#i've been playing WAY TOO SAFE and taking so long and getting hit so many times
prismit · 11 months
i love thinking i'm good at a game, and then watching someone else play it and realizing "oh my god i'm an idiot"
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 14
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang, explicit boyxboy, oral (male and fem! receiving), fingering (fem! receiving), the word "rapist" is used once as a joke by Stu way before any smut begins, p in v, safe sex, foul language, voyeurism (?)
Part 1
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The car purred as they drove down the highway. You were cuddled up in the back with Stu as Billy drove home. "Do you love me?" The question was so random Billy almost thought he was hearing things. "Huh?" Stu patted your hair as he looked out the window. "It's fine if you don't, I just wanted to know." It wasn't fine if he didn't. Stu knew he loved Billy unconditionally. It was almost obsessive the way he adored that boy. As Stu looked at your sleeping form he started to think about how he felt like he loved you. It wasn't the same sort of love he had for Billy. No, he hadn't known you long enough to feel that way. Stu would kill for you but that didn't mean much coming from him. He knew if a car was coming towards you he'd push you out of the way even if it meant killing him. Was that love or just being suicidal?
Billy looked at his friend in the mirror seeing his gaze focused outside. "Why would you ask that?" Billy wasn't mad or upset by the question just startled. He didn't do feelings. Sure, he had them but he wishes he didn't. They tend to overcomplicate things.
"I don't see how this relationship is going to work out if you don't love me. I've seen the way you look at her. Tonight when we were playing games at the arcade you stared at her like she was the only person on earth. You don't look at me like that. I-I just need to know if it's because I'm not new or you don't love me."
His words were strange to Billy. Never in their expansive time of knowing each other did they have heart to hearts. Billy was raised not to cry and not to reach out. Being upset meant you were acting like a child. "To be honest I don't know." Billy tried to pick his words carefully not because he was trying to manipulate but rather because he was trying to tell the truth. After so many lies he found it hard to understand what the truth was. "You don't know?" Stu couldn't grasp how someone couldn't know if they were in love or not.
"I don't know. I thought I loved Sydney but maybe I did get bored. You know that scares the shit out of me. Getting tired of you and Y/n? What if I wake up one day and the smell of her cooking disgusts me? What- what if I can't stand the sound of your voice anymore? I don't want to lose this. I had the best time of my fucking life tonight but oh it might not matter down the road because I got too comfortable." Billy's hand hit the steering wheel in anger. The more Billy talked the more he pissed himself off. Stu tilted his head like a dog processing everything he just learned. "You love us." Stu said a smile playing at his lips. Billy's face contorted in confusion. He just hit the steering wheel in anger but Stu was in the back seat blushing.
"How do you know?" Billy turned the corner focusing back on the road. "If you're worried about losing us then obviously you love us at least a little bit." Billy doubted it was that simple. Nothing ever was. Stu was always an optimistic person. He thought everything would work out eventually. That's not how life worked. "If you say so." The car pulled into the driveway and then the garage. "She's still asleep should I wake her up?" Billy shook his head. "No she's been taking care of our asses all week she needs the rest. Just pack her upstairs and put her to bed." Stu gently pulled you out of the car carrying you like a bride into the house.
Carefully he made it up the steps watching so he wouldn't accidentally hit your head. He nudged your bedroom door open with his boot trying not to make too much noise. Stu laid you in bed as comfortably as he could. You looked so peaceful to him. He pulled the covers up over you making sure to tuck you in. Stu pressed a kiss to your forehead before he left the room shutting the door behind him.
"She still asleep?" Billy asked as he folded up the basket of laundry you left out. "I thought she was dead for a second." The joke went over Billy's head causing concern. "I'm kidding she's fine. She drools in her sleep." Stu said making Billy laugh. "Did you have fun tonight?" The dark-haired boy was trying to make this work. Stu sat on the couch leaving Billy to fold up clothes. "I had a wonderful time especially since I absolutely demolished your ass in Mortal Kombat." Billy just rolled his eyes telling himself he let his partner win. "You looked good tonight." Stu glanced up in shock. He wasn't the complimenting type and he sure as hell never complimented Stu.
Billy kept his eyes on the clothes not wanting to make eye contact with Stu. This was what actual couples did right? "Thank you." The room was silent. Stu thought of his words before he said them. "You looked handsome tonight too." Handsome. The word made something turn inside Billy. For a second it felt like he couldn't breathe. Maybe he was going to vomit? "Thanks." Was all Billy could come with. It was unbearably awkward but Stu couldn't help but smile. "Do you need help folding? I can't do shirts but I can do pants."
You woke up in a hot sweat. It felt like you had died. If someone asked what year it was you couldn't tell them. The last thing you remember was eating food at a restaurant with Billy and Stu. "Damnit." You rubbed your eyes trying to see in the dark room. The clock said it was 11 o'clock but it felt like you'd been asleep for days. You threw on an unflattering nightgown before you headed downstairs. The boys laughed while watching some loud TV show.
"She's alive!" Stu exclaimed like he was Dr. Frankenstein. "How'd you sleep?" Billy asked looking at your disheveled state. "Water." You rasped walking like the grim reaper over to the sink. Cold tap water seemed to coat your throat helping you wake up just a little bit more. You walked over to the couch throwing yourself on top of the men. "What are you watching?" You asked as Stu giggled at some guy getting hit over the head on screen. "The Monkees! It comes on your old lady channel. I haven't seen it since I was a kid." You looked over at Billy seeing him shrug his shoulders. "He's been laughing for the past 30 minutes."
"You're not hard to please huh?" Stu pinched the tip of your nose. "Obviously not, I'm with you aren't I?" You faked a laugh as you stared at the tv. Stu's hand ran up and down your leg just like it had the first night they came over. His eyes were glued to the TV laughing every time something even remotely funny happened. Billy would chuckle just because his friend was laughing. There was something different between them but you couldn't put your finger on it. The date night you had might've had some effect. All three of you felt closer, it felt more normal if that was even a possibility.
"I think I want to have sex with you two." You blurted making both men freeze. You immediately covered your face regretting speaking. "Like right now?" Stu asked ready to strip. "No, well, oh I don't know." You groaned with embarrassment. Billy stayed quiet letting you say everything you wanted to. You sat up on the couch looking at the two men sitting beside each other. "Couples have sex right?" They nodded in unison. "We're like a couple right?" They nodded even quicker trying to fill in the blanks for you. "So we should have sex-" Stu reached to take off his shirt but you stopped him. "At some point." You finished making the boy frown.
"Why'd you bring this up?" Billy asked. Between you and Stu randomly bringing up touchy subjects he was liable to get whiplash. You rubbed your face with your hands trying to get a grip. "I was just thinking about it. I have been... thinking about it." Stu knew if anyone could overcomplicate sex it'd be you. "Guys I'm scared."
It was the honest truth. You were terrified. "Of what?" The tone Stu had seemed to dismiss whatever emotion you felt. "Nothing it's dumb." You stood up only to be pulled back down by Billy. "No talk to us. What are you scared of?" Billy made demanding eye contact with you just to show he took this conversation seriously this time. "You?" The word came out like a question. That question seemed to negatively affect both boys. Stu was gutted that you were scared of him even worse that it was sex-related. You grabbed Billy and Stu's hands not wanting them to think it was all their fault. "Men in general are scary. I'm not scared of you exactly more of what you could do." That somehow made less sense to them both.
"Stu, do you remember the other night when we were wrestling?" He smiled remembering how funny that whole thing was. "Yeah, I beat your ass." He said proudly. Billy seemed to understand what you were getting at by Stu's response. "I could give it my all and you both could still trap me. I don't stand a chance and it's frightening. What if in the middle of it all you decide to-" Billy moved forward putting both of his hands on your arms. "We would never do that." Stu scoffed sitting up next to you. "Yeah we may be killers but we're not rapists." Billy looked at Stu like he could kill him making the boy sit back and shut up.
"Y/n I'm really trying," Billy spoke as you nodded. "I've noticed." He smiled continuing his speech. "I don't and would never want to hurt you. That night that Stu's place I couldn't put you through that pain." He gestured to your closed-up wound. "I know but I joke around a lot. I say I'm into chains and whips but I'm scared of all of that. I don't want to feel like I'm stuck and with two of you it's pretty damn intimidating." You had got this idea in your head that anything intimate with the men would leave you used and torn apart.
"I joke around like crazy you don't think I'm being serious do you?" Both you and Billy looked at Stu. "Wow tell me what you really think." You laughed making Stu smile at his accomplishment. "Hey." Billy's hand rested on the side of your face pulling your attention back to him. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Do you understand?" The words were sharp but they weren't angry. Billy meant what he said. As long as he was living no one would lay a finger on you besides him and Stu. You nodded as he smiled. "Wait so are we sleeping together or?" Stu was just really confused. Before Billy could smack him you stood up. "I'm going to take a shower and freshen up. You two can do whatever you want." Without looking at the men you walked upstairs heading to your bathroom.
Billy jumped off the couch making Stu sit up. "What? What's wrong?" Stu asked looking up at the man. "She said she's going to freshen up." Billy shook his hands for emphasis. He could see Stu simply wasn't getting it. "That's like the universal term for "we're going to have sex." How do you not know that?" Stu stood up a small "pfft" leaving his mouth. "No the universal term for we're going to have sex is "Hey we're going to have sex."" Billy's palm slapped his forehead before dragging down his face. "Listen just go clean up and change I'm going to take care of a couple things." With a nod, Stu went off to his room.
Billy waited on the stairs till he heard the water start to run. Your room was empty but the record you played was loud. The Smashing Pumpkins vinyl spun around letting Billy's favorite song play. He could barely hear you humming the words in the bathroom. You remembered. That fact made his heart seem to swell. It wasn't what you normally listened to. All he heard the past week was what you called "classics." Now there you were in the privacy of your room listening to his favorite album. With a smile, he got to work. The first thing he did was make your bed. Once it was neat he made sure the room looked comfortable. He noticed the candle you had sitting on your dresser. Billy headed downstairs to ask Stu for his lighter.
Stu's bedroom door opened hitting Billy with a cloud of cologne. "Jesus fucking Christ!" The boy cursed waving a hand in front of his face. "Too much?" Stu asked innocently. Billy huffed not having time to deal with him. "She's not going to let you in the room let alone her bed smelling like that." Stu thought he smelt good, you had complimented him on his cologne before. "Change your shirt and pants and air out this damn room." Billy was about to leave before remembering why he came down there in the first place. "Oh, I need your lighter." Stu dug through his dresser tossing the skull-covered lighter to the man. "What do you need that for?" Stu pointed towards the object. "I'm going to light a candle." Stu held up his hand covering his mouth with a laugh. Billy's face dropped at his friend's laughter. "Shut it fuckrag." Billy pointed at Stu but it didn't stop him from laughing.
Upstairs you had already stepped out of the shower pulling the cap off your head. You hung the shower cap up before wrapping a towel around your frame. You didn't know what to expect. Billy's little speech downstairs did wonders for your nerves. Were you still terrified? Yes but for some dumb reason, you trusted them. You had this nagging feeling you'd regret it. You willed yourself to believe in the fantasy land you've created. Sex wasn't something you'd grown accustomed to. That day playing truth or dare barely felt real. There wasn't much emotion behind it just teenage hormones. You weren't upset about it you just hoped this would be different. As your skin dried off you slipped a pair of underwear on covering them with one of Stu's shirts.
Billy sat at the edge of your bed biting his nails. He had to repeatedly tell himself he was trying to be better, to do what you asked. As you walked out of the bathroom he stood up. You could tell he was nervous by the way his eyes darted back and forth between you and the door. "I thought we could talk. You like talks right?" His smile was tight as he raised his eyebrows. You saw your bedroom door was closed completely leaving Stu out of the conversation. "I'm fine with talking but we made it a rule to include everyone when we talked." Billy watched as you walked over to your record player. The way you took care of the fragile vinyl said something about your character, at least he thought it did. "I know but I already asked Stu if it was okay and he said it was."
"I get that but we should have conversations together." Billy grew impatient. "Just!" The word was loud scaring him when he said it. You looked at him waiting for him to fix his tone before speaking to you. "Just.. please? I need to talk to you alone." You put the record on the shelf debating on talking to him in private. Billy was a complicated man. You didn't want to throw away the chance of getting him to open up. "Okay. What do you need to talk about?" You walked over to Billy's side sitting down with him at the foot of the bed. "You want this to be equal. Meaning this is a group effort right?"
"This?" You asked as Billy's leg bounced with anxiety. That little voice in his head told him he couldn't do this. "Sex." Was all he said. "I would like it to be that way, yes. I don't want anyone feeling left out." He nodded understanding what you meant. You couldn't begin to grasp how difficult this conversation was to him.
"Look if you want us to sleep with you that's fine but I don't want this thing me and Stu do to disturb you." His wording was intentional. To him sex with you was normal but sex with Stu was just a "thing." It was shameful to him. "I-I um..." He ran a hand through his hair keeping his eyes on the ground. "I don't want you to look at me differently after this." You didn't know what to say to make it better. There was no easy fix. Billy raised his arms in surprise as you wrapped your arms around him. His arms slowly found their way around you hugging you back. It was comforting. Billy didn't like hugs. This one however made him feel safe. You had him and you weren't letting go. Who he is didn't seem to bother you and knowing that lifted a weight off his shoulders. "Should I let Stu in now?" He spoke gently.
You nodded pulling back from the boy. Billy stood up opening the bedroom door. Stu came tumbling into the room. "I didn't hear anything." He swore picking himself off the ground. "Not for lack of trying." You smiled knowing Stu was eavesdropping. Billy made sure to close the door behind Stu locking it in place. The action wasn't lost on you. Something was different. Billy had no problem with what happened in your living room just weeks ago. The fact he was locking your bedroom door knowing no one else was in the house was odd. It was for security you supposed. The reassurance that no one could walk in. Your curtains were also closed but you knew you left them open just a few hours earlier.
"Here ya go." Stu pitched Billy a small bottle. "What's that?" You asked getting a quick and easy answer from Stu. "Oh, it's lube." He pulled two condoms from his pocket sitting them on your nightstand. You were out of your element. "If you don't want to do this I need you to let me know." Stu said wanting your full consent. This was a first for all of you, he didn't want to mess it up. "I want this, it just feels like you're both prepping for surgery."
Billy held the bottle in tight hands hoping to warm up the cold liquid inside. Stu chuckled finding his spot next to you on the bed. "I get that trust me but none of us here want kids yet and the lube is just to make sure you're comfortable."
Yet. The word pulled at pieces of Billy's brain. The thought of having kids was not something he wanted to worry about right now. With a shake of the head, he walked over to both of you. "Listen, we don't have to do this." Billy still had this unremitting feeling that things would change. You'd see him as some perverted homo and wouldn't want him near you again. He was ashamed of who he was and what he did but if you wanted this he'd do it. Both men looked at you trying to pick up on any signs of hesitation.
Stu was careful about consent the last time anything happened between the three of you. His behavior hadn't changed any. Billy's new behavior was something to get used to. His nail-biting, soft-spoken nature was different than the rude and demanding one you had got to know. "I want to do this but if one of you is uncomfortable we can just go to bed. You don't have to sleep downstairs." The promise of just sleeping next to you was tempting for Billy. He knew this would have to happen sooner or later. "I'm ready whenever you two are." Stu said as he peeled his shirt off. Billy slipped the bottle into his pocket before leaning down to you.
"I need you to say it."
His face was serious but not cold. "Say what?" The air between you two was nearly suffocating. Billy's voice was low as he spoke. "I need you to say you want this, you want me." Billy's hands rubbed the soft skin on your thighs as Stu stripped down to his underwear. You looked at his hands the eye contact quickly becoming intimidating. "I want-"
"Look at me, please." With a shaky breath, you looked back up meeting Billy's eyes. "I need this. I need you, Billy." There it was. That possessive glint you'd seen before. Any minute now he'd be demanding and rough. His lips softly pressed against yours. The kiss was slow and careful. Billy tried to remember the way your lips felt in case you threw him out after tonight. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip signaling your lips to part. Billy pulled away smiling at the love-drunk look on your face. "Let me help with that." Stu helped pull your shirt over your head leaving you in just your panties. "I was right. You look even better out of my shirt." Stu said making your cheeks heat up. Billy's shirt was the next to go. Stu cupped your chin before leaning in to kiss you. It was hungrier than the kiss before.
Billy watched his two partners with some semblance of pride. They were his. For how long he wasn't sure. In the end, it didn't matter because right now in this bedroom, he had them and for some reason, they agreed to have him. Stu squeezed your breast making a small noise leave your lips. Billy went back to work pulling down the fabric that hugged your hips. You raised up just enough to make his job easier. He tossed the underwear in the same spot his shirt had landed.
Stu laid back on the bed taking you with him. For a split second, you forgot Billy was even there. He made his presence known by pressing a kiss to your abdomen. Then another on your hip. Stu broke the kiss watching the scene next to him. You looked down at Billy as he littered your skin with kiss after kiss. He eventually made his way down pressing a kiss on your folds. Stu saw the way your chest jumped ever so slightly. He wondered if he told you how beautiful you were today but even if he did it wasn't nearly enough. As Billy's tongue ran up and down your folds, his eyes flickered up toward Stu. Your soft moans accompanied by Billy's gaze made his cock twitch. Stu picked your hand up moving it where he needed you most. Softly you began rubbing him through his boxers feeling him strain against the fabric. The moan that came from Stu made you continue your movements. It was hard to focus with Billy going at you like a man starved. Billy's eyes would go back and forth mainly focused on the man you helped please.
Being watched stirred something in Stu and Billy noticed. The short-haired boy removed his underwear with haste needing to feel you against his skin. Your hand wrapped perfectly around his cock. The pumps were gentle at first not knowing what Stu liked. His moans and the quiet chant of your name kept your hand moving. Billy pulled your clit between his lips making your back arch off the bed. Stu let out a lustful cry at the feeling of your hand squeezing around him. You didn't mean to do it at first but the new information only helped you tease him. Every few pumps you'd gently squeeze his cock earning a beautiful sound from Stu each time.
Billy's tongue continued its assault as he slowly pushed two fingers into your cunt. Hearing the sounds you made mixed with Stu's was enough to make him cum right then and there. It took everything in him not to. Billy smiled against you feeling your hips try to meet the thrust of his fingers. He doubted you were even aware of what you were doing. Too busy pleasing the man next to you. Your free hand tugged on Billy's hair needing more of him. Billy pulled out his fingers before moving to stand up. You groaned at the loss. With his eyes on you, Billy sucked his fingers clean of your slick even a soft moan could be heard like it was the best thing he's ever tasted.
"We've got to take turns right? Everything has to be fair and equal?" He teased moving in front of Stu. The boy looked at Billy silently asking him if he was sure he wanted to do this. Billy motioned his head upwards telling Stu to sit up. The boy complied sitting on the edge of the bed. You sat up making sure you didn't miss anything. Billy took a deep breath seeing you watch him. He knelt in front of Stu grabbing the man's erection. "Ah!" Stu exclaimed looking down at the man in front of him. With a trained hand, Billy stroked Stu's cock.
You squeezed your thighs together at the sight. Billy leaned forward spitting on the tip letting the liquid run slowly down the veins. Using his hand he pumped Stu's cock the spit making it easier for his hand to slide up and down. He knew what spots to pay attention to. Stu's moans were louder than before. His abs were prominent as his muscles tightened. Billy with a sly grin licked a stripe from the base to the tip. He kept his eyes on Stu not being able to look up at you. Stu turned his head pressing his lips to yours. He moaned into your mouth as Billy wrapped his lips around the tip of his cock. His tongue swirled around making Stu's hips jerk. Stu's breath was uneven as his chest heaved up and down.
"Fuck." Stu cursed against your lips as Billy slid his mouth over the man's length. With a moan, Stu's head fell back leaving you to watch them without interruption. Billy could feel your eyes burn into his skin. That insecurity slowly started to creep back up distracting him from the man under his touch.
Stu grabbed your hand squeezing as his orgasm rapidly approached. "I-I'm going to cum." Stu warned with a whine. Billy continued sucking knowing if he didn't there would be a mess to clean up. His eyes closed tight as Stu cried out. Stu chanted a mixture of your and Billy's names. Billy let Stu ride out his orgasm before he looked to the floor swallowing the evidence of the sinful act. Stu laid back on the bed letting the newfound clarity wash over him. Billy's lips were swollen and his cheeks were red. You'd never seen him look like this until now.
Billy didn't dare look up knowing he'd see the disgust in your eyes. "Billy?" Hearing his name made him feel sick. You waited for him to look at you but he refused. He rubbed his eyes wanting to erase everything that had just happened. Billy looked up immediately apologizing for something he didn't need to. You cut him off grabbing his face and pressing your lips on his. You could taste Stu on his lips and it spurred you on more. Billy was shocked. You broke the kiss to look at him. "I need you." Your hands tugged on the waistband of his jeans greedily. How was he supposed to be calm and careful when you acted like this?
"Say it again." His voice was low and demanding making your cunt throb. "I need you." You happily repeated yourself seeing the way it brought his confidence back. Billy stood up unbuckling his belt right in front of you. You focused on the way his hands pulled the leather off with ease. He grabbed the bottle of lube tossing it on the bed. His jeans were quickly discarded along with his underwear.
You looked at Billy's naked form growing embarrassed by the view. "Baby throw me one of those." Billy pointed towards the condoms. Stu was happy to toss the package over. He was well aware of how hard it was for Billy to do what he did. Stu no longer felt like a dirty secret. You crawled up onto the bed as Billy opened the black wrapper. "Here lift your hips up." Stu grabbed a pillow slipping it between you and the bed. The feeling of your hips in the air was odd but you figured Stu knew what he was doing.
Billy slid the condom over his length with ease. The man debated on asking you once again if you were alright with this. You wiggled your hips impatiently. That small gesture was all Billy needed. Stu grabbed the lube squirting a little in his hand. He kissed your neck as his fingers smeared the jelly over your entrance. Billy crawled on the bed settling between your legs. Stu's eyes watched as Billy lined himself up with your cunt. You closed your eyes scared of the pain you've heard so many people talk about. Stu continued to smother you in affection as Billy slowly pushed into you.
It wasn't near as bad as you expected it to be. You tried not to focus on the stretch as he bottomed out. Billy cursed trying to hold still. "You okay?" Stu asked and you nodded. Billy's hips started to move to find a rhythm you were both comfortable with. Stu wrapped his lips around your nipple getting hit with a feeling of deja vu. Billy held onto your hips as he thrusts into you. He had to remind himself over and over that he needed to be gentle. Stu was used to his partner's fast and rough routine so seeing him struggle was almost humorous.
Your breath hitched as Stu tugged at your breasts. His teeth teased your skin making goosebumps flood your flesh. Billy watched as his partner left small hickies in places no one but the two of them could see. "Faster..." You moaned one hand squeezing Billy's wrist. The man's pace quickened making the sound of skin on skin even louder. It seemed the faster he got the tighter your muscles became. Stu abandoned your side sitting up to kiss the man between your thighs. Billy's free hand wrapped around Stu's throat squeezing just enough to keep him still. You moaned watching the men as Billy's thrusts continued to knock the air out of you. Billy's borderline whimpers did nothing but fuel your arousal. "Don't stop!" You cried out making Billy hold off his orgasm just a little longer.
Both men watched as you came undone around Billy's cock. It was one of the most beautiful things they'd ever seen. Billy's thrusts became rough and erratic as that familiar white-hot pleasure twisted inside of him. With one final thrust, his body trembled. Your name like a prayer was said over and over like it was the only thing he could say. For a brief moment, it was the only word that existed.
You winced as Billy pulled out. Stu fell next to you pressing a kiss to your cheek. "How was it?" He asked knowing the answer from previous experience. Billy tied off the condom before disposing of it in your bathroom. "I can't feel my legs." You giggled making Stu laugh. A warm fuzzy feeling covered your naked body. You weren't sure if it was the sex or the overall love you felt from both men. Stu helped move the pillow out from under your hips. Your legs and arms felt like jelly as you moved to cover yourself underneath the blankets. Stu followed suit huddling up next to your naked frame.
Billy left the bathroom grabbing his underwear from the floor. You groaned as you rolled out of bed needing to use the restroom. "Do you need help?" Billy asked seeing your wobbly legs. "Don't get cocky." You said with a laugh walking toward the bathroom. "I wasn't trying to-" You pressed a kiss to his lips silencing the boy. "I'm just messing with you."
He smiled watching your ass as you walked into the bathroom. The door shut behind you leaving both men to themselves. Stu grinned seeing the look on Billy's face. "You love us." He said feeling that bubbly feeling once again. Billy laughed to himself. "You know, you might be right."
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Taglist (closed): @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @zeysartzone @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
Part 15
A/N: Sorry that this chapter took so long to unload. Theres some serious character development happening and I wanted to make sure I did the characters justice. Hope you're enjoying the series so far!💕
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Babe! A new Helluva Boss episode just dropped! And Ozzie and Fizz are just so goddamn cute! 😍😭 and Ozzie is such a sweetheart! (I hope he’s genuinely such a softie and not playing an act, we need more softie demons).
Can we please talk about Yandere! Ozzie again? Pretty please with a shit ton of sprinkles on top? 🥺
Bestie thank youuuu I watched that shit immediately and I have so many thoughts
This episode actually shows a big reason why I haven't really published a lot for like, Ozzie or Valentino in terms of actual fics because, my take on Ozzie's personality based purely off his debut appearance would've been a lot more different and now we see that, bro he's, suave yeah, but also, a huge green flag lovable cinnamon roll dork??? Valentino, we only have seen so much of. To be honest the way he's been presented seems to sway from "scary as fuck during gangster business stuff" to "he's kind of a ratchet ho, actually" and I'm not, entirely super confident writing stuff for him because like, I'm more of, assuming? I can't, analyze his character like I can for other characters with more material out for them.
For real though, my current stance on this matter is: Asmodeus, you could go to him and ask for his knowledge and advice on like genuine issues or things you're curious or concerned about like, legit you could sit down and have STD talks with this man ("h-hey Ozzie is it normal to have xyz on my you know what" "oh honey yes that's just like a blood blister from friction you're fine" "oh my god ok good because I was worried it was cancer" "HONEY NO 😩") meanwhile fucking Valentino over here would be like "bitch why you got cellulite" and like make backhanded comments like, oh maybe he could reward you with a boob job instead of your next paycheck (as in like, cosmetic surgery 💀 you know I've thought about that? Yan Valentino who's crazy for ya but, not crazy enough to not make certain, tweaks to your actual body. Maybe he dyes your hair or has it styled a specific way and basically refuses to let you do whatever you want with it. Gets your boobs or ass done. Makes you get fillers/botox for any wrinkles/static lines. Controlling your wardrobe is a must. You're like his little.... pursedog)
(That being said though. I'd still let him hit 😩 reader who gets drunk and fucks around and finds out--)
Anyways though, over here in our corner we believe in unapologetic self indulgence and I still believe a Reader who has magical abilities or powers and whatnot and can travel the rings through whatever convoluted means is a fun time. So. We're gonna do that! I mean. Asmodeus honestly seems chill enough that even if you like, somehow crashed into his club, as long as you were polite and respectful, he'd be chill with letting your hang around, maybe even getting a kick out of teasing you (but never pushing anything too far unless you show interest, and if you show any discomfort or trauma he backs off to re-strategize). I imagine his club would actually be pretty fun? Drinks, live music, although, kind of makes me wonder, how openly horny is this place? Probably not like "coochie in your face" like working for Valentino, so, Reader could even be all "honestly this is such a much more safe welcoming environment to engage in like sexuality" and Ozzie hears this and its like, dude. You might as well have just struck him through the heart with cupids own arrow, but, also, he's curious, what other places have you been?
I'm kind of convinced that if a little imp cunt like Crimson thinks he has the balls to stand up against Ozzie, hostage or not, I kinda feel like. Valentino would probably openly treat Asmodeus like shit. He'd probably be a catty fucking bitch to him. He probably looks at Ozzie as like, a diet coke version of himself, a version who has so much power but doesn't go far enough, and probably scoffs at Asmodeus' romantic attachment (even though Val has some weird on-off thing with Vox himself). Valentino doesn't give two fucks about consent and would probably openly mock Ozzie'e values
Or. They could be big business partners because, maybe there's some sort of inter-Ring porn trafficking pipeline or something, smuggling the good shit up from Lust and trading it with stuff from Sinners, who have more visual variety besides other perks etc
But just picture, Asmodeus and Fizz are, minding their own biz, at the club, chilling, listening to music, eating food vaguely shaped like clocks, and Ozzie's cell rings, and they're both like "aw I bet Reader's calling to say they're having fun at that party or whatever" but they answer it and you're like, hiding in the bathroom or a closet or something, crying, whispering under your breath "d-do you still have a place for me to stay like you said before 🥺 Valentino is really, REALLY drunk tonight and he's really scaring me, he grabbed me and--"
They're both at your exact location in like less than 5 minutes and maybe have to play it off, Ozzie distracting Val while Fizz steals you away, or, juicier, like. Imagine Val snatching your phone from your hand, going through your messages, "who the fuck have you been talking to?" And he pulls like the classic abusive boyfriend move and when he sees you're in frequent contact with someone named "Ozzie" he calls him from your phone and as soon as a male voice picks up, they're both going at it "bitch who the fuck are you?" "Bitch who the fuck are YOU?" "Why you got my baby's number?" "Why do YOU have MY baby's PHONE???" "I'm about to HAVE my foot up your ass, you--" like, you know what I mean? Asmodeus is rolling up and these two are all but butting heads with each other as you have to awkwardly explain how you know both of them and of course, suddenly there's a not quite comfortable conversation about which one of them you... "belong to", neither of them wanting to leave you with the other (although I imagine in a physical fight Asmodeus would win but Valentino would have homefield advantage involving his security dudes)
Either way like.... oh my god watching them lounge in that nice big bed together. Fizz being on Ozzie's chest, like. Give me that 😩😩😩 "oh Reader, baby, so glad you took up our offer for a place to crash, but, since it was so short notice it'll have to be with us tonight" type shit and like you're fine with that but then bedtime comes and. There's Literally Only One Bed. And you're like ok you know what I'm not really in a position to be ungrateful, Valentino could have actually fucking hurt me or trafficked me or whatever, but, you're still small enough that Asmodeus could hypotheticallyyyy just, reach an arm over and scoop up you into his chest for a cuddle, or just have you in the crook of his arm like a cat or a teddy bear. Ozzie definitely sees an immediate perk on Fizz not being so much of a troll as to give you the airhorn treatment your first morning there, so, obviously, they have, multiple motivations to, keep urging you to stay 👀 after all, Val is going to be looking for you in the Pride Ring, and you don't have any other friends, so, you're kind of stuck with their whims aren't you? Unless you try to run off on your own, and I mean. Really. They can just hire someone to bring you back lmao. Or get you themselves. Could you imagine feeling way you uncomfortable around them and slipping away and suddenly you find a little white demon dog on wheels happily rolling up to you out of nowhere and it's. Fucking tracking you for Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, like. Damn, can't even trust the dogs in Hell. Demon dogs in Ohio be like
Anyways idk I just like the idea of like. Combining several ideas, you do the whole "accidentally did the whole Death Fall From The Sky and crash into Vals sunroof, he keeps you in servitude because you have to repay him, eventually you Fall into Lust and you start basically doing double jobs at both clubs and prefer Ozzie and he eventually has to rescue you". Also like Valentino "canonically" humiliates his partners on social media so I can imagine he's just publicly belittling and negging you all the time. One second you're happy at Ozzie's listening to music and eating unholy amounts of onion rings with your quirky well intentioned clown friend, the next week Asmodeus sees a Sinstagram post where Valentino is just like "cutie was whining she couldn't get any tips so I helped her out 😜🤭🍈🍈" and its just. A photo of you in your work uniform where he clearly just reached forward and tore open the front of your blouse and he is just. Full on deadass without any hint of irony making you basically work in your bra and he's just without any remorse posting photos of your running mascara and you're clearly crying but what can you do?
Val posting a photo of him literally shoving a tip INTO your bra, his FINGERS in there, and other like little clips and snippets of him demeaning you while you're like actually fucking blubbering "and make sure to get me extra ice!" "*sobbing noises*" "I didn't hear a REPLY! Do I need to take some of those nice tips I'm helping you make?" "N n noOo I'm sorry" "sorry WHAT?" "M sorry mister Valentino, I'm sorry, I'll get your drink right away mister Valentino" and Val is just slapping your ass HARD as you turn to leave like and just laughing like this is the most fun he's ever had
like I feel like Asmodeus realistically would only be able to do so much IN Pride itself (because would You show up in your boss' turf doing your own shit? Big risk) BUT, I mean. You go down to Lust and you're basically fair game. You show up to your next shift after The Boob Incident and Ozzie's like "giiiiiiiirl imma keep it real with you, I know you wanna try and be independent but I got some concerns--" and he's barely even halfway through it before you're just, TEAR EXPLOSION, "i hate working for him, I HATE IT, I wanna work HERE full time, but I don't have a place to staAaaAaay" and just. Some UGLY crying because you're at wits end
Zero hesitation here's Asmodeus "Sweetie what kind of apartment do you want??? You want a penthouse? I can get you a penthouse?? You want some shopping money?? Tell Big O whatever you need." and the next thing you know Valentino is scrolling through Sinastagram and has to do a double take as your account starts posting all kinds of photos of you looking cute and having fun and, poolside in a bathing suit and you're becoming more comfortable with your body and your sexuality and, he's thirsty absolutely, goes to try and tease you or make fun of you and you're just like "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and just ignore him as Val is forced to watch you pal around with Asmodeus (either as just friends or total fuck buddies like, deadass catch me out here "hey so, there's this position I've always wanted to try--")
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zwolfgames · 6 months
MHA yandere headcanon breaking up with bakugo and shoto. But they take it very poorly
(I've never done headcanons before so forgive the weird way these are phrased! A bit shirt but I hope you like it. And thank you for the request, I'm littarly squeeling each time I get one.)
Requested: skinnyfattyyy
Warnings: violence, yandere, degrading, kidnapping, forced marrige
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This relationship had started of rocky already. Bakugo wasn't the nicest or the most affectionate.
When he realised you genuingly liked him, his behavior got a bit sweeter, more loving. Less barking you out as if you just blew up the planet. Bakugo truly enjoyed having a partner that enjoyed him and his explosive personality… he didn't have to play tough or soft for you… just be himself.
It was nice for a while, untill you started noticing some of his strange behavior. You found your stuff in his room. Combs, that shirt you lost like a month ago… Your plushie? But fine… he's your boyfriend… you suppose he can have some of your stuff. Thats fine right?
Not for long. It quietly became clear that he was an insecure prick. Wich made him irrational, possesive and absolutly obsessive.
So, naturally, as anyone who felt in danger, you talked to him and asked to break up.
Bakugo didn't take it lightly. Stopping his breathing for a moment while waiting for you to announce that it's a joke.
When that line doesn't happen, he grab you by the wrist, pulls you to him before you get pinned to the wall.
He yells, a lot. A ringing in your ear is left from his barrage of insults and degrading comments about how you'd never find someone else and how you had promised to stay with him.
So to ensure that this never happened again, he gave you one chance to apologize. You didn't take it and his hand set on your lower back let out an explosion.
He muffled your yell of agony with his hand and held you to him, what would you do with a broken spine and a burn wound, huh? Run? He doesn't think so. His guilt ate him up for hurting the one he loves. A hero was supposed to protect the people he loves…. But this was… a way of saving you, yes. Saving you of a diffrent bad relationship. He's the better option.
You have no choice but to accept his harsh care as he treats your wounds and lets your spine heal while you're stuck in bed.
You'd never try again, would you? This was enough of a warning, right? You'd stay his now right?
If you dared try and break up with him again then he figured further injury was needed…
So be a darling and stay with him, that's all he asks <3.
Just like with Bakugo, the first part of your relationship was a bit rocky, mostly because of Shoto's inability to properly share his feelings.
He did eventually tell you everything, his past, his toughts, his struggles. And you had held him lovingly. As a good partner would
Now that you were aware of his past and his flaws, you would stay with him, right?
Shoto was a lot more delusional then Bakugo. He truly believes you're meant to be his since you get him, since you accept him.
So when his strange behavior starts showing, you get concerned. He threathend one of your friend's to stay away… had way too many drawings and paintings of you then you would have been comfrotable with.
So after a while of trying to talk this out and try and have him be a normal boyfriend again, you give up as it makes his behavior even worse.
The day you suggest breaking up the heartbreak is clear in his mis-matched eyes. He doesn't want to hurt you. He really doesn't. He wanted you safe and with him.
You end up frozen to the floor by your feet before a hit to the head knocks you out like a light.
Finding yourself in an unfamiliar room when you awoke again was quite scary. Well… atleast it wasn't a basement?
Shoto had announced that you'd be staying in this room up untill you were both of age and could legally get married. You think a part of your soul left your body at that info.
And so it happened. You married into the Todoroki family and you were barely ever seen again.
But, you were his. As you were supposed to be. His soulmate.
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oh-sweet-mama · 4 months
Soooo as I've been thinking; Imagine a Frankie Morales, (and the rest of the boys), in an outbreak!AU like I'm talking TLOU zombies. Soooo many thoughts.
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(Sorry this is my favorite gif of Francisco!)
CW: zombie apocalypse canon violence <33, mild angst (longing for pre-outbreak), no descriptors other than "Beautiful", "gorgeous", and “stunning”
Like imagine him being all protective as you all backpack across the country following leads to a safe haven. (Sm like Jackson).
Imagine being forced to share a sleeping bag or a mattress, and y'all are secretly crushing on each other. He tries to keep himself at a distance, but he some how wakes up with you pressed against him, and that creates another issue within itself.
Santi and Benny constantly teasing him with looks and snickers as he wakes up to see them looking at the pair of you snuggled up with one another on a hot June night.
Imagine Frankie having to help you after you get injured from getting caught in a shootout at a rundown corner store. All gentle eyes, and calloused hands as he stitches you up.
Cooing that he "knows it hurts" and "It's going to be ok, baby. Only a couple more stitches". Followed with "You're doing so good, it's almost over".
As if he isn't the one dousing the wound with rubbing alcohol and poking your skin with a needle. You still look at him like he hung the stars and the moon, because you know that this is your Frankie helping you.
He gingerly takes you to bed, and pulls the shitty covers up your chin. Softly petting a hand over your forehead to brush stray hairs, and sweat. You look up at him, and Frankie smiles at you; partly in love, and partly in sadness.
Sadness that this is the reality now. That you got hurt trying to look for a can of green beans to feed the group.
But oh how he loves you. Way too overly protective, and didn't let you go into stores or run down buildings for the first 6 months of the outbreak. Barely lets you get close to having to pull your own firearm out, constantly keeping you tucked behind him, with his broad frame.
The feeling of usually having his hand wrapped around your upper arm. So he can pull you away from danger if needed.
The brown eyes that were once rarely hardened and mean, now only melt at the sight of you. Even when you inist that you feel gross; and haven't properly showered in a while. He doesn't care; he thinks the you're still the most beautiful person he's ever laid his eyes upon.
Even as you get rougher due to the outbreak, and backpacking through the haphazard land of was once a country. The scars that now adorn your face, and body. He thinks you're gorgeous. Abosloutely stunning.
Sometimes he wonders what it woud've been like if the two of you had gotten together before shit hit the fan. And that's when he lays there at night, with an ache in his heart, and an arm around you waist holding you close. He grieves the dream that he wanted to have a home with you. He'll imagine that the two of you are in a bed, in a safe room, with an overly spacious master bath. And his truck parked out front, and his only worry is when the next time is he'll mow the lawn. What's for dinner, and who's washing the dishes.
But Francisco Morales will take whatever your willing to give. He doesn't understand why you're still you even after all of this mess. Maybe it's the man that was in the army and saw days of combat that is currently out to play. But you still smile, and you still crack your stupid jokes. You steal his hat, and tease him about his dimple. And oh my- He's laughing in the middle of the goddamn apocalypse because of you. But he doesn't hate you for it; in fact, you're one of the last reasons he has to keep going.
AN: Did I just word vomit about Francisco Morales in the zombie apocalypse? yes! Did this possibly stem from the fact that I've been reading wayyy to much Joel Miller x Reader... possibly... Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed :)
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ailendolin · 10 months
was wondering what your thoughts are on the prank alison played on thomas? Cuz on one hand, yeah, it was wayyyyy more harsh than any of the pranks played on the others and was the only one that was deliberately designed to strike him where it hurts especially since she knows about his history with isabelle
but on the other hand, i think she just likes everyone else more than thomas? and who can blame her when he's been disrespecting her boundaries for years. Kitty can be needy but its different with a younger sister type character who just wants affection vs thomas who has been hitting on her for years even though she's very clearly happily married
im not sure where i stand on this
Thank you for this ask, anon! I've actually been meaning to make a post about the prank in 5x01 so this is the perfect excuse to finally get around to writing it.
But before I do that, I just want to stress that my opinion is just that - an opinion. I've been getting quite a few Thomas asks recently and while I do appreciate that very much because I love to talk about him, my interpretation of his character is just one of many and it's perfectly fine if you or anyone else sees things differently. My take on him doesn't hold more weight than any other.
With that being said, here are my thoughts on the prank and Thomas's vs. Kitty's behaviour - long post incoming:
I'm probably in the minority here but I found Alison’s prank on Thomas downright cruel, especially when you compare it to her other pranks. It wasn't some harmless fun - that prank was designed to hurt him, and I think that crosses a line. Because Thomas, for all his annoying habits, for all his ridiculous love declarations and inability to take a hint, has always backed down when Alison told him to. He hasn't stopped altogether (which technically speaking is partly Alison's own fault because of the, "I could kiss you," line and not just his for lack of trying) but whenever she gets fed up with him, he actually listens and shuts up - which I think is something people often tend to overlook.
Also, Thomas's 'love' for Alison is a theoretical thing: something for him to fixate on that is safe because he knows nothing will ever come of it. It's why we only ever see him 'fall in love' with living women who are, by nature, out of his reach. Thomas doesn't really want to be with them. It's why he downright panics when Alison seems to return his feelings in 5x01. He likes the idea of taking a walk with her in the gardens and holding her hand; the thought of kissing her under the mistletoe - the romantic ideal of it. But 5x01 makes it quite clear that he never expected it to become real, and that he isn't as keen on physical intimacy as he sometimes pretends either. I don't think he's ready for the vulnerability that comes with loving someone and being loved in return, and him dying alone and unloved plays a huge role in that. Because that's how he ghosts too. And I don't mean that in a romantic way. Thomas isn't particularly close to any of the other ghosts, not like Julian and Robin are, or Fanny and the Captain. He doesn't have a best friend because he's always the butt of the joke and no one takes him seriously or even pretends to like him. Is it really a surprise he clings to a love that is safe because it only exists in his mind?
That doesn't change anything for Alison, of course. But I'll go so far as to say she never even tried to understand him. The way she treated him when he came to her to talk about his death showed that. If she'd been as gentle and understanding and patient with him as she was with the Captain during the therapy session and actually listened and talked to him, the whole 'love' thing could have probably been resolved early on. But as was mentioned here, there are moments when she even encourages his behaviour and seems to miss his attention. That's sending very mixed signal to someone who is desperate for love, and makes her prank even more cruel. Given the circumstances, it's obviously understandable that out of her ghostly family she likes him the least as you mentioned (I think her listing him as a con for staying at Button House is pretty much proof of that) but it just feels like she's never really made an effort when it comes to him and just like the ghosts, never gave him the chance to open up. Instead, she uses his deepest pain against him with her prank, once again not taking the hurt he felt over his death seriously, and that's just not right.
On the matter of Kitty: it's interesting that you use the phrase "disrespecting boundaries" for Thomas and the word "needy" for Kitty because I'd actually say it's the other way around. People always regard Thomas's behaviour as creepy because his love for Alison is (seemingly) of a romantic nature whereas Kitty's love is regarded as sisterly and thus deemed acceptable and even sweet. But I've actually gone through every episode of series 1 once to note down all the times the ghosts cross lines with Alison and you know what? It's Kitty who does it most severely (along with Mary). The most Thomas does is phase through Alison's bedroom wall once without being invited in and looking through the bathroom door while Alison is showering (where the others are present so this was clearly part of the plan to haunt her for which Thomas, predictably, volunteered). Kitty, however? She's in Alison's bed twice and watches her and Mike sleep another time. I don't know about you but I'd rather have someone walk into my bedroom once than wake up with a stranger in my bed or in my room.
But maybe that's just me. So let's take a look at Kitty's 'sisterly' behaviour. The biggest difference between her and Thomas is that Kitty doesn't back down on her own. If it were up to her, Alison's life would revolve her. She doesn't accept that Alison has other friends (the tantrum at the party Alison and Mike threw) or god forbid another sister. She is very vocally against Lucy from the start and only stops when Alison calls her out on it (which parallels 4x02 when Alison told Thomas to stop - though in that case Alison is merely fed up whereas she is actually hurt by Kitty's behaviour). Kitty demands and expects Alison's attention in a way Thomas never has. He's always been content to love her from afar whereas Kitty inserts herself into Alison's life as best as she can and throws a tantrum when she doesn't get her way and often manages to guilt-trip Alison into giving in (the phone call at the party).
Kitty's obsessive behaviour got tuned down in later series but it was there and it was not cute. I found it very off-putting, to be honest, and I never understood why people thought it was cute. Obviously, these are just my personal thoughts and feelings on the matter. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this (cue anon hate in 3, 2, 1...) because they love the idea of Kitty as this young, sweet, naive girl. But I think if you're calling Thomas out for his behaviour (which you should because as much as I love him, he shouldn't romance a married woman, no matter the reasons), you shouldn't ignore Kitty's actions just because her love for Alison is platonic rather than romantic. That doesn't make what she does okay.
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claudemblems · 1 year
Could you do a Reno X reader where the reader is like a law breaker
Sure, I can do that! A reminder that I've only played Final Fantasy VII Remake so that's all I have to go off of haha
Also to anyone reading, I'm not taking requests, but I decided to go ahead and write this one. Please be sure to read my pinned for further updates! Hope you enjoy 💖
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Partners in Crime | Reno - Final Fantasy VII Remake
You break the law, and Reno enforces it. There's absolutely nothing strange about this picture, is there?
If it were anyone else, Reno would have had the culprit in handcuffs by now, resorting to some helpful "negotiation" tactics to extract information out of them.
Lucky for you, you're Reno's lover, and that also means you have the protection of the Turks. As long as you don't try to pull a fast one on Shinra, Reno can just pretend you don't have a warrant out for your arrest...
Is it a good look for Shinra to have a criminal involved with them? Maybe not, but they've participated in much worse, so just be glad you're not on their watchlist.
However, that doesn't mean Tseng won't keep a watchful eye on you. Many times he's urged Reno to reconsider who he "seduces", but it's a lost cause. Reno dates whoever he wants. If other people don't like it, that's their problem.
He also has to admit, he quite likes the thrill of the chase. Literally, in this sense. He's had to help you escape from crops and other criminals more times than he can count. But his aggravation eventually gives way to excitement. What are they gonna do, attempt to lock up one of the Turks? He'd like to see them try!
It's a familiar scene: you and Reno speeding away from a clearly angry gang on a motorcycle--one of theirs that you stole, of course. You'd been up in arms with their leader who had kept ruining potential money-making opportunities for you. So, to get revenge, you'd ripped his favorite hundred thousand dollar watch right off his hand, stealing his personalized bike for good measure.
"You're insane," Reno sneered, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist to keep himself steady. "When I agreed to go with you to 'settle some business,' I didn't think that meant making enemies with a well-known crime lord!"
"I just surprise you every day, huh?" you grinned, revving the bike for good measure. "That's why you cant get enough of me."
"Maybe I could stand to get a little less of you," he mumbled, but you felt his body shift closer to yours. "What you're doing is incredibly dangerous. I hope that realization hasn't escaped your head."
"But isn't your work dangerous, too? What's the difference?"
"I...I know what I'm doing. I can handle my work."
"Are you saying I can't handle things on my own?"
"No, that's not--! Look, would you listen to me the one time I'm trying to snap some sense into you? You could get killed out here. Shinra may have your back, but the rest of Midgar doesn't."
You went quiet for a moment, contemplating his words. If he wasn't in such a bad mood, you would have kept teasing him. But clearly he was worried--worried about you. And you knew better than to take Reno of the Turk's concern for granted.
"I'll be safe," you promised, turning your head to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "We still have lots of dates to go on, so I should probably make it out of here in one piece, right?"
"Hah, finally you're starting to sound reasonable." He pushed himself closer against your back, letting his breath hit your ear. "What would I do if my darling wasn't able to kiss me goodnight anymore?"
Your face flushed at his words, hands struggling to keep a steady grip on the handlebars. "Now is not the right time to flirt with me, darling."
"Hmph. Maybe it'll teach you a good lesson. If you'd listen to me more, you might get rewarded for it."
A yelp escaped Reno's throat as you did a quick wheelie with the bike, and you laughed knowing he must have glaring at the back of your head.
"Disobedience doesn't get rewarded."
"Maybe not, but perhaps I'd like the punishment better."
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bioshook-wynand · 1 year
Since my friend and I are playing Bioshock 1, i wanted to share some of the things that have happened so far:
- We sat and watched the plane fully sink
- "OUGH?!" < her reaction to the giant Ryan statue
- Right off the bat she didn't trust Atlas and said his wife and child aren't real
- Every security bot is named Jeff
- The wrench is also Jeff(rey Bezos)
- We spent 30 minutes trying to get to Steinman because I forgot I has to throw the bombs at the debris blocking the entrance
- We went through 4 nitro splicers before I realized something wasn't right. I do this everytime. I literally replayed Bioshock like 2 weeks ago and forgot how to do that
- I've died more times in this playthrough than I ever have in Bioshock 1
- Keeps asking me if Atlas is evil, I keep telling her no and that he's my babygirl
- I've been spoon feeding her Atlas propaganda so hopefully she'll trust him by the end
- LOVES the little sisters, terrified of big daddys. She screamed the first time we had to fight one
- I tried to get the first bouncer stuck behind the register in the Medical Bay, but absolutely shredded him before I could
- The women were too stunned to speak
- We sat under the floor of the McCracken Crab trying to kill a Rosie. I died.
- I also hid under the floor of the Fisheries and smacked Splicers that walked overhead
- I got killed by a (different) Rosie like 5 times before I finally killed her
- Also ran from the third Rosie repeatedly before I finally killed him
- She chose target dummy for our first real plasmid
- I've only ever used it when losing control of the plasmids. So I've only used it once-
- Me: God I hate Andrew Ryan
Her: Bash his brains in
Me: *Hephaestus flashbacks* Oh I'm gonna
- Spider splicer: *angry screeching*
Me: New wife for you
Her: Great, thanks
- Hates it everytime I say "Snappies"
- I spent way too long looking for the final spider splicer before realizing I could take a picture of a dead one
- She did trust Peach Wilkins though (Somehow??)
- "I've got a really bad feeling about this" intensifies
- Yelled "THIS IS YOUR MAN⁉️" When Atlas walked out and almost missed Ryan's speech and the splicers bc of it
- Predicted the sub would blow up, but was shocked when it actually did
- I think she begrudgingly trusts Atlas now, his acting is peak
- I also went on a 2 minute rant about him and she made fun or me the entire time
- *finds a crawlspace full of Atlas posters*
Me: Oh my god, this is where I live!!
Her: NO
Me: With my Atlas posters and my.. Pistol bullets??
Her: N O !!
- #1 Langford stan (she's in love with her)
- Got jumpscared by the Houdini splicer that appears behind you (We both screamed)
- I was laughing bc his shadow was looming over us, then slowly turned around and we had a staring contest before I finally shot him in the face
- I've literally never seen him just sit there before?? He always disappeared as soon as I turned around. Wild
- She compared Langford writing the code on the window to 11307 from Danganronpa (iykyk)
- Cue disappointed sighing (Not really, I laughed really hard)
- This entire playthrough has just been me aggressively hitting on Atlas and her reevaluating our friendship
- Not even the posters are safe
- "Who is Atlas?"
Me: My husband
Her: UGH
- Saying "This is for me!!" every time I see an Atlas poster
- She is genuinely considering killing me
- Made me harvest a little sister to see what would happen 😔 We reloaded tho it's okay
- I've found so many secrets in this playthrough, including a vent that goes to a meat locker in the Farmers Market
- It felt like I was getting chased by everyone in Rapture while trying to make the Lazarus Vector
- I also (somehow) shot the big daddy in Langford's office while fighting splicers
- That was terrifying
- *Enters Fort Frolic* Me: It's about to get real silly
- I've been hyping up Cohen this entire time because I knew she would like him
- Unfortunately, she does
- She gagged at the "expectant mama" line
- Got jumpscared AGAIN by the splicer in the basement of Sinclair Spirits
- I can never find the record store when I play Bioshock, this time was no different
- I gave up and went after Hector instead
- When we met Silas Cobb she yelled "KITTENS??"
- She agrees Silas is a discord mod
- We spent like 2 minutes straight trying to catch Hector and Silas
- I also got jumped by a bunch of splicers every time I tried to kill a bouncer
- She lost it at Cohen walking down the stairs
- I smacked Cohen after his speech and immediately ran
That's all so far, but we'll hopefully play some more this week!
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moonstarlupinsworld · 5 months
For her and the world [PT. 2]
Ms. Weems X Wednesday X Reader
(Platonic relationship)
TW: Aftermath of poisoning, mentions of death, hospital, past trauma. 
A/N: Can you believe it took me over a year to realize that meant "author notes? And I'm in Ravenclaw, imagine that! Anyway, I just want to say I've been working on this for a while but didn't know the right way to portray what I wanted, that's why it took so long, but it's finally here.
Summary: It’s been almost two days since Ms. Thornhill decided to attack. Nevermore was a mess, but the students stopped the fire before things got even worse. But Ms. Weems can’t feel that calmness, not with you still unconscious at the hospital, trying your best to stay alive. 
Whoever said that dying was a painless process clearly has lied. The excruciating pain and the burning sensation of your lungs not getting enough air accompanied you as your brain finally detached from anything that could connect it to consciousness. You’ve often tried to imagine this exact moment, especially when you lay in bed, motionless and simply thinking about existence. In your altered mind you thought it was quick, and that as soon as you closed your eyes you entered whatever the afterlife was like. 
The reality was you entered some sort of dream. A dream about your life… At least that part was right, your brain decided to show you all the good moments before shutting down forever. 
It didn’t take much for the first memory to enter, and it wasn't a good one. You were around five, sitting on the floor with your toys all around your bedroom. Everything was quiet, the cassette mom had left for you still playing in the background.
“Everything you care about will burn to the ground!” you heard someone say in the office, “and in the process, everyone you love will be lost too.”
It sounded like… No, he couldn’t be here, not after saying all those mean things to mom. So you ignored it, trying to find the doll you’d left somewhere so she could sit on the wooden train. 
The door barged open, and there he was. His pupils were dilated, and he was sweating, barely blinking like a deer caught in the headlight, he almost looked like a maniac. Before you could react, he rushed to you and grabbed you by the arm in a rough movement, forcing you to stand up. You started crying as he frantically packed many toys in a bag, moving around and grabbing random clothes from your closet, dragging you around. 
“We’ll go… safe, I’ll keep you safe”, he whispered, “your mom thinks this school is everything… She didn’t even want you in the first place… I locked her in the office, just to have more time”. 
You tried to scream, kick, get out of his forceful grip around your wrist, but you couldn’t. What was he doing to you? He promised never to use his powers on you, he pinky swore. 
It was even more stressful to re-watch it from the outside, knowing that you couldn’t help that little kid in front of you. 
Thankfully, Larissa had managed to break the door lock, and was quick to use her high heel to knock him out, a clean hit to the head was enough. 
“My sweet little child” she whispered, carrying you in her arms, trying to ease your shaky state “There, there… Mom’s here, darling… No one shall harm you again.”
Ever since then, you used that bedroom as an office for any teacher who might need it. You were moved to one of the other three rooms in the small apartment hidden behind her office. And your bedroom was just a playroom now since you hated sleeping on your own again. 
After that, all the memories went by quickly. You were around six when they found you covered in Larissa’s makeup, marker doodles all around your clothes, and your hairstyle with new bangs (made by yourself). You saw yourself with mom at her important meetings, taking notes in your notebook with colored pens. Dancing with her cassettes and different vinyls late at night, singing along. Cooking your favorite foods together…
 You were a straight A’s student, the pride of every academy you attended, and the perfect, shy kid who never created major chaos. Everyone around you would say how lucky Ms. Weems was to have you as her child.
And of course, how could you not be perfect? You’ve seen her cry, knowing how hard it was to achieve that. You’ve heard the comments people made about her and the school. You’ve seen how much it took her to be where she was. You had to make the path as easy as you could for her, so she didn’t have to worry with you. When you were old enough to enter Nevermore, the distance between you got wider. You found your friends and were not sleeping that often at her quarters anymore. Thankfully, she realized it before it was too late, and you started being close again. 
All this small presentation was coming to an end, and before you could feel it, the last slide came by. It was late at night, and you were back at her quarters, helping with emails she had to send. 
“Y/n/n?” Larissa asked, looking at you with a smile, which you half replied, not taking your eyes from the laptop, “I don’t know if I have ever said this out loud, but I have never felt luckier in my life”
“Really?” you asked, distracted, signing the last email and sending it, “Did the chief finally give up on the whole ‘mysterious creature thing’?”
She laughed before asking you to turn off the computer. You did so, and she grabbed your hand. Even if you were just looking, you could almost feel her warm, comforting touch. 
“I feel lucky because I got you, silly child” she replied, looking at you with proud eyes, “you are everything to me, and honestly I don’t think I would have been able to endure much of what I did without you… I’m so proud of you”...
Everything went dark and empty, and after being in some sort of shock, accepting your own death, you panicked. No, you didn’t want to die. Not like this. Not alone in the dark. You’ve sacrificed yourself for the better, and now you were whining like a child. Does that make you a weak person? Does that invalidate your sacrifice?
Darkness surrounded you no matter the direction you took. Running in circles, you tripped with your foot, falling face first to the ground. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your breathing shallow as you tried to find something to ground you. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, only silence. A silence so deep you could hear your breathing, you could listen to your thoughts clear like water. Nothing was real. What was going on?
Your senses, overwhelmed, begged for the torture to stop. There was no purpose in trying to stand up, so you curled up in a ball, hugging your knees and closing your eyes. Every time you were feeling down, scared, or sad, Larissa had been there for you. She was always there, holding your hand, stroking your hair to calm all your aches down. You felt like that helpless child you once were, trying to find her in this nightmare. 
“Y/N?” An echoed voice flew across the emptiness, “I’m back, all right? I won’t go away anymore, promise”.
Your eyes opened, searching for the source of the sound. It was only you, the ground, and the darkness… After brushing away the tears with a rough hand movement, you listened, staying still. 
“I spoke with the cops again… they say it might be better for us to hide after you get better, just in case” she whispered. You recognize that voice, vaguely. “Donovan said you were really brave back there… Of course you were, you always are…”
Where was she? Sitting up, you keep on trying to find the source of her voice. You are sure now, that’s mom. Her voice started cracking as she revealed all the things that had happened since the first attack, how she rushed to the hospital and almost lost you twice. How you were connected to a bunch of things and in a state of deep sleep (she feared to called it the real name just in case you could understand you wouldn’t get scared). The attack at midnight at Nevermore, how the students were forced to escape in a very short amount of time. Thankfully not many people were injured severely. 
The best part was that you were able to help after all. Thanks to the video, the police department had been on patrol nearby the school all evening, and reacted quickly when things went south.
After a brief pause, she spoke to you about… yourself. She missed your jokes, your smile, the interesting conversations you used to have during tea time, and the pictures saved in your shared album “Mom and me”. She felt guilty, ashamed of not being able to protect you and standing still as Ms. Thornhill stabbed you with the venom, her body only reacting as your knees buckled and you dropped to the ground half conscious.
“...But I don’t know why am I even talking about this… I think you are not able to hear me, darling” she said in a sad whisper, clearing her throat so her voice wouldn’t break again “I miss your voice, y/n/n… My sleepy kitten.”
But you were there! You could hear her loud and clear, why was she saying all of that? 
“Mom I’m right here, I can hear you!” You yelled, but no words left your mouth. Only a strained yell, making you sound like a squeaking mouse. “Mom I can hear you! Get me out of here, please!”
Standing up, you try to yell again, to make her notice you. How was she talking to you but you couldn’t see her? This was not funny, it was simply terrifying. You wanted to speak, to scream for help. After trying with no result for your voice to be heard, you started to give up… after what seemed like ages, you decided it was not worth it, curling up again. You started to feel sleepy. Was it possible to sleep in a dream? 
“Mom  I’m scared! Please…” you choke up on your tears, sobbing “ I want to wake up… help… please, someone help…”
After a long time (you didn’t know how much exactly) you woke up, still in that nightmare. Trapped inside your mind, what a fun experience! Groggily you stretched, your ears trying to seek for the known voice of Ms. Weems. 
But she was nowhere to be found, and instead you were left with another. After a few minutes of listening you realized who it was: Wednesday. 
“I thought you would be awake by now. After all, you have proven to be extremely strong Y/N” there was a small hint of a kind note in her voice, “Thank you for covering me during the personal investigations… I should have known that the outcome of everything would be bloody and disastrous.”
You smiled. After all you did, it seemed like  Wednesday and you were friends. You were glad her first year wasn’t as horrible as she had imagined. 
Someone knocked on the door before entering, greeting the raven-haired girl good morning. The first minutes an uncomfortable silence filled the room before Ms. Weems took lead of the conversation. 
“I’m glad to see you again, Ms. Addams” 
“I was only hoping to be able to say my farewells and thank them ” she explained “I won’t be able to see them until the next term of your torturous school begins”. 
Even if you were not able to see them, you could bet almost anything that comment made your mom smile. She was happy, even if she didn’t wished to admit it, that Wednesday had survived the whole term at the school. 
“I will be happy to see you again” Ms. Weems replied, before adding “And, Wednesday?”
She looked her in the eye, knowing what Larissa was about to do, but before trying to stop her, the principal continued. 
“Thank you. First, for saving my child… If you hadn’t took out the syringe before the entirety of the liquid was inside them… I don’t even wish to imagine what could have happened… And second, for saving Nevermore. You are an extraordinary, gifted, and intelligent girl… I am sure your mother will be proud”
This time, Wednesday stood still for a second, before thanking them with embarrassment and asking for her not to do that again in the foreseeable future. Ms. Weems choked out a laugh, trying still to understand what could be going inside the young girl’s brain. 
Wednesday searched in her pockets for something, and after a few seconds she took out a phone, handing it to Ms. Weems, who took it not fully understanding. With the faintest of blushes, she cleared her throat, looking at the principal. 
“I was wondering if Y/N has one of those things Enid seems to enjoy so much… So I could write to them, once they are awake… Insta-gram, I think” after a few seconds of silence, she added, like defending herself “I’m still getting used to having one of those.”
With a subtle nod, Ms. Weems searched for your profile, followed you on that phone and handed it back to the black-haired girl. She thanked her, said her farewells, and left. Larissa was quite amused at the ever so mysterious girl being more into social media, and how flustered she looked when admitting she knew nothing about those things. Even the one with the darkest hearth had a sweet inside, even if they don’t usually admit it, she thought. 
But after the minutes of amusement, the tears came back to her already red eyes. She had never seen more undone. Her always flawless hair was messy, half combed into a bun. Her face pale, dark circles fully visible under her tired eyes. Her hands were cold, but she rubbed them one against the other to warm them up. Yours were as cold as ice, she only wished for you to feel a bit warm. 
The nurse had come early in the morning and announced you were responding to the treatment, and changed your oxygen mask for a cannula. It was now up to you wheter you woke up in a few minutes or hours. That got Larissa’s hopes up, before realizing maybe you were not ready to wake up yet. 
She announced the good news, grabbing your hand and rubbing gentle circles on it. Trying to motivate you, she started thinking out loud places where you could hide. A few sobs were heard as she kept rambling, trying not to break down again in the sight of an unpredictable future.
This was enough right? You were making everyone so worried, and mom had stated the fact you needed to hide as soon as you were in good shape again. You had to try to wake up, for her. The world was no longer in danger. And even if it was, you didn’t think it mattered anymore. You tried to get control of your body… And then you felt it, a warm sensation around your hand. Slowly, you were beginning to feel again. 
“You see? I told you Wednesday wanted to be your friend. After all the mischiefs you conjured during the past months I woulnd’t expect anything else” She sighed, grabbing your hand, “could you please show me you are still in there, kitten?”
Just a sign. You could do that… How, you had no idea. After a few minutes of what you thought useless attempts, the darkness dissipated, leaving space for a very bright light. 
“I felt your hand moving, great job Y/N” she encouraged you, happy tears streaming down her face, “You can do it darling, just open your eyes.”
It took a lot out of you, but somehow you managed to escape your prison. Your eyes opened slowly, squinting a bit as you adjusted your vision to the bright room. Groaning, you started feeling your senses again. 
What happened? Where is this place? 
“...Mom?” you asked in a whisper, still lost and half-asleep. 
“I’m right here, sweetheart.” she reassured you, stroking your hair. “Welcome back, sleepy kitten.”
With a vague smile you simply let her stroke your hair as you finished understanding everything that was going on. Then, aware of your surroundings, you cleared your throat. Still, not a noise came out. 
“It will take some time, don’t worry” mom’s voice explained, “you just woke up from a really long nap, after all”. 
The first meal you had after being entirely on IV therapy was glory. It wasn’t much, true, but you felt like it been ages since you ate something. Your body was recuperating, and you had no major side effect, aside from the weakness and the fact you were not able to walk five steps without falling over. But it could be worse, right?
You wrote to Wednesday as soon as you were allowed to have your phone back, and it was so funny to see how many accidental typos she made, or how many times she would send weird stickers. After a few weeks you were given the all clear, finally ready to go to your new home. Where? That was gonna be fun to find out. Thankfully mom was able to infiltrate on her office, grabbing two bags full of clothes and other important stuff, so you were not able to miss any of your favorite stuff.
Your sacrifice was for her, and you were happy you took the risk, even if now you are weak and might need some aid when walking. The mystery was over, everything was good.
Things won’t last much like that, sure, but for now it was time to rest and see where destiny would take you.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Hi cate it’s one in the morning and I can’t get this off my mind Garcia taking Reid to a concert he was hesitant to go to at first because he usually doesn’t enjoy places like those but then when he hears readers start just like BELTING with amazing vocals and I mean like vocal’s he low key catches a quick interest in her…maybe could this be a one shot/blurb?? 🤍
yes !! i am so into Noah Kahan at the moment that it had to be him
"Come on, you've got to come with me." Penelope groans, standing in front of Spencer's desk.
"I've been to, like, five concerts in my life." He protests, trying to find any way to stay home. "And I don't know the songs. There's got to be someone else you can take."
She shakes her head. "Nope, everyone has plans. Come on, we go to conventions together. This isn't much different."
He scoffs. "The germs in a situation like a pit are astounding." He reminds her. "Not to mention what listening to loud music does to the ear."
"You're coming." She says decisively. "And you're going to love it/ We can even get matching merch."
Spencer knows there's no point in arguing with her. He couldn't win, and he wouldn't want to disappoint her. Plus, what's really the worst that can happen? He'll be there for a few hours, makes sure Penelope gets home safe, and be in bed with a book by 11.
"Okay, fine, let's go." He agrees, getting up and grabbing his bag.
He underestimated how long it would take for her to get ready, and how many people would be there, and honestly, he's feeling slightly nervous about being there.
"You're going to love it," Penelope assures him, squeezing his hands reassuringly before going back to talking about her favorite songs.
Spencer can appreciate the harmonies of the singer and how the chords are structured. It's not as bad as he thought. Halloween hits home, and he thinks about calling Ethan.
Penelope nudges his arm at some point, nodding to the girl standing next to them, you. Spencer's already noticed. He's got a sixth sense for people watching him, born out of his years of FBI training.
"She's cute," Penelope tells him.
He smiles slightly just watching you dance so carefreely. "I know."
"Well, talk to her." She urges. "She probably thinks we're together." He understands how you, or anyone, would come to that assumption.
He's about to before the Stick Season gets to its first chorus and you're belting out the lyrics by heart. "And I love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks and I Saw your mom she forgot that I existed and It's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas"
He leans down to talk to you in for his knight in shining armor moment when you almost drop your phone, too focused on singing and screaming. "Would you like me to hold it? I can film much steadier."
"Please." You say, eagerly handing your phone over. He's tall, too, incredibly helpful in getting good footage.
He spends most of the time looking at you, and he finds even more courage to talk to you when there's an interlude between songs. "I'm Spencer." He introduces himself.
"Y/n." You do the same thing. "And thank you. Your height is a great advantage." He chuckles at that. "Are you a fan, too? Just the silent type?"
He shakes his head. "Maybe after tonight. I really just came here for my friend." He emphasizes the last word, making sure you understand the relationship.
You wave at Penelope, who's grinning proudly at Spencer's bravery. "Cool. Is there any way I can bribe you to film the rest of this for me?" You ask slyly.
"I'll do it regardless." He tells you nobly, not wanting you to feel pressured into anything.
"You can have my number anyway." You offer, reaching out to hold his arm, the pen that was in your bag hovering over it. "If you want."
"Please." He nods, letting you write it on your skin without reservation.
When you pull away, it hits him that it's your number, not 822-993-167, and he can use it to call you with it.
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kiyans-corner · 2 years
Danny Phantom conspiracy theory hour! Or prompt time, whatever.
ok but what if his rogues gallery, all his usuals... What if that's actually his family? hear me out!
ok so there's a ThingTM I've seen floating around where baby ghosts get dibs-ed by mature ghosts to keep them safe while their core settles or whatever, right? But ghost bonding time = fighting. So they just absolutely wrecked his shit to say hi and stake claim... gently, with no irreparable damage to him. A lil literal love tap for the newly dead, newly formed.
The kid isn't a regular ghost. He still breathes, sometimes. If you catch him in his meatsuit, he's warm too, and either way he still has actual factual BLOOD in him! HUMAN blood! And if you hit him as hard as you would another full ghost that shit FALLS OUT OF HIM, and it just. it actually needs replaced! no one is sure exactly how squishy their Ghost Boy is, but they're pretty damn sure that it wouldn't be a matter of "just" collecting and guarding his core if he got his ass handed to him badly enough he needed it.
And without a steady exposure to ectoplasm, without the support of at least one AdultTM like you'd have in the zone... He might not even need to get busted down like that to destabilize.
That's a hell of a weakness. That's a hell of a way to figure out why the kid just... doesn't go to the Zone. They don't think he even knows he needs to, that he needs contact with AdultsTM to help him settle right, and even with all his freaky cryptid bullshit, where he'll be normal one minute, and then out of the corner of your eye his skin will flush, his eyes go flat and dull- an eerie blue, icy and disconcerting. Fangs shorten to little useless things, just for a second, just long enough to see. He's still a baby.
And his fucking human parents want to kill him a second time over, the exact same way they'd do if the fuckers caught one of them. To their SON.
To the kid they just collectively called dibs on.
There isn't enough ectoplasm in Amity Park to sustain a literal baby while his core finishes out. AdultsTM have a driving need to protect baby ghosts, just by default (not that anyone minds, in the Infinite Realms it's not exactly common to run into an unaccompanied minor. They usually get picked up within the first few days when they're exploring, if they weren't born in the zone somewhere populated in the first place). Outside of the zone, it's going to take all of them to help keep his core stable... And they have to do it without their Ghost Boy catching on, so his stupid human progenitors- those are NOT fucking parents, what in the fuck, absolutely THE FUCK not, not if the scum suckers would kill the Ghost Boy if they found out he'd been claimed by ~ectoplasmic scum~ and maybe actually hung out with them like this was supposed to work.
The best way to get close enough for some literal core support, close enough to fucking smother everything around him in a halfway decent amount of ectoplasm? Gonna have to fight him. All the time. Badly. As many wide shots, as much of their own ectoplasm soaking into the stone and soil and sublimating the air around him as possible for him to feed off of. Their own attacks fizzling in the air after making contact with anything, bonus points if their Ghost Boy gets a lung full of the newly unimprinted ectoplasm.
They aren't growing in power as Danny grows. They're just using more of their power as he grows. Just enough that he can still "win" until he's actually on a level playing field. Baby raising basics, their controlled combat was also indirectly teaching their boy to fight better!
And if another side effect of scattering their own ectosignatures on every available surface was keeping everyone weaker than their combined strengths that would go for their boy too hard, accidentally or on purpose, out of Amity Park if they told them to gtfo, even with a permanent portal right there? It didn't matter that Amity Park was in the human realm, or that at least one of them had to go for a play date every other day at minimum instead of less frequent check ins, that they spent so much time in the wrong realm now.
It was a parent's job to help the youngest ones establish and hold their lair until they can manage it on their own too, after all.
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moodyseal · 9 months
Any thoughts on the Buffy season two premiere where we see her dealing with her trauma etc?
I'M SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER I put it off for a while because I wanted to give a good answer and then forgot 😭 anyway now I'm finally going through my askbox and I do have thoughts about that episode! Many of them, actually, especially now that I have finished the main series and can look at Buffy from a whole different perspective.
Throughout the seasons, Buffy is pretty consistent in the way she deals with stress and physical/emotional pain: since she's pretty independent as a person, she tends to push away the people around her, preferring to deal with her problems on her own (see: her running off to New York after the whole thing with Angel).
This sort of behaviour is not as evident in "When She Was Bad" as it becomes later on (especially in the form of her very complicated relationships) but it's still there, and it's strictly tied with the fact that, for the first time, between her "death" and the amount of danger her friends went through, Buffy finally understood the meaning of her role as a Slayer, and the very lethal risks it came with. Before, she seemed to think that she was invincible, and that her friends were as well; but after experiencing what death feels like, after the pain and the horror, it seems that the prospect of not being able to grow old, and others risking the same because of her, hit her for the first time. Right at that moment she, a 16-year-old, actually started feeling responsible for everyone's safety, and it was too much for her to bear:
"I can't do it anymore. I can't look after the three of you guys while I'm fighting."
And what I think it's fascinating about this is how deep a show from 1997 went into her response to this knowledge, how it even went as far as to show us all the subtle little ways in which this independency of hers and tendency to alienate herself were starting to develop, all the negative effects it had on her and her relationships, and also why, exactly, her reaction was so severe; because you see, it's true that Buffy went through an incredibly stressful experience, and all in all she would've probably behaved nearly the same way in any other situation, but it's also true that she was a bit more reactive here than she would've been normally, and that's because she never managed to get closure by killing the Master herself.
She never actually staked him, nor did she exactly kill him herself in any way, since he fell through the roof of the library and basically got impaled on his own; she never defeated him. It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that this made her very, very insecure about her own strength.
She wasn't even part of the burying, since she took off nearly right away, so she never actually witnessed him getting buried. For all she knew, he might've not been killed properly so, at least subconsciously, she must've felt as if she were still in danger.
Danger makes people act differently: some freeze in fear, some take off, trying to save themselves by getting somewhere safe. Buffy fights; and a fight response makes aggressive, reactive people.
So that's why I think she was so insistent on fighting on her own, why she lashed out so much and why she was much more brutal than she usually is. Before they found out about the ritual, with the lack of a Master for her to fight, she needed to wipe out as many vampires as possible to make up for the mistake of getting defeated by him; afterwards, her frustration stemmed mostly from the urgency to find him and kill him (on her own!) other than from the burden of having to protect everyone (that I've already mentioned) and from the intense, overwhelming feeling of being alone with this burden.
Because that's another thing that played into how she behaved (despite no one acknowledging it because, I mean, when is anyone ever held accountable when it comes to Buffy's feelings?): no one cared. Everyone else acted as if nothing happened at first, as if they didn't seriously risk their lives, and she couldn't understand why. Why was Cordelia so superficial when there were worse things to be worried about? Why was everyone acting so cheery? Why did she have to shoulder her pain alone?
One of the songs used in this episode actually explains this feeling SO well, and it's probably intentional that it played right at the moment when Joyce tried to ask her what was wrong:
It doesn't matter what I want/It doesn't matter what I need/It doesn't matter if I cry/Don't matter if I bleed
This is what's wrong. Her being powerless in the face of something bigger than her, risking her life either way, and others acting as if it were just a regular Tuesday.
In later seasons, she matures from this way of thinking; in fact, in 03x18 she comes to the conclusion that, more often than not, it's not that people don't care about her feelings, but they're just busy juggling their own emotional baggage (sometimes an invisible one) and they don't have time to deal with hers too.
"You have all this pain, all these feelings, and nobody's really paying attention. Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're too busy with their own."
However, at the start of the second season she was still 16, and she didn't have those two years of experience behind her back, so she couldn't have possibly known that, and therefore she had to deal with it in the only way she knew how to, in order to protect her feelings: by pushing everyone away.
The vampires trying to bring back the Master might've seemed like just the usual monster-of-the-week sort of plot—a way like any other to start the season and tie it back to the finale, remind the viewers of how the last season ended—but it's actually so much more important than that, because it's actually a way to give Buffy a way to process all those feelings.
By destroying the Master herself through a manual, powerful tool like the sledgehammer she used, and by destroying whatever remained of his bones until they turned into dust, she made sure that SHE had been the one to kill him, SHE had been the one to protect everyone, SHE had been the one to take revenge for all the grief she'd felt in those few months. This might even explain why she was seemingly fine in the next episode: after such a cathartic experience, she was finally at peace.
I definitely didn't expect a show from more than twenty years ago to deliver such a delicate situation so nicely, but they did a great job. The show has some issues for sure, but in my opinion it was absolutely brilliant for its time.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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the world's smallest violin.
vincent fabron (CHAMBER) x reader
this whole week had to be one of the worst ones of your life.
for starters, on monday you woke up late and got scolded by your boss for your lack of punctuality.
tuesday, you felt the need to dress in your favorite outfit just to feel good about yourself, only for it to be ruined when it began to rain later that afternoon (and of course, you had forgotten to bring an umbrella.)
wednesday you decided to go out drinking with your friends to cheer up and have some fun, only to end up catching a sore throat when the burning sensation refused to go away even after you had stopped taking the various shots at your favorite bar.
cue you having a cold for the rest of the week and calling out sick from work, finally using up the sick days you had accumulated from your job. your throat still burned, making it difficult for you to even eat meals. all you could do was drink some broth and down copious amounts of cold medicine in hopes of relieving your symptoms for even a moment.
it was now sunday, and you had finally gotten over your cold. your throat finally stopped hurting as your voice steadily lost its nasally quality. currently, you were laying in bed, scrolling through your phone while trying not to feel like absolute crap due to how bad your week was. you finish typing out an email to your boss, telling him that you would make it to your shift tomorrow before tossing your phone to the side.
while you were suffering through such a terrible week, your boyfriend of two years was nowhere to be found. and despite how you had already known that he would be on a rather long mission with protocol, his absence still greatly upset you. the things you dealt with this week left you so mentally drained-
"i've seen so many horrors back in my days with working for the french military, mon ange. horrors that i am grateful that you shall never have to go through."
that particular memory of vincent detailing his past life to you makes you curl up even more. you force the tears that once spilled from your eyes to stop, feeling almost silly for crying over something so tiny in comparison to all the things your lover has been through.
with a sigh, you slowly wipe away at your eyes, feeling them become red and swollen from crying.
i must be playing the worlds smallest violin right now. honestly, get a grip.
you were debating whether you should calm down and further comfort yourself with some hot cocoa when your phone begins to ring, alerting you to a call from vincent himself.
you answer it within seconds, your voice breathless when you say his name with a bit of longing, "vincent, honey, hello. i've missed you."
his rich laughter fills your ears, making your cheeks warm just the tiniest bit. "i've missed you, too, mon amour. i just couldn't wait to hear your voice, and i wanted to let you know that i'm on my way home with your favorite takeout."
the tears began to fill your vision once more, causing your voice to come out a bit shaky, "that's great! vince i've had-"
you cut yourself off, biting down on your bottom lip so as to keep yourself from ranting about your bad week to him. vincent catches the way you had suddenly stopped speaking and asks, "what's wrong, love?"
"ah, it's nothing. please come home safely, okay?" not wanting to cave in, you hang up the call first, heart pounding as your stomach began to twist with anxiety.
there was no way vincent was going to come home and not ask you what was wrong. but truly, you didn't want to burden him with such problems you deemed as tiny inconveniences.
about fifteen minutes later, you see your boyfriend enter your shared home with a huge bag of takeout. he settled the food on the dining room table before bringing you into his arms and pressing a kiss against your temple.
"my, have i missed you. is it me, or have you gotten even lovelier since i had last seen you?"
you roll your eyes and playfully hit at his chest, "don't be ridiculous. i'm dressed in my pajamas and look awful."
"nonsense, mon amour, for you are always beautiful to me." pressing one last kiss against your lips, vincent goes to plate your dinner. when you tried to help, he simply shoos you away, beckoning you to sit as he tells you how much he wants to spoil you due to his absence.
you take a seat and watch with a fondness when he piles on all of your favorite foods, making a heaping plate for you as he places the delicious meal in front of you. with your mouth watering and your appetite returning post-cold, you dig in almost immediately.
"ah, this is so good, i'm so happy to be able to taste things again!"
"to taste again? were you sick?"
vincent's question makes you pause, forcing you to swallow the last bit of food before your anxiety returned. you really didn't want to bother your beloved with stories of your shitty week, knowing he was doing something far more dangerous during his latest mission.
"y-yeah, it was just a cold, but i'm okay now, i promise!" just seeing the concern in his golden brown eyes makes the tears and all of your sadness return at full force. "e-excuse me!"
knowing that vincent was going to chase after you, you run into the bathroom first before locking it. with your back pressed against the door, you begin to softly sob, those negative emotions that built up during the week finally coming to an overflow. you could no longer stop your tears, and when you heard vincent gently knock against the bathroom door, asking if you were okay, did you truly break down.
the sheer amount of tears blurred your vision, and you could feel the buildup of mucus within your nose. fuck, you were actually ugly crying right now and came back to feeling like absolute shit.
"darling, angel, love, please, talk to me. what's wrong?"
his voice was close, and you were certain that vincent was pressing himself against the bathroom door.
with a sniffle, you finally admit to him, "i don't want to tell you."
"well, why not? i want you to tell me because whatever it is, it's making you cry."
you let out another choked sob, "i had a bad week, but they're not big enough to warrant your concern, vince. go on, have dinner without me for a bit, just let me let this all out and i'll be okay again, i promise."
the silence seemed to drag on for what felt like eternity. you figured vincent had taken your advice and already made his way back to the dining room. letting out a sigh of relief, you quickly clean yourself by blowing your nose with some toilet paper and washing your face. when you began to feel somewhat more presentable was the moment you opened the door-
only to be met with a broad chest standing in your way.
"never feel as though your problems are insignificant, mon amour. for if they make you this sad, then it is not insignificant to me." vincent had managed to trap you in his arms, engulfing your form in his embrace. you cling to him with a desperation, greedily breathing in his scent when you broke down once more.
"but my problems, they're so small compared to all the things you've been through."
he lifts your chin to press a kiss against your chapped lips, not minding the salty taste of your tears, "it doesn't matter how big or small your troubles are. what matters is that it's enough to make you lose that smile on your face. i want to share your burden and know what made you so unhappy because i love you."
you could feel your heart become lighter upon hearing his words, finally making you feel better as a genuine smile paints your lips. "thank you, love, for being such an amazing boyfriend."
"nonsense, it my duty to ensure that you are happy. now come." he adjusts his hold on you so that he was now carrying you, allowing you to rest your head against his shoulder while he carries you back to the dining room, "you can tell me all about it as we eat dinner together."
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all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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pencildragon11 · 2 months
sexcapade (explicit)
god i am just. floating. that scene was the most depraved shit i've ever done and it felt so fucking good.
we hashed out most of the negotiation over text, sketching out several scene options but also a whole spectrum of intriguing shit we could explore down the road.
so then when we met up, we'd already talked about how we wanted it to go
I told her where to meet me. I got to the bar first. I was still dressed from work: blue jeans and a white oxford button-down. Nice leather shoes. I ordered a fruity, girly cocktail for her and a bourbon on the rocks for me.
(I do not recommend mixing alcohol and kink, especially on first dates, especially when indulging in edgeplay! However, we'd already discussed our individual alcohol tolerances and explicitly opted-in to a small amount of booze. This is not Safe and Sane but it was Risk Aware.)
[Content notes for below the cut: my sex life, misogyny kink, edgeplay, mixing alcohol and kink, being an absolute shit to this girl]
She arrived. We smiled at each other. Blushed. Fell easily into small talk, all the first-date questions we'd skipped about our jobs and ages and home lives. She finished her drink and got another, even fruitier. I hit the perfect level of buzz halfway through my first drink and switched to water.
I kept watching the level in her glass, until finally there was maybe a quarter of her second drink left and I was impatient. "As soon as you finish your drink, I'll take you home," I said, and sluuuurp down the rest went.
I dropped cash on the bar (she tried to chip in and I laughed at her and told her to shut up) and led her out to her car. "I think I should drive," I told her, and slid into the driver's seat of her sleek, fancy car.
There was a such a thrill to it. All those little power plays. Knowing that she didn't know where I was taking her. The incredible trust of handing her keys to someone she'd just met. Being behind the wheel of a nice car with a pretty girl's hand on my leg.
I took her home. We kissed a little. I got lost in her tits for awhile, pulling her dress up and her bra down in that way that feels more exposed than being actually naked. Pinched and twisted her nipples until she was writhing and whimpering, until I could tell it was almost more than she could handle, then let her catch her breath and did some more.
I played with her clit, too, more roughly than I usually do. Usually I go for the soft gentle lovemaking, because so many girls eat that shit up. I kiss my way up their thighs, mouth softly between their legs, and eat them out all the way from butterfly to bulldog eating oatmeal.
Nah, this time I indulged my fantasies of just groping and touching and tugging, teasing her for how wet she was.
Then, after just a minute or two, I gestured at my crotch and told her it was time to do something about that.
I struggle so hard to let partners get me off. To relax into actually taking as long as it takes. To not get in my head about being too much. I have a bad habit of getting impatient and reaching down to just finish myself off.
Not this time.
She'd told me ahead of time, multiple times, that she truly wanted me to use her. We'd talked out this exact scenario and she'd been enthusiastic and excited.
So I just. Seized the power trip with both hands and went for it.
The whole time I was crooning the filthiest things to her, in the smarmiest most condescending voice.
Like, See? this is what your mouth is for. Remember, I took you out and paid for our drinks. You know what you have to do now. Go on, suck. Harder!
At one point I pulled her off me by the hair, slapped her across the face, shoved her back down, and told her to do better. Then praised her all backhandedly and condescending, like, see, there you go, I knew you could get it, you're a smart girl when you put your mind to it.
Apparently I have an inexhaustible well of that kind of dirty talk in me, which is ... interesting.
Internally, I worried about whether it was too much or whether I was taking too long. But we got there, and it was glorious.
I did go down on her properly, then.
Afterward, I held her for a long time. Dressed us both again, to provide a tangible endpoint for the scene, a clear line between roleplay and debrief. Brought her water and chocolate. Got her talking about unsexy things until the mental functions pieced themselves back together.
Debriefed. She loved it all?? She adored the slap??? She reassured me that I can take as long as I want when I'm worried about taking too long.
She might have told me I'm the nicest guy she's ever met? or maybe it was the handsomest?
All I know is I've had a reasonable share of good sex, but as far as kink scenes go? That's the first one I've had that's .... really worked. Most fun I've ever had domming.
And the wild thing is, it felt so rough around the edges. I can already see how with practice we could refine the shit out of this dynamic. Find all the little knobs and switches and ratchet up the hotness to absurd levels.
We're already talking about all the things we want to try next.
Hot damn.
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kquil · 1 year
🧁- Hiii, I've never done one of these before but here I am.
I'm a 5'3", pansexual, Cis girl, and I'm open to many relationship dynamics (poly, non-sexual, stuff like that). I have shoulder-length wavy blonde hair. My style of clothing is sweatpants or ripped jeans with lots of graphic T-shirts. I don't do makeup very often but I love to dress up femininely with cool makeup looks (that cosplayers do) every so often.
I'm a super awkward nerd, who has anxiety and ADHD, but I can be pretty funny (sometimes) once you get to know me. I've been sorted as a Hufflepuff. My patronus is a deerhound, which I love because I love dogs.
I love all sorts of animals, horses & wolves especially. I love reading books, drawing, and listening to music (country, rock, old hits, 2000s, and pop). I'm not a big sports fan, but I enjoy watching American Football. I'm not very active but like walking with my dog. I grew up around car guys so cars interest me. I prefer hanging out with a small group of my close friends (or a quiet day with animals - like horseback riding alone or snuggling with my dog) over large crowds of people even if I know them all.
---sorry that was a lot, but I love your writing, I love your series heroes in tattoos! it's an amazing story!! Thank you for doing this, you are an amazing writer!!
no no! that was the perfect amount darling, not too much, not too little, thank you for celebrating my 1k milestone with me! and for enjoying my writing so much! ahhh! im so flustered! ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა but im so sorry this took me such a long time to write this for you, i hope it's to your liking
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i ship you with, Sirius Black
i. as a dog lover, you love it when sirius is in his animagus form; he loves it too because you cannot resist the urge to cuddle and kiss him and since he’s so touch starved he never gets tired of it. He will happily spend the entire day with you in his animagus form, in fact, you spent many weekends together with him in his animagus form just soaking up your love 
ii. sirius finds so much comfort in you and the two of you have so many memories together just spending time in silence or with music playing in the background, him doing his thing and you doing your thing and, most of the time, you two start or end up cuddling each other. he’s never felt so at peace and he loves you so much for it; you’ve become his safe space and him, yours. 
iii. he understands that you don’t usually like being around big crowds but you try to be there for him at parties because he’s such a social butterfly. Every single time, he kisses you as thanks and doesn’t leave your side when at the party, even when you encourage him to spend time with the boys, “you’re here with me, why would i want to spend time with the boys?” was always his response
iv. when he found out how much you like horses, he went out of his way to book a session on a ranch where you can take horses out on trails through forests and mountain landscapes. he was horrible at horse riding and was constantly getting overwhelmed by being with them but you were a natural and befriended your horse quickly. He loved seeing how gentle you were and how well you got along with them, it was as if you were a real life princess and he felt so lucky to have you in his life. you two had the best day together, you got to be around horses and sirius and sirius got to be around you and see you smiling and happy
v. he loves your not so feminine style of clothing, he thinks you look hot and the two of you easily borrow each other’s clothes. when you dress yourself up a little more, however, he is weak-kneed, faint hearted and red faced because “fuck, you’re so pretty,” you would laugh at his flustered response and eventually smile in thanks, which was just the final hit! next thing you know, he’s on the ground, unconscious but with the goofiest, love-sick smile on his face.
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #72
We have made it safely to Pennsylvania once more. After over 7 hours of driving, J, Br, and I are all safe and warm in the hotel room. I drove a little more than half of the route, and it wasn't so bad. This bodes well, given that I must drive back tomorrow morning. I'm grateful that Br will be with me to keep me company. Driving is always safer when there is more than one set of eyes on the road and more than one person who can take the wheel if necessary. Safety is important, especially for long trips. J, meanwhile, will be flying back in the small plane that he bought - the very same one that I showed you in the 58th letter I wrote to you.
…The second installment of your remade story also comes out today. I am anxious to see what's in store for you (I am very scared about you getting hurt some more…), but J needs my support, and I must prioritize tending properly to my real-world relationships. M will wait to play it until I return home tomorrow. I have asked M to play it instead of me, because… I'm not sure I've got what it takes to press the buttons to make Cloud raise his blade at you. M has no such limitations (and does not mind that I do have them), so…
…Maybe it just means I'm a coward, at least in this regard. Even if you came at me with your sword drawn with the intention to hurt me (impossible, I know), I still don't think I could bring myself to raise a hand at you; you've been through enough already. I'd probably just take the hit and, if I'm still conscious, look up at you, wondering why, but smiling up at you nonetheless.
J, Br, and I went to an awesome place to get dinner. I can't share it with you, sadly. But I did take a few pictures. Here:
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I also took a few pictures on the drive up, during the portions when J drove. And when it was my turn to drive, J took a few pictures for you, too (I'm so lucky that he's this supportive of me!!). Here:
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I don't know what the future holds. I'm scared for you. I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I don't want you to have to do difficult things anymore. I don't want you to be in pain anymore. Haven't you already been put through enough? Haven't you, with your childhood and most of your adulthood being the way it was, been punished enough?
You shouldn't have had to face such punishment just for having come into being. But such was your lot, just as it is for so many of us in my world. Such was my lot. Such was the lot of so many people I love. I look around, and I can't help but wonder… hasn't there been enough senseless suffering? What is it going to take to get everyone to stop punishing each other? What is it going to take to get them to stop punishing themselves? I wish I knew…
Sephiroth. I hope, sincerely and with every fiber of my being, that your story might be able to light the way to recovery for so many people in my world. I hope that once it's all said and done, you will be able to enjoy the peaceful, ordinary life that you so desperately wanted. I hope to see you build a life for yourself that is full of loving friends and mostly free of pain. I want to see a life for you in which the problems are solvable with sufficient self-reflection and communication.
…If nothing else, I hope someday you'll be able to look at me, and see that such a thing is possible. Even if I have my struggles still from time to time, a peaceful, wholesome life after cruelty and despair is still possible. And if it's possible even for someone as silly and derpy and clumsy and broken as me… I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of wonders that someone as amazing as you can do.
I want to see just how brightly you can shine - and not in the ways that most people seem to define what it means to truly shine. Words such as "strength", "courage", and "dedication" have a different meaning for me than they do for most other people, it seems. Maybe you've picked up on that by now, if you've read everything else I've tried to convey to you at this point.
Sephiroth. You can do it. You can make good choices. You can act in ways that are gentle and loving. You can make a peaceful life for yourself and for everyone on your planet. You can break free of your conditioning and from all those who would seek to exploit or control you. You can forge genuinely loving relationships based on mutual care and respect. Sephiroth, I believe in you. And I will believe in you for as long as this defective body of mine still clunks around in my broken world. And I will still believe in you even long after that - no matter how many times you fall down. I will be right here. I'll always be right here.
You are loved. So please… please keep yourself safe out there. Please don't disappear.
In return, I will do my best to keep myself safe on the road on the way back so that I can write to you again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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