#idk just go with it
diaryofplainjane · 4 months
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grace chasity post witnessing the lords in black
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Salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, and ink. Tom Riddle x reader-oneshot
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was posted first on ao3, last year, now finally posting it on here for yall to enjoy :D
Salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, and ink.
That was what Tom Riddle smelled when Professor Slughorn was introducing the class to the most powerful love potion in the world-Amortentia. Tom, when Slughorn had asked if anyone knew what the potion was, obliged and answered, stepping closer to examine the potion.
He hadn't expected to smell anything when he got a whiff of it. the potion was supposed to smell of what, or who, that person was in love with. Tom had maybe thought of parchment, books, iron(snake skin),  maybe even another potion-but instead he got salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, and ink.
A curious combination, one that had him furrowing his brows in confusion and slight wonder. He had a sweetooth-that wasn’t well known, but he did. But salted caramel wasn’t one of the sweets he liked-he wasn’t one for strawberries-too sour more often than not, vanilla? Yeah, he usually charmed some into his cologne, but ink?
He liked ink, but he was sure he didn’t love it, it was just a tool to write with-besides, it gave him a headache more often than not-especially fresh ink.
Tom shook himself free of these thoughts, clearing his throat as he stepped back from the pot-Slughorn watching him curiously. “and-salted caramel,” Tom finished explaining what he smelled, pushing down the flush that wanted to reach his ears as some of the girls in the class-some if not all of them having a crush on him-whispered amongst each other-wondering if Tom loved Salted Caramel, or liked someone that smelled like it.
He was sure it wasn’t a person; he had never had a crush his entire life-he was 16 now-why would he just-suddenly have one now? Girls had never interested him, and he was very sure he wasn’t into men. So, he was sure he just liked certain things he didn’t realize he had.
He didn’t like anyone, not in that way anyway, he didn’t have a crush, he wasn’t in love with anyone-he wasn’t attracted to anyone.
He was sure of it. he had gone 16 years without being attracted to anyone, there was no reason he had started liking someone without realizing it.
It just made no sense.
Tom furrowed his brow at the scent of metal brushing across him-looking to his side to see you. You always smelled like metal after coming back from the black lake-training with swords. You had always been skilled in swordsmanship, even when you were young. How would Tom know that? You had grown up together, at the orphanage, which allowed you certain privileges that others didn’t.
Such as sitting with Tom while you were sweating and reeking of metal. “Did you even take a shower before assaulting me with your sweat?” Tom muttered, flipping the page of his potions book before scribbling something down for his notes-rolling his eyes as you just snorted through your nose, grabbing his cup of pumpkin juice and stealing the rest of it, something Tom had long stopped trying to stop you from doing.
“And miss out on that face you make every time I don’t? Not a chance~” you teased, leaning into Tom, laughing as he huffed and shuffled away from you-pushing your face away from him-his hand cool against your warm face. “Also-I knew you had snacks, so-“ You reached out-snatching the chocolate bon-bon from the golden plate Tom had and popping it in your mouth, humming as you bit into the chocolate and the filling melted into your mouth. “mmm caramel~ you know me so well.” Tom just hummed, not really listening-taking another bon-bon and biting into it. Irish cream.
“Oh hell, I just bought it, how could I already be out of it?” Tom glanced to the stairs that led towards the girl’s dormitories, seeing you trot down, speaking aloud as you rummaged through your bag. “What are you looking for?” Tom asked as he sat up, using his finger as a bookmark as he closed the book he had been reading, his other arm going over the back of the couch-where he had been waiting for you to finish getting ready for the day.
“My perfume, the vanilla one-either I lost it or I already ran out, because I cannot find it.” you grumbled, closing your bag with a huff and walking over to Tom, dramatically bending over the back of the couch and huffing again. “It was my favorite too, and I can only find it in Hogsmeade.”
Tom hummed, patting your head with awkward sympathy, standing when he remembered his cologne also had vanilla charmed into it. you didn’t move as he went back into the dorms-grieving for your missing vanilla perfume. You perked up only when Tom tapped you on the shoulder, offering his cologne. “Is that your…?” you sat up, taking the small square bottle, staring at it for a moment, before grinning. “you know, you try to make me think otherwise-but you really are such a sweetheart Tommy,” Tom-pushing down the urge to smack you, just huffed-his cheeks a light pink as he shoved your shoulder gently.
“Oh just use it, the next Hogsmeade trip is this weekend-we can look for your stupid perfume then.” You laughed but did as told, spraying it as needed and handing the bottle back to Tom-who just put it in your bag. “I don’t want to go back upstairs, now let’s go, or we’ll miss breakfast,” Tom grumbled, ignoring you while you laughed, but letting you take his arm as you walked to the great hall for breakfast.
Tom glanced to the side, seeing you-like usual-next to him, scribbling away on your parchment, doing everything but taking notes. You were drawing-like always, your fingers stained with ink as you sketched. Tom glanced back up, seeing Professor Dumbledore with his back turned and Tom looked back at you-tapping your hand with his fingers, giving you a stern look.
“You need to pay attention,” Tom whispered, rolling his eyes as you just grinned. “Why should I? you always give me your notes anyway, not like I ever miss anything either way.” You whispered back, turning your eyes back to your parchment, redipping your pen-the smell of fresh ink permeating the space between you and Tom.
“At least use less ink, I’m getting a headache,” Tom sighed, knowing it was no use-because yes-he would give you his notes, and you were way ahead of the class in transfiguration, one of Dumbledore’s star students in fact, you hadn't received less than an O in his class since you started.
You obliged and cleaned your pen tip off, letting your previous work dry a bit before resuming your sketch, glancing at Tom once or twice as you doodled out his profile-showing it off to him as you left class, laughing as his ears turned pink and he shoved you away-once again letting you take his arm as you both went off to study during your free period.
Tom bounced his leg as he sat at a table within the three broomsticks, reading a book as he waited for you to arrive-a warm plate of food set in the middle of the table-his jacket and scarf set on his chair. “Sorry, I’m late!” you huffed as you slid into the chair in front of him, grinning as Tom glanced up at you, nodding as you took your jacket and scarf off-setting them on the back of your chair. You turned around again, grinning at Tom-your eyes sparkling as you spotted what was on the table.
“Tom, I love you,” Tom froze, his eyes going wide as he stared down at his book-why had those words shaken him so much? You had said it before? He looked up, sighing as he saw you digging into the plate of strawberries he ordered for you-they were your favorite after all. The juice dripped down your chin-Tom’s gaze following it, swallowing harshly as you wiped it off and looked at him-your grin wide. “yeah yeah, you’re welcome, just don’t use my hand as a napkin again,” Tom muttered, going back to his book, ignoring the way his heart continued to flutter at the words that came from you only moments before.
“That was one time Tommy!”
“Once is still too many times, (y/n).”
He was back in potions class, working on making a brew of the draught of living death-a small competition Slughorn was holding, if someone made a successful brew-they would get a small vile of liquid luck. Tom jolted as he felt a hand dig into his pocket and he snapped his head to the side-sighing as you withdrew your hand, holding two wrapped chocolates. “Seriously?” Tom muttered, going back to his potion, pouring in the juice of 13 sopophorus beans that he needed-stirring seven times, and then once the other way-tapping the stick on the edge of his cauldron before turning to you-watching as you opened the chocolate and took a bite-the caramel inside following the separated pieces and breaking.
“Not my fault you always carry these with you, especially the salted caramel ones-you know they’re my favorite,” you teased, popping the other half in your mouth and going back to your potion, humming to yourself as you worked. Tom rolled his eyes, shaking his head(fondly).he would never admit he carried around those certain chocolates because they were your favorite.
“Of course I know,” Tom muttered, letting his potion simmer until it turned pink-turning the burner off. Perfect. “you practically reek of salted…caramel-“ Tom trailed off, suddenly hit by realization.
Salted caramel, strawberries, Ink, vanilla, metal.
Oh shit.
Tom was suddenly all too aware of you, and your scents. Fresh ink on your skin, strawberries on your lips, salted caramel on your breath, metal on your hands, vanilla on your neck. He could smell it all when you were close-which was nearly all the time. Holding his arm, sitting next to him, hugging him, doing anything near him.
He suddenly realized you, the way your hair fell in front of your eyes, how you let Tom brush it behind your ear, grinning at him every time. The way you fiddled with your wand-flipping it between your fingers. The way your shoulders brushed against him whenever you could-standing so close others couldn’t tell where one began and one ended.
Laughter had always annoyed him-and yet he never minded yours, he preferred silence over constant chatter-and yet he could listen to you for hours(though he did zone out sometimes).
This entire time-had he been-in love with you? And had just-never noticed? Is that why he thought he never had a crush-because the entire time-he had liked you.
Tom could hardly comprehend it, he knew he liked you-but he had thought just as a friend, his best friend no less. But-did best friends look at each other like that? Did best friends look at the other's lips, wanting to-do something? Did best friends want the other close at all times? Did best friends yearn for each other? Like he did for you?
When you weren’t around-he missed you, he never dared let it show, and when you teased him about it-he never let it be revealed, unless you bugged him long enough to annoy it out of him.
Did best friends get butterflies when the other said they loved them? Did best friends fall asleep in the common room-curled up together, with the others face in their neck?
Did best friends vow to stay together forever?
Did best friends think about each other all the time? Unable to get rid of the other from their mind, their voice always there, their phantom hands always tingling against his skin.
It took another week for Tom to come to terms with it all, and what had set it in stone-had been another whiff of Amortentia.
Salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, Ink.
All like you, and he knew-because you were standing right next to him, smelling the exact same as the potion.
He was in love with you.
And he wasn’t all that panicked about it anymore, in fact-he didn’t really mind it, because-you had been by his side since he could remember-who else was worthy of his love, then none other than his best friend?
His breath stopped as Slughorn asked you to say what you smelled-and you stepped forward, towards the love potion-your hand slipping from his arm, a wrapped salted caramel in your other hand. “Ink, books,” your brows furrowed-deciding how to describe something “Cologne; sharp and cold-with a hint of vanilla?” it almost sounded like a question, and Tom swallowed, his eyes on your neck-where your perfume wafted back towards him-along with the other scents from the potion.
Salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, ink.
“and, um, iron, pumpkin juice, and-wormwood.” You stepped back with that, once again next to Tom; who glanced down at you, watching as you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth-refusing to look at him. he brushed his fingers against your hand-wanting you to look at him, and you did, your breath catching when you caught his eyes.
“You okay?” he asked quietly, not wanting to be caught talking while Professor Slughorn lectured the rest of the class. You nodded, swallowing, your eyes dashing down for a moment before looking back into his eyes. “Never better,” you muttered, turning back to face Slughorn, opening the chocolate and taking a bite-distracting yourself.
Tom just hummed, handing you another chocolate as you finished the first-smirking as you took it and opened it quickly, still avoiding his gaze.
Ink, books, cologne with a hint of vanilla, iron, pumpkin juice, and wormwood.
Tom held back a smile, now-one could call him ignorant and arrogant for assuming-but.
He also knew you, and you knew him.
Salted caramel, metal, strawberries, vanilla, ink.
Ink, books, cologne with a hint of vanilla, iron, pumpkin juice, wormwood.
You liked each other, and Tom was sure you wouldn’t mind going to Hogsmeade with him, though this time-as his date.
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artbybrutus · 7 months
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Drew designs from a dream i had
I might work on a small story based on it so maybe ill draw the other smiling critters
Normal saturated colors below because i liked both versions
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apricote · 1 year
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i didn't want you to go back to sulani before i had the chance to do that.
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thatonetwig · 7 months
Hear me out. I couldn't decide on one ship for any of these four, so...
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Polycule Time.
Headcanons have been posted!
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bg-sparrow · 2 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲🌲 || day 18 "Roll With Me, Henry"
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Tough guys like Biff Tannen needed tossed in the trenches with a few near misses and a gangrene scare. 
That’s what set Lou straight when he was a punk kid.
And Biff was a terrible influence on his nephew.
“You gotta get that boy enlisted,” Lou told his kid sister. ���He’s not hanging with a good crowd, Nance.”
“Lou, you know he hasn’t been the same since his father died.”
Lou sighed. Guiltily glanced at the Medal of Honor framed next to his brother-in-law’s photograph on the mantle. 
JUNE 6, 1944
“Just tell him to stop chewing all my toothpicks.”
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Whisper of Darkness: An Azriel Playlist
Sad boy summer is here, and it's time for Azriel's playlist!
This proved to be the most challenging playlist to make thus far. My feelings about Azriel are complicated to say the least. He frustrates me with his temper, then he has these really beautiful moments of compassion and kindness. I adore his friendships with Nesta and the IC. He’s dark but fascinating. I hope I capture that here with darker lyrics but really weird sonic cues, much like shadows. I hit the books to make sure I could refresh my sense of Azriel. The shadowsinger, hiding his own self doubt and frustrations beneath that stoic shell. Listen Here! And follow me behind the cut!
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Nocturnal-Disclosure & The Weeknd
My shadow doesn't show in the dark The night time is inclined to my heart The emptiness I felt from the start Will follow me 'till I fall apart Nocturnal, My demons are blocking out the light And my mind is about to lose the fight Why can't I find peace, when a caracal could sleep tonight?
Talons-Bloc Party No bolt nor brick nor crucifix Can hold it back I have been wicked I have been arrogant And when it comes it will feel like a kiss, silent about it
And I did not think I'd catch fire When I held my hand to the flame And I didn't think it would catch up As fast as I could have run Fate came a-knocking When I was looking the other way
Unrequited Love-Lykke Li
And blue is my tune Another stitch to my wound Another inch in this dwell I know it all too well
When once again it's happening Oh our love has gone divided Oh my love is unrequited
Trip Switch-Nothing But Thieves
Sharing secrets with another world Rubbing shoulders with some unknown lovers Making waves through the universe Starting wars with anonymous brothers
What we do when the power's out? What do we do when the lights go down?
Woes vs Woahs-WILLS
You got me losing my mind Got me losing my mind Just to get you to notice me My friends say I'm losing it They can't even notice me But I know it's me I know it's me I know it's me
If this is nothing it's love I guess that's the way it's supposed to be If this is nothing it's love I guess that's the way it's supposed to be
You got me like woe is me, woe is me Or is it?
The Breach-Lazy Habits
And I'm in this, and it's been so long It's hard to know what you did right and what you did wrong Will the scales stay balanced at the end of the song? Coz it's all that I really wanted to be was strong
I walk this beat Feel each hit I've fallen in My blood streams I'll walk this beat I'll try to man the breach
Night Swimmers-Foals
We swim under the moon In the cool blue lagoon You count up all my scars Crumble them into stars You're such a perfect mess You in your dirty white dress And the day I came to
Holding on for Life-Broken Bells
Well you might belong to another time Still you have to carry on, yeah Nowhere else to go and you never know What to hide and what to show, no You're holding on for life, holding on for life You're holding on for love
Retrograde-James Blake
Suddenly I'm hit It's the starkness of the dawn And your friends are gone And your friends won't come So show me where you fit
Sleep-My Chemical Romance
Some say now suffer all the children And walk away a savior Or a madman and polluted From gutter institutions Don't you breathe for me Undeserving of your sympathy 'Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did And through it all How could you cry for me? 'Cause I don't feel bad about it So shut your eyes Kiss me goodbye, and sleep
Ties-Years and Years
And you're a dancer, well, I'm a spy It's so beautiful to see you lie Are you having fun? Then give it up, you don't need that stress You're still hungry for another test Are you having fun? Oh, tell me, how did it feel? Did it all get too real for you? Everybody's screaming out your name Are you scared? 'Cause I don't think you're worth it
Genghis Khan-Miike Snow
I know there's no form And no labels to put on To this thing we keep And dip into when we need And I don't have the right To ask where you go at night But the waves hit my head To think someone's in your bed
Goodbye-Apparat & Soap Skin
Fold down your hands Give me a sign Put down your lies Lay down next to me Don't listen when I scream Bury your doubts and fall asleep Find out, I was just a bad dream
Possibly, Maybe-Bjork
As much as I definitely enjoy solitude I wouldn't mind perhaps Spending little time with you Sometimes, sometimes Possibly maybe
Keep the Streets Empty for Me-Fever Ray
Memory comes when memory's old I am never the first to know Following the stream up North Where do people like us float?
I will never disappear For forever, I'll be here Whispering Morning, keep the streets empty for me
taglist: @ofduskanddreams, @highqueenmorrigan, @foreverinelysian, @octobers-veryown, @melting-houses-of-gold, @velidewrites, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron@ultadverb, @c-e-d-dreamer, @andrigyn, @foundress0fnothing, @vulpes-fennec ,@asnowfern, @mossytrashcan , @thelovelymadone, @the-lonelybarricade, @shadowriel, @separatist-apologist , @fieldofdaisiies, @stickyelectrons, @vanserrass, @panicatthenightcourt, @krem-does-stuff, @iftheshoef1tz, @damedechance, @headcanonheadcase, @cursebrkr, @andrigyn, @mossytrashcan, @thelovelymadone, @wilde-knight, @moonpatroclus, @stickyelectrons, @kataravimes-of-the-shire, @mossytrashcan, @sunshinebingo, @filthyglamdoll, @ablogofbipanic, @corcracrow,
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evidently-endless · 5 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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cowboysmp3 · 4 months
there’s something sooo sickening about how dunmeshis whole energy is like sometimes something terrible and awful happens to you and it changes you forever and nothing can make you the person you were before but there’s still love and there’s still sharing a meal together and there’s still living
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frankierotwinkdeath · 3 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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Batman gives each of his Robins a different code to use when they’re in trouble and need immediate extraction. He promises that when they call, he’ll drop everything just to get to them, come hell or high water.
Jason, during his time with the League, shares his code with Damian, to be used “only in the direst of circumstances, when you have exhausted all other options.” He doesn’t know if Bruce will answer, given how fractured their relationship was before he died, but it is better than nothing. Every tool counts when they live such dangerous lives.
Damian uses it exactly once, and Bruce, who still feels the loss of his son like a yawning chasm in his chest, responds to it even though he knows it can’t be Jason because Jason’s dead. What he finds, instead of Jason, is a boy in League garbs, drenched in blood from the tips of his midnight-black hair to his too-small feet, with a face that Bruce sees himself and Talia in, requesting asylum from a grandfather who wishes to possess his body. Bruce doesn’t question how this boy who is so clearly his son knew the code. Talia al Ghul is resourceful and places family above all; the code is not beyond her abilities to discover, and she is not above using Bruce’s desperate love for his dead son to ensure that hers does not meet the same fate.
Bruce takes Damian in, because of course he does, and since Jason is dead he allows Damian to keep using the code. After all, it’s not like Jason is alive to use it, right? If someone uses the code, there’s no one it could be but Damian, right?
The next time the code is used, Bruce traces the location to Gotham even though Damian was supposed to be in Bludhaven visiting Dick. But whatever happened that resulted in Damian being in Gotham can wait, because he has already failed one son and he will not fail another, his son is in trouble and he needs to get to him, he needs to—
What he finds, instead of Damian, is a boy (just eighteen, too young, but also too old, but also he will always be a boy to him) in League garbs, drenched in blood from the tips of his midnight-black hair to his too-large feet (when had he gotten so big), wearing the face of his dead son.
(Who, maybe, just maybe, may no longer be so dead.)
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kindred-spirit-93 · 30 days
when ur told to touch grass but these are ur favourite foods
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daisywords · 11 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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thatonetwig · 10 months
On today's episode of "Wtf has my shipping turned into" and "Hear me out":
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diadraws · 1 month
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so, theres a cartoon. but, get this: i've drawn the characters as weird animals. i bet youve never seen me do that before
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catmask · 9 days
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actually, i guess nows as good a time as any. heres all my pokemon warmups from the past 9 days! i wonder how long i can keep going
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