#if anything I say is incorrect
shadow-tism · 6 months
Reminder that Ramadan is starting tonight!!
Many of those who are used to celebrating and taking part in Ramadan may not be able to this year with the amount of people affected by the genocide taking place.
Please be kind to others during this time, possibly donate to help those with gofundme’s and the esims are always a good option.
Ramadan Mubarak ☪️
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harringroveera · 6 months
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Dustin: You’re totally gonna kiss the new guy, aren’t you?
Steve: Definitely yeah
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aka-indulgence · 3 months
You: I love you
Sans: i love you too
Papyrus: Aww He Likes Them
You: Sans can you pick up your socks
Sans: ok
Papyrus: OH MY GOD HE’S ACTUALLY IN LOVE?!?!?!?!!?
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
The Red Hair Pirates Navigator gets sick or something while Mihawk is visiting and Mihawk, who rides around on an overgrown raft and has probably never steered an actual real ship in his life but loves a challenge, volunteers himself as a stand in while acting like they've forced his hand.
So it's just like
Absolutely No one:
Mihawk (sighing) : I guess since you've begged I'll do it 🙄
And Shanks is so excited because Mihawk is actually taking a vested interest in his crew and this is probably the closest he will get at having him as an official rhp and of course watching Mihawk do piratey things he rarely does is very hot.
Everyone else has a couple of......questions
Benn: I've never seen Hawkeyes use a map before, I'm not even sure he own's a log pose.
Shanks (insanely whipped would let Mihawk crash them into the rocks like a sailor to a siren call) : But he get's where he needs to go and that's the important bit.
Mihawk gives directions that the helmsmen has never heard of in his life, never actually opens a map navigates soley on memory, they don't see a single Island for days and he leaves the crew wondering how exactly it is he ever gets anywhere. They still somehow arrive 3 days earlier than expected.
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anyroads · 1 month
British people: these avocados must go they're past their prime please won't someone eat them
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The avocados:
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skunkes · 3 months
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reposting some old doodles i still enjoy a bit
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Angel: *contemplating a fancy bottle* Hey, d'ya think this is alcohol or perfume?
Husk: *grabs bottle. drinks all of it*
Husk: It's perfume
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aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
Della: ARE YOU-
Launchpad: fucking.
Launchpad: fucking.
Della: IDIOT!
Goldie:…now, what was that?
Launchpad: Donald banned Della from swearing so I’m helping her out
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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ANTONY cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war
earlier in my script (which is not Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar), Antony refers to Dolabella as one of his ‘dogs of war’ when talking to Cassius (which IS a reference to Shakespeare’s JC), and it comes back around after Cicero writes to Cassius and informs him of Trebonius’ fate
While these things were taking place at Rome, Cassius and Brutus were collecting troops and money, and Trebonius, governor of the province of Asia, was fortifying his towns for them. [...] Trebonius, who was captured in bed, told his captors to lead the way to Dolabella, saying that he was willing to follow them. One of the centurions answered him facetiously, "Go where you please, but you must leave your head behind here, for we are ordered to bring your head, not yourself." With these words the centurion immediately cut off his head, and early in the morning Dolabella ordered it to be displayed on the praetor's chair where Trebonius was accustomed to transact public business. Since Trebonius had participated in the murder of Caesar by detaining Antony in conversation at the door of the Senate-house while the others killed him, the soldiers and camp-followers fell upon the rest of his body with fury and treated it with every kind of indignity. They rolled his head from one to another in sport along the city pavements like a ball till it was completely crushed. This was the first of the murderers who received the meed of his crime, and thus vengeance overtook him.
App. Civil Wars III. 26
For Dolabella is in Syria, and, as you have foreseen in your prophetic soul and have foretold, Cassius will crush him while they are on their way. For Dolabella has had the gates of Antioch shut in his face and got a good beating in trying to storm it. Not trusting in any other city, he has betaken himself to Laodicea, on the sea-coast of Syria. There I hope he will speedily pay the penalty of his crime: for he has no place of refuge, nor will he much longer be able there to stand out against an army as large as that of Cassius. I even hope that Dolabella has by this time been overpowered and crushed.
Cic. Fam. 12.14
Place then before your eyes, O conscript fathers, that spectacle, miserable indeed, and tearful, but still indispensable to rouse your minds properly: the nocturnal attack upon the most beautiful city in Asia; the irruption of armed men into Trebonius’s house, when that unhappy man saw the swords of the robbers before he heard what was the matter; the entrance of Dolabella, raging,—his ill-omened voice, and infamous countenance,—the chains, the scourges, the rack, the armourer who was both torturer and executioner; all which they say that the unhappy Trebonius endured with great fortitude. A great praise, and in my opinion indeed the greatest of all, for it is the part of a wise man to resolve beforehand that whatever can happen to a brave man is to be endured with patience if it should happen.
Cicero, Philippic 11
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Philippi and Perusia, Ronald Syme
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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butchthirteen · 2 months
my least favorite thing some people in doctor who fandom do is try and argue that, because of spin-off non-tv media released years after a character's last appearance, a particular trait is immutable canon and you're a bad person if you say otherwise. eu writers are doing just as much after-the-fact interpretation as the rest of us and the only difference is they're getting paid for it.
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cffeine · 6 months
akutagawa (ryuunosuke) really kills me as a character. he's cool to everyone but obsessive over his goals (dazai's acknowledgment) this drives him in so much. he's the port mafia's rabid dog. he's dazai's dog, the one that gets kicked around and bites back but can never leave.
dazai is haunting him, atsushi is haunting him, akutagawa is haunting himself. he sold his soul at the promise of a reason to live. he trusted dazai because he killed the men akutagawa intended to, without any other reason. gin followed him, stays with him. he treated kyouka terribly but admitted to her face he was happy for her.
he fainted when dazai acknowledged him. he needs something to chase, craves something for him to do because he's never known how to live for himself. he has nothing to live for, no regard for his life, but lives anyway.
he's pushing higuchi away. apologizing for his treatment of her. he's nothing like dazai. he doesn't want to be. he hates him. he's at his beck and call. he's dying. he's never not been dying. no one knows except for atsushi. he's going to die without a reason to live. his final words were spent telling atsushi to run. don't come back for him. he's dying. he's already gone.
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jakeperalta · 9 months
taylor calling out a nyt article about her sexuality is cool good for her I guess but I am begging her and her people to stop throwing "this wouldn't happen to a man" at literally everything... like sometimes that is.. not the point
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nebulaedaniel · 3 months
since we’re now talking about the racism in the phandom, i’m very glad it’s being brought to light so thank you to @dapg-otmebytheballs @demonqueenart and everyone else talking about this, i want to talk about cancel culture.
now i’m as white as they come, so before reading any of this i need you all to read the posts made by some of the people starting this conversation. here’s some links. xx xx xx xx xx
the reason i want to bring this up is because it’s something i noticed in a lot of the posts bringing up the behavior that dnp have/have had. its bizarre to me that we as a society, but especially we as a fandom, feel the need to disclose that bringing up problematic behavior isn’t an attack or call to ‘cancel’ someone!
to be able to have an open discussion where people CAN evolve and learn, bad behaviors need to be brought up without the immediate assumption that the person talking about it wants to bring harm to the other.
i am not here to defend dan and phil, they are well old enough to have these realizations on their own and stand for their actions, but, without the space to point out these behaviors, there will be no change. if these questions are being brought up within fandom spaces, why assume that the person means harm? excuse my metaphor but why would they set fire to their own house? i can understand wanting to take something with a grain of salt if it was coming from someone not in the fandom spaces at all, or someone not familiar with dan and phil whatsoever, but since it is the fans bringing this up, the absolute least you can do is believe them and listen.
wanting to see change is far from the same as wanting to see someone ‘canceled’ or lose their platform. these discussions are good and important to have, and i want to again thank everyone who has taken time of their days to speak up about this. it’s labor you shouldn’t have to do, and i really hope that we as a fandom learn from this. i know i will.
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Am I the Asshole for correcting a child by letting him know that since his family members were criminals, they deserved to die?
I (36M) work for the government and recently went on a long work trip. While there, I met a new coworker (16M). Let’s call him Jon. We immediately hit it off and started talking about work and stuff. Since his family has a long history of government work and I even knew his dad, we began talking about some of the recent political events that have impacted his family a lot. To make a long story short, his dad was supposedly involved in a coup to oust the king and was later beheaded in front of a lot of people. His brother got super mad about that and tried to rebel, but he also died at a wedding hosted by some allies of his. This is where I might have been the asshole. I told Jon that his brother was a criminal by rebelling against the crown and so he deserved to die. I even said that his dad was overrated, and I didn’t care for him much. The mood immediately shifted after this and while he didn’t really react much outwardly, our conversation became very curt. It’s almost like he stopped liking me at that very moment. I really wasn’t trying to hurt his feelings on purpose. He’s a hardworking kid and I even offered him an internship because I believe that he can go really far. But he ended up rejecting my offer, quite rudely if I may add, and our conversations aren’t as warm as they were before this. I don’t have the best social cues so I’m afraid that I may have accidentally hurt his feelings. I want to talk to him more normally but don’t really know how. However, I did stress in that moment that I don’t actually hate his family members and was just talking about the technicality of the law. So AITA?
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
Two-Bit: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water? Ponyboy: Y-You were putting it in cold water???? Darry: Keith. Answer the question, Keith. Two-Bit: Yeah??? I thought for like five years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. Didn't realize there was an actual reason. Dally: You don't have the patience to microwave water for three minutes??? Sodapop: Why... are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? Dally: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? Sodapop: It takes less than a minute. Steve: Soda, is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun? Sodapop: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? Dally: Like seven minutes. Sodapop: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes, less than that if you use a saucepan. Johnny: Crying, you're putting the whole mug on the stove??? On medium heat??? Your stove is enchanted. Darry: Every single person in this gang is a fucking lunatic.
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tetrakarn · 6 months
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pulling myself briefly out of the depression pit to say i don't think it's fair to say ivan is outright violent towards till or shows his affection through violence bc in every piece of media that shows them fighting ( that i can find at least ) till always turns things physical first
not that ivan doesn't instigate by doing or saying things that might provoke him ( intentionally or otherwise ) but aside from touching till's injury in one of the r6 flashbacks he doesn't seem to be physically hurting him for attention. i think the fight scene in r6 is also the only time we've even seen him retaliate
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