#stuff i think roy both needs and deserves to hear
thetarttfuldickhead · 8 months
As much as I love Roy telling Jamie he’s proud of him (and then maybe not punching him in the face aftewards, idk, could be a thing) I’ve also grown partial to the idea of Jamie telling Roy that he’s proud of him, ‘cause well, Roy needs a bit of that too, I think.
I haven’t got the details figured, but maybe something vaguely along the lines of the ending to the “My Fallen Idol” episode of Scrubs, where Dr. Cox (having failed to save several of his patients) is depressed, drunk and not talking while unshaven and wrapped in a blanket on his couch. JD shows up, gives him a quiet but heartfelt peptalk and tells him he’s proud of him, because even after so long as a doctor Dr. Cox still cares enough to take it that hard when things go wrong.
So say Roy fucks something up. It’s not necessarily his fault; he does his best given the circumstances or acts unwittingly, but it goes tits up and he ends up making a mess of things. Not a “people died” mess, but still really quite bad. (I honestly don’t know what this could be. Maybe something slightly careless he says blowing up in the media and somehow really fucking over a young footballer? Maybe something else entirely. That’s not the important part.)
And this is Roy, who cares so very deeply but is so very unkind to himself, and the guilt and fucking shame of having fucked someone (especially a young someone!) over like that, particularly when he’s already struggling with the feeling that he can’t change for the better, that he’ll always be the same fucking idiot I’ve always been? Yeah, I don’t think he’d deal very well. He also, and obviously, wouldn’t want to talk about it.
And depending on how much hurt (and comfort) you want from this, you could either simply have Roy pull a Roy and retreat to an ice bath, and Jamie letting himself in like Ted once did, and giving a little (slightly clumsy but very earnest) speech about how fucking proud he is of Roy, and Roy has no fucking idea how to handle all the emotions that inspire, but, yeah. It helps.
Or you can drag it out a bit and have Roy stubbornly insisting he is fine and hiding behind his usually gruff exterior, only he’s not doing fine and eventually he shows up at training still drunk from trying to drown his self-loathing in way too much whisky, and Rebecca takes him home and tries to talk to him, and when that doesn’t work she calls Keeley, and Keeley’s a comfort, she always is, but this time it’s not enough (or just too early). Jamie shows up after training, bringing dinner, and he sits down next to Roy and, again, brings out the speech. It doesn’t magically make everything right, because how could it, but it’s enough to start from. Enough to give Roy the courage to begin anew.
Or if you really want to dial that angst right up, we can have Jamie – like JD in the Scrubs episode – put off visiting, making comments about how it was fucking unprofessional showing up to Nelson Road like that, Roy would have had their heads if they’d tried pulling anything like it, so why should the gaffer get special consideration? Beard and Rebecca and Nate and Isaac and his sister and Keeley all take turns sitting with Roy while he quietly stews in despair on his couch, but Jamie is inconspicuously absent.
Until he isn’t, because of course he relents in the end, and he shows up to tell Roy that yeah, he made it out like he was angry with Roy for showing up drunk, but really he was freaked out because Roy’s always been so fucking strong and Jamie’s always counted on and leaned on that strenght, back when he was a kid and they didn’t know each other and back when they were teammates and fighting all the time and most of all since Roy became his coach and his best friend. Like, Jamie knows Roy isn’t perfect – like, really man, you are not– but Roy’s strenght has been a constant and a comfort in Jamie’s life and having to face that fact Roy isn’t some sort of superhero… that scared him, yeah. But that’s Jamie’s problem, not Roy’s, and so he’s here to tell Roy how fucking proud he is of him, for how much he fucking cares and how hard he works at being there for all of them, even though he thinks he’s no good at it. But you are, yeah? Fucking good at it. But that’s not the really important bit, anyway. The important bit is that you’ve always kept trying, even when that meant doing stuff you fucking hated or were scary or hard. ‘Cause it isn’t easy for you, this shit, but you keep at it anyway, because you care, and that’s… Dead proud of you for that, Roy. Really am.  
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 7/?
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Sorry for such a long with for a short chapter. I was hired for a new job and have been doing stuff for the hiring process that is time-consuming. Enjoy
“I’m sorry, Bruce, I don’t hear Jason’s heartbeat.”
Bruce stared at his cup of coffee. He had told Clark everything that had happened with Jason and had hoped his friend would be able to find Jason’s heartbeat. He hadn’t.
“It doesn’t mean that he’s dead—”
“He’s not. Jason’s a fighter.”
“—it means that when he came back, his heartbeat changed. It’s why I didn’t notice he had returned from the dead.”
“Can you say that louder? I’m not sure everyone heard you.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for him, Bruce. I promise.”
“Thank you, Clark.”
Bruce took a sip of his coffee. He didn’t know what had happened to his son, but he would find out.
“Roy, please, help me find him.”
“Maybe he doesn’t want to be found,” Roy spat back. Dick had no idea what had gotten into Roy and Raven, but neither had agreed to help Dick look for Jason. The rest of his team had volunteered right away, promising they would keep an eye out for his younger brother and let Dick know if Jason was seen.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Roy,” Dick said.
“Really? You kept his resurrection a secret from everyone, including his friends. Of course, the kid is gonna get sick of it eventually and leave your asses behind.”
“Maybe this is what Jason wants, Dick,” Raven chimed in.
“How do you know? Do you feel his emotions somehow? Do you know where he’s at,” he asked desperately. Dick was seeing in real time how Jason’s disappearance was affecting Bruce. The man was more violent with criminals, broodier and talked even less unless it was about a case.
Tim had gotten quiet and stayed away from the family for the most part unless it was during patrol, and Damian had become cranky. Dick needed to find Jason and bring him home; they needed to fix what was broken.
“I don’t know his feelings, but I can guess. From what you’ve told us, you left him alone and without his family as support. Maybe he was tired of being in the same city as the people ignoring him and wanted a fresh start. I refuse to be the one to cross someone’s unspoken boundaries if they have made their feelings clear.”
“Guys, Jason needs to come home. He’s not well.”
“All I’m hearing is what you think Jason needs; no wonder he left,” Roy said, angry. “I hope you and Batman never find him. You don’t deserve him. You guys abandoned him; you left him with no family, and since you didn’t tell anyone he had returned, you left him with no friends.”
Roy walked away from Dick.
Dick looked at Raven imploringly, “I’m sorry, Dick, I can’t. He’s made his choice; maybe he’ll come to you guys in the future.”
And Dick was left alone.
Tim followed the anomaly. It started when Jason was last seen and lasted for three weeks. There had been cold fronts, and the readings had stayed steady. Then they disappeared.
Tim and Barbara had decided to keep these things to themselves as they were unsure it had anything to do with Jason.
(Tim’s guts said yes, it did.)
They had decided to build a program that would trace the same anomaly throughout the United States. If they found nothing there, then they would expand their search. Tim also had a background program running for sudden and unexpected cold fronts.
He would find Jason; his family depended on it.
His mother had agreed to help him.
She hadn’t asked for anything in return. Damian suspected it wasn’t out of the goodness of her heart but because she didn’t like not being in control. She didn’t know where Jason was; whether she would admit it or not, she considered Jason hers.
(Damian didn’t know if Talia considered Jason her son or tool, maybe both, but she wouldn’t let him out of her grasp.)
Damian hoped he had done the right thing.
Alfred looked through the mail and stopped at a white envelope addressed to him. There was no return address.
Alfred opened the letter with shaking fingers.
(He knew that handwriting. It’s been years, but he knew it was Jason’s.)
There were two sentences.
I am alive and well. Don’t look for me; you won’t find me.
Who do you think will find Jason first lol
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gffa · 9 months
about the anti post, tbf it wasn't in the ship tag so technically not crossing lanes but it was in the character tags and as a babs fan it can still be annoying going in her tag to see that kinda stuff esp cuz a lot of db antis are bigger dick stans and are more critical and negative towards her than him in subtle and not so subtle ways, you know?
anyway thank you for your response! it reminded me why i love their relationship so much! theres so much negativity surrounding this ship that sometimes i begin questioning myself, wondering if they're really that bad and am i missing something?? so its always reassuring seeing others who feel the way i do and view them positively :)
I hear you, it can be really hard to avoid this kind of thing, even when you're trying to stay in your lane and others are trying to stay in their lane, too. And, it really doesn't help when a lot of anti-Dick/Babs people come into our space to be jerks about it. (I don't know if it happens in reverse, I'm not in those spaces enough to tell, I can only say that I haven't seen it any time I wander outside of my corner. But if it does, that's not cool, either.)(Nor do I know the context of the post you saw, for all I know, it could have struck me totally different than it did for you.) And, yeah, honestly, there does have to be room for everyone to like and dislike their own stuff, even if that means we come across posts we find annoying and it means that we find the complaining too much to be around. We have to have a little grace for disagreements, just as people who disagree with us have to have a little grace with us. That said, you know what I find a thousand times more fulfilling? Yelling happily about what I like, because I don't want the entire experience of Thing I Like to be negative and when I see other people having fun, I want to join in on that fun, too--so, I would suggest that any time you feel frustrated by someone being a jerk, find your favorite comic moment or animated series moment or fic you enjoyed reading, and yell very loudly about how great it was and put that in the tag (both characters and ship) because then I'll see something happy when I go through the tag and it'll remind me why I love the ship, too! Or find your favorite Barbara moments and talk about her, because fandom does sometimes overshadow her and I would love to see more about her view of her life and relationships and family! And, honestly, while plenty of people have perfectly valid reasons to dislike a ship--literally ANY ship, this isn't just about Dick/Babs, but it could just as easily apply to Dick/Kory or Dick/Wally or Dick/Roy or Dinah/Babs--there's always going to be a fair amount of ship war nonsense, where criticism isn't even about what the ship is really like, just that it's not the person's OTP. And then who cares! Use that energy to make positive content for the ship because that's a better use of your time! And you deserve to have a nice experience in fandom, too. Dick/Babs is a great pairing, they're adorable and they're flirty and they love each other and they support each other and they're not afraid to have it out with each other when they need to and they just like being around each other. Whether someone OTPs it or just thinks it's fine enough/is a multishipper instead, it's totally great to enjoy a moment of theirs because they can be utterly delightful and nobody's wrong for loving them. 💕
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cpd-55055 · 1 year
i would like to hear your honest opinion do you think that since a few seasons (seasons 8, 9 and 10 1/2) PD has become boring in terms of story and writing and in general?
Short Answer: Definitely! They have lost their creativity and intensity. In the past seasons, every episode brought us to the edge of our seats. But now, both the cases are boring, and the personal stuff is getting repetitive.
Long Answer:
You probably didn't ask for a rant, but I'm giving it to you anyways. Sorry in Advance! 😊
To be honest, S8, as a whole, wasn't that bad. The Upstead stuff was amazing. Kim's story with Makayla was really sweet and meaningful for the character. I liked Kevin's storyline at the beginning and how the Doyle shooting was wrapped up. But I didn't like how every Kevin episode was about the blue wall and his race. Vanessa's sudden disappearance is something that still bothers me, but I guess we have to blame COVID for that. The cases were interesting and intense at the same time. And although it was a character-centric format, I really think the balance between personal and case was good. And let's not forget the epic finale they had. In my opinion, the best finale PD has ever done.
For S9, you have to evaluate it as two parts, 9a, and 9b. 9a was really good. The continuation of the Roy storylines was perfect, and the end, even though it felt a little anticlimactic with North's character, was a decent wrap to the storyline. The Upstead angst was worth it. The flow was starting to become choppy, but since the content was so good, I ignored it.
9b, on the other hand, was just a disappointment. Anna was introduced in 9a, and I still don't understand why they couldn't wait till 9b. Her character was so confusing. I liked her sassiness and her boldness, but her relationship with both Voight and Jay was all over the place. I also don't understand what the whole point was of having Jay create "a deal" with Voight in 9x09 if he never actually followed through with it. I liked the whole Kim fighting for Makayla during the adoption, but everything after that felt pointless. Like they needed something to give Burzek a storyline. There was no reason to kidnap and traumatize a young girl who was already previously traumatized. Instead of showing Makayla recovering from her kidnapping, they should have taken those episodes to focus more on Kim and her trauma after losing her baby one season and then being shot and left to die the next. Don't get me started on Kevin and his "relationship" with Celeste. I actually thought Celeste and Kevin had great chemistry and potential, but they literally ruined it in the first episode they introduced Celeste. Kevin deserved better than that. Anna's storyline had way too much focus than it needed. It just dragged on for too long, and the finale was just sad. There was no intensity or drama. Compared to its previous finale, this one was boring. Still bitter that we never got Will and Hailey scenes in 9x13 and never got worried Jay in 9x22. Why spend so much money and time on an explosion if there is no drama afterward.
S10 so far... let's see. The Anna stuff of 10x01 felt weird. We never really saw Voight move on from Anna's death. It just felt incomplete. And somehow, all this mess led to Jay crossing lines and deciding to leave 3 episodes later. The biggest disappointment of this season is how Jay was written out. He deserved better than being given 3 episodes to exit. It was rushed, sudden, and truly unnecessary. I'm glad that Hailey is getting a lot of screentime, but I'm not glad that all her screentime is sad Hailey on repeat. The acting is superb, but come on, stop finding more ways to make her sad. I'm not gonna dig into Burzek's situation, and how I feel about that. All I'll say is I just hope they stay like this. Torres is an interesting character, and I like his partnership with Kevin, but I do wish that they did a Torres episode before Jay's departure. Jay was the one that brought Torres to the unit; it would have been nice to see Jay help Torres fit in and slowly shift to Torres and Kevin. And I feel like it's a season too late to bring up Kim's trauma. My guess is they're gonna use this to bring Kim and Adam together, but why didn't they do it last season. I guess the only good that that's come out of S10 so far is how quiet Voight's character is. He has truly been in the background, even during the Sean/Chief stuff.
I think the big difference for me is that during S8, I was actually interested in every character's episodes. But now, I could care less what happens to everyone else. All I care about is Hailey and hoping that there is a happy ending for Upstead.
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Hot Showers
This gets a little more risqué (nudity mentioned but that's it really) toward the end of the fic than I typically (or ever tbh) have written (from my point of view) so you've been warned. Probably "teen plus" as a result. (I'm not great at warnings/tags so sorry).
Marinette giggled as she and Roy tinkered with the shower head and box. Their plan was fool proof, no flaws what's so ever. Jason would run out the scalding hot shower straight into Roy’s safe arms and they’d fall in love, then kiss and live happily ever after. That’s how it goes right?
As much as it pained her, to yet again fall for someone who wasn't interested in her, she wouldn't let herself get in the way of his happiness. Roy was her best friend. He deserved happiness. Even if his happiness was with Jason and not her. She got why he loved Jay. Jay was perfect for Roy with his leather, ruggedness, and wicked dark humour. Roy would always be her best buddy with Jay a close second.
It was inevitable that she’d fall for Roy. How could she not fall for the goofball of a roommate. He was charming, caring, chaotic and smart. His humour matched hers as well as he also adored Jagged. He dealt with the admin mistake amazingly as she ended up being placed in the male dorms. She doesn't really regret using Marin instead of Nettie on the forms to shrink her name to fit as she'd never have met the crazy man next to her.
Ok, that might be a slight stretch of the truth given they both had taken the same university course. But she'd never have guaranteed that they'd have worked together.
Also, his looks were nothing to be scoffed at… she's never forgotten bumping (literally) into his toned chest, damp hair and piercing green eyes as he walked out of the bathroom in first year.
She really was a sucker for green eyed Adonises who put her as 'just a good friend'.
"Wha'd'ja think? The mechanism seems ok? It's a little sticky though."
Roy's voice broke through Marinette's musings, giggles and reminiscing of topless moments, knowing he will never be hers. Stealing Roy's hat Marinette to place it on her own head to keep her overgrown fringe out her eyes (she really needed to cut it) she stuck her tongue out to focus on the mechanism Roy referred to.
"Can you grab me a nail file and tweezers Roy? I have an idea on getting it to move smoothly."
Handing Marinette the tools requested, Roy wrapped himself around his roommate, resting his head over her shoulder to watch her tinker with the contraption.
Marinette groaned inside her mind. It was times like this that made it so much harder adoring Roy and not acting on it with his sweet oblivious behaviour.
"It'll work right? This plan is fool proof, right?"
"Yeah yeah, the contraption is perfect. Look, I got it to work without sticking now."
"Nets!! That's not what I meant." Roy hugged her closer, "Course the fucking thing will work. It has us working on it. This stuff is a breeze. I meant, like, Jay will come running into my arms and I can declare my feelings."
"Roy… I love you…" Marinette grimaced internally stating that. Roy will never take her seriously or the true depth it meant with how often she said it, but at least she got to say how she felt even if it was never returned. "I'm $h1t at knowing whether it will work. My dating history and setting up is appalling. I never told the guy in lycée that I liked him. The girls set up loads of ridiculous situations for me to fail at. The only major success I had was setting Al's up with Nino by trapping them in a cage. This fits in with the crazy plans perfectly and it's you. You're not a coward plus how could Jay hate you?"
"Love ya too Nets. Thanks for the prep talk. I can do this. Jay will love it… afterwards."
"As this part is finished, do you want to assemble it together?"
"Yeah yeah, I get ya hint. Get the giant to put the shower together. I got this you little Pixie."
Marinette flipped him off as he let go of her allowing her to stand up and move away from him.
"I'm going to the gym. That way at least I can have a shower without issues. When's Jay over? I can grab take out on the way home."
"In an hour, I think. Have I told you I love ya Nets? Pizza and beer night!!"
"Not enough Roy, not enough… and for that I'm grabbing Chinese"
She stuck her tongue out at Roy and dashed into her room to grab her gym kit.
As Jason lounged on the sofa, Roy attempted to watch the trash film he selected nursing the beer he was drinking. There was a reason he let Marinette chose films. She seemed to have an endless knowledge of them and about the directors. Though she said she was just reciting information she’s heard over the years from an obsessed friend and would be in the same boat as him otherwise.
Roy was struggling to keep his cool without Marinette around. He was so close to Jason, he could smell Jason's aftershave and something distractedly Jason. It was sending his mind into over drive. The plan was all set up ready and he just needed to wait. He didn’t like the waiting and now his nerves were all over the place like his mind with how Jason kept looking over at him.
“So what madness were you and Nets working on today?"
Jason’s deep voice caused Roy to jump and his attention to scatter.
"What?! No madness. We've had a quiet day. Nothing dangerous at all."
"Bullshit Roy. Nets tools are still in the living room. They'd be in her room if she wasn't working on something and *you* would have joined in. You're practically joined at the hip."
‘$h1t!’ ran through Roy’s head at Jason’s observation, very little escaped the 'not a bat' attention. "Errr….", Roy eloquently replied. He could hear Marinette’s scolding in the back of his head at his lack of words and distraction technique.
Jason threw a pillow at him, which Roy manages to catch. He resisted the urge to bury his face in the pillow, to look at Jason. Roy felt his ears start to heat up under Jason’s all knowing stare.
"Harper, you're a $h1t liar. I really haven't a clue how Nets hasn't figured you out yet."
Before Jason could continue grilling Roy about his latest project, a loud thumping of what sounded like someone kicking the door.
“Foood!! Nets is home!!” Roy cried jumping over the sofa to let his saviour in, ignoring Jason shaking his head at his behaviour. He finally got what she meant with the nerves she felt before each of her friends' crazy plans. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell his friend about how he fantasised about his thighs. His arms. How he loved and hated the showers at JL post mission. How when they sparred, that one shifted move and it could turn into something... something more.
Roy dragged Nets into the building and manoeuvred her to the kitchen neglecting to help by taking some the tower of food out her hand focusing complete to the panic ringing in his head. “Help me... he’s so fucking cute today.” Roy whispers into her ear.
His roommate and best Wing Girl looked at him with a sigh. “Chill Roy, just chill! The more you work yourself up the worse it’ll be. Forget the future. Focus on food so we can put phase one into action yeah!?”
Roy smiled. He could do this. This was why he adored his Pixie companion. She really was perfect friend. He dragged her into a hug with relief that she was here rushing through him, chuckling at her antics to escape his grasp.
“Grab the plates and make yourself useful instead of smothering me Roy. Jay! You gonna help too?!”
As the three navigated the small kitchen dishing up food. Every time Jason’s hand brushed his, Roy felt his heart flutter. Heat rushed through his body. His nerves were fried by the time they all were seated, from Jason’s heated touch and the desire for more contrasted with Marinette’s soothing balm calming his soul.
Jason tried to focus on the food in front of him, but fu©k, it was hard especially with having a few drinks with Roy before Marinette turned up. He might have been harbouring a minor, not so big, little (HUGE) crush on Roy’s roommate and keeping it in check was hard, especially with alcohol. She was hot! Especially with the loose crop top and joggers she was wearing from her post workout. The hint of her abs and wet hair dampening the white top gave him all the wrong ideas. Her morbid humour match is his dark one and her love for rock music sold it for him. Roy was a strong man to be able to resist her, that is if he was resisting… with how Roy draped and snuggled close to her it was hard to tell.
Jason’s issue was he wasn’t sure if Roy was overprotective and physical close of Nets due to seeing her as a little sister or there was something more was under lying. He’d seen the pair try to hide their blushes. Their cosiness and whispered conversations. The fact Roy was often tactile with him made it harder to work out as maybe that was just Roy with his best friend's. With his attempts to find out Roy’s affections, it felt like getting a straight answer from B was easier. Roy always responded with lots vague responses and misdirection.
It was driving him insane, Jason desperately wanted to know where Roy stood so he knew whether it was green to maybe… possibly… make a move on Nets… without violence form Roy.
Lost in his own musings as Nets and Roy chatted animatedly about a potential 'illegal' modification to their bikes Jason didn't notice the downpour of beer which flew his way.
Jason jumped out of his seat as beer drained down his top onto his jeans. Roy rushed to pat him dry with napkins he'd grabbed, red faced to match his hair as he pat down the beer from Jason's head. Nets looked at him with her soulful doe eyes that peered out partially hidden by her lashes and overgrown fringe.
"$h1t!! Mon dieu!! I'm *so so* sorry Jay!"
With a pout and sorryful expression she looked up at him, melting his anger with her innocent look.
"It was an accident. I really didn't mean for that to happen. Are you ok? Did ya want a shower?? I'm *sure* Roy has some spare clothes he can loan you?"
She spoke with such a saccharine voice that shivers went down Jason's spine and whatever anger that remained disappeared.
"Errr, Yeah! Look, I'll, I'll go grab some spare clothes and towel for ya Jay."
Roy gulped as he exited the room to get the items leaving Jason suddenly feeling flustered, standing in wet clothes that clang to his body, with only Marinette left in the room.
"I'll just, I'll go be in the bathroom if Roy asks."
Marinette sent him a beguiling smile as he wanders out the room.
Screams echo the apartment as Jason dashes out the bathroom flames licking behind him as he runs towards Roy who had grabbed a fire extinguisher and covers him in the water before panicking as saw the shower curtain was still alight.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!! Nets! NETS!!! THE BATHROOM IS ON FIRE!!"
Marinette quickly comes into the hallway to find Jason naked, Roy hopping foot to foot holding the fire extinguisher and not doing anything. Grabbing the item off the flapping man and ignoring the nakedness of the other, Marinette tackled the flames and quickly put them out. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as she thought and easy to get under control. Before turning to Roy and Jason raising her eyebrow at the pair while chucking a towel at Jason.
"You b@$t@rd!! What in hell?! what you thinking Roy?!?! What was that?!"
"I'd call it a hot shower … "
Marinette gave Roy a pointed look at that comment.
"A hot shower Roy?! Where was the shower bit!"
"I might have forgotten to reattach the water element…"
"Might?!?! Might?!?!"
Jason felt the green fire in him growing as he stepped closer and closer to Roy. His friend was a madman. He was bonkers. He was going to kill him. Whether the him being Roy or himself he wasn't sure.
Roy suddenly grabbed Jason's shoulders, dragging him closer and kissed him. Roy poured all his affections into a heated kiss, hoping Jason would understand what he was trying to say. Jason paused in shock. That… that wasn't what he was expecting. His eyes blew wide as he processed what was happening. He saw Marinette give a bittersweet smile at the pair before she turned and left them to it as she re-entered the living room. His attention snapped back to Roy as he quickly let go to step back.
"Ummm, I like you… a lot… this was an attempt to ummm well… kick start telling you maybe…"
Roy's face was flushed vibrant red. Partly due to finally kissing his crush, partly from admitting his feelings and a lot due to remembering Jason before the kiss was angry and likely to kill him for the flamethrower shower and that he had kissed him unasked plus on top of that Jason was still in the hallway in only a towel.
"You like me?!?! Me?!?! What about Nets?!?! I thought you liked her … how can you not like her. She's a walking goddess?"
"Yeah I like you, like really like you…why wouldn't I? and Nets well, I love her too, but you're you Jay. I've liked you since forever."
Jason stared at his friend semi gormlessly, blinking slowly, as he tried to understand what was happening. His friend. His best friend. Who had just tried to kill him via fire. Had just said he liked him. Liked him more than a best friend. Roy had just kissed him. Given it was mostly one side, it still managed to be a decent kiss. Roy said he loved Nets, but from what he said it implied he loved him, HIM, more.
Did he like Roy like that? Jason knew he liked Nets but Roy was something he never considered...
"I err.. $h1t I fu¢ked this up. Forget it. I made this awkward. We can stay mates Jay….this never happened 'i can't believe I let Nets talk me into this'"
Jason grabbed Roy face in both hands and kissed him back heatedly, surprising Roy causing an ‘eeeps’ to escape his mouth. Especially as Jason now had his towel in his hand at Roy's face, not around his waist and his tongue requested to entry to his mouth. A second later Roy melted into Jason’s grasp, memorising the feeling he’d longed for. Moments later came too soon for Roy’s liking, as they slowly broke away to breathe again, Jason stared deeply into Roy’s eyes.
"Do you like like Nets? Be honest with me Roy!"
"I guess…"
"Not guess. Yes or no?"
"Awesome. Ditto. I never considered you in the equation before. Always Nets but maybe… maybe do you think… did you want…?"
It was Roy's turn to look at Jason like he was the madman. Maybe he was mad, he was standing in his hallway, after almost being burnt, naked. He contemplated what Jason was trying to say and his eyes glimmered in understanding finally. God damn bats being as clear as mud with their emotions.
"Yeah," Roy whispered out, "yeah that sounds good. Shall we go ask her?"
Grabbing Jason's hand, the pair walked back into the living space to find Marinette tidying the mess they had made earlier. She looked up and squawked at the sight of Jason still wearing nothing as she threw a cushion at him.
"Clothes, Jason, clothes!!! Oh kwami's help me!"
Her face was brilliant red as she gazed up at the ceiling to avoid looking at the muscular men before her.
"Cack! One mo, Roy!"
Jason ran out of the room to put something on… anything… other than the towel which was lying on the floor in the hallway.
"So it went well then Roy?"
"Yeah Nets it went good."
"I'm so happy for you. I knew he couldn't resist you. So proud you did it. However unconventionally."
"About that…"
Marinette paused and finally looked at Roy standing awkward in their home. She tilted her head in confusion as to what Roy was worried about as he nervously fiddles with his cap. She walked up to him and brought him to the sofa to sit down.
"Talk to me Roy. What's wrong? I'd thought you'd be happy. This is what you wanted right? I didn't push you into something you weren't ready for, did I? Oh god I did, didn't I! I'm so sorry Roy. I'll take the blame. Don't worry we can fix this."
"What no!!! That's not it Nets. Promise."
Jason finally rejoined them, wearing a pair of Roy's shorts and a t-shirt that was a size too tight. Which left nothing to the imagination causing a flustered look dance across Roy's face.
"Nets," Jason sat beside her, and not Roy, adding to her confusion. "Can you answer this honestly this question? Please..." Marinette slowly nodded hesitantly, shifting to look at Jason, unsure what was happening with her friends. Jason gently took her hand and asked, "Do you like like Roy?"
The new blush that rushed to her face answered the question really, but Jason waited for the woman to regain her senses and answer him. Ducking behind her hair Marinette nodded at Jason. Roy hand darted up, before his mind had caught up, too tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
"Oh Nets… I'm an idiot. A major idiot."
Roy pulled her close to rest his forehead against hers, leaving Jason stroking the back of her hand.
"Nets, I adore you too." He kissed the tip of her nose, "Can you answer my question now. Do you feel the same way about Jay?"
"Wha…" she pulled away from Roy to look at the men before her, glancing between them like they were insane.
"I like you, Nets. God's know I like you, since I met you and your sadistic humour at Roy's misfortune. But I think l like Roy too. Roy well, the dense tool says he likes me, but I've seen the looks he's given you too. I'm pretty sure the feelings were mutual, just he never entertained it."
"Thanks Jay!" Roy grumbled before grabbing Marinette's other hand and kissed her fingers. "Did you wanna try with us?"
Roy looked at her earnestly. Hoping. Wishing she said yes. Her large, pretty eyes gazed into his, then to Jays. Slowly she licked her lips before opening her mouth.
"Just so I'm clear. You both want to date each other. But you also want to date me??"
Roy beamed at her, "Yes!" He leant forward and gently kissed her lips, savouring the taste compared to his heated, frantic outpouring with Jason.
"Dude! She didn't say yes. She just clarified what you were saying!" Jason exclaimed facepalming at his ?boyfriends? enthusiasm.
Roy quickly pulled back, "Oh, ooops!", only to witness Marinette looking up at Jason with wide eyes as if asking a silent question from him to nod in response. Carefully, as if uncertain of what will happen, Marinette kisses Jason slowly, easing into it before retreating. Shyly, as if she hadn't just kissed the pair, she smiles coyly at them.
"This wasn't the outcome I was expecting from this evening, but, I'd quite like to give it a go."
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queerdiazbuckleys · 2 years
these babes
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This is for all 3 of you who wanted me to wax poetic about roy/jamie, which is maybe my favorite ship i've ever shipped and i've already written like 100k about in less than a year and have like 30 more fics in the works about oof.
when i started shipping it: literally like, ep 1x04 for the children i was already like GOD I HOPE THERE'S FIC ABOUT THEM but it was feb of 2021 and, spoiler, my partner assured me there was no fic about them, but i was already in love and i just shipped them more and more as the series went on.
my thoughts: god, uhm, i just really think they need each other. like, they challenge each other and compliment each other and they have more in common than either one of them will probably ever admit. so much of both of their stories just relies on the other being there and their arcs are intertwined. i can't wait to watch their friendship/relationship grow, and it's just so easy for me to see how they learn and grow together and continue to just make each other the best versions of each other. if you read any of my fics, i'll tell you how easy their dynamic is for me to see and grasp and hold onto. i just love them so fucking much.
what makes me happy about them: LITERALLY EVERYTHING like seeing how far they've come but as individuals and together in their friendship/relationship by the end of season 2. the joyful moment at the end of season 2 where they celebrate together after everything they've been through, the way jamie really really wants to learn from roy and the way roy learns from jamie, despite himself, the way roy holds jamie up when he's at his lowest fucking point in the entire series when no one else can because in that moment it had to be roy. it's such a perfect fucking story for me. it hits everything i love in a pairing and a dynamic and a friendship.
what makes me sad about them: probably that i know they'll never be canon sometimes i just think about it and i get so sad because i think the chemistry between brett and phil is amazing and i think they'd be down and i just love their dynamic and i can see a clear pathway and i just want it to be real with my whole heart.
things done in fanfic that annoy me: when jamie is stupid because i don't think he is. i think he tends to misspeak or use words that he doesn't quite understand because he's a sponge and he hears something and will use it how he thinks is right but he wants to learn and grow and i think he's just smart in a way that's more subtle. he's definitely more emotionally smart that people give him credit for. ask @uglyuglyboy how much i have RANTED about this. i also have noticed a trope of jamie being sexually assaulted and i just am so not into it, though i get that some people are into that in fics. mostly it's just preference stuff and more than annoying me i just kind of avoid reading things i'm not really into. i do tend to be really nitpicky about jamie because i just love him so so much that i can't help it, and i have very specific ideas about him. it's a personal problem. i'm working through it.
things i look for in fic: honestly, i'm just a sucker for a happy ending, really. there's not much else i look for. i tend to love things that are funny and happy and also a little angsty. i just like angst that doesn't get too dark. don't like dark fic because i can't really handle it. i just want jamie to be loved because i think he needs and deserves it.
who i'd be comfortable ending up with besides each other: i mean in a perfect world, no one i just want them to be together, but i like ot3 with keeley well enough and would accept it. i'd say either of them with keeley but then there's no one i want the other with so SHRUG SHRUG.
my happily ever after for them: jamie captain of the england team, roy there in the stands to support them, happy and together and james tartt fucking dead in the ground somewhere because fuck that guy.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: roy is the big spoon jamie is the little spoon (except sometimes roy needs to be the little spoon but he never admits it or asks - jamie just learns how to read him enough that he knows when roy needs it)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i love to imagine them having just quiet domestic moments. jamie sitting on the counter and bugging him while roy makes them dinner, roy sitting quietly and reading a book while jamie yells at the tv (because you know he does - only someone who yells at the tv would think it's okay to yell at actors in a play), lounging together on holiday. i think when all is said and done they could really just enjoy peaceful quiet moments together because they both need it and they know each other well enough that the silent moments are nice and not awkward.
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flying-nightwing · 3 years
Throne of Blood (3/3)
Hello there! Last part of Throne of Blood, I hope you appreciated this little serie! I loved t write it tbh, it was a nice change from the usual DC stuff I write. If you want a bonus chapter, let me know! I thought about doing either a prequel for when they invaded the castle, or some headcanons if y’all have some.
Ps: I realised I kinda made Bruce to be the bad guy here, oops. Sorry about that, but to my defence, family drama was something I built toward from the beginning 😅 Full disclosure, I have nothing against Bruce and Damian pls don’t come at me
Masterlist in bio / pinned!
Pairing: King!Jason x reader x Roy
Word count: 4414
Warnings: same as the last parts (cautious nsfw) + family drama lmao
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"--and the might of the casc… cascade could never compare to the ce… cerul… cerulean of her eyes. She was his hope, the only thing he cherished, none of his posse...ssions could ever be worth as much as a minute with her"
You paused to breathe as you reached a paragraph break. You could feel Roy's relaxed stare on you, a small smile ever present on his lips. His hand was absentmindedly rubbing your knees that were lying over his thigh, while his other arm was snugly wrapped around your waist. The quiet crackling of the fireplace indicated the need to add a log, but neither of you wanted to move from your nestled position. Eventually one would have to, though, before the room grew cold. 
"I like it when you read to me" Roy hummed, almost like he hadn't meant to say it out loud. But if you knew one thing about him, it's that he carried very little shame when it came to love. He would never intend to hide his thoughts when they came, and you admired that about him. Still, you couldn't help but look down in embarrassment. 
Him and Jason had taught you to read some months after you joined them, when he passed you a map to find a town's name and you had to tell him you couldn't. Ever since, you worked often on your reading skills, leafing through whatever seemed interesting from Jason's library. But you weren't a natural, far from it. 
"I can't even pronounce all the words correctly" You mumbled. "It must be hard to follow sometimes"
He gently pushed your chin up so he could look into your eyes again. It didn't matter for one second for him that you didn't have the diction of an erudit or the flow of a poet. All he wanted was to hear your voice and watch your eyebrows knit in concentration when you butted on a difficult word. He liked the little things so much better than the finished product.
"I think it sounds perfect"
The corner of your lips rose slightly at his praise as your heart skipped a few beats. Even after all the time you spent together, he always managed to find the right word to make you love him even more, if it was possible. His constant and unconditional support was your crutch, the thing you could rely on no matter what happened, the safe space in which you would never feel judged for what you couldn't do. 
"You know" He began again when he noticed you had trouble believing what he said. You wanted to believe him, but deep inside he knew it was harder for you, and he understood all too well the feeling of not being enough. "I couldn't read either before I was taken in by my warden"
You tilted your head to the side, frowning slightly. You had never known. 
"Took me years to get average at it. And you should have seen my writing-- Hell, you should see it now, it's catastrophic" 
You couldn't help but giggle along as he laughed. It was contagious.
"It's the same with Jason--No wait, the brat actually taught himself how to read somehow" He blinked slowly, like he was still surprised by it. You weren't really, you knew Jason was even smarter than you were aware of. Than anyone was aware of. "But his writing was terrible until he got a proper tutor, that I know of for a fact"
"But his writing is so…" You trailed off, trying to find the right word. "Exquisite"
"Now who's pulling out the big words, uh?"
"Shut up" You laughed, lightly hitting his chest with the book. “Don’t mock me”
“I’m not!” He argued, giving you wide, innocent eyes. He looked too cute for his own sake. “I swear I’m not. You’re just adorable when you get all flustered”
“We better start gearing up now” You evaded the subject, clearing your throat. “Jason will be expecting us--”
“Just one more chapter” He interrupted softly, caressing your waist. “Please?”
You held his stare for a moment before you were convinced, and you nodded, a sheepish smile on your face. You opened the book to the page you had marked and found the paragraph you had stopped to. 
“As he was sitting by the window, he couldn’t help but think about the ar-arrival of the spring, only a few weeks away if nature de...cided to be kind--”
“My Lord, my Lady” 
You paused your reading and looked up. This time, it was Roy who looked the most annoyed of the two of you. 
“It’s time”
You sighed and nodded, putting down the book on the table. Roy was clearly disappointed, but he helped you nevertheless get back on your feet, being careful not to pull on your bandages too much. You were healing well for your condition, you could now walk around and sit down without much help. Still, Roy and Jason didn’t like the idea of leaving you on your own for too long, just in case someone tried to come for you. You definitely couldn’t wield your axes just yet, so it made you an easy target even if you weren’t bed ridden anymore. 
You walked out of the chamber beside Roy, him following your slower pace without complaint. You reached the other end of the hallways and entered another room with chests and racks, where your equipment was kept. You began putting on your suit, the one you had made when you rode beside the Red Hood, well before he was king. It was all black with a red pointed arch on the chest that imitated Jason’s sigil, which was outlined with a single silver following your collarbone. It rose up the back of your neck and was reinforced to protect your vitals. 
“Could you help me pull it up, please?”
Roy nodded as he finished to lace his arm braces, stepping right behind you. He picked the stiff fabric and gently tugged it over your shoulder, brushing his fingers against your skin along the way. He was even more careful with your injured shoulder, making sure it wasn’t bent in any way to fit through the suit. He and Jason had advised against you wearing it, but you were stubborn and refused to show weakness in front of the enemy. Besides, it looked great on you. Roy then buttoned up the suit on your back and up your neck before giving you a kiss on the temple. 
“Close your eyes, I’ve got a little something for you” He whispered in your eyes, and despite your initial confusion, you did as you were told and shut your eyes. You felt something being passed over your head and gently rest on your shoulders, then straps being adjusted on your sides. “You can open the now”
You did as he said and looked down as he gently directed you to the mirror on your left. He had placed a beautiful piece of equipment that paired well with the colors of your suit, lightweight and practical, that covered your shoulders front and back. You usually went without, but it was appropriate considering another arrow in the back would do you no good right now. And since you most probably wouldn’t be using your axes anyway, you could do without your full shoulder movements range. 
“Where did you get this?” You asked as you trailed your finger on the skillfully crafted metal. There was no doubt it had been made for you by how it fit with both your body and suit. It must have cost a fortune.
“The blacksmith in town, the one living near the gates of the castle” He began. “His son was killed by the guild of thieves that lived uptown, the ones we wiped off right after the undertaking. He wanted to thank us somehow, and when he learned about what happened to you, he made this as a present”
“It’s… Very beautiful” You breathed out. “I’ll have to thank him later on. This must have taken so much time to make”
“But you deserve it” He said as he placed a light kiss on your jaw. “You deserve the best. And the best suits you”
“Thank you” You nodded, taking his hand. The leather of his archery glove was rough against your skin, but it had also become a comfort born from the endless days you spent training and hunting on the road. It was tied to some of your best memories with him, and it still amazed you how a simple touch could bring it all back vividly like that. “Come on, Jason must be waiting for us”
You went down to the court, where Jason was talking with the commander and some generals. Upon hearing your footsteps, he perked up and turned around, taking you specifically in. He smiled and nodded, heading for the three black steeds, groomed and in full armor, in the hands of the stable hands. You followed him and grabbed the reins of your mount, carefully climbing on its back and sitting in the saddle.
“Are we ready?” Jason asked.
“Of course” Roy replied first, then both of their eyes set on you.
“Let’s do this” You nodded firmly.
With a kick of your heels, you took off the court and onto the bridge, in the direction of the Wayne Kingdom.
“Soooooo…” Roy trailed off. “Do you think he stood us up or..?”
You looked away from the horizon and to Roy, who was slouched over the pommel of the saddle while his horse was trying to dig for grass through the snow. “Maybe he’s trying to ambush us”
“I don’t think so” Jason mumbled, his eyes still set northwest. His back was straight with a hand resting on his hips, the other holding the reins tight. His horse was attentive, chewing on its bit in anticipation. “It wouldn’t be like him, not while we’re on this hill anyway” 
You nodded as your fingers flexed around the reins, a bit bored and definitely not impressed by the opposite party being late to their own meeting. There was barely any wind over the field, and the thick cover of the cloud didn’t let the sun rays through. Still, smoke came out of the horses’ nostrils with every breath they let out. 
“There they come”
You glanced forward again at Jason’s warning, seeing a small party of riders coming your way. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry, walking rather than trying to reach you at a trot. The closer they came, the better you could point out characteristics for each rider. The one at the front was wearing all black with a cape that fell over the pale gray horse he was riding. It was almost white, but the dark skin around its eyes and nose proved differently. The second rider was on a smaller chestnut horse, and was a child. You blinked a few times, but his youthful features were obvious. The two other riders some paces behind were an escort, soldiers with steel armors and banners from their kingdom. 
After a long waiting for them to actually be at hearing range, they finally stopped a few meters ahead and assessed your party. Jason was visibly tense, but his blue eyes gave nothing out on how he was feeling about seeing his father in front of him after all this time. They stared at each other for long minutes before the piercing glance of Bruce Wayne set on you. You clenched your jaw, not backing down, until his eyes finally left you. 
“Your… Friend seems to have healed quite well” The older king spoke first.
“Don’t act like you give a fuck” Jason sneered. “You were the one who made this coward attack on her happen in the first place”
“Watch your mouth, runt” The child on the side almost barked. “You’re speaking to a legitimate King, unlike you”
“And who the fuck might this goblin be?” Roy said before he could stop himself. While the child looked appalled, Roy was still very relaxed on his horse. He might have been the only one to be, even if you did want to laugh at the outburst.
“I am the blood son, the true heir to the throne” He replied with all his might, except it didn’t quite have the desired effect, since he was on a pony, for one. “You peasant will respect me, or--”
“Damian, please” Bruce interrupted firmly. “Now is not the time to settle this”
“Why am I not surprised that you fathered a brat?” Jason leaned forward, feeling taunting for a moment. “Which one of your concubines had enough bad luck to get pregnant? Selina? Or was it Richard’s lover, whatever was her name? Or maybe Talia, oh memorable Talia--”
“Don’t speak of my mother that way” Damian pulled his sword out. 
“So Talia it is” He smirked. 
“We are here to negotiate peace, not fuel a war” Bruce replied sternly. “I can do much worse than an arrow in the shoulder of a loved one, you know it. So be careful what you’re advancing about my family”
“Then keep your son on a tighter leash” Jason said, his face returning to a serious expression. “I still haven’t made my mind about keeping peace, don’t give me reasons to leave this meeting before we can discuss it”
“I should be telling you this” He squinted his eyes slightly. “You have thrown over a stable ally of this kingdom and stole the crown, then taken prisoner the King of Blüdhaven without giving a follow up on his state. You are in no place to threaten a war, yet here you are”
Jason waited a few seconds, not letting his stare waver. Then, he sighed and whistled. The plains were silent, until the faint sound of hooves cantering on the crisp snow grew closer to your position. Soon enough, you were passed on your left by another rider, slowly walking around you and toward Bruce’s party. Dick had a neutral expression as he turned around, stopping at Bruce’s side.
“Here” Jason waved his hand dismissively. “Your golden son, unharmed albeit slightly vexed”
“You should still pay for a crime like this” Bruce said.
“It’s fine” Dick tried to appease the tensions. “I do not wish to further this conflict, I have done enough already as it is”
“Why didn’t you fight back, Richard?” Damian asked in a judging and accusatory tone. “This is a disgrace to our family, and a display of weakness--”
“I was trying to avoid a much worse escalation of this conflict by owning a diplomatic mistake I made in the first place” He bit back. “What would you even know of politics, spoiled child?”
Roy laughed, and the sound only seemed to anger Damian more. You were in the middle of a family conflict, and unlike him, you didn’t know this side of the family well. You didn’t really know how to act, so you observed what would go down rather than actively participate. 
“I find the ginger man’s insolence unwelcomed in this matter” Damian said, trying to wash down the humiliation his brother had just handed to him. “He’s got nothing to do with it, and he’s got no title. He shouldn’t even be speaking”
“He speaks because I say he can” Jason defended Roy in a heartbeat, his tone strong and authoritative. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve got a crown and you don’t, which puts me above you in status and therefore my wishes outweigh yours”
Your eyebrow rose slowly as your eyes met Roy’s, who had an equally stunned expression. Jason had never used his status against anyone like that. It even seemed to take Damian by surprise, which was, with what you had learned about him in the last minutes, a hard feat to accomplish. If you were honest with yourself, while you loved Jason as a humble king, you were curious about the other side of him, even if he would show it in private.
“Your crown was stolen” Bruce reassessed. “The Kingdoms surrounding yours have decided this gesture would not stand. I wished a peaceful surrender from you, but it doesn’t seem like I will convince you to do so. You have three days to abdicate, until the next full moon, or your kingdom will be taken back by force”
“You think this is wise?” You finally spoke up on instinct, and all eyes turned to you, looking at you with surprise. You weren’t about to let those threats stand, especially not from Bruce. “Ever since King Jason came into power, he wiped out a guild that stole from families and murdered good people. Our kingdom is the safest for miles around, so much we get waves of new settlers even in winter. He lowered taxes on the population so much that most towns in the country have become flourishing trade posts in the span of a year, and instead taxed the nobility and cut on useless balls and dinners. Nobody starved last winter, and nobody is starving this one. Do you think the word didn’t get out to the other countries around? People are starting to want this for themselves too, and you think putting them through a devastating war will make things better? It will only make them resent you, those who didn’t already. We have people in every castle you know of who are ready to turn against you the second they get wind of aggression--”
“Bullshit” Damian called.
“Are you ready to take the risk?” You raised an eyebrow at him, before returning your glance to Bruce, who betrayed no emotion. “You will lose this war if you start it. You should consider your people before you send them to slaughter”
Silence fell over the hill for a moment.
“... What she said” Roy grinned, breaking the silence.
Bruce looked at Jason for a reaction, or most likely, some sort of opposition to what you had just said. Instead, he only readjusted his reins and straightened his back. “You heard right,” He said, not wavering. “You have three days, until the next moon, to annulate the warrants and back down. Think about your people, Bruce. Make the right decision”
With that mocking reprise of his father’s previous words, he turned his horse around and left him dumbfounded. With one last glance to their party, you followed Jason, trotting, then cantering away and back into your borders. Once you passed your soldiers’ road control, you slowed down to a walk.
“Huh” Roy exhaled as he leaned forward to glance at you over Jason’s horse between you two. “I didn’t know we had spies in other kingdoms”
“Now that I think about it,” Jason blinked a few times, his brows slightly furrowed. “Neither did I”
You shrugged. “Maybe we have them. That would be neat” 
You saw confusion, then astonishment flash in their eyes like their reactions were synchronized.
“Wait, did you just--”
“Did you fucking lie to Bruce in his face?” Roy cut off, almost yelling. Then, he laughed. “In his face?”
“By the time he realizes, no, if he even realizes I bluffed, we’ll have a solid plan to ward him off, no matter what he does” You explained. “We win”
“How did you manage to convince him?” Jason had an innocent incomprehension written all over his features, like a child in front of a magic trick. He was adorable. “You had me convinced”
“Oh, boys” You grinned. “You think women survive this long in the world without becoming excellent liars? How do you think I managed to infiltrate the staff for a week before we invaded the castle?”
“By… Um” Roy trailed off. “Cleaning well?”
You laughed. “People had questions, my dear. I had to build myself a credible life to feed them, so I wasn’t thrown out of the castle instantly. Lying to the enemy is a skill I learned to cultivate a long time ago”
“You’re awesome, you know that?” He sighed, a loopy smile on his face. Jason still had a starstruck expression on his face, his eyes sparkling with admiration.
“Wouldn’t hurt to hear it again, I must admit” You teased back, jutting your chin up. “But there is one thing that would be better… Last one in the bedroom owes the first one a shoulder massage”
You didn’t wait for them to register your words before kicking your horse to a gallop, no doubt closely followed by them.
The dancing light of the candles of the chandelier left a soft glow on your naked skin, moving around and spreading warmth as it crawled up and down your body. You were sitting upright as hands moved gently on your shoulders, careful to avoid the sensitive area of your still healing wound. In your laps was Jason’s head, your hands threading slowly in his black hair as his eyes were shut close. He wasn’t sleeping, his breathing made his chest rise too fast for him to be. But he was relaxed, his neck muscles were untensed on your legs and there were no harsh lines on his face. 
You looked behind you when Roy’s hand stopped massaging, pulling your hair to the side and kissing the back of your neck. 
“You really gotta get a faster horse” Your lips curved upwards. “You’re always losing these races”
“I think my horse’s speed is just fine” He whispered back. “Besides, you are both right where I want you to be”
Jason smirked. “Losing is always suddenly part of someone’s plan when they never win”
“Laugh all you want” He sighed, dramatically laying down on his side beside you, then leaning forward close to Jason’s ear. “We all know I end up winning anyway when you beg my name like a prayer, My King”
You could feel the shiver travel up his spine on your laps, as well as the sudden shift in the tension in his muscles. You played along and let your hand slightly pull his hair, which surprised a moan out of him. His eyes opened wide, the blue of his irises being quickly consummated by the black of his pupils. Then, his glance set on Roy, something hard to read beside the promising spark in it.
“Are you sure you’re ready for a, what, fourth go at it today?” He raised an eyebrow as his hand brushed his cheek. “I didn’t think you jaw recovered from earlier”
You laughed airily as Roy grinned mischievously. “Maybe you can take that voice when you put that brat child in its place” You suggested as you trailed up your hand up Jason’s bare chest. “I’m sure he would be happy to get back on his knees if you did”
Roy groaned at the suggestion, already imagining the whole scene behind his fluttering eyelids. However, Jason didn’t quite follow up on his reaction. “Don’t tempt me with…” He trailed off, then noticed the mood change. “Hey, is there something wrong?”
Jason blinked, then shook his head and gave a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. “I’m fine” He muttered, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on Roy’s lips. 
“No, something’s bothering you” He insisted gently. “What is it, Jay?”
Jason sighed, shaking his head. “It’s nothing” He replied, looking up to the ceiling. “Don’t worry about it”
“It’s clearly not nothing” You said as your hands threaded softly in his hair. “What’s eating at you?”
A silence followed your words. It was like Jason was searching for the right words, like he wanted to say it so bad but something else was holding him back. You were patient, however, and you didn’t mind that he took his time to tell you. You knew he would talk when he’s ready.
“It’s what Bruce said” Roy beat him to it, speaking barely over a whisper. “Isn’t it?”
You looked in between the two men, noticing how Jason did not deny Roy’s words. It was like they were having a silent conversation for a few seconds, before Roy put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s how he didn’t see him as part of his family anymore” Roy spoke up, addressing you this time. “How Bruce didn’t seem to have any regret about replacing him in any way possible”
“Even after all this time” Jason gulped. “He won’t even stop reminding me he didn't care”
“Oh, my love” You reached for his hand and grabbed it, intertwining your fingers with his and giving it a squeeze. “He doesn’t deserve you beating yourself up about him like that. You’re worth so much more than anything he could even give you”
“She’s right,” Roy nodded. “We’re your family now, not him. Not him ever again. And I promise you we’ll never betray you that way, we’ll never set you aside. You’re our lover, you’re our King, you’re the most important person for us, and we would do anything for you”
You could see the crystal gleam of tears pooling in his eyes before he blinked them away, resisting the urge to break down. Jason had not often known true affection until he met Roy, then you. He felt like he didn’t deserve either of you, and sometimes he wondered why exactly you decided everyday to stay by his side. But you did stay, you did support him and guided him when he needed it. He wouldn’t have been anywhere near where he was right now without you. 
“You’re both so good to me” He whispered, adoration clear in his voice as he glanced at you, then Roy. “What would I do without you?”
“You’d be wonderful either way” You smiled as you slipped beside him, careful not to pull on your bandages. Soon enough, Roy joined him on the other side, snuggling into him. “You’d miss on major cuddling, however”
His chest rose in a silent chuckle as he pulled you and Roy just a little bit closer. “Give yourselves more credit, I’d crash and burn without you both by my side”
“Let’s not bother with what ifs, yeah?” Roy replied, his lips curved upward as he kissed his shoulder. “It only matters that you’re here with us today, and that you are a damn good King. The rest doesn’t matter”
“The rest doesn’t matter” Jason repeated in a mutter, nodding lightly. “Only you. Only us” 
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Batfam Reactions To Watching Avatar The Last Airbender
req: “Hi I was wondering if you could write the boys reactions to watching Avatar: The last airbender for the first time?” (anon)
- long story short, Dami got hurt during patrol and to make sure he didn’t sneak out the entire family had to settle in for a movie night
- you made the epic recommendation to watch ATLA and yall basically binge watched it for a week while Dami healed, here are each of the boys reactions
- this mfer grumbled that it was stupid and gave Katara shit for being a bad waterbender at the beginning, especially the first episode
- he was hardcore crushing on her at the end specifically her fire nation outfit and that she learned how to blood bend, he’s a simp for powerful women what can i say
- during the first season he was pretty stoic and annoyed, blame it on the painkillers
- second season he was gettin’ into it, flinching with the epic fight scenes, calling himself the batfamily Toph, he let a rogue tear slip during leaves from the vine and no one noticed but you and Dick
- he got extra cuddles that night
- he lost his fucking shit during appas lost days- like full on screaming about appa and burrying his head in your chest while you quietly tell him appa will be okay
- he denies all of this too this day though (of course) but he loved it, and you’ll hear him humming leaves from the vine when he thinks his comm is off now on patrol
- she wasn’t really paying attention to the show at the beginning,  more soaking in the family bonding moment and spending each night sitting next to a different person to understand more about them
- she liked watching tim because he gets really into it but steph is also a fun watching buddy because her reactions are sooo intense it’s like watching a movie watch a movie
- a month after showing Cass she came up to you with all these epic fan canon ideas for the future or the past, talking about what the avatar state meant and spewing crazy little facts you thought no one noticed
- turns out it’s her comfort show now, she watches it to remind her of Jason’s shitty sex jokes, Dick’s screeches, you’re silent tears, Babs failed plot predictions, and everything else from the week were for one you were all just kids
- For some reason I just think Tim’s seen it before
- he’s your buddy for laughing at his sibling’s reactions when you both know what’s coming
- the giddy smile he gives you before Katara does the epic water frozen save on Azula or Aang yeets into the avatar state
- him and cass are your lore buddies, you’ve all got all these crazy awesome ideas about the plot and what-not
- Tim crushes on Zuko hardcore, like that scene where he throws off his robe Tim’s cheeks are completely flushed, eyes stuck to the screen and you’re dying laughing
- sometimes you’ll come into the batcave and tim will be working while ATLA plays in the background and you’ll both silently rewatch it together making little quips about a funny moment from when the family watched it together it’s all so wholesome
- Steph is a Sokka simp and you can’t tell me otherwise
- she’d pass out when his hair is down and everyone would roll their eyes
- she’d buy a boomerang for patrol and bruce would give a hard no but you can find her throwing it at shrubbery when bruce is out
- She also thinks Tai Lee is adorable and deserves the world
- “steph you came into my room at 5am for this?”
- steph honestly just says the thoughts we all have, when watching she’s totally immersed and falls for all the jumps and scary moments- her and dick are constantly being told to shut up while you die laughing at their reactions
- dick basically had to chain him to the couch to watch at the beginning, he’d claim he had better stuff to do but eventually he’d be the one dragging people to the couch for the next episode
- would develop a bromance with zuko in season three
- convinced he’s a firebender and plays with wayyy too many lighters for a week to bruce’s concern
- thinks Mai is hot as fuck but claims he wouldn’t date her “cuz bro code” with his new imaginary best friend
- Roy comes by actually asking if he can meet zuko that’s how much jason talks about him it’s so cute
- she’d slip in and out of watching while doing research or helping bruce during patrol, so she’d always sit next to you while you refreshed her during the episodes she caught
- she’d think aang was adorable and would try to convince dami to shave his head and get an arrow tattoo cuz he’d be cute
- she’d be the one to bring everyone water and sandwiches from alfie when you’ve all been binging for hours
- everyone needs a babs when they do a 3 season binge in a week, everyone say thank you babs RIGHT NOW hehehe
- he’d be the one who got everyone there and he’d love being surrounded by his family
- granted, it was painful at first, giving constant death glares to dami and jason when they tried to get up and trying to get you to reveal plot secrets while you giggle, but in the end he was loving it
- he’d be crying 24/7
- when Mai and Tai Lee attack Azula and give the speech about loving Zuko more than Mai feared Azula he’s be screeching “GO OFF QUEEN YEAH SIS” while everyone tells him to shut up
- he’s a cabbage man stan and I love him for it
- his favorite season was season 2 because he loves toph because she reminds him of his siblings and he likes bumi and is convinced he’ll be a bumi when he’s older even though everyone tells him he’s such an iroh
- Dick would look back fondly on that week, surrounded by family who wasn’t fighting and could each have their own personality highlighted while all being together, he’d forever be thankful you brought up the idea : )
- it was a tough week for bruce, he hadn’t actually been alone on patrol for a long time
- it made it all worth it when he got to tiredly plop onto the couch with his kids
- he wasn’t watching the show he was watching them, the way they were invested in the show but also still took the time to bond even if they didn’t quite know it
- he got the best sleep of his life that week, passed out on the couch while his kids cuddled him, his white noise was Tim screaming at Damian and Steph babbling about Sokka, it was truly perfect. They were his family : )
I hope you enjoyed!!! Love you!
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womenofwonder · 3 years
*Ahem* Royai, duh?
✋How they met
Tumblr media
Surprisingly, they didn’t meet at her father’s house. Not, actually it happened way back in kindergarten. Riza was quiet, and she dressed funny, and she always seemed dirty, so she was an target for bullying in the rather well to do private school they were in. On the first day of school Roy (who was a Casanova even at age six) decided this would be a good time to rescue a helpless damsel from the bullies surrounding her, taunting. Unfortunately, he underestimated the number and size of the kids teasing her and got his ass kicked. Luckily for him Riza quickly stepped into help. She smashed one bully’s nose in with her book and then pulled out a pocket knife. They all left in a hurry. And at that moment, Roy realized he was in love.
😘First kiss
Ah...so the first kiss wasn’t exactly a happy one. It was during Ishval. They had won a pretty important battle and everyone was celebrating. They both got drunk. The kiss felt good, and Riza probably would have been ready for more despite the circumstances (screw it, she was going to die soon anyway) but Roy walked off. Even drunk he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that he didn’t deserve her kisses, especially during a ‘celebration’ of him frying more innocent people. Riza honestly thought he had a problem with her and that was the first time she cried in Ishval.
🤯First fight
It depends on what you mean by fight. They got in a lot of fistfights as kids, but that wasn’t ever personal. They bickered constantly but the only big, painful fight they ever had was on promise day, when she almost had to shoot him. The first lighthearted, bickering fight they ever had was when he was apprenticed to her father and she would remind him to do his homework. Not much has changed, honestly.
🍷First date
When he was still an apprentice to her father, they used to wait until he was asleep and then Roy would take her places. He did it mostly to be nice, because Riza didn’t get a lot of fun and growing up in a brothel met he knew exactly which bars would give a couple of kids drinks. But they were honestly dates in everything but name.
💍How they got engaged
Well, they didn’t make the decision. Grumman declared they were getting married at one of his press conferences. “I have decided to end the anti-fraternization and allow my granddaughter to finally marry General Mustang.” Riza just looked at Mustang and said “Okay.” Later on he did do the entire fancy dinner date and gave her a expensive engagement ring.
Actually, it was surprisingly small and private. It was really sweet and quiet. To everyone’s surprise Roy made Fullmetal his best man, mostly as a joke. Other than a very insulting speech about how Riza was probably out of her mind to marry such an idiot, he was really nice about everything. Riza’s wedding dress had a very high neck (to hide the scarring) and a very short skirt. She still has a gun holstered to her thigh, wedding or no wedding. Rebecca is the maid of honor, and as Riza honestly doesn’t have many friends both Olivier and Winry are bridesmaids. Of course, Elicia is the flower girl despite being a bit old for it. Hayate is the ring bearer. Just kidding. Maybe.
👶First kid
Riza got pregnant after the first year of the their marriage. It was an accident. Their feelings on the matter were conflicted. On one hand, both were thrilled to have a baby, but in the other hand, it didn’t really fit very well into their plans. How did being a parent figure in with the possibility of future with the fire squad? Not mention both were really worried that they would be horrible parents due to everything they’d done in Ishval. To make things slightly more complicated, it turned out they weren’t going to have one but two children. But when the babies do come: a little Rianna and Thomas, they’re beautiful. Of course, Riza and Roy are great parents and the kids actually help them have more faith in themselves.
🥰A random fluff moment
Riza had forgotten exactly how cold it was up north. Shivering, she blew on her hands in hopes of warming them.
“Here,” Roy said, offering her his coat.
“Don’t you need a coat sir?”
“I had use my flame alchemy to heat myself up,” he said.
“Since when have you mastered that ability sir?”
“Just take the coat.”
She took it.
“You’re shivering an awful lot sir. Are you sure you’re not too cold?”
“N-nope. I-I’m g-r-eat.”
“Sir, really, you can have this coat. You’re going to get frostbite.”
“N-no. You k-keep the coat-t. T-that’s an or-rder.”
Olivier gave them both a look. “Mustang, either freeze to death quietly or kiss her now so we get on with this meeting. I would personally prefer the former, but anything would be better than watching your painful attempts at being a gentleman.”
Riza took advantage of his shock to give him back the coat.
😭A random angsty moment
“Thank you,” she says, as if there’s anything to thank him for. As if he’s not about to torture her.
Roy was good at torturing people. He had plenty of practice at this point. He knew exactly how much of his flame it took to cause a certain amount of pain. At least he could make it hurt as little as possible.
“I won’t scream,” she promised.
“Yeah, you will,” he knew exactly how loud it would be too. He had heard it countless time from countless lips and now he was going to hear it from her.
She nodded, so calm about the entire thing. Took her knife, torn off some of her white coat and wadded it up in her mouth. Stepped forward. Turned around to him.
He told himself to hurry up and do it. Waiting would only hurt her more. It shouldn’t be this hard. He’d done it a hundred times before. What was one more person?
He snapped his fingers, and a familiar smell of burning skin filled the arid desert air.
😩A random hurt/comfort
Riza was exhausted. She wasn’t sure how doing just menial tasks could drain someone so much, but it probably had something to do with the fact that her boss was a homunculus holding her hostage. To make things worst, even coming home was no relief. The shadows were everywhere, even in her small, bare apartment. The second she let herself feel safe, or stopped thinking about the fact that she was being watched constantly, he (or rather it) would remind her. Maybe it was a sudden sense of a creeping bloodlust, or the glimpse of slitted eyes and slices of teeth, all which disappeared the second she looked. She had no privacy. These last few days she hadn’t even dared to bathe.
To make things worst, today someone had broken into her apartment. She couldn’t even fathom why they would do that. Wasn’t the constant surveillance enough? But it was too well down for a common thief. If she hadn’t know better she wouldn’t of even noticed it was broken into. But she had placed a slip of paper in the door when she went out, and now it was gone.
“You’d better have not made a mess of things,” she muttered, hoping Pride could hear it. She opened the door and for a second was frozen in shock.
They hadn’t broken into her apartment at all. Roy had.
Flowers filled up the entire place. Some in vases (really expensive looking ones), some hanging from the ceiling, some just randomly scattered about. In the middle of her kitchen table was a note and bottle of whiskey.
Black Hayate ran up to her, barking happily. She reached down to pet him, rather absentmindedly.
“That idiot,” she murmured, fighting a smile. “He’s crazy.”
She went over to the table and picked up the note.
To 1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye,
Look, I’m sorry, but I really didn’t know what to do with the flowers. Please don’t shoot me.
I hope you enjoy the whiskey. It’s really good stuff. And you sounded like you needed it.
Roy Mustang. (Riza had to squint at the doodle next to his name. Was that a heart made out of flames? Really? Yes. Yes it was.)
PS: before you ask, yes, I’m doing my paperwork.
Riza rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t stop smiling. The flowers left plenty of shadows, but for once she couldn’t bother feeling scared. She took a swig of the whiskey and enjoyed the burn down her throat. Black Hayate jumped into her arms, and she cuddled him.
Leave it to Roy. The first time he sent her flowers and he had to give her an entire cart worth.
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caffeinetheory · 4 years
So what if they had met at a gala Roy with Queen and Marinette with Jagged and like they each of this bad impression of each other such as "Oh, he's the spoiled rich kid"or that"she's a total diva who would do anything to do famous" or something like that. But then when both the to like ditch the party or go somewhere not as bad as the main room and end up meeting and talking and becoming friends and then later dating. Then Lila goes on and on that she's dating Roy but that fails as he shows up.
Okay so this is my first ask/prompt thing but I loved it and I hope it’s good
Thanks to the people in the group chat for the encouragement, I really appreciate it <3
Here goes nothing, hope you like what I ended up writting
(pacing maybe a little fast, oops)
She didn’t want to be here, Mari only came because she ran out of excuses to not go to a gala with Jagged. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her honorary uncle but being in the spotlight was not something Marinette enjoyed, Ladybug was more than enough for her thank you very much.
So here she was sipping champagne, which she shouldn’t be but that’s for another time, hugging the wall trying to not stand out with all of her will power. Despite her best efforts Jagged could be heard loudly boating about his favorite designer and talking about how she made his and Penny’s outfits as well as her own. Knowing he was about to drag people around to show her off she decided to bite the bullet and pushed herself off the wall and walked over to him and what looked like a rich blonde businessman and another person around her ae that clearly didn’t want to be here.
The floor length rose pink dress shined in the light as she made her way over to Jagged. The intricate flowers becoming seen as she moved, and her hair flowing behind her as she walked. She commanded the room with confidence as she walked, a perk of being Ladybug for so long, long gone was the overly shy pre-teen and now stood tall legal adult. The shear back of her dress exposed small scars from years of fighting but no one would notice as her over all beauty distracted from the clear battle scars dancing across her skin.
She came to a stop next to Jagged placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I know you want to tell everyone about me, but I could hear you from across the ballroom,” rubbing his neck in slight embarrassment Jagged shared a smile with her then to the gentleman he was talking with. “Mari, how nice of you to finally join us, I’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for years, this is Oliver Queen and his ward Roy Harper,” anyone could tell how proud of the person she had become with his enthusiasm.
Shaking Oliver’s hand politely Mari turned to shake Roy’s only yo be met with a badly hidden scoff and rough handshake in return. ‘Spoiled rich kid with everything handed to him, lovely. Exactly why i tried to avoid these things’ was all that went through her head as she watched the red-head look anywhere but at her or the conversation he was begrudgingly in. ‘Great another person I’m going to have to pretend to tolerate because of the bs that is plesanties’
“So did you really make all three of your outfits?” Oliver was trying to make conversation, someone Roy’s age could possibly do him some good. Given that her deminr became less forced and Marinette seemed to light up the room even more he figures he picked the right thing to ask. “Yes! I’ve been designing for as long as I can remember. It is one of the few constants in my life, and Jagged here,” she gestures in his direction her enthusiasm clear to anyone, “Has insisted that I keep making him things. At first I thought he was just being nice but finding out he was the one that got Clara to look into my stuff is something I can't thank him enough for.”
“Anything for my rock and roll niece,” Jagged playfully ruffles her hair and she swats at his hands, this was a normal thing and Mari was clearly more at ease now that she was able to talk about her interests. She went on for a bit longer, Roy had left under the guise of getting something to drink and snuck off to one of the side rooms to get out of the stuff “party”. Mari left the pair of influential men saying she needed to get off her feet, they let her go and she ended up ducking into the very room that Roy was settled in.
Marinette’s huff of relief after closing the door and leaning against it made Roy snap his attention to the door. “I can’t wait for this to be over,” she looked at her phone to check the time, her heels already in her hand, “Still two more hours till I can ditch.” rolling her eyes, she looked up finally noticing the red-head and a startled sound involuntarily left her, ‘lovely rich boy is here’ she tuned to leave the room when his cough made her look in Roy’s direction. “You trying to escape too?” a sheepish smile played on his lips, his shaggy red hair hung loosely as he tilted his head toward her. Hesitantly she walked to the table across from the one he is sitting on to sit on herself.
“You could say that. Not really a fan of the spotlight,” she replies hesitantly, though his small laugh in return helps loosen her up. “That makes two of us, had to force me” his posture is loose, no longer as stiff. The two ended up spend the next few hours just ranting about how stuffy galas are and how they’d rather be anywhere else. They got to know each other so when both left the room with smiles and a small paper the guardians they came with, had knowing smiles, their plan had worked.
The rest of the month while Marinette was in Star City she was with Roy. Rumors of the two dating where everywhere by the end of the first week. Everywhere the two visited seemed to radiate happiness as the pair enjoyed the other’s company. No one had seen either so happy in a few years. Late night coffee ‘dates’ and soft laughter had become the norm so quickly that when Mari had to go back to Paris everything felt a little too quiet and dull.
‘I made it back, guess I got to accept the chaos again’
‘Miss me that much already ;)’
‘Oh shut it you dork’
Collapsing on her bed Mari’s smile since the gala still hadn’t falutlered. She still had two weeks before she had to go back to class but she didn’t want to think about that yet. Savor the moment of happiness she had while she could...that couldn’t last long could it? It never did, an Akuma alert went off and Ladybug was swiftly on the scene.
“I’m glad to see you’re back M’Lady”
“Good to see you too Kitty, but I just got back, any idea what’s going on”
“Seems like a tourist who missed their reservations”
“Ok sweet, this should be a piece of cake,” and it was they were done in less than 10 minutes. “Come on M’Lady we have a few more that need to be taken care of,” leading Ladybug the partners went to the Effilé Tower so she could purify the other Akumas that had happened while she was gone.
“Thank you Kitty, I appreciate the break.” There were maybe 20 glass jars and only 16 or so butterflies. They had made a system just in case Ladybug wasn’t in Paris and didn’t require to come back all the time. “It’s what a purr-ncess deserves isn’t it, everyone should get a break even you Mari.” “What better sibling could I ask for? Hang out tomorrow? It’s been awhile since I destroyed you in Mécha Strike.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
By the time Marinette woke up it was close to 11 and it was to light tapping on her trap door, what sounded like a ‘come in’ left her lips as she went around her room to look presentable. Adrian came into her room, some food on a plate and a Cheshire like smile, “Sooo, how was the states? Make any new ‘friends’ while there?” His testing tone made it clear she couldn’t get out of it.
The next two days were spent together catching up on what they had done and Adrian getting all the details about a certain red-head. “Ok so maybe I like him but we both know how bad my track record is?” Mari’s exasperation was clear, she had confessed to Adrian before they knew who was behind the mask and he came out as gay to her. She ended up being what got him and Luka together, then Kagami and Cholé, we don’t mention that confession. “I don’t know princess, you might actually have a chance,” he had a knowing smile, too knowing, something was up. Pushing away the thought, “You’re just a helpless romantic,” they playfully shoved each other as they were heading back to the bakery after a day just walking around.
Texting Roy and hanging out with her small team was all she had done when she had done when she got back so walking into the classroom to cold stares had thrown her for a moment. Her reality hit her like a ton of bricks but it didn’t hurt as much as it used to, she had people who cared about her and people she cared about. Marinette took her seat in the back of the class with Cholé and Adrian. The trio had been forced to the back but enjoyed the freedom it let them have.
The door slammed open and one Lila Rossi had walked in laughing loudly to Alya, no doubt talking about ‘what an amazing summer’ she had, the trio just rolled their eyes and went back to their phones.
“You texting him again, I swear you are always texting him,” Adrian joked seeing Mari ignore the world, the only thing she cared about being her screen.
“I mean you know me so well,” rolling her eyes at his antics, “what else am I supposed to do? Listen to ‘something that totally happened guys I don’t know why you don’t believe me’,” her sarcasm was palpable.
“I mean this time you might care, it’s about some boy toy, a Queen I think,” Cholé supplied to the conversation muffling a laugh as Mari immediately snapped her attention to the girl in the front of the class.
“You have got to be kidding me, she can’t be that dumb can she.”
“Oh you know she can and will be”
The rest of the week was spent with Lila telling the class about how amazing and put together Robert was, she couldn’t even get his name right!!! Mari was a little pissed but it wasn’t worth it, she knew the real Roy and he may be a disaster incarnée but he was hers. Did she really just think that? Damn Adrian was really rubbing off on her.
Two weeks later when Adrian told her to wear red and black, and to make sure her hair was in a ponytail, she chose not to question it. What ever crazy plan he had plan would probably be fine, they usually were. Texting Roy in the way to her class she almost missed the foot out to rip her, but being so focused she just sidestepped and jumped over the other 2 that were outstretched as she made her way to class. She wore a bright smile, Roy was talking about how pretty Paris was. ‘He must have seen the pictures I sent’.
Practically falling into her practical sibling’s lap she hummed a happy tune forgetting where she was. The red shirt she wore was one that she may have narrowed from Roy and it still smelled like him. The two blondes who sat with her started to tease and run their hands through her hair, happy to see their girl so happy again.
“So, Kitty, why was I to wear this today? What’s the occasion?”
“Oh you’ll see,” his knowing smile should have worried her but the text from Roy distracted her.
A picture of her parents' bakery and a text that said ‘this is your parents right?’ Lit up her screen.
‘Yeah why’
‘No reason, shouldn’t you be in class?’
‘Hasn’t stopped me before ;)’
Lila’s loud boasting about her ‘boyfriend’ Mr. Harper, at least she got the last name right, broke the bliss Mari had been feeling, though Adrian’s poorly concealed laugh did bring some of her smile back.
It was at lunch when Mari found out why Adrian was so giddy and why Roy was talking about the beauty of Paris. In the middle of another one of Lila’s stories about her ‘boyfriend’ a cough stopped her mid sentence, “Um actually, who are you? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before. I think I’d remember someone as loud as you.” There he stood at the bottom of the stairs, in all his glory, one Roy Harper.
“Adrian I love you but I’ll kill you later,” Mari whispered to him and then launched herself at red-head. “What are you doing here?” He caught her with ease spinning her slightly, “Happy to see you again Pixie,” their laughter could be heard throughout the school. “But Roy, seriously what are you doing here?”
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “Adrian may or may not have gotten me here… and I wanted to see you again” Mari half hearted flared at the blonde who jut give her a grin. This was sister and Roy made her happy, so of course he was going to do what he could so she could be happy. “Told you it would work out,” Chloe’s retuned fistbup told him she was happy for their friend too. After all she had done for them it was only fair they helped her.
“I may have also wanted to ask you something,” Roy looked down at the shorter girl, “would you be down to be my girl…” he trailed off at the end but their was clear admiration in his eyes as he squeezed her hands.
“Of course you dork,” she gently pulled him down into a soft kiss.
They left the school after that, somehow the school already knew to excuse her for the est of the day. The pair had a lovely date ending up with them both falling asleep in the couch as a movie played.
The next day Mari didn’t come to class, neither did Adrian or Cholé, but there were cease and desist letters on both Alya’s and Lila’s desks and a firm warning from the Queen lawyers about falsely using their name.
Mari was happy and she really had to thank Jagged for finally convincing her to go the dumb gala, and maybe Adrian for getting them together.
They were an odd pair, the human disaster and the embodiment of an angel but they were happy and they fit, they wouldn’t change it for the world.
So that was that, hope it was good :>
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
Flash Forward: Other bits
Lila was sitting in a white room dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans. She was eating a meal and looked bored as she did so. Once she was done she looked up.
“If you are finished mask on,” a voice said through the walls.
“You can trust me. I won’t do anything!” Lila replied, sounding charming.  “Miss Rossi you do not have permission to leave your room without a mask. Mask on.” Lila stared at the ceiling before a look of utter rage passed over her face, startling the watchers. She grabbed something sitting next to her and put it on, tying it behind her head. It was a half mask, with slits in the front. Putting it on, a click was heard and she growled, the mask showing it also had a voice program as it came out distorted and computerized. “Thank you.”
Waking out of the room when the door opened, Lila carried her plate and utensils, heading to a window in a wall she put them through. Around her others dressed like her were walking around. Only a bare few had masks though.
“Rossi,” one said, walking by.
“Smith.” She responded, heading through the room and out a door, to where a fenced-in outdoor area was. Lila sat on a bench and just watched people before someone walked up to her. It was Chloé, wearing similar clothes but with gloves.
 “I thought you were avoiding me,” Lila said.
“I was.” Chloé said simply. “But I have news.”
“Oh? The Justice League realize they made a mistake and are letting me go?” Lila mocked. “Please. You knew your magic had people listening to you and believing you no matter what you said. You willingly used your magic on others and turned out to be working with a magical terrorist since you were fourteen until eighteen. The one time they let you go unmasked here you used your magic to spark a riot.” Chloé snorted. “You deserve to be here like I did.”
“Did?” Lila asked.
 “I’m leaving next week. Parole.” Chloé told the girl and Lila snared, the sound menacing in her mask.
“You sided with him just like me! Hell you willingly let him cast magic on you- that’s why you have those damn gloves!” Lila said.
“I know. I was a petty and jealous brat who wanted to be special. I was so mad I would never get the Bee Miraculous back, I was so mad Ladybug didn’t like me. So I foolishly didn’t think of anyone but myself and sides with him.” Chloé told her. “It took me nearly killing my dad just by hugging him to realize what I did. Lila, how do you feel knowing your mother is sick to her stomach when she sees you because of how much magic you used on her?”
“It wasn’t that much.” Lila snapped and Chloe shook her head.
“Your mother can’t be in the same room with you without going into shock.”
“Your mother-“
“Is in jail for insider trading and child abuse,” Chloé said coldly. “And good riddance. But this didn’t about that. This is about me and you.”
“What could you possibly want with me? You hate me.”
“I do. But sadly you’re my only friend here.” Chloé said. “And we’re similar. We both fucked up. Difference is I realized it and am trying. I’m getting out. I’ll never not be able to not wear gloves. My touch with either kill or paralyze anyone. That’s fine- I got offered skin right and skin coloured gloves I’ll be wearing. I get to change my name and appearance and integrate back into society as long as I keep in contact with Canary. That’s great.”
“And you think I can too?” Lila sneered. “I can’t turn off my magic.”
“You can control it you just don’t want to. You’re damn lucky they gave you a mask instead of casting a spell to permanently silence you and you know it.” Chloe told Lila who glared at her in answer. “Lila don’t let the mistakes you made as a teenager affect you now.” Lila didn’t answer as Chloe stood and left her alone in the yard.
Alia was sitting in a cubicle, working on something. She looked different with her hair in a short bob and wearing a set of business casual clothing. She looked fairly focused as she was typing, only stopping when someone stuck their head into the cubicle.
“Hey, someone’s waiting for you in meeting room B.”
“Thanks,” Alta said, standing up and heading to the room. She looked puzzled as she entered it before a smile crossed her face. “Rose!:
“Alta!” Rose looked older, with her hair longer then it was currently, and her outfit a white sweater and jeans. “It’s good to see you! Sorry about dropping in on you at work…”
“It’s fine. I don’t have any cool stories right now- mostly the normal stuff and that’s pretty easy to write.” Alya told her. “Why are you here?”
“Juleka and I are getting married!” Alya squealed and threw her arms around Rose who laughed and hugged back.
“God! You guys beat the odds! I’m so happy for you!” She pulled away with a smile.
“Thanks! We wanted a reporter covering it- famous model marrying a charity worker so we thought of you!” Alya squealed again and hugged Rose again who laughed. “But uhh…”
“If it’s about Nino it’s fine. It’s been years- we broke up and we can be civil.” Alya said in amusement. Rose winced. Alya frowned at her.
“It’s Marinette.” Alya frowned at Rose.
“Me and Marinette are cool too.”
“You guys stopped being friends so suddenly-“ Rose began but Alya lifted a hand.
“No. We stopped being friends earlier then we thought. Neither of us realized it though until after Lila’s bullshit. It took her telling me to my face she was over Adrien and her realizing I hadn’t talked to her about anything not about the blog for us both to admit we’d stopped being friends. It was new kid friend syndrome. We were buddies but didn’t have a solid enough basis in common interests to remain besties. And that’s fine. It happened.” Alya chuckled. “Didn’t know you were still thinking we had issues.” Rose shrugged but smiled.
“I’m glad you’re okay with that.” Alya chuckled and her smile grew.
“Yeah same.”
 Adrien was working in his classroom, marking papers.
“Ugh,” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “What is with teenagers.” He finished the last paper and stood up with a sigh. He put the papers into his desk and begun to get ready to leave when the door opened. “Mylene! Hey.” The woman smiled.
“Hey, just wanted to see if you were staying late. How’s your first month?” The woman came in to sit on a desk, still smiling.
“Pretty good. Thanks for vouching for me. Might not have got the job without it.”
“You could have.” Said Mylène in reply. “You’re a good teacher Adrien- much better than our examples.” Adrien laughed a little bitterly.
“Well not hard.” He shook his head. “... ever hear from anyone?”
“Well, you did get the invite right?”
“Yeah Rose and Juleka. I’m happy for them… just not sure if I want to go. Not sure if everyone wants me.” He looked down at his empty hands for a second. “... after everything.”
“You messed up Adrien. But you were a kid. Rose wouldn’t invite you if she didn’t want to give you a chance. If any of them wanted not to see you.”
“I… Mylène what I was like, what I did… it was wrong. It was disgusting. It took me literally being slapped by Ladybug, by Marinette and being sued for me to get it through my head. Not to mention-“
“That’s not your fault Adrien. Don’t blame yourself.” Mylène got off the desk and went to place a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good man. C’mon- I’ll buy you a drink. Us teachers are all going. They want you to come.”
“... if you’re sure.”
“I am.”
Nathanael was bent over a desk, drawing something with a focused look on his face. He barely paid attention to Marc who walked in, the man laughing quietly.
“Nath, you’re going to hurt your eyes drawing so close and in such bad light.” Marc told him, putting a hand on his shoulder, a wedding ring on his hand.
“I’m fine Marc, promise.” Nathanael smiled at the man, patting his hand. “I think your husband’s-“
“Nathanael, don’t do this.” Marc sighed.
“Do what?”
“Do this ‘I want to wallow’ thing.” Marc shook his head. “Look yeah you were a shitty boyfriend in high school but that was mostly your own issues being bi and all the crap your parents gave you more than anything. And the whole Lila crap- in case you forgot I believed her to until she managed to say one lie I knew was wrong and you snapped out of the magic when I showed you it was wrong.”
“I… I dunno.” Nathanael sighed. “I think I’m just tired.”
“Yeah well no wallowing my friend. C’mon- Marinette called and she wants to see us before Rose and Juleka’s wedding.” Nathanael looked pleased.
“That’s good. Is she still willing to help with talks about our book becoming a movie? I’d rather her or her boy toy being there.”
“She’s going to kill you if you keep calling Tim a boy toy.”
“She grew over six feet tall and she still wears heels. Tim is 5’6”. I will never stop. Jason lets me.”
“Jason likes riling up his girlfriend. She pins him better.”
“... how do you know this?” Nathanael asked his partner in business.
“I’m married to Roy- Jason’s best friend? We talk.”
“... how much can we use for our porn books?”
“Where do you think half the ideas came from?”
Kagami was setting up her office, smiling as she put a photo frame down that had her on a podium with an Olympic Gold Medal around her neck.
Pulling back, she looked around the office and smiled.
“Fuck you mom,” she declared. She looked pleased as she set the final piece down, a plague declaring her name.
“Someone sounds happy,” a blonde stuck her head in, grinning. “That exciting to be heading your own company?”
“Of course. I worked hard for this.” Kagami smiled at her. “And stealing Kara Danvers is just a bonus.”
“You’re only saying that because you think it’s funny.” Kara laughed. “Wouldn’t leave you for the wolves after you saved my ass.”
“Anyone else would have done it or well anyone we know.” Kagami told her. Kara gave her that with a shrug.  “What’s on the plan for today?”
“Well business wise we have a meeting with Tim Drake-Wayne- he’s currently trying to get permission for some sort of body armour to be made for teens that can be a hoodie or a sweater.”
“It disgusts me we need those. Let me guess the government won’t have it?”
“Not unless he has back up, or if he agrees for the military to have it to for free.”
“That’s disgusting and I’m going to rip them to shreds.”
“Yep. And for pleasure, you’re meeting your girlfriend at that waffle place she likes.” Kagami grinned, looking pleased. “And your other girlfriend is meeting you guys later. She’s busy with helping her youngest brother with something- wanna tell?”
“Damian is proposing to his boyfriend later. And yes you can call in with this info to hangs your bets.” Kara pumped her fist.
“Yes! Clark and Bruce’s families finally join!”
“Dare you to tell them that.”
“I will gladly do so.”
Luka was busy tuning his gut air when the door opened and Nino stuck his head in. “Yo, Luka- your sister is here.”
“Nice.” Luka grinned as Juleka came in, Nino following. “Jules!”
“Luka!” The two hugged. “Ugh, how’s the recording going?”
“Really well. How’s the wedding planning?”
“Better now that we took Marinette’s advice and hired her friend Bart- he’s amazing at it.” Juleka told her brother. “Rose wants to adopt him I think.”
“Bart? Yeah he has that sort of feel.” Laughed Luka. Juleka shook her head.
“Of course you know him. So… dating anyone?”
“Not really. Sort of dating this one guy Conner but we’re not that serious.” Luka shrugged.
“Aww. Hey how about you Nino?”
“Nah man, I’m flying solo still. Busy with my music and helping Luka out.” Nino told them. “Though I do have a date so… later!”
“... one night stands?” Juleka asked Luka who laughed when Nino was gone.
“Yeah. He’s having fun.”
“To each their own,” Juleka said. “... he’s not-“
“Juleka. He and Alya broke up and I will not let you two hatch a matchmaking scheme at your wedding. It’s about you, no one else.” Luka told him. “As well Nino told me there’s some stuff he doesn’t like talking about with their relationship. And he doesn’t want to get back together.”
“... Alya says-“
“Different people Juleka. Different people and Alya may not be saying everything either.” Luka told his sister. “Aren’t we talking about me?”
“You and your music career making a killing while you also run around with interesting jewelry?”
“Says the one with her fancy rings.” Luka teased. Juleka laughed and smiled. “And the fact she’s a world-famous model now.”
“Yeah we are really killing it aren’t we.” Juleka smiled, then frowned. “... heard about Chloe?”
“Yeah. I think we can trust her though. There are telepaths working there.”
“I know it’s just…” Juleka made a face. “Viperion and Black Claws might need to step in.”
“Maybe. Hopefully not but maybe.” Luka sighed. “... I’m glad you saw through Lila so fast.”
“Got lucky with Rose knowing Ali… he’s coming by the way.”
“King at your wedding. Nice.”
“I know.”
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
I’ve often thought that a common sentiment in the public that people carefully avoid mentioning around Bruce - but not around Dick - is that Dick was adopted as a ‘consolation prize’ after Jason’s death. Ugly thought, true, but from the perspective of a public who loves gossipping about the Waynes and who have made their opinions of Dick all too clear in both canon and fanfic.....like, from their perspective, how must it look that Bruce raised Dick from the age of eight without ever making him anything other than his ward....and then they had that big fight apparently, that led to Dick moving out and basically being persona non grata around Gotham and never seen coming home.....whereas Jason was adopted by Bruce within months and was constantly seen being called son by Bruce, etc.
And then again as far as the public knows, Dick Grayson only ‘comes back’ after Jason’s death and he and Bruce seem to slowly be working on rebuilding their relationship....and a couple years after Jason died, and several years after Dick’s wardship expired on his eighteenth birthday without any mention from Bruce Wayne as to his now ex-ward’s status or even where he was or what he was doing with his life....no indication that Bruce was ever seen celebrating Dick’s eighteenth birthday or expressing any sentiment on what was effectively the severing of their legal ties at that point, and the end of Bruce’s obligations to Dick, no sign of him in Dick’s life or vice versa in years to follow, Dick rarely if ever seen keeping company with his somewhat little brother Jason....
Its only years after all of this that Bruce finally adopts Dick.....or like, people guess that’s what happens? Its not clear, exactly, because one day Dick’s got no legal ties to Bruce and hasn’t for years, and the next he’s been adopted. There’s no real scoop, nobody that got the exclusive about the event, because as far as anyone can tell....there was no event. There’s no story. Just he wasn’t adopted and now he was, and....neither Dick Grayson nor Bruce Wayne seem to have a comment on this, when it happened, WHY it happened, why NOW? After all this time? Why not earlier? Its just...there. Bruce Wayne, who famously throws parties for anything, pretty much, makes no official announcement about his son’s new status, there’s no party or celebration to honor it or mark the occasion, mark the adoption as noteworthy whatsoever.....
Because after all, it was just Dick and Bruce in the Batcave, Bruce handing him the adoption papers to sign and saying this is long overdue and doesn’t change anything and he’s always felt this way anyway.....
And to a guy who has not so secretly wanted this for YEARS, who has had Bruce literally throw his own knowledge of that not so secret yearning of his YEARS ago and thus who KNOWS full and well that its absolutely BULLSHIT to claim that ‘he’s always felt this way and knows Dick always knew that and didnt need a piece of paper so its not like this changes anything’.....like this had to be anticlimactic as HELL, but what do you say to that? How do you tell the dad who has caused you no small amount of angst and hurt and uncertainty as to where you even stand in his life that no, he didn’t take it for granted that Bruce felt this way, like, say, when Dick’s eighteenth birthday came and went with no sign of Bruce, no attempt from Bruce whatsoever to express in any way that he still wanted Dick in his life, still wanted to BE in Dick’s life, even without them legally bound to each other any longer.......how do you give your dad any of the well-earned shit he DESERVES for taking his precious time on this due to his own rejection and inadequacy issues in the moment he is at least FINALLY offering the thing you’ve wanted for so long and saying at least some of the things you’ve spent so long wanting to hear.....like...you can’t? Not then at least?
Whatever the intentions of the writers, the sheer anticlimacticness surrounding Dick’s actual adoption kinda....backed him into a corner where he couldn’t really express any emotion other than gratitude or happiness over the adoption without coming off as a total ungrateful asshole.....even though you kinda gotta wonder.....what did he tell his best friends about it? How did he relay the story to Roy, to Donna, etc.....the people who actually KNOW what this meant to Dick and how badly he wanted it, and would want him to dish on every single moment of what happened, they wanted to savor it.....and thus who would of course know the second he hesitated that something was wrong, Bruce had done something to fuck up even Dick’s biggest wish, if Dick was obviously trying not to say anything bad or negative or hint that it wasn’t like.....how he’d envisioned it or what all he’d been hoping for....but also not wanting to tell them the truth without embellishment, because you KNOW Donna and Roy and Wally and Garth would just be sitting there like:
“Wait. Hold up. You’re telling me you and Bruce had just got done with a case, you were getting ready to go home, you’re both STILL IN COSTUME, and in the BATCAVE, freaking ALFRED isn’t even present, and Bruce just.....kinda hands you the papers and pen and says here, I know I should have done this years ago but I really mean it, be my kid please? THAT’S IT????”
Yeah. I do NOT see that retelling ever having played well with the Titans, which makes me suspect Dick kinda...delayed in telling them until he could sneak it in and mention it as something that had happened awhile back and he’d just been too busy with hero stuff to make a big deal about it at the time and now it felt weird like it’d been too long. Because imo he wouldn’t have WANTED the Titans to weigh in on how they REALLY felt about how Bruce went about it, because he was likely trying to hold on to all the POSITIVE emotions it’d kindled for him and not like......focus so much on the Bruce-ness of it all making the approach something of a letdown after all the time he’d spent waiting and wanting.
And like.....when you’ve gone about adopting the kid you have a monumental track record of fucking up on telling how you really feel about him....in such a way that he probably felt awkward directly relaying to his best friends in a ‘omg this is huge news, tell us everything’ kinda story....
But anyway, point is, Dick’s actual adoption came and went with such a HUGE lack of fanfare in any and every community, superhero and public, and probably didn’t even become KNOWN until someone went to write something about them and got fact-checked like “according to public records, Richard Grayson IS actually the legally adopted son and heir of Bruce Wayne as of this date etc etc”.....and when THAT news hit the public, how else were they going to view things?
Like, a gossip hungry readership not known to view Dick Grayson favorably were never going to think “oh its probably due to personal feelings about his parents and not wanting to replace them, I bet he was the one who never wanted to be adopted before now, that makes sense.”
LOLOL. Like. No. That’s not how the DC public sees it, I bet you anything.
Nah, in my head its FAR more likely that they looked at all of that and did THIS math instead:
Bruce Wayne takes in a young circus boy out of the goodness of his heart, raises him from the age of eight, but never makes him anything other than his ward. Good thing too, probably, given they have some sort of falling out when the Grayson boy is older, and the kid leaves town and good riddance, we hear he’s up in New York partying it up with models and has some alien superhero girlfriend, but nobody’s heard so much as his name mentioned around Wayne in ages so he’s not exactly Gotham news anymore. But no matter, Brucie’s gone and done it again, taken in another young orphan but this time its a local boy he adopted as his son right from the word go! Now that’s a story!
Bruce Wayne’s adopted son Jason tragically dies all too young. In the wake of his loss, it appears Brucie’s making an attempt to mend fences with his former ward, or more likely, he’s gone running back to cozy up to Daddy Warbucks in an attempt to milk some more money out of that softie’s heart with a well-rehearsed conciliatory gesture.
A couple years later, people start finding out that Bruce Wayne apparently did actually legally adopt Dick now, after all this time, though neither has so much as mentioned it publicly until now, for some reason.
My guess for how the public views it:
Bruce Wayne took in Dick and raised him as his ward but never really felt THAT way about the kid, not like Jason Todd-Wayne who he took one look at and knew ‘this is my kid’....but after losing Jason tragically, and with his family-owned company and board of directors being after him for some time about the importance of an heir in the optics of the dynastic corporate sphere.....Brucie probably decided to try and make the most of the one remaining sorta son he had left, and make a go of reconnecting with the former ward who was CLEARLY never his first choice to adopt as his proper son and heir before, but now apparently is good enough.
*Shrugs* That’s my honest bet for something Dick’s probably heard about his adoption more than a few times: that he was adopted as a consolation prize after Bruce’s ‘real son’ Jason died and Bruce felt driven to try and surround himself with whatever semblance of family he had left.
I mean, what else are you gonna get when you offer the public a paparazzi-enabling, glamorous sneak peek of your life at all other times, and absolute nada for the occasion of finally adopting the kid you’ve raised since age eight with absolutely NOTHING to show for it, not even a family friend who can be quoted as having been there to bear witness?
tl;dr - After all the damn parties and galas Bruce trotted Dick out to whether he wanted to or not, because that sorta thing is just what came with being a Wayne (the Wayne Dick wasn’t), the :LEAST Bruce owed Dick after years of estrangement and doubts directly inspired by him and his unwillingness to even OFFER Dick the option of adoption if he wanted it.....was to invite him to a party celebrating Dick himself and showing the world once and for all that he very much did want Dick in his life and as a part of his family, nothing less.
Dick’s never hated PARTIES, Bruce you giant dumbass. Dick hated going to parties where people talked about how he didn’t belong or how he was nothing but a PR charity stunt for Bruce.
Dick, in point of fact, might have very very MUCH enjoyed an actual public celebration where for the first time in his life, NO ONE could claim he didn’t belong or try and insinuate he was nothing but a charity case to Bruce. An event where the only point was to show tangible proof to all the naysayers: Bruce Wayne is Dick Grayson’s father and Dick is his son, and not a damn thing less.
THAT gala, Dick might have been more than happy to attend.
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Bird in a Storm 13/17
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Tommy Merlyn, Athena, Carly Diggle, Moira Queen, Thea Queen, Malcolm Merlyn Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel’s career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
If there was one thing Carly hated the most about closing, it was taking the trash out back. And not just for the smell.
The back of the building let out into a darkened alley with no street lamps. It reeked of garbage thanks to all the times the truck just simply hadn’t shown up, and was usually populated by all her smoking coworkers during a rush.
This late, the alley was empty. Or so she’d thought.
Just as she heaved the bags up and over to throw in the dumpster, she felt the barrel of a gun press into her side. Carly froze.
“Who’s inside the restaurant?”
“My- my manager. Couple customers.” She drew in a shaky breath. “Please, I have a son.”
“Give me your tips,” the mugger growled.
“He’s not even ten years old, father shot on the job. I’m all he has, I swear to you,” Carly continued as she slowly reached into her apron for the money. Her mace was in her purse hanging from a peg in the back of the restaurant.
“Give me the money!”
Her hand closed around the bills, shaking in fear and anger. Didn’t anyone in this town have compassion? Pity at the least? “I’m begging you. It’s for his lunches in the cafeteria. They don’t give him food if he’s in debt.”
“You think I give a shit? Give me the money!” The gun pressed hard enough into her back that she thought it might bruise.
Carly took her hand out of her apron.
Suddenly the gun left her back and she heard a thud of someone hitting the ground behind her. She whirled around, backing up several steps.
Her attacker was on the ground with a woman all in black standing over him. She carried a long stick which she’d clearly used to knock him out and wore a mask over her face.
“How- how did you?”
The masked woman looked up at her and gave a nod but no answer before running down the alley and out to the street. Carly stood there gaping a few moments after.
Had that really just happened? And to her? Sure she’d been grabbed earlier last winter by that military whacko who knew John, but this was something else.
The man on the ground gave a groan of pain, and Carly hurried back inside. She quickly explained to her manager, and the other woman agreed to phone the police.
John had stopped by in the time she’d been outside, it seemed. She was glad he wasn’t staying too far away even if their sort of date hadn’t worked out. A.J. needed a good role model.
Her brother-in-law stood from the booth he was waiting at and came over. “Everything alright, Carly?”
“For the most part. The police are gonna be here in a little while. This guy out back tried to jump me.”
John’s fists clenched at his sides. “Where is he?”
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to get in trouble over this. Anyway he’s already hurting pretty bad. There was this woman.”
“A woman?”
“Yeah. She was all in black except her hair. A blonde. And she wore this mask. I guess she must be some other vigilante?” Carly shrugged. “Least the guy’s still breathing.”
“Yeah. Guess so.” John frowned. “She say anything to you?”
“No. I don’t even know how she knew to be there. I mean I’ve been hearing things about a woman — wasn’t sure if they were true. But I’m so glad it is.”
Getting mugged tonight wouldn’t have been the end of her world. But it would have been a setback she would have struggled to come back from for a long time, even if she’d borrowed from John for a time. Now she didn’t have to. She had her own money and her pride along with it.
If that’s what these vigilantes wanted to be about, she couldn’t say she’d complain about it.
John didn’t get home until after the police had left with Carly’s statement and her would-be attacker. They’d asked her to come in the next morning to describe the woman who’d saved her to a sketch artist as well, so he’d be taking her there. Just as well, since he hadn’t gotten the chance to tell her about his success in finally taking down Deadshot with Oliver’s help. Lyla had been mad as all hell at him for showing up until the Hood had kept what had ended up being a setup by Lawton from turning too ugly. Then she’d just pretended to be mad, though John was pretty sure he could still tell the difference.
In the present, he placed a call to Oliver to update him on the situation. “I’ll be late getting to the house tomorrow. Have to help Carly with something. Police matter.”
“Is she okay?” His friend asked.
“Fine. But she wouldn’t have been if that Woman hadn’t shown up tonight. She’s definitely real, Oliver. Carly’s giving them a description tomorrow.”
Oliver didn’t speak for a moment. “See if you can sit in on it. I don’t know if this Woman’s done enough to get her sketch on the news.”
They both knew busting up the odd small crime here or there didn’t drive up ratings. Then again, perhaps the novelty of a woman being the one doing so might be enough to pique media interest.
“You think it’s time to step in?”
“I’m not sure,” Oliver admitted, and he sounded discomfited to do so. “She’s not the Savior, she doesn’t look to be doing this for her own gain… I’m not sure what to make of her or how to find her except to get lucky and spot her out some night.”
“Well, luck be a lady,” John remarked. “And ladies tend to be mysterious.”
Oliver snorted, then said, “Keep me updated about the police sketch.”
“Alright.” He hung up and eased himself back up out of his chair. If he was going to the precinct tomorrow, he wanted to have some research already done to see if he could pick up on anything else they might be talking about regarding this Woman.
He went looking through some recent reports out of the Glades. Just as Raisa, Detective Lance and Carly now said, there were rumors growing about a woman in black. Taking on gang bangers, putting a stop to a rash of bus hijackings...the more he read, the more it sounded familiar.
John went through each of his suits, digging deep into the pockets until he came across a folded piece of paper. The list Laurel had written up for Oliver weeks ago.
It was almost identical.
He sat back on his bed, hand running down his face. It wasn’t definitive proof, but it was a damning coincidence at the very least. And what was he going to do if it was more than a coincidence?
He’d warned Oliver that the problems in this city were many and varied, that people wanted to see more than some billionaires getting knocked down a few pegs. Laurel had warned him, too. Now it seemed she — or someone — had taken matters into her own hands. And he couldn’t quite bring himself to disagree.
That was the trouble that came in signing up for this kind of crusade; it was a slippery slope. How did he support Oliver while condemning Laurel? The key, he supposed, was in learning what her motivations were. If she was even the one doing this.
One thing was certain: there was no way he could suggest the Woman and Laurel were the same person to Oliver unless he had real evidence or a confirmation. It would only start another argument otherwise, judging by how fiercely protective he’d become of his mother. So he was going to have to confront her on his own.
He kept his suspicions to himself while he sat in a chair at the precinct with Carly. The sketch artist drew up a picture of a beautiful blonde in a black mask. It didn’t look just like Laurel, but it didn’t not look like her at the same time. Still, no reason for him to voice his concerns just yet. Especially when doing so would paint a big target right back over Oliver, and himself by extension.
He kept his eyes on the road as he drove Carly back to her apartment, still unsure how to address the news he’d intended to give her last night. Eventually, he said, “There was an Op the other night. The Feds. And, uh… they got him.”
“Andy’s killer.”
He heard Carly turn her head and chanced meeting her eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. He’s in custody now.” Lyla had held him back from doing something he knew he’d probably regret, as much as his anger was telling him Deadshot should be dead in the ground for good just like his brother. “He was wanted for a lot of stuff by the government. Sensitive stuff. So there’s not really gonna be a trial or anything, but I wanted you to know.”
He pulled the car to a stop outside her building. Carly didn’t get out right away.
“Were you there?”
John nodded.
“Thank you.” She leaned across the seats and hugged him. “I don’t know what I’ll tell A.J., or when, but… I’ll sleep better, knowing he’s getting what he deserves.”
John swallowed down the little of his disappointment that remained. If Carly was satisfied, then that would have to be enough.
She got out, and he continued through the neighborhood to his next stop. He’d have to hope she was in.
John knocked on the door of Laurel’s place but received no answer. Soft music from around the back drew his attention, so he circled around to the small yard.
Laurel was crouched beside a very rough-looking bike, looking to be struggling with a tuneup. She sat back with an exhale.
“Roy, great, I could really use some help—” Laurel stopped when she caught sight of him.
“Sorry, not Roy,” he said unnecessarily. “But I might still be able to lend a hand.”
Laurel stood rather than keep working, wiping her hands off on a towel that had seen better days. In the tank top she wore, John could definitely tell she had truly dedicated herself to the training Oliver had mentioned she’d picked up.
“Is Oliver okay?”
“He’s fine. Was glad to get your tip on Rasmus.”
Laurel nodded.
“Surprised you didn’t just take care of him yourself,” he added casually, watching her freeze for a crucial instant. John nodded to the bike. “Is the Woman gonna be spotted on this any time soon?”
Laurel hung her head for a moment, then leaned over to switch off the music playing from her phone sitting on the ground.
“Okay, great. Everyone knows I’m a vigilante. I guess Oliver has a better handle on the whole ‘secret’ thing,” she muttered as she straightened up.
“There’s a reason he acts the way he does in public,” John pointed out. “But you wear your heart on your sleeve, Laurel. Of course you’d be doing this.” He took a step closer, looking out to make sure they truly were alone. “What I have to ask is, why didn’t you say anything?” Did she really not want them to know? And was it because she wasn’t interested in working with them or some other kind of reason?
“How do you think Oliver would react if he knew?”
John grimaced. “Not well.”
Laurel nodded. “Exactly.”
“But, him finding out you decided to take on the problems you pointed out might make him decide to take them on himself. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Not anymore.” She heaved a sigh. “Since doing this, I’ve realized just how much it is, and expecting one person to tackle it all would be impossible. Oliver has his mission, and I get why. If that’s what he needs to do to absolve himself of survivor’s guilt over his father, he needs to do it. And it does help the city.”
John frowned, unable to deny her point. He was privy to just how overwhelmed Oliver got at times. Expecting him to do it all was an unfair burden.
“It’s the only way left I have to help, too,” Laurel added. “Isn’t that why you work with him?”
“Yeah, but I work with him. However he would react, he’s going to find out eventually, Laurel.”
“I know,” she admitted, looking down. “But I’m not going to stop.”
“No, I didn’t think you were. You got the same look in your eyes when you talk about going out there that he does.” He wasn’t sure he understood it fully, how two otherwise civilians could decide to throw all caution to the winds night after night in an effort to clean up the streets. Maybe it really wasn’t about the training; maybe it was just about the person. “If he asks, I have to tell him.”
“I understand.” She at least didn’t look angry with him, merely resigned. So there they were.
John bent down towards her toolbox. “This wrench will work better for what you’re doing.”
The corner of her mouth lifted as she took it from him. “Thanks.”
“So who all knows? This Roy?”
“Yeah. My old trainer, Ted. And you. That’s really it, but you know, not great for that number to keep going up.”
“From what I can tell, it only keeps going up. Secrets always get out.”
“Maybe. That’s a risk I knew going in, I guess.”
“Have you thought about what happens when your father might be forced to arrest you some day?”
“He’ll have to catch me first. And it can’t hurt worse than a rubber bullet, so.” She shrugged. “Believe me, John, I’ve thought of all the reasons not to do this. You don’t need to walk me back through it.”
“Guess I can’t help trying.” He turned and began walking back to the street. “Be careful out there.”
“You too.”
John still hadn’t decided if he was going to wait for Oliver to bring up the topic or if he was going to just get to the point on his own by the time he reached the base. But then it didn’t really seem to matter when his partner of sorts was already gearing up for a serious brawl.
“Felicity thinks she has a hit on Walter,” Oliver said the minute John cleared the steps, hope in his eyes for the first time in a while when it came to talking about his stepfather. “There’s a large sum in Dominic Alonzo’s account that’s dated the same night of the abduction. If we can get to him, we might have a lead on what happened.”
Faced with Oliver’s rare optimism, John just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Telling him about Laurel would only throw him off of what they were working on now, and the information on Walter wasn’t getting any more recent. They needed to act as fast as possible if they had even a prayer of finding him alive.
So John held his tongue and told himself what Laurel was no doubt telling herself: Oliver would just have to understand.
Tommy stood by his father’s bed, fingering the vial in his pocket. According to the woman who’d called herself Athena the other night, the contents of this vial were all that could save his father from death or from life as a vegetable. But could he risk it?
He didn’t have a way of verifying her word or her identity. But she had at least shown him her face. That was more than the Hood had done. If she wanted to poison his father, she likely could have snuck into the hospital and done it herself, considering how she had slipped past the mansion’s security team with ease.
Visiting hours were almost over, which meant that he needed to choose. What did he have to lose? He knew, active as his dad had always been, he would hate spending the rest of his days on life support, stuck decaying in a hospital bed. And Tommy did not want to pull the plug until he had tried everything.
So, with a look to the door to ensure he wasn’t about to get walked in on by a nurse, he took out the vial and added the liquid inside to the IV feeding down into his father’s arm. Tommy watched the liquid slowly descend and disappear beneath the paper tape covering the needle. He held his breath for as long as physically possible. Watching, waiting.
No change.
He deflated, even as he reminded himself that Athena had said it would take time. He needed to let the vial’s contents work through his dad’s system before he decided if this had been a waste of time and hope.
For now, he returned to his new office inside Merlyn Global. He both loathed and craved being in this place at the same time; this was where he had nearly lost his father. Yet that same night had shown him just how much his father loved him, that he had fought and even killed to keep Tommy safe. 
If this mysterious cure worked and he had the chance to speak with his dad again, Tommy knew he would apologize for ever assuming his father hadn’t cared. They had grown a lot closer in the time before his father’s injury, and he wanted that to continue. He wanted to understand him. Perhaps this Athena, if she was sticking around, could help him.
With one call on the special phone he had been given, it was not long until the very woman he had been thinking of entered his office. “Very elegant,” she remarked.
“That’s down to my father’s good taste,” Tommy said. “I gave him what you told me to about an hour ago. How long?”
“It is not an exact science. I am confident he will show signs of improvement before the night is over. Now,” Athena said, walking further into the room. “What is truly on your mind?”
Tommy smirked to himself. Was he really that obvious?
“This wall,” he answered, walking up to it. He revealed the panel of buttons hidden under a piece of artwork. “It’s false. My father was keeping something behind here, but I didn’t see what. I also didn’t see what code he put in.”
“I have been trained in code breaking,” Athena said. “But I do not think it will be necessary in this case. You are your father’s son, Thomas. You know him better than those who think they have seen his true face. What drives him?”
That was an easy question after the speech his dad had given shortly before the attack that had landed him in a hospital bed in Starling General. Which could leave only two dates, though Tommy quickly dismissed the birthday. Neither of them had felt much reason to celebrate that milestone, not without her there with them. It was the death date that he entered in on the panel instead.
The light turned green for a moment, and the wall slid aside.
What waited behind the wall caused him to back up with a startled cry. It couldn’t be real.
But the evidence remained before him. A black suit with a head covering, a quiver of black arrows and a bow. The copycat archer’s armaments and more were in his father’s possession.
“His uniform,” Athena said with warmth and reverence. “I knew he would keep it close.”
“His? He’s — he can’t be,” Tommy insisted, even as his mind went to the two Triad men his father had fought and killed without a moment’s hesitation. “I don’t understand.”
“I told you your father belonged to an ancient order,” Athena repeated. “It is one based on the oldest form of justice known to man: evil must be replaced by death.”
“But the- that’s — he took hostages!” None of those people to his knowledge had been criminals, not even of the embezzlement kind.
“And were any of those hostages harmed?”
His mouth snapped shut.
“Your father waited to engage the Hood until after the hostages had been sent back to the authorities, according to the reports I have read. Their only purpose was to draw this vigilante out.”
“But… why? Why do any of it?” He just couldn’t seem to grasp that his father had taken on that crazy vigilante at Christmas.
“Your father has been attempting to retrieve Starling City from the brink of decay. Crime, corruption and apathy rule its citizens. Even the attempts of the local relief efforts have failed to improve its citizenry. Your mother learned this the hard way.”
Tommy swallowed. Yes, he could agree that Starling City was a festering pile of shit most days, and the Glades most of all. Something should have been done about it a long time ago. But the idea of taking that knowledge and acting upon it with violence in return, was that really the way?
The Hood seemed to think so, he supposed. And Laurel believed that particular killer was a hero. There were rumors of others beating the snot out of these gangbangers and robbers. Was his father’s old form of justice really so far removed from their society when they were letting Robin Hood and his ilk roam free?
“You said you had knowledge of his plans,” Tommy began slowly. “What were they?”
“There is a phenomenon referred to by your National Park Service as ‘natural fire’, she explained, walking away from the secret room and instead turning to the windows overlooking the city. Tommy followed. “In order to revitalize nature and the lives of those creatures who dwell in such places, humanity allows these fires to burn away the parts of the forest filled with debris and detritus. They then flourish anew. So too will the Glades in your father’s vision.” Her eyes were fixed on that part of the city, which always stood out as an ugly mar beyond the tall, pristine buildings and clean streets of downtown.
“He wants to… burn them?”
Athena’s lips quirked. “Not quite. But a similar act of nature will do the job.”
If the copycat archer’s suit — his father’s suit — wasn’t standing in a case behind him, he would think she was making this up. But there was evidence to back up her claim. His father had closed his mother’s clinic after how many years of increasing crime in the Glades — why now unless he knew something was coming?
“These aren’t trees or animals, though. There are people down there. Families, children.” Laurel, he thought to himself.
“People who have chosen lives of crime and substance abuse. You have multiple stories in your culture’s religious tract of various peoples being punished for the actions of the collective evil. Is this not so different?”
“Nobody’s even sure those things really happened. They’re stories or warnings. I don’t know.” He hadn’t really done the whole Sunday School thing after his mother died. “Look, the Glades are beyond saving. The Hood and anyone else who thinks so are just delaying the inevitable. But this isn’t the answer.” He backed away, leaving the office and placing his head in his hands as he rode down in the elevator.
Was this really what his father wanted? Tommy wouldn’t know, not until his dad healed enough to ask. All he had was Athena’s word, and the matter-of-face way she spoke of this unnerved him.
He needed to get out of here, needed to think, needed — a friend.
He didn’t have very many of those. And after their last conversation, would Oliver even want to see him? But he didn’t know who else to turn to.
Tommy jumped in his car and traveled the familiar route to the club. Inside, he asked around for his friend, avoiding Thea’s busboy friend, and learned Oliver had been around but had gone down to his private office as per usual.
Tommy had never been to that part of the building himself. Oliver had been a much more private person upon returning from the island, and he had always gotten the impression that he was not exactly welcome. But after the attack on the club by that deranged firefighter where Oliver had gotten lost in the building, Tommy had had a copy of each of the door keys made for himself to make sure that he could get to his friend in an emergency if need be.
So he went around to the outside of the club and the back door he had never used. It took a few moments for him to find the right key, but he turned it in the lock and entered.
The room was dark, which likely meant no one was in. Tommy searched around for the light switch on the wall.
“I could really use some— advice,” he finished, the last word dropping almost soundlessly from his lips as the lights came on, suddenly illuminating the space.
The room was sectioned off into smaller areas, one with what looked like a mat like the kind the gym teachers put down when they were practicing tumbling in grade school. Other workout gear was around there as well. Then another section was made up of a table with computer monitors and other technology.
Tommy’s eyes, however, were fixed on the last section. A table upon which stood a row of arrows not unlike what was waiting back in his father’s office, but tipped in green. The Hood’s arrows.
Oliver was the Hood.
He wanted to reject the evidence before him, and yet it was all too obvious now that it was staring him in the face. Why would the Hood have been around in the middle of the day to rescue them from those thugs? Oliver had killed them himself, then made up the story. Why was Oliver always making excuses to be somewhere else, leaving his mother and sister behind to worry? Because he was out there in the streets hunting his chosen prey. Why would Laurel have fallen for him so completely? Because it was the man she loved.
And he had left her to fall, Tommy realized, his shock disappearing in a flash of anger. Oliver had been the one to lure her onto that roof, get her shot at, taken her away while Tommy had searched and worried — probably to this very place.
She knew. Laurel had known Oliver’s secret from at least then on, and kept it from Tommy. They both had. It was the two of them as always, shutting him out. How could he have ever dared to think Laurel even cared about him, when she would throw her own career and life away for Oliver’s sake, even after all he had done and become? They deserved each other, and it was a vicious thought. He almost wished his shot hadn’t missed the green-clad archer that night in his father’s office — that night Oliver, his own friend, didn’t save his father. He’d been lying this whole time to Tommy, pretending to be a sympathetic ear all the while never telling him the role he had played.
He needed to leave. If Oliver discovered him here, what would he do? Was Tommy allowed to know, or would he be silenced? He couldn’t say. He didn’t know his own best friend anymore. The man he’d thought of as a brother had truly died out at sea, and a monster had taken his face.
Tommy sat in his car, having no idea where he could go. His friends had all betrayed him, and he still didn’t know how to feel about what Athena had told him. He needed guidance, yet there was no one in his life who could provide it.
His phone range. And Tommy answered it with a weary, “What?”
“Thomas Merlyn? This is Dr. Adams from Starling General.”
He sat up straight in the driver’s seat. “Is my father okay?”
“He is. He’s doing better than we truthfully expected. He seems to be responding to some stimuli. We think it would be helpful for you to come in and sit with him, at least for a little while. Coma patients respond best to family and loved ones.”
“I’ll be right there.”
It had worked. The miracle liquid Athena had given him had worked. Or was working. He raced to the hospital and up to his father’s room, heart in his throat.
His father’s eyes were just barely open. Tommy was ushered into the chair at his bedside, and he took hold of his father’s hand. “It’s me, dad. It’s Tommy. You’re gonna be okay. You need to be, cause we have stuff to talk about, alright? Stuff to do. I know- I know everything now. And it’s okay. It’ll be okay when we can talk.”
Very slightly at first, and then more rapidly, his dad’s eyelids fluttered. The hand Tommy held squeezed his fingers.
Grateful tears sprang to his eyes. “He’s really there. Oh, thank God.”
He stayed another hour, keeping up a constant stream of chatter about the company and the house, old forgotten childhood memories. His father never quite managed to fully open his eyes. Eventually, the doctors decided it would be best to leave him to rest some more and asked Tommy to come back in the morning.
“I’ll be here first thing, dad. We can talk then, okay?”
Getting back into his car where he’d crookedly parked it in the garage, Tommy wiped at his eyes and let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. No matter what shocking things he had learned today, he had meant what he had said to his father; it would be okay now that he was getting better. Tommy could talk to him, reason with him about just what this whole plan was and if it was truly necessary. They could work it out together as father and son.
If nothing else, he had his family.
Moira wished she had her family here at home with her, but life seemed to find its ways to make that impossible. 
Oliver kept incredibly late hours thanks to the club he was running out in the Glades. She worried about him and knew that hiring Mr. Diggle to protect him especially as he traveled in and out of that neighborhood had been the right call.
Then there was Walter. At times, she didn’t know how she kept breathing let alone kept up her day-to-day obligations and appearances all the whole fretting over where he was, what he might be thinking. Horrid as it was, sometimes she had to force herself to stop thinking about his situation in order to just make it through the next board meeting or the next meal.
Thea was home tonight at least, though she’d been staying out rather late as often as not. It had begun shortly after she had started the community service at CNRI. Moira suspected a boy might be involved, but considering how little she had done to curb Oliver’s dalliances with the opposite sex, she couldn’t reasonably do so to Thea.
Were things different, she might have been worried about all the time her children were spending in the Glades and how to make sure they were not there once Unidac completed its work. But that had been one less worry on her mind for the last month now, even if the attack at Merlyn Global had not ended precisely with the result she had wanted.
Best not to think about that, either, Moira reminded herself. She and Thea were both relaxing in the sitting room after dinner, the television on low for something to look at more than anything.
The front door opened, and two sets of footsteps indicated her son and his bodyguard had finally arrived home. Moira looked up as they entered the sitting room, but whatever wry remark had come to mind died on her lips at the sight of both their expressions. She stood. “Oliver?”
“Mom. Thea.” His voice, normally quite steady and strong these days, barely carried. “There’s um, something we need to talk about. About Walter.”
Beside her on the couch, Thea perked up, but Moira felt frozen.
Mr. Diggle spoke next. “I reached out to some contacts I have in the FBI on Oliver’s behalf a while ago to see what they might be able to turn up for the case. The thing is, they’ve gotten word back.”
“No.” It took her a moment to realize she had been the one to speak. “No, it can’t be.”
“Did- did they find a body?” Thea asked, her voice breaking on the last word.
“He’s gone, Thea. I’m sorry.”
“No,” Moira repeated. Oliver stepped towards her but she got up and moved back. She couldn’t allow him to comfort her. That comfort would make it real when it obviously wasn’t. There was a mistake or a misunderstanding of some kind. She knew Walter was alive, had to be, because of her deal with Malcolm. And yet, could she really trust Malcolm to begin with?
Her first impulse was to leave, to seek out someone, something to set the record straight on what had to be an error. But who could? Malcolm could not answer to anything, and she had no way of her own to contact his associate. No one at Merlyn Global would either. Malcolm had always kept everything separate from the company, and Tommy of all people was running it. Tommy had no idea of the things his father had done.
No, as far as she or anyone else knew, this was the truth.
Standing as she was, Moira instead retreated up to her room to get away from her children and their stricken looks. She knew they thought she was crumbling. Well, she wasn’t. Or couldn’t. Not until she had had a moment to think. How could this be happening?
Had Malcolm’s people killed Walter once he had fallen into the coma and been unavailable to command them? Or had her husband been dead all this time? Either way, she was a widow once again, and the blame lay at the same man’s feet.
The blood pounded in her ears as one thought echoed through Moira’s head: no more. She was done being the victim, standing by as her family was picked off one by one. Malcolm slept in a hospital bed, utterly helpless. Why hadn’t they followed through? Why shouldn’t they?
Part of her had been afraid, but what did she have to fear now? Another part of her had thought leaving him to his fate in the hospital was enough. After all, without Malcolm in charge, she could put the Undertaking off indefinitely under the presumption that they should wait for his recovery. The rest of Tempest would have fallen in line. But it was not enough to scupper his plans now. Oh no; Moira had promised Malcolm what would come were he to harm her family, and Moira, at least, was a woman of her word.
She got out the phone she used for these sorts of discrete communications and dialed the number Frank had given her to arrange for the contract hit at the award ceremony. She waited three rings before it was picked up.
“Jade Dragon, how can we be of service?” A woman’s lightly accented voice spoke.
“Yes, I placed an order about a month ago that was never completed. I’m asking for it to be done now.”
She had waited too long to save her family from Malcolm’s madness, but Moira would protect what she had left and avert his horrific vision for the city in one fell swoop, the way she should have done years ago. For Robert, and now for Walter.
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Rise and Shine (Jason Todd x reader)(Drabble)
Warnings: some swearing and a weird ending, but that’s it Word count: 1288 Summary: You wake Jason up in one of the prettiest ways...
A/N:  I wrote this for one of my dearest friends (@sirkekselord) who needed some Jason Todd stuff, but I’m currently writing a request of mine for my extending Roy-niverse. Just so you know.
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"Rise and shine, motherfucker!" Jason groaned and turned around in your shared bed, taking the pillow on your side to shield the ear facing upwards from the sound of your booming voice. You playfully rolled your eyes at his reaction and padded over to the double window that filled the wall. With a smirk on your lips, you took the fabric of the closet curtains into your hands and with a pleasing 'Zip' sound, the bright light of the sun-filled the room, the rays of inviolable gold falling directly onto your dear husbands face, making him scrunch his eyes together in distress. But instead of the reaction you wished for, he just turned around again, turning his back towards the source of his unhappiness. That was the last straw for you. With an annoyed sigh, you fisted the end of his blanket and with one strong jerk, the blanket fell and surrounded your feet. Jason finally sat up into a sitting position and eyed you with utter despair. "What's your problem (Wo)man?" he whisper-yelled, loud noise inflicting pain. "I think we both know that honey," you chirped as loud as possible without breaking the fake-happy tone in your voice, before turning on your heel and walking out of the room with a spring in your step. 
Humming to yourself, you pranced through the kitchen and started to gather the ingredients for a nice breakfast. A nice breakfast for one person. While you were stirring some pancake batter to the rhythm of 'sweet dreams are made of this', the bedroom door creaked open and you could hear the familiar sounds of Jasons steps behind you. You felt the warmth of his body behind him and you knew from all the mornings you'd spent together, that he wanted to hug you from behind, but before he was able to do so, you gracefully stepped aside. Jason groaned and you couldn't help the smile that formed on your face. "What's with you today?" he huffed and took a glass out of a cupboard to fill it with water. After gulping down about half of the glasses content, he put it down and walked around you when he realized that you wouldn't look at him. You were tempted to turn around again, but when the love of your life stepped into your field of view, you couldn't rip your eyes away from him. His hair that made obvious that he just got up, so beautifully messy with the white streak falling perfectly into his from the god's sculptured face. His naked chest that looked so good in the morning light, almost glowing with power, and the way ever single scar on it made him more to the man you loved. His muscular arms that could kill a man with their bare strength, but were always so gentle and loving when they held you, never even anything close to rough. The way his gray sweatpants hung lowly on his hips, making him look so domestic and peaceful. You never got sick of just looking at him. But that didn't change the reason why you were currently being as petty as possible. After you've basked in his beauty for a few seconds, you managed to rip your gaze away from his form. "With me?" you finally answered his question, "Nothing's with me." "Then why are you acting like that?" "Like what?" you asked happily while pouring some of the batters into a pan. Another groan left Jason's beautiful lips. "Listen," he started and walked over to the small medicine cabinet on the wall to take some pain meds, "I have a murder headache and I'm not in the mood. Let me just have some peace, you can be...I don't know if you're angry or annoyed, but whatever you are, we can talk about it later." Now that made you pissed. "You have a headache?" you almost screamed, "How comes?" Jason flinched at the pain your voice was inflicting on him and rubbed his temple, but before he could answer, you cut him off, just as loud as before: "Is it maybe because you, dear husband, decided it would be a good idea to ditch the with Bruce appointed patrol? Or maybe because instead of meeting up with him, you decided it would be a great idea to meet up with Roy and Kory and go to a bar?" Jason closed his eyes when he realized where you were going with this. "Come on," he sighed, "I only had a few drinks to calm down. I came back here right after, didn't I?" "Nope," you huffed and finally turned back to your burned pancake, "I don't know why you remember it like that, but that's not even close to what happened." "What?" Jason seemed genuinely surprised by your words. "What happened then?" "Well," you started, knowing that it could become a longer story, "I wasn't there for most of it, but I had some 'witnesses' tell me what happened and according to them, after a sizable amount of shots Roy and you decided that it would be an amazing Idea to go on patrol, completely drunk. I was already worried about you because Bruce called and said you didn't arrive for patrol, but then I get a call from a somewhat sober Kory, telling me that she thinks I should come and talk you out of going. "So, even though I just came back from an eighteen-hour shift at the hospital, I got into the car and drove all the way over to the bar at the other side of town, only to be met with the bartender telling me that all of you left talking something about wanting to bust a drug ring in Blüdhaven. One call to Dick later, I'm back in the car driving yet again to another side of town to meet up with him. "He told me that he couldn't find you and so a hunt through all off Gotham started. At first it was only me and Dick, but after an hour, we go help from your family, so imagine the racket that followed when the whole Batfamily searched through Gotham and imagine how surprising it was when I came back home after hours and hours of search to see you asleep on the doormat with a note from Kory saying that she couldn't keep you restrained anymore and flew the both of you home, only that you crashed her phone in the process so she couldn't tell me that you were laying unconsciously in front of our door. Let's just say it wasn't fun to drag you all the way into our bed, even though you more than deserved to sleep on the couch." For a few seconds, silence filled the kitchen only disturbed by the clicking of the stove when you finally decided that your breakfast was a lost cause. "I'm...sorry," he sighed and looked at the ground in realization, "I didn't... You have every right to be angry. If I were you, I probably would have let me sleep on the ground." He rubbed over his eyes, sure that he would have to face a lot of excuses from his side in the following days. What he didn't expect was your warm embrace around his torso. "And make your hangover worse than it already is? I could never do that. I love you too much to do that. I mean, of course, I was angry. Angry that you didn't tell me that you wanted to cool down, Angry that you got drunk out of your mind and Angry that you didn't invite me, but nothing could ever make me angry enough to not care about your well being.
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flamegodess · 4 years
@blackpilotpen here is your royai angsty fic! Might be the most angsty thing I have written so far so thanks’ for inspiring me with the “I have never loved you” prompt! I hope you will enjoy it and that it won’t break you too much, it totally broke me
At Our Parting
Riza Hawkeye hugged her knees unconsciously at the hearing of the loud argument that came from the next room. She couldn't distinguish the words that went through the walls. More than that, she had never heard her father arguing with Roy before. They had always had their "alchemy" which was the reason her father was closer to him than to her.
She loved Roy. And Roy loved her too. There were four years since Roy had stepped for the first time in their house, so four years since Riza's life had totally changed. And over the last months, their friendship turned into more.
Many things weren't certain for Riza, but she knew Roy loved her. He had told her that many times, every time he had the occasion.       She had been reluctant and still was sometimes. She was afraid to let herself swept by this wonderful feeling that seemed unreal. Even so, he didn’t miss any occasion to tell her how much she meant to him.
She waited patiently for him, sitting on his bed. He had been distracted last evening even if he had tried to hide it. That's why Riza was wondering if the reason for the discussion with her father was the same one that was troubling him before.
Staring at the walls of the room, she remembered this was the place where they had confessed their feelings for the first time. He had kissed her forehead softly, then her nose, which had made her giggle, then his lips reached her upper lip and then her mouth.
It had been her first kiss and she knew that every time she would think about it her heart would skip a beat. His lips had then moved to her jaw and to her neck. That’s when he had whispered for the first time that he loved her.
Their eyes had locked afterwards and she had confessed her feelings too before pulling him into a long-lasting kiss that had left them both breathless. Her memory was abruptly disturbed by the hearing of a shouted door, no doubt, the door of her father's office. The sound was followed by steps that were coming towards the room she was in.
Roy was angry. He had tried to nicely explain to his master why he wanted to join the military, but the old man had mocked him and tried to burn all his dreams to ashes. Not even the slightest support. This man, who was Roy's only father figure didn't give a shit about his military future career. More than that, he had even kicked him out of his house because "It's worthless teaching you alchemy if you're willing to become a dog."
He had to leave now. How was he going to leave behind the only being in this world that he loved with all his heart? How was he going to tell her that he is leaving her alone? Should they make a stupid promise to love each other no matter the distance and the time? Bullshit, Roy thought as he walked angrily towards his room.
He couldn't do that to Riza. He couldn't tell her to wait for him till he was done with the academy. That would be egoistic and would make them both suffer. Even if his heart was shattering at the thought, he needed to free her. She was younger than him and had a whole life ahead. If he died as a soldier he would destroy her forever.
He entered his bedroom and took a few steps back not expecting to see her there, hugging ger knees patiently on his bed. Shit, he had no idea what to say. He had to break her soul.
"Roy? What was that about?" she asked worriedly. He averted his gaze from her and pressed his back against the door.
"I'm leaving. Your father kicked me out because I want to be a soldier." he explained coldly as if it was something casual.
"You're joking, right?" she asked hopefully knowing that he liked to joke about stuff like that, only to see her worried face, so he could then laugh. Only that his laughter didn't follow. When his eyes finally met hers, she felt like freezing.
"Is my future a joke to you too, Riza?" he asked angrily.
"No but this is so unexpected... " she murmured as she got up from the bed and walked towards him.
"Don't touch me." was all he said and she stopped in her tracks.
"Roy, calm down, please... You're only angry." she pleaded and he tried not to look in her eyes because if he did he would break down.
“I have to leave."
"You are wiser than that, you shouldn’t take decisions on the spot! My father didn’t mean what he said either…You can’t leave…"
"Watch me!" he said as he got his old luggage from his wardrobe and put it on the bed. Riza closed the distance between them. Her calm attitude drove him crazy. It felt like shooting an innocent deer.
"I am here for you. And I love you." She said sincerely.
"I don't. " was all he could respond. A deadly silence wrapped around them. Riza thought her heart might have stopped too. He was only angry. He was only angry. He was only angry.
"I have never loved you." he added and for a second looked at her again. In that moment he would have died to hold her to his chest, to kiss the top of her head and to apologize for being a monster. He wanted desperately to tell her that he was lying and that he loved her more than anything in this world. But this was also the reason he had to let her go...and she would understand later.
"You can't mean that." she managed to whisper as heavy tears started to roll down her cheeks.
"Why wouldn't I? What makes you so special to think that my heart belongs to you? Why would you be different from other girls that I had fun with?" he asked hating himself with every word that he pronounced. She was everything.
She hugged herself and a sob escaped her.
"Just go Riza... Our ways are parting today." he said with a lot of effort. She would only suffer for a while, she would be fine…
"That's not you who is speaking..." she murmured through her sobs. Looking at her trembling body, Roy tried with all his might not to fall down to her feet and apologize.
"It is. And it's better this way-"
"We had more than fun, what we had was special..."  what they had was the only thing that she trusted... And now this was gone too. She was again lost in a world of uncertainty. She was again part of a world that had no Roy in it. "You said that you loved me... "
"People lie. Get used to that. This world is not fair. " He added shortly after he closed his luggage. He stepped towards her and gripped her shoulders tighter than he wanted. He was desperately trying not to fall to the floor and scream his heart out.
"It's over. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. There was never an us." he said solemnly and she pulled away from his grip, scared, her body still trembling.
"I know this isn't you... But if it really is, I want you to know that for me it was very real...and that I still love you." she said before heading out and closing the door behind. That was all he was waiting for. He let himself fall on his bed and started sobbing in the pillow wishing that it was Riza holding him. He muffled a frustrated scream as the pain kept hitting him in waves. He knew he deserved that. He deserved to suffer just as much as her.
He wanted to run to her and tell her he was a jerk, that he would give up on the military, that he loved her and that he wanted to marry her. But it was too late for that. He had broken her. Forever maybe. Not even the thought that it was for her own good soothed him.
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
Ask game
1. Where did you hide the body??
Me: *pause* No, where did you hide the body—
*police stare at me with disbelief*
Me: there’s no—there’s not a single body here—well stop looking at me like that, you’re the cop! You should know! Why are you asking me for! Body? Whaaaaaat. Ahaha.
*cops shake head*
*whispers to my friend* Guys I think I pulled that one off
Police: you know we can hear everything you’re saying
me: 👁👄👁
2. Favorite rock? The 1975. Dominic Fike. Arctic Monkeys. Bad Suns. The killers. Pale Waves. Etc. That good good shit 👌
3. Most aesthetic season? Fall. Love them orange colors. The leaves falling. Though spring is also neat if you have a bunch of flowers bloomin in shit and winter is only aesthetic when it’s snowing. Boring ass summer tho just be heating me up.
4. When texting do u shorten words or spell out? I used to write stuff out all the time mostly but now it’s like half and half bcuz its just faster and nobody got time for it 🤣🤣
5. Vintage stuff? Hell yeah, but maybe not anything too expensive since some old stuff IS hyper expensive.
6. Colors that pop or blend? Not sure I understand what u mean abt them blending ahaha u mean like when they’re so similar to another?? Well I think it’s nice but honestly I prefer a pop and a bang, y’Know?
- At this moment I realized I was answering the last few questions from a completely different ask and felt like a dumbass 😂 anyways the actual number we’re on is three so imma just kickback
3. Worst dream u have ever had? I had sleep paralysis but was imbetween that and a lucid dream. At first I was paralyzed and could see my bed but my eyes felt closed and open at the same time?? A giant dark demon looking dog had towered over me and began to tear at my neck. It looked and felt very real I started to try to scream and it felt like a scream was coming out but no sound exited. Then I went into a lucid dream where I was being chased by this dog and running for my life I was running by and nobody could save me nobody in the dream when it caught up to me I was back in my bed and it was trying to eat me again. I was so terrified I couldn’t sleep for a whole week.
4. Lyric that comes to your mind? “And I don’t think I can be there. I’m paralyzed,I’m terrified of being alone. When you said I deserved what had happened.”
5. Blood make u uncomfortable? Yes, I passed out once when getting my finger pricked and a VERY small blood sample and another when dissecting a fish.
6. Even or odd numbers? Well I like the number 5,7,9, 3 so odd. (Like me 🤣🤣)
7. Something I hate that I love? Anything I’ve ever loved becuz love can be frustrating. Bruh.
8. 1st initial of someone I hate? Hmm...do I hate someone tho? Not that I can think of...
9. *Skipping down the lane* NOPE
10. Corn dogs? It’s funny cuz when I think of corn dogs my mind will always go to when we first moved to our current house because at our initial town we never had Sonic and while we were getting the house fixed up and moving stuff we use to always get Sonic since it was the closest to us most times to eat and that was a bunch of corn dogs and hotdog days 🤣 so thnk u corn dogs for ur service
11. I’m not a huge movie person so...I looked up movies from 2005 and movies Inlike from this time are Brokeback mountain bcuz it’s gay af, Shark Boy and Lava Girl damn I rewatched the shot out of it when I was younger, Narnia and the Chocolate Factory(although it low key creeped me out as a kid, and idk why).
12. Least fav music genre? Most country, most EDM, dubstep, screaming/really hard rock, some pop music, mumble raping.
13. As someone who waits on tables, my job is my least favorite restaurant experience 🤣🤣 just dealing with ppl...like ok, I’m half Hispanic right?? But I look white. Well, I work at a Mexican restaurant and so sometimes racist costumers will say shady shit just bcuz I guess they think it’s appropriate to say it to me just bcuz I’m not Hispanic in their eyes?? But it pisses me off and I feel like I can’t say anything without causing a drama which I hate and when the “costumers always right” it can be hard to budge and stand up and say “bitch wtf did u just say??” And there’s just folks who take things the wrong ways or ask too much at once or give u a hard time or just say something that sticks onto you for the whole day. One bad move can turn my whole day upside down.
14. 3 things never come near me? Cockroaches, Needles, and close mind ppl
15. Worst way to die? With regrets. Something really brutual, random, or where something just happened to go wrong (accident). Being killed by someone u love.
16. Unusual habits? Doing a Michael Jackson esque “hee-hee” after every sneeze I make, being extremely clumsy and making every task 100% more difficult, having the ability to talk as if I have an accent that comes from nowhere in particular just stupidity also I can’t speak my own language half the time 🙃getting words confused or misusing them in a sentence so I sound dumb having a very weird imagination and thoughts, I swear it like I never went to school and don’t know how the world works, plus many many more
17. Clothing style u want? I want to dress in a way that screams who I am and is a blend of both femininity and masculinity. A little vintage. Grunge. Urban maybe?? What do I know abt fashion 🤣🤣
18. Song or artist that deserves more? Dijon, hands down. I love his stuff. He’s like Frank Ocean meets light-singing beautiful lyricist with a more rock vibe?? Hidden gem. I also think Durand Jones & the Indications needs more love along with BadBadNotGood they sound like old-times but are new!! Oh, and Pale Waves is like a female The 1975 and kicks it. Bad Suns is a good alt rock band that no one seems to recognize :,D Toro y Moi too! His song with Flume “The difference “ is a banger!! Kid Cudi is my man when I want a blend of rock and rap. Also Dominic Fike,King Krule, and Roy Blair, who are all amazing!! Ok I need to stop 🛑
Duck I answered the past questions from a different post I’m sorry 😐
17. Emoji never used? There’s a bunch since I reuse the same over and over again. Lmao
18. 3 sentence Gatorade horror story? A faint quiver overtook the small freezer the Gatorade lay in; no one had come by in days, hours, weeks; when was the last time he met the lips of a thirsty body? They’d forgotten about him, as his last sips remained glued to his hollowing entrance. ‘Help, ‘it wanted to say, but it’s frozen lips could not be moved; It’d stay here, die here...just like the rest.” What am I doing with my life 🤣🙏
19. Do u know what an old bay is? A bay that is old? And old ocean? Idk!!!
20. Can u dance? Sometimes I dance when I’m alone but nothing spectral lol
21. What first comes to ur mind when u see ropes? 2 extremes. Sex and death. Hm. Ok. Moving on.
22. Make an obscure reference. “Even a bra couldn’t hold these nipples” *Holds a water gun to chest*
23. Fav balloon color? Pink or yellow.
24. If u were in court would u be innocent or guilty? Depends, what am I in court for 🤣 lmao jk honestly idk bcuz I don’t think I’d wind up in there
25. Are u hungry ? Nope
26. Unlucky number? Hm I don’t think so but I have a lucky number “123”
27. What’s “JMD”stand for? I’m guessing...Jamming my d—- 💀lol jk ahaha why am so dirt
28. Random inside joke? *chirpy squeak* I’m making a double batch of cookies
29. What sends chills up ur spine? Seeing disgust food or smell disgust or talking abt disgust things like gore
30. How many questions are in ur inbox? A pathetic zero ahaha no one want to ask me anything 😂
31. Someone real who scares u. 2 of my ex friends. One when I was 10 said disturbing things and I was kinda forced onto the friendship and everything they said make me fear for others lives...and then a different ex friend who seemed normal at 1st but became both low key psychopath cult leader type stuff and I booed out of there—-.
32. Run or hide? Uhh probably hide because I’d say even if ppl say “u can run but u can’t hide” u CAN just hide! that’s the point of hiding they not find u xD also why not combine them? Hide then run somewhere far away once I got them off the trial.
33. Last person who made u angry? A frickin beetle that flew at me and pinched me in the middle of singing in the shed xD also my autocorrect
34. What’s going on in ur head? I should probably pee soon—
35. Little thing that makes u Smile? A lot of little things bruh.
36. Are u a descisive person?
Not sure.
*pAuse *
Ok, I guess I’m not then 🤣
37. Would ppl say I’m paranoid? Hm maybe about certain things social situations, singing in front of others what ppl think abt me etc etc
38. Store least likely in? Any southern clothes shop, Abercrombie & Finch types shit, lol
39. Do I like hats fave type? Hm not wear many hats but I think they’re cool any type is cool for different ppl and their aesthetici just can’t rock a hat.
40. Bow ties or ties? Don’t really care but now want to see more bow ties
41. Who? You.
42. What? Reading this shit
43. Where? In ur ass
44. When? Now.
45. Why? Not even u know why.
46. How? We all want to know
47. Do u collect anything? Vinyl records.
48. What tome is it? Time to get a watch
49. Fav transportation? My car or walk is possible
50. Would u ever kill someone to save someone? Don’t want to think about that
51. Make a joke. Yo, it’s time to make a joke—so the other day I was working. And I was practicing my Spanish, yes? Anyone whose trying to learn anew language k n o w s that sometimes words can be so close to another u just confuse then! So apparently churros in Spanish is a desert but if u say it more harshly (it literally sounds almost the same) it makes a whole different meaning—diharrea, but like I didn’t know that so I legit just walked up to this person and asked if they would like some shit to eat. So yeah, that was great. Let’s not forget that I mixed up blood, watermelon, and sangria which is a wine. I legit once said I had mixed wine in my vines and another time watermelon 🤣
52. I’m really confused so I skip
53. Would ur dash be confiscated SFW? By dash do u mean this account? Um not 😬
54. Do I like to cuddle? Hell yeah and manhandle ppl all the time it’s my affection
55. What makes u angry? Close minded ppl or ppl who jump too fast to conclusions, strict schedules just dumb stuff that people try to force when I just want to be carefree 😭✌️
56. How many voices are in ur head? 😐
57. Do U consider urself mentally stable? 😐
58. Are u easily offended? Well U just called me mentally unstable and asked it there was voices in my head!!
59. What’s wrong with taking the backstreets? Uhm...
60. Any questions u want ppl to ask u? Nothing in particular but it’s be nice if someone care to ask me something abt me from personal question to my opinions on shit to 19 days fandom related junk 😌
Woooo I’ve finished this game! Thanks to @seiji-amasawa for introducing me to this ^^
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