#idk but it happens to me often
bbq-potato-chip · 6 months
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thinking about saiura
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puppyeared · 6 months
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i like him
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 3 months
Im sorry, I just don't believe a cishet person can truly understand the thing with swords and daggers
like, we all know stabbing as a metaphor for penetration has been catalogued with horney cannabalism, which trans people tend to take ownership of (this is what I have observed, I may have a biased view though)
and holding your lover with a blade against their throat against the wall or the floor, close enough to whisper to each other (objectively hot btw) is most often practiced by bi people
plus the whole talking while swordfighting (fencing being the most common) - well the euphemisms may speak for themselves, but the push and pull of dynamics is something seen most in gay men
and of course, we mustn't forget about the Incredibly Lesbian practice of gifting a blade (let's not pretend we haven't all wanted to be proposed to with a gilded dagger), or swearing your own in service to your lady, that whole thing is sapphic
let's not forget the forging, the making of the blade, the pounding of metal in the workshop, in solitude but for the steel and its song. I don't think there's anything more ace
so yeah, I think swords and daggers are gay as hell, what about it???
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skunkes · 2 months
can i ask why ur getting the surgery? /gen curious /no hate
i am getting a bi(lateral)salp(ingectomy) bc i never want to be pregnant or be a parent!
Even if i do change my mind later about the parent thing (not super likely but things can change, sure) theres noooo shortage of single parents lmao
And even if I never End Up In The Circumstance(s) Where I COULD Become Pregnant in my life, I'd want the peace of mind anyway...
I've always felt disgusted that this is something my body is capable of. I want it to be MY body and not a site and vessel for potential tragedy in any direction. And I want it to be something permanent and not dependent on access to services/medicines or even laws!!! Dis is a gender affirming surgery for me honestly...
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freewayshark · 5 months
It really does make me wonder what else has been shot down by Fox. Because buddie is obviously the thing that we’re more able to clearly connect dots on even before Oliver started saying anything about any of it, but you know it’s not the only thing, we just don’t have the threads to pull on for anything else
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fumifooms · 6 months
Fifth entry of my “Dunmeshi rarepairs I will birth with my own hands if I have to” series. This one’s straight up embarrassing, like of course the shadow version of Chilchuck and Marcille would get me.
It suddenly grabbed me out of nowhere. What got me thinking about it is this exchange, first comic third panel, because like… Woah. He knows she has a thing for Kabru? Or something. And he has NO FEAR. Like it’s so forward and has 0 pretenses lmao. And then I thought… And oh no. Oh no.
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"I can fix him" x "I can make her worse"
Very uptight and strict and rules-following and too self-aggrandizing tbh x will not hesitate to insult you to your face and sleazy and free spirit…. Kuro is involved in an ot3 of sorts in my head and basically they drag her into Situations of various moral standing aka scams or idk going to a club god forbid. I think she needs to relax and get taken down 1 peg maybe, and I think he needs like…….. Someone to teach him what is unhealthy lmao, also remind him to get work benefits, and if they can like get to feel safe and comfy with one another (and god just the road there would be a beautiful trainwreck to watch) they would be gossip besties worsties.
Kabru needs to be the epitome of morals but like, if it’s Mickbell she can lower the bar… Just for him… <3 She can fix him just a little and she’ll be like "wow! Ok I can settle for this amount of upstanding behavior from you Mickbell you get a gold star"
I never expected it ok I read this extra expecting nothing and god knows why I saw him be like "hey u like Kabru right. You’re his babysitter right. Which poor sap is being Kabru’s maid" with 0 fear and her being so casually pissed back at him and idk, how they’re so comfy being not polite with one another but they’re still coworkers-friends despite it… Crazy for how prickly they both are that they manage that much. They bicker and see each other as annoying at best but weirdly dependable and friends despite it all and……….. I am going to grow them in a lab and observe how I can make it work
MICKBELL IS A REBOUND MORE AT 9??? Maybe Rin and Mickbell have a one night stand and then the aftermath dynamic is this….. She probably regrets it. And then it gets more complex and grows into something odd as she becomes hyperaware of him and they have this little complicity thing going on….
I think cuddling with Kuro (who would be more like a platonic protective & soothing presence in his and Rin’s relationship rather than romo) would destress her actually I think she needs and deserves it. Go to a dog cafe bbygirl it’ll fix you. So what I’m saying is the three of them watch a movie and Rin and Mickbell are sitting on Kuro’s laps and everyone is so comfy. Kuro’s legs die halfway through but he’s self-sacrificing it’s fine….. Actually Mick is on his laps Rin’s just nuzzled into his side. There, fixed. I am so weirdly invested in them… They’re funky to think about. Rin seeing Mickbell and Kuro like "you guys are aware that what you two have is fucked up right" and then joining them in the messy dynamic 🤝  Put them in situations. That will be all.
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The sheer amount of sass on their own, let alone together…
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Make them get drunk together it’ll be glorious
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shepscapades · 3 months
R u gonna submit your dbhc hermits to artfight?
!!! Maybe, actually! Since I have a bit of time off this summer i was thinking about doing art fight for the first time (< said like the littlest most nervous guy ever)
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wowitscoldoutpt2 · 4 months
I have to stop playing games where ur a little guy who dies at the end because contemplating my mortality is not good for my mental health
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maudiemoods · 16 days
Hate hate hate the idea of being catcalled but also hate hate hate that I never get catcalled it's stupid I hate it
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the-woman-upstairs · 4 months
It’s just…so painful to watch Armand readily submit in order to obtain the love he so desperately craves. And while it’s most assuredly a manipulative tactic, it’s still one borne out of fear and desperation. He cannot lose this person he’s come to love and so will become whatever they want, do whatever they want just so they’ll stay with him. But it won’t be enough. No matter how much he acquiesces or seeks to control (himself, others, the environment), he won’t be able to make Louis stay with him in the perfect life, perfect self he built in the hopes of finally being loved. It will all crumble with Armand left alone in the rubble of what he created, the author of his own abandonment.
#this unfortunately hits way too close to home for me#let’s not even get into Claudia’s anger at never being enough#iwtv spoilers#interview with the vampire#armand#this is just me speaking from personal experience…but there is definite manipulation at play here from Armand#and I don’t necessarily mean that pejoratively- when you’re desperate for people to like/love you you’ll become whatever they want#or whatever you think they’d want and you give it to them so they’ll want to keep you around#I’ve done it so often with the people in my life- and make no mistake it’s also a survival tactic#you give someone what they want they won’t hurt you#and when that’s how you survive for years and years it becomes the default method of interacting with others#even with normal people who genuinely mean you no harm you revert to that people pleasing mode#as a means of control both external and internal#this is what i see armand doing- his way of surviving that he’s never truly broken out of#armand ceding coven control to Louis and curating the Dubai penthouse for Louis are part of the same pattern of behavior#and even tho it’s ultimately harmful and will only end badly for armand and Louis’ relationship#idk if armand knows how to not exist that way with someone he loves/desires#all of this also ties into louis and daniel#because of course Armand will lose it over Louis finding connection and interest with someone else aside from him#someone HUMAN no less#and I can see Armand taking out his anger on Daniel as a way of expressing his own frustration at still not being enough for Louis#breaking daniel’s mind in a desperate attempt to understand why this human could reach Louis in ways he couldn’t#not saying any of this to excuse Armand and his behavior obviously (I’m very upset and worried over the trial looming on the horizon)#but I do understand this impulse and how you’ll throw ANYONE under the bus in order to preserve your place with loved ones#it’s all horrifying but unfortunately I empathize#like even if Louis is right to walk out on him when he learns/remembers the truth of what happened to Claudia#I’ll probably still find myself saddened by Armand’s fate because I’ve absolutely been there myself#it’s a tragedy of his own making- his fear and desperation birthing manipulative and controlling behaviors#that ultimately result in your own abandonment#god this fucking show
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Qualifiying - Fernando Alonso
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barghest-land · 7 months
tw suicide thanks to everyone who reached out and helped with the info, i'm sorry i can't really respond to messages rn cuz i just don't have any resources for it if anyone ever needs it tho, this thing works no matter where you're from and calling them from overseas isn't even expensive. it's english mostly but it's possible to talk in spanish to them too, idk about other languages; they also have a department (?) specially for queer people: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: +1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) i thought it might also help someone. a few things that were important to me: it's also a crisis line. no, u don't have to be suicidal to call, no, u don't have to stand-on-the-roof-ready-to-jump to call. they usually call back on the next day to check if everything is ok, but they can't call back overseas. u can always do that urself if u need to tho that's ok too. also ofc u don't have to share any personal info. in my case it's also good that i don't have to speak my native language cuz i don't want a call to be traced by some phrases.
stay safe
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townslore · 1 year
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watching the miraculous movie has done irreversible damage to my brain. hands you miraculous shuake au.
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3-aem · 2 months
reading im courting you now i guess by solarbishop and its so cute i love the characterization its like warm milk for my exhausted brain
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pitske · 7 months
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crystaltreebee · 2 months
just putting this out there
just because you are a minor does not make the things your saying about the minors ok.
This is directed towards most fandoms with young characters and actors.
just because you’re a minor doesn’t make your actions any less creepy/harmful. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOURE TALK ABOUT THE REAL ACTUAL ACTORS.
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