#if anyone knows what these kinds of poems are called please tell me
malachite-iiarie · 2 years
For she lived between the lines in books
Sleeping under letters like stars, dreaming adventure
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dwindlinghaze · 11 months
Hello, how are you?
I would like to make a request where one day there is a list of the most uninteresting girls/girls that boys would never ask for a date and the reader's name is one of the first most voted just because she is shy and introverted. Remus has a crush on her and even the reader disguising it he can see that she is sad and pulling away from her friends (it's ok if you don't want to write my request, I understand <3)
hi angel, im doing good! tysm for requesting!! here is it, hope you enjoy 🤍🌸🫧💕
when raindrops fell
contents : angst, insecurity, lovely remus, we don't support people who tear women down for no reason!!
warnings : okay so just a heads up, the upper part of the fic is just me ranting about how much i hate the patriarchy and how harmful this kind of behaviour is especially towards young girls,,,, but i hope you like it!!! <333333
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
murmurs about a list of girls that are unlovable has been spreading around. you couldn't help but worry deep down.
you hated that idea. whoever created that has a special place on hell rsvp-ed for them. it was crucial.
you are shy and introverted but that doesn't mean you have zero thoughts on this. your stomach twisted because this whole thing is coming from such a misogynistic place.
and the fact that it said 'girls that boys would never ask' grew some resentment you never knew was there. living in such a patriarchal world is hard for a woman, especially young girls. they would grow up thinking it's their fault that people dislike them, but in reality it's the injustice social system that is harmful for both men and women. (and in between!)
"y/n did you hear? your name is one of the top on the lists!" a guy snorted.
you waved him off, thinking that he is just playing with you. well- that was until you saw the list. you were there.
you couldn't help but feel insecure. you sort of knew that nobody really glanced over their shoulders just to see you but by creating this, you were sure of it now.
you were embarrassed. you wouldn't dare getting out of your room. even your friends noticed the change in you. you weren't your usual confident and self-loving self anymore. if anything, you think it actually took a toll on you.
remus saw the way your eyes don't lit up anymore, the way you look sadder every passing day. he's feeling so melancholic by the way your usual self that he has grown fond of is fading away.
it hurts him actually. how can someone be so evil? how can anyone voted for you? it is a privilege to get to know you. they're missing out.
how can anyone see you that way. you are the prettiest person in the world! it's unfair how terribly kind people are treated by society.
"y/n?" remus called out to the dark.
"what," you croaked, voice hoarse. you haven't been speaking for a while.
"just wanna check if you're okay," he smiled.
"i'm fine," you said, though your expression tells otherwise.
"you wanna talk about it?" he asked.
you shook your head.
"hey, listen. you're pretty. the prettiest actually. don't mind about that stupid list. whoever created that- they think they rule the school, but they don't. so don't let them get to you yeah? you're prefect just how you are. please don't change a thing. don't satisfy them. they're doing this because they have no job," he grinned. "look at you! minding your own business, that's why you're the best person in school- in the world!"
"but that's not enough," you sniffed.
"what's not enough? you're more than enough," he assured you. then he realised, the latter part. "say, do you want to go to hogsmeade with me? next weekend."
"don't pity me like that," you said, shaking your head at him.
it breaks his heart how you thought someone would ask you out for a date just because of pity. it's the opposite actually. it came from true feelings and generosity.
"i'm not pitying you, i do like you since- forever," he said. "i write poems about you, about your face, your personality, your heart, yourself. you're dreamy."
"guess.... i'll go on a date with you."
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melloncolliegalaxies · 4 months
big little things
1. "how are you feeling?"
2. the sky—night or day. blue skies, gray skies,  sunsets, sunrise. stars. cotton candy clouds. the moon. 
3. "i miss you."
4. petting a cat, feeling the vibrations as they pur. listen to it, they're saying "i feel safe here. with you."
5. someone creating something for you—a drawing, a piece of music, a poem, a sweater. a meal. anything. 
6. that one song you listen to (over and over again) when you just need to feel understood. 
7. "you make me happy."
8. having dinner with people who can make a bad day feel even slightly better. 
9. when someone remembers you—your birthday, your fears, your heartaches. your favorite things. your dreams. 
10. "i appreciate you."
11. listening to the rain in a cozy spot—snuggled in a comfy bed, or on a couch, or in someone's arms. 
12. watching someone's face light up when you lock eyes. 
13. feeling someone you love kiss your forehead when they think you're sleeping.
14. watching someone you love sleep, taking in their peaceful expression until you fall asleep too. 
15. belly-laughing with loved ones.
16. inside jokes.
17. flowers on your birthday. flowers any day. flowers, flowers, flowers.
18. Christmas lights. 
19. feeling comfortable enough with someone to let them touch you, hug you, high-five you, hold your hand, trace your face and body with their fingers, kiss you. 
20. giving someone a gift they really wanted. observing and absorbing their glee. 
21. someone doing something kind for you without you having to ask. 
22. someone taking the time to (respectfully) teach you something new. 
23. pleasant aromas—vanilla, the perfume or cologne or deodorant your lover wears, whatever's cooking in the kitchen, and that very specific scent wafting in the air, you know, the one that reminds you of a happier time. 
24. doing something, anything during a very bad depressive episode. you brushed your teeth? fed yourself? showered? did laundry? fantastic. 
25. "i can't wait to see you."
26. being preserved in someone's spaces—your pictures are on their desk, their walls, their lockscreen, in a pendent, in photo albums. 
27. feeling comfortable enough to undress in front of someone, to present your natural self to them—no clothes, no makeup, messy hair. 
28. "i'm here for you" and they actually are. they're at your doorstep. they're texting you through it. they call, they listen.  
29. the scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when Clementine and Joel's first memory together collapses. "Meet me in Montauk…"
30. someone asking you to listen to their favorite song. please listen to it—all of it.
31. "you make me so proud."
32. Ellie and Carl's "married-life" montage in Up
33. jinx. saying something at the same time as someone else and then grinning at each other.
34. when someone watches or reads the things you recommend. bonus points if they wind up loving it. 
35. when Joel tells Ellie "i struggled for a long time with surviving. and, no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for," in The Last of Us
36. "i was just thinking about you."
37. that thing you accomplished that no one knows about. 
38. someone supporting your work—buying your painting, sharing your novel with their friends, watching your streams.
39. the cutscene in The Last of Us Part 2 where Ellie expresses her frustration toward Joel for saving her life over sacrificing her for the cure, and he firmly tells her, "i would do it all over again."
40. "you make my life better." i met you and my smile is so big it hurts my cheeks. the sun seems brighter, this chocolate chip cookie tastes sweeter. i'm looking forward to tomorrow because you'll be there. your birthday is one of the best days of my life. oh my God, oh my God, this is terrifying—oh wait, there you are. it's not so bad anymore, actually. thank you for being here—for choosing to be here—with little old me in this brief moment in time when you could share it with anyone, anywhere in this very beautiful, very daunting, very big world. 
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alice-ness · 16 days
*holding my hands out aggressively*
Please I am so content starved it is not even funny, I want the hight school headcanons PLEASE
I love all of them but it I had to chose for only a few I would say gimme Chip and Leaf please
Also I like that one fic u have with Logainne, and Chip, and Leaf, it's really awesome, I'm that one person who commented begging you to please continue the fic and not drop it
K that's it, hope u have a good day byeeeeee
hi!!! tysm for asking here's highschool headcanons for chip and leaf! ((and sorry it took a while) 🙏🙏 ALSO im so glad u like the fic i will try to finish it but it might be a little while #busybee
in this au they all are in similar grades bc i thought abt trying to make it work in canon but it just doesn't rip
chip tolentino
- goes to highschool with marcy, leaf, and marigold
- yes he is incredibly tortured by seeing her all the time lol
- in his freshman year he had a random slump and kind of just did nothing and sulked around all the time (post child boy scout burnout/gifted kid burnout)
- like his grades were... whatever but he didn't talk to anyone and didn't do any extra curriculars
- his parents got tired of him being so suddenly lethargic-teenager so they made him join track
- he's actually really good at it, and eventually (not freshman year but eventually) he's semipopular in an awkward way where people know him but he doesn't TALK to all those people
- does really embarrassing dares with his track teammates. He's not necessarily pressured so much as he gets really into it in the moment LOL
- i put this in the fic but he ran into leaf at a club fair and they hang out now lol
- and leaf hangs out with logainne so he started hanging out with logainne
- and he has some classes with marcy and they were both in a school-rut so they bonded
- wasn't for a while that leaf naturally got the whole spelling bee group hanging out together but that was incredibly weird for chip ... bc... it's kind of weird in general
- especially hanging with barfee but they make up and they're homies (who play argue and play brawl)
- had to do a creative writing unit and discovered he's really good at that too but he's kinda embarrassed about it
- he likes like typical story writing and also nostalgic poems but he's even more embarrassed about that
- he and olive once made eye contact at a creative writing contest he went to without telling anyone and now she wards his secret
- one summer marcy got really into skateboarding and chip tried it out too to be supportive but he ate shit every. Single. time.
- chip learned to drive his junior year and really wanted a sports car but he got a shitty hand me down dad car
- one time marcy called him like "hey can you pick me up" nd he was like "from where" and she's like. "from san francisco?'
- bro how did u even get there
- he does it anyway tho
- they're like besties and they go on a lot of late night snack missions
- if they watch scary movies he will be screaming and crying and she'll be like "oh my god pay attention"
- has a crush on like every single girl he talks to
- sometimes they overlap with logainne's crushes and it's very awkward, especially bc he listens to her disaster lesbian rants at every sleepover
- he grows a really shitty puberty stache he's very proud of and EVERYONE (minus leaf who is unconditionally supportive) BEGS him to shave it
- his dad sits him down like Son. What are you doing.
- ramen and hotpockets diet (if he wanted to cook he'd be good at it tho)
- also this is just me projecting but he's filipino cuz i say so (and my word is law bc it's AAPI month /j)
- 5'5 forever... he constantly prays it'll change
- is really good at dioramas
- goes to school dances to complain in the corner the whole time about the music and the food
- could be misconstrued as mysterious but he's just awkward
- most indecisive person of all time and makes it everyone else's problem
leaf coneybear
- not ALL of his siblings made the switch to public school for high school but some did, including marigold (and pinecone who is older than them)
- it was a hard switch but it doesn't take long to find his crowd bc he's a naturally charismatic person
- his crowd is theater kids. he really loves improv and straight plays, he loves musicals too but he doesn't have great rhythm LOL
- he also LOVES helping make costumes, and in junior/senior year he's on the board
- still likes to make some of his own clothes
- was always tall for his age but had a growth spurt before freshman year and he's like. 6'1 LOL he's a stringbean
- sneaks both his cats and logainne into his school
- yes admin is tired but damn are his cats cute
- logainne is his best friend for literal life they are inseparable and will find any reason to hang out
- kind of an energy drink addict (they're not allowed in his house but he WILL drink too many anywhere else if u don't watch out and then crash and feel sick)
- (sidenote he HAS calmed down some but he can still be distractable and is still rlly high energy. Some days he takes to just completely slow down and veg out tho which is nice) (like pretty much he just won't stomp around and roar or whatever in the middle of sentences like in im not that smart 😭)
- on the complete opposite end of that he's also an organic fruit smoothie addict
- he also loves to bake and he's REALLY good at it but his younger siblings aren't allowed sugar so he will spontaneously get a bunch of ingredients and then show up at his friends' houses late at night to borrow their kitchen
- he tries to "spread the love" by doing this equally at all his friends places
- olive is his #1 baking buddy tho!
- also speaking of siblings he's the best older brother ever and he doesnt really like to be home but he'll spend time with his siblings
- .... his parents just keep havin babies
- anyway he's not as good at cooking bc it bores him so he'll get distracted and let things burn whoops
- tons of sleepovers at logainnes he's like a son to her dads
- gets a giant van to drive all his friends around in, it's decked out
- fixes holes in his friends clothes
- they all have a million friendship bracelets bc he just gets sappy and makes more or forgets he made one
- keeps everything ever given to him
- loves interactive science museums where u get to touch stuff more than ANYYYYTHIIIING. He will get lost in the dino bones
- and loves nature and hikes but mainly to look at bugs
- is the king of poster projects in class
- wasn't allowed to watch horror movies as a kid so logainne showed him some classic his freshman year and he literally couldn't sleep for a week but now he likes them, just mostly the campy stuff
- so stuff like little shop, rocky horror, r his the musicals bc it's cheesy campy horror AND theater!
- also first got social media like freshman/sophomore year and he just posts poorly taken pictures and occasionally answers his friends dms
- junior year on, a good amount of his theater peers develop like silly little crushes on him but he's completely oblivious and chip is just so jealous bc he gets no bitches
- he's the glue of the 25th annual kids bc he sort of just naturally started hanging out w them individually again and was like Oh shit why don't we all just hang out
- he is the only person marcy will cuddle
- (on that note he's the group teddy bear)
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Prompt: “You wrote this for me?”
Song: Saturn - Sleeping at Last
For Tolya x Reader please!!
Amateur Poetry - Tolya Yul Bataar
Fluff? Oh I can do fluff, it's not my usual wheelhouse but anything for you babe.
This one is shorter than the usual because fluffy.
Content Warnings: No Proof/Beta Reading. Bad poetry. Stealing some of Kaz Brekkers rizz for this one ngl.
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You hadn't meant for him to find it. In fact you had never meant for anyone to find it. It was something you hadn't thought about too much, and you had almost forgotten about it.
You can trace back to the absentminded thought that brought you to this moment.
You had been sat on the deck of the Volkvolny, awaiting the crew to return from collecting the supplies from the dock. Tolya returned earlier than the rest of the crew and as he pulled himself upon some rigging by one of his strong arms, and balanced their, a good distance over the deck, a bunch of folded papers in hand.
"Found something?" You had called up. Tolya had turned his gaze down to you, eyes looking even more golden in the light of the late sun.
"Not exactly," Tolya had replied. "But enough that Tamar sent me back."
"She tire of it that quickly?" You asked.
His laughter carried on the sea wind and you felt immediately more at ease for him being here. "I think she tires of it always," he said.
"Do you think you'll ever have enough poetry Tolya?" You had asked, and his eyes had shone back at you all joyful.
"I doubt I could ever have enough, there's as much faith, and love, devotion and belief in poetry as there is across all the lands I have seen and those I have not, I do not doubt that."
"What about bad poetry?" You had asked.
"There is no bad poems, just untruthful ones."
Tolya is stood in the sleeping quarters, with a familiar piece of folded paper in hand. The narrowness of space and the low ceiling makes the hulking expanse of his shoulders, the towering height of his stature, even larger.
"I was not," you sigh, "it's not very good."
You wanted to ask how he found it, or why he found it, you wanted to claim that you had never intended for him to find it, to read it, to know it existed at all. But a bigger part of you, even if it is quieter, knows you wouldn't have put his name on the paper if you hadn't meant him to have it eventually. You wouldn't have left it where it would be found.
"You wrote this?" he asks, looking down to the page and back up again.
"You said with all the time at sea you'd not had time to search out new poetry," you explain, "and I know you love your poetry old and new with equal measure, but I thought maybe I could help you."
“You wrote this for me?” he asks.
"It's not good," you try again, "I know that."
You could not tell him that when you met him you felt like broken glass, like someone had dropped you onto stones and watched you shatter and left the broken pieces to be anyone else's problem. You could not tell him that the years with him had softened you into sea glass, no longer so sharp and harsh on the edges, and maybe not resembling what you once were. Tolya had never made you feel as understood as the day he said sea glass has its part to play, that is shows the beauty in change and resilience.
You could not tell him, all the thoughts you kept to yourself, in the quiet. You could not tell him how you do not believe any of the Saint's had ever understood you in the way he has. That you weren't sure you could believe in something as much as you believed in Tolya. Because these quiet confessions were something you were not willing to tell even yourself.
I knew not of kindness as I knew not of strength,
I knew not of devotion, or courage, in those I had met.
But between you, and I, I had never known of faith before you,
Between you, and I, and the Saints,
Between you, and I and the True Sea,
Nothing but the quiet moments between us,
Have ever felt like home to me.
"No bad poetry only untruthful poetry," you say, so unsure of your words, "isn't that right?"
His arms engulf you in a tight embrace before you even have a chance to process him moving. Tolya is a warrior, with the build and the strength of one. His arms can move his sword with pace and vigour that is required for battle, and his hands know the right ways to move that with his gifts he could stop hearts as quickly as a short movement. Those who see Tolya, are right to assume that he is a threat, he is capable and when needed he is willing to be just as dangerous as his sister. But the kindness, and the gentleness that he holds within his soul is not what anyone would expect from him.
As he holds you tightly to him, your heart cannot decide whether to calm in his soft embrace or speed at the sudden closeness.
"Tolya?" you manage to squeak out.
"Too tight?" he asks, a concern in his tone.
"No," you're quick to reassure him, "the hug is perfect." You try not to recoil at your own words and you continue. "I am just confused."
"Thank you," he whispers. "I don't really know what else to say except that."
"You're welcome," you whisper back, returning the hug and letting your heart settle, soothed by his, "you don't need to say anything."
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bonesfool · 7 months
When I was growing up, Thanksgiving was never a time for family. We never went to relatives houses and we never hosted my grandparents or cousins or aunts and uncles.
My parents were the only married couple with kids in their friend group. A big part of this was that they both worked in theater, and so many of their friends were queer and in the early 2000s it was difficult for queer people to make their own family, and common that they would be shunned from the one they were already a part of.
So my mom always had our doors open on Thanksgiving to what she called “the strays.” There were a couple of pillars at every Thanksgiving, people who would come every year. But they were always encouraged to bring their friends as well, anyone who didn’t have a place to go to spend the Holiday. We had so many characters across the years. One year we had the designer of a Malibu Barbie come and he and I were both delighted to learn that I had that same Barbie, and we played together after dinner. Another time we had a man who had immigrated from Sri Lanka only a couple months before, and was bewildered but excited to be experiencing an American Holiday.
But maybe the most impactful guest we ever had was a man named Timothy. He was a professionally trained French chef, and he made us a beautiful roast duck that I did not eat because I was four and thought turkey was an ok bird to eat but duck was not. Everyone else loved it of course. Timothy was with us that year because most of his family had disowned him after he came out, and the rest did after he learned he was HIV+.
Before and after dinner I asked him if he would play with me, and he was hesitant to say yes. My family knew of his seropositive status, he felt it was important to disclose it to people before they welcomed him into their homes. He knew that many people would be uncomfortable with an HIV+ man playing with their young child, so he asked my mom’s permission.
She of course said yes, there was nothing about playing with dolls that would transmit the disease, and him having it did not make him an immoral person that could not be trusted around children. This was the first time anyone had expressed that sentiment to him in years, and he broke down into tears. He told my mom that he had always been excited to be in the children of his family’s life and it was so hard to be told he couldn’t. And then we played for the whole evening.
That Christmas when we sent out cards, my mom asked me to make one for him, since he’d played with me and kept me occupied so she could cook.
Early the next year, my parents received this poem/letter in the mail. [Transcript in alt text]
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I did not remember much of this story or this day or this man. But my mom told me about him years later, and gave me the poem she had kept for me. Timothy died a couple years ago from complications due to AIDS. I regret that we did not keep in closer contact with him throughout my childhood and I wish I could tell you more about him than this story.
Ever since I learned of his life, and his death, the meaning of Thanksgiving has changed for me. Thanksgiving is not about family, it is about community. It is about providing for those in our vicinity who need it. It’s about mourning those who were not given it. I ask everyone who reads this today to not only grieve our indigenous brothers and sisters, for they certainly deserve the thoughts and attention, but also all of the people left behind by our neoliberal society. Those people abandoned by the nuclear family and the non-existent social safety net. Those who lost their lives as victims to state-sanctioned violence. Please remember your unhoused siblings, your disabled siblings, your undocumented siblings, your refugee siblings. And please open your homes to anyone you know who needs a warm meal in their bellies and a small act of kindness in their hearts.
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ivaspinoza · 23 days
For the ones joining my new writing-only blog, my baby Substack: I will upload one poem every day for the next 15 days, so expect some e-mails in your inbox! :)
If you have been here for a while, you must know I was in desperate need of a writing-only platform — in fact, if you remember, I even tried a side blog, but that didn't work for me (and the novel is cooking atm). So, for the sake of my peace of mind and my writing, I will upload all the poetry in here to this sparkling, brand-new Substack.
After a few days on that platform, though, I can already tell I'm not going to follow what I perceived to be the pattern. Do I feel like a fish out of the water? Yes. Do I plan to change? No. Is it good for ''marketing''? Nope! But I literally can't force myself into a non-authentic space. It gives me anxiety.
I believe in using the platform instead of letting the platform use me. I'm free. That is unnegotiable. So, I will do my best on my own terms, as many things annoy me about the writing culture of these times we live in and I refuse to wear the halter. Oh, I promise I'll never try to coach you, start mothering you, or try to sell you a "how to write poetry in 5 steps" guide. No hooking titles. I won't join the experts-on-shit FOMO cult to prey on other people's triggers or to feel ''good'' about myself at the expense of others. This type of thing actually creeps me out.
But I do promise we can just resonate and inspire each other by being honest and raw, by having a brave heart so we can keep being kind, and by pursuing truth, beauty and art... How about that? We can enjoy the vibe and cultivate this appreciation of words! We can even chat as writer friends, as reader friends or just as friends friends — and encourage each other through real, second-intention-free presence.
If my writing doesn't touch you, it's fine. If yours doesn't touch me, it's fine. It's not personal, it's not a bad thing. We are all finding our voice. The day you think you know everything, you're dead, so we have to keep searching, moving and growing together! How many times have I needed the words from @cssnder @goodluckclove @hersurvival or @remnantofabrokensoul, and so many others around here (iykyk)? And I'm very grateful for every word and idea you all shared here in this amazing space, helping me to keep going, to break from my shell and lay another brick in the foundations of what I want to create.
That is the beauty of it. Creation demands connection. That is respect and human experience. And I repeat it: sometimes what I create won't touch anyone but me.
Oh, but what if it does!
Well, that being said: I actually do have some crazy ideas for the Substack. At first, the focus was on creating some substantial and self-indulgent content about literature (I like to study). Although I still think that's important, exciting and valid, Poetry is making its way through my inked fingers more and more, demanding space, attention, and voice; so I will not neglect this calling.
What about the future? I don’t know. Paid subscriptions for specific academic literature content? Prophetic, devotional newsletters?Generating debates on books for the community? Just poetry that you can read for free and not engage at all because I can be quite antisocial at times? Digging around some old ancient advice on writing? None of the above? Anything is possible, really. For now, I will slow down and avoid contributing to the hamster wheel of modern despair for the speed of light living and likes.
For now, poetry, please.
And tea. Lots of tea, because it's raining.
The grass looks so green!
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
🌈 Queerness in CyberPunk 2077
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I wanted to make this post earlier this month but got caught up in modding shenanigans, as per usual~
BUT! It's still June, still pride, so here it is :>
All of this is my analyses, headcanons, of different characters, some of them not confirmed at all in anyway or form! I'm a queer man myself, but I do not claim to know everything about queerness and being queer, everyone experience the game and interpret the characters differently 🤲 This is only my opinions, based off canon game events, clues, hints, as well as developpers's tweets, streams, files datamining etc etc Please do not see this thread as an attack, or as something invalidating! I'm more than curious to heard what you think about my personal analyses, if you agree, if you don't, and why! If you think other characters also display hints of queerness I'd love to hear it too! 💙
This picture is an update I did in 2022 of lil collage I did back in 2021~
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I posted the first version on Reddit back in 2021 and it created this whole "what do mean JOHNNY is GAY?" (because a rainbow behind a man automatically means he's Gay and nothing else right) and a lot of biphobia over his character in particular (gasp- THE rockerboy?! Biseggsual?? In my viddy game??)
▶ You can look at the thread here and have a lil laugh
SO, NATURALLY, after doing the 2022 collage, I went and uploaded it to reddit once again! Because triggering bigots and seeing them stumble over their own tongues trying to debunk everything is really funny ✨
However, I instantly muted the thread and let it rot in its own sauce for some days, weeks, only coming back to it later and Oh Boy 👀
I did a thread on Twitter last year exploring everything that was said on the thread and explaining why I put certain characters on it
Thought it'd be cool and fun to re-explore that and share my thoughts with y'all here SO LETS GET BACK TO IT 😌🤙
I'll mainly paste screenshots of what I already said on my twitter thread, but I might add some things there and there!
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Damn I was kinda pissed off back then HGHFHGF but yeah, this is also the reason I won't ever make any straight or super straight flags I do not headcanon Delamain as Asexual, as there isn't any confirmation anywhere that he's interest in that kind of interaction or not, but I'll come back to him later!
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Goro being canonly Queer is often missed, and this surprises me, considering he's one of the popular character! He is interested (or not) equally in both Fem and Masc V, giving he's replying to them the exact same ways! This isn't something done randomly by the devs :)
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As said in the tweet, there isn't any direct and clear evidence of Mitch and Scorpion being a couple! Their relationship is heavily queer coded and queer people are more easily picking up on it than non-queer peoeple (and that's normal) Gay men have called their male partner Friend, Best friend and Brother through history maaaany many time, and that's part of my interpretation of their relationship too, especially giving they're both veterans who fought in the same war. The poem Mitch wrotes during "I'll Fly Away" (heavily implied) is romantic and gay coded, the gay novel in Mitch's tent (confirmed to be on purpose) is what we call environnemental story telling, it's subtle but adds to a character's backstory and lore! As for the datamining, I found a Mitch awkwardly explaining to V that no, Saul doesn't have any say in whatever he's doing with Scorpion stuff "because.... because... eh, that's just family stuff"
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Note on Delamain here because I've heard it even caused some drama here on Tumblr that I said that? He uses He/Him to describe himself, the Main Entity, but multiples of his splites entities uses She/Her, meaning he's literally Non-Binary in how his entity is formed (I find it really cool for an AI ngl ngl) However if my headcanon offended anyone, I apologize! and I'd love to hear others interpretation :3
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There isn't any open and visible MLM gay couple in Cyberpunk 2077! Bouncing off ElvenBeard's amazing analyses and thoughts on Kerry's sexuality, he can be seen as Bisexual (confirmed by RTAL themselves) and Homosexual (confirmed by the devs before and after the game released) he can be Both and Both are correct depending on how you view his character and how he grew from his past relationship (Bisexual with a masc preference, Bisexual who have to heal from his marriage, Gay man who realized his sexuality later after a wonky marriage, etc)
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The whole "Responsability=Wife" Takemura take angers me to no end, taking its roots in heteronormativity- We see Goro care for his job above all else, to me that's what his "responsability" is and always was; his job
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Nothing more to add here- Jackie's only relationship we see in game is with Misty, this doesn't confirm nor deny anything! (However with how he react to V pushing him, lip-bitting and all regardless of gender, I can totally see him as being queer)
AND That's about it!
It was interesting to dig into that thread last year and thought I'd share that here, as a refresher that Johnny is Bi, Takemura too, and smaller characters like Mitch and Evelynn still have clear hints of queerness to them ✨
I really like how CP77 touches on queerness, it feels realistic, it doesn't feel forced; which, sadly, create this problem of "UH?? This is pure LIES" if a character's sexuality is not splattered in your face, which then create the "Ugh why does it have to be forced down our throat" complains
Something something, lesson here is that people will always complain about queerness, be it loud, be it subtle, so fuck it! Scream it, go apeshit over small details, over-analyse everything cause chances are: this is intentional!
More Characters
I later noticed that Regina have a naked lady tattooed on her forearm, and since we know nothing is done randomly in CDPR's video games, makes me think that she might be sapphic in some way ✨
Mateo is also one of my fav "potential queer", how he could be a trans man, but there isn't anything really to support that other than that one interaction with V
▶ Link to the updated collage Reddit Thread
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dollarbin · 1 month
Sandy Saturday #15:
The Sea Captain
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Some songs birth worlds. Tangled Up in Blue, Famous Blue Rain Coat, The Diamond Sea, The Bells, Will To Love: sure, they appear on albums alongside other tracks, but really they serve as their very own beginning, middle and end. Unique characters arise alongside the riffs; otherwise untouchable landscapes are established within the beats.
Our attention is altogether seized when a song births a new world. There's no topless bar out there where the staff are currently standing by, ready to bend down and tie the laces of your shoe. But you can go to such a place anyway, right now, by simply dropping the needle on Dylan and letting him unfold such a space for you.
The Sea Captain, a humble, understated and self-penned track from Sandy Denny's second solo record, may seem like an unlikely choice for such distinction. But hear me out.
First, let's let Sandy tell her story:
At first we are in familiar territory for anyone who's ever listened to Liege and Leif (if you are sitting around reading this and you have not listened to Liege and Leif that is really, really weird): Sandy embodies not the titular captain but instead a deserter who takes to the sea to escape their troubles. They may be fleeing war; they may be fleeing their own family or past crimes. We don't know what they're running from, but we're instantly on their side: after all, they sing with Sandy Denny's voice.
But something weird is going on. Simply, put I'm not altogether sure that the deserter, our narrator, is human. They "fly" from the shore; later, when the ship catches fire, they once again "fly" away from it. Is it a bird? A storyteller? A ghost?
Denny switches perspectives in the final, equally elusive, verse to observe, rather than embody, the deserter as he passes by not just the boat, but also the song itself: he's gone and we cannot go with him because we, like the Sea Captain, cannot take to the air and fly.
Or, something? Likely, I've got all of it wrong. But I don't know if Sandy herself knew what she was writing; it's a poem, not a math problem.
Even so, the more I think about Denny's graceful, dense and obscure lyrics the more I remember reading an incredible piece years and years ago about another world building song, Geeshie Wiley's Last Kind Word Blues: the author is some kind of genius, and he goes on and on and on about the song, about Wiley and about the meaning of life. Imagine Greil Marcus, only with an editor and a fact checker: incredible depths.
Meanwhile, The Sea Captain is the perfect compliment to Ian Matthews' Please Be My Friend, which we featured a few days back, in that both songs present the young and aspiring Richard Thompson in the best possible light. I encourage you to listen to the track again; only this time just listen for Richard: he creeps in early, under Sandy's second verse, steps up to offer his solo, then cradles her tenderly for the rest of the track.
Thompson has called his solo on this piece one of the best in his career, and I concur. It's so quiet, so delicate; maybe the deserter dies in the ship's fire within this song, and that's how he is able to pass by the boat and fly his soul onward, leaving everything behind; if so, Thompson's solo is the sound death.
And if that's what death sounds like, wow: we have absolutely nothing to fear.
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H-Hello! If the matchup are still open, can I ask for one..?
• Fandom(s): Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Legend of Zelda
• Name (optional): Yume
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Sexuality: Hetero
• Zodiac/MBTI: Aries/INFJ
• Appearance: dark brown hair that reach mid/lowerback, dark brown eyes, I'm 5'4" I think (165cm), and has a big chest (and I hate it!)
• Personality: I'm a shy and introverted person, that doesn't talk if not asked to, both due to shyness and also because I fear disturbing/saying something wrong. I keep to myself alot, but I like helping others. I can get aggressive if anyone attacks my friends or loved ones, as I'm loyal to a fault, defending my friends and loved ones no matter what. I'm usually very calm and patient, reeeeeally patient. And it means I take alot of time to actually snap and act rude, as I just add more salt to my injuries until I can't take anymore and vomit all on the person who made me snap. I also can be quite the opposite, and be as cold as ice with my words when deeply hurt.  Other says I'm kind and caring, I'm also very anxious person.. (I could write more but I don't want to bother you.....)
• Likes and Dislikes: I like stars, the sea, books (any really), flowers, astrology and astronomy, crystals and gems (or shiny things in general, help....), arts, music (as a really young child I really wanted to be a singer), voice acting/dubbing (this one especially, as I dreamed to be one, before my dreams were crushed by my own father and aunt who believed it's not a worthy work...), daydream, writing, playing videogames, helping others, dragons, listening to others, and, of course, animals (I have a cat, and cats in general tend to like me alot, can't have a dog even if I wanted one due to my father's fear of dogs). Also the colors: green, blue and orange. • I dislike insects (I have a phobia..) not all though as I like butterflies, bee and bumblebees, bullies, loud sounds (especially screams or thunders), being alone, my anxiety, calling with the phone (I get anxious...), betrayals, feeling useless, some vegetables, not being able to talk with my friends, my sensitive self who cries with anything, hurting others.
• Hobbies: singing, analyzing friends to assign them with characters, writing, fandubbing, watching tv, playing videogames, reading, drawing (not good at it sadly.), analyzing characters to understsnd them better.
• Any extra information: When I'm very happy I tend to sing some words while talking, offline I tend to talk rubbish when trying even with friends... while online I can write without problems.
Sorry I bothered you, thank you for this. Sorry for the length of it and mistakes, english is not my first language.
Hi Yume! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. No need to worry about the length; I've had requests that are way longer. And your English is very good! I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Kazuha’s a very quiet person himself so there’s no need to worry about one person dominating the conversation in your relationship. He’ll always listen to you attentively when you talk and will value your opinions.
Enjoys stargazing with you. He’s seen the sky from a lot of different places and he can tell you a lot about the different constellations.
Please sing with him. Kazuha’s got a nice voice and will hum or harmonise with you. Even if he doesn’t know the song, he’ll tap his foot or dance around with you.
You and Kazuha have an ongoing stream of writing bouncing back and forth between the two of you. One of you will write a poem or love letter and the other will respond in kind.
Kazuha enjoys spending quality time with you and he would especially love it if you read to him while the two of you are relaxing. He finds your voice captivating and enjoys listening to stories unfold with you.
Bonus matchup: platonically, you would get along really well with Mona! You share a lot of interests and your personalities would mix well.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Caelus is your video game partner. He enjoys playing games and is pretty good at them. He’s also happy to watch if the game you’re playing is single player. He’ll make suggestions and provide commentary.
Will get rid of bugs for you. He doesn’t hate bugs but he’s also not a huge fan of them so it’s a win-win if he gets rid of them.
Enjoys listening to you talk about your interests. He thinks you’re interesting and will always encourage you to say what’s on your mind. No need to worry about saying something wrong; Caelus is very laid back.
I think Caelus would like to join you in dubbing different videos. He may not be super talkative but he likes doing different voices for different characters. It’s fun goofing off with him.
Thinks it’s really cute how you sing some words when you’re happy. It’s a goal of his to hear that at least every few days and he’ll do what he can to make that happen.
In Legend of Zelda, I match you with...
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Quiet buddies. You and Link probably won’t say a lot when you’re hanging out with friends but you’re more talkative in private. I see Link as someone who only talks around people he’s very comfortable around.
Loves listening to you sing. He won’t join in but will back you up with whatever instrument he has on hand.
Whenever he’s travelling and comes across a book he knows you don’t have, he’ll bring it back for you. He might ask you to read it to him as well. He’s carried that book with him for a while, he’s interested in finding out what it’s about.
No need to worry about loud noises with Link around. He’s avoiding them as much as possible as well. If loud noises are unavoidable, like in a town square, he’ll hold your hand for the mutual support.
Another one who enjoys stargazing with you. He finds it relaxing and a good way to clear his mind. Plus, he gets to spend time with the person he cares about most and you’re both enjoying your time.
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I love your writing. I love how vulnerable you allow the characters to be. I love how you make ugly things beautiful and pretty things holy and reverent. I am extremely thankful for you and all that you do.
But I'm curious:
Are there any writers/works that you would say have had an influence on your style?
crying and crying. honestly yes! ugliness is very beautiful to me it’s very human & vulnerable & good to be ugly & i think life tends to be very imperfect & messy but we can be very beautiful (and yes, holy) inside of it.
hmm so first thing is that i’m mostly a poet & i came to that in my usual way which was deciding one day to teach myself how to Poetry. i figured it could not be very different from math and lo & behold it was not very different from math
i grew up using recitation of poems as a calming technique so those certainly influenced how cadence occurs to me, patterns of language (some poems were as gaeilge). some of the poems i memorised growing up were Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen; Ode to a Nightingale by Keats; a whole bunch of Dickinson & especially Persimmons by Li Young Lee. the waste land by ts eliot too. i did adore shakespeare & how easy it was to commit to memory in iambic pentameter.
but then when i was 16 i decided to ‘git good’ at poetry (i was, in fact, very bad at it for many years to come) so i picked up Ariel by Plath & a load of Anne Sexton. Richard Siken too. and i read those books about 50 times each. could never read them too many times.
realised that poetry should be kind of like eating good food or having good sex. an experience that bears repeating.
so yes Sexton & Siken especially i think are explicitly influential to my style. also recently have learned a lot from Ocean Vuong (Night Sky With Exit Wounds but also please read ‘Not Even This’. listen to Ocean perform it) oh & also very recently impressed with Hull by Xan Phillips, & Danez Smith’s ‘don’t call us dead.’
language was made for puncturing & those poets know how to turn a sentence, a stanza, a turning of thought into a lung collapse, a harpoon.
i do firmly believe that it’s pointless to mimic style. it can happen that other words bleed into yours but it should be an accident, like the mirroring of language that forms the basis of so many interpersonal movements. language IS an exchange but we all bring something to the table.
& again it’s food - personal and cultural and loving and it’s about need and want and desire and death (food & death so tenderly intertwined in so many cultures). so i think reading good writing lends you instinct; the ability to look at what you make and know if it is good or at least true and therefore ‘getting there’ and therefore beautiful in the attempt regardless of imperfection.
i believe in purple prose and also Just Saying Things & i really think (i teach creative writing sometimes at uni) that i can bring out beautiful writing from anyone. it’s not always about skill it’s about heart, and then skill creeps up on you. i can always tell when someone is just performing writing and when someone has a story to tell.
so like!! the #1 thing that has influenced me is learning to love the way that writing makes me feel (powerful, stupid, profound, unoriginal, death-defying, mortal). i think reading so so much & just internalising different language-textures helps a bunch! i get so much inspiration from reading textbooks, wikipedia articles, random journals & i think poetry even if you are not & don’t wanna be a poet is very good at showing you the bones and sinews and connective tissue of meaning.
i am also so influenced by sci-fi & fantasy. particularly the Book of the Ancestor by Mark Lawrence (more gay nuns lmao) & N.K. Jemisin with The Broken Earth trilogy. 'the slow regard of silent things' specifically by Patrick Rothfuss (not a person to learn pacing from but astounding at sentence-level). also i am very influenced recently by This Is How You Lose The Time War. as a kid by Garth Nix (particularly Lirael, Sabriel) & artemis fowl.
of course on that note it’s usually the non-literature things that inspire actual writing from me. it’s principles in physics or math or thinking about Voyager 1 or philosophical questions that actually produce the sort of rabid pursuit of meaning that writing is. truly immersing in curiosity is an excellent way to approach making art. it's about reaching out & touching for a moment the fabric of everything - & you might find it is wet & sticky or dry and dusty or soft or that it hurts your hands to touch, but the chasing of meaning is worth it, & making meaning is divine.
i hope that is (somewhat) of an answer
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi, I want to share a poem of obeying God's commandments. There are some full parts of the Bible. I finished it today (16th May 2023). In the next post, I'll share the Bible verses I used in this poem :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This poem is not to teach that we have to be good people to enter Heaven. I am aware of the fact that it's our faith, obeying God's will and most importantly, His grace that saves us. However, I wrote this poem for I told God to let me know what I should write about and He gave me some parts of 1 Timothy. Then, while praying I also felt the need to talk about faith in the beginning and then talking that He wanted us to be Christ like. My poem is not meant to be used as teaching that our deeds save us.
Walk in righteousness with God
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
Without it, it is impossible to please our Lord, for everyone who tries to find Him
Has to believe that He exists
And rewards those who seek Him
For by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not
Your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast
But we must remember that Jesus said ”If anyone loves me,
He will keep my word, and my Father will love him
And we will come to him and make our home with him”
We shall therefore love our Lord Most High and keep His charts, statutes, ordinences
And not forget about other thing that is also important — His commandments
We should keep on living while loving others just like He taught us
Show people love that is patient, kind, doesn't envy nor boast, isn't proud
This true kind of love that isn't self-seeking, doesn't dishonor others
Keeps absolutely no records of wrongs, is not easily angered
We should be forgiving if we have a grievance again someone,
For Lord forgave us first, we should do the same as we were made in His image
We should look at Jesus as our inspiration, be more Christ-like
For when He was dying on the cross after such brutal things that happened, He told God
”Father, forgive them for they not know what they do”
Can't we really forgive each other and ourselves, not even after we read about what Jesus said about you?
All of us were the reason why went through so much — He wanted to rescue us
If He forgave us such thing, so why can't you forgive your brother a little fight that happened once?
Jesus' heart was not only pure but He was humble as well
He was and still is the Lord of Lords but came to earth in the likeness of men
He did not count equalitt with God a thing to be grasped
But made Himself nothing by taking form of not the King of earth but a servant
We should keep in our hearts the words He said
”If My people who are called by My Name humble themselves,
And pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways
Then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land”
When Almighty sees what people do, how they turned from their evil way,
He relented of the disaster He said He would do to them
Learn to be obedient to the only One Who saves
Do you know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves,
You are the slaves of the one you obey
Either of sin, which leads to death or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
As I am telling you, stop judging others to not be judged
Do not condemn, so you won't be condemned
Walk with God in righteousness every single day,
Bear good fruit keeping with repentance
Do not forget that Holy Spirit is with you and Jesus lives in you
The One Who is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature
The One Who always upholds the whole universe
By using nothing else but the word of His power
After making purification for sins, He sat down at the Right Hand of the Majesty in Heaven
Do not fall for the traps of the devil but trust in the One Who says“I am the first and I am the last;
Besides Me there is no god” and believe in Who He says He is — the Alpha and the Omega
The One who is and Who was and Who is to come
The Only Creator of ours, refuge in the storm, Good Shepherd and the One Who set us from etarnal death, our dear Savior
Do not say that prayer is only for some people for it is for everyone
So that we could live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness — for it pleases our One and Only God
He wants all of the people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth
That the only mediator between Him and us is Jesus Christ
All men should pray everywhere while lifting up holy hands as a sign for the honor and respect
May it be done without any disputing and anger
All women should dress modestly with decency and propriety
Adorning themselves and not with elaborate hairstyles or gold, or pearls or expensive clothes
May they be styled with other expensive gifts, by which I mean good deeds
Be worthy of the respect you gain
Be not malicious talkers but learn to be temperate and trustworthy
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales
Try to be as godly as you can — train yourself
If you are young, instead of worrying about your age and people looking down on you,
Set and example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, purity and faith
Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy
Until He comes, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, preaching and teaching
Exhort an older man as if He were your father
Treat younger women as sisters, younger men as brothers
Treat older women as mothers and remember about the needs of widows
Do not deny your faith by not providing for hour relatives, especially for your household
Do not share in the sins of others but keep yourself pure
Flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith
Take hold of the eternal life to which you were
Called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain
But to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share
Deacons may be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain
They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience
Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate
Self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness
Not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well
And see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect
He must not be a recent convert
He must also have a good reputation with outsiders
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rowan-sins · 1 year
𝑀𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝓊𝓅 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹, 𝒿𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒𝓈
𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 (𝟣) 𝑜𝒻 (𝟣𝟢) 𝓈𝓁𝑜𝓉𝓈 𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒹. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 (𝟫) 𝓁𝑒𝒻𝓉
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𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖕 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 (1) 𝖔𝖋 (2) 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉
𝔗𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡: 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪
I can’t think of a single other person who would be a better match for you than TFA Starscream. Your heart is so full of love and forgiveness (girl I know you; you may be snarky but you’re such a sweetheart too), and he is in DESPERATE need of it. Despite his outward persona of an egotistical maniac, Starscream lives for the praise you give him. The words you write are beautiful, and the words you say about him make his spark flutter, derma quiver, and his optics shine a cherry red.
He’s going to be distrustful of your praise and affection at first, but still be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. How could he not? You’re everything he looks for in a person. Even if some dark part of his process thinks, insists this is conditional, he still comes back to you. He thought humans were disgusting till he met you (he still does, but shhhhhh you don’t need to know), but YOU, Primmus, you make him question everything.
Once you manage to convince him that your affection is unwavering and your loyalty is unconditional, the floodgates for all the affection and love he has for you opens. His main love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation, so expect LOTS of gifts. He’d steal the tiffany diamond for you, if you asked (and even if you didn’t… You’ve had to return it twice now).
Once he gets a feel for what kind of things you like, expect to never want again. He gets his grubby decepticon hands on the PS5 three days before it’s official release. That new Sailor Moon Victoria Secret collab? Yours. Looking for a new laptop because the ram on your current one is too slow? He gets you one of the nicest gaming laptops on the market.
He has a secret love of the ocean, so he loves flying you places to take you swimming. He’ll sneak you onto a private beach in Hawaii and that’s where he’d pop the question. Nobody but you to, the sunset behind your brown hair, skin reflecting the glow of the pinks and oranges across the sky. He kisses you when you say yes, and then complains about how you taste like salt water. (“Who dropped me in the middle of the pacific ocean!” He doesn’t look remorseful at all when he says “oops” and places his lips against yours again. You’ll have to fix that later.)
He calls you his fireball, or his little spitfire, and you probably hate it but the way he holds you in his hand as he brings you closer to your face warms your heart. Only a little. Not enough to kick his thumb as hard as you can before you kiss him. You both have your insecurities about things, and he won’t hesitate to try to soothe yours as soon as they rear their ugly head. (“You have more worth than Atlas could carry on his shoulders,” he says to you once, late at night under the stars. His whispers blows the sand out of your hair. “Where did you read that,” you giggle at him. “The poem writes itself when I look in your eyes.” You pause for a moment. “What did you do this time?” He pushes himself up and rolls over on top of you. “I did technically break the security system to get you onto this beach. We have about 15 minutes before they find us.” “… Damn it screams.”)
He’s a lot better at showing it than saying it, often times stumbling over his words when complimenting you. HOWEVER, he’s the president of your fan club and head of your defense squad. If anyone gives you shit or leers at you funny for how you dress he’s the first to tell them to gouge their eyes out. He’s incredibly protective of you, not because he doesn’t trust you (he trust you… a lot. More than he cares to admit to even himself), but because he doesn’t trust anyone else. He does like it when you show off the goods though. Please dress up for him around the house, he’ll lose his mind if he sees you in that skintight backless dress. I didn’t tell you this but he’s a sucker for bunny suits and virgin killer sweaters.
He really holds you in the highest regards. He hopes to rule Cybertron one day, with you by his side. He can’t think of a better queen. Your determination and wit are something he admires and adores, and the way you seem to care, so strongly and deeply, like it’s ingrained in you, makes him confident in your ability to rule beside him. He’s put all his chips in on you, so make it worth it for him. Please.
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𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖕 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 (2) 𝖔𝖋 (2) 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉
𝔗𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔢: ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱
Your meeting is like an explosion. He’s never been too fond of the native inhabitants of this planet. But he’s also not too fond of a lot of things so you never take it to heart, even if your snarky comebacks say otherwise.
He’ll be the first to admit he didn’t like you at first. He’ll be the first to admit you didn’t make the greatest impression on him, craning you neck to look at him with those wide green eyes and then asking him if he was red or orange. “Tch, I don’t see how that matters human,” he had said, turning back to his work.
He doesn’t really see what you contribute to team prime until he sees all the little things you do with his own eyes. And as he observes you, he understands that you’ve woven yourself as an integral part of the team. The first time he sees it he’s almost shocked. The way you expertly herd Miko away from the ground bridge so she can’t sneak through with bulkhead. She was so busy talking about a new band with you she didn’t even realize that they left on the mission without her. He makes a point to thank you once she unglues herself from you.
After that he starts to notice all the things you do right, instead of all the things you say wrong. The way you make sure Raf actually eats something besides Capri-suns and twinkies, and how you make sure Jack takes a break from the X-box so his homework gets done. All the times you’ve snapped at him, “is you vox filter broken Ratchet?” have become a candle to the flame of the help you’ve done for the team.
He’s surprised to see this mom-friend attitude directed towards him for the first time. “When’s the last time you’ve recharged, Ratchet.” “Us Cybertronians don’t need to-“ “Stop deflecting you know you should have gone to bed cycles ago, haven’t you?” “Just because I don’t say anything you nag the other humans doesn’t mean-“ “Asking you to take care of yourself isn’t nagging.” Is it nagging? He asks himself. It certainly felt like nagging, even if it was coming from the heart and she had a point. He should have gone to bed cycles ago, if the warnings popping up on his HUD were anything to go by.
It’s this small victory that kickstarts your enemies to friends to lovers arc. He slowly starts relying on you as he notices that you can be relied on, that you want him to rely on you. That when you ask him about his day, its because you want to know about his day, and it’s not some attempt at human small talk. He opens up to you, slowly but surely, as he realizes that there’s a depth to you that he’s failed to see until now. It’s like somewhere deep in your human body there’s a spark, whirling in circles with an EMF that pulls him in the farther he pushes away.
Miko catches on first to his feelings. She finds out before he does. “You like her don’t you, Ratchet.” “Like her? She’s my team-mate!” “You like-like her, we can all see it.” “Get off of my desk, you tiny bolt-head.” “Doesn’t change the fact that she likes you back. Just go for it!”
So, he lets his spark drift closer to yours. He lets you help with projects, and he lets you sit on his shoulder to see the screen better. Sometimes, you need to tell him to step away from a project, and he takes you on drives and lets you read your writing to him. He treasures it deeply. If he can build up the courage, he’ll ask you to write poems for him, and when you read them to him he melts into a puddle. You can hear his engine purring and the static in his voice as he stutters out a “thank you.” He’ll forget to turn the AC on in his vehicle mode so you slip off your sweatshirt and he can see you in the crop top you wore underneath. He won’t tell anyone, especially you, but he loves the more revealing outfits you wear. You show him photos from when you went swimming with a few friends and he loses his mind.
(Take him swimming with you, he’ll find you a lake in the middle of nowhere and make a day of it. It’s not a date, he tells himself as he pulls out a picnic basket. It’s not a date he tells himself as you rest your hands on his. It’s not a date he says as he constantly glances at your lips. It’s not a date he says while he thinks about how soft they are. It’s not a date he says when you ask to touch his face. It’s not a date when you press your lips against his derma and he finds everything he didn’t know he was missing in that moment.)
You become significantly closer to him after that 8 hour disappearance, laughing while toweling yourself dry walking through the ground bridge. He’s quick to try to keep you safe from harm, he’d become the wall between you and the decepticons if he had to. He hopes he doesn’t, he’d much rather spend the rest of your life with him than spend his to protect yours, but he’d claw his spark out of his chassis for you.
The first time he comes to your house, a small cottage in the middle of nowhere, no-one for miles in the desert, he can’t help but hold you close in your backyard, sharing constellations and stories and kisses between giggles. This is a well-deserved break for the medic. You’ve become his resting place, his home, his hearth, his heart. And he tells you this. He tells you he loves you. (“Love is ridiculous,” you remember him telling you one day at the base, “love is something I’ve never found or wanted the time for.” He remembers your somber smile at his ‘bah-humbug’ attitude. “You’re lucky I think you being grumpy is cute.”)
You cry when he chooses to stay on earth instead of go back to cybertron. You cry when he chooses you over his home, the very thing he spent half his life fighting to protect. And you cry when he asks you to stay with him for all of it. He feels a sense of duty to protect the earth. He feels a sense of duty to protect you. He’ll be the wall between you and all your troubles, if you can be the wall he can lean on when he’s tired.
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lostonehero · 11 months
More crossroads Henry
Awkward teenagers Charlie and Micheal about about 2 months apart and are currently 13 in these awkward puberty times in the 80s
Also Jeremy is from Germany and is Jewish
Also peroid type homophobia along with the aids crisis because you know it's 83
No smut in this one
Micheal covered his face as he woke up. Why did his friend make him feel like that? Jeremy just transferred to their high school, and they became fast friends, but...
Micheal throws the blankets off of him and heads straight to the bathroom. He cleans himself the best he could without a shower. He wasn't a queer. He couldn't be... right? He shook his head and put on fresh clothes, and headed to Charlie's room. He poked at her sleeping form till she woke up.
Charlie groans, covering her head with her pillow. "We're off from school."
"Charlie?" Micheal whispers mismatched eyes stared at his friend practically sibling.
"Micheal, it's too early." She huffs and throws the pillow at him. "Why are you waking me up?"
Micheal grabs the pillow, and he crosses his arms. He sounds nervous. "If I was queer..."
Charlie sits up and yawns. "If you were queer what? Micheal, I am not answering hypothetical at...." She stares at her alarm clock. "6 in the morning."
Micheal rubs his arm. "I uh..." He covers his face. "Don't tell my father or your dad."
"What Micheal?" Charlie huffs already getting out of bed.
"I think I like Jeremy." Micheal mumbles and Charlie barely caught it.
Charlie rolls her eyes. "Of course you do you're friends why wouldn't you like him?"
Micheal huffs. "Charlie, I think I like him like how my father likes your dad." He throws his hands up. "God fucking damnit I'm a fucking queer."
Charlie blinks. "But are dads are too?"
"Your dad isn't human. That doesn't count." Micheal sighs, sitting on the floor. "You can't tell them, you can't tell anyone, please."
Charlie frowns now fully awake. "Alright, relax." She helps Micheal to his feet. "I won't tell them, but you have to tell me what Pa has been teaching you because my dad has no idea you're talking to him."
Micheal nods. "I mean, he's just teaching weird poems. He also keeps talking weird."
Charlie pauses, dragging Micheal back to his room. "Like what kind of weird?"
"Like weird weird." Micheal shrugs, pulling out that old tattered notebook. "He keeps talking about puberty, and how my humanity will cese. It's really weird."
Charlie frowns. "Did he talk about me?"
"He kept saying I should be your keeper for the future. I don't know what that means." Micheal huffs flipping through his book. He stops at a certain page. "See, he said I need to perform this one because you'll be strong like your dad. I think he might want us to be a team or something."
Charlie tilts her head. "A team for what?"
Micheal shrugs. "Dunno..."
Charlie hums, flipping through the book, and pulls her hand away, dripping blood on the pages. "Ow papercut."
Micheal snickers. "The book likes to bite." He frowns and takes the book back, closing it, and puts it on his bed. "Sorry for waking you up. I just.... I'm scared, Charlie."
Charlie frowns. "It's ok. I don't care that you like other guys Micheal, but I know the world doesn't work like that. Wait, does this mean you want to wear dresses?"
"Ew no." Micheal makes a gross face. "I don't know. I still want to be me. Also, dresses are gross."
Charlie nods. "Agreed. I don't understand why I have to wear them. They suck and I'm not allowed to work on machines when I wear them." She pauses. "Ok, question. Why, Jeremy? I get that you two are friends, but like I don't get it."
Micheal shrugs. "He's nice, and I think he's cute. I shouldn't call other guys cute." He sighs. "I don't want anyone else to know."
"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret, but you have to let me talk to Pa with you. I wanna do what you're doing because dad doesn't approve." Charlie giggles. "Teenage rebellion."
Micheal snickers. "Yeah, teenage rebellion."
William sighs. "Should we get them?"
Henry shakes his head. "They are allowed to sleep in when they don't have school."
"They aren't asleep." William looks over to Henry. "Micheal and Charlie are in Micheal's room."
"And how would you know that?" Henry raises a brow.
William puts his finger to his lip, and the faint noise of laughter can be heard. "Is that proof enough?"
Henry huffs. "Don't be so smug, William." He heads down the hall and knocks before opening the door.
Micheal had a map open of the local area, and Charlie was pointing out good bike trails. "Hi, dad, Micheal woke me up, so we're planning a bike route today."
"No, you're planning the route and dragging me along." Micheal huffs.
"We're going to see if the new kid wants to join us." Charlie smiles.
"Oh Jeremy, William was telling me you two were friends, Micheal." Henry smiles, leaning on the door.
"He doesn't make fun of my eye." Micheal shrugs.
Henry sighs he knew the damage was done. He still had matching blue eyes, but the white of his left eye was completely purple. The good news is that Micheal didn't lose his sight. "I'm glad you're making friends."
"Yeah..." Micheal sighs.
Charlie punches his shoulder. "Aw, come on, Jeremy thinks it's cool."
"Charlie." Micheal huffs.
"Micheal." Charlie sticks out her tongue.
Henry chuckles. "Alright, you two go eat breakfast, then you can go on your adventure. Remember, be back before sundown."
"Yeah, yeah." Micheal, let's Charlie drag him to the kitchen.
William hums. "It's weird taking time off. There's always maintenance or short staffing, but now we're ok. We even opened a third location."
Henry nods. "It's been a bit rocky, but we made it. William, we will not be walked in on again. Remember last month?" He pushes William's hand away.
"It's not my fault. I'm like a damn animal in heat when the mood strikes me. You're the one who made me like this." William huffs crossing his arms. "Can I at least hold your horns?"
Henry sighs. "No, William." He frowns he remembers last year when the two kids found out, that wasn't a pleasant conversation. "I don't want our neighbors to see."
"Fine." William sighs. "What do we even do? I can't recall the last day off we had, and we didn't have to watch out for the kids. If you mention the gun range, I'm leaving."
Henry snickers William accidently gave himself a black eye while trying out a gun. There is a reason the man sticks to knives. "Alright, I won't, we could prepare for my sister and her son coming by. It will be the first time they meet Gareth."
"Prepare what? Micheal has the extra room. It's just the couch bed." William sighs.
"William...." Henry sighs he knew better to give a command over something so small. They both had gotten used to their dynamic, as it changed. His father wasn't much help, only giving small details and popping up at random. He wouldn't dare ask his ma. He knows William has been talking to him, but he won't force that information out of him no matter how curious he is.
William kicks his feet up. "If you let me change my form myself, then I wouldn't have to bother you so much."
Henry pinched his brow. "You scared the neighborhood kids."
"They deserved it." William smirks at Henry's small smile.
"William, no, you have permission for Halloween and bedroom activities and unforseen circumstances. I will not have you prancing around giving kids nightmares."Henry chuckles. "Thoes big green eyes of yours won't work."
William huffs. "Your damn infected empathy won't let me hurt them."
Henry sighs the past three years he was well introduced to William's blood lust. Emotions and empathy only dulled it slightly, well, more like allowing him to hurt bad people. Which wasn't bad he stopped the local serial killer and a kidnapper outside Freddy's, and seeing William covered in blood did something for him. He won't allow it to go further than that. However, he does allow an exception when it came to either of their children. Thankfully, it hasn't come to that yet.
William huffs. "We can't even start a new project due to noise complaints from neighbors. It wasn't even that loud."
Henry chuckles. "How about we relax, maybe read a book or two. We could always finish up leftover paperwork."
"I already did that. I did the paperwork while I helped Micheal with his homework." William throws his hands up. "I hate not having something to do."
Henry pauses and smiles. "Help me do some grocery shopping, and we can head to our room."
William nods like a eager puppy. "Alright we can get groceries."
A blonde teen was following the brunette into woods with a dirty blonde teen. "So what are we looking for today." He had a gap in his smile due to losing his front tooth in a fight.
Micheal smiles. "Rumor has it. There's a rope to an abandoned tree house over here."
"I thought that was more down the way." Charlie huffs. "But we never did check over here."
"Do you think we can still go up in it?" Jeremy smiles. "It could be our base of operations."
"Operations for what?" Micheal raises his brow.
"Dunno fun things or a hideout." Jeremy smiles, holding up a branch he picked up. "Onward to adventure."
Micheal snickers.
"Troublesome kids shouldn't be left unguarded." Red eyes come into focus as the man steps in front of the three young teens. Sharp teeth form into a grin as he looks over the three.
Micheal held onto Jeremy's shirt, pulling him back. The old man never bothered him when he was with Charlie, let alone a normal friend.
Jeremy tilted his head. "Ooo, scary contacts. What, you scare away kids with them?"
The man smirked. "You're a brave one. I like that."
Charlie huffs, crossing her arms. "We didn't ask to be bothered."
The man chuckles, and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard, which makes the three steps back in fear. "Oh, but I'm not here to bother you three." He tilts his head, the grin never leaving his face. "Tell me." He points to Jeremy. "Would you stay if it meant changing your very being?"
Jeremy grabs Micheal's hand. "I won't leave them to you. I will gladly give my life to my friends. I would always do my best to protect others."
"A stupid hero then, oh, I can fix that." He chuckles.
Micheal pulls Jeremy back. "Why would you say that?"
"I won't let this guy hurt you -"" Jeremy vanishes, falling onto a cavern that appears out of nowhere along with Micheal and Charlie.
"Another alive one will be very useful, won't be as strong, but we can make it work." He chuckles.
"Will you stop tormenting your relatives?" A woman appears behind the red eyed man. "You're going to have to train them properly soon enough. You took that kids words too liberally to create another one." She sighs. "If they die from your test, I'm telling your son and his partner."
"And why would that matter?"
"Oh, do you want to risk what your son could do?"
The red head scowls. "This won't kill them. It will help speed things along."
"You can't just speed things up like this it will happen with their human changes. You're just going to make them stronger."
"That's the point. Micheal doesn't even need to recite spells. Did you know that? He's just like a natural born his body just needs to catch up with his growing power."
The woman covers her face. "For fucks sake. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"
"It's not an issue. The necklace and bracelets I've given him are seals."
"Not an issue?" The woman huffs. "The boys' powers are growing exponentially, along with your granddaughter. Those seals have about a week before their useless."
The red eye man blinks and stares down. "That fast.... my son chose well for a living one. Let's see if my pick does just as well."
"What are you even preparing them for? We never take children. Let alone start humans into transitions this young without telling them."
The red eye man frowns. "Things are going to change, and we'll need the help." He smirks and vanishes.
"You never fucking explain." She huffs following after him. "You are so lucky I haven't told the big guy in charge."
Micheal was being carried by Charlie while Jeremy leaned on her while they made it back to Henry's house. All three of them looked like a mess. Micheal got the brunt of it while Charlie looked the least worse for wear.
Jeremy groans. "We forgot our bikes."
"I don't think thats...oh there right there." Charlie blinks. "Come on, let's head inside. My dad can call your mom, and you won't get in trouble."
Jeremy nods the two, stumbling inside. "Is Micheal still out of it?"
"He's like dead weight." Charlie hums, dropping him on the couch. "I'm really sorry."
"Why?" Jeremy sighs, dropping himself on the recliner. "Your grandpa is insane."
"You got dragged into it." Charlie shrugs, lying on the floor. "Didn't know Micheal could do that though."
"That was really cool." Jeremy sighs. "Where's your dad?"
Charlie shrugs again. "Don't know, don't care. I don't want to move."
"Does that thing around your neck hurt?" Jeremy lifts his head up. Staring at Charlie on the ground.
"No, not really it kind of feels natural. I'm kind of glad Micheal did it. I didn't want a stranger to have control of that." Charlie huffs rolling over to her back. "You also have control, but eh, you're not a bad guy, so I don't care."
"Still don't understand it." Jeremy shrugs. "Do you think your dad will let me stay? I really have no energy to bike home."
"I have to ask." Charlie sighs. "Ugh, I don't want to get up."
Micheal groans, turning his head. "You guys ok?"
"No?" Jeremy huffs and yawns.
"I feel like jello." Charlie sighs.
"Cool, I'm going back to being passed out." Micheal sighs.
"I'm joining you." Jeremy shuts his eyes.
"Me three." Charlie groans, curling up.
William blinked, walking down the stairs. The sun just went down, and three teens were asleep in the living room. Well, he knew Charlie and his own son, the blonde. However, he didn't know who that was. He cautiously went down and nudged Micheal. He had a black eye and a nasty cut on his lip. He could feel rage lurk under his skin.
Micheal groaned and opened his eyes. "Hi father." He huffs. "The rope snapped, going to the abandoned treehouse." The lie was easy. "Then Jeremy fell, and then Charlie did too." He pushes himself up. "Mmh, Jeremy, too tired to go home."
William sighs the rage, vanished. They were teenagers. Of course, they would get up to stupid activities. "Is that the blonde kid?"
Micheal nods as his stomach growls. "I uh..."
William ruffles his son's hair. "I'll make you guys dinner. What's his mom's home number?"
Micheal shuffles over and pulls a book out of Jeremy's pocket. "First page."
William nods. "Alright, you three look awful. Go take a shower, and get some spare clothes for your friend. You all need a shower."
Micheal nods, dragging himself to his room.
William and Henry exchanged glances as the three teens scarfed down the food in front of them.
Henry smiles. "Hey Charlie, where did you get that choker?"
Charlie swallows and smiles. "Found it in the woods. Isn't the symbol cool?"
"It is." Henry frowns it looks like a collar, and the symbol looked familiar, and he couldn't place it. It hung off her choker like a dog tag. It was pure metal and looked too new to be just found on the ground.
William raised his brow. "Micheal, slow down, or you're going to swallow your fork."
Micheal snickers as Jeremy makes a face. "I'm fine, just hungry."
"It is good food, Mr. Afton." Jeremy smiles, cleaning his plate. He sticks his tongue out at Micheal, who barely finishes after him.
Micheal huffs. "Not fair."
Charlie finishes last. "You two suck."
Jeremy chuckles. "You just can't compete with the boys."
Charlie huffs. "I still beat you at school."
"I was off my game." Jeremy frowns, dropping his plate in the sink.
Micheal puts his plate in the sink as well. "Round two?"
"Oh, it's on." Charlie puts the plate in the sink as they run to one of the rooms, before wither man could shout for them.
Henry sighed both his and William's food was was barely touched. "I'm glad they are making friends, but I think I miss my little girl."
"I'm happy Micheal is happy. I would much rather him stay by my side...." William frowns if he could he would love to have Micheal stay little so he could always protect him. "They are growing up too fast."
"Thsy are teenagers." Henry groans. "Do we have to give them the talk again?"
William pokes at his food. "I did it the first time it's your turn."
Henry sighs. "Maybe Jen can when she visits."
It's been about two weeks since the incident in the woods. Micheal was tapping away on his notebook, waiting in the library for Jeremy to meet up with him.
"Hi-i." Micheal covered his face as his voice cracked.
Jeremy snickers. "Hi to you too." He pulls out a chair sitting next to Micheal. "So, uh training?"
Micheal sighs. "I don't know. He kind of just appears yaknow." He shoots a glance to Charlie, who has fallen asleep. "She fell asleep waiting for you."
"Ugh, that test was hard." Jeremy huffs. "Not my fault. You're both freaks and can understand it perfectly well."
Charlie cracks one eye open. "Don't blame us. Your first language isn't English." She sits up. "Jeremy's right, though I want to train, and besides, our dads will be busy with the diners, so they won't know if we come home late."
Jeremy nods. "Yeah, my mom is doing an overnight shift so I don't have to worry."
Micheal huffs. "Don't look at me. I can't exactly predict when he is coming."
"Oh, don't worry, he's just upset because he accidently burned a hole into his homeroom door." Charlie giggles.
"Charlie!" Micheal sinks into his chair as his voice cracks again.
Jeremy gasps. "Damn, I wanted to see that."
"Come on, we can drop our stuff off at my place and head out to the woods." Charlie smiles.
Jeremy smiles and drags Micheal along, who is trying to gather his books.
It took three months of sleepovers for Henry and William to grow concerned for the kids' new friend staying over. Granted, William refused to contact the boys mother, the other ten, saying where he was. They had a choice between potential shareholders and meeting Jeremy's mother. William picked the shareholders and ran out of the house.
That leaves Henry standing out front of Jeremy's mothers place. Her name is Jackie, he thinks. He knocks on the door. A woman answered she was wearing scrubs and had bags under her eyes.
"Can I help you?" Her accent is thick and Henry thinks it might be German.
"Hi, I'm Mr. Emily, Charlotte father, I was wondering if it would be ok to discuss your son staying over so often." Henry watches her features smooth out.
"If I didn't have so many night shifts at the hospital, I would have come by a month ago." Jackie smiles, letting him inside. The house is spotless. "It's just me and my son ever since we ran from our home. He tends to clean instead of letting himself worry."
Henry nodded, which did slightly explain Jeremy's habit of always cleaning up, but didn't explain Micheal always fighting to clean up first. "Your husband didn't come with you two?"
Jackie glares, sitting at the table. "That..." A German curse Henry didn't understand was muttered. "Apologises, but he started to go after my son. I would rather be all the way across the world than see him again."
Henry nods. "I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have pushed." He pauses. "You're a nurse?"
"Doctor." She sighs. "Ah, don't worry, most make that mistake. About Jeremy, he hasn't told me much, but he seems happy apart from scrapes and bruises, but kids always get those."
"It's hard enough to get my daughter to sit still, let alone stop her from dragging herself to the damndest of places." Henry sighs. "I live with my business partner and his son since his wife took their two other kids and abandoned the eldest."
"Jeremy did tell me that." Jackie smiles. "Oh, I don't mind it as long as you don't mind were Jewish."
"Why would I mind that?" Henry smiles, not really understanding what she was getting at.
"Right, well..." Jackie gives a knowing look. "How about you three come by next weekend? I'll make a brisket."
Henry's eyes light up. "I'm always up for barbecue." He stops. "Do you have any idea what they are getting up to? I mean, I'm worried about my little girl."
Jackie smiles and places her hand on Henry's. "Don't fret so much. They are teenagers. If we push, they will only pull themselves away. Although I haven't met any of them yet. Uh, your wife, if it's not too much to ask, what happened to her?"
Henry frowns, pulling his hand back. "She passed giving birth to our daughter. It's been hard, but I think she's growing up quite fine."
Jackie gives a sad smile. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry for your loss. Your business partner must be a great help."
Henry doesn't understand why she did quotations around business. "Ah yes, William, he's been a great help when we working at the diner is our machines. You know fazebear? That's our creation."
Jackie pauses, ok, the business wasn't an euphemism, but they had to be. She didn't have anything against it her brother was before well her ex... and Jeremy was probably showing signs, and she would do anything to protect her son. "Well, I shall see you three this weekend, I can't wait to meet my sons friends. I was worried we did just move here to a whole new country across the sea, so I'm happy he's fitting in."
Henry nods. "Of course I'm glad you're having us."
William adjusted his tie that matched his purple suit. "Why are we all dressed up?"
Henry knew full well that if he told his partner the truth, he would not go unless he commanded him. "It's going to be a nice evening, and remember you have to help Micheal with his tie."
William sighs. "That doesn't answer anything, and fix your damn jacket. I'm not supposed to see your suspenders."
Henry chuckles, Jackie did say formal, so he hoped he wasn't going overboard. Well, she said they should look nice she was going to get her son dressed up, too. "I'm fine, William. I have to make sure Charlie didn't ruin her dress."
William made a face. He did not envy him. Charlie was a handful if she had to wear anything feminine. He was thankful that his sister was coming because neither man was prepared to take her for her first bra. He walked down the hall. "Micheal, did you tie that yourself?"
Micheal blushes. "I uh got a book from the library." He shifts uncomfortable in his suit. It was getting a bit too small on his growing frame.
William smiles, his chest swelling with pride. He can not get over how good he felt when Micheal surprised him, it's been three years since Henry changed him, and he thinks being proud of his boy was one of the best feelings he got. "You did great, Micheal. Now let's watch your uncle wrestle Charlie to get bows in her braid."
Micheal chuckles and nods. "Yeah, ok." He stops. "Should I cover my eye? I don't want to freak them out." He frowns, unable to comb his hair to cover his eye. "I want to make a good first impression. I don't want to stop hanging out with Jeremy."
"Why would that happen?" William finally connected the dots, and he really didn't want to go, but he will be more damned than he already was if he didn't protect his son.
"Because I'm a freak father." Micheal tugs at his sleeves. "Jeremy's the first real friend I made. I don't want to ruin that by scaring his mom."
William sighs. "No, you won't, Micheal. We'll explain what happened and everything will be fine." He pauses watching Charlie come out arms crossed and with bows in her braid. "You'll be fine."
Micheal frowns. "Ok..." He doesn't hold much confidence.
"Jeremy..." She starts to use a mix of German and Yiddish as she fixes his suit and hair.
Jeremy sighs. "Mom, I'm fine." He watches her run off to the kitchen to take the brisket out as the doorbell chimes. "I got it."
Jeremy answers the door to Micheal, looking nervous, Charlie looking uncomfortable in a dress, William scowling, and Henry smiling.
William frowns. "Well, aren't you going to welcome us in."
Jeremy motions for them to enter. "You tied your hair back." He holds Micheal back as the rest head to the kitchen.
"Father told me not to hide my eye." Micheal sighs. "I don't want to freak out your mom."
Jeremy smiles. "Eh, you'll have to do worse than that. She works in the emergency room."
"Really?" Micheal follows Jeremy to the kitchen where Henry is trying to mask his disappointment over the brisket.
Jackie pauses when she spots Micheal with her son, then smiles. "Boys, go take a seat." She nearly drops her serving spoon, finally noticing Micheal's eye, however.
William narrows his eyes. "Do you need help?" He frowns as Henry takes the knife out of his hands.
"Oh no, thank you. I'm used to serving so many more people." Jackie smiles, giving everyone a hearty serving. She gives extra to William, mumbling in German he's too skinny. "Ah, I didn't realize you were from Britain, Mr. Afton."
"Your son's accent gave away where you're from." William raises his brow.
"William, be nice." Henry sighs, taking a bite of food. It's not smoked, but it was slow cooked, and it was very good, just different.
William huffs. "Why come to the States?"
"I could ask you the same." Jackie smiles politely. "Did Micheal come over with you?"
"No." William frowns.
"Ah, you must have been an excellent father, then he took your accent from you." Jackie smiles again, making William squirm.
William takes a sip of his wine and ends his part in the conversation.
Micheal and Jeremy share a look and snicker.
"Boys, eat your food." Jackie smiles. "Do you like it Charlie, your father tells me you like brisket."
"I do ma'am. I've never had it on anything other than a barbecue before, but this is really good." Charlie smiles. "I think I like it better than Aunt Jen's, but not as much as my dad's."
Henry chuckles. "Charlie, that's very nice of you."
Jackie chuckles, keeping an eye on her son. Jeremy and Micheal were talking quietly to each other, and it was a heartwarming scene.
Jackie hums as she approaches William and breaks him off from Henry, who is grabbing Charlie to stop her from tucking her dress into her shorts. "Now tell me how long have you've been with a creature like him?"
William freezes nearly breaking his glass.
"There isn't anything wrong with it. Didn't think one would want a human." She places her glass down. "Is he the one training my son?" She pauses, looking at the confusion on William's face. "And you don't know that your son's being trained as well." She smiles and grabs her glass, and takes a sip.
"What are you talking about?" William stares at her.
"I'm retired for the most part never trained like they are, I was more so medical help for all kinds of beings. I'm sticking to human patients now. The half one she's already got her first seal, this young too. Good for her. Your boy, however..." She sips her drink. "Good luck with him."
William was at a loss for words. "What about Micheal?"
"You really don't know?" Jackie sighs. "Like you've lost your humanity, he will as well. Just not from a contract." She pauses and smiles. "The next couple of years will be a shit show." She holds her glass up and walks away. "Jeremy, stop teasing Charlotte."
Jeremy huffs. "I'm not teasing Charlie, she started it."
"I don't care who started it, young man." Jackie gives a look.
"Yes mom." Jeremy frowns.
William wanted to ask more questions, but when he talked to Jeremy, he had no idea what he was talking about. He couldn't exactly confront the woman she worked all hours, and it's been a month. He tried asking Henry, and he had no idea of what was going on because, in his words, he stayed out of that part of his life and only used his powers sparingly.
William huffs as he finishes the wiring on the new animotronic. "This is getting me nowhere."
"Jeremy shirt off now." Jackie had her arms crossed. "I have nothing against you training with...." An old Yiddish phrase that doesn't have direct translation. "But you will not come home covered in mud."
Jeremy freezes. "How did you know, wait, why do you know?"
Jackie sighs, watching her son take off the dripping shirt. "Because Charlotte father isn't human."
"But he isn't the one training us..." Jeremy frowns at the stare from his mom.
Jackie takes the shirt and throws it into the bathroom, and traces her hands over her son's chest. "Then who is?" She knows whatever was happening it was happening way too fast and too strong.
"Mr. Emily's father. They are kind of rude.... they keep saying we aren't transforming fast enough, whatever that means." Jeremy crosses his arms. "So why do you know about this?"
"Because I'm a..." She pauses thinking of the English term. "I'm a blackfellow? Nocturne feather? I don't know the English word for it, but how do you think I became a doctor? Humans are much less complicated." Jackie smiles, brushing her son's hair back. "I'm not mad at you, but tell me these things."
Jeremy sighs. "Sorry, mom, but the old man told us not to tell anyone."
"I figured as much. Tell me, does this old man have a name?" Jackie sighs, heading to the bathroom to pick up the muddy shirt.
"Charlie calls him Pa." Jeremy looks back.
Jackie sighs.
"The proper term is nocturne society." Jeremy jumps back as the red headed man appears out of no where.
Jackie snaps her fingers, and the red head is stuck in a circle. "I have a door. Next time, use it, or you'll be stuck worse."
The red head crosses his arms. "Quite a powerful circle."
"Because I'm not an idiot. The moment your son stepped foot in my home, he destroyed almost all of my sigils and seals without even trying. I would rather not risk my home." Jackie sighs. "Things are much more organized back home, I wouldn't have to be this prepared."
"Mom?" Jeremy stares at his mother with stars in his eyes. "That's so cool."
Jackie chuckles. "Jeremy, go clean up. We have to have an adult conversation."
Jeremy huffs and heads to the bathroom, slamming the door.
Red eyes looked back at her. "What do you want?"
"I'm not making a deal with you. However, what are you doing? Why pushing children this hard and fast?" She stops as he holds up a note from the head of everything in the underworld. Her eyes widen. "They are children." She stops speaking English as they go back and forth.
Jeremy comes out clean, but the old man has left. "What happened?"
Jackie was still fuming. "When you go over again, tell them I want to have dinner at their place."
Jeremy nods he has only ever seen his mom this angry when it came to his father.
The three young teens went outside, leaving the three adults inside. Jackie glares at Henry. "You mean to tell me you had no idea!"
Henry looks away, crossing his arms. "I was raised human, and I plan on continuing that."
Jackie pinched her brow and muttered a few Yiddish curses under her breath. "You realize that won't work. Do you have any idea what's coming? They've become desperate enough to start with children, your children, my child. Your daughters necklace is a seal to keep her powers in check. The symbol is meant to be removed to unleash it."
Henry frowns. "Is she ok? Does it hurt her?"
Jackie sighs, relaxing slightly. "No, it probably feels like skin to her. Your son is fine as well, the way that red headed ass did it to his and my annoyance is that puberty will be doubly fucked." She pulls out a chair and finally sits. "Between voice cracking and hair, and growth spurts will come the more supernatural changes."
William's eyes widen. "What?! They're barely teens." He covers his face. "What are we supposed to tell them? Oh, along with your body changing, your body will change more? Henry, what happened to you?"
Henry groans and hides his face in his hands. "I was awful, my little girl going to be a menace."
Jackie raises a brow. "What do you mean by that?"
"I was an awful kid." Henry sighs, crossing his arms. "Always picking fights leaving destruction, sleeping around, and just causing problems. If I wasn't working, I was out causing problems."
"That isn't what I'm referring to...." Jackie sighs. "I'm talking more physical changes, not whatever you are talking about."
"I'm sorry you slept around?" William gave a look to Henry.
"I mean, yeah, it was fun and something to do." Henry shrugs. "Granted, maybe I did have some physical changes as well, not the normal type, but again, I don't actually know what I truly look like."
Jackie groans. "Well, we better see it, so one you can prepare for your own daughter. Maybe get an idea of what the others will potentially look like, but you can never truly predict that."
William looks at Henry, who had a red face. "Well, go ahead, the kids are out."
Henry opens his mouth and then closes it. "I don't know how." He says in a painfully quiet, embarrassed voice. "I can do my eyes, and uh horns..... that's it."
Jackie covers her face. "You are that strong, and you haven't even..." She lays her head on the table. "I need a drink."
"Father." Henry narrows his eyes at the red head.
The red head smirks. "Henry."
William stood off to the side with the three young teens.
Jackie had an old military bag with her. "Be civil this is to see what Charlie will have in the future. So just play nice."
Henry crosses his arms. "I didn't want to have him here." He glares at his father.
"Keep that up, and I'll tell you how much you take from your Ma." The red head chuckles.
Henry takes a deep breath and turns away.
"I say Mr . Emily throws the first punch." Jeremy hums.
Micheal raises his brow. "The old man is pushing it, but I don't think I've ever seen my uncle mad or violent."
"Kick his ass!" Charlie shouts.
William sighs and pats the girls head. "Your cheers will do nothing I've already tried." He pauses. "If Henry throws the first punch, I'll buy you three ice cream."
Micheal rolls his eyes. "That means it won't happen."
Jeremy raised his brow. "What do you mean by that?"
"Father doesn't offer sweets unless he knows it won't happen. So we don't get anything." Micheal huffs as William pats his shoulder.
Henry frowns. "You know I can hear you."
Jackie sighs. "They know that." She's pulling out a few small things from her bag.
The red head laughs. "Aw, why don't you make your little girls' day?"
Henry crosses his arms.
Jackie rubs her temples, mixing a drink for both men. "This should only last an hour, and you both will drink. Wait a few moments after, and you'll lose your human forms."
"Is this safe?" Henry pauses, watching his father, already finishing the glass. He pauses, and she nods. He takes the entire glass and scrunched his face in disgust.
Jackie steps back by William and the kids. "I don't exactly know how this will affect your father. He has never actually turned to his true self before."
Charlie nods she looks excited. "You've got this, dad!"
Henry sighs and gives a small smile before he grabs his chest and falls to his knees. His skin felt like it was burning and tearing apart at the same time.
Jackie holds her arm out. "Don't go near him."
An inky black shade surrounds Henry, and the red head jumps away already transformed. His voice raspy as an alligator tail flicks lazily back and forth from the branch he sat on. "He won't look like me. He's born from a contract. He's mine by blood but not by looks." His mouth was way too wide full of sharp teeth. He had three sets of horns on his head, and his hands and feet were sharp claws like humanized alligators or crocodile feet. He has a long, sharp sail down his back made of boney spines. His eyes were a deep red and surrounded by red cracks.
Micheal looks back to his uncle as the others are distracted by the old man. He watches the black smog dissipate, and what was supposed to be his uncle remains.
The long curved horns he has seen before, but they were bigger and stronger. Pointed ears, and what looks like a second jaw, maybe spider mouth? Micheal really couldn't tell. His mouth stretched wide, not as wide as the old man but enough to be noticeable. His teeth looked scarier as he opened and shut his mouth. He had a long scorpion tail and dripped poison that burned the grass around him. His hands were ichor black that traveled to his elbows. He could flex his hands into long, dangerous claws, but he went back to as normal as he could with his hands. His shirt has ripped with the changes, and four heavy spined wings stretched from his back. His feet reminded Micheal of a dragon he even had a wear claw in his heels. Every breath he took spilled smoke from his lips as if he couldn't control that. His eyes doubled, and the whites were black, and he had red pupils.
Henry stumbles back, not used to the change of his weight. He blinks and looks over. "I uh...." A black blush covers his face as he covers his mouth. His accent is deep southern, and he just noticed the smoke.
Charlie gasps and runs over. "Dad, you look so cool."
Jackie gives a look to the red head who just a painted look of shock on his features. She turns her attention back to Henry as the other two teens and William approach.
Henry takes a breath. "I don't want you guys to breathe in the smoke." Black blush didn't go away.
William pushes the teens aside and grabs Henry's hands. "Alright, come on."
Henry allows William to help him up, and he gets somewhat balanced. "Thank you, William." He smiles, snapping. "It's only fair."
William smirks purple bunny ears strong straight on his head along with two massive antlers. He had a rabbit tail on his back and two massive bat wings with hooks to grip onto surfaces. He had three pairs of eyes, all glowed purple, and he had sharp teeth and pointed ears. His nails were a mix of purple and black and were curved like a cat. He had two sets of arms as well. His feet were a mix of an owl and a rabbit. He stretches out his wings. "It's been too long."
Jeremy whispers something to Micheal, and he holds his gut laughing.
William narrows his eyes. "Now, what's so funny?"
Micheal smiles. "Nothing."
Jeremy snickers. "Not a thing, sir."
William is torn between wringing them for information and being happy that Jeremy made his own son so happy. He crosses one pair of arms and shrugs with the other.
Henry huffs spilling out smoke. "I ruined my outfit." He twists around and crosses his arms. "I like these pants too."
"You need new clothes regardless." Charlie giggles. "I get to be as big and strong as you."
Henry smiles. "Charlie darling, I don't think you'll get everything, but I hope you get the best parts." He chuckles, watching his daughter pout.
"Screw genetics. I want it all." Charlie huffs she doesn't even notice the collar around her neck get thicker and spread like spiderweb cracks along her neck.
Henry's eyes widen. "Charlotte are you ok?"
Charlie looks back to her father, confused. "I'm fine. Oh wait, can you breathe fire?"
Henry shrugs. "I don't know, and I'm not going to try the area is too dry."
Charlie huffs again. "Ugh, fine."
Jackie slowly approaches as the three teens surrounding William. "You ok?"
Henry nods. "I'm alright, maybe a little off balance." He sighs. "I'm glad I didn't scare my baby girl."
"Are you sure you've never been like this before?" Jackie raises her brow as the old man stares from the treeline.
"Not that I can recall. Is everything ok?" Henry stares into the treeline and watches his father vanish.
"A double set of wings is... well.... only one other has that in the underworld." Jackie sighs.
"Is that a bad thing?" Henry frowns.
"Not that I'm aware of." Jackie shrugs. "Go get your daughter before she finds a way to tie William's ears together."
Henry pauses and fluffs out his furry wings. "Charlie, don't do that!" He rushed over. "William are you ok?"
William huffs and stands back up. "New rule, don't touch my ears."
Micheal snickers.
Jen hefted the two suitcases from her trunk. "Gareth, go knock on the door, tell Henry we're here." She sighs. This is the first time Gareth will meet his cousin, and this will be the first time she will be able to see what Henry had done. Phone calls aren't enough, and she can't trust William to, not harm Henry or his daughter.
Gareth knocks on the door and steps back as a man answers. The dirty blonde hair matched his mom, and he kind of looked like the photos. "I'm here with Ma." His accent is thick, and he had his arms crossed and a frown on his lips.
Henry smiles. "Oh Gareth, I haven't seen you since you were just a tiny little thing. Come on, give your uncle a hug." He pulls the 17 year old into a tight hug. "Come on inside, Charlie and Micheal aren't home. They just went on an adventure, and they will be home before sunset."
Gareth nods, trying not to look happy to see his uncle. "Yeah, ok." He sighs, walking inside.
"Don't take it personally." Jen sighs. "He's still in the I'm too cool for family phase." She hands off the luggage to Henry. "Now, how's my baby brother doing?"
Henry huffs. "I'm only two years younger." He follows her inside with the luggage.
Gareth has planted himself on the couch with his arms crossed.
"Boy, don't just sit there all day. Go out back, look for your cousin." Jen watches her son son get up, and head out back. "He's as stubborn as you were, but he's a good kid. Not that I can say that for you."
Henry chuckles. "He's growing into a fine young man." He sighs. "William is hiding. I can drag him out."
"Hiding?" Jen chuckles. "Now let's see that man. He better not be up to anything."
Henry smiles. "Oh, not at all. William, come out here and say hello."
William shuffles out head in black slacks and a button-up. "Hello Jennifer."
"Now you know better than to call me that." Jen scowls.
William crosses his arms. "It's your name and I will use it."
"William, be nice." Henry has a warning in his tone as the taller man sighs.
William glares at Henry and huffs. "My apologies, Jen it won't happen again."
Jen's eyes widen. "You weren't kidding. You really do have a leash on him."
Henry sighs. "I try not to use it, but I still do. Come on, I'll make you some tea, and we can catch up."
Jen nods. "Bring old Willy too."
William grits his teeth. "I would be happy to join you two." He growls through his teeth.
Jen smiles.
"Who's that?" Jeremy whispers to Micheal.
Micheal shrugs and looks to Charlie. "Do you know who that guy is in our backyard?"
Charlie pauses, then gasps. "Aunt Jen must be here that must be her son." She runs over. "Hi!"
Gareth pauses, looking at the girl in front of him and then the two boys behind her. "You must be Charlotte." He huffs.
"You can call me Charlie." Charlie smiles. "Did you get here, ok?"
"The car ride was fine." Gareth sighs.
Micheal comes down with Jeremy. "You probably should head home."
Jeremy sighs. "Fine, mom wants me home early." He waves grabbing his bike and heads home.
Micheal smiles and waves. "I'm Micheal. Uh, my father is William."
"My uncle's partner in his business." Gareth sighs. "Ma doesn't like him."
"I know..." Micheal sighs, heading back inside.
"Gareth, I know we've only been here a day, but I'm going to take your cousin shopping, so you'll be staying with William and Micheal. Your uncle isn't getting out of this." Jen gives a look to Henry, who looks away nervously. "You three will behave."
Henry pauses, staring at William, then Jen, then back to William. "Ah right ok William please look after them while I'm gone, and be nice to Gareth."
William huffs, dropping himself on the couch next to Micheal. "Yeah, alright. I rather be here than where you're going."
Charlie shrugs at Micheal. "They didn't tell me."
Micheal raises his brow. "I don't get it either it's not like you're spending time with Pa."
Jen gives a look to Henry. "You let them meet your father?" She grabs his ear. "Charlie, come along." She drags Henry by his ear to the car, muttering on how that's a terrible decision and how could you.
"I thought my uncle's father was dead." Gareth says once the front door is shut.
Henry stood awkwardly in the middle of the store for women's undergarments. Charlie was right next to him as a saleswoman came up to them.
"Excuse me, sir, what are you doing here?" The woman asks as politely as she could not seeing Charlie hiding behind him.
Henry swallows. "I uh... my daughter is 13, and uh well..." He pulls Charlie in front of him. "She's starting to develop, and uh, she doesn't exactly have her mother to help her."
The woman pauses the distrust, and disgust drains from her eyes. "Oh, hello there, aren't you a growing young woman." She pulls out her radio and calls off the other associates. "Come on, let me help you get your first training bra. With that chest , you're growing. you're going to need them."
Charlie holds onto her father. "Aunt Jen said she was going to help."
Henry smiles. "Charlie, it's ok. Let her help you, and I'll get your aunt."
Charlie frowns, but let's go. "Fine."
The saleswoman smiles and lets Charlie follow her.
Jen was howling with laughter as she entered the house. "She sure is your daughter."
Henry had a red face as he pulled Charlie into the house.
"Dad told me if someone grabs me there, I can attack." Charlie huffs.
Jen laughs louder. "Sweetie, she was measuring you."
Henry covers his face. "You bit her."
"I was defending myself." Charlie huffs holding her bag. "And these things are awful."
Jen takes a deep breath, trying to contain herself. "I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard." She follows Charlie to her room to explain why a bra is important.
Henry covers his face.
"Henry?" William stares at Henry.
"I hope Micheal is worse." Henry sighs.
William starts to laugh as Henry heads upstairs.
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maroonbreeze · 11 months
Will it be a good dream or a nightmare?
I have health issue. A case that only happens to 1 in 100,000 people. I hava Achalasia, a rare disorder that affects the esophagus. I have trouble swallowing, usually feels like the food is stuck when i'm eating or drinking water. Sometimes I will have terrible cases of food got stuck, choking, unable to get the food down down my damn esophagus and vomit it out. Sometimes, with deep, deep multiple breathing, it goes down.
So you can say that I have fear eating outside. In case, the food stucks and chokes me. It happened once when i was alone eating lunch. I got choked by chicken porridge. By porridge, soft food. It lasted for a quite long time. I was crying internally, suffering, and breathing deep enough multiple times. It took long time. Multiple times. It went down. After a long long time. I feared eating alone since that day. I do but that day traumatised me.
I had this for 2 years now. It started with acid reflux, regurgitation and reflux at late night when i'm sleeping. Then this achalasia came. I realised that i am a food lover, that i love to eat afterwards. Too late already is it? I took it for granted. My weight dropped. I went from M to S sometimes even XS. The comments that i got from outsiders, body shaming me for being skinny. Especially those who are being insecure about their large size. I got it a lot from them. They know i am sick and still they let their mouth run. My dream when i'm sleeping consists of me eating non-stop without trouble. Yes, without trouble. Without pain. But dream is just a dream right? They haunts you and show you colorful images but it is not possible. They don't know this. No. They don't have the capacity to understand this. Believe me, i tried making them to understand. That i did not want this. I hate this. I want to change this, but I can't. I can't.
The comments that I got
1. Please take my fat and all my extra skin. You need that. If you reduce it, i will give it to you again.
2. Wind would knock you off.
3. Your shirts looks big on you. (I KNOW)
4. You would look better if you put on some weight.
5. What is your hip size?
6. You should eat a lot.
7. You do not need hot air balloon. Even cold air balloon will lift you up. (this was totally degrading)
8. I will look like your mom if people sees us together outside.
9. What is your kg/weight?
10. I just want to fill up this officce space and let you eat a lot.
11. You only eat that?
12. You done eating?
13. What are you eating?
They don't know the pain i am going through. I have no problem eating, putting food in my mouth. The swallowing part is the problem. My esophagus is the problem.
And you might be wondering, whether did i get consultation from doctors yet. I did. I went to them after getting terrible acute gastritis, twice. Just because my food got stuck and i vomited that time. Man, i tell you acute gastritis is not a joke. I would not wish it for anyone. Pills did not work. Only injections did. That too for 3 days. I couldn't eat. Felt like putting rocks inside stomach. Felt thirsty but kept on vomiting it out. I'm on the verge of dehydration. I prayed after a long time to let the pain go away. For me to eat. For me to live.
Did lots of procedure afterwards. Endoscopy, barium swallow, x-rays, ct scan and manometry. Dousing nasty liquids, getting exposed to rays, getting my throat to bleed. I did it all. And doctor suggested to do a surgery called poem. They gave lots of hope. Telling me that it would cure me. I was happy. I was excited. To let my weight increase. To be healthy. To eat good food. I didn't feel scared to go under sedation. Kind of happy and relieved actually. People even asked me whether am i feeling nervous. I said no. Because i would be healthy right?
Hmm. The procedure. The surgery failed. The doctors attempted twice and my skin couldn't be lifted up. I went through a failed surgery. The 1st surgery in my life, and i wasn't lucky. It failed. I had to kept fasting for another day, a total of 48 hours so that they could do me another procedure. To check whether they had caused any holes in my esophagus while attempting the surgery. I did not eat for almost 3 days. I drank water. I was scared that my gastric would flared up. I cried while calling my mom. I rarely cry in public, but to hear that my hope got snuffed out, broked me. Tears kept falling. It flows now as well.
I was okay after that. Thinking whatever happens, happens. I could handle it. I have been eating blended food for 3 days now. Tomorow is the last days for such diet. Then i could go back to normal food. Damn, the gas trapped in my stomach was real discomfort and pain. And i'm writing this because i have a lot in my mind right now. It will go after this. A little. I read that this problem with esophagus could cause cancer. It is high risk for cancer to develop. Hahaha. What a life. I don't want to die painfully. I want to live, healthily if possible. And sometimes other thoughts, that it's okay if i die. We are humans afterall. Not everyone gets lucky. Not everyone have a healthy life. Not everyone had failed surgery. I did. I am not lucky. I am not healthy. I had a failed surgery. I want to be healthy. I want to eat without pain.
Will it be a good dream or a nightmare?
(Not edited)
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enviromentalnut · 2 years
Sent this poem to a few very special ladies.
Hope you enjoy it, should be health cares or maybe a top dog’s poem. Kinda works for everyone.
This poem is called I’ll always be there
Written June 19th 2022
I will always be there
Holding you tightly in my arms
I will always show you , how much I love and adore you
For you are my life, my children, our hope our future
I know you don’t feel well
I know I can just tell
Please remember this, no matter what
I’ll always be there
No matter what you go through
Remember you heart is so full
And life is still soooooo great
Smile for me, and I’ll smile back
Talk to me, hold me tight
Let me in and shine the light
You and me will make a brake.
I’ll always be there
And so will I my son
I will always be there at your side
A kiss younger to the handshake of a man
I have watched you grow
And become the man you are today
At times son I wish I had a heart like you,
The kindness shines right through
I’ll always be there, right by your side
Never worry anymore, see you will pull through
We will always be there, right be your side
Holding you as close as I can
We love you more each day, never ever fade away
We will always be there
Right by your side
Holding you tightly
Helping your light shine through
No matter what the future faces
No matter the troubled waters
We will always be right here by your side
You are our shinning star
You give us hope every day ,In so many ways
We will be here helping you through
We all love you, and send our hugs
Everyone may not be right here
But everyone is right by your side
Written for our children, grandchildren
And anyone who needs to fight inside
May music and poetry heal your inside
Love dad
In my heart your all there
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