#i've only just noticed after typing all that out that i didn't mention a single north american player at all
thedissociatives · 11 months
Top 5 hockey players (currently active or of all time, your choice :))
ik u said currently active or all time. but i'm gonna do both because there's literally no overlap between the two. in no particular order ofc
currently active (a solid mix of actually good players and then the random guys i decided to get emotionally attached to the past few seasons):
ben bowns
mo seider
alex romanov
andrey kuzmenko
oskar sundqvist
all time favs (this one can change around a bit. but currently is exclusively made of ppl who played for cska and are all retired):
sergei fedorov (ik i'm v much stating the obvious here but like. i can't not say him)
alex mogilny
pavel bure
igor larionov
valeri kharlamov
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gregorygerwitz · 2 months
Tommy was nowhere to be found when Buck was in the gym though. That was 100% about Eddie. As was the Christopher thing because he didn't want to be replaced in Eddie and Christophers lives by anyone, for any length of time. The only time I really felt him trying to get Tommy's attention was their first scene together. But that was purposeful by the writers. They wanted to have it both ways and needed Buck to want both of their attention but have no idea why.
I've sat here for almost a full day wondering how to respond to this, and honestly, I very nearly deleted it without responding because... I barely go here. I just shifted over to 911 as my main fandom. I was a One Chicago blog a little over a week ago and yeah, one well timed rewatch might put me back on that train.
I just came over here because I watched the show, enjoyed it, and wanted to have fun with other fans. My posts are my opinion and my observations, and are obviously not meant to speak for all of canon or even any faction of the fandom besides myself (and maybe Kit, but our opinions vary sometimes too, and we live together). I just pointed out what I noticed, and the trends that I picked up on, and how I thought they were intending to establish Buck wanting Tommy's attention - which, in my opinion, they did really well.
So, I'm just gonna put a screenshot of the post this is referring to right here:
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Here's the thing. If you watch every single episode of the show looking for Buddie moments whenever Buck or Eddie is on screen (and I saw a lot of that after last night's episode to the point that I'm getting exhausted and annoyed), then that's all you're going to see, even if that's not what they're trying to show us.
It's been especially bad since 7x04 and the BuckTommy kiss. Everyone is looking at his canon queerness through a Buddie lens and ignoring everything else around it. They're making his coming out to Maddie about Buddie, and they're making his attraction to Tommy about Buddie, they're making episodes we haven't even seen about Buddie.
In reality, none of that is about Buddie or confirming future Buddie or anything of the sort. He and Maddie mentioned Eddie in that scene because the conversation started when he said he felt like he was lying to Eddie and he didn't like it. Yes, Eddie and Tommy are similar, and I understand joking about Buck having A Type, but that doesn't make his attraction to Tommy any less genuine. And we don't know anything about 7x06 yet, but everyone is talking about Buddie getting drunk and sleeping together, or Tommy seeing them interact - as he's already seen because the three of them have had scenes together and he's canonically spent time with Chris - and immediately stepping back from the relationship because there might be something there.
Buck is going to his sister's wedding with Tommy. Buck told Maddie and Eddie about Tommy. Buck wants to dance at the wedding with Tommy. He wants to try for something with Tommy. Eddie encouraged him to go call Tommy and work things out. Buck is going to be out to everyone at the Madney wedding because he wants to be there with Tommy as his date.
I don't know. It's just frustrating to see this really good queer relationship tossed to the side because it's not the Popular Ship. Just because you don't ship it or you aren't looking at it directly, it doesn't mean it's not still there.
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hi! can you do headcanons on being married to phil wenneck. please and thank you!!🩷
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Warnings: mentions of sex, sexual themes, swearing.
First of all, he would be the kind of husband to constantly compliment you and build up your confidence.
"Wow, I really can't speak, huh? Must be because of how gorgeous you look."
"There's not a single thing I don't love about."
He's so sweet, it's honestly adorable 😭
When he introduces you to his friends, you all get along really well, especially you and Stu because of your careers in Biology.
He's the type of man to have your wedding date as his phone's password or tattooed onto his wrist.
He loves when he comes home after a long day of work and spots you humming to the radio while swaying yourself around the kitchen.
You'll feel warm arms wrap around your waist and his nose will bury itself into your neck.
He loves your scent, so much so, that whenever you go out with friends for a night away or a road trip, he'll walk over to your vanity and smell your perfume.
It's a mixture of vanilla and lavender, it makes Phil's mind go hazy when you walk past or when you're hugging him.
Phil loves pda. Even if it's something small like holding your hand or your lower back, he loves showing off your relationship. Showing that you're his.
Phil also loves cooking, you'll take it in turns each night to make tea and you'll each rate the other's meal out of five stars. Whoever has the most stars added up gets to choose a restaurant to eat out at.
Once for your birthday, he had told you to wear a pair of red panties to a fancy Korean restaurant, it was until Phil revealed a remote ten minutes that you had pieced together his plan.
The poor waiter, he took your order while you refrained from moaning aloud in front of everyone.
When you got pregnant with your first child, Phil was overjoyed. He bought diapers, dummies, toys, clothes, monitors, a small bathtub, a car seat, I could go on forever.
Let's just say by the end of your first trimester, you already have everything you'll need for your whole pregnancy.
He didn't need to watch tutorials on how to hold a baby, he used to volunteer to take care of his little brother when he was younger.
He got you to wear overalls because he thought you looked sexy in them, seeing you walk around adjusting the straps...
His mind wanders, I mean, there's not a rule to say sex is bad while pregnant...
Let's talk about Phil when he drives.
Lord have mercy 🙏
When his hands grip onto the steering wheel, while concentrating on the directions>>
I just know he gets road rage, no one can convince me otherwise.
"Move out the fucking way!"
"Watch it prick!"
Just watching him turn the steering wheel, or when he looks back while parking turns you on.
Most of the time, he'll notice the lust in your eyes and will park off to the side.
Sometimes you're stuck in traffic and he'll trail a hand up your thigh, a couple kisses are peppered upon your neck.
Once, you guys had been in traffic for around twenty minutes and Phil decided to take you in the back of the van he borrowed (what Stu doesn't know won't hurt him)
You had been in there for only five minutes when the road had started up again, all you could hear was loud beeping horns from angry drivers.
Phil would definitely try and get you to avoid Alan for one specific reason; he's a pervert.
Once, you, Phil and Alan got trapped in the basement of Stu's house without signal and Alan confirmed Phil's suspicion.
"Looks like we'll be trapped a while...y/n, is it?"
"Knock it off!"
Something that's always funny, is Phil coming home drunk.
"There was this girl, and she asked for my number and I was all like 'No! I have...a wife."
And then there's the part where he's really romantic.
"God, I love my wife. She's the most amazing woman I've ever met, you know? She has these eyes that are so bright, I could stare into them forever. And when she looks at me, I can't help but be nothing but honest with her. Do you have someone like that?"
"Yes, I do."
@bradleybeachbabe hope you enjoyed! Love you 💕
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mlmxreader · 19 days
fallout 4 + date night
all hcs are done w m!reader - please don't be weird abt it if you're not mlm/nblm!
includes: MacCready, Preston Garvey, John Hancock & Nick Valentine.
MacCready stretched his legs out as he sat on the rusty and half broken patio chair, a cold beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other; it was nice that he could hear himself think for once. Even better that he had you by his side; his boyfriend. You always did seem to be too good for him, he couldn't lie about that. But then he watched you take a long swig from the bottle of beer in your hand, and he swallowed thickly. Oh.
Even the most mundane things looked amazing when you did them. Man, he was head over heels for you and date nights were just an excuse to fall in love all over again. It took him so long to come to terms with it that now he nearly felt bad; but it was all more than worth it just to see you next to him, nursing a beer and talking about somehow both everything and nothing.
"Y'know," he said quietly. "I could get used to this."
"So could I," you agreed softly. "But we got a good thing going at the moment, don't we?"
"I think so."
John Hancock
Hancock couldn't believe how lucky he was, in all honesty. Knowing that he had, in his humble opinion, the single best boyfriend in the entire Commonwealth; he loved to parade you around Goodneighbor, telling everyone just how fantastic and wonderful and amazing you were without even skipping a beat to mention how great you were in bed as well. Flirtatious and charming, there was nothing more that Hancock liked than to go out on the town with you for a date - plenty of chems and alcohol and music that it was almost too much.
"How's this for a date?" Hancock chuckled as he pulled you against the door behind some seedy pub.
Carefully, you put your hands on his chest as you shrugged, doing your best not to laugh and grin. "I mean, it's not terrible."
"Ah, c'mon," he grinned, his bands wandering to search for yours. "I'm sure I can make you change your mind."
"Lead the way." You were hardly able to do anything but laugh, clinging onto his arm in hopes it would make the giddy spasms of your stomach go away.
Preston Garvey
Preston had always been a fairly simple guy and had always enjoyed the little things more than anything else. The day you asked to be his boyfriend was probably the biggest thing that you had ever done, and he would have been lying if he had said he didn't tear up a little bit at the notion; but date nights were often different. Preston always wanted to impress you and to make you smile, but he also wanted you to appreciate the dates whenever it was his turn; so, when he found out about an art gallery opening up near Diamond City, he knew what he had to do.
The second that he saw your smile, he knew his plan had gone well. The collection of art, mostly by citizens but occasionally by mayors or other such leaders, wasn't exactly huge but you seemed to be having a good time as you begged and pleaded for Preston to give you his opinion on the pieces; wanting nothing more than to hear whatever he had to say, no matter how big or small.
"You know, I can't thank you enough," you told him softly after pulling him aside so that you could speak privately. "This is the best date I've ever actually been on."
Preston grinned, all worry and anxiety dropping from him as he nodded, almost excitedly. "Anything for you."
Nick Valentine
Nick Valentine, not so contrary to his name, was an old romantic. He loved to take you out on what you could only guess were the same type of dates that went on before the Great War; the dancing, the boozing, the smoking, the fun. Nick loved to take you dancing, especially, as at least there hardly anyone noticed or cared what he was. No one called him a skinjob, for fucking once. But no, he was happy to take you dancing, especially when a slow song came on and he was able to hold you that little bit closer; all nervous laughs and fumbling hands no matter how many times it happened.
"Thank you for the nice night," you said softly. "It means a lot that you'd be happy to take me dancing - not just as your, y'know, your partner... but as your boyfriend as well."
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writeandsurvive · 7 months
AUTHORS NOTE: like I posted recently, this was supposed to be short at first, but here we are now, cutting it in two parts. I'm not sure I did a good job but I really liked the idea. So I hope I did it justice and you guys will enjoy it! 🫣
SUMMARY: your husband wants to open your marriage and Alden Parker is there for you.
WARNINGS: Fem!reader, marriage, open relationship, nsfw, protected sex, piv, oral, spanking, age gap (30s-50s), fall, injury, concussion, lies, vegetarian!reader, Alden kinda teaching sex, ass man!Alden, toxic!mom, reader being her (real) daddy's little girl
Taking over ~ Alden Parker 1/2
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From the moment your husband of five years asked for an open relationship, you knew it was over. Bigamy was never your thing, you dedicated yourself to one person at the time and you thought it was the same for him. But somehow, after almost ten years of dating and five of marriage, he needed something new, someone else. Of course, he already had a person in mind; his cute coworker who had been eyeing him for a while, she was barely in her twenties, and was everything you were not. Beautiful with prominent curves, tall. The woman who wears high heels and makeup every single day of their lives, no matter what the circumstances. Your work as an NCIS agent didn't allow you to be this girly kind of woman, not that you'd be even with another job. It wasn't you and you thought your husband liked it, or at least, was fine with it. How wrong.
You were not sure why but you agreed to his request. The wedding vows meant something to you; you were ready to make it work, no matter what. To be entirely honest, the idea of divorcing in your mid thirties wasn't appealing at all, especially with the job taking eighth percent of your time. It felt impossible to meet someone new and start all over again. The plan was for you to have kids soon, not your husband fooling around with his hot new coworker.
There was no way you'd tell the team about what was going on. They wouldn't understand, especially Nick and Tim, who love and protect you like their sister. They like your husband very much, he became family too but this wouldn't sit right with them, and you wouldn't blame them. It didn't sit right with you in the first place. So you hid it to everyone for a couple of months. Every night your husband was out with her, you felt betrayed and thought so little of you. Were you a fool for agreeing to this?
But you decided to stop feeling sorry for yourself. After all, it was an open relationship, which meant you could be with someone else too. But who? You had never been the type of person to go out and hook up with the first stranger you found attractive, so going out just to meet someone wasn't an option. Sleeping with someone from work? The only option was the new team member Alden Parker, who you admittedly found very attractive, but this could be a very bad idea. You were still learning to know one another and getting used to the new team dynamic.
You felt desperate and alone.
You thought you hid it well, but you were quite wrong. During a stakeout, where it was just you and Alden in the car, he didn't wait long before asking how you were. "I'm fine, why?"
"I know I've only been here for a few months, and we're still getting to know each other, but I can tell something's wrong with you. You're closed off."
You laughed softly, earning a side eye from Alden. "Surprising that you're the one noticing."
"Maybe I'm paying too much attention-- to the team. So, what's up? You know you can trust me, right?"
You locked eyes with him for a moment, seeing how sincere and sweet he really was. "Yeah, I know. It's just-- embarrassing? Sad? Wrong? I don't know." You sighed, looking around the area because you had a job to do.
"Is this about your marriage?" He asked suddenly, catching you off guard. You looked at him with a puzzled look. "You don't talk much about your husband, even when the guys asked about him. They mentioned not seeing him in a while." You played with your wedding band while looking at it. "I've been married for ten years. Nothing you'll say will surprise me."
"Think so? Did your ex-wife ask for an open relationship?" You didn't really think before talking, and immediately regretted telling Alden about it. Your cheeks turned red, and you avoided his eyes for a very long time afterwards.
"Okay, um. I admit that-- you surprised me, good job." He paused. "Did he ask that suddenly?"
Since you spilled the beans, you might as well tell him everything. You needed to talk to someone, have someone's opinion. So, you gave him a resume of the past two months. How your husband told you about it, his coworker he's been dating, how you had been feeling, your fears.
"Honestly, I don't even understand how he could've asked that. I mean, if I was your husband, I wouldn't want another woman, and I definitely wouldn't want to share you."
You uncontrollably smiled at that despite the tears threatening to fall. "Too bad you're not my husband then." You joked, but Alden didn't laugh. He softly put his hand on top of yours, stopping you from nervously rubbing them together. The simple contact felt very nice, you didn't remember the last time your husband held your hands.
"I don't know your husband, and I want to meet him even less than before, but it does sound like he just wanted to be with this girl, without actually cheating. But mark my word, he'll regret it. I'm pretty sure that the moment you tell him you're seeing someone, he won't like it."
"Yeah, well I don't know if that'll happen, so..." You trailed off, looking down at your joined hands. His thumb was rubbing small circles on your knuckles, and that tiny gesture felt great. All you wanted to do was reach out for a hug from him. You were certain he'd give the best hugs; gentle and tender but tight.
"Why not? I mean, you could get anyone."
"Even you?" You weren't sure what had gotten into you, where this bluntness was coming from but since it was out of your mouth, you turned your face to lock eyes with Alden. He was already looking at you, leaning just slightly. He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes going down to your lips a couple of times.
"Anyone." He repeated softly.
Silence filled the car from a moment, it was just you and Alden speaking through your looks. Eventually, you broke it off by laughing. A soft and nervous laugh, and you immediately buried your face in his shoulder. He chuckled too, unsure of what this meant.
"I'm sorry," you said. "I laugh when I'm nervous. I'm not sure what's happening here, or even what I'm supposed to do."
His cheek was resting on the top of your head. "I didn't mean to make you nervous. I don't want us to be awkward with each other. It's just-- yeah, you can have me if you want."
You slowly lifted your head, just enough to look him in the eyes. He was sincere. After a moment of hesitation, you reached out and pressed your lips against his. Alden immediately melted into the kiss, holding the back of your head to intensify it. Before you knew it, his tongue was inside your mouth, allowing you to taste the coffee he just drank. The kiss lasted a long time and you couldn't remember the last time you'd been kissed like this. He truly wanted you and at this moment, he was all you wanted.
Remembering that you were on a stakeout, you eventually pulled away. Growling, Alden took a second to adjust himself and that was when you noticed the obvious budge in his suit pants. It seemed...big. "Oh wow." You said, uncontrollably.
Alden followed your eyes to his erection, and readjust himself again. "Um, yeah, sorry. I can leave the car--"
"What, no! Absolutely not! It's just-- intriguing? How big are you?"
He laughed - not without a certain pride. "Nothing to be afraid of." He smirked and winked.
"I highly doubt that." You said, still looking at it.
After a split second, you felt Alden's fingers stroking your chin and pressing gently to make you look at him. "Let me take you out to dinner. No pressure, just a nice time between two friends."
"So, not a date?"
"If you want it to be a date, then a date it is."
"Do you want it? I mean, it's not a regular situation and I'd understand if you didn't want to get in the middle of this."
"Your husband is clearly failing in his duties, and I'll be happy to take over, show you how you're supposed to be treated."
"Okay then."
Okay then. You and Alden did your best to take your hands and mouth off of each other during the rest of the stakeout. It was rough, because all you wanted was to climb onto him in the driver seat and discover how he feels. How he would make you feel.
But Alden was the perfect gentleman. After agreeing to have the date once the case is closed, he kept a reasonable distance from you. Too much time with you would prevent him from acting correctly, because he desperately wanted you.
He had since he joined NCIS. But he immediately noticed your wedding band - plus the age difference - so he tried to shut his crush down. However, everyday was a challenge. You were everything he ever dreamed of in a woman, and not just physically. He felt like a teenager around you, which pissed him off sometimes. How could he, a fifty-something years old man, could have a stupid crush on his thirty-something years old coworker? He felt highly inappropriate for months, especially when you stopped talking about your husband and Alden wondered if it could mean something. For a second, he hoped you had split up before being mad at himself for thinking about something like that. Now, the opportunity showed up, and if he had to be the side boyfriend, then he would be.
It was Friday night, the case was finally closed and you were working on reports and paperwork. Alden told McGee and Palmer to go home and be with their kids, when Nick complained about not being able to leave early cause he didn't have kids. "Fine, go home too before I change my mind. You too girls." He added, looking at Jess then you. Nick and Jess were in the elevator before you had time to respond. You stood up and walked over to Alden's desk.
"Good job, boss." You giggled.
"Nick is too predictable, that was easy."
"Now what?" You leaned against his desk, and it took him all his self control to keep his hands to himself.
"You tell me. Is it too late to go on that date?" He stood up from his chair, his body dangerously close to yours.
"I don't think so, but I'm gonna need an hour to go home and get ready."
"Why are you still here?"
Unconsciously, you pecked his lips before leaving. Alden smiled at that little gesture, before rushing out, so he could go home and get ready too.
Good thing your husband wasn't home. He had texted you that he would be out for the night, with her you assumed, not that you really cared anymore. Alden texted you, asking if he could pick you up, and if he should park away from the house. 'I'm home alone, act like you'd do normally.' you answered. So he did just that.
You opened the front door to find Alden Parker all dressed up, holding some flowers. You couldn't control your grin, nor the butterflies in your stomach. "You had time to pick up some flowers for me?" He handed them to you, and leaned over to kiss your cheek, making you blush and feel other things.
"They are actually from my greenhouse. I picked the most beautiful ones, but you are the most beautiful flower."
You giggled nervously while smelling the flowers, before walking towards the kitchen. "Come on in for a sec -- they are so pretty, Alden. Thank you so much." You couldn't remember the last time your husband offered you some flowers.
"Are you sure that's okay? For me to be in?" To be honest, he felt a bit uncomfortable there. It was just a reminder that you weren't completely available. You were married and would never be his entirely.
"We're not doing anything in the house. I'm just putting these in a vase."
To Alden's relief, you were out just a minute later. He held your hand up to his car, opened and closed the door for you. It wasn't much, but those small things melted you. "Where are we going?" You asked, after he started to drive.
"That's a surprise." He smirked.
"Not to be a pain, I don't know if you know, but I'm a vegetarian and it--" you felt his hand on your thigh. His touch was soft and gentle.
"I know, don't worry, okay?"
You obviously didn't have to worry because Alden took you to a vegetarian restaurant. It was fairly new and you hadn't been there yet, so you were excited. Again, he acted like the perfect gentleman, holding doors, keeping his hand in the small of your back, telling you to pay no attention to the prices.
The dinner was amazing, both the food and the chemistry between you and Alden. The conversation flooded easily, you got to really know each other, talking about your families, childhoods, hobbies. At any point did you talk about work, nor your marriage. "I could eat more vegetarian dishes." He admitted, tasting how good the food was.
"That'd definitely be better than your current diet." You teased.
"What's wrong with my diet?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't make me say it." You giggled.
"Please do."
"It's the diet of an overworked bachelor, plus pastries. Tons of pastries."
"Overworked bachelor, huh?" He smiled. "And I thought you liked my pastries."
"I do, very much. I just think you should eat healthier."
"Point taken. It's nice to have someone who cares."
You put your hand on top of his, and he welcomed it. "I do care, Alden." He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
"So do I." He answered.
Were you supposed to care in a situation like this?
After the restaurant, Alden asked if you wanted to keep the night going or if you wanted a ride home. There was no way you were going home just yet, so you drove for about fifteen minutes, before pulling over to the Bowlero. Alden laughed when you looked at him with a grin. "I knew you'd like that."
"So much! I'm so gonna kick your ass at every game!" This time Alden didn't have time to circle the car cause you were out before him. You grabbed his hand and rushed him inside.
You started with the arcades. Alden knew you were a competitive person, he heard you arguing with McGee over a game you played together, he even remembered Jimmy saying something about Victoria being upset during a board game because you wouldn't let her win. But Alden would let you win every game possible if it meant you'd smile and do a ridiculous happy dance. He wanted to kiss you every time you mocked him for losing, and also punished you in his very own way.
Then you offered to play pool. Except that pool was Alden's game. He was ridiculously good at it, probably because he spent long hours playing with friends when he was younger. However, he was distracted. Every time you leaned over the table for your turn, showing off your pretty ass in that tight dress, his cock twitched. The things he wanted to do to you in that position. "I thought you were a killer at pool?" You teased, mid-game.
"I'm a bit distracted." He said, positioning himself over the table.
"By my ass?"
Since you were on the other side of the table, you slowly turned around and shook your hips just slightly. "Fuck, sweetheart. You can't do this here. That ass is only for me to enjoy."
You turned around again, laughing. "Looks like those teenage boys enjoyed the view."
Alden immediately turned his face to where you were pointed, ready to give those boys a death glare. But there were no boys, or anyone else. "Not funny." He turned back to you. "Get out of my eyesight, so I can win this."
You circled the table to be behind him. You actually checked out his ass too. After hitting the white ball, and watching two balls going inside the holes, he faced you. "Much better." He smiled, proud of himself.
You got closer, pressing your body against his. "I didn't pin you for an ass man." You whispered.
He cleared his throat. "I'd always considered myself a tits man. But you--" he pressed his forehead against yours, his hand roaming at the small of your back. He wanted to touch your butt, and so did you. "You drive me crazy." He just said.
"Let's finish this game, fast."
To your displeasure, Alden won, even though he did fail a few balls on purpose. On the way back to the car, you kept talking about the game, what you did wrong, even accused him of cheating which made him laugh. "Damn, you don't deserve sex tonight." You finished the rambling, as you reached the car.
"Okan then," he opened the passenger for you but stood in the way. "I'll just drop you off." He had a tiny smirk on his face, but his instinct told him you wanted sex as much as he did, but he was also afraid you just wanted an excuse to go home. "Can I kiss you good night now?"
"Idiot." You said, grabbing his collar into a fist and bringing him into you. His body crashed into yours as he didn't hold his weight back on purpose, so he could catch you. His hands were immediately on your ass, right before his lips were on yours. If that kiss in the car had been something, this was even more. You and Alden were practically making out in the parking lot, not caring that you could be seen. "I wanna see your greenhouse." You whispered, out of breath.
The greenhouse was prettier than you expected. While holding your hand or your waist, Alden showed you some of his plants and flowers, even telling you about the ones he offered you earlier. But your eyes were more focused on him, his face, his lips, than anything else. "You're not listening to me, are you?" He chuckled.
"I'm a bit distracted." You said, reminded his words from earlier.
He gently grabbed your face in his hands and locked eyes with you. "I gotta ask-- are you sure about this?"
"Are you?"
He kissed you as an answer. Then he carried you into his bedroom, and put you down, without ever breaking the kiss. Your lips were probably bruised and swollen by now, not that you cared one bit. He paid attention to your neck, finding that sweet spot, while his hands traveled your body. You were completely melting under his touch. "Have you told how fucking sexy you are?" He asked.
"Then I'm sorry. Cause damnit you are the sexiest woman ever." His hands and mouth were working on your breasts as you were desperately trying to unbutton his shirt. His words did something to your core and to your heart.
"I need to feel your skin, Alden." You whined. He stopped so you could get rid of his shirt and he took the opportunity to strip you off your dress. Seeing you in your matching lace underwear shortcut his brain. There was so much he wanted to do and say, he couldn't decide where to start.
You touched his hairy chest, kissing his pec then his neck. "Alden? You with me?" Growling, he picked you up just enough to lay you down on his bed. He covered your body with his, kissing you roughly.
"I'm right here, sweetheart." He whispered. "Right here with you."
You both agreed to skip the foreplay, and orals, as you just needed to feel each other right away. Alden was already painfully hard, while you had already ruined your panties. So he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, rubbed his length against your slit for a moment before intruding your core. You both moaned at the feeling, even though he wasn't fully in just yet. "I knew it. I was right to be afraid."
Alden got confused for a second before understanding. He completely laid down on you, stroking your hair and softly kissing your lips, chin and cheeks. "Just a couple more inches, baby. I know you can do it. You're my good girl, aren't you?" His praises worked wonders on you.
He gently thrusted without going fully, until you told him he could. When he bottomed out, you screamed out loud, your eyes rolling back inside your skull. Alden didn't hold back his noises either - which got you even wetter - as he stared down at you with pure lust. It took all of his willing power not to pin you down and fucked you hard. "That's it, princess. I told you you could take all of me." He kissed you. "Fuck, your pussy is sucking me in." He nipped your bottom lip. "Can I move, baby? Please?" He sounded desperate.
"Fuck yes, Den. Fuck me." He didn't need more.
It wasn't a long and sweet love making. You were both so worked up and desperate for each other, it didn't take long until you and Alden came undone, shouting each other's names. While his cock softened inside you, he collapsed on you, listening to your heart pounding in your chest, just like his was. Your hand was resting in his hair.
"That was--" he tried to say.
"Yeah." You agreed.
Soon after, Alden left for a minute and came back with a wet cloth and some water. He cleaned you up, while you drank and stared. "I didn't hurt you, right?" He asked, concerned.
"Not at all." You stroked his cheek. "but you're definitely bigger than--" you stopped there. His brows furrowed together and he was speaking again.
"Was he the only one you've ever--"
"Yup." You confessed, looking down at the glass of water which suddenly seemed intriguing.
"Oh, um. I didn't know," he drank from his own glass.
"Would it have changed something?"
"I don't know. Maybe?"
"Well I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It seemed irrelevant." You started to move. "If you want to pretend this didn't happen, then fine with me, I'll--" Alden grabbed your arm before you could pull yourself on your knees and brought you against his chest.
"That makes me your second?"
"One, two... You can count, good job." His hand immediately smacked against your butt cheek. You looked at him in disbelief but with a smile on your face.
"I should teach you how to count the right way." He spanked you again. Your eyes went dark, and he knew you liked it very very much. Perfect.
"How many was that? Four?" You teased and two more spanks hit you. You uncontrollably moaned in his chest, and bit his nipple. He let out a high pitched yelp, making you giggle. He put his glass down on the nightstand, - almost dropping it - before getting on top of you, face down on the mattress. Since the four spanks had been on the same cheek, it was already pink, and it sprung Alden's cock back to life. He gave your other cheek a spank.
"No biting, little brat."
You could feel his cock resting between your ass cheeks and for a moment, you considered giving Alden what you always refused to your husband. This ass, your ass... was Alden's to love, fuck and spank.
"Not even a little?" You asked, innocently and earned another spank. You moaned against, burying your face in the pillow - that smelled wonderfully like Alden.
He grabbed a handful of your flesh, leaned over and bit your ass, before smoothing it with his tongue and lips. "Alden," you whined.
"What is it, princess? Do you want something?"
"Your tongue." You whispered.
He spanked you again but was a bit gentler this time. "Louder. You need to be loud and clear."
"I want you to eat my pussy!" You cried.
"Ask and you shall receive."
He turned you over and did exactly what you wanted.
After you came in his mouth, allowing him to drink every bit of you, Alden was painfully hard and ready to go again. He teased your entrance with the tip but you stopped him. He immediately pulled away, giving you space, afraid he did something wrong. But when he saw you turning around with a mischievous smile on your face, he understood. "My turn."
You knew you gave good blowjobs...to your husband. Then again, he was smaller than Alden's so it was easier for you. As you started to suck on Den's cock, you were desperately hoping he would enjoy it. You didn't want to disappoint him. But you could barely take half of him without choking. Still, from his noises, growls and words, he seemed to love it. "Relax your throat, baby. No rush, no worries. You're doing so good." This man could read you like a fucking open book.
You followed his instructions, took your time and slowly, you were able to take a bit more of his length. "Baby, if you choke on my cock one more time, I'm gonna cum." Since it was exactly what you wanted, you took as much as you could, choked and drank to the very last drop of his release.
As bad as he wanted to fuck you one more time, Alden's cock was unresponsive for the rest of the night. So you simply cuddled in bed, made small talk before quickly drifting away.
For a month, everything was great. Things with Alden were amazing, he was an actual dream. Most of the time, you forgot you were married to someone else, it was all about Alden, Alden, Alden. He was extremely sweet and thoughtful, he cared and wasn't afraid to show it, he treated you like a princess, except sometimes during sex. You always liked sex, but with your husband, it has never been too crazy, not that it was bad either. However, with Alden, you discovered yourself, found out you had some kinks and he was more than happy to oblige them.
The team complimented you several times, saying that you were glowing. Thanking them, you saw Alden smirking behind their backs, knowing he was the reason for that glow. It was crazy that they didn't notice what was going on, or at least, they never said or hint anything.
Your relationship with your husband was practically non-existent. You'd run into each other here and there, talked briefly about stuff but that was it. You obviously told him you were seeing someone, and he didn't ask anything, not even who was the guy, or if you were respecting the rules. It felt like he didn't care anymore, and eventually, you stopped caring too. All your focus apart from work, was on Alden and your relationship with this wonderful man.
It was your husband's birthday, and as a tradition, his family and your parents would come over for dinner to celebrate. You turned down Alden's offer to go on a date, mostly because you felt like you had to be there. The families had no idea what was happening and you couldn't just bail on them.
You were preparing a couple of dishes when your husband came home after meeting with his best friend - he said. He surprised you by hugging you from behind and planted kisses in your neck. You instantly stiffed, and tried to wiggle your way out. "What are you doing?" You asked.
"Kissing my wife. Am I not allowed?"
"You haven't touched me for months. Not even a hug."
"I know." He grabbed your waist and spined you around to face him. "It was my mistake and I'm sorry."
He leaned in to kiss you, but you pulled away before his lips could touch yours. "Wait, what is happening here?"
"Did you seriously pull away from a kiss?"
"You can't just come over to me, after months of ignoring me, and expect kisses, cuddles or whatever."
"I don't remember you trying either. I mean, you've barely been home this past month."
"You know exactly where I was."
"Right, with him. Who is he anyways?"
You let out a dry laugh. "So, now you're asking?"
"I am, and I expect an answer." He folded his arms against his chest.
"Someone from work."
He stayed silent for a second. "Nick?"
"Ew, come on."
"I know for sure it's not Tim, nor Jimmy! Wait-- is it the new guy? What's his name?"
"Parker, yes." There was no point in lying.
"Oh my god," he had a humorless laugh. "I can't believe this. That's why I never met him."
"No, you never met him cause you haven't cared in a long time."
"Says the girl who only cares about her job and her team!"
"If that was the problem from the beginning, you could've just said so and asked for a divorce."
"I don't want a divorce! I love you still." You stayed silent. He was obviously expecting you to say it back, but you couldn't. You didn't know if you still loved him. "You're not saying it back."
"I've got to get ready. The parents will be here soon."
You and your husband basically ignored each other, which wasn't difficult. Between the parents, siblings and kids, you each focused on different persons and nobody questioned it. Dinner was barely getting started when your phone rang. It was Alden, so you picked and listened while he told you there was a crime scene and gave you the address. "sorry for ruining your evening, sweetheart." He said.
"Oh no, don't worry." You were somehow relieved.
You got back to the living area where everyone was. "I'm sorry I've got to leave guys. Duty calls." They seemed disappointed but they knew how your jobs worked. "Gonna get changed." You rushed upstairs.
You had barely taken off your dress that your husband merged inside. "It was him, wasn't it?" He asked, angry.
"He's the team leader, he gets the calls and then calls us, so yes." You put on some pants.
"How do I know it's really about work?"
Onto the shirt. "Our families are here. Do you think I'd give up on them?"
"No, but you'd give up on me. You are."
"Stop." You opened the door, and walked away but your husband stopped you right next to the stairs.
"Don't go, stay here with us, with me."
"It's my work, I have to go."
"Work, yeah right." He was raising his voice. "You just want to see him."
"I said stop it!" You tried to pull away but he wasn't letting go of your arms.
"You're in love with him, aren't you?" He yelled.
"Let go of me!"
You fought him off, and that was all you remembered but it went dark.
Alden knew something was wrong and so did the team when you never showed up at the crime scene. They all tried to call you multiple times for hours until finally someone picked up when Alden called one more time. "Sweetheart, hey, is everyth--"
"I'm sorry, do you call all of your colleagues 'sweetheart'?"
"Hmm." Alden didn't recognize the voice on the other side but it definitely wasn't you. He suspected the woman to be your mother. "Why isn't Y/N answering? Is she okay?"
"She's at the hospital." Alden's heart stopped at this moment. "She fell down the stairs while she was getting ready and hurt her head. I just got back to the house and found her phone."
"Oh my god," his heart was pounding. "Which hospital is she at? She's gonna be okay, right? The injury isn't too bad?" Nick who was hearing the conversation, called out the rest of the team to approach.
"She has a mid concussion, they are keeping her overnight but she's fine."
"Thank god!" Alden exclaimed uncontrollably. "Which hospital? I'll go see her--"
"She's a married woman, so you need to stay away from her."
"Ma'am--" he tried to talk, say something, anything but your mother kept going.
"I don't know exactly what happened, but it honestly doesn't matter. Whatever was going on between you and my daughter, it ends now. As her superior, and a man old enough to be her father, you should be ashamed."
"Ma'am!" He tried again.
"You know what, you should quit. But if you don't, I'll make sure she doesn't come back to NCIS. It'll be for the best anyways, this job takes too much of her. And it's not taking her marriage. So don't come anywhere near her, and have Nick call next time." She hung up.
Completely stunned, Alden had to sit so he opened the car's door and let himself fall onto the seat. The team was staring as he covered his face and rubbed his eyes. "Parker!" McGee brought him back to reality.
"Yeah, um. She fell down the stairs apparently and has a concussion. They are keeping her at the hospital for the night."
"Okay, move Park, I'm driving." Nick said, waiting for Alden to leave the driver's seat vacant.
"I don't know which hospital. Tim, please tell me you got your laptop?"
Luckily, Tim did have his laptop, and they checked every hospital admissions until they found which one you were at. Nick did drive himself and Alden, while the other had to stay behind to finish up on the crime scene. The team leader didn't say a word during the ride, and Nick respected his silence. He's known about Alden's crush on you for months.
After a few hours and multiple exams, the medical team finally put you in a room. The doctor asked you to not sleep for now, even though you were exhausted and in pain. Your dad joined in, and you were relieved to see that he was alone. "You scared the shit out of me, babygirl." He said, gently kissing your temple. "I'm glad you're fine. The doc doesn't want you to fall asleep just yet, so we're gonna talk, okay?"
"Dad, I don't want to talk right now."
"I need to understand what's going on. You know I'm not judging you and I never will, but did you have an affair with that new guy in your team?"
"That's what he told you?" Your dad nodded.
Of course your husband lied, but you told your father the entire truth. From months ago, to the moment right before you fell down the stairs. You told him about Alden, how you were falling with this man, and how you wanted to be with him and just him. You've been a daddy's little girl from day one, and have always been honest with him, he was kinda hurt you didn't confide in him when it all started, but you know he wouldn't react well.
"Where is he?" You asked eventually, speaking of your husband. "I don't want to see him. Please, don't let him in, dad."
"He's probably getting his nose patched up right now. And I warned him, don't worry. I don't want him anywhere near you." You looked at him, puzzled. "Whether you had an affair or not, I don't care. You fell because of him. Did he--push you, honey?" Your father's jaw was clenched, as well as his fists. He was ready to fight some more.
"No, no! He was just holding me back, I was trying to get out of his grip and the stairs were right there."
Your dad relaxed his fists only slightly, but he didn't have time to say anything.
"You fell because of that motherfucker???"
Alden and Nick were standing at the door.
You never saw that look on Alden's face before, never actually heard him talk this way. Nick wasn't looking any better, very much like your dad, he was ready to fight. Smiling shyly, you extended your hand towards the man you loved. Alden took it, while your father stood up from the bed.
"You two!" You called out your dad and Nick. "You're gonna stay in the hallway, but I swear to god if you go rogue, I'll kick both your asses."
"Yes ma'am!" They both answered, before leaving the room.
"You--" you turned your attention back to Alden, who was breathing heavily. "Sit." He did, and you stroked his beard. "I'm okay."
"You fell, you have a concussion, because of him. That's not okay for me."
"Just hold me, love. Stay here and hold me." He did. "And don't let me sleep."
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sl33paholics · 8 days
Good day to you <3 !!! Can you please write to headcanon about the antagonists of season 3 of "Baki" (Spec , Yanagi , Dorian , Sikorsky and Doyle) where they kiss S/O (like: forehead, cheeks, etc..) ??? I will be very grateful if you notice >3< ❤
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Death Row Inmates Kissing Their s/o Headcannons!
Warning(s): errrrrrr the death row inmates themselves are a warning enough. Mentions of their crimes and a hint of spice (if you squint) a hint of crack on Spec's end
also sweethearts my requests are now closed I have 7 more that I've been neglecting I'm sorrY
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Ryuukou Yanagi
Can't Let You Go Just Yet Kiss (on da lipz)
For Yanagi, you're his spouse before he got sent to prison, then becoming a death row inmate (bc he couldn't keep his hands to himself 🙄)
You'd occasionally come whenever you had the chance, although you couldn't bring gifts for him to keep in his square type of cell, the two of you would always exchange letters resulting in scheduled meetings with one another with HEAVY surper vision from the guards
Due to his poisonous hand, Yanagi carefully tries not to do anything out of line whenever his mind is on autopilot. The two of you would catch up on things. How's the outside life been treating you? Are you adjusting to living alone without him home? Is work going well? You know, the usual questions
As time ticks, the two of you begin to reminisce of your lives before it was struck because of Yanagi's stupid actions, sure, you don't agree with his murderous behavior but you'd stick by his side regardless
Yanagi would grab your forearm and pull you towards him. You were just looking so good. The short king couldn't resist kissing your beautiful ass
What felt like an eternity, you felt his hot lips making contact with yours as he had a firm grip on you, holding you close and deepening the kiss, sending frictions down your spine
Hell, the two of you were so lost in thought that the guards finally had to step in and SEPARATE you two as they put the man back in handcuffs.
Safe to say you'd be making more scheduled visits in the near future 😛
Hector Doyle
Unbreakable Snuggle Up Kisses (on the neck)
You're the man's fiancé.
You would've thought that after him being responsible for many killings as an assassin, now being on death row, he expected you to leave. Leave, move on with your life, not being tied to a monster who wishes to finally taste defeat.
But you didn't. And that's what confused him.
With someone with his stature and nature, the thought of his one love finally leaving him did cross his mind a lot when he was in that cell. Only for the guards to bang on his sell and tell him he has a visitor.
To see you at the visitors' longue patiently sitting waiting for him as you analyzed the room, it made him let out a sigh of relief (but not loud enough for the guards to hear 🤫🧏‍♀️)
Doyle IMMEDIATELY sat next to you (although security clearly stated to sit across but bffr they don't want that smoke) getting all up in your personal space, staring down at you with intensity. The man starts to interrogate you. How's life doing? Have you seen anyone ever since he got locked up? Are you doing well on your own? Did anyone know you were coming to see him today?
Without a single thought, he wrapped his arms around you. His one and only, resting his head on your neck and feeling his hot breath on your skin. It felt nice. The man you've been separated for months is now here showering you with affection.
The silence between you two is nice, but it came to a halt when you felt short and wet kisses from Doyle. You quietly tried to move him away, but the red-haired man didn't care.
With his large arms around your body and his kisses becoming more sloppy to the point where he was damn near bitting you to mark your neck up, you couldn't help but to enjoy the fact that getting caught sent a shuddering thrill down your spine.
It only stopped when a few guards had to drag him away from you and cuff Doyle up again. Only for that sly dog to look back at you with a smug grin and him mouthing, "I expect to get another visit from you soon~" while getting escorted back to his cell.
A quick, goodbye kiss (on your cheek cheeks)
A longtime partner of his. It was honestly sad to see him delve into his murderous ways, resulting in him being on death row and awaiting his fate.
No letters. No gifts. No nothing from you, surprisingly.
You couldn't fathom the fact that this could either break your marriage completely. It was only until then a serge of letters flowing through your mailbox that Dorian was egar to see you.
So why not make a schedule to see him? It can't be that bad.
Man, as soon as the day came, his big self hugged you so tightly you thought your eyes were gonna pop out.
Somehow, seeing him in this state really made you feel happy. His heavy belly laugh, alongside Dorian sharing his experiences on prison, it really made you two become close again just within a short amount of time.
Hell, he looks like Santa (if he didn't go on the deep end) if you squint hard enough 🤷🏾‍♀️
Dorian would also share short stories that he would remember during his time in the military many many MANY years ago to you.
For the first time, that lost spark that faded all those moons ago finally came back to bring life to your stale marriage.
But when it was time to leave, you didn't want to. Much to Dorian's surpise, you wanted to extend the visit since it's been forever since you've felt this way.
However, it wasn't up to you to decide.
Before he was escorted out, Dorian gave you a big fat kiss on the cheek, and one on the other. It made you cheese up, for your grown age
You're DEFINITELY going back to see him more often.
A Distracting Kiss (on your forehead)
You were originally a fling turned partner
The thought that you slept with a killer before finding out his true ways definitely shocked you to your core
So it was a surpise when you received a letter to come visit him. You really didn't want to go but hell, you had nothing to do and decided to go anyway
Gosh. The wait and anticipation sent you over the edge while waiting for his arrival, making your hands sweaty. So, seeing his big build stomping towards you as the guards removed the cuffs was pretty intimidating and low key terrifying
The two of you sat in silence. The prison smells. Not the cleanest tables and chairs. Dirty ass walls. Without a single thought, you commented on how this building looks, only for Sikorsky to let out a loud chuckle at what you had to say
The two of you made small talk. It was awkward. You'd thought he'd be the one initiating conversation, but nooo it was YOU
Time was ticking, and the two of you were getting nowhere. You were getting upset. He invited you over only for him to just sit there and stare.
It wasn't until you mentioned that you planned on moving overseas. It's like he had a shift of attitude and wanted to be involved jn what you had to say 🙄
The two of you got so lost in conversation you didn't even keep track of time until the guards began to walk up and ruffled Sikorsky to stand up, but you kept talking
It was only then you felt his huge hands cup your face and bringing you up towards him, giving you a rough smooch on your forehead before you sat back down on the hard metal chair as the men were taking Sikorsky back into confinement
Safe to say that you will be coming back again
What do I even put for this guy??? (All types of kisses)
Ever since that man escaped from underwater, it's been nothing but hell
But you weren't expecting him to immediately crash at YOUR place
You woke up to your face being smothered in kisses from the big bald man with your doors being busted open from the brute force
You wanted to scream out but really, being tied to this man as a middle-aged person was very difficult
You had to deal with the torment of SPEC. The guy doesn't understand the meaning of "personal space" or wanting to be alone just for a good hour
While lounging on the couch, he's there pecking your cheeks with small kisses until you get sick of it
Spec the type of guy to give really, really rough kisses on the lips. He doesn't know when to control himself, often leaving your lips swollen or bruised but will pamper you for being able to handle him
If you just so happened to be in the shower, his tall ass is towering over you while giving you neck kisses, you warned him not to get out of control. This is Spec we're talking about, you're going to have hickeys on your neck and throat
The only time I see Spec being gentle with you whenever you're back from your job, sore and exhausted, he would give your forehead the best kisses ever. Even if you have to deal with them sometimes being sloppy
You love the guy. Even if he's psychotic, an asshole, and many other things combined, you can't deny you love when he spoils you with affection ❤️
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Only here to party- Pedri
Deciding to study abroad was a hard decision to make but I knew it was best for me to move off the island and broaden my horizons by moving to England. As much as studying abroad was a good idea studying biology has turned out to be a bad decision I barely have any free time I never get to go out and I can never come home as I am always so busy. However now that the year has come to an end and it's summer break I can finally go home for a couple months and boy am I ready to have the best summer ever. 
I am going to make this summer the best few months of my life I want to spend nearly every day with my friends and go out as much as possible. The entire summer is going to be about going out and having fun not a single mention of university and definitely no boys. I tried dating a guy at university but he cheated on me with multiple people one being one of my friends so unless I don't want to get involved with any boys. Heartbreak is not on my to do list and I've told my friends to not let me get attached and they will definitely stick to that as they can be harsh with me when they need to be.
After getting back yesterday tonight is our first girls night out and I couldn't be more excited. I've spent pretty much all day getting ready I woke up late as I was tried from my flight but after that I showered, washed my hair, shaved pretty much everything. It's been a long while since I got dressed up at all but I still have all of my dresses and nice makeup which are definitely going to get a lot of use these next few months. I was really feeling myself so I picked my absolute favourite dress I own it's a bit short and quite form fitting but I want to look and feel good so I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me. I'm not one for wearing much makeup but I decided to put on a bit more than I usually would as I was feeling adventurous. 
It took me a good while but once I was ready I got my shoes on and made my way to the club which is only just down the road from my place so I decided to walk. The rest of the girls live a bit further out so we agreed to meet at the club as they were all coming together. Just as I got to the club a taxi pulled up with all of my friends in, we hadn't seen each other since I left last summer so there was a lot of hugs and a lot of catching up we need to do. 
"You look gorgeous girl that post break up glow is making you look magical" one of my friends said 
"All the guys in the club are going to be looking at you" another added 
"Thank you guys you all look amazing too but remember I don't want to be involved with any new guy so if you see me getting too close with someone stop me" I said 
"You got it girl no men we won't let you get hurt again" my best friend said 
We headed into the club and I was dragged straight to the bar to get a drink or maybe two whatever it takes to get me slightly tipsy. I'm not here to get drunk out of my mind I just want to have some fun and enjoy my life as I haven't done that in nearly a year. It was clear very quickly that there was a lot of guys in the club were staring at me but I didn't take any notice some of them were cute but not cute enough for me to change the one rule I set for myself this summer. My friends however are not following the same rules as me so they all quickly ran off to find a guy that took their fancy. That left me alone but it didn't bother me I can handle myself as I'm used to doing that when I'm back in England. I decided to dance for a bit and found my best friend on the dance floor so we danced together for a bit but at some point she went to the bathroom and never came back but I saw her talking to some guy that was definitely her type so I left her be. 
Seeing as the group had broken apart I took myself back to the bar to just sit and watch over them all just to make sure nothing bad happened. As I was watching the dance floor I made eye contact with a guy who sent me a smile. He was very attractive exactly my type with his brown eyes and hair and his slight beard that somehow made his features stand out even more. I quickly realised I was staring at him and stopped myself because I could feel myself being drawn to him but I don't want to find someone to get attached to. He clearly noticed my staring as the next thing I knew he was taking a seat next to me at the bar and flashing that smile that drew my attention in the first place. 
"Hey I'm Pedro can I buy you a drink?" He asked 
"Sure I'm y/n by the way" I said 
He ordered another of what I had drunk before and a drink of his own and we were also given free food.
"You must be well known here to get free things" I joked
"Wait you don't recognise me" he said 
"No am I supposed to" I said 
"No it's just most people here seem to know who I am" he said 
"Well now I need to know I feel left out" I laughed 
"I'm a footballer for Barcelona and for Spain I go by a nickname though the name Pedri might be more familiar to you" he said 
"I have heard that name but I'm not into football sorry to bruise your ego" I said 
"I like it people who don't care who I am are much more fun to be around" he smiled 
We continued talking he asked about my life and once I told him I was studying in England there was a lot he wanted to know. I asked him a few questions about his life as it's not everyday you meet a footballer especially in Tenerife but he wanted to focus the conversation on me. It was quite clear that there was a connection between us and really to stick to my rules I should stop talking to him but I can't help myself. It would feel wrong to leave this here and not give Pedri a chance especially as both of us don't live in Tenerife so it's not like we could run into each other once I think I'm ready to date again. Sometimes our plans don't line up with what the universe has set out for us and I don't want to ruin something that could go somewhere even if we only end up as friends Pedri is a cool person to be friends with. 
One by one my friends came to find me and say they were leaving with whoever they had met leaving me with Pedri. So much for them stopping me from getting attached to someone but honestly I kind of appreciate it I definitely would've fought them if they tried to take me away from Pedri. Once we reached the early hours of the morning both of us wanted to go home Pedri offered to walk me home and I wasn't going to say no to spending more time with him so we walked down the road together. As we got to the door I was starting to wish I lived further from the club so I could spend more time with Pedri. 
"I know both of us won't be here for long so can I have your number I'd love to see you again before we both leave" he asked 
"Of course give me your phone and I'll put my number in" I said 
I did just that and once I had put my number in we said goodbye and Pedri promised he'd text me in the morning. 
This summer has flown by I have been back home for 2 months but I leave again in a few days and I'm really sad about it. My summer has gone completely differently to how I imagined it would too I was expecting to spend time mostly with my friends out at the beach most days and then going out drinking on the weekends but I have done that like 3 times. I have seen my friends and spent time on the beach but I've spent more of my time with Pedri. When I told my friends about Pedri they weren't shocked that I broke my rule in fact they told me that they saw me with him and were going to drag me away but once they saw how happy I was they let me be. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't have spent as much time as I have with Pedri they were the ones to tell me to just go for it and see where things go as I won't get another chance like this and that turned out to be good advice.
Pedri and I have spent so much time together we've seen each other nearly every day and we text each other constantly. In the last month we have been on a few dates all of which have been amazing. Whenever we spend time with our friends they are always telling us to get a room as we are pretty much attached at the hip, Pedri has developed a habit of having his hand on my waist pretty much at all times which I'm not complaining about as I love it. Over the last two months I've really fallen for Pedri and I'd like to think he feels the same way the trouble is we both have to leave at some point and I don't know if things will be the same when we can't see each other all the time. 
Today is the last day Pedri and I can see each other has we both leave in a few days so we need some time to pack. He invited me to his for the day as he has a pool so we can swim together and just sit outside in the sun all day. Pedri wanted me to come over early so I had to drag myself out of bed and to his place but it was worth it as he had breakfast ready for both of us and he greeted me with a kiss which always makes my morning better. 
After having some breakfast we both got into swimwear and got into the pool. More often than not we don't really do any swimming we just float around in the water and today was no different. I leant against the side in the shallowest part of the pool as that's where I can touch the bottom and Pedri stood in front of me with his arms around my waist. His hair was wet but somehow he still looked incredible possibly better than he looks on any normal day which is saying something. We were just staring at each other sharing the odd kiss but I could tell Pedri was thinking about something he had the look in his eye that I've learnt means he's deep in thought considering something. 
"What are you thinking about?" I asked 
"Oh nothing just daydreaming" he said 
"I know that's a lie you have that thinking expression of yours tell me what's on your mind" I said 
"What's going to happen to us when we both leave?" He asked 
This is the question I have been thinking about myself and dreading having to answer. I don't want to end things with Pedri but is long distance going to work. I'm always so busy and I know he is too so will we even get to see each other and if we don't will we just fall out of love. There is so many questions and most of which we won't know the answer to unless we give things a try. 
"I don't know I really like you and I've enjoyed these last two months more than the rest of the last year but we would have to be long distance" I said 
"I know it won't be easy but if you are willing to I'd love to try long distance I don't just want to let what we have go this feels special more than just a holiday romance" he said 
"If you're willing to give it a go then so am I but we need to communicate well and be ready not to see each other that often" I said 
"I will do anything to make this work we can FaceTime every night and any breaks we have we can visit each other we can make this work" he said 
"Then let's do it" I said 
"First though I have something I want to ask" he said 
"What's that" I questioned 
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked 
"I would love to" I replied leaning in to kiss him
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hi! Could I request a Kaz or platonic!crows x reader with a reader who has some kind of facial scar/s and is feeling a bit insecure about them,like they wear a mask to hide them but around the crows they don’t but lately they have been again maybe because of looks they’ve been getting from people or stuff people have said and so their feeling insecure bout them again (Hurt/Comfort)
If not that’s perfectly fine too! Have a wonderful day :] -🍒Anon
Five Bells- K.B + platonic! crows x gn! reader
Okay! Hi! Thank you for sending this in, I've been planning a lot of stuff lately and using writing to take breathers and still be productive, and I've been writing a good bit of angst in the past few days which has been absolutely lovely. All of your requests have also generally just been pretty fun and relaxing to write so thank you so much for sending them in and I'm terribly sorry about how late they're coming out!
I was just going to do platonic! crows but then the romance thing with Kaz came reflexively so I did both! It's most platonic crows but there's an element of kazzle dazzle romance there, which I hope is all good!
Fic type-hurt/comfort
Warnings- mentions of death by stabbing, slitting of throat, gunfire, bombs, and an illusion to heart attacks (nina calls it "heartrender magic" but that's what I was trying to reference), mention of a mask feeling like a "second skin", mention of daggers being pushed into the side of the head (it's nondescriptive), mention of being stabbed in the jugular, mention of itching powder, mention and depiction of people being dickheads about a facial scar (glaring at the reader when they have their mask off, which the reader illudes to having been a long-time occurrence) if I missed anything, I apologize and please don't hesitate to let me know!
Jesper was the first to notice it, the fact that you'd taken to wearing your mask again.
It was black, a little reminiscent of the medical masks that doctors wore, though it'd been made from Fabrikator altered fabrics and according to you, felt like wearing a second skin.
You wore that mask even in the worst conditions--hell, Jesper had seen you only adjust the mask rather than take it off completely after climbing six stories in the incinerator shaft at the Ice Court--but you never wore it around the crows.
Jesper had grown used to the sight of the scar, idly ghosting a finger along it whenever he would wrap an arm around your shoulders in a booth at the Crow Club after a terribly long job that everyone had risked their lives in.
But, Jesper noticed quickly that you'd taken to wearing the mask again.
Nina, Matthias, and Inej noticed it after him. You wore it day in and day out, just like you used to and like you still did on every single job.
Nina began counting the days she'd see you with it on in a row where Inej began looking at the people around, trying to see if there was any particular glowering set of eyes that was making you as insecure about it as you used to be.
A couple of weeks had passed, and if those who'd made you insecure were still around, they were good at shooting you disgusted looks when she didn't notice.
Matthias was more subtle. He would do as Inej did, as Wylan would later do when he noticed, glaring at the people who were unafraid of him and liked to make you insecure over a scar, a sign of a battle fought and a battle won. He was a calm, still guy who had the stature of a bolder. He was a guy who was quick to anger very rarely, but it seemed he was quick to anger, in that instance.
Wylan and Kaz noticed last. You'd brought the mask to Jesper, hoping he'd be able to repair the significant damage it'd taken in a job you'd done, and nobody heard from you in the two days that it took Jesper to fix it.
It'd been as though you disappeared.
Kaz, a man who'd accidentally become aware of where you were, able to sense you and seek you out since even before your relationship began, resented those two days.
Two days of seeking out the familiar feeling of your presence, two days of not finding it. Two very hellish days, if Kaz was to be honest with himself.
Wylan was less subtle then Matthias in his anger; he'd begun observing just like Inej had, his eyes roving the crowds the two of you found yourselves in like a lion sought out its prey.
He was ready and willing to throw blast powder at those behind your frequent wearing of the mask again, and whenever he threw out a seemingly empty threat, you couldn't help but notice that his voice raised an octave or two, like he was talking to someone who might've been a good distance away.
Nina and Matthias caught a very specific set of eyes one night in the Crow Club at the same time you did. You went to pull your mask up and Nina stopped you, giving you a grin.
"I know the fabric is designed to be breathable, but you really should let your skin have a break," she said. "And besides, you look ethereal tonight. Kaz is going to lose it when he sees you, especially considering the fact that he loves your scar."
You gave Nina an uneasy smile. "I'll be fine if I wear the mask."
"When was the last time you washed it?" Matthias asked with a pointed look. "We've done a lot for the job today, so even if you washed it yesterday, that may as well be pointless now. Let your face breathe in the two hours we have to break, wear the mask for the rest of the missions duration. You can wash it and then wear it again tomorrow."
You looked to the people who were glaring at you; their eyes felt like daggers being pushed into the side of your head. You found that Inej was also glaring at them, her glower fixed and unmoving
They couldn't see her, had yet to do anything other then stare at you, but she'd been visible in your line of sight. Just visible enough, really, and with the intensity that she glowered at them, it was a miracle they'd not felt her gaze.
Wylan and Jesper walked in, the two of them sensing an air of intensity the moment they passed through the doors.
Jesper approached the table instantly. Wylan fell back a bit, trailing Jesper after allowing his line of sight to fall in the same as Inej's. It allowed Wylan to effectively spot the fools who'd been staring you down over your scar, allowed him to glare at them briefly in turn.
"Fools," Jesper said as Kaz approached from a game he'd been manning that was close to the bar. He slid into the U-shaped booth beside you, passed you a glass of iced red wine. "The mask. They've been glaring at you til you've put it back on, eh?"
"A couple weeks now, yep," you admitted. "I thought I was secure. I thought I'd stopped hating the scar and started loving it, but now I don't even feel comfortable going without around you lot. My mask is more of a crutch then it normally is."
"Itching powder will do the trick with them, then," Wylan said determinedly.
"Or a gun to the head," Jesper offered.
"Knife to the throat," suggested Inej.
"A bit of heartrender magic would do it silently and from enough distance so as not to be on the Stadwatches list of persons of interest," Nina said pointedly.
"Fjerdan might would risk a trip to Hellgate, but you love me enough that Brekker would break me out," Matthias countered. "...Again."
"I would not," Kaz said.
"You would if I asked," you said pointedly, finger ghosting over the scar that you'd gradually grown to feel insecure about. Kaz only shrugged as you took a sip of your iced wine, refusing to admit that you were right.
"The scar makes you look wonderful," Jesper said. "I mean--of course you looked wonderful without it, but you look wonderful with it, too. Those people can get stabbed in the jugular, honestly."
"It makes you look intimidating," Nina said. "Especially in the right lighting. I mean that as a compliment, of course. Being intimidating in the Barrel is necessity but nobody ever really looks it lately."
"It's a sign," Matthias said. "For Fjerdans, a scar is a point of pride. It means you fought against someone and you won against them."
"I'll kill them if you'd like me to," Inej offered. "Or let Kaz do it. He looks like he wants to, anyway."
"No murder for tonight," you said.
"Three bells hits and all bets are off," Wylan said. "We'll be done with the job at half past two."
"Sounds good enough to me," Kaz said. "I'll get Anika and Pim to get them drunk and gambling. Drunkards stumble and fall over quick, but with Inej's and Jespers combined skills and some of Wylans itching powder, we'll be set."
"Why the gambling?" Nina asked.
"They've made Y/N self conscious. They're dying anyway, and I'll make a point of stealing their wallets beforehand. More loot for us to split in the end."
"So the demjin remains demonic," Matthias said.
"His demonic tendencies are being put to good use in this case," Nina said. "Y/N, we'll grab tea while the rest of them do their killing. Wylan, you'll come with us. We need you to start a rumor."
"What rumor?"
"That to think ill of Y/N and their scar, to express that through glaring or doing anything verbosely that might make them feel insecure, is to die. Kaz, Jesper, Inej, and I will be the ones doing the killing if Y/N doesn't want to do it themself."
"Work my bombs into that and I'll do it," Wylan agreed as Kaz checked his watch.
The time flew past easily, and before you knew it, you were getting up to finish the job.
In the end, between Kaz's ruthlessness, Jespers impeccable aim and Inejs skill with her knives, those who'd glared at you were unrecognizable by five bells that morning.
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iamumbra195 · 10 months
Job Headcannons for the Karakura Gang
I hate most of the jobs everyone in bleach was stuck with or their occupation wasn't mentioned or I didn't notice it because I've only really brushed over the chapter so I've taken the liberties to think about different ones for them
Orihime: I've already mentioned what I would've loved to see her become in another post but I think a creative path really suits her. One of her defining traits was how creative her mind is, regardless of the fact that the things she comes up with are rather absurd and it would've been great to see her become a writer, a mangaka, a conspiracy theorist, just anything down a creative path. She's stated to be intelligent-- the third in her district and she's emotionally intelligent as well which means that she could go down whatever path she wished but I think something creative would be what makes her happy. Plus, she was in the crafts club with Ishida, creativity suits her
Ichigo: I'm sorry I have nothing to say about his job, I absolutely love it. Him being a translater because he wants to bridge the gap between two worlds and his little ass being Shakespeare nerd is one of my favourite things about him so I have no complaints. Him being a translater is also perfect for my Orihime job hc because he could be her translater if she writes a fantasy book or creates a mangaka and I think that's absolutely adorable given the fact that they end up together. Just imagine the two of them together in their early twenties before they got married with her writing/drawing her story and him editing/proofreading/translating it for her-- it's so cute *sobs*
(God, I am the most inconsistent shipper in the universe like one day I love a ship because it has me kicking my feet and giggling but then the next I'm like '.... meh.' like what??? make up your mind brain, do I like them or not???)
Chad: ANIMALS. I said this in another post but it got like no attention so I'm saying it again. Chad + animals = my happiness. But anyways Chad becoming a boxer at the end of the manga… idk, it never sat right with me. I mean, he likes cute things and animals given his reaction to yoruichi in cat form and the fact that he kept yuichi’s parrot even after konso he could’ve been like a vet or a zoologist or an animal trainer of some kind. Imagine we got a pic of him hanging out with a bunch of parrots and yuichi's parrot in another country like the amazon rain forest or something. It would've been amazing. Also the idea of him being in a band as like a side thing just struck me and I absolutely love it, I would've loved to see him and Ichigo being in a band as like a thing they did on the side for fun and Uryuu would join them occassionally (this is totally not influenced by Uryuu and Ichigo both holding guitars in the new opening, what are you talking about)
Uryu: Honestly. Honestly, I'm a little offended for him. The groundwork for him to be a fashion designer was all there, it would've been amazing. Him and Orihime could have a beautiful friendship in which he makes her beautiful outfits when she goes out for like book signing or something for her and she occasionally moonlights as one of his models in the fashion shows he enters, dragging Ichigo along with her sometimes because you cannot look me in the eye and tell me every single person in that show is not model-worthy, I dare you. I hate that he became a doctor, following in his father's footsteps and I hate that he's shown to be alone at the end of the manga. I get that he's the loner character but his connection to Ichigo and Orihime are so important to me, I hate that even after all this time he's still alone.
Keigo: Once again, I'm not truly upset with his career, he feels like the type of person that wants a comfy life and while he's fully willing to throw hands for his friends and deeply cares about them, his ramen shop suits him. I like to hc that it gets really popular after Ishida and Orihime are seen visiting it. I also love the idea of him joining chad and Ichigo in their little band sometimes
Mizuiro: He strikes me as the entrepreneur/lawyer type but also... imagine him as an actor. My mind is just really stuck on that idea, it's so fun. Idk it just feels like the sort of thing that his shitty rich (I think?? Mizuiro feels like the rich neglected type ngl) mom would hate so I love it. He's so unhinged just look at this clip omg: Mizuiro vs Aizen. He threw a molotov cocktail at Aizen with the most calm expression on his face like who does that?? Love him to pieces. I also love the idea of him and Urahara becoming friends and Ichigo and Keigo just not vibing with that fact at all XD
Tatsuki: My favourite girly achieved her goal of becoming a vale tudo champion and then proceeded to open a dojo of her own. She was a big help for Orihime when learning how to draw fight scenes (as a mangaka) and would often serve as her model for doing so. Uryuu designed the uniform for her dojo because I love the idea of the two of them becoming friends while agonizing over Ichigo's stupidity
Karin: This might sound weird but- but I think being a detective really suits her. Don't ask me why or how, she just does. She specializes in murder cases-- specifically those of children because she wants to help them move on, inspired by how upset she was about yuichi's situation and how much she wanted to right that specific wrong. She solves those murders with help from the ghosts she can see and evidence she finds to prove her 'hunches'. I know it's been stated that she doesn't want to be involved with the spiritual world however, it seems like she's moved on from that, especially after Ichigo got his powers back. She has a really good reputation despite being so young. She also activated a form of her powers, not really enough to be called a fullbring or anything but she can manipulate the reishi around her and in her body (quincy-like ik I just feel like she leans more into her quincy heritage than her shinigami one like Ichigo) to augment her natural strength, especially in her legs. I like the idea of her still playing/coaching soccer when she's older
Yuzu: honestly, she is not expanded on the same way Karin, Ichigo, and Isshin are, which I find a little sad but I love her nonetheless. From what we've observed, she enjoys or feels a duty to take care of the ppl around her so I do think her becoming a doctor or a nurse is a really suitable occupation for her and I especially think that her attachment to her family would lead her to taking over the Kurosaki clinic or working with Isshin until she has to do so.
So that's the end of my headcannon rant, what do you think?
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youaremy-dreamgirl · 2 years
Pairing: Jinki x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.2k words
Summary: how much longer are you gonna stare at him and not tell him you are dying to kiss him?
A/N: this is most likely one of the cheesiest things I've ever written, but this scenario just wouldn't leave my brain so here you have it! Also I've been wanting to write something related to his last album so let's pretend this is it lol
-------------------------------- ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ -----------------------------
You are shaking.
You're not sure if it's the cold wind, the fact that you are alone with him, or both, but your body is trembling so much you can't even control your own hands. You take a big breath and put them inside your pockets, hoping to calm down.
Jinki joined the company a little over a month ago and had you drooling over him since day one: he was beyond beautiful, smart, funny, and overall such a nice person it was nearly impossible not to fall for him. He was assigned to your project from the beginning and you were designated as his trainer, but he was so eager to learn, asking the right questions and making sure he had what he needed to start right away, that training took less than expected and soon you found yourself chatting with him about pretty much anything. He was curious in nature so your conversations were long and lasted all day long, and when you realized you missed talking to him during the weekends, that's when you knew you were fucked.
Fast forward to tonight: you are walking together after leaving an after-office event, and there was something about being alone like this -late at night and on a fairly empty street- that had your mind spinning and your body tensing up.
You shudder and he noticed. "Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?"
God, he is so sweet. "I'm ok, don't worry" you smile at him, and he smiles back.
If only you had the courage to ask him out... You knew he was single (he casually said it one day) but you couldn't get past the fact that he was so out of your league it would probably end up with him politely turning you down, so why bother? Still... you can't help to daydream about him, wondering what would be like to date him, to be the recipient of his tender touches -because you were sure he was the sweetest man alive and would be so caring to his partner-, to get to see his domestic side...
"You are staring"
"What? Oh, right, sorry". You had stopped at a red light and you were mindlessly admiring his features when he snapped you out of it. It wasn't the first time you got lost in thoughts while looking at him, but you always had some excuse ready to make up for it. How nice would it be not to lie and simply tell him you are staring because he's so god-damned handsome?
"Why aren't there any cabs here?" you start shaking again and it's getting harder to hide it
"I thought you said you were gonna take the bus?"
"Yeah, I know, but the bus is gonna take forever and I wanna get home soon" you lie, you don't want this stroll to end, but what else can you say?
"Oh, right, ok. You sure you don't want my coat while we wait?"
"No, thanks... You're so sweet"
"Am I?"
You blush, whispering a soft "you are" and immediately regretting it, hoping that he didn't hear you.
He smiles shyly and you can feel yourself melt at that sight. Ugh, have you mentioned his smile? He can light up any room he's in when he flashes that perfect smile of his, and you are certain your heart skips a beat every time you see it. You can't help to wonder if he's the type of guy that smiles into a kiss... and what would a kiss from him be like...
"You are staring again"
"Fuck, sorry"
"No, no, don't apologize... unless there's something on my face that you are not telling me?" he jokes
You shake your head "There's nothing in your face, it's perfect"
Fuck fuck fuck. What are you doing? You can feel your cheeks burning so you look away to try to find a damn cab that would get you out of there pronto, but you hear him laugh and secretly feel relieved he's not making a big deal out of it like you are.
"You seem different tonight"
You open your eyes wide. "I'm just tired?" you lie again
"No, it's not that..." he squints his eyes "what's on your mind?"
You purse your lips, not trusting your own words at this point. He tilts his head to the side and raises his eyebrows, waiting on your answer. You look around one more time to see if there's any sign of a cab and when you don't, you take a big breath and look at him.
He's perfect.
Ugh, fuck it.
"Honestly?" you ask, and he nods "I'm wondering what kissing you would feel like"
Your stomach is turning, you feel dizzy and you are pretty sure you stopped breathing, but you couldn't stop the words that came out of your mouth so here you are. He's frozen in his place and you can't tell if he's shocked or confused or what, and you don't know what to do. You let out the breath you were holding and turn around to look one more time for a cab that you are pretty sure will never come at this point, nervously biting the inside of your cheek.
"Wait, don't go" he almost pleas, grabbing your hand softly and making you turn around to face him again. He lets go of your hand and moves closer to you, his hand now on the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. You take one look at each other and he makes the first move, leaning in, his lips gently capturing yours for the sweetest kiss you have ever had. As you return the kiss, one of your hands moves to his side to rest on his waist, and he takes it as a cue to deepen the kiss, your lips gradually moving from delicately exploring each other to something a little hungrier.
You involuntarily hum and that makes him smile into the kiss, your brain becoming a pile of mush at this point. With one silent peck, you finally remove yourself from his lips but can't dare to look at him, choosing to rest your forehead on his chest instead. You are shaking again and now you don't care why, and his arms immediately circle you as he hugs you with his jacket.
"You are so stubborn, I knew you were cold!" he jokingly scolds you as you laugh while hugging him from his waist, your embrace tighter.
"I think we chose the worst street to look for a taxi" he whispers, and you honestly can't care any less about it. You look up to him and he's already flashing that beautiful smile at you, making you feel like floating.
"I see one!" he suddenly yells, frantically waving his hand at it, and you secretly wish it wouldn't stop so you can stay like this all night long.
Only when it actually stops is when you break your embrace and realize just how freaking cold it actually is. He opens the taxi door but you decide to try your luck one more time.
"Would you like to come home with me?"
He doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity, his glare intense, but a smirk that soon turns into a smile creeps up his face as he nods, kissing you once more before jumping in with you.
Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling but who cares anymore.
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canarypost · 6 months
pjo ep4. pacing is weird. it felt way too short which is weird bc the chimera and the arch was a MASSIVE thing in the book but at least they kept the ending w the naiad and him learning to breathe underwater. the scene of the three and echidna talking in the train was wayyy too long i was so bored. the fight scene w percy at the top of the arch was super fast i've noticed there is little to no actual action in this show like i wanted the cgi to go all out in the fight scenes but the minotaur fight was super super super dark and there was ZERO music which. wtf. and the clarisse fight was pretty good but this chimera scene was extremely lackluster like stop fucking talking. the chimera looked weird too i don't think there was enough color on it to differentiate the lion/goat/scorpion parts and it would've been really great to get a wide shot of the full form chimera + echidna so itd be really threatening. and there wasnt a lot of lore dropped w them either at least not like there was w medusa which is weird bc i thought they would've been setting a precedent w medusa and making every monster they encounter on their journey help us understand both greek mythology esp for people who havent read the books AND percy and his relationship w his parents. im hoping we get to see gabe being more of a dick on the news after this episode bc i really wanna see him more violent. make us hate him more yk. bc rn he's just pathetic.
but most importantly i've seen this thing go on with the entire show so far and it's that no one fucking talks like real people least of all the golden trio. stop saying "mother" and "father" no one fucking says that least of all these kids of single parents many of whom would rather pour chiron's horse shit into the campfire than show their godly parents the tiniest modicum of respect. no one has interjections like "um" "uh" or "like," no one says "bro" or "dude" not even between percy and grover which is completely absurd like i cannot understate how much it bothers me that we're only told that percy and grover have been friends for years bc if i didn't know better i'd say they've known each other as long as percy and annabeth have. not to mention annabeth's "she [thalia] fought valiantly" in ep3 which is so utterly bonkers annabeth isn't some kinda "old soul" she's a kid with neglectfully abusive parents (which we arent even shown the affects of!! she has to tell it to percy directly for some reason!!! this show has a massive problem with telling instead of showing) who's passionate about architecture and her godly parent. she's just a really fuckin smart kid. now that im typing it all out it's really not as big of a deal to me as the others but it's just fucking weird. but ig if u look at it from some specific angles it's in character. but whatever. i still love her to death for that candy scene in the gas station last episode
but going back to the dialogue thing percy and grover being dumb preteen boy best friends and calling each other "dude" and "bro" 1. shows us instead of just tells us that they've been friends for a long time, 2. has annabeth roll her eyes a bunch (a notable character trait) and shows us she's a little stuck up but more lonely than anything else, and then 3. gives the opportunity to endear percy and grover to annabeth so to not just grow the relationship between all three (golden trio!!! so important) but also the percy/annabeth slow burn AND the healing of the past grover/annabeth relationship which both of them are so so so guilty about. idk i think i need more one-on-one grover/annabeth scenes yet considering we haven't had A SINGLE ONE
last negative thing but the pool flashback at the beginning felt extremely ooc for sally. like i know how important it is for percy to learn to swim esp since he literally doesn't know who his dad is but she was being such a dick!!!! first of all ur kid is clearly more stressed out about swimming than u r about him NOT swimming and second of all it is totally unnecessary to be doing this in PUBLIC swim lessons. like u can see sally looking around at all the other parent/kid pairs like sorry ur worried about how u look to the fucking pool pta but ur kid is fucking terrified. give it another goddamn day give the kid a break. the real sally would never sally jackson i love you i love you i love you
what i DID like about this episode was the opening shot underwater, it reminded me a lot of the movie and controversial opinion but the show could actually use being quite a bit more like the movie bc it was actually pretty good even if it didnt follow the story whatsoever. i liked the shot of the centaurs on the train and i thought i also remembered that from the movie but i think i just remembered seeing the shot in my head when i was reading the book which is actually really impressive. the three getting into real world trouble w the cops is very accurate, percy sitting in the fountain while grover and annabeth splash him was funny, and i ESPECIALLY loved percy pulling a fast one on annabeth at the top of the arch i think it really shows off his self sacrificing nature imo better than him rushing the minotaur in ep1 bc we know his character better by now and we're more emotionally invested. and i really loved that they kept percy's way of learning he could breathe underwater + the naiad from poseidon
actually im not done being neg i really wish they would've kept "isn't that a kind of anteater?" and "prove your bloodline" which would lead to percy purposefully jumping off the arch instead of falling. idk it feels like we're slowwwlllyyy growing to see percy being percy bc im gonna be honest. rn he doesn't have much of a personality. where is persassy. bc i cant fuckin see him
anyway it was a fun episode if a bit slow. it had it's moments. im excited for waterland and the tunnel of looooove next week though :33
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
what i'm listening to 7/6/2023 (song notes under cut)
spot. link//yt link
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Radiohead - Hunting Bears: have you guys noticed that i like amnesiac. links to this post. this is one of the best album interludes of all time
Tallah - No One Should Read This: HRHGGHRHGHHH. fucking crunchyyyy this is one of my favorite albums ever. it's corny as fuck but also really dark and heavy and just ahhhh i love it and this is such a good opener. despite any of the band's faults i will always be a shill for this album. i was talking to violet (hi violet heheh oops i dropped this) about the album a little bit and i decided i simply had to include this bc well frankly i'm jamming to it as i type this :3
Cypress Hill - I Ain't Goin' Out Like That: there's a lot of 90sishness going on in this list. lovvve cypress hill and this whole album. the hook is super catchy but also kind of ridiculous, and there's so many good lines. if you dig harder rap stuff definitely give black sunday a spin, i think it might have been one of the first rap albums i ever bought a physical copy of
Polaris - The Remedy: okay i've been going through my whole giant playlist on account of this business, so it's only fitting that i feature the song that's at the very tippity top of the thang. polaris is a damn solid progressive metalcore type band, and i remember when they broke out in 2017/18 with this album everybody in the scene was talking about them as rising stars. they didn't disappoint, imo, bc the album that came after that was pretty solid too. they did get a lot of comparisons to architects, who are much more seasoned in the scene, and i definitely hear it: the pitchy false chord screams, the djenty riffs, big but not poppy choruses. BUT i think two things worked out for them in that regard. one was that architects were white hot around that time because they put out holy hell, which was very well-regarded (because it good), so it wasn't too bad a thing to be compared to them. the other was that after holy hell dropped, wage war put out a single (low) that had basically the same riff as the architects' big single (doomsday). so they kinda caught all the shit on that one lol. ah the old days (<does not miss this time period)
Girls Rituals - Babe of the Abyss: ummmm.hi 😳
Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch: stupid dumb dumb dummy dumb stupid ass blppppt dumbass fuckin song. it's kinda awesome though. a large part of my interest in this one is to do with its pertinence to rap rock, or rather, its lack of pertinence. in my obsession with the timeline of rap rock, i like to be able to sort as much as possible into neat little categories. east coast hip hop, funk metal, nu metal, emo rap, etc. but what's also interesting is when something comes along that doesn't fit any trend at all. it's a total anomaly, a hit only on its own merits, whether those merits are musical strength or just being weird as fuck. in this case, it's definitely a bit of both. the bad touch isn't even really much of a rock song, it sounds more like dance beats, but the bloodhound gang are a rock band, and regardless you can tell just by listening to it which side of the music sphere they originate from. ughhh fascinating fascinating fascinating. and gross, if you listen to it. but mostly fascinating. 1999 babey. and that's the other thing - this was the age of nu metal. this isn't a nu metal song, but one has to wonder how much it was helped by the normalization of crossovers between rock and rap that nu metal was creating. okay moving on
Snoop Dogg - Gin and Juice: more 90s! but in this case? idk what you want me to say. it's fuckin gin and juice. no-one is immune to the d-o-double-g
Epic Rap Battles of History - Alexander the Great vs Ivan the Terrible: come onnnn you knew i was gonna put some erb on here i feel like i've been mentioning them all month. this is a real good battle, very catchy. the first two verses from pete and zach, respectively, are definitely my favorites, and indeed alexander the great might be my favorite zach sherwin performance on erb. but the flute on the beat for frederick the great's part is a lot of fun, and catherine the great's verse is catchy as well. just overall solid and easy to rewatch. please save me from epic rap battle hell i am trapped here and they won't let me out until i recite every erb bar in chronological order
Vylet Pony - Constellation Cradle: vylet pony good. reallll good. this was one of those songs that i had heard however many times and been like yeah cool song :) and then at some point recently heard again and for some reason it just like. hit right. it had the right crunch. i was feeling it. i was loving it. i was chewing on it. vylet pony good
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Is This Love: another simple case of "heard it on the radio, got stuck in my head." at the same time, it's representative of the fact that i want to know more about reggae, considering my current knowledge of it is effectively 0. so what better place to start than the name that most people outside the reggae sphere most associate with the genre? so many good hits from bob marley, as we likely all know
Pearl Jam - Even Flow: pearl jam good idc. not my favorite of their songs but probably the catchiest. moving swiftly onward
Twenty One Pilots - Implicit Demand For Proof: i was inspired to revisit some of my favorite tracks from a formerly beloved band to me. despite the many issues one could take with their first album, that's the one i would feel most confident in standing up for. and, since i'm an opening track kinda girl, this one hit for me the most. iiii knowwww you're not a liar, and i knowwww you could set fire this dayyyyy. idk. definitely a christian song but like, not in the sense that we all kind of agree is shit. like it's a christian song but it's still actually a SONG, that's. ABOUT THINGS. just give it a shot maybe, if you like kinda indie rock. or don't. i can't tell you what to do i'm just a bunch of text on a screen
Beastie Boys - Intergalactic: did you guys notice that i like the beastie boys. like with even flow, this isn't my favorite beasties song but it's the one that's stuck in my head this month. and it is a damn good hit! some classic lines in here. look at this post
Zombie Girl - Creepy Crawler: i don't know shit about this song or artist!! this was an everynoise.com find on uhhh industrial metal i think. it sounds good :)
Steve Miller Band - Take The Money And Run: i'm so obsessed with that trainwreckords episode on run-d.m.c. i literally have just absorbed every song that todd even mentions in the video. i won't put that episode in the youtube playlist like i did last week but if you haven't watched it you should still do that
Epic Rap Battles of History - Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton: i know. i know. i know. stop looking at me like that. i know. i know, okay? i do. i'm sorry. but it's true. there's a lot of good lines and (more importantly) very catchy parts in this one too and i find myself bopping my head to them while i'm in the shower or whatever. if you don't like it, you should have saved me from the pit when you had the chance
Vanilla Ice - Rollin' In My 5.0: the ice-man just dropped a live video for this a little while ago so it's been on my mind. it's mostly interesting for two reasons. number 1 is that it's our only real insight into what vanilla ice album two might have been like if not for the rapid shift of popular trends. number 2 is that it has been deemed significant enough to be counted in the handful of songs that keep vanilla's music alive, despite being unknown to most people. i'm initerested in the idea of like a vanilla ice canon of Songs That Matter, and it contains like, ice ice baby (obviously), play that funky music, ninja rap, i love you, cool as ice, and so on. but there are just some more odd additions to that, and 5.0 is one of those
rawr - If Peppa Pig was a RAPPER: can i ask you guys for a favor. like, i realize that this list has 19 songs on it one way or another, bc that's the number of songs i use for every WILT. but can we all agree that this time, there's only 18 songs that are *formally* in the WILT, and this youtube-exclusive is like. a bonus track? great thanks. love you. anyways, have you noticed how these days youtube seems to recommend random 10-view videos that have just been uploaded? idk what's up with that, but that's how i found rawr, and frankly i've been having a blast with their videos. weird, silly little songs about wanting to marry various cartoon fathers or popular characters as rappers. this one is the latter, but honestly all of the ones i've listened to have overcome me with a feverish humor. it's not very tumblr humor imo but ultimately idek if my enjoyment of these could be described as comparable to finding them "funny." i just think it's beautiful that a channel with very little attention on it is uploading these ridiculous songs just for fun. just something to do. we could all take a lesson from this. or maybe not idk. i need to post this now good god
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horror102 · 1 year
Pennywise! The dancing clown.
TW: fluff (body mentions) Tiny angst
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Pennywise had been conflicted after everyone's children and adults kept going missing people moved out and there hasn't been a single person in Derry in 20 years. Until one day a strange woman came by and the only way to figure out why she was here is to pretend he was the same kind.
“Hello?!” she yelled looking back to see if someone was there, but I was there. She kept walking but her paste was fast and steady as she appeared to be looking for something. Accidentally I stepped on a branch and my fluffy hair was spotted. I had been stalking this woman for weeks.
Curly brunette hair.
pear type build.
The perfect kind to eat.
“Sorry, He-Hello!” I stuttered, my stuttering problem had worsened every sense I took on a human form. I stepped from behind the tree and gave a glee wave. Immediately she went from panicking to angering her demeanor change. Hands had tightened and brows had furrowed. As I was almost afraid I had to have my dinner early.
“You were following me?!” she yelled. Making me flinch such a fragile looking person could raise their voice like a man. “Yes, I'm so-so-sorry there-re hasn't been a person Derry in years.” I coughed trying to get rid of the horrid stutter. “For a moment I thought I was the only one who lived here.” I stated a smile appearing on my face at the clean statement. “Just, let me know if you're there next time.” she told me calming herself as she continued walking “What are you l-looking for?” I asked her stepping closer towards her back looking and leaning over the same empty pond to see if what she sought was in there. “A paper, something about-- nevermind.” she took a step back in her own words making me raise a brow “No please, tell me.” “A news paper, something about a Woman that I knew.” she paused and looked at me “Sense you live here do you know her? Her name was Cheryl Lamonica.” her voice became stern and quickly I noticed who she was talking about, though I ate her years ago. I nodded no as I used my supernatural ability to make her hallucinate, making the paper appear in front of her. “Thank the heavens!” she stated jolly I almost felt bad for lying a pretty smile on her face, making me giggle. I stepped closer side to side with her. She looked at me and practically ignored the short distance. “Listen I got to go, umm?” I quickly cut her off. “Pennywise, the dancing-” before I finished my sentence I shut myself up knowing how ridiculous I would've sounded being a man and identifying as a clown. “Yeah um pennywise! Bye.” I smiled little did she know she'd see me later.
Usually when a monster doesn't feed for a while they'd adapt heat, and mate with another monster. Though nowadays there haven't been any other monsters that I've known about ever.
Automatically my radar went up, the fact that I could sense an offensive position made me squeal, knowing someone was close by and unarmed. Quickly I teleported there watching and waiting, soon I heard light snoring. Knowing they were defenseless I appeared before them, slowly removing the blanket from their face, quickly a tilted frown appeared on my face, that little woman. I leaned my head in closer my hands seemed to move on the own.
I removed the blanket off of the rest of her body. Her dinted hips and pudge looked delicious to eat. She was covered in Christmas pants and a random yellow shirt. Sweat dented the top of her collar bone, she was hot. I didn't want my food to get all wet now did I? I used my nail and trailed it down her stomach to her V line. Her shirt was splitting in two. I trailed my finger down to her pants ripping them but stiffened as I heard a sudden whimper from my hand pressure on her private. Continuingly I ripped her pants off of her. Eyeing her in her underwear.
The underwear was rather big, but they looked comfortable. Her bra was clearly tight. The straps creating lines on her smooth skin with a light nibble with my razor sharp teeth they removed themselves slowly slipping to the floor. I quickly closed my eyes. Unsure if I should look at such an unpurified sight. She looked more relaxed her shoulders fell back. And I couldn't help but feel her face, and look at such odd things. I grabbed the rim of her underwear and gave them a little tug trying not to wake her up but with the second attempt of a tug she awoke.
Quickly I backed away lifting my foot up and hand in front of my face, in distraught. Embarrassed I was caught, she looked at me with wide eyes jumping up and covering herself quickly with the blanket. Her fear was covered with embarrassment. “H-Hey! Who the hell are you?!” she yelled at me. Grabbing a pillow and throwing it at me. I was confused how she didn't recognize me though I forget no one would remember a clown who looked like a human at first. I transformed into the human form out of nervousness not being able to control my body's transformations in fear. A feeling I never felt. I started glitching.
My head uncontrollably twitched and my eyes flickered from blue to yellow. As her mouth went agape in fear.
“What the fuck?!” she yelled “What the hell are you?!” she yelled once again making me flinch though the question made me huddle. Embarrassingly in my human form I huddled up hugging my knees.
For in fact. I didn't know what I was? Just like Billy said, was I a mimic? No, no, I couldn't be a mimic! I'm my own man. I'm not even a man.
My lips started quivering, turned bright red with the natural red lips I had. She looked at me confused. Anger glowing into her veins.
“What the fuck were you trying to do to me?!”
She yelled at me.
Making me bucket my head in my knees.
“You fuckin' asshole!” she yelled once again grabbing her pillow and jumping on me smuggling me and cutting off my air support. Though I didn't exactly need to breathe her hatred and mimicking made my breathing Holter.
“Fucking clown!”
She yelled hitting me in the head with her fist. Quickly I reacted to the second punch she threw and grabbed her hand pinning her down. My teeth turned razor sharp. Her eyes quickly flashed fear. As she stopped struggling and looked me in my eyes. I wondered why she looked so scared. A knee went to my gut and I flipped off of her. In pain. I received another knee but to the nose. I couldn't transform back, I was stuck in a weak human form.
She ran out the door. Leaving me collapsed on the floor. Quickly I used my last little bit of power to teleport back to the sewers.
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consoledacup · 11 months
Hey, thank you so much for the Jordayla missing pieces you post they make so much sense and they are for sure just deleted scenes that AA just didn't have airtime to air.
Here's my actual question I have seen comments suggesting that Jordan is doing and saying the exact same things for Layla that he did for Simone. Now just as a disclaimer I was never a Jimone fan so I've only watched their scenes once when it aired and I could never imagine going back to watch them but I have no recollection of Jordan being Simones bestie and being able to let her in when he is going through a tough time or just in general like he is with Layla. So I just wanted to know do you see similarities? because I'm convinced I do and btw that doesn't mean I don't think Jor loved Simone as best as he could at that time I just think he didn't know the type of love he's experiencing with Lay was possible.
Thank you, Anon!! I'm thrilled you see them as deleted scenes. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing them.
It's no secret I'm also not a jimone fan, so I got you. I'll try to answer this from an objective lens, but I can't guarantee that it won't be Jordayla-skewed.
The most succinct and thematic divide between these two couples is "show vs. tell."
With Jimone, Jordan was telling anyone and everyone he was happy, he was in love, etc. Nothing wrong with that on the surface. But with Jordayla, Jordan just WAS happy. To the point where everyone around him noticed without him saying a thing. And the two closest male figures in his life figured out he was in love and dating Layla because he was so happy.
With Jimone, they were lauded as great communicators. But that just wasn't evident when really hard stuff or even just mid stuff happened. To your earlier ask, Simone's dream was to be the next Serena Williams, and he was like, you play tennis? But how many times had he frequented Layla's studio before they were even together? Not to mention everything that happened with Simone's adoption dilemma. She didn't even want him there when she gave birth. He couldn't reach her at her level and give her what she needed, and she firmly kept him away. But Jordan obliterated Layla's walls. Not an easy feat when she had been steadily building them higher and higher and successfully kept everyone else out. But not him. She let him in.
And then when it came to football, Jordan has always kept Simone at arms' length. Even when they were fully together. Even when Simone tried to bulldoze her way in after his concussions. She gave her best effort, but he wasn't having it. With Layla she just kept pushing until he relented and listened to her. She knew what to say to get through to him and made him really understand she believed in him wholeheartedly.
Simone saw his potential in being great and maturing. But all of that actually happened when Jordan got closer with Layla. Jordan has never felt more understood than he has since falling in love with Layla. He desperately wanted things to work with Simone because they had gone through a lot together and committed to each other in a huge way. But they just couldn't understand each other on a fundamental level.
Jordan and Layla waited so long to tell each other they loved each other. But every single moment prior, their actions showed how much they loved the other.
Actions speak louder than words, after all.
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Men from Gen X make the BEST Lovers 🥰❤ (opinion from a Gay Autistic Guy from Gen-Z)
NOTE: This is going to be a VERY long post & this is all strictly based off of my personal expirence & in no way is this meant to insult anyone but I just wanted to type about this here & see what you all think...
I talk to tons of men online & I ALWAYS perfer older men & I TRULY BELIEVE THAT GEN-X MEN MAKE THE BEST LOVERS! & this is coming from an Autistic Gen Z guy born in the late 90s/in-my-20s (obviously Gay... but a total Pitcher AND NOT a catcher...)
Here's why:
GEN-X GUYS ARE OLDER BUT NOT OLD ENOUGH TO BE MISERABLE/GRUMPY... My friends all know that I like older men (as I always say, I like my fruit Extra-Ripe) BUT Boomer-Guys tend to be very rude & grumpy a lot (this is all based off of my expirence, I know there are obviously exceptions). Men who boomers always get excited to talk to me at first because they're excited to talk to a younger guy, BUT that soon always wears off & they get really rude & grumpy... For example one man in his late 60s that i talked to on grindr told me that he was interested in me but when I told him I don't have a car at all, he straight up told me "I'm not your damn taxi, you're going to need to figure out how to get to me by yourself" (what a jerk... but that's just one example)...
Millennial guys are different though. I relate to Millennial guys more BUT we never seem to be a match. From my expirence, they seem nice at first but eventually they get either Really bitchy or Really annoyed with me. For example, a while ago, I spend the night with this one man in his 40s. He was really nice at first, but he seemed really annoyed with me after a while (& got bitchy at me a few times). I feel like if he was 10 years older, we would have gotten along better.
Gen X men for the most part at least from my expirence, always try to be polite, more often than Millennial guys or Boomer Guys. they're also much more patient with me from my expirence & seem less judgemental (again, there's DEFINATELY EXCEPTIONS TO THAT, but for the most part they seem to be more kind).
Also with my Autism, guys from Gen-X who I talk to ALWAYS seem to notice & seem to be most aware of my Autism more than any other generation of men I've talked to & they always seem to humor me more often than any other generation (in lack of better ways of explaining that). I'm always very open about my Autism. Guys from Gen-X always acknowlege it & are aware of it. Baby-Boomer guys seem to completely blow my Autism off. I once had one boomer tell me "You don't have Autism! You're just a spoild good for nothing brat!" Millennial Guys seem to always tell me "oh, everyone has Autism, whatever" Gen-Z guys will either just acknowlege it or most often even say "oh! I'm on the Autism too!" but I don't talk to guys my own age very often. & Gen-Z guys always forget about me easily (basically all men do 😥) but with Gen-Z guys it never really bothers me because I perfer older men.
Which brings me to my next point: EVERY MAN I HAVE TALKED TO HAS REJECTED ME! otherwise I wouldn't still be single right now. But the way they each do it is different. BOOMER GUYS are the most harsh when they reject & ditch me. They straight up tell me that I'm a spoiled brat or that I have too many sexual limits (they throw that in my face the most! & are most harsh about it) & they blow me off & ditch me.
Millennial Guys straight up block me & ghost me & never reply to my texts again (unless they sometimes just want to hookup with me again, only so they can block & ditch me again until they get bored/desperate again 😑) sometimes Millennial guys even make fun of me for how hurt I get from it, for example, I once talked to one other Millennial guy in his late 30s online (not the same one I mentioned earlier) & I felt like him & hit it off good & I really liked him, but Obviously those feeling weren't reciprocated & he called me & told me straight up that he didn't like me at all & didn't want to talk to me anymore & I told him that I liked him & I was sad that he didn't want to talk to me & he literally started laughing & thought it was funny that I was sad that he didn't like me too. I thought that was VERY COLD of him BUT it helped me get over it very fast... I had quite a few expirences like that with Millennial guys...
Men of all ages actually ghost me, but I noticed that it's usually less often with men from Gen X but they still manage to get their point across that they aren't interested in me, but it seems like they try to do it in a nice way so they don't hurt my feelings (I appreciate that at least). For example, MANY Gen-X men I have talked to found out that they didn't like me at all, but they didn't straight up bash me for it, they don't even block me on facebook or instagram either... they just stop replying to my messages & gradually disengage with me but somehow make it clear that they aren't interested in me. Even though it still hurts, I appreciate it that they atleast try to make it not hurt so much (from my expirence at least) OR when a Gen-X DOES straight up tell me that he's not interested, he just tells me "Sorry Joe, I don't think it'll work out between us because of this & that, but I hope you find what you're looking for. You're a great guy." that's what a couple men in their 50s i have talked to online told me. I was still sad that they didn't like me but it helped ease the pain of rejection, unlike a mad boomer guy who straight up tells me that I'm a good for nothing brat or a millennial that tells me I'm too boring because I won't go to bars or nightclubs with him at all...
There's also this... This might sound weird but one hobby that I have is making animated films with the sims 2 (I guess only a few of you will know what I'm talking about) & i always try showing them to a guy i'm interested in... HERE'S HOW THAT USUALLY GOES WHENEVER I DO THAT: Millennial Guys almost always can't get over the fact that the people in my sims 2 films aren't real & they never want to watch them I VERY COMMONLY NOTICE THAT WITH ALL MEN I TALK TO WHO WERE BORN IN THE 80s! (millennials...)... BOOMER GUYS act like they want to watch my sims 2 films but then COMPLETELY & OBVIOUSLY tune them out & don't pay attention at all (or even fall asleep on them) GENERATION Z GUYS (my generation) ALWAYS think they're very cool & always compliment me on the mods & animations. GEN X GUYS seem not to be interested in my Sims 2 films, but they always at least try to act like they are & tell me how "creative" they are, but most of the time I get the sense that they aren't actually really impressed by them. Sort of like when a kid draws a picture & shows it to their teacher & ask them "do you like it?" & the teacher tries to be supportive & tells them "good job! I love your art" even though in reality they aren't thrilled with it at all. BUT AT LEAST THEY ARE POLITE & TRY TO BE NICE & SUPPORTIVE & ACT LIKE THEY ARE ♥ It still warms my heart 🥰
Another thing I want to point out, Millennial Guys ironically always seem to get very disgusted by how active I am on social media, which I think is weird because I recall reading online that Millennials use to be notorious for being extremely overly active on social media themselves (myspace...) My best guess is that Millennials caught onto being bashed for this & then as Millennials grew up, they stopped using social media so much in order to break that sterotype BUT then Millennials get mad at Gen-Z people (like me) when they see that Gen-Z people are extremely active on social media... For example, my adoptive sibilings who were all born in the 80s & are millennials themselves & who are all older than I am always would get annoyed & disgusted whenever I was happy about how many subscribers I had on youtube or how many friends I managed to get on facebook & they'd always tell me "Get over it Joe & Get a life! facebook doesn't make you special at all!" (I actually DO NOT talk to my adoptive sibilings at all... they are all jerks...)
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One other major reason why I Love men from Gen-X is because My biological uncle (the ONLY family memeber I have ever met) was from Gen-X. he was born in 1974 & he passed away in 2012 from brain cancer at age 38. I was lucky enough to know him for the last few years of his life ♥ HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND EVER! ♥ I miss him so much. The older I get the more I realize that he will be young forever. That's another reason why I love men from Gen-X/Guys-Born-in-The-70s/Men-In-Their-50s because they Almost Always remind me of my biological uncle (I know that's because of my Autism)
That's basically all that I have to say about why I feel that men from Gen-X make the best lovers ♥ Thanks to everyone who read all of this ♥ & CAN EVERYONE PLEASE HOPE THAT I END UP FINDING A CRAZY OBSESSIVE MAN FROM GEN-X WHO FALLS MADLY IN-LOVE WITH ME & WANTS TO BE MY LOVER FOREVER & WHO NEVER FORGETS ABOUT ME & WHO NEVER GETS BORED OF ME & WHO NEVER GIVES UP ON ME & WHO NEVER LEAVES MY LIFE AT ALL? ⛤ ♥ ⛤ (it warms my heart just thinking about that ♥ JUST AS LONG AS HE IS A TOTAL CATCHER & NOT A PITCHER!...) BUT it doesn't matter what he looks like 🥰 If he's in love with me, he'll ALWAYS be Perfect in the eyes of Joe Winko (I'm Joe Winko by the way...)
What do you think of everything I typed here? Do you agree with me on anything? Anyone is welcome to answer that... (don't take it personally though, this is all based off of my personal expirences)
NOW FOR THE FUN QUESTION: If you could choose ANY MAN from Gen-X to fall madly in-Love with me/Joe-Winko & become my Obsessive Lover (who automatically would also be Loved back by me/Joe-Winko), WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE? (give me a name I can google please 🥰 as I said earlier, I am NOT PICKY when it comes to looks) & here's some pictures of me if that helps you decide 😝 https://imgur.com/a/QDHilAQ
This may sound crazy but I actually always wanted an Obsessive Man to fall in love with me so he NEVER leaves at all ♥ (when enough guys ditch, reject, & ghost you, I guess you eventually might start wanting one that Never will) & not to mention that I'm also a Crazy Man myself (incase anyone reading all of this hasn't noticed...), So it obviously only makes sense for me to be with another Crazy Man 😝 just as long as he is a CATCHER & NOT a PITCHER! 😋 ⛤ I KNOW I WILL ABSOUTELY FIND OR BE FOUND BY THAT ⛤ SO MOTE IT BE ⛤
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rapifessor · 9 months
Pokéchronology, Volume I: Yellow
Day 6
This post will be on the shorter side, as I didn't have much time to play thanks to being much busier at work today. I also ended up playing through a pretty long sequence, which didn't help but in the end I think things worked out nicely.
If you don't like Pokémon Yellow spoilers, don't keep reading!
Getting Organized
Before going off to progress the game, I want to sort out a few things. First, there are some other Pokémon I caught earlier that I hadn't mentioned. I write these posts at the end of the day so I have to try and remember every little thing that happened, and it's hard to keep track of all the Pokémon I catch.
So, I've got a Magnemite named Insanic, a Drowzee named Sumba, another Clefairy named Berryfairy, Doug the Diglett, and Gnatman the Venonat. I might have mentioned Gnatman already. Told you it's hard to keep track. Maybe I should write some condensed notes as I do things, but I dunno. It'd probably be way too annoying to stop every time I catch a Pokémon. A better idea would be to just look at my box in the PC before calling it quits and writing a post.
Moving on. I debated about whether I should evolve my Eevee into Flareon or Vaporeon. At first glance, Flareon seems like the more attractive option, since I didn't yet have a good Fire type. On the other hand, Vaporeon learns Ice moves, which give me coverage against Dragon types that might become a problem later. In the end I decided on Vaporeon as I felt I could deal with all the types Fire would give me an edge against easily enough.
Unfortunately, Starry didn't learn any Water moves after evolving for some reason. No matter, as I would need to level them up to gain access to their Ice moves anyway. To that end, I visited the daycare to reclaim Pear, who was now on the cusp of evolving into Fearow, who I plan on teaching Fly to once I get the HM. I replaced them with Starry and set off to check out Saffron City.
Saffron City
I only planned on checking out what this city had to offer before heading off to Route 16 and going to some of the other gyms. I'm not ready to challenge Sabrina yet; her Pokémon are all Psychic type of course, which is only resisted by itself and they're all level 50, while my Pokémon are still considerably below that.
As it happens, I couldn't enter Saffron Gym even if I wanted to, as Team Rocket has descended upon the city like a plague. I would put a stop to that soon enough, but I wanted to explore the city some more.
Compared to Celadon, there's really not much going on in Saffron City. I got the TM for Psychic, which I used on Miles, by going to "Mr. Psychic's" House. Other than that there seems to just be the Silph Building, which is the center of trouble in the city. Maybe there will be more to do here later, but for now it's rather barren despite its size.
Silph Building
On to the main event. Team Rocket is at it again, and as usual it's up to me, a 10 year-old kid apparently, to fuck up their shit. But this time, the Pokémon they command in battle are noticeably stronger. They're in the high 20's at a minimum, with some surpassing 30. One of the Rockets or Scientists even had five Pokémon if I remember correctly. The only Pokémon I had above level 30 were Prinzessin, Miles, and Mycoboss, and not by much.
At the end of the day though, they're all Pokémon I can dispatch with ease. In fact, that's why my highest leveled Pokémon are what they are; the game keeps spamming me with Normal and Poison types, which Prinzessin and Miles, respectively, excel at dispatching.
It wasn't long before I got the TM for Earthquake as well. You know what that means: Prinzessin now has a VERY strong Ground move at her disposal, which she gets STAB for, and makes her into the ultimate counter to Electric types. Not only is she straight up immune to Electric, she's also able to demolish them in a single attack. Every Voltorb and Magnemite that previously gave me trouble with their fixed-damage moves and lack of weakness to my team is now as good as dead.
As I battled my way through Rockets and Scientists and a random Juggler whose gimmick seems to be that they switch Pokémon unlike other trainers, I got a ton of useful items. I had to make a couple trips out of the building to stash the goodies because there were so many (again, this is where the lack of inventory space becomes frustrating. I hope this restriction gets removed quickly in subsequent generations).
The Gary Cometh
Eventually, I found my way into the isolated room on one of the floors, where I once again come face to face with who else but Gary. Since it hasn't been that long since the last battle with him, I wasn't expecting too much different from him. Sure, he's got that Fearow but BIG RAT knows Thunderbolt now. I shouldn't have too much trouble.
Boy, was I wrong, because Jesus CHRIST his Pokémon are strong. Their levels are all in the high 30's at least, essentially 10 levels above all my Pokémon, AND they're all fully evolved. Gary opens with his newly-evolved Sandslash. Thinking I could simply destroy it, I brought out Ominous and got hit by a Sand Attack. Sandslash is faster though, and they deal a whopping 70 damage to Ominous with Slash before I can even get off a Bubble Beam. My move hits, but it doesn't even deal half of Sandslash's HP in damage. We're off to a rough start. Ominous is my best counter to Sandslash, so I have to keep it out but I need to use a Super Potion to keep it alive. Sandslash uses Sand Attack again, giving Ominous a chance to attack once more. They get hit with another critical Slash, and dropped to low HP again. Miraculously, my second Bubble Beam connects, and deals a critical hit, taking out Sandslash.
Next is Ninetales. A much easier opponent to fight compared to Sandslash. I keep Ominous out and heal them again. My first Bubble Beam misses, but I land the second one and deal enough damage to drop Ninetales below half HP. One more Bubble Beam shuts down Ninetales.
Cloyster comes in, and I take a moment to decide who to switch to with Ominous being wounded and without a type advantage. Given the level difference between my Pokémon and Gary's, I thought that fighting defensively would be the best option. I switch to Mycoboss, intending to use Mega Drain to outlast Cloyster. What I failed to realize was that Cloyster knows Aurora Beam, and is an Ice type to boot. Mycoboss is annihilated in a single hit. Having no choice, I send in BIG RAT, the only other Pokémon I have with a type advantage. A Thunderbolt makes a considerable dent in Cloyster's HP, but I would need two more to defeat it. I get in a second Thunderbolt and Cloyster just barely survives. Unfortunately, BIG RAT wasn't fully healed, and he fell to Cloyster's Aurora Beam. The only Pokémon I have left that's not weak to this move is Miles, so I send him in to finish the job.
Gary's penultimate Pokémon is Kadabra. I realize I need Mycoboss alive to take them down, though in hindsight I could have kept Miles in and used Body Slam to deal damage while resisting Kadabra's powerful Psychic moves. I use a Revive and send Mycoboss back in. I take a lot of damage from the Confusion, but Leech Life heals some of it back and deals a lot of damage in return. But the next move that hits Mycoboss is Psybeam, which is MUCH more powerful. Mycoboss just barely survives, with only 3 HP remaining to finish off Kadabra.
Finally, Jolteon comes in. They're Gary's highest level Pokémon, at level 40. I wasn't remotely worried, though. One thing that's been consistent throughout every Gary battle except for the first two is that my strongest Pokémon has an OVERWHELMING advantage over his starter. This puny Electric type can do nothing to me. I switch to Prinzessin. Jolteon misses their Pin Missile. Then misses it again. I say "lol see ya nerd" and one-shot them with Earthquake.
Getting the Master Ball
With Gary suffering another consecutive defeat against me, I speak to the Silph employee standing nearby and receive a Lapras. I named them Holy, because holy shit it's a Lapras. I return to the ninth floor of the Silph Building to heal, then proceed to the eleventh to crash Team Rocket's business meeting.
Jessie and James pathetically challenge me again only to get swept by one Prinzessin again. Then it's time for Giovanni to make his next appearance. He poses a bit more of a challenge this time, as he has a Nidoqueen of his own. Since Giovanni had sent out Rhyhorn just before though, I already had Ominous out ready to destroy her because she's still weak to Water. It seems Gary challenged me because he wanted to make sure I was ready to take on Giovanni, but he probably should have done it the other way around. Anyway, the Master Ball is now mine.
Wow, what a ride. That Gary fight was probably the best I've had so far, and it could have gone a lot worse. If I hadn't gotten lucky with move RNG, from what Gary's Pokémon used to hitting with reduced accuracy and landing a crit at a crucial moment, I would have been in for a much tougher fight. I just realized that Pin Missile is a Bug type move as well, which Prinzessin is actually weak to. If it managed to hit more than a couple of times, I might have been in trouble because Jolteon easily outspeeds Prinzessin.
One thing I've learned from this battle is that I need some way to deal with Ice moves. Most of my Pokémon are soft to Ice, and I have to expect that I'll run into that Cloyster again in my next showdown with Gary. Which means ideally, I'd have a Pokémon that resists Ice and can use moves that are super effective against Water. The best I had for resistance was Water types, but Vaporeon can't learn any Electric moves. I did some research and eventually realized that the Lapras I just got would be perfect for this.
Not only is Lapras Water/Ice type, which gives them maximum resistance to Ice moves, they also learn Ice moves of their own, and they're capable of learning Thunderbolt via TM. As if that wasn't enough, Lapras has excellent stats and makes for an extremely potent Special attacker. And here I'm stuck with a Vaporeon because I didn't think I would be getting a much better user of Ice moves pretty much immediately.
Training up Lapras is therefore one of my top priorities. I don't think there will be much that's able to stand in my way once that's accomplished. I'm already set to demolish all of the gyms going forward, which just leaves the Pokémon League. I don't know what's in store for me there, but as much as possible, I'd like to be prepared. Once I've beaten most of the gyms, I'll make sure my team is ready for anything.
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