#if I'm honest I'm getting pretty annoyed because it does hurt
egglygreg · 1 year
Currently at war with my elderly ex-stray cat, who after a few weeks of staying in her spot on the bed (bed's a double, her spot is on the bottom left) she's suddenly decided she wants to sit on or against me because I'm warm (I literally put a hot pod in her spot and a corner of the heat blanket). She cannot sleep on my side, because I have cfs and it's painful and causes cramps if she sits on me or stops me from being able to move.
AND she gets pissed at me if I move and hisses and tries to bite if I pick her up to move her!
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appocalipse · 6 months
that guy ⊹ steve harrington
summary: After he's been to yet another failed date with yet another random pretty girl, Steve Harrington, your best friend, stops by at the diner your family owns for a late-night chat, same as he'd done a thousand times before. Steve is totally unaware of how much he's hurting you with his endless parade of dates, because after all — the two of you are only friends and nothing more, right? It's not like you have any secret feelings for him… | 2.6k words
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
The moment Steve steps through the glass doors of the diner, you wonder, for about the millionth time that month alone, what is it that you've done so wrong to deserve this kind of punishment.
It's Friday night, and on Friday nights, Steve Harrington goes on dates. It's just like clockwork, really: he meets a pretty girl, thinks she's the one, takes her out on a date, realizes quickly enough that she isn't quite what he was looking for, then comes here after having dropped her back home to sulk with you, in the diner that your family runs, still clad in the outfit he'd chosen especially for his failed date.
To be honest, he never looks sad, per se — more like disappointed. Frustrated, maybe.
You watch as he weaves around tables occupied by laughing friends, past booths filled with couples sharing desserts, then slides into a seat in front of you at the bar. Steve sits down with an exhausted sigh, ruffling up his hair before shooting you a tired smile.
You don't look up from where you're polishing the counter. "Bad date again?"
"Not even close. She talked about horses non-stop."
A quiet laugh slips past your lips despite yourself, and finally, you tear your gaze off the dark wooden surface of the counter to look up at him; he's got this pleased little smile on his face, the corners of his eyes crinkled ever so slightly in the way they always do whenever he succeeds at making you laugh, even if just a little.
How are you supposed to keep acting like nothing's wrong when he looks at you like that?
You clear your throat awkwardly and make yourself busy stacking clean glasses next to the coffee machine.
"So...not the one, I take it?"
Steve leans forward against the counter and props his head up with his hand, sighing deeply.
"I'm starting to think she won't ever show up," he says quietly, running his other hand through his hair. You chance another glance at him and note how genuinely worried he looks. It breaks your heart almost as much as it annoys you. "What is it that's wrong with me, huh? I just don't get it."
"Nothing is wrong with you."
"You don't need to be nice to me. We've been friends since forever, remember?"
The word 'friends' makes you wince a little bit inside, but you hide the reaction behind a neutral frown. "Do you think there's something wrong with me? Because I haven't found the one yet either, you know."
Steve's expression softens as he looks at you, and once again you feel that horrible twinge in your stomach that you wish would just stop already.
"It's different. I mean—you're not actively trying to find someone." He reaches out to pull one of the half-melted mints out from the glass bowl on the counter and pops it into his mouth with a shrug. "I go out looking for her and she just doesn't come. If she even exists, that is."
"She does."
"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I wouldn't hold my breath. God, why am I such an idiot, y'know?" Steve slumps over the counter with a groan, burying his face into his crossed arms. "My love life is a trainwreck."
"At least you have one."
He glances up at you curiously and lifts an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing. Forget it. Do you want some pie?"
You're not about to tell him what you've only admitted to yourself mere months ago — that you're actually hopelessly, madly, stupidly in love with him, and that you have been ever since the two of you were just dumb kids racing around your parents' diner.
What makes it even worse is that you had no idea your feelings went that deep until Steve started going on these dates of his again. Before then, everything was normal — you met up every weekend and binged on candy, watched bad movies on your couch, drove around town together blasting The Clash on his BMW's speakers...it was good.
Until it wasn't.
"Wait, c'mon, you can't just leave me hanging like that," Steve presses. He shifts a little on his stool to better face you, then gestures at you with his hands. "You've clearly got something you wanna say, so, like—hit me. Lay it on me."
"Nothing. I'm just saying...at least you're trying, you know," you say carefully, measuring each word before speaking them. "And at least you're the one doing the rejecting. Could be worse."
Steve's eyebrows rise high up on his forehead and he looks at you incredulously. "Whoa, wait—are you trying to tell me you've been rejected?"
You busy yourself by filling two tall glasses with soda, then slide one to his side of the counter and keep the other for yourself. "Uh...kind of, yeah. But it's fine."
"But who the hell would even do that?" he blurts out. There's anger in his voice all of a sudden, a defensive fire in his eyes that makes you feel as if someone has punched you in the gut. "To you? You're like, the nicest person on the planet, and super pretty to boot. That's just—that's crazy!"
Your heart gives a violent little jump in your chest. He thinks you're pretty. Steve Harrington thinks you're pretty.
Pretty as a friend, you correct yourself immediately, and sigh as you sip your drink. Of course, it's nothing more than that — just meaningless words spoken in a moment of unthinking kindness.
"Seriously, who?" he presses on. "Give me a name. I'll fight him."
"You mean like you fought Jonathan Byers?" you smile behind your glass, looking at him from over its rim.
Steve looks embarrassed at the memory and drops his gaze for a second or two before meeting your eyes again with a playful little smile of his own. "Different situation, okay, but that's not the point. So? Who's the guy?"
"You...don't know him," you hedge.
"It's Hawkins. I know the stray cats here by name."
"Fine, well, even if you did know him, it doesn't matter. He didn't reject me, exactly...not really."
Steve frowns a little. "Okay, you're gonna have to start making sense now. This is hurting my head."
The funny thing is, he actually looks confused, as if he can't possibly fathom the idea of someone rejecting you. It's sweet, really — way too sweet for your liking, especially when you know fully well he doesn't see you in the way you'd want him to.
You lower your gaze to avoid his and instead focus on drawing random shapes on the counter with your index finger, where tiny droplets of condensation from your glass have pooled up on the dark wood. "I mean, I never really told him how I felt. Not directly. It just…never happened."
"Oh. Well, then how do you even know if he feels the same way?" he asks you, looking rather doubtful.
You steal another glance at him and almost regret it instantly. His eyes are trained on your face, patient and attentive like you're the only thing worth watching in the world. It makes you feel horribly small and selfish and guilty, because after all, what right do you have to want him when he so clearly wants someone else?
You feel like you could cry. You might, if you don't distract yourself with something fast enough.
"I just know. Do you want some pie? I'll go get you some pie."
Without waiting for a response, you rush off to the kitchen even though there's plenty of pies sitting on the display counter at the bar, and you make a beeline straight for the back exit.
The alley behind the diner is blissfully empty as usual, just a lonely dumpster and a handful of sad-looking shrubs and weeds peeking out from under the concrete.
No, you aren't going to cry.
This is stupid.
You press your back against the rough brick wall of the diner and breathe in deep the warm night air, then exhale slowly as you count to ten in your head.
When the door opens behind you and the diner's familiar chatter and clatter of cutlery spill into the alley, you wince, mentally cursing yourself for being so goddamn weak. You should have known better.
You don't have to look up to know that it's him.
"Are you hiding from me?" Steve's voice comes, quiet and curious and maybe just a little bit hurt, even.
"I got...suddenly nauseous," you explain weakly, still refusing to look up and meet his eyes.
There's a long stretch of silence, and you feel Steve move closer to you until he's leaning against the wall by your side. You finally look up and find him smiling, this gentle, amused little thing that makes your traitorous heart skip a beat.
"You look just fine to me."
You stare up at the sky, head against the wall. "I thought I was gonna throw up."
He's still watching you, you can tell; you're keenly aware of his eyes on you, so much so that your skin prickles at the attention. "No, you didn't."
"No, I didn't," you admit with a sigh, and turn your head to finally look at him. He's got this little half-smile on his lips, the very same one you fell for years ago, and you curse yourself silently for never learning how to let him go. Really let him go.
"Hey. Listen. You don't have to tell me, okay?" Steve says gently, pushing himself off the wall to step closer to you. He brings his hand up to your face and tucks a loose lock of hair behind your ear, letting his fingertips linger on the edge of your jaw for the briefest of moments, just long enough for you to wonder whether he knows what he's doing to you.
You don't dare to move. You're afraid of breaking whatever spell has seemingly come over him.
"I should've never asked. That was selfish."
"Forget it," you say.
He's standing close now, close enough that you have to tilt your chin up to be able to look up at him properly. There's a strange kind of tension in his eyes, something dark and unsure and tentative, and his gaze darts down to your lips just the slightest bit.
You're fairly sure you're just seeing what you want to see, your foolish heart playing tricks on you. But you panic nonetheless, feeling a sudden, irrational fear that if he moves any closer, he'll realize the truth — that you're a liar and a coward, that you've been harboring these feelings of yours for him for years.
"I should—I should go. Back inside," you mutter, pointing vaguely at the door with your thumb. "In there."
"Sure, yeah. Okay. In there," he echoes, not making a single move to leave. "Not out here."
"Yup. Exactly. In there."
"So you said."
The wall of the diner is digging into your spine uncomfortably, and your mouth is dry, and your knees feel weak, and your stomach is doing somersaults, and the longer he stares at you with those eyes of his the more you feel like you're burning from the inside out and—
He's not moving. All he does is look at you, really look at you, as if it's the first time he's really looked, as if he's seeing something that wasn't there before.
"Okay, so—"
You try to push past him towards the door, but Steve grabs your arm, making you stop dead in your tracks. He lets go as soon as you look up at him, lifting his hand in front of him in an apologetic gesture.
"Sorry. I'm sorry," he says. He swallows hard and rubs his palm on the front of his jeans, a nervous little habit you think he's always had. He runs his hand through his hair, mussing up the carefully gelled strands, and it's probably the first time you've ever seen him look so flustered.
He laughs nervously and gestures at the ground with his hands as he speaks. "Look, this is just—this is just crazy, okay, but I think I, uh, maybe sort of realized something."
You blink at him, not quite certain you're hearing him correctly.
"Realized what?" you ask, the words barely more than a whisper.
Steve clears his throat and nods at you, seemingly pleased that you've finally spoken. "Yeah, well, this is stupid, but you know how you're always telling me to listen to my gut?"
"You're not making a whole lot of sense right now, Steve."
"Just bear with me for a sec, okay? This is like, totally new to me." He holds his palms up, and you notice his hands are shaking a little. "I just need a minute, alright?"
He breathes in deep and exhales slowly, then shoots you an apologetic look.
"Sorry, this is just...really weird," he confesses. "Weirdly real."
"You're freaking me out," you tell him, but Steve only smiles at you.
"Maybe I should just show you. Because, I mean, what if I'm wrong? That'd be terrible, obviously."
"Yeah, I know, but hear me out, okay?" he says quickly, and takes another step closer. You stand your ground this time, if only because you don't trust yourself to actually move without your legs giving out. "So, look. Here's the thing. You're, like—you're one of the most important people in my life. You've been there for me when nobody else was, and I...you mean a lot to me."
"Shut up, you're ruining the moment."
He takes another step forward until he's crowding you against the wall, hand coming to rest next to your head on the brick. He's close, so close that you can smell the scent of his cologne and shampoo and laundry detergent, and if you were to lean in even the slightest bit, your faces would bump.
Steve is a little out of breath, his lips parted ever so slightly. And he's still looking at you with that strange, searching expression of his.
"Is this okay?" he whispers.
"I don't—what?"
Your voice catches in your throat. There's no room for doubt in his eyes now, not even the tiniest, slightest sliver of uncertainty left.
"This," Steve murmurs.
He tilts his head to the side a little and leans in until you're sure your noses are touching, and you feel your eyes slip closed in anticipation.
"Is this okay?" he repeats in a whisper. "Please tell me I'm not crazy."
"I think I am."
His lips brush yours. It feels like an accident, doesn't last long enough to be anything but a dream. You can still taste the faint, sweet trace of sugar and mint on your tongue when he pulls away, though.
"Just to be clear," Steve whispers, his fingers brushing lightly over the skin of your neck, tracing invisible lines that make you shiver, "am I the guy from earlier? The one you like?"
You don't have it in you to deny it anymore.
"Yes. It's you."
A wide grin breaks out across his face, and suddenly he's everywhere; he cups your face in his hands, pressing eager, fervent kisses along the line of your jaw, trailing hot and open-mouthed down the side of your neck.
You giggle helplessly, grabbing Steve by his collar to pull him away from you and up to your eye level. He's breathing just as heavily as you are, his hair messy and his eyes bright.
"How do you do this to me, huh?" he pants, kissing your forehead, the tip of your nose, the corner of your mouth. "You just—you just completely knock me out."
A pleasant little thrill rushes up your spine at that.
"Oh yeah?"
You kiss him this time.
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ssentimentals · 2 months
seventeen members as love tropes: woozi
grumpy x sunshine trope
'how can a heart like yours even love a heart like mine?'
'will it kill you to smile a little?'
jihoon's eyebrow twitches but that's all reaction he gives. whenever people try to get a rise out of him, the most they receive is an annoyed huff or dramatic eye roll, so eyebrow twitch is something new; i'm widening my arsenal, jihoon thinks, watching his classmates walk away. he almost opens his mouth to retort something sarcastic and beat his personal record, when he hears it. the only sound that instantly soothes his anger and makes him melt into a puddle as jeonghan says - sound of your laughter.
it rings in his ears as the most perfect melody and jihoon can get so easily embarrassed about many things, but his utter devotion and love towards you is not one of them. corners of his lips stretch to the sides on their own, his body moves like he's not the one possessing it - one second and he's already up, moving to the door, wanting to see you. with each step he takes, the louder your laughter gets and he wants to see it, wants to witness the most beautiful picture you paint with your head thrown back, eyes shut and hands somewhere in the air, gestucilating wildly. one step, two - he reaches hallway just in time to see you wiping away tears from your eyes, still smiling brightly. happiness surrounds you like a halo, its glow soft and bright at the same time, calling for jihoon to come closer.
'i can't believe it! and what did she- oh, jihoon! hi!'
it shouldn't be possible, but your smile grows even wider at the sight of him and his heart does this really not funny thing in his chest when it stops and does stupid somersault of some sort. it's all a bit hard to believe if he's being honest; the way you immediately focus your attention on him, how you choose him over other people, him. jihoon is not a fan of putting himself down, but he knows himself very well, is very aware of where he stands on social staircase especially in comparison to other cool kids. he knows he's grumpy, knows that many find him antisocial or unfriendly, knows he's not someone who can hold attention of others very well, he knows. those are all facts, plain truths along with him being closed off, shy, painfully ordinary. that's why it's hard to believe that someone like you - a sunshine in human form - prefers his company the most.
'where have you been?' you ask him and then jokingly push at his shoulder. 'i was looking everywhere for you.'
you should know. you should know what these words do to him because how can you not? jihoon thinks he's bad at hiding his feelings, is pretty sure that hearts in his eyes when he looks at you are too big for anyone not to notice. 'i didn't want to go, so i was waiting here.'
you frown and your frown only deepens, when passing by guy shouts: 'he's a party pooper, what did you expect?'. it doesn't really hurt jihoon, weirdly enough. he understands general confusion of others regarding him and you. how can such a sunshine be with such a grumpy guy? what do they have in common?
'ignore,' jihoon says, knowing that you're about to snap back. your attention is a gift and he wants it on himself, not on some irrelevant guys. 'how did everything go? you're happy?'
you smile, nodding. 'it was so nice, i have so much to tell you!'
'that's great,' jihoon gently takes your bag away from your hands and with even more gentleness takes your hand in his. 'tell me all about it during lunch? my treat.'
your smile softens and you get this bashful look on your face that he adores. 'it's always your treat.'
'mhm,' jihoon hums noncommittally. 'and it's always going to be. let's go?'
your hand grips his a bit tighter and jihoon sighs in satisfaction, when you sway closer to him so your shoulders are brushing. 'let's go!'
this is what matters in the end - your hand in his, your smile directed to him, your quiet 'i missed you' whispered somewhere between his neck and shoulder. not what others say or think, but your sparkling eyes and loud 'you're the best, jihoonie'. jihoon doesn't mind being grumpy if he has sunshine like you by his side.
a/n: offf, this is kinda rough, isn't it? coming back from hiatus is hard, people, but hopefully this is not very disappointing. anyways, i'm starting new series, hoping for support from you :') - nini
all my other works can be found here
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yikimiki · 1 year
Bbbbbrrrrrr ok how about some toxic relationship headcanons (mayhaps w make up sex?) forr Sukuna, Toji, Geto, Megumi if you accept multiples otherwise I'm be happy w/ whichever you'd rather write for !
Since it’s four characters I’ll write one big headcanon for each ♥️
⚠️ warnings: toxic/abusive relationships, smut, dark content, gaslighting, mentions of violence (not directed at reader), fem!reader, crying, make-up sex, possessive/jealous behavior
💕 toji: the absent gaps of your relationship makes you more anxious than you’d care to admit. Toji is there one day, showering you with love, with the most amazing sex, and then he’s gone for the next couple of months like you were nothing but a good time. You only know he’s alive when he shows up again at your door, dirty and needy, and takes your body like it’s his second nature — he always takes and takes, but never gives. He uses your house, eats your food, shatters your heart and leaves without an explanation. Toji fucks you deep, possessively, with the tone of a man who is used to violence, and you can do nothing but allow him to take it. “You’re all mine, pretty girl,” he mumbles one night, and you’re not sure you believe it. You ask him to stay, like you always do, but he ignores it — like he always does. “If I ever see you with someone else… fuck, I’ll kill him on the spot. You’re all fucking mine.”
💕sukuna: like the certainty that the sun will rise again tomorrow, he’s sure that you’re going to be his forever — so for you to dare (try) to break up with him… well, that just goes against everything he has planned. All the years by your side gone, crumbling to dust, because you think you know better than he does. Sukuna makes sure you’re going to remember this, that you’re not going to try anything funny again because: “You’re fucking mine forever, you understand? You’re the air that I fucking breathe,” He says, groaning as you clamp around him, tears staining your eyelashes. You’re broken down underneath him, whining and apologizing, but he doesn’t care. You have to learn. “Don’t you ever leave me again, baby, because I’m not letting you get away. Ever.”
💕getou: there’s a bloody, metallic taste on your mouth as he kisses you when he gets home, and you never ask why. You know Getou gets into fights sometimes, and he tells you they’re all because of you. He tells you that he hates the guys at your work, hates that you talk to other men — because he’s everything you’ll ever need — and hates that you flirt (yes, flirt) with them. Like they’d ever have a chance with you. Getou always says that you’re too slutty, even if you cover up, even if you promise you won’t talk to anyone else. Then he says you’re just pretty and stupid, that you don’t know what you do to people. “But I’ll protect you forever, princess,” he says, and you know from the blood on his face that he’s serious about it. “Just never forget who you belong to.”
💕 megumi: he’s quiet and direct with you, and that is a double-edged blade when it comes to Megumi. Sometimes, it’s good to know what he’s thinking, no secrets between you two, but then you step out of line and Megumi makes sure that you remember his words forever. “You know you’re going to be alone without me, right? No one is going to deal with your whiny, dramatic behavior like I do.” He speaks calmly like the wind, but it hurts, it hurts so bad that you cry and ask him to leave you alone. You don’t even know what you did wrong, but he doesn’t care to answer. “Quit it. I’m just being honest, not my fault you’re so annoying. Come here.” And you do. You always fall into his arms, into his bed, because it’s the only place of comfort that he allows you to have.
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serqphites · 9 months
format: blurb
warnings: nsfw content at the end
word count: 700+
not proofread! y/n used!
- the second you came in for your interview she pretty much decided she was hiring you LMAO
- now i’m not saying she only hired you because of her crush, because your resume genuinely caught her eye, but i’m also not saying it had nothing to do with it 🤷‍♀️
- she definitely asks you to do things she could easily do just as an excuse to see you
- “y/n! can you come here please?”
- “can you pick up this pen i dropped please? i’ve got suchhh a bad back” she’s so dramatic i love her
- you honestly think she’s just being a bitch and she’s messing with you
- that is until one day she comes to you in the morning, saying today she only has one task for you
- “will you eat lunch with me?” and she has the dorkiest smile of all time on her face
- lunch together becomes a regular thing, going from talking about your favourite tv shows to her telling you about her daughter zoe
- she’s so sad when you eventually tell her you thought she was just like every person you’ve ever worked for, just messing with you for the fun of it
- “no no never! i could never do that, especially not to you” OOOOOO it’s blush city for you both
- things are going great! you love your job. that is until something changes, and victoria randomly stops asking you to do things for her
- i mean you’re her assistant, shouldn’t you be getting her coffee? shouldn’t you be organising her files? shouldn’t you be having lunch with her and not hughie?
- to say this has you down is an understatement, you can’t seem to understand why she has randomly shut you out
- it’s not like she’s not speaking to you, she’s still asking you to do things but they’re all tasks that require you to be away from her. you haven’t even been in her office for nearly two weeks now
- after your hurt builds and builds, you can’t hold it in anymore. you storm into her office demanding to know why she’s avoiding you
- she plays it dumb at first but she knows what she’s been doing so she fesses up
- “fuck… i’m sorry, so sorry. it’s not you i promise, it’s me. i- i like you, okay? like a lot and i know it sounds stupid and i know it’s sooo inappropriate because you’re my assist-“ SILENCED BY A KISS WOOOO
- you’re discrete about it at first, sneaking around and making out in the bathroom stalls like you’re high schoolers
- her bringing you lunch everyday<3
- she so leaves post-it notes on her desk with cute lil messages whenever she has to leave for meetings because it’s where she tells you to just relax
- you don’t bother asking why you’re not allowed to meetings that involve voughts CEO, it’s probably just a confidentiality thing right?
- a bit random but whenever you’re standing talking to somebody i feel like she’d just squeeze your butt?
- canon she’s a butt squeezer
- you don’t fight much but oh boy is your schedule full when you do
- she gives you the stupidest tasks she can think of LMAO
- “can you walk someone’s dog please?” “someone’s dog?” “yeah, just go around asking who has a dog that needs walking” “are you being serious, vic?” “yes i most definitely am, it would help me soooo much you have no idea!”
- dating your boss can be annoying at times, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world <3
- officesex!officesex!officesex!
- this honestly deserves its own blurb if i'm being honest
- i feel like she's already dominant in bed anyways but because she’s your boss it’s elevated TO THE MAX.
- “i have one really special task for you today, so listen closely”
- you can barely stay stood up with how weak your knees go (real)
- “i need you to be a good girl for me, how does that sound? you think you can do that for me?” in her husky voice im DECEASED
- one time she cleared her desk by pushing everything on the floor, she immediately regretted it when she realised she had broken almost everything
- “i always see people do it in movies and this doesn’t happen” she’s so upset while she’s picking up a broken picture of you both on the beach
- she’s so silly
- she definitely buys you lingerie to wear underneath your work clothes 🤭
- the amount of flirty texts she sends you during the day just to watch you blush uncontrollably is concerning (when is it my turn)
a/n: requests are always open, hope you enjoyed :)
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ukiyowi · 11 months
Spirit guides personality and messages
Note: Hope you like it! Reblogs help a ton. I got hospitalised recently and it would be a huge help if anyone would be interested in buying paid readings or tipping! Every little penny helps! Thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷
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Pile 1
Cards: The Devil (rev.), Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Swords.
The strong female energy that's coming through, I heard warrior/generational warrior. Your spirit guide is cold and detached, independent I'm seeing they're very very strong and loyal. They're also extremely powerful, I'm getting that they'll only communicate with you if needed, letting you fight your own battles, however they're very protective. I feel if anyone ever does you wrong, it always comes back to them in the worst way possible. They're someone who's very wise and travelled, they don't like meddling too much. I also get strong maternal energy, so maybe this is a female ancestor. What's funny is when the first two cards fell out, I was thinking of a warrior with flowing hair in an Armor with a sword and then the queen of swords fell out. Again, giving me warrior, very strong and analytical. They're straightforward and blunt, may come off as grumpy or annoyed occasionally. Like their space, someone who's fair and trustworthy. I'm getting they may like things staying the same, they love routine.
Card: The Tower (rev.)
Stop trying to resist good change. If something is falling apart, it's meant to trying to hold on to it will bring nothing but delay, hurt and harm. Go with the flow, stay true to yourself. Rebuild what was fallen because now by then you'll have learnt from your mistakes.
Song: Lullaby for a cat – Epik High
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Pile 2
Cards: The Moon, Page of Wands, 7 of Pentacles
Okay first message I got is they're very communicative, and may try to talk to you or send messages through your dreams. They may be emotional and irrational at times, I'm also getting may be doting in a way. They seem optimistic and cheerful! I'm getting extremely fun and daring energy, there's not much that scares them probably because of how long they've been around, the kind to have seen everything. They may be a little fast-paced however, I'm getting if you're not progressing fast enough, they may try to step in, guide you in the right direction (or try) so that you can grow faster, they just want what's best for you. They're determined and persistent, very balanced energy, they value stability a lot especially mental and emotional stability and may help you manifest faster. They're selfless and fiercely protective especially against evil eye or the envy of others. You may have a lot of people who dislike you because of your success, your spirit guides protect you from that negative energy so it doesn't manifest into your life.
Card: Page of Cups (rev.)
Don't let others envy bring you down, nurture your inner child. If you keep working all day every day without giving yourself time to heal and replenish your energy, everything you've worked for will come falling down. It's not easy to forget or forgive the happenings of the past and you don't have to, but stop holding onto them with a vice grip.
Song: Fall - Sasha Sloan
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Pile 3
Cards: The Fools, The Lovers, 3 of Cups (rev.)
First thing that came through: past life lover, a past life lover is your spirit guide, or someone who carries that energy. They can be a little scattered at times but they're youthful and love adventure. They also seem pretty idealistic for better or for worse, I'm also getting they're very patient and understanding, a lot of compassion is coming through. They're agreeable and cordial, I see that they love new beginnings and cycles, they are also extremely abundant in showing their adoration, either through symbols, signs, animals all of that. They're critical by nature, sometimes too much but they try to tone it down I'm hearing and focus on the positives. Yeah, I'm not getting much to be honest, they would love to communicate with you, I hear they use animals a lot as symbolism and can be blunt when giving advice or guidance simply because they feel like sugar-coating is a waste of your time.
Card: Page of Pentacles
You've worked very hard so far, keep that up, there's new things coming into your life that will send you back in motion. Lay your foundations before building your empire, don't sway from the goals you set and you'll be good to go. Remember to stay humble and grounded, meditate.
Song: Older - Shallou
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All rights reserved, do Not plagiarise. Ukiyowi©®
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
I hope that's ok, but could you write about the Upper Moons and their partner, who is their opposite? I just love the couple dynamic where "opposites attract". If you don't want to write about it, it's okay, in any case, have a nice day and mood!💞
Thank you 💞, I hope you like what I wrote. Since I didn't know if you wanted any specific Uppermoon... I did all of them (the adults), lol. Sorry if it's not what you wanted and that it took me some time. If asked something more specific I can go into more detail, but I hope this will be enough for the moment. Opposites attract is a lovely dynamic if done correctly so here is my attempt.
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Opposited attract, human gn reader.
Warnings: A bit of Manga spoilers, Power imbalance and Mentions of cannibalism (both are mostly them refering of how they have to be careful with you), Some erotic themes implied, Kokushibou's and Gyutaro's insecurities, Akaza's angst, and Karaku will moan to annoy you (like the moaning while the other is on the phone type of context).
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You are such a free-spirited and free-minded person.
Kokushibou can't forget how fragile you actually are, being a human, so he never acts upon it, but he can't help but envy you. "Koku-kun, calm down. The world won't die if the hierarchy does for a few minutes. Don't worry that pretty head of yours." He is so cold, but you warm him up as you are patient with him and try to get him to stop getting frustrated over the smallest things, like Akaza and Douma fighting or remembering his human life. "Don't call me that." He protests, but still lets you do as you please.
You are patient, tolerant and understanding, you don't hold yourself. He wishes he could be more like that and less like himself. There are times he just wants to push you away, for you to disappear, to stop reminding him what he isn't. But at the same time he craves having you by his side, to chase after you.
In the end he just stays by your side in silent, watching you be that beautiful self. "C'mon Koku, just relax. We are ok."
You are very mature, specially in emotional intelligence.
Douma can't help but notice you know how to respond to everyone's feelings. You are very empathic and can easily deal with yourself without hurting others, not that Douma would know anything about being hurt. Still, you are very weird to him. Even when he teases you (and he can be cruel at doing so) you only take a deep breath. "Douma, please stop. I'm not standing those comments, they are hurtful and I will leave if you don't stop."
"Alright, alright. I will stop." It's not that he could not stop you from leaving, but it's weird how you handle the matter. You don't just barely tolerate unlike his followers and Gyokko, nor ignore him like Kokushibou and Muzan, much less attack him like Akaza, the Hashira and technically her. But this is not about her. It's about you. "Thank you for listening." You are honest but willing to compromise at the same time you stand for yourself in a respectful way.
You are just a human, like any other he could just eat you, but he doesn't want to. He wants to understand first. How? Why? That makes him always want stick around you. "Hey, Y/N. How about we go to my place? That would be lovely!" But he doesn't show it besides acting like he does with everyone else. Because Douma is bad with feelings.
You are always growing, not only physically, but mentally.
It scares Akaza, to be honest, how you are constantly transitioning and changing. "I just decided to try a new hobbie, might like it more than what I do in my free time now." If he looks away a more than a month you already changed your rutine, already have a different favorite things, and learned so much it changed your worldview. And for Akaza is a bit hard to keep up with it. "I have buyed a few more books, I will read them whenever I have time." Not also this, but you are aging, like the human you are.
"Become a demon, Y/N." He always tells you, afraid that one day you will not be there. Or worse, that you will but he won't be able to recognize you. Because you are always moving on, and he is stuck. Stuck as the third Uppermoon, stuck as a demon, stuck as a servant of Muzan, stuck in his hatred, stuck in the feeling someone something should be here but it's not, stuck in the need to bring up medicine something, stuck in his desesperation to get stronger to save them. But you don't become a demon, you will die, you will leave him behind too.
You always comfort him, and he stays close 24/7. He's afraid and can't let you go. "Please don't leave me behind." It's hard to convince him you won't, but still, besides you he is very happy. Sometimes he wishes you could get stuck with him, but he won't force to anything. "I'm here, Akaza." For now.
You are a humble sunshine! No, really, you smile as if both your wallet and mind were empty.
Nakime doesn't know what the heck she likes about you. You are lovely, she can easily admit that, but that's it? Still, she lets you around, you watch with awe her castle, wanting to touch everything, to explore everything. "Nakime-chan! Your house is the one of an empress!" You always compliment her for everything.
"You are also very impressive." She tries to answer that good vibes, it's bit hard to her. You don't mind it, you are fine with how little she gives. There is also the fact that you talk a lot and she can't keep up with that. "Nakime-chan, it's not necesary for you to compliment me. I know it doesn't come naturally to you. Just being around and you teaching me all this greatness make me so happy already."
But she loves being around you, she lets you explore but keeps an eye on you to make sure you are not hurt. She relaxes against the positive energy you bring to her home as you wander around or join her to talk to her. This is fine.
You are brave and honest, always facing upfront everything. A natural leader.
Hantengu admires you a lot, but he also finds you quite intimidating. Everytime you are around he hides and covers himself, which is a bit cute with how nervious en embarrassed he is, but you always manage to find him to talk. You share yout thoughts and feelings easily and try to reach solutions. "I really think you should find a way to depend a bit less on the clones. They can't always be around."
"Al right, I will see into it. I promise. Just let me be, please. I'm very tired." He lies, he always lies. It's hard to not lie. To lie is to protect himself, and he's just so afraid. He knows you can deal with the situations but he is too paranoid to not lie. Still, you are patient with him, and he trusts you enough to rely on you. He really likes you because he can actually do that.
It's hard to be so afraid of everything, to not being able to trust himself. He didn't ask to be like this. You are a stable safespace. You are trying to communicate, no idea if there will ever be results. But you try.
You are a hyped disaster who just wants to have fun!
Sekido wants to die. What was going on with him falling in love with the perfect mix of Karaku and Urogi?! What the hell?! "C'mon Sweet-Cherry, let's just have fun!" You pull him into doing a reckless and useless activity that would probably get you both killed if he wasn't a demon. "DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT!" He screams blushing, you are nothing more than trouble. You start laughing and keep teasing him and he just trembles of embarrassment and rage. "HOW DARE YOU?!"
He never does anything to you, how could he? Not only you are too precious, but you would die from an attack of his. Why must you be so infuriating?! Always being in the best mood?! "Ohhhh, are you mad? You look cute at mad, but you know what would be even more cute? A smile!" He really can't stand you... and that is why he just stays still as he lets you have your way with him, huh? There are times he is just amused and watches you be.
There are even times you got him to laugh "*gasp* Is that a smile? That's so cute!" He will always deny "NO, leave me alone!" He gets used to your teasing, and you know you've won when he starts teasing you back. "I stop looking at you and you almost kill yourself. Are you that needy?" He asked once amused. "Oh hell yeah, I am. You should always look at me!" He does.
You are a concentrated person with great ambitions.
Honestly? Karaku is always just chasing a good time, that includes chasing you at times. You, on the other hand, don't do anything without having actually thought about it, analyze the results, pro's and con's. "C'mon, Hot-stuff! Pay attention to me!" He is always trying to distract you when you are working.
You want more than what you have, you want to get big things, be big things, that you work hard for it. "Give me 15 more minutes and I'l spoil you, Karaku. But I'm working." He doesn't want to wait, so he puts himself on your ear and "Argh~ ohh fuck~ ahh, Y/N~ it feels- mnph!" You blush and cover his mouth with you hand, and he starts to lick it and suck it.
You always have to redo your schedule for him, he is greedy for attention and likes to mess around. He thinks it's funny both how you resist to his charms but also give in to them. He is supportive of you, so he will help if you tell him to do something in specific, but still. Karaku is a distraction, a pleasurable one, and you are addicted to it. It's only human to procrastinate. "Y/N! Let's have fun together!"
You are classy and collected, almost having a zen presence.
Urogi likes you a lot, "You are like, shiny but without glowing or reflecting light, if that makes sense" it doesn't, but you understand what Urogi wants to say. He is always moving and acting like an animal, he likes grabbing things with his feet, chew all his food together inside his mouth filling it until parts slip off his lips, destroy things and draw attention. But you also attrack people's attention.
"Behave a little Urogi, watch your manners." You wipe softly and kindly some dirt in his cheek with a piece of cloth, being patient and tender. Ever so calm, like a Buddha! And you are elegant as well, and Urogi only wants to play and mess with you. He wants to snach you away because he likes you. "Mine!"
He is always or moving around you or all over you, sometimes he kidnaps you before flying away. As he is careful to not hurt you, you are forever impossible to perturb. That only makes him crazier about you, hyped by only having you near. "Y/N, call me Baby-bird! I like it when you call me petnames! Call me something cute!" You only chuckle calmly before nodding and speaking gently. "Is this ok, my Baby-bird?" "Yay! Call me that again!"
You are loud and strong-willed [You are Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! Okno 🤣 sorry.]
Aizetsu looks up to you, you have a very strong character and a determined personality. You are not afraid to draw everyone's attention to yourself and to stand up for what you believe. "Sekido, stop scolding Aizetsu! He is trying his best! Aizetsu, baby, don't let him talk to you like that!" He really likes you and can't help himself but shy away.
"Thank you for defending me, Y/N. I'm sorry for being a bother." You lunge fowar to grab his shoulders with your arm and press him against you, making him blush. "You are not a bother, just... stop letting others talk and walk over you. And stop being so cute!" It's easy to forget who is the more powerful between you two, since you always take the lead and he lets you be fondly.
He likes when you hold him and cuddle him, loving that you just go for what you want and that you go for him. Most of the time you are physically touching somehow, he passive and letting you do whatever you are, blushing at most. And you all over him showering him with love. "You are my baby, Aizetsu! Don't forget it, I will always be there for you!"
You are lazy, always looking tired, but very generous and kind.
Gyokko wants to scream everytime he sees you looking as if you just woke up. He actually does scream at times, horrified, really. "AHHHHHHHHH! Oh gods, oh gods, you look TERRIBLE! What happened?!" You just look at him, not really caring of your appereance, before smiling softly to him. "I stayed up late, that's all. Don't worry about me, Gyokko." That only frustrates him more "I'M NOT WORRIED! I'M DISGUSTED! GO BACK TO SLEEP!"
Honestly, there are times he thinks just eating you and get over with it would be easier, but he doesn't want to risk it. As a human, anything that happens to you might be your last breath. He doesn't want you gone, and it's easier to blame how fragile your body your state instead of the fact thatcyou don't take that much care of yourself. Specially because you care a lot for others, always helping around, giving others your time, energy and resources.
And while that is the reason he loves you, he feels you should focus more on yourself at times. But you spend a lot of time together. Sometimes you watch him from afar while he makes pots, other times he watches you help others. You watch him with kindness and awe, he watches whoever is with you with anger and frustration. "Stop wasting so much on others! Come with me right now, I'm taking you away!" You are the most patient and understanding, you you mend the problems you both have. "Let me finish this favor I promised someone and I will go out with you. Don't be impatient." He is impatient, but you both manage.
Well-born, you are very healthy in every sense possible.
Gyutaro doesn't even know what is that you like from him, he's poor, ugly, sounds ill, has low self-steem, can't say no to Daki, has enough envy to fill the district's money if he was paid for it, and you can keep listing. And you still stay around. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on."
He has so much envy of you. You are reliable with your emotions, you have a body you clearly take care of, a well developed brain and skills, you are socially apt, and you were born in a family with money. You are everything he hates and yet you are so good... "I really just want... something, ne. I don't know. Give me something from you, ne." You give him a hug and he burries his face into you.
You know how to treat yourself and others without getting hurt, without being anything like him. He really would love to be more like you, just like he loves to have you around to help him. Because he loves his sister, but he also wants somwhere he can heal, and you are good health personificated for him "Let's keep this a bit, ne." He tells you. "Alright, and you're welcome." He thanks you softly as he follows your lead and trust you to help him with whatche needs, even when he doesn't want ir or disagrees.... he thinks you could fix him.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen NSFW Alphabet
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Y/n is the only legitimate daughter of Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon
Silver hair and purple eyes, she is a year younger than her brother Luke and and 2 years younger than Aemond.
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
•Most people that knew Aemond would say he didn't have a caring bone in his body but that was untrue
•Aemond was very attentive after sex, he always cares for any aches and pains he's caused you and is also quick to ensure that you're cleaned up and comfortable, he loves snuggling you close to him every night
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
•His favorite body part of his has to be his hands, he always takes every opportunity to touch any and all of your soft skin with his hands, fingers tracing you every chance he gets, especially in public, needing people to see his claim on you as if your huge wedding in front of the entire realm wasn't enough
•His favorite body part of yours is your breasts, for obvious reasons, but if he had to pick another it would have to be your lips, he loves kissing you, pulling you as close as he could and feeling your lips on his cheek or neck during every meeting or annoying family dinner
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
•He insists on cumming inside of you every chance he gets.  Every. Single. Time.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
•His dirty secret was one he shared with you upon your wedding, he confessed how in love with you he had been in your youth, he watched you very closely as children and at every family affair after you had moved from Kings Landing back to Dragonstone with your family
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
•Aemond is not overly experienced, only having been with a women once before you when his older brother Aegon took him to a pleasure house upon his 13th birthday to "become a man"
•It was actually a very traumatic experience for him and he refused to do anything like that again
•His brother liked to tease him, acting as if Aemond had no sex drive because he didn't like to screw women in whore houses, however that couldn't be farther from the truth. Aemond was extremely horny, his sex drive was off the charts however he only wanted you and unlike Aegon he would never disrespect you or sully your marriage by cheating on you with anyone
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
•Missionary.  Aemond preferred to look into your eyes when he fucked you, he wanted to see the look on your face when he was pushing you over the edge, needed to watch your eyes roll into the back of your head when he made you cum
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
•While Aemond had his goofy moments very rarely, usually he was quite serious, determined to push you to the precipice over and over again
•He also had quite a few sweet and tender moments as well, always seeming to know when you needed him to be your loving, affectionate and gentle husband
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
•He doesn't have much body hair that's not on his head to be honest, and the patch he does have, you immediately notice isn't bad or unkept
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
•Aemond is very sweet to you from the first moment
•Everyone in the family, in Kings Landing, and honestly in the realm would and did believe that Aemond was a cruel, violent man, he came off unpleasant and unkind but when it came to you, the women he loves, the One-Eyed Prince was a gentle and loving man
•He made it clear from the first moment you found out your marriage had been arranged that he would never hurt you, never force you to do something you were uncomfortable with and never be unfaithful to you, it was something that truly shocked you as you expected to live your life with a cruel, violent man who delighted in humiliating and cheating on you much like his older brother but your husband was quick to quell your fears
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
•Masterbation was all Aemond had before you got married, he wasn't into one night stands or pleasure houses
•After you were married, while he would occasionally still Jack off, unless you were sick or in some kind of discomfort he didn't see the reason to do it while you were his wife, even your period didn't dissuade Aemond, he was borderline needy for you 24/7
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
•Breeding Kink- Aemond was obsessed with filling you with his cum, he loved cumming inside of you, not just because you loved it yourself and would often beg for it but because he was obsessed with the idea of filling you with his child.  He wanted more than anything to see you round with his child, a child that no one would be able to question the validity of
•'Uncle' Kink- Aemond, though he was only 2 year older than you, was your mothers little brother and he enjoyed every time you called him that during sex
•Dragon Kink? (Idk what else to call it)- Aemond often took you flying on Vhagar, your dragon was one that hatched in your crib as a babe so it was too small currently for more than one rider but Vhagar was plenty big enough and once you were up in the air your husband enjoyed turning you around and making you ride him (all while safely tied to the saddle of course)
L = Location (Favorite places to do the deed)
•If not on dragon back then Aemond just preferred your bedroom. Upon the wedding you two had moved into a huge room with a giant balcony and he always seemed to find something new to bend you over or some new way to fuck you in the sun
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
•Aemond doesn't need much motivation, he's ready to go every time he sees you however every single time he sees you holding one of Aegon and Helaena's children he is instantly struck with the need to fill you with as much of his cum as he can
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
•Choking, he doesn't like the idea of you not being able to breathe
•Anything that will cause you pain, specifically making you bleed or bruising your body- He loves biting you and leaving bruises and love bites on your chest, thighs and pussy, even on your butt where he's quite often given you a bite when you've been laying on your stomach, however he refuses to leave bruises on your neck and jaw where other people can see it as he doesn't want to make you look 'trashy', knowing how judgmental people are, but he also refused to hit you in any way, even spanking you and leaving marks on your butt.  He spanked you once at your request and the sight of the bruises on your ass made him ill, he doesn't like the idea of hurting you in any way
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
•Any man in their right mind prefers receiving and Aemond is no exception, however he is one of the few men you know of who is willing to-let alone actually enjoys-eating you out
•Before your wedding day Aemond refused to sleep with you, however much to your surprise a few days before the wedding when you were on a picnic together in the garden he crawled under your skirt and sucked your clit between his lips, his tongue exploring your pussy. You had only ever heard about men doing this for a women and you knew most men didn't but there in the garden, 3 days before your wedding, hidden behind his dragon Vhagar, he laced his fingers with yours and ate you out until you came three separate times
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
•99% of the time Aemond is rough and fast paced though he does have the ability to be slow and tender when he knows it's what his Princess needs of him
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
•Aemond absolutely prefers to take his time with you however a quickie is often necessary, especially when your One-Eyed Prince is feeling particularly possessive which often happens when either Aegon is drunk and flirting with you which happens much too often, or when your brothers Jace and Luke rile your Prince up too much
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
•Aemond is not much of an exhibitionist, if he's fucking you outside where people could see it's at a time that he's 100% sure no one would even be there, namely someplace that Vhagar is close by and no one in their right mind would approach the massive nearly 200 year old female dragon
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
•Your first night of married life Aemond kept you up for hours, going at it 9 times, he has the stamina to go for quite some time though usually he takes pity on you at some point and allows you to sleep, sometimes even (with your permission) continuing to fuck you even after you've passed out
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
•He doesn't own toys, he doesn't need them and he ensures you have no need of them either
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
•He is rarely in the mood to tease you, he prefers to worship you and give you pleasure until you can take no more
•If he is in a teasing mood however it'll only last as long as it takes for you to beg, once you start begging he will give you anything you want
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
•He growls quite a lot, and snarls occasionally
•Apart from some animalistic sounds he doesn't make much noise at all, it's very rare you get a full moan out of him
W = Wild Card (Get a random Headcanon for the character of your choice)
•Your One-Eyed Prince had a fairly traumatic first sexual experience and while Aegon would say he had 'no reason to complain' and that 'every boy wishes he could have a first time like that' you knew it was something Aemond hated and that made him very uncomfortable to think and talk about
•He loves you very much and he loves fucking you but it took him a bit of time to truly get comfortable with you, letting go with you and being able to give you any amount of control took him a while and a lot of trust and you knew you would never take it for granted or abuse his trust in any way, unwilling to harm your husband-especially like that
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
•Aemond isn't very thick but length wise he's just over 8 inches and can hit all the right places
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
•You made assumptions about Aemond just like everyone else did because of the fact that unlike his brother, he didn't come off as a horny asshole however you were WRONG
•Your wedding night proved to you that your husband was actually very horny, and could keep going for quite a while
•He was gentle your first time that night knowing that you were nervous and pure however after that first time neither of you could get enough of each other and you were incredibly surprised by how many times he was able to go again...(9 times through your wedding night)
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
•Aemond is not very quick to sleep, though you often are yourself, he is quite fond of staying awake for a bit if not just because he wants to clean you up
•He enjoys staying awake for an extra half an hour just to watch you sleep for a while, he loves how tranquil you look especially on days where you've had a particularly stressful time, getting to watch that stress melt away as he fucks it out of you and then see how restful and peaceful you are when you dream is the highlight of his long, hard days-it makes him feel like a good husband being able to care for his wife as she needs of him
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Aemond T. Masterlist
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bots-and-cons · 24 days
So this is my first time asking. Idk if u did any sorts of headcanons or anything like. But could u do where reader gets braces for the first time and are insecure, uncomfortable with them, and they kinda hurt.
Anything works, headcanons if you think fits best. Maybe Ratchet, Arcee, and Optimus.
Just their thoughts about it and what they will do to make the reader feel better.
And can the reader be female? Also, she is their charge?
I hope you have a great day/night ❤️
(If there are any grammar mistakes, it's because I'm dyslexic and sorry if there )
A/N: I remember back when I got braces, it sucked so bad at first. I haven’t had them in years now, but I still remember how annoying they were. I only do two characters for HCs nowadays, so I dropped Optimus
•Ratchet is always making sure you’re taking care of yourself, making sure you eat and drink enough and get enough sleep
•Cybertronians don’t have dentists, not separately from a medic anyway, if someone loses a piece of their dental plating a medic will help them
•But since your teeth grow and change unlike his, you need to visit the dentist every now and then
•Ratchet finds it to be one of the fascinating parts of humans, because how is everything about you so fragile, like even your teeth get cavities
•Honestly, you were pretty happy when you heard you were going to get braces, because you could finally get your teeth in order
•When you actually got the braces though, the first few weeks sucked
•Your mouth ached all the time and eating food was also a pain in the ass
•Ratchet wasn’t really sure how to help you, so he of course took to the internet to find some solutions
•Your speech was also a bit weird for the first couple of days, which Ratchet found a bit funny, but he didn’t say anything because he didn’t want you to feel like he was making fun of you
•She’s kind of baffled by the fact that humans seem to be able to break any part of their body
•Even when it’s not your intention, like what do you mean your teeth get cavities
•And what in the name of Primus do you mean you put metal in your mouth to get your teeth straight?
•Like huh?
•She does note you sound a bit different after you got your braces, but it’s not like she’s making fun of you
•Arcee asks you if you’re in pain, many times over the first couple of weeks, like almost daily
•She doesn’t really know how to help, except to remind you to take some painkillers
•You also learn that eating sticky things life caramel and gum, can be really annoying when it sticks to your braces
•Arcee did chuckle at that when you had trouble speaking and opening your mouth properly for a moment when you made the mistake of eating bubblegum, but you found it kinda funny too to be honest
•She makes sure you never forget a dentist’s appointment and she always takes you to them
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a-aexotic · 2 years
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half & half. part 005. previous
warnings ;
taglist: @steveharringtonswifey09 @starkeysmp4 @mannstarkey @readingbcimlonely
Last night was a complete haze for you, you couldn't even process it because you had to get up to work. Work was going like usual, customer after customer.
You were pretty much a like zombie trying to get through work. You hadn't even drank a single cup of coffee and you felt like you were there. You couldn't even think straight because of your head pounding.
You didn't get much sleep last night; there was too much going on in your head. JJ, Rafe, Sarah, the Pogues, your job, college. Your mind was on a loop until the early morning. Summer was supposed to be relaxing and right now, it felt like anything but relaxing.
When you were finally done at the country club at 4:30 pm, you glad took your leave and started driving home. These past few nights have been insanely eventful and you just wanted some time alone.
You came home, ate, showered (and shaved), lathered your skin up in your favorite lotion and topped it all off with a cute pink night set you got. You went into bed and sighed at the warm feeling, turning on your TV and turned on your LEDs.
You turned on your comfort show and watched for about five minutes before, almost comically, someone knocked on your window.
You wanted to face palm yourself. You almost thought you misheard it until you heard it again. Of course the universe wouldn't let you have on peaceful night.
You put on your slippers and went to the window. You weren't completely surprised to see JJ standing there, an apologetic look on his face.
You opened the window to let him in and you stood there, arms crossed as he closed the window after him. You both stood there in silence for a few seconds before he spoke up.
"I wanted come here and say I'm sorry." JJ finally spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper. "I said things I shouldn't have and I know I hurt you, but I am sorry. It won't happen again." He looked like a hurt puppy, looking up at you.
"It's fine."
"No, it's not. When Pope said you were going to apologize-"
"Wait, what?"
He stopped and thought for a second, "Shit. Uh..."
"I'll deal with Pope another time." You felt like an overworked mother with four annoying little brats you had to deal with. "Continue."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I just say stupid shit when I'm angry."
"Yeah you do." She said flatly, as JJ pursed his lips tightly. You let out a sigh, "do you really think I nag you?"
JJ looked a deer caught in headlights before shaking his head slowly.
"Be honest, JJ."
"Sometimes. I mean you act more like my mother than my sister sometimes and yeah, it does get a little annoying..."
You wanted to get angry but you couldn't. This is healthy communication, you kept repeating in your head.
JJ noticed your silence, "I still love you though. I know you mean well."
Your lips moved upwards slightly into a small smile. "I love you, too."
JJ smiled at you, realizing he had finally gotten on your good side once again.
You opened your arms for a hug and he gladly walked up to you, embracing you tightly. He basked in your warmth and your familiar perfume; you hadn't changed your signature smell since freshman year.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you, Y/N/N. How am I going to survive?"
"I'll still be with you in spirit, JJ." You guys separated. "And you can always call or Facetime, I'm not dead."
He laughed. "Yeah, but it's still not going to be the same."
You shook your head, "Let's not think about this now, okay?"
He nodded slightly, a smile still evident on his tanned face.
"You wanna watch a movie?"
Tumblr media
Rafe had been in his room all day trying to figure what his feelings meant. He has never been so conflicted in his entire life, especially over feelings towards a girl.
Well, he wouldn't call you just a girl. If someone asked him a month ago how he felt about you, that about sums it up. You were just a girl to him but that all changed the night you had found him on that beach.
No one has ever done anything so selfless for him. You could've left him there on the beach and he wouldn't have even remembered it. But you went out of your way to help him. Not only help him, but actually take care of him.
The day after you had saved him, he woke up and he just looked at you for a few minutes, trying to process how everything that had happened. He'd only just remember the last few hours of the night, the rest was a blur.
The only thing that stuck out to him was his newfound feelings. When he looked at you, his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his body in the best way imaginable as he remembered the night before.
He never looked at you the same after that day. You weren't just a girl; you weren't just one of Sarah's friends anymore, you were more than that now. And that scared Rafe.
He'd never felt that way about anyone in a while. He was sure that he'd never felt this way ever because of how foreign it felt.
When he saw you downtown that night when that man was bothering you, it was like a instinct to go and help you. He had to make sure nothing happened to you now, because you were his savior. It wasn't even about owing it to you, it was just what felt most natural to him.
He had never been more confused. Did he like you? And if he did, how would he be able to show it without coming off weird? His mind raced, what was he going to do about you?
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alevicke · 9 months
Hi there! Can you do the continuation on The Pregnancy from TADC? I'm curious what Jax would be during the process and to his kids, you can do one by one! I don't mind,just don't pressure and get creative! Stay hydrated and happy!
Jax x pregnant!reader
I’m just going to do the pregnancy in general for now because I’m hella exhausted lately I’m so sorry ;^; I’ll write soon about them with their kids though! Don’t worry ^^ I’m just super slow as well, sorry D: Also only Jax, because this took so long
First part of this:
NSFW headcanons would make this way too long so I didn’t include them D: They aren’t too different from normal NSFW HCs if I’m honest
TW: No beta-read! Sorry! Some slight NSFW HCs, petnames 
After the great news, Jax needed a few days to adjust to everything. He didn’t think this could be possible so he was… Panicking a bit whenever the conversation was raised.
As said, at the very beginning when you started having morning sickness, two things happen. Jax laughs at you and then throws up after seeing you do it. 
It takes him days to finally get used to the situation AND more to be useful for you because he would still feel nauseous seeing you in that situation and would often gag while trying to hold your hair
But hey, he’s… He’s trying his best…
You also feel a lot more tired than usual in this first period so Jax stays by your side a lot. He isn’t really the most useful but he’s around I guess. You don’t really do that much in the circus anyways
Also expect him to throw a tantrum if Caine dares to make any single adventure that is slightly physical. He won’t say he’s protecting you but he will complain in all ways possible that he can imagine to make Caine change the adventure or cancel it if there is even the minimum chance of hurting you in any way or shape.
For everyone it is pretty obvious that the reason he’s doing this is to protect you but no one dares to say a thing because if they do, he gets pissed off and makes everyone's life a living nightmare. You being pregnant ain’t stopping him from being the asshole everyone knows. 
Your mood was already starting to become a roller coaster so Jax started being a bit more careful after the first few times he upsetted you. He continues teasing you and joking but not as much as before because to be honest, he doesn’t want to deal with you mad at him at this important time of your relationship, Don’t blame him too much because he still upsets you a lot of times, he’s kinda awful controlling himself when it comes to jokes and teasing.
He doesn’t want to pressure you but he is worried when you start rejecting the food. Sure, you didn’t really need it. But deep down he was scared the baby could need it
But turns out you just started disliking a lot of the normal food there and started having some weird craves. That was definitely the thing he liked to annoy you with the most. You eating the most bizarre foods you could think of was amusing to him. 
You realized since the first week that Jax started sleeping and cuddling with you letting his hand rest on top of your tummy. He kinda does this unconsciously but likes to do it to feel closer to the baby.
For the first months you both decided to stay quiet about the news. Pregnancy has higher risk to go bad in the very first months and you kinda don’t want everyone talking about your relationship and pregnancy, but rather keep it private for both of you
This basically causes everyone to be confused by the sudden change in Jax’s behavior. No one understood why he was being so overprotective of you suddenly when he used to be the first one making you pranks.
By the third month you both already feel good enough to tell everyone the news and suddenly everything clicks. You were successful hiding it from everyone.
As the second trimester comes, your sickness starts to fade away which is a relief to both of you. Waking up a lot of mornings to throw up was kinda annoying for both. Worse to you of course. But Jax wasn’t a huge fan of standing half asleep next to you in the bathroom holding your hair while you puked the awful 3D looking peas from last night. 
Something Jax realizes way too fcking fast is that your breast grows and believe me, this motherfcker is going to celebrate it. He’s just testing if they are good enough for the baby he’ll say. He’s just sacrificing himself for the baby by burying his face against both of your boobs.. Yep, sweet nice protective dad and nothing else. 
By the fourth month your belly finally starts to grow. And so do some of your insecurities. 
And hear me out
Jax ain’t the best when it comes to talking about feelings. But he’s being 100% honest when he says he sees you as beautiful and hot as the first day. He ain’t joking. You won’t see his libido going down so you can trust his word. He’s as horny as the first day and won’t doubt a second to get between your legs if you’re up to it. 
But Jax also notices that you’re out of breath quicker and sometimes you feel dizzy so he’s always next to you to hold you and teasy you how he’s so handsome he makes you lose contact with reality and makes you dizzy. He won’t let you fall but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to annoy you, as always. 
You also start to feel the very first movements of the baby and Jax gets pissed off that you get to feel them but the baby NEVER moves when he’s touching your belly. 
“Hey, pipsqueaks? Daddy’s here, come on”. He’ll gently poke your belly but nah. Not working. But it’s still amusing to see him get jealous of something like that. 
By month 6, sometimes you have cramps which is your body preparing everything for the baby’s arrival. These are completely normal. But here is the thing. None of you have a medic to tell you this. And Caine has no information about pregnancies so both of you are on your own
And Jax is scared
Whenever he sees you complaining about the cramps he is internally panicking about you having the baby so soon or something going wrong. 
This fear continues for quite some time until the conversation appears with Ragatha. While she isn't a mother, she did know a bit about pregnancy and childbirth because she liked knowing that information in case she became a mother one day. She’s the one who tells you this is completely normal and unless something else comes with those cramps and they are painless, you’re both fine.
That doesn’t really calm Jax completely. He spends some nights looking at the ceiling in complete horror scared that something might happen to you and the baby. He often spends nights without sleeping worried about bringing a life to that world. But when he sees you next to him, those fears fade away. As long as you both are together, he is sure everything will be ok
As the third trimester arrives, things get more serious.Your belly is growing a lot and you both need to prepare for what’s coming. Jax seems to be a lot more nervous. He hides it pretty well for everyone else but you can notice he’s in constant panic worried something might happen and always checking on you by being by your side or around. Not that he’s controlling you, he’s checking that everything is going ok without actually saying it out loud. 
At this point, you have catched Jax several times during the night caressing your belly or softly murmuring to the baby. You know he can be an asshole when you point something out to him so you let him do it faking you’re asleep. This is probably the cutest thing you have ever seen Jax doing. You can feel in his voice how happy he is to be able to have a baby with you despite the initial panic. 
Caine helped you both to set a room for the baby, but Jax insisted for the baby to sleep in the same room as you both for at least the first days. He doesn’t like the idea of letting the baby alone even if your rooms are connected by one door. He barely sleeps so he likes the idea of being able to see the baby while being in bed and resting. 
The room is decorated in a kind of neutral theme because, being honest, neither of you know the sex of the baby and neither of you actually cares too much. As long as they are healthy it’ll be fine. You don’t even know if you’re having a baby, a bunny or whatever can come out in this digital world. 
Fun fact. You once had a bad cramp during dinner. Jax panicked and threw everything to the ground to prepare the table for you to have the fcking baby there. Everyone was in tears laughing but after Jax basically tied Gangle to a ball and threw her around the circus, no one really dared to make fun of him anymore  about that situation but you. Still, everyone considers it peak comedy to see Jax in panic throwing everything to the ground while Caine screamt about Bubble’s food being thrown. 
The last months Jax spends a lot of time cuddling with you with his head glued to your tummy. He smiles like an idiot whenever he feels the baby moving and talks to them even more often. 
“Hey Peepsqueak, time is running out, is time to get out of the bed”, “Tiny pea, excited to see your amazing daddy?”
You thought the pet names he used to use on you were silly and sometimes stupid, but damn, now hearing the ones he was using for the baby you consider yourself lucky to be honest. It was still adorable though! And funny. 
As the time for the birth was arriving, Jax became even more annoying to the rest. He was stressed and anxious and everyone could realize that. But he was also more demanding to Caine. Caine kept doing whatever Jax asked because it kept him distracted without annoying the rest of the circus and what he was asking for were not bad things.
He asked to decorate with you the baby’s room so he asked for a lot of plushies and stuff bunny related. I mean, you had no problem with it and it was suitable for a kid, all super adorable. So why not. And Caine thought the same and seeing you smile for the baby’s clothes was enough for him to be convinced so he spent a lot of days with you two creating clothes for the new member about to join the circus. Caine of course was so excited for something like that happening in his circus!
As your first cramps for childbirth started, you saw Jax look at you with eyes wide open.
This became too long and I’m kinda exhausted to do the childbirth here sorry !
Lil fic:
You laid down in the bed, tirelessly while softly yawning under Jax’s eyes. He was next to you with his head resting in his hand while looking at you. He knew you had one of those awful nights again. 
After 8 months of pregnancy, reaching the due date, your belly was already big enough to cause you problems sleeping. Your little one was also moving a lot of times so that didn’t help either. But it was fun for Jax to see the little kicks every now and then. His laugh didn’t make it worth it but it helped (a bit). He always had a dork smile, looking all silly and dreamy whenever you two were alone in the room hanging out till the time came. 
You already had everything prepared for the moment to come so you both just had to… Wait
Another sleepless night? - Jax questioned with his eyes locked on you. You knew he was worried, but his cheeky grin would fake anyone but you.
I’m afraid so. Our little one ain’t that small anymore. And he’s becoming really active lately
Yeah, no doubt he just wants to see his daddy already - he softly chuckled while putting his hand on your tummy. - Peepsqueak, when you coming out? 
You smiled as Jax talked to the belly, but his smile grew wider as he could feel the baby moving. 
I think they already have a favorite parent! - He looked at you with a mischievous smile, you knew he was teasing, but it worked every single time
Hey, no. Shut up. I’m the one carrying them. They just move because they want to kick you - you smiled proudly while he chuckled
He leaned closer to you and put the side of his head against your tummy. He closed his eyes peacefully in the embrace as you hugged him. He just wanted to cuddle with you.
So, are we going to name them Jack? 
Your expression was the only answer he needed while he chuckled.
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Funny how just 5 years later it's finally downing on me that Louis can get his tongue cut– that if he does, he'll *never* speak again. And how much he probably thinks about all the times everyone told him they wished he'd shut up, how annoying he was, how his jokes are stupid, his singing sucks, etcetera etcetera. Not just him, I wonder how guilty everyone feels about saying all that stuff.
For the others, does he resent them? And for him, are they glad? Is there a part in all of them that think 'finally'?
And it's taken me this long to try and assimilate just how absolutely horrifying the situation actually is. we don't know how they did it but we can imagine, and it's not pretty. It's mutilation- pure torture. I know it's a videogame or whatever but everytime I think of Louis in that cell, dried blood running down his mouth and all the way down his chest, I feel sick, genuinely sick.
I was reading one of your old fics yesterday and it got me thinking, that's why Im rambling here on your asks. But yeah, no-tongue Louis should be non existent and considered a crime or something
Oh yeah, it's rough. It's brutal. I hate it.
I've only let Louis get captured a handful of times in all the years I've played TFS because 1. I'm clouis trash and I need them to be happy together in the end no matter the cost, and 2. I cannot handle Louis in the cells, I can't. He's my favorite character in all of TWDG, I don't want that to happen to him especially when I know I have the power to prevent it.
To be honest, I tend to pretend that outcome just doesn't exist. If I ignore it, it can't hurt me haha.
Don't get me wrong, I like a dose of angst in my fiction. I like tragedies. I like symbolic downfalls. I like recovery arcs. There's a lot of potential with the route where Louis isn't saved and he loses his tongue...
...But Louis is in a special category of characters where I'm like, "No, fuck you, he gets to survive and be happy! He gets to be understood! He gets to be loved!"
I think a lot of feelings come from it being a consequence of choice, too, y'know? Louis losing his tongue is only one outcome, one you can prevent. It all depends on who you save at the end of ep2. It's on you, and you can try to be like "noooo shut up, it's actually Louis' fault he got his tongue cut out because he wouldn't shut up!" when it's your fault he got taken in the first place, like... that's the game. Your choices have consequences and you can deny or justify them all you want... but in the end, you did it. You started the butterfly effect with your decision.
I also think this is why people get heated in fandom debates because "how could you NOT save Louis knowing he gets his tongue cut out, you monster!?"
I dunno, how can you not save Violet knowing that you'll find her blind on the beach? You monster?
Both outcomes are bad, it's just up to the player on which they feel is "better" or "worse."
We justify it to ourselves. We defend our choices. But that makes the choice all the more powerful, no? I save Louis knowing what fate Violet will meet. I trust AJ knowing Tenn will die on the bridge. I save Louis every time because in a game series where most of my favorite characters don't get happy endings [because they're fucking dead], I'll do everything I can to make sure Louis gets one.
I can handle an outcome with blinded Violet. As bad as it sounds, I can stomach that. I can find some hope in a recovery arc for her, and I can deal with her and Clementine having a rockier relationship after everything that happened on the boat. I can take comfort in the idea that Violet's going to survive with the help of people who care about her.
I can live with Tenn's death. It sucks, it hurts, it's bullshit... but I can live with it.
I can't handle Louis losing his tongue. There is no stomaching that for me, y'know? He's such a crucial part of Clementine and AJ's story for me that I can't fathom her not saving him in that moment during the raid, just as I can't fathom Louis without his tongue.
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rorimoon9597 · 10 months
!Spoilers for Chalice of the Gods!
I read Chalice of the Gods and I gotta say, I loved it so much. There's just so much I want to talk about, so spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, bc I'm about to geek out over how the characters are portrayed.
Firstly, Percy. He's a veteran from TWO different wars, and the only reason why he wants to go to New Rome is because he knows that he'll be safe there, and that he can have a family with Annabeth if they live there. That's all he wants. To be safe with those that he loves, and to live his life to the fullest. New Rome is the best place for that.
He actively says that it's a nice chance of pace when he can just sleep in his room, not having to worry about his mother getting hurt by an asshole in the middle of the night. He likes being able to spend time with his family, to not have to worry about survival. He likes to feel safe.
Which is why I love how he's shown to be so tired of running around, out on quests for the gods. It's only natural for someone to want to get away from something that's the basis of their trauma, but Percy can't get away from it. He knows that.
He's also very disgusted about how Ganymede is treated, that much is clear. He decides, from looking at how Ganymede is treated by the other gods, that he made the right choice in turning down immortality. At the time, it was for a girl who he wasn't even dating yet. In COTG, he sticks to that because he does not want to leave that same girl, but also because he doesn't see immortality as a gift, but rather a curse. He's seen how it affects the gods, who think that they are all so high and mighty. There are exceptions, sure, but you gotta admit that most of the gods are narcissists.
Zeus is the largest narcissist in the entire book. He's the reason why Ganymede is scared of eagles, which are his sacred animal. He doesn't care for how Ganymede feels. He just cares about having eye candy to oogle whenever the fuck he feels like it. I think that the brunch scene, where Percy's hiding on a pastry cart and is subjected to Zeus' story of when he was younger and all alone when his siblings were stuck inside of Kronos' stomach is a very clear sign of that. He's playing it up, trying to get pity points or something, but all he's doing is annoying everyone else.
To be honest, I love how Rick showed the Big Three. We have Zeus, an obvious airhead who is narcissistic, which fits with his whole thing of being the sky god. Poseidon is much calmer than Zeus, not narcissistic like his younger brother. He reflects the nature of the sea - often unpredictable, going from gentle waves that are perfect to swim in to towering waves meant to kill. Poseidon is more fun, more caring, yet still easily angered (I think that the main reason why he was saved from being killed in one of the books is because Poseidon clearly cares about his child, and will go bat-shit crazy if he was murdered). He cares about Percy, even if he can't show it. He always watched over his son, and will continue to do so as Percy breathes.
Hades is probably one of my favorite gods out of the Big Three (I only really hate Zeus though, so that probably explains it) because, like his brothers, he reflects his domain. Sure, he's dark and gloomy, but he's more grounded than his brothers are. He doesn't kidnap pretty mortals like Zeus and he's definitely that guy who gets consent before sleeping with someone (his relationship with Nico and Bianca's mother is too strong to be something born from anything but consent, because she is shown to actually love Hades to some degree. He's not someone who does things like have children with mortal women without their permission.)
Some people say that the book is cringey, that it's not as good as Rick's other books. Those other books are about a kid thrust into war too young, his childhood ripped away from him the moment he's born. This one is about a teenager who is dealing with the after-effects of that, trying to navigate life as normally as possible when it's insanely impossible when he's a demigod. All Percy wants is peace, to live with Annabeth and grow old with her and Grover. That's why Rick wrote it. As an aspiring author myself, I can appreciate the beauty of a story where all the main character wants is to rest from a traumatic life.
Remember that this is my opinion, and that you're all free to have your own. I'd actually love to hear what you guys think of it.
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antispopausandstuff · 9 months
if you're a glimmer fan, ignore this.
gonna be honest.
i absolutely hate Glimmer, and not just because of s4.
she was a terrible person from the start and i'll get into why.
i'm going to get into her relationship with Angella another time, because that is a whole mess in of itself [ because of Glimmer ], and deserves its own post.
anyway, Glimmer:
undermines her supposed best friend's [ Bow ] abilities for no reason and doesn't give an actual apology [ her admittance to being wrong also seems really reluctant and annoyed to me ].
has an issue with Bow having friends for some reason, even though this was never brought up in any way before, and uses Adora as a prop to show just how much better fun she's having [ yeah, obsessing over your best friend daring to have fun with someone that isn't you is totally having fun ]. and then when Bow tries to talk to her about, she expects him to apologize [ yes, i know she does apologize for this later, but i hate how she even thinks of this in the first place ].
projects her own insecurities onto her ma like crazy while constantly, constantly going behind angella's back for no fucking reason and being ridiculously reckless, but then whining about how her ma doesn't see her as capable [ this sounds like a familiar cat... ].
this isn't specifically about Glimmer, but it just annoys me how literally almost no one actually helps Adora with Catra constantly harassing and assaulting the poor girl until she's about to die or get kidnapped, like what the hell?
'Ties That Bind' is another episode that was a complete waste of time and did nothing but paint how annoying and asshole-y Catra, Glimmer, and even Bow, unfortunately, are.
'Roll With It' Glimmer [ and everyone else, but Glimmer's a streak atp ] can actually kiss my ass, because this is not what you do in a war or when someone is having a panic attack about someone trying to kill them and everyone else.
no one talks to Adora about White Out. ever. what kinda friends are you?
Glimmer continues undermining Angella and doing stupid ass shit, like letting Shadow Weaver power her up [ yes, this could've been an arc and, maybe, about one where Glimmer would eventually understand what Adora had gone through, but that didn't happen, and she put pretty much everyone in danger by trusting SW. and yes, i'm aware Glimmer apologized to Angella in the fake reality thing, but i don't buy it ] and leaves her ma with the belief that she's a coward [ when Angella's one of the most logical characters out of the cast ].
i'm tired of people saying that Glimmer was manipulated by SW in s4, and that's why she let SW walk whenever she wanted, when in previous seasons, Glimmer has repeatedly brought up how manipulative the woman is and WATCHED HER TRY TO WIPE ADORA'S MIND. Glimmer has no excuse other than doing it just because she wants to and think her rights are of no consequence.
i don't care what people say, Glimmer's plan was stupid. either the planet would die, or they would win. if they were [ realistically ] pushed into a corner, then maybe i can see that being an option they would have to consider. but Glimmer is clearly a 'my way or the highway' kind of person and doesn't even bother listening to her supposed best friends.
manipulates Adora into trusting her with the "i know you don't trust Shadow Weaver [ reasonably. and why do you trust her? she gave you power? ooohhh, wow, it's not like anybody else in your family could've have done that ], but can't you trust me" bullshit. like, wow. honestly wow. the audacity if you.
'Mer-Mysteries' and 'Boy's Night' Glimmer can actually get kicked in the nards. "she was acting" yeah, duh, but did y'all forget that it was heavily implied ( by DT and the expressions on both of her and Adora's faces ) that they were at least somewhat speaking from the heart, and Adora was genuinely hurt when Glimmer said the most inane bullshit i have ever heard [ seriously, her and Catra could be buddies at this point ] by implying Adora wanted to be SW's favorite?
blames her for Angella's death. "she realized she was wrong almost immediately aft-" guess what? still doesn't take it back. especially since Adora watched her die.
uses abuse of power via using her Queen status to prevent Adora and Bow from leaving Brightmoon to rescue Entrapta [ and insults the grown ass woman while she's at it ], and it's really obvious that it was because they told her she's wrong [ and she is ]. because she goes to Light Hope with the intention of proving Adora wrong.
uses Scorpia's insecurities to get her to use the Black Garnet. Catra literally did the same thing in Princess Prom.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE, the entire planet is about to die and the Princesses are getting injured by Glimmer's stupid ass decision that her best friends literally told her would have severe consequences.
manages to avoid severe consequences because even though the world nearly died, there's no civilians to criticize her and rightfully hate her for what she did.
i hate her apology to Adora, not only because it's shoddy at best, but also because Adora immediately forgives her [ like Catra ], even though she was deeply hurt by what Glimmer said and did [ like Catra ].
I HATE HER CONVERSATION WITH BOW. it sounds like she's allowing him to be angry for, idk, nearly destroying the world and pretty much giving out the location of Etheria to Horde Prime, and then she's immediately rewarded with his forgiveness. fuck off.
instead of consoling Adora for being frustrated with Catra after she risked her life to save the ungrateful little shit, Glimmer instead borderline defends her [ or at least undermines Adora's anger ] by going "lol, did you think she'd become a different person after we risked our lives saving her 🤪".
Glimmer and Bow are Catra's ass-kissers now. shocker. and they don't take anything seriously anymore unless the plot calls for it. also shocker.
why does she say [ in the Heart 1 episode ] "it isn't going to work"??? like, it kinda sounds like she'd consider it. which, if you do, just say that atp.
and, just like catra, says Adora left them.
that's not all she did, obviously, and i know she's like this because of the show, yada yada, but i just really hate her.
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headcanonpalace · 8 months
Here are more headcanons/ similarities of Ladynoir and Superbat because I'm way to invested in these ships.
1. Cat Noir and Batman both flirt with their superhero partner.
While Cat Noir as hero is generally more flirtatious and shows his affection towards Ladybug, Batman is secretive and behaves extremely professional.
Nonetheless both of them have some amazing pick-up lines they (sometimes) use at the worst time possible. And let me tell you, you can't compare these lines to cheesy stuff like 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?'. No, these guys are pros at flirting and know how to use words.
Ladybug is used to this and found a way to hide her excitement, so Cat Noir has to get creative. Batman on the other hand can easily turn indestructible superman into a blushing mess, what makes things so much more fun for him.
2. Clark and Marinette love watching their partner.
Sure, you can say it's the same with Bruce/ Adrien but I see some differences here.
Both Clark and Marinette do things that require a good eye for the little things. The things someone else might not pay attention to.
Clark naturally does ist with his superpowers, the job as journalist does the rest. With Marinette it's nearly the same, she just loves to create fashion instead.
So both of them directly see the habits their partner has. A furrowed brow, chewing on lips, playing with a pencil while thinking.
They love to watch Bruce/ Adrien without any ulterior motives (because let's be honest, that's what Bruce does. He observes and doesn't just look) and enjoy the time they spend together.
Every glance while their partner isn't looking makes their day.
3. They danced around each other for so long everyone went mad.
This should explain itself pretty good. I think both ships had a really long 'talking stage'.
After they revealed their identities and found out about the alterego of their crush things got awkward. It took some time to adjust and accept the fact partner and crush are the same, but they became an even better team afterwards.
After that it got clear pretty fast that feelings were involved (for everyone except Superbat and Ladynoir).
I think at this point eveyone knew that the pairs were head over heels for each other, wether it were Alya, Plagg and Chloé or Alfred, Lois or any of the batkids.
At first it was funny watching them dance around each other. All the tension, flirting and 'dates' that definetly weren't dates.
Then it got annoying. Time went by and nothing happend. No progress at all. How could they be so dense?
The fun was gone and all the superbat/ ladynoir interactions made their friends and family nearly explode. Even some help (from Dick or Alya) didn't work out.
When the ships finally sailed Lois was throwing a party, just as Alya.
4. Batman and Cat noir love the strength of their partner (not in a sexual way).
Superman is incredibly strong, I don't think i need to say much more. This guy can move planets if he wanted to.
Ladybug might not move planets, but let me tell you, this girl can carry buses, buildings, even the Eiffel tower.
With superbat it's easy to say that superman is physically stronger, with ladynoir it's a little different. I think they are nearly equally as powerful with Ladybug being a little stronger.
In the beginning this fact wasn't really that spectacular to Batman/ Cat Noir until their partner did something to show their power and they were simply at awe.
Were they fascinated? Impressed? In love?
Maybe (for sure) all of it. From that moment on they always watched Ladybug/ Superman secretly while fighting because them beeing so absurdly strong makes them feel things.
They may be jealous sometimes, but most of the time they just love their partner for beeing so strong and using it for the greater good.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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they feel dissatisfied with (and worried about) this connection and don't even really know why they're staying together. the main excuse they seem to come up with to stay together is the fact that they don't want to be one of those couples that break up only to get back together - basically they're both thinking, "it would be embarrassing to break up so officially because what if we do miss each other or realise we were right for each other and get back together anyway, let's just give it our best effort now", but even this mindset is being pushed to it's limit. they view the relationship quite objectively and feel they can see where it's gone wrong which is essentially summed up as: getting together too young and having naturally very different personalities. however, they do both wish for it to work out somehow. they both seem to make an effort to actively "choose" each other (similar to the mindset of love is an action not a feeling). they do very practical things to make the relationship work and compromise (the type of stuff you learn in couples counselling, and following "rules" - e.g. the 5 love languages).
how does tom view zendaya:
he really wants zendaya to be "the one" but also feels he's putting in more effort than her (whether that's objectively true or not). he thinks he does a lot for her, tries to adapt to her and she doesn't really reciprocate the same way (thinks she is off doing her own thing often, involved in her own interests and drama). he's basically thinking, "i wish you wanted me to be your soulmate as much as i wish you were mine" and he finds her to be harsher and more critical to him than he is with her. he thinks she's very attractive, classy, has good manners, has a good family (was raised well by her family) and sees her as the best he could ever get. he also appreciates her earthly, grounded nature, finding that she is rather practical and logical, and has helped him become a lot more stable himself (he thinks he owes a lot to her). he sort of takes on the role of hanging back and letting her shine, he doesn't really have a problem with this except for the fact it means zendaya is in the power position (she is naturally dominant over him - she does what she wants, and can leave him when she wants, and can hurt his feelings quite easily even if it's accidentally). her being in the power position means he feels he doesn't have much control on whether the relationship lasts or not, he fears losing her and his biggest concern currently is how he can make her feel like her independence isn't being threatened (he really wants her to believe she isn't being "tied down" since he knows these are concerns she has) but still wants her to be committed and around him often. he would marry her if he could.
how does zendaya see tom:
she sees him as someone who wants to move way too fast and is pretty immature. she knows that tom means well, she trusts his intentions (mostly) but she can't help but feel like tom wants to "own" her. she feels he is smothering, a bit suffocating and she's annoyed that he doesn't seem to understand that "going above and beyond" isn't going to impress her - e.g. he could buy her a really expensive gift but it's not something she actually wants and all she thinks is, "okay so 1. you just bought me something i didn't want and you probably should have known i didn't want it, 2. if i wanted it this bad i have my own money and 3. now if i'm honest and tell you i hate it i become the asshole so thanks for nothing really" (she wishes he would get more on her level in this sense, to just be more mature and practical). she thinks he is too dependent on her and wishes for him to want to do his own thing more, for not so much to revolve around her (as flattering as it is sometimes). she can appreciate that tom is a lot of fun, and that he is witty and easygoing, she is mostly just frustrated with how he seems to always want to be the centre of (her) attention. she thinks he is too possessive and jealous. her ideal outcome isn't for the relationship to end, but to make some more practical changes as they both grow older (she still has a lot of love for him and thinks they are a good match at the end of the day).
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