#idk how I’ve fallen this hard for a train but here we are
fireflamemyers1978 · 1 year
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He’s just so damn cute UGH >//<
(I just love him so much eeeeeee)
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gallaghersgal · 10 months
𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader
summary: just lip being a cute bf + debbie and ian being little shits
warnings: lowercase on purpose. poorly written tbh. swearing but y’all know how it is. heavily unedited. gen said yolo so i’m posting
A/N: i’ve been on hiatus for god knows how long but my roommate and i started watching shameless and i can’t get this mfer out of my head. things w school and life are hard rn so i just wrote this comfy cozy little thing in my notes app. yolo asf.
wordcount: probably like 500 or less idk i wrote it in my notes app at 1am
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you’re nestled in lip’s arms, high up on his rickety top bunk. somewhere between finishing your nails and kissing until you could barely breathe, you had fallen asleep right against his chest.
you stirred now, your cozy world interrupted a squeaky little voice. “are you in love with her?” debbie questions.
lip shushes his sister, “be quiet, she’s sleeping.”
you were wide awake now, but much too comfortable to move and make that little fact known. plus, you wanted to hear his answer.
“i asked you a question dummy. are you in love with her?”
lip stutters, “i-i dunno. i really like her, okay?”
you’re satisfied with that answer. “in love” was a little too much too quick. but “really like” was something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“what d’ya like about her?” ian presses.
you can practically hear the gears turning in lip’s head as his siblings impatiently await a response.
“she’s- i dunno, she’s pretty?” lip replies. you hold back a scowl, annoyed at him for not having a better answer.
“yeah, great rack,” debbie comments.
“jesus, deb!” lip’s head falls back in frustration, one hand coming to cradle your head as not to wake you with the sudden motion.
“cut the shit lip,” ian interrupts. “tell us what you really think.”
you hold your breath as you wait for his response. his lips brush your hairline before he sighs. “she’s sweet, yeah? real kind.”
“a real woman of the people,” ian snorts, “princess diana type.” then “ow!” as you hear debbie shove him.
“and- and she’s real smart, too,” lip continues. “really, really fuckin’ smart. an’ she works hard. she just tires herself out sometimes.”
he strokes your hair gently, pressing a few more fleeting kisses to your forehead.
“you’re so whipped.”
you hear debbie shove her brother again, and this time ian fights back, the two making a ruckus as they push each other back and forth.
“come on guys, out. now.” lip orders his siblings around with that same stern voice you’ve heard plenty of times before.
debbie pouts. “but-“
“no buts. go on, she’s fuckin’ sleepin’ in here an’ you’re gonna wake her up. fuck off.”
“we were just-“
“fuck. off.”
“jesus,” you can practically hear ian roll his eyes. “alright, alright. we’re going.”
debbie yells for fiona as the two shuffle out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind them.
you smirk to yourself as lip groans above you, showing your cards. “you’re awake?”
you peer up at him through your lashes, a smirk planted on your lips that he’s just dying to kiss off. “can’t believe your little sister said i have a great rack,” you whisper.
lip laughs, loud and genuine. “yeah, she’s been stuffing fi’s old training bras. growin’ up an’ shit. i don’t like it.”
you’re quiet for a moment, admiring him. you know how important those kids are to him. he’d do just about anything for them, including the minor crimes you find him tangled up in on a weekly basis. he loves them like they’re his own kids, which honestly they kind of are. they may shove each other around, curse each other out, yell and scream at the top of their lungs, but at the end of the day lip has been more of a father to his siblings than frank ever was.
“you really meant all that?” you ask.
lip looks down at you, his blue eyes soft in the dim light. “yeah. yeah, i did. meant every word.”
you smile, leaning up to place a solid kiss on his lips. “for what it’s worth,” you murmur, “i really like you too.”
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readychilledwine · 1 year
idk what sort of crack you put in cat and mouse but i’ve read it 5 times now, please tell me there’s more i’m literally so desperate🧎‍♀️ like the way reader was laughing when devlon screamed or the way she said down boy to azriel???? i kinda want y/n ngl👀 ugh i need to see rhys helping her rewire her mind or her accepting the mating bond w az plssss🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
I only purchase the best Crack for my followers 💙
Paradise Lost - Cat and Mouse Prequel Part 1
But part two in the Starwars release sense. Like a prequel.
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Summary - After being hired to take out The Night Court's dangerous spymaster, y/n finds herself trapped between a rock and hard place.
Warnings - mentions of rape allegations, attempted murder, mentions of murder, time jumps to try to prevent this from being 4 billion parts, mind control
A/n - sheeeees baaaaaack 💜 the prequel is going to end up being multiple parts. I do not like having my stuff end up over 4k words, I feel like reading that can be difficult, and with modern technology, distractions happen and you accidentally exit and lose your place and you're le sad. If you all disagree and would be interested in a 6-7k part, let me know 💙 p.s. these parts are going to fulfill several anonymous asks, so each one will be under a different ask
Word count - 3511 (not including time jump stamps)
Cat and Mouse Part 2
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High profile targets had never scared you.
You'd been watching him for several weeks now. Memorizing every step, every habit, what he ate and drank. 
You knew you had one shot at this mission. One singular shot. If you failed, if he got away, you were as good as dead.
Your first lesson when you were trained on the different courts of Pryithian was do not fuck with the Night Court. Missions involving them were in and out while kept clean and untraceable. Their High Lord would find you if you left that opening, and you'd never be seen or heard from again.
The first lesson you had learned on the street was not to mess with the Shadowsinger. The reason the High Lord would find you. The reason you were currently strolling Velaris under the mask of some young fae female one of your, for a lack of a better term, co workers had killed. She had no family, no friends, just a simple life on the poor outskirts of town. She sold her body for food and money. Which was how she ended up in his talons. How all the faces you wore ended up in his talons actually. 
Taking out Azriel was not going to be an easy task, but you had discovered one weakness: 
The male loved a beautiful face. Even more so when he thought she was defenseless.
You also noticed he had a type. Blondes with doe eyes. You could not fake the blonde hair or big lost brown eyes without magic. But a defenseless female in need of rescue was easy, especially since the same co-workers who were more than happy to disguise you would be more than happy to attempt to kill you. 
So you scheduled it. Letting your keeper know what you needed and when. Letting him know specifically non lethal shots on the shadowsinger with faebane would let you have an easier chance at taking him out somewhere privately.
Azriel, despite his intelligence, had fallen for it. And now he sat strapped to a chair in a ran down cabin in the woods with you watching him. You should have ended it instantly, but per the client's request, you were asked for three things, a confession of his crime, one of his hands to prove he was dead, and the pretty dagger you were translating the wyrdmarks off of.
"I know you're awake," you purred to him finishing another character. "You won't be able to contact him. Shackles, little pup."
He scoffed before lightly chuckling. "If you knew I was awake, why are we just sitting here?"
You shrugged. "I was hoping you'd start the conversation first. Or explain to me how you have a Cauldron made weapon in your possession."
"You took me hostage, I believe you should be explaining to me." 
You looked at him, pursing your lips slightly and nodding. "Not much to explain, little pup. I'm getting paid to kill you. Why is interesting, though." You paused, setting the dagger on the table and grabbing the parchment before sitting on the ground cross legged in front of him. He was almost appalled by the action. It was a backhanded way of you saying you very clearly did not see him as a threat.
"Does Princess Alyana of Rusk ring any bells for you?" 
His lip twitched, eyes sparkling with mischief briefly. "Perhaps."
You just nodded. "Can I ask what exactly the thought process behind raping a princess is? Did you think the King wouldn't ask for your head on a pike?"
Azriel looked at you in shock, hazel eyes wide, and jaw slightly opened, "I did not rape her."
You looked at the weathered parchment again, reading the soft swirling letters of the King. Letters beautified by years of practice you'd never be able to have. "According to her story of the night you were caught in her room, you had came in the window, raped her, and only left before killing her because the guards were coming." You bend the parchment keeping all other lines and information secret and showed him. 
His jaw twitched and anger was set in. "I did not harm or rape her. She invited me to her chambers and into her bed. I would never harm a female."
"A lie," you said softly. "I've watched you drag several into the prison and leave covered in blood. Their blood."
"They were spies and traitors."
"I didn't realize an occupation changed your gender. Do your little shadow wraiths know you believe they are not females? How about sweet Morrigan? She is technically a traitor to the Court of Nightmares. Do you believe she isn't female as well?" You rose a brow in challenge. 
Slow realization hit Azriel's face causing you to smile at him. "If you laid a fucking hand on-"
"Relax, pretty boy. I'm only here for you." You stood patting his head, "your special day." 
"What group are you with?" 
You smirked under the mask you were wearing but kept the outside face neutral. "Does it matter?"
"What is your name?"
"No one. I am no one." You answered automatically.
"So the House of the Faceless from the Silent Isles. What happened to the girl you probably murdered?"
"I didn't kill her. Unlike you, I actually do not harm women or females. Do you have a preference on how you die? Poison, stabbing, burning to death?" You looked at his hands. "Probably not that one, huh? Drowning! Polar opposite." He balked at your excitement. "I thought it was a fun option," you crossed your arms. "Been awhile since I water boarded someone."
Azriel shook his head, laughing. "So you won't even give me an honorable death?"
"I'm not fucking stupid enough to fight a Carynthian hand on hand nor with weapons." You could have sworn you saw him smirk. "I'm also not stupid enough to think taking away these," you held up one of his siphons, "means I'm safe if I let you out of those shackles."
Azriel had not even noticed his siphons were gone and he looked down. "How did you know how to remove those?" 
Your brain flashed to a nightmare, one of winged male standing over you. One of pain before you were tossed to your keeper. "Lucky guess," your voice was distant. 
He huffed. "You're illyrian." It wasn't a question, but a statement. "That's why your scent is off. A high fae would not carry the scent we do." 
You felt your world building pressure and rubbed your temples. "Look, this has been fun, but I'm over it." You grabbed the bloodbane you had purchased soaking it on one of your own daggers. 
"If you're going to kill me, at least do me the kindness of getting to see who is actually killing me." You sighed heavily. "Can I give you a word of advice as well? Shackles only work when you aren't dealing with someone who can pick a lock. You also talk way too much."
You had anticipated this, truthfully. You caught his wrist as he went to swing on you and leg swept him to the ground. "The shackles you were in were coated in faebane and bloodbane, torture Master." You straddled his hips as he held his chest to catch his breath. "My hands were also covered in it so you just welcomed it right back into your bloodstream." 
"Go fuck yourself."
"I do nightly," you did something Azriel wasn't expecting then, lifting the skin of the mask off of your face and throwing it to the fire to cancel the magic it also held on your body.
He was right. You were illyrian. An absolutely beautiful illyrian. Long dark hair falling into loose curls, long dark lashes, tan skin, spell binding hazel eyes. "Definitely Illyrian," he coughed out. "At least I'm going to die looking at something beautiful." He had you at the comment. You stilled completely hand barely wrapped around the dagger. "Has no one ever told you that you were beautiful?" He watched you blink, eyes glazing over and shutting as if he had called a painful memory forward. "Can I know your name?"
"No one," you whispered again. "I am no one." You finally looked at him, and you both felt it. You both felt that painful snap. A snap that now shattered your world. You were about to kill your mate. The one thing you'd always hoped would rescue you from the loneliness of your lifestyle. You dropped the dagger, feeling as if someone had just split your world in two. 
"You don't have to do this," he cooed softly to you. "You don't have to kill me. We can talk about this. I can help you. Take you somewhere safe." You stared at him ad he tentatively stepped towards you, hands grabbing your upper arms. "I won't hurt you. No one is ever going to hurt you again."
You knew he meant it. You handed him a vial, the only antidote you had, and then the free faebaned shackles you had also hidden. Turned so he could shackle you behind your back. 
He was so gentle as he did, kissing the back of your head. "You're going to be safe, little hellcat. I promise." 
You heard and smelled them before you saw them. "Well what happened here, Az?" A playful male voice asked. You heard the parchment on the desk moving and closed your eyes as the scent of citrus and sea moved closer to you.
"Hmm. A no one. Who'd you piss off, Azriel?"
"King of Rusk," the playful voice was no longer playful. "The assassin known by the name Eden was specifically requested." It quoted the letter reading the rest of it slowly. "She must be Eden."
You felt the male in front of you trying to rummage through your mind, and looked up at him. His eyes were filled with sympathy and heartache. "You poor creature. I am so sorry, darling." He looked at Azriel. "Put her in one of the nicer cells at the prison until we can trust her." His hand went up as Azriel, as your mate's breath hitched. "She was sent here to kill you, Az. Regardless of the bond, she is dangerous. Ensure she is given real food, she hasn't ate since she came to Velaris almost a week ago. I'm going to need her in better health to untangle the mess they have her in." 
2 weeks later
Rhys sat on the chair across from the small bed he had allowed to be brought into your cell. Watching as you pulled your legs up and hid your face in your knees.
"You should have a camp brand. It would have been done when you were a babe since you are female. Do you have any odd scars?" His voice was always gentle with you. 
"I can't remember," you answered honestly. You hardly remembered Illyria. Hardly remembered you were even Illyrian or what that even meant. "I remember when I was taken to the school-"
"When you were sold like a pig for slaughter to sell swords, darling." He interrupted. "You weren't taken to a school. You were taken to a temple that purchases children they believe have potential to become assassins if they can wipe their memories and humanity well enough. They unfortunately succeeded with you. Every memory you have is locked in a box in your mind."
"They used food," you whispered softly. "If I asked about something, my first punishment was food. First a week, then two. After that it was poisoning."
"Which is why you can touch fae and blood banes." You could sense the pain in his voice. "Are you comfortable taking the dress off for me? I want to see if I can find your brand." You complied, standing slowly to lift the soft cotton dress Azriel had given you off your frame. 
Rhys stood and walked around you in a circle, hand pausing as it grazed over a scar on the side of your hip. "They cut it out of you." You watched him from the mirror as he proceeded to your back, breath hitching and his eyes closing. "Were your wings removed by them or before?" Rhysand watched as your eyes glazed over, as your mind heard a male screaming at you. As your mind heard what he could only assume were your terrified screams from childhood. "Before." His voice cracked. "I know who did, though."
That night in Windhaven, Rhys slammed Devlon's face into the desk. "Who is she?" He forced her to stare at the drawing one of the twins had done of you. "I've heard you screaming at her in her memories. Who the fuck is she?"
Devlon shook his head. "I had nothing to do with what happened to her."
"That's not what I'm asking." Rhys was growling. "Tell me willingly or Azriel will carve it out of you." Rhys held his mind, pulling at it slightly until the male screamed an answer.
"She a bastard of my oldest son." Devlon answered. "He thought getting rid of her would make his and that whore he was laying with lives easier. They sold her. I didn't know."
Azriel growled and lunged. "Her name. What's her name?"
"Y/n," Devlon panted. "Y/n."
1 month later
Countless days were spent with Rhysand in your mind, unwinding memories like a spool of yarn in the paws of a kitten. He had taken mercy on you today after a brutal session that ended with you collapsing into Azriel's arms.
Azriel sat across from you, eating the soup he had brought to share with you. "Rhys might let me move you to the House of Wind," he spoke between spoons. "You'd be warded to a room there between myself and Cassian, but you'd at least have a window and a view." You felt his heart pinch when you looked at him. 
His eyes filled with sadness, with longing, with sympathy. "I know it isn't much. But it's better than here." You nodded, pushing the soup away. "Are you not hungry?"
"I don't like leaks," you responded gently. 
Azriel laughed softly. "I've never heard an illyrian complain about food before. I can have Rhys bring you something else tonight. Is there anything specific you want?"
You were in no position to ask for anything special. Especially not what your mind was trapped on. But you didn't realize Azriel sensed it through the bond and had immediately asked Rhys to go to the bakery you had walked by and almost went into every day. "You aren't our prisoner, little hellcat." Azriel put his bowl down and moved to kneel in front of you. "You are my mate, and I know it feels like an empty promise, but I promise you that once Rhys believes your mind is safe and secure, you will have more freedoms. You're here because we do not know the extent you were controlled at. Surely you know what other organizations do to their assassins?"
You did. Your body shivered at the thought of the spiders they used to turn the fae who worked for them into nothing more than a mindless shell. "Winter has this tea," you started slowly. "I don't remember what it is. But it's sweet but spicy?" Azriel rose a brow. "Not like my mouth is on fire spicy, but.. like… tooth paste?"
He smiled. "I have that at home. I will bring some to you tomorrow." He leaned forward to kiss your forehead and then rested his forehead against yours. "You are so brave, y/n." 
He watched as your eyes glazed over. As your mouth slightly parted and your body stilled.
You were trapped in a memory. A memory of another little male, his wings held high and proud on his back as you two ran and played. He was wearing rags, covered in dirt. You knew this memory, you had dreams about it. "Wait for me!" You heard yourself giggle. "Cassian, wait for me. Why do you run so fast?"
"Because, y/n, I gotta be fast if I'm going to be better than everyone else here some day!"
That bright smile, that playful voice. Rhys was dead silent in the corner, sharing the memory with Azriel. "Az, go get him." 
Rhys sat with you as Cassian entered the cell. He watched as Rhys cradled you to him. "Cassian, can you sit down please?"
The general nodded, continuing to watch. His eyes glazed over as Rhys showed him the memory and the countless others that followed. 
Cassian's voice was choked. "I thought she had died. Her dad came screaming one day his daughter had been taken. Her wings were… they were pinned to his cabin door, Rhys." Cassian felt sick thinking back to his childhood crush's wings hanging limply by the membranes, blood soaking the wood porch and steps. "It Was a few weeks before you came."
"Do you know if they branded her on her hip, Cassian?" The male nodded immediately. 
"You two should talk for a little bit," Rhys cupped your face delicately. "I have to go pick up those cookies you've been thinking about. I will be back in a few hours. If another memory comes, scream for me in your mind." 
Cassian tooks his place, his hands also coming to cup your cheeks. "You are so beautiful. You know that?"
All three of them made it a point to tell you that now. Surely if three attractive males thought you were beautiful, that had to be true.
A couple weeks later
Rhys was in your mind again, digging and digging while you cried. It was painful. So fucking painful. It felt as though you were being pulled into half by two horses. 
Like someone was cutting you limb by limb.
You hated these sessions. Where you had to sit there, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles had gone white, holding in screams and whimpers, and crying. 
"Found it," Rhys smirked. "It's a spell. A damn good one, but still just a spell. Meaning it can be broken." He was still in the jungle he had begun to call your mind, stopping at another memory. "I was wondering who killed him. A shame, really. I would have paid to watch that in person. Many of us would have."
Rhys wrote down the name of a former hybern General you had slaughtered and hung. He had started keeping track. Every king, queen, general, or fae you killed sat in a pretty notebook. 600 names. 
600 names lined those pages like a bloodstain in white clothing.
You validated it to yourself. Cruel kings. Corrupt queens. Predators. You were only ever assigned to the worst cases, being too skilled to be wasted on petty killings.
"Stop." Rhys ordered softly. "Do not focus on what you have done. Focus on how we move forward, darling. We have a home Azriel and Cassian like to stay in. I'd like to move you there."
Azriel held you close as he walked you into your new room at the House of Wind. "Cassian is directly across the hall, I am right next to you." You nodded, arms crossing over your chest as you took in the room. Guilt sat deep in your stomach. How much had they spent to decorate it? To furnish it? 
You took in the gold hues swirled in with blacks and greys. The wooden desk with hand carved swirls and edges. The couch and chairs. Your eyes locked in on the bed though. A real, plush, 4 poster bed. It would easily fit you and Azriel if you ever desired. Rhys appeared behind you two, his heart tightening at the sentence he knew was about to come out. A sentence all too familiar to him. 
"I've never had one." 
Azriel looked at you, "A room to yourself?"
You shook your head. "No. A real bed. We were not even allowed to sleep on beds during missions. Only blankets." He watched you walk to the bed, gently squishing a beaded throw pillow in your hands. 
"Darling," Rhysand said softly. "I have a friend who believes he can break the spell in your mind. He is concerned about potential consequences, though."
You were too lost and the luxury of the fabric to respond. The silk sheets covering the bed were the softest thing you'd ever felt. Rhysand and Azriel did not say anything, nodding to each other to leave the room with a gentle click behind them.
You pulled the blanket back further on the sheets, and curled yourself into the mattress. 
Your eyes began to flutter shut frequently, mind stilling as you felt a wave of comfort and protection come your way. Soon, the light of the room faded, and you walked into a dreamers pathway of sleep. 
Helion had come to the House of Wind that night. Flown there blindfolded by Cassian. He stood in Rhysand's office, a deep red wine in one hand as he crossed his arms over his pecs. "So she's at least 300 years old and has been held under a mind control spell for the majority of that time?"
The three illyrian males nodded in response. "Breaking it could kill her if it's done in one shot. Unraveling it, though, releasing her piece by piece may be safest." 
Azriel looked down. "How long would that take?"
"Years," Rhysand answered. "Her mind has to heal enough with each break or else her humanity and morals flooding her all at once can have consequences if it doesn't just shatter her mind." 
Helion nodded. "Our mind is a delicate place. Having it tampered with that long is dangerous. For us and her. I would need to see it and feel it to fully determine how safe it is."
Azriel nodded. "I'll go get her."
His footsteps felt heavy and defeated as he moved through the House of Wind. He paused at your door, lost in thought, but shook off his doubt as he knocked.
If anyone would be able to help you, it would be Rhysand and Helion.
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lyrakanefanatic · 9 months
Songs that I think would fit phone girl and graysons relationship pt. 2!!
dancing with our hands tied by taylor swift: I remember a mutual saying this in the comments of my last “songs i think would fit PG and graysons relationship” post but I can’t remember who, I think it was @reminiscentreader but I’m rlly not sure sorry 😭😭
“I, I loved you in secret” I imagine that they would keep their “situation” (i have a good feeling they will like kiss or something like that but then the next day will pretend like nothing happened or something pushes them apart?? Idk it’s a trilogy so jlb can’t give them a relationship right away) a secret from the hawthornes and the other contestants for a while when they do become official, but nash catches on first
“first sight, yeah, we love without reason” it was technically love at first sight bc gray kind of had feelings for PG when she first called him, when usually it wasn’t love at first sight for his past relationships (which is how u know they’re gonna be endgame 😍)
“My, my love had been frozen, deep blue, but you painted me golden.” basically how his past relationships had left him heartbroken and “blue” but when he met phone girl he really started to fall for her which “painted him golden”
“I, I loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us” grayson afraid of something tearing him and PG apart and almost expecting something to happen, or just expecting himself to drive her out like he did with his past relationships (😭😭)
“I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” grayson literally says (when he’s describing his “girlfriend” to Gigi in the brothers hawthorne) that his supposed girlfriend, “wasn’t perfect, and when im with her, I don’t have to be either.” so this is very fitting LOL
fallen star by the neighborhood: yes, im only putting this one here bc I saw an edit that @herondalesbooklover posted and I liked the audio, so whatever sue me 😔
“I’ll keep you far away from me, like a star” Graysons habit of driving the people he loves out, and I can see him distancing himself away from PG bc he’s scared of falling in love again 💔
“Hard not to fall for you, I gave you all my heart” again, its Grayson trying (and failing) to not fall for phone girl, even though he knows she has his heart and always will 💗💗😜
“Further apart, the closer, the closer, the closer that we are” he’ll try not to get close to her, but he can’t keep himself away for too long and I have a feeling he’ll find himself getting attached and unable to block her out like he usually does with the people he loves
“You’re in my dna, I can’t keep away no matter how hard I try” like I said with ⬆️ one, he’ll try to keep her away but no matter how hard he tries, he will always find himself coming back to her (😭😭💗💗)
“I’m on a one way train and it’s far away, but you’re still on my mind” grayson will always run back to her every. single. time. just because of how much he loves her 💕😭
i can see you by taylor swift: this song is kinda averyjameson too but whatever i feel like it’d be fitting for PG and grayson too
“You brush past me in the hallway, and you don’t think, I, I, I can see you, do you?” I don’t rlly have a reason behind this line but “you brush past me in the hallway” would fit the kind of “professional” setting they have going on 😍
“I’ve been watching you for ages, and I spend my time trying not to feel it.” Okay PG hasnt really been “watching” him for ages but she has been kind of calling him and checking up on him, (for the riddle lmao) plus I feel like she’d try to deny the fact that she likes gray bc of her fathers death being somewhat related to the hawthornes
“But what would you do if I went to touch you now? What would you do if they never found us out? What would you do if we never made a sound?” Again, i feel like they’d keep their “relationship” a secret from everybody else until they become official
“And we kept everything professional, but somethings changed, something I, I like” Graysons probably gonna be a “helper” in the games so I feel like he’d try to keep a professional air with PG at first until he starts to develop feelings (not like he already didnt have feelings for her when she just called him LOL)
“They keep watchful eyes on us, so it’s best that we move fast and keep quiet” Okay but just think about how many people are on that island (there’s probably some maids, bodyguards, the hawthornes, and ofc the contestants) and then having to keep ur relationship a secret with all those people around 😭😭 but anyways once people start to kind of catch on, they’ll definitely pay closer attention to PG and gray just to see if the rumours are true
“I could see you in your suit and your necktie” suit. necktie. literally couldn’t have been anymore obvious 💀💀
“Passed me a note saying, ‘meet me tonight’” to discuss clues for the game or to do other things.. 😜
“Then we kiss, and you know I won’t ever tell, yeah” again, it’s just them keeping their relationship a secret from the other contestants + hawthornes
gorgeous by taylor swift: I haven’t listened to this song in a while but I did a few days ago and just realized how much it sounds like PG and gray omg 🫢
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk” probably just her mocking how “self obsessed” he sounds and also how he just expects to get what he wants and just the phrase “the world bent to the will of grayson hawthorne” 💀
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong” this man does have a strong magnetic field, bc tell me why every girl he’s ever talked to likes him? 💀😭 (including phone girl 🤭)
“You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much” this is so phone girl towards grayson omg.
“Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you’ve ruined my life, by not being mine” his family did kind of ruin her life, but add a romantic twist 😍
“You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face, cause look at your face” grayson definitely is gorgeous, and I know phone girl found him attractive too 🫢 (who wouldn’t)
“And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way” ofc she’d be mad she has a crush on him, his grandfather was probably the reason her dad died 😭
“But what can I say? You’re gorgeous” 🤭.
“You should take it as a compliment that I’m talking to everyone here but you” probably PG trying to avoid grayson for a bit after she realizes she likes him
“And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room” maybe at an event, or that masquerade ball, graysons hand brushes against PG or he holds it while dancing and she gets butterfliesss 🤭🤭💗
“If you’ve got a girlfriend I’m jealous of her, but if you’re single that’s honestly worse” I feel like she would be jealous of his “girlfriend”, eve, but would also be like “what. 😧” when he says he’s single bc HOW??!
“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die” ik shes crushing hard on those ocean orbs of his 🤭
“There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” she “can’t have” him bc Tobias was apparently behind her fathers death, which is why she tries to deny she likes him
“You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad” her being mad she likes him 💀
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
As much as I love Roy telling Jamie he’s proud of him (and then maybe not punching him in the face aftewards, idk, could be a thing) I’ve also grown partial to the idea of Jamie telling Roy that he’s proud of him, ‘cause well, Roy needs a bit of that too, I think.
I haven’t got the details figured, but maybe something vaguely along the lines of the ending to the “My Fallen Idol” episode of Scrubs, where Dr. Cox (having failed to save several of his patients) is depressed, drunk and not talking while unshaven and wrapped in a blanket on his couch. JD shows up, gives him a quiet but heartfelt peptalk and tells him he’s proud of him, because even after so long as a doctor Dr. Cox still cares enough to take it that hard when things go wrong.
So say Roy fucks something up. It’s not necessarily his fault; he does his best given the circumstances or acts unwittingly, but it goes tits up and he ends up making a mess of things. Not a “people died” mess, but still really quite bad. (I honestly don’t know what this could be. Maybe something slightly careless he says blowing up in the media and somehow really fucking over a young footballer? Maybe something else entirely. That’s not the important part.)
And this is Roy, who cares so very deeply but is so very unkind to himself, and the guilt and fucking shame of having fucked someone (especially a young someone!) over like that, particularly when he’s already struggling with the feeling that he can’t change for the better, that he’ll always be the same fucking idiot I’ve always been? Yeah, I don’t think he’d deal very well. He also, and obviously, wouldn’t want to talk about it.
And depending on how much hurt (and comfort) you want from this, you could either simply have Roy pull a Roy and retreat to an ice bath, and Jamie letting himself in like Ted once did, and giving a little (slightly clumsy but very earnest) speech about how fucking proud he is of Roy, and Roy has no fucking idea how to handle all the emotions that inspire, but, yeah. It helps.
Or you can drag it out a bit and have Roy stubbornly insisting he is fine and hiding behind his usually gruff exterior, only he’s not doing fine and eventually he shows up at training still drunk from trying to drown his self-loathing in way too much whisky, and Rebecca takes him home and tries to talk to him, and when that doesn’t work she calls Keeley, and Keeley’s a comfort, she always is, but this time it’s not enough (or just too early). Jamie shows up after training, bringing dinner, and he sits down next to Roy and, again, brings out the speech. It doesn’t magically make everything right, because how could it, but it’s enough to start from. Enough to give Roy the courage to begin anew.
Or if you really want to dial that angst right up, we can have Jamie – like JD in the Scrubs episode – put off visiting, making comments about how it was fucking unprofessional showing up to Nelson Road like that, Roy would have had their heads if they’d tried pulling anything like it, so why should the gaffer get special consideration? Beard and Rebecca and Nate and Isaac and his sister and Keeley all take turns sitting with Roy while he quietly stews in despair on his couch, but Jamie is inconspicuously absent.
Until he isn’t, because of course he relents in the end, and he shows up to tell Roy that yeah, he made it out like he was angry with Roy for showing up drunk, but really he was freaked out because Roy’s always been so fucking strong and Jamie’s always counted on and leaned on that strenght, back when he was a kid and they didn’t know each other and back when they were teammates and fighting all the time and most of all since Roy became his coach and his best friend. Like, Jamie knows Roy isn’t perfect – like, really man, you are not– but Roy’s strenght has been a constant and a comfort in Jamie’s life and having to face that fact Roy isn’t some sort of superhero… that scared him, yeah. But that’s Jamie’s problem, not Roy’s, and so he’s here to tell Roy how fucking proud he is of him, for how much he fucking cares and how hard he works at being there for all of them, even though he thinks he’s no good at it. But you are, yeah? Fucking good at it. But that’s not the really important bit, anyway. The important bit is that you’ve always kept trying, even when that meant doing stuff you fucking hated or were scary or hard. ‘Cause it isn’t easy for you, this shit, but you keep at it anyway, because you care, and that’s… Dead proud of you for that, Roy. Really am.  
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whateven333 · 9 months
How would you have made bonkai canon?
Sorry it took me a while to see this, (even though I was super excited when I saw this -first ask I've gotten 💖 !!!) I was just super busy with Uni stuff, -then when I did see it, I ended up procrastinating for a good few days thinking about how to answer lmaooo, because I've seen how other people have come up with great ideas for this question already and then I felt too much pressure 😭.
Erm, but here I go anyway...🤸🏾‍♀️🥴😺😶‍🌫️
So, I would have them fuck in the prison world.
I know what you might be thinking -I took this long to come up with THIS.
And yes. Yes I did.
Okay but maybe also,
I would have definitely loved to see them spend longer in the prison world together.
Kai was shown to be a smart character...MOST of the time, and I think this may have just been another example of inconsistent/ sloppy writing on the show, -but, it never made sense to me how he gave up the ghost so quickly in terms of how he didn't seem to put much effort into stopping Damon and Bonnie from finding out about his sibling murdering stuff. Like, I would have thought, since he had been watching Bonnie and Damon, he had an understanding of how they might react if/ when they found out that information, so you would think maybe he'd try to put off them finding out for as long as possible ? I mean, how hard is it to trash a few newspapers ? But idk, maybe he was thinking -"why put off the inevitable" ??
BUT, had he managed to do so. It would have been an interesting way to make Bonnie less hostile to his advances, I think she definitely would have still been deeply mistrustful of him, considering he would still be..-well, the way he is, (he has that sly, mischievous, aura) and cocky attitude, -and we know Bonnie does not typically fall for that sort of schtick.
However, not knowing he murdered a handful of his siblings probably would have left her way more open to getting to know him- even if it was just out of curiosity, and if they had taken maybe a bit longer to find out how to get out of the prison world/ or maybe Bonnie’s powers hadn’t come back fully and she needed some more time to get back to full strength in order to be able to do the spell to get them out, then Bonnie would maybe have had more moments of prison world boredom (and probably enough irritating digs from Damon) to drive her to interact with Kai more. This could have been a gateway to get them to bond a little, show more moments of tension between the two of them, he would maybe insert himself in her sessions of trying to train her magic back to full strength under the guise of wanting to be helpful but just really in order to facilitate more possible touchy moments like the chest thing lmao, he could’ve shared some gemini spells with her, etc.
And so all of this could have led to what I jokingly (fine, half), said at the start -we could have all this lead up to a super charged moment that leads to them having sex in the prison world. Maybe Bonnie won’t find out about Kai’s past until they all make it back out to the real world, which would lead to a lot of inner turmoil for her (she was the only one of her friends who could say they hadn’t fallen into bed with a mass murderer, but not anymore). When Kai merges with Luke, due to him having had more time to bond with Bonnie, I’d imagine that his hyper-fixation and guilt about Bonnie would be way more intense.
And then…there should be more to this explanation, there’s probably weird gaps in here and maybe not all of what I’ve said even makes sense because I have to admit I’m writing this whilst super tired and it’s 2am and my brain is like starting to buffer and I think this is all I have for now.
But, I really hope this answer wasn’t complete trash anon 😭, (I have no experience with writing any fics of my own, though I am interested and have started dabbling, let's just say its been a little rough lmao -though I am having fun and will keep trying at it, so we'll see what happens, I guess.😭)
Thanks so much for the ask though 💖💖
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
I Met You Just In Time
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Book - TRR AU
Pairings- I bet you’ll figure it out pretty quickly
A/N - This is my submission for the choices prompts #3. Idk what it is with these prompts sending me straight to Lucretia, but here we are again! Prompt is in bold.
Warnings- NSFW- language, murder, tiny bit of lemons
Word Count - 1,800
I Met You Just In Time
“This isn’t working for me anymore.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“This was the agreement. This has always been the agreement. Or have you forgotten?”
“I’ve forgotten nothing. But everything is different now.”
“Nothing is different, you pathetic little shit!” Lucretia stormed away from the man with her hands thrown up in frustration. She raced across the large Nevrakis family vault and grabbed a random book from the shelf, hurling it toward his face. “Abandoning everything we’ve been working toward since the day you were born?! For what? A damn woman?! I can’t believe what I’m hearing!”
The man scrubbed his hands down his face in frustration. This decision hadn’t come easy. In fact, it nearly tore him apart.
The truth was, he fell for Riley Brooks.. Hard. Many nights he lay awake cursing the fact that she just had to be so wonderful. So endearing. Such a light in his dark life. 
And many nights he lay awake cursing himself. What a terrible human being he was. He had done horrible things in his past - murdered, even. He didn’t deserve her. But that didn’t stop him from making love to her the first night she gave him an inkling of her desire for him.
In fact, he jumped at the chance.
 After a particularly rough day -the day of the barn raising - Riley had come to his bedroom in tears over how affectionate Liam had been with Madeleine. He attempted to speak soothing words to Riley to let her know that it was just Liam behaving the way the public wanted to see him and his new fiance behave. But Riley was too angry, too hurt. She eventually stopped crying and lay her head in his lap. He couldn’t stop thinking about how warm her skin felt against the fabric of his slacks. His breath quickened as he brushed back her auburn hair, revealing her slender neck. Her breasts were pushed together, practically bursting out of her lace dress and he allowed himself an indulgent glance, watching them rise and fall with every breath. Unfortunately, with her head on his lap, he was unable to stop his physical desire from becoming evident. He scooted away and apologized profusely, but instead of recoiling, Riley simply smirked. The next thing he knew, she was unzipping his pants, pulling out his hard arousal, and slowly bringing him into her mouth. That’s how it all started.
They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, and secret trysts became a daily event: in Riley’s train car, hotel rooms, a bathroom stall, the back of the limo. As long as they were alone, it didn’t matter. At first he assumed the sex was simply Riley blowing off steam. She had a tremendous amount of pressure on her to clear her name, not to mention having to learn everything from Cordonia’s history to the royal family’s favorite desserts.
But hot, passionate rendezvous soon became something more. She opened up to him in a way no one else had. She told him about her family, her hopes and dreams, her fears. And one night, she told him something that changed him forever. 
“What do you mean you’re not in love with Liam?! You’re joking right?” He took her delicate hands, his heart filling with a mixture of fear and hope.
“I’m completely serious.” Riley said with a look of resolve. “I thought I could get over the feelings of betrayal from when he chose Madeleine, but I cant. And honestly.. over these past few months.. I’ve fallen for someone else.”
He nodded his head sadly, unable to meet her beautiful hazelnut brown eyes. It had to be Drake or Maxwell. She was with them more than anyone. Besides him, of course. He took a deep breath. “Well.. I understand that you have to follow your heart. And while I know I was hired with the intention of helping you clear your name so that you could be with Liam, I am still intent on helping you be with the one you love.”
Riley looked at him and shook her head with a smile. “You still don’t get it, do you?”
He swallowed thickly as Riley straddled his lap, removed his glasses, and ran her fingers through his jet black hair. She spoke against his mouth, so close that he could smell the sweet watermelon lip gloss he had grown to love. “It’s you Justin. I’m in love with you.”
After Riley’s confession, Anton was at war with himself. He knew deep down that their relationship was built on a lie. Other than the fact that he loved her, everything was a lie. She didn’t even know his real name. She didn’t know that he was initially using her to get close to Liam so that he could kill him and become king. She didn’t know that he was secretly betrothed to Olivia since they were children. She didn’t know he had been trained by Olivia’s own parents up until their death, and Lucretia thereafter. His father was the former leader of the Sons of Earth, for god’s sake! Anton had been training for this takeover for almost his entire life.
How could he just give everything up? What would his comrades say if they knew he threw it all away for Riley? She wouldn’t be safe. They would come for her, and him next. 
When the engagement tour led them to New York, Anton found himself standing outside of Riley’s hotel room. He reached up to knock nearly a dozen times, but let his arm fall limply beside him. He couldn’t do it. He should just stick to the original plan. But the thing was, he didn’t want to anymore. No, he had to tell her the truth. She might never want to see him again, but that was a risk he had to take. He had to be honest with her.  Anton took a deep breath and knocked loudly.
“I knew you wouldn’t understand.” Anton told Lucretia as he leaned against a large filing cabinet in the vault. “I honestly don’t expect you to.”
Lucretia narrowed her eyes as raw fury coursed through her. “No. No! You’re not doing this! I won’t let you!” She crossed the room and grabbed Anton roughly by his jaw. “You were raised for this, and you are not throwing this opportunity away! You are going to be the King of Cordonia! What more could you want?!”
Anton took a deep breath and spoke calmly. “You’re right.”
Lucretia raised an eyebrow and released her grip on him. “Just like that? No arguments or temper tantrums?”
Anton shrugged. 
Lucretia rolled her eyes in exasperation. “There are plenty of women in Cordonia who will throw themselves at you once you’re crowned king. You may be married to my niece, but once you give her a few heirs, you can do whatever you want.”
Anton crossed his arms and sighed. “I understand.”
 After a moment studying his face, she seemed to accept his answer and handed him a ledger full of old documents. “Keep this safe. It has every copy of your betrothal to my niece. I can’t have her stumbling down here and finding it.”
Without a word, Anton tucked it into his leather satchel that hung across his chest.
“Lord knows she’s already suspicious enough since I’ve come back into her life.” She rolled her eyes. “Although, I was right to do so. If I hadn’t, you would have thrown everything away for that stupid American.”
Anton reached into his bag, running his fingers across a cold metal object he had brought for the elder Nevrakis. 
Lucretia gestured animatedly as she sorted through more documents in the vault. “I just don’t understand why everyone is so enamored with Riley. She’s a homely girl with no class or breeding.”
Anton released the safety and leveled his weapon at her. 
At the sound of the click, Lucretia stopped talking and whirled around to face him. “Anton.. What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
Anton simply smiled and pulled the trigger, instantly ending Lucretia Nevrakis. With that, the life he had been forced into was snuffed out as well. He was free. FInally, he was free to be whoever he wanted.
Olivia turned the corner and gasped loudly. “Oh my god!” She crossed her arms and glared at him. “You could have at least shot her outside of the vault! Now look at the mess I have to clean!” It was true. There was blood splattered all over books and various documents, not to mention the large puddle growing on the carpet under her body.
Anton grinned, placing the Beretta 9mm back into his bag. “Sorry. I just couldn’t wait another second.” He stooped down to drag Lucretia’s body out of the vault, and with Olivia’s help, into a large black bag. The next stop was the incinerator, where the other Son’s of Earth leaders were lying in black bags of their own. 
“Don’t you dare forget to put that marriage contract in there with her.” Olivia sneered at the papers Anton removed from his satchel. “I don’t want a trace of them to ever be found.”
“You and me both.” Anton stuffed the documents into the bag with Lucretia's body and zipped it back up.
A small voice pulled he and Olivia’s attention toward the door. “Is it.. Are you.. Um, is she..”
“Yes love, it’s done.” Anton swiftly made his way to her side, pulling her in for a tight hug. “Riley, are you sure you want to be down here?”
“My place is with you. For better or worse.” She booped his nose with a grin.
“Well, I promise it’s only going to get better from here on out.” Anton stroked her hair and placed a soft kiss to her cheek.
“Oh, get a room you two.” Olivia called out from inside the vault, making a disgusted face while she scrubbed the blood splatters from the bookshelf.
“Come on. Let’s go help your wife clean up.” Riley said with a giggle. 
“Bite your tongue, Riley!” Olivia yelled in dismay.
“You are my wife.” Anton assured his new bride. “As far as I’m concerned, my first and only.”
Riley grinned at her husband. “I love you, Anton.”
Anton never felt so at peace in all his life. He couldn’t believe that Riley still loved him and wanted to be with him even though she knew who he really was. And she knew it all. Back in New York, he spilled his guts to her. They had talked and cried together for hours that night. Eventually Riley convinced him to bring Olivia up to speed, and that got the ball rolling on Lucretia’s imminent demise.  “I love you too, Riley Severus.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
An ultimate sacrifice; Pharaoh Atem x reader
*Author’s note*
Now this could end really good or really bad. Back in my early teenage days, in my middle school years when I FIRST began my journey into writing fanfiction, the fandom I ALWAYS wrote for was from my childhood anime YUGIOH DUEL MONSTERS! Now I haven’t written any anime fics in practically 10 years so this might be rusty. Also idk if I’ll follow through with this story cause I can see this oneshot becoming a series idk we’ll have to see. But to those YUGIOH! fans out there on tumblr, I hope you enjoy this.
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There was hardly any hope left.  All of Egypt was covered in complete darkness, no mortal weapon has worked, more than half of our armies have perished to the realm of shadows, even our beloved Egyptian Gods have fallen.  Zorc the Dark One has proven to be the most difficult adversary that our kingdom has ever faced.
Our Pharaoh was barely clinging onto life as the Egyptian Gods who were now shadows of their former selves were literally being broken down by Zorc’s wrath.
“Mana, you and the High Sorceress get the Pharaoh back to the palace.” Our priest Seto told us.
“But what about you?” asked Mana, my dearest friend and my love’s top student.
“The pharaoh is too weak to continue this fight. He needs to get somewhere safe. Leave Zorc to me.”
“Seto are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked him.
“We have tried everything in our power, even the Egyptian Gods themselves have been defeated. But there might be a creature with a light strong enough to banish this darkness once and for all, and I alone have the power to summon it.” He and I looked at each other and I nodded to him. I knew he needed to be the one to do this, from the grief I felt in him of losing the love he had found I knew he needed to redeem himself in my eyes.
“Make sure that demon doesn’t set one foot towards the palace gates.” I ordered as Mana and I worked together to get our King back to the palace to restore whatever strength he had left.
Mana and I reached the palace and we set the Pharaoh down on his bed.  He looked terribly weak and drained, almost as if he were in a deep sleep, his chest barely able to rise and fall normally.
“Mana, heal him of his strength.” She nodded and placed her hand over the pharaoh’s chest, her hand glowed brightly as she chanted out.
“As we approach our final hour, please restore the pharaoh’s power.” She kept repeating it over and over and over again. After the 7th time she said it, his violet eyes soon opened up.  “You’re awake!”
“Where is Zorc?” he asked us.  It was then we heard a powerful roar pierce through the sky, but it didn’t sound like Slifer the Sky Dragon’s roar, neither did it sound like Zorc’s.  Our pharaoh got up but I ordered him.
“Atem, you need to rest!” we all stood along the balcony and saw a beautiful white dragon facing down the Dark One single handedly.  Attacking with a powerful white lightning blast.
“No way! I’ve heard about this dragon from the villagers! They were saying a dragon with blue eyes powerful enough to destroy cities had come to our kingdom. But I thought it was only rumors.” Mana explained.
“Well it would seem you were mistaken Mana. But who knows how long this dragon will face up against Zorc. This is a demon that was able to destroy the Egyptian Gods with a wave of darkness.” I said. We watched the battle for a few minutes till I suggested to Mana, “Mana, go help Seto.”
“What? I can’t just leave you both here alone!” she exclaimed.
“Seto may be holding out on his own for now but he’ll need help. And you alone have the power to do just that.”
“That’s an order! Not only as your Master but as your Queen! Now Go!” I ordered her.  She looked at me fearfully but her eyes narrowed as she nodded proudly.
“Yes Master Nefertiri. I’ll do my best to keep Zorc away from the palace.” I nodded and placed my hands on her shoulders.
“I know you will. And…….” I trailed off sadly. “And I know he would be proud of you too.” She nodded before we embraced each other and she took off running with her wand in hand.  I turned back to the battle to now see that Seto’s white dragon was starting to lose.
“Tiri.” I heard my pharaoh say to me as he took my hand.  I faced him and saw that his face had a grim, surrendered expression on his face. “It’s time.” He said gravely.
My eyes widened.  No. He—he wouldn’t dare suggest that. How dare he even think about that!
“No!” I growled lowly.
“Seto and Mana won’t be able to stop Zorc, but you can.” I turned away from him. “Look at me!” he spoke in hushed urgency. “You have the power to seal all of this away…..”
“Hold your tongue!” I hissed.
“You must do it, Tiri please!” I kept looking between him and the battle to see Zorc had defeated Seto’s white dragon and Mana’s Ka was barely hanging on.  I looked down at my pharaoh, my lip quivering as he placed my hand to his cheek and he told me, “There’s no other option left.”
Tears filled my eyes and my heart sunk.  I had already lost so many people to this war, I—I cannot bear to lose him too.
“I can’t.” I choked out.
“Yes you can.” He assured me. “You can. If Zorc succeeds in destroying Egypt, then the world will be next. It’s not fair. It shouldn’t have to be you but it is.” I shook my head as a couple of tears seeped down my cheeks.
I slowly backed away from him, but he kept his hands tightly gripped around my hand.  I knew he could feel me trembling which is why he ended up squeezing my hand even tighter trying to comfort me.
“It’s alright. You could never hurt me.” He slowly released my hand and gave me a soft, solemn smile. “You are my older sister.”
My dear sweet baby brother.  All these years of practicing magic together, helping rule Egypt just as our father would have wanted, staying together, never apart. That was the vow we both took together. And now you are willing to seal this evil away along with yourself in order to keep the world safe.  
But he also knew that this spell would cause him to erase his memories so even if he is ever brought back into this world, he will not remember anything, not even his own name.
For his name is the key to seal all of this away.
My hand shakingly raised up and my sapphire magical aura came out of my hand before shooting straight at his Millennium Puzzle.  The blue light from my magic and the golden light from my brother’s Millennium puzzle combined into one, molding together in a battle between Light and Dark.
In order for this to work, I needed to overpower the item’s magic with my own, then merge that power within my brother’s very soul before finally sealing him away for all eternity.
I could hear the defeated cries of Seto’s dragon and Mana trying so hard to keep Zorc away for just a bit longer.  I raised my other hand to now combine my brother’s mind and spirit to the Puzzle itself and I was running out of time. All the while tears kept pouring down my face as I watched my brother’s body slowly disintegrate until it only his spirit remained.
Once it was just his spirit, I turned to see Zorc just within a few feet of the palace.  I raised my left hand and soon morphing into it was the very item I would use to seal Zorc away, the item that once belonged to my beloved Mahad.
The Millennium Ring.
The spikes pointed forward and it’s own magic combined with my own shot right at Zorc who roared in agony but still tried to walk towards my brother and I.  Atem kept reassuring me that it was all going to be alright, but no matter what he said, no matter how many times he assured me and gave me that soft smile of his, my heart continued to break.
Zorc was now standing over us, his clawed hand raised ready to kill us both but my brother’s spirit soon proclaimed out his name.
‘I love you sister.’ His spirit told me one last time.  He then turned to Zorc and proclaimed the key to ending all of this. ‘ATEM!!!’ and with that a great big light exploded from the palace and all went white.
I was surrounded by warmth and light, a light that I felt like I hadn’t felt in an eternity.  When I finally opened my eyes, I had seen that the Sun had finally been freed from the darkness.  I slowly sat up and saw that half the palace was destroyed and the kingdom was in ruin, but I could hear my people cheering.
It was finally over.  Zorc had been sealed away and the darkness he had released upon the world was finally gone.  But through all the cheers and joyous exclamations, my heart was still broken. Especially when I saw a piece of my brother’s Millennium Puzzle just an arm’s length away from me.
I reached forward and grabbed it to see it was the center piece with the eye of Horus staring right at me.  From the sun’s light, it gave me a wink but that still didn’t give me any hope.  I clenched the piece in my palm before pressing it over my heart and softly wept.
Using my magic I forged a special box to keep all the pieces of my brother’s Millennium puzzle and I used my magic to help me find all of the pieces the puzzle had.
It took about an hour to find all of them even with magic but after finally getting the last piece, I closed the box and sealed it tight with a spell.  Only those with a pure heart can touch this box, and if that wielder should be worthy of solving this puzzle, they are allowed one wish and shall also receive knowledge and powers of the Millennium Puzzle.
I walked along the ruins of the palace and was even more heartbroken to see my student and best friend Mana’s soulless body lying there on the ground.  I walked over to her and rolled her onto her back, her once lively hazel eyes were now completely soulless.
“My dearest friend. You fought valiantly, more so than any magician I’ve helped train.” I closed her eyes and placed her hands over her stomach with her wand in her hands, I rested my forehead against hers. “May Ra bless you in the next life, and may you reunite with our friends and your Master.” I kissed her forehead and placed my blue cloak over her body, covering her up.
I walked along the city to see the villagers trying to clean up the mess along with the guards that did survive.  I stood beside Seto whose soul had managed to be saved after Zorc’s defeat by using his white dragon monster.  We stood side by side and I told him.
“It’s not going to be easy but this kingdom will rise again. And you will see to it that it does Seto.”
“There are a few tasks that I must complete.”
“What? But my Queen you…….”
“I relinquished the throne to my brother when he came of age. I am only the High Sorceress to the throne, and nothing else.”
“But after everything we’ve been through. This kingdom will need a leader who will lead them to the light.”
“And who better to do that than you Seto?” he looked down, his blue eyes full of doubt. “Please cousin, it has to be you. If my brother believed in you, then so do I. Trust the light in your soul.”
“The light in my soul?” I knew then he had to be thinking of his beloved Kisara.  “Alright cousin. I shall fulfill this task for you.”
“Thank you. Now I must ask you to hand over your Millennium Rod. This whole war was caused because of those items, and I shall see to it that they are buried somewhere where no man will ever find them. They must never be used again to bring forth the darkness again.” He handed over the Millennium Rod and I continued.  “I will also ask that you erase any trace of my brother’s name from every history book and stone we’ve got. For whilst his name was used to seal away the darkness, it can also be used to bring it back. Promise me you will honor my brother’s wish and erase his name from History. But never forget what he did for his kingdom and the entire world.”
“I will.” I kneeled before him before taking my leave, but not before asking Seto to give Mana a Guardian’s burial, for she fought just as hard as the rest of the Guardians that have given their lives to protect this kingdom.
I rode through the desert towards the abandoned city of Kul Elna, the once restless spirits were now quiet, almost as if they had left this world.  I went to the underground where the Millennium Stone tablet stood and offered up half of the items to the stone.  I surrendered the Millennium Eye, Scale, Key and the Ring.
I glared down at the Ring and snarled softly.
“If you dare resurrect yourself again, I will end you.” I then left the city and went on my next task.
My family had always spoken of a family that had always been entrusted with guarding the Pharaoh’s tomb so I paid them a visit to ask them to not only look after my brother’s tomb, but also to keep two more Millennium items safe and sound.  I gave Namu Ishtar the Millennium Rod and Necklace and he gave his vow that not only he but his descendents will protect the Pharaoh’s tomb from all threats and invaders.
Finally I delivered my brother’s Millennium Puzzle to the Valley of the Kings.  The place where every pharaoh in history had been buried.  For my brother’s tomb I ensured that every trap and riddle was as difficult to solve as possible (my brother and I always did love our games). But it was also to ensure that my brother’s spirit would never be disturbed or taken away from this place, less they be worthy of him.
Once I reached the end of the tomb, I walked across the pathway and set the box down on a stand.  I gingerly stroked the box as a tear slowly slid down my face.
“Little brother…….one day. One day soon. We will meet again.” I lifted my hand and kissed my fingertips before placing them back on the box.  I then lifted my hood back over my head and left my brother’s tomb.  When I was once again outside, I noticed that it was finally nightfall, Khonsu’s light graced the land of Egypt.
The last trip is probably what broke my heart even more.  For out in the far reaches of the desert was a small hut.  But what was special about this hut was that all of my favorite flowers had grown all around the property.  For being out in the middle of the desert, you would think a sudden oasis would be an illusion, well it’s not. Not really.
For this special place was the home that Mahad and I had made together.  Our love was technically forbidden but for our love, we’d be willing to accept all the risks.  My brother and Mana were the only ones really aware of our relationship together, so if there ever came a day when Mahad was forced to resign as Guardian, he and I would come here to be together.
I summoned a scroll of paper into my hand and slowly unfolded it and saw the design of what we had planned out.  A hut, a beautiful garden surrounding the place, a crystal clear pond along with a well, and a large training ground for us to continue our magic lessons together, and—one day maybe even train our children on.
But now those dreams are shattered.  Mahad had willingly sacrificed himself to become both my brother’s as well as my eternal servant as a creature known as the Dark Magician.
The inscription below in Mahad’s signature read as followed.
Tears once again pooled into my eyes as I walked towards the hut and walked inside of it.  My body trembled as I finally collapsed to my knees, the paper scroll falling from my hands as I whimpered and wept softly.
First my father, then my friends, my brother, and then Mahad.  Everyone I’ve ever loved has been taken away from me! Why must I be the one to suffer through such pain and suffering?!
I finally couldn’t take it anymore.  I felt my power surging through me like a raging fire until finally I couldn’t hold it in any longer.  I exploded! My sapphire aura shot out in all directions as I let out an agonizing, heart-breaking scream.  Our hut and the property around it being destroyed and forged into something new.
A tomb.  My tomb.
Stone and brick built all around me, the once green oasis that Mahad and I had grown together with our magic decimated and reverted back to the hot, hard sand.  Once the tomb was built I sent my energy out towards all of Egypt now, to erase everyone from my mind.
I didn’t just want to be forgotten, I wanted to be erased.  For how can one live with their lives knowing that their legacy was sealing their own flesh and blood away in order to save the world? I for sure could never live with myself hearing the tale over and over again.  I re-wrote it so that it was my brother and my brother alone had found the spell and casted it to save Mankind from the Shadow Games.
Once that was done, I turned the magic onto myself for one final spell.  Well I should say curse.  To pay for what I’ve done to my family and in a way to spare myself the heartache of losing my Beloved Magician.  I collapsed to the ground, my eyes closed in sleep.
An ageless sleep.  For I was to be put under this curse until the day my brother would be released from his prison.  Our souls bound as one, sealed and trapped away from the world.  And for 5000 years we were, until we would soon be reunited again.
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter eighteen: letting go
previous < masterpost > next
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“So, are we actually gonna address the elephant in the room?” Iwaizumi asks, breaking the silence that has been present the moment you’ve arrived in the small ramen place he had suggested to go to. Apparently, Oikawa Tooru recommended this place to him, all while sulking about how he used to love this restaurant until his most recent ex-lover broke up with him here. You felt pity for the lad, of course, since Hajime said that the girl broke up due to the chocolate-haired boy’s “too much” love and passion for his sport. But your companion right now assured you and said to not worry... because “Tooru can move on as fast as he falls in love.”
Going back to the present, Hajime felt like he already had his hundredth bite of the meal he ordered and you two have yet to have a decent conversation about the miseries of your own love stories. Still, the food was great, and he thinks you think so too, judging by the way your eyes seemed to light up a little bit right after you had your first bite. Gotta thank that Trashykawa for doing something good this time, he thought before smiling to himself, proud.
“You know, if it weren’t for Atsumu, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to widen my fortes when it comes to writing and I wouldn’t have met new people, including you. But ever since everything spiraled into this mess, I’ve been wondering if it was ever worth it,” you replied, speaking so fast and so sad that the spiky haired lad couldn’t reply, “because if I never accepted and pushed him to the auditions, he wouldn’t have met Yui, he wouldn’t have fallen in love with her at first sight… he wouldn’t have had to argue with me for saying that she was not his soulmate… and now I also got you into this mess because it’s like Yui’s actually entertaining his feelings!”
Under any normal circumstance where you’re both joking around, Hajime would’ve simply laughed at you; would’ve told you that you were just being silly and an overthinker. It’s what usually happens to your conversations while you sat in the middle of the empty theater room, making props for your dearest actors and actresses, after all. But the last bits of your words were like a pill that was so hard to swallow because…
“YN…” he trailed off, a pathetic attempt of a laugh trying to escape throat that seemed to have tightened up, “… have I told you that she knows I’m her soulmate? That she can see it?”
He failed though, for he could only croak it out with a voice so fragile he was sure as hell you could hear the tragedy in his words. If you were being honest, it actually feels like your own heart found its way down to your stomach.
You halted, hands stopping from slicing the small steak that was on your plate. What did he just say, you thought, his words echoing in your brain but failing to be registered. Perhaps, it was because you almost did not believe it… only one of a pair is supposed to see the thread, how…?
Almost as if he can read your mind, Hajime continued to speak, “she’s the one who can originally see the thread. If it weren’t for me being a Moira too, I would be like Atsumu: a clueless fool…” he stopped speaking, gulping so hard it felt like something’s stuck in his throat… “but you know what sucks more than being like a fool? It’s the fact that even if she already knows, she can’t bring herself to love me. I’m the one who’s on the other side of her thread, you know? Just goes to show that not all soulmates are meant to be together.”
“B-but… how could she do that?” you gasped, tears starting to well up from the pain your heart is feeling. It’s like someone ripped it out of your chest and began stomping on it.
“People who are 'in love' tend to forget… others, along with themselves, except for the one they love, YN. I think you’d know that too.”
And then he sadly smiled.
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The night was good as dead while you strutted beside Hajime as he walked you home. This walk was, by far, the most tensed walk you’ve ever had with someone who was not your twin brother. You’d rather bicker with your companion rather than spend the whole time, gaping at him, looking for a chance to just… if you were being honest, you have no idea what you wanted to do… comfort him or something?
“I knew we shouldn’t have addressed that freaking elephant in the room,” you grumbled under your breath, head shooting up when you heard him stifle his laugh. Great, YN, you’re doing good, you pat yourself mentally on your shoulders. Your little happy moment was cut short, however, upon your apartment coming into view.
What a timing, as always.
You fear the fact that once you go in and he starts his journey back to the train station, every sad feeling he was trying to suppress will come rushing to him; just like what happens to you every time you–
“Hey. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I’ve been living with these feelings for so long already. Besides, I’m a man, remember?” He raised his hand and placed it on your head, patting it as he moved his face closer to yours. Your eyes widened and you felt your face flush at the proximity, a squeak escaping your mouth. He snickered as soon as he leaned back, “Aahh… if you keep looking like that, I’ll feel even more convinced that I should really do it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows together, unable to decipher what he was trying to say.
“I’m sorry, YN. But I think I’m letting go of Yui now.”
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⤷ notes. ta-daaaaa...? or oops? idk but i hope you enjoy this chapter cause... ITS ALL ABOUT TO GO DOWN SOON!
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
The Bane of Zeke Jaeger
Zeke Jaeger X Fem!Reader
A/N: It’s like an enemies to lovers but they’re both still enemies at the end. (Bonus to anyone who can spot the cameo btw.)- Nemo
Summary: You and Zeke have been at each others throats for years. A time comes when he takes it a little too far, and ever since then - with your new power - you decide to start plotting his downfall. 
Warnings: Blood. Violence. Character Death. Needles. Attempted Murder. Insanity (? idk, reader get’s a little unhinged). 
Listening to: ‘Beautiful is Boring’ by Bones UK - ‘Give me scars and stripes. It does not please me to be easy on any of your eyes.’ 
There was something about Zeke Jaeger. From how calculating he was to how he simply existed. But whatever that something was - it never failed to piss you off. 
From the moment you both met in the Military, you were at each other's throats. You more so than he. The fact you were both candidates for becoming titan shifters sure didn’t help. He was always so condescending, he knew he was the smartest person in the room and he acted like it too - if only to just rile you up. His only redeeming quality in your eyes was the fact he was so useless in physical training. 
Many times in your younger years did you want to simply pop a bullet through the back of his head while you were out. 
No one would know it was you - that you were sure of. 
You see, that's the thing you always had the upper hand in. You never got caught doing anything - it was always Zeke tattling on you that got you into trouble at all. Bastard. 
And now that you were older - yourself entering your late twenties - that same child-like distaste for each other hadn’t changed. If anything it turned, rearing its ugly head to reveal spite, and resent in the form of a very large grudge. 
“I’ve been away for how long and you still haven’t removed the stick from up your ass, huh?” 
“Shame on you, Ezekiel.” you gritted, purposefully changing his name, grabbing a fistfull of his beard and tugging in down, “All that time spent alone to think and you still can’t speak to a lady properly.” 
He reached up a hand, squeezing your wrist hard enough to hurt, but you didn’t let go, only held onto his facial hair even harder. 
“Let go, you fiend.” 
“You let go.”
“I told you first.”
“And I told you second.” 
“Are you finished flirting yet?” Reiner said, his head resting on his hand from across the table. You immediately sent a glare over to him, your grip on Zeke as firm as ever.
“He started it.” 
“I was not talking to you, (y/n).” Reiner huffed. 
You whipped your head back to Zeke, now grabbing his ear and on it tugging it too.
“You asshole, you need to stop playing up so much!”
“Stop it, that hurts!”
“That’s the whole point!” you said, “Apparently having your ass handed to you by that Ackerman guy wasn’t enough!” He had the audacity to pout at you, and you let out a groan of disgust before letting him go. Finally. 
“Now that you’re both done, can we get on with it?” 
You felt very lucky - very, very lucky - to have such a prime spot for such a lovely show. 
While Zeke had grown between the boy back in training until the man he was now, he still lacked when it came to non-titan fighting. And right now, Reiner wasn’t. Even though the younger male was mentally struggling since he came back from Paradis, he had all that experience up his sleeves that Zeke did not. 
“Having fun?” Zeke said, only now deciding to take off his glasses and set them beside you on the bench. 
“The only thing lacking is the satisfaction I’d get in having my own foot in your face.” 
“Naturally.” he grunted.
“Reiner’s going to go for your face next.” You said, a sly smile creeping up the edges of your lips. Zeke squinted at you. 
“Sure he is.” Your smile only broadened when he turned. 
He didn’t trust you - even though you never once lied to him - and that only made it sweeter when Reiner had managed to kick Zeke’s face into the dust with just five moves. You meandered over to him, crouching next to him as he sat up. 
“Good thing you took those glasses off, hey Ezekiel?” Now he scowled at you, and you winked at him before setting off again. But you felt a hand wrap around your ankle and pull. 
You landed face-first in the dirt, palms grazed and nose now sore. As you sat up you saw as red as the blood that leaked from your nose. You faintly remember hearing Reiner call for Porco before you flung yourself back at Zeke, immediately clawing at his neck and eyes before someone tried to get behind you and pull you off him. 
“You’re such a pain,” Zeke spluttered, “No wonder you're not getting a titan.” 
The arms around you held even tighter as you thrashed and yelled about killing Zeke. 
A moment presented itself to you - much as it did every night. 
Sneak to the kitchen. Grab a knife. Loiter back upstairs to Zeke’s room. Cut his throat while he slept. 
You fantasized about that far too often to be considered healthy, but never in your life had it been as tempting as it was right now. 
Zeke had never once brought up your rejected application for becoming a real, proper warrior - one with a titan to call your own. Even he knew how touché that subject was for you. 
You made it so far as the kitchen, even picking out a nice knife, before being stopped at the doorway on the way out.
“Who’re you?” 
“I have an offer for you.” They said, stepping forward.
“No salespeople please.” You countered, even thought this clearly was not a salesman. He laughed.
“What I have won’t cost you anything. Much.” he said, “But I heard you want a titan.” 
“And?” you said, quirking an eyebrow up at him.
“I have one, just for you.” 
You thanked whoever decided you’d be this titan that this place was so far away from any city. But you also wondered why there was a proper viewing area. 
Across from you was a woman whose posture mirrored your own, however there were chains on her wrists and ankles, keeping her limbs stretched. Unlike you, she was also unconscious, her head lulled forwards and her long braid had fallen over her shoulder. 
You’d been given strict instructions to wait until the viewing box was full before you were to puncture yourself with the needle you were given. In passing they’d muttered something about a war criminal and a thief, and you wondered where exactly this woman had come from. Surely not Paradis. 
You glanced up at the box again, and decided it was full enough. But you did a double take. Zeke was here.
Of all the people, why him? 
You plunged the needle into your arm, and injected the serum. Then your mind blanked, and nothing. Nothing until you felt something in your mouth, and a warm dribble going down your throat. A jolt of electricity went down your spine, and you grew. 
Then you saw everything. 
Black steam clouded the edges of your vision, and you rose to stand on your new feet. You felt a yell rise in your throat, and as it let go you were met with a deafening scream - no doubt one heard from miles. 
There was another flash of lightning, and you turned to see a rather underwhelming version of Zeke’s beast titan. You felt yourself letting out a chuckle, the sound coming out much deeper and distorted than your proper voice. You bent down to his eye-level, almost needing to bend your knees properly to get a proper look. 
“Hey shortie.” 
“Hey big girl.” he said, “You going to stop being a bitch now?” 
“To you?” you asked, and he hummed a yes. You feigned thought for a moment before laughing again. “Of course not. Plotting your demise is much more fun.” 
And plotting his demise you sure did. 
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In Which Chess Absolutely Definitely Does Not Look Like A Dog
I wrote a thing!! It was inspired by a tiny hc from @alltheworldsapaige and here??? it is??? (1424 words) 
Katherine™ sent you a photo.
Katherine™: this dog looks like you
Chess looked down at her phone from where it buzzed beside her laptop. She raised an eyebrow and instinctively typed out a response.
uno: What the fuck.
And then she looked at the image. She blinked, got up off her bed, walked over to her mirror and stared at herself. In what she would later call a 'moment of weakness', she raised the dog picture to show next to her face. Her phone buzzed again.
Katherine™: you haven't denied it tho
uno: Kate, I do not look like that fucking dog what the hell
uno: There. That's my denial.
Katherine™ sent you a photo.
Katherine™: yea but you look more like the dog than i do
Chess looked in disbelief at the most recent picture. It was Kate, grinning at the camera, beanie pulled low over their face and looking very much like a little shit. She shook her head.
uno: Just because I look more like the dog than you do, does not mean that either of us actually look like the dog
Katherine™: ...
Katherine™: whatever
Chess had thought that the dog picture was a one-off. But no. Gradually, more and more pictures clogged up her phone storage, until a minimum of one dog picture was sent a day. After the first few weeks, she began to wonder where all these dogs came from.
"I just find them and then take a picture." Kate shrugged nonchalantly.
"....So essentially these are random dogs you see on the street?"
"Do the owners know you're taking a picture of their dog?"
Kate stopped picking at her nail varnish to look mildly sheepish, "Well... No...."
"What?! I've only gotten shouted at once!"
"Oh my god." Chess slung an arm around her friend's shoulders, leaning her weight on them. "I can't believe you."
"Yeah, cool, love you too."
Chess found out that Kate was in hospital not from her friend themselves, but from the Tigers group chat.
Cairo: hi @uno idk if you know but kate's been taken to hospital she fell at practice
Chess was out of the door in minutes. She longer cared about her own exhaustion from a day of Olympics press, instead running on fear-fuelled adrenaline. The ride to the hospital was so easy it felt almost surreal and she found herself sweet-talking a nurse into letting her into the ward before she'd properly registered the situation. Her mind ran on overdrive, pictures of Kate hooked up to multitudes of machines or pale and upset, stuck to a hospital bed creating a silent movie behind her eyelids. What she was greeted with wasn't quite so soap opera-esque as she'd imagined but still broke her heart nonetheless. Kate was curled in a ball, the wrist in plaster resting gingerly beside them, eyes shut tight. Chess approached quietly, smiling when Kate opened her eyes at the footsteps.
"Checkers!" Kate's voice was quiet and sleepy. The other girl laughed at the thought of big tough angry Kate now soft from the pain medication.
"Hello Katherine." Chess sat beside her on the bed, "What the hell did you do this time?"
Kate leaned into Chess' hip, still cradling the broken wrist. "See, I don't even know. I just fell and then fucking Annleigh was calling a fucking ambulance."
Chess rubbed their back, frowning, "Why haven't you been released yet? Surely they should just send you home after setting your wrist?"
"Mmmff." Kate wriggled around for a bit and then spoke up again, their voice muffled by the duvet. "Apparently I went into shock. They want to keep me here for "observation". Prob'ly so I don't, like, have a heart attack or something."
She watched as Kate flopped onto her back, squeezing their eyes shut again. After only a few seconds, she sat up abruptly, eyes wide and panicked. "No!"
Chess went back to being on high alert - at this rate she'd be the one having the heart attack. "What? Are you okay? Kitkat, what happened?"
"I didn't get to send you your dog picture!!" Kate's voice was distraught, their eyes teary.
Chess looked at her. Kate looked back. Then she began to laugh. Kate looked mildly offended. "Kate. You-" Laughter cut her off and the teen in question dug an elbow into her side. "You broke your wrist and all you care about is my dog picture?! You don't even like dogs!"
"Yeah, but you do!!"
Chess snorted. "I'm allergic, Kate, I don't like them that much."
Kate looked baffled and blinked up at her. "Oh." They began to laugh too, the hysteria increased by the looks sent by other members of the ward. "Not gonna stop sending them though."
"Okay, Kitkat, you do you, boo."
Katherine™ sent you a photo.
Katherine™: if we got a dog it would look like this
uno: I thought you didn't like dogs
Katherine™: i don't
Katherine™: but look at its face
uno: That dog looks like Annleigh
Katherine™: annleigh can't look like a dog she's a horse girl
uno: You make no sense
Katherine™: agree with me tho our dog would look like this
Katherine™: it's a big dog
uno: .....Is that it.
Katherine™: ye
uno: Kate, that's a great dane, I don't think you'd be able to see over it
Katherine™: why am i still friends with you when all you do is insult my height
uno: Awww but it's such a fun way to spend my time!!!!!
Katherine™: you're never getting a dog photo again
That was a lie. In fact, it was such an intense lie, that Kate sent two dog photos the next day. Chess only laughed and patted them on the head, if only to accentuate the height difference.
uno sent you a photo.
uno: Woof.
Katherine™: hOW dAre you
Katherine™: this is MY thing and you come and steal it??????
Katherine™: blocked.
Katherine™: banished.
Katherine™: disowned.
uno sent you a photo.
uno: Meow?
Katherine™: now this i can support
Katherine™: unblocked
Katherine™: hugged
Katherine™: loved
uno: Lovely.
It had been going so well. Training was as hard as ever but her coaches seemed pleased, and she was doing okay all in all. The Olympics were set for almost a month away and her days were spent either looping that one damn stunt, organising travel or attending yet another press interview. It was tiring, really, and even though she'd been given time off school for the competition, the days were still long and the hours draining. She hadn't been home in a week, with her base now elsewhere in the state, somewhere that her coach said would 'optimise training abilities'. Chess told herself that it would be over soon and that she was seventeen now and that she should be able to spend a week away from her friends, away from Kate, without feeling so lonely. God, how would she deal with college if she couldn't stand even a week away from that one friend?
Maybe she'd just been exhausted, or maybe her body had wished too hard for a way out, but she'd fallen. She felt her knee twist beneath her, pain shooting through her leg, and then she'd hit the floor. Within seconds there were people crowding around her, shouting for an ambulance, holding her with such care that she wanted to scream.
Her mind filled with static as she obeyed each command given and answered all the questions shot at her. One clear thought stayed present through the pain - if Kate was here, my knee would be fine. It was ridiculous to think that one person could heal what would later be discovered to be a horrifically serious injury, but in that moment, Chess was convinced that Kate could have fixed her broken world.
Instead, she shut her mouth and stared up at the ceiling. Fuck.
Surgery passed in a blur. Later, she wondered if this was how Kate had felt that one time they'd broken their wrist. Alone, cold, and hazy with pain.
Her phone buzzed by her side at the same moment that the door to her room opened.
Katherine™ sent you a photo.
Chess looked at the photo. It was a dog, one leg in a tiny animal cast, the owner visible near the top of the image, a smile etched on their face.
Katherine™: this dog looks like you
She looked away from her phone and up at the figure who'd entered the room. She smiled, finally, and Kate smiled back.
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buferfliz · 4 years
Prelude to a Kiss
So this was just an idea that popped into my head and wouldn’t leave me alone until i wrote it lol. Kags isn’t even one of my men but i hope you’ll enjoy it.
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Warnings: None, just fluff
Word Count: 1207 longer than i thought it’d be.
           “Are you there yet?” You texted your friend.
         “Just about.” She responds almost immediately. “Are you sure that he’s there?”
         “Yeah I specifically asked him and he said he had to study, otherwise he’d fail and wouldn’t be able to go to some training camp.”
         “Ok I’m here. Let me find him.”
         “Ok but hurry before I chicken out.” You texted impatiently, awaiting her reply.
         You had decided to finally tell your friend that you were in love with him but were completely unsure if he felt the same. He was incredibly difficult to read and didn’t seem to care about anything aside from volleyball.
         Tobio Kageyama, master of the emotionless face unless he was getting pissed at Hinata of course, had been your friend since high school. Even now, in your third year of college, you were still surprised at the unexpected friendship.
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            It had all started when you were in chemistry class talking to your friend. Kageyama sat next to you there and you had said that you liked volleyball even though you yourself were terrible at it. It had gotten the boy’s attention.
         “I play volleyball.” He told you.
         “You do? What position?”
         “Cool. I’ll have to go check out a game sometime then.”
         After that he would speak to you during class and the two of you got along well. But the friendship really got started when he had asked you to help him with chemistry, it was one of your best subjects.
         All that time spent together studying caused you two to get closer. You’d become good friends from then on though you never would have guessed that would happen when you first saw him in your class. He was quiet and aloof and looked like he had no interest in making any friends. But regardless you were glad that hadn’t been the case and the two of you had become friends.
         You went to all of his games and cheered him on. You would even stop by his practices sometimes. His teammates would tease him and ask about his girlfriend and he would always respond with a ‘she’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends that’s it’ and a ‘shut up.’ It hurt you a bit when he would say that even though you were only just friends but you would get over it quickly enough and never thought on it for long.
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                                                  Somewhere between then and now, however, your feelings for him had begun to change. You were really close friends, yes, texting each other all the time with dumb stuff you’d seen, inside jokes, or just normal conversation but you wanted to see if maybe there could be something more between the two of you so you’d come up with a plan.
         You were worried about how he might react to your confession and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way. You decided that you wanted to know how he’d react before you actually faced him. So you’d asked your friend to go to the library where he was studying so she could see his reaction when you sent him the text. Your courage only went so far and the farthest it went was sending a text, if you tried to call him or meet with him face to face you knew you’d chicken out. Your friend would tell you his reaction once you said that you’d sent it.
         Depending on what she said, you would either admit to it or say it was a prank. If he was receptive to your feelings then you would be honest but if he reacted negatively then you would just laugh it off and tell him you were just pranking him. It was the best you could come up with.
         Just before your nerves could overwhelm you, your phone rang.
         “Ok I have a good view of him. He didn’t see me. He’s concentrating hard but he looks pretty confused lol. Anyway I’m ready whenever you are.”
         “Ok I’m going to do it now.”
         You switch over to the text thread you have with Kageyama and send him a message.
         “Hey Tobio-chan”
         Yes he gets pissed off when Oikawa calls him that, but he never got upset when you called him that and so you just kept using it.
         “What’s up?” He sends back.
         “There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”
         “What’s that?”
         “Well…it would seem as though I’ve fallen in love with you.” You hesitate a moment before hitting send.
         You feel your stomach churn in anticipation as your phone rings with a message from your spying friend.
         “Oh you just sent it, didn’t you?”
         “Yeah. Why? What did he do?”
         “He got super stiff all of the sudden and his eyes popped out of his head.”
         “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
         “No idea. Wait. He picked up all of his stuff and practically ran out of the building.”
         “Crap. Does that mean he’s coming here?”
         “Probably but idk. Good luck.” Your friend sends followed by a string of emojis.
         Your heart begins to pick up speed as anxiety and anticipation take over. Was he on his way to your room right now? You would know soon enough, you supposed. The library was only a five minute walk away after all. The feeling in your stomach intensifies as the minutes tick by. Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe something else made him leave the library. You let out a sigh and then comes the urgent knock on your door.
         “Crap.” You say softly to yourself before making your way over.
         You open up the door and are confronted with a serious yet also somehow nervous looking Kageyama. You step aside to allow him entrance into your room and decide to let him speak first so you’ll know which portion of your plan you should enact. Closing the door, you turn and face him to see that he is now scrutinizing your face.
         “Is it true? Did you mean it?”
         “Is what true?” You respond even though you are well aware of what he’s talking about.
         “Are you really in love with me?”
         Damn his unreadable face, you think as you try to decide how to reply. You open your mouth to say something when Kageyama cuts you off.
         “Because I love you too.” He blurts out in a serious yet excitable tone.
         Now it was your turn to have your eyes pop out of your head.
         “You do?” You say, still stunned by his words.
         “Yeah I do. You meant it, right?” He says with uncertainty now apparent in his voice.
         “Yes, I meant it. I love you Tobio-chan.” You give him a big smile.
         He lets out a sigh of relief.
         “So are we a couple now?”
         “Only if you want to be.” You say.
         “I do want to.”
         “Ok so we’re a couple now then.”
         He smiles at you before furrowing his brow slightly.
         “Ok, so now what?”
         You give a little chuckle at his adorably clueless face.
         “Why don’t we start with you coming over here and giving me a kiss?”
         “Gladly.” He responds happily before going over to you and pressing his lips against yours.
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that-sw-writer · 4 years
If you’re taking requests, hear me out...
Kylo x reader
Disney princess Mulan style. Reader is in the knights of Ren but no one knows she’s a girl! Kylo is the first to find out maybe by walking in on her changing or something idk whatever you think would be the best. I thought of this after reading intoxicated which both parts were awesome by the way!!
I’m so sorry that you’ve waited about a century for me to finish this... but I tried to make up for that by including a zesty meme to go with this lmao
Also I’m glad you enjoyed intoxicated, it’s literally one of my favourite things I’ve ever written!! I hope this one shot is what you had in mind!
Paring: Female Knight of Ren!Reader/Kylo Ren (Mulan inspired)
Word count: 4582
Warnings: mentions sex and kylo ren is briefly a bit of a dick
(context for the dank meme will be provided when you read)
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I’ll Make a Man Out of You
You were struggling today, more than most months. Usually you managed to get through stomach cramps with a few painkillers, but today you were practically keeling over, and it hadn't escaped the notice of the other Knights of Ren.
"Nuren? You okay?" Kuruk had asked you in the midst of sparring, noticing that your movements were sloppy as you tried to ignore the crippling pain in your stomach.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit under the weather." You tried to play it off, your voice coming off modulated due to your helmet. You were the only knight who always wore their helmet, the others took theirs off to socialise but you had to keep your secret safe, so you had told them from day one that you had taken an oath to never allow any sentient being to see your face, something you knew was common amongst the Mandalorian clans.
It was a solitary life, lying every day to the people whom you cared about more than anyone else, but you were in too deep to tell them to truth now. There had never been a woman amongst the Knights of Ren, and that wasn't likely to change - at least, not as far as anyone knew. You would just continue to miss out on drinking and eating with your brothers, being forced to sit in the corner and try your best to join in with their merriment.
Even your leader, Kylo Ren, had no idea of the truth. For years now you had concealed your gender from them, but you had never intended for it to go this far. You had joined the knights when they had come to your homestead seeking your brother, who was Force sensitive. He hid when they had shown up and you sent the knights on a cold trail to look for him, but after they left you had considered things. You were desperate for an escape and for adventure, plus you were also Force sensitive, so you had decided to drop everything and chase after them in place of your brother. You had concealed your identity by donning simple armour, which was soon replaced once they had taken you on board.
You took on the name Nuren, which meant 'woman' in your planet's dialect - hidden in plain sight, and you had never looked back. Sure, nothing about it was easy, but you wouldn't dare quit, you quickly found yourself enjoying the training, missions and most importantly: the brotherhood.
"Perhaps we should call it a day." Kylo raised his hand to stop the sparring, his gaze unsurprisingly fixated on you. "Nuren, go to the med-bay if you need to." Despite being a terrifying Supreme Leader to most, Kylo Ren cared about his knights, although little did he know that you had just gotten your period - there was nothing seriously wrong with you.
Over the years you had learnt a lot about concealing your emotions, particularly those where Master Ren was concerned. There were thousands of people in the galaxy whom you could have fallen for, but you had to choose to fall for Kylo Ren - the one man you could never have, for more reason than one. Most obviously: he thought you were a man who could under no circumstances remove his helmet in front of other people. But aside from that, even if he did know the truth, how could it ever work? You were one of his knights. Although admittedly, you had spent a lot of time alone at night dreaming that it could work.
"That's okay Master Ren, I think I just need to rest." You stood tall as you spoke to him, despite the sharp pain that was still twisting your stomach.
"Very well." He nodded, dismissing you all, but you could see the look of concern still on his face.  Curse these cramps for ruining training for you.
You retired alongside your brothers after that, still trying to ignore just how much pain you were in, but they were unsurprisingly teasing you about it.
"One little stomach ache takes Nuren down? This is the same guy I once saw singlehandedly take on a Nightsister right?" Cardo gave you a bolshy nudge and the others all laughed.
"He's right, I knew the food they served up on this base was crap, by I didn't realise it was that crap." Trudgen then jested, and you laughed along with them, knowing that this was just how they behaved.
"You think I eat that shit?" You snorted as you all made your way back to your shared common area.
There was a large communal area where the knights all socialised together and attached were seven bedrooms, each sealed behind private blast doors.
"Since we're done for the day, who fancies a drink?" Ap'lek asked the moment you all stepped foot inside, moving over to produce multiple bottles of beer from the fridge.
The others all mumbled in agreement, moving to take off their helmets and make themselves comfortable. Despite knowing that you would decline, the knights never failed to ask you to join them and they had no idea how much that simple gesture meant to you, let alone how much you wanted to accept it.
"How about it Nuren? Nothing like alcohol to cure sickness." Ushar grinned, but you reluctantly shook your head.
"I think I might just turn in and take a nap." You said, your brothers all bidding you farewell before you disappeared behind the doors that lead to your quarters.
As soon as you were alone, you shed yourself of the heavy helmet, as well as the outer layers of your armour. Carrying around that much weight on your body whilst on your period should have been a crime.
Rather than collapsing onto the bed, you moved to dig through your drawers where you had a stash of painkillers hidden for these exact moments - hopefully they would at least give you a few pain-free hours so you could spend some time with the other knights before they got too drunk.
Swallowing down the pill, you knew it would take some time to kick in so you opted to soak in a warm bath until them, that usually helped. From your refresher you could vaguely hear the others all laughing and having fun together. It pained you more and more every day have to be such an outsider, but you feared that if you revealed the truth to them they would never accept you.
You tried not to let your thoughts dwell on negative things whilst you bathed, but it was hard not to. You had everything you ever wanted - but you didn't have it, as far as anyone else was aware your brother was the one living this dream. Could you really go on like this forever? The answer was: yes. You had no choice, you would die with your secret one day.
You eventually left the refresher, a towel wrapped securely around your body. Thankfully, this time your painkillers were actually working, so with any luck you'd be able to join your brothers and simply watch them drink and wish you could join in - just as you always did.
When you pulled on your undergarments you wrapped tight bandaging around your chest to flatten it. It was beyond painful to wear every day, but definitely easier than explaining why you had breasts...
You tugged on your slightly baggy trousers, and your even baggier undershirt. You found that clothes with less shape worked better. However, before you could sweep your hair back into a clean bun and put your helmet on, you heard the blast doors to your room open.
The knights knew to never walk into each other's private quarters unannounced, and there was surely only one other person who could possibly be in the knights' common area.  But why would he be in here?
"I wanted to check that you're okay-" Kylo began, clearly not focusing as he entered.  But when his voice trailed off you knew that he had laid eyes on you.
With your heart in your mouth, you slowly turned around to confirm your worst nightmare. Kylo Ren stood staring at you, his mouth slightly agape. Clearly he hadn't known what to expect, but this was far beyond the parameters of his imagination.
"I can explain-" you quietly said, your voice coming out as nothing but a mere whisper. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst out of your chest.
Clearly just as unsure how to process what he had seen as you were, he simply turned on his heel and fled the room, quickly marching out of the knights' common area altogether.
There was no time for you to panic, you forced yourself to take a deep breath, pulled your helmet on and took off after him, still only wearing your under-layers. As you dashed out, your brothers paid you little mind, they were too caught up in their conversation to notice the commotion.
"Master Ren, wait." You called to him as he was striding ahead of you.
In one sharp motion he turned to you, pushing you against the wall, his gloved hand clasped around your neck where he could see wisps of hair falling out from beneath your helmet.
"I want you to leave this base, and pray that I never see you again." He was cutting off your airwaves, but nevertheless you still attempted to choke out.
"M-Master Ren, please. I-I had to lie." You tried to explain, your voice coming out as a  strained croak.
"And now you have to leave." He hissed, the betrayal in his tone was clear. Without another word he released you and went storming off down the corridor again.
You had no idea what to do, or who to turn to. Perhaps it was just best to heed Kylo's warning and leave. You feared that if Kylo's reaction had been nothing short of death threats, you would be met with a very similar reaction from your fellow knights, but part of you also thought that they deserved to know the truth before you abandoned them.
Besides, now you had nothing left to lose.
When you arrived back in the common area, the knights were all lost in their merriment. Clearly a few drinks down, you could tell they were slightly tipsy, although perhaps that would make this easier.
"I need to tell you something." You planted yourself in the middle of the room, and were immediately met by jeering, something you would've normally embraced and enjoyed, but now your reaction was stone cold.
"Hopefully you're telling us that you're ready to have some fun!" Cardo bellowed, "c'mon Nuren, loosen up a bit."
"No." You grumbled, "I wish I could." Before you open yourself up to more teasing, you reached up and unlatched your helmet, silently revealing the truth to the knights. "You came to my planet looking for my brother, but you got me instead." You quietly explained, dreading the reactions that were to come.
It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, and part of you feared that they would kill you on the spot for lying to them. Slowly, your brothers rose to their feet, seemingly sobering up in that moment.
"So for all these years, you've been pretending to be your brother?" Ushar asked, his voice level, so much so that you couldn't read his emotions.
"Yes." You hung your head in guilt.
The ominous silence fell once more, and you couldn't bear it any longer. However, as you opened your mouth to speak, a stifled laugh broke through the crippling silence.
You whipped around and saw Kuruk with a hand covering his mouth. "Sorry it's just-" before he could finish there were more uncontrollable laughs escaping his lips. Clearly this laughter was contagious, because before you knew it it was spreading throughout the room.
"I-I can't believe you said you had taken an oath t-to not take the helmet off!" Ap'lek struggled to get his words out through the laughter, "a kriffing oath!" He exclaimed, leaning on Vicrul who was beside him, as they tried to regain their composure.
"This... is really not the reaction I was expecting." Entirely unsure of what to do, you just stood and stared at them all as they continued to crease in fits of laughter. But after a few moments you found yourself unable to avoid the contagious laughter, but you of all people really had no clue what you found so funny.
You were all in stitches for another few minutes before it died down, and despite the circumstances the laughter made you feel as though some of the weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Knowing that your fellow knights weren't angry at you was a much needed relief.
"So why not tell us the truth?" Vicrul eventually asked once they could form coherent sentences.
"The Knights of Ren was no place for a woman." You sighed, throwing yourself down on the couch with your head in your hands, "I wish I had told you earlier, but I always thought you'd be angry - I really didn't expect the laughing fit."
"C'mon Nuren, you should have known us better than that. No matter what, we're brothers... well, now you're our first sister." Ushar chuckled, giving you a solid pat on the back.
As the others echoed his sentiment, you appreciated more than anything that they weren't treating you any differently just because of your gender. There was still that sense of familiarity, and the brotherhood... it was just a shame you couldn't stay.
"So why tell us now?" Ap'lek eventually asked.
"Master Ren-" your tone immediately became more downcast as you remembered the gravity of the situation, "he found out the truth, and he told me to leave. I thought before I go I at least owed you all the truth."
Glances were exchanged, before Cardo spoke up, "no, we won't let you leave."
Your heart nearly burst out of your chest at the gesture, but you couldn't allow yourself to fall into that safety blanket. "Master Ren will have my head if I stay. I betrayed him, and you all know how he responds to betrayal."
"But you forget Nuren, you're a Knight of Ren, and we never leave a brother behind." Trudgen said. "...Or a sister." He then hastened to add.
It had only been a week since everyone had found out the truth. Whilst your fellow knights actually gotten on better with you now that you could drink and socialise with them, the same could not be said for Kylo Ren.
Firstly, he was less than happy about being undermined when it came to you leaving the base. Now you were a constant reminder of his own empty threat. But more importantly, what you didn't realise was that he wanted you gone more than ever because he was developing an inexplicable attraction to you. The worst part was, it wasn't just physical. Whilst he would sit moping in the corner he could see the way you were around the other knights - they clearly adored you, and the fact that a female presence was actually having a positive effect on the group made it even harder for Ren to despise you. He saw the way you could light up a room, and he couldn't help but want you. He was angry for allowing himself to feel such a way, and that unfortunately manifested itself as anger towards you.
The other knights, meanwhile, couldn't possibly look at you in such a way. Perhaps had they met you for the first time as strangers, they would have relentlessly flirted with you as they did so many other women. But you had all spent too much time together in too many awkward situations to ever see each other as more than adopted-siblings.
You were so relieved to finally be able to relax around the knights, but there was always that tension whenever you were around Master Ren. You had been desperately trying to prove yourself to him to show him that you were the same knight you had always been, regardless of your gender - although deep down you knew that it had nothing to do with the fact you were a woman, it was the fact that you had lied to him...
Although for Kylo it was none of these. He knew he had overreacted when he'd first found out the truth, and now he was relieved that the other knights had vouched for you and made him change his mind and let you stay.
You were all sat in the common area, your legs casually thrown over Trudgen's lap for comfort. You each had a drink in hand, as was standard practise for you all on evenings when you had nothing else to do.
"I seriously don't think I can go much longer putting up with him constantly glaring at me." You scoffed, discussing Kylo's apparent hatred of you.
"Sure he used to do that, but now I don't think he's glaring... I don't know, I'm just not getting the same angry energy off him that I was last week." Ap'lek pondered, shrugging his shoulders.
"What do you mean?" Your brow furrowed, but Kuruk was quick to catch on.
"No, Ap'lek's right. He's not glaring, he's staring." He playfully smacked his forehead, "I can't believe we didn't spot it sooner."
"Holy shit, you're right." Vicrul was next to chime in.
You all had a low-level bond through the Force, so you knew pretty much what they were thinking, but that didn't mean you agreed with them.
"Oh come on, Master Ren won't even talk to me anymore and you think that means he likes me? He literally had his hand around my throat a week ago." You snorted, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, well maybe you enjoyed that." Trudgen teased you from the other side of the sofa, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows, but you swiftly threw a cushion at his face to shut him up.
"It makes so much sense the more I think about it." Ap'lek laughed, shaking his head, "he won't talk to you because he doesn't know how to process emotions. Come on Nuren, when have you ever seen him flirt, or even be nice to a woman?"
Before you could reply, Vicrul summarised it, "it's because he doesn't know how!" At that they all hollered and nudged each other in agreement.
"You're all out of your minds," you laughed, "he wants me dead, not-" before you could finish your sentence with a crude joke, the blast doors flew open to reveal the man himself, and you immediately all fell silent.
It wasn't necessarily unusual for him to come and join you all in your living area, but he hadn't done so since he found out the truth about you. Not to mention, he had picked an awful moment to enter.
"What? You all look like someone's died." He huffed, helping himself to a drink before moving to sit down.
You meanwhile did the opposite and removed your legs from Trudgen's lap and stood up, retiring to your quarters without another word. You didn't particularly want to put up with his glaring, or 'staring' as the knights had now deemed it.
There was nothing to do in your quarters, and you immediately realised that you had just stormed off and now were stuck, so you made a point of dressing in some simple training clothes and heading back out to walk through the common area with your helmet in hand. You pulled it over your head before leaving the rest of the knights alone with Kylo and went off to your training area to run some drills alone.
In your absence, and after their apparent revelation, the other knights decided that that it was time to address the elephant in the room with Kylo.
"Master Ren, you know Nuren thinks that you hate her, right?" Ushar said, to which Kylo just tried to play it off with a nonchalant shrug.
"I don't hate her." He said, his tone not wavering. He certainly didn't want any of them finding out the truth behind his cold behaviour.
"Trust me, we know that." He replied, in a very pointed tone which made it clear that they had worked out the truth about Kylo's feelings, "but she doesn't know that." He then added.
He clearly wanted to protest, but it was obvious that the knights could see right through him and his nonchalance.
They simply all stared at him, expectantly, until eventually Kylo exhaled a heavy sigh, taking a long drink before speaking again. "Fine, I get the point." He rose to his feet, "I'll go and talk to her." He reluctantly agreed to do what he had been dreading. He had no idea how to process any emotion that wasn't anger.
As soon as he left, the knights began discussing every possible outcome. Little did you know that they had practically planned your wedding, since they had decided that not only would you be good for Kylo, he would be good for you.
Blissfully unaware of everything that had just happened, you were alone in the training room swinging a blunt training weapon against a dummy, who was taking the brunt of your frustration. You had left your helmet by the door.
When the blast doors opened to reveal a sheepish looking Kylo Ren, you were less than happy - and it was written all over your face. Nevertheless, you stood to attention.
"Master Ren." You nodded, "I thought you were with the others." You desperately wanted to replicate his bad attitude and make a cutting remark, but you knew that simply wouldn't help your case. No matter what, you had to show respect to your leader.
"I came to talk to you." He said, his tone coming out much darker than intended.
"With all due respect Sir, if you want me to leave that badly, it's the other knights you need to talk to - they're the reason why I'm still here." You relaxed your stance and went back to swinging at the dummy as you spoke.
"That's not it." He said, walking around to stand behind the dummy so he was in your eye-line, "I'm glad you're still here." He eventually admitted, practically through gritted teeth. Every muscle in his body had stiffened.
You stepped back from your training, brow furrowed, "you are?" You hated the way your heart rate increased at his words. Through it all, you still couldn't deny your own attraction to Kylo Ren, perhaps that was why his cold attitude had been so hurtful to you.
"Yes." He plainly said, having no inclination of what else he could possibly say.
"Then why are you acting so off with me?" You hesitantly asked, at which point he looked down at his feet. This had been the question he was hoping you wouldn't ask, because he was afraid to answer it.
"I-" he began, before sealing his lips again. Whatever words he wanted to say simply wouldn't form in his mouth. He was truly tongue-tied, but thankfully his body decided that it was ready to move again - actions did tend to speak louder than words.
Boldly, he moved towards you and captured your lips in a heated kiss, pouring all the words he couldn't say into this gesture.
You were stunned to say the least, your training weapon falling to the floor. But it wasn't long before your lips responded and returned the kiss. Kylo's arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him, your hands resting on his chest.
However, it didn't take long for your brain to catch up and you briefly pulled away from his lips for long enough to speak. "So you... like me, like me, and you tried to show me that by being miserable around me?" You asked him, just needing to clarify his odd behaviour.
Suddenly feeling much looser now that he had made a move, he responded with a smirk, "did it work?" He teased.
"Not so much, I think you perhaps need to try being less of an asshole in future Master Ren." You responded with a snarky remark, knowing that you could definitely get away with teasing him now.
"I think from now on, just Kylo is fine." He exhaled a short laugh and leaned back in to kiss you.
It wasn't long before you either had to break away, or have sex right there in the training room and you both silently agreed that the latter wasn't really a practical option.
"Your quarters?"  You prompted, still tangled in his arms.  Really this whole scenario still felt surreal to you.  You had crushed on Kylo Ren for longer than you cared to admit, then when he had found out the truth about your gender he had reacted less than favourably... and now suddenly here you were.  Only he could react to developing feels for you by acting as though he hated you.
His face dropped and he grimaced slightly, "we-uh, we can't."  He sheepishly explained.
"Why not?"  Your brow furrowed, immediately thinking that taking him back to your quarters would be quite an embarrassing affair with all of the other knights being in the common area.
"There are technicians in there repairing Lightsaber damage."  He said it casually, but you could read between the lines well enough to know that 'Lightsaber damage' meant that he'd had a tantrum and trashed his own quarters.
"Are you brave enough to come to my quarters?"  You smirked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
"I think you're overestimating how much they'll care."  He said, and you definitely couldn't fault his optimism, but you knew that the knights most certainly would care.
With the steamy moment beginning to waste away you hastily walked side by side back to the Knights of Ren's common area.  You had your helmet on again as you walked, but as soon as you entered you removed it, and it still felt surreal that you now had that freedom.
"Nuren, is that you?"  Kuruk's voice was the first to call out, none of them turning around from where they sat, still with drinks in hand.
"Yep, it's me."  You quickly said, ushering Kylo into your quarters in the hope that none of them would notice.
"Did you and Master Ren kiss and make up?"  Cardo asked, clearly teasing you, but chose to turn around at simply the perfect moment to catch you in the act.
Halfway through the blast doors to your private quarters you and Kylo froze, and a sheepish grin rose up onto your lips.
"Oh so you literally kissed and made up."  Ushar then said, the smirks appearing on all of their lips foreshadowing some relentless teasing.
"Well... kinda."  You tried to play it off, but before you could make any poor excuses, Kylo simply pulled you through the doors and had his lips on yours as they shut behind you.
As you guided him back towards the bed, you could hear the knights outside loudly wolf-whistling and jeering.
You had only wanted to be able to take your helmet off comfortably around the knights - now you not only had that, you had Kylo Ren too.  In exchange for that you could definitely put up with the teasing from your brothers.
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59writes · 3 years
if you’re reading this as like an actual fic: first of all I’m sorry. how did you end up here. it’s most definitely 2 am go to bed. this fic was literally made because of a fucking uquiz about “ what kpop boy are you enemies to lovers with”
second of all, ignore any chess mistakes. idk I know legit fuckall about chess, my brother just always bitches about it whenever I want to stop playing because I just have my king left or smth like that because I know I’ve lost. mf reads chess books.
like look: I UNDERSTAND the game and how it works, and the idea that you have to think ahead and plan. but I’m adhd as shit and there’s no such thing as time or planning. ergo, I suck. like I SUCK. I feel like if I applied myself I’d be great but fuck that. I’m a bad chess player and y’all gotta deal.
third: I mention League Of Legends at one point. I’m so cringe yes shut up ok but I’ve been special interest-ing League for several months now and I need to let you know that Josh, y/n, and Jeonghan play a mean jungler/adc/support combo (respectively). I have so many more headcanons typed in my draft or whatever but I know nobody wants to see it so
anyways pls enjoy this train wreck of a fic lol
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If you had known playing chess would have led to this bullshit, you never would have started playing in the first place.
You wouldn’t have worked your ass off, wouldn’t have pored through strategy books and watched live-streamed games, wouldn’t have competed for months to become an official grandmaster. Absolutely not. None of that hard work and pride deserved to be wasted on Yoon Jeonghan.
Thanks to your exceptional academics and study habits, as well as your headlining pursuits in chess, private schools crawled to your front door and begged for you to give them money just so they could brag about having you as arm candy. You didn’t care. It was free scholarships, a chance to leave your tiny town, a chance to start anew with people just like you. If you were lucky, they wouldn’t know your fame status, or would be used to the junk by now. Some would probably be even more popular than you.
So you grabbed a paper, scribbled a signature on, and packed your bags.
You had picked an academy for the arts, as logic games apparently counted as one. They figured they could do something with your whimsical essay writing as well, submit you in scholastic contests. It didn’t matter. You were free, and there to play some goddamn chess.
They had a hardcore club there, meeting daily on weekdays and occasionally for casual play on the weekends. Everyone there was excellent, all clever players with quick logic and a competitive edge that you hadn’t seen in a while. It was refreshing, but still not enough of a challenge.
You swept the floor with your classmates, and rose to the top of the club’s rankings within a week.
Of course you lost games here and there, as everyone did, but for the most part any game you began was imbalanced from the beginning. Your opponent could at best only defend themselves, only able to pick off pawns or bait bishops that inevitably ended in a brutal checkmate.
You were top of the class, and for once it took some effort. You felt like you’d earned something, and you were actually interacting with serious chess players who wanted to learn, not fawn over your work. They played fair and every game was fun.
That was until the blond bitch came in.
He sauntered into the class about a month after you’d hit the top of the leaderboard, long blond hair tied back in a neat and slick ponytail. You barely noticed, immersed in a game with another boy, Joshua. You studied the board as your opponent looked up, grinning wildly.
“Jeonghan!” He called out, waving at the other boy.
Jeonghan’s ponytail whipped across his shoulder as he turned, matching Josh’s smile with a killer beam of his own and jogging over.
“‘Shua!” He chirped, playfully wrapping an arm around Joshua’s neck, strangling him while his other hand smooshed Josh’s hair around.
You watched them wrestle for a second before clearing your throat. “Josh, your move.”
“Aw shit.” Josh says, wrestling Jeonghan’s arm away from his shoulder. “Back to the ass kicking.”
You grin. “If you hadn’t made that dumb move literally third turn in-“
“Hey! We are NOT talking about that!”
You snort and glance at Jeonghan, who’s gone quiet, studying the board. He crouches down and whispers in Josh’s ear, both of them scanning the board. Josh finally nods, pushing one of his pawns forward.
“What was that about, Hong?” You ask, capturing said pawn with a neat L from your knight.
“Nothing.” He replies sweetly, while Jeonghan smirks.
“Sure it wasn’t.”
Josh doesn’t reply. The rest of the game is tensely quiet, interrupted only by Jeonghan murmuring into Joshua’s ear every few minutes, a devil on his shoulder.
But it was fine, you were ahead by a few pieces, your bishops slowly inching towards a checkmate. The next move was it, the game in the bag.
And then your queen is gone.
Jeonghan takes the liberty of removing it from the board with a proud smile while Joshua cackles.
The game doesn’t last much longer, soon the both of you down to just pawns and your king, and then just the kings. A draw.
And let’s be honest here: Joshua kinda sucks at chess.
Josh counted it as a victory, though, hitting Jeonghan with a high five that echoed around the classroom like a firecracker. The boys talked briefly while you set up the board again for the next duo and packed your bag, ready to head to your dorm for a much-needed nap.
You wave to Joshua and turn to go, only making it a few steps before someone grabs your wrist. You whip around, ready to tell them off, only to be met with Jeonghan interrupting whatever swear you were about to say with a sharp smile.
“I’m playing you on Monday.”
He lets go of your wrist and turns around, resuming his talk with Josh as if nothing happened.
Rubbing your wrists ruefully, you headed home.
Of course, his bullshit didn’t stop there.
You did, in fact, play him on Monday. He had you cornered within five minutes.
The next time, in four.
He gathered a crowd a few games in. Every time you’d meet his gaze he’d smirk, eyes brimming with some sort of superiority that made you furious, always endlessly cool and calm. He’d flick his hair over his shoulder every so often, even stopping to talk to spectators while you puzzled over the board, trying to hide your stress.
You were second place by Wednesday.
“You cheated.”
Jeonghan just raises a brow.
“Put the rook back.” You growl, firm.
“Sorry?” He ignores your request, instead poking at one of your previously captured pawns he has resting on the table next to him. “Can you move? I’ve almost got checkmate.”
“My rook, Yoon.” You hold out your hand. “Give it back, or put it back yourself. H6.”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you resign? If we were using a timer you’d have been disqualified sometime last week.”
It’s taking every ounce of self control to not slap the living shit out of the smug bastard. “Jeonghan, if you don’t-“
“How’s the game going here?” The chess club leader had made her way to your table, grinning widely upon seeing her favorite students.
Jeonghan smiles kindly at her while you curl in on yourself, trying not to explode. “It’s fine, Ms. Lee. Almost done with this one.”
“Are you missing a piece? Looks like the black rook-“
“Must have fallen off the table.” Jeonghan chirps, ducking under the table and returning with the piece in hand. He sets it with the rest of his captured black army, sending a thumbs up at Ms. Lee. “Thanks for noticing, we don’t need to lose any more pieces.” It’s an innocent sentence, but it makes you turn a boiling red. Lose a piece, my ass.
“Well played, both of you.” She replies, patting Jeonghan on the head fondly before walking off. The blond rolls his eyes, ducking his head so Ms. Lee can’t see.
“Jeonghan, you asshole.” You hiss as soon as Ms. Lee is out of earshot. “I saw you take it out of your pocket, you lying-“
“If you’re not moving, I’m going to.” Jeonghan replies, moving his bishop forward to capture your queen. “Checkmate. Good game.”
You can only gape as he grabs your hand to shake it and walks off, approaching Joshua.
That was when you really knew you hated him.
You studied his games from then on, partially to learn, partially to gather evidence. If he was cheating this consistently with other players, you could definitely get him kicked out of the club and subsequently your life once competition season started, as well as learn and potentially steal his strategies.
Infuriatingly, though, every single game he played besides the hellish ones with you were completely fair. No pieces being slipped into his thin hands when nobody was looking, no clock taps that discreetly took a few seconds from his opponent’s timer. Even with Josh, who he was best buddies with: not even a joking steal or a prank of any kind.
It was just with you.
Every single game you played together, he managed to do something to piss you off, if not blatantly cheat. If it was one of the days you had spectators, his harassment would come in the form of heavy looks and obnoxious “I’m waiting”-esque moves: tapping his nails on the desk, raising a brow, checking his watch.
And if you were alone, you basically had to glue your pieces down to the board to stop them from slipping their way into his pockets. It was obvious when he did it, too, always sending you a smile, too innocent.
It was infuriatingly adorable how proud he was of his nasty behavior. And he was focused too: none of his other opponents got the thought and effort he put into outwitting you and attempting to steal things without you noticing. As much as you hated him, you had to admire it.
Which is why it was so hard to finally draw a line and refuse to play with him anymore.
Though he shrugged when you put your foot down, his dark eyes watched you the rest of that club session. Every time you caught him, he held your gaze for a moment before looking away and resuming cheerfully animated conversation with his opponent.
God, how was he so easily likeable?
He respected your decision, though, and didn’t even attempt to talk to you. It was genuinely polar and strange, and it made you lost in thought as the months passed.
You almost missed the absence of anger, as stupid as it was. School had always been boring and simple, and chess with Jeonghan was the only thing to have made you frustrated in a long time, to have truly challenged you in a long time.
Even when you buckled down on trying to get him out of your head, he seemed to follow- being friends with Joshua (and honestly most of the other club members) almost always devolved into chats about the club and “why aren’t you playing Jeonghan anymore?”. Josh often suggested playing video games with the two of them, and you had to refuse (although playing League with Josh was so fun).
It was lonely.
Stupid Jeonghan.
Finally, tournament season started.
Following (what was apparently) club tradition, the entire team dyed their hair between practices. You settled with a simple streak of blue that was stolen from Josh (he went completely teal, the madman).
The next day, Jeonghan came to practice with his blond ponytail gone, replaced by a dark brown undercut, hair bluntly chopped to end around his jaw.
Unfortunately, it suited him.
He saved a blond spot for a bit of Josh’s blue, however, and Josh dyed it for him in the middle of the clubroom, laughing the whole time. They’d planned it, clearly, as you were pretty sure Josh didn’t just carry around dye in his backpack.
Which means he knew you two would match when he did your hair.
It was confirmed by an apologetic shrug when you cornered him while he threw away the dye-stained gloves.
“Give him a chance, please y/n?”
“Hong Jisoo. You know how I feel about that dumbass-“
“Why are you so insistent on having us talk again? He’s a two-faced-“
“y/n, you’d like him. He’s funny, and genuinely nice. I don’t know why he was acting like that with you, but that was almost three months ago. Give him a chance.”
“You should be glad I like you, you stupid fucking rat.”
Josh laughs as you walk away, fuming.
Unfortunately, you did like that stupid fucking rat, and so when he offered dinner after an out-of-state tournament (he pinky swore he’d pay) you finally gave in.
Jeonghan coming?
lol yea
that ok?
not rlly
I’ll give him a chance tho
:D thank u
you owe me
I’m buying ur food :(
josh we r literally getting fast food
you owe me
lol k >:)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Family reunion; Sirius Black x daughter teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is my first Harry Potter fanfic in awhile so if I get anything wrong, I apologize in advance. So this takes place during POA and I know it kinda drags along in some parts but I promise it gets better in some parts. Now idk if I'll make a sequel to this part, maybe with enough encouragement from you guys, maybe I'll get around to writing a part 2 that takes place during Order of the phoenix. But for now please enjoy this oneshot of Sirius Black.
Warnings: Swearing, mild violence, death of parent(s), bit of angst and fluff.
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If you had told me that when I first walked through the halls of Hogwarts that in my 5th year that I would reunite with my dad, honestly I would believe it.  I always believed my father was innocent, even at just 3 years old I remember that night very clearly.  Because it wasn’t just the night that my godfather James and god mother Lily were killed, but my mother was also killed that day.
I saw with my own eyes (my mum had borrowed my godfather’s invisibility cloak to hide me) as Peter Pettigrew killed my mother with the ultimate unforgivable curse.  I remember crying over her dead body pleading for her to wake up, I remember daddy walking in and seeing us on the floor and him crying alongside me.
I especially remember when he left me at uncle Remus’ place for protection to go hunt Pettigrew only to be framed for murder of not only him but 12 muggles.
Since then my uncle was next in line to take care of me should anything happen to either my parents or godparents (my mum had no other living relatives and my dad wanted to ensure that I had no ties to the Black family tree should the worse happen).
For years I’ve been under my uncle Remus’ care who believed every word the Ministry said about my dad.  He didn’t want to but the evidence was stacked against my dad (even though no deep investigation had been made).
Anyways—oh wait I’m getting ahead of myself. I tend to do that a lot.  The name’s (Y/n) Lupin-Black, I’m currently a 5th year Hogwarts student in Ravenclaw (my mum’s house).  Even though I’m in Ravenclaw I’ve been friends with the Weasley twins Fred and George since our first year when the two of them stole my notes and wouldn’t give it back till I could tell them apart.
Amazingly I did and since then they’ve stuck to me like glue. The three of us do cause a bit of trouble at times (I get my mischievous side from my dad and brains from my mum, according to Gryffindor’s head professor, Professor McGonagall).
I also have an ability that I also inherited from my dad. I am a legal animangus, in fact I’m the youngest animangus the Ministry ever recorded.  
It took a lot of hard work and training in order to focus but by my second year I had mastered the ability.  My animangus form is a puma, and I’ve used it to help with my uncle’s—condition.  In fact that was the reason I wanted to become one.
He was at first against it but with a letter recommendation from Professor McGonagall and my head of house, Professor Flitwick, my uncle had no choice but to allow me to go through it.
Now as a 5th year, things have been—hectic these past few years since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts.  The Chamber of Secrets had been opened last year, and we had an incident with a troll, lost 2 DADA professors (but what else is new with that), but this year my uncle is the new professor for that class, and so far according to the Golden trio, everyone loves him.
But back to this story about my dad.  This year everyone at Hogwarts was on alert because my dad had escaped from Azkaban, the first ever wizard to ever do such a thing.  Now our school was to be housing for the Dementors until my dad was found and captured.
I tried to keep a low profile about it but at nights whenever I helped my uncle out during his ‘wolf-trots’ I would also try to see if I could find my dad.
Then one night it happened.
I was out with uncle Remus but I had lost trace of him through the Forbidden forest.  As I walked along in my puma form, my ears soon picked up the sound of barking.  Not werewolf barks, they were—dog barks? But why was a dog all the way out here? Dogs are the sort of creatures allowed within a mile of Hogwarts, nor can they get pass the barrier.
I raced on ahead and when I stood over a cliff but lowered myself down behind the rocks.  There I saw a scruffy, lean, but massive black dog barking at a few Acromantulas.  God I hate those things, I don’t care what Hagrid says, spiders can’t be trusted!  And I was right because right now this dog was being attacked by about seven of these things.
As one of them knocked the dog down and pinned it to the ground, ready to bite it and fill it with its venom, I let out a protective roar.  The spiders all looked up at me and I leapt down from the cliff and stood protectively in front of the black dog.
With a slash of my paws, I struck one of the spiders across it’s many eyes before biting down on it and tossing it like a paper ball.  I then leapt forward and pinned one of the other spiders down.  Another one tried to attack me but as it reared upward, the dog suddenly came up and rolled around with the spider.
I bit the head off the one I had pinned before racing across and swiping the legs off another one.  Soon realizing that they couldn’t win since a few of their siblings had already fallen, the rest of the spiders retreated back into their burrows and caves. I let out a loud and aggressive roar before turning towards the dog.
We walked towards each other till we stood face to face of one another.  As I stared at this dog, something about it was familiar to me.  Through the scruffy, madded fur and the very lean body I looked into it’s eyes and if I were back in my human form I would’ve gasped.
This wasn’t any ordinary dog, it—it was him.  My dad. Of course this was his animangus form, I remember! All the times he’d chase me around in his dog form when I was little, our nights curled up under the stars whenever mum wasn’t home, it was him!
My ears bent back as I sniffed at him.  When he noticed that I wasn’t any ordinary puma, he came up and sniffed around me.  He let out a surprised grunt as his ears perked up and his tail went up as it softly began to wag.
I leaned my head up against his letting out a loud, affectionate purr and he nuzzled against my head as well.  His paw would reach up and lightly touch the side of my head, almost as if he were embracing me.  We continued to nuzzle each other and I knew that if we could both show our human forms, we’d both be weeping hysterically as we’d hug and kiss each other.
But for now, our animangus forms would have to do.  As his head rested on my chest, I licked down his neck where I had seen a pretty bad scratch.  I licked his wound when we both heard the sound of a werewolf’s howl. Uncle Remus.
We both turned towards the direction of the howl before looking back at each other.  Dad gave me a gentle nod.  I looked between him and the direction of the howls hesitantly while giving him sad eyes. How could I leave him when I just found him after 12 years.  He came up to me and licked my muzzle up to behind my ears.  He then backed up and let out a couple of confident yet soft barks.
I nodded and nuzzled him again purring before licking his face affectionately.  I backed up and walked to where uncle Remus was but turned back to dad one last time. He let out another bark before I let out a low meow before racing on ahead to find uncle Remus.
That was over a month ago, but here is where our story truly begins.  Harry and his friends were slowly starting to piece together the story of my dad and Peter Pettigrew but with some straying doubt from my uncle, Harry still believed that my dad betrayed his parents and sold them to Voldemort.
I myself have tried to get him to see that my father wasn’t a threat but Harry has shut himself away from me.  He’s called me practically every name in the book and refuses to listen to me, hell he barely can even stand the sight of me.  Ron’s also elected to ignore me and treat me just like the school and the whole wizarding world has treated my dad.
Hermione on the other hand tolerates me just a bit more. She wants to believe what I have to say but due to the 12 long years of ‘evidence’ against my dad, she can’t seem to fully understand why the wizarding community would lie about framing an innocent man.
I sat alone by the Black lake looking up at the gloomy sky and stared out into the still, calm lake.  I let out a heavy sigh when I heard a voice behind me.
“You should really started heading back to the castle, it’s almost curfew time.” I turned around and there stood uncle Remus.  “And I would hate to give my niece a detention.”
“Please. You couldn’t find it in your heart to ground me for a week when the Weasley twins and I exploded the supply closet in the potions classroom in our second year.”
“Yes but I did give you a stern good lecture about messing with those chemicals.” He sat down beside me on the rocky surface and stared out the lake alongside me. “This reminds me back to my years at school with your father and the rest of my friends. We always snuck out here to this lake for late night swims.”
“Now, now uncle don’t go influencing me. You never know I might just run it by the twins.” I teased.
“(Y/n).” he started in that lecturing manner of his.
“Kidding, kidding. I know of the dangers of this lake.”
“Plus I never approved of us coming here to swim. It was always James and…….” He trailed off.
“Uncle do you really believe dad did what people said he did?” I said as I looked up at him.  He sighed deeply and said in a soft manner.
“As much as I want to believe it didn’t happen, I wasn’t there to say it wasn’t your father.”
“But I’ve told you countless times about my mother’s death! I saw with my own eyes who it was that killed her.”
“And I don’t doubt that. But with your godparents and those 12 muggles……your father’s family ties…..”
“Don’t define him! That’s why he made sure to not let anyone of the Black family tree get custody of me! Why he made sure that you were to be my guardian after papa James and mama Lily died!”
“If I‘m being honest he shouldn’t have done it to begin with.”
“Because of your condition?” he went silent. “Uncle……I never cared about that. You were never a monster to me. Why do you think I studied to be an animangus?” he turned to me.
“I’m just thankful you didn’t do the same thing your father did. Going ‘bout it the illegal route.” He cupped the side of my face, “You know Harry’s not the only one with his parent’s appearance.” I smiled solemnly.
“I know. My mother’s face but I have my father’s eyes.” It’s true.  Throughout all my life I had been told of people, especially uncle Remus here that I look practically identical to my mother, my eyes however are just like my father’s.
“I wish that she did get to see the women you grew up to be. She would be very proud of you.”
“Sometimes I—fear that I’m starting to forget about her.” I admitted to him.  Uncle Remus stroked my hair and allowed me to rest my head on his shoulder as an arm wrapped around me.
“Just think of how you succeeded throughout your schooling. That’s your mother right there. She was far too clever for her own right, even more than me. I’ll even admit that at times I was jealous of her at times.” We both softly laughed.
“I do recall dad telling me some of your little competitions you and mum used to do to prove just who was the most clever. She always beat you.”
“Not at everything!”
“I’m kidding. I know you did beat her at some stuff.” I looked up and saw my uncle looking toward the sky.  He almost seemed deep in thought about something. “Uncle? Uncle? Uncle Remus?”
“Hmm? Oh sorry love. But back to the reason why I came here; even though I am your uncle and guardian, I’m still a professor at this school and I order you to get back to the castle.”
“Yes Professor Lupin.” I said as I got up and walked away. However I snuck behind a tree because I wanted to see just where he was going.
If he wanted me to get back to the castle so urgently, why not just take me all the way there himself? What’s he up to? So I quietly followed behind him in my animangus form.  Sticking to the shadows and any tall shrub or bush to hide myself from my uncle, I crouched down low behind a rock as he now stood before the Whomping willow tree.
He took out his wand and said a spell which made the tree go still.  Once the branches went still, I saw him enter inside a small entrance of the tree and I quickly followed, now phasing back into my normal form.
I noticed that this place now suddenly looked like some sort of shack.  It was haunting and creaks and groans were heard all around me.  I reached out for my wand but before I could even grab it, I felt something touch my neck and a low, graveled voice said.
“Don’t. Move.” Ahh bollocks!
“Professor Snape.” I said lowly, trying to not be a threat. Yeah much like my dad, Professor Snape pretty much hated me since day one (I’m pretty sure he hates every student that isn’t a Slytherin).
“Sneaking out past curfew, allying in your father’s hiding, I would have the right mind to have you expelled from Hogwarts and have you be taken to Azkaban alongside your fugitive of a father.” Oh man did I really wanna punch him at this point.
“Professor you know he’s—” I felt his wand press harder against my neck as he hissed in my ear.
“It’s your word against the Ministry’s. Now follow me and do as your told.” Knowing I had no other choice, I allowed him to lead me up the stairs where I heard my dad’s voice say.
“Peter Pettigrew. And he’s in this room! Right now!”
“Take your wand out, and if he’s armed, disarm him.” I took my wand out and as my dad was calling out for Peter to come out, I stepped forward and cried out.
“Expelliarmus!” I saw as a wand fell out of my dad’s hand and that’s when my dad turned to me in shock.
“(Y/n)?” he gaped at me.
“(Y/n) what are you doing here?! I thought I told you to go back to the castle!” uncle Remus said.
“You should’ve realized that she’s more like her father in every way. Including disobedience.” Professor Snape soon made himself known as he now aimed his wand at my back, making sure to let my dad see it. “Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped to be the one to catch you.”
“Severus—” my uncle started off. Snape sent him one dirty look and as usual my uncle submitted as Snape hissed out.
“I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and now here’s the proof.”
“Brilliant Snape. Once again you put your keen impenetrating mind to the task, and as usual it comes to the wrong conclusions. Now if you’ll drop your wand and step away from my daughter, Remus and I have unfinished business to attend to!” his wand moved from my back to my throat.
“Give me a reason. I beg you.” He challenged my father.
“Dad.” I pleaded with fearful eyes.
“It’ll be alright darling.” He assured me.  His eyes then turned cold as he stared at Snape. “It’s one thing when you put your nose where it doesn’t belong, but when you force others to do your dirty work for you, that’s where I draw the line. If you don’t let my daughter go now, then I will show you a reason why I belong in Azkaban!”
“Sirius don’t be a fool.” Uncle Remus said.
“Well he can’t help it Remus it’s habit.”
“Quiet Sirius!”
“Quiet yourself Remus!”
“Listen to you two quarreling like an old married couple.” Snape said but that’s when dad sassed back at him.
“Why don’t you run along and play with your chemistry set!?” I was then shoved out of the way as Snape now had his wand right at my father’s neck now.  I fell to the ground but was quickly brought back up and held in my uncle’s arms.
“I could do it you know. But why deny the Dementors? They’re so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear? Oh yes, a Dementor’s kiss, one can only imagine what that much be like to endure. It’s said to be unbearable to witness but I’ll do my best.”
“Severus please.” My uncle tried to reason with him again. Once again Snape glared at my uncle and sneered once again.
“After you. Then we can deal with that rebel daughter of his next.” The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife before suddenly Harry called out.
“Expelliarmus!” then Snape went flying back towards an old rotten bed which collapsed right on him.
“Harry what did you just do?” asked Ron.
“You attacked a teacher!” Hermione exclaimed.
“Tell me about Peter Pettigrew.” Harry demanded as he pointed his wand at my uncle and I.
“He was an old school friend of theirs.” I answered him.
“No. Pettigrew’s dead. You killed him!” Harry said as he now pointed his want towards my dad.
“No he didn’t. I thought he was too till you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map.” Uncle Remus said.
“The map was lying then!” Harry argued.
“The map never lies! Pettigrew’s alive! And he’s right there!” my dad said before pointing towards Ron.
“Me? He’s mental!”
“Not you Ron! Your rat!” I told him.
“Scabbers? But he’s been in my family for—”
“12 years?! Curious long life for a common garden rat. He’s missing a toe isn’t he?”
“So what?” demanded Ron.
“All they could find of Pettigrew was his……” Harry started off.
“Finger.” Both my dad and I said.  The two of us looked at each other and softly smiled before my dad continued.
“The dirty coward cut it off so that everyone would think he was dead. And then he transformed into a rat!”
“Show me.” Harry ordered.  At this point my dad went to grab Ron’s rat but of course he refused to let go.  Once he managed to get Pettigrew out of Ron’s grip, Ron pleaded for my dad to leave Scabbers alone.  Hermione and I held him back so that my dad and uncle could finish the job.
Unfortunately Pettigrew was too fast for them to get a good shot to change him back.  So I quickly whipped out my wand and right as the rat went for a hole in the wall, I shot the spell and he soon morphed, for the first time in over 12 years, back into the stout, pudgy man that killed my mother.
My dad and uncle pulled him out of the wall and for the first time, Harry, Ron and Hermione saw Peter Pettigrew, the real man behind my father’s framed crime and the person responsible for Harry’s parent’s death and my mother’s killer.
“Remus…….S-Si-Sirius? My old friends.” Pettigrew praised before trying to make an escape for it, but they wouldn’t have it.  When his eyes soon lay on me, I felt my blood boil. “Ohh little (Y/n). So much like your mother, and with your father’s eyes. You remember me right? Your old uncle Pete—” as he came closer to me, I allowed my puma claws to come out as I scratched him across the face.  He whimpered as blood now began to seep down his face.
“You have no right to talk to me!” I growled at him. “I saw what you did that night! I WAS THERE YOU BASTARD!! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!” this time Ron and Hermione had to be the ones to hold me back from tearing that rat apart.
He shielded away from me in fear before turning to Harry who was just stunned in shock.
“Harry, look at you. You look so much like your father. Like James. We were best friends you know……”
“How dare you speak to Harry!” my dad hissed protectively. “How dare you talk about James in front of him!” soon the two of them had Pettigrew pinned by the piano, their wands at the ready.
“You sold James and Lily to Voldemort didn’t you!?” my uncle demanded.
“I didn’t mean to.” Wept the rat man pathetically.  He then began to go off on a ramble of how Voldemort was powerful and had weapons we had no idea he possessed. “What would you have done Sirius? What would you have done?”
“I would’ve died! I would’ve died rather than betray my friends or the woman I love!” my dad exclaimed as Peter tried to make his escape.  Harry blocked his escape but Peter whispered into his ear about something.
Finally I decided to step in and I pulled the rat away from my godbrother and aimed my wand at him.  Without even hesitating my father and uncle joined at my side and I said.
“Then you should know uncle. That if the Dark Lord didn’t kill you, then we will!”
“No wait!” Harry exclaimed.  My breathing sharpened as I said.
“Harry, this bastard……”
“I know what he is (Y/n). But we’ll take him to the castle. Together.” He placed his hand on top of mine and he softly whispered, “Would you mother want this?” I looked at him, tears starting to form in my eyes.
I turned back to Pettigrew who was now on his knees praising Harry for his mercy.
“Bless you boy. Bless you sweet boy.”
“Get off!” Harry snapped. “I said we’d take you back to the castle. Afterwards the Dementors can have you.” oh now this I like.  The traitor’s face turned from pure bliss to absolute horror as he fidgeted fearfully trying to make himself smaller.
After leaving the Shrieking Shack and exited out of the Whomping Willow, I watched as my dad walked ahead and stood to look up at the school.
I looked to Harry and gave him a soft nod.  His eyes showed hesitation but with a gentle shove he walked towards my father and I watched as the two of the proceed to talk with each other.
“You knew he was innocent?” Hermione said to me.
“Yes, I did. As I said back there it wasn’t just uncle James and Aunt Lily that died because of Peter. I was there to see my mother die right before my eyes. She had the invisibility cloak at the time, probably stole it from uncle James just to spite him or something. But she hid me with it and I saw as Peter came in and killed her with the last of the unforgivable curses.”
“I’m so sorry (Y/n). To think you had to see something like that.”
“We’re sorry we’ve been wankers to you about this (Y/n). Harry and I especially, can you forgive us?” Ron said.  I softly smiled and ruffled his hair.
“There’s nothing to forgive Weasley. Although you’re gonna have to do a lot of kissing up to your brothers Fred and George. They’ve been wanting to slug you for your behavior towards me.”
Then something happened that I wished never did.  The clouds slowly began to move away to reveal the full moon.  Oh no!
“Uncle Remus!” I exclaimed but it was too late.  He was starting to transform into his werewolf form.
My dad quickly ran up to him trying to hold his transformation back, but it was no use.  The agonizing groans and screams coming out of my uncle as his bones snapped and broke before changing and morphing to fit his upcoming werewolf body.  And to make matters worse, Pettigrew seized that opportunity to escape from our grasp.
Even though Harry disarmed him with an Expelliarmus spell, it still didn’t stop the rat from turning into true form before making his escape.  My dad knowing he couldn’t hold uncle Remus any longer told us to run.
Soon my dad was thrown down the hill and I exclaimed out.
“DAD!!” I quickly ran towards uncle Remus hoping I could knock some sense into him before his final transformation came around. “Uncle Remus you can fight it! The monster does not control you, you control it! Fight it! Think harder on your human senses!”
Just like my father, I too was sent down towards the hill as the last thing I heard was the sound of my uncle’s werewolf howl.
When I opened my eyes, I saw myself in Madam Pomfrey’s nursing wing.
“(Y/n), oh thank goodness you’re awake. Can you stand up?” Hermione’s voice said over me.  My vision finally came back and I said.
“What happened?”
“There’s not a lot of time to explain (Y/n) but your dad’s in serious danger. The Dementors are going to suck his soul.”
“What!?” I said fearfully as I shot up. “They can’t do that. He’s innocent!”
“Which is why I need to ask if you can stand and walk?”
“Yeah I can but why?” she pulled me up from my bed over to Harry who stood at the center of the room.
“Sorry Ronald but you can’t walk.” She then took a necklace out from her shirt and placed the chain around Harry and I before holding out what looked like a mini-hourglass.
The pendent began to spin around and soon right before our very eyes, the world around us seemed to go backwards.  Night turned into the gloomy afternoon once more as the medical wing was now abandoned and Hermione stopped the pendant’s spinning and she said as she took the chain off of mine and Harry’s neck and tucked it back into her shirt.
“Where were we at this hour Harry?”
“Uhh going to Hagrid’s I think.”
“And (Y/n) where were you at this time?”
“I was down at the Black Lake with uncle Remus, why?”
“Alright come on!” she took off running.  Harry and I ran after her confused asking her just what was going on.
That’s when she explained to us about the time turner necklace she had been given by Professor McGonagall, and she explained to Harry that that was how she was able to do all her classes this term.
So throughout the day we went down to Hagrid’s and I even got to see Hermione sucker punch Malfoy right in the nose (which I praised her on). We went down to Hagrid’s hut and we made our plan to save Buckbeak the Hippogriff (apparently Professor Dumbledore said that more than one life could be spared today).
As the day went on, it was nearly time to try and save my dad. So we sat just down the hill from the Whomping Willow.  We watched as uncle Remus came in and made the tree stop it’s swaying for a brief moment before entering inside, followed by me shortly after him.
“Wait you’re also an animangus?” Harry asked me.
“Surprised?” I asked him.
“When did you become one?” asked Hermione.
“I was roughly around your age when I took my test before the Wizard council to get my official license. They said I was the youngest registered animangus there ever was.” I looked up and said, “And there goes Snape. Right in after me.”
The two young teens turned and saw that Snape did go in shortly after me.
“Now we wait I guess.” Harry said.  We all made ourselves comfortable because we knew it would be awhile before we all left the Shrieking shack and came back before the Whomping Willow.
Then after seeing us come out, I watched as Harry went down to talk to my dad and that’s when he told me.
“You see me there talking to Sirius? He had just asked me to come live with him, you as well (Y/n). He talked about you and your mother a lot. As well as my parents.”
“I know. They were really good friends Harry. Even at just 3 years old, I knew my dad would never have betrayed yours. Never, not even if he were tortured. That’s why he named your parents my godparents.”
“I guess we were meant to be siblings either way.” I softly grinned at him and ruffled his hair before pushing his glasses back up his nose.
“I remember be so excited to have a younger ‘sibling’. Though I’ll admit I wanted you to be a girl, but you eventually grew on me.” Hermione giggled while Harry turned away embarrassedly.
Then that’s when the trouble began.  We saw uncle Remus transform into his werewolf form, the fight between him and my dad (who was in his animangus form), and then even be chased by him when Hermione howled to stop him from attacking Harry.
I phased into my animangus form to protect Hermione and Harry in case my uncle came around to find us.  When he did, I stood protectively in front of my brother and Hermione snarling and roaring at him.  But before we could charge at each other, Buckbeak had came in and fought my uncle off.
Man poor uncle Remus is having a really rough night. I then felt a coldness in the air and when we looked up we saw the Dementors flying towards where my dad must’ve been at after the fight with uncle Remus.
I gestured for Hermione and Harry to get on my back and once they were on, I raced on ahead and we stopped across the frozen lake and we all watched with horror as the Dementors began to suck out both Harry’s and my dad’s souls.
“Now just wait Hermione, my dad will come. He’ll be standing right there.” Harry said as he got off my back and walked a few steps ahead of us.  Hermione and I looked at each other sympathetically and she got off my back as well and stood beside him.
“Harry—your dad’s…….”
“Dead I know but just watch. He’ll cast the Patronus right there. Just like he did before.” We waited and waited but all we saw were my dad and Harry dying right before our eyes.
“You’re dying Harry. Both of you.” I said as I morphed back into my normal form.  God I had heard of witnessing a Dementor’s kiss is something awful but—god this was torture.  I wanted to step in and save my dad and Harry from the Dementors but what could I do? I’m not strong enough to conjure a Patronus charm, plus I would be outnumbered even if I tried any other spell I could name.
Next thing I saw was Harry racing forward to the spot where he said his dad was standing at.
“Harry!” Hermione called out but I wrapped my arms around her to stop her from racing towards him and that’s when we saw him lift up his wand and exclaim.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” Soon a bright light came from out of his wand and a bright wave of light shot out, which sent all the dementors away, saving Harry and my father from a terrible fate.
As I stared at my godbrother, I couldn’t be more proud of him. Not even I was able to conjure up a spell like that at his age, hell I can barely do it now.  He truly was a gifted young man, and I couldn’t be more proud of him.
After saving himself, we were now flying on Buckbeak heading for the highest tower where my dad was being kept.  I was sitting right behind Hermione while she was terrifyingly holding onto Harry for dear life.
“You were right Hermione. It wasn’t my dad I saw earlier. It was me! I saw myself conjured the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time because—well I’d already done it. Does that make sense?”
“No! But I don’t like fly-AHHH!!!” She screamed as Buckbeak took a dive down towards the school, while Harry and I were cheering our heads off.
When we reached the tower, there we saw locked up in a cage, my dad looking forlorn as he awaited his fate.  He quickly turned to us and I took out my wand and pointed it at the lock as I proclaimed out.
“Alohomora!” the doors unlocked and swung wide open. “C’mon dad, we’re busting you out of here.” I extended my hand out to him and he immediately took my hand.
The four of us now flying on Buckbeak with Hermione up front, me behind her then my dad and Harry.  
And for the first time in 12 years, my dad finally felt free as a Hippogriff flying high in the sky.  Never have I heard him sound so happy and it brought a smile to my face as I heard him cheering.
We landed in the garden wing of the school and as my dad helped Hermione as well as me off of Buckbeak he said as we walked towards the corner of the garden.
“I’ll be forever be grateful for this. To the three of you.”
“I want to go with you.” said Harry.
“One day perhaps. For some time my life will be too unpredictable. Besides, you’re meant to be here.”
“But you’re innocent.”
“And you know it Harry.” I told him. “Just like I’ve always known.”
“She’s right. And for now that’ll do.” As Hermione left the three of us to have our little family moment, my dad then turned towards me. He stood before me and gently cupped each side of my face.  His calloused thumbs stroking my cheeks as he said to me, “I expect like Harry you might be tired of hearing this, but you are a splitting image of your mother. Except your eyes, you have……”
“Your eyes.” I finished for him.  Tears flickered in my eyes but I tried to hold them back. “I’ve only dreamed of something like this happening, and—even now I fear this still feels like a dream.”
“I’ve told you once when you were little; Dreams can feel like many things. Whether to make us feel happy or afraid, but in dreams you can never feel what is happening to you. So this, right here, is real my darling kitten.”
He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.  When I felt it, I knew that this was real.  My dad was free, he was here, and he was right in front of me.  I embraced him as tightly as I could, burying myself into the ragged cloth of his prison uniform.  Slowly a few tears dripped from my eyes one by one as I felt my dad embrace me back just as tightly while rocking me from side to side.
“I’ve missed you so much dad.”
“Not as much as I’ve missed you. I’ve missed so much of your life. You were just a little girl when I was taken away and now I’ve seen you’ve become a beautiful young woman, just like I’d hope you’d be. Your mum would be so proud. Just as I am. I’m so sorry I put you through this.”
“I know why you did it dad. If I were older I would’ve done the same thing. I just……wish none of this had to happen.”
“As do I kitten. As do I. There hasn’t been a day that I don’t regret leaving you like I did. I made you lose both your parents.”
“That’s another thing I’ve inherited from you.” he looked at me confused. “Uncle Remus has always said I did get your stubbornness.” He softly chuckled before grabbing the back of my head and pressing his forehead against mine.
We stayed in that position for what felt like forever till he pressed a kiss to the center of my forehead before he guided me over to sit next to Harry.  He knelt down before the both of us as he said to us.
“It’s cruel that I got so much time with James, Lily and (m/n) and you both so little. But know this. The ones that love us never really leave us. And you both can always find them,” he then placed his left hand over Harry’s heart while his right hand pointed towards mine, “In here.”
Dad stood up and walked over to Buckbeak and mounted on top of his back once again, gently gripping onto the chained reins.  As Harry and I came up and stood beside Hermione, my dad complimented to her that she was indeed a bright witch for her age.
Buckbeak then reared as he let out a proud roar before taking off running before flapping his proud wings and taking off high towards the moon with my dad on his back.
Two souls finally free from the law.
The clock tower began to gong loudly and that’s when Hermine told us we needed to get back to the hospital wing.  We quickly raced towards the medical wing before the last strike of the belltower.
We saw Professor Dumbledore with his back towards us as he peeked through the doors before closing them.
“Well?” he asked us.
“We did it. They’re free.” Harry said.
“Did what? Goodnight.” The headmaster gave us a wave before descending down the stairs.  Oh that crazy old man.  The three of us walked towards the door but before we went in, we had to watch ourselves disappear to start the whole rescue all over again.  Once we disappeared, that’s when we came in the room.
“How did you get there? You were just over there. And now you’re there!” Ron said to us in shock.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Ronald? Do you Harry? (Y/n)?”
“No clue. Maybe you should have your head examined Ronny, think you might be going mental.” I teased.
“Yeah Ron. How can people be in two places at once?” Harry joked alongside me.
Things after that were pretty crazy.  After it had been leaked out about my uncle’s condition (damn you Snape!) my uncle resigned as professor at Hogwarts, Harry had gotten the new firebolt broom (curtesy of my dad) and he got to test it out.
I was in my bedroom just finishing the last bit of my packing to return home for the summer when my owl Arella came flying in.  Her familiar grey and white feathers ruffled as she landed on her perch and she made her trilling sound.
“What have you have there, girl?” I noticed she had a small jewelry box tied to her back along with a note in her beak.  I took the note then untied the box from her back as she shook herself out and ruffled her feathers.
I set the box down and opened up the note and inside was a letter written in my dad’s hand writing.
My beloved kitten,
This once belonged to your mother (I gave it to her just shortly after you were born) and I figured she would want you to have it.  Keep it close to your heart and her memory will never leave you.
Your father,
Sirius Black
I set the note down and opened up the box now and inside was a necklace.  It was a silver heart-shaped locket and I noticed a little button at the side of it. I pressed down on it and it opened up to reveal something that not only broke my heart, but also filled it with joy.
The moving picture inside was my mother holding me as a baby. Her wide smile as she held me in her arms, her eyes filled with nothing but love.  When she looked up and her smile softened, I really did get to see what my uncle and dad were talking about.
I really did look like my mother.  Same hair, same mouth, same face, almost everything was of my mother. A single tear fell down my cheek as I kissed the picture and held it close to my heart.
Soon I began to get brief flashbacks of various moments with my mother.  I remember how she’d always sing me to sleep while having the windchimes of various creatures softly ring above me.  The way she’d make breakfast, and how we’d play together at papa James and mama Lilly’s place.
I unhooked the chain and placed it around my neck and saw as the heart shaped locket actually rested against my own heart.
“Thanks dad. And thank you mum. I miss you, but you can rest easy now. Dad’s free.” I said as I stared up at the sky holding the locket closer against my heart.
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//haikyuu but i make them idols. captain edition//
Notes: @icyhearts​ got me obsessed with Fallen Flowers.  I’ve actually been listening to it on repeat for like two days now.  So, icy bby, this is for you and thank you for reminding me just how H A R D k-pop hits🤧
Sawamura Daichi
10/10 the leader of the group.  There is no doubt in my mind about this
R A P P E R 🥵🥵
ngl he’s probably the one that i would stan if this were a real au.  i always gravitate towards the rappers without fail.
He doesn’t have the best stage presence, especially compared to the others
But, he’s really good in interviews. Super charismatic, knowing exactly what to say to really boost the groups image.
He’s the member that most people are convinced is super pure and sweet because of how he presents himself in interviews
Then 👀👀 there was the comeback.
It was a darker, more sensual vibe and he did one (1) hip thrust in the MV and all of those soft Daichi stans?  H A R D S T A N S.  honestly that’d be me no cap
But, if he’s ever asked to do it outside of a performance or practice?
He’s actually so embarrassed and it’s really cute.  His face will go bright red and he’d be covering his face with his hands, just shaking his head, like “please don’t make me”
But the rest of the group is egging him on and next thing he knows, Bokuto and Kuroo are right there next to him to do the choreography with him.
Oikawa Tooru
absolute visual king
always has the softest make-up and never fails to look absolutely breath-taking. 
B U T not only is he visually the prettiest-
He has the best voice of the group.  He has this really smooth tenor voice and can hit some really high notes when the music needs it.
Has definitely released a solo album full of really beautiful ballads
Definitely has the most fans. Not only the most but also the most hard-core fans
Like, there are thousands of fanpages just dedicated to him
Millions of fanfictions about him
He’s always doing live streams where he just interacts with the fans and he’ll talk about his day or just answer questions that the fans have.  He’s definitely the most active within the fandom.
Oikawa is one of the songwriters for the group.  He can’t really write the music, but he can string together some really incredibly lyrics.  He has a journal full of song ideas or little snippets of verses that he wants to implement in a song some day.  
Kuroo Tetsurou
He’s another rapper 🥵🥵
But also?? He can sing pretty well too.  His voice is definitely lower than Oikawa’s.  So, probably like a baritone.  Kuroo’s voice adds a really nice mix into the chorus and mixes really well with Oikawa’s.
I smell a sub-group tbh oml they call themselves Knock Out because K.O. 👀
anyway.  Kuroo also has a really large number of fans because he fits the bad boy aesthetic of the group (both visually and how he presents himself in interviews) and that just has the fans f l o c k i n g
but like?? soft kuroo stans?  N O.  hard stans only.
Then they saw some random video that Oikawa posted on the group’s twitter of him playing with a bunch of cats and everyone was just 🥺 soft kuroo hours 🥺
He’s kind of like Daichi.  Kuroo has zero shame when he’s on stage.  He’s willing to aggressively grind and hip thrust as much as the choreo needs him too
hahahaha too bad he literally cannot dance
like, he’s not awful or else he wouldn’t even be in the group, but boy has really long limbs and he just struggles to move his legs fast enough.
Catch him in the studio with Bokuto for hours after their long day is over trying to nail the dances
Bokuto Koutarou
he’s a dancer 😌✌
no it is not just because @nekxrizawa​ and I have been drooling over dancer!bo since we met okay yes it is
he’s trained in hip-hop, so you’ll catch him fronting the group in any dance breaks in their super upbeat songs
Bokuto helps write the choreography (do you write choreo? idk i can’t dance) sometimes, but sometimes he forgets that he has more experience in dance than the others and will just casually try to add a backflip into the song and the choreographer has to be like, “bokuto- no.”
insert dejected bokuto here
He’s the most high-energy of the group, so he tends to be a fan-favorite and a host-favorite.  He’s always talking and he goes all out during any variety show games.
Bokuto’s always willing to do extra practice with anyone who wants to meet up before or after their day in the studio.  He understands that some things just don’t come as naturally to other people.
Trades dance lessons for vocal lessons with Kuroo, no lie
He has the best stage presence out of everyone.  He’ll hype up the crowd and you’ll see him bending down to hold hands with the fans when security isn’t looking.
Bokuto doesn’t sing a lot, but when he does, his range aligns with Kuroo’s, so they’ll double every now and again on verses.  
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Surprisingly- vocal line
Ushi has the deepest voice of the group, singing in a bass register that makes all of the fans 🥵🥵 whenever he opens his mouth
The mash-up you get when his voice mixes with Oikawa’s?? heaven.  It’s so beautiful and I can guarantee that management is using their sheer differences for marketing.  
Oikawa may take the lead for more pop-centric songs, but Ushijima is fronting the darker songs which is just hitting everyone different
He’s another song writer for the group, but he focuses on the actual melodies rather than the lyrics, so he and Oikawa collab on songs a lot.
The fanbase sees him a super hard and scary all of the time and they’re all low-key intimidated??
But then they see him in an interview and they’re all like lol nvm because he’s high-key really kind and polite and will do anything if asked tbh
The host wants him to wear a flower crown?  He’s asking which one.  He’s asked to talk about the process for their newest song, and Ushi will ramble on for a good fifteen minutes about his writing process.
He’s really passionate about his music and everyone can tell, so it leads to a lot of the fans seeing him in a new light and gaining a lot more respect for him as a member.
{Taglist: @nicka-nell​ @moncymonce​}
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