#AND I really want her meet outfit and accessories
the boys crush is putting on chapstick, accidentally maybe a little too much, while deciding where to wipe it off...they choose violence! they decided to wipe the extra on his face MWAH they smack a kiss onto the boys cheek and run! they evade capture somehow and the guys end up having to go home. they get caught out in the sun for a little too long. when they get home they realize their whole face is burnt/ tanned- except for one kiss-shaped spot on their cheek. that chapstick had SPF in it. whatre they gonna do
Lmao this is a funny idea! Here's how I think they would each react
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Takemichi- He honestly doesn't care at all, he's too busy cherishing the mark and the memory to get annoyed or upset. He's also very exited to show his friend's tomorrow and boast about it.
Mikey- Hmm? He's a bit confused at first and tries to rub the mark off but then it dawns on him. Smiling, he decides to do the same to you tomorrow, you don't get to defeat the former leader of toman that easily.
Draken- Groaning he looks at his face again, isn't sure how he can go to work with his face looking like this. The kiss was a nice surprise but he wishes it didn't happen that way!
Baji- This just so happened to take place on the day he was supposed to visit his mum. So he had to sit through her laughing, asking lots of questions and her wanting to meet his "secret lover". He vows to get you back for this.
Chifuyu- Takes a picture of himself to remember this, then softly touches the mark. He knows he should be worried or annoyed about this but you finally kissed him so how can he be annoyed???
Mitsuya- Chuckles at your antics and tries to figure out how to cover the mark. It actually probably inspires him in some way and gives him a new outfit or accessory idea.
Hakkai- Eyes widen the second he sees the mark, he's questioning why you kissed him more then the mark though. Does this mean you actually like him!?
Pah- Has no idea what to think about this, calls Peh and tells him all about though.
Peh- Mutters a lot about you after seeing it and how annoying you are, it's obvious to anyone who can hear him though that he's lying.
Smiley- He's blushing and saying he's gonna kill you and is just generally a mess. Badly wishes he had caught you so he could've kissed you back. He's definitely going to try the next time he sees you.
Angry- He's still shocked even after he get's home, the mark kinda doesn't make a difference since he's already so surprised. Spends a long time staring at the mark thoughtfully.
Mucho- Is honestly impressed that you not only managed to catch him off guard with a kiss but that you also then managed to get away from him. Maybe he's underestimated you, he won't make that mistake again.
Sanzu- Takes this as definitive proof that you must like him, that was your way of confessing right??? And you even marked him to show everyone.
Kisaki- Frowns while looking at the mark, he definitely appreciates the kiss but he has a big meeting tomorrow and he can't go in with this on his face.
Hanma- Walks around shamelessly showing the mark on his face off, thinks it's cool and wonders how you'll react to seeing it. Blows kisses at you when he sees you and points to the mark.
Kazutora- Goes to talk about what just happened and the mark to the only people he knows he can trust and who won't laugh, the cats at the petshop. Spends the rest of the day talking to them about you and what happened, trying to make sense of it himself.
Inui- Doesn't really care what others think of him with the mark but he knows he'll have to deal with Shinichiro making a big deal over it. Curses you slightly but can't find it in himself to actually be bothered, not when you finally kissed him.
Koko- Immediately cancels all meetings the second he sees it, Kisaki may be mad but oh well. He really wishes you didn't run away, he has so much he wants to say you and that he's hoping to hear fron you. His no1 priority is finding you.
Taiju- He's laughing. You really think you can get away with that? That he'll let you only give him a quick kiss like that? Oh he's definitely getting revenge for this and for you to give him a proper kiss.
Izana- You marked him? Izana hums thoughtfully as he looks at himself in the mirror before grinning. He's thinking about marking you back, leaving bite marks over your neck and seeing how you like it. You are the one who started it after all.
Kakucho- He's blushing so much, he just keeps replaying the memory of the kiss in his head. He's not really sure what it means though, why did you run? Wants to ask Izana for advice but knows he'll laugh at him.
Ran- Decides the kiss mark is actually kinda a look and decides to keep it instead of trying to cover it. Will tell everyone you did this and boast as much as he can, all while smiling smugly at you.
Rindou- Immediately works on trying to cover the mark, Ran is definitely not allowed to see this.
Shion- He's definitely boasting a bunch about this, though he's not mentioning the whole part about you running away and him not being able to catch you. He excitedly points to the mark a lot.
Mochi- He isn't sure if he's more embarrassed about the kiss, you getting away from him or the mark. But he's very embarrassed.
South- Is very excited about this, he views it as a game between the two of you now. And it's his turn to give you a sneak kiss now. Doesn't even care about the mark, actually he thinks it's nice that for once it's not an injury marking him.
Wakasa- Frowns before smiling slightly at the mark on his cheek. Thinks it's cute how you'd do something like that but then get so embarrassed that you run. He wants more though.
Benkei- Makes a loud "huh!???" when he notices it. Definitely wants to talk to you even more now, why did you just do that!???
Shinichiro- He's practically jumping for joy, even after noticing the mark. Wears it proudly to show everyone that someone does like him!!!!
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mydollsaregay · 29 days
@americangirlruinedmylife asked me if i had seen AG’s website today and for a minute i was so wrapped up in the revival of Julie’s floral jumpsuit that i straight up didn’t even see the other historical drops 😅
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anyway i love this fit SO much. i was devastated when i got back into collecting and saw how expensive it was, so i am very pleased to be able to have a version of it (though they changed the sandal color for some reason?? it’s odd but im fine with it - I have some tan ones I’ll switch them out for).
the other thing I’m definitely going to be getting is Addy’s birthday dress- my Addy only has her pjs so i’m pumped to be able to get another fit for her!!! also I just love her birthday outfit. her snood is super fun, and I LOVE the checkered apron.
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(I kinda wish the book was sold separately though, as I believe I already have a copy and. Y’know. Money.)
i actually LOVE the idea of the limited drop IF they end up doing what I think they’re going to do. they dropped just the birthday/spring outfits and books during the season when they take place….
I think they might be doing a seasonal release of each book and accompanying outfit??? 🤔
based on how much got left hanging around on sale for molly and kit, i think they might be trying to broaden the audience while limiting the amount they have to stock by doing these three girls at once - they could be planning to rotate out items as they add each new book and accompanying outfit, which I actually think is an extremely cool idea. there’s no way to know for certain until we hit summer and the next wave would release (if im not totally off base), but we’ll see 👀
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voxsmistress · 1 month
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo part FOUR!
lets see what else is in store for y/n ... you didn't think Velvette was just going to let her get away now did you?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen
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Seems Velvette had tagged your photo on her story with the hashtag #newmodel? Flicking your gaze back up to an amused Angel.
“Well toots … you might as well collect all three than just two. Here’s to you babe - you are so fucked”. He raised his glass. Raising your own you blink in shock.
Fucked was right.
It had been a few days since your exciting little adventure to the Vee Tower, coupled with the fact Velvette had not only shared your post on Sinstagram but followed you was helping you gain thousands and thousands of new followers and likes. But like your tequila, you took this with more than a pinch of salt. The Vee’s didn’t do anything for free. There was always a catch. You were waiting for this one to hook you sooner or later.
Unfortunately for you, it was sooner rather than later. You had finished your job for the night ready to head home, plus there was a bottle of whiskey and a hot bath with your name on it. Arm raised to wave a taxi you were distracted by your phone starting to buzz in your other hand. Unknown Number. Huh, weird. Deciding to answer it you lower your arm. What harm could it do?
“Is this Miss Y/n?” Frowning at the unfamiliar voice, hmm you were rather selective about who got your number. So … who was this?
“Ah Miss Y/n I am Velvette’s assistant, and she is insisting that you come in to meet her to discuss an opportunity that you really do not want to miss out on” huh. Okay. Was not expecting that.
“Uh huhh … and when is she wanting to meet?” Looking up at the darkening sky you had a horrible feeling you weren’t going to be going home anytime soon.
“Well, what are you doing now?” Ohhh nooo! Come on!
“I have just finished work and was actu-”
“Ah perfect so you are free. Come to the Vee tower now and we will sort everything. See you soon” your mouth opened and closed as they hung up on the phone. Right eye twitching you took a deep breath in before exhaling slowly. The bloody nerve! Grinding your teeth you raise your arm up again and wave at a taxi. Trying to calm your anger you shove yourself in the first one that appears, telling them to take you to the Vee Tower. Stewing in the backseat you think it must be nice to be an Overlord – just ordering small insignificant demons around. Shaking off the attitude you realise you need to tidy yourself up.
Looking down at your outfit, a sigh escapes you. Not exactly the outfit you’d want to meet the fashionista Overlord in – a leather bustier, leather pants and your customary neon pink accessories and heels matching of course with your favourite faux fur coat – but it was going to have to do. You didn’t exactly have time to prepare. Scurrying around in your purse to find your compact mirror, you quickly tidy up your eyeliner – snarling at the cabbie when he purposefully swerved nearly wrecking your makeup – and pop a new layer of dark pink lipstick on with a topping of gloss. A quick fluff to your blonde/pink hair and that was the best it was gonna get with such little time to prepare. Spying your perfume, you give a little spritz to your neck, wrists, and boobs. Noting that you’d need to get some more on your next outing as you were nearly out.
Thankfully you had just enough time to get all that done before the taxi pulled up at the tower, throwing the money at the demon you step out on the street. If possible the tower seemed even taller than before. Intimidating. Shaking your head you steel yourself for this meeting, how the last one went down with the other two is not what you want this time round. No unnecessary touching. No being cornered. And no flirting. Okay maybe a little bit of flirting, you were a demon after all. Wait – no! No! Bad thoughts!
Stepping in to the reception you check the board to see what floor Velvette was on, marching to the elevators you ignore the same receptionist who seemed surprised to see you again. Yeah, Bitch I’m back! In the elevator you press Velvette’s floor and breath deeply. It would all be okay. Perhaps they were just going to tell you how much they liked your post? Or they were wanting a thank you in person for all the followers? Or how surprised at how naïve and stupid you sounded. Shaking your head you groan softly. Of course it wasn’t doing to be okay, dealing with the Vee’s was never okay. Or safe.
At the soft ding you pulled your attention away from your depressing thoughts and instead to the scene in front of you. Velvette yelling at a load of models, other demons running around grabbing body parts off the floor and clothes being burned. Well. That was different. A twitch of your lips hid a smile – so the Vee’s weren’t as organised and poised as they’d like you to believe. Good to know.
Taking a step into what felt like the Thunderdome your movement must have caught Velvette’s attention, she suddenly was advancing on you and quite fast for someone so short. You thought you were small, but she only came up to your shoulder. Of course her attitude, energy and that amazing hairdo made up at least a foot, if not more. And living with the other two Vee’s she needed as much attitude and sass to keep up.
“Ah so you are Y/n, totally nice to meet you face to face. Saw your post girl and I am in love with them – that last photo dump was so gorgeous and hitting all the trends so good on you.” Linking her arm with yours like you two were old buddies she pulled you further into the room, her voice so quick you had to focus so intently to understand what she was saying.
“So … any who, guess you are wondering why I brought you here?” She gently shoved you down on the chaise lounge, a small ‘offt’ escapes your lips when you hit the seat. Steadying yourself you turn your body to face the Overlord who decided to take a seat right next to you. Your knees almost touching. Okay then.
“Yes, I was curious why…” a glass of champagne appeared in front of your nose – accepting it gingerly you carefully held it in your lap thanking the demon who passed her boss a glass.
“Look, your style is cute but I think with my influence your style can be out of this world – I am in the market for a new model” - a glance to the pile of body parts in the corner of the room made you gulp - “and with your figure and my style we could totally rock this Hell, making us a tonne of money and you a star so whatcha think – whatcha say I can sort the contract out asap no problem, no fuss”. Blinking in a bit of shock at the speed of what she spoke and what she was speaking about you had to hold your hand up to stop her for a second. Information overload.
“Uh – wow that’s real generous of you Miss Velvette-“
“Please call be Velvette, or Vel! None of this Miss business,” Her smirk was widening, her black lipstick was shining under the florescent lights above us.
“Well, Velvette, I am really touched that you think I could model for you as your fashion range is just fantastic and I love it – but if I am to sign that contract what am I giving you?” You pretend to take a sip from your glass. No liquid entered your lips. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d heard of someone being drugged and signing their soul away – you wouldn’t be one of those.
“Oh, nothing big really. Just something tiny. Teeny really. You wouldn’t even miss it.” She wafted one of her hands around as the other was typing away on her phone.
“Uh huh and what would that teeny tiny thing that I wouldn’t miss be?” You hedged her for the answer what you knew was coming.
“Just your soul babes – nothing big.” Yeah, to her maybe. To you it was a massive thing. And you’ll be honest, you didn’t have masses in this Hell but you did have your soul which was more than some have.
“Then the answer is going to be no, Velvette” you placed your glass down on the table. Her fingers stopped twitching across her screen, her red eyes focused solely on you. Now normally you were one to bow your head and not make eye contact, but you’d had enough of the bullying attitude of these Vee’s now – not one but two now have tried to contract you into losing your soul and you weren’t having it! Matching her glare with one of your own.
“No?” Keeping the eye contact you nodded.
“Not to say I am not grateful that you thought of me, or the fact you even took the time to speak to me. But my soul is non-negotiable. Plus, I have a job already. One which I love and want to continue. So, thank you. But my answer is and will always be - No.” You might have held your eye contact, but your hands were starting to tremble a little. Clenching them together in fists you keep your gaze on hers. A small sneer was pulling on her lips, and you were getting ready to be dismembered like the model before you. But it never came. Instead, she laughed. Laughed?!
Not like an evil MWAHAHA laugh. But a genuine laugh. Confused you wrung your hands together as she lightly slapped your knee and wiped a tear from her eye.
“You got guts girl; I’ll give you that.” A strained smile tugged at your lips, dead heart thumping in your chest. “Fine then. No soul contract – which is a shame we could have had so much fun” her expression darkened with mischief sparkling in her eyes pulling a little heat to your cheeks. “But instead let’s make a little deal? No souls just two businesswomen making a deal, whatcha say?”
Raising your eyebrows in interest you place your elbows on your knees leaning forwards: “what do you suggest?”
“Your socials are starting to take off, people are noticing you babes, and I am here for it! You are a rising star, don’t think I haven’t been paying attention and seeing that people are using your hashtags and your name when they’ve seen you at one of the clubs singing performing”, surprised she had even looked you could feel your blush deepen. “So, here’s the deal – you wear some of my designs, tag them in your socials, etc and you come and do a catwalk for me and sing?”
“You want me to promote your clothes and sing at one of your Cat Walks?” you clarify because this evening was not going the way you had planned or thought it would go.
“That’s it gorgeous – whatcha think?” You think this was probably the longest Velvette had been off her phone.
“And that’s it? No loopholes, no contracts, no soul-binding – just for me to wear your clothes, promote them on my social media and sing at one of your cat walks – that’s it?” You narrow your gaze at the Overlord, there’s got to be some sort of catch here. The way she was gazing at you like a cat that had caught the canary you were sure you were screwed in some way.
“That’s it honey. No catch, no loopholes, just good business”. Humming under your breath, you racked your brains to see if there was anything that could go wrong.
“Okay, how long do I have to promote your clothes for and when is the Catwalk show?” you ask, tapping on your own phone bringing up your notes and typing away.
“Shall we give it six months and see what happens from there? The next Catwalk is in a one month’s time” her smile only got bigger. You couldn’t think where or what could be a loophole, it seemed like too good of a deal. And your mama raised you to believe if a deal was too good to be true then it usually is. But then again. When did you ever listen to her?
“So far so good, but what do you get out of it?” Her smirk grew, well that can’t be good. She reached over and squeezed your leg softly, your eyes flitted from her hand to her smug expression.
“I get exactly what I want gorgeous, but honestly helping rising stars get their fame is mainly it” her charming smile didn’t win you over. She was a lying. But let her keep her lies for now. You knew how to play the game and so far, you hadn’t been burnt. What’s a little risk.
“Okay Velvette, you have a deal”. Raising your hand, she slapped hers into yours and gave it a strong shake – red and black smoke erupted from her making you jump back a little but was stopped from the grip she had. Her grin was terrifying. Her hair was waving around her head like it was full of static. But as soon as the smoke and lights appeared, they disappeared as if you had imagined it. Pulling your hand away, the tingle of electricity ran through your fingers, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. Not at all.
“Well then gorgeous now that’s all done – you can pop back tomorrow and we will get all your measurements and go through colour schemes, styles, etc so keep you day wide open yeah!” Finishing off her glass of champagne we leaned back against the chaise lounge – never once had she let her gaze off you.
Nodding in agreement you thank her while rising from your seat, it was time for you to go and drown yourself in that bottle of whiskey. “You can stay if you’d like?” A flush covered your cheeks at her racking her gaze up your body.
“Thank you, but I better get home. Big day tomorrow I want to be rested” you give her your best winning smile, slipping your purse under your arm. Rolling her red eyes at you she huffed a little, “fineee be boring babes”. Happily!
Before you could even think of taking a step towards the elevator the doors slid open. An unimpressed Vox stood in the middle tapping away on his own phone, not tearing his gaze away from it he steps into the room.
“So what unfortunate soul have you managed to convince to work with you now Vel?” His charismatic voice lacked his usual flare and instead sounded bored. Not something you usually would hear from the TV Demon.
Clearing your throat, you were frozen in place when his eyes connected with yours. Uh oh.
“That unfortunate soul would be me” you smile nervously at him, watching as his screen glitched slightly. That was weird. His bored expression disappeared with the glitch and in its place was his usual charming smile.
“Ah Miss Y/n what a pleasure to see you! What was that you just said?” Velvette appeared at your side, wrapping an arm through yours you watched his screen glitch a little again.
“She’s mine now Voxxie” she smirked at the glitching demon.
“She’s WHAT?!”  
Taglist: @tasha-1994 @azullynxx
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buckys-little-belle · 2 months
Im scared to but my first Barbie, but I really want one! Sooooo bad. Can you maybe write Steve and Bucky meeting a she/her reader in the Barbie spot in a store and being nice to her? Maybe buying her a Barbie and some clothes? And they are just nice?
Barbie Aisle Buddies
Stucky x Shy!Little!Reader (She/Her Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - The reader is generally a worry wart so she has a bit of 'panic' and worry during this fic, it gets resolved by the end and fluff ensues after her worry.
Notes - I honestly pulled inspiration from a fic I had written a while ago about a shy reader in a toy aisle, so I hope it's okay that I made the ready shy. This is also pretty short! But also so cute!!! Also I know it can be scary going to a store and buying toys but I promise you it's okay! I have bought so many Barbies and Barbie toys like clothes, and I described a Barbie I own in this story! Don't let worry eat you up, go buy the Barbie! Trust me when I tell you it's worth the worry, having fun dolls that I get to play with and dress up is so fun and I don't regret getting them! You only live once bubba, don't let the worry get you down for too long! I hope you get a Barbie soon!!! <3
SFW - Keep all interactions with the post, and this blog, SFW!
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Y/n had been hyping herself up for a month now. Twenty dollars in her pocket, and a determined state of mind were all she had as she walked up and down the Barbie aisle of her local grocery store. It was a small selection of dolls, yet so overwhelming at the same time.
Some dolls had different jobs, chef, doctor, fashion designer. Others had fancy outfits or animal sidekicks. It was hard to pick just one doll, but seeing as she only had enough money for one doll, she knew she had to pick just one.
"Hello." A man's voice broke through her overthinking, a man stood just a few feet away, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, some worn out sneakers on his feet. He looked familiar, though Y/n couldn't place just where she had seen him before. "I'm Steve." He smiled, turning to look at the same shelf she had her eyes on previously. "It's hard to pick one, isn't it?"
"Um." Y/n panicked, trying to remember the excuse she had made up regarding why she was in this aisle. Did she land on 'getting a toy for a friend's kid' or 'I have a birthday party to attend'?
"Steve!" Another man's voice called out. This time a man dressed all in black, combat boots and gloves included, planted himself a few feet away. "Hi there, Doll." He smiled, Y/n couldn't help but smile back, the man's charm winning her over. "Which one do you have your eye on?" He asked as he scanned the shelves, hands crossed over his chest, looking at the plethora of choices like he too was thinking about getting one.
"Oh, I'm not, I'm just, you know, a, I don't, I." Y/n began stuttering, trying to get out an excuse, any excuse, to make them believe she wasn't buying a Barbie doll for herself.
"Dolls don't have an age, Doll." The man without a name chuckled. "If you're looking for a Barbie to play with I would suggest one that comes with a few items." He began pointing to a few sets she had looked at, but sets that were over her budget.
"I like this one." Y/n quickly grabbed a doll she had her eye on. She was a chef and came with a pan and what looked to be a fried egg. She had a chefs hat and coat, and looked fun enough, but the biggest pull was it was the only doll with accessories that was in her price range.
"She'll need some everyday clothes." Steve squatted down to a lower shelf, rummaging through some small containers for a set of clothes.
"I can't, I just. This is all I can get." Y/n smiled with a hint of self conciseness. Admitting you didn't have a lot of Barbie money to strangers wasn't the end all be all, but at the same time it still felt extremely venerable.
"Well, Doll." The unnamed man with a smile full of charm spoke again. "It's your lucky day then." He pulled the cart Steve must have brought closer to the shelf. "Pick whatever you want."
"What?" Y/n shook her head taking a step back, confused as to what he meant.
Steve was the one to speak up this time. "You don't know who we are, I'm guessing." His smile was softer, more gentle. "I was formally known as Captain America." The truth felt like a weight had been lifted off Y/n's shoulders, her happy to know that she wasn't crazy for thinking he looked familiar.
"And I'm his sidekick, Bucky Barnes, formally known as The Winter Soldier." Mr Unnamed added on.
"Oh." Y/n nodded her head, taking in the two men, even more confused as to why they were wasting their time in a local stores Barbie aisle with her. "Sorry for bothering you."
Y/n was ready to dash with her doll, worried that the super soldiers she just met would grow tired of her quiet demeanor. "Doll." Bucky called out, his voice commanding yet it still had a joking tone to it. "Come back here and pick at least four things."
"Buck." Steve whispered loudly.
"Steve." Bucky said back, his tone condescending. "Doll, please let us but you some dolls. It would make our day." She still hadn't turned around and had half a heart to run, yet for some reason she turned around and took a good look at the shelf.
There really were some sets she'd love to have, like the farmers market stand and a little dog set, and Steve was right, her doll needed everyday clothes. "You won't make fun of me?" She asked, worry surrounding each word.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Steve put his hand over his heart, an action that made her giggle.
"I'm Y/n." She finally gave them her name, a small smile breaking past her worried expression.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/n." Bucky and Steve said at the same time, the three of them laughing.
"Which outfit do you think your doll would look best in?" Steve held out a few options, letting Y/n ponder over them as Bucky tried to convince her to pick the Barbie camper as one of her choices, as if she had a spot for such a big play set.
"I like this one." She pointed to a package that help a blue dress, pick shirt, and jean skirt. The shoes were cute too, and she got excited at the idea of dressing her doll in the outfit.
So there they all stood, Steve and Bucky trying to convince Y/n to get super expensive things, and Y/n trying to figure out how she got so lucky to have two super soldiers worrying over her new doll collection.
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foreingersgod · 2 months
I love love love your writing! I was wondering if you could write something about cc dating a pop star, very much chappel roan vibes
y’all must be reading my mind! this is perfect!
Red Wine Supernova . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: you’re an upcoming queer pop star who just happens to be dating the hottest player in the wnba (set slightly in the future just for the sake of plot!)
it was off season for caitlin and she was so relieved to have time off from practices and games for a while. she had now devoted all her attention to you, hardly leaving your side these past few weeks. you, on the other hand, were just starting your debut tour. a small one, only a handful of destinations, but incredibly important (and sold out) nonetheless.
yes, caitlin had heard you sing, several times in fact. but she’d been too busy with everything that she had yet to see you perform live, outside of your home studio when it was just the two of you. so when she told you that she wanted to tag along with you for the entirety of your tour, you were practically beaming with excitement.
you had worked really hard on this album and you were thrilled to finally be able to perform it to your growing fan base. you loved performing in the bustling bars of your hometown and the stadiums in surrounding cities, but you’ve always known you were meant for bigger and better things; you wanted to travel the nation and share your songs with so many different people. you were even more excited, though, to have caitlin see you up on stage. something more than just a karaoke stage in a dingy bar with just your guitar and the intensity of your voice. no matter where you sang, caitlin still made it her mission to tell you how amazing you were and how she couldn’t wait to see how much of an amazing star you were turning out to be.
“wow, just…wow” caitlin said, speechless, when she walked into your dressing room for your first show in Chicago.
you, with the help of your entire team and manager, had just got into costume. a purple leotard that dazzled with thousands of hand placed gems. pink fishnets, white go go boots, a matching purple cowboy hat, and a dozen other miscellaneous accessories to pull together the outfit.
you looked up, still trying to pull your leotard into a comfortable position, when you heard her walk in. “hey, i was gonna meet you outside! everything ok?”
“yea no we’re all good,” she looked up and down, lips slightly parted “i just couldn’t wait to see you”
“well i’m glad you came, like the outfit?” your assistants stepped away, sliding past caitlin at the door to give you both some privacy before the show, as you gave caitlin a full twirl of the outfit.
“i love it, you look beautiful, people won’t be able to take their eyes off of you” she said “and if we’re being honest…i can’t wait to take this off of you tonight”
you felt your face heat up underneath your show makeup. “a bit cheeky tonight, i see”
“well when you look so good all the time, how could i not be” she grinned, pulling you into her chest and hugging you deeply before stage management gave you a 3 minute warning. “you’re going to do so good, i’ll be watching!”
“i’ll find you in the crowd, don’t worry” a quick peck on the lips and you were being escorted to the wings of the stage before you knew it.
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
“HELLOOOOOO, CHICAGO!!” you cheered into the mic, waving to fans and hyping up the crowd “i’m so happy to perform for ya’ll tonight, this has been an absolute dream of mine”
you gave the classic introduction speech: getting the crowd warmed up, announcing the songs, teaching them the dances that went along with each song. it was cliche, for sure, but you loved it. it felt like you were meant to do this your whole life. once you got rolling, getting comfortable on the stage, the feeling only got better. this was truly a dream come true.
you performed your most popular songs, along with a few of your more lesser known ones, and had the time of your life watching all of your fans sing along to something you had written. you spotted caitlin a few times through the show, watching her sing along too and cheer your name, and it made you incredibly happy to see her support you.
“alright guys, this next one’s a song i’ve been keeping from you for quite some time” the crowd whispered to each other in anticipation “but i think tonight…y’all have earned it” cheers erupted from the audience.
“i wrote thing song a while back, when i met a certain…someone…” you grinned, purposefully avoiding eye contact with your girlfriend “and i fell head over heels for her the second i saw her…so without further ado…here’s RED WINE SUPERNOVA!”
your band started playing and the audience was already dancing and cheering. you were incredibly nervous to perform a new song, and little embarrassed knowing that caitlin was going to finally here a song you wrote about her from months and months ago. but the moment you sung into the microphone, you knew she was going to love it.
through out the song, you gave quick glances over to caitlin, trying not to be obvious while wanting to see if she was enjoying it or not. but you were struggling to find her this time with the change in set lighting.
then suddenly you found her, your eyes meeting, and you instantly noticed the goofy grin plastered on her face as she watched you sing about her. still making eye contact, you continued to sing:
Well, back at my house
I got a California king
you walked over to the end of the stage, with eyes still locked.
Okay, maybe it's a twin bed
And some roommates (don't worry we're cool)
you watched her laugh as she caught on to your inside joke.
I heard you like magic
I got a wand and a rabbit
you pointed out to her and she ran her hands over her blushing face in playful embarrassment.
So baby, let's get freaky, get kinky
Let's make this bed get squeaky!
you blew a final kiss to her, the crowd interpreting it as a cute part of your routine, but she knew you had meant it just for her.
you danced around stage for the remainder of your song, kneeling down time to time to hold your fans hand and letting them sing along with you. when your set ended, you bowed to the crowd and said your finally goodbyes and thank you’s, then quickly running off stage and into your dressing room.
after catching your breathe, you started to take off your makeup and costume, again with the help of your team. caitlin had texted you shortly after that she’d meet you outside the venue so that you could have a little time to talk with your team.
once dressed in a fresh tshirt and jeans, face washed and hair tamed, you grabbed your bags and headed out to find your girlfriend. you found her waiting right outside the venue entrance where she was leaning against a post and checking her phone. she looked up almost instantly upon hearing you call her name and hearing your footsteps against the pavement.
“hey superstar!” she ran over to you, you dropped your bags to the ground as you threw your arms around the back of her neck “you fucking killed it!”
“thanks, cait” you pulled away, smashing your lips into hers feverishly “ d’you like the new song?” you muttered against her lips.
“oh i loved it” she kissed you again “you know…suddenly i’m really into magic”
“is that so?”
“definitely, and i think i got a few tricks to show you back at the hotel, how does that sound?” she cradled your jaw, nipping at your bottom lip. you tried your hardest to suppress a moan.
“take me home, clark”
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bearw-me · 15 days
Hello, I'd like to request a Velvette x quiet g/n! reader romantic/slight angst. Where she's crushing on/pining for the reader, but reader is very insecure and shy, doesn't believe anyone (especially an overlord) could possibly want them.
ooooh my first velvette ask!
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐭 — 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐜𝐬!
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𐐒 ft : velvette x gn!reader 𐐒 cw : fluff, slight angst 𐐒 summary : despite your insecurities and hesitance towards her, velvette really wants your attention! 𐐒 note : i swear tumblr glitched and i am now rewriting everything i can remember TT-TT
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despite her being. . . well VELVETTE. . . i think she'd be too stubborn to ask you on a date outright, or confess how she feels about you
she wants you to be the one fawning all over her! and she gets a little discouraged when it doesn't happen
despite that, she really sees something special in you-even without her romantic feelings clouding her vision.
she makes it her priority to help you see what she sees
Velvette has been surrounded by insecure models her whole life (she can spot that same look on your face in an instant) so she knows what you think of yourself
it secretly breaks her heart to know you feel that way about yourself,
especially when she finds out how much you admire her status as an overlord. . .but she doesn't want to seem unreachable to you!
She's sitting at the overlords meeting, tapping her fingers on the table in thought, wondering what kind of date she could ask you on to make you comfortable
(probably retains no information about the meeting itself)
Velvette always likes to be physically close to you
Holding your hand, or pulling you in for a selfie
(its an excuse to be close to your face and plant a cheeky kiss to your cheek while she snaps the picture)
The picture is now her home screen's wallpaper btw
I'd like to think (just generally) velvette would give you a friendship bracelet or a matching accessory for the two of you. Something the two of you can wear with ANY outfit
texts you a ton, even managing to do so while she's working on runway looks
she greets you all the time by 'kissing' both sides of your face
always posts you on her socials or tags you in cute videos
likes to make dirty jokes to embarrass you (dropping hints about her feelings in the process)
calls you 'love'
imagine: Velvette asked you to model for her (for just a second), holding pins between her lips as she secures the fabric to your form. When she notices you shifting away from her eyes uncomfortably, she takes both of your hands in hers and tells you "Listen up, I wouldn't have trusted anyone else to do this for me, yeah?" "You're very dear to me. . ." she tries to confess casually "So stop squirming!" she smiles.
velvette sticking out her tongue in concentration as she does your makeup
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htchnr · 2 months
05 ★ heartless love crime ❥ ch: remember me.
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➻❥ masterlist. ➻❥ buy me a coffee!
CW ➻ public sex ⋆ fingering ⋆ piv ⋆ unprotected sex ⋆ biting ⋆ creampie ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
SUMMARY ➻ At the vibration in your purse, you maneuvered the bags to one side and pulled out your phone. It was a message from Aaron. One that your brow twitched at. "Remember me on your date tomorrow." WC ➻ 5,8K.
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ hi 😁 this is not a nice series! i want to make that clear!! Hotch is toxic, rude and awful in this. (yet so hot at the same time uhg)
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ next chapter will be the last chapter for this series! so i hope you all enjoyed this short ride as much as i did!
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★ - © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫! - ★
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➻❥ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫. ➻❥ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
"Where are you?"
You stood outside the storefront of Macy's, off to the side to not block the entrance. Phone pressed to your ear, you covered your other ear to hear the line better. You'd been walking around the mall aimlessly for twenty minutes, waiting for your friend to arrive.
The others were busy and you didn't want to try on clothes alone. You knew today was Susan's day off, but you were still a little pissed at her and didn't want to have girl time with her just yet. The only other one available had been Susan and she agreed to meet you after lunch. Well, you ate alone in the food court, treated yourself to a bit of ice cream since you were early enough, got hit on by a group of guys that had you scurry far away from the food court like it was infested, and just killed time browsing stores.
The small bag of body lotion from Bath and Body Works swayed as you turned to look up and down the floor. Of all your friends, Susan was the most punctual. She was just the type of person to not leave you waiting. When Susan made plans, she stuck to them. So, you were confused why you stood alone in front of Macy's after twenty minutes.
She sounded sorry, at least, when she responded. Tone low and apologetic, she sighed. "Sorry. I didn't have time to call you. A coworker didn't show up for their shift and I got called in. It's been hectic for the past two hours, but I'm glad you called!"
You let out a sigh of your own, shifting your weight to one leg. You couldn't be mad at Susan. "It's fine."
"I can come after work if you want, but it wouldn't be until seven."
You pulled your phone away from your ear, the white font made you bite your cheek. It was half-past one. You shook your head, not that she could see it. "No, it's fine. I'm already here. No big deal."
She sighed again and her momentary silence allowed you to hear the faint office buzz around her. You felt bad, knowing she felt bad for accidentally standing you up. "I have to go, but I'm really sorry."
You made sure to reassure her it was perfectly fine before exchanging goodbyes. Once the line clicked and you put your phone back in your coat pocket, you puffed your cheeks and let out a deep breath. Great. You had to use your taste in fashion to judge what to buy. Your eyes fell to your current outfit. It seemed normal enough, but you didn't want normal.
You took what Aaron said to heart. You wanted to wear something to leave Bryan in a state of awe, that'd leave him distraught he couldn't have you. And to spite Susan when you'd go on this date just to turn Bryan down again. You may be in a petty mood, but she was also in the wrong for trying to force this onto you. Bryan just happened to be collateral damage, but you'd still let him down gently.
You walked into the store, passing the accessories and handbags at the front. You weren't even being humble when you didn't trust your taste in fashion to wear something sexy. For one, your wardrobe was a clash of something your grandma would wear and that of someone forced into abstinence from the hours in the day wasted away in an office. That, and you weren't comfortable with clothes labeled for promiscuous or intimate occasions. It just made your skin crawl to have to stand in public, with possibly more skin exposed than you'd like, vulnerable to strangers' gazes.
Granted, Aaron said something pretty, not sexy. He could've meant sexy, which you interpreted, but you were more than fine if you found something a little more in your comfort zone. That, and you were in Macy's, you doubted you'd find anything jaw-dropping here, but the prices enticed you. If you would dress out of your comfort zone, you were going to do it on a budget. The only clothes you threw your money blindly at were the silk pajama sets you liked. It was starting to become a problem for your closet space, actually.
You held your head high. Your poor fashion taste wouldn't dampen your spirit. There were perks to shopping alone. For one, nobody would rush you or vice versa. You could comfortably go at your own pace. Maybe even explore other stores in the mall after this to go on a shopping spree. You came all this way, after all. No doubt you'd find something suitable if you took your time.
"Sure. Hit me with another sample."
Every fiber of your being tensed. You whipped your head to the familiar voice. There, in the perfume and cologne section, Aaron Hotchner leaned against the counter while the lady behind it pulled a card from its holder. He smiled charmingly at her, eyes trained to her every move.
"You'll love this one. It's called White Musk." She sprayed a small amount of cologne onto the card, to which he lowered his head a bit to get a good whiff.
Your heart raced. Of course, he was here. You seemed to run into him more recently than you had in your first month of him entering your life. It was like the universe was telling you something. What it was, you had no idea, but you wanted to go over and stand by his side. To see what would happen.
You faced forward and continued your march to women's clothing. Yeah, no, you wouldn't drop your shopping trip to glue yourself to him. You were stronger than that. Aaron had no control over you from there, so you'd keep your distance. As long as he didn't notice you, you were safe from falling into his clutches.
Deep in the lines of clothes, whatever caught your eye first would have your undivided attention. And like a little kid, you happened to be drawn to the prettiest colors. You weaved your way to a dark blue dress, chanting "ooh" in your head like a caveman discovering fire. The excitement died a little as you got a good look at it. It was severely low cut and backless. Your nose wrinkled slightly and you shook your head. Seductive, but not your comfort level. Maybe not this one.
You browsed through a few clothes racks, your search mainly diverted to the clearance racks. A few tops and dresses were draped over your arm. Even if they weren't for the date, in the end, you didn't mind a few new clothes for a discount. You made your way through those racks, taking anything that pleased you. Your arm held a good amount of clothes as you moved past the clearance rack to other dresses. You were a bit excited about possible new additions to your wardrobe.
Touching the hangar for a cute summer dress, you glanced up when Aaron leaned against the clothing rack with one arm. He gave you his charming smile as his eyes took in your outfit. Your heart leaped into your throat, not used to being the subject of his attention, no matter how fake you knew the smile to be.
"So, are you buying clothes for your date?"
"Maybe." You brushed past him to another rack, which he promptly leaned against as well.
"You know, you should consider this one." You watched him slip his hand to the inside of his coat, procuring and proudly holding up lacy red lingerie. An embarrassed sound escaped you, grabbing it from his hands and stuffing it back into his coat before your eyes flitted around the store. You hoped nobody saw him hold it up to you.
"Did you seriously go to the lingerie section to get this to me?" You hissed, heat blossomed across your face. "When were you into lingerie?"
He scoffed and pulled the lacy piece out of his coat, tossing it onto the rack. You hurried to another clothing rack and he followed you. "I'm not above a lady wanting to show her figure. In fact, I'd make sure to show my appreciation for her effort."
"Maybe offer it to the perfume girl you were talking to."
He smirked. "Ah, so that was you watching me." You frowned, but couldn't deny his claim. His eyes fell to a black turtleneck beside him. "How about this?"
"That?" You furrowed your brow. He did say pretty, but you didn't think the turtleneck would fit into your mental criteria for this date. It seemed fairly sophisticated.
"Yeah. Problem?"
You shook your head. He placed the top on your pile. Imagine your surprise as he eventually led you around, seemingly picking whatever happened to catch his eye first and tossed it onto your pile. To his credit, he had good finds that would've taken you longer to find, given how you were sharply grading the clothing's worth but he sped through them.
There was a set of changing rooms nearby that you both eventually ended at. He plopped himself onto the sofa that faced the hall of stall doors. When you didn't move, he looked up at you with a raised brow. A look you mimicked.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"What's it look like?" He relaxed into the cushion, spreading his legs out as his arms stretched on the back of it. "I want to see what you pick."
As much as you told yourself this was supposed to be a solo shopping trip--with Susan, if not for her work--you couldn't argue with him when he looked like that. His body looked inviting and the cocky little head tilt told you he knew what you were thinking, followed by the slight further spread of his legs. You frowned but turned and walked into one of the stalls. He would not get you to act on your thoughts this time, not in public. You wouldn't give him what he wanted, to fluster you.
The pile of clothes you hung up bulged off of the wall. You made sure the door was locked behind you, just in case he got any funny ideas, and stripped your coat and top off, setting them onto the mini bench built in front of the mirror, where you'd already set down your bag of lotions. Your eyes flicked to your figure in the mirror before you grabbed the topmost hanger with a striped shirt. You pulled it down and looked at yourself in the mirror. Horizontal stripes of orange, blue, and white flattered your figure, but you didn't like how deep the v-cut went and the sleeves were too tight. Off. Next one.
You went through several tops and dresses, most of your pile done and finished before you settled on a select few. Three tops to keep, one from the clearance rack and the other two picked by Aaron , and a dress also picked by Aaron . The dress, you thought over, happened to suit your tastes nicely. Classy, long-sleeved, with a sheer back where the zipper laid. It seemed seductive enough if you played it up, but overall it left little to the imagination with your figure. You were almost afraid to look at the price tag from how beautiful it was, but the price wasn't extreme. Still pricey, but worth it.
Dress unzipped, you opened the stall door and brought out the clothes you didn't want, and put them on the clothing rack beside the stall. You kept your back to your stall to not expose yourself and looked over at Aaron . Hoping to have him zip you up, rather than struggle another 5 minutes to get it up.
Aaron had his head resting comfortably on the back of the sofa, chin tilted far back and exposing his neck as he flicked his hand in a lazy wave to passing women. They'd all smile in return with a flirty giggle. The way he spread on the sofa and seemed so casual garnered attention, especially when he both carried himself and looked like a Hollywood star. A few had been with boyfriends, who wrapped their arms around their shoulders and glared at Aaron but that only spurred his cocky smile all the more. You turned to go back into the stall just as he lowered his head to face you.
"Hey," he snickered when the door closed. "Come back out here. You want to show me what you're wearing?"
You peeked your head out the door, earning another laugh from him. "I don't have it zipped."
He dropped his elbows to his knees and leaned forward. "Are you inviting me back there to help you?"
You didn't answer. He still got up and made his way to your stall at the very end of the short hall. You ducked inside as he pushed the stall door open more for himself and came in. The door closed behind him and, without turning away from you, he reached behind him and locked it. You looked up at him but his gaze fell onto the mirror behind you, giving him a good view of your bra and exposed back from the dress.
He closed the distance between you, reaching behind you. Two large hands palmed at your ass and you gasped into his chest. You looked up at him ready to remind him how thin the walls were here.
"Relax, sweetheart. I'll get to it." He gave one good squeeze before he reached for the zipper. You kept your eyes on his face while he pulled it up tantalizingly slowly, his gaze locked onto the view provided to him from the mirror. When the zipper came up no more, he grabbed your waist and turned you around. "I think you look good."
You looked at yourself in the mirror, specifically the parts where Aaron started to touch you. The way his hands curved with your hips, his chin that he placed on your shoulder to also look. Only, he looked at your eyes with a cocky smirk. He knew just where your mind had drifted. The dress concerned you no longer. You liked that he liked it on you. You also knew he liked the part that came after helping you into it.
His lips ghosted over your ear. "What are you thinking about?" A redundant question on his part. You knew he knew.
You forced a scowl, less intimidating than you wanted it to be, given you didn't have any anger in you. You were too preoccupied with the growing warmth in your belly. "Nothing you need to know about."
"Doll, in my hands, I already know everything you're thinking of." He pulled your rear against him. The bulge in his pants made you shiver. Voice no more than a low mutter, it reverberated your ear. "And I'm gonna fuck you. Right here."
"We can't-"
"We'll play a little game. You keep quiet and I might make this quick." He slowly unzipped the back of the dress, biting at your ear. "If you make any noise, I won't be able to help myself. And we could be here for a long time."
"Aaron , I-" Your breath hitched as he slipped his hand through the open back of the dress, sliding his hand over the curve of your ass and thigh, up to the junction between your thighs. He only traced his fingers over the hem of your underwear, a featherlight touch to your clothed cunt. You wanted to feel more. "I don't think I can."
His breathy chuckle into your ear filled your stomach with butterflies. "If you don't want us to get caught, you'll have to be."
He pushed your back gently until you placed your hands on the bench. Sliding his hands over your back, shoulder, and down your arm, he pushed the dress off of your shoulders until it pooled around your wrists. The rest of the dress pooled down the bench and around your ankles. You looked at yourself in the mirror, at the swell of your breasts. The mounds fought gravity in your bra, cupped to your chest, but Aaron worked to undo the clasps and push it down to your wrists with the dress and free your breasts.
Your breaths came out uneven. In the mirror, you watched at an angle where he cupped your breasts in his hands and squeezed. The ring on his index finger trailed a cool path over your nipple. He leaned over you, keeping you down, but pulled your breasts towards him and arched your back. You bit your lip. His hands looked so lovely on you like that. Veins protruded from his hands. A silver watch on his left wrist slid cooly against your skin.
You muttered his name softly, head lolling onto his shoulder as his hand slid down to your underwear. His middle finger brushed a stripe through the material, light as a feather, and your breath caught in your throat. He pressed his lips to your neck, nipping at the flesh.
"Good girl," he mumbled. "Nice and quiet."
He moved his hand to the top of your panties, pushing his hand past the hem. The moment the rough pads of his fingers spread your lower lips and touched your clit, you jolted. A sharp exhale slipped out of you. He gave you a punishingly slow stroke to your clit.
"No noises." He circled his fingers over you, applying more pressure. Your back arched more, head dug into his shoulder. "Do you want someone to hear you?"
"No," you sighed, gaze locked onto the mirror.
His free hand cupped your breast, ring brushing over your nipple. He pinched it between two fingers and lightly twisted as two fingers pushed into your cunt. Despite you biting down your lip, you couldn't fully suppress a breathless gasp. He groped your breast in sync to the pump of his fingers in you.
Your hips bucked onto his hand, electricity coursing through your veins. Attention had been generously provided by the rough pad of his thumb on your clit in mesmerizing circles. Each buck of your hips, your voice grew. From soft mewls to whispery moans, your face scrunched in concentration to hold your tongue but instincts overrode rationality. You had to be vocal, like the sound added to the experience.
Rationality had gone out the door. If someone were to walk by, they'd hear your soft sounds and the wetness of your cunt taking his fingers in stride.
"Can't seem to follow an order." He stopped groping your breast just for his large hand to clasp around your throat, but he didn't squeeze. His lips brushed against your ear, your eyes locked onto his through the mirror. "It's like you want to be found. Want people to see you getting fucked by my hand. You want that?"
You couldn't fully say you didn't.
"You want some poor stranger to see me fuck you until you can't stand?" He smiled.
"I-ah." Not one proper sentence could come out of your mouth. He curled his fingers into you, scissored your cunt, and put a third finger in. It filled you up, stimulated you.
You could feel the tight coil in your stomach. It twisted into a knot, pulling a higher pitched moan from you. One that was stopped by a tight squeeze to your throat. Aaron let up right after and you coughed, but he used the opening to put two fingers into your mouth. Buried down to the knuckle, you gagged, your tongue swirling over them. The cool touch of his ring brushed over your bottom lip.
When your eyes flickered to his own in the mirror, he narrowed his gaze. "You want to be my good girl, right?" You nodded as best as you could in his hold. With a smirk, he pinched your clit and laughed quietly to himself as your whine was blocked by his fingers. "Then, I suggest you try to be quieter. Don't enjoy this too much."
You gave a muffled affirmative around his fingers. Drool pooled out the sides of your mouth and along his knuckles. Pleased, he pumped his fingers vigorously into you. Your eyes bugged out of your head, then fluttered shut as your mouth fell open, completely losing all thought. All you could do was feel; feel the way he curled his fingers, the way the rough pads of his fingers rubbed your walls, feel the way his words vibrated against your skin.
His warm breath fanned the stray hairs around your ear. "That's it. That's my girl."
Drool dribbled down your chin onto your collarbone. Your hands moved from the bench to either side of the mirror, the space claimed by your knee. The opening allowed him to feel you more deeply and you met each thrust of his hand with one of your own. Before long, your mouth completely slackened as short whines escaped you and your walls squeezed around his fingers.
His teeth grazed your ear as he smiled triumphantly. "Ha, that didn't take long."
He allowed you a small moment to catch your breath, but you knew it wasn't over. This was just the beginning. Legs shaking, you didn't miss the way he pulled his hand out and wiped your juices onto your thigh. You all but leaned back into him while he pulled his hand out of your mouth, wiping your drool onto your stomach.
He guided your hands off the wall and hooked your thumbs into your panties. "Off. Now."
Numbly, you nodded and complied. It didn't take much for you to do what he said. With a voice soft as his, the slight edge still compelled you to do anything and everything he asked. You let them fall to your ankles, stepping both out of them and the discarded dress. You were completely naked, eyes locked onto your already heaving chest, and the way Aaron tilted his head followed by the sound of a belt coming undone.
When you heard the zipper open and he grunted, one rough hand fell to your waist to push you away slightly to give him room. He held you there, with your one knee still on the bench. The squeeze to your waist warned you to hold your tongue. Regardless, the tip of his cock slipped into you with over breathy whine coming from you, sensitive to the touch.
"We're gonna need to fix that," he said. You paid no mind as he leaned around you to grab your crumpled shirt, just for him to ball it up and hold it to your face. "Open."
You furrowed your brows, walls fluttering around his cock. "I do not need to be gagged. I can handle this."
No, you very much needed it. The both of you knew once he started you would announce it to the whole mall that Aaron Hotchner was fucking you into the next life in a cramped fitting room. Nothing in your mind could withhold the moans he could coax out of you, even if he told you to be quiet. With Aaron in control, he had to be the one to keep you quiet, even if that meant gagging you with your own shirt.
So, as he stayed in the same position, you relented with a slack jaw. He wasn't exactly gentle in stuffing your mouth with the fabric and you lurched a bit, but otherwise, your sounds were muffled enough. He could be satisfied with this.
"Funny. I'd never thought what it'd be like to fuck you with a gag." His eyes found yours in the mirror and he smirked at the sight of your shirt hanging out of it. "A little improvisation, but I like it."
You didn't get time to roll your eyes. He placed both hands on your waist and thrust once with force. All that came out of you was a muffled moan, your face scrunched from the shocking pleasure.
"Still hear ya but," he patted your ass, "you said you could handle it."
He began a gradual pace of thrusts into you. Your hands fell back to the wall, nails scratching down along it. His body pushed into yours, the both of you rocking slowly. You screwed your eyes shut the moment he decided to get rough.
He pulled out until only the tip remained before he slammed back into you. You pushed hard against the wall to keep from falling into it. The loud moan from the back of your throat muffled into the makeshift gag.
Aaron tsked. "Doesn't sound like you're handling it all too well."
No, you weren't, but you'd try. Your mind had become foggy from the rough thrusts of his hips into yours, but you forced the words "shut up" forward, both towards him and yourself. It was muffled, of course, but it didn't stop you from muttering it behind the shirt repeatedly. Like he knew what you were saying, he snickered quietly to himself, spurred on to take you beyond your limit.
Goosebumps crawled along your skin. They blanketed your body with the blend of sweat from how he pressed himself to your back. His clothes crumpled and rustled against your naked skin. The coarse fabric of his coat scratched your back and his belt buckle slapped at your ass.
It was too much. You were stimulated from every corner. He slipped one hand down to your clit and toyed with it, rubbing in circles that matched his brutal pace. Your muffled "shut up" had turned to a half-hearted "shuff" with your voice raised an octave.
The knotted coil returned, tightening in your stomach with each thrust, with each rough circle to your clit. Your head fell forward limply, legs trembling, and you came around his cock. His head fell to your shoulder with a grunt, rocking your whole body unruly to his own beat.
Your walls clenched around him, fluttering violently from overstimulation. You were sensitive, but oh so responsive to his thrusts. Jolting and writhing under his hold with each thrust, a whine crawled up your throat and buried itself in your shirt.
Aaron thrived best when you were at your limit. He relished the feeling of your cunt swallowing his cock and squeezing him for what he was worth. He grunted, his pace grown reckless and sloppy.
Your mouth was no longer filled with dry polyester. All the drool gathered by your shirt was absorbed. Instead, it felt like your mouth was dry from the inability to close while simultaneously your tongue darted against the soggy fabric. You bit down hard on your shirt while Aaron lost his cool behind you.
His breaths were jagged, much like his thrusts. He grunted lowly, his chest rumbling against your back. He didn't let up, wanting to keep you on edge until the very end, he rubbed your clit faster. You both came together, with your whiny moan muffled and his guttural moan buried into your shoulder that he bit into.
Your cunt filled with warmth as you squeezed around him and milked him for all he was worth. He shuddered into you. He continued to fuck into you until he was completely spent before he took his teeth off of your shoulder.
Aaron turned you both around and flopped onto the bench with you on his lap, his cock still in you. He leaned against the mirror while you leaned against him. You stared at the door and the thought flicked through your mind if someone happened to walk in on your position. They couldn't, given the locked door, but you imagined how your nude self with your legs on either side of Aaron 's looked from an outside perspective. Your cunt fluttered.
You pulled the shirt out of your mouth with a grimace at the dark splotch on the side as you held it up to its full height. You just balled it up and tossed it down to the side with the dress.
Aaron wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. He looked into your eyes as your head fell back. "Not bad, but you totally wanted to be found out, didn't you?"
You shook your head weakly, brows furrowed. "No. I didn't even-"
"Come on," he teased. "Admit it. You were turned on by the idea. I don't doubt that's why you came faster than usual."
"Aaron ." You sighed. Your mind couldn't handle conversation right now.
"Alright." He snickered. "I won't pry, but we could definitely do this again." He hummed thoughtfully. "Another time, of course. I have things to do."
"Won't spare another moment for another round?" Your tone came out mocking.
He simply smiled. "With that attitude, I might reconsider."
You closed your eyes. As enticed as you were, never mind the fact your legs shook with little aftershocks, you shouldn't tempt him any further. It was bad enough you just fucked here as you did. If you weren't noticed by someone before, you were bound to be from making too much noise in here for an unprecedented amount of time. If anyone had come to any of these stalls to try on clothes, they'd know right away two crazy idiots were getting it on with no regard for others.
"Ugh." Your head fell forward into your hands. Voice muffled by your palms, you said, "I can't believe I let this happen."
"That's what happens when you have a weak resolve." His hand gently patted your stomach twice. "Alright. Up. Like I said, I got places to be."
Like any other order he gave, you obeyed without much of a fight, but it didn't stop you from groaning in displeasure. Your legs wobbled as you stood and you placed a hand on Aaron 's shoulder to help steady yourself. He watched you dress yourself and place the dress on a hanger before you gathered up all your belongings.
His eyes fell to the wet spot on your shirt for a moment. He didn't mention it. "So, is this the dress for the date?"
You shrugged. "I don't have the energy to look for something else. Yeah." You let him tuck himself into his pants and buckle up before you unlatched the door and peeked out. With the coast clear, you stepped out, Aaron hot on your heels. "Now, I just want to go home, have a bath, and take a nap."
You received a grunt in reply. "Whatever floats your boat."
Strategically, you had held your bag of lotions and the clothes to the wet spot on your shirt. Your coat wasn't designed to close and the spot wasn't hidden under the layer. You couldn't see it, but you assumed you did the job of covering it up well enough. As Aaron followed you up to the counter, however, you mildly panicked in line.
You set the clothes on the counter, prayed nobody would notice your spot if you leaned against the counter at an angle, but Aaron unexpectedly helped you. He had just been standing there, so you didn't think he'd do anything, even when he took his coat off, but he thrust it in front of you and asked you to hold it. At first, you just blinked at him, a bit confused and insulted to be asked that, but as he pressed it against your spot, you understood what he intended. You took it gratefully and held it dutifully while he chatted up the cashier.
And he somehow charmed his way into a discount. For clothes you were already getting at a good price, he lessened the pay for you. You almost thought he'd pay for you as well from how he acted, but that hope was squashed when he reached into your purse and pulled out your credit card. Fair enough.
The two of you walked out of the store together, with Aaron back in his coat and you holding your bags in front of your shirt. You made a detour to the restrooms that he followed you to, where you cleaned yourself up a bit. Geez, your hair was obviously in a just-got-fucked style and your skin glossed from all the sweat you'd gathered. It was a sight and you then connected the dots to some of the stares you received walking out of the store.
Once you were out of the restroom, however, Aaron was nowhere to be found. You left him leaning against the wall, but you didn't see his spiky head anywhere. At the vibration in your purse, you maneuvered the bags to one side and pulled out your phone. It was a message from Aaron . One that your brow twitched at.
"Remember me on your date tomorrow."
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jinkookspencil · 10 months
Hey, one with jk, he attends a red carpet and saw for the first time to his idol ( this world wide famous singer) and starts fanboying her, and they spend time together, and he asks for his number
i was surprised at how quickly i wrote this since my writing pace has been so incredibly slow and also since i’ve never written idol!jungkook like this before or idol!reader. now i keep resisting the urge to hold it in my drafts and add to it and make it longer >.< i feel like i might be able to maybe continue it?? but idk. thank you sm for requesting, anon!! i hope you like it!
she’s here? | jjk
jungkook arrives at another tedious brand event… only to see his celebrity crush
wc: ~1.8k
tags: idol!jungkook x idol!reader (afab reader) / fluff / one-shot / first meeting / clean except swearing / featuring: kim mingyu of seventeen / mentions: IU and cha eunwoo of astro
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The flashing lights appeared before the car had even come to a full stop, and Jungkook was bored already. Sat fiddling with his styled outfit and brand-gifted jewelry, as he began to hear distant yells of his name, he wondered how soon he could leave the event. It wasn’t personal, just another tedious event.
“It’s good you decided to come here,” his manager, Do-yun, says beside him as if reading his thoughts. “It’s been a while since you made a public appearance, you’re contracted to show off your brand ambassadorship and promote the jewelry, and most of all, your album is coming up. This’ll be good.”
“Mhmm,” Jungkook murmurs, ready to disassociate for the next couple of hours while putting on his best smile. All he wanted at that moment was samgyeopsal, karaoke, and beers with Mingyu and Eunwoo… but duty calls. “Is Mingyu going to be here?”
“The PLEDIS team hasn’t answered my text,” Do-yun says. “You’re up.”
The van’s jet-black door slides open and Jungkook is almost immediately blinded by the lights of the cameras going off right in front of him. He’d forgotten just how bright they could be, but thankfully remembered his failsafe sensory-overload tactic: covering up his face with his hands. It was the only way Jungkook could cope, and for once, he thanked his youthful appearance and reputation for making him seem adorable above all else. He adjusts soon enough, as always, strutting down the carpet and showing off his charm, outfit, and accessories. He was able to pick up on one or two of the paparazzi and press’ requests, showing off a finger-heart pose and playfully touching his abs over his outfit, but in an instant, their loud voices fade, and time slows. He can’t hear anything. He can’t see anything… but the beautiful smile he's started to dream of, right behind the clear double doors of the event. Was that really….
He hears that - a call right beside his ears coming from the familiar, booming voice of his own manager, now grabbing his elbow. “Snap out of it. You’re supposed to be in by now.”
Looking around, Jungkook realizes he’d been holding up a line, with a dozen other celebrities waiting for his moment to be over, while the paparazzi continued to cheer, capture, and fawn over him, eating up his ‘adorable spacing out moment.’
“I apologize!” Jungkook smiles, bowing to the celebrities beside him as well as the hundreds of photographers ahead of him, his heart racing as Do-yun and his security team lead him to the double doors. When they’re pulled open, his bubbling anticipation subsides, for rather than the heavenly hallucination he must've had, he sees Mingyu standing before him.
“Gyu!” Jungkook yelps, hugging his best friend, who greets him with the same enthusiasm. “Samgyeopsal and karaoke afterwards?”
“Please, sunbaenim,” Mingyu giggles quietly. “I’m bored out of my fucking mind. I’ve been here for an hour already.”
Unable to wait even a minute, Jungkook brings in both his manager and his best friend into a huddle. “Hey, am I dreaming, or was that _____ I saw in here?”
“She is here, simp,” Mingyu smiles, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively before sticking out his tongue between his teeth.
“Do-yun, you didn’t tell me she would be here tonight,” Jungkook says in a panic.
“I didn’t know. Seems she decided at the last minute, just like you did.”
“Soulmates,” Jungkook whispers under his breath, ignoring the two men rolling their eyes before him. “This is fate. We keep missing each other at these things…. I have to meet her.”
“I’ll make it happen, Kook-ah,” Mingyu smirks, expecting the light shove Jungkook gives him afterward. “For you, I promise. You know we don’t have the same taste in girls. Do-yun, do you know that I never even crushed on IU?”
“You fucking idiot - you know you’re the only idol who hasn’t, right?” Jungkook says. “Anyways, IU was a boyhood crush. This…. she… she’s even better.”
“Oh, shit. Do-yun-nim. This is serious. We need to do something.”
“I don’t know where your team is, Kim Mingyu, but I’m dragging the both of you to meet everyone you actually have to meet here. Then, sit in a corner and chat about pork or singalongs, or mingle with safe people. Men - or female staff only. You know the drill,” Do-yun says sternly. “Best to stay safe even though you don’t really have to worry about sneaky photos - security is tight, and they took all our phones. The only people with their phones are idols and brand ambassadors such as yourselves. Got it?”
The boys nod reluctantly. “Now we know why he keeps missing her at these things,” Mingyu scoffs, and at that, Do-yun quickly places a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I’ll make it happen, Jungkook-ssi.”
It’d been close to an hour since Do-yun scurried away and mere minutes since Mingyu silently left Jungkook to fend for himself and wish his other members had been invited. He was so used to being glued to his hyungs at the hip, and now he found himself scanning the crowded room for a familiar face.
“Jungkook!” Mingyu’s familiar voice boomed, and Jungkook finds his best friend farther than he’d expected, close to the other side of the room with a wide smirk on his face. Knowing his friend was just as menacing as he was sweet, Jungkook made his way there without any thoughts…
"For your own benefit, I took a page from your book and stopped waiting around for the company’s approval... You're my bad influence, so you are my first bad idea. Thank me or scold me later."
One can never be sure when it comes to Mingyu, so Jungkook nods and allows his friend to grab him by the hand…. silently leading him through the crowded room... to you.
"Do-yun-nim was taking too long. Found her much hotter friend first, and ta-da,” Mingyu quickly whispers into his ear.
In a moment of panic, Jungkook’s idol-wired brain took over, quickly scanning the room for any warning signs - untrustworthy staff or sketchy fellow idols, hidden cameras. It seemed… safe. It was just an innocent meeting, tucked away in a corner of the room… No biggie.
“BTS Jungkook…”
Jungkook couldn’t believe it. Your voice was as sweet as it was in your interviews… But you were far, far more beautiful in real life.
“____!” he cheers. “It’s really nice to meet you.”
“Me? Coming from BTS’ Jeon Jungkook, wah, I guess I’ve made it then.”
Holy shit, how do you blush so adorably?
“You have made it,” Jungkook says, “And with your own blood, sweat, and tears, too. It’s insanely admirable.”
“You flatter me too much. You paved the way! I hope to one day get to the level where I can quote my own songs too.”
“That… was unintentional,” Jungkook blushes, regretting his choice of words. “But your lyrics are… some of the most beautiful I’ve come across in all my years as an idol. Your latest single brought me to tears.”
“It’s true. It was embarrassing,” Mingyu confirms, ignoring Jungkook’s glare.
“Oh, no, that touches my heart. It makes me feel like an honest artist and a bit proud, actually - not that I made you cry! But that my experience translated into the song like that… I cried every second I worked on the song, actually.”
“Oh no. I hope you never cry a day in your life, _____,” Jungkook blurts. “Don’t get hurt, please.”
“Thank you, Jungkook,” you say with a heartwarming giggle. “I have to, though, don’t I? I’ll take care of my health, but I have to live. To live is to cry every now and then.”
“That’s true. Namjoon-hyung says that too - you know he’s the main songwriter in our group, right?”
“Of course.”
“Beautiful lyrics can only come from beautiful people.”
In a failed attempt to hide his scoff, Mingyu scurries off. “Simp," he quickly mutters under his breath. "I’ll go find your friend, ____.”
“Kim Mingyu, treat her well!” you call out with a ferocity that ignites another fire in Jungkook’s heart.
“Jungkook-ssi…. Maybe we can write together sometime?”
“I’m not really a writer,” Jungkook says, not knowing the reason why. A failed display of honesty, perhaps? He has written in the past, of course, for both his own discography as well as BTS’…. A surge of regret floods his system in a second.
“You’re a beautiful person, Jungkook, so by your logic, you must be able to write some beautiful lyrics as well.”
Stunned, Jungkook is unable to respond. Did you just call him beautiful?
“You really are as cute as they say… as cute as I imagined,” you smile. “What do you say?”
Jungkook nods, happily giving you his phone when you ask for it before typing in his number in yours.
“So I can call you?” Jungkook asks, brushing his hair away from his face.
“I hope you do.”
You turn your back, ready to make your way back into the event and probably find your friend, but the moment you’d turned your back, Jungkook realizes he hadn’t said enough.
“____?” It takes another moment for Jungkook to muster up the courage to go on once he sees your face again, so he spills out his words the moment they come to him. “I just want to tell you that I… I really respect you as an artist. I always have, and I always will. I can’t say the same for so many of our peers these days, unfortunately, so I felt like I needed to say that.”
“I...... I needed to hear that more than anything else, Jungkook-ssi... Thank you,” you say quietly.
“Thank you," you repeat in a whisper. “I’m also thanking whatever force or higher power made you say that just now.”
“I mean it myself, though,” Jungkook reiterates.
“I know, but it feels like fate that you’d told me that tonight. I’ll tell you the story one day - why I so badly needed to hear that tonight.”
Jungkook nods, exhaling in an effort to hide his astonishment as you walk away in a rush, hiding whatever emotion you were feeling too.
One day.
He’ll hold you - and fate - up to that.
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acozysoulwrites · 10 months
If your taking requests for Ken could you write reader being from the real world and meeting Ken.
Helping him find who he is and just being very nice to him making him fall in love with her. And if it isn't too much maybe she asks him if he wants to match outfits and that becoming there thing. Just Ken finding out that he doesn't have to be just Barbie's accessory
Helping Ken find himself | HC’s + drabble!
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I put this into a two parter of Headcanons and a short drabble! I love this idea so much it’s so adorable I hope you enjoy this!
‹𝟹 After realizing that he is more than ‘just Ken’, he decides to venture to the real world (again) to find out who he is.
‹𝟹 He meets you there, and insists that you come back to Barbie Land with him after you two hit it off.
‹𝟹 You’re the nicest person he’s ever met, you never talk over him, you always share your thoughts with him, and you genuinely love his company.
‹𝟹 Ken isn’t used to this, and he often gets overwhelmed.
‹𝟹 This means he often smiles so much his face hurts, or he’s teary eyed.
‹𝟹 He often fascinatingly admires you while you speak, he will rest his head in his hands and smile at you with heart eyes.
‹𝟹 The first time he opened up to you about how he didn’t know who he was without Barbie (or anyone to base his personality off of) he cried.
‹𝟹 He leaned into you and let you rub his back while he spoke and whimpered through words.
‹𝟹 That was the first night he spent over at your place. (or anyone’s place for that matter)
‹𝟹 The next morning, you made him breakfast (something he’d never had done for him before)
‹𝟹 “What’ll it be?” you asked him when he woke up.
‹𝟹 He frowned. “uh…” a smile shyly made its way onto his face. “Brownies” He said confidently. It was an odd request, but you knew not to question it.
‹𝟹 (btw, he discovers that he really likes brownies)
‹𝟹 You help him find his music taste.
‹𝟹 He loves 80’s indie and Taylor Swift.
‹𝟹 One day, Ken comes to you with a bouquet of flowers. “Hey y/n” he breathes, a huge smile on his face as he hides his hand behind his back.
‹𝟹 He confessed his feelings for you that day, and you returned them … (bc how could you not?)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
(and now, a short thing i wrote where Ken asks if you can match outfits!)
The wind blows the curtains of your cottage. Barbie Land was truly a beautiful place to live. Though you had to make a few adjustments as a human living here, you managed.
Ken was coming over today, the two of you were traveling to the real world to visit your family (something you did together often).
You get up and get dressed; a t-shift with mushrooms and a pair of shorts. Soon, you hear someone at your door, smiling to yourself at the pattern of the knock. It was Ken, the two of you made up a secret knocking pattern (It was his idea) He claimed it would be “Super cool” of you if you agreed.
You open your door and Ken rushes in, he’s wearing a plaid shirt and jeans and you can’t help but check him out as he passes you.
“So I was thinking-“
“Oh boy” you tease.
Ken ignores you and begins toward the stairs leading up to your bedroom.
“What if… we match outfits before we go? It could be like… our thing if you want” he says shyly, a pleading smile plastered on his face.
You chuckle at his enthusiasm and nod. “Sure Ken, that sounds cute” You say, following him to your room.
“Great! I was thinking…. cowboys?”
You open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off.
“AND cowgirls…” he corrects himself.
You laugh. “Perfect”
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Hi! I absolutely loved your lucifer x punk reader and was wondering if you could do a gn punk reader but with Velvette please?
nonnie i hope u know that u absolutely made my year with this request i NEED more velvette reqs she is my guilty pleasure
🥀 Cw: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end
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Velvette is absolutely the type of person to LOVE having an alternative s/o
she def finds anyone with a unique style intriguing, and once she actually met you she fell hard
def inspired a clothing line or two after you before you both even became official
she would also ask you to model and would ask for your opinion on designs!!!!! ur def her muse in a way, and she LOVES dressing you up in spunky outfits and designing new outfits just for you
velvette just loves dressing you up, and loves going out together when you're both dressed to the MAX in full aesthetic outfits
shes so good at doing hair and makeup too, URGRHRH imagine her sitting on your lap and doing your eyeliner for you or putting liberty spikes in your hair...
if your super into DIY or patch vests, pants, etc Velvette LOVEESSSS helping you make clothes
she will make patches and pins for you to wear!
velvette def has you show her some of the DIY tricks you know, and she shows you some in return
all of hell starts to see even more alternative and punk influence in fashion once you both become OFFICIAL official
velvette also announces it on practically every social media platform possible that you both are together, she loves showing you off and she is NEVER the type to be ashamed of her partner
you both def make those alt couples goals videos, and if anyone ever hits on you velvette will conveniently post blurry photos of you both making out the next day on her sinstagram
she shows up to important meetings and work events with you both in your spunky matching fits
you both heavily believe in being fashionably late and def help eachother get ready (but it ends up taking longer bc she just can't help but kiss you over and over while you're trying to do eyeliner, and you are definitely no help when she's struggling to choose which accessory to wear)
she's already a huge advocate for change in the way hell is run, and you both bond over your anti-authoritarian ideals
velvette does what she wants and nobody can tell her otherwise, and teh same goes for you. she genuinely admires that you really don't care what others think about you and you're style, and was def attracted to that aspect of your personality before you both even dated
you both love bikini kill, hole, x ray spex, destroy boys, JOAN JETT, all of that genre
she probably knew about punk music before she met you, but you def introduced her to it more
velvette loves long car rides where you're BLASTING music and screaming it at the top of your lungs while chains and hair is flying everywhere as you tear down the road speed limit where
if you wear lots of chains she def tugs on them to pull you into kisses and pulls you in by the belt too... (i want to make a drabble about this soooo bad)
all in all, yall r a POWER COUPLE lmao
"babe, what about this?" Velvette twirled you around, adjusting some of the pins on your vest before turning you towards the large, illuminated mirror that covered one side of the messy dressing room. music played in the background, filling the room with guitar riffs and breathy solos. discarded fabrics and chains covered the floor, all remnants of Velvette's past designs.
"damn, this looks sick as fuck!" you exclaim, giving a little twirl to show off the distressed patterns and chunky shoes. Velvette nodded approvingly, stepping towards you with a smirk. she reached out, hooking her finger through your belt and pulling you into a kiss. her tongue slipped past your lips, exploring the cavern of your mouth as the kiss grew more steamy. "fuck you're so hot," she murmured against your lips, her lip stick was smearing across your skin as she pressed hasty kisses and nipped at your hawline. "i adore dressing you up," she whispered, pulling you in closer, "but i love undressing you even more..."
SHES SOOOOOOO RAHAWHAHGWGGGGGG i need more velvette contentttttttttt
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thelovelylolly · 7 months
hey hey 🫶🫶
i saw ur requests were open so i thought eh why not 😚😚 can i plss get an eddie x like a hippie reader?? like crystals, stevie nicks, tarot cards the works yk??
tyyy 🩷🩷
Crystal Chick
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Summary: Eddie, the metalhead and freak, has a crush on you, the resident hippie of Hawkins High. Warnings: fem!reader (she/her pronouns are used), reader is described as shorter than eddie, let me know if i missed any! Notes: ive recently gotten into crystals and tarot, so i love this request! im not like a full on hippie, but im definitely leaning towards it lol
"Wait, wait, wait, you like the crystal chick?"
Eddie grumbled and looked away to hide his blush. His friends, the Hellfire Club, just put two and two together and he knew they were gonna tease him. He noticed you on the first day of school, driving by him with Stevie Nicks blaring from your car. Since then, you've always caught his eye whether you knew it or not.
"She's not just a crystal chick, Mike," Eddie answered, glaring at Mike and the rest of the table. "She's a hippie, I think."
"That means she's a crystal chick."
"Does it matter? Eddie Munson likes a hippie!" Dustin added.
Eddie rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.
He remembered when you two first talked. You were in the theater room, where Hellfire is usually hosted, and you were doing a tarot reading. Eddie walked in and you looked up at him, a little upset that he messed with your reading.
"Can I help you?" You had asked him, already collecting the crystals and cards you had laid out.
"Oh, uh, my club meets here..." Eddie answered, trailing off as you stood up.
Your outfit was eclectic, but flowy. You had stacks of necklaces on, some with moons and suns, other with crystals. Your rings were the same, you had on bangles and your earrings dangled low. You put your things in your patched up bag and stood in front of him, breaking him from his thoughts.
"You a metalhead or something?" You asked, looking up at him with your hands on your hips.
"Are you a hippie or something?" He countered, a smile pulling at his lips.
You smirked before walking past him and calling back, "see ya around."
With that, you were gone and Eddie had a crush on you.
"Hey, look! Here she comes!" Dustin said a bit too loudly, breaking Eddie from his flashback.
You walked past the Hellfire table with your patched up bag slung over arm and your lunch bag in your hand. You had on beat-up bellbottom jeans with a flowy top that tied in the front, and you had on your usual eclectic accessories. You glanced at Eddie as you passed by then continued to your usual spot.
The other guys went crazy when they saw you look at Eddie, who was still watching you as you reached your spot in the corner of the cafeteria and sat down.
"You should go talk to her!" Dustin eagerly suggested, the others agreeing with him.
Eddie shook his head, picking at his food as a distraction. "No, I...I don't think she would like me. I'm not her type."
"How do you know that?" Gareth asked.
"Have you seen her? She's beautiful and her style is so cool, plus she's pretty smart to remember all those crystals and cards and stuff. I'm just, y'know, me."
"Boo! Enough self-doubt, just go try! You don't know what's gonna happen," Dustin replied.
Eddie thought about it for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. Pros: you'd actually like him back or at least want to be friends with him. Cons: he embarrasses himself and further cements his place as a freak. But he didn't really care. He sighed and got up, the rest of the guys cheering as they watched him walk over to you.
You were picking at your food and reading a book with crystals on the torn up cover. You heard Eddie's footsteps as he got closer and looked up. You closed your book and leaned forward when he sat across from you.
"Hi," he said.
"Hi," you replied, a small smile on his face. Since your first interaction with him, you found out that Eddie Munson was the school freak and the leader of the D&D club. You also found out that he was in fact a metal head and was in a band. You wanted to talk to him more, but you never found a good time.
"I, uh, I saw you walk over here and thought I'd join you," Eddie started, then quickly added, "but I can go if you want to be left alone. I don't want to intrude or anything."
You giggled at his awkwardness. "You can stay. I don't mind, Eddie."
"Okay, cool..."
You two were quiet for a few minutes, the rest of the chatter from the cafeteria keeping it from being too awkward. You noticed how he fidgeted with his rings, a habit you have yourself. You smiled and covered his hands with yours, stopping his fidgeting and causing him to look at you with blush on his cheeks.
"You have a question for me, don't you?" You asked.
"H-how'd you know?" He replied, not pulling his hands away from you.
"I had a feeling," you answered, "and maybe my cards told me."
Eddie laughed. "Well, uh, I was just wondering...would you wanna hang out with me sometime?"
"I would love to," you said, "I was gonna ask you the same thing but I never found the right time."
"Great, um, would you wanna meet after school? I know this spot where we can hang out and it's just by the football field. Maybe you could give me a tarot reading?"
You giggled. "Sounds like a plan."
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Here ye, hear ye! I do declare I headcanon
Hobie ALWAYS smells good asf
Without exception.
It's something you can always notice, because every day he smells slightly different. But always good.
It's on purpose.
I mean, look at all his accessories and clothes - he probably has a nightstand piled high with spiked bracelets and studded chokers and silver rings. And right next to his accessories - is his cologne collection.
Some bottles are older, half filled bottles of vintage finds he loves. Others are newer, fancier - ones knicked from high end shops. If he smells it, and likes it, he takes it.
His favorite are the woody, smoky, spiced smells. Like sandalwood or cognac. Things that smell like shag carpets and roaring fireplaces.
Sometimes he may be in the mood for something a bit sweeter, so sometimes he'll of dark chocolate, or maple syrup, or chai.
The most common ones are surprisingly fruity.
Hobie often smells of cherries. Dark, deep maroon cherries, the kind with sweet dark juice. Others, on more playful days - green apple, a little bit tart but still fresh.
I Hc he likes candy too, and is constantly popping jolly ranchers. Sometimes you can hear it when he's eating one, the quiet clacking of it - and the faint scent of blue raspberry, or super sweet watermelon.
When it comes to Spider Senses, I like to think Hobie is a sensory seeker.
He likes loud music and big speakers and heavy, layered clothes. He's likes strong sounds and scents, bright colors, and interesting textures. And cologne is one of his favorite parts of an outfit -
Cause he does consider it just that - apart of the outfit. Don't let Mr.'Cool This Whole Time' fool you - he thinks about outfits. Hobie really enjoys putting them together.
He's actually into fashion - just not in the industrial consumerist way most assume. But he still loves matching pieces, making them, putting together fits. And he never leaves the house without some fragrance.
It REALLY adds to the appeal.
Diane's trying to talk to him about work when they first meet and she's already nervous
and then she's can't help but notice and be like 'oh- WOW, you smell good. Heh. wOW. Sorry. Sorry. I just did not expect you to smell like cherry blossoms-'
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'oh goodness, wait a minute, that's not it. I - I don't even think I could place that scent-'
She's standing there in the middle of the hall smelling Hobie - train of thought derailed the tracks and rolling down a mountainside, Miguel's work forgotten
Hobie goes 'its jasmine, really. Jasmine and saffron'
Diane's like 'JASMINE AND SAFFRON??? Boy. whatchu know about some Jasmine Saffron!'
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Cause how dare he. How dare he be that fine. It's not okay. How can she live her life in these conditions?
She goes to tell Margo like 'Girl!! Did you know Hobie wears cologne?!' and Margo is like
'... Sis I'm not even physically here what makes you think I can smell'
Even Miguel notices after a while.
It's a group meeting, and he's lost in thought as he rambles off another plan, pacing back and forth.
He stops suddenly when something comes to mind.
'Who's that? Whereas that smell coming from? It smells like Horchata in here. Who was drinking Horchata??'
Cause if someone was drinking Horchata he wants some. Undebatable.
Half the room is like what the hell is Horchata???
Miguel's like 'it's cinnamon and rice and vanilla - it's a Mexican drink, alright. WHO WAS DRINKING IT.'
Hobie raises his hand and Miguel's like 'Not now, Brown. We're talking about something important.'
Hobies like 'Bruv it's me. I ain't drink it I just smell like it-'
Of course Miguel is calling bullshit cause he's sure Hobie is fucking with him until he goes over and Miguel's thinking 'oh fuck he does 😳🤨 que diablos???'
But he just looks down at Hobies smug ass face and he's like '.... As you were, 138.' before trying to act like nothing ever happened 😭😭
I think to think Hobie Brown is just That Smooth
The good looks ain't by accident he is BROKE, PUNK, and HIGH MAINTENANCE
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Do you have any headcanons or anything of the sort regarding Precipice Moirai/PreMo? I'd like to hear what your thoughts are about them!
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I don't think about Premo a ton (for people who are confused, this is Idia's favorite idol group), but here's how I personally picture them:
They're sisters.
They look youngish (or "ageless") but they're actually a bazillion years old. Don't ask them about how old they are or they'll give you that smile that doesn't fully reach their eyes.
Because they're so old, they've seen sooo much and are thus easily bored. They live for listening in on drama and scandals because those can get so absurd it provides some fleeting entertainment to them.
In interviews and talk shows, they drop very archaic, outdated jokes and have refined manners of speaking. It's an odd mix of how your grandma might talk combined with modern anachronisms (slang). It's very "how do you do, fellow kids" energy.
They get along in public, but they constantly bicker and act overly competitive in private (usually over borrowed items).
They came up with a really complicated and dark “anime-esque” backstory for how their group got together. No one knows if the backstory is really true or if it’s something their marketing team came up with as part of their “lore”.
In some interpretations, the Fates are specified as Clotho (who spins the threads of fate with her spindle), Lachesis (who measures the threads of fate using a measuring tape), and Atropos (who cuts the threads of fate using shears). In other interpretations, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos represent past, present, and future respectively.
I think of each girl as being representative of one place in time. For example, the Fate representative of the present may be a carefree party goer who wants to "live in the moment", without thinking much of the consequences (the future) or her previous mistakes (the past).
I see Premo banking on these themes as motifs or image items for the corresponding idol girl (so one represents the past with her spindle, one represents the present with her measuring tape, etc.). I also headcanon that the idols have their own merch and fandom hand signals which make reference to each Fate's respective task. For example, there may be scissors on a Premo T-shirt or a scissor-like hand shape or cutting motion made to signal that you stan "Atropos" of the Fates.
Eyes are a prominent motif and are more universally associated with the group as a whole rather than an individual member. (This is because the Fates were fighting over a single eyeball in Disney's Hercules.)
It’s implied that the girls wear black, but I headcanon that most of their outfits are monochromatic, save for like maybe a few colorful accessories.
It would be cool if they also incorporated elements of Japanese mythology into their group's theme. More specifically, I love the idea of the three girls wearing a red ribbon or some slash of red on their outfits each time they perform. This would be a reference to the "red thread of fate" which permeates many east Asian cultures. It is said that this "thread of fate" connects you to someone you are destined to meet someday, someone who will change your life in some significant way. Typically this means romantically (which would fit in the culture of Japan promoting idols as "pure" and "avaliable" to their fans), but it can also be interpreted platonically. I think this makes a lot of sense given that the Fates are marketed as "three girls bound by Fate".
They blend traditional dance and attire with modern practices. It's very important to them to retain their history and culture, as well as to share it with a new generation so that they are preserved for the future.
They partner up/collaborate with organizations and programs that seek to educate others about history, such as museums and restoration projects. Again, this is because Premo truly cares about preserving history and teaching it to others.
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joshusten · 9 months
bitter melon (guy/honey, redacted audios)
Honey got stood up on a date and Guy tried to save their night.
(pre-relationship, hurt/comfort, jealousy (hohohoho), slight misunderstanding, conflict between characters, making up, fluff) 4.6k+ words [ao3 link] [masterlist]
[cw/notes: insecurities, self-depreciating thoughts and a lil breakdown im sorry honey has some issues over here (projecting moment?), NOT PROOFREAD as always LMAOO 
ALSO sadly guy isnt as silly (maybe really ooc) as he is most of the fic because he has Internal Conflict + i tried to make honey’s outfit and appearance as ambiguous as possible but i’m not sure how well i did with that ;---; so just keep that in mind! Idk how to feel about this fic ! i love it and i hate it LMAO]
"Oooh, what's got you all dressed up, roomie?"
It was the weekend—Kayla had just been picked up by her boyfriend, which had Guy realizing he and his favorite roommate had the place all to themselves for a few hours. As far as he recalled, he was off from work, and they hadn’t mentioned any errands to him for today. Perfect!
Guy had a bounce in his step as he arrived by the entrance to the room at the leftmost side of their shared apartment. He rapidly knocked at the door with a giddy “Hello?”, eagerly waiting for the response that he knew would always come. 
Hm, which game should they play this time? Smash was always an option but he wouldn’t mind trying something new with them. They could even watch some random YouTube documentary again like they did last time. Or maybe he can finally muster up the courage to ask them if they want to hang out somewhere outside the apartment that isn’t for laundry or groceries. 
He smiled to himself. Yeah, I’d like that. They can go to that new arcade that opened up nearby!
Before Guy can daydream more of sharing smiles in photo booths and frustratingly rigged crane games, the door opens to reveal the subject of his reverie, clad in clothing and accessories flashier than what they would typically wear. He got a whiff of a pleasant fragrance too and he realized that they must have put on a perfume of some kind.
They looked…amazing. They've always looked amazing. He had thought that about his grumpy companion even before the pair got close. But, seeing them in anything other than their usual casualwear or pajamas was definitely a surprise. 
The teasing amount of skin they had exposed didn’t go unnoticed by him, as well.
His roommate, by all means, was no prude. They even had their fair share of comebacks more vulgar than his flirts when they banter (Those particular interactions definitely do not keep him up at night, blushing and wide-eyed while he stares at the ceiling. Nope. Never.) This side of them, however, was something he’d never seen before until now. This side of how they present themselves with such boldness was new and he didn’t mind it at all.
The outfit looked good on them. Too good. A seductive dark top that very much complemented the tone of their skin, unbuttoned dangerously low enough to reveal the expanse of their collarbone that was adorned by a simple necklace. 
Their shoes gave them more height too, slightly towering over Guy more than they already did before and forcing him to tilt his head up a little for their eyes to meet. The dizzying scent of their cologne paired with those pants that hugged their figure just right had his mind reeling. It was mortifying—how they had him in such a daze so easily.
Guy gulped nervously.
“You going out tonight with friends o–or something?” he frantically adds, suddenly aware of how much he was probably staring amidst his very appropriate train of thought about the person before him. Admittedly, the man was a little bummed that his plans to take them out first (Platonically, of course. How else would it be?) were off the table, though his interest had been piqued by what they were up to being dressed like that.
"Oh, uhm, no. I mean, yeah? Kinda? I'm…" They looked hesitant and a little…embarrassed? Well if it's something they don't want to share then he didn’t mind. Despite how much of a menace he is (with his roommate never failing to lovingly remind him of this), Guy wouldn’t want to force anything out of them, especially if it got them so uncharacteristically timid. He tends to forget such social cues, but he actively tries to improve and avoid being so pushy.
As he was about to reassure them that it was okay to not respond, they replied with a bashfulness that was unlikely of them, “I’m…going on a date.”
 A date? With someone else? Romantically? He felt his grip on the door frame tighten, and a sharp pang shot through his heart, silencing his buzzing mind for a split second before managing to fake a curious smile.
“Oh? Who are they? Do I know them?” He liked to think he inquired them out of politeness, like a nosey friend pestering someone about their crush, but the thought of his roommate being alone with someone for the night leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He had the need to asses this person, and determine if they really were worthy of their time—of them—for reasons he isn’t really sure of, it just felt like instinct.
Guy internally cringed. What the fuck does that mean? Why the hell is he thinking like this? Protective! He’s being protective, of course. Any friend would want to protect their friend with things like these! A love life is a huge factor in someone’s happiness after all, right? So he, as a friend, can definitely be wary if someone could be a potential risk of heartbreak for their friend.
Okay, if he thinks of the word ‘friend’ one more time he might actually lose it.
He needed a cold shower. Yeah! He just needs a nice cold shower to shock his brain and stop the weirdest fucking thoughts from ever forming, especially thoughts concerning his roommate that’s currently driving him crazy in every way possible.
“Ah, no, I don’t think so. He’s from my class.” They shrugged, looking to the side awkwardly. “I dont know, he just asked me out yesterday and I figured, ‘Why not?’”
Guy hands began to twitch involuntarily as his roommate smiled at themself, oblivious to the spiral that he was having. "My friends kept on saying I should try letting loose and going out more so I guess it’s about time.” 
“Oh, uh, hope you enjoy, then.” God, he feels light-headed.
“Well, isn’t this a first. What, no witty remark? No innuendo about me finally ‘getting some’?” Guy fought the urge to grimace. Somehow those jokes would do nothing but sour his mood even more instead.
“Hey,” The man started, struggling to keep his voice steady. “Can’t I wish a friend good luck on their date?” Friend. The word felt worse and worse the more it festered in his mind. Yeah, that’s what they were. What they’ll ever be. Nothing more. 
“Pfft, whatever, man.” The smirk grew wider on their lips. They seem really excited and he shamefully thinks it might make him vomit at how eager they are for this date. He should support them, right? Guy can see how his roommate tends to keep to themself most of the time, especially when Kayla’s with them. So seeing them go out of their comfort zone should have been a relief. He should be happy for them.
Whenever Guy was with them, being happy was easy. So why was he having such a hard time now?
Their grin dropped when they glanced at their watch with widened eyes. “Oh shit, I think I need to go.”
They opened their bedroom door and lifted up their arms from the side in a way to reveal more of what they were wearing. “How do I look?” 
Yup, feeling dizzy again. Remember to breathe, Guy.
“Uh, yeah, y–you look great! Really.” Guy put on a strained smile. “Have fun, just don’t miss me too much, though. Might be unbecoming for your date.” He prays to god they don’t notice how his voice wavered at the end.
They rolled their eyes with a familiar chuckle that usually follows whenever he makes a joke, “Pfft, whatever.” 
Waving him goodbye as they rush to the exit. “Don’t wait for me when you’re gonna eat dinner, by the way. I might be home late!” One last look on their watch had them walking faster. “Okaygottacatchthebusnowbye–!”
 He heard the gentle click of the door shutting and the apartment felt lonelier than what he’s used to.
Tap, tap, tap.
“In old legends, tales long forgotten, the sea is often said to be unkind. 
The sea’s temper is short, and his rage is felt through the angry swells of the water that eat sailors alive. His strength is tremendous, taking down the tallest of mountains and sinking whole countries with his surging claws. But most of all, his cruel waves do not discriminate, drowning both the wicked and the innocent altogether. He cares not for the last breath he takes from their lungs to fill with salt and water and death. 
Despite his hostility, the sea yearns for the moon. 
Whenever the moon came down to greet him like an old, treasured friend, the waters still. All is tranquil when the sky and the sea meet. The sea breeze is calm as the children play by the shore. The people were grateful, for the sea had fallen for the beauty in the sky.
But all good things never last.
The sea became selfish. He loathes the time when the moon eventually ascends to the abode of angels, their home. He loathes the loneliness that becomes of him when he can no longer feel the warmth of their glow. His loathing turns into wallowing in sorrow until he decides that he has had enough.
His calm waves suddenly grow with the intent to seize, to take, to keep the jewel of the night for himself. His desire for them to stay overflowed into his foolish actions that had done nothing but have the moon be victim to the harshness he had reserved for men.
The moon wept, and the sea received their tears. He had hurt them. He had hurt them in his act of love. They returned to the skies, burdened to carry the melancholy of a broken heart and the sea remains, afraid to cause more harm.
The moon never came down again.
His attempts to reconnect bear no fruit. A different kind of madness consumed him, wrapping around his very soul like how guilt wraps around the sinners. It’s God’s punishment, he deems, for his covetous ways. To chase for the sky but never touch the clouds, to stretch up to the heavens but never high enough. 
He had realized that they could not be attained. 
They will not come back for him.
Yet he continues to reach high above, hoping for the blessing of a god birthed by pity. To push his tides to the limit for a chance to be in the moon’s presence once more until the end of time.
It is all but a myth, ancient words that the people of the present cannot truly decipher, but all its messages share the same sentiment;
The sea is…”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is mysterious?”
“No, no, no…”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is prideful?”
“Ugh, that doesn’t sound right either.”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is spiteful?
The living room which was once filled with the constant stream of clicking laptop keys came to an abrupt halt. I give up. This whole ‘running away from your issues’ thing really isn’t working.
That same irritating pain still persisted. It was becoming less of an annoyance and more of a discomfort, aching to the point that Guy started to rub his chest a few times in an attempt to soothe it. What is up with me today? Even after the cold shower that he was sure would solve his current predicament, the feeling of unease still lingered. 
He figured he might as well do the writing exercises that his professor had assigned a few days ago to distract himself yet it was of no help at all. In fact, it was just fueling the fire of these messy emotions that he had been feeling. His tired eyes closed, fingers circling his throbbing temples, as he racked his mind for something that would best fit the final line. I swear to god it’s at the tip of my tongue!
His mind snapped out of focus after hearing the noise of the door suddenly opening. He managed to haphazardly type a word to try out before it could escape his mind so that he could finally finish this troubling assignment that had opened more problems he had meant to solve. 
The sound of heavy footsteps reached his ears and they burned, knowing full well who had just barged in. Speak of the devil. His roommate finally returned along with the sinking feeling in his ribs. They had gotten back from their date. Guy made sure to put on his most convincing smile. 
“Hey, roomie! Back already? How was it?”
“Uh, yeah, hi.” They didn’t bother to look at him, ignoring his eager questions while they hastily set down the small bag they brought. Guy sees them navigate through the kitchen to fill up a glass of water and hungrily gulp it down. “I-is Kayla here?”
He frowned, shifting his body to face where they were in the kitchen. “Uh, no. She texted me that she was staying over with her boyfriend. Why?”
“Thank god.” 
“Yeah, I know right? So, uh, how’s the date?”
No response came again, His roommate was seemingly distracted by whatever they were scrolling through on their phone but it was clear that they were purposely ignoring him.
“He-ey! I asked how the date was. Did something happen?” They were as timid as they were before. And like before, the unease in his gut grew.
“U-uhm, it was fine.” The man heard them murmur. Why were they so secretive? They seemed frazzled and they were doing that thing where they touched their cheeks to cover their face whenever they got warm because they were…flustered. Are they–? On that date, did they–? Did something happen like that between them and their date?
Unnoticed by his roommate, Guy’s eyes widened. The pain in his chest returned tenfold. This should’ve been a good thing. That means they had a great time. Why is he mad? Why does he get that sinking feeling? Why does he feel so spiteful about it?
“What, no juicy details? Oh, I get it. You’re keeping secrets from me! Not a kiss-and-tell typa person now, are we?”
Maybe it was stupid of him to prod, especially about the one thing that set this rollercoaster of confusing emotions in the first place. But he needs to know. What did they do? How was it? Did they like it— being with him instead of Guy?
They continued to ignore his lighthearted interrogations and Guy knew that he should’ve just dropped it at this point but something in him snapped all of a sudden. He isn’t sure if the agitation that built up had got to him but he couldn’t stop himself from blurting out his next words—harsher than intended.
“Hey, I'm not the selfish one over here who left me all alone inside at a weekend while they got to actually enjoy the night in some fancy restaurant or something. C’mon, spill!” 
The lightness in his tone never left. In fact, to anyone else, it would’ve sounded like his usual playful nagging Both of them, however, noticed the shift in the direction of their conversation. (Since when was he one to provoke someone?) He’ll blame it on being in the heat of the moment for now. They understand he was just curious like that, right? All he was sure of was that he needed to know what happened. Why is he mad? Stop being mad. They didn’t do anything wrong.
He noticed their flinch far too late.
“I got stood up, Guy. Was that what you wanted to hear? Because, god forbid, I get to actually go out and do shit for myself!” The acidity of the way they said his name sent chills up to his spine. Their voice was eerily still, its coldness made Guy’s blood freeze. “Because I’m such a selfish asshole to enjoy things for once, right?”
Oh fuck. He fucked up.
“Yeah, oh,” A dry chuckle left their quivering lips. “Can’t believe I fucking thought he would actually show up. Thought somebody wasn’t fucking around with me for once and I–” They abruptly stood up. The harsh scrape of the chair puts the whole room into an uncomfortable silence.
They weren’t flustered from the date, they were embarrassed. Humiliated. They had probably been waiting for that douchebag to show up only to receive false hope and pitying glances. And he just had to add insult to injury by being when he clearly should’ve just listened, should’ve stopped, should’ve comforted them. He can finally see the tears that began to stream down their face.
“It’s whatever. I’ll be in my room.” 
“Fuck, I–I’m sorry. I didn’t know that he–”
But they had already slammed their bedroom door with a force that shook the place. Guy stayed sitting on the couch, all alone once more. Great, you just had to be a dick because of your stupid fucking…feelings about the thought of them spending their time with someone else! 
He’s pathetic.
Here he was brooding over his roommate going out on a date only for whoever that moron was to throw away the fucking chance to spend time with them. But maybe he’s the bigger moron in this case. The guilt seeped into his bones and he felt them ache. What is going on with him? He was supposed to be there for them. To be a decent friend. But now, he just ruined their already shitty night more.
Truly pathetic.
His eyes darted to the last line he had typed on his laptop and he held his breath.
"The sea is a jealous being."
The lump in his throat became harder to swallow. He needs to make it up to them.
This is stupid. This is fucking stupid.
They should have never gone with it. They should have never accepted that asshole’s offer in the first place. 
The faint sounds of an old TV series played from their phone, which had long been abandoned within patterned sheets, accompanied the figure that was currently trembling under the blankets. Stuttering, hiccuped gasps filled the room with a suffocating gloom. They think their hoarse throat couldn’t handle another broken sob to let out, having already cried every single last drop of their wallow out hours ago, their hot cheeks sticky from its tears. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time something involving relationships didn’t work out with them. They were used to it. They should be used to it—being left out, avoided, and unwanted. (It’s just a stupid date, it wasn’t even meant to be serious. Why are you making it a big deal? Why are you so affected?)
Why are they so affected by this? What made them think they were all-so-suddenly desirable to someone? Why did they even think they had a shot at all this lovey-dovey shit in the first place? 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. They’re shit with expressing their emotions and even shittier with dealing with them. Their outburst a while ago was a testament to that, shouting at Guy when he didn’t know any better. Maybe everything tonight was doomed from the start, then. They should’ve expected the hurt. Heartbreak was far from being a stranger to them at this point.
A tired groan came out of them again. 
Tired. They’re so tired.
Hungry rumbles erupted from their stomach. Damn it. Thanks to their ‘date’, they weren’t able to eat. Fuck it. Waiting out until Guy’s in bed and sneaking out of their room to eat would probably be the best option. For now, they stay bundled in their bed—thoughts spiraling, head pounding, eyes swollen, and a heavy heart waiting for its pieces to be picked up again.
Then they’ll sleep it off like always. And then they’ll confront him about it, play it off like it’s another bad day so he’ll stop worrying because they know he will. Everything’s back to normal— they’ll apologize for the overreaction, he’ll joke about it and everybody goes on with their lives again.
Yeah. That could work.
Knock, knock! 
What the–? Ugh. For the love of–
“Hello? Roomie? You there?”
When they wanted to confront the roommate that they snapped at, they didn’t mean right now!
“What do you want, Guy?” 
“Can you come out, please? It’s…important.” 
They finally stood up from their blanket cocoon, hastily wiping the tears from their eyes to try and ‘shoo’ their roommate away. The door swung open, ready to put on their whole grumpy facade again. “Guy, I’m not really in the mood for–”
“Good evening, prestige customer! Your dinner awaits.”
“Wha-- How did– When did you–?” Not giving any mind to Guy’s abominable impersonation of a British accent nor the messy scrawls of black ink on paper that vaguely resembles a mustache taped to his mouth, their eyes wander around the living room, confused and curious. 
The atmosphere was completely different from the bleak apartment they had been enduring for months. Multicolored lights that they usually use for the holidays hung around the area, providing the dim room with enough light to give a dreamy ambiance. The small foldable table set they had for eating was moved to the middle, covered in what they remembered to be Guy’s freshly cleaned checkered blanket that they had just picked up from the laundry when they were doing errands. 
On the table were some scented candles in mismatched glass containers, and two servings of a dish they couldn’t recognize. They even noticed faint jazzy music playing in the background to imitate the mood of a pretentiously lavish restaurant.
Overall, the decor clashed together horribly, yet despite that, they’d never seen the apartment so charming. The improvised set-up looks endearingly…cozy. 
“Come, let me guide you to your table,” Guy, err, the waiter, dressed in a white longsleeved button-up and apron, led them to the center, pulling out a chair and tucking the napkin he had around the collar of their shirt. The man directed their attention to the ceramics containing what seemed to be their dinner this evening.
“Our main course that the chef has prepared for tonight is a creative twist of a classic European dish composed of a rich tomato-based sauce paired with a unique and innovative pasta shell shape, garnished with traditional Italian herbs and spices.” “Guy, that’s a bowl of SpagetthiOs with some dried basil sprinkled on top,”
“Shush! Don’t ruin the immersion. And I am not Guy! I’m a waiter! Ahem!” The totally legitimate server who is not their roommate coughed very un-fakely, before composing himself in a more very real professional stance (then again, that might actually be real, seeing that he also serves the tables at Max’s when he’s not out delivering). 
“I believe your date has returned. A very dashing fellow if I do say so myself, consider yourself lucky!” Guy suddenly ducked down out of view (though they could very much see him all the same) removing the mustache and button-up to reveal a shirt with a tacky tuxedo print on it. 
He stood up, fixed a few strands of his hair that stuck up from his sudden movement, and looked at the person in front of him with a beaming expression. 
“Hey, honey! Just got back from the restroom. Wow! The food looks amazing!”
All ‘Honey’ could do was stare dumbfoundedly before covering their smiling mouth with a trembling hand. A small chuckle became a bemused giggle until eventually they were full-on belly-laughing.
“H-Honey? Really? Where did you even get that from? And what the hell are you w-wearing?” Their voice shook, unable to contain any semblance of composure. This whole situation felt like it was pulled straight from a rom-com. 
Guy laughed with them as he sat down to his side of the table. “Oh, so you like it? The nickname…came to me naturally. Feel like it suits you a lot, seeing how sweet you are to me, right?”
 Honey, huh? They wouldn’t mind him calling them that. 
“Also, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I think I look the most classy I’ll ever be!”
“Well, I’m underdressed then.” Their laughter had died down, slowly processing everything going on, well, it made them want to cry. All of this, for them? It’s too much trouble to go through.
“Nah, you’re fine! And besides, you look pretty all the time—which by the way, is absolutely not fair! I’m supposed to be the hot roommate here!” He declared with a mock offended tone as he sassily put his hands on his hips. Honey hoped he wouldn’t notice how their cheeks burned at how casually he called them ‘pretty’, like it was second nature.
“Then again, I wouldn’t mind if you underdress some more, ehh–”
It was his comfortingly familiar lewd quips, something they didn’t realize they missed hearing, yet why did their eyes water instead? The sobs that they weren’t aware they had been keeping in broke their dam again. Their cheeks must’ve grown tired from their crying all night, but this time, these weren’t tears for some dickhead that ditched them. 
The abrupt stop of laughter and panicked sputtering from Guy after hearing their croaky sniveling would have had Honey laughing if they weren’t already struggling to breathe from their convulsive crying. “Oh, fuck! Uh, okay, sorry! I’m sorry! Bad timing! I shouldn’t have joked–”
“No, no, Guy, I’m sorry I–” They let out a shaky breath. “Wh–why did you go through all the trouble for me? I-I snapped at you and I don’t–,” hands wildly gestured around their surroundings. “–deserve all of this! I don’t– I’m so sorry I–”
“Hey, no, don’t apologize. You deserve this, okay? If someone like Kayla gets to share a night with her boyfriend then you, out of all people, deserve to spend your weekend having a great time and I won’t let some jerk ruin that for you,” He looked at Honey in the eyes with a sincerity that involuntarily made them shiver.
It’s not often that Guy was this serious with them. It was only reserved for moments when it was late at night and their teasing and gossip turned into deeper talks about anything and everything. They forgot how intense the look in his pretty eyes could get, how it felt like he saw through them, through their very being.
“I’m…one of those jerks, too. I really shouldn’t have said those words to you. You’re not selfish or an asshole. Your date was the asshole for not showing up and that’s a reflection on him rather than yourself. I just sprouted out those stupid things because I was just…bitter that you had your own plans when I really didn’t have the right to be.” Among other things. He decided not to bring up the other messy emotional stuff in his head. It’s not what they need to hear right now. “I’m really sorry for pushing you. I…really hope that you can forgive me but I would understand if you won’t.”
“I forgive you, Guy. Thank you for… for all of this. It really means a lot.”
They shared a tender smile as they continued their chatting with their dinner. By the time they cleaned the dishes and put everything back in its original place, the pair plopped down on the soft cushions of their sofa. Guy shifted himself into a better position to face Honey.
“I’m surprisingly still not sleepy. What else do you wanna do for tonight?”
“Honey! How scandalous! Take me out to dinner first! Oh, well technically, I already did, so I guess your wish is my command after all—Ow!”
“I meant the game, you freak!” --- THIS FIC TOOK SOOOOO LONG i was so close to giving it up BUT WE'RE HERE EYYYY also this was suppose to have a bonus scene but ehhhh idk where i was going with it rlly rlly hope you enjoyed ;--; i'm still not rlly happy with how i wrote this but there are some parts that i rlly like so i decided to post it HAHAHAHA feel free to give me feedback :DD and have a nc day/night!!
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spookibird · 2 years
Some thoughts about if RTC was ever adapted to a film and what I think would be interesting:
First of all Karnak as an actual animatronic or puppet, it's doable
Each of the choir kids' songs would be visually different as well as different music styles
Hype up Jane's creepiness, they could put a lotta effort into the makeup
The kids would still be the backup performers, but their costumes can be more intricate, not just their school uniforms with accessories
WTWN would be very much exaggerated, like a mix between a pop music video, a gameshow, and an influencer's travel video, it would feel too staged and perfect, very much trying to hype up Ocean and push down the others
Noel's Lament would be in black and white, very much inspired by old cinema, particularly French tragedies, for obvious reasons, somewhat gloomy, but also oddly beautiful, plus a film could go all out with the costumes for this one, bonus if they change how the film is shot specifically for this song to emphasise the old cinema vibes
TSIA is just an over the top music video, not in the same way WTWN is tho, it's flashy but it's like a music video made by a small youtuber (for obvious reasons), feeling a bit homemade but they rock it
Talia would completely contrast TSIA and be exceedingly beautiful, think gorgeous paintings and historical romance films, it would absolutely be about a wedding, just completely opposite to the flashy materialistic TSIA
tbf TSIA/Talia could also be like a mini romance film, going from Mischa living his awesome life, to meeting her in the club, then getting married
SABM would be 100% like early sci-fi films, including cheesy effects and costumes, I want Ricky's outfit to look absolutely over the top as well, inspired by some 70s/80s prog rock looks, give him a cape, and incorporate his mobility aids there's so much potential
TBoJD would be very gothic, with minimal colours, portraying a tragic funeral for the mystery victim, attended by faceless guests and the choir, until the music picks up
bc its such an iconic part of the show, Jane would still fly around, and the setting would become a surreal interpretation of the cyclone accident, the one memory and subsequently the one defining factor Jane has to reflect on
Sugar Cloud would be a celebration, hyping up Constance and her newfound joy in life, a stage in the sky where she can freely perform and dance with her friends
The recorder solo stays as her giving someone the mic and the rest headbanging to it
I feel like it has potential to be really cool but also they could just as easily ruin it,
Finally Ocean would be the obligatary mainstream singer casting, and WTWN would be really hyped up and it would be really cursed
917 notes · View notes
siren song IV - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open!
A/N: again, thank you so much for the love on siren song (and all my other fics) <3 this is BY FAR the most popular fic i have ever written. enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think in the replies! :) how are you guys feeling about the announcement for a second Wednesday season? :O
wordcount: 8,854!! warnings: she/her reader, tyler being up to something, straying off of the timeline of the show, talks of drugs/weed, guns
You decide to meet up with Xavier. Maybe a fresh start is what you both need.
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Xavier had woken up extremely early already. He just couldn't go back to sleep - you remembered him. You texted him, you even wanted to talk to him again. It is now eleven am, and his hands are shaking as he tries to send you a message.
Good morning :) When should we meet?
He sends the text before he can think about it. He had just gotten out of the shower, his damp hair still hanging loose as he looks into the mirror. What should he wear? He can't believe it.
Y/N ♡
morning!! does 12 suit you? we can meet up in the quad and then take a shuttle to jericho :)
Twelve. Yeah. Yeah, that's totally fine. Just one more hour of complete stress and nervousness. He doesn't even quite know why he is nervous - you have been his best friend for ages. Up until the fight. He should remember to thank Bianca for breaking the song.
You are also starting to get ready, trying to pick out an outfit as Bianca sits on your bed. You had called her over as you were also nervous about this whole thing. How were you going to break it to him that you didn't quite remember him yet?
"You don't have to be nervous," the Siren says, almost as if she can read your mind. "Xavier really likes you, Y/N. If you're really not comfortable with this, I can just tell him that you couldn't make it."
"It's fine," you nod. "It's just... What if he is upset that I don't remember?"
Bianca breathes in deeply as she takes a good look at you.
"He won't be," she reassures you. "He is already happy that you are talking to him. I promise that nothing will go wrong."
You let out an airy laugh. Bianca is right. But still, it seems hard to calm your nerves. You glide your hands over the fabric of your top as you look into the mirror for what seems like the hundredth time. Five outfits had already been discarded before you settled on this one.
A spritz of perfume and a set of accessories is what it takes to finally settle on one outfit. You brush your hair out once more, even though you knew there weren't any knots in it. It's like a nervous habit. The bag that you were going to take gets filled up with your most important things, like your wallet, perfume, keys to your dorm, and a small bottle of water.
"I have to go," you look at your phone. "I will see you later?"
"Sure," Bianca nods, walking with you. "Just shoot me a text."
With a wave, she turns away as you lock the door to your room. Your hand rests on its handle for a second as you collect your thoughts. No time, Xavier is waiting for you. You grip your tote bag a bit tighter to you before hurrying down the stairs. As you get to the Quad, you see that Xavier is already sitting at one of the tables, his leg bouncing up and down as his fingers tap the wood.
You breathe in deeply one last time, trying to calm your nerves as you walk up to him, softly tapping his shoulder. He turns around quickly, a big, relieved smile on his face as he stands up. How are you supposed to greet him? You only look at him, taking in his face that feels so oddly familiar.
"Hey!" He smiles, nervously wiping his hands on his pants.
How does he greet you? Normally, it would be a hug and a kiss on your forehead, but it might seem out of place at this moment. A normal hug? A handshake? Maybe nothing at all.
The two of you stand opposite of each other, not really sure what to do. After a few silent moments, you speak up.
"So, should we take a shuttle to Jericho?"
"Yeah! Yeah, sounds good."
You walk to the small stop next to Nevermore, making some small talk with Xavier.
He hums before looking down at you.
"I have to admit something," you nervously laugh. "The Siren Song... It uh, it couldn't really be undone."
"It couldn't?"
Xavier his shoulders slump as he feels a pang in his chest. He had fully convinced himself that it had been undone. That you remembered him again.
"No," you whisper. "Bianca told me what happened though."
The boy nervously fiddles with his hands, wishing that the bus would just arrive already.
"I asked her to end it. It just didn't work," a sigh escapes your lips. "But I wanted to restart. Just, from the beginning. If we became friends once, we can do that again, right?"
You heard what had happened, yet you still wanted to give him another chance?
"Yeah," he smiles. "That sounds good."
The bus ride was pretty quiet. It was only for a few minutes anyway - Jericho was much faster to reach by bus than by walking. You step out of the bus, looking up at Xavier with a smile.
"So, I was thinking we could just go to the Weathervane, talk about some things, eat and drink?"
Xavier agrees. Honestly, it is already going better than he thought, minus the unbroken Siren Song. The fact that you were willing to give him another chance mended the mental wounds that he had. He had spent the last few weeks trying to find a moment to talk to you, to tell you that he is sorry, and now, he is finally here.
The small bell above the entrance rings when Xavier opens it, gesturing for you to get inside as he follows. Behind the register stands Tyler, a smile on his face as he greets you. He doesn't as much as bat an eye at Xavier, though. From what the barista understood, the two of you weren't a thing anymore.
"What can I get you? Coffee, cappuccino-"
"She doesn't drink coffee," Xavier says blankly, glaring at Tyler. "A hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, and a cappuccino."
Tyler raises his hands in defense, looking from Xavier to you and back to his cash register.
"I'm sure that Y/N can speak for herself, but sure. One hot chocolate, whipped cream, and caramel," Tyler taps on the screen of the register. "And a cappuccino. It will be right up."
You quickly hand him the money before Xavier can, thanking him as you guide the long-haired boy to a table.
"Wow, what happened between you two," you awkwardly laugh. "If he was mean, then now is the perfect time to tell me. Telekinesis is good for lots of things, including letting people trip."
Xavier lets out a laugh as he shakes his head.
"Just some bad experiences with him, no worries," he shrugs. "So, are your parents coming by for Visiting Week?"
You shake your head. Your parents haven't visited in the last two years, too busy to make time to visit. They weren't bad parents by any means, but just extremely busy and too far away from Jericho to stop by.
Xavier knew this.
Normally, you would join Ajax and his moms for a bit before doing some activities on your own. His own dad never showed up anyway, he didn't even bother inviting him anymore. The answers were always the same; too busy, too tired, too far away.
So, after your parents also decided to not visit, the two of you made a pact. You were simply going to be doing all the activities together. The dinner in the Quad, the picnic in the grassy fields, and then the last day you would sneak off to the art shed.
"We can hang out if you'd like?" Xavier smiles. "We uh- we had some sort of pact. Before all this."
Your head rests on your hand as you look at him with a smile.
"What pact?"
"Well," he chuckles. "Considering my dad never visits, and your parents are also too busy, we decided to start a pact around two years ago. We did all the activities that normally get done with the families, and then sneak off to the art shed."
"Wait..." You raise an eyebrow. "We also sat with Ajax's moms, right?"
Xavier nods excitedly. It feels good to finally be able to talk to you again, even if you don't remember everything.
"Sounds like a plan!"
A figure stops next to your table, making you look up. Tyler stands with a tray in his hand, your two drinks and another small dish on top of it.
"A cappuccino," he mumbles, placing it somewhere in front of Xavier. "And I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle!"
You smile and thank him as you take the mug. But, he places one more thing on the table - a cinnamon roll complete with fresh fruits and pink sprinkles.
"And a small sweet," Tyler smiles at you, one side of his mouth peeking just a bit higher than the other. "Consider it a gift."
Steam almost comes out of Xavier's ears. Sure, Tyler must have noticed the tension between you and him, and he must have seen you walk around Jericho without Xavier stuck to your side, but blatantly trying to flirt with you in front of him?
"Oh!" You exclaim. "Wow, thank you, Tyler!"
He nods with a big grin on his face before walking off with the tray. Luckily Xavier doesn't have 'murder vision' as his power. If arrows would be able to shoot out of his eyes, then Tyler would be dead right now.
"That was kinda weird," you look from Tyler to Xavier. "I don't remember him doing that before."
"Because he didn't. At least, not with me here."
You shake your head, frowning before sipping your drink.
"Weird. At least I can share it with you?"
Xavier moves his gaze to you as his eyes soften. How can he say no> He nods before taking a sip of his own drink, looking out of the window to see different people walking by.
You, on the other hand, are only focussing on the person in front of you. The way his hair frames his face, his eyes, his hands, his nose - he is truly breathtaking. When he looks back at you, he is surprised to see you staring at him. You had done this before the song as well, and he never understood why.
"What?" He laughs.
"Nothing," you shake your head before sitting up straighter. "You want a piece of a cinnamon roll?"
You shared the pastry with Xavier as you listened to his stories. He also listened to yours, even though he had heard them many times before. He didn't care - he loves to listen.
The small bell rings again as Wednesday steps into the cafe. She walks up to the register, deadpanning as she asks for one of the strongest coffee drinks that you could imagine. As she walks out, she stops in front of your table. She didn't expect you both to be there. Her mind has been too preoccupied with hunting down a monster.
"Y/N," she nods. "Xavier."
Xavier awkwardly waves at her as you smile, greeting the sinister girl.
"Wednesday! Surprised to see you here!"
"Well," she looks at you, sipping the quad that she ordered. "I have pressing things occupying my mind. This is the only place where I can order a quad."
She wouldn't tell you about the monster - she felt like you had more on your mind as well. Besides, how would you react if she blamed your best friend to be the monster that attacked both Rowan and Eugene?
"I better go. This cafe makes me want to gouge my own eyes out."
The pig-tailed girl exits the cafe, drink in hand as Thing sits on her shoulder. Xavier nervously eyes you, yet you only seem to smile. You really don't remember the entire fight. You don't remember how bad of a friend Xavier had really been.
The entire day was spent in Jericho as you and Xavier had to run back to the bus stop, catching the last shuttle bus back to Nevermore. You are out of breath as you let yourself fall on the seat. Xavier, though used to running, also has to catch his breath as he lets out a laugh. The two of you had spent a bit too long in Uriah's Heap, looking at all the strange little creatures that had been displayed.
After the shuttle bus stops at Nevermore, you quickly get out. It was not that late and you still had some time before it was lights out. You had spent all day talking to Xavier, yet you didn't want to let him go just yet.
"Hey, you talked about buying new sketchbooks, right?"
Xavier nods. He had bought two new sketchbooks and some other supplies, all in his bag.
"Well," you look at him. "I was thinking that we could hang out somewhere? Maybe one of our dorms or the Nightshade library?"
You want to stay with him longer? His heart jumps a beat as he nods.
"Good idea! We can stay in the library and then sneak off to our own dorms."
The two of you find your way to the Poe statue, walking down the stairs to find the empty library. It didn't get used too much - most of the Nightshades were only here during the night, for parties, or to have a moment of silence.
You had bought a new book anyway, so you were certain that you would be able to sit in the library for a while. That is if you even get to read it. Xavier and you were planning to read and draw in the small park, yet you couldn't stop talking.
After pushing two chairs and a small table together, you both sit down. The table is filled with stuff that you had brought from Jericho, including some drinks, food, and your books and pencils.
He hums, looking up from his sketchbook.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He furrows his eyebrows.
"This whole... Thing. I shouldn't have gotten jealous, and I shouldn't have begged Bianca to use her Song on me," you mumble, your fingers playing with the thin piece of paper. "I feel like I should have dealt with it differently."
"Hey, you shouldn't say sorry," Xavier frowns, turning his body to you. "If anything, I was just a shitty friend. I had been meaning to apologize to you, but Kent and Bianca were watching you at all times. I... I just got too much in my own head, overthinking everything. I-"
He can't say he likes you.
He can't.
You don't even remember the way the two of you used to act together. It was technically a romantic relationship already, just never made official. You had movie nights, dinner dates, sleepovers, and even hugged and held hands often.
"I am just happy that you are willing to give me a second chance."
A smile forms on your face as you look at him. You wouldn't even be surprised if you found out that you liked him as more than friends before the Song took its effect on you.
"I just wish I could remember at least something," you sigh. "I don't know your birthday or favorite color - I don't even know what movies you like!"
Xavier lets out a laugh, shaking his head before leaning back in his chair.
"I mean, if you're still up for the whole thing during the Visiting Week, we might have enough time to get it all figured out."
A daring move.
"I would love that," you reply, a big smile on your face as you look back at your book, trying to distract yourself from the mesmerizing boy in front of you.
The rest of the evening was spent with stories, Xavier showing you some drawings, you reading parts of your book to him, and snacks with drinks.
"It's almost time for lights out," a sigh leaves your lips as you close your book, stuffing it in your bag. "I guess it's time to go?"
"Yeah," Xavier yawns.
His fingers hurt from holding the pencil, sketching away at different drawings while trying new techniques. The book now had some of its pages filled with portraits of you, some sketches of the food he ate, and also some animals. All of the art supplies get put in his bag as he stands up, dusting off his pants.
The two of you are still chatting when you reach the split point - you were to go to the right, and Xavier would have to leave for the left. Even though you had spent hours of your day with him, you still didn't really feel like letting him go just yet.
A hum leaves his lips as he rubs his eyes. He didn't even realize how sleepy he had gotten. After walking through Jericho, mentally beating up Tyler, running to the shuttle bus, and hiding away in the library, he could use some sleep.
"Thank you for today," you mumble, softly pulling on the hem of your sweater. "I really enjoyed it."
He smiles at you, his eyes a bit droopy.
"I did too," he nods, "I think it's time to run back to our dorms. I have seen Thornhill when I sneaked out of your room multiple times. She might seem sweet, but..."
You giggle as you readjust the bag on your shoulder. It feels weird to just turn around and walk away. How did you greet him before? I mean, just this morning you only tapped him on the shoulder, but you feel different now. Even though none of your memories have returned, you do feel like you have known him all your life.
Out of habit, he opens his arms to engulf you in one last hug. He quickly stops his motion when he realizes what he does, but you just step forward, slinging your arms around his waist to give him a hug. Neither of you fully expected it, but it isn't like you were complaining. Once you let go, you smile at him, whispering a goodbye before hurrying away.
Your cheeks are burning up as you quickly slip into your dorm, locking the door behind you as you drop your bag next to you.
bianca ★
you there? did he kill you or something? text me when you're back
i'm not kidding y/n, i thought you would be back already
okay just kidding, have fun <3
Y/N ♡
SORRYY!!! i only just got back to my dorm, had to try and not run into thornhill :/
bianca ★
oh my god...
how did it go?
It is Monday morning. Your alarm went off as you let out a groan, hitting the device with your eyes closed. You had fallen asleep way too late yesterday, too busy texting Bianca and Xavier. Today would start with one class before everyone would gather in the Quad to greet their parents.
You and Xavier had other plans. Plans that you had discussed up until two in the morning. Visiting Week was until Thursday morning, which meant that there was more than enough time to hang out. You had double-checked the texts with your parents just to make sure that they weren't going to be stopping by.
One Botany class and then you would go to Jericho to spend some time there before eating in the Quad and hanging out anywhere. Of course, you would also go and greet Ajax's moms. You had not seen them since last year, but you remember them being very sweet.
Your bag feels heavy on your shoulders as you enter the class, greeting Thornhill before sitting down in your usual spot. At least, your usual seat before the Song. You knew that Xavier liked to sit in the same place each class, so after talking to Bianca, you said that you would try and sit with him.
The boy comes in looking just as tired as you are, but his face immediately lights up when he sees you sitting next to his usual seat. Xavier quickly walks over, dropping his bag down before taking a seat on the chair.
"I am dead tired," he whispers, pulling notebooks and pens out of his bag.
"Me too," you huff. "Shouldn't have stayed up that late."
He lets out a chuckle before closing his bag up again, leaning on the table with his elbows. He is quite excited for this week - something he hadn't felt in a while. It was just still a bit strange to see you talk to him again after weeks, it is even stranger because he knows you agreed to keep him company.
Everyone in the class was a bit out of it today. Some were excited to see their parents while others were completely dreading it. Thornhill didn't assign any homework - thank God. You would have the time to do it, but you appreciated having a bit more free time. Thornhill seemed to understand her students quite well, which was strange as she was the only Normie teacher.
Once class ends, you see a dozen cars already parked at the gates of Nevermore. Groups of people enter the school grounds, some more excited than others.
"Okay guys," Thornhill says with a smile, her hands clasped together. "Time for class to end and for everyone to head to the Quad!"
You and Xavier decided to skip to the balcony, watching the entire ceremony from there before heading down. It was going to be too busy and awkward as you didn't really have anyone to stand by.
"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children," Principal Weems smiles, standing behind the microphone. "To learn and grow. No matter who, or what, they are."
Claps fill the Quad in response to the speech. You feel like she always repeats the same one with the same exact words.
"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving our students. But," she hesitates for a second before smiling yet again. "I am happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery!"
"What?" You whisper, looking at Xavier. "What happened to Eugene?"
You hadn't heard of that yet. Not that you were befriended with him, but to hear that the poor boy had gotten stuck in an accident did make you sad.
"I don't know," Xavier sighs. "Wouldn't be surprised if that monster had anything to do with it."
Xavier looks around for a second to make sure that no one is around to hear him.
"Well, Wednesday believes that Rowan got killed by it. And now Eugene has been attacked. It seems to attack people with gifts, though it also has gotten a hold of some Normies."
"Is it going to get us?"
The thought makes you nervous. A monster, capable of killing, going after Nevermore students and people with powers. Xavier shakes his head, smiling down at you as he leans against the balcony.
"Of course not," he lets out a laugh. "Even if, I'll be right by your side."
The crowd splits up as everyone sits down with their families, a sign for you and Xavier to hop by Ajax quickly and then leave for Jericho. The Weathervane would be packed later, so it's better to get an early start.
"Xavier, Y/N!" You get stuck in a tight embrace. "Oh, it's wonderful to see you!"
You greet the moms as well, smiling while making small talk with them.
"Oh, you two are just the cutest couple," Ajax's mom gushes, her hand on your shoulder as you only look at her, slightly confused.
"Mom," Ajax groans, an embarrassed look on his face. His mom lets out a laugh, shaking her head before sitting down at the picnic table.
"Okay, okay! Tell me about Enid."
The two of you decide that this is the perfect moment to slip away. It is quite interesting to see the different parents. With Wednesday, you could perfectly imagine how she and her parents fit together – their fully black clothes stood out against the rest of the parents. Enid and her family? Less of a match.
“Hey, I might have a faster way to Jericho.”
Hidden at the side of the Nevermore walls stands a blue bike, one that is faintly familiar to you. Xavier pushes the key inside the lock, opening it before bringing it your way.
“Want to sit on the back?”
It is, indeed, much faster than the long walk you usually take. The shuttle bus was only a short eight minute drive, but the walk tends to be at least twenty-five minutes. Xavier slowly stops the bike, allowing you to jump off before locking it. It stands right next to the wall with white paint splotched on it. It might have been a mural, but now it is covered up.
You and Xavier were still dressed in your school uniforms, not having thought of changing out of them for Jericho. You wouldn’t be here that long anyway. Just a quick drink before heading right back.
The bell rings again, a sound that is so familiar to pretty much everyone. Behind the register stands Tyler again. It is like he always works. The booths are pretty empty for this time of the day, only officer Galpin taking up one table. The man is calling, drinking coffee, and writing down notes all at the same time. You wonder if he knows anything about that so-called monster. Even if, you doubted that he would care for anyone that isn’t a normie.
“Y/N, hey!” Tyler smiles. “Xavier.”
Xavier curtly nods back, not really in the mood for any small talk.
“Hey Tyler,” you turn to Xavier. “What would you like?”
“A cappuccino.”
The same thing as last time. You smile before turning back to Tyler, but he already put in your order.
“And a hot chocolate, whipped cream, caramel?”
“I’m surprised you remember,” you raise an eyebrow, but the boy only lets out a laugh.
“I remember some. Only special ones, though.”
Xavier rips his wallet open, placing the money on the counter before giving Tyler one last glare. He really, really, can’t stand the guy. Especially with whatever trick he is playing right now. Not one bone in Xavier’s body trusts him.
“That will be right up,” Tyler only says, a smile on his face as you quickly thank him.
You sit down in the same booth as Xavier, watching him as he looks down at his hands. No matter what Tyler does, it annoys him. Especially if it surrounds you. Sure, Xavier shouldn’t say anything – he isn’t your boyfriend. It feels silly to him to be jealous or upset by someone showing interest in you, yet he still feels all those emotions.
“So, where are you thinking tonight? The library, my dorm, your dorm,” you list off different locations on your fingers. “Art shed, Nightshade library…”
“Hm,” Xavier hums, leaning against the back of the seat. “I think it might rain tonight. Art shed doesn’t sound too good, then.”
You look out of the window, seeing the first Nevermore visitors stop by in Jericho. Wednesday, her parents and her little brother get out of a black car, stopping right in front of Kinbott’s office.
“Here you go, one cappuccino,” Tyler places your drinks down. “One hot chocolate with all your favourites, and a chocolate chip cookie.”
Why does he keep bringing you all these treats? Xavier doesn’t even look up to Tyler.
“Thank you, Tyler!”
“My pleasure,” with a smile he leaves, refilling the cup of coffee on his dads table.
Officer Galpin doesn’t stay for long, though. Another phone call makes him pack up his stuff, mumbling something to Tyler before he walks off. In the meanwhile, the Addams family had entered Kinbott’s office. Hm, a group therapy session, maybe?
You sit with Xavier as you sip your drink, talking about all different things. It is nice to just talk to him. Slowly you are starting to get to know him again. Something you had really missed before. When you talked to Bianca about trying to befriend him again, you had not expected for it to be so easy. You can easily imagine how you befriended him the first time. With so many things in common, it would have been crazy for the two of you to not be friends.
Xavier felt the same way. He is not only happy to have you back, but he is even happier that you wanted to give him a second chance. A chance that he took with both his hands, promising himself that he would do anything for you. And, in his eyes, it was going pretty damn good. It almost felt like how it used to be.
“Want to get out of here?”
Multiple cars were now lined up on the parking lot as more and more Weathervane seats get filled up with people. Xavier quickly nods, grabbing his bike keys before you both walk outside. You walk pretty close to him, your hands even sometimes touching each other, yet you do not dare to take it. Did you hold hands before?
It seemed like everyone at Nevermore decided to go to the Weathervane. Only small groups stayed behind in the Quad, Thornhill and Weems sitting at one table discussing some topics that you didn’t really care for. To enter the Nightshade library now was risky – there were too many people around. So, you and Xavier opt for sitting in the Quad, waiting for the dinner to come in while keeping yourself busy with random things.
Doors keep opening and closing in the next two hours as more families return from the café, hungry and ready to eat. Ajax and his moms decide to sit with you, just like the last years. Even before your parents stopped coming by, Xavier always sat with them. Not only because Ajax is his best friend, but also because his moms insisted. How could you say no?
Tables get filled with food as everyone is free to grab whatever they desire. Your plate is filled with salads, pasta, chicken, and some other goodies you had found.
“This is so good,” you mumble, taking another bite of the pasta.
Not all the food at Nevermore was this good, so you appreciated it while you could. Xavier looks over at you as he sips his own drink.
“What is it?”
With your mouth full you prick at the pasta, holding the fork out in front of him to offer him a bite. The corners of his mouth lift up slightly as he takes a bite, agreeing with your opinion. It is weirdly good.
In the middle of the dinner, the big wooden doors get pulled open aggressively. Officer Galpin struts in, three other police men behind him. What is he doing here? The police never visited Nevermore uninvited, much less in a way like this.
Even principal Weems seems surprised.
“Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?”
Though she has a smile on her face and a happy tone in her voice, you can hear her confusion and slight anger. If principal Weems doesn’t know what is going on, then who does? The officer doesn’t care as he ignores the lady, instead beelining for a specific table in the back of the Quad.
“Gomez Addams,” he speaks up, not stopping until he stands next to the man.
Wednesday’s dad? Everyone in the Quad looks at the two figures, not daring to utter a word. Gomez turns around to face Galpin, not showing any nervousness on his face.
“How can I help you, Sheriff?”
“You are under arrest for the murder of Garret Gates.”
The man pulls out handcuffs as gasps can be heard from different tables. A murder? You knew that death, pain, and torture were popular with the family, but you had not expected anyone to have actually murdered someone.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
“You have the right to an attorney,” Galpin pushes Gomez forwards, holding on to the handcuffs tightly. “If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.”
Everyone’s eyes are focused on the two figures as they exit the Quad, no one daring to speak up. What is there to say? It is not everyday that someone gets arrested right in front of you. When you look over at the rest of the family, you see one singular tear slide down Morticia’s cheek as Wednesday just looks slightly astonished. The three leave not long after that as the rest of the Quad slowly comes to life again.
“That was weird,” Xavier mumbles before stacking up the plates.
“I hope they’ll be alright.”
In the evening, you decided to stay in Xavier’s dorm. Coach Vlad is a very heavy sleeper, so the chance of him hearing you sneak through the hallways is quite small. In your bag is a book, some snacks, and also your laptop. On the schedule is a movie night, something Xavier says you would do at least once a week before.
He had picked you up from your dorm, taking your bag on his shoulders as he insists that he needed to carry it. After successfully making it past Coach his room, you enter Xavier’s dorm.
“Still no new roommate,” he presses his lips together. “We can push that bed closer to here. I have extra blankets.”
Before the Song, you would have just joined him on his bed. But, Xavier thought that you might be more comfortable having your own little spot. You nod as the bed just slides over next to Xavier’s, not quite touching, but very close. Only a few centimetres of space between the two  What a good day to have telekinesis. Xavier pulls blankets and pillows out of his closet, throwing them on the bed before letting himself fall on his own.
“Okay, so I did bring different snacks. And some stuff from Ajax.”
The bedside table is soon filled with cups, snacks, weed, phone chargers, and a laptop. Xavier put on some random movie that showed up first as neither of you knew what to watch. Not that the movie got any attention from the two of you. You were too busy talking yet again.
Hours pass by as movies begin and end – the moment when the more serious conversations take place. Especially after smoking some of Ajax his stuff. Both of you had laid down on your beds, facing each other with only a small distance between the two of you. The only light in the room came from the laptop, which was still playing a movie.
“I just…” You let out a deep sigh. “I wish I remembered.”
You had come back on the topic of the Song.
“I feel like I am just missing a whole part of my life. It just…”
Xavier looks at you as you try to find the words to explain yourself. After talking for so long, both of you had gotten quite tired, so conversations were a bit harder to keep up.
“You feel like a dream.”
“Is that good or bad?” He lets out a chuckle.
The sentence itself doesn't sound negative. In fact, to him, it sounds quite sweet.
"Both?" You let out an airy laugh. "Whenever I look at you, it's like I have only seen you in my dreams. I remember things, but it feels like a picture where you are blurry. It just sucks. I feel like I am missing out on so many good memories I had just because of one thing."
"Don't blame yourself," Xavier whispers. "We can make more memories. New ones."
"Yeah," you reply, your voice also quiet in order to not wake anyone else up. "Yeah, I would like that."
It is quiet for a second as your eyes start feeling heavy. Being high, laying down in a warm bed, and being tired aren't the best things to have when you try to stay awake.
A hum can be heard from in front of you, the laptop light just a bit too dim to light up his entire face. His eyes are catching some of the light as they seem to glow in the dark.
"You're a good dream. A pretty one."
His heart now truly skips a step as you compliment him. It sounds so sincere, especially as you are tired. The weed is also making your speech pattern a bit different, much slower.
"You are too."
You scooch a bit closer to him, still making sure you are on your own bed before laying back down. When your head hits the pillow, you let out a soft sigh, your eyes still focused on Xavier.
"You know," you yawn. "I'm not surprised we were friends before."
Xavier smiles, his arm holding up his head as he looks down at you. Your eyes were practically closed already, yet you still tried to keep the conversation going. His hand slowly finds its way to your cheek, resting on it softly as his thumb moves back and forth on your cheekbone, your eyes now fully closed.
What you said felt real. It didn't seem like a lie or part of the song. It felt like you.
The sun is bright as it shines right into your face, making you wake up. With a soft groan, you sit up, rubbing your eyes and stretching your arms. For just a second you were confused. This isn't your dorm.
But then you see the countless sketches stuck on the walls, paint tubes and pencils on the desk, and, of course, a sleeping Xavier right next to you. You softly tap his shoulder as you whisper his name. The small clock on the wall says it's eleven already, so only one hour to join the picnic.
"Hm," Xavier groans, pushing his face back into his pillow. "Just a bit more. Please."
"Xavier," you plead, tapping his shoulder again. "Please? It's time for the picnics! And I need to sneak out still."
He opens one eye before pulling your hand to him, your arm now stuck in his grip as he just goes back to sleep. A laugh escapes your lips as you are now half on his bed and half on yours.
"Come on, Xav," you slowly try to pull your arm back. "Afterwards we can go to the art shed or something. I promise."
It had taken you fifteen minutes to get him to wake up. By now you have made ten different promises to get him out of bed, though he had forgotten all of them already. Coach Vlad gave you a strange look as you walked through the hall with Xavier, but didn't ask any questions. As long as he didn't wake up in the middle of the night because of noise complaints, then he didn't care.
"Jesus, what happened here?"
You look over to Xavier before following his gaze. The small patch of grass next to the Archery field is half burned, some shapes and letters darkening the grass that was on fire only a few hours ago. How had you not noticed that there was a fire?
Before anything else could be said, Enid runs up to you, slightly out of breath.
"Y/N! Xavier! I am planning something for Wednesday's birthday today," she gasps for air as she leans on you. "Crackstone's crypt, tonight. I have a cake!"
She walks off as fast as she arrived, skipping away to do God-knows-what. A birthday party for Wednesday?
"I didn't take her as a birthday person."
"She isn't," Xavier laughs. "Which makes it even funnier."
The Quad is filled with different picnic baskets, all customized with different names and foods in them. It meant that you and Xavier had more than enough to share - neither of your parents was here to eat it anyway. With the baskets in your hand, you follow the rest of the families, sitting down in the big open field close to the woods.
After not eating breakfast, this picnic was exactly what you needed. Xavier had laid down the two blankets, connecting them to each other as you placed plates and cups down.
While eating the different snacks and meals, you just observed. You always thought it was interesting to watch different people, especially ones you weren't familiar with. So that is what you did. Some of the parents were ones that you had seen the previous year, but with all the new students, it was fun to guess who was who.
After two hours it is time to clean everything up, placing the empty containers and blankets back into the baskets before discarding them in the Quad. The weather outside was actually quite nice. Flowers were blooming again and birds were chirping. One flower had made its way into your hair after Xavier had found it. It fit you perfectly, he said.
"Ssssh! They're coming," Kent hides behind the crypt as Thing quickly scurries back. "Turn off the lights!"
With the cake in his hands, he crouches down. The rest of the group follows, trying to hide in the shadows to hopefully surprise the deadpanned girl. Even though Kent had told everyone to stay quiet, he couldn't help but sneeze. There goes the surprise.
"Whoever you are," Wednesday grits her teeth. "Show yourself. Try anything and you'll lose limbs."
You didn't doubt that. Maybe it's better that you didn't surprise her - you don't want a knife to your neck. With her aim, you were sure that she never missed.
"Surprise!" You all exclaim, jumping out from your hiding spot.
"Happy birthday to you," Wednesdays face morphs into one filled with disgust. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Wednesday!"
The small candles on the cake get lit as you all keep singing.
"Happy birthday to you!"
"I should have known you were behind this," she grits her teeth as she turns to Thing. "What part of 'no party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?"
"Come, Wednesday!" Enid grins, walking up to the girl with the cake in her hands. "Why don't you make a wish?"
Wednesday is too occupied to focus on the cake as she spots some weird text on the wall. It's latin, no one really understands that, right? She crouches down, her fingers running over the engraved letters.
"Fire will rain," she mumbles. "When I rise."
Maybe one person understands that.
"That's not really a wish," the werewolf grimaces, the candles slowly melting away.
"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore's lawn," she stands back up. "It can't be a coincidence."
Ajax slowly leans in towards you and Xavier, looking at the cake.
"We're never eating that cake, are we?"
No one has time to react as Wednesday's head suddenly falls backward, the girl collapsing onto the ground.
Enid pushes the cake towards Kent before running up to the girl. Was she having a seizure? You look at her worriedly as Xavier puts a hand on your shoulder. It had only taken a few seconds before Wednesday opened her eyes again, standing up without a word before storming out of the crypt.
It leaves all of you a bit speechless - really not a birthday girl.
"I will check on her," Enid nods, gesturing to the exit. "Ajax, you can eat that cake. Save me a piece."
"You had another vision, didn't you?"
Xavier stops next to Wednesday, looking out onto the lawn with the burnt grass. You had gone up to your dorm, changing out of your uniform and back into your normal clothes.
"I didn't realize we were back on speaking terms."
"Well," he shrugs. "I showed up to your surprise party. Figured that would have been a hint. I'm still a friend, Wednesday. So, what did you see?"
Not one glance is thrown at Xavier.
"Who said I was ready to speak with you?"
A sigh escapes his lips. For a while now she had expected him to be someone he isn't. He kept it a secret from everyone. Wednesday usually has some strange theories, ones that aren't supported by a whole lot.
"You still think I am the monster?"
"Haven't ruled it out."
Her answers are quick and sharp.
"Well," he swallows thickly. "Let me know if you finally change your mind."
A lot had changed in one day.
You didn't know what happened, but some of your friends were suddenly acting strange. Bianca felt out of it, Enid and Wednesday didn't talk anymore, and Xavier also seemed a bit uneasy. You thought he wanted some time alone but were proven wrong as he invited you out to the Nightshade library.
The rumbling of stones and footsteps alert you. Did Weems find out that you were here in the middle of the night? Instead, Wednesday comes downstairs, asking for Uncle Fester?
"Who's uncle Fester?"
She quickly turns around, being faced by you and Xavier. You were sitting on the ground with a book in front of you and your phone next to you. Wednesday looks from you to Xavier as she takes a deep breath.
"What are you two doing here?"
Xavier has an annoyed look on his face. He really can't be bothered with her strange antics today.
"Since Y/N and I are actual Nightshades, we don't have to explain ourselves. So, what is your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?"
You close your book up, curiously watching the girl in front of you.
"Come on, Wednesday," Xavier groans. "You can't still be trying to look for answers. Nothing in this library matches that... thing. You can't go blaming everyone around you for things they didn't do."
"You want to hear what I think?" Wednesday grits her teeth. "I think that it is just convenient that you seem to show up at the right place, the right time. You might think you fool me by hanging out with Y/N-"
"Not one word."
You slowly stand up, unsure of what to do. Do you just leave? Do you break up their fight?
"You do not get to bring her into your stupid theories, Wednesday. I am serious. Keep. Her. Out."
"Okaaay," you awkwardly laugh, "I think it is time for us to go. Good luck with your research, Wednesday."
You place your hand on Xavier's bicep, guiding him to the stairs as you leave the pig-tailed girl down in the library. She isn't even supposed to be in there, but there is no stopping her. Simply a fight you cannot win.
Another day of useless classes passes. You hung out with Ajax and Xavier before Ajax decided to go out for a smoke. Weed is strictly prohibited on Nevermore grounds, but luckily he could use the place next to the art shed.
"I totally forgot about all my homework," you let your head fall into your hands. "Maybe Thornhill didn't give me any, but I am still behind!"
"Want me to make homework with you today?"
"Want to? Yes. Is it smart? Not so much." you let out a small laugh. "I really need to finish all of it. What about hanging out tomorrow? Weathervane?"
"Sounds good," the boy smiles. "I will be in my art shed if you're looking for me."
It had been way past dinner time already, so he didn't need to go back to Nevermore except to go back to sleep. The two of you say your goodbyes, both heading a different way.
The sky is already getting darker as Xavier approaches the art shed. As he takes off his jacket, the lights suddenly turn on. He looks around confused, his eyes falling on Wednesday who stands in the corner of the shed.
Xavier scoffs, walking up to his desk.
"You know what? You," he points at her. "Need to stay out of my space."
"And you need to take your own advice."
She stabs the dagger that she was holding into the desk, breaking up the piece of wood. Xavier his eyes go from the knife to the girl. What was she doing with that? He is speechless - does she think that that knife is his?
"Actually, you left it in Thing," she pauses for a second. "How long have you been seeing Kinbott?"
"Have you..."
He frowns as he looks at her with disbelief. He had called Kinbott not that long ago, wanting to schedule a new appointment. Ajax gave him the advice to open up a bit more, talking about his problems and making sure that he feels comfortable enough to admit his feelings. He didn't want a Siren Song redo. But, how did Wednesday know?
"What am I saying? Of course you have," he laughs sarcastically. "You have been spying on me."
He takes the dagger out of the wooden table in a swift motion, his finger trying to smooth out the broken wood.
"Because I am some sort of villain in your fantasy."
The dagger is one he has never seen before. Why would he even own one? Much less to stab Thing with it.
"My father thinks that my mental health is like a PR problem that needs to be managed," he tells Wednesday. "Wanted to keep his troubled son out of his tabloids."
He takes a step back, raising his hands in defense before they fall to his side.
"I wasn't in your room. Believe me, or don't. I don't care."
The girl walks straight past him, stopping in front of the covered-up canvas. She takes a look at it before turning to Xavier.
"Your painting has been improving. I enjoy this one in particular."
She takes hold of the fabric, pulling it down roughly to expose the painting. It is of one of Xavier his visions, one that included Kinbott with countless wounds on her face. It had been plaguing him for the last night.
"It feels like you have really lived through it."
"Wednesday, what do you want?"
He is tired. He wants to go back to painting, to go back to sketching. He doesn't want to spend his time arguing with someone who, essentially, is like a brick wall.
"I'm the one asking questions."
She turns to the desk, moving a sketchbook before holding up a random object.
"What is Rowan's inhaler doing in your shed? Or Eugene's glasses?"
"Woah, woah! What?"
"Or these stalker images you took of me?"
Wednesday throws a stack of photo's on the table, all with her in them.
"No. I-"
"Oh, and don't forget your latest addition."
The jar with pencils gets thrown onto the table as she fishes a thin chain out of the pile.
"Kinbott's necklace."
Red and blue lights flash through the window as Xavier tries to talk to Wednesday.
"Somebody planted that stuff!" He stutters as he points to the items/
Wednesday is still holding onto the chain, dangling it in the air when the door behind her flies over. It reveals Sheriff Galpin with a gun in his hand, pointed straight at Xavier.
"Freeze!" He shouts. "Drop the knife. Down on your knees."
He immediately does as he is told. No matter how much he wants to prove Wednesday wrong - he is the one with the knife in his hand. The one who, magically, has all the items of the monster's victims in his shed. Slowly he kneels down, his hands above his head as Galpin tells the other officers to handcuff him.
"You have the right to remain silent."
Thoughts are rushing through his head as his hands are taken by another officer, cold handcuffs now around his wrists.
"Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."
His eyes fly to Wednesday. While he looks stressed, confused, and utterly betrayed, she only has a blank look on her face. If anything, it shows the smallest smirk.
"You have the right to an attorney," the gun still pointed at him. "If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed."
The sheriff looks at the short girl on his side, never lowering the gun.
"Appreciate the help, Addams."
"You!" Xavier grits his teeth as he gets pulled up by the officer. "You framed me! I'm being set up!"
With a push in his back, he stumbles forward, still looking at Wednesday with a furious look.
"I saved you from Rowan!"
The girl says nothing. But the boy has more than enough to say.
Y/N ♡
hey xav! :) what time tomorrow at the weathervane? one?
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