#i’ve thought so much about it i have so many ideas
Dearest gentle readers:
I’ve finished Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 and I have some thoughts…
Here’s my honest opinion:
It’s not good.
I’m sorry and I don’t care if it’s an unpopular opinion and, overall, I did not like it that much and Polin deserved so much better.
Overall, Part 1 was far superior. Both Polin and the sideplots. In Part 2, after Kanthony left the scene I couldn’t care less about the sideplots.
If people don’t like Polin, they still won’t after Part 2, and if people love them (as I do), they will be disappointed and earning for more.
I liked the love scenes (a lot) and they were good, the problem is… there were so few of them. And I’m not talking about “sex scenes” but moments where they seem to be in love and their love feels real. Because that was lacking in Episodes 7 e 8 due to the way the writters managed the angst. We got more Polin angst than love scenes in Part 2 and the way the plot dealt with things, well, it was not good. At all. And it left a sour taste in my mouth.
The leading couple didn’t “felt” like “the” leading couple at all, because there was so much going on and so many romantic sideplots. For a moment I even thought they would give us a double wedding with Francesca and John 🙄
The angst was done terribly, if I’m being honest. And it went on and on for 2 whole episodes, until there was no more angst because the queen was cool with Penelope being Whistledown and everything was fine but we didn’t even got a decent love scene afterwards. I mean: what in the actual fu-?
Also, the angsty plot was too similar to Daphne and Simon’s in Season 1, but the diference is the viewer still felt they were in love with each other. It didn’t felt the same way with Polin. We didn’t need Daphmon 2.0. with Polin, we really don’t.
Many things gave Polin a bad look, in my opinion:
Before the Whistledown Mess, can someone explain what the hell did Colin mean with that terrible speech about falling down of horses and being in mud at the engagement party? Whatever happen to his romantic speeches?
They made it seem as if Colin only agreed to proceed with the wedding out of duty (because mirror scene) and not because he was in love with Penelope;
R.I.P. wedding night and honeymoon (they could at least gave us some angsty almost-sex or kissing scene or something like that);
Colin accusing Penelope of “seducing” and “trapping” him: excuse me, Lord Fingerton, the girl was a virgin with no idea of what she was doing and was about to marry another man, WTF are you rambling about??
Colin avoiding Penelope as she had the plague; again Daphmon 2.0. but they made it seem very one-sided with only Penelope earning for Colin (yet again);
Eloise forgiving Penelope before Colin did;
They made it seem as if Colin only forgave and accepted Penelope as Whistledown because the Queen somewhat gave her “blessing”;
Colin was mad at Penelope because he was envious of her talent and success as a writer. What a bunch of bollocks.
So, yeah… the writers messed up.
Polin should have resolved the Whistledown Mess in Episode 7, before their wedding, and then Episode 8 being them dealing with Queen Charlotte, together as a couple. Also, Colin should have found out about her secret much sooner instead of being Episode 6 cliffhanger. But, no, we had to watch Benedict, yet again, shagging random characters because the showrunners refuse to give the man his own season!
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9x07 · 3 days
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Honestly Kayla, finding this in my inbox is the highlight of my week, love your blog, I honestly have so many thoughts about bucktommy overall but tommy kinard is such an enigma in many ways and it’s kind of like sudoku where it’s a fun puzzle to play around with headcanons based on intentional and unintentional canon information and i have so many thoughts whenever i see gifs
cause like yeah it’s very easy to just be like yeah i’ve seen pics of lou with earrings but choosing to interpret it as an intentional character element adds so much to tommy’s character
cause yeah ear piercings are way less gendered now but i know i certainly grew up hearing so many gendered rules about who could or couldn’t get their ears pieced and the “gay earring”, and i imagine that would have been so much more amplified for Tommy, just the layers of pressure and closeting he is seemingly under prior to chimney begins— which makes the pierced ears even more interesting because jt means in universe that there was some point in time that tommy felt like he could step out of those confines and take what looks like this tiny little step but in reality is profound for him but only temporarily since we don’t see him wear them even outside of work iirc.
and i’m just fascinated by these little pockets of liberation for characters like tommy —like for ref. I watched spn and one of my favourite fic tropes is Stanford Era Dean where for a brief moment he doesn’t have to be hunter nobody is perceiving him and he gets to just be himself a queer man— which just feels very Tommy
like i don’t have hard or fast ideas and tommy doesn’t seems like the most traditionally impulsive (like buck) but more of a measured impulsivity where maybe he doesn’t seek things out but he’ll eagerly engage when it’s there- i mean see every time chimney has ‘dragged’ him into things/information out of him
So while I could easily see it being a throwaway line of like “oh yeah I forget about em, I got them when I lost a bet” or as a more active rebellious move of like hey I can't do something grander but I can do this and the kind of people who would see this as gay are the people I'm looking to spite right now
But my personal favourite is (again a lot of this is me just wanting an version of the stanford era dean segment of A Thousand Lives fic but Tommy pre-buck) I really enjoyed the idea that Tommy got his ears pieced because he wanted to just sincerely, even more so if in a bitter sweet way it’s in this blip of tommy’s life prior to coming out when he’s out to himself and dating men, going to queer spaces etc. and one of them is some queer man with the patience of a saint who one evening in a moment of calm intimacy probably brushing their hands through tommy’s hair and when noticing his ears ask tommy if he’s ever thought about getting them pierced- and at this window of post army and either pre LAFD entirely or just pre-buck 118- he has just enough courage to say yes and agree to getting them pierced, and like eventually this partner would somehow convince him to do some level of gender bending expression or drag like a Halloween costume (like please can somebody draw Tommy doing rock horror) and then bittersweet it’d probably link back to tommy being just not being ready for or in the right environment to be really fully out and a mutual break out as the other guy looking for a more visible relationship
i really wasn’t expecting this to be this long i had to fully delete a tangent i had about my thoughts on tommy and love actually but that’s for a different post lmao, again really honoured that you enjoyed my rambly tags enough to want to hear more, i wish i wrote fic so i could put these ideas together better but at least it’s there
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thrashkink-coven · 3 days
An honest post about demons
I constantly see so many posts on this site from people who work with infernals trying to attest to their “true nature” or debunk myths, while on the other hand I see another crowd trying desperately to warn others about how dangerous infernal work can really be. So what’s the truth?
First and foremost, stop assuming that the word “demon” means anything to any species besides humans. I can almost guarantee that the demons that we refer to as demons do not self identify themselves as “demons”. These are human terms. Stop assuming that “demon” is a species of “thing”, that all demons are the same, come from the same places, or look, act, or function the same. Even among set groups of defined spirits like the goetia, the diversity among the types of spirits listed is immense.
Context is your best friend. Let me be the first to tell you that the demonolatry world is extremely problematic. Remember that when we speak about goetic demons, we are speaking on archetypes defined by religious leaders and men with power. Do I honestly believe there is a hierarchy in Hell that mirrors the systems of supremacy we have here in our human society? I highly doubt it. The metaphor is useful to make sense of something that is otherwise inexplicable, but it’s essential to constantly be aware that these diagrams and ideas are inherently biased and skewed. When we define what makes something “evil” or demonic, we need to be even more hyper aware of our silent biases, lest we accidentally lend ourselves to fascism.
Will the demons hurt you?
No one can answer that question for you. Anyone who attempts to will only be speaking in half truths. So often I see people trying to project their personal experiences and assume that things will go similarly for others as it did for them.
“If you don’t offend them they won’t hurt you”
Perhaps not, although, if you are constantly dealing with a demon of pestilence and disease you might find yourself feeling a bit sickly. If you’re in close proximity to a demon who is all about rage and violence, you might accidentally redirect that rage onto an innocent friend. If you are very sex averted, dealing with a demon of lust might make you uncomfortable.
“They won’t hurt you, they love you!”
Some of them don’t love you, in fact most of them don’t have much of an opinion about you in general. As much as it’s a nice thought, the vast majority of demons do not have any inherent feelings towards anyone unless they have a relationship with them based on memories and shared respect. I have a deeply affectionate relationship with Lord Lucifer, but I speak with him nearly every day. I would be surprised to hear that Lilith or Azazel “loves” me any more than a spider or a patch of grass does. Not every demon you encounter on your journey will be your best friend. You will not work with most of them more than once, and it is completely fine if your relationship is only transactional.
The truth of the matter is that no one can predict how your spirit is going to interact with another. I have never had any positive interactions with Balial, I don’t feel anything comforting about them. But I have spoken to many devotees that say they’re incredibly kind. Likewise, I have never had a negative interaction with Lucifer, and I’ve spoken to many people who got a very mean vibe from him right away. If you do things to dishonour your demons, they may retaliate, they may not. They may not think anything of it, or they might, we can’t really speak on these things without proper context. To ask if a demon can hurt you is already a slight red flag to me. Obviously being cautious is important, but it’s almost like entering a kitchen and immediately asking if fire can hurt you. “Will the knives cut me?” Well… perhaps…? If you misuse them and aren’t being aware of yourself and your surroundings when you have them close to you… then sure, I suppose they could cut you, although I have never had much trouble with it before it’s definitely not out of the question. However, is that your first thought whenever you use a knife? If it is, why is that?
Will the demons be nice to you?
A hot stove isn’t being mean to you when you feel it’s heat on your skin, nor is a fridge being nice to you when it cools your drink. Different demons have different types of people that they really like, and they probably have people they don’t favour as well. As much as they are capable of having their own emotions, you also need to be considerate of their nature. Intention truly is not everything.
Can you truly be surprised when a demon who is extremely involved in chaos and fury is a little forceful with his words? Does the idea of a death demon being dark and cryptic, or a warrior being stern and strict scare you?
When I call upon the demon of savagery and war, I want the demon of savagery and war. I cannot be surprised that he brings savagery and war, if that’s not what I’m prepared for, I should not have invoked his name.
Lucifer is both a gorgeous, ethereal beautiful angel who plays excellent music and brings enlightenment, and a terrible, egotistical, stubborn harbinger of knowledge that can be dangerous and destructive. Lilith is both a powerful protector and champion of self actualization, and a rageful poisonous monster who uses her power to manipulate others. This is the truth for all of these demons. If you cannot understand the dual nature of these spirits, then you may think they are mean and evil. And if you’ve only ever seen the nice side of your demon, you’ll be confused when others explain their negative interactions with them.
Will they try to possess you? Can they possess you?
Whether or not possession as it is portrayed in Hollywood is real or not, I cannot say for sure. What I can say is that in every situation where I have been in proximity to someone who thinks they may be possessed, the more likely explanation seemed to be religious or spiritual psychosis.
Mania is still a thing, guys. Hallucinations are still a real thing that can happen to you. Obsession can happen to anyone, paranoia can happen to anyone. You are not immune to mental illness. In fact it is far easier to succumb to it than possession. Constantly obsessing over a demon still gives them the energy they might want had they been messing with you. It is important for us to protect our spiritual health. But it is infinitely more important to protect your mental health. If you’re genuinely afraid that you’ve gotten yourself into some bad business with a demon, I highly encourage you to heal your mind first and foremost.
Lastly, and I want to make this as clear as possible, there truly are no rules or limits with demons. That is your responsibility.
I’ve seen people say that demons won’t take blood as an offering if you’re a minor or that they would never do something harmful to someone just because you asked them to.
Morality is a human concern. Yes, many demons do have somewhat of a moral code, but that code is not based on human ideals. A demon does not care what the legal age of consent is in your country. They don’t care if what you want them to do is mean or destructive. If you’re open to murder and manipulation and cruelty, it isn’t your demon’s job to step in and stop you. If you’re strictly against blood rituals and baneful magic, it isn’t your demon’s job or concern to pressure you towards doing those things. You are the one that establishes these limits, not them.
“The demons protect all children! The demons love all women! The demons would never work with someone who’s racist or homophobic!”
Trust me, as much as I’d like to believe it, these things simply are not true. I am very aware that Lucifer has worked with homophobes and racists in the past. Lilith has probably helped out a few TERFS. It doesn’t change my opinions on them because they’re not human beings. My personal Lucifer that I have a relationship with doesn’t tolerate these things because I don’t tolerate these things. Anyone who does could not work with my Lucifer (remember, there are many different Lucifer) But I’m not going to pretend that there isn’t a Lucifer that does, or simply doesn’t care. You can use a knife to hurt others, but you can also use it to make a piece of art or a healthy meal that helps others. Stop assuming that the knife is only going to do good things and reject anyone who doesn’t align with your ideals. And likewise, there’s no need to project your ideals onto the knife in the first place. The knife is a good tool when it’s in good hands.
Tldr, just be smart, guys.
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winstonsns · 1 day
hiii! could you do a johnny x reader in which johnny brings the girl he likes to the curtis house and the gang wingman him sorta? (He ends up asking her out and they end up tg?!?!🎀🎀🎀🎀 idk)
put your head on my shoulder (request)
authors note: i’m out of school!! sorry i’ve been replying to asks late, i do them in order of who asked first :3 i hope you enjoy!!
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johnny x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: cussing, joke about sex, mentions of abuse and hitting
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johnny and the rest of the gang were walking around town when steve asked, “hey, do y’all wanna go to the diner near that one dairy queen? the one up ahead where it has good hash browns and shit?” they all agree and headed towards the diner.
as they headed towards the diner, johnny couldn’t stop thinking about what he could tell his friends. he wanted them to know about the girl he likes, you, and to maybe get advice from them for what to do about the situation.
when they opened the door to enter the diner, a waiter asked, “hello, i hope you’re having a great day! how many people will be joining us today?” and dally with no hesitation, rudely replied, “the fuck does it look like? count with your own damn eyes.”
the waiter looked down and nodded, soda walked to him and apologized, “sorry about him… we have uh, seven people. thank you.” nodding and smiling at the waiter. he replied but didn’t look back up, “you guys can sit anywhere.” his voice flatter than how it was before, johnny feeling bad for him, knowing how it was to have his day ruined because of one small interaction.
as they passed the waiter, darry chose a booth and they all sat down, steve and soda on the inside of the booth on the left side while pony and johnny were next to them. across from steve was two-bit, darry and dally.
the topic of romantic partners and relationships came up, and johnny thought it was the perfect time to talk about you, just after dally was done talking and trashing on his ex-girlfriend. “man, i just realized sylvia was a fucking bitch, man. she two times me while i was in the cooler, like, who the fuck would think to do that to me?” he shook his head, almost as if he was replying to his own question, “i don’t know, man…”
the others in the booth began to agree, telling him he deserved better. ponyboy looked at johnny, seeing he was trying to say something but kept getting interrupted, so he said, “it’s okay, man. i’ll listen.” and turned his body towards johnny.
he smiled at the younger boy, appreciating that he noticed and observed more than others. blushing, he stated, “well, i’ve been talking to this girl… her name’s y/n and we’ve been hanging out… like, a lot. and she’s real nice, i just don’t know if she likes me—“
dally interrupted, “wait, you’re talking to someone, man? why didn’t you tell us?!!” the whole group started asking him questions, making johnny overwhelmed with too much attention. he muttered, “god, one at a time, man…”
they all started to become quieter, however, two-bit asked, “she a grease or a stuck up prick?” worried that johnny liked someone who wouldn’t be good for him. he hesitantly replied and looked away, “well… she ain’t a greaser but she isn’t stuck up… she’s got money and all that shit, but she’s nice!!”
silence overcame the group, he watched as they slowly started to turn their heads towards each other, wanting someone to say something yet not wanting to be that person. steve decided to speak up and stated, “don’t go for her.”
most of the gang started to agree, johnny feeling ashamed for even opening up to them, but he still really liked you. soda stood up for him, “hey, guys, come on. maybe she’s not that bad, he seems to really like her. you should bring her over to our house, johnny. that way we can meet her, and maybe you dickwads can see how she is before really judging her.”
he smiled at soda, thanking him silently. the gang started to nod and talk amongst themselves, speaking their own ideas to each other. darry stated, “you can bring her over to the house as long as you don’t do anything… bad. soda or someone can help you out, if you need advice for talking to her.”
johnny nodded at him and smiled, grateful for all that the curtis family had done for him. they later ordered their food and it was brought to them, continuing to talk about you and what the plan was if you came over. soda knew the most and had the most experience with girls, he had been in actual serious relationships, unlike dally and the others.
soda and pony would come in and start up a conversation if yours and johnny’s was dying down, eventually wanting to get to the topic of relationships or a vulnerable situation.
the gang had left the diner once they were done with their food, leaving in various ways as to not pay the bill. they walked in the direction of the curtis house, johnny was told to call you and ask you to come over sometime.
when they walked into the house, steve pushed him over to the couch, telling him to grab the phone and call you. johnny looked over to the rest of the gang, seeing them blocking the exits of the room, staring at him intently.
he murmured, “this better work.” and picked up the phone, spinning the dial to call your number that he had memorized. he held the phone up to his ear, hearing your voice and a, “hello? who is this?” his eyes went wide and he tried to keep himself from smiling, his friends quietly cheering him on and laughing softly.
“hey, uh, it’s johnny. do you think you wanna come to my friend’s house tomorrow? i could, um, walk you there. it would be with around six other people, but it’s mostly be us talking— if you’d want that, though.” he asked, his face turning into a shade of red, smiling at how your voice was in his memory.
you exclaimed, “johnnyyy!! i got nervous for a second, didn’t know who it was,” you giggled, “i bet i could go, i hardly have anything tomorrow. walk me there, you’ve been to my house before, you know the way.” he responded, “nice, i’ll be at your house tomorrow around… 2pm? we’d probably only be there around two hours, but um… oh, shoot, i gotta go, sorry. i promise ill be there, talk to you later!!”
you quickly stated, “bye johnnyyy!! i look forward to seeing you tomorrow!!” he hung up fast, he got too nervous when he was talking to you and thought he messed it up. he smiled at them and beamed, “she’s coming tomorrow!!!” all of them starting to talk to each other in happiness, looking forward to seeing you, the girl their friend talked so highly of.
as the day went on, he kept looking forward to being with you, as you wanted to be with him as well. even when he was talking to his friends and you were talking with your parents, you couldn’t stop thinking about each other.
when the day ended, johnny had stayed at the curtis house. he brought a few pairs of clothes, which included his pajamas and the clothes he would be in while he was to be with you. he was in ponyboy’s room, staring at the ceiling, still thinking about what to do when he would see you. ponyboy suddenly asked, “you worried about tomorrow?” and turned his head to johnny.
he thought for a second, not looking at him but stating, “a bit.” he paused, “i don’t wanna mess it up with her, man, she’s amazing…” pony looked into his eyes and knew johnny didn’t want to lose you, pony knew it would go perfectly tomorrow, it was just the way johnny was thinking that was wrong.
johnny fell asleep with you in his mind, and as he woke up, he immediately thought about you. it was in that moment that he realized he really needed that day to go well, he couldn’t handle it if it would go wrong. he got up from pony’s bed and walked into the kitchen, already smelling breakfast, darry, soda and pony already there.
“hey johnny, what took you so long?” soda asked, a little concerned about him. johnny looked to the clock to his left, realizing it was 12pm. he groaned, “shoot, sorry… i didn’t realize it was so late. i should go pick up y/n soon… i really can’t miss it.” putting his head in his hands and murmuring to himself.
he walked to the table and grabbed some breakfast, thanking darry for cooking. he continued talking to the three of them for an hour, he later got up from his chair and headed towards pony’s room, changing into his clothes he would wear to see you.
he walked out and brushed his teeth, talked to pony and his brothers for a few more minutes before the rest of the gang walked into the living room. “you excited, johnny? you guys gonna bang?” two-bit asked, dally laughing at the joke and johnny shaking his head.
“i know you guys just got here, but i gotta pick up y/n. bye.” he ran out of the door and walked in the direction of your house, arriving nearly ten minutes after he left. there was an open gate, seeing a well decorated two story house in front of him.
he looked around before knocking on the door, hearing footsteps and a, “coming!!” before the door opened, showing your happy face and your outfit, well accessorized and well dressed.
he looked at you up and down, thinking you were beautiful. “you look… amazing…” still in shock, not knowing someone could be as good looking as you. you blushed, smiling and him and closing the door behind you, walking towards the curtis house.
“you look real good, too, johnny. you always do.” you complimented, smiling at him. the two of you started up a conversation, still continuing as you got to johnny’s friend’s house. you followed him, watching him open the door and he stated, “don’t be nervous. my friend are real nice.” knowing it was half right and half wrong.
most of the guys were in the kitchen, eating and talking together. johnny introduced you, “this is y/n, she’s my friend i told you about.” you felt a little sad when he said that, wanting something more. and he couldn’t feel worse than how he did when he said that. soda teased, “uh huh, a friend…” the rest of the gang chuckling, you started to blush.
johnny led you to the living room, turning on the television and continuing to talk. he eventually asked if you had dated anyone yet, which you said no to, saying you didn’t think anyone who was up to your standards liked you. he replied, saying he felt the same.
the two of you began to switch the topic and talk about emotional problems that had happened at home or in the past in general. being that vulnerable with each other was something both of you weren’t able to do that often, you had to make people think you were careless yet careful at the same time. johnny didn’t have any reputation to keep up, he just didn’t want to open up to anyone.
as the both of you opened up to each other, he told you about how his parents acted. saying his father would beat him, his parents would yell at him constantly, both hated him. you felt bad, he nearly started to cry, tears forming in his eyes, him feeling embarrassed and biting his lip.
you put your arm around his shoulder and kissed his forehead, telling him, “i’m sorry that happened to you, johnny… you know i’ll always be here for you, right..?” rubbing his shoulder comfortingly and mumbling to him sweet words.
he looked at you with sadness and vulnerability in his eyes, you didn’t know if it was the right time, but you hesitantly leaned towards him. he leaned into you, too, and put his hands on your hips softly, kissing you lightly. when the two of you pulled away and looked to each other, you kissed once again.
then there was silence, one that you didn’t know if you dreaded or not. johnny told you, “i really like you y/n…” then asked, “would you, like, be my girlfriend..?” something he practiced after thoroughly thinking about the flirting signals you would give him.
you exclaimed and smiled with true joy, hugging him and giving him another kiss, telling him ‘yes’ over and over. the rest of the gang were too busy talking to notice the two of you were romantically together now. when it was around 4pm, you told johnny you had to be heading home.
as he walked you back, the two of you held hands and talked about your favorite moments together, times you had tried to flirt with him but he didn’t pick up on it and more.
by the time the both of you were at your house, you thanked him, “thanks for inviting me, talking with you was real fun.. we should do it again sometime. and um, thanks for asking me to be your girlfriend.” he chuckled at the end.
you walked a little closer to him, putting your hands on his chest and giving him a kiss goodbye, waving lowly and walking into your house, locking it behind you.
johnny was ecstatic, the two of you were boyfriend and girlfriend now, and he couldn’t stop smiling as he was walking back to the curtis house. when he opened the door, the whole gang was in the living room, waiting for him to come back.
they asked things like ‘what happened’ ‘did you guys kiss’ ‘are you together’ and more. he smiled widely and stated, “we kissed. and we’re together now too!!” the boys got up and started jumping around, congratulating johnny and cheering for him.
when you were at home, you were calling with your friends and telling them that johnny had asked you to be his girlfriend. they were happy for you, and when you hung up around an hour later, you were still thinking about him. kicking your feet and writing cute letters to him, drawing the two of you as stick figures and hearts around them.
johnny also continued to think about you for days until he saw you again, knowing he was the luckiest guy to ever live because he was with you. he felt a sense of pride, he had done all of that, kissed you and asked you out without any help. he completely ditched the plan and it worked out perfectly.
he would have it no other way.
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authors note: sorry i posted this really late! i took a nap LMAO
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unusualcliches · 2 days
My season three thoughts: After numerous failed attempts of watching part two of Bridgerton yesterday, I finally finished the last episode at three in the morning so I decided to sleep on it. Now that I’ve processed it a little I feel like I must get this out of my chest. Like most fans, I have mixed feelings. Overwhelming feelings. Feelings that are like torture – Kidding!
No but really, it has been a long time since a piece of media has made me feel this much, both good and bad. Watching these last four episodes, my heart was in my throat, I was grinning like a maniac and tearing up more often than I care to admit. And isn't that the point of art? I can honestly say that overall the positives far outweigh the negatives, for me, at least. There's something to be said about the choice of releasing the season in two parts, about cramped, eight-episode-seasons and the lack of breathing room, about the ever growing number of characters, about expectations so high they might as well have been setting themselves up for failure (or rather, the fans up for disappointment) but I don't want to linger on any of that. I understand feeling let down and there are many, many reasons for it. But to me, in particular? Well, all of that is overshadowed by this huge wave of affection I feel for the people who put this show together.
Because this is Penelope Featherington's season, and I have loved this character for at least fifteen years. I've been carrying her around in my pocket, hidden from view, because I was ashamed to admit a "silly, little romance novel that teen me read in secret on my computer when my parents weren't looking" could ever have impacted me so much. (Yes, internalized misogyny, I see you, leave me alone.) But it did impact me, so much so that when I needed to, I took Penelope's name as my alias in the hope it would make me brave enough to come out of my shell on the internet, if not in real life. And no, the irony is not lost on me, there is a reason I was so drawn to her character, just as I know so many other people are. She is incredibly relatable.
This last month I've been talking and talking about all the ways this show's popularity is validating and how freeing it feels to be able to discuss this character that is so close to my heart with so many people, and to see the outpour of love she's been getting. Because she's so relatable, there are hundreds of us who see ourselves in her while at the same time admire her growth and her cleverness and wish we could be that brave, even for just one day. To see her stand up for herself the way she did was amazing and I could never resent a show for fleshing out my favorite character like this. If anyone had told teen me that one day I would get to watch Bridgerton come alive in HD, and that Penelope would be played by the most gorgeous, charismatic actress who'd wear all these beautiful costumes and dance to amazing instrumental versions of some of my favorite songs as she found her way to her happily ever after, I would have thought I was dreaming?! There is simply so much to celebrate this season, I couldn't fathom choosing to lean into the frustration or the resentment that some things haven't turned out exactly the way I wished.
That said, I will definitely be using this blog to work out the things that I felt were lacking too in the near future because I am thoroughly invested in Colin and Penelope's love story and that's not changing any time soon. What's this about this ride being over because the season ended??? Kids, please, now is the time we get to finally play with this toy we've been reaching for at the high shelf of the store!!! It's ours now to do as we please and I have ~so many ideas~. I simply crave more of them. I loved (most) of what we got this season, and I plan to roll around in all the good bits, just as I am already craving all the fix-it fics that I know are coming. You know, one of the things about part one was that the show was so good about giving me everything I ever wanted, there was hardly anything I wanted to read/write about. Well, I will say that that's certainly changed! I'm gonna save my detailed feelings about Polin for another post because this is already completely out of hand but I will say this: I am tired of seeing strong female characters having to sacrifice their romantic relationships as they crawl their way to self-acceptance and empowerment. That is realistic, to be sure, but Bridgerton is supposed to be for the dreamers, isn't it? So why not give Penelope her cake and let her eat it too? All in all, though, I feel like I had a delicious piece of cake but I’m left still yearning for the cherry on top. Perhaps in season 4?
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Why Tang Shen is soo interesting to me
Okay with all the Nameless Trio content I’ve been posting I feel the need to let you guys know why I find Shen so interesting. This may be a long one but I have LOTS of thoughts so please hang tight.
“If we interfere Splinter will never move to New York and buy four baby turtles”
Donnie in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) S3 E19
First of all Shen is literally the reason the story happens in most iterations. If it weren’t for her death, Hamato Yoshi likely never would’ve moved to New York, never bought the turtles, and they never would’ve gotten mutated. Without her there’d be no story. And yet she’s barely ever mentioned in canon.
Now I could talk for ages about fridging women and why it’s a stupid out-dated, over-used, misogynistic trope. And I’m not even going to pretend that’s not what happened to her. But one of the main problems with fridging is the fact that after the woman’s death sets the plot into motion (usually for some sort of love interest) she’s eventually forgotten by the plot. Women in fiction deserve better treatment than that. Real women deserve better representation than that.
However there’s another way that characters who die before the story starts can be utilized. One that I’m absolutely OBSESSED with. And that is the idea of haunting the narrative. Two of the best examples that I can think of are Mara from She-Ra and Caleb Wittenbane from the Owl House. Both characters are dead before the series begins. For a while the only way that we know about them is through what the other characters tell us. And, of course, this is a very biased view of the person. Sometimes it’s very one dimensional. 
But even though we know almost nothing about them, they linger. They are everywhere in the story. So many things only happen because of them. Memories of Caleb are everywhere in Phillip’s mindscape. Hunter’s entire life is dictated by the memory of a man who died hundreds of years ago. And even the door, the things that brings Luz the the Boiling Isles and sets the whole story into motion only is opened for her because Caleb stole it from Belos and buried it in the backyard of his family home. We don’t know much about Mara but we know that Adora is in a way doomed to follow in her footsteps. 
“In every other universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man. And in every other universe…it doesn’t end well.”
Spider-Gwen in Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
So we’ve talked about out-of-universe stuff. But what about what’s in the actual story? Due to the crossovers we know that all the iterations of TMNT sort of exist in the same way all the universes exist in the Spider-Verse world. They all have their own dimension. I can’t help but think of the parallels not only between the worlds but the characters who live within them. Gwen Stacy dies in every universe but one. She knows this. Unfortunately, the universe where she survives isn’t exactly kind to her. She loses her best friend. She loses Miles. She loses her father. She loses any chance at having a normal life. 
In 2012 the turtles have a conversation with Shen where she is trying to pick between Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi. Of course they don’t know this at the time, but one of the choices will lead to her death. However, it will also lead to the world being saved from a variety of threats. But what if she did know? What if Shen knew that she would be sacrificing herself? What if she knew that in every other universe she was doomed to die? In every universe but one, that is.
Tang Shen is never said to be dead in ROTTMNT. But we only see her once in a movie poster. We know she exists but she has no relevance. As far as we know, she’s out there living her best life. So what is she like? What would a person be like in the one universe where she gets to live?
I really hope this wasn’t too long but thank you so much for reading this whole thing! If you want some content about Rise!Shen then visit the Nameless Trio tag on my blog, she’s one of the three main characters in that au.
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g1i77ers1ut · 2 days
Jujitsu Kaisen: Happy Ending
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What if at the end of JJK, everything was just a dream. Yuji Itadori was in a real deep sleep and everything we have saw was just imaginary. However, everyone was still apart of Yuij’s life. Here’s a list of everything that would happen if everything was a dream.
Disclaimer, these are all my thoughts and opinions, and also not fully confirmed when making this. So, things might change during time when we get next chapters and other stuff. Another thing, I’ve barely even finished JJK, so don’t be mean and just help inform me on anything that I missed or did wrong.
The main group
Obviously, Nobara Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro would be Itadori main friends.
Since in the dream Nobara is seen using a hammer and nails as her like main weapon, she would have been a very like working hands person. She’s slightly tomboyish who, if this was taken in America, would work in workshop. But even working with her hands, Nobara still is girly. Shopping and being her girly pop self. But even without her weapons and cursed energy, she still has the same attitude.
Now Megumi, his main weapon are his cursed animals. Since he has a lot of them, he would probably have the same amount in the real world. Besides the elephant bc that can’t be really possible. He would have his demon dogs, snake, frogs, rabbits, and bird things. I don’t really know what it is, so I think he might just have a standard pet bird. Also, since this is supposed to be happy, Megumi would know that Toji is his dad. I believe the backstory would be that his mom and dad went through a break up, making Toji leave Megumi until he was a teen. the reason why it was long is bc Toji and Megumi don’t see each other till Megumi was like a teen. Also, Megumi’s mom is alive, bc happy family.
Second Years
There aren’t big changes, besides well Panda. Maki Zenin would be herself bc I don’t really know what to change of her cause she’s technically a normal person. She would just be her badass self.
Same with Toge Inumaki. He would be basically a quiet kid and have his friends speak for him. Instead of saying “Tuna with Mayo,” and being carful speaking, he would say one or two words out to people. If he wanted to have a full sentence he would tell it to his friends and they will speak it for him.
Now Panda, there are two ways to go at this. The first thing I thought was making him like a Tuxedo cat that would follow around the group. But my friend had a better idea. They thought of making Panda a mascot and now writing this it sounds so much better. Panda in the real world would be this big chubby dude that is cuddly like a bear, adding to the idea of bear. He volunteered to be the mascot which is, obviously, a Panda. He still is confident, loving self, but not with fur.
Obviously, most of the sorcerers would be a worker at the high school. Do I know what position they would be yet? Not really, besides the principal being the principal. In the making of this, I don’t know what each sorcerer would teach or position they would be in, but I would like ideas. However, the only person I have a position for is Satoru Gojo. He would be like a Teacher’s assistant. He would still be an upper class student, but would mostly help not only teachers but lower class students. He’s also really good with time management and still has his piercing blue eyes, but doesn’t have that big power in them. They will however give you a headache if staring at them for too long.
Cursed Spirits
Since there are many cursed spirits we could talk about, I’m just gonna talk about the main four.
Let’s start off with the icon who created the group and is technically not a cursed spirit, Suguru Geto. He is basically, for my goofy obsession people out there right now, Bradly Uppercrust the Third. However, Geto isn’t that snooty and stuff. He’s still his chill controlling self, and taunts Itadori and his gang while in school. Just imagine Itadori, Megumi and Nobara passing by Geto, Mahito and Jogo in the hauls. While passing by in the hauls Itadori and Geto make anger eye contact. Mostly Itadori glaring while Geto is smirking and looking straight into Itadori’s eyes.
Now onto the crackhead Mahito. He’s basically just himself but just doesn’t reform others when touching them. He still touches them but the only reason why the thought of reforming others came to mind is bc when Mahito touches you, it is so uncomfortable that your whole organs move around weirdly. Also his hands are so cold that it makes your limbs twist and turn.
Lastly, the fireball himself, Jogo. So, he’s obviously a person, not a pimple looking volcano. Also before I continue, if it sounds like I’m insulting him, it’s bc I am. Jogo is definitely a big back gremlin. That’s really the only thing I think of if he was a human.
Jogo definitely, as a kid, set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. As a teen, he uses illegal fireworks and small strong fire sticks. He also sets trash cans on fire. Basically, Jogo is an arsonist.
Junpei Yoshino
So, there’s a reason why I have a hatred for Mahito. It’s not bc he touches people but it’s bc he killed the adorable Junpei. I could go the happy way and make Junpei live, however there’s another way.
The alive way is the scene from the first season intro, where we see Junpei hanging out with Itadori and his gang.
The other way is while walking to school, Itadori would pass by a cemetery, and see a grave stone with Junpei’s name on it. This is giving justice to the hurtful death of Junpei Yoshino 😭
Anyway, that’s it for now. Have any ideas, pls send suggestions. Anyway, bye 😘 ✌️
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eddiediazismyhusband · 19 hours
What do you think the song for Buddie’s first dance should be? What would they walk down the aisle to if you had your way?
I personally love the idea of a piano version of Made by Spencer Crandall. The whole premise of the song is “soulmates aren’t found they’re made” and I feel like that fits very well.
What about even their first ever kiss?
I would love You Make Me Think Of Fire by Elina. There’s a line in there about “the leaves they are changing/and it feels like I’m changing too.” Every time I hear the song, it’s like a Buddie montage in my head leading up to that OH realization moment.
Anyways, I love your blog. Keeps me sane and has brought me much joy these days. So thank you for existing in such a lovely and king way in this community ❤️
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this but i wanted to sit and brainstorm songs bc i’ve answered a similar ask before but tbh i kinda can’t recall what i said so…. here we are!
i will always maintain that i want tracie thoms to sing “at last” during the procession… i think in my mind it would be reminiscent of the booth/brennan wedding on Bones where we get a montage of one of them walking down the aisle interspersed with other couples before we get the actual ceremony, and it also gives the show an excuse to feature tracie’s vocals bc HOW HAS SHE BEEN THERE 7 SEASONS AND WE’VE NEVER GOTTEN KAREN SINGING???
as far as their first dance song, there are so many, but i really love the idea of Love Me Tender by Norah Jones or an instrumental version of You Are the Reason by Calum Scott.
i have to listen to “made” bc i don’t think i’ve heard it before but i trust your judgment!
as far as their first kiss, i kinda love the idea of them having the show’s underscoring…. idk i just love the thought of it almost being a very smooth (and to use tim minear’s own words) natural moment, and i think using a moment of underscoring could really make that moment beautiful… but idk that’s kinda where my head’s been leaning more and more lately, idk!
Thank you for the ask, and once again i am SO so so sorry it took me so long to reply 😭💕💕
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violettever · 2 years
okay let me tell you guys about my hajime headcanons! (i say ‘you guys’ as if anyone actually sees these posts LMAO)
but anyway, hajime.
after the simulation hajime wasn’t just magically himself. sure, somewhere in there hajime existed, but he couldn’t pull himself to the surface for months. we’re led to believe that hajime and izuru now share a body, right? but after having his emotions removed and his body enhanced he couldn’t force himself to feel for the longest time.
how do i put this.. hm… some people like to think that hajime now suffers from DID or that izuru is just gone but i think they physically share a body. hajime is more in control but izuru still exists in the mind. (izuru is originally more in control but as time progressed hajime gained more authority) so not exactly like DID more like two people in one. two for one sale, that’s a hell of an offer! (sorry bad joke) i feel like his body would be more like a vessel then a person, y’know? anyway when they wake up from the simulation his hair is still long, he’s wearing the suit, all that jazz. the others are pretty terrified at first, hajime isn’t like he was in the neo program at all. he’s silent, barely talks. his eyes are a dark red, his glare is deadly. even the future foundation is hesitant. but he shows no hostility, despite his horde glare he keeps calm. while izuru shows no signs of danger or violence, hajime does. mostly out of fear. i mean how would you feel if you were trapped inside a body, unable to surface, to feel or express anything. it’s difficult for anyone to decipher who is in control for the first few months, they both show no expression. izuru doesn’t feel like it and hajime physically can’t. the only indication they have that hajime is still there is if the body either harms itself or others.
occasionally, hajime would have these freak outs. he’d harm himself in many ways in order to feel something. izuru would put no work into stopping him even though future foundation begged. he said he found no use for it, that the others actions were meaningless. once hajime had walked out to the Hotel Restaurant where they usually meet in the mornings. the others say he looked deadly pale, his eyes opened wide, blankly staring forward. it was frightening. saying nothing, he sat down at the table, motionless. not wanting to interact too much with the man, they served him breakfast while the others chatted mindlessly, hoping to free up the tension in the air. that was until hajime picked up a knife and slammed it straight through into his hand, still staring at nothing, no indication of pain on his face. the others went silent in shock for a few moments before the room erupted in screaming. mikan was still in her pod, they had been relying on izurus nurse abilities but with him out of commission they were lost with what to do.
another time, he had collapsed on the walkway due to starvation. other times due to blood loss. in conclusion, hajime was incredibly unstable.
it took months for him to express properly. he had to completely relearn emotions and feelings. he lacked empathy and proper etiquette. they were worried he would never recover..
eventually that one eye turned green again and it felt like he could finally breathe. he had been watching everything from the back, as if he watching a movie of his own life play on the big screen. but now he was there. he was actually there, it wasn’t just izuru. after that, the outbursts started to slowly stop. he started working with the future foundation directly instead of giving instruction from the sidelines. people started to wake up. first mahiru, then hiyoko, then gundham, and so on..
the ones who were able were sent out to the fight monokumas in towa city. hajime, having a completely reconstructed body was obviously sent out first. actually let’s talk about that!
the izuru kamukura project wasn’t just a simple procedure. this was months of torture. his brain was picked apart and put back together. so we’re his legs, his arms, his feet, his hands.. all were reconstructed to be better then a regular humans abilities. he was stronger, faster, trained in hand to hand combat, his reflexes were enhanced. they tried everything. (a part of me wants to say he had like psychic abilities but i feel like that would be silly. they’re talented, not magical. although that would be super cool) they didn’t care about hajime hinata, they wanted to create something inhuman. a creature able to showcase true hope. their experiments were risky, inhumane. they hadn’t killed his pain tolerance until later in the procedures, he was forced to withstand it all. he desperately hung onto his hope of obtaining a talent, it was the only thing keeping him sane. how they didn’t end up kill him is a miracle. ah, but i suppose in a way they did. hajime was erased. they had gotten rid of any trace of what hajime hinata is, of who he was. it’s not like anyone knew him, and if they did they wouldn’t care. he was a reserve course student after all. many had died or gone missing, all was covered up. he didn’t have a talent, no friends, no job, and his parents were “taken care of” by the school. it was almost like hajime hinata hadn’t existed at all.
ahaha okay, i could rant more but this is getting too long. soo ima stop it here! i love hajimes character sm, i feel like everyone ignores his trauma and story. ESPECIALLY in fanfics omg. like i get it, nagito is fucked up BUT LIKE SO IS HAJIME??? if anything, they’re both fucking insane at this point. like there’s so much to work withhh! omg okay pause i might get hate for this but does anyone know zakikos work?? you probably know him from that limbless hajime meme thing that went around for a while. i hate to say it but his stories are SO FUCKING GOOD. PLUS THE ART STYLE?!! UGHH!!! ITS AMAZING. i don’t even read it for the porn, the ideas and angst this man creates are right up my alley. i’m such a fucking whore for angst istg. I STARTED RANTING AGAIN SHIT. OKAY IM DONE IM SORRY
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
silly episode idea but hear me out
okay well the first part isn’t silly! so the episode is based around a con they are doing where a polyam triad wants to get married and have been writing to senators and stuff for years but nothing has happened. maybe there is a time element that leeway has to happen soon (not sure what that would be yet, maybe someone is sick???)
(obviously polycules aren’t only and are often more than just a closed three-person system, but I’m saying triad right now bc I feel like that would be an easier and more ‘socially acceptable’ gateway into more accepting legislation for diverse relationship dynamics)
the leverage crew, of course, can’t outright change the public perception of poly marriage, but they can use the ‘enemy’s’ tactics against them and slip stuff into legislation without people noticing like they do. it’s slimy and it’s not a permanent fix, but it’s a start, and it gives people the opportunity to see poly marriage in action and that it isn’t as terrifying or pearl-clutching-inducing as they think it would be. there’s a long way to go, but the seeds of change have been sown and they will make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible
this is one of the cases that they will monitor on the back burner over time. some cons can finish within a few hours (the bottle job), and some things they will follow over time and make adjustments when needed- amplify voices and expose corrupt politicians etc
and then it’s just after 3/4 of the way through but the con has been finished? what is going on? this is where the silliness comes in
the camera turns to the ot3 and…
hardison, pulling out three individualized rings: I know it’s not legal yet, and we have the necklaces, but I think rings would be a nice touch
eliot, pulling out an intricately carved box that also has three self-handcrafted rings: dammit hardison (with feeling and tenderness, and damp eyes)
parker, pulling out three very stolen rings from her pocket: does this mean we’re getting triple married if we all have three rings???
harry pops into the conversation (practically vibrating) excitedly just casually mentioning that he’s a notary and would be honored to marry them to each other if they wanted to
(they do)
wait, did I say silly? I meant unwaveringly tender and heartwarming
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shima-draws · 4 months
Mhmm. Got new OC ideas on the brain. It’s basically the trope of “I thought I lost you when we were kids but you’ve actually been by my side now that we’re adults yet I was too fucking STUPID to realize it was you all along” which is like. MWAH chef’s kiss 😩👌
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peapod20001 · 9 months
I’m the type that can and will cry if think too hard <3
#random post#me tag ∠( ᐛ 」 ) |/#I’m not an overly emotional person in the stereotypical way. but I do get in my feels when thinking about life and the experience of living#I’m like. constantly explaining things to myself cus there’s never really a time or place to talk about it#also my method of explaining things is very not coherent sometimes. so it takes me a bit to really get my point across in a comprehensible#way. I’m a big thinker. I have many thoughts and ideas a views. a daily thing of mine is noticing problems#and then fixing them in my head with thought out explanations and motives and outcomes#it’s like I’m talking to someone else. much like how I format my text posts. that’s how my inner monologue is#me talking to myself is actually me talking to someone else. someone that isn’t real#anyways it’s a daily occurrence. every day of my life is spent with thoughts similar to those breaking down a movie#lots of thoughts from adhd. compulsive thoughts from ocd. overwhelming thoughts from autism. distressing thoughts from bpd#ya. this isn’t a vent I just need to like. see the thoughts in writing so I can do smth else. like eat this muffin ive been staring at for#over an hour now <3 mmmbfbg yea muffins are hard to eat now cus I had some with mold and food mold especially is a big nono for me#spend like. five minutes examining the damn thing before I even consider taking a bite. I’m very hungry an thirsty </3#when your mouth is so dry you can taste your own mouth 👍 I’m experiencing#nothing in particular. just experiencing. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like having an experience and living#drank my tea and I had like. hallucinations of like an alcohol prep pad. I’ve been using those in my ear cus. tmi. had a pimple that’s#causing problems so mom suggested that. it burned! which means it worked so word. I’ve noticed lately that both me AND my family have been#using ‘word’ a lot. dad says we’ve been saying it but no we haven’t. if we had I’d have BEEN saying it. maybe we’ve used it before for a bit#but now it’s back. idk. I’ve said it in class on more than one occasion lmao I don’t look like the type to say smth like that but whatever#it’s like when I used to say bro after every sentence like 10 years ago lol. we’re a family of parrots we repeat eachother a lot#I started saying I love you out of no where and they started doing it too. we whistle at eachother from across the house. sing ear worms#together. quote funny things at every opportunity and drive the joke into the ground. everyone in this house is a different kind of mentally#I’ll and it’s the most beautiful clash of personalities because we’re all so annoying and we love eachother so much and also our#communication is shit because some ppl have hearing loss and another is a short fused child and some are quick to interrupt and some dont#get a word in and some just can’t explain and some can’t understand. we get there eventually at some point. we don’t get the full grasp of#how much we love eachother yet. but we’re gettin there. anyways this went into several different directions but they’re all good ones#I think. if you read all this good on you! this is my brain 24/7/365 haha ok love you
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llumimoon · 1 year
OUGGHGHH if u guys are ever interested in my silly little thoughts on the oak family, or dndads in general, or want to talk about any hcs or AUs, feel free to hit me up!! Send me a dm or an ask, I’d love that have a little chat :]
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rosicheeks · 1 year
gotta ask the follow up question...
What tattoo do you want to get the most?
Nooooo I want so many though 😤😤
#that’s probably the hardest part#idk what one I would want to get first#there’s this place by me and they do this sale sometimes#where they do a bunch of different tattoos#and then it’s super cheap and you go in and point to which one you want#i don’t remember the rules or anything so don’t ask me much about it#but I’ve always thought about getting a small simple one from that just to start with#since I have no clue what to expect#I used to have a whole tattoo idea notebook#I would draw ideas#I’ve always wanted to get a matching tattoo with my sister#I had a few quotes that I thought of#but I think I would really want to do some word or phrase in Greek#also have always wanted to do some sort of wings#Idk if I would ever do it but I think it would be stunning to do a huge back piece with beautiful big angel wings#also want a crown somewhere but I feel like that’s obvious 😂😂😂#growing up my dream was to do a full sleeve#but idk what it would be of#also have wayyyyyy too many quotes I want to do#but my memory is shit so I don’t remember them all by heart#I just love quotes and I think it would be nice to have a reminder of a good hopeful quote#especially when times are hard#I can look at my tattoo and read it and just breathe and calm down a bit#definitely didn’t answer your question I’m sorryyyyy#it’s been awhile since I’ve seriously thought about getting a tattoo#I need to focus on other things so I don’t think I’ll have money for a tattoo any time in the near future#once I move out of my current place then maybe I can think more seriously into tattoos#until then I need to get a new tattoo idea journal and start doodling in there when I get bored!#thanks for the question sweetie 💖#ask
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branchiopod · 2 years
can’t sleep. keep making myself mad about shit
#it’s like three things rn#someone from my old college had it out for me and i genuinely have no idea why#like they were always rude as fuck to me and in the first few weeks we knew each other i was being interrogated ab slur and pronoundiscourse#asked how i felt ab he/him lesbians and i was like i’m not a lesbian so…who fucking cares#and we got into slurs somehow and i wish i could’ve been more articulate bc i was like yeah. i think some trans men can say the d slur#and they were like why aren’t you saying it and my response was cuz i don’t feel like it#but the point i wish i had thought well enough to make is like first of all slur discourse is stupid#and the word dyke is central to so many people’s identities not just currently but in the past too#when i was still fem-presenting and pre-any sort of transition i was a dyke. that’s the best word for how i felt then and now looking back#AND you don’t know the intricacies of someone’s identity. are you gonna police this shit? leave me tf alone#also pissing me off lol#is the fact that i dated someone who hated the parts of me that i like#shit spanned from like him saying it about tank tops and sweatpants immediately after i said they’re gender affirming for me#to not being able to deal with me being loud to the point that i re-triggered a depressive episode as soon as i got out of one#when im doing well im loud and excitable but they couldn’t handle that so i just shoved it down#and last thing. did anyone else deal with the predatory gay stereotype bc i never see ppl talk ab it but i was a huge target for it#it’s affected my ability to just. function as person like i can’t compliment people without making myself panic#the few times i’ve seen it talked ab is specifically the predatory lesbian stereotype#which does make me wonder how much of my experience was fueled by that and how much was just generic homophobia
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romantically-yours · 19 days
I desire romantically doing makeup with somebody
#thoughts#oni talks#Oni yearns#like the intimacy of holding their face to readjust and getting close and also the closeness of like making each other over#but also like the mutual service aspect of doing a fun thing for each other where you just take care of each other and also like the pride#like look at my partner and how beautiful they are and also look at how pretty I am that was her work!!#and also like the shared creativity of it like there’s fucking endless options yall can make each other look like anything!#also maybe it’s in part the struggle for me coz I can’t fucking see doing my makeup coz glasses and like the vulnerability of that trust!#In knowing no matter what they do it will be beautiful and also back to the creativity thing#imagine the fucking prompts! like making each other over based on the colors you associate with them or the things they love about you#and sharing that together and like seeing yourself reflected as they see themselves reflected and just!! seeing yourself through their eyes#and also the reverse in the intimacy of showing your partner all the stuff you love and notice about them#and it’s also so like versatile y’all can have stuff on the background yall can just do this as the lead up to like most dates#also the intimacy of taking each others makeup off at the end of the day too! and the looking forward to the next day and like#also the concept of learning the stuff your partner enjoys and being able to look forward to doing that for them!!#also I’m just a sucker for like couple aesthetics! and also maybe I watched too many lesbians couple channels but idk I always wanted to do#those like cute lil challenges that people do with their partner it just seems so fun#also if anyone remembers those images back in the day of like the one where the girl was just on top of the other one doing her makeup or#the one with the girl in her lap! and also I’m a sucker for like photography and just being able to save those moments and highlight them#also you don’t have to just do like face or anything like that date idea a while back where ppl would paint a picture on their partner!!#I’m also a sucker for art prompts and like the concept of the mutual muse where you inspire each other and create together and just aahhh#also you can like sneak kisses and hand holding and stuff during! or have like a comfort show in the back#like there’s OPTIONS! and it just feels so cute! I don’t see makeup ones as much but I have seen like doing your gfs hair and that’s also#just so top tier to me idk. I love designing shit and mutual designing just feels like it would be so much fun#like those craft dates I love but this is like more physical#date ideas#coz like you could just make a whole show of it like you could have a theme night where you watch shows related and just have fun together#idk man I’ve just been in hardcore sapphic yearning mode recently idk why 😭🫠
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