#i've seen other ppl do it but idk if there's a tag
septimus-heap · 10 months
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the-silly-urge · 6 months
Okay yeah the IGN interview saying Minthara would be complete with "just a few more lines" (relating to Orin no less) is so. Grits my teeth. HUH.
(Rant below, feel free to ignore etc etc)
I love Minthara's backstory, I think it has depth, it's well connected to the rest of the story in terms of ramifications and implications. But let's be honest. Her backstory (specifically relating to Orin/the Absolute) has got to be the thing she has the most lines about. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing necessarily, but I'd say there's enough depth there, and if Larian suddenly wanted to add something to her character, I feel like new interjections would be better? More of her reacting to her environment, connecting her experiences on the surface to what the Underdark was like, etc?
She would not want to be reduced to what was done to her, but when so many of her lines revolve around the Absolute/Orin it's harder to see her as a full-fledged character/person.
Honestly I don't know if Larian just has like... Misconceptions about how much content Minthara has, how functional she is (same with Halsin honestly) that they think she'd be complete with so little. Do they rely on us being perpetually okay with and grateful for breadcrumbs? I want to replay her romance, but there's all that wait to Act 2 to even see her again, and I know it's most likely gonna be bugged, with little content, and no way to even know if the game recognizes your relationship, because her kisses still aren't implemented and her greeting literally never changes.
It's just mildly infuriating to see the lack of content for some companions, obviously I think Minthara is the worst case, with Halsin then Wyll in the running.
I understand they don't have infinite resources and maybe adding more to Minthara/Halsin would be catering to niches, but who's fault is that?
It's frustrating because to a certain point, they hardly feel like fully fleshed-out characters. And I know there's enough to them somewhere in there, left on the cutting room floor or something, or in scenes that don't trigger. But as it stands they feel just so woefully incomplete, especially in comparison to the other amazingly written, content-rich companions, that you get earlier and easier.
(Also I'm pretty sure it is just one person on the team who's saying this, + that they're happy with how BG3 is right now- and I'm not saying they shouldn't be happy with it, but it feels funny when so much was cut and not everything is truly fleshed out. Idk.)
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sevicia · 9 months
"I'm not a transphobe but only a small percentage of trans people are actually trans not to mention being trans is a trend RN, and I would like for the trans community to come up with an answer as to why so many people are detransitioning if being trans isn't a trend" Girl do u hear yourself rn like be serious ⁉️
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drawnaghht · 9 months
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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chains-of-others · 9 months
Already put my thoughts on twt, but I will say it here too. I do hate PM overall, the company's decisions, disrespect towards their artists, and how they dug their own grave in such a ridiculous way is not something I could or wish to defend. However, I'm not a person that can switch interests so fast, nor one to hate characters that once were loved. I will continue drawing them until the interest goes away. Please feel free to unfollow or block me if that is something you don't want to continue seeing, but please understand that the speed at which my interests die is not something I have control over, I really tried to make to make it happen when this first started, but it didn't work.
That's it 🫶 please take care of yourselves.
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thschei · 5 months
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I can't stop thinking about these tags I saw 😭
* = to be clear: the 2nd image is about who the person is quoting in these tags, not the person who wrote them
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just-jammin · 1 year
got out of the uni i was applying to
holy fuck i am NOT gonna pass lmao (not disappointed, not surprised)
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spiritofjustice · 1 year
rly funny whenever someone asks for unpopular opinions and all you see are extremely popular ones. like you can’t be asked for unpopular Pokemon opinions n then go “DAE think gen 5 is good??!?!?!?!” like yeah. most people think it’s good. it wasn’t popular when it came out but it is EXTREMELY popular now. get real
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noxtivagus · 2 years
4:44 am late night thoughts under cut bcs i want to talk so much but tags reached way above cap c:
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#🤍#🌙.thoughts#GENUINELY I'M DOING GOOD RN. DEFINITELY. /gen#i just have a lot of thoughts. i find myself rambling a lot every time i start writing in tags oh dear#these r very intimate thoughts of mine at this very late hour#i don't mind though. here online. maybe to whoever may read it they could see some part of themselves in it#i've always loved the ways n possibilities of how we may influence each other in this world#one reason why i write. & why i share. is to make my own opportunity of that possibility w others#sometimes actually w my attunement for these deeper intricacies in life i wonder if i'm even. idk normally fun to be around#but i've had ppl say i'm funny. i've made people laugh n smile. maybe that's proof enough for me that my existence#was loved in those moments. even now maybe for just. being who i am. maybe it really is true.#i find it hard to believe i don't think such beauty is meant for me.#but i think. ultimately. i do deserve the same things that. i think others deserve. i deserve it too.#yeah often i feel like i don't belong in this world but this is enough to keep me going. me. & you.#everything in my worlds. in this universe. & everyone in my life. yeah. life goes by far too fast for hesitation and regrets.#i think it's so beautiful how in a way. you n i. we're so similar yet so different. i wnt to learn sm more abt everyone/everything around m#i think i wna make a sideblog for stuff like this. i realize at heart i'm genuinely a person fond of sharing their thoughts n emotions#i've rambled to myself a lot before in threads in discord servers w friends. in my own discord server. & in tumblr tags#i'm not used to people interacting to it. or being necessarily listened to. or knowing that i am read and seen but i don't really need that#i live like this for me. first and foremost. this is one part of my own inner world#oh god usually i definitely don't talk this much though but it's really really late at night ( early morning )#i'll try not to delete this when i wake up bcs even if i get shy or embarrassed then that'll change nothing deep down#n it's not like it'll directly impact my life yeah? i should have nothing to fear#that ffxiv friend i spent time with earlier today said they'll challenge their shyness#motivated me more to do the same. it's hard n it gets uncomfortable at times n i will experience drawbacks but#i will work hard to challenge myself & become a better person. to forge ahead as i always have.#this is part of who i've always been & part of who i'm growing to be.#why should i hide? in hindsight i will definitely learn to manage it better bcs i should keep my life more private to be safe but#rn tonight i don't think i'll worry. not now. THAT SAID THOUGH i will actually sleep vvv soon fr now c:#oh my god last thought though but i'm rlly rlly curious of others too.... but that's enough thinking for tonight. i will sleep Soon ><
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leiaandfri3nds · 10 months
Ship tags
Ok ok ok I see a lot of ppl asking what tag/label each atsv character has for being shipped Miles = Flower (For his favorite song) Gwen = Ghost (She's called Ghost-spider sometimes) Hobie = Punk (He's legit Spider-Punk) Pavitr = Chai/Golden (Some people prefer not to use 'Chai', as it bases his character around a joke he made) Margo = Byte (She's Spider-Byte) Miles 42 = Claw/Prowler (I think its for his Prowler claws, the other is obvious) Miguel = Fang (This is obvious.) Ganke = Code (He likes computer stuff?? idk I'm not into Ganke lore don't come at me) Ship names I've collected: Miles x Hobie = Punkflower and/or Flowerpunk (Punkflower is more popular) Miles x Gwen = Gwiles/Ghostflower Miles x Pavitr = Goldenflower/Chaiflower Hobie x Pavitr = Punkchai/Goldenpunk Gwen x Hobie = Ghostpunk Miles x Hobie x Pavitr = Goldenpunkflower/Punkchaiflower Miles x Hobie x Gwen = Ghostpunkflower/Punkghostflower (unsure) Miles x Margo = Flowerbyte (I think so??) Miles 42 x Hobie = Punkclaw/Punkprowler (I don't actually know) Miles 42 x Margo = Prowlerbyte ? (I'm kinda unsure of what it is, it might be smth else) Miles x Ganke = Milesganke Miles 42 x Ganke = Clawcode (I think-) Miles 42 x Miles = Milescest (I DO NOT SHIP THIS??) Miguel x Miles = Flowerfang (yes this is a ship. yes I hate it. no don't search it up.) Thats about it, someone plz lemmie know about the Miles 42 x Margo thing (I know its a ship I've seen it)
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g-xix · 5 days
why tf are my past-fixations all so close together
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I feel so much like strange embarrassment at this like, wdym my absolute pride and joy and favourite person in the whole wide world when I was like 12 is just a few people away from my current obsessions and people i write fanfics about rn?????
i rmbr when I used to SCOUR the Internet in 2019 for Lazarbeam and Sidemen content when I evolved from watching Click crew and Lazarbeam to KSI and the Sidemen...
And then the Quackity and KSI on the DSMP vid making me go into the minecraft, mcyt, dsmp era (embarrassingly.)
Which also introduced me to Jschlatt who i had an UNGODLY love for (and i fear that him being less than 5 feet from Chunkz is manifesting him back into my life)
And AJ AND QUACKITY LITR RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER? I think i might shatter into a billion pieces if i see them do smth together. Every molecule within me is already vibrating at a million miles a moment seeing them in the same vicinity.
I like compartmentalising my life into eras (2021 is dreamsmp, characterised by Quackity n Tommyinnit n Schlatt n blahblahblah, 2023/4 is Beta squad, 2019 to now (apart from 2021) being Sidemen)...
And seeing all of these eras mishmash together within the same MrBeast-organised picture just has me feeling so weird
Might be the first MrBeast vid i have to watch ngl
(j whilst tagging i feel the need to say more: even like Andrea n Alexandra Botez is giving me 2021 flashbacks to seeing Raj's love or hosts back when Minx was big and unproblematic and celebrated too - and this is the first time in over a year I've seen Ludwig, and I used to watch the mogul mail litr DAILY - even about shit i didnt' gaf about...Idk i cant begin to explain it - maybe the weirdness of seeing all these ppl is also bc half are from America where the content style is sm more different to British YouTube which I mainly watch........ But like, tell me that literally seeing POKIMANE, NIKO OMILANA, MOIST CRITIKAL/PENGUINZ0/CHARLIE, SAM & COLBY, QUACKITY, AND LAZARBEAM within the same 20M² MAKES SENSE. IT DOESN'T.)
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nunalastor · 3 months
not to get this too heavy but like - i'm genuinely so so sick of people who think they're "defending" alastor's sexuality by claiming ppl shouldn't ship him Ever and harrassing ppl who do. usually they show up more with other alastor ships, but i've seen some ppl on appleradio stuff as well. idk if any of them are stalking the radioapple tags on here or not but, from another aroacespec person, it just feels incredibly invalidating to have it be insisted again and again that aro and/or ace people must never experience ANY attraction, must not want any sexual or romantic relationship and must be repulsed by it, must not have a libido, 193921 other things that honestly just sounds like some puritan religious bs (full circle moment? full circle moment). yes absolutely there are aro/ace people who fit into that criteria, and their identity is so so so valid. however, a lot of aro/ace ppl don't. it's a wider spectrum than non-aroacespec people think. asexuality/aromanticism is experiencing little or limited attraction, as well as conditional attraction. it's not a great feeling to see so many people hold the sentiment that either you're completely turned off by romance/sex and doesn't have anything or want anything to do with it to be aro/ace. it's already hard enough to be aroacespec and deal with societal expectations. please don't make it harder. alastor being asexual (the label) and sex-repulsed, alastor being asexual and sex-favorable, alastor being grey-ace, etc. are all valid interpretations. let's not use one to erase the other; al can be completely aroace to one person and demiromantic grey ace to another and both can co-exist. all of that said - alastor is a fictional character... seriously there's a lot more to do than argue over fanfiction of a fictional character. in the wise words of ao3, don't like don't read!
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t-lostinworlds · 7 months
hello! gosh, i honestly have no idea what else to do anymore. i've been such a huge ball of anxiety these pass few days and i feel like i've got no other choice ://
so, enrollment for the next semester is this Monday (in 4 days), and idk why my school decided to do it during this time when most ppl don't get paid until the last day of the month/next month. as if that isn't enough, enrollments are also on a time limit and now that we get to decide our own schedules, it's also a race on who gets the subjects first. and if you can't pay for a percentage of the tuition fee upfront, you're going to get delisted so you have to pick your subjects again. the later you enroll, the fewer timeslots. so i could end up having a 6-9pm which isn't safe for me in this city especially when i commute alone. even worse, our tuition for this semester is much higher for some reason and we weren't warned about it.
i can't ask for financial aid from my school yet bc it's required to have at least finished 1 year before you're able to. i'm still trying to look for student/personal loan options bc most i've seen so far require a monthly that i just can't afford rn and it only covers 1 term instead of a whole year so it's not really that sustainable :(( (i don't live in the US btw so it's not a "start paying when you graduate" thing. taking out a loan means i still need to pay monthly while in school on top of other expenses, which as you can imagine, feels more like a burden than it is helpful.) i've also tried looking for scholarships but most only support stem/business courses bc this country isn't nice to artists so that sucks.
i honestly have very little money saved and with the sudden increase in tuition, it's hard to cover half of it even with my parents' help. and again, nobody is getting paid until next month so money is already tight as is with it being the end of th month.
so long story short, i need some help. the first installment for the fee (converted from my currency) is about $600. BUT. NO PRESSURE. i'm only asking those who have extra to spare. and any and all amounts are welcome. it's already going to be such a huge help. hell, even just a simple reblog to boost this already helps a ton.
but also, my commissions are open! so if u want to have a lil story in exchange for just a tiny bit of help, that'd be great too <3
here's my kofi and my pypl
again, no pressure! even a smallest amount already helps a lot. and also, pls do reblog to boost. i really appreciate you! i hope you're having a wonderful day <3 don't forget to take care of yourself too. sending you wonderful people love always ❤️
tagging some mutuals under the cut for a boost bc sometimes this doesn't show up in the tags anymore (but also you don't have too!! you can ignore this if u want alskalks)
@selfcarecap @hollandsmoose @shellshocklove @tanaka-drew @agaritas @userholland @thecodyexpress @annab-nana @hollandweather @annathesillyfriend @cumholland @jasntodds @quethekillerqueen @worldoftom (ily guys, i hope you're all safe and well ❤️)
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aldermos · 6 months
I've seen a few posts on my dash about the idea of Amy's attempt to fix Surge only resulting in Surge somehow making her worse (aka corrupting her), and I feel there could be potential behind that scenario. What about you?
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🙏 OKOK so I've seen a couple & i absolutely love the idea I won't even lie
(hc) but i very much think of Amy as stubbornly good and firm in her beliefs (shes based herself all on heroism, esp with the resistance and all 😭). Surge would definitely struggle to change Amy for the worse; especially since i consider Surge to be the weaker one of the two when it comes to morals and alike.
I personally dig the hc scenario where Surge is slowly melting away her anger and hatred (w/ Amy being doting and patient SLOW BURN 100K WORDS 30+ CHAPS until they inevitably hold hands) but this is more wishful thinking, i definitely see the canon panning out with them hating each other (especially after the whole forest fire)
+ the panel from the recent IDW issue where Amy is like we aren't forcing you to be part of the resistance or anything and Surge is like 'huh 🤔' IDK IDK i think Surge cracks first
HOWEVER, Amy letting loose and being a delinquent of sorts after giving up 'fixing' Surge, is something i would love to see for the fun of it.
It might be super ooc but imagine Amy just becomes tired of being a hero and cracks THEN decides the next best thing now is fighting random bots or ppls w/ Surge 😭 and the resistance is just like wtf 😭 LMAO (also imagine a tag team surge / amy vs sonic, it will never happen but it's both funny and interesting to think about)
Regardless, there's a bunch of potential dynamics with this. I'm liking the dynamic Surge brings w/ the resistance (like Whisper and her, it's so good especially if we mix in Tangle) (consider: whispangle jump surge) THERE'S so much potential for fights, connections, verbal arguments... the drama is crazy.
Sorry, this is a bit long. But thank you for the ask, i really hope the canon timeline will give us more of their dynamic 🙏
(TLDR: i do believe corrupt amy has potential, but i personally lean towards redemption surge 🙏)
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lavendersacid · 3 months
we gotta stop all of this
you guys are saying that people should write whatever they want and then you heavily criticize and bully them when they share thoughts on smut or porn. it's really hypocritical. i am neutral on this, idc what people write and following the logic that many of you claim to have (people can write whatever they want to about tlou and ellie!) you shouldn't be getting upset when someone says that they don't care for all of the smut under tlou tags and would like to see more fluff and angst. on the other end, you shouldn't tell people what to write, if they want to write smut, you shouldn't care. i've seen a couple controversial posts going around one of them was a girl who complained about smut but had also posted porn links to twitter, which is ridiculous idk how you can even dig yourself out of that lmao. the other one i've seen quite a bit of people bring up as an argument was a more popular writer on here pointing out how common porn addiction is and people really found a way to twist her words, she said explicitly in several posts that the smut and porn wasn't the issue but if you find yourself craving compulsively (needing it to help you sleep, having increased tolerance to it and needing more or more explicit content to satisfy yourself, withdrawal symptoms, that typo stuff. which are addiction symptoms if you don't agree you need to do some research and stop being in denial.) that you may have an addiction to porn. i've seen a ton of people say that she was claiming everyone who read or wrote smut was addicted to porn which is far from the truth and i was shocked when i went on her account and saw that she posted nothing of the sort. pro-smut people are claiming that tlou-warriors are trying to start issues but to me, it seems that they are the ones trying to start issues when they blow an informational post out of context and spread lies about the author who wrote it, i actually can't find her account anymore but if anyone knows it pls lmk. many have said that smut authors are going to get bullied off the platform while actively bullying authors who don't like smut off the platform lol, seperate the artist from the art. as for tlou-warriors harassing pro-smut people, leave them alone, just scroll or block the account if the content you don't like keeps showing up in your feed. that goes both ways. "but people are flooding the tags!" okay? use your own logic and scroll if you don't like it. this is tumblr, ppl are going to write so let them. what if you don't agree? who cares everyone is entitled to their opinions whether you like it or not.
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know of any shows with positive poly representation? everything I've seen either kills a part of the polycule, or they break up and the two with the most chemistry end up together in the end
i dont watch a lot of shows, but here's what i learned from running this:
the main one that has been recommended here by other followers is Leverage, the polycule even won the first showdown! from my understanding, in the original show they werent able to make it explicitly canon but the writers confirmed it's a polycule, and people mentioned a newer version but i know less about that.
the polycule from The Expanse just got second place in the canon showdown! so thats another one
I was told Siren is good but to not watch season 2 iirc cause thats where they do exactly what u dont wanna see (end the polycule in favor of a couple) but alot of Leverage fans recommended that one as well
Sens8 has one canon polycule and one trio that can also be interpreted as one, but arent confirmed canon. The canon polycule had to be rushed because netflix cancelled the show, but i hear its still v good!
If you count podcasts as shows, Penumbra Podcast Second Citadel has also been highly recommended and ive heard amazing things about the polycule in that one!
And idk if you only mean live action but if you include cartoons, there's Amphibia! How canon it is has been oftenly debated in my notes so i cant advocate much but a lot of ppl seem to feel like the show heavily supports that as a possible direction for the relationship of the protagonists?
those are the ones i can remember right now, im sure if you keep an eye on the notes to this ask there will probably be other recommendations! i also have the tag #polyam rep (which ill add to this ask since tumblr's search function likes to act up) with lots of recommendations by many different people, not all of them are tv shows, i think most are books? but still worth it to check it out imo
the only media with canon polycules i personally consumed have been two webcomics (Charity Case and Shootaround), one book (Iron Widow), and a game (Hades), also a spanish movie i watched before i knew what a polycule was and idk its name :( so yeah unfortunately i dont have too many personal recs, and none for shows, but i hope you find smth in the replies or in the polyam rep tag!
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