#id call off work but i really dont want to be stuck sitting around in pain all day. at least work will give me something to pass the time
bunnyb34r · 4 months
God I hope my fucking meds get here today I stg
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mangosrar · 5 months
call it what you want pt2
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
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"i mean come on y/n, its a perfect chance for you to get back at your parents and a perfect chance for matt to get back at jess, how could you say no" nick stated.
"fuck no, jess can eat shit, and besides, id rather die lonely than have to ever be close to that loser" you replied, walking into the kitchen, with matt, nick and now chris who had walked in on you and matt screaming at each other just a few minutes before.
"shes right matt jess can eat shit" chris added, causing matt to glare at him and roll his eyes.
jess was matts bitchy, stuck up, brat of a girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend of 4 months. they had broken up about a month ago when she came to matt and told him she wasnt in the right place for a boyfriend, then posted a photo of her kissing jason atkins on her Instagram story. you honestly found the whole thing hilarious; she was some blonde bimbo who thought the sun shone out of her ass, and matt was the complete opposite, he was grumpy and dark, but someone how they ended up together.
"y/n your childish side is showing, i mean please do not fucking flatter yourself, i would rather gouge my own eyeballs out than have anyone think im with you, but i want my girlfriend back, i miss her" matt said, running a hand through his hair, leaning against the counter opposite you.
"aw are you gonna cry matty?" you mocked with a fake sad expression.
"y/n" nick said flatly. "you need this, come on" he continued.
you sighed, trying to really think this out. nick was right, but you also werent sure he would be so happy with this whole situation by the time you murdered his brother. there was a pause for a moment, all three of them staring at you, waiting for you to give in before you spoke up.
"how would it even work?" you asked.
"we post together, tell people were together, go to parties and shit with each other but in private i wanna stay as far away from your annoying ass as i can." matt said shrugging his shoulders while looking at you.
"what about school dumbass?" chris added.
"the same i guess, but dont be all up on me in the hallways i dont wanna be that annoying couple" matt grimaced.
"you and jess were that annoying couple, always making out in front of everyone and shit its gross, so just make sure you swap saliva in private" nick said, jabbing his hand out in front of him as he spoke to get his point across.
"this conversation is giving me literal back ache, im dipping, just figure it out and dont kill each other while you're at it." chris sighed, standing up and walking away.
"me too, just...no mean words towards each other, you're dating now remember" nick pleaded.
"no promises" matt muttered, watching nick walk out of the room, leaving you and matt in awkward silence.
neither of you really wanted to do this, but it was ideal, it was just annoying that you had to be so fucking rude and stubborn and attractive and smell so good. and it was infuriating that matt had to be so mean and punchable, and so sexy with a face that was so sittable. the two of you really couldnt resist stand eachother.
neither of you wanted to make eye contact, both just looking around before you broke the silence.
"do you really wanna do this?" you asked.
"no but its my only option" matt replied, still staring at you, sitting on the counter, from his position, leaning on the opposite side.
"so were really doing this?" you stated.
"i guess we are" he whispered, looking down at his feet.
"no kissing or anything though" you squinted at him. matt just hung his head and laughed before pushing himself off the counter and sauntering towards you, stopping when your knees met his stomach.
matt placed his hands on the counter, next to each one of your thighs and leaned his face closer to yours, making you suck in a breath from the closeness. "why baby? scared you'll like it?"
you couldnt deny the insatiable heat that was now blooming between your legs, he smelt so goo, his eyes looked hungry and the heat radiating off of his body onto yours made you dizzy. you swallowed thickly, desperately trying to regain your composure. there was no way in hell that he was going to get you that easily.
"i dont know where that mouth has been baby" you replied with a sickly-sweet smile, before pushing him back by his shoulders and hopping off the counter, making quick progress out of the kitchen and as far away from him as possible.
you heard him chuckle before he shouted.
"see you on Monday girlfriend" you could hear the smirk in his voice, and it only made you wanna turn around and slap the shit out of him more, but you just rolled your eyes and continued your decent from the kitchen.
god this was going to be torture.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @st4rswrld @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @recklesssturniolo @delimeats-000 @gloomymatt @gwenlore @nickdevora @sturnioloenthusiast @savageking3 @iloveneilperry @ifilwtmfc @savageking3 @iammattsturniolo @sturniolos4lifee @honestlybabymiracle
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hellbentredhead · 2 years
Tell me everything about your project 👀
Okay okay okay
SO I was playing around online and stumbled onto this really cool choose your own adventure game on a website called Playfic. And then I learned that you can create your own on the website. However its based on a program called Inform 7
Now the issue with this is that Playfic didnt have near as many available setting and customization options as Inform did. But it still gave you the same menu. I wanted to have access to those options because I felt handicapped without them in the process of trying to create something similar to the game I had played.
I had already come up with a concept and everything. The real issue arises with the fact that I'm limited to my chromebook, as its the only computer I have. Unfortunately Inform is not avaialble to download in a chromebook compatible form (let's face it almost nothing has a chromebook compatible form).
So I went searching for anything and everything I could find that would be a suitable substitute for said program. And I happened to find a mention of a website called Twine after looking for like a week.
This is where you sit down and buckle up because that was just the intro.
So I got to digging into Twine and oh good gods its amazing. I cannot recommend it highly enough to someone looking for an accessible, user friendly open source tool for creating a text based game.
Just right off the bat, the best thing is that you dont even have to download anything to get full access to all of its features. The thing about Twine is that it is entirely based in your web browser.
This means that everything is stored within your browsing data. The one downside to not downloading is that projects arent transferable between devices unless you export it first. But I really just see that as a minor inconvenience more than a true downside. And it also makes it kinda scary in a way because if your browsing data is somehow erased, so are all your projects, so I really wouldnt recommend thi if youre someone who clears their data often.
Another absolutely cool thing about Twine is that it allows you to be as simple or as complicated as you want with the actual creation. It runs purely on HTML and CSS coding language. Which gives me the opportunity to learn those languages while I'm creating the game in a way that actually drives me to learn, creation.
I havent gotten very far in the actual creation of it but I have the concept fully figured out. And I'm already really proud of how far I've gotten in just the first day!
Ive learned how to use CSS to override the default display setting, so I can customize to my hearts content.
I learned how to set and adjust variable like health, stamina, etc. AND how to get those changes to display with each change in the adventure.
I figured out how to acces a built in feature in the Twine format I'm using that isnt actually listed and edit text into it to constantly display your stats (it took me over an hour and it turned out to be stupid simple but worth it)
And my favorite, I learned how to get the text to appear on screen as if its being typed out real time!
I cant wait to continue on the project and see what it turns into. And once its finished (this is my absolute favorite ascpect of Twine) the project is exported as an independent .html file. WHICH MEANS it can be opened in any web browser on any device its saved on even if the user id offline! Im so excited to share it with everyone when its done.
AND FINALLY. Last but not least. The concept of the actual game Im working on. It's called "The Tale of You" and its about exploring your own subconscious landscape with the help of the latest technological advancements, however the technology is still in its testing phase and the user gets stuck, your goal is to escape.
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lepoppeta · 3 months
For the song asks, idk if you’ve spoken about it on here but you told me about it: VaggieBomb
this was INSANELY DIFFICULT because i know approximately what kind of vibe i want from vaggiebomb (also known as cherrimoth, but since vaggie is no longer a moth demon i guess that ship name isnt accurate anymore), its just that all of the songs out there are... WAY too much. i like to imagine their relationship as (eventually) relatively low-key, even in their private lives. any grand gestures are usually meant ironically.
for context -- this pairing stems from a teeny tiny au i created way back when the pilot first got released. the basis was that vaggie gets sick of being constantly pushed around by alastor and ignored by her girlfriend, and she breaks up with charlie and leaves the hotel. she later joins up with cherri bomb and relieves some of her anger via cathartic gang violence (this leads to sir pentious seeking refuge at the hotel, resulting in charpentious, but thats a different story altogether).
i also prefer finding these songs out of ones i already know -- looking for something new almost never works out, and i dont get attached to the song that way. i hope i didnt disappoint!
seventeen (heathers: the musical, sung by barrett wilbert weed & ryan mccartan)
fine! were damaged -- really damaged, but that does not make us wise. were not special, were not different, we dont choose who lives or dies. lets be normal, see bad movies, sneak a beer or watch tv. well bake brownies, well go bowling -- dont you want a life with me?
pretty much all of these songs are from cherris point of view. its easier for me to imagine these coming from her because (at least in the pilot) shes much more emotionally stable -- shes already experienced her story (if were to assume that her previous failed relationship mentioned in the 'addict' music video is still canon here) and is now meant to be a character that the viewer is meant to compare the main cast to.
this is a little ooc on her part, but here shes meant to be attempting to persuade vaggie with an attempt at normalcy -- something that they both really want after their previous relationships crashed and burned spectacularly. she wants low-key -- she isnt a princess in need of protection, she IS and WANTS to be vaggies equal, and i think someone like that would benefit vaggie a lot in terms of character development.
sit next to me (foster the people)
and now its over, were sober -- symptoms of the culture and the night aint getting younger, last calls around the corner. feeling kinda tempted and im pouring out the truth -- just fading out these talkers cause now all i want is you.
just saying -- come over here sit next to me, we can see where things go naturally. just say the word and ill part the sea, just come over here sit next to me.
this adds on to what i said previously -- how non-dramatic id like to imagine this relationship to be. it blossoms very naturally under mutual trust and respect -- once vaggie stops acting like an angry guard dog, that is.
stuck on the puzzle (lily & madeline, original by alex turner)
im not the kind of fool whos gonna sit and sing to you about stars, girl. but last night i looked up into the dark half of the blue and theyd gone backwards. something in your magentism must have pissed them off, forcing them to get an early night. i have been searching from the bottom to the top for such a sight as the one i caught when i saw your
fingers dimming the lights like youre used to being told that youre trouble, and i spent all night stuck on the puzzle.
i dont imagine cherri or vaggie to be particularly sappy, but they can be romantic in casual ways. this song simply expands upon that vibe.
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reidsnose · 3 years
sticky notes (spencer reid x reader) (platonic!baux reader)
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overview: reader leaves and recieves a passive aggressive sticky note before going on a case
genre: fluff and humor?
a/n: i thought of this last night while i was trying to go to sleep and i could not stop thinking about that one vine and its also super snowy where i live lol. anyway i wrote it today throughout the school day and couldnt wait to put it on here :)
'whoever used the last sugar packet, your moms a hoe.'
you let out a small chuckle and stuck the sticky not to the container that usually held packets of sugar before taking a sip of your bitter, unsweetened coffee that you would have to deal with for the rest of the day.
"i hope hotch didn't take it," prentiss laughed, peering over at the note.
"everyone knows hotch drinks his coffee black." you retorted.
"no only you know that because you were his assistant before you joined the team," she joked, resulting in you sending a light elbow to her side. "you know we are handwriting analysts. everyones going to know you wrote that."
"except that they wont because i type everything. besides, i dont really think anyone on the team wont take the joke." you chuckled, pushing the door open with your free hand and heading into the bullpen.
"briefing room in 5 minutes, we have a case," hotch called from the balcony.
"theres fresh coffee in the break room, i feel like were going to need it," you said to the rest of the team that were sitting at there desks.
they all eagerly got up, ready for a fresh, hot drink to wake them up. you smiled as you walked to the briefing room, standing by your unassigned assigned seat. you took a sip of your drink, making a face at the bitter taste.
"why is your beautiful face scrunched up?" Garcia asked, setting down files in front of all the empty seats.
"someone took the last sugar." you stated simply.
"i have some in the batcave, youre always welcome" she winked, sending you a warm smile which you gladly returned.
"youre the best."
"yeah i know," she answered before the other agents began filing in, Spencer taking a seat next to you. "alright crime fighters, today youre all headed to snowy Alaska."
"actually," rossi looked at hotch and then garcia before continuing, "Garcia i think youre coming too."
"sir?" she looked over at hotch.
"dave is right. the connection will be spotty anyway, it would be best if you came a long and worked from the precinct." hotch confirmed.
"oh. alright." she obliged before continuing with the details of the case.
(a/n: im waaayyyy too lazy to write a whole case)
"wheels up in 5, it will take a while to get there and we dont have time to waste." hotch said at the end of the briefing before walking out.
"oh shoot i left my phone in the break room," i whispered, smacking my forehead with my palm.
"do you want me to wait for you?" spencer offered.
"no its ok," you smiled, jogging down the stairs.
"ill take your go bag. hurry i dont know if i can convince them not to leave without you!" he called after me, a giggle escaping his throat at his own joke.
"thanks! it'll be their loss anyway!" you laughed, as you sped walked to the break room. "there you are." you whispered to your phone that was sitting on the counter.
your eyes drifted to the note you had left earlier only it was gone. a new note sat in its place, a reply scrawled on it.
'ill have you know my mother is a very nice lady'
you smiled and rolled your eyes, slipping the note into your pocket as you walked briskly towards the jet. you walked out and saw reid waiting for you at the door of the jet, motioning frantically for you to board. you had taken a little too long looking at the note.
"10 more seconds before you're officially late!" he yelled, looking at his watch.
you broke out into a sprint, running as fast as you possibly could, trying to get across the runway in time.
"dont leave without me!" you yelled out, knowing they wouldn't.
you looked at the windows, seeing the team's faces pressed against the glass, watching amused.
"5 seconds!" he warned as you neared the stairs. "3..." almost there! "2..." just a few more steps. "1!" his arms shot up as you pushed past him into the jet, just in the nick of time.
"wow im impressed pretty lady!" morgan laughed, giving you a high-five which you exasperatedly accepted.
"have a seat y/l/n, we have a long flight." hotch said. you began thinking he was made at you but then you saw him trying to stifle a smile, "i dont think ive even seen you run like that in the field."
he held out his fist which you bumped with your own before flopping breathlessly down onto one of the chairs on the jet.
~time skip to the end of the case because i feel like it~
you walked out of the police department, watching your own breath swirl around the air in front of you.
"could you believe that detective?" jj scoffed walking with you towards the suvs in the parking lot.
"i know he was so...creepy." you agreed, "if i smelled his coffee breath one more time id take his tiny d-"
you didnt get to finish your sentence, though; you felt a cold snowball bash against the back of your head.
"gotta go!" jj laughed, hopping into one of the last suvs and driving off.
"whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe!" you yelled out crouching down to gather some snow.
"what?" spencer yelled, emerging from behind a trashcan.
"IT WAS YOU!" you laughed, throwing a snowball and hitting him straight in the chest.
"wait no. what did you just say?" he asked, eyes wide.
"i said whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe." you stated, suddenly feeling bad, "but not your mom, diana is-"
"a very nice lady." he finished, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a crumpled little paper.
"oh my gosh," you breathed, pulling out a note from your own pocket.
"i had a feeling it was you!" he laughed.
you raised your eyebrows, "yeah right! you had no clue!"
"i totally did! i was like, 'hmmm who in the office talks like this? oh yeah my idiot best friend'." he countered, smirking.
"well i had a feeling it was you too!" you lied, crossing your arms.
"youre lying!" he laughed.
"no im not!"
"yes you are! you have a tell!"
"i do?!"
"yes! you purse your-" he swiftly reached to the floor and picked up a small amount of snow, wiping it across your mouth, "-lips."
the cool snow melted quickly on your now very warm face, causing you to instinctively wipe your it with your sleeve, "oh its on!"
snowballs were flying left and right in the nearly empty parking lot, seeking refuge all over your bodies. you watched him sneakily duck behind a trashcan, thinking you hadn't seen him. letting out a small chuckle you creeped towards the trashcan, standing behind him as he peered his head around the other side, looking for where you had gone. you took a small amout of snow and reached your arm around his head, wiping it against his mouth as he had. he jumped letting out a small scream before turning around and latching his arms around your waist.
he picked you up and spun you around, loosing his footing on the slippery, causing a strange mix of a laugh and a scream to escape your mouth. he fell back on a fresh layer of snow, with a dull thump. you fell directly on top of him, your foggy breaths melding together as your laughs started fading. his eyes flickered from your eyes down to your lips, a new rouge gracing his cheeks and nose, one that would be there regardless of the cold.
"ca-can i kiss you?" he asked, looking back up at your eyes.
"please." you smiled, heart close to bursting out of your chest as he closed the gap between you.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Heyyy ok but what about dad!tom finding porn on his 15yo boy’s phone and having "the talk" with him 😭😭 I live for this😌
Trying writing again, seriously guys idk whats going on with me. And im terrible at doing “the talks” so take it as it is-
warnings: ya know..porn and praying children<3...and a hint of bisexual!tom👀
Its normal, Porn. The dirty sight for anyone to see. Tom did it once, only once though. He found it pretty creepy and stalkerish that hes watching people have sex. When he was 15 and thought about sex it caused insecurity because he noticed that you HAVE to get naked. It just shivered his veins. well of course until he met you. 
So when Tom and Wesley were cooking for your birthday, Tom forgot an Ingredient. “Hey- wes, can i borrow your phone?” tom struggled, his hands covered in flour as he looked at his sons phone. Wesley's eyes widened as his hands were also covered in flour, he turned, wiping his hands on the black apron before chuckling “y-yeah dad”. Tom laughed and also wiped his hands with a towel before grabbing his phone. Wes’s knees almost gave out as they shook and his body felt like it was going down a roller coaster, he jumped when his dad asked for his code. “Its my birthday” “oh- of course, it is” tom mumbled, leaning on the kitchen island as Wes got back to work, trying not to look weird as normally he would stand over his dads shoulder watching his fingers tap away in his phone, not that he did it before. 
Toms eyebrows furrowed as he bit his bottom lip, wondering if he should search through his phone while he already has it, only to shrug his head no saying thats not a good thing for a father to do. He clicked on the safari tab, Wes’s phone acting slow so he reached and grabbed his glass cup thats filled with water, only to choke and have his eyes widened. “Oh shit” wes mumbled to himself. Tom didnt even look further, he slammed the phone down but both of their ears turned red when a loud pornographic moan left the womans mouth “yeah fuck my cock”. “OH MY GOD” tom yelled in his british accent, grabbing the phone and screaming when he was met with liquids shooting at the camera, he shut off the phone and placed it back on the table, Wesley's hand slapped over his mouth as he cringed intensely by the word “cock” but then soon becoming more embarrassed that his dad knows he watches….well, that. “Im gonna use the bathroom” wesley said, not looking at his dad as his cheeks shot red. “Erm….im gonna set a 15 minute timer” “DAD” wes said storming off to the bathroom. “Im gonna die” wesley muttered to himself, cursing at the lord for letting this happen as he also begged for forgiveness and asking for this not to be a big problem, just on his knees infront of the toilet, apron still dirty as he shut his eyes tight. 
“God i swear if my dad leaves me alone i’ll pray EVERY night, i’ll sing- look i’ll sing this church song”
By the way, he only heard it from some where.
“Take me to the kinggg, i dont have much to bring” he didnt know anything past that so it didnt do anything in his favour, it only made tom furrow his eyebrows from the other side of the door before knocking making wes silently flinch at the holy ghost “just please- dont do this” he whispered. “I-i can hear you son” tom awkwardly smiled, “mind coming out now?” “ive only been in here for like 5 minutes” “can we just talk about it?” “i dont know if id be comfortable with that-” “or else it will be with me and your mom” “oh my god” wes stood up and did a “woo-sah” looking at himself in the mirror before turning around and hesitantly opening the door. Tom smiled and did an awkward wave “to the couch please”
“Dad i really dont wanna talk about this” wes said on the couch, touching knees with his father that was sitting right next to him. “No we have to- so be quiet and let me speak.” tom sent a look at wes making him grumble and hunch in his seat, but all ears. “Please dont watch porn, its terrible. Its addictive and its not how things work, trust me. When we made you it was pretty ugly in there-”
“DAD PLEASE” he groaned in his arms. “What! Im just letting you know! Im letting you know that when you- or you probably have but-” tom shrugged looking at him son. “Just make sure you use protection, uhm if you want me to buy you some i can- dont give me that look” “your literally talking to me about what goes around penises, what am i supposed to do, say i love you?” he groaned again. “Well its your fault! But anyway you need to make sure you get consent from her, make sure she- or HE is into it-” “oh my god” “what? I dont know your options?” “what are yours?” wes asked.
Tom smiled at his son, making wes’s mouth drop (i dont think its a secret that toms at least a LITTLE fruity) “anyways. Girls have three holes, ones for the pee and the others for the- pp. And the other one is for the other one. I dont think your ready for anal yet” tom gripped his sons knee. “Youve done-” “you ARENT ready for that talk” tom but him off. “But you need to make sure that the woman is lubricated enough because if she isnt it will be TOO tight and un-pleasurable for the both of you. If shes” he raised his fingers doing the quote on quote “loose, that means shes lubricated, dont listen to these assholes shaming girls for something they cannot control” he rolled his eyes, wes thinking about anything to drift off into space but very stuck. “Dont be nervous asking for help trying to find the hole, although it should be located right on top of her- ya know” tom too immature to say the word, something he cant say although he said only a few words ago. “But yes, make sure you wrap it! Im serious, i dont need more children” tom ordered. “Im the single child” “your also annoying” wes sarcastically smiled at his dad by his words. “Her clitoris is that- bean, yeah lets call it a bean” “you call a clitoris a bean?” “oh no, i give it a name more...boujee, but thats between me and your mom” “PLEASE STOP REMINDING ME THAT YOU AND MOM HAVE SEX” wes shouted while stuffing his head into a pillow. “What its normal! You were watching it!” wes grunted “my life is over” “oh it hasnt even began” “DAD” “im just sayin!-”
The boys heard the keys jiggle from the door before hearing a loud “hii!” “we are in the living room babe!” tom said, wes panicking more as he heard th door shut and lock before seeing his mom coming over. “What are you guys talking about?” tom looked at wes and wes silently pleaded for him not to say anything, but being the div he is “sex talk!” he threw his hands up. “Ohh! How fun, have you told him about the movements yet?” “PLEASE NO-”
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2jaeh · 3 years
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When your over controlling boyfriend invites you and his best friend to a three day resort did he not see trouble approaching? especially when said best friend has been trying to get in bed with you since the moment he met you.
Genre: mature theme, slight smut
warnings: cheating, suggestive masterbation, slight public scenes, cursing. 
words: 3k
“Are you sure it's okay for me to tag along ?” Taeyong spoke into the phone as he threw a dress shirt into his already overflowing suitcase. “Okay cool, well I`ll see you guys at the resort then.” Taeyong sighed as he cut the call and took a good look at himself in the mirror. He wondered if he was too overdressed, or not dressed enough. He bit down on his lip and looked at the caller ID, his best friend Inseong holding on to the person Taeyong desired most, Inseong`s girlfriend. 
He had no idea when this “crush” began, if you could call it that at this point. Inseong and Taeyong had been casual university friends for a while but it was after graduation, when they both got hired by the same corporate office did they really establish a close friendship. 
Taeyong and Inseong did most things together, whether it be catching up at music events or a sunday afternoon golf trip. But if he were being honest, the real reason he loved hanging out with Inseong was because he knew he’d bring her around, the girl who had stolen his heart without having the slightest clue. 
“Taeyong is afraid he is going to third wheel” Inseong chuckled as he concentrated on the open road in front of him, casually looking over at you scoffing down a bag of jelly tots. 
“Youre working though” you stuck your tongue out at him, “Im gonna be just as alone as he is.”
“I guess you are” Inseong let out a sigh, “I don't understand why the dude cant get a date though he’s pretty good looking right?”
“Uhm yeah he's attractive.” Attractive was an understatement. You will never forget the day Inseong introduced you to Taeyong, It was around the time you two just started dating about two years ago, and you had never seen someone that good looking up close before. It wasn't the fact that you didn’t find your boyfriend attractive, you loved Inseong and he was a good looking guy but Taeyong, he was different. 
Taeyong barely spoke to you but he was always polite and had a warm aura unlike the rest of Inseongs friends. He was the one you got along with most and because of that Inseong had a habit of inviting him on many of your trips, much like the one you're venturing on now. 
You stuffed the empty snack packets into a trash bag as Inseong pulled into a very fancy resort one you weren't quite familiar with. Inseong was actually on a work trip that involved meeting with potential clients and partners, this did not include Taeyongs sector but their boss allowed him to bring you two along as a treat. Inseong’s firm absolutely adored him, which made sense because he was practically married to his job. 
“I'm going to get the room keys” Inseong placed a peck on your cheek and you watched him jog off to the front desk while you meandered around the foyer of the hotel. 
“y/n” you heard a chirpy voice call from behind you. Turning you were met with those bold black orbs and that ever so charming smile.
“Taeyong” you grinned back pulling him into a tight hug that drowned you in his rich scented perfume. 
Taeyong wasn't sure if you noticed his fingers linger on the small of your back. He would always leave you small signs but you’d never notice. His bright eyes dulled for a second when your attention turned back to Inseong who returned with the room keys. 
“Oh you're here great! y/n and I are staying in the room next to yours, do you mind taking her up ?” Inseong said, handing Taeyong both sets of keys. 
“What? You’re not coming up to see the room ?” you asked, a little hurt that he was already ditching you on this trip. 
“Sorry honey they want to do a meet and greet and tour of the resort, i'll be up as soon as it's over” Inseong gently stroked your head and you watched him walk off with one of the resort employees.
“I guess it's just you and me then” Taeyong smiled although regretting his words when he saw the fake smile grace your face and made your way over to the elevators. Taeyong was all too familiar with this scene. Inseong being busy, he excludes you from the rest of his corporate friends and eventually calls on him to babysit you. He wondered if you resented him solely because of Inseong’s habits. He tried his best to always make you feel comfortable even if it put him in the most uncomfortable position both mentally...and physically. 
“Well I'm going to take a nap so I'll see you around I guess” you pressed your lips together and took the room key from him. 
“Are you not gonna eat anything ? We could go down for Lun-”
“I'm good Taeyong, I'll see you later okay ?” Taeyong watched as you disappeared into the room and it felt like he had been punched in his stomach. 
Taeyong lay in bed utterly exhausted after barely getting a wink of sleep courtesy of the screaming match that happened last night. Although muffled, Taeyong already knew it was about Inseong coming back at around 3am. ‘What meeting would go on until that time especially on the first day’ Taeyong thought as he rubbed his bare chest and stared up at the ceiling. Inseong loved his job and he loved socializing with people who shared that interest. To him coming home at that time absolutely plastered was normal, because it was part of his work lifestyle. 
Taeyong groaned and turned onto his stomach, burying his head into the pillow as he heard your sobs replaying in his head from the fight. He was tired of sitting around not doing anything when he knew for a fact he could treat you way better. At moments like this he didn't give two shits about Inseong, especially after he got the new promotion and made a new friend group of pretentious assholes. Taeyong wanted to be with you by your own choice, he wanted to hang out with you without Inseongs name attached to the reason you two were together. 
Just as he was lost in his thoughts Taeyong’s ears perked at the sound of Inseong leaving the room and the sound of the shower running. 
“No fuck not now please not now” Taeyong groaned as he felt shudder overcome his body and his underwear became slightly restricted. His mind raced with thoughts of you. It all came to him so quickly he barely noticed that his hand was already down his sweatpants as he buried his face further into his pillow. He wished he was with you. The things he would do to you were unspeakable. He wouldn't give a shit if Inseong walked through those doors finding him on top of girlfriend, he didn't care. 
You finished drying yourself off and put on a cute yellow sundress that hugged your curves, showing off the two piece bikini that Inseong told you not to wear around the resort especially when he wasn't with you. This was payback for the way he treated you last night. Not only did he ditch you in a foreign room for an entire evening, he also returned drunk out of his mind and blamed you as usual for not taking care of him. You wanted to at least enjoy whatever you could from this trip and if it meant looking hot and hanging out with Taeyong, then so be it. 
You made your way next door and rang the doorbell patiently waiting for your assigned babysitter. Taeyong swung open the door, dressed in only in a pair of black harem pants and a towel on his neck that he used to dry his hair. You took in the site of his bare chest, drinking in his pretty figure that matched his gorgeous face. 
“I'm sorry I was gonna go down for breakfast I was wondering….i’ll just wait outside”  you stuttered and you heard Taeyong giggle
“Come inside y/n.” 
You walked inside his room and it was surprisingly neat in comparison to yours. You felt kinda embarrassed at the state of your room even though most of it were Inseongs doing anyway. 
Taeyong continued drying his hair as he watched you scan his room, his eyes already on your figure in that goddamn sundress. His only thoughts were ripping it off until he noticed you were staring right back at him. 
“Your hair is sticking up a bit at the back, here let me help you” 
Taeyong watched as you approached his figure and reached up to neaten his hair. He really admired his will power to keep his hands off your body as you inched closer and closer to him. 
“Thanks” he smiled sweetly masking his dark intent and threw on a loose hawaiian shirt gesturing towards the door, “shall we?”
The two of you had a decent day lounging around the pool area and took a stroll on the beach before heading back for lunch. You never expected to bump into Inseong and his colleagues during lunch and the way Inseong looked at your outfit, you knew you’d never hear the end of it. He practically ignored you the entire time while he and his friends chatted away, even going as far as introducing Taeyong to a few of them but not you. 
Just before you and Taeyong made your way to the elevators to retreat back to the rooms, Inseong jogged over and tugged on your wrist. 
“I know we had it out last night but was all of this really necessary ?” Inseong gritted his teeth as he looked over your skimpy outfit. 
“I thought it was cute, not everything I do is to ruin your perfect life Inseong” you rolled your eyes and pressed the button to signal the elevator. 
Inseong let out an exasperated sigh and released your wrist before massaging his temple. 
“Just dont pull this kinda shit at the dinner tomorrow please, the chairman is going to be there.”
You and Taeyong watched as Inseong stomped away and Taeyong noticed that for once instead of beating yourself up about Inseongs reaction you seemed somewhat proud to piss him off to that extent. 
“I'm sorry you're always in the middle of all of this Taeyong” you apologized as the two of you stepped onto your floor and made your way to the rooms. 
“It's okay y/n it's not your fault, and besides I think you look ridiculously hot in that dress” he replied and licked his lips as you felt your face heat up with his bold words. “Also,” he continued as he scanned his room key
“I think you should own it, wear something sexy tomorrow, not for Inseong but for yourself and maybe a little for me.” 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the classy black velvety dress you had saved for a night out. The dress was intended for a Valentines date with Inseong but that never happened because he had a more important meeting to attend. 
As you made final touches to your outfit you wondered if subconsciously you did also dress up for Taeyong. God the way he looked at you when he told you to wear something sexy, you hadn't felt flustered yet intrigued like that in a long time. 
You put on the final touches to your make up and made your way down to the banquet room. You already felt a bit awkward as you noticed a few people stare at you and whisper until you saw Taeyong. You barely noticed Inseong sit directly in front of him, all you could see was Taeyongs dark eyes taking every bit of you in. 
Inseong’s eyes though we're different. He looked annoyed but still got up to help you into your seat which was weirdly next to Taeyong instead of him. But then it dawned on you when you noticed that the name card next to him was the chairman. 
Typical. That was all he cared about in the end. 
Taeyong’s eyes were still on you as you took your seat, unbothered if Inseong even noticed at this point, he was in awe. Did you dress up because he told you to ? Did you dress up for yourself and maybe, just maybe for him ?
“You look gorgeous y/n” he whispered, his deep voice sent a shiver down your spine. You brushed your hair behind your ear and nodded a thank you, trying to keep your focus elsewhere. Although Taeyong was conversing with the people at the table something made you feel as if you still had his full attention. 
You almost jumped when you felt his cold fingers trace circles on your knee, his focus was still in his conversation but yours was solely on his movements. Taeyong lightly squeezed your thigh to test the waters, a smirk he indefinitely couldn't hide graced his face and he allowed his hand to move higher. 
You gulped as he began to move, completely entranced by his touch as you felt him trace more circles on your upper thigh until his hand settled in your lap. Taeyong moved his chair closer to you and the table in order to obstruct the view of a passerby or any suspicious eyes at the table. 
“You work with Inseong right?” a man said to Taeyong as he laced his fingers with yours under the table.
All of it was so incredibly promiscuous but it gave you an adrenaline rush and Taeyong knew you were completely on board when you squeezed his hand back and bit down on your lip. 
Taeyong grabbed your hand and placed it in his own lap, allowing you to feel exactly what you were doing to him at this moment. You sucked in a breath as you palmed him and he gave your thigh another squeeze, this time much harder, rougher than before. 
Eventually into the night you decided to excuse yourself and Inseong preferred it anyway. You couldn't believe how oblivious he was to the closeness of you and Taeyong that it only angered you even more of how he would really choose these fake people over his girlfriend for the night. 
As you made your way to the elevator you didn't even realise Taeyong had already followed you there, putting on his usual laid back demeanor. The two of you stepped into the elevator and it was silent. You wondered why he was so quiet especially after pulling that stunt during dinner. Completely confused you grabbed your room key but before you could scan it Taeyong blocked your path, scanning his room key and pulled you inside his room not giving you any time to process this. 
He was all over you, his lips his hands his body, you felt almost every part of him as he pressed you against the wall. He used his knee to separate your legs as he planted open mouthed kisses on your neck, practically growling into your ear when he heard a moan escape your lips. 
“I-I didn't do anything in case someone from dinner saw us” he explained as he found the hook of your dress but stopped to look in your eyes, “are you okay with this?” 
You answered him by practically ripping open his white dress shirt and ran your hands down his body. Taeyong smirked and moved you to the bed, ridding himself of his shoes and trousers before attacking your neck once more. 
“I'm sorry if this all moves too fast I literally can't help myself” he growled once more as you got undressed and the sight of you in your scantily clad underwear made him lightheaded. 
“Well its best we hurry the fuck up before that asshole comes back” you sighed as you pulled him on top of you. 
“Fuck I dont want to hear about him, youre mine right now” Taeyong groaned and skillfully unclipped your bra and rid you of your lace panties. You bit down on your lip as you watched him pull down his boxers and free his member, licking your lips unconsciously. 
“Don't worry baby you can suck it next time” he teased and without warning pushed himself into you with one brisk movement. The room filled with both of your moans as Taeyong’s hips slammed into yours, while one hand laced his fingers with yours while the other was wrapped around your throat. 
“Oh my God Taeyong” you cried completely in ecstasy thanks to the way Taeyong handled you. He was animalistic yet not hurting you in any way. His eyes burned holes into yours as he moved his hips faster and faster until you came undone and he followed straight after. 
Taeyong quickly cleaned you up and kissed you softly, his touches were much lighter as he held your face in his hands moving his lips gracefully against yours. 
“I'm going to end things with him Taeyong I can't take it anymore” you rested your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. 
“I know baby just do whats best for you, and just know I actually do like you like really fucking like you” he replied and he felt you smile. 
“You fell for me in three days ?” you giggled against his chest. 
“No baby i've liked you since the day I met you, these three days were for you to finally come to your senses.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 2
a/n: lmao this is kinda weird for me but i think this was an interesting request so lets try it!
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
lowkey kyotani kentaro typa beat but you gotta squint (??)
also warning! angst!
anon request: Hii! I just read the seijoh manager headcannon you wrote, it made me cry so much, i love those seijoh boys so much, and you are such an amazing writer! I dont know if requests are open or not but i was wondering what would happen if the boys ever find out what happened to reader cha? If requests aren’t open or if you just don’t want to write about it, I completely understand! Thank you for your wonderful writing again! Stay safe!
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the stageplay was *chefs kiss* like MY MANS IWA WAS SERVING LOOKSSSS
this might get really angsty idk so just a warning in advance
i mentioned in the earlier part that no one really knew what happened to you
so this one is when they DO find out what happened and what theyre gonna do about it
so first off, kyoken was basically the only one who saw you that day and saw how badly you looked
the thing is, at that current moment, he didnt really know the reason why and what happened
he had theories that you got jumped or you just got into an accident 
but he was prettttttyyyy sure you got beat up
so you went home and rushed to yanno, take a shower and get your wound treated and cleaned so that it would heal bc you really cannot afford to let the boys see that
they would think of the worst at the smallest sight of blood on you and you really didnt want to deal w that chaos at the moment
you cant let them get suspended from school since they were going to interhigh soon and you cant let oikawa and the boys ruin their reputations just for you
a first year girl theyve just met
it was kinda hard to rinse all of the milk from your hair but you were able to at least get the smell out and clean up your mess
then you looked in the mirror and saw faint handprints around your throat from that girl miyo and you cringed as you touched it
‘jesus christ, seriously what does she eat? bricks?’
after your clothes were in the wash, you went to bed to get homework done and also looking up how to use the concealer to hide your bruises 
you didnt really own any makeup but your mom has some so you could just use that
during dinner, you wore a turtleneck to prevent any suspicion from happening but you couldnt really hide the big gash on your face
‘y/n, what happened!’
‘i was dumb and accidentally fell up the stairs’
your parents shared a chuckle bc theyve actually seen you do this before so it was easy to believe the lie
‘darling, do we need to get you glasses? it seems your sight has worsened’
you went along with the joke but you weren’t eating and just pushed your food around
‘y/n? is the food not good?’
your mother asked but you shook your head with a convincing smile
‘its good! i just had some meat buns with the team earlier and i ate a lot so im still full’
you cursed at yourself for making it sound so rehearsed but you were relieved when your mother nodded
the next morning, you were satisfied with the reduced puffing of your face and you snuck into your parents bathroom where her makeup bag would be
as you held up the concealer, you started getting anxious because this was not the same shade as your skin and it would definitely raise suspicion if you had a different color on your neck than the rest of your body
you already planned to blame your wound as acne that you accidentally scratched but what were you going to do with the handprints?
the website you read said that it would take at least a day for them to fade
so you decided youd just wear a scarf and pretend you were cold
kunimi was confused as to why you had a scarf bundled around your neck and his eyes even widened at the sight of the bandaid on your face
‘y/n! what-!’
he shot up from his seat and your eyes widened before hissing at him to sit down
‘what happened to you?!’
he worriedly asked but you waved him off with a small smile
‘acne. this was the only available bandaid in my house so i had to work with this’
kunimi might be a lazy little shit but he was observant
and he noticed the way you said that sentence
it was like a robot
like a robot programmed to say what was written on its script
but before he could press on further, you already pointed out that the teacher was coming in and to hush so you could listen
the entire time, kunimi was awake alright, but he was too busy looking at you and a bright red thing that poked from the edge of your bandaid
kindaichi went to your classroom for lunch and you had to repeat your excuse for him but he pointed at another thing
‘why are you wearing a scarf? its like burning in here’
you didnt look at him as you just opened your bento
‘being in your period causes your temperature to fluctuate and cause unexplainable chill at even the hottest places’
okay what
they both shared a look and just shrugged, blaming it on your time of the month for the way you spoke with no emotion in your tone
this had to be the longest school day of your life
the whole time the scarf remained on and kunimi cant help but notice your flinches at the smallest of sounds
finally practice arrived and you really thought you could pull this off until oikawa barreled straight towards you and hugged you tightly
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’ 
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
‘y/n, what’s the-’
‘acne. only bandaid available in my house’
eventually, everything was fine
you were still cracking jokes w the others and you were still laughing w them so kunimi and kindaichi were at ease
but that shattered when oikawa was being oikawa and was being all touchy and bothering you about the scarf around your neck that he ended up pulling it off and he saw the marks
he was silent, just staring at them
ofc you were freaking out and you started breathing heavily
oh god he found out and he was going to hurt them
‘o-oikawa-senpai, listen, it’s not what it-’
his voice made your eyes shut in fear and the others crowded around you and they all had scandalized looks on their faces
‘is this why you werent in practice yesterday?’
his voice was sharp, a complete opposite to his normally cheerful tone
you shivered and sighed
‘senpai, please dont-’
‘who is it?’
the other third years shared a look bc they were truly shook at oiks voice
‘w-why should i tell you?! its none-’
‘i am your captain and i deserve to know who is pulling you away from your managerial duties so he could just give you these damn hickeys!’
the gym turned silent
you stopped then furrowed your eyebrows
‘hickey? what-’
‘dont act like you dont know, y/n. so just be honest and tell me who’s your boyfriend’
lmao i shouldnt laugh bc this was supposed to be sad but im cackling at how dumb oikawa really is sometimes
you stuttered but you knew this was the perfect opportunity
you could just blame it on this ridiculous misunderstanding 
its a difficult hole to get out of but it would be easier than the other
so you pretended to be flustered and turned around to hide your face
‘it was a one-time thing, oikawa-san. i promise it wont happen again’
the team was leaking the feeling of RAGE
how dare someone take their manager!
she was theirs!
and it doesnt help that every player might have a little thing for you
is this really turning into a harem
oikawa kept demanding answers but iwa hit him enough to quit and they finally went back to practicing but they were still distracted
every time they looked at you, they would grow flustered and red and end up missing a block or a serve
they just cant see their baby manager like that
you noticed it quickly and irritably got on them
‘stop staring at my neck and get back to practice!’
they flinched and saluted at you
lmao this little first year girl is able to control nearly a dozen <5′10 men who are all older than her
but you were glad that they finally stopped asking about it
this was going to go by smoothly and you were going to be okay
several days later,,,
this is an angst fanfiction so i will bring thy angst
you were taking out your class garbage since it was your group’s turn in cleaning the classroom when you were grabbed by the arm on your way back
it was still outside and after school so it wouldve been an unlikely situation that someone would help you
it was that biatch miyo again and her 2 minions behind her
then you recognized one girl from the track team who was actually a year older than you but you saw her dropping off some files in the office
if you tried to run, she could easily grab you w her fast legs
you were stuck
you let out a tired sigh and crossed your arms on your chest
‘what is it you want from me, again?’
she smirked
‘you really dont know how to listen, do you? i told you to stay away from oikawa but youre still flaunting around with him!’
is she serious?
this girl was borderline stalker/yandere type of girl
you gave her an incredulous look and frowned
‘girl, do you hear yourself? you damn crazy and im leaving’
but she grabbed you back and shoved you against the wall
but this time, you kicked her on the chest to make her fall on her flat booty
surprise was written on their faces and you stretched your arms in front of you to symbolize distance
‘one more step and ill beat tf out of you. i just got my nails off so id watch it if i were you’
miyo huffed and stood up, brushing herself, glaring at one of the girls who tried to help her
then she remembered what you told her
‘hmm? if you hit me, you could be kicked off of the team since you hurt another student. so, go ahead, little kouhai’
she was right
even if it was self-defense, the school’s disciplinary section sucked and just suspended or kicked off people left and right even though they didnt do anything wrong
you were stumped
you were here on a scholarship, not on tuition
your mom would KILL you if she found out you got into a fight and got a record
but you didnt show that and kept your tough facade
‘dont challenge me. i could be a crazy bitch and i dont think youd like your little face being all messed up. so watch your mouth and leave me alone’
you turned to leave but she grabbed your hair and tugged it back
lmao flashbacks to the other part
she twisted your hair into a ponytail and had a firm grip while a girl kicked you behind your knees so you would fall to the ground
oh no you were done w this
you elbowed miyo on the stomach the hardest you could and she groaned which loosened her hold and you kicked her again to the ground
some other girl hit your side and you winced before slapping her straight across the face bc you didnt want to punch her and hurt your knuckles
but they were really testing you
the last girl still had your hair but you twisted around to face her and just did the last you could think of that would hurt
hit her right between her legs
you finally escaped their hold and miyo lunged after you
‘oh my god leave me alone!’
you yelled before holding up your arms to protect your face but she scratched your arms 
obviously you were losing this bc it was just you but you were going to fight as much as you can
‘bad kouhais need to be punished! your senpais need to teach you a lesson!’
miyo screeched and you grabbed her arm before punching her straight at the boob
sorry rebecca
however, one girl was smart and did the same thing you did to her knees and made you fall to a kneeling position and eventually made you curl into a fetal position
gurl we actually fighting so hard considering we’ve never been in a fight
they continuously kicked you before miyo pulled up your head so you could sit up and kneel in front of her
ofc you tried to grab at her and punch at her
but these other girls were able to catch you and trap your arms in their hold and had their feet on your legs so you couldnt kick
great, another bathroom scene
your arms were bleeding from miyo’s scratches and your sides were hurting after their kicks
you lost and you were already bleeding in places you didnt think you would
this would be the last attempt and if he doesnt come, you’re done for
your scream echoed throughout the entire are
possibly could be heard in new york
and your voice became hoarse
ofc the girls were surprised and caught off guard but when there was silence and clear that no one was coming, they started laughing
‘oh, so cute! iwa-san? is that supposed to be iwaizumi-san? heh, you whoring around w him too? thats so cute-’
the girls holding you shrieked and dropped their hold on you before scrambling back causing you to drop to the ground
miyo’s eyes were wide and there was horror all over her face at the voice of that infamous boy
kyotani kentarou
he yelled and miyo turned around to be met with his piercing eyes before screaming and running away with her minions in tow
ltr the cursing is so awkward for me to do but this is his character and im just so awkward so sorry!!
you coughed and winced at the pain on your side which caught his attention
again, he noticed you as the manager of their team and you’ve been hanging out w him, well, just him staring at you, at the alley while you feed the animals
you were actually nice and caring and definitely didnt deserve this
‘oi, y-you okay?’
you didnt look up, just closing your eyes in pain and biting your lips to not let out the crying
his eyes softened at you and he noticed you were trying to act tough and brave even though you just got beat up
normally, he wouldnt even help anyone but it seems you just did something to him
he sighed before gently picking you up, you not even bothering to stop him, and he held you tightlyin his arms as he carried you to the nurses office
he had a feeling you didnt want to be seen like this and hes been in the nurse enough to know she actually leaves the moment school ends
you let out a shaky breath as he set you down on the cot and you opened your eyes to reach your hold for him when he went away
‘n-no, don’t leave-’
but he grunted softly before holding your wrist
‘im just getting your damn medicine. chill out’
lowkey getting bakugou vibes
you nodded and went to close your eyes again
kyo returned w some pain relief medicine from his bag that he carries 
babie actually gets into fights often and he needs it sometimes
and he had alcohol medicine kind istg and bandaids for your arms
it was silent as you drank the pills and he sat down next to you so he could treat the wounds
but he let his curiosity take over him
‘why the fk did you let them do this to you’
he grunted and you scoffed with a smile
‘let? more like overpower me and grip me as they just hit me’
‘cant you fight them back?’
you glared at him
‘bruh i literally kneed some girl in their cooch but they just some superhuman typa girls that cant be hurt’
he sighed
‘maybe you just werent strong enough’
okay listen here you lil shit
you didnt want to listen to him scold you anymore so you just went back to closing your eyes
but kyo is actually lowkey nosy so he kept asking questions
‘the first time we met. was it her too?’
you flinched in surprise
‘you remembered that?’
‘ofc i did. you looked like shit. not as bad as this but still like shit’
‘gee thanks, stranger-kun’
‘kyotani,,, kentarou’
you smiled
‘nice to meet you, kyotani kentarou. im l/n y/n’
‘i know’
he mumbled but you didnt catch it
‘thanks for hearing me and coming to help’
he hummed
he wasnt going to tell you that he actually heard the scream for his idol and thought hed be there so he ran to go see him but instead saw you
kyo just respects and looks up to iwa-chan so much it warms my heart uwu-
once you were all patched up, you were finally able to stand but you still staggered
he grabbed your arm softly and sat you back down
‘what the hell are you going to tell the team?’
you paused then sighed
‘i dont know. ill figure something out’
but he knew how observant the players would be and they would catch on
after all, he was there watching at the top bleachers as oikawa yelled at you for the ‘hickey’
‘if they didnt hit your face, you could get away with it. but you have wounds all over you and theyd find out. im guessing youre doing this bc you dont want to trouble them or burden them? bc they would do something about it?’
you just stared at this guy
‘just a guess’
he also wasnt going to tell you that he was actually part of the team but the constant fighting got him in suspension
and the fact that his parents were donors for the school, he only got a tap on the wrist
‘so what do i do, then?’
‘tell them-’
‘no i cant do that! another plan, kyo-kun!’
‘oi, im a second year, idiot. treat me with respect’
the irony bc he totally treats oikawa like trash
‘i just,,,, oikawa-san is seen as this prince/gentleman type and i know how protective he is towards me so the slightest problem could cause him to be ballistic. miyo is popular enough to circulate rumors about him and hes already in his third year and she is too so i just have to endure one year until theyre gone’
kyo was disgusted
all this for that stupid idiot captain?
‘youre dumber than i thought’
you weakly hit him at the arm
‘so mean, kyo-san’
‘i dont think its right youre suffering for someone who isnt even worth it’
you glared and linked your fingers together
‘im the manager. i knew this would happen the moment i signed up but i didnt care. as manager, i have to keep up the team’s image and their popularity for support so i cant let all that be ruined just bc a little first year girl couldnt fight for herself’
‘just tell them, kid. less problems’
then he stood up to leave
‘kid?! im only a year younger than you! what you mean!’
but you were panicking
someone knew about you being hurt and they could easily tell the team
and it only increased when he entered the gym and later introduced himself as a player
you were so surprised that you stopped breathing
you muttered and he glared at you
well, more like look at you but i have a theory that kyo actually has problems w his sight so it looks like he’s glaring at you constantly but hes just actually trying to see clearly
oikawa was surprised at this interaction
‘eh? you know kyoken-chan?’
you nodded, still looking at the blonde
‘its none of your business’
kyotani grunted and you sighed in relief
maybe your secret would be safe
you were still uneasy about him accidentally revealing it, especially since he practically worships iwaizumi-san, but he kept his mouth shut
your caring personality at first was overbearing on him but he appreciated your efforts like volunteering on helping him with his eyeliner or asking him if he needed help with his medical tape
ngl, he also thought you were there just bc it was a team full of guys and you thought you could have that weird girl fantasy of having a harem
but you cared for them like practically a mother and continuously made it clear to oikawa that you were NOT interested in going on a date with him
you werent annoying, you were nice, and you weren’t pushy so he actually showed you respect and took a liking to you
this created a soft of protectiveness around you
sometimes, he would see you around school and he would practically glare at the girls he knew hated you
and when he wasnt there to protect you, you would call him to the nurses office where he would mumble apologies of not being there while patching you up before he would go over and threaten them to touch you again and he would bite their fingers off
aww hes so cute
ofc he still kept your secret bc it wasnt his business to tell 
until that one day
it was normal practice with you helping the boys toss the balls so they could spike it
iwaizumi spiked it really hard making you flinch and he apologized profusely after you almost fell off the chair you were standing on in surprise
‘im just angry that that damn shittykawa is the captain and is late to his own damn practice’
oikawa? late?
that was unheard of
you were about to get off the chair and look for him when the devil himself entered the gym with the devil’s mistress on his arm
miyo was holding on to his arm as he laughed at something she said and ruffled her hair
you dropped the ball and kyotani quickly moved to you so he could stand in front of you protectively
‘oi! shittykawa! youre late!’
oikawa just smiled and pointed at the girl
‘miyo-chan made us cookies, iwa-chan!’
at the mention of food, the boys ran forward but you and kyotani remained at the side at the infamous name
you got off the chair and hurriedly placed an arm in front of him
‘don’t, kyo-san’
‘the bitch-’
‘i know. but please, dont’
you begged and he huffed before aggresively wrapping an arm around your shoulder
aggressively cares for you
‘if she does something or even talks shit, i will-’
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan! come here!’
oikawa called but kyotani snarled at him
you smile wobbled when miyo’s eyes narrowed at you and she smirked
‘oh? your manager is so cute, oikawa-kun!’
the rest of the team was just blinking at this weird tension
kyo had his arm tightly around you and hatingly glaring at this girl, who was icily smirking at you, and you tightly holding kyo’s shirt with a worried glint in your eyes
‘you were late to your own damn practice, oikawa. stop wasting time eating this shit and go back to playing’
tbh it still shocks you at how rudely kyo talks to oikawa but you were too pre-occupied on making sure this kid wasnt going to lunge at this girl
‘a-ah, right. oikawa-san, we have to return to practice. if you excuse us, miyo-san-’
you were about to gently grab oikawa’s arm to bring him back when she grabbed your wrist and secretly gripped it
‘oh, dont be so uptight, y/n-chan! i worked so hard-’
but kyo immediately snatched her hand away from you and squeezed it as tight as he could, making her wince
oikawa noticed the pain in miyo’s face and he was angry that kyotani was hurting a girl
‘oi! kyotani!’
he shouted and pushed him away, making the team, even iwa, worriedly look at kyo and brace themselves for the beating
iwa jumped into action and held the second year back while you jumped in front of oikawa
‘kyo-san, calm-’
‘you! be quiet’
he shouted, finger pointing at you
‘and you!’
before pointing to oikawa
‘you are a shitty captain’
iwa was just straight out confused and hes really questioning life decisions right now
mom is stressed and confused, i repeat, MOM IS STRESSED AND CONFUSED
oikawa’s eyes narrowed but he just calmly talked
‘we’ll talk about this later’
‘miyo-san, we really need to practice so if you could see yourself out’
iwa gently smiled to the girl, who was about to protest, but makki and mattsun has already pointed to the door
she huffed then turned to leave and once she was gone, iwa let go of kyotani
‘kyotani, what the hell was that’
oikawa lowly asked and you were about to put your arms out to separate them but yahaba and watari grabbed you so you wouldnt be caught in the middle
then kyo turned to you, fire in his eyes
‘either you tell him or i will’
can we just talk about how protective kyo is?
you trembled and you roughly left yahaba and watari’s grip so you could gently place your hands on his chest
‘please, kyo. just leave it, okay? remember, it’s my busi-’
‘if i see that bitch enter this gym again, i dont give a flying fuck if shes a girl. ill beat the living daylights out of her’
‘kyotani kentarou, what-!’
oikawa shouted but your glare shut him up
‘y/n-chan, what is going on’
‘n-nothing. kyo-san is just, yknow, being him. you know? okay. now lets get back to practice, everyone!’
coach irihata and the other guy sharing that look
to say the least, miyo was pissed
and when she was pissed at you, she always did what she normally does
she corners you wherever its deserted and beat you with the help of her minions who holds you down while she slaps, hits, or kicks you
girlie you needs to tell the boys youre literally getting hit and abused and im just-!!!!!!!!!
and thats exactly what she did
only this time, she wore hard-tipped shoes
‘see, y/n-chan? i saved up and got these shoes just for you!’
the minions were just sharing looks of fear and genuine sympathy for you
they were only there bc she blackmailed them with pictures doing questionable things and if they dont help, they would be released
as usual, you didnt cry, biting your lip as you winced from the pain of her kick at your side
‘youre so pathetic. how could you do this to a person? and all this for your oikawa-san? for a boy?’
you wheezed at her causing her eyes to flare
‘i said-’
but you were cut off when she slapped the soul out of you
her ring cut you at the lip and you cringed at the taste of blood from your lip
‘what else? we gotta hurry this up, miyo, because practice started like 5 minutes ago and im going to get yel-’
kyotani entered the gym after his talk with his teacher and immediately looked around for you
his honey brown eyes scanned the area and they widened as your figure wasn’t in sight
‘oi, yahaba, wheres the manager’
the boy shrugged from the side 
‘i dont know. shes late though’
oh god
‘kindaichi! kunimi! youre in the same grade right? did you see where she went after class?’
kunimi paused to remember before answering
‘she stayed after to talk to obe-sensei for the homework, that’s all i know’
that meant she stayed behind and was probably somewhere
he shouted before bolting out the door
ofc the boys were all worried of his outburst and started yelling after him
they followed him, who was running as fast as he can
the girls would probably do it outside to avoid having to clean up their mess and he almost wrenched the door open in a hurry to take a lap around the school building
it was certainly a sight to see: a boy with dyed blonde hair and two brown lines followed after an entire volleyball team who were screaming after him
he heard that bitch voice and bolted towards the back, where the dumpster was, and found you at the same position like the first time he saw you
blood was dripping on the floor from your busted lip and a cut on your cheek while your eyes were wide at the sight of kyotani’s panting form
your eyes watered at the sight of the entire volleyball team behind him, also eviqualiently surprised yet fuming angry
the girls who held you dropped your arms and ran for the hills so they wouldnt get caught
kyo pushed miyo aside as he grabbed you from the floor and held you
oikawa gave miyo a look that cannot even be described in words
all it was: incredibly, super, ridiculously, heatedly, furiously, angry
now multiply that by the entire team
‘hm, my father, who is the chieftain of the police, mentioned about there being jail time for even minors who commit serious acts like assault or bullying’
mattsun seethed
‘really? i think he’d like the video as evidence against kenta miyo for assault and battery, including bullying, so how many years would that add up to? nearly a decade?’
the girl miyo squeaked as oikawa and iwaizumi roughly grabbed each wrist
‘how long’
miyo trembled at the increased pressure on her wrist
iwaizumi has never shouted at a girl before and hopefully, it would be the last
‘s-s-since l-last month’
you burrowed your head in kyotani’s shirt
‘please dont’
‘shut the fk up, y/n-chan, we’re not talking to you right now’
oikawa coldly reprimanded
‘everyone, take y/n away. iwaizumi and i can take care of this. but mattsun, makki, track down those 3 girls and find others who have even touched our manager’
‘got it, boss’
if it was in a different situation, you wouldve applauded oikawa at his ability to be a leader but you were currently in pain from the bruises and the cuts all over you
your fellow first-years were angrily punching things in the nurse’s office
rip nurse in the morning when she finds holes all over her walls
the irony is, the most agressive one, kyotani kentarou, was the calmest as he quietly cleaned your wounds and placed ointment on the bruises
‘i told you so’
he mumbled and you scoffed
‘howd you find me anyways?’
‘dumb bitch yaps really loud’
he answered
no one was yelling at you and no one was saying a word
eventually, oikawa and iwaizumi entered followed by the rest of the third years
‘why. why didnt you tell us, y/n?’
oikawa asked as he sat down on the chair beside the bed
you looked down and fiddled with your fingers
‘if i did, you wouldve hurt her. and she wouldve spread rumors about you and ruin the image and reputation of the grand king and the volleyball team. i didnt want to do that to you and thought i could just endure it one year since youre graduating anyways’
iwaizumi sucked in a harsh breath
‘you wouldn’t have known what we were going to do. you are no oracle and you dont know how we are going to handle this situation. so you were really stupid for keeping these things to yourself, y/n. you may be our manager and our caretaker but let us take care of you too’
you nodded but your tears fell
‘sorry. im really sorry. i didnt meant to trouble you’
‘stop apologizing, y/n’
you bowed your head low and bit your lip in guilt
‘i shouldve told you but i didnt and now everyone is troubled-’
‘we’re a team, y/n. youre not a lone wolf anymore. you have a pack standing right beside you’
watari mumbled and he sat down to give you his favorite hug: the one arm hug
‘im super angry right now and it might seem like im snappy but i really want you to know, y/n, that i really love you and i am just hurt that you didnt trust us enough to tell us you were suffering when i trust you with my entire being. so next time youre hurting or in pain, dont you dare keep it to yourself. tell us, okay? tell your senpais and friends about it so we can share that burden’
oikawa babie you are so mature like what-
what started out as a hug from watari turned into a team hug around the tiny bed, even kyo joined, and you were so happy you found a good team that appreciated you and everything youve done and accepted you as one of their own
‘oikawa-san, what did you do to miyo?’
‘again, im mad y/n-chan, so please dont talk about her right now’
‘dont use those puppy eyes on me! dont you dare-- okay, we’re pressing charges’
‘and iwa-chan slapped her!’
‘shut up shittykawa you did too!’
a/n: this hurted a bit and im sorry if this was lowkey awkward and all over the place but i didnt exactly know how to portray this situation since ive never experienced this, just bullying in general, before but for those who have, please tell someone so that you dont have to carry that burden by yourself. it doesnt have to be a your parents, but talk to a trusted adult so that this type of stuff doesnt happen to you bc you truly dont deserve that type of treatment and deserve to be happy and feel safe in an environment like school or anywhere in general
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ssamie · 3 years
six. “friends die together”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide 
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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kenma slowly opened his eyes. the dim rays of the sun were slowly peeking through his bedroom window as he stretched and rolled around his bed, wrapping himself up in a blanket burrito as he felt his eyes slowly fluttering close once again. 
it had been atleast a week since he's actually gotten sleep, and now he's just trying to relish in the feeling of rest before he completely disregards it again. 
all of a sudden, his phone rang. 
"what the.." he mumbled with a groan 
it was currently five in the morning, and he knew kuroo was smart enough not to call him. especially since kenma would usually just be gaming or would just straight up ignore him. 
"hello?" he muttered to the phone, not bothering to check the ID 
"good morning!" y/n's chirpy la-di-da voice resonated from the phone 
immediately, kenma groaned and rolled his eyes. he had to fight the urge of hanging up the phone then and there. 
"what do you want? and why are you calling me so early in the morning?" kenma asked 
"now, now! don't be so stingy kenma-kun!" she laughed "i just wanted to check up on ya, that's all" she said, followed by soft humming of a melody 
kenma blinked as he groggily listened to her words. "oh. okay.." 
"thanks for that, i guess.." he said 
"aww! your voice is all deep and gravelly in the morning! very hot." she chirped 
kenma sighed. he could practically sense the stupid flirty smile appearing on her face. "and you sound oh so happy. as always." kenma chirped back sarcastically
a small smile grazed his lips as she started laughing on the other line. 
"oh, kenma! you're so funny!" she chuckled "when have i ever been happy?" 
"wait what-" 
"anyways, kenma-kun.." she trailed off, her cheerful tone now dropped as an eerily serious and guarded one replaced it. 
"y-yes?" kenma gulped 
"im afraid im in a tight spot as we speak. its quite critical. please come to the location i will send you." she spoke in a monotonous tone 
"huh? wait!" kenma exclaimed. he sat up on his bed, subconsciously reaching for his nekoma jacket which was messily laid out on the foot of his bed. "what are you talking about?" he asked, his hands were shaking, as well as his voice. 
"its a crisis! only you can help!" she said 
"okay. i-i'll be there.." 
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humming under her breath, y/n patiently waited for kenma to arrive. she didn't have so much faith at first, but once she heard the soft thumping of feet on the ground, she grinned. 
"w-what happened?" kenma asked through ragged breaths as he skidded to a halt infront of her "a-and what are you wearing?" kenma asked 
he took notice of her rather formal attire, laying underneath the sand colored coat she had. his brows then shot up as he calmed his ragged breathing. 
"is this because of your weird detective work thing? did you get trapped?" kenma asked worriedly. when she didn't answer, he simply panicked even more. "why did you call me?! you should've called those other detective people!" kenma exclaimed 
"i got in myself" she admitted with a small innocent smile 
"what?" kenma deadpanned, now starting to regret running atleast eight blocks just to help her 
"well, you see.. i heard there's a way to commit suicide by getting stuck in an oil drum. so i decided to give it a shot" she said with the same innocent smile. she then chuckled sheepishly as she started sinking deeper into the oil drum. 
"but now that i've wedged myself in this deep, i can't get out on my own" she said 
kenma simply stared her down, looking unamused, tired and annoyed. "i see." he says 
"i think i might die" she pouted as she sank deeper into the drum. 
kenma grunted and sat on the ground, sitting a few feet from the drum she was stuck in. he was kind of impressed on how her whole body hadn't snapped in two yet. 
"well, isn't that what you wanted?" kenma said with a huff of annoyance 
"i like suicide" she said with a scoff, sounding somewhat offended "but i don't like suffering and pain! why would i?" 
"i see" kenma said with a sigh. he sat up from the ground and narrowed his eyes, trying to look for a way to free her from the oil drum
"also, i learned this only after i stuffed myself in here, but it wasn't even a suicide method!" she laughed 
"but, it was actually a torture method from the-" 
before she could even finish her sentence, she was cut off as kenma pushed the oil drum over, sending her and the drum rolling off. he let out a huge breath of air as he cradled his aching hands. 
"ni-nice job, kenma-kun" she squeaked out as she wiggled free of the drum. "but now.. we have only an hour left before school starts" she said as she patted down her clothes and combed her fingers through her hair 
"and i heard from nekomata-san that he has some news that you boys would surely love" she said as she stretched her aching muscles 
"are we really gonna move past the fact that you wedged yourself in an oil drum!?" kenma exclaimed in aggravation 
". . ." she looked at him with a dumb smile before sending him a wink and a thumbs up. 
"yep! we sure are!" 
"i hate you so much" kenma muttered 
she smirked teasingly and loomed over his shoulder "hehehe~ well if you hate me so much, then why go through all the trouble to help me?" she cooed 
kenma scoffed and flicked her away. "because we're.." he trailed off "nevermind.." a small blush covered his cheeks faintly, but it was enough to get her attention. 
she chuckled lowly and poked his cheeks. she narrowed her eyes and tauntingly stared him down. "oya? what's this, kenma-kun? do you like me or something?~" she teased 
kenma flinched and covered his cheeks with his hands "no! no i don't!" he quickly denied "i just thought that.." he muttered quietly
"since we're friends and all.. i thought it'd be right to help you.." kenma admitted bashfully 
stunned from his words, she couldn't really do anything but stare at him blankly with widened eyes. "we're friends?" she asked 
kenma spluttered at her response, suddenly feeling anxious and embarrassed, thinking that he overstepped their 'relationship' 
"um- i mean.. i just thought that since we've been hanging out but.." kenma said nervously. he fiddled with his hands as he looked down at his feet, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. 
"sorry, i guess i overstepped. sorry for misreading things" he apologised 
finally realising what she's done, she gasped in horror as she looked at his heartbroken expression  "oh my gosh." she muttered "im so sorry!" 
she frantically patted his back, and stroked his hair "i-i meant like- i didnt know you considered me as a friend!" she exclaimed  "i kind of thought you just see me as a suicidal leech or something!" she shrieked 
"im sorry kenma! kill me now!" she exclaimed dramatically 
kenma finally looked up to see her tearing some of her bandages off, only for her to tie it tightly around her neck. 
"im sorry!" she cried as she squeezed tightly, trying to strangle herself to death 
"wait! don't do that!" kenma said in panic. his hands pried the bandages off and hastily threw them away. 
"you don't have to kill yourself over me" kenma sighed 
she sniffled and crushed him in her arms "kenma! you are most certainly my most treasured friend!" she cried 
"i would die for you and with you!" 
"let's not go too far" kenma said with a small smile 
"shall we start with the double suicide now?" she asks, fully ignoring his interjection 
"no <3" 
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"fukurodani?" she muttered, looking quite confused and clueless 
"yes. it seems a three-day practice match has been scheduled" nekomata said with a smile  "their coach suggested the idea and who was i to decline, am i right?" nekomata chuckled 
"this will be a good opportunity for the team to train and explore new ways of playing for future tournaments." nekomata then looked at y/n and sent her a close eyed smile. "and a chance for you to test your managing skills, y/n-san" he said 
she nodded in agreement. 
"well then, now that that's settled.. you’re free to go! rest up and eat well! you'll be playing nonstop starting tomorrow" nekomata said as he ushered them out of the gym 
"thanks, coach!" the team yelled 
as the team arrives by the gate, they started to disperse. fukunaga, inouka, teshiro, and shibayama ended up declining the offer of an afterschool hangout. they claimed they needed the rest for upcoming games, so they left them be. 
"bye guys! bye y/n-senpai! see you tomorrow!!" inouka yelled from across the street. the energetic first year was waving both his arms around while shibayama drags him along. fukunaga sends them a quick nod and a small wave before they completely disappear from sight. 
"hm, so what do you guys wanna do?" kai asks with a smile 
"let's eat!" lev suggested with a grin 
"sure. where should we go? i don't really have a particular craving right now" kai said as he looked at his friends expectantly 
"we should eat at the diner near that convenience store" yaku says "it's cheap and they serve great food" 
simply humming to herself, y/n takes a quick look at the boys who seemed to be lost in their own conversations. her (e/c) colored eyes then landed on kenma, who seemed to busy with his game. 
kuroo was holding on his bag, making sure the pudding-head wouldn't walk into oncoming traffic. she smiled at the boy, taking in his overwhelmingly beautiful features. 
yamamoto was beside her, ranting about his friends from karasuno and their 'goddess of a manager' 
"we’re here!" lev unnecessarily announced as he skipped into the said diner.  "what should we eat?" he asks 
"fish-" ; "meat-" 
yaku and kuroo freeze and look at each other. their eyes silently roam one another as they look at the other with judgment. 
"hah? are we really doing this again, yakkun?" kuroo scowled. the taller bedheaded male leaned down to get all up in yaku's face, while the latter simply did the same 
"dont call me that stupid nickname, bedhead!" yaku scowled as well "and fish? pssh, what are you a grandpa?" yaku said with a snicker 
"could you stop making comments proving you lack docosahexaenoic acid?" kuroo sneered in aggravation 
"you're ought to eat more fish to fix that.. maybe even your height problem!" kuroo taunted 
yaku scowled and gripped the taller boy's collar "your stupid face is begging to be hit!" 
"no! kuroo-san, don't let him hit you!" lev yelled "he's feral!" 
"oi! shut up!" taketora hissed as he covered lev's mouth with his hand 
yaku turned to face lev, evidently irked and angered by his comment. "hah?! come here, you tall lampost! -" 
"wah! yaku-san i didnt even do anything!" lev exclaimed with teary eyes as the shorter boy continued to kick him 
kai and taketora then took initiative to calm their friends down. partially because they didn't want anyone injured. but mostly because they were fighting infront of the diner, and it was starting to get embarrassing. 
"ke-n-ma~" she cooed in a sing song tone 
kenma sighed and quickly glanced at her, before averting his attention back to his game "what?" he said 
she smiled and laced their arms together. she then pointed to a bridge not so far away from where they were standing. "you see that bridge?" she asked "and the pretty river under it?" 
"oh god. i see where this is going." kenma groaned. he turned off his game and followed her finger, eyeing the bridge she was talking about. 
"wouldn't it be so nice if we just jump off-" 
"how about we don't do that?" kenma cut her off with a sigh 
"but you're my friend right?" she whined childishly "don't friends die together?!" 
"how about we don't die at all. doesn't that sound better?" kenma tried to convince her with a sheepish smile 
her smile fell as she narrowed his eyes, seemingly disgusted and offended by his statement. 
"what? no, not at all." 
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Incorrect Sanscent Quotes 2
Ink: There is no good reason why we can’t sit down and have a conversation!
Error: I have a reason.
Ink: Which is?
Error: I. Dont. Like. You! 
Ink: Really?! You cant say one thing you like about me!?
Error: ...
Error: I like it when your sad.
Random Person: Wow I’m surprised that those idiots haven’t gotten hurt yet.
Nightmare: ...Idiots? 
Nightmare: *turns around*
Nightmare: wait....
Nightmare: *sees that his crew is doing idiotic shit*
Geno, to the the others: Imagine that someone gives you a box with something in it that you lost during your life.  
Ink: Wow! My mental stability, where did you find it?  
Dream: My sanity! I haven't seen this in years!  
Blue: I knew I'd lost that happiness somewhere!  
Geno: ...
Geno: I swear one of these days I will grab your neck with both of my hands and break it.
Reaper: How? You cant even reach it.
Error: I cant believe we are stuck in this room together!
Ink swallowing the key: Yes truly unfortunate.
Dream: Im sorry, what are you supposed to be again?
Ink: Im going as me...
Ink: But sexier.
Dream: Im not mad, I just want to know why you guys would need a fake ID.
Ink: *incoherent mumbling*
Dream: what?
Blue: You need to be over 18 to hold the pets at PetCo...
Ink: Attention crew, this is your captain speaking, we’re about to be experiencing some heavy turbulence shortly so please strap in. Blue just betted that i couldn’t do a 360 barrel roll in this thing and let’s just say that i’m about to be 20 bucks richer real soon.
Cross: Did you bring the sun boy?
Killer: What?
Cross: You know, the star sans that makes you giggle all the time.
Blue: What are you 5?
Ink: Yeah, five heads taller than you!
Ink: Im sorry please dont kill me—
Nightmare: What are we doing?
Cross: Wasting our lives.
Nightmare: I meant for lunch.
Dust: He died of natural causes.
Horror: You pushed him off the roof...
Killer: Gravity is natural.
Nightmare: At least im going to die doing something that I love.
Error: And that is?
Nightmare: Dying.
Blue: How long are we going to stand here and let him keep doing that?
Dream: Just give him a minute.
Ink: *pushing on a door that clearly says pull*
Dust: Everyone knows the four steps of being apart of the Bad Sanses.
Dust: 1. Make a plan
Dust: 2. Execute the plan
Dust: 3. Expect the plan to go horribly wrong
Dust: 4. Wing the hell out of it.
Ink: Okay guys who painted the Mona Lisa?
Killer and Blue: Mona Lisa...?
Ink: No it was DaVinci....
Killer and Blue: DA VINKY....?!
*playing truth or dare*
Horror: Okay...uh, Killer? Truth or Dare?
Killer: Dare. 
Horror: I dare you to call Classic Sans’s, Papyrus. 
Killer: Thats easy. 
Killer: Siri call Pappy. 
Siri: Calling “Daddy”....
Killer: WAIT NO- NO- NO!!
*Dreams phone rings*
Everyone: ....
Dust: I didnt get that drunk last night.
Killer: Dude you literally started flirting with Blue.
Dust: So what? He’s my boyfriend.
Horror: You asked if he was single...
Cross: And cried when he said he wasnt. 
Dust: I-
Blue: I smacked a mosquito that tried to bite me, and I killed it.
Blue: Then i thought, “Its just trying to get its food.” 
Blue: What if I tried to get food from the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck....
Blue: How would I feel?
Lust: Are you okay...?
Nightmare: *spins around in a chair ominously* I’ve been expecting y—
Nightmare: *chair continues spinning* shit-
Nightmare: *tries to stop spinning* shit!
Nightmare: *tries to grab something to stop spinning* sHIT!
Nightmare: *falls out of chair* SHIT
Lust under his breath: Future husband say what-
Horror: What?
Lust: [internal screams of joy]
Horror: Wow Boss you’re smiling a lot did something good happen?
Nightmare: Can’t I just smile because I’m happy?
Cross sighing: Killer fell down the stairs.
Ink: Okay, I have a plan but I need some help.
Dream: *spins a wheel with everyones names on it* Sci, its your turn.
Sci: Damn it.
Blue: Would you slap Ink for 2 million dollars?
Error: I would roundhouse kick him in the face for free.
Dream: Same. 
Blue: Guys-
Killer: Hey Dream do you have two tongues in your mouth?
Dream: What? No.
Killer: Do you want to?
Dream: W-what-
Ink: What?
Blue: What?
Horror: What?
Dust: What?
Nightmare: WHAT.
Killer: wHaT- wHo sAiD tHaT?! 
Horror about to murder Dust for breaking his lego death star: I know what you are going to say... he’s my friend and I should try to get along with him-
Killer who helped build the lego death star: Oh no he’s crazy and needs to go down.
Horror: I put the laughter in manslaughter.
Error: I put the fun in funeral 
Blueberry: I put the D in Dust. 
Killer: *chokes*
Dream: What-
Dust: You smooth little fuck. 
Ink (rolling unsteadily on heelys): JESUS TAKE THE WHEELYS—
Blue: INK NO-
Cross: If Nightmare kills us, Im going to get Horror’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the accordion so my ghost can annoy the hell out of your ghost.
Dust: I’ll just get Killers ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.
Killer: My ghost wont associate with your ghost.
Horror: I did a bad thing...
Dust: Does it effect me?
Horror: No-
Dust: Than suffer in silence.
Killer: Wait- so I could have just told Dream I was in love with him?!
Blue: I mean yeah.
Ink: What did you say instead?
Killer: I told him I was straight!
Dust: Killer, no ones going to believe that.
Killer: Oh thank god!
Ink: No one except Dream.
Killer: Shit.
Nightmare: I feel only one emotion and that is anger
Killer: You drunk texted everyone of us a thousand heart emojis...
Nightmare: Out of anger.
Horror: I need to get something off my chest-
Lust whispering to himself with crossed fingers: please say its your shirt- please say your shirt...
Horror: *choking*
Dust: iM tRyiNg tO cALL 911! But the 9 isn’t working!
Killer: Just flip your phone upside down and use the number 6!!
Horror stopping his choking for a second: what the f-
Killer: Have you been yelled at by Nightmare yet?
Cross: I’m not scared of him.
Killer: So thats a no-
Geno: Wait. Are you flirting with me?
Reaper: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
Nightmare: Do any of you know how to drive?
Dust: Does it look like we had our lives together enough to learn how to drive?
Cross: I mean- I played Grand Theft Auto before...
Nightmare: Alright that works, Killer got us a van. Lets get going.
Nightmare: *Locks Dust in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Dust: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
 Nightmare: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Cross: It's Cross.
Nightmare: What did he do this time?
Cross: No, it's me, Cross. It's actually me.
Nightmare: What did you do this time?
Nightmare: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Nightmare, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
 *Sci and Fell are in Paris.*
Sci: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Fell: But...
Sci: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Fell: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Sci: Yeah.
Fell: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Sci: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Fell: Okay, alright.
 Error, about Ink: He's speaking some kind of French.
Cross: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.
 Blue: How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Dust: Blue, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Blue: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
 Dust: Damn, Sci, are you secretly cool?
Sci: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Dust: I do not.
 Error: Are you trying to seduce me?
Ink: Why, are you seducible
Killer: Who the fuck--
Cross: Language!
Killer: Whom the fuck--
Cross: No.
 Killer(or Cross): We both look very handsome tonight.
Dream (or Nightmare): You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Killer (or Cross): I couldn't take that chance.
Dram: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Ink: And you came to me?
Blue: Between Error, Killer, Cross, and Ink -- if you had to -- who would you punch?
Dream: No one! They are my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them.
Blue: Ink?
Dream: Yeah. 
Fell: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Sci: Aren't you forgetting something?
Fell: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Sci's forehead before running out.*
Sci (blushing a bit): No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Horror: So what do you have planned for the future?
Horror: No, like long term.
Killer: Oh...um, dinner?
 Random Person who just met Killer: What's wrong with you?
Killer: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Killer: When you have lived with the Bad Sanses as long as I’ve had you develop thick skin.
Ink: Blue is not your color. 
Dream: You’re stupid. 
Ink laughing: Is that all?!
Dream: Oh dont worry, give it time. It’ll eat at you.
Ink: Am I stupid?
Blue: Just a little.
Ink: Damn him.
Killer: Horror, just remember just because it can fit in your mouth. Doesn’t mean its food.
Horror: *spits out wrench*
Blue: Oh my god, guys...Santa...he wont be able to reach us this year!
Ink: Um Blue-
Dream: Ink, I know what you are going to say, and im gonna stop you right there.
Cross: Nightmare can you call the Bad Sanses over, they arent listening. 
Nightmare: Why? I’m not their mother.
Cross: Just do it. 
Nightmare: Ugh, fine whatever.
Nightmare: GUYS! Get over here!
The Bad Sanses: *immediately runs over to Nightmare and are lined up like ducklings following their mother.*
Nightmare: I-
Nightmare: Wait- no! I-im not! Listen... LISTEN! Im not their-
Lust: Name three things that would ruin a first date.
Ink: I- uhm, Shitting my pants-
Geno: saying I love you.
Dust: Killing them. 
Lust: Did this happen?
Nightmare: You know, when I said yes to the Truce this is not what I expected to happen.
Dream: You and me both brother.
Blue and Dust: *almost burning down the kitchen*
Ink and Error: *having a contest on who can eat the most sweets before throwing up*
Lust and Horror: *watching the chaos and doing some wholesome flirting*
Sci, and Fell: *their experiments blowing up half the time*
Cross and Killer: *screaming on the railing of the second floor*
Geno: *passed out on the couch*
Reaper: *floating over Geno*
Nightmare and Dream: ....
Nightmare: Is it too late to return them all?
Reaper, covering the phone to talk to Geno (or Lust take your pick): I'm talking to my credit card company. I tried to get an online subscription to the New Yorker and they declined me. Apparently, based on my previous purchases, they assumed it was fraud. That's crazy. I'm fancy. One time I had coffee-flavored ice cream.
Nightmare: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!
Horror: It's kind of complicated, but Kill-
Nightmare: Got it. Forget I asked.
 Ink, who is not named Kyle: So I said to myself: Kyle-
Blue: Wait, Kyle?
Ink: That's what I call myself.
 Sci: Lust, where have you been? You left your cell phone in your desk and I assumed you were dead.
Lust: Uh, I would clearly be buried with my phone.
 *Watching a horror movie.*
Fell: Are you scared?
Sci: In this economy who wouldn't be.
 Blue: I have edge.
Dust: You really don't. You are literally the most wide-eyed person I've ever seen. You have the face of a cartoon lamb.
Dream: Just be yourself, say something nice.
Ink: Which one? I can't do both.
Horror: There's nothing that can dent our impenetrable bond.
Dust: I have a secret boyfriend.
Horror: You're dead to me.
Fell: Classic, I think you should play the role of my father.
Classic: I don't want to be your father.
Fell: That's perfect. You already know your lines.
 Killer: Did you notice how hot your brother has gotten?
Nightmare: *Glares.*
Killer: Because I have not!
 Sci: Everyone know what they're doing?
Lust: In general or the plan?
Sci: The plan, Lust.
Lust: *Sigh of relief.*
 Killer, Fell, Dust, Error, or Nightmare: How do people not swear??? Like where does their anger go?? How do they show their enthusiasm??? What if they stub their toe??? Like saying golly gosh isn't really going to cut it Barbara.
 Ink: *Playing out of tune guitar.*
Error: Hey, you take requests?
Ink: Sure.
Error: Please stop.
 Fell: What's your biggest fear.
Classic: Being forgotten.
Fell: Damn that's deep.
Fell: Mine is the Kool-Aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now.
 Reaper: *Texts Geno about what kind of teddy grahams they want.*
Geno: Honey.
Reaper: Yea wassup.
Geno: Just realized u was saying the flavor you wanted. Not addressing me endearingly.
 *In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Cross: *Minding my own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Cross: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Dream, to Ink: See, he knows what he's here for. He knows what he's doing. Be more like him. MAKE A DECISION, INK.
 Killer: Is 4 a lot?
Horror: Depends on the context. Berries? No. Murders? Still no. Ex’es? Yes.
Fell: Be careful.
Classic: I always am.
Blue: I respectfully disagree.
Horror: I don't think any of us are.
Sci: I wasn’t sure what kind of chocolates you liked so I got them all.
Fell: Sci... there are like 300 boxes here.
Sci: I panicked, okay?!?! Valentine’s can be very stressful.
Blue: Alright I need you to swear-
Ink: Fuck!
Killer: So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.
Dust: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Killer: Breakfast burrito, but yeah.
Dust: I pity your dentist.
Killer: Joke's on you. I don't have a dentist.
Dream: Oh, babe. I didn't want whipped cream.
Killer: Well let me fix it for you, babe.
Ink: And this isn't soy.
Error: Sucks to be you.
Nightmare: [Pointing at the broken coffee machine.] So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Dream: ...I did. I broke it.
Nightmare: No. No you didn't. Dust?
Dust: Don't look at me. Look at Horror.
Horror: What?! I didn't break it.
Dust: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Horror: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Dust: Suspicious.
Horror: No it's not!
Reaper: If it matters, probably not, but Lust was the last one to use it.
Lust: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Reaper: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Lust: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Reaper!
Dream: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Nightmare.
Nightmare: No! Who broke it!?
Horror: Nightmare...Geno's been awfully quiet.
Geno: REALLY?!
[Everyone starts arguing.]
Nightmare: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Ink: How much could I possibly owe you? Fifty/sixty bucks?
Nightmare: Two thousand, four hundred and thirty seven dollars.
Ink: Dollars?! Wait, of course dollars. Why was that the part I was surprised by?
Ink: I guess that's your new best friend now, Dream. Emphasis on "Iago," backstabber.
Dream: I'm surprised you've read Othello.
Ink: What the hell's Othello? I'm calling you the parrot from Aladdin.
 Lust: Reaper, don't take this the wrong way, but, you're insane.
Geno: That may well be, but the fact is, it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people.
Reaper: For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They could be murderers or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested.
Lust: Reaper you’ve never had a mother-
Lust: Why are you crying?
Some random person: Because I'm stupid.
Sci: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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warmau · 4 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au taeil~ happy late birthday moon man!! |  find others here: johnny  | haechan
part of you is sad that the closest you’ll ever be to him is at a safe distance
peering out of the window and into the baseball field below
you can kind of make out the details of his face from here, but you can’t see the birthmark on his neck or the glint of starlight thats always somehow in the deep back of his eyes
you can see the worn-out back of his uniform jersey - spelled out in hand-stitched letters - moon
but part of you is happy that you can at least enjoy the comfort of knowing he’s nearby
just the little whisper of the fact that his joy is minutes away from yours
you lay your head down on the desk
its the last day of classes and summer is begging you to go outside and enjoy it 
but summer also means you wont see him anymore, even if youve only been seeing him from far away
not seeing him at all is a feeling you cant wrap your head around - no matter how many times youve tried to 
“what are you doing?”
a hand comes down on the corner of the desk and you peek up to see the familiar, yet frowning face of your friend doyoung
he’s got the same baseball uniform on - he’s the pitcher for the schools team
“sorry, im about to leave-”
you slowly pull yourself together and up out of your chair, but doyoung interrupts before you can gather your things
“no, im asking what are you doing? this is the last day of classes and unless you tell taeil how you feel - you’ll have to wait months to see him again!”
im ok with that, admiring in secret is kind of a talent of mine
is what you want to say
but its too late because doyoung has taken you by the wrist and is tugging you out the door and down the stairs 
you have just enough energy to pull away when you both come to a stop in the middle of the sandlot 
taeil turns just as you want to break away, he smiles and says your name 
doyoung lets go and everything around you looks like it might start floating, taeil included
because you didn’t even know he knew your name
“well, ill leave you two alone”
doyoung disappears - not that you pay any attention - all of your senses feel like they’re being overridden as taeil comes closer
his black short bangs are stuck to his forehead with sweat from practice, his skin glows under the hue of the afternoon sun
“do you have any plans for today?”
“n-no. i was just going to walk home.”
“can i walk with you?”
he swings his bat over his shoulder and waits expectantly for your answer
at this close a distance, its all visible
the birth mark - the universe in the dark browns of his eyes, the little blemish on the side of his cheek
you swallow a lump thats threatening to close up your throat
you’re both walking slow, the other members of the baseball team have already trotted passed you
throwing whistles and waves your way before disappearing into the summer air, some people have passed you as well - on their way from work or classes
but still, that feeling like everything is gently out of place, lingers over you
because you don’t get it - why are you here? since when did your crush have any sort of interest in you?
“i asked doyoung why you never come to any of our games.”
taeil suddenly says, looking at you from the corner of his eye
his smile is a little teasing, and so is his tone, but it doesnt stop you from flustering
“oh- i just - i have book club so-”
“don’t worry, he told me.”
“im starting to worry about what else he told you,,,,,,,”
you murmur without a second thought, before covering your mouth with your palm
but its too late, you know taeil has heard you, and that smile widens a little more
“he told me, even though you dont come to any games, im your favorite player.”
you both come to a stop at the same time
“so ive been thinking about it, why id be your favorite if you dont even like baseball.”
you think youre shoulders start to shake a little, maybe its your imagination, but you think you can feel nervousness creep its way all around you
hes talking so casually, but you dont know what it means and you dont want to be told - on the last day of school - that your feelings have been discovered and rejected
you were sure you could just carry them on with you until graduation and then never tell taeil how much you really did like -
“and i think i know why.”
he takes a second to tuck his bat back into the pocket of his bag, then he reaches out and locks your fingers with his in a safe, steady grasp
he starts walking and you have to push yourself to stumble after him 
because you cant believe it but ,,,,,,,,,, you didnt get rejected
in fact you think this means,,,,,,,,youve been confessed to too
taeil doesnt kiss you when he drops you off at your doorstep, he asks for your number and tells you to meet him on the weekend to watch him train at the park
you expect a message on saturday morning, but you get one fifteen minutes later
by the way, i like you.
sorry if i didnt make it clear, im bad at these things.
but,,,,,,,,i like you. i really like you.
who knows how many times you reread those messages, holding your phone close to your heart and then bringing it up to mouth the sentences over and over
on saturday, you see taeil and doyoung - both already with their baseball equipment on
taeil is swinging the bat as he warms up when doyoung pulls you aside by the elbow
“so, are you guys dating now?”
“all he did was walk me home do-”
“but he likes you, and you like him!”
doyoung’s wide eyes are searching for an answer and you just feel a shyness overtake you because, well, you dont know what this is 
youre just happy to be here - beside him
but doyoungs question does weigh on your mind, even when the training is over and its just you and taeil and hes offering to take you somewhere for dinner and you blurt out;
“is this a date?”
taeil chuckles
“i hope it is - arent people who are dating supposed to go on dates?”
the summer descends into hot, long days - and before when the stickiness and heat used to irritate you, now youve found yourself falling in love with it
laying on a park bench, eating ice-cream and watching your boyfriend practice until the fireflies came out
then you’d sit up, watch him take his hat off and abandon his bat in the grass
stretch out, exposing the strong lines of his arms and back before joining you on the bench, getting kisses for another day of practice well spent
sometimes he’d end practice early, or show up at your doorstep when you didn’t plan to meet and take you to the beach
splash around in the waves and then rest his head on your stomach under the umbrella - shared towel spread out beneath you
he’d fall asleep there, and you’d open up a book you’d brought with you - only distracted when taeil finally shifts awake and presses kisses to your skin
you learn how to hit a homerun with his arms wrapped around you for support
you learn that he harbors an extensive collection of LPs that you shift through when the summer rain has come out and he cant go out to the park, instead you’re on the floor of his bedroom picking dreamy songs to play and dance to, washing out the sound of thunder from outside his windows
you learn where taeil is most sensitive, right below his ribcage - when you end up splaying your palm on the skin there an digging your nails in just a bit - he makes a sound and grabs your arm, pulls you down to muffle out some string of curses against your lips
you learn a lot that summer, but most of all you learn that you were never happier pinning from a distance than you are from experiencing the real thing
you hate to admit outloud, but you thank doyoung for giving you the push to finally enter the bubble around taeil you never thought you’d be welcome into
and doyoung just grins, says “i told you so”
and forgets to mention that he’s actually known about not only your feelings, but taeil’s all along - ever since a home-away game where taeil had asked doyoung before they’d climbed onto the bus 
“whose your friend? the one whose always looking out of the window?”
when the summer starts to shift herself into the fall, and the heat dwindles down
you find yourself wearing that shirt, the one with ‘moon’ handstitched on the back, as taeil wraps a hand around your waist and tugs you into his side on the bus ride home
you go back to classes soon, and your time will be short between schoolwork and his practice
he presses a small kiss on the top of your hand and you want to give him back the shirt before you get off at your stop
but he stops you, those starlight eyes sparking, “you should keep it.”
so you do 
you keep it and are amused when you see taeil get a new one, this one doesnt have his name handstitched on the back though - its printed in shiny black letters
you run your hands over the name sometimes when you miss him
waiting for a latenight call with good news
“we won the game!”
you rub your sleepy eyes and murmur that you’re so happy, before you two hang up you hear him whisper - like he always does
“i love you, i hope you dream of me”
even now, all these years later, when taeil’s become an all-star player for one of korea’s biggest baseball teams
and you’ve fallen asleep watching one of the live games 
when he gets home, your husband kicks his shoes off and drops his bag 
sees you spread out on the couch
the sports channel glaring
that old uniform shirt from his high school days tucked in your arms
he leans down, kisses your forehead and he whispers
“i love you”
you shift
eyes opening to meet his with a half smile and yawning as you say;
“i was dreaming of you.”
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Hiii!!! Congratulations on 200. I'm so so proud of youuu 🥰🥰🥰. I hope that you're getting enough rest and breaks and staying healthy and hydrated. I would like my matchups to be from AOT if that's okay with you :) My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men, my love language is quality time/ words of affirmations, and I show love through acts of service, affirmations and a little bit of physical touch. My personality type is INTP-A/INFP-A my T and F are split 50/50. My star sign is Aries. I like reading a lot, writing, baking, cooking and anything creative really. Or even sometimes I just like sitting in silence, thinking to myself, getting lost in my head. I absolutely hate going outside. It makes me feel very anxious and I need someone to go out with me, I hate going alone. And when I do go out I always hold onto someone's sleeve or the back of their top, especially in crowded places. I'm a very open minded relaxed person, very witty and I enjoy making people laugh and having a laugh with people. Not open with my emotions, I like to keep them to myself and dont like sharing them, but I will always be willing to listen to your problems. For me, I'd want a partner that isnt really really immature or really really serious. Someone that can switch between the two. I dont like loud people at all. It really gets on my nerves, I prefer someone who's quite but can be loud if necessary as well. Personally, I switch really easily and quickly between being silly and being not so silly, so someone that can read my moods (not that I have that many) and someone that can read the vibe of the room. Also because I dont like going outside in crowds that much, id want someone to go on cute little domestic dates at home with or outside with. Please dont laugh at me, I'm really short, I'm just about 5ft 2, and quite chubby. I used to have long, dark brown, straight, hair up to my bum but I impulsively cut it up to my boobs. So it's still long but not that long. I'd consider myself a switch as I do like to be in control quite a lot of the time, but I also dont mind being the bottom as well. I'm more comfortable with giving that receiving tbh. Ummm I cant think of anything else so yeah. Thank you so so much!!! This is really really long, I'm sorry about that. But please make sure you're taking regular breaks and not over working yourself. Make sure you're drinking water!!!! Thank youuu xxx
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a/n: omg pls no why would I laugh at you asjfkskaks! You sound lovely ☺️ ❣️ I hope you enjoy this matchup and omg capricorn twins 💪🏼 also jesus thank you @plutowrites for help with this one! I was having some trouble deciding who I’d match you up with! Also this deleted half way through and I wanted to scream, but it’s ok now 😀 also thank you for your kind words🥺🤲🏼
Warnings: NSFW themes, minors please DNI
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Erwin Smith
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I think he’d be perfect for you!
He’d be the perfect calm between serious and goofy 💓
He’d be good at keeping up with a silly conversation and making jokes here and there but also know when it’s time to be serious with you
Ok he would LOVE if you were to hold his shirt while walking through a crowd or just being in public in general
He’s the type of guys who likes to take care of his significant other and would be happy you let him do that
King of making pasta and a four course fancy meal at home
You would say date night but at home and he would go a little over the top like,,, mf made a menu, printed AND laminated it omg what a nerd
He’d learn to reel it in though 🖤
Ugh probably takes you on a drive to a private spot for a picnic omg
And the sandwiches are cut into tiny little squares omg
He’s so cute pls 😭
Ok I also think his love language would be quality time!!
He’d love for you to even sit in his office while he does work, you don’t even have to be talking he just loves your company tbh
He’d love for you to follow him everywhere cause he loves your presence! It does not matter how small the task is pls
Getting gas? Hop in!
Dropping off something at work? You’re already buckled up
Going to the post office? Your seat warmer is already on
Sorry not sorry he calls you puppy he finds it so cute! !
It started off teasing you cause you guys were always following each other around like lost puppies so one day he just
“C’mon puppy! Let’s go!”
And he just thought it was so cute and fitting and now it stuck
And because of your height he loves to pat your head and ruffle your hair, especially if he’s calling you puppy he does NOT care LMAO
I do see him as a top but I think he definitely wouldn’t mind you taking control he’d find it so sexy cmon now, but he would make it a tiny bit of a fight for dominance even if he lowkey likes letting you win hehe
Ok also he’s a big blusher he’d be a pretty bottom idc
Your acts of service would make him feel so loved deadass
Like you doing little things to help with the burden of his workload??
Yeah he’s keeping you forever
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Jean Kirschtein
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It was kind of hard to think of a perfect second match but I think Jean would be good for you!!!
He really matures through the show and I think he’d be really good at being in tune with your emotions!
He’d be able to tell the slightest change in your mood and is checking in with you in a matter of milliseconds
Would also love how you hold onto him in public
Like he’d just be so 🥺🤲🏼 my little baby
Yeah and then you’re topping him later like who’s the little baby now
But he PURPOSELY wear shirts loose enough for you to grab onto
If you had to go somewhere without him and were super anxious about it he would have you wear one of his hoodies and have his ringer on the whole time you were gone in case you needed him (this mf phone always blowin up so the ringers usually off LMAO)
Bake Jean any kind of treat and he is your slave for a week
I’m not kidding this man will just melt
Especially if it was intended for him and not just a treat you made??? Yeah
He’s gonna cry a lil
He’s a STUPID big softie
He wishes he could wrap you up and put you in his pocket he just wants to take you wherever he goes
Ok he wouldn’t want to admit but he loves when you top him 🤭 like he’d be such a brat about it but if you’re not a bottom “at all” Jean why does it keep happening 🤨?
He’s only really ~loud around eren so I feel like he’s chill when it’s the two of you 🖤 but if he’s ever being a little too much for you comfort and draining your social battery he’ll notice and try to chill out a bit
And will make up for it with a ~very cuddly nap sesh
Your vibe reminds me of...
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I was trying so hard to give you a perfect match I hope you liked it and I’d love to hear back from you!! I hope you enjoy!
Requests are open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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hi! i really like your writing style ❤ would you mind writing shuichi crushing on reader and then their confession? if you dont mind id prefer it in oneshot format but headcanons are fine as well!! thank you so much ❤❤
Aww, thank you! I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, I’m a massive simp for Shuichi so I get so happy whenever I get to write him! So I’ll totally write this!!
Also look at this, I made a lil border thing
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You likey?
Y/N= your name
L/N= last name
In this you have an ultimate but it’s not stated so you can imagine your own!
Triggers: none I think
Pairing: Shuichi x reader
Summary: Shuichi finally confesses to his long term crush, Y/N
Shuichi Saihara crushing on reader and his confession:
Shuichi stared at the letter in his one hand, occasionally glancing at the empty envelope in his other. Was he going to do this? Actually? Was he finally going to confess his feelings to you? He stood at your dorm room door, debating whether or not he should do this.
He loved you, he really did, but you terrified him. How could you not? You were so perfect and he was so…. not. The way you laughed at his jokes, like genuinely laughed, how you would gently nudge him in the side when he made a sarcastic comment about Kokichi under his breath, how you went with him to training with Kaito and cheered him on when you weren’t training as well. It’s no wonder he fell for you almost instantly.
You were his best friend, but he never found the courage to actually tell you that. If he couldn’t tell you that he considered you his best friend, how could he tell you he loves you?!
Shuichi sucked in a breath and quickly put the letter in the envelope, sealed it, and slid it under your dorm room door. With a swift knock to catch your attention, he turned and ran before you could even get to the door.
It was done.
You’d read the letter any minute now.
He darted around a corner and pressed himself against the wall, putting his hand over his heart to try and calm his nerves. He closed his eyes, remembering when you two first met.
“Hello,” you extended your hand to him, “Y/N L/N, Super High School Level (Ultimate of your choice)! I look forward to being in your class! What’s your name?”
“U-Uh… I’m… Shuichi Saihara… They call me the ultimate detective, but-“
“Detective?! So you solve murders and stuff?!”
“E-Eh… only once… I mostly do missing pets, runaways, and infidelity cases… it’s not as impressive, I know…”
“But you still solve mysteries!! I think we’re gonna be great friends, ShuShu!” He blushed at the nickname, but didn’t really mind it. As time went on, he grew to love the nickname and melted any time you called him that.
“U-Um… I hope so… yeah…”
“Come on,” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a desk, “let’s sit together!”
And so began your friendship.
You two stuck by each other since that day, you were there for him when he was going through a hard time, and he was there for you.
Shuichi smiled, eyes still closed, sliding down the wall and hugging his knees.
“Hey! ShuShu,” you ran over, sitting down on the bench beside him, “Guess what!!”
“O-Oh, hey Y/N. What is it?” Normally he’d be slightly annoyed if anyone interrupted his studies, but he never minded with you. You could do anything and he’d watch in amazement.
“We should hang out today!”
“Come on! Come to my dorm after classes and let’s play games!”
“Y-Your dorm? J-Just us two…?”
“Yeah! Is there something wrong with that?”
“N-No!” He slammed his book shut, “Not at all! I-I’ll meet you there!”
He met you at your dorm and walked in when you let him in, looking around.
“Yeah, it’s not much,” you laughed, hopping onto your bed, “come on. It’s game time!”
That was the night he fell in love with you. He had a crush on you since day one, but that night he knew it was love. He could still feel your arm rubbing against his as you hopped up and down on your bed as you took first place in Mario Kart. He could still hear your grunts of anger when he hit you with a blue shell and took first. He could remember feeling bad and letting you win.
And he remembered you falling asleep on him in the middle of a movie.
Remembering how good it felt to have you trust him so much to be asleep in the same room as him. And how flustered he was when your head fell into his lap. He didn’t have it in him to move you, but didn’t want to fall asleep as well and make you uncomfortable.
So there he sat, all night long, letting you sleep as he gently stroked your hair.
That’s when he knew he loved you.
Kaede and Kaito finally gave him the courage to write you a confession letter, and that’s what brought him to your dorm room door. The original plan was to give it to you in person, but he couldn’t bear to face you as you rejected him. Because that’s what you would do. He was sure of it.
There’s no way you loved a wannabe detective like him.
You heard a knock on your door, looking up from your laptop.
“Who is it?” You called out but received no response. Confused, you walked over to open the door, only to see a small white envelope had slipped under it. You opened your door and saw no one, so you assumed they slid the letter under and ran.
You scoffed, thinking this was a prank from Kokichi or something, picking up the envelope and throwing it in the trash.
As you walked back to your bed, something about it caught your eye. You picked it out of the trash can and examined it closer.
𝒯𝑜 𝒴/𝒩
𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒮𝒽𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾
There was no doubt that this was Shuichi’s cursive handwriting. He didn’t always write in cursive, but when he did it was very distinct. You liked that about him.
You liked a lot of things about him. You liked how he tried to avoid drama, unlike some of your classmates. You liked how when he was focused, his hair would fall in front of his face and perfectly mold against him, how his mouth always stood slightly a gap as he focused in on his work. You liked the way his eyes danced and shimmered if you looked into them at the perfect angle. You loved him.
Opening the envelope, you gasped lightly as a few flower petals came out with the letter and fluttered to the ground. Petals of your favorite flower. You had told him what your favorite flower was once, but you never thought he’d remember.
You unfolded the letter and sat down on your bed, your eyes growing wider and more wet as you read on.
“Dear Y/N,
If you’re reading this, it means I’ve finally gathered the courage I’ve wanted to have for a long time. I’m finally telling you how I feel. And I feel as though I love you.
How can I not? Everything about you is beautiful, not just your physical looks. Every time you laugh I get all warm inside, every time you smile my way I melt. I can’t help but fall in love with you. I understand if you don’t feel the same, you can always pretend you never read this.
If you don’t feel the same, which I’m expecting, just pretend this never happened please. But, on the off chance you do feel the same… please tell me.
Yours truly,
Shuichi Saihara”
You stared at the note in shock, a steady flow of thin tears now trickling down your cheeks. He… he actually loved you back. You had to find him!
Not even bothering to put on shoes, you folded the letter and put it in your pocket and ran out your door.
You ran past a few of your other classmates who tried to talk to you, but you simply pushed them aside and said you HAD to be somewhere. You had to think… where would Shuichi go…?
Getting an idea, you ran into the courtyard and, luckily, there he was. Kaede rubbing his back to comfort as he sat with his face in his hands as they both sat on a bench. Kaede saw you, instantly getting up and running off after winking at you. You nodded, making your way over to the detective.
“What? Kae….de…” Shuichi froze when he saw you standing in front of him, face visibly growing redder.
“ShuShu,” you laughed, trying to wipe your tears,
“I love you too.”
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Ugh I love Shuichi
I hope this is what you wanted! Thank you for requesting, luv u!
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk,
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reidsnose · 3 years
Black Eye
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overview: reader and spencer go to reader's highschool reunion as a fake couple
genre: fluff i think
warnings: mild violence and swearing, a guy being kind of a total creep, and mentions of bullying
a/n: idk if its any good again just love the idea but it was inspired by a dream i had last night (thank you temporal lobe) so yeah let me know what yall think !! :) also im posting this at like ass oclock in the morning so whoops
you and spencer had gotten yourselves in quite the situation.
your dreaded highschool reunion was just around the corner and you made the mistake of complaining about it to penelope. she was always trying to make everyones life easier (and more interesting) so when she heard you had no date she took it upon herself to find you one.
it didn't take a lot of looking, none at all actually; because Penelope had already been trying to figure out ways to get you and Reid together.
you two were undeniably perfect for each other. you were an amazing team at work, you hung out alone all the time (though both of you denied these hang out as being dates, Garcia had her own ideas on this), and you were both very obliviously head over heels for each other.
and somehow, through the magical ways of Penelope Garcia, you and Spencer were now sitting in the parking lot, fake married for your high school reunion.
"do we need to go over our back story again?" you worried, looking up at him.
"our backstory is basically all true anyway we just fall in love after a little bit. and i have an eidetic memory so i remember; you're my wife you should know this!" he joked, trying to relax you. "we got this! we're gonna be so married!"
Spencer had actually never been this nervous in his life but he was trying to be brave for you. it would be more embarrassing for you both to show up like nervous wrecks than if you had just come alone. he was just happy to get to be fake married to you.
"the marriedest!" smiled, fist bumping him.
"now lets go make some people jealous!" he chuckled getting out of the car and jogging over to your side, opening your door before you got the chance to; like a true gentleman.
you stuck out your hand which he happily took into his, neither of you commenting on the redness you both had sprinkled across your cheeks. as you walked in, you saw all the people you dreaded seeing.
the boys who tormented you were balding and the girls who made sure you felt awful everyday had wrinkles riddling there skin. you were surrounded by botched botox and bleached blonde to cover graying hair. you felt terrible to admit it, but you were a little happy to see that their beauty had faded like this; they made their looks their whole personality in high school, you couldn't help but wonder what was left for them to be. not that it mattered, but you and Spencer were undeniably the most attractive couple there.
you actually had an ok time, you had spotted a few of your friends that you hadn't seen in quite a few years and it was nice to catch up.
Spencer had wondered a bit, but not too far, he was talking to some guys who used to be in science club when you were younger. you smiled at the thought of what they might be talking about.
"y/n! hey youve really filled out!" you heard a gruff voice from behind you.
you turned around and were met with the very unappealing face of the ex quarterback. Spencers attention had been caught at the sound of your name.
"um..hello," you muttered, trying to covertly back away from him.
"i see youve got a ring, interesting i dont remember us getting married!" he said in an incredibly creepy tone.
"do you know im a federal agent now?" you said through a gritted smile.
spencer had already begun walking towards you, he could tell something was off.
"ill tell you what sweetheart," he put his hand on your shoulder, pulling you slightly closer to him, "you can put me in handcuffs any day."
you threw his hand off of you and drew back your fist, but were cut off before you could deliver the punch but his hand engulfing your own, and squeezing.
"THATS MY WIFE!" spencer yelled in a voice you had never heard from him before.in the blink of an eye he was standing between in front of him. "do not ever talk to her like that, let alone lay a finger on her or so help me God i will-"
"what beanpole? what are you gonna do? what if i did this?" the man asked.
and then he sent a swift punch to Spencer's face.
thats gonna leave a mark.
in a matter of seconds, Spencer had him overpowered, laying face first on the floor with his hands uncomfortably angled behind him, completely helpless.
"now i'm going to let you go and you're going to walk out of here unharmed. if you try anything like that again, ill let my wife handle you. and i promise if she gets a hold of you, you'll be a dead son of a bitch." Spencer muttered in the mans ear, gruffly pulling him up by his collar and shoving him towards the door.
"were leaving." you said, grabbing Spencer's hand, trying to ignore how incredibly attractive he looked right now.
"babe if you want to stay we can stay," he offered as if he didn't just have his shit kicked in by a coward with misogynistic tendencies.
"honey, i want to take you home," you smiled, liking the way it felt to call him a pet name. you walked into the parking lot, "what were you thinking?"
"i was thinking this guy is trying to hurt you and i was not going to ever let that happen." he answered confidently as you two reached the car. "plus this totally made the marriage thing more believable. i wouldn't get a black eye for just anyone."
"thank you. i'm sorry you got punched trying to protect me." you sighed, feeling incredibly awful about the whole thing.
he chuckled, "id do it again."
you fought hard against the blush creeping up your face.
"i gotta say, the black eye really suits you. you look pretty badass." you chuckled, trying to change the subject before it got too sappy and you said something you shouldn't.
"maybe it should just be my new look," he joked, looking down at a ping from his phone. "uh oh."
"we have a case?" you asked.
"yep. and hotch wants us in the office asap which means we cont stop by either of our houses." he sighed before starting the car.
the drive was mostly silent. but a comfortable silence. Spencer thought about how in the moment, he didn't care how many punches the guy threw at him, as long as it meant you were ok, he was willing to take it. he knew he loved you far before that moment but that truly solidified it.
at the same time you were thinking of how quickly your time as a 'married couple' was over. it felt so right to call Spencer yours. so unexplainably perfect for the two of you to be together. if only your time wasn't cut short by a sucker punch.
you neared the building's parking lot. you looked over at Spencer who you could very easily tell was lost in his own world.
"whats going on in that beautiful head of yours?" you asked, causing him to stifle a smile.
"just thinking." he answered.
"what about?"
"us." he stated, pulling into his parking spot.
oh. oh.
"do tell."
he hesitated, "if i tell you, and you disagree, do you promise it wont change anything about us?"
"i promise."
"did it feel right to you? us being together?" he asked, his eyes innocent and filled to the brim with a mixture of anxiety and adoration as he looked at you.
"yes. it absolutely did. and i was so mad at the assclown for cutting our time short," you admitted, "and punching you in the eye, obviously."
"i- i'm not sure how to ask this but- do you...would you..sorry i-" he stammered.
you cut him off, pressing your lips to his. his hand gently cupped your face, deepening the kiss and you both felt like you were on cloud nine.
"thats exactly what i was trying to say," he cracked a dopey smile, causing you to chuckle.
"i've been trying to say it for so long." you confessed, causing him to smile impossibly wider, "we gotta go hotch is waiting."
"just one more kiss?" he asked, which you gave in to, obviously. and then another. and another.
maybe it was good thing that he got a black eye that day, because when you got to the office the whole team was so focused on it they didn't even notice the hint of your lipstick left on spencers lips.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 43
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: wow, it took a while didnt it? i have a hard time writing this story for a few specific reasons and thats why it takes me longer. i also need to plan the ending of this and its not easy because im scared to forget something. but i hope you enjoy this chapter! thanks so much for still reading this story!!!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : its late and i hope i dont forget any! i didnt add everything from the 2nd request in my chapter tho. i also promise more requests in the next chapter! its all planned so thank you!
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Chapter 43 : His chapter
June 25th, 2018
"Okay, move slightly on the right." I heard her, doing what she told me cautiously. "Now watch out, there's a step."
"Big or small?"
"Uhm, medium" she replied after thinking about it.
"Gee Liv, thanks!" I replied sarcastically before I carefully tried to put my foot on the step.
She guided me with difficulty until the car and I packed her last few boxes in the trunk. We sat in the car and I started it, feeling her gaze on me but I tried to ignore it until I felt her hand on my thigh. I suddenly relaxed and my eyes met hers for half a second before going back on the road.
"You should have let me help you." she pointed out with a soft voice. "I can carry more than one box, you know."
The left corner of my lips raised gently and I glanced at her again before stopping at a red light and turning my head completely her way. Her eyebrows raised and I sent her a small smile, shaking my head.
"I want you to let me take care of you." I admitted, bending closer to press my lips gently against hers in a quick kiss. "Besides, an old lady like you shouldn't carry heavy things."
With a chuckle, she slapped my arm gently as I started laughing and started driving again. It was already mid june and we had been working on her moving in with me for about a week. Most things were actually bought by Louis so all the furniture stayed there but it took us a while to pack all her stuff and bring the boxes to my house. I mean, our house.
"I'm only two years older than you!" she argued, making me laugh even more. "Do I have to call you 'kiddo'?"
"Please, I'm a man." I let out with a frown, half-joking. "You know it, you've seen me naked."
"Oh how my life has changed since then." she replied wih a chuckle, making me smile too.
We brought her stuff to our room and started unpacking together after I put music on. It invaded the house so loudly that the neighbours probably heard since we had opened the windows. It was a warm saturday afternoon and I still had a little bit more than a week off. I knew we were going to miss each other since I was about to leave for three months (even if i was going to be back here at some point in august for a few concerts) but we didn't talk about it much, as if it would make things worst.
I kept glancing at her from time to time as I was putting her stuff in my closet and my lips curled when I noticed she was dancing while putting her clothes in her dresser. It was nothing new. She had always been like that but somehow, at this exact moment, it made me realize how perfect this moment was. Loud music, finally sharing a house with the woman I loved, watching my girlfriend dance and sing happily close to me with a promise ring hidden in my underwear drawer. That whole scenario happening right in front of me felt like the accomplishment of something very very important and even if I couldn't define exactly what, I tried to remember this in my brain like the movie of a memory I wanted to watch over and over again until i'd be on my death bed. The smallest details seemed important and when she moved a lock of hair that had stuck on her lips behind her ear, I held my breath. Could I write a song about this?
She turned around and our eyes met and suddenly, her lips curled into a fond smile. I loved when she looked at me like that. I was used to it, because she's looked at me like that for as long as I could remember, but it's only now, the second time we're dating, that I realized what it meant and how important it was.
"Are you gonna help me or are you just going to stare at me while I do all the work?"
I chuckled and rolled my eyes before shaking my head and grabbing an other box. It was heavy and when I opened it, I saw a bunch of books, the first one on the top being the one she was reading at the moment. I knew because sometimes we'd just sit together in the living room in silence. She'd read and sometimes i would too, or id end up writing, or playing guitar. Just being in the same room was enough sometimes and I liked it. I grabbed the book and turned it around to read the summary but something else caught my attention and I frowned. Something was sticking out of the book and I pulled on it slightly only to see my face and hers on a few pictures. It came from the photobooth and if my memory served me right, it was from the first time we dated. I pulled on it more to see all the pictures and finally just opened the book so she wouldn't lose her page and let my eyes roam on the older pictures of us. I remembered how I felt, but I was well aware it was not comparable to the feelings I had now.
"Can't believe you kept this."
My eyes didn't move from the pictures but I felt her stop moving and finally get closer to me. I sat on my bed and I felt her sit next to me in silence until I finally looked up in her eyes.
"You have no idea of all the things I kept." she admitted and I could swear her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "I kept a lot of souvenirs of you, Niall."
My smile curled a bit and she chuckled. "Really?"
"Oh don't look at me like that, it's not like I built a shrine for you or anything." she just rolled her eyes. "But your friendship and your love... yea, it's important for me."
I ran my thumb gently on the pictures for a few more minutes and finally put them back in the book before closing it. I stared at it until Liv grabbed my hand and I squeezed her fingers, looking up at her and sending her a smile.
"You know we need to christen the rooms." This time, she let out a loud laughter and it made my lips curl. "It's true!"
"It only applies to new places, Niall!" she laughed more. "We've already had sex pretty much in all the rooms of this house, and that says a lot!"
"Are you sure?" I asked, raising my eyebrows before she nodded. "All the bathrooms? Bedrooms?" She nodded again and I raised my nose up with a low groan, making her laugh again. "There must be somewhere we didn't fuck!"
"On the dryer."
"What?" I frowned.
"We never fucked on your dryer." she repeated with an amused smile, her head tilted. "We fucked in the showers, kitchen's table, kitchen's counter, on the couch, on the floor of the living room, in all the beds, on all the bedroom floors, in the music room and against that piano.. One time you even grabbed me when I got out of the shower to fuck me against the wall in the hall."
The left corner of my lips curled as the memory came back to my head and I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yea, I remember."
"But I don't remember fucking on the dryer."
My eyes roamed on her and I licked my lips. "We can do that now."
"Join me in 5 minutes?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise when she suddenly got up and left. My fingers gripped the book in my hands tighter and I finally put it on the bed before turning my eyes to the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life and if I wanted to be honest, I only waited 3 and a half anyway.
I heard the dryer's noise and frowned a bit when I realized she had started it and when I got there, she was sitting on it and I noticed the matching black and silk panties and bra she was wearing. Her legs were hanging down the dryer and she was holding herself with her hands slightly behind her body, her dark hair falling near her back, and I stopped as soon as our eyes met.
"When did you put this on?"
"I wore them all day." she admitted with a smirk before chuckling when my face changed. "I mean, I wanted to show you but we were sort of busy."
I took a few steps closer slowly and put my palms on her thighs, sliding my hands up very slowly on her soft skin.
"Spread your legs, petal." I whispered as she bit her bottom lip but did as I asked.
"I wasn't sure if it actually looked good on me." she admitted low and I shook my head quickly.
"Oh shut up, darling, this makes me so fucking hard." To prove my point, I turned my hips a bit and pressed my hard cock through my pants against her naked thigh. "See?"
I ran my hands up to her breasts, touching them before slipping one of my hands under it to run the tip of two of my fingers on her nipple. "I'm so torn right now. I want to rip it off of you, but watching them on you is so fucking hot."
"Just move my panties aside and fuck me."
Her eyes seemed to sparkle but her expression was needy and I just licked my lips, bringing my hands down to my jeans and unzipping them as I kept staring at her.
"Such a needy little slut." I let out in a low tone. "Tell me how bad you want my cock. Beg me."
Her eyes never leaving mine, she brought her feet on the dryer, exposing her panties even more to me and slowly, I took my cock out and started stroking it. I could feel the dryer getting warmer and the way she seemed to shake over it made me want her even more.
"Fuck, Niall, I want you so bad. I need you deep inside me." she whimpered and licked her lips. "Please, Niall, I need your cock, please i'm begging you, fuck me."
I jerked off harder, making sure the tip of my dick rubbed against her pussy over her panties, and she whimpered and bit her bottom lip harder.
"Move your panties, pet. Show me your pretty little cunt."
She did as I asked and my eyes dropped between her legs as I moved even closer, close enough for the tip of my cock to push inside her. I groaned low and she let out a short whimper as I felt her throb around me.
"Deeper." she breathed out. "Fill me."
Quickly, I pushed myself inside her until I was balls deep and she let out a moan, her head falling back slightly and her eyes fluttering.
"Like this petal? How does my cock feel?"
She squirmed slightly and with difficulty but I watched her shake glancing a few times down to watch her grind despite herself on my dick. The feeling was amazing and I groaned louder when I felt her clench around me.
"So good, so fucking good." she whimpered again.
"You're so fucking wet and horny I just want to watch you fuck yourself on my cock until you cum all over it, baby girl." I let out without thinking. "How about you do that?"
I moved as close as I could and she ground on me for a few minutes. I loved the way she moved, all her facial expressions and the way her moans sounded but after a while, I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her waist, my fingers sinking in her skin as I pulled her against me in motion with my thrusts.
"Fuck, i'm gonna cum." I just said still going hard.
I didn't know if it was because of my words or if she had been holding it for a while but she started shaking even harder against me as she came, my name escaping her lips in incredible moans and bringing me to my own orgasm. I shut my eyes tight, pushing myself so hard against her to make sure I went as deep as I could, and when I got down from my high, I leaned my forehead against hers, eyes still closed, as we both panted with parted lips.
"This is so much better." I whispered, moving a bit to reach her lips with mine.
"Better than what?" she asked in a breath as I kissed her gently again.
"Better than anything. Better than anyone." I confessed. "Better than sex without feelings."
It took her about a minute to talk but her words made me open my eyes suddenly.
"Are you in love with me, Niall?"
I pulled away to look in her eyes and frowned for a few seconds before shaking my head. I knew she was probably asking me simply because she wanted to hear it but I couldn't help but fear that she doubted it.
"Yes. I am in love with you, Olivia." I affirmed. "It will never change. I'll always be in love with you, for as long as I live, and maybe even after."
June 29th, 2018
I was a bit sad she had insisted on inviting Louis and Eleanor on her birthday but I went along with it because it was her day and I loved her. She also had asked for nothing big, just a movie and games night with our friends, and somehow, I was down with that. Normally, I'd want to celebrate in a bar with many more friends but we were about to be separated for a while and I was not in the mood to celebrate that. I was just grateful I could spend her birth day with her.
"Okay, Liv, you sit next to me. Your boyfriend can sit next to El." I heard Louis say as I walked back in the living room with two bowls of popcorn.
"Excuse me? I pretty much intend on watching this movie cuddling my girlfriend, thank you very much!" I argued with a frown as I stood in the middle of the living room.
"If we do that we'll just spend an hour and a half making out!" Louis explained with round eyes. "At least you two will! You're both horny animals!"
"It's not like we were gonna fuck in front of you." I pointed out, rolling my eyes before sitting next to Eleanor who just laughed.
"Don't be a jealous boyfriend, Niall. Liv was my roommate before being your girlfriend again and I'm very sad that I can't wake her up by literally jumping in her bed at 6 in the morning anymore!" he joked with a chuckle before turning to my girlfriend. "Bet you miss it too!"
"6 in the morning?" I repeated with a frown again. "You never wake up so early."
"He did when he had meetings for his album." Olivia pointed out. "As you already know, 'pain in the ass' is in his DNA."
I laughed and she did too but the way she looked at me made me smile. Louis placed his arm on the back of the couch, near her shoulders, and I groaned low at sight. It's not that I wanted to read too much into this, but it was bothering me a lot and it was tough to hide. I was not the type to be jealous and I knew Olivia loved me, but every time I saw them near each other, I couldn't help but remember that they fucked multiple times and that nothing could ever erase that.
What took me out of my thoughts was something hitting my nose and the sweet laughter of my girlfriend. I shook my head slightly and sent her a smile as she sent me more popcorn and I grabbed some from my own bowl before throwing it at her, too. She laughed louder and we kept on throwing popcorn at each other until Louis groaned and stopped the movie. It was crazy how easily Louis could make himself home. He was using my remote for my tv, was sitting on my favorite spot on the couch, cuddling with my girlfriend.
"Fine! Fine I get it!" Louis gave in, raising his hand up in defeat. "You guys can't stay too far away from each other for too long. It's sad but it is what it is!"
He practically jumped off the couch and walked up to me. After a quick head movement, I sent him a smile and got up to. I let myself fall next to Liv and immediately, she cuddled my side like a magnet, making me smile more. I had no idea why I was insecure when it came to Louis, but she proved over and over again that I had no reason to be. I wrapped my arm around her to pull her closer and we finished the movie before grabbing a few beers and talking. It was almost 3 in the morning when Louis and El left and I watched as Liv got up, yawned and stretched.
"I'm so tired, let's go to bed, yea?"
"We really should clean first." I pointed out, grabbing a few bottles.
I was about to bring them to the kitchen but she stopped me with a grimace and a groan. "Niall, we need to sleep. Come onnnn, we can do that tomorrow."
I stared at her and sighed, not really sure I liked the idea but I finally nodded and followed her to the room as she held my hand and pulled me with her. We fell asleep quickly but she did before me and for some reason, I enjoyed watching her snore lightly, her lips parted, as I held her close to me. These days, we fell asleep holding each other face to face and it was very different from our usual spooning. Still, I liked it but when I woke up, she was on the other side of the bed, her legs were over mine, and I smiled at how much she had moved.
I got up, put sweatpants on and made coffee before drinking a cup as I looked at the mess in the living room and the kitchen. She joined me about half an hour later, entering the kitchen as she yawned. It made me chuckle but I liked the mess of her hair and her lazy smile. I wanted that every single morning of my life.
"Slept well?"
"Yes but not enough." she just shrugged with an other yawn.
I poured her coffee in her favorite mug and we both drank in silence, leaned against the counter. After I was done, I put my cup in the sink and without turning back to look at her, I sighed.
"We need to clean now."
"Mm, I just woke up. We can do that later in the afternoon." she just shrugged.
"Liv, we need to clean now. That's what happens when we postpone these kind of things. It'll never be fun but doing it now means we can do something else after."
She stared at me a few seconds and sighed, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. I didn't want to argue with her, and I knew how messy she was, but she also knew I was the opposite and that leaving everything as is the night before had been annoying to me.
"Well I don't want to do it now."
I didn't expect that answer and took a step back as my eyebrows raised.
"Why are you being like that?"
"Why are you being like that?" she repeated. "This can wait! I can't believe we're arguing over that!"
"Olivia, please! We left this mess last night and we need to clean!"
"You knew how i was before I started living here, it's nothing new!" she let out a bit roughly.
"And you know how I was too!" I argued before she brought her hands to her face and sighed. "You need to make efforts, okay? I am!"
My voice was a bit too loud and I knew it but I was getting pissed. I couldn't believe we were arguing over something like that. After all we had been through, I didn't want to accept that something so silly could be what would end us.
"I just... I need a shower."
I left without waiting for her answer and stayed a bit too long under the hot stream but when I got out of the bathroom with clean clothes, my lips curled at the sight. She had cleaned a good part of the living room and was now working on filling the dishwasher. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder.
"Thank you." I whispered, leaving a few kisses on her neck and she finally turned in my arms to look in my eyes.
"I'm sorry."she sighed and licked her lips. "I'll make efforts, I promise."
We finished cleaning and ended up sitting at the table with an other cup of coffee and eggs. The problem was, I couldn't stop thinking that I was leaving in a few days and it bothered me. I wanted us to discuss it but at the same time, I was not sure she wanted to talk about it. I knew that she thought mentioning things out loud made them more real or concrete but ignoring them and pretending the problems weren't there wouldn't make them disappear.
"It's gonna be tough, you know. We'll be away from each other for quite a while."
It took her a few seconds to answer as she seemed focused on her coffee but after a while, she breathed in and sighed.
"I know it won't be easy, Niall, but I also know that it will never be as hard as it was without you for a whole year. So yea, I think we can get through this and come out stronger." she said in a calm way before looking up in my eyes. "I hate being away from you but that won't change my love for you, not even just a little."
I reached for her hand on the table and squeezed her fingers before sending her a small smile. "It won't change mine either. And you're right, that year without you was the worse I've ever been through."
"It's... different." she told cautiously, looking up at me and noticing my questioning look. "You spent that year without me because you decided it, it was your choice. You did it for a reason and you wanted to be alone to live things you clearly thought you couldn't live with me. But me... I suffered through it. You broke up with me, broke my heart... I lost my best friend and the love of my life at the same time, you know? We didn't live that year the same way."
I felt my heart thump hard in my chest and I just nodded very slightly, as we stared at each other.
"You know, Niall... you left me with nothing." she said and I could swear I heard her voice crack. "I tried to find someone else, to find what I was missing from someone else, but I never really found it because what I was missing was you." Once again, she breathed in and sighed. "I know it's not easy but maybe you should try to put yourself in my shoes and... try to understand how I feel, you know? How I felt all those months."
I remembered that she told me it was tough for her but I never really understood how hard it had been until I found out she had literally tried to kill herself. Still, I felt like I couldn't really know the feeling and never would be able to. I remained silent as her words kept running in my head and finally held my breath. I couldn't believe I was thinking about writing a song in such a deep moment but I was and I just shook my head.
"You're right, Liv." I admitted, reaching for her other hand and squeezing both of them tight. "I'll try to understand how you felt in that year we were apart, after I broke you. It's hard to imagine but, I know I've hurt you more than I ever hurt anyone else, and I'll listen to everything you have to say about it."
She sent me a fond smile and nodded. "I can't really put it in the past." she added low. "Not because I don't want to, but because I feel like it's part of our story. I thought I knew who you were, I thought you'd never leave. I mean, we've known each other for decades... I thought you would never break my heart. But it was hard to accept, you know? That I didn't know you as well as I thought I did. I felt like... you ripped my heart out. Like you stole something from me that I could never get back without really knowing what it was. And I wanted it back. The worst was.. I still wanted to be with you. If you had came back I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I was always thinking of you, no matter who I was with, and yes, it includes Louis."
I stared at her, blinking a few times but still remained silent. I didn't want to let go of her hands and I also didn't want to talk. I thought it was just time to listen.
"I just... I went in bars and clubs to change my mind, I tried to date other people, I tried to drink my pain away... I just wanted to get over you and nothing worked, because I had nothing left." She paused again and shrugged. "I learned that making you the center of my life was not a good idea but it was something I was used to, I did it since I was a kid. Now I don't want to do things for you, Niall. I want to do things for us, and I want you to do the same. It's a team work. I mean, it's us against the world, right? That's what we said?"
I sent her a bigger smile and nodded. "It is. You and me."
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Home - Part 21
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A/N- Thank you to everyone who’s still reading! I think there’s gonna be one more part and an epilogue then this will be done :) 💕 
32 weeks Pregnant
"Im so over being pregnant now Wanda you have no idea!" I moaned as we sat in the newly decorated nursery folding the baby clothes id washed through. The extension was finished and Bucky, Steve and Sam had done a great job of doing the twins nursery.
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Wanda had been amazing helping me with the girls, i was always so tired nowadays.
"I bet, it looks uncomfortable now. Im glad I'm only having the one!" She laughed holding a hand against her own tiny bump, she and Sam had found out she was pregnant 4 months ago.
"I told Bucky id be the size of a house with these boys! You've seen the size of him so its no surprise is it!" I laughed shaking my head as i rubbed the side of my stomach.
"You okay?" Wanda asked looking concerned.
"Yeah think I've got a foot digging in somewhere.... their running out of room in here now"
"Not long now hun"
"Im counting down the weeks, this whole pregnancy has flown by up until now! Now its taking forever"
"You getting nervous?"
"A little bit, but mostly i just want them here already"
"When is Bucky due back from his trip?"
"Later tonight, it was meant to be tomorrow but he won the case, it all got settled a lot earlier than he thought it would, his driving back tonight"
"Do you want me stay over until he gets home?"
"Its fine Wand his already arranged for Steve to stay when he gets back with the girls and stay until his home"
"Thats okay then, i just didn't want you being on your own"
"Im never on my own lately" i shook my head and laughed.
"Their very protective" she agreed, they had been terrible lately! One of them was always with me incase anything happened. The only reason they weren't here now was because Wanda was here!
"I know they mean well but they are driving me crazy! Every time i go to get up their there! I cant even go to the bathroom without questions"
"That would drive me crazy too! I'll kick Sam's ass if he does that!".
We spent another 30 minutes or so sorting the clothes and other bits before heading downstairs for some tea. Not long after that Steve got back with the girls, he had taken them to the zoo for the day and they all looked exhausted... Steve included!
"Hey you guys, have you had a nice day?" I asked as Allie and Brooke came straight over and cuddled up to me.
"Yeah it was soooo good" Allie smiled up at me before stroking my huge bump.
"Hi baby brothers! I missed you"
"I just felt a kick" Brooke laughed holding a hand to the side of my tummy where i had been feeling it before.
"Looks like they missed their big sisters huh?" I smiled at them both.
"Im gonna head home now Steve's back to keep you company. Call me if you need anything" Wanda said hugging me goodbye before saying goodbye to Steve and the girls and heading off.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep once Wanda had left. Steve ordered some pizza's for the girls dinner because he didn't want to wake me up, when i finally did wake up the pains in my side were back with a vengeance!
"You okay sweetheart?" Steve asked looking worried.
"Yeah just getting uncomfortable.... would you be okay keeping an eye on the girls while i go take a bath, see if it eases off a bit. They might move a bit so its not so bad"
"Yeah sure"
"thanks Steve" i gave him a smile and went up to the bathroom.
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I was sitting in the living room watching The Lion King with the girls when i heard Y/N calling for me.
"What??" I called back rushing upstairs to the bathroom "What is it??!" I asked from the other side of the door.
"Erm...I think the babies are coming!" She called back sounding like she was freaking out.
"Oh shit..... have your waters broke?!"
"How do i know im in the tub!! All i know is it hurts like a bitch!"
"Okay. Okay.... let me call Sam and Wanda to come look after the girls and i'll take you to the hospital"
"Call Bucky!! If this is it i want him there!"
"Okay im calling him now" i told her pulling out my cell and dialling Bucky.
"Steve...." she said quietly from inside the bathroom.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Im gonna need you to help me out of the tub..... i can't do it on my own"
Oh shit!
"Hey Steve, everything okay?" Bucky answered after the second ring.
"No Buck! No! Everything is not okay! I think Y/N's having the babies and now i have to go help her out of the tub!"
"What?? But its too early! This isn't supposed to be happening yet!!" Bucky said loudly "I'm still a couple hours out.... erm can you get her to the hospital and i'll meet you there?.... call Becca to come watch the kids...."
"Im gonna call Sam and Wanda their closer, Wanda said to call if we needed anything"
"Okay that works"
"Buck, what about the fact i gotta get your girl outta the tub??"
"Steve!! Will you hurry up for fuck sake!" Y/N yelled through the door.
"Just do it pal, you gotta help her for me"
"Okay, I'm gonna put you on speaker...."
As i opened the bathroom door i stuck my head in slowly and let out a sigh of relief when i saw she had pulled her towel over her to hide her nakedness.
"Did you reach Buck?"
"Im here baby" Bucky said as i put the phone down on the counter and went to help her up from the tub.
"Bucky..... how long are you gonna be?"
"Couple hours tops....i'll be there i promise! But i need you to go with Steve. His gonna stay with you until i get there"
Once i helped Y/N out of the tub i wrapped a dry towel around her and helped her into the bedroom so she could get dressed.
"Im gonna call Sam while you get dressed, i'll be just outside if you need me" i told her with a reassuring smile.
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Reader POV
I was still getting dressed when i heard the knocking at the front door.
"Uncle Steve, Uncle Sam and Auntie Wanda are at the door!" Brooke called up the stairs.
"Okay sweetheart, can you let them in please?"
"Steve, you can come in I'm dressed" i called to him, he came in and grabbed my bag i had packed for the hospital and then wrapped an arm around me to help me downstairs.
"You okay?" Wanda asked as soon as she saw me.
"Honestly i have no idea" i shook my head and laughed nervously "thanks for coming"
"No worries darlin'.... i blue lighted it here!" Sam laughed, that would explain how they got here so quick.
"Okay lets get you to the hospital.... i dont want to have to deliver these babies" Steve joked before leading me out to the car.
When we arrived at the hospital they took us straight through to a delivery room and made me change into a hospital gown (which Steve had to help with!) And then hooked me up to various machines to monitor mine and the babies heart beats. Id been here for over an hour now and the contractions were getting so much worse, i was already tired and i hadn't even gotten to the bad bit yet.... I'm pretty sure Steve hates me for squeezing his hand so tight every time a contraction hits, but he smiles through gritted teeth and tries to keep me calm.
"I want Bucky.... why is it taking so long?" I moaned after getting through a rather bad contraction.
"He'll be here soon sweetheart" Steve smiled brushing my sweaty hair back from my face.
"Thank you for staying with me Steve, I'm not sure how id be coping on my own" i told him truthfully "owww! Shit my back is cramping...."
"You can turn her onto her side and rub her back dad" a nurse that i hadn’t even noticed til now said to Steve as she checked the monitors.
"Oh... oh I'm not dad, I'm dad's best friend. His on his way"
"Oh sorry i just assumed. You can still help her out though" she shrugged.
"Sure, i can do that"
"Its fine you don't have to....." i started to say not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
"I got you, come on lets get you on your side" he smiled helping me roll onto my side so he could massage the cramp from my back.
"Oh my god Steve! You've got magic hands i swear!" I moaned as the pressure started to ease.
"Don't let Buck hear you moaning my name like that sweetheart he might kick my ass" he chuckled trying to make me laugh.
"Too late punk" came the voice of the man i was waiting for.
"Bucky! Your here!" I cried as he walked over and kissed me.
"I told you i would be didn't i?"
"I was just trying to help" Steve said quickly holding his hands up.
"I know, thanks Steve. Thanks for looking out for my girl" they exchanged a manly hug before Bucky took his place rubbing my back.
"Anytime, girls got a grip on her just a heads up. I think she broke my hand"  we all started laughing at that but the room fell silent when the alarm on one of the monitors started going off.
"What is that.....whats going on?!" I said panicking as the nurse came back in followed closely by the Doctor. The Doctor stood at the machine looking at a print out before turning to face us.
"Lay her on her back please.... at last one of the babies is in distress" the doctor said. Bucky helped me turn onto my back again and the Doctor started pushing around at my stomach.
"Ow!!!" I cried out in discomfort squeezing Bucky's hand.
"What are you doing!?" Bucky snapped at him looking like he was ready to murder the doctor.
"Im trying to turn the babies a bit, i think one of them may have the cord trapped...." he said as he continued trying to manipulate the babies positioning. Suddenly the alarm stopped beeping and he stepped back to the machine.
"Y/N, i think we're going to have to perform a c-section. The babies are in distress and your not dilated enough yet to do this naturally. Usually we'd give you some medication to help you along but i really don't want to leave them much longer. The quicker we can get them out the better" 
"Okay.... whatever you think is best Doc. I just want my babies to be safe"
"Nurse go tell them to prep the OR"
"Yes Doctor" she said quickly before rushing out.
"Lets go have these babies shall we?"
I nodded at the Doctor and turned to look at Bucky "Buck im scared"
"You'll be fine baby, i'll be right there. You've got this" he smiled kissing me quickly.
"I'll wait in the waiting room, good luck sweetheart" Steve beamed down at me pressing a kiss to my head before hugging Bucky. The nurse came back with a porter who pulled my bed out and started wheeling me down towards the OR, Bucky walking along side me holding my hand as we got ready to meet our newest additions.
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
@bbmommy0902 @past-perfect-future-tense @heathens-takeitsl0w @captainchrisstan @ladymelissastark @93generation @sebastianstansqueen @oceansxpurple @Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31 @superavengerpotterstar @cap-just-said-language @booktease21 @ms-betsy-fangirl @wildest-dream- @michelehansel @thummbelina @abbylizy @sweetlittlegingy @lorabem @barnesandrogersworld @dumblani @broco8 @xxloki81xx @keithseabrook27 @jesseswartzwelder @saiyanprincessswanie @stormi-ames
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