#if I didn't know the name I'd name it rainy day
Okay with all the (totally justified) love that Vision gets at the moment (including from me obviously) I just have to also point out how MUCH I love Some Love and Rainy Day because I think those are two of the best songs really.
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lucy90712 · 5 months
English love affair- Fermin Lopez
A/n: yes this is loosely based on the 5sos song I remembered it existed recently and haven't stopped listening to it 
Fermin's POV
It's always fun getting to visit a new country especially to play football but I've never known somewhere to be as rainy as England or London specifically. It's done nothing but rain since we landed but still the boys insisted we go out and explore as we have some free time they quickly regretted it when our umbrellas all turned inside out in the wind so we all decided to just go and get some lunch and watch the busy London streets from somewhere dry. The place we ended up in because it was close was actually rather nice and it was quiet too with just a few other table none of which seemed to pay any mind to us which hopefully means they don't know who we are. 
Once we were sat down one of the other groups caught my eye it was a group of girls who looked around my age. It wasn't just the girls that caught my eye it was one of them in particular I don't know what it was about her but I couldn't take my eyes off her she isn't my usual type but she is just so strikingly beautiful it's hard not to admire her. As soon as I noticed her I didn't stop staring which I know is creepy but the way she smiled and laughed with her friends was just so mesmerising. Out of all places to meet such a beautiful girl a tiny restaurant in the middle of London is not what I expected but I'm not going to complain. 
"Hey are you still with us bro" gavi elbowed me 
"Yeah yeah" I replied not looking at him 
"What have we been talking about for the last 10 minutes then?" Pedri asked 
"The game" I guessed 
"You know it's creepy just to stare at that girl right" Joao said 
"I'm not staring" I lied finally taking my eyes off her 
"You so are" Pedri said 
"Has fermin found love at first sight" Gavi teased 
"Stop it guys she'll hear you" I whisper yelled at them 
"Surely you want her to hear us there's no point just staring at her if you don't say something you'll never see her again" Joao said 
His logic was sound I can't lie. There is no point admiring her from afar if I don't say anything I'll never see her again and if she rejects me well then I don't have to face her again which would hopefully make it easier to take. That makes it sound simple but it's not that straightforward I'm not the best at talking to girls I never know what to say like do I just introduce myself do I compliment them it's all so complicated and I never seen to get it right. Of course in this situation there is the added problem of the language barrier I speak English pretty well but I don't know if I know enough to have a conversation with her and sometimes accents complicate things. It's a lot to think about but there isn't really time to think about it as she could leave at any time and I need to have something to say. 
For the rest of lunch all the boys kept trying to give me pointers on what to say some of which were serious but most were jokes. They also tried to find her Instagram for me but they were entirely unsuccessful which didn't surprise me as we don't even know her name but they tried nonetheless. While they talked among themselves I noticed that she was finally getting up to leave and as if it was meant to be her friends all left her so I had no reason not to take my chance. I was going to get up and talk to her but the boys pushed me out of my seat before I could get up and told me not to come back until I'd spoken to her. I approached her as she turned to leave her table and we locked eyes for the first time and I nearly froze but I didn't I kept walking towards her. 
"Hi I'm Fermin sorry if this is too forward but I thought you were really pretty and wanted to introduce myself" I said 
"Thank you Fermin I'm y/n" she said 
"I know this seems a lot but I'm only here for a few days so would you want to go and get coffee or something as long as you're free" I said 
"That sounds great I have the rest of today off as long as you are available" she said 
"Great you might have to guide me on where to go if you couldn't tell I'm not from here" I joked 
"I have the perfect place to go" she said 
With that we left together and I texted the boys telling them I'll pay them back for my part of the bill later. As we walked wherever she wanted to go we got to know each other a bit more she told me that she was in fact my age and that she's still in university studying psychology but she's on a break which is why she's out with friends during the day. I told her a bit more about myself but I didn't tell her exactly why I was here because I want to get to know her more before I tell her that I play football because that can really change how girls act around me. I'd love to believe that she wouldn't be like that but you never know there's girls I've met before that I thought wouldn't be so obsessed with my career but they were although I do think y/n is different. 
She took us down a few backstreets before we reached this cafe which only had two other people in it which was perfect. As soon as we entered the lady running the place came over to ask y/n how her studying had been going and she offered us our drinks on the house but y/n insisted on paying. If I didn't already like her that interaction only confirmed my thought that she was just truly a lovely person and that's something I find really attractive in a girl. We sat in a quiet corner of the cafe and sipped our drinks but mostly we just didn't stop talking. I've never had such a connection with someone before, it sounds like such a cliche but we really got on like a house on fire instantly. She's really just perfect I've never found someone I love everything about from the moment I met them but that's how I feel with y/n, every good quality you would want she has she's kind, patient and not to mention absolutely beautiful. 
After finishing our drinks and getting to know each other we both had to leave I'm supposed to  eat with the team for dinner and she had to do some studying but luckily her place is on the way to my hotel so we got to walk together. However the walk wasn't very long and before I knew it we had to say goodbye. I didn't want this to be the last time we see each other so I just kind of blurred out that I'm here to play football and invited her to the game. Naturally she had a few questions but I answered them and she agreed to come to the game tomorrow which is how I got her number so I could text her all the details she would need. 
Your POV
With my week off from uni I expected to see some friends and just unwind a bit but instead I ended up going out with a guy and not just any guy a Barcelona player who is playing a match in the champions league today and invited me to go. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, I've never been to a football match before let alone been invited by a player so I have no idea what to expect. All I do know is that I'm really excited to see Fermin again he's such a nice guy and incredibly attractive plus we connected really well so it would've been a shame if we only saw each other once before he had to go back to Barcelona. 
Last night I did so much googling to learn as much about football and Fermin's team as possible I don't know how much I retained but I tried my best. Something I definitely did remember was that this was an important match for the team so they will really want to win and I really hope they do because I'd love to see Fermin happy. I also realised that football was a lot more popular than I thought as Barcelona had over 120 million followers on Instagram and Fermin had over 2 million. Knowing how popular Fermin and the team were did make me anxious because I have less than 50 followers and a private account which I'm fine with because I don't like the attention but I think Fermin is worth the possible complete change in my life. 
Time went by so quickly today before I knew it I was supposed to be getting ready to leave which meant deciding what to wear. The obvious choice would be a Barcelona shirt but I don't own one so I can't do that instead I just put on some blue jeans and a red top so I was close enough to wearing the Barcelona colours. I did some simple makeup and did my hair but that was all I had time for as I had to get to the stadium and find my seat before the start of the match. 
Getting to the stadium actually wasn't too bad but I got so lost trying to find my seat as Fermin didn't get me just any ticket he got me a vip ticket which meant I had a really good seat but it was hard to find the right entrance. Once I found my seat I was offered drinks and all sorts of other things but I just wanted to sit there as I was feeling really nervous all of a sudden. Everyone else in the vip section was very clearly either important people or wives/girlfriends of the players which made me feel a little out of place. Everyone had designer clothes on their hair done all nicely and perfect makeup and there I was in clothes I've owned for years with barely anything done to my appearance. Most of them were also speaking Spanish which I have a basic understanding of but I couldn't make out a word they were saying so I just kept to myself. 
The match was very intense which I think was made worse for me because I didn't really know what was going on but it ended up in a Barcelona win which really made me happy. All of the players celebrated in front of the fans before finally leaving the pitch which was my cue to find my way down to the locker room as Fermin told me to meet him down there after the game. I saw some of the other girls from my section of seats heading a certain way so I just followed them and luckily they were going the right way and I found where I needed to be. I text Fermin to tell him I was there whenever he was ready but seconds after I sent the text he was coming out the door with the biggest smile on his face which made me smile even more. He ran straight over to me and gave me a hug clearly still high on adrenaline but it loved it. As he pulled away he gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me blush so hard I probably looked like a clown. 
"Congrats you guys were so good out there" I said 
"Thank you did you enjoy the game?" He asked 
"Yeah it was a bit confusing but the atmosphere was amazing" I answered honestly 
"That just means I'll have to see you again and explain the rules" he smirked 
"I might need more than one lesson the offside rule seems a bit confusing" I joked 
"I wish I could spend more time with you but we leave tomorrow morning" he said 
"But if it's ok with you I'd love to walk you home so we can spend more time together" he added 
"I'd really like that" I said 
He had to go back to the team for a bit but he gave me a water bottle and an apple incase I was hungry which made me laugh but I appreciated him caring so much about me. He wasn't gone that long but when he came back a few of his teammates followed him so he introduced me to them quickly as they wanted to meet me. They were all so sweet that it actually made me even more sad that they were all leaving and this little fling or whatever it is I have with Fermin will be over. We are lucky to have a bit more time together even if it is just the walk back to my place I will take all the time I can get. 
Fermin took my hand and we walked back to my place together very slowly so we could have more time together. As we walked it became darker and colder outside until it started to rain which is very typically England it always rains at the worst times. I did bring an umbrella but that lasted less than a minute in the wind so we were getting soaked but I didn't care at all I'd stand out here forever if I was with Fermin. He seemed to feel the same as neither of us walked any quicker we just accepted the fact that we were going to get wet and it was worth it. Eventually we made to right outside my apartment building and it was time for us to say our final goodbyes and I can't lie I felt tears in my eyes. It feels somewhat stupid to be so attached to someone I just met but we just had an instant connection and I don't want to let it go just yet. 
"I can't believe how much I don't want to leave you right now" Fermin said 
"I really don't want you to leave either" I said 
"I know we are both busy but promise me that we will try and keep in contact and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work but I can't let you go like this" Fermin said 
"I promise I'm not going to give up on this" I said 
"Can I kiss you?" he asked 
All I did was nod which was enough for Fermin as he leant in and pressed his lips to mine. We were both freezing from the rain but I felt so much warmer when his lips met mine which told me that our connection as new as it is is very real. I've never felt like this when kissing anyone before let alone a first kiss which I think is the universes way of telling me that I've met someone special and to not give up on this without a fight. We kissed for a bit longer before we both pulled away and just stared at each other with our foreheads connected until we couldn't just stand there anymore. Fermin gave me one last kiss and promised he'd text me tomorrow before leaving to head back to his hotel leaving me to go inside and come to terms with all of the millions of feelings I had running through me.
2 years later 
Just last week I submitted my dissertation and finished my degree it has been a hard few years but I'm proud of myself for doing it. The big changes in my life don't end there though as not only have I put a big part of my life behind me but I'm moving to a completely new country. Fermin and I have been together for nearly 2 years now and today is the day I finally move in with him in his place in Barcelona. The road to get here has been long but it all feels worth it Nke that I'm going to get to see him in person everyday not over the phone. 
Our relationship hasn't been normal in any way in fact our first date was over FaceTime and we started dating before we even had our first kiss as he asked me to be his girlfriend over FaceTime too. There has been lots of ups and downs and there has been times we have nearly broken up as we were so stressed with other things which affected our relationship but we made it. It feels like the hard part of our relationship is over and from now on I feel like it will be plain sailing. We have always had a special connection from the second we met but that really comes alive when we get to be together in person so getting to live together and be there for each other everyday is going to be so amazing. 
As much as I love Fermin with my whole heart deciding to move to Barcelona wasn't an easy decision. My whole life has always been in England like my friends and my family and I wasn't sure if I was ready to let go of all that and completely start my new life. Fermin was so supportive as well as I made my decision he told me if I needed to move back home for a bit longer to find myself outside of education then he would support that. Ultimately I decided that it was time for me to take the leap and discover who I am with him as I want him to always be part of my life so we decided we'd move in together which it some might seem risky but we know each other so well that neither of us thought it would be a problem. 
Preparing to move has been quite stressful as I've been shipping my things to Fermin so that I only have to bring some things with me on the plane but now I'm ready to go all I feel is excitement. Sitting on the plane sending my last text to Fermin before I land and we get to be together forever felt amazing but strange at the same time the long distance chapter of our relationship is finally coming to an end. The entirety of the flight all I thought about was all the things we can finally do now that we get to spend more time together like we can go on weekend trips if he has time off or spontaneous midweek dates and even just the things regular couples do together. 
Coming through the doors into the arrivals area Fermin was waiting there for me, he spotted me in seconds and we just ran towards each other. His arms wrapped around my waist as he engulfed me in the tightest hug I've ever experienced he held me so tight that he lifted my feet off the floor which he took to his advantage and spun me round. Once he finally put me down his lips were attached to mine almost instantly and we shared what I think was the best kiss we've ever had. 
"I'm so glad you're finally here and our lives together can finally begin" he said 
"I can't wait to see what the future holds" I said  
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nekkomaa · 5 months
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Warnings: Violence, inappropriate language, manipulation, toxic relationships.
Notes: The first chapter and maybe the second will be more focused on the protagonist's story, this is going to be a longer fanfic, I don't remember writing many chapters before, but I'll do my best. I warn you that English is not my first language.
I'd love to know if you'd prefer a protagonist with a name, or a “reader” protagonist
Portuguese version published on Wattpad
The noise of the rain is loud, every fat drop hits the roof, the ground, the window and it's as if you're struggling to break each one of them.
You hate rainy days, they're depressing and remind you of everything you'd like to forget.
The letter in your hand takes your breath away, your fingers tremble almost without the strength to hold the piece of paper in your hands, the air feels heavy, you breathe but the air doesn't reach your lungs. You didn't know what you were getting into until you were in the middle of it, the letter just shows you that once again.
The sound of the front door slamming is what breaks your trance, forcing you to leave the letter where it was and try to pull yourself together with the few seconds you had.
Footsteps approach the room, and everything in you screams for you to hide, your feet don't obey, the loud noise of the rain makes everything seem more macabre, and you soon find yourself facing him.
“Darling, I missed you…” Your husband drops his bag as soon as he sees you, heading in your direction. He moves confidently, like a predator who knows his prey will never escape. You stiffen and put a tense smile on your lips, the letter on the table next to you teases you, as if it could speak, trying to make you make the slip and look at it.
Your husband wraps you in a tight embrace, he holds the back of your neck tightly, you feel like an object in his hands. Without moving away you wrap your arms around him, a tense sigh leaves your lips as he speaks.
“I believe you collected the letters from the post office, didn't you?” He asks in a calm tone, his voice laced with a cloying sweetness that consumes you inside like poison and makes you sick to your stomach.
“The letters are on the table.” You reply quietly, in a tone devoid of pep. You know he noticed your strange behavior, but luckily he was in a good mood and didn't question you further.
“Great, what a good wife I have.” He turns away from you and leaves a kiss on your lips before heading towards the letters.
You watch him for a few minutes before covertly wiping your lips on your shirt sleeve. His body seems less tense now that he's a little further away.
“I'll get dinner ready, darling.” Forcing the words out, you wait for his confirmation, and as soon as you receive it, you almost run towards the kitchen.
The sound of the rain has died down, and soon the only noise you can concentrate on is the sound of the TV in the living room, and the sound of the knife tapping against the board. You try to keep your thoughts as far away as you can, but it becomes a little difficult when what you're holding is an object that could kill you.
The vegetables are placed in a bowl, you're still holding the knife, it feels heavy in your hands, one look at it and you can see the thing glowing. You watch it for long minutes, time seems to stand still until it breaks.
“What are you thinking?” The man behind you holds your waist, watching your movements from behind.
His hand grips the knife tighter, his knuckles white as you feel your whole body stiffen and become alert.
“Nothing, I was just about to call you.” You lie, your tongue hangs heavy in your dry mouth, fear consumes you as you feel him move one of his hands to your knife-holding hand.
“You don't lie to me, do you?” The voice is lower now and resonates in your ears.
“No… Of course not,” comes his reply, quicker than it should be. He again lets his slip, a laugh is all he gives you before walking away and towards the table.
You don't look in his direction.
Every time you pick up a knife, you find yourself thinking about what it would be like to plunge it into his neck, your husband's, the man whose name you weren't even sure was David. For all you know, he could have had other names. Watching the blood flow and his face turn white and pale.
You don't know how you'd feel about that. You don't even know if you'd like to know.
The next morning, all you hear are birds singing. You're grateful when you realize that David didn't sleep with you, he probably left as soon as he finished his shower.
As you sit up in bed, your chest tightens. The feeling that something was wrong has stayed with you ever since you read that letter. The handwriting only confirmed that it was something serious, the name Las Almas, emblazoned across the top, you knew it was something bad. You remember hearing David arguing on the phone about it.
When you were younger, you were too innocent not to realize who David was, he painted himself to you as a decent man, a guy who would give you the world. Only to lock you in a cage and treat you like a mere toy. Your mother, she would have done anything to help you if she had known who David was, but the poor lady never heard from you again, David made you cut ties with your family, you changed countries and never saw your parents again.
Cell phones were forbidden in the house, the TV only played specific channels, and the house was isolated, any communication you had was monitored, the maid who appeared from time to time never spoke to you, just a few words like good morning or a quick goodbye. The security guard who stood at the door exchanged few words with you too, he focused on being professional, answering your questions briefly and without many gaps for you to ask more.
You realized the situation was out of control too late, and now all you could do was look back at your past and blame your old self for being so blind.
You accepted that there was no chance of getting out a long time ago. And with that, all you had left to do was look after the house, waste time reading silly books that were scattered around the living room, and cook different things.
Your routine never changed.
That was until that afternoon. The afternoon when your whole life changed.
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abbysimsfun · 9 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 44 (A Nephew and a Wedding!)
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Making the most of a rainy autumn, Heather travelled to Henford to meet River and Cassandra's son, Michael, before he was even a week old.
She marvelled at her tiny nephew while he slept. "It's incredible, Riv! That's your kid!"
"He's pretty amazing, isn't he? I can't believe he's finally here."
Heather had arrived with first-time grandmother, Bella Goth, who always looked incredible. Even now that her jet black hair had faded to grey, she dressed like she could stop traffic everywhere she went.
"He has my brother's chin," she said, glancing wistfully upon her grandson as he woke from his nap. Baby Michael had been named for Bella's brother, who died in a motorcycle crash at the age of 32.
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Bella was delighted to meet her grandson, but memories of her older brother still made her sad. He’d been gone for over twenty years, but he was her big brother - the only person she regretted leaving behind in Sunset Valley when she and Mortimer got married.
Cass cradled her new son. "I know how much you miss him. I wanted to honour his memory, and when he was born, we thought he looked like a Michael. Are you upset?"
Bella pushed forth a smile. "No, my goodness. My brother would have been thrilled to know his name lives on." Cass carefully studied her mother's face. "I know Michael's death triggered the depression that led to my disappearance, but I'm a stronger person now. I want to see my grandson grow up, and I have plenty to keep my mind busy. Diego keeps talking about taking a trip, and your brother's wedding is next month."
"Maybe Alexander and Lydia will give you more grandkids soon," Heather suggested sweetly as she cuddled Michael in her arms.
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"You know she doesn't even want a wedding?" Bella smiled. "I told Lydia there was no chance my son would elope at Brindleton Town Hall, but she doesn't want seating, because she doesn't want an audience. She doesn't want a wedding dress, and doesn't want Alexander in a tux. The guests will be more dressed up than they are!"
"If it's what she wants, won't it still be beautiful?" Cass saw the world in such a romantic way.
"She wants an altar made of palm leaves! In our mansion! The aesthetic has me gasping! But she says the only part of the wedding she's actually looking forward to is her honeymoon in Sulani. All she cares about is marrying Alexander, not showing off for a bunch of guests she doesn't know."
"I think that's sweet," said Cassandra.
"A part of me was mortified! But a bigger part of me wishes I'd had the guts to stand up to Mortimer's parents when I was thrown into the deep end of the society scene as his photogenic new bride all those years ago. I really like her."
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Heather and her siblings were all invited to the big day – a simple and phoned in ceremony (by the Watcher!) at the Goth family mansion in Brindleton Bay.
(I just wanted to make sure they didn't break up or something so I rushed it, quick and dirty. They're a side-side household at the moment even though I've tentatively plotted some of their future in my notes, but sometimes I just want to play and not do all this set up. And I'll shamelessly try to excuse it with storytelling every time.)
Surprisingly, no one complained about sitting on the floor for the ceremony. And even though it was raining, Heather chatted with Holly outside in their boho-style dresses.
"That colour looks great on you," Holly said, eyeing the purple dress Heather had chosen from the shop with almost no thought.
"Thanks, but I don't know where I might have a chance to wear something like this again." (The game picked it at random but I like how the colour nods to Gen 3)
"Maybe you should wear it with Conrad somewhere."
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"We're not really a dressy couple," she said. "All my clothes get covered in whatever Ash gets his hands in then wipes on my shirt. If he wasn't at his dad's this weekend, I'm sure the dress would already have at least three stains."
Holly laughed, shaking her head. "You're so unflirty, sis. I don't know how you have the hottest man on the planet practically begging to move in with you."
"I'm taking him home to Henford soon. I really want him to meet everyone, but I'm so worried it won't go well."
"Why wouldn't it go well? Didn't you say he wanted to come with you today but couldn't get away from work?"
"I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, that's all."
"What, like he's secretly working for the Landgraabs in some elaborate scheme to steal your code for your next mobile app?" She laughed at the thought, but Heather would be lying if she said the possibility had never crossed her mind, even once, in the months since she'd known him.
"I think it's more that if it doesn't go well, it would hurt too much."
"Then don't overthink it. You know no matter what, you'll always have us."
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As hard as it was to take Holly's advice, Heather spent the next few weeks focused on her clinic to keep her mind off her relationship fears. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Lydia Kim-Lewis (now Goth!) is the youngest of three daughters of Eric and Alice. She's also Hazel Nesbitt's best friend since childhood, which is why the family-focused wedding had so many Nesbitts, too. For those who like updates on townies and premades, eldest Olivia married Imran Watson and they have three kids, and Spencer of course married Everett (and they have Greyson and Jett). Spencer and Lydia were both born in-game.
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moonstruckdraws · 10 months
Pico Pico Pico!
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This is a lil sneak peek into my next sketch board! I said I'd draw @hellishgayliath's oc, Pico and I am :] Been going through their lore 'n stuff and saw that he likes saint bernards! And I thought I'd let him meet an old lady dog, named Irene! Irene use to be a stray dog that lost her leg after being hit by a car, but she survived all on her own. She was loving and caring, but humans never got close enough to rescue her. She had a mate and litter a long while back, but they either got rescued or grew up and left the small pack. She hobbled through life with her three legs until she wounded up in front of Todd's trailer in the woods one rainy evening. Todd, being the saint (ha, get it?) that he is, makes her a robotic leg with the help of Donnie's bots. However, the next day, she escaped out of Todd's supervision and only came back when she didn't know where she was and was hungry. She keeps to herself, but enjoys keeping watch over the pups around the place :]
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teenandbeyond · 11 months
Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader
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 🎶Guess who's back? Back again. Guess who's back, guess who's back— 🎶 Edit: Lemme know if y'all want more oneshots on their lovestory and such (50 notes if you want a back story, if you pass it by even one, I'll give you a backstory and a smut if you want it.)
The prequel, part 2 is out! Here.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Rainy Days
Warning(s): Fluff, (hints at suggestive language) adult Shoto
You and Shoto's dating life after you leave your villianous past behind.
When you wake up, the first thing you see is hetrochromatic eyes already looking at you.
"Good Morning, [Name]."
"G'Mornin," you mutter into a pillow (his intense gaze with no preparation led to you resetting there).
"Your sleep talking is cute every time."
"Ony yud tink tat (Only you'd think that)." You finally turn to meet his eyes, "Want breakfast?"
He nods, "I've been hungry for a while."
You groan as you roll out of the bed, shuffling on some slippers, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner, Sho?"
"You looked peaceful. I could wait," as he got up to follow you, he re-tied his pajama pants.
As you made your way to the kitchen, you yawned, grabbing all the dishes you needed robotically; it was like a seamless routine.
Shoto made himself helpful and helped grab ingredients (which also subtly hinted at what he wanted).
Once everything was set out, he obediently sat at the kitchen island and watched you.
At this point, you'd taught him a little about cooking...but Shoto couldn't be awesome at everything.
After years of teaching him, he'd only managed to master eggs, toast, tea, and cutting vegetables on a good day.
The minute he started your playlist, you sang along like it was your duty as an R&B nerd.
And as he watched you in your element in his kitchen, he felt glad that you were given another chance.
His gaze went down your figure, from your blindingly beautiful smile and plump lips that he could never stop finding attractive no matter how much time passed...
To your hips that swayed with your head to the music; your legs that he loved to hold and have around his—
"Why're you looking at me like that?"
His eyes slid up to meet yours, "I just...I glad that you're with me. I love you."
You didn't know how those three words still managed to fluster you after years.
You smiled, "I love you, too. Wanna try this? See if there's too much seasoning for you?"
Shoto chuckled, "I've been with you long enough to handle some seasoning by now, [Name]."
But he didn't object to being fed, of course he didn't. He loved your soul food no matter what time of day it was.
He was glad that the others weren't here to see this time, sometimes the whole 'you two are a married couple' teasing would get on his nerves.
Let him get spoiled from his Queen in peace.
As he thoughtfully chewed, you kissed his forehead and got back to work.
"Should we go out today?"
"You might want to wear more than just my shirt before we do that."
You rolled your eyes, "Obviously. I hate to see what you'd do if anyone else saw me like this but you."
He stared at you in silence for a long time, you didn't realize he was until you placed the plate in front of him.
Not a twitch.
"Hm?" he blinked back to reality. (Oh, there goes gravity.)
"You okay?"
"I was thinking about what I'd do...Probably not the best thing to happen."
You weren't any less confused as he got to eating.
"What does that mean—?”
"—It'd be better if you didn't know."
Well, okay then...
"Besides, it's raining. There's nowhere to go."
Only now did you notice the rain pounding on the window.
"And on your day off, too..."
You felt fingers intertwine with yours before lips brushed against your knuckles.
"That's okay. We don't need to go out for me to enjoy time with you. Last night, for example—"
"—Anyway. We could watch a movie or binge a show."
"If we get to cuddle, deal."
Cuddling was admittedly Shoto's favorite form of physical affection with you.
He loved the way your head fit perfectly in the crevice of his shoulder and head.
He loved the smell of your shampoo while your hair brushed his cheek.
He loved that the curve of your body fit into his, he loved your warmth.
He loved the little whispers of love and affection passing your lips.
He loved the soft neck kisses.
Your nails grazing his back.
He loved your random muttering in English, hearing the slang he understood, the slang he didn't.
He loved the intimacy, he loved how close he could be to you. The pure affection. Something he'd craved for a long time.
He loved the vulnerabilty.
He loved what it represented, the first time the two of you cuddled after a long night of talking.
He loved the trust. The safety.
He loved cuddling with you because you were truly his home.
He needed you.
Absentmindedly, he began to kiss your neck as he went deeper into thought.
More than he realized sometimes.
His friends made him learn what friendship was.
But you taught him what love was like.
He handn't realized his hands had traveled.
"What happened to inocently watching the movie?"
He smiled into his shirt, "I never said anything like that...besides, what else is there to do to repay you for the breakfast?"
Shoto loved rainy days.
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quannaix · 4 days
What is your experience with Animal Crossing?
Okay it has been literally over three months since you sent this so I apologise I just have a lot to say and wanted to enjoy going on about Animal Crossing.
My first was Animal Crossing Wild World, which I saved up for and bought, even pre-owned it was expensive for primary school me. I did not know much about the game and it was years before I realised that the copy hadn't been wiped so I'd walked into someone else's town. I'm guessing someone called George, since my town was named Egroeg. But by that point I'd been playing for so long I didn't want to wipe my progress. Also by then I had realised that he had upgraded Nook's to the highest version, which would have been hard for me to replicate because it involved playing multiplayer and I only had one other friend with the game. I really loved ACWW, and I spent lots of time playing it even though I definitely didn't understand a lot of elements of the game. My friend and I spend loads of time imagining things we'd love to add to the game, like if you could get a job (paying that loan off in shells is hard!) and I thought it would be cute if you could drive around in a little car that had a boot for extra inventory space (backpacks fill up a lot when things don't stack). I became best friends with Kiki in this game and when she moved I was so sad that I planted a tree where her house had been thinking that would stop another house taking her place (I was wrong, but it's the thought that counts).
I did get AC Let's Go to the City for the Wii, but never racked up many hours on that because being console based I'd have to find time when the family wasn't using the TV. I definitely prefer it as a handheld game.
I got given Animal Crossing New Leaf for my birthday when it released and I maintain this is best AC game. I still love it so much. I love that they introduced the mechanics of town design, most notably that Roost was a stand alone cafe and you got to choose where to place it!!!!! I think this might be around the time I first started following you (saxyplaya hehe) I assume because I found you from looking for QR codes for designs. I am still obsessed with so many of the QR code dresses people came up with. I think ACNL had the best balance of effort to output. Like it had these town design features but still took ages to do things. You had to grow trees from scratch and grow them again if you placed em wrong. This made everything feel more satisfying though, imo. You really put in the hours, and days and weeks, so the results would make me feel proud. I love that there are so many fruit tree varieties, I love visiting the island, I love that you CAN work at the Roost and that Brewster would give you coffee rewards. The updates they made with Happy Home Designer and the campsite, including adding the 'god mode' furniture design thing did make things a lot easier. But I like actually that to see anything you have to actually put it on/put it in the room, in your cupboards everything is just the generic category icon. I still have not caught all the bugs and fish in this game. I THINK I have all the fossils, but I think it makes it more fun for longer if it's not so easy to catch everything. I love the shopping street, and slowly unlocking the buildings. I love that little bench at the end of the street looking out. I think the music in this game is so lovely too, and one of my most favourite things is walking around on a rainy day in my town. I also actually loved that it was always the opposite weather hemisphere-wise, often I'd log in in irl winter so I could feel warm and vice-versa.
I also just love the graphics and look and feel of the game. The characters are still sassy and have a lot of personality. I always think fondly of my neighbour O'Hare, because his birthday is two days after mine. Now I could wax rhapsodic about ACNL al day but I should move on!
I freely admit I did obsessively play AC Pocket Camp for like a year or two when it came out (maybe longer??) to fill the void while I waited to see if there would be a Switch game. My partner also got me the original GameCube Animal Crossing for Christmas, which I played a little, but we don't usually have the GameCube set up and see above my preference of handheld play for AC. Still, a very cute present that I love having.
The second they Switch was announced, I said that I would be holding off on buying one until I saw if they put out a new AC game with a console to match. And I am SO glad I did because I was able to get the console and the game when they came out and I think the console is sooooo pretty. ACNH is really fun as well, I do like the addition of terraforming, being able to place furniture outside, and that they went really ham on the graphics. While I think I still have more of a soft spot for the older graphic style, I love things like the raindrops on the windows and the furniture blowing as the fan goes over it, etc etc those little tiny additions really melt my heart. I do feel like they smoothed out the characters too much, they don't have as much personality as they used to. And as much as so many things are easier (changing clothes, furniture, moving trees and plants, catching all fish/bugs and fossils) I think I preferred it when it was a bit more challenging. I wish the Roost was separate still </3. I loved the addition of Island Designer, I find that so fun, and I love the glowing moss furniture, and being able to design villager's houses (given that sometimes they start to look really dogshit after I've been gifting them my garbage furniture sorry guys). I don't send letters as much in this game as I used to, idk why exactly it just never seemed as fun or important in ACNH. I like the addition of cooking, more just because it tickles me personally. I'm back and forth on the crafting mechanism. I think overall I like it, and in many ways it's a return to the challenging aspects I just went on about loving in the previous game in terms of it being an involved process (esp if you want to change the colours), but I think that tools breaking SO fast annoys me and that even gold tools break annoys me heaps. Overall I do still enjoy ACNH, and I'm actually glad that it introduced the game to a whole lot of new people because it's widened the audience of people I can ramble about AC to. I do wish I had gone with the other hemisphere weather, I went back and forth on that and I discovered I actually prefer it NOT aligning with my real life weather so it can serve as an escape.
Thank you for asking me this question, in case you can't tell I love talking about Animal Crossing it is definitely one of my favourite game series of all time <3
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icarus-suraki · 2 months
It was a rainy Monday night when she came up to my office. I saw her silhouette on my frosted pebbled glass door and I knew this was going to be trouble.
They don't make frosted pebbled glass doors like they used to. I had to source this one specially. I cut the door to fit it in myself. The landlord didn't like that but he doesn't understand aesthetics. Same reason I keep my blinds half-open all the time for those angular and linear shadows: aesthetics.
I put the decals for my name up on the door too: Harry Cross, Researcher. The letters were backwards for me on account of being inside my office: ɿɘʜɔɿɒɘƨɘЯ ƨƨoɿƆ γɿɿɒH
Then the letters were ||||| ||||| ||||||| when she opened the door.
"Hello, Hodie," she said.
"Hodie" is what they call me if they know me: Harry "Hodie" Cross. It was a long-ago yesterday that I got that nickname. I'll tell you why tomorrow.
"Hey, kid," I said.
You could call her a leggy blonde. Blondes come in only a couple of flavors in these kinds of stories: icy and honey. But she wasn't a blonde. She was pretty leggy, though, considering she had two of them. She'd be leggier if she had more but you take what you can get. So you could call her a leggy blonde if you wanted but I'm not about to. She was maybe somewhere between 17 and 43 and she looked like she had a lot on her mind. I'm telling you all this for your benefit; she's my cousin so don't get any ideas.
She took my hat off the rack and put it on as she walked over on those two legs; the hat looked better on her than on me.
"How're your brothers?" I asked.
"Fighting," she said as she sat down on the other side of my desk.
"Too bad," I said.
She shrugged. "It happens every night."
This kid here, Issy, she's got two brothers, Shem and Shaun and they've each got a share of the city. Shem's got a lock on the stationery business in this town and Shaun's got a mail delivery racket going. It never ends with those two and sometimes I think Issy just plays referee when they're brawling.
I kicked my feet up on the desk. "So what brings a girl like you to a nice place like this? The rain? The park? Other things?"
"I need you to find someone for me, Hodie."
"Yeah?" I lit another datura cigarette. I couldn't find the one I'd just had in my hand. "Who?" I lost my cigarette again.
I gave her a look. Two-ells-two-enns Dicky Davy Ellmann was another big man in this town, but for the right reasons. He was smart; he knew his stuff, and if he didn't know, he knew how to find out. A regular tome, that guy.
I found another datura cigarette in my hand and lit it. "With that blue and black jacket of his, he should be easy to find." I paused for a second. "You don't think he's…I guess some people would call it 'recycled'?"
"I don't think he's in the box."
We all know the old cardboard box where you end up when it's time to leave the city of letters.
"Still in the old place, then, huh? Why're you looking for him?"
"Because of this."
She slid a Tumblr post across the desk towards me:
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I read it and gave a low whistle.
"I need to know if it's true, Hodie. And if anyone's going to know, it's Ellmann and nobody knows where he is."
I leaned back in my chair, which I also had to source specially as a vintage piece since the aesthetics demand something other than a pink gamer chair in this establishment, and kept looking at the post.
"Why not just ask the usual crowd?"
"With Artie out there causing trouble?"
She was right: Artie Intel was a thorn in everyone's side these days. He liked to talk but only about three words of what he said were true. It was all good language but it was all wrong--not even fiction, just plain wrong. Real gift o' the gab with this one. And a town like this might run on fiction but sometimes you just need facts. The problem was that people were starting to listen to old Artie and starting think what he was saying was making sense.
"Hodie, please?" she said. "You've got a nose like a bloodhound."
"It's not that big."
"You got droopy eyes, though."
She had me there.
"And droopy ears."
That was maybe going too far.
"All right," I said. "I'll take the case."
"I knew you would, Hodie. And I know you'll find him."
I tossed the post back onto the desk. "When I set out to find somebody I find 'em. That's why they pay me."
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artzzyb00-27 · 7 months
Car Safety; Worried Parents
You already know, let's just hop in.
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Harry getting his license was nerve-wracking. Not for him, for Athena. She'd seen many reckless teenagers lose control while driving. So when Harry got his permit, she had the excuse of still being the one driving, or at least being able to make sure he was safe. With the license, he would be alone.
Bobby was nervous too. Mainly because he didn't want to go on a call and see his kid(yes he saw Harry as his own) in the wrecked car. He and Michael were both trying to look for a car that wasn't over the top for Harry's first. May wasn't worried, she trusted Harry. She just made him promise she wouldn't receive a call while she was working about him.
"I know that will be me when Chris gets his license," Eddie said in the loft of the firehouse. Bobby had shared the news that Harry had gotten his license and decided to wait to get a car. Smart choice with how the market was right now.
"I'm worried that Denny will use it as an excuse to leave whenever we're in arguments. Driving while you are angry is the most dangerous." Hen said. Chimney was contemplating how old he would even let Jee-Yun get close to the driver's seat.
"Harry's a smart kid. He's Athena's. He'll be fine on the road when he gets his car."
"You better not give him your Jeep Buck," Bobby warned his surrogate son.
"Don't worry, saving that for Jee-Yun."
"Don't you dare Buckley. Besides why not give it to Chris?" Eddie raised an eyebrow and gave Buck an, 'Oh yeah?', look despite the comment being Chimney's.
"Cause then I'd end up sleeping in the car. Besides Chris already called dibs on the truck."
"Which he'll get when we get another one. So don't even think about it." Raising his hands in defense, he walked behind the counter to help Bobby with lunch. After eating peacefully, the alarm went off and they ran to the truck.
"Alright, we gotta car crash. A Jeep Wrangler and a Lambo." Ravi winced at imaging the ways it could've happened. No matter what, both people in the cars were probably okay. It was a rainy day so either of the cars could have lost control from the wet cement.
When they arrived at the scene, they saw Athena who looked scared. She walked up to the team and debriefed them.
"Teenager in the jeep. Seventeen, turning eighteen tomorrow. The father was in the copilot seat. Lambo was an older man. Had to handcuff him." She explained pointing at the 40-year-old-looking man. Who was cursing the kid across from him. The poor kid looked terrified.
"Already questioned him, I need you guys to get the parent out, he's knocked unconscious." Looking behind her, they were able to see the jeep tipped on its right side. Through the windshield, they could see the father's face. With blood dripping down slightly. Rushing into action they were able to pull him out and make sure he was alive.
When he felt that someone was holding him, he stirred a bit.
"Sir, we're gonna help you out. Can you tell me your name?"
"Mm, Patrick Mendieta. My son, where is he?" He slurred out trying to break free weakly while looking for his kid.
"He's safe sir don't worry."
"You don't understand, he had top surgery a few months ago. Stitches are closed completely but-,"
"In that case, we'll double-check. Right now we need to get you to the hospital to fix up that head of yours." Hen told him while Buck went to go check on the kid.
"Hey there, what's your name?"
"Oliver. I swear it wasn't my fault. We were just driving like normal and he came out of nowhere."
"Yeah right! You were going too fucking slow! Idiot children, don't have no respect-"
"Sir, calm down before I make you," Buck said, effectively making him shut up. Looking back at the kid, he saw the tears streaming down his face. Anger in his eyes.
"He wasn't watching the speed limit. And somehow it's my fault to be careful in the rain."
"I know kid, trust me he'll get reprimanded. Right now I need to make sure you're okay. Your door took the hit it seems." Oliver looked back to his car to realize that Buck was right.
The driver's side was dented, which made the fault immediately go to the other driver. With that he let Buck examine him. Few bruised ribs and a sprained wrist. Nothing serious but would have to go to the doctor to check his back.
After sending the kid away, they dealt with any more issues the rain had caused before heading back to the firehouse. Athena had gotten there early and was sitting at the dinner table eating the food she made for dinner.
"Couldn't go back immediately. Not after that. Can't stop thinking about Harry." Massaging her shoulders, Bobby made sure she was relaxed before driving back out on patrol.
When the shift ended Eddie and Buck gave Chris an extra long hug. Hen gave Denny another pop quiz on how to handle driving in the rain, and Athena did not let Harry drive any car for a month after that. Not without initial protest. However, it turned to guilt after hearing about the accident from his classmate Oliver.
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littlesheeneffect · 2 months
She's My Husband! (Part 1)❤️
Miles Maitland x Y/N (AFAB Genderfluid)
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I love Miles, and always did. And somehow, I knew he loved me- despite me being AFAB. I am genderfluid, so that bridged everything, "like the superpower it is", as he says. So, let me begin.
We met on a dull rainy day that anyone in Britian is used to. Except me, as I'm not from the British isles. So, I gravitated to the nearest building, which so happened to be a open dining arena as well. As I stood shivering, removing my outer brown tweed coat, my eyes grazed across the room.
Suddenly, I realized that a most attractive man was staring at me with a surprised expression. Quickly he reverted his gaze to his paper, as his round shaded glasses slightly slipped down his nose a bit.
Just then, someone he obviously knew, passed the opposite side of his table and muttered something to him- to which, he tisked loudly and then smiled back, " No she's a he and he's a she- get with it."
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'Oh goodness!' My heart raced, 'They're talking about me, darn- I should've left the coat on. Oh great!' I blushed darkly, and nervously slid the wet coat back on.
With a near hurt pain, I undecided decided to return to the wet landscape, but the stairs I'd used to enter was blocked by a serving cart. Quickly scanning the room, I seen the closest. Which so happened to be just passed the man with the paper.
My feet made there way over, though a butler-like server moved, and bumped me. Stumbling, I nearly fell right on top of the man's table. Knocking over his glass, and spilling water all over it.
He looked at me, without even as much as a flinch and batted his eyes as he shook his head with rapture. "Oh my dear- that was the most beautiful intro!"
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"Huh-huh-huh", I forced a laugh, though my face was red and I was extremely obviously embarrassed, 'Um, Hi." "Hello, my names Miles. Miles Maitland", he grinned with glee as I removed myself from the table and took his hand.
"I'm y/f/n y/l/n, but you can call me....whatever you'd like" I shrugged off, realizing he probably would catch the female name didn't go with the current male appearance. Or at least attempted male appearance. "Mmmmm", he soft of hum-growled, with a ferver that made me blush once more before he continued- "You are so intriguing y/n! Please, feel free to take a chair. Goodness knows it'll draw attention just stating there! Please, please, come sit", he beamed. And I seated myself in the chair at my side, smoothing my wet vest down as I did so. Darn that clumsyness!
"So", he whispered, "praytell-" with that he softly pointed up and down at me, with with his opposite index finger, and a mischieveious curiousoity painted in his aura. Another blush escaped me, and I broke a smile. "Oh, yeah... Well, I'm, I am something called genderfluid. It, it means, I am able to change my gender to whatever I'd like, we'll sort of, not physically though.... As you seen. You know what I mean? This, I, I sound crazy!" "No, no, no, no! My dear- you are amazing. You have a superpower. Oh, my- how wonderful!" He beamed.
..... To Be Continued.......
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
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- Albedo
Underneath the Stars- "I heard you talking in your sleep."-\
Brainrot- Fluff
im scum, im waste, im what you want- 'I thought I told you not to smile at other men.'
Part 2
Part 3
What am I gonna do- "Why are you asking me such stupid questions?"
Hold me closer and I'll hold back- "Same old heart with the same old tricks, hold me closer and I’ll hold back"
He says everything I need to hear- And its like i couldn't ask for anything better
If im dead to you why are at the wake?- Cursing my name, wishing I'd stayed
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater- and if may just take your breath away
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be- 'Was our relationship just a joke to you...?'
All the stars aligned- "And what name should I put?"
When I'm not with you think of me always- "Everything is alright just hold on tight, that's because I'm a god old fashioned lover boy"
In front of all your stupid friends- "If you kissed me would it be just like i dreamed?"
When I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave- “Cause I loved you, I swear I love you… Till my dying day…”
One last time- 'Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask...'
I'll do anything you ask of me- My fingers pressed until their sore
Wandering in the woods- "It's alright Collei, they should be okay. You did good."
Falling asleep on him- 'He was rarely shown affection and was very unsure what do to when he received it.'
Drunk under a street light- "But I knew you, dancing in your Levis drunk under a street light"-
You said you love me exactly the way I am- "Guess I must be satisfactory you said you love me exactly the way I am"
Show me how you care- Show me how you smile
Meet me at our spot- Baby, are you coming for the ride?
In your arms tonight-. 'You hadn't been hugged by anyone like this in years, so of course some tears were shed.'
Hey I miss your stupid face- Get back to my place, I need you. It hurts so much to wait
I never meant to hurt you though- I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
But I didn't need to be stronger I needed to be saved- You wanted nothing more than to hold him
And that's why I love fall- I love you y/n don't you forget that
With eyes as dead as mine- "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you."
Could you ever imagine where our lives could be- Luckily you saw something in me, something I couldn’t see
But now he's playing with your head- "God will you stop being so clingy!"
They never know what you know- "It's not that simple but they won't seem to notice"
All the leaves are brown- And the sky is grey
All this over a kiss- "You're Y/N, my Fiance!"
Clung on tightly, like parentheses- "And every sentence that a spoke began and ended with ellipsis"
I wanna be your favourite boy- "I wanna be the one who makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake"
Why don't you love me anymore?- But you say I don't know how to love
I don't know what to do without you- "Please, I'm still the same lyney you fell in love with"
Please hold me close to you- Baby flatline still time to do it too
And i thought you might be mine- In a small world, on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
Feeling sick of myself- Guess I'll try to be someone else (trans masc reader)
The breathing exercises hurt- They don't do fuck all
I'll Hide My Chest...- And i'll figure out a way to get us out of here
No alarms and no surprises-Such a pretty house And such a pretty garden
Wait by the door like I'm just a kid- And watch you tolerate it.
Boys don't cry- I would say i'm sorry, if thought that it would change your mind.
I should be over all the butterflies- Im still into you
Secrets i have held in my heart- are harder to hide than I thought
Part 1
Part 2
I'm cutting people out again- I hope to see their faces when I pursue. Haunting you…
I'll hide my chest- And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.
Yeah, you made it all alright- Those words were for you and for you alone
Why do I myself dream like this?- "But perhaps its just my stupid hea in the end
We fell in love in October- That's why I love fall
They say it's such a shame, I turned out this way- "The red means I love you."
We listen to a lot of true crime- But it's alright, she'll be fine
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Breaking my back just know your name- Well, some body told me, that you have a boyfriend.
Make sure nobody sees you leave- Tell your friends you're out for a run
I can't stop you putting roots in my dream land- Despite being a detective many things about you were still a mystery that he could never figure out.
Sweet tea in the summer- "Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other"
You know i wanna be your light- In darkness, How you find me just in time to tell me what I needed to hear.
I don't deserve you, you deserve the world- Every time that i miss you I feel the way you hurt
Oh what a blessing to meet someone like you- "With eyes as dead as mine"
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away- When you get out of bed don't end up stranded
It's always been just him and me together- So I'll bet all I have on
Just one more tear to cry- One tear drop from my eye
Coming out as Non-binary
You and me, always forever- Fremient, Lyney, Alhaitham
If you're lost you can look and find me- Time after Time
You're just another picture to burn- There's no time for tears
Date rambles-
My kinda girl- Im down on my hands and knees begging you please baby
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kana2025 · 2 months
Jaehyun x Writer Reader
In the heart of Seoul, the city never slept. Among its bustling streets, neon lights, and towering skyscrapers, there was a quaint little café tucked away in a quiet alley. It was your favorite spot, a sanctuary where you could immerse yourself in your writing, free from the distractions of everyday life. The café had an old-world charm with its wooden furniture, bookshelves lined with classics, and the soothing aroma of freshly brewed coffee that filled the air.
You were at your usual table by the window, a steaming cup of coffee beside your laptop. The gentle hum of conversation around you was like a comforting background score as your fingers danced over the keyboard. Writing had always been your escape, a way to weave your dreams and emotions into stories that resonated with others.
It was a rainy afternoon when Jaehyun first walked into the café. You didn't notice him at first, too engrossed in the world you were creating on your screen. But when the doorbell chimed, you looked up and caught a glimpse of him. Tall, with broad shoulders and a charming smile, he exuded a quiet confidence that drew your attention. He scanned the room briefly before his eyes settled on you. For a moment, it felt like the world had paused.
Jaehyun had always been intrigued by writers. There was something alluring about the way they could craft entire worlds with just words. When he saw you, with your focused expression and the gentle furrow of your brows as you wrote, he was captivated. He decided to make this café his new haunt, hoping to learn more about the mysterious writer who had caught his eye.
Days turned into weeks, and Jaehyun became a regular at the café. He always chose a table near yours, occasionally stealing glances at you as he sipped his coffee or read a book. You noticed him too, of course. It was hard not to. He was handsome, with a warm aura that made the space around him seem brighter. But you were too shy to strike up a conversation, fearing it might break the delicate balance of your little sanctuary.
One evening, as the café was about to close, you found yourself stuck on a particular scene. Frustration welled up inside you, and you let out an exasperated sigh. Jaehyun, who had been observing you from his corner, took this as his cue. Gathering his courage, he approached your table.
"Hi," he said, his voice smooth and gentle. "Mind if I sit here?"
You looked up, surprised but not displeased. "Sure," you replied, gesturing to the empty chair across from you.
"I'm Jaehyun," he introduced himself with a smile that made your heart flutter.
"(Your Name)," you replied, shaking his hand.
"I've seen you here a lot," he said, glancing at your laptop. "What are you working on?"
You hesitated for a moment before deciding to share a bit of your world with him. "I'm a writer. Just working on a story."
"That's amazing," Jaehyun said, genuine admiration in his eyes. "I'd love to read your work someday."
From that day on, Jaehyun and you formed an unspoken bond. He became your muse, and his presence brought a new kind of inspiration to your writing. He would often bring you little snacks or a fresh cup of coffee, always knowing when you needed a break. In return, you shared snippets of your stories with him, cherishing his feedback and encouragement.
As the months passed, your friendship deepened. Jaehyun was always there, his caring and protective nature shining through in the little things he did for you. He made sure you didn't overwork yourself, reminding you to take breaks and eat properly. His presence was a comforting constant in your life, a soft yet strong support that you had come to rely on.
One evening, after a particularly long writing session, Jaehyun suggested a walk. The city was beautiful at night, and you found solace in the quiet streets, the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, and the soft glow of streetlights. As you walked side by side, Jaehyun took your hand, his touch warm and reassuring.
"(Your Name)," he began, his voice tender, "I've grown to care about you a lot. You're an incredible person, and I feel lucky to have you in my life."
You stopped walking, turning to face him. The sincerity in his eyes made your heart race. "I feel the same way, Jaehyun," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
With a gentle smile, Jaehyun cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for permission.
You nodded, and he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was tender and full of promise. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken words and shared dreams, of a future where you and Jaehyun would continue to inspire and support each other.
From that moment on, Jaehyun became more than just your muse. He was your partner, your confidant, and the person who understood you in ways no one else could. Together, you continued to create, weaving your love and passion into every story you wrote, knowing that with Jaehyun by your side, you could conquer any challenge that came your way.
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kteezy997 · 1 year
"Hi,K. I'll leave an idea here ,if you like it, it's yours. The reader is at home, leaning out the window, on a rainy morning. Dawn has just broken and she sees a boy alone, standing under the rain in the neighbor's garden. He seems so down.She invites him in and offers him coffee. He is so cute and seems so sad, that she sweetly consoles him and well .... His green eyes and pale skin make her fall in love,so,it turns into a sweet smut. I leave to your creativity the end and the reason for his sadness. Thank you for still being here. And congratulations on 'Be my daddy', I love that story."
The Boy in the Rain
A/n: thank you my sweet friend @gatoenlaciudad for the idea and kind words! Your support means more than you know!❤️❤️
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Warnings: smut, light spanking, strangers hooking up
It was early still, the rain from last night hadn't let up much. It was a gloomy, dreary morning, but you felt cozy at the idea of spending the day inside.
You made some fresh coffee and decided to watch the rainfall for a bit. You leaned on the window, resting your head on it. As you watched the droplets coming down, you sipped on your coffee, letting it warm you from the inside out. You could see the sun begin to rise and the precipitation started to lighten, finally.
You could over look your neighbor's garden from the window and as you looked ahead further, you could make out a tall, slim figure standing there. It was a man, about your age. His hair was a mass of wet curls and his clothes were drenched. You couldn't help but notice how sad he seemed to be.
Surely, you thought, he could use a safe space to warm up. You slipped on some shoes and went downstairs. You threw on your raincoat and headed outside. The rain wasn't coming down very hard, but it was still quite cold as you approached your neighbor's fence.
You looked over at the young man standing alone in the garden and called out to him, "Hello! Are you alright, sir?"
He looked over at you, his brows furrowed in the rain as he squinted. You got a glimpse of the green in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for checking, anyway."
"Can I ask why you're out here all by yourself? Maybe you'd like to come inside? I've got fresh coffee, you seem like you could stand to warm up."
"Sure, I'd appreciate that."
You lead the way into your home, and removed your coat. Your new friend did the same, but alas, his rain jacket did little to keep the rain from saturating his clothes underneath.
"Here, let me grab you a towel." you said, rushing to the bathroom and back with a plush towel for him to wrap up in.
"Thank you, very much." he said, putting the towel around his shoulders.
"I didn't get your name out there." you said, trying to not be too awkward.
"Oh, yes, I'm Timothée. And you are?" He ran the towel through his wet curls.
"Y/n." you said, suddenly realizing how handsome he was. You felt yourself blushing but tried to hide it by saying, "Come on, let's get you some coffee."
Once in the kitchen together, you poured him a cup and handed the warm beverage over to him.
"Thank you, y/n. You're so sweet, you didn't have to do this." He brought the mug up to his lips for a sip.
"Well, not to judge or anything, but you looked awfully pitiful out there in the rain, Timothée." you giggled.
He chuckled along with you, saying, "Yeah, I really don't normally hang out in random gardens in inclement weather. It's my grandmother's place across the way."
"Oh, Mrs. Chalamet? She's so sweet, I've always enjoyed having her as neighbor."
"That's nice to hear." he smiled, but if faded sadly. "But, she actually passed away yesterday."
"Oh no, Timothee, I'm so sorry."
"Thank you. We're starting to clean out her things today and i just..." he shook his head, "got overwhelmed with everything, so I just went out the garden for a minute."
"In the pouring rain?" you asked.
"Yeah." he chuckled, "I just had to step away, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that. Is there anything else I can do for you? I don't have anywhere to be today."
Timothee looked into your eyes, not moving his gaze even slightly. "Could I ask you to distract me, Y/n?" He brought his hand up, and his fingers met your chin ever so delicately. "Even if it's just for a little while?"
His hand moved and your jaw rested in his palm as his thumb caressed your cheek and his green eyes melted you. You trembled a bit, you couldn’t help it. He was so downhearted, and so damn good-looking and sweet.
"Of course. Anything you need, Timothee." You bit your lip.
Timothée cocked his head slightly to the side and leaned in. His eyes closed, and you closed yours as well. His lips were soft and cool to the touch from being out in the weather.
Damn, it felt so good to be kissed, especially by beautiful Timothée. You moaned and he slid his tongue into your mouth in response.
He groaned against your lips, “Your bedroom?”
“Mm, it’s this way.” you replied, taking him by the hand and making your way upstairs. “Let’s get you out if these clothes.” you said, pulling his wet shirt off and then unbuttoning his trousers.
You got his pants off and then his boxers, and his cock was semi-hard already. You just wanted to make him feel good, so you moistened your lips with your tongue. You took his cock in your hands, and put your wet lips on the tip of him. You moaned as you sucked.
“Fuck yeah.” Timothée muttered, grabbing a handful of your hair. “Your mouth feels so fucking good.”
You used your tongue to glide along the underside of his dick as you bobbed to and fro. Timothée started to rut his hips forward softly. His breathing pattern became rugged, and he started to whimper.
After awhile, his cock was fully erect and leaking a bit with precum. “God damn, take your clothes off.” He ordered you with a huff.
You giggled, obliging by throwing your top off. As you slid your leggings down, he came over to you, putting his hands on your waist and turning you around. He also pushed you forward so you were bent over the bed and he pushed your leggings the rest of the way down for you and he smacked your naked ass cheek.
You shrieked, “Timothée!” He tossed your leggings elsewhere and you heard the fabric hit the floor. He raked your thong over your butt and spread your folds and you felt his warm, wet tongue on you.
Timothée used the tip of his tongue to tease your clit. “Fuck!” you moaned shamelessly over and over again as he spent several minutes warming you up by licking and lapping over your wetness.
You felt his mouth leave you, and you were shaking lightly. You whimpered in anticipation. Timothée grabbed you by the hips and slid his thick cock into you. The stretching he caused was painful at first but then it was bliss after a few strokes.
“You feel me baby? How’s it feel for you?” he asked you, panting a little.
“So fucking good!” you said, believing that this was what heaven must be like: getting fucked by Timothée Chalamet.
Even as he held you as you both fell into a mid morning nap afterwards, you could still hear the sinful, wet sounds of your lovemaking playing in your mind over and over.
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Tav’s sex parade – Chapter 8: Just in time for dinner (Astarion x Halsin)
(Warning: biting, consensual blood drinking, frottage, kissing)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfic Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.)
According to DnD lore, elves don't sleep, but rest in a meditative, trance-like state called reverie. You can see Astarion do exactly that in camp during a long rest when a sleep-around-the-campfire cutscene plays.
Karlach’s and Wyll’s faith and Tav’s promise to them are based on one of my other fics.
Irritated, Astarion paced his room in Gale's basement.
Tav was on a four-week trip across Northern Faerûn, performing her new songs in taverns, inns, and brothels. Gale had met up with some wizard friends of his former mentor Elminster to ask them for advice regarding their plan to get Karlach and Wyll out of Avernus. Meanwhile, Shadowheart had attended a temple celebration with other Selûne devotees. So, Astarion was home alone and not pleased about it at all.
Moodily, the vampire spawn glared at the paintings that decorated the walls.
Originally, Gale had used this basement room to store magic artefacts and items to feed the Netherese Orb with, but since the Orb was gone, there was no need for such a supply anymore. Thus, Gale had cleared out the small room to give Astarion his own space. There wasn't much in it; a bed, a chest of drawers, a carpet, and a small shelf, filled with some trinkets and the vampire spawn's favourite books. Astarion was grateful to have his own room, especially one that had no windows. Since the tadpole was gone and his sun sensitivity back, he had to dwell in the shadows and night again.
Scratch whined and rubbed his head against Astarion's leg, lightly wagging his tail. The vampire spawn smiled, crouched down, and gave him some ear scratches. Naïlo hooted, scuttling closer to receive some attention as well.
"Mh, yes, my sweets. I love you very much," Astarion told them, smiling. "I know you're trying your best to cheer me up."
Scratch licked him across the face, letting out a happy little 'woof' while Naïlo chirped and headbutted the vampire spawn. The latter toppled over and landed in a heap on the carpet. Laughing, he distributed some more headpats before getting up. In a much better mood now, Astarion dashed upstairs, followed by the pets. It was a rainy autumn day, thus, the sun didn't shine directly into the living room. Tara was sitting in front of the double-door window that led onto the terrace and watched the weather.
"Ah, Mister Ancunin! How was your reverie?" she asked, slinking closer.
"It was alright," he answered and scratched the tressym's chin, making her purr. "But I just rest better when the others are here."
Tara hummed understandingly.
"It's terribly quiet without them, isn't it? I miss Gale's delicious home-cooked meals."
"Apologies that I can't cook," replied the vampire spawn. "But judging by the way you and the boys gulp down the cold fish, it can't be too bad."
Tara huffed and turned her head to the side, miffed.
"These two aren't gourmets and have rather empty heads."
At that, Scratch grumbled disgruntle, but Naïlo just looked confused. It made Astarion chuckle.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. The four of them looked at each other. Then, Astarion opened the door hesitantly. Halsin, looking like a drowned rat, stood on the doorstep.
"Oak Father preserve you, Astarion. Can I come in, please?"
"What are you doing here, druid?"
"Uhm... looking for shelter?"
"I can see that, but what are you doing here? I thought you were on an adventure to 'enjoy nature's gifts'. We didn't expect you to be back so early."
Now, Halsin looked sheepish.
"I - well... The weather's not ideal for long strolls, and I thought instead of sitting it out in a tavern somewhere, I'd come home instead."
Astarion raised an eyebrow.
"'Come home'?"
The druid blushed, as if caught red-handed doing something stupid. The vampire spawn was a tad too pleased to see the wood elf fidgeting around uncomfortably.
"Come in then," Astarion said good-naturedly. "But don't flood the place."
Visibly relieved, Halsin nodded, entered Gale's tower house, and immediately started to take off his soaked garments. Astarion watched, enjoying the view of the tall, sturdy, muscular, hairy, sun-tanned body in front of him. Halsin slicked back his wet hair and straightened up, displaying his front in all its glory. Astarion licked his lips hungrily.
"Uhm, could you get me a towel?"
"Of course, darling."
Astarion dashed off, grabbing a fresh cloth in the bathroom and some dry clothes. He returned and handed it to the druid.
Halsin rubbed himself dry and got dressed. Then, he sighed contently.
"Is there some food left? I'm rather hungry."
Astarion canted his hip to the side and mocked: "I'm a vampire, druid. I don't need 'food'. But, if you're desperate, I can serve you some that's reserved for the pets."
Halsin opened his mouth, only to close it again silently. He looked taken aback. Astarion had mercy on him.
"I'm merely joking. Gale's pantry's always fully stocked. Follow me."
The vampire spawn twirled around and strode into the kitchen. Halsin trailed him silently. Astarion opened the pantry to take a look.
"What do you fancy, druid? Leek soup, onion soup, rabbit ragout, fish stew, or –" He got up on his tiptoes to read the label. "– hundur sauce?"
"Rabbit ragout sounds nice. I haven't had any meat in a while."
"Really?" Astarion turned around, grinning suggestively. "No 'meat', hm?"
Halsin cleared his throat, but shook his head.
"Well, you must be starving then," the vampire spawn taunted. "Seems like 'nature's bounty' wasn't that bountiful."
With a dramatic pirouette, Astarion turned around and placed a storage jar on the kitchen counter. He grabbed a pot and dumped the jar's content into it. Then, he placed a lid on the pot and took a step back, leaning against the counter casually.
"Usually, Gale would light the fire with a flick of his wrist, but since he's not here, you must do it the good old-fashioned way."
"Me?" Halsin asked.
"Of course, you, druid! I was a magistrate, I never had to light a fire myself, and now, as a vampire, I'm never cold."
Astarion sighed deeply and rolled his eyes in annoyance. Furrowing his brows, Halsin crouched in front of the iron oven and opened the small flap. He grabbed some firelighter and wood from the basket nearby, and started to kindle a fire. Astarion stood by and watched him work. Shortly after, a crackling fire started to heat up the stove and the food in the pan.
"Now, we just have to wait a while," the vampire spawn stated the obvious.
Halsin hummed, got up, and washed his hands in the stone sink.
For a while, the elves stood at the stove, silently.
"Did you find anything regarding Karlach's engine?"
Gloomily, the druid shook his head.
"I was in Mirabar because I thought that maybe the dwarves would know something about metal forging."
"Mirabar's a mining city, druid. Why would you find anything about blacksmithing up there?"
"I don't know, I just –" Halsin sighed. "I don't know where else to search for answers. I'm desperate."
Astarion saw how sad the druid looked and felt compassion. He put a hand on Halsin's arm and said: "I understand, we're all devastated about Karlach's and Wyll's faith, but we'll find an answer. There must be one out there."
The wood elf gave him a small smile, replying: "Thank you, Astarion. I hope you're right. Sometimes, people's misery is just too much to bear. I hate to see others so helpless, and I hate it when I can't do anything about it. I already failed enough people."
"You're doing your best," the vampire spawn retorted.
"Thank you."
Smiling softly, Halsin placed one of his hands gently on top of Astarion's. No one of their group touched the vampire spawn without asking for consent first and the later was forever grateful for it. Now though, Astarion got up on his tiptoes and placed a small kiss on Halsin's lips.
"Everything will turn out alright," he muttered.
"I hope you're right," whispered Halsin.
The vampire spawn stepped back and lifted the lid of the pot to take a look.
"Dinner's ready, druid. Sit down, will you?"
With a chuckle, Halsin did as he was told while Astarion scraped the pot's content into a bowl. Then, he placed it in front of the wood elf and handed him a spoon.
"Here you go. Bon appétit."
Halsin dug into the rabbit ragout and hummed happily.
"Good?" asked Astarion and sat down opposite him.
"Mmh, it's fantastic! Gale's an excellent cook," the addressed sighed, closing his eyes to savour the taste better.
Astarion chuckled amused, then, he heard someone clear their throat.
"Mister Ancunin, I'm terribly sorry to disturb your conversation, but I and the boys are hungry."
"Oh, of course! Apologies, Tara."
Astarion jumped onto his feet and prepared the pets' dinner. He placed their bowls on the floor and gave each of the creatures a headpat before sitting back down. Halsin waved his spoon around.
"You're good with them."
Astarion shrugged.
"You're not the only one who likes animals, druid."
They fell silent again, and the vampire spawn watched Halsin, Tara, Scratch, and Naïlo eat. He only felt the slightest twinge of envy. Over the centuries, he's gotten used to not eating solid food.
When everyone had finished their meal, Astarion washed the dishes before striding into the living room. Halsin lit a fire there too, and then stretched out in front of the fireplace, together with the animals. Astarion joined them even though he started to feel hungry. He should go on a quick stroll to take a nibble from a stranger.
"Everything alright? You seem uncomfortable," Halsin noted.
"Well, other than you, I didn't have dinner yet," Astarion replied, slightly pissed.
Smirking, the druid looked at him.
"I didn't know you get hangry, little vampire."
The addressed bristled and bared his fangs, but the other man only snickered and didn't feel threatened at all. The audacity!
"I guess I should show my gratitude for your hospitality," Halsin told him then, and Astarion's thoughts came to a screeching halt. He stared at the druid in disbelief.
"Are you... inviting me to take a bite?"
The druid hummed, retorting: "This weather’s not fit for man nor beast. Nobody should be forced to leave the house today."
Astarion swallowed and licked his lips. So far, he hadn't bitten anyone of their group other than Tav and Gale. Thus, the invitation was tempting.
"Are you sure?" he probed and when Halsin nodded, he crawled closer to him. Slowly, he leaned over the druid and locked eyes with him. "If I do this, there's no going back."
"I know," Halsin said quietly but confidently. "It's alright, little vampire. Feed from me."
Astarion felt a shiver run down his spine, and he was positively famished now, and – to his own surprise – slightly turned on. The vampire spawn nosed along the druid's neck and licked it, before sinking his teeth into the tender flesh. Halsin gasped, caught off guard by the feeling of icicles in his veins, and he was gripped by sudden panic. He knew that Astarion wouldn't kill him, but the subconscious part of his brain still screamed at him to fight back and run. The vampire spawn obviously felt Halsin's sudden mood change. He gently lay his palm against the other elf's cheek and caressed the skin there. It was soothing and Halsin relaxed again. Astarion took the first gulp – and moaned right into the druid's ear who flinched at the sudden noise. The vampire spawn let go of him and licked the wound clean. When he straightened up, his eyelids were fluttering in ecstasy, his cheeks flushed from his meal. He licked his lips and purred: "That was amazing, darling. You taste as rich as a real bear. Full-bodied."
Astarion's eyelids fluttered again, he seemed drunk. Halsin frowned. He'd never seen this reaction before when Astarion had fed on Tav, and it worried him.
"Everything all right?" he asked, sitting up and touching the other man's arm. "You seem a bit out of it. Almost drunk."
"I am," giggled the vampire spawn. "I don't know why, but your blood's intoxicating – literally."
Halsin frowned again. He didn't know how to react or what to do. Astarion crowded in on him, panting, his eyes unfocused.
"Can I have more?" he pleaded.
The druid shuddered, goosebumps spreading over his body.
The vampire spawn bit him again, moaned when more of Halsin's rich blood gushed over his tongue, and involuntarily dry-humped him. Halsin was surprised that Astarion was hard, he himself was too, but that was nothing new. Moaning, the druid rolled his hips upwards to intensify the friction. The vampire spawn whined, but didn't stop drinking from him.
"Astarion, can I? Please?" Halsin asked, wrecked.
The addressed simply moaned and pressed his pelvic into him. The druid took it for a yes. He gently placed a hand on Astarion's buttocks and started to thrust up against him. Halsin groaned and panted while he let the vampire spawn drink his blood. Finally, the latter let go of his neck and whined needily instead. With half-closed eyes, Halsin looked up at him, seeing those blood-covered lips and teeth, and another desire hit him.
"Kiss me," he groaned. "Please, Astarion, kiss me."
The addressed complied, all spit and tongue, and Halsin could taste his own blood. The vampire spawn came with a long moan and collapsed onto him. The druid rolled his hips up a few more times before following his partner over the edge, coming in his trousers like an over-eager teenage boy. Panting, they lay on the floor, entangled.
"All right?" Astarion whispered, caringly.
Halsin nodded, blissed-out.
"I guess we came back at the wrong time," remarked Gale who suddenly stood in the doorframe with Shadowheart who grinned like a Cheshire cat.
Still drunk on Halsin's blood, Astarion lifted his head to look at them.
"But no, darlings," he grinned with bloodied teeth. "You're arrived just in time for dinner."
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abbysimsfun · 1 month
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 15 (Finally Exploring Brindleton Bay and It's Raining)
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For Father's Day, Heather's dad, Neal, visited with Holly and the family dog, Bernadette. Even though the weather in Brindleton was overcast and rainy, he wanted to help Heather make time to explore her new surroundings while also getting a much-needed visit with her.
They took the small ferry from the docks at Cavalier Cove to Deadgrass Isle, where they explored the local history museum and school just off the dock.
"Oh wow!" remarked Holly, reading a plaque under a statue of an anchor. "It's not just fishing that brings so many strays to the bay. Did you know there was a huge shipwreck almost a century and a half ago? The Brindleton lightkeeper died and the fire went out in the lighthouse. It caused a shipwreck, and all the passengers were dogs and cats whose litters have populated Brindleton ever since!"
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"I read about it, but I wasn't sure I believed it," admitted Heather. "They never found a captain and they don't even know the name of the boat. It was probably a fishing boat that crashed on the rocks when the Brindleton Light went out. I figured that brought more strays and created a local legend."
"You always overthink the fun stuff! You're not in school anymore, Butts," laughed Holly, truncating Heather's nickname to tease her the way her siblings always had. "You can believe the impossible sometimes - no one's going to grade you down if you do."
Heather glanced out over the bay as the tale of the Landgraab Curse pecked at her subconscious. If the impossible was possible, then the curse could be real. But she didn't want to believe it. "And you could get your head out of the clouds every now and again, Daffy!"
Holly crinkled her nose. "Why did Dad's nicknames have to have nicknames? Daffodils are beautiful, Daffy is a duck!"
"Your brother's first word was 'butt,' so he was bound to discover Butts and Daffy sooner than later." Neal chuckled at the memory, tossing a ball Bernadette could chase onto one of the isle's many beaches.
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Neal had gone grey recently but had taken to dyeing his hair, and he raced after Bernadette and her ball without concern for his aging frame. Having been warned by their mother that their father was still coming to terms with getting older, his daughters refrained from mentioning the spot of hair dye staining his earlobe.
They were there to explore and spend a nice day together. Holly fished from the beaches while Heather explored the old pet cemetery, and Neal travelled south toward Lighthouse Point.
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A bronze plaque on the white stone warned 'Beware of Dog.' Neal brushed his hand across a dusty window but the lights inside the former living quarters were out. Thick cobwebs lined the inner walls. No one was around.
The lighthouse was supposed to offer gorgeous views of the bay on sunny days, but he climbed the winding flight of stairs to the top and his view was clouded over from the rain. The township installed an electric bulb with a back-up generator after the wreck. It could be seen for miles every single night, and he winced as it passed him on the platform. A dog barked, and he glanced back toward the ground.
"Bernadette! I better not find you chasing squirrels!"
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He headed back down the stairs and rounded up his energetic dog before he found his daughters chatting with excitement.
"Are you kidding? Of course I'll be your maid of honour! But your wedding's next month! Why didn't you ask sooner?"
"Kris and I aren't really into traditional wedding stuff. We just want a fun party and even though I want you to support me on the day, I don't want you to think it'll be some big job."
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"Even if it was, I'd do it, but I appreciate you, Daffy, and nothing would make me prouder than being maid of honour when you marry the man of your dreams. And the first thing I'll do as your maid of honour is promise not to call you Daffy on your wedding day!"
After a great day on Deadgrass Isle, they caught the ferry back to the mainland, where they docked at Fisherman's Wharf to check out the Salty Paw. The tavern had an open-door policy for family pets, and they ordered drinks to take to the outdoor patio.
The skies had finally cleared, leaving the night air thick with the scent of fish and petrichor.
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"So how's Mom?" Heather asked with drink in hand. Neal and Holly rolled their eyes in unison.
"She's on another one of her quests again," said Neal with an exasperated but loving sigh. "She's searching for magic beans to grow a forbidden fruit, but Holly made her promise she wouldn't do anything crazy - like turn herself into a PlantSim - before her wedding day."
"Aren't rare seeds like that really expensive?"
"They are, but your mother works hard and can afford it. It's not the money I think about, it's the obsession with completing these goals for plaques and recognition, and now she wants to reward herself by turning into a plant! What's a man supposed to do with a plant for a wife?"
Holly leaned toward her sister and spoke under her breath. "Water her garden, I guess." They both laughed, and Neal blushed.
"That's enough," he chastised. "I miss when you girls were so young you didn't know what a euphemism was."
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They laughed together under the lights over the wooden pier until they all masked yawns with tired smiles and returned to Heather's neighbourhood, Sable Square.
"Care to join us for a walk to the footbridge and back?" asked Neal. "If I don't tire out Bernadette she'll try to open the car doors on the way home."
Heather joined easily, breathing in the cool night air and satisfied by how much of her new home she'd finally been able to explore. "You both know how much I overthink love and relationships, but am I nuts for thinking Malcolm's been distant since his mother's dinner party?"
"Is he ignoring you?" asked Holly.
"No, but we never really talked on the phone and his texts are...I don't know, they feel different. Like maybe he realized I'm not what he wants, after all. We're both really busy with work, and we won't even be able to see each other before your wedding."
Neal put a comforting arm around her shoulder. "Long distance relationships are just hard. If he was having doubts, I'm sure he'd say so."
"You love your independence, and you're a business owner!" Holly reminded her, hyping up her sister with a pep talk. "You are literally The Boss. If Malcolm doesn't realize he should disown his mother and live happily ever after with you, Watcher help him."
With a renewed sense of confidence, she waved off her family as they piled into the car for the drive back to Henford-on-Bagley.
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As usual, Heather tried not to dwell on her insecurities, throwing herself into work for a welcome distraction. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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sthefystarker · 2 years
Holiday Gift Exchange for @starker-sorbet
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@starkerfestivals Holiday Gift Exchange for @starker-sorbet
Moodboard + drabble-ish? Hope you like it, darling! <3
*Warning: SIM, mentions of blood and violence.
Tony Stark didn't consider himself a romantic person, not at all.
Ever since the press had branded him as narcissistic, pedantic, and an arrogant power-monger (perhaps being arrogant was a major disadvantage of being an only child, he thought), Tony knew that being his father's son, carrying the family legacy and the stigma that was passed down from generation to generation, being able to carry the burden of the Stark name on his back, as he grew up, Tony had to build his emotional barriers and become what he had least wanted all along: to be a son of a bitch. Yet life itself demanded it of him. In order to survive.
The Mercenary of Death, that soulless egomaniac who just for the fun of it slept with everyone, but never discovered for himself, next to someone, what love really was. That was why, even if he didn't know it, Tony Stark felt incomplete.
Nevertheless, he was a very busy man. In his world, having money equaled having power. The more money he had, the more power he acquired. And Tony soon discovered that very few people wanted to get serious with him. This reality, often, in his lonely nights, the ones where his inner demons fought, made him laugh through his tears. Because everyone wanted something from Tony Stark, but no one seemed to really want him.
Little by little, Tony, by survival instinct, had to bury that soft part of him. The one where he put his selfishness aside, and focused on genuinely caring for the other person. In short, in a cruel corporate world, full of business deals and hidden tricks up his sleeve, Tony Stark's heart seemed to harden each time. A heart of iron, that seemed to resist every betrayal and stab in the back from people who claimed to call themselves, his friends. Rhodey, Happy and Pepper were the exception, of course. They were always his exception. And Tony believed for a moment that they would be, forever.
Until one fine day, after several years where Tony is not only a billionaire philanthropist but also a superhero, Iron Man meets a boy with curious eyes and brown hair, this young man just saved his life, while fighting with some dangerous criminals who wanted to steal one of his latest inventions: The Extremis.
He is very talkative, Tony notes, as this young man repeats to him over and over again that it is not necessary to get his money, that he had helped him because those men were doing evil, and it was the right thing to do. Tony, of course, didn't understand any of that. His life could be calculated in billions and billions of dollars and this guy had just saved him.
"Look, imagine I'm like the genie in a bottle: You just saved Tony Stark's life! You have 3 wishes." Tony told him with a serious expression, although with a certain humor in his voice.
The boy shook his head. "I still can't believe I'm talking to you," the young man guffawed, "it's just that, I'm your biggest fan!"
Oh. That piqued Tony's interest: the boy was gorgeous. Not only that, but he seemed to be a lot smarter than he looked. Tony wanted to test him.
And he wasn't disappointed.
Peter Parker far exceeded his expectations. In Tony's eyes, Peter was the purest being he had ever known. That terrified him, because he sensed that at any moment someone else would come along and take him away, or worse, taint him with evil.
And Tony, despite considering himself to be without goodness, wanted Peter to be his. For him alone. And so he confessed it to the young man, on a rainy night, because Tony could no longer keep it to himself.
"Don't be silly, Tony. If anything, it makes me love you even more. I'd be very happy if you'd go out with me." The young man told him, his cheeks flushed but with a firm look that made him rethink things.
Tony nodded, and took the first step, one that would completely change both of their lives: he approached the young man's face, gently stroked his hair, moving it a little away from his forehead, and kissed him."
From that moment on, Tony Stark's life would take a 180-degree turn. Weeks and months passed, and Peter remained by his side, unconditional. Making love to this young man was something that seemed otherworldly, and Tony swore he would protect him from all evil, and Peter, ecstatic, believed his promises. The young boy did not ask for much, except that Tony would only love him back.
Tony's hands were shaking, in his pocket he always carried a small box with him, waiting for the perfect moment to propose his hand.
Unfortunately, that moment never came. Because it was taken away from him.
When Tony found Peter on the floor one day, bleeding and with no chance of coming back to life, he went mad. Completely insane, because in his arms lay lifeless the reason for his sanity. He tried everything, he even turned to the Mystic Arts to see if he could bring him back to life, but his best friend, Strange (who just seemed to be going through the same situation with his ex-fiancée Christine), advised him to try something else, because handling the Mystic Arts took time and that, of course, was the last thing Tony wanted.
Tony just wanted to kill them all. He wanted to kill the culprit who destroyed the person he loved most in the world. Tony Stark wanted to carry out his revenge. So in a fit of rage, he began injecting himself with more Extremis than necessary and made an exclusive deal with Clea: he would jump between universes until he could find a Peter Parker who was just as lonely and broken as he was.
Although nothing and no one could ever replace his Peter, Tony had reached the breaking point, one where he couldn't be too picky: he just wanted to be with Peter Parker. No matter who he was, Tony was confident he could fall in love again. If all the Peter Parkers in the Multiverse shared the same soul, then it wouldn't take much for him to fall in love again.
Until one fine day, he found it.
"Mr. Stark…?" Ayoung man murmured. His hair was a bit more disheveled and his features were younger than I remembered. He was wearing a suit that looked much like the one he had once designed.
Tony could see the blood dripping from Peter Parker's fingers, that Peter Parker seemed to be very violent, judging by the pile of corpses lying at his feet.
He knew he would have no problem with that, figuring they could still say nice things to each other and make love-laden promises in their moments of intimacy.
He could see how disbelief was painted on Peter's face, as if Tony really was a ghost, or some figment of his imagination. It was there that Iron Man knew he had finally hit upon the right universe. After all, he couldn't be such a son of a bitch to himself and snatch the happiness of another Tony Stark in any universe. God knows they would need each other.
"Hello, Peter." Tony smiled, because he knew the man wouldn't put up much resistance if he proposed to destroy the world together.
And then, nothing and no one would separate them. Not again.
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