#i’ve been sitting here watching you be wrong for months and months & it is torturous
myhsterie · 1 year
guys i have a fun little secret :)
i read the fnaf script back in october 2022 at my work :)))))))
& i get to see a test screening a month before it releases :DDDDD
i am bound by an NDA to not say anything about the script but what i CAN say is that many of your theories are wrong :P but i think that was expected
will come back to this when it fully drops so i can compare and contrast earlier versions with the final product! i will have had access to two (2) previous drafts of it so there will be lots to discuss
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Drunk: Choso x Y/N
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Requested: No
TW: None
Word count: 1k
Part 4 | Part 6 TBD
Fall is still in the air. The leaves are almost gone. The evening breeze is cold and soft.
You stand in the clearing hoping to see Choso today. You don’t even pretend to train. You sit on the stump where you sat on his lap, remembering the occasion fondly. You bite your lower lip in anxiety. What if he doesn’t come. The sun is almost setting. Night falls, and no Choso. You try again the next day. Nothing. You try one last time. All you find is the emptiness of your own heart.
As you walk back up to the school you can hear a chorus of voices. They were angry, pleading, confused. As you enter the common room there he is, Choso. Your breath is caught in your throat. What was the meaning of this?
“Yuji is my brother; I must protect him.” Choso pleaded with Gojo.
“How do we know that you’re not here to kill us all?” Gojo questioned.
“I would’ve already done it.” Choso is unwavering in his resolve.
You stand there dumbfounded at Choso’s gal. Did he really think that Gojo would let him into the school?
Gojo turns to you, aware of your presence all the while. “y/n, you will be Choso’s escort. You make sure that he is here for what he says he is. If he steps out of line, kill him.”
You nod, confused and flabbergasted. What are the odds?
Choso grins at your presence, happy to be paired with you. You ignore his reaction to you.
“Come on, I’ll show you around.” You grumble.
Choso is quick to fall into step with you. Giddy to be this near to you.
As soon as you’re out of Gojo’s earshot you push Choso against the wall, “What is wrong with you? Why are you here?”
“You said I was the enemy. I am proving to you I am reformed.”
You blush and hesitate. You eventually let him go and you walk down the corridor as you show him the school. His hand reaches for yours, playfully touching your fingers. You withhold a gasp and snatch your hand away from him. He is surprised and hurt.
You continue to put distance between you and Choso, treating him as if you had just met him. Choso notices the change in demeanor. He questions what happened.
“And this is your room. Good night.”
Tired of your cold shoulder, Choso pulls you into an embrace. Your back against his chest. His arms around your waist.
“What is happening with you?” He whispers into your neck.
You shiver, “We can’t act like this. People will know.”
You hesitate. You turn to face him, mere inches from his face.
“If we act like this in front of people they will know that we’ve been seeing each other. No one knows I’ve been spending time with the enemy.”
“Former enemy.” Choso corrects you.
You tsk. “Choso, please. Give me time. Let’s go slow.”
“How much time?”
“A month.”
Choso felt like his world was crumbling. The main reason why he came to the school was you. He wanted to prove that he was good and deserving of your love. A month seemed like forever, but if that’s what it took to have you be fully his, then so be it.
He nods. “A month.”
You look into his eyes one last time and turn to walk away. Choso is left forlorn.
The first two days were a nightmare for Choso. Having you so close and not being able to touch you was torture. He watched you from afar, constantly distracted. Craving. He lived off the memories you guys made in the clearing of the woods. It wasn’t enough.
On day 11 he couldn’t sleep. He sat by the courtyard, distracted and sad. You had gotten up to go to the bathroom. You found him sitting by himself. You decide there is no harm sitting by his side. Choso is taken aback.
“Careful, people might talk.” He says bitterly.
You let out a soft laugh. “I guess you don’t miss me?”
He instinctively reaches for your hand. You don’t pull away. He brings your hand to his mouth laying soft kisses on your palm. You shiver.
“I missed you.” You admit.
Choso smiles into your hand. Music to his ears. He inches closer, seeking your warmth. You look up to him. Choso is weak and needy. He knows the rules but doesn’t care for them. Before you can react, he grabs you and places a kiss on your lips. Quick and clean. You’re eyes are wide, your breath non-existent.
“Choso!” You whisper lightly as you touch your lips.
“I couldn’t help myself.” He says sheepishly.
You ponder your next move. “If you’re going to kiss me, make it a good one.” You pull him in by his robe and kiss him as passionately as you could.
Choso is pliant and ready. He closes his eyes to your taste. He lets himself be guided through the kiss. Like a good boy, he follows your lead.
“Woah!.” A voice can be heard nearby.
You both turn to see Yuji standing close by, in shock. His mouth agape.
You quickly stand up. “It’s not what it looks like.”
Yuji says nothing. His face still painted in surprise.
Choso stands up, deliberately. He walks up to Yuji, quietly. He whispers something in his ear. Yuji smiles. Choso walks back to you, grabs your hand and leads you back to your room.
“What did you say to him?” You ask.
“In short? To keep his mouth shut.”
You reach your room. Choso silently pleads to be let in. You deny his request. However, you give into another kiss. You bite his lip, playfully begging to be let in. Choso obliges. Your tongue caresses his. His mouth memorizes the taste of you. You’re both in too deep. Lost in what can be. Eventually you let him go. Disappointed in the loss of connection.
“Good night.” You whisper against his lips and walk into your room.
Choso stands outside of your room for a bit. Dumbfounded and dazed. He doesn’t understand how it started, or why, but he knows that he would lay his life for you. He walks back to his room, drunk on your lips.  
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fanfictionalraven · 6 months
Piece by Piece Pt. 10
Title: Piece By Piece Pt. 10
Summary: The aftermath of being taken by the angels.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Original Character
Word Count: 2,937
Warnings: Vomitting, angst
Author’s Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published in 2017.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 9 here.
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Dean continues to drive through the day, stopping for food and gas. He tells Sam what Zachariah had told him and why they’d created the alternate reality. Later in the afternoon, M.K. falls asleep spread across the front seat between yourself and Dean. Her head is resting on his leg and her legs on yours. Dean’s fingers are running through her curls gently as you run a hand over her calf.
All of a sudden, you feel the nausea start up out of nowhere and groan, laying your head back against the seat. You squeeze your eyes closed, trying to fight back the sick feeling. The car was currently flying down a back road in the middle of nowhere, no bathrooms in sight.
“Y/N? You okay?” Dean asks, glancing over at you. You shake your head slowly.
“Pull over,” you tell him, eyes still closed. Your main goal right now was to not throw up all over his car. You can feel the car steadily slow down and you carefully push M.K.’s legs off of your own.
Before the car even comes to a complete stop, you clamber out the door. You manage to get a few feet away before your lunch decides to make its reappearance. You hit your knees, bracing yourself against the ground. Two hands are on you a second later, one holding your hair and the other rubbing soothing circles into your back.
Once your stomach is empty, you sit up. Dean hands you a rag and a bottle of water he’d found in the car and you thank him before wiping at your mouth. You unscrew the lid on the bottle and drink about half of it before sighing. Your eyes meet Dean’s and you find his full of that same concern he’d always had for you.
“Are you really pregnant?” He asks. You nod, watching his face. “Did you know before?”
“I’m three months now. I’ve known for about two,” you confess, your voice raw from your previous heaving. He frowns and shakes his head quickly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks. You sigh and run the rag across your sweat-damp forehead.
“You haven’t been home since Valentine’s Day, Dean. And I wasn’t going to tell you over the phone,” you tell him. His face falls as the realization hits.
“Valentine’s Day. That’s what you were going to tell me,” he says. You nod and he hangs his head with a sigh. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Sorry?” You ask, panic rising up in your chest. He looks back at you and his eyes widen.
“No!! Not – not sorry about the baby. I could never – I mean, it’s really terrible timing but – that would be like regretting M.K. or being with you and – there’s no way I could ever do that,” he says, reaching out and brushing his fingers against your cheek. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. Things have been crazy and when Cas showed up at the house like that – I thought staying away from you would keep you safer. I guess I was wrong.”
“Well it wasn’t exactly like we spent the last three weeks being tortured,” you start. “Penthouse apartment. Fancy private school.”
“Pregnant yoga and no caffeine?” He asks, trying not to laugh. You narrow your eyes at him.
“Yea, that was the torture,” you say. “And don’t go getting any wild ideas.” He laughs now and helps you to your feet.
“So was the nausea this bad with M.K.?” He asks. You shake your head as the two of you make your way back to the car.
“I actually got lucky with M.K. I was never sick. This time around though,” you trail off and sigh. Dean nods and presses a kiss to your temple before opening the passenger side door for you.
“Well it’s your turn to get some rest,” he says. You look into the car and see that M.K. is now laid out across the backseat, curled into Sam’s side. You smile and slide in, Dean closing the door behind you. He comes around and gets back in. “C’mon,” he says, patting the seat between you. You lay across the front seat, your head coming to rest on his leg. He lays his arm across your side. You quickly drift off to sleep as his fingers brush lightly against your stomach.
You wake up sometime later, groggy and confused. You don’t remember moving from the car to a bed yet here you were on a comfortable mattress with a blanket draped over you. Sitting up slowly, you look around. It was an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. Willing yourself to remain calm, you push yourself up from the bed.
The cool air meets your legs and you look down to find them bare. You’re only wearing a grey t-shirt that you immediately recognized as one of Dean’s. A pair of jeans are sitting folded on the dresser across the room. They look brand new you realize as you pull them on quickly. A perfect fit. You sigh, thankful for the familiar denim after three weeks of wearing nothing but dresses and skirts.
Opening the door, you’re greeted by a familiar scent. The smell of fresh cooked bacon wafts up the staircase to you. You can hear M.K. giggling as you slowly make your way down to the rest of the strange house. Following the sound and scent, you find the kitchen. An older man in a vest and baseball cap is standing over the stove, frying up the bacon. M.K. is seated at the table behind him, a wide grin spread across her face.
“Momma!! You’re awake!!” She exclaims. The man looks at you and smiles warmly. “Look!! Grandpa Bobby is real!!” Bobby. Of course. The man who was like a father to Dean and Sam. Any panic you had been feeling quickly subsides. You knew this was a man you could trust even if you’d never actually met him.
“I don’t know why she’s calling me that,” Bobby mumbles, a blush creeping into his cheeks. He turns, setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. You hear a door open and a moment later Dean comes into the room, wiping grease from his hands.
“Hey!! Morning, Gorgeous,” he says, planting a quick kiss on your cheek. “How you feeling?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders slightly.
“Confused. Hungry,” you tell him. He laughs and pulls you to a chair at the table. You sit down and Bobby sets a plate in front of you as well. “Thank you.” He smiles and nods. Dean’s hand comes to rest on your shoulder.
“Well since your actually conscious now,” Dean says, winking down at you. “This is Bobby. Bobby, this is Y/N my…” He stops and you look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Ummm.”
“Girlfriend, Dean. She’s your girlfriend,” Sam says from the adjacent room. You look over and find him sitting at a desk, several books open in front of him. M.K. giggles as she takes a bite of bacon.
“Just girlfriend?” Bobby asks. You look at him quickly and he smiles, glancing at your left hand. Your eyes widen and shoot to the diamond ring and silver band still on your finger.
“You changed my clothes but didn’t take these off?” You ask, looking up at Dean. He rubs the back of his neck and stammers.
“Well — Ummm — I just thought — you might like to keep them,” he says. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“If this is a proposal it isn’t a very good one,” you tell him. His eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly.
“No!! I’m not — I mean, not that I wouldn’t — but this isn’t —,” he stops. Sam starts to snigger and Dean shoots a glare at him. You smile and reach over, taking Dean’s hand.
“Calm down. I’m kidding,” you tell him. He smiles now and squeezes your hand.
“Dean,” Sam says, his voice shifting from its early teasing tone. You all look over and find Cas standing in the middle of the room. Dean drops your hand and immediately moves to stand in front of you. Bobby makes his way around the table, shielding M.K.
“The hell do you want? You swore you’d keep them out of this,” Dean says, pointing an accusatory finger at Cas. The angel furrows his brow and shakes his head.
“I did not know of Zachariah’s plan. If I had, I would have warned you. I do not wish harm on any of you. Especially Y/N, Mary Katherine, or your unborn child,” he says. Dean’s hands clench at his sides.
“What do you want, Cas?” He asks.
“I came to apologize to all of you,” he says, glancing at you as well. Dean crosses his arms and shakes his head. “I didn’t know, Dean. I swear. I am sorry.” The room is quiet as you glance at each of the men. M.K. stands from her chair and takes a step around Bobby.
“I forgive you,” she says, starting towards him. Bobby’s hand shoots out, landing on her shoulder. She shrugs him off and takes a few more steps.
“Mary Katherine,” you call to her quickly. She stops dead in her tracks. You very rarely ever use her full name like that and it always gets her attention. But she isn’t looking at you now with the pitiful look she always does when she’s in trouble. She’s almost surprised.
“You always say when someone apologizes and they really mean it that we have to be the bigger person and forgive them even if we don’t want to,” she says. You stare at her as she continues towards Cas. He looks down at her, curiously. “Do you really mean it?”
“I — I do. I’m sorry, Mary Katherine,” he says. She smiles and wraps her arms around his legs.
“M.K. I’m only Mary Katherine when I’m in trouble,” she tells him. You all stare in disbelief as a small smile spreads across the angel’s face. He reaches down and pats her head awkwardly before she lets him go and returns to her breakfast. Dean sighs and shakes his head.
“They’re staying here for now with Bobby. If anything happens to them again, Cas, I swear there isn’t a force on this earth that will stop me from killing every last one of you,” he tells him. Cas nods once then disappears. You look down at your plate. There’s a tense silence before Dean breaks it with a chuckle. “Why’d you have to go and raise her to be such a good person?” Dean asks, looking back at you.
“What do you mean we’re staying here with Bobby?” You ask, ignoring his question as you look up at him. He sighs, as though he’d been dreading this conversation, then kneels down next to you.
“I gotta keep you two — you three safe,” he says, his hand reaching towards your stomach. You swat at his hand quickly and he arches an eyebrow at you.
“For how long?” You ask. He shrugs.
“However long it takes,” he says. You stare at him and shake your head slightly.
“We can’t just stay here, Dean. We’ve got lives to get back to. Lives we’ve already missed three weeks of. I may not even have a job to go back to but she has to go back to school,” you tell him.
“I can’t leave you unprotected. Bobby can keep you safe while I’m out trying to stop all this,” he says, rising to his feet. You frown and look up at him.
“No offense to Bobby but Cas just came and went like it was nothing. You really think an army of angels couldn’t do the same if they wanted us bad enough?” You ask, standing from your chair. Dean crosses his arms over his chest, determined. You glance over at M.K. to find she’s watching you both closely.
Sighing, you leave the kitchen and quickly make your way back up the stairs to the bedroom you’d been in earlier. You close the door and lean against it for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. Your phone is sitting on the table next to the bed. You make your way across the room and grab it, quickly finding Lily’s name in your contacts. It rings twice before your best friend’s voice comes over the line.
“Hey!! Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s the vacation?” She asks. You stare at the wall in front of you.
“Va – vacation?” You ask, your voice trembling. You hear Lily laugh on the other end.
“Yea? Dean whisked you two away suddenly for a family vacation. You left me a voicemail saying you were gonna be gone for a while,” she says. You fall onto the edge of the bed, your hand over your mouth. “Y/N? You okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m – ummm – just checking in,” you tell her, fighting back tears. After a brief conversation, you set the phone aside again. Laying back on the bed, you run your hands over your face. You hear someone walking up to the door and it opens then closes again. A second later, the bed dips beside you. “I called Lily. Everyone thinks we’re on vacation apparently.” You look over at Dean and he nods slightly. “But we have to get back Dean. She has to get back to school.”
“Your lives are more important, Y/N,” he says. You sigh and sit up.
“The only difference in us staying here is that Bobby is in danger. And I am not going to be the reason he gets killed. I’m not,” you tell him. “We’re going home.”
“Well I don’t know how you’re getting there cause I’m not taking you,” he says. You look at him quickly.
“That’s kidnapping, Dean,” you say. He rolls his eyes, rising from the bed. “Fine. I’ll ask Sam or Bobby to do it.”
“They wouldn’t dare,” he says. You stare at him-, your anger building quickly.
“Then we’ll take the bus because we are not staying,” you tell him defiantly. He shakes his head as he watches you.
“I can’t let you leave,” he says. “That’s my daughter and you’re carrying my baby and you’re my –.” He stops short and you look back at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Your what, Dean? You can’t even say it!! That’s what the real torture was, these past three weeks. Hearing you say that you love me knowing I’ll never hear it again now!! You don’t even tell M.K. that you love her!!” You snap at him. “So don’t try and give me some crap about how you want to keep us safe because you care about us or we’re your family. You want to keep us safe to keep your conscious clear. So, no thank you. We don’t need your protection. We’re leaving.” You turn for the door quickly.
“And the baby?” Dean asks, his voice unnaturally calm. You freeze, your hand on the handle.
“I raised M.K. for 10 years without you. What’s another one?” You ask, your words biting. You pull the door open and march down the stairs. Three pairs of eyes land on you as you step into the kitchen, Sam having joined the other two now. “Would you be willing to take us to the closest bus stop, Sam?” He frowns and looks down at the table. You nod and turn to the other man. “Bobby, please?” He sighs and nods, rising from the table. “M.K. tell Uncle Sam bye. We’re leaving.”
“But Momma,” she starts.
“Mary Katherine,” you snap. She hangs her head and jumps down from the chair. She slowly walks over to Sam and he wraps her up in a tight hug.
“Bye Uncle Sam,” she tells him quietly. He kisses her forehead then lets her go.
“Bye M.K.,” he says. You put your hand on her back, guiding her to the door as Bobby picks up the keys to his truck.
“What about Daddy?” She asks, looking up at you. There’s a sadness in her eyes as though she knows what’s happening.
“I’m right here, Baby girl,” he says. You turn and find Dean standing on the steps about halfway down. She runs up to him and he picks her up in his arms. “Listen to your mom, kid.”
“Aren’t you coming home too?” She asks, her voice thick with tears. You frown and avert your eyes quickly. Dean kisses her hair and sets her down.
“Be good,” he says, avoiding her question. She comes back down the stairs, dejected, and you take her hand. You glance up at Dean and find him staring at the floor. Bobby opens the door and you pull M.K. from the house quickly.
Dean squeezes his eyes closed when the door closes then sits down on the step beneath him. Sam comes into front hall and leans against the door frame, crossing his arms. Dean runs his hands over his face and lets out a sigh.
“That was a stupid plan,” Sam says. Dean shrugs slightly, looking back at his brother.
“Worked didn’t it?” He asks. Sam shakes his head in disbelief.
“How’d you know she’d leave?” He asks. Dean smiles a little and looks at his hands.
“I love her. You think I don’t know what would piss her off enough to make her leave me?” He asks. Sam shakes his head again and goes back into Bobby’s study, leaving Dean sitting on the steps, staring at the silver band that was still on his left hand.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 11 here.
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strangerquinns · 2 years
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Deadly Reunion | Chapter 6
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues
word count:  3.4k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist
March 24th, 1988 - Hawkins, Indiana
“How’s everything going out there? I haven’t heard from you in a while,” You spoke into the phone, which was pressed between your shoulder and your ear.
        Your eyes looked out the window and scanned along the slightly busy streets of downtown Hawkins. It was a warmer, sunny day in the small town, the signs of spring and warmer weather showing more and more each day. But even with the town being a little busier than usual, the small bookstore that you worked at was void of any customers. Which didn’t bother you much. Gave more time to clean, read and call Sarah whenever you wanted.
“Everything is going well! Boys are always working late at the studio, so I’ve been left to my own devices on finding stuff to do around here.” Sarah giggled lightly.
“You gettin’ into trouble?” You laughed breathily as you continued to people watch.
“Maybe,” You could hear the smile in Sarah’s voice.
        In the background, you could hear a few voices along with some commotion. Your heart leaped slightly as you heard a deeper, familiar voice in the background. Your body couldn’t help but react and sit up straighter. It was like it was its natural reaction.
        You hadn’t talked to him since the day outside his trailer. They left the weekend after that fight and Eddie never reached back out to you. Not like you did either. You were too hurt and too scared. Eddie had never yelled at you like that, and he had a beautifully sick way of making his words cut deep when he wanted them to. So instead, you let him go. No matter how much it hurt.
        Sarah seemed to pause for a moment and you were thankful. Able to hear his laugh as he joked with whomever else was there. You didn’t miss how your heart raced either.
“Boys are back from the studio,” Sarah spoke after a while.
“How is he?” You asked softly, turning your eyes away from the window. Instead facing the empty bookstore and staring off toward the dark wooden shelves.
Your hand moved up and began to fidget with the red and black pick that hung from your neck. Even after six months, you couldn’t bring yourself to take it off.
Sarah sighed deeply, “He’s…Eddie. I don’t understand why you just don’t talk to him. I can tell he misses you.”
“Yeah, well, he could call as well.”
“He’s a bit of a jackass in that department. His ego won’t let him, even when he knows that he’s wrong.” Sarah scoffed. “Just call him. Ok?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You sighed deeply and felt a heavy sadness come over you. “Be careful ok? News is getting scarier lately with those reports coming in from Russia. That…what was it? Virus?”
“Something like that. You’re sounding like my dad. We’re gonna be ok. But you stay safe too. This shit sounds serious.”
“We will. I love you, Sarah.”
“Awe, I love you too.”
        The two of you hang up and you were left along with your thoughts in the silence of the store. You grabbed the remote sitting beside you and turned the TV you’d muted earlier back up. The News was playing with the same story that had been running all day.
New Virus Outbreak reporting in Russia. 2 New Cases reported in D.C.
“…reporting the spreading of the virus is unknown, but it is acting fast. The two cases reported in Washington D.C. are now in the hospital and under surveillance. Doctors are unable to find a cure at this time.”
“Jesus Christ…” You muttered, just as a customer walked through the door.
        The rest of your day was uneventful if only filled with the news and sitting by as customers came in and out of the store. Once you were locked up and closed, you headed back home. The town was silent as night fell over it, the sunshine from before now replaced with darkness and chilly air. The lights of your living room were on, and the curtains opened, allowing the yellow glow to spill over into the front lawn. You saw the shape of your mother as she seemed to be pacing through the home.
        When you walked into the home you could hear the sounds of the radio playing in the kitchen, from what was being said, it was a news broadcast.
“…new cases now popping up in New York, Detroit, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. Reported 1,000 reported dead nationwide and more coming in on the hour…”
“Oh, thank god, you’re home.” Your mother spoke, rushing toward you slightly with a worried and frantic look in her eyes. She was trying to cover it with a shaky smile. But it wasn’t working.
        It was then you noticed the bags and suitcases piled in the doorway of the living room. Your brows pinched together in confusion as you tried to figure out what was going on.
“W-We going on a trip I forgot about?” You asked.
“Baby, I need you to go upstairs and pack essentials.” Your mother spoke frantically, the mask she tried to have on slipping quickly. “We need to get out of here.”
“Get out? Why?”
“Cause I’m not sitting here like a waiting duck for shit to hit the fan,” Your mother pushed you lightly toward the stairs as she spoke. “The hospital was a mess today with worries of this new virus spreading, and it’s only a matter of time before it hits us. We’re too close to the city for it not to. And we’re not gonna be here when it happens.” You stood there and stared at her like she was crazy, “Go! Now!”
        You gasped lightly awake as you heard the door opening to the room you were being kept in. You weren’t sure how much time had passed since it was a windowless room. But with the stomach pains you were having from the lack of food, it had to have been a long time. You sprang up quickly at the sound of the door but paused only for a second when Eddie came into view.
        He was cleaned up and showered it seemed from the last time you saw him. His curls appeared to be only slightly damp as they hung around his face and down along his shoulders. Stubble decorated his jawline and cheeks, something you hadn’t really seen him with before.
Eddie’s lips tugged up with a wary smile as he moved to stand in the doorway. Even in an apocalypse, it seemed Eddie was still himself. Black jeans with a chain hanging from two of the loops on his belt, black tshirt with the sleeves torn off and frayed at the edges. With the sleeves gone, you were able to see more tattoos decorating his arms, arms that were bigger. You didn’t miss the definition in his arms as he moved to cross them at his chest.
“Joyce said you were asking for me?”
        You just sat there pressed against the wall of the bed with your eyes looking at him wearily. It was then that it hit you, though you knew Eddie all your life. This person in front of you was a stranger.
        Eddie's brows pulled together tightly for a moment as he looked at you. Noticing how stiff you were along with the widened fear in your eyes as you looked at him. He relaxed a little more and rose his hands up so you’d be able to see, before sidestepping into the room slowly.
“I don’t have anything on me…promise,” Eddie spoke slowly as he moved toward the seat at the corner of the room. “…just wanted to come and make sure you were ok.”
“I-I’m fine…” You spoke, your eyes never leaving his. “…she tell you I’m cleared…not Flayed?”
Eddie nodded “Yeah, though I believed you when you said. Don’t think that would be something that you’d lie about.”
        You nodded your head and relaxed slightly as you moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Eddie took that chance to grab the chair and move it closer to you.
“Said they were bringing me food…” You looked around for evidence of anything being brought down when you were asleep.
“And I’m sure they still are,” Eddie nodded and leaned forward on his knees. “How are you feeling?”
“I-I don’t know…I feel like I’m dreaming…didn’t think I was gonna make it back here,” You spoke “Or see you, for that matter.”
        Flashes of the last words he spoke to you came through your mind. But a part of you didn’t care. Not anymore, not after all this time.
        Not after so much loss.
“I didn’t think I was ever gonna see you again either, sweetheart.” Eddie chuckled, almost like he himself couldn’t believe you were sitting in front of him. “Felt like I was lookin’ at a ghost.”
        A silence fell over the two of you. No one knows what to say to the other. No one wants to say the wrong thing.
        But after a few long, awkward pauses, you were the first to speak.
“Is Sarah here?” You asked, Eddie’s head popping up and his dark eyes widening slightly. “I figured if you’re here, that she would’ve come back too. And Gareth? Jeff?”
“Uh…shit…” Eddie reached a hand up and rubbed his hand along his jawline. “…can’t be shocked Hopper didn’t say anything.”
        A hardened sickening feeling dropped into your stomach as you watched him. A cold chill rolled through your body as your eyes watered quickly with the familiar burning in your eyes.
“…no, no…” You shook your head and dropped your face into your hands.
“Fuck…” Eddie spoke and quickly abandoned the chair he was sitting in to move toward you. His arm came around your shoulder and your body began to shake as you cried. “…she came back with us, that much is true. She…She was killed… a few weeks ago by some raiders on a run.”
        Weeks. It had been weeks. It hit hard in your chest to know you’d missed seeing her within weeks. Somehow that made it worse. Like if only you had left earlier then you would’ve gotten to say goodbye. Eddie kept his arms around you as you quietly cried. You turned toward him more at one point finding comfort in him. Once the tears stopped, you pulled away and wiped at your face. You sat there for a few minutes and let this new thing add itself to the grief that was already settled in your body.
“…at least she got to come back,” You spoke after a moment, trying to find a semblance of happiness in the dark truth.
“She did. Sarah helped get this place together with her dad, make a haven for people that didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
        Eddie decided to swallow down the fact that it was his fault, at least to himself, that Sarah was gone. Scared if you knew the whole story you’d only confirm his guilt more.
Also kept it down that he and Sarah were together the last few years.
“ Sadly Jeff didn’t make it out of LA. We joined a caravan group to get back to Hawkins. One night a hoard of Flayed came through, he was protecting Sarah when one got him.” Eddie frowned “She wasn’t…really the same after that.”
“Fuck,” You cursed low under your breath. “And Gareth?”
“Upstairs somewhere,” Eddie spoke with a slight smile. “He helps in the med clinic wing. Likes being able to help people. He knows you’re back and is a little anxious to see you.”
“Oh, good. Good. Fuck, thought maybe everyone…” You shook your head, “I can’t believe Sarah…goddamn it.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know.” Eddie moved and rubbed your back gently.
Eddie let you sit there in silence again for a long moment. Someone came down and slid a tray through the door for you. He had to stop himself from laughing at how fast you moved toward it. You’d snatched it off the floor and barely made it to the small table before you were shoving the food into your mouth. You’d fisted the burger between your hands and took a bite, moaning at the taste of a real meal. The sound of laughing drew your attention back to the man you’d left sitting on your bed. You glared at him as he sat there and chuckled at you.
“What are you laughing at? Hmm?” You spoke, words muffled by the half bitten food in your mouth.
“Nothing,” Eddie chuckled slightly. “Just funny…how something doesn’t change.”
You rolled your eyes and moved the chair he’d taken back toward the table. You continued to eat in silence and soon your stomach ached from too much food, not used to a full meal.
“Been a long time since I’d eaten anything outside of canned fruits and vegetables and jerky.” You sighed and reached back against the seat, pushing the tray away from you.
Eddie frowned, “How long?” You looked over at him with a slightly confused look. “How long were you on your own?”
“A while, I told you.” You spoke.
Eddie whispered your name softly, but you’d heard it. “Come on, I just…I just wanna know. I thought you were dead this entire time.”
“Did you look for me?” You asked, not able to look at him as you asked the question. “Did you care? Was I one of the first people on your mind when you crossed into town.”
        Your tone is void of emotion. It was stiff and cold as you sat there with your back facing him more. Eddie hated that he couldn’t get a read on you. Moments ago, you were crying into his shoulder and now you were treating him like a stranger again. Deep down he understood why. Things weren’t the same as they used to and the last time he’d seen you weren’t a happy one. A moment that had been haunting him for the past six or so years.
“Of course, you were on my mind. The whole reason we came back was to make sure the people we loved were ok.” Eddie spoke, conveying his words with conviction in his tone. “LA was one of the first cities to go, and I knew we’d be fucked if we were there for long. It took us months to get here but you were on my mind the entire time. I couldn’t call and make sure that you were alive. And when we got here…after seeing Wayne was safe, your house was the next one after…and seeing…and…”
        Eddie felt his throat tighten at the memory of coming across your house for the first time.
        The streets were quiet as he traveled down the street with Gareth beside him. Most of the town had been cleared out for any of the Flayed, but that didn’t mean they weren’t vigilant. Wayne had taken them to the small camp that had formed right outside of town and that’s where they were settled after their long travel from California. But being back in Hawkins didn’t give Eddie the kind of hope and safety that he was hoping for. Not when he searched through the camp and didn’t see a sign of you.
“No one’s seen or heard from them since everything happened,” Wayne spoke with heavy sadness. “Chief and I went there, and it was crawling with some of those that fell sick. She wasn’t there, son.”
        Eddie wasn’t just gonna take his Uncle’s word for it, sadly, he needed to see for himself. He and Gareth stepped over the bodies of the dead – both Flayed and Civilian. It brought sickness to his stomach, and it was never something one could get used to. Seeing the decrepit blackened bodies of those that were infected.
“Shit,” Gareth spoke as your family home finally came into view.
        The front window was broken and smashed with some of the sidings starting to fall apart. It had been almost a year since the first day the virus hit the states and slowly overtook everything. It took only four days for the entire country, and the world, to fall apart. And in the year since, nature was slowly taking back what was once hers. Homes were falling apart from lack of maintenance. Lawns were overgrown with weeds and tall grass. Cracks showing more and more on the streets and sidewalks. Your family home was no different.
        A hole had caved in at the roof, and part of it caved back into the home. His eyes traveled up to your bedroom window and saw as the wind caused the lace curtains through the opened window. Eddie moved quickly up the lawn no longer vigilant to any danger. He didn’t care. He needed to know if you were ok. Even though he logically knew you weren’t here.
        The front door was propped open, either from looters or from when you left, he wasn’t sure. The floor creaked loudly as Eddie walked through the front doors. Since the front window was smashed in, bits of nature were slowly starting to grow into the home. Sprouts of grass, plants, and mold finding purchase in the rugs, couches, and walls.
        Eddie slowly walked toward and saw that some of your family photos sat on the wall. He grabbed a small frame that held your high school graduation photo. Eddie didn’t hesitate to pocket it and toss it into one of the pockets of his bag. From behind him, Eddie heard Gareth walk in through the front door.
“Looks like they up and left,” He spoke, looking around and seeing everything was ripped apart. Drawers opened with the contents spilled out and scattered on the floor.
“Or someone came in here after a while and noticed no one was coming back.” Eddie sighed, “You know how fucking desperate people became lookin’ for supplies.”
Gareth nodded his head and sighed, “I know. I don’t think you’re gonna find what you’re lookin’ for man. She's obviously gone.”
        Eddie ignored him and headed toward the stairs that would take him to the second floor. Some of the stairs were caved and broken, so he had to skip up a few to make it. When he got to the hallway, the only sign it’s been a while since anyone had been there was the dust sitting on top of tables and along the railing. Slowly, almost as if he was scared, Eddie walked toward your bedroom. The door was closed.
        And as he approached the door, a part of him felt like he was invading your privacy. Like he was gonna crack open a mausoleum and disturb the dead. But after a few silent moments, his hand encased around the door knob before stepping inside. The room smelled of mold when he walked in, thanks to the open window. It looked like the first floor he’d seen. Posters still decorated the wall, though some sun damaged and ruined from the mold. It still brought a smile to his face. The bed was still made, the hamper filled with dirty clothes, and a book sat on your bedside table. He felt a hit to his chest when he saw the faded title, The Hobbit.
        Eddie sat down on the bed and just sat there in silence. Needing to feel he was surrounded by you in some way. Seeing how your bedroom was left was what he needed to believe. Believe that you were gone. Believe he was most likely never seeing you again. Believe that you simply weren’t just hiding away from him. The feelings and hope he held onto to get back to Hawkins finally cracked and took over his body as it turned to an acidic sadness.
        He crumbled as the tears moved down his cheeks and mourned you.
 “You went to my house?” You asked, finally turning to face him. “After all everyone told you?”
“I didn’t believe them,” Eddie spoke tensely. “I also needed to see for myself…I-I couldn’t…I didn’t wanna think of the possibilities that everyone was lying.”
“Why would you think they’d lie about that?” You asked.
“Because of how we left things. I thought you hated me…I-I thought you’d never wanna see me again.”
A deep frown formed on your lips, “Guess I proved you wrong on that, huh.”
“Guess you did,” Eddie nodded.
“So now what?” You asked after another long moment.
“I don’t know. But I do know one thing, I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.” Eddie spoke firmly.  
reblog + like if you enjoyed
So, more Eddie and Reader like some of ya'll wanted. I hope you liked it! Getting more into how the outbreak happened and Eddie coming back to see Reader was gone. Please let me know your thoughts. I love the comments/replies you guys leave please keep 'em coming! They are an inspiration.
Also trying tagging again - if the list isn't there read this. It explains why.
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ellatoone7 · 2 years
Bad dreams (Alessia Russo x Ella Toone x Reader)
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Warning: a little bit angsty at the start
You knew something was wrong, Alessia and Ella had been acting different for a while. Originally you thought maybe they were just stressed about the upcoming season.
Millie had moved out a few months ago, finally moving in with Rachel. The first few months of living with your girlfriends were amazing.
You were drowned with affection but that all slowly stopped, eating dinner was torture, with you just trying to fill the silence and ignore the growing pit in your stomach.
So you knew things were wrong when you got home after an audition to find them sitting in the kitchen with their heads down.
“Hey.” You greeted them like you always did, normally you accompany the greeting with a kiss but that hasn’t been happening much lately.
Like the new usual they didn’t respond, you barely talked to them anymore with their busy schedules and you being on set some days.
“It’s melting outside, I was dying in my trailer.” Again nothing, you busied yourself with making three cups of tea before Alessia finally spoke up.
“We need to talk.”
You froze placing your hands on the counter trying to ground yourself as you took a deep breath. You turned to look at them but they were staring straight ahead refusing to make eye contact with you.
“Okay.” You sat down in front of them feeling like a little kid about to be told off, you tried to reassure yourself but how could you when the two girls you love most haven’t even acknowledged your presence in weeks.
Ella was frozen, she hadn’t uttered a word and her hands were clasped tightly in for my of her as she stared down at the floor. Alessia had the decency to glance up at you for two second before regretting it and staring back down.
“We don’t think this is working.” You looked away, you knew it was coming but nothing could have prepared you for the string ache that burst through your heart.
“It’s not you-“ “Don’t you dare give me that bullshit!” Alessia nodded in shame, you laughed in shock, you never thought you’d be in this situation with them but here you are.
“I can’t fucking believe this…” You muttered desperately trying to control your emotions, you weren’t going to let them see you cry, not after this.
“So pWhat? That’s it? Your both fucking unbelievable!” Your mask was slipping and all the frustration you had bottled up the past few months was making its appearance.
“Look at me at least!” They didn’t budge, Ella had been frozen while Alessia gulped slightly still looking down, “[Y/N/N]-“ “Don’t call me that.”
Alessia’s jaw wobbled as she tried to contain her tears, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at you. Ella gently grabbed her best friends hand under the table to give her the support she needed.
“Look, this is a big season for us. United is expecting big things and we just can’t take any chances…” You scoff, eyes shining in unshed tears, “Fucking football. This is about football!”
“Oh my god…I’ve given up my whole fucking career for you!”
“I should’ve have fucking known not to get involved with football players.” A sob slips through as the reality hits you, leaving your home, your family, your friends, your job was for absolutely nothing.
“So this was the plan, huh? Lead me along until the silence gets too awkward for the two of you that you decide to finally put me out of my misery!” Tears are falling freely now as you can’t even try to stop them.
The question that’s been at the top of your tongue since they sat you down finally came out, “Did you ever fucking love me?”
Alessia bites her tongue, willing the tears to stay for a bit longer as she watches the girl she’s loved for years crumble because of her.
All she wants to do is pull you into an embrace and never let you go, take everything back and reassure you over and over that she loves you, that she’ll always love you.
Instead she stays quiet wincing at the tight hand wrapped in hers, tears drip onto the table as Ella goes through the same struggle.
The silence that follows your question will haunt you, realising the two girls that you never want to live without never even loved you will stay with you forever.
“You’re fucking cowards!” The room was suffocating, a house you once loved turning quickly into a nightmare.
You don’t even let them say anything not that they would’ve as you walk out the door, praying on a high god that maybe they’ll snap out of it and chase after you, whispering their apologies as they kiss you over and over.
But as you drive off, leaving basically your whole life behind you wonder what the hell you’ll do. Having no choice you called Leah, asking her could you stay with her for a couple days.
The next week Leah barged into your former home, Ella had barley moved from the couch. Staring at space you were when they ripped your heart out.
Alessia had tended to Ella, she figured if she just kept busy then her mind wouldn’t think of you, except for the fact that every single thing reminds her of you.
Alessia knew someone was bound to come and take all your stuff so she packed it away in boxes, it was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do in her life.
It took her hours to finish and she still hasn’t, sobbing quietly in what used to be your room as her heart ached was routine as she buried her face into your jumper.
She had asked Ella would she want to help but Ella has been a ghost of herself, never talks, barely eats and drinks and never moves from the couch.
Breaking up with you was so they could improve their football but it’s honestly gone the complete opposite way. They both had thought that football was the love of their life, nothing could ever beat it but this ache that never stops from you leaving has put a lot of things into perspective.
They have fucked up majorly and they are paying for it now, Leah doesn’t even look at them as she walks straight to your room grabbing the first box.
Alessia offers to help but the glare she gets is enough to have her staring back at the floor again. Ella doesn’t even move a muscle.
“Leah, please!” Alessia breaks at the silence, begging Leah to scream at them or hit them just so she can feel something other than the crushing guilt and heartbreak she has been feeling.
Leah doesn’t even acknowledge her as she comes in and out making quick work of the boxes, as she shuts the boot she doesn’t even give a second glance as she jumps back into the car.
Leah doesn’t get out the gate though as she slams the door closed, marching up to Alessia before giving her a shove. It’s not hard enough to make her fall but she does stumble back.
“I will never fucking forgive the two of you.” Alessia stares at Leah trying to convey the regret she feels, Leah just scoffs practically shaking from anger she bunches her fists tightly.
Alessia’s sure she’ll hit her but Leah has always been good at controlling herself, “She hasn’t fucking been able to get out of bed!” Alessia had never seen Leah so angry, the tears threatening to fall from the captains eyes as she glares at the blonde girl.
“I would give up my whole life for that girl!” Alessia finally hangs her head in shame as Leah continues to scream at her, “If you did it for football your fucking idiots. It’s really improved your performances, huh? Tooney can’t even get off the fucking couch!”
Alessia looks over her shoulder staring at the girl who’s been stuck there for months, “And you’re in fucking denial, mate!”
Everything that’s come out of Leah’s mouth had been true, Alessia thought she was going to pass out as Leah’s voice muffled, everything did go black but she didn’t think she passed out.
She tries to stand up but an arm around her stops her, “Lessi, stop moving!” Alessia’s heart stopped when she heard your voice, she frantically called your name over and over until you and Ella sat up and turned the light on.
“Whoa! Alessia, babe, calm down.” Alessia was so confused as she glanced between you and Ella, taking in her surroundings she realised where she was, in your shared room.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N] I’m sorry, I love you, I don’t care about football, I care about you! We made a mistake!” You and Ella stared at the girl like she had two heads.
“We!” Ella spoke up but you slapped her arm gently, “Less, what’s wrong?” Alessia just cups your jaw brining her forehead to yours as she sighs in relief.
It was just a nightmare.
“Bad dream.” She mumbles kissing you gently, Ella wraps a reassuring arm around her waist as your concern fades slightly.
“You wanna talk about it, Less?” She quickly nods and tells you and Ella all about Leah and the pure guilt she felt and how worried she was for Ella.
Ella repeatedly kissed both your cheeks in reassurance as Alessia finishes up, “Less…”
You pulling her into you as her shoulders slump, kissing her neck lightly as she breathes you in.
One hand is buried in your hair while the other is wrapped tightly up in your jumper, “I love you.” You glance at Ella who holds your hand tightly.
“I know, Less. I love you too.” As you gently lie back with Alessia’s face buried into your neck you nod at Ella to turn the lights off. Instantly regretting that though as Ella blindly tries to walk back to bed.
After an elbow to the face and five minutes of scolding Ella you finally settled down, Alessia tucked into your neck while Ella held you tightly.
Giving a light kiss behind your ear, “I love you too, ya know.” You giggle at the fake jealous tone in her voice, careful not to wake your other sleeping girlfriend you turn your head slightly to look at Ella.
She kisses your nose softly before finally claiming your lips, after getting your fill of kisses you turn back around, Ella’s arms giving you more comfort than ever.
A/n: These two actually give me life. Thank you so much for all your support it means the world to me!! Hope you’ve enjoyed these so far! Feel free to leave requests or tips! Have a great day!!! ❤️‍🔥
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blaidd-gwyn · 1 year
If you still feel like doing WIP asks, I'm intrigued by MB Main qpr and Soft yennskier post torture! <3
Of course! 💕 Soft Yennskier answered here already.
MB is short for my Mage's Bard series which honestly was the catalyst for me becoming a yennskier shipper (I loved writing their dynamic much more than I did Jaskier and Geralt). It's essentially a rewrite of s2 but Jaskier is with Yennefer from the start and they're in a previously established queer-platonic relationship. I've written almost 20k for this fic but I lost steam with it several times. I have no doubt that if I ever finish it, it would be the longest thing I've ever written. Lots of angst, whump and softness.
Now is probably a good time to drop a snippet of the first chapter (since I've actually written for this wip lmao)
Yennefer watched from the corner of the tavern, shitty ale in hand. The room was crowded, sweaty bodies pressed close together in the small space, voices mingling in a cacophony of noise as the people cheered and sang along. It was hardly the type of place she would choose to spend an evening after a day on the road, but it was worth it. After all, nowhere else on the Continent could she find better entertainment.
Jaskier was performing tonight, his nimble fingers dancing across the strings of his lute, his voice drowning out the clamour around him enough to be heard. She’d been watching him closely, appreciating the way he managed to move between the tables in a way that looked effortless. He smiled and winked at the audience as he went, ever the flirt that he was.
It didn’t bother like it had just a few months ago. She knew when all was said and done, he would return to the seat opposite her for a drink and some food before they headed to their room together. She could just sit back and relax.
Or she would, if it weren’t for the drunkards who kept trying to approach her. They were all too far gone in their cups to realise she wasn’t interested in any of them which unfortunately meant she’d had to resort to scowling for most of the night. It was effective enough to deter most of them, but that still didn’t stop everyone.
One such man had the audacity to take Jaskier’s seat without so much as a hello. She turned to glare at him immediately, ready to tell  him to fuck off. He beat her to it however, interrupting her with “This isn’t where I expected to find you.”
“Piss off. That seat’s taken,” she said coldly.
The man didn’t budge, instead leaning in close across the table. “I’ve been watching you for a while now. You’re here alone,” he said as though that wasn’t the creepiest thing he could’ve said.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” she asked the stranger, already done with his bullshit. He clearly hadn’t been drinking as his speech was clear and his breath lacked the stench of alcohol so there must have been something wrong with him for him to act so brazenly.
“Vilgefortz of Roggeveen,” he said, his voice barely audible above the crowd singing along to one of Jaskier’s more famous songs.
“Is that supposed to mean something to me,” she said sharply. If he didn’t say something of interest soon she would have to remove him with force.
“Perhaps not,” he said, backing off slightly. “I’m here on behalf of the Brotherhood.”
Yennefer rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to Jaskier. The last thing she wanted was the Brotherhood dragging her back into their bullshit. “Why shouldn’t I have you kicked out of here this second,” she said, still not looking at him.
“I need you to come with me,” he said but failed to elaborate. Why could these people never be straight forward?
She had half a mind to tell him to fuck off right then and there, but her curiosity got the better of her. After all, he seemed to know who she was and wanted her specifically. “And where exactly do you propose we go?” she asked. Across the room she spotted Jaskier looking at her, his brows drawn together in concern. She shook her head, trying to let him know she was fine. The moment was only brief before he turned to continue singing at the nearest table.
“Aretuza,” Vilgefortz said, drawing her attention back to the unfortunate conversation.
She didn’t bother to disguise her laugh, finally turning to look at him with disbelief. His face remained serious.
“Believe me, the feeling’s mutual,” Vilgefortz said. “The chapter thinks you’re rash, unpredictable and dangerous.”
“Why exactly should I go with you?” she asked.
The question seemed to take Vilgefortz by surprise. “Well, surely sitting in some backwater tavern listening to this warbling idiot isn’t the most important thing you could be doing,” he said blithely, clearly intending to get a rise out of her.
Unfortunately for him, he’d succeeded. Yennefer already had several insults at the ready when she opened her mouth. A gentle hand landed on her shoulder from behind in that moment, stopping her in her tracks. Without needing to look, she knew it was Jaskier. “Is everything alright?” he asked, his presence alone enough to calm her.
Vilgefortz visibly recoiled at Jaskier’s appearance, sitting back in his chair so that he was no longer crowding into Yennefer’s space, eyeing him with suspicion. Yennefer turned her head to look up at Jaskier, a sickly sweet smile on her face. “Yes dear, everything is fine.”
She looked back to Vilgefortz in time to see his eyes widen ever so slightly. Good, he knew he’d fucked up. His reaction was better than anything her insults could have achieved so she allowed her expression to morph into a smug smile, challenging him to keep trying whatever tactic he had planned.
“Sorry, you were saying why I should go with you,” she said, challenging him to make another mistake. If this was the best the brotherhood could do, they were already fucked.
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Something admittedly does rub me the wrong way about pet!Dream apologizing to Quackity for “misleading” him. Like, the whole timeline is that 1) Quackity’s torture assisted in damaging him so much that he had no choice but to revert back to this form for an extended period of time, 2) Quackity finds him in the middle of nowhere and decides to keep him as a pet, 3) Quackity and Dream bond in a weird little dynamic where Dream is under the impression that he will be murdered brutally and painfully if he is found out and 4) Dream escapes the moment he has the chance. Frankly, I’d even say that he’d be completely in the right even if he took advantage of Quackity’s hospitality entirely instead of escaping as quickly as he could. He never really did anything to Quackity except for his (failed) attempt to destroy Las Nevadas (he blew up a path and a wall and was swarmed by an army of slime men — Charlie is the only one who actually got any sort of victory that day a la taking back his own personal autonomy from the guy who tried to shape him into his own image). And even that was in response to three months of daily torture so brutal that Quackity frequently left covered in his blood (which apparently felt like six months to him, according to Punz — and I don’t see why either of them would lie about that since I don’t think Purpled gave a shit about the actual duration — especially since it’s already been established that his sense of time had been completely screwed up in the prison) (no clock).
If I may make an alteration:
Dream is huddled beneath a bush, letting out squeaky little hiccups as the rain pours down around him. His cover is blown, his taste of family has just been shot to bits, and he’s pretty sure people are going to be coming after him soon. Which is really bad because he still hadn’t recovered fully and he certainly can’t run faster than any of them.
He hears footsteps. He recognizes them as Quackity’s immediately and begins to panic — especially when the man halts right in front of his bush. There’s no way out. He’s caught. He wonders if he’s going to make it quick and then disregards the notion entirely: Quackity enjoyed his visits in Pandora.
But instead of reaching for him, Quackity — sits down. And he begins to sing quietly.
It’s an old tune. Something cheesy and sweet, the kind of thing you’d expect to hear in an old movie about candy and flowers and true love’s kiss. The kind of thing you’d hear from your grandmother as a baby. Maybe it’s in Spanish and Dream doesn’t even know what any of the lyrics mean, but melodies are universal so it doesn’t matter.
It takes a while. But eventually Dream pokes his head out, just barely. He’s wet and he’s cold, and if Quackity reaches for him now there’s no way he’d be able to run in time, but nothing happens. Quackity glances at him with soft eyes and then averts his gaze again, continuing to sing.
Maybe he’s being stupid. Maybe he’s naive — maybe Quackity being nice to him these past few weeks has turned his brain to jelly. He’ll regret this, probably. But he stays until Quackity finally begins to trail off the melody, transitioning to watching him in silence.
It’s quiet. The rain has stopped.
“I’ve got some soup back home,” Quackity finally says. “It’s still warm. …And if it’s not, I can always heat it up again.”
He knows it’s a stupid move. But he’s tired and he’s wet and he’s cold, and Quackity’s offer is so much more tempting now that he’s had a taste of it. So he accepts.
The man sneaks him past the clearing full of people. They are still arguing.
As it turns out, Quackity was telling the truth. A bowl of hot soup is waiting for them back at his house, and he doles up a bowl and moves to sit down. He takes a spoon and carefully lifts out a bite, holding it out for Dream to take.
It’s good.
(To be clear: I’m not trying to make a personal attack against you or anything! Just something I was thinking.)
ok you have very excellent points here and yes don’t worry i understand where you’re coming from and love love love hearing your thoughts on the lore :D
(discussion nelowww)
i think that it’s kinda almost the same as the tommy apology to dream?? like i didn’t really see it as blob dream forgiving quackity,, i saw it almost as him apologising about that fact that he had hopped around to so many different server members,, and didn’t tell quackity about what was going on. but i also think that i put it in there as almost a vulnerable moment for dream. he shouldn’t really be the one apologising at all :(( and yet he’s wet and cold and there’s a million thoughts rushing through his head and he feels like he’s lost something that he actually enjoyed. and so the pitiful squeak is all that comes out of him
but i do actually prefer your ending better where dream is far more scared of quackity. where quackity has to coax him out more because dream is genuinely scared of him. perhaps there’s a moment where quackity actually makes the connection that the majority of the reason as to why the blob is beaten up in the first place is because of him. like he starts off by crouching down and being hurt about the fact that dream lied, but then suddenly realises throughout his monologue that hang on wait,, why would dream tell the truth? what could he have possibly done for dream in the past that would cause him to trust him?
like having a moment for quackity in the rain where he just goes through a mass self-reflection,, with dream still panicked, sopping-wet, and holding his breath from beneath his bush. but i guess it’s like one of those moments where characters realise that dream is just a human like the rest of them,, and really they’ve all done bad things. if what punz said about dream motives is true then quackity doesn’t really have the heart to just leave him out here
he starts singing his song (cute 🥺),, im tempted for it to be a song that he used to sing to slime? or something like that. either way the image of quackity singing a song while both of them are drenched and miserable in the rain is :( but perfect.
i also like your touch of dream crawling his way out and not being fully trusting of quackity, just feeling like he’s got no other choice. the promise of soup does sound nice.
i think that quackitys character has promise for self reflection and change. which is why it’s still cute that he’s the one that brings dream back to the community house. but perhaps it takes dream a little longer to fully trust him
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donald4spiderman · 2 years
Heya! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but can I request a venom!reader x TASM!Peter Parker. Where they would have a Black Cat and Spider-Man dynamic, and at some point they start to get close and the reader stop with their petty crimes. And later in their relationship, one of them ends up confessing (and maybe end up making out? ;))
crime doesn’t make you feel nearly as good as parker does. venom!reader
tasm!peter parker x venom!reader
tw: slight angst, kissing
a/n: i have limited knowledge about venom since i’ve been putting off watching the movies. i read a few of the comics ages ago, so my memory is rusty. please inform me if things don’t make sense! PLEASE REBLOG
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YOUR FEET DANGLE CARELESSLY OFF THE LEDGE OF THE SKYSCRAPER as you observed the bustling city beneath you. The faint sputter of cars and the distant chatter of crowds accompanies your thoughts.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Most people would whip their head around at the sudden disturbance, but you stay still, unphased by the familiar voice. It was only a matter of time before your friend—Spider-Man, Peter Parker, whatever—showed up for his nightly visit.
You hate to admit it, but over the past few months of battling and reconciling with the superhero, he’s learned quite a bit about you—more than you were willing to share. At first, you were hellbent on committing crime whenever the opportunity presented itself. After all, being infected by a Venom symbiote doesn’t exactly lend itself to charitable acts. You were also determined to give New York’s famous vigilante an even harder time. You enjoyed the endless cat and mouse game—the chase.
Torturing and taunting the hero with your reprehensible actions was entertaining for a while, but soon enough, it lost its spark. You noticed yourself growing empathetic towards the web-slinger, and he began feeling the same towards you.
It was on a night like this where Peter revealed his identity to you in hopes of humanizing himself. It wasn’t a total shock to find out that an 18 year old boy was hidden behind the mask, but he wasn’t exactly what you were expecting either. You ended up sharing your identity with him as well, and after talking for hours, a dreaded soft spot bloomed in your chest.
Crime paled in comparison to time spent with Peter. Of course, you still gave him a hard time, and on occasion, you’d engage in petty theft (for a good cause). You weren’t a completely changed person, but the new, more sensitive and caring, you would be nearly unrecognizable to the old you.
You don’t respond to his greeting; Peter takes your indifferent silence as an invitation to sit beside you. He yanks his mask off his, tossing it behind him without a second thought. It’s just you and him.
“Something on your mind?” He teases, though concern sifts through the cracks.
You shake your head, “Not really.”
“Ambiguous,” Peter chortles, “you gonna tell me what you’re thinking about? Or, are you gonna make me work for it?”
“Hmm,” you pretend to ponder, “I don’t know.”
“Making you work for it is so fun,” you smile, glancing the left to discover Peter pouting, “you only get out what you put in.”
“I don’t know why I expect anything different from you.” He sighs in defeat.
“Ha-ha.” You deadpan.
He groans, tossing his head back. “Do I have to beg? Please don’t make me beg.”
“Sounds to me like you’re already begging,” you chide, “you’re so lucky I’m feeling nice today, Spidey.”
Peter’s lips curl into a delighted grin. “Must be a special occasion; I’m receiving mercy from (Y/N),” he prods at you in an attempt to lighten your mood, “seriously, though. If something’s wrong you know you can tell me, right?”
You roll your eyes, fighting the desire to smile just as wide as him. “Yeah, yeah, Mr. Therapist. Whatever.”
“Right. Sorry,” you mumble, “I’m just really tired.”
“Ah, yes. Crime is very exhausting.”
“You know damn well I haven’t done anything actually illegal in weeks. I’m growing soft.”
“Not soft. Just...considerate,” he pauses, ���yeah! Considerate.”
You shake your head at his antics, “God, you make it sound so fucking lame. Good thing you’re cute, Spidey. ‘Makes some of this boring, good-person shit worth it, I guess.”
“T-thanks? I-I mean-you should be doing this because it’s the right thing to do-not just cause you think I-I’m cute,” he halts his sputtering to find you smirking in delectation, “okay, well. Now I understand that you were-that was a joke-and now I’ve just-wow-I made myself sound really dumb.”
“You’re pretty, so it makes up for it,” you push further, “with a face like that you can’t have the brains too.”
A blush creeps up his neck, “I can’t tell if I should be flattered or insulted.”
“Both would be the proper response.” You nod, suddenly in a better mood from flustering Peter.
“Anyway,” He makes an effort to redirect the conversation, “what’s going on in your head.”
“So nosy,” you mutter beneath your breath, hands wringing together. It’s always easy to be this confident, cocky anti-hero around Peter when you’re Venom, but without the symbiote-exterior, it’s just you, (Y/N). You feel vulnerable, “I’ve just been worrying like crazy. It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not,” he reassures, “tell me.”
You inhale nervously. “It’s just-things have been going really good for me. Honestly, I think my life is the best it’s been since before this fucking parasite bonded to me. I’m less insane than I was before; I’m a better person; I have you,” Peter’s heart flutters at your confession, “I’m just worried things are gonna disappear all of a sudden. I’m worried I won’t be able to control the Venom anymore and I’ll lose everything.”
“You won’t lose me.”
“Peter, you can’t possibly promise something like that.” You chuckle dryly.
“I can,” he affirms, “even if something bad happens—which i’m not saying it will—i’ll help you. I helped you once and I’ll help you a thousand times if you need me. You’re still you, (Y/N). Venom doesn’t take away from that.”
“You’re such a superhero.” You roll your eyes. Peter gasps with feigned offense.
“Is that such a bad thing.”
You shake your head, “No. It used to be. But not anymore.”
“Cool. Good.” He smiles, elated at how surprisingly personal this conversation was.
“Try to look less like a kid in a candy store.” You bite, shoving him slightly. He falters, gripping onto the edge of the concrete wall as if he forgot he was Spider-Man. Falling was no where near a risk for him.
His brows scrunch together. “Right. Sorry.”
“Whatever. You can make it up to me later; I have a few ideas.” You remark suggestively, aching to regain control of the subject.
“I will.” Peter promises.
“Alright,” you nod with pursed lips, uncomfortable with the lull in chatter, “so-“
“I like you.” Peter interrupts with a quick shout.
“Huh? What?!”
“I like you,” he repeats, “in a romantic way. I’m sure you could kind of tell-maybe you were just avoiding it because you didn’t want to talk about it-but I had to tell you, okay? I really like you and I really care about you. I don’t want you to have ever doubt that.”
“Okay,” you whisper, “I won’t-I won’t doubt that.”
“Promise?” He’s naive and hopeful, maybe even stupid for trusting you. But what’s life worth without blind leaps into the abyss and love-struck confessions?
“Yes. I promise,” your pinky entangles with his slender digit, wrapping tightly. “Pink promise.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“I like you too—in a romantic way.” You mock, slightly uneasy at the prospect of dating, but confident in your feelings nonetheless.
Peter beams, “O-okay. Really?”
“Yes, really. Why do you think I was so willing to abandon my old ways?”
“So you really were only doing this because I’m a pretty face?!” He laughs.
“Maybe,” you hum, twisting your torso to face him. Your eyes trace the bruises and scratches on his face which he sustained from his patrol, “you do have a very pretty face.”
“Thanks. You do too.”
Peter leans in closer, slipping his lips onto yours. They move in tandem as your bodies slide closer, chests itching to be flush with one another. He cradles your face with firm hands, craning your neck to breathe you in. It’s a contest of who will consume who first. You hate admitting defeat, but Peter is definitely holding a steady lead.
Yeah, you think as a low groan escapes his throat. He’s worth it all.
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volturi-imagines · 2 years
Demetri’s Newborn
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Being the only newborn in a castle full of century-old vampires was difficult, they all expected me to have the same amount of self-control as them and any sign of aggression was met with a week or a month in the dungeons, in isolation. 
I tried to be a good vampire, but it seemed like everything I did angered someone, and I was punished for it. I had contemplated running away, or stepping into the town square, forcing the other guards to kill me but something always stopped me, maybe it wasn’t something, maybe it was someone. Demetri Volturi. He was the one who had plucked me off the streets on my way home from the library where I worked and turned me. Master Aro had been furious when Demetri showed up with me, only a few hours into my new life. Aro had sentenced me to death but with a touch of Demetri’s hand, Aro abandoned that idea, so I was stuck being forced to sink or swim and I was currently drowning.
The stars shined brightly as I sat on the roof of the castle, I had another full day of getting my ass handed to me in training and just wanted to be alone.
“Knew I would find you up here.”
Felix came to sit next to me, he had slowly become a friend, but he never held back during training.
“Am I in trouble again?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
I hung my head, it was embarrassing to talk about my shortcoming with one of the elite guards.
“Because I do nothing right and I just want to die or leave this place. I feel so alone. I have no one that is there for me.”
I felt like I needed to cry but I couldn’t so I just had this lump in my chest as I took deep breaths to calm myself. Felix was quiet as I did my breathing exercises and once I had physically relaxed a little he finally spoke.
“Have you ever asked Demetri why he turned you?”
That question threw me off guard, I had never asked Demetri but I had asked one of the other lower female guards.
“No, but rumor is I was a feeding gone wrong. Demetri was ambushed or something before he could finish me off.”
Standing up Felix offered me his hand to help me up. Once we stood next to each other he put his hand on my shoulder.
“I think you should talk to Demetri. Tell him what you told me.”
Deciding to listen to Felix I left the rooftop and made my way to the elite guard's wing of the castle. Knocking on the big wooden door it took no time before Demetri opened it, he looked shocked to see me at his door but silently stood to the side as I walked in. Once I heard the click on the door close I turned around to face him, speaking up before he could.
“Why did you turn me? I’ve heard rumors that I was a feeding gone wrong, or I am just here as a punching bag for everyone, or it's all just a sick game to torture me for no reason and you will kill me sooner or later.”
I took a deep breath, Demetri wood pine scent filled my nose, calming in a way before I continued as Demetri stood silent watching me.
“I just want to die.”
Demetri looked hurt at my words as he crossed the room, slowly he intertwined our hands.
“I had thought if I gave you space and time to come to terms with your new life it would be better but I see now that what you needed was my support and guidance. Mi amor, I didn’t turn you for any nefarious reasons, I turned you because you are my mate. I am so sorry for how you have suffered and I promise I’ll do better and support you. Will you give this life another try?”
I felt like I was going into shock as I nodded my head in agreement. This was not how I thought the conversation was going to go but I did like the idea of an eternity with Demetri by my side.
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Wrong opinions - Eddie Munson x Harrington! Reader
Part 2 of Falling for the Enemy. Part 1 is here
Warnings: Violence and brief descriptions of injuries, cursing, and mentions of someone being in a coma. Lots of angst :)
Word count: 2.7k (my longest fic ever)
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“I want in.” Those 3 words completely changed your world. Once they were uttered, you were essentially in boot camp with both your brother and boyfriend; both of them wanting to make sure you were ready for the upside down.
Steve had given you his old bat to use as a weapon of choice, knowing your softball experience would make swinging it around easier. “She hasn’t failed me yet. Now she’s gonna keep you safe with the help of the shield that Henderson and Munson are gonna make you.” He watched as you took the bat from him, turning it over in your hands. You noticed some of the blood stains on it, an eye brow raising at it before he chuckled. “She’s got some good use. Now go practice with it.” He playfully shoved you forward, watching you take off through the field where you guys were parked towards Eddie.
Steve could tell you were excited about having the hand-me-down weapon, your excited gestures towards it causing Dustin and Eddie to be very clearly amused as they were building your shield. They made sure to make yours a little lighter than theirs, showing you how to wield it. “It’s gonna feel a little weird, but we’re gonna get you used to it.” Eddie’s voice could be heard telling you, his lips brushing your temple before he showed you how to effectively protect and defend yourself both at the same time. Or, at least, how he thought it should’ve been done. The entire time Dustin was giving corrections, training you both on the ways of the upside down.
“They’re actually really cute, you know?” Steve’s thoughts were interrupted by Robin coming to sit beside him, nudging his shoulder as they worked on the Molotov cocktails. He looked over at her, an eyebrow cocking as he let out a sigh.
“I know they are, but I can’t help but have a bad feeling in my gut. This shouldn’t be the first time she goes down there, Robin. She’s all I have family wise. I’ve protected her ever since I could walk. I won’t be able too down there…” the concern in Steve’s voice was evident, his eyes completely glued to you. He remembered your childhood; how he stood up against every single bully and every single crappy boyfriend you got. “I remember this one year in elementary school, I almost got expelled one year for beating up a kid who made her cry at recess. He got a fat eye and a busted lip and I got grounded for two months, but it was worth every second. I knew he wouldn’t mess with her anymore.” He chuckled at the memory, looking down at the glass bottle in his hand.
Robin looked at him sympathetically, laying a hand on his shoulder. “She has to grow up sometime. Big brother can’t be there all the time. I know you want too, but Eddie seems to care about her a lot. Between him and Dustin, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” Her words gave him a small amount of comfort, watching you roll around in the grass with the two boys who he was counting on to watch out for you.
“Eddie! There’s no tickling in battle! That’s not fair!” Your squeals echoed through laughter, trying to push his hands off of your sides as he mercilessly went to town torturing you. His weight was suddenly lifted off of you as Dustin tackled him, their laughter now mixing in with yours.
“Maybe you’re right.” Steve’s voice almost sounded foreign to him as he said the words, nodding and then realizing it was starting to get dark. “Alright guys. It’s time to move.”
Once it was time for the plan to go into action, the atmosphere changed. It got more tense, the feeling becoming palpable in the air. It felt like adrenaline and fear all rolled into one; suffocating yet invigorating. The feeling kept getting heavier as you walked into Eddie’s trailer, the once welcoming vibe of it now feeling ominous as you stared up at the gaping hole in the ceiling. You weren’t sure what to expect for a gate into another dimension, but you guessed you had imagined it would have looked almost, cooler?
You were lost in your thoughts, suddenly feeling yourself have arms wrapped around you. “It’s almost your turn, babe.” The voice was Eddie’s, his lips brushing against your ear as it sent shivers down your spine. “Don’t worry, you got this.” You swallowed the thick bile that was rising in your throat, watching as Robin climbed the rope and somehow landed on the ceiling? Floor? You weren’t sure, but you were very confused.
Once it was your turn, you took the white sheet in your hands and started to climb through the threshold into the upside down. Once you were through, you let out a soft grunt at the feeling of your back hitting against the mattress laid out on floor. You took a second to reorient yourself before taking the hand Steve held out to you, giving him a thankful smile as he helped you to your feet. Then Eddie, once he was through as well.
“Alright, everyone. We’re all here. Let’s make him pay.” The voice was Nancy’s, signaling all of you that it was go time once Lucas gave the signal. It was also time for everyone to go their separate ways now. Her and Robin turned to walk out of the trailer, expecting Steve to follow them.
You weren’t paying attention, your mind on the job at hand as you started to walk to your position. However, your wrist was soon caught in Steve’s grip, his brown eyes that mirrored your own clouded with apprehension. You had never seen your brother this scared. “Be careful.” I love you, sis.
You swallowed back your own apprehension, giving him a curt nod. A knot in your stomach was forming as you felt the nickname you had for Steve as a kid slip it’s way out your of lips. “I will. Make me proud, bub.” I love you too.
He gave you one last curt nod, then giving the same gesture to Dustin and Eddie. “Remember, she comes back in one piece or I rip you two to shreds.” The words were a promise, his back now turning to you three as he walked out of the trailer, the door shutting behind him.
“Well he sure knows how to lighten the mood.” Dustin’s voice was teasing as you guys started to fortify the trailer, putting metal and coverage everywhere you could think of in order to protect the three of you. You kept your bat at an arms length at all times, ready to grab it and go to town at any time.
The plan seemed to be going down without a hitch, each step falling into place as Eddie finished his solo; running into the trailer with Dustin trailing behind. The three of you listened at the squealing of the bats, the high pitched sound making your skin crawl as you back against the wall of the trailer. You were trying to make yourself as small as possible, Eddie lacing his fingers through yours. His hand squeezed yours tightly, a sign that he loved you and he was there with you. You were staring at him, getting lost in his eyes briefly before a stunning silence overcame the camper.
A bat burst in through the vent on top of the roof, Eddie managing to kill it easily as he used his shield to block the flow of others from coming in. “Guys, we gotta go. Right now!” Dustin’s voice was desperate as he ran towards the sheet, climbing back into Hawkins as he looked at you and Eddie expectantly.
You had the sheet in your hands, starting to climb up when you heard Eddie turn. “Eddie.. what are you doing?” Your voice was surprisingly strong, your eyes glued to your boyfriend as he took a step towards the door.
“I’m buying them more time. Listen to me, I love you. You keep Henderson safe!” Then suddenly Eddie was running out the door, a shocked gasp leaving your lips as you scrambled to let go of the sheet. You landed and stumbled, correcting your posture as you looked between Dustin and the door.
“(Y/N), Steve will kill me if I let you go. Please.” Dustin’s voice was pleading, your eyes shooting back and forth as you tried to figure out what to do. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You weighed your options, not wanting Eddie to be out there by himself. But, you also didn’t want to make Dustin worry about how your brother would react.
Fuck it. You decided it would be better to ask for forgiveness later. You took off out the door of the trailer, your eyes shooting around as you saw the massive swarm of bats around Eddie. You panicked, quickly running towards him but realizing he was too far away for you to reach him in time. “Eddie!” Your voice was clouded with terror, watching as the swarm flew around him. You had to do something.
Armed with the modified baseball bat and your shield, you decided it was now or never. “Hey imbeciles, come get me!” That’s when you started to make as much noise as you could, watching the black cloud of bats slowly start to leave Eddie and come your way. Oh, shit.
You turned to take off running, wanting to lead them away. “Come on you bastards.” The words left your lips, followed by a grunt as you fell face first into the dirt. Oh, no. No no no. This couldn’t be happening. Your shoe had gotten caught on a rock, causing you to lose your balance and tumble to the ground. You rolled over onto your back just in time to see the swarm be right on top of you. “(Y/N)! Baby!” You heard Eddie’s desperate cry’s as he started to bike towards you.
You reached for your shield, trying to use it for as much close quarters combat as you could. However, it proved to be very ineffective and your weapon was out of arms reach. You let out a stifled sob as you kept trying to fight them off and get back up, the air from them flying around making it hard to even move at all.
Then, that’s when you felt it. That’s when the pain set in. Red hot fire shooting through every single vein in your body; every single nerve ending exploding. An anguished scream left your lips, the bats latching onto your abdomen as you tried and tried to get them off. Your vision started to go blurry; Eddie coming into view as he tried to help fight the swarm away from you. “Baby, stay with me!” His words were uttered between grunts, eyes wild and desperate as he tried to fight towards you. That was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
“Mom, please don’t go. I have my big game this week! You and dad promised to be there! You guys were supposed to walk with me on the field for introductions!” The memory was still 100% fresh in your mind, one of the first times your parents had gone on a business trip. They were only supposed to be gone “for a short period”, but it had turned into a much longer stent. Babysitters were in and out of the house and you hated every single minute of it.
It came to be the day of the game and you were the only girl on your team alone, tears falling down your cheeks as you prepared to walk onto the pitchers mound to mark the start of the season. Your coach had noticed your parents hadn’t shown and she was getting ready to walk with you until you heard someone’s voice behind you. “I know I’m not mom or dad, but at least you can have one family member here.” You turned to see Steve, tears welling up in your eyes as you ran and threw your arms around him. “Come on, sis. Let’s get you on that field.”
Suddenly the scene changed and you were in Eddie’s trailer, laying out on his bed as he plucked a few strings of his guitar. You were hanging upside down off of Eddie’s bed, making goofy faces to distract him as he tried to practice a new song he was working on. “You know, your face is going to stick like that.” The words left the boys mouth effortlessly as he laughed at your goofiness. “Guess it’s a good thing I’ll love you no matter what you look like..” he hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, his expression made that clear, but now the words were hanging in the air.
“Y-you love me?” The words came out of your lips as you sat back up on his bed, your eyes locking with his as he nodded. He didn’t hesitate to reaffirm you, repeating his words again. “Well, it’s a good thing I love you too.”
The scene changed one last time to one that you had never seen before. There was a body of a girl laying in a bed and there was a boy on either side of it; her hands in theirs. You squinted your eyes, soon recognizing who the boys were. Eddie and Steve. Your Eddie and Steve. That must mean- no. No, there’s no way you were in that bed. There is absolutely no way. But, as you started to listen to the voices that came from the two boys, you knew it was true. “Baby, please wake up. You’ve been in this coma for days. Please come back to us..” the words were Eddie’s, his tear stained cheeks pressing against your hand as he let his rings rap against your tiny knuckles.
“Damn it, (Y/N). Fucking wake up. I miss you at home. It’s so quiet without your fucking obnoxious music and laughter filling the hallways. Now all that fills the house is mom and dad arguing and them pretending they even gave a shit. I need my fucking little sister back.” Steve’s voice was raspy with tears, his eyes sunken in and rimmed with redness. They weren’t sleeping, either of them. They were barely eating. Barely even living anymore without you around.
You were in a coma? There had to be a way out. There had to be. Maybe you could try and move and let them know you were there, maybe. You used your love for both the boys, forcing strength into your fingers as you slowly and carefully rubbed your hand against Eddie’s. He jumped up, looking at you as you slowly opened your eyes. “Baby! Oh my god!” Both of them jumped up, arms wrapping around you in a messy and uncomfortable hug.
“You are never allowed to scare us like that again.” Protective Steve was back, his eyes meeting your own as he wiped at his tears. “You hear me? Never again.” He hugged you again carefully, letting tears roll onto your hospital gown.
“I’ll try not too. But, hey. Do I have cool scars on my abdomen that match yours?” Your voice was frail, but Steve’s lips twitched up into a smile as he chuckled.
“I bet you do. But, I’ll give you and Munson a second. I’m gonna go let the doctor know you’re awake.” Steve ruffled your hair, walking out of your room and closing the door behind him.
Your attention turned to Eddie, your hand carefully rubbing against his cheek as you met his eyes. “You scared me so bad. I thought I lost you.” His voice was quiet and low, his lips turning to press against your palm. “I never want to have to feel that again. Please.”
“You won’t have too. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” The words left your lips as Eddie pressed a soft kiss to them, all his love pushing into the kiss. It was I missed you and you scared me all at once, but it was a special moment.
“Alright, lovebirds. Cut it off. I gave you until I got back. Now knock it off.” Steve walked back into the room, leaning against the door and smiling at you two. You knew at that point that he approved. You knew at that moment that his opinion of Eddie had been wrong, and you were happy to have your two best boys by your side as you recovered.
(A/N): I enjoyed writing this so much! Feedback is very much appreciated and my ask box is open for requests! Thanks for reading guys!
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Part two 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: after being tortured by HYDRA, you have to obey every command given to you
warnings: mentions of suicide
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“How is she?”
Steve stared at you with sad eyes, watching your through the glass window on your door. It had been three months since HYDRA captured you during a mission. In those three months, they put you through a form of torture worse than the team could imagine. You’d finally be found and had been staying in the hospital until your vitals were stable.
“Not good.” The nurse sighed. “She doesn’t say much. Eye contact is even more rare.”
“Do you know what they did to her?”
“It’s unclear.” The nurse said. “She has no physical injuries. She doesn’t like it when we turn the lights off, though. We think they kept her in the dark.”
“Can I see her?” He asked, without taking his eyes off you.
“You can.” She nodded. “We can’t promise she’ll speak to you.”
“I’m gonna try.” Steve smiled at the nurse before going into your room. You jumped slightly and withdrew your knees to your chest at the sudden noise of the door opening.
“Hey Y/n.” Steve smiled at you as he slid his hands in his pockets. “It’s good to see you.”
“Hey, captain.” You slowly unfurled your body at the sight of someone familiar. Steve went to close the door behind him, but you protested.
“Wait, don’t close the door. They used to…” You trailed off and seemed to space out, so Steve took his hands away from the door.
“It’s okay.” He assured you. “I’ll leave it open.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled quietly.
“No problem. Mind if I sit here?” He asked as he pointed to a chair by your bed.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded stiffly.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as he took a seat.
“Not great.” You smiled weakly and rubbed the side of your head. “They uh, they fucked up my head, sir.”
“I heard. Here.” He handed you a bottle of juice he grabbed from the cafeteria. “You should drink something.”
“Thank you, sir.” You didn’t look at him as you accepted the bottle. You took a long sip and grimaced after you swallowed it.
“Whats wrong?” He asked when he saw the look of disgust on your face.
“I hate orange juice.” You confessed as you took another sip.
“Then why are you drinking it?” He wondered. “I have water right here.”
You took the glass of water and briefly looked him in the eyes, giving him a weak smile.
“It’s HYDRA. They got inside my head.” You whimpered. “I cant say no to something, even when I want to.”
“Oh.” Steves face fell as you told him. “Don’t worry about this, Y/n. I’m gonna figure out how to fix you.”
“Okay.” You said cheerfully, sitting up straight with a bright smile. Your body language did not match your sudden chipper mood, and it alarmed Steve.
“Woah, what happened?”
“You told me not to worry.” You said sadly. His eyes widened as he realized the extent of your condition. He found it deeply disturbing to watch you, knowing your smile was fake, but kept a straight face.
“Right, sorry.” He nodded. “You can relax.”
With that, your body slumped and you fell over on the bed. You looked at him sadly as you laid there, looking anything but relaxed.
“This might be harder than I thought.”
When Peter heard the car door close, he rushed to the window. He stopped sleeping the first night you were gone and stoped eating when you were legally declared dead a month later.
“There you are.” Peter rushed away from the window to Steve. “Is Y/n with you? Is she okay?”
“She’s with me but she’s not okay.” Steve said quietly, giving Peter a stern look that told him to relax.
“Why?” He felt himself getting emotional. “What did they…”
He trailed off when you walked through the front door looking skinnier and smaller than ever. Peter let out a breath of relief as tears came to his eyes. You didn’t look at him, but he was staring at you.
“Hey.” You said weakly, slowly lifting your eyes to look at him.
“Hey.” Peter said back, wiping his face free of tears. “I missed you. I’ve been really worried. I, uh, how are you? How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” You nodded. “I’m just gonna go to sleep, if that’s all right?”
You looked to Steve for permission, which he wasn’t expecting. Peter looked between the two of you in confusion.
“Yeah, of course.” Steve told you. “You can do anything you want.”
“Thank you, sir.” You said softly.
“Are you sure?” Peter asked. “You’ve been gone for so long. You should eat something”.
You immediately stopped in your tracks and went to the kitchen. Peter watched as you robotically took an orange from the fruit bowl and began to peel it with shaking hands.
“Whats happened?” He whispered to Steve. “Why is she doing that?”
“Thanks to whatever HYDRA did to her, she obeys every command given to her.” Steve whispered back as he watched you.
“That wasn’t a command.” Peter told him. “I was just suggesting that she eat something. She looks so hallow.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Steve shrugged. “She just has to do what she’s told.”
“Is she in pain?” Peter asked him as he watched you with guilty eyes.
“Not physically.” Steve shook his head. “I think it’s hurting her on the inside. A lot.”
“Really?” Peter asked sadly. You had now finished your orange and sat waiting for further instruction.
“May I go to bed now, please?” You asked, uncharacteristically spoke spoken.
“Yeah.” Steve smiled softly at you. “You don’t have to ask.”
“Thank you.” You nodded before running off your room. Once you were gone, Steve hung his head in his hands and let out a long sign. Peter watched him curiously, not used to seeing him show this kind of emotion. He looked up with glassy eyes and looked at Peter, shaking his head sadly.
Two months since HYDRA
“Good morning”. You greeted Peter as you sat next to him at the kitchen table. It was a rare morning when you were out of your room, and an even rarer moment to see you smiling.
“Hey.” Peter smiled brightly at you. “How’d you sleep?”
“Um.” You bit your lip as you thought back on your restless night. “Fine. Just had a few bad dreams.”
“Do you want to talk about them?” Peter asked politely.
“I would prefer not to, if that’s okay?” You asked him as if it was up to him. It pained him to see you asking permission for everything.
“Then we won’t.” He assured you. “Do you want some cereal?”
“You mean you didn’t eat it all?” You teased, showing a glimmer of your usual self.
“Shut up.” He chuckled as he nudged you. You instantly shut your mouth, looking frustrated with yourself for doing so.
“Sorry.” Peter apologized immediately. “I didn’t mean it like that. You can speak.”
“Thank you, sir.” You cleared your throat, all traces of the person Peter once knew reverting back inside.
“You don’t have to thank me.” He said softly as he rubbed your shoulder. “And you don’t have to call me “sir.” It’s just me. Just Peter.”
“Can we just change the subject?” You asked him, looking at him with pain filled eyes.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Are you coming in the mission later?”
“Yeah.” Your smile returned again. “Mr. Stark cleared me for work last night.”
“Thats great.” Peter smiled back. “I’ve missed my partner in crime.”
“I missed you to.” Your smile faded a little. “Thinking about you was what got me through when they…you know.”
“I thought about you too.” Peter put his hand over yours and rubbed his thumb softly on your knuckle. “Every day. Nothing else would enter my mind.”
“Do you think I’m ever gonna be normal again?” You whispered as you leaned closer to him.
“I do.” Peter nodded, tilting his face to the side as he inches closer. “It’s all going to be okay.”
Peter your lips could touch, Sam walked in the room with a bowl of cereal. He was one of the Avengers who assumed you and Peter had gotten together years ago, so he didn’t feel bad interrupting your moment.
“Ew.” Sam snorted. “Don’t do that in front of my cereal.”
You immediately pulled away, physically having to obey Sam. You sighed angrily and looked at Peter with sad eyes before getting up.
“Y/n.” Peter called after you, not wanting you to leave but not wanting to give you a command. You kept walking, not wanting to talk about what happened.
You didn’t bring up the almost kiss all day, which Peter was grateful for. You acted normal around him at the mission, too excited to be working again to think about the awkward moment. You focused on completing your task and got through most of the mission without a problem.
“I got the vials.” You proudly held up three stolen vials of Pym particles to show Peter. He finished webbing the security guard and smiled at you.
“Nice job.” Peter high fived you. “Hank is gonna be so relieved.”
“I know. Come on we gotta go.”
You and Peter began to run towards the jet when you tripped an alarm by accident. A guard came out of the watchtower and shined a flashlight on you, making you run faster.
“Hey!” He shouted. “Stop right there!”
Your face scrunched in frustration as your feet stuck to the floor. You tried to keep running but you were stuck in place.
“What are you doing?” Peter exclaimed when he noticed you weren’t behind him. “We have to go!”
“I can’t move!” You shook your head angrily. “He told me to stop.”
“We gotta go.” Peter quickly scooped you up and ran with you. You held on to him and hid your face in his neck, not wanting him to see how upset you were. Peter ran all the way back to the jet and climbed inside.
“What happened to you two?” Tony asked as Peter set you down. You turned around and punched the wall out of anger as Peter watched you.
“He told Y/n to stop so she had to obey.” Peter said quietly, making Tony’s face fall. You turned around and nodded, looking angry with yourself.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” Tony sighed. “But until we get this figured out-“
“I can’t go on the missions.” You nodded, already knowing what was coming.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“Yeah.” You sighed and kept your eyes down. “I’m sorry too.”
Eight months since HYDRA
“Where are you?” Peter called you to ask when he didn’t find you in the tower. You were usually waiting for him when he came from patrol, but you were nowhere to be found today.
“I’m at some store downtown.” You answered as you turned down a street corner.
“Alone?” Peter worried.
“It’s fine, Peter.” You assured him. “I was going crazy sitting in the tower all day. I needed to go out.” You sighed.
“It’s not safe for you to be outside when you can’t say no to anything.” Peter reasoned. “I can think of a million bad things that can happen. You shouldn’t be alone.”
Your feet started moving before you had a chance to process what he said and you planted yourself next to the first person you saw. You smiled awkwardly at the man and tried to walk away, but you were stuck. Peter told you not to be alone, so you had to obey.
“Nothing bad is going to happen.” You assured him. “No one knows about my condition.”
“Can I at least meet you where you are?” He asked, careful not to give you a command. “It will make me feel better.”
“Okay, fine.” You agreed. “You can meet me here.”
“Okay. Thank you.” Peter sighed in relief. “I’ll see you soon.”
You tried to walk again and were able to this time. You started walking down an alleyway to find a store to meet Peter at when you heard a mans voice behind you.
“Hey.” He called. “Slow down.”
You started walking slower despite your inner protest and felt your heart rate pick up. The footsteps behind you got faster and soon you were joined by the man from earlier.
“I overheard you on the phone.” He began. “Is it true you say yes to everything?”
“I’m sorry, I have to go.” You gave him a tight smile and continued walking slowly.
“Answer my question.” He called after you.
“It’s true.” You blurted, always having to obey. You began to sweat as he caught up to you again and began to toy with your hair.
“Interesting.” He remarked. “Spin around.”
You shut your eyes in frustration and spun around in a circle, earning an amused laugh.
“Wow.” He clapped his hands. “Isn’t that amazing?”
“I really have to go.” You told him. “Please just leave me alone.”
You started walking away again, allowed to run now since his original command wore off.
“Stop.” You heard his voice, and you had to stop.
“So it’s true.” He smirked as he circled around you. “You do obey everything. Even when you don’t want to?”
You stayed silent and kept your eyes down, praying he’d get bored and leave.
“Answer me.” He got too close to you to say into your ear.
“Yes.” You answered in a weak voice.
“I could have fun with this.” He smiled and folded his arms. He stared at you for a minute before tracing his finger along the side of your face. You tried to move but you stayed still.
“You don’t want to do this.” You told him. Your threat was pretty empty without your suit or your free will. If you tried to fight him, he could just tell you to stop.
“Aw, but I do.” He pouted. “You’re pretty when you threaten me. But it would sound a lot better if you had a smile on.”
You smiled against your will, feeling a hot flash of embarrassment.
“That’s better.” He talked to you like you were a child. “Now, walk with me.”
You began to walk side by side with him, having no idea where he was taking you. You passed some police officers on the street and tried to make eye contact.
“Don’t say anything.” He mumbled in your ear. “Keep your eyes down.”
You did as you were told and continued walking with him until you reached a black van.
“Get in the car.” He said, and you began to climb in. You tried to fight the urge to climb into the car, gripping the side and pushing yourself back. Your need to obey commands overtook your instincts and you got in the car.
“There we go. Now buckle your seatbelt and-“
Before he could finish his sentence, he was kicked in the head. You peeked your head out of the car and saw Peter punching the man in the face.
“Jeez, dude. Where are you manners?” Peter asked as he shook out his hand. He webbed the man to the ground and dialed 911 before turning to you.
“Peter.” You breathed in relief, forgetting he was supposed to meet you. Peter pulled you out of the car and hugged you tightly. You squeezed him back, grateful he was overprotective today.
“Are you okay?” He asked. “I heard him as I was swinging over.”
“What do you think?” You asked, suddenly getting angry. “Do you know how bad that could have been?”
“I know.” Peter nodded. “But it’s okay now.”
“Why does everyone keep saying this is okay?” You let go of Peter and backed away. “I have no free will. Do you know how it feels to not be the one in control?”
“I don’t. And I’m sorry.” He tried to calm you down. “But the team is doing everything they can to fix you. Just calm down.”
Your frown immediately faded as your shoulders relaxed, calming down against your will.
“I’m sorry.” Peter realized what he did. “I didn’t mean that as a command.”
“It doesn’t matter.” You shrugged sadly. “I still have to obey.”
“This won’t last forever.” He promised you. “But you shouldn’t go anywhere alone until we figure this out.”
“Great.” You laughed humorlessly. “So I already have to obey commands, and now I need a leash. HYDRA turned me into a fucking dog.”
“I’m sorry.” Peter mumbled, not sure what else to say. “I wish I could help you.”
“Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault.” You said without looking at him. He could tell you didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He apologized again before realizing what he said. “Shoot. Sorry. Let’s just go home.”
Your body jerked forward and you started moving in the direction of the tower. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, cursing himself for giving you a command.
“I didn’t mean-“ He began as he jogged beside you.
“Whatever.” You cut him off, not wanting another apology. “It’s fine. Let’s just go home.”
You didn’t want Peter to think you were mad at him from the other day, so you went to his room to talk. He couldn’t be blamed for what happened with the man on the street, and you couldn’t be blamed for the anger it caused you. To make sure everything was okay, you knocked on his door and went it when you heard his voice.
“Hey, Pete. What are you up to?” You asked as you took a seat on his bed.
“I’m trying to fix the calibration on my web shooter. I couldn’t get a web out fast enough today.” He grumbled as he tweaked the wires that were popping out of his web shooter.
“Did something happen?” You worried, examining his face for injuries. He froze and looked up at you with guilty eyes.
“Um, kinda.” He answered before pulling up his shirt to reveal a deep, poorly bandaged wound.
“You got stabbed?” Your eyes widened. “Again?”
“You would not believe how fast knives have gotten.” Peter defended himself.
“I probably wouldn’t.” You shrugged. “It’s been five months since I’ve been on a mission.”
“Sorry.” He grimaced. “I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
“It’s fine, Peter.” You shrugged it off. “Let me bandage you up. That’s not sanitary.”
“You don’t have to.” He told you and you gave him a look.
“But you can if you want.” He followed up. You had broken your habit of asking for permission for everything, but you were still sensitive about commands. You got up and got some of his medical supplies from his top drawer, knowing exactly where they were. You sat back on his bed and helped him pull his shirt over his head, pretending not to notice the way he flushed to his ears. You carefully removed his bandages and poured some hydrogen peroxide on a Cotten ball.
“This is gonna sting.” You said quietly as you looked in his eyes.
“Okay. Hold my hand, please?” He asked shyly as he uncurled his hand. You slipped your hand into his before you had time to process what he said.
“Wow.” You teased. “Using my condition against me, I see.”
“Well you’ve been isolating yourself so I’m taking advantage of my time with you.” Peter said, giving your hand a squeeze. “I miss you.”
“Yeah.” You squeezed back. “I miss you too.”
You smiled at him before dabbing the Cotten ball on his wound. You bandaged it tightly, smoothing your hand over his side to secure the gauze.
“Thanks.” He mumbled, never taking his eyes off you. “It feels better already.”
“No problem.” You smiled shyly. “How’s the web shooter coming along?”
“Let’s see.” Peter snapped out of his daze and picked his shooter back up. “Okay, be honest-“
“I like you.” You blurted, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth. Peter looked up in shock at your confession and dropped the shooter on his lap.
“What?” He asked, an involuntary smile breaking out into his face.
“I’m sorry. You said “be honest” and I must’ve taken it as a command.” You stammered as you got off his bed. “I’ll leave.”
“Wait! Don’t go.” Peter protested, making you stop in place. “I mean, I hope you don’t go.”
You were released from the command and found yourself able to move but not wanting to.
“I would appreciate it if you sat back down on my bed.” He said quietly, and you purposefully obliged.
“You don’t have to phrase everything like that.” You told him as you sat back down.
“I don’t want to give you any more commands.” He said softly. You gave him an appreciative smile and handed him his shirt, realizing he never put it back on. Peter thanked you and pulled it over his head, leaving his curly hair tousled and adorable.
“Do you really like me?” He asked quietly as he nervously pulled at his fingers.
“I do.” You nodded, finding no use in denying it. “That wasn’t exactly the way I wanted to tell you, but I do.”
“Well I’m not complaining.” Peter shrugged, making you laugh. “I personally think that was a perfect way to break the news.”
“Break the news.” You laughed again at his wording. “I’m not pregnant, Peter. Just in love with your dorky ass.”
“You’re so mean.” He laughed and shoved your slightly. You leaned into him as you came back from the shove, your faces almost touching.
“Kiss me.” He whispered as he looked into your eyes. You did as you were told, but it didn’t feel like a command. It felt like something you had been waiting for for years.
Peter kissed you back to the best of his ability, but his emerging smile kept getting in his way. He relaxed enough to stop smiling and put his hands on your face, kissing you the way he’d always wanted to. When you pulled away, he was finally able to let that smile out.
“Did you do that because you wanted to or because you were obeying me?” He asked softly.
“I promise, I wanted to.” You told him before pulling him into another kiss.
Ten months since HYDRA
“Y/n, please. I would like to talk about this.” Peter called after you as the two of you barged in the front door. Tony quickly stopped eating his lunch to eavesdrop on your fight.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Peter.” You grumbled as you walked past the kitchen. “Don’t follow me.”
“What happened?” Tony got up to stop you. “Are you hurt?”
You stayed quiet as you stared at Tony with pained eyes, feeling too embarrassed to explain what had happened.
“Do you want to tell him?” Peter asked quietly from behind you, not wanting to upset you anymore than you already were.
“I crashed my car.” You stated as you kept a straight face. You were just waiting for Tony to take away your driving privileges, one of the few things you had left.
“What?” He asked. “How?”
“It was my fault.” Peter began and you rolled your eyes. “She was bummed out about her condition so I told her to keep her head up and-“
“And I did.” You laughed humorlessly. “I kept it up so I couldn’t see the road and I nearly killed someone. I could’ve killed you!” You screamed at Peter.
“But you didn’t.” He said back, trying to stay calm. “It’s okay, really-“
“It’s not okay! Stop saying it’s okay!” You shouted as you tugged at your hair. “I can’t live like this anymore.”
“We’re working on a cure.” Tony assured you. “We’re going to-“
“To what? To fix me?” You asked. “You’ve been saying that for almost a year and I’m still like this. I can’t work, I can’t drive, I can’t go anywhere alone. What am I doing?”
“These things take time.” Tony said calmly but you weren’t having it.
“I don’t have time. I almost killed Peter today.” Your voice came out hoarse. “I nearly got myself killed a few months ago. If you don’t have a cure by next week, then…”
“Then what?” Peter interrupted, but you kept your back to him.
“Then it’s time to start thinking about my other options.” You said, only to Tony.
“What other options?” Peter asked but Tony knew exactly what you were talking about.
“It’s too soon to start thinking about that.” Tony stated. “Bruce and I are getting closer every day.”
“You said I had a year.” You reminded him. “It’s been a year.”
“It’s been 10 months.” Tony retorted.
“What are you talking about?” Peter asked again, getting more worried by the second.
“You promised.” You whispered. “You promised me we could talk about this if you couldn’t find a cure.”
“Talk about what?” Peter questioned, but was again ignored.
“I will find a cure.” Tony promised. “You just have to give me some more time.”
“I’m out of time. And so are you.” You angrily pointed at him.
“Screw this.” Peter sighed and jumped to drastic measures. “Y/n, tell me what you’re talking about.”
“Mr. Stark said he could euthanize me if he didn’t find a cure in a year.” You blurted. You turned around slowly and looked at Peter with betrayal in your eyes. He was too focused on what you just admitted to see the extent of what he had done.
“What?” He yelled. “You said what?”
“It’s none of your business, Peter.” You snapped. “How could you use my condition against me like that? You had no right to give me a command. You knew I’d have to obey it.”
“I’m sorry, I panicked.” He apologized. “You want to kill yourself?”
“You have no idea what pain I’m in every day.” You shook your head. “I gave it a year and I’m still miserable.”
“Miserable?” He whispered, taking your words personally. He knew you were still in pain, but he thought you’d been better since you started dating. Your words made him believe he was wrong. You noticed the sadness in his eyes and sighed, your anger simmering away.
“Could you give us a minute, Mr. Stark?” You asked without turning around.
“I’ll be in the lab.” Tony nodded, grabbing his food before leaving.
Once he was gone, you walked to Peter and pulled him into a kiss to apologize. He tearfully kissed you back before pushing you away and wiping his eyes.
“You’ve been miserable this whole time?” He sniffled.
“Not the whole time.” You promised as you wiped his tears. “But when I am fighting a constant battle of what I want to do and what I’m told to do, I end each day exhausted. It’s terrifying somedays. And it’s so, so lonely.”
“But you have me.” He said quietly.
“I do.” You smiled a little. “But you’re away a lot. And I can’t put all of my happiness on you. That’s not fair to you and not healthy for our relationship.”
“I know you’re hurting, but killing yourself is not the answer.” He told you. “How could you even consider that?”
“You don’t get it, Peter.” You sighed. “I am one part of your already great life. You get to go on life saving missions during the week and explore the city on your free time. And you have someone who loves you to come home to when you’re done. It’s not like that for me. All I have is you. I just sit here waiting for you to come home. Like I’m some kind of…”
“Dog.” He finished your sentence, understanding your pain in a new way.
“Exactly.” You nodded. “I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m hoping you can at least try to see things from my side.”
“I’m gonna start helping Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner in the lab.” Peter decided. “We’re the world’s mightiest heroes. One of us has to be able to fix this. This can’t be your last choice.”
“It’s been nearly a year Peter.” You shrugged sadly. “I don’t think this can be fixed.”
“But I can try.” He grasped your hands tightly.
“All I’m asking for is another year. One year to do everything I can to fix you.”
“I don’t know if I can take another year of this. I’m sorry.” You cupped his face to apologize, set on your decision.
“Please?” He whispered. “For me?”
“Okay.” You agreed, making his face light up. He hugged you tightly and kissed the side of your head, thanking you for giving him a chance. In the heat of the moment, it didn’t occur to Peter that you only agreed because you had to. You began to silently cry as you hugged him back, not having the heart to tell him you didn’t mean what you said. You didn’t want to agree, but you had no choice in the matter.
He asked for a year, and you had to obey.
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rcksmith · 4 years
I want to do bad things with you — Five Hargreeves
Request: “6 from fluff and 4 and 8 from smut list for five hargreeves?”
Fluff Prompts:
6. “I’m going to marry you one day.”
Smut Prompts;
4. “Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.”
8. “I don’t care how good it feels you’d better not cum until I tell you to.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
I hope it got close to what you wanted. ❤️ This is a heavy smut, I was in a bad mood, sorry jsnsjsnsjsn.
Guys, I really understand who doesn't feel comfortable reading or writing Five's smut. But I always say that I only write with him (any genre: romance, fluff or angst) with the notion that Five is 20 years old here. All of my fanfics mention swearing or sex, even if it is a memory or something shallow, but as I am writing with Five as an adult, it is consistent that the fic has aspects of an adult life.//
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: SMUT, SMUT, bad words and bad smuut.
— — — — —
Five Hargreeves were many adjectives. Genius, superhero, handsome, dangerous, sinic, arrogant, born leader, among other things. His energy was intense and mysterious, and looking him for too long was like facing the stormy sea: dangerous and risky, but extremely fascinating.
He carried many adjectives on his back, is truth, and domineering was one of them. His life was a constant line of stress, problems and exasperation, Five felt irritated most of the time, so relieving all that stress in sex was... it was fucking good.
Normally, his emotions were always on a tight leash, under iron control. Five was composed, controlled, taking everything rationally. Even in sex, when he vented all his anger, he was conscious. Until you show up.
You were a little, sweet, lyrical little thing and... fuck, you had an angel face that made Five clench his jaw as soon as he laid eyes on you. And then controlling yourself became a much more difficult task. You had a cunning, catlike look, but an face so pure that it hooked Five into the his soul.
He couldn't get involved with you, he repeated that every fucking day. Five could barely look in your direction without wanting to hold your angel face and kiss you with the fury of hell. Five wanted to fold you in front of him, slap your ass until you blush and hear you whimpering his name. He wanted to do all the dark things in his mind to break your doll energy.
Five Hargreeves was many things, but the irony of all was how they swayed when he fell in love with you. It was inevitable. Over the months, while trying to control his thoughts, he found himself admiring your intelligence and sense of humor. He started to notice how you loved sweet tea and had headaches when you had coffee, which is why he started to leave a migraine medicine in the kitchen if you needed to.
With the days, Five now hid his smile when you laughed at something stupid and admired how the world seemed sweeter when you were happy.
And that's when he kissed you. And his whole view changed. When he held your face between his hands and tasted your lips, Five felt like he was touching Egyptian crystal, and then the urge to protect you was born. He didn't want anything or anyone to hurt you, anyway. Five touched you so delicately and made sure that nothing bothered you.
So that's when you two slept together. Fuck, it was so fucking hard for him. Extraordinarily difficult because Five wanted to make you scream and fuck you so hard. It was difficult as hell because he wanted to hit your ass and thigh so hard that he could see the marks tomorrow. And... son of a bitch, even though you moaned and squirmed, you looked like a fucking angel. And the desire to desecrate something so pure became even bigger.
And that was why he avoided touching you during those hours. He kept his hands on the mattress, on the headboard, on the walls or on the pillows, avoided touching you as much as possible. Because Five knew... it was already too hard not to fuck you rough, hard and intense, if he touched you... it would be the end. He didn't even want to kiss you too much, or suck on your skin, because one thing would lead to another and... God, you fucked his mind!
It was after a few months that he realized he loved you. And your relationship will become even more serious.
"I love you so much.” You whispered on his lips one day, with the cold and rain falling outside, and you curled in him up like a pet.
Five nodded, him lips on you forehead, brushing them there as appreciated what that phrase did to him. You two had already said that a few months ago, but you loved to keep repeating it and Five appreciated how right the universe felt when you said that.
“I'm going to marry you one day.” He sighed through your hair, lowering lips to yours before receiving your ecstatic and passionate screams.
But the more love grew in you two, the more hunger, lust and sin grew within Five too. Was like a wild beast, hitting the bars of the cage, almost breaking what kept under control. And controlle herself started to be physically painful. So he tried to put out that blazing fire.
Seeing you naked has become excruciating torture. Five fidgeted uneasily whenever you changed in front of him, took off the towel after a shower. But the worst was when you two had sex. Fucking you, feeling you pulsing, squirming, totally submissive to his whims, made Five have to acquire phenomenal self-control. Although Five exhibited a cold, arrogant and confident personality, everything inside him became a boiling volcano when you appeared.
“Baby…” That was when Five heard you purring, you had just come out of the shower, a short white towel covering your body.
When Five looked at you, and saw you walking towards him, he pulse reached alarming levels. Normally, Five always managed to keep his impulses under control, even though it was an overwhelming endeavor. But not today.
Oh, he was far from being in control. Your doe eyes looked at him docilely and Five felt again the overwhelming appetite to take you so badly.
God, he needed to break you…
You didn't make it easy for Five either. Oblivious to the internal battle within him, you sat on his lap, supporting your legs on either side of his hips, with the towel rising to the top of your thighs and your bare skin sitting on his already pulsating member.
Five snarled softly, hands tightly squeezing the bed sheet, your body pulsing beneath his. He felt hot as if were in the Sahara desert.
“You are so tense.” Your voice was velvety, soft, and you brought your lips to his neck. And that was too much.
“Y/N..” Was a warning.
“Something wrong?” You pulled your face back enough to look at him.
Five shook his head, hands still clutching the sheets. You followed that gesture with your eyes, and started connecting the pieces second by second.
It was no longer today that your felt him controlling himself. Moments he didn't want to touch you at all while he fucked you, like you were a hot iron. Days when he forced a little more force into the way he kissed you and then completely backed down.
“I've been noticing a few things lately...” You commented, the left index finger playing with his uniform “I noticed that you have ... controlled yourself, as if you were holding something.”
And then you looked into his eyes, and what you saw in the green sockets was a lust so fervent that you felt yourself losing breath.
“Y/N...” the voice was still hoarse, a ring signaling his warning as well “I ... I won't be able to talk about this with you.”
“Why not?” You didn't know exactly what the problem was, how deep it went, but you knew something was going on. “I did something? Or are you more stressed? ”
“You did not do anything.” He assured you, and as he saw in your eyes that you would not let the matter pass, because you were determined as hell, Five sighed deeply. “It with me. It has nothing to do with you, I just... I like to do more... rough things. "
You were watching him closely, the direction of the conversation was pleasing to you... It wasn't today that you knew your own tastes, and something brutalized and stronger was exactly what you liked. But Five was always so controlled, so reserved, that you were still looking for an opening to bring it up.
Five must have noticed that your eyes took on a different glow, and he looked at you as if he suspected.
“Why that look?” His little corner smile made you smile too.
“ I didn't know you liked things like that.” Five raised an eyebrow at you, the little smile still on his face. “Is that why you have been controlling yourself?”
Five had to take a deep breath, hands going to your waist under the towel, in a soft, controlled touch. But his hands were stiff, you felt it.
“I do not want to hurt you.” He was succinct “I have more aggressive, brutal desires, and I don't want to take it out on you.”
Oh, you were really enjoying the conversation.
You let out a low chuckle, playing with your index finger on the lapel of his uniform.
“Like ... hit me and stuff?” Then you felt his grip tighten on your waist, his jaw tighten.
Five looked at you with a clear warning that you were walking in rough waters. That it was better for you to stop here. He could barely cope with his own thoughts about it, let alone hear you say those things with that fucking angelic voice of yours.
"What if I wanted to?” Now your eyes were bright with amusement and anticipation.
“You can't tell me these things” His grip got stronger, his eyes more fierce, the energy more irritable “Even more naked in my lap.”
Five might be covered in clothes, but he could feel your hot pussy under him, the soft skin of your thighs around his waist, your breasts a touch away... Damn, it was too much for him!
“I mean it.” You ran your fingers through his hair, resting your hands behind the back of his neck. “I like something hard too, if you are willing to try this on me, I would like us to do it. You are always so focused... I would love to see you more out of control. ”
Five kept his eyes on you, as if he were looking for some hesitation in you. But he found none. Just shared desire.
God help him.
“Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.” He wanted to warn you, he wanted you to know it was a path of no return. Five could destroy you and him wanted you to know that.
“Yes.” You agreed “I want it so much.”
Suddenly, something in the air seemed to change. Everything became rarer, more caustic and crackling. Five's intensity had reached extremely high levels and he looked at you as if you were the prey on a night hunt. Five pulled harder on your towel, freeing your naked body. He gasped, his eyes fixed on you.
“Say red when you want me to stop.”
You were going to say something, but he didn't give you a chance. His hungry lips stuck to yours. It was a controlling kiss, drowning out you surprised moan. Five stood with you on his lap and threw you on your back on the mattress. You gasped, your naked body exposed on his bed, given over to all the profane fantasies he had in mind. Seeing you there, submissive, destroyed all the control he had.
Oh he was going to destroy you.
Five remained standing, pulled your legs over the edge of the bed and opened them aggressively. You let out a heavy breath, the core pulsing. God, seeing that made him rock hard.
Five leaned over your body, pressing his lips in you before moving to your breasts, sucking on aching nipple, squeezing the other in a heavy touch. His hands left you for a second before him straightened up and removed he blazer and sweater from the academy, his nimble hands pulled the tie knot fiercely, tearing the piece of silk from his neck.
“Be quiet for me, dear.” Five put your hands together, tying your fists with the tie and tying the tie to the headboard.
You bit your lip, your body fidgeting for him, the core throbbing. Five had barely touched you and you were already pulsing for him.
“You are so needy.”
Without warning, he was leaning over you, him lips on yours, his hands roaming your body in a rough touch, his mouth pinching your lips. And everything started to get heavy after that point. Five closed his mouth on your neck, leaving a trail of purple hickeys as he brought two fingers to your mouth.
You took them in, sucking without waiting for an order. But his fingers on your mouth seemed to have an even more exciting effect for you. You legs closed, wanting to seek any friction, but Five slapped your left thigh roughly, brutally separating them with his free hand.
“Did I tell you to close your legs?!” You whimpered, and he gave you another slap “Answer!”
“N-no...” You did your best to speak with his fingers in your mouth.
“No what?!” Another slap. Now you could feel the flesh throbbing. You pulled on your fists, trying to control yourself not to close your thighs again.
Now his free hand went to your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“It's ‘No, Daddy’!”
“No, Daddy!”
“Good Girl.”
Five withdrew his hand from your mouth, bringing it down and melting it into your pussy. You moaned louder, forcing the tie, shifting your hips. He didn't give you time to breathe before he buried his fingers in you, hitting your walls.
You screeched muffled by his lips on your, as his hand pushed against you frantically, slamming inside you at a brutal pace.
Another slap. Stronger, more aggressive.
“What did fucking you say?!”
“Daddy! I mean Daddy! I’m so sorry.”
He accelerated his hand even more, and you started frantically pulling on the tie, trying to get rid of or gain more of that ardor. You were starting to feel close to orgasms when Five pulled away, slapping your bare breast as he rose again. You whimpered in protest, your hips still making some movements in search of some ghost friction.
“Look at you, so desperate and I haven't even fucked you yet.” Five began to unbutton his white shirt, stripping off his clothes and leaving the belt beside you.
You excitement went to extremely high levels when you saw his cock jump out. Pulsating, molasses with pre-cum and dashed with thick veins. Your core throbbed, dripping your liquid while you whimpered.
Five smirked when he noticed where your attention was, and he leaned you, but now bringing the belt with him and placing it around your neck.
God, he was going to fuck you so hard.
Five gave a tug, testing the accuracy, and when you groaned needy, Five appeased his own excitement by sinking his bruised lips into yours.
He stood up again, pulling your legs closer to the edge as he brushed your pussy with the throbbing head of the stick, watching you squirm. It was torture for him too, but the sight of you struggling for contact was a fucking reward.
“Please d-Daddy!” You whimpered, rummaging in despair, wanting more of anything he give you.
“Please, what? ‘Please, daddy, fuck me hard’ or ‘please, daddy, use me’ ?”
You were begging, with tears in the corners of your eyes as he played with you, by sinking the head of the stick inside you. It was driving you crazy. Five held the base of him penis while he sank just another inch into you, then pulled and rubbed your clitoris.
“Fuck me h-hard, Daddy!”
Suddenly, Five entered you brutally to the bottom, leaving you speechless in a loud and silent groan. He pulled you by the belt, not giving you time to get used to the size, he established strong and aggressive blows.
“Do you want hard?! I will give you hard!”
Then Five untied the tie from the headboard, turned you brutally on you stomach and pulled your hips up. He pulled his hand back and unloaded it on your ass, and you screamed, staggering forward. Five pulled you by the hips, dissatisfied with your distance.
“Be good girl for me, dear." It was an order.
You obeyed, crying out loudly when Five pushed the stick inside you aggressively, pulling on your neck with the belt. He held you by the belt and the waist while he fucked you. Hard, fast, without any abandonment.
His hand hit the flesh of your ass from second to second, and you can't help but moan for it. He gave no respite, the sound of his bodies colliding flooded the room, perhaps the entire mansion.
Five has never felt so hardcore in life, so hungry, so lust. He wanted to break you, hurt you, squeeze your flesh so hard that you would be left with marks for months. He groaned, trying to concentrate on mistreating the walls of your pussy, pounding with brutality, harder and cruel.
Tears streamed into your eyes as you dug your nails into the pillow hard, unable to contain the moans and the tremor in your thighs. Your belly vibrated, hummed with hyperstimulation, that was paradise and sin at the same time and you felt that you could fall apart at any moment.
Five pulled the belt tight, bringing you up and sticking your back to his chest. He put his free arm around your waist, bringing the thrusts in slow, hard rhythms, making you feel every inch of him.
You hands went to him arm around your waist, the new position reaching the most sensitive places, making your pussy throb. You bit your lip to try to control your moans, because you were afraid they would be too loud.
“Without trapping those sounds for me!” This time the slap came down on your left breast, followed by a deeper thrust, and you begged for excuses while looking for air “Let everyone hear who's making you feel so good! Who does this slutt belong.”
That pushed you further into the abyss. Five sucked on the skin on your neck, pouring out a strong hickey while you could only scream and whimper for him, unable to do anything else. . He entered you deeply, taking whatever inch you had and forcing you to take it deeper.
Five did not allow you to move an inch away, your hips clinging to his, held by his arm, him fucking you hard without you can moving your hips. He could feel you blinking on his dick, making your honey drip down your thighs. His hunger had given no respite, and when he looked at you, and he saw your angel face in an expression of pleasure, pain and dirty with tears, it further fueled Five's hunger.
"That, little slutt!"
You were close, pulsing on his dick, sweat running down your body, your broken moans. Five loved how you were a mess for him, your whole body scarred because of him. He never fell your owner as much as he does now. You begged for something you didn't know what it was, but Five did. And he would give it to you. But he felt your pussy squeeze him, swallowing him in a broken way.
“You can't come until I let you!”
“Da-daddy!” You moaned louder “Please! Please! I need... I need it! ”
“I don’t care how good it feels, you’d better not cum until I tell you to!”
Five came out of you, turning you brutally on the bed once again, removing the belt from your neck. He climbed on top of you, now sticking your body to his, placing his mouth on yours in a gasping kiss. The skin-to-skin sensation was maddening, you were both hot, sweating, and Five squeezed your thigh tightly before slapping it down again. Your wrists were still tied, and you could only press them against his broad chest.
Your thighs were shaking and Five was delighted by this, he traced hickeys all over your breasts, and sank into you again when he sucked on your left sore beak.
Five held you while he fucked you in that position. Strong, cruel and hard. His hands were glued to your flesh, marking your skin with purple from his digits, holding his own moans. And you watched him with your mouth open by the screams and the sight. He was beautiful like that. Wild, his skin all sweaty, his teeth closed on his lip to keep from groaning, his black hair stuck to his forehead.
It was too much torture, too much stimulation, and you were already letting the tears flow while you were begging for something.
“Come to me, my good girl.”
Five didn't have to say it twice. You came intensely, your pussy sucking all of his cock and receiving the hot, thick liquid of his as a reward. You threw your head back in abandonment, feeling him it sink into you deeper, making sure you got all his sperm.
“Such a good girl for me.” Five whispered as he gave you a reward kiss you.
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
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part one
Summary: Spencer feels insecure, and Reader puts his worries to rest. 
A/N: I got several requests to write a follow-up to Avoidance , and after writing almost the whole entire thing, only to scrap it all because it was literal trash, here we are! I initially planned to go a different route with this, but it didn’t flow right and I ended up changing the entire plot line somewhere along the way. I really like how this turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it, too!
Pairing: sub!Spencer/femdom!Reader
Content warnings: cursing, Spencer being insecure, hand job, oral sex (male receiving), anal fingering, pegging, light degradation, Spencer experiencing sub-drop
Word Count: 6k
           Spencer’s lips drag against mine at a slow, deliberate pace as I sit perched on his lap, my hands tugging lightly at where his hair curls at the nape of his neck. One particularly harsh tug has Spencer gasping into my mouth and tightening his grip on my hips, pulling me down until I’m fully sat on his lap. The bulge tenting his slacks comes in full contact with my clothed core and I hum appreciatively against his lips.
           “Getting excited there, baby?”
           Spencer lets out a whine of protest when I pull away, leaning forward in an attempt to reunite our lips. I press my hand flat against his chest and push him back until he rests against the couch cushions.
           “I thought you wanted to watch a movie tonight?” I ask him, my lips curled up into a knowing smile. Spencer’s thumbs begin to rub soothing circles into my hips as he fixes me with a shy smile.
           “Maybe later,” he replies, sheepish. He looks breathtaking - bathed in the soft glow of the lamp light, shadows dancing across every perfectly chiseled inch of his face. Faint purple bruises dot the underside of his jaw line, remnants of the last time we had been afforded enough time to get tangled up under the bedsheets. I press my thumb to one of them, applying just enough pressure to cause Spencer’s breath to hitch. In another day or two, the purple and yellow discoloration would be gone, leaving no trace of our time together.
           I release my hold on his jaw and make a mental note to see to it that he has another set of pretty marks before the weekend is over.
           “Later?” I lift the hand that was splayed across his chest until I’m able to fiddle with the top button on his dress shirt. “You talk as if you have something else you’d like to do first. Care to share?”            Spencer squirms underneath my gaze, eyes flitting between my lips and where I’m pressed firmly against his erection. I watch him flounder to come up with a response before deciding to forgo words completely and rut himself against me, eyelids fluttering closed as he lets out a low whine.
           I click my tongue at him and raise up until my center hovers over him, torturously close but not quite close enough to touch.
           “What’s the matter, Doctor? It’s not like you to be at a loss for words,” I taunt as I pop open the last three buttons of his shirt. Now that the milky white skin of his chest is on full display, I waste no time in dragging my fingernails from his collarbone down to his navel, light and teasing. The action elicits a shiver from Spencer, who looks up at me with glossy eyes and blown pupils.
           “P-Please,” he stutters out.
           “Please, what?” I prod, cocking my head to the side. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
           Spencer’s tongue pokes out to run across his bottom lip.
           “I want you,” he breathes out, low and sultry. “Now. Don’t wanna wait.”
           I let out a pleased sigh as I lean forward to capture Spencer’s lips in a heated kiss. Spencer’s quick to reciprocate, eagerly licking into my mouth as soon as my lips brush against his.
           It’s not long until I feel the hands on my waist begin to tug me back down onto his lap, eliciting a giggle from me.
           “Such a needy little thing,” I murmur against his lips.
           Usually, a comment like this would be met by some sort of mumbled affirmation. But this time, as soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel Spencer’s whole body tense up beneath me.
           “Does… Does that bother you?”
           I pull away and give Spencer an inquisitive look.
           “Does what bother me?”
           Spencer averts his eyes, “That I’m so submissive.” He spits the word out like it burns his mouth – like it’s something to be ashamed of – and I can’t suppress my frown.
           “Why would that ever bother me?”
           Spencer gives a feeble shrug of his shoulders, still refusing to pull his gaze from where it rests on the floor.
           “I read an article in Psychology Today that discussed a survey in which 172 German adults completed a personality questionnaire and then measured their own preference for a dominant partner. Not only was the general consensus that both genders prefer dominant partners, the participants also agreed with statements like ‘a very nice partner is often boring’ and ‘I feel attracted to assertive partners.’ So, it’s only natural that you might get tired of me always being such a pushover and search for a more exciting partner than can keep you stimulated-”
           I clamp my hand down on Spencer’s mouth, effectively ending his self-deprecating rant and forcing him to look up from where his eyes were burning a hole into the floor. When I know he isn’t going to try and continue down that particularly awful train of thought, I remove my hand.
           “First of all, you are not a pushover. Insinuating that you are a pushover would also be insinuating that I’m taking advantage of you. Do you feel like I’m taking advantage of you?” Spencer’s eyes grow wide and he frantically shakes his head.
           “Absolutely not. I… I love what you do to me – with me. What we do together. I-I just want to be sure that you like it to. That you’re not just humoring me until someone who can actually give you what you want comes around.”
           I feel my mouth fall open from shock somewhere during the middle of his spiel. He can’t actually be so oblivious to the fact that I enjoy the hell out of our sex life, can he?
           Apparently, he can and he is, because Spencer takes my silence as affirmation.
           “I could try? To d-dom you, that is. I’ve been reading up on it and-”
           “Spencer, where on earth did this come from?”
           Spencer blinks hard, “I told you – I read it in Psychology Today.”
           I shake my head at him and slip off of his lap and onto the couch cushion beside him.
           “No, that’s not what I meant. What made you think that I’m not happy with our sex life?”
           “N-Nothing in particular,” Spencer stammers. “I just know that I’m not exactly the most masculine guy, and I want to make sure that you’re, you know… happy. With me.”
           And there it is.
           I reach for Spencer’s hand and link our fingers together.
           “This wouldn’t have anything to do with that comment Derek made this morning, would it?” Spencer doesn’t answer, but the way his eyes drop to his lap tells me everything I need to know. I tighten my grip on his hand. “You know he was just messing with you, right? As out of line as it was, he was just being… Derek.”
           “He wasn’t wrong, though. I am extremely docile – along with a litany of other very passive traits. I’m not strong or assertive or confident like Derek; I’m basically the complete opposite of the ideal male partner. All I’m good for is spouting out information that’s only sometimes useful. No wonder you don’t want to-” Spencer clamps his mouth shut and his cheeks burn red. “Forget it. C-Can we pretend this conversation never happened?”
           “No wonder I don’t want to what?” I prod, brows furrowed in confusion. But still, Spencer refuses to meet my eyes. “And as far as all the other stuff goes, it doesn’t matter if you’re assertive or strong. I prefer my sweet, gentle boy over guys like Derek Morgan, any day. My ideal male partner just so happens to be pretty boys with curly brown hair and massive IQs, not aggressive alpha males with overinflated egos.” I bring Spencer’s hand up to my lips and place a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “I’m being serious, Spence. There’s a lot to love about you.”
           Spencer’s next words are hushed, so quiet that I almost don’t hear him when he says, “Then why haven’t you told anyone about us yet?”
           In the two months since our first time together, neither of us had been brave enough to broach the subject of what exactly we were doing. With neither of us quite sure how to go about defining the relationship, we’d fallen into a sort of routine. Whenever it came time to pair off for the night and retreat to our hotel rooms, Spencer and I always made sure that we were paired together. Hotch never seemed to care – he was just happy that we weren’t walking on eggshells around each other anymore - and the others were kind enough to keep their suspicions to themselves. On the weekends, or really any time that we weren’t working a case, time off was spent in each other’s company, be it at Spencer’s place or mine. Days full of impromptu adventures to farmer’s markets and niche antique shops devolved into passionate nights spent learning every inch of each other’s skin until no stone was left unturned. It was the perfect arrangement.
           Or at least it would’ve been, if Spencer and I hadn’t managed to fall half way in love somewhere along the way. It was glaringly obvious early on that it was way more than just sexual chemistry that kept us both coming back for more, but owning up to that fact was a whole other issue that neither of us was ready to deal with.
           Until now, apparently.
           “I-I mean, we haven’t talked about what exactly this is, so I wasn’t quite sure how to go about that,” I stammer. “But now that you’ve brought it up…”
           Spencer finally looks up and his eyes are filled to the brim with equal parts fear and hope.
           “I-I really want there to be an us,” he whispers. “I kind of thought that much was obvious.”
           “And I thought the fact that I have absolutely zero complaints in the bedroom was obvious, but here we are,” I tease, and Spencer lets out an involuntary giggle when I poke at his side. “I want there to be an us, too. And for what it’s worth, I like you just the way you are, Spencer Reid - just so we’re clear.”
           “Really?” Spencer persists. From anyone else, it would seem like they were fishing for compliments, but from Spencer? I knew my sweet, darling boy just needed some reassurance.
           I lean forward and capture his lips in a long, languid kiss.
           “Really really,” I mumble when I pull away. “Have I done a thorough enough job drilling that into your head, or do you need some more convincing?”
           “More convincing,” Spencer replies as he ducks in for another kiss. “Lots and lots of convincing.”
           I smile against his lips, “That’s good to hear, because I sorta had a little something special planned for you.”
           “Something special?”
           I slide my hand from its place on his knee until my fingers glide across the tip of his clothed cock.
           “Remember that thing we talked about last week?”
           I can feel the way Spencer’s cock twitches under my hand and I have to bite back a smile.
           I give his bulge a light squeeze that has Spencer moaning low in his throat.
           “Only if you want to. There’s no pressure at all. I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’d be perfectly fine if you just wanna watch that movie and cuddle a bit - you know that right?”
           “Yes, but I still want to,” Spencer chokes out. “Very, very much.” And then he’s bringing a hand up to cup my face before slotting our lips together again.
           The kiss is sloppy, seeing as we’re both much too excited to worry about being precise. Spencer spends time exploring my body with his free hand, starting at my hips and then dipping underneath my t-shirt. Spencer’s hand is just shy of skimming over my bra when I pull back and he lets out a frustrated whine when I pull his hands off of me.
           “I wanna ask you a few things before we do this, okay, baby?” Spencer flushes a deep crimson as he nods. “Have you ever experimented with any sort of anal play before?”
           “N-No, I haven’t. Is that okay?”
           Spencer Reid, you are going to be the death of me.
           “That’s perfectly fine, sweet boy,” I coo. “I’m just trying to get a feel for what’s going to be the most comfortable for you. We’ll start small and work our way up, okay?” Spencer nods, prompting me to tack on an, “Assuming that you want to, that is. This is all on your terms, and I need to make sure that you know that nothing’s going to happen that you don’t expressly consent to first.”
           Spencer’s lips pull up into a sweet smile.
           “I know, and I trust you,” he says. “And I consent to it. To all of it.”
           “You’re gonna have to be a little bit more specific than that,” I chuckle. “What exactly are you consenting to?”
           Spencer shifts in his seat, “Y-You know.”
           “Yes, but I want to hear you say it, baby.”
           Spencer gulps hard, “I-I want you to fuck me. Please.”
           I let out a satisfied hum and remove my hand from Spencer’s lap.
           “I want you to go to the bedroom and take off all your clothes. Then I want you to lie in the center of the bed and if I walk in and see you touching yourself, I’ll walk right back out and I won’t touch you for a month. Are we clear?”
           “Y-Yes, Miss.”
           I spend much longer than necessary in the living room, sitting on the couch and scrolling through my phone for nearly ten minutes before getting up and making my way to the bedroom. The anticipation is half of the fun, in my opinion, and I take great pleasure in imagining Spencer squirming against the sheets, desperate for me to walk through that door.
           I rid myself of my skirt and blouse as I make my way down the hallway, leaving me in only my panties and bralette. I can hear Spencer’s heavy breathing before I even reach the bedroom, and it makes my stomach flip excitedly as I push open the door.
           Spencer lays in the middle of the bed, hands grabbing at the sheets as he rolls his hips in vain. His cock stands painfully hard, leaking precum and bobbing up and down with every motion of his hips. Spencer doesn’t see or hear me when I come in – his eyes are closed tight and his bottom lip is nestled between his teeth, blissfully oblivious as he ruts up into nothing.
           “It seems like my poor, needy boy has worked himself up into quite a state.”
           The sound of my voice startles him and he immediately halts the movement of his hips. Spencer’s eyes watch on and I walk over to the night stand, taking my time as I remove a bottle of lube, my harness, and the newly purchased dildo bought especially for my sweet boy.
           Spencer’s eyes linger on the silicone member, wide and curious as I set the items on the bed and crawl in between his legs. He spreads his legs without being prompted, leaving him completely exposed to me, and the action makes my heart swell with pride. My good boy has learned so much in the past two months.
           “M’gonna suck that pretty cock of yours now, and I want you to keep your hips still. Can you do that for me, baby?”
           Spencer nods frantically, “Y-Yes, Miss. Please – I need your mouth. I’ll be still, I promise.”
           I let out a pleased hum as I take him into my hand, dragging my fist up and down, spreading precum across the entirety of his length.
           “I know you will, baby. You’re always so good for me. So eager to please.”
           I lean down and begin placing kisses to the sensitive skin of his thighs, all while continuing to work my hand against him. I nip lightly at the skin above his right hip and Spencer sucks in a ragged breath when I suck a pretty purple bruise in the very same spot. It contrasts starkly with his porcelain skin, and I enjoy the way it looks so much that I continue until a plethora of love bites litter his inner thighs. When I finally sit back and admire my work, Spencer’s writhing so pitifully against the mattress that I decide to put him out of his misery.
           Spencer devolves into a whimpering mess the moment I take his tip into my mouth, his head thrashing wildly against the mattress when I swirl my tongue around him. I take my time with him, not at all rushing my descent onto his cock, choosing instead to tease him with a slow, steady pace. If Spencer minded my slower than usual pace, he didn’t say so. He was too busy choking out an unrelenting string of the most wanton moans I’d ever heard as he watched himself disappear into my mouth.
           I decide now is as good a time as any to up the ante and I pull my mouth away from him.
           “W-Why did you stop?” Spencer stutters, chest heaving up and down.
           I raise an eyebrow at him, “Are you being ungrateful, Doctor? Because if you are, I could always just leave you here like this - cock hard and leaky with no way to get off other than your own hand. That wouldn’t be nearly as fun as having me fuck that pretty little ass of yours.”
           “No, please! I’m so sorry,” Spencer mewls. “I’ll be good, just please don’t leave!”
            I loosely grasp Spencer’s cock in my hand and run my thumb across his slit.
           “You sound so pretty when you beg, baby. I can’t wait to hear how pretty you are when you’re begging for me to fuck you harder.”
           Spencer’s eyes roll back into his head and his mouth hangs open, panting hard.
           “I want it so bad. Please, please, please, Miss.”
           I use my free hand to reach up and push two fingers into Spencer’s mouth, “Suck. I want them real nice and wet so that I can use them to get you ready for me.”
           Spencer moans around my fingers, laving his tongue around the them as he hollows his cheeks. When I retract my fingers from his mouth they’re practically dripping and I reward his effort by tightening my grip on his cock.
           “Good job, baby. Are you ready for me to finger that tight little hole of yours?” I ask him as I release his cock and grab the bottle of lube. I drizzle a healthy amount onto my fingers before dragging one across his puckered hole, eliciting a high-pitched cry from Spencer.
           “Yes!” Spencer gasps as he attempts to wiggle closer. “So ready for you, Miss. Use your f-fingers on me, please!”
           I start by slowly pressing one in, so as not to overwhelm him, and to my endless delight, it glides in almost effortlessly.
           “Already so ready for my fingers, Doctor. You sure you haven’t touched yourself here before?” I ask as I begin to work my finger in and out in slow thrusts.
           “N-Never. O-Only you,” Spencer stutters out between moans. “C-Can you add another, Miss?”
           I pull my finger out, only to add another and resume my efforts at a slightly faster pace. Spencer’s back arches up off the bed when my fingers brush against his prostate and he lets out a half startled, half delighted yelp.
           “Oh fuck!” Spencer moans as he grinds down onto my fingers. “Again, please, Miss!”
I comply, and with every press of my fingers against the fleshy bundle of tissue, Spencer’s body jolts from the sensation.
           “S’that feel good, baby? Do you like how my fingers feel?”
           “Oh, God, yes! F-Feels so good. Never felt like this b-before,” Spencer sobs. “I-I’m getting close, Miss.”
           “I didn’t say that you can cum, baby. I wanna save that for when I’ve got my cock buried inside you. How’s that sound?”
           “Y-Yes, Iwantitsobad,” Spencer slurs, his words running together as he draws nearer and near to the end. “Want you to fuck me, Miss! Please, I’ll do anything-”
           I take pity on him and withdraw my fingers, which makes Spencer keen in protest.
           “Calm down, greedy boy. Just gotta get ready so I can give you what you want.”
           I crawl off of the bed and step into the harness, fastening it in place and making sure that the dildo is secure before I crawl in between his legs. Spencer watches on with rapt fascination as I pour lube into my palm and work it over the silicone cock until every inch of it glistens.
           “What’s your color, baby?” I ask as rub the tip of the cock over his hole.
           Spencer’s breath catches in his throat and his whole-body tenses with anticipation.
           “So green, Miss. So fucking green,” Spencer whimpers.
           I raise a hand up to his hip and begin to rub soothing circles into the skin there.
           “Gonna need you to relax for me, sweetheart. Can you do that?”            Spencer bites his lip and nods his head. I watch as the tension begins to melt away, and when I see him relax back into the mattress, I bring up my hand to stroke his cock. I keep my touch light, barely applying pressure – I knew if I applied too much, Spencer wouldn’t be able to hold out longer than a few thrusts. He was already teetering on the edge as it was.
           Mine and Spencer’s eyes meet and he smiles up at me, dopey and drunk from pleasure, and it’s all the permission I need. I press into him slowly, and I’m left in awe as I watch Spencer Reid completely unravel beneath me.
           “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Spencer curses, head flying back and hitting the pillows. It never ceases to amaze me at how fucking responsive he is, and tonight is no exception. It’s like his body is a live wire, trembling beautifully as I press in further and further and further. I stop just shy of being fully sheathed inside him, trying to allow him a moment to adjust, but Spencer seems to have other plans.
           “Keep going, Miss, don’t stop, please! I want all of it, please give it to me! I can take it, please let me show you!”
           He looks up at me and those beautiful brown eyes are so wild, so positively feral that I can’t even entertain the idea of denying him any longer.
           Spencer looks positively ruined by the time I bottom out inside him. His hair sticks to the sheen of sweat that gathers on his forehead, and his lips look positively abused from the way he’s been biting down on them. His eyelids flutter closed every few seconds, and every time he blinks them back open, I’m able to see that his pupils are so blown that his eyes look almost black.
           I pull back until all that’s left inside him is the very tip of the cock, and just as he opens that bratty little mouth to beg for more, I give particularly harsh thrust of my hips until I’m fully sheathed inside him. Spencer lets out a surprised cry as I set an unforgiving pace, all the while still loosely jerking him off as I bury myself inside him again and again and again.
           “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Spencer chants loudly, face contorted beautifully in an expression of pure ecstasy. I spare a brief thought to Spencer’s poor neighbors and make mental note to invest in a ball gag.
           “S’that feel good, baby? You look so pretty taking my cock like the good boy you are. My pretty little cock slut. Such a shame nobody’s fucked you like this before,” I hum as I focus my attention on the head of his cock, thumbing lightly at where he leaks for me.
           “D-Don’t want anyone else, just wanna be good for y-you. Wanna m-make you proud,” Spencer whines, tripping over his words as he struggles to form a coherent sentence. The sentiment sends a jolt of heat down to my already soaking core, but I do my best to ignore the slickness running down my thighs for the time being. Right now, my only focus is the boy chanting my name, praying for a type of salvation that only I can give him.
           I smile down at him and my hand drifts lower to where I’m steadily thrusting in and out of him. Spencer’s body jolts as the pad of my thumb brushes against the sensitive skin of his hole.
           “Of course, I’m proud of you. Look at how well you’re taking me, baby. It’s like you were made to take my cock,” I praise him.
           My words, mixed with the way I’m working both Spencer’s cock and his tight little ass, seem to be getting the better of him, because Spencer doesn’t even try to formulate a response. He just continues to let out strangled moans that almost sound like sobs as his hands grasp at the sheets until his knuckles turn white.
           It doesn’t take long until I feel the muscles in Spencer’s stomach and thighs begin to tense, and when his cock twitches in my hand I can tell Spencer won’t last much longer.
           “Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” I ask him as I grind my hips against his, and Spencer’s reply comes in the form of an incoherent, garbled moan.
           “What’s the matter, baby? Have I fucked you so stupid that you can’t answer me anymore?” I taunt him. I use the leverage I have from the hand placed on his hip to propel myself deeper. “Is my poor dumb baby incapable of replying?”
           Spencer makes a feeble attempt at a reply, “P-Please let me – f-fuck – cum! Oh, God, m’socloseMiss. Harder, please!”
           I take a minute to bask in the way he’s completely fallen apart at my hands - relishing in the way his eyes are glossy and dark with lust, in the way that his chest is flushed a deep red, and in the way that precum beads at the tip of his cock, aching for a release. He looks beautiful like this, whining and squirming, hips grinding down in search of more, more, more. I’d never imagined in a million years that I’d be so lucky as to see the illustrious Spencer Reid fucked absolutely senseless, but here he was, waiting for my permission to throw himself off the edge and into the best kind of oblivion.
           “Cum for me, pretty boy,” I say in the softest voice imaginable. “Show me how good you are.”
           The tension that had been steadily building since the first press of my lips against his snaps in an instant, and copious amounts of cum spurt out from his cock, painting his chest in thick, white ropes. Spencer chants out muddled thank yous as I fuck him through his release, pushing in and out of him in shallow strokes as slowly comes back down from the high.
           When his breathing slows down to a normal rate, I pull out of him, quickly freeing myself from the harness and tossing it aside to be dealt with later. I crawl up until I’m at eye level and begin pressing soft, sweet kisses to Spencer’s face.
           “You did so well, Spence,” I murmur against his skin. “You’re amazing, baby. Thank you so much for trusting me to be with you like that.”
           Spencer lifts a shaky hand to my hair and pulls me down into a heated kiss. I indulge him and pour every ounce of passion I have into my efforts, hoping to express my gratitude with every swipe of my lips against his. And when I pull away, my pretty boy smiles up at me, sated and full of adoration, and it’s beautiful.
           “D’you think you can handle taking a shower with me?” I ask as I pull away, and Spencer gives a shy nod in response. He sits up in the bed and swings his legs until his feet hit the floor. I’m just about to stand when his hand comes down on my wrist to stop me.
           “What about you? You didn’t . . .”
           “Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. Tonight was all about you.”
           I move off of the bed and help him to his feet, holding him steady when his legs begin to shake. “Might be a little sore for a while, but it should go away within a day or so.”
           I help him to the bathroom and turn on the shower, and when it’s warm enough I rid myself of my bra and panties and motion for him to join me. I urge Spencer to step under the spray first, but his arms snake around me and pull me with him.
           Spencer nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck and he lets out a deep sigh.
           “You okay, bubs?” I ask him as I tangle my arms around his torso and begin to rub soothing circles into his back.
           “I just feel a little… down? I-Is this a sub drop? I read a little bit about them, but I don’t k-know…” he trails off, sniffling pitifully against my neck. “I-I just know that I want to hold you. Is that o-okay?”
           My heart lurches painfully in my chest as his voice wavers, and I pull back just enough that I can look into his weary eyes.
           “Baby, that’s more than okay. Sub drops are a perfectly normal thing to experience, and I’ll be right here to hold you for as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”
           Spencer’s eyes fill with tears and he makes no attempt to hold them back, choosing to let them fall freely and mix in with the water pouring from the shower head.
           “T-Tell me you want me,” Spencer begs, lip wobbling pitifully. “I-I just feel like I’m not good enough for you, and I know it’s all in my head, and I know how you feel about me, but I just think it would help if you just… s-said it. Please?”
           I feel my heart break for the man that stood before me. The implication his words carry - that this wonderful, kind-hearted, extraordinarily gifted man could ever think so little of himself – was enough to bring tears to my own eyes. I swallow down the lump that forms in my throat and, with all the sincerity I can possibly muster, I reply.
           “I want you, Spencer Reid. I don’t want anyone else – only you,” I tell him, never once breaking eye contact. “For as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
           Spencer chokes out a weak laugh, “And if I want you forever?”
           I nudge his nose with my own, and the act feels almost more intimate than everything that preceded it.
           “Then forever, it is,” I murmur. I press a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling away and reaching for the shampoo. “Now, turn around, pretty boy. Let me pamper you.”
           “Y/N!” Penelope calls out, sauntering over to me in a flash of hot pink taffeta. I’m in the middle of throwing my satchel over my shoulder when she runs up to me, excited smile on her face. “Me, you, JJ, Elle, and a bottle of tequila. You in?”
           On a normal day, the answer would have been a resounding hell yes. But today? I let my eyes wander over to where Spencer lingers near the glass doors, trying to look like he isn’t listening in. Very subtle.
           “I’m gonna have to pass on this one, Penelope.”
           Penelope’s smile transforms into a pout.
           “This is the third weekend in a row you’ve ditched us!” she whines, stomping her kitten heeled foot like a petulant child. “Either you’re avoiding us or you’ve got some secret lover we don’t know about. And if that’s the case, then we have a whole other problem, because that’s the kind of thing I expect to be told about immediately.”
           The giddy smile that stretches across my face gives me away before I even have the chance to open my mouth, sending Penelope into an absolute frenzy.
           “Oh my God, I cannot believe this. We’ll talk about how angry I am about being kept in the dark later because right now, I need details,” Penelope gushes. “Who is he? Where did you two meet? Is he hot?” Penelope barely gets the words out before she’s shaking her head. “Wait, that’s a dumb question. Of course, he’s hot - just look at you. Do I know him? When do I get to meet him?”
           I can’t help but laugh at Penelope’s enthusiasm.
           “Slow down, Pen,” I chuckle. “I didn’t tell you about it because it’s still relatively new, and it wasn’t until this past weekend that we finally decided to put a label on it.”
           “A label? Does that mean this guy is your boyfriend? Oh my God, I thought this day would never come,” Penelope sighs dreamily. But the far-away look in her eye quickly fades and Penelope begins to grill me with renewed fervor. “Y/N, you have to tell me who it is. It’s like, practically a crime that I’m only just now hearing about this, so you owe me this much. And I’ll be needing his first and last name, along with a DOB so that I can run a full back ground check ASAP. Don’t even try to talk me out of it – we deal with enough freakiness during our day jobs, and I insist on making sure the freakiness ends there.”
           I can feel a flush spread over my cheeks and I fiddle with the strap of my bag.
           “I, uh, don’t think a background check is going to be necessary. You know this guy pretty well already.”
           If Penelope had been worked up before, she was practically vibrating with excitement now.
           “I know him? Oh my God, this is so huge. Is it Brendon from down in sex crimes? Or maybe James from counter-terrorism?” Penelope muses aloud, before her eyes go almost comically wide. “Holy hell, it’s Anderson, isn’t it?”
           “It definitely isn’t Anderson, or any of the others, for that matter,” I laugh. “Do you want a hint?”
           “What I really want is for you to just tell me, but if you insist on dragging this out then yes, I would very much like a hint!”
           I cut my eyes over to where Spencer stands, and it’s impossible to miss the giddy grin on his face. So much for trying to remain subtle, Doctor Reid.
           I fake like I’m looking around for anyone within earshot before motioning for Penelope to lean in. She’s quick to comply, and I do one last exaggerated sweep of the room.
           “Alright then, here’s your hint,” I whisper into her ear. “He’s got an IQ of 187, and he’s a pretty kickass magician.”
           I lean back and adjust the strap of my bag, sparing one last, parting glance at Penelope, whose jaw is practically on the floor.
           “See you on Monday, Pen.”
           “W-Wait, are you serious?” Penelope calls out after me. “Reid is your mystery man?! Y/N, get back here right now and explain yourself! Derek, did you hear that?!”
           By the time I reach Spencer, Penelope’s voice fades into background noise as I focus all my attention on the way he smiles down at me. I link my hand with his and I’m vaguely aware of an increase in volume coming from Penelope’s direction, but I ignore in favor of smiling back at him.
           “You ready to get out of here, boyfriend?”
           Spencer squeezes my hand in his and he nods.
           “Ready when you are, girlfriend.”
taglist: @90spumkin​​ @moon-light-jukebox​​ @jessalyn-jpeg​ @pinkdiamond1016​​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​​ @eldahae​​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @kasaikawa​ @shadyladyperfection​
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monodipita · 3 years
ANGEL (Yandere!Angel x Reader)
Words: 1,930
Warning: Yandere content
A/N: This is one of the tamest yandere pieces I've wrote, I think. I hope you enjoy it.
Silence was only broken by the ambient noise that played on the TV and the soft whimpers of someone's voice, otherwise, the air was incredibly still in this apartment.
He stood above them. This poor person who was at the complete and utter mercy of Angel, whose touch could kill anyone if they touched long enough. His deep brown eyes lingered on their body while his hands hovered inches off of their face. Tears rolled down the person's face while they were forced to stare up at him.
"I'm going to ask again. You've already lost about a year of your life with your uneventful answers," Angel spoke. "Please, I've told you again and again, I don't know where [Y/N] is!" The feminine voice cried out quickly after Angel's statement. "But you do," Angel retorted, "[Y/N] has been seen in this apartment complex four times. That means walking by this door four times. Four encounters."
He was trying to piece together something, but you couldn't quite tell what it was. You hovered nearby for the sake of trying to find out what his game plan was, but at the expense of (almost) making your presence known... it wasn't easy getting into this apartment after Angel stepped in, but you wormed in and made yourself comfortable out of sight. You could only pray that he didn't see you, or hear you.
But there was something about all of this that you couldn't quite wrap your head around. Was he trying to figure out if you lived here? Because you didn't. No, your mentor lived here... and it was just normal for you to visit her when you had the time to, outside of work.
"I-I-I don't know..." the voice sobbed, "I have a family! Please don't keep doing this to me!"
It was sickening. Angel was repeatedly threatening this person's life by... touching her. No one could underestimate the power of his hands touching a mere human... even a simple grab of the hand could cost you two months. You could only bitterly imagine what it must've been like to be caressed by him. What it was like to have his face cup your hands. How much of your life would he take away then? You couldn't answer that question clearly, but the person he was interrogating, could.
"No, no no no, PLEASE!" She yelled, before a loud scream erupted from her lips while Angel's hands touched her face. Seconds pass, every one of them feeling like a grueling eternity that made your stomach churn. It was a total of ten seconds before Angel removed his hands. "You're in luck! I only took about a month away. We're nearing that threshold, though, and that can be scary ... so I would start talking now. So, I will ask this question again, Miss. Please answer it to the best of your ability."
He was growing too impatient to keep pestering this person, you could tell. Angel was lazy, and though he surprised you with the amount of effort he put into doing all of this, you knew he couldn't keep it up for long. Especially when it was reaching dead ends like it was now. Angel cleared his throat, "you may be aware of a person named [Y/N] [L/N] that comes into this apartment complex every Tuesday and Thursday around the same time in the afternoons. I know you see [Y/N] because you're a stay-at-home wife. So, I am asking you again. It's... early in the evening," he checked his watch before looking back down at the person. "And [Y/N] wasn't here today. Did something happen."
There was more silence to be followed before the person began to sob again... wail, really. It was distressing to hear. To know that someone was dying because of you really didn't sit well on your mind, or on your stomach.
"This will all be over soon. You've told me all I need to know." Angel's eyes hooded.
"N-n-no, please," the helpless voice uttered over Angel's, "I-I want to live! Please! I don't even know who [Y/N] [L/N] is!! PLEASE, NO!-" Their cries were ... blended, almost. If anyone could make aging be heard, it was Angel, while he took someone's life through simply touching their skin. You still couldn't quite wrap your head around that fact.
You stifled a cry and clamped your hand over your mouth to silence yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. Why? Why would he do this? What did this person do to deserve the touch of death? For just living here, was that it?
A yawn characteristically came from Angel's mouth before he stepped over the person's body, tucking his hands in his pockets as he stopped at the door. He stood there for a moment before he he turned his head, beautiful locks tumbling down his back as he looked around with narrowed eyes. You did your best to stay quiet in the corner you were in, you didn't want to draw attention to yourself and risk him knowing that you were here.
The longer he stayed at the door though, the more you found yourself beginning to question why you were even here in the first place... but you knew why. He was acting strange. He had been acting strange ever since that little date the two of you went on.
Ice cream. It wasn't a very romantic setting and it was actually one he and Aki Hayakawa frequented quite often, but something about this particular day happened to set him off. You treated him to something nice after he proved to be helpful against a devil you couldn't get close to—so it was just the two of you this time, Aki was nowhere in sight. A lot of the time you two spent together at that time was spent toward speaking about things, such as the ice cream you ate, how he saved your life, and how you were thankful that he helped you out.
Angel wanted to know so much about you after that—and was clingy, moreso than what you would've expected from someone like him, who seemed like he couldn't have gave a damn whether someone lived or died, as long as he wasn't bothered. In the days, maybe even weeks after leading up to now, he never really left you alone until you broke off from him to go home for the day. The days you went to visit your mentor, you linked up with him shortly after leaving the apartment complex, some ways away from it. You didn't quite think of it like you were thinking about it now, but looking back on it, there were clearly some things that were wrong here. How did he find out that you were coming to this apartment complex? Was he following you?
"I thought I heard something other than that woman when I walked inside."
"Gah!" You squeaked in fear, making your body jolt as your arm covered your face in self-defense. Angel found you, he finally found you. "F-fuck!"
"What are you doing here, [Y/N]?" He asked, "are you here to talk to whoever you're talking to?"
"W-why does that matter?" You stammer, as you find the courage to finally remove your arm from your face to look up at him. Why, he looked mental. His eyes looked like beads against his white sclera. What a terrifying expression to come back to—it made your heart leap into your throat. "I didn't feel like visiting my mentor today."
"Oh. Your mentor."
Silence between the two of you begins to pick up after that. Your heart felt like it was going to explode with how fast it was beating. So many questions had to be asked, but how could you ask them? You didn't even know what to say right now.
"Want to go get some ice cream?" He asked, as if everything that happened didn't just happen. You swallowed thickly at the question asked and looked around nervously. Did you beat around the bush? Agree, and act like nothing happened in this room? Or did you face the fact that what Angel did was unforgivable?
Another gap of silence.
"Angel, you just killed an innocent human being for no reason," you stated the obvious. Your brows furrowed and you stared at him. "Do you have any idea what this means?"
"Mm, no," Angel shook his head, "I'm sure I don't really care, either." He then pointed to the door. "Do you want to get ice cream with me, [Y/N]?"
"A-angel!" You pressed him with your words. "You... you killed an innocent human being!"
"...why do I care?" He gave you a blank stare. "I was doing her a favor. Now, do you want to get ice cream with me?" He extended his free hand in the direction of your body. "I know you're going home soon, since this is your day off."
You stared at him, horrified by the lack of humanity within him. Well, he was a devil... so of course he didn't have any shred of humanity, but still, didn't he feel even an ounce of remorse over what he just did? None at all? "Y-you killed her because of me," you reiterated in a more... significant light. "Why?"
"Because I didn't see you come into the building today, so I went around asking," he responded and sighed before he shoved his hands into his pockets. He would know better than to touch someone he cared for if he didn't want them to die. "She was mean to me, so she suffered the consequences."
Those words worried you. "What do you mean you went around and asked?" You narrowed your eyes. "Did you..."
"Only to those who were rude." Angel calmly stated, "not a lot of them were even subjected to what this woman went through. But I know she saw you... she saw you every time you came up on this floor. I know she did. She proceeded to lie about it, and for lying, she had to be killed." He tilted his head. "Have I answered your questions enough? Can we go get ice cream now?"
So many people had their lives threatened because of you. That was a tough pill to swallow, wasn't it?
The sound of the door opening made your heart beat quicken again. Your eyes shot to the door to see him standing in the doorway with his eyes still on you. "Come on. I want to go get ice cream."
"...why... why did you do it?" You weakly asked him as you stumbled forward to meet him. "Why would you subject all of these people to torture? A-and for... for me..?" It just didn't sound right.
"It may not be a lot, but it's honest work. I try my best to keep you safe. I have to know where you are at all times to do that though, right?" Angel shrugged his shoulders. "Think of me as your guardian angel, maybe that'll make the pill easier to swallow. ...so, can we go get ice cream?"
"N-no," you gently push him out of the way so that you can leave the building. "We won't be doing anything of the sort. I'm going to go to the hunter's association and ask to be reassigned to another devil."
Angel stumbled back, but was quick to grab your arm.
"Not if you want to live, you won't." He narrowed his eyes. "We're together now. If I can't have you, no one else can."
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hey, how are you?:)) As you’ve said before when there’s medical issues about JK we always see JM to be there with him but i don’t remember seeing the other way around. I’ve seen JM with medical staff but it was just the two of them(the one where JM was having muscle pain i think?) So I was wondering have we ever seen JK with JM in that kind of situation?
Hello anon 💜 Let's talk a bit about Jimin's chronic pain.
I'll do an FYI warning here at the beginning, I will be getting very personal in this post again. I know a lot of yall probably don't care, but sometimes I feel like it's easier to understand things when we look at it from the POV of a normal person instead of a celebrity. I personally relate a lot (alotttt) to Jimin and how he reacts about things and so sometimes it is easier for me to explain how I see things by speaking from personal experience as well. Hope that's okay!
So to start, let's talk about the difference of what we have seen in regards to Jikook with the medical team. JK had accidental and serious injuries. These were potentially dangerous and/or things they were unprepared for. Passing out, fainting, cutting open your skin.... all things requiring immediate and serious medical attention right away. Jimin was always worried and always came running. Jimin on the other hand, we have HEARD about him fainting, but we have never seen it, the lead up or the aftermath. So we cannot speak on who was with him or what exactly happened during that time. The times we did briefly see him with med teams were all instances due to his chronic pain. Which is something VERY different than an injury. Let me try and explain that further.
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"You have to live with it" is so accurate. I am also someone who has chronic pain. I was diagnosed with my first pain disorder at the age of 12. I now have been diagnosed with 8 different disorders and autoimmune conditions. I have been through multiple treatment plans and surgeries to try and improve my quality of life, but that's all it will ever do. It's chronic, it's not ever going to go away. I just have to live with it. I personally have a hard time remembering what it feels like to not hurt. On good days, normal days... the pain is still there. It's literally just my normal at this point. You just learn to compartmentalize and live your live anyway. The few times we have seen Jimin getting treatment for the muscle pain and chronic pain he has, well those aren't the same as injuries. Like the trainer is saying above, he literally just has to deal with it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only time we see him with the med team are during this massage/chronic pain type appointments or getting taped up for some more stability and relief.
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As someone who has been through similar things I can say that my husband has been by my side for all my injuries. He has sat and waited through my surgeries and injections. He has sat through the times I got regular hurt and needed stitches. Etc etc. He has also never once been to my monthly PT massages. He has said that if I wanted him there, he would be there, but otherwise it would be very very hard for him to my my therapist hurt me, even if he was hurting me to help me. Because it does hurt. A lot. And all he could do would be to sit and watch it happen. I also don't need or want him there. It's just... my life. It's nothing new or scary or anything that worries me. I know exactly what to expect and I know exactly how my body works in these situations. I don't need or even want my husband there because it's just so ingrained into my normal, I don't even think about it anymore. Yes, twice a month I will go and get tortured so that I can continue to walk normally the rest of the time (hopefully). I can even laugh through the grimace with my therapist who does a great job and making me comfortable. I don't need hand holding, so why make my husband watch me hurt when I don't need it? My husband also hasn't gone to any of my doctor appointments for it with me unless we are going to be talking about something major or treatment plan changes (i.e infusion therapy or an operation). It's viewed as something very similar to what healthy people consider their annual check ups at the doctors basically, unless you have alot of anxiety about medical stuff, you don't typically need someone to go with you for a check up. He mostly focuses on taking care of my however he can on an everyday basis.
Knowing what we know about JK and JM and their personalities, this matches up a lot for them as well I feel like. (My opinion!) JK has a very hard time watching his hyungs hurting, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be there if he was needed. Jimin probably simply doesn't need the support in those moments. Jimin also isn't someone who enjoys being on camera during moments where he isn't in control. The moments we see him in pain on camera or with the med team thay isn't normal just coming off stage pain and exhaustion, is very very little. Less then the other members. And we see after they won their first major award for I Need U, Jimin is crying and keeps pushing the camera out of his face, saying to give him a minute. So I don't think we honestly see a lot of what he doesn't want us to see. So I think it's hard to say on if we see JK doing the same for Jimin because their situations medically were so different. Jimin wasn't "injured" he was receiving, what I think is, routine treatment. Or we hear about it, like when Jimin missed the Graham Norton show to due to muscle pain. He stayed and rested, everyone else continued with the schedule but we don't see footage of that choice being made or how it was made or who hung out with him until they had to leave, etc. Or when we saw Jimin resting with the staff taping ice to his knee on the couch, they all left him alone and he closed his eyes. It kinda looked like he wanted that space. And I can relate that sometimes when I hurt really bad, I don't want anyone or anything around me, including the people I love.
I also think it's super important to note that Jungkook takes care of Jimin ALOT and is very aware of him and how he is feeling. Jimin barely stretches his neck to get more comfortable and JK is reaching over to rub it for him in an interview right away. He is extra gentle with him and around him whenever he is having a bad day with his pain. He asks him if he is alright often. He is giving out constant massages to Jimin, to the point where the editors crack jokes about him being Jimins personal massage therapist. He carries him around a lot, especially after long shows. You seem him keeping an extra eye on Jimin sometimes during rehearsals. As someone who has chronic pain, I recognize alot of those behaviors from my own partner. And I can tell you that personally, that kind of stuff means a lot and is very touching. It makes me feel very loved and cared for. So I don't think its a stretch to assume it makes Jimin feel the same.
Some examples:
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And I've mentioned before how intense the vminkook fake love flip was and you see when they are practicing it, JK was very concerned about making sure that while they pulled him they did it in a way that would cause the least strain to Jimins arms and shoulders, trying to prevent causing him any more pain. He is always thinking about it. Taekook were very careful about hand positioning and how they moved him, to not only keep Jimin safe, but to try and minimize the pain caused to Jimin during the trick.
We also see JKs immense amounts of worry anytime Jimin is struggling with something or hurting and how much he cares. And we also see how worried JK was in 2015 when Jimin missed a day of the concert due to being faint. When he was back the next day, JK stopped and sung directly to him during For You and you could see how happy he was that Jimin was feeling better and back on stage through that whole concert.
Sooo I guess this was my long winded way of saying no, we don't see the same footage in reverse but I think there is good reason for that. Mostly the vastly different situations. Lol I hope this all made sense. And also showed how much JK does take care of Jimin medically/emotionally, even if we don't see him sitting in on his appointments with staff.💜💜 thanks for the ask! Hope you don't mind my super long winded approach to this. Lol
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padme-parker · 3 years
Mizpah // the darkling x f!reader // ch 3
summary: After finally meeting the darkling, the two of you have a one on one conversation. It seems like Mal and Alina also have one. An offer is made to you, one that you could simply not deny
A/N: Please read this before continuing-- From here on, the rest of the fic will most likely be following the book series instead of the show. However there will be some aspects of the show woven in! Also I know the beginning of this chapter doesn’t line up with what happened in ch 2 but its whatever. for the sake of the story, the timeline is going to be dragged out for as long as possible <3 
I also made a playlist, give it a look :))
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As Mal walks with the guard towards the room the General had directed for him to wait in, he hears his name being called out. His heart pounds at the sound of Alina’s familiar voice. He turned around, her face being split by a giant smile. Alina runs toward him, engulfing him in a hug, her arms around his neck.
“What’re you doing here?” She asked
“Hell if I know.” Mal said with a weariness that Alina hadn’t expected. “I had a report to make to your master.”
“My what?” There was confusion on her face before a grin took its place. “You and y/n were the ones who found Morozova’s herd. I should’ve known, the two best trackers in all of Ravka.” Alina knew something was off. Mal couldn’t bear to look her in the eyes, where had all the excitement he had felt earlier gone?
“I should go.”
“What do you mean? You just got here.” The sun summoner could feel something topple over in her, all of the anger and embarrassment that she had built up. All the letters she had sent, but never gotten a reply to. All the times she had hoped Mal would come and find her, yet when he finally did, he was just going to leave again. “You know what, sorry. I didn’t realize I was wasting your time.” She sneered, the love in her eyes now replaced with animosity.
“I didn’t say that.” He argued.
“No, no, I understand. You can’t be bothered to answer my letters. Why would you want to stand here talking to me, while y/n is waiting saints knows where.” Mal’s mood shifted into one of confusion.
“I didn’t get any letters.” He whispered.
“Yeah right.” She replied angrily. Mal sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
“We have to move constantly to track the herd. My unit is barely in contact with the regiment anymore.” Mal was tired of arguing with Alina. He had come to see one of his bestest friends, he didn’t expect for it to end like this.
Alina hesitates for a second to look at Mal, noticing how much he has changed since she was taken from the Darklings tent. He was no longer the Mal she knew, something had happened to him since the months she had been gone. His eyes were colder, his posture was one of somebody who was always on alert.
“You didn’t get any of my letters?” She uttered, feeling the ends of her heart fraying. He shook his head, she could tell his mind was elsewhere now, a distant look in his expression.
“Mal, I..” She hesitated. “Can’t you stay a little while longer?” She pleaded. She hated the fact that she had to do so just to spend time with him. “You can’t imagine what it’s been like here.” He lets out a laugh, one riddled with sarcasm.
“I don’t need to imagine. I saw your little demonstration in the ballroom. Very impressive.” He sneered.
“You saw me?”
“Yes, both y/n and I got a glimpse of you.” He paused, trying to search for the right words. “Do you know how worried I’ve been about you? How worried we were? Y/n was stationed near the southern borders and when she came looking for us she was so worried. She didn’t know what happened to you and neither did I. I couldn’t tell her the truth because I had no what they’d done to you! We had no way to reach you. Did you know that there were rumors that you were being tortured?” The words left his mouth in a quivering mess. “When we had heard of the opportunity to see you once more, we took it. We did it for you, Alina.”
“Really?” She tried to believe Mal, why would he come looking for her when he could be with anyone else. After all of these years, she had become so used to his indifference.
“Yes.” He hissed. “And here you are, safe and sound. Dancing and flirting like some cosseted little princess-”
“Don’t sound so disappointed.” She snapped. “I’m sure the Darkling can arrange for a rack or some hot coals if that would make you feel better” Mal scowled and stepped away from her. She couldn’t believe that they were fighting. Alina lays her hand on one of his arms and feels it tense below her, yet he doesn’t pull away.
“Mal, I can’t help the way things are here. I didn’t ask for any of this!” He looks at her and then looks away, some of the tension leaving his body.
“I know you didn’t.” The weariness in his voice came back, making Alina remove her hand from his arm. “What happened to you Mal?” She whispered. Mal chose to say nothing, staring into the darkness of the hall. She lays her hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble on her palm. She turns his face until his eyes meet hers.
“I can’t…” She lets her fingertips wander to the scar on his jaw.
“Genya can fix this, she can..” She knows she said the wrong thing when Mal takes a step back.
“I don’t need fixing” He snapped. Snatching Alina’s hand from where it had just been seconds before.
“I didn’t mean..”
“Are you happy here, Alina?” The question took her by surprise.
“I don’t know… sometimes…”
“Are you happy here? With him?” Alina didn’t have to ask who Mal meant. She didn’t know what to say.
“You're wearing his symbol. His colors.” He observed, his eyes glancing at the gold charm hanging on her neck.
“They’re just clothes.” She tried to convince him, quite possibly herself too.
“You and I both know that they’re more than just clothes.”
“What difference does it make what I wear?”
“The clothes, the jewels.” He spat. “Even the way you look. He’s all over you!” The words hit her like a slap. She takes her hand from his tight embrace and crosses it over her chest.
“It’s not like that.” She said, avoiding his gaze. Mal could see right through her, he could see the flush that had started to form when he had mentioned the Darkling.
“I saw how he looked at you Alina!”
“I like how he looks at me!” She shouted, a malicious smile forming on Mal’s face.
“Just admit it,” He sneered. “He owns you.”
“He owns you too, Mal.” She bit back. “He owns us all.” The smile falling from his face.
“No, he doesn’t.” He said fiercely. “Not me. Not y/n. Not ever.”
“Oh really? Don’t you have someplace to be? Don’t you have orders to follow?” Mal stands up straight, his face cold and devoid of any emotions.
“Yes, I did. My orders were to wait for you to be taken to me. But I think I found what I’ve been looking for.” He turned sharply and walked out, leaving Alina to her thoughts. She finally lets the tears fall down her cheeks, her body coursing with anger and heartbreak. For months she had dreamt of the day where she would be able to see Mal again. She had spent her whole lifetime chasing after him, but she knew now it was time to let him go.
THE DARKLING walks closer to you, while you stay propped up next to the door. You fidget with your hair, moving it to one side as he inches closer and closer until he is a few feet away from you. You anticipated his next moves, he brings his hand to you neck and strokes it.
“Your bleeding.” It seems like Genya had nicked you after all. “Here, let me.” He offered, taking a cloth from his pocket and gently wiping the small amount of blood away. His other hand resting at the nape of your neck for stability. You watched his eyes as he concentrated on his actions. You prayed to the saints that he couldn’t hear the incredibly fast pace your heart was beating at.
“So, what did you need to speak to me about.” You questioned. Deeming his work satisfactory, he takes a step back. Tucking the bloodied cloth back into his kefta.
“Have you eaten yet?” He asked.
“What?” Some of the excitement inside of you had deflated.
“It must’ve been a long ride from Kribirsk, I’m sure you're starving.” He calls out for one of the oprichniki outside of his doors and orders them to bring dinner for the two of us.
“I appreciate the gesture, sir. But surely that’s not why you wanted me to stay behind.”
“No, you’re right. Take a seat.” He points to a smaller table, one that hadn’t been occupied by maps and war strategies. It was a rectangular table, both seats facing the window that had shown the view of the lake. You walked towards the table and took a seat. The moonlight glimmered off of the lake, making you smile. He places a lantern in the middle of the table, assuring that you were not going to eat in the dark. In one swift motion, he sits right next to you, his body angled towards yours. “How do you know Alina?”
“We grew up together.” He looked at you, pressing for more details. “In an orphanage in Keramzin.” You were interrupted by a knock, the food had finally arrived. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until the smell of roasted lamb had made your mouth water. “Is that roasted lamb? It’s my favorite!” The Darkling shot you a smile, motioning for you to dig in.
“I was alone until Alina and Mal had come in.” You said between bites. “I never knew my parents. Ana Kuya said I had just turned up one day on the doorsteps, wrapped in nothing but a blanket. I used to get bullied, but when they showed up, they started picking on Mal too. Alina, being the great person she is, defended us both.” A smile made its way onto your lips as you reminisced about your youth. “From then, the three of us were like peas in a pod. We were never seen without each other. That was until we joined the First Army. Alina and Mal had been stationed near Kribirsk while I was down south in Caryeva. We rarely got to see each other.” The Darkling watched as you shoveled the food into your mouth. His hands clasped together, resting on his lap as he listened intently.
“Are you not going to eat?” You pointed the knife in your hand at his plate.
“No, it’s for you.” He replied, pushing the plate closer to you. You squinted your eyes, bewildered by the movement.
“What do you want from me?” The words had left your mouth before you could think, “Sorry, I..” Truly, what would the darkling want from someone like me? Someone who wasn’t like him. You thought to yourself.
“Stay. I want you to stay at the palace.” He announced, his request shocking you to the core. “..Alina needs a friend here, someone she knows and is familiar with. Someone she is comfortable around.”
“What about Mal?” You set down the fork and knife, forgetting about the food.
“He is welcome to stay too.” A quiet and hesitant knock is heard after he finishes speaking. He calls out for the person, allowing them to enter. “Ah, Alina. We were just talking about you.” He motions for her to come to the table.
She gingerly walks over to you, her arms crossed over her chest. “What about me?” She asked.
“I’ve invited our friend here, y/n, to stay at the palace. Your friend, Mal, may stay too.”
“He won’t be staying here.” She sniffled, a sarcastic laugh leaving her lips.
“What? Why?” You inquired.
“He left.” She explained. You knew she was leaving out some details. Just mere hours ago, Mal had been ecstatic to see her again. Yet now he was gone? Something wasn’t adding up. You’d pester her later about it when you weren’t in the presence of the Darkling.
“My offer to you still stands, y/n. You may stay, granted that you take residence in this hall.” Alina tried to hide her shock, no one had ever stayed in the Darkling’s hall. He had it all to himself. She didn’t even know there were other rooms near his. “If you are to stay here at the Little Palace as a guest, then I’ll need to be able to keep an eye on you just in case something happens.”
You give yourself some time to decide. You had duties to attend to, you and Mal had to track the stag. However, given that the two of you had pinpointed it’s location, there wasn’t much left to do. What the Darkling was offering you had been everything you’d dreamt of. If you stayed you wouldn’t have to wait days just to bathe. You wouldn’t have to starve anymore.
“How long would I stay?”
“For as long as Alina likes.” He said. You turned to Alina, asking if this had been the right choice for you. She gives you an eager nod.
“Fine. I’ll stay for Alina.” You look at her again, taking note of the color of her kefta. She was wearing his colors, which could possibly mean one thing. “Are you two together?” Alina’s eyes widen with humility while the Darkling lets out a brief laugh.
“Sorry for her behaviour. She just doesn’t know how to shut her trap.” She moved from where she was leaning against the table and pinched your arm. Her playful glare made you giggle. She opens her mouth to talk again.
“No, we aren’t.” The Darkling answered for her. He noticed the frown on her face, sending her a tight lipped smile, signalling that they would talk later. “You must be tired. Let me show you to your quarters. Alina, stay here.” He motioned for you to follow. Alina watched as the two of you left the war room, a sigh leaving her lips.
You followed him for a few paces before he stopped in front of a door. “Your room is right across from mine if you ever need anything. However I think everything you need is already there.” He replied. You waited around, wondering what was to happen next. He nodded his head towards the door, allowing you to enter. The room had been dark, no lanterns had been lit up due to the room being unoccupied. The Darkling called for an inferni. One came over quickly, lighting up the candles and lanterns as quickly as she could. The room was quite similar to Alina’s, the only difference being that most of the furniture had his symbol engraved on it. Had this room once belonged to his lover? You were too afraid to ask, not wanting to overstep your boundaries. “I’ll be back in the morning to give you a proper tour of the palace. Until then, get some rest.” Without bidding you goodbye, the Darkling left to go speak with Alina.
Without wasting a second, you ran towards the tub, drawing yourself a warm bath. It had been so long since you had been able to bathe by yourself. You’d gotten used to bathing with the other female soldiers that you had forgotten had relaxing it could be. You wash all the accumulated dirt and grime from your body along with your hair. Feeling the water begin to grow cold, you reach for a robe before heading towards the dresser.
It’s contents were luxurious. Many gorgeous dresses, all varying lengths. Countless nightgowns embroidered with flower designs. At the very end of the dresser was a kefta. No ordinary one, it was gold with black detailing. It seemed to stop mid knee. You wanted to reach out to it, to feel it underneath your fingertips but decided not to. Maybe another day. Instead you reached out for a nightgown and slipped it on. To your surprise it fit perfectly, almost too perfectly. Deciding not to dwell on it for much longer, you blow out the candles, leaving the lanterns alight and slip under the heavy covers of the bed. The fatigue from the journey finally caught up with you, and you found yourself sleeping within the minute.
“I won’t let you take them!” A voice that sounded like yours shouted. What were you talking about? Who were you talking about?
“You have no say in this matter.” You couldn’t tell who was talking and it frustrated you, it felt like their name was on the tip of your tongue.
“There’s always a choice.” Before you knew it someone had pressed a cold blade against your throat, gasping emerging from the people around you.
“No! Don’t do it.” Someone pleaded just as another shouted your name.
“I won’t be your pawn, not anymore.” You said, the next thing you felt was the warmth of your own blood dripping on you. You stumbled back, your hands going to the laceration on your neck. You gasped and whimpered in pain as you felt more blood leave you. In the background you could hear someone screaming, another one sobbing whilst saying your name.
You woke up screaming, your hands going to your neck as you stumbled out of bed, falling onto the floor. The door to your room flew open and in came the Darkling along with the oprichniki. Some had their pistols drawn, ready to shoot, while others held their arms up. The Darkling and his guards ran about your room, looking for an intruder to find none. Noticing the state you were in, he ordered the guards to leave.
He crouched down to you, reaching out his hand to touch you before pulling back. “Are you alright?” Your gaze met his, you observed the sun's rays coming through your windows, lighting him up like an angel. His eyes held concern as you hesitated to answer him.
“I’m not sure..” For the first time in your life, you were terrified. You shed a few tears as you looked at him, your shaking hands still around your neck. He hovers his hand over yours, stopping just before they made contact. He was asking for permission to touch you. With a nod, he gently placed his hands atop of yours before removing them. The birthmark on your neck was now raw and red, as if you had been violently scratching it.
Your dream had left you in shambles as one thought ran wildly through your mind, was my birthmark a warning of what was to come?
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless @devilxangel @musicconversedance @parabatai-winchester @runawayolives @tartiflvtte @rbg1933 @thatguppienamedbae @batgal96 @thebarisinhell99 @5hundreddaysofsummer @kaqua @queenseneschal @benbarnes-supremacy @princessofpersia96 @takethee @dontjinx-it @freakytillthemoon @amortentiaaaa @marvel-ousnesss @coolninjavoid @areomalfoy @pansysgirlfriend @universalirwin @leavejuliaalone @xx-winwin-wednesday-xx @honeyofthegods @lunamyangel @d-list-goddess @comphersjost @telepathdestiel​ @the-celestial-kitsune @thestoryofmylife9​ @s-corpionem​ @pancakeisreading @sanna2020 @secretsandtinyshadows @savannah-elliott @maliasblue @tea-effect @disneyandharrypotter​ @futuristicpinklemur @tanyaherondale @the-puff-is-strong-with-this-one @hxgreeves @yourboiialucard​ @thereeallink @ladyblablabla​ @wolfieellsworld​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @louweasleymalfoy
I tagged everyone I could </3
Also not proofread so sorry for any mistakes lmao
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