#i'll post another excerpt soon i hope
nettlestingsoup · 2 years
hit 30k on the orchid and it's still! not! done!
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druizard · 1 month
For your Gale x reader one-shots- could you do Gale x f!reader, in any situation that involves f!reader enjoying a long-anticipated hot bath? Perhaps with Gale mildly miffed that he wasn't invited, but gloriously welcome when he arrives?
no pressure if this isn't to your taste. This prompt kinda lends itself to E-rated content, but you can totally keep it SWF too, whatever you prefer.
Oh this is absolutely my taste, anon! Thank you for this prompt!! ♥ I decided to go with post game, married Gale/Reader who pursued the adventurer lifestyle, so I hope that works for you too ^^
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Wizard Water Heater
Gale & F!Reader One Shot
Author: Charlee Monstah [Druizard]
Rating: explicit
Words: 1,963
Read on AO3!
“I can't wait to sit down,” you sigh, shifting balance from one foot to another, trying to displace the radiating pain.
“I know, my love, soon,” Gale chuckles, brushing your dirty hair out of your face. After spending the last 48 hours thoroughly exploring an ancient crypt, both of you were elated to find a nice tavern in the nearby village.
“Sorry for the wait!” A little blue kobold sang as she hopped on top of the tavern's front counter. She hands a brass key to Gale, along with a piece of parchment, listing off the tavern's services. “Here is your room key! We have lots and lots to eat and drink! Make sure you try the chef's special!”
“Oh, I'm so hungry, I could eat a basilisk!” You say, turning to Gale and grabbing his hands in yours. “Honey, do you think you could get us something to eat? Maybe a bottle of wine for our room?”
“If the lady wishes to have tasty treatos brought to her dwelling, sir is more than welcome to place an order with the bartender!” The friendly kobold points towards a crowded dining room, where a long line of people stood waiting to speak with the bartender.
“Alright,” Gale sighs, wanting nothing more than to sit down, but he knows how tired and sore you are as well. “Go take our things up to the room and put your feet up, my love. It looks like there's a line, so I'll meet you in the room after I give them our order.” He hands you his pack and plants a tender kiss on your lips before watching your backside as you walk away.
Continue reading on AO3!
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hollowmend · 27 days
Fetch Re;Quest Dev Log #5
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It's time for another (fashionably late) monthly dev log!
The script is coming along, albeit slowly. Thankfully, my cowriter @brii-nanas has stepped in to help me finish up! (ty, Brii! You are the best!) Currently, they're writing the "beach episode"- A post credits scene that will unlock once you've gotten all the endings. Get ready to see everyone in swimwear! It's super cute so far ^^ Here's an excerpt:
??? "Travelers to the Land of Sand!" "A voice suddenly calls out to you and Dan, causing you to nearly jump out of your flip-flops in surprise." "You whirl around to see that what you thought was merely a large pile of sand was, in fact, a large pile of sand with Teddy's head sticking out from the top, a solemn and dutiful expression on his face." Ted "Halt!" "You immediately and unquestioningly do as commanded by the sapient mound of sand, awaiting further instruction." Ted "If you wish to pass by me, then first you must answer these questions three!" Ted "... How's it going?"
As I said in my last dev log- With the script so close to being finished, I've started to focus on making the sprites. Every sprite has, at the very least, been sketched now! We saw Connor's family last time, so here's a look at the other half of the secondary cast- The members of the band Cats Eat Bats.
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From left to right- Todd, Teddy, Davíd. It's been 5 years since the original game jam version of Fetch Quest, and Todd finally gets to show off his tattoos 😂
Speaking of sprites, I actually finished one! Meet Nona- lead guitarist, lead singer, manager, and fashion designer of Cats Eat Bats.
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She's got a variety of cute expressions as well. I love using the randomize feature of Feniks' Layered Image Visualizer to shuffle through them.
That's about all I have to show this time! I've been dealing with burnout for the past few months, so things have been progressing slower than I had hoped. But thankfully (with the help of some very cool people), I've taken some steps to deal with that. Hopefully that means I'll be back in a creative headspace soon.
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adarlingmess · 8 days
Darling's Diary: Addressing issues and hiatus announcement.
I am done with twitter and BG3twt and will only keep my account alive to keep my username occupied on that platform. I will also be going on a hiatus on all other social media soon. My commissions will also be closed until further notice so I can focus on existing ones and take a break from fandom-related art.
I will be providing context below. Anyone who wishes to clarify thing with me in good faith can send me a DM through Discord.
I had been the target of a months-long smear campaign for speaking up against harassment, the use of Asian slurs and anti-Filipino sentiments in BG3twt, but a more recent incident that involves the violation of my privacy was what pushed me to make this decision.
A few weeks ago someone who I trusted leaked maliciously cropped versions of a conversation I had with Mr. Wincott on Twitter. Accusations of parasocial behavior based on manipulated excerpts of our conversations and months-old tweets circulated and I am too tired to defend myself on that platform.
It has reached tumblr as well. Please do note that these screenshots are illegally obtained and are spread without my consent. I also made no claims of being close friends or being romantically involved with Mr. Wincott.
I still am apologetic and remorseful of how I addressed my concerns with Mr. Wincott. However, those conversations were shared in confidence to someone who I thought could be trusted, and they never should have left confinement.
Additionally, there are malicious rumors of me sending unsolicited adult art to him without his or my client's consent. However, I have been informed that screenshots I sent to a former client of my conversations with Mr. Wincott about the matter also surfaced. They were being circulated on twitter as well.
To clear the air without violating Mr. Wincott's or my privacy further:
The former client who commissioned me for that NSFW artwork did not inform me that it should be kept private from him on written terms and instead sent a voice note that I unfortunately missed.
Regardless, I acknowledged my mistake and apologized profusely for it. I sent her Mr. Wincott's reaction and apologies in confidence as well. Despite saying it was okay, however, the former client spread those screenshots as well- which disproves the rumor that I sent it to Mr. Wincott unsolicited.
Yes, Mr. Wincott did ask me for the "unexpurgated" version of my cropped NSFW commission. He did say that the client was being unreasonable since I had posted the commission publicly and he used to have access to my R18 twitter before I locked it. I also used to send him WIPs of my Raphael art with his permission, and he enthusiastically asked to see both regular and explicit ones.
Please do not attack him or me over this. He is a consenting adult requesting to see erotic artwork from another consenting adult who produced said artwork. The only fault here is mine for not double checking my former client's wishes to not show him directly.
However, I hope I'll be given the benefit of the doubt regarding the accusations of parasocial behavior when we were clearly both comfortable enough with each other for him to ask to see my adult artwork in the past.
Now, Mr. Wincott and I are no longer in speaking terms now and my artwork for his Streamily had been withdrawn. I would like to take this time to grieve quietly about the situation.
After more than two years, the whole situation soured my love for BG3 and Raphael. Perhaps my passion for the game and the character will be rekindled one day, but for now, I need some time away.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 7 months
A Title Guessing Game
If anyone can guess (or come close to guessing) the title of my SGE WIP longfic, or any of its details, I will post a brief excerpt from the draft. The fic's title is fittingly long, considering its anticipated length.
This is the title's abbreviation:
I don't mind if anyone comes up with ridiculous answers either. If anyone does want to have some fun with the prompt, I'll be entertained, of course. So, have at it, in any way you want, as outrageous as you want! I’m literally inviting you to bring your assumptions.
You can comment below. Let the games begin!
Also, just so no one gets their hopes up, don't expect this fic anytime soon, not for months and months, or even a year or more, I'm willing to bet. It's going to take so long to organize my notes, arrange my outline more efficiently, and draft the thing itself, and I'm probably going to have to wait for a vacation to work on it. So, that's the status update though this is the first time I've really announced this fic formally.
Probably, the most abstract clue I could possibly offer you is this music. It is my fic's "theme song," in terms of tone. It's not entirely representational of the fic as the fic has some humorous moments. Yet, I've been associating this song with the fic, so it's my subjective interpretation. So, if you were to read the draft, there is a chance it would not fit 100%, so you can take the music in broad strokes, as some of the rising and falling plot beats or the shape of the story. (You can skip to around the timestamp 1:28 and listen from there onwards if you don't want to listen to the whole video.)
To me, the music evokes vibes like a phoenix rising from the ashes. When all is lost, when you've reached the "darkest night of the soul," and everything is hopeless and futile. The tension ramps up. Blood courses through veins, quickening. Becoming faster and faster, punctuated, overlapping. One trial after another. Trial after trial. It all comes to a head, a crescendo, the tension lancing through you. And you endure a hard landing, jarring your feet.
If you examine my description, you may find oblique, "symbolic" spoilers, so I doubt they'll be apparent. Anyway, I hope that I will be able to echo this tone in my fic, to be as "loud" and chaotic in certain parts of it.
But, when you guess, by all means, you can ignore the music, if you have any other ideas. To rule out some guesses, this fic is not exclusively a prequel-focused one.
Also, @heyo-428 this is the "crystal and bathtub" fic I told you about, if you're still interested. But, no need to engage if you don't want to! The answer may be more obvious to you, I suspect. And, if you want to, I'll let you present the miniscule details I gave you the other day.
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Happy Simon Snow day!
I managed to finish my fifth year date au fic just in time to post it today, so that's my birthday gift for simon: a date with baz. and i also wanted to jump on the Loving Raen Train so @raenestee this is my late birthday gift for you <3
anyway. last week i said something about a new wip featuring model!baz. i still haven't written anything for it, but it's fine, because i remembered that i had already started another model!baz wip, and i thought that it'd be a good idea to have them set in the same au i guess. so the first one i have already started, and the second one is more simon-centered (although baz is obviously present) and i feel like it'll be a bit longer.
however, i don't know when i'll finish them —it took me three months to write a 3k fic, so it's safe to assume that it will probably be a long time until another wip sees the light.
and the last thing. big thank you to everyone who interacted with my fifth year date au posts because y'all really gave me the motivation to write. i will explode if i have to look at it once more, but i'm glad it's finally finished.
excerpt and tags under the cut because today's is a long post.
so this one is from the first model!baz wips. the doc containing it is titled "beach proposal" and i'm really excited to write this. i hope i can find the motivation soon.
I’m going to propose to Baz today.
I have been planning this for so long; everything has to go smoothly. Baz deserves the best, and I can't fuck anything up.
I look at him as he's getting ready in front of the mirror and he smiles at me sweetly.
I used to believe that he would eventually see reason and break up with me, leave me for someone better. I was happy calling myself his boyfriend, of course I was, but I felt like I was just being selfish, that he deserved to be with someone else. When I told him that, ten months into our relationship, he said that he felt the same about me, which I thought was ridiculous. How could Baz think that I deserved someone better than him? Is there even someone better?
Things got better after that conversation, although the doubt would still creep in from time to time. (At first I didn't want to propose because I was afraid that he would reject me.) (I'm glad I overcame that, though.)
thank you for tagging me today @blackberrysummerblog and @prettygoododds! now tagging: @valeffelees @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @ileadacharmedlife @orange-peony @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @larkral @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @wellbelesbian @ionlydrinkhotwater @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @letraspal @onepintobean @raenestee @ic3-que3n @ebbpettier @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @shrekgogurt @mysterioussheep @hushed-chorus <33
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filmografo · 9 months
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series intro - BIRTHPLACE
genre: space opera, sci-fi, litfic (a bit)
status: drafting / “outlining” book 2/3.
pov: third person limited, present tense.
tropes / themes: the unbearable weight of mortality, the terrifying realization of Want, space lesbians, growing up / apart / back, lgbtq+, exes to rivals to whatever it is austrakit are currently, found family, finding oneself, (space) war era, ambiguity, subjectivity, capital p Pining (+ more tba)
summary: After finding out her ex-girlfriend is training a ten men crew for what is essentially a suicide mission to map a planet Earth that’s been left behind, Kit Nikon desperately tries to give her life a new meaning.
tags (more TBA): #: birthplace #[we] have the sun in common
Space station gardens, neon green & blue, roots taking place, the smell of damp earth, bright unflickering lights, starfighters, healing bruises, hands against cold metal, sea water, warm sunshine, home in the valley of someone else’s ribs.
nalkita “kit” nikon (23 - she/her?) | 🌱
emigrate, novo amor
de selby (part 1), hozier
glossover, afternoon bike ride / lowswimmer
strangers, ethel cain
austra andante (23 - she/her) | 🌊
repeat until death, novo amor
i wouldn’t ask you, clairo
the end of love, florence + the machine
there’s nothing left for you, mitski
To know something is to be in constant battle with it: the plaguing of a garden, trying to disinfect a never-healing wound. Being near Austra, hands dripping with blood that never belonged to either of their bodies, means Nalkita has to fight against her own humanity, fight against desire. Close up her throat so the words I wish you would, Lieutenant don’t come out, raw and real. Kit understands so little about herself and knows Austra so much — the feeling of her expressive eyebrows against a fingertip, the weight of every responsibility she carries. Who is she to add another sandbag to Austra’s already aching shoulders but a soldier, a sinning one, at that? Refusing to give up on something that was never hers to begin with.
rambles / more about the series under the cut! :D
this was born from a fanfic/short story i wrote 2 years ago when i wasn’t ready to face what came after the events of what is now book 1 of the birthplace series. i took inspiration from novo amor’s birthplace album, which re-enlightened me about the meaning of “home”. i still hold it extremely close to my heart and will forever.
for book 1 of this, “astro-garden”, the journey kit goes on is extremely personal, quite lonely, quite difficult. titles never meant something to her until austra got one. there’s not much i can say except kit is a firecracker of a person and she’s going to need a lot of luck (she’s strong, she’ll manage)!
book 2 “roots in infertile soil” is as chaotic as i can possibly make a book. there’s more pining (for reasons...), more action, more drama... the characters are all a joy to write and flesh out, and the mercury ii crew are the type of found family that i’ve always loved to read about <3 i’ll introduce each and every one of them with tags in the near future so stay tuned for that!!! :)
book 3 is still in its early earlyyy development stages but hopefully i’ll have something cool to say about it sooner rather than later !
feel free to ask me about anything birthplace-related seeing as this is the only project i am currently (actively) working on!!! i would love love loooove to chat more about secondary characters, locations (the spaceships are Alive), discuss the plot / themes more in depth, etc!
i will be making a taglist with everyone who wants to get updates from this (i'll post more abt that later!) so send me an ask if you’d like to join it :D !
thank you for reading this (kinda long?) intro post for my silly little still unwritten novels hehe! i hope to hear more from u soon
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not-poignant · 1 year
What made you decide to host original fiction on AO3? You're the first (favorite) author doing serial original fic online that I think of these days, though I've not dabbled since independent domains were the most common strategy. I'm hoping to make progress on a project of my own in the soon, but am having trouble finding sites without fairly restrictive content policies--are there/were there other contenders for hosting Fae Tales that would have let you go so dark, or is it AO3 or bust?
Hi anon!
I think from your tone, you're starting off with the assumption that I was trying to be a professional writer and then chose AO3, and that's not the path I took at all!! No one in their right mind generally chooses AO3 if they want to make a profit off of their original writing for a lot of reasons, and a lot of fanfiction authors leave AO3 so they can make a profit off their original writing (and some do both - write fanfic under one name, and original fiction under a completely different name. My path isn't even the mainstream fanfic writer's way of breaking into original fiction, lol).
So my journey was basically that:
I was writing fanfiction on AO3 that became quite popular in its small fandom, and I put two OCs (Original Characters) into that story that got especially popular and started getting fanart during the fanfic. A few people at the time said 'I ship these two' and I was like 'eh I don't want to write it.' And then in typical fandom fashion eventually I was like 'okay I'll just give it a try.'
I wrote several PWP hatefucking chapters mostly to see if they even really worked as a couple (they did!) - since they weren't a couple in the fanfic, they were mortal enemies, lol - and these chapters popped off among a very small number of people and I thought 'you know what, these characters deserve an actual story, because I don't want their tale to have a tragic ending' (which it would have done).
So I wrote more of the story, and eventually I got a message from a reader saying 'hey can you open a Patreon account so we can support your original writing, because it doesn't feel fair that we're getting all of this for free.'
So I opened a Patreon account.
And then about 3 years later I thought 'actually...I think I can turn this into a proper job.' And I...tried lol. It's not a very 'proper job' by the standards of people who started original writing purely for income, but it is quite a proper job for me, lol. I still write fanfiction because I love it.
I never chose AO3 as a place to build a career exactly, I just put original fiction there because that's where the readers were who already liked the original characters, and it didn't make sense to put it anywhere else. I also never expected at the time to make a formal leap into original fiction, I was actually planning another fanfic and then got completely derailed because we were all enjoying Fae Tales so much.
I stay there because I can post any fictional content I like pretty much - no matter how taboo - without fear of reprisal from the site or fear of having my account banned etc. for content. I stay because the warning and tagging system is the most sophisticated in the world. I stay because the search system is also the most sophisticated in the world. I stay because I love the spirit of fandom, and the people who find my original fics there already understand reading serials and WIPs and ongoing stories. I stay because I really enjoy AO3 comment culture, which is uniquely different to anything else anywhere on the internet, but especially other free serial sites like Wattpad, Royal Road, Inkitt and more. I stay because having to invite people to come to my Tumblr to see my posts and excerpts and sometimes find out about Patreon is a feature and not a bug, because it means the people who eventually find their way to my Patreon probably want to be there more than the average reader who never needs to leave AO3.
I stay there because Wattpad needs incredibly short chapters and I like longer chapter lengths (and long serials). I stay there because the comment culture of Royal Road is a lot of 'um, actually' folks alongside some decent folks, and you really have to love constant constructive (and not so constructive) criticism even on your most viral stories, and I am baby. I stay on AO3 because my friends are there, and so are many other folks who I enjoy the thoughts and company of.
To my knowledge, the only other place that allows really taboo content officially (i.e. not 'it's against the rules but everyone does it') is probably Ream, which is a subscription site like Patreon. And they're very recent. I will be setting up a mirrored version of my Patreon account there for all the folks who can't access Patreon due to like...credit card / bank reasons.
If you want to write a super dark, taboo serial, there aren't many free serial sites in the world where that's truly okay. I'm going to take some risks on Wattpad soon with the Fae Tales canon and we'll see how we go, lmao. AO3 is particularly unique because it started for many of us fanfiction writers who were getting banned and censored on other fanfiction and fandom platforms (like Livejournal Strikethrough, which was a huge historical event in fandom around censorship), so it literally - in many ways - was invented to protect and give space to the people who are writing adult or taboo fanfiction (and then later also original fiction). It is designed to be a safe haven for those of us who understand that fiction is just fiction when it comes to sexual fantasy content.
In the past year I have considered other dedicated serial sites for my content and frankly I don't believe any of them are 'safe' for me re: the nature of my writing (I don't feel my writing is as dark as some, but it certainly has 'rape as titillation' quite a bit, and pretty broad scale dubcon). Royal Road doesn't suit my genre/s, Inkitt is possible, but I'm not sure if my work will do well there, Wattpad is a risk but is huge and I'm not mad if my account gets banned there, Tapas allows some taboo, but is very clear that it wants no serials intended for the purpose of sexual gratification and requires 500-1500 chapters maximum, which is a bit of a downer for someone like me who has 3-10,000 word chapters, lol.
If you want to be a professional writer of adult sexual/taboo content who makes money off your writing, I wouldn't recommend hosting your works on AO3, I'd recommend publishing novels and when you have enough of a backlist, potentially offering chapters of future novels as early access on Ream (Patreon will actually also ban accounts with taboo content if you're hosting it on Patreon - and while most of us are safe at the moment, they get stricter over time).
AO3 is, imho, a great place for original authors who already love writing fanfiction or reading fanfiction, and already love fandom, and want to participate in the culture with original stories. Readers on AO3 are very savvy, clued-in people who are overall likely to be suspicious rather than welcoming of original fiction on AO3 in general (many refuse to read it outright), and who also can tell when a newcomer author is just there to try and make a profit off them. But they are also some of the most ride or die, wonderful, best readers in the world once they love your work. (I know this from experience as a reader too, lol, I am ride or die for a few authors there myself).
That doesn't mean it can't be done, it just means there's a steep learning curve re: fandom etiquette (thoroughly worth it, do recommend it, it just will take some time - months, not weeks - to feel it out). AO3 also strongly prefers/requires all original fiction there be posted 'in the spirit of fandom' - which has broad interpretations, but it does mean an effort needs to be made to at least understand and enjoy fandom.
But yeah if you're purely professional career focused, AO3 is not a first-line strategy imho. That's why...there's not many people doing it this way - even viral fanfiction authors don't do it this way, anon, when they decide to writing original fiction based off their fanfiction success. Use Smashwords, Ream, your own host site for direct sales etc. there are erotica and dark fantasy authors who are making WAY more money than I am using paths like this.
I love my path, I love it, and I do believe more people could use it and make it work, but I'll be honest with you - I know I could be making more money if I chose different paths, I'm on this path because it's fun.
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annual writing self-evaluation
All answers should be about works published in 2023.
i. Optional if applicable: link to last year’s self-evaluation
1. List of works published this year (in the order that they were posted):
as per usual that list is too long for this post so here's my 2023 fic roundup
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
far and away it has to be before i bury you purely because it was 1. SUCH an endeavor to begin with, and 2. so unbelievably different from anything i've written before. like, the criminal minds au was me dipping my toe into the pool of horror/suspense, and this fic was diving in headfirst. and i know it's not everyone's cup of tea (or most people's, tbh) but i've been so pleased with the reactions of those who have read it and i'm so, so thankful for it 💛 (honorable mentions to always have & i always will and a tender age, tho)
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
it's not that i'm not proud of it but a fic that's been hanging over my head all year is if the fates allow because god i hate that it's almost been a year since i updated it and I'VE BEEN TRYING to work on it but my brain just refuses to focus on it! i'm really hoping to finish it soon, though (and the gd pirate au too UGH).
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
man am i glad i did an ask meme like a week ago that asked this question so i can snag an answer from that rather than spending 3 hours combing through my fics lol
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5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
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lmfao @cyraclove left this one on a snippet of the onlyfans au i sent her and it's my favorite thing ever
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
there's been a few instances of that over the last year but no specific events immediately come to mind. it seems to come and go in waves for me and all i can do is just ride it out and hope my inspiration comes back.
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
ok like i swear to god i never thought i would write omegaverse and yet a tender age happened and it basically came pouring out of me and onto the page so like?? what the hell was that??? (also no i have not forgotten i promised a sequel, it's percolating i promise)
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i tried new genres!! i really enjoyed the writing process!! (even if it made me absolutely insane at times)
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i've said this a billion times before but i think next year i want to try writing original stuff alongside fic. idk if i'll finish a whole novel or what, but i'd at least like to start something.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
my friends 💛
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
not that i can think of but i did actually let my sister read some of my stuff and she told me that i have a lot of ust in my writing and (yes this is weird but she's my sister and i know she means well) that she wished i had an outlet for it irl so like. i guess that's something?
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
i always say the same goddamn thing and today i saw a post that really encapsulated that so i'm just going to copy it here:
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13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
as per usual, so many. i've got a bunch half-started already that i haven't shared yet and i'm really hoping to be able to get them Mostly Finished before i start posting them, so keep your fingers crossed and an eye out 👀
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
@cyraclove, @medusasfinalgirl, @staceymcgillicuddy (and anybody else who would like to do this, i'm tagging u)
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Dev Log — Sept 2nd
Hello everyone! 😊
It's been (checks notes) awhile, but I hope that you're all doing well. Quite a lot has happened since my last dev log, much of which really took a toll on my mental health and exacerbated some preexisting stuff. That sent me into a bad, lonely place for a bit but I finally got things back under control and felt like I was setting myself up for success, and then I got Covid. So, for the past five days I've mostly just been napping and sniffling, trying to get through isolation. I don't have a good transition, so... Update!
Zorlok Progress
Current word count for Chapter 1 is over 30,000 words. I wrote maybe 4,000 of those in the past two weeks (that is 100% an educated guess, but I think it's pretty accurate)
Wrote and began coding Dev's introduction along with planning for the second combat sequence in Chapter 1
Got first drafts done for what I'm calling "the chaotic break-in scene"—both variations of it, the "attic" path and the "turtle kid" path
Wrote several codex entries
Got the two new music tracks integrated perfectly. Check them out here: Schoolyard Spy and This Thing Crawling Inside both by Darren Curtis who created all of the music featured in Zorlok (now I just need to choose a combat track)
Figured out how to combine the game files with Tweego thanks to this tutorial
Finished implementing the prologue skip function (just skips the first two scenes, brings you to the summoning scene)
Added a "Limit graphic descriptions" switch to the Settings which (when enabled) makes descriptions of violence, body horror, gore, etc. shorter/less vivid; but that's something I'm considering "in testing" at this point
Next Goals
Finish rewriting the contract scene
Continue working on Chapter 1
Main Posts
This amazing art of EJ and Dev by @enspey
First choice of Chapter 1
Another Dev excerpt (kinda spicy)
This fun post about the Zorlok playlists
A recommended tag and another short story if you've been missing my content
A question about a possible feature
A vague update on my mental health
Other Stuff
Nothing. I'm just trying to do my homework and get over this illness
Oh, I did go a bit feral with the most recent D20 episode over on my main account. If you want to check that out, head over to @gamesbyalbie
That's all I can think of. Thanks as always for reading this and supporting this project (it means the world to me). Hope you have a good weekend!
- Albie 😊
As a side note, I've had a number of people reach out to me to ask about updates/my timeline. To answer most of those questions, there is no timeline for when the next chapter will be released. I appreciate people wanting more Zorlok content (trust me, I do too) but I already write as much as I can and communicate as best as I'm able to (which I've kind of spoken about here). As a reminder, this is a hobby that I do in my free time, the amount of time I can invest is dependent on how much free time I have. Right now, between school and my job, that's very limited; plus, if the last month has taught me anything, it's that shit can happen at anytime and wildly interrupt your plans. My primary goal is always to make something I'm proud of and feel confident releasing. So, I won't be setting timelines or a release date until I know for sure that the chapter will be fully ready by then. As soon as I know when that is, I'll let you know. Again, thank you for your interest, but there's nothing else I can offer you on that topic.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
As if all the content from ZZ and Web from today is not enough, here comes LRLG @ Rumor House to feed us. 🌙🥮
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I did not provide full translations because i’m not allowed to but these are excerpts from the interesting ones + commentary. people were hoping they would post on 9/5, but there were disasters ( earthquake ) going on at the time so we all understood that they were not gonna share. out of respect for what was going on. anyway, let’s look at this fanfic.
“It will be fine after the rain”
"Is it raining tomorrow, look?"
"Send it, don't send it to me"
"Brother X will watch it, I will watch it myself"
"Then look at it now"
"I don't see the weather interface, it seems that there are still meteors"
"It's partly cloudy and there are stars, maybe it's cloudy, I don't know.
"Come back soon, I have to go to work in a few minutes"
"No need to wear your own clothes"
It starts with a full block of little green ( yibo ) talking on the phone. Random sentences that are out of context and overheard. HAHAHAHA! I love how they talk about the weather ~ and no need to wear your own clothes? Ah sure. because these two can totally share 🤍 A BXG said there was a meteor shower the night of Qixi Festival so it might be what Bobo was talking about.
"You're not working tonight, I should get off early"
"I'm a little tired, I'll finish watching the documentary tonight.”
Another block of text by WYB. I wonder what documentary they are both watching! They are so cute!
There is also a part where one Web’s staff tells him “Mr. Xiao doesn’t think you’re rude..” pertaining to when Web tells people what they did wrong. I love this. Because Web is often mistaken to be arrogant/rude when he’s really just straightforward. ZZ understands this. 🤍
After that is like paragraphs of WYB talking to a co-worker or someone and saying goodbye. Telling them to not drink. Also him sharing that he didn’t sleep well. Another proof that whoever this is, should be someone in close contact with Bobo. Most of the past contributions, had lots of interactions that involve Yibo and other people. back in the day, even people from DDU.
👧 : someone picked up today
🔴"Run errands, deliver to your door with 0 errand fees"
🟢"You said you delivered today"
🔴"This is not for you (...) “
🟢"Why don't you sit down?"
🔴"I'm not going to give you”
🟢"Oh it was really hard work"
I LOVE THIS! to have Xiao Zhan do errands for you and deliver stuff? Wow. Only Wang Yibo! And look at ZZ acting all “mad” and Yibo coaxing 😂😂😂 I see there was no change from their 2018 love language of bickering. ✌🏼
After that, WYB is talking to someone and asking them to take GG to eat. That person said they made an appointment already and that made WYB happy. He really spoils GG when it comes to food. I love the idea of him doing these things for GG even if they are not together.
🔴 "Why do you have to change your clothes to eat?"
🟢 “No. I'm wearing the same clothes as you"
👧: Be sure to eat together before your next mission.
I can’t figure this part out, if they were together or eating while doing a video call. There seems to be a mission of them going out — because GG said “going on a mission”. And them wearing the same clothes when in public together! That’s some ninja moves right there! Even fans get confused with them so wearing the same thing is a good cover. so maybe there were physically together. These rumors can get confusing 🙃
There is also a line here where WYB said it's been a long time since the two of them have eaten together. Like it means it's been a long time since it was just two people in the morning. 🥺
See the moon? Full moon, full of love.
This is the last line and it’s so cheesy! HAHAHAHA! I can imagine Yibo saying it tho and GG being charmed af. 🤣
That’s all folks! I will update and link the full english translation once it’s available.
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( adding this art from mugui-laoshi’s recent bobi-zhanbi comic! )
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
(A Follow-Up to This Post [A report from NPR, 20 December 2023])
6 February, 2024 by Robert L. Santos, Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Disability Content
In a Federal Register notice posted in October 2023, we proposed changing the ACS questions on disability to a set of questions based on the Washington Group Short Set (WG-SS) on functioning. That proposal would have aligned us with international standards from the United Nations and advances in measuring disability. The Census Bureau received more than 12,000 comments in response to the Federal Register notice outlining all of the proposed changes to the ACS. The comments can be found at regulations.gov. The majority of them expressed concerns with the proposed changes to the disability questions. 
Themes we saw in the comments included:
Desire for more comprehensive public engagement.
Concern that the existing and proposed questions do not measure more or all types of disabilities.
Concern regarding a break in the data series if the questions changed, including difficulties comparing data on disability pre-2025 with 2025 and beyond, and a gap in availability of 5-year data products featuring lower-level geography until 2030.
Requests for and questions about having multiple estimates that reflect the graded response categories in the WG-SS questions. The response categories include: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty and cannot do at all.
Concern that the proposed use of the international standard cutoff for disability that does not include people reporting “some difficulty,” would decrease the estimate of people living with disabilities.
A question change could potentially impact program funding and services.
Next Steps: More Feedback and Engagement
Before the Census Bureau submits the final proposal for the 2025 ACS content for OMB’s approval, it will offer another opportunity for the public to provide feedback. As mentioned above, in spring 2024, the Census Bureau will publish a 30-day Federal Register notice summarizing the proposed 2025 ACS content, which will not include any changes to the existing disability questions. The Census Bureau will then review the feedback and submit the final proposed content for OMB review and approval.  
The Census Bureau also wants to engage further with the public on the disability topic specifically. A significant theme in the Federal Register notice comments is a desire for more comprehensive engagement. In the spirit of a whole-of-government approach, the Census Bureau, NCHS, OMB and other federal partners are working together to make that happen.
Moreover, this spring, the Census Bureau, NCHS and OMB plan to convene a meeting with federal agency disability stakeholders, disability community representatives, data users, researchers and disability advocates. The purpose is to discuss data needs and data uses surrounding the topic of disability. More details on the meeting will be provided soon. 
Finally, I’d like to note we embrace continuous improvement. Going forward, the Census Bureau will recommend the ICSP-SACS consider revisions to the protocols to enhance collaboration with data users and other stakeholders at the beginning of, and during, the ACS content change process.
[end of excerpt]
Sigh... I was hoping for a more concrete date for the next comment period than "Spring," because I don't want to miss the deadline...
In the meantime, I'll be reading through the rest of the blog post for the reasoning behind the proposal to change how Disability stats are collected, so I can better formulate my response when the next public comment period comes up.
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quelsentiment · 6 months
🌳 2023 writing year in review 🌳
Thanks @feeisamarshmallow for tagging me!!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 10
2. Word count posted for the year:  172,831
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Video blogging RPF (Dream Team) and One Direction
4. Pairings:
dteam: every combination of dnn (both romantically and platonically) but with a preference for snf; dream & callahan
1d: zayn/louis
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Wild Card (641)
Bookmarks: Wild Card (345)
Comment threads: Wild Card (77)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
It's probably a tie between Wild Card and In Bloom. The first one because I managed to go past my insecurities and write whatever the hell I wanted to write even if it meant that the characters weren't always likeable, and the second one because I think it contains some of my favourite writing, especially in the first chapter, and I think it's one of my most memorable and personal stories
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Maybe my Zouis fic because it's a band AU and I would have wanted it to be longer and more intricate, but at that point I had lost most of my interest in the fandom so I just did what I could then called it a day :/ I don't really know if I'll ever write for 1d again, although Zayn will always be close to my heart and I suspect I might still get a Zouis brainrot at some point, so who knows
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I was so lucky to get a lot of lovely comments this year, and have people connect with my stories even though I'm new to the dteam fandom. Some of them were really meaningful and honestly made my day. On the lighter side of things, one of my favourite things that happened was someone bookmarking my fic In Bloom with the note 'trees', and also people losing their shit in the comments after I posted chapter 5 of Wild Card
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
... over the past few weeks. tbh I haven't even tried writing because I've been too busy dealing with chronic illness and anxiety + the holidays. Hoping that it gets better progressively and I'm able to get back to it.
Otherwise I wrote pretty consistently and productively throughout 2023, with a break in August when I spent time with family.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
In general, writing Wild Card was a kind of epiphany because it was my first time writing from Sapnap's POV and it made me realize how fun it was for me. I guess he's really impulsive and proud while also being loving and kind of shy, and I just love that combination.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
From In Bloom:
“But you loved him?”
George turns to look at him but Sapnap is still staring at the view, acting like he didn’t just ask that incredibly personal question. George guesses they’re past that anyway. There’s something about today that just doesn’t make sense, like their meeting is an anomaly that shouldn’t have even happened, and this is probably what makes it easier to share some things that George usually keeps close to his chest. That, plus the fact that Sapnap will disappear tomorrow along with the last remnants of winter.
“I did love him,” George says quietly as he sits down on the floor, soon followed by Sapnap. “I loved him the way someone loves their first boyfriend or girlfriend, you know? Thinking it’ll last forever and all that, even when all signs pointed to the fact that it wouldn’t. But he made me feel grown-up, like I had my life together or something, which is pretty dumb because we were only nineteen when we got together. It’s weird, though, because I feel much more like a kid now than I did back then.”
He lights up another cigarette and offers Sapnap the first puff, a cheap excuse to feel the cold tip of his fingers again.
“So from what I’m understanding, you’re regressing,” Sapnap says. The smoke surrounds him like a halo before the wind makes it fade into the city below.
“Yeah, exactly. God, I need a job or something. Like, an actual job. Maybe then I’ll feel like an adult.”
He extends his hand, wanting the cigarette back, but Sapnap holds onto it. Maybe he is addicted already.
“But what about trees, though?” Sapnap says, taking another puff. “You can’t give up on trees.”
“No, you’re right, I can’t,” George sighs dramatically. “That’s the tragedy.”
Sapnap finally gives him the cig back and they fall into silence for a while, just enjoying the distant rumbling of the streets below, and the quiet sound of their breathing.
For the first time since they locked eyes in Kensington Gardens, Sapnap suddenly removes his cap so he can run a hand through his hair. The hat is back on before George can even process it, and he curses himself for not having been able to take a mental photograph of how Sapnap looked without that shield of his.
He offers the cigarette again. This time, Sapnap’s fingers linger on his for half a second longer.
“I’ve been in love for a long time, and it’s never made me feel like I was an adult,” Sapnap says, breaking the silence. “More like the opposite, actually. Sometimes I feel like a little kid who won’t take no for an answer, who clings on to the idea that maybe if I ask in the right way just once, he’ll change his mind.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
I think one of my goals last year was to explore darker themes, and I think I kind of did that by having morally grey characters who sometimes act like assholes and act in questionable ways, particularly in Wild Card, Light The Fuse, Fade Away and an anon fic. Also I'm still on my way to getting more and more comfortable with writing (semi-)explicit scenes, and it's been fun to work on that again this year.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I don't really know. Things have been pretty hard lately so all I want is to be able to go back to writing and have fun with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
In terms of other writers, definitely Selvish (I'm too awkward to tag him lol). I think we kind of have similar writing styles which is very comforting for me, and I just love how much thought he puts into the characters and their actions, and writes about stuff that's quite unique in the fandom, without shying away from darker themes
Other sources of inspiration were nature, especially trees, music as always (a lot of Susanne Sundfør and Paramore), films (Before Sunrise, Past Lives, That Summer Feeling) and tv (BBC Merlin and Bridgerton), plus probably other stuff that I'm forgetting about
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Yes!! As I said In Bloom is very personal, and a lot of the thoughts George has regarding his degree and his uncertainty about where his life is going were directly inspired by what I felt (also the fact that he goes on exchange in America). On top of that, some of the chapters of this fic are named after some of my favourite trees I encountered in the Pacific Northwest, and the first sentence about walking home from the library came to me as I walked home from the library
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Something that I already knew but was definitely reinforced this year was that it's impossible and useless to try and predict how 'popular' your fic is going to be in terms of stats. Like Wild Card kind of blew up (in my standards lol) and I genuinely didn't expect it to because I thought that pairing was pretty unpopular. And then I thought a fic like Fade Away would get much more engagement because of the exes to lovers trope, but it didn't happen. So in the end, even though stats didn't influence me that much to begin with, now I'm just like 'whatever, I'll write what I'll write and see what happens'
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I have one snf wip that I'm hoping to get back to soon. Otherwise we'll see where the year takes me
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
If you see this and want to do it please do!
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marley-manson · 2 years
I have been inhaling all of your wip excerpts, they're all SO GOOD. I've already said this but you are such an excellent writer, everything that you put down is a joy to read.
Annnyway, I honestly can't keep track of the ones that haven't been asked for yet, so sorry if you've already done these, but Heat, and/or Rust.
Thank youuuuu that's so kind 😭 I'm glad you've been enjoying them! And right back at you, your writing is always so good that it's a joy to read even when I don't know the fandoms.
I posted about Rust here actually, but I'll throw out another excerpt:
The brand stung. It always fucking stung, but it got worse as the sun set and the spirits made themselves known.
For the first month or so since she’d left Godo and Erika she’d tended to rub and scratch that spot just above her breast, like it was an insect bite. Eventually she’d managed to will herself to stop, since it just made it hurt that little bit more.
The sun was red on the horizon and the shadows tangled in tree roots were growing deeper and more malevolent. She drew her sword as she walked, knowing that the early risers would be up soon.
The Skull Knight had told them that they didn’t live in the real world anymore. She and Guts had a foot outside of it, thanks to their brands, and if the world was a river and ordinary people pebbles below the surface, they were fish which could taste the air.
She supposed that made the spirits and monsters the hungry bears and fishermen.
Guts would be a shark, at least, or a whale. She was more like a pike. Nothing had got her yet, but she didn’t go looking for trouble either. She just swam, teeth bared.
Most nights the spirits could be dealt with as she walked, only occasionally cutting down the few that came for her. She didn’t dare risk sleeping with the sun down, but she could usually make good time and keep her pace brisk. But then there were nights when the moon was new, or when the area had been the sight of a battle, or another form of torment, and those were the busy nights.
Corpses would rise from grassy graves and animals would glare at her with wild, human eyes, attracted like moths to a flame.
She’d hoped that this forest wouldn’t be too bad - the trees weren’t overly dense and tended towards leafy and bright rather than needly and crowded - but she could already tell by the pain over her heart that it would be harder to traverse than the fields.
Bright glowing eyes blinked into her periphery near her feet and she instantly plunged her sword down into the bed of rotting leaves between them. With a faint hiss, like a drop of water on a candle flame, the twin points of light went out.
Another hint of a face in the darkness appeared just above eye level, on a branch. She caught it with the sharpened hilt of her sword as she drew it back up.
It was going to be a long night.
Heat, which I'd change the name of if I ever finished it so as not to be confused with that one popular longfic lol, is Guts/Serpico hooking up in Elfhelm after Casca gets her mind back but is too traumatized to be anywhere near him. It's non canonical now I guess unless I change some stuff and set it during the moonbaby montage lol. I actually posted a little excerpt from it a while ago, Guts remembering an afternoon of Griffith teaching him to dance. So that's the context for the final lines lol.
Serpico glanced at the sword he’d been swinging a few minutes earlier. “Getting bored here?”
Was he? Was the sensation of being trapped here, on this peaceful island, when there were things he could be doing out there, out in the world where Griffith was, was it just boredom? 
He shrugged again. “Maybe.”
And Serpico smiled. Despite the calm air, his grey cloak billowed around him as though blown by a stiff breeze, revealing the feathered weapon at his side. Guts couldn't think of it as a sword, even though it was similar in shape.
Serpico drew it from its sheath, and flicked it. His cloak settled down.
A little showy, Guts thought, and raised an eyebrow. “Here?” he asked, though he had no intention of refusing the clear invitation.
“Why not? I've been looking forward to a rematch for a while now.” 
There was a look in his eyes that got Guts’ blood pumping eagerly at the prospect of action. A grin began to tug at the corners of his mouth. “Thought you preferred to scout the terrain first. Make sure I can’t swing my sword or do anything else useful.”
“I have range on my side now.” Serpico's eyes rolled upwards. “And the trees. Game, or not?”
He could just imagine Serpico striding along the branches, watching for an opportunity to strike. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the tension in them like a coiled snake waiting to spring. 
“Yeah, all right,” he said, and drew his sword.
It was fun. Fighting Serpico got his blood pumping and his heart pounding - a welcome feeling after the weeks here, sedate on one piece of peaceful land.
Serpico did utilize the trees. He leapt up to them like a grasshopper and dove down again like a - a kite. Guts was more constrained, limited by gravity and the slow swing of his huge sword. He was on the defensive, but hell, he was used to being on the defensive. 
He dodged, swung when Serpico lit onto the mossy ground and when he sent those cutting blasts of wind at him, easily neutralized by the force of iron displacing the air around him. Serpico remained out of reach, eyes as sharp and as focused as his weapon.
After a minute or two of bloodless dueling he swung straight out in front of him to counter a breeze from Serpico’s weapon, and the cunning bastard leaped down from a branch to take advantage of his lowered sword. For a moment that sent him years back in time, Guts was certain he'd land on its dull edge. In his distraction, Serpico landed on the ground and flicked his feather duster precisely. Like an icy gust of wind he felt the air slice his cheek - exactly where Serpico had caught him once before.
Knowing how easily he could've had his throat cut instead, Guts smirked and licked the tickling drop of blood heading towards the corner of his mouth, mimicking their first real encounter. “Lucky hit,” he said.
They exchanged a few more swings but now Guts’ head was solidly in the past again. How was it he could so clearly remember the exact look on Griffith’s face when he’d opened his mouth and bit his sword? He’d relished the shock in his eyes like he’d relished the taste of blood on his tongue. Even back then, when he’d thought he hated him, he’d drunk him in. 
He dodged another strike, like lightning from above, and nearly caught him in the instant between landing on the grass and leaping away again. His sword moved a hair too slow. It was just as well; Serpico’s real advantage was that he could land non-lethal blows relatively easily, while even if Guts aimed to disarm he’d probably still end up taking Serpico’s whole hand off along with his feather duster.
But then, it had always been that way. He’d traded finesse for power ever since he’d first learned to fight with a sword bigger than he was. Even during that first duel with Griffith he couldn’t get out of his mind - Griffith had been trying to disable, and Guts had been trying to kill. Griffith had been risking his life for him from the very start. Fuck.
He got a little satisfaction when he swung his sword overhead as Serpico fluttered across the lowest boughs of the trees and managed to snap the branch he was leaping to before he landed. Both man and branch came crashing down in an undignified heap, and Guts would’ve secured his victory right then, but just as he smugly lowered the point of his sword down to rest on Serpico’s chest and keep him pinned he rolled out of the way and rose back to his feet in one fluid motion. A quick slice of air caught Guts on his shoulder, deep enough to sting. He might actually lose, the way this was going.
And that just brought back the memory of his last loss, as Griffith had ground his shoulder out of place to relieved, victorious cheers. When Griffith had grabbed Guts afterwards, kneeling down and taking his face in his hands, he’d thought for a second that Griffith was going to kiss him. God, he would’ve let him. He knew he would’ve, even then, knowing nothing about him, even when his skin crawled whenever anyone else touched him. 
He had to end this fight before he really did lose.
Guts swung his sword so fast that Serpico's blond hair fluttered from the force of it as he narrowly ducked, dipping his head to avoid the blade with an inch to spare. Then, before he could leap away, Guts followed through with his swing, stepping into the turn and catching Serpico's sword arm with his metal fist.
He hit hard enough to shock Serpico into gasping with pain but he managed to maintain his grip on his weapon. So Guts dropped his own sword before Serpico had a chance to dance away and grabbed him with his real hand, squeezing his wrist in just the right way to force his fist to open. 
He moved his metal arm to press between Serpico's shoulder blades, an extra force keeping him from pulling away, as Serpico lost his grip on the hilt of his weapon and let it fall to the ground. They were both breathing heavily.
Serpico looked up at him, cheeks pink from exertion and eyes lidded, reddening sun making his hair nearly glow, and for a moment it was just like that time, that afternoon with Griffith in his arms. He could still hear the music drifting faintly up from the grassy clearing below them. He didn't pull Serpico into a waltz. Worse - he bent down and kissed him.
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
It’s been awhile since you’ve drawn it, but can you draw some more of that smeetry zim au agian? Honestly was pretty wholesome how you drew zim and the smeets together.
Sorry I probably won't get a chance to finish this, but here's a comic excerpt and some old dialogue for the smeetery au I dredged up.
Zim, in the living room, pacing in front of the TV. “Computer!! Disable the alarms already! Run a full security sweep of the whole base then activate code-"
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Computer “Wait! Master, that might not be necessary.”
Zim “What?!”
The tv screen shows an image of one of the lower lab's interior. Dib is hogtied/ suspended by a mess of wires. Four smeets are zapping him with their Pak legs.
Smeet “Zim, look! We shocked the monkey!”
DIB “That-- that's not what that means.” -gets a second shock" AHHHHGGGHHHK!!”
Zim -wipes away a single tear- “What cut-throat soldiers I'm raising. Zim is so proud. COMPUTEEER!! Lock down the genetics lab! I'll be right down. GIR! Guard the front door!”
Gir (salutes in duty mode) “Yes, my master!!” Sits in front of the door, returns to default mode and starts to play with a paddle ball.
Zim -exhales a frustrated growl. Looks back at the TV. “ Smeets!! Get away from the weasely Dib-human right now!! He's dangerous! And filthy!”
Smeets -disappointed- “awww…”
Gaz jumps into view; covers one security monitor with spray paint then tosses the can at another monitor, shattering it and causing it to crash to the floor. Just off screen, two other smeets empty Dib's SE briefcase then sneak inside to explore.
Computer “Woops. Spoke too soon. Second intruder detected.”
Gaz unties Dib, shoving him along. “Ok, I’m calling it. Mission aborted. Let's GO.”
Dib “But--"
Gaz “NOW!! -shoves harder- Haul ass, Dib! Full ass!”
Dib looks back as he grabs his brief case. “This isn't over, Zim!! I WILL expose you to the world!!”
Gaz, growling, drags Dib along. They manage to exit out the same vent.
A continuation of this post
Hope this suffices. ^^
Smeetery au credit goes to @megxolotl and @tearinglight
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bongoishisnameo · 11 months
Dude. Your roller derby fic is hella underrated. I’ve legit never laughed as hard at a fic as the “bark when there’s demons” line.
Praying for more JackieShauna!!
more jackieshauna on the horizon have no fear!! they're too weird to ignore, honestly. i just posted an excerpt of them today on here lol, they're just so fun to write!
and also lol that's kind of sweet that u think the fic is underrated; i think i tend to sound kind of fucking crazy in my tags and author notes which might turn people away. i probably give the impression that all my fics are crack when they're not lol, but that's fine bc i love all my lil commenters and readers and i write from the big pit of passion that lives in the center of my chest that makes me feel a compulsive need to connect w others so i'll continue to be as batshit and incomprehensible as i want cuz my real ones fuckin get me!!
idk, that's just my theory.
and also i hope to update soon! i'm writing another lottienat fic rn and just wrote 15K words over the past like. two days so hopefully i will be update a bunch of shit in the next few weeks.
MWAH ilu anon, be safe, be well
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