and intertwined together to form something resembling a curtain – a green, beautiful, vivid curtain which would hide them from the outside world.
“Thanks.” David whispered.
And not even a second later they could hear loud footsteps behind the glass wall. Max could even see shadows moving behind the windows, but most of them were blocked by the plants, leaves and vines.
“Damn it! I can’t see a thing inside!” Pikeman yelled – Max could recognize this voice anywhere.
It seemed like the teen glued his face to the window, if the sounds were any indication.
“All I can see are those stupid plants.” Another voice added. It was Billy, definitely.
So Petrol was left with Nikki and Neil. They could take on one guy. Max believed in them.
David’s chest stopped moving as he stared at the glassy side. Max couldn’t see much in front of him, but he had a feeling that David furrowed his eyebrows.
“Fuck, we should burn them some day.”
Yeah, it was definitely a frown, followed by a clench of the fist still squeezed between their bodies.
“Do you think he’s here?”
Max stopped breathing.
“I’m not fucking sure. I think I saw him going in here, but it’s so fucking dark outside!”
The only source of light was the moon hanging low on the sky.
Max moved a little, trying to find a comfortable position between them, and he only managed to brush his body on David.
Not a good idea!
“Damn him. I’ll kill him the next time I see him.” Pikeman shouted and then it looked and sounded like he kicked the wall, because the glass shuddered heavily.
The leaves fluttered unhappily, but other than that they didn’t move.
“Let’s go. Some teacher could see us. Maybe Petrol had more luck.”
There was a short pause when nothing happened and then Max could hear a soft crunching of snow beneath the moving away feet.
“I swear, if I see…” But the words mingled and mixed together, forming a gibberish something which disappeared in the dark night around them, followed only by a faraway sound of laughter.
Max waited for a few more seconds, before he let out a loud breath through his mouth and nose.
Miraculously he was safe. Somehow.
There were another few heartbeats of silence when he listened intently to any other sounds that could indicate that they were back, but nothing like this happened. The leaves only fluttered above them and the vines twitched, retracting slowly to their previous place.
“Max… what the heck was that?” David whispered.
And only then Max finally managed to look back at the person in front of him? Below him? Being squished between him and a probably very cold floor?
And even though the adrenaline had been moving furiously through his body, now it felt like it stopped and then spurted once again.
“Eh…” Max licked his lips slowly and then glanced to the side. How should he answer? Should he tell the truth or lie? But he got David pretty deep into it, so… “Pikeman?”
“That didn’t answer my question.” David furrowed his eyebrows, wriggling his fingers that were between his and Max’s chest.
“You know… the usual happened…”
“The usual?” David said, huffed even. “Did you get into another fight?”
“To be more precise, I was running away from a fight.” Max quickly added, barely pushing the words through his throat.
“Max, what happened?” David asked, looking up, tilting his head just oh so slightly that Max could almost see his own reflection in the green, lush eyes.
“Pikeman and his gang decided to bug us. A few not quite nice sentences were thrown at each other and suddenly we found ourselves running away from them.”
David gasped, opening his mouth a little. The gust of hot air brushed past Max’s face.
“Max, we need to tell the principal!”
“So they could bug us even more?” Max quickly shot back, raising his eyebrow and lifting one corner of his mouth.
“But if they are bugging other students –” David shifted beneath him, but Max actually didn’t move, didn’t budge, didn’t twitch even an inch.
“Telling the principal will make the matter worse for some students. Did you think that there was no bullying around the school? Well then I have some bad news for you.” Max snorted back. “It is happening. Telling the principal won’t do shit and you can only harm someone by doing it.”
David was already opening his mouth – and oh how Max wanted to close it, to finish this pointless argument that was taking them nowhere. He wanted to end it. He wanted to shut David up. He wanted–
Max’s heart shuddered in his chest as he sensed another soft movement beneath him, as he felt another scent hitting his nose, as he heard another whisper of rustling clothes.
Max’s throat was dry.
He should move away, but he couldn’t. He felt like he was petrified.
The air around them was thick, heavy, but filled with something that was almost buzzing in his ears.
And then David’s mouth moved, turned into a small, hesitant smile and a low, kinda dry chuckle left his lips.
“You’re actually pretty caring, Max.”
“What?” Max snapped.
“You could simply let me tell the principal and you would be free. But you don’t want to do that so you won’t harm other people.” David said with sparkling eyes. “That is very noble.”
Max stared for a few long seconds, before he snorted loudly, right into David’s face at this point.
“I’m far away from being noble, David.”
Oh, he did it again. The name so naturally slipped past his lips. Max knew why this was happening. He often used teachers’ first names while talking with his friends, but he controlled himself around the real teachers. But with David there were times – short, small spaces and spans of intimacy – when Max’s brain couldn’t function properly, when it felt like reality was altered.
This was one of those moments, when even though Max had feared for his life a few minutes ago, now he felt at peace, calm and simply, kinda, happy.
David didn’t comment on the slip. Or at least not verbally. The corner of his lip twitched a little though and he tilted his head, making one lock curl on his forehead, and miraculously, somehow, moving closer to Max.
“I still think you’re kind, Max.”
Max wasn’t kind. But, God, he wanted to be. Nikki was kind. Neil was kind. His other friends were kind. Gwen was kind. David was kind beyond understanding. And Max kinda hated it, because spending time with David made him want to be a better person. And he was terrible at this. He couldn’t so naturally do something nice. He was a mess at this. It was all too hard and Max was so, so tired.
Max wasn’t a nice person.
“I’m not.” He said, feeling his heart thrumming loudly inside his chest as he sensed David breathing with him in synchronization.
“You are.” David said, grinning at him, like it was some weird, childish game. And damn, he looked so sincere, he spoke without even a particle of hesitation, like he fully believed his own words.
Max really wanted to believe them too. But they weren’t true and he knew that.
“No, I’m not. Just stop.”
Stop making him almost believe it.
“You can’t make me stop.” David said, a hint of childish bravado hanging on the last tone.
But Max could. He could make David stop believing it.
Because Max wasn’t a good person, no matter how hard he wanted to be or believe it.
And maybe it was the exhaustion hanging tightly on his bones, maybe it was the adrenaline still rushing through his veins, maybe it was the memory of almost being caught and killed.
Or maybe it wasn’t that.
Maybe it was the whole atmosphere of the greenhouse. Maybe it was the soft whisper of the leaves above him. Maybe it was the sensation of feeling David’s breath near his chest and on his skin. Maybe it was the beautiful feeling of comfort while being so near. Maybe it was his heart’s fault.
Maybe it was all of the above. Maybe they all were the reasons.
But he simply acted on an impulse – or maybe a need that was hiding inside his mind for a long period of time and now it grabbed the chance, holding onto it dearly.
Because Max seized the moment, grabbed the opportunity and kissed David.
There was a sudden spark inside his head, a sudden burst of emotions, a sudden vibrating sensation inside his chest as he felt his lips touching David’s in front of him.
It was amazing, it was astonishing, it was everything and even more than he had imagined through this whole time.
Max knew his brain – the rational part of it – was sending him loud alarms through his head, but he shut them down, smashed to pieces as he tilted his head a little bit, to feel more, needing to feel more and more of the lips under him.
David’s hand, resting between them, twitched. Max relaxed his fingers and moved them to intertwine with David’s hair scattered on the cold stone.
Maybe it was happening for a few seconds, maybe even a full minute, he wasn’t sure. However Max moved away, feeling the sudden need for air.
Max opened his eyes to stare at David beneath him. To say that the teacher was surprised would be an understatement. David’s eyes were wide, looking right at Max in response. His mouth opened a little bit to take a few big gulps of air with his chest heaving between them. His cheeks were flushed with bright, red colors, scattered all over the freckles, almost making them invisible.
But Max was sure his face was even worse, he could sense his cheeks blazing beneath the skin.
There was a short span of time, a sudden stillness, a small period of hesitation or incomprehension that floated between them.
And Max’s heart hammered loudly inside his chest. He threw every caution to the wind and dove down for more.
David’s lips weren’t particularly dry, they weren’t plump and soft either, they weren’t perfect in any definition of this word, yet they were the most amazing thing Max had ever tasted. Max could feel shivers running down his spine as his tongue moved, licked the bottom lip, hoping and praying, needing more and more and more.
David’s hair was soft under Max’s fingers.
There was a short heartbeat, a sudden gasp leaving David’s lips and Max used this occasion.
(Because he wasn’t a kind person.)
Max slipped his tongue inside, tilting his head so he could taste and feel more.
And it was amazing, astonishing, exciting and beautiful. It was too much and too little at the same time. It was a waterfall of energy surging through his body. It was a heartbeat soaring in the sky as he kissed David deeply, moving his tongue around, tasting every place he could.
David’s other hand moved and clenched Max’s robe tightly, grasping it as their bodies moved and brushed together, trying to find a perfect position.
Max tilted his head and, damn, it had to be his imagination, but he could swear he sensed David doing the same.
David tasted amazing, kinda sweet, but with a bitter aftertaste, that made Max move deeper and deeper, pushing his body further, trying to get more of the heat emanating from David’s body, trying to feel more of David as Max’s tongue roamed around.
It was intoxicating, it was addicting and it was stunning, incredible and wonderful. Max could feel his heart trying to jump out from his chest. He could sense every place where David’s body touched his own.
Max took more and more, swirling his tongue around, trying to get more and more and more. Then after a few seconds he found David’s tongue, unmoving, just like it was from the very beginning.
(Please, please, please! Max needed it!)
Max swirled his tongue around, hoping for some kind of a response, needing some kind of an reply, pleading for some answer, because, God, he wanted more.
Max’s heart jumped high, loud, painfully inside his chest when he felt a small movement, a sudden twitch, a short response from David. He felt like he could burst and explode with the sudden happiness surging through his limbs and chest, because a second later or so David’s tongue moved, making small, tiny, hesitant circles on Max’s one.
Max moved closer, got himself comfortable between David’s legs and brought himself as close as possible – enjoying the soft shudder that ran through David’s body, the short moan leaving his lips as their lips crashed, mingled and mixed together, the sudden tug of David’s hand on his robe as they brushed together, mouths moving passionately to–
Stop immediately when they heard a knock coming from the back door.
“David? Are you still there?” Daniel’s voice seeped under the door, not even a second later after he had knocked.
The connection was lost as they separated their lips. They turned their heads in the direction of the back door.
It felt like Max’s heart stopped beating when he saw the door handle moving.
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clarkesrifle · 6 years
Understanding Haywood - Chapter One
Summary; Living in a universe where Voldemort had never fallen, a new tradition forms in order to tame rebellion in the Wizarding Community. A total of forty-two children, ages eleven to seventeen, are forced to leave their homes and fight to the death on the anniversary of the death of the Potter family.
A/N; This chapter is currently unedited, so forgive any sort of mistakes that there may be. About halfway through I changed this from being a reader-centered story to an actual character story. Hopefully I got all of the leftover ‘you’s and ‘your’s! No Penny in this chapter, but she will be coming soon. This is just an introduction into this universe. I love you all, and I REALLY hope you like this story.
Dedications; @cinnamonriko, @existensial-trashcan, and @haywoodpennys
Warnings; N/A for this chapter
Word Count; 2,590
September 24th, 1989
That damned goblet.
It stood proudly in front of the long wooden table that housed the Professors during the meal times. Right now, where would usually be a blue-white flame, was just a cold stone rim. It wasn’t active, and it wouldn’t be until the first of October, but the sight of it still made Jade Chamberlain’s heart clench.
Was that his plan? To strike fear into the hearts of every single student in the school? Of course it was. Some people, most often the adults that worshiped the Dark Lord like a god, relished in the Tournament. The blood. The lives lost.
The Chamberlain family were some of those people. It was considered a great honor to participate, to die for his cause. It was even better to win for him. The winners would be given the greatest accolade — a specialized Dark Mark and a high ranking among Voldemort’s men.
And that terrified her.
Being apart of the Sacred Twenty-Eight meant that Jade grew up in an elegant party scene. Meetings of the most detestable people were covered in celebrations, and celebrations came from the most detestable things. Ever since the Tournament began, in her first year, she would come home to watch the violence surrounded by drunken adults that found it all glorious. It was almost a tradition.
The one that traumatized her the most, the one that made Jade finally view the tournament as something to be abhorred, was the one her elder brother, Onyx, had participated in. He was only in his fourth year, he wasn’t supposed to be there.
Their father had made rules for the pair; study, keep to yourself, and prepare.  Life had admittedly been lonely, with few friends more enemies to count. Onyx had been her only friend, her greatest friend.
Seeing him fight to survive broke the young girl's heart, and Jade felt herself breathe a sigh of relief when he killed his final opponent, as horrible as was to admit. And then he was home.
But he wasn’t home. He was somewhere else. He was different.
He snapped more, he locked himself in his room and no silencing spells could hide his screams. His family, besides his worried sister, didn’t care though — he was the very first winner of the tournament, he brought an amazing honor to their house. But soon after whatever fame was attached to her name would be stripped away.
The night before he was meant to take his mark, Onyx disappeared.
Soon, it will be seven years since then.
Seeing that goblet only reminded her of that fact.
The person on her left, Rowan Khanna, poked her ribs lightly in an attempt to get the taller girl’s attention. “You’ve barely eaten.” It was more of a statement than a comment. She was right, though. But that didn’t matter, because her stomach felt as though it couldn’t handle the slightest bit of food, even the smell of the hot chicken in front of her made Jade feel the need to vomit.
“Just not feeling it,” she whispered, leaning her long arms onto the table. Rowan simply rolled her eyes.
“You haven’t been ‘feeling it’ for the past three days now. Your body will start to shut down if you keep at it.” A few moments pass and Rowan looks at her friend with worry. “It’s your brother, isn’t it?” Of course it was, the months leading up to October were filled with anxiety and sadness for the pureblooded witch.
Onyx wasn’t dead, Jade knew. She would have felt his death reverberate in her heart. But he was gone, somewhere that most likely wasn’t safe. She wondered if the boy she looked up to with all of her soul was at the very least somewhere warm, healthy.
Sometimes on days like this when her brother filled her thoughts, she would imagine him living somewhere secluded, perhaps somewhere in America, with a family of his own. For his sake, she hoped that was true.
Jade simply shrugged, and felt hot tears brim behind her eyelashes. Rowan had seen these moments more than anyone else, she was the only other person that she had told about her brother, how he was missing. How he was disgraced.
She held Jade then, and right now she laid a comforting hand over her friend’s and squeezed. In that moment, Jade was so grateful for breaking her father’s rules, all those years ago. His plan had been to keep her isolated, so she could focus solely on her training without any distraction.
But Rowan had pushed.
And there was never a day where Rowan regretted that action.
“It’s just one more year. One more year, and you never have to remember those bad memories ever again.” Another squeeze, and Rowan let go. Jade wanted to believe her — she really did — however deep down, she knew that being apart of the bigger world of Voldemort’s following, a world that Rowan was lucky enough to never know well, meant that the Triwizard Tournament would be apart of her life until the day she died.
But Jade didn’t say that. Her friend looked so hopeful, how could she crush that?
Instead, she gave a genuine half smile and leaned back as the plates and food vanished back down to the kitchens. “Do you think your family has another wood sample on the way today?” Jade excitedly questioned when she saw the vast amount of owls flying into the room. “We have to replace some of the Gryffindor brooms with our handmade models again.” The brooms that the pair made couldn’t fly, of course. It was just entertaining to watch the players scramble at the beginning of a match. They never understood why their brooms wouldn’t take off.
“Doubtful, my parents are being pressured to give all of the wood we have to You-Know-Who and his followers.” Rowan shrugged. “Something about finishing up preparations for the Tournament this year.”
Hmph. How strange, Jade thought. The Dark Lord must be planning something decently large to need all of the available wood from the Kannah’s tree farm. Owls rushed by quickly, dropping their packages and letters quickly before running off.
Hjordis was a different kind of owl. The brown spotted True owl would always beg for a quick bit of affection before soaring back to the Owlery. Gracefully she swooped down, landing gently on Jade’s shoulder and letting out a happy chirp.
A smile crossed Jade’s otherwise saddened features as she reached up and pet the bird’s beak. “Hello, old friend.” The True owl nuzzled her shoulder like a cat before reaching it’s foot out. A small piece of parchment was tied down to it, so small that it couldn’t contain more than a sentence or two at the most.
It was odd, you weren’t expecting any sort of note. It couldn’t have been from your family — your mother most often wrote to you, using overly elegant words that detailed how the Chamberlain business was going, and her letters were always longer than two sheets of parchment. “Thank you, Hjordis.” Quickly you untied the slip of paper, inspecting it before letting out a great sigh. Passively you handed it to Rowan, who no doubt was dying with curiosity.
“‘Your presence is requested in the Headmaster’s office following dinner.’” Rowan’s caramel eyes widened before hurriedly whispering, “What have you done?”
Jade laughed a slight bit, “I’m offended that you think I’d done any mischief.” For a moment, her friend seemed sorry, but then she realized all who she was talking to.
“We were just talking about how we vandalized the Gryffindor quidditch brooms.”
“Point taken.” Jade chuckled to herself, before taking the note back. “It’s McGonagall’s handwriting. She’s not my head of house, if I had done anything wrong, it would be Old Sluggy’s.” 
The tanned girl looked over the note one more time, seemingly agreeing with Jade’s deduction. “If you haven’t done anything wrong — which I doubt you haven’t, it’s just a matter of being caught —.” Jade lightly kicked her friend’s boot as they teased each other. “Then what could it be?”
One way to find out, she thought. Standing up and straightening her tie, Jade noticed how empty the hall looked as people stood up and left, chattering amongst themselves. “Meet me back in the Head dorms in an hour, okay?” Rowan simply nodded and stood, wishing her best friend good luck.
Over the summer, The Dark Lord himself presented Jade with the golden badge, another way of keeping her under his thumb. Every month, she would have to personally report to him about the status of students in the school, including reporting any sort of uprising within the student body. He was determined to not have another deserter.
This meeting, she could only assume, would be one of those days. Her stomach filled with dread as she pushed past the giant doors and walked into the hall. Her classmates walked in every direction, and despite the fact that few people were headed in the same direction as her, Jade felt claustrophobic.
Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that she was about to face the very man that fueled her nightmares.
His presence, which Jade had gotten somewhat used to, was feasibly the most terrifying thing one could ever live through. Voldemort himself was a handsome man — with black hair and dark brown eyes, he was considerably charming. It didn’t surprise Jade that he was a powerful man, however the skill it took to manipulate those around them didn’t equal being a good leader.
Jade supposed he was a very insecure man. He led through terror, intimidation — hardly the workings of a good, confident leader. In some ways, it felt as though his mind, although intelligent and beyond others his age, had not aged from adolescence.
Tom Riddle was very often quick to anger, willing to slay anyone who he felt withheld anything from him.
Her footsteps echoed along the hall, each quick thump of her feet matched her anxious heart. Two floors up, a movement of staircases. Jade’s heart pounded harder and faster as she moved closer to the Headmaster’s office. She could imagine that at one point, before the first wizarding war, Hogwarts had been so beautiful and lively. 
All it felt like now was dark.
The Stairwell Gargoyle which protected the Headmaster’s office, was considerably ugly. It was carved of stone, with great wings expanding from its back. Once, Jade and Rowan had been sitting in the Gargoyle Corridor (after they had, to Rowan’s chagrin, been kicked out of the library after setting off a stink bomb) studying for a rather important assignment in Transfiguration. As Rowan listed off the many facts and features of the statue, the stone monolith shifted and extended its great wingspan before shaking out its feathers.
“Did you know about that?” Jade had asked her friend who had gone silent.
Shocked, intrigued, and awestruck, Rowan simply mumbled, “Not in the slightest.”
Now, years later, the Chamberlain girl stood in front of that god-awful statue wringing her hands. “Infusion of Liliacae,” Jade conjured confidence and assurance in her voice. The statue bowed its head and stepped aside revealing the stairway up to the office.
One by one, Jade walked up the stairs, hearing her heart pumping in her ears. A deep breath. Raising a shaking hand to knock on the door, she found herself interrupted before her hand could touch the wooden entrance.
“Come in, Miss Chamberlain.”
Snape’s voice was a very commanding one, deep and in some ways soothing despite how terrifying the man could be. Jade’s relationship with the former professor was a rocky one.
Jade pushed the door open, revealing the dark room. The only source of light was the crackling fire in the corner that made things swelteringly hot.
Taking in another deep breath and willing herself to talk to the Headmaster’s chair, which faced away from her. Tom loved to sit in that chair. Perhaps it was about the previous Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
“My Lord, I —” A hand was raised and the chair swiveled back around.
“He is not here, Miss Chamberlain.” Jade gave a great sigh of relief as she saw Snape looking back at her. “Take a seat,” he gestured towards the two leather chairs in front of his desk. Thank Merlin, she thought as she approached the desk. Professor McGonagall sat in the chair on the left, and Jade quickly took notice at the glimmer of sadness in her eyes.
As she sat she looked around at the room — dark artifacts and books lined the great walls, and what once held the portraits of war heroes and previous Headmasters, now held famous dark wizards, the largest of which was a great painting of Tom Riddle.
Tom’s eyes watched Jade with great interest, a harrowing smile gracing his sharp features.
“You may be wondering why we have requested your presence here today,” the old transfiguration professor spoke, her voice gentle and teary. 
Jade furrowed her eyebrows. Why was McGonagall so emotional? “Is something wrong, Professor?” Once more, worry filled her stomach. Minerva and Jade had formed a special bond over these past seven years, so much so that Jade would spend much of her holidays drinking tea with Minerva and her wife, under the allusion to her parents that she was receiving extra lessons.
In truth, Minerva was like a mother to her.
She was everything a mother should be. Her own mother was so focused on planning parties and serving Voldemort himself. McGonagall was perhaps the strongest person she had ever known.
So seeing her so heartbroken scared her. “My child,” McGonagall grabbed Jade’s hand and squeezed. “oh, I am so sorry.” Tears glistened in her eyes and threatened to fall past her lashes.
Jade looked at Snape, who seemed cool and collected, betraying no emotion. “Headmaster, what’s going on?”
He adjusted his cufflinks on his robe, placing his hand on his chin. “I am afraid that your parents have bought your way into the Triwizard Tournament.”
The room was silent. Even the sorting hat in the corner had no words of condolence. No, she thought. They wouldn’t do that to me. Deep down though, Jade knew the truth. Of course they would — her parents were obsessed with returning to grace in the eyes of the Dark Lord.
She just hadn’t realized that they would go so far as to sacrifice their last child to do so. “No,” Jade whispered. “Please tell me you’re joking.” Frantically she looked to the older woman. “Professor?”
Tears came crashing past her barriers, flooding down her cheeks and dripping onto her robes. “Please,” Jade whispered so breathily that it was barely audible. Minerva shook her head. It was true.
Jade stood up and ripped her hand out of her mentor’s, but she didn’t make it far before collapsing onto the marble floor, her chest wracking with sobs. Minerva quickly rushed to the girl, holding her tightly and crying lightly with her. “You’ll get through this,” Minerva mumbled into her hair. “You need to win this.”
She wouldn’t win.
The heartbroken girl knew that in her soul.
Her parents, the people that were meant to love her and protect her from this cruel world, the people that were supposed to hold her tightly, to ease her nightmares, the people who were supposed to teach her about life and love, had just signed her death warrant.
And that hurt more than anything else.
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