#i'm still a jet star lover
zoner4t · 1 year
Any 'joy I've ever spoken to has, one time or another, mentioned that havin' the fortune of runnin' into Jet Star in their travels is a blessing. Jet is such a soft and gentle creature, a reminder that love can grow in the smallest places and things, plants growing in cracks in the sidewalk.
At a glance, Jet seems real tough, bein' as tall and muscular as he is, hair usually obscuring his warm brown eyes. Once spoken to, he softens, eyes lock into yours, his mouth forms a crooked grin, n' he's the sweetest person you'll meet. He's got this ability to spark and continue a conversation with even the quietest 'joys, his facial expressions so invitin' and easy (but still so difficult) to read. He's a being made of love and stardust, and it shows in everything he does and says.
The way his hands cradle his guitar while he plays, able to create the loveliest sounds so effortlessly. His singin' voice is even prettier, soft n' light, floating above and around your head. Jet's always got this messenger bag slung over his shoulder n' across his chest, and if you ask what's in it he'll show you excitedly. Pull out all sorts of journals, n' maps, writings and diagrams of the Zones n' the stars, plants, people, animals. All sorts of drawings, including ones Girlie made.
If you're able to take in all the small details about him all while he's talkin' and chattering away to you, you'll notice he's got this pair of headphones balanced around his neck, the wires plugged into a cassette player he's always got clipped to his belt. He wears a few cord necklaces, some with assorted stones tied sloppily to the ends, one with a couple of keys. His wrists are home to a few beaded bracelets and hair ties (presumably for he and Motorbaby).
All this bein' said, you probably won't be havin' such a pleasant experience with Jet if you're not on good terms with him or anyone he's associated with. He's still the best shot thru the Zones n' i heard he used to be a bounty hunter
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angeljeonjk97 · 7 months
BodyWork || Bell #1
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Jungkook x reader
friends to lovers
18+ (fluff, smut)
warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, mentions and use of drugs and alcohol,
Jeon Jungkook is not the same 19-year-old boy you used to know. Fame has really matured him, in more ways than one.
“You already know how I like it baby”
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You sit behind the desk of your dad's gym, playing a mobile game on your phone, waiting for the last person to leave before you can lock up. It was now dark outside, the entire sky was pitch black, not even a star in the sky. Your head jolts up at the sound of the male changing room door opening.
A tall, muscular man with jet-black hair and an arm covered in tattoos wearing a plain white t-shirt and black basketball shorts, emerges from the opening door.
He glances over at me behind the black-painted desk,
"Yo! Where's your dad?" he asks you, throwing a towel over his shoulder.
Jungkook is a famous boxer and has been for the past 5 years, and the gym that your dad owns just so happens to be where he trains. Your dad has owned this boxing gym for as long as you can remember and many professionals have trained here, but none for as long as Jungkook.
"Oh, he left already," You respond after realising you were probably looking at him for a bit longer than you should have, "Why?"
He casually walks over to the desk, leaning against it slightly to speak to you.
"He said he wanted to tell me something but, it obviously wasn't that important," Jungkook pauses before taking a sip from his bottle that rested in his right hand.
Your dad has always been the type to never wait around for anyone. He will do what he wants in his own time, without thinking of others most of the time. That's not to say he's selfish or anything but he can be quite... let's just say... assertive sometimes.
"How's training?" you place your phone down on the desk, placing your elbows on the platform with your chin in your left hand, looking up at Jungkook's muscular frame.
He scoffs, standing up straight to face you properly, he spans his arms out to his sides, with a cocky smirk on his face,
"I'm gonna win, so easily"
You roll my eyes and smile at his painfully obvious act. Despite his skills and how he hasn't lost a single match in the past 3 years, Jungkook is one of the humblest people you know. You both have known each other for 8 years and even though he's 26 now and is known pretty much all over the world, he hasn't changed at all.
He laughs at your response before getting closer to the desk again.
"You need help locking up again?"
"Nah, I should be fine," You reply, swivelling around in the black leather barstool, jumping down and pulling the keys from your pocket, proceeding to lock the cash register up.
"You got a lift home?" The black-haired man asks watching you as you walk from behind the desk and towards the changing room doors.
"I'm taking the bus home,"
"The bus? Why didn't you ask me to take you home?"
You turn your head to him behind you, flashing him a small smile.
"I didn't want to bother you, Kook, you've already worked hard today," you answer honestly, looking at Jungkook as you walk up the stairs. He follows behind.
"Oh come on. I've told you before to ask me if you need a lift home, buses aren't safe at night," He raises his voice a little so you can still hear him, "I'm driving you home."
You stop what your doing before looking at him with a disappointed look.
"Jungkook, I'll be fine-"
"No, I am driving you home," He cuts you off, crossing his arms across his chest. He goes silent for a bit as you don't respond to him before he breaks it again with a declaring tone, "I'm going to my car, if I don't see you in the passenger seat next to me in five minutes I'm dragging you out of here."
His voice fades as he begins making his way back down the stairs. You shake your head with a smile, knowing that you can't say no to JK.
After a few minutes, you make your way out of the gym, locking the doors behind you and pulling the shutters down afterwards. Before you turn around, you hear the sound of a car pulling up behind you. Of course, when you turn around it's a black Mercedes, that had Jungkook sitting behind the steering wheel. you open the passenger door seating yourself next to him, in which he sets off a few seconds later.
Once he parks up outside your apartment complex you turn to Jungkook,
"Thank you again, kook, but like I said, you don't have to be my taxi driver all the time. Someone might see you"
Jungkook shrugs back, his tattooed arm leaning against the steering wheel, "So what if someone sees me? It's not like you're in here giving me a blowjob or something"
You slap him on the arm with the back of your hand, giving him a disapproving look. He laughs back casually as these types of crude jokes are common coming from him.
"I'll walk you in," Jungkook says as he swings his car door open before you are doing the same.
Making your way up the stairs Jungkook remains behind you the entire time, looking up through the hole that the stacked up stairs, all leading to different floors, created.
Reaching your apartment door, you pull your keys out from your pocket, rattling them in your door, as Jungkook watches over you from behind.
"You coming in?" you ask looking up at him from behind innocently.
"Aw nah, not today y/n. It's late and I gotta be up early again tomorrow for training," He gives you a guilty look, glancing into your apartment, "I promise I'll be over soon though"
You give him a sad smile, remembering how much time he used to spend at your place with you. Because of his big fight in 2 months, he's been busy since the beginning of the year and hasn't spent as much time with you as you had liked, but you're not mad. You understand how tiring training can be, plus it's not like you two don't hang out at all anymore, you still make time for each other when it's possible.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then?" You respond, walking into your apartment and facing him again.
"Goodnight y/n"
Authors note:
hiii, I hope you all liked this chapter. I know not a lot has happened but I promise it'll get better from here. This was just a little introduction to y/n and Jungkook's relationship and lore explaining. I'm so excited for this new fic so I hope you're all just as excited as I am. Please look out for when new chapters come out!!!
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pvtty-wh0re · 3 months
I Shouldn't, But I Need You~
Summary: You are the younger sister of Colby Brock. You go to visit your brother in Los Angeles and run into Jake, you haven't seen him in years but he has changed, in the best way ;). I wonder what could happen?
Warnings: Jake x fem!Brock!Reader, Smut (MDI 18+), Fluff, old friends to lovers, cigarettes, alcohol, uses of y/n, pnv, no protection (WRAP IT UP), getting caught, let me know if I forgot anything!
2.3k words <3
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~At the airport; Y/n’s POV:~
I was on my way to visit my brother in Los Angeles. It had been a long time since I had seen Colby, Sam, or Jake. See, my brother is a very successful YouTuber along with all of his friends and they moved from Kansas to California. I was so excited as me and my brother are only 2 years apart so we were close as kids.
As I arrived at the airport, bags in my hand and searching for Colby’s face. He was picking me up from the airport, I started to think he had forgotten but then I heard his voice, “SIS! Man, I've missed ya.” I turn around and hug my brother. Of course, I still kept up with Colby, it had been years since I last saw him. “Y/n! It's been forever” Sam says as he gives me a big hug. Since Colby and Sam became friends, it's always been like I have 2 brothers.
“C’mon y/n, let's go home and eat you must be starving,” my brother says to me as he carries one of my bags. After we arrive at Colby’s house, Sam and Colby help carry my bags inside, I see a group of my brother's friends in the living room hanging out. “No way,” Jake says as he sees me enter the house. Jake and I were friends back when we were young because he was close to my brother. Colby comes in and says to everyone, “Alright guys, this is my younger sister y/n, and she’s going to be staying with us for a few weeks.” Jake comes up and lightly hugs me, and I hug him back. He’s different, not in a bad way, but as he hugged me I could feel his strong, toned arms around me.
I had never thought of Jake this way, well I may have had a crush on him when I was a teenager but, I never felt this way around him. “Y/n? Hello?” Jake said to me, laughing off my thoughts “Sorry, I kinda zoned out ima jet-lagged” I said laughing. I said hello to everyone else, gave some hugs, and went up to my room. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking of Jake. His hair, his eyes, his tattoos, his toned body, his hands. “No, I shouldn’t, he probably sees me as a little sister,” I said to myself.
~Later that night; Jake’s POV:~
As I throw myself on my bed, I can’t stop thinking of her. I know it's wrong because it’s Colby's sister but damn. “She is just so beautiful and her laugh is so adorable,” he says to himself, arm over his eyes sprawled across his bed. “Nah, I can’t she’s Colby’s little sister,” I remind myself but it’s to no use, she is stuck in my head 24/7 (I need her so bad).
~A few days later; Y/n’s POV:~
As I was getting ready for a party my brother invited me to, I was excited. Not just because it’s my first real party but because Jake will probably be there. I did my makeup kinda simple, just some eyeliner, lashes, lipstick, and concealer. I chose to wear fishnets under a black and pink miniskirt, with a tight red crop top and some black platforms. “Ya ready?” I heard my brother yell as I grabbed my purse and phone, “Yeah, I’m coming right now” I yelled back. We get in the car and Colby tells me “You’re gonna love it don't worry” then starts to drive off, “I'm not worried, just excited to meet new people” I say to my brother, with a smile and he nods, turning on the radio as we drive to the party.
As we arrive at the party,I immediately look for Jake’s face. I didn’t see him so I decided to get some shots. I was down 5 shots which, I probably shouldn’t have done because I’m kind of a lightweight. “Hey,” I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Jake standing in front of me, drink in his hand. He is so beautiful. He is wearing a black shirt that slightly shows his stars tattoo and baggy jeans. “Oh, hey Jake!” I say with a smile. I should really keep my composure but I’m wasted so oh well. “You look…really good” Jake says, pausing to look me up and down. “Why thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself,” I said and turned around to grab my drink. I saw him eyeing me, I thought maybe he does like me. My face turned red with that thought. Me and Jake made small talk for about 10 minutes, every few minutes I would slightly brush my hand against his.
A smirk appeared on his angelic face, one that I hadn't seen before, one that had meaning behind it. “so,” he started as he got closer to my ear. I could feel his breath on my skin, and it was driving me insane. “how about we get outta here, somewhere more quiet” I felt as if my entire body was on fire. I knew what this was leading to and I wasn't complaining. “O-okay” I responded, a small crack in my voice. He grabbed my hand as we made our way outside. We sit on a couch and Jake lights a cigarette, “You smoke?” he asks me in a soft tone, a hint of desire in his eyes. “Yeah, I do,” I respond to him, grabbing the cigarette from his fingers, getting butterflies from how our fingers touched. I take a drag then pass it back to him. “Y’know, I see the way you stare at me y/n,” Jake says out of nowhere, putting out his cigarette. “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I say, trying to laugh it off. “Uh, yes you do. Don’t be acting shy now sweetheart.” My face was so red I probably looked like a tomato. “Really? Okay, how do I stare at you” I said laughing, trying to calm myself. Jake then grabs me softly by the chin, and whispers in my ear, “Like you want to fuck me.”
I had no words, I didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that he was so close I could feel his breath on my skin. I just looked down, afraid to look at him. I didn’t know if he was just joking with me or not. He then again grabbed my chin to make me look up at him, “Hm?” he said to me as if waiting for my response, “I-I should go, I’m really drunk,” I said to him, fake laughing and went to get up before he grasped my hand, “Lemme take you home then.”
I agreed and he walked me to his car, opened the door, and drove me to Colby's house. The car ride was quiet, aside from the music coming from the speakers.
~The next morning~
It was so bright, as my room didn’t have the best curtains, all the light flowed in. My head was pounding but I decided to go and eat. As I put on a hoodie and walk into the kitchen, I see Jake. “Morning pretty girl,” he said to me as I came in. “Oh my god, how drunk did I get last night,” I say with a laugh, finding a chair to sit on. “You got real wasted but, I brought you home before you did anything stupid,” Jake says to me as he is making himself cereal. I didn’t say anything in response. I don’t remember much but I definitely remember what Jake said to me before we left. “So,” he started, “are we not gonna talk about what you said last night.” My face flushed a deep rose color. “I don’t know what you mean, I was wasted,” I said but he just kept his eyes on me, “I know, that's why I wanted to wait till you were sober to talk about it.” Shit, there was no way I was getting myself out of this. fuck.”Listen, Jake, we can just forget about it,” I start, avoiding his face. “No, I don’t want to forget it. I want you.”
That almost made me choke on my coffee. “Wait..what?!?” I said to him, dumbfounded. He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to me. “I want you, god I shouldn’t because you’re Cobls sister but I need you.” He says to me, his face looking slightly down to meet mine. “Oh Jake, I want you too but I thought you only saw me as ‘Colby’s little sister’,” I say to him, finally looking into his eyes. A smile forms on his face, but he doesn’t respond. He grabs my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. His lips are exactly how I imagined them. They were rough but soft at the same time.
The kiss started out soft and full of love but as it went on it turned into a hot makeout session that was full of lust. I could feel a pool of wetness in my panties as he got deeper into the kiss. It was like he was a starved man, and I was his last meal. He then picked me up by my thighs and started for my room. He pushed me into my door and started attacking my neck with kisses, creating marks that would definitely be seen tomorrow. As he was making his way down my neck, he managed to lock the door. As soon as he did he picked me back up and threw me on the bed. I let out a small laugh as I landed on top of the mattress. But my laughter soon stopped as I saw Jake remove his shirt. God, he was so angelic. He had caught me staring as he said, “Ya like what you see,” with that smirk on his face.
~3rd Person POV:~
Without giving a verbal response, she connected their lips as he slowly started to lay on top of her. He then pulled on the hem of her shirt, signaling that he wanted it off of her gorgeous body. Without hesitation, she disregard her top. He stopped kissing her to admire her breasts, he held one in each hand and slowly ran his thumb over her nipple. This caused her to let out a small whine and when he heard it, he just knew he had to hear it again. “So beautiful,” he said in a soft tone. He started sucking on her left breast while massaging her other one. He rolled the bud of her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. She let out a loud moan at the new sensation. “Jake,” she said, painting, “I need you.” “I'm right here,” he responded. “Where do you need me baby?” he asked, kissing her neck and running a hand up her thigh. “Inside, p-please” she begged. She looked so cockdrunk and he had barely touched her. “So impatient,” he says with a deep but soft voice. He continued his motions but started going down her body, kissing every inch he could.
He got to where her shorts were and looked at her face for permission. She shook her head, “Beautiful, ima need you to say it,” he said to her, his deep voice going straight to her core. “Yes Jake please, fuck me,” She says, painting. That is all he needs to be pushed over the edge. The sound of her usual soft voice now whining for him to fuck her, he could’ve creamed his pants. As he discards both of their bottom clothing, he slowly strokes himself a few times before lining up with her pussy. He then slowly inserted himself inside her and she let out a loud moan. The pain soon turned into pleasure, he was bigger than she thought he’d be, as he was stretching her. Once the pain had subsided, she told him to move.
He didn’t want to hurt her so he started off slow, but she soon got impatient, “Faster Jake ple-oh god”. As he started to move at an insane pace, he still wanted to be deeper in her. So, he grabbed her leg and put it over his shoulder as he put his neck in the crook of her neck. She could feel the tightness in her core coming undone. “J-Jake,i-im,” “I know, me too baby, fuck, you feel so good,” he said to her. He started thrusting harder, trying to get her to orgasm before he did. “OH FUCK,” she yelled as her nails dug deeper into his toned back. He rode her through her orgasm then pulled out and came on her stomach and breasts.
The two lay there for some time, trying to catch their breaths. Jake kisses her lips softly, then got up to get a wet rag and water. He began cleaning her up and then lay in bed with her. She cuddled up by him as he placed soft kisses on her forehead. “Y’know what,” she said in a soft raspy tone, “I don’t know if you know this but I really like you.” She looked up to meet his soft gaze, “Yeah, I guess I like you too,” he said with a light giggle that made her laugh. Just as he was going to give her another kiss, her door slammed open. “WHAT IN THE FUCK” Sam said as he saw their current situation. “Y’know he’ll kill you and by the way, the lock is broken,” Sam says as he walks away, most likely to bleach his eyes. “Oh shit,” She says as she looks at Jake and he just laughs. He pulls her in tighter and says, “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine baby,” kissing my head. They soon fall into a state of sleep in each other's arms.
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AN: I hope you guys like this one! I tried to make it longer than i usually do. If you have any comments or recommendations please comment below!! I haven't written anything in a while so I wanted to give yall something good! Mwah!! ~B
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puck-bunny-for-all · 5 days
Masterlist -
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about your author : welcome to my world, im a mom, im 26, and a cancer survivor. I LOVE all things hockey, I love to chat. will forever be in debt to Quinn Hughes. I have a page for who I write for if you don't see someone on here just check that page or dm/inbox me :)
wanna talk? my dms are always OPEN!
requests are : open trigger warnings ; mentions of following may be included in some works : use of vape/weed and body image issues.
New Jersey Devils :
Nico Hischier -
thnx 4 having ussss swiss style everyone say thank you to nina I took a pill in ibiza thanks devil babies swiss swim puppy love 2 months off season jealousy 13 forever
Curtis Lazar -
lil red devil
Ghosts Of You - C.L (Curtis Lazar) *trigger warning*
"Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side..."
Jack Hughes -
happy 9 years my baby daddy I try to be supportive lil huggy boat day bitch beach bum baby devil
lil fun fresh outing
Never Be - J.H (Jack Hughes)
"I need your love to light up this house ; I wanna know what you're all about..."
Dawson Mercer -
Headcannons till next time
Vancouver Canucks :
Brock Boeser -
family close as strangers - written momma and papa of the year uncle quinn
Elias Pettersson -
Beside you - E.P (Elias Pettersson)
"When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky ; to the beat of our hearts at the same time..."
Quinn Hughes -
lil huggy enough bags mommy mode Luke is crying in the car ocean eyes cant hide forever no one else but you
beach house will be fun
Unpredictable - Q.H (Quinn Hughes)
"We can run down the streets, with stars in our eyes..."
Thatcher Demko -
Lie to Me - T.D (Thatcher Demko)
"Problem was I thought I had this right..."
Toronto Maple Leafs :
Tyler Bertuzzi -
Matthew Knies -
signing pucks n shit
Auston Matthews -
life lately always working beach day
No Shame - A.M (Auston Matthews)
"I only light up when cameras are flashing...."
William Nylander -
weekend tingz
Morgan Reilly -
Story of Another Us - M.R (Morgan Reilly)
"I got a long term plan with short term fixes..."
Joseph Woll -
merch plug mrs woll
Florida Panthers :
Matthew Tkachuk -
Jet Black Heart - M.T (Matthew Tkachuk)
"Everybody's got their demons ; even wide awake or dreaming..."
Brandon Montour -
vamos gatos
Best Years - B.M (Brandon Montour)
"I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you ; gave you a million reasons to walk away..."
UMich :
Rutger McGroarty -
Luca Fantilli -
#1 fan
Ethan Edwards -
Mark Estapa -
favorite non player umich dump
Boston College :
Jacob Fowler -
Will Smith -
Gabe Perreault -
Ryan Lenoard -
beach trip
English Love Affair - R.L (Ryan Leonard)
"Today, I'm 7,000 miles away, the picture burning in my brain ; kissing in the rain..."
Extra Players :
Trevor Zegras -
Tyler Seguin -
Lover of Mine - T.S (Tyler Seguin)
“When I take a look at my life and all of ny crimes, you’re the only thing that I think I got right”
Matt Rempe -
summer lovin my power ranger
The Only Reason - M.R (Matt Rempe)
"Don't talk ;
Let me think it over..."
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dreamsgalore · 10 months
Star-Crossed Chapter Three (Collapse) - NSFW [Suguru Geto x Reader]
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Summary: [adj] (of a person or a plan) thwarted by bad luck. not favored by the stars. ill-fated. refers to any lovers whose affection for each other is doomed to end in tragedy. experienced! suguru geto x inexperienced! reader
❥ status: completed
❥ content warnings: explicit sexual content. smut. dom/sub undertones. fem! reader. shy reader. dirty talk. shower sex. thigh job. light size kink. light breath play. light manhandling. pet names. inexperience. virginity mention. teasing. m&f orgasm. kind suguru. fluff at the end. praise kink. light degradation kink.
❥ note: This story takes place before the Hidden Star Plasma Vessel Arc of JJK> It's also more of an AU, taking place when all characters are 18+.
AO3 LINK | Story Directory
Suguru had slept over at your apartment for the second time tonight. Nothing else had happened. You both decided it would be better to just call it a night and rest up. The last thing you remembered was him spooning you, his muscular arms engulfing you as you both drifted off. Your slumber was peaceful, completely undisturbed up until the Sun peeked through your window and hit you right in your face.
You stirred awake with an agitated whine, trying your best to hide from the light but to no avail. With all your struggling movement, Suguru groans and buries his face into your neck. You didn’t mean to wake him but you guess it couldn’t be helped.
“What are you up to so early in the morning, baby?” 
“The light is too bright.” You complain.
A raspy laugh vibrates against your skin. 
“Guess it’s time to wake up then. I could make us breakfast today if you want.”
“I’d like that, Suguru.” 
He kisses your cheek and slowly sits up, moving to the edge of the mattress. He swings his arms up to stretch his stiff muscles before sliding out of bed and heading to your bathroom. You heard some shuffling come from the small room and then the sound of running water from your shower. With a loud yawn, you finally get up, still fighting off the drowsiness trying to consume you. Suguru steps out from the now foggy bathroom and pads over to you.
 “Come on, babe. Let’s take a shower.”
You immediately snap out of your groggy state, "H-Huh!?"
He snorts, "I said let's take a shower. Last night was kind of messy, no?"
Suguru was right. Your thighs and parts of Suguru's face were covered with your dried juices from last night. You definitely needed a good bath.
Suguru smiled and held his hand out to you, "No point resisting. You know I'm right."
"Okay, okay. You win this time." You whisper, taking his hand and letting him lift you out of bed. He leads you to the bathroom and shuts the door to trap the heat in with you. He takes two white towels and sets them on the sink before moving to your medicine cabinet, examining himself in the mirror. You stand there awkwardly, utterly dumbfounded by your boyfriend's natural beauty. Even when he just woke up, he looked perfect. 
"Something wrong?" 
You shake your head, "No. You're just really…pretty…"
Suguru laughs at your compliment, "Thank you sweetheart but I think you're much prettier than me." 
The sorcerer reaches behind his head to undo his bun, letting his jet-black hair fall over his shoulders. He then grabs at his shirt, lifting it up and over only to let it drop to the floor once he was free, leaving him in his jeans from yesterday. 
This was the first time you'd seen him without much clothes on and you weren't disappointed. He had a breathtaking figure. Wide shoulders coupled with a slim waist and firm muscles that bulged underneath his tanned skin. He was like a work of art.
You were so distracted by Suguru's tantalizing beauty that you hadn't noticed him looking at you in the mirror.
"It's your turn, babe."
He turns to face you and steps into your personal space, his lean body towering over your own as he sets his hands on your shoulders. Goosebumps formed on your skin as he carefully relieved you of your satin slip dress, revealing the beautiful body he graciously worshiped last night. 
"You're so beautiful." 
His hands aimlessly roam your winding figure, yearning to feel every inch of naked skin he could. 
"S-Suguru, it's your turn now." 
Suguru's hands come to a stop on the small of your back at your quip. 
"You're right. Would you be a doll and help me out?"
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod at his sudden change in tone. His whole demeanor shifted in a matter of seconds and you couldn't help but want to please him. With trembling hands, you grab at the waistband of his jeans and unbutton them much to Suguru's liking. You then grab at his zipper and slide it down agonizingly slow until his pants hang loosely on his hips. Observing your every move with approval, Suguru ghosts his lips over your own just enough for you to feel his breath.
"Such a good girl."
The praise made your stomach do backflips. You were used to Suguru giving you praise but this felt different . 
Doing the honors, Suguru swiftly slips out of his jeans and boxers, flashing his semi-hardened member to you. You didn’t expect him to be that excited over your actions! Your eyes darted around, trying to avoid staring but you were also curious. You never got to see him like this. It was as sexy as it was intimidating.
"Come on. Let's get you washed up before the water gets cold." 
Suguru pecks your cheek and slides your shower curtain open, taking the first step into the steamy shower. You follow after him, stepping into the cramped space and shutting the curtain behind you.
Suguru stood beneath the showerhead, letting out a content sigh at the warm water hitting his skin. Seeing his body soaked like this was certainly a sight.
"Did you want to get a rinse?" 
He moves aside so you can have a turn under the water and you oblige. You dip your head under the pressurized stream, allowing it to wash away the muck of last night's events. 
"Is it okay if I clean you up? I could get to those hard-to-reach places." 
You turn to your boyfriend to see a soapy washcloth in hand and a sappy grin plastered on his face. Was this the same man from before? His ability to switch from this sweet, silly personality to that bossy, menacing one made your head spin.
"Uh, sure."
With your consent, Suguru gently starts to scrub your skin with the cloth. He starts at your chest and works his way down to the length of your legs. Settling himself on his knees, Suguru takes one of your legs and places it on his shoulder much to your surprise. You had gone stiff now that his face was that close to your pussy again. Part of you wondered if he'd repeat last night's affair.
Instead, he runs the small piece of fabric between your inner thigh, wiping away the sticky mess that caked your skin. He smiles at you, "Expecting something else, sweetheart? Maybe I am a bad influence."
You open your mouth to say something. To reject his absurd notion but nothing comes out. His teasing was going to drive you insane . Rising from the bottom of the tub, Suguru took your hips and spun you so that your back faced him. He starts to cleanse the skin there, following the curve of your spine down to your plump bum. 
He couldn't help but admire your enticing figure, his mind running wild with the crude thoughts of what he wanted to do with it. You had an astoundingly sinful body but the fleeting and timid nature of a little mouse. What a conundrum. 
Wrapping his arms around your abdomen, Suguru presses his naked form against your own. You jerked as his now hardened length pressed against the flesh of your ass. You had no idea what had gotten into him. Your face starts to burn again as a result.
"Baby, are you willing to try something else with me?" He asks huskily, his chin perching on your shoulder.
"Y-Yes. But what do you have in mind?"
Suguru uses his hold on you to guide you to the nearest wall, pressing up against the cold tile. He then glides a hand down your back, gently pushing until there is a nice arch. Your breathing hitches at your compromising position. You settle your hands against the wall to keep yourself from falling. 
Was he going to take you right here, right now? You didn't know if you were ready to go through with this!
"Keep your thighs together for me."
You apprehensively obey, panting softly as he fixes himself behind you. Taking his dick in his hand, he strokes himself before guiding his length to the gap between your thighs and pussy. You get it now. 
Suguru carefully pumps his cock into the soft space of your legs, the head of his penis occasionally bumping your neglected clit. You visibly twitched whenever he did so, unable to control your body’s visceral reaction to his actions. It felt weird having him use your body this way but god , did it give you a rush. The tension alone was more than enough to get you off but hearing him attempt to hold his moans back made your heart skip a beat.
“How does it feel?” He asks, thrusting forward so his cock peeked through your legs.
Your voice was strained, “W-Weird, but exhilarating.” 
“It could feel so much better, sweetheart.” He nips at your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake, "I wanna make you mine. I wanna make your little cunt mine."
You whimper at his vulgar words and throw your head back as he yanks your hips to meet his own. The sound of water splattering fills the room as he speeds up, slamming you up against the wall more and more until you’re sandwiched between him and the tile. With him so close, you could feel his every muscle brush against your delicate skin, reminding you just how tiny you were compared to him.
" Fuck . Are you close too, baby? Mm , I really can’t wait." His hand slides up to your vulnerable neck, giving it a petty squeeze, "I'm gonna bend you over and fuck you just like this. And I won't stop 'till you're a fucking mess on my cock."
"O-Oh my god -" 
You were at a loss for words. He wasn't even inside you and you were going to cum, solely from the idea of him fucking you. To steady yourself, you reach for the back of his neck and rest your head on his shoulder. The power he had over you was mind-boggling. Keeping his restrictive hold on you, Suguru slithered his free hand down to stroke your throbbing clit wildly, your wails spurring him on. 
“S-Shit, I’m close. I-I’m gonna cum-” He groaned weakly and for the first time, you heard Suguru desperate. His walls were crumbling, and he was no longer holding back the guttural moans of intense pleasure he was feeling. His monstrous length ruthlessly continues to glide through the slippery cleft of your legs as he reaches his apex. 
“Cum with me, baby. Please -”
As if he said the magic words, both of you released the pent-up sexual energy that had been building since you got in the shower. Sobbing your boyfriend’s name, you helplessly cling to him as he rammed his hips into your bum in long intervals. Deep growls followed with every pump, the hand on your neck gripping you hard enough to bruise. The warm seed spurting from his member spilled down the length of your legs until he was bone dry. 
“ Shiiiit . I'm not usually that fast but you made it too damn hard for me…” He exhaled, stopping himself to pull out from your thighs, “You doing okay, baby?”
You look over your shoulder at him, “Y-Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Sorry. I kind of lost it a bit towards the end there. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He examines your neck and you give him a weary smile.
“I’m okay, Suguru. I promise.” 
He strokes your wet hair lovingly and kisses your forehead, “Okay, I believe you.” 
"Besides," your voice drops in volume, "it was kinda hot…"
Suguru smirks at your comment, "What was that, hun? I couldn't quite hear you." He heard you well but he wanted to milk it a bit to see your cute, flustered face.
"A-Are you really gonna make me repeat myself?!" You yelped. Suguru nods and blankets his colossal body around you, keeping you right where he wants you.
"Mhm! You're not going anywhere until you do ~" The last word comes out in a sing-songy tune, "C'mon, sweetheart. It's not hard. Just a few words."
You groaned in disapproval, your cheeks scorching now. You shouldn't have said anything! As much as you wanted to move, Suguru once again had you trapped between the wall and him. You had no choice.
"I-I said it was h-ho-ot –" You stumbled on your words as Suguru took it upon himself to snake his hand between the valley of your breasts up to your throat once more. 
"You really are such a good girl." He purred, stroking the junction where your neck meets your jawline, " See ? Wasn't so bad, was it?"
You didn't respond. You were too busy swooning at his doting touch. His fingers were working wonders on you, your every nerve wide awake as he caressed you. He's touched and kissed you here before but why does it feel so different now? 
Maybe you were finally growing at ease with the intimacy, allowing yourself to fully be immersed in the moment without fear or care. That would be a dream come true.
Noticing your favorable reaction to his attention, he presses his nose to your cheek, "You sensitive here, sweetheart?"
"I'll have to keep that in mind. You already looked so fucked out from before but now you look downright slutty ." 
You moan at this and grind your ass back into his dick in retaliation. If Suguru were any other guy, you would've been furious at what he just called you but for some reason, this only provoked you. Only he had this type of influence over you. If he kept this up, you might let him fuck you right there in the shower.
"Something wrong, angel? You're moving like you want something from me." 
You whine urgently, "I want you now . Please–" 
"Mm, as fun as that would be, I don't think you're ready, baby." He kisses your temple and you whimper at the contact, "Besides, I want your first time to be special. Not in a smelly old shower."
"My shower isn't smelly." You breathed.
Suguru laughs, "I know."
He pulls away from you much to your dismay and claims the washcloth from earlier, saturating it with more soap.
"Let's say we actually get cleaned up this time and I still make you that breakfast you wanted." There was that boyish grin again. "How does that sound?"
You sigh, a soft smile on your face, "That sounds good to me."
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
Pretty much after he no longer is a decepticon and is working with the military he becomes obsessed with this show called nurse whitney (it's p much just like Grey's anatomy or smthn ig) and he becomes so inlove with this show he watches it and bases scripts of it and his dream is to become a screenwriter. After the war whenever he comms other decepticons they usually answer with "no I haven't read ur screenplay yet" 😭 which I think thats super cute bc almost everybody he's met he is obsessed with showing his writing and having ppl review them for him (also also, in some panels he's wearing reading glasses which is chefs kiss)) also important to note that even tho both starscream and skywarp betrayed him (fucking shot him after finding out he was no longer a decepticon on multiple occasions)) he was willing to just forgive them and let them all be buddies again. He also talks abt movies alot and when he gets reunited with them he tells them how he's always seen them as the three amigos and asks them if they've seen that movie 😭
Do you know marissa faireborn? She's the leader of the group he works for. Some speculate he has a crush on her (which I also agree with) bc the main character of his story and her lover are lowkey hinted at to be him and her (her name has been scribbled out in his script and replaced with his oc's name, and her bf in the story is apparently as handsome as an f22 jet and can travel at mach 10)) but he's very sweet to her and helpful even tho she's lowkey kinda rude to him ahehwhwv she was the one to gift him his dog tho. She reads his scripts even tho she dreads it and he said he'd only work with that military group if they offered marissa a job. They also go on vacation alot together. I'll think of more things but those are just some of the reasons he's so fuckin sweet.
- from number 1 idw thundercracker fan
I had heard about Marissa before but I didn't know TOO much about her other than the fact that she was a bit abrasive, they were friends and coworkers, and she would read his work even if she wasn't super interested.
He seems so SWEET and like such a lovable DORK I really love that he's an aspiring writer and he's always showing off his work. That's confidence in your art, babey! And I'm glad he's still buddies with Skywarp and Starscream cause I love trine dynamics SO MUCH. Thank you so much for the crash course on this sweet boy! To be honest I have been working on a little pet project starring TC based on what I thought his personality was like and this makes me a lot more confident in my read of him, so that may be something to expect in the future!
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Knock On
Jaehyun X Black.FemReader
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☁️ Genre: Fluff, Confession, Idol Lovers
✨️ Warnings: Nothing I don't think, Let me know
☁️ A/n: This was supposed to be posed on December 15th but today is the 16th of January- Anyway I wanted to make something sweet so please enjoy
✨️ Wordcount: About 900
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"Wow! The moon is so pretty Tonight!"
Your jaw drops in amazement. The natural satellite, gleaming unusually brighter than usual. Such elegance and charming without it doing much. Jaehyun had brought you to the roof top of the SM's Parking-Lot building. Your fellow Idol friend, asking to spend time with you after a collab. Your friendship growing day by day, it was safe to say Jaehyun was more than ever a big supporter of yours.
He watched you lean against the cement wall/ledge, to get a better look. Your elbows placed on the small wall, you held your chin in the palm of your hands. The stars reflected in your beautiful doe eyes. Jaehyun had to face it, looked like you were more invested in the night sky than him. Jaehyun didn't complain about it though, still you looked absolutely breathtaking. The way the wind blows, as the moonlight glistens upon you. Your dress danced in the delicate wind, shining, giving an illusion you were an angel.
Your jet black hair..its satiny coils which stopped mid-black also had been carressed by the wind. Jaehyun hopped down from the hood of the car he'd been observing you from. As if it wasn't hard enough already to not constantly think about you..or bashful at the sight of you. Tonight he could feel it in his heart; there was no hope for sleep, you lived rent-free inside it. Now standing next to you, it honestly made him timid.
"How are you enjoying the view?"
You sighed in delight,"Oh it's wonderful!" Jaehyun wished you'd look at him like that. You turned to him, revealing a sincere smile. He knew it was genuine and that made him very happy. Your bronzed skin, smooth and airbrushed in the celestial body's light. "Oh! Jae-Sunbae! I hope you dont mind, but I brought you some wine as a gift!"
"Of course. Though, you didn't have to Y/n. Also, please! No need to be so formal with me."
"What? No! I don't mind! Besides, why not?". You playfully winked,"As a matter in fact, celebration is in order!" Jaehyun laughed, receiving his glass. His lips part as the wine glass slips between them. Infact this time, you too become flustered and not because of the wine. Your eyes quickly move back to the sky. Jaehyun hummed as a response,"Its really good!"
"No cheers first?",you laughed.
Jaehyun smiled wryly, and stopped drinking quickly. "Right, Sorry"..He said scratching the back of his neck.
"No, No- I was just teasing Sunbae",you said reassuring him. The both of you walk and take rest against Jaehyun's car, taking seat on top of the hood. Enjoying a nice evening ambience. Jaehyun eventually taking notice that you were shivering. In a swift motion, he takes his jacket off, draping it on your shoulders. You pulled the jacket together, amused,"Sunbae I appreciate the gesture, but aren'tyou cold?"
Jeahyun, scoots a bit closer. Helping you zip up the jacket. "No I'm fine. Though, this is nothing, Im capable of much more than you think, Y/n". He smiled, keeping his eyes on you. "Much more you say? Like what?",you asked as you adjusting the jacket. You were cute, asking him little questions.
"Oh well—cooking, cleaning, I'm a huge romantic.." Suprised to hear him playfully respond back. You were speechless, gazing back at him with a light pink hue. "Seems like, there was competition between me and the moon, for your attention."
"Mhm..Looks like Ive finally won too."
Hiding behind your hair, embarrassed by the things he's saying. Jaehyun's no idiot, the two of you have been working on a collaboration for a while if anything, he's come to have an idea of what your habits are. One of them being when you're shy, you use your hair to hide. His hand carefully reaching over to brush your locks out of your face and behing your ear.
"You're right Y/n, The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight", Jaehyun Sung. Realizing that, the phrase that Jaehyun just said had another meaning. "Sunbae!", You yelp gently pushing his shoulder. "You shouldn't say things like that!" You covered you mouth, shocked by his sudden confession. "Y-You've clearly had enough to drink", You declared soon attempt to take his glass away from him. Though when you placed your hand on the wine glass, Jaehyun stopped you. Placing his slender fingers on yours. There it was that Princely smile he'd given you many times before, but for some reason..this time was different.
Finding your reaction quite enjoyable, he soon spoke up,"Im serious Y/n..I'm not speaking to you as your 'Sunbae'..but as Yuno." Your eyes widened, shocked.. "But..Im-" you were swiftly cut off,"I don't mind one bit."
You averted your gaze, looking down at your fiddling fingers..You liked him, you did- "God you're embarrassing.."
Jaehyun blessed you with that cute angelic laugh. He was now standing in front of you. One hand on your left and the other on your right. He leans in a little,"So? What do you say?"
Why, why was he like this. Speaking of which...the atmosphere so beautiful when he asked you, almost like the universe had this planned for you. The moon illuminates his skin giving him such a glow. There was no pressure into anything you didn't want. You were just taking in this masterpiece in front of you.
Your answer was with certainly, you attempted to hide your bashfulness. "Yes, I-I'd love to."
A cheeky grin, from ear to ear. "Tell me if this is too bold of a move, I'll stop If you're uncomfortable.." He leans in, holding his hand up to your left cheek. Soft strokes with his thumb on your skin. His lips now, embedded on your right cheek. You were definitely flushed though because of the night sky, it went unnoticeable.
Jaehyun pulls away, slightly tugging at your hands. He placing them around his neck, and he went back to his previous position. Leaning forward with his hands on either side of you.
"What's our first deed as a couple?"
You look to the sky thinking,"Err..Um– promise me."
He raises his pinkie to you,"Of?" His action catches you off guard. 'He's so cute!' You thought to yourself. "Keep me happy...Treat me right." You raise your pinky, linking it to his.
"I, Jung Jaehyun, Promise to keep you happy...I'll keep you elated, I'll make you more than happy. I will treat you right, Y/n."
Your pinkies fall,"My turn, ditch the 'Sunbae' Jaehyun, Yuno, or a pet name will do."
He lifts his his opposite pinkie,"Um..Sunb–"
He stops you, waving his pinkie,"uh uh uh..Promise me." With your eyes semi-closed you glare at him. 'Hmm...I guess.' Now linking your pinkie with his again. "Okay then deal."
"Deal", your fingers fall. His eyes glow with endearment. He was willing and ready to make you happy. "What do you say we pick this up from tomorrow? Maybe with a date?"
You nod shyly,"Yes..I like the sound of that."
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Written on December 15th 2022
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Sebastian Sallow Prompt List inspired by Taylor Swift Songs and Lyrics (reblogs encouraged)
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1. Style (1989)
"... You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes, and I got that red lip classic thing that you like..."
2. Betty (folklore)
"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden? In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only 17, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you..."
3. Getaway Car (reputation)
"We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde. Until I switched to the other side, to the other side. It's no surprise I turned you in, 'cause us traitors never win... I'm in a getaway car, I left you in a motel bar. Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys, that was the last time you ever saw me"
4. Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
"...They said the end is coming. Everyone's up to something. I find myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside, they're push and shoving. You're in the kitchen humming. All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing..."
5. Fearless (Fearless)
"Well you stood there with me in the doorway- My hands shake- I'm not usually this way. But you pull me in, and I'm a little more brave. It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless..."
6. Gold Rush (evermore)
"But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush. I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush. I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch. Everybody wants you. Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you. Walk past, quick brush, I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush. I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush. Everybody wants you, but I don't like a gold rush."
7. All Too Well (RED)
"...I walked through the door with you, the air was cold. But something about it felt like home somehow. And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house. And you've still got it in your drawer even now..."
8. Sparks Fly (Speak Now)
"I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild. Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right. And lead me up the staircase, won't you whisper soft and slow, 'I'm captivated by you, baby, like a fireworks show...'"
9. Dress (reputation)
"Say my name and everything just stops.. I don't want you like a best friend. Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off. Carve your name into my bedpost, 'cause I don't want you like a best friend. Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off..."
10. Enchanted (Speak Now)
"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you."
11. You Belong With Me (Fearless)
"...If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so, why can't you see? You belong with me..."
12. Teardrops on My Guitar (Taylor Swift [Debut])
"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star. He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do..."
13. Daylight (Lover)
"And I can still see it all (In my mind). All of you, all of me (Intertwined). I once believed love would be (Black and white). But it's golden (Golden). And I can still see it all (In my head). Back and forth from New York (Sneaking in your bed). I once believed love would be (Burning red). But it's golden. Like daylight..."
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Jaya in the Sea of Stars
Jaya had never really gotten what it would be like, up here, in the stars. She followed the instructions from Star-Camp to slow her rotation and stop her from passing out or throwing up, but her suit's fuel was low: only enough for a slight, gentle push.
"You're so beautiful, my king," It was a fleeting thought, said only to the glorious Mondiary Dwarf star and the wavy locks of auroras that danced at the poles of her homeworld, just above her polar homeland.
Her shattered shuttle was difficult to see now. The bodies of her comrades were, too. It's not like the boat races back home: no one can turn around for you now, Jaya. She did better than her shuttlemates had with their Null-Hysteria, but she could still feel it already settle in: the loneliness and the sudden absence of connection, made worse by the bodies of her old schoolmates all cast away from their boarding shuttle.
Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Focus, Jaya. Seven Mantras mouthed in the dwindling oxygen of her suit, like the Star-Camp Chaplain had taught her. Jaya turned her limited gaze towards the streaks of light launching from her Bare Witch Mountain Carrier. Streaks of light by the hundreds, or thousands. She watched the trails of drive engines spill out from her homeworld by the thousands. So many thousands of her planet's children. So many just like her, leaving their home-soil for the first time in their lives, and for most, the first of their families’ to step to the heavens.Jaya's eyes followed the streaks towards their shared destination: a pair of distant Dreadnaughts, fearsome kaiju of the stars, known only by alien names: Evian, Freya. They were Leviathan beasts of ships, that bore guns that could shatter the sky, rifles as long as as the mountains are tall, bullets who could pierce the crust-skin of the beautiful homeworld and spill her mantle-blood across the land: her apocalyptic molten mantle-blood, all across the plains. It was why they all had to take to the shuttle and corvette and fighter and more. To do something, anything, against the conquering titans.
You shouldn't cry up here, too much. The water will stick to your eyes, make it hard to see, Jaya. The stranded cosmina blasted a quick jet of air to blow clean her eyes as she blinked furiously to wick away the water.
Cosmina-379184-Jaya: Estimated Stasis Deadline has approached, and you have not yet executed a recovery operation. Are you planning a special maneuver, or should I notify the Fleetmistress? The Cosmina suit-computer felt oddly comforting, if only because it used her voice.
Jaya knew she wouldn't make it back in time. She knew she had precious little lucid, rational thought left. She just didn't want to be alone. "Call her. I-I am ready to swim, please."
It took only a blink to feel the presence of the Fleetmistress whispering in her mind like a lover coyly murmuring in her ear after waking in bed. "Jaya, your shuttle is gone; I'm sorry." "I won't make it back, I, I don't think I can take it, I don't think I can take it, I don't-" Jaya's feedback is filled with the Fleetmistress's warm and subtle humming. A gentle touch, a reminder. Jaya remembered the old teachings with the last remnants of her mortal lucidity. "Fleetmistress Tiamat, is my unit still alive?" "Those who survived the initial impact have come back to the waters, Jaya." "Return me to the waters, Fleetmistress. I wish to swim, too." " Then nest your mind in my waters, and sink in me, my love."
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zoner4t · 2 years
Jet Star very well might be an angel sent to protect us. I remember one day they 'n Girlie just appeared. They still haven't told us where they came from, about their family, past friends, anything. Sometimes I swear to Gods they glow. You catch them at the right angle in the sunlight thru the diner windows 'n it looks like they've got a halo floatin' around their head. It might just be dust particles, but those don't glow that bright. Jet's got the darkest, prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen in the zones, too. There's absolutely no way their eyes should be able to catch that much sunlight, but it's like they grab the beams of light 'n reflect them a million times.
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imsodishy · 2 years
Harringrove Week Day 2
Drowning is a lot different than Steve expected. There’s way more sunshine for one thing.
Not that he's spent a lot of time thinking about how he might plausibly drown, but there were moments (drunk at the quarry, or drunk at lover’s lake moments mostly), where it seemed like a possibility. So, stone cold sober, on vacation in California is a bit of a surprise.
Not as big of a surprise as the mermaid though.
Or merman?
Or… is it a merman if he’s got legs? Legs, but also fins? Long graceful fins and dizzying whorls of colorful stripes and spots, like the exotic fish Steve saw at the aquarium in Indianapolis on a school trip when he was twelve.
It’s definitely a man that grabs him around the waist and hauls him to the surface. And it’s definitely a man that deposits him, sputtering and coughing back on his rented surf board (that probably should have come with more lessons). A distinctly fishy man.
Chest flat to the board, legs dangling in the water, Steve just clings for a minute. Trying to get his body to believe that he's not going to die today after all, and steadfastly ignoring the bright blue eyes, with weirdly shaped pupils, starring intently at him from across the board.
Until a jet of water hits him square in the face.
“The hell? Did you just spit at me?” Steve demands looking fully at his rescuer for the first time. It’s disturbing honestly, to see a face so obviously human while simultaneously so obviously not.
Steve doesn’t know why he's surprised when the fish man talks back, it’s no weirder than anything else that’s happened so far. “No one ever taught you manners, pretty boy? They don’t say ‘thank you for saving my life’ on dry land?”  He pulls his long hair over his shoulder and twists it into a thick, blonde rope. Steve notices there’s a pointy little shell dangling from his left ear. The merman has an earing, why not.
“Sorry, Mister Merman. Just trying to process a lot of stuff all at once right now, but yeah, sure thank you.” Steve checks his knee-jerk sarcastic tone, “I mean, yeah. Thank you, actually. Thanks for saving my life.”
“Not a merman,” he mutters.
“Excuse me?”
“You see a tail?" He kicks a foot up briefly above the water. His toes look webbed, but it’s definitely one of a pair, "I’m not a merman.”
“Alright, what are you then?” Steve asks skeptically.
The not-a-merman scowls at him and snarls, “A person.”
Steve fights not to roll his eyes, “Fine. We're both people. But if I'm a human, what are you?”
“A siren.” He swings his hair back over his shoulder so it smack Steve in the face with a wet thwack.
Steve freezes halfway through trying to haul his sorry ass up on the surfboard. “Uh, don’t sirens usually, um, drown people?” Steve forces a laugh, like maybe it’s a laughable thought.
The siren flicks a translucent lid over his eyes and, Steve not sure how he knows this, but he instinctively does know, that it’s a gesture of annoyance. A fishy roll of the eyes.
“Sirens do lots of things. You know, like people do.”
Steve nods, finishes his very ungainly scramble up onto the board and straddles it. “Well, lucky for me you were around.” Steve looks down at his rescuer's face, and it’s still alien but it’s undeniably a beautiful kind of oddness, with his strange eyes and warm, tiger stripes on the highpoints of his anatomy.
“You’re a terrible swimmer,” the siren says and any warm fuzzy feeling Steve was starting to feel evaporate. “Maybe you should practice in one of those,” he draws a little square in the air, “Artificial pools you guys build, until you get better.”
“I’m an excellent swimmer,” Steve protests, “I’m a certified lifeguard.”
“What’s that?”
“I save other people from drowning!”
He does that weird blink again, slower. It comes off as less annoyed, more sarcastic.
“I fell of the board, okay, it was very disorienting.” Steve huffs.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Steve. My name is Steve.” He extends a hand, the siren stares at it, “Do you guys not do handshakes?”
There’s a long pause before he pulls a hand out of the water and presents it to Steve like he’s expecting a kiss on the back of his wrist. His fingers are webbed like his toes, and tipped in little, needle sharp claws. Steve grasps his hand and gives it a firm shake, “And your name is?”
“Billy,” he says, observing their joined hands like a foreign object.
Harringrove Week Day 2: Sirens, “It's poor judgment', said Grandpa 'to call anything by a name. We don't know what a hobgoblin or a vampire or a troll is. Could be lots of things. You can't heave them into categories with labels and say they'll act one way or another. That'd be silly. They're people. People who do things. Yes, that's the way to put it. People who *do* things.” - Ray Bradbury, The October Country
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I've Been Doing Some Reading Part 3
Summary: This is it guys, the roof top.
Warnings: FLUFF
Words: 1243
Authors note: Sorry this one took so long. I had a family member pass and took some time to grieve. But I'm back in action!
part 1 part 2
Before your feet could move Hunter was pulling you off towards the staircase causing you to fumble a little before catching up. Hunter was chatting away but you were so focused on how he was pulling you. Why was he so excited to go to the rooftop? He was never this excited before. 
If only you could see how red his face was. Internally, Hunter was losing it and was ready to chicken out. His grip tightened on your hand and he started to walk faster. If he chickened out now he would never take another chance. It said so in the books. Everytime the main character decided to go against their feelings ended up with them losing their lover for years. You were already starting to be pulled away from him. Months feel like years without you. Years are unimaginable. 
“What’s got you so excited today Goldie?” you huff trying to keep up with him. You having trouble keeping up?” Hunter glances over his shoulder with a cocky smirk. Slight annoyance fills you and you pull your hand from his. Zooming ahead of him but only for a few moments. Hunter starts running at top speed and reaches the stairs. Practically running into them he looks back and chuckles before ascending. By the time you reached the top of the stairs Hunter was sitting in the window. Excited eyes meet before he pushes himself out to ride his staff up. You stick your head out of the window, slightly out of breath, and let the wind hit your face. Finally pushing yourself out and letting yourself fall for a few seconds before hopping on your staff and jetting back up. As you landed Hunter was standing with his back towards you. Carefully you try to sneak up on him. Your hands were about to grab a hold of his shoulders when he turned around quickly. Gloved hands wrap around one of your wrists and he pulls you close so your faces are inches apart. “Still trying that move?” he laughs. Laughter bursts out of you and let yourself plop onto the hard cement. Hunter lays next to you, his hand grazing yours as he settles in. The air felt thick and full of tension as the stars shimmer above. Thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to recall any reason to explain golden boys behavior. But the harder you searched the less of an explanation came to mind. Something slipped into your hand. 
Peeking up you see that Hunter had placed his hand onto yours. The back of his hand resting in your palm. (E/C) eyes travel to his face in an attempt to gain an answer to the question bubbling inside of you. Golden locks blew gently in the wind and magenta eyes stayed glued to the sky above. Silently you take in how his lips curl ever so slightly into a smile. How his chest rises and falls with each breath. You take in the peace of this moment. Hunter's eye quickly flashes over to you and you smile even wider. Gripping his hand, a sigh of relief leaves you. This was not the Hunter you knew. The Hunter you knew would have filled the silence with random facts or summaries of books he’s read. Your Hunter wouldn’t have slipped his hand into yours without a reason. But this wasn’t the Hunter you knew, right now you laid beside the Golden Guard. A part of you was saddened at the change. It stung to think that perhaps things really never stayed the same. Hunter on the other hand was doing everything in his power not to ‘ruin the mood’ by spouting nonsense. In the books he read said that the best confessions happen after a bit of silence. Deep down he wanted nothing more than to tell you about how he started reading romance novels. Or maybe brag about how he now gets to sleep till six am. Maybe even give you some gossip he’s collected in the months he’s been away. Stealing quick glances he catches you staring at him. His face grows hot when your eyes connect. Slowly Hunter sits up and shuffles so his back is pressed against one of the larger cement blocks lining the edge. With a smirk he pats his lap, hoping you take him up on the offer. You turn on your side and give him a confused look. Sitting on his lap was not something foreign to you. After punishments you would find yourself sitting in his lap to hold goldie close. Hunter has sat in your lap for comfort as well. Affection and comfort was common before the Golden Guard came into the picture. No news of a punishment had reached your ears yet. Nor had any paperwork about a failed mission reached your desk. Still Hunter pats again so with a grunt you hop up and crawl onto his lap. Instinctively your hands land on his shoulders and Hunter folds his behind the middle of your back. Red flushed his cheeks and his false confidence seems to have broken as it seems impossible to maintain any eye contact. Gently you place a hand on his cheek. Hunter practically melts into your touch as his eyes flutter shut. How could he have forgotten how warm your hands always are? Taking a deep breath he steadies his shaky hands. “I’ve been doing some reading,” the knots in his stomach tighten as he finally meets your eyes. “And?” you ask, wondering if Hunter had hit his head. All the boy did was read and everyone knew it. “And the b-books I read had some interesting things to say,” the words were piling up in his throat faster than he could say them. “Out with it pretty boy, there’s only a few more hours of rest before we’ll be found,” if this was about another history book that he read you were going to kill him. “They had some interesting things to say about us,” slowly Hunter unfolds his hands and presses them against your back. Staying in the same spot but it made this position feel more intimate. 
“Us?” you whisper shocked. Electricity shot through you at the new touch. Before you could ask another question you felt lips press against yours. The kiss was stiff and awkward but still your eyes flutter shut. It couldn’t have lasted longer than fifteen seconds but it felt as if time had stopped. Pulling away Hunter realized what he had done and looked up at you in shock. A hand moves to cover his mouth and to possibly cover the red spreading across his face. “The things we do, they aren’t normal for friends. And I don’t want them to be normal for friends. I want to be more than friends,” golden boy squeaks out barely loud enough for you to hear. “Thank Titan you made a move,” you sigh and press your forehead to his, “I was worried I was going to have to confess first.” Hunter moves his hand to show the largest smile on his face. “C-Can I kiss you again?” He asks shyly. “You can kiss me as many times as you want,” You giggle.  Bonus >:3 “Those romance novels really helped me out. Maybe I should branch out to different genres!” “Hunter…. It took a romance novel for you to ask me out?” “Well like seven but yes.”
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puck-bunny-for-all · 7 days
5 Seconds of Summer fics:
Close as Strangers - B.B (Brock Boeser)
"Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone, every day it gets harder to stay away from you..."
English Love Affair - R.L (Ryan Leonard)
"Today, I'm 7,000 miles away, the picture burning in my brain ; kissing in the rain..."
The Only Reason - M.R (Matt Rempe)
"Don't talk ;
Let me think it over..."
Never Be - J.H (Jack Hughes)
"I need your love to light up this house ; I wanna know what you're all about..."
Story of Another Us - M.R (Morgan Reilly)
"I got a long term plan with short term fixes..."
Unpredictable - Q.H (Quinn Hughes)
"We can run down the streets, with stars in our eyes..."
Ghosts Of You - C.L (Curtis Lazar) *trigger warning*
"Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side..."
Lie to Me - T.D (Thatcher Demko)
"Problem was I thought I had this right..."
No Shame - A.M (Auston Matthews)
"I only light up when cameras are flashing...."
Jet Black Heart - M.T (Matthew Tkachuk)
"Everybody's got their demons ; even wide awake or dreaming..."
Beside you - E.P (Elias Pettersson)
"When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky ; to the beat of our hearts at the same time..."
Best Years - B.M (Brandon Montour)
"I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you ; gave you a million reasons to walk away..."
Lover of Mine - T.S (Tyler Seguin)
“When I take a look at my life and all of ny crimes, you’re the only thing that I think I got right”
Tags : @puck-luck @skylershines @quinnylouhughesx43
Im super excited!
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gayarograce · 9 months
I Ranked Every* MCR Song (According to My Own Opinion, Of Course)
*Kinda. I excluded live demos and re-releases of songs. Sorry to any diehard Emily or W.T.T.B.P. Steve Aoki Remix fans.
Also, some of these songs could have their places shuffled around slightly and I would probably still agree. It's really hard to form distinct opinions on, by my count, 77 songs.
Also, just because a song is kinda far down, doesn't mean I don't like it. I like the top 45 or so songs, actively dislike the bottom 5-ish, and have no strong opinion on the ones in between.
Finally, actual MCR fans: I'm curious how controversial some of my opinions are. I can see some songs that I think I placed lower than most other people would, but who knows?
The list (from best to worst):
Vampire Money [highest ranked Danger Days song]
House of Wolves [highest ranked Black Parade song]
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Welcome to the Black Parade
Famous Last Words
To the End [highest ranked Three Cheers song]
Party Poison
Make Room!!!! [highest ranked Conventional Weapons song]
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
The Sharpest Lives
Black Dragon Fighting Society
Our Lady of Sorrows [highest ranked Bullets song]
Desolation Row
Planetary (GO!)
This Is How I Disappear
The Foundations of Decay
Kiss the Ring
Boy Division
Mastas of Ravenkroft
My Way Home Is Through You
Tomorrow's Money
Burn Bright
The End.
Every Snowflake Is Different (Just Like You)
Look Alive, Sunshine
Interlude [The Black Parade Is Dead!]
Heaven Help Us
Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back
Kill All Your Friends
Headfirst for Halos
Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us
Bulletproof Heart
Under Pressure [w/The Used]
Thank You for the Venom
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Hang 'Em High
Surrender the Night
The World Is Ugly
Bury Me in Black
Demolition Lovers
Desert Song
Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid / Traffic Report
It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish
Cemetery Drive
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You
The Only Hope for Me Is You
Fake Your Death
Drowning Lessons
Give 'Em Hell, Kid
I Never Told You What I Do for a Living
Skylines and Turnstiles
The Ghost of You
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
The Light Behind Your Eyes [lowest ranked Conventional Weapons song]
The Kids from Yesterday
Interlude [Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge] [lowest ranked Three Cheers song]
This Is the Best Day Ever
Goodnite, Dr. Death [lowest ranked Danger Days song]
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville [lowest ranked Bullets song]
I Don't Love You [lowest ranked Black Parade song]
Also, if anyone thinks I forgot one, let me know and I'll think about adding it to the list (or pointing it out if it's already there and you just missed it).
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bungajurang · 2 months
But even at our swiftest speed, we couldn't break from the concrete.
"I can't expect you to be honest or to be faithful every day 'til the end. I just need you to be always a friend. You and I were born in motion, never in one place for too long a time. And now it's the only way we know to survive" -When We Drive, Death Cab for Cutie
"Breaking is easy and hope is hard. Because some days are good. And some years aren't" -Some Days, Ira Wolf
"It's kinda like a light went off. And now you're deadset on giving me up. Talking like we're so far gone and there ain't no use stitching it up. I know the ride's rough, but try us. I'm just thinking 'bout love" -Thinking 'Bout Love, Wild Rivers
"Falling in, inch by inch. I'm not resisting. And I'm addicted tonight. Turn the lights off when you're leaving. Never going home again. Don't wait up for me, I'm not leaving" -Never Going Home, Hazel English
"Oh, my, my, my. Oh how I tried. And as we lie silently. Your body soft, so close to me, close to me. Oh, my, my, my. Oh how I tried." -Slip Away, Oh Wonder
"If I can make you feel something, I can make you feel it down to your bones. When you close your eyes at night. Would you let me run straight to you. I want to see you." -On the Corner Where You Live, The Paper Kites
"But while you debate half-empty or half-full. It slowly rises: your love is gonna drown. Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. Just like a faucet that leaks. Your love is gonna drown. Your love is gonna drown. Your love is gonna...." -Marching Bands of Manhattan, Death Cab for Cutie
"But I'm stubborn. Selfish. Easily jealous at times. I'm hard to love, and I just want someone to try. I want someone, who listens when they've heard the story, and gives me enough space to breath. Someone stubborn. Selfish, and easily jealous would be fine. I won't mind if they're hard to love. I just want someone to try." -Sunscreen, Ira Wolf
"We found love on an empty page. Kill the stars above trying to fight the fade, and now my heart skips heavy underneath the waves. We are done, we are gone. 'Cause this is already bigger than love. It's bigger than you, it's bigger than me." -Bigger Than Love, Oh Wonder
"I might never stop your sorrow, fix you up good as new. But that don't mean that I can't hold you hand in mine. I might never say I'm sorry, even if I done you wrong. But I think I could be someone you like. Someone you like." -Someone You Like, The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
"Every day I wake to feel the same. And every time you ask me how I'm feeling, I just smile and tell you that I'm fine. It's hard to stay true, to myself and to you." -I'm Fine, Hazel English
"The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row. It seems farther than ever before. I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer." -Transatlanticism, Death Cab for Cutie
"Nothing lasts forever. Some things aren't meant to be. But you'll find the answers. Untill you set your old heart free. Until you set your old heart free." -Hello My Old Heart, The Oh Hellos
"I'm stepping through the door, and I'm floating in a most peculiar way. And the stars look very different today." -Space Oddity, David Bowie
"I said I would never come back. Screaming at the walls in jet black. Hurt until my words are out flat. Can I whisper it back? What a waste, what a waste. What a waste to be so alone." -Waste, Oh Wonder
"On the back of a motorbike with your arms outstretched trying to take flight. Leaving everything behind. But even at our swiftest speed, we couldn't break from the concrete. In the city where we still reside. And I have learned that even landlocked lovers yearn for the sea like navy men. 'Cause now we say goodnight from our own separate sides. Like brothers on a hotel bed." -Brothers on a Hotel Bed, Death Cab for Cutie
"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'til touchdown brings me 'round again to find. I'm not the mand they think I am at home. I'm a rocket man." -Rocket Man, Elton John
"Spent all my weekends pretending I was fine. Just to get you out my mind for an evening. I used to wish you would never find the one. But it's good to see you loved, let's call it even." -Happy, Oh Wonder
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Book Review: The Idea of You by Robinne Lee
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I am so torn about this one! On the one hand, I appreciated how this book foisted cultural preconceptions about age gap romances on me and forced me to confront what society thinks about them and why - as in, why it is "okay" for an older man to be with a much younger woman, but "gross" for an older woman to be with a much younger man. (Hint: It's called double standards, which is why in this house we say FUCK THE PATRIARCHY.). BUT, that said, I still found myself struggling to suspend belief enough to buy into Hayes and Solene's love affair.
Perhaps it's because I, in my mid-thirties, cannot imagine myself dating, let alone viewing, a twenty-year-old man as anything but a young boy with the emotional maturity/intelligence of a thumbtack (which is probably part of the problem here...but I'm swear I'm tryin' to open my mind! 😅), but also because the experience gap between them was so large - with her being a gallery owner and mum to a middle schooler, and with him being a jet-setting, model-faced, boy band celebrity with few real adult responsibilities - that I couldn't quite wrap my head around how a relationship between them would work. In any capacity. I mean, they had nothing in common whatsoever? They shared little ground besides that of mutual attraction. And later, an acquired (for Hayes) interest in art. Moreover, most of their relationship existed inside of a bubble with them hidden away in hotel suites or traveling on tour. And while that would have been fine if all that was being sold to me was an extended fling or a brief lust-filled affair, I couldn't believe there was enough substance for them to blossom a deep and abiding love for one another. I just couldn't. Much as I tried.
I also couldn't help but scrunch up my nose at how Solene handled the situation with her daughter, Isabelle, sometimes. She was not good at talking to her about what was happening or how Hayes being in the picture was affecting their lives, especially given the whole camera-hounding, tween-bullying insanity later on.
Like, get your child some therapy, Solene! She needs it, okay? You can't pretend your choice of lover doesn't affect your child or won't cause her feelings, especially not after she's already been through her parent's divorce. That's insane! So be a mom and help her find a healthy way to process her emotions. (Am I judging her a little? Yeah. You're damn right, I am.)
Look, I know Solene's decision to date Hayes is supposed to be seen as bold and empowering, with her putting her own wants and needs as a person first, which I applaud, I really do, but she also had me thinking her naive and inconsiderate in many ways, too. She was a mixed bag character because of that. Not good, not bad, but interesting, for sure!
3/5 stars
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