#idk! personal peeve but
tgirljoker · 11 months
idk i really dont like people characterizing haru as a vengeful person that only disliked akechi killing her father because she wanted to kill him herself. on top of the fact that its blatantly and wildly out of character it also feels like taking the easy way out to avoid acknowledging that people can have complex and sympathetic relationships to bad people lol
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sorrelpaws · 1 year
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proper refs for my new r&m ocs :-) more info BELOW
morty v-37 - basically gets used as a human shield and then promptly left for dead by his previous rick(which is why hes got the scar and prosthetics), y-4441 finds him and fixes him up + erases his memories of the whole nearly dying thing. he’s pretty chillaxed and a bit more cynical than an average morty, more “rickish” i guess idk. tends to be skeptical, likes poking holes in rick’s arguments/inventions etc etc but like in a teasing way
rick y-4441 - very peppy, upbeat and emotional. he kind of reeaalllyyy dislikes the cfc and stays away from it as much as possible, especially after finding and unofficially adopting v-37. he’s not as tech savvy as most rick’s, his abilities are more akin to s1 rick’s skill level? as in, he lives off of scraps of materials and creative solutions, less god-like and more “old man in garage who happens to know physics and chemistry”. loves to ramble about basically anything and happily indulges in morty’s hypotheticals/questions whatever. EXCEPT! for why morty doesnt have his fingers he shuts that topic down immediately just does not want to deal with that can of worms at allll
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bitchapalooza · 19 days
The whole crew assuming Luffy is naive about sex and dating in general but he is in fact the most knowledgeable on it, even more so than Sanji and Chopper(safe sex education blah blah blah). He’s literally never dated and has very little desire to, he’s openly sex repulsed, and yet this man will give THE BEST relationship advice you’ve heard in your life. He may not personally get what your going through but he’s a good third party to have since his advice isn’t clouded by a bias of some kind, he just states what he believes is the obvious smarter solution.
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Unpopular? Problematic? Opinion
I'm kinda new in Arda so maybe it's just me? It's something I haven't found out yet in the fandom? I'm honestly not sure because I'm the only one having a problem (not really a problem, just a pet peeve, I think?) with it, but...
(forgive my English, it's past midnight here and I'm eepy)
what is it that the fandom has with genderbending(or revealing they were the opposite gender all along) specific characters? and I mean Bilbo Baggins and dwarves specifically. I haven't seen a genderbent elf or human yet, but again I may be wrong.
It feels really weird because I've mostly (almost always) seen it happen when one of those characters was to be shipped with someone(of the same gender). And also I've actually only seen it with Bilbo, Ori, and Narvi (but, once more, I'm new so this might be inaccurate). I genuinely don't understand why? It doesn't bring anything to the plot except perhaps implying that dwarves can't tell dwarrow and dwarrowdams apart which actually only applies to literally all the other races. It feels so wrong to cancel mlm relationships by changing a character's canon gender.
I also don't like using non-canon pronouns(/gender) for characters in general because it feels like I'm misgendering them but that's a personal opinion.
But perhaps I'm just imagining things. So I'm genuinely asking if I've missed something or if it's just me not really understanding fanfictions/fandoms. Especially since I've only seen this happen with those specific characters, maybe someone can tell me whether it's true or not.
Idk if this makes sense, hopefully I wasn't disrespectful and didn't offend anyone.
Pls be nice I'm just a confused newcomer
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floofysmallbob · 3 months
I was scrolling Pinterest and I kept finding panels from the manga of Neito getting knocked out. Him being overdramatic doesn’t give anyone an excuse to knock him out and drag him by the collar. He gets karate chopped to the back of the neck so frequently no one blinks an eye at the fact that he is getting punched by someone who is strong enough to crush tungsten with just her fists. Also, he only acts overdramatic around Class A, his classmates know he’s not like that all the time, and it would be fine to just drag him away while he’s still conscious. It’s one thing when he’s saying things like the whole “Bakugou caused the downfall of all might” to provoke people, or when he’s fighting dirty, but when he’s just getting carried away laughing manically, there’s zero reason to knock him unconscious and drag him across the floor.
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writeouswriter · 1 year
If I ever have a character mention a modern app like Tiktok or something in one of my stories, please assume I’ve been bodysnatched or am being held hostage somewhere.
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tibli · 1 year
"mario only saves peach to get a kiss on the cheek" WRONG mario saves peach because shes his friend and he loves her and also because he's a good person who wants to help others. the cheek kiss is merely a nice bonus
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directactionforhope · 3 months
You know that annoying/ableist thing people do where they say that conservatives or bigots or assholes must have some disability or mental illness? E.g. "Those Trump supporters are all psychotic!" or "Racists are all brain damaged!"
I've found imho a pretty effective script for countering that without potentially Causing A Scene or getting someone mad at you:
Scoff lightly and say "Psychotic people deserve better than that comparison."
Also works for other stuff like "brain damaged" and "mentally ill" etc.
As long as you say it like you're joking with them, instead of like you're telling them off, I find it's pretty successful at getting people to go "Oh, hah, true" (tho sometimes a bit awkwardly) and then either self-correct or move on with the conversation.
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evansbby · 2 months
not me going through the steve rogers x reader tag and i find a post that’s like “pov you find a fic with amazing smut but it has daddy kink 👎” LMFAOOOO
i wonder if anyone’s read my fics and just immediately exited out as soon as they see the word “daddy” bc it’s in like EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fics 😂😂
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melit0n · 2 months
From a fic writer, please don't say 'I wish there was a second part to this!' or 'part 2?' to writers, like, ever, because it is unfortunately not the compliment you think it is.
Don't get me wrong, I love every person who's taken the time to comment and make sure I reply to them, but it always brings me down a bit to see people asking for a second part, especially if it is quite clearly stated as a oneshot. It's half of 'oh hey! They think my writing is good and want more of it :D', so I recommend the other stuff I have on my page, and half 'They just want more.' because, when it comes to those comments, there is nothing else but asking for more.
In a general sense, the author has put time and effort into making that fic//oneshot happen! Might've been inspired by a song and written out in two days, or it could've been intractably planned over weeks! It is still time and effort and self indulgence! Don't ask for more when there is obviously nothing else planned.
I think, nowadays, even with fic reading, it's become a matter of quantity; basing whether to read a fic off of kudos:reads ratio, only being able to read fics over 50k words and not accepting any less etc. People also have seemed to forgotten that fic writers are apart of fandom as well; they aren't influencers farming out massive fics every two months, and, when it comes to a oneshot, quite possibly want to leave it as that. A oneshot.
So, instead of asking for more, maybe compliment what is there! Talk about a favourite line or scene, or give some constructive criticism if the author allows it. Fill your belly on the food served and don't think of the extra plate you could have.
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snixx · 2 months
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no but who the fuck is courtney love. I have never heard of this person just looked her up and the most relevant thing she seems to have done in the past twenty years is slam taylor swift madonna and beyoncé. what DOES this say about me
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risingshards · 2 months
Pet peeve: when someone doesn't like something and starts inventing like production fanfic on why it's actually bad. I saw someone say a show I like isn't good anymore because they think it's not a labor of love anymore and just like...if I made something and poured my heart and soul into it and just got like "oh it's different now, they must not care like they did in the good old days, bad show now i guess" I'd be so sad...like they have no basis for it it was just about something in the credits being different.....
I'd almost respect it more if people were just saying they didn't like it without having that production fanfic sounding like they're trying to justify their opinion and make it like canon that it's bad because of these things they just like...made up that they think happened with it. but everything just feels like console war bullshit in fandom where there are cool Good ones and lame Bad ones and it wears me out cuz i'm a big sensitive baby when mine are in the lame Bad ones camp. i guess it's prolly always been that way but it just feels so draining lately.
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ssaalexblake · 6 months
that ppl genuinely got absolutely over the top bonkers pissed off at 13 not having christmas specials is just Weird on many levels. Like, who gives a damn? A bunch of the specials were mediocre actively because of the xmas gimmicks weirdly shoehorned in, and a couple of them weren't even like, christmas related other than the fact they aired on the 25th and could have been aired on any other winter date with no issue at all. And honestly, i had to look up the list of xmas specials and a couple of them are just so not notable that nobody (including myself) remembers they exist despite having watched them.
That people continued to be put out about the lack of xmas cheer when the only leads we had confirmed at the time were A) an alien; obviously not a Christian and B) the muslim woman she travels with, without really bothering to even think about asking the question 'would either of these women celebrate this holiday?' is actually just telling.
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I really don’t want to sound entitled or like I’m getting worked up over nothing but like...one of my biggest pet peeves is when you message someone and you see that they’ve read your message and they just DON'T RESPOND
I honestly understand that people may be responding and not hit “send” by accident or just outright forget to respond but...I don’t know it just rubs me the wrong way when it happens so frequently. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for something like a “Hey, I’m busy right now, I’ll message back soon” or “I don’t have an answer to your question right now, let me get back to you”. I feel like if you have the time to read the message, you have the time to send a quick response if you don’t have the time to have a full blown conversation.
And especially when you’ve explained how you feel about it more than once. I’m more sad than anything (having RSD really does not help me), I just automatically assume the worst when I don’t get a response when I know they’ve seen the message...am I allowed to feel this way or am I being dramatic?
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catwif3 · 5 months
i am a vocal a/b/o liker and one time i was talking to a friend abt this and it came up that i searched my ao3 bookmarks and only had like. 25/600 tagged a/b/o
but boy have i realized since then that the thing, the THING abt being sincerely into a/b/o is that. u read a lot of hot garbage. in that uGH YEAH i found that hot but it WASN'T GOOD and i would NOT recommend it . so i READ a lot of a/b/o and i bookmark. very little of it.
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
Getting slight motivation to write more cuz there's more fics about fnf mod characters and hardly about the OGs
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