#i'm sorry but that popped into my head xD
theladyyavilee · 6 months
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you all know the drill, corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures 🤣🤣🤣
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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Dancing with the devil...
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@estelletheskeleton forgot to add this here but here you go >:Dc
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 11 months
Been thinking/talking to my mom recently about how covid and an antibiotic I'm allergic to apparently wrecked my already oversensitive immune system and all of a sudden this quote from Peet popped into my head where he's like "I've burned down my castle three times and always survived." except my brain changed it to, "I've had covid three times and always survived." and I can't stop laughing why is this so fitting help xD
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imaginationxlost · 2 years
Omens, described badly: Local depressed teen and woman who is bad at her one job try to stop the apocalypse with the help of a repressed lesbian
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alexa-fika · 4 months
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Demonically obvious ( Whitebeard pirates x nezuko!reader)
Part 1
A/N HERE WE GO, Im sorry for the wait but finally we got part 2! and lemme tell you I COOKED, Im so exited for this one guys, I had a blast writing it and hope you guys like it as well, HERE YOU GO COSMO, YOU ONLY HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE MONTH XD
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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-He cared as much as he cared about Ace being Roger's son, aka he did not care.
He hummed after Ace finished confessing both his heritage and the true nature of Dokucha's current ailment.
"Roger, huh, Don't look much like the old bastard," he chuckled, taking another chug of his jar as he glanced at the small girl happily cuddling up to him.
"And a demon, who would have thought? Definitely something you don't see every day," he hummed. 
"I have just told you I am the child of your greatest enemy and that my sister is a dangerous being. Don't you want to kick us out?" 
He let out a bellowing laugh at his worries. 
"See, when I saw you come in with such a somber look on your face, I had thought you had important news to tell me, but I could not think of something more trivial," he exclaimed, laughing further at Ace's shocked expression.
" I could not care less about where you came from or what you are. At the end of the day, we are all children of the sea; your backgrounds do not change the fact that you are now my children."
Ace stares at him for a bit longer until he slumps down, a small smile breaking on his face.    
"you're something else pops."
"Gurararara Had me on my toes, boy. I thought I was going to lose my son and my only daughter."   
Dokucha frowned as he tilted the jar further, gulping more and more of the liquid until she had grown tired of it, and kicked the jar away from his grasp, much to the shock of both men.
Whitebeard frowned, glancing at at the wall she had kicked the jar to, watching as all that remained were small fragments littered throughout the floor. Glancing back at the child, who sat on the corner of the bed, kicking her feet as if nothing had occurred
"I already have the nurses and Marco on me for drinking, now you?"
Dokucha glanced his way, and he could notice a slight upward tilt of her lips wrapped around the bamboo and a mischievous glim in her eye.
"Cheeky Brat," He grumbled.
"Don't take your eyes off her boy. She is going to be a troublemaker; I can feel it."
He chuckled
"She already is. Hey pops?" he called, receiving a slight hum from the older male.
"Thank you."
"Don't you get sentimental on me, boy."
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He knew she wasn't human due to her lack of food intake and other peculiarities.
"I know," he stated as he continued cutting the kale on his cutting board, the rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the board filling their ears.
"What the hell do you mean, you know?"
"Din't know she was a demon, but I knew she wasn't human either, also." Thatch looks up at him, narrowing his eyes at him and pointing his knife his way
"Stop using those words around your sister; she's gonna end up cursing like us," he grumbled, glancing at Dokucha, who sat next to Ace, dewy eyes staring back at him.
"Hi, pumpkin; you hungry?" he questions, returning to his previous actions of cutting the vegetable, letting out a soft hum when she shakes her head.
"You think I wouldn't notice?" he asks, giving Ace a side glance.
"I'm the head chef of this ship, Ace; you think I wouldn't notice the fact that she never eats?" he questioned, raising a brow to the younger male.
"At first, I thought she was shy about eating in the mess hall. We ain't a quiet bunch after all, but she doesn't have any problem with hanging around the mess hall at all," he noted  
"Maybe I was just missing it, so I started looking more. I never saw her take any food, nor did I see you make any action to give her some; she always said no when anyone offered too," he listed
"What, are you a stalker? he scoffed
"I'm observant, ya nitwit," he snapped back.
"Not to mention the odd sensitivity to the sun, and the little bamboo piece she always carries around didn't help the case alone. They didn't mean much, but it kept stacking up."
He rolled his eyes at that, leaning his head on his hand as he stared at him, his sister looking up at the chef, waiting for his response.
"And you're okay with it?"
"Ace, we have fishmen, minks, mermaids and giants in our crew, not to mention most of the 'humans' in the crew aren't the spittin image of a human, have ya seen Marco? He's a walking chicken, or a pineapple.' He muses, grinning when he gets a choked laugh from the freckled man and a joyful laugh from the demon beside him
"She fits right in with us, and even if she didn't, we still would have made it work for the lil pumkin," he spoke, reaching over the counter separating them and ruffling her hair.
Ace smiles slightly at the interaction until a thought pops into his head.
"Marco is gonna kill you for saying that, y'know?" he snickered, remembering the commander's previous jabs.
"Eh, what he don know won't harm'em." 
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-Knew she wasn't human due to their first encounter, lack of injuries, regeneration, and discrepancies on her devil fruit. (also that is such a nice gift, look at that man < 3)
"Oh, Was that supposed to be a secret?"
"W- you also knew?!"
"Ah, you probably forgot since you were out of it back then, but the little miss was quite protective of you; lunged right at me," he said, looking down at the small girl who began trying to climb her way into his lap, eyes slightly teary as she did
"Ah, it's okay, Dokucha; I know you only meant to protect him; I'm not mad at you," he reassured her as she nuzzled into him.
He looked up, returning the attention to the fire-user
"Her strength wasn't anything to scoff at and at first I thought it was the Toshi-Toshi no mi, but that fruit was consumed by Jewelry Bonnie," he recalled
"Not to mention that The fruit wouldn't change your body the way it did to her; it would only age you up, so that wouldn't explain the teeth, the eyes and the horn," he said, petting her head as she slowly dozed off.
“Seriously, you guys need to lay off on the staring”
"The cherry on the cake to that was the fact that the injuries she got from our squabble and any other injuries she has ever received healed instantly, much like the Tori-tori no mi Moderu Fenniksu, but last I checked, I'm still alive, and kicking so she can't be the holder of that fruit" he listed, ignoring his previous statement
"She could have just had a different fruit that was capable of those things." Ace pointed out a frown on his face
"Hmm, I thought so too, but I found it weird how, despite her incredible regeneration, she seemed to be incredibly sensitive to the sun, getting quite the nasty burns when she left that umbrella of hers; those are the only injuries I have ever needed to treat on her, it was peculiar but a devil fruit still could have been to blame, until I saw her swimming in one of the islands we stopped in, no care in the world and definitely not weakened by it."
"Hah, I guess we weren't the best at hiding it," grumbled Ace
"You sucked at it," Marco affirmed
"Okay, now you're going too far," he glowered, the scowl on his face growing as the doctor simply threw a smile his way. 
"Do..do you know of a cure?" he asked tentatively.
" I do not." 
Ace sighed at that, slumping down in defeat.
"But I'm sure we will find something; I have gathered a good amount of journals and information over the last few years. I don't doubt that the solution is among one of the journals; we just need to look through them,"
"I have been looking through books and information for the last three years. What makes this any difference? "
"The Difference, Ace, is that you were alone, at most with your crew You had what, twenty people? On the other hand, we have more than a thousand in the main crew alone, and that is without taking into account the dozens of subordinate crews and affiliates."
"I see the humility runs deep here," he mutters sarcastically, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Watch it."
He rolled his eyes, waving him off.   
"Do you really think we can find something?"
"You guys may have just recently joined, but you are as much as our siblings as anyone else, not to mention that everyone would do anything for their only sister."
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WHAT DO YOU THINK? Again i loved writing this, Like i can just picture Ace dumfounded look as he realized that the crew did not give two craps about it almost everyone already knew, he thought he was being so sneaky. What we thinking of southern Thatch again?
Also cosmo, next request is also yours XD red pirate/whitebeard one. AND after that I have yours holo, second attempt
Fic specific taglist (Alarm bell for part 2)
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spamgyu · 8 months
If Mingyu’s get Oc’s flu? Will she take care of him? 👀
At this point, homegirl can admit her feelings xD
admit her feelings?? this is a slow burn babes. im going to make everyone suffer /laughs in evil/
JK.... but uh............. alright here's cute oc x mingyu crumbs
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – flus (again) and piggies
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
[College!Mingyu Masterlist]
It's been days since she last seen him.
Not that she missed him. Definitely not that. No.
But she did have to admit that the absence of his presence, more importantly his pestering voice... was very evident.
At first, when she had first showed up back at their dorm building after spending nearly a week recovering from the nasty flu she had gotten from her roommate, she didn't pay any mind that Mingyu didn't seem to be lingering by her room.
He usually came by when she went away for a few days, ready to yap her ear off about all the things he had managed to get into whilst she was gone.
Maybe he was busy at the time.
But one day turned into three and there was still no sight of him. Not in the hallways, not in the library – hell, not even on campus.
And it wasn't like he was easy to miss – he towered over all his friends... and almost anyone around him. She can pick him out from a crowd within milliseconds.
Because he's tall.
Not because her eyes are searching for him. Definitely not that either.
Walking down to the end of the hall, Y/n lightly knocked on the wooden door.
"Come in."
Popping her head in, Y/n was ready to crack a joke about her life being much quieter since he hasn't been around; but instead the smile on her face fell.
He wasn't his typical chirpy self.
She was fully expecting him to greet her loudly the second he caught sight of her. Instead, he was under his covers – eyes sunken in, nose red from all the tissues he had use to get rid of his congestion.
"Oh my god, did I get you sick?" She gasped, walking over to his bedside – placing her hand on his forehead. Y/n instantly frowned, feeling the contrast of his body temperature to hers.
Mingyu slowly nodded, reaching into the half empty tissue box on his nightstand to blow his nose.
"I'm so sorry, dude."
"S'all good." He coughed into his elbow.
"I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
Mingyu cracked a smile. "You missed me, huh?"
"Eh, a little." She shrugged.
The smile on his lips grew larger. "You missed me!?"
"Let's not get too crazy now." Y/n laughed softly, motioning for him to move his legs – taking a seat in the now available space at the foot of his bed. "Didn't realize how quiet my life was when you're not around. The silence was almost deafening."
"That wasn't supposed to be cute."
"I'll take it.'' He smiled.
"You craving anything?" She asked, scrolling through her phone.
"I meant food," Y/n flashed him her screen that was opened up to the food delivery app. "Least I could do is get you dinner."
"Are you trying to woo me, Y/n?" He teased.
Typically, she would be rolling her eyes at him. But somehow, the action never came – simply letting out another laugh instead.
He was definitely growing on her.
"I'm trying to make up for getting you sick."
"Make it up by hanging out with me this weekend."
The two had yet to actually do anything outside of their school campuses – mostly because they were far too busy with their own friend groups, studies, and lives. Mingyu had made a handful of attempts to make plans with her, but all were sadly declined due to prior commitments and plans.
He found the perfect opportunity.
"You're literally a walking virus right now."
"Okay, next weekend."
"I'll pay." He added.
"Are you trying to woo me, Mingyu?" Y/n narrowed her eyes, asking playfully.
"Are you being woo'd?" Mingyu matched her tone.
Mingyu had gotten accustomed to her no's and waving off all and any attempts of flirting, he couldn't help but be taken back by the sudden change of answer – blinking quickly as he tried to process the word that had left her lips.
"Do you not want me to be?" She asked slowly.
"No I do, just– you never played along before."
Y/n shrugged. "You're sick, I'll give in this one time."
"Will you also give in to possibly spending the rest of your day keeping me company?"
He was pushing his luck, but considering she was being far more pleasant than her usual playful catty attitude – he was going to push all the luck he could find.
"Only if you let me order you food."
Mingyu handed her one of the pillows next to him. "Make yourself comfortable."
Kicking off her Uggs, Y/n happily extended her leg out in front of her as she went back to ordering the promised meal – not bothering to scold Mingyu as he began playing with the loose threads at the hem of her sweatpants.
"I got you Pho."
"Sounds good." He hummed, sinking deeper into the mattress.
Y/n took this as a sign to settle in as well, taking the pillow he had given her and placing it behind her back. "Did you miss all your classes this week?"
"Yeah. I did some wor– Your toes are cold!" He cried once her feet made contact with his upper arm, moving away from her.
Wiggling her toes, Y/n let out a loud laugh. "These piggies?"
"Gross!" Mingyu laughed, pushing them away.
"Gross? I thought you liked me!"
She was joking. She didn't know if he actually did have feelings for her – it had been such a long running joke, what was the harm of playing along?
"I thought so too!"
He was joking as well. He found it cute.
He found every part of her cute.
From the way her nose scrunched when she laughed, to the way she always painted her toes orange because she claimed it looked like little Cheetos. Mingyu was completely and utterly in love with the girl.
He watched as she settled down from the laughter, humming as she scrolled through her phone – completely unfazed by his gaze.
Oh he was down so bad.
"Hey," He tapped her leg, catching her attention. "I do– I– hm... I was joking."
"I do."
"What?" Tilting her head to the side.
God, she was adorable.
"Never mind." He shook his head. He'll have to try another time – when he wasn't sick and able put together an actual, coherent sentence. "Wake me up when the food gets here, yeah?"
"Sleep tight, piggy."
"Are you calling me a toe?"
"A cute toe."
"A toe." He deadpanned.
"A cute toe!" She pushed.
Mingyu chuckled, knowing that there was no winning.
It wasn't like he cared anyways.
She could tell him that he looked like a chewed gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe, and he would take it.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hello, hello, it's me again!
(This is a continuation to the last order)
when the Succubus Reader was on the ship, she took out everyone's nerves, interfered, did all sorts of stuff, which made them angry at her
But then the Decepticons began to notice that she often disappeared for several hours. They decided to follow her because they thought she was going to the Autobots. Before that, they had attached a bug to her to spy on her deposit, with the help of crystals they opened a portal (yes, with the help of Asmodeus crystals, you can move through portals) They went through the portal, thinking that they would end up at the Autobot base. But when they entered, they saw an orphanage. They entered it, and in one of the rooms they saw a reader who was playing with children. They were surprised, as it was the first time they saw the reader from the soft side.
When the reader noticed them, he asked, "What the hell are you doing here?!"
And when the children noticed them.... The reader grinned and said, "If you like to pry into my personal life so much, then this is your punishment)"
* When the reader said this, she moved away from them and children ran up to the Decepticons, started asking them to play with them, grab them and do what children do*
How would Megatrosha and his team handle this?
In fact, I just want to see how they will run away from the children)))
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Awsome picture!!! Also, I'm so sorry if this takes so long! Also megatrosha??? XD
Decpticons X Demon Reader (Part.3)
When the decpticons released (Y/N) after they gave them what they want. They made sure to send a small spy with (Y/N). Soundwave making the spy as always.
They never saw where the autobot base was since the single and camera would cut out every time (Y/N) goes through the portal they made.
Soon, they started to notice how the single would always pop up in a random part of a city in Washington. It was at a strange building that definitely looked like it couldn't hide autobots.
So, they turned into their human forms and walked towards the building. They see the name "orphanage" and they where confused.
They walked in and saw no one at the front desk. They kept walking through the halls but they come across a huge door.
When they slightly opened it, they saw (Y/N) playing with some children. They were handing out toys they got (and totally dident steal), and the kids were excided.
The decpticons took a step in the room, confused and also interested in why (Y/N) was doing this. When they walked in, they opened the door a bit more for all of them, which caused the doors to creek.
When (Y/N) looked up, expecting to see another kid, they saw them. The quickly grew mad. "The hell are you doing here!"
The kids looked at them confused but seemed interested in these random men. They asked (Y/N) who they were, and (Y/N) got an evil look.
"They are story tellers. Go ask them."
The kids run over to all the decpticons and ask them for stories and who they are. The decpticons look surprised, scared, annoyed, and lost. Megatron gives (Y/N) an annoyed look but decided to do this since they don't want to make a scean and cause attention to make the autobot know they have human forms too. So, they decided to tell stories of cybertron.
He told the children about the great megatronus!
He told then that he named himself after then and how he used to be the best Gladiator out there!
He would show them his human muscles.
He would tell them his story and gives them advice.
He told them that they should not let anyone control you and fight for what you want.
He made sure to lift some kids above his head and the kids are smiling.
For once, he is smiling, a real one.
Soundwave can't talk.
So he decided to the best next thing.
Play cartoons on his face mask.
Since the kids are all around him, he just sat there and let the kids watch.
At some point, he set some kids snuggle up close to him while watching the show.
Eventually, he took a screen from his bad he always had and set up a TV.
Making a mini theater for them to watch cartoons.
He would hiss at the childrean.
He does not like them one bit.
When they still came close and talked about how he looks like a pilot and that he looks so cool.
He obviously wouldn't know what to do but he would smile.
He would grab about how much of a flyer he is.
Saying that he used to lead a flying force on cybertron.
He would tell them his great battles and his best flights.
You know these two.
They are both couples.
They are in love with these kids.
They each teach the kids something diffrent.
Knockout will be telling the kids how to dress, clean, and how to make themselves look 💫fabulous💫~
Breakdown would show the kids how to fight and lift up heavey objects.
He would lift kids above his head and pretend to use them as weights.
Making the kids laugh.
He would also let the kids take over him, they are to strong for him!!! 😜
He would have no idea what to do.
He would tell the kids he has no intrest in them.
He would so co fused when the kids wouldn't leave him alone and started to ask questions.
Like how he had a robot arm. (Since you can't really be human with a cannon arm. So he has a robotic arm that can turn into a blaster)
He would say a few things about his arm, saying that it was part of his form.
He would awnser any questions the kids asked him.
Shockwave went from mad scientist to teatcher.
While the decpticons hang with the children, telling them stories and playing with them. The whole time this is happening, they dident notice (Y/N) recording them.
Later, the autobots see the recording, and they are surpised, worried, and laughing. Worried because they have human forms, surpised since they are Bing nice to the children, and laughing because they are being taken over by human sparklings(children).
Optimus though, was smiling. Not just any smile, a real one.
Since in that video he dosent just see megatron. He sees his old friend again.
There is still hope.
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moxfirefly · 9 months
"I'm not letting them go. They're mine. They've always been mine."
For a bestie mikey who is jealous, someone's taking readers' attention away from him?
These quotes are hard to work with XD
Ray, my beloved. Always coming in clutch 🤌
Rated Mature (suggestive themes)
Mikey felt a stirring next to him that prompted him to open his eyes. The midnight nap he’d decided on when you had sat next to him was disturbed and he wanted to groan displeased.
“Sorry Mike, I gotta use the bathroom be back in a sec.” That gentle hushed tone only served to help him drift back, almost at least. Woefully he accepted his best friend having to leave for a few minutes.
It was something of tradition at this point, falling a sleep next to you during movie nights. Mikey had wordlessly cemented the fact that he got to sit next to you and you had reinforced it by always finding your place next to him.
He took the second to stretch out, enjoying the pops of each achy limbs, patrol had been a bitch a few hours ago. He saw Leo konked on the armchair, Donnie in the kitchen making more popcorn as a sleepy April scrolled through Netflix to find something else to play.
“—Well im gonna need you in a bit to measure again, probably tomorrow too”
Raph’s voice rang from behind where he was sat on the couch. Mikey looked back to see him talking to you and holding your arm extended.
“Remind me why I’m doing this again?” He asked mocked annoyed as he used his pointer and thumb to measure your arm.
“Because I wanna win $100 bucks at work” You laughed when he moved to your other arm to do the same.
“What fucking weird job makes an ugly Christmas sweater competition?” He used both his hand to grab your waist, using it as reference for the torso of the sweater.
Mikey raised a brow ridge, why had he felt a pulse of something when he saw his brother man handling you.
“Hey if I win you’ve got $50 waiting for you, so make it as ugly as possible.” You arched your neck when he wrapped a hand around your neck and mumble something, clearly mapping out the measurements in his head.
That, yeah that felt really weird in the bottom of Mikey’s stomach. Why did Raph have to loom over you, hand around your pretty neck and smiling to himself.
“Well come by this week, I’m gonna need you while I’m making it.” He finally let go of you, and it took a second of trying to think straight to not jump Raph.
“Mikey and I are playing that new game where you romance all the hot people—“
Donnie piped in, “Baldur’s Gate.” You threw him a finger gun for the assist.
“Well ya think you can detach yourself from numb nuts for a few minutes at a time?” He asked playfully.
“Well you’ve got her measurements what more do you need, dude?” Mikey finally spoke up, making Raph and you turn towards his groggy annoyed face. “I got an idea but I gotta re-adjust or re-make whatever don’t come out right.” He spoke matter of fact, his gaze was mocking him.
“I can’t just take breaks between.” You offered to ease the sudden tension in the air.
“I’m sure Mikey can survive five minutes without ya, right buddy?” He clamped both hands on your shoulders and smiled at his youngest brother. “Man quit being handsy with her.” It came out before he could really assess what his mouth had vomited out. Under a different tone of voice it could’ve been taken playfully but this was the full opposite.
“Chill man, I ain’t stealing ya girl.” He chuckled and if Mikey could blush he would. He glared at Raph, not noticing your own blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Looks like it since you wanna keep her all week.” He was getting up now, less groggy and more peeved than anything.
“Mike—“ Your voice was gentle trying to ease the fast approaching boiling tension in the air.
“Aww, Mikey’s worried his bestie’s gonna be my bestie all week? Man just let it go.” Raph wasn’t even remotely serious poking fun at his younger brother.
“Im not letting her go. She’s mine. She’s always been mine.” He shot a deep glare at Raph, who face quickly fell upon hearing those words.
It took a few seconds for Mikey to fully comprehend what he had said and the implication behind it. His eyes went wide, landing on your own wide eyes and the blush that scattered itself further down your chest.
Fuck, what had he done?
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alastor-simp · 1 year
How Do You Cheer Up/Apologize To Them After Making Them Upset- Lilia Vanrouge
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‼️‼️‼️‼️This is from my TWST zodiac book on wattpad, I meant to just write a short sentence for some characters but I ended up doing a whole oneshot XD. Enjoy and please excuse my bad writing‼️‼️‼️‼️
You had never seen Lilia upset before. His adorable smile was placed with a frown and his eyes were stern when he looked at you. You immediately realized you had stepped out of line and tried to say sorry, but he didn't want to hear it and walked away from you. The next day at NRC, you tried to look for him in the classrooms and club room, but you couldn't find him. Sighing, you began to walk outside of the club room before bumping into someone, "ah I'm sorry." You then looked up to realize you had bumped into Malleus-sama, as he looked at you with a soft smile on his face, "It is alright Child of Man, I apologize for bumping into you as well. What seems to be troubling you? You look slightly gloomy." Malleus put his hand on your shoulder and listened to you telling him everything about what had happened yesterday, and making Lilia upset, "I don't know what to do Tsunotarou. Can you help me please?" Malleus smiled and said he would assist you and then he asked you whenever you were sad, what did Lilia do to you. You stared at Malleus, confused and then told him whenever you were sad, Lilia would always pop up out of nowhere, hanging upside down with a big smile on his face, and it never failed to make you laugh. You then realized what Malleus was getting at, and you doubt you could pull that off, but you were willing to do anything to cheer Lilia-sempai up and maybe he would forgive you. Malleus told you there was a tree near the Diasomnia dorm, where Lilia would go to later in to afternoon after classes, and that you could do it there.
You thanked Malleus and began to head over to the dorm and once you go there you spotted the tree that Tsunotarou had mentioned, but you didn't see Lilia, so you put your plan into action and climb the tree depsite nearly falling a few times, but you managed to reach one of the thick branches and sit on it, waiting for Lilia to arrive. After about a few minutes you heard footsteps, and saw Lilia slowly making his way towards the tree, his eyes were down looking sad, so he didn't notice you up on the tree. He leans against the tree and then slides down to sit on the grass, and heaves a big sigh. You put your plan into action and slowly move further out on the branch, so when you drop down your face will be up close to Lilias. You make sure your legs are locked on and then you fall back, and pretty soon your upside down, hair hanging behind you and a big smile on your face. "Why so sad, Lilia?", you said, while Lilia jumps in shock and sees you hanging upside down from the branch and your face right in front of his. "W-what are you doing, and why are you hanging from the tree?!" You blushed and looked away saying that whenever you were sad or upset, he would always pop up and make you feel better, so you decided to do the same thing to him to make him feel better because of yesterday. Lilia just stared at you and then he just burst into a fit of laughter in front of your face, his adorable smile appearing on his face again. While he was having his laughing fit, you started to apologize for yesterday, but Lilia shushed you by putting a finger to your lip, "Not another word, I already accept your apology, you adorable human." He then removed his finger from your lips and then leaned forward to kiss your lips with you still dangling from the tree branch
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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kidokear · 26 days
Spoilers for Murder Drones Ep 8.
What ride! I loved it. ^^
Although, there is this particular line from J that had been stuck in my mind since I watched the episode.
"You know there's no escape, even in death!"
Outstanding delivery aside (seriously, the VA killed it), The line itself (even on a surface level) shows how trapped these drones are, but I'd like to delve deeper here. There is something about it that makes the gears in my head turns and I want to drop the product here.
Here we go.
To start, I'd like to say that, of course, J would know that more than anyone. She died so many times during the show. There is even a J death count in the credit scene. If someone would feel like it's impossible to leave, it would be J because her experience showed her that something as final as death could not break the Solver's hold. (Following this line of thoughts can give us a wealth of information about J and her character! But that's for later)
Now, thinking about it, there are more than one way for the Solver to nullify (heh) death, and I think that makes it even more terrifying and, well, absolute. More so than death. It's not one blockage. There are layers.
For one, we know how difficult it is to kill a Solver afflicted drone. They regenerate so much, so quickly. Even when you take out a crucial part (like the head) or a good chunk of them, they'll come back. And when you do manage to damage them enough to the point that they can't just self-repair, if their core is intact you'll get the 'autorun Solver failsafe' where they'll mutate and turn into eldritch abomination that collect matter until it can repair the host back into the original stat, effectively bring them back to life (and we don't even know the level of awareness the host have during the matter collection process).
Second, even if there is no eldritch phase, they'll still live as a core (like Nori!), a body is not needed.
And if the core is destroyed? Not enough. Because there are backups. J's core was destroyed at the second episode, and oh look! she's back, and seemingly with her memories (on some level) intact from her previous run.
But there is more! Now, this part is mostly speculation and theories, so take it with a grain of salt. But there is a point, after Uzi ate the Solver core where the screen had red in it, and, some says, Doll's name flashed there. Now, I don't think Cyn kept a back up of Doll, and her core was eaten. So what does that mean? I think that could mean that any drone connected to the solver (or maybe eaten by it) would be saved in it's... data base? (not sure what to call it). So even if there is no core, no back up, a drone might not cease to exist and 'die' if it was connected to the solver, even passively. They could forever exist within the Solver itself, which mean that the only way to truly die is to erase the Solver and everything within it completely. which I'm not even sure is possible, considering it's nature of being a 'code mutation' with the possibility of popping up again (although, maybe the end of one strain of Solver could 'free' those within this strain. Or we could have a case of Halo's Flood where even when gone, the new one will carry what the old has, which is honestly horrifying and depressing).
And the patch won't safe you because it keep the primary host out, but not the Solver (and honestly, even if it blocks the Solver itself, I don't think a patch would be effective for long, I think it could pull a flu and mutate to bypass it).
All in all, the Solver is living up to it's name and is being one of my favorite cosmic/existential horrors, not just bending the laws of physics but life itself. A background hopelessness that become more and more prominent once you think about it.
Sorry if that was a mess. Like I said, I just wanted to word vomit my thoughts. XD
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grigori77 · 11 days
Critical Role, Season 3 Episode 106
Czepeku? Oh boy ... please tell me it's another fantastic fake advert ... PLEASE let it be a fake perfume ad ... oh boy ... yes, yes yes yes ... YES!!! Holy fuck ... whoa, Ashley you don't have to go THAT HARD ... fuck me she's so hot ... that was SO FUCKING GOOD ... I'm so happy with that one, that's WAAAAAAAAAY too good ...
Also Matt's t-shirt is gonna be SO FUCKING DISTRACTING, I swear to the dark gods ...
Yeah, we're all SO HYPED for Legend of Vox Machina season 3. I'm just hoping Rothuss is gonna be in it. I want Kerrek to be in the new season SO MUCH. Let Keyleth have her sweet and kindly uncle figure, it's so worth it ...
THE "IT HAS BEGIN" SHIRT!!! SHAME ON A SHIRT INDEED!!! He is NEVER going to live that down and I love it so much ... XD
"Modest collection" ... snort ... yeah right ...
Attunements and messages ... yes, smart ... getting through to Ira, then ... this should be interesting ...
Oh here we go ... Imogen: "He's down to play." Uh-huh ...
Meet up with him at Morrie's? Oh yeah ... yeah, that would DEFINITELY be interested ... wait ... Fearne thinks they might've had ... liaisons when she was home? O.O
Two expert liars going head-to-head ... FEARNE wins that toss? Fascinating ...
Heading to Nana Morri's in the morning, then ... okay ...
Ira remembers her ... OH. MY. GAAAAWWWWWWWWD ...
Bedtime, then ... meanwhile Fearne goes hunting for the superfan ...
Oh dear ... I wonder if him considering that egg "priceless" make her decide to just steal it on general principal ... oh, she's going THAT route? I'm sorry ... "stories of his CONQUESTS"?!!! Excuse me? O.O
Persuasion check? With a stupid high DC? 15? Balls ... yeah, I didn't think that was gonna work anyway ...
She's gonna steal it now, isn't she? Yup ... "Look how good they are ... ALMOST." LOL
It's not even locked ... WOW ... Raiders of the Lost Ark ... yeah ... and now she's trapped ... oh boy ... yeah, I saw that coming too ... this is really kind of adorable ...
He's praying for guidance to be forgiving ... wow ... yeah ... religious types ... LOL
Laura: "Are you dead?" Travis: "Oh ... yeah ... hold on ..." For fuck's sake ... O.O
Oooh! Breakfast! Goody!
Wait a second ... IS THIS A FUCKING HERO'S FEAST?!!! Oh, and that is a BURN right there ... Fearne, you deserve that ...
Laudna, that joke fell VERY flat ... yeah ...
"Top of the Pops" ... oh my gods ...
Yes, you are, Chet. You're starting a fucking cult ... O.O
"My liege" ... holy fuck ... Chetney: "I got lieged!" XD
Tiny carved peacock figurine, fully articulate ... that is fucking FIENDISH ... damn right that boy has been brought to fucking TEARS ...
The fifth egg ... oh boy ... what have you done, Matthew Mercer?
"Misery", by Dreven King ... LOL
The Birthheart ... and Keyleth! Yay!
Oh yeah ... plans for a quick escape, if needed ... yeah ... oh, and supplies! Yes. Also helpful. And yay! She's got 'em covered, of course she does.
Just a big fat bag of coins? Holy shit ... of course, I mean ANYTHING for her favourite halfling, of course ... :3
550 gold ... HOLY SHIT ...
Yes. Give that to Orym. Definitely. Tank the Wee Man when needed.
The mechanics of communication between the Prime Deities and the Betrayer Gods ... hmmmmm ... yes, a Religious check is probably wise ... roll well, Riegel ... 15 ... oh for fuck's sake ...
Laudna: "Open ralationships are in right now." Wow ...
To the Fey Realm, then? Or ARE THEY gonna shop first? Straight to Nana's place, then ... okay ...
Marisha: "Keyleth's more fun that Allura." Matt: "Allura's got strong ... like, sprinster vibes." XD
Another tree portal! Fearne: "Such a fun way to travel."
Yup ... first time in the Feywild for Dorian and Braius ...
Chetney gets some fey wood ... yup ... that's definitely on-brand ...
Ligament Manor! Yeah! This should be fun for the noobs ...
That is a ... CREEPY owl ... Laudna's loving it, of course. Meanwhile Dorian's keeping a brave face on while he's inwardly FREAKING OUT. Of course he is ... meanwhile Imogen's trying to keep him chilled out as she can ...
Oh fuck ... the flowers again ... please don't start screaming this time ... O.O
Braius is ROTTING THE GROUND where he steps ... of course he is ...
Dorian's playing music ... oh, the Cantina band music from A New Hope? Cute ... Matt: "We can't clear that." XD
Great. That's stuck in my head now ...
There it is. One of the creepiest houses in all the Realms ... how's Blue Boy gonna react to THIS?
Of course she just screams out: "NANA!!!"
The voice ... I have missed that phenomenally EXTRA voice ...
Here we go ... I can just IMAGINE Dorian's eyes getting wider ... and wider ... Robbie's face! It's priceless! XD
Greetings, Dorian. This is going to live in your nightmares for DECADES. And the second mouth ... Dorian: "Oh, grandma kisses are always wet!" LOL
Wwo ... oh, she LIKES the minotaur ... and is Sam making Braius' voice EXTRA low right now? LOL ... oh, this is too priceless ... wow ... he is actually FLIRTING right now, I love it ... oh yes! Drinks! Drinks are good, yes ...
Nana: "You're so CUTE!!! Where are you FROM? You smell like shadow and bad choices!"
Ah yes ... of course ... we should've REMEMBERED that this sudden success of Chetney's must be down to the deal he made with her ...
What are the chances Fearne really DOES have a second face down in her marsupial pouch?
Imogen (to Braius): "Do YOU have siblings?" Braius: "... I hadn't thought of that." LOL
Oh ... dropping the news that Ira might be dropping by ... oh ... this just got interesting ... that's a very ... UNEXPECTED reaction from her there ... hmmmmm ... O.O
Insight check THE FATESTITCHER?!!! Seriously?
Bountiful luck ... Laura: "I reroll ones? Just because you're NEAR me?" O.O
Yeah ... the death of FCG ... I really didn't need THAT wound reopening just yet ... thanks for that ...
The weird dead Ruidian ... THING in the jar ... yeah, Laudna would be reluctant to part with THAT ... oh, a trade? Yeah, that'd probably work better ...
Oh shit ... enter the Nightmare King ... here we go ... oh, so he's LITERALLY just come STRAIGHT from the Red Moon ...
That is a VERY unsettling handshake ... O.O
She's giving him the COLD SHOULDER ... I love it ... and making out like Braius is the new boytoy ... XD ... that's hilarious and adorable in the freakiest way possible ...
Ira: "I like boom-boom." Oh boy ...
Noooooooo ... Braius, you didn't ... that is SOOOOOOO BAD ... I love that so much ... LOL
Ah yes ... Nan Morri, you old flirt ... it's adorable and deeply unsettling ... and now Pate's getting in on the act too? Wow ...
Oh wow ... a flimpse of Morri in her youth? That's just FASCINATING ... and also pure nightmare fuel, of course ...
Yeah ... Nana and Orym ... okay ... how's THIS gonna go? O.O ... do I need to worry?
Birdie! Oh my gods! Awwwwwwwwww ... :3
Fancy magic lens-glass necklace? Cute ... and probably a little lucky too, I don't doubt ...
Getting to it, then ... hmmmm ...
Nine freaky long-necked six-legged spectral horses ... freaky shit ... okay, then ... oh, they can FLY? Of course they can fly ... wow ...
Oh ... good question ... how old IS SHE?!!! Oh wow ... the return of "time is a weird soup" ... :3
Thankfully, Chetney doesn't literally make a horse's arse of himself ... XD ... heading off into the wilderness with Fearne in the lead, then ...
Oh dear ... Fearne doesn't know WHERE they're going ... of this is embarrassing ... but atleast IRA does ...
Nana Morri slaps Braius's arse as they leave ... oh boy ...
Wondering what Braius looks like from the waist down ... dear gods please defend us from dirty minds ... LOL ... just kidding ... XD
Time for a break, then ...
Beacon is a "non-invasive subscription" ... XD
Marisha LITERALLY channeling Laudna for a moment and forgetting that she is NOT an undead creature as she cracks her neck ... oof ... O.O
Pass Without a Trace? Oh these things?
Starting to reel off Japanese junkfood names for their horses ... oh yeah, with this crew I am NOT surprised ... voice actor's man ... XD
"Spread your legs ... I mean your wings ..." Oh dear ... well done, Matt ... Ashley: "I was spreading my legs all over town ..." LIam invokes the shirt once they're all dissolved into a cackling mess ... XD
Time to hide, yeah ... nd they need to REIN THEIR RIDES IN too ... oh boy ... this is not good ...
The trees are DANGEROUS ... fucking hell ... they're actually getting CUT UP riding through this shit! Oh dear ...
Imogen Temult, Horse Girl ...
Ashton literally DESTROYS a fey bird when he runs into it ... ouch ...
Coming to a stop, then ... and the horses go POOF!!! Great ...
Orym is as lithe and skilful a climber as ever, then ...
Wow ... this place is GORGEOUS, even in its state of decrepitude ... and that is one BIG ASS temple in the middle of it all ... yeah, looks like this place has beenm COMPLETELY abandoned ... just a whole lot of CORPSES ... OLD ones, looks like ...
Dragging Fearne up onto the wall like a sack of potatoes ... oh dear ... XD
SOLDIERS!!! Watch out for that ... potential trouble, then ... looks tricky, that ...
Hunter's Bane? Hmmm ... nothing iffy here, looks like ...
Pass Without a Trace ...
Chetney and Imogen climb down to sneask into the town itself, Dorian following with Ira taking up the rear ... and Telepathic Link between the group? Smart ...
Fearne trips and makes noise at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME ... oh shit ... O.O ... is this gonna be a bad thing? Yeah, that hawk can't mean anything good ... balls ... Laudna makes Pate turn invisible and sends him after it ...
Dead elf ... hmmm ... Grim Psychometry? Really? Lovely ... oh, this can't be good AT ALL ... something truly HORRIBLE happened here ...
THE WATER? That's what did it? They were all POISONED by something in the water? Something monstrous? Charming ...
So they're definitely based IN the temple, then ...
Big black dog ... with a human face ... well that's ... unsettling. That can't be good either ...
Battlemap? PLEASE tell me this is just for REFERENCE ... that we don't actually NEED THIS ... hollow prayers, I know ...
That is a fricking SWEET set-up, though ... O.O
At least the bone-rat has high stealth ... except when Marisha rolls proper BALLS ... 7? Oh gods ... yeah, there's NO WAY they could've possibly missed that ... and then he APOLOGISES for being clumsy. OUT LOUD ...
NOW Dorian remembers he can turn Invisble ...
The Monocle of True Essence with Arcane Eye ... okay, then ... Chetney, what do your non-elf eyes see?
Matt: "Chet's way off --" Marisha: "Yeah he is." Oof ... XD
Sneaky sentries? WITH crossbows? Crap ... that's not good ...
Dorian's having trouble getting the hang of communicating through the Telepathic Link and it's adorable. XD
Some winged invisible thing wrapped around the side of the temple ... oh shit ... yeah, OF COURSE it's fucking Gloamglut! Great ...
Ludinus! You asshat! Great ... and of course that has to be Zathuda with him ... meanwhile whoi's this other guy with the soldiers? Another Unseelie elf, of course, but ...
Load-bearing pillars? The fact that Matt SPECIFICALLY described them as "load-bearing" ... yeah, that could be useful somehow ...
Ira Wendigoth, jumping the gun ... of course he does ...
The mini! The Ira mini! It's so cool! O.O
Working out what they can actually DO ...
Chetney wolfs out and goes Invisible ... and puts on his fancy flesh armour ... eww ...
How the hell can LIAM O'BRIEN possible have rolled TWO NAT1S on Stealth in a row? I didn't think that was possible ...
Chetney lands two hits and CRITS a third ... ouch ... he's just gonna straigh up MURDER this poor bastard ... 23 for the first and 19 for the second ... the last is the decider. HDYWTDT ... yeah ... oh, that is BRUTAL ... like I said, straight up murder ...
That's right, Dorian can't cast without dropping his Invisibility ... be careful, Robbie ... he tries to Charm it? Wow ... and it WORKS ... holy shit ... this freaky dog is WEIRD ... wow ... he's actually trying to convince it to just GO STRAY ... what the fuck even IS THIS SHIT right now? O.O Oh my gods I can't believe that ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKED ...
And now this other guy's GOING AFTER IT ... crap ... and he sees Dorian ... BALLS!!!
Braius throws Silence upon him ... okay ... then ImogenPsychic Lances him ... good thing the guy's DUMB ... fuck that's a lot of dice ... how much are you about to hurt this guy, Laura Bailey? 25 points of Psychi damage? OUCH ... he screams and NOTHING COMES OUT ... crazy ...
Laudna pulls a Chill Touch on him by remote? Using one of the bodies ... oh fuck NAT20!!! Holy shit ... 38 ... oh yeah, DEFINITELY HDYWTDT ... she just gets the dead hands to DRAG HIM INTO THE GROUND like in Drag Me To Hell ... holy shit ... O.O
More Silence ... okay then, Ira ...
Meanwhile the third guy's starting to twig ...
Chetney and Ashton both hit him simulataneously ... Nat20 from Travis ... this is going CRAZY well so far ... Matt: "How do you guys wanna do this?" Of course! Fucking hell, Chet ... that is NASTY ...
What's Ira doing? O.O ... oh, he just freezes them both on the spot ... so Orym just rushes in with Ashton in tow, Braius following their lead ... Orym Misty Steps in close while Braius Silences them ...
Orym Crits on his target because he's Paralyzed ... 30 damage for the first hit, 24 on the second, 32 on the third ... yeah, he kills the poor bastard on the spot. Ouch ...
Ashton Crits ON TOP of his ALREADY Crit ... wow ... he does the Cosmic Space Rage and it goes all red ... Taliesin is DOING MATHS ... yeah, that's yet ANOTHER HDYWTDT ... he grabs him, pounds on him, drops him THROUGH A WORMHOLE and then drops him thirty feet out the other sid to the ground ... oh that is NASTY ... poor bastard ...
So that was ... remarkably easy ... now they just have to deal with whoever's INSIDE ...
MORE furtive planning on the next stage and what they can actually DO ...
Oh, so there's an ARGUMENT going on inside? So everything is not so merry in there? Orym listens in ...
Yeah, this DOES sound a bit frayed ... clear disharmony ... whoever this is, they're clearly uncomfortable under Ludinus' thumb ... oh, so it's ZATHUDA who's straining at the leash? Wow ... that's even MORE fractious than we hoped it was ...
Decision point ... so Laudna just casts Animate Object on the statue of the ArchHeart within ... oh boy ... O.O
Gloamglut touches down HARD inside ... meanwhile the other fey etc. go rushing in after ...
They're all just attacking the staue, then ... IMogen and Laudna go in, Imogen flying through a window, Fearne rushes in after, looking for the pillars so she can try and collpase them ... meanwhile they're all distracted, the dragon especially ...
Oh, is Matt getting another Battlmap? Oh, he is! Cool ...
Cue YET MORE plotting and prepping their next moves as they get a bearing on the fresh ground ...
WOW that Gloamglut mini is INSANE ... Ashley: "Look at him! He's so cute!" REALLY?!!!
The statue is just SHATTERED ... okay then ... NOW what?
Further planning, planning, planning ...
Time's running out, clearly ... Fearne has SECONDS left to do SOMETHING ... she bamfs Mister out to channel through him ... smart ... she unleashes her spell and turns the floor into MUSH ... and of course EVERYTHING starts to collapse inwards ... so she starts running back out ...
Imogen unleashes her Telekinesis to pull the pillars down quicker, while Ashton burrows in using his Titan form ... it's all just pure confusion ... while the dragon spots her ...
And then Matt calls it a night! Shit! What does that mean? What further madness does he have planned?
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Gaz: "Thought you weren't patriotic. Why are you going nuts for the fourth of July?"
Reader: "I'm not. I'm celebrating not being English 😎🦅🎆"
Soap: "Damn straight!"
*disappointed tea drinking no queen having ass stares*
(This popped into my head xD I'm sorry)
Oh definitely. Soap celebrates the 4th simply out of spite for the Englishmen on the team.
The other three sit around and drink tea and shake their heads.
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
Kurt Cobain with a soulmate au with the writing on the arm thing? like he would write random lyrics on his arm not thinking about it and the reader would be confused because none of it makes sense but then it clicks like oh this guy is a musician and why does it sound like nirvana music? or maybe the reader is an artist and would draw flowers or something on their arm and Kurt would think it’s super cute? I know I'm rambling but I had this idea and I wasn’t sure how to write it XD
Dumb/ Kurt Cobain x reader
Notes: Thank you for the idea
Words: 956
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You're in a small record store that is also a cafe. You stand in front of a huge shelf and browse through it, looking for new records. Soft music plays in the background to which you hum.
The bell above the door rings as it opens. You look up briefly. A lanky man with blond hair enters the store and sits down at one of the three tables in the corner. He orders a coffee from Max, the store owner and barista.
You concentrate again on the shelf in front of you.
A short time later, you stand at the counter. "Hey Max, can I have a latte? You know where to find me?"
"Hi Y/N, of course." Already he turns around and does his job.
You walk over to the tables. No one is sitting there except the blond man. He stares at his exposed arm. When he notices that someone is approaching him, he lifts his gaze.
His face is somehow familiar. You have probably seen him here before.
You sit down at the table next to him, put the records you found in front of you and look at the covers.
"Here Y/N, your latte."
"Thanks Max." You grin at him. He goes back behind the counter.
You immediately take a sip. You can't help but look to the blond.
He is writing intently on his arm. Since you sit relatively close to him you can read what he writes.
'Skin the sun, fall asleep
Wish away, the soul is cheap'
You frown. What does that mean? You look into his eyes, into those ocean blue eyes. Then you remember who he is. Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana!
You don't want to disturb him, he deserves some peace. But you're also interested in what the lyrics mean.
"Hey sorry to bother you. I saw you writing something on your arm. What does it mean?"
"Oh, that." He points to his arm. "I don't know. It just popped into my head." He looked at you, thinking. "Do we know each other?"
You laugh. "I thought so too but no. I'm just in the store more often. We've probably seen each other here but never talked."
"Now that you mention it. You're always standing in front of all those records aren't you?"
"Yes, always looking for bargains. Mind if I join you? Only if you want to, of course." You ask shyly.
"Yeah sure. Have a seat." You settle down across from him.
"So what are you going to do with the text?" You point to his arm.
"You know I'm a singer. Do you know Nirvana?" He looks at you questioningly.
You grin. "Do I know Nirvana? Absolutely! I love them." You say. Who doesn't know Nirvana? Then you go on. "I know who you are, too. I just didn't want to be rude earlier and bother you with any questions about the band. You probably hear them way too much."
He takes a sip of his coffee and leans back in his chair, smiling. "Well, tell me your name first."
Kurt straightens back up and extends his lanky hand to you. "Nice to meet you Y/N."
You take his hand. "Nice to meet you too Kurt."
"So, Y/N, I'm writing a new song." He stares thoughtfully at his arm. "But maybe I'll scrap this lyrics."
"Why? They're good. I don't understand anything, but they're really good."
He laughs. "Let's see." His blue eyes look back into yours. "You know I love writing my songs here."
"Isn't it a little risky? I mean it's a record store. Shouldn't there be Nirvana fans hanging out here all the time?"
"On the contrary. The store is so unknown that almost no one ever enters. That's why it's so quiet here." He brushes a strand of hair out of his face.
You look at him challengingly. "What if I tell everyone you've been hanging around?"
He laughs, "I don't think you would."
"Fans would come here looking for me. They'll see I'm not here and buy all your records instead."
You clutch your chest in mock concern. "You're right. I'd better not do that then."
"That's what I thought. Besides, I wouldn't set foot in this store, and we'd never see each other again." He waits for your reaction.
You look at him with your mouth open. "What?"
He repeats himself. "We would never see each other again."
You hold your cup. "I get that... But you want to see me again?"
He smiles. "I don't know. I like you."
You stare at him.
"Okay Y/N. I've got to go now. Give me your hand."
You obey and hold your hand in front of him.
He starts writing numbers on it. "Call me. Then we can have a date."
Kurt finishes his coffee and puts the empty cup on the table.
"I'll hear from you?"
You nod. "I'll call you."
You say goodbye to each other. Kurt joins Max at the counter and pays. He then leaves the record store. The bell rings.
You take a big sip from your cup. Kurt Cobain just gave you his number. The famous Kurt Cobain!
You call him the same day. You hit it off right away. Quickly you get together and are the new dream couple among celebrities. Nirvana fans love you, they see how happy you make Kurt.
He left the lyrics he had written on his arm in the song Dumb and didn't take it out. The song means a lot to you, because it reminds you of your first meeting in the record store.
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You brought this on yourself
Odile being very tempted to just bonk someone with her heavy fucking book
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I'm sorry this was the first thing that popped into my head- you cannot tell me that before they got to Dourmant she wasn't already VERY tired of Isabeau's shit XD
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Secrets, Secrets are No Fun
Aliquis x F!Reader
He's finally done it. Aliquis finally has an assignment with you which he views as the perfect time to ask you out. However, will the truth he finds out ruin everything?
I know Paldean Winds is a short little series with only one episode as of this post, but I fell in love with this man. I love Arven too, but at least he's got content that I can read XD. Sorry if this story is stupid.
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For decades now, Naranja Academy has been the pinnacle of Pokémon education. People from over all the regions pay to come and attend there. Some people have goals to become an amazing battler, others want to pursue careers along the STEM path, and some just want to better themselves along with their Pokémon.
But either way, you gotta go through your generals, much to some people's annoyance.
"...and I think it's a good idea to learn from the past. Because of that, I'm going to put you in pairs," groans echoed from the classroom, " and you are going to write a five-page analysis on the New Island disaster."
Even more groans.
Now Aliquis was never interested in the lectures that Ms. Raifort gives. It's nothing to do with her. He's just not a history buff and is more interested in the here and now. In fact, for the most part, he just sits at his desk, head resting on his hand, as he thinks about a million other things. Like, when did he need to buy groceries next, his next battle against Nemona, and...
You brushed some hair over your shoulder, making his attention blank completely.
That was another problem. You were a complete distraction for him. Smart, beautiful, and caring. Almost too much of a sweet person to deal with his short temper. In fact, he really didn't know too much about you besides the fact you weren't really one for Pokémon battles. However, that didn't stop his daydreams from moving onto a new topic. You were now on his mind as Aliquis gazed at the back of your head from where he saw a few rows behind, and a smile or two came across his face.
So much so, he wasn't really listening to the pairings being listed.
"Aliquis and Y/N."
But THAT caught his attention, and he immediately felt his nerves beginning to build up. Everyone else got up to move and sit with their corresponding partner, and the shuffling of feet filled the room. However, Aliquis was just stuck in his chair. He couldn't feel much courage to move. That was until you came to sit next to him, not paying much attention to his obvious nervousness.
"So, how much do you know about New Island?" You asked him, straight to the point as usual. He slouched back in his chair a bit, crossed one foot over the other, and shrugged.
"About as much as anyone else. It was a lab that made some crazed Pokémon called Mewtwo, which escaped, and destroyed the whole island and everyone on it." He explained, daring to look over at you. You were quiet, looking down at your books as the murmurs of other students filled the room. Aliquis began to lean forward a bit, worried about your behavior.
But then the bell rang.
"Let's work on this at my dorm. I don't like to leave things till last minute." You said before allowing your Rotom phone to exchange numbers with his, and then you were gone before he could even say anything.
All he did know was that his face was so hot, he could probably go up to a Charizard and brag about it. He got your number AND was invited into your dorm in less than ten seconds.
Aliquis swears that Arceus was watching over him.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
He kept repeating that over and over again as he walked to your space. All you guys were going to do was work on homework...but perhaps he could slip in how you and him should go see the Million Volt Skyline. It's where he dreams of confessing to you.
However, he stops when he's about twelve steps away from your door. Doubt starts to creep into his mind when he realizes that this is the first time that you and him would actually be alone. But then out pops his Meowscarada, and the sassy Pokémon is already pushing him to the door.
"Knock it off!" He whisper-shouted at it, quick to whip out his Poké ball and return the naughty cat. But not before it could knock on your door with a smirk.
The sound of your door opening sent him into a new panic.
"I was wondering if you would show up." You said with amusement as you greeted him. Instead of your school uniform, you were watching much more casual clothes...but damn...you still looked adorable. A Sylveon was perched on your shoulder, and the friendly fairy type jumped over to his shoulder to say hello, wrapping its ribbons around him.
"Sylveon...personal space." You reminded your partner, who squeaked at you with a grin before jumping back over to your outstretched arm and back onto your shoulder.
"It's fine. I didn't mind at all." Aliquis said with a smile as you invited him in. He was amazed by how calm he was, and laughter resounded as Sylveon jumped back over to his shoulder as he walked past you.
Your room was nothing like how he thought it would be. In his mind, everything was pristine and organized. And it was, to a point. But your room was overall really cozy. Pillows and plushies lined your bed, pictures and artwork lined your wall, and a blanket was strewn on the floor with a Luxray on it. The electric type raised its head when you guys walked into the room, but then immediately lowered it when no danger was present.
"You want anything?" You asked kindly, tilting your head as you moved to lean against your kitchen counter. However, he was too busy staring around to register your question at first, so Sylveon nudged him.
"Thank you...but I'm okay." He managed to say. Then you went, and after carefully stepping over Luxray, sat on your bed.
"So," you moved your laptop to get into typing position, "shall we get started?"
With a nervous swallow, he joined you on your bed.
The two of you discussed, researched, and typed back and forth for a while. Sylveon had moved off of Aliquis and was now laying beside its trainer. The two of you were on topic, but once and a while some more personal questions came around. But you were always quick to bring it back to the homework.
"You know, what if Mewtwo isn't the evil Pokémon that people say he is?" You mused and Aliquis stopped his work to look at you. That really came out of nowhere.
"It killed people Y/N." He stated plainly, and you simply shrugged while setting your laptop aside.
"All I'm saying is that there are two sides to every story. History doesn't know how Mewtwo feels or what really happened." You stated, and Aliquis arched a brow.
"And um...you do?" He asked, skeptically but not rudely. However, you just swung your legs off the side of the bed and got up. He was now worried that he somehow did something to upset you.
"I'll be right back." You murmured as your steps patted against the floor until he heard the bathroom door shut. Aliquis now felt a whole group of Butterfree flutter around in his stomach. Did he do something wrong? What should he say when you come out? Should he ask you out to the Million Volt Skyline? Is he an idiot?
"Slyvie." His thoughts were interrupted by your partner, who was busy poking his thigh with its paw. It was looking at him intently, and it kind of freaked him out.
"What is it?" He asked the fairy type in an unsure tone.
"Ve." It simply said before hopping off the bed and landing gracefully on your desk. It then used its ribbons to open a drawer and begin fishing around in it.
Immediately, Luxray was on its feet, looking pissed.
"Ray!" "Ve! Ve!"
The two Pokémon began to argue over something that he couldn't quite place. Just as he was about to intervene (somehow without getting shocked), Luxray growled and moved to lay down as faraway as possible on its blanket with its rear to Sylveon. The fairy type simply glared at it before using its ribbons to grab the attention of Aliquis, who was now brought over to the deck.
"Sylvie." it said before bending down and clamping something in its mouth. Aliquis was able to recognize a journal, one that was obviously trying to be hidden, and your name was written on it in fine print. Sylveon nudged the book towards him with one paw, an invitation.
"I can't." He said, knowing that you would loathe him if he began to look through your belongings.
But Sylveon had already begun to open the journal, to which his eyes were glued to because of natural human curiosity, and he noticed not many words, but rather photos taped in there.
His interest has bested him, and he began to flip through the pages of your journal. Sylveon made no move to stop him, and instead appeared to be supporting his snooping with a smile on its face. There was pictures of Sylveon and Luxray respectively, and your other Pokémon soon appeared with locations and dates written on the bottom in sharpie. But then, just as he was nearing the end, one photo caught his attention.
He froze.
There was no denying it.
A picture of a, rather recent, shot of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo rested on the page. The psychic type was resting against your bed, sleeping as Sylveon was sprawled out on its head. Aliquis blinked several times, hoping it was just some photoshop trick or something.
I mean, it had to be, right? You would've mentioned if you had Mewtwo as a Pokémon...right?
The only thing that caught his attention is when Sylveon passed by his peripheral vision, and he watched as the fairy type leaped up on a shelf where your Poké balls rested. Two were empty, representing Sylveon and Luxray, but four remained...and the very last one on the shelf was an ultra ball.
It had a weird pull on him, and he reached out to touch it. Could it possibly contain Mewtwo?
"Aliquis? What are you doing?"
He whipped around to see you standing there, your face unreadable as he nosed through your personal belonging. Sylveon whimpered a bit as it jumped off the shelf and scurried off. However, he was too stunned to even register what he had done. All Aliquis could do was lift the picture up and ask one simple question.
"Is Mewtwo your Pokémon?"
All thoughts of asking you on a date were thrown out the window.
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