#baby james potter
guhmshuda · 8 months
Disclaimer: this is not era-typical. this is strictly subjective, this is my way of projecting my delusions and hoping I meet someone like James Potter some day!!
James craves parental and academic validation.
Now before I get jumped, lets all be real for one second. You are telling me James Potter is a desi first gen NRI and he does not crave validation? I refuse to believe that!! And it was not that Effie and Monty pressurized him... it was the opposite actually. they did not say a thing and my boy just felt he had to be the best because he has such nice parents who never ask for anything how can he ever live up to it??
He was the kind to lose sleep before important days. Right before the big matches and papers you would find James F. Potter roaming the halls of the school in the wee hours of morning, hands tightly clutching onto a mug that says, "You are ENOUGH" (his parents gifted him this in 3rd year when they noticed he was not doing well). The mug is obviously filled to the brim with either masala chai or cold coffee (the indian one).
2. He smelled like cloves
now this is something I have observed in my day to day life and feel like James too, would partake in. He would be the kind to use "spicy" toothpaste. simply because he thinks they last longer or smth. Effie also makes him homemade oil that has cloves (idk what they do I just associate the spice with him OKAY?) So basically when his partner(s) kiss him, they taste and smell clove. And it is not a comforting spice like cinnamon but imagine a whitewashed Regulus getting used to the sting of cloves and the horrible dant kanti-esque taste because the boyfriend uses them. There is a point when Regulus just starts carrying around a small bottle of clove oil or a box of clove and elaichi daana because James smells like cloves and Sirius like cardamom (FIGHT ME.)
3. Resident Problem Solver
Was he mischievous? Hell yes. Did he still make efforts to make sure everyone was okay? Duh.
James would be the kind to ask everyone about their day at the dinner table and be actually interested in what they have to say. He would notice when one of his friends were having a hard day and just drop a ladoo on their plate or ask them if they would like "non-spicy" chai. He would be the peacemaker. ALWAYS. He DID not like conflict. It hurt his soul to watch his friends fight or give each other a cold shoulder.
4. He LOVED being Desi.
he had the diaspora issue, obviously. But Effie and Monty came from the pre-partition India and tried to hold onto their country as much as they could. So James was super used to all the desi things. He had a head full of thick luscious curls because his mother massaged oil and gave him champi every week. When he moved to Hogwarts his hair suffered a little before the Summer when Sirius visited the Potters. Effie taught both of them how to apply oil onto each other's scalps and then it became their tradition at Hogwarts.
5. When Sirius returned bald.
there is a very popular HC that one year Walburga shaved Sirius' hair off because he was being disrespectful or smth. That year, James developed a variant of Indulekha x Parachute Coconut Oil (come on Desis i know you know what I mean) and made sure Sirius had his long hair back before Christmas. He would personally look after his diet, forcing amla tea down his throat or making sure he is eating 3-4 meals that consist of healthy things and not just meat as Sirius would otherwise have it.
Regulus fell in love with James around this time because he did smth he could not, protect Sirius. He went as far as daring Walburga to try to do it again, James would make sure Sirius grows his hair longer than ever.
ps. he was the one who came up with curl-care routine for the marauders and all of them had PJO cast like hair it was so cute jadfiqgfuiwgiuu okay
6. He did not practice any religion
James was not religious, he was spiritual. He did whatever his mum, who herself practiced two religions, told him to do. Both Effie and Monty believed in giving back to the society more than giving to some religious institute, so imagine a first year James rushing into Poppy's wing with an injured bird in his hand begging her to save it.
7. He was the people's princess.
fight the wall. everyone, even the slytherins, secretly LOVED him and the gulab jamuns he would give out on Diwali every year.
8. Enjoyer of classical music.
I have said it before, I will say it again. MY MANZ LISTENED TO GHULAM ALI. idc if he was muggle or what, he loved his music, language be damned.
he enjoyed urdu ghazals more than anything else tbh.
he was trained in sitar and he could sing as well. he was basically an in house singer. He learnt electric guitar in his 2nd year and then there was no looking back. If he would not have been a professional quidditch player he would have been a musician or a music teacher or smth.
10. he was a STEM student.
okay this is non-canon but comp sci major James? who also happens to enjoy botany? yes. just the best.
11. James who would slip into Urdu when he was overwhelmed, who loved when people played with his hair. James who wrote letters in Urdu or Hindi or whatever regional language his parents spoke and wrote.
12. James potter who hated how his eyes were brown, just brown, growing up. but then one day his mother told him it is what she loves the best about him.
13. James Potter with bitten lips, he does that whenever he is nervous.
14. James Potter who was born during sunrise, his mother believes he is the sun.
15. James who would lay his life for his friends. James who loved hugging Peter, James who committed crimes for Remus.
16. James who adored and admired Minerva so much that he would try everything to get her attention, except he was her favourite student after Lily and Remus (Sirius was her son, let us all be honest).
17. James who played Carnatic Music while studying.
18. James who would wear short kurtas. james who is obsessed with shawls.
19. James who carried a bag full of supplies his friends might need. Like imagine a pouch filled with hair elastics for Sirius and the girls, painkillers for Remus, fidget toys and stress ball for Peter, and cloves for Regulus.
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whore-of-hogwarts06 · 4 months
AU where Dad James Potter has a crush on baker Regulus Black:
James and five-year-old Harry: *enter bakery*
James, to Harry: Go on, buddy, tell the nice baker what you want.
Harry: *shyly walks up to Regulus*
Regulus: What can I get you, cupcake?
Harry: *giggles* I’m not a cupcake!
Regulus, with a wide grin: Oh! I’m so sorry, you’re so sweet, I mistook you for one!
Harry, pointing to James: My dad thinks you’re sweet, too!
*James and Regulus freeze and just stare at each other*
Harry, continuing his yapping: He talks about you all the time. He thinks you’re really pretty and that you have a nice a-
James: *grabs a random cupcake and slaps a 50 on the table before grabbing Harry and fleeing the bakery*
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not-rab · 1 month
Harry, jumping out of Regulus’ closet: BOO!
Harry: *makes a sad face*
Regulus: Ahh Merlin you scared me!!
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pottermagiczz · 4 months
Sirius trying to teach lil Harry his name
Sirius: Harry, say Padfoot
Sirius: C'mon lil guy, Pad-foot
Harry: Moo-ee
Sirius: No Harry, Pad-foot
Harry: MOO-EE
Sirius: You're one lil sh*t, aren't you?
Harry: Sh*t!
Remus, entering the room: Hey Harry, having fun?
Harry: F*ck! Sh*t!
Remus: ...
Harry: Pad-foooo
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ultravioletbrit · 29 days
“lipstick” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 280 words
“You lying, cheating bastard!” Regulus yells from down the hall.
“What did you do?” Remus asks.
“Probably nothing.” James shrugs as Regulus storms into the kitchen.
“Probably nothing!?” Regulus yells. “Care to explain what this is?” He throws a shirt at James.
“The shirt I wore last night.” James says casually.  
“Right. And why are there lipstick marks and mascara streaks on the collar?” Still yelling as he rips the shirt back out of James’ hands.
James points behind Regulus to a hungover Sirius who’s passed out at the kitchen table with smeared lipstick and mascara on his face.
“Right. That makes sense. Thank you.” He says sternly and stomps back out of the kitchen muttering something about ‘oil based’ and ‘a bitch to clean.’
“What was that?” Remus asks with wide eyes.
“Healthy communication.” James says with another shrug.
“That was healthy?”
“Oh yeah, normally he shuts down, won’t talk to me for days and often locks me out of the bedroom without telling me what’s wrong.” James starts telling him as Regulus walks back into the kitchen looking for something under the sink. “Plus, he knows I’d never actually cheat, probably just needed a bit of reassurance and this way he can ask without feeling too vulnerable.” He finishes as Regulus stands up.
“And you like it when I’m a little mean to you.” He tells James and kisses him on the cheek.
“And that.” James says as Regulus gives Remus a pointed ‘so there’ look and saunters out of the kitchen again.
“God, he’s dramatic.” Remus mumbles.
“Mooooonnnnyyyy!! My head huuuurrrts!!!” Sirius whines from the table and James raises an eyebrow at Remus.  
“What? I didn’t say mine wasn’t dramatic.”
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drowninkystar · 3 months
Regulus *flustered and feeling his heart in his throat but trying to act indifferent*: I have something stupid to give you
James: I'm sure it's n-
Regulus: Shut up *proceeds to stuff a sappy love poem in James' pocket and then runs away to hide for days*
[After James reads the poem and finds Reg]
James: I lo-
Regulus: No. Shut up. We don't talk about it.
James *fighting a smile*: No idea what you're talking about. On an unrelated note, I love you too.
Regulus *simultaneously about to throw up and rip James' clothes off*
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pepprroxy · 25 days
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Jegulus after a match
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enbysiriusblack · 9 days
baby marauders for the soul <3
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lunarlivs · 8 months
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here is harry as fun kids i found on pinterest :)
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starzionn · 4 months
jegulus picking harry up from preschool but one of the moms starts obnoxiously flirting with james while they wait for the kids to be dismissed. james is somewhat clueless, because he’s so social and thinks she’s just making polite conversation. he pleasantly engages while regulus is literally fuming right next to him. the lady is like twirling her hair n shii and openly hitting on james, while regulus is standing right there. so while the lady is complementing james’ figure, gushing on and on, “gosh, i can tell you work out a lot , you must be so dedicated!” regulus interjects their conversation and says, “yeah, his figure is even better when you’ve seen all of it-“
james jolts in suprise, blushing, scolding, “reg!” the mom looks towards regulus for the first time and sneers in a challenge. regulus shoots her a smug expression right back, reciprocating the challenge. it’s that moment when the kids start pouring out the building and harry runs out yelling “pa!!!!” “dad!!!!”. reg kneels, prompting harry to jump into his arms. when he does, reg swings him up with an enthusiastic “heyy buddy!” and “how’s my little haz-elnut?” while harry giggles, reg leans him towards james so he can greet his son as well, and while james is busy cooing over harry regulus shoots the now sour-faced woman a wink before starting off with his gorgeous husband and adorable little boy. moral of the story; don’t challenge regulus black.
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ecstarry · 7 days
i love petty and a bit obsessive james potter like yes he did just push someone to get to class first and sit next to regulus but what he doesn't know is that reg is the exact same just more discreet
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amiableness · 2 months
Dad!James Potter x Bsf!Reader ☼ 1796
"Y/n! You came!" Marlene exclaims, her eyes widening with surprise. Her usually confident demeanor melts into a mixture of shock and delight. Dorcas, sitting next to her, sends you a bright smile when she notices you. Lily practically flies off her barstool to give you a hug.
"You seem surprised." You giggle as you pull away from the hug you just shared with Lily. Noting the genuine astonishment on Marlene's face, you take in the lively atmosphere of the pub, which is buzzing with conversations and laughter, typical for a Friday night. You can't remember the last time you went out with the girls; it's been ages.
"Well, I mean, yeah, a little." Marlene admits, shifting slightly on her barstool. She tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear and glances around, almost as if she’s trying to ensure that you’re really there.
"Why's that?" You ask, flagging the bartender down for a drink. The bartender, a tall guy with a friendly smile, nods at you in acknowledgment as he finishes serving another customer.
"You haven't been out with us in ages." She replies, a hint of concern creeping into her voice. Her eyes search yours, looking for an explanation.
"I've been busy, you know that." You say, smiling softly. The pub is so loud that Marlene's sigh goes unnoticed by you.
"With James." Marlene says blankly. Dorcas sends her a look of caution. Your eyebrows furrow, and you look over at her in confusion and surprise.
"Um, yeah, of course. Who else?" You ask, sending her an odd look. It's been clear since school days that you and James were close, so you aren't sure why she seems annoyed by this.
"Don’t you think you’re spending a lot of time with him?" Marlene asks, bringing her drink up to her lips and looking at you over the rim.
"With James? I’ve always spent a lot of time with James." You laugh, though you're starting to feel like Marlene is about to interrogate you. You love her, but she never holds back from stating her opinion, and sometimes that puts you on edge. You prefer to avoid confrontation at all costs. The lively chatter and clinking of glasses around you only add to your growing discomfort.
"It's true!" Lily chimes in, trying to diffuse the brewing tension. She broke up with James because everything for him always came back to you. Not that you knew that.
Marlene raises an eyebrow, clearly displeased with your answer. "I know, but lately it’s felt... more intense." She admits, her voice lowering as if she doesn't want everyone in the pub to overhear.
Dorcas, who has been silently observing, finally speaks up. "What Marlene means is that we miss you. It feels like we barely see you anymore, and when we do, it’s usually with James." You and Marlene remain silent, merely staring at each other blankly.
Your arms are crossed tightly over your chest, and your voice takes on a challenging edge. "Intense? What do you mean by that?" Dorcas and Lily exchange uneasy glances. Girls' night was not supposed to go this way.
Marlene raises an eyebrow, clearly incredulous. "He’s got Henry now."
A waiter sets your drink on a napkin in front of you, and you offer a quick, grateful smile. When you turn back to Marlene, your smile has vanished. "And how does that affect anything?" You ask.
“It changes everything,” Marlene says sharply. “You’re playing house with James. That isn’t your responsibility. If James wants that, he needs to find a girlfriend.”
You scoff, “I’m his best friend. Of course, it’s my job to help him out.”
“But you’re not just helping him,” Marlene counters. “You’re practically Henry’s mum.” You stand there, rigid. “Look, I want the best for you. Spending your twenties raising another woman’s child isn’t how you should be spending them.”
Your head jerks back as if struck, and you pull your lips tight. “She gave up her rights. Henry is James' son. If James doesn’t want me to help, he can tell me himself.” You sling your bag over your shoulder and down your drink. “And did you ever consider that this is how I want to spend my twenties? Being a part of their lives means everything to me. I’m sorry if you haven’t found someone you feel so strongly about.”
You're so upset that you don't even notice you've just confessed your feelings for James out loud for the first time.
By the time you reach James’ place, it's well past midnight. The streets are quiet, and the only sounds are the occasional distant car and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. Given that it's a Friday night, there's a strong possibility he’s already in bed, but you’re willing to take that risk. You know he might be asleep, but the thought of waiting until morning is unbearable.
It takes a second for him to open the door, but when he does he squints at you and glances back at the street in horror, “Did you walk-”
You interrupt, a bit impatiently, “You would tell me if you didn’t want me to help with Henry as much as I do, right?”
James studies you closely. Your hair is tousled by the breeze, and you’re huddled tightly into your jacket against the chill. The sight tugs at his heart, making him want to gather you close and warm you himself. He reaches out and gently pulls you inside, closing and locking the door behind you as you slip off your coat and shoes and place them in their rightful place.
When you look up, James stands there with his arms crossed, a concerned frown on his face. “Well?” you prompt. James sighs, clearly grappling with how to respond.
“Of course I would,” he says softly. “I’ve always appreciated your help. I’ve never once considered asking you not to help me.”
You hesitate, glancing at the three pairs of boots lined up by the door—James’s, yours, and Henry’s. “And you really don’t think I’m trying to be Henry’s mum?” you ask, your voice quiet and edged with tension. James follows your gaze to the boots, his expression neutral. He doesn’t reply immediately, simply looking back and forth between the boots and you.
“He calls you his mum.” James says finally, and your heart feels like it stops. The room seems to shrink around you as tears spring to your eyes without warning. You raise a hand to cover your mouth, afraid that a cry might slip out uncontrollably.
Your voice is barely a whisper, “He does?”
James nods, his gaze steady but gentle. “He has for a while now. But I asked him to keep it between us because I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” The soft light from the hallway lamp casts a warm glow on his face, and the quiet of the room feels heavy with the weight of his words. If you weren’t so overwhelmed with emotion, you might have noticed that he took your advice to turn off the overhead lights and use a lamp instead.
A tear slowly traces its way down your cheek, and James catches sight of it instantly. His expression softens with concern. “I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.” You say gently.
There’s a pause between you both. You struggle to keep yourself composed, while James fights the urge to reach out to you. Neither of you is succeeding.
“Y/n,” James says, stepping closer with a hesitant expression. “You can tell me to forget it if this sounds strange, but—” He trails off, his gaze dropping to the floor as he nervously fiddles with his glasses. The soft hum of the heater fills the silence. “I don’t think you’re trying to be Henry’s mum. I think you already are.”
Your gaze snaps up to him, tears streaming freely down your face and leaving damp trails on your cheeks. “James, you can’t just say that. When you get a girlfriend and it gets serious—”
“Darling,” he interrupts gently, his hand coming to rest reassuringly on your arm. “Why do you think I haven’t gotten myself a girlfriend after all these years? Henry’s about to turn four.”
You sniffle, “I—I don’t know. I just thought you were waiting for the right person, someone who would be a good fit for both you and Henry.”
“I have been.” He says, stepping closer until you’re nearly chest to chest. His gaze locks with yours, and you can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. The soft light from the lamp casts a gentle glow on his face, accentuating the earnestness and vulnerability in his eyes. Your stomach tightens at the sight of the tenderness in his gaze—eyes soft and honeyed.
“Jamie—” you whisper, but your voice trails off as you feel his hand settle on your hip, pulling you gently against him. Your heart pounds so fiercely that you’re sure he can feel it if he presses any closer. The space between you seems to shrink, the air thick with unspoken feelings.
“What, darling?” He murmurs, his voice barely more than a breath as he leans in. His lips, pink and slightly parted, are just inches from yours. The warm, intimate proximity makes you ache to close the gap and kiss him, yet a flicker of doubt makes you hesitate, wondering if you’re misreading the depth of the moment.
You barely have time to process your doubts before James leans in and presses his lips against yours. The kiss starts off tentatively, allowing you the space to pull away if you need to. But you rise onto your toes and slip your right hand into his soft curls, guiding him closer with a gentle pull. The deep, passionate groan he releases sends a rush of warmth through you, making your head spin.
His fingers find yours, and he intertwines them with a reassuring grip. He slowly walks you backward until your back meets the cool surface of the door.  The texture of the wood presses against your shoulders and the small of your back. Your bodies are pressed closely together, and your hands remain intertwined, resting next to your head on the door.
The kiss grows more intense with each moment. Your lips part, and James licks into your mouth, his tongue moving with an urgency that’s both surprising and exhilarating. His left hand comes up to hold your jaw, his thumb pressing into your cheek, holding you steady as he continues to kiss you. The soft whimpers and moans that slip past your lips are pathetic.
When he finally rests his forehead against yours, sending you a breathless, knowing smile, it becomes clear that you’re completely done for.
please reblog or comment with your thoughts! they are very appreciated and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🤍
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charbroiledchicken · 20 days
"you used to be such a big reader. what happened?" they ask
"i...have a lot of work." i reply, frantically closing all my ao3 tabs because im not about to go and tell people my biggest kin is harry potter's father's best friend's brother and his little fruity friend group
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lupinflowrs · 3 months
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i offer you: baby jily dancing together ft. lily's star patterned socks :-))
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sunnysaystuff · 3 months
james trying to make harry say 'daddy'
James: Come on, Harry, say 'daddy!' Daaaa-deee. Harry: Muma! James: No, Harry, daddy. Daaaaddy. Da-dee. Harry: Papa! James: *under his breath* What the fuck >:( Harry: ...fUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a gremlin) Regulus: *enters the room right that moment* JAMES!!! Harry: Papa!!!! Fuck!!! James: *...literal deer in headlights* It wasn't me!! Regulus: ...Harry, where did you hear that word? Harry: ...Daaa-dee! Harry: :D
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letraspal · 5 months
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Newborn Harry got some presents from uncle Moony and Padfoot. ❤️
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