#idk maybe i'll come back and write more later we'll see
crushthecore · 2 months
Hey so I impulsively decided to make this blog for the purpose of making friends and uhh idk where to start do I just put my interests out there and people pop out of nowhere,^^`π¢√|ππ`°€°€ Anyways soo at the time it's 2am, so bare with me, sorry if some things are grammatically wrong or/and don't make sense, I know all of this has a bunch of errors. Kinda rushed through this all..:D 
Here's an interest board🙏 this contains like the music I like, movies, and stuff,,,tbh I have some shit in here that I haven't watched cuz of my lazy ass but I really want to, does it count😞 i am interested in it
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If I'm being honest some of these aren't really my current interests, or I'm just rusty in my knowledge abt em, but I haven't been interested in some things for awhile so it would be boring if I had only a few things in there soo (I barely do anything with my life but sleep. I don't even watch shows anymore, ikik boring I'm trying to convince my mom to buy me the CSM manga at the moment though. I'll have something to yap abt, maybe.🙏🙏) 
EDIT: looking back at this I forgot to include some other stuff that I'm also interested in but I forgot abt it at the time of making this... anywho I'll make an updated interest post or something if I'm motivated enough 2 do it
!! Some extra stuff that may be useful to know, to you knowww know what you're getting into. 🤔:3
Ahem ahem, I have social anxiety which means I most likely won't text you first unless I really really force myself too or/and I really like you and think you are very cool. So if u wanna be friends with me, using the anon question option thingy would be a nice first step. :D
I get attached extremely fast uhhh🤔🤔yea, oh and I'm extremely clingy so if someone texting you every 30 minutes (or minute, jkjk) sounds like a no go, than I'm not a good fit to be your friend.^_^  BUT. I also have my times where I feel like talking to no one so uhhhsidnjddj. I have no life so that's what probably contributes to me being attached to someone, maybe, probably...😇 (dumbass)
MY TIME ZONE: PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
BEWAREE⚠️I sometimes joke around meanly so let me know if that ain't your thing, also I SOMETIMES get a little tooooo sentimental so I should probably stop playing around like that but I'll let you know if you passed a limit. Also I don't think I joke around very mean, but just to be safe. Please don't let this be a turn off. 🙏 Some examples of the jokes I may make are like "kys" and uhm yea. My minds kinda blank right now I'm getting a little tired, but my jokes consist of suicide, bombing places I don't like(school) and some other ones.So idk if it's heavilyyy offensive humor but some people don't take a liking to it so I thgouht it would be imporant to add
I feel like writing down a whole DNI list is gonna be uhh time consuming, will it take a long timr??? Some that I can name on the top of my head rn are proshippers, homophobes, and transphobes. But anyways I'll just block you if you're weird weird (in a bad way) so like age regrresors, (SFW) furries, witches, emos, oher co ol people i hsve forggteten, PLEAESRETEGD let me be ur friend 😞
I'm 14 btw,, the age range I'm aiming to become friends with is 13-16
Idk if I'd be down to be friends with people younger than 13 or older than 16, we'll see. 🤷🤷 But 13-16 people PLEASEEe INTERACT.
I'm not even kidding I'm so desperate for social interaction blehdhdhhd, I hate being an introverted socially anxious loser🤬🤬/hj :3 but please guys🙏🙏 I will worship the ground you walk on I need some friends
ONE. LASTM THING. When I talk to someone new I usually talk, uhh, formally??? Kind of, I get anxious talking to others so I'm so sorry if I seem uptight💔 I swear I'll warm up after some time, the more consistent the interactions, the faster I get used to you and warm up^^
I feel like I'm forgetting to write something else uhh, I'll update if anything important comes to my mind later, maybe (sorry for the messy formatting btw I lost all my progress when I was trying to make it pretty so I just gave up)
Well this is going to be embarrassing if this doesn't have any results errmmfjfjfjjffi I had been contemplating on doing this for awhile, praying to God at least one person reaches out 🙏🙏
 I don't even believe in that mf ☹️ 
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so2uv · 5 months
@ so2uv's sappy time.
end of the year. ive survived and that's scary but you know what? it'll be fine. we'll all be fine and im promising that; whether it be this year, the next, or far in the future, we'll be ok :)) it's stupid how this platform, one that my friends teased me for using, left such an impact on me as a person.
AKA. MY END OF YEAR MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST. (warning: these got long and sort emotional for me to write. well, as emotional as i can get fjkdhgkjfd. sorry if my coherence gets lost later on. forgive me if you weren't mentioned specifically for something; i have more mutuals that expected. it's genuinely surprising.)
if you weren't mentioned specifically, there's still a note for you at the bottom. sorry for making you scroll for long to find it :'DD
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𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @tiredsleep . . . the mutual who has stuck through it all. oh tired. tired, tired, tired. i think im a little stupid for how happy i get when you like a post or send an ask or keyboard smash in my reblogs. a lot of what i said in my long ask to you a while back is what im trying to convey now. the way we met wasn't through much special; i followed you and eventually you followed back. it was slow going in the ways we interacted but the nicest things take time and im so glad we're the way we are now. we're strangers, two little guys on the internet, and i think it's beautiful how we have this. you're an amazing writer, an all around amazing creator of the worlds you build and the characters you create. i don't think you realized how envious i used to be of you; you made it seem like it was easy enough for you to connect with others, your writing was something id never achieve with mine, it was flat out jealousy. it was my fault we were distant to begin with. i soon figured out that praise was correct: you are among the most wonderful people ive had the pleasure of knowing and talking to you, even if it's just through a screen. there's so much more for me to say that i constantly struggle to put into the correct words to get the point across. just know that you have great things out there for you. have a great new year, tired. we'll make it. im so proud of you.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @aelatus . . . the last standing mutual of all my og (close) mutuals. hello atlas! im not sure if you'll ever see this on tumblr since i know you don't log on much but you've been my mutual through three blog changes now; was there for my xstar-kidx era and kozmiixs stage. we've been through shit together, had banter about grammarly together, lost certain mutuals together, have changed blogs, changed themes, switched fandoms, fell out of love with fandoms. it's been a wild couple of years, huh? im so thankful we've met and got close in the ways that we did and that we're able to call each others close. your birthday is soon so in the case that i forget to say this on discord: happy birthday, the xiao to my albedo. live a life of freedom and joy, my love /p.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @izukxnnie . . . hara :((( i don't think you'll ever come to read this message but that's alright; maybe it's for the better kdfgh. i know i sent you that long winded ask on your blog already but i miss talking and interacting with you, even with all my awkwardness. im still so regretful of that one time i sent a request to join your world but then you were busy and i didn't read your messages until later that day as in hours later bc i was at school and idk if i ever responded to them in the end. maybe i'll send you a message on discord later. maybe i won't bc i'll be too sentimental. i really hope you're doing more than well, that you're happy doing what you do.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ay-asterisms . . . the mutual who introduced me to so many others. i really have you to thank for what i have now, ay. truly. you brought me deeper into the hq fandom and introduced me to jennie, atlas, and others. we don't talk much but i'll say what ive mentioned before, you remind me so much of the sun. but not as the bringer of life and the ball we see every morning; a sun in the sense that you're a star closer to earth but still a star, still out there where there are multiple. the difference is that you just happen to bring a warmth that others can't provide for ones nearby.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @cryo-locket / @lo-cinno . . . you. im not even sure how we became mutuals, and my memory is pretty good. we just spawned in each other's zones one day and went yeah, alright. honestly, ive never said this to anyone, but you were one of the reasons i decided to focus more heavily on chinese. our interactions reminded me of why i wanted to relearn the language for myself: for the social connections. i genuinely love talking to you and always find myself laughing at our conversations. mainly because our timezone dif is so odd so it's always late in the evening when im on. your ebg was so fun and with all the pain it brought / hj, im so happy to have been part of it. thank you for putting up with my 2 am rambles and crack, hope you found laugh or two with them.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @pr3tty-jennie . . . you intimidated me when we first met. i still remember it actually: you had that kamninari theme and the most recent post on your blog was about how you couldn't remember the word for chandelier in english but knew it in french. you've been through so much, endured so much, and i respect you so much. always have, always will. your life story and the past don't define who you show as a person and im so amazed by that part of you. have a good day, good week, good rest of your life pretty girl :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @june-again . . . it's crazy, you know? crazy how far we've both drifted off from the original fandom that brought us together? but that's character development. speaking of that, ive gotten the absolute pleasure of seeing you grow as a person and go through the motions of life. it's always chill talking to you, jokes come easy hah! you're an amazing musician, june. amazing person, amazing at writing, amazing at music; you're outstanding so in the words of Freddy fazbear from security break, way to go superstar! i knew you could do it and i know you still can.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @junjiie . . . the seungmin to my minho, the other half of 2min, the self proclaimed jeno to my renjun (have yet to be a dreamzen my b :(() and the no. 1 solieber. i was serious when i said you're the reason my other blog exists; you've been the biggest hype person when it came down to me going out of my comfort zone and writing. i was so nervous going up to talk to you at first kjfdhgkj but now, you're just another silly guy in my phone screen :DD thank you for sending all your updates about life and putting up with mine even though they never get answered- seungmin to not only my minho, but hyunjin too, let's keep being #Silly, yeah?? it's already the actual new years day when you're receiving this so i hope the year is off to a good start.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @sohyuki . . . MINT im hoarding the ask that you sent me on christmas day. im always so happy when you've shown up on dash and while im sad about how you've let tumblr mainly behind, i know it's for the better since well, interactions have been shit and probably will never get back up to the standard we held them to, even with all the effort put in. you are such an amazing all around person and like i said in my christmas note to you, keep writing. hoard it, feed into it, you have something wonderful going on with it.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @kamiyatos . . . user kamiyatos!!! lee!!! HELLO!!! it's always such a pleasure to talk to you and i hope you know that i keep your ramble about malleus' character and your plot idea for him in the back of my mind constantly, even though that ask has been lost to my actions of deactivation on my old blog. you're the biggest ayato fan i know who supports my works about him vocally AND you understand my vision on his personality... it's truly touching, y'know? thank you for being there, even when we don't talk as much as we should. i hope this year has been kind on you and the next one is even kinder.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @yinyinggie . . . yingyingyingyingerkjshkjfdg ok this may come as a shock, or maybe you already knew and were just playing along, but we used to be mutuals before the summer of last year. secret identity revealed ig?? eh im sure if you dig far enough into my dark past™️ you'll find smth about it so im not going to say anything about it :P but! one thing has stayed the same for sure: you are so easy and so fun to talk to and make conversation with. you know that ramble i left on the astro twerk form about feedback for the server? yeah. im 100% truthful. you've made something so inclusive and positive, have done to much to get tumblr active, please know that your efforts aren't wasted. im sure they feel like it at times but i appreciate it so much. and im sure others have the same sentiment.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @mhiieee . . . MHIEEEEEEEE MY SCARA FAN !!!! i love and adore your works so much and not to mention your characterization of scaramouche is top tier. ive got a lot to learn from you, mhie; i don't think you realize how much there is to admire when it comes to you as a person. you find such meaning and connection in the words and the world, the sincerity that comes with it,,,,, it makes me want to sob and roll around while also simultaneously wanting to take your brain apart neuron by neuron and psychoanalyze you. not in the freudian way though. ive had the greatest honor of being able to interact with you on not just one, but two!!! servers!!! i think it's a little silly how much i smile when you reply to smth dumb ive said on disc. have a great new year :))
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ryuryuryuyurboat . . . RYUUUUUU literally the most stunning person to walk the planet ever like. hello??? our first interactions came from that ebg funny enough. does a little ★🪽 anon ring a bell? i only ever got around to sending you one sabo during that time but i hope you did enjoy what i came up with on the spot, i never was very good when it came down to kaeya's character. you are so intelligent and such an amazing individual, please always remember that.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @snobwaffles / @2nobwaffles . . . SNOB SNOB SNOB i always think of the pokemon when your name comes up. in my head, you will always be snom, the bug-ice type pokemon <33 IT'S SO FUN TALKING TO YOU and we haven't been mutuals for long either. im always thinking of the advice you left me when it came down to my rant about an irls party and there's something about the way you're able to appreciate and take note and find beauty int he smallest of things that get brought up. i wish you the complete best that 2024 has to off you. keep calm and snob on :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @itaerae & @mins-fins . . . im putting the two of you together because well, i met you both at the same time through the server. while i can't consider it and, ive never really had such an inviting time in a server, much less a network, as ive had in zumblr. really, it's you two that i owe thanks to. our silly little convos are so fun and im forever thankful that ive found people to talk to on a server for once.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @https-furina . . . the best server mother fr!!! omg it's so nice talking to you :((( i love the warmth of your words and how your emotions shine through text. it feels like i can practically envision the fond eyeball or the warm smile that you may or may not have on your face when messaging. i’ve had such a great time in the network and your pet names fjfbdjdbjdb have a great 2024 heh :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @lethwal & @astrinityy . . . i don't think you guys realize how fun it was when we were all "debating" and accusing me of being a furry. honestly, i haven't had to stifle laughter like that in the middle of the night as hard as i did for a small while. not too long but long enough. it was a breath of fresh air and it was genuinely amazing to just be able to put the present on the back burner and play around like that. even though it was kind of late for me when that was happening- ignore that. it's always late for me when im online atp. i hope we can get past those baseless accusations you have both placed on me tehe. have a happy new years, you two. ALSO YIXIN!! GA-MING PROTECTION SQUAD RISEEEEE
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @/zumblr . . . there's so many of you and i can't find the proper words to express the welcome i felt when added to the server. it was nerve wracking, ive never really gotten around to talking to that many people or being that open on the internet before. it's funny how one summer can bring you out of your shell a little, eh? and all bc of some guys on screen lmao. thank you for the support and im happy to have met such wonderful people. thank you, again. @urielphix I AM. DETERMINED TO READ ADAD JUST YOU WAIT
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ everyone else, all my mutuals as of now and past, who weren't mentioned or mutuals who want to read something again . . . hello!! im sorry to disappoint by not adding you properly and for not giving a personalized thanks; it wasn't anything against it you at all. reason 1) i probably forgot as um. goldfish brain or 2) we just became mutuals pretty recently and haven't had the chance to really talk much / have been sort of long term but haven't talked much.
either way though, thanks for sticking around! im not the most. literate person. sometimes LMAO and im far from being a proud person of skill when it comes to the right words to say to people but im always happy when people find something worth it in my silly words. i hope we get to interact more in the future, as long as you can put up with my inconsistent (to say the least) replies and brain boggling posts that come from the depths of the midnight zone, that is. get ready for the ride that is this. clusterfuck of a blog place. LMAO,,,, if you haven't already scrolled through my stuff. if you have then um ready for more??? fkdjhgkjlghf
if you've made it to the end, thank you. and why?? im not that interesting or cool as everyone makes me out to be. if you had told 2019 me on tumblr that 4 years later, id be posting my works for everyone to see and also be proud of my own poetry, i would have laughed and called you absolutely insane. some of you have sat through me going through different gender and pronoun crises on dash back in 2020, and some of you ive only met this month.
whatever our situation is, i wish all the best for everyone . i’ll support you guys until the end of the earth and then some. have the happiest of happy new years, may your futures always be brighter than you say they are, and i’ll see you later 💛
sincerely — sol / jun
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your first and final chance.
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word count: 618
content warnings: injury & death, description of a death scene (mild gore)
summary: welt yang is a smart man. sometimes, it does him more harm than good.
both the story and the author's note contain spoilers for 2.1 hsr update!
author's note: ookay. so. oh my god. ummm 😋 welt x gallagher gone terribly wrong! "ship so good they kill each other" to quote my friend. though! here we just have an implied past relationship. but i'll write something nice for them idk man i just!! can see them together!! idk what i'm doing though!! idk man. i'm sorry if they're ooc once i have more time i might take this fic and make it longer and uh. also here. my assumption is that welt guessed something's wrong abt gallagher (we all know there is) and yaaaaaa idk man.idk!! i love rambling fr
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“I'll give you one chance to surrender, Mr. Yang.”
Welt looks at Gallagher when he speaks; the man’s smile is all the same, just like before, but there's a hint of something else in his eyes. Something… Dangerous - though not enough to scare Welt; there are few things that would actually manage to do that. 
Of course, it’s already clear to him this won't be a peaceful conversation, as Gallagher has initially promised— he expected it much earlier, the moment the Hound requested they talk. He's confident in his own abilities, though; even going against something the nature of he doesn't necessarily fully understand. 
If the others were here with him - if he'd allow them to accompany him in the first place - he’d likely feel different. He'd be more cautious. But he's alone right now, and that means that he doesn't have to pay that too much mind - for now, at least.
So, to Gallagher’s words, he only raises his eyebrows slightly. 
“Is this the real reason why you wanted to see me?”
Gallagher laughs quietly. 
“Yes and no. You're a bit too observant, Mr. Yang.” He steps closer, but Welt doesn't move; his grip on his cane only tightens a little bit. “I won't lie, I'm impressed, but I can't just allow you to run around with this knowledge, risking that you’ll expose me, can I?” He raises his hand, and his thumb brushes against Welt's cheek gently. A while ago, perhaps he'd like to lean into this touch. Right now, it's not comforting, but rather feels… filthy. He doesn't let anything of that show, though; he's letting Gallagher talk. “The thought of having to get rid of you is pretty upsetting, though. I thought I'll invite you here, and maybe we'll be able to come to an agreement.”
Welt frowns at these words.
“I won't negotiate with you,” he says. His voice is calm, but cold. “Nor join forces with you.”
“Ah.” The Hound looks at him with a thoughtful smile, before taking a step back, his hand falling back to his side. “I see. I thought you might be willing to, since you came here, and confronted me about what you had discovered before sharing it with your trusted companions– but I guess I was wrong.”
There's warmth coming to Welt's face, a slightest hint of red on his cheeks, barely noticeable but still there - embarrassment, perhaps. It is true; he chose to settle this privately first, for a reason not particularly clear even to him. He knows he has misplaced his trust once again, and yet something stopped him from exposing Gallagher as the murderer first thing.
He doesn't want to dwell on it too much right now. He will have time later. 
“But that means I don't really have a choice,” Gallagher adds. Perhaps he'd scare someone else with such a statement; Welt doesn't feel much, though.
“What makes you think that it'll be easy to get rid of me, Mr. Gallagher?” he asks.
The other man just laughs.
“It might be much easier than you think, Mr. Yang.”
Welt opens his mouth to reply, but then a shadow appears behind him.
Despite his age his reflexes are still well, his body still quite agile, but the Death is faster; he barely has any time to react, to even process what's happening, before something pierces through his body. It's accompanied by a blood-curdling screech and tears through his body, ripping his flesh, crushing the bones in its way. Blood splatters around the room when Gallagher's silhouette fades as his vision becomes blurry and then goes entirely dark.
“...What a shame,” Gallagher says, looking at the pool of blood on the floor, and laughs. 
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divider by @/cafekitsune
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owlphibiansprite · 2 months
okaaaay so.
idk if i already wrote about this. but i am on yet another amphibia watchthrough and i have come to my least favourite chapter of all of them. the first time i watched amphibia, i even skipped this episode because i was so shocked at the direction it was going. i'm talking about s1e18: plantar's last stand.
i remember first watching it and then getting excited. you see the townsfrogs mumbling their discontent and the obvious corrruption of mayor toadstool. the plantars have something to fight for, the episode is called "plantar's last stand". okay, the townsfrogs are gonna have a rebellion episode and pushback against this ridiculous shit.
instead... anne convinces hop pop to become a dishonest capitalist who takes advantage of others. totally not the direction i was expecting. i was shocked.
since then i have come to the theory that the episode was originally intended to sow the seeds of hop pop's first rebellion - it would make sense: the episode's premise, the episode's title ("last stand" normally refers to the final battle, often in rebellion, when you have nothing left to lose), the fact that he runs for mayor later (so it would fit with the natural flow of little seeds of plot being planted within the first season), and then finally the fact that hop pop's face became a symbol of the resistance - but instead because it's disney they had to tone it down because you can't have anything too disruptive obviously haha.
i theorise that hop pop's claim to fame as a symbol of resistance was originally supposed to be much more substantiated; have more things to back it up instead of "i ran for mayor that one time". i believe that hopediah's character arc was supposed to gradually see him grow in that direction. but hey... maybe not. we see how authoritarian he was in the episode sprig vs hop pop. but maybe sprig's character of being free and standing up for himself was meant to further inspire hop pop and give him the character growth to become the actual symbol of the rebellion.
i guess we'll never know. and i guess i maybe have to write a fix-it fic... if i ever have the spoons. can't do much due to my disability these days.
ok will post no re-reading too tired LOL i'll just go watch the episode now
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
General haikyuu headcanons
These aren't about any one haikyuu character. These are just any thoughts I have. Feel free to request headcanons for characters, squads or ships (platonic and romantic) or AUs. Please note I have already made some headcanon posts. While this doesn't mean i'll never write about those things again it Mey mean future headcanon posts about them are repetitive. They can be found on my ao3
- so a recent headcanon I had recently is that Akaashi and Tsukishima are like besties, or maybe not besties but I can see akaashi becoming something of a mentor to him
- Like it starts in tsukishima's first year when kuroo and bokuto drag him into practice with them. Even then we can see him to some extent turn to akaashi about how to approach the two and this situation and I can definitely see, in the future,tsukishima getting kidnapped to hang out with the three during a break from college and most of the time, while kuroo and bokuto are off in their own world, tsukishima and akaashi are just kinda chilling in the back, maybe making fun of them a little.
- also whenever tsukki is stressed by the chaos that is hinata, kageyama, and sometimes yachi and kageyama (he loves them but they can be a handful and it only gets worse when yamaguchi starts hanging out with them more and starts to adopt some of their mannerisms) he'll message akaashi as like a calming voice amidst the chaos
-he also goes to akaashi for advice on any problems he has with his teammates. Like he'll go to him for advice on how to bring up things that are bothering him because, while he can be as, well, tsukishima-like as he wants with his teammates from the previous year and they're used to it, he feels the need to try a different approach with the younger years. Idk why I think this it just came to me but we'll go with it.
- also I love the idea of kageyama, yamaguchi and kenma being some sort of friends and forming a weird mix of a socially awkward squad and emo squad. There are others in both, I haven't fully decided who yet but yachi and asahi are definitely in the socially awkward squad and maybe occasionally tsukishima but that's more because he's bad at feelings than because he cares what other people think. Either way they have a group chat where they can talk about the awkward situations they get into or just talk. It's kinda like a support group but any advice should be taken with a pinch of salt. Maybe later they get some extroverts in to offer advice, idk.
- also tsukishima and kentaro being best friends or cousins or somehow related. I've read some amazing fics with this friendship. I love it.
- anyway when tsukishima and yamaguchi's year graduates, a big reunion is made of basically every team/person one of them has managed to befriend. Even oikawa comes back because, by this point, in my fantasy land, all the people in this year, including kunimi, kindaichi and kageyama, are friends. They've talked out any issues and, while they might not ever be on the same team for "just for fun" volleyball games, they're more than happy to play against each other and go out for meat buns after. Also idc what you say kunimi, kindaichi and kageyama were friends in middle school and that's why kindaichi (and kunimi, but he showed it less) were so hurt when kageyama changed.
- but anyway there's a big reunion, anyone who live abroad comes back for a week to see their kouhais and attend thus reunion. Its a fun night of talking and eating, good food and company, reminiscing on the past and discussing future plans. And maybe the older, already graduated setters decide to put on a little show (yes, this is them performing songs from six like I plan to have happen but haven't yet written in my singing AU. These things aren't usually linked but I've made an exception and, honestly idek if six was out when this year group graduated, but for the purposes of this headcanon,I'll say it was). And after that they go on to play professionally, or move away to practice more, or go to university, or whatever they do, but they stay in touch, and whenever they get the chance they'll meet up.
- sorry I just love the idea of everyone being friends. Km a suckered for fluff what can I say?
-also this isn't so much a headcanon as an appreciation post but I want it on record that I love akaashi. He's so observant and caring of his teammates but at the same time doesn't take any of their shit and will call them out. Also him just not letting bokuto lie or seem cooler than he is while also clearly caring about bokuto. I hear people talk so much about how pretty he is, and don't get me wrong he is very pretty, but he is so much more than a pretty face and he is a damn good setter.
- also when the karasuno first years become second years, they all admire akaashi, OK? Hinata admires anyone who's even remotely good at volleyball or says anything cool about volleyball, kageyama already looks up to him and this only increases when he manages to ask akaashi to teach him to set, or read his teammates better, and akaashi agrees and is kind. Also kageyama admires anyone who's even slightly good at setting. Tsukishima I've already discussed, but his respect for akaashi increases when he watches akaashi deal with the combined chaos that is hinata and kageyama with patience tsukishima knows he'll never have. Yamaguci and yachi admire his intelligence and how he manages to keep his cool. (Also if this admiration also leads to one or all of them developing a small crush, well no one needs to know, and if the others in their school and year know, well, let's just say they understand and there isn't too much teasing, though if kageyama develops a crush he gets teased the most bless him)
- all this to say akaashi harem supremacy
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edowardoelric · 8 months
thank you for the tag!! @cinammonelles
First ship ever in you life: god it's hard to say for sure but definitely a pbs kids show... i think either matt and inez from cyberchase or sarah and james from liberty's kids but i know i was more into sarah and james lmao
The ultimate three ships: i have my top ships narrowed down to like 8 now i have to narrow it down to 3.... i'll keep it to the ones i actually have tattooed on my body or plan on tattooing. (not the characters themselves but referencing them) also I selected only the ot3 ships since well. i can only choose 3 ships so it seemed fitting. sorikai, yoohankim, love trio. just know there are many more
The first crush (Fictional Character/Fandom): lord i am a lesbian but i must admit it was zuko from atla
Last Song: comet (english version) by YOASOBI
Last Movie: uhmmmm barbie maybe? i don't often watch movies but ended up seeing it at a bachelorette party in august and i don't think i've watched any others since. we'll be watching halloween movies later this month though
Favorite Flower: i don't have a favorite honestly i just think pretty much all of them are nice
Currently Reading (you can add a link): re-reading the inheritance cycle still i think it's been like 3 or so months now lmao. i just today finished the third book and i only have the 4th left. trying to finish in time before the new murtagh book comes out in november. took me a while on the second book since parts of it were boring me 😔 work was extremely hell during a lot of it too. i plan on reading dungeon meshi next once im done
Currently Watching: basically every anime coming out this fall cour it feels like.... at the very least i'm watching 30 of them idk if all will make it through the cut but most are pretty good so far. aside from airing anime my sister and i are slowly making our way through detective conan. we started around july probably and are around 225 😭 my full time job and and her full time school makes for little free time. malcolm in the middle too if she has to work on school and needs an english show
Last thing I wrote- ship/Fandom?: merthur/merlin back in like 2012 or something..... unless the superwholock role-playing i used to do on tumblr came after but im not entirely sure.. i played sam lmao
Currently writing (you can add a link): nothing i haven't written since the above mentioned things
i won't tag anybody but feel free to do it!
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hannaswritingblog · 1 year
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OKAY so about that suggestions. I have few, but in case u won't accept it, I just send it all in one ask. If there is anything u like, then I will just send another ask with only that one request or something <3
(oh and im everywhere seeing reader as she but u can make it non binary or sth if you would like!!!)
Neville Longbottom (HP, 5 year) x reader - with prompt "Do you find me brave yet?". I have that idea that reader comes to him after that fight ("The Battle of the Department of Mysteries") and his nose is still broken and he feels sorry that that propercy was destroyed bc of him, and Reader comforts him and maybe,,, idk, maybe he says something ala "do you at least find me brave now?" and reader says that she always thought of him as brave bc he is Gryffindor after all and she knows him since second year,,,, or something like that :D
Penguin (gotham) x reader - it would taking place in season 2, when he was still at the top, and reader would be a second most important person to him after his mother, anddd he would go to her and ask her to go to his place on a dinner and he would just, ya know, flash his well-being to reader, and to her it would be silly and cute and there would be smooch on the cheek from reader bc hes the best heheh
Jim Hopper x reader - it would take place somewhere after season 1. He and reader are fbw, and fic is about Jim visitng him, but this time with flowers and wearing his fabulous flanner, and asking her on a date in a 'hopper way' (whats that mean? idk maybe 'if I read the signals wrong then you won't see me again." bc he wants to sacriface himself all the time omg). cute cute
Susan Pevensie x bestie!reader - its day after valentines and both girls are talking about all these chockolates susan got from boys, while eating the same chockolates. Susan probably would feel little bad for eating them, bc she doesnt feel anything to these boys but reader is like 'nah, we dont want to waste them right" and so on
Edmund Pevensie x gf!reader - they are going on a costume party, and at the moment are still at home, and edumnd is going as a king, and reader as a queen and Edmund says something cheesy like "you would be perfect queen for me" or idk just,,, I mean he would think that he would take her as his wife in Narnia when he was a king there, right, and would somehow say that aloud. ANYHOW they would end up beeing blushy mess bc it was so sweet
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maybe you will like something hehe
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It's actually good that you send me all the suggestions in one ask - it would be okay too if you send them separately, but I probably won't be linking the asks in suggested fics anymore, so I don't need them that way, and it'll be easier for me to have this just one post. So don't worry! And you don't need to resend anything later (unless you have any new ideas, you can send those!!! haha)
For the reader's gender, I decided I'll write with the female reader more often so it's okay if you see it this way too, but there will be exceptions and I can already see one of your ideas would be an exception. We'll get to that in a while though :D
For the ideas, I really love number 1 and 3-5. Those suggestions are therefore accepted. :D I was going to go into detail why but I feel like I'd be just repeating myself. So yeah, I'll just say that. I'll put them on my to-do list in a moment. ;)
For suggestion 2, I think I'll have to reject it. As much as I love Penguin and Gotham... I don't know, I don't really feel it at the moment. I might come back to it later but not now. This is the idea I'd likely write the gender neutral reader though - coding the specifically as female would feel wrong to me. I won't go into much detail since I don't want to spoil things for you, but people who have seen season 3 probably know what I'm thinking about.
But yeah, 4 out of 5 suggestions are accepted and I actually feel inspired for them so that's good. I should work on everything in the next few days, as well as on my own ideas. As I said, if anything else crosses your mind, you can also send it later and I'd love to give it a thought. :D ILY too 💜
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fritextramole · 10 months
i know you love jenny and eric and hate chuck, but i’m really curious what you think about the other main gg characters and why?
Oh I love talking!!!! I love talking so much this is going under a read more bc it got unwieldy
I'm gonna talk about Blair, Serena, Dan, Nate, Vanessa, Rufus, and Lily here, but if there's anyone else you're curious about lmk
(and none of my feelings about the characters are black and white! I do find Chuck Fun To Hate and Jenny and Eric both have moments I pretend not to see. I just have my favorites and least favorite)
my relationship with Blair is the most complicated. the short answer is that the way she's venerated by fans has really soured me on her. like I'd like her more if everyone else liked her less yk
the longer answer is that I get why people love her. she had this amazing potential to grow as the show went on. I get the urge to pretend her character development stuck and she had a happy ending with Dan (I imagine I'll come back to that when I get there in the rewatch)
but season 6 went back on her character growth and had her go back to being classist and entitled and end up with chuck and I'm not going to pretend that's not canon
and like... ofc I don't think she deserved to end up with chuck (as you said my hatred of him is documented and I do think he'd be a shitty husband post series.) but I do think she deserves some consequences for her actions I'm not going to erase them to give her some happy ending the other characters have a right to be mad at her (this isn't just jenny she was a bitch to everyone at some point but they write it off bc "it's Blair that's how she is" like newsflash bestie we're all insecure most of us aren't terrible people about it)
I like Serena!! I do!! Blake Lively is charming and charismatic!!!! but she's maybe the worst about the whole Never Learning Never Growing thing most of the characters do which does get on my nerves a bit on a personal level. but more than anything it makes me not that interested in watching 121 episodes about her
I tend to be more interested in characters I can sink my teeth into (which is why I love Jenny's development and hate blair's character regression) but gossip girl is such a plot driven show that doesn't give characters time to feel things (and doesn't think about how they would feel at all.) and I think of all the leads Serena maybe gets that the worst bc there's a lot of things she should be feeling but it's like she doesn't get to (idk if that's a writing thing or a Blake Lively's acting thing (or a combination)) but it makes me not really care. especially bc iirc she'll be less involved in the main plotlines as the show goes on (which is also true for Nate)
Dan I always find myself becoming less fond of as the series goes on. I didn't find him annoying at the outset the way I know some people do. he's a good big brother and a good match for Serena getting her out of her ues bubble a bit. but the show goes on and he falls in love with Blair less than a year after she banished his sister (and never brings that up to her)
I've never gotten to the point of hating him but in the second to last episode he calls chuck "the best man I've ever known" (he raped your sister!!!!) and I get close
making Dan gossip girl was so bizarre and nonsensical that I'm just gonna say #gaslightgatekeepgirlboss those rich kids deserved it and move on bc I cant examine it seriously or we'll be here all day
Nate I mostly wish had been fleshed out more. in the early seasons he goes through a lot of really serious shit but his legacy is that the writers didn't know what to do with him after like season 2 so he just dated everyone.
for the most part I like him I just wish he'd gotten more depth in the later seasons
and I say "for the most part" bc he's got this unfortunate habit of looking the other way about how chuck treats women-until it's a woman he cares about. he has this line when he's fighting with chuck in s1 that's like "did you get what you wanted like you did with all those other girls" which makes it sound like he knows Chuck's a rapist and !!!!!!!!!
but that's unfortunately very common behavior in teenage boys. other than that I really do like Nate!!! I like that he looks out for his friends and doesn't send tips to gossip girl!!! I like that in season 1 he tries to write Blair an apology letter and in season 2 he writes a letter to Jenny I think that's really sweet!!!!! Nate's my boy and I wanna give him a hug (and make him stop being friends with that guy)
in canon, Vanessa has these little throwaway details about living with her sister and making socially powerful documentaries and being really well liked at NYU that we just never explore ??? even a little??????? I love Vanessa and she had her dark moments but they were forgivable (and not nearly as bad as anyone else's)
I mostly wish she had been a character in a different show I think is the best way to put it. like I wanna know about her family and her documentaries and her travels!!! but that's not Rich Kids Doing Drama
I was listening to Jessica Szohr's podcast and she said that at a certain point it felt silly that Vanessa kept talking about hating the rich kids but was still always on the upper east side and I think she's right. Vanessa should've been fleshed out more in canon (which maybe would've given her a reason to be in the neighborhood) but also Vanessa should've been the focus of her own show
he's not the father of the year that's for sure
in the pilot Jenny says he "makes us go to private school" and I think that theme of attending Constance St Jude's for your education holds true but he doesn't seem to understand the reality of that?? there's this theme early on that "Dan doesn't have friends so why does Jenny need them" which 1. Rufus should be more concerned that his son has no friends!!!! and 2. Dan and Jenny are different people and I really can't fault a teenage girl for wanting to be popular or caring about her reputation
most of the time when I'm watching the show he doesn't get on my nerves in the moment. but then I think about it and I decide he's not a great parent and he needs to get better at actually listening to his children
she serves cunt it's a shame she traumatized her children
I'm being glib but also I'm not really. I like watching her!! I like that she went from groupie to socialite!!!! she's fun and I have a good time with her. and then I think a little harder about her kids and this post from @vanderwoodlings says it better than I could so I'll leave you with it
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Battle Frontier Arc Episode 3: A Real Cleffa-Hanger!
So, we have our first filler it seems. We're headed to the battle factory, and Misty is along this time! I somehow missed this episode as a kid.
Quick Daisy cameo, love her. She's so fun-especially in Chronicles, which I recently watched an episode of with friends!
So, we're at the base of Mt. Moon. Max makes sone snide remark to his sister about how EvErYbOdY knows cleffa never reveal themselves to humans. So a cleffa, fueled by spite if I were to assume, reveals itself .5 seconds later. This looks like a classic 'help lost pokemon get home' episode so far. Not bad, but we've seen it many times over. Cleffa comes over and immediately starts playing with the other pokemon (bless corphish, he looks so concerned lmao).
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Turns out, Cleffa loves the pokemon but is scared of humans, or at least May who immediately approaches the wild animal. But this is pokemon, where that's a normal and usually safe thing to do, so I'll let it slide. Max makes yet another snide remark about how Cleffa is running from May's scary face and then 'hides' behind Misty. I LOVE THE MISTY AND MAX FRIENDSHIP. SO MUCH. I assume it's youngest sibling solidarity, but I'm the oldest so I wouldn't know. Either way, SUPER fun dynamic I wish we saw more of. Also, cleffa's voice is very noticeably just Misty but whatever.
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Team rocket shows up with one of their sucky machines (which. by the way. What's the power of those? Because in this episode it only gets Azurill and Cleffa. but in Who What When Where Wynaut, which yes, I do have entirely memorized thank you for asking, it manages to get all pokemon, all party members plus drew who did not ask to be included in any of this, and it's magikarp shaped, as if that makes it LESS conspicuous. Do they not standardize the sucking power of their machines??? Is it just random every time???? What do you even call units of suckage??? Moving on from this before I make an inevitable suck/blow power joke here.) ANYWAYS. Swellow gets them back, and oh-nevermind, THERE'S the powerful sucking that picks up all of them but not the humans this time. Again, no standardization. Moving on. A single poison tail from Seviper does a lot of damage to pikachu, nonexistent power scaling, hello my old friend, you guys know how this goes. Also, this.
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All pokemon get blown out when Jessie accidentally puts it in reverse, this seems to be an incredible waste of time honestly, but we have 20 minutes to fill. AG is so funny with this because some episodes, it's just FULL of crazy/entertaining shit happening (not a moment of spontaneous combusken is dull, for better or worse) and other times they have to call in team rocket to waste time.
TR explodes their own machine, which somehow only blows Max and Misty away???, and there's our plot, I guess. Similar to Who What When Where Wynaut, I assume this episode is going to be 'team members get split up, let's find them'. Except in this case, the split-up team members are actually both somewhat functional human beings who I imagine will NOT fall off of a cliff into a river with an oncoming waterfall, but we'll see.
Oh. nevermind. No waterfall this time, though. Not joking, I pause and write these as I watch the episodes, and I had no idea this would be the very next frame after I unpaused.
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Shoutout to Misty's bag, which I would pay a lot of money for to own irl.
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We see a clefairy and clefable looking for Cleffa. These two run into Ash, May, and Brock.
Max is such a little shit tbh. He rags on May and Ash for not being the best like no one ever was. I KNOWWWWW he's the annoying little brother but it feels needlessly rude in this episode, honestly. Though, I think it could be that with Misty, he has a place to actually get it all out? Idk, maybe this is just venting but in an eight year old asshole kinda way.
Oh. here we are again. May and Drew have been beat in the 'falling off of a cliff' category, 2 to 1.
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We get a sweet little sibling moment with Misty and Max. (Though. Max says may is practically helpless without him, which...whatever helps him sleep at night).
Everybody runs into eachother again, cleffa family included, team rocket shwos up, does their thing, Misty uses bubble and it looks like the cgi from the celebi movie, TR goes away, end of episode. Cleffa and friends use emtronome and somehow all get the same move instead of a tail whip, tackle, draco meteor, stun spore, et cetera. Munchlax also joins, which is fun. I do like that they remembered Munchlax here. Cute, better filler than we get other times but we've also had filler better than this. MIsty and Max are the main draw here, though Max could have been written better.
Pros: Misty and max bonding, and the clefairy guy from gen 1 didn't show up. This guy. Glad to not see him tbh, he irks me.
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Cons: ag filler, could have had fun moon stone for skitty????
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hellothepixel · 2 years
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I was originally going to write this on the reblog of another post, but I don't want to bother the op of that post with this short essay so I'll do it on my own post.
ok like i dont want to be harsh to something that we have literally not even seen in motion but i absolutely hate the lighting and texturing of this. I thought this was a promo for the nintendo park at first. It doesn't look like a mushroom kingdom it looks like the nintendo amusement park. It even has the same harsh sunlight over harsh pavement like universal's park. And the hills... I don't know, I find them really unappealing. The grass detail doesn't sit right with me, it looks too real and too fake at the same time.
Super Mario odyssey looks better than this thing honestly, that game also went for a bit more detail than other mario games and it did a really good job of it, making it look better than the plastic look of 3D World. But this one seems to have gone too far in the other direction.
The more I look into the giant pipe wall the more it makes sense, but at first glance it looks really unappealing to me. I don't know, I feel like I'm being biased against a really superficial image of the movie, but it already strikes a bad chord with me. I guess it depends on the script - the sonic movies in my opinion glow because of their understanding of the sonic characters and it's good usage of them. This may be able to do the same for Mario... but we'll see.
Also they literally copy-pasted one of the pieces for this wall
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Like i guess it's kind of unfair to expect them to copy paste anything, and it's the only thing that's clearly copy-pasted, but whatever.
Also how do those blocks connect to the wall? Even in smb3they made sense as random boxes that sat on the ground. Why is this attached to this wall?
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Here's some fanart art by Hans Teng (@oxfruit, responsible for among other things the freaking BGs of Steven Universe) of Peach's castle. And while this is 2D and not 3D and this is a different part of the kingdom, this already shows understanding of a pleasing color palete and lighting, as well as how to adapt the mario world in a way that looks... cohesive, like it's a real world and not a bunch of random blocks, while retaining enough aspects of the original world for it to be faithful. And this type of knowledge could've been applied to a 3D project as well.
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Here's some fanart by Rafeal on DeviantArt of the mushroom kingdom that I'm including because I really liked it, but also because it also looks like a good adaptation of Mario elements in a more cohesive style. It also has a better color palette and a better use of texturing. Makes me thing a more stylized look would look better for a mario movie, but illumination only makes movies on one style so idk.
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And THIS is concept art for Mario Odyssey. Art that's literally meant to be adapted into 3D later. And this too, to me, looks more visually interesting, or nice, pleaseant. While the poster above looks like... an advertisement for a theme park.
I feel I have two big things on my back - the hate of the generic style while a more stylized one could look beautiful, and the hate of the actual structure of the world in the poster. It looks like the theme park in Japan, and that's not a compliment. When the creators of Mario Odyssey draw the mushroom kingdom like THIS... why, when free from the contraints that come from creating a playable Mario scene, do you try to imitate visually unappealing aspects of a world? Why stick to blocks? Why can't you reimagine the world in a more creative light? But again... it's clear why. It's an advertisement for the park. It's clear as fucking day. It looks like an amusement park because that's why they are promoting it. Maybe that's why they are making it.
...But I guess we'll have to wait until two days from now...
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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First of all, this is SO awkward. Imagine sitting with your friend/boss and talking about losing your close friend but not because you want to, but because it's regulations and you have to. "I asked her to do it." Oh, Aaron. :( The insane responsibility that lays on his shoulders.
Honestly, idk about Derek, but I'd rather talk to some stranger. Aaron is sitting there more like his boss than his friend, and I, personally, would feel trapped. This is way too official, and if I were Derek and wanted to talk to Aaron, I'd do it in a different way.
Not to mention that everybody deals with grief differently, and this can be damaging. But speaking ahead, between Strauss and Aaron, I'd choose Aaron, too.
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Case: happens. These two: on it. Together.
Dream team.
Random thought: Maybe they're checking out the crime scene first because they both have the most experience, out of the entire team? So then they can present the case to the team, including all important details, & understand what to look for next.
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That is exactly what she did. Good job, you two. (Sometimes I think they're having way too much fun with this by just vibing.)
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Spencer's voice shaking & Aaron not knowing what to say. Brb, gonna jump off a bridge first.
I gotta say, while at the beginning I enjoyed this show giving us more of cases than personal information on the characters, now I am absolutely craving personal affairs. Any piece of information canon can give me, I'll take and write down. I am getting through the cases just to get more on the characters.
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It's been 14.5 months since my parents died, and only two days ago it randomly got me so much that I was choking on my tears. This scene is... a nice reminder. Often it's portrayed that you're supposed to 'move on' in 6 months max. Just like Aaron said, it's been a tough year, we'll get through this.
I love this show.
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Aaron always seeing best in people, even when people don't deserve it. Maybe not this particular case, but it's true for him. Don't mind me if I'm gonna say it once again: he is so good. :(
I won't screenshot this, but I loved how Aaron went into the cafe, "I know you don't want to scare Sam, so they're gonna leave now. Bill, will you show them out please? Go." All of that without a bulletproof vest while a woman pulls a revolver at him. He's so fucking good at his job. No wonder he's good at politics, too.
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Aaron talking to her with tears in his eyes, but actually talking to his team that tried their absolute best to save Emily (and also him, Jack, and Haley). "It's the day they failed." Oh the burden on their shoulders, but especially on Aaron's. ;____; Why are they making me cry when Emily isn't dead? "They'll move on, but they won't forget." That should be called 'moving forward'.
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The team: refuses to talk to him (and for a good reason tbh). Aaron: Ok, I'm gonna do this another way!
"He was taken from you & that's not fair."
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Who from the writing team decided that it's ok to go with this? To put this team through so much pain? I just wanna talk. Don't tell me there wasn't another way to hand on to Emily and wait until she comes back.
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What's worse that Hotch HAS to keep going. He drags them on his back & still manages to keep himself together, without all the broken pieces of him falling apart (bc otherwise the team goes into Strauss' hands & Aaron can afford that since she'll make the situation even worse).
"We come in here & we talk to you. Where do you go? Where are you in all of this?" "The same place as you. Wishing she was here."
THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING ALL THIS TIME. Give him talk to Dave, you cowards! He deserves some time to grieve!
I'm still wondering though, does he know? What did they talk with JJ after Emily's surgery? If they don't explore this later, it's gonna be such a wasted potential.
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
wednesday - thursday
i'm sisisisitting here, and i have a bank acct. now.
my card is gonna be sent to my parent's place, i've gotta go over there to get it, in about a week i suppose. that'll be interesting but i talked to my mom today. not about the card yet, but i'll talk about it tomorrow i think, when we talk more. she is not mad at me, it seems like.
i got really dressed up for the bank today, look!
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people were nice to me basically except in walmart where lots of people stared at me, and then this guy that worked there looked totally totally totally disgustedddd. it was fun. i wish i told him to fuck off. i need to stick up for myself better. i think that'd be like, sticking up for myself, right. or is staring back the only thing i should really do? idk.
i ate too many chips today, also, so i'm feeling yucky rn. blehh.
just found out about a really awesome seeming book:
gonna find out more abt this soon, the publisher too, the bits my friend is sending me from this book of poetry are really really good.
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just really really beautiful writing, grounding itself in / exploring/ telling history, in ways it is typically not told. a beautiful project, at minimum. but it does not feel like it's just hitting that minimum, truly good writing. it's also from 2023, which is super exciting i think. good writing is still coming, you just have to look.
another thing today, i got new lyrics and vocals down on a song, i wonder if i care about the lyrics that much, but idk, i think it's good, it's definitely about a lot of stuff i've been thinking about lately, re: music people, dj scene and stuff. frustrations. it felt good to scream, today, cuz of being so fucked up yesterday i guess.
i think maybe i could go in and re-record the middle bit and parts of the end, but i think the way the song opens vocally is good. i might also just be having funny issues w/ the sound of the vox. idk. we will see how i feel tomorrow. but since i did that i did also mess w/ how the song sounds, did the saturation thing to it, and that does sound quite good, imo.
tomorrow i need to do some more songs, just re: producing/mastering, i wanna do at least 2-3, and maybe on the 3rd i do a song that has vocals but i want to replace them entirely, so i can start thinking of new ideas for the song.
i also have a new idea for a drawing, that's fun, a new little pixel art ornament thingy.
listening to a lot of the album now, to see how things are coming along, one song still has overly saturated vocals, and some little pieces that need cutting, should be easy enough, i think i like that vocal take, i should sit on the take still, not go in and do that, and for the most part everything is feeling like, good, i think. coming along well, and stuff i thought was worse off isn't too bad really. that might change tomorrow for me but we'll see. there's gonna be a time where i need to just let this all go, and put this out. that time definitely feels like it's coming. or idk, that makes it sound like i'm just putting less effort in, i don't think that's true, it's just that things really are wrapping up in a way i feel like. like how many more times can i conceivably mess with nuances of guitar tone, everything is getting closer and closer to what i want, what isn't that's just getting cut and put off for later, and i can tell at least one of the songs i cut is going to really benefit from that, since i can rewrite parts and have something last longer, i can have this part i really like be like, a closer for this next ep maybe.
anyway, it's like 1 am and i need to prepare for the next days of work where i'm going in at 11 am soo,
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wave2tyun · 4 months
Trying to write you say? 👀👀 I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with!! And I’m sure it’ll be perfect as always 🫶
Andddd I’m not really a coffee enjoyer, but I do like coffee with milk…a lot of milk and sugar. HOWEVER I REALLY REALLY LIKE CAPUCCINO and if it’s with cinnamon? better.
I never tried hot choco with expresso tho, I might try it!!
How’s your semester going? I hope you’re feeling less stressed about it 🙁
Andddd about the boy I saw his profile on some kind of college tinder? And he’s really cute AND HIS RÉSUMÉ IS GREAT TOO (I had to look for him on LinkedIn, I won’t make a wrong choice again), but I’ve been waiting for him to reply back or accept me on ig for like a month idk. Maybe he’s already dating, but I can’t be sure of that sooooo I’ll just have to wait and if I’m correct, then it’ll be a shame😭 but oh well
indeed!!!👀👀 emphasis on trying though😞 i haven't been able to write more these past few days.......i have a bit of free time tonight though so!!!! we'll see what happens :00 i don't want to take too long with finishing the fic but at the same time i simply can't not put uni first😵‍💫
I'M ALSO A FELLOW CAPPUCCINO ENJOYER!!!!!😼😼💖 cinnamon makes it soooo good, but also hazelnut syrup????😳 a delicacy!!!!!! if you like your coffee sweet then i'm sure you'd like the hot choco with espresso :D<3
LINKEDIN?!?!?!?!?!? that's so smart actually i have never thought of checking that before😳😳😳 hmmmm maybe he's a bit reluctant to accept people he hasn't met irl?? :00 personally i tend to be like that andvhsns if he's not dating anyone atm then i really hope he'll give you a chance, let me know if anything happens!!🫣💓
honestly my semester is not going that great, and i'm even more stressed out about it than before😭 i hope it's okay if i rant a little bit about it because i'm really just so. drained. first of all my schedule is hell, it will get better after march i think but as of right now it's so. bad. i have so many group projects and so many deadlines so close to each other😭😭 there's this one course which i really don't get and i'm so afraid that i'll fail it when i have to take my exam (i don't want to do retakes cause that means i'll have to return home later in the summer.....). i also don't really like this teacher and he's been giving my group such bad feedback and he does not even elaborate it's just "this is not this. that's not that. check the book" WE'VE BEEN CHECKING THE DAMN BOOK WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SAY WHAT'S WRONG😭😭😭😭😭 and god i'm sorry i'm rambling so suddenly but i really feel the need to let it all out because i've been feeling quite shitty about myself lately, for multiple reasons😭 and one of them is also the fact that i can't stop comparing myself to the people who have much more experience than me in the field that i'm in. i know that i'm here to learn but i've been just feeling so?? out of place lately:(
0 notes
rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
... Morro
XD y'all really like your Morro, don't you? This is the second Morro request I've gotten (third technically, but there was an issue with the other one so it's not going to be filled) and the first one blew up XD, got way more notes than any fic I've posted before even though it was just a short little thing.
Since I already did a typical Morro fic, though, I decided to try something a little different with this one and tie it into the movie!verse. Hope you enjoy!
Spirit of the Deep
Summary: With Garmadon defeated for good, the ninja are eager to find another way to busy themselves. When Kai finds out about an ancient temple rumored to hold some sort of treasure, the others are immediately in.
Not all adventures are good, though. Before the ninja know it, they are in over their heads with a discovery they will never forget. (Movie!verse AU)
“It’s just through here!”
Kai’s voice rang through the temple, and Lloyd pushed his way through the vines, looking around carefully, his sword drawn. “Kai, not so loud. I don’t have a great feeling about this place.”
“Gee, I wonder why!” Jay squeaked from behind him. “I mean, look at this place!” He waved his hands at the crumbling stone walls, overgrown with weeds and vines. “Kai, what made you think it was a good idea to come here?”
“Oh, Jay, stop being such a coward. It’s going to be fun! There could be puzzles! Or booby traps! And most importantly, treasure!”
“You’re excited about booby traps?”
Lloyd stopped, holding up his flashlight to examine something on the wall. It looked to be an engraving of some sort, like a whirlwind, and below it, some sort of runes that Lloyd couldn’t read.
With a start, he realized the others were far ahead of him now, and he darted after them, desperate to keep up. “Guys! Don’t leave me alone like that! Are you forgetting I don’t have powers to protect myself like you guys do?”
“Fat lot of use powers will be when Kai and Jay inevitably trigger all the traps and the floor disappears beneath us,” Cole grumbled.
“Hey!” Kai yelped, at the same time Jay said, “Do you really think there are traps in here?”
Nya sighed. “If you’re so nervous, Jay, why did you even come with?”
“The rest of you guys were all going! I wasn’t going to be left behind!”
“There does not appear to be any signs of life,” Zane said. “I do not think anyone has been here for a long time.”
“What about traps? Can your sensors detect any traps?”
Zane frowned. “No. There seems to be some sort of interference with my signals.”
Kai suddenly stopped, the others bumping into him at the lack of warning.
“Kai?” Cole asked. “Why’d we stop?”
“There’s something in there.” Kai didn’t elaborate further, stepping over the rubble of the crumbled wall and disappearing from sight.
“Kai, wait!” Nya yelped, hurrying after him.
“So much for sticking together,” Lloyd grumbled as he followed the others into the room. “Seriously, one day this is going to-” he stopped short of walking right into Cole. “What is it?”
The earth ninja simply pointed, and Lloyd went slack.
In the middle of the room, there was a pedestal, intricate carvings in the side of it emitting a faint green glow. Atop it, a scroll was rolled up, the paper worn with age.
“What is that?” Nya breathed.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it one bit. Maybe we should just go-”
“Can it, Jay.” Cole grabbed the lightning ninja by the back of his shirt. “We didn’t come all this way for nothing.”
“What’s an old scroll doing all the way out here?” Lloyd asked. He reached for it, but Kai stopped him with a sharp yelp.
“Lloyd, don’t! I saw something like this in a movie once! This is a trap. When you take the scroll, the weight on the pressure plate will lift, and the whole place will come down around us! We need to find something that’s an equal weight to replace it with.”
Lloyd eyed the pedestal. “I don’t think…”
Nya sighed. “Kai, you’re confusing movies with reality.”
“I’m not! Trust me!”
“Fine.” Lloyd turned to the group. “Do we have anything?”
Cole pulled something out of his bag, holding it out to them. “I have a rock.”
They blinked at him. “Why do you have a rock?”
Cole shrugged. “Maybe I like rocks.”
Kai shook his head. “Okay, whatever. That should work.” Taking the rock from Cole, he positioned himself over the pedestal. He took a deep breath. “Here goes.”
In the blink of an eye, he had switched out the scroll for the rock. There was an ominous creaking sound, and they all held their breath, waiting. A few small stones clattered down from the roof, but other than that, nothing.
“We did it.” Unrolling the scroll, Kai’s relieved expression quickly changed to one of disappointment. “It’s just a bunch of symbols and gibberish.”
“Zane, do you think you can decipher it?” Lloyd asked.
Zane took the scroll from Kai. His brow furrowed. “This does not appear to match the dialect of any of the official Ninjago languages.”
“Lemme look at that.” Jay took the scroll from him, and Cole scowled at him.
“Be careful with it, nitwit! As far as we know, this is a priceless artifact!” As the others squabbled over the scroll, Lloyd approached the pedestal. Now that he was closer, he could see that there was an engraving on the top that he had missed before.
A funnel, sort of like-
A whirlwind. It was that same symbol he had seen near the entrance.
“Hey, guys,” he called. “I think this may be important, I saw it earlier-” Reaching out, he let his fingers lightly brush the engraving. Suddenly, there was a bright flare of light, and a gust of wind that seemed to come from nowhere sent Lloyd hurtling across the room. He groaned, rubbing his head.
“Lloyd!” Suddenly the others were beside him, Kai gripping his arm so tightly his knuckles turned white. Lloyd waved him off. “Kai, don’t worry, I’m fine-” he stopped, realizing that the fire ninja was no longer looking at him.
Lloyd followed his gaze and froze.
Hovering over the pedestal was a young man with long black hair, a green streak running through it. His clothes were ripped and disheveled, and he was examining himself in awe.
Most noteworthy, though, was the fact that Lloyd could see right through his body.
The man looked up suddenly, spearing them with his gaze. “Who are you? Where am I? What happened to me?”
“Oh. Oh my gosh.” Jay gripped Lloyd’s arm. “I think we just awakened a ghost! Oh my gosh, Lloyd, what have you done?”
“What have I done? Kai’s the one who brought us here! Blame him!”
“Me? You’re the one who touched the pedestal after I clearly told you not to!”
“Well, maybe if you guys had listened to me about the symbol, I wouldn’t have!”
“The scroll distracted us! Blame Zane, he’s the one who couldn’t read it!”
“Me? Nya was the one who-”
“Enough!” a voice bellowed across the room, and they all froze, turning to look at the ghost. “I can’t believe a bunch of kids just released me from the dead. I can’t believe I’m dead!”
“We’re not kids!” Nya snapped. “We’re ninja.”
The ghost looked at her. “Right.”
“We are!”
“Um,” Lloyd swallowed. “Mr. Ghost, sir-”
The ghost rolled his eyes. “It’s Morro.”
“Okay, Morro- we could get in a lot of trouble if our master found out what we did. So, um… maybe you could consider… going back? To wherever you came from?”
“Are you kidding?” Morro laughed. “I was trapped in there for years! I’m never going back!”
“Uh, I think you are.” Kai stepped forward, igniting his fist. “Get back in! Or else!”
Morro’s eyes widened. “An elemental master. I’ll be damned.”
“And there’s more where that came from!” Nya shot a jet of water at him, and Morro shrieked, darting out of the way.
“Watch it! Didn’t anyone ever teach you that water kills ghosts?”
“To have a ghost roaming the city would be unwise.” Zane stepped forward, ice crackling between his fingers. “We have you surrounded. Please go back inside your pedestal.”
“Two can play at that game,” he muttered. As Zane blasted him with ice, a powerful gust of wind shot from Morro’s hands, repelling the ice.
Lloyd felt his jaw go slack. Suddenly, the whirlwind symbols made a lot more sense.
“You’re an elemental master, too?” Cole whispered.
“Got a problem with that?”
The others turned to look at him. “What do we do, Lloyd?”
Lloyd glanced back and forth between his team and Morro. “I have a feeling we’re not going to get rid of him. And… Master never told us about an elemental master of wind. He should probably know about this.”
“Alright.” Nya turned towards Morro. “We’re going to take you to our master. Cooperate, or else.”
Morro sighed. “It doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice, do I? Fine, let’s go.” And, in a flash, he was sliding into Lloyd’s body.
Lloyd screamed, falling to the floor as the chill overtook him, the feeling of a foreign presence taking over his brain-
“Okay, okay kid, I’ll stop!”
Lloyd looked up to see Morro had left his body and was hovering over him, the others just behind, their expressions ranging from horrified to furious glares at Morro.
“Lloyd, are you okay?” Kai reached out, helping him to his feet.
“Geez, kid, you act like you’ve never been possessed before.”
Lloyd blinked at him. “I haven’t.”
Morro snorted. “Look, it’s not going to hurt you. I’m a ghost- I’m weak to water. The city has water everywhere- dripping from the roofs, pooling in the streets- the protection of a human body makes it far less likely that I’ll die on the way there. Besides, a ghost floating around isn’t exactly subtle, and… I have a feeling that attention isn’t exactly something we want.”
Lloyd exhaled slowly. “Fine. Do it.”
This time, he was prepared as the coldness numbed his body, although it still wasn’t a pleasant feeling.
The others looked at him anxiously. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, Lloyd?” Nya asked.
“It’s fine, it’ll be over soon. Now come on, let’s go find my uncle and get some answers.”
Let’s hope this guy actually knows what’s going on.
It took Lloyd a moment to realize the thoughts were Morro’s, but he found himself thinking the same thing. If Master Wu couldn’t fix this… he didn’t know what he was going to do.
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
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Fwb! Jay x fem. bodied! reader; implied fwb to lovers (?)
Genre: smut
Word Count: 3.2k words
Mellow speaks: I'm done with this at last! Lmao I definitely went overboard, but idk I felt like the plot required it hehe. I love writing for Jay, and this was no different, so I hope you guys enjoy reading this! Thanks for the request dear anon, and I hope everyone who was looking forward to it likes it!
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"What if you end up catching feelings for me?"
"Don't worry Y/N, I don't do feelings."
Thinking back on your conversation from half a year ago, you let out a sigh, getting ready for your night out. When the two of you had come up with this arrangement, you had been wary of starting to see Jay as something more than just your friend and one-time hook-up. Having had known him for a little over three months, you couldn't deny the chemistry you shared with him, the sexual tension having resulted half-hearted confessions of love in his bedroom, interspersed with all things inappropriate as you finally gave in to your urges. You knew you should have stayed away, considering he was your friend and not some random guy you'd picked up at a bar, but in your defense, the sex had been amazing.
So amazing that barely two days later, you had found yourself back at his doorstep, smashing your lips onto his the moment he opened the door. The next morning had found you half dizzy and fully naked, once again in the same bed you had promised yourself you'd never find yourself in again. It had been him who had suggested it, and though you weren't exactly down for it, he somehow smooth-talked his way into your brain, convincing you to cave in. "No feelings involved," had been the rule, and at that time, Jay had made it seem as if it would work out. "We'll just be friends," he had said, and like a lust-driven fool, you had believed him.
Yet here you are, slapping yourself internally as you tried to remind yourself you weren't supported to harbor feelings for him. He was just an ordinary guy, right? Nothing special, except that god-gifted body of his and that masterpiece of a dick. The mere thought makes your mouth water, as you continue to think about just how Jay is nothing but "ordinary." But it proves to be harder than you think, being reminded of the way his smile makes his eyes crinkle, or the way he gets pouty when someone teases him. You sigh again, looking at your reflection one last time.
Maybe, just maybe, those late night meetings which slowly turned in late morning goodbyes had done something to you. Maybe, just maybe, you had grown soft for Jay Park, and it is somehow enough to make you nervous to the bone.
But the moment you enter the club, all your nervousness flows out the window (or so it would seem to an outsider) as a smile makes it way onto your face, which morphs itself into the confident facade that only you can see through. Well, you and Jay. Speaking of the devil, you're barely two steps in when you hear someone call your name, and craning your head, you notice said man beckoning you over to the bar counter, a lazy smirk on his face as he talks to some other friends of yours. Walking over to him, you give your "friend" a side hug, eyes falling downwards as you realize he's staring at you. "What are you looking at?," you ask, shy all of a sudden. But instead of replying, he shoots you a question of his own, asking, "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?," as he quirks an eyebrow at you.
That causes you to look up at him, and when you don't say anything, Jay leans in, sending a shiver down your spine as he whispers, "You seem a teensy bit tense. Maybe I'll help you relax later." He pulls away, that smirk back on his face, but before you can say anything, his attention is driven away from you as he feels a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, his expression morphs into one of surprise as he sees his classmate-slash-co-worker from the diner he works at part-time. What he fails to notice however, is the way your expression turns into one of irritation, because said co-worker is not just any random diner waitress, it's one you know for a fact has a crush on Jay.
A crush that the man in front of you loves to deny the existence of, despite you telling him about it multiple times. "Honestly, why would anyone want to go out with me when at this point, it's practically common knowledge that you, Y/N L/N, are the only one lucky enough to get a taste of this dick?," he would always reply whenever you brought her up, waving off your words as he checked his reflection, turning back to you only to say, "Y'know what? I think I see the appeal."
And so, it's hardly surprising that he doesnt register the fact that her hand is roaming all over his arm and moving onto his torso, having immersed himself too deeply into the animated conversation he's having with her. Biting the inside of your cheek, you decide to leave when it gets too much, only to have Jay grab your wrist. "Where d'you think you're going?," he asks, eyeing you curiously. "To dance," is all you say, walking away and onto the dance floor.
His eyes follow you as you start moving your hips to the music, a chuckle escaping his lips as you stumble slightly. He tries to make himself appear interested as his co-worker continues to talk his ear off, but it's hard when you look so innocent and yet so dirty in that pretty outfit of yours. However, it doesn't take it long for the soft smile on his face to turn into a frown, as his eyes catch someone patting you from the back. Within no time at all, or so it appears to him, you seem to have gotten yourself company, throwing your hands around the stranger's neck as continue to dance, a smile visible on your face. He grip tightens around the beer jug he is holding, and he doesn't even take notice, his eyes firmly fixed on you.
Unbeknownst to him, your eyes too, are still on him, even as you continue to laugh and talk to the gorgeous stranger who had walked over to you. You had been hesitant to let your guard down at first, but then you thought, "If Jay can have someone clinging to him like that, then so can't I?" While you hadn't intended on making him jealous, seeing him be bothered to see another's hands on you does do a little to boost your pride, and before you know it, you're leading the stranger back towards the counter, sitting down a couple seats away from Jay.
You casually turn around to gauge his expression, your own hardening as you realize that now, it is him who has his hands on the girl, smirking at you while squeezing her butt ever so slightly as she practically sits on his thigh. That's when you decide to not to let his nonchalance ruin your night, turning your attention back to the person in front of you. Talking to him, you begin to realize that he's actually quite cool, making you laugh every two minutes. Had your mind not been so messed up about Jay, you might actually have given this guy a chance, you think to yourself, flinching slightly as you feel his hand resting on your thigh. Noticing your discomfort, he quickly takes it away, stuttering. "I-I'm so-sorry. Is it o-okay if I-?," he asks, only to have you place it back on your leg. "I don't see why not," you smile, the image is Jay's hands on the girl burning behind your eyes.
You don't notice it, but Jay is still watching you, his jaw clenching as he sees you throwing your head back in laughter. "Who is he to make her laugh like that?," he mutters, shaking his head to remind himself that you're not his partner. You don't notice it, but he does, frown deepening as he sees the guy's hand moving up your thigh ever so slightly. Jay feels his fist clench, unable to stop himself as he watches him lean closer to you. The next thing you know, you're being pulled away from him by your wrist, an evidently passed of Jay leading you toward the back of the club.
"Jay stop. You're hurting me," you say, trying to wriggle your wrist out of his grasp as he pulls you into an empty alcove in the very corner, only to have him turn around and pull you towards himself, his eyes filled with anger. "You like have random losers have their hands all over you, don't you?," he says, his voice barely above a whisper as he pushes you against the wall, trapping you with one arm as the other rakes down your clothed body. You've never seen Jay like this, and while you have to admit he looks a hundred times hotter, you're also a little scared. But instead of cowering in fear, you look him right in the eye, practically challenging him as you say, "And what about that hoe that threw herself on you, huh?"
The moment those words leave your mouth, Jay roughly takes hold of your skin, pulling your face ever so slightly towards him, his breath fanning your lips. "Aha," he says, a smirk making its way onto his lips. "So you mean to tell me you were being a slut just to make me jealous, huh? Well guess what, it worked." And with that, he smashes his lips onto yours, the force causing your head to hit the wall. The surprise and the pain makes you open your mouth to let out a gasp, but he takes the chance to push his tongue inside, exploring every inch of your mouth while his hands move all over your body, leaving goosebumps on your skin their wake before coming to rest near your hips.
You moan into the kiss as Jay squeezes your hips, making him smirk as he kisses your harder, your hands making their way to his hair, tugging on them gently. Pulling away from your lips, he shifts his attention to your onto your jaw, making his way down to your neck as he leaves a trail of kisses in his wake. Having slept with you countless times during the past six months have made him perfectly familiar with your body, and so, it takes him less than ten seconds to find your sweet spot, a soft gasp escaping your lips as he sucks on it, your hand entangled them into his hair a little harder. Once he's done leaving a mark, Jay softly licks the skin on your neck, smiling to himself as he feels you shiver. "I've barely touched you, and you're already shaking, love," he says against your skin, his hands ghosting over the hem of your dress, before dipping down and coming to rest against your thighs.
"Tell me, did he have you shivering like this, hmm?," he asks, as his hands run towards the inside of your thighs, running over your core gently, almost imperceptible. This causes a whine to escape your lips, as you press your chest against his, hoping to get him to do something. "Why so desperate, love? We have all the time in the world," he smirks, pulling away only to draw the curtains to the alcove, so that no one would see you. Once he's done, his hands find themselves on the zipper of your dress, pulling it down. His cold fingers brush against your back as your dress gives way, causing you to involuntarily move closer to him as the fabric slips down your body.
Once you're left in nothing but your underwear, you decide to take matters into your own hands, growing frustrated at the slow pace Jay is taking. So the next moment finds you placing your hands onto his shoulders, as you start grinding your barely clothed core against his fully clothed member, his hardness making itself obvious as it rubs against you. The feeling makes you let out a moan before it is suddenly gone, Jay pushing you back until your back hits the table. Smirking, he lifts you up, placing you onto the tabletop as his hands make their way to your bare boobs, the feeling of his fingers pulling on your left nipple making you mentally pat yourself on the back for not wearing a bra. You throw your head back, a moan escaping your lips as you feel wetness pooling between your legs due to Jay's lips latching onto your right boob, sucking on it.
Not knowing what to do with your hands, you let them back to his hair, moving downwards only to push his leather jacket off his shoulders, leaving him in his T-shirt. Pulling away, he hooks his fingers into your panties, pulling them down as he pushes you down onto the table. You can't help the whimper that leaves your lips as he pushes your thighs apart, licking his lips at the sight of your wet pussy. "Damn, baby. We've just started and you're already soaked," he says, pushing a finger inside you. You gasp in pleasure at the feeling, throwing your head back as he makes figure eights inside you, before pushing in another finger, stretching your core. He continues to thrust his fingers in and out of you, scissoring them as he draws you out.
Sensing your wetness growing, he suddenly pulls his fingers completely out of you, the whimper that leaves your lips quickly turning into a gasp as his tongue replaces the emptiness, quickly lapping up your hole as his fingers move to tease your clit, rubbing your bundle of nerves and eliciting a string of moans from you. "Fuck Jay, ahhh. Faster," you say, bucking your hips as he lets out a soft chuckle, the vibrations drawing you closer to your edge. He senses you inching nearer to your climax, speeding up the face as his fingers continue to torture your clit, causing your eyes to close shut as you cum over his tongue. He laps up every last bit of your juices, moving up to place a soft kiss on your lips as you run your tongue against his bottom lip, tasting yourself. Pulling away, he whispers, "My turn," the smirk on his face causing your mouth to water.
You don't waste a single minute in jumping down the table, getting on your knees as you fiddle with his belt, taking it off. He decides to help you out by popping open the button of his jeans, slipping it down his legs as you palm him through his boxers. Weaving his hand through your hair, Jay groans, "You're not in a position to tease me right now, love," his voice causing you to gulp as you finally pull his boxers down, exposing his hard dick. Licking your lips, you take him into your mouth, an inch at a time, until he's almost hitting the back of your throat, your hands on his balls aa you start bobbing your head up and down. He guides you by tugging on your hear, groans and moans escaping his lips as he leans back against the table. "Fuck, baby. You really know how to work that mouth," he mumbles, a deep grunt following after as you continue to massage his balls, tongue swirling around his girth.
Every so often, you graze your teeth against him, sending his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he grips your hair just a little harder, his dick hitting the back of your throat. This causes you to gag, the vibrations sending a wave of pleasure through Jay as he feels himself inching closer towards his release. "W-wish he c-could see you like t-this, on y-your knees for m-me," he mutters in between pants, tugging on your hair as you let out a gasp at his filthy thought, the feeling finally throwing him over the edge as he releases into your mouth, his body shaking ever so slightly. You swallow his seed, running your tongue over your lips before smacking them, his taste making you smile.
Your expression quickly morphs into one of surprise though, as Jay doesn't waste a second in pulling you up roughly by the arms, only to throw you onto the couch, the menacing glint back in his eyes. "All fours," he growls, and you find yourself complying, scampering to get back on your knees while a giggle escapes your lips in anticipation for what's to come. But instead of feeling his member against your core, what you feel is a sharp pain across your butt, realizing belatedly that you just got slapped. Turning your head back, you see him smirking once again, taking a condom out of his jeans as he says, "What was that giggle for, hmm? You think it's funny?" Before you can reply, though, he thrusts into you without warning, pushing hilt deep before pulling back out, eliciting a loud moan from you. "That's right love. Tell them who's showing you a good time," he says, moving into you again, hitting right into your G-spot and making you see stars.
"Ah fuck Jay. Go faster," you moan out, earning another slap on your butt, the man behind you growling, "I didn't say you get to make demands," while continuing to thrust into you, pushing you dangerously close to your edge. Just when you feel you're about to cum though, Jay suddenly stops moving altogether, making you let out a whine in frustration. "I have half a mind to just leave you hanging like that," he says, a chuckle escaping his lips, "But since you're being so good to me. I'll let you cum. But only when I tell you to." And with that, he finally begins to thrust into you again, his movements becoming sloppier as he nears his own climax. Soon enough, you feel the knot in your stomach about to burst, barely managing to moan out an "I'm a-about to-." Slowing his movement once again, Jay grunts, "Wait for me, love," as you feel your climax receding back, the exhaustion leaving you breathless and wanting more.
You buck out your hips, hoping to get him to move faster, and to your surprise, he complies, picking up the pace again, his grunts becoming louder as he releases into the condom, the sensation enough to throw you over the edge again, as you cum all over his sheathed member, eyes closing shut from the sheer intensity. Coming down from your high, you all but collapse onto the couch as Jay gently pulls out of you, grabbing a napkin from the table and coming over to clean you up. You belatedly register what he's doing, smiling to yourself. He had always been gentle that way, remembering to help you up after ruining you completely. "Let's get you home," he says softly, throwing your dress towards you.
As you begin to get dressed, Jay can't help the smile ghosting over his lips as he thinks to himself, "Did I just catch feelings?"
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Back with a slightly more serious request, but do you have some headcanons for what it would be like to be one of the knights while also having chronic pain? Feel free to ignore this of course, it is quite specific lol
are you kidding me laurie, you're giving me a wonderful idea here, as if i could possibly ignore any merlin requests, especially from you, that's just ridiculous. ofc i'll write this! i was debating for a little bit whether i'd do all of them separate and then throw in some romantic aspects as well but i decided against that, so we'll see how this turns out and if maybe you're gonna have to deal with all of them as potential love interests too
- First of all, this is assuming you’re randomly joining them in that episode at the end of season three, kind of like Percival but not at all like Percival. No associations, except for possibly Merlin. Don’t ask me how, maybe you were a merchant who coincidentally came across them and knows how to use a sword. Maybe you’ve been trying to become a knight all your life. Who knows. Anyway
- At the start, it takes a ton of explaining for them to understand. Like, a ton. Some of them may get it easier, but you're gonna have to spend like an hour explaining it to Arthur and Percival (the latter is very concerned). I think Lancelot and Elyan will actually get it the fastest, idk Elyan just strikes me as the type who doesn't mind it much and Lancelot's just so respectful that when you say that you can manage most days, he accepts it and moves on. He's not fussing, he doesn't need to understand all of it, he just needs to know that you're okay.
- The way this came up was probably because you had a bad day and five out of five knights got sO worried thinking that you were injured somehow that they gave you negative two seconds to explain and instead wrapped you in every type of clothing they could find and made you warm soup and checked like four times for any blood and either Percival or Gwaine 100% carried you, depending on if you were in Camelot definitely straight to Gaius.
- After explaining, it also takes the same amount of, if not more, time to run by them if and what help you need, and whether you want it, and how you want it, and especially how you want them to treat you. Like you definitely need to be comfortable talking about your boundaries with them, because let's be real, basically only Lancelot is able to somewhat pick up on social cues without necessarily looking for them.
- But in the end once you've talked about it, they try their absolute best to remind themselves and each other of this. It may take a bit of time for them to get around to treating you like they did before and it certainly takes a lot of time for them to (if you said you're comfortable) go physically "rougher" again like they do with each other.
- Whatever you do and say you should never underestimate how absolutely willing these men are to work and to help and to support. Like whatever you say about your illness will count as a law to them - if you ask about this, they'll just repeatedly shrug and tell you that "it's your body and you know best" and then continue to do literally whatever you ask for.
- At some point, if sooner or later after that first introduction to your illness, you come up with basically a whole manual for different kinds of days. If you say you're having a good day, they'll know to treat you differently than when you say you're having a bad day. And as I said: they're literally ready to do whatever.
- Percival will always offer to carry you and when Gwaine sees you're doing worse he absolutely will too, though genuinely I would advise you to choose carefully based on whether you want to be and feel safe (pick Percival) or just have a fun time with a high risk of bumping against trees and walls and horses (pick Gwaine). Like the others will probably carry you as well and if you ask, definitely without any sign of discontent, but Gwaine and Percival are the ones who are most likely to offer themselves all the time.
- You'll make a wonderful knight anyway, none of them would ever dare question that or your skills. They won't pretend you're a baby. They'll give you chainmail and a sword and take you into battle to fight alongside them. They'll armwrestle you and make you collect firewood and Arthur will still have you take watches and still give you all responsibility for the horses at night.
- They're very, very protective though, so you can bet your ass that if there's something that they can avoid happening to you they absolutely will. Even if this is just a little task that's easily done. Like, they'll do anything ranging from sweeping to fucking killing a guy. Imagine Gwaine cheekily manoeuvring a wet towel out of your hands and cleaning the table you made a mess off, or Arthur straight up giving you days off of patrol to do it himself. This is not at all something to say "you're ill, you can't do this" because they know that you can, this is just a "This could possibly inconvenience you so I'm doing it for you"
- okay as I said I had some romantic things in mind beforehand, so last but not least I'll quickly get those out of my brain all in one and all in very quick, very short sentences:
Gwaine would make a point of picking flowers and collecting sweet, small things for you to distract you when you're having a not so good day, it's basically become a ritual.
Percival would make sure not to leave your side and, if you're okay with it, always have his arm around you or have you lean your head on his shoulder, just a little physical contact for grounding.
Lancelot would spend even more time with you - if you don't send him away - so that first of all, you're never bored, always having someone to talk to, and also that if you do need help, you won't need to wait for it for an hour.
Leon would be a bit of all, just being there with you, helping you as much as he can and as much as you allow. just handing you the water bottle before you can ask, helping you onto your horse, stuff like that
and I don't know shit about Elyan so
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