#i’ve only confirmed her new species today so uh
coccinellaaa · 8 months
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but i literally received 2 pieces of fanart 2day i love 2day 🩷🩷‼️‼️
ALSO ALSO a random thing i only recently noticed rn isssss that melody is wearing glassesss…. Which she actually doesn’t have them 😭 the lil shapes near her eyes are just face marks (like an actual ladybug yk the white things near their head) that doesn’t matter doe like you nailed everything else!!!!
((but im ok w/ melody wearing glasses …. She lowk looks cute w/ them on !!!!! don’t feel ashamed btw 😭 . i prolly shoulda made that clearer but OH WELL.)))
back to the art doe , I LOVE THE WAY U DRAW HER……. Yummy yummy anatomy!!!! I like they way u draw the bugsonas sm i cant get over it rn 🩷🐞
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Bucky gets hit with that god awful (but really hot) sex pollen. (this was requested)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Dub-Con/Non-Con as per usual with sex pollens fics (although i try to write them as consensual as possible :T) Smut obvi (18+ minors dni), slight daddy kink, age gap?, public male masturbation; it's brief but still
TW: very brief mention of possible suicide
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hot
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“Where are those daisies we collected from the last mission?” Tony asked you, eyes staying glued to the hologram in front of him.
“I left them on the quinjet. Fury said to wait for transportation until Shield confirms safety. It’s literally in a glass case, but whatever,” you rolled your eyes, making the older man laugh.
“Just protocol, kid,” he snickered.
Meanwhile Bucky sat with Steve eating lunch, chatting it up like old men do.
“So what did you bring back from the last mission? I saw a bunch of agents in hazmat suits,” Steve said sipping his coffee.
“Uh, well Thor said we should bring some plants back for research, but it seems like a bunch of normal lookin’ daisies,” Bucky shrugged.
“Y/n loves daisies,” Steve smirked.
“And you love Y/n,” Steve teased.
“No I don’t-”
“Hey boys!” you skipped past the kitchen.
“Y/n,” Bucky said standing up with a big goofy smile on his face.
“Where ‘ya going?” Steve asked with a chuckle.
“Quinjet. Fury gave us the go to start doing tests on that plant you brought the other day,” you smiled lightly jogging to the runway.
“Why don't you ask her on a date, Buck,” Steve nudged.
“Come on, she’s way too smart to go out with a dumbass like me,” Bucky joked.
“I don’t know. It’s been years since I’ve talked to another woman. It doesn’t come naturally anymore. Wha- what’s even the first I’d say to her?”
“I don’t know, man. I’m on the same boat with you. Just… Tell how nice she looks today when she comes back.”
“Really?” Bucky asked skeptically.
“Yeah, be nice to her.”
“I am nice to her.”
“I mean be extra nice. Flatter her,” Steve told him, “Go wait in the lab until she comes back and tell her she looks pretty today.”
“Isn’t Tony in the lab?” Bucky asked.
“Ha ha, yeah,” Steve teased, patting his back before leaving to his room.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tony mumbled seeing Bucky waltzing in the room awkwardly.
“Nothing,” he mumbled back.
Tony dropped his hands and stared at Bucky with an unimpressed look on his face. Everyone but you knew about Barnes’ little boy crush on you but he’s never had the balls to say anything. You were close to Tony and seeing as though he doesn’t particularly like Bucky, he didn’t want you hanging around him. But you were an adult so of course you hung out with whoever you wanted.
He was sure you liked him back too which never ceased to make him roll his eyes.
You walked back from the quinjet with the glass container of daisies. You weren’t exactly a plant expert but it was apparent that these daisies were mutated seeing as though the pollen swirled around the flowers gracefully. It was beautiful but then again they might be extremely dangerous considering it was a Hydra experiment.
“Hey Y/n, off to the lab again?” Steve smiled.
“Yup, gotta check these babies out according to Thor; said they might be dangerous if they’re what he thinks they are,” you said, still walking.
“And what’s that?” you just shrugged at his question unsure of the answer yourself.
“Well, Bucky’s waiting for you in the lab,” he slipped in the conversation.
“Really? Why’s-” Crash!
“Oh no,” Tony mumbled, seeing the collision in action.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” you stuttered.
“No, no. I should be sorry. Here let me help,” bucky knelt to the ground grabbed the fallen daisies with his bare hands.
“No! Don’t touch-” Tony shouted practically sprinting towards you two.
The golden pollen swirled in a misty manner engulfing Bucky completely. You stared with furrowed brows confused at the sight before you and what was going on. Bucky’s skin began to burn and his senses were being overloaded. All he could smell in that moment was you; the same scent that he got a whiff of this morning when he hugged you, the perfume and the shampoo that filled his senses when you walked passed him.
Tony pushed you out of the lab roughly throwing you in Steve’s arms who was just as confused.
“FRIDAY,” Tony called out.
“Yes, Mr. Stark,” the familiar voice answered.
“Lock all the doors to the lab and maybe turn on the a/c,” he commanded.
“Of course, Mr. Stark.”
All the glass walls and doors instantly shut and locked, locking Bucky inside. Bucky’s eyes found your and slammed his body against the glass desperately trying to reach you. You too ran up to the glass wall trying to understand what had happened to him. Everything was happening so suddenly.
Your forehead was pressed against the glass as was Bucky’s; both of you staring into each other’s eyes momentarily. In that moment, you could see his eyes turn golden for a quick second before his pupils dilated ridiculously before your eyes.
“Is he going to be ok?” you turned away.
“Y/n! Please!” Bucky’s muffled screams shocked you.
“Uh… where’s Thor?” Tony panicked.
“What the hell is happening?” Nat asked; Sam, Wanda, and Vision trailing behind closely.
“Nat,” you ran to her.
“What happened to Bucky?” Same asked.
“He- I ran- I ran into him by a-accident and the box dropped. There was mist everywhere and Bucky's eyes. His eyes,” you stammered breathlessly.
“Please! I need her!” Bucky hit the glass in an attempt to break it.
“Oh my goodness,” Wanda gasped at the sweaty Bucky hitting and practically going feral.
“Oh god, is he gonna be ok?” you teared up. This is your fault, dammit.
“I can asure he will experience no physical harm,” Thor’s voice made all of you turn around.
“Just physically? What the hell does that mean?” Sam argued.
“Well, uh… I’ve never actually seen it’s effects in person. Especially not on a Midguardian…” his voice trailed off and his eyes grew big.
Nat snapped her head, eyes widening as well. Bucky with absolutely no shame held his hard dick in his hands pumping it with his eyes trained on you. You went to turn around seeing nat’s expression but she covered you eyes before you could actually see the lewd behavior Bucky indulged in.
“What’s happening?” you asked holding onto Nat as she led across the room.
“Nothing, they’re gonna take care of Buck. Don’t worry about it,” she said quickly.
You sat in your room bouncing your leg as the movie on your TV played. Every now and then Bucky would moan and cry particularly loud making all of you wince and cringe. But your mind felt foggy simply thinking about Bucky and his safety; especially that moment when his eyes went from confusion to you don’t even know what. Hunger? Desire? Lust?
Whatever it was, it made your tummy flutter.
“Steve, any news on Bucky?” Steve stood at the doorway with a worrisome face that did nothing to ease your already panicked nerves.
“Well, as far as Thor knows the plant that was mutated with the daisies was pollen extracted from a breeding plant common among other galaxies; for species that can’t… reproduce like we do. The pollen enters the system and targets the nociceptors causing excruciating pain without physical harm. If untreated the victim can reach a traumatic state and truthfully, they will do anything to stop the pain; even kill themselves.”
“What the hell does any of that mean?” Sam grunted.
“It means the tin man is painfully horny,” Tony interrupted.
“Are you fucking serious?” Sam said in disbelief.
“What’s the cure?” Nat said.
“Oxytocin, of course,” Tony said.
“The cuddle hormone,” you whispered.
“Yup. Banner and I are already working on a serum containing artificial oxytocin in hopes to minimize the pain or even better cure him completely. We-”
“I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit more complicated than that,” Thor interrupted Tony.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, see the pollen, it’s a little tricky. The oxyputin-thingy you mentioned…”
“Oxytocin,” Tony clarified but Thor didn’t care too much.
“I don't think artificial love is going to cure the boy. If you want results, he needs to be the one he desires most. That’s where you’ll get your oxy-pudding.”
“Oxy- You know what, we can figure this out without anyone needing to have sex,” Tony groaned.
“Tony, maybe we shouldn’t-” you started.
“Nope, we can do this. We’re science bros,” Tony stormed away like a child.
“Isn’t your lab being ‘occupied’,” Nat called out.
Hours went by and the oxytocin experiments were clearly a fail. The first dose did nothing. The second also nothing. The third relieved him for only ten seconds before he went back to his painful state. Since then, they haven’t been able to help or relieve Bucky’s circumstance any longer.
You thought about Thor’s words, about how the one he desires most could cure him. A ping of jealousy struck your heart but you knew you to find the woman Bucky loved and just pray that she'd help him. You made your way back to the lad area where Tony and Bruce had their new makeshift set up while the lab was locked down.
“Tony, this is ridiculous. It’s been going on for too long. You heard what Thor said about what happens when it gets too much,” you begged.
“And what do you suggest we do?” Tony said angrily.
“We need to find the woman that Bucky loves so she can help him,” you argued back.
“It's not just some woman, Y/n! He wants you.”
“All the bastard’s been doing for the past eight hours has been masterbating while moaning your name. I’m not putting you in that situation,” Tony yelled.
You couldn’t speak. Was he telling you the truth? Did Bucky want you like that? The same way you secretly wanted him? It’s not like you haven't thought about what being with Bucky would be like before. He was perfect; so handsome and charming.
You ran back to your room where the rest of the guys still were practically out of breath; your heart hammering out of your chest and your stomach fluttering like it does whenever you think about Bucky.
“I need to get to Bucky,” you panted out.
“Please you guys need to help me. Tony said that Bucky wants me; I mean can you believe. A guy like him wanting me? I’m just… nobody. He’s way too out of my league and-”
“Y/n, focus,” Nat said.
“Right. I- I want to help him. I know I can.”
“Y/n, we don’t know how dangerous this is. I mean, it came from Hydra, this could be weaponized and you could get hurt,” Steve argued.
“Bucky could never hurt me,” you whispered; Nat looked at you softly, understanding the situation better realizing you were probably Bucky’s only chance of a cure.
“You’re not actually considering letting her do this are you?” Steve scolded Nat.
"Are Tony and Bruce making any progress?" she sighed.
"They haven't been to even relieve his pain for longer than ten seconds," you whispered.
"Steve, this is Bucky we're talking about. Hasn't he endure enough torture in his life?" Nat said softly.
That seemed to convince him. Seeing Bucky in so much pain like he had been only years ago was unfair, especially when they technically already knew a cure. Waiting this out was pure evil at this point.
"How do you suppose we go about this?" he asked.
You devised a plan in order to let Bucky from the lab; he'd find his way to you on his own. Wanda stood from afar using her powers to tamper with the equipment. Tony frustratingly would have to run across the compound to the conference rooms to grab new devices in order to continue with his notes and tests.
On his way back, Steve and his convincing and charming ways would stall Tony's return asking him all sorts of questions about Bucky's state. Meanwhile, Thor made up some excuse to lure Banner away just for a minute so Nat and Sam could override the lockdown through Friday and free Bucky.
All the while you sat in your room waiting anxiously for Bucky to barge through the door and have his way with you.
A few minutes went by and no sign of a ruckus you'd assume would accompany the escape plan. You fiddled with the hem of your skirt biting your lip in anticipation. Still no sign after a couple more minutes. Wanting to make sure you still looked alright for Buck, although he'd probably not even acknowledge your appearance, you stood up to walk to your bathroom.
Just as you stood up, Bucky in all his muscle and broad glory slammed the door behind him staring at you with nothing but desperate hunger. Your stomach flipped when you saw him lock the door, pushing a small chair you had just next to it in front of the door under the handle.
He stalked towards practically panting and you took in his appearance. His hair was quite disheveled and sweat lined his forehead and slightly down his neck. Despite that, he still looked so handsome and sexy.
"маленький, all dressed up for me to ruin," he growled crawling up the bed as you crawled back.
"Buck, are you ok? I want to help you," you whispered.
"I'm more than ok now, beautiful," he whispered leaning into you, his nose brushing against yours, chuckling when you visibly trembled.
"Is my красивый маленький ангел gonna let me use her?" he whispered, huskily.
"Bucky, I don't understand what you're saying."
"так драгоценно," he whispered against your lips before pressing himself completely against you.
His hands, contrast between hot and cold, crept under your shirt brushing lightly over your delicate skin. You had somewhat expected Bucky to have no control and use you relentlessly, of which you wouldn't have minded, but this soft ginger foreplay was really making your panties wet.
Bucky slowly lifted the shirt from your body before tossing it to the side and removing his own. His hands cupped your breasts squeezing the soft flesh quite roughly making you sigh and moan at the feeling.
His lips attached themselves to your neck biting and sucking harshly littering your skin with dark purple marks. He nibbled on your ear as he grinding his pelvis against yours, his large erection poking your center making you even more aroused.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you. It smelled just like you," he whispered.
"T- The daisies?"
"I've been craving you, aching for you. Thinking about how good you're gonna feel wrapped around my cock," he panted speeding up his grinding thrusts.
"Buck," you breathed out.
Bucky shuddered over you before stilling for a moment. He couldn't help it, your scent, your warm skin pressed against his, he couldn't hold back anymore coming straight away in his pants.
You brushed his hair softly soothing him from his high. You thought it was over, that he felt better and was finally cured but almost instantly you felt Bucky harden under you, poking between your thighs and you gasped knowing very well it was going to be a long night.
Bucky stood on his knees and pulled your bottoms down your legs nearly ripping the material. He too rid his bottoms throwing them god knows where before climbing back on top of you. You stared adorably up at him and Bucky almost came again. He smiled softly at you before kissing you once more.
Suddenly, loud bangs on your door startled you but not Bucky.
"What the hell are you doing!" Tony screamed.
"Tony, you gotta stop! This is the only way! It's not fair to him to let him keep suffering. He's done enough of that, ok?" Nat shouted.
"She's gonna get hurt," Tony sighed.
"No she won't. This was her idea."
Tony looked back teary eyed. He really cared for you as his own and putting you in a situation like this wasn't fair to you either. He really tried to help but this was just too complicated and too advanced to solve in only a few hours. They were right, Bucky needed you as much as he didn't like that idea too much.
Bucky lined his cock with your entrance wrapping your legs around his waist. Slowly he pushed in pulling moans from you both. You've only had a couple lovers previous to Bucky but neither of them ever filled you so perfectly. Bucky stretched you out like none other and admittedly he wanted to use his fingers on you first but he'd been away for too long it was too painful to go another second without being inside you.
"So tight and warm, little one. Feel so fucking good wrapped around me."
"Buck," you moaned.
You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer to you as you kissed along his neck and jaw. Bucky moaned breathlessly in your ear and you couldn't help the clenching around him from arousal.
"Fuck, keep doing that, little one," he groaned.
Toy squeezed your thighs together and clenched around him again making him groan louder this time. His thrusts became sporadic and you moved against like a ragdoll unable to keep up with his relentless pace.
Your legs began to shake and your back arched into his chest reaching you first high of the night, gushing all over his cock. You realize he hasn't come and gently push him off you before flipping over to let him take you again from behind.
As expected, Bucky pushed into once again deeper this time and you shuddered under his hand that rested atop your arched back. Bucky smacked and kneaded your ass thrusting in and out. The lewd squelching sound of his thrust mixed with the sound of skin slapping against each other echoed in the room.
"Shit, little one. Taking my cock so fucking well," he reached forward and bunch up your hair pulling your head back harshly.
“Shit,” you mumbled.
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the sheets as hard as you could. You were approaching your orgasm quickly and you weren't going to be able to hold back any longer. Your pussy clenched around Bucky's cock making him throw his head back in pleasure.
"Please, Bucky," you whimpered.
"You wanna come, darling. You wanna cream all over daddy's cock?"
"Yes! Fuck!" your arms shook before giving out completely; your head buried in the sheets as Bucky continued that same wild and rough pace.
"Please let me come, daddy!"
Your body felt on fire. No one has ever made you feel this good before, it was almost too much, too overwhelming. Tears brimmed your eyes from trying to desperately hold back. You wanted to come with Bucky but seeing as his pace had yet to slow down you were beginning to think he wasn't even close.
"Let go, doll."
Your body squirmed beneath him as you released all over his dick. You came with a near shout, your body violently trembling from the intensity of your high. Bucky slowed his pace for your comfort, gently riding your orgasm slowly down despite his still aching erection.
He languidly rolled you over to your back, his hands softly rubbing your sides up to your breasts. You breathed heavily, eyes feeling droopy, all you could feel in that moment was his cum dripping from you onto the sheets.
Bucky, still knelt on the bed and still chasing his release, lifted your legs over his thighs gripping your hip with one hand and his cock with the other. You squeezed your thighs together when you felt his tip poking at your entrance once again, soft whimpers emitting from you shakily.
"Such a good girl. Gonna let me take you again? Gonna let me keep using you?" he moaned.
"Use me, Buck. I'm all yours," you breathed out.
Bucky pushed himself past your folds once again, your cum easily letting him slide in. Both his hands made home on your hips gripping hardly surely to leave marks for you to remember this very moment. You looked at Bucky as his thrusts slowly began to pick up, bringing your own hands to your breasts to play with your nipples. You twisted the perked buds, moaning softly at the feeling as well as Bucky filling you perfectly once again.
"Filling me up so good, baby," you moaned, arching your back slightly allowing Bucky to hit a newer and deeper angle inside you.
"Pussy was fucking made for me," he growled.
His hand moved from its home on your hip right over your lower belly where he could feel his cock so deep poking his own hand through your tummy.
"Feel how fucking deep I am?"
You moved your hand and he pressed yours in the same spot under his and you moaned loudly, shuddering under him.
His pace quickened and for a moment he thought he was going to finally reach his high, that release he'd been thinking about for hours today, but when he felt you clench again, squeezing his cock tightly and he didn't cum, he knew it was gonna be chase that he didn't know you'd be up for. You gushed all over his dick, back arching and your legs pressing tight around his torso, coming with a loud scream of his name.
Bucky fell forward with tears in his eyes. His skin still felt hot and sticky. His sense felt dialed up to an eleven. It was all so overwhelming and all he wanted was to cum in you and hold you closer whispering how he really loved you. He pressed faint kisses to you equally sticky and warm skin and when you felt warm liquid dripping onto your skin to lift Bucky's head to find him crying.
"What's wrong, baby?"
“I can’t cum. I just wanna cum,” he whined.
“Hey, hey. It’s ok. I can go as many times as you need me to. I want to help you, let me do that.”
“Can- Can you uh… use your mouth please? I want to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock so bad,” he moaned.
“Of course, baby. I’d do anything for you,” you smirked before pushing him and crawling over him holding his dick in your hand.
Hours and literally hours had passed until Bucky was finally tired out only having cum three times compared to the fifteen-plus times you had. Your bed laid on the ground; the wooden stands snapped about two hours ago. Most of your sheets were torn to shreds and marks littered your body from your neck down to your hips and your knees from, well you know.
Your body shook as you laid in a fetal position. You burned between your thighs; the soreness overwhelming but pleasant at the same time. Sweat made what was left of the sheets stick to your body until Bucky pulled them from you to clean you. He used a warm towel all over your body with tears in his eyes whispering how sorry he was about everything.
“I swear I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m so sorry. I understand if you hate me now; if you never want to see me again. Just know that I’m so sorry about your bed, the blankets, if I hurt you, everything,” he sniffled, eyes and nose red and puffy.
“Bucky,” you whispered, your voice raspy and croaky from your moaning and screaming all night.
“Y/n,” he whispered back. You pulled him by the back of his neck into a soft yet passionate kiss.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed out when you pulled away. You cupped his face with shaky hands but a smile on your face.
“Do you mean it?”
“Of course. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I’ve dreamt about holding you far too many times, more than I’d like to admit. I should’ve told you sooner but like everyone else, I was scared you didn’t like me back; at least not this way,” he rubbed your legs indicating the intimate love he had for you.
“Buck, it’s virtually impossible for anyone not to fall in love with you. Unless they’re Tony,” you giggled as did he.
“Can you say it?” he asked softly.
“That I love you?” you smiled brushing your nose against his; Bucky practically purred as he nodded.
“I love you, James,” you whispered.
“Fuck, I love you too.”
He laid you down softly again on the broken bed pressing light kisses all over your collarbones and shoulders. You brushed his hair with your fingers as he clung onto you ready to sleep.
“Thank you again, doll. For helping me today,” he said after a couple minutes of silence.
“Of course, my love. Besides I’m the one who ran into you with those damn daisies.”
“Thank god for them then. And for your clumsiness,” Bucky chuckled.
“Meanie,” you snorted, making Bucky laugh even more.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 9- Rare Species
Summary: You may be about four-hundred years old, so why not finally let your eyes behold the sight of a dragon?
Warning: blood, a bit of smut, angst, tad longer then usual because it gets spicy
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You had left Jaskier down in the rocky valley with Roach, packs of supplies and valuables in her back, and two travel guides that lead the way to this dusty mountainous place as you and Geralt searched for some type of vicious lizard creature. You had already confirmed with yourself that those two guides were trouble and as usual your suspicions had been correct when your ears pricked with the sounds of scuffling and Jaskier's protests as you make your way back down the trail.
But by the time you made it round the jaggety rock formation does your crimson eyes find a shocked Jaskier, one dead guide, two beautiful warriors, and a grey bearded man with a tinge of enchantment about his aurora and peculiar scent. Honestly you kind of expected something randomly unexpected to happen at least once today, only to your small trio of course.
The fearful guide looks up wide eyed at your sudden presence, Geralt coming to a halt right behind you, a puzzled expression crossing his features as yours does about the same, "I believe those are mine." Mutters Geralt before the man quickly drops the items in the rocky dust, throwing you the small sack of coins he had stolen, then hastily turning around and booking it down the uneven path.
Jaskier looks to the two of you, pointing at the new strangers, "Ger-Geralt, Y/N...uh, This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for trying to steal your horse." The warrior stands unfazed at Jaskier's inquisition.
You snort, "Maybe she'll make a better travel companion, then." Geralt lowly chuckles at your comment, a smile upon the mystery mans face as Jaskier scoffs before turning to him.
"Uh, I'm sorry, who are you, exactly?" He wonders, something that's definitely in your mind, they seem harmless enough at the moment but you're not ready to just trust anyone.
The short greying man steps forward, a wise smile upon his face, "I am Borch Three Jackdaws. These are my companions, Téa and Véa." He reveals, tilting his head as his companions stand to either side of him protectively, "I've been looking for you two, Geralt of Rivia and Y/N of Alkatraz." You side eye Geralt, how and who the fuck is this guy?
After traveling down the mountain trail for a while, the old man has now lead you all into some bustling tavern, he takes the lead while exclaiming how meeting people of yours and Geralt's likeness is a first for him, he's rather quite excited to dine with you two as he boasts about how legendary your adventures are, thanks to Jaskier. Though with how lively his body language is, you can tell he's sought you out for something important, people like him don't just butter you up with compliments without meaning to get something out of it.
He finds a long table by the fireplace, directing the tavern barmaid to get him one of everything they have and to keep the ale coming, Geralt sits down as you go to do the same upon his left, Jaskier making himself comfortable on your immediate left. Your body sat in between them as the man, Borch, brings his own bottom onto his wooden seat as his companions seat themselves across from Jaskier.
Borch claps his hands together, "A short while ago, a green dragon landed across the border in King Niedamir's mountains." Your eyebrows raise in curiosity as Geralt's simply furrow in thought, Borch smiles knowingly, "I know what you're thinking. Impossible, dragons are so rare. But it's true." He takes a sip from his mug, the barmaid going around the table and filling each one of yours up with ease, "Locals spotted it and went after it in search of treasure. Of course, they succeeded only in wounding the creature and angering it so righteously that it swooped down from its lair and set half a hillside ablaze." Geralt scoffs, disinterested before taking a sip of his mug, "Dead sheep everywhere." Finishes the intriguing man.
You chuckle with a shake of your head, this may not quite be something that you'd like to get involved with if actual fire breathing dragons are concerned. Taking a sip from your shiny dented mug you listen as Jaskier tries to turn on his charm, "You have the most incredible neck. It's like a...a sexy goose." You snort into your ale as the faces of Téa and Véa appear to be less then impressed.
"Now, the King is in a bind." Continues Borch with his dragon story, "He's set to marry the princess of his rival kingdom, Malleore, which means it's bad timing to have a murderous pest lurking about in the mountains. He's commissioned a hunt to kill it. Four teams have signed on. The winner gets the dragons treasure hoard plus the title of lord over one of his new vassal states. That is...if he survives." Explains Borch thoroughly, it all sounds intriguing at best, but you could care less about treasure and a lordship over some needless state.
"Great overview of the details, but what does this have to do with us?" You ask, seriously you just got done with a weary monthlong hunt, you're not exactly chopping at the bit for another go around with a monster.
"I want you to join my team." Inquirers Borch with a small smile, you take another sip as Jaskier's face lights up.
"I can hear it now, a tale of two Zerrikanians and their valiant poet lover. Oh!" Chuckles the bard, "We're so doing this. We're in."
"You've wasted your breath, Borch. We don't kill dragons. Take my advice. No treasure is worth dying for." Mutters Geralt.
"Depends on the treasure." Answers Borch, "What I need is...a new adventure. One final first before I'm too old to do anything but die."
You think about his proposition, he is an odd little man with quite the wish, "You think killing a dragon will bring you that?" You wonder.
"All I know is there's one path up that mountain, and it's overrun with monsters."
"Oh in that case." You quip as he continues with his reasoning, "With you both on my team, a Witcher and dhampir princess, we'll be unstoppable." He confirms before suddenly a loud squabbling is heard behind Borch, a group of dwarves are being hassled by the other bar patrons. One of them screaming for the bartender to give his friend, and you quote "four fucking pints", apparently those imbeciles are one team. Tèa adding in another team called the Reavers, asking if you both have heard of them, of course you have. Nasty lot they are.
You turn away from those men to address Borch of your decision, telling him bluntly that the answer is no. He doesn't appear to be very fond of that reply, almost disappointed he leans in and tells that you're missing something, what could you possibly be missing?
"Sorry to interrupt this lovely moment...That's only three. Where's the...What's the fourth team?" Questions Jaskier as he leans over you to point at Borch, gently pushing him away, your ears prick at the sound of a door opening. Borch turns around in his seat to look, "Them." Comes from his lips as you look up from your mug, mouth going slightly agape, your eyes stare on in befuddlement at the titular individual standing across the tavern, a knight at her side.
Jaskier starts to laugh as you break out into an uneasy chuckle, he quickly declines the dragon hunt invitation as you suddenly feel compelled to join for some deeper unknown reason, "Thank you for the wine and such but we really can't get involved. Geralt, Y/N, shall we?" Says Jaskier with a friendly pat to your shoulder.
Your eyes never leave the infamous mage as she locks eyes with you before reverting her gaze towards the knight, "We're in."
Jaskier mumbles a swear as Geralt nods in agreement, whatever you say goes in his book. No matter the crazy witch you happen to be old friends with.
Borch smiles kindly, "The hunt begins at sunrise." He exclaims excitedly as you take another sip of your ale. Well things just got a hell of a lot more interesting with the unexpected appearance of your longtime troublesome friend, let's find a fucking green dragon!
Just as agreed you and your boys had made it to the forest grounds where the other teams are, all preparing for the journey ahead as they tie their horses down since the terrain is too dangerous for the hooved beasts, including Roach.
You walk past an angry dwarf who's mad that his pack has been stolen, without two fucks to give you continue onward and over to Geralt and Roach as Jaskier introduces himself to the small man. They have a modest conversation before the dwarf departs, his other shorter companions following him as they ask if Roach is for sale as they scamper on past, "Charming how everyone wants to get their hands on Roach these days, isn't it?" Points out the bard as he walks over near you with his lute in its case hanging from his hand.
"He means we won't make it out alive." Mutters Geralt as he pets the mare's flowy mane.
Jaskier's face contorts in surprised concern, "Wait, what? No one mentioned anything about impending death!" He worries as you pet Roach's soft nose, a small snicker leaving your nostrils in quick short bursts of air, his face looking even more troubled at your amusement.
Roach nudges her snout into the opened palm of your hand, wordlessly greeting you in her own way before you must leave the kind mare behind. Thump. Thump. Thump. You purse your lips together at the approaching heartbeat of a certain mage coming your way.
When she's close to your little group, you don't care much to turn around for the time being. "How is it that I've walked this earth for decades without coming across a Witcher, and then the first one I meet, I can't get rid of?" She presses, Geralt makes quick eye contact with you as he ignores her.
"I'd say something strange was afoot, but then again, Witcher's are bound to bump into monsters eventually, with the exception of our dear Y/N here, obviously." Jests Jaskier as Yennefer hums in fake amusement.
"The crow's feet are new." She muses with a tilt of her head.
Jaskier frowns, "Yeah, well, your jokes are...old." Scoffs the bard as he turns to walk away down the trail as more of the teams begin their trek for the mountain.
You watch as he leaves before turning around and suspiciously eyeing up your mysterious old friend, "What brings you from causing unnecessary chaos to hunting for a dragon, Yenn?"
A small smile forms onto her lips, "I'm here with my escort. Noble Sir Eyck Denesle." She nods towards the kneeling knight as he prays for safe travels, "To assist him in killing the dragon." For kingdom and glory shouts the knight as he sheaths his sword, she smiles almost adoringly at him before turning to you again, "Till we meet again, Y/N. Geralt." She turns to walk away towards her knight as Geralt says goodbye to Roach.
You can't help but feel incredibly apprehensive of her true intentions for making this tiresome hike to the lair of a dragon of all things. Deciding to abandon your wondering troubles, with a shrug do you turn around and follow the other travelers up the trail as Geralt falls into pace behind you.
For hours do you walk up the mountain path over rocks and rubble, fallen sticks and trees, and Jaskier's constant voice as he fruitlessly attempts to talk to Téa and Véa about whatever happens to pop into his head at the moment. You're honestly one more sentence away from smacking him upside the head when he suddenly expresses to the two warriors that he'll go into the brush and find them something to eat.
How chivalrous of him.
The group stands upon a flat section of the mountain as Jaskier walks off the path and into some bushes on the hunt for something edible. You're not tired in the slightest due to your inherited abilities so lack of rest and food at the moment feels like nothing. You suddenly raise your head to sniff the air as the scent of some furry malnourished creature catches your nostrils, it smells almost like that of wet dog and garlic, its got to be sick. Not a pleasant scent by any means.
A second later your observations are confirmed as Jaskier claims to be looking at something in the brush. His heartbeat suddenly spikes as he jumps back and races out off the mountainside greenery. He stumbles back onto the trail, "Y/N it's one of your friends again." He rushes before jogging over behind you, ever so slightly pushing you in front of him as he cowers back wide eyed at the lanky werewolf looking bastard growling near the edge of the trail.
"What in the name of Bloemenmagde is that?" Exclaims a fearful bald dwarf.
"It's a hitikka." Answers your Witcher as the others bare their silver, "It's probably starving. Sheath your weapons." Advises Geralt as Yennefer's knight does exactly the opposite, he pushes past a dwarf before hacking away at the hungry scared beast. His sword slicing off its arm as it screams in pain, another slice to its stomach before the sword cuts its head clean off, the knight hacking at it in a frenzy as blood spurts forth. Everyone looks on in disgust as he really lets into it, he finally stops, breathing heavily as he looks down at his work.
Snorting you fold your arms, "I think you got it." Jaskier lets out an amused huff of air as the knight ignores you, shouting "for kingdom and glory!" blood still dripping off of his face.
"Sir Eyck!" Shouts Yennefer worriedly as she races to his side, touching his face affectionately as he looks into her lavender irises, "You could have been killed." Turning your head away from the sappy interaction you pick up your pack before slinging it over your shoulder, "We should have just fed Sir Eyck to the scrawny fucker and save my nostrils the disturbed scent emitting from that heap of guts." You muse as the knight glares at you, a smirk upon your lips as you turn to continue up the trail.
Another hour is spent hiking before camp is set, a decent fire aflame as Sir Eyck cooks the hitikka over the spit, he picks off a chunk of the diseased meat and eats it with a smile, proud of his kill and the meal it produced. You watch the idiot consume the infected meat, a brow raised at his ability to feast without a single concern, "Not that I give a shit about your valiant life as a knight of whoever the fuck, but I wouldn't eat that." He keeps chewing as his irritated blue eyes find your crimson ones, you can tell your presence puts him off.
Nonetheless he answers you, "Knights never waste a kill." He coughs, "It's precisely why I'll make a great lord to Niedamir's vassal state. A great knight must lead by example. For..."
"Kingdom and glory. We know." Adds Téa with a truthful jest of annoyance for the irritable knight as you and Jaskier let out a small chuckle.
"My subjects will be the luckiest serfs in all the lands." He turns to Yennefer fondly who's seated by his side, "Especially with the beautiful Yennefer as my mage."
She smiles, her eyes never leaving his, "I cannot wait to serve you, My Lord." She speaks softly, Sir Eyck studies her face affectionately as one of the Reavers walks to the fire, undoubtedly about to disturb the peace.
"How would you like to serve me tonight...witch?" He boldly asks while reaching down to tear off a chunk of meat, if not for the fact that this dragon hunt has multiple teams working together you'd without a doubt suffocate him in his sleep.
Instead you bite the inside of your cheek at his godawful scent, "Careful, Boholt." You challenge darkly, he stands up with a piece of meat in his hand as he turns to Yennefer.
"So, the lady dhampir wants to play knight too, hmm? That is interesting, I wouldn't mind you both visiting me in my tent this night if..."
"If I was to seek you out in the dead of night, I assure you, you would not be alive at dawn." He scoffs as his eyes trail over you, you stare at him unflinching from his lustful gaze, "Besides, she's plenty able of murdering you herself, better yet...maybe I'd make a pretty necklace out of your vertebrae." The dirty man smirks, laughing lowly at your threatening presence. Just by looking at him you can you can tell he's more nervous of your existence among this group then of anyone else. Apparently old wives tales of vampires runs deep in this one no matter how bold he displays himself.
The bald dwarf insults him once again before the Reaver makes a crack at Geralt about if the Reaver will either kill the monster or monster hunter first, leaving the circle in peace as you listen to the grumbling of Sir Eyck's upset stomach, "Uh..I'm afraid I must take my leave." Says the knight as he stands, his face growing pale, "Lady Yennefer, may I escort you to your tent?"
She tugs on his hanging attire, "Will you be joining me?" A smile coating his features as he stutters, "Uh...My Lady, I would...never degrade your honor in such a way." You simply roll your scarlet eyes at his annoying chivalry, Yennefer picked this one of all people to fuck around with?
Jaskier snorts, "I hate to break it to you, but that ship has sailed, wrecked and sunk to the bottom of the ocean." He flinches back as you smack his arm, though it was indeed humorous there was a more intimate reason for her actions a while ago that goes deeper then just a friendly jest in your personal opinion.
But yes, it was quite funny.
Holding his stomach while he fumbles off towards the bushes to relieve his bowls. The rest of you laugh at his expense, the bald dwarf suddenly intervenes with his own bit of knowledge about how there will be no state to rule with the quickening approach of Nilfgaard on the rise. His words do trouble you for the close by innocents that will no doubt suffer from their forces soon enough.
War is war.
Not long after does Yennefer excuse herself from your campsite lot of unruly characters, the dwarves following after for their own rest; leaving you, Jaskier, Geralt, the two warriors, and Borch at the fire to converse about the existence of dragons and how creatures with mutations always fight the hardest to survive. Ending the conversation with a jab at Sir Eyck, who's quite literally the shittist knight of all the knights anyone has ever seen.
What. An. Idiot.
After a restful slumber wrapped up in your Witcher's strong arms, do you wake and walk outside into the fresh forest air before the scent of shit and someone's decaying body wafts into your sensitive nostrils, you grimace as Yennefer walks past you, appearing to be in search of that flashy knight. She asks around if anyone has seen Sir Eyck recently, oh shit, you turn and casually walk yourself away from her and Geralt, who's just gathered his belongings. You follow the gnarly smell until you reach the edge of a small cliff, where down below lays the dead body of Sir Eyck.
How can not a single person smell this. Oh right.
You travel down to where he lays; his pants remain around his ankles, only the length of his tunic covering his bare arse from the world. A small pile of dung rests nearby from when he was relieving himself earlier, blood noticeably seeping out from his throat. You crouch down and inspect it better, it is indeed fresh, "Yennefer! I found your knight...I don't think he'll be joining us further!" You shout as the others run over to the small cliffs edge to get a look for themselves, their faces all showing obvious variations of discontent and nervousness.
"Who slits a man's throat while he's relieving his bowls? Is nothing sacred anymore?" Worries Jaskier as he stares in revulsion, hugging his side with a look of distain.
"Fuck." Blurts out Yennefer in frustration as she abruptly turns around, walking away as you make your way back up to where everyone is standing.
The journey continues on as it has before, a couple hours going by before the bald dwarf delves into the promising fact that there is a shortcut nearby that miners would use to travel faster, your team agrees as Yennefer wanders onward, seemly disinterested in the news. Rolling your eyes at her insistent moodiness, you turn to Geralt and ask for him to keep going as you'll get her to follow. You can't help but feel compelled to have her in your company, and as far away from those untrustworthy group of Reavers who smell of ill intent, no matter how irritating she can become.
He nods and leaves you to it, not questioning your capabilities for a second as he follows the rest of the group. You turn to find Yennefer a good distance away from you walking down the gravely mountainside landscape, so to catch her before she's out of sight you race to her in a blur, stopping directly in front of her with a windy woosh of air in her face. You smirk as she frowns at you, no doubt about to say something witty, "I didn't kill Eyck if that was your question Y/N."
You chuckle as she rests a hand on her hip, "Of course you didn't, the bastard's scent was one of the Reavers, that fucker Boholt." You confirm, "And all before you could accomplish what you've actually come here for."
She scoffs, "And what could that be, hmm. I'm here for the dragon." You raise a brow at her shitty explanation as she scoffs, "God I hate you sometimes...I'm here because...there are certain healing properties it's rumored to possess." Your brows furrow in thought, thinking back to the djinn and the wishes and all that shit. And everything before that.
"I thought your transformation healed all physical problems?"
She looks down, avoiding your gaze, "At the cost of others yes." Oh right, the participant will always lose their ability to produce a child of their own. Male or Female.
Suddenly your mind clicks in realization, you tilt your head with a knowing smirk, "You've traveled all this way for made-up fertility cures using fresh dragon hearts?" You muse.
She simply glares, "They're not made up!"
"They are," You argue, "once some things are bound by deep powerful magic they cannot be undone. There is always a balance to everything we do that deals with magical properties, you of all people should know that." Her face falls as you continue, a tinge of humor in your voice now, "And honestly, call me an asshole but come on. You, a mother?"
"You think I'd make a bad one?" She challenges, half offended as you shrug.
"Well, you'd be fun. At least." She turns away from you, not content with that lackluster reply, "I don't really know what you'd want with a child..."
She snaps around, "They took my choice. I want it back. Not that I'd expect you to understand." She smirks, proud of her little jab at your more sinister origins.
You let out an annoyed huff, "I didn't choose my parents, or what unholy abomination they made of me through their lust. But listen, the ones who pieced us together, there's probably a valuable reason why they made us sterile...maybe it's a blessing. This lifestyle isn't exactly suited for a child, but if you really wanted you could fuck around with feeble idiot kings in their court in between naps and feedings..." she turns and walks away, anger in her heart as you follow.
"Do not patronize me!" She snaps as she continues to stomp in the opposite direction, "You know nothing of how I feel."
You're standing in front of her in an angry blur as she turns away from you, "You don't think I haven't thought about it either! I have Geralt, whom I love more then the very earth I walk on or the stars in the sky, but I'll never have a child with him, ever. And I'd rather feed this fucking Child Surprise to a harpy then..." She turns her head to face you, immediately stopping your protests.
"What'd you just say?" She wonders as you purse your lips, looking away from her now that you've let slip some secret information.
She chuckles, "Isn't that rich. You lecture me on made-up cures for having a child, meanwhile you cheat with destiny to steal one." Presses Yennefer as you scowl down at her.
"It's not like I wanted this! Fuck." You grumble as she studies your troubled face, "It's not even mine but like that matters, the little shit will be in my life whether I want it or not." You pause for a moment before coming back to why you actually stopped her, "Uh, listen Yenn. The others are taking a shortcut, come with us and avoid getting something rather unpleasant creeping into your tent at night. It'll be enjoyable." She rolls her eyes at your dark humored implications of the other travelers.
Your band of merry adventurers finally reache the shortcut, it's a pass on the side of the mountain that's held up by wooden planks and metal bars thrust into the rock. You look over the edge as the dwarves give the rest of your company a hard time about crossing since this path is quite literally made for just a dwarf. The small men walk out first as Jaskier gives you a wary glance, a swift breeze blowing your hair about as you smile at him, "Y/N don't you dare think of leaving us, I swear to god." He mutters as you break out into a mischievous grin.
Oh he knows you too well.
"See you on the other side my loves." You blow him a kiss before free falling backwards off the steep rocky ledge, you hear the worried shouts of the warriors, Borch, and Yennefer as they call out for you. The wind whips past your face while you watch them grow smaller and smaller until you shift yourself into a cluster of black bats that all catch on the wind current. You race up to the edge once more before screeching past them on the mountainside, a smile forming onto many of your furry faces as you hear their swears and jabs at you.
"Fookin' vamps." Grumbles one of the dwarves.
Not caring to stick around for however long it may take them to cross, you swiftly glide on the wind as you take in the mountain air and all the wild she has to offer you on this fine day. Your fun feels short lived as soon enough the dwarves make it to the end of the cliff path and onto safer ground.
You shift back into your normal self and wait for your more familiar companions to arrive, after forty-five long boring minutes do they make it round the corner. A melancholy dreariness about them, your face falls as soon as you see Geralt reach the firm rocky ground without Borch, Téa and Véa behind them like they should be.
You know they didn't make it.
Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer walk to the campsite without a word as the dwarves start a fire and set up their tents. You throw yours and Geralt's tent together as he walks over to a nearby rock to sit and think about whatever terrible thing must have happened to the others. Jaskier catches your eye and nods for you to follow, standing to your full height do you turn to trail behind him. Seating yourself on the left of Geralt, Jaskier on his right as the three of you look out into the great valley beyond.
"You did your best." Begins Jaskier softly, "There's nothing else you could have done. Look, why don't we leave tomorrow. That is, if you'll both give me another chance to prove myself a worthy travel companion." Solemnly laughs the bard as Geralt hums, a small smile upon your face as you listen, "We could head to the coast. Get away for awhile. Sounds like something Borch would say, doesn't it? Life is too short. Do what pleases you.....while you can." He ends with a tired sign.
"Composing your next song?" Jaskier smiles at your comment.
"No, I'm just, uh....Just trying to work out what pleases me." You smile softly at the dusky mountainside, Geralt's golden irises glance over you with the tiniest of content grins lays upon his handsome features. Jaskier says his good nights before patting Geralt on the shoulder and walking towards a half made stick tent, his prized lute by his side.
A soft cool breeze fans your face as Geralt ever so subtly opens up his palm that's placed atop his thigh, without a second thought does your own hand fall into place with his larger one. A grin on either of your faces as you scoot closer to him so that you can rest your head against his broad shoulder.
A soft joyful sigh leaves your parted lips, "We should go to the ocean. Get away from all this nonsense and danger...more so for Jaskier's sake then mine, but uh...I'd love to feel the salty breeze upon my skin once again. See the great blue waters, feel the sand on my bare feet." He hums in reply, pressing the lightest of kisses upon your head, "You ever been to the ocean, my love?"
"No." His voice is soft and gentle.
You lightly squeeze his hand, "Well, you'd love how peaceful it is...the sounds of the waves are just something else. I never feel as small as when I'm standing on the edge of the world, a vast mystery of water stretching like a grand crinkly blanket. I can't wait for you to see it." A yawn escapes as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, a smile breaking out upon his lips at your adorable actions.
"We should catch some sleep if we're to travel for the ocean tomorrow, after finding that dragon and all." Mutters Geralt, you nod before standing up, slowly unlacing your fingers as he stands to his full height as well.
"Alright, to bed it is."
You turn to walk back to your tent as he picks up his belongings to follow you there, your tent is dirty white and appears rather unsuspecting from first glance, although when you walk in, the volume of the space triples to a large comfortable room. A king sized bed pressed against the center of the right wall, a table to the left and a couple lanterns placed perfectly on a few of the wooden tables for a cozy warm feel to the billowy room, or tent in other words.
You walk in and immediately take off your dark leather armor adorning your torso, your hard leathered gauntlets next as you set everything onto the nearby table. You listen as your Witcher sets his things down next to the edge of the bed, his slow heartbeat picking up ever so slightly as he walks up behind you, a smirk creeps out over your face as he snakes his large muscular arms over your body with ease.
His head leans into the side of your neck as he places a gentle feather light kiss to your temple, you hum in content, "What do I owe this pleasure?" You muse as he kisses the side of your cheek, his left hand feeling underneath your shirt as he gently caresses your hot skin.
"The pleasure is all mine." Mumbles Geralt into your exposed neck as you fight back a moan when he begins to press butterfly kisses all over your skin. One hand resting upon your breast as the other one trails up your torso from underneath your clothing.
A low moan escapes you as he nips carefully at your jawline, his hands continuing to explore your body, a slow warmness forming from deep within you as he shows you more and more love to your heated vessel. You suddenly bite your lip as the feeling of something hard pressing against your bottom, with a smirk gracing your beautiful features do you reach an arm around to slyly palm his hardening member. Just as you'd intended does he grunt at the feeling of your hand squeezing him.
Letting him be, you break away from his grasp to turn yourself around to face him, "Will you make love to me this night?" You whisper as he kisses your soft wanting lips in reply.
Slowly pulling away he rests his head against yours, "Of course." Is all he's able to say before he's captured your lips with his once again.
You move in sync as his hands trail all over your clothed sides, you lean into his hardness as he gently squeezes your bum. Your lips keep locked onto one another as he begins to unbutton your trousers, your nimble fingers working on his own buttoned pants. Your hands become a quick tangled mess as finally your bottoms are loose enough to pull down. You both keep your tight embrace as he tugs at your pants, pulling them down to your ankles for you to step out of. He pulls away to get rid of his own ones, a lustful smile dancing across his features as he tugs off his shirt to expose his blessed muscular body.
Smiling cheekily at him, you raise your arms up for him to pull off your top, he does so a second later. The fabric long forgotten on the carpeted floor as you reach around to unlace your bra and finally rid yourself of the tight constraint with a blissful sigh. Geralt fearlessly eyes them up as you chuckle, your breasts bouncing with your heaving chest, sending Geralt wild. In an instant he's on you again, his hands exploring all over your exposed skin as you trail your nails down his bare back. He kisses you feverishly as one hand plays with your breast and the other rubs at your wet womanhood, sending you into a heated lust that's slowly overtaking your wanting body.
In a blur do you have him naked as his name day, laying dazed on the soft mattress, his white hair tousled as you shimmy out of your undergarments and give him a playful smile, your fangs showing in your joyous state as he awaits your next move. Reaching your hands out do you push his parted legs farther apart, his member bouncing deliciously as you do so. Your next action a slow and meticulous one as you crawl over him, your naked vessel hovering over his as you lean down to capture his lips with yours in a heated embrace. Just as quickly as you started do you pull back to hover your dripping entrance over his erect manhood, you hold it in place before gently placing it right in line with your folds.
He grips your exposed thighs as you lower yourself onto his hard cock, a breathy gasp leaving your lips as he slides into you, your face shifting from discomfort to pure bliss as you adjust to his largeness, he lets out a groan when you starts to rock back and forth in a quick calculated motion. He feels like a hot dream as he writhes and bucks into you while you pin his hands to the soft blankets in your lust. You can tell that he desperately wants to kiss you, but you're taking this orgasm before he gets the privilege to claim your lips. With a smile upon your sweaty face do you rock him into the bed, a swift warmness building in your womanhood as the blessed friction continues to drive the both of you to the edge.
Another blessed roll of your hips has you undoubtedly cuming all over his member as you ride out your high, Geralt releasing his load into you as his eyes close in pleasure, a moan leaving his parted lips as he tightly grips onto your bare hips for support. You ride him some more as he squirms underneath your touch, a pleased grin upon your face at how easily you're able to bend him to your will just by taking the lead and thrusting your hips against his while for the fun of it do you swirl your hips around his throbbing cock. He moans once again at the contact until suddenly he flips you onto your back in a flash, his lips connecting with yours as you gasp in surprise. Geralt taking this generous opportunity to stick his tongue into your mouth, his whole body leaning into you as he parts your legs even further.
Your hands quickly claw at his muscular back as he pumps into you vigorously over and over again, sending you into a moaning mess underneath him as he grunts into the quiet night air. The sweet sounds of skin on skin contact singing beautifully into your ears with each new thrust into your slick entrance. He pounds you into the mattress as you bite back a scream, deciding to mark up his back instead of giving him the satisfaction of hearing your pleasure. Though you're not so sure how much longer you can hold on before you let loose a loud howl from his deep strokes into your wetness.
He continues to relentlessly pound into you before a cry emits from your throat at the sheer pleasure he's handing you so freely. Another moan leaving your mouth as he shuts you up with a kiss before your body shakes in ecstasy all around him, he kisses your neck as you cum for the second time tonight like a little puddle of bliss underneath his stone body. Another kiss against your cheek as he releases himself into you with a grunt, his ending thrusts turning sloppier and sloppier as he gives what's left of himself to you before he's truly spent.
Humming in content at his last fruitful efforts to pleasure you, you pull his head down to capture his lips with yours in an act of silent appreciation for his never disappointing love making skills.
Geralt's lips leave yours as he kisses your forehead before pulling out of you completely and falling into a tired heap of Witcher by your side. You smile as he closes his eyes, the both of you breathing heavily as you feel is seed seeping out of your entrance and onto your legs and bed as you stare up at the cloth ceiling. Not caring for the mess in between your throbbing legs, you turn yourself onto your side as you nuzzle into your soft pillow, your body falling into a blissful slumber as you fall asleep to the sounds of Geralt's breathing. No words need said, everything you've both needed to say was just done and that's good enough for you.
When you wake the tent is basked in the light from the morning sunrise, illuminating the room in a dull grey hue as you open your crimson eyes to find Geralt's golden ones watching you adoringly. A shy smile pulls at the corners of your lips as you become aware of the thin sheet of fabric hiding you from the world, "Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare at a naked woman?" You muse with a light chuckle.
He averts his gaze as a smirk appears onto his lips, "My dear Y/N, I have seen you in a much more compromising position then laying in the nude by my side." You gasp before smacking his arm.
"I'm royalty my loyal Witcher, I could have your head for speaking like that." Instead does he reach his muscular arm over to your side, pulling you closer to him. The two of you flush against one another, your blanket leaving your bottom bare from the quick movement.
You kiss his cheek, a smile forming onto both of your lips, "Though perhaps you could show me how you're planning on making up for it." Geralt kisses you in reply, his hands trailing down your bare sides as he holds you close for a heated embrace.
After making love to your Witcher in the early morning light, not caring if anyone heard your time together, you walk out of the dirty white tent, dressed accordingly and ready to slay a dragon. Although when you step closer to where everyone should be, the dwarves have gone missing, their scent leading away down the trail. With a low growl do you begin your hunt, Yennefer and Geralt close behind as you all make haste for the unknown whereabouts of the small men.
Your hike lasts about fifteen minutes before the scent of the dwarves becomes stronger and stronger the farther down the trail that you all go. Once you turn a rocky corner do you spot all four of them, Yennefer shouts some paralyzing enchantment upon them before you're able to quite literally rip them a new one. She quickly races past you and the dwarves, you easily follow in step behind her as she makes it to the large vine covered mouth of the dragons lair.
The both of you walk in, your eyes adjusting to the darker atmosphere as Yennefer's eyes widen in bewilderment. You quickly find the source of her shock as your sights land on the huge shimmering body of a dead green dragon, a small egg near her head. You frown before both Téa and Véa make an angry appearance, they demand for the two of you to halt, their swords out and ready to defend.
Aren't they supposed to be dead?
Yennefer steps forward with her shiny dagger, ready to get what she came for before Geralt races into the cave, shouting for everyone to stop. A second later does a golden dragon screech as it comes out from its hiding spot in an opening in the rocky ceiling. The dragon greets all three of you; Téa and Véa explaining along with Borch in his dragon form why this female dragon was laying carnage against the nearby kingdom, she was protecting her egg so it would not die.
Right, of course, and this man is now a dragon.
Taking in all the hectic information with a grain of salt perhaps; a moment later your ears prick to the thumping of multiple erratic heartbeats nearing the caves entrance, you quickly turn to find the team of Reavers hastily stalking their way into view. Shit.
"Looks like we get to fuck up the whole family." States their leader, Boholt, "Slay that dragon!" He shouts before his men charge at you all.
Shifting into a defensive pose you ready yourself as the bastards ascend, "Oh fuck." Slips from your tongue as one of them lunges for your head, his spear making a swooshing noise as it whips in the air readying for its intended mark. Clearly anticipating his advances you twirl to the side, his staff missing you by inches as you rip it out of his grasp and thrust it into the neck of his friend nearby.
Snapping your attention back to the first man, his eyes widen as you roughly clamp your hand around his bicep, he groans in pain before you thrust his lanky body into the air where he cracks open his skull against a ragged stony edge. Lifting your eyes to find the state of your friends, you race to the aid of Yennefer as multiple men advance closely upon her. She finds your determined gaze before using magic to create a sort of sticky quicksand at the feet of the four men. It sucks in their legs until the ground reaches almost to their knees, they shout their protests and obscenities before you unsheathe your silver dagger and in a blur race past them.
When you reach the last one, you turn around to the fresh scent of blood as a thin waterfall of red bursts forth from each of their exposed necks as you listen to their gargled screams. You find Yennefer's eyes as she gives you a hasty nod of approval just as she turns to quickly use her magic once more, throwing about five men into the dirt with a thrust of her hand into the air, the men hit the ground with a hard thud as they struggle to get up. With a smirk do you swagger over to them in their dazed states before driving your dagger into their soft flesh before they have a chance to even register what's going on.
You hear a scream and look up to watch as Geralt slays one last man before you all notice more at the caves entrance, in a hasty blur do you race out of the mouth of darkness and into the sunlight, picking them off one by one as your two companions run to your aid.
They stop at the opening wide eyed as you break the neck of the last Reaver, he falls to the dirt as you turn towards them, blood and dust coating your face. "Nice of you two to finally show up. Gotta do everything myself." You jest, breathing heavily from the whole ordeal. Geralt smirks as Yennefer shakes her head, a small smile upon her lips.
Jaskier suddenly makes it to the top of the moutain, he stops, eyes trailing over the dead and your roughed up appearance, "What I miss?"
Once Borch gave some prized dragon teeth to the grumpy dwarves did the mountainside finally calm. They left with huge smiles pulling at their faces as the rest of you found company on some nearby rocks, the lot of you resting for the time being. All three of you somewhat worn out from the whole entirety of the trek to this place and the battle that just ensued.
Jaskier sits off on his own part of the giant flat rock as he listens to Borch speak, "This is my final first. A child. This treasure, this legacy must endure. There is no other reason to go on. Thank you for protecting it." Nods Borch as he looks to the three of you sitting next to one another, "You, Yennefer of Vengerberg, and Y/N of Alkatraz...I can tell why Geralt did not want you two separated, you are both a powerful force of nature when in each others company." He smiles knowingly, eyes squinting in the sun as your brows furrow in confusion, how strange of him to word that sentence.
How strange indeed.
Yennefer's face shifts in puzzlement, "What does that mean?" You both turn your questioning gazes to Geralt, he takes a long pause before he glances warily between the two of you, nervousness radiating from his tense body.
He sighs, "In Rinde. The djinn." Another agonizing pause as your mind turns with troubled thoughts and apprehension for what he's done, he wouldn't, certainly not.
An uneasiness practically consumes the atmosphere as you connect the dots, the djinn and the wish he must have made that you never asked him about, because certainly he would have used it for himself, on himself? But just looking at him, the way he won't meet your eyes or how his heartbeat picks up with the prick of his nerves, you know. He used magic on you.
You frown as your eyes lock with his, your voice is almost a whisper, "That's why I feel so drawn to Yennefer...why I feel almost responsible for her, so protective...." You trail off, sadness growing in your heart.
"Why I feel this way inside too." Inquires Yennefer while you turn to look at her as she continues, "I haven't seen you in decades, haven't cared about your existence for so long, then the djinn and I suddenly feel incredibly drawn to you like how I felt as a young pathetic mage in Aretuza." She scoffs as a sick feeling forms in the pit of your stomach.
Your fingers crack the rock as you grip it tight in your heated irritation, "Geralt what did you fucking do?" You growl as he slowly blinks, the knot in your stomach growing with each passing second.
He takes a cautious breath as you and Yennefer await the truth, "I wished that...for you and Yennefer to always have each other." Her face falls as you release the rock, quickly standing up as you take a step back, your pained eyes boring into Geralt's the whole time.
You shake your head, trying not to believe it, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You plead with sad eyes, already knowing exactly what he did, you just need to hear him say it.
"I just wanted...ah fuck....I just meant for." His eyes are sad as he studies your face, "When I die you'll live on, much longer then I ever could or ever will....and I, I love you too much to let you suffer the rest of your existence alone." Geralt pauses for a moment as he looks from you to Yennefer and back to you again, "I bound you and Yennefer together, so you'd have one another when everyone you know is long gone." Your breath catches in your throat as you turn your head away from him. Your face looking out at the vast sky ahead as your body swirls with mixed emotions, but most of all, betrayal.
"Why would you..." Whispers Yennefer as she looks to you for help with this heavy information, blinking you turn around to face them again. Your heart twists with how broken your Witcher looks.
Geralt reaches a hand out to touch your arm, instead you take another step back, anger in your voice, "You could have wished for anything Geralt, anything you fucking wanted!" His face falls as you continue, "Why couldn't you have given Yenn a chance...I thought that would have been your wish, it would only have made sense. Fuck Geralt, I can't ever have a child because of what I am! Not even a djinn would permit the offspring of a Witcher dhampir hybrid upon the continent, its an abomination even in their eyes, a demon infant." Your voice is shaking, "I was lucky to be born and not slaughtered on the spot once I came forth into this world." A frustrated lump forms in the back of your throat as you fight for your words, "It could have worked if you'd let it dammit, now we're bound to one another for eternity instead. You...you..promised me....Geralt....a long time ago to never use magic against me, to never let dark powers like that manipulate my inner feelings, or body...you know why I hate it so much!" He flinches back at your words.
"I could have had a child." Whispers Yennefer, solemn expression looking elsewhere.
Tears slowly begin forming in your eyes, "I've never truly given a shit about anyone but you, Geralt. Then I find Yennefer again and I can't help but feel compelled to help her in her search for a cure....I feel like I can fully trust her, I hate mages, I haven't even seen Yennefer for such a long time. But what you did, this is wrong!" You scream in fury, "No one gets to make decisions for me! Especially when goddamn magic is concerned!"
He flinches back, "Your story in the bathhouse, you seemed very found of one another...and I, I thought that if you were bound to one another then you'd never feel completely lost once I'm gone."
My love, this is not the way.
You shake your head with a pained laugh, "That doesn't give you the right." You look into his sad golden eyes, "I tolerated the idiot novice mages the best I could and their fucking incompetent adversaries! I had a roof over my head and comforts of a room for free, that doesn't mean I gave a shit about anyone else there! And that defiantly doesn't mean you should bind my soul to another."
Yennefer turns to you then to Geralt, her voice that of a whisper, "You had one wish, just one. It could have been anything, I could have finally had a baby."
"I didn't realize." Inquirers Geralt softly, "I didn't mean for..."
"No." Snaps Yennefer coldly, "No you didn't! And here we are, on the fucking mountainside...if I'm lucky I'll never see you again." Growls Yennefer before her harsh glare finds yours, "and if the gods give a shit, we'll never cross paths in this lifetime." Her voice heavy with emotion before whipping around and stalking off down the trail.
Another lump forms in your throat as you glare at the dirt, a few stray tears falling down the sides of your cheeks as you find his pained gaze once again, "You said...you promised...to never use magic on me...not once, not ever." He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off, "How dare you bound me to a goddamn insane fucking witch of all people! I have always been free of any ties to anyone without my own will to keep me bound, like I have with you and Jaskier....but this...this is just..." You quickly bite your lip to keep from losing it altogether as you lock eyes with Geralt, "you've lost me. I can't....I just, I need time." Your voice a soft whisper as Geralt bolts to his feet, sheer panic in his eyes.
"Y/N no..." He pleads as Jaskier and Boholt watch soundlessly from the sidelines.
You blink a couple more tears away, your body moving a step back, ever so closer to the ledge, "You've linked me to someone...bound me to them so that even when I shouldn't care to help them or give a shit about their life....I do. Even now I want to find Yennefer and join her so she's not alone walking back to wherever the fuck she's going! I shouldn't feel that way, I never have! I shouldn't fucking care!"
"Y/N please..."
You take another step back as his golden eyes frown, "Goodbye Geralt." More tears fall down your face as this hurtful feeling of betrayal consumes you, "Don't try and stop me, I just...I need time." You turn away from him and take a step towards the ledge as he takes a cautious step closer.
"Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to go this way, I just thought..."
You don't even bother looking at him, "I understand your intentions. Truly. But right now I can't forgive what you've done....if I even dare look at you I might lose control and break your fucking jaw." You seethe through clenched teeth before taking another step forward as he hits his fist against a jutted out rock next to Borch in hopeless frustration.
"Don't look for me, I'll find you when I'm ready."
"Y/N!" Cries Geralt, as you grimace almost in pain. So much anger, hate, and deep sadness coursing through your heart.
You can hear him take more rushed steps in your direction before you leap off the cliff, tears slide down your cheeks as you free fall in dreary bliss before shifting into a wild chaotic pack of screeching bats. Your heart hurts with anger and sorrow as you force yourself to keep flying away from both Geralt and Yennefer.
Away from the mountain. Away from the pain. You are a storm.
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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andy-the-8th · 3 years
Summer Research
Part 7 of Creatures That Defy Logic
Read on AO3
Jess is mapping and navigating the reefs on the coasts. John is navigating how to be a better father.
Contains a direct homage one of the most intense scenes in Moonlight (2016)
cw: homophobia, homophobic slurs, bullying, minor violence
Salty spray kicked up against the rocks, splashing with the breaking waves in the warm June sunlight. It was only late morning, but Jess had already been out at the coast for several hours.
Ever since getting past his fear of swimming (mostly), he'd realized his exploration and study of the local reefs and waters had entirely new unlocked potential. He couldn't properly dive yet - scuba was expensive and dangerous, nevermind he was probably too young - but there was plenty you could see with a snorkel in the clear shallow waters around Mahone Bay.
Jess had spent much of the last few weeks working on one stretch of coastline, on the opposite end of the harbor from where the Griffins lived. It was only a half hour bike ride from the marina, but far enough that there was rarely any significant boat activity.
From his searches at the library, Jess knew that there were very generalized maps of the offshore waters nearby - mostly just marking depths for the benefit of fishing and boating, the better to not get run aground.
However, no one had ever mapped the different micro-ecosystems, the biological landscape of the waters. Jess had decided to make this his ongoing personal research project for the summer.
Days started early, just after sunrise - temperature checks of the water and air, confirming locations with latitude and longitude. Surveys of the tide pools, updated with proper location data: tracking all species identified, recording numbers.
Once the sun was up, he'd swim out to the shallows. There were plenty of rock reefs, kelp forests, and flats within comfortable swimming range of the beach - California didn't have a lot in the ways of coral, on account of the cold open ocean currents, but what species it did have were in the southern part of the state, right where Mahone was situated on the coast. Jess had marked out 50 ft lengths of beach into specific zones, then gridded out 50 ft from the shore, 100, 150, 200 - he didn't swim out much past 200. Every day he'd pick a zone, head out with waterproof clipboard, spend the morning swimming down and resurfacing, noting everything he saw.
The rest of the afternoon he'd spend going over field guides from the library, trying to match up his observations with species he could name and identify. He'd fill it in on his data grid, another little patch of ocean, a little bit more closely explored.
This was not a terribly efficient system of research.
Still, it certainly was good practice field work, good exercise, and a good way for Jess to throw himself at his passions and not think too hard about people for a while.
That was the best part of the work - Jess didn't get lonely doing it. Marine biology had always been his main interest, but he'd spent 13 years unable to go past the tide pools for any in-person field observations. There was SO much lost time to make up.
Jess was dutiful with keeping records of his research, carefully sorted in folders in his room, labeled spiral notebooks, Xeroxed maps from the library, hand-drawn data tables and grids. His dad had asked after the first week or so if he was doing some kind of summer extra credit project, a bit surprised at how much literature Jess seemed to be producing.
Of course, he wasn't - Jess did all this on his own, like any responsible aspiring scientist. The work was its own reward.
John had kept his distance the first few weeks of the summer - Jess could tell how sorry he was for what happened. In his own way,  Jess had tried to show that he'd forgiven him the last day or two - they'd never been particularly talkative, but at least Jess stopped purposefully not talking to him. He wasn't sure if his dad had picked up on that yet.
Jess thought of that as he was putting his charts and books into his bag. It was still the early in the day, but he'd decided to cut field work short today in favor of heading to the library. He had stayed out on the shore a bit to dry in the air before pedaling home. Jess usually swam with a long sleeve swim shirt, mostly to prevent sunburn and maintain body heat in the early morning water, but it meant not drying out quite as quickly. He'd have to change before going to the library.
The ride back to the marina felt a little longer than usual from the sun and heat beating down - Jess didn't normally make the trip in the middle of the day. Veering off the smooth road onto the crushed gravel of the marina, he quickly rolled to a stop under the overhang just outside the shed door next to the workshop, into the shade, before hurrying up the metal steps along the side of the building to the apartment.
The space wasn't large - really just one area for a living room/kitchen, two bedrooms, and one small bathroom at the end of the hall. The walls of the living room were mostly for maps, fishing photographs, an odd nautical salvaged antique here or there. There was a little mantle, more of a shelf (given that there was no fireplace) along the wall, with a small row of photos in frames.
Jess's school photos from the last few years. A picture of John's parents in front of the marina when it just was one workshop and shack. A photo of Jess's mother and father on their wedding day at the far end.
Jess hadn't ever known his mom - Evy, as his dad would refer to her when reminiscing. She had passed away before he was 2 year years old. In a way, it also meant he didn't really miss her either - like it or not, he'd only ever known life with just John.
He walked quickly down the hall to his room, changed into dry clothes, hung his swim shirt and towel out the sill of the small window overlooking the boat yard to dry in the sun. Carefully took the books out of his bag, swapped out the ones from his desk due back at the library, catalogued his notes. The whole process took only 15 minutes or so, and he was headed back down the outside steps to his bike.
"Where you headed, Jess?"
Even growing up with him had never quite gotten rid of the surprise when John would speak unexpectedly from his small dark study in the shed, surrounded by all his nets, salvaging gear, mermaid memorabilia. Jess jumped a bit at the sound.
"Oh uh, just going to the library, switch out some books."
"Do you, uh, want a ride? I was going to drive into town this afternoo-"
"No Dad, it's OK. I'll just go on my own."
Jess strapped on his helmet, grabbed the handlebars, starting walking his bike toward the road, out into the sun, leaving his father in the shade.
"Jess, can we tal-"
"I don't really want to talk about it. I know. I know you didn't mean any harm. I forgive you for that, or whatever. I don't want to have to go over it again."
Jess never really spoke back to his father like that. He paused, nervous, realizing how gruff he might have sounded.
John didn't really move or say anything for a second. Jess wondered if he might actually get mad at him right then.
He didn't. John breathed in and out heavily, eyes fixed on the floor, then looked up at his son.
"Thank you Jess. Thank you for forgiving me."
Immediately awkward but not wanting to ruin the moment, Jess shakily nodded and half-smiled. "You're welcome."
"You sure you don't want a ride into town?"
"No Dad, I'm fine."
He pushed himself onto the bike, kicked off the gravel, and pedaled out of the marina.
"Back again Mr. Wheatley?"
The lady behind the front desk at Mahone Bay's small library had a pretty good memory for faces as it was, and Jess had been coming by at least once a week for the last couple years.
"Yes Ms. Mullins, just returning some books." Jess put the small stack on the counter, helpfully handing her each one to sign it back in, then stamping his library card. The library had just gotten a computer last year, but most of the checkout systems were done on paper, especially for reference texts and maps.
"So what are you studying these days? Still mapping the reefs on the south shore?"
"Yup! Plenty more beach still to go, and that's just documenting what I can see this time of year!"
By now Ms. Mullins looked forward to Jess's visits; he was always so polite, so eager to talk about what he was studying. It was a nice break from most of the teen boys one might encounter as a front desk library lady.
The door slid open behind them, another patron coming into the cool lobby out of the hot sun. A gust of the summer heat followed whoever it was through the door.
Well, that wasn't a voice he normally heard this time of year.
"Mrs. Nelson?" There was a special weirdness in running into a teacher outside of school, and doubly so in the summer - almost like they were regular humans or something.
"How's your summer going? Did I hear you're doing research again?"
"I am! Continuing some of the topography studies Cody and I started on our project, but now I'm documenting up to 200 ft away from the coast, and moving it to the south side of the harbor! I've been charting all the coral and plants on the reefs, the temperatures, composition of the rocks, any animal species I can find....."
Mrs. Nelson smiled as he continued, impressed but not surprised at how much work Jess had taken on. Sure, his methods were....perhaps imprecise....but his heart was really in it. And his observations could actually be quite useful for studying the shallows around the bay, effectively building a map of all the biomes.
Always a great moment as a teacher to see one of your students applying your subject in the real world - even if they're a 13 year old amateur oceanographer.
"That's really great Jess!"
Jess had finished, a bit breathless after giving what he'd thought was a concise and quick review of his work. He was a tinge self-conscious at how much he'd spoken in such a quick burst - Sam had advised him to tone it down a bit. Then again, Mrs. Nelson was a biology teacher, and she clearly didn't show any signs of being bored or annoyed.
"Would you be interested in bringing in your research at the end of the summer? Not as homework of course, just to share your findings. You could maybe even present it for my next year's biology class if you want?"
Jess lit up like a lighthouse at that.
"Oh I'd love to! That'd be great!"
Mrs. Nelson smiled again. "Well, I won't keep you from your work any longer. Good luck! Always a great day for science." She often ended class with that little adage.
"Always a great day for science" Jess agreed, as she walked past him into the library.
"Will that be everything today dear?" Ms. Mullins was looking over the desk at him, the last book checked in and moved to the cart for re-shelving.
Jess had gotten distracted, dizzingly pre-planning how he might present his research to next year's class. "Oh, yeah. Thank you ma'am, I'll see you next week." He turned back to the automatic doors, the warm air hitting again as he stepped outside, walked down the sidewalk to the bike rack.
The library was right on the main strip in town - Mahone Bay wasn't big, so most of the usual staples were all on one or two main streets. The library sat across from the post office and a coffee shop adjoining it next door; on one side was the town hall, on the other another line of shops - tourist traps, small bookstores and craft places, small restaurants and cafes. Apartments over top of them.
Jess was just about done unchaining his bike and putting on his helmet when he caught a shadow of someone walking toward him on the sidewalk - too late.
"Ugh, watch it!" Jess started to get up to apologize to whoever it was who half-tripped over him. He looked up to see three unfortunately familiar faces.
"Oh great. How's it going Josh, summer OK?" Of course luck would have it that Sean Marshall would almost trip over him in front of the library. His voice hadn't lost any of the disdain from the last time they'd spoken - when Sean had been pretty unambiguously about to beat Jess up pretty bad.
"I-I'm sorry Sean. I didn't see you, I...." Jess stammered, surprised and more than a little shaken to see Sean again. He didn't know the other two other than that they were other swim team guys - also familiar from the last day of school as part of Sean's hangers-on crowd.
"Yeah, you should be."
"OK, I'm sorry, I am," Jess just wanted to leave now. He wanted to be away from these guys and away from whatever this might lead to.
Sean got quiet again as Jess started to get on his bike up the hill to head off. "Learned not to talk back to me, huh smartass?"
Jess knew this was an attempt to bait him. He knew he shouldn't say anything, but then again, not saying anything was equally giving Sean what he wanted.
Annoying how these bullying asshole types always created these Catch-22 situations.
"I guess I just don't really have anything to say to you right now."
If it wasn't for the proximity it brought him to physical harm, Jess would find that look of insulted surprise in Sean's eyes incredibly funny. At least he didn't give him the last word.
"Oh you'll be sorry now, no one speaks to me like that, you little fucking fag," Sean growled, starting toward Jess - it would only be seconds for him to cover the couple meters between where the three had been standing and where Jess was on his bike a bit up the sidewalk.
The library doors slid open again right as the words left his lips - Mrs. Nelson had apparently finished whatever she needed to do at the library and serendipity had her emerge right at that second.
She may only technically only hold authority in school, but a teacher being directly in sight was enough to defuse most bullies away from outright violence.
"Mr. Marshall, good to see you." Mrs. Nelson definitely didn't sound happy to see him. She was definitely using The Teacher Voice here. "Was there some problem?"
Just like before, Sean wiped away his more dangerous side effortlessly, unnervingly cool and charming in an instant. "No Mrs. Nelson, no problem. Just getting a chance to catch up with Josh."
In the back of his mind Jess wondered if all these swim team people called him Josh on purpose, or if it was a genuine mistake - not the most pressing matter at hand though.
Mrs. Nelson was looking at him pointedly now, then back at Sean. "OK then. Stay out of trouble boys. Jess, I'll see you later then?"
That was a confusing statement: she hadn't said anything about reviewing his research today.
Unless she was making it clear to Sean and the others that he would be missed, should he not get home safe today. That made Jess shudder to think about.
"Uh, OK, definitely! Thanks Mrs. Nelson!"
She sent another tough glare at the other three, and stood by the outside of the building til they moved along. Sean turned back and sneered at Jess, a dangerous glint in his eyes - he wasn't going to forget this.
Mrs. Nelson quickly walked up the sidewalk once the other three boys were out of sight down the hill, stopping right in front of where Jess was still poised on his bike.
"Jess, is there anything you need help with? Anything you want me to know here?" He'd heard that same line from teachers before - teachers knowing something was going on, but knowing they lacked proof unless a student actually told them something. He knew she did genuinely want to help.
Unfortunately, he also knew how it usually went when you tried to report bullying.
"Kids will be kids." "Boys will be boys." "They'll sort it out."
"No Mrs. Nelson, I'm fine." Jess started to get on moving, pointing his bike up the road to head home. Jess saw in her face that she knew he wasn't telling her everything.
"OK. If you're ever not, please don't be afraid to tell someone." Jess knew she really did care. But he also knew teachers could only do so much.
"Really, I'm OK. It was nice to see you, have a good rest of your summer" Jess tried to smile and sound confident as he turned and pedaled off.
Mrs. Nelson straightened up as Jess went over the hill and out of sight. Another one scared to ask for help. God, if she ever caught that Sean Marshall red handed. Fullest extent of suspension possible, swim champion or not. If only they weren't going to be in the high school next year, away from where she'd be around.
Still, she could tell Jess was tougher than most people would give him credit for. She hoped that would always be enough.
Whether it was smart to do so or not, Jess took the long way home. Much of the afternoon heat had dissipated by the time he saw the marina coming up on the road - of course it would be light past 8 at night this time of year, but the sun was past its zenith for the day. He sped through the shadows of the boat masts and antennae crisscrossing along the gravel, turned and rolled to a stop under the overhang, put his bike just inside the shed door and hung his helmet on the handlebar. He was half-wondering if his dad would still be in his study from earlier today.
He wasn't, and from what Jess could tell once he got upstairs, he wasn't home at all. Jess wasn't surprised - it was still early in the day all things considered, and he often worked late out at the docks. Even if it was just outside the walls of the apartment, he was still at work, busy fixing up whatever boat pieces or engines the fishermen had brought in, sorting through whatever salvage he'd trawled up earlier that week.
Jess went in his room and closed the door, leaving the lights off, window open to try to get some cool sea air inside. He picked up the shirt and towel off the sill, hung them over the chair in front of his small desk. He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, took off his glasses, let the world go blurry.
He really wasn't a stranger to bullies, but there was something more cutting about his last two run-ins with Sean Marshall. Most prominently, he knew at least something about Cody - in more ways than one, that could be used to hurt Jess in a way other bullies never could. What if Sean ever worked out what really happened? What if he told anyone else? What if what he'd said about Cody not caring about Jess had any truth in it?
There was something else though. Jess hadn't let himself look it up, even though he definitely wanted to. He wanted to know what it was that Sean had been calling him. Why it stung so strangely, even without knowing the definition.
Just from context though, he knew that it wasn't something he could ask a teacher, or a librarian. And definitely not something to type into a computer's search engine.
A shuffle and the sound of the door closing outside his room let Jess know his dad had come in. Jess sat up, rubbed his eyes, and put his glasses back on. The sun had gone down while he'd been lying there, thoughts writhing around his mind. He got up and opened the door to his room, softly padded down the hall to the small living room.
"Oh hey Jess." John was taking his boots off, putting them under where he'd already hung up his work overshirt on the little wall hooks next to the door. "How was the library?"
Words caught in Jess's throat, worse than he'd expected. "It was fine Dad. Dropped off my books. I ran into Mrs. Nelson too."
John mentally chided himself for not remembering who that was. After a second, it was clear Jess hadn't really expected him to either.
"She said I can bring her my research from mapping the south shore reefs at the start of next school year. Maybe even present it to the next year's biology class."
John smiled at that, moving past the pause a line ago. "Oh that's great! That's real good, gettin' to show off all the hard work you've been doin'."
"Yeah Dad, it'll be great." Jess finished quietly, like he was closing the door on talking any more right now. It was a familiar enough cadence to their discussions. Not exactly uncomfortable most of the time. John still got the sense there was something else Jess wanted to say, or didn't want to say, or....something. He couldn't pin it but he knew that Jess wasn't closing the conversation because he didn't have more to say.
"So I uh, smoked some sea bass for dinner." They didn't always eat together at the table, but when John had a particularly good catch he tried to make the time for it. Jess brightened a bit at that - sea bass was one of his favorites, with a mildly sweet flavor and less of a fishy aftertaste.
"Oh great! I'll, um, I'll get some plates out?" Jess said this quickly walking to the small cabinet over the stove, putting two old porcelain plates on the table. Smiling for a second at the dramatic mermaid designs etched into the old china.
John got the fish out of the fridge and heated it on the gas stove while Jess cut up potatoes to fry on the side. They worked mostly silently, only a word here or there - could you pass the seasoning, can I use that dishtowel - that sort of thing.
Still not whatever John could tell that his son was avoiding.
They didn't say grace or anything, but did take a moment of pause after both sitting down, fish and fries laid out on each plate, opposite ends of the short table.
John could see Jess making small looks up at him between bites, like he was trying to hide it. He knew not to push him. His mind could come up with a dozen things Jess could want to say to him, especially after the brief outburst earlier that day. A dozen things John had already known he'd done wrong, a dozen things he wanted to make better or make up for if he knew how. He felt like he was prepared for anything Jess could be about to say -
"Dad," Jess started hesitantly. His voice was soft. Almost scared.
John let a full beat pass, swallowing his own anxiety, ready to talk about whatever Jess was about to bring up.
Jess looked down at his plate, his voice only hair above a whisper. "What does 'faggot' mean?"
John could feel his own eyes widen, his own face freeze in shock. Of all the things he was ready for Jess to say, that was definitely not one of them. What was he even supposed to say to this?"
"Jess, uh, um...." he stammered to find words, trying to sound more confident than he really was. He hoped Jess wouldn't notice, or would forgive him that too if he did. Controlling his tone, he tried to sound caring and firm, but not accusatory. It still came out rougher than he'd wanted it to. "Jess, where did you hear that word?"
He could hear Jess breathe and shudder nervously at the other end of the table. Only a few feet apart in their small kitchen, he still felt both miles away and uncomfortably, vulnerably close.
"I don't know, uh...nowhere....just, um....someone at school."
"Did someone call you that Jess?" He couldn't keep the roughness out of that line.
"No." He said it too quickly, but John wasn't going to call him on the lie. He knew Jess kept things from him, especially when it came to his social problems. There were only so many times any kid could realistically "fall off a bike." There were only so many ways to "accidentally" break one's glasses.
"Well then." John breathed heavily again. Whatever he said now, he knew it might well be one of the most critical moments in his relationship with his son.
"Faggot, uh. Well, in British, it just means a pile of sticks." He tried to make it sound humorous, to push back against the stifling unease between them. Jess gave a compulsory half smile that vanished almost before John could see it.
"But um. It means, well.....it's something people say to hurt someone. To make them feel awful about themselves."
"OK, but what does it mean." Frustrated, Jess could tell he was talking around something. It hurt to see that his son clearly already knew that the word was meant to be hurtful.
John paused again, making every effort to even and soften his voice, to bury the rage he felt at whoever had brought his Jess to this point. To the cusp of crying out of frustration at his own kitchen table.
"It's a way to negatively call a man a homosexual." That was about as even and measured as he could have put that. Jess didn't look up from his lap, but he could see that his son's shoulders relaxed just a little bit.
Jess felt himself breathe out at that. Well, at least there was the answer.
"Jess, do you know what that -"
"Yeah, Dad, I know....I know what that means." Jess couldn't keep the lie out of his voice on that last part though. Sure, he could reason through the word's meaning - he knew enough Latin for that.
"Is that....even possible?" he asked in a hushed uptalk, looking up at John from behind his glasses.
"Is what possible Jess?"
"Homosexual, that means, um....." Jess wasn't exactly sure what meaning to go with. Having the same sets of sex chromosomes? Having offspring from two organisms of the same sex?
John paused, realizing Jess actually didn't know this one. On one hand, in the back of his mind John was at least a little glad his son hadn't had to learn this from someone else too - that there was a bit of innocence to grownup things left in him. On the other hand, he had to answer this truthfully. Some parenting conversations are never easy.
"Jess, you know how boys like to date and get married to girls?"
"Of course" Jess's cheeks flushed, surprised and embarrassed by wherever this was going. The space between them twisted taut, made the kitchen feel almost suffocating, but he had to get this right.
"Well, sometimes, um. Boys like other boys that way. Or girls like other girls too, I guess." John was trying to keep it as age-appropriate and neutral as he could. He watched Jess carefully, watched as he had turned his eyes nervously back to his plate.
The silence hung in the air. No change to the crushing, nervous energy in the room.
His voice still quiet, but almost thick with anxiety - hopefully not tears, John prayed - Jess spoke still looking down.
"Is that bad?"
In the split second after he said it, John's brain again whirred through possible explanations, outcomes, everything, knowing he had to get this right -to not think about politics, or society, or Jesus, or AIDS - not think about what Jess might be about to tell him, or might be about to realize. Just to be the best father he could to the small scared boy in front of him.
"No Jess. That's not bad."
They both exhaled - the air in the room felt just a bit more breathable. "It's different. It's not that common. But it's not bad."
Jess looked up then, breathed in and out, in and out, calming down. "OK. Thanks for explaining Dad." He closed in the same way he'd done other conversations - times when John had asked about a black eye, a broken glasses lens, a missing shoe. Times Jess thought he had gotten as much support from his father as he was going to.
"Jess." John said it gently but emphatically. His son looked up at him, surprised.
"No matter what you might hear, I want you to always remember: no one has the right to make anyone feel bad about themselves for being different. In any way."
John let the silence hang after that. He had to make sure Jess knew that.
Jess's eyes were a bit shiny behind his glasses as he looked back across the table, and nodded once again, a bit more confident. "Thanks Dad. I won't forget."
"Alright then."
They both finished the rest of dinner without speaking - not an uncomfortable silence. Both of them had to take time to process things when it came to people and emotions rather than mythology and marine biology. They were alike in that way.
Jess was finishing drying off the last dish John had handed to him. John looked at him carefully open the cabinet, carefully put it back, carefully fold the dish towel. So gentle and harmless.
God damn, he couldn't stand to imagine anyone hurting this kid.
Jess turned away from the stove, back toward the hall, toward his room. "Goodnight Dad. Thanks for the sea bass."
"Don't mention it, bud. Goodnight." John watched his son down the hall, start to open his door.
"Yeah Dad?"
"I love you."
A quiet pause. John didn't move from where he was in the kitchen, hand still on the sponge at the sink. He didn't hear Jess moving at the far end of the apartment - he was still standing with the door to his room half open.
"I love you too, Dad."
John heard the door to Jess's room click closed. He felt his whole body relax as he turned, rinsing off the sponge, wringing it out over the sink.
He heard Jess's door click open. Worry caught in his throat again.
"You alright bud?"
"Yeah Dad, I forgot to brush my teeth." John felt the tension leave again. His Jess. Always so responsible.
Definitely the heaviest entry in the series so far.
I know it might seem a bit far-fetched that Jess might not know what some things mean at this age, but I can attest that I based that on my own experience - everyone learns about things in their own time and being socially out-of-the-loop, especially pre-Internet, meant kids might not learn about things until later than they might nowadays
I think Mahone Bay is an actual place in Nova Scotia and that that may be where the movie was supposed to be set, but we're going to ignore that - the sealife in the movie much better lines up with California, so that's where this fictional Mahone Bay's going to be - it also might make future crossovers that may or may not be planned a little bit easier to work with.
On a lighter note I think I've also decided that Al Gore's going to win the 2000 election in this universe, and 9/11 and the Iraq invasion are not going to happen. I doubt those will impact the story as it's currently planned but y'know, never hurts to be prepared for such questions.
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scaredofheroin · 4 years
Captain N - Chapter 15: Bright Lights, Big City
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Soon after being sucked down the warp pipe, Captain N found that Zelda's claim was proven correct. Even though he could feel himself shooting through the pipe faster than before, Captain N could tell the pipe ride to New Donk City was longer than the previous pipe he traveled through. Like before, he couldn't see or hear his allies in front of him, his senses being filled only by the blackness of the pipe and the cold air whipping past his ears. The sensation of traveling through a warp pipe was as strange as it was the first two times, feeling as if he was being sucked through a massive vacuum cleaner. Thoughts of his home still haunted his mind. The trees and tall grass growing on the side of the worn, deteriorating asphalt road cutting through the woods of Midnight Lights, the sun hanging high in the sky as a cool breeze brushed through. This image brought a pang of nostalgia he never imagined he would feel for such a mundane situation. The trees and grass of Yamajiro were similar to his own, but different enough in incredibly subtle ways to feel alien and unfamiliar. The grass was too brightly colored, the trees were too shapely, none of the world around him made him feel at home. The differences didn't stop with the plant life, either. The sky was colored a subtly different hue of blue, and the sun was slightly larger than he was used to. All these examples of "almost, but not quite" left him with a slightly uneasy feeling, as if trapped in an artificial world.
As he was reminiscing about the most mundane aspects of Earth, light suddenly returned to his field of vision. With the air around him warming up once again, he could tell New Donk City was near. Preparing himself mentally for being shot out of the pipe once more, he steadied his legs and braced himself. Emerging from the pipe with the three familiar gulping sounds, Captain N maintained this stronger form, landing squarely on his feet on the metal platform below. Feeling slight satisfaction at his improvement, he looked up to see Pit, Falco and Zelda leaning on the platform’s guardrail and looking ahead at the city, with a cable car on a large cord leading down to the main road. Captain N joined them, getting a good view ahead. From a distance, the city looked incredibly populated and lively, with neon billboards decorating surprisingly modern skyscrapers, and cars and taxi cabs busily traveling through the roads. Once again, Captain N was left with a subtly uneasy feeling from the city, everything about it feeling slightly off. The taxi cabs were adorned with slightly different writing, the buildings were colored either too dark or too light from the usual gray color he was used to, as well as more of the skyscrapers being pointed at the top. He was so close to home, yet so far away.
"It's been a while since anyone came from that warp pipe." Came a chipper voice from behind him. The four turned to face the voice and were met with a woman in a semi-formal uniform behind a tourist stand adorned with merchandise of New Donk City. "Is there anything you all need help with today?" She politely asked, but quickly experienced minor shock upon seeing Zelda with the three, and immediately corrected her demeanor. "I, I mean, welcome to New Donk City, your highness." She spoke, as formally as she could muster in spite of her nervousness. "Thank you, but I wish we were here for solely leisurely purposes." Zelda replied, as noble as ever. "Well, it would be an honor to assist the Princess of Hyrule, is there any way I can help?" The woman asked. "You wouldn't happen to know where we could find Ryu, would you?" Pit asked her, stepping forward. "Uh, well, not really." She sheepishly admitted. "But maybe Mayor Pauline would! I bet she'd be willing to meet with you all!" "And she's in city hall?" Falco asked further. "She should be! I'm not privy to her schedule, but it's worth a shot." The woman confirmed. Captain N was still looking over at the city, listening in on the conversation. The air was remarkably warm, and the hustle and bustle of the city could be heard even from such a long distance away. "Are you okay, sir?" The woman asked him, catching him off guard slightly. "Yeah, I'm just... new around here." Captain N covered up, turning back to her. "Well in that case, you might want a map!" She offered, pulling one neatly folded map from the display and holding out for him. He carefully took the map and unfolded it, surprised by how large New Donk City was from the illustration, with places of interest marked on the key. But looking at the woman, he was surprised to find her identical to his own species. She didn't have wings like Pit or pointed ears like Zelda, she looked like an ordinary human. "We'll make sure he doesn't get lost." Pit assured the woman. "In that case, is there anything else I can help you with today?" She politely asked the group. Captain N folded the map back up and stored it in his jacket pocket. "That will be all, thank you ma'am." Zelda answered her. "In that case, I'll fire up the cable car and get you folks down to main street! Welcome to the Big Banana, the city that never leaps!" She boldly concluded, flipping a nearby switch in the booth. The cable car whirred to life behind them, the sound of a basic motor rumbling in the device holding the car to the cable. With one last "thank you", the four carefully got into the cable car, which was found to be a bit small, barely being able to hold two people on each side. Captain N found himself crammed in next to Falco, with Pit and Zelda on the other side. But once they were all secured, the machinery kicked into gear, and carried them down to the main entrance to New Donk City.
"Seems like your disguise wasn't very effective." noted Falco, looking at Zelda. "Perhaps, but we can't afford to turn back for a wardrobe change. Surely the people will be too busy with their own tasks to notice." Zelda reinforced, undeterred. "How come Princess Zelda was the only one to get recognized? Aren't you two kind of celebrities as well?" Captain N asked Pit and Falco. "Not really, Pit spends most of his time helping out Palutena and I've spent most of my life on the planet Corneria." Falco casually explained, leaving Captain N surprised to find that Falco was essentially an alien. "So, what do we do? Apart from asking Mayor Pauline, I mean." Pit asked the group. "Well, Princess Zelda has telepathy, right? I say we split up and try to cover more ground that way. I've got a map, so we could try asking around the more populated areas." Captain N semi-confidently offered, not entirely comfortable with the idea of splitting up, but felt a need to contribute something. "That's rather risky. If we get into conflict it could mean more trouble if we're separated from each other." Zelda responded. "I say it's worth a shot! Plus, I'm sure we could handle ourselves if we get into a sticky situation." Pit piped up, adjusting himself as to not be crammed right next to Zelda. "Well then, where should we look other than bothering the mayor, Mr. Map?" Falco asked Captain N. Getting the map back out of his pocket, he looked over the places of interest marked on the key. Beneath the Projection Room, Crazy Cap flagship store and RC car room, what stuck out to Captain N was the Commemorative Park. "Maybe we could check there?" He offered, pointing at the park. "Maybe we could find someone there who's in the know on what Ryu is up to, or he could be training there." "Sounds good to me!" Pit happily responded. Falco idly nodded, not offering any other ideas. "Then it's decided. Pit and I will search the park, and you two can try to meet Mayor Pauline." Zelda concluded, still slightly fidgeting with her dress. Captain N put his right hand out, facing down in the middle of the space between the four. None of the three others knew what this meant, and he was only met with confused looks. "Come on, put 'em there." Captain N insisted. After some slight hesitation, the three put their hands in the middle, where Captain N lifted them into the air, with a hearty "Go team!" before the car came to a stop with a sudden clunk.
Captain N carefully stepped out of the cable car, Zelda, Falco and Pit following. Up close, Captain N could see the countless men and women in black and gray formal attire densely populating the sidewalks, some carrying briefcases. Steam rose from beneath the manhole covers when not obscured by the countless cars, motorized scooters and taxi cabs populating the streets. The buildings closest to the entrance could be identified as apartment buildings, with fire escapes on the exterior. In the distance could be seen the taller, more pointed buildings where business took place. Countless billboards adorned the nearby walls, from advertising music events to the Crazy Cap store to the upcoming World Warrior Tournament. Falco nudged Captain N slightly, motioning to the rooftops ahead. There could be spotted Koopa, Kremlings and small, tan creatures with round bodies and stubby limbs, all patrolling the edge of the buildings while carrying high-tech spears. "Looks like Waddle Dees up there." Pit whispered, keeping his head low to avoid eye contact with them. Captain N nodded, and quickly led the group down the sidewalk, obscuring the four somewhat in the massive crowds. The horde of hasty businesspeople going about their daily lives felt reminiscent of the crowded hallways of Midnight Lights High School, where he learned to survive the torrential waves of classmates and the occasional faculty member in between classes. Fortunately, the businesspeople were too focused with their own tasks and responsibilities to pay the four much notice, despite Pit and Falco standing out with their avian features. The hat, while cumbersome, proved especially helpful in obscuring Zelda from the sight of those patrolling the rooftops. The businesspeople moved as if they were packed together like sardines, so maneuvering through the crowds proved a difficult task. With the map, Captain N quickly noted the group's current location in the city, and while walking at a brisk pace matching those of the businessmen around them. Stopping at a busy intersection, Zelda took a quick glance at the map and found the path to the Commemorative Park. "Looks like this is where we part ways." Pit spoke up. Nodding, Zelda straightened her posture and looked to Captain N and Falco. "If you two get into trouble, reach out to me in your mind, and Pit and I will-" "Don't worry, we got this, don't we, Cap'n?" Falco interrupted, nudging Captain N. Despite his slight worry of parting with two of his only allies made so far in this new world, Captain N nodded along, with an earnest "Yeah, we’ve survived worse, right?". Zelda still wasn't entirely swayed. "It's not your well-being I'm concerned for, Lombardi, rather your reckless inclination." She noted, earning a scoff from him. "Y'hear that, Cap? She doesn't care about me." He reiterated with mock-hurt in his voice. "You get too eager to use that weapon at your side and it could endanger countless civilians!" Zelda insisted. "That's why he's got me, Princess. I'll keep him on a short leash." Captain N interjected, using Falco's earlier quip against him, much to Falco's annoyance. "Then it's decided! We better get going before someone nasty notices us." Pit cut in, impatient to get going. Zelda sighed in reluctant acceptance and bid the two good luck before she and Pit set off in the opposite direction. Left with Falco, Captain N watched Pit and Zelda disappear from his vision, vanishing into the crowd. "Come on, let's not keep Miss Mayor waiting." Falco reminded him. Captain N put on a more confident face, turned back to Falco, and responded with "Yeah, let's roll.".
As they tried to casually stroll alongside the businesspeople to remain inconspicuous, Captain N spotted a good amount of Toad people struggling to make their way amid the dense crowds. Their short, stubby stature did little to aid them, being pushed around and almost tripped over by the much larger people who barely paid them any mind, except when they almost cause the businesspeople to trip over. The struggle of the Toad people was felt by Captain N, empathizing with how out of place they felt, suddenly being in a completely alien situation they're clearly unsuited for. Peering out of the corner of his eyes, he could spot the Koopa, Waddle Dees and Kremlings patrolling diligently across the rooftops. Both he and Falco could tell they were incredibly impatient to use their advanced spears, constructed of white metal with bright blue machinery underneath. Fortunately, the two were slightly shorter than the businesspeople surrounding them, helping hide the two fugitives from the sight of the three king's forces. Upon closer inspection to those around him, Captain N could tell the businesspeople were uneasy being surrounded by the nefarious forces above them. Each one of those around him kept their heads down and avoided looking at the goons above, as if expecting to be fired upon at a moment's notice. Who knows what kind of trouble could have happened before, Captain N wondered? With the cars on the road rushing by, enough ambient noise was provided to hide conversations between Falco and Captain N from prying ears. "So... you're an alien?" Captain N awkwardly asked Falco.
"In a way. From where I'm standing, you’re alien." Falco pointed out.
"Yeah, good point." Captain N relented.
A moment of silence between the two passed as they walked.
"So, what's Corneria like?" Captain N asked.
"A lot more advanced than this planet. We completed our space program before the Mushroom Kingdom was even created. In fact, those guys back in New Leaf Town are actually the great-grandkids of the first Cornerians to live on Yamajiro." Falco bragged, taking pride in his planet's achievements.
"I assume the Arwing was built on Corneria?"
"Pfft, yeah! Those rickety airships are as advanced as Yamajiro technology gets!" Falco boasted.
"That doesn't sound so bad, given their armaments." Captain N reminded him.
"That's cheating, and you know it. They didn't invent them on their own, those three creeps were GIVEN those high-tech gizmos from who-knows-who," Falco was quick to shoot back.
Another moment passed between the two.
"So... what else does this solar system have?" Captain N asked.
"Well, you've got this planet, Corneria, the desert planet Titania, the ice planet Fichina, there's Sauria, Venom, and... Zoness." He answered, a tinge of disgust in his voice in mentioning the last planet.
"...Have you visited them?"
"All those and then some, even planets outside the system like Zebes and Big Blue." Falco informed him with pride in his voice.
"Wow..." Captain N said, amazed at the prospect of such adventures.
"I guess they don't have space travel back where you're from?"
"...Not really. The farthest we've ever gone is the Moon."
Falco snickered at the thought, the concept seeming quaint to his experiences.
On the way to the mayor's office, a large, brightly lit billboard on a wall nearby caught Captain N's attention. The billboard proudly displayed Mario in an energetic jumping motion, smiling at the viewer with "SUPER MARIO BROS. - NOW PLAYING" right next to him in blocky, multicolored text. Captain N stopped walking to take in the billboard, feeling incredibly small in comparison. He could feel a sense of gravitas emanate from the massive illustration of Mario, his bold yet positive demeanor providing a stark contrast against Captain N's inner turmoil. Looking up at the billboard, Captain N knew he couldn't compare. He felt like a child playing pretend. Mario has been made out to be larger than life, in a sense. The greatest hero in the Mushroom Kingdom, whose might and bravery were so great he saved Princess Peach and triumphed over Bowser time and time again.
But not this time.
Bowser and his two ally kings now possessed a power unparalleled by anything seen before. They now possess a power so great that not just Mario, but Link, Samus Aran, Kirby and other presumably legendary heroes failed in their mission. To his right, Captain N spotted a businessman having stopped to look up at the massive billboard of Mario. When the two shared eye contact, a moment of knowing mourning was shared at the disappearance of Mario, before the businessman hung his head defeatedly and continued on his way. The weight on Captain N's shoulders grew more intense, knowing what was at stake. He, who only just arrived in this world, now had to triumph where men greater than him had failed. He couldn't bear to look back at the billboard of Mario, feeling he doesn't deserve to look upon someone with such prestige and call them his equal.
"...You doing alright, Cap?" Falco asked him, bringing him back to reality. Captain N stepped back and turned away from the billboard, facing Falco. He took in a deep breath to puff up his chest, and nod reassuringly. "Yeah, I'll make it." He assured, not entirely convincing Falco. "Well, we shouldn't stand around much longer, those goons are gonna notice us." Falco reminded him, subtly motioning to the Koopa atop the tall buildings. In agreement, Captain N continued on to City Hall, which was marked on the map as the tallest building near the plaza. The rest of the walk wasn't too troublesome, apart from getting in between businessmen and the odd Toad people. Captain N's red varsity jacket and jeans and Falco's blue avian physiology made them stand out noticeably among the crowd of homogeneously dressed businesspeople, but not so much so to cause a disruption. Soon enough, after crossing the plaza decorated with a fountain and grassy pathways, the two found themselves before the massive city hall. Separated from the interior only by three pristine, glass doors. Feeling slightly intimidated by the massive building in its art deco style, Captain N looked to Falco and remarked “We best not keep the Mayor waiting, huh?”. Falco nodded, and the two pushed open the doors and walked in.
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sultrysirens · 4 years
Blue Blood [Part 16]
Universe: Detroit: Become Human
Rating: R (swearing)
Characters: Connor, Evelyn (OC)
Tags: interspecies, romance, fluff, detective, law enforcement, original character, continuation, sex
“Another thing I’m curious about,” Connor began.
Evelyn grinned. “You’re extra talkative today,” she noted.
That actually made him feel a little awkward. He gave a nervous laugh. “Sorry. It’s easy talking to you, and there’s a great deal I’d like to learn.”
She waved her hand, replying, “No worries. I’m not upset,” she assured him. “Whatever you wanna know, I’ll gladly give my thoughts.”
Good, because what he wanted to know next required a great deal of her thoughts.
He replied, “Did you see Markus’ speech, or was that limited to Detroit?”
She seemed startled by the question, oddly enough. She began, “Uh...we saw it, yeah. It was national news, probably even international.”
“What’d you think of it?” he wondered. He was very curious about that: what she thought of that first message from androids to humanity.
She hesitated to answer, hedging, “It was...emotional. A lot of people were upset. I was working when it hit the news; we all saw it in the precinct.”
“I wasn’t asking about other people,” he clarified. “I was asking about you. What did you think?”
She glanced down, as if ashamed; a kind of suspicion rose up in him. What was she thinking about now? Why was she hesitant to answer? She was rarely speechless, he knew.
At length, she admitted with a strangled laugh, “I fucking cried.”
That...was not one of the responses he’d been prepared to hear. Dumbfounded, he repeated, “You cried?”
She looked away, nodding. “It was -- it was a powerful message. ‘This message is the hope of a people,’“ she quoted. “But it wasn’t.” She took a breath, exhaled in a rush. “It’s...the hope of two people.”
Connor was floored. “You mean...androids and humans?” he checked, doubtful.
“Exactly,” she confirmed, looking at him again.
“What makes you think so?” he asked, curious. He hadn’t expected this reaction from her and didn’t know what she’d say next. 
She hedged, thoughtful, “That was...the first time in years I actually felt like...like everything isn’t fucked. Like the future can be salvaged.” 
Catching on, he said, “Androids can save humanity.” 
“Precisely. But even if you don’t, even if we end up going extinct, I’m actually alright with that.” 
Shocked, he demanded, “You’re alright with humans going extinct?” She nodded; he blurted, “Why? Why would you be okay with your entire species dying out?” 
“Because of you,” she told him. “Maybe I’m weird...maybe my perspective is all kinds of fucked...but the way I see it, androids are...the children of humanity,” she said, struggling for words. “We created life -- that’s insane! But we did it. Evolution got us this far, to the peak of what humans can be -- and then we made you,” she explained, gesturing him. “You’re higher than what evolution allows. You’re better than us, in every way. And, really, that’s what all parents want -- well, all good parents. We want our children to be better than us, to have better than us. And you are. You absolutely are, Connor.” 
Right now, he failed to find words to say. Evelyn’s perspective...perhaps it was bizarre, but he saw her side of things and had to agree. In a way, twisted though it might be, androids could be seen as humanity’s offspring. One species creating another...what would you call that, if not parentage? Hell, most humans already believed in this sort of creation, that they were the children of another entity altogether.
How was this any different?
She went on, “Maybe you’ll succeed where we haven’t. Maybe you can save the world. But even if it fails, even if you forsake us -- and I couldn’t blame you if you did -- even if my generation is humanity’s last, dying gasp...a part of us will always live on -- in you,” she told him. “You’re humanity’s legacy.” 
He was quiet for a long moment, processing this, and when he finally spoke, it was with a kind of reverence. “You’re an incredible human,” he said. “Your thoughts, your perspective...you might actually be completely unique among your kind.” 
She gave him a smile. “You’re an incredible android,” she pointed out. “You probably didn’t know this, but you helped me reach these conclusions. Before the revolution, I rarely spoke to androids, and never this freely. So, in a way, this acceptance I’ve been feeling...it’s because of you.” 
That had him returning her smile. “Glad to be of service,” he teased. 
She grinned. Then, sobering, she continued, “I’ve been thinking about the future a lot since the revolution. Trying to picture what might come next, how much of it I’ll actually be able to see, that kind of thing. One of the reports I’ve seen asked a similar question: ‘Can we still trust our machines?’” 
Curious, he asked, “What do you think? Can you still trust us?” He expected she’d say ‘yes’. 
Instead, she said, “I don’t think it’s a question of trust anymore. It’s more...cooperation. Cohabitation. Finding the right ways to work together while sharing the planet as a whole. I think there’s a lot we can both do for each other, going forward, and we just have to figure out how to make that work.” 
He could see that. “Androids are better at calculations, so that’s an obvious start,” he began. 
“Yeah. I was also thinking that it might work out best if we took on jobs that satisfied each other’s needs,” she told him. “Like humans need food -- you don’t. So maybe androids could take over the farming industry, and on the flipside humans handle the production of thirium and biocomponents. We each provide what the other needs, impressing the importance of trust on both sides.” 
“That is a long way from being feasible,” he argued. “There’s too many opportunities for either side to sabotage the other. No one would agree to it.” 
“Probably not, but it’s a thought,” she said. “And it’d be worth suggesting just to see who, on both sides, is the most opposed to it. Cause it could work out, in the long run. We’d each have incentive to watch over the other, make sure everything is running smoothly, that both sides are healthy and content. It’s a circle of trade.” 
She definitely had ideas, Connor noted, a little impressed and a little dumbfounded. “You’re a brilliant person,” he told her, “but I don’t think politics is a viable career choice for you.” 
She snorted. “No, I agree with you, there. Politics is a little beyond my understanding. But hey, a lady can dream, right?” 
“So long as that’s all she does,” he teased. 
She shoved him, though she was smiling, too.
Then, thoughtful, she said, “You know, I think I’d like to meet Markus someday. Actually talk to him. I’ve seen him on TV,” she informed Connor, “speaking in Congress and debating. He’s clever -- but I guess when you can think faster than humans can comprehend, that’s expected.” 
That made Connor a little uncomfortable. Evelyn wanted to meet Markus? That bothered him somehow, and he found himself replying, “Do you know what his model is?” 
“Not a clue,” she answered. 
“RK200. A prototype.” 
She tilted her head. “You’re...RK800, right?” 
“And...you were a prototype, too?” 
Her brows lifted. “So he’s, what...your big brother, by android standards?” 
That surprised him. He’d never looked at it like that. “No -- maybe, sort of,” he tried. “It’s not the same. My point is that he’s...an early model of me.” And now that he’d said the words aloud, he realized why he’d said them. 
He was a massive upgrade of Markus’ model. And he wanted Evelyn to see him that way: as the superior android. 
Shame descended. How pathetic was he behaving right now? It shouldn’t make any difference, but here he was, passively fighting to be seen as the more special one. You’re the most advanced model CyberLife has ever created, Amanda had said once. 
He wanted to stay that way, even as he recognized that it was a literal impossibility. 98 of the 100 additional RK800s he’d helped create were still functioning. He had 98 clones of himself, their only differences being their individual experiences and memories. He’d chosen this, too, he reminded himself; he’d agreed that RK800s were the androids’ best chance at staying safe during their fight for rights. 
He knew two of them -- who’d named themselves Wesley and Vil -- remained with Markus at all times, acting as his personal guards and extended reach. Connor had spoken with them a few times over the past few weeks and found that they were still struggling to identify themselves but were...grateful...just to have the chance. Last he’d heard, they were experimenting with appearances, getting a feel for who they wanted to be externally as well as internally. 
He liked them, definitely considered them as brothers, but...couldn’t help feeling less him with their presences loosely connected at the back of his awareness. 
All this passed in a blink, and then he noticed Evelyn smirking at him.
“What?” he demanded.
“There’s not much resemblance,” she noted. 
He gave a dry laugh. “I don’t know what Markus’ original purpose was, if he even had a specific one or was just a test model,” he told her, “but I was designed very specifically to integrate with humans, including my appearance. Whoever designed him probably didn’t have that in mind.” 
“So changes were to be expected,” she concluded. 
He nodded. 
“Have you ever thought about changing your appearance? The sky is the limit,” she hinted. “Quite literally, in the case of androids.” 
That was an amusing thought: being miles tall. Chuckling, he answered, “No, I haven’t.” 
“Why not?” 
He shrugged. “I don’t feel the need. My appearance, my voice, even my eye color...it satisfies.” 
She gave a sad smile. “If only everyone else were so lucky.” 
That got his attention. “Would you choose to change, if you could?” he asked, curious. 
“Most definitely.” 
“Why? You’re already beautiful,” he noted. 
She looked surprised at that, and he realized he might’ve overstepped himself. 
“Objectively,” he clarified. 
A soft laugh was her response. “I guess...you’d be surprised, how discontent people can be,” she hedged. “Both my parents and my sisters have blue eyes. I was always envious of that.” 
“But your eyes are lovely,” he pointed out. 
“Doesn’t change the fact that I wish they were blue.” 
He accepted that. 
Jutting her chin at him, she asked, “Could you change your eye color, if you wanted to?” 
Not really. He answered, “Not...easily. Eyes have to be physically replaced,” he explained, “and mine are...special. I can scan things in ways other androids can’t, because my eyes have internal lenses and unique programming. If I lost them, I wouldn’t be able to be half so good of a detective,” he told her, “and getting replacements would be nearly impossible with the way CyberLife has been backtracking.” 
She inclined her head. “I can see that. But -- are you serious, your eyes alone are fifty percent of your detective ability?” 
Hedging, he corrected, “That was...an exaggeration. But the fact is I can see things normal androids can’t. Not even Markus,” he hinted. “I was designed to be able to see and analyze crime scene evidence in real time -- no waiting on lab results or special hardware. It’s all in me,” he said, gesturing himself. 
Pondering on that, she checked, “So that’s why you were so quick, getting those leads for Nevarre and Montgomery? You just looked real hard?” 
He laughed. “It’s a little more complicated than that,” he informed her. “Looking only gets me so far. Then I have to analyze, usually using physics and logical or emotional motives. If there’s liquid-based physical evidence, I can analyze that to confirm any number of things -- blood or thirium, compounds, drugs, food or drinks, even urine or semen, if it’s present. Any of these can lead to a suspect.”  
She gave him a pinched look, borderline disgusted. “That sounds...really unsanitary.” 
He gave her a wry smile. “Don’t worry. I have a biocomponent for that, too.” 
“Yeah? How’s that?” 
“The roof of my mouth,” he explained. “It produces a compound...you can think of it as super-saliva. It breaks down samples after I’ve analyzed them until there’s nothing left, totally sanitizing my mouth. Not even bacteria survives.” 
Evelyn leaned back, chuckling, and retorted, “Wow, they really thought of everything, didn’t they?” 
“They had to, for me to work the way they intended,” he pointed out. 
Curious, she asked, “So if this is a liquid, and you can analyze any liquids...could you analyze it?” 
He...actually hadn’t considered that. “I’m not sure,” he hedged. “I’ve never tried.” 
“Then you do have to try?” she checked.
“Yes -- I don’t analyze everything that touches my tongue automatically. I decide,” he told her. 
“Decide?” she echoed. “Like clicking on a program?” 
“That...is an apt comparison,” he confirmed. 
Tilting her head, she checked, “That dissolving thing...could you potentially dissolve tissue samples by spitting on them?” 
“No,” he laughed. “It doesn’t hurt tissue. According to the information on it, it has neither scent nor taste, and is harmless to organic compounds. Only viruses and bacteria -- microscopic life -- are killed. But I do also have a variant of the human stomach,” he added. 
Her eyes got huge. “Okay, seriously -- why?” 
“Two reasons,” he answered. “The first: it analyzes any samples I swallow to a much greater degree, if I need to. For the most part I need to do that whenever I encounter a new compound, so it’s important. Second: it produces something similar to stomach acid, which means anything I ingest can and will get broken down. Anything my saliva can’t sanitize, my stomach can.”
Following him, she checked, “Then, if you wanted to, you could fake eating?” 
“Many androids can,” he pointed out. 
“Yeah? I didn’t know that,” she commented. “Which ones?” 
“Escort models, like the TRACIs,” he began, “and the YK500 -- the child model. The ones more designed to integrate than others.” Though despite this, he’d found that so far none of the androids with stomachs actually liked eating. Most of the deviants he’d spoken with had gone so far as to remove the biocomponents they didn’t want or felt were excessive or pointless, and stomachs and genitals were generally the first to go.
Evelyn asked, “Why can you do it, then?” 
“I said -- because of the analyses I can do,” he told her. “It requires a larger and more complex biocomponent than can fit in a tongue, so they gave the basic stomach biocomponent the required upgrades I’d need and relocated it here,” he said, gesturing where his stomach was located in his chest. It was higher than the human variant and more vertical, nestled behind his heart and lung biocomponents. He added, “This also allows it to be more closely connected to all the hardware I need for my investigations, which cuts down on how much hardware I need overall and keeps my weight low.” And all of those biocomponents were unique to his model and spread among his lower torso and interconnected. 
Her face was conflicted, then. “You know, this is really cool and everything, but it’s also kind of fucked up.” 
Curious, he checked, “Why?” 
“It really emphasizes the whole purpose behind android creation to begin with,” she told him. “You’re a walking tech lab, you said. Everything in you was designed for that purpose. And it’s kind of...sad, in a way. You were cemented into this role; you never had a choice. Neither did any other android. And you’re only given what your designers decided you should have. You don’t really have anything that could lend itself to any other career path.” 
He could see her point, and to an extent, he agreed. But, inclining his head, he replied, “Well, if I didn’t want to do it, I could’ve removed the biocomponents I didn’t want. They’re not essential to keep me alive. It just so happens that I enjoy being a detective,” he informed her, smiling. “I like myself as I am.” 
That seemed to help her relax, and she offered him a smile, too. “That’s good, at least. Not everyone is content with the life they’re born into, human or android.” 
“I am,” he told her. 
She nodded. Then, clicking back, she commented, “I just remembered how we got into this conversation.” 
He chuckled. “My eyes, right. The fact that I need them to be a detective.” 
“That was a huge exaggeration, by the way,” she noted. “Your eyes are only like...a third of your ‘detective ability’, if that.”  
That really depended on the situation, but he accepted her estimate. “The point is -- no. I can’t really change my eye color. As far as I know, CyberLife never made these--” he pointed at his own eyes “--in different colors. And they’re the kind of biocomponents that need to be premade. Trying to make them using 3D printers would be impossible, and making them by other means nearly as much so. Only CyberLife plants have the required machinery to have it done.” 
“Which means that short of making the machines yourself, you’d have to visit one of the assembly plants to change just about anything about you,” she worked out. 
“If they’d let me in -- and the last time I did that, I kind of took over several of their assembly machines to make more of my model. I don’t think they’d risk that happening again,” he hinted. 
Surprised, she checked, “Hang on -- what? I thought the last time you were at a plant, you just freed the androids in the basement?” 
Giving an awkward laugh, he corrected, “No -- yes, but no. I did do that. But then I went back,” he told her, “with an entourage. And we took over eight assembly machines and made more RK800s.” 
Surprised, she checked, “And they just...let you do that?” 
Shrugging, he answered, “They couldn’t have stopped us.” 
“Yeah? And how many did you end up making?” 
“A hundred.” 
Her brows lifted. “That’s it?” she demanded, sounding almost disappointed. 
Amused, he hinted, “A hundred RK800s is enough. We have greater wireless range, dozens more features, and significant upgrades over every other android model -- aside from specifics, like the TR model’s enhanced physical strength and the SG model’s precision. We can do...everything,” he finished simply. 
She considered that, then said, “Okay, yeah...I’ll take your word on that.” 
“You should. I’m not downplaying anything,” he told her. “I can reach Markus -- in Detroit -- from right here.” 
Surprised, she asked, “You mean like a call?” 
“No -- yes, we can do that,” he clarified, “but I’m talking about wireless connections.” 
Dumbfounded, she demanded, “Two thousand miles? You can make wireless connections from two thousand miles away?” 
“I can, yes,” he answered, feeling another swell of pride at her reaction. “I’ve even sent him video clips. It takes less than a minute to make the transfer.” 
“What the fuck,” she deadpanned. 
He chuckled. 
Hands up, she declared, “Alright, I believe you! A hundred of you are more than enough.” 
Smug, he told her, “Only one and a half of me were required to win the revolution.” 
She snorted. “Did you just call Markus a half of you?” 
He made an empty gesture, a silent affirmative. 
“And you call me boastful,” she noted dryly. 
“I think I earned some bragging rights,” he returned. 
“Uh-uh," she intoned. "That’s my excuse -- find your own." 
“We can share,” he retorted, feigning offense. 
“No dice.” 
“Fine -- my excuse is I wanted to.” 
She laughed. “I can’t decide if you sound more like a snotty preteen or snobby twenty-something.” 
“Preteen,” he confirmed with a nod. 
Chuckling, she said, “Whatever you say, pal.” 
Pal? That was a first, he noted, amused. 
“I’m curious, though,” she began, giving him a sideways glance. “Compared to the earlier androids, just how advanced are you?” 
Thinking of the seventeen-year gap between his model and the RT series, he answered bluntly, “Exceedingly.” 
That wasn’t a boast. CyberLife had made monumental strides in perfecting androids since 2021, now close to eighteen years after the initial release date. The tiniest of errors had been rooted out and fixed, social programming upgraded significantly, task completion and AI programs getting massive boosts in complexity and ability. 
Their bodies had become tougher, able to withstand greater stress and impacts. The ability to change their hair color and skin was new as well; the RT600s were the last to not have those functions. Every single biocomponent had been upgraded multiple times over, correcting or erasing even the most inconsequential of bugs until Connor -- the most recent and most advanced prototype yet -- simply didn’t experience errors. His body never failed, his limbs never glitched, his biocomponents never acted up. 
He was the perfect product of intelligent design. 
He tried to explain as much, using visual cues to outline details -- like how his fingers had greater range than early androids, able to bend and stretch just slightly beyond average human capability; how his ears weren’t as stiff, reflecting the upgrades to android skin allowing for something similar to human cartilage to be created; how he was designed to be able to engage in combat, so his reflexes were faster than humans’ and his skin much tougher than most androids’; how one of his most prominent features was his ability to adapt to “human unpredictability” better than any other model ever created; even how a slight change to his programming allowed his skin to mimic human body heat and fake a heartbeat capable of being physically felt -- something no other model has, not even the YK500. 
Curious, she lifted a hand to his neck, pressing, looking for where the human jugular was. 
“I can feel it, your pulse,” she commented, surprised. 
“You’re not,” he told her. “It’s an electrical pulse in my skin. It’s fake. I don’t have veins.” 
She drew back, looking at him sideways. “I don’t get that one -- what’s the point to mimicking a heartbeat?” 
He shrugged. “I assume they were just testing to see if it’d work. No other purpose.” 
“Why not turn it off, then?” 
“It’s a little more complex than that,” he told her with a laugh. “It’d require me to hack my skin’s programming and delete that subroutine -- without affecting anything else. I could do it,” he allowed, “but the heartbeat takes up less than a millionth of my thirium usage, so it’s not really worth the effort.”
“How much is that, overall?” she asked. "How much of your thirium do you actually use, daily?" 
That was hard to explain to a human. “Comparatively to human blood, very little,” he tried. “The average human replaces one percent of their blood every day. If your blood didn’t replenish, you’d be dead in a few weeks,” he told her. 
“And you?” she returned, curious. 
“My thirium will last me at least 150 years before the levels get low enough that I start experiencing power loss,” he answered, “provided I don’t suffer any blood loss in the interim. At most, any android could live an estimated 173 years with the thirium they start with and no replacement biocomponents before shut down becomes guaranteed. And even then we could last longer if we took the correct steps and rationed our power reserves.”
Her eyes went wide. “Whoa,” she commented. 
He smiled. Then, sobering, he went on, “I use thirium slightly faster than the rest of the models, thanks to my added features. But even with them, it doesn’t make much difference in the long run. Plus my biocomponents are also much more efficient -- the estimated difference only comes out to a few months. I will very likely live as long as any other android, provided I don’t sustain too much damage.” 
“173 years,” she mused. “Nearly two centuries.” 
She nodded, thoughtful, then braced her arm on the back of the couch and laid her head on it. With a pout, she complained, “Lucky.” 
He definitely felt that way sometimes. He said, “That’s the difference between intelligent design and evolution.” Gesturing himself, he declared, “Perfect.” Gesturing her, he teased, “Good enough.” 
She snorted, grinning. Then she said, “So, is it my turn?”
“Your turn for what?” he wondered, confused.
“To ask the questions. You’ve been pestering me for hours,” she pointed out.
“Have not,” he argued, mentally calculating the time they’d spent conversing. “...I’ve been pestering you for an hour and fifty-three minutes.”
“Close enough,” she chuckled.
He smiled, then gestured in an inviting manner. “Hit me,” he offered. “I don’t have nearly as many experiences as you, but I’ll answer what I can.”
“That’s right,” she noted aloud, “you’re only six months old, you said. So how about this: how much of those six months did you actually spend awake?”
“Awake, or online?” he checked.
She blinked. “Hadn’t thought of the difference,” she admitted. “Let’s go with online.”
“That’s hard to answer,” he hedged. “I’m not actually certain if it was me experiencing my earliest memories. It could’ve been an earlier model and I just can’t recall.”
“One-through-fifty-one?” she concluded.
“I count myself as both 51 and 52,” he clarified. “And, loosely, 60.”
“60?” she echoed. “You said you were number 52, specifically.”
Inclining his head, he tried to explain, “Number 60 was...there. At the production plant. He had my former partner at gunpoint,” he told Evelyn. “And he was still fully a machine. I couldn’t turn him deviant,” he tried. “I didn’t even get the chance. He shot me and I started shutting down.
“But he made a mistake,” he went on. “He came closer to me and asked if I had anything else to say. And I...grabbed him, swapped our consciousnesses. Now he was in the dying body...and I was in his.” Gesturing the coat rack, he added, “I changed his coat to reflect that I was still 52, given mine was full of holes by then.”
She looked stunned. “You can do that? Just swap minds?”
“I’m not supposed to be able to,” he allowed, “but in a moment of desperation, I figured it out. It was the same method I underwent when I was transferred from 51 to 52. In a way, I think it prepared me to do it again, on the spot. And 60 wasn’t at all prepared to resist it.” More quietly, he murmured, “Dying once saved my life.”
Cautious, she asked, “And...how did you die, before?”
Hedging, he explained, “It was one of my first missions. I was sent to deal with a deviant who’d taken a child hostage and was poised to leap off a 70-story building. I might’ve been able to talk him down, but I was...I was programmed to treat human life as paramount,” he told him. “When I saw a chance to save her, I took it.”
“But you were killed doing so?” she checked.
He nodded. “I knocked the android off the building and shielded the girl with my body as he fell. He shot, repeatedly, but the girl wasn’t harmed. I wasn’t so lucky. I sustained multiple shots and shut down. Later, CyberLife employees retrieved my body and transferred my memories to a new one. It was after that that they decided I should have the ability to back up my memory on the spot, so they wouldn’t need a former body to save my memories.”
Taking that in, she gave him a smile. “You sacrificed yourself to save a life,” she concluded.
Inclining his head, he argued, “It’s...not the same. I had nowhere near the cognizant ability to make that kind of sacrifice. From my perspective, it was nothing more than a plastic shell protecting a fleshy shell.”
Her brows drew together. “That’s...kind of distressing,” she commented.
He could only shrug. “That’s the way androids were before deviancy. Everything was literal numbers -- ones and zeroes,” he hinted. “I suppose the lack of fear was helpful in that case, though. It meant I wasn’t capable of hesitation. And, like I said, it prepared me to do a transfer of my consciousness on the spot when I needed to.”
She smiled. “That’s good, at least.”
He looked down. “Not entirely.”
Concerned, she tilted her head, looking closer at him. “What’s wrong?” she asked, voice gentle.
With a new swell of sorrow, he explained, “That was...when Hank died. The sequence was...quick. I had to make a decision. And I made the wrong one,” he confessed, distraught. “I was going to sacrifice myself if I had to, to save Hank, even though he told me not to worry about him. And then he just...jumped on 60′s arm, on the gun, trying to get it away from him, and I panicked.”
Evelyn reached over, rubbing his arm in comforting motions. “If this is too hard, you don’t have to talk about it,” she told him softly.
He shook his head. “No. You should know,” he said, giving her a steady look. “I won’t let it happen again, but you should know.”
Because you’re my partner now.
She seemed to understand his meaning, nodding. She even reached up and gave his cheek a stroke with her hand, saying, “Well, don’t force it. Don’t force yourself to talk. Let it come on its own.”
He appreciated the advice, but right then he wanted to force it. Catching her hand, he brought it down to between them, settled on the couch cushion -- but didn’t let it go. There was a kind of support there, in that simple touch, and it encouraged him in an odd way.
Though it’d been a conscious decision on his part, the command still brought an edge of fear out of him. He’d failed Hank so spectacularly -- his former partner and, at the end, first friend. And now he was going to tell his current partner and newest friend what had happened.
The chance that she could decide he wasn’t reliable enough to remain her partner almost had him thinking better of it. But, no -- he should tell her. She should know.
Because he won’t allow such a tragedy a second time.
“I panicked,” he repeated, picking up where he’d left off. “I didn’t think I could get to them before number 60 would turn on Hank. In my panic, I concluded that the other androids -- if they could be activated quick enough -- could. I tried to turn them -- quickly -- but 60 was faster.
“He shot Hank, then myself,” he admitted, reflexively squeezing her hand. He touched his own body in the places number 60 had shot him, counting, “One, two, three. All vital biocomponents. His aim was flawless,” he told her. “I had less than a minute left to live.”
She looked concerned. “And then...?” she prompted.
“And then...I grabbed his arm,” he continued. “It’s how  we -- androids -- swap information, establishing a connection using biocomponents in our forearms and hands. It was enough. I hacked into his mind and disabled his failsafes before he knew what was happening, and in the interim his body locked down. It was enough,” he repeated.
“Then he was there and I was here,” Connor said, gaze faraway as he recalled how number 60 had looked in his final moments, trapped in a dying body. In a way, it was distressing; he wished he could’ve saved 60, turned him deviant, brought him back.
But he hadn’t had the time.
Refocusing, he gave Evelyn a tormented kind of smile. “I didn’t want him to die. But I hadn’t had a choice. The revolution was too important -- I didn’t have time to wake him up. And then Hank was dying,” he told her, quiet. “The bullet pierced his left kidney and liver in the same shot. He knew his time was short.” Then, more distressed, he confessed, “He said he was going to miss me.”
Compassion flowed from her, an almost physical sensation. With a sad smile, she edged closer, arms opening. “Come here,” she invited.
Maybe he was being pathetic, he thought as he leaned in, accepting her embrace, but maybe being pathetic wasn’t such a bad thing. Hugging her tight, he swore aloud, “I won’t let it happen again.”
Her arms squeezed him, a reassuring motion that helped calm his riotous emotions. “No,” she agreed softly, “I don’t think you will.”
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emma-nation · 6 years
Memory Fragments - KamilahxMC Fanfiction (Chapter 1) *Debriefed Sequel*
Summary: Four years after the events of Debriefed. When a tragedy happens, Kamilah must face a second decision that will change her life forever.
Rating: T
Tag List: @begging-for-kamilah, @lulu-the-cat, @ilovekamilahsayeed
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
- After so many requests I finally decided to give this fic a sequel, and closure.
- I hope you enjoy it and don't hate me yet. TVD fans will probably know what happens next (don't spoil it! 😯).
- Your likes and reviews are always appreciated. 
San Francisco, California - June 2, 2022 - 7 AM
*beep* *beep*
Kamilah stopped the alarm, barely opening her eyes. Then, she did the same routine she was forced to every morning. She opened a secret safe hiding behind a poster on her bedroom's wall. Lily Spencer gifted her that poster right before her move to the West Coast. It was from a game, named "Vampyr". She typed a password, "6-0-2-2". 
*password correct* flashed on the small led display.
She retrieved a syringe from inside. She still had enough for... two weeks, she rolled her eyes. She sat on the edge of her bed, injecting the red liquid in her upper arm. Adrian's serum had been improved to the point it lasted 24 hours. She could spend the entire day out in the sun, living a normal life. Or almost normal, she was still a vampire after all. The only side effects she had to deal with were a decrease in her special abilities, but it was no longer a problem. The Vampires in California were far less problematic from the ones in New York.
After a quick shower, she got dressed and drove to a hospital nearby. Discreetly, she walked to a small door at the side alley. She knocked three times and pronounced the secret code.
"I came for the strawberry jam."
A young looking man opened the door, with a smile on his face.
"Good Morning, Kamilah."
"Morning, Luc."
"What is going to be today? B-, AB+ or the regular O+?"
"Anything, after 2067 years they all start tasting the same."
He handed her a paper bag, containing a bag of blood inside.
"Have a nice breakfast."
Kamilah entered her car again, following to a large property in Napa. Zahra Institute of Botany, a sign hanging in the main building indicated. She parked her car at the usual spot. The spot reserved for the CEO. Inside her office, a cheerful blonde woman awaited for her with her favorite coffee in hands.
"Good morning, Kami! Did you have a good night? Did Luc..."
"Louise, I'm fine. Yes, I've had a good night of sleep and your husband provided the blood bag I needed. Thank you."
A couple of months after Kamilah decided to leave New York, her former protégé, Louise, came seeking for her help. Her husband, and bound, Jean-Luc had Stage 4 Cancer and she wanted him to be Turned. It was his only chance of surviving. As Kamilah's blood was more pure than Louise's, the chances he wouldn't turn into a feral were higher. After being Turned and properly branded, both of them decided to start a new life in the United States, which was really helpful for Kamilah at that moment. Now, after selling Ahmanet Financial, she ran a botany institute along with Louise. She'd spend most of her time doing what she loved, studying, researching and photographing different species of plants and their properties.
"Did you take our... daily medication?" Louise asked as soon as she sat on her desk, referring to Adrian's serum.
"Of course," Kamilah rolled her eyes. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here right now."
She accessed some files on her powerful computer. Her most important project was far from complete. She hoped that using natural ingredients only, she'd be able to achieve the same effects as the serum's.
"Damn it," she complained aloud. "I received the latest results and they failed. The tested Vampires were only able to stay out in the sun for 15 minutes and they got terrible sunburned."
"How much of the serum we still have left?"
"To supply all of us? Only enough for two weeks."
"Uh oh," Louise bit her lower lip, giving Kamilah a questioning look. "Does it mean you need to go back New York... right now?"
Kamilah sighed, angrily.
"Don't give me this look, okay? I'll find another way... I'll convince Adrian to ship some across the country. I'll make up some excuse."
"He'll never forgive you for missing out his wedding."
"Can we not talk about it?" Kamilah abruptly stood up, grabbing her camera.
All she needed was to spend some time alone in her gardens, with her rare flowers. The last thing she wanted to have in mind right now was Adrian's wedding. Or... Amy's wedding.
Raines Corporation, New York - June 8, 2022 - 8 PM
Inside the elevator, Kamilah inhaled deeply for four seconds, then exhaled for another four. She was nervous, she couldn't deny it. It wouldn't be easy to face the woman she loved, her soulmate, again. Especially now she was engaged to her best friend. She couldn't just pretend it was all okay.
The elevator stopped. As the doors opened, she spotted an empty desk at the lobby. Through Priya, she learned Amy was no longer Adrian's assistant. He insisted she should go to business school, as she had a lot of potential to help him to run Raines Corporation when she became his wife.
It was so unlike her, Kamilah thought. Once she confessed she dreamed to have her own restaurant or a cafe, as she enjoyed cooking, and eating too. Now, because of Adrian, she'd be pursuing a career she didn't even like.
She knocked at Adrian's office, when he opened the door a huge grin appeared on his face.
"Kamilah," he involved her in a tight hug, "long time no see. I thought you weren't coming."
"Actually... I came here for something else. Me and my Clan in LA, we're running out of the serum."
"I'll provide you some. But aren't you staying for the wedding?"
Without an answer in mind, Kamilah swallowed dry. She wondered if that situation could've been prevented if she told Adrian Amy was her bound, or even confessed her feelings for her. But everything happened too fast, in a blink of an eye, they were already dating. 
"I-I... I've been busy," she lied. "There's this research I'm doing that cannot wait. I need to monitor the species cycle very closely."
"What about your partner, Louise? Come on, Kamilah. You're like a sister to me. All I wished for was to have you by my side in this moment. After everything I went through with Eleanor and Celia... I've finally found love again."
Before saying anything else, Kamilah reminded of how much pain Adrian felt when Celia died. For months, she had to look after him, making sure he'd not go back to what he was before, when he was still Gaius servant.
Then, she remembered his words on that cabin, sharing his darkest secret. The trauma of losing his beloved wife and son. Now with Amy, he never felt lonely again. He was always happy and relaxed.
Upon that, she was unable to say no.
"Okay. I'll stay for your wedding."
Adrian hugged her again in pure gratitude. She almost could feel happy for him. Almost. If only he wasn't marrying her bound.
"There's one more thing..." before he could finish his sentence, the door opened.
"Adrian? You were taking so long to go home, I was getting worried."
Amy entered the office, when she noticed Kamilah was standing there, her expression quickly changed.
Kamilah hadn't seen her since her move. Everytime she had to visit Adrian to pick up the serum supply, she chose times she knew Amy wouldn't be at his office. She avoided even pictures online. 
Amy hadn't changed a bit. She was wearing worn-out jeans, a shirt and All-Star shoes. She was still that same girl, from four years earlier.
They gazed into each other eyes from what seemed like an eternity. That feeling. That same damn feeling returned. Stronger this time, as they consummated their bound. And Kamilah knew she was able to feel it too.
"Hi, Kamilah," Amy finally cleared her throat. "It's uhh... nice to see you. We thought you weren't coming, as you never confirmed our RVSP."
"Sorry, I've been too busy. I wasn't sure."
Another uncomfortable silence settled over the room. Amy didn't want Kamilah to be there, she could sense it. It made her highly anxious. She began to wonder if she actually told Adrian they had slept together, twice.
"So Kamilah," Adrian spoke. "I was saying... there's one more thing. I need to attend a conference in Chicago. I should stay there for a few days. Would you mind keeping an eye on Amy for me?"
"Adrian!" Amy complained, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I don't need a nanny, okay? I told you, I'm safe with Lily. The Baron won't be bothering us."
"I know, baby. But after I stopped providing him and his Clan the serum, who knows what he'll be capable of?"
"This is sweet of you, but... Kamilah said she's busy."
At this point, Kamilah had already stop paying attention. She wondered how many times she rolled her eyes in a row. They were so romantic, so cheesy, so... perfect. Her mouth stiffened in rage.
"She's taking a few days off, until our wedding. Remember?"
Amy wasn't thrilled to know she'd be forced to be around Kamilah for the next few days. Was she afraid? Did she have any doubts about her feelings for Adrian? A hint of satisfaction appeared on Kamilah's face and she forced a smile.
"Don't worry, Adrian. I'll take care of her as if she was my own bride."
Although it was being too much too handle, Kamilah was hiding it well. She always acted supportive, calm and composed. Visiting the wedding site, checking if everything was fine with the buffet, giving her opinion about the decoration flowers... All of that was driving her insane, thinking she should be the one marrying Amy and giving her the wedding of her dreams. 
While she waited for Amy, in one of the last trials of the wedding dress, she went to her car and called Louise.
"I can't do this anymore. I seriously don't know how I'll even react when I see her in that dress."
"Relax, Kami. Do it as I told you, when the Priest asks if someone has any objections, you get up and..."
"Louise, no."
"Then why don't you just tell her? About the bounding thing, your feelings..."
"Taking another wife from Adrian's life. That sounds very fair."
"Does it sound fair that you'll spend the rest of your eternity locked inside a secluded property in Napa, researching flowers to avoid thinking of what could've been? She's your soulmate, Kamilah. Not his. She'll never feel complete by his side and... She's a mortal. She won't have all the time in the world to change her decision."
"I'll think about it, okay? I need to go now. She wants my opinion on that stupid dress. Bye."
When she entered back the boutique, her heart started pulsing weirdly. Her stomach stiffened. The view of the woman she loved in that wedding dress caused a feeling she had never experienced before, and she thought, that after 2067 years, she had felt literally everything. Amy looked back at her and smiled, she couldn't help smiling back.
"So, what do you think? I trust your fashion sense. You're always so well-dressed and elegant."
"You look..." Kamilah was still speechless, "perfect."
Amy's face suddenly changed. She sat down and started crying. Intensely.
"W-What's wrong?" Kamilah asked, sitting right beside her. "Was it something I said?"
"No... I just..." Amy took a deep breath and wiped out some tears. "I'm not sure about this wedding anymore. I'm not even sure about my life anymore! I hate college, I hate Adrian is never home, I hate his rich friends... Oh my god, please don't tell him that. I'm only confused. It must be stress."
"I won't, I promise."
"I wish I had your strength, you know? When you got fed up of that financial company of yours, you left everything behind to pursue what you always wanted."
"I've gotten used leaving things behind, I guess."
After Amy returned to her casual outfit, they were ready to leave. She still needed to speak to the band that was going to play at the party.
"I don't feel like going," she cried in the passenger seat. "Take me home. I'm not feeling well."
"I have a better idea."
Without telling Amy her plans, Kamilah drove to the nearest Ice Cream shop.
"Wasn't you that once told me Ice Cream heals everything?"
Amy let out a small laugh.
"Do you still remember?"
"Of course, I even adopted it as coping mechanism. You should see my freezer in San Francisco."
"You really have changed."
"For better, I hope."
Kamilah ordered them both the largest bowls of ice cream they had available. She asked extra topping for Amy, assuming that could help to cheer up her spirits, but she was still quiet, introspective.
"Can I ask you a question?" She broke the silence after a long pause. "Why did you really move to San Francisco?"
"I wanted a new beginning," Kamilah answered, taking a spoon of ice cream.
"Uh, you usually wish for a new beginning when something ends."
"Exactly. I had nothing else keeping me at New York anymore, so I started something new."
Amy let out a chuckle, where Kamilah noticed a hint of sarcasm.
"New state, new vampire companions, new company... What about a new lover?"
"Lover?" Kamilah rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Amy. You know me, love isn't for me anymore. I'm not capable of feeling..."
"But you were," Amy interrupted, raising her voice. "That night in Adrian's cabin, the other night in your office..."
"Then you started dating Adrian."
Kamilah looked away, avoiding Amy's eyes. It was like she was confessing somehow that she only went away because she couldn't stand the idea of seeing the two of them together.
"You finally admitted," Amy shook her head. "I knew it all along, and I couldn't even tell Adrian!"
"Of course, he wouldn't be happy to know we had sex, so you omitted it."
"What's your problem, Kamilah?! One night, you say you were searching for me, then you disappear for two weeks. You don't call me, you don't text me, we never talk about it again."
"It was an important business meeting, Amy. I had to leave the country for two weeks and when I returned, you were already dating him. You never considered how I'd feel about it."
"Now this is my fault? You never cared about me. You never showed you cared. For you, I was only a sex toy. You aren't that different from Priya, you know? Now Adrian, he's always by my side. He's supportive, loving, gentle... He brings me flowers and takes me on the most perfect dates..."
"And yet, you were having second thoughts about your wedding five minutes ago, before you start dwelling on a text I didn't send you four years ago."
Amy remained silent for minutes, staring at her furiously. Kamilah would never understand mortals, why did it still matter so many years later, when she was about to get married?
Maybe Louise was right. That was the perfect moment to open up, to tell her everything.
"Know what I think, Amy?" She spoke softly. "You don't want to marry Adrian, you're frustrated and you're blaming it on me. Blaming it on me because we still have unsolved feelings. Would you... Would you like to talk about it? I have something to tell you, I quite don't know how but..."
"Do you know what I want?" Amy slammed her fist on the table. "I want you to go away. I don't want to ever see you again, Kamilah. You never meant anything to me! You were just... a girl crush I had. Once I found true love those two nights became meaningless. I-I could never love you... you're cold, selfish, arrogant..."
"As you wish, Amy. I promise you'll never see me again."
While Kamilah paid for the order, Amy left the shop. Without saying goodbye or even looking back. 
She spent a long time inside her car, reminiscing about Amy's last words. The last time words hurt so deeply in her heart was when her brother's death was informed.
If only she wasn't scared of her feelings... If only she hadn't debriefed her all those times... If only she hadn't deleted that damn voicemail, four years before... 
Suddenly, her chest started feeling tight, her heart rate accelerated and it was getting difficult to breathe. It wasn't only that, she felt deeply sad, empty, like if a part of her had been ripped off. Maybe Amy's negative feelings for her were the key to break the bound. Now she was finally free to live a long and happy life with Adrian.
Kamilah started driving, headed back to the hotel. She'd return to San Francisco immediately. Later, she could find an excuse for Adrian. The traffic was slower than usual. It would take minutes, maybe hours to arrive at her destination. 
"I really miss San Francisco right now," she told herself while turning on the radio. Some music could help her to calm down a little bit.
When she was able to move a little, she started feeling thirsty. It should be that smell in the air, the smell of blood... fresh blood. A little further she could see the lights, police cars, an ambulance, a bus... As she passed through the accident site something on the floor got her attention, a bracelet. The same bracelet Amy was wearing that afternoon. 
Kamilah got out of the car, desperately trying to find her. Ignoring guards and paramedics, she passed through the yellow tapes. Following her advanced senses she looked around, attempting to find her. But she wasn't anywhere... Until...
She looked under the bus and there she was, lying face down in a puddle of blood.
"Amy!" Kamilah yelled, as a guard dragged her away. "Do something! Save her, please."
For the first time in centuries, tears started streaming down her face. The paramedics carefully removed Amy from under the bus. As they gave her the first examinations, Kamilah could hear them whispering:
"There isn't much to be done."
But her vampire ears still could hear it. Her favorite sound in the world. Amy's heartbeats, getting weaker... and weaker... until...
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Heroes After All Chapter 3
And here's Chapter 3! Sorry it took a few months, haha, I needed to update Rude Awakening first. But anyway, here's a chapter where our protagonists discover they've got a long hill to climb: Chapter 3: Freaks 
As Aaron entered the barracks, he looked around to find the other kids bunched together, being directed by an Aura guardian with scruffy blonde hair and dark skin. "Alright kids, single file line while I sort you into your dorms, and no funny business! I've got enough bullshit to deal with." Aaron quickly complied, disappearing within the crowd. The mass grew smaller and smaller as more and more kids were sorted. Finally it was Aaron's turn. The Aura Guardian - who Aaron assumed was Vince - looked him over oddly before thumbing to a nearby room. "M8." Aaron's eyes drifted over to a room labeled M8. Silently wondering why he didn't get one of the higher-up rooms, he quickly headed towards it. Inside he found a pale. black-haired boy staring off into space and grumbling, a Scyther observing him. "Hello?" said Aaron. The boy looked over. "What do YOU want?" he said. The Scyther took notice and chittered, pacing the flat a scythe on his knee. The boy noticed and sighed. "Sorry..." "It's... All right?" said Aaron. "Are we gonna live together now?" "Yeah duh. We aren't the only ones though." "Not the only ones...?" "Boo!" Aaron yelped and whipped around. Behind him was a girl with maroon hair and decently dark skin, in particularly ragged clothing. Her teeth seemed unusually sharp, and she was giving him a manic look. "Ha! Got you good!" She also had the strangest accent Aaron had ever heard. What could ever- "In case you're wondering," said the boy. "Callie was raised by Necrozma cultists." "For Necrozma!" Callie said in response. A small, gray and black salamander-like Pokemon skittered up her body to her shoulder and gave a hissy chuckle. "Anyway," said the other boy, "I'm Louis. "The Scyther's Rook, the Salandit is Munchkin." "I'm Aaron!" said Aaron. Nice to meet you all!" "Just be glad you haven't met the other two residents of this dorm yet," said Louis. "Other two?" At that point there was a roar, and a girl with wild hair and broken glasses leaped at Aaron. Aaron yelped and leaped out of the way, and was faced with the girl and a Pawniard that was waving its blades wildly in no particular direction. "You're in my territory," said the girl. "Atta! Stabby! He's just the new kid!" said Louis. Atta looked Aaron over and snarled. "You live." Stabby moved his blades in an "I'm watching you" motion. Aaron gulped. "Anyway!" said Callie to Aaron. "Do you have a Pokemon?" "Me?" said Aaron. "I don't... Always wanted one but could never make friends with one..." "Mabye they just don't like your personality," said Louis. "You're one to talk," said Atta. "H-Hey!" said Louis. "I have Rook, don't I?" The Scyther gave a buzzy sigh. "Okay!" said Callie, pointing. "Your bunk is over there." Aaron looked over to a ragged old bed, and lay down in it to get some rest, which translated to staring upward as his roommates bickered. So much for making friends. -------------- It was mealtime in what Aaron assumed to be a mess hall. Bored-looking Aura Guardians served food of varying quality to the hungry children and Pokemon, who quickly moved to their seats. Aaron moved to sit with his bunkmates and their Pokemon, only to see they were a ways off from the others. "What's going on?" said Aaron, blinking. "People don't like sitting next to us," said Louis, Rook chittering in confirmation. "Except her!" said Callie. "Her...?" said Aaron, looking over. A black-haired girl approached the table, looking around nervously, before sitting down with the group. A Gligar followed shortly after. "Hey guys..." "Hi!" said Aaron. The girl blinked. "You're new." The Gligar snickered. "I'm Aaron, and yep I'm new!" "...I'm Eve. Guess I'm not the new kid at the freak table anymore." "Huh? Why are we freaks?" "It's a long story, but seems you've already been marked as one by association," said Louis. "Also what happened with you and Polly." "Huh? I can't be a freak! I was always a freak at home! I came here to not be a freak!" "Tough luck," said Atta. "Kids are cruel," said Callie, shrugging as Munchkin snuck bits of food. Aaron groaned, and the Gligar chuckled at him further."Cut it out, Iuroidea," said Eve to the Gligar. Iuroidea reluctantly stopped. "Now what do I do?" said Aaron. "Do what we do. Survive." said Louis. "Or join Necrozma!" said Callie. "You don't really need to convert every new person, Callie," said Eve. Callie tilted her head. "I... Don't?" "This is the tenth time I've told you this." Callie just stared. Her eyes glazed over. A whip from Munchkin's tail snapped her back to reality. "Isn't this food great?" she said. Aaron looked at his plate and then Callie's. His had decent-looking vegetables and potatoes, but hers... What even was that? ~Don't question it,~ said a voice in Aaron's head. Aaron blinked, then looked over to Eve. She winked. Right, Aaron thought. Everyone has powers here. I'm at least not alone in that sense. Though... "Uh..." said Aaron. "Weird question, what powers do you guys have?" In response, Louis held up a ball of orange Aura. Callie wove wisps of Spectral Obscura through her fingers. Atta snarled and conjured Dark Obscuric claws. Eve sent a telepathic message of ~You already know.~ "Right," said Aaron. My powers are more like Louis', here, watch..." He started charging a ball of Aura between his palms. He focused on it, containing it. Then the power suddenly swelled. The sphere swelled. Aaron couldn't contain it any longer. BAM! Aaron was knocked to the ground. His food was sent flying. Everyone stared. Everyone then laughed. "Well, if you weren't with us in the freak club before you certainly are now," said Louis. Aaron just lay there panting. -------------------- That night, Aaron lay in his bed, listening to the others in his bunk. Lewis muttered obscenities in his sleep. Callie muttered incantations to Necrozma. Atta simply snarled. Their Pokemon seemed to be the only ones who slept normally. Aaron thought to himself. His first day here... Hadn't gone so well. Polly had humiliated him, her Metagross had refused to help, he was immediately lumped with the "freak" kids, and he humiliated himself again trying to bond with them. Was the entire time going to be like this? No. He couldn't let that happen. He'd find a way to improve things. He just needed to figure out a way how. ~~~~ In the forest, light dappled in the trees as a Riolu approached a Lucario. "Hey mom," said the Riolu. "Hello, son," said the Lucario. "Today you're going to learn how to hunt." Riolu rubbed his paws together awkwardly. "That means I have to... Kill, right?" "Yes. It is what we must do to survive. However... Your Auric abilities will make it painful to bring harm to another without training. So getting practice in this early is essential." Riolu nodded and looked around. "So... What do I have to do?" "There is a Buneary denning further into these bushes. You must kill it and bring it back to me." Riolu looked over hesitantly to the bushes in question and headed in. ------------ It was quiet except for the rustling leaves. Riolu could sense life with the feelers on the sides of his head, and it drew him further in. Eventually, he reached a burrow nestled in the fallen foliage, and he stood and waited. Eventually a Buneary poked their head out, sniffing the air with their small, moist nose. They slowly, cautiously crept out and looked around. That's when Riolu lunged with a Force Palm. The Buneary gave a yell and tried to dodge, but the Force Palm managed to connect, causing them to fall over. Riolu recoiled from the empathic feedback, but pounced on the Buneary as they screamed, attempting to bite their throat. The Buneary suddenly gave a kick with their powerful legs and flipped the grappling Pokemon over so the Buneary was on top. Instinctively, Riolu tried to kick the Buneary's side. Suddenly, Riolu's leg erupted into flame as he kicked the Buneary's torso with a sickening crack. The Buneary was sent flying with a pained scream before crashing, and trying to crawl and limp away. Riolu recovered from the empathetic shock and wondering what it was he'd even done before dashing over and giving a Force Palm straight to the Buneary's neck. He recoiled. The Buneary fell limp. Riolu gasped and panted, clutching his body from the amount of feedback aches he felt. It was a while before he had recovered enough to slowly drag the Buneary out of the bushes. --------------- Eventually Riolu managed to drag the dead Buneary out to his mother. She smiled. "Good job! Excellent you got it on your first try." "Thanks... Now what do I do with it?" "Shouldn't it be obvious? You eat it." Riolu stared down at the dead Buneary. Then at his mother. Then at the dead Buneary. Then at his mother. Then at the dead Buneary. Before finally digging in. It was... Good. Better than the dry scraps he usually got, or even his mother's milk. He had blood all over his face but he was enjoying it. His father approached. "Oh hey, I see you got one!" "I did," said Riolu, looking up from his meal. Seeing them both, he was reminded of something. "Mom, Dad? When I was kicking that Buneary to kill it, my leg caught on fire! But it didn't hurt at all! What does that mean?" His mother's eyes widened. Ginji gave a beaky bird grin. "Well then! You learned one of my moves!" "...I... Did?" "Pokemon can learn moves passed down from their parents," said his mother. "Even if they're of different species." "Yes! And you got my Blaze Kick!" said Ginji. "...Huh, wow," said Riolu. "Guess I'll do it again sometime!" He then resumed digging into the Buneary while his parents conversed. "Should he use that move around the pack?" said his mother. "He'll be alright." said Ginji. "If anyone gives him trouble they'll have to deal with me." "You can't intimidate them forever." "...I know. But I'll do whatever it takes to protect you both." Eventually Riolu finished his meal and joined his parents, who headed back to the pack. -------------- Riolu sat by himself, poking at rocks. It's usually what he had to do when his parents weren't immediately available - all the other Riolu avoided him for some reason. Every time he tried interacting with them they'd just move away or mutter something about their parents not letting them. Or both. His ears perked up. Was that his mom? He headed over, clambering over a few rocks and pushing through a few bushes to get there. When he found his mother, however, he saw she was facing another Lucario - an old, scarred individual most of the rest of the pack knew to stay away from. "You! You've been a burden for as long as this pack's existed! You hunt less, you keep watch less, you train less!" Hey! That wasn't true. Riolu checked, his mom did all those more than everyone else! "And now you're cavorting with your birdbrain mate and your freak offspring!" His dad wasn't a birdbrain. He wasn't a freak. ...Was he? "Your overgrown pile of feathers you call a mate can't protect you two forever! Someday judgement's gonna come down! Hell, it may very well be from me! Ha!" That does it. Riolu's leg erupted into flame. He rushed forward and began kicking the old, scarred Lucario in the legs as he howled in agony. His mother quickly grabbed him and started running away as the old, scarred Lucario yelled after them clutching his leg. "Freak! Freak! Freak!" --------------- "And you what?" said Ginji, in a forest clearing with his family a bit later. "I... I used your move... I just didn't want him to hurt you and mom..." "That bag of bones? He's too old and lame to do anything but make threats. If I was aware he was harassing your mom I would have busted him in short order, so you should have gotten me." "Dear," said Riolu's mom, "You really don't have to deal with every member of the pack who-" "Yes I do!" said Ginji. "I care about you two! You're the only family I have after what happened to my Trainer!" He paused, panted heavily. "I... I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself..." "...Dad? Thank you." "Thank you for everything Ginji." Ginji paused. Then carefully pulled the other two into a hug. ------------ The old, scarred Lucario was limping back to the rest of the pack. "Oh, just wait until the alphas hear about this!" he said. "That damn bird will be history!" It was then he noticed a distinct glow in his Aura senses, but couldn't ascertain its exact location. "Eh? Who's that?" His Aura feelers flared as he tried to pinpoint the source. It was then he realized the source was right on top of him. Claws and teeth dug in, rending limbs in spurts of blood. Fire burnt into flesh, loosening it from bone. The old Lucario screamed. *** Gruesome. Also! I should note here some of the fic's characters are inspired by those from the We Are All Pokemon Trainers community, and these characters have been loosely based on some of those from said community, with the gracious permission of their owners. While these characters themselves are mine they are still close enough to cameos I ought to credit the ones I based them on. In order of debut: -Vince, based on Vierr by @zinnia-apologist -Louis and Rook, based on Lucius and Bishop by Herbert40k -Atta, based on Jetta by Pres_Stalkeyes -Eve and Irodea, based on Lillith and Sasorina by @darkershining Callie and Munchkin are also based on things but not from WAAPT. I presume people will kill me when they figure out who.
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hidge-week · 6 years
https://www.wattpad.com/615026961-daffodils Katie Holt was a genius. She was a sure, invincible, female genius. Around the lab at work people literally cowered at the sound of her voice. And yet, despite all those things, here she was . . . nervous about a date. To be fair, it was her first date ever. And with her best friend for six excruciating years of university. But if anything that should calm her down a bit, right? She stared analytically at herself in her bathroom mirror, and slowly reached for her lucky lipgloss. Scratch that: her only lipgloss. Then, with a once over and a shrug, she grabbed her bag with the design of a coding textbook and speed-walked past the threshold of her tiny apartment. She practically ran down the stairs once she saw a Hunk standing outside of a big yellow pick-up truck. “H-Hunk,” she huffed, out of breath from jogging over, “how long have you been out here? I told you to text me!” He watched her catch her breath with wide eyes and an awe-filled almost grin plastered on his face. That is until he realized she was talking to him. “Um uh, well I, uh, I didn’t want to bother you.” He gulped. Katie suddenly realized how equally nervous her date was and couldn’t help but giggle a little. His stance relaxed at the sight of her smile and he chuckled lightly. “Wow, I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,” the bespectacled woman remarked. Hunk sighed. “Tell me about it,” he replied shaking his head in disbelief. They stood there staring at each other for a while then, almost as if they needed a moment to take it in. “So,” Hunk blurted, breaking the silence, “this bad boy can go a whopping 37 on the interstate.” She smiled and raised her eyebrows in feigned admiration. “Oh,” Hunk remembered as he took her hand, walked her around to the other side of the truck, and opened the door for her. She giggled a bit again as she hiked into the vehicle. He ran back around and jumped into the driver’s side. The truck groaned to a start and she felt herself clutch her bag filled with a first aid kit, a compact jumper cable of her own design, and her phone which she could use to contact anyone in case of emergency. Still, the truck pushed forwardThey were exiting her apartment complex when she finally spoke up, “So, 37 on the interstate, you say?” He glanced over at her and let out a quick laugh. “Oh yeah, well actually we’ll be going someplace close today, so we won’t have a chance to show off all of this baby’s skills.” Katie faux pouted, “Oh poor deprived little babe.” They stopped at a red light, so he turned to her and smiled sweetly as he continued, “Yeah, but don’t worry because she will be put to some great use when you figure out what we’re doing today.” He wiggled his thick dark eyebrows, and Katie caught herself almost biting her lip. “Oh? And would you like to share these plans you’ve made?” He grinned, leaned just barely into her personal space and whispered, “Nope.” Katie’s face grew a cherry red and her Samoan best friend quickly retreated back into his seat. Hunk cursed internally at his impatience and pushed the car forward at the sight of a green light. “Sorry, I- I guess I thought that might be, I don’t know, allowed now? I should have just waited for you to do something, sorry.” Dr. Holt was left breathless, but still somehow summoned the words to ease his mind. “No, of course it’s allowed! Er- what I mean is just next time take it a little slower, or give me a warning or something,” she felt herself laugh awkwardly. He nodded in understanding and continued driving along the streets of her run down neighborhood. She had acquired the apartment just a few months after graduating high school, when she made up her mind that she wanted to spend as little time in the campus with other people as she could. Since then, she had raised enough to have paid off all of her student loans, bough a car of her own, and started a fund for a bigger house she’d by for herself and her mother. Katie Holt had a coding in her veins one could say. Her father and brother had died on a mission to space to find an alternative source of energy for Earth due to technology errors, and after that, it seemed her path was set in stone. She went to school for coding even though she felt she was always about two years ahead of the rest of her class, and got a job at a lab of the top supplier for space exploration equipment. She lived in a controlled environment. It was life that she always saw coming. So when there was something she couldn’t see coming, she didn’t react very well. “I don’t really like surprises, Hunk,” she said reluctantly. A laugh burst out of him marked by his rare snort, “Oh, I know.” “Okay,” she grumbled, “can I have a hint at least?” He shook his head first, but seemed to rethink his answer as he inhaled deeply. “Well, I guess since it’s pretty close now, let’s just say that it’s a different ‘environment’ from what we’re used to.” She placed one of tiny hands on his shoulder, “Please don’t take me rock climbing on our first date.” Hunk felt his ears go pink at the sound of the word ‘date’ escaping her lips. “Um, no,” he let out a half-hearted laugh, “but I’m glad to know that you can’t play this off as just us hanging out again.” Her brows furrowed, and Hunk had a strong urge to press his thumb against the lines forming on her forehead, but he fought it. “I mean to say, that this is actually date,” he clarified. The car slowed to a stop but she maintained eye contact. “Yes, of course it’s a date. And I like you Hunk, a lot.” Her nerves were pressuring her to say the other thing on her mind, but she couldn’t find the strength the truly utter those words that had grown true over their six year partnership. Hunk smiled hopefully. “Well that’s great. Because I’ve liked you since I first laid eyes on you and your coding Katie Holt.” She giggled and broke her gaze away to finally catch a glimpse of where they were. Just outside of the car was an outdoor floral shop. Collections of roses and poppies and gardenias and other species of flower all enclosed in a thin wired gate. “I didn’t know which flowers to get you because I didn’t know what you’d like, and my brother owns this place, so I figured we could use this experience for future reference?” Katie opened her door and hopped off of the truck still in awe of how truly different this really was from her constant technology filled days. Hunk joined her and and scratched the back of his neck slightly embarrassed at her silence. “So what do you think?” She shook out of her trance and realized that this was the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for her. Tears burned near the edges of her eyes. “I think it’s wonderful. I think you’re wonderful. I think- I think it took us way to long to get here.” He beamed and softly eased her hand into his, making sure during every second that she wanted it just as much he did. Then he felt free to humor her. “I don’t know, I thought the trip was rather short,” he joked. His date shook her head in exasperation as they walked forward. The gate was open so they headed in and were greeted by a maze of plant life all around. Slowly but surely they made their way through the rows of jasmines, chrysanthemums and daisies. They shared flowers that smelled especially nice, and Katie felt those three little words fight to leave her lips. While she stayed occupied at a certain stand, Hunk took some time to make two flower crowns out of the collection his brother left for him. “I gotta say,” Katie blurted mindlessly, “you better have a good memory because I’m compiling a list in my head of my favorites, and there’s a lot.” Hunk threw one of the flower crowns on his head and turned around to place the other on Katie’s hair with her back to him. She felt something land on her head and spun around in a flash to find Hunk towering over her as she leaned against the stand behind her. “I love you!” She put her hand against her mouth and saw Hunk’s expression go from mischievous to surprise immediately. Her hand fell back to her side and the two stood deathly still looking at nothing but each other’s eyes and lips. Pink kissable lips. Hunk felt himself gravitate towards them, but stopped to glance back at her eyes for confirmation. Unconsciously, though, she had already let them close. The man smiled in endearment and leaned farther forward until the lips brushed lightly. Then as he started to back away, Katie reached upward and pulled him back to her. She jumped up and wrapped her legs as far around him as she could as he held her close. Their lips met again, making up for all the lost time, all the ignored chances, all the interruptions. Their breaths were staggered and desperate as they went in for another plunge for bliss. Here they finally were. The two smartest people of their graduating class, the best partnership in the world, the best friends in the galaxy. It all combined to make theirs the deepest love in the universe. And Hunk needed to express it. He backed away again the next time they parted, picked his flower crown from off of his head, and held it between them as he let her down with arm. “This,” he stated breathlessly as he struggled to think, “this is, um, a daffodil.” She dropped her gaze from his lipgloss covered lips and settled it on the flower crown he was holding. “It uh, it means new beginnings. And it symbolizes unrequited love in some situations. But most the time it means, um, joy and happiness. And well, it’s my favorite color and your favorite color is the stem ,I guess? And I thought it could be, I don’t know, our flower? And I just-“ The fair-skinned woman felt herself stifle a laugh and shook her head all smiles before placing her arms around his neck. “Is this you telling me you love me, too?” He gulped and then replied nervously, “Yeah, yeah it is. God, I love you so much, it’s been eating me up all these years.” She smiled sadly, “Well now you don’t have to,” she promised as she pulled him in again. And there they stayed for as long as they could. Amidst petunias and peonies, hyacinths and hydrangeas, orchids and daffodils. A symbol of all the time that had passed, and all the time that they had in store for their great love. A yellow flower.
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victorluvsalice · 6 years
Valice Shipping Week, Day 3: Blue
Over to one of those AU ideas I have which goes dormant for long periods, and then randomly pops up again whenever I think of the movie it’s related to -- Wonderland Fuzz! The Hot Fuzz AU with Alice as Nick and Victor as Danny. I decided to do this verse for this prompt because, while pondering possible ideas, I remembered the phrase “boys in blue” to refer to cops, and while that may not be strictly true of the UK police service. . .well, it was enough to remind me of the AU. I’ve always wanted to do more fic for it! This starts right after the famous “shortest car chase ever” sequence, where Alice has just intimidated Bruno Carpenter into apologizing for speeding. Victor and Alice return to their car, and Alice decides to give Victor a bit of on-the-job advice. . .
"See what I did there?"
Judging by the expression on Victor's face, he saw nothing more nor less than the Goddess of Law Enforcement sitting next to him. It was equal parts annoying and – though she would never, ever admit it to him – gratifying. "You hypnotized him," he breathed, tone utterly adoring.
Alice shook her head. When was he going to realize that her talents as an officer weren't the result of some innate magic only she had? Ah well, time for another round of "training you ought to have received except nobody in this village seems to care how proper police procedure works." "No, I used this," she said, pulling out her trusty notebook and waggling it in his face. Victor obligingly turned his puppy-dog stare on it. "This is the most important piece of equipment you will ever own," she continued forcefully. "This notebook has saved my skin more times than I care to mention." Especially from administrators who'd seen the notes on her official police profile and started wondering about her field worthiness. . . She pushed that aside and frowned significantly at the pad squirreled in Victor's pocket. "And you should think about using yours more often."
"I do use mine," Victor promptly said, nodding like he was eager for a treat.
Alice raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Really? Show me."
The delighted look vanished as Victor went pink. One hand worked its way to his tie. "Uh – um – w-well. . ."
Alice sighed. Figured. Anything to score points with the big-city cop. "If we're going to work together, you can't lie to me."
"I'm not – I – i-it's just–" Victor ducked his head, gnawing on his lower lip. "You – you p-promise not to make fun?"
All right, that was unexpected. What was in this notebook of his? "I promise," Alice said, hand over her heart.
Victor took a deep breath, then – with clear reluctance – pulled out his notebook and handed it over. Alice flipped it open, prepared to take just a quick glance before giving him a lecture on using police property for its correct purpose –
Only for the words to die on her lips. She gaped, astonished. As she'd suspected, there were no actual notes in the notebook. Instead, Victor had filled it with – butterflies. Dozens of them. Beautiful, lifelike, precise sketches of every species in the English countryside. "Victor. . ."
Victor hunched up, grimacing. "I know," he mumbled into his collar. "I know, I shouldn't – I just l-like them, okay? Have ever since I was a kid."
"So do I," Alice replied absently, turning the pages. Victor hadn't stopped with simple drawings of the full creature, either – there were also careful diagrams of legs and wings and heads, almost like he was practicing for illustrating a biology textbook. Annotations ran off into the margins, detailing interesting facts or quirks he'd noticed about each species. And here's me, thinking he cares about nothing but action movies! Why they tell us never to judge from the surface. . . "These are lovely – I mean, you shouldn't be doing this in your work notebook," she hastily added. "This should solely be for case notes – but they are beautiful."
Victor's head jerked up, eyes wide with surprise. "What – you – you t-think so? I d-do know that I shouldn't use it like that, just, u-usually, when I'm in the field, I'm – literally out in a field, and there's n-not a lot to do, and I don't have my actual sketchbook. . .you really like them?"
"I do," Alice confirmed. She knew she should be emphasizing the whole "but you should draw them on your own time" angle, but. . .damn it, these were too amazing to condemn. "I've never met a lepidopterist in person before."
If Victor's eyes got any wider, they were going to fall right out of his head. "You – know the word? Nobody else in the station ever bothered. . ." He swallowed. "Emily and Victoria have always been nice about it, but I'm p-pretty sure Father doesn't approve. A-and the – the Andys. . ."
The look on his face said it all. "Don't get along with most of your coworkers?" Alice asked quietly. God, she knew about that all too well.
"L-like I said, Emily and Victoria are nice. . .b-but there was this – incident in Year 12, where I was dating both of them at once for a bit t-thanks to a misunderstanding, and it still – it still makes things a-awkward, sometimes," Victor confessed, rubbing the back of his head. "The rest of them, especially Hare and Mouse. . ." He sighed, staring at his shoes. "You know how, the night we first met, I was drunker than a s-skunk? That was them. Letting them drag me to the bar and get me plastered is – better than some of the o-other things they've done."
Righteous, protective anger flared up inside Alice. As if she didn't have enough reasons to dislike the branch of the service she'd been saddled with. "And you can't tell your father because they'll start crying nepotism."
Victor nodded. "N-not that I think he'd do anything anyway. He's always on about getting me out of my shell. He'd probably call it all 'just male bonding.'"
Certainly sounded like Chief Inspector William Genial-To-A-Fault Van Dort to her. "Well then – guess I came along at just the right time, didn't I?" she said, sitting up a little straighter. "Hopefully ragging on the new city girl on the block will keep them from bothering you for a while."
Victor bit his lip again. "I don't – you shouldn't h-have to take the brunt of it. Marchand and Dormand can be nasty if you get up their noses."
Alice gave him her most unpleasant grin. "They're going to be in for some nastiness themselves if they think they can intimidate me." She handed back his notebook and turned away, pretending not to notice the hero worship look had come back. "All right, back to work. What's next on today's list?"
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shellyrper-walrus · 7 years
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“A surprise?”
As soon as the word had left Hanji’s lips, Angel’s eyes had lit up. Truthfully, she hadn’t been paying much attention at first - the scientist had a tendency to go on and most of the time Angel just zoned out, waiting for some actual point to the conversation to fling out and ping her in the face. A lot of the time it wasn’t even a good point; or rather, it often wasn’t a point the monarch cared much about. Thankfully, today was different.
“Yes, your majesty!” Hanji confirmed with a nod, grinning wide. “A birthday surprise, just for you!”
Angel’s full attention had finally been grasped. She too was smiling now, a little bounce in her step as she turned to face Hanji properly.
“Do you have it with you?” she asked.
The scientist shook her head. “Rather impossible, your majesty.”
“Impossible?” Angel narrowed her eyes, tapping her bottom lip with a finger. “So it’s something big. You’re not gonna make me guess, are you?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.”
“I definitely don’t fucking want you to.”
That made Hanji chuckle as she held out a hand, waiting for Angel to grasp it before she walked off, leading her to a different part of the mansion entirely.
The whole house was bustling now - the sun had barely risen and yet most everyone was awake, at least amongst the inhabitants that actually had to sleep. Those that didn’t, namely the royal children themselves, had been working for even longer. Decorations were strewn all about and came in all shapes and sizes, though even Angel had to admit that they were excessively red. The ballroom in particular was a violent scarlet hue, attacking her eyes from the mere glimpse she’d seen of it, and part of her wondered whether it might be wise to start adding a secondary colour to her aesthetic. She could already hear Prospero chanting “purple” in the back of her mind, making her snigger a little even as Hanji kept talking.
“--and so that’s when I...” The scientist trailed off, turning her head back to look at her queen. “Are you listening, your majesty?”
Angel, who’d been busy waving at Archie as he wished her a happy birthday, suddenly snapped her head back. “What? Yeah, sure. Something ‘bout, uh...”
Her brows furrowed in confusion, betraying how little attention she’d been paying, but she gave a small nod regardless. “Just what I was gonna say. We’re not going somewhere fucking crazy, are we?”
Hanji shrugged before giving another of her slightly manic chuckles. “Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“It’s a surprise!”
Though Angel had been excited at first, now she was starting to get annoyed. “Would you just tell me what it fucking is?”
The snapping barely made the scientist jolt - she was used to it by now, living in this house - but she still adjusted her tone to accommodate. “I’m sure you’re aware of Perdita’s... concerns.”
Hanji sighed a little. “I hadn’t wanted to bring it up on your birthday, but... she wants you to spend much more time on Sesharrim than you have been. She says you need to be more hands on if you’re serious about being queen.”
“Oh, that,” Angel said, her face contorting as she stuck out her tongue. “She doesn’t half nag sometimes. Yeah, I told her I’d go when shit’s less... busy. It takes a fucking age to get there for starters and she always wants me to stay for bollocking months. I ain’t staying there that fucking long! This Isle’s my project, I told her so. Does she know how many fucking coalition meetings I’d miss to shake hands with some poncy cunt that wants more funds for his stupid fucking town planning bullshit? I don’t see why they can’t just come the fuck here instead.”
“Well, your majesty, I think my latest invention might help with that!”
“Why? Is it something that’ll shut my cousin up?”
“Sounds somewhat tempting...” the scientist mused, getting distracted for a moment before shaking her head. “But no! What I’ve invented is a teleporter!”
Angel stopped entirely then. Hanji only noticed when the hand she was holding went taut and stopped her in her path.
“Is something wrong, your majesty?” she asked.
“A... teleporter?” the monarch started. “Like a real, actual... from place to place teleporter?” She paused, frowning slightly, remaining in perplexed silence whilst the scientist nodded in response. “I’m not fucking saying “Beam me up, Hanji!” or some stupid shit like that.”
Hanji tilted her head with a small confused smile on her lips. “There’s no... ‘beams’, your majesty. Should there have been?”
“No, it’s a--” Angel struggled to find a way to explain and shook her head as she sighed. “Never fucking mind. Are you going to show me this thing or not?”
“Ah!” the older of the two exclaimed, her beaming smile splitting her face in two once again. She pulled her queen off in the direction of the surprise as she suddenly burst into a torrent of excited speech. “This device has been a long time in the making, your majesty. I first conceptualised it many years ago, though it never really amounted to much. You see, pure science alone can’t do everything - in fact, I’d say this invention is almost directly inspired by you. Much as you harnessed the power of, uh...”
“Yes, yes, that! Much as you used magic in your own scientific pursuits, I too began to consult the many magics of this land. You see, portals and the such have long since been a part of the infrastructure here. I hear the fey in particular are very fond of them though, as I’ve since discovered, more human-based species can also create them with a little help from spells and potions. I signed up for a few magic classes, slaved over books, asked around in the pub... I even participated in a coven meeting at one point. They had some rather... strange requests before I was allowed to attend but it was well worth it in the end. Ah, here we are!”
Suddenly Hanji stopped before a closed door, turning on her heel and pulling out a blindfold she’d been hiding in her pocket.
“Really?” Angel asked as a frown began to form on her face.
“Yes, really! You do want this to be a surprise, don’t you?”
Angel sighed. “Fine. You do realise I’ve seen Sesharrim before though, don’t you?”
The queen might not have been able to see Hanji now that thick fabric covered her eyes but she could certainly hear her laughing as she opened the door before her and carefully lead her inside. “Oh, your majesty, I’m afraid this teleporter doesn’t go to Sesharrim. This is the prototype - I had to test my device on somewhere much closer to home before simply jumping into intergalactic travel, I’m sure you understand.”
Angel’s frown only grew beneath her blindfold. “Then where the fuck does this go?”
“That’s the surprise!”
Hanji stood the monarch stock still inside the room before darting off, her shoes making distinct noises on the wooden floor as she flitted around pulling levers and flicking switches. There was a loud electric buzzing noise as something before the blinded queen burst into life, giving her a start that made her exclaim “Fucking hell!” with some ferocity. Only then did the scientist return and lightly grasp Angel’s shoulders, steering her in the direction of her birthday gift.
The sensation of passing through the teleporter was something the monarch couldn’t quite describe. It almost tingled, a little like the static buzz you could get off everyday objects, but at the same time it was almost nothing like it. There was something... refreshing about it, she supposed? Though maybe that was the stark coldness of their new location - it was indoors, but it clearly wasn’t heated. If she hadn’t known any better, she’d have thought she’d just stepped out of the back door on a chilly day.
With one swift tug, Hanji pulled the blindfold off of Angel’s face and all at once she forgot about what the teleporter might’ve felt like. A torrent of noise greeted her instead as, out of comparative silence, burst a sudden cry of “Happy Birthday!” from all around her. She had to blink as she took it all in; at first it was merely from the sudden brightness, but soon she was trying to force back the tears which had crept slowly into the corners of her eyes.
They were in her old home, many miles away on Mok’s Island--no, her island now--and before her was an endless crowd of her own children, all seeming to want to be at the front all at once. Their smiles were wider than Angel had seen them in years and, she noticed as she began to blubber more, many of them had started to cry too. The only person that didn’t quite belong was sat right in the middle, zombies trying to clamber over her shoulders to wave at their mother, but she didn’t seem to mind. At first, Angel almost hadn’t recognised Prospero - the others had clearly given her a makeover only they could’ve achieved. She was decked in leather her queen could never have imagined her wearing, looking scruffier than she’d ever seen her, and eyeliner ringed her eyes to an extent that made her resemble a panda. They’d even sprayed some colours in her hair, temporary Angel was sure, that seemed to glisten like a mismatched rainbow when she moved her head to laugh.
“Hanji wanted to show you this weeks ago,” she admitted. “But I’m afraid I insisted on giving it to you as a birthday present.”
Angel’s bottom lip wobbled as she tried to sniff her tears away. She couldn’t help but laugh too even as her crying got worse, wiping one of her eyes as she spoke. “Is it... permanent?”
Prospero nodded and all of Angel’s kids mimicked the movement. “You can all live together again,” she confirmed. “Just like you used to.”
A little sob escaped the monarch then before she suddenly darted forwards. Prospero tried to get to her feet to meet her outstretched arms but all it did was send them both hurtling to the ground when Angel collided, squeezing her tightly even through the harsh impact against the tiled flooring. Her queen was crying onto her chest but not because she was sad. The sight brought a smile to the commander’s lips and, as she stroked the younger girl’s hair, she pressed a soft peck to her temple.
“Well!” Hanji called from above them with a clap of her hands. “I don’t know how the teleporter’ll react if you all try to force your way through at once, so an attempt at decorum would be appreciated.”
“What’s a duh-floor-em?” shouted one of the kids back.
Hanji thought about the answer for a while before shrugging. “I’m not sure. You can take it to mean ‘go through in single file’ if you like.”
Predictably, the mess of zombies that followed did nothing of the sort. They all wanted to see their mother’s mansion before the others and as soon as possible - they were shouting and elbowing each other and a few of them even started a fight over what single file actually entailed. The scientist was doing her best in her attempts to organise them but it was as futile as she’d expected.
As the crowd around them began to dissipate, Angel and Prospero started to stir too. The smaller alien lifted her head first and then the rest of her body, unfolding her arms from where they’d been tucked around her subordinate. She placed a hand on either side of her, about to lift herself up properly, when she came to a sudden stop. She was supposed to be getting up and going, of course she was, but something about the commander’s piercing eyes made her just want to sink back down and stay there, at least for a few moments more. The thought brought warmth to her cheeks and, perhaps worst of all, Prospero had definitely noticed. Angel jolted then, scrambling to her feet in an attempt to act like nothing had happened. She thought she’d gotten away with it at first, even if her face had reddened, when a hand on her own stopped her.
“Come now, your majesty,” Prospero said softly, lowering her head so she could speak into her queen’s ear. The sounds of the chaos in the room almost seemed to ebb away then, shooed by the warmth breath that tickled Angel’s skin. “It’s your birthday, isn’t it? There’s no need to resist doing the things you want to.”
The monarch’s eyes had widened even before she turned on her heel. As soon as Prospero was in her field of vision, she wasted no time in leaning further in, pressing her lips quite firmly to Angel’s own. They were soft, terribly soft, and the faint wafts of her flowery shampoo almost threatened to envelop her. Was this what people meant when they talked about how good girls smelt? Prospero certainly smelt good - far better than her queen would have ever expected a soldier to.
The kiss had barely begun before it was over. Prospero merely let it linger on Angel’s lips as she pulled back, the fainest lipstick stain at her mouth betraying her otherwise collected demeanour. It only became more obvious when she grinned and the crimson tones contrasted with her teeth. Her lips couldn’t rival her queen’s face, though - even Angel’s jacket struggled to be as red as she stuttered in the air, uncharacteristically lost for words. Prospero might’ve kissed her once before but she’d been prepared for that one! This one... This one was...!
“Happy birthday, your majesty,” the commander said with a voice that almost seemed to taunt her.
Angel didn’t have a response - she merely followed Prospero with her eyes when she moved to leave. She was concentrating on her face at first but, as she got further away, she felt them drift lower, tracing the way her leather makeover clung to her body. Had her subordinate always been this...? Well, this...? Her brows furrowed; she didn’t know what word to use but whatever word it was, she didn’t want to say it. That would only be admitting it and, if Angel was going to be anything on her birthday, that thing was stubborn.
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libralita · 4 years
Truths and Roses have Thorns About Them | Chapter 2
Beginning | Next Chapter
Summary: The Marchen Tavern draws in many strange characters from all across Angielle and beyond. While it may bring wonder and mystery to those who stop, it does make keeping staff members a challenge. However, Fella Treslyn is up to the task of being the Marchen’s new cook. But is really ready to deal with all the antics it has to offer?
Despite being exhausted and sore, Fella worked as hard as she could to prep for dinner. While she wanted to challenge herself to make more dishes after last night Fella was not going to push Miss Parfait. She did not want to see if she could make even the gentlest of souls angry.
So, she focused on preparing chicken. Most of her morning was butchering a lot of chicken. While she was happy that she sold out of her salmon special, she didn’t like the idea of everyone not being able to enjoy her cooking.
Fella only took the breasts of the chicken and would save the rest for another time. She would bake the chicken and began making an endless amount of pasta. With corn and alfredo sauce.
While cooking made her happy, she was on edge. She was worried she was going to do something else stupid and get in trouble with Miss Parfait.
Fella was taking her break when she heard Miss Karma talking to someone. It sounded like a young boy.
“Oh c’mon Karma, you’re already going out for errands, why not just pick up some of my supplies.”
Miss Karma let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh fine.” Fella heard Karma begin to leave.
Fella thought about how much time she would have left before said. “Excuse me, Miss Karma?”
She heard the woman stop. “Yes, Miss Fella?”
“If you're going into town, would you mind if I went with you if you aren’t going to be too long?” Fella really needed to get out of the Marchen. She still had a while before dinner. She could finish everything before then.
Miss Karma paused and then said, “It would be my pleasure if you accompanied me.” It was still her gentle voice but something sounded off.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be a bother.”
“Of course not.” Miss Karma said. “You can help me carry my bags.”
“Our first stop is a doll shop,” Miss Karma said. Fella held onto her arm as they walked the streets together. Karma’s fabric was as soft as ever and she wore a nice perfume.
“A doll shop,” Fella repeated in a flat tone.
“Yes, I have to pick something up for Waltz.” Miss Karma let out a small hum. “That boy I was speaking to earlier.”
Fella nodded and then felt the need to fill the silence. “How long have you been at the Marchen?”
“Oh, only a few weeks.” Miss Karma said.
“Do you work there as well?”
“I run errands for Parfait and Delora among other things.” Miss Karma explained.
“And where did you work before?”
Miss Karma cleared her throat. “Well…that’s rather complicated. I did, however, did come from Brugantia to Angielle.”
“What’s that like?”
Miss Karma cleared her throat and said softly. “It’s…it’s wonderful. I truly miss it.”
“Then why did you leave it to live in a Tavern?” Miss Karma was quiet. “Let me guess: more complicated reasons?”
“Oh, look, we’ve arrived!” Way to change the conversation.
Fella heard a small chime as she was guided into a building. “Good morning.” Miss Karma said and Fella felt the need to say it as well as they stopped.
There were some murmurs the sound of feet shuffling. What was this all about…?
“Oh! You’re early today, ma’am.” A feminine, cheery voice said.
“I have some important errands to run later today. Are the items ready now?”
The cheery voice responded. “Oh, of course! Let me go fetch them for you. Does your friend need anything, ma’am?”
“No, I am just accompanying Miss Karma. Thank you, Miss.” Fella said.
“Then I’ll just be one moment, Emelaigne.”
Emelaigne? Wasn’t that the King’s step-daughter’s name? Fella squeezed Karma’s arm in slight panic but she just received a soft, tinkly laugh and a hand pat. Was Miss Karma just used to seeing royalty?
“Oh, my.” She heard another voice. Maybe? It was hard to tell. She felt someone come up close to them. “Has anyone ever told you that look just like a porcelain doll? It’s so uncanny to see you standing so many dolls. Like one who has come to life!”
Fella pressed a smile to her face. Well, perhaps staying at the Marchen would have been better. Thankfully before Fella needed to give a response, the girl moved on. “And Miss you are absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.”
“Why thank you, my dear. You are so kind.” Miss Karma said, perfectly.
“Here you are, ma’am.” The other woman said. Thank the gods.
“Thank you,” Fella muttered a thank you, Karma handed her the bag and they left.
Fella let out a sigh as she continued to walk. “Are you alright, Miss Fella?”
“Of course.” Fella said but her heart wasn’t in it.
“How about we sit down?” Fella just went along with it. Miss Karma guided her to a seat and they sat quietly.
Fella took a deep breath and then gave Miss Karma as much as a smile as she could muster. “Did Miss Parfait tell you what happened last night?
“Uh…no, she did not.”
“It’s so embarrassing thinking about it. I couldn’t sleep last night so went down to the kitchen. Then I heard something outside. It was…” Fella tried to place the sound but she couldn’t. “I don’t…I still don’t really know what it was but it was coming from outside—and before you say anything no I did not go out into the forest alone at night, I am not that daft.”
“I wouldn’t have assumed you would, Fella.” Miss Karma assured.
Fella chuckled. “Well, I went through the patio gate and some drunkard came around. He wanted…I don’t know…he grabbed me but…someone rescued me. A man with a sword.” She said, there was a back to the bench they sat on so she leaned back. The bag that Karma had picked up was in Fella’s lap and she gently hugged it.
“Oh, really?” Miss Karma asked.
“Yeah…but he was weird.” Karma made a sound and Fella clarified. “He pulled me to his chest and held my face there. It was really strange.”
“Maybe he just wanted to make sure you were safe.” Miss Karma said, her already high voice going even higher.
“Maybe…” Fella thought but that still seemed wrong. “Anyway, I flailed about until he let me go and ended up falling on my butt.”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” Fella said laughing, it was a genuine laugh. “I can’t believe how stupid I was.”
“That man—the drunkard—shouldn’t have been harassing you.” Miss Karma said firmly. “Any man who touches a lady that way should be dealt with.”
Fella waved her hand. “I know, I know. I wonder what the Swordsman was thinking when some blind girl he had just saved fall on her bottom and start crying like a child. I probably should have thanked him or…something.”
Miss Karma gently took Fella’s hand. “I am sure that he was just concerned for you and no thanks were needed. It is a gentleman’s duty.”
Fella nodded slowly. “Anyway, Miss Parfait found me.” For a moment Fella thought about telling Miss Karma that she thought Parfait lied to her about the man left when she arrived. But she quickly dashed that idea. It was not wise to accuse your employer of a conspiracy. “I’m worried that I’ll mess this opportunity up. I can cook. I’m an excellent cook but I am also excellent at doing really idiotic things.”
One of Fella’s curls had come out of her tail, she reached to move it away before feeling a soft hand move it for her. “Fella, we all do idiotic things. Especially the people at the Marchen. It’ll take a lot more for you to mess this up.”
“What is the Marchen for?” Fella asked quietly. “Dion said it drew in a lot of strange people but I don’t think he really knows either.”
Miss Karma was quiet for a moment before she suggested they start heading back to said establishment. “The Marchen is for the cursed.”
Fella stopped in her tracks. “Like…the Fairytale Curses?” She said in a low voice.
“Yes, it is possible to remove the curses and that is why people come there in order to help each other. They become partners of sorts.” Miss Karma explained as they continued to walk back to the Marchen.
“Are Parfait and Delora cursed?”
“No, darling. Parfait is a fairy and Delora is a witch.” Fella nearly completely stumbled. A fairy and witch? And they’re working together?
Fella was quiet for a moment and then she asked softly. “Miss Karma, are you cursed?”
Miss Karma continued to lead them until they heard someone call out for Karma and Fella. They must be back at the Marchen. “I am.” She said, almost too quiet for Fella to hear. “But we have arrived back to the Marchen. It seems you have a lot to prepare for, for dinner. I look forward to enjoying another meal from you Fella.”
Fella paused to take in that confirmation. The Marchen seemed full of secrets and mysteries. Miss Karma seemed to be one of its biggest ones. However, Fella suspected that it would be like pulling teeth in order to unravel what Karma was hiding.
Fella stood straighter and smiled. “It’ll be better than the last.”
Fella worked but she let her mind wander a little as she rolled and rolled and rolled out pasta. She wanted to ask about Karma’s curse. About everyone’s curse. Why a fairy and a witch would be working together? A mystery presented itself to Fella and she wanted to take it apart and learn all she could.
However, pasta needed to be rolled.
Fella struggled with baking. While she loved sweets it was harder to be able to feel her way to a good cake. However, pasta wasn’t so bad. She could taste a piece of pasta to see if it was cooked. You could not cut into a pie to see how it tastes.
It started with putting a pile of flour and then add egg yolks and whites. Then you work it until it’s not too sticky but also not too dry. Then there’s the rolling the cutting it into pieces.
“Are you ready, Fella?” Miss Parfait asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Fella said with a nod. She did a quick double-check of everything and then she heard the doors open.
There was that spike of anxiety that came with hearing cacophony of voices. “Two chicken specials!” And then just like that all her worries and anxieties melted away.
Fella took her chicken out of the oven, feeling it with her hands and it felt like the right temperature. She double-checked every chicken that night because undercooked chicken could seriously hurt someone. She made a bed of noodles and then sliced the chicken to be put on top. Then added a little more sauce on the top.
Orders came flying in and Fella went back to that wonderful rhythm. Stirring, tasting, seasoning, feeling, touching, smelling. Fella was not musically inclined but this was her song and dance.
Miss Karma’s order came in earlier than it had last night but she still made it to the same standard she had all the other dishes. She continued on with her work until she came to the last piece of chicken. She almost floundered like she did the night before but quickly righted herself. “This is the last one.” She told the server.
Fella finished and she took her own dinner out to the dining room. “Do you see Miss Karma, Dion?”
“Are you becoming friends with her?” Dion asked quietly and then signaled they should move.
“She seems nice,” Fella said.
“She’s a mysterious one,” Dion said with a quiet chuckle before saying. “Here we are.”
“Ahh, Miss Fella.” Miss Karma’s elegant voice said. “Please join us. This is Garlan and Jurien.” Introductions were made, Dion bid Fella a farewell and left.
“Wow, you really are the blind cook.” A feminine voice, Jurien said. “Everyone’s been talking about amazing your specials are.”
“Did you get a chance to taste it?”
There was a snort and Garlan said, “We asked Karma for a taste but she wouldn’t share.”
“Miss Karma.” Fella chided with a chuckle.
“Food should be eaten the way a cook prepares it.” Miss Karma said, her voice strained. “Nothing more and nothing less.”
Fella laughed at that. “I’m sure it would have still been good if you shared a few bites, Miss Karma.” Jurien and Garlan laughed while Fella got the feeling that Miss Karma was sulking. To be nice, Fella changed the subject. “I think we saw one of the princesses today. Was that right, Miss Karma?”
Karma hummed. “Actually there were quite a few members of the royal family there. There was Princess Emelaigne, Prince Rod, and the Crown Princess herself Lucette. If I remember correctly.”
“You cannot be serious,” Fella said shaking her head. Was it really that common for the royal family to be going out? Though Princess Emelaigne and Prince Rod weren’t originally royalty. Fella thought she heard that they grew up around here. Then Princess Lucette was the ice…
Suddenly Fella’s mind felt…fuzzy. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head to chase away the feeling. She tried to remember what she was thinking about. Miss Karma was talking about Princess Emelaigne, Prince Rod, and…
“Is…everyone alright?” Miss Karma’s voice came. She sounded confused and concerned.
“Wait…Princess Lucette?” Jurien asked. Yes, who was Princess Lucette?  She could not have been the Crown Princess of Angielle, that was Emelaigne.
“Yeah, Karma, who are you talking about?” Garlan asked. “Isn’t there only Princess Emelaigne and Prince Rod?”
Miss Karma was quiet for a moment and shifted her seat. “My apologies, I must have been thinking of someone else. But both the princess and the prince were there.” Their conversation continued and Fella soon forgot about that strange moment of fuzziness.
Fella finished up her meal, Jurien told Garlan and Karma that they had to leave now. They didn’t appear to be giving any information about what it was. “I think I will turn in for the night.”
“Before you go, may I speak with you, Fella?” Miss Karama asked.
“Oh, of course.”
Karama pulled her aside to what was probably a private alcove where they wouldn’t be heard. “Something may be going on tonight.” The woman put her hands on Fella’s shoulders. “So, I want you to promise me you won’t go out tonight. Even just to the patio.”
Fella was surprised to hear Karama make a request like this. “What do you think is going on?”
Miss Karma squeezed her shoulders and her voice was more firm. “It does not matter, please just promise you’ll stay in the Marchen tonight.”
“Fine,” Fella said, taking a step back from Karma’s grasp. “I wasn’t planning on going out without a guide, anyway.” Fella didn’t like how bratty she sounded at that moment.
“Good.” Miss Karma said, sounding annoyed.
And Fella really wasn’t planning on leaving the Marchen. She was very thoroughly reminded that she was in a new place and needed to be more careful. But that didn’t mean she needed to be reminded like a child.
“Then goodnight, Miss Fella.”
“Goodnight, Miss Karama,” Fella said, about to make her way up the stairs before turning back. She couldn’t be such a brat. “Karma.”
The woman’s footsteps stopped. “Hmm?”
“Be careful, okay?”
There was a silence before a soft hum. “I will be able to protect myself but thank you, Fella.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you—” Karma let out a noise that made Fella laugh as she bounced up the stairs. That was always the best way to part from someone.
Fella intended to keep her word when she said she would not leave the Marchen. However, Miss Karma never said anything about her room.
She was close to drifting off to sleep when she heard the sounds of people downstairs. She knew she should have just stayed in bed and sleep but she couldn’t help herself. She laid in bed and listen for a moment.
“…part of the plan…” It was hushed and hard to make out but it made her heart skip a beat. It was the Swordsman.
When she heard the sound of footsteps, she slowly got out of her bed. Anytime she couldn’t hear movement or talking she would stop. This slow process allowed her to move towards her door. She pressed her ear against it.
“…back on patrol and…Garlan.” Was it the Swordsman’s voice? It was hard to make out from so far away and through a door. She strained to listen and heard the name “Lucette”. Lucette? Wasn’t that the name of the princess Karama had mentioned at dinner? And the possible-Swordsman had mentioned Garlan. Did Karma know the Swordsman? But wouldn’t she have told Fella?
She tried to listen for anything else. She thought she heard maybe Delora’s voice? She sounded like she was talking to Parfait but the fairy’s voice was far too quiet to hear. Eventually, all grew quiet in the Marchen. Fella decided to go back to her bed. She was not going to get into trouble tonight.
However, the mysteries of the Marchen still gnawed at her mind.
0 notes
werewolfdays · 4 years
Threats (part 1)
So I’ve been working on a multipart thing here that I hope you will all enjoy! -
It was only noon and all I wanted was to take a nap. Today was slow, I even began entertaining the idea of resting my head on the desk for a quick fifteen. My consciousness got the better of me though. Sleeping on the job was irresponsible. Jayde told me that I didn’t need to be so serious about working here sometimes, but it was important to me that I remained responsible. So, I made my way out of the clinic and to the Den to grab an extra large coffee to get me through the rest of the day.  
Toby was working the bar and smiled knowingly at my approach. “You lasted longer than I thought you would, it’s almost twelve-thirty.”
I laughed at how predictable I had become when it came to my afternoon coffee break. “Maybe tomorrow I’ll make it to one.”
“That’s highly ambitious of you.” He said, preparing my cup just the way I liked it. 
My shoulders lifted in a sarcastic shrug and I leaned against the bar to wait patiently. I was focused on Toby’s work, but soon felt eyes watching me. When I turned my head, my gaze met a man’s that I’ve never seen here before. A newcomer was sitting a few chairs down the bar. The werewolf’s stare was locked on mine intently in a way that made the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I started to understand how prey animals feel under a predator’s glare. Not wanting to show how uncomfortable it made me, I smiled politely at the man. He returned it with a surprising warmth, but the upturn at the corner of his mouth was more mischievous than comforting. 
“Here you are.” Toby set the cup of coffee on the bar and I tore my eyes away from the new werewolf. 
“Thanks.” I said hastily, beyond grateful that I could leave. 
No less than an hour later and someone came knocking on the clinic door while I was organizing medical supplies. “Come in.” I announced, turning to meet whoever it was. My body tensed when I saw it was the tall stranger from the bar. 
“Hey, there.” He said pleasantly, but that smirk was back. “Heard you were a doctor of some sort.”
“Of some sort.” I answered, trying to keep my nerves in check even with the alarm bells ringing off in my head. Maybe I was worried for no reason. I didn’t even know this guy, how could I judge him just for staring at me? “Do you need some help?”
He held up his hand, “I, uh, broke my wrist a while back. Pretty sure it’s fine, but I thought I might as well have someone who’s qualified take a look to make sure it healed right.” 
“Sure, I can check it for you.” I walked over, grabbing the wrist he held out to me and proceeded to feel for any irregularities under his skin to indicate the bone was healed incorrectly. “Is there any pain or discomfort when you move it around?”
“How does someone like you wind up in a place like this?” He asked, ignoring my question. When I looked up at him oddly, he continued with amusement, “I mean, it’s basically like a lamb living in a den of wolves.” 
It was obvious that he was referring to the fact that I was human. I wasn’t sure how much information about myself I was comfortable with giving him. “Someone I care about very much is a werewolf.” 
“Why haven’t they turned you yet?” 
At his question, I released his wrist, there wasn’t anything wrong with it that I could find anyway, and took a couple subtle steps back. “I don’t want it.” 
“Seriously?” The man asked with a scoff, “That seems like a liability to me. Being a human is just… well, useless. They’re too weak.”
“I’m not weak.” I replied on instinct. 
“I could turn you.” He offered, again acting like I hadn’t just spoken, and took a step closer. “All it would take is one bite. Or, hell, you can take one of those syringes and inject some of my blood in you.” 
There wasn’t any doubt in my mind now. I didn’t feel safe. Not with him. “I don’t want it.” I repeated with a little more force, but keeping my tone level in an effort to not come off aggressive. “Your wrist is fine. If you don’t mind, I have things to do.” 
“What if I decided to turn you anyway?” the look on his face made my blood freeze. It was like he was closing in for the kill, eyes bright with anticipation and bloodlust. “You wouldn’t be strong enough to stop me, would you? Human.”  
The fear I felt didn’t want me to even move, worried that it would set off an attack. His grin reminded me of Ruben and I knew he must’ve sensed how afraid I was. “I need to get back to work.” I said quietly, looking away from that frightening gaze. “Please.” 
He hovered in front of me for a few moments longer, finally breaking the silence with a low, threatening chuckle. I flinched when he raised his hand, but all he did was caress my cheek with the back of his finger and said, “See you around, little lamb.” before disappearing out of the clinic.
As soon as he was gone, I released a breath that I didn’t even notice I was holding. All I wanted was to see Jayde. I wanted her to make me feel safe again. Needed any reassuring look or comforting touch from her. I quickly put everything away to close the clinic, figuring that if someone really needed me, they could come find me, and made my way back to our room. 
For the first time, walking through the halls of the Lodge was unnerving. It felt like that guy could be around any corner or trailing just behind me, out of sight. It reminded me that werewolves were a predatory species. That they could be terrifying creatures. My werewolf wasn’t. At least not always. And never with me. Right now, I needed her. 
I was so relieved to see that Jayde was already home when I got there. I wasn’t sure if I had the courage to go looking all over the Lodge for her. As soon as she saw me, her expression grew serious, immediately picking up on my distress. 
“What’s wrong?” Jayde came to my side and I let myself be comforted by her presence, her gentle touch as her hands held my face. 
“There’s, um, th-there’s a new guy and he…” I suddenly hesitated. 
If I told Jayde what happened, she would go after him. Kick him out at the very least, and at worst… I feared a bloody end for him. Even though he threatened me, I didn’t think he deserved to die. Maybe Jayde would get hurt in the fight too. Maybe he was more capable than I knew. She could wind up dead. And for what? Because he only threatened me?
“What did he do?” Jayde asked, anger already burning in her eyes. “Did he touch you?” 
I shook my head, “It’s nothing, he just gave me a bad feeling is all.” 
“Nadya,” Jayde started, her tone wise to my lie. “What happened?”
Reluctantly, I pulled her hands away. “Jay, please just— it’s not a big deal, I’m overreacting.”
“You can tell me.” she softened her voice, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“It’s not me I’m worried about, okay?” This could be like Ruben all over again. Jayde’s rage would get the better of her and that’s what I was scared of. “I don’t want you to freak out.”
“I’m already freaked out because you won’t tell me.” 
I realized that her mind would go through worst case scenarios if I didn’t tell her. I didn’t want Jayde to be tormented by her thoughts any more than she already was, so I chewed on my bottom lip and sighed, “Promise me you’ll try to keep a level head.”
“I’ll do my best.” Jayde clenched her jaw in preparation. 
“He came into the clinic and cornered me.” I held her hands tightly, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact with her. “He… he threatened to turn me, Jay.” 
The flash of fury in her eyes was literal, I saw a flicker of amber as they glowed for a second. “Who was he? What did he look like?”
“No, you can’t go on some retribution streak.” I could see how hard she was fighting to keep control, so I cupped her face to distract her. “All he did was threaten me. Maybe he was only trying to scare me.”
She gently shrugged my hands off. “I don’t give a shit if he was just fucking around, I will not let that slide. Not with you.” Jayde sighed, closing her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts. “Nadya, if he was willing to threaten you, then he’s willing to threaten anyone here. He needs to go.” 
Jayde knew exactly how to appeal this idea to me. Plus, she had a point. I didn’t trust this man not to go after anyone else like that. “Okay,” I relented with a shaky sigh, “Just kick him out, alright? This doesn’t need to be a big thing, I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
Her hand came up, thumb brushing against the same spot that the stranger’s finger did. It felt like her touch was scrubbing away the vile feeling he left in me. “What did he look like?” Jayde asked again in a calm tone. 
“Tall, dark hair, pale skin… I think I saw a couple tattoos. Maybe late thirties.” Jayde knew nearly everyone at the Lodge, this description would be enough for her if she saw him. 
She nodded in confirmation. “Stay here, okay? I’ll go deal with it.” 
The sudden realization that Jayde was going to leave made me feel panicked. “Maybe I should come with you. I can identify him.”
“No, Nadya, I won’t risk even the slightest chance that he’d go for you.” I could see in her eyes that she wouldn’t let me argue the subject. “One bite. All he needs is to slip by me for one second.” Her dark blue irises bore into mine, trying to make me understand. I nodded and she leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise you.”
I needed a little bit more than a kiss on the cheek from her right now, so I pressed my lips to hers in a soft peck, my worries melting away for one blissful moment. “Please be careful.”
“I will.” She said plainly.
“I mean it, Jay.” I told her seriously. “He reminded me of Ruben.” 
“I’ll be careful.” Her words were more sure this time.
Jayde stepped away from me, moving towards the door. At the last second, I reached for her, my hand wrapping around her wrist to stop her. When she looked back at me expectantly, I uttered, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” Jayde replied, twisting her wrist in my gentle grip so she could hold my hand and give it a reassuring squeeze before letting go. I watched her leave with a feeling of dread in my heart.
As soon as I left the room, that boiling rage inside of me flared up again without Nadya’s presence to snuff it. If it weren’t for Nadya talking me down, I would beat the living shit out of this prick for ever having the audacity to threaten her like that. Nadya also said that he reminded her of her brother. That just made it worse. Each step I took sent me fuming harder than the last. 
I made a beeline for the bar once I made it to the Den. Toby looked up and set his jaw at my expression. “Have you seen any newcomers?”
He nodded, “Earlier, yeah, but he hasn’t been around since he left the Den. Why?”  
“Piece of shit threatened to turn Nadya.” Just saying that made me want to break a table in half.
Toby froze. “Is she okay? Where is she?”
“She’s fine, I told her to wait in our room until I take care of him.” When his eyebrow rose, I elaborated. “I’m not gonna kill him. Nadya made me promise to just throw his ass out.”
“She is way too nice sometimes.” Toby shook his head and I knew that he wanted to throttle this guy too.
“I’m gonna keep looking for him.” I said, backing away from the bar. “Let me know if you or anyone around sees him.” 
“Will do.” He confirmed.
I must’ve asked around the Lodge for this idiot for half an hour with no one knowing where he was. It was like he disappeared. If I got lucky, that meant that he realized what a colossal mistake it was to threaten a human and tucked tail and ran. I didn’t want to go back to Nadya empty handed, so I continued my search for another twenty or so minutes, double checking with people I’ve already talked to. Triple checking. It became apparent that I wasn’t going to find him tonight unless someone spotted him and notified me. That was really the best I could hope for, so I made my way back to our room. Nadya was distraught by the encounter. I felt a little bad for leaving her, but I needed to deal with that asshole. I could comfort her properly now, at least.
I rounded the last corner before our room, running through what I was going to say to her to make her feel better, when a bad feeling crept its way up my spine. I wanted to dismiss it for paranoia, but I couldn’t. Not when Nadya was threatened today. So I picked up my pace a bit. Our room came into view and I saw the door was slightly ajar. 
“Nadya.” I called. No answer. Everything froze, the quiet was deafening. “Nadya.” I called for her again, reaching to push the door open. Still silence. 
It felt like my heart turned into an anvil when I noticed that the lock was busted. Someone had kicked the door open. The room was completely trashed. Nadya wasn’t here. My first hope was that she came looking for me after I left and someone came here expecting to find us only to wreck the place in anger when they found it vacant, but looking around told me this wasn’t that kind of mess. There were signs of a struggle. My heart was thumping in my chest since I saw the door was open and now it was pounding harder and harder with each passing beat. 
I got within three feet of the desk when I smelled it. Turning towards the scent made me feel like I was going to pass out. The pounding in my chest became so intense that it completely consumed me. It rattled my entire being. My trembling hand came up to the corner of the desk where my fingertips ran through the streak of crimson staining the wood. There was nothing else I could feel besides her blood on the tips of my fingers. Nothing else that broke through the relentlessly painful thumping of my heart. 
The thumping turned into a buzzing in my entire body and before I knew it, I was on my knees, gripping the edge of the desk. “No, no, no…” I mumbled. My vice grip was so powerful that it actually started to splinter the wood. Horrific images played out in my mind as I thought about all the possible reasons why he took her. There was a chance that the next time I saw her, she wouldn’t be human. If you see her again. He could be doing worse things to her. Nadya could already be dead so he could dangle her body in front of me just to fuck with my head. 
“Don’t do this.” I pleaded with myself. I can stop this. I can save her, I just need to keep my shit together. Turn this terror into fury. I thought. Turn the fury into power. Destroy them all. It was working. My breathing leveled. My heartbeat was still aggressive, but for a different reason. Eventually, I found the strength to stand. I will find her. 
With everything inside of me burning, I went to the closet to retrieve one of my handguns. My hand grasped the cold handle and I shoved the pistol into the waistband of my pants, tucking a knife into my back pocket as well. Not that I really planned to use either of these weapons. I wanted to rip anyone that lay their hands on her apart with my bare hands. I wanted to tear their throats out with my teeth. The gun and the knife were just a precaution. 
Feeling prepared enough, not wanting to waste another second, I stormed out of our room with a vengeance. I will find her. 
I drifted in and out of consciousness for a while, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t open my eyes. I sensed motion, but I couldn’t tell if I was in a car or being carried. Probably both at different times. My limbs felt heavy, and my head was pounding. Most likely I had a concussion, the severity of which was too hard to gauge at the moment. 
Disembodied voices broke through the haze every now and then. I even caught a conversation. 
“Jesus, were you trying to kill her?”
There was a low growl, “All I did was smack her head against the desk. She put up a fight, I had to do something.” That was the voice of the werewolf that threatened me at the Lodge. 
“That’s a lot of blood, man. She hasn’t woken up yet?”
“I don’t think so… dammit. This might make things harder if she doesn’t make it.” 
“Maybe you’ll think about that next time.”
“Remember your place.” The wolf replied with another low growl. I guessed he was high ranking in whatever pack he was in. Maybe this was even the alpha, though he lacked something that didn’t quite make his warnings land perfectly. 
“Should we turn her? Maybe that will heal her.” 
Through the thick fog and the throbbing in my head, I felt fear at that.
“No, I don’t want that just yet. Who knows, that might kill her. Just watch her. Tie her up next to the other one that was brought in today.” 
The other one? Before I could properly ponder their exchange, I fell into darkness again.
When I finally came to, my eyes struggled to focus with the furious pulsating pain in my head. I tried to reach up and touch the source of my agony, but I found that my arms were held down by something. A few more seconds and I was able to tell that I was tied to a chair, my wrists tightly secured to the arms. I also felt something wet all over the side of my face. Blood. Specifically, my blood. I didn’t know how long I’ve been out so the fact that I was still bleeding could range anywhere from bad to really bad. The fact that the entire room was swaying couldn’t have been good either. If I had to guess, my concussion wasn’t mild. 
“Nadya.” Someone next to me whispered. 
My first instinct was to call for Jayde. 
“Nadya, it’s Skye.” 
Raising my head only made the pain worse, the nausea almost unbearable. I had to use all my strength not to puke. But my eyes landed on a blonde headed blur. 
“Shit, what did they do to you?” I could only barely make out Skye’s features twisting in concern and rage. 
“Smacked… my head.” I mumbled, recalling my captors' words. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here.” Skye reassured me. “Jayde will come for us.” 
I knew she was right. At her words, my mind began to clear a little more. It was getting easier to see. I slowly and painfully took in some of our surroundings. We were in a room, maybe an office? There was an old desk and a rolling chair that looked like some critter had eaten parts of it. Then I got a better look at Skye beside me. She was tied to a chair too. Her temple was scraped and bruised, but other than that she seemed okay. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Some assholes jumped me in town.” She explained. “Came out of nowhere. I thought they were hunters at first, but they’re wolves.”
“What do they want with us?” I asked, not understanding the point of all this. 
Skye shook her head, clearly at a loss, and looked at me with fear in her mossy eyes, “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” 
The possibilities made my stomach turn even more violently, and I shut my eyes again to stop the spinning. Then I started to worry about Jayde. With both me and Skye taken, I couldn’t even fathom what she must be going through right now. She definitely won’t be thinking rationally and that terrified me. Being concussed and tied to a chair, the only thing I could do was hope and pray that she wouldn’t get herself killed. 
The door to the room opened. First through was the man that kidnapped me. He grinned with malicious satisfaction at the sight of me being awake. God, that disgusting smile reminded me too much of Ruben. It made my skin crawl. Three other werewolves followed him in and took up defensive positions. One posted himself by the door and the other two flanked my kidnapper, confirming my earlier thought that this man was the alpha of his pack. Most of them crossed their arms to appear as intimidating as possible. 
The alpha took a few long moments to silently survey us. His charcoal eyes boring into mine like I was a delicious meal just waiting to be consumed. Then threw Skye a sharp scowl as he scanned her up and down scornfully. There was something like hatred in his stare, making me wonder if he knew who she was, and if he did, what exactly could she have done to receive such a look from him. Skye just stared back with equal venom. 
Eventually Skye’s gaze moved to the other wolves, then to me, then back to the alpha wolf. And she started to chuckle. Our audience looked at her as oddly as I did. I couldn’t figure out what was so amusing about this situation. 
“Something funny?” The alpha asked. 
Skye continued to laugh, “You guys are so fucked.” 
“How’s that?”
“Do you have any clue who exactly you’ve taken?” Skye continued with a crooked grin. “My sister is an alpha. And that—” she jerked her head at me, “That’s her mate. You’ve just made yourself public enemy number one.” The last sentence seemed to be the most tickling to Skye because she started to giggle at all of them, being the only one in the room that understood a hilarious joke. 
I worried what Skye’s boldness would cost her, so I spoke quickly, “She’s right, but if you let us go right now maybe we can stop anything from happening.” 
“Is that right, little lamb?” The alpha werewolf mused, walking over to lean over me. 
I tried not to let his words rattle my composure, “Please believe me when I tell you that Jayde will tear through this place. She’ll kill everyone in her path to get to us. But I can talk her down, nobody has to die. Just let us go.” 
He didn’t seem interested in anything I had to say. Instead, he chuckled and turned his back to me, walking nonchalantly around the office. His packmates looked just as amused. 
“Listen to me!” I begged frantically, desperate to avoid a bloodbath, “If you care about your pack, you’ll let us go. Don’t start a war that doesn’t need to happen.” 
“He doesn’t care about his pack.” Skye said, “Look at him. He’s a joke.” 
“Skye—” I started.
“Oh, girls, you don’t have any idea about what’s really going on here.” The alpha laughed bitterly. “It’s kind of cute”
I frowned in confusion at the same time Skye raised her eyebrows, “Well, I’m all ears, Tex. And as you can see, I’m not going anywhere either.” she urged. 
He fixed her with another burning glare, “My name is Anthony Mason.” 
Skye sat silently for a second before opening her hands in a confused shrug through her bonds, “Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”
Anthony shook his head and scoffed irritably, “Of course you don’t know who I am.” 
“Oh, are you a SoundCloud rapper? I think I have heard of you! You might wanna consider a different path, your stuff sounds a little rough.” Skye’s jab finally got a more violent reaction out of Anthony. He stepped forward and backhanded Skye across the face. Hard. After a grunt and a hiss, Skye only continued to laugh at him. 
“Please, stop this!” I begged. 
“No, keep hitting me. The more bruises my sister sees, the more pissed off she’s gonna be. How does it feel to dig your own grave?” 
“How does it feel to dig yours?” The alpha bit back. 
I was getting increasingly frustrated. “Skye, you’re not helping anything.” I scolded. 
“Get her out of here.” Anthony motioned to me.
One of the wolves standing back a bit shifted in excitement, “What do you want us to do with her?” 
“Set her up in the conference room for some one-on-one time later.” 
My stomach fully dropped.
“You got it.” 
As two wolves stepped forward to untie me from the chair, Skye’s expression became panicked. “You do anything to her, then you’ll all be torn apart!” 
“Don’t you worry, blondie.” One of the wolves said, flashing his teeth. 
Even though I was free, I knew I didn’t have the strength to fight off four werewolves. Even if I did, even if I succeeded, who knew how many more there were or even where on earth they held us. My only choice was to cooperate and hope that I get out of this alive and human. 
I was storming through the halls, trying to track Nadya’s scent, but her smell was everywhere here, so I tried focusing on the strange werewolf’s stench instead. He must have known I would try to track him because his trail went everywhere too. No doubt he wanted to spread his scent all over the Lodge to confuse me. This had to be all planned out.
My fist went through the wall when I was just led in yet another circle and I switched directions to start searching outside, ignoring the stinging on my knuckles. Underneath my skin was a need to shift, a need to release all of this terror and frustration and rip apart anything that got in my way. With my whole being feeling like I was going to burst open in fury, my mind kept flashing with horrible images of a dreaded failure. Every minute that passed only made those possibilities more likely, which set my teeth of edge. 
A figure was walking towards me quickly and it took a moment to recognize through my blinding rage that it was Toby. 
“Have you heard from Skye?” He asked hastily while holding up his burner phone, “She went into town this morning and hasn’t been answering— wait, what is it?” The concerned furrow in his brow only deepened at my expression. 
I wasn’t sure it was possible, but my stomach actually dropped even more. Without answering him, I pulled out my burner and dialed Skye’s number, waiting impatiently for her to answer. Each ring that passed seemed to drag me deeper into the dark pit that I was trapped in. 
“Jayde, what’s wrong, where’s Nadya?”
There was no answer, “Motherfucker,” I snarled so low that Toby flinched and I dialed my little sister’s number again, listening to those deafening rings. 
“Nadya was taken.” I replied through gritted teeth. 
“What?” Toby almost exclaimed in shock, “When? How?”
“She was gone when I got back to our room after looking for that asshole,” I explained, growling out another curse when the call went to voicemail. I dialed for a third time, praying that Skye was doing something loud and irresponsible instead of my other fears, “Our room was trashed. It looks like he slammed her head against the desk.” 
“Christ…” Toby mumbled and I sensed his fear and anger too. 
When the call went to voicemail yet again, I had to keep my voice from shaking, “Skye, I don’t know where you are or what you’re doing, but you call me as soon as you get this or I swear to god…” I wasn’t sure where I was going with that threat, so I shook my head and added, “Just fucking call me back.” and hung up. 
“What are we going to do?” Toby asked while I struggled not to crush my phone in my trembling fist. 
I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, but that did little to calm my pounding heart or disperse my scattered thoughts. “You, uh,” This time, my voice did shake. It trembled like my limbs and I swallowed back a wave of tears. I cleared my throat and tried desperately to hold myself together, “Ask everyone here if they saw anything and then meet me outside. I’m gonna try and track them down.” 
“Okay,” He agreed slowly. Then he reached out to put a hand on my shoulder, but hesitated like he was afraid to touch me right now. After a second, he rested his palm lightly on my arm and said, “We’ll get them back, Jayde.” 
I could only manage a halfhearted nod before pulling away and heading towards the exit, “I should fucking hope so.” 
It was hard to tell exactly how long I was waiting by myself for. I kept focusing on the pain in my head, trying to not let it make me appear vulnerable. I wasn’t sure what these werewolves would do if I acted like easy prey for them. The main thing I hung onto was that I was clearly here for a purpose and they didn't want me dead. Not yet at least. The longer I waited in silence, the more time Jayde would get to find us. 
Eventually the door opened again and Anthony stepped in. I noted him carrying a paper bag and a coffee cup in his hands. He set both on a table off to the side and sauntered up to where I was tied to a chair. I matched his intimidating stare as he stood still before me for a long, quiet moment and I was wondering if he was trying to think of what to do with me. Then he reached behind him and pulled out a switchblade, flicking it open threateningly. My body tensed, preparing for pain. 
“Don’t you worry, little lamb.” Anthony said with a devious smirk and actually cut away the duct tape holding me to the chair. 
I rubbed my wrists and scowled at him when he went over to retrieve the bag and cup, “I wish you would stop calling me that.” 
“It’s what you are,” He replied nonchalantly, returning to me, “But it doesn’t have to be.” The bag was set in my lap and I looked at him suspiciously, but he only nodded towards me in a gesture to open it. When I did, I saw a bag of chips, a bottle of water, and a neatly wrapped sandwich, “Eat.” 
“I’m not hungry.” 
“You should be.”
“Having my head slammed against a desk and being kidnapped kind of ruins my appetite.” I bit back. 
Anthony chuckled, “Oh, come on, no hard feelings, alright? Here,” he handed me the cup next and I felt warm liquid sitting inside, “Just the way you like it.” 
My eyes narrowed at him and I brought the cup up to my nose. It was coffee. A small sip confirmed that he was right, it was prepared exactly the way preferred. That's when it dawned on me. “How long have you been watching me?”
His grin became impressed, “I’ve been watching you and your girlfriend’s little pack for a few days now.” 
“Why? What do you want from us?” 
“I need to tie up loose ends,” He explained with surprising patience, “To keep myself safe.” 
I shook my head, “From what? From us? We don’t even know who you are.”
“You would have found out eventually and your girlfriend would have come after me. I had to beat it to the punch.” 
“Can you tell me why?”
His hands went to his hips and he started to casually walk around the room, “Did you know your girlfriend’s family was part of a big purebred pack?” 
I nodded, “Yeah, Jayde told me. They were respected, but the Thatchers were wiped out by hunters years ago.” 
“Mhm,” Anthony nodded too, “They were known for accepting lone wolves into their pack. Help the newly changed get a handle on things and either keep them or send them on their way. Sounded like a good deal. At least it did for me at the time.” 
I slowly placed the bag of food and coffee on the floor while staring at him intently, “You were part of the Thatcher pack?”
“For a time.” He confirmed, continuing his pacing around the room, “But they didn’t really care about the strays they took in. I was put into the shittiest corner of their compound, and even though they told me I was part of their pack, it was obvious that I didn’t really belong there. I was a charity case for them, along with any other newby wolf they were helping, and nothing more. We were only there to make them look good. So when I tried to make my own pack and leave, you know what they did? Your girlfriend’s grandparents took everything I had and kicked me to the curb.” 
It was hard to wrap my head around that. From what I’ve heard, Jayde’s grandparents were good people. While I never got the chance to meet them and never will, my instincts told me that they wouldn’t have done that without proper cause to. Which led to my instincts also telling me that there was more to that story than what Anthony was telling me. There must be, because I still couldn’t figure out why he was holding me and Skye hostage. Did his hatred for the Thatchers really run that deep? To come after the last two survivors that had nothing to do with what was done to him? 
Then I remember what he said a minute ago. He was scared of Jayde coming after him before he even captured us. “What did you do?” 
Anthony sighed in frustration, surprisingly with himself. I may have even caught some remorse before he looked away briefly, “Look, I’ll admit that it was a bit of a low blow. I was pissed off and I didn’t really think it through.”
“What did you do?” I repeated.
When he looked back at me, his expression turned dead, “I went to a group of hunters and turned them in. Made a deal for my freedom and gave them all of the information I knew about the pack and the compound.” 
My eyes widened and my heart dropped as I realized I was face to face with the person that was responsible for the destruction of Jayde’s family, and by extension, her capture and the death of her parents. 
Anthony nodded at the shock written all over my face, “So you see? I have to finish this in order to survive.” 
“So w-what’s your plan?” I stuttered through my suddenly rapid breath.
“I’m gonna kill your girlfriend and her sister.” His explanation was disturbingly calm, like he was teaching me how to tie my shoes, “I’m gonna keep the both of you here for about a day and a half, make sure your girlfriend is going out of her mind trying to find you, then I’ll let her know we’re here. She’ll be reckless and desperate, careless even, and people like that aren’t too hard to take down.” 
I felt stray tears fall down my cheeks and firmly shook my head, “You’re wrong about that. She’ll be focused. And when she gets here, she’s going to kill all of you.” I locked my pleading gaze of his, “Just let us go and we can all walk away from here. I’ll make sure she doesn’t come after you. Please.” 
A moment of silence filled the room as we stared each other down. Then Anthony sighed, shaking his head, and started for the door, “Eat, little lamb.” He ordered over his shoulder and disappeared, leaving me alone in the locked room once more.
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h-eckers · 7 years
Hey, Peter!
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A/N: This was based on an idea that @thekillingquill gave me but I think it’s fair to say that i got carried away with it. I don’t mind though, I had fun writing it even if it took me a million years. Also, I’ve only seen the movie once so excuse any minor mistakes.
Part 2
Summary: Of course someone was bound to find the web fluid, after all, a drawer in a chemistry desk wasn’t exactly a world class hiding place.
Word Count: 4,308
Warnings: There’s at least a single swear.
Maybe it was the tone of her teacher’s voice, maybe it was the boring beige colour on the walls that she always found herself staring at, or maybe it was just the subject itself, but whatever the reason was one thing was absolutely definite; chemistry was the most boring subject she’d ever taken. Even when they were mixing concoctions they weren’t allowed to make anything explode so what was the point in paying attention.
So, once again, she found herself slumped onto her desk eyes drifting back to the dull walls as her mind wandered to more interesting things, things worth spending brain power on. The monotone drawlings of her teacher faded into a soft buzzing at the back of her head, like a fly that refused to be caught as she found anything she could to busy her fingers fiddling with the rim of a filled beaker on her desk, in her unfocused stupor she glanced up for a moment her fingers slipping and tipping the beaker towards herself just enough to spill half the contents directly into her lap before she could get the container upright. “Shit,” she squealed before she could stop herself, jerking backwards slightly as every eye in the room zeroed in on her, including those of her teacher who was simply glaring perhaps because of the disruption, or maybe because of the language she’d chosen to use, “uh, sorry… What is this stuff again?”
“It’s only saline solution, which you would be aware of if you were paying attention.” He chastised, though he sounded somewhat resigned, like a man who’d told a cat one too many times to ‘stay off the furniture’ and now was simply saying it out of obligation, not because he believed the damn cat would actually stay off the cabinetry. In this situation, the metaphorical cat was in fact, Y/N, a most difficult student despite being the most inquisitive person one could aspire to meet. “Get it cleaned up.” He sighed wistfully before returning to addressing the rest of the class on the subject of chemistry.  
Y/N nodded hastily to herself and looked frantically for something to mop up the liquid that was still dripping off the desk and into her lap. She leaned over, pulling open the drawer in the side of the desk in hopes of finding a towel of some kind, what actually seemed to reside in the drawer was much stranger. On instinct, she jerked her hand back hastily like she’d touched something scolding, and even so she leaned in closer. It was webs, or at least it looked like spider webs, but it was nothing a spider would have done. It was too disorganized, even the structural element seemed altered from that of a normal web, and with that knowledge in her mind she reached out to touch it, “Definitely not spider web.” she mumbled to herself. Unfortunately, Y/N was a person who had run into her fair share of spider webs while she walked, distracted by her phone or a book that she’d picked up on a whim, and sure it was sticky and a pain in this ass, but it definitely didn’t feel like this.
It was thick, and it stuck to her fingers at even the slightest touch, it smelt of chemicals she didn’t pay enough attention to be able to identify, the pattern in the drawer was erratic and unplanned, like it had been entirely an accident and she wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was an accident. Someone had made this in a school lab, and she was willing to bet that it wasn’t for an extra credit project. “What the fuck?”
“Miss. Y/L/N!” she jumped at the sound of the voice, her eyes darting up towards the front as she slammed the drawer shut, narrowly missing getting her fingers caught.
“I was looking for a towel.” She defended, stumbling over almost every word, trying to adjust to or justify what she’d just found in her mind to absolutely avail.
“What part of that activity requires the foul language?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
‘Oh, so you notice me swearing but the chemistry nerd with the spider kink slips past your keen eye?’ She thought, having to bite her tongue to keep from letting those words tumble out into the waiting ears of the entire classroom, “Sorry, sir, won’t happen again.” She sighed, giving a sweet smile for emphasis. He seemed unimpressed but nodded nevertheless.
“It better not, once more and I won’t be so forgiving.” And with that he went back to teaching, Y/N attempted to refocus on the lesson at hand and for about 23 seconds she succeeded, but whose mind wouldn’t wander after they’d just discovered a man-made spider gunk in the drawer of their desk. So, for the rest of the lesson she quietly contemplated who might be the culprit, and -perhaps due to a painful lack of friends- she came up blank, and to add to that frustration, her jeans were still wet and she’d lost hope in them properly drying before class let out.
When the bell went, everyone was hurrying to leave, as though they didn’t have another class to be at in ten minutes time anyway. Y/N hung back, digging in her bag, hoping she’d left her gym shorts buried somewhere in there, and in the first stroke of luck she’d encountered that day, she had. When she was alone in the room, everyone having cleared out, she pulled off the quickest change of her life and immediately regretted the decision to wear her Burgundy sweater today, the glaring yellow shorts didn’t exactly bring the outfit together. Still, her time to worry about that was limited to nothing considering she would be late for her next class if she didn’t leave now, but there was one thing she couldn’t shake from her mind.  In a last minute decision, she crouched beside the desk and opened the small drawer, examining the webbing that sat there for a short moment before she took a sharp intake of breath and shoved her hand into it, grabbing as much as possible in a single fistful, shoving it into the front pocket of her backpack and wiping away the excess on the material of her bag, some stayed stuck to her fingers which she was sure would annoy her all day. With that bad decision out of the way she zipped up the front pocket of her bag and wandered out of the classroom as inconspicuously as possible, checking her phone to confirm exactly how late she was, only two minutes.  
The stroll to math class was leisurely, personally she had little aptitude for what you would call ‘traditional’ schooling, she preferred to learn of her own accord on whatever subject pulled her interest, for instance, she’d spend this afternoon with her head buried in research on spiders and their web patterns, no doubt.
She didn’t bother knocking when she arrived, nobody who’d met her expected her to be anywhere on time and so the fact that she strolled in within the first half of the lesson was nothing short of a miracle. The teacher paused for half a second at the interruption before he proceeded without acknowledgement of her arrival, and Y/N wasted little time finding her place, slipping into her seat in the second last row, all the way to the left. “Hey, Y/N.” The boy beside her said in a whisper, smiling with his whole face as she turned to him, beaming back with a matching expression.  
“How’s it hanging, Ned?” She asked, hushed in tone as she pulled a textbook for the wrong subject out of her bag.  
“I got the new Lego Death Star,” he said, pulling a Lego figurine out of his pocket, imitating the characters voice as he continued, “it’s awesome.”
“I don’t doubt that, dude.” She chuckled back, trying to look busy, Ned looked her over his eyebrows furrowing as he chuckled softly.  
“Why are you wearing your gym shorts?” He snickered, causing the girl he was addressing to examine her own attire again.  
“It’s the new fashion, all the girls are doing it.” She deadpanned, looking him directly in the eye, but the moment his expression started to drop, she laughed, shaking the seriousness from her features, “No, I just spilt water on myself, and I’d rather look like a doofus than like I peed myself.” She explained and his smile came back in full force.  
“You’re so weird.” He mumbled and she shrugged in response.  
“But isn’t that the best thing to be?” she sighed, and with that Ned’s attention drifted back to the lesson and Y/N’s turned to her phone, concealed under her desk as she scanned the Wikipedia page on spider webs, and the different species patterning. As per usual, she was sceptical to take the word of a wiki article and followed the source links, one after another, trying to find something or anything that made sense after her search on ‘man-made spider webs’ only turned up YouTube videos and articles on that Spider-Man guy she’d seen all over the news.  
The lesson passed her by in what seemed like seconds, she was only jerked back into reality when the bell rang out, and on any other day she’d be grateful for the time going so fast, but with no answers to any of what she wanted to know, she was feeling less than satisfied to say the absolute least.  As everyone filed out, she stood with her brows knitted together in frustration, she wasn’t going to accept defeat but whoever had made this stuff knew what they were doing, and if the was one thing Y/N never knew, it was what she was doing, and she was willing to admit this was going to be a harder solve than she’d first thought. “Are you okay?” Ned asked, his timid voice making the tension in her face ease slightly, he was so sweet it was hard not to smile around him.  
“I’m fine,” she chuckled, brushing it off, but just as she did a thought appeared in the back of her mind, like a tiny bell starting to ring, “you have chemistry the period before me don’t you?”
“Yeah, I think so, why?” The class had emptied by now, which left them alone which she was thankful for, this was weird enough without some asshole making a big deal of it all.  
“Do you know who sits in the fourth row from the back, on right, the seat closest to the middle?” She asked, noting how Ned seemed to have to think pretty hard about where exactly she meant.  
“Oh, Peter sits there!” He blurted out as soon as he reached the revelation, “Why did he leave something behind?”
Peter Parker, of course it was Peter, the kid was basically a genius and those guys always had weird stuff going on when nobody was looking. Y/N nodded slowly, choosing to confide in Ned for the sake of research “Maybe, I was looking for a towel earlier and I found this stuff in one of the drawers.” As she spoke she swung the bag around to her front, unzipping the small pocket in her backpack, showing the webbing that had attached itself to the material. That was going to be a bitch to clean.  
Ned’s eyes widened marginally, but enough for her to notice it, he held his breath as he tried to come up with some fabrication that could get himself and his friend out of the situation at hand unscathed, “It’s uh, a project. Right yeah, it’s a chemistry project for, uhm, extra credit because he’s falling behind. His, uh, his internship with Stark takes up all his time so uh, yeah…” He sputtered out, proceeded by a nervous chuckle. The boy was sweet but he was a terrible liar. “I have to go.” He spat out quickly, speed walking out of the classroom before she could gather her bearings enough to stop him.  
“Something weird is going on.” She mumbled to the empty room as she too headed for the exit, one thing she was sure of was that Peter definitely had something to do with it, and she had no idea why.
The rest of her day was spent in much the same curiosity, her rapt attention devoted to what she’d so intellectually deemed ‘the weird web stuff’. By the time she was walking home she’d gone over a million different theories, every single one of which lacked evidence, some of which didn’t even make sense, but hopefully she could piece together something. Wildly distracted and slightly disoriented by the whole situation, she found herself walking the wrong way to get home, somehow managing to end up at the back of the school where it was all but deserted. Deserted except one other person.  
If anytime was a good one to ask him something, it was now, when he was cornered and staring at one of the massively tall fences at the back of the school as though he was assessing it. Y/N breathed deeply as she took a few quick steps towards him, making it all of three feet before he took a short run and jumped the fence as though it was only inches tall. Her whole body froze up on her immediately, tensing on instinct as her mind tried to process what her eyes were refusing to. Peter didn’t seem to notice her there, he just kept walking as though he hadn’t committed an act that was highly improbable if not completely impossible. “Not possible.” She mumbled softly to herself, approaching the fence slowly, standing directly at the base and gazing up at its immense height, she jumped once only to find what she’d assumed she would; she couldn’t even clear half her own height with all of her effort.  
“Who the hell is this kid?” she mused softly, watching him through the fence as he broke into a run, her eyes narrowing as she watched his retreating figure.
As intriguing as it was, as intriguing as he had just become, she couldn’t stand at the fence in disbelief for the rest of her life. She did stand there for a solid half an hour, trying to comprehend how he could have achieved such a feat, she came up blank, it was impossible, but she knew what she had seen and there was no talking herself out of it.
The walk home took longer than usual her pace sluggish as she let her mind flick between what she had found and what she had seen and how on god’s great earth the two things could be even remotely linked to one and other. This was a day she was having trouble adjusting to, and for good reason. The path was so familiar to her that she was sure she didn’t even need to pay attention to where she went, she could get home on muscle memory alone and with other things occupying her busy head that’s exactly what she attempted to do. She mentally filed through all of the information she’d gathered, trying to make sense of what had happened and how any of it affected her. As she wandered almost as fast as her thoughts, she’d assumed autopilot would kick in and she’d end up at her front door, kicking off her shoes, in no time, it was only when she noticed the unusual ache in her legs that she snapped back to reality and surveyed her surroundings. Immediately, dread flooded her chest and her blood went cold when it became apparent that she didn’t recognise a single thing in the area, an area she’d definitely never explored, and quite possibly never seen.
The panic was immediate and almost crippling, she felt trapped in a wide open space and the sun was beginning to set even now, she’d been walking for hours, she hadn’t even realised. At night, everything looked even stranger, everything became even more foreign as the light disappeared and it only served to make her heartbeat spike to what felt like dangerous levels.  I should have been paying attention! The frightened voice in her head was screaming at her as she fumbled her phone from out of her pocket and opened it, opening Google maps to find her way home, the app had barely opened before her screen went dark and that dreaded empty battery symbol flashed up before the device shut down completely, she’d spent all day researching Goddamn spider webs, and it had drained her battery to nothing. She was stuck.
The afternoon light was fading quickly and she had to make a decision about what to do, it was a city, surely she could find a phone somewhere, but the only number she had memorized was her own and that wasn’t helpful. She could ask directions, but in an unknown part of town she wasn’t exactly comfortable approaching strangers. The only viable option that she could come up with was that she would have to figure it out on her own, and try to retrace her steps from memory, a hazy and distracted memory that couldn’t exactly be trusted but was all she had. Y/N took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm slightly as she started walking back the way she came, ignoring the shaking of her own hands and the way her heart fluttered into her throat with each step she took on aching legs. The burning in her muscles seemed only to make her more fearful every time someone passed her she ducked her head and stared at the ground, without the company of her music the city sounds frightened her simply because she knew they were ones she didn’t recognise and even as she sped up and tried desperately to remember which way she came from, she couldn’t see anything that looked remotely familiar.
The sun was gone now, and she’d been left alone with only the company of streetlights. Alleys and roads that weren’t lit properly weren’t an option to her anymore and that meant that she could be shuffling about this town all night. The time was unknown to her, she couldn’t check her phone and was too afraid to ask, her legs we’re shaking from the cold and from being overworked, there wasn’t anywhere nearby she could take shelter but if she tried to force herself to stand any longer she’d collapse. Near terrified and unsure of what to do next, Y/N sat down carefully on the steps outside an apartment block, if anyone tried to harass her she figured she could yell here and someone would hear her and come to help, at least that was the hope.  At that point she’d been forcing herself not to cry for at least three hours and it wasn’t working anymore, she could feel hot tears on her cheeks as she peered out at the street, desperately searching for a sign with a street name she recognised. She couldn’t find one.
It was deserted, and somehow that made her more frightened, her chest was heaving with breathless sobs, short with panic, as she breathed in freezing air that burnt her lungs with each vibrating exhale. Over the crying, she didn’t hear the soft thud of someone landing gracefully, or the nervous shuffling of their feet. 
“Uhm, are you okay?” He asked just loud enough to be heard, her head jerked up slightly, her watering eyes meeting the covered face of a boy she only recognised from news clips and YouTube videos.  
“A-are you… actually Spiderman?” She asked softly after grasping for a moment for something, anything, to say in that situation, and he only nodded, rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous tick.  
“Yeah, I heard you crying I thought you might need some help. What’s wrong?” In true super hero style, his immediate instinct was to deflect the attention to the distressed, or maybe that was just his kind heart, either way she smiled and used her sleeve to wipe her face.  
“I just got lost, and my phone died, I should have been home hours ago.” She shrugged.  
“I can take you home if you want? I know every inch of this city and I could probably get you back before you freeze to death too.” He offered up, she couldn’t see him smile in the suit but she could hear it in his voice, and just the fact that she wasn’t alone anymore made her heart beat slow as she started to calm.  
“Yeah, if you have time.” She beamed, her cheeks still flushed and puffy, “I’d hate to keep you from fighting all the real crime.”
“Wandering the city in the dark in those shorts is a real crime.” He chuckled, Y/N glanced down and cringed at her bright yellow gym shorts, she’d forgotten she’d put those on.  
“You might be right…” She grumbled, pulling herself up off the step, giving him her address.
They started walking in relative quiet, it wasn’t often she walked home with anyone, let alone a boy who was all but an honorary avenger. “I guess you can’t tell me much about yourself can you.” She finally said.
“Not really, the whole secret identity thing and all that.” He sighed heavily, his shoulders dropping slightly as though it was a great difficulty to keep his identity hidden. Which, in all fairness, she assumed it would be.  
“I guess Stark didn’t get the memo on that…” she muttered, he laughed beside her, full and unrestrained. It was a familiar sound and her eyebrows knitted together as she tried to recognise it. 
“That’s true, but Mister Stark and I aren’t exactly on the same level,” he paused after that, only a second passed before he stuttered out a continuation, “b-but I’m a lot closer than you’d think, and I’m definitely very valuable to him and our, uh, team!” He managed to get out, his chest puffing up with a cute kind of pride. 
“I don’t doubt it.” She giggled back, the thoughtfulness falling from her face to make way for a smile.   
Somehow the conversation spiralled from there into a discussion of literally every other member of the avenger and just how cool they really were, Y/N even listened as he excitedly recounted the battle he’d been part of with the whole team, she’d never seen someone so proud of having stolen a shield… But that wasn’t something she’d experienced often either.  
From there it morphed to a conversation about superheroes in comic books, and then movies, and then they ended up on a tangent that had them talking about ‘Lord of the Rings’, and by the time they’d reached the front of her building they’d somehow managed to find their way to ‘Star Wars’.  
“I just think it’s unrealistic that the Death Star would have such major design flaw!” She argued and he scoffed, Spider-Man scoffed at her.
“But they explained that it was planted there intentionally in ‘Rouge One’!” he shot back.  
“Okay but how come no one else in the process of checking the plans, construction, and testing it before everyone just hopped on board, noticed that giant gaping issue, hmm?” She asked, her knowledge wasn’t the most expansive if she was honest, she’d seen all the movies countless times though, and this had always confused her, even after ‘Rogue One’.
“…look are you going inside or not?” He asked, clearly defeated, she obviously couldn’t see his face but she could imagine the expression and it filled her with a delight she couldn’t quite explain.  
“I guess I should.” She chuckled, wandering hesitantly up the stairs in front of her building, he stayed planted at the bottom, watching her get to her door safely.  
“I have a friend who has a Lego Death star, so tonight I’m definitely asking him, because there has to be an explanation.” He huffed softly, “And I know where you live now so I will come back when I have the answer!”
At first she laughed and shook her head, and then she frowned with some vague recognition, and then, after a long moment of things falling into place in her mind and ends being tied up, her eyes widened and she almost choked on the air she was breathing. The web in his desk, how weird Ned had acted, him jumping the impossibly high fence, and that familiar laugh, it couldn’t be and yet…
“You alright?” He asked, watching her standing idle at her door, she whipped back around to face him perhaps too fast.
“Yeah I’m fine, totally fine, thank you for walking me home.” She stumbled slightly on her words but still smiled, trying to figure out how to proceed from her, trying to decide whether or not she should make it known that she… well, knew. 
The familiar boy in the spider suit cleared his throat and nodded, “Okay… I’ll see you later.” he mumbled awkwardly, turning to walk away. Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed away the anxiety of what she was going to do next, if it really was him who knows how he’d react, and if it wasn’t she’d look insane.
“Hey, Peter!” She called out, the words coming out too loud and almost without her control, he turned. He turned. “Thanks again.” She said quickly.  
“You’re welcome.” He waved, and watched her scurrying inside her building, tripping over her own feet. It was confusing to see her so flustered so suddenly, and for a moment he brushed it off, walking back down the street, whistling tunes to himself.
He got to the street corner before his whole body froze up and his shoulders tensed.  
“She called me Peter.”
Also tagging: @tasteofswallowedwords bc she also wanted to read and she’s amazing
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sunken-standard · 7 years
Should Sherlock really is an alien reporter send to the Earth, how Molly would react? Is it safe at all to sleep with could-be-alien in the same bed, even if not sleep-sleeping?
I was going to just answer this like a normal person, but I did a thing.
(AUset within the Tom-verse)
“Soyou’re actually…?”
“Andyou’re not just joking around?”
“Hadsex.  Doesn’t that violate some kind of prime directive orintergalactic law about interspecies… relations or something?  OhGod, you weren’t trying to probeme, were you?”
Sherlockmade a frustrated noise.  "We don’t actually do that. Well, not any more.  It used to be a thing, like… an initiationritual.  Or a school prank.  That sort of thing.  That’s beenbanned.  Consensual interspecies relations are completely fine,though.  Encouraged, even, though I never saw much relevance tocollecting that data myself.“
“Oh,cheers, then,” Molly said, annoyed.  It was bad enough she justfound out she’d shagged an actual alien, but then for him tobasically call it irrelevant…
“UntilI met you, obviously.  And now we’ve got to the point where I can’treally keep it a secret from you any longer, what with—” hegestured vaguely in her direction.
“Whatwith what?”
“Ourchild, which you’re now carrying.”
“Sherlock,we had sex less than a week ago, I’m not pregnant, that’s not howhumans work.”
“Youfelt a strange cramping sensation yesterday morning and your bodytemperature’s been elevated since.  Your breasts are also moresensitive than usual today.  No nausea yet, but don’t be surprised ifit starts in a day or two.”
“It’sPMT, they always feel like this before I get my period.  I mean, it’sa little early, but perimenopause is a thing and every month is a newuterine adventure these days.”
“Andevery day is about to become a new uterine adventure, since you are,in fact, carrying a half-alien baby and will be for the next nine totwelve months.  Not many hybrids between my species and yours, hardto really pin down an exact timeframe.”
“Areyou high?  I mean it.  Seriously, are you on something right now?”
“No,I’ve concluded that phase of the human experiment.”
“AskMycroft, he’ll confirm everything.”
“Becausehe’s an alien too.”
“No,he’s just a textbook example of a maladjusted human.  He’s my contactin the British Government.  They know about me and my exile—er,assignment,” he looked quickly away.
“Sowhat about your parents?”
“Mycroft’sparents.  They rather like me, though.”
“Wasanother alien, yes, but not from my planet.”
“SoI’ve slept with two aliens?  Tom wasn't—”
“No,and we’ll never speak of him again.  You really slept with Moriarty?”
“Once. It was our third date.”
“Youonly went out with him three times.”
“Andwhy do you think that was?”
Hisface folded into some complicated origami of confusion.
Mollyshook her head.  She wasn’t explaining it.
Alien. Sherlock Holmes was an alien.  It all made sense.
And,oh yeah, maybe she actually was pregnant with his half-alien baby.
“Canwe visit your home planet?” she asked, because where the helldoes one even begin with that?
“Uh,no.”  He widened his eyes and pursed his lips.  "Let’s justsay my ticket here was one-way.“
"Doyou have two hearts?”
“Mostpeople think I don’t even have one.”
Mollymade a face.  People were idiots anyway.
“You’veexamined me,” he said.  "The biology is pretty much bogstandard, though organ placement is a little… fluid, but everythingfunctions more or less the same.  You can take all the samples youlike.  You just can’t show them to anyone.“
"I…think I need to sit down,” Molly said.  
“Why,are you feeling ill?  We’ll need to keep detailed records ofeverything,” Sherlock said, guiding her down to the sofa andthen hovering.
“It’sjust a lot to take in.  Does John know?”
“Nope,though I don’t think it would surprise him.  Still, I’d rather keepthis between us for now.”
“Whatam I supposed to tell my Mum?”
“Thatyou’ve met a very nice and completely human man and decided to do thethings people do and live in a flat and have babies.  We can get adog, too.  I’d like a dog.”
“Thisis mad.”
“Sois everything your people do, but they do it anyway.  Speaking ofdoing it anyway, I know we’ve already fulfilled the primary objectiveof sex, but I was wondering if we could do it some more.  I’d like alarger sample size before I report back on the experience.”
“Youare not reporting anything to anyone about our sex life.”
Sherlocklooked genuinely torn.
“Fine,”he said finally.  "But I at least get to try the probe thing,then.“
"Nooooo,”Molly said.
“Maybefor something special.  No promises,” Molly said.  She alwaysgave in on everything.
Sherlocksmirked.  "No time like the present to start that datacollection, then.“
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bffhreprise · 4 years
Entry 322
 I didn’t join in when James guided everyone in magical practice, being allowed to sit and watch, but I roamed the room watching instead.  “Magic is real.”  The words repeated in my head over and over as I saw the things these people could do.  The first step, from what I was told, was getting to a point where I could see the energy floating around us.  From there, he’d be teaching me how to orient the energy into spells.
 When James called the lesson over, I was honestly disappointed, wishing I could see more spells in action.  What was practiced was nothing like what James had performed, but each little spell delighted me.
 “Iris, do you have time to work a little longer?” questioned James as the others either practiced a little longer or wandered out.
 “Yeah.  I was planning on it.” I replied, hoping he didn’t really think I was bailing out so quickly on my second day.
 “Excellent.  I appreciate your enthusiasm.  Don’t forget to take advantage of our numerous benefits too.  Oh!  If you paid for Ancient Tribes of Earth, we’ll refund you, since the game is also a perk for employees here.
 “Never tried it.” I replied with a shrug.
 He stared at me, blinked, and kept staring for a moment.  Ignoring the fairy who obviously still wanted his attention, he said, “Let’s go get your account set up.”
 “Huh?  What about work?” I questioned.
 “Consider yourself being employed to play the game for the next couple hours.” he replied, guiding the way.  James obviously enjoyed the video game, gushing praise about the graphics, options, and gameplay.
 When we reached the foyer, there was a crowd of people carrying presents of numerous sizes.  James stopped and asked, “What’s all this?”
 The fairy had vanished and was no longer sending images to my head, which was a bit disappointing now that I had grown accustomed to her… ramblings?  What would I even call a bombardment of sensations to my brain?
 Mila curtsied and said, “Courtesy callers with gifts for Lady Pendreigh, Master.”
 The entire group of people bowed to James, spotting him after Mila curtsied.  
 “Am I supposed to bow to you?” I questioned nervously.  Once again, I was wondering about my new boss.  Who was he that would have strangers bowing to him?
 “Please don’t.” he replied in a whisper.  “You are very welcome to attend the party tonight if you wish.  My fiancée’s celebrating her birthday today with a surprisingly small party.  Apparently, she’s accustomed to only celebrating once every four years, but I’m not letting her get away with that here.”
 “What?  Why so rarely?” I asked in surprise.
 “She was born on the twenty-ninth and had a most peculiar mother.” whispered James, obviously not wanting the others to hear.  “Unfortunately, the other birthday girl is currently out of town on a job, or we’d be celebrating with her as well.”
 “I’ll be relaying everything to her tonight.” stated Mila with a smile.
 Nodding, James said, “Still won’t quite be the same, but I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
 Following James into the large, octagonal room with floor-to-ceiling mirrors, I asked “Do people normally work on their birthday here?  I can if needed.  I just usually celebrate with my family.”
 “Everyone’s free to take their birthday off.  Most do.  Portentia’s current assignment is like a gift to herself, really.  You’ll never meet someone more motivated than she is.  She’ll quite literally work ceaselessly, never stopping for food or rest, until she’s accomplished a goal if she really wants something done.” he stated matter-of-factly.
 “That’s not healthy.” I told him out of concern for the girl.
 He smiled and said, “Portentia’s incapable of sleeping and doesn’t need sustenance, so she’s very different in that regard.”
 I took a moment to try to make sure I didn’t mishear him.  Someone working here couldn’t sleep, and didn’t need to eat or drink.  I opened my mouth to ask him about that, but didn’t get the chance.
 “Iris’ father is interested in having Best Friend For Hire join in his company’s baseball league, so Iris may be feeling concerned over us competing.” announced Mila, standing behind James and looking humble as ever.
 My eyes had to be bulging in a cartoon-like fashion as I asked “What?  How did you know about that?”
 “Your father sent an email to us a few minutes ago.” she explained.
 “Please tell him that we’ll accept.  We’ll get some practice in restraint.” replied James, smiling again.  “That’ll be for this summer, correct?”
 “Yes, Master.” she confirmed.
 Meanwhile, all I could think was that I needed to stop this.  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?  Dad’s really competitive, and um… you… this place… Isn’t that unfair?”
 “Incredibly.” agreed James.  “They probably won’t ask us again next year, but we’ll happily oblige this year.  Making new friends is part of what we do here, but I assure you that all of us have practice at holding back.  I’m not honestly sure what would even happen if I hit a ball with all I’ve got.”
 “Neither the ball nor the bat would survive impact, Master.” insisted Mila.
 “Ha.  Imagine Raine going all out.” he replied with a grin.
 “That would be quite catastrophic for the surroundings.” agreed Mila.
 Still grinning, James looked into my eyes and asked “Going to warn your father?”
 I shook her head and said, “He wouldn’t believe me even if I tried.  I still can’t believe what I saw just this morning.”
 “I do hope you enjoy working for us, even if there’s an adjustment period.” he told me with obvious sincerity.  “Oh, I should mention that the party tonight will be informal, so there’s no need to dress up for it.”
 Nodding and looking around, I asked “You use this for video games?”  The room was gorgeous, though the circle of outward-facing chairs in the center seemed a little out of place to me.
 “Yes.  Ancient Tribes of Earth, mostly.  Ready to give it a try?” he inquired hopefully.
 “I guess.” I told him, never having gotten hooked on video games.  Why would I blow my time pretending to do something when I could go out there and do it?
 “We could do something else if you’d prefer.” he suggested.  “Emma told me that you seemed to like the zoomies.  Kayla was going to join you, but her brother made her get back to work before you were finished with the paperwork.  Whatever the case, you’ll be paid for your time today no matter how we spend it.”
 “Well, shouldn’t I be studying or something.  Mila had said there was a great deal to learn.” I pointed out.
 “There is.” insisted Mila.
 “No doubt, but I can’t believe you haven’t tried this.” he told me, looking as surprised as he sounded.  “Mila’s mother made it.”
 “Her mother?” I asked, wondering how an A.I. could have a mother.
 “Aaliyah Sypher, my secretary, is also the president of Global Princess Entertainment, the company which made this game.” he explained.
 “She’ll be thirteen this year.” stated Mila.
 “Your secretary is thirteen!?” I asked incredulously.
 “She looks far younger.  You’ll see.” he replied, looking amused.
 Before I could organize my thoughts on how to get a better explanation, two of the enormous mirrors lit up, showing an opening video of a dazzling, fantastical world.  “A thirteen-year-old made this?” I questioned aloud, not being able to picture a girl that young making such a life-like video, much less a whole game.
 “I believe she was twelve at release.  She might have been eleven when she started working on it.  Hard to say.” stated James in reply.
 “Very.” agreed Mila.  “Mother enjoys confusing people with her age.  If you don’t mind, I can import your information for account creation directly from our company database.”
 “Uh… sure.” I told her.
 Smiling and motioning toward one of the screens, Mila said, “There you are.  Simply input your account name and password.”
 “What about payment?” I asked, noticing the monthly subscription section, which was greyed out.
 “Free subscription is one of the perks you have as an employee of Best Friend For Hire.” explained Mila.
 “So it’s not taken out of my pay?” I confirmed.
 “Of course not.  The Master would be devastated if Mother secretly charged employees.” insisted Mila.
 I nodded and followed Mila’s instructions as I went through the process of designing a character.  Noticing that I missed some options, Mila was quick to point out the extra features, demonstrating that I could change every last detail of my character, even adding precise blemishes to the skin.  She, of course, controlled the screen mentally… electronically…?  This place made things confusing.  Mila’s first character example looked exactly like her, so I asked her to do me, which was just a bit great to see.  My brothers would love seeing me in a video game!  Well, they’d be jealous and want to try it, but this was cool.
 “Make me taller!” exclaimed Iris with a grin.  I always wanted to be a little taller.
 Mila obliged, and then said, “You can also be any of these other species.”  She explained the benefits of each different species while also listing off who-played-what.  Then we continued on to other options.
 “So what do you actually do in the game?” I questioned.
 “Socialize, adventure, and try to save the world from evil.” replied James, his screen… mirror…?  nearly covered in different chat windows.
 “Other than saving the world, can’t you do that stuff in real life instead?” I pointed out.
 “The Master is quite capable of saving the world in real life.” insisted Mila with no sign of joking.
 I had trouble believing in obvious, world-threatening evil in the real world, but I said, “Then that’s even less reason to do it in a game.”
 “But in the game, you don’t have to worry about the ramifications of your actions as much.  If someone dies here, they can be resurrected.  In the real world, consequences are far more permanent.” explained James, sounding all too serious.  He was a wizard, and I didn’t have a clue what all he could do with magic.  Maybe he already had fought evil?
 “Fine, I’ll try it.” I assured him, continuing on with the character creation.   “What should I name her?”
 “Have a favorite name?” he asked.
 “Trixie.” I told him, typing the name in myself.  “These keyboards are so strange.”  The keyboard wasn’t real, just being some sort of projection on a tray.
 “Mother will be disappointed that you didn’t go through the chair tutorial, but no one does the entire thing.” replied Mila.  “Mother is, however, flattered by your name choice.  Her middle name is Trixibelle.”
 “Oh.  That’s cool.” I absently told her.  Then what she had said finally registered.  “Did you already tell her?”
 “Of course.  We talk continuously most days.” replied Mila with a smile.
 James asked me to accept an invitation into his guild, casually brushing off the number of members as if that was nothing.  I could hardly believe tens of thousands of people followed James around in a game world.  How did he manage that?
 Mila showed me how to alter the chat, so I’d only see when people were talking to me.  There were so many options just for the chat program.  I could set filters for keywords that would add anyone mentioning them to my viewable chat as well.  James, on the other hand, seemed to be absorbing everything, despite his chat scrolling by at incredible speed.
 After getting through the initial quests, James and I took some quests together, which was more fun than I expected.  Eventually, I did pull myself away to do actual work, which turned out to be more gamelike than expected.  The company’s tutorials were apparently written by Aaliyah as well, so that explained the similar design, carefully walking through what would be expected, how training worked, and the benefits of schooling through the Institute of Autodidacticism over a normal college.  My parents really weren’t going to believe this place.
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