#if i am it's not because of the pain or bleeding
runawrites-blog · 2 days
But It's Not Time (Levi x Reader)
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Summary: After getting injured during a scouting mission, you are trapped in a tree to await rescue. Thankfully, you're not alone because your captain, old friend and the object of your affection, Levi Ackerman is there to help you until backup arrives. But as time goes on and your state worsens, you two start to worry whether or not you will make it. (Gender-Neutral Reader) Word Count: 2,915 Warnings: Talk of Injuries and Blood. Angst. No Y/N. A/N: Guess what fandom I added to the list of stuff I write for! You'll never guess, I bet! No, but in all seriousness, I added AOT/SNK to the lists of fandoms I write for, so feel free to request something for that fandom, as well. I'll write it as long as it's for adult characters and you adhere to my 'What I Will Not Write' list. The lyrics at the beginning of this are from the song "The Gambler" by Fun which is one of my favourite songs and fits so well. I really hope this isn't OOC by the way because it is one of my first times writing for Levi.
You swore you’d be here ‘til we decide that it’s our time
Well it’s not time, you’ve never quit in all your life
So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side
“You’re lying to me.”
You looked up at Levi, ignoring the pain in your leg, the way your wet clothes clung to you and how cold you were from the storm around you. He looked back at you, still standing on the branch of the tree you had been hiding on for the past hour. Your pained expression and slight shivering must have alerted him to the fact that you were not as fine as you’d told him you were.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you injured?” Levi asked sternly, looking down at where you were sitting against the trunk of the tree. “Do not lie to me.”
“I told you. I think I twisted my ankle.” You lied, shaking your head dismissively. “I’ll be alright. What we need to worry about now is looking out for titans and for other Scouting Legion Members that could help us get back to base.”
“I am your squad leader and as such I would like to know the truth.” He said but when you just averted your eyes withtout answering he decided to change his tactics. “Besides being your squad leader, I am also your friend, aren’t I? You always refer to me as such. Shouldn’t you be honest with your friends?”
He was right and you knew it. You two had been friends for years, had gone through the hardest of battles together and had only grown closer as a result. And it would’ve been a lie to deny that your feelings had grown past those of friendship in the last few months. You couldn’t lie to your friends, to the man you cherished and had fallen for. Besides that, the pain in your leg was also getting worse and you decided to tell him the truth.
“I-- I think that I actually hurt my leg quite-- quite badly while falling down from my horse. And I’m sure I’ve made it worse by-- by jumping up and trying to go after my horse. The straps of my maneuver gear are pressing on it though, so-- so I should be fine.”
“And why would you not tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you. I don’t think the bleeding is that bad and as I said, the strap is applying pressure.”
“You not telling me is much more worrying.” He said sternly though you heard the worry seeping into his voice. “If you are injured, I’d like to know.”
“I thought that we’d be found quicker.” You sighed as you leaned your head back against the tree. “We had so much else to worry about that I didn’t want to add to that when I thought we’d be back at our base within no time.”
“Next time, don’t worry about worrying me and tell me if you’re injured.” Levi said before he knelt down in front of you. “May I have a look?”
“I guess that would be a good idea.”
You slowly reached down and tried to roll up the leg of your pants but found that with how it was sticking to you after the rain had gotten it wet it was almost impossible. So you ripped it open, flinching at the shoot of pain it sent up your whole leg. When you saw the wound for the first time you gasped. There are a huge cut stretching upwards from above your knee to just underneath the valley of your hips. Now without the added pressure of the straps, the blood was pouring out more freely.
“I’m going to bleed out, aren’t I?”
“I won’t let you.” Levi promised and looked around before shaking his head in desperation. “I need something to stop the bleeding with.”
You swallowed thickly, tears welling up in your eyes. If Levi was this concerned, things must have been more serious than you had initially thought. Fear gripped ahold of you again and you had to take several deep breaths to not cry. But Levi had noticed, observant as ever. He turned back to you, eyebrows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
You swallowed against the lump in your throat but a few tears still rolled down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, it’s just that if you’re this worried I-- I must be pretty bad off, right? This situation must be more-- more hopeless than I previously thought.”
He looked at you for a few seconds as if contemplating on what to do before he knelt next to you and put a comforting hand on your arm. “I will do whatever I can to get you back to base safely.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
“No formalities. I’m not your captain now. I’m your friend who’d like to get you back to base safely.” To his shock, you started crying at his words and he inched closer, looking you over in a slight panic. “What did I do wrong? Did I say somthing?”
“Thank you so much.” You sobbed out quietly, wiping at your teary eyes. “When I hid by the base of the tree I thought I was going to die but you saved me and now you’re still saving me. Thank you, Levi.”
“Of course I am.” Levi said softly, giving you a stern look. “I am your friend. Now let me think of how to stop the bleeding.”
About ten minutes later saw Levi provisionally applying a turnequette fashioned out of the straps of your gear and you trying not to make any noises while he did so. When he was finally done you looked up and gave him a thankful smile. It was getting harder and harder to not slur your speech or slump fruther down on the branch.
“Thank you.” You whispered and looked down, noticing your bleeding hand. “I must have bitten it pretty hard when-- while trying not to make any noise. But it’s-- but that’s nothing to worry about.”
“Your speech is slurring.” He pointed out and sat down next to you. “You have to stay away, alright? Help is on the way.”
“How-- how do you know that?” You slurred, trying to focus on Levi but it was getting increasingly harder to focus on anything and to keep your head clear. “I get that you’re smart and-- and a good soldier and-- but you’re not-- How do you know?”
Levi raised an eyebrow in concern and inched closer to you. “I sent out a flair earlier. Green for an injured and lost soldier. Don’t you remember?”
“Green.” You nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, green.”
“You know if Hanji was here she’d laugh at you slurring your words.” Levi remarked softly as he looked back at you. “You sound so thoughtful when you talk about the colour green.”
“It’s a pretty colour.” You retorted, pushing yourself up to sit a little straighter. “Can I-- Is it okay if I take a little-- if I just close my eyes for ten minutes?”
“Five minutes?”
“No, you have to stay awake.” Levi urged and shook his head, fishing around in the little bag the horse had dropped earlier as it had taken off, pulling out a little flask. “Here, have a drink.”
“Is this the time for alcohol?”
“It’s water, you moron.”
You chuckled at his insult before a smile overtook your face. “I like that more. I don’t like it when you’re-- when you’re too nice and soft. Makes me wonder if-- if I’m hallucinating. Doesn’t matter that I’m injured. Just insult me.”
Levi gave a dry laugh at that and then tipped your head back, gently helping you drink some of the water. You drank half of the flask before pulling back and looking at him. Levi gave you a questioning look.
“You need to-- you need water, too.”
“It’s raining. I can just collect more water.” Levi reasoned before holding the flask to your lips again. “You’ve lost a lot of blood. You need to drink.”
“Alright.” You nodded and let him help you take another sip before he leaned you back against the tree trunk while you smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. How are you feeling?”
“Cold and wet and hurt.”
Levi looked at you for a few seconds before he shrugged off his cape and draped it over your shoulders. You tried to wave it off, not wanting him to be cold, but he grapped your hand, holding it to stop you from taking the cape off.
“Take it. The cold will only make you feel worse.”
It was ironic because you had longed for this sort of gesture from Levi for years, your feelings for him only getting stronger every time you spoke to him. You two were friends and you knew that yet this gesture would have delighted you had you not been in such a dire situation. Knowing that Levi would probably not feel the same either way you shoved your thoughts away, instead giving him a small smile as you pulled the cape close around your body.
“Thank you. You know, I’m really glad you’re my friend.”
A smile tore your face and you leaned back to watch Levi scout out your surroundings, then cursing under his breath as he still saw no other soldiers coming. You hoped they weren’t waiting out the storm before they came to your rescue. Levi seemed to notice your worry and sat down next to you, turning his head to face you.
“You’re going to be fine, I promise. All you have to do is be quiet and stay awake. The others will find us soon.”
“I hope so.” You whispered, tears brimming at your eyes. “My-- my little brother is in-- He’s also in the Survey Corps and I can’t leave him alone.”
“I know.” Levi said and inched closer to you. “And you won’t. I’m sure right now he is safe with the others and in due time, you will see him again. We just have to wait a little longer.”
You swallowed then and turned to Levi, pulling out a small silver locket. “My father gave it to me for-- for my sixteenth birthday all those years ago. And-- Well, should I not make it--”
“Would you give it to my brother?” You mumbled out, tears running down your cheeks. “It’s not worth a whole lot but I’m sure he could use it-- He’ll find a use for it.”
“I won’t give it to him.” Levi said sternly. “You’ll be able to do that yourself. Because I will get you back to base safely.”
“We’re running out of time, Levi.” More tears cascaded down your face as you slowly leaned into Levi’s shoulder, exhausiton and the need for comfort overtaking any restraints you had about being so close to him. “I’m bleeding so much. I’ll never make it.”
“You will. Just keep your eyes open.”
“It’s so hard to-- I’m so exhausted and--” You paused, taking a deep breath and looking up at Levi. “Can you slap me across the face or-- or something? I need something to keep me conscious.”
“You want me to slap you?”
“Unless you-- you have a better idea to keep me from passing out.”
Levi was quiet for a few seconds and drew back a bit, making you raise from his shoulder. You expected him to slap you or shake you to keep you conscious. His hand came close to your face but instead of doing anything you had asked for he cupped your cheek and before you could question what he was planning he pressed his lips to yours, his eyes closing.
Your eyes grew wide in shock and you felt more awake than you had been in the past hour. But you quickly reciprocated, eyes fluttering shut as you leaned in to your best ability with you still being injured. He held your face gently, thumb rubbing your cheek as he gently leaned you back againt the tree with his free hand. A bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree and despite you trying to chase after his lips Levi pulled back from the kiss.
“I told you to keep your eyes open.”
Blinking back at him, you gave him a soft smile. “I thought you’d make an exception for me just this once.”
“Not when you’re this injured.” He said sternly, leaning closer again. “Do you feel more awake now?”
“Good because I’m going to climb a bit higher to get a better view and see if anyone is approaching, yet.” He said but before he stood he ran his hand along your cheek once more. “Hang on for me until I’m back.”
Before you could answer, he was gone, using his gear to get to a higher branch and dissapearing between the leaves. His absensce gave you a much needed chance to think. You had long since come to terms your feelings for Levi but he had never shown you any interest beyond being friends with you, so you had accepted that your feelings would remain unreciprocated. But now you wondered whether or not he felt the same way or if he’d simply kissed you to keep you from passing out.
“I see horses approaching!”
You nearly jumped out of your own skin when Levi landed in front of you, hair once again drenched from the rain as he knelt down by your side. With help approaching you wondered when you’d again get the chance to talk about what the kiss had meant, so you gathered all your courage and decided to ask him.
“Levi, may I ask you something?”
“This is not the time. We have to get you to safely first.” He said, standing and getting beside you before he grabbed you underneath the arms and helped you stand. “Whatever you want to ask it can wait.”
You quieted down at that, partially because you knew he was right to want to concentrate on getting to safety first and partially because of your pain skyrocketing at having to stand up. Despite trying to keep your pain hidden Levi once more saw right through you and hoisted your arm over his shoulders to support you. Exhausted and in pain you leaned your head against him and Levi let you.
“I will get you to safety, I promise.”
“How are you feeling?”
You looked away from watching the rain outside the window of the small castle this expedition had set up camp in to face Levi. He was standing in the doorway to the small medical bay you were currently staying at after you had been treated. You pushed yourself into a sitting position to get a better look at Levi and when you saw is worried expression youhave him a soft smile, hoping to reassure him.
“I’m alright. I had to get stitches on my leg but I’m alright now, still in pain but no longer in danger of bleeding to death.”
“While it’s not good that you’re in pain I’m glad you’re in a stable condition.” Levi said, coming closer to your bed and resting his hands on the board at the foot of it. “You had me worried about you.”
A surprise chuckle left your mouth at that confession. “You were worried about me?”
“You were injured, bleeding profusely and far away from basecamp. Of course, I was worried about you.” Levi said sternly, frowning at your reaction. “Is it that hard to believe that I worry about you? You are my friend, after all.”
His words made you stall because it reminded you of how you still wanted to know what the kiss you’d shared had meant and if he also felt more for you than friendship. “Levi, may I ask you something? The thing I wanted to ask you about before?”
“Does it happen to have anything to do with me kissing you?”
“Yes.” You nodded, swallowing nervously before speaking up again, gathering all your courage to confess to him. “I’m aware that you might have simply kissed me to keep me from passing out but I want to be honest about my feelings for you just on the offchance that you feel the same. I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now. You probably don’t feel the same and--”
Having apparently had enough of your rambling Levi decided to stop you and he did so by once more pressing his lips to yours. But before you could even react or let alone reciprocate he pulled back again, eyes locking with yours.
“I apologise but I had to make you stop talking before you got it all wrong.” Levi said and at your slightly confused epxression he sat down on the foot of your bed. “I was unsure of whether or not I was really in love with you but I think the prospect of losing you today made me realise what these feelings really were.”
“You feel the same?”
“I’m in love with you.” Levi said before he reached out to gently push you back against the pillow. “But now you need to rest so you won’t hurt yourself even more. Can you do that for me?”
“I can.”
Levi gave you a small smile before standing back up and nodding his head toward the door. “I have to report back to Erwin now but I will check in on you afterwards, I promise.”
“Levi, just one more thing before you leave?” “What do you need?”
“Would you kiss me again?”
“Of course.”
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thefoxtherapist · 16 hours
Hello! Is it alright if I request a Jiyan x male reader? Where male reader got hurt during a war but hide it so that it doesn't make anyone worry but Jiyan soon found out?
If your uncomfortable with this request you can just ignore it thank you for your time
Of course! I hope you like the request<3
Admittedly, I'm recovering from surgery so if there are some mistakes in this, I am so sorry lol- but I have to distract myself some way!
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Injuries were common on the battlefield, yours were no different than anybody else’s. At least you had managed to escape with your life. You kept the wounds wrapped with bandages, tied tightly so they could be hidden underneath your uniform. And then you pushed on, as a good soldier does. 
You didn’t want anybody to worry, especially not when you were so close, you felt close, at least. Maybe hiding your injuries wasn’t for the best, it certainly wasn’t ideal, especially not having to wrap your own wounds, disinfect them yourself. It was tedious, but you kept that reminder going.
Countless of your allies have lost their lives for your home, this was your honour.
And it’d gone well! None of your fellow soldiers noticed, not even the medics you made a point to avoid. You took any alone time you could get to mend your wounds, and then you were back at it. Even you were impressed with your sneakiness. Or at least you were impressed by it.
Clawed gloves gripped the tree you were resting under, your shirt pulled up made it near impossible to hide the bloodied bandages from the General. “General Jiyan-” You cleared your throat, lowering your shirt to cover the half done bandages anyway. But the damage had been done.
He pushed himself off of the tree and came to stand in front of you, the tip of his weapon digging into the dirt beside you. “You need to return to the city for treatment.” Typical Jiyan, even dating him, he kept his priorities straight. He was a soldier first and foremost. 
But so were you.
You stood up, hand holding your abdomen as you looked up at him. “I can still fight, Jiyan. I belong here, on the battlefield.” He furrowed his brows at you, leaving his weapon in the dirt to cross his arms over his chest.
“One mistake could cost you your life and the life of your comrades.”
“I’m not reckless. I know what I’m doing.”
Jiyan dropped his arms, quickly reaching forward to press against your wound. You grimaced in pain, blood soaking through the fabric of your shirt. Jiyan pulled his hand back, his face visibly disappointed by your choices. You couldn’t help but look away from him.
“You’re going back to the city.”
He snapped back at you, your name falling from his lips in a rushed tone. He almost never yelled at you outside of barking orders to the squad. You hesitated, pressing your hand against the bleeding injury once more to try and stop the blood. 
“I don’t want to see my boyfriend die because he doesn’t know when to stop.”
Jiyan’s tone grew quieter, more sombre. The General sighed, pressing his palm to his forehead as he looked away from you. “I worry about you.” He looked at you from the side, a small frown on his face. 
You stepped towards him and he dropped his arm to his side, pivoting his torso towards you. You carefully opened your arms, wrapping them around him. Jiyan tensed but then relaxed, wrapping his arms around you after a moment to return your affection.
“And I worry about you.. That’s why I have to stay.” You spoke quietly, holding him tightly against your chest. He brought his hands up to your back, gloved fingers curling into your shirt and holding you tightly.
“Fine, but you’re to stay at the outpost. Promise me, that.”
You exhaled, but nodded, at least you could stay by your lover. “Fine, I promise.” You agreed quickly.
Jiyan nodded in return, nuzzling his face against you.
“Let me see those wounds.. At least let me patch you up.”
“Heh, sure thing, Doctor Jiyan.”
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Prompt with “whumpee that completely disregards their own mental and physical health and whumper who starts off as a caretaker but because of their own emotional trauma they like how vulnerable whumpee can be when they’re exhausted so then whumpee gets trapped in a toxic relationship with whumper and gets emotionally/physically/mentally abused”
tw: mention of abuse, violence, blood (everything in this is fictional and is a writing prompt for writers. I do not condone or romanticize something like this in real life in any way)
when whumper and caretaker are the same character!!!
the depth and complexity of a character who can be both whumper and caretaker will always fascinate me, and I have such respect and admiration for writers who write and explore this type of character.
yes, I personally am more drawn towards character who is both whumper and caretaker. because sometimes it’s the grey area that is the most fun playing in.
sure, whumper who is an outright villain, and caretaker — who is a different character — who is gentle and soft are classic and all, and I get why people like how simple they are. but for me, I’d like my whumper and caretaker to be the same person 😮‍💨😉
caretaker didn’t mean to hurt whumpee, obviously, but the sight of whumpee bleeding and bruising, the sound of whumpee crying and whimpering, and the coppery smell of blood in the room? there always was a predator within caretaker, and right now caretaker feared that it was winning.
also the guilt and the shame caretaker felt after they lost themself and hurt whumpee. the confusion caretaker felt because why, why must they hurt and ruin everything they love? everything they touch.
caretaker / whumper is not a monster, but they too were fighting their own trauma and demons — and sometimes the trauma and the demons won, and the one paying the price was whumpee.
needless to say, whumpee was terrified of caretaker, but at the same time they knew caretaker was the only one protecting them, the only one keeping them safe.
of course, caretaker did not enjoy hurting whumpee. they hated that they couldn’t always overpower the demons within them.
both caretaker and whumpee were struggling.
the angst, the whump, the confusion, the struggle, the betrayal, the blood, the pain and the comfort that comes after? the feels!!!!!!
there’s a reason this right here is one of my all time favorite tropes to write.
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curtwilde · 2 days
Some Indopak romance 😍
*phone rings in a very big mansion house*
Indian soldier tsundere dude: What if we were both soldiers 😳 and kissed at the Indo-Pak border uwu
showing our love despite the ongoing battle between our nations that no one can contain or tame? Do you understand me? Feel the love and the pain, mixed with the bitter taste of hatred for what could have been, for what we could have had if it weren't for the forces beyond our control that decide whether we depart or fuse together so tightly the world couldn't tear us apart. Do you feel the hot, burning fury I must contain in my chest when I swear to end everything you stand for, and yet I am willing to give up everything I have ever known and loved just for you? Do you feel my heart bleeding, creating an Indus River between us—of our past, our wounds, and our scars that run deep into ruins, unknown and forgotten?
My tongue turns dry when I skim over the thousands of words that you would never understand because I will never utter them to you. Hind, i think—we both would understand, but oh, it's not enough to put my feelings into words just in that, I would not be able to, for it won't take a second for the snow of Kashmir to freeze my body, the scorching heat of Thar to melt my bones, the monsoon rains to flood my veins and drown me, and the winds of the Himalayas to carry away these barriers between us. My love, that's what you have managed to do to me, and the millions I stand with could never measure up to the way you have captivated me.
Barriers we continue to build off our backs, our bare hands which can never touch what they love, and I despair. I despair for what they took away from us. Everything we have ever loved and fought for has left us feeling so empty because in the end, we wished it were both of us that we loved and fought for.
Do you feel the anguish that I hide behind my stoic face, the silent screams that echo in my heart, and the longing that burns brighter than any battlefield fire? In the midst of this chaos, our love is a fragile truce, a fleeting moment of peace in the storm of war. We are bound by an invisible thread, a connection that defies the bullets and bombs, transcending the hatred and division. Our love is a rebellion, a defiance of the fate that seeks to keep us apart. And even if the world stands against us, even if we are destined to be enemies, know that in my heart, you are the ally I cherish most.
But oh, most of all, I hate you, loathe you, despise you, because how could you - a single man who managed to overpower the might of millions when it came to my heart.
Caller:..... uuuh, this is Rahul Ghandhi speaking, in a meeting with the general right now. First of all, what the actual fuck-
*the Pakistani twink agent who sneaked into the government building to get the nuclear codes standing besides Rahul and the genetal*: woah... that was kinda gay to be honest. lol, wonder who was that for? couldn't be me-
Omg get us producers already
Imp question who should play who
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
I am in a lot of pain and I am bleeding very much.
The two things do not correlate. Pain is mostly not caused by bleeding.
But! What if I do a shady hand off in a back alley? I give you all new content to read and you give me the ability to sleep tonight because I work a 15 hour shift tomorrow starting at 4am.
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
I made my post about Dean Highbottom and then as I was writing my tags realised that his Hunger Games counterpart is Haymitch. and now my head is in my hands and I don’t think I’ll ever recover
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feline-evil · 1 year
Hiding my shirt that says 'i am not normal about narratives that imply an inanimate inhabited structure is a living breathing organism' as i walk into a board room and pitch my idea that we should make more horror revolving around living architecture
#jay talkin#I JUST. I JUST. i'm thinking about old haunted house movies that have this grimy sticky feeling to the house#where the evil is not just afflicted to wood and bricksbut eminates from it as a hatred#the house itself hates you. the voice screaming get out is born on the vocal chords of the hallway#i am also thinking about The Hotel the podcast you should all already be streaming CHOP CHOP CMON NOW#which is of course a more unique and i would say more abstract sister to this concept#(said deeply positively the concepts and horror explored make my brain ping pong rapidly)#which is another reason you should be listening because it does its own thing that i think you should listen to and discover yrself :)#(and also it is far more than this this is just a tiny SLITHER of what is explored go listen NEOW)#and i am also thinking about. drum roll please. you know whats coming. yes it could be nothing else#kitty horrorshows anatomy which is TO THIS DAY one of the best and most influential games upon me i have played#a game that pushes this concept to its core grotesque emotional fleshy pulp and runs with it#anatomy is a game that breeds in anxiety and discomfort and bleeds a sincere love in the horror it portrays#that love is something i yearn to see in horror media! it is also present in the hotel AHEM AHEM#but yes anatomy is an experience like no other that you really should experience for yourself#(glances down at my shirt) um. um ok so ill leave the board meeting now thank you for listening#dear god my pain medcin kicked in and i instantly became the worlds least normal man didnt i. WELL!!! thats all of youse problem now
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bonefall · 1 year
How would a thunderclan cat go about caring for leeches? I imagine it would be harder for them than Shadowclan cats since I imagine things aren’t quite as like.. damp in thunderclan. I love leeches pls give me the husbandry lore 🥺
I'm taken aback at how many people want the leech lore, I did not expect this much love for Spotty's girls. But, ok!
For one, they are medicinal leeches. Hirudo medicinalis. This species is actually threatened in England, specifically because it's so rare for livestock to drink from lakes these days. So these wild leech specimens are actually found in ShadowClan territory, and they heavily rely on Clan cats!
They also do prey on the occasional boar, fox, or badger that wades through the mud. ShadowClan loves leeches, they think they are useful as medicine AND as snacks, leading to a symbiotic relationship.
(sadly this means that the expansion of the highway and the loss of the Clan cats massively disrupted the leech population. There are probably conservationists who discover too late that there were medical leeches surviving in this area and despair over how they could have saved the White Hart woods.)
Anyway, keeping leeches is easiest for ShadowClan of course, but ThunderClan can do it with some effort. Spotty has a two-part terracotta bowl (a dish and a lid) which helps keep them cool, even in summer, and she stores them in the darkest part of her den. At the bottom of this bowl is mud, wet leaves, swampy substrate.
It's not hard to feed them with worms or insects, but they have so many elders with joint pain that there's enough food to go around. Spotty also really doesn't mind just letting them nibble her arm; leech bites aren't painful or anything.
The hardest part is getting pond water when she needs to clean the bowl. You want water that's full of good bacteria that can support fish, not just any old ditchwater.
Before Yellowfang's exile, she would ask for ShadowClan pond water and usually be granted permission with an escort. Brokenstar didn't see a need to make a hard embargo with ThunderClan when he was so focused on eradicating WindClan first.
Yellowfang has a lot more knowledge about caring for leeches though. Because she can't access pondwater, she ran some experiments with the lesser-leeches (the ones that weren't Spotty's beloved 3), and found she can clean the bowl slowly using river water, but doing it all at once could shock the leeches.
But, it's not very hard. Harder than keeping mealworms, but leeches are an easy animal to keep. They're also really cute, like fat worms, with nice patterns.
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yaoianime · 3 months
Soon im rly gonna do it
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#🕸️#sui mention#< in the tags tho cuz it feels nicer to talk abt this in tags than in the post itself cuz to me posts are like talking normally but tags are#like whispering? talking you can tune out if you want but whispering is rather more voluntary to say it doesnt matter however#every single year passes and i wish i didnt live in each and every one of them i feel disconnected dissatisfied empty disappointed every day#it can be a small part of a day or a bigger but its still there clenching onto me like and never letting go im tired of it theres always a#wall between me and otyer ppl im unsure if i put it there or was it put there by other ppl but its there and even if anyone tries to reach#into it do i understand how even if close are we really far away it makes me understand just how much of an abnormality i am and how much i#cant ever be like them no matter how much i try and climb and crawl until i bleed its exhausting its maddening#almost everything i do is shaped by spite i wear one bracelet for years out of spite i dont smoke out of spite i dont shave my hands not#only because im normal abt body hair but also out of spite the more i know ppl the spiteful i get only way for me to truly like someone is#to keep them at a lenght outside that wall if they get in then theres only two choices for them to dislike me or even hate my entire being#or me to shove them back out without ever letting them get in#coworkers say im a nice kind person but im not its all just a facade to make my life easier and to suit myself im hateful but i dont believe#its entirely my fault after all they will to my face make fun of. laugh at. and hate everything of me they would see in other ppl that dont#hide it deep within like i do and then it rly hits me how different abnormal foul disgusting and unnatural i am#im hit with his every talk that goes on too long every word that keeps going every touch every expression every comment made on my behalf#its exhausting to live this way i fear im near my limit i havent reached it but who knows when i will#i sometimes dream of doing it and leaving behind a note wishing nothing but painful suffering to everyone i ever knew irl but i dont want to#do that to my best friends and my dog but who knows how long its left before the thread breaks#thats all like comment and subscribe if you personally would do me a favor by taking me out back and shooting me
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autumn816 · 4 months
Now what if I write a 5+1 (or some kind of number combination like 3+1) where 5 times George stops Lewis from saying I love you and 1 time George does let Lewis say it🤔🤔
Set in 2025. Sorry, guys😞😞
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
A frustrating thing about media perceptions of violence is that there are a ton of ways I want to write Cybertronians experiencing war and violence in terms of "what are the physical limits they can take" but it seems less extraordinary than it actually is because media already tends to portray even regular humans in combat with improbable or impossible abilities.
Like, how can I say something interesting about "oh Cybertronians have more stamina in battle because they don't bleed [in my headcanon] which means getting cut won't inevitably take them out of a fight in a few minutes" except when was the last time mainstream action media ever took bleeding into account. What about the fact that Cybertronians can break limbs or lose them completely and just get a replacement put on, but human characters losing limbs or getting prosthetics are rarely shown getting physical therapy or anything that would come with losing a limb. Even something as basic as "Cybertronians can be in direct combat for hours without tiring" falls flat when so many media portrays human combat as this crazy thing where people have the stamina to do flips and shit for minutes on end which isn't accurate at all.
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wendingus · 1 year
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Listen I'm just saying if the CW had cast me in the Powerpuff Girls remake, I could have saved it.
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pepprs · 8 months
cool so my ent just made my ear bleed. im never going back to see her again.
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 4 days
doing my t shot a day late because i am fearful of the Cant Breathe incident that occurred right after it last week. hope for the best for me every one
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keepthetension · 5 months
been in the Bad Brain place lately, so i've been struggling to finish writing about why chef mhon's character makes sense to me, because of
a) the long-term effects of the WORLD SHAKING trauma of your life partner abandoning you AND of being unable to feed yourself and your children b) being unable to process said trauma much (if at all), as you then hit the ground running to make a living in the aftermath (in a new city with no support and with who knows what marketable skills) c) the stigma of being a divorced woman in a society that will blame you for being the reason your marriage failed in the first place, and will also blame you for any way your children step out of line d) the difficulties of achieving success as a working mother when employers see women as flakier, less-worthy hires, especially in a male-dominated industry
and how no amount of money or stability will ever seem like enough, and how difficult it is to trust anyone plus how easy it is to see everything as a potential danger to the stability you fought tooth and nail for, and how it makes sense for a traumatized person who never had the time and support to work through their trauma to project all kinds of things onto their kids
but apparently she just kinda. walked it off?
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simptasia · 17 days
i'm getting my cervix poked today and not in the fun way. nevertheless it must be done, and i highly recommend cervical screenings to anybody that procedure applies to. early detection is so so important when it comes to cancer, my mum would still be alive if they found it in stage one, so i implore you not to ignore your body
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