#if I wasn't working in animation i would have loved working as an academic but im not sure if im smart enought for that
yellow-yarrow · 4 months
why can't my job be Writing Posts About Disco Elysium On The Internet
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chiyoso · 5 months
you can't get enough of choso
j. kaisen : kamo choso ··→ brainrot.
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i need to get this out desperately before i comatose all day, but choso is the most babygirl of babygirls i've witnessed and dealt with throughout my life as an anime/manga fan.
fuck, just imagine choso overhearing you gush about him to someone, close to you or not, he'd have the unluckiest luckiest times to encounter you as you speak about him, it would range from the most cutest shit ever, to the absolute filthy, oh-my-god-please-do-that-to-me-right-now, i have a boner from just you talking about me so lovingly with carnal desire type shit.
he thrives in your indirect praises about him, more so when you compliment his academic prowess besides his physical appearances.
he finds himself thinking about how, when and just fucking why you think he's so lovable in such a way. like what is he doing so special to be someone so high up to the stars for someone else? what is he doing for you to be so enamoured by him? he doesn't understand, but he wants to, he really does, he's just sooo puppy-like excited just at the thought of you continuing your shinanigans about him to anyone, up until the point where they're annoyed.
and he just especially loves the way your tone gets so low, just the right amount of breathlessness and excitement everytime his name comes out with endearment from your mouth. god, you sound so fucking hot like that.
“please please PLEASE, itadori, link me up with choso, yeah, that kamo choso, please holy FUCK, i know you know him, aren't you related to him too? no? what do you mean you can't? yes you fucking can, i've seen him talk and talk and just talk about you.” shit, if only he can hear you desperately beg for him like that whenever he is around you, but you're just such a two-faced person, skillfully so, being and doing the opposite of what you normally are without his presence.
you'd interact with him normal, just like others, but since that day where he caught you the first time, talking about him in a way where your fondness for him is through the roofs, he'd notice you often lean in against him, following up with a simple “come again?” “i can't hear you.” “louder.” even if the place had little to no people. peculiar.
there would also be times where you would just tease him that causes him to have an existential, identity crisis. “fucking finally,” you groan begrudgingly, stretching your limbs, cursing under your breath about how hard and fucked up the assignment was. of course biology wasn't your strong suit, but it was also a great, valid reason to ask the kamo choso to have a study sesh with you.
“high five, kamo-san.” huh? he glances up from his work, seeing a hand reached out near him. you were idled, lazily leaned back with your other hand acting as the pillar for your weight behind, legs up and obnoxious, knees against the rim of the low table you two studied on. thank god you weren't wearing a skirt, why the fuck are your legs parted.
“i mean,” he pauses, hesitant, glancing between your weirdly nonchalant expression and attitude and your hand. “i don't see why n—” “sorry,”
now how did he find himself in the same sitting position you were in, but with a hand behind his back on the floor, and you now on top of him.
“i have a big fat fucking crush on you,” you took his stretched out hand, basically handholding him now, the other cupping his cheeks. “you're so pretty, you know that right?” he'd see your eyes grow distant, the situation now processed, resulting in him have this pathetic blush all over his face, undecided if it was from your sudden closeness, or the fact that you just straight up confessed to him just now.
were you eye fucking him? what was going through inside your head? and the fact that he wasn't moving an inch, unopposed to whatever this was right now, maybe because he had someone so fucking hot and as ‘pretty’ as him just hovered on top of him.
maybe because its the accumulation of overhearing you on certain times that he'd allow this, or the fact that itadori has talked warned him about you, or also maybe because no one has ever held him in such high regards its just insanity.
you know what you want. so who is he to stop you from achieving your goal?
“earth to kamo-san?” oh.
what do you mean he was daydreaming? what do you mean he was zoning out for awhile? you mean you didn't just confess right now on top of him? you weren't about to fuck his mouth with yours? maybe fuck the shit out of something else too?
yeah, he's okay, even if his cheeks roused such a pretty, healthy color all over, even if his eyes couldn't keep still all over the room but yours, even if his breathing became irregular suddenly just now, and even if he has this overwhelming hotness that throbbed continuously between his thighs right now. yeah.
yeah, he's okay.
of course he's okay.
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⚝ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐒𝐎 | remember!!! reblogs are waaayyy sexier!!!
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38sr · 1 year
Hi! I really love the way you color, and I was wondering If you could make a tutorial about it, I of course completely understand if you Can't/don't want to do it thanks in advance If you decided to do it and have a good day/night.
Hello hello! Ooooh, a color tutorial! I've never done one before so I'm not sure if I'll be any good at it haha. But I don't mind sharing my thinking process when it comes to coloring my works. So when it comes to color, I very much have a traditional painter's approach since that's how I learned color in art college. My painting professor never allowed us to use black or white paint, we could only use other colors to create darker colors or new colors altogether. And you're probably thinking, "What the hell? That's insane." And I wouldn't blame you haha. But this approach helped me a lot to not rely on tints (colors mixed with white) and shades (colors mixed with black) when I color. For the most part, I purely thinking about value and hues when I'm coloring.
Finding the right values:
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So for this drawing, I did two different takes (one with direct harsh lighting and one without). The reason why I'm showing this is because when it comes to color it's very important that your values aren't clashing with each other. When I started out, all my coloring felt flat because I was using colors with the same values so there was little to no depth. A lot of people don't realize this but color does have value!
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If we put the primary colors on greyscale, you notice how each color has its own value. Blue tends to be a dark value, red has a mid to dark value , and yellow is a much lighter value. This is why if you ever look at my work, the color I use for shadows lean into blue/purple tones. You can also have warm shadows since red does have a deeper value compared to yellow. But these values are when the primary colors are at the highest saturation. What would happen if we knocked down the saturation levels?
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The values start to become more similar. Since we're not always using the most saturated colors, it's important to understand the values behind the colors you'll use. Once you unlock that, you can pretty much do whatever you want with color haha. That's why I hardly ever use black or white in my digital art when mixing (also I don't mix color with a brush, I just pick from the color wheel which might be insane).
While it's not wrong to use white or black to create darker/lighter colors, color in real life doesn't always act that way. Shadows and highlights can have color. For myself, letting go of white and black has opened a world of color combinations that I didn't think of before taking my first ever traditional painting class. Now, I can freely pick colors and experiment with palettes since I've blocked out what values I need (like the image below).
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Even if I'm using blending modes like in the next image, I'm always thinking about making clear value separations. If I can't understand the image in black and white, then I'll have a hard time seeing it in color.
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And when you get very comfortable, you can start placing characters in different color environments and match them (which essentially is the job of a color designer in TV animation).
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The right image is the official color palette for my character which already uses a lot of blue/purple for the shadows. But on the left side, she's in a night-time environment so I leaned even more into the cool colors to the point that the white T-shirt is actually a very very light purple/pink color haha.
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Or like this example where the left drawing gives a more sunset/golden hour lighting while the right one is more blue hour/night time lighting. But you can read the colors clearly 'cause the values are clear to begin with. While that wasn't really a tutorial this is pretty much my thought process when I'm coloring my digital works. ^^; I very much do follow an academic approach to color theory but even then I think it's okay to break the rules. As long as you have understanding of colors' value, I think you'll be able to unlock any color style you want! I hope that answered your question and was helpful!
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ir0n-moon · 9 months
Dethklok + random things I think they've never experienced
Nathan: Having to get an orthodontic device (braces/retainer/etc.). His canon aversion to dentists probably started when he was very young! It's sensory hell for him, and I imagine that visiting the dentist as a kid constantly ended in tears, wails and panic; at some point his parents must have agreed to a truce. Luckily for him, his teeth weren't all that crooked to begin with, so it wasn't unreasonable for him to do without braces and just try to have a decent hygiene.
Pickles: Owning a pet— and therefore experiencing the loss of it. His parents would never allow him to have anything that would bring him happiness. Mordhaus has got yard wolves, sure, but I don't think he's all that involved in their care (I, like others, assume it's Skwisgaar who's closest to them). In fact, I headcanon that he used to have a phobia of cats, but Twinkletits helped him overcome it during PerformanceKlok. Anyway yeah this man has no clue what it's like to love and be responsible for a domestic animal.
Murderface: Receiving an award at school for anything. Not for sports, not for attendance, not for any after-school club, and certainly not for academic achievement. You'd think he might have been voted "Most likely to [whatever mean thing]" in the yearbook, but the sad truth is that he wasn't even acknowledged beyond his student photo among the rest of his classmates. (Note: I've never lived in America so I don't know how yearbooks actually work. I'm only going off of what I've seen in movies).
Skwisgaar: Having his mom attend any of his school events. Plays, Christmas shows, bake sales, probably even graduation— Serveta was nowhere to be found, as she was probably too "busy". She hasn't even attended a single Dethklok concert, not even while they're playing in Sweden.
Toki: Licking the spoon when someone is baking. Whatever sad, ascetic dishes were available to his family during his childhood, I doubt he was ever allowed to hang out nearby while they were being cooked, let alone offered to have a taste. In the present, he doesn't do it either, because it's never even occured to him to ask. And Jean Pierre is much too professional to offer the spoon himself, anyway.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Holy shit, that took a turn.
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...and God.
Frustrating as the arc's been up to this point, the emotional confrontation hits. I was not prepared for this sharp turn into solid drama.
I think this is why Sigh ramped up the Mikuru bits. They took too long getting to this point (unsurprising in the same season that gave us Eternal Eight) but I get it now. Haruhi's always been the show's main point of conflict but this arc pushes her into full-blown villainy.
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There is a point being made here. Courtesy of the group enabling her behavior, Haruhi is getting worse. She started out a selfish, violent misanthrope and now she's getting worse because her actions don't have consequences.
This is the reason, the exact reason, why she can't be allowed to know that her will governs the universe. Filming this movie allowed Haruhi to play God, and gave everyone a real taste of the kind of God she would be.
(I love how ugly her expressions get to be here. Animation quality through the roof for the sake of thoroughly animating the contortions of her face as she scowls furiously and screams her head off at Kyon. For daring to have a problem with her drugging Mikuru.)
It gets so bad that Kyon almost does it. He almost starts The Fight He Can't Win that he's threatened a few times.
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And. They. Stop. Him.
Even Haruhi's victim stops him.
He can't hit her. They have to let her do what she wants. Because she's God.
This has been the ominous reality in the background for the whole show up to this point, but here it's really laid out there. How truly, genuinely horrifying this reality is.
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Screw you. Mikuru deserves better friends. You're on the Shit List, Tsuruya.
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Yo, Itsuki just posted his latest Anime Theory about what's going on in the show.
New possibility: Maybe Haruhi isn't God, but rather a divinely chosen human tasked with reshaping the world from the shitsack that it is into something more favorable. And we're the ones selfishly blocking her from her duty so we can continue to linger in the world we like better.
I like how the show doesn't conclusively explain Haruhi. She's a time anomaly. She's the key to cosmic evolution. She's God. She's a miraculous prophet. It's all presented as theories and suppositions by various characters, with no concrete answer ever given.
Because "What is she?" ultimately only matters for academic purposes. We would like an answer so we can type it up for her wiki page. But it's not what the story's about.
What she is doesn't matter. That she is, is what matters. The consequences of her choices matter more than where she came from. She doesn't need to be explained. She's a Weird Cosmic Thing that happened one day in a great and unfathomable cosmos that owes you no answers. We can only observe her and try to make our best guesses.
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And now she's suffering consequences.
It's not fair that these people have to bend over backwards for her. It's not fair that the fate of the universe rests on the entertainment squad jangling keys in front of her for the rest of her life. Haruhi was born into the ultimate privilege.
But that is what is. And you have to live in the world that is, even as you work to make it better or keep it from getting worse.
I don't think Kyon did anything wrong here. For once. Haruhi's depressed and... that's concerning, of course. Gonna want to cheer her up before she decides she doesn't like this world anymore or that Kyon and his stupid face should go away.
But someone had to speak up. That Haruhi cares what this trash boy thinks means he is uniquely positioned to tell her off when she goes too far. Which he often does but... this time it actually got through. Because it wasn't just a snippy comment; It was a screaming match that nearly became a fistfight. It was friendship destroying.
God. I relate to this so hard. I have been her. She needed to learn that she can be hurt by the consequences of her choices. Even if that hurt was, in this case, more emotional than physical.
She needed to lose something. Even if only for a day.
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I like that Kyon doesn't apologize here. Because he isn't wrong. He doesn't offer her forgiveness because that would undo any personal progress she might have made from questioning herself.
Look at the vulnerability in her eyes as she turns to look at him, before her confident mask slips back on. She's been thinking. She's been experiencing the post-eruption regrets and doubts that always sink in after you lose your head.
People who haven't wrestled with anger management might not know what it's like. But this is how it goes. You scream. And you hurt the people you love. And you storm off. And then you break down and cry and ask yourself why you just did that, why you keep doing that. Why does every relationship end like this? That is what a meltdown is like.
She isn't mad. She wants to be mad. She tries to be mad when he walks in. But she isn't mad. She's scared. Scared that her selfishness destroyed a relationship she'd been taking for granted. And that's a good thing for her to feel. That is the feeling that is going to guide her to better behavior.
Haruhi needed this.
So it's good that Kyon doesn't apologize. Instead, he takes a diplomatic approach, not invalidating what just happened between them but conveying to Haruhi that he is still willing to be her friend. He doesn't offer forgiveness. He offers a second chance to be better.
I don't know if the show will stick this, or if she'll be right back to over-the-top abusing Mikuru next episode. But in a vacuum, this episode got really fucking good out of nowhere.
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loreleiv3 · 1 year
If I had to take a shot for every time someone mischararcterizes Gon , I would be an alcoholic.
But in all honesty the amount of times I've seen people present Gon as an oblivious , innocent guy with only two working brain cells who can't tell the definitions to basic terms and words is too much.
Like the amount of love confession fics from Killua's side I have seen with this dialouge
Killua : I want to be more than friends
Gon : You mean best friends ?
Killua : No more
Gon : Bestest of best friends
Like I'm sorry but Gon is not that dumb to not know what Killua must be implying.
I think that because Killua has always been the more calculated and reserved one people automatically assume he must be more intelligent than Gon. And because Gon can be reckless + that unfortunate math scene ; people just labeled him as stupid and decided to roll with it.
And I want to talk about that
First of all, let's ask ourselves what does it mean to be intelligent?
By a definition I've found on the internet it says that being intelligent means " having or showing the ability to easily understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations " There's not a point in this description where it says in what external way intelligence is shown. And it's because there are different types of intelligence and while in some areas of life you might be a literal expert , in others you might feel like a little baby trying to to make their first steps.
For example , someone can be very academically gifted, but they are not life smart. Like they can have straight A's , absorb information with no effort and etc , but they can't go anywhere alone because they will get lost.
Or someone can be very emotionally intelligent. They always know what to say , how to act and they are very mature. But they struggle academically. They make amazing leaders or social workers but you ask them to calculate a simple math question and it's the end for them.
See ? Both of these examples show how in different ways intelligence can be shown , but it doesn't mean that one is less important than the other.
Gon might be reckless , bad at math and not as observing and calculated as Killua is , but that does not make him any less intellectual. And there are definitely areas of life where Gon is more knowledgeable than Killua is.
Let's start with the first example. When Tonpa gives out the orange juice , Gon spits it out a few seconds later because the juice tastes wierdly to him. After this scene Gon explains that the reason he knows all that is because he posses a great knwoledge on plants and can tell when something tastes bad. Killua on the other hand drinks it because well he knows that poison won't affect him , due to the training he has endured. However if you really think about it if it wasn't for his immunity to poison , Killua might've not known the difference as easily as Gon did.
Now let's look at the 4th phase ( ? ) of Hunter exam , when Gon is hunting Hisoka to get his badge. And throughout this whole ordeal you can see a great strength that Gon posses which is his ability to observe things in the enviroment around him. He uses butterflies to help him locate Hisoka , and uses flying birds as a way of practice.
Like this shows us that Gon's intelligence is very much focused on the external world. He knows about plants , animals , knows how to make use of his environent and etc.
While someoene like Killua who did not grew up on an island could've a harder time doing something like that if it wasn't for his assasin training. And I'm not saying that to make Killua look stupid now. I'm just stating that there are parts of life where Gon is definitely more knowledgeable than Killua because both of them had a different upbringing.
I really really wish that people recognized that because a character doesn't display the textbook stereotype of an intelligent person doesn't automatically mean that they are stupid
Thanks for listening to my ted talk : )
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tiger-moran · 7 months
So, how I characterise Sebastian Moran (CW: mentions of physical/emotional abuse, [attempted] sexual assault/rape, human and animal death. Just mentions, no proper descriptions or anything though)
He is someone who after everything he has been through does find it very difficult to trust anyone and it's very difficult to gain his loyalty but once you have gained his trust and loyalty that's almost unshakeable. He is fiercely loyal to Moriarty and trusts him implicitly, because Moriarty has always treated him with the right level of respect and affection. And he does love Moriarty, genuinely and very deeply.
He does have a troubled past, having been essentially rejected by his father (and I think his grandfather as well. There's a whole thing in that family where each generation basically traumatises the next one and then his father and grandfather kind of ganged up on Sebastian). He is, effectively, an only child because his other legitimate siblings died (he probably has other half-siblings elsewhere but since Augustus would never have actually acknowledged those Sebastian wouldn't know them either). Augustus does resent Sebastian further because he, despite being kind of a sickly child who was almost born dead, was the one who survived while the son he doted on (because he was basically a clone of his dad in name, looks and even down to his bullying and cruel behaviour) managed to accidentally kill himself when he was a child. Also I think Sebastian resembles his mother more than his father and Augustus has more than once tried to claim Sebastian isn't even his child, claiming that his mother was unfaithful (she wasn't, and Sebastian does still resemble his father too just not in the same way as his brother did).
His father was emotionally and physically abusive towards Sebastian and made most of his home life just as unhappy as his school life, and I mean I think this was well beyond the usual 'strict Victorian upbringing'. Moran therefore despises his father (and grandfather) but he truly loved his mother, who always nurtured and tried to protect him, and he knows about at least some of the abuse she also suffered at his father's hands. Unfortunately she died when he was a boy and as he was expected to be very ~stoic~ he's never really been properly allowed to grieve for her. His mother is however the main reason he does have a lot of decency in him and is partly why he hates bullies and abusers (and rapists).
Even though it did get him away from his father he loathed school and was frequently punished there because he played up too much and never fitted in, and he was mistreated and bullied mercilessly by older boys mostly, until he snapped and came close to killing one of them, something for which he was again punished which further cemented in him a resentment for authority because he was victimised and he was essentially punished for standing up for himself. He ran away from school multiple times and spent time hanging about with various street children, though he was always aware he never actually fully belonged with them either because of his 'posh' background.
He is intelligent, extremely so, he's just not Moriarty's level of genius and he hates both the academic environment and a lot of the subject matter he was expected to learn. His intelligence is more practical than Moriarty's; he is able to work things out and solve practical problems in the heat of the moment; he's good with his hands; he can even work out fairly complex things like how to take the perfect shot in the most difficult situations allowing for things like wind speed and distance etc but it's almost something he can do instinctively and if you tried to put him in a classroom and get him to do the same thing and show how he does it he couldn't do it and some people probably do think he is 'stupid' because he couldn't do that and he would end up losing his temper over that even.
(I'm going to have to put the rest of this behind a cut, it got long)
He joined the army not for any noble reasons or to 'continue the family tradition' but because he simply didn't know what else to do and didn't think he was good enough at anything else. That he ended up in the Indian army rather than the British army itself is also suggestive of him not actually feeling any kind of loyalty towards what is supposedly 'his' country or ever feeling like he was a part of British society. He was loyal to his regiment and his men but he never gave a shit about the British empire and came to increasingly see the absurdity of British colonialism and the British government's willingness to sacrifice men, even boys, on a battlefield thousands of miles away, in countries the queen never even visited. He was a brave soldier and would willingly fight alongside his men and was respected by them. He repeatedly risked his life to try to save others. But he was forced to resign from the army because he didn't really fit in and he hated the way other British officers would try to preserve all the British traditions and separate themselves from the 'natives' in India or in Afghanistan; he also slept around rather too much and was not really picky about the gender, ethnicity or class of his partners, and those above him were really just looking for an excuse to kick him out because they feared he had gone too 'native' and some of his other proclivities would bring shame on them all. He gave them that excuse when he came close to killing another officer, though it was hushed up on condition that he leave the army and India because of the primary reason Moran nearly killed that other officer (who had tried to sexually assault him).
He's not a sniper or an assassin as such, he was just always an excellent marksman and his skill with guns is one of the reasons Moriarty employed him, but not the only one. He has acted as Moriarty's chief of staff too not just as an assassin for him because he has always been better at organising things than Moriarty is. But he also can act as everything from Moriarty's secretary to his valet to his bodyguard (and his lover of course). He does I think realistically come to consider himself to be essentially married to Moriarty (and in the modern day absolutely would get married to him as soon as Moriarty asked him to marry him).
Moran actually loves animals. He is not a hunter of animals because he hates them and he is not the kind of person who just wants to kill anything that moves or who kills anything and everything for fun. He does not kill animals indiscriminately and he abhors any kind of torturing of or other deliberate mistreatment of animals including those who shoot animals but only injure them and then leave them to suffer and die a lingering death. When he kills something he makes sure it's as quick and clean as possible, partly because to do otherwise is cruel and partly because it's a matter of pride and he'd be ashamed if he really mucked up a shot. He has killed wild animals for food and he has also killed animals like tigers because they are regarded essentially as 'pests' when they come into conflict with humans, but he also knows that most man-eating tigers are ones that are already ill or injured or elderly and that often killing them as quickly as possible is the kindest thing to do anyway. He does see himself reflected in tigers, in their generally solitary natures for instance, and he does love them in his own way, and there have been plenty of times where he could have killed one but let it go unharmed. If he is put into the modern day this is why I don't think he'd still be killing tigers and he would never be a tiger poacher, he'd be far more likely to be a hunter of tiger poachers. He has also stepped in more than once to stop other people harming an animal and I think the reason he pursued a wounded tiger that time was because someone else had injured it and he was trying to put it out of its misery because he didn't want it to suffer.
He does love dogs and he especially loves horses I think and has formed strong bonds with very 'difficult' horses, the kind who have a terrible reputation and are considered dangerous and untameable even. I think he did empathise very strongly with the horses owned by his father when he was young - horses which had also been abused by Augustus. He's also the kind of person who is very calm and very patient with animals and does try to understand them and their body language. He always praises and pets his horses and talks kindly to them; he pets dogs and cats he meets in the street. I do think it's funny though to imagine he's afraid of birds, though I do see him once getting drunk enough to impulse buy some lovebirds for Moriarty. I think he has also sometimes had to kill horses though to stop their suffering, when they'd been horrifically injured in battle for instance, something which has further added to his (mostly repressed) trauma.
As well as his brilliant marksmanship I think he's very good at tracking and following people, using skills he gained as a big game hunter, even in an urban environment. I think Holmes's remark about how when he follows someone they see no-one definitely applies to Moran too.
He is very very patient, when it comes to waiting about to take the perfect shot or something like that. Or even during sex, people often expect him to be quite pushy but he just isn't. He will wait as long as it takes for someone to be comfortable with having sex with him or with doing a particular sex act or whatever, and he needs to know he has consent when it comes to sex and he will always respect consent being withdrawn.
Mostly it does take a lot to provoke him into losing his cool because he is so patient. It is often only abuse or mistreatment of animals or of vulnerable people that will provoke him to violence. He is rather misanthropic overall but that doesn't mean he doesn't care and I think he has lost his temper and hit people he caught violently beating a horse or a dog or something like that, as well as totally losing it with those who have tried to sexually assault him or he has found out have sexually assaulted someone else. It is very difficult to cow or force him into submission - doing so is far more likely to make him rebel, even though him rebelling has often ended up with him being hurt more. He does have this rather perverse instinct, the 'imp of the perverse' thing, to play up the more people try to push him down, or to answer them back or wind them up in some other way - he can't help himself, nor can he help himself cheating at cards even when he doesn't need to.
He can get restless sometimes, when he feels like he has nothing to do. If he's waiting for a very specific thing that he has control over then he can wait patiently but if he's forced to wait for something that's out of his hands or out of his control he will tend to pace about or fidget with things. Sometimes he does have to make things to do to occupy himself, even if it's some 'menial' task like polishing shoes or something, or cleaning his guns even when they're not dirty, and I think he also tends to have insomnia sometimes. I think he picked up knitting as a way to keep himself occupied and he still does that when he can't sleep often although he doesn't necessarily always pay attention to what he's actually knitting so he ends up with these epically long scarves and things. Also sometimes he has bad nightmares when he does sleep, especially soon after he returns to England. He is very traumatised both by his upbringing and by war and by certain other horrors he has witnessed, but he will try to hide that. Although when he gets closer to Moriarty and they become more and more intimate and he starts to share a bed with him I think Moran's nightmares do become less and less frequent because he finally gets some stability and security in his life, he finally feels safe.
He can be genuinely courteous and sometimes very kind, especially to children and to people like servants and prostitutes and the homeless, the people that many would overlook or ignore, one because being courteous or kind to them is just right anyway and two because he understands these people that do get overlooked often can be very useful to him (and Moriarty). And he is very protective of Moriarty. He would give his life without thinking about it to protect Moriarty, though he'd still risk his life to try to save others too - it's just an instinctive reaction almost - and I think that is why he was considered an 'honourable soldier' before he was made to retire, because whatever else he did he looked after 'his' men.
He is not someone who tends to get deeply attached to people or things or places though, or at least he tries not to get attached. He's had too many things - toys, friendships, even pets - destroyed or got rid of by his father, then he's seen men from his regiment die in front of him, and until he meets Moriarty I don't think he's really ever had anywhere he regarded as 'home', everywhere else was just a place he had to live. Really he is scared to get attached to anyone or anything because he's terrified of losing them. But despite that I think he was very attached to his horses in India and was quietly devastated to have to leave them behind when he came to England. But he doesn't have many possessions - I think he surprises even Moriarty with how little he actually has, and even most of the things he does have seem to be purely practical things like his battered old watch, or things he doesn't actually care about at all, like his medals.
He is bisexual and has a high sex drive and, at least before he meets Moriarty and commits to him, he is very promiscuous. But he's always been pretty honest about that promiscuity, he has not led people on into thinking he's giving them anything more and I think the majority of those he has slept with still regard him affectionately. Despite that promiscuity and him never really having had a proper committed 'relationship' before, he is loyal to Moriarty in every way and he genuinely does love him very deeply. He would never betray him. And some people do mistake him for quite a 'cold' person, they think he must be 'cold-blooded', but he is a very passionate person really, he can be very emotional, and his love for Moriarty is very passionate, very intense.
He is also a very skilful sexual partner who has been having sex since he was in his early teens and can be quite sexually adventurous and he has never been ashamed of his sexual history or his sexuality not even when his father caught him in a sexual act with another boy when he was young (and badly beat him for it). In fact the more people told him that he was wrong and 'sinful' the more he rebelled against them and the more brazen he became. His same gender relations were a sort of open secret in India (and I'm certain some of those who got him kicked out of the army were men he had slept with previously). Though he isn't really comfortable being an actual Dom he has usually been the more dominant partner or the top in most of his past sexual relationships, mostly because he doesn't really trust most people enough to do it any other way. But really he is more of a submissive and a bottom. And he is of course rather kinky with a strong masochistic streak in him, though he will frequently be quite a cocky little shit even when he's being submissive.
He has had a great deal of sex with partners of all genders but has rarely ever actually 'fallen in love'. He is someone though who when he does fall in love falls very hard, and he is more likely to fall very hard for a man than for a woman, probably because deep down I think he does still crave a sort of benevolent father figure in his life. But he does adore women and is probably much more likely to make friends with women than he is with other men.
He is not what anyone really expects of an 'old soldier' I think - he does not walk or carry himself like a soldier is expected to; he is not an extrovert and he is not someone who actually enjoys social events and regaling people with war stories or hunting anecdotes, although he has written a couple of books on the subject of course. If he ever does do that sort of thing, being the 'life and soul of the party', then he's acting, playing a part for some reason, it is not the real him. I do think he is, like Moriarty, neurodivergent; the whole 'aloof and guarded' thing about the two of them definitely implies neurodivergence to me as well as that both of them are introverts, though Moran is better at organising and dealing with people than Moriarty is and he has learned how to read people better, at least when it comes to certain behaviours. Moran isn't the kind of person though who is prone to trying to make small talk. I think one of the reasons he gets on so well with Moriarty is because he doesn't feel a need to try to fill the space between them with inane conversation, he only talks when he's actually got something to say. He is quite a taciturn person and this I think can lead some people to grossly underestimate him, assuming he's either 'stupid' or harmless but he's neither of course. I also don't think he's someone who's that physically imposing - he's someone who blends in and can camouflage himself effectively, hiding in plain sight almost. A lot of that 'camouflage' can involve things like switching his accent and mannerisms and the way he walks and things like that. And he is multilingual and can pick up other languages pretty quickly, though he's not so good at reading them usually but he can pick up enough to understand and talk in them quite quickly.
He can be very charming and though he does have a lot of insecurities and self-doubt at times he is generally very cocksure, very self-assured. He does let Moriarty dominate him (I don't mean just sexually, though there is that too) because he does function at his best when he's got someone in overall control of him but he can go off by himself to carry out tasks and solve any issues or problems that arise by himself and Moriarty trusts him to do that; he knows Moran does need that overall control but that he can then go off and carry out his orders without needing Moriarty to 'hold his hand' all the time. Moran does have his moments of thinking he's worthless and useless compared to Moriarty though but on the whole he knows he's in Moriarty's shadow, he knows he'll usually only be thought of in connection to Moriarty, but he's happy that way because he knows Moriarty does respect him and trust him.
Moran is technically quite upper class, but he doesn't belong there and has never fitted in and he has rejected that; he hates the government and the aristocracy and the monarchy; he hates most religion and has rejected that too. He has always been conscious I think of not quite fitting in anywhere - too much Irish blood even though he's English by birth (and I tend to think his mother was not Irish or British. For some reason I lean towards her being Scandinavian); too queer (and totally unashamed about that); too prone to failing to hide his contempt for the monarchy and the government and the British empire; too prone too to talking in a 'common' accent that he picked up from street children and the lower class soldiers (though I'm sure he often does that deliberately to wind up his father in particular). And he has always thought that he's better than most of the upper classes. And he is someone who is very much 'outside the box', not a lot really phases him and he is very accepting of people who are different to him and the people he is 'supposed' to treat as inferior or be bigoted towards - it is those 'upper class twits' that he hates, not poor people or brown people or whatever other group he's expected to hate/it's 'trendy' to hate. In part that's because he is himself an outsider or an outcast in some ways, in part that's just because he is a rebel, he does rebel against his father, his class, the army, the British empire even. It's in his nature to rebel, even when it's not in his best interests to do so.
He is not totally amoral. He does have that predatory aspect to him and he can be very very dangerous sometimes and his sense of morality may be questionable at times and he is absolutely capable of killing people and not feeling bad about that but he has his own sense of what is right and wrong and mostly it's just that a lot of that doesn't really tend to line up with what the law or society says is right or wrong, and he will stand up for his own beliefs in what is right or wrong. Even Moriarty couldn't force Moran to murder a child for instance (not that he has ever tried to get Moran to do that). Plus like Moriarty I think Moran is very keenly aware of the double standards of society and how there is often one rule for the rich and another for the poor and so on. He is not some sort of """psychopathic killer""" without any empathy, without compassion even. I think it's almost the opposite really - sometimes he almost feels too much, and sometimes that has pushed him to close himself off further. He can be hot-tempered at times and certain things can provoke him. Or he can become very withdrawn sometimes instead, especially when he is hurting about something. He is someone who is used to not giving away when he is hurt, like an animal, though like an animal too sometimes he can lash out violently when he feels trapped or cornered. He does practically have a phobia of being physically trapped and a particular loathing for doctors and for being rendered helpless (such as with drugs/sedation for example). And he still hates putting his back to windows or doorways, or to most people, though something about how up front Moriarty was with him practically from the start about his criminal nature and how essentially Moran cannot leave his employment alive made Moran trust him more, not less, maybe because he's always felt that gave him some structure and stability and because too from the start almost he's seen both facets of Moriarty, the mathematics professor and the criminal genius, which not many people ever do get to see. He's never been afraid of Moriarty though, only afraid of anything bad ever happening to the him or of him losing interest in him sooner or later because Moran isn't as 'clever' or 'intellectual' or whatever as Moriarty.
He does have self-destructive tendencies and I think if Moriarty hadn't sought him out and employed him when he did then Moran would have ended up killing himself through drink or by getting into fights with people, because when he returned to England he was very lost and adrift and felt he had nothing much to live for and I don't think he would have deliberately committed suicide but with no real structure in his life then he was not really looking after himself; sooner or later he would have got himself killed one way or another, and I think he does realise Moriarty saved his life and gave his life meaning then.
He does have a lot of contempt for Sherlock Holmes though he respects him and he knows how dangerous an opponent Holmes can be - he has never underestimated him though he has sometimes thought that the Professor doesn't fully understand how dangerous Holmes could be to them. He likely can see the similarities between himself and Watson (and it's certainly plausible he actually met Watson in Afghanistan) as well as the similarities between Moriarty and Holmes, but I think Moran does also have certain things in common with Holmes as well. I think Moran and Holmes do fascinate each other, in a very antagonistic (and sometimes homoerotic) way, leading to their odd interaction in The Empty House and Holmes's refusal to get Moran arrested for trying to murder him. I definitely see Moran encountering Holmes multiple times prior to The Final Problem because Holmes does intrigue him. It's not a love-hate relationship but more like fascination-hate between them and the idea of 'seducing Holmes over to the dark side' (maybe even literally seducing him over) and of reminding Holmes how easily he too can cross that line into being a criminal does amuse Moran.
Overall I think Moran is a very complex character who is widely underestimated and frequently overlooked which in a way does fit him perfectly, because he is the person who can conceal himself in plain sight, like a tiger blending into the shadows of a forest. And he's not 'evil', he's not 'good', he's this blend of characteristics and traits that would be deemed 'evil' maybe, like his capacity for killing, but also ones that are 'good', like his intense loyalty.
I just really love him OK.
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alvivaarts · 26 days
oi i’m like two weeks late but 6 from the artist ask game??????
Ay no worries you're the first person who's asked anything from it! (insert confetti here).
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
Tbh I focus on a lot of theoretical biology for my mer stuff, for those I'd have to say either the 'ology' books and/or the Spiderwick Chronicles. I just love to break down the creatures in a practical or scientific way, but add into it like. More based in reality biology and anatomy and stuff.
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Above are some of my favorite 'ology' books, and below are some of my favorite Spiderwick monsters! (Not to mention, the entirety of the SCP wiki. I live there some nights)
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Oh yeah, and not to mention I also loved the How to Train Your Dragon and Neverland Fairies books as a kid.
Otherwise, I really enjoy werewolf movies. Like super really enjoy werewolf movies, my personal fav being An American Werewolf in London. I've found myself writing a lot of essays about the psychoanalysis of lycanthropy and werewolf transformation in film, as well as trying to subvert traditional lycanthropic themes in my academic art. But! I will always love werewolves. Here's a link to my favorite part of the movie, the transformation! (Warning for nudity (David Naughton's butt) and a lot of screaming and agony and some AWESOME practical effects. No CGI here!)
Second to last, I super love tarot symbolism such as seen in Dragon Age Inquisition. I used to run an Etsy (before I realized Etsy was stealing 2k a month from me) where I made custom handpainted tarot decks, my pride and joy being my Attack on Titan deck, though I had plans to expand to other fandoms including Critical Role, my own take on the Dragon Age tarot, SCP, etc. And a lot of others people requested.
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Finally, I grew up non-denominational (and still am), so I find religious symbolism to be really prevalent, especially in my more recent works. Such as but not limited to sacrifice, lambs, the innocent, community, undeath, etc etc. Probably because of the severe lack of genuinely beautiful places to worship in my home country. Tbh, that's probably why I always end up playing an aasimar bard or monk in D&D.
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I think those would be my subconscious inspirations, at least those that I could think of after sitting here for a bit. Other than that, I love dark fantasy and medieval style fantasy games like D&D, Dragon Age, and so forth. And media like the X-Men, Stranger Things, Lord of the Rings, Ghibli films, and a handful of anime that I find really fun! (FALIN ART INCOMING hOLY SHI-) Other than that I really aspire to reach the lever of artwork of Alphonse Mucha and traditional early renaissance artists like the classic greats. Aka the namesakes of the Ninja Turtles. I know I won't ever get there, but it's still very fun to try and emulate!
(Funnily enough I was never allowed to watch stuff like H2O, Winx Club, or much else along those veins) Sorry for the long ass answer, but this's been a fun exercise to figure out some stuff and to share!
Here's the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game for anyone else who wants to join the fun!
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acapelladitty · 2 years
Cutty Sark (Corintheus Fic)
Summary: The Corinthian and Dream find themselves having a conversation about poetry which raises an interesting revelation.
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In the quiet of the throne room, the discussion between creator and creation rang clear as the latter clasped his hands delicately on the arm of the vast throne. His back crooked, the upper half of his body curved towards his master as though magnetised by his very presence. His focus in this moment was pure; utterly engaged in the playful debate which had garnered him the attention he so craved from his maker.
Seated as always in his throne, its swirling design in constant flux, the slender digits of Dream's fingers tapped against his thin arm while he awaited the next point from his nightmare.
"You seem to enjoy indulging it, my lord, but I still have no love for poetry."
The Corinthian shook his head and held up a single placating palm as he uttered the words, his natural stubbornness unable to quell itself as he continued to defend his unappreciative position.
"You have no love for most things." Dream countered, his stoic expression giving nothing away as his dark eyes followed the animated movements of his nightmare with ease. "Poetry requires subtlety, it demands a delicacy which I doubt you capable of engaging in given your preference for violent theatrics."
It wasn't an explicit criticism, but the sting of the words created a flush of irritable heat in Corinthian's neck and the need to defend himself rose in his throat like a serpent.
"If I had to choose, I would select the work of Burns. The Caledonian." Corinthian fought hard to ensure his tone was light and almost conversational, hiding the flash of irritation which plagued him to deprive his lord the satisfaction of it. "I encountered him in passing during my time in the Waking. He was a charming man and knew how to hold a drink."
"I wasn't aware you had met." Interest touched at Dream's tone and Corinthian latched on to it like a man starved.
"There's a lot of things about me that you may not know." Corinthian said. And it was a truth which they both knew, one which went generally unspoken to keep the shaky peace they held at times.
"Hmm." A loose noise from Dream's throat; one which served both as a encouragement to continue and a warning not to push.
"You're not then only one to have some influence in their creative pursuits. Dreams and nightmares inspire alike, a fact you know better than any." Corinthian continued. "Burns was no fool and after our meeting, a meeting in which he understood my true nature, he included me in one of his works."
"Is that so?"
"A winnock bunker in the east. There sat Auld Nick in shape o' beast. A towzie tyke, black, grim, and large, To gie them music was his charge."
His slight accent lent itself well to the brogue, the guttural intonation of the syllables, and Dream found himself enjoying the small taste of his nightmares culture as he wrapped his lips around the short poem. It was not often that he shared open conversation of this nature with one of his creations and the novelty of it refreshed him.
His beautiful Corinthian.
An immeasurably useful being who had developed a tongue almost as sharp as his blade, a sharpness which he honed with his unyielding defiance at every possible avenue.
Watching him carefully, a ghost of something approaching a smile touched at the corners of his master's lips as Dream appeared deep in thought and it created a curl of satisfaction deep within Corinthian's chest.
A silence reigned for a heavy moment.
In his time amongst them, Corinthian had come to terms with the fact that he was not a creature who overly enjoyed the academic pursuits of the humans. Rather, he much preferred their physical creations along the lines of automobiles and alcohols; tools which could be consumed and indulged in at his own fancy.
"I thought poetry was beneath you?" Dream asked. "You read that with a surprising enthusiasm."
"Hypocrisy suits me." Corinthian preened, tilting his head back to allow his ocular teeth to peek out from his dark glasses. "I wear it better than most."
"You wear the guise of a devil better than most." Dream said firmly, but the words were tainted with a faint pride. "Yet another chapter to expand the woeful tale of the Corinthian. An eternal ode to those who have the misfortune of encountering him and falling victim to his darkness."
His chest puffing slightly at the unexpected praise, a flood of some strange emotion the Corinthian did not wish to dwell on for too long made his wicked grin fade into something almost soft.
"You flatter me, my lord."
"Tam O' Shanter." Dream mused, his inky gaze pinning Corinthian into place with a sudden intensity. "A tale of a man who defies his duties to indulge his petty wants, resulting in him being pursued by the devil himself."
Immediate nervousness pressed at Corinthian's senses, a stark shift in the deadpan lilt of Dream's voice setting his many sets of teeth on edge.
"My lord?"
Dream tilted his head, matching Corinthian's earlier accent flawlessly as he completed the tale.
"Think! Ye may buy joys o'er dear. Remember, Tam o' Shanter's mare."
Also posted on AO3
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pigeonwit · 4 months
heya pidge!! 5, 6, 21, 22 for the askssss
5: rare headcanons you love?
y'know i've never really quantified headcanons into 'rare' or 'common'? i suppose 'rare' would be 'not often seen in fanon' but,,, idk it's hard for me to think of them like that. i think one i'm quite attached to that i've never seen before is davey being an avid video game enjoyer. people tend to categorize davey as this 'academic' type character who'd be very bookish and nerdy which somehow disqualifies him rfom liking video games, but speaking as a very bookish nerdy boy myself, i love video games and i know davey does too, but exclusively very plot driven games with strong narratives and lots of room for fan theories, like stray, little nightmares and the last guardian. not farming sims, though. his autistic ass cannot do farming sims or he'll forget to eat. i also personally believe that crutchie is welsh and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
6: common headcanons you love?
jack being a romantic, probably. i know the musical tries to set him up like a flirt but i just do not see it at all; i think he falls in love very easily and tries to pass it off as flirting, but that does not a player make. hcs of both jack and davey being multilingual i like, and also jack being a multimedia artist, like doing photography as well as painting - i like the idea that he can channel inspiration through a lot of different things, not just one.
21. are you writing/drawing/creating anything outside of fanfiction/fan comics? Do you have any original works?
oh davey i am so glad you asked this question - yes, i am! i have to write a creative portfolio piece twice a year for classes, and i have three working ideas (one: the Real Life manhattan, west virginia (which would preferably be a graphic novel) two: a currently untitled story about a robot built for the impending apocalypse which then malfunctions, misses the apocalypse and now has to function in a world that doesn't fit into what it was designed for (which would preferably be a television show) and three: another currently untitled story about a factory worker in victorian england whose brother tragically dies in an accident that he believes was supernatural in nature and now dedicates his life to solving (which would preferably be a novel). and GUESS WHAT i actually sent a few of the things i've written to an animation festival as part of an application process and i've since been offered a place in their creative industries and development programme!!! i'm still kind of reeling at the idea that people actually liked my story concepts so fingers crossed for me!!!
22. what is your favourite topic to write about?
in fanfiction? domesticity. i love big complex plot-heavy fics and i do have ideas for some, but i think i've built a nice nest for myself in writing slice of life fics that allow the character to get to know themselves better and allow others to know them better, too. in my original works? the opposite. i love speculative fiction, i love exploring my experiences through absurdity, i love saying 'what if this happened' and following that allllll the way through, it's the best. yes i AM a little robot who wasn't built for this world, thank you. yes i AM a little victorian boy convincing myself monsters are real so i don't have to grapple with the impending knowledge that death is not just or villainous in any way, it simply Is, WHAT is your problem? hm? hm?
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genshinfanboy · 10 months
His Magic PT2
|Hello everyone. This will be part two of my witch and familar au. The descriptions will be the same. This will be an au that involves witches and familiars. Modern technology does exist but is ran by magic instead of electricity. If you want more from this au feel free to send in an ask for hcs with certain characters or for me to write for a character in this au, or just more information in general. As I always say feel free to change the pronouns to match your own. I hope you enjoy and have a lovely day or or night.
His magic pt1
Scenario: In a world of magic there are witches beings with the ability to possess magic. Witches tend to have a familiar a life long companion who is there to help and protect them. Familiars have two forms a human form and an animal form. They have a soulmate connection with the witch they are supposed to be with. When a familiar pact is formed with a witch the familiar, if the witch is their destined one the familiar will be able to feel the witches heart beat.
Alhaitham x A Gender Neutral reader.
Warnings: It's long, minor characters story spoilers, and minor archon story quest spoilers.|
Alhaitham was a witch that tended to do the bare minimum for most things. He was a scribe for the Akademiya constantly logging important spells, potions and reports for mages as well as doing things for the academic side. When he wasn't doing his work as the scribe he be reading or doing nothing but relaxing. That was if his roommate wasn't causing a lot of ruckus.
He had avoided making a pact with a familiar. He didn't find it necessary at this point in time. His magic was perfectly contained within his own body for the time being. Kaveh would claim otherwise but the scribe felt he was just projecting onto him.
Alhaitham is aware he will eventually have to get a familiar but he wanted to prolong it as long as he could. He was walking through the streets of Sumeru and saw a familiar head of blond hair. He was about to walk the opposite direction but he saw someone with the blond. He walked over to make sure he wasn't getting scammed.
"Kaveh you need to look for a familiar. Why are you so hesitant?" The person asked. Alhaitham raised a brow slightly when he heard the person talking with his roommate. He stayed slightly away to listen his interest was piqued slightly. The blond shook his head. He looked at the two they seemed familiar enough with one another. Which lead the scribe to become less worried. He pulled out his key to start heading home but he noticed a key with a lion Keychain haning off it.
He sighed. He might as well return it to Kaveh while he was there. "It's not that simple (Name). Familiars have soulmates and I don't wish to burden someone else like that. Plus I'm unsure of the magic transfer will go smoothly a lot can go wrong during the pact." Kaveh started going on and on about it. Alhaitham walked over and held out the key.
"Why not make one with me then? We are cousins and I'm not pressed on finding my soulmate. I also think you're overthinking the familiar pact. It's very rare for things to go wrong. Even with your long standing bad luck Kaveh." (Name) said before looking at Alhaitham surprised.
"It seems your key got hooked with mine again because you didn't take it with you when you left." He stated matter of factly. He noticed the person with (eye color) eyes looking at him with a raised brow. He now knew they were Kaveh's cousin and apparently a familiar. They seemed interested in him for some reason which he didn't seem to care much for.
"So you're the infamous Alhaitham I hear my dear Kaveh mention all the time. Putting a face to a name makes me realize we have corssed paths before but never spoken. Its a pleasure to meet you I'm (Name)." They said in a bit of a teasing tone. They watched as their cousin snatched his key and gave them a glare for calling him dear.
"Do not get involved with him. It's more trouble than it's worth. Just because you were both in the same Darshan in the akademiya means nothing. Also what have I told you about calling me that it's embarrassing (Name)." Kaveh said in an embarrassed manner. His cheeks had become slightly pink. He pressed a hand to his face still holding his key.
"I had no clue I was infamous but whatever is going on I'd prefer not to be involved. I don't ever recall meeting you either." Alhaitham responded by crossing his arms. He did have to admit Kaveh's cousin was attractive. He was also interested to find out they had also studied in Haravatat. They simply gave him a smile.
"We were in one class together but you never showed up other than to take any exams. Though I'd like to ask your opinion on something. As my dear cousin is being stubborn." They said patting his shoulder. They definitely seemed more mild mannered than Kaveh he supposed it wouldn't hurt to hear them out at least. Though it doesn't really benefit him very much.
"What is in it for me if I agree to hear you out? This will be taking up more of my free time than it already has dropping off his key." Alhaitham asked. The other crossed their arms and gave another smile. "How about naming your price? I'll comply so long as it's within reason and a fair exchange." They said before a putting a hand over his roommate's mouth so he can't interject.
Muffled yells were heard from the blond. Kaveh seem to given up on fighting to get out. Alhaitham summarized they had fought before and know which one is stronger. He decided to think on their response. "How about getting me a new book that came out recently by an author I enjoy? Their pen name is snow" He answered.
Alhaitham watched as kaveh's eyes went wide and he started shaking his head as to object. "That's quite easy. I know them if you also want a signed copy." They said. He looked surprised for a moment but then nodding to the agreement. "So Kaveh's magic had been getting too much for him to stand as I'm sure you're aware. I offered to make a temporary familiar pact with him but he's refusing. I care a lot about my Dear Kaveh but he's too focused on things going poorly." They explained.
Alhaitham started thinking about everything. It would mean they'd temporarily move in with them or Kaveh moves with them for a bit. "How will the living arrangements end up in this situation? Also I can make a temporary pact with you to show Kaveh there isn't much to worry about in terms of the pact. Although I must admit it would be best for his personal well being to make the pact with your cousin until you find another familiar." He gave his thoughts.
(Name) finally released Kaveh and stepped away. "If we did agree to this which I do not they'd probably be moving in with us temporarily. They don't have a set place of residence because (Name) is always traveling around. Also I absolutely do not agree on them dealing with a pact with you Alhaitham. Especially considering the fact you can't just break it off immediately. The pact would last for a week to prevent you from harming them. Not that I'd expect you to be aware of these things because you've never needed one before." He quickly exclaimed before crossing his arms.
(Name) gave a sigh. "You're so stubborn Kaveh. Your friend Tighnari was the one who contacted me because he was worried about your health." They said leaning on their cousin. Alhaitham watched the two. "Well I was aware of the fact it can't be broken immediately but I also think it would be beneficial for you. You've been looking a little rough around the edges Kaveh. So they will be staying with us for a bit meaning they'll need to pay rent as well." Alhaitham responded as though his answers were simple.
Kaveh looked at them both with wide eyes. He couldnt argue with the logic they both presented. It was frustrating for him but he had to relent. "I'll be happy to help pay rent." They said pulling out the new book they wrote. It was already signed as they were planning on giving it to someone else. "I'll transform to my familar form for the pact." They handed Alhaitham the book before transforming into a snow leopard.
Alhaitham was surprised they already had the book on them. He started to wonder if they were snow. He was surprised at their form due to the climate of Sumeru. "We should probably do this at home rather than the middle of the city streets." He stated.
Kaveh nodded in agreement. "You head home first and will be there in a bit. I still dont want people knowing we live together." He said finally resigning. He'd have no chance of winning an argument against the two.
Later in the evening when they all arrived at the shared living space Alhaitham casted the familiar pact spell. He watch kaveh let out a sigh of relief when it was done. He was also surprised at how much lighter his body felt after casting it. He looked at (Name) and saw their eyes widened.
"Well that's unexpected." They muttered. Before Kaveh rushed over he smushed their fave a bit to check if anything happened. "Are you ok? What happened?!?!" He asked worried. Alhaitham also seemed a bit concerned as he was positive he cast the spell perfectly. "What's unexpected?" The silver haired man asked pulling Kaveh off of them.
"It's nothing don't worry about it. That was probably the most perfect casting of the spell I've ever seen is all." (Name) lied. Kaveh seemed to have caught onto the lie but didn't mention it. He frowned but knew it was pointless to press anymore.
They couldn't believe they found their soulmate unintentionally. (Name) didn't want to give their cousin a heart attack mentioning this fact so they'd keep it to themself for a while. It would also cause him to refuse to make a pact with him.
The week went by very quickly for the three. Alhaitham and (Name) had grown used to each other's presences. He had become more hesitant to willingly break the pact. The two complimented the other. Alhaitham enjoyed the moments they spent together. They would read in a comfortable silence. He also started wondering how he gone so long without a familiar. (Name) also seemed to be hiding something from him and he was super interested in finding out what.
He never expected to find our becuse of conversation with Kaveh in the living room. "So out with it what are you hiding? It's been clear something is up since you made that pact with Alhaitham. I helped raise you at a certain point (Name) I know you lied and I didn't want to press for a bit but now it's affecting you." He said with his hands on his hips.
They crossed their arms and looked away from him. "You're not going to like the answer." They stated listening to Alhaitham's always calm and soothing heart beat. Kaveh seemed to piece things together very quickly. "You can't be serious. I knew I should have never agreed to you making a pact with him." His eyes were wide. Alhaitham listened to the two confused.
His heart picked up pace a bit as he started thinking of the possibilities. The thought he might be the other's soulmate seemed like the nicest possibility though they hadn't known each other for that long. He enjoyed their presence. Unknown to him however they perked up and looked around when his heartbeat grew faster.
"You can't be his soulmate! You with him that's unacceptable" Kaveh stammered. They were still preoccupied with looking for Alhaitham because his heart was racing now. It made them worry a bit. He should be home. Which made (Name) start checking all the main areas. Which earned them a look from Kaveh. "Like it or not it's true. We can't really change things. Also he doesn't treat me poorly or anything so I can't complain." They said approaching the study.
Alhaitham couldn't believe what he had just heard. He was shocked to say the least. He'd known them for a week yet he was thinking this irrationally. His heart was racing and he closed his eyes trying to ignore what just occurred. He heard footsteps approaching the study.
When he opened his eyes he saw (Name) and Kaveh in front of him. Their head tilted slightly. "Are you alright Alhaitham?" They asked with a concerned look. Their whole focus was on him rather than their cousin who also seemed worried.
The scribe raised a brow. "I'm unsure why you're asking but I am perfectly fine." He said staring at the other. They didn't seem to believe him. Kaveh looked confused as well. "Did you hit your head or something (Name)? Alhaitham looks as he always does." Their cousin asked.
"I'm perfectly fine. You're both witches so you'll have no clue about how we know our soulmate." They said crossing their arms. It was clear they had no intention of explain it. They looked at the scribe again as his heart rate picked up. "You were listening to our conversation weren't you?" They said with a small laugh. They quickly pieced together his heart sped up at them mentioning being soulmates.
Alhaitham looked surprised for a moment. "So how did you know?" He asked watching his roommate look at them shocked. "Telling you would be revealing a secret. Plus I'm sure the great scribe is able to do his research and make the discovery. Anyways I have a suggestion regarding our situation." They answered with a bit of amusement in their eyes.
"Alhaitham doesn't really have much excess magic overflow. My familiar form is able to withstand a lot more. Depending on a how big a familiar is in their animal form is how much magic they can hold. For me I can probably make a temporary familiar pact with Kaveh and keep my pact with Alhaitham." (Name) explain with a smile. Their logic was sound which made it hard for the two to argue. The three would see how this arrangement would work.
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inklingofadream · 10 months
Your latest chapter of the cult au made me think of a question - if Gerry wasn't around to explain the fears when Jon woke up at the beginning, what would Elias have told him?
So I actually had this planned out, because I didn't know for a bit whether I was going to go with it, whether Jonah was going to get a chapter in that chunk of the fic, etc. But then I decided I hate writing lengthy exposition that's already happened in canon (and can't be easily broken up). Also this got SO long.
Jonah, given his druthers, would've combined the approach we see in canon and the approach he tries to backfill after Jon is caught post-escape. The Eye would not have been positioned as equivalent to the Web- most people in the cult don't think of it that way, either, but Gerry does for obvious reasons. Jon would've been given a view of things that positioned the Eye as above the Web, as a protective force against the Web, and a positive thing to have in his life. The Institute would've been pitched in the way that it's pitched to non-cult academics, and a bit in canon. More the kind of place that has some self-imposed responsibility to gather and neutralize the threat of Leitners, as in the complaints in MAG 4 that he thought they had mopped up all the loose Leitners.
Obviously this... wouldn't quite have worked. Assuming Gerry was kept from spilling the beans, there are some significant flaws in the approach, flaws that became part of the equation the second Jonah decided that kidnapping was the way to go. You can say that the Eye is Good and Helpful, but the first fact in Jon's head is going to be "the Eye is why they kidnapped me." I don't think Jonah would've been so ready to add the love stuff to the mix. He would've eased Jon into it with an approach borrowing more than he'd admit from fantasy stories with Chosen Ones. Jon had to be kidnapped because he's Important; the whys and hows can wait until he's adjusted a bit, or if Jonah's really lucky bought in.*
*This was literally never going to happen. University student Jon? Might've bought in in the more conventional recruitment sense. Kidnapped Jon? Is going to opt for "crazy", not "hey they have a point." And the odds are never better than 50/50, "this is weird and reminds me of my Traumatic Backstory" is just too powerful a motivator.
You may have noticed I'm only talking about the Eye and the Web. That's because the Web is only part of the conversation because Jon has past experience with it. The Eye is Special and Unique and Good. Hypothetical non-traumatized Jon is just reacting due to cultural conditioning, the same way people moralize against ugly, weird, and gross animals. It's not based in actual fact. (kidnapping is, Jon probably yells at this version of Jonah at some point, a definite Fact!) If it was up to Jonah, other Entities probably wouldn't enter the conversation until Jon's significantly bought in (or given up on arguing with him). That says the case to the point that the exception would be something like Annabelle taking Jon for a walk regardless, something unpleasant, frightening, and categorically Not Jonah's Fault. (at least as far as Jon can tell)
The eventual goal is to get Jon to comply by threat of force... just not from Jonah. The groundwork would all be based on Jon's experience with the Web. The Web is evil. The Eye is good. They both think Jon is special- if that kind of experience were common, wouldn't he have heard about it? Wouldn't there be public health campaigns about checking your child's books for bookplates? It wasn't the random chance of an uncaring universe, and it wasn't setting Jon up for a canon-style harbinger of the apocalypse. By the time he plans on Jon knowing anything like real statistics on Leitner prevalence, on how common genuine encounters of any type are, he's bought in. It's because Jon is Special. The Eye is good. The Eye wants to nurture him, because he's so Special. The Web is bad. It wanted to kill him because he's so Special. Subsequent Entities are vague "evil of all types" and properly introduced via this framing, particularly when they've had an avatar as a guest, or when things from Artefact Storage are "accidentally" where Jon will come across them.
I think it works, in so far as it makes Jon afraid. The cult kidnapped him, but besides that, they haven't really hurt him. And there's a LOT of lovebombing going on. And everyone else Jon meets agrees with Jonah's framing without reservation. I think Jon accepts the idea that this isn't good, isn't nice, but it is safe. The cult put in such hard work to keep [insert encounter here] from happening. It's just that now that Jon knows he's Special, evil forces are trying harder to hurt him. If the cult did nothing things like that would be happening almost every day. They happen once a month or so because they work SO hard to keep Jon safe.
This is what most of the cult members more or less believe, anyway. Not scaring Jon with talk of other Entities is easy to justify, and they're all appropriately horrified when he ends up having encounters anyway. They back up all the outside=danger talk because they've all either joined up in a passion, never been there, or been there after living inside the Institute for their whole life. If you throw someone that isolated and inexperienced into London, they are more likely than not to come back with "It sucked! It's so dirty! It's loud! It's dangerous! I almost got hit by a car!" etc.
The exceptions are Jonah, Gertrude, Gerry, and a little bit Michael. Michael is less agoraphobic than most of the rest, and doesn't have much experience with danger either spooky or otherwise, but isn't prone to questioning the cult without significant motivation. Gerry isn't allowed around Jon unless he can keep it to himself, and Jon isn't necessarily motivated to seek him out without Jonah getting so angry he's afraid Gerry's dead. The other two obviously keep their mouths shut, and have the ability to go into Artefact Storage when everyone's asleep and work on orchestrating their next Bad Time for Jon.
Jon doesn't entirely buy into the Eye = good no matter how long he's there, though. His own experiences are just too compelling, and he's smart enough to see how little difference there is between it and the rest. But I think he does become too fearful to try to escape eventually. He slips out and Sasha brings him back, but while he's gone the open door provides an opportunity for something terrifying but not damaging to sneak in. Suggestible witnesses swear up and down that Jonah and Gertrude weren't responsible. Do that once, and it's an obvious lie. Do it a dozen times, with just as much evidence against the truth, and it's harder to tell. Add in an unusually high rate of Web artifacts, and Jon stops caring about the truth. Either he really is in that much danger, or Jonah isn't above subtly punishing him with his worst fear. And then he's Bound and can't leave anyway. Humans will believe all kinds of weird, illogical, harmful things if they're constantly in survival mode.
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malleux · 11 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well, may I participate in the match up event?
My pronouns are she/her, and I have a preference towards men.
Hobbies: reading (any form, as of current I've been reading a lot of manhwa), arts, theatre production, videogames (I usually play action RPGs, fighting, gatcha and rhythm games), watching anime, cooking (by small extension), history
Skills: draw and paint (digital+ traditional), animate (just s tiny bit), arts and crafts (for set and props mostly), playing video games (is that even a skill ??? I'm not a god but I'd like to think I play games pretty well enough), writing (less creative more on academic/reports), cooking (I can only follow a recipe though), sewing (just good enough to mend small holes/ put things together)
Personality: infj, introverted, emphatic, laid back, understanding, supportive, creative, humorous, sarcastic, witty, determined, can be dense at times, lazy, intuitive (idk I'm able to guess things based on intuition), reserved (I only ever actually open up to ppl i know well), stuck in my head day dreaming/ thinking (it could be about anything lmao), non confrontational but passive agressive
Love language: quality time, acts of service (giving)
That's all! I hope this wasn't too much!!!
hi! this is perfect, thank you for requesting!
i match you with… heizou!
Hear me out… detective couple.
When I read your bio, I kind of honed in on your intuition. At first, heizou is a little on edge. He’d originally just hired you as a secretary to take requests and write down cases for him to focus on, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued when you’d make off-handed comments about them.
You talked about someone who came in and asked Heizou to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his business partner. The guy seemed severely distraught, but you’d had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. His actions just seemed… off to you, giving you a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach that was hard to shake.
Later on, it came to light that the man was behind his partner’s disappearance. He didn’t want to share the fortune, and played it off as a kidnapping from a rival business.
After many more cases with similar circumstances, Heizou started to pay more attention to you. He’d ask your opinion on things, letting you take your time and read over evidence and statements that he’d collected. Heizou would take anything you said into consideration, not hesitating to look into something you felt wasn’t right.
You became his partner in solving crime, the Watson to his Sherlock, and started to develop an unbreakable bond— the foundation of trust and partnership built long before you had actually become a couple.
Once you are a couple, though, the crime stopper partnership doesn’t end. If anything, it grows stronger. You’re hanging out way more outside of work, and Heizou will even take the day off for the two of you to have a date or take a break if he feels like you’re overworking yourselves.
Often takes you to theatre productions in Inazuma. Marionette puppet shows are common, and sometimes they are inspired by cases that the two of you solve. It’s a fun date night— spending time together, reminiscing of the past.
When you’re busy daydreaming on the job, Heizou just smiles. He assumes you’re working hard and thinking about a case, even if you’re definitely just daydreaming about him. Or the book you’re reading. Or literally anything else. He’s so proud of u.
It takes the both of you a while to fully open up to each other, but the vulnerability and level of closeness you have with each other is worth the wait. Heizou is someone you can genuinely trust and depend on with your life, and he feels the same about you. He picks up on the tiniest things about you and is never wrong with his observations.
When you’re passive aggressive to someone you’re not too fond of, Heizou knows. When your social battery is running low, Heizou knows. He makes the best escape plans for any situation, and gets the two of you alone quickly. For your sake, of course. Totally not also because he wants some alone time.
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A short collection of basic info of your muse to present them on your blog. REPOST, don't REBLOG.
TAGGED BY: @heartxshaped-bruises TAGGING: @fourcriminals @fangsandmagic @seolinah @tyliocellier @eeliabwrites @godstrayed and anyone else who wants to!
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▬ι══════ﺤ Sylwia Wrona
I suppose the main one I've encountered is that Sylwia is a "bitch" rather than a shrewd muse of extremes. Something along the lines of expecting a similar reaction to other muns / muses to a given situation and being surprised when Sylwia is unsympathetic to more of the same. Online, all the same trends cycle over time, and society is steadily getting worse . . . She'll feel differently when she sees something different.
I try to strike a balance in my writing, but keep in mind when your muses are interacting with Sylwia that she had a STRONG addiction to her phone. It's the one habit she absolutely cannot kick, so unless your muse has dragged Sylwia outside and just so happens to be holding onto her phone, the likelihood that she's looking at a screen while talking to you is high! And I promise she's paying attention, and she is engaged! Mostly. She's just . . . also scrolling. And doing upkeep on her forums. And looking up random shit. She'll show you a meme every now and then!
With some possible exceptions in the animated world, Sylwia absolutely despises sitcoms. Humanity it bad enough, must the downtime entertainment be filled with all of its worst aspects? Cruelty, stupidity, empty romantic plots and just most of the characters being annoying! At least with cartoons they don't look real. Even there, small doses is a key phrase.
Depression, suicide, dissociation, self harm, social anxiety, insecurity, manipulation / possessiveness, death, and some neglect growing up. I would also note that while she can be attracted to anyone, her circumstances growing up were rather conservative so she is rather cautious on that front.
God, I love writing Sylwia when she's in love. She's so sweet and sentimental and vulnerable in ways she would never credit herself with. I think she'll always blame herself for Dominik, and she'll probably always think that the world wasn't made for love, but that doesn't mean she doesn't hold so much of it in her heart. It's truly a pleasure.
She's going to tell your muse to leave, time and time again. It's nothing personal most of the time, she just gets overwhelmed with social interaction and deals with it the only way she knows how.
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▬ι══════ﺤ Absinthe Moon
Absinthe can fall in love so to speak. This one surprised me as well. That being said, any such relationships will rely on distance, mutual toxicity, and sex. Marriage and that whole apple pie thing is completely out of the cards, because as soon as it gets serious, Absinthe goes on guard- and the second there's a fight and things get emotional Absinthe will cut your muse out and there will be no return. Haven't found a work-around for that. Absinthe cuts out from all threads and it's . . . something. And for all of Absinthe's academic / professional pursuits, they actually have quite a bit of downtime in their life. Naps, staring at walls, whatever 'nothing' catches their fancy. Humans aren't meant to run at 110% all the time, and moreover, they don't want to.
While Absinthe is a very violent person personally, with no desire to change that, they are very receptive to pacifism. There's a catch though- Because Absinthe's read it all, Ghandi, King, the Quakers and the Shakers- and if you aren't doing pacifism properly, if you're just using it as an excuse to act like an asshole without getting consequences, then there will be hell to pay. If pacifism is truly your thing though, and you are trying your kindest and hardest in the world, more power to you! (No one will hurt you, not for the short time they're around. It's not their path, but why not chase utopia?)
Probably useless in the sense that I haven't gotten much of a chance to explore this side to them, but the vast amount of time an resources they've put into soaps, beauty products, and sewing! Work is a practical matter and unfortunately, can end out with a very masculine presentation, but I imagine in their daily life they put a huge amount of effort into androgyny. In being very visibly nonbinary and queer! It's a huge part of who they are.
Violence, murder, weapons, crimes, drugs and so on.
I absolutely adore writing their intellectual side. They're extremely intellectual, experienced, and in this stage of their life, the narrative demands success. It's fun to pit against others and a huge learning curve personally depending on where the thread is going!
Absinthe is one of my favorites around here, but the build-up and appeal takes a long time to come through. They're a rather guarded character who operates under a general code of, 'Don't talk to anyone' to avoid trouble. So even if their character doesn't appeal to you in the moment, please, stick around. Wait for the day when it all clicks! because that's been my experience before and I happen to think it's worth the wait!
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oswaldsleftbicep · 5 months
Hello there
Hope you're doing fine? If it's not too much of a bother I would like to ask for some headcanons of married life with the demon Bro's with their mc's (gender neutral)?
married life with lucia, levy, & mefy
i got so excited seeing this ask lemme tell you- also, i wrote this with a more human!au feel as opposed to canon
also, throwback to my proposal hcs, can y'all believe that was two and a half years ago??
genre: fluff
cw: language it's to be expected at this point
❧ he's most definitely the breadwinner out of the two of you so he won't mind if you decide to be the trophy spouse; however, if you decide to follow your own career path, he's your number one supporter and most certainly brags about you
❧ omg he's helpless with grocery shopping, please do not send him out on his own. as a matter of fact, don't even take him with you unless you have time to spare cuz mans will get distracted by everything. if for some reason he's the only one able to go run errands, you need to give him the most detailed list ever: brand, exact name of the item, what color container it comes in, etc
❧ can't cook for shit, he just wasn't taught growing up, so most of the food prep comes from you. he'll die before he makes his partner do all the housework, so if you cook then he's washing the dishes
❧ he picks up on other household chores too, most of the time completing them without you having to ask first; he does a great job with it too, but he much prefers to have you help him. he's very much into quality time, so any chance you have to fold laundry or dust the shelves together is taken
❧ just because you're married now doesn't mean dating and celebrating the small stuff comes to an end!! he goes all out for wedding anniversaries, opting to celebrate them biannually at the six months marks. he also remembers when your first date was and when he asked you to be his, and he does a little something special on those days too, like getting you flowers or taking you back to where you had your first date
❧ he likes doing date nights on fridays, usually going to a restaurant or some local attraction like a light show or ice skating. he'll also take you on monthly weekend trips to a different city or to the beach or mountains. as much as he loves going out, he's a big softie for nights in with you doing something like a spa night or game night which can get pretty competitive so watch out lol
❧ he'd definitely want to start a family with you; he grew up with younger siblings so having one or two little ones running around would just be a natural fit for him. because he's so eager for it, the topic is discussed probably before y'all even get married
❧ whether or not you do want kids, he's also keen to getting a pet. he's partial to dogs but will be perfectly fine with any animal you'd like to adopt! be it kids or animals, just having something to raise with you will make him feel fully content in life
❧ when looking for a house, he likes to keep the idea of a growing family in mind and looking for something with enough room and a nice yard to run around in. he's been dreaming of moving into a house with you and combining your belongings and finding the perfect spots for everything. leaves most of the decorating and style choices to you, but best believe he's giving his opinions and being as involved as possible
❧ just imagine painting a room together and getting paint all over each other and play fighting, or spending a late night in a room filled with boxes, eating takeout on the floor, chatting endlessly about the life ahead of you :,)
❧ in a marriage with him, you'd both have to work to support the finances; he'd probably have some sort of scholarly/academic job or a career in local government, and having one income won't quite be enough to support the two of you comfortably
❧ can't cook very well either, he really did try to learn but he could never get the hang of it and always ends up burning something. much prefers home cooked meals or something on the healthier side, but won't be opposed to some takeout after a hard day at work
❧ he loathes doing housework spoiled brat but he'll be damned if he makes you do everything while he sits back and watches, so he'll take on some of the easier tasks like dusting, folding laundry, or specifically drying the dishes
❧ prefers to only celebrate your annual wedding anniversary, but he makes up for it by going all out and making each one special. he takes his time planning out a trip that would be meaningful for the two of you, or saving up to get a nice gift for you. he also does the same on valentine's day. one thing you'll do on your anniversary tho is pick a book that you've read that the other hasn't, annotate it, and then exchange books to read and add your own annotations to it. there's a bookshelf designated for these books only so they can stay together
❧ he's great with grocery shopping, always remembers what y'all need even without a list. you trust him enough to send him out alone, you know he'll always get the brands you like and what variant you prefer. he's also like incredible at budgeting and finding a bargain which is so necessary in this economy. tries to stick to what's on the list, so if you try to sneak in anything extra he'll give you the mom stare but eventually give in and allow you one (1) treat
❧ prefers nights in over date nights out, so the two of you will often stay on the couch and watch a movie or pick a book and read it together. if these get boring, he also enjoys completing difficult puzzles with you or playing mystery themed games. for out of the house dates, the two of you will often visit historical sites or museums; you frequent these places so often that you probably have memberships to them
❧ y'all likely opt for a modest home that's cozy enough for the two of you until the discussion of starting a family comes about. he'll most likely want kids, but it won't be for a little bit into y'all's marriage. until then, you keep pets to fill the house with a little more life. he's partial to cats or a more independent animal, but won't fight you on getting a dog, although he makes it perfectly clear that you are the one taking care of it
❧ one of the first things he does when you move into your new home is map out where to put your library lmao but other than that, he's actually really helpful in decorating and choosing paint and furniture. his preferred decor style is like a history professor's poorly lit office, so the house can look a bit,, cluttered at times, but the way you set everything up makes it easy for the two of you to navigate
❧ will take any opportunity he gets to call you by his last name or refer to you as his spouse, and he has the most sickeningly sweet expression every time he does
❧ the two of you decide to split the finances and each have a career. the funny thing is, though, you have no idea what he does for a living. every time you ask him he's so vague with his answers that you eventually just stop asking. if anyone else asks, you just tell them that he works in an office or does freelancing. sure, it's concerning and quite frankly irritating that he won't tell you,, but you don't think you'd wanna know what he actually does,,
❧ he's not a big fan of running errands- he claims it's because he's too busy but he really just doesn't like the hassle- but if you ask early enough he'll go with you. make him push the cart. he hates it but just manipulate him by saying you're the one who made the list and therefore know what to grab, it's only fair he pushes the cart for you. he is good at finding bargains, tho, as well as hidden gem brands that you've never heard of before but are actually way better than what you've been getting
❧ outright refuses to do the dishes. the most he'll do is load/unload the dishwasher, but that's only if you ask nicely and he's in a good mood. leaves you to do the cooking too, but only early on in your marriage because he just,, doesn't know how to cook. he learns by watching you, but if you don't know how to cook very well either then the two of you will just learn together! it's one of the few sweet domestic moments you have with him regularly. don't worry, he picks up the slack by doing other household chores like dusting, vacuuming, and laundry
❧ he's so weird with anniversaries, even before marriage. he only celebrates the big milestone ones, like wedding anniversary and he'll even continue celebrating your old dating anniversary. he thinks celebrating smaller anniversaries like first kiss or even being married for six months is dumb, but that doesn't mean he forgets about them. instead he'll bring it up casually during dinner and ngl it shocks you that he remembers so much. he opts to plan something small and intimate for anniversaries, thinking that going all out is a waste of energy
❧ the two of you will not call it a day until you've had your nightly debriefing where y'all talk about your day, what went good, what was bad, who said what, etc. this rolls over into your weekly bitch sessions where the two of you stay in, have a self care session, nurse a drink of your choosing, and just straight gossip and speculate
❧ if you want kids, that's gonna have to be a serious discussion with him and there's gonna have to be a lot of planning going into it. he never really saw himself having children, it's very high maintenance, but with time, planning, and a lot of reassurance, he'll grow fonder of the idea. pets are perfectly okay with him, tho he does prefer something on the more cleanly and low maintenance side
❧ when it comes to moving house, he'd prefer something on the smaller side, a great contrast to what he's used to. he'd love an older house too, something with soul and character. he secretly has a blast picking out paint colors and furniture with you, but he's so unbearably picky about everything. he has a very specific set of taste and style, and he's not willing to compromise on much
❧ there's probably gonna be a lot of petty arguing with this one over,, pretty much anything, but it's all in good humor and never with bad intentions. for the most part, being married to him is no different than how it was dating him, only with more responsibility
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sybillctrelawney · 9 months
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had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the clouds. i stretched my hands out to the sky. i howled at the moon with friends and then the sun came crashing in. but all the possibilities; no limits, just epiphanies. don't wake me now.
name: sybill cassandra trelawney. meaning: prophetess and oracle. will help tap into their inner magic. nickname: sybbie. syb. birthday: february 23rd. pisces. age: twenty-two.  pronouns: she + her. sexuality: romantic asexual. bisexual. siblings: none. parents: benjamin trelawney (father, deceased). iris trelawney nèe fox (mother). other family: anne fox (maternal grandmother). cassandra trelawney (great-great-grandmother, deceased). languages: english.  current residence: hogwarts. born: cornwall, england.
wizard fun. 
hogwarts house: ravenclaw. hogwarts year: eleven. area of study: divination / universal certificate. extracurriculars: astrology (president). herbology club. affiliation: neutral. pet: bengal cat, eeyore. blood status: half-blood. species: witch. patronus: dapple gray mare. boggart: her father's car crash. amortentia scent: sea salt air, stardust, animal hair, grass. wand type: willow, unicorn hair, 10 ⅛ inches.
height: 5'2" hair color: dark brown. eye color: brown. hair style: thick, straight and has character. fashion style: prep school + nerdy chic.
positive traits: + whimsical + open-minded + hopeful negative traits: - too trustful - flighty - frazzled
theme song: wildflowers by tom petty.
quick facts.
father died at nine. where she gets her moral compass from. shaped her life completely. they were best friends. his death was her first vision.
didn't have a tight knit group of friends. but very friendly and never turning anyone away, no matter who they are or what they stand for.
very academic yet head in the clouds all at once.
during fifth year she did fortune telling for people just to get people's attention. she began to lie about what she saw. she angered herself so much and during that summer vowed to never do it again and hasn't since.
stays neutral and doesn't care about the war.
updated frequently.
[ tw: parental death. ]
the stars aligned in cornwall, england when magical father, benjamin and muggle mother, iris, welcomed sybill, forming the three musketeers. the family was tight knit and supportive of one another. she and her father were particularly close, a glorified daddy’s girl. iris loved seeing the two of them grow close as she had never had a father figure of her own.
sybill was strongly encouraged her to explore her abilities. it wasn't since her great-great-grandmother, cassandra, that anyone had shown signs of having visions and being a seer. they had always told her that the truth laid within her and facts are what the world saw, both of which she needed to believe in. it was a hard concept for her to grasp due to the fact that she lived in her own head, but sybill listened. she would go to work with benjamin at the cornwall library and read books on books learning all she could about the muggle world. there she was, teaching herself before ever going to school. she longed to learn and her parents nurtured her desire. but the one day she didn’t go to the library, tragedy hit.
sybill was nine years old. sybill had her first vision. benjamin died. sybill stood still, her voice dropped octaves, and she said her benjamin wasn’t coming home. she didn’t remember saying anything but she could recall an empty feeling. a blank feeling came over her and like something had been ripped from her chest. once she came to, she was ice cold and shivering. her vision didn’t show her what exactly happened. all she knew is he was there and then BAM. no more. his earthly presence was gone. this vision, her first, terrified her. she didn’t want this gift if it was going to show her things like that. for a brief moment, sybill actually had the thought that if he died, she should have died with him. he was her rock and she, his. her only way to understand death was through her first vision. iris stood up to the plate, not to replace her father but to be a strong parent. she didn’t know how to help foster her daughter’s gift, but told sybill that her father would be proud of her for continuing the line in their family. he wouldn’t want her to give up. -- this stuck with sybill because she knew her mother was right. she fought to never give it up in her father’s name: trelawney.
when sybill’s letter from hogwarts came it was bittersweet. it was something she had been waiting for since she could breathe but her father wasn’t there to hug in celebration and to see her off. at king’s cross iris held her still tiny sybill just a little more and sniffled, slipping something into the young girl’s bag. “you almost forgot this.” it was the copy of winnie the pooh benjamin had given to sybill as a gift, one of her prized possessions. she reached out and hugged iris a little tighter with tears in her eyes. the time had come to get on the train for the first time, get on the boats and enter the dining hall for the first time. and, finally, to be sorted.
it was no surprise that the self-educating sybill was sorted into ravenclaw, where the mind was most valued -- and benjamin’s old stomping grounds. she sat at the table with her back straight, head held high, smile on her face and with pride. she was where she was supposed to be. the sorting felt like it was a sign that she could, indeed, live in both the worlds her parents described and she did so to the best of her abilities. later that night she wrote an owl home to her mother to tell her how she felt that things were going to be fantastic, that it felt right and that she loved her. this would become a routine each night before bed.
sybill loved being at hogwarts though she did have trouble fitting in. she wasn’t entirely shocked by that. she always knew she was different, but not that different. It wasn’t easy to make friends, but she saw the best in people, always spoke up and never let a sad face be alone. she knew sadness and didn’t want that for another soul, no matter the circumstance. however, because of her desire to fit in, she did something questionable her fifth year. the biggest thing she was ashamed of. 
the other students knew she was highly adept in divination and was a seer; it was something she was proud of and didn’t see a reason to hide it. there was this first person to come to her and asked what she saw in their future. sybill to seize up and had to make a quick decision. yes or no. she chose yes. after that one person, word got around and people came to sybill as though they’d been friends for years. after some time, she had to begin lying. she couldn’t read everyone’s cards or tea leaves and she certainly wasn’t having visions for anyone. over that summer she made the decision that she wasn’t going to do it anymore. it was against her moral code. she was livid with herself that she did it in the first place, all to get attention. after telling people no it was no surprise that those people drifted away as quickly as they came. it broke sybill’s heart but deep down she knew why they’d been there in the first place -- and it wasn’t for her. from then on out, sybill’s compass was where she followed.
the years passed and sybill began growing into a young woman, she looked around her and saw that fellow students were seriously dating and some were even getting betrothed -- already. she couldn’t believe it. all sybill wanted was to continue learning, cultivate her arts of divination, astronomy and herbology. she wanted to discover where she would go with her talents. she wanted to keep learning, to know everything about everything. one field of study wouldn’t be enough for her, leaving her no time for romance -- if anyone even wanted something romantic with her. either way, she was preoccupied. also either way, friendships were the relationships she yearned to see thrive. that’s what she reminded herself anyway.
as the war comes closer to home, she tries to maintain a neutral stance but it’s hard because she’s sybill. she always sticks out because of how she carries herself; head in the clouds and without a care in the world with only one life to live. if her father’s death taught her anything, it was to live each day as though it was the last. he wouldn’t want her wasting it on the chance that something could happen because someday it will, so why fear living? she wasn’t going to live in fear. and she wasn’t going to live in anger or bitterness. her heart was pure. too pure to pick a side in a war that shouldn’t exist. so she wakes up, puts on her dresses, brushes her hair and teeth then sets off for a day full of what? she doesn’t know but is excited to find out.
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