#i'm attracted to some of them but it's such a hassle
perilegs · 3 months
saw a tiktok i can't stop thinking about. it was something like "why are transmacs infighting when we could be clapping clams" and yea. i could have tboy cock in my mouth rn yet i'm sitting here. at work. doing literally nothing. this is what's wrong with society
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signedkoko · 4 months
HII I have been reading your writing for a while now and I lOVE IT! I've been waiting to put in a req when they got open sooo! (Your writing always makes me hAPPYY when they come out) <33 Any chance of an Overlord!GN reader with Mammon / Striker? Just general romantic Headcannons- Like how it is to date them/everyday stuff with them (The reader is always serious (and tall 👀) and owns a big casino in pride (Maybe Mammon taking interest in it? idk))
Mammon | Striker [Romantic]
In which you are their overlord s/o that owns the largest casino in the pride ring. Reader is genderneutral.
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The guy looks like a total clown next to you
And he is, but he loses any sense of danger when he's standing next to you, who happens to be just a few inches taller than him
Your cold sneer next to that goofy grin, like he knows he's totally lucked out having such a hottie for an s/o
To many in the greed ring, he was the greediest of all, but when they came up top to the sinners realm and met some of the overlords that roamed the lands, they started to realize that yeah, maybe Mammon wasn't so bad
While Mammon used to attract many fans, ever since you two became an item, they've stayed far, far away
At first, he hated it because it meant he couldn't scam some pathetic sinners
But you had the idea that he could come by your casino for official meet and greets; that way, people would pay the entrance fee for you and him for just fucking around in a casino all day
Mammon is actually kind of an airhead at times
He isn't stupid, but he isn't all there, especially when with you; he just turns his brain off and lets you do the thinking
You're better at it anyways
During extermination, you can't go down and be safe with him; he will often come up just to ensure your safety
Sure, you seem scarier, but that's only because he is in his smaller form
You two are a literal power couple; you could take over all of hell if you tried hard enough
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Striker always preferred to stay away from the pride ring
Sinners were such a hassle, especially keeping up with the overlords and what they considered 'theirs'
In fact, he'd stay in wrath all the time if he could, but business always called for his presence in the upper ring
He isn't stupid enough to fall into the grip of an overlord-run casino, but more than one of his targets did
Your security caught him more than once sneaking angelic weapons into your casino
The third time it happened was enough, and you came forward yourself to speak to the man
He was charming and convincing, but you weren't one to let things slide so easily
You promised he could do whatever he liked with your occupants, given that he gets their casino dues in
And well, for how much he was paid, that wasn't too terrible a deal
The two of you ended up a bit more than intertwined, though, and the assassin managed to worm his way into your heart
And god, was it ever a sight
One of the oldest overlords that towered over anyone that came before them, with a face like a funeral, next to an imp
An imp no one really knew, either
At the end of the day, the only people who dared question you were other overlords, but they tended to leave their noses out of others business, respectfully or not
While you could defend yourself rather well, Striker is more than happy to handle anyone who dares try to touch you
Interrogations are useful, you know; that way, he can kill off the whole chain of command
He's very romantic and gentlemanly with you, even if you don't ask for such from him
Don't think your position of power will ever make him feel like he is the lesser; he will take good care of you no matter who you are
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Author's Note - Thank you so much for requesting, I'm glad you got a chance! It was a nice break going back to some Helluva Boss characters (not that I hate writing hazbin, but it was a lot of requests).
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Your headcanons give me life!! Can I ask for your headcanons of Mikey? Sorry if you have already done it before!
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I actually think this is the first time people have asked for Mikey which is surprising! I have a bunch for him!
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Anyone who sleeps in the same bed as him is getting cuddled. He just instinctively moves towards the warmth and clings to them.
Thinks everyone is teasing him when they praise his singing
Still occasionally calls Baji by his Edward nickname (normally when he's feeling overly playful)
Loves snowball fights and assumes everyone else does too (will throw a surprise snowball at you)
When at sleepovers with the founders, they usually bet on if Mikey or Pah will fall asleep first.
The first time his toman friends heard him say "please" is when he was desperately asking them for some of their food. (After they said no the first time, he sighed then suddenly got serious and just said "please"
Shinichiro used to get him out of bed by stealing his covers 
He continued to tease Draken about coming to him for Emma's birthday advice for months after
Butterflies are very attracted to him, they land on him a lot
Has tried to ask Baji for a piggyback ride many times before but stopped after Baji dropped him one time.
In the good timeline he pouts after losing a race. (He also eats taiyaki before every race because it's "good luck")
Sometimes while sleeping at school, he'll talk in his sleep (Draken always glares at the other students and teachers if they dare turn around to look at Mikey)
Will beat up guys if he catches them hassling girls
When they were younger he was always very confused about the tv shows and magazines Emma was interested in. Used to question everything (and generally be annoying) along with Baji. "If hello kitty is a cat then why does she have her own cat?" "Mikey, I'm trying to watch this!"
Is a terrible baker because he eats half the ingredients 
Can be a bit possessive as a partner, clinging to you and loudly declaring you're his in a room full of people.
Refuses to fight Senju in the good timeline, she keeps chasing him declaring a spar while he keeps running off (Sanzu and Baji normally end up holding her back so Mikey can run)
If he drops food on the floor he will pick it back up quickly and still eat it, even if Draken tells him not to. 
Forgot about the first time he mey Chifuyu
In the good timeline he still kicked Kazutora's dad even though he now knew he wasn't a kidnapper
He first met Yumi a little bit after he met Pah and Peh. She went to go lecture him about beating them up.
One of the things he most looking forward to doing at the beach was building a sandcastle (with a flag of course)
At his own wedding, he steals the little bride and groom on the cake to play around with them
Had a race car bed as a child at one point
And finally, when he confesses to someone he panics a little bit on what to say and ends up calling them his taiyaki/flag/blanket. He was meant to say he loves them but instead names something else that he loves. It still turns out to be quite sweet though.
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
if Draco walked in on you changing...
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Word Count: 1360
Harry Potter Masterlist
Warnings: I have no clue when this could fit onto the general Harry Potter timeline (and tbh I don't think it does); this features the 'arranged marriage' trope; the reader is a rich pureblood (but there is no indication that the reader looks down on muggleborns the way that the Malfoys do); there is no mention of which pureblood family the reader is from, so there is no indication of her race; the reader is mentioned to be afab/has breasts and wears dresses; mentions of house elves/use of house elf labor; Draco is very cocky and entitled in this; there is some dubious consent because Draco looks at the reader while she is undressed without her consent, but she doesn't fully care; Draco calls the reader 'darling' and 'love'; the reader's parents are discussing the arranged marriage with the Malfoys without her consent; passing mention of the reader and Draco having kids together; the reader is definitely attracted to Draco and denying it. I believe that's everything.
A/N: Can you tell that I'm obsessed with the arranged marriage trope when it comes to Draco?? Yes? No? (Well you're gonna be able to tell that even more if he wins the other poll - which he probably will, and that oneshot about him is the one that I post.) I just love the idea that because he's not the best person, the reader would be forced to be in proximity to him, and she would bring out his more likeable side over time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Eventually, I want to do this trope/reaction with all the characters that I mainly write for. (And maybe more, like Neville and Ginny.)
The past week of your life has been nothing but a hectic chaos, and you were simply trying your hardest to get through it. 
Your parents had travelled such a long way to ‘catch up’ with their old school friends, the Malfoys, some fellow purebloods that they hadn’t seen since graduating Hogwarts when they were all teenagers. This meant you had been a ‘guest’ at Malfoy Manor for the past week - seven straight days filled with nothing but fake smiling, bragging about your accomplishments, in detail (for your parents’ sake), being shown off like you were some trophy out of their case. You hated it. 
You didn’t think you could handle sitting through one more evening dinner or afternoon tea, hearing them all wax poetic about the ‘good ole days’ while their insufferable son stared at you from across the room. But, as you kept telling yourself, you could go home soon. You could soon go back to your regular life, your own house with walls that weren’t decorated in depressing dark shades - a place with a sprawling rose garden that you missed so dearly. 
Tonight, you just had to get through dinner. 
And then, you could fake some kind of illness and be left alone in the large, comfortable (if entirely dark and dreary) guest room that they had put you up in for your stay. 
Currently, you were racing around that room, wearing nothing but your black stockings and heels, and your jewellery, looking for your perfume bottle to spray some on your neck and chest before you put on your dress and attempted to go through the hassle of zipping it up on your own. You knew that the Malfoys had house elves that you could call upon, but you were really only comfortable with your own elf, Peplum, being the one to dress you. And she was back home because your mother and father didn’t allow her to travel. 
You finally found the perfume bottle and sprayed a few good pumps of it over your neck and breasts, and put one on your inner wrist for good measure. Then you took a moment to bask in the scent because you found it so enjoyable - a nice moment of calming peace from the annoyance and mental strain you had been put through during the past week. 
When you heard the door creak on its hinges, you thought you had been mistaken. 
“My goodness, what do we have here?” 
The sound of someone speaking caused you to jolt, practically jumping out of your skin, and you rushed to cover yourself - the only available covering being your own arms. You turned your back to the door, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep your chest covered, knowing that you looked entirely foolish wearing black tights that went up to your waist, black underwear, and heels - with nothing else. 
Naturally, Draco thought that you looked like a sex dream come to life. 
He could think of nothing sexier than a woman wearing black stockings. So naturally, seeing you topless while wearing those - it caused a stir in his pants that he had to concentrate on for it not to turn into a troubling hardon. He did wish that you weren’t wearing the underwear, though. 
“Don’t cover up on my account.” Draco smirked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pantsuit (partially as a measure to hide any stirring of his cock). And then he simply continued to stand there, not taking his eyes off the round curve of your ass for even a moment. 
When he spoke again, it was only then that you knew who was there, and any shock pulsing through you at the fact of someone just waltzing in faded away in favour of pure annoyance grinding against your nerves. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You barked, glaring over your shoulder at him. “Knocking was invented for a reason!” 
Draco always found your anger attractive. He found that he liked you angry and topless even better. 
“It’s my house. I don’t have to knock.” He shrugged, sounding as entitled as ever. 
You sighed so hard at this it practically came out as a growl under your breath. Even if you liked the heat in his eyes as he looked you over, even if you found him to be somewhat attractive - that pattern of entitlement made him impossible to put up with. 
You had grown up pureblood, and definitely wealthy, but you absolutely had more humility than someone like him. 
“That is so not true!” You screeched back, entirely insulted by this notion. “Knocking is a basic courtesy that your parents should have taught you!” 
“Whatever.” Draco sighed, seeming entirely unconcerned with the social faux pas of walking in on you partially dressed - he didn’t rush to apologise or even bother to look away. “When we’re married, it won’t matter. I’ll get to look at my wife as much as I want,” 
He said these words with a filthy greed grinding against the back of his throat, the expression on his face disgustingly satisfied. He raked his eyes across your body once again, drinking in every bit of you like he was truly entitled to you. 
You turned around then, your neck aching from craning to look at him. You still had an arm covering your breasts, but his eyes definitely stuck to the puff of your cleavage that was leaking out around it. You would have yelled at him, called him a pig for staring so hard - but cared less and less about his staring as you got caught up on his words. 
“‘When we’re married’?” You echoed back, the words entirely strained on your voice. “Are you okay? Have you been snorting the Floo Powder or are you usually this out of touch?” 
Draco chuckled then, and titled his head slightly as he looked at you - it was distinctly condescending, like how someone might look down at a small child. Like he thought you were the one who was truly out of touch. 
“Darling, are you really that daft?” He asked slowly. “Do you really not know what this trip is for?” 
“What?” You croaked. 
Now, you were truly confused. 
“Our parents didn’t just feel like ‘catching up’ out of the blue. They’re trying to come to some sort of agreement. They’re match-making us. You know - bonding two powerful pureblood families.” He explained. 
“Oh… oh god.” You sighed. It all made perfect sense. The ‘hush hush’ lunches that you weren’t allowed to sit in on, the insistence from your mother that you ‘bond’ with Draco, her questions about if you wanted to have children or not when you thought that was distant years in your future. “I am gonna kill them!” 
You moved to storm out of the room, wanting to give your parents a stern talking to for not warning you about this. But - 
“You’re still naked, love.” Draco chuckled. 
You felt a flush of heat run through you - you wanted to say that it was from embarrassment, and not the wonderfully teasing nickname, and his cutesy tone. But you had other things to focus on than your non-attraction to Draco Malfoy. 
“Ugh.” You turned back around sharply and grabbed your dress off the bed, and after you stepped into it and aggressively pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you struggled to reach behind you and even begin to pull the zipper closed. 
You froze instantly when you felt Draco’s cool fingers brush against the skin of your lower back as he grabbed onto the zipper and then nimbly did it up for you. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and you told yourself that the shivers down your spine were from his cool touch, and not because of any underlying (very annoyed) attraction toward him. 
“Might not be so bad.” Draco breathed against your neck, causing more goosebumps to form on your skin. “Being married to you.” 
You felt an argument bubbling under the surface - but you saved that energy for the ensuing fight you were bound to have with your parents. Instead, you simply scoffed and rolled your eyes in response.
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mellosdrawings · 9 days
*waves and beams exhaustedly but no less genuine* hi! Just wanted to take a moment and let you know that you're art makes me very happy. I do sincerely hope it makes you happy as well and just know you are doing outstanding work.
(I'm kinda feral over how you draw both Azul and Jamil. They are so cute and handsome as well as Jamil's pretty hair.)
I was curious, I saw some people requesting stuff but didn't really see you saying you are taking any, but if you are and don't mind, I would really, really, really love to see Silver x Leona with Silver sleeping sitting up and Leona with his head in his lap (or as an alternative, them both sleeping prone <bed, ground, whatever, the surface is not important> and Leona <the important part> is absolutely using Silver as a body pillow. Just as long as this is a request you'd feel like doing. Don't feel obligated. :D
Finally, because I saw some of your art today and I've been having a bad day—your art made me feel quite a bit better in general, so i wanted to thank you for sharing your gorgeous art with us. Sending you epic vibes and setting the intention that your day as well as your week is productive but not stressful and your weekend is absolutely rejuvenating. Have yourself a fabulous day!~ 💜💜💜
Oooooh a long ask! Ok, Imma try to answer in order not to miss anything.
First, thanks so much for reaching out! I was having a terrible night and you made it better, you have no idea how much it means to me! I'm super happy you like my little nonsense, I hope you'll keep appreciating!
I can't say I take requests, but I also can't say I don't take requests, so really you and others can shoot your shots! At best I'm gonna draw it, at worst I'll kindly decline or keep the request in my inbox until I feel like doing it. The thing is, I can't really "open" requests since my doing them vary a lot depending on my health, so I'd need to open/close it every other day and it'd be a hassle for everybody. Just ask, you lose nothing by doing it, I swear I don't bite <3
Now, for our favorite sleepy boys-
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-looks like Silver attracted a whole other kind of animal this time.
(Once again, thank you so much for the kind message, I'm literally glowing despite today being a bad day, and the request was too cute for me not to take forty minutes to do it <3)
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vespertiliosworld · 3 months
Damian Wayne x Reader
Next Chapter
Previous Chapter
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You were playing with the little Robin keychain that came with the menu you got at BatBurger. "Aw! That's so cute, I didn't know Robin could be so cute." You spoke while admiring the toy.
Robin was glaring at you like he had been doing for the last twenty minutes. He didn't like the toy, nor the way you played with it.
"So stupid." He grumbled before eating his veggie burger. You were all sitting together on the roof of one of Gotham's tall buildings, eating your burgers.
Superboy laughed at his situation with food scraps on his face. "I got Batman!" he said, holding up the keychain. He drank his coke while shaking Batman.
"Next time I'll get Red Hood." you said in an excited voice. Red Hood was your favorite, but you couldn't get him first while Robin next to you.
Robin felt enraged. "Why? He's such an idiot." he said in a disgusted tone. He had finished his burger and was waiting for you and Superboy.
You giggled slightly and rolled your eyes at him. "He's not! He's so cool! He never runs away from a fight, he's so cool, his body is so good, he's got muscles and oh my god I wish I could meet him!" You squealed with admiration and listed a bunch of things in one breath.
Robin looked at him with disgust on his face. He didn't understand why you liked Jason. To him, Jason was a total loser.
It seemed a little silly, but Red Hood was your favorite hero. "Well, I wonder if he's handsome?" You talked to yourself while picking up the garbage from your burger.
Robin grimaced and stood up. "He is not, he is very ugly." We all know that's a lie, right? Without waiting for you, he jumped off with a bat-hook towards another roof and jumped away.
"I don't understand what's wrong with him!" you said, rebelling.
Superboy shrugged and rose from the ground. "I think he's jealous." Then he winked and followed Robin without another word.
Not understanding, you quickly followed them. "Hey!" Night flights were very good. Especially with your friends. Your flying races with Jon, imitating Robin while he's bossing you around, eating burgers after long chases, and running around to warm you up in cold weather. It was all fun.
When the patrol ended and everyone started to disperse to their homes, you wanted to wander around for a while longer. You take every opportunity you have to use your powers freely.
As you flew over Washington, the houses with their lights on below looked like stars. The view was interesting, but you had to get back home before it was too late and Diana got worried. You stayed above the clouds to avoid attracting attention as you flew home.
When you got home, you noticed that Diana was getting ready to go somewhere in a hurry. She moved from room to room and you followed her. "Where are you going?" you said curiously.
Diana paused for a moment and turned to you. "Void, he's back. We're going to stop him with the team." she said quickly.
"Okay, I'm ready anyway." You said and held your sword.
Diana shook her head and put a hand on your shoulder. "You're not coming, his goal is to catch you anyway. It would be better if you stayed here." she said and turned to get ready.
You slumped your shoulders in disappointment. "You're right, okay." you said meekly. Of course you won't stay at home, you will follow.
When Diana hurried away, you silently followed after her, keeping some distance between you. She was too thoughtful and focused to notice you.
So it wasn't much of a hassle to follow her. The place where she met Batman and Superman was like an apocalyptic scene. Void's soldiers were everywhere, blood, severed organs, and dead people were scattered like decorations. As if Void was enjoying this, he was watching what was happening from above with satisfaction appearing in his black eyes.
You hid in the clouds to keep yourself away from it, but Void looked right at you, sensing the energy radiated by the relic you wore. You swallowed and hid further into the clouds, but he stared at you with bloodthirstiness, absorbing the dark energy emanating from dead bodies and scared people.
Feeling like you couldn't hide any longer, you pulled out your sword and gripped it tightly. When Void sent a large fireball towards you, you split it in half with your sword and quickly attacked him. When Void quickly retreated, you swung your sword at him once again. This time he caught your sword and smiled. "Hi dear."
You turned your eyes at him and tried to press your sword harder, but it didn't work. Void shattered your sword into pieces, this time he is very powerfully. While you didn't have time to pull away, he grabbed you by the neck and squeezed you. “When someone says hello to you, you have to say hello back, dear.”
When he threw you like dirt, you hit the ground and were dragged away. He screamed in pain with laser beams when he came at you and tried to attack once more. When you looked back in surprise, Robin jumped in front of you and stabbed Void in the eye with his katana. Just like you did before.
When Void stepped back, Robin came to you and extended his hand. "It must be hard being this powerless ." Even though he used a condescending tone towards you, you were happy.
You took his hand and got up. "Thanks." you said gratefully. Superboy landed next to you, punching one palm with the other. “Let's take this bitch down!” Robin grinned when you shouted loudly.
Although Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman saw you, they were too busy to help. There were Void's bloodthirsty soldiers everywhere. Wonder Woman turned to you as she shattered another one with a single punch. "Shivani! Be careful!"
You turned to her for a second and smiled. Your sword was broken, but you didn't necessarily need a sword. As you lunged forward and swung your fist at Void, he turned to you. Superboy took advantage of this by getting behind him and shooting lasers with his eyes. Before Void could realize this, Damian cut off his arm with sword.
You quickly jumped into the air and brought your fists together to deliver a solid blow to Void's head. Before he understand what was happening, you smiled proudly as Void broke the ground and created a dent.
"We did it! We won!" Superboy looked around, see the disappearing Void's soldiers.
You smiled and entered the rift, reaching for Void's necklace, which glowed black. "What's this?" The black stone was shining as if it was drawing you in. You reached up and took it off Void's neck and held it in your hand. It was an heirloom just like yours.
"I think I found something." As you looked hypnotized at the stone that pulled you in, you called out to the other two. Robin quickly jumped down and reached for your shoulder, but suddenly your body started shaking in pain. "Fuck!" You fell to your knees and whimpered in pain.
You screamed in pain as black veins of unknown origin appeared on your body. “Y/N!” You wanted to turn to Damian's shout, but everything suddenly went dark.
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0hmyg0th · 2 months
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𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲, #𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 ★ ( modern au! headcannon )
★. . . introducing a new series and a new fandom 𓆩♡𓆪 this is a modern alternative universe of a court of throns and roses. this is only a headcanon! i'm not sure if i'm going to make this into a drabble. we'll see how this goes :) ★ . . . synopsis ⸻ you accidentally throw one to many parties a few... many times and now all of a sudden your landlord is kicking you out. who knew!? and on that unlucky day your angel from above found a "roommate needed" poster on one of the bullent board at school. desperate times calls for desperate measures. who knew this day and every single day after that would turn into the most luckest days in your life. 𓆩♡𓆪 ★ . . . note ⸻ female!blackreader, "the inner cirlce" will only consist of rhys, cassian, azriel for now and mor is not related to rhys in any shape or form.
it's been 3 months since the boys ⸻ ( not azriel apparently ) opened their hearts and their homes to you! and you still couldn't believe how things drastically changed, like you almost found a box to live in! Basically. but in all seriousness, you were extremely grateful. you didn't know where you were gonna end up 3 months ago so now, you carried nothing but gratitude in your heart.
however, living with three grown men can be a hassle and sometimes it can be overwheleming. with their scents suffocating you with every step they took around you and oh! did i mention that they are bigggg like fuck! with their muscle straining against their shirts and sometimes you would get caught staring at them; moslty rhys. but in all honselty it wasn't your fault!, like they should as least put on a shirt once or twice when you are around the house.
which brings up the topic of: ground rules you felt like yall needed some especially after the countless of times the boys would walk in on you changing or walking in on them. so it was perfect time to bring up this conversation
"honey, i'm home" cassian sang the words, with rhys snickering in the back and if you listen real close you can hear the huffs and grunts of azirel.
"hello, boys" you purred, you rose to your heels; trying carefully not to ruin your freshly panited nails. "i need to talk to yall." you stated clamly. the three tall giants gazed over you, azirel was puzzle, rhys show signs of concern and cassian just stuffed his big mouth with trail mix while the crumbles dropped periodically onto the shiny hardwodden floor.
you leaned back onto the kitchen counter, supporting yourself by your elbows. the small movemnet caused your chest to rise towards the celling and with your relaxed posture made the boys feel at ease. all three of them are insanely attractive that it even hurts to look at them.
rhys sat on the arm chair with his legs spreading wide as he steadied himself on it. your eyes didn't faltered, you didn't look down there you told yourself  it was a trap to look there and oh boy there were countless of times where rhys caught you looking.
cassian sat on the edge of the cushions with his elbows perched on his kness.
Azriel standing the farthest away from you and the boys. brooding and letting the shadows of his bedroom engulfed him as he leaned against his doorway.
"so.." you trailed, and they watched intensively. your eyes dropping to rhys to your dried toes. they let you gather your thoughts, “We need to lay some ground rules, or like at least mention it"  The invisible weight dropped off your shoulder, and so did they.
“oh, that's not so bad. you had me worried" cassian confessed. they all agreed in union.
you laughed, “How do feel about me bringing in guys over"  You swallowed. your eyes darted to Rhys, whose expression was shocked to Cassain who tried to hide his smile and Azriel looked puzzled. as if,  you looked like the type to never have a boyfriend or even mention a boy before.
 you felt offended, "well don't look so fucking shocked" you spit out. rhys inhaled deeply as his mouth began to move, "no no, i-its just-
"we don't mind"
your eyes landed on Cassain after he cut off Rhys. you locked eyes on him and somehow he had you under his spell, he was so easy to talk to, and by easy you meant; all he had to do was look at you, and then all of sudden your lips were moving and he's giving you nothing but warmth.
"good, cuz-
"no overnight stays." azriel stated firmly. he locked eyes with you.  holding you into his stare, like some sort type of competion.
 you pushed yourself of the counter and nodded your head in agrument.  "of course, this isn't a bed and breakfast. they leave before the sun comes up" you reply quickly. not backing down from he's intimate stare
"just keep the ...noise down" rhys mutters. you would of thought that you guys was talking about the bird and the bees in front of yall parents.  like im pretty sure they bring in girls here all the time, well.. actually you haven't see that or you haven't even seen them with a girl in the first place. and you are 100% sure that their asses is not celibate.
it kinda makes you wonder a bit.."so um what about you guys ?" you curled you lip behind you teeth. rhys drly chuckled, he turned around to face cassian and azriel. which made you even more curious to know their sexual relations. i mean, its none of your business but at the same time you can't help to wonder. like do they share women secretly? or are they embrassed to bring with them around because you're here. 
"uh, let's refocus. any more rules you got sweetheart?" your attention left rhys's who didn't stop staring to cassian who cheeks stained a pinkish color. you rasied your eyebrows, oh yeah they are definitely hiding something. and you have every intentions on finding out what. 
but for now you continue with your ground rules,
number one: one night stands leave before breakfast 
number two: knock, always knock. 
number three: no snooping. ( az looked at you when he said that )
number four: help with grocery, dishes, cooking etc. ( duh ) 
number five: split household chores/clean after yourselves ( the boys are clean people for the most part but just in case )
number six: no being half naked or naked in the presence of eachother ( very important!!) 
⸻ you know, you thought living with three full grown men would have cause you to pull out your hair in distress but now with ground rules in place you wouldn't mind living here full time. instead of a temporary stay, like you planned in the beginning. 
author's note: i wanted to write more but tumblr got this thing about can't go over 4000 thousands word count so i hope yall enjoy this!
comment and rebloging is appreciated not required :)
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tarotmundomonde · 4 months
The person on your mind
February 2024, love reading (feelings & actions)
I'm publishing this late so you can check, if it seems to resonate and let me know!
pick a number 1-5 OR an emoji 😶‍🌫️ 🥴 🤩 🧏 😶
(ps. this reading is for practice and for fun
1. 😶‍🌫️ Looking at the cards, it looks like there is attraction but the connection seems to be somehow on pause. Maybe you are simply busy or at a distance or maybe you haven't even talked yet. But there is definitely spying going on here. Your person seems to be closed off. Realizing that they could have feelings for you causes them a lot of anxiety. However, as the month of February goes by, they seem to open up more. They'll feel more giddy around you and more comfortable to show you their more funny side. They will start to feel more social towards you, more open and up to socialize with you. Maybe they'll feel like dancing with you. Overall, it just looks like their feelings for you will greatly lighten up and they will be having more positive feelings for you. As for their actions, don't expect much from them. There is a lot they will keep to themselves. But they seem to be eventually coming forth towards you in a more friendly manner. Like if at first they ignore you, eventually they will start to be more around you and perhaps engage in random small talk or something. But they might not be ready to spend time alone with you. Anyhow, it looks like they will be more around you and more friendly. More social. This is gonna be a month of phases and changes, of timing, of going with the flow in this connection. Indeed, some blossoming will happen, like said there will be improvement. For this person, the biggest challenge seems to be to change their focus regarding your connection.
2.🥴 Looking at the cards, it seems this connection is currently unstable. Whether it's literally up in the air or just experiencing changes. It looks like it's lacking maturity. There is definitely something eating on this connection, something hindering the development of this connection. Currently, it looks like they are holding back. They feel attracted to you but they don't feel like acting on it. Yet, at times, they want to act on it. It's a bit of a hassle at the moment. Ego taking the front seat. However, as the month of February goes by, their feelings for you will become more grounded. They will feel more generous and less in their ego. They will become more vocal about the passion and good feelings they feel for you and about their intentions towards you. It seems they'll experience a growing desire to have you. From the received impression of their heart space, their feelings seem to lean on towards spicing things up, but it's giving more just desires or a friends with benefits vibes rather than having romantic emotions. As for their actions, they will be first focused on themselves. They seem to have some concerns and fears they first need to deal with on their own. Perhaps some insecurities. Depending on your connection, it is possible that they will share those concerns with you. But whether they do or not, in the meanwhile they could cause you quite some headache, as they won't be doing much at your direction. They could appear very serene and even like flash some sweet smiles and that could really cause you a headache, as you don't know, how to interpret their actions. But it seems it's just that they are keeping their distance for a moment to pull themselves together and then they will be taking action towards you. They will reach out or create the opportunity for you to somehow reach out to them. A bit like a catch. So, it seems they will give you an opportunity and then what happens will be up to your actions.
3.🤩 Looking at the cards, it seems that even if they'd try to end this connection or have already tried or maybe there has been a swift ending, they can't help but feel romantic feelings for you. This connection has some real resilience to it. There is a high focus on this connection, you can't help but think about each other and watch each other online as well. Whether you think that way or not, this connection is much more grounded and centered than you'd think. It's stronger than what it appears to be. It's becoming very clear that there are genuine romantic feelings between you two. But it also looks like there is something that needs some clearing. What comes to their current feelings for you, this person feels confident that they can predict your next moves. They trust their charms and that you will come after them. Depending on your situation, it looks like they want to make you see something. And as the month of February goes by, their feelings for you will become more confusing and more intense. There is a vibe of them wanting to teach you a lesson. Like look at all the feelings you make them feel, you should feel them, too. Something like that. It also looks like they want to explain something. As for their actions, it seems they are going for pettiness and mind games. A part of them wants to speak but the other part wants to keep their distance to see, what you'll do. Kinda like making a point with silence. They want to see you sad. If there is possibly someone else in the picture, they could be wanting you to regret that you've been dealing with or seeing someone else. To be honest, they are not sure, so they are doing all of this as a way of finding the truth. It's like they are testing you. They want to know, if it's okay to approach you romantically speaking. Like they want to know, if you are romantically interested in someone else, dating or seeing someone or are you into them. This person wants to know, if there is potential for your connection to grow and expand. And looking at the cards, this person actually wants you two to open your arms and run into each other's arm. Like they want you two to embrace each other. They want you to see them and to choose them. Despite of their actions, in the end that seems to be what they are in actuality going for.
4. 🧏 Looking at the cards, it gives the vibes of an abandoned connection. Long distance is possible and you are definitely checking each other on social media. But there is a lot of loneliness here and it looks like the lights are turned off. There is a current element of seeking clarity present and a lot of obstacles standing in the way of your connection. Lots of choices to make. The cards are showing a strong possible love triangle situation. In general, it looks like the other person views this connection as unnecessarily challenging and they are trying to be more rational about things. They are focused on their own personal dreams and when they focus on that they say there are other options in love for them that would work better for them. When they compare you to other options they say they like your looks, but so what, they are lots of pretty people out there, so the one they date does not have to be you. Why walk a lonely or challenging path, when they can follow the path of others and find someone closer, who matches with their dreams and future plans. And that's why it kinda looks like an abandoned connection. The cards are also showing the possibility of being ghosted by them. What comes to their current feelings, they have this really big wave of feeling of wanting to show you, how they are doing great. Like they really, really want you to see that. It's like they are saying look at how great they are, look at how they are doing great. Kinda like saying they don't need you. They feel like proving that to you. And as the month of February goes by, they do feel like keeping the door open. However, they don't feel like giving you a chance or anything at all, zero generousity and zero friendliness towards you. They don't even care to communicate with you, they don't care to know how you are doing, nothing. They don't feel like giving you anything. There is a strong feeling that they are giving to someone else and so in their heart you've become like a temptation that they are fighting against. As for their actions, they are choosing to no longer connect with you. yet, they are not really leaving, either. Basically, they are out but still standing at the crossroads. In a way, they kinda want to keep their options open and see, what benefits them the most. But more than that, it is more about keeping your eyes on them. So sometimes they might do something that could give you hope, like a wish granted, for example liking your picture online. But this person hopes you would not judge them and that you would see things from their side. They hope you wouldn't resent them and would simply understand them. But it is true that they want to keep you captivated, keep you attached to them. They want to keep your eyes on them. Even though they date someone else, they don't want you to date someone else. At least, not yet. So you can expect seeing other colours of them this month. The cards are saying they could be more active online this month, especially as it seems they want you to see them doing great in their life.
5.😶 Looking at the cards, it seems that the direction this connection is going makes you lose faith in it. There is a lack of faith in this connection. Some change and progress, turns of events and realisation. Perhaps you are friends or one of you got friendzoned. Perhaps some secrets even are getting revealed. But what's for sure, is that there is a lack of emotions here and no magic, no romance really. As for their current feelings, they do seem to feel a lot of attraction towards you. However, as the month of February goes by, something seems to be drastically changing. It's like everything they felt is gone. Just puff. So looking at the cards that came for your connection, maybe there used to be some feelings and attraction, but something happens, which changes that. And then it changes again. What comes to their actions, very lazy. You could say there is none, because whatever there is, it's very passive. Whatever is the change happening, it's leading to a lose or win situation. This person wants control, they want success, they want to win. This person seems to choose to remain optimistic. It kinda looks like they think that by pulling back, things would go their way and they would gain your love.
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gyupinkys · 11 months
Bestfriends to lovers since exclusive fairytale is driving me insane…
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, switch jun, switch reader, oral (m receiving), fingering, creampie, begging, mentions of viagra, begging
Moving into college is hard. It’s your second year, yet every new dorm is equally as much of a hassle. You finally flop onto your bed after hanging up all your clothes only to be met with the rumbling of your stomach. 
“God, I should've eaten breakfast.” you mumble to yourself, thankful your roommate is nowhere to be found.
You begrudgingly get up and walk out, head deep into your phone trying to find the nearest dining hall on the campus map. You find the closest one to you is only a few buildings over, just to crash into someone in front of you, making you stumble back.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry” you say looking up at the tall blonde. 
“Nah, it's my bad. I was too into my phone, I'm trying to find a dining hall.” he says in a deep, smooth voice. Damn. He’s really fucking hot. The unnatural blonde suits him so well, and his cat-like eyes are incredibly attractive. 
“I’m actually looking for one too. There's one a few buildings over, you want to go with me?”
From then a beautiful friendship bloomed. You learned his name is Jun, he’s from china, he speaks mandarin, cantonese, and korean. He loves to dance. His best friend/roommate's name is Minghao who is also from China and has bright red hair so it would be hard to miss him on campus. He used to be a child actor, but got into business so he can take over his dad’s company, and most importantly he is filthy rich. He didn’t even bother to say he’s “Comfortable” like most rich people do, he just said “I can pay all four years of full tuition with no worries.” which told you everything you needed to know. You and Jun quickly became friends, attached to the hip would be an understatement. Wherever you went, best believe Jun would be there. He became your go-to person. If you needed something he would get it for you, if you needed help he would be there, he was even there to ice your nipples when you got them pierced. You lost all shame when it came to Jun, he was your person. So when you walk into your room one day, just to see Jun laying shirtless in your bed, covered in sweat, with his dick in his hands, and your panties to his nose, you’re beyond confused. 
“Jun?” you say with wide eyes, quickly shutting the door.
“I’m sorry Y/N, Hoshi tricked me and gave me chocolate but it was some sort of fucking viagra and now I can’t stop thinking about you and I’m sorry if this is weird and ruins our relationship and i know I should’ve just went to my room, but I know your roommate and hao are in there and I really wanted to see you and I knew you could help me-”
“Jun, slow down what?”
“Y/N, please fuck me.” he says with a whine.
You feel like you could collapse right now. 
You slowly walk up to him and take his chin into your hand, raising his face to meet your eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Y/N. Please.”
You straddle his thighs and kiss him and take his dick into your hands, beginning to stroke it making him groan. “Jun, how long have you felt like this?”
“Since you bumped into me in the hallway. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” he says and leans forward to kiss you again. He runs his hands across your body and squeezes your ass. 
“Baby, please let me fuck you.”
“Jun, you’re driving me crazy.”
“Imagine how crazy you drove me every time you bent over only wearing one of my shirts, every time you wore a shirt with no bra, touched me in a certain way, looked at me with those pretty eyes, smiled at me. I’ve wanted to make you mine for so long, to be able to call you my girl.”
You smile at him, a bright, beautiful smile, making his heart skip a beat. You lean back and take off your shirt, his hands immediately flying to your chest, squeezing them.
“When I saw these tits for the first time I popped a boner. I had to pretend I was fine seeing your nipples pebble up from the ice.”
“I wish you did what you were thinking. You helping me made me sooo wet.”
He runs his hands to your sweatpants and pulls them down, helping you get off leaving you in just your panties. He sits up and kisses up your chest and around your face. He kisses your forehead, then your eyelids, the tip of your nose, your jaw, and finally your lips.
“Please fuck me, Jun.”
He flips the two of you over pulling off his sweats and boxers. “Where are your condoms?” 
“You don’t need one.”
“Baby, are you sure?”
“Yes Jun! Just fill me up already.” you whine.
He groans into your neck, running his fingers through your folds, only to find you ridiculously wet. “All this just for me?” he smirks at you, slowly circling his finger on your clit. 
“Yes, Jun”
“You flatter me, Baby.”
He runs his fingers down and plunges two straight into your hole, cutting to the chase and feeling around for your G-spot. He knows he found it when your back arches off the bed and you grab his hair, pulling his lips to yours. He continues thrusting up into your sweet spot, making your toes curl. You pull his hair and look into his eyes. 
“I want to cum on your cock, Junnie.”
“And exactly when I think I couldn’t be more in love with you, you surprise me.” he says with a smile. “But no.” he says as his eyes darken.
“What the fuck do you mean no?” you say in shock.
“I mean, you’ll cum when I let you cum.”
“Jun, stop teasing.”
“I can show you what real teasing looks like, Baby.” he says as he pulls his fingers out of you and slips them into your mouth as you're about to rebuttal.
He pulls you up by your hair and pushes you to your knees. “You know what to do Baby, I’ve heard first hand about how much of a whore you are.”
You groan but lick his leaking tip while looking into his eyes. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, '' you say challengingly. 
He looks into your eyes and shrugs. “I guess I’ll have to show you.”
He hooks his fingers into your mouth to widen it and shoves his dick straight into your mouth without giving you any time to adjust. He begins to thrust into your mouth and straight down your throat making you gag, but his fingers make you unable to close your mouth. You look at him with pleading eyes, but the tears running down your face only turns him on more. He decides he’s had enough. He needs to fuck that soaking wet pussy or he might actually die. He grabs your hand and throws you on the bed. 
“Spread your legs.”
You obey but you're plotting. Is he forgetting he was the one desperate for you to touch him? Now he wants to be in charge? Not on your watch. As he bottoms out in you, you let out a loud moan to distract him and flip him over. 
“Junnie, I think you’re forgetting you’re the one who's in desperate need of somewhere to dump their cum. You’d think you’d be a little nicer to me.” you say and grind your hips into him, making his eyes roll back.
“I want you to beg for me.”
Without missing a beat he starts to beg. “Please fuck me Y/N, I need it. I feel like I'm gonna explode. You're so warm and tight I feel like I’m in heaven. Please help me, baby.”
You raise your hips and his hips chase you, making it so you don't raise off his dick. “Jun, how am I gonna ride you if you don’t let me up.”
He groans and glues his hips to the bed, letting you begin to bounce. You feel like he’s in your guts, moving your insides around to accommodate him. 
“God, Jun you feel so good.” you moan out as you bounce faster, ignoring the burn in your thighs.  He thrusts meeting your hips as you bounce, pushing his dick deeper into you. His hands travel to your clit, pressing firmly and rubbing tight circles. “Please cum baby, cum on my cock, I’m so close.”
Seeing him so pathetic beneath you does something to you. You grind harder, feeling his tip hit your spot everytime, throwing you over the edge. As soon as he feels the first squeeze of your cunt he lets go, filling you up completely, causing some to spill out of you onto his thighs. He pulls you down for a kiss, holding you as you come down from your orgasm. 
He looks you in the eye when he whispers “I love you” against your lips.
As the sun shines through your windows, you awake with a smile on your face. It feels so good to finally be in Jun’s arms as his girlfriend. You sit up and stretch making him get up with you. He wraps his hands around your waist. “I’m hungry,” he says. 
“You want me to order you something?”
“No, I’m hungry for something else. I missed out on eating it yesterday” he smirks and drags you down onto the bed with him.
A/N: LMK if you want a part 2 with her roommate and how? I'm thinking a forced proximity kind of thing.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
hello, can i request a helia x energetic emo!reader? reader wears a lot of dark clothing, listens to early 2000s emo, and is very artistic, but is also is very energetic and rile up? it's like you see someone and expect to be some way but it turns out they're completely different than what you expected. i think that would be an interesting dynamic with helia djfhdjdj. thanks! (^^)
(this is my first request on this blog so im sorry if this is too specific)
Opposite attract
A/n: you did not say if reader was a fairy or not so I'm going to add my own twist to it
⚠️: fairy reader, Gender neutral reader, bad emo clothing choice on my part I'm more grunge than emo
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Haha this will be fun
You meet at the opening of red fountain
You had worn something that was much darker and edgier than the other winx
You got this man's attention really quickly
Your dark clothes compared to the other winx
You were talking to musa when Brandon introduced yiu and the winx to heila
"Hi I'm y/n fairy of shadows your helia right it is good to meet you" you held out a hand as you talked quickly
"Yes it is good to meet you as well" he took your hand and shock it
Later on when the monsters of darkar attack you transform and wow
Black wings and mostly black fairy form
This was odd for a fairy
The other winx were in bright colors while you were not
He didn't see you till the day tecna got her chaimix
You had gotten your earlier un the mission so you had do do recon with musa and stella
He saw you land and you had dark charmix to
At night when everything had calmed down you were talking a mile a minute
Being really hyper
The others were not fazed but he was so confused
At the rade of darkar's fortress shadow haunt you had finally confessed
But you confessed first
"Helia" you said as you were about to go in to fight "I just wanted to say l ove you and I hope you feel the same.
Think of flora as you👇
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Now getting together is over with i must talk about the dates
Pure craziness
Most of the time it is you showing up to the park he goes to to draw and you joining him
You will talk and he will listen so much he can almost repeat every word
I can see some of the mean girl fairies calling you a witch/wizard
[Side note: the witches get less love there outfit are amazing but we never see them]
He is not one for confrontation but he will comfort you if it bothers you that your called a witch/wizard
Now one thing that he will be not at all shocked about is your music taste
You love early 2000s music
completely expected
He will let you play music that you want and he will love to watch you and musa sing and dance together
If he gets to play his music it is more hassle and old style music so it might not be your cup to tea but you love him do he can play it if he wants
One time stella gave you a makeover and put you in her style of clothes and he was shocked
To be fully honest he didn't really like it
He was so used to your more emo style he was shocked to see you in stall style clothes
He loves you no matter what so he will love you if you're girly or emo
He doesn't care
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I hope you enjoy and I did your idea justice. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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fistfuloftarenths · 3 months
rugan headcanons pt 3
he's cleanshaven because his beard is going grey much faster than the hair on his head and he's vain. has to grow it out in winter when otherwise he'd have to break ice to get shaving water. grows his hair out, too. undercut doesn't keep the top of his ears warm. he hasn't lost anything to frostbite yet and he doesn't intend to start now.
prefers plain solid armour to that fancy stuff. muchly less likely to catch an arrow first in ambush. like wearing a sign that says i'm important kill or rob me first. conversely his underlayers are as fine as he can afford. chafing is the worst. he has learned there are some women you can talk to about chafing, and most women you can't. also that the temple of sune has a surprisingly affordable line in salves and unguents.
has extra coins and a knife tucked away in his boots, just in case
not a great singer. not an awful one. where he excels is knowing all the words to all the verses of a large number of filthy drinking and working songs. whistles or hums them absent-mindedly sometimes, along with snatches of luskan working songs.
prefers being rearguard - always has been - but can ride a horse or a mule and can drive an ox-cart competently. capable of doing a lot of jobs well-ish if someone's injured or sick or if they're shorthanded. not much room for dead weight on a caravan.
having said that, hedge wizards are welcome in his crew. the shittiest of them can cast prestidigitation which means no fleas and no lice. shape water can turn a muddy wheel breaking sinkhole into a frozen surface you can get a wagon across, or clean out a wound and stop it going septic. mend? he would almost - almost - consider paying for someone to learn mend before setting out. wizards add utility and contingency, even if they're useless in combat. if they're not, well, fire bolt is more of a deterrent than a crossbow, and he'd rather the bandits fucked off than play hide and stab in the trees with locals.
is charming because it doesn't cost him money and it pays off, over and over again. he grew up hardscrabble poor, hand to mouth for years, and he won't give over coins if he can do it with flattery.
he's been working these routes for years. consistently not being a dickhead means he gets the bowl of stew with an extra piece or two of meat and a warning about which barrel had a drowned rat in it. he's got useful working relationships with people who'd otherwise be wary as hell about a bunch of zhents strolling in. nah, that's just rugan. everyone knows rugan.
adding to that he also his crew under control in the caravanserais. don't hassle the barmaids. don't get too drunk. don't wear your boots in bed. don't be a fucking dickhead. he wants his not-ratty pint and if you interrupt him because you couldn't keep your cock or your knife under control he's going to be very fucking furious.
fucks. often and well. once he got out of luskan and found that a large swathe of the sword coast found his big blue eyes and his accent attractive he was a terror. privately considers the surest sign of tymora's favour is that he doesn't have the pox. has occasionally had nightmares about someone dumping a kid into his arms when his caravan rolls into town.
am considering him using sheep gut or fish gut condoms mostly because they're reusable and i want to imagine him asking sal to cast prestidigitation on it between partners. and sal's face. mostly sal's face. this is not why he went to wizarding school.
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solazu1 · 3 months
More questions cause I took a nap and came back with some.
Are there other angels that have wings that are functional? Is Jay the odd one out as per usual or is it common?!?
(Are all angels bird themed? And are their wings?)
This isn't so much a question as I silly thought, do you think he's opened his second eyes instead of the first ones when he first wakes up? Or both? Cause idk I just see Tim looking over and there is a bleary Jay with not his normal eyes open.
THE FEATHERS!! Are they other bird feathers? Do Angels and well Jay mainly need help getting the casing/shell off? Usually birds do it themselves but if they can't they have friends and other birds as far as I've seen. (Or in cases of pets, they have owners help if they're trusting).
Onto Tim, How did he hide his mythicalness from the orderlies and nurses and doctors of the sort while in the Mental hospital? Did he? Cause you show him wearing really baggy jeans to hide his legs and boots and such. Like unlike Jay he can't put a sort of mask on.
Does shaving his horns down? Or does it only hurt once it hits that one spot like nerves and blood supply and such?
He's got big ears, does that mean he can hear Jay more easily? And to further that. (Do you think Jays heartbeat is different then a normal human?) You wrote in the notes he's terrible at pretending to be human.
I'm sorry if some of these aren't answerable or don't make sense, they came to me through sleep deprived naps.
(Last silly question, can we use your art for backgrounds? Like a home screen on our phone or the desktop?)
so excited to answer all these questions ^_^!!!! Big ass explanation post incoming!
So firstly, angels having non-functional wings are very common and there aren't any documated “supernatural” cases where angels have actually flown. An unusually short angel may be able to glide or hover up to a taller ledge like how some Galliformes do. An Angel’s wings are mostly there for display! To attract or repel and for communication.
Jay is, as usual, the odd one out though. Many angels are more light than feathes so when light passes through them the most you can see is their face, wings, bones, and whatever part of them are also feather. Jay is unfortunately way more feathered than the average angel, of whom actually don't have that much coverage on them besides wings and face. Also, most angels have a very ethereal appearance too them, they naturally walk with grace and elegance and have bird-like mannerisms while Jay is awkwardly lanky, clumsy, and unnerving. He does still carry the bird-like mannerisms though.
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For the second question he wakes up sometimes with he second eyes, yeah 💀. It is a bit unnerving especially when Tim didn't even know the marks on his face were eyes on his human form.
On the question of maintenance and preening for Jay’s feathers and other angels. Angels, again, usually don't have as many feathers as Jay does and the most help they need is with their wings on the back. Jay struggles reaching his back, his nape, and his wings. It's only a little extra hassle but he's figured that using a brush or back scratcher is the best alternative he has since he doesn't visit his family that often and he can't really expose his forms to his friends. Besides, he's never been at that level of bonding and/or intimacy with someone to let them help preen him!! Alex was a close contender but yk, that didn't go anywhere so really the only people he trusts are his family. (Tim eventually does get permission to help out and touch his feathers but that's for a short while before entry 72). Also some angels resemble real birds while others may appear as a combination of some, others don't even look like they're belonging to a particular species especially in wing type. They're all very naturally colored though ^_^!
Tim is a long explanation because well, the hospitals knew about his whole mythical-ness. His mother was a satyr too but she was really good at hiding it and taught him how to hide it too. It wasn't that hard since his horns hadnt grown in and his ears weren't too big but he still had the issue of the slender sickness. It got so bad the school took notice and she had to admit him (not that she minded, she wasn't the best mother). It didn't take long at all for him to be discovered a satyr and since then he has been in and out of the mental hospital, going back and forth between medical universities for observation, tests, research, and then back to the mental hospital for his “condition”. They weren't really sure what to do about it and once the original facility he resided in burned down he was returned to his mother's care (with medication now obv) and placed in high school. After his freshman year, his horns started to grow and he went from wearing hats occasionally to wearing hats all the time.
Shaving his horns down doesn't hurt him unless he shaves it too far down, then it’ll start to bleed. He spends a shitton of time filing them down though cause its pretty hard to shave them with a nail filer.
He does have significantly better hearing than everyone around him so despite Jay being pretty quiet when he enters a room, Tim can almost always hear him. With the addition to that question Jay does in fact have an irregular heartbeat. It's way too fast sometimes and way too slow other times and if it's too fast then Tim can hear it, he gets concerned for the guy a lot.
Whoop and for the last question, yes!! You can use my art for wallpapers and/or background ^_^!!
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void-thegod · 3 months
I've experienced many forms of oppression.
Being treated differently by white folks.
Being treated differently by brown folks.
Being treated differently by men, by women, by queer people.
Being treated differently by abled and neurotypical folks.
I'm treated differently for being male.
That's not 100% my fault.
I'm treated differently for being a trans male.
That's not 100% my fault.
People will literally side eye me or not get into a relationship with me bc I'm trans.
We've all experienced that, if we were unfortunate.
I've heard cis and queer women of color talk Hella shit about cisgender men.
Real bad. Almost as bad as the shit I've heard from men about women.
These perceptions -- both of them -- affect how I'm perceived. By those I want to be friends or romantic partners with.
Stack on the fact I'm brown, neurodivergent af, and conventionally attractive.. I've had A TIME.
SO: Imagine how I feel ... this aspect of my oppression and experiences being denied by my own community?
By others, period?
People who would easily accept that I face all the other forms of oppression and fucked up experiences bc of something I can't help..
Denying that I experience fucked up stuff for being a man and a trans man, at that?
I am one of those trans guys that "always knew"
I grew up as a butch/stud lesbian. Basically as soon as I could say what I wanted to wear. So.. elementary school.
And I SAW.
I saw how everyone was treated differently. Based on skin color. Perceived attractiveness or intelligence. Based on body type. Based on sex and gender. Based on whether they were normal or not.
And I experienced all that shit.
Am still experiencing it.
What do I get?
What do I get for knowing myself and staring into the fucking Abyss?
Ignored. Hassled. Called a narcissist.
Because I've seen what I've seen and I'm speaking on it.
It's not right.
Trans men experience so much shit.
You don't see us. You don't hear us.
And when we disappear you don't give a fuck.
PS: if you read this far and still have the gall to say some stupid monkey shit to me I will just block you. I'm done.
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
Heyo, that tattoo anon got me thinkin, which of the boys would be into girls with short hair?
(Ps. love ur blog♡)
Which of the Diaboys would be into girls w/ short hair?
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! Thank you for the compliment as well. I'm sorry this took so long. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
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Okay, so kind of bouncing off my post of which Diaboys would be into an s/o with tattoos. (post is linked here if you want to check it out)
Just like tattoos, short hair has been masculinized for the longest time as well.
So when women started to style and cut it short, you can imagine the controversy in society.
We're much past those days, but bear in mind that some of the Diaboys still hold dearly onto the stereotype and sexist expectancy that a woman "needs" to have long hair, otherwise, "what kind of woman is she?" (Yes, that's how silly their logic is, for some of them anyway.)
Although, some of the Diaboys have grown accustomed to contemporary hairstyles on girls.
Sooo, without further ado
Shu could honestly care less about how a girl's hair is styled. I mean, does he ever really style his own? Regardless though, he wouldn't mind having an s/o with short hair since it's less of a hassle for him to run his hands through it during aftercare. You tend to find tangles when running a hand through long, so the less fuss the better for him when it comes to intimacy. He likes shoulder-length hair ranging to bob cuts.
Ayato and Laito most definitely like girls with short hair, mostly because they think it looks cute. Laito especially finds the voluminous Marylin cut to be his favorite short hairstyle on a girl. It showcases such femininity but comes with a cute flare he just craves on a girl. Ayato finds the grown-out pixie cut and bob cut on a girl to be adorable and thinks it accentuates a girl's face nicely.
Subaru's a fan of short hairstyles on girls as well. He likes pretty much anything ranging from the high-low bob to a pixie cut. Even girls with linda cuts and mohawks are a weakness for him. He finds it to be so drastically attractive on a girl since he was used to seeing girls display themselves with long hair for centuries. So, it's a turn-on for him honestly to see something so out of contrast compared to what he's always been used to seeing.
Believe it or not, Ruki actually likes short hair on girls, especially the fringed bob and short bob. As we all know, short hair takes an immense amount of styling and it takes a long time to do. So if his s/o has short hair, Ruki likes running his hair through it just to mess it up since he finds it to be a turn-on to piss off his partner and hopes that this argument escalates into something intimate. Our vampire Christian Grey's got a thing for angry sex. Right, @liannelara-dracula?
Kou definitely likes girls with short hair. As an idol, he's used to seeing girls style and change up their hair a lot and has come across a lot of different styles he likes on women. He especially likes the 90's curtain pixie cut since it brings out a woman's face and accentuates it well.
Yuma doesn't really care about how his s/o styles his hair. Like, it could be long or short and he just doesn't care. When it comes to short hairstyles though, he definitely likes seeing his girl have a choppy bob or a grown-out pixie cut, mostly because, like Ruki, he likes running his hands through it and messing it up just to annoy his s/o. Asshole. Nevertheless, though, he does find these hairstyles to be hot on girls.
Kino's pretty modernized, especially since he's always on his phone lol. So, you can imagine that he's grown pretty accustomed to contemporary society, even leading to the subject of hairstyles. Like Yuma, he's most definitely into the grown-out pixie since he loves the way the layered hair rests on a girl's face. He's also a fan of girls having high-low bobs as well.
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
Hellooo I would like to request again bcs I thought of another one a Kate Bishop one shot 16. “don’t. fucking. touch. them.” where a guy was fliriting with you beside Kate and he doesn't know you and Kate r dating so Kate gets jealous and gets mad at him :) <3 Tysmm you have really great writing I really enjoy reading ur one shots this is Kate again cuz I'm obsessed with her if u can't tell ty again <3
follower event!
character: kate bishop x fem!reader
prompt: “don’t. fucking. touch. them.” (changed to her for this one because kate x fem!reader is my jam now. this girl radiates fruity)
warnings: alcohol, cussing, violence, harassment, gross men being gross, brief mentions of spiking drinks
a/n: ugh these are so enjoyable. honestly might consider keeping my requests open for a bit… 👀 if i do i’ll put up new rules so yeah. hope u all enjoy, love uuuuu <3
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“Ah, they have Russian vodka, Kate Bishop!” Yelena’s thick accent carries through the bar, turning a few heads. The girl continues, ignoring the confused looks shot her way.
“My mother sent me a bottle a week ago, but this is so nice,” she says, sidling up to the bar. As she begins to lean over the counter and grab random bottles, Kate smiles apologetically at you.
She’s wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, a bit out of place in the dim bar, but you can’t fault her. Mainly because you’ll steal the sweatshirt later for bed.
“I’d better go… keep an eye on her,” she says. “I’ll be right, back, I swear.” You laugh and give her a thumbs-up, wandering to another section of the bar to order.
A sign catches your eye, listing some Christmas special cocktails. You squint in the low light as you read through each one.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender tosses her towel to the side. She nods to the sign. “The peppermint Bailey’s is pretty good.”
You smile. “Then I’ll take that.” As she whisks away to make your drink, you watch to ensure the drink stays in your sight. The bartender rims the glass with peppermint crumble as a final touch and sets it on the bar in front of you.
Taking it with a smile and tossing down some cash, you look around for Kate and Yelena. On the other side of the circular bar, you see the blonde reluctantly give up a bottle of vodka to another bartender.
You hurry over, sliding in next to Kate as she lightly scolds the Russian assassin.
“Boo,” you whisper, giggling when your girlfriend jumps at the sound. She clutches her chest in feigned hurt, all wide-eyed as she turns to you.
“I trusted you,” she gasps dramatically, before breaking out into a grin. She points to your glass. “Christmas-y.”
She has her own drink, a Tequila Sunrise from the look of it. “Yours isn’t,” you quip back, clinking your glass with hers. Yelena continues to hassle the bartender for a free bottle.
Just as the bartender sets his elbow on the counter and Yelena does the same, grasping his much larger hand on her own, a voice clears its throat from behind you.
“What’s a girl like you doing without anyone to dance with?” When you turn around, you’re met with a rather sleazy looking man. He’s in a button-down, with clean slacks and polished dress shoes. What man wears dress shoes to the bar?
You’re about to point to your girlfriend, but she’s busy filming what you suspect to be an arm-wrestling contest. The man takes your silence as an answer.
“Well, I couldn’t help but notice you. Hard not to,” he smirks, looking you up and down. Okay. Now you’re freaked out. “Wanna dance, sweet-cheeks?”
As you internally gag, because one: ew, men, and two: nasty pet names, he sidles up even closer. On instinct, you cover your drink.
“Oh, come on, baby, don’t be like that. Plus, I wouldn’t have to spike your drink to get you back to my place. I’ve been told I’m a very smooth talker.” He lowers his voice as he talks, as if sounding like he’s been smoking since infancy would make him attractive.
You scrunch your nose, scowling as intimidatingly as you can muster. “Well, go be a smooth-talker somewhere else. I’m not interested, sorry.”
He narrows his eyes. “What do you mean? I’m clearly rich, I’m better than any guy in this bar-“
“Ok, well, I have a girlfriend,” you interrupt, really hoping Kate will hear you. He scoffs.
Then, after taking an obnoxiously long slurp of his beer (third red flag), he belches. “Lesbians are sooo hot,” he slurs. You roll your eyes so hard it hurts, looking around for a way to get this guy away from you.
A small crowd has formed around Yelena and the bartender, but you can spy Kate’s ponytail through the throng. As you scoot away towards her, the asshole holds out a hand.
“Wait, wait, wait! Come on, you don’t have to lie and say you have a girlfriend. I promise, I’m a really nice guy. I never harass girls, I’m always a gentleman…” He goes on and on as you frantically glance at your girlfriend.
Eventually, she seems to feel your panicked gaze and looks over. She raises a brow at the very persistent problem rambling next to you and you look from him to her a few times, raising both brows in a silent message.
She casually sits down beside you, waiting and listening. You hold a hand up to the man.
“Listen, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I was serious when I said I had a girlfriend, and she’s right-“ You turn to point to her, but the guy grabs your wrist, yanking you.
You tear your hand away, breath shaking as he stumbles a bit. Kate steps in front of you, glaring at him.
“Hey, asshat.” With a vicious kick to the shins, he doubles over. “Don’t. Fucking. Touch her,” she growls. You’re so busy swooning over Kate’s protectiveness you don’t even notice a loud thud and cheers from behind you.
As he stands up and begins to yell at her, you slip off your heels, setting one on your chair and grasping the other one in your hand.
“God, you’re such a fucking bitch! Women will never pick nice guys, will they? You’re all fucking horrible, you know that?” he snaps.
Kate raises a brow. “Aren’t you the one who just harassed my girlfriend after she told you, multiple times, that she wasn’t interested?” When he can’t come up with a counter argument, the man goes in for a punch.
But you were waiting.
When he rears back, you step in front of Kate as she dodges the poorly aimed blow, and swing your stiletto into his jaw.
You don’t hit very hard. You aren’t really trying to. The goal isn’t to break a bone, or even make him bleed, as much of an asshole he is.
Instead, you hit hard enough to leave a sizable bruise and send him stumbling back, before chugging your drink, swiping up your shoes, grabbing your now very flustered girlfriend by her hand, and beelining for the exit. But not before a blonde, Russian assassin hits the man with a hard-earned bottle of vodka.
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exhibitionisms · 12 days
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i'm really aching for some discord plots, so i'm making a shortlist of requests with the muse bolded that i would prefer to play; give this a like if you're interested in any of the below, and i'll dm you! if you'd prefer, you can also just shoot me the name or number for the plot, that's cool too. thanks y'all!
1. unlikely lovers. muse a (lyrica okano fc, can be flexible) and muse b are about as two different as people can be. muse a is a rowdy rule breaker, a loud-mouthed punk who only looks after themself because that's all they've ever known. muse b is in a different stage of life, and though he didn't particularly feel like anything was missing, that all changed when he saw a stranger being hassled on the street one night. we can decide together where this goes but i'm seeing an age-gap, nothing unreasonable there but enough that it's felt and could be a point of contention. is it possible that two people who were so different could get along, and maybe even help each other grow? give me drama, and angst, and smut, and unexpected fluff that leaves them both unsure of who they ever are anymore! (vibes xxx . xxx) 2. the 'it' couple. muse a (maluma fc, can be flexible) and muse b are both celebrities in their own right, ideally both musicians. muse a has been in the game for a long while, and is known as the playboy of his genre. he revels in it, until his scandalous behavior sparks calls for 'cancellation'. his publicist hatches a plan to pair him up with a rising star, maybe a pop princess or internet sensation - someone who the public believes can do no wrong. being associated with him would add fuel to her fire and help her career, while being with her would help his image. we can decide how they both feel about this and where we go from there, but i just need the forced proximity, the pr stunts, the inevitable messiness and jealousy!!! gimme gimme gimme 3. worlds collide. muse a (alisha boe fc, can be flexible) is heir to a criminal dynasty, who has been trained her entire life to follow the family business. give me someone who makes her think twice. this could be someone from a rival gang, someone she grew up with, or a random civilian she meets by chance who shows her that there's more to life than crime, give me secrets, dramatic reveals, plots and manipulation. but also love, passion, things that bitches write books about! (vibes xxx . xxx) 4. you again? muse a (tanaya beatty fc) is a woman who has dedicated her life to public service - hospitals, soup kitchens, criminal reform, you name it. muse b is a criminal who has been plaguing their city for years, who couldn't care less who the hurts as long as he gets what he wants. she saw the good in him. he was attracted by her strength and her resolve. the two fell in love against all odds, but the story didn't end there; a tragic event occurs (we can plot what this was together) and led to one of them leaving the other. now it's been over a decade, and look who's back in town ... but is that a ring on muse a's finger? i want angst, denial, love, drama! gimme it all! (vibes xxx . xxx . xxx)
5. it's different with you. muse a (cillian murphy fc, can be flexible) is the typical asocial dark cloud type of guy, the one who goes to parties out of obligation but stands there stiff as a board the entire time. the kind who is more at home working at his desk than having dinner at a table. muse b is the type of person who lives life to the fullest, who is always looking for the next adventure. give me a slow burn, and unexpected love that takes them both by storm. perhaps they work together, or met through some kind of hobby or second party. neither of them expected for this to happen, and neither of them were looking for anything like this; all that they know is that they've never met anyone else like the other before, and they don't want that feeling to go away! (vibes xxx . xxx) 6. rat boy learns to love. muse a (devon bostick fc) is a typical burnout stoner musician, only he happened to luck into some success. life is good, bro is happy. give him a challenge! give him someone who can make him think twice and grow up a little bit. give me the angst of maybe both of them having their flaws and issues, the childish adventures blowing his money and wild sex you only attempt when you know no one can touch you. we can talk details, but you know the vibes! (vibes xxx . xxx . xxx) .
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