#i'm not sure if i should add fandom tags so ?? REBLOG ?? yes
summer-of-bad-batch · 4 months
2024 Participants, Completionists & Overachievers!
Bad Batch Would You Rather Game Suggestions
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Summer of Bad Batch 2024 Prompt List
***Fill prompts all summer! No deadlines! See below cut for more details 😎***
200 Followers Celebration Bonus Prompt:
Bonus Alternate Prompt: "Can you braid my hair?"
300 Followers Celebration Bonus Prompt:
Bonus Alternate Prompt: Light in the Darkness
Week 1
Main Prompt: Water Gun Fight
Alt. Prompt: “It’s not what you think.”
Week 2
Main Prompt: Injured
Alt. Prompt: Comfort Zone
Week 3
Main Prompt: “It’s just a scratch.”
Alt. Prompt: “Forget I asked.”
Week 4
Main Prompt: Cadets
Alt. Prompt: "You really think you're going without me? Not going to happen."
Week 5
Main Prompt: “You’re a bad liar.”
Alt. Prompt: “Need a hand?”
Week 6
Main Prompt: Battle Scars
Alt. Prompt: “Get out of my room!”
Week 7
Main Prompt: “Don’t avoid the question.”
Alt. Prompt: Getting a Haircut
Week 8
Main Prompt: Swimming Lessons
Alt. Prompt: Lula
Week of 9
Main Prompt: “Hold still.”
Alt. Prompt: Stargazing
Week 10
Main Prompt: Hugs
Alt. Prompt: “Just when were you planning on telling us that?”
Week 11
Main Prompt: “I didn’t think I would get this far.”
Alt. Prompt: “Yeah, kid, we’re fine.”
Week 12
Main Prompt: Nightmares
Alt. Prompt: Radio Silence
Week 13
Main Prompt: “Stop touching me!” // “I’m not touching you!”
Alt. Prompt: Crashing Hard
🥳🥳That’s the end of the Summer of Bad Batch 2024 prompt list…feel free to use all prompts and tags forever and ever🥳🥳
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You can find the Ao3 collection HERE!
And I know that sometimes, it can be a pain to figure out how to add to collections (please tell me I'm not the ONLY one who has struggled with this 😭), so here's a step by step!
STEP ONE: Post a New Work OR Edit an existing work.
STEP TWO: Under the Associations category, you’ll see “Post to Collections / Challenges”
STEP THREE: Type summerofbadbatch2024 (no spaces)
STEP FOUR: This is where it gets tricky...the collection may or may not auto populate. If it doesn't, that's okay. Just leave summerofbadbatch2024 in there as is, and save the post (you can even save it as a draft and see if it worked!) It should add it to the collection even if it didn't auto populate 🤓
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Q: What is Summer of Bad Batch??
A: Summer of Bad Batch is a laidback, summer prompt challenge from June 1st-August 31st. Every Sunday (12am CST), a prompt and alternative prompt will be released to inspire creativity in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch fandom! By filling prompts by August 31st, you can qualify as a:
Participant (completed 1-12 prompts)
Completionist (completed 13+ prompts)
Overachiever (completed 13 main prompts + the 13 alternative prompts)
At the end of the challenge, there will be a form for participants to fill out to let me know what category of completion they fall into. A post will be made for each category giving a shoutout and (if you’d like) a link to your Master List of completed prompt fills.
Q: What can I do to fill a prompt?
A: Anything you want! Fanfic, fan art, drabbles, doodles, cartoons, poetry...the possibilities are endless! The only real criteria is that it has to be based on Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Q: Will you reblog prompt fills?
A: Yes! However, since I am keeping this blog PG, I will only reblog prompt fills that fit within that criteria. Basically, if it could be in the literal show itself, it could be reblogged here ☺️
(That said, I won’t reblog any clone x clone content simply because it is one of my main squicks 😅)
Also, make sure you tag your prompt fills! That's the only way I'll be able to find them in the wide world of Tumblr! So, tag your prompt fills with #summerofbadbatch2024 so I (and anyone else who is looking for Summer of Bad Batch goodness!) can find your posts!
(And everything is welcome on the Ao3 Summer of Bad Batch 2024 Collection — so make sure to add to it if you’re on Ao3!)
Q: When will prompts be released?
A: Every Sunday (with the exception of Week 1, which will have a special release date of Saturday, June 1st) at 12am CST.
Q: What if I don’t understand a prompt?
A: Send me a message or an ask! I’d be happy to help!
Q: What if I don’t like the weekly prompt?
A: Every week will have an alternate prompt available! And alternate prompts can be swapped out for any main prompt, regardless of which week!
Q: Where can I post my prompt fills?
A: Anywhere you'd like! Personally, I'm only on Ao3 and Tumblr...but I know that this fandom is literally all over the internet, so wherever you feel comfortable posting, do it!!
Q: What if I don't finish filling the prompt within the week?
A: One of my favorite parts of this prompt challenge is that there are no deadlines! If you want to be a Completionist or an Overachiever, you just have to have the prompts complete by August 31st!
Finished week 2 during week 5? Great!
Finished weeks 1-13 during week 13?? 😅 That works!
Q: Do I have to post/publish my prompt fills to be considered a participant/completionist/overachiever?
A: Nope! I know not to everyone feels comfortable sharing their work, and that’s totally fine!
You don’t have to post/publish a single thing to qualify. At the end of the challenge, I’ll link a form for anyone who participated to fill out. This is all based on the honor system…so if you say you completed “such and such”…I’ll take your word for it 😊 If you want, you can still be given a shout out for whatever level of participation you said you completed. Just let me know!
Q: Can I combine prompts?
A: Yes! Mash up those prompts and make a custom, super prompt if your heart so desires!
Q: But can I combine prompts with other challenges?
A: Absolutely! If the other challenge allows it, feel free to combine Summer of Bad Batch as you see fit ✨
Q: Can I apply prompts to works I've already completed/posted?
A: Prompts should not be applied to already completed works.
But if you have a WIP that's been gathering dust that would fit the occasion, that would be fine!
Have a story that you're adding chapters to? You can apply prompts to new chapters! That's fine too!
Q: Will there be a complete prompt list available?
A: Not until after the event, since prompts will be posted weekly 😘
Q: Can I use the prompts even after the event has ended?
A: Absolutely!
You didn’t find your question here?? Send me an ask, I’d be happy to help!
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dropoutconfessions · 20 days
this is directed towards the owners of the account, and sure, any "fans" too. you cannot pretend to not realize that ALL you're doing is bringing toxicity into the fandom.
it's been less than a week and your posts are already mimicking 2018/2020 fandom misogyny.
you're giving hate a platform. that's all you're doing. it's not fun, it's not interesting.
that in addition to how clueless you are about slurs and general etiquette and respect on the site, maybe should be a hint that you shouldn't be running this.
You can go ahead believe that I am clueless about slurs, but personally, as someone who's very identity gets called a slur all the fucking time, I get pretty annoyed when someone makes the call that something is a slur when it doesn't apply to them. Whenever something annoys me, I tend not to do it to others, but that's just me.
I may be a minority on a couple different fronts, but unless I was suddenly an expert in Native Canadian or Alaskan culture and general opinions of the term, I'm not making that call, and in my opinion, neither should anyone else who isn't either well informed or affected personally by that specific term. I know how etiquette on this site works. I've also been on this site, for long enough, to have formed my own opinions on how well this site practices etiquette. (That means I've watched enough people get run off this site to know this site kinda doesn't practice etiquette). I have explained, in my pinned post, exactly why I choose to ignore the rules people have decided are the standard, because they do not work for spoiler tagging, and we are discussing a media partially locked behind a pay wall. There are dropout fans, who can't watch every season of dimension 20, because they watch through YouTube and/or Spotify. I am going to continue using the primary tags as well as the anti tags for tagging purposes, because I do not want to be the reason someone learns about a character death, every time someone wants to talk about how they kinda didn't like a character who may or may not be a backup character wink wink to those of you who know which season i am referring to I fully gave everyone a new tag (#negative dropout confession), that I retroactively went back and applied to all the posts I believed it fit, so that you could block posts that were negative. Now I'm not perfect, and am actually pretty shitty at social queues and kinda forgetful, so if you find a post you think is negative in a way that isn't "i kinda would have preferred this, but i loved the season" let me know, i will retag it as such. I'm only human and just like everyone else, not above being checked on my shit. If that's still not enough, it's a 3 click process to block this blog entirely. We here at dropoutconfessions will be sad to see you go, but I'll still understand. A place of anonymity, to freely share how you feel, is going to attract people who have feelings that usual get them hatred. And yes, some people misuse it. Typically, I do one of 2 things when that happens.
If it's a misunderstanding of the media, I'll add corrections to to the response to clarify, anything I miss, 3-5 people will probably take care of within an hour of the post going up, just check the replies
If it's something truly awful to say, I'll block the asker and delete the ask. Something I've had to do about half a dozen times already.
I have, multiple posts, debating those very posts you are referring to I have, multiple people, defending those characters, in the replies and reblogs of those posts you're referring to I have, multiple posts, in queue (as of me writing this reply) because i don't like flooding people's blogs, that are saying the exact same thing, without calling me toxic and clueless I understand you don't like the hatred, I don't like it either. But I do believe everyone deserves a platform if they'll be civil about it, and they give their opponents an opportunity to call their take absolute dogwater, once again, check the replies, some of these asks get flamed almost immediately. And no. I don't think all I do is bring toxicity to the fandom. People use this as an outlet for how they feel about just, the story. There's like, multiple posts about how people are a bit overbearing expecting perfection from the cast and how certain seasons deserve more love and how amazing some of the other shows are and how amazing some of the cast members are. It's easy to see the negativity, but it's not all there is. And trust me I'm not immune to that either, it's exhausting sometimes. I have gotten more asks about how "obsessed everyone is with Brennan Lee Mulligan" than I ever have about Brennan in a context outside of d20, the show that he runs. Tunnel vision is a bitch sometimes. And at the end of the day, if you think I'm doing a bad job at this, you can make your own confessions blog. This blog exists cause I got bored of my statistics homework, and realized there wasn't a confessions blog. You can too, and if everyone prefers yours, they can use yours, I truly do not mind. This blog is just something I feel like needs to exist, and since no one else was actively doing it (as far as I could tell, no one has told me the contrary). It's really just something to do with my hands so I can focus on dnd games and my video calls with my gf. That's it. If you have any specific suggestions on how I can improve, I'm open to listening to them, as I have proved in the past, but beyond sharing how I feel and addressing how you feel, I don't really know what to say or do. Thank you for telling me how you feel about this blog, this fandom, and Dropout, a media company we love. That's all I could ever want from an ask on this blog.
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Hoping you can put this out for all of the artists and writers that participate in your events. Just wondering how everyone deals with the feeling of posting something and having it completely flop? Those of you that have had it happen, how do you come back from that?
Hello, dear anon! I'm posting this so that anyone who wants to reply may do so, as you requested, but I also wanted to include my own two cents.
First of all, let me tell you I absolutely understand your frustration. It can be very off-putting to post something you put effort into to just have no one apparently notice it. There are a lot of posts saying how we should write/make art for ourselves, and not for others, and while I agree with those to a certain extent, once you actually post something, the goal is clearly to have it noticed by your peers.
That being said, I do encourage you to try to redefine what a flop means. Is it no notes at all? Because I hardly think you're getting no notes at all, especially in this fandom (but if you are, maybe there's something off with the way you're "marketing" it, so let me know and maybe we can help).
I assume by flop you mean getting less notes than you'd expected, so I think it's a matter of expectations. Are you comparing yourself to others? Because let me tell you right away, that won't do. Some people are more popular, period, and who knows why that is. Sure, most of the time these people are really talented, but usually it's that they make something that resonates with people, but I couldn't tell you why some do and some don't. It's absolutely impossible to predict what the fandom will or won't like. Even if you compare your works with your other own works, that will happen. I can't tell you the amount of times I've written something thinking people would love it only to get just a handful of kudos, while some other fics I've written on a whim, thinking no one would care, got way more attention.
Number three: give it time. Sometimes things aren't appreciated right away, but eventually they get further. I still get daily kudos on fics I wrote 8, 9, 10 years ago.
Finally, and this is a message to everyone, not just the anon who sent the ask: this is why fandom is important, and this is why you have to share the things you enjoy. Leaving likes/kudos is a great thing, but once you reblog it or add it to a recs list, that's when other people get to know stuff. That's literally my main job here, that's the reason I created this blog, so it would be an archive for the fandom. Yes, I organize events as well, and I answer asks and all, but the main point of this blog has always been and will continue to be reblogging. (I unfortunately don't have as much time to go through the tags as I used to, which is why I have my dear @sickness-health-all-that-shit helping me out, but it's still possible we miss things, so you're always welcome to tag me or send me your posts if you notice it's been a week or two and we haven't reblogged them yet - please do wait a bit though, as we do have a queue to go through.) Also, please do leave replies/comments/tags, those are so important and encouraging to the artists/authors!
I hope this eases your heart a bit, anon. And I look forward to seeing what everyone else will say.
GT mod.
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fridayyy-13th · 8 months
THE "fanon is so much better then canon" REBLOG TAGS. WOULD U BE OKAY SHARING UR SASHA CHARACTERIZATION THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS THAT MADE ME SO EXCITED TO SEE..... . no worries if u'd prefer not to though or wouldn't be sure how to articulate all of that!!! im like that sometimes when there are just So many character thoughts so no worries either way :-]]] have a cozy day or nightttt btw
oh my goodness yes absolutely i would be okay sharing. Sasha's my girl!! i love her!!! and i will not stand for fanon's slander of my beloved.
a while back i made a post about the list i have of Various Sasha Observations from the episodes she appears in (tbh i still need to add stuff from MAG 039 to it...), but what's always struck me is just how full of character and life she is, even appearing in as few episodes as she did. she's curious, clever, snarky, pedantic, reckless, and cares for her friends so much. basically the opposite of the "braincell holder" archetype she's been assigned!! she faces monsters head-on twice to protect her friends, she learned about Martin's CV through her own snooping and kept that information to herself so he could keep his job, she seems really easy to talk to (in MAG 024, she manages to coax an amused tone out of Jon, who's in full prickly-boss-mode at this point in the series), and she's also just as clueless about archiving as the rest of the characters (see: the stapler incident. standard staples rust, i believe what she should have been doing to keep the loose statements together was putting them into individual folders? i'm not an archivist. but the idea Sasha would have been better at archiving is not true. she would have absolutely been a better Archivist though. in Jonah's eyes, at least. she's got Jon's lack of self-preservation and double the curiosity).
also just...as an arospec person i love projecting on her, honestly. aromantic!Sasha is a headcanon very dear to my heart; i'm particularly fond of queerplatonic interpretations of her and Tim's relationship. i'm also very fond of queerplatonic jonsasha! which is even harder to find!! i just love the ace/aro solidarity they could have. i've got fic WIPs that feature both those relationships in more spotlighted roles than they usually get, if only i could finish them...alas, i'm a notoriously slow writer. they'll get done eventually, i promise 😅
oh my GOD i almost forgot to mention just how often the other characters bring her up after her death!!! see, like, another thing about fanon is how often Sasha is sidelined, even when she's still alive, but Jon pauses for a heavy moment after Knowing she was killed by the Not!Them, and Martin repeatedly asks about her and her safety after "she" (the Not!Them) disappears, and Tim's downward spiral is accelerated by having lost another person dear to him to the Stranger. and even after her death, she's important to them. when Peter asks Jon "where are your friends, Archivist?" in 159, his first answer is "Tim and Sasha are dead," when his closest friend at the time is Daisy. this isn't even important to her characterization per se, but it's important to me that you know that she was so important to them. she was their friend!!! even though she was forgotten she was remembered as a friend!!!!!
...but uh, yeah. that's my thoughts, lol. Sasha James is the light of my life and fanon absolutely dropped the ball on her. fanon tends to drop the ball on most things but Sasha especially. God i love her so much. it's like my personal mission to get the fandom to care about her as much as i do.
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
Fic Rec List 2
I cannot find the link for my first fic rec list. I'M SORRY! Anyway here's another one. These are on AO3 because that's where I read 99% of my fic but if I can find a tumblr handle for people, I will add it! This isn't just HotD/GoT fic, I also included a few other fandoms should anything strike your fancy!
World on Fire - @theothermaidoftarth - In which Nettles is sent North after the Battle of the Gullet. It's Cregan x Nettles! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! If you love rare pairs, please follow this author. She writes fantastic stories and I just really love their work.
Inertia - @lesbian-kyoru - With the Cat’s confinement approaching, Kyo and Tohru attempt to avoid their feelings as ineffectively as possible. Hi yes do you love Fruits Basket? Do you love a good friends with benefits AU with two emotionally fucky individuals in Tohru and Kyo? Then please run, do not walk, to read this lovely series. I was introduced to this via someone bookbinding this series on the renegade guild and devoured it (I reblogged this series ages ago screaming in my tags)
Something Old - Ducks - Miserable after Oz's departure, Willow casts a spell to have her will done. Predictably, it goes awry, having some interesting affects on Buffy and Angel. A re-imagining of the Buffy episode "Something Blue". One of the first really fandomy fics I got obsessed over (back when Ducks ran their own site, which might still be up?) anyway yeah, it's Buffy x Angel, which teen me was utterly obsessed with and one of the first fics that really ever entered into my mind that you could write long ass series AU fics. There's also an eventual Blade crossover in the final part.
A Game of High Stakes - In_Dreams - In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through. Hello yes it's another dramoine fake marriage/real marriage AU but it's so good, really goes into the fuckiness of the war, I just devoured it in a weekend.
Taken - Wheater - An AU set after 2x15: Elijah succeeds in kidnapping Elena, Katherine is out of the tomb and the Salvatore brothers have one hell of a mess to fix. Sometimes you have no choice but to make a deal with the devil. If you can get the devil to make a deal with you… Another oldie but goodie for if you liked your obscure TVD ships. And I was such an Elena x Elijah fan (also Tyler and Elena too pls)
Kingdoms At War - deathwalker - What if Ned Stark wasn't executed at the Great Sept of Baelor? Instead, what if, he had been removed from Kingslanding before Joffrey could give the order for his head? What impact would this have had on the Game of Thrones? It's a Robb x Marg, Ned Lives AU y'all and one day, one day it's gonna be completed and it's going to be amazing. So far it's sitting at just under 700k words, and Marg and Robb are about to take on King's Landing and my body is ready.
Parlour Trick - @stannisfactions - What if Aemond was born with dragon features and hidden away, and Helaena is his bride. Hi yes I scream about this story a lot, Kinderhook is one of my all time favorites, and not only is this fic amazing, but they have a ton of TG fics. A lot of the content is of the angstier variety, as well as a lot of dub con so please mind your triggers.
Aesthetic Chills - sloelimbs - An Eddie/Chrissy fix it picking up where Vecna started, and the Party's adventure taking a different turn. - It's an Edissy fix it fic and just very thoughtful, very moody, very everything. Pretty sure this was the only ST fic I read and it sits in the bookmarks for a reason.
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whitefoxgirl · 1 year
🦊Culture Shock🐰 A Jungkook Series Episode 3: Food (ft. Jimin)
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Summary: Jungkook starts a podcast with his best friend who is a foreigner to discuss different topics they were shocked culturally about.
Author's Note: Hello my beautiful readers! Requests for BTS scenarios are open because I'm feeling uninspired! I wanna finish the Namjoon series with a BANG! And writing for others might get the wheels rolling~
Author's Note PS: If you'd like to be tagged, reblog with this. I am tagging people who reblog, but if you wish to be tagged comment or simply reblog and I will add you :)
Pairing: Jungkook x BFF!Reader (not dating, just two best friends) Fandom: BTS Warnings: Brief mentions of suicide, cringy, full of crack moments. Genre: Fluff, crack, angst Word Count: 2.3k
Taglist: @7ndipity; @yoongimentita7; @ancoraesisto; @lovemeforeternity, @hrtss4jk, @ellelabelle
🡸 Previous episode Next Episode➔
Jungkook: *sighs* *singing* 여러분~ 🦊: *whisper screams* Jungkook: *singing* 너무 보고싶었어!~ 🦊: *whisper screams* *giggles* Jungkook: *giggles* *singing*여러분도, 나 보고싶었어?!~ 🦊: *whisper screaming* No~ We didn't miss you~ Jungkook: *gasps then laughs* Jungkook: Welcome to episode 3 everyone. 🦊: This week has been... Jungkook: Exhausting. 🦊: Yeah... We were scheduling with our guest today and he's so busy. Jungkook: Super. 🦊: That's how you know you got too much free time, and you need a girlfriend. Jimin: *snickers* Jungkook: *deadpan/trying not to laugh* You trying to deny our relationship? 🦊: *groans in disgust* *imitating Cody Ko* EW! DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! Together: WHAT THE FUCK!~ *trio laugh*
🦊: If you heard laughter right now, I can assure you, you're not hearing voices. That is in fact... *pause* *sighs in relief* the voice of an angel. Jimin: Stop *chuckles* Jungkook: If you guys think we flirt, you guys have to listen to Y/N and Jimin. 🦊: Which, again, we're just friends. Jimin: Strictly! Friends! 🦊: Yeah. Jungkook: And even though in the comments people are trying to figure out who Y/N's crush is, I can assure you it is not Jimin. 🦊: DON'T give more clues than that! Jimin: He does listen to the podcast, so... Don't expose them. 🦊: Thank you, angel Jimin: You're welcome, baby
Jungkook: Oh my god... ANYWAY. Y/N brought Jimin because they're bored of me already. 🦊: For sure! You annoy the SHIT out of me *giggles* Jungkook: Love you too~ 🦊: No, but, I brought Jimin here today, because he was on the trip Jungkook took to my home country Jimin: Yes. It was really fun and I opened my eyes to the amazingness of the mango. 🦊: Yeah. This brings me to the topic of the episode which is! Jungkook: 음식! Jimin and Jungkook: Ko! Mee! Dah! 🦊: *giggles* 🦊: Comida!~ Trio: Food!~
🦊: @yoongimentita7 Jungkook: Mentita~ Little mint!~ 🦊: They requested that we talk about the differences between our food or how our families met. Jungkook: I think today we'll only talk about food since us meeting each other's families should be an episode of its own. 🦊: yoongimentita, thank you so much for your request!~ Jungkook: And @lovemeforeternity, thank you so much for suggesting this subject! 🦊: Yeah!~
Jungkook: I think Jimin's story is much more interesting. Jimin: *sighs smiling* Yeah 🦊: So for context, when I was getting to know Jungkook more, I was telling him that I miss my country because they had Puerto Rican mangoes, and if you're not aware, Puerto Rican mangoes are small, which is why instead of giving you a sweet sensation, it gives you a bittersweet sensation. Jimin: I was eavesdropping *laughs* *Jungkook and 🦊 laugh* Jimin: And I groaned in disgust because I don't like mangoes. 🦊: Shooketh. Jungkook: *chuckles* Jungkook: Y/N was telling me all of the things they miss and they mentioned a couple of fruits, but when they said "mangoes" Jimin-hyung stopped in his tracks and looked at them like they were crazy. 🦊: *giggles* He did!~ Jimin: I just didn't believe that I would like it, because it's just messy and hairy. 🦊: It is. Which, Puerto Rican mangoes do have hair, bUT! they stick together rather than- Jungkook: Spread around 🦊: Yeah! 🦊: So... Jungkook, Jimin, and a couple of other friends and I took a vacation in my home country. Jimin: It was amazing. 🦊: Jimin left the country with like.. 20 phone numbers. Jimin: *laughs* Yeah~ Jimin: I just didn't believe Y/N when they said that Puerto Rican mangoes were... *scoffs smiling* Basically the solution to my mango-hating agenda. Jungkook: So... Literally, the first thing that Y/N did once we landed, was call their mom... Ask her to cut down a few mangoes, and then took us to their childhood home. Jimin: And let me tell you guys... It was... A. MA. ZING! 🦊: *claps* WOOOOOO!!!! Jimin: *giggles* It was bittersweet. It had hairs, but since they stuck together, they didn't get stuck in between my teeth. 🦊: And it wasn't the one they sell in Korea, which is what we call a "pineapple mango". And those mangoes are... Huge, super sweet, and... what we say in Spanish "empalagante", which- Jungkook: Which, if you have eaten anything sweet, continuously, you definitely know that feeling. Like... Your- Jimin: It's like your tongue gets sticky with sweets 🦊: Sticky... *smacking her lips repeatedly* Jungkook: *smacks his lips repeatedly* *scrunches his nose* Just overly... sweet, it's just ugh~ Jimin: That's another reason why I didn't like mangoes. 🦊: He didn't know the wonders of different types of mangoes. Jimin: *chuckles* I didn't Jungkook: I remember Y/N cutting Jimin-hyung's mango. They just cut a line and peeled the skin like a fucking sticker. 🦊: *giggles* Which is the CORRECT way to eat it. Jimin: It was... so messy. THAT part I didn't like. 🦊: *imitating Thanos* It is inevitable. Jungkook: YOU DID NOT JUST DO THANOS AFTER THE LAST EPISODE
*trio laughs*
Jimin: But I can still remember the taste of it *sighs* It was... bittersweet, soft yet hard, it was orange and small so- Jungkook: Yet it still looked big on Jimin-hyung's hand. 🦊: Oh my god!~ Leave his hands alone!~ Jungkook: *laughs* 🦊: He got more bitches than you. Jungkook: *gasps* How dare you?~ Jimin: Well!~ Jungkook: HYUNG! *Jimin and 🦊 laugh* 🦊: 너무 귀여워!~ Jimin: 맞아, 귀여워~ Jungkook: Honestly, that was an AMAZING mango, and I understand why Y/N was so sad about not being able to eat them. 🦊: And they can't import it here because it's like... 40 United States Dollars to get one from Puerto Rico to Korea. Jimin: And how do you specify that? Like... Just straight up say "I want a Puerto Rican mango" Jungkook: Yeah, what even is a "Puerto Rican" mango. 🦊: Like how can you describe... Both: I want a small, bittersweet mango Jimin: *gasps*... You two sometimes freak me out. 🦊: *giggles* We spend TOO much time together. Jungkook: That's why I don't have a girlfriend. 🦊: *scoffs* Anyways, mine should be last *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* Jimin: YEAH! YEAH! It should!
Jungkook: So, for American food, it wasn't that surprising, since we have American food in Korea. 🦊: It's low-key expensive here too. Jungkook: Yeah, but now with what you told me. Jimin: Inflation Jungkook: It's basically the same price in both countries 🦊: Crazy Jungkook: What was surprising was tasting plantain. Jimin: We had a lot in Y/N's home country. 🦊: A plantain is like a banana, but it's used for cooking, like tomatoes. They're bigger and harder to peel and they can't be eaten raw. Jungkook: Nope *in between chuckles* Made THAT mistake 🦊: *chuckles* Jimin: We ate a lot of Latin cuisine. Rice with chicken, stuffed potatoes, pasteles, a- Jungkook: Just a lot of stuff. Jimin: Yeah! 🦊: I have no idea what your culture shock is gonna be *giggles* Jungkook: Oh! That's because I never told you because I didn't wanna make you feel bad. Jimin: Awwww!~ 🦊: *gasps* Jungkook: So, we had a lot of Latin cuisines, but the ones that upset my stomach the first time eating it was Puerto Rican cuisine. 🦊: Really? Jungkook: Yeah! Now it's whatever because I eat it whenever you cook it and it doesn't upset my stomach 🦊: You got accustomed to it Jungkook: *imitating Y/N* For sure!~ 🦊: *sighs smiling* Jimin: We got accustomed to it now because you bring us food in between anything. Practice, shoots, anything. Jungkook: *snickers* Our unpaid personal assistant. 🦊: Oh my god... Jungkook: Well, the first time I ate Puerto Rican cuisine... *sighs smiling* *chuckles* 🦊: What?~ Jungkook: There's a lot of spices, right? 🦊: Uh-huh~ Jungkook: Like, "sofrito", "sazón", "adobo" 🦊: *smiling* Uh-huh!~ 어쩌라고~ Jungkook: *laughs* I just remember after eating my "arroz con gandules" BOOKING it to the bathroom
*trio laugh*
🦊: *gasps* 잠깐만! 레알?~ Jungkook: 레알!~ Jimin: I had to take some medicine because my stomach couldn't handle it 🦊: *gasps* I mean... I get it, Koreans barely use seasoning, you guys just rely on spice Jungkook: True. I remember the first time that Y/N cooked for me. They were adding all these things and boom boom boom, salt, pepper, adobo, garlic, and this and that. I was like "What are they doing?" 🦊: I'm seasoning it!~ *giggles* 🦊: This is a great segway to my experience. My~ Trio: CULTURE SHOCK!~ Jungkook: *deadpan/trying not to laugh* I hate it here 🦊: *in between giggles* My culture shock was YOUR cooking. Jungkook: Really? 🦊: I just remember the first time you cooked for me. I told you that I wanted some Korean BBQ, but we were pretty far away, I don't know why... Jungkook: We were on vacation with some friends 🦊: Right right right 🦊: So, we didn't wanna go out, and I wanted some BBQ. Seokjin-Oppa busts out the grill, everything's normal. Jungkook: Yoongi-hyung wanted to cook but you insisted it had to be me 🦊: Yeah! Because, at that time, I had cooked so much for HIM, I wanted to taste HIS cooking 🦊: So, he's opening up the... what was it? Jimin: 삼겹살 🦊: Yeah, the 삼겹살 package, in front of the grill. It's already hot and then just *stutters* I can't even SAY it! *laughs* *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* 🦊: He just PUTS it on the grill like a madman! I was thinking to myself *imitating Tati Westbrook* Oh my god~ Time and place~ *Jimin and Jungkook laugh harder* 🦊: I was like... Where's the salt? AT LEAST salt! But NOTHING. And it's not like the grill was seasoned because you can season your grill before you cook Jungkook: Exactly 🦊: Nope... No seasoning Jungkook: OKAY BU- Jimin: 어땠어, 어땠어? How was it? 🦊: *sighs in defeat* it was delicious~ Jungkook: Okay!~ Okay!~ 🦊: *chuckles* I was just shocked you know? In my country you season EVERYTHING Jungkook: Guys, one time, we were eating something and they mixed mayonnaise and ketchup, which, normal, I do that too. But they added cruSHED GARLIC 🦊: OKAY But how was it?~ Jungkook: *sighs in defeat* It was delicious~
Jungkook: That was your first one 🦊: Yes Jimin: Tell them your most memorable one Jungkook: *laughs* Jimin: The way they explain it is so funny!~ 🦊: Oh my god... Okay~ Jimin: *giggling* 🦊: So, I always wanted to eat 떡볶이. Jungkook: Which, if you guys don't know, 떡볶이 is a cylinder-shaped rice cake with Korean chili paste or 고추장. 🦊: There's a lot of things in it, but that's the- Jimin: The basics of it. 🦊: Yeah, so I always wanted to eat it and *laughs* *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* 🦊: Guys... *in between laughs* It was the most ass-ripping, gas-inducing, PAPITO, I saw hell. I saw satan himself *strutters* I-You know what, I didn't see satan. I saw the flames of hell as I was plunging DOWN. Jungkook: *laughs loudly* *gets away from the mic* 🦊: My ass was ripping itself apart like HAHAHA! Papito! It was in 부산, and it was at this place that Jungkook found. He ordered it for me, but the owners were like "They're a foreigner, they won't be able to handle it". Jungkook: I thought I trained them for this moment, but apparently not. 🦊: So, the owners compromised and gave him the 떡볶이 with MILD spice *gets closer to the microphone* Guys... it was MILD! Okay? MILD. *Jimin and Jungkook snicker then laugh* 🦊: I remember taking the first bite and I looked at Jungkook and just thought to myself "Que carajo es esto?!" like "What the fuck is this?!" *in between laughs* I SAW- Papito, I saw God, I saw hell. My ass was ripping itself apart *laughs* *bangs the table once* Jungkook: Their eyes were wide and their face was... crazy red. 🦊: It was... HORRIBLE!~ And I looked at Jungkook and said "Papito, this 떡볶이, THIS IS KOREAN 떡볶이, this truly is Korean 떡볶이. Because this is spicy as FUCK, and the owner put it mild for me. If this is 'mild' for them I DONT WANNA KNOW what the normal 떡볶이for you guys is like" Jungkook: *laughs* They said that after we left the restaurant. They were not rude to the staff or anything. 🦊: And, guys, I really tried to, I REALLY did, because the food was really good, but I was sweating. Jimin: *snickers* 🦊: I was sweating, and I couldn't see the fingers in front of me. Jimin: And Y/N doesn't like to waste food so it was really hard for them to just not eat it. Jungkook: Yeah, but Yoongi-hyung saw them struggling and helped them complete it and finished it for them. 🦊: Yeah. *in a sweet voice* 고마워 윤기 오빠~ Jungkook: I helped too! Why don't you ever thank me like that?~ 🦊: Eh... Anyways! Those were our~ Together: CULTURE SHOCK!
Jungkook: Thank you so much, Jimin-hyung for taking your time and doing the podcast. Jimin: Of course! Even though it's been only 2 episodes posted, I love listening to the podcast. 🦊: Really?~ Jimin: I'm an avid listener, yeah! 🦊: Oh!~ Thank you so much, angel~ Jimin: You're welcome, baby Jungkook: But most of all, thank you, guys, for continuing to listen and interact and comment on the podcast, it really gives us strength to continue 🦊: Jimin? Jimin: Yeah? 🦊: Wanna do the outro? Jimin: Yeah~ I'll do it in Spanish~ 🦊: Oh~ Jimin: Mi gente, nos vemos despues 🦊: *gasps* OH MY GOD!~ That was soooo- Jungkook: Stop!~ *laughs* Jungkook: 여러분~ 안녕히 게세요!~ 🦊: Bye everyone! See you next time!~
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nekoannie-chan · 22 days
Title: Relax.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 240 words.
Square: 7 “Lazy day”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve’s first lazy day.
Major Tags: Fluff.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @eclipsingbingo The Rising Moon Flash Event 2024.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate my work myself) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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On a Sunday morning, Steve was sitting on the couch, a book in his hands, though his eyes were barely open. He had only recently woken up and, for the first time in a long time, had no missions or training scheduled.
You approached him with a cup of coffee, smiling to see him so relaxed. “Good morning, Steve, enjoying the book," you asked, sitting beside him.
“Good morning. Yes, although I don't seem to have much of a head for reading today," he replied, putting the book aside. “I was thinking of taking the day off."
“Of course you were, Steve. What would you like to do today?"
Although you had to admit you were really surprised, you'd never heard Steve say anything like that before.
Steve leaned back on the couch, stretching his arms above his head.
“I'm not sure."
“Do you have something in mind or should I choose?"
“I trust you," he said.
You got up and started looking through the collection of movies on the shelf.
After a moment, you noticed that Steve had dropped his head on your shoulder and his eyes were closed.
You stood still, enjoying seeing Steve so relaxed for the first time.
After a while, Steve opened his eyes and looked at you with a smile. You smiled back and gently stroked his hair.
“You'll always have a place here to rest, Steve.
“I promise I won't forget," he said.
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thepromptfoundry · 9 months
The Prompt Foundry FAQ
To head off some potential confusions and concerns.
Q: Hey, who's running this thing? I'm Eiiri. I'm a writer and a nerd and I like lists. I also wrote an Ao3 metatext guide one time.
Q: What if I missed a day, or filled a prompt late? A: No problem at all! The only timeline here is for when prompt lists are posted. You create and post on your own schedule, I'll reblog as I see prompt fills pop up!
Q: What if I don't want my art reblogged here? A: If you don't tag me in the post or use my tag for the prompt theme, I probably won't even see it to reblog it. I will also endeaver to heed notes either in the body of posts or in tags to not reblog it, or you can turn off reblogs in general. If I have already reblogged your work and you'd like me to delete it, please message or reply to me.
Q: If I use prompts from the Foundry, do I have to give credit? A: Yes please.
Q: Can I share the prompt lists outside of tumblr? A: Sure! Just give attribution pointing back to this blog.
Q: Are there any formatting limitations or guidelines for prompt fills? A: Most any way you can format a tumblr post is going to be okay. I recommend using a readmore on long posts—such as writing longer than a few paragraphs or comics longer than a couple pages—just for ease of scrolling for everyone. Best practice is to make each prompt fil its own original post. If you do them as a reblog chain—especially if you start that chain from the prompt list post itself—you can expect that your prompt fills will not be reblogged to the Foundry until the end of the month. If you prefer, you can send in your prompt fill as a submitted post so that the post and all its notes track to Foundry rather than to you.
Q: Do I have to tag my prompt fills a certain way? A: Not really. I recommend using the theme tag for whichever prompt list you're working from (which you can find on the original post of the list), and tagging fannish work with what fandom it pertains to. Beyond that, it's up to you what tags you feel like adding.
Q: Hey, Eiiri, can you tag for ___? A: All prompt lists are tagged with "prompt list" and whatever theme tag I'm using for that month. Prompt fills get "prompt fill" and the theme tag. Original posts from the Foundry get "the prompt foundry." I cannot promise anything else will be tagged for consistently. I may add warning tags to reblogged prompt fills based on my own judgement, and particular tags may be added to specific posts upon request. Such requests should be made by DM or Ask, do not do so in replies on the post itself unless you are intending to ask the creator of the art rather than me, the curator of the Foundry. Either way, be polite about it.
Q: For fannish work, are there any fandoms that are off limits? A: Not really. There is no such thing as an umproblematic fandom, and I'm not interested in telling people what stories and media they are or are not allowed to engage with in a transformative manner, even if I personally find it distasteful. As long as the piece of fannish art is not, in and of itself, perpetuating or advocating harm, I will reblog it to the Foundry. If it is perpetuating or advocating harm, I will report it and block the creator.
Q: Is NSFW allowed? A: Yup! Please use tumblr community labels for mature content as appropriate and consider using a readmore to keep anything particularly racy or scary out of immediate view—that goes for both visuals and words. I may choose to not reblog NSFW work that I deem insufficiently guarded.
Q: Is machine-generated "AI" content allowed? A: No. We are here for the joy of artistic creation and the prompts are meant as inspiration for real, human artists. Anyone found to be using machine-generation in filling these prompts will be blocked.
Q: Is there any other content that's not allowed? A: Content that is itself harassing, racist, queerphobic or exclusionist, or that otherwise perpetuates or advocates harm to real people. Any such will not be reblogged, and the creator will be blocked. I am willing to hear concerns that work I've reblogged here is harmful in ways that I may have missed—such as using dogwhistles I'm unfamiliar with or just didn't catch—but anti-ship arguments will get the complainer blocked.
Q: Are minors allowed to interact with the Foundry? A: I'm not blocking anyone based only on their age. I expect everyone engaging with the Foundry to curate their own experience. Block tags, block people, use community labels. Kicking up a stink about the presence of kids, or of non-kid-friendly art, will get you blocked.
Q: Is there anybody who isn't allowed to interact with the Foundry? A: Yeah, people I have blocked. That's mostly TERFs, suicide-baiters, and other such assholes. And porn bots, though if a porn bot actually filled a prompt I would be rather impressed. Anybody harassing me or other creators within the scope of the Foundry will be blocked.
In general, be kind, be respectful of differences in this shared space, support your fellow creatives, and have fun!
If you have any other questions, comments, confusions or concerns, or if you just want to say hello, my ask box is open!
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clone fic gift exchange: frequently asked questions
this will be linked on the pinned post of the blog, and it is more general, as it’s intended to be used for all clone exchanges i run here in the future, as well as the one that's currently being organized as i’m posting this. if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out and ask :)
why do i need an email to sign up?
i use a secret santa generator to randomly assign matches, as it's way easier for me and has been very successful in the past, and that requires an email address. i have an email account that i use specifically for fandom things (exchanges, zines, etc), and i highly recommend it for anyone who wants to keep themselves more organized (or doesn't want to give out their personal email!)
can i still join if i only read or write a few clones?
yes!! as long as the common denominator character is on your list, you can absolutely participate! i ensure that everyone has at least one character (usually it's rex) on the list of clones they are okay to receive, so this way if you see who you have and you're like "i don't know/don't like any of the other names here," you can just write for the common denominator. there are several protections i put into place for each exchange in order to ensure the comfort of the participants, and this is one of them.
is there a limit on clones we can put down as ones we'd want to receive?
technically no, but i would advise you to choose no more than six or seven of them. for some people a giant list of potential clones may be great, but for others it may be way too overwhelming. there also may be certain exchanges where the options are limited to a certain number, such as the bad batch.
should i be writing my person's favorite clone?
you can write any of the clones on your person's list. i do not ask for a favorite clone at sign up because i see it as another protection on behalf of the participants. If someone's favorite clone is one that the person who has them isn't really into, i wouldn't want to make anyone feel pressured to write them or bad if they don't choose them. in order to further remove this bias, i place all the clones names in alphabetical order on the prompt document.
what happens if the person who is writing for me breaks one of the rules with their fic (uses ai to write, adds a clone/clone background ship, etc)?
in the event that something like that happens, you are under no responsibility to respond to the fic if you don't want to, and please reach out to me to make sure i'm aware, if i haven't caught it already. at that point, i will reach out for an emergency pinch hitter to take over your prompt, and that fic will be the one put on the masterlist and reblogged, not the one that had broken the rules.
i don't write smut, can i still join?
absolutely!! i myself don't read or write it either, and i make sure to ask about the comfort level of participants regarding smut on the sign up. you can find a whole post i did about that here.
what's the posting situation like?
when the exchange day finally arrives, you'll post your fic on your blog and tag me so i can reblog it here! if you're done with your fic early, i ask that you hang onto it so we can all post together.
other than the exchange day, is there a specific time to post?
since we're all in different timezones, the only requirement i have about timing is that you post at some point during the 24 hour window in which it is exchange day for you. that will be different for someone in australia vs someone in new york, and that's totally fine. i usually don't start tracking people down who haven't posted until the monday after the exchange, and if you're really worried you'll miss it, you can schedule a post to go up at a certain time too. deadlines for sign ups are always in eastern standard time though, simply because that's the time zone i'm in.
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conflitdecanard · 1 year
do you have any advice for starting to sell adoptables? i have a lot of character designs im not using, and im not even sure where to start with selling them online
Oouh I will do my best to answer ! :O Beware I will focus on how I sell on Tumblr here as you asked me on Tumblr - some stuff may not apply to other websites but most of the points should apply elsewhere too I would say !
But in general, you need some stuff in your description like:
Tell how you wanna be contacted ( pm, comments, email etc depends what you prefer ) - Also add " contact if interested " - People may contact you to ask you questions about the design too or some details; it happens so you may need to be ready !
Tell what kind of way you prefer to get payment and in what currency ( For me, it's paypal and in euros )
You can also say " rb/boost are welcome - You don't have to be interested if you wanna rb to boost or if you enjoy the art " It will help spread your offers and also some people can be unsure about reblogging and not being interested
I would say to add some rules too, just to be sure you are comfortable with how the designs are used like: " name,gender etc is up to the buyer " " you can/cannot resell/trade/gift " " I can hold the design for ( amount of time you prefer ) " " Don't change the design/You can change the design a bit/You can change the design how you want "
I would also recommend putting the price not only in the description but also on the pic of the adopt: To make sure people see it well but be ready to have people ask you how much they are still ( ̄▽ ̄ ) It is still a bit like retail on that point haha
Also watermark your adopts and put the social(s) you post them on the pic too ! If it is get shared around, it could help !
Another thing I would tell you is to TAG YOUR STUFF
You can look up artists you enjoy/respect to see what they use in their adopts tags
Don't hesitate to tag even colours or what kind of colours they are like pastel Stuff in the design like... there is sunflowers in the design ? Tag sunflowers Tag like... aesthetic too like cottagecore or dark acedemia I would say to tag potential triggers, i do that in case and also sometimes even add " ask to tag " cuz i am not sure i got everything covered
But yes tags really help to have your stuff seen - Tumblr good for that
Depends also what kind of design you are making - is it furry ? dnd ? humanoids ? fandom or not ? Tag as best as you can too - if you know artists who do designs like that/you, then look up what they tag these with !
I would recommend VERY MUCH to have a TOS too... !! It may sounds unnecessary or tiring to do but I do recommend as people can ask for a refund after getting the design and scam you :(
It never happened to me but I saw too many horrible stories like that happening to other artists to not tell you you should, even if just in case !
I think It is enough infos to start with ! I hope I helped even a bit but yeah ! I'm open to answer if you have more questions/need more details ! :'D
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dreams-of-cerulean · 1 year
☣: A pet peeve about roleplaying
Not quite about roleplaying but still ever present if you choose to roleplay in a social media site.
Callouts. Particularly when people use them willy-nilly and when people add these stupid disclaimers to absolve themselves of the responsibility of making said callout.
So my indirect experience with callouts comes from Undertale out of all fandoms.
For a game that's all about love and tolerance, the fandom really goes out of its way to do otherwise. At the height of the fandom, feels like every couple days I'd catch a callout post accusing a person of doing X, Y, and Z with "proof" being "I heard from my uncle's sister's cousin that wishes to be unnamed". And unrelated folk are nodding their heads in the tags like yes-men.
Now I can't say these callouts are 100% false because I'm only related tangentially - these posts are being reblogged by people I'm following. But when callouts targeting individuals are coming from the same circles of people over and over again, you've really got to wonder.
Not to mention, every time I see a callout, it's always prefaced with this "oh this is simply meant to spread awareness" or "please don't harass this person :) :) :)."
I absolutely hate the disingenuousness.
A callout is a weapon meant to hurt - you can even say kill - someone socially - it should be the very last resort. Throwing a callout out there is essentially telling others that this person should be made a pariah - to be banished from everyone's social circle. And it's laughable that people somehow believe they can mitigate the responsibility by adding a stupid disclaimer?
I'm pretty sure everyone who has roleplayed before has felt that occasional phantom feeling of being ostracized from their circle: "Did I do something wrong? Are my friends ignoring me now? Are there people talking about me behind my back?"
A callout is meant to induce that. It's meant to point at someone and announce that this person is dirty - and those who interact with this person are the same.
So if you're going to make a callout post, you better be right, you better have proof, and you better have exhausted all your options (blocking, private messaging, etc). But most importantly, you better be willing to accept the consequences.
You are responsible for whatever comes out of that callout. And nothing you disclaim or try to mitigate with changes that. If people harass that person over it, that's partly on you, no matter how many "please do not harasses" you write down. If your roleplaying community has a schism over it, you also take partial responsibility.
If the person in question kills themselves over it, that's also on you.
So if you make that callout post, you better mean it - and better be willing to accept the responsibility it entails. Because no amount of "this is just meant for awareness" or "don't harass this person" changes the share of responsibility that belongs to you.
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cathsith · 1 year
Hi, reddit people. I hope you're encountering more friendly people than douchey people.
There's a shit ton of useful and thorough guides that provide instructions on how to use the site. This is more of a "shit that's good to know, in no particular order" type of guide
Random thoughts:
💠 Profile: put whatever you want, as long as you put something. It's up to you what you want to share. Just practice common sense internet safety.
💠 People have some really, um, interesting names here, many NSFW. Personally, I think it's hilarious to reblog deep social commentary from someone with a porny name, but if you're concerned about having that on your blog, maybe make sure to check.
💠 I'm sure some of you are old enough that maybe you were on livejournal and are still mourning its loss. I miss it too, especially for fandom. Your best bet at recreating some of that experience is to find creators you like (many fic writers include their Tumblr on their ao3 profile or fics) and following and interacting with them here.
💠 You can either comment on or reblog posts if you want. Some people seem to have *opinions* as to whether it's better to comment or reblog but it sort of seems like a generational divide. I decide which one to do based on how much I want to add and if it's particularly interesting, well thought out, and/or funny.
💠 A lot of people talk about how likes are useless, but I personally think it's a YMMV type of thing. For a while I tried to keep my likes limited to things I wanted to save, since you can't save posts here unless you bookmark it on your browser. But I also tend to like personal posts or reblogs from mutuals as a mark of support. Yes, you should reblog art to boost the artist's exposure. And no one does what they should do every time and I'm sure artists still like getting likes even if they'd prefer reblogs.
💠 Some people have started putting DNI (do not interact) in their info on their blogs and may get mad if you reblog from them. Sometimes people reblog stuff that you like and then you find out that you strongly disagree with their politics/beliefs etc. No one sensible expects you to vet every single person you reblog and if anyone puts up a fuss, you can probably safely ignore them unless they report you for abuse. I've never heard of that happening.
💠 You can contact people two ways: asks and messages. Asks have a word limit and if you go past it, will broken up and may be sent in reverse order. Asks also allow you to be anonymous. People can reply publicly or privately. If you want it to stay private, you should probably state that. If you are anonymous, obviously the response can only come publicly. Messages are essentially chats. A lot of people are cool with getting messages, but I personally am too awkward to use them except with mutuals. (But I'm totally cool with getting them, if you are so inclined)
💠 Mutuals: some people follow others back everytime, some never do. But there's a funny thing where we (tumblr people) get deeply attached to mutuals even if we've never had an actual conversation beyond a comment or two. It's a thing, but a nice thing.
💠 There are a couple famous people hanging around. They're great and surprisingly good at tumblr. Be cool.
💠 Blaze posts are relatively new. You can pay like $10 to have your post shown to people like an ad. Some people use it to advertise their etsy or personal store site, but plenty of people also post pictures of their pets or reminders to drink water or hopes that you have a good day. I usually enjoy them but they're fairly unobtrusive if you don't.
💠 Because there isn't much of an algorithm here, ads can be really random and really strange. You can get rid of ads entirely with a paid account. I think that includes blaze posts but I'm not positive.
💠 Tags here are weird. They fall into a few categories:
🔹 Subject tags: fandoms, music, sports, current events, medical or psychological conditions, history, science, etc
🔹 Warning tags: they're obviously not required, but they're not hard to add and are really important for a lot of people. Sometimes they're posted as "cw: warning" or "tw: warning" but sometimes it's just the warning itself. Just do your best. If you see something tagged "unreality" it means that what you're reading isn't real, but may be presented as if it is. This is (to the best of my knowledge) a warning for people with delusional disorders. It's also generally acceptable to request that someone add a content warning.
🔹 Personal tags: people come up with tags they use on their own blogs for categorization. Some of them are pretty clever. If something is just tagged "personal" then it's considered rude to reblog unless the poster says it's okay.
🔹 Conversation tags: I've been here for ages, but I still don't know the origin of "talking in the tags." Whatever the reason, we do it a lot here. Sometimes it's a quick reference or quip, sometimes it's a dissertation. The longer the tags, the more entertaining they tend to be. If you see a screenshot of tags, that means that they have undergone "peer review"and deemed important or funny enough to be moved into the post itself. It's a high honor.
💠 Tumblr holidays - I think this list has most of them
💠 There is some AMAZING original fiction and artwork here, some of which has been deemed Tumblr Folklore. Check out this list
💠 Okay I'm gonna stop now because I keep adding shit and I've had this draft going for almost 24 hours now and I would like my tumbr app back now
Hope somebody finds this helpful! Feel free to say hi if you want
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Tumblr media
Ho postato 264 volte nel 2022
Sono 264 post in più del 2021!
181 post creati (69%)
83 post rebloggati (31%)
Blog che ho rebloggato di più:
Ho taggato 250 dei miei post nel 2022
Solo 5% dei miei post non aveva tag
#undertale - 165 post
#oc - 126 post
#art - 89 post
#revil410 - 72 post
#revil - 71 post
#lol - 70 post
#revilsans - 66 post
#sans - 65 post
#ask - 46 post
#dusk - 32 post
Tag più lungo: 83 caratteri
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
Lazy as I dunno what but I decided to accept requests and draw oc's for y'all (possibly Undertale oc's, and not weird things tho)
Under ur questions please add a photo of the character so I can have a reference
I'll try to make all them in digital, so the quality will be better
Not sure how it will come out but this will be a good training, aaaaand maybe it will take a lil more time than expected (I'm pretty slow), so please be patient lol
Bai for now, have a nice day
40 note - Postate 27 luglio 2022
Tumblr media
Day 4: beloved
Welll- Iii- ummm- YES.
This thing is hilarious, I died while making they're faces HAHA
Also yea, I already skipped day 3 cause- cause school is a very VEEERY nice place that absolutely doesn't drain your time, I got the sketch but I still need to make everything digital and- heh.... Not sure if I will post it as "late day 3", having a lot of other things and ending doing nothing cause I can't manage my lovely time, am sorry for that, be patient
41 note - Postate 4 ottobre 2022
200+ followers raffle time!
Heyooo! Thank yall so much for the 200 followers, at the start I didn't think I was goin to reach even the half HAHA
But now, onto the raffle.
You must be a follower(new followers are appreciated tho!)
U gotta like or reblog (this can help more people to see this and join if interested) this post and I'll add u to the list
There is time until the 25th of September to join (Sunday lol), then I'll extract the winnings and message u (in private lul) and take ur oc/character(only 1 character per winner) drawing request :3 (the person should answer me in max 2 days, or I'm gonna be forced to choose another winner qwq)
Please be patient, school started and I'm more busy now, so I might take more han expected, but ur prize will arrive lol
About the prizes :3
This is tha first time I'm makin a raffle so there won't be maaany prizes
There will be 2 prizes
First prize: a full body character, a lil shaded, with or without background (u can tell me what is ur character doin and where, so I'll start with a clear mind qwq)
Second prize: an half body character, still lil shaded, with or without a gradient or normal colored background (u can choose tha color duh)
Well! Let's see how it goes! Have a nice day and stay ✨DETERMINED✨
45 note - Postate 16 settembre 2022
Tumblr media
Our skelebuddy won!
Let's celebrate this glorious victory, after 7 years this fantastic fandom is still alive thanks to yall people *sniff* thank u
48 note - Postate 9 settembre 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Tumblr media
Complete the heart challenge!
Hello! Am pretty bored and without ideas lately, but wanted to propose to everyone who wants! You can draw your sona , your oc, anyone! And not only from undertale fandom :3
Dusk: this is embarassing...but fine... let's see how it goes
57 note - Postate 10 novembre 2022
Guarda ora l'Analisi del tuo anno 2022 di Tumblr →
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inukag-week · 1 year
Hello, Mod. I'm new to the fandom and just discovered this account, so I have a few questions.
1- are other languages allowed?
2- are problematic tropes allowed?
3- are translations of previous works allowed? (My own fics, I mean)
4- are WIP / Sneak peak allowed?
Hello! Welcome to the fandom :)
1- are other languages allowed?
Yes! I speak English and French, so these 2 are completely fine. For anything else, I go with my best judgement (see answer #2 for content warnings and such).
2- are problematic tropes allowed?
In general yes. It's not realistic for us to read every single fanfic that is posted for the event, so we trust that writers will put the appropriate content warnings in the description of their post or in the tags (here or on AO3/FF.net etc.) I will add them to our reblog of the post as well. If there's any issue or if you think another content warning should be added to something we reblogged, please send us a message.
One thing we won't share on our accounts is graphic depiction and/or description of sex between minors or with a minor and an adult. You can still post it on your own account obviously, but we won't reblog it here or on our twitter account. Everything else that is sexual will be tagged #nsfw in our reblog.
3- are translations of previous works allowed? (My own fics, I mean)
Why not! You specified that it's your own work so there's no issue here. If you're translating someone else's work, please ask them for permission and credit them properly.
4- are WIP / Sneak peak allowed?
If you mean sharing WIPs / sneak peaks before the event (of works that you will post during the event) then absolutely! You can tag us in them and we'll reblog them. If you mean posting WIPs during the event for something that you will post later, that's also fine! I continue to check our notifications and the tag even if the event is over, so if you don't finish on time don't stress and just post it later.
As you can see we are not strict at all when it comes to the rules. We created this event to celebrate inukag, it's not a competition so you're really free to participate however you like. We still want to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable so we had to draw a line somewhere when it comes to sexual content, but that's really it.
I hope this answers all your questions!
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littlelovingmouse · 2 years
i will say this about getting shadowbanned: it has in fact led me to engage a lot more with posts than i used to, i.e. i talk a lot more in the tags than before
knowing that no one but the people who follow me, and who are active on tumblr at the same time as me, can see my tags, it's been freeing, actually
like, i reblogged a post a few days ago, that i'm still thinking about; it said that the wonderful thing about tags is that it's impermanent commentary that only your followers will see, so it doesn't bother the op like a direct addition to the post might
but in my experience, that has never been true, even before staff added the feature that lets you see what tags people add to your posts and to the posts you share when they reblog from you
i got yelled at a few times in my asks by people who disagreed with my tags or just didn't like them, so while i used to tag things properly, i have since stopped using tags almost entirely, and most things on my blog are untagged and impossible to search nowadays
like yes, don't make original posts about how you hate a thing, only to tag them with the thing it's about, so that users who do enjoy it don't have to suffer your negativity, that's just basic courtesy
but it used to be that, as long as you didn't name the thing in the first five tags, no one would see it, and reblogs don't show up in main tags either
and now everyone can go on their activity page and see what tags people added to a post when they reblogged from you, and all the tags people add to your original posts, too
and even before that, people would often check tags!
but like
if i use tags to keep track of things, and be able to find them again later, i should be able to use whatever tags i want
and if i want to add commentary that will only show in the tags, i should be able to do so; i should be able to give my opinion on things on my own damn blog
and truth be told if poll votes weren't anonymous, or if i knew people could see my tags, i wouldn't add any at all, and i wouldn't touch polls with a ten foot poll pole
sorry for the rambling, but i'd been wondering why it was taking me so long to poke staff again about un-shadow-banning me (de-shadow-banning me? shadow-un-banning me? shadow-de-banning me?), and i think that's why
i've often felt like i wasn't actually welcome to interact with the fandoms i'd joined, which is why i'm almost always a lurker, who only likes things, but does not reblog them
and then i always feel bad when i see posts complaining about this, but like, idk, i'm not sure what i'm trying to say here, i do understand that artists and writers can find it upsetting when people tag their work with triggering or squicky things, or when their original content gets tagged with character names and ships and stuff they don't like
... anyway, my conclusion here is that i've always chosen wrong on those super power quizzes, my ideal power isn't telekinesis or flight, it's clearly invisibility
i just don't want to be invisible all the time, otherwise it's kind of lonely
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chiarrara · 10 months
I think tumblr needs a feature allowing for permanent tags on a post. essentially, a tag that follows the post throughout every reblog.
For example: if I make a post about 'fandom x' I can tag it #fandom x. I can put this tag in the permanent tags of this post. Everytime someone reblogs this post it will have the permanent tag #fandom x.
Example 2: i make a post that is potentially triggering. I tag it #tw: trigger y. it will always be tagged #tw: trigger y.
Some benefits to this system:
1. convenience. when reblogging, users don't have to retype or select all the previous tags that serve as basic identification of a post, like the fandom, characters, type of post, etc. they automatically carry over.
2. filtering. because of this added convenience, posts with triggering or otherwise upsetting content are more likely to retain the tags that allow people to filter them off their dash. someone who reblogs without adding tags (especially mobile users who can quick reblog things) will still be reblogging the post with all the identifying and trigger tags attached. no more encountering untagged posts that you would have otherwise filtered out.
Some potential issues with this system (and how they could be solved):
1. Misuse. Someone could add permanent tags that are intentionally misleading, unintentionally misapplied, unnecessary, or for the purpose of trolling.
Options for solutions could be: ability to delete permanent tags. they automatically carry over, but can be removed. without any action by the reblogging user, they will be attached. any subsequent reblogging user can delete or leave the permanent tags. if one user removes a tag, would the tag appear for a user who reblogs it from them? I say no, but the answer could be yes. If no, I think this provides a community filtering system where the most popular version of a post will have (theoretically) the most accurate and agreed upon tags. However, this could give the first person to reblog the most popular version of the post too much power. so
Option #2: some kind of algorithmic or formulaic voting system for permanent tags on a post. I'm not savvy enough to figure out how this would work, but programming in some kind of system where the majority rules on what tags remain or become permanent is a potential solution. Maybe the post doesn't start with permanent tags, but the more it gets tagged something the more likely it is to become permanent. Maybe the post does start with permanent tags and the more a tag gets removed the less likely it is to remain permanent.
Maybe there are other ways to solve this issue. I'm sure it would be the number one pitfall of this feature, so it does need a solution.
2. Distinction. There would need to be a clear and obvious distinction between permanent tags (added by op, or the community) and temporary tags added by the reblogger. We don't want someone who quick reblogged, or didn't notice the permanent tags catching heat for something they didn't say. Permanent tags could be in a different section, be a different color, be bolded or italicized, be faded, have a background applied, or a combination of these things. Most importantly, they would need to be screen reader compatible, and readable.
3. Overuse. There may be too many permanent tags on a post to the point where they bury the unique tags added by the reblogger. This could be solved by making permanent tags less upfront (since they are primarily for identification and filtering, not commenting). They could be collapsible, in a different section, or automatically below unique tags. I don't think they should be too hidden, they need to be easily seen, but they should be less prioritized than unique tags.
4. AI. permanent tags should ABSOLUTELY NOT be added or determined by AI. they should originate from users. I don't want a version of this where tumblr automatically tags posts for you based on what an AI thinks the post is about.
That's all I can think of. If you read this, tell me what you think of this idea, if you can think of any more issues or solutions, or if you think it would be unequivocally bad and ruin tumblr. I think it's a natural progression of the features and use of the website but 1. that means staff will never do it and 2. we hate change here so.... whatever. Let me know what you think!
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