#i'm also very introverted so i don't often NEED to interact with others and my traits are mostly interpersonal in nature
wheelie-sick · 8 months
I feel like no one in the autism community understands how extroverted autism looks and it makes me feel very alienated. everyone I see is very, very introverted. they don't like social interaction and try to avoid it. I'm very very extroverted and it makes my autism look different.
I want social interaction all the time with everyone. I don't understand when it's not appropriate to talk to someone so I often bother people by talking to them when they don't want to talk. I talk to strangers when it's socially inappropriate. in ABA therapy one of my tasks was not talking to people. In ABA therapy I'd have to constantly be brought back on track because I'd just start having conversations with people. I have a hard time understanding boundaries around social interaction. my friends have had to talk to me about the fact that sometimes they need space because I can't tell when they do. I'm not naturally inclined towards avoiding social interaction I'm drawn towards it.
and I've been isolated from other people because of these things + my other autistic traits. and that's hard when you're naturally inclined towards social interaction. being isolated from society is always hard but there's a certain extra degree of it when you're not satisfied being alone. one of my first memories is of me, playing by myself, at the age of 4ish thinking about how lonely I was.
there's also a ton of feelings of guilt knowing you're annoying to people but not being able to do anything about it. I can't learn how to read when people want to talk, I've tried but it's just not something I'm capable of. I don't want to be annoying to people and I don't want people to end our friendship because they think I'm annoying.
and this isn't all my feelings about it I just wanted to share a glimpse of what it's like being extroverted and autistic because I just don't see many stories from people like me
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luna-rainbow · 5 months
RE: People giving Bucky a hard time over his "I'm invisble, I'm turning into you.." line being "selfish" That whole scene is Bucky displaying behaviour consistent with depression or traumatic stress. He's drinking by himself in an isolated area, isolating himself from social situations by not sitting with the ohers - he doesn't initiate the convo with Steve and he's apparently smoking. Although a lot of people did that then we didn't see any sign of him smoking before? Not that I recall anyway. And I don't believe he was jealous of a woman paying attention to Steve instead of him or "taking" Steve from him. Bucky's a true friend (I'm not a shipper full stop): and true friends aren't possessive nor do they take issue with you spending time with others or flirting with the same person as them.
I think Bucky was simply testing himself. He wanted to see if he could still muster the confidence and charm to convince a lady to dance with him which he'd probably never had any problems doing before. Its the first time he initiates a conversation the entire scene.
When it didn't work was when he knew there was something wrong. I don't think it was just the super-soldier serum. It's interesting that after that Steve is really the only person he interacts/talks to having been very sociable and outgoing before. Some people have also noted that his tone of voice chances as well, he seems to speak less often, more softly and his tone is quieter. So maybe "I'm turning into you" is actually a kind of role-reversal. Bucky is now the quiet, less confident, introverted one and the one who has been victimized (and is about to be again by HYDRA). Kind of interesting as well that the serum now means Steve is taller than him too.
Poor Bucky. Cut him a break and give that man a hug. And a cookie. A cookie can't hurt.
Hey nonnie, I'm not sure who's been giving Bucky a hard time over the "I'm invisible" speech but I'm glad I haven't seen it XD
I had a meta a while ago about that particular line. It's not a fixed headcanon by any means, I was just running with the flow of Bucky's thoughts to see how he might have ended up in that moment.
And yeah, I agree, I think he was in a very vulnerable place at that time. Not just what he went through during imprisonment, but he's also traumatised by what he's seen so far in the war, and now someone who matters very much to him is in danger (Steve) and he can't do anything about it. I'm basing my projections on what Sebastian had said about Bucky in the "let's hear it for Captain America" scene -- that no, he wasn't jealous of Steve in that moment, he was just horrified he wouldn't be able to protect him anymore. He's torn between admiring Steve for the courage, and the very realistic fears of seeing Steve come to harm, but he also knows Steve too well to talk him out of it. So he's not in the best headspace in that moment.
I do want to gently disagree in that jealousy in a friendship doesn't make it less pure or less good, it's simply a very human response to what is at its heart a fear of abandonment. Even if you logically understand that you need to let your friend have other relationships, you can still feel jealous if that eats up time you'd normally have with your friend, and apprehensive about what else you might lose. It's what you do with those emotions that defines your morality. This is why a lot of fans say that Bucky has had a villain origin story but has come out the other end a hero -- he's gone through an arc of loss and fear and jealousy, but come out the other side still staunchly Steve's friend, and that's a heroic arc.
As always I think Sebastian did a fantastic job with Bucky. The change in Bucky pre-war and post-war is considerable.
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His voice is lower and coarser, his mannerisms are much more "schooled" rather than boyish, it screams less bravado and more of a quiet assurance, and that frown never lifts from his brows. But yeah, a lot of that is battle-hardened professionalism, but I think a lot of that is also Sebastian factoring in Bucky's mental health. And his eyes are on Steve a lot more even when they're not conversing -- shipping angle aside, Steve is his commanding officer, and my other thought is that...his eyes are always on Steve because the danger to Steve is much higher now, and he's always made it his personal mission to make sure Steve's going to be okay.
(I mean there's also a lot we can say, or has been said, about that particular scene in terms of male writers writing female love interest badly, but that's an entirely different topic)
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fuck-customers · 11 months
🌠 I have a fun story. Some of this was filled in by a relative of mine who works upper management.
Where I work, we have this employee. She's a bit of a jack-of-all trades but seems to choose to stay on the bottom rungs, since she'd honestly not thrive in higher management positions. I'll call her X. X is pretty introverted, quiet, kind and above all, willing to help.
Our door greeter has some hang-ups and inconsideration they won't work through, so they call out very often. (Boss won't fire them because they are elderly.) X was always the first to offer to take their shift. Did our forklift guys need a spotter? (The guy they used to have walked out one day.) X is on it, no questions asked. Does a customer need an employee to help them shop? X is there! X has covered more of my shifts than I can count, due to personal life issues.
A lifesaver and a sweetheart. We all were inspired by her and also branched out to help, sometimes.
Despite how nice she is, X takes bullshit form no one. One day, one of our main supervisors got a position changed and some asshole took their place. This asshole seemed to hinge a lot of their projected success on what they perceived as X's submissiveness. Well, X felt disrespected by every interaction, it seemed. She always denied this jerk.
He'd demand X do something. "I'm sorry, that is not within my responsibilities as a cashier. If my responsibilities have changed, I would like to see a notarized and documented form that bares my signature before I take on other tasks." Honestly, to-a-T, brutal compliance of business shenanigans.
Well, Jerk got mad she stopped being so complicit and, one day, confronted her on her "behavior." Other employees, myself included, recorded him yelling at her while she looked unmoved and unbothered. When he was done, he shouted. "You do all of this for anyone else! Why not me?"
X was quiet for a long time. "You didn't treat me like a person when you bullied me in high school, and you still don't now. So why would I?"
Y'ALL, I WAS FLOORED. He was her high school bully and her revenge was not doing anything beyond her contracted job to help him, KNOWING HIS SUCCESS HINGED HEAVILY ON HER.
He was about to snap again, but saw we had cameras pointed at him. His face was red, he looked like he realized something.
"I don't remember that."
"Yes you do. Leave me alone, please."
Then, he didn't ask her to do anything. When he's wasn't scheduled, she goes above and beyond. But X didn't do a god damn thing for Jerk. He couldn't look her in the eye anymore. And honestly, good for her. Our store will never fire her; she knows too much and is too helpful, and she's the highest paid cashier after all her raises and such.
His "projected" productivity suffered since all of his promotional promises hinged on the cashiers being willing to help him with tasks outside of their job. We'd help if X did. She stopped so we did, too. One day he stopped showing up as our supervisor. Our new supervisor told us he'd taken another position.
X is a badass.
She eventually quit and took up her true passion, which was coding and programming. I still text her and we play Balder's Gate together. I love her to bits. She even said she'd teach me some code stuff and see if I can't work with her and her company... Wish me luck!
Posted by admin Rodney.
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mademoiselle-cookie · 11 months
Is Étoiles a bad leader?
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No. If you just wanted to know that, my answer is no. You don't have to read the rest.
So in my completely impartial and not at all biased opinion, I'm going to explain why we are actually lucky to have him as a leader. (it will probably poorly age)
But first yes, this question does not come out of nowhere. This first day was hell for the Green Team and their chat (at least Étoiles' chat). I was watching his stream before stopping before the “teamwork” part. If it had been later, I wouldn't have watched the VOD. I literally put the last stream in accelerated, because it wasn't pleasant to watch and Étoiles was clearly not having a good time. It ruined my good mood and I abandoned the stream on the 2nd day because I wasn't in a state to enjoy it, even though it seemed to be exactly like the solo part of Étoiles during the 1st day, but vocally with the Blue Team, so without the stress of teamwork.
I'm not saying that Étoiles is perfect. It is obvious that he was not elected for his leadership abilities, but because he is the strongest (and he is green). He is kind, doesn't like to impose himself, speaks softly and is an introvert whose social battery runs out quickly (I'm an introvert myself and let me tell you it goes down very quickly in stressful/in unusual company/unpleasant situations). It also often happened that the other players talked over him (except Fit, no? It seemed to annoy him)
But I attribute the majority of their difficulty to two points:
Lack of luck A) Decisions which are good on paper but the circumstances of the event make them bad
It's a survival game. Taking your time to prepare is super important if it's possible. It's literally what allows you to survive properly after that. The Green Team farmed items, obtained and enchanted armors and weapons, collected food, made sure everyone had what they needed, created a well-hidden base... They then left as a group because it is more cautious and stronger... The problem is that not everyone plays like that. The other teams were much weaker (at this moment) so the fights weren't tense at all, they got lost very often due to their numbers, the majority of interactions among teams took place while they were preparing so they arrived too late for that ...
B) Lack of balance
The Green Ninjas are way too strong. There is Étoiles, the strongest on the server who is used to this type of game, Fit, who is also used to this type of game but with even more experience, Roeir who is much stronger than he looks like… In comparison, the Red Team doesn't have half its team and those remaining are mostly lore players, not pvp or survival. What would it have cost to take Étoiles or Fit and trade him for a red player who never comes? There would have been fewer calm and experienced people among the Greens but a penalty is not a problem at this stage. Etoiles were just complaining that they were too strong and that it wasn't fun.
(And really, at least the Reds are with people they're used to being around (the Twitch Rivals members are all there except Etoiles) and they're the crowd's favorites. The Green Team is either people who know their stuff and are quite solitary (Fit and Etoiles) or don't come in general (Kameto), or won't come much anymore because it's not their type of game (Antoine and Ironmouse). So it's less fun to watch. Imbalance is not just in the difference in strength.)
C) Languages
It's like that for everyone but on the Green Team, only Fit is a Native English Speaker, the language that everyone uses. Finding words is complicated, understanding others is complicated, and all that, added to the stress, made the situation even more difficult than necessary.
Hell is other people A) It's stressful
The players were teleported to an unknown island completely run by a person who hates them and wants to make them suffer, without their stuff, with one less heart line, to save their children, taking into account that an (unknown) team is corrupted and its defeat means the death of some eggs. Survival games aren't for everyone either, so some really fall completely short. Game or not, it's a stressful situation. And humans don't perform well under stress, and that makes us more aggressive and difficult to get along with. For teamwork, it's a real obstacle.
B) These players do not meet often
Apart from a few exceptions, the members of the Green Team do not often hang out together. They get along well but are usually with other people. Obviously, the bonds are less strong, and the knowledge to understand and manage others is lesser.
C) It's the 1st day
The first day of an inherently stressful and frustrating event, where team members do not necessarily know each other well. Obviously it's a disaster. We rarely perform really good the first time. At least the Greens didn't kill each other or go crazy.
But honestly, we judge the Greens on their teamwork because they were the only ones to do it. The Blues were working, but mostly on their own, the Reds acting as a team but they did not really "work".
But why are we lucky to have Étoiles as a leader? Because he's the nicest. He wants to play fair. He apologizes after killing someone, didn't want to kill Tina because the fight was way too unfair, asked his team not to burn other people's stuff because it's really annoying. This team is the strongest on the easy server if they try. Étoiles almost won on the 2nd day while being all alone. He would have succeeded if Elquackity hadn't messed up (chances are it was done on purpose to boost the morale of the Red Team). Roier wants blood, so does Fit. Yet Étoiles managed to keep them calm enough to farm and maintain some morals. If he decided to be completely wild, it wouldn't be a pretty sight.
The Reds went completely crazy from day 1, while the Greens had enough preparations for a solid foundation when they reconnect. The Bolas might be the most fun to follow, but if you were stuck on the island, which team would you prefer? The crazy cannibals who eat each other or the strongest who help each other even if it’s boring?
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
Question: What do you most want to be remembered for, or in other words, if your eulogy could only be three sentences, what would they be?
Jared: Um...
Jensen: Uh, being a light.
Jared: A light?
Jensen: Being a light.
Jared: I was gonna say my big forehead, so - [Jensen shoves him in the shoulder]
Jensen: [gestures at himself] Being a light [gestures at Jared] and being my bounce.
J2: [laugh together]
Jared: So bounce is a term we use in filmmaking where -
Jensen: We bounce the light.
Jared: you don't want direct light on somebody, because it will just wash them out. So you'll shoot direct light at something and bounce it onto the subject you're photographing.
Jensen: For fifteen years I never needed bounces 'cause I just worked opposite him, so.
Jared: [ostentatiously moves his head around] I would just angle my head - [Jensen cracks up] If I stay here, you're lookin' good, dude.
Jensen: Serge, our DP on Supernatural, he, you know, and most DPs do this - they'll come in to the set and they'll be doing like [mimes moving a hand in front of imaginary lighting]. They're just checking for shadows or light and Serge would often just do this [makes same motion in front of Jared's forehead]. [Jared cracks up] Let's turn that down, pull out a light meter. No, I - to be serious, I think if I could just be remembered as somebody who brought positivity to the world in some way, shape, or form, and it maybe inspired one person to be a better person then I think that's, then I'm happy.
Jared: Yeah, I - A, he is, and we all know that. Bravo, 'cause he's [?] [claps]
Jensen: [bows]
Jared: I think there's something really ironic about A, this situation, B, that we're onstage, 'cause I really believe that he and I are both introverts? Like, he's not going out [does little dance] red carpeting everyday, like we're going to a new party - he's home with his family and his dog and himself. Same with me. And so it's a strange - so trying to kind of, like, dissect why we do what we do, I think - like, I'd rather mean something to you than win an Oscar. You know, the people I interact with and just be present with my [audience claps] thank you. Thank you, but I don't know the three sentences but hopefully - I would rather have two or three people be like he fucking helped me than thirty million people buy a ticket to my concert or something and not really give a shit. Which I love also about from Gilmore Girls to Supernatural to now Walker and his journey? It was never like we're plastered on the billboards outside of Times Square or we're on every talk show. So when someone came up, they weren't like, hey, you're that famous person on something, right, like can I take a picture? It was like hey I watched Gilmore Girls with my mom and became friends. Hey I watched Supernatural with my brother and we like to call ourselves Sam and Dean and this and that. Hey - so that's much more meaningful to me than any award from somebody who's never met one of us. That's more than three sentences, sorry.
Jensen: Your life, Jared Padalecki.
Jared: You said three hundred sentences, correct?
Jensen: There's like seven tombstones lined up -
Jared: Very small font.
Jensen: That makes me think of a quick story I'll share with ya, and I think I shared this recently, but I was - I recently met Cary Elwes who was Westley -
Jared: Princess Bride -
Jensen: in The Princess Bride.
Jared: and Men in Tights!
Jensen: And Men in Tights, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, great movie. And I had to share with him, I was like, hey, I posted this video of, a few years back of me sitting on the couch with my daughter explaining the story of Princess Bride while we were watching it. And I was like, I just gotta say that that was such a special memory for me, and like, meeting you now, it's like I just love that movie, I think it's amazing, my daughter still watches it to this day and I was like I'm sure you get sick of this, because I'm sure people tell you their Princess Bride stories all the time. And he's like, no no no. He's like, it is the gift that keeps on giving, in fact, on my tombstone, it'll probably read Mostly Dead.
J2: [laugh]
Jensen: [imitating the line from the movie] He's not dead, he's mostly dead.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 20 - My Friend Bashi (Part 1)
We had reached the milestone of 20 episodes, and I want to sincerely thank the readers for sticking with me so far. :)
I also have a small announcement: after finishing liveblogging this episode, I will take a very small break from the show to do some reading of articles and comics instead.
It's starting to feel awkward - constantly referencing some canon materials without reviewing them on this blog proper, y'know? I originally planned to do this all at once, before the movie, but I think it'll be more fun to do it in multiple reading breaks, during the show.
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So many kids in this city, and Joris is friends with none of them. Except for Tatak.
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All analysis and plot leaves my body as I think about how much Kerubim cares about Joris.
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He's really not perfect, but no matter how much I joke about his failures, he really does care and try his best.
He's too nice for me to actually make fun of in any serious manner.
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It's very nice to see the more down-low, bittersweet moments of parenting and childhood portrayed. It's also nice that it's just between the two of them, without Simone.
I love her, but it's very cute to see just Joris and Kerubim, and how they act when they're alone together.
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I think that it's interesting, that even at 7yo, Joris is already at the... "this one social interaction was a disaster, and it's over, just irredeemably over"-level overthinking about relationships.
Perhaps it's knowing that for Kerubim it, often times, was like that. Kerubim did inspire very many people to either hate him with passion, or leave him.
Perhaps it's the fact that, besides Kerubim, Kerubim's friends, and Simone, he doesn't have a family; and besides Tatak, he doesn't seem to have any friends: and that makes him struggle with the idea of losing relationships.
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Keke I will be real, I think Tatak is his only friend in general.
...Man. I am making myself sad by writing these things.
I don't think Joris ever had good social skills in his life. Just issues after issues.
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As I've said in the previous posts, both Keke and Joris have an issue with needing to be liked always all the time, and the way it makes them do things to seem Cool and Awesome. Even if Joris has this issue in a very introverted way.
It might just be normal kids stuff, but it does add a certain flair to the things we see him do as an adult, if one accepts the idea he's always been like this.
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Kerubim's way of connecting to others is to draw from his own experiences, and compare them. It's a more... mature way of cheering up people, than just saying "it gets easier!" like he used to.
For all his faults, Kerubim has grown emotionally from his youth. But it can be a thin line between making everything about yourself, and trying to say that it gets better from experience.
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Even so, Joris cares a lot about his experiences and life (cough cough. the Lore), so it works for them, both as a way to distract him and to cheer him up. Kerubim knows this, it's his go-to technique.
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I think Kerubim either vastly overestimates the depth of what happened here (I highly doubt Ecaflip is giving him tasks because he's "the best"), or he is lying to Joris, because "I spent my whole childhood afraid that my father, who is a living god, would eat me Zeus-style, because of shit like cleaning the toilets badly or not delivering the fish on time." isn't a nice story.
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This is exactly what I'm talking about.
A small aside: according to The Wheel Of Destiny #8 Kerubim Crepin (which will be one of the things I liveblog during the Reading Break), Bashi and Kerubim became friends before the events of episode 3, Strich Hunt.
It makes a lot of sense, because before the events of that episode, Ecaflip had... a very rough way of treating and speaking to Kerubim. Even if he had a soft spot for him, enough to save him (and then manipulate him) during said Wheel of Destiny article, I think Kerubim only truly cemented himself as Ecaflip's most favourite in the Strich Hunt episode.
Also, considering the fact that in Wheel of Destiny, little Bashi reports to knowing and strongly disliking Atcham, it's safe to say that in this episode we have a confirmed instance of Atcham being canonically present and simply not mentioned.
...keke sure is the guy who says "im the last living crepin. laugh" while having a brother. insane.
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I yet again want to gush about the portrayal of relationships in this show.
I think all of us can relate to meeting someone, and not thinking much, — not yet knowing that they will turn out to be one of the coolest people you've ever met.
Anyway, tangent incoming.
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One thing that's interesting to me, is that Kerubim is never depicted as having friends in the temple. From what we see, he spends most of the time alone, or with Ecaflip.
The reasons may be:
He is Ecaflip's favorite. He had important tasks from the moment he joined the temple. It alienated people.
He was Atcham's brother. Kids are judgemental, and Atcham is a perfect bullying target. Chances are, they didn't like him due to the association.
He came in very mentally ill and unsociable, due to, y'know, being orphaned, and never managed to make friends because the impression that he's "the sad mentally ill kid" stayed.
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No wonder that he got anxious around three people, and then immediately trusted them when they were nice to him.
He probably hadn't had anyone be nice to him in ages. Or, like, acknowledge him too much, at the very least.
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I won't elaborate on how I think Atcham was treated in the temple lest I fucking scare you, (Something-something, literally catboy Rule of Rose,) but I will say that, just like Atcham is still violently mentally ill due to whatever happened to him, Kerubim's experiences with loneliness and alienation as a child most likely fueled his dishonesty and attention-seeking behaviours as an adult.
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So I understand why, even though Bashi kinda sucks, Kerubim is so broken up about losing him. There's a lot more tragedy to this than one can first see.
It was a very important moment for Kerubim to finally have a person in his life that wasn't his father (who constantly threatened to fucking eat him), one of the kids who either disliked him or were too intimidated to talk to him, one of the random monks, or his severely mentally ill brother (who fucking hated him.)
He was his first friend.
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bigenderanne · 1 year
Today was the first time I've checked my inbox since I wrote my side of the situation. I'm working on another post in my drafts now that's bringing out more emotions in me so it might take awhile as it goes more into detail my history with transphobia and abuse, but I wanted to write some more quick and to the point (and less triggery) for those of you who are checking in on me, and to answer a few questions that have repeatedly come up in my hundreds of asks.
Most of the asks have been supportive and checking in on my mental health and physical safety. Thank you for that! Obviously my mental health is still a little shaken, and I'm uncomfortable with the fact she knows we've bought a new house, but I believe we are physically safe. That being said, it is part of the restraining order that's she's not allowed to interact with us on the internet in any way, shape, or form, nor is she allowed to use any electronic means of communication to interact with us, either. This is why I have refrained from responding to any of her posts. It would be completely unacceptable for me interact with her with the expectation she cannot reply.
This leads me into restraining orders. No, you cannot get a restraining order on anybody for any reason. You certainly cannot get one "just because you don't like someone's hair color" as one asker put it. We had to provide evidence that it was necessary for our peace of mind and safety. Stalking is incredibly hard to prove, and "professional" stalkers know the laws and how to skirt them. I am lucky that she didn't. I've worked with people who have been stalked, due to the nature of my job, and will say I had it pretty easy in comparison, just due to the fact she was being so blatant.
I'm obviously not going to name names because she may be reading my blog, but if anything I say upsets her she only has herself to blame. Someone involved in the group chat had been lurking, just due to the fact they joined for the fandom and when it devolved into her talking about how much she hated me, they lost interest. However when she started talking about the intervention, they'd gone back and taken well over a hundred screenshots and compiled them into a folder. In these screenshots were also pictures she had taken of us from afar. Mostly pictures of me at clubs, or at arcades, or drinking/vaping, sometimes talking to men (strangers, people I never spoke to before or since, so I don't even recall these men, but I am a very chatty person and strike up conversations with people I don't know often) insisting that I must be having sex with them based on body language. If anybody even tried to say that I was just probably being friendly, she would immediately tell them she was going to kick them from the group. (She started the channel.) She would often post memes she found on the internet with the theme of how extroverts are terrible and simply leave my name as the comment. It seemed to have become a meme itself within the group chat: they'd find a meme about extroverts that was cruel, or even just a meme about how introverts are so much better, and simply respond with my name. This led to them using my face as a meme and simply reposting the extrovert meme texts around my face. The picture used was one she had taken of me sneezing, which looked absolutely ugly because I was sneezing. (To the handful of asks who made comments about me being an extrovert automatically made it ESH and all extroverts are obnoxious: try hard not to stress too much about starting high school in a few weeks. Freshman year is hard on everyone.)
Outside of the groupchat, although the photos she had taken of me without my consent was probably the only evidence really needed, "Mike" did recount the many, many times she would show up to events "coincidentally" or how she was shopping at all the places he shopped at the same time he shopped despite the fact she lived on the other side of the city where there are more stores closer to where she lives. Furthermore, many of our friends corroborated that she would often ask them what we were doing, if we had plans, and would often show up to events they were at but if we were not in attendance she would leave as soon as it was apparent we wouldn't be showing. Since we had all noticed this behavior, and die to my job I am well aware of the warning signs, we had all began writing down and taking pictures of these incidents, such as how her car was parked outside Mike's street (where it was public property) until two am a few times. The people that were in my house, I have come to find out, were minors, so im trying to be forgiving. I have not spoken to any of them since, and frankly I have no desire to ever speak to, or see, them again, but they are young and she absolutely had them convinced I was cheating. I ought to have called about her entering my home without permission, but I didn't. I didn't want to get cops involved.
Also, there has been a few "lesbians uhauling lol" comments that I can only assume are from terfs, so I don't particularly care, but for those who may be worried about the living situation for non terfy reasons: we have known each other for four years and been best friends for at least three of those four years. We got even closer this past year. Also, I was renting and the screaming did piss off my landlord and even though I explained the situation and I wasn't given an eviction notice, I didn't feel safe staying there because I started getting text reminders about noise complaints for, like, doing laundry in the afternoon. I brought up moving in together to his apartment, but we realized both of us were first time home buyers. He has good credit and doesn't have any school payments, so his debt to income ratio was practically nonexistent. I have great credit, although my DTI is higher than his. The mortgage was more than half what either of us were paying for rent. So really it actually made financial sense as well. We had been casually discussing it before we started dating, moving in as friends/roommates.
I feel like I'm doing as okay as I can, considering the circumstances. I'm a private person so I won't be putting my actual blog title nor hers anywhere. I have no desire to attract more attention to my blog, which is honestly just destiel, Good Omens, OFMD, and other ships. It's not a personal blog at all and I'd like to keep it that way.
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cold--carnage · 8 months
about me
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bodily 22 (innerworld age 19). polyfrag did. npd. aspd. bpd. audhd. anxiety/depression. panic disorder. c-ptsd. ocd. in ed recovery
my name is Sebastian, but I go by Seb as well as a couple other nicknames. I use he/him/hymn pronouns and I am gay. I'm one of the hosts of my system, and I'm a vampire/fallen archangel (drawing of my innerworld appearance here).
if it's not immediately obvious I'm a pretty mentally ill individual, and occasionally my vent posts will contain triggering topics (I try to tag specific triggers but you can also block my vent tag entirely. if you have something you'd like tagged just shoot me a message or an anon and I'll try to accommodate it and add it to my tag list if needed. judgement free of course. communication and safety around these things is very important to me).
as I said above, I'm part of traumagenic system (polyfrag DID) and I quite often chatter about my headmates. sometimes they post here too. idk man dudes in your brain kinda just do shit sometimes. I recommend following the other system related sideblogs in order to get the full scope of what I usually post about. sideblogs are linked in my pinned. message me for our simply plural ID if you would like. fakeclaiming will be either blocked or mocked. whichever I find funnier at the time.
also we have a really cool partner system! their main is @v11scera follow them or I bite >:3 /j
taken x2!! by my Benny (posts on @handsoffthefuckinshield) and Mish (posts on @collective--carnage) <3 <3
I'm very open to asks, and interaction is always welcome. I am a little shy and introverted sometimes so please don't be offended if I don't reply to everything immediately. tone tags are also highly appreciated. anons will occasionally be turned off for safety and comfort
that's all loves :3 thanks for reading <3
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sad-chaos-goblin · 10 months
@ineffabildaddy and @celestialcrowley both tagged me in this long bio thingy (thank u!!! 💚), it's taken me a while to get round to it but here's some stuff about me:
Real name: Elyan
Nickname & nickname origins: Some people call me Ely but mostly everyone uses my full name.
Ao3: sad_chaos_goblin Haven't actually published anything (yet) but I might start soon ^^
Social media: i mostly use ig but it's a personal private acc
state country: Spain. I'm half English on my mum's side but I've never actually lived in the UK. I was born in Málaga, lived in Dublin for a bit and now I live in Barcelona.
pets: none right now, although I call my work bestie my Tamagotchi and she says she's my pet human, I keep snacks in my drawer cos she gets hungry often <3 Back when I was a kid we had a belgian shepherd and later on a samoyed, both the sweetest things ever. I miss them, dogs should live as long as humans :(
hobbies: reading (mostly I'm into fantasy and good omens fanfics right now but it changes every now and then), lyrical dance, aerial silks, pole dance and recently I'm getting into writing (inspired by GO)
Personality: I'm an extroverted introvert, I love spending time with people I like and I love getting to know new people I vibe with, but I need a lot of alone time, my social battery is limited and social interaction can feel very draining if I don't get alone time to recharge. I can be quite socially awkward and shy if I don't know people too well but once I'm comfortable around someone I get very giggly and silly. I'm an INFJ according to a test thingy someone sent me to fill in.
Favourite holiday: Hallowe'en. Big spooky fan, me. Mostly because it means autumn has arrived, it's my favourite season. Also love costume parties and roasted chestnuts (in the Catalunya region of Spain, where I live, it's tradition to have roasted chestnuts on the 31st).
Favourite food: hmm hard to choose. (Vegan) lasagna, mushroom risotto, curries, avocado toast, regular toast with margarine or olive oil, bread in general, i love bread!
Favourite dessert: lotus cheesecake or fudgy chocolate cake (vegan versions).
Favourite colour: I'm not really sure I have a specific favourite colour but I generally prefer cool colours over warm ones.
Favourite quote/s: "To live is the rarest thing in the world; most people exist, that is all" - Oscar Wilde, "Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn" - Delmore Schwartz, "To the world" - Good Omens
Favourite book/s: too hard to pick all-time faves so here are a few favourite recent reads - Six of Crows/Crooken Kingdom, 1Q84, Babel, Good Omens (currently reading)
Favourite tv shows: Good Omens (obvi), Brooklyn99, The Office, the Haunting of Bly Manor, From
Favourite films: Jurassic Park (the original one), Black Swan, Little Women, I'm kind of blanking here can't think of any others
Favourite characters: Crowley & Aziraphale, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Nina Zenik, Wylan VanEck, Matthias Helvar, Jo March, Tori from Heartstopper & Solitaire, Jake Peralta, Holden Caulfield
Favourite actors: currently quite obsessed with Michael Sheen and David Tennant, I wonder why
Favourite song/s: ooh this is a hard one. Off the top of my head right now:
-My immortal - Evanescence
-Under Pressure - Queen
-Who wants to live forever - Queen
-Lovely - Billie Eilish
-Smoke Signals - Phoebe Bridgers
-Famous Blue Raincoat - Leonard Cohen
-Take me somewhere nice - Mogwai
-Massa Tard - Blaumut
-With me - Sum41
-Perra - Rigoberta Bandini
-Run - Snow Patrol
-Cardigan - Taylor Swift
I'm gonna stop myself here cos I could just keep adding songs and this would get wayyy too long
Favourite music genre/s: Whatever vibes with my state of mind in the moment.
Favourite podcast/s: Don't really listen to podcasts cos I have rubbish attention span and if I play one while I'm out walking around I am practically guaranteed to get distracted by my own thoughts and stop paying attention and suddenly realise I haven't processed a single word in the last half hour
Have you ever met a celebrity: I've decided locally famous drag queens count as celebrities so yes, i have met a few and they were all super friendly! ^^
Do you collect anything: I've moved a lot since I left home so I've tended to be quite practical about not accumulating things. Books would be the exception I guess, I love buying physical copies.
Do you have any idols: in Neil Gaiman we trust
Is there a real life friend you can be completely yourself with: I am terrible at being vulnerable and expressing my feelings face to face but i do have a couple of people very willing to be a safe space whenever i do manage to share
Where would you live to travel to: New Zealand, Tromsø (Norway), West Coast Canada
Random fact about yourself: I get carsick very easily.
If you made it all the way down here, thanks for reading all my gibberish!! <3
I think many people i would tag have already been tagged elsewhere so I'll leave it at that but everybody feel free to join in!
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Questions: 1,, 4,, 18,, 19,, 20 for the Para Motivation Ask Meme please !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ) I’’d like to request Neil and Ozzie,, but you can do the paras you’’ve most recently been daydreaming about if you’’d like !! ( ◉ �� ◉ )
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[ ASK GAME ] || (I'm pretty sure you meant the para relationship ask game lol) Funnily enough Neil & Ozzie WERE the last paras I daydreamed about!! They were doing kinky sex while I was working and uhm I think Neil might be ace?? We'll get back to that at some point. But I'm also gonna do Alice from @fractured-fables since I drew her earlier & also Emory bc there's now a sign at work that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM it makes me loose my mind.
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1.) What’s their relationship with their parents like? Is there one parent they’re closer too than the other? If your was raised by a different caretaker, what is their relationship like, and how does your para feel about the absence of their parents in their life?
Neil: Technically doesn't have parents as he was treated as an experiment since the minute he was born. However, his father was a scientist at Arcaynis (the organization that's experimenting on people). He willingly subjected his own son to horrific experiments, but thankfully(??) Neil didn't know this. He doesn't really have any parental figures, and kinda wished he did. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if someone held him a little bit as a kid.
Ozzie: His father was very abusive, but thankfully his momma was always ready to defend him. He is a very big momma's boy and yknow, I think they still talk sometimes. He probably sent her some of the money he stole when he was a villain.
Alice: Does not get along with her parents. Well. Its complicated. She loves them, they love her, but they don't really "get" her, if you catch my drift?? Objectively speaking, they're fine parents, just probably not the best for Alice. HOWEVER, Phineas becomes like her second dad/uncle/older brother figure in Wonderland, and those two understand each other SO WELL. Funnily enough, they actually hated each other when they first met! Both for good reasons but nowadays you'd never know. Also did you know some people ship Alice & Hatter romantically??? They are Wrong. So very wrong thats her dad!!!
Emory: His "backstory" gives him parents, but they're also dead and desperately need to be buried bc they're rotting corpses are stinking up the house. He doesn't really consider them his "parents", anyway. Technically, he doesn't have any, and he's perfectly fine with that. Still, Theia likes to call him her son sometimes which is kinda funny so he allows it and humors her by occasionally referring to her as his mother.
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4.) Who was your para’s childhood best friend? When and how did they meet? Are they still friends?
Neil: Dahlia!! She was the daughter of another scientist at Arcaynis, but not an experiment. Neil loved her, she was quite literally the ONLY good thing in his life. Dahlia wasn't supposed to sneak into wherever Neil was being kept, but she was curious. And stubborn, because she kept coming back almost every day! Eventually, she was encouraged to interact with Neil to observe how he reacted to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed her while he was escaping Arcaynis. He often wonders what it'd be like if she lived — would she be proud? He almost idolizes and romanticizes her/her existence. It's kinda creepy.
Ozzie: Ozzie was a very shy, soft spoken, and introverted kid. He was bullied a lot for being a teachers pet / being smart. It was rough, but Nora Osborn took pity on him and helped Ozzie gain some confidence during high school! I have not introduced her yet (bc I. keep forgetting to) but Nora is Ozzie's wife! Canonically she had roughly 8 minutes of screen time and died but I haven't fully decided on what I wanna do with her in MaaC yet. But she does exist, and Ozzie loves her dearly.
Alice: Her best friends are Dorothy and Wendy!!! They've been bffs for varying years, but all met during early childhood. I think they all just met on the playground one day, yknow how little kids are lol. And yes, they're still friends today! I call them the "iskeai girls" bc they all get transported to other worlds lol.
Emory: OK so technically Emory never had a "childhood", he's an ageless being that sort of just...exists. but uhm I guess we can say Ketrill?? Ketrill was created by Theia so they spent a lot of time together. They're kinda like brothers.
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18.) How important are your para’s various relationships to them? Do they cherish the people closest to them? Does their support system keep them going? How about strangers? What are their feelings about humanity as a whole? Is it easier for them to live those closest to them vs humanity as a whole?
Neil: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. He has never had friends/family/ANYTHING before escaping Arcaynis, so he'll cling to anything he can stick his claws in. He learns to balance different relationships (as well as the types of relationships) as time goes on with the help of those around him, but by GOD was he, uh, a bit of an obsessive stalker towards practically anyone he met the first few years of living in society. As for humanity? It sucks. Shut that shit down.
Ozzie: Oohh, he's a sappy mother motherfucker that loves his friends and probably believed in the power of friendship when he was younger (he still kinda does sshhh). He has mixed views on humanity but like, he's human too so he doesn't want it totally gone.
Alice: Depends on the person tbh. Earth? Forget them tbh. Wonderland? THAT'S HER FAMILY!!! Yes all of Wonderland is her family now lol that's her HOME. She loves it there and genuinely considers it her home, she'd live there always if given the option. She thinks humanity on earth sucks but Wonderlandians got smth going on trust her on that.
Emory: So looking at it now I think Emory is only close to like, 5 people total. That's it. I don't know if he'd consider them a "friend group" or a "support system" but he does care for them, which is saying something, as he doesn't really get close to people. I don't think he really has an opinion on humanity. Like it exists. That's it. He doesn't really...care??
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19.) How does your para realize they care about someone? Is it instantaneous, or a slow realization? Are they dense, or maybe realize once it’s too late that there was something there?
Neil: He's...a little dense. To everyone else, it's so fucking obviously because he's trailing after the person like a lost puppy and is borderline obsessed with them. But he probably won't realize how much they mean until someone either points it out or he looses that person.
Ozzie: It creeps up on him. He knows he cares about someone, its the level/extent of it that surprises him! Like he thought Neil was just a good ally/coworker until something innocuous happened, like maybe he saw the other sleeping and then BAM! Head over heels in love. Incredible, really.
Alice: I feel like Alice is similar to Ozzie, she knows she cares about those around her, I guess sometimes she just forgets HOW much she cares. Or sometimes its hard to care, with all the shit they've been through/have going on. She tries her best to make sure those she loves feel appreciated, though.
Emory: Imma be honest...he doesn't get "close" to people. He's an Interdimensional Demonic Cat, The Librarian. He records everything, narrates all of it. So getting close to those he is observing...he doesn't like it. He was close to Delilah, and she died. He was a little too involved with False Moon, and they're pretty traumatized. By FF/LIW he's kinda keeping his distance. Anyway! He knows pretty quickly when he genuinely cares about someone and not solely because he wants the "story" to continue. And he will deny it until the end of time, because God forbid a kitty experience love!!
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20.) How does your para expresses their feelings of care/love to others? What’s their love language (giving and receiving!)
Neil: Gift giving!! He gives very weird gifts, though. Honestly he's kinda like a cat bringing its owner dead animals?? Like uh thanks buddy but what am I supposed to do with this exactly. He very much likes receiving physical contact. Hold him. Please.
Ozzie: Quality time!! He likes taking people out to museums and aquariums, those type of places, and seeing what they point out. He also likes receiving quality time. Literally all you gotta do is exist in the same room as him he is so easy to please.
Alice: Acts of service!! She'll get your groceries! She'll paint your roses! She'll die for you! Literally!! She likes receiving words of affirmation. Tell her she's doing good. Please. Don't actually she'll break down and sob.
Emory: Physical contact. I feel like that's a typical/standard cat answer. Yes he does express love like an actual cat would. He likes receiving quality time. Just spend some time in his library, he'll appreciate it a lot.
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squaletta · 5 months
There are many strengths that you have in general when it comes to writing, but I think your strongest one would be that you have an undaunting spirit. To explain what I mean by this, I think there are different facets in which this can be seen, whether it’s the fact that you rp in a language that isn’t your mother tongue because you want to write more and connect with even more people, or even the fact that you put an incredible amount of energy and creativity into forging the female portrayals of Tsuna and Squalo.
I’ve seen a lot of people simply go down the ‘everything about the character is the same, but they are trans, and therefore are a [insert gender here]. I don’t often see people anymore directly state that their portrayal is such that the muse was born a different gender and you’ve catered their past to create a character who is like the original, but also different enough to be discernable from the original. The fact that this is the muse and not a AU that some people will request for, it shows that you’re and adventurous soul and one that truly just wants to have fun and not pay much attention to if others will have anything negative to say about your choices.
It was also recently seen in the talk that we had on discord a bit ago. We’re similar in ways that we won’t be stopped and we won’t allow sad things to keep us down. People may hurt us, but we’ll trek through it anyways and continue to do what makes us happy and what we think works.
Perhaps this doesn’t really make sense, but in the simplest of terms, you’ve got a lot of courage. You’re brave to venture into trying interesting things, and aren’t afraid to reach out to new people and try new interactions. You’re sociable and friendly. In RPC, that’s a very good quality to have. ((OOC: Greatest strength meme btw if it wasn’t clear))
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What do you think is my biggest strenght as roleplayer
I do not know what to say. Your words motivate and encourage me to continue doing what I am doing. I respect you very much, and I'm glad we met. I don't want this to sound like a speech for winning some award, but every kind word is like I won some kind of award.
I know I'm not perfect. I know I need to work on many things related to this account. Whether it's my English, handling technical things, completing a account and content side (bio, verses etc.), and the aesthetic side.
I like different things and like to try different things, and this can probably be seen in my portrayal. Yes, it is an adventure in a way. Since I also work in the field of language and literature in the real world, roleplaying is my love. I'm actually an introvert, but here, the interaction comes naturally to me because I'm in my element.
However, I am very glad that you see what I see in my interpretation of the character. What I am trying to say and achieve with her. I also encounter negative opinions and misunderstandings, so I'm all the more happy with kind words and, of course, constructive criticism, whether it's good or suggesting what I should improve.
One big thank you. ♥
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stephanie-black-swan · 6 months
Hello to you, who will read these few lines 🙂 I don't think Taylor Swift will read my message here, but rather to a member of her team? Anyway hello!
I am writing this somewhat special message today to ask a question. I know my post will be just one of 1000, but maybe someone will read it anyway.
I am Stephanie, and I live in France. I have my ticket for the Eras Tour. For me it will be in LYON at the GROUPAMA STADIUM N2 on June 3, 2024. I have a VIP FOSSE OR LEFT ticket with early access.
Here, we do not have postal or email addresses that we can use to contact our favorite international artists (or their teams). So I am trying my luck on this address, hoping that someone is interested in what I write here. And even better, that someone reads my message to the end.
I am 28 years old. Apparently, I am an adult. I think? In any case, I never stopped writing and dreaming. If this makes me a child, if this is the price to pay, I accept it! Maybe I have a slight Peter Pan syndrome.
Despite everything, I am a fairly introverted and reasonable person. I am very rational, I like to analyze everything, and I hate being noticed. As a result, I have never been a “fan” as people tend to say. I have never gone after an autograph or a photo with a public figure. Besides, most of the time, I don't care if a person is famous or not. I myself would absolutely hate being famous. I also never claim that you can truly know a public figure solely through their image and the marketing around them. Above all, stars are not Gods, just people like the rest of us. They also have their fears, their joys, and their demons. But all this rationality does not, sometimes, prevent us from admiring a person. Not because she is famous, but because she shakes our emotions and our thoughts through her art.
Since childhood, I have been very socially awkward. I was teased and harassed most of my schooling. For what? Oh, just because I was already 5' 11" tall at the very beginning of middle school, and I often sat in my corner scribbling poems and stories on my sheets of paper. I was listening to music in my ears non-stop, and I was in my own world. And besides, I haven't changed that much. Maybe it's also because I have autism, that's what the psychiatrist told me haha. Words and music have, are and always will be my only escape in this sometimes brutal and dark world. I still write, whenever my emotions need to be expressed. Because I never express them as well as with words. After my father died of cancer when I was 18, words and music were kind of the only thing in the world I still had. And that's what kept me going.
You now see very well where I was going with this: yes, during this period, I discovered and listened to the music of Taylor Alison Swift. So obviously not only that, I've listened to thousands of different artists, and there are a lot of them that I love. But no other artist has touched me like Taylor Swift has. Apparently people say she's a witch? No, she is a magician with words. The poetic magician of the 21st century.
I read everywhere that at a concert, people were chosen to interact with her during the song "22", and others to meet her before and/or after the concert. But also that these people were often chosen based on their super stylish outfit, their screams, their dedication on the internet. But I have neither the time nor the energy to create "fan pages" on social networks (besides I don't particularly like social networks), I don't have the means nor the desire to spending fortunes on merchandising or "cosplay" clothing to attend the concert, and above all I don't have the "thing" to scream and move in all directions. As I said, I am not a fan per se, and Taylor is a human being. Besides, I don't care about autographs, even photos. I don't want visibility on the internet, that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want any gifts. I don't need all these things.
But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of one day having the opportunity to shake the hand of an inspiring artist. Look her in the eyes and simply say “thank you, for your music, for your words, for everything”. Yes, I dream of that. And I admit, in my life I am often saddened by the fact that I never had luck. Please note: I am not complaining. I have a wonderful mom who I am very close with, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love with all my heart, and they are the most precious things in the world. But regarding the little extra thing, the bonus, the little dream moment: I always watched others have it. I know for a fact that many others are like me, and that I am not a special person compared to others. And most of the time I don't care if they get lucky and I don't, I don't need it. But for this time, just for this, I would really like to have a joker and be able to say "hey, this time I'm the lucky one today!". But no matter what, this Joker would never happen alone. Luck provokes itself, it decides. This is why I sent this message, to try to induce luck. For the rest... Fingers crossed!
For the person reading these lines (IF someone read this), and if they have made it this far: thank you from the bottom of my heart, and have a wonderful day :)
@taylornation @taylorswift
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dearweirdme · 7 months
I'm not trying to start something 😅 but who did you think is the least close members of bts ???? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I think Rm and Jungkook🙆‍♀️....After that convo on the phone and rm didn't recognise jk (i remember another convo where rm told jk to call more often) .....yea....there's definitely admiration between the two but being best buddies?....I don't think so personally....me thinks 🤔
Hi anon!
Oh no… what’s with the touchy topics the last two days 🙈.
Well let me start with saying I do absolutely think all members have a great bond. Even those who I think might be least close. It is not uncommon to have a group of friends amongst who you have different levels of closeness and you can also see this amongst siblings. For instance, I get along with all my siblings.. but there’s only one I will call when I need to talk about stuff.
I actually had to think about this for a bit.. because there’s two combos that came to mind.. I think for me it’s either Jk and Yoongi or Tae and Yoongi and I’m possibly leaning most towards Jk and Yoongi. Mostly because I think both their characters are quite introverted and they will therefore not reach out to each other easily. I do love the way they interact though and I think Yoongi definitely enjoy Jk even though he talk about him being annoying 😂.
I believe Jk and Namjoon are actually close.. but very much in an older-wiser-brother vs younger-one way.
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psychelis-new · 10 months
I know I kept sending short asks cuz those are at the spur of moment but.
I just wanna express my appreciation towards you.
You're an amazing gift to this community. I started feeling a lil uhhh scared? Reserved? Around you. Maybe cuz it's your theme being monochromatic and very aesthetic, and how you form your words and sentence. It's like... Very well thought out and trying to keep things neutral, which is very opposite of the chaotic me.
However, that aspect of you gives out a peaceful vibe as well. There's a slow sense of secured comfort, where people can just rest here and read your PACs with a cup of tea in hand.
I know we don't really interact much but I think (and feel) that there's a mutual respect that we have with each other. I mean, we do respect each other and other people, but maybe (just maybe) the mutual respect we share is slightly different? It's more than just mutuals, but we can take that further. Can we be closer friends?
So yeah, I think it's the caffeine hitting in the morning but yeah I really wanted to get this out. I hope that things are doing well for you and wish that all good things fall upon you. I await more readings but I also await more random notes/stories or anything that you wanna share. Seeing you on my dashboard just makes me happy!
And I hope you're happy as well! Take care, stay hydrated, stay comfy, and may you get through whatever challenges life throws at you. <3
First of all, thank you Ann! I've been reading this as I woke up but I needed a little time to collect my thoughts (and go training) before answering you: I am not that used to receive so much appreciation from someone heh. This said, let me tell you you made my day: I've been smiling reading through the whole ask. :)
I'm sorry I'm not as good at expressing the emotions I feel as you are. It's something I still have to work on (yay emotional abuse!). Maybe this is what makes me look scary and closed off at first, or maybe it's also cause I don't really take too much part in the community either (not even from my other main account: sorry everyone, I am like this lol I tend do change my mind and follow my guts a lot). It may be because of a not so good experience back when I didn't have good boundaries (which made me come back with pretty strict ones before finding a new balance), and because that's what I realized I should do from the *often implied* feedback I get: people are here for what I can give them in terms of readings and advices or messages, they don't care that much about me as a person (and I accept that ofc! not judging anyone: this blog is about tarots, not about me), so I don't often share much of myself nor I tend to dm to too many people unless I feel there can be mutual interest of any kind.
Differently from you, I'm also pretty introverted I guess lol. But I am very happy that at least in my readings and answers you can find a bit of peace and comfort cause that's what I feel is my main job here and on my other blog too. Trying to help y'all and make you feel understood cause life is pretty stressing, and so it's healing and all, and we all need a break and someone to put a blanket on us sometimes, right?
Anyway, aside from this little explanation I feel I owed everyone in a way...
I would really love to become closer friend with you. I think you are a very talented and outgoing person which I really admire. You call yourself chaotic and for the little I have seen maybe your main blog is (and I am honestly saying this with a smile and lot of love) but Idk, what I feel around you is just a very sweet and deeply good energy. This energy can take any form imo, even the chaotic one, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter: it's what there's at the core that matters. And yours is a funny cute chaotic imo. Which I really appreciate. I wish you to receive lot of love, support, appreciation and hundreds if not more of good things. And that you can be strong through difficulties and trials and just know that if you need even to just vent, here I am :)
Take care, stay safe, stay hydrated you too and be well<3 And okay let's dm lol
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Riddle Rosehearts #2
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Riddle Rosehearts
@bumbledeezy Request: Hi! May I have a romantic twst matchup, please?
I'm a creative person, and I'm also good at reading people somehow. I think and analyze a lot, I am very curious. I have my worries and anxiety, but I like to keep control of my life, so I don't show my worries as much as i tend to not show any negative emotions. I'm straightforward, inventive, and a little bit awkward person. My friends call me The Mom of our group.
I'm 100% an introvert.
I'm into drawing, reading, and writing as well.
For appearance: I have red hair with a blonde color inside. Blue eyes. Average height. ✌
Thank you for your time.
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Given the description above, I believe that you best pair well with Riddle Rosehearts!
The two of you make quite the pair, especially with how similar the both of you look! The red hair makes the both of you stand out among the crowd, but your blonde hair is a feature that Riddle secretly likes. It’s like a little surprise; a dash of whimsy that Riddle is not allowed for himself because of his mother’s teachings. With you, he can be himself and push his boundaries so that he can be his best self. 
Your ability to read people is a good way to get yourself into Riddle’s good graces. Even though he’s changed for the better after his Overblot, he’s still prone to irritation and anger. It takes a lot to un-learn habits and ways of thinking, but you can help him along by hinting to him whenever he needs to relax and calm down whenever he gets angry at matters that could be considered trivial and insignificant. 
Riddle can understand worrying and anxiety while also trying to maintain control over one’s life. Look at his Unique Magic! He has control issues and he deals with them before his Overblot by trying to control the actions of everyone around him. However, if you meet him post-Overblot, he is earnestly trying to better himself. If you need extra guidance, he can help you with your worries and remind you that no one can truly control everything. It’s a lesson that’s best learned from observing others lest you end up like him.
When he notices that you have a tendency to repress or downplay your emotions, Riddle will urge you to embrace your emotions. Again, Riddle had trouble with that and he knows what it’s like to spiral down into despair and madness. If you’re magical, you can certainly fall prey to Overblot. If you aren’t, you still are at risk of hurting your mental health. 
Riddle appreciates your straightforward personality. It’s not often that he finds a person who is willing to speak to him truthfully. Despite his short stature, he is very mature and needs to be told when he’s wrong and not be coddled by others. If you’re willing to argue against him, point out his flaws when necessary, or be plain and direct when interacting with him, you automatically earn his respect and later, his adoration. 
It’s quite all right if you’re awkward! He’s also a bit of an odd duck when it comes to interacting with peers his own age—it does not help at all that he’s not in tune with pop culture either. If the both of you are pushed together in social situations, you can seek refuge within each other. Hey, it’s no longer as awkward if you’re being awkward together. (Cater will think the both of you are ridiculously adorable and take cute pictures of the both of you).
If you’re the Mom of the Group, then surely Riddle is the Dad. (Before you ask, Ace and a few other Heartslabyul residents will tease you for it, but don’t let Ace’s teasing get you down. Riddle will discipline him later as he holds your hand and the rest of the dorm better not say anything or he’ll have their heads).
Riddle also appreciates your introverted nature! For some odd reason, he’s the Housewarden of very mouthy first years, so your personality is a breath of fresh air. However, don’t be afraid to speak your mind: Riddle always appreciates what you have to say. 
Overall, the both of you make a cute couple! When you’re paired together, you’re like the King and Queen of Hearts from the old histories of Twisted Wonderland. And just like them, your Queen of Hearts will love and adore you as the rest of your court look on in respect and awe. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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Hi, can I please have a match up with a male character for genshin?🙏🏼
For my personality : I'm definitely a big introvert, I need time to open up to someone but once you know me, I can be quite playful & I like teasing my friends/family.
I'm an INTP, which means I'm often stuck in my own head, when I'm with my group of friends, I don't talk a lot since I'm more focused on my own thoughts. I usually prefer to listen than talk.
I can be quite talkative when I'm interested by a subject & I can be rambling a lot because of my excitement.
I always need to analyse everything, like I need everything to make sense & if a little detail doesn't make sense then it's going to disturbs me.
I'm stubborn & prideful, probably my 2 worst traits.
My love language is probably acts of service, I'm not very direct & open with my feelings but I think actions speak louder than words so I like to do little things for others.
My dislikes :
I hate big crowds or loud places, they make me uncomfortable, I prefer quiet & chilled places.
I don't like clingy people, I need my personal space & I can be easily annoyed if someone doesn't respect it.
I don't like people who are too extravagant, like when they're too loud or when they're overreacting, I feel like they just need attention or they're not genuine.
Physical affection for me is also a no or it needs to be minimal like holding hands for example.
I'm a very picky eater so there are a lot of aliments I don't like.😅
I hate judgemental people, who are judging when it doesn't concerned them or without knowing the full story.
I don't like it when I'm ignored or when someone is interrupting me when I'm speaking.
My likes & hobbies :
I love anything sweet, I have a huge sweet tooth!
I'm whipped for animals, I just can't resist them! I'm definitely more confortable with them than with humans.😅 (I'm a cat mom by the way!)
I love poetry, sometimes I try to write poems but I don't think I'm good at it so I prefer to just read some.
I like writing in general, like I said before, I tend to be stuck in my own head so writing my thoughts helps me emptying my head & organize my thoughts.
I enjoy nature, so I like to take a break & just walk in some quiet & peaceful places like forests for example.
I like talking about random facts, if I think something is interesting then I want to share it with others.
I love baking & cooking! It's probably my biggest love language! It always makes me happy when I see my family enjoying my food!
I think I'm a good listener so I'm always honoured when someone comes to me too seek for my help. I always like helping people by listening & giving advices.
I'd love to travel & discover the world, it's probably my biggest dream.
Thank you in advance.🤗
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Diluc, 。・:*:・゚☆
You and Diluc unknowingly find yourselves involved with one another.
The young master of Dawn Winery is a popular figure among the people of Mondstadt. Most of those who interact with the Ragnvindr heir best describe him as a courteous gentleman who tends to come across as either quite frank or, according to the young Klee, grumpy. But regardless of what people perceived him to be, there was more to the aloof and handsome noble than meets the eye.
The first time he notices you is when he volunteers to pick up the weekly order in place of Charles from the nearby bakery. Despite being dressed plainly and covered in a bit of flour, your quiet comeliness catches his attention as you greet him. The stoic man had never been one to make small talk but finds himself learning that you travelled quite a bit after taking note of the knickknacks decorating perched on your store's shelves. By the end of the visit, the nobleman returns to Angel's Share with an extra box of pastries and a quiet liking to you.
As the years passed, the two of you gradually became good friends. It became customary for either of you to visit the other's establishment occasionally. Your workers would catch a glimpse of the uncrowned king and you within your back office, nursing a cup of Valberry tea as he tries your latest pastry creation. On the other hand, you would be occasionally found on one of the high stools at Angel's Share while providing some feedback regarding the new items on his menu. It was much to the surprise of everyone when the two of you collaborated on a set course meal during the Windblume festival, an endeavour which received praise from the residents.
Speaking of the citizens, a growing number of them had taken note of the Pyro-user's change in demeanour. Yes, Diluc had always been a gentleman, and yet no one can deny how the usually intimidating man's gaze would turn soft upon settling over your figure. From hanging his coat over your frame to protect you from a gust of cold wind to going as far as to keep you company as you stop to pet every cat or dog that crosses your path when during the walk home and putting aside a small dish of imported sweets from Inazuma or Sumeru to go with your cocktail, courtesy of Diluc when visiting the tavern. It doesn't take a genius to see that the said man has grown fond, if not quite infatuated, with you. And Diluc very well knows this.
Over the time the tavern owner has known you, he has gotten a better idea of your mannerisms. He knows you to be a dedicated and tenacious individual when it involves your profession as a patissier. Or how you prefer to splurge on kitchen equipment which would ease the workload for your employees. And like any average person, the Claymore user knew you to opt for a short walk around the city to clear your mind after dealing with people after a busy day. But like many, there were also times when you pushed yourself a little too hard…and in those trying days, you would sometimes end up at the tavern for a drink or two.
One summer evening, the Winery owner happened upon your bleary-eyed figure sitting between a mirthful Kaeya and Venti at Angel's Share. It doesn't take long for the Pyro-user to realize that the two must have bugged you to drink a little more than usual, leading to the point where you were in no condition to walk home alone. Handing the towel to a nearby Charles, Diluc can only glare at the two troublemakers as you bid both the bard and captain a good night before escorting you home.
Typically, you had always been a talkative person when alcohol was involved, but Diluc becomes somewhat self-conscious when you stare at him with a silly grin as he walks you home. With a well-posed question, It doesn't take much for you to share what was going through your lovely head. There was a saying that drunken words were honest thoughts, and Diluc was no stranger to them as he was used to dealing with intoxicated patrons…But the usual stoic expression on the Pyro-user's face is quickly replaced by a flustered one when a confession tumbles past your lips.
With his mind running, the Pyro-user's is well aware that he doesn't need to even look at a mirror to know that his face must have been the same shade as his tresses. The seconds must have turned into a few minutes, and Diluc pauses when he catches the tight-lipped smile on your face as you attempt to change the subject when you two finally reach the door to your home.
That's the thing words; once a person starts measuring how much to tell, they keep everything to themselves, leaving others to misunderstand. Diluc was never one to act upon his emotions. Yet, when you begin apologizing for making him uncomfortable and urging him to forget about it, he finds himself reaching for your hand. The young tycoon has never been good at expressing himself, yet he finds himself determined to respond in kind to your feelings.
Archons, the man has never met a stubborn person like you whose contagious smile and presence lit up his dreary existence; He fell in love with you a long time ago but just never found the resolve to tell you in fear that it would be too much of a burden. For years he's maintained friendly relations, as you deserved much better. And yet his feeble attempts to distance himself from you never works out as he constantly reminds himself of you as he goes on with his everyday life.
And yet love, the elusive mystery that is it, seemed intent on finally catching up to the Ragvindr heir when he witnessed the red blooming over your cheeks. The tension in Diluc's frame dissipates as he notes the faint grin on your lips as he meets your gaze, only then finally noticing how close the two of you stood next to each other. He watches as you reach toward his face, tentative fingertips grazing his jaw ever so slightly.
At that moment, he lets himself indulge, letting you feel his cheek before finally leaning into the touch while staring into your bright gaze with utter fondness. In the quiet darkness, the Pyro-user rests his gloved hand over yours as he affirms his affections. And being the witty person you had always been, you dub the red-haired nobleman a mischievous rascal, to which he reciprocates with a small laugh.
The two of you would have stayed wrapped up in each other but found yourselves slightly shaken at the sound of the nearby bell chiming. Finally taking note of the late hour, the winery owner slowly is prepared to bid you goodnight but is beaten to it when you press a chaste kiss against his cheek. Flashing the winery owner an affectionate grin and bidding him a good night, the Pyro-user can only gape as you swiftly disappear behind the safe confines of your home.
Sleep takes its time as Diluc lays awake in bed that night. His thoughts drifted towards you and the events that had transpired that evening. Ever since his father's death and his adoptive-brother's revelation, he's been adamant in keeping people at arm's length to spare both himself from becoming attached and getting hurt. Unfortunately, you had effectively wormed yourself past the high walls of his heart, and now he cannot seem to find it in himself to distance himself from you any longer. Ultimately, he's decided to hold and cherish you despite not knowing what the future holds.
Today's been busy, especially when the Ludi Harpastum is just around the corner…Ah, it seems you have someone waiting to be served! And it doesn't seem like any regular customer…
╰ ☆☆☆☆╮
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