#trying it out. like a new flavor of tea i dont know if i like yet
oh my god i think i just had an epiphany
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rpreaperperson · 9 months
Reader is a combat medic, a BIG sweeth tooth and a mother to 141 boys (dont forget can cook too) a waifu material
In case with ‘Captain’ John Price
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Remember when you said Price is like your grumpy bear dad? You took over your mother's duties after she passed away to take care of the men in your family. Of course, your brothers help one another when necessary.
But there’s a time when your father came home late tired, and grumpy, after took your brothers to sleep you took care of him he always insisted on sleeping in the bed without eating his dinner and bath
Annoyed you pulling his ear to take a shower first and eat his dinner , while eating his dinner he grumbled that you took after your mother too much
Still he is grateful for your patience and for taking care of the family, after hearing that you’re going to be a medic in the military...well you could say that he sulking and getting more grumpy at you..
“Captain? You inside?” you announce yourself then enter Price's office after he allows you to enter, a disheveled looking Captain welcomes you
A cigar scent fills your nose, let out a cough you wave the scent away from your nose
“Need something love?”
“Y-yeah I’ve done the report for today”
“Good good, just put it here...” he pats the space of his desk, cause his desk full of paperwork not looking up from his paperwork
“been sleeping these day Cap?”
“Nah..just...dont have the time” he grumbled
‘cause the paperwork...God he need some rest’ shaking your head, you snatch the paper away from him
“You need a rest Cap..you even got a bags under your eyes”
“Sorry Doc...just..a few more paper then Im done”
“....Captain..I have taking care of 5 little rascals boy and 1 grumpy bear Dad, and I know that a ‘few more’ means all of it...enough its enough you need rest” command you
“Doctor order Price” you sternly gaze at him as you take the paper away from his desk, then you walk out from his office to make him tea and food (if Soap didn’t chomp out the leftovers)
Fortunately there some leftover in the fridge, some raw minched meat, 2 egg and a carrots
‘hmm..there’s not enough vegetables here...I should make the boys buy more vegetables need to feed them more vitamins’ taking the ingredients out of the fridge you start to cook
Meanwhile, Price who waited in his office could not help but shut his eyes for a little while a memory of the first time you met when Laswell introduced you to team 141
Shy, timid, soflty spoken always shied away from men gaze
But after known you better they began to call you Doc...but there’s another code name for you that was made by the 141 Mom, not so often you called Mom but it was popular among the recruits because of the way you took care of the wounded one
One day after completing a mission you rushed into the kitchen and made all of them meal...he could remember clearly the savory flavor and the juicy black pepper Chicken, the warm and creamy cream mushroom soup and GOD you forbid them to drink cola or alcohol that kinda drink, so you made them berry smoothies instead, the sweetness its just...perfect
‘Bloody Hell...its just make me hungry if I think about her cooks...’
Then he heard a rushed footstep outside his office door slammed open, with you holding a plate like a dear life panting, sweat rolled down from your forehead locking the door with your one hand
“Sorry for the delay Cap...there’s 2 hungry beast trying to devour your meal when I done making it” you sigh
You shriek while Price snaps his head into the door
The Captain's eyebrows raised flabbergasted, as you put down the plate on his desk
The moment you were done making the meal those so-called hungry beasts came to devour the dish you made (btw it was Soap and Gaz, while Ghost was sneaking in your office snatching some sweets)
The scent of the meal made him sit properly looking at the appetizing meal
“new menu you make?”
“kinda ,a burger steak with BBQ sauce and egg...ah and make sure you eat those carrot Cap, anyways we need to buy groceries for the fridge...Soap is getting sneakier lately” crossing your arm against your chest a frown planted on your face, annoyed with Soap who always nomning the food down to his throat along with Gaz his partner in crime when it comes to food, particularly your cooking
“I want to put onions in the meat but alas there are no onions..luckily there is egg and milk luckily it has not expired yet, anyway put some salt and pepper in the meat and found some BBQ sauce in the cabinet” you rambled, again Price amazed that you could make such delightful meal with the remain ingredients in the kitchen
When he cut the burger with his fork the juices flowed down to the plate, then he took a bite of the burger
“hmm its good..no wonder the boys was chasing after this” Price humming in delight in a moment all of his fatigue gone
“Thanks Cap...oh God Im forgot about the tea –“
“Nah love I got water here”
“You sure?”
“Positive..” he smiled at you, his sincere smile making you blush
After finishing his food, Price took a sip of water from his glass, you saw that the plate was clean, not even a trace of the BBQ sauce.
Sighing in relief you took the plate, happy that Price enjoying his meal
“you know you dont have to do all of this” suddenly said Price gaze at you, then you snap your head at him
“you know what I mean love..” in moment you pursing your lips looking at the empty plate, sure you know being a 'care taker' is not part of the job...but
“...still..I kinda love doing it..cooking for you, the boys..even the recruits..taking care of all you makes me feel at home” you sheepishly grin  
“oh Doc...you’re gonna spoil them rotten” shaking his head, Price propping his head with his fist smirking
“heheh~ that’s why I called Mom no? Ah should make you some tea?”
“Im gonna take some rest...thanks for the meal...Mom”
“You’re very welcome...” as you open the door you sneak a glance at him
“Dad~ heheh” then you leave him flabergasted, a red blush covering his cheeks covering his mouth his his rough hand  Dad...he thought of a marriage life with you..
“God damnit woman..hrghh...she gonna give me a heart attack” moving out from his chair Price tidied up his paper and ready to take some rest in his room
‘Wouldn’t be so bad...be wed with Doc..’ then he saw 2 head pop out from the door
Soap and Gaz stare at him with disdain and jealousy, Price smirks at them giving them a smug face
“I am the Dad now boys” They growled as Ghost walked up from behind munching the sweets he stole from your office, wondering what he missed.
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
i love your works your such a great writer!! can i request a reader with a caffeine addiction and is always drinking energy drinks or coffee?? with the characters deuce spade and riddle rosehearts (or anyone you want to im fine with anyone!! just not the staff)
remember to take breaks!! you also dont have to do this request if you dont want to <3
*reads this as I’m on my second monster of the day*
He’s definitely in my top 5 characterssss<3
I did this in a hc sort of format!! So, I’m sorry if you didn’t want that!!
Also, I’m adding Idia because he’s my bbg and I’ve been DYINGGGG to write for him!!
And this just seemed like the perfect one for him whshjsbsb
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♡-Riddle Rosehearts-♡
- I feel like Riddle is definitely the type to tell you to stop drinking so much coffee/so many energy drinks because it’s incredibly unhealthy.
- I mean, with his upbringing being super strict, I doubt he was ever allowed near coffee, let alone energy drinks!!
- His mother would have a heart attack if she EVER saw him drinking an energy drink.
- Water or Tea, those were his options growing up.
- He, of course, tries to offer you some healthier options than those energy drinks you buy in copious amounts.
- Like tea that has caffeine in it, or, perhaps, water!!
- It’s concerning to him how little water you drink..
- But no matter what he does, you always go back to the energy drinks!!
- Overall, he’d definitely disapprove of how many you drink.
- It wouldn’t be a problem if it was once-in-a-while, but when he watches you finish your third one of the day?
- Yeah, he’s definitely concerned!!
- He just doesn’t know how to make you stop!! He can’t find a substitute you like:(((
- Oh Great Sevens, what is he going to do with you?!
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♤-Deuce Spade-♤
- Freaking out. Worrying. Scared for your health.
- This poor guy please take pity on him
- Dude thought eggs bought at the store would still turn into chicks. He’s gullible, and freaking the fuck out when he sees you down your 4th cup of coffee of the day.
- Definitely searches up “What happens if you drink too many energy drinks?”
- And then proceeds to freak out and panic when he finds out they can cause heart failure
- Or, even worse, he asks Ace what’ll happen. And Ace just lovessss to fuck with him.
- So he tells him you’ll die and that just makes him freak out even more.
- Definitely thinks you’re gonna have a heart attack and is just WAITING for it to happen.
- Nervously stares at you as you continue to drink your second energy drink of the day.
- In your defense, you’re tired. That crow won’t leave you alone and all of your friends certainly don’t help.
- But that definitely doesn’t mean he isn’t waiting for you to have a heart attack.
- Like I said, just stares at you as your drink your coffee/energy drink.
- Bros panicking PLEASE reassure him you’re not gonna fall over and die at any second.
- He’s very happy when you tell him you’ll try to calm it down, just for him:))
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🌀-Idia Shroud-🌀
- Idia is your #1 supplier.
- He definitely lives off of energy drinks, and definitely prefers energy drinks over coffee.
- Gets excited when his favorite brand of energy drink comes out with a new flavor.
- And, if you’re close enough to him, will have you come over and try the new flavor with him.
- Though, he definitely wouldn’t mind if you two just called and tried it instead.
- No matter how close you are to him, he’ll always be nervous about having you in his room.
- But yeah, he does the exact same thing, so he definitely doesn’t try to get you to give your bad habit up.
- He doesn’t wanna be a hypocrite!!
- #1 supplier, #1 supporter.
- He seems like the type to make into a competition.
“You’ve drank how many today? 5? Guess how many I’ve drank. 10. 10! Take that normie.”
“You’ve tried ALL the flavors? Okay, which one’s your favorite? That one?? Ugh, you’re so basic. Major L.”
- Casual energy drink trash talk while you guys are playing some type of RPG together.
- Ortho is his delivery guy.
- Legit has Ortho grab a case of whatever energy drink you want, and run it over to Ramshackle for you.
- Or, he has you come and pick it up at Ignihyde.
- Either way bro is NOT coming out of his room.
I hope you enjoyed it!! This was my first request EVERR!! So I was super excited to do it!!
I’ve got some other requests in my inbox, so don’t worry I’ll be getting to those!!
It’s summer break, so I’ve got tons of free time! So request away!!
I write for other fandoms, so check those out on my pinned post just in case you wanna request something for a different fandom!!
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raineyana · 1 month
What is your normal grocery list? I’m about to be living at a dorm and I am looking for stuff to stock up on, I can’t really keep frozen foods though
i actually dont even cook all that much so i dont keep a lot of frozen foods either. this is my regular list when i go, usually weekly.
okay so youre probably like. raine you arent supposed to eat anything when you fast. hear me out bc this is how i consistently fast a 20-4 schedule everyday, with a lot less binges than before, AND getting all of the benefits of fasting. and yeah, i still binge from time to time, but my binges are far less because my stomach actually cannot handle being fed over 1000 calories anymore, especially not all at once.
these are my ESSENTIALS so theyre pretty much the only things i consistently buy weekly.
chicken broth (0cal kind)
seaweed snacks
pickled ginger
tea (any, but i like trying new flavors ! my favorite is lemon ginger because it helps digestion, and green tea because it speeds up your metabolism. also a lot healthier than diet coke with the same amount of caffeine, also less likely to spike your blood sugar and kick you out of ketosis- which will make your cravings for food much worse)
...dont get me wrong i couldnt live without diet coke. but sometimes ill go for the healthier option.
why i eat these foods while i fast
these are foods that have extremely low cals and carbs (like less than 2 grams per/serving) so they wont kick you out of ketosis (which is the major benefit to fasting, where your body burns fat at a higher rate). when youre in ketosis, your body stops sending you as many cravings, which is why sometimes it feels easier to fast 24 hours after you last ate as opposed to 3 hours.
because i spend the majority of my time fasting, (and i would never be able to do that without these foods) i go through these items pretty quick.
but otherwise i only have to buy other healthy foods on a biweekly or even monthly basis, because i wont eat them as fast ! heres some things i rotate through depending on how sick of them i am lol.
regular food
built bars - essential for me. tons of protein, less sugar than other bars, and relatively low cal.
somebody on here introduced me to these and im soo glad they did. i dont remember who but if youre seeing this ilysm.
tuna creations packets - rly good for on the go, tons of flavors, lots of protein so they're really filling for only being 70-90cals depending on the flavor
blueberries + apples - so hard to over eat these two items, plus fiber
rice cakes - self explanatory
pistachios or sunflower seeds - great for curbing hunger, but im a little sick of them rn
a low cal air popped popcorn - i forget which brand i have rn, but its pretty good and has a lot of fiber.
chobani yogurt + yogurt protein drinks (50cal) - the fact that these r 50cals amaze me for how good they taste. the yogurt drinks are my favorite bc theres actually a shit ton of protein and taste pretty good without actually having to make myself a protein shake. the cookies and cream and peaches and cream are my favorites ive tried. good for breaking a fast with.
thats all i can think of atm ! sry for the fucking essay i hope this was a little helpful at least.
typing this out manically made me realize im a little crazy. i cant say with my whole chest that you should listen to me and my d1sordered thoughts, but i think everyone on here knows that already so... uh
please be kind to yourselves. take ur vitamins (even while fasting) i genuinely love you all every one of you fucked up bitches like me.
goodnight <3
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
Can we take a second to talk about foods? Like what do you reckon everyone’s food habits are? Foods they dislike and like, do they like snacks, different types of alcohol etc.
(Wessa, Jem, Thomastair, all the historical folks I ask)
Okay! I'm at a level of hgh where i dont think i can do ALL the characters. (i can only do one task for so long when i'm high because of adhd.) i'm just going to do my four main blorbos, i hope that's okay. i know you also probably want wessa, but send me an ask tomorrow and i'll do them.
matthew -> i think matthew is a really adventurous eater, but one with a more refined palette. he approaches each food item as though it's its own work of art, and some of them are more fine and subtle while others are of a different caliber. so i think he enjoys fine dining a lot, and i think he also enjoys going to new restaurants, especially upscale local restaurants, as he is traveling. he doesn't seem like someone who would want to support a huge chain when he could have a local eatery with trained high-quality chefs. he also will try almost anything once - the only time he would refuse food is dog. i also think that he develops a taste for some pub foods as well after chot so he can hang out with his friends in taverns and bars that don't serve coffee. this gives him something to have there while his friends are drinking.
alastair -> speaking of drinking, alastair doesn't drink. (i know he does once in choi, but it's clearly intended to show how batshit elias's presence is driving him.) so he, like matthew, drinks a lot of black coffee. they both down it. but yeah, i think he also would really like a lot of the persian recipes he grew up with that risa or sona made, and he enjoys trying to emulate them. he is very happy with many different savry and spicy flavors. his favorite dessert would be ghotab. ghotab is good. i think that he also gets a weird britishlike semi-burned breakfast everyday because thomas always likes to cook for him, and it's not amazing, but thomas makes it and he loves it because of that fact. (i have a couple of fics where he makes simple persian dishes too because he wants to be able to make alastairs favorite foods on special occasions or to cheer him up if he is sad)
thomas -> well, he hates celery, that's for fuckin sure. but per the book canon in choi, here is his favourite meal:
clearly he does not have a very broad palette, but he likes all the british food. however, i think that he developed a taste for spanish food while he was in madrid. i also think that after moving in with alastair he developed a massive taste for persian food. alastair would make it and emulate some of sona's and risa's recipes, so he could have a taste of his family food with him. so he makes it sometimes. and it is just so good, and when he goes to the in-laws, they give him SUPER good persian food. it's a win-win
cordelia -> cordelia likes to eat persian food too because she grew up with it. also, like alastair, she has a really broad palette because they grew up traveling so much. she and james will go abroad and she'll have a really fun time watching james try new foods that she's always known exist. i think cordelia can handle a lot of different flavors, but she can't stand when something is too sweet like a cake with too much sugar or that rock candy. i think she enjoys floral teas, especially because sona's chai includes floral undertones per ChoG.
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
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okay so we hung out and it went well!! we spent like 3 hours together and we got bubble tea at my fav spot and they were trying it for the first time. they got one with espresso and then added another shot of it lol so i tried it and it was a straight up espresso sip lmao but that was before they shaked it. i got a taro which is my go to drink and they tried it for the first time and said it tasted like trix cereal.. which wasnt that far off tbh lol after they said that i saw what they meant bc it is a pretty sweet flavor and fruity but i love sweet and fruity. we planned to go to this panini place afterwards but we were running short on time and they closed so early so we walked around to figure out where else to eat and we went with burgerology and just got apps that we both couldnt finish and had to take home. also i didnt even realize but our check came and then they like took it to their lap so i couldnt see what they were doing. actually now that i think about it i think they paid online or something.. like how some places have a qr code to pay. bc i dont remember the waitor coming back for it and then i saw the check booklet was empty so i was confused and they said they already paid and i was like what wait ill send you money for my food and they were like no dont worry about it im like wait are you sure! but yeah we talked like a lot there and bc i mean we kind of had to like it was a tiny table of us sitting across from each other. i felt like i was actually pretty talkative and like making good conversation i think. i usually suck with new people and i wont know what to say or keep a convo flowing but idk i felt better with them and i also didnt want the night to suck so i made sure to just be normal lol. i will say they were more shy than i thought theyd be! or like not shy but i guess less outgoing and expressive than i thought theyd be but its also literally the first hangout so i cant think much about it. they were talkative tho too so we didnt have like too much awkward silence and like it def couldve been worse so im glad that we actually were able to click and talk about a bunch of random things. i texted them a little after i got home and mentioned a possible next time where we can actually get the paninis maybe and theyre def down to do that and hang again so:) i really just want like a nice new friend out of all of this. like i already have my group of friends i love but its also nice to make a new friend with someone outside your main group you know. its like we can talk about different things that i wouldnt with other people i guess. so yeah it was fun:D
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snobby55 · 5 months
fun new coffee experiment!!
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i went to a flower nursery with my mom today and decided to pick a rose head from one of the big bushes, and now i dont actually know what to do with it and its dying!!
solution: make it into a strange concotion!!! :D
hypothesis: if i make this, then itll taste pretty good, and also give me magical powers and prove im a witch of some sort
I decided to decimate the petals with a coffee grinder and throw it into one of those little metal reusable k cups since we got one a those and ran it with water, and now ive turned it into this pleasantly pink drink!!
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and actually quite quickly as of typing this its now turned into this brownish tea-like thing, which im not sure if its because of the ground residue in the coffee grinder or the heat, but oh well!!
actually, to note: when i removed the petals from the k cup, they were essentially just this dead grey mass of planty mush, which i think its kinda interesting because i thought the juices were just sucked into the water, but i guess theyre alive still? or something, idk im not a botanist
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after that i added it to about 8oz of fireside rum coffee that i kept from christmas (since its a flavor im familiar with), and added the 2 brews together
as a control, i probably shouldve tried the flower mix on its own, but my mom called me out to yardwork and i got distracted, so i just dumped in in with the coffee, but i will try it without any other additives just to see if the flavors any good
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ok so it tastes like this weird mix of like a mysterious herb, kinda like a mix of basil and mint, and kinda like sweet tea, and black coffee, which i dont even drink coffee black so i dont actually know why i did that.
when the light hits it right though its got the weird pinkish highlight to it which is pretty sick
anyway i added a bit of creamer and tastes a little herby, but its slightly cold because i left while making it
conclusion: solid 6/10 needs more eye of newt or something like that
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faeseekerandy · 8 months
The Home Invasion
Barry looks genuinely frustrated, He’s been dating Cisco for over a month now, and nothing happens. He’s not entirely sure if it means that he only wants to be friends or what's up. Determined to get to the bottom of this he tells himself, “next time I see him, I’m going to send the strongest signals I can, he’s not going to be able to ignore this!”
Barry messages cisco –
Barry – “Hey Baby want to go out today” ( on the cell )
Cisco – “no man, im beat and this videogame im dying to finish, you wanna come over? Maybe bring ice cream?”
Barry - “sure babe OMW!”
Barry is at his door five nanoseconds later with half a pint of ice-cream empty, at superspeed he fail not notice the lid flying off and leaving a super trail of speed force strawberry, Imagine lil electrified orbs of lightning holding molten strawberry everywhere all over the street, A strange phenomenon indeed.
Barry knocks on the door, but nobody answers, he hears screams and anger, “Ugg UGG, FFFFFFFF…. Uggg ugg” – can be heard from the inside.
Barry kicks the door in to see a hyper fixating Cisco in a PVP match against a knight with a weird face mask. He does not notice Barry is inside.
“Here is the ice cream you wanted” – Barry Said – “strawberry flavor”
No answer from Cisco, he’s barely noticed that the door is no longer attached it its hinge, the man in the freaky mask has his full attention, “don’t you shoot that thing at me you asshole” – Said Cisco
“baby waaaaaah” – what did I do wrong, was the only thing Barry could think about, he places his hand on Cisco’s leg, reaching closer to his inner thigh but stop as Cisco replied.
“you think you can get me with that! Fuck off!!” , his voice sounded angry and annoyed, Barry was genuinely hurt. “Talk to me, what did I do wrong” – started Barry – “we’ve been dating for a few weeks, and nothing I do gets to you, do you even like me? Why do you act so cold all the time, you dont even ask me if I want to spend time with you, I always have to initiate everything…”
“My armor is just too tough for you” – replied Cisco coldly, he had a sinister smile on his face.
“yes, that tough exterior, I know its tough, but I will break thru it, with the force of my love for you.
“Do you think you can escape, you’re my BITCH, and you’ll do whatever I want, its what you get” -replied Cisco, Barry could see a glimpse of malice in his face. "I'll do whatever you want baby, just say the word. "
“yea you like tea bags don’t you asshole” – replied Cisco
“baby how could you say that!, yea I would not mind trying some weird things… but im not ready for something that extreme yet, still if you want me to. I could maybe, if you’re ok with it”- Barry was legit happy to have finally gotten a response from Cisco.
“You think you can cheat with me?” – Cisco was angry now, very annoyed. He did not make eye contact, just staring into space.
“I would never…I never would have” – Barry was genuinely surprised and a little hurt.
“well if you’re gonna cheat, I’m gonna cheat too, how you like that! You think the rules don’t apply to you, well new rules now, you messed with the wrong guy. I was gonna play by the rules, and we were gonna have all the fun in the world, but you had to cheat, so now I’m gonna make you my bitch! Ill cheat all I want and you’re just gonna sit there and take it!”
Barry was genuinely heartbroken, he threw the ice cream at cisco and stormed out. The ice-cream fell on the game console and destroyed it. Cisco turned to see an unhinged door and ice cream all over the floor. Hastely he texted Barry
Cisco – Hunny get here soon, Captain cold broke my door and threw ice cream at my game station before running away. It happened so fast!
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. shorty pants iced tea drinker honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
Finally! Someone who I can agree with about iced teas. Yes, I agree it is different from how the south makes iced tea! When I visited GA in June, that's all I drank because I missed it so much. But I don't order it here unless there is fruit flavor in it like peach or mango.
Aw is she okay? Was she having a bad dream?
But yeah, it's been awhile since you posted lol maybe you'll have time later to write the valentine fic 🤞 on top of the other series hahaha 😆 I wish I get to see like how you come up with ideas or the rough draft of your fics
Ahaha if I'm not on the switch playing games, I'll be on my phone playing games 😅 but yeah, I used to play until 2 or 3 in the morning, and my ex would be mad because all she can hear is me tapping on the console and quietly grunting.
I'm not that tall, I'm between 5'6 or 5'7. Okay, you're not short..just fun sized ahahahaha and I know, short people can be so mean. It's probably cause they have such a...short temper... ahahahaha okay okay no more jokes 🤣🤣
Ech yeah I've have balut before.. at first I was excited to try it until I found out what it was. Then I still tried it just because my mom told me to.. and it was too salty for me. I didn't like it much.
And a food I've had before and never again, would be bitter gourd, or in the Philippines we call it ampalaya. It is nasty, to me at least. It really is bitter but also sour?? But I don't like it, and I remember they always made it with eggs.. I would pick the green thing off and try to eat the eggs only.
How about you?
- CuriousGeorge
Good morning u nicknames creator corn-punn righty eyebag!
Yeah, whn i used to live in CA n i went visit south states like texas or louisiana i always look more for iced teas. Becausr south's iced tea hit different to me.hahaha. n now im happy i live in one of the iced tea heaven states. 😅 lol. But i dont like fruity teas though. I drink unsweetened black iced teas.
Em was okay, she was just having growing pain because she is tall for her age.
Well, good news for u i posted pt. 4. But i hv a little confidence on it. I think i didnt write it well. I think it was poorly executed.😔 so i was a little down n questioning my writing.
Well, i hope u will still like my future works since right now i think im losing my touch in writing.😔
Wow u r pretty tall.. n oh my gosh, short people has short temper, that was really funny.🤣🤣🤣 yes please please more jokes.hahaha.
Ah yeah, balut was horrible. Im sorry. I know some people say it's philipino's delicacy but it's a no no for me.i ate it one bite n i couldnt even swallow it. It was the idea of what it is makes me cant eat it.
What is gourd? Is it like a vegetable or something?
Balut is one of the thing i tried that i wont ever eat it anymore. Another thing i tried was Monkfish liver sushi. The chef told me it was so good n it's special so i tried it. It was so gross. N the main thing i really really hate n wont eat is frog. To me just looking at frog can make me want to throw up. My mom once tricked me n told me it's chicken. Then i bit the little bone that i know it doesnt look like chicken bones. So she finally told me that it was frog. I ran to the bathroom n threw up so bad. Not gonna lie, i was so upset with her at that time.😅
So u r running out of question? Does it mean u start getting bored talking with me? 😔
Just kidding.. it's okay if u r out of curious question. U can ask me whenever u have something in mind. I dont know if i ever asked u this, how would describe ur style.of clothing?
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possiblytracker · 2 years
the food post
for those who might be somehow unaware of what ive been posting abt for the past 3 weeks, i have been in florida staying with a friend for the duration. it is my first time visiting the united states. and now it is coming to an end i finally get to compile my experiences
(no, i did not get to eat gator, but maybe next time :pensive:)
biscuit and gravy
the quintessential. only got to try it the other day but holy shit that was so good. yall have something good going on with the the thick gravy honestly. incredible
corn dog
my housemate has been asking me to find out what a corn dog is like for months before i came out here. found some in the frozen food section of publix and oven-cooked them. was not expecting the batter to be sweet (with real honey! as the box said!) which was a little weird but it wasnt Bad. i did get to write a whole paragraph on the flavor profile and texture of the corndog but i need not repeat it
frosted sugar cookies
couldn't eat more than one at a time before i had to recover from so much goddamn sugar. was not expecting them to be soft either! but good shit
sweet iced tea
i was informed the kind i tried was not the sweetest you can get down in the south. it was a relatively tame experience, comparatively. and yet that was So Much its like drinking straight syrup
lemonade that isn't sprite
ho ly shitttttttt
lemonade mixed with sweet iced tea 2:1
nectar of the fucking gods.
grape popsicle
vastly superior purple flavour to the blackcurrant back home. dont fucking @ me
i am aware i'm getting a mark on my gay card for this one but it was just once, and probably the best chicken sandwich i ever had, but that's probably because uk fast food fucking sucks more than anything. the frosted lemonade changed my life and im so mad(/j) i have morals and will probably never buy it again
disclaimer i helped Make the meatloaf but i did not actually get to eat it it was for someone else. but im minorly worried about what goes into that thing and how you make it. regardless i got the recipe from my brand new southern grandma and am SO excited to terrorise my family with it when i get back they are going to hate it so much, just conceptually
deviled eggs
helped make this too. much like meatloaf i am consistently concerned at the mixtures of ingredients that go into some food here but i did get to try this one and it was pretty good :)
shaved ice
i dont know how quintessentially american this one is but i've never had it before so i'm counting it. very nice and made my tongue red. most flavourings and food colourings that can do that are banned in the uk or slapped behind a "may have adverse effects on children" label so that was a slightly novel experience
philly cheese steak sandwich
good fucking sandwich and i got to get it with not one but Two of my favourite people which just improved the experience all round tbh. so much meat i did not really feel like eating anything else for most of the rest of the day thO
babys first chipotle went about as well as you can expect. had first burrito and it was fucking GOOD tho. was also told "hey lets get chips and queso it's like cheese sauce its so good :)" and was not told beforehand that queso has chili in it but it Was really fucking good so i just kinda kept eating it anyway
that one fish sandwich at the seafood bar the other day
i have already posted abt this one it needs no introduction but it was mahi-mahi and it was really good. even if towards the end all i could taste was ranch for the sake of my sanity and my poor white tastebuds. i really did my best im fighting for my fucking life out here
fish dip
it sure was fish!!! very good fish. store was referred to simply as "that place with the dip" and it was one of those unassuming run-down looking places on the side of the road that inexplicably just have godly delicious food so thats how you know its gonna be the best thing youve ever had and it Was
key lime pie
im in florida i couldnt miss this one. lemon pies are already my favourite kind of dessert and it was like that a little to the left and it was really really damn good
beef jerky
i was told that eating this and tearing it apart with your teeth makes you feel like some kind of meat-eating wild animal and this was not an inaccurate description
i Think that's everything i can remember but if i think of more ill tack em on the end here later. enjoy, americans
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So this is just a headcanon of what I think each Union member would probably smell like. Hope you guys like it, and let me know if you would want me to do the Eunjang guys as well, or any other side character.
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Donald Na- Donald would smell like clean linens or a fresh breeze. Now I know what you're thinking, 'What the heck is that even supposed to be or smell like?' I had the exact same thoughts when I was trying to find a nice candle to buy and came across these scents. But surprisingly when I took the lids off to get a whiff, they smelled kinda fresh and crisp. Nothing overpowering, very subtle, and possibly even close to an actual "clean" smell.
•Donald would prefer to have a neutral scent if at all possible. Nothing too flashy or potent and definitely nothing bad. He especially doesn't want to smell of dirt, sweat, or anything that could be associated with his childhood. He will find extreme satisfaction at staying clean, and smelling clean at all times.
•Which is why I also don't see him wearing any body sprays or colognes. He doesn't like other smells to linger on him. With the only true exception being your smell. But even then, he would prefer it on a piece of clothing that he could remove at will if needed. For anything else in his regular day to day life, it's just going to be his own scent. With the occasional situation where he would have to go and attend some type of function, possibly for business. In which case, he would splash on a little dab of high quality cologne for the event and then wash it off as soon as he gets home.
•There will be some moments throughout the day where you may catch a different scent on him. Those being when he's eating and when he's smoking. At those times you will be able to get a whiff of him smelling like warm bread, marinated bulgogi, or even cigarettes. But those moments won't last long, since he would go wash his hands as soon as he is finished. Going as far as even wiping his lips down with some water or a wet wipe after smoking, so that all the parts of him that came in contact with the object get wiped clean.
•Of course what this means for you, is that you will always get Donald at his most bare. So when you hug or hang out, you know that what you smell is not anything synthetic but his own authentic clean scent that you can enjoy.
Jimmy Bae- Jimmy would have a warm woodsy scent. Nothing too strong or sharp, but definitely outdoorsy in nature. So when he picks you up in a big bear hug lifting your feet off the ground, either to feel you squirm as you try to set your feet back onto solid ground or to just hold you tighter so you won't scurry away, he will smell like a walk through the woods on a warm spring day. Where you are able to smell some of the foliage mixed in with warmed up tree bark that's been heated up from the sun.
•Part of this is because, unlike Donald, Jimmy likes to smell of something. So he will use scented body soap in the shower, and will even give himself a quick burst of some type of body spray (imagine something like Axe body spray) when he is finished showering or getting ready. And he prefers woodsy, natural scents over high perfumed ones.
•But of course this is Jimmy we're talking about, so he will also always have a subtle lingering smell of cigarettes. He won't be as meticulous at washing afterwards as Donald, but if there is a sink or washroom nearby he will go and at least wash his hands. Especially if you happen to be around. But if there isn't any in the area, then he will definitely not loose any sleep over it.
Forrest Lee- Forrest will smell like cloves with a hint of cardamon. Since I see him as more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker. And there is actually this black tea, that's made with added whole cloves and cardamon pods, that just makes everything smell soo good. And it taste absolutely yummy (kinda like how I imagine Forrest to taste...I mean, smell like 😉).
•The scent would be caused not only by Forrest's tea drinking habits, but also because of the body and hair products he uses. Forrest, like Jimmy, will use scented body wash. But unlike Jimmy, Forrest will also use lotion on his hands and body. So whenever he reaches out to hold onto your hand or he happens to touch a part of your body, it will always be with soft, firm hands. Of course that still wouldn't matter to those he decides to slap around, as to them, it would still feel like a damn bear was the one hitting them across the face.
•And since Forrest is also a smoker, so he will also have a lingering cigarette smell to him. Especially when he wears his leather jacket. Which is most of the time. Since the leather seems to pick up and hold onto the smokey scent more than regular clothing would. But that still doesn't stop him from offering you his jacket when he thinks you look cold. He will just hope that you dont mind the smell too much, and would probably try to "shake it out" (as if that would do anything lol) before handing it to you. But the plus side to that situation is that once you hand back his jacket, the leather would have picked up on some of your scent as well, and now HE gets to smell you for the rest of the day or night.
Jake Ji- Ok Jake will absolutely smell like sweet candy. Cotton candy, those little sugar tabs, lollipops, you name it. If it smells like sugary candy then it smells like Jake. It's also good to mention that he probably has the biggest sweet tooth in the Union, Donald coming in as a close second, so he is constantly munching down on the latest ice cream flavor, new novelty hard candy with a fizzy center, or trying out the multiple flavor combinations of boba drinks.
•Jake also doesn't seem to care what he uses on his body, either in the shower or after when getting ready. So if there happens to be a strawberry scented shampoo in the shower when he's bathing, most likely belonging to his mom, then he's using it. If he's at your house and he feels like his hands are dry, then he will grab some of your sweet pea lotion, without a second thought to it. Might even decide to hug you right as you're applying some perfume or body spray, and get sprayed in the process. It's ok, it won't bother him at all, and now he gets to smell just like you anywhere he goes.
•But other than the impromptu spray you provide him, he isn't into any specific colognes or body sprays, so what you smell off of him is simply the stuff he uses on his skin. If you would like him to smell a certain way more than another, then gift him a body set in that scent, and he will without a doubt use it on himself from head to toe.
Wolf Keum- Wolf is more of an enigma when it comes to scents. Because he could not give two shits about anything he puts on his body, such as body wash, sprays, or lotions. So everything that he does use is usually scentless. Which means that he has the most natural smell out of everyone.
•The bad news is that it easily gets overpowered by other things he does throughout the day. More so than anyone else, Wolf's scent changes as the day progresses.
•In the morning he will most likely smell heavily of coffee. Because this guy needs his coffee to be STRONG. Or at least powerful enough to keep him awake throughout the day or to cure off the previous night's hangover. Later in the afternoon it will shift to the lingering smell of cigarettes, as he seems to be one of the heavier smokers of the Union. And on some nights, he might even end up with the faint smell of whatever alcohol he was drinking at the local club or bar that he managed to get into. Then there is also all the random moments where he happens to even smell like you, especially after you both have hung out for a good length of time. 😏
•But even at the end of each night or after a very long day, it would still be possible to get a whiff of Wolf's own natural scent. At least to those who can get him to drop his guard, and who he would allow to get close enough to rest their nose into the crook of his neck. Where they would inhale the sweet scent of cookies. Cuz what else would one of the most ruthless guys in the Union smell like if not the warm, comforting smell of baked treats.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 5
a/n: we ltr going at 5 parts and i have another part written out and im just drowning in love with these seijoh asks
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request:
Can i ask for cute moments between manager and the boys outside of school, like how she and kyoutani probably bump into each to go feed strays etc??
yes anon!!!!!! these moments made me so soft™
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these are the cute little moments and get ready to die of the cuteness
be warned, this isnt a straight plot or no main focus but just bits and pieces of fluff 
keeping up with seijoh episode 3467328937
as mentioned before, they dont really get to hang out a lot w you outside of practice 
youre either too busy taking care of your schoolwork, catsitting for the aizawa’s, or having you time since youve been busy w the boys all week
but there are times where you do have available time to go hang out with the boys
and they know about your schedule so they try to make memories either during practice or after practice
fortunately, kyo lives at the same street as the aizawa’s so he walks you to their house when you have a job 
but sometimes when you are just walking home, you both stop by the convenience store first and find some cat food cans and dog food cans and water 
it was a complete accident when you both found each other standing at the same aisle, holding the same things, with the same intentions, for the same animals
the alleyway where you first met is basically your second home bc thats where your babies live
since you cant exactly take in 5 dogs and 6 cats in your house, you and kyo are taking care of them in that alleyway where you feed them and build them a little shelter with blankets and stuff
this will be explained more in the next manager!seijoh part
after practice, particularly after a really productive one, the guys like to go to the ramen shop near the school to treat themselves after their hardwork
by now, the old lady who owns the shop knows their order by heart and has it ready when you all enter
yall get settled in but you go over to yahaba and snap his wooden chopsticks for him bc he never snaps them properly and ends up breaking them
you gather as much napkins as you can and place them beside kindaichi bc he makes such a mess while he eats and you have stand-by wipes for him
you make a special request to add tofu into iwa’s ramen bc the mans loves tofu so much and he still doesnt understand how the lady seems to know this despite him never telling her
your seat is usually next to mattsun bc he doesnt eat all the side dishes up like the others and you can eat some of it too
kyo sit across you and demands you eat at least 2 bowls bc you never seem to eat enough and he gets secretly concerned so he aggressively cares for you
‘kyo-san,,,, im full though’
he ‘glares’ at you
‘what you mean youre full. you didnt even finish the bowl. eat the rest and have another or youre not leaving this table’
pls what
fun fact, oikawa actually has two pairs of glasses and he gave you one in case he forgets to wear his main one and leaves it at home
so he gets to school and he just realizes he forgot his glasses and his contacts were still being shipped so he freaks out and texts you about it
but you always have the case safely tucked in your bag so you wander up to the third year floor and knock on his class door
iwa, who is in the same class as him, glares at the students who stare at you and nudges oikawa who was looking out the window
‘oi, your glasses’
his head snapped to the side and sees your smiling face and the familiar brown box being held out to him
his face scrunches and he launches up his seat and takes you in his arms
‘oikawa-san, please let me go’
you mumbled, embarrassed at his behavior in front of the whole class
once iwa has you safely on the ground, you excuse yourself and go back to class
the class still stared at the door you passed through and iwa had to bark at them to go back to their business
youre like the seijoh and younger version of goddess kiyoko
before kyo got back to the team, you usually walked home by yourself but makki actually accompanies you when he doesnt have errands to run
‘makki-san, i heard theres a sale going on for puffs’
you would mention as you walked and you would look to see his eyes light up and walk faster towards the bakery
‘cmon, y/n-chan. makki-senpai is treating you today!’
he turns into a child, a contrast to his chaotic energy in school, and he runs over to the glass where indeed, there was a sale going on for his puffs
while he was staring at what flavor he wanted, youd go to the cashier and give her your card
‘when that guy with the light brown hair with the blue and white jacket comes up to pay for his cream puffs, charge it to my card, please. whatever you do, dont take his and use mine immediately, please. ill come by later and pick it back up’
the old cashier lady felt true hope and happiness for humanity at your actions and it increased when she saw the shocked look on the boy’s face when she immediately swiped the card when he finished ordering
‘what? i havent paid-’
‘the young lady that came with you already did, young lad. shes a keeper’
he turned red
‘ahaha, no, shes our team manager’
once he finished paying and went outside, he took out his phone and dialed your number to call you
you smiled from the aisle in the convenience store down the street bc you were expecting him to call you
‘hewwo, makki-san’
he shut his eyes at how cute you sounded
‘y/n-chan, senpai wanted to treat you today!’
he whined but you bit your lip, leaving the store after purchasing a drink with the remaining cash you had
‘hmm, but i did too. you just werent too fast, senpaiiii~’
you teased and he let out a breathy laugh
‘next time i’ll be faster! mark my words!’
‘then im looking forward to it, senpai~!’
did anyone notice that he is the first one she called senpai?
to our baby yahaba
we know how he literally tried to go after yachi in that one episode so you know how flirty he is
but youve made it clear that you reject his advances and he pouts and finally accepts it so he stops it, instead actually just caring for you
ya know how he cares for the others and cheers them on?
he does the same to you
our babie notices that you are so busy taking care of the others that you forget to take care of yourself
like that time they lost to shiratorizawa, you made bentos for them all week to cheer them up
but he saw you not even eating and realizes that you were busy making the food that they like, each different to accomodate to their taste, that you had no time to make your own
he went down to your class and noticed you missing and he asks kindaichi and kunimi and they said that you said you wanted to get fresh air
since he pays attention to you, he knows you like to go to the roof to breathe
he ventures up the stairs and when he opens the door, he notices you just staring up at the sky, sitting down on the floor
‘being in an empty place like the roof doesnt compare to how lonely Pluto must feel to be outcasted in the solar system’
your comment catches him off-guard but he regains composure and makes his way to you before sitting down next to your form
‘hmm, oikawa-senpai talked to me about space one time. he mentioned the vast possibilities that stays hidden in the shadows’
you and him turn your head at the same time and share a gentle smile
‘but its up to us to find those secrets and abilities’
you finished
he nodded and went back to look at the clouds that looked like they were slowly moving but it was really the earth turning
‘i want to be a sports instructor. i want to be able to help others,,, i want to help them find those abilities and perfect them so they could fully love playing’
a chuckle escaped you and you tightened your arms around your knees, following his gaze to the blob of white that was painted on to the blue canvas
‘let other people be your universe, baba-senpai. dont let them be like Pluto. take time to find out who they are so they dont feel so lonely, okay?’
yall im tearing up right now though
as mentioned at the first part of this series, you go to the gym very early to set up for morning practice
sometimes, the four third years arrive at the same time but sometimes, only iwa comes
you noticed him put his bag down and help you with the nets before pushing the cart to finish the task for the morning
‘thank you, iwa-san!’
you thanked and he ruffled your hair
‘can you actually help me with my workout?’
you nodded and you knew his routine by now
as he got in position for a push up, you gently sat down on his back so he could start pushing up
you sat cross-legged and you counted every push up and held a timer so he could beat his previous record of 100 push ups in under 5 minutes
once he hit 100, he collapsed on the floor and you stopped the timer at 4 minutes and 48 seconds
‘good job, iwa-san! new record!’
you cheered and he grumbled on the floor
you gently turned him over so he could lay on his back
he closed his eyes from the bright light of the gym and he raised his arms as his hands made a grabbing motion
‘hug. i want hug’
he whined and you fake gasped at this
‘iwa-san, i didnt know you could be so whiny’
in my series, its canon that iwa is actually a whiny little babie despite that tough exterior and hes much more whinier than oikawa
you laughed before surrending, mumbling ‘yes, yes’
this wasnt the first time this happened since he asked you to do this before bc hes a touch starved babie and as a manager, you must give your team love
you climbed on him and laid your head on his chest while he mumbles happily with his arms going around you
‘just five minutes’
you offered and he said ‘mhm’
well, you both fell asleep and were woken up by scandalized and jealous yells from oikawa
to our baby libero watari
watari is actually the only player who has been to your house before
you made an off-handed comment of making bentos for the team again and he offered to come and help you make them
so here he was, standing in your kitchen, as you were cooking with him
you were chopping up vegetables and he was waiting for the eggs to boil so he was just stirring it slightly
‘wata-san, can you give me a bowl from the cabinet above you?’
he nodded and gave it to you so you could place the chopped carrots and onions in it
once the timer was done, he scooped out the eggs and placed them into an ice bowl so he could peel them later
you knew his favorite food was boiled eggs so you wanted to boil some so he could snack on them
‘can you peel one and see if theyre perfectly cooked, wata-san?’
his fingers skillfully rolled the egg on the table before peeling it effortlessly
he hummed as he chewed on the food
you asked and he turned to you, cheeks still full but he raised a thumbs up
you grinned and went back to chopping the scallions
‘actually, i didnt need any eggs for the dishes. i wanted you to snack on your favorites as i cook. its like payment for keeping me company’
his eyes shone and he hurriedly went to hug you tightly
‘i really appreciate everything youve done for us, for me. but i just want you to keep smiling okay? i know we’re a handful and we can get out of hand sometimes but you always keep us together. you must be stressed and there must be times you get angry with us and must’ve cried because of us but i hope you’ll still stay with us even through all that’
lmao kindaichi’s made me laugh
so basically, we all know his famous haircut, right
but what if that was actually just a style hes had since he was young but he has naturally down hair?
the stuff he puts in it like this brand of gel is just so tough and sturdy that two washes of hair is the only thing that can get rid of it
even during practice when hes sweating the atlantic ocean, it somehow stays up
he puts gel on it and stuff after he showers to make it stick up and BOOM turnip head
but one morning, he,,,, wasnt turnip head
the boy woke up late and he didnt have time to perfect the sticking up so he went to school with his hair down and everything
you were already there since morning practice has started and kunimi told you that kindaichi texted him he would be late so you were just patiently waiting by the door for your classmate
but some guy just walked in
your eyes widened and you pulled their arm
‘um, this is for seijoh volley-’
then the words died in your mouth
you stuttered and he placed his hands on his face to hide away
‘dont look y/n-chan!’
his shout attracted the others and then silence before the laughing and howling started
makki was on the floor, punching it as he laughed
kindaichi turned red and he was about to run out but you held on to him
‘i can fix it for you, yuu-kun. come with me?’
he nodded immediately and hurried away towards the back where the sun was just starting to rise
you rummaged through your gym bag and found the specific gel brand he uses 
kindaichi was SHOOK bc why the hell did you have it?
you noticed his shocked and confused look
‘i knew this would happen. we’ve facetimed before, remember? just in case this would happen, i brought backup’
his eyes glistened with tears of gratitude but you waved it away and started attempting to fix his hair
tbh you dont know why he did this hairstyle because his hair was really soft and nice and he still looked attractive either way
moving on to kunimi babie
lets face it, he probably doesnt sleep at all at night and he suffers from insomnia
and when he cant sleep, he bothers his friends
but he doesnt bother you though
which makes you sad bc you thought you made it clear that he could come to you if he was in need of something
you only found out after kindaichi accidentally blurted out during morning practice of how tired he is bc kunimi wouldnt stop talking to him at 2 in the morning
‘aki,,, you could’ve called me’
you gently said and kunimi scrunched his nose at how sad you sounded
‘you need your sleep, y/n’
‘but i want you to sleep too’
‘kindaichi’s been my contact since i was like 5 so-’
‘so you dont need me?’
your eyes watered and kunimi jumped, frantically fussing over you
‘okay, okay, y/n, okay. ill call you’
then as if they were never there, you cheered up and bounced happily
‘i’m expecting it, aki-kun!’
but at 1:43 in the morning, his finger hovered over the call button on your contact since he really didnt want to bother you
but he could already hear your whines in the morning
he cursed when he heard your groggy voice
‘sorry y/n, ill hang up-’
you sat up, forcing to wake up
you mumbled and he made a sound of agreement
‘not tired?’
you asked
‘no. well, like im tired but i cant sleep, yknow?’
you laid on your bed with your cheeks puffed out, trying to think how to put him to sleep
‘we can just talk, aki’
‘about what?’
‘anything. just,,, talk to me. i want to know your favorite color, your favorite food, everything about you’
:( morning calls really hit different
last one is our mattsun babie
so like, mattsun is a TREE
im like 5′3 and hes like 6′2 so we a whole dwarf next to him
you are always dwarfed whenever you stand next to him and this little shite takes advantage of that and puts his elbow on top of your head
he likes to poke fun at you but you just pout bc you know hes all fun and games
‘hows the weather down there’
‘so mean, mattsun-san’
but his height did give him a special memory with you though
you were both left in the gym to clean up bc everyone had something to do like oiks had to go home bc takeru got sick and iwa also got sick and you just volunteered to clean up and mattsun stayed behind
you were sweeping the floor and you unconsciously started humming as you swept and started swaying a little
mattsun heard you as he pushed the carts and watched as you just swayed and twirled around and he found himself smiling at you
you noticed him stop in front of you and he bowed down, holding out a hand
‘may i take this dance, m’lady’
you laughed
‘what? whats going on?’
he softly held your hand and pulled you to him
‘you were dancing and i wanted to join you’
you nodded and looked up at him, eyes half-lidded
‘stand on my feet, chibi-chan. i can lead while you sing’
it was a random song you heard from the radio earlier but you complied while he moved with your feet on his
you giggled when he would lean down to softly kiss your forehead and shriek when he would unexpectedly dip you down
either way, at 8:34 PM, you and mattsun danced under the gym lights with no witness except you and him
ughh i really want seijoh now
you and the team share individual memories that are more special than the ones with the others bc its where you could actually be upfront with each other
its just a shame that there are 4 third years in the team that would eventually graduate and go their own separate ways after high school, leaving behind their underclassmen
they could just hope that those memories and special moments would remind them of who you were and how special you were to them since at the prime of their youth, you were their first true love
a/n: ngl i didnt expect to finish this so quick but im just in a really soft mood right now and this is to makeup for the fact that my update schedule could start becoming erratic due to my school so i hope you enjoyed this blurb!! and depending on my asks, there could only be one last part to this series unless someone requests for another specific scenario with the manager!!
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honeypirate · 4 years
bestie bestie bakugou
Bakugou and fem!reader, best friends, roommates, loveeee
Warning - swears, mentions of sex
You were walking around the city for hours now, you left the apartment just before sundown and now it’s raining and you think you see the light from the sun turning the clouds lighter on the horizon. You came home after a long day of work, of fighting a villain, of almost not making it back this time, to find your boyfriend, who you didnt even live with mind you, fucking someone else on your bed. You didn’t say anything, you just walked out, quietly, he didn’t even notice. 
The buzzing in your hand caught your attention, making you aware of the heaviness of something in your palm, you raise it to see and then remember it’s your phone. The action causes it to wake up, showing your notifications, 50 missed calls from him and almost as many texts and double the amount of calls and texts from your two best friends
The screen catches the water from the rain as it flows down the surface, you try to unlock your phone, a sudden urge to not be alone hitting you, but your thumb was too cold and wet to unlock with the fingerprint. You go to press in the buttons but the screen doesnt recognize your fingers either, you’re starting to panic, to hyperventilate when the screen lights up, you relax seeing the name pop up and try to answer but you were shaking so much, you brought the phone to your lips, sticking your tongue out to click the green button. 
“Fucking bastard is going to die” he says as he wraps you in a towel, pulling you to his chest, “y/n im so sorry. You’re staying here with me for now on, i’ll go to your place tomorrow and get some of your things and get your key back from that fucker.” he was pissed, fuming, you haven't seen him this mad since high school “Katsuki i couldn't possibly put you out” he holds his finger to your lips “shut up, im insisting, plus this place is too big for just me” you chuckle through the shivers that are now finding your body, your skin and bones finally reacting to the cold as your body shakes uncontrollably. “T-t-thank you K-Kacchan” he sighs and takes your hand, pulling you with him down the hall to the bathroom. 
After a really nice shower, you exit his big ass fancy shower that was really more like a spaceship, you had to use a step stool to get inside it. It had multiple different heads, a steam option, and could even convert into a jacuzzi, if only you didn’t feel like a bath was too close to being a ‘you’ flavored soup. 
You find a change of clothes for you waiting on his bed, a pair of his sweats and one of his shirts, you brought them to your nose, taking a deep breath. They smelled like downey, the yellow kind your parents used to use, it smelt comforting. You slip on his clothes and feel like you’re getting a hug from him. 
When you make it back to the kitchen you have the shivers again, your wet hair making your back wet. He takes one look at you, arms hugged around your body, and he throws you over his shoulder and takes you right back to his room. He sets you down on the bed and then takes a hold of his hood and pulls his hoodie off, shoving it down over your head. “I’m making you some tea and then you are going to talk to me more if you feel like it okay?” you nod with a small smile as you pop your arms through the sleeves. 
Its been six months, Bakugou has helped you heal through your pain, he got you some things from your apartment and got your key back. He also officially, and with pleasure, told your ex to fuck off, that it was over and to never contact you again, with too many threats to count. He really enjoyed it and wanted to do it for a long time but he’d never tell you that. You cut your ex out of your life, easily letting him go because if you caught him cheating once who knows how long he did it, you were 100% okay with never seeing him again, the hard part was waiting for the feelings to go away, to rid yourself of the habit that was your ex. 
You tried to go back to your apartment after a few weeks, it was fine for the most part, you found a completely new bed in your room courtesy of Bakugou and although he denies it wholeheartedly you know no one else would have done that,... but after a few days you called Bakugou, telling him that it just felt empty and that it didn’t feel like your home anymore, he invited you to move in immediately and you never looked back. 
Your new bed and all the furniture you didn't sell sit proudly in the spacious spare bedroom at Bakugous apartment. He was right, this apartment was way too big for one person.
Bakugou had girls over periodically and you didn’t mind them at first, you even made them breakfast sometimes, on the off chance Bakugou slept late and didn’t kick them out immediately. He’s never liked the morning after, the girls he has dated were just to fill the hole in his soul made by the feelings he has developed for you. He’s trying to find one that makes him feel as electric as you make him feel. 
After a month of random girls you start to notice yourself resenting the girls you hear him with, the way they fake moan in the bedroom, loudly just so you will hear and then they will give you evil stares as they walk out in the morning. You asked Yao-Momo for some advice once, calling her after you hear another loud girl as you went to the kitchen for some ice cream, losing your appetite you left the ice cream on the counter and just left the kitchen (just eyerolling when he tried to give you shit about it) . “just ask him to stop” you sigh “I cant do that. I dont want to cause him any trouble. I just dont know why he has to go for girls like that” you fake throw up and she laughs “y/n do you think you like bakugou?” she asks and you gasp “of course not! He’s my best friend! And hes bakugou! I couldnt possibly…” you pause for a while as you think, were you really discovering feelings for the blasty explosion boy? This was such a rub. She just laughs at you from over the phone “unclench your jaw y/n. Dont be so tense” you realize shes right as you release your teeth, relaxing your face and jaw “you know me so well” you say with a laugh “of course i do. I’m your real best friend. Not some ill tempered boy. If you like him great, tell him and he’ll stop fucking randoms or if you dont like him tell him to stop fucking randoms so loud” you laugh “so wise Yao-momo, me lovely sensei Yao-Momo” she laughs at you before you guys have to hang up, both having work in the morning. 
After the next few days you realized just how in love you were with him, getting more and more annoyed with the girls he brought home, not even noticing that they were showing up less and less, pretty soon the random girls have stopped coming over all together, not that you knew that, you still heard what seemed to be sex noises from his room every once in a while, you just assumed he kicked them out right after, not that he was thinking about you and … you know wink wink  
Another six months later  you’re with him on a mission, the villains just keep coming wave after wave, a quirk controlling their (dead before you even came around) bodies, it was never ending, if you stopped fighting they would kill you and you didn’t know who the villain was or where they were. You had your agencies looking for them and until then you had to fight, to keep these bodies occupied so they didn't bring chaos anywhere else. You didn’t talk during the fighting but you both were paying more attention to making sure that the other was fine that you ended up just fighting the villains going after each other. When you get home, battered, bruised, and covered in sweat and blood and many tears, you each take turns showering in his amazing shower, you couldn't use a normal shower for your sore muscles. 
You made a meal for you both quietly as he showered, too tired to speak or do more than was required, when he came to find you he almost cried with relief at your home cooked meal, he was starving. You ate together in silence, both reflecting on the battle, both reliving every moment where you almost lost the other, where you almost lost the fight, feeling more and more anxious the more you thought about it. What would you have done without him? You didnt want to lose him and regret never telling him, but you know you are way to exhausted to speak. 
You stare at each other in the hallway, both wanting to say something, to not leave each other yet. You turn to go and he grabs your hand, pulling you with him into his room before climbing in bed and pulling you along with him down into his soft comfortable bed, he pulls you to his chest and you feel all your stress and anxiety leave your body. He kisses the back of your head “I love you” he whispers into your hair, the only energy he has left. You turn in his arms to look at him and see his eyes blink slowly, he can hardly hold them open anymore. You smile softly “I love you” you whisper back and he sighs, a happy smile on his lips as he lets his eyes close “good” he says and you chuckle, your eyes closing as you lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before allowing yourself to fall asleep, the feeling of his arm around you and the sound of his soft breaths comforting you.
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
hi! i dont know if you've done something similar for renouncement verse but lwj getting baby rearing tips from lqr would be really cute uwu
(brief author’s note: please please reblog, since that’s how we get prompts for future chapters!)
Two weeks after Wei Shuilan’s full-moon party, Lan Xichen orders Wei Ying to get some fresh air and take a trip down to town with the juniors. 
“I’m ordering it as your physician,” he scolds, as Lan Wangji kisses his husband’s forehead and slips a packed lunch into his qiankun bag, just in case Wei Ying doesn’t like any of the delicacies Caiyi has to offer; having A-Lan altered his sense of taste, among other things, and made him more partial to sweet and bitter flavors as well as spicy-sour ones. “You haven’t left the Cloud Recesses in months.”
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Ying says, rolling his eyes, “you try taking those stairs when you can barely fit through the door. Or fly in a straight line without overbalancing, for that matter.”
He has a point, Lan Wangji thinks. A-Lan is a very round baby, big enough for her age that some of the guests at the full-moon feast asked if they were holding the party late, and it had certainly showed on Wei Ying’s slender figure in the weeks before her arrival.
“Well, you ought to go now,” Lan Xichen urges. “It’s a wonderful day, and A-Lan’s asleep. Go stretch your legs, and then come back and rest as soon as you feel tired.”
So Wei Ying had gone, leaving the Cloud Recesses with a kiss for Lan Wangji before flying off on A-Yuan’s sword and vanishing into the cloudy mist hanging over the Caiyi River.
After that, Lan Wangji settles down in the jingshi to wait for his husband’s return, placing his baby daughter on the bed beside him and starting on the mountain of official correspondence he’s been neglecting since A-Lan was born. Most of them are congratulations and well-wishes for the baby, along with a select few (which Lan Wangji sets on fire the second he opens them) consoling the Chief Cultivator for the one child of his blood being a daughter, and assuring him that the next baby will surely be a boy. 
Upon further reflection, Lan Wangji points a finger at the ashes in the hearth and incinerates them a second time. The thought of his little daughter ever facing anything but the honor and worship due to an empress sets his teeth on edge, and it takes only a moment of thinking until he decides to put off answering the guilty clan’s request for a second representative in Lanling’s council for as long as he can.
But unfortunately for him, the sound of the snapping fire jolts poor A-Lan awake, and she gives a soft, confused little gurgle before lifting her head and looking around. Lan Wangji lifts her into his lap, humming Wangxian beside her tiny ears as she begins to whimper—but his efforts are in vain, because the baby bursts into tears and refuses to stop crying no matter what he does to calm her. 
“A-Lan,” he says, more than a little shocked—because he has never heard A-Lan cry like this, not since that first shrieking wail when she first found herself out in the world six weeks ago. But A-Lan keeps crying, even after he tries changing her smallclothes (needlessly, since her diaper was freshly changed when Wei Ying left the jingshi) and puts her in another blanket to keep her warm, and no amount of rocking or singing or even a cool bath proves useful in the slightest. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?” Lan Wangji asks urgently. “A-Lan, baobei—”
Shuilan only draws her tiny legs up to her chest and sobs, rubbing her fat fists into her eyes as if the whole universe was against her, and the realization hits Lan Wangji so suddenly that he nearly falls to the floor, baby and all. 
“It’s because Wei Ying isn’t here,” he says wretchedly. “It is, isn’t it? You’re not sick, surely—he’s coming back, A-Bao. Don’t cry, your A-Die is coming back.”
But with such a little baby as A-Lan, how was she to know? All A-Lan knew was that she spent the first ten moons of her life safe inside Wei Ying, listening to his precious heartbeat and kicking out at his affectionate touches when he tried to feel for her head or her hands, and then she was in his arms instead, but still never so far away from him that she could not hear his voice. And now Wei Ying is gone, and A-Lan has rightfully taken his absence for the calamity that it is. 
Lan Wangji remembers his sixteen years of mourning after Wei Ying fell from his grasp and plunged to his death in Qishan, and wonders how frightened Shuilan must be that Wei Ying has disappeared without any explanation her infant mind can understand. Neither of them have left her side since she was born, so for one of her parents to disappear without explanation, and for it to be Wei Ying who had disappeared—
He nearly bursts into tears himself, just thinking about it. 
Naturally, it is at that moment—with half of Lan Wangji’s layers sliding off his shoulders, A-Lan screaming herself hoarse, and sweat dripping down her father’s pale face—that Lan Qiren lets himself into the house, apparently expecting to find a peaceful nephew and great-niece before he walks into the middle of a virtual tornado instead. 
“Wangji?” he calls, as Lan Wangji drags himself into the front room in all his miserable, disheveled glory. “What is the matter? Have you fed her?”
“I have fed her, changed her, checked her temperature, and made sure all her clothes were loose enough,” he says, distraught. “Perhaps I will take her to the healing ward, just to make sure she is well. Good afternoon, Shufu.”
“You examined her with your lingli, didn’t you? She’s not sick.”
“No, but—”
“Give her here,” his uncle sighs, holding out his arms for the child. “Now,  bring me that square blanket on the divan, and watch closely.”
While Lan Wangji watches, Lan Qiren lays the blanket out on the bed and folds it into a triangle, and then he places A-Lan onto it with her fluffy round head above the folded edge and packs her into a tight bundle with one arm waving freely outside it. 
“Shufu,” Lan Wangji ventures, brow furrowed. “What are you—”
“Quiet,” Lan Qiren instructs him. “Pay attention, Wangji.”
He folds up the bottom corner of the blanket, laying it over A-Lan’s chest and her chubby bent legs, and then he folds the other half around her like a bamboo string around a zongzi, trapping her flailing fist against her body before handing her back to her father. 
“There,” he says, satisfied. “See?”
A-Lan’s sobs are already calming down, and a moment later she blinks in confusion and goes straight back to sleep. 
Lan Wangji gapes at her. “What did you do, Uncle?” he wonders. “I already tried wrapping her, but this…”
“That is how a baby should be swaddled,” Lan Qiren scolds. “You and Wei Ying wrap her like a pancake roll, and it does well enough most of the time. But when a child this small is in distress, it can be helpful to remind them of their time in the womb, and put them in a similar position with a swaddling blanket. What made A-Lan cry so?”
“She missed Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says dully. “He went to Caiyi with Sizhui and Xiaohui, and she woke early from her nap and cried when she realized he was gone.”
I remember weeping because Wei Ying was gone, he doesn’t say. She seemed as heartbroken as I was, back then. 
“Ah,” his uncle murmurs. “A word of advice, Wangji. When you are overtaxed, and dealing with a child in distress, your discomfort will inevitably worsen theirs. I learned this by trial with your brother, and it ended with him stopping his tears and laughing for me because he hated to see me cry.”
It sounds so much like Lan Xichen that Lan Wangji feels his throat swell. “En?”
“In such times, seek help before you become overwrought,” Lan Qiren advises him. “I am here, as is Xichen, and the nursery teachers who cared for you both when you were little. You and your husband are not alone, in any aspect of your lives, and it would be a joy to all of us to aid you.”
And then Lan Qiren makes tea and shoos Lan Wangji back to the bedroom, where he sinks down onto the bed with the baby snoring quietly in his arms and falls asleep himself.
When Wei Ying returns an hour later, he declares that everything must have gone perfectly for both of them to be so at ease.
“I didn’t want to leave you!” he laughs, cuddling a squealing A-Lan to his breast and waving a handful of new toys over her curious little face. “But you were as cool as a cucumber, Lan Zhan! Why can’t I be like you?”
“It was not so smooth as I hoped it would be,” Lan Wangji confesses. “But everything was all right in the end, xingan. My shufu is a very good teacher.”
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 years
Rules - Tag 10 people you wanna get to know better!
Thanks for the tag @kuebiko-kei! 😊❤
favourite time of year; Autumn - love the colors the coolness afterwards of dreaded overly hot summer long sweaters farmer's market pumpkin apple picking along with any other activities you can think of Autumn is the prefect season for it (not to mention spooky season 👻) 🍂🍁🧡 though the down side of fall for me i can't enter a store without feeling like I'm gonna pass out due to those overly-wheleming smells just ugh no 😣
comfort food; both either Italian or Japanese is favorite depending on the mood though occasional eating of classic American things comes around too
do you collect anything; 😅 mostly Manga(s) books DVDs a lot of unused art supplies 😅 DVD are most important seeing on how I'm trying to get more into DC series and movies I'd start on the comics but im content with the app for now
favourite drink; Tea mostly hot regular tea I have tried some of the flavors and too much for my taste buds 😝
favourite song / artist; - Oh I have so many so not gonna list but my favorite genre is mainly alternative rock classic rock classical and a bit modern don't ask me about anyone new from this century cause I won't be able to know who they are 😅
current favourite songs - well since I got into the Umbrella Academy stupid Footloose song is still ringing in my head
favourite fics; so many but recent ones -
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40554099- Batman and Catwoman find a tiny child trying to steal the Batmobile tires. The resulting custody battle involves breaking into each other's houses and stealing said child in the middle of the night. It works until it doesn't.Or: Batman and Catwoman's marriage of convenience for co-parenting purposes. (Even if you're not a major CatBat fan this is actually very cute)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32907448/chapters/81667327 -Dick Grayson has stepped down from Batman and become Nightwing again. But when Red Hood is attacked by a villain identified as Renegade, how will the Batfamily react? And what is Deathstroke up to this time? A Pre-New52 Story-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35671243/chapters/88939798-When the Court of Owls kidnaps Dick and very nearly succeeds in turning him into their Talon, Jason doesn’t just want justice or revenge. He was going to track them down one by one and show them exactly what happens when you try to mess with his family.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40796481 -Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece.
A personal favorite it gets a bit heavy with the violence but so good a lot of Batbros togetherness ⬇️
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37196782/chapters/92801314- Almost a year after Hood attacked Robin at Titans Tower and four months since he agreed to stop killing, Jason struggles to cope with the horrific violence he inflicted on Tim now that he has the Pit under control. Well. Mostly under control.
Gonna tag @dayenurose @you-dont-want-to-be-alone @weirdgirl92 @party-with-books @xfangheartx @nerd-nowandforever @hahaalaine @asongofstarkandtargaryen @iconuk01 @sk8trniel @trippinphilosophically (yep disobeying rules with number of blogs to tag) free to participate or ingore 😁
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Writer’s Spotlight | Angrythingstarlight
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Happy Writer’s Wednesday!  I am here to spotlight another amazing fandom fanfic writer!  This week is my friend @angrythingstarlight​  Super talented and amazing. Let’s go!
The Basics
Any other names you want people to call you?
Starlight (its better than the random name I let tumblr pick for me)
How long have you been writing fic?
About 8 months now, I wrote a lot of poetry before this.
What fandoms and/ships do you write?
RPF (Henry Cavill and Chris Evans), MCU (Steve, Bucky and Stucky only), Andy Barber, Sherlock, Clark Kent and August Walker
How did you get started writing fic?
I joined Tumbler in April 2020 to read more fics, I stumbled across this site by accident. I only planned on reading/lurking but I had an idea for a story that was purely self indulgent,  I took the leap and wrote it. One story turned into two and snowballed from there.
Story Recommendations
Which of your stories are your favorite?
Ride me Sweetheart, Get Comfy, Nimble Fingers, You're My Heaven, Love Down Soft and Sweet, Pull It Harder and Golden Boy
Which story are you most proud of?
Golden Boy Its a dark Steve story that took on a life of its own.
Which of your stories do you think is the most underrated?
I'm honestly surprised anyone reads my stuff so I don't think anything is underrated.
Someone is new to reading your stories, which story/stories should they read first? 
I would start with my newer fics and go from there. My Jan mini list has stories that I enjoy and my newer Bucky stories are some of my favorites. 
Which Story did you do the most research for?
Light of My Life which is a dark Bucky story based on The Shining.
Which Story was the easiest to write? 
Get Comfy and Nimble Fingers equally. I wrote those so fast, everything flowed out perfectly.
The Writing Process
What is your favorite part of writing?
When an idea comes to me and I can simply write, I try to plan stuff but I write better when inspired.
What is your least favorite part?
Editing and discovering multiple errors after people have already read the story.
Describe your style in 1 to 2 sentences.
Its chaotic. I don't think I can say I have a specific style.
Who are some of your writing idols and/or influences?
@sapphirescrolls​, @jtargaryen18​, @littlefreya​, @imanuglywombat​
What programs do you use to write and/or edit?
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Do you write RPF or not?
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Bucky Barnes because there are so many paths you can take his character. He has so many layers and he can be the Winter Soldier, Beefy!Bucky etc. I love the character, I love what I can do with him. Most of fics centered around him are self indulgent.  A close second is Andy Barber because he is my dream husband.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
I have been told that my dialogue is good. I like creating tension and being descriptive, I hope that with my more serious fics that people are able to see what I'm describing.
What do you struggle with?
Dirty talk and ending a story.
Favorite Trope?
There was only one bed combined with huddling for warmth.
Favorite word to use?
Salacious ( I dont use it enough)
What is the best piece of writing advice you have heard?
I was told the following: write for yourself and not everything you're going to write is going to be good. And that's okay because either you like what you did and/or you learn how to improve.
What would you say to a new fanfic writer starting out?
Don't let the number of notes influence your work, write for yourself.  Have fun and the second this becomes a chore, or you feel like you have to write, take a break . Rediscover your love of fanfiction by reading, re watch that movie or show. Don't feel like you have to put something out for the sake of it. 
 Reach out to other writers, we all love talking to each other and will gladly welcome you to the fandom.  
What is a random bit of research you have not managed to work into a fic yet?
The most popular ice cream flavors in the 1940s.
What is your favorite random detail from one of your stories?
Bucky loves to collect things and will take you for a ride anywhere you want to go.
Any goals or WIPs you want to share?
I have a mafia series that I hope to have started by the time this is published. I will be putting out a Feb Mini Masterlist with new writing goals. So far, I managed to meet a lot of my Jan. ones.
This or That
Fluff or Angst
Neither Smut or Fluff
Reader Insert or OC
One Shot or Series
Canon Divergent or AU
Pepsi or Coke (Cherry Pepsi)
Coffee or Tea
Sweet AND Savory
Anything else you want to say or share?
Thank you to everyone who has read my stories. That means more to me than you know. Thank you to everyone who has followed me and I'm sorry for the mass posts that bombard you everyday. This community has gotten me through some rough times and I appreciate every single one of you.
Until next time, toodles!
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