#idk if that means anything to you non-indians
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guhmshuda · 8 months
Disclaimer: this is not era-typical. this is strictly subjective, this is my way of projecting my delusions and hoping I meet someone like James Potter some day!!
James craves parental and academic validation.
Now before I get jumped, lets all be real for one second. You are telling me James Potter is a desi first gen NRI and he does not crave validation? I refuse to believe that!! And it was not that Effie and Monty pressurized him... it was the opposite actually. they did not say a thing and my boy just felt he had to be the best because he has such nice parents who never ask for anything how can he ever live up to it??
He was the kind to lose sleep before important days. Right before the big matches and papers you would find James F. Potter roaming the halls of the school in the wee hours of morning, hands tightly clutching onto a mug that says, "You are ENOUGH" (his parents gifted him this in 3rd year when they noticed he was not doing well). The mug is obviously filled to the brim with either masala chai or cold coffee (the indian one).
2. He smelled like cloves
now this is something I have observed in my day to day life and feel like James too, would partake in. He would be the kind to use "spicy" toothpaste. simply because he thinks they last longer or smth. Effie also makes him homemade oil that has cloves (idk what they do I just associate the spice with him OKAY?) So basically when his partner(s) kiss him, they taste and smell clove. And it is not a comforting spice like cinnamon but imagine a whitewashed Regulus getting used to the sting of cloves and the horrible dant kanti-esque taste because the boyfriend uses them. There is a point when Regulus just starts carrying around a small bottle of clove oil or a box of clove and elaichi daana because James smells like cloves and Sirius like cardamom (FIGHT ME.)
3. Resident Problem Solver
Was he mischievous? Hell yes. Did he still make efforts to make sure everyone was okay? Duh.
James would be the kind to ask everyone about their day at the dinner table and be actually interested in what they have to say. He would notice when one of his friends were having a hard day and just drop a ladoo on their plate or ask them if they would like "non-spicy" chai. He would be the peacemaker. ALWAYS. He DID not like conflict. It hurt his soul to watch his friends fight or give each other a cold shoulder.
4. He LOVED being Desi.
he had the diaspora issue, obviously. But Effie and Monty came from the pre-partition India and tried to hold onto their country as much as they could. So James was super used to all the desi things. He had a head full of thick luscious curls because his mother massaged oil and gave him champi every week. When he moved to Hogwarts his hair suffered a little before the Summer when Sirius visited the Potters. Effie taught both of them how to apply oil onto each other's scalps and then it became their tradition at Hogwarts.
5. When Sirius returned bald.
there is a very popular HC that one year Walburga shaved Sirius' hair off because he was being disrespectful or smth. That year, James developed a variant of Indulekha x Parachute Coconut Oil (come on Desis i know you know what I mean) and made sure Sirius had his long hair back before Christmas. He would personally look after his diet, forcing amla tea down his throat or making sure he is eating 3-4 meals that consist of healthy things and not just meat as Sirius would otherwise have it.
Regulus fell in love with James around this time because he did smth he could not, protect Sirius. He went as far as daring Walburga to try to do it again, James would make sure Sirius grows his hair longer than ever.
ps. he was the one who came up with curl-care routine for the marauders and all of them had PJO cast like hair it was so cute jadfiqgfuiwgiuu okay
6. He did not practice any religion
James was not religious, he was spiritual. He did whatever his mum, who herself practiced two religions, told him to do. Both Effie and Monty believed in giving back to the society more than giving to some religious institute, so imagine a first year James rushing into Poppy's wing with an injured bird in his hand begging her to save it.
7. He was the people's princess.
fight the wall. everyone, even the slytherins, secretly LOVED him and the gulab jamuns he would give out on Diwali every year.
8. Enjoyer of classical music.
I have said it before, I will say it again. MY MANZ LISTENED TO GHULAM ALI. idc if he was muggle or what, he loved his music, language be damned.
he enjoyed urdu ghazals more than anything else tbh.
he was trained in sitar and he could sing as well. he was basically an in house singer. He learnt electric guitar in his 2nd year and then there was no looking back. If he would not have been a professional quidditch player he would have been a musician or a music teacher or smth.
10. he was a STEM student.
okay this is non-canon but comp sci major James? who also happens to enjoy botany? yes. just the best.
11. James who would slip into Urdu when he was overwhelmed, who loved when people played with his hair. James who wrote letters in Urdu or Hindi or whatever regional language his parents spoke and wrote.
12. James potter who hated how his eyes were brown, just brown, growing up. but then one day his mother told him it is what she loves the best about him.
13. James Potter with bitten lips, he does that whenever he is nervous.
14. James Potter who was born during sunrise, his mother believes he is the sun.
15. James who would lay his life for his friends. James who loved hugging Peter, James who committed crimes for Remus.
16. James who adored and admired Minerva so much that he would try everything to get her attention, except he was her favourite student after Lily and Remus (Sirius was her son, let us all be honest).
17. James who played Carnatic Music while studying.
18. James who would wear short kurtas. james who is obsessed with shawls.
19. James who carried a bag full of supplies his friends might need. Like imagine a pouch filled with hair elastics for Sirius and the girls, painkillers for Remus, fidget toys and stress ball for Peter, and cloves for Regulus.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Dear non 🍑 eater anon.
No one asked. Your tone isn't giving the kindness and love a feminist should have (& do have) for women enjoying themselves when repression is the norm in many societies still. She'll handle her chakras and followers as she sees fit. You go have a wonderful aligned life. She and us will be fine. Thank you & Bye~
Also pookie what sorta crowd attracts when the label is used, wanna know your experience as someone on tumblr with a thriving blog (idk if you'd call your blog women and the feminine oriented, I would) and moots. You know now a days people use the word like they are spitting galiya, so I avoid the topic and also try not to bring up anything that seems feminist-aligned (which is most things around me it seems. Like: Oh, you think men are given leeway for eve-teasing because of the attitude ‘men just be like that’ and reflects a flaw in society? Yah okay feminazi manhating jobstealing alimonytaking whore who doesn't take responsibility!)
AJJAJSJS u tell em!!!!
Yeah I hate how "feminist" has basically become a cuss word in India 😭
On my old blog (it was a kpop tarot blog 😮‍💨😮‍💨) I got into several arguments simply bc I said I don't think it's right to ask if an idol's FS is a virgin when they meet 💀🙄 bc it was kinda sexist??? Like not all people in Asia are waiting for marriage and the odds of a kpop idol marrying a virgin who has never been touched is so 🙂🙂 and the anons popped off and said it's bc I'm a "feminist" that I respect a "ran through woman with a high body count" over someone who's "pure" 💀💀💀💀 and lots of other arguments too about random shit 😤😤 simply bc I had mentioned I was a feminist.
Funny thing is, back then I felt like all those anons were definitely Indian 😭😭😭😭from the way they text or reference things 😤😤 and the deep rooted misogyny that Indians, esp Indian women have is 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Everybody's a feminist so long as the woman's making choices that align with their values and principles. The minute a woman does what she wants to do (which is what feminism should be) she's suddenly not worthy of equality or respect 😞
If only we subjected men to the same standards that we subject women too 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Like why do we only encourage and support women who are fighting battles and trying to climb the economic ladder or whatever 😔 where's the harm in a woman having fun 🥹 life is long, not every day is going to be about conventional feminist struggles, because life isn't a struggle??? it's okay to enjoy yourself and it's okay to not feel shame for it 🫶
I don't use the word feminist as much anymore simply because it has kinda lost all meaning to me rn. I went to a veryyy political college where absolutely everybody man and woman called themselves a feminist and yet treated other women horribly for making certain choices that didn't align with them or slut shaming them at the drop of a hat as a comeback rhetoric 🙄🙄🙄
Actions matter more than words. If you can be a respectful, tolerant, kind human being, that's more important that name dropping labels to fit into some woke liberal agenda ESP since identifying as one clearly makes absolutely no difference in how u actually treat women 🤐🤐🤐
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menalez · 1 year
it's kinda messed up that these women, raised as women, think of themselves as women, do random genetic testing and discover they have genetic condition that raises their testosterone levels and now have to take drugs to suppress their own bodies natural functioning. I don't know their lives but if they didn't know before I doubt they went through male puberty or anything. idk how to feel about this. and yeah it's so weird that you see more African women affected by these bans. I don't think it's specifically racist but as a black woman I do flinch at the idea of investigating successful black women to see if they're secretly "men". like the racists who have a lot to say about Venus and Serena or Michelle Obama.
i also wondered to myself why it is that these women are all african and then i realised, its probably tied less to their race and more to the resources in their countries. most of the disqualified athletes come from poorer countries in east & southern africa. in the case of athletes such as caster semenya, her lack of ovaries and internal testes would have set off alarms in most developed nations as it would’ve been obvious that she did not get periods when she should have & thus around puberty would’ve probably been when individuals with similar intersex conditions would find out their intersex condition. some people have conspiracy theories that she must’ve known before etc but there’s no basis for that besides them assuming her being masculine in her teen years must’ve meant she was raised a boy 🙄 either way, point is, i assume that the reason a lot of the intersex women that were disqualified are african is bc women from other countries typically realise theyre intersex before getting to that point anyways. while reading on it, there was an indian athlete who was disqualified around the same time for hyperandrogenism at first as well (she was able to appeal it bc i think shes genetically female?) but she was disqualified by the indian sports federation, not world athletics like the rest. so it probably is also to do with their region/country’s sports association too. its definitely sad especially as it seems some wanted their intersex condition to remain private upon discovering it but world athletics publicised it anyways, its also sad bc i remember one of the disqualified athletes has a video in her village which looks impoverished & not developed whatsoever. for her, being able to compete at a competitive level was probably a dream come true and something that meant more to her than we could imagine.
as for whether they went through “male puberty”, the thing is with genetically male intersex women, they have a female phenotype because their body does not process testosterone the way average male bodies do. this means that while they dont have the same puberty development as non-intersex women, they likely did not undergo a traditional “male puberty”. that said, we dont know exactly how much of an advantage the higher testosterone gives them BECAUSE their intersex conditions cause their bodies to process testosterone differently from males. this is why i believe it should be determined by a case-by-case basis in the case of intersex women, instead of a general categorical ban on the basis of their diagnosed intersex condition. caster semenya’s intersex condition for example sometimes results in those with it to develop male genitalia around puberty…. meanwhile caster semenya has female genitalia. so how can we generalise two different developments within that condition? i think there should be more research on this & fairness should be upheld and that also means making these exclusions as fair as possible.
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hey v and emily! thank you for doing this podcast! i really enjoy getting to listen and learn with you. i just finished episode 23 where you mentioned libba bray et al being problematic and my curiosity is piqued. i read all of libba bray's books as they were coming out, so for some of them it's been quite a while. were you referring to book content or irl event(s) or both? i would love to know more if you have the time
V here -- I LOVE Libba's The Diviners series, but it also has a lot of things that could have been handled better if she had put in the research. For example, it's yet another example of the Bury Your Gays trope/the Evil Lesbian trope, and she put significantly less research and work into writing 1920s LES Russian-Jewish culture than she did any other non-WASP culture in the series. Given that it's a series ostensibly ABOUT eugenics in America as a necessary evil of the "American Dream," the fact that she kind of lumped Sam's VERY NOT-WHITE IN THE 1920s experience into being One Of The White Characters drives me nuts. (Also she gets her Yiddish wrong.)
I also don't personally love the AGATB series, because it's just not my flavor of genre fiction, but this blog does a pretty good breakdown of why it doesn't hold up to 2023 standards of responsible representation/inclusion, especially wrt the "heroic" main character being a British colonist in India.
Bray spends two whole paragraphs describing the Indian marketplace. It’s not just for scene setting; she’s using her setting for novelty. The problem is that people are never novel to themselves, nor is their own culture novel to them. So using another culture for novelty means twisting the depiction for the purposes of entertaining outsiders. The result is exoticism.
Are these unforgivable evils? No. And honestly, compared to how A LOT of YA books older than, like, 2017, hold up to 2023 standards, I also personally fully acknowledge that my complaints about The Diviners are more like quibbles than anything with actual weight. It's not like she's Laura Ingalls W*lder. I also do think that there is almost no way to write historical fiction that is both accurate and critical of the structures that upheld the kyriarchy of the past in a way that is still suited to a STORY that is interesting and readable.
But I also think that, particularly with regard to AGATB, Libba was writing outside of her lane -- like... I'm not sure that any white westerner should necessarily be the person trying to tackle a fantasy series in British-occupied India, because our education on that time and place is steeped in Orientalism and even the most woke among us aren't authentic voices of those who suffered massively under that occupation. So IDK. AGATB came out long before We Need Diverse Voices, and you can tell.
With The Diviners, I mostly get frustrated because she clearly put A LOT of attention and care into writing Memphis' Black experience and Ling's Chinese-American experience, but she didn't afford the same research or care to Sam's Jewish experience because she didn't even do enough research to know that his experience WAS racialized (and he would have suffered xenophobia to boot, being a Russian immigrant).
tl;dr, she's not #cancelled -- hell, I write drabbles for The Diviners whenever I get the opportunity! -- but there are some glaring instances of ignorance and privilege in her writing that are a bummer.
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Okay so I've been thinking about this and I don't think I've seen it expressly pointed out, so I've got to say something or I shall go mad.
When someone tries to counter the reactionary charge of "groomer" against trans folks, the thing I see most commonly is to point out that it's actually, overwhelmingly, in reactionary spaces that kids tend to be preyed upon. Not to mention the reactionary pundits who just straight-up question age of consent and advocate for child marriage, but I digress. So we can address the insincerity of the "groomer" claim: clearly they don't actually care about child abuse, they're just attacking people they don't like. I also often see people call up the actual stats and evidence to counter the "facts and logic" crowd to demonstrate that it's a myth and a scare tactic to claim that queer people are child predators. Remember when gay marriage was being debated? Gay people want to marry your kids (again, it's projection). However, I think that these arguments fall short because they don't address the heart of the reactionary, anti-queer logic, which is the thing that I want to point out:
To reactionaries, queerness in general, and right now transness specifically, is, in and of itself, a sexual perversion. Remember, these are the folks who think that gay marriage would lead to bestiality and that trans women are just men who fetishize themselves as women (the "autogynephilia" myth). To a reactionary, being trans has nothing to do with identity, nothing to do with societal expectations. To them, it's a sexual fetish. I think this is the big reason that the rhetoric has moved from "pedophile" to "groomer". Because, yeah, at some point if you're going to accuse someone of being a pedophile, you need evidence that they're, you know, abusing children. But if you think that someone simply existing as they are, which is in a way that you disapprove of, is the depraved sexual at itself, then it actually logically follows that anyone telling a kid "this is a fine and normal way to be" is preparing the kid to accept that behavior as fine and normal, and maybe even to engage in that behavior themselves. This is why it's so insidious. Reactionaries are really good at taking progressive language (which requires understanding) and twisting it to their uses (which requires misunderstanding). The problem is not that they're making a wild accusation, the problem is that they're making a sound accusation BASED ON A FALSE ASSERTION.
It's the same type of thing you see in, for example, the trial about the white family wanting to adopt a Navajo kid - the accusation that they are being racially discriminated against logically follows from the FALSE ASSERTION that the Indian Child Welfare Act prioritizes Native American families (specifically, first extended family, and then other members of the same nation, as I understand it) as candidates to adopt the child over non Native families on the basis of race, when in reality it prioritizes on the basis of membership of a political group, namely, the child's nation. The "reverse racism" charge only works on people who are mislead about how the law works.
Similarly, the "groomer" charge only works on people who have been mislead about what transness, or queerness in general (because that's the endgame), means. Now, many of the people who are mislead are hateful and bigoted and are willingly mislead because it fits into their worldview better. And for those people, idk, I don't think there's much that can be done. But for someone who is just ignorant, it may be more helpful to convince them, first, that being trans/queer is not a sexual fetish. Once you deprogram someone from the idea that cishet is normal and natural but anything else is evil and perverse, then the "groomer" charge will fall too.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject. Just kinda throwing it out there because I haven't really seen it addressed from that angle.
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frongle-art · 1 year
thinking about salt plains and their narrative potential.
hot flat hostile bit of land but for one reason or another crossing it is important/lucrative/essential for survival. like saving many days worth of travel going around it or it being the least dangerous part of some scylla/charybdis-esque series of landforms where they're both filled with active danger of some kind. while the salt plains are just a question of supply management and not being vulnerable to anything that wants what you've got.
probably things that live out there that scavenge the dessicated victims of the heat and dehydration once the sun goes down. they'd live in burrows and be nocturnal to avoid the heat. daytime is relatively safe if you can survive the heat, but nighttime is when things want to eat you. scavengers are probably some kind of reptile/insectoid for the slow metabolism plus being exothermic since there's plenty of heat to go around (though iirc desert nights can get cold so idk I'd have to do some more research).
probably also people who want to make money out of the crossing, by fair means or foul. some would caravan you across while others might run protection rackets. noone crosses the salt without a good reason to, and those good reasons are often shiny things that bandits would gladly take from you.
caravan animals could be similar to standard camels but i also like the idea of a larger maybe elephant-sized creature that can carry lots of stuff and store alot of fat for the journey, plus sleeping on it's back would be fairly reliable refuge from the scavengers. a raptor-like creature could probably work for smaller-scale operations.
there could be some established shelter stops with the intent to make the crossing safer but bandits would also know that these are likely spots where they can do a little thieving.
salt harvesting is probably also a way people make money out of this place but I imagine the purest harvest would come from further into the desert where the salt has been disturbed less. maybe some larger crystal formations occur. those would be pretty and valuable. the edges of the salt plain would suffer impurities due to repeated harvesting, biotic matter, other materials like silt/sand/dirt being washed into it.
some mesa formations could provide a permanent hideout for bandits/scavengers, especially if there's some caves. maybe the scavengers are adept tunnellers, and if they abandon a cave for some reason the bandits might move in, or the bandits intentionally cull a scavenger nest to take over their tunnels. good place to hint at some older civilisations too, maybe with some wall carvings or strange ruins/wreckage. i like the idea of there being many intelligent civilisations/races preceding eachother before the present-day human/human analogue, especially if those previous races were distinctly non-human and had a far greater understanding of science/tech/magic than the people of the present.
anyway yeah this is all because i saw about 3 minutes of the world's fastest indian on the tv. salt plains are cool. definitely want to look into more of these less-discussed environments and also learn more about this one.
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desi-lgbt-fest · 3 years
hi! I'm desi diaspora and I often feel like my gender and the way I perceive it is both 'too western' and that the ways in which my understanding of hinduism affects how I see my gender are wrong/incomplete because I didn't have a great relationship with hinduism growing up. Like I feel like my soul has never had a gender through reincarnations etc but I'm not really sure that makes sense in hindu scripture. Do you think diaspora folks like myself can view/apply non-Western understandings of gender the 'wrong way'? Does that matter? idk thanks for reading this ramble
In online spaces, gender relations are very critically viewed reviewed and overviewed (in my-og mod- opinion). It's a safe space to muse and explore. But that exploration involves confusion, being lost and possibly panicking that you may never find a way. I'll see if i can help you out here. Caution, it'll be long.
Most of exploration regarding gender in Indian context, that I've come across is done by Indian feminists, criticising restricting gender roles for women. But that involved just broadening the horizons rather than leaving the region behind. In newer age, same thing is being done for men. Men CAN cry. Woman CAN be a girlboss (hashtag, buy our product 60% off for woman's day)
All the stuff regarding leaving the assigned gender and transing it to your true gender, however, is rarely discussed or shown. We know it exists. We have activism surrounding supporting trans people. But our most current efforts (quite rightfully) are focused on helping them survive rather than do a deep dive into psyche of transing gender as an Indian person and bringing it into mainstream conversation.
We as young internet people, have only come across discussions of transgenderism in western context. We know it only in relation to western gender and their gender conflicts.
It's like having an unnamed emotion and learning a word for it in a foreign language. It's untranslatable into your mother tongue, but how could it be? You're feeling it. What does it mean if you can't speak it however you want to? What do you mean i can't explain what blorbo means to my mom? Why should you care if your existing dictionary is insufficient for you and if you found a better one?
If there's anything from Hinduism that i take away is that you are temporary. The bodily form mortals assume is fickle and rigid and bound in duties. Only gods with their destinies prewritten in curses and countercurses get remade in whatever form suits the narrative. There's no rule that cannot be broken when it comes to them.
So become a god. Get remade in whatever form you want and own your narrative.
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: Ahkmen’s new school year starts with a bang.
Notes: guess who has imposter syndrome!!!! heres my next work i think??? idk where my inspiration is gonna pull me at any given time. i just wanna say this takes place when ahk’s pretty young! not like ten or something lmao but lets just say hes not an adult. by the way, the reader is indian (indus valley, at the time). WC: 7.3k
"Don't we look like a dream?"
A sharp inhale brought his eyes to shoot open, staring through the cold air to the blank ceiling above him. For a moment he frowned, as his bed had a silk canopy above it, but he quickly realized he had passed out in his friend's room again. He groaned softly, raising his hand to rub his face.
"What... happened last night?" He grumbled, his voice turning to a whisper when the volume of it left him wincing.
No response.
Ahkmen raised himself, though very strenuously, and looked over the tables and stools thrown beside him. Splinters nearly dug into his fingertips, but he jerked away before anything could lodge.
Piye was much in the same position. Quite literally, with their limbs strewn about, hair a knotted mess upon their head. The only difference was that Piye was lying face down, their face squished into one of the table legs. He almost laughed, but even the spreading of a smile sparked a headache, so instead he poked his blacked out friend.
They groaned, loudly, but did not move. Ahkmen continued to poke them until they finally had enough, pushing themselves upwards.
"What the hell do you want?" They asked, their voice low and scratchy. Even their eyes had yet to open, stuck shut with crushed eyelashes.
"What did we do last night?" He asked in a mumble, resting his weight on the thin edge of a fallen table.
"You invited Panya and she killed us with beer," Piye breathed out, shielding their eyes from the sun with their hand.
"Fuck," said Ahkmen. "An... what day's today?"
Piye breathed very deeply before opening their mouth, letting out a roar of a yell, "DAD?!? What's today??"
Ahkmen winced away, covering his ears until Piye lay back down, still relaxing into the pile of chairs and tables.
"It is the eleventh of Khuiahk," came Adom's voice from around the corner of the tiny hallway leading to the door of Piye's room. Ahkmen heard a flip of papyrus before he spoke again, "you have school today, if that's what you're wondering."
"Ah... shit," Piye sighed.
"That means I have school too," Ahkmen said with widening eyes, a pitiful sense of dread overcoming his hangover. "I can't learn like this. I haven't showered since yesterday, I – I barely have a hold on my thoughts, I can't stand loud noises –"
"If you can still gripe like that, you're fine," Piye said flatly, lying for a moment more before their eyes opened, making way for them to sit up and stand.
"But –"
"Calm down, my Prince," Piye said with a derisive bow. "It's quite alright. I'll get us ready within the hour."
Having Piye as a friend came in handy a number of times, but especially when it came to maintaining his image of a perfect son. His parents adored him dearly, but Ahkmen was convinced that that status could be stripped at any moment, and that they would begin to treat him as they did his brother, Kamun. Thus having Piye to excuse away his mistakes was beyond helpful to him, let alone the secret capabilities of the palace physician's child.
In a calm-as-ever demeanor, Piye shoved both him and themself into clothes too warm for the sunshine already beating down on them through windows. The Prince felt a little off––a little more disgusted with himself than usual––but his discomfort was quickly remedied with a stop by the Nile, where the two quickly washed themselves.
Returning into clothes was made easy by the sun that dried the water on their skin within a minute of leaving the river. The two dressed, shoving their legs into skirts and golden bands as they walked, stumbling through the streets with soaking wet hair.
"One last stop," Piye said before they reached the center of the city, pulling Ahkmen off down a hidden alley.
Boxes and carts of goods had been stacked as wide as the thin alley, but they were easily climbed, and the two found themselves in an entirely different part of town.
"How quick is this stop going to be? We're already going to be late," Ahkmen said, but continued to follow Piye without fail.
"Wouldn't worry about it," they assured as they directed him into a tent of red and purple drapes.
Smoke welled in the ceiling, already uncomfortably low for Ahkmen, and even worse for Piye. It must've been important, whatever Piye was trying to do, as they were particularly sensitive about their height at times, and tried not to draw attention to it. The only true light inside the tiny shop was the burning incense, and what little sun could make it through the dark fabric that made up the ceiling and walls. When Ahkmen caught the scent, he recognized it easily––myrrh.
"What are we doing here?" Ahk whispered, trying to look over Piye's shoulder as they led the way through continuous halls of silk.
"Yogi?" Piye said, knocking against the first hard surface they could find.
There was a moment of silence before the wall of satin before him rustled, rippling till it split open to reveal you; a small, foreign child about his age, with a bright red dot on your forehead above wide eyes. His heart thumped erratically as you met his gaze. While he couldn't directly place where you were from, the style of your home and lavish clothes as well as your facial features assured him you were not Egyptian.
"Be needing something, Piye?" You said in a thick accent, looking up at the magi who towered above you.
"One of your drinks," they said. You nodded and ducked back into your room.
"We don't need more to drink," Ahkmen whispered.
"It's a hangover cure. You'll be wanting it."
A moment later you returned, two clay cups in hand swirling with a red mixture. Ahkmen looked suspiciously into the liquid, trying to decipher the ingredients, before Piye knocked their whole cup back and swallowed it in a single gulp. Scuffing his sandal against the floor, he copied his friend's movements.
Sweet, but thick. Like dough, but slimy, and the sensation of it slowly sliding down his throat only brought about more questions as to the ingredients.
"You must be one of their friends," you said once they both finished, handing their mugs to you.
"Well, um..." Ahkmen looked up to Piye, "yes. We're on our way to Osiris' temple."
"You are, then... students?"
"Yes. I study language and morals, Anpu here studies law," Piye answered for him, patting Ahkmen's shoulder.
"The bell will start soon. You should go, the priests are not made of give," you said as you set the cups aside, showing them out the door.
Blazing sun burnt the back of his eyes as he stepped outside, back into the radiating heat and the empty street, which lay an alley's walk away from the Temple of Osiris. He squinted, searching for the boxes he'd climbed earlier.
"Over here," Piye directed him, and he followed.
"Where's your friend from? Doesn't sound like –"
"- like Egyptian is their first language," Piye finished. "I've never bothered to ask, but if I had to guess, somewhere in the east. Our friendship is mostly limited to school, and medicine."
"They study medicine?" Ahkmen asked incredulously. If you weren't native to Egypt, and it was painfully obvious you weren't, it would be a feat beyond God to achieve any form of education concerning the human body.
"Not proper medicine, mind you. It's back-alley magic," Piye said, opening the door to the temple and allowing Ahkmen to pass in front of them.
"Quite literally," Ahkmen mumbled beneath his breath, scanning the main temple for any sign of the priests.
"And what was with that fake name?"
"I don't think they –"
"I cannot imagine it will be a fantastic impression on your teachers that you are late on your first day of schooling," came a voice from behind them.
Both Ahkmen and Piye whirled around, wide eyes meeting the High Priest of Osiris, an older man named Yafeu that had never been fond of the royal family. Fortunately, he would not be teaching anyone––the High Priest's position was 'too important' to concern itself with the younger generations teachings. Osiris and his temple required constant cleaning, as well as regularly cleaned offerings of jewels and flowers, plates of delicacies that reached the knee of the massive statue sat at the head of the temple.
In fact, that was where Ahkmen stood; before the statue of Osiris. Somewhere he was not supposed to be.
"We're having trouble finding our class," Piye said before Ahkmen could even think of how to reply.
Yafeu raised a single brow, scanning the both of them with an unimpressed expression. He raised his finger to point at a small door behind Osiris.
"That way."
"Thank you, sir," Piye said with a small bow, taking Ahkmen's hand and rushing him out the door.
While the temple of Osiris held much land, and much of it was occupied by caretakers both priestly and humble, who worked to please Osiris, commoners and non-priests were generally not allowed. Gardens bloomed around the sacred lake, lovingly tended to fit the needs of the temple.
As Ahkmen and Piye walked down the long, open hallway, which on the left side held the many rooms of those working in the temple, and on the right displayed the wealth of the courtyard, the Prince wondered upon the subject of the temple. Very few people were allowed inside––hence his apprehension upon being caught––but considering the amount of people it took to care for the temple, it seemed to him a little unfair that others couldn't come to bow at the statue's feet.
Perhaps the priests, and his father, did not want commoners coming to Osiris with petty issues.
"You handled that quite well," Ahkmen said as he noted the arch to class approaching.
"I fucking hate priests," they seethed, but the expression gave way for a smile in an instant when they both entered the room.
Yafeu might've been old, but the priests that retired into teachers were much older. Last year, Ahkmen's teacher had been a much younger scribe, but this year his class of four would be taught by a priest who had spent his better years tending to Sobek's temple, and consequently had lots of experience with crocodiles. That was about the only interesting thing about the man, except for the fact that his name was Setet, which according to Ahk’s classmate meant 'Daughter of Set'.
A very strange name indeed. Ahkmen let the thought of it occupy his thoughts for a minute or two, but grew quickly bored of the subject, and eventually his mind wandered back to the events of the morning. If Setet had the gall to be this uninteresting, Ahkmen could be allowed time to think and gather himself.
Last night, he thought, chewing on his bottom lip. What had happened?
The details were fuzzy in his head––more a mess of mangled half-memories soaked in beer and wine. According to Piye, who now sat cross-legged on the carpet beside him, something had happened with his friend Panya that made both of them drink a lot of beer. A drinking contest, maybe––Ahkmen was, at times, too prideful for his own good.
Panya couldn't really be considered a friend. She was rarely ever kind to him, and he treated her in much the same light. Despite her crude behavior, she was quite beautiful, and attended the same prestigious school as he did––only in a different class.
What is he talking about? he thought to himself blearily, trying to focus back in on the man in front of him talking.
Then there was the question of you––the pretty little potionmaker––and with that thought implanted in his mind, he left the classroom in every way imaginable except physical.
Ahkmen very rarely met anyone from other countries that weren't royal, so the sudden presence of you was something he could think about for a good, long while as he waited out the school day. He thoroughly enjoyed any research into the cultures and activities of citizens in countries his own and not his own.
You came up about to his shoulder––which meant you were only as tall as Piye's elbow––and your skin was of a darker, more vibrantly red color than those of the Egyptians he usually related himself to. The lighting in your tent had been subpar, making it hard for him to recall what color that dot on your forehead had been. All he could remember was that it existed.
The hangover remedy you had concocted had, without Ahkmen entirely noticing, taken away his headache and minimized his sensitivity to light and sound, which convinced the Prince that you had some sort of schooling behind you. Maybe you weren't as poorly as you looked––all respect to you, of course––and, maybe, you were someone of similar noble standing.
He wasn't sure which theory he liked more.
Unfortunately, he couldn't remember your name, and now that class had started he would have to wait until lunch to ask Piye.
When midday finally did come around, he, Piye, and the other two students in his class were excused to the garden. In the center of the courtyard, the High Priest readied himself for the midday ceremony by bathing in the sacred lake placed there by hand. Clerks and jewellers flitted about from place to place, carrying the finished products of beautiful works that would never see the light of day beyond Osiris' temple. Similarly, weavers and barbers tended to Yafeu as he bathed in preparation.
"What was that eastern brewer's name again?" Ahkmen asked, tugging on Piye's skirt as he attempted to catch up with their long strides.
"The one from the alley? Yogi," they said with a curious tilt of their head. "Why?"
"Oh, I've been thinking about it all morning. I couldn't remember but I know you called them by name."
"Right. Hungry?" Piye asked, stopping before the door to the kitchens.
"I want to find Panya first," Ahk said as he scanned the courtyard.
"Well I want to eat. If you want to try and wade through that crowd for a woman who hates you, go ahead," Piye said, waving him off before promptly slamming the door behind them as they left.
"... right," Ahkmen muttered to himself under his breath.
There were far too many people going about the temple that, standing from his position, it was impossible to see everyone. One thing he did know about Panya, though; she always brought her own food and always sat alone.
Ten minutes later Ahkmen found himself yelling up into a tree that Panya had managed to scale.
"Get lost, goldie!" She yelled from above, picking one of the dates and lobbing it at his head. He dodged, eyes darting down at the ground, where the date had made a dent in the dirt.
"Come on, I just have a question!" He said, squinting from the sun shining directly above him.
"The answer's no. Now go away! You're going to attract one of the priests with all that yelling," she said, cocking her chin into the sky.
"Oh, fuck you," he muttered as he at last looked down, his neck sore from craning it so long. So much for figuring out last night.
As he made his way back to the kitchens, he crossed the middle of the courtyard and spied through the pillars of stone the open door of the inner temple. Inside grew an ethereal blue light, surrounding the figures of stone, warped with smoke as Yafeu knelt to his knees before Osiris. His mouth moved in constant prayer, but Ahkmen could not hear from his distance. He could only watch.
Until one of the clerks shut the door.
He frowned, but headed on his way, soon sliding in next to his friend, Piye. They had taken a seat on one of the many carpets set out on the floor, the open roof allowing sunlight to flood the otherwise dark room. All that protected the students and chefs from the heat of the sun, as well as the heat of the ovens, was the thin tarps covering the majority of the ceiling, though not entirely. There was still room for a couple rays of unbroken sun.
"Find her?" Piye asked through a mouthful of food.
"Yes, but she wouldn't talk to me," Ahk said, irritant in his movements as he began to eat his own lunch.
"Sounds like her."
By the end of school, the sun was already cresting the horizon of low mountains, leading his shadow to tall heights as he walked with Piye, their backs to the sun. Inside the courtyard of the temple, servants and workers planted seeds in the black mud gathered from the Nile's banks. Outside it, however, bustled the busy life of Memphis markets that always received the most amount of patrons after school and work was finished for the day.
Wading through the crowd had always been more of an art than anything, though Ahkmen couldn't practice that art very well with Piye beside him. They stuck out horribly, too tall to duck beneath the swaying barrels and baskets, and unable to pass people by without seeming rude.
"Oh shit!" Ahkmen exclaimed in a moment of remembrance, raising his hand to stop Piye. "I remember why Panya came over."
"Really?" They pulled both of them to the side, pressed against a restaurant wall. "What was it?"
"Drinking contest. Remember last Friday? We had that bet and then I lost, and I had to give her one of my necklaces, but I couldn't part with any of mine, so I just stole my mother's. Then my mother started asking questions, and... oh fuck. Mother's going to kill me," Ahk said with wide eyes, raising his hands to cover his mouth.
"I would love to help you out with this problem, but she's really not going to do anything, and I need to help my father collect ingredients from the market. Is that alright?"
"Yes, I... I understand. Any advice though?"
"Go find Yogi. They might be able to help. See you," they said as they turned and left, all but their shoulders and head disappearing in the crowd.
Ahkmen had little on his persons except the clothes he wore, and the bands he had on his arms marked him as royal. They could not be sold, bartered, or traded in any way, as any non-royal found wearing them was jailed or enslaved. He could not give them to Panya in exchange. Panya might've been annoying, but she didn't deserve something like that.
Since that was the only idea he had, he found himself sneaking back towards Osiris' temple, and going through the streets leading to it in hopes of finding that alleyway once more. It was less of an alley and more of a space between two close buildings, but that distinction easily led him back to climbing over boxes of storage.
In the warm blush of evening, it was hard to make out the different alleys leading to this singular space between buildings, where nothing had been built except that tent of yours. It appeared as though you had blocked it off purposely––made your home secret for a reason.
Questions swarmed his head as he ducked beneath the flap of your home, watching his head for anything hanging too low. He raised his hand, searching for a hard surface––something to rapp his knuckles on, as Piye had.
"Uh... Yoshi?"
"My name is not that. Do not call me that," you said, walking out from behind what Ahkmen thought was a wall. He nearly jumped at your sudden appearance.
"Sorry. I was, um, here this morning, with my friend Piye? They said you might be able to help me," he said in a rambling manner, playing with his fingers.
"What help you need?"
"I had a bet with this girl from my school, and she ended up with my mother's necklace, and I need that necklace. My mother was asking me about it earlier, so I know she's noticed."
"Hmm..." you glanced to the side, placing your hands on your hips. "What was.. your bet on?"
"Drinking contest."
"Ah," you said with a sudden smile. "No problem. You find your girl, bring her here. I will give her my beer."
"You brew beer?" Ahkmen asked incredulously, his eyes widening. Beer-making was something generally reserved for adults.
"I do many things. Do not worry. She will not die," you said, shaking your head as though that would assure him.
"Why would she die?!" Ahkmen asked with even larger eyes.
"I just tell you she will not die! Now go grab her. I will be here with your cups. Tell her you want to do it again," you said, pushing him out the door. He was not at all swayed by your efforts, but allowed you to move him anyway, and soon he stood outside in an evening where the sun had set too fast.
A chill ran over his skin, at which point he acutely missed the warmth of your tent. How you kept it so comfortable, as well as clean in there was a mystery, but that was not at the forefront of his thoughts. Instead he tried to recall where Panya might be––perhaps at school, perhaps at home, or maybe with her friend. She only had one.
After clambering back over the wall of boxes and crates, he snuck back into the courtyard of the temple, keeping a careful eye on any movement he saw. The task proved hard after about five seconds of being in there, as the next ceremony was soon approaching. The Priests would put Osiris to rest for the night.
In several of the rooms he passed, he found other children of noble bearings discussing quietly with the older priests and clerks, who passed the time of their elderly years raising the next generation. He checked each door, but in the end he found Panya on the edge of one of the creeks that ran like veins with the lifeblood of the Nile.
"Can we talk now?" He asked, taking great enjoyment in her surprise as she turned.
"I'd prefer we didn't," she said, turning back to look at the river.
"If I recall correctly," which he did not, "I won last night's contest, right? That puts us at a tie."
"You big liar," said Panya, who also did not recall the events of last night. "I quite distinctly remember rubbing your face in my win."
"Come now, all I'm offering is one more drinking contest. You get to get drunk for free. If you win, I... I'll owe you one favor. One thing you ask of me, I'll do, no questions asked. If I win, I get that necklace back."
"You're vain sometimes, you know that?" She said in a quieter voice as he stood to face her, watching her fingers play with the massive emerald that now dangled from her shoulders.
"So are you."
She raised an unimpressed brow, scanning the Prince before she sighed, closing her eyes.
"Very well. Is Piye going to be overlooking it again?"
"No, no," Ahk said with a dismissive hand, dropping his other to grab Panya's hand and direct her along. "They're busy tonight. I've got someone else on board."
It took a little convincing to get the noble girl to climb up and over the boxes for a secret part of the city, but he eventually won her over and directed her inside your tent. She was about your height––maybe a little taller––and had no problems standing in your low-roof home. Ahkmen on the other hand took a seat as soon as he could.
You introduced yourself with a small bow, bringing forward a low table with a long strip of embroidered cloth, upon which you placed four small cups built of what appeared to be clay. All of this you did in a smooth, practiced swoop that lasted only a moment before Ahkmen was forced to face Panya once more.
Ahkmen might've been a desperate man––in more than one sense of the word––but he would not resort to cheating by stealing. Not to good people. Thus he would keep his word concerning the prizes of the competition, no matter how certain he was that he would fail.
He was a prince, accustomed to constant fine wines and thick beer that smelled strongly of alcohol. A sipper in small amounts.
Panya was not. She had quite a lot of money like his family, but she was far more connected with the world of other teenagers than Ahkmen was.
"I like you to state what you will win if you... win," you said, standing beside the table Ahk and Panya sat at. "That way, it is honest."
"If Panya wins, she can tell me to do one thing that I must do without question. If I win, I get that necklace back," Ahk said as he pointed to each of the things he referred to.
"Okay. Let us begin!"
Four cups. Two on either side of the centerpiece of the table. Ahkmen reached forward at the same time as Panya, grabbing the cups from the right and downing both of them quick as he could. The less he thought about it, the better. Panya soon copied him, finishing much faster than he had, and slamming the cups down so hard he nearly jumped.
"Good start," you said with a nod. "Feel good?"
"I feel about myself," Ahk offered.
"Then you have not drinking enough." You brought out another four cups in a flash. "Try not to let any of it fall!"
It burned his throat––physically burnt it from the alcohol level. No beer or wine had ever done that before, and he nearly spit it out, but managed to swallow it and hide his teary eyes at the same time. He then watched Panya carefully for any reaction, and noted the same surprise in her expression.
"Is a bit stronger. That is how my game works. By your six rounds, it only takes a cup to get a little," you grinned and rolled your eyes in two different directions. Ahk raised his brows, unable to look away, but said nothing.
"God damn," Panya said after downing the second cup of her's on the table. "Where do you get this stuff?"
"I make it. It is levels of dizziness."
"Do you mean drunkenness?" Ahkmen asked, looking apprehensively down into his second cup.
"Whatever. It is family's secret. I sell it to markets, get a good price, people like becoming drunk," you said with a shrug, taking the old cups, and refilling them with yet another mixture.
"Come now, Ahk," Panya chuckled from across the table. "Gotta finish that second cup if you're gonna challenge me to this kind of a competition."
Ahkmen glared at her for a moment before raising his cup to his lips, knocking it back as he attempted to once again ignore every sensation happening in his throat.
"Good boy," you said, taking his cup and setting it on the shelf behind you.
Four more cups were then placed on the table, and the drinking continued.
By the fifth round, he was already inebriated, his tongue soaked in the numbing powers of this drink you had concocted. There was a part of his not-all-there brain that thought you had taken this drink from the underworld; some sort of backwards world where the Nile flowed with pure alcohol.
If you were telling the truth, and he quite well trusted your word this far, he could be dizzyingly intoxicated with your next drink. He barely had the state of mind to look at Panya, much less decode her own level of drunkenness. That left him blind to the status of his likelihood of winning. And yet, when the next cup was set down in front of him, he gulped it like a sober brewer. Panya did the same.
"Feeling a little of it now?" You asked with a grin.
"Some... something dike lat," he mumbled, his mouth smushed against the hand he supported his head on.
"Do you one finish?"
"... what?" Panya asked, her brow furrowed as she stared intensely at you.
"Do one of you give up?" You tried.
"Hell no," Panya said with an adamant shake of her head. "Get me another!"
"Me too!" Ahk said, raising his hand high as his head fell to the table, knocking against it with a loud thunk. He hissed, curling back on himself with little grace.
Panya snorted, leading into a long laugh as she cherished the look of drunken disdain painted over the Prince's face. You said nothing, but went to fulfill their requests, returning with the same drink as the last one.
"This my strongest drink. What you had before. It is good for you!"
"It may be good for me, but I think my friend over there is going to pass out," Panya said, grabbing you by your collar and forcing you to lean down so she could talk closer to your ear. You giggled.
"You have big strength," you said, stepping away as she downed yet another drink.
"Thank you, uh.. what's... your name?"
"... it is Yogi."
"Well then, Yogi. Another!"
If you had some sort of secret plan to get him to win, he was desperate to see it. This drink of yours had only seemed to be detrimental to him, not to Panya, and anxiousness stewed as he glanced into his cup. She was already ahead of him––to equalize the cards, he had to drink another cup, just to be equal.
You reentered the room as he knocked it back, carrying two more cups. When he set his cup down, you placed the others in front of him, and grabbed the empty one to clean it.
Ahkmen looked up, and through the haze of his thoughts, he might've seen you wink at him with a sly smile. Maybe. It was also possible you had just blinked and his eyes were being slow.
He grabbed his cup, and before he could think about it he chugged it. In a horrifying moment of clarity, he recognized the drink he'd had that morning––some sort of hangover cure that felt like smooth, squishy mud in his mouth. You returned a minute or two later, more drinks in hand. By then your mixture took effect, and much of his wooziness faded away, bringing him back to the land of sobriety before being offered his next cup.
It was all he needed.
Panya went on for a good long while, but without the special concoction she lost by the tenth round. During that time, Ahkmen had plenty enough beer, and had returned to the spinning thoughts of his alcohol-fueled brain, now focused on the one who had helped him so readily––you.
"What are – are you gonna do with... her?" Ahkmen asked through a half-stuffed nose, gesturing weakly to Panya, who had passed out in the corner only moments earlier.
"Do you know her parents?"
"... sort of," he answered vaguely. He definitely knew about them. Her father was Yafeu, and though he did not like Ahkmen, Ahkmen had a fair amount of information about him.
"Will they... scared, about her going.. missing?" You said, slowly piecing together a sentence you had clearly never said in Egyptian.
"You mean does she have to be home tonight?"
You nodded.
"She'll be fine. Her father will... worry, a little, but she can say she was sleeping in a friend's house. They won't.. uh... worry," he said in a mumble, laying his head to rest on your table.
"Then we put her to sleep. Let her rest for a while," you said, bowing your head as you collected the rest of the cups, disappearing behind yet another wall.
He tapped his fingers against the wood, keeping them close to his eyes so as to see his hand better. A long sigh left him.
"Will you go home? Or stay?" You asked upon your return.
"I – I have a lot of answers for you," he said, suddenly quite vindictive and stern as he pointed to you with a shaky finger. "And I want you.. to question..."
He trailed off as he realized his mistake. Embarrassment was clear on his face as he shriveled into himself, but you just giggled, sitting down across from him with a large bag in your lap.
"What is your questions?"
"What's your name? Your full name. You don't... seem happy when.. people say Yogi," he said, resting the majority of his weight on the pillows built up against one of the rare solid walls.
"Well, I come from a long travel. My name is not something many know here," you said with a shrug, digging your hands into the bag and rooting around it. "It is Yogasundari."
"Y.. yogetsury?" He tried on his clumsy tongue.
"Yogasundari. It is okay you can not say it. It is why most call me Yogi."
"So – where do you come from then? If y-you come from," he pushed down a hiccup, "from far away?"
"The east. My city was named Harappa. We live in a beautiful river, like you," you said, smiling a soft, thoughtful smile as you recalled images of your past. "Our city was great. Had all things. But my family is poor and it is easy to live here. We can make our own great.. um..."
"Yes! Gold, and – and silk, you have, but we change the shape of iron," you said, your grin spreading into excitement. "We have good drinks. You want them here, so we come here, and we live much better than we live in Harappa."
"So you're... here with your family?" He asked in genuine curiosity, looking up at you from his collapsed position on the floor.
Your expression fell away, and an anxiousness overtook your demeanor.
"I was," you said, then frowned with spiteful eyes. "Those kings of yours kill my family, sell them. I love this, the river, but your kings are unjust. They take my parents and I never saw them again."
"I'm sorry," he murmured.
"It is okay. It is not your fault. I have a good home and I know how to stay away from soldiers. They go everywhere in this city. Not like my home. So that is why I am here," you said, gesturing to the patterned cloths that made up your ceiling.
"And it's just you here?"
"There is the cat," you said, looking back down to his chest, where unbeknownst to him, a thin, hairless cat had made a bed.
"Oh," he whispered softly, taken aback.
The purring was nice––actually, most of the cat's presence was nice, except when he went to pet it, and it raised its' head. At that point he saw the gaping holes where eyes were supposed to be, where they probably once were, and he just about jumped out of his skin, and would have if its' claws weren't kneading at his stomach.
"What the fuck," he whispered in a tense breath.
"She is good. Very kind. You do not worry."
"Where'd you find her?" He asked, eyes darting between you and the cat.
"On the street," you said, nodding. "She comes in for eating at some times."
"... delightful."
"What of you?" You asked. "What are you from?"
"I..." he paused, recalling your contempt for the royal family, and then the much earlier occurrence of Piye using a cover name. "... my father's a priest at Osiris' temple. Not the High one, but.. one of them. That's why I go to school there, and that's how I met Panya."
"Are you good friends?"
"Not really," he chuckled. "We have our fights but I respect her, most of the time."
"More with Piye, then?"
"Mm... yeah. How'd you meet them?"
"You have to ask them. They came in my home one day and asked for my brew."
"Which one?"
"The good one," you said with a wink that had Ahkmen snorting. "I have forgot to ask your name. Your friends name you two things."
What had Piye called him that morning? Panya had used Ahk, that he knew definitively.
"Ak'anpu," he answered after a moment's thoughts.
"It is a nice name," you said, bringing your lips to a glass contraption. With one flame on the other end, you breathed in deeply, exhaling thick clouds of smoke that easily outweighed the smoke of incense already flooding the ceiling.
"What is that?" Ahk asked with a groan as he brought himself to sit up, forcing your cat to jump off his middle.
"Shemet. I get it at the markets, by the river. It is good to sleep and calm down. Want to try?" You offered the tool to him.
"Sure," he said, though he was fairly certain he'd already had this before, and that you were simply pronouncing the name strangely.
From the taste alone he recognized it as something he and Piye had used extensively at some points. It didn't pair well with beer, which he knew from experience, so he took only one more puff before handing it back to you with a quiet 'thank you'.
"I must get home to my father, he's –" he tried to stand, falling back down when he tripped over his own feet. "He's gonna want to see me in the morning."
"You are a little... drunk to be seeing a father yet," you said, a grin tugging at your lips.
"That you are most certainly 'bight'," he said as he, again, attempted to stand.
When he nearly caught his head in one of your hanging scarves, you jumped to your feet, grabbing his arm and pulling his whole body back before he ran into it. He stumbled backwards, spinning around just in time to catch himself on the wall with you in front of him.
"Oh..." he stuttered, a warmer blush filling his head as he looked down at you. "I'm.. sorry."
But you just laughed, much harder than the times you had before, till a dark flush built in your creased cheeks, stark against your bright eyes.
"You are funny. It is alright," you said, patting his bare chest. "I don't think I trust you will get home safe."
"Is this because I'm drunk?" He asked in a teasing tone, leaning in closer with his own cocky smile. For a moment he worried your hand on his chest would feel the thundering of his heartbeat.
"It is because you are stupid," you said, ducking out from his grip and pulling the necklace from Panya's neck, handing it to him.
You took his hand in yours, carefully leading him out of your home without wrecking any of it. The ascent over the crates was a little more clumsy than usual, but in the end you both landed safe back in the regular streets of Memphis, the temple of Osiris to your right and the palace to your left.
"Which way is your home?" You asked, looking up at him after you confirmed it to be a vacant street.
"Easy there," he said as he raised his hands defensively. "I'm – can't go home this.. like this. I'm gonna go down to the Nile, and... I'm going to wash up."
"They say not to go by yourself," you said, following him when he turned to the right. "Dangerous animals."
"More guidelines than rules, really," he said as he shambled along. "And I have you now, d–don't I?"
"If fish eat your ass, I am not saving you," you said with a certainty.
Ahkmen spluttered into a laugh.
"What?" You asked, your own smile growing as you watched him, confused.
"Don't – don't ever say that again. Don't talk about anything eating ass," he said through a massive grin.
Once the two of you reached the river, which didn't take long at all, Ahkmen stripped himself of his garments, setting aside his jewelry in a neat row on the banks. His mother's necklace he set on his clothes, making sure not to dirty it in any way.
"It is funny how you Egyptians do this," you said, perching on one of the boulders present.
"Do what?" He asked, looking over his bare shoulder. Your eyes darted up from staring at something lower.
"Wash in the river."
"Not everyone does," he said, kneeling in the water. "A lot have small pools in their homes. Mostly the rich, I guess. Everyone else just bathes here."
"Maybe I am just... not knowing much about being without many clothes," you attempted to translate, the words clearly spinning in your head. You looked to him to see if he understood you.
"That I can see," he said, bringing the water over his legs and chest, trailing up to his face. "You've got quite a style. Very.. colorful. It looks expensive."
"I make my own clothes," you said with a small, but proud smile.
"You're a seamster?"
"I am many things."
"So I've seen," he chuckled. "How do you know so many things?"
"I had to learn. I had to teach me, from what I could see my family doing," you said, your feet wagging back and forth from the boulder's height. "I get not many people who.. who buy. But I have many things. I think it helps."
"Impressive," he said softly as he returned to washing himself.
By dunking his whole head into the cool water, he hoped to return more of his senses to himself, and with it his more prolific words. He didn't need drunken sentences messing up your understanding of him further. Besides, it was hard enough on its' own to try and piece together your own sentences that were jargled and brambled words of what you'd picked up in Memphis.
"Are you ready to go?" You asked after having fidgeted for several minutes, now letting your head hang upside-down off the rock.
"I suppose so," he said, rising to his feet. "I think I can probably bathe more once I get home. And if not, the morning will come, and I can wash then."
As spiritual an experience as it was to bathe in the lifeblood of Egypt, Ahkmen couldn't deny he missed the lavender soaps and gentle oils massaged and soaked into the skin.
He stumbled his way back to shore, slipping easily on the slick mud beneath him, making up the fertile silt of the Nile. You laughed from your vantage point, knocking your head back with the loudest belt of a laugh he'd ever heard. It was made especially amusing by the fact that such noise could come from someone so small. By the third time he slipped, though, you spared a little pity and climbed down from your tower to help him.
"You are funny," you said with the brightest grin he'd seen, offering him your hand with a long reach in an attempt to keep your shoes clean. Unlike Ahk's, they were made of a sort of fabric.
"I'm so sorry," he said, his legs shaky from his laughter and yours. "This doesn't usually happen."
He reached forward, setting his hand into yours, and allowing you to direct him forward. To your unfortunate surprise––though, still, very amused surprise––his weight ended up pulling both of you down, slipping into the shallow reaches of the river.
"Oh Gods," he said as he resurfaced. "I am so sorry, I -"
Your clothes, and you, were then soaked in both water and mud that easily stained to the palms of your hands as you hauled your heavy clothes out of the river. Wide eyes looked to him, your mouth open in surprise. He cringed backwards, a horribly apologetic look on his face as he watched you stand, shaking your body to test your new weight.
Glancing around your legs, midsection, and arms, you found mud dug into your elbows, your knees, around your hips, and all across your shoulders.
You laughed. Relief flooded him upon the sight of your smile, covering your mouth with a dirty hand.
"Don't we look like a dream?" You giggled.
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bill-weasley · 3 years
so everyone knows im late to everything, but i recently started watching the new girl? because of tumblr, i already knew a bit about it. one of the main characters is indian, schmitt is beloved, nick is beloved, and jess is beloved. so i went in with high expectations? let’s just say that shit sank rly quickly.
so hands down, the only character that i ended up getting attached to was winston. hands down. i will probably die for winston. i’m only in s3 rn, but i’m sure my love for winston will not change.
ok, so explain to me tumblr? is this a white thing? lmao no im being srs and not trying to knock anyone down, but i don’t see the appeal? it’s-- a lot of problematic writing and i wanna understand why schmitt is the fan favorite when he’s OPENLY fucking racist and a huge republican??? dude??? how is he a fan favorite? 
don’t get me start on the fetishization of indian culture, the turban, “all you indians are bad” in the convention episode, and just the overall cringiness of the episode where he is supposed to help winston find his blackness?? are yall serious??? what am i watching?? not only that, winston is sidelined in an episode about blackness so we can focus on schmitt??? excuse me?? not to mention the insane stereotypes that this buys into
okay, jess. i mean -- cool? i don’t have anything bad to say about jess other than she’s self-obsessed (but so is nick and schmitt and cece so i think that’s a generalized personality trait in the show). uhm -- her quirkiness was over the top in the first couple of episodes, and im glad they toned her down.
nick -- i don’t see the appeal of nick. i love jake johnson so much, but nick?? if nick’s traits and personality were transferred to a woman character, yall would be coming for her. and don’t get me started on the weird dating ritual he had in s2 with all the young girls, one of whom just turned 18. yikes. noPE NO thanks. anyway, back to winston. we’re on s3 and he’s basically the funny black guy in the background and i hate it. like why?? winston has more personality and character and heart than the three mains combined so??? like where’s the winston stans at? where’s the winston storylines at? we focus so much on nick and schmitt’s character development, not once have we seen it focused on winston??? and cece, i.... as an indian woman have a lot of thoughts on cece. first and foremost with her casual ok’ness over schmitt’s racist comments?? kjdshfkjdh idk. i... imma leave cece alone from my critiques. i did like that she had a marriage arc in s2, but they ruined it by only showcasing stereotype indian dude characters lmao. like why?? cool. yall couldn’t have given her a non-stereotypical love interest.
anyway--- idk what i expected tbh? i saw so many gifsets and references from this show that i immediately thought it would be good. but honestly, it’s a show written by white ppl for white ppl with two token characters of color. 
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aajjks · 2 years
baby i’m 17 and indian and muslim as well. don’t worry bby! i don’t claim being indian because to me (even though both my parents are indian - my dad was born and raised in india and my mum was born in england and i’ve lived in england and things happen and my dad isn’t my life and i just refuse to accept being indian as me) idk if that makes sense. i feel like people use words like ‘I am so and so…’ to make themselves feel better but you’re not, your parents are. People use ethnicity as a badge of pride because you’re exotic or whatever compared to ‘white people’ (that’s non-derogatory on my side) and it makes saying things like ‘I’m Indian sound terrible because why should ethnicity matter? In my experience (not trying to be rude), Indian people have no sense of boundary and are just very intrusive. They gossip way too much (especially the fact they are Muslims) and it kinda infuriates me. My Mum had an argument with my sister and she started talking about what happened to another one of their sisters (she has five) and was going about how she would have a talk with her about it but like?? u did not have to bring the second auntie into it, you could’ve just called the first auntie straight away. am i being weird? i apologise. Indians also tend to be very desperate (the ones who live in India). Like especially in comment sections, they’re the ones who put random emojis rather than actual comments under posts and it’s like as a writer, you want people to reblogged to interact rather than comment and they just don’t do rhat. they just want to be the first at everything. first to comment, first to say i loved bts first. (my judgement may be skewed but so be it)
I’m not trying to be controversial but I also hate it when black people bring up the old whipping jokes and act like they’re the ones who are currently getting whipped if you get me. like when they say my people were slaves, and it’s the same people who get offended if you class people by colour like isn’t that what you’re doing when you say MY people. also, some of you have got to stop living in the past, i don’t understand everyone’s obsession with talking about the past that has nothing to do with them. like were you a slave? i doubt it. it’s real life not a joke. stop treating it like it’s just a funny story to pass off to your peers or anyone that will listen.
i also don’t agree with the n word. i’m sorry - the fact people tried gatekeeping it especially when niga means ‘we’ i believe in korean is ridiculous. i don’t get why black people get to call other black people such a bad word. if it’s such a bad word, no one should be able to say it. end of. black people can be racist to black people and what then? you going to let that run because they’re black. if a black person said it to another in a menacing way, no one would bat their eyes, but if a white person were to say it (even if it’s the supposed friendly way - let’s say they ARE black but just not physically. people would be like ‘oh my god, cancelled!’
like how does that even work. everything is always about intentions.
It’s not even about colour cus my complexion is very light, so people assume of me as white or European, I don’t know anything about Indians tbh cuz I have no connection to india or Indian Muslims.
And as for black people, I have absolutely no right to say anything, they have been very nice people to me, I really respect them!!!
I have to say that I am very little educated on races. So I try to not discuss races, not even mine haha cus you never know what you might say that could be considered offensive!
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Has anyone ever stolen your survey questions before, if you make surveys?: I’ve never made a survey and don’t think I’ll ever be up to doing so.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no?: Not for me but you do you.
Do you like to burn candles?: Sure, I like doing it whenever I can.
Are Yankee Candles really all that?: I dunno, I’ve never used one so I can’t confirm. I’ve always used non-Yankee-Candle candles though and they work out fine so I don’t think I’ll be looking for this brand any time soon.
Have you ever broken into a public place, like a high school, after it was late and secluded?: Nah I’m too tense to do something like that lol. I’d spend more time looking out for guards who’ll inevitably be shooing me away than being in the moment.
Have you ever gone to the movies and hopped from movie to movie all day?: No. Too expensive hah and there is rarely a movie that interests me anymore, anyway.
Have you ever been to a drive-in movie?: Nope.
Would you be interested in going scuba-diving?: Yeah for sure, as long as I’m properly briefed beforehand and there is an expert who will be beside me at all times. Can’t have things fucking up when I’m that far down underwater.
Have you ever heard of the band “Indian Jewelry”?: Never heard of them, I’m afraid.
Do you go to church?: Yeah every Sunday. Hardly pay attention though and I spend most of the one-hour just fiddling with something - like my hair or something on my shirt - or daydreaming.
Have you ever had sex with someone you didn’t love?: No.
Have you ever been in a cave?: Yes! The underground river cave in Palawan. I also had the chance to go spelunking when we were in Sagada but I wore the wrong shoes that day, so...
Do you anyone who’s painfully socially awkward?: There’s this dude that I regularly work with - we’re co-agencies under the same client - and he can have his awkward moments. I used to be awkward myself so I try to go easy on him but my god does it trigger the secondhand embarrassment sometimes.
Do you actually know anyone named ‘Bill’ or ‘Bob’?: I know a Bob.
Have you ever scared yourself when you sneezed?: No. It’s my sister who has this effect on me haha that girl lets out such loud sneezes. Do you tend to sneeze a certain number of times in a row?: Mmm, maybe when I’m in a dusty area or have been playing with the dogs too much but for the most part no.
Have you ever had to attend therapy?: Nope.
So, what about Billy Ray Cyrus talking about how Hannah Montana ruined his life?: He said that? I wonder why. 
Who were you last in a hot tub with?: Idk, just myself I think.
What’s your favorite liquid coffee creamer flavor?: Is this just a long and fancy way of asking what my favorite take on coffee is? I typically buy caramel macchiato, if this is what you mean. Can you knit?: Nah.
Can you do the splits?: No, though I tried for a really long time until I just accepted that I can’t lol.
Are you wearing any rings? No, I never wear any.
Have you ever sold anything to a pawn shop?: Nope.
Have you ever traveled outside of your home country?: Yes.
Would you be satisfied growing up to be like your parents?: Yes. There are lots of aspects in their parenthood techniques that I disagree with; but beyond being parents, I think they’re great people and I want to end up just like them.
Is there anything other than clothes in your dresser?: Continued from the other night. Yeah, it also serves as storage for a bunch of knickknacks that I otherwise have no extra space for in my room.
How long does it take you to clean your room?: It’s a small space so not very long at all. What’s in your closet? o.O: Clothes and a part two of storage, hahaha.
How many pictures do you take of yourself in a week?: I never take selfies.
Do you use iTunes, or do you unlawfully download music?: I used iTunes until I want to say 2013 or 2014? But I used it precisely for illegally downloaded music; I never bought albums or songs off of it hahaha. Then I switched to Spotify starting 2015 and have been streaming from there since.
Has anyone ever sent you flowers?: Not sent, but I’ve been given flowers face-to-face.
Have you ever had a water balloon war?: Only once; it was in Grade 4, when I was 10.
Do you have to buy something at every store you go in?: No? I’ve probably walked out of a store purchase-less more times than I’ve actually ended up buying something.
Do you know anyone who always looks stoned all the time, whether they are or not?: Yes.
Have you ever seen the movie Ghost World???: No, I’ve never heard of that.
The most expensive clothing item you own; how much did it cost?: Nothing more than five figures.
How many towels do you go through in a week?: 1 or 2. Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive?: Yeah, both romantically and in general.
Are you good at relaxing?: I used to be shit at it but I’m trying to allot more time for it now. Like these days you will never see me working past 6 since I’m starting to learn how to respect my personal time lol.
Do you count calories?: Nopes.
Would you rather try Blueberry and Hazelnut Pringles, or Grilled Shrimp?: Grilled shrimp doesn’t sound nearly as foreign as fruity Pringles. I’d pick the seafood in a heartbeat, lmao.
What position do you normally sleep in?: On my side, hugging a pillow.
Did you know that sleeping on your stomach can stretch your boobs out???: Idk if that’s true but anyway I rarely do this since I find it harder to breathe.
What kind of videos do you usually watch on YouTube?: Mostly BTS. Sometimes I’ll watch Korean variety/reality shows.
Do you still wish on stars?: I don’t really do that. I like looking at stars when I’m deep in thought at night, but I’ve never used them to make a wish.
Have you ever seen an eclipse?: Yeah, I have. Eclipses are rarely visible here so in the times that they’d be seen from this side of the world, I typically feel the need to run outdoors to catch it.
Have you ever been in any kind of an abusive relationship?: Yes.
What kind of parent do you think you’ll be?: First course of action is to be more hands-on than my parents were with me.
What kind of parents do you have?: Kind, firm, practical. Idk, I’ve always had weird relationships with them. Our dynamic’s been better as I’ve gotten older but there’s a lot of shit we’ve swept under the rug and will continue to be that way.
What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?: Being at concerts, maybe?
Have you ever had a Nutella and marshmallow fluff sandwich?: That sounds nasty. No.
Where’s your favorite place to eat breakfast at?: I never go out for breakfast.
What keeps you up at night?: The need to have a healthy work-life balance. I always stay up late so I can catch up on whatever my work prevents me from enjoying.
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theboombutton · 3 years
Please say more about aspirated medial stops, I was talking with my brother in law the other day about how we (Californians) don't say t's in the middle of words and I'm really curious about why that is and if this is a universal thing in all accents of English now
Disclaimer: I do have a Bachelor's in linguistics, but I got it more than a decade ago so it is possible that some of the information in this post will be misremembered or out of date.
Knowing how to pronounce t in different locations in different dialects is a nightmare. Old-fashioned British Received Pronunciation pronounced t in the middle of words, but there's a UK language drift called T-glottalization in which ts except at the start of words are often being replaced with glottal stops? It's really obvious in lower-status dialects but it's been creeping into RP as well.
American English usually does a weird muscle flex called a "flap" or a "tap" that's something like a really short d, or a single roll of a rolled r. I think there are some UK dialects that use this tap as well.
I belieeeeeve that Indian English usually pronounces word-medial ts, but I haven't run an actual analysis on the applicable coworkers' speech because that'd be kind of creepy?
No idea about Australia or New Zealand.
As far as I know, there's no special reason why these particular drifts are happening. Linguistic drift and accent shifts are just something that happens with living languages. If anything, we have immensely slowed the natural process of language change through the invention and widespread teaching of standardized writing.
Sorry, I tried doing this without a glossary but I kept having to do weird info cul-de-sacs to explain myself. I've ordered them according to approximately when they'll come up?
lol I failed so hard at this, about halfway through the post I started using words without putting them in the glossary first and man idk I've been working on this post for 4 hours now and I don't want to go back through and put definitions for some of this shit, sorry
Phoneme - A single language sound, as it is stored in your brain. Represented with slashes around it, e.g. /t/.
Phone - A language sound as it actually comes out of your mouth. Represented with square brackets around it, e.g. [t].
Phonology - The study of speech sounds, from internal representation to external expression, but not including the study of how they are physically created in the mouth (that's phonetics). Not to be confused with phrenology, the racist pseudoscience of head shape.
Word - Can have a few different meanings in a linguistic context. In this post, will usually refer to either a lexeme or a phonological word. You should be able to tell from the context.
Phonological Word - What you probably think of when you think of a "word." A unit of speech that you could naturally pause on either side of, but could not naturally pause inside.
Lexeme/Semantic Word - A single phonological word and its attached meaning; or, phrase of multiple phonological words, which holds a meaning which is different than the sum of its parts. For example, "Carry the bucket" is not a single lexeme; but "Kick the bucket" is.
Voiced/Voiceless - A sound is voiced if you use your vocal cords to make it, and voiceless if you don't.
Stop - Also called a plosive. A stop is a kind of consonant you make by stopping all air flow. The stops English uses are p, b, t, d, k, g, and the glottal stop.
Aspiration - A puff of air following a sound, usually a voiceless stop. In phonetic notation, it is indicated by a superscript h following the consonant, like [pʰ].
IPA - International Phonetic Alphabet. A standard set of symbols based on the Roman alphabet and used to refer to roughly the same sounds regardless of language.
Glottal stop - A stop which is performed not by your tongue, as in most stops, but by your vocal cords. Think of the word "Uh-oh" - the way you completely stop airflow after the "Uh" instead of just letting it flow into the "oh." That's a glottal stop.
Praat - An audio analysis program tailored specifically for viewing waveforms of speech sounds.
So the thing about saying words is that the ideas of sounds that you have in your head ("phonemes") don't translate one-to-one to the sounds that come out of your mouth ("phones"); and the ways that these sounds get modified vary between different dialects.
Please keep in mind that when you try to speak slowly or clearly, the sounds that you make change. Linguists are primarily interested in natural speech patterns, not what we do when we're trying to enunciate.
Let's take the lexeme tater-tot, because it's the first word I can think of that has all 3 of the major weird things that /t/ does that vary by dialect.
Let's start with the word-initial t. Phonologically there are actually two word-initial t's in tater-tot, the one at the beginning of 'tater,' and the one at the beginning of 'tot.' This is because "tater-tot" is two phonological words despite being one semantic word.
In American and British English, we aspirate our word-initial voiceless stops if they're immediately followed by a vowel, which means we pronounce /p/, /t/, and /k/ as [pʰ], [tʰ] and [kʰ] respectively if they're the first sound in a word (and immediately followed by a vowel). This means we add in a little puff of air following the consonant if it's the first sound in the word. In Indian English, they don't do this - a word-initial /t/ is pronounced [t], without the extra puff of air. To American & British English speakers it can almost sound like they're saying [d], because we're not used to hearing a word-initial /t/ without aspiration.
Next we've got a word-medial t, the second t of "tater." Here, Indian and British RP English speakers pronounce it as a plain [t], with no aspiration. American English speakers pronounce it as what's called a tap or a flap, which is sort of like a half-formed [d] but is actually more like a single roll of a rolled r - and so its IPA symbol is [ɾ]. And many less prestigious British dialects, including Cockney and I believe Scouse, replace it with a glottal stop, with IPA symbol [ʔ].
And our final t is the word-final t of tot. This is a tricky one to peel apart. English generally doesn't release word-final stops - that is, you put your tongue in the correct place to stop airflow to create the stop, but you never actually move your tongue out of the way to "release" the airflow you stopped. So the easy read on the word-final t's pronunciation is that it's [t̚], an unreleased t. However, in many dialects and situations /t/ is replaced with or co-articulated with a glottal stop - for example, after an [n] or an [m], /t/ is almost always pronounced as [ʔ] in English. But unreleased stops after an oral vowel are difficult to tell apart, and if the tongue is in t position while the glottis cuts off airflow - I genuinely don't know.
These are good for a comparison between an aspirated [tʰ] and an unaspirated [t]. In American English, tuck is [tʰʌk] and stuck is [stʌk].
American English does weird things with syllable-initial /tr/.
I want to introduce you to the "sh" symbol, ʃ. ʃ is a voiceless postalveolar fricative, which means it's created by air rushing through a narrow space when your tongue is behind the alveolar ridge. Incidentally, when you move your tongue from [t] position to [ɹ̠] position (ɹ̠ being the symbol for the version of non-rolled r that most English dialects use), it will naturally create the ʃ sound as it moves.
We have a special letter combination to the phonemic /tʃ/ in English. It's "ch". As in "change."
You almost certainly pronounce "truck" as [tʃɹ̠ʌk] "chruck" and just don't notice.
So what's going on with Martin?
So first off, Jonny is probably wrong about how the Archivist says "Martin." Complete deletion of the r in that position is standard in RP. I haven't fed The Magnus Archives into Praat or anything, so it's possible he's letting a hint of a rhotic accent bleed in to the Archivist's RP - but I really doubt it.
This isn't unusual! It's very common for people's internal concept of what sounds they mean to make, to get in the way of them accurately identifying what sounds they're actually making. No one thinks they've ever said "chruck" until you point it out to them.
I would probably transcribe the Archivist saying "Martin" as [mɑ:tɪn].
Jonny's attempt at saying "Martin" in an American accent was something more like [mɑ˞ɹ̠tʰɪn]. He did a good job of rhoticizing the vowel, but in his focus on the r completely messed up the second syllable.
I'd transcribe my own pronunciation of "Martin" as something like [mɑ˞ɹ̠ʔn]. It's been my observation that t-glottalization in American English is especially common when adjacent to nasals - and if there's one thing American English likes, it's syllabifying liquids in word-final syllables.
OK I've run out of steam now
This was fun. Sorry about the declining quality of explanation. Please feel free to ask more if you dare to reignite the flames of infodump
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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Okey so Hi, me again! :)
I am actually wondering if the main characters are humans or/and other creatures?
Also, if you want to share it of course, I am wondering what relation are between them? Like how did they met and why? Maybe there's bigger purpose behind it?
*all their names have meanings and direct connects to who they are i just forget some of them 
here are their character sheets and a little worldbuilding mixed in
Name: Uriel
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race/Ethnicity: Angel, Caucasian
Age: Unknown (roughly 20 in human years if I had to give a number)
Family/Ancestry: An angel created by God, hierarchy system of angels (Archangels -> angels -> humans, this hierarchy system is only specific to their Realm), no "blood relatives", angels intended purpose is to protect and serve humans while providing knowledge, wisdom, and guidance
Realm: Realm of Angels (this name is a wip)
Appearance: light skin, blue eyes, silky long white hair, 6’ 1”, slender body, wears a pure cotton full body robe
Personality: quiet, observant, reserved, has a fascination with knowledge and learning about other cultures, is learning to have empathy for the other races however it’s not tolerated towards the Fallen
Hobbies: playing his harp, reading history books, (with his exploration in the book he develops the hobbies of talking walks in the woods/enjoying nature, collects plants and herbs for fun) 
Abilities: has the ability to heal, though healing only goes so far, wings can help him fly, trained at a young age to use a sword in combat if necessary 
Sexuality: Asexual 
Name: Azazel (Nickname: Zaz)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Race/Ethnicity: Angel (Fallen), Mixed (Caucasian/African)
Age: Unknown (roughly 21 or so in human years if i had to give a number)
Family/Ancestry: was created by God, no longer associated with the Angels, no “blood relatives”, considered to be a Fallen due to past transgressions, has a younger sister (not by blood) that he has protected ever since he lost his right to be an Angel
Realm: Realm of Obscurum (obscurum means darkness in latin)
Appearance: Brown skin, red (maroon) eyes , medium length dark hair with streaks of white, 5’ 10”, slightly muscular build, wears a thin black turtleneck sweater, black cargo pants, combat boots, and a hooded cape
Personality: withdrawn due to his outcasting, empathetic but doesn’t express emotions well, aggressive, doesn’t trust people well, protector
Hobbies: hunting, collecting herbs (natural healing remedies), sharpening knives, playing with his sister 
Abilities: was trained in sword wielding, but he prefers smaller dual wielding knives like daggers, hand-to-hand combat, used to have the ability to heal, knows a lot about the body
Sexuality: Gay (no this is not the reason he got cast out of the Realm of Angels)
Name: Mitis (Nickname: Tess) (mitis means gentle in latin)
Gender: Non-binary (she/they), they use their pronouns interchangeably, however in her human form she prefers (she/her) and in their fae form they prefer (they/them)
Race/Ethnicity: Faerie, Scottish or Irish i can't decide lol
Age: 300 (roughly 19 years human age)
Family/Ancestry: Faeries have been around longer than the comprehension of the human mind. Mitis comes from a large family, filled with more brothers and sisters than she can count. Fae culture is deep rooted in survival, family, and trust. In their nature states, the fae are easily controlled due to their small size, so over the years with their magic, they can now present as human if they so choose
Realm: Realm of Faes
Appearance: in her “human form” she’s 5’ 1”, red curly hair (wears a crown made of twigs, leaves, and flowers), freckles across their cheeks, green eyes, wears a short dress made of lilies, in her fae form, they look exactly the same but she’s an inch tall 
Personality: peacekeeper, kind and loyal, headstrong, pacifist, wants to be a hero, wants to be considered an individual, but since she has so many siblings, she gets referred to as “they” and the pronoun stuck but it's comforting for them, extrovert
Hobbies: reading, drawing maps, playing and talking with her siblings
Abilities: human form: bow and arrow (since being human is new and recent ability for the fae, she taught herself how to use a bow and arrow to defend herself), fae form: plant type magic (since they have developed their powers from birth, it's the strongest magic they possess)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Name: Sibyl (nickname: Sib) (another word for seer)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race/Ethnicity: Human, Mixed (Filipino/Caucasian)
Age: 19
Family/Ancestry: Humans have been kept in check by the other Realms, but with that being said, they are the lowest Realm in terms of wealth and power. The Archangels in the Realm of Angels are in charge of looking after and governing the Realm of Humans as it is their duty to. She grew up without knowing her father, living with a single mother. She was blind at birth, but was also given the ability to see into the future. Maybe her father had magical abilities? But as far as anyone is concerned he was human too.
Realm: Realm of Humans (might change this name later)
Appearance: tan skin, short wavy black hair (neck length), grey eyes, 5’, wears a dark blue dress with see through sleeves (a slit down the middle of the sleeve), with a dark blue hooded cape, wears a belt with her essentials (weapons, food, water, etc)
Personality: Due to being exploited at a young age for her Seer Powers (as a way for her and her mother to make money), she has grown a distaste for people and beings in general, stubborn, manipulative, cold
Hobbies: Unknown
Abilities: can see into the future, can use her ability willingly when physically connected to the person in question, has some fighting abilities due to other heightened senses,, overexertion causes headaches and nosebleeds
Sexuality: Unknown (questioning) 
Name: Indra (means warrior god of sky and rain in indian)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race/Ethnicity: Water Nymph, Indian
Age: 18 (water nymph years)
Family/Ancestry: Water Nymphs come from the ancestry of all women. Water nymphs are “born” during heavy rainstorms or thunderstorms. Heavy rainstorms/thunderstorms only happen roughly every few centuries due to water nymphs having a shorter lifespan (mother nature type of situation, in order to not flood the world). Water Nymphs tend to stay in one area, but the ocean is expanding drastically. Indra was born during one of the most destructive rainstorms of the century, she was the only one born that century and that’s how she received her name. She was raised by a community of Water Nymphs, she considers them all her sisters.
Realm: Realm of Nexus (Realm of Nexus is the largest of the physical present Realms on the planet)
Appearance: blue skin, plump cheeks, dark long wavy hair, purple/violet eyes, 5’ 3”, wears a tube top and high/low flared shirt, wear a bracelet made of grass and it has a little water lily attached to it 
Personality: positive, free-spirited, emotionally oriented, headstrong, mischievous
Hobbies: swimming, taking care of animals, sunbathing, having conversations with people close to her, training
Abilities: emotional based powers, powers are heightened when her emotions are heightened (both positive and negative emotions), negative emotions are more destructive while positive emotions are more creative, uses water around her as a weapon
Sexuality: Straight
Name: Lunar
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Race/Ethnicity: idk he's from the moon :), African
Age: 19
Family/Ancestry: Not much is known about space and anything beyond Earth (aside from the Realm of Angels), but what is being recently discovered is that there is a civilization on the Moon, a new peace treaty was introduced and now they are considered a Realm. No one really knows how they got there, but they are similar to humans except they use telepathic communication to reach each other. Talking vocally is not uncommon, Lunar has selective mutism which means at a younger something traumatic happened and he chooses not to speak.  Lunar was picked  to explore Earth and everything it has to offer. Lunar comes from a family of four; a mother, father, and a younger sister. Lunar uses telepathic communication, written communication, and USL (universal sign language) to communicate with others.
Realm: currently travelling between realms *an excuse to not call it Realm of the Moon 🤡
Appearance: long braided white hair, blue-grey skin tone, dark blue eyes, 5’ 5”, lanky build (but also stronger than he looks), wears white dress shirt with a dark blue vest, belt, and black pants, wears dress shoes, wears a satchel that holds his notebook and pen (his communication devices)
Personality: calm, quiet, reasonable, strategic, sweet, great listener
Hobbies: charting stars, playing with his younger sister, traveling
Abilities: telepathic, can communicate with others through his mind (with their permission), if there is a full moon, he can manipulate people’s thoughts though he's never done so, when communicating out-of-mind; he signs or writes it in his notebook
Sexuality: Straight
As for the next part of your ask, im completely fine talking about their relationships with each other and how they met (though as of rn, some stuff is set in stone and other aren't)
let's start with ships! so there are 2 ships out of the six and only one of them is romantic. lunar and indra will eventually be in a romantic relationship, they were the easiest to pair together. I first created what kind of being they were going to be. indra and lunar are inspired by the fact that the moon pulls the tides on the earth, so you could say its fate :') the second relationship is uriel and azazel, they are platonic soulmates. i had to give a lot of thought about uriel and azazel's relationship and what I wanted it to be or mean. all I can say is, is that uriel is asexual and comes to that revelation through self growth with zaz! I also thought about having mitis and sibyl have some kind of romantic relationship, but I didn't feel right so they are simply friends and who will eventually trust each other a great deal.
i like to think of them as a family: uriel and zaz are like the parents of the group (zaz will never admit it though), mitis and indra and the mischievous kids, they mess around and do dumb stuff because it looks fun, sibyl is like the brooding teenager (if this world had headphones, she'd never listen to anybody), and lunar is just the good kid parents always want lol
next is how they all met! this is actually what I'm trying to figure out in my writing right now, so its great that you asked this because I can think on it and solidify it more. the rough idea i have, is that uriel finds an old book hidden behind a wall or a bookshelf in one of the historical archives that tells a story of the future (Uriel's present) of the event of a catastrophe that hasn't happened yet, but six individuals from all 6 Relams needing to save the world. uriel is essentially the catalyst that gets the group together because curiosity got the best of him. in terms of the order they met: Uriel meets Sibyl because he was assigned to monitor her and guided her cause she was causing ruckus in the Realm of Human. Sibyl gets a glimpse of the future and decides to trust him enough to see this through, they then meet Azazel, Mitis, and Indra (though I don't know what specific order yet) and Lunar is last, and they literally just run into him as their traveling in the woods like "who are you 😳" 
also yes, them coming together definitely has more than its letting on, but I'll keep it to myself for now ;)
im still working out the kinks of the whole "saving the world" bit and whether or not I should introduce a villain to the story! but each of the main six do have problems of their own they have to solve and most importantly they have to learn to coexist because the fate of the world depends on it
im sorry this post was so long, it was probably a lot of reading, but I meant it when I said I'd talk your ear off lol feel free to ask more questions:) 
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Conspiracy Theory: Butch Hartman hates British People
Sorry for the click bait this is more of a ramble than anything else but it’s a point I’ve always wanted to bring up.
Fairly Oddparents used to include a lot of national stereotypes to portray the rest of the world and they were honestly so damn over-the-top that with the exception it was hard to find them truly offensive, I think. I always knew, as a sheltered American whose never left my country that, of course Australians don’t ride in kangaroo pouches and throw boomerangs at computers.
I can’t remember too much about Danny Phantom and this is going just off the FOP episodes I remember as a kid, so I’m not saying this stereotyping was ‘okay’ it was just waaay down on the list of 2000s animation stereotypes....until they got to making fun of the British.
Given it’s history, Great Britain is a comparatively easy target to make fun of for the rest of the world, much like America (or Butch Hartman now :3 ). But like...there’s Brits making fun of themselves, there’s Indians taking rightful cracks at them, and then there’s Americans making all these mean accusations about how weird Britain is.
Remember the ep with the founding fathers and how with Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson taken out of the timeline everything around Timmy turns into this colonial nightmare?
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Or how bout the episode where Vicky has a crush on the British kid who talks only about “the hunt”, has rotten teeth, and is shown to be a wimp? IDK somehow that came off as really mean spirited to me. Again, there’s The Simpsons and “The Big Book of British Smiles” and then there’s making an overblown stereotype to mock these people who are just sooooogrossfornotstraighteningtheirteeth EUGH! and who are so backwards that if we hadn’t succeeded from them we’d be all archaic, cause it’s not like Britain had any part to play in the industrial revolution ((something that’s ACTUALLY worth mocking, cause both of us were colonialist, child-abusers)).
And to top off my conspiracy theory, never forget, Butch Hartman was the one who localized Doogal. 
Americans dubbing over British stuff is insane. We don’t do that to Canadians or Australians. They’re speaking ENGLISH. But oh man I CAN’T TAKE THESE BRITISHISMS WHAT DO THESE HEATHENS MEAN BY ‘GET THE TORCH’ DON’T THEY KNOW IT’S A FLASHLIGHT????!?!?!?!?!!
For the record - one of my OCs is a take on Spring-Heeled Jack and he’s a total cockney stereotype full of Britishisms. I would HOPE that if a non-American (who wasn’t JKR) wrote about my countries’ cryptids they’d include the southern/western twang, cowboy hats, capatlism and gun-totin we’re known for ((AS YOU SHOULD)). I digress but what I’m trying to say is, with SH-Jack I’m NOT trying to make fun of Britain as a country or it’s people. I’m making fun of a sleazy boogieman who’s the worst parts of the society he comes from, which is Victorian England. If I ever got to writing about Jack inhabits you’d see there are boogiefolk from all over the world and the same is mostly true for the American creatures like Rawhead Bloodybones.
I think it’s that these episodes linger on these jokes too long and, again, Britain is considered a more acceptable stereotype so I guess it’s okay to be as punchy and cruel as you want? 
Lookee here Butch: I’m all for making fun of Floridians, Texans, and Californians cause everyone makes fun of them(/us. I’m Californian!) But I mean... if I made a joke in a children’s show about how Floridians are crazy cracked out people who ride alligators to work, Texans are all inbred white-supremacists, and Calis are all vapid, rich anti-vaxxers.....well I wouldn’t blame Floridians, Texans and other Californians for getting mad. ESPECIALLY if it was in a kid’s show and was saying othering these people.
TL;DR: Acceptable target =/= saying anything + everything you want and reducing people to stereotypes.
You’re no Brandon Rogers.
I feel like I’m forgetting a crueler stereotype on FOP. I don’t think it was Sanjay as he and Trixie barely had any ethnic or cultural jokes made about them besides Sanjay’s accent.
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