#i'm worried this is going to lead to their downfall
multi-babii · 2 months
some of my thoughts about this whole mess before I go to sleep
first off all i can see where they are coming from with this decision. it's no secret that youtube is fucking over creators more and more so it makes sense they want to move to a different platform
however the way they announced it was just not it and i think it's the main reason for such a huge negative response
if they introduced this gradually then it would be better. this way we basically loose access to all the new content at once (better solution in my opinion would be to put some exclusive things on the streaming service first and then slowly move there once you're sure the audience will follow)
also almost completely abandoning youtube seems like a bad idea. what about the casual watchers?? or new people?? where are they going to promote now??
also it seems like the details about the streaming service are not set. will they only make 4 new videos a month?? because that really doesn't seem worth it for 6$
not to mention the huge disadvantage for international fans who will have to pay more
also them saying it's just 6$ and that they made it affordable for everyone was not it
over all this either isn't very thought through decision or they are not disclosing all the details which makes them look shady
also the fact that it's basically confirmed they wanted to pull everything from youtube but decided not to after the backlash is truly disheartening
another thing, a lot of people are blaming solely steven for this decision which i think is unfair. just because he is the ceo (which also means he has better knowledge about the overall situation of watcher) doesn't mean he makes all these decisions himself. ryan and shane are still owners too so they have to agree with what is happening with their company. i think it's possible that steven was the one who pushed the decision but i believe he would have a genuine reason for it
lastly i saw a lot of people calling out the fact that shane is very eat the rich and rob the banks type of guy and that this goes against it. IT DOES NOT. THEY ARE NOT RICH. which is the whole reason why this is even happening. this is their job so it's understandable they need to make enough money.
in conclusion, i don't think they made this decision out if greed or anything but unfortunately the way they presented it was very poor and that's why it was taken so wrongly by the fans.
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suiana · 1 year
I'm so hungry hrhrrggr anyways!
✎ yandere! male lead headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― slight nsfw, possesiveness, manipulation etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! main character who got hit by an incoming truck and was reincarnated as the male lead of a dark fantasy romance novel he had read during his previous life.
✎ yandere! main character who is the attractive yet possessive oldest son of the grand Duke. getting spoiled since young, this main character slowly began to lose some morals that he had in his previous life.
✎ yandere! main character who was supposed to fall in love with the poor and kind female lead when he saw her working as a maid during your debutante ball. but how could he fall for her when you were there? you were stunning, magnificent even. how could he stick to the original storyline?
✎ yandere! main character who immediately asked for your hand during your first dance as a legal adult. shit, he could feel himself falling even more. he used to never believe in love at first sight but... that has changed. yes, it truly has.
✎ yandere! main character who felt his whole world change upon meeting you in person. in the novel you were described as arrogant and condescending. but you were the exact opposite? so calm and humble you were... how could he fall for the cliche female lead when your entire personality was foreign to him?! you felt like a real person, not like the others who acted exactly like how they were described in the book! he had to know you better!
✎ yandere! main character who is not only more hooked, but also fucking aroused when you politely tell him that you're not interested. oh? so you were a real being! you must've known what happened to your character in the original novel which is why you're trying to shy away from him right? haha, don't worry! he's not like his original self, he won't repeat the actions like his foolish original self~
✎ yandere! main character who is appalled when he sees you turn to the son of the northern duke for refuge. what? you reject him but go for that fucking...boy who just sits down in a corner and reads all day?! what the fuck?! no he doesn't care that he's your only friend, you shouldn't be talking to other men when he's right there!
✎ yandere! main character who slowly goes insane from your lack of attention. even when face to face with the original female lead, he can't get you out of his mind. hey, you've taken over his life so you should at least take some responsibility?!
✎ yandere! main character who is thankful for the fact that the original male lead is a genius and an evil mastermind that could plan the destruction of someone without even getting physically involved. oh, how he's going to use this to his advantage~
✎ yandere! main character who acts like a flirty himbo with you to try and show you that he really is harmless and means no harm! look, he doesn't even like the original female lead! so stop shying away from him, hm?
✎ yandere! main character who scares you with his drastic change in personality. what the hell...? he wasn't like this in the previous runs... what happened?
✎ yandere! main character who has already started the downfall of the northern duke's son. that'll teach him to not mess with what's his. you belong to him, and him only. and he will get you to see that.
✎ yandere! main character who has his last strain of sanity snapped as he sees you try to reject him. no, no, no... you shouldn't be rejecting him. you shouldn't be! why would you?! can't you see how much he loves you?!
✎ yandere! main character who claims you as his in front of a whole bunch of other nobles. now, you wouldn't get to leave. you can't leave. you're his. his alone.
✎ yandere! main character who is tired of your constant protests about how you don't want this and how you just want to be free for once. oh and you accidentally let slip about how you've lived this life multiple times... now, he can't let you go now can he? what if you get taken advantage by someone? he wouldn't be able to protect you! too bad, you're stuck with him now whether you like it or not.
✎ "hey cutie, why do you keep trying to leave me? I'm not that scary am I?"
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kalki-tarot · 6 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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soulessjourney · 5 months
One Last Time
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Paring: Astarion x fem!DurgTavReader
Word count: 5.5k
Summary: Just what truly happened during the battle with Ketheric Thorm?
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of violence, OOC Astarion, injuries, talk of mental health, some fluff, Tav is on her journey of having a redeption arc, Confessions, some fluff, Heavy Act 2 Spoilers
A/N: Buckle up kiddies this is gonna be a long one. I did add a bit of my own spin on things in some parts just to help fill in the aspects of the fighting to make it more dramatic.
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Ketheric Thorm, a man who defied death and wasn't meant to survive. He bore the responsibility for unleashing the Shadow Curse and cowardly sought refuge in Moonrise Towers, at least that's how you perceived it. Meeting him as a true soul set the stage for your downfall. Upon your arrival, your Guardian, with a hint of disgust in her voice, made you acutely aware of his identity. Being in proximity to the absolute felt like a dream, yet an unsettling feeling lingered. You sensed manipulation, as if you were a mere pawn in his game. Moonrise, though familiar, seemed to beckon you, and the guards appeared well-informed about your identity. Anger and fury welled up within you, resentful of the power he wielded. A part of you contended that this power was rightfully yours, and an irresistible urge to claim it consumed you.
As your eyes follow Thorm out of the room, Astarion clears his throat beside you. "Well, that was eventful. Say, how are we supposed to kill someone who can't be killed? Seems like a setup if you ask me." He shrugs, prompting a scoff from Shadowheart.
"You know, Astarion, I would like to go one day without your comments," she grumbles, eliciting a pout from Astarion and a breathless laugh from you. After about a month or two of being together, your group had grown close, opening up in various ways. Despite only being together for a short time, they appointed you the leader, leading to disagreements, especially with more qualified individuals like Gale.
The banter between Astarion and Shadowheart continues as you walk out of the tower. "I'm just saying, Darling, there's no way in the nine hells we can kill someone who simply cannot be killed. That's like asking a rock to walk," he shrugs, shooting a smug smile toward Shadowheart.
Just as she opens her mouth to respond, you cut them off. "That's enough, you two. The entire Shadow Land can hear your bickering," you grumble as Lae’zel nods in agreement. "Besides, we're almost to the Mausoleum, and it's rude to disturb the dead," you say, suppressing a smile at the pure annoyance on Shadowheart's face. It's rare for Astarion to get the last word, and when he does, he becomes the cockiest man alive.
Falling behind your group, Gale nudges you and raises a questioning brow. It's unusual for you to lag behind, considering your usual determination to lead and be the first to jump into action to protect your party. "What's going on in that head of yours?" he asks, keeping his voice low so as not to draw attention.
Shrugging, you fiddle with your armor before letting out a sigh. "I just don't have the best feeling. It's like something is about to happen, and we won't be able to avoid it. I'm worried that whatever we're about to face, there's no coming back from it." Odd feelings weren't unfamiliar to you; after all, you constantly battled the urge to commit daily murders. However, today's unease had you more concerned than usual.
Gale nods, letting out a thoughtful hum as he considers his response. "It's not because I plan on blowing myself up, is it?" he asks, a laugh escaping his lips. His expression turns serious when he notices your lack of laughter. "Tav, everything will be okay. We have each other, and we're all equally dedicated to ensuring our survival. Nothing will happen, and I especially know that Astarion won't let anything happen to you," he says, giving you a knowing look.
You and Astarion shared something, although you weren't sure what it was beyond the occasional intimacy. Both of you were highly protective of each other, yet he dismissed it as shameless flirting. You desired something more with Astarion, but you knew he was apprehensive. He was new to the affection you showed him and unfamiliar with being cared for in a way he had never experienced before.
Just as you were about to respond, a figure emerges from the shadows just before you reach the Mausoleum. Astarion groans at the sight of Raphael gliding towards your group, his usual mischievous smile spread widely across his lips. "Well, well, isn't it my favorite group of adventurers?" he says, stopping just before your group. You step forward, noting how Astarion positions himself behind you, rolling his shoulders forward almost as if to appear larger—a simple act of protection that's hard to resist smiling at. "I know it's odd for a Devil to ask for a favor, but there's something I'll grant you in return," Raphael says, locking his eyes on yours.
Astarion scoffs and crosses his arms. "Just spit it out already; we don't have time for your riddles," he deadpans, shifting closer to you, ready to throw you behind him if Raphael makes a move to harm you.
"Now, now, this isn't the time to lack patience," Raphael says, standing taller. "I need you to take care of a problem, a competition, we can call it. In return, I'll give your little vampire friend answers about the scars on his back—a translation that I know you both are just dying to know." He grins, watching your eyes widen before turning to look back at Astarion. "His name is Yurgir, and dealing with him will do a lot of good. He's breaking his contract and needs to be sent right back to where he came from as a...lesson." He says, looking over your group. "Once you find him, take care of him. I will know, and it will determine if you get the answers you so desperately seek." Just as he finishes his sentence, he disappears right in front of you.
Exhaustion seeps through you as your group stays quiet. "I guess we have some work to do," you mumble, walking forward into the Mausoleum. The others hesitate as they watch you, concerned about your sudden lack of energy. Usually, you would be up for anything, even if it meant dealing with a devil. As you walk into the building, the group exchanges worried glances before following you inside.
The confrontation with Yurgir turned out to be surprisingly easy, given his already paranoid state. With his contract entwined in a song, convincing him to turn against his allies, including Nessa, a displacer beast you empathized with, proved to be a straightforward task. In your mind, she didn't deserve to meet her end in the manner she did. Subsequently, you seamlessly entered his paranoid thoughts, persuading him to take his own life. Lae’zel and Astarion, usually at odds, expressed their shared disappointment at the lack of an actual fight to entertain them.
Amidst the discontent, your primary concern shifted to the current state of your group. Shadowheart, driven by determination, sought to complete Shar’s Gauntlet, a symbolic act to ascend and prove her loyalty to her goddess. While you couldn't help but worry about your friend, you understood her desire to seize this opportunity. As she faced the three challenges, ultimately finding the Spear of Night, you sensed a subtle shift in her demeanor.
Standing before the Nightsong, a woman bound to this realm with no apparent escape, you noticed a spark of questioning in Shadowheart's eyes, despite her determination. Confronting Thorm, you learned that releasing the Nightsong was the only way to weaken him and break his hold on immortality. The moment of decision arrived when Shadowheart, succumbing to her doubts, threw the spear over the edge, the mentioning of the forest and the wolves.
A surge of indescribable emotion coursed through you—perhaps pride or worry. It wasn't until Dame Aylin stepped forward, kneeling before Shadowheart, that the situation took a new turn. "Lay a hand of friendship upon me, and break my chains," she gently requested, her eyes meeting Shadowheart's before focusing on you. "Only when I am free can I aid you in taking down Ketheric Thorm." Shadowheart hesitated, glancing back at you for guidance.
Slowly nodding, she reached forward, resting a hand on Dame Aylin, breaking her chains once and for all. A portal opened behind you, and just before you could turn away, your eyes locked on Dame Aylin. Her armor began to form on her skin, and wings emitting a heavenly glow spread out behind her. Despite the look of recognition, all you received was a nod before she took off, leaving your group alone.
Now that Dame Aylin was free, things seemed to have accelerated much faster than anticipated. Drained and utterly tired, all you desired was to rest. Your head buzzed, and your ears rang, yet there you stood before Moonrise Towers, gearing up to face Ketheric Thorm. The urgency escalated with Dame Aylin's freedom, and a dark part of you wished she hadn't been released just so you could have some time to recuperate.
As you looked up at the towers, your body tensed when someone moved to stand beside you. A sense of relief washed over you as you saw Astarion. Smiling down, he shifted on his feet. "We're going to win, Darling. You have all of us ready to fight at your side. Don't overthink it," he said, shaking his head to silence any protests. "I can practically hear the gears turning in that pretty little head of yours," he added with a teasing grin. "But before we go in, can we talk? It's rather important, just in case we do meet our doom in there," he said softly.
Giving a half-hearted smile, you felt the exhaustion seeping out of you. Astarion took your hand, leading you aside as the rest of the group looked at you in question before starting their own conversations, providing you and Astarion with some privacy. "Are you alright?" you asked, scanning him for any injuries he might have sustained.
His expression changed, as if he were at war with himself. "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just... feel awful about something," he admitted. Confusion crept over you as you tried to recall any recent events that might explain his unease. It wasn't until you saw him shift nervously that you gave him a reassuring smile.
He continued, revealing a plan to seduce you, manipulate your feelings, and use you to defeat Cazador. The revelation left a bitter taste of betrayal in your mouth. You shifted, your posture rigid, waiting for an explanation. The truth unfolded—his plan fell apart because he couldn't resist falling for you.
His confession left you grappling with feelings of betrayal and hurt. "Were you even attracted to me? Or was that all a lie as well?" you asked, unable to contain the pain in your voice. His flinch confirmed the discomfort he felt.
Astarion, now uncomfortable and terrified, admitted, "Of course I was attracted to you. Look at you, for goodness’ sake! You’re a vision and so much more than that." He hesitated, expressing uncertainty about his feelings. "I just… I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what I want."
You shared your care for him, admitting your deep feelings. His face lit up at your words, and a soft 'really?' hung in the air. Without thinking, you moved forward, wrapping your arms around him in a gentle but secure hug. It felt like a silent promise of your genuine care. As he reciprocated the embrace, you sensed a change in him.
Astarion, being himself, smiled and cleared his throat. "You... You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?" he remarked, his eyes locking with yours, revealing hidden emotions. He let out a nervous laugh, pulling your attention back to him. "Honestly, I have no idea what we’re doing or what comes next," he confessed, holding out his hand.
You stared at his hand before placing your palm on top of his. His cool skin covered yours as he drew you closer. "But I know that this? This is nice," he whispered.
There you stood, face flushed, realizing that, in a twisted way, Astarion truly loved you, and you loved him more than anything. Happiness mingled with worry, as he chose this moment to confess, fearing the possibility of not making it out alive. Yet, living in the now, you vowed to fight alongside him, grateful for the truth he finally shared.
Wyll cleared his throat, redirecting your attention to the group standing there, beaming at the two of you. It was evident they had overheard everything, and judging by the look on Shadowheart’s face, a secretly hopeless romantic, they had heard it all.
"Okay, you lovebirds, we have a Thorm on our side that we need to kill," Wyll declared, letting out a loud laugh at his own joke. However, the laughter died down when no one else joined in. An awkward silence hung in the air until you snorted, breaking the tension and sending the rest of your group into fits of laughter.
Even in the face of potential doom, moments like these made you grateful to have them by your side. Wyll looked around, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "Oh, I see how it is. It’s only funny when you put me down," he grumbled, prompting a genuine laugh from Lae’zel. The sound, rare and cherished, resonated among your group, appreciating the unexpected moment of joy.
The echoes of your laughter felt like a distant memory as you stood before Ketheric Thorm, anger seeping through you at the sight of him. The yells of your party echoed behind you as they fought against his soldiers, while he remained solely focused on you. Despite being mortal, he carried himself with immense confidence, as if convinced you could never truly defeat him. His smug demeanor fueled your desire to rip his head from his shoulders, yet something kept you rooted in the spot where you stood. Your attention shifted when something hot grazed your arm, prompting a pained yell as you gripped the wounded area. Thorm looked down at you with a smug smile, his eyes darkening.
"Who knew that you would come crawling to my doorstep? Why have you returned? Do you miss the throne in which you once sat?" he taunted, his words striking you like poison.
Although you had been here before, the realization that you used to occupy the throne he now warmed was a revelation. "I’m here to kill you," you declared, your hand warming with the blood seeping from your wounded arm. "I’m here to witness your downfall, and I’m going to enjoy every second of it," you spat, dropping your hand from your arm as you reached for the staff positioned on your back.
Thorm responded with an amused laugh, scanning the surroundings. "You? Kill me? I suppose you didn’t learn your lesson from the last time we had a falling out. Your father would be laughing at you now, seeing his perfect child turning her back on him," he seethed. Your eyes widened slightly before you shook your head. He was trying to toy with you, attempting to make you drop your guard, but you refused to let that happen.
You felt the fire spread through your palms before it traveled across the room toward Thorm. The lack of any reaction from him made you second-guess whether he was truly mortal now. Ascending the stairs, you stood face-to-face with Thorm, narrowing your eyes into a challenging glare. Swinging your weapon, the sound of steel clashing filled the air.
"You have the opportunity to surrender, Thorm. You don’t have to live like this," you declared, your voice stern as you pushed your weight into your weapon.
Thorm laughed and glared down at you. "You’ve become so weak. Your father has done nothing but brag about you, and yet here you are, offering me mercy. You are no daughter of his; no wonder you were cast out," he seethed, lifting his foot to kick you back. Tumbling, your weapon clashed against the ground beside you, and your eyes filled with fire. The urge to rip him apart from the inside out consumed you, and the taste of blood filled your mouth as your body became rigid.
The staff next to you vanished as a long sword with intricate designs slowly appeared in your hand. Standing slowly, you raised your eyes to meet his once more, and a smile settled onto his face. "There she is—the killer your father raised you to be," he said, rolling his shoulders back. A snarl escaped you as you raced forward, only to be thrown back as Dame Aylin slammed down into the area next to you and Thorm.
"Ketheric Thorm, your time is over. Here, you will fall by my hand," she declared as you stood up, your body shaking in rage. "My friend here has kept you busy enough; now it is my turn to aid her in this fight. You should’ve stayed dead," she snarled, leaping forward and landing a hit on Thorm, causing him to stumble back. Seizing the opportunity, you ran from beside her, slicing at him and making him groan in protest as your blade sank into his arm. The two of you fought in sync, one striking after another, knocking Thorm back with each blow.
Just when you thought things would finally be over, Thorm's soldiers stopped fighting, and the room grew quiet. Clutching your side to put pressure on the wound Thorm had given you moments prior, you spat the blood that filled your mouth onto the ground.
"You should’ve just let things rest. We wouldn’t have to go through all this fighting if you just let things remain the way they did," Thorm remarked, glancing toward the side of the roof. As if on cue, a large tentacle sprouted from the side of the building, knocking you off the platform. Landing on the ground a few feet away from Shadowheart, you struggled to suck in the air that was knocked out of your lungs. Helpless, you watched Dame Aylin try her best to fight the tentacle before being wrapped up and taken under the tower.
Shadowheart dropped to her knees beside you, holding a vial up to your lips. "Drink this; you’re in no shape to move," she said, her eyes scanning your body, taking in every wound. "Gods, Tav, you’re going to overwork yourself like this. We can take Thorm while you rest," she suggested gently, attempting to tend to your wounds. Pushing her hand away, you shook your head before sitting up, finally able to catch your breath.
"No, I need to take him down. I won’t leave you guys to fight alone," you grunted, wincing at just how sore your entire body was. Muffling the whimper that left your mouth, you stood before hobbling over towards the hole left in one of the pillars. The others walked up behind you, peering down from beside you. Looking at the others, you nodded before jumping down into the hole, listening as they followed behind you.
The path to find Thorm once again was long and grueling as you made your way through the mind-flayer colony. Along the way, you enlisted the help of a small brain that you had saved on the ship when you were first kidnapped. Now, you stood before the door separating you from Thorm. Upon your entrance, you noticed two other individuals with him—the same ones from your visions, but something about them seemed familiar. A chill ran through your bones when you heard her name: Orin. Hearing that name sent waves of anger through you, and you could even taste a small hint of betrayal as you looked at her. Something snapped you from your trance when you noticed Gale step forward. You had completely forgotten that he promised to carry out Mystra’s request, and the anger towards the goddess filled you once more.
“Whatever you are thinking of doing, Gale, it’s not worth it,” you said, meeting his gaze. He looked determined, and the sight broke your heart. “I won’t let you blow yourself up. We can find another way to please her or even save you, but ending your life like this isn’t worth it.” Part of you couldn't figure out why you were determined to save Gale, but the other knew that you needed him there. He was a friend and someone you knew how to talk to, seeking comfort when you weren’t sure how to open up to Astarion.
Astarion stepped up next to you and brushed your fingers with his before looking at Gale. “For once, I agree with our Darling leader here. We can’t afford to lose you just yet. You can blow yourself up another time, but that time isn’t now,” he said, meeting Gale’s eyes with determination.
Gale sighed and nodded as he looked at his two friends—one who was nothing but worried about him and the other begging him, in the most twisted way, to stay alive. “Alright, you’re right. Maybe this isn’t my time to go just yet. We have other opportunities for me to blow myself up. I’ll stay and fight beside you, and I promise to give it my all,” he said, smiling as your body relaxed, and relief filled your worn-down body.
As you stepped forward, Thorm met your gaze, his eyes hardening. "I see you all made it here alive—a shame, truly. I never wanted to hurt you, and I certainly never wanted to kill you. You all had so much to live for," he said, pity filling his voice. Your mind raced as you thought back to the letters you found in the tower. The letters from his wife and daughter gave you a chance at an attempt to convince him.
"Thorm, you don’t need to do this. You could be with Melodia again; you can be with the one you love without consequences," you said softly, stepping forward and wincing as you raised your arms to hold up your hands. "She’s waiting for you to come back to her, and you can finally use this as a chance to see her again." The battle in his eyes was evident. Looking towards Gale, you signaled him to go free Dame Aylin from the hold Thorm had on her. Gale nodded in silent agreement before disappearing from the spot next to you.
If Thorm did see Gale, he paid him no mind. "The goddess wouldn’t allow that to happen, not with what I have done," he said quietly, almost as if he was thinking it over. "Selûne would never allow me to be with her, not after the things that I have done." You couldn’t help but hear the pain in his voice as he spoke. He truly wanted to be with her, and you could see that internal war happening in his head.
"But you can. You can show Selûne that you’re willing to give this all up and give yourself to her. You can show her that you’re willing to sacrifice power just to be with the one person that you truly love." You didn’t know why your voice wobbled or why it felt like you would cry, but then it hit you. You would give everything to be with Astarion; you would sacrifice yourself to see him if he had been taken from you. You would destroy the world or give yourself to a goddess just to see him one last time.
Thorm looked at you for a moment before nodding, and nothing but relief filled you. You weren’t sure if your body could take another fight right at this moment. “You’re right,” he said, “I can be with her, but I apologize for what happens next. I can’t stop it.” You froze at his words. What did he mean by those words? Before you could continue to think, Thorm threw himself over the edge into the green abyss.
Astarion scoffed as he looked at the others. “So you’re telling me all we had to do was convince him that he could see his wife, and he would just end any and all fighting for us? Why didn’t we do that sooner?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Just as he spoke his words, a rumble vibrated around them. Astarion opened his mouth to say something when a large skeletal hand reached up and slammed itself down in front of you, causing you to stumble back to avoid being smashed.
Another rumble sounded, but this time it sounded more like a groan. “I am the haunt of mausoleums, the god of graves and age,” a loud booming voice grumbled as a large figure started to emerge where Thorm had thrown himself. “Of dust and dusk. I am Myrkul, and you have slain my Chosen.” Your eyes widened in recognition. The god of death. You were about to go head-to-head with a god, and part of you just wanted to drop then and there. With your injuries, you had no idea if you would survive this. “But it is no matter, for I am Death. And I am not the end–I am a beginning,” it finished.
Beside you, you heard a gasp from Astarion and the others. “What in the nine hells is that thing?” he asked as you began to back away. The large skeletal figure reached out his hand, and a large scythe flew into his grasp. Sweat began to collect at your brow as the stinging in your side grew. You could taste the bile starting to rise in your throat, and the loss of blood started to catch up with you.
You didn’t miss how Shadowheart looked at you; she knew you were in pain, but you were relieved that the others were oblivious. Biting back a groan, you stood taller, letting your eyes focus on the being before you. “That is a god,” you grumbled, listening to Astarion let out a string of colorful words. Before you had any time to react, Myrkul swung his weapon down towards you, the tip of it catching your leg, causing you to let out a pained yell.
You weren’t sure if it was your yell that set them off or the sudden attack, but as you caught your balance, spells and arrows began to fly through the air toward Myrkul. The moment Dame Aylin was free of her confines, she let out a roar as she aimed to take down the god in front of you. Your head was spinning, and you felt as if the world would go black, but you kept pushing, determined to help your friends. Missiles shot from you, landing their mark as Myrkul let out a screech, swinging his weapons towards everyone. The fight felt as if it went on for hours, years even, before the sight of Astarion and Karlach were thrown off the raised area in which you were standing.
The sight of the lack of movement from Astarion sent a blinding rage through you. A loud and violent scream tore through you as panic filled your very being. You swung your weapon, landing hit after hit on the God of Death. It wasn’t until there was a loud screech from the god that you realized that he had fallen. The sight of Thorm now lying a few feet away from you put you in another blind rage. Stomping towards him, he looked up at you helplessly, fear filling his eyes at the sight of you. He was terrified of dying by your hand, but you paid no mind to the thought. Letting out another scream, you sunk your dagger into him, only to pull it from him and repeat the motions over and over. “This is your fault,” you seethe over and over, the blood coating your face in the process. The feeling of hands on your shoulders and a large body dragging you away had you kicking and screaming as you thrashed in their grip. “No, I need to send him back to where he came from, he doesn’t deserve to see her.” You scream, your eyes focused on the body before you.
A hand cups the back of your head as you’re spun around in the individual’s arms where they press your face to their broad chest. “He’ll get what’s coming to him, but you need to breathe, calm down.” Halsin. His low voice works to calm you as he massages his fingers into the back of your head just above where the now loose knot of your hair sits. You begin to feel your body relax as every ounce of rage leaves you and sobs begin to rack your body. “It’ll be alright, go to him, see if he’s okay,” Halsin whispers, slowly letting you go. You back away and welcome his touch as he wipes his thumbs under your eyes, swiping away any tears you had. He looked at you like you were his daughter, and he worried just like any father would.
Nodding, your gaze falls on Astarion before you scramble over to him, falling to your knees. Grabbing his face in your hands, you caress his cold cheeks before shaking him. “Astarion, wake up,” you grumble, shaking him again. “Wake up, or I swear to the Nine Hells I’ll sell my soul to make Raphael bring you back just so I can kill you myself.” You whimpered, when there was no response you let your head fall to rest on his chest as you squeezed your eyes shut.
A hand moves and places itself on the back of your head before you feel his chest rattle with a cough. “Who knew you were such a romantic, Darling, threatening to take my life all over again.” Your body snaps up as he keeps his head on the back of your head before moving it to rest on your cheek, caressing the skin gently.
Smacking his chest, you let out a sniffle as your muscles and wounds scream in pain. “I thought you died,” you sob, looking away from him. His laugh sent a wave of relief through you as his hand took yours.
“I couldn’t leave you, not after threatening to have Raphael bring me back just so you can do the job yourself; that threat was more terrifying than the god we just faced.” He jokes, causing you to let out a breathless laugh as you lean into his touch. “I’m not going anywhere, my sweet, you’re stuck with me.” Nodding, you help him to his feet as you turn to the others.
“Let's get out of here; we deserve to celebrate, especially since we finally broke the shadow curse. A night of drinking and sleep sounds perfect right about now.” You say, watching as your group, no your family, smile and let out a loud yell of celebration with Dame Aylin as she leads the cheers. This was your family, and one you would fight thousands of gods for, even if it means losing yourself in the process.
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A/N: She was a long one, but I do hope you guys enjoyed it. I will be turning this into a small series as we get to explore the events that have taken place throughout thier adventure.
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mysticheathenn · 5 months
What is Your Soul Here to Learn?
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Hi there! Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
The extended reading includes:
What is your soul here to learn?
What lessons and people are here to help you?
(This extended reading is available for free!)
Pile l:
What was your past life like? (Cards: 3 of Wands, The High Priestess (reversed), The Hermit, Knight of Swords)
This may be my spiritual pile (don't have to be but I feel you're either spiritual or religious). In your past life, you may have been a monk. Living your life in solitude but you were celebrated and loved by a large group of people giving your guidance and knowledge to any and everyone who needed it. This energy may have transferred over in your current life but instead of being a monk, you are the friend that everyone goes to for advice or when they need comforting. In your past life, you helped those who needed help with grounding themselves and help with healing. I'm seeing a lot of broken people with deep traumas came to you not just for your guidance but for loving energy.
What were your past life's faults? (Cards: 6 of Wands, 4 of Cups (reversed), Page of Swords, & King of Swords)
You're past life faults were you allowed other people to get in your head which caused your downfall. Some of you may have experienced greed while others of you allowed haters and others that wanted to see you fall get in your head. There isn't much to go on with this question as there seems to be a wall as if your past life is ashamed for the way they have lived and allowed others influences lead the way you lived life. It's as if you had trouble standing up for yourself because you feared judgment of others and didn't want gossip to paint you in a negative light. For others, you let your popularity get to your head and while you did good things you did more harm than good. (Extended reading on my Patreon - Available for free)
Pile ll:
What was your past life like? (Cards: 6 of Pentacles (reversed), The Empress (reversed), The Hierophant, 10 of Swords (reversed)
Pile 2 in a past life you let other people dictate your life telling you what you should do and who you should be in life. You were the type of person who did everything by the book, it gives me the vibes of what used to be the American Dream where if you worked hard, went to school, and stayed out of trouble you were on your way to having a good, long, and successful life but instead it led you into depression because it wasn’t what you truly wanted to do. It gives me “Don’t Worry Darling Movie Vibes.” Maybe you were fed dreams that didn’t pan out to be exactly what you hoped for and anytime you spoke out about it people would gaslight you telling you things would get better or even go as far as chastize you for wanting to do things differently than how they were always done.
What were your past life's faults?  & What is your soul here to learn? (Cards: 3 of Cups, The World (reversed), Page of Swords, & The Tower)
I’m getting a sense that your past life’s faults is the same thing your soul is here to learn.  You tend to let other people dictate what is good for you instead of making these decisions yourself. Maybe you are born into a family with strict expectations where everyone is a doctor, and you have to be a doctor too or maybe your family continues to carry old expectations of how the world used to work and they pass them down to you. An example would be maybe your mom was a stay-at-home mom or something and keeps nagging you that your “biological clock” is running out and you need to shackle down with just about anyone who won't abuse you to give them grandbabies and populate the earth.  I’m sensing in a past life and even now you have tried to break away from the mold but each time you do you are met with manipulation tactic after manipulation tactic like maybe your family and friends saying they will disown you if you don’t follow what they feel is best for you. You want to appease your family and friends but you also want to stand true to who you are as a person and you’re finding that very hard to do because of the many fear tactics you were fed and also you're not believing in yourself that you will land safely on your own two feet but will crash and burn making you feel that maybe your family and friends were right and you should listen to them.
(Extended reading on my Patreon - Available for free)
Pile lll:
What was your past life like? (Cards: 9 of Wands, The Moon, Queen of Cups, The Hermit, 8 of Swords.
I’m getting in your past life you grew up in a household where you were taught to be seen and not heard. This may have crossed over into your current realities as with the 9 of wands you felt a lot of burdens that didn’t belong to you. Maybe you had parents who didn’t get along but would go to you to vent about each other, or maybe you, unfortunately, fell into the trap of being an older sibling having to take care of your younger siblings and you didn’t feel heard because every time you would speak out about how you would feel you were shut down which caused you to go into hermit mode and just move through life as a robot and not actually live your life how you should have. For a moderate amount of you, I feel this has crossed over into your current reality. This may have even emotionally stunted you to where you don’t know how to process your emotions maturely. Maybe some of you currently or even in your past life would lash out at any and every one anytime anything would happen even if you didn’t mean to and you would feel horrible about it because you don’t mean to cause anyone harm or make them feel some type of way.
What were your past life's faults? (Cards: The Devil, Knight of Wands (reversed), Page of Cups, & 3 of Swords)
Your faults in your past life were because you didn’t know how to emotionally process your feelings and felt the heavy burden of others on your shoulders you resulted into drinking, drugs, and maybe even sex to feel something other than the pain you felt daily from not having a safe space to go to amongst family or friends. Again some of you this may have crossed over into your current reality where you feel alone and don’t have anyone you can talk to about the many struggles in your life that are going on and the only thing you do to help ease the pain is by taking on vices whether its drugs, sex, alcohol, maybe even spending a lot of money on things you know you don’t need but temporarily gives you joy. Some of you if this has crossed over into your current reality you aren’t sure how to pick yourself up and try to do better in your current reality which blends into a little bit of what your soul is here to learn.
(Extended reading on my Patreon - Available for free)
Pile lV:
What was your past life like? (Cards: 9 of Wands, The Moon, Queen of Cups, The Hermit, 8 of Swords
Similar to piles 2 and 3 your past life may be reoccurring in your current reality. In your past life, you had a hard time letting go of people and things that were no good for you. In your current reality you could be the one friend who goes to your friends for advice on your sh!itty relationship just for you to do the complete opposite of what you were advised to do because you believe things will get better and you have so much history with a person or even a job for some of you. You have a strong sense of loyalty to anything you see potential in that could be great for you in the future. This pile gives me “I can fix him” vibes even though the situation, person, or job could be draining for you, you still refuse to let go.
What were your past life's faults? (Cards: The Devil, Knight of Wands (reversed), Page of Cups, & 3 of Swords)
You’re faults in your past life just like the first question could bleed into your current reality as well because you believe people can change and time and time again you have been hurt and led astray believing this kind of thinking only to get back up again and try a different plan to make something that has been dead come alive again. I’m getting the TikTok trend “Staying delulu is the solulu.” Some of you stay in a delusional universe when it comes to situations or people that drain you. No matter how many people tell you that you need to leave a job or person you keep telling yourself it’s going to get better. I just have to do a little more of this or a little more of that not seeing that you are watering dead soil. I’m seeing the clip of Viola Davis and Denzel Washington in the movie Fences where she goes off on her husband saying “It didn’t take her 18 years to know she was watering rock-hard dead soil but she stayed and kept fighting and pushing and showing up because she’s loyal and sometimes still has a little bit of hope.”
(Extended reading on my Patreon - Available for free)
Thank you to everyone who likes and reblogs my post. Always truly appreciative of all of you. Remember to check out the extended reading on Patreon for FREE!
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Until next time, stay safe and be blessed.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
What do you headcanon as AU careers for Dick?
I don't much like the idea of Dick as a cop (in Wayne Family Adventures I'm pretty sure they never explicitly mention his job, so I'm gonna pretend he's not a cop there)
Gymnastics instructor seems to be a popular choice in most of the Happy Dick and Nice Batfam AUs and it sounds in character... Except his night job related injuries would be difficult to hide.
Neither Fae nor Talon Dick are likely to have the kind of falling out with Bruce which led to Dick striking out on his own, so they will likely never have the worry about earning their own living. Bruce would no doubt be willing and eager to give them cushy jobs with the WE, or they can just treat Superhero-ing as their full time job. But still, I think they will want an independent, non-nepo baby job.
I like the idea of Dick as a CPS worker, or just with social services in general. He'll be great with traumatized kids, has so much experience both first and second hand to draw on.
And if Fae Dick is with CPS... Well. The lore about fae stealing children is well known, but less well known is the lore that fae steal neglected children.
Now, that can simply be the predator going after the vulnerable, but it can also be in some stories the fae see humans refusing to take care of the children properly and getting their adoption instincts triggered Bruce Wayne style, taking them away from the parents who don't deserve them to a better life.
CPS takes neglected and abused children away from the parents who don't deserve them, to a better life.
Love the idea of a fae as a CPS worker, getting official sanction and human cooperation to do his traditional job :)
It depends on the Au!
I’m very flexible with what I read as long as the author manages to fit it into the story in a plausible and believable way. Like with the Titans TV series where it establishes very early on that Dick is rather feral and not as opposed to murder as Bruce *cough*
But over all I do agree that him being a cop doesn’t check out most of the time since most comics (at least from what I’ve read, so take that with a grain of salt. My comic knowledge is like— 3% if we’re being generous lol.) depict him as being very opposed to using firearms, and to killing. And cops have to carry guns to protect themselves and others, and sometimes also shoot people. So yeah I don’t know.
And acrobatics instructor actually isn’t such a bad idea imo! Yeah there are some pretty revealing suits out there. But if we go with what Dick is wearing in Gotham Knights in between missions it could totally work out! He’d still have to be careful tho, obviously. But honestly I don’t think people will look too closely at someone who does potentially dangerous sports as a living and comes in with a black eye or a broken arm or something.
CPS sounds like a very fun idea tho! Espiecally in regards to Fae Dick! He’s got a soft spot for children and their wide eyed wonder. And kids aren’t nearly as frightened of him if they happen to catch a glimpse of other either. So yeah, perfect!
But now I’m also thinking of the Pied Piper of Hamelin tale, because I can totally see Dick leading a gaggle of kids through the streets and out of harms way if there’s ever a Gotham wide catastrophe going on… hmmmm
Other than that I could also see Dick as someone who takes a job leading and organizing multiple charities (sponsored by Wayne Enterprises) and rising through the Gotham Elite. It would help his vigilante cover (poor and dumb Richie Wayne, always drunk and being scandalous, just like his guardian) while also serving the ulterior motive of rooting out corruption.
Idk that last one’s just a thought (cuz I love good rich people playing other bad rich people and causing their downfall… eh.)
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mncxbe · 9 months
how about a smut with ranpo? he's just so exhausted after that case in early season 4 (I forgor 💀) worrying about the announcement that mushitarō told him and put it all on the fem s/o?
omg yes?? I wanted to write some Ranpo smut for such a long time now djdjsj. Also made it extra sweet cuz i love him sm. hope you like it♡♡
𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ comfort
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Ranpo promised himself he wouldn't do this again and yet, here he was, taking all his worries and frustrations out on you again. Hips smashing into yours at a relentless speed, the tips of his fingers dug deep into the soft skin of your thighs in a desperate attempt to keep you closer; to feel more of you.
" 'm sorry sugar" he uttered between mindless moans and grunts "I know you're tired and-"
"Shh" you cooed, placing a finger over his glossy, parted lips to shush him. "It's okay baby. Lemme help you relax."
Your hips glided back and forth against his, syncing perfectly with the steady rhythm of his thrusts, sending him to heaven and back.
Ever since that morning when Mushitarō warned him about what's to come, Ranpo's mind has been plagued by dark thoughts and theories: what was his friend apprising him of? He knew it was connected to the Decay of Angels, but nothing more.
Mushitarō has told him not to accept the next mission they are commissioned for. But could he really say no? He knew that without hard facts he stood no chance of convincing Fukuzawa, who had a "no rejecting cases" policy, to let this one go.
And yet what could he do? No matter how hard he tried, his brilliant mind was unable to pinpoint any scenarios; and not because none were likely enough to lead to the downfall of the Agency. No, it was the other way around. He was going against Fyodor, the only person who managed to match his intellect. Aware of the Russian's cunning nature, Ranpo knew that any possible scenario that he came up with had already crossed his rival's mind, therefore being a dead end.
And this was what's been weighing on his poor, tired mind all day, the racing thoughts brining him to the point of exhaustion.
But now, as he mercilessly fucked himself into you, he was finally at peace. Your sweet sounds echoed in his mind; loud enough to drown the torrent of worries and your half-lidded gaze put him under a delicious spell.
Whenever the haunting thoughts would resurface he'd pick up the pace, eliciting louder whines and pleas from you.
"Ranpo please slow down a bit." you babbled out as you clawed at his chest, manicured nails leaving crescent shaped all over his damp skin.
But he was too lost in thought to even hear you, desperately chasing his own high. His gaze lingered on his pelvis, which was glazed in your slick and juices from your previous orgasms, and he felt the knot in his stomach tighten, threatening to snap.
He pounded into you even faster, deeper; he needed more and more and more and he knew you could take it. You always did.
Rolling his emerald eyes back in his skull, he gripped onto your hips and bounced you on his cock like a man starved.
"Cmon sugar this is the last I promise." he whined, his eyes meeting yours as you nodded with a smile.
And soon enough a wave of pleasure washed over him and he halted his movements, spilling his cum deep inside you as you moaned in unison.
"Shit baby" he sighed and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You slowly got off him and laid by his side, arms snaking around his torso. Ranpo instinctively turned to face you and buried his head in the crook of your neck, relishing your sweet, comforting scent.
"Feeling better?" you eventually asked but your boyfriend only nodded.
"Look" you began again, gently combing your fingers through his coffee coloured hair "I don't know what it is that's stressing you out right now and you don't have to tell me. I'm sure you'll get to the end of this tho. After all, you're the greatest detective in the whole world and you can do whatever you put your mind up to."
A smile tugged at the corners of Ranpo's lips upon hearing your words.
"Thanks sugar. It means a lot." he replied, placing a feathery kiss on your collarbone.
"Good, I'm glad then"
The following minutes were spent in silence, the steady motion of your digits along his brown strands slowly lulled Ranpo into a slumber. His worries seemed far away now that he was with you and he finally allowed himself to rest.
Feeling how his tense body relaxed in your embrace you closed your eyes.
"Goodnight dear" you whispered softly before brushing your lips against his forehead and he hummed in response.
Ranpo fell asleep soon after, sheltered in your gentle hold. Somewhere in a god forgotten building, his enemies were probably plotting his demise, the end of the Agency and of all the things he had ever loved; but right now none of that mattered. The nights were about you.
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amber-michaelson · 1 year
The Gift Of Eywa
Neteyam x Na'vi reader
Summary: becoming the main protector of Pandora eywa decides to gift you something you've been missing.
Read At Own Risk
Warning: breeding, protective neteyam.
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Yn pov
Returning to camp after another successful attack against the sky people only 2 dead and afew injured of our people "feed the ilus and ikrans they'll be hungry" I said as I landed, it was only a month after neteyam's death I left to start my own clan but not only of Omaticaya but Metkayina too, we built our resting place on the cliff side at the edge of the forest for the Omaticaya people to be close to the forest and the Metkayina can reach the water, we've become the most feared clan for the humans no matter how hard they can try we were always a step ahead, but not only that Norman, Toruk Makto friend joined us with the rest of the dream walkers "outstanding job yn they've cut back on the deplanetation instead focusing on projecting their base" norm laughed walking out of their lab in his human form "then that's what we hit next" I murmured stretching out my back as I walked to my tent placing down my bow at the door sighing sadly as I walked into my tent it was hard without him he would've been the best chèf for this type of thing, he's learn both the Omaticaya and Metkayina way of hunting
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Back At the Metkayina Village▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
"Ma neteyam" neytiri cried hugging her son as the village started to crowd around her gasping as they saw the fallen son of Toruk Makto "thank you ewya thank you" she chanted rocking her and her son back and forth "what's goi-" jake froze as he saw his eldest son so did their other children who trailed behind him "neteyam" he said covering his mouth as tears ran down his face "how".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎back to you▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
Staring down at the ongoing celebration, there was singing, dancing and laughter but I couldn't face it, not to night "you should be down there yn you're the one to lead this clan to victory" krykan one of our most talented warriors said as he emerged from the shadows "i don't feel like celebrating but you should go and have fun" i said tensing as he sat beside me i never really liked him, he was always lurking close to me and when I talk to the other hunters he always interrupts and no matter how much I give him a hint he still wants to mate with me "but I celebrate better with you around" he slurred as he winked at me, it took my entire being not to cringe "kryk-" "no I know what your going to say and you can't keep denying me yn I am thee most talented hunter in this clan and I have been trying to mate with you and you keep denying me so heres the deal if you don't have a mate within a month your mine" "and if I do get a mate" I asked angrily "then I'll fight them"he muttered getting up and walked off 'great now another thing to worry about'.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎time skip the day of the end of the deal▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I snuck off early for my patrol I'm gonna try my hardest to ignore krykan for the day his obsession with me has gotten worse now I was able to speak to the other hunters without him being a few feet behind me and his intense stare on whoever I'm speaking to "freedom" I say as I reached a safe enough distance from the village breathing in the fresh air as if it was something new I knew if i mated with krykan the clans downfall would begin, he doesn't even listen to my battle plans now it would just get worse after we mated with neteyam he did not only listen to my plans but gave me advice on certain things 'i wish you were here neteyam'.
Neteyam pov
I finally arrived at yns village glancing around amazed at what she's accomplished "neteyam" my gaze quickly moving over to Norman "I can't believe my eyes" he smiled as he came closer "yn is gonna be soo happy when she gets back" he laughed "yn you mean my mate Norman" I turned to the unfamiliar voice my eye twitching as he said 'my mate' "who the hell are you" I muttered straightening up "oh look so tough" he mocked "the names krykan best hunter of the clan and the future chief" he grinned sticking out his arms gesturing to the whole village "yn already has a mate she doesn't need a new one" I muttered and hissed he smirked as he got my reaction but a yns call got our attention my breathing hitching as she lands jumping off her ikran and froze as she saw me "neteyam" she murmured I was about to say something but a punch was landed on my lower draw sending me a few steps back "she's mine" krykan hissed as he went for me again but swiftly dodging and kicked him in the ribs making him fall to the ground I quickly punched him in the nose surly breaking it but also sending his head back against the ground hard making him scream in pain "next time don't go for someone else's mate dickhead" I spat before running to yn and wrapped my arms tightly around her as she cried into my chest "I thought I lost you I thought I lost you" she hiccuped as her hands gripped my shoulders "I'm here yn" I smiled sadly kissing her head as I turned to take her to her hut after asking norm for directions "wow" I murmured as I entered her hut, her crys finally settling, her hut was like the one she had at home except for a few extra things here and there "I'm gonna lay you down yn" I whispered into her ear and made my way over to her bed, she whined as I layed her down "don't leave me" I chuckled as she made grabby hands towards me "don't worry I'm never going to leave you again" I murmured as I layed down beside her.
Yn pov
I snuggled into his warmth and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me "I missed you so much" I whispered "I missed you to my mate" he said and lifted his hand to guide me to look at him "so so much" he murmured and leaned over and kissed me deeply "neteyam" I whined as he pulled away "what" he chuckled and climbed on top of me softly growling as he looked me up and down "oh fuck how I missed you" he muttered before smashing his lips to mine roughly and his hands began to grab and squeeze "mine" he growled against my lips "yours" I replied and moaned aloud as his knee rubbed up against my pussy "fuck I need you neteyam" I whined rocking my hips into his "I'm going to breed you" he muttered rubbing off mine and his clothes and not wasting any time and lubed up his cock with my juices "I'm gonna enjoy this" he groaned and pushed inside me causing me to arche my back "fuck" we both moaned, he started thrusting hard and fast as his hands playing with my boobs his eyes gazing down at me with hunger "I want you full with my seed" he panted his thrusts never changing pace "fuck" I mewled my fingers and toes curling as I cum "fuck that was fast" he groaned but spasmed as I clenched around him and his seed coating my walls "fuck neteyam" I moaned leaning my head back "oh baby I still got a few more rounds".
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 8 months
For the prompt requests...I'm thinking "I'm sorry, I had to" with Hound maybe 👀 or Cody as an alternative ❤️
hello roz my dear. thank you for this prompt!! I wanted desperately to write for Hound for this, but Cody came in and said "nope, this one's mine" so here we are. hope you enjoy!
First Kiss - Cody
Summary: You're injured. Cody can't risk losing you without telling you how he feels.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, angst, fluff, confessions
Word Count: 1k
dividers by: me, @saradika, and @dystopicjumpsuit in that order <3
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As a starship technician, you don’t often travel to the frontlines. You support your boys in yellow from the Negotiator, repairing the clones’ gunships, the Jedis’ hyperdrive rings, and other engineering tasks that sometimes fall through the cracks. While you’d technically been combat trained when you enlisted with the GAR, that had been ages ago. You’ve never had a need to brush up on your skills. In effect, the GAR viewed you as a civilian engineer, not as a soldier, and so didn’t feel the need to press your training. 
Maybe they should have. 
Because while you don’t go to the frontlines, today the frontline has come to you. 
Explosions rock the Negotiator. Tremors rumble up through the durasteel floor into your body, already panicked as it is, as you pelt full-tilt down a side corridor. Your blaster is clutched in sweaty palms. You need to reach the hangar bay. You’ve been working on some modifications to the gunships to make them quieter, stealthier, more efficient—if that data is destroyed or, even worse, stolen, several months of your work goes down the drain. You may even be fired if the Separatists use the data against the clone army.
But in reality, that’s not what you’re worried about. No, you’re worried about Cody. You know him; he’s out there at the front right now, leading his men by example. It’s part of the reason you fell for him in the first place. He cares for his men—and in the end, that depth of emotion may be his downfall. Kark, you should have told him how you feel. 
You sprint past dozens of troopers running in the opposite direction. As you near the hangar, one of the men stops you, yanking you to a halt. 
“Hangar’s compromised!” he shouts over the blaring klaxon. “Come with us! Commander’s orders!” 
That gives you pause. Meeting the helmeted gaze of the trooper with wide eyes, you flounder for a moment. Another explosion shakes the ship. You stumble, the trooper’s grasp the only thing keeping you upright.
“Where’s the Commander?” you shout. 
His hesitation tells you all you need to know. Pulling yourself out of the trooper’s grip, you continue on your mad dash to the hangar, its state of damage be damned. Thankfully, none of the rest of the men stop you, and at last, you reach the hangar entrance. 
The entire space is engulfed in an inferno. Heat snarls at you as the door opens, before the metal screeches to a halt halfway, jammed. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, you step over the threshold. 
You practically live in this hangar. You know exactly where your workstation is, how to get to it, where everything is within your toolbox. This is a space you could walk through in your sleep—yet as you squint against the sting of smoke and dodge flames that seem to leap at you, panic begins to build in your chest in earnest. Because Cody is somewhere in all this carnage, too. You can’t save both your work and your commander. 
You couldn’t live with yourself if you let him die. 
Your lungs scream for air. With a terrified whimper, you gulp in a deep lungful. Immediately you begin to cough, the smoke burning into your body. Turning in a circle, you attempt to squint through the smoke. The heat grows by the minute and becomes increasingly oppressive. Your knees feel weak. But still you stagger forward. Blind and lost, you cry with a cracked voice for Cody. 
You trip. Knees crack against the floor. Hacking, you peer through the smoke with watering eyes. Is that a person coming toward you? 
As your vision goes dark, the last thing you see is a pair of hands reaching for you and a familiar golden visor.
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When you wake, you’re in the medbay. You can tell before you even open your eyes, just based on the sterile scent of antiseptic tickling your nose, and the hushed, rhythmic beeping of several medical devices. 
Eyes fluttering open, you squint against the bright white light reflecting off equally bright white walls. It hurts to breathe, but as you take silent stock of your body, nothing seems dangerously injured. No casts, no splints. Just a few bandages over what you assume are burns.
“Cyare,” a familiar voice says, full of relief. 
You turn and meet Cody’s eyes. He looks like shit. Dark circles under his eyes, a long-dried bloody split in his lip, soot and ash coating his normally pristine armor. He sits next to you on a small stool, his elbows resting on his knees, one of his feet bouncing incessantly. But his worried expression melts into something calmer, softer as he takes in your conscious form.
He half-stands, brushing his fingers over your forehead gently, and then leans down. Though logically you know what’s about to happen it’s still a surprise when his lips meet yours in a soft, chaste kiss. You press your face up to his, meeting him, and you both hold there for a moment before he pulls away with a shuddering breath. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, hand sliding down to grasp yours, “I had to. You scared me.” 
“M’sorry,” you mumble, mind hazy with his kiss. Your tongue is thick and dry. Nearby, one of the medical devices jumps in its rhythm, the beeps coming faster. 
He lowers back onto the stool. “What were you thinking?” 
Grimacing, you drop your gaze. “It’s stupid.” 
“Tell me,” he says, voice soft and kind. 
“I was thinking about you,” you admit in a whisper. 
His amber eyes widen in surprise. “Cyare.” 
“Told you it’s dumb.”
Shaking his head, he huffs an incredulous chuckle. He inhales deeply, runs a hand through his dirty hair, and fixes you with a look so fond that your heart squeezes.
“I love you, you know,” he says. 
The medical device goes crazy now, matching the way your heart stutters in your chest. “I- I love you, too.” 
The smile he gives you makes all the pain, all the panic, worth it. 
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Liste de Ragu: @the-hexfiles @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @dreamie411 @bobaprint @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl if your name has a strikethrough, I can't tag you so check your settings! (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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mightymizora · 4 months
Okay, here we go then! Waterdeep magical zoning law anon again.
I had followed so many new blogs after bg3 came out and then unfollowed so many more over this hot take. I don't know if you read the article but Gale's writer said that Gale is annoying. And as some one who loves his character and deeply relates to his struggle with suicide, I 100% agree with his writer's take. Gale is annoying, he is more than a bit of a prick, especially at the beginning. He is pompous and elitist. But that is literally his character growth; to either becoming more humble and sensitive to others or lean hard into his worst nature.
When you first meet him, he asks if you are versed in magic. If you answer "I'm not, why do you ask?" He says "No matter to worry the unlettered over." A completely normal question to ask and he answers in the most condescending ways possible. He straight up calls you illiterate unprovoked.
When arriving in the Shadow Cursed Lands the first time. He begins tell you about shadow magic. A sorcerer can respond that they know shadow magic and they don't need him to explain it to them. He will laugh and express his relief and how he sometimes forgets that he is traveling amongst peers again. Very much an "I'm glad you aren't an uneducated peasant."
However, I feel like his super fans, (and fans of another paler white man in the party,) will do everything in their power to sand down any and all rough edges for a white male character. All I am hearing from them is Gale can go through character devolved but only if he was unproblematic to begin with. Which they try to make him into. Its him being a pretentious asshole at the beginning that makes his argument with Lorroakan, if you convince him not to pursue the crown, so much of a great character moment for him. Its his moment of self reflection to go "good gods, is that what I sounded like????" And that is super interesting to me about him.
Abused as he was, and yes I very much think he was, he is still someone who acts and sounds like he comes from privilege. The famed arch wizard Elminster Aumar became his mentor when he was eight. He went to one of the most prestigious schools in Faerun. He can be both in need of a sympathy and also of scorn.
I feel this leads into a wider problem with fandoms that you can only like a character that is pure and good in every way. If they are not, then you have to obfuscate or bend a character to make them too good for this world. Because heaven forbid if this character doesn't get the Good Boy Stamp™️ of approval then you too are also a horrible bad person for liking them. We can't just find interest and relatability in flawed characters. This is a courtesy only extended to white male characters by the way.
Gale has to be an annoying pretentious prick at the beginning to become the humble professor ready to teach young wizards about illusion at the end.
Also I think him using the orb to kill the Absolute at the end is beautiful and tragic. I plan to do that ending with a Durge who romances him and is unable to escape Bhaal. Making it a tragedy about how people Faerun; from Ketheric, to Dame Aylin, to the Dark Urge and Gale are unable to escape the god manipulation over mortals and the deep pain that causes.
Only slightly sorry for this book I just wrote.
Ooooh anon you’re bringing the spice into my inbox!
So as somebody who relates to Gale really really way too much… honestly I know I am annoying to people and I know I was also insufferable before I was humbled by life. And I think Gale had never felt humility before his downfall! I love his mix of wild pride and self deprecation a LOT, super relatable to me.
That Lorroakan point too! Really on it for me. I think it’s VERY easy for wizards with access to power and status to go off the deep end.
I do think that when you have a character like Gale who a lot of people are going to relate to there’s going to be a lot of big feelings about the sort of stuff inferred from that interview. But I also think you’re right that the journey he goes on is a transformative one and is thematically in line with others!
I also think the happy ending was a really late addition - I fully believe EA Gale only had the sacrifice and pursuing godhood (though I thought it might be through lichdom) endings. That like more of the others there was no easy ending, but then with the rewrite it made sense to have something a bit softer. I fully intended to do the sacrifice ending and then just. Got too emotional about the possibility of happiness for him and my tav!
Basically I like Gale’s flaws a LOT and I love the complexity in his story. And probably have even more controversial takes on his complexity as a person. I love that he’s elitist and a bit of a snob but is earnestly, desperately wanting to connect and be different. He’s very special to me. Oh Gale!
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 438 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God. It’s like every week, I get even more tired than the previous week. What has my life come to? I feel so dead inside.
Anyways, wooooo new chapter is here. Let’s goooooooo!!!
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“DiD yOu JuSt HiT a CoP ?” Yeah mf. Call it “injustice” or a “crime”, IDC. Daniel gon beat yo ass GTA style. 😤
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It’s ok Daniel, go get him!!!
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*h e a v y s i g h*
. . .
*stays in the bathroom for about 30 min*
I'M KIDDING... not really.
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BRUH EVEN DANIEL IS NAKED? AROUND GUN??? This is dangerous. 😭😭😭
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I def know what I want for Christmas this year... 👀
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Santa would definitely kill me in my sleep...
N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G !!!
(If you don't wanna see the inappropriate meme, just scroll past it.)
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God, my 😺 been quivering... What? I bet those of you who read Rendezvous would agree that you want him too. I'M LOOKING AT YOU!! READERS WHO'VE READ THOSE CHAPTERS ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT, SMH. 👁👁 Don't lie.
Man, this is giving me mad inspiration to write again. Who knew that some steamy shower panels would bring me back to continue writing for that story? How ironic. 😅
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DAAAAAAAAMMMNNNNN DANIEL, BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FANCY FIGHTING SPINS!!! Also, "I'm gonna get punished severely when I get back." 🧐 Is Gun gonna make you give him 🧠 or nah? Like what?
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Awwwww shit... Is this where I think this is going...? 😭
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Hey Alexa, play "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.
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OMG WAIT. HE DOESN'T LOOK THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHEN HE WENT CRAZY MODE IN HIS OTHER BODY!!! :O God, it's like the same demon possessed Daniel or something.
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Geez, I'm starting to feel bad for Jichang. Like, ok Daniel, I get it. Your fight with Jichang started because you're trying to find out more about Jinyoung and all that, but... y'all can't just... talk it out? 😅 "Civilized folks" style? No? Ok.
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Oh crap... that's not good. 😬
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SEE???? I CONCLUDED THIS LAST WEEK WITH MY OWN WORDS, BRUH. CALL ME A... G E N I U S. ✨ (Actually don't. I'm still a dumbass.)
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"Thanks. I almost died just now." 💀💀💀💀 Idk why I thought that line from Hudson was funny to me LMFAOOO. Just caught me off guard because I mostly see him being so serious all the time. Also, Jichang... don't underestimate Daniel lol. It'll be your downfall if you do.
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I stg. Almost every chapter, Daniel always gets even more attractive. 😍😍
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I always see people comment on how Daniel is turning more into Gun due to how he has improved in fighting as the story progresses. HOWEVER, I've never heard Daniel becoming James Lee before and I find that concept very interesting. I'm not sure if PTJ is leading Daniel towards that path of him becoming the new "James Lee", since he is a self-righteous character who seeks truth.
Even though I find this moment to be very cool, I worry that Daniel might create more enemies for himself and I hope he doesn't kill anyone then spiral into long-term guilt like James Lee.
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If any one mentions him in the shower, yk Imma be "showering" down there. 💦
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The correct answer is "Both".
They'd be amazing Calvin Klein models.
Anyways, BYE- 🏃🏽‍♀️
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coeluvr · 2 months
hi i’ve read chap 3 and sighs. stares at luceris,,, this is becoming a problem, i want his approval like i want my asian parent’s approval which bodes well with absolutely nobody. like he’s never actually going to care or have a deep bond with my mc but i just 😭😭😭 i feel so complicated abt him 😭😭😭 he’s genuinely the worst sometimes but i also?? desperately want him to be proud of my mc???? am i colourblind???why am i latching onto the worst possible option when the character with the blinding “potential father figure” sign is literally right there??? i don’t think i can genuinely pray on his downfall when i read how my mc and him banters in their own insane way 😭😭😭 i want to amuse him 😭😭 i love how we can literally call him old and he’ll just roll his eyes 😭😭 i love how he tries encouraging mc to find love and how it can lead to either an incredibly strange sincere moment, slight concern or just silly banter abt matchmaking. my mc is non-revenge bc i don’t have the heart to do revenge in any story ever (my heart yearns for the healing journey) but ill still make my mc slightly insane just for him, and then in my head they can heal a little and maybe be marginally less insane together even if my mc will never forget and forgive him for the murder thing(im delusional). maybe im projecting onto luceris and my mc which is severely worrying, i predict this becoming an Issue further into the story
anyways sorry that was rlly long. i have very complicated feelings about that man. as you can see i have a tendency to look at the absolute worst options available and go “can they be my parent pretty please” i’m desperate for approval from literally anyone, even insane fictional murderers it seems
I saw the last ask you sent in and was waiting for you to read chapter 3 because I felt it in my bones that you'd like their dynamic lmao 😭
Honestly, I don't think you're odd for seeing Luceris in an almost parental light because I feel that he has some moments that truly do give off parental energy, even more than Lancelot. Maybe it is more insane uncle energy, I don't know.
I think he might also feel more parental or mentor like for MCs that are angrier / on the revenge route because it's like they're almost the same, you know? It's as if MC looked at him and said "I wanna be you" 😭💀
I do have to say it's probably an unhealthy dynamic though 😭 as are basically all of the dynamics with him...
I love long asks like this one so don't worry! I'm happy you're enjoying it (?) despite all of the complicated feelings it brings. And welcome to this little group of ours here! 💗
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bengiyo · 9 months
Laws of Attraction Ep 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we met the best character in the entire show: Nawin. He is gay, unhinged, violent, and so sexy he doesn't wear shirts or underwear in pink suits. He is Chan's ex, and sheltered Chan and Tin. Meanwhile, Thantai is stupid and is posting boyfriend vids on IG while on the run. We also learned that his mom died giving birth to him. Nawin's house in an architectural nightmare. Tin broke the bed after being left there handcuffed by Chan so he can try to blackmail Thatthep. Let's finish this.
Rose is getting ready for whatever they have planned while Maya streams nearby. This has me thinking about criminals who get caught because of their wives' YouTube channels.
Nawin was mooning over Chan until Tin reminded him that he was dumped and now they're in a boxing ring. Amazing.
Nawin, you were the best character. Thank you for your brief time with us.
Okay, the Tin-Thee team up was fun.
They are live streaming this meeting on Maya's channel. Incredible. Perfect show.
Thatthep pulled out that smartphone flashlight so fast.
Chan, are you really worried about Nawin hitting Tin right now?
Now I know I did not spend seven weeks with this show to watch a gay bleed out in his lover's arms.
Oh good. Armed lesbians are here.
Chan is the only smart person in an action drama ever. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, even though he still took a shot to the arm.
Thantai escaping the plane because he was so annoying is exactly on brand. You were so right @ginnymoonbeam.
Love that Chan did all this to guarantee Thatthep's downfall.
Of course Chan is an annoying patient.
Galaxia is back and she's still teasing Tin!
With the genre constraints around sex, I like that the show continues to tease that the couples of this show are having a great time with each other.
Okay, I'm a bougie TV person. If you are seeing me, please don't ever leave a sticky note on any of my TVs.
I'm glad that this show is going for marriage equality as well. A lot of folks who will never watch other BL are probably going to watch this. It's a big deal.
Chan is so gay. I love him.
Yes, I have also watched lesbians tackle gays when they announced their wedding date.
I love Nawin. "If you hurt him I'll hurt you! Wait! Yes! Hurt him so he and I can get back together!" Best character ever.
This show is great. Thatthep threatens Chan one more time and the next scene is him being murdered in prison, the news report downplaying it, and then a smash cut to the wedding photos.
Man, I still don't feel for Thantai much.
I'm missing my grandmothers again.
Of course Chan's chest is out at this wedding.
Nawin is so upset about their wedding that he had to put a shirt on.
Oh lord we got another biter.
I do love Silvy's voice.
Okay, I cried at seeing Tonkhao's dolls getting their own seat. I'm so glad this show never forgot about her or used her death as a joke.
Jam and Film, and all of their friends, had so much fun making this.
Maya and Rose got married, too!!!
Chan wasn't disbarred, and is back to being dramatic for cameras!
Look at Tin having reasonable expectations of Chan.
Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. This was so much fun. I thoroughly enjoyed One31 making another lakorn. With Jam and Film as romantic leads. Every week I got to cackle at the unhinged gay antics of this show and got to enjoy some great performances along the way. Go into this with the right genre expectations and you'll have a blast.
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romanestuffsposts · 10 months
Can you possibly do one where the little one is scared that they'll turn out like their father. My dad is always so angry and screems alot and I feel like lately I'm becoming him. But only of you feel comfortable writing it, your blogs really helps me getting through hard days ❤
Hi there love! 💜
I'm so sorry you feel that way. I know I don't know you but I personnally think that when you spend a lots of time with someone you can start to have some mimics alike but it doesn't mean you're getting like this person.
As i understand with your words he yells and screams a lot around you and it's a lot to handle and maybe you keep everything for yourself and you feel like you have to throw everything out but don't know how because nobody ever told you how to handle your feelings.
For me, knowing that I don't know you, I feel like you have a lots in you and you don't know how to express your feelings and how to tell the world you need help. Sometime it go out through tears, through stress, through anger and there's so many other ways.
Please do not worry about getting like him. I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about but if you need to talk or if you have questions or if you just need to express your feelings, my dm are always open for you, love
Please take care of you sweetie, it's really important. Remember to spend time with yourself and spend time for yourself. It's the most important, reconnecting you with yourself is the most important step.
I love you, sweetie!
I hope the request is written like you wanted
Enjoy <33
Warnings : angst, little reader screams, fear, past trauma, comfort, cries, reassurance, yells
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : The only thing you'll become is yourself
You were so hapoy to finally have your friend over so you could play with her. You had waited for this moment the whole week end now it's finally happening!
Everything were going perfectly well. Her parents were downstairs, talking with your Daddies and you were in your playroom, playing with your dolls. You gave her one of yours so she could play with you.
Her parents told her that they would go back hme soon because it's already the late afternoon so you're enjoying as much as you can your last moment together.
But everything went downfall when she accidentally dislocated your doll's arm. She quickly apologises but your gasps swallowed all her words.
"Whas did zou do!!?" you yell as you stand up. She looks up at you with tears in her eyes and tries to apologise again but you snap the doll off of her hands and throw her across the room "you boke 'm doll!"
You keep yelling and yelling without caring of what she's feeling or if she did it on purpose or not. Each time she tries to apologise to you but you don't listen, you just yell.
She quickly starts to cry and it immediately scare you. What did you do ?
At the same time, her parents entered the room to tell her it was time to go home but they didn't expected to see her crying. They thought it was because she had to leave and didn't wanted to so they didn't really asked what happened. Her mom took her in her arms, kissed your cheek and then walk back downstairs.
You absently follow her and watch your Daddies leading them toward the front door. When you saw your friend hidding in her mom's neck when she asked her to tell you goodbye, it make you want to cry.
Your Papa closes the door once they're out of the house and your Daddy kneels in front of you "did you had fun with your friend today, baby ?" he asks rubbing your arms up and down.
You just stare at the door, frozen in your spot. Your Daddy frowns and touch your skin "babydoll ?"
Your Papa wakls to you and stand behind your Daddy "you okay, sweetie ?"
You shake your head and your lips start to tremble as your tears filled your eyes. "what happened, princess ?" your Papa kneels beside your Daddy and takes a grip of your hand in his. He gently strokes your hand with his thumb.
You break down and your Daddy is quick to wrap his arms around you before you fall on the ground. You shake with the sobs who fight to leave your throat as you try to breath at the same times.
"hey hey hey, what's wrong, little one ?" Your Daddy lifts you up in his arms and you immediately melt in his arms. "why don't we go on the couch to talk ?" your Papa proposes.
You cry too violently to answer so they decide to go on the couch. Your Daddy rests your back aganst his chest and spread your legs on the soft couch. Your Papa rests your legs on his laps as he scoop closer to you
Your Daddy gently swings you as he and your Papa whispers sweet words in your ears to calm you down. They reassure you, told you it was okay to cry and that it'll make you feel better afterward. They told you to not getting anxious about taking your time to cry and to talk when you're ready, not before.
The cries and sobs really exhausted you so you're soon quiet, with just silent sobs leaving your throat. Your Daddy kisses your temple "do you feel a little bit better ?" he asks in his sweet and comforting voice.
You sniff and nod you heard, they were right. You do feel better now that you cried.
"do want to talk about what happened, sweetie ?" your Papa asks, his fingers removing some of your hair who were glued to your face because of the tears. You nod your head.
They patiently wait for you to take your breath back before talking. You explained what happened, that you yelled and couldn't stop yelling at your friend because she broke your doll's arm. You told them how it scared you really bad when you saw her tears and when she scoops away from you, as if you were scaring her.
"babydoll" your Daddy sighs "it happens, you were upset and scared for your doll so you react in the moment. It's okay, she'll forgive you don't worry"
You shake your head and close your eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling again "i scared" you sob and start to squirm in your Daddy's arms.
"Scared ?" your Papa frowns "scared of what ?"
You look up at him, a scared expression in your eyes as they're wet from the tears "I scared of bein like him" you quietly say with your croaky voice from the sobs in your throat.
"ohh, princess" your Papa scoops closer again and wraps his arms around you as your Daddy does the same "you can't become like him, you never will and you know why ?" he asks and feels you shaking your head
"because you're the opposite of him. You're kind and extremely smart, you always do whatever you can to help others and you always, always show your love to the one who deserve it. You're the heart of the kindness, you're the sun who light up our days when they're bad, you are yourself. Nobody can take that away from you" he kisses the top of your head
"it happens to be angry or sad or upset. It happens to want to scream and throw things in the aire, it happens to want to cry for hours until our head hurts. It happens to have good moments and laughing your ass off until you pee on yourself" your Daddy adds "it's not because you feel the need to scream at someone or at nothing that you become like him"
"he screamed, and yelled for nothing all the time, he scared you many times when you lived with him but you survived this. You're here, you're happy and sometimes you're not but that's okay. You'll always have in a corner of your mind what happened in that house but you're stronger than those memories"
"you're stronger than him. He can't get in your head anymore, the only one who's in there," your Papa points at your forehead "is you. Don't let the past get to you, it's over. Your present is more important, focus on it every time you feel too overwhelmed"
You sniff and nod your head, more tears falling from your eyes. Your Daddies hold you tight, whispering that it's okay and that they're here to protect you against your memories, just like you protect Daddy from his
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kauzebridgerton · 4 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 3: Sakamaki Mansion.
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I stayed at Mr Karlheinz's mansion for two days, he gave me a pair of clothes, but they were a little big on me, and they smelled old, but at least I had something different to wear, and that made me happy! But... They weren't that pretty.
— Mr. Karlheinz, whose old man's clothes are these?
— They belonged to one of my sons, I believe that over time they will fit you completely. As you are in the development phase, I believe you should eat like a normal child until you gain more weight.
— Oh, is that why they're big on me?
— Exactly, but don't worry, I ordered my servants to provide you with new clothes.
—Oh! Oh! So.. I want something without it being yellow! I hate yellow!
— Huh, how curious, coming from someone who has hair that color.
—Exactly, this is my downfall, how can someone who has yellow hair wear yellow clothes? That would be so cheesy! Yuck!
— I understand, don't worry, I will pass this information on to them. — He put his hand on my back and started to lead me towards the exit. — Well, now I will take you to my children's mansion.
I nodded, but at the same time I was a little sad, since I didn't want to leave there, living with Mr. Karlheinz was really cool, he told me some things about the vampire universe, and he also told me about my parents
He had told me that he was a friend of my parents, and he told me that if it happened to them, he would take care of me, and that's exactly what happened, I think I'm very lucky that Mr. Karlheinz found me and I think my parents would be happy for him to be with me.
— Huh... I didn't want to go... — I said a little fearfully, as I sat in the limousine next to him. — What if they don't like me?
— They don't need to like you, just keep you alive and respect them, affection should come last, you hear?
I raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but then shrugged, if they don't like me, maybe I'll make other friends along the way.
— Huh, okay... But I like you!
— I am happy with that.
Well, this wasn't what I expected, but I guess Mr. Karlheinz is just a grumpy adult who doesn't talk about his feelings, so I made him a heart with my hands, and then I turned away from him and started looking to the window. I stayed like that for a while at the window, but soon fell asleep.
— Hey, Kauze. — I felt someone moving me, I opened my eyes, it was Mr. Karlheinz.
— Huuhh... — I ran my hand under my eyes and then stood up, picking up my Batman magazine. — Please don't leave me... I swear I won't bother you...
I said trying to convince him to stay with me, I didn't want to stay in the house of people I don't know, but as soon as I saw Mr. Karlheinz's irritated look, I immediately shut up and followed him to the entrance and then the door opened and we went to the entrance hall, there was a man with black hair and glasses, he smelled of tea and looked like he had drunk a very sour lemonade because of his angry face.
— So, this is the boy? — he looked at me, I quickly hid behind Mr. Karlheinz. — ... Apparently I'll have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'll do what you asked me to do, father.
— I know you will. — Mr. Karlheinz pulled me from behind him. — I'm leaving, remember what I asked you. I hope you behave, Kauze. And I want the boy alive, make that clear to your brothers.
And then Mr. Karlheinz disappeared, just like he did that day he found me, only this time he didn't take me with him, which made me very sad, but I didn't want to cry in front of this scary man.
— Hah... — I sighed sadly, but then looked at the man in front of me.
— You must be Kauze, right? Come with me. — He quickly started walking and I followed him. — We have rules in this house, so I hope you don't behave like a brat, otherwise I will punish you.
—...! — I looked at him scared, but then I shook my head. - I'll behave! I promise!
— Excellent.
He then opened the door to a room, it was quite large, but it looked like an adult's room, similar to the one I stayed in at Mr. Karlheinz's mansion, the difference was that the walls were in a lighter shade of blue.
— Yaaaay, there's no yellow! — I celebrated. - What is your name?
— Reiji Sakamaki. — He answered me. — I'm glad I don't need to tell you obvious things and you already understand what your room will be like, I want you to keep it organized. I'll take a look at it.
— Well, I don't have much to let him mess around with... — I shrugged and left a small suitcase next to the bed, inside it were my old clothes and my Batman magazine. — Hey, Reiji, are you the oldest?
— No, I'm the second son. The oldest is Shu, but he's a good-for-nothing, so he's not surprised that I have to do his job.
I raised my eyebrows and looked to the side, apparently they didn't get along at all, but I think it's better to stay out of it, as I wouldn't want to be in the middle of a fight between two adults.
—Hah, has the brat arrived yet?
Another man's voice appeared, and he had red hair and wore his clothes the wrong way, I quickly crossed my arms and pouted at him, who does this fool think he is?
—... — I looked at him sullenly.
— Frankly Ayato, you surpass yourself every day in terms of lack of education, but since you're here, I'll get on with my work. — Reiji looked at me. — This is Kauze, the boy Karlheinz mentioned.
— Heh, look at his clothes. — I felt him mocking me. — Hey, brat! I'm talking with you!
— Mr. Karlheinz told me that those clothes belonged to one of you, it's not my fault if you wore old people's clothes...
— Hah?! Wait! These clothes are Kanato's! — The silly redhead pointed at me. — You look ridiculous.
— I know! Do you think I like wearing this...?! I want more comfortable clothes.... Mr. Karlheinz said he would provide more clothes for me, but I'm afraid they'll be ugly too... — I lowered my head, already expecting my defeat.
—Heh, I was also trying to guess who they were. — Reiji looked at me too. — Still, they're pretty loose with you. You are certainly underweight. You should be grateful for these clothes, for a street kid you are demanding too much.
— I'm sorry, Reiji... — I said embarrassed, hugging my body so they wouldn't notice how thin I am. — Mr. Karlheinz told me I would gain weight if I ate enough food.
— Yes, that's obvious.
— Reiji, I'm not going to take care of this brat, you can get me out of this.
— Hey...! I know how to take care of myself very well, I just need help with adult things... — I said embarrassed.
Ayato was really annoying, why was he being so mean to me? I had just arrived! I didn't do anything that could make him mad at me, I moved a little away from him and approached Reiji, who didn't seem very nice either, but at least he wasn't talking bad about me.
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‘Brighter Than The Stars’
‘Brighter Than The Stars’ (Impostor!Albedo x afab!Reader NSFW)
Word count- 3245
A/N- I’m going through writer’s block right now so here, have some shameless smut. Also, first time writing NSFW. Feedback welcomed.
Warnings- dom!afab!Reader, dacryphilia, NSFW content
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"You're late," were the words you were greeted with the moment you stepped foot through the entrance of the cave on Dragonspine. You couldn't suppress the smile tugging at your half-frozen lips at the blond's antics. 
"Missed me that much? It's only been a week."
Subject Two, or Rubedo- as you have taken to calling him for the past couple months, rolled his eyes, his expression softening as his lips parted to let out a sigh. He's tense, you noted, taking a seat next to him on the log in front of the fire. Like Albedo, Rubedo didn't require warmth to survive in the cold. But he knew you did.
"Not going to argue with me?"
All you got in response was a huff, not even bothering to meet your gaze as he crossed his arms near his chest, his figure illuminated only by the orange glow of the flame. You were already well too used to his moods, having dealt with them frequently enough during your time together in the last two months. 
"I'm sorry", you sighed. "I've been so caught up with new commissions and then Lisa asked me to help reorganize the books in the library, and I just couldn't find the right time to visit." 
The silence stretched between the two of you, almost as cold as the winds howling outside and twice as unbearable. You opened your mouth and then shut it, finding yourself at a loss for words. 
You knew he was being difficult on purpose, yet the blame fully belonged to you this time. 
It was almost like in the beginning, when you found him up on the mountain a little while after the attack, wandering around, claiming he was looking for materials for future experiments. You knew from the first moment you laid eyes upon him that he was not the real Chief Alchemist, yet refrained from mentioning it, curious as to how long he would keep the ruse up. 
The day went by quickly, filled with animated chatter and scouring the side of the mountain for any useful resource. It was impossible to not notice the differences between the two homunculi. It was mostly prevalent in the way they talked. For the most part, their vocabularies were the same- overly fancy and filled to the brim with alchemical terms that you found utterly incomprehensible. But one who was familiar in the slightest with Albedo's behavior would notice right away the uncharacteristic spark of excitement and curiosity that the impostor's voice carried.
The moment the sky darkened and night fell, you found yourself being stirred towards another part of the mountain, the fake claiming that there had been some problems with the former camp, thus having to relocate to a different area. 
You were sitting on the same log back then, staring at the same fire when you turned to him and said the words that would lead you here in a few months- trying to pacify an upset Rubedo because you haven't visited him in a week.
'I know who you are.'
What happened after was a blur. Yelling, panicking-mostly on his part- until your arms wrapped around him, pulling his body flush against your own. The sword in his hand clattered to the ground, arms hesitantly wrapping around you. 
'It's alright. I won't hurt you, I promise.'
That was the beginning of something that would later become your downfall. How could it not when you've become so hopelessly smitten with the man? The long talks the two of you shared, late at night while stargazing on the edge of a cliff or the way he listened to your stories, ever so eager to learn more, all while making funny comments that would make you crack up with laughter.
You visited him with every chance you got after that. Until you didn't. One week of not seeing you proved itself enough to drive Rubedo up the wall with worry. When had he become so dependent on you? he would find himself wondering. Worry morphed into anger, viciously sinking its claws into his synthetic heart, sending him spiraling. There were times when he almost hated you, sitting on your favorite cliff, watching the stars that seemed less shiny now that you were no longer there.
But here you were now, and Rubedo wanted to give you a dose of how he's been feeling since you've been gone. But his resolve paled when compared to the urge to be close to you, hear your soft voice murmuring apologies in his ear while you hold him. 
You had no damn right to make him fall in love with you only to disappear whenever you wished!
"I've missed you," you whispered, laying a tentative hand on his. It was cold, he noticed. Archons, you were shivering so bad! You must be frozen from the climb, and here he was- being a jerk because he thought you abandoned him. Rubedo chided himself for not noticing it earlier, too caught up in his own thoughts. Now you were here and that was all that mattered to him. 
"You're freezing. Come here." You let out a soft gasp as he took hold of your hand, pulling your body to straddle his lap and wrapping his arms around you. Rubedo wasn't necessarily warm- in fact he was quite cold himself, but you'd be lying if you said that being this close to him wasn't enough to make you overheat.
Your hand was mindlessly playing with his hair, making it hard for the poor experiment to keep it together.
"I've missed you too," he finally said, his face buried in the crook of your neck. It wasn't unusual for the two of you to be so close to each other. This time it felt different though. The atmosphere was somehow heavier- charged, and if you hadn't known better, you would have assumed you were accidentally using your Electro. "I thought you would never come back."
You pulled away a bit, making the male have to move away. His eyes still refused to meet yours.
"I would never abandon you, Ruby."
Rubedo only let out a low hum in response, not bothering to lift his head. Your hand gently cupped his chin, lifting it enough for his eyes to lock onto yours. Glistening tears were streaming down his cheeks. Oh, Ruby…
You wiped the tears, more threatening to spill no matter how hard Rubedo tried to urge them away. Your hand returned to cupping his chin, thumb idly caressing his cheek. Your faces were inches apart, and by the looks of it, Rubedo seemed to have noticed as well. The spark in your eyes threatened to set his heart ablaze. But how comforting he found it to burn, if only to feel your warmth. His eyes dropped down to your lips and he swallowed thickly.
The next moment, your lips were on his. He was frozen in place at first, never having expected something so straightforward, and his inexperience was obvious. It was quite endearing how sloppy he was, letting you lead so easily and being content with mimicking your actions. You could feel him smiling as well. The sensation was intoxicating, leaving you craving for more- more of this, more of him. 
The kiss grew deeper, and when your tongue grazed his bottom lip, Rubedo could swear he felt his brain short-circuit. The two of you parted in need of air, only to dive in again. Your lips tasted like Sunsettias, making his mind cloud. He could get addicted to this, Rubedo thought to himself. His hands enveloped you, pulling you flush against him. Your hand found purchase on his hip while the other raked through his hair. 
It took all in him for Rubedo to contain the moans threatening to spill out with every passing second. But all his effort came crashing down when your hand tugged on his blonde locks, making him let out what was probably the most sinful noise one could imagine. He was done for, Rubedo concluded. You were going to be the death of him. But what did it matter right now, when you were so impossibly close, radiating desire like a fire that he was eager to be consumed by.
Your lips separated again, but when you went back to kissing, it wasn't his lips, but his neck that you planted soft pecks on. Yep… he was positively doomed!
"You have no idea for how long I've wanted to do this, Ruby." He would normally blush at the nickname if you weren't currently giving Rubedo other more pressing reasons to blush. Like your weight on top of his lap, pressing down on something that knocked the breath out of him.
You were getting bolder and bolder, encouraged by his soft moans and groans, now sucking and biting the soft porcelain-white skin.
"I-I've… mhm… wanted to do t-this with y- Ah!"
Your lips locked on the spot Albedo's golden mark was, sucking and kissing as if there was no tomorrow.
His hand clamped over his mouth to muffle the obscene sound threatening to escape, and before you could even process it, his hands were wrapped in the fabric of your clothes, clinging to you like his life depended on it.
"This is… ah! It's t-too much… P-please," he begged, words jumbled and barely coherent. 
You liked it when he begged. He looked so cute with his face bright red and his eyes scrunched shut. You decided to have mercy on the poor male. Your lips pulled away from his neck, but not before planting a small kiss on the mark you left.
"Ruby, do you… want to continue?" 
The blond gave a nod in return, still struggling to catch his breath. Not enough. 
Your finger lifted his chin, bringing his face closer to yours. For a moment he thought you were going to kiss him. Excitement bubbled inside of him and he closed his eyes, eager to feel your mouth on his again.
"Be a good boy and use your words, will you?"
Rubedo's breath hitched. His eyes fluttered open, ice-blue pools clouded with desire. He struggled to get his breathing under control enough to answer you.
"Yes. I… fuck! I-I want you, please!"
You smiled before sitting up. He whimpered, already missing the closeness and the warmth of your body. Your hand entwined with Rubedo's, gently steering him towards the makeshift bed in the corner of the cave. The man followed your every movement, as if in a trance, only letting out a strangled gasp when his back pressed to the rough fabric he used as bed sheets. The next moment you were on top, pulling him into a heated kiss while your hand snaked under his shirt, drawing out sweet little moans against your lips and leaving the blond beneath you a mess. 
You pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the both of you. The view was making his stomach coil. He's read about it before, reproduction- something that humans did to propagate their species, and something that a synthetic being like him was incapable of. But they did it for other reasons too- to show love, trust, and some even for fun. And now Rubedo was doing this with you. To know that you felt the same as him. It filled him with joy. Joy that he would get to experience something so entirely human as being loved.
The coat came off quickly and so did the belt. You slowly unbuttoned his shirt and he helped you slide it down, leaving him half exposed. It was fine if you were the one seeing him like this. You trailed kisses all over his smooth pale skin, from his hips to his chest, before your lips firmly locked around his nipple. Your hand took care of the other one, gingerly twirling and pinching it between your fingers. The cave was soon filled with broken moans and loud pants.
"Ahhh! F-fuck… It feels… mhm! It feels g-good," he blurted between shallow breaths. You pressed on, watching him come undone under your ministrations, only to pull away with a loud pop. Breathy protests that spilled out of Rubedo's mouth were quick to be hushed.
"Where would be the fun in ending it so quickly?" 
Oh, you devious little… Rubedo bit on his hand to hold back a groan as your hand trailed down where he needed you the most. He was painfully hard. That much was obvious. His pants were quick to come off, strewn across the floor in some corner of the room. Lithe fingers brushed up the cold skin of his thigh, sending shivers up his spine before hooking around the band of his already-stained underwear to pull it down in one fluid motion eased by Rubedo raising his hips.
His cock sprang out eagerly- the tip an angry shade of red and leaking with pre-cum. You took it in your hand, running a finger across the tip and smearing the juices across it before giving it a tentative pump, making the poor experiment under you writhe in ecstasy. 
This must be what ascending felt like… Gods, you got him higher than Celestia!
Every touch made him feel like his body finally belonged to him, like he wasn't a mere prototype, a copy of another. You were here, with him, not with that alchemist.
"Hah! Oh! Archons… f-fuck!"
Rubedo's eyes were scrunched shut, tears already forming in the corners.
"You're doing so good, pretty," you cooed softly. 
He could feel his arousal twist into a knot that was getting closer and closer to bursting with every move of your hand on his cock.
"I'm… mhm … getting close!" 
His mewls grew louder, thighs shaking as the knot inside of him finally burst, leaving the man crying out in pleasure, thick white ropes shooting all over his lower stomach. Your movements slowed down, helping him ride out his orgasm.
It was addicting- the mixture of love and lust swarming his brain, sending heat pooling down to his still-hard member.
"More, please," Rubedo pleaded, having barely come down from his high. Who were you to deny?
"You don't need to beg for anything, love." You kissed his cheek, stripping out of your clothes with ease. Rubedo swore he had never seen anything as beautiful.
You climbed on top of him. You'd normally take your time to properly stretch yourself out beforehand, but your patience was slipping between your fingers with the way Ruby looked at you. And you were already so wet… You slowly eased yourself on top of him, your groans mixing together as you took your time to accommodate to the way his cock was forcing your velvety walls apart. 
"You're so tight! And warm!" His words were knocked out of him when he finally bottomed out inside of you. The fit was tight, but nothing uncomfortable.
"I can," you let out a low groan. "I can feel you twitching inside of me. Relax, love. Let me take the lead."
You lifted on him enough to almost completely pull out, only to slam back down. 
"Uh, yes! Yes, please! Hah!"
You built a slow but steady rhythm, driving the blond crazy with every roll of your hips. He was mesmerized, eyes watching intently on how you fucked yourself with his cock.
You resumed your work on his neglected nipples, sucking and biting. Every nerve in his body was on fire.
Tears were already spilling down his cheeks. His arms were tangled in the bed sheets, clinging to them like a lifeline. He could feel the same tension slowly gathering in the pit of his stomach. Your name was rolling out of his lips, a sinful litany spoken in dragged-out syllables, between sounds of pleasure and hissed curses. 
"Fuck! I love you! I love you," Rubedo repeated on and on, like a broken record, glimmering droplets staining his cheeks.
You lifted your mouth to reciprocate his declaration, to whisper soft praises and sweet nothings against his chest, while your pace increased.
"You're doing so well. So pretty, stretching me so good. Can you feel it, Ruby?" 
You brushed away a strand of hair matted to his forehead, beads of sweat trickling down both your bodies.
His hand found yours, gripping it loose enough to not hurt. He was so close, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't.
"Please kiss me!" he blurted out between moans, mind too hazy to think of anything else. His eyes were half-lidded and he looked ready to burst out in tears again. Huh, you would have never guessed Rubedo was a crier during sex. The thought got a smile out of you "Kiss me until I can't breathe. Bruise my lips until they hurt-"
His next words were muffled when you pulled him in, your lips crashing down on his. If there was a word he could use to describe the kiss, it would be the word fervent. The sweetness of you mixed in with the salty taste of tears, tipping the boy over the edge.
"I'm going to-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence before the wave of pleasure hit him, making him release inside of you. The feeling was enough to bring you to climax as well, moaning against his mouth before pulling away.
Your movement didn't relent though, determined to give the poor experiment a memorable first time.
"It's t-too… ah! Too much!" he mewled, thighs still shaking from the orgasm he's just had. 
"Do you want me to stop, Ruby?" 
Your hand tangled in his hair, while his found purchase on your hips, guiding your movement as you rode him. The squelching sounds your bodies made were resounding through the cave.
"I've been dreaming of this for so long," he said between breaths.
"Of fucking me, Ruby?"
You were getting close, and from his gasps, you deduced he was too.
"Mhm… Not just- oh- fucking. Of getting to kiss you, feel you… fuck! Feel you c-close." 
"I doubt there's any closer than this," you laughed. "I'm gonna come, sweetheart."
"Then come for me, pretty." With a final roll of your hips, you were swimming in bliss. The male followed shortly after, moaning your name before his cock squirted his release into your throbbing hole, leaving him seeing stars as his vision blurred for a second.
You fell on top of him, weary from the effort. Rubedo wrapped you in his arms, nuzzling his face into your hair while struggling to catch his breath. His dainty fingers traced small circles on your back.
You had to tell him.
"I'll have to leave for Sumeru soon." 
His body froze, the beat of his heart accelerating as panic took hold of him. 
"No! You, you can't! I-"
"I want you to come with me." 
He was silent for a second secretly thanking the Archons that you weren't suggesting separating, just when he finally had you. He would not be able to face that.
"You know I'd follow you to the end of Teyvat. Hell! Even further than that if you asked me. But I'm no adventurer. I wouldn't be capable of assisting you with your quests."
You planted a soft kiss on his head. 
"I don't want you there as an assistant."
"Then w-"
"I want you there as my lover."
Rubedo hummed, seemingly mulling over your proposal. He smiled.
"Very well. I'd like to come with you. I'd like to… be your lover." 
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