#if anyone else wants to ask me u can!!
veeaxx · 2 years
for the emoji game, answer now sis >:)
i forgot about the game for a sec LMAO but sure!!
🕰 -  What time is it where you are rn?
7:05 AM, I have school *sobs*
😂 - Are you ticklish?
I hate to say it but yes, in many places actually. My neck, my stomach, the sides of my stomach, my thighs as well I guess??
😳 - Do you like your name?
If we're talking about my username, then ofc I do! Fun fact is it actually came out of the blue when I was writing an essay for my homework. As for my real name, I think the answer is obvious if you know me irl (yes!)
🤓 - How did you get your name?
The name 'Veda' and my username 'veeaxx' all were thoughts I had gotten in my head, and after some research I thought they sounded pretty nice and unique so I went for it. My real name though,, it's the name of a relative.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
I have short hair, so tying it up really isn't an option. But, it's either I would a.) wear it messy or b.) wear it with a headband because my bangs are long. sometimes you'll catch me looking like dora the explorer though<3
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
You think I keep track of this huh? 👀 I actually don't know what my most searched thing is,, but if 'fanfics' and 'x readers' count then that's it. Browse my history and you'll see the same search with numerous fandoms.
i loved answering these!! thanks for asking </33
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
yknow i'm a hater but i can't help but think about how many extra scenes astarion got and how that time could have been used to give halsin and minthara more content, or add in the cut jaheira romance stuff, or like. literally anything
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arsenicflame · 8 months
hey does anyone wanna bounce bellhands/they all went to pirate school together ideas with me? im trying to figure out the missing pieces of my personal set up and it might be easier with someone else!
#if youve never spoken to me before please be aware i will type a whole paragraph in response to one (1) sentence#but if ur down for that! please.#ive got like. the start and the end and a couple bits in the middle fleshed out but it doesn't f l o w#this is the problem with trying to condense more than a years of ideas into one cohesive narrative. i usually swap and change things as#and when it suits so im like. i don't know what i need in this#its just for my silly little tumblr post but#i would appreciate it <3#i can send you what ive wrote and we can go from there or we can start from scratch bouncing ideas or u can just ask me questions#or something to help fill in gaps idk whatever works for u! what ive got is like. a fuckin mess honestly its ramblings and half finished#thoughts and just. its. a complete state and thats not even touching on whats missing (like. anything that matters in the middle basically)#nyxtalks#ofmd#bellhands#sam bellamy#izzy hands#israel hands#if you're unfamiliar with the concept: its Hornigold era stuff; jack + ed + izzy + sam all sailing under him and learning the ropes togethe#im not trying to go into too many details; just the underlying structure that is what I think of when i think of them#its probably not something anyone else cares about but i think i need it for some of the more fun 'what if Izzy went with sam' posts#i realised if i wanted to say what the divergence point was i Needed to establish all this lol#'oh yeah its when izzy chooses sam after the mutiny despite their argument' NYX WHAT ARGUMENT. you need to tell us what u mean
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cheriboms · 7 months
what if i told you that i had a 500+ page google doc chronicling my efforts to transcribe the bttf telltale game into a full script line by line
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unmanageably · 5 months
im off the thought that most of these warriors losses are due to coaching decisions (wrong lineups) and bad luck (injuries, dray out so no defense, random nba players turning into steph curry on the 3 line— grizzlies 3rd unit hitting TWENTY 3s on them today????) but today’s loss was just so indefensible and bad that its actually hilarious. the silly and stupid and pathetic 18 turnovers, icing out klay completely— just no one at all on the warriors trying to find him i mean 5 attempts until the 4th quarter are you serious— and then sitting steph and trying to run a “save us klay” lineup with 6 minutes left in the 4th when he’s ice cold due to your own offense choices its just very very hilarious. TJD butter fingers and Podz too many attempts not enough shots and a shit ton of fouling lol not their best game but i also think theyre just rookies and honestly have put a lot on their shoulders due to just. everything thats happened this year lol.
there’s things out of our control that we could be mad about (our lack of calls as usual and the 5v8 i mean the amount of FTA the grizzlies got esp considering we got to the paint more than they did so thats just ridiculous lol) but at the end of the day they didnt play hard enough and severely underestimated the grizzlies due to their injuries which was just. so so pathetic like whatever this loss the warriors truly did this to themselves
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kimmkitsuragi · 2 months
whew haha
#🗒#my mom is like 'ok it's set let's tell everyone' and im like 😭😭😭😭 !!!!!#are u sure!!!! are u sure it's set like ???? 😭😭😭#ughhhhhh after this much trust i will literally kill myself if i dont get ANY scholarship lmaooooo#but also like. is it set now!!!! really !!!!!!! is it !!!!!#(excited but horrified and anxious)#like. like like like........ like i mean#um........ for real now? like are we sure for sure ??#i honestly will be like 100% on my way to [redacted] and still be like haha. is it for real#are we sure . will this actually happen#that's. crazy man#i cant help but feel like im asking for too much again. ughhhhhhh#yes hello hi. this blog has been my main outlet for emotional breakdowns about the same subject for um#(checks notes) a few months now. truly is anyone else bored of this ? because im so over it#but also like. things just dont get clear !!!!!! ever !!!!!#how can i be sure how can anyone be sure that i will actually be going lmfaooooo#i hate this waiting period i hate it why cant i know if i got anything or nah. but please don't say nah#ughhhhhh . alright. whatever it's not like i care that much honestly -_-#(threatens to kill self every day a few times over this btw)#anyway um let's. be positive#it will go great tomorrow 🤩 they will want to give me money sooooo bad 😍#and i will receive an email this week 🤗 about the wait list thing for SURE 🥳#i am doing amazing dont worry guys. im sooooo chill rn#Sorry for the constant embarrassing personal posts lol
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strixhaven · 7 months
Yay yippeeee!!! I'm incapable of just asking one number, so....what about 3, 50 and 81? Hehe
incredible that u managed to get like. Thee Amazing Devil song LOL
3. Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain
50. Graveyard Sun by Green Lung
81. The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil
Links below!
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doostyaudi · 2 days
I have chronic "forgetting to respond to someone and when i do remember i think it's too late to respond cuz it might come off as weird so i end up not saying anything ever" disease. Don't think i don't like interacting with yall <:3....
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flovverworks · 5 months
masaki akira post of the same five facts i always talk about
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
i am sorry if this sounds like i'm sending this in bad faith i know it sounds a bit rude but i swear i'm not trying to be. i'm genuinely curious about your reasoning behind this. (im a dorlene fan myself and idc about rosekiller).
don't you think it's a bit hypocritical shipping dorlene but saying you hate rosekiller bc they're nobodies in canon? i mean, arguably we have more canon info on barty than any of the other three together. or is there more to it that i'm missing?
lol no worries i will do my best 2 answer <3
so, a hypocrite/hypocrisy is essentially telling people that u think they should behave in a certain way/conform to a certain moral standard when u urself do not. if i was telling people, "you shouldn't enjoy shipping characters when there's very little canon info about them," and then i shipped dorlene, that would be hypocritical. but i'm always very clear that i'm not trying to enforce any standards on what people should or shouldn't ship, and that when i'm ranting about ships i hate it is simply my own personal preference + me having fun being a hater on my silly little tumblr blog, y'know? like, i usually throw in a little disclaimer somewhere going "ship what u want, it doesn't matter, i just don't like this ship, etc etc," just bc i know people get weird about their ships in this fandom and it just. genuinely does not matter 2 me if there are people out there in the world shipping rosekiller. like u do ur thing! just....do it far away from me lol.
also, i mean. although all those characters don't have much canon information, there are pretty significant differences in the canon information we do have about them. i usually just don't really get into this as a reason bc i don't want it to sound like i'm moralizing, becase, again, i genuinely do not care and do not think it's like...morally bad if someone wants to ship rosekiller. but! for the sake of explaining why i, personally, love dorlene + hate rosekiller, here are some differences:
in canon, the only thing we know about evan is that he's a death eater who blew off part of moody's nose (? i think. or was it his eye?) before moody killed him. that backstory holds....zero interest to me. i don't find it compelling. and if ur just plucking the name out of that and erasing all canon backstory...well. i also do not find that compelling.
similarly, while barty crouch jr. has more canon info than any of these other three characters, everything we know about him is that he is a very avid death eater and clear villain. personally, i'm not that interested in exploring his character! i think there's certainly potential for a story about how he got to that point, sure, but....idk. i'm not really interested in it. and i'm even less interested if, again, we're just erasing all that canon info and making him an oc....like, sure, go ahead and do that if u want. i just don't want to!
marlene's canon backstory is that she was a member of the order whose entire family was murdered. dorcas's backstory is that she was a member of the order who voldemort killed himself. what got me interested in them as characters was the headcanon that tied those backstories together, that dorcas went hunting for revenge after marlene's death and ultimately voldemort had to take her out because she did so much damage. i thought that was interesting! i found it compelling! it planted a seed in my brain that grew an entire massive story, and now i will love those characters forever simply because i spent so much time playing paper dolls with them in my head.
also, if ur handing me two blank-slate pairs of characters to ship, and one says GAY and one says LESBIAN and the rest is all fill in the blanks....well call me crazy boys but i'm gonna pick lesbian every time i think. that's just the way we roll over here at rollercoasterwords.tumblr.com <3
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strawberryfaced · 13 days
Dropping by for a late-night pillow-fort party! Bringing all my comfy stuff and two mini doxens. Monday doesn't stand a chance.
PILLOW FORT PARTY!!!! it’s 11:40am here but I think if we close all the curtains we can make it work….
making room for ur comfy stuff as we speak :3 not sure what doxens are I googled them I think they are a breed of dogs like dachshunds? if so they are 1000% welcome too (ignoring the fact I have a fear of dogs. but im working on overcoming it anyway)
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venusiangguk · 2 years
You are evil. I hope you die when you go to busan. I hope the plane you are going to ride will crash. My gosh! You are the daughter of satan!!! I hate you so much! So full of lies! Jungkook will never like you because you are a brat! Fuck you!!!
ty n goodnight <3
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spocks-kaathyra · 2 months
really nothing more detestable than a coward
#monumental vent post incoming don't read the tags if u don't want to 🫡🫡#about me to be clear. disgusted at this part of myself that I don't seem able to change at all#even ppl who do shitty things. at least they have confidence and intention and purpose. u can admire that#nothing lower than someone who harms others through inaction. someone who knows the right thing to do and can't bring themselves to do it#really subhuman in my cowardice. I don't think anyone has ever deserved respect less. I don't think anyone has ever been this useless#I contribute nothing to the lives of the ppl around me or to the world.#I could never be the hero of any story.#not suicidal but what is the point if I'm this useless. sure I can enjoy my life but I will never contribute anything to anyone else's life#I will never contribute anything of value to anyone's life. I will never be able to help in any meaningful way.#I can't even bring ppl the brief simple joy of laughter.#maybe that's why I like characters who were raised to be tools. at least they're given a purpose. a skill to hone. a cause to contribute to#even if it's like a bad evil cause that hurts them. at least they earn their existence somehow#I'm really like a waste of oxygen#ppl ask why we're here and I answer that I'm here to have fun. as if that's enough. is there anything more selfish than that#as if I've earned that. as if I've ever been anything but a burden on the ppl around me. ''I'm here to have fun'' god you're disgusting#I. enjoy my life. I just feel like I don't deserve to. I haven't earned it. I'm disgustingly useless#disclaimer I'm not suicidal and nothing really prompted this I've just been. thinking.#having new bad realizations. do u understand how privileged I am if I tell u I've never had these thoughts before#and I will think all this and continue to act as selfish and cowardly as I have always acted. I will continue to be paralyzed by inaction#nothing worse than someone who apologizes and then doesn't change their behavior#narcissus's echoes#vent
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robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
also sorry i know ive been incredibly autistic about twtt lately and like. im going to continue to be this is my blog i dont care LOL. but also im a little embarrassed. anyways i know theres a few people that have been reading since the original one in 2019 (or even the people that have been reading since the rewrite started!!) or OR honestly literally anyone who got to go into it blind. i really just want to sit them down and be like hey. what did you think was going to happen going into this. did you expect literally any of this
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torchiiko · 1 year
questions i dont mind being asked a bunch x3
but that i wrote so other ppl could steal if they wanted :) feel free 2 rb or just copy paste the ones that suit ur needs! send in an emoji (or the question itself) n ill answer!
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general questions
these can apply to anyone! they arent themed or tailored to anything unlike the next 2 categories
💭 whats your current or most recent thought?
☁ whats the weather like rn? how do you feel about it?
🎮 whats the most recent game youve played?
🎶 what song or lyric is stuck in your head?
🎓 whats a random fact you know?
💙 whats your favorite (blank)? (askers choice)
😊 whats smth that makes you happy? :3
💢 whats a pet peeve/smth that makes you angy?
😱 whats the scariest thing youve seen recently/smth that freaks you out?
🃏 whats smth dumb that makes you laugh?
🎲 a random fact abt you!
🍽 is there a food youre craving rn?
⏰ what time did you wake up/go to bed?
⏩ whats smth you wanna do in the future?
🐻 do you have any plushies? do you have a favorite?
📖 is there anything you collect/want to collect?
🎁 whats a gift or item you rlly want?
📦 a favorite thing you already own?
💻 how/why did you pick your current username?
📸 show a screenshot from your drafts!
💾 show a random image you have saved!
❓ free space! askers choice to ask whatever they want :3
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simp questions
these were made w my current bf spamton & other selfshippers in mind :3 anyone w any number of f/os should be able 2 use these!
😳 name a trait/feature makes you go awooga!
🍷what kind of date would you take your f/o on? what date would they take you on?
💌 how might you confess to your f/o? how might they confess to you?
💝 whats a gift you would give your f/o?
📝 do you have a ship name?
💬 what pet names/nicknames would you like them to call you? what would you call them?
🥄 whos the big spoon?
🎧 any songs that remind you of your f/o?
💘 whats your fav part of them/smth you rlly admire abt them?
😘 how would your f/o flirt pre-relationship? how would you?
👤 whats a character you are/have been attracted to but not focused on atm?
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misc questions
theses were made w myself in mind but if they apply 2 anyone else then by all means use them all you like :3
🎨 whats a drawing youre proud of?
📌 an idea you havent gotten to draw yet?
🎉 whats a fun fact abt one of your ocs/sonas?
🔴 whats your favorite pokemon/shiny?
✨ whats your most recent shiny?
💖 whats a shiny on your wishlist?
🐾 show off a creature from a petsite you play!
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oh my god i think i just had an epiphany
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