#if i dont take it ill just wake up over n over again its so embarrassing nothinv helps me anymore
sar3nka · 8 months
Local woman drinks an energy drink and is forced to take hydroxyzine 2 hours later because of a (cringe) panic attack. More news at 5
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
Panic attacks.
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Eddie's having a bad day in school. He's doing everything not to have a panic attack. He doesn't even know what's wrong with him. He's sat at lunch leg bouncing. Hands sweaty. He needs help but the man will never admit it.
Eddie's sat at lunch n he's a hot mess. Shaking. Heavy breathing. He feels like the rooms spinning. Like everything ten times louder. Feels like he could throw up. He needs help. He doesn't even know what's wrong. Will he ask for help? Nope.
"Dude are you sure your OK?" Gareth askes concerned.
Eddie just mumbles and keeps his face in his hands.
You come walking over. Smiling ans joyful.
"OH no the devil in disguise." Jeff jokes as you approach the table.
"Hilarious honestly you should ditch hellfire and join the comedy club your that funny." You joke back. You look down at Eddie and your face goes from happy to concerned. "You OK hunny?" You ask noticing his state.
He nods but other then that ignoring your even stood there. Normally Eddie's hands would be all over you by now talking non stop. You know somethings wrong.
"You sure?" You ask raking your fingers through his mess of curls. As your nails make contact with his head he flinches. You pick up Eddie's tun lunch box and hold your other hand out. "Common." You say to Eddie.
He finally looks up at you confused. "Let's go Common." You walk off. Eddie looks at the rest of hellfire and then gets up and walks off with you. Once you exit the cafeteria his head drops to your shoulder as you walk along taking his hand in your free one.
You both say nothing. Just walk down the halls in silence. Enjoying eachothers presence. However Eddie is still on the verge of his break down. "Where did you park?" You ask quietly "normal spot." HE mumbles back. You nod and walk to where Eddie parks.
He unlocks the side door opening it for you then climbing in after him. You pull the sofa in the back and turn it into the bed. You kay down opening your arms for Eddie. Eddie comes over and lays down next to you. Putting his head on your chest arms around your waist and hooking one leg over your legs.
You wrap your arms around him holding him close to you. Eddie closes his eyes and his breathing starts to slow down. His leg still bouncing slightly. But he's finally calming down.
"What's going on hun?" You ask quietly. You sit still holding the boy. He let's out a shakey breath. He hides his face in the crook of your neck finally speaking.
"Everything is becoming stressful again. I wanna skip lessons but I don't wanna fail. I'm not sleeping until late cause I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. And when I wake up I wake up late so I forget my meds which really isn't helping. By the time I remember I'm in first period. I go home take them and bam another night not sleeping. But if I Dont take em all together then I feel worse. I just need a break. And I feel like I've barely seen you and I really just need you and only you right now. The only time I see you out of school is with someone else present where its a group hang out. And I feel really fucking selfish but I just need something."
He broke. His eyes welled with tears. His breathing uneven. And a shaking mess. You run your hand comfortingly through his hair.
"Babe. You should've told me. We can hang out anytime just us you say the word I'm all yours OK? Don't feel selfish for needing something. How about I come stay at the trailer tonight? We van watch some movies and start fixing your sleep schedule for starters. I'll stroke your head until your asleep. N ill make sure we wake up on time and you take your meds." You whisper stroking his back.
He let's out a relaxed breath. "I don't deserve you. Your fucking perfect thank you love you so much. N yeh I sleep way better when your at mine no Idea why guess its just comfort." HE removes his head from your neck looming at you
"I love you to n ill always be here for you. I'll stay tonight so u get up for school n ill stay the weekend even Sunday night? That OK?" You ask. Eddie nods putting his head on your chest. 10 minutes later you both walk back into school hand in hand. You take Eddie to class and he promises to meet you at your class after school and you part ways.
-next morning-
6:53am. The clock read when Eddie woke up. He looked at laying on your side. Arm still drapped over Eddie. He squeezes you tighter kissing your head. "Babe, gotta wake up sleepy." HE says laying sweet kisses on your face.
You stir awake amiling at Eddie. He kisses your lips and you scrunch your face. You knew full when you had morning breath but Eddie didn't care. "Howd you sleep?" You ask running your hand up his side.
"SO fucking good. Best night sleep in about a month I won't even lie to you." HE says kissing your neck.
"You fell asleep so early 9 o'clock u went." You smiled at Eddie.
"Mmm was the head and back scratches." HE lays next to you hugging you.
You smile at him happy you could help him. Laying your head on his chest. You stayed in that position for another 5 minutes before getting up and dressed for school.
Your making toast for you and Eddie as he walks out slipping his top on giving you a brief glimpse of his happy trail which your eyes went to immediately.
"After school." HE winks kissing you.
"Meds hot shot." You says as the toast pops and you butter it. He opens the cabinet getting out his anxiety and adhd meds popping one of each in his hands.
"DO I need the adhd one I'm so fun without it." Eddie askes smirking popping both pills in his mouth drinking some milk from the cartoon.
"Mmm your fun on it to even better actually." You say passing him his toast.
"Mmm ok" he eats his toast and then you both brush your teeth. He stands behind you keeping one hand on your waist as you brush your teeth. And then off to school and you arrive with 10 minutes to spare.
You both approach the hellfire members and they look shocked to see Eddie. "Morning ladies." Eddie greets himself to the boys. Lighting a cigarette in the process pulling you close to his side inhaling and exhaling the smoke. "Cold isn't it."
"Dude your early to school jeez." Gareth says hugging his girlfriend trying to keep warm.
Eddie looks at you and smiles. "Thanks to y/n made me sleep n get up never knew actually needed to do that." HE said finishing his smoke tossing it on the ground.
Everyone parts ways ad the bell goes but you and Eddie. He walks you to the you both had kissing you. "Do we have to go in." HE smiles into your lips.
"Yep common." You kiss him one more time. "I love you."
"I love you too." ONE last kiss and a sutle ass swat and Eddie and you walk into class and arrives on time to the teachers and everyone else's response.
Yeah his anxiety gets the best of him sometimes. But he knows he will be OK as long as he's got you.
You and Eddie sit in the back wanting to be out rhe way. And Gareth walks in sitting in the middle row. "OH my god he came in on time shock to everyone thought the freak couldn't tell the time the amount of school he's missed." Jason comments seeing Eddie his friends laughing. Eddie gets a devilish grin on face.
"OH my god Jason carver came in 30 seconds thought he'd be able to count the amount of school he's attending or can't you cause your heads to full of me. If that's the case I'm honoured Jason but I have a girlfriend maybe one of your boy toys there will get u there in 23 seconds." Eddie smirks putting his arm around your shoulder. You can't help the smirk that creeps on your face.
Jason looks stunned at Eddie that he actually just said that infront of the class. Gareth still staring at the front then chimes in for Jason.
"He's backkkkkkkkkkkk."
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antoncyng · 5 months
where you met riize ღ : ot7riize
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.✧ bf!riize x fem!reader
.✧ note : first post , kinda nervous ^_^ sorry sungchans isn’t really first meeting, its more of a where you know him ;( i might continue his into a real story tho! wonbins: ft. ningning of aespa, chaewon of lesserafim, 02z of enhypen. sohees: ft. natty of kiss of life, yeji of itzy, xiaoting of kep1er.
shotaro ; dance event
✪ the dancer shotaro is, of course you would meet him at something dance related! you were forced by a few friends to join them at a public dance event in your area, trying to convince you to finally get some public attention for your talent in dance! you get there and the event, and find out its a random kpop dance (if you dont know what that is, search it up on youtube! they’re fun to watch hehe) and get excited, silently thanking your friends for forcing you to come. while you’re having fun, the song “bite me” by enhypen comes on and you panic to find a partner for the choreography, but a boy catches your eye. his moves are sharp but smooth, and satisfying to watch, you’re mesmerized by his skill. you tap his shoulder as a sign to do the dance together, and he nods at you with a shining smile and a slight blush spread across his cheeks. the part comes and you make your way in front of him, re-enacting the female backup dancer in the choreography. you blush and get heated at the feeling of his hand on your waist while yours are laying on his chest, not noticing you’re in the middle of the group and people were cheering for you two. the chorus ended and you slipped away from him, blushing and walking back to your friends as the next song came on, not noticing he was staring at you for the rest of the event. after the event ended, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder and turned around, seeing the warming sight of the boy from bite me, smiling at you again with his ears reddened and cheeks flushed. “hey, you’re really good at dancing, do you mind if i.. get your number or instagram? if not its okay!” he said, sort of slurring his words in nervousness, his palms sweating. “yeah of course, you’re a really good dancer as well, i would love to get to know you” and the rest is a history of romance ~
eunseok ; bus stop
✪ after a long day of classes after classes, you finally got to go home. you walk to your regular bus stop, expecting to see the boy you see everyday, the man that you don’t even know but somehow makes your day just by seeing his presence. you make your way closer to the bus stop and see him standing there, earbuds in and a long trench coat over a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and a black button up over the t-shirt, his black backpack strapped on his shoulders. you’ve seen him around campus a few times, and you’re 80% sure he’s in your communications class, but never found the courage to talk to him. you walked to the stop, standing next to him about 2 medium-steps away, scrolling on your phone and trying not to pay much attention to him, not realizing he looked up at you and opened his mouth to speak. “you know your ears are red, right?” he said, sounding like a somewhat teasing manner, with a straight face. you looked up at him confused, humming in response. “hm? huh? oh, its just quite cold..” you said, trying not to slip out a stutter and hoping he doesn’t realize how nervous you were. he was so much more handsome when you guys made eye contact. he chuckled, revealing his smile to you for the first time. “sure, if your so cold, here take these.” he said, taking the fluffy earmuffs from his neck, stepping closer and putting then over your ears, making your face blush with a light pink. “return them to me in class tomorrow, okay? my bus is here, ill see you later y/n.” he said, with a smile as he waved and got on his bus, you couldn’t wait for the next day.
sungchan ; coworker/work
✪ your alarm rings through your ears, waking up and slamming your alarm clock and sitting up in bed, hearing your phone ring. you pick it up, still somewhat asleep and answer the call, your voice groggy from your recent awakening. “hello?” you said, waiting to hear a response from the other line. “y/n!!!! where are you?!?!! don’t tell me you slept in again, we’re on opening shift today bro!” you heard sungchans voice in a panic, affecting you to panic as well, turning around and look at the digital clock sitting on your side-table. 10:46. shit you mumbled to yourself, your shift started at 10. “fuck, i slept in again! cover for me sungchan, i’m on my way!!” you said, rushing out of bed and into your bathroom, hanging up on sungchan and getting ready. you finished getting ready, grabbing your bag and car keys, putting on your shoes and checking the time. 11:02. you rushed out the house and practically jumped into the driver seat, driving off from your driveway and towards the lunch restaurant, ‘semi;colon’ you worked at. rushing into the building, basically jogging back counter and looking for sungchan, finding him in the kitchen getting the pastries for display. “finally you’re here! hurry i need help, go make 2 iced americanos for here!!” sungchan said, placing the pastries on the table as you tied your apron. here comes another day of work..
wonbin ; hallway (crush)
✪ doing your makeup, putting on some extra blush, changing into your uniform, and rushing out the door, praying to god you don’t miss the school bus. you made it to your stop the second the bus got there, fixing your hair and getting on the bus after a few people, seeing your bestfriends and sitting with them. “before you say anything, come here. your bangs are messed up” winter said, fixing your bangs as soon as you sat down. “thanks. i can’t believe we’re almost done with the school year, what university are you guys going to?” you asked, looking at both your bestfriends for their response. “i dont know yet, i might go to sopa if i don’t pass the source music audition..” chaewon said, slightly unconfident but soon brings the mood back up with her smile. “i already know what winters gonna do, what about you yn?” she asked you. “i’m not sure yet either, i might go to sopa too.” you replied. TIME SKIP you guys talked the whole ride to school, not even noticing when you arrived, you suddenly got butterflies in your stomach as winter reminded you about your hallway crush, park wonbin. he was perfect in your eyes, he had the perfect smile, perfect nose, perfect face, everything about him seemed beautiful to you. you blushed even at the thought of him, not realizing chaewon was calling him and his friends over. “sunghoon, come over here and bring your friends!” she called out to one of the boys, turning around and revealing wonbin behind him as they walked over, wonbins eyes directing towards you. he seemed quiet, but popular especially with girls at your school. “hey, you’re yn right?” he asked you calmly, ignoring winter and chaewon talking to his other friends. “oh, yeah thats me, you’re wonbin.. correct?” you said, trying to find the fact you actually know him, and feeling your ears heat up and redden. “yeah, i just wanted to say i really enjoyed your presentation class the other day, you’re really smart,” he said with a slight chuckle, continuing his sentence. “i’ve been eyeing you for a while, do you mind if i.. catch your number..?” he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously while his face slowly flushed with a shade of pink, making you giggle. “yeah of course, i’ve always thought you were really cute.” you said, making him blush.
seunghan ; apartment neighbor
✪ 1:43 am. you heard it again, the sound of loud music and video game sounds, yelling, and laughing. your next door neighbor always did this around the same time every night, it slowly got to your breaking point. you sat up from your bed, sliding a hoodie over your t shirt and walking out of your room, grabbing your apartment keys and heading out, knocking on your neighbors door and waiting. feeling scared but annoyed, watching the handle of the door twist and the door open, revealing a tall, handsome boy who looked around your age, with gray sweatpants and a baggy navy blue tshirt that had the writing ‘RISE & REALIZE’. “can i help you?” the boy said, god his voice was soothing, it almost made all your annoyances slip away from your mind, but you snapped back into it and replied. “yeah, could you turn your tv and music down? sorry for bothering, i have work in the morning and i’m having trouble sleeping..” you said, fiddling with your sweater paws. “oh yeah of course, i’m so sorry i didn’t realize how loud it was.” he said calmly with a slight smile, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. “hey, if you ever need me to be quieter again you can just text me, so you don’t have to waste your time walking over here” he said, holding his phone in front of you as you giggled a little. “is this a way of flirting or are you serious?” you said, brightening the mood between you two. “possibly a chance of both, but maybe more on the flirting side.” he said with a big smile on his face as you grabbed the phone from his hand.
sohee ; cafe
✪ another day of classes, during lunch you and your friends decided to go to the new cafe that opened up near your campus. “look even the outside is cute!!!” xiaoting said, jumping small jumps up and down in excitement as the rest of you 3 laughed at her cuteness. you walked in, and your eyes automatically landed on one of the workers, his named tag said ‘SOHEE’ obviously assuming thats his name, you tapped your friends shoulders and whisper to them. “guys, that worker is really, really good looking..” you said, your eyes locked on him as he made drinks. “its your chance yn, maybe you should ask for his number!” natty said, hitting your shoulder excitingly. “i dont know natty, what if he has a girlfriend? what if he rejects me?” you said, unconfident. “you have to be kidding me, yn you’re so beautiful how could any guy reject you?” yeji said, fixing your hair and tucking one side behind your ear. “go shoot your shot, we’ll order after you.” yeji continued with a wink as she gently pushed you towards the counter, inhaling and exhaling deeply before making your way towards him, noticing hes already looking at you with a smile. “hi, what can i get for you today?” he said with a warm smile, feeling like his smile is the light of your day. “uh.. ill just take a iced caramel latte with extra caramel syrup” you said, smiling back at him as he wrote your order on a cup. “name for your order?” “yn.” you said, watching him write your name with a small smiley face.“also, sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but could i get your number..? im so sorry i just thought you were kinda.. cute..?” you said, your voice getting lower and can’t keep eye contact with the boy, hearing a small chuckle from him. “i can’t have my phone during my shifts, but ill write your number on a napkin and give it to me before you leave, ill text you tonight.” he said with a smile as you nodded, paying for your drink and going back to your friends to tell them. “order for yn!” you heard sohees voice from the counter, getting up from your table and walking to get your drink, passing him a napkin as you exchange for your drink. “ill text you later, see you around yn” he said with his last smile before you nodded and waved, leaving the cafe with your friends.
anton ; library
✪ textbook after textbook, checking the time on your phone after its felt like years of studying. 6:38 pm. you’ve been studying for finals/exams for the past 3 hours, tired out and on the verge of falling asleep, you decide to pack up and make your way back home. you pick up the textbook and walk to the shelf you got it from, taking out your bookmark and putting it away until.. boom! you felt a body hit against yours and suddenly you’re on the ground. “im so sorry, i wasnt watching where i was going.. are you alright?” you heard a soft spoken voice from above you, holding out a hand to help. you looked up and swear you’ve met an angel, this boy was gorgeous.. “yeah, im okay, thank you..” you said softly back, accepting his hand and standing up. “what’s your name? im new to the uni, so i dont know many people, or anybody at all really..” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “im yn, i can be your friend! whats your name?” you said, excited about your new friend. “anton, anton lee, lets be friends” he said with a smile and a nod, taking out his phone to get your number. “its getting late, i should start walking home, ill see you around?” you said to him after looking up from his phone, handing it back to him before he gently grabbed your wrist. “wait.. its dark out and pretty dangerous, ill walk you home..” he said nervously with a blush spreading across his cheeks. “oh really? oh thank you anton, i would really appreciate that” you said, smiling and grabbing your bag from the table you recently sat at, starting your long going conversation with anton as you two walked home together, feeling safe with each other’s presence.
- love, nini ・❥・
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
Can I get a Ethan Landry x Fem!reader where they meet at a party cause Chad introduced them together and they get each others number a and just a bunch of fluff?
a/n | thank you for the request this was really fun to write ! sorry for the delay !! not proofread !
“Come on man you need to get out there, start talking to some girls.” Chad is once again trying to get ethan to get a date.
They're at a party chad had dragged him too, holding some mysterious drink in his hand while leaning against an empty wal. This is not his scene, like at all. The only reason he ever comes to these parties is because chad drags him there saying something about ethan needing to “break out of his shell” or whatever nonsense.
“I dont know…” Chad was always the more outspoken one, he had girls flocking to his left and right without even moving an inch. Ethan however never has had such luck, girls if anything tend to avoid him
“Come on man you need to get out there, a snack like you cant just be waking around without a girl.” Chad begins to scan the room as ethan flushes. Chads eyes light up as he seems to remember something before grabbing ethans arm and dragging him along, “Come on i got someone you need to meet.”
Chad seems to be taking him to the kitchen scanning the room as he goes along, “Where the hell is she?” chad spots someone near the fridge and lights up, “Hey!”
Ethan can only stare in awe as the most drop dead gorgeous girl turns around and greets chad with a smile, “Hey chad.” Her eyes drift towards Ethan and turns her body towards him. Ethan feels like his knees are about to give out when she smiles at him. “Ethan this is y/n, and this is Ethan.”
Your smile grows bigger and he feels as though hes never seen anything more beautiful. “Hi its nice to meet you ethan.”
The way his name rolled off your lips was like music to his ears, he felt his face flush as he stared at you. Chad smacked him on the arm and he shakes out of his daze noticing you giggling, he was staring and hadnt replied to you.
He stammers barely able to form a meek hi back before his shoes started looking really interesting, you had caught him staring at you he was so embarrassed.
Chad slams his hand into ethans back, “oh i think i see tara over there can you keep ethan company?” Chad is very obvious with his intentions as he rushes away not waiting for a response.
Ethan looks back up to see you already smiling at him, “you need a refill?” He looks around were you talking to him? yes im talking to you silly.”
He flushes, he must be as red as a fire hydrant, he doesn't himself to talk so he just nods walking as the smile on your face grows bigger and trails behind you as you walk towards the far back table in the kitchen where a large assortment of alcoholic drinks were.
you take a cup of something for yourself before turning back to him, “which do you want?” He stares blankly at the table, chad usually gets a drink for him. “um ill just uh have whatever youre having.”
you giggle before turning back and fixing a drink for him before offering to him. Taking it with shaking hands he smiles at you, “thanks…”
You smile staring at the drink in your hands. He watches you, barely believing he finds himself talking (barely) to the gorgeous girl in front of him.
He attempts to gauge your body language to see if you were uncomfortable, he knew he was awkward and not the kind of guy girls usually talked to but when he looked he noticed nerves and were you flushed?
“im sorry chad sprung this on you.” He tilted his head confused, “i had mentioned to him i thought you were cute and wanted to chat with you sometime i hope you dont mind.” He can only stare in awe as you turn away flushed.
He could barely believe this was happening, a pretty girl like you wanted to talk to him? you had noticed him prior to tonight?
He felt himself begin to smile, “i dont mind at all. I think you're really cute.” Really? why did he say that? he shook his head hes so stupid.
You look at his with a wide smile, “Thank you i think youre really cute too.”
He looks down at his feet as he grins so large his cheeks begin to hurt. He hears a voice call you name telling you shes leaving. you groan, “sorry thats my roommate i got to go im the one who has the key.” He feels a wave of sadness wash over him.
“Its okay...” He frowns, just as things were beginning to go well its cut short.
you notice the frown on his face and move a step closer to grab his hand, he looks at you with wide eyes.
“so could i get your number?” He smiles.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hello! May I request H J L N T X Z with Caine and s/o? Take your time and have a good night!! Also get some water, Kay?
Fluff alphabet w/ Caine! (3)
requests may be a little slow/less abundant today since i woke up in a sour mood + im feeling a little ill SOBS
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HARSH- oddly enough i dont really see any possible arguments for you two, sure you guys will probably have disagreements or misunderstanding (especially since caine is new to the whole dating thing) but i actually see you guys being fine in this regard! should you guys butt heads bad enough to cause issues, though, i think its a coin toss to see who tries to make it right first
JEALOUSY- this man does not handle it well, he probably swoops you up in his arms and carries you around in the air if someone openly flirts with you (good news is that its a quick escape if the person is making you uncomfortable!) but outside of that he's fairly self assured, he may be new to love but he knows his worth and has trust in you! what a king
LOVE LANGUAGE- said it once and ill say it again, this man will spoil you in digital gifts! flowers, jewelry, the works! giving gifts is how he shows his love, as well as him outright professing his love for you in some sappy cliche monologue that you would see in some romance film
NO- building off the H segment and the idea that you're caine's first partner and he doesnt quite yet know whats a deal breaker for him.. hmm.. i think if you pose a threat to his programming as well as the general programming of the digital world, since that can put both him and everyone else at risk.. but thats like saying waking up to your partner fiddling with your guts is a deal breaker, it goes without saying that it would be a hard no
TUNES- first thing that comes to mind is this bad boy!
XOXO- leaves little trinkets for you in your room, since i think he can just. come into anyone's rooms whenever without the need for a key :0! you tend to wake up to breakfast in bed everyday.. which is sweet, even if you dont need to eat
ZZZ- caine doesnt need to sleep, but i also think unlike the members he cant sleep if he really wanted to.. so he kind of just. pretends; going limp, perhaps even pretending to snore as well.. as long as you dont know hes faking its not that awkward..! actually, its... sweet now that i think about it, think of it as him wanting to spend time with you and watch over you during your most vulnerable times
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lizzieislife94x · 5 months
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Thats Not Milk Honey Pt.2 (w.m)
WandaxG!P Reader
There was room for a pt2 haha and I can't remember what other one shots I'm doing a pt2 for so I'll need to go through them and check but as always enjoy babes and feedback is always welcome and appreciated 😘
Wandas POV:
"Baby can you get me water please" I groan and wash my face 3 mornings in a row I've done nothing but vomit I really should go to the doctors "here you go my love are you ok" my caring wife asks as she rubs my back and kisses my cheek "I think I might be pregnant this is how I went when I was pregnant with emma" y/n looks at me a little shocked then smirks like an idiot "well that's what happens when my wife is a horndog and wants me to fuck her raw with no protection" I open my mouth in fake shock as I slap her arm making her laugh I mean she isn't lying the feeling of her deep inside with no condom is so good and the feeling when she unloads her seed deep inside fuck its amazing, I shake my head getting out of my thoughts before I make her fuck me right here in the bathroom "want me to go out and get a test babygirl" y/n says as she wraps her arms around me resting them on my stomach making me smile as she leavesbgentle kisses on my cheek "mhh yes please and ill make some pancakes for you getting back" she smiles and walks out of the bathroom and leaves to go to the store as I hear Emma crying I walk out into the bedroom and over to her crib "morning honey" I say as I pick her up and settle her "is someone hungry let's get you fed sweet girl" i walk downstairs and sit on the couch as I take my top off and start feeding the baby just as she's finished y/n walks in with a huge grin "boooobieeess" I can't help but laugh and look over at my dork of a wife who's eyes are glued to my boobs "eyes up here baby" she frowns and walks over sitting beside me "you know I love our darling daughter but I just got cock blocked by a baby" y/n says while laughing causing me to smirk and laugh y/n leans over to take the baby as she leaves a peck on my lips "ill look after Emma you go do the test babe" y/n whispers as she diverts her attention to our sleeping child I pull my top on and head up to the bathroom I quickly pee on the stick and set it aside, I'm not scared or nervous if it's positive that's great me and y/n always wanted to have few kids running around so it won't bother us either way I look at my phone as the timer goes off and look at the stick and laugh as I take it downstairs and hand it to y/n congratulations you knocked me up....again I say with a laugh as she smiles "were having baby number 2?" She says excitedly as I smile and place my hands on her cheeks kissing her gently "yes we are babe thats what happens when we dont use protection" i giggle quickly followed by y/n giggling we spent the rest of the day cuddling watching movies occasionally taking breaks to play with Emma when she woke up.
2 months later
Y/ns POV:
I wake up slowly with a groan of pleasure as I start to wake up I realise wanda is kissing my neck and palming my member through my boxers "mmmh fuck that feels good baby but it's 4am" wanda groans and climbs ontop of me making sure she sits on my clothed hard member a moan leaving her lips as she looks down at me running her hands down her naked body paying attention to her nipples I moan at the sight "fuck baby youre so fucking sexy" I say biting my lip as I lean up and take her nipple into my mouth sucking gently until I feel her milk flow into my mouth moaning at the taste she grips my head pulling me closer "fuck yes just like that baby I need you so bad you know I get extra horny when I'm pregnant so please just make me cum" she moans as she grinds her soaking cunt into me harder I can feel her wetness soaking my member turning me on I gently flip us as I kiss my way down her body leaving a few gently kisses on her stomach I spread her legs as I lick from her entrance to her clit swirling my tounge over her bundle of nerves earning a loud moan I smirk and look up watching her reaction to my repeated tounge actions "you...taste..so fucking...good" I say between sucking her clit I could do this all day just to hear the moans that leave her lips I latch my lips around her clit sucking and swirling my tounge as I sink 2 fingers inside her unexpectedly as she let's out a squeal quickly covering her mouth "I don't think so princess don't cover your mouth let me hear those moans the baby's asleep in her room you won't wake her" I say as I reattach my lips to her clit and thrust my fingers at a faster pace as she starts screaming from pleasure I curl my fingers at the right spot when I know she close and moan when she squirts all over my face drenching me as I slide my fingers out and take them to her mouth "suck princess" she instantly starts sucking my fingers clean making me moan at the sight I pull my fingers out and take my boxers off as she watches my every move "fuck" she pants as her breathing starts to return to normal I grab my dick leaning down as I line my member up with her dripping entrance rubbing my tip up and down her folds making us both moan at the sensation I quickly sink inside her slowly earning a loud moan "y..yessss fuck y/n oh god " I slowly thrust as I lean down kissing her passionately increasing my speed as we moan into eachothers mouths she scratches down my back as I fuck her a little harderbhitting all the right spots "I'm so close" she pants into my ear as I sit up onmy knees thrusting faster moaning at the glorious sight of my dick sliding inband out of her cunt I feel my own orgasm approach quickly as I lean mybhead back I feel her walls gripping my cock as I continue thrusting not letting her recover from her orgasm as she screams I quickly move my thumb to her clit and add the right amount of pressure "yes yes yes fuck baby yessssssss do..dont stop" she grips the sheets her knuckles turning white as I continue to thrust chasing after my own high after a few more thrusts I cum deep inside her as I moan sweat dripping from my head I slowly slide out of her and lay beside her panting "fuck baby" I breath out as we both smile I lean in and kiss her as she cuddles into me our naked body's pressed together as we both fall asleep in eachothers arms.
AN: I was extremely drunk last night and convinced I was still a little drunk this morning when I was writing this so if it makes no sense I apologise hahaha hope everyone has a great day word count 1.3k 
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miyhhowrites · 9 months
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An shiraishi, ena shinonome, rui kamishiro x gn! Sleepy! Reader
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An shiraishi
໒꒱is probably impressed by how easily you can fall asleep, one second ago you were talking and now you're snoring..
໒꒱She would probably take out her phone and take pictures of you, to tease you when you wake up, but if she isnt in the teasing mood she'll play with your hair, would even humm your favorite songs
໒꒱would try to be quiet as much as possible to not wake you up, if you did wake up she'll feel very guilty and would try to make you fall asleep again.
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁*
It was a normal afternoon at weekend garage, you and an both chat about gossips and about your life, everything was going well.. until you started feelling sleepy.. you tried to figh your eyes to stay up but it wouldnt, it would be rude to just fall asleep when your friend is talking
"One sec, ill go get us some water!" An hurries off and grabs a water pitcher and pours some water on two glass for you both, when she came back she found you fast asleep, resting your head on the table, an chuckles and places the glass gently onto the tabe, then sat beside you
"Asleep already?" She chuckles at herself then brushes your hair with her hand gently as not to wake you up, she continued brushing your hair until she heard you groan. She then stops brushing your hair afraid that it might wake you up "continue.." you mumbled, an paused for a moment, then smiled and continued brushing your hair "youre even greedy when your asleep.." she teased
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Rui kamishiro
꩜if he sees you sleeping in any place thats not a bed he would carry you and place you on a more suitable area
꩜is very very quiet, when he sees you sleeping, he would put a blanket over you just to keep you warm
꩜if you do happen to fall asleep on him he'll smile to himself, despite looking calm hes screaming eternally inside, giggling and blushing he just cant wait to tell you about this when you wake up
꩜would tease you when youre finally awake, showing you his gallery which is just pictures of you sleeping, he would edit some of the picture and doodle them or add a sticker, "y/n~~ look its a beautiful picture of you~~" he cooes showing you an edited picture of you sleeping
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁*
You recently found yourself tutoring your classmate, you didnt know how you got into this and wanted to escape fast it was soo tiring to tutor him, he always answered with the most stupidest responses, not knowing he was only doing this just to spend more time with you♡
You sighed under your breath, at this point you already give up "i give up.." you mutter, rui looks over at you and pleads dramatically "ehhhh.. why? Dont give up on mee.. pleasee? Lets just take a break!" He suggested You groaned and decided to give him a chance. "Fine, but we're not taking any breaks until you learn a thing or two got it?" Rui quickly nodded with a smile
"this separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Im giving you three minutes to answer." You said sternly, rui knew the answer to this ofcourse but.. he decided to play dumb for a while.. "hmm... hmmmm.." he thinks while making some humming noise while doing so he suddenly stops when he felt someones head on his shoulder.
"y/n..?" He added, he was about to wake you up but he saw the peacefulness in your face, he didnt wanna ruin your sleep! After all it was his fault you got tired.. He continued sitting there, his hands shaking like crazy, trying to sit still but he cant.. not when someones head is in his shoulder, its not just someone, its his crush.. rui then grabs the blanket from the floor then wraps it around the both of you
"told you we should take a break.." he teases, he then chuckles at himself "have a good rest y/n.." he says before slowly drifting to joining you in your sleep.
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Ena shinonome
✿at first she would wake you up when you fallen asleep on her, but as you two kept spending more time together she doesnt wake you up, instead he hums and plays with your hair while your sound asleep
✿if you do manage to fall asleep on her shoulder or lap she would blush like crazy, she wouldn't stop squealing and shifting
✿is she does manage to calm down, she places your head onto her lap and just plays with your, not even glancing at your face cus if she does she'll be a red mess!
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁*
You and ena were sitting on the school bench chatting, and gossiping as usual, ena then heard you yawn, and even sees you rubbing your eyes "y/n.. are you sleepy again? Yknow you should get more sleep.. especially since your in night class.." she says calmly, not even hiding the fact that shes worried.
"im fine ena.. ill just drink some coffee and ill be awake and energized!" You added, ena only sighed "fine.. just.. dont drink too much caffeine okay? I do not want you throwing up all over the place.." you chuckled at her remarks and just nodded
You both continued talking when ena stops "oh! I forgot to tell you something!" She grabs her backpack and searches for her sketchpad "im finished with my- eh?!" She felt you head on her shoulder and was snoring, "y/n.. wake up.." she tries to shake you awake but when she sees your eyebags she just cant leave you like this!
"hmph... fine im letting this one slide.." she groans, she then placed her backpack on her lap, after that she gently holds your head and moved them to her lap, making you lay down and have a comfortable pillow..
"you should get more sleep.. you're sleepier than usual.." she points out, she sighs then looks around to see if no ones around, once the coast is clear she kissed your nose then looks away.
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .bonus!.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁*
"oh my.. what a sight.." someone spoke up, it was her brother, "why do you let them sleep on you? If i was the one sleeping you would've thrown me around.." "shush! What are you doing here anyways? Youre supposed to be home by now.." she asked "you left your phone dumbass.. i am gonna tell that akiyama person what i just saw.. itd be so funny.." "just.. shut up kay? Look if you dont tell anyone about this, ill buy you whatever you want.!" Her brother smirks "deal!" He then walks away with a proud grin on his face.
@nogenderbee 🩷
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem!reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3.. TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1.5k?
previously: 'your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You look down at his hands
Looking back up at him with a tight lipped smile, taking his hand to shake it aggressively, "y/n."
"Wow y/n, gotta grip there, im assuming somebody properly taught you to shake hands with a someone?"
how did he know that
its probably a common thing to be taught
"Uh yeah thanks.. my dad actually taught me, said it would make me look knowledgeable at job interviews"
He chuckles throwing his head back slightly, "well i dont know about that but definitely does look impressive to some"
I nod not knowing what to say
my stomach growls loudly
he looks down with wide eyes
"Sheesh, are ya in the mood for some breakfast? We actually made quite a lot of and have left overs i can rewarm for ya--
"whos we?"
He smiles softly "Here" -he walks to the door frame turning back to say," ill introduce you to my farm workin family"
family? ok.. that makes me feel a little better to know im not alone
"Sure" i say walking out of the bedroom door with him
getting to the bottom of the stairs--
damn i was carried up these things?
Spotting a blond and a read head; why are they dressed the same?
probably like close or something, ive done that with my best friend
Eddies voice breaking you from your thoughts
"So.. y/n this is Chrissy and Sarah.”
"Hi.." I say quietly but still politely
"Wow! the blonde says getting up to touch my hair; I flinch slightly but let her continue."Your hair looks so soft.. its full too, Sarah come feel-
Now watching the red head scoot on over to me, also having a feel of my hair "oh yeah, your hair reminds me of my mamas, it was also so healthy like this-
"Oh, where is she ? you ask
"She left me."
I swallow automatically feeling horrible "o-oh, im sorry about that
"Eh, that's okay Sarah says surprisingly not sad, " I found a better family being here on the farm"
"wait what do you--
I get interrupted.
At the corner of your eyes, hearing a new male voice, spotting him
damn whos that?
ive never seen such hair on a dude that looks so.. healthy?
"Steve!!" Chrissy yells making you jump ,"come feel y/ns hair its just bout as soft as yours, if not softer"
you look at her with wide eyes saying "Oh thats ok"-
by the time you’ve finished your sentence Steves making it all the way over to you
"Ooh this is soft, very very soft actually."
you look up to him immediately taking in his features
moles, pretty eyes…wow his hair does look good.. i kinda wanna touch it--
NO! dumbass
snapping out of it, you hear steves voice again but his mouths not moving
am i having a stroke?
“Kurt, Kurtie come meet y/n”
who the hell is kur—
I look over seeing the same face as Steve’s
oh fuck theres another one?
“Hi y/n im Kurt, Steves twin brother”, he grabs your hand to shake and you’re just standing there with amazement not replying
he looks.. the exact same as Steve but something is different..
his hair.. a bit more flat..unwashed maybe?
damn he looks good though
feeling a hand graze your back, forgetting to breathe
“Miss y/n ya feelin alright?”
It’s Eddies voice, and hand that clears your head
“ Oh..uh yeah, sorry guess I was a bit stunned to see that uh Kurt? and Steve look exactly alike” I say slightly chuckling and finally turning around to look at Eddie
its much brighter in here
Eddie. so this is what he looks like
his hair in a low ponytail, tanktop covefred by a flannel..tattoos? dirty overalls and are those buny slippers?
he catches your gaze to the floor and the confusion on you face
he laughs. “Oh these are Chrissy’s bedroom shoes, havent put my boots on yet and our dog chewed mine all to hell” he smiles widely
looking back at him, “Oh no it looks fine to me..”
you melt at the warmth of his smile
are those dimples. damnit thats my weakness
“ I got your food warmed up for you”
“oh cool, t-thank you” i say following him to the kitchen table, i turn back to give a slight wave to rest of the house then back to following Eddie
“She seems nice, dosent she? Sarah says outloud
“Yeah and so pretty too, kinda jelous of her hair” Chrissy states
“Now dear—, Kurt starts “you know jelously is never good for the heart”
“ I know” Chrissy says “i dont mean it as a bad thing..its like i want her hair type of thing i promise and besides, Steve you felt her hair, its soft like yours wouldnt ya say?”
“Yes, its real soft honey” he replies licking his lips as he looks in your direction from the livingroom. “..real soft he mumbles to himself heading to the sink
After sitting down to with Eddie looking down at my plate theres a biscuit, eggs, bacon and fresh cut fruit
“Looks good” i say glacing at him with a small smile
“Thanks” he grins, watching you eat lookin around to see if anyones around
“Now i wont push, but do you wanna tell me why and how i found you in my barn asleep?”
I swallow hard on my strawbeery a bit too harshly coughing, grabbig the water that was also placed on the table, sipping it
clearing your throat looking nervously. he notices.
“Its okay, i wont tell the others if you would like this to be private.. but it is my farm and i just need to know whata young lady like you was cuddling up in my barn
nodding understaningly “yeah no, i totally understand, a few miles after walking”—
—“you walked here?” he asks worried
“Yeah, it was fine ive walked in the dark plenty of times. It doesn’t scare me” he nods for you to continue. “Me and my probably now ex boyfried got into a big fight, found out he cheated he called me crazy when the proof was physically all over his neck,—“ you dont notice you’re just rambiling now—
—and he wanted to be a dick and leave me on the street and just.. left! can you belive that shit..asshole”
—oh shit sorry” i cover my mouth
“Thats okat sweetheart i cuss all the time”
theres that gut wrenching twist from that name again.
“Uh, may i ask, you said "probably" broke up? are you not certain?”
“Oh no i am, i dont stay with cheaters no matter how long we’ve been together”
“ And how long is that?”
“6 years..”
his eyes widen and shakes his head dissaprovingly, “Thats alot time hun, I am sorry about that”
“Eh, his actions over the years start to make sense to me now.. its honestly not surprising he did cheat..makes me wonder how many times he truly has..” you say pushing your food around shrugging
“Eddie reaches over placing his hand over yours soothingly, catching your line
I get chills from the warmth and rough feeling of his hand, finally looking at his face in full—
how did i not see those before? asking myself
his..his eyes their so beauifu—
“Hey yn/!”
both Eddie and you separate hands, jumping back at Chrissy’s sudden surpise
“Y-yes?” you say slighlty annoyed
i kinda miss the warmth of his hand
bitch, calm down you have a boyfeind
no the fuck i dont
“What can i do for you Chrissy?”
“..well, i wanted to ask if you could braid?” she say sitting down at the table beside you
“Yeah, i can why do you ask?”
she sighs, “nobody in the house knows how to braid but Eddie, and his dry hands yank my baby hairs too much”—
“Hey! its not my fault” Eddie interjects
“ I gave you lotion for it ya know”
“Yeah you did, and i keep forgetting to use it” you chuckle causing them both to smile at each other and then at you
“was wondering when you’re done and if you wouldn’t mind..if you could braid my hair?”
i mean.. shes harmless its just hair
“Yes, I was just finsihing up anyways”
“Chris? what do we say when we ask for somethig?” Eddie arches his brow at her
“Sorry.. please?”
your eyes slighly scrunch, “thats okay I was going to anyways” i say back to Eddie
“ I know hun, just know its good to have manners is all” I nod at is reply turning to braid the back of her hair, seeing Eddie at the corner of your eye, to take your cleared plate. you stop him
“Oh i could have taken that for you “ saying looking up at him walk to the kicten
“Thats alright, i was headed this way anyway” he says winking at you before clearing the room
Walking back to the sink Eddie spots the twins, emptying your plate turning to make conversation. “So what do you think Ed?” Steve asks “Yeah, whats your thoughs on y/n?” Kurt adds—“she looks nice,—and very sweet too” Steve says looking at Eddie, then all 3 of them look back at you, admirng you braid Chrissy’s hair
“Yeah, she is a sweet one isn’t she?” real..sweet thinks Eddie snapping out of stare
“Hey, aren’t yall suppsoed to be rollin them hay bells we got extra from Rick yesterday, its gonna storm I’m pretty sure, and i dont need them gettin all soggy”
Both Kurt and Steve groan, nodding heading out the door grabbing their hats on their way out.
After finishing Chrissy’s hair and her thankinng you with a hug, skipping out, I make my way over to the kitchen spotting a phone, then Eddie beside it,
“Can i use your phone?, I think it was about time i get out of your hair and find a way home”
“Sure darlin, but it may not work, the service out here is very poor”
you nod and he moves letting you continue with your task
dialing the only person you can think to call.
1 dial, 2 dial, 3 times trying his phone you exhale agitated
maybe he can take me home?
“Mr. Eddie?”
going to find where he went seeing him standing and turning up the weather channel hearing:
Today the forcast shows severe thunderstorms and hail later today at 2pm–
I glance at the clock on the wall reading 1:55pm
-and 2 tornado watches. There hasn’t been a tornado in Hawkins in 6 years, the dry weather must be causing this it. the woman jokes on the televishon, while you trun around to go look outside at the clouds.
Eddie watches and follows along, trying not to scare you, walking out of the backdoor also
“By the looks on your face im assuming nobody answered huh?”
“hm? looking back from the sky to him, —“oh no.. he didn’t of course he didn’t, prick i utter.
“ I’m assuming your ex boyfriend?”
“Ashton yeah, called 3 times probably out fucking another whore” you say spit vomiting cuss words
“Gosh, sorry! I know i have anasty mouth”
his cheeks flush at your statement, “no, its quite alright sweetheart , im not judging you”
you nod giving a tight lipped smile, looking at the ground not knowing what do now—
“ I can try and take ya home? you have anyone else who can”—
interrupting him, knowing hes probably talking about your parents
—“my parents? yeah no thats a joke..”
He comes up closer with a hand on your shoudler, which you eye subtlely “May i ask what happend with them? if you dont mind?”
“Its fine, my dads an abusive drunk and my step mom.. shes every bad word I could think of right now”—
“Wheres your real mom?”
damn so may questions
you shift your eyes uncomfortably he notices hes gone too far
“ I-im sorry, I keep just a nit picking arent i..?”
“No, its a funny story..shes actually married to my boyfriends father”
“Oh” he says in actual shock
“ I know right” reading his face. “ it’s a crazy story, maybe another time”—
so you want another time too? He thinks
—“and by looks at the sky”—
both jumping at the sound of rumbled thunder and instant rain and hail falling out if th sky
“Jesus Christ!”
I hear from afar turing to see both Steve and Kurt holing ass back to the house with soaked shirts
oh god
making way for them to get inside along with Eddie and you—
“Well.. sorry miss y/n i dont think its too safe to attempt to drive you home right now”
my heart pangs with a odd feeling. “Thats alright its safer to wait, right?”
“..Right, welp, just you make yourself at home until then and let me know if you need anything okay sweetheart?”
“Y-yes, I will thank you mr Eddie”
“Just Eddie” he smiles at the name walking off, leaving you here standing by yourself, taking in a real look at the house, spotting the girls, choosing to go take a seat with them on the couch
what the hell am i supposed to do!?
arguing with myself glancing to the right, spotting the twins with Eddie working on some door frame; catching him smile deeply at you
I gulp giving him a quick smile then turning my attention back to whatever’s on the tv screen, in silence.
Reblogs appreciated :>
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teyammybeloved · 1 year
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my girls - neteyam sully
genre - fluff, little angst
summary - reader is scared to tell neteyam the true reason behind why she is sick, because of a previous conversation she overheard
characters- y/n, fem!navi reader, aged up neteyam
word count - 5.4k
warnings - miss communication, use of she/ her, and y/n, pregnancy, dad neteyam.
Y/N FELT her mate’s presence as he entered the small hut, where she had been previously resting. she knew he was there but made no effort to move.
neteyam looked over at his mate, who he first assumed was asleep, but the soft sway of her tail gave her away, he frowned. something was wrong. normally she would rush to meet the war party, rushing to check if everyone was okay — especially neteyam.
so when he got off his ikran, to find his girl no where to be seen, he was instantly filled with worry. he placed his bow down next to the entrance, before taking off his other required equipment.
“yawne?” neteyam said, walking slowly towards where she was resting on the mat, her ears perked up, sitting softly as she was filled with an overflow of nausea again. “you’re back” she said softly, leaning forward to wrap her arms around his next as he kneeled next to her.
“you’re burning up yawne, are you sick?” he asked.
she shook her head, before shrugging softly. “how was it?” she asked, disregarding his question as she wiped the tired from his eyes. normally the two would walk around the village, y/n listening to every detail about what had happened, but right now neteyam was more worried about his mate.
“baby, what is the matter?” he said, placing the back of his hand to her forehead, “should we go see grandmother?” he asked, wanting to know if there was an illness going around, or if something serious was wrong.
“no i am fine, its just very warm today. i missed you this morning” y/n said, changing the topic once more, neteyam smiled at the soft confession, y/n moved over so he could join her on the mat.
“i missed you too, you looked so peaceful i didn’t want to wake you” he said, kissing her forehead softly. she sighed, “have you been sleeping well, yawne?” he asked, noticing the soft bags beneath her eyes.
she just hummed, curling herself into his chest. he placed his hand softly on her back, placing another kiss on the top of her head.
“you falling asleep on me?” he asked, looking down to see her droopy eyes, deep in thought. she looked so beautiful, he thought. she shook her head. “no no, sorry. i should probably go help mo’at with the injured” she said, moving to get up.
he grabbed her waist tightly, pulling her back into him, “im sure her and kiri can handle it” he said, whispering softly into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
“i dont know nete, its been pretty rough the last few times” she said, once again trying to get up. neteyam groaned, “can’t you stay here just this once?”
“nete, we have all tomorrow, together. remember?” she said, rubbing his bicep softly, neteyam looked away, his eyes filled with guilt.
“oh- we don’t?” y/n asked, neteyam sighed, “dad asked me to help train some young warriors, you know what he is like..” neteyam said, guilt dripping from his tone.
y/n just nodded, pulling away from his grasp to get up, off of the mat, “well, we will find time, but i really do have to go” she said, pushing a few braids behind her ears. fixing the cloth covering her chest. neteyam sighed as he watched her.
“what time will you be back?” he asked, standing up to join her, standing behind her as she fixed the fabric.
she hummed, leaning softly into his touch, “sometime after eclipse?” she shrugged. “i must go, yawne.” she said, turning around to place a soft kiss on his lips, before slipping out of the entrance before he could respond.
she did as she said she was, she went to the healing tent, seeing it packed with warriors and men, covered in injuries. mo’at, neytiri and kiri were all happy to see more help, y/n was truely a wonderful healer
she quickly got to work, ignoring the nausea and fatigue that came over her, after over two and a half hours, the tent was basically cleared. only one more warrior, who had a nasty gash on his back.
“you need to be more careful.” y/n warned softly, placing the medicine on the boys back. the warrior looked up at the na’vi fixing up his cuts.
“you are neteyam’s mate” he said, y/n nodded, a soft laugh leaving his mouth. “he was talking about you all day” the warrior said, words coming out as a soft groan as she pressed a little too roughly on the gash, “sorry-“ she muttered.
he nodded, she quickly wrapped him up, he thanked her before walking out. a loud sigh left her mouth. rubbing a hand over her face. “im exhausted” she said, kiri smiled softly as she finished mixing a new medicine.
“are you sick, child?” mo’at asked, y/n shook her head, why did everyone keep asking. neytiri and mo’at looked at each other. kiri looked at y/n who gave her a look, almost as if she was asking if kiri knew what the two were thinking, kiri only shrugged.
“y/n, do you mind if i examine you, just really quickly” neytiri asked, y/n paused, wondering if she looked sick, was her nausea obvious?
“uh- sure” she said, shrugging softly, both neytiri and mo’at approached her.
they did a few exams, checking a lot of different things before stopping to look at each other, they shared a look, kiri was beaming from the other side of the room as she noticed what was going on.
“what is it?” y/n asked.
mo’at took the lead, “y/n, eywa has blessed you with a gift” she said, neytiri placed a hand on y/n’s stomach, y/n looked up in confusion, worry filling her eyes.
“y/n- you are with child” neytiri said, y/n paused, her whole body freezing up. “wh- what? are you sure”
“baby is strong, strong heart, strong mind” mo’at said, “you must tell neteyam!! he will be so happy” kiri said, y/n only frantically shook her head.
“no - no he does not want this!” y/n said, tears pooling her eyes, the three of them frowned, neytiri grabbed onto the girls hand as a sob left her mouth.
“you don’t know that” kiri said, walking towards her brothers mate, a soft smile on her face, but y/n just sobbed.
“yes i do, i know he doesn’t want this. i heard him tell lo’ak he doesn’t want children yet — he wants to focus on training, he will hate me” she sobbed
neytiri hugged the girl as kiri frowned, “oh y/n”
“you must not worry, stress can harm the child” mo’at warned, y/n sobbed harder. “you must tell neteyam, but when you are ready.” neytiri said, rubbing the girls back softly.
“are you alright?” kiri asked, as she started to calm down, y/n nodded. “yes- i think im going to take a walk..” she said, needing a minute alone before returning home to neteyam. she couldn’t tell him yet, he would leave her.
“are you sure y/n? its passed eclipse, be careful” neytiri said, “i will tell jake, so if anything happens, he knows where you’re going”
y/n thanked her mother inlaw before leaving the healing pod, taking a deep breath. she knew it wouldn’t be long until neteyam was asleep, maybe, thats if he didn’t stay up worrying about his mate.
she was walking for a little over an hour, finding herself at the tree of souls. she sat down and all of a sudden it was like everything came crashing down. “please ewya, give me the strength to tell neteyam, please help me, i can’t lose him.”
y/n returned home an hour after, officially it had been nearly three hours since she left for her walk and neteyam was going out of his mind, jake had said that she was safe and okay, but that only irritated him more, howcome his father knew where his wife was when he didn’t? it drove him insane.
when she walked through the entrance of their shared hut. her face was calm, almost stone, but there was a slight bloachyness on her face, she had been crying. “y/n?” neteyam said softly, standing up from the chair he had been sitting on.
“sorry im late” she said, rubbing her eyes as a small yawn left her mouth. “have you eaten yawne?” neteyam asked, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset at her.
she hadn’t, but she wasn’t really hungry either, so she just nodded. he frowned, missing the nights they got to eat together, sleep together, do everything together.
they barely had any time one on one anymore. and it drove him insane. he was always busy with his father, and hunting, and tasks, and she was always busy with healing, teaching, learning. he missed his wife.
she was always tired and it broke his heart, he just wanted to give her the world and it felt as if he was failing.
“yawne, do you want to get ready for bed? i was thinking tomorrow once i get back we could go for a fly together?” he offered, she frowned, wanting nothing more then to do that.
“im sorry, i thought you were going to be busy all day so i told mo’at id help in the hut.” she confessed guilty, it wasn’t a lie, mo’at had asked, and since she had a free day, no longer dedicated to neteyam, she accepted.
“fuck” he groaned. it seemed like no matter what they never had time anymore. “nete?” she cooed softly, wondering what was going through his mind.
“im sorry yawne, i just miss you” he said, walking over to her to wrap his arms around her waist as she changed into a more comfortable covering.
“i can see if kiri can do it?” she said, feeling bad. guilt flooding her stomach as his hands pressed right against her stomach, where there was a child, a baby. his baby.
a baby he didn’t want.
she knew she would have to tell him, but there was a sense of selfishness inside her, if she told him, it would be over right? he said he wanted to focus on training, and he wasn’t ready. yet here she was carrying his child he had no idea about.
it broke her heart, he had no idea.
how would he react, would he ignore her and shut her out, get angry and yell, blame her? kick her out? would he hate her and tell her he never wants to see her again?
right now she couldn’t lose him, but what if all the stress eventually builds up and then she loses the baby, should she end things with him before he can? does he have to know about the baby at all.
of course he does, that is his child, he has a right to know even if he wants nothing to do with it.
“whats going through your pretty little head?” he cooed, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. she smiled, shaking her head. “nothing important. bed?” she asked, tiredness overcoming her.
he hummed, grabbing her hands to lead her to the hammock outside.
the next week was the worse, y/n kept looking for a time to tell him, but they were both overly busy with work and tasks.
today, they were hanging out with lo’ak and tsireya, who had moved from the metakayna clan to be with lo’ak. “we have something to tell you both” lo’ak said.
neteyam was sitting with his arm slung around y/n, holding her close to him, her head rested on his shoulder. y/n instantly perked up at the mention, she had been getting more and more sick, the morning sickness was eating her alive, thankfully, neteyam had yet to catch on, he always left before y/n woke up to get an early start on his tasks so he had more time for her during the evening.
she however, had been having more check ups with mo’at finding out she is roughly just over a month along, and soon she would have a bump forming.
tsireya smiled softly, as lo’ak looked at her, giving her the go ahead to tell them. “we are with child” she said, a massive smile forming across her face.
neteyam instantly stood up to congratulate the both, as did y/n a massive smile forming across neteyam’s face, it almost broke her heart. y/n instantly wrapped her arms tsireya, congratulating her.
“hey- be careful, thats my wife and child!” lo’ak said, y/n and tsireya laughed, neteyam chuckled along before speaking, “calm down daddy lo’ak.” he said, although over the moon for his brother.
lo’ak shook his head softly, “as if you wouldn’t be protective of y/n if she was pregnant” lo’ak joked, but it hit y/n hard, she just went quiet, tensing slightly.
neteyam smiled, wrapping his arms around his mate, “of course i would.” he said, y/n didn’t expect his words, moreso him expecting to shut it down as soon as possible.
“how far along are you?” y/n asked, slowly moving out of neteyam’s grasp, to talk to tsireya, trying to not let how uncomfortable she was show. “just over a month!”
that also his y/n hard. they were roughly around the same way along, that means there kids would be the same age, and probably best friends — if neteyam didn’t leave her and ban her from the clan.
she knew he wasn’t low enough to do that, but the two of them never really spoke about kids, not since they were teenagers, neteyam had said he wanted kids but he wanted to focus on being a leader first — although that was before the two had mated and got married.
but even then, more recently, only a month ago he had said he wasn’t ready yet, and so she just assumed he would leave her.
tsireya noticed her quiet aroma, different to how it usually was, looking towards lo’ak and neteyam who were deep in a conversation, she looked at y/n who forced a smile at her.
“me and y/n are going to go to the river, have a girls chat. meet you back in… an hour?” tsireya said, neteyam frowned, not liking that the one free time he had with his wife was being taken up by someone else, but the two were walking off before he could protest.
“women” lo’ak joked, neteyam smiled softly. “hey does y/n seem off to you?” neteyam asked, watching as his mate walked out of the village. “i mean, i haven’t really noticed, shes a little quieter but shes been working a lot no? tsireya said shes been in the healing hut a lot.” lo’ak shrugged,
neteyam sighed, “its more then that, shes not telling me something, but i have no idea what”
lo’ak shrugged, neteyam only shook it off, “so daddy lo’ak huh?” he said, lo’ak pushed his brother away, playfully.
“whats going on” tsireya asked as the two of them approached the river, y/n shook her head, “nothing, what do you mean?” she asked, lying obviously.
“y/n… are you with child?” tsireya asked straight up, causing y/n to snap her head towards the other, “wh- what?”
tsireya smiled, getting her answer just by the girl’s reaction. “you immediately went quiet when lo’ak mentioned you being pregnant and youre being kind of distant from neteyam, i was the same when i found out, i didn’t tell lo’ak until a few days ago”
y/n immediately broke down crying, tsireya sighed, wrapping her arms around the girl. “was it that obvious?” she asked, tsireya shook her head, “no- no. i just know you, and its the same way i was acting- why haven’t you told neteyam, im sure he would love to be a dad”
“i overheard him saying he wasn’t ready and wanted to focus on hunting for a bit” y/n confessed, feeling even more guilty, it felt like everyone knew but neteyam.
“y/n- lo’ak said the same thing. but when i told him he was over the moon, i think they’re just boys, and the way they grew up was to put training and hunting first. but you know your neteyam’s number one priority right?”
y/n only stayed quiet, tsireya frowned at her best friend, she hated seeing the girl beside herself. she knew from experience its hard keeping something so serious and deep from your mate, and with the fear that they will hate you for it, even worse.
they didn’t realise how much time had passed, y/n was rushing to wipe away her tears and make herself presentable as she heard a stick snap and familiar laughter belonging to her mate.
tsireya and y/n both ended up rushing into the water, just so it seemed like they were doing something other then talking about what they were, tsireya swore not to tell, yet very excited that her child would have a best friend the same age, and that they were going through this together.
they shared stories about how the pregnancy was going, how they found out, how bad their morning sickness was, and overall just comforted each other, it was nice.
“babe?” she heard lo’aks voice, as he peered through the forest, finding the two girls in the water, “they’re over here” he called to neteyam.
lo’ak instantly approached, “how are you? how is the baby” tsireya couldn’t even answer before he asked more questions, “are you hurt? is baby hurt?”
“lo’ak, i am fine, and so is the baby” tsireya smiled softly, neteyam appeared a second after smiling as he saw his wife floating on her back, with her eyes closed.
“y/n” she heard neteyam’s voice, instantly opening her eyes, she returned to standing in the water. “do you want to go on a fly later?” he asked.
y/n felt a whole other load of guilt unpoor, she had agreed to go see mo’at with tsireya and have a checkup together. neteyam seemed to see it on her face, the guilt, the rejection.
“tsireya asked me to go with her to her appointment, they’re finding out the gender.. she wants me to know before them to help set up like — a gender reveal thing, apparently your dad mentioned it”
neteyam frowned, first work was stealing his wife away, now tsireya and a baby?
lo’ak got carried away explaining to neteyam what a baby shower was, instantly taking the heat off of y/n, who looked at tsireya, who just smiled softly,
it wasn’t a lie, the both of them were finding out the others gender. so they could have a shared baby shower, which was tsireya’s idea, but y/n was warry, was it okay for her to be getting this ahead of herself when neteyam still had no idea that this baby even existed.
“talking about that, we should start heading back” tsireya said, grabbing onto y/n’s hand for the two of them to walk out of the lake together.
“y/n can i speak to you before you go?” neteyam asked, y/n nodded, tsireya muttered something about meeting her there before she walked off with lo’ak.
he smiled as she approached him. “whats up?” she asked, he just leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. he groaned into the kiss, missing the way her lips felt on his, he deepened the kiss, grabbing her hips.
she laughed, pulling away, wrapping her arms around his neck. “what’s brought this on?” she asked, as he leaned down to kiss her jaw and down her neck.
“ ‘jus miss you” he said, kissing her collar bone before reconnecting their lips. she smiled into the kiss, before the guilt came back. “neteyam-“ she said pulling away, he attempted to chase the kiss but didn’t get anywhere. “i really have to go, i promised her.”
“fuck the appointment y/n” he said, tone rough as he reconnected their lips, pulling her closer to him. “teyam, this is important.” she said as she pulled away, placing her hands on his chest.
“everything seems to be more important” he said, y/n felt hurt, it wasn’t one sided, he was busy too. “are you blaming me?” she asked softly, eyes furrowed.
“no- i’m just saying— we don’t spend any time together anymore.
y/n didn’t know if she could handle this conversation right now, she also did really need to go. “can we talk about this later please- i really have to go” she said. silently begging.
he frowned, sighing, before releasing her, she frowned at his annoyed expression — not even bothering to spare her a glance or say goodbye.
tears pooled her eyes before she started walking away. her mind clouded as he turned back around, his back was to her. “neteyam” she said softly, voice cracking.
“we aren’t going just for tsireya” she said, before leaving, leaving her mate alone with his thoughts, alone to ponder about what she meant by her words.
“you’re child is strong, but stressed, tell neteyam” mo’at said, placing her hand softly on y/n’s belly, they had just finished tsireya’s and y/n was now the one who was being checked, mo’at had written the gender of tsireya’s baby on a piece of paper and given it to y/n, and had just done the same for y/n.
the appointment didn’t go for very long, the two left about twenty minute after it had started. “tsi” y/n said, looking at her friend. “do you think i could stay with you tonight?” she asked.
tsireya immediately softened, nodding softly. “of course, what happened?” y/n explained the small argument and how she was slightly nervous to go back home to see him. tsireya understood, feeling for her friend.
“ill tell lo’ak, do you want me to get him to tell neteyam so he isn’t worried?” tsireya asked her friend who hadn’t stopped looking at the paper in tsireya’s hands, which was folded shut.
“yeah- yes please” y/n answered, tearing her gaze from the paper. she followed tsireya back to the hut tsireya and lo’ak shared.
“lo’ak, can you do me a favour?” lo’ak immediately perked up, staring at his pregnant wife, willing to do anything she asked. “could you please let him know y/n is staying with us tonight”
“she is? why”
“yes she is, don’t ask and just do” tsireya said, annoyed, not really at the boy, moreso at the fact she didn’t know how much y/n wanted him to know.
lo’ak nodded, heading out to talk to his brother. “im scared.” y/n confessed, tsireya just gave her a half hearted smile, wrapping her arms around the girl.
“hey neteyam” lo’ak said, looking at his brother who looked.. frantic, in his hut, eyes wide when he noticed his little brother standing at the entrance. “fuck - lo’ak have you seen y/n?” he asked.
lo’ak instantly started to panic as well, neteyam had no idea where she was he calmed himself down when he remembered why he was here. “yeah yeah, i do, shes at mine with tsireya.” lo’ak said, neteyam instantly sighed with relief.
“they wanted me to come tell you that y/n is gonna stay with us tonight, they didn’t tell me why - actually yelled at me not to ask. and im scared of those women together so i just didn’t”
“fuck!” neteyam cursed, griping his hair tightly as panic overflowed. lo’ak began to worry, “whats wrong? what happened?” lo’ak asked.
“we argued- kind of, but then she said she wasn’t going to mo’at just for tsireya?? i dont know what she meant, it could be anything right? do you think she is really sick?” neteyam ranted.
lo’ak put the pieces together in his head, the reason y/n was so quiet, the reason she went with tsireya, the reason his mate was bubbling with excitement when she was walking back with him. “neteyam, bro? have you noticed y/n being sick?” lo’ak asked.
neteyam furrowed his eyebrows, “no? she is just sleeping a lot? what is going on.” he asked.
“fuck, tomorrow, talk to y/n. be understanding.” he said.
“is she in love with someone else?” neteyam asked, worry filling his chest, he hadn’t spent a night alone in his hut since the two had gotten it, despite going on a few hunting trips, he still spoke to y/n through coms every single night he was away.
and now he was alone in his hut, no way to communicate with her as he noticed her com sitting on the desk, it annoyed him slightly, what if she had gotten hurt and he had no idea cause she wasn’t wearing her com.
his mind was spiralling, he felt insane without her. it had been building up but he couldn’t help it.
and he was worried, why did she need an appointment with mo’at? why would she go with tsireya if it was completely different.
y/n was basically asleep, despite the goosebumps that fell along her skin, she was use to the warmth of neteyam’s body when going to sleep, she hated the cold, and he was never cold.
she missed him, feeling bad, she couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing, maybe he liked it better when she wasn’t there, not asking for his attention every two seconds. she was just thinking about him, she was worried, what if he hated her for what he said.
did he catch on? did he understand what she meant. she wondered if he was mad, it drove her to the brink of insanity.
she felt a groan from the room next to her where neteyam and tsireya were sleeping, or so she thought, it was a groan of annoyance, before she could ignore it, lo’ak walked in.
“this is for you” he said, handing her his com, she looked up in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows. “he hasn’t left me alone since i left, says he wont stop till he speaks to you” lo’ak explained, almost begging her to put him out of his misery, “i just want to sleep” he said, before walking out, back to his room.
“hello?” she said, pressing the button, she knew how to use it since neteyam had given her one, saying to wear it everywhere she went, however today, she didn’t.
“yawne?” she heard neteyam’s voice, her confused expression fell into a frown, she was tempted to turn it off and stop replying, but the softness in his voice made her worry.
“neteyam? what is the problem?” she asked, looking up at the roof of the hut, he groaned, almost as if he was in pain. “the fact i am talking to you through my brothers fucking com, and not in person with you in my arms” he said.
she smiled, her heart warmed, even after she had said what she said, he still missed her, which mustve meant he didn’t catch on to her slight confession.
she then frowned, “neteyam.” she muttered, not understanding what he wanted her to do. “come home, yawne.” he said, almost begging. he needed her home, “please, you don’t have to talk to me but i need you to come home, i will come get you, please”
she sighed, feeling guilty, “okay neteyam” she gave in, shaking her head softly, “fuck- yes, ill be there in a minute. thank you yawne”
y/n sighed as she moved the com from her mouth, walking into the other room she placed the com next to lo’ak, tsireya sat awake, while lo’ak was dead asleep.
“where are you going?” she asked, y/n smiled softly, “neteyam asked me to go home — i don’t think he knows. must of missed my comment” she said, believing there was no other reason.
“he is coming to pick me up, don’t worry.” she said, as tsireya smiled, leaning back. “good luck, let me know how you go, yeah?”
“thank you, for everything”
the cold air nipped at y/n’s skin, as she stood outside waiting for neteyam, when she saw him, she immediately felt warmer.
his hair was a mess, his daily loincloth and been replaced with one he had worn for sleep, the idea of someone else seeing him like that couldn’t help but make y/n a bit jealous.
he didn’t even wait for her to say anything, instantly wrapping his arms around her, taking a long deep breath, inhaling her scent like he had gone years without her.
“god i missed you” he said, she didn’t respond. just hugged him back, she missed him as well.
“come, lets go home, yawne” he said. pulling on her hand, bringing her in front of him, he held her hips as he stood tall behind her, leading her home.
“neteyam.” she said as they reached their hut, he turned to her, it was the first time she had spoken, he hated her use of his full name, she always called him the shortened version. “yawne?”
“i need to tell you something, and i think i should do it before we go in” she said, inhaling deeply, nerves biting her as the urge to tell him not to worry came up. “what’s wrong yawne?” he asked, pulling her close to him.
“tey- im pregnant.” she finally said the words, and the tears came flowing, she couldn’t help it, nothing she did, she wanted to be strong and tell him she understood he wasn’t ready and that she understood that he was going to end things.
but none of that happened, she just cried, too scared to look at his reaction, but she felt his hands on her, pulling her closer to rub her back.
“im sorry- i know you don’t want it and you’re going to leave me, im sorry tey” she sobbed into his chest, he was shocked, he already knew she was pregnant, he caught on after he comment, maybe that played a part in why he missed her so much. but leave her?
“baby- what.. what are you talking about. leave you? why would i leave you.” he said, pulling her face away to look at her, fear covering her entire face. “i know you told lo’ak you didn’t want kids yet, and you want to focus on hunting and training, im sorry i ruined it for you, please dont hate me” she sobbed.
he was shocked with every word that left her mouth.
“what are you even- no baby- oh god. i was telling lo’ak i wasn’t ready to train kids. dad has been trying to make us start with 7 year olds, neither of us are ready to train a whole group of little kids, that- i didn’t say i wasn’t ready yawne. god im so ready, i’ve been ready, i just didn’t want to pressure you into anything, gosh im so sorry, i can’t believe you were so scared, i could never leave you”
he was now crying as well, the two of them besides themselves, you were crying because it was a lot of information to take in, and neteyam crying because he was going to be a dad.
“ewya, im so happy, so so happy- i love you so much baby, so so so much” he said, connecting his lips with yours.
“and you too, little one, i love you so much”
“its a girl” y/n sobbed, she hated that she could see what mo’at was writing, and the fact that her and tsireya were very bad at keeping secrets, they ended up just telling the other the gender.
tsireya was having a boy, and y/n a girl.
“you found out?” he said, looking up from where he was kneeling before her stomach. y/n immediately felt guilty. “im sorry.” she said, wiping her teary eyes.
“don’t be baby. my two girls. gosh i cant wait to meet you” he said speaking to your belly, as if it was gonna respond.
his two girls
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hrtz4alex2211 · 2 months
One rule
pairing: sub!nate x sls!reader
summary 1: you and your triplet older brothers (nick matt and chris) have always been close, they have always respected your wishes and let you do what you want as you were an adult now. but they had one rule. dont. fuck. their. best. friend. but rules were never ment to be followed…
summary 2: it was finally your birthday, the day you have been wating for, your finally 21!! your older siblings throw a party for you constantly reminding you of their one rule. dont have sex with their best friend, nathan doe.
A/N: this is my first fan fic ever so if it suck im sorry.😭 and sorry for the 2 summarys i couldnt chose one bc they both are good😭 this will be 2-3 parts depending on the ending looks like for this fic
warnings: SMUTTTT, cursing, getting caught, crying, physical fighting, panic attack, mentions of alcohol, and probably more
"Y/N HURRY UP!" you hear your eldest brother nick call up to you as you finish up your no make up make up look. "IM COMING JEEZ NICK BEING A GIRL IS HARD Y'KNOW!" you scoff as you say that, putting your shoes on running down stairs where your 3 brothers wait looking at their phones.
"ahem im here lets gooooo" you cough out as they all look up at you and start walking "took you long enough.." chris mumbles earning a smack on the arm from you.
about twenty minutes later you arrive at the airport to pick up 2 of your best friends, madi and nate. you've had the biggest crush on nate since as long as you can remember but you have never told anyone but madi. when you finally see the two emerge from the crowds at the airport you run up to them.
"MADI! NATE! AHHHH!!!" you scream as you wrap your arms around both their necks for about 30 seconds before you pull back and look both of them in the eye
"well hello to you too then" nate laughs "hi Y/n/n!!! its been so long" madi says picking up the bag she dropped from seeing you and loading it into the back of the mini van. nate does the same stacking his bag on top of madi's and putting his backpack on top.
you all start to pile into the mini van after small talk but slowly realizing there wont be enough room for the four of you to fit in the back. "shit where am i gonna sit?" you say looking at matt who is sitting in the front seat waiting as everyone buckles up but you. he shrugs when you hear nate say "sit on my lap itll be fine." you look up at him with an eye brow cocked up.
"no ill be to heavy. ill sit on the floor its fine!" you say starting to crawl into the vans floor "no y/n thats dangerous. just sit on my lap ill live you weigh practically nothing!" nate says as you roll your eyes and finally agree to this decision, as you close the door. you wiggle around on nates lap to make yourself comfortable. you hear him grunt as you finally find a comfortable position and lean back in his chest.
"whats wrong, am i too heavy?" you ask looking back at nate. "no your fine just getting myself comfortable too!" he says smiling his warm smile at you as matt hits a speed bump making nate grunt again but this time you ignore it leaning back on nate's chest and slowly falling asleep to the sound of small chatter floating around the car.
when you wake up you find a sleeping madi and you in new clothes with no make up. madi must have changed you and taken off your make up after you fell asleep in the car. you get up and go downstairs checking the time on your phone 11:37 PM you read as you groaned rubbing your eyes as you make your way to the kitchen already seeing a light on. you walk into the kitchen to find a snacking nate at the island, you giggle as you walk over to your fridge and grab a small yogurt cup.
"hello sleepy head" nate says looking at you through his lashes as he takes a bite from the cereal bowl in-front of him. you walk over and sit next time him setting your yogurt and spoon down as you look into his eyes "hello pretty boy" you whisper, a smirk threatening to spread across your face as you see his eyes widen from the nickname he hasn't heard you use in months.
"ive missed you y/n.." he says as he looks at your lips then back to your eyes, you doing the same. "ive missed you too nate" you smile at him and you jsyt stare into each others eye before the buzz of your phone breaks the trance. its nick. you groan opening the message.
from : nicky pooh 11:41 why are you up i see the kitchen like on
you laugh as you type a response
to : nicky pooh 11:41 i got hungry, snacking with nate. sorry to wake you we'll be in bed soon promise
from: nicky pooh 11:42 fine, make it quick im tired and that light is bright shining through my door. love u 🫶🏼
to : nicky pooh 11:43 lol sucks to have a broken door dont it, love u to🫶🏼
"sorry about that." you chuckle putting the phone down and looking back at nate who looks like his eyes never left your face. you turn to open ur yogurt are you are actually hungry, making nate do the same to finish off his cereal as you devour the yogurt in 6 big spoon fulls. you both get up at the same time him making his way to the sink and you to the trash, he puts his bowl and spoon in the sink as you throw away the yogurt container and walk over the nate leaning on the sink.
you lean really close to nate looking up at him slightly as you place your spoon in the sink. your stomach slightly grinding against his crotch making him groan. you lightly gasp as you feel his growing hard-on press into your stomach. you back up taking nates hand and dragging him to the guest room where he will be staying making sure to close and lock the door as you walk over to the boy pushing him down on the bed as you climb onto him so your straddling him
"fuck y/n what a-are you d-doing?" he asks worried about nick matt and chris. you can see it in his face thats what hes scared about. "im doing what you clearly want." you say palming his growing erection getting a loud whimper from nate. you push a hand over his mouth. "shhhh we dont want my brothers or madi to hear do we now?" you say earning a frantic head shake from nate as you begin to fiddle with the waist band of his pajamas pants soon after pulling them down as he starts to take your top of leaving you in your bra before you hear a small knock at the door startiling you both as you quickly pull your top back on and him pulling up his pants as you both stand up.
"yo nate!" chris says before he jiggles the locked handle. "whys the door locked? bro let me in!" chris says jiggling the door more as you run and hide behind the desk thats set up in the corner of the room.
"sorry forgot to unlock it after i got changed earlier, whats up?" nate says before looking over at you quickly and back to chris. "me and matt are going on a late night drive you coming? im asking y/n and madi after you." chris says, nate eyes widen. "s-sure uh i can ask the girls if you want to head downstairs, i need to piss anyway." nate says looking over at you again for a second then looking back at your brother
"alrights sounds cool, see you downstairs soon?" chris says walking away and pointing at nate "you got it!" nate says as he slightly closes the door and looks at you. "you down to go for a drive?"nate says pointing at the door "fuck yea i am!" you say standing up running to your room slowly opening the door to see a dead asleep madi "i guess madis not coming!" you say pulling on a hoodie and changing your shorts into long pajama pants.
"fine by me" nate responds walking out the room and down the steps as you follow close behind. after you guys drove around for awhile you went back home and all parted ways to you room. seeing as you had to get stuff ready for tomorrow, your big birthday party!
a/n reallllyyyyy long first chapter so sorry but next will be shorter ish and better i promise! i was also crying at myself while writing this it was so bad so hope you enjoyed😭😭
tags: @k4tixzz @hysteria-things @lovingmattysposts
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goofydoors · 1 year
!Entities!x Gn! Reader
Where they kind realize your not too bad , and so do you
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Yet Again.. Screech had decided to be annoying little bitch and bite you , of course it wasnt a hard one but it was on the ankle making it slightly sore from his dumb teeth , he didnt even say sorry and just laughed with his shit eating grin , “damn kid.. ill get him one day!” Rubbing your ankle deciding it would be best if you could find the herb of viridis , it always helped if you Got hurt ,
Stumbling on to the infirmary encountering rush and halt a few times Rushs Screams could be heard from far away , no wonder some of his victims get away , he seemed unusually hyper for a literal Ball of murder and sugar rushes
Halt was just there to kinda say hi since it thought you were an intruder so it was kinda awkward since it almost killed you , it just dissappeared as quickly as it came
Popping open the door to the infirmary before you jump onto a bed remebering you forgot the key groaning to particularly no one , actually you were screech and halt , thinking to yourself that it would be best to nap and pray that ambush would leave you alone for once not wanting to scream about rush taking his food or ramble about something Else that would come across him as he destorys everything in his path , exhaustion overtakes you as your eyes droop trying your best to hear if anyones coming , yet all your met with is silence
Stumbling across you first is rush , its smile growling ever so wider as it stares before leaving again to find ambush and gush over you , hurriedly screaming at ambush in their gibberish language , ambush has no idea because all it can translate is infirmary , yet it tags along because seek had told Them all there werent Any hotel intruders , as you expect they arrived rather quickly , rush was whispering gibberish moving closer to you , “look! Ambush !! “ ambush wasnt exactly in the mood for rushs shit , but you were an exception ,”i see them , hurry the hell up im hungry “ rush excitedly touched you , screaming in delight but shutting up and leaving , ambush lingers a little longer before going another Way leaving you in your nap yet again ,
So I Think ambush and rush are fluffy and idc what you say , they must be..
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Screech had Also found you , just your luck .. the little iPad shit That caused you All that pain , it wasnt proud in anyway after seeing your face , it was a annoying anklebiting iPad kid but it knew it did something wrong , its smile slightly dropped , setting itself beside you , sliding under the pure White sheets like a stain , it would try to apologize when you woke up , it decided to stay until you woke up ,
Eyes Saw you and was about to move on until it noticed screech slightly under the covers wrapped around your arm , “what the hell are you doing screech dont you have annoying stuff to do?” Screech hissed at it , “just asking calm Down you rabid toddler “ screech pointed at your ankle and leg “im guessing you did that?” Screech hissed again “yeah it was me “ the High pitched child voice called out “so your apologizing to them?” Eyes- “i want to when they wake up i feel kind of bad for once “ eyes multiple eyes became half lidded “or maybe your starting to like em “ screech hissed “no im not! Ill tattle if you keep saying lies!” Eyes let out a slight chuckle in its head before leaving , it had better things to do than Watch a crush develop even tho screech had the mental capacity of a 10 year Old and he was a child so it made sense ,
Sitting up groggily i notice something on my arm , thoose familiar teeth , what does it want now .. “what do you want screech you did this !” I slightly whisper yelled at him “im sorry “ it let out , “what..?” Screech was still Holding onto my arm “i Said im sorry!” I felt a smile rise , maybe this iPad kid wasnt all bad “i forgive you but if you EVER do that again as bad i Will get you back and thats a promise im warning you..” screech laughed before dissappearing yet again , silly little octopus or whatever it is , sitting up I notice some fur on the bed , screech doesn’t have fur . Only three people do .. Rush Ambush And timothy , timothy is out of the question this fur patch is bigger than him , so rush or ambush ? Why would they even come here at all , and I’m not dead? Did they take a limb and I didn’t notice ?!?
Checking all over not a single limb missing , huh guess they can ATLEAST tolerate me now I think?… , shoving off the covers that had turned warm due to me laying there for a bit , I think I’ve been asleep for around ..3 HOURS!? oh no oh no.. what the hell am I supposed to do , oh wait I forgot i don’t even need to do anything today , might As well find seek or glitch .. though I think both have more important things .. yeah I’ll find Jeff !, quickly leaving the infirmary tracing back to Jeffs shop , making way back , “hi Jeff! How are you?” Jeff squinted his white eyes before pointing at the tip jar , seemingly empty , his expression saddening . He hadn’t sold anything today .. “I’m sorry nobody survived so far yet, maybe j could cheer you up? “ jeffs eye squinted , reaching into my pocket pulling out 455 coins I buy the crucifix and lock pick leaving me some spare change , as I put the rest into his jar almost filling it , Jeff delightedly sticks out a tentacle to me handing me a little lighter as a thank you I’m guessing, “are you sure? I’ll be fine screech is gonna get it if he tries anything !” Throwing a punch 🤜 to show what I would do , Jeff seemed to laugh yet it was complete silence , “thanks Jeff cheered me up a little even tho I was fine thanks anyways!” Waving to jeff as he waved ,
You encounter figure , in his library as always , it seems he was picking up fallen books , you had spoken with him once , yet that was him getting mad at you for breaking a book when you tried to escape the library , he was quite murderous , though he’s quite nice , I’ve heard … “f-figure? It’s me” you noticed him stomp over to you , each footstep echoing along , he slightly growled bowing down to smell me , to maybe see if he could recognise me? Not sure , yet he stepped away , “you break book…” worried he might eat you “I’m incredibly sorry I never meant to.. I was just scared as I had heard rumours long ago , yet I just want to be familiar with something .. “ figure seemed to like your answer as he hurriedly tugged on your arm , a little too rough , “calm down we have time! It hurts if you pull too hard!” Figures grip loosened “friend figure excited!” He had messed up speech clearly most likely from all that growling , but he was understandable
——— figure had just mostly been around with you showing you books , he was like a massive golden retriever yet a little less cuter . He was still adorable he was mostly lonely and wanted to say so much at the same time , yet his speech patterns could prove to be difficult , he accidentally held you too hard , on where halt attacked earlier it was slightly sore but the pain was less than when you got it , figure apologised by trying to read you a book , but he was of course blind , resulting in him becoming a little bit more upset he had done something wrong , “figure it’s not your fault.. you couldn’t have known, please don’t be sad ..” you held his claws in your hands stroking his flesh lightly , he honestly didn’t mind the fact you were touching him so delicately even though he had ripped people to shreds you held him like glass , he liked it ,”figure?..” he liked you , you were nice to him unlike an annoying octopus , he wanted to become better friends with you and maybe even show you to some of the others , you continued stroking his claws , calling out to him but no reply “figure!” He snapped out of it and turned in your direction , “figure like you , you nice “ his long arms wrapping around you loosely ,”I like you too figure your a good friend “ a smile rose too my face , so he was lonely… he let go and without a word just opened something , it was the door “figure see you later “ he waved his arms slinging , realizing you had to beat up half , waving to figure before leaving going back to room 49 down the long corridors , you had greeted dupe , meeting him once because you miscounted , he didn’t reply he closed the door with a slight smile , traversing through the already familiar corridors was slightly weird as you had been here multiple times staring at the first door you went through, “001.. cant believe im back here..” sitting yourself on the floor for a moment unsuccesful in finding halt , “i feel so nostalgic being where everything turned upside down in the blink of an eye , yet i dont feel remorseful coming here , even though theres literal monsters that could devour me alive , and yet.. it is Way more scary then the surface but this is new .. paranormal, what do ya Think hide,” i start smirking while it hurries back into hiding “i Saw you when i walked in , you were peeking , thats not Nice ! “ no reply “i am not mad i just wanna know you better …im not telling you to leave your closet hide i would never.. im assuming you like the closets?” the door slightly opened just a eye visible “y-yeah..” smiling softly at it , “why do you push me out if i stay for a little bit im curious .?” It started closing the door ,”wait! .. i shouldnt have asked we arent acquainted Well yet that was maybe personal im sorry!” It had opened it again , “you Seem ni..Nice enough..”
——————— seek is coming👀 but some cuteness with his eyes (seeks)
You and hide had been talking it was mostly onesided from your side , yet he was shy that was obvious , i had figurer out he liked personal space and i was kind of intruding but i didnt have a choice i did it to escape screech and rush , ambush was fine he left me alone and we were neutral , hide was starting to become nervous as he muttered a quick goodbye before dissappearing into the closet yet again , ive been on a streak today! Ive talked with most of the entities in this damn hotel! Now its seeks turn.. i just hope he Will give me a moment to explain before he rips my limbs off one by one.. as i finally reached a room where his eyes popped up , deciding i might aswell decide if they were a part of him or not , like sentimental beings or if they were just seeks weird eyes.. “can you hear me ?..” the eye blinked staring at you , so did all the other ones. Creepy… “ can you hear me seek?” I hope that they were just seeks weird eyeballs or this would be awkward.. it blinked one..twice..thrice.. “oh thank god! Wait.. thats not a good thing..” i talk to myself pondering for a moment , “your quite cute actually ..” i wasnt lying the eyes were slightly cute looking with thoose Big pupils giving Them almost puppy eyes , what i did next might get me killed but i couldnt hold back against thoose eyes! The eye slightly widened , it looked like it was getting … shy? “I have to make up with seek before i get lost in staring at you “ inspecting the eye for a little bit extra before opening the next door to more Rooms with more eyes all staring , leading up to the dreaded hallway i had been in one too many times
Stepping in i could feel the Air shift , anger and death reeked , and there he was as angry as ever ,
I had quickly decided he would kill me before i even opened my mouth if i didnt get a fucking move on , maybe seek was unbefriendable? , hitting bookshelves causing Them to almost Fall on me , hoping it would stop him in the slightest he would need to slow Down to not get hit , he wasnt that stupid to keep running he was smart, as i had hoped the bookshelf fell but right onto him instead trapping him effectively , clawing at the floor. Wood being chipped off as he desperately tried to escape but to no success , staring at him my heart ached to help yet i wasnt a fool he would tear me limb from limb when he escaped , and yet .. his one eye looking at me so desperately , almost begging for help .
It was just you .seek. And that bookshelf , utter silence filled the room as he had stopped violating the floor , both of you were almost having a staring contest , none of you blinking , his eye shifted from you to the floor , out of pure embarrasment that he were to focused to get another kill he had thought he would be fast enough before it fell, i had made my mind up
I was gonna help
“Im going to help you now okay?..” waiting for his reaction he stopped squirming instead staring at me with his piercing gaze as soon i was in his Range , trying to pull the bookshelf off him struggling as my fingers hurt , “can you give me your hand? I need to use friction.” He stared yet handed me his hand , grabbing onto it i could feel how it was solid yet liquid at the same time , how his fingers intertwined with my own causing a slight hue to appear on my cheeks , most likely he hadnt known that Lovers would often do the same but you were just helping him out , “im going to pull now okay? You tell me if it hurts or anything “ his gaze still on me , pulling with all my might i had gotten him a bit loose fighting he would be fine the rest since he could most likely squeeze out, letting go of his hand as he most likely caught on That i thought he could squeeze out the rest , he was wiggling out , as i was walking away i could feel his gaze pierce through me , who knew one eye would be worse than Two? . Before i slammed the door shut , leaning against it , what the hell happened back there i could have gotten rid of him , for a bit , since hes immortal or whatever he is. He just seemed so helpless i cant even blame myself Any more .
Glitch had met you once and could not give less fucks
Halt Met you five times , it thinks your a little bit annoying
——————— hide doesnt like you intruding into “its” closets but your Nice enough it
Never met shadow
Screech thinks your fine enough mostly neutral
Figure likes you alot
Rush Likes you too
And ambush is pretty neutral too
Seek is mostly on the not like side but after you helped him he has been intrested in asking why
And you Well you were uhh confused and about to shit yourself , because this damn hotel couldnt give you a break for no apparent reason ,
A Lil silly things if youve made it this far without closing it or thinking “this shit is ass “
Oh and in this little short drab you had befriended most of Them figure seek and rush May start to like you more than normal for friends?!?.
Rush wouldnt stop following me going where i go , except seeks hallways and figures library it would follow me EVERYWHERE breaking the lights in the process so i wouldnt be able to see anything , finally making it into figures library as always he was happy to see me , but more chipper “its me figure!” Growling he were quick to stomp Way to where you were before grabbing you over to a book “read!” He excitedly spoke out before grabbing a romance book , yet it was a children appropriate one , Its Title were The Monster And the Beauty (copied from beauty and the beast)
Reading into the book getting more and more tired after each chapter while figure never seemingly lost energy ,Falling asleep while Reading figure had only noticed after a bit of silence before snoring was heard “friend?” He lightly shook you but no reply , he would find you somewhere you could lay until you woke up , there arent really Any places that would be comfortable , having decided he would hold you until , his arms hanging loosely around your frame squeezing to get a better grip , after somewhere he could sit , before trying to take a nap too, his head on top of yours ,
He was flustered because he knew this wasnt just for friends ,
Rush had talked with you for a bit seemingly liking your Company Way too much for your liking , it never noticed following you and protecting you (from nothing) it liked you alot , its obvious to everyone ESPECIALLY seek and figure not liking how much it was with you , rush is Nice and energetic but it can be too much , “rush i see you Down the hall..” it moved away , god rush was killing me with all this attention and cuddling out of nowhere.. “im not mad but please let me be alone for a few minutes atleast . Dont you have ambush to annoy?” It was beside you in the blink of an eye “no. Hes annoying” it was rubbing against you , fur getting everywhere , “rush i love you but this is to much ..” it was too late it was already snaked around you like a blanket set on not letting you go, “you love me! ?” So he had only heard the love part “yes i love all of you .” It seemed to sadden when you Said everyone , deciding you would cheer rush up a little , petting his fur “your fur is so soft rush! I just need your tips!” Its smile seemed to widen , you were in for a Long run of tips butttttt to see its smile widen like that would be worth it
—————— Seek
Sitting quietly on the floor , there seek was seemingly intrested in the carpet , picking at it before noticing you had entered , “Hi seek! Oh how badly i missed you!” He seemed to like what you Said before nodding , skipping over to where he sat before sitting beside him leaning into his shoulder fluttering butterflys in his non-existent heart , “you okay? Your quiet today..” he thought of so many other scenarios you could say that in (not innocent) seemingly making him move away slightly , he had found some books in figures library about the Human body intrested how it worked and had stumbled upon intercourse in one of Them , he couldnt get it out of his head ,
Seemingly deciding he wanted to try and Woo you like in the books , his shaky hand landed on yours , a moment of silence before your hand slithered into his causing him to look away , “ypu could have asked if you wanted to hold hands ! Me and figure do it so dont be shy to ask..” he didnt like hearing figures name come out of your mouth it made him a bit jealous.. his hand was still shaking since this was the closest contact he had ever had with you , he would try harder tp make you fall for him , he moved closer to you his head bumping into yours as a Way to try and assert some sort of ownership in his eyes , yet you Saw it as innocent friendship , he had looked Down at you his gaze not leaving you once before you finally stared back at him , “you okay? Something on my face?” You had touched around on your face asking if there was anything there he would Shake his head everytime wishing he could get out the Word “that beautiful smile “ yet he couldnt he felt too shy today , just initiating contact took alot out of him , you were starting to notice he was awfully quiet not talking once , and initiating contact alot, maybe he needed some attention because he was upset?, “can i hug you?” It caught him off Guard his singular eye widening , did he not want a hug!? Does he hate me now? , did i miscalxulate the situation?! Theese thoughts streaming through your poor oblivious head , he slowly nodded turning away from you ,
He was extremely flustered
You were going in for a full on hug grabbing from under his arms your head buried into the crook of his neck , he sat there for a moment comprehending where to even touch or even if he should
You were nuzzling into him a little bit seemingly comfortable as you had done this once with rush and glitch , he seemed to like it as his arms slowly held onto your back ,
He thought this was intimate which was doing a huge number on him and his self esteem , but he was starting to liqiufy from all this affection he was used to chasing and murdering, not whatever this was .. yet he liked it.. ALOT
(Rush is Watching from the end of the hallway and its fucking Jealous )
He tried to kiss you once(you Didnt notice he aint Got a mouth idiot ) he was so confident after thinkikg you knew (you didnt ) and he was starting to Think he had you in the bag (rush and figure are trying so hard to prevent it and make you theirs because you arent scared of Them or judge Them, and because rush likes you touching its fur and praising it ) seek Got this (most likely not with the other Two)
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l0v3lyx · 2 months
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| 𝒯𝒽𝑒 "𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹"
| 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: 𝒷𝒶𝒹 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸
| 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝓂𝓊𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎, 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒹𝓃𝒾 !!
| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
| 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: 𝒮𝑒𝓍𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓈, 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈,
| 𝓈𝓊𝑔𝑔𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈, 𝒶𝓁𝒸𝑜𝒽𝑜𝓁 𝓊𝓈𝑒,
| 𝒟𝑜𝓂!𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒻𝑒𝓇 𝓍 𝓈𝓊𝒷!𝒻𝑒𝓂!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝒪𝒱.
LINKS: Chapter one -> Chapter two -> Chapter three -> Chapter four
You wake up in lucifer's bed at the hotel, him still asleep next to you, both of you still undressed. You could tell he was very tired from last night from how loudly he snored. You finally managed to get up without waking him to get your clothes on and go down for breakfast. As you went downstairs you saw angel dust on the couch again watching tv before alastor got up. "soooo~ how'd it gooo~?" "What? What do you mean?" "Umm, you said you would do what we talked about yesterday- what happened after that?? I need the juicy story im bored" "Well-" you then remembered how lucifer didnt want others to know about their little secret... "he just said he liked me back and we kissed- thats it-" "Huh- guess i mistook him for being more of the dominant type- eh its ok it mustve been sweet though, i think you guys would be cute together" "Oh- haha- yeah- well, i better go get some coffee- see you later angel!" "ok!" you rush to the kitchen to get some coffee, you were still tired from last night, and you were aching all over from it being your first time. When the kitchen doors shut behind you, you see lucifer standing there with your coffee ready for you. "Here, i made this for you. Sorry about last night- I- I wasn't thinking clearly I just-" you went up and kissed him on the cheek, forgiving him in a way. "Its alright- thanks for making me this, its my favorite." his cheeks turned red. "Um, anyways- I have a meeting with the other sins at noon, I need you to come with me but just sort of desguised as a servant or something." "Ok, what should I wear though? I dont know much about hell's fashion-" "Well, maybe something short- usually women with longer dresses shows how high their ranking is in hell, and thats very few of them. So just a short dress or a skirt and a shirt, not too short though-" "ok, I can probably ask someone else at the hotel for one."
"Hey, since you're taking a while to change, ill just go already. Meet me there when youre ready. Just teleport to me." "Ok!!" As you hear him leave, you slip on the dress angel dust gave you, it didn't look that short... as you looked at yourself in the mirror you saw how the dress was tight, and it was snug on your curves. It really brought out the shape of your body. You thought it was a little short, but you didnt really care, most women looked like that in hell anyways.
You were finally able to teleport to where lucifer was, it was the outside of a room. You were in an echoey hallway with marble flooring and white walls, there were also alot of plants around. As you nervously opened the door, everyone continued with the meeting and you went to go stand next to lucifer since there wasnt an extra seat to pull up. "Hey y/n, could you please get me something to drink? This meeting has been going so long its making me dehydrated." Somehow he could sense your presence behind him without looking at you, he didnt even notice you enter the room. You went to go get him a cup of water from a table in the corner that was sort of a station for water, coffee, and tea. You pressed down the tab and the water spilled into the cup. Slowly you walked back to the table, bent down (sort of) and placed his water down infront of him. The only thing that had necessarily caught his attention was at how short your dress was, so when you bent over it was somewhat revealing. He was bright red, until he focused back on the meeting so nobody would notice.
After the seemingly long meeting, everyone had left, except for you and lucifer. "Hey, uh, thanks for coming with me, I uhm- i appreciate you waiting for me." You saw how he blushed, you couldnt really figure out why he was though. "Luci, is something wrong?" "No- everything is fine- I need to go to the washroom be right back-" he stormed out. You always wondered what he did in there, he was probably on his phone or something... Later you both left the building, lucifer fixated on you and your short dress as you both walked along the sidewalk. "Luci are you staring because my dress is short?" He blushed, but he also grinned a bit and said "So what if I was?" You blushed, you knew what got him going, and you decided to tease him again, just to see how far he could go this time. you lifted up your dress by a hair, revealing some of your ass. Lucifer blushed more, he dug his claws into his cane slowly, practically resisting the urge to fuck you right here. "Why can't you just wait until we get back to the hotel?" you grinned "because you dont look like you want to wait~" "Well, in fact, i can (lies). Today we will be going back to the castle, we just need to go back to the hotel to say goodbye to everyone, except for alastor." it was very obvious how much lucifer hated alastor, then you got an idea to sort of mess with him. As you arrived at the hotel you started to wave everyone goodbye, and then hugged alastor... Lucifer stared angrily as he waited for you both to leave. "Actually lets just teleport home..." he grabbed you by your waist quickly as you both travelled to the castle. "I thought I told you not to go near him again." "so what if i did?" you grinned. There was a chain then that had manifested into his hands and around your neck, he tugged it a bit to pull you in closer. He grabbed your face as he turned into his demon form. "Oh? so were being naughty now? you should know by now that subjects get punished if they disrespect the king." he pulled at the chain again, bringing you even closer to him. "Well, i guess im going to have to do that to you now, and im gonna enjoy every last second~" *oh shit-* he carried you to the bedroom, and pushed you into the bed as he hovered over you. The chain withered away and he started undressing. "L-Luci-" he ignored it. He came closer to you, and pushed your panties to the side. "ha, already wet, just for me~" "L-luci please-" "get ready princess, tonight is going to be a long night~"
It was almost midnight now, you both had been keeping this up for almost 3 hours now. You were practically dick drunk and you could barely see straight, you had almost forgotten how demons have an absolutely insane amount of energy until the 10th round reminded you of that quickly. "Had e-enough yet?" you managed to mumble. It had been 27 rounds now, you were impressed but also tired, since you were in your normal form still. "No, I think i'll keep going until it gets into your head." He had an ear-to-ear grin that sent chills down your spine but still made you blush some. "Please l-luci I can't-" "I am just testing to see how far I can go with you~ and you're fine so far so i think you can handle one more round darling~" "L-L-Luci~" you said out of breath. "please luci I think i've had enough~" you moan slightly as he starts again, you could barely feel it anymore since you were already so numb. "I-I cant f-feel an-anything~" he pulled your hair some and sped up with his pace. "I could do much more than make you numb, darling~" you blushed more at his comment. You wondered why he was going so much it was like he was deliberately pushing your limits- "L-luci why do we need t-to do t-this m-more? I-isnt a f-few r-rounds e-enough?~" you let out a louder moan this time, able to feel again as he rammed his cock deep inside you repeatedly. "I figured you would've had a full demon form by now, so I wanted to see if I could somehow make you transform, since most people cannot do it on command the first time." you were surprised at how calm he was during all of this, and he wasn't rough just like you asked the first night. "Oh shit, im about to cu-" "Just shut up and do it i dont care if you forgot a condom i just want to sleep after this" he blushed and grinned "heh, ok then~" you then let out a final moan "L-Luci~" You were tired and fell right asleep on top of him, he fell asleep not long after, as you two cuddled the rest of the night neither of you were prepared for what entails the next morning...
When you and lucifer wake up you hear a fist pounding on your door. You both quickly rush to get up and get your clothes on and lucifer quickly transforms back into his normal form. "Stay back here and change your clothes or something ill go check the door." he rushes to the door to see who was there. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Charlie, who looked visibly angry. "Whats wrong char-char?" he asked nervously. "Whats wrong is you forgot to come to my meeting last night with the angels! You promised you would be there at 9!" "OH- SHIT- UHM- RIGHT! WELL YOU SEE UH- I GOT CAUGHT UP WITH WORK, AND I FELL ASLEEP..." "Youre lying." "Charlie no im not, please, i cant handle those angels right now, i need to finish up something important-" "and what would that be?" in the corner of her eye she manages to see you through the door, peeking around the corner to find something new to wear. "Just, stuff!" "Mhm, right- and does that stuff include your best friend over there?" *oh shit she saw you* you quickly run back into the room and slam the door. "Thats the door to your bedroom why was she in there?" "She was helping with work i swear-" "ok then- why was she naked?" "pfft- youre just seeing things charlie-" she looks at him and says in her demonic voice "Explain now." "Listen- charlie- it was just one night- ok? I don't know what came over me-" "I knew it! you're replacing mom!" "Thats not what this is at all! I divorced her! Its not like im cheating on her!" "Ugh! I cannot believe you dad!" she stormed away from the palace and went back to the hotel. "Well, that went swimmingly..." he said sarcastically and flopped on the couch in the living room and ran his fingers through his messy hair. You came out with a robe on this time, "Did I ruin the secret-?" "No, just as long as charlie doesnt tell anyone else we're perfectly fine." "Ok-" "Speaking of fine~" He grabbed you by the waist and sat you down on his lap "Im feeling like one more round~ What do you think?~" he started biting your neck softly. "Why?~" "Reasons~" he untied your robe and took it off of you, he admired at how stunning you were. As you started to unbutton his shirt he started to turn into his demon form- *ok- please dont say this is also going to last 3 hours-* You were both now fully undressed, you still sitting on his lap... he set you slowly on top of his throbbing cock as you started off slowly. "-Fuck!-L-Luci~" you moaned loudly. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck im gonna cum~" you groaned. "Already?~" Lucifer grinned and kept you going, his plan was working, you could feel your wings coming back, and some other additional features too- you could feel horns and a tail now, you still had your halo and wings though. Your colors also changed. Your skin now resembled lucifers, black hands and feet fading into white skin. And your tail and horns just like his, bright red, except your wings were as white as snow now, same with your halo. Your face had the red cheek markings now too, with red sclera white iris and a black pupil. you were beautiful. "W-wow- you look stunning- ah~ shit~" he groaned. "gonnacumgonnacumgonnacumgonnacummm~ Fuck!~" you both stopped, you digging your black claws into his back. It made him feel good, just how you did just now.
He admired your wings, horns, and tail. "Were you a seraph or something? Your wings are very white, and your horns and tail have blue accents instead of red... maybe because you havent fully adapted to hell yet, like i have, having red accents and yellow eyes." "Oh, uhm, no, i wasnt. I was a uhhhhhhh-" he looked at you waiting for your response. "You were a lower ranking? thats fine-" "I was a winner-" "OH! ok- so you used to live on earth??" "Uhm, yeah... it wasnt really the best experience, and it wasnt that good in heaven either. But that doesnt matter anymore since i guess this is better-" "hm? Really?" "W-w-well i didnt m-mean i-it like t-that!" he chuckled. "Well~ It sounded like it to me~" you blushed. "C'mon, lets get you cleaned up, and finally get you a normal outfit-" "Ok-" you put your robe back on and he finds his clothing again, and he leads you down the hallway into his bathroom. "Umm, here, you can start the shower and you can try using some of the wash there too. I- ill just close the door now- heh-" as he shut the door you blushed again, and you thought to yourself *ok... so i have a demon form- huh...* You stare at your new form in the mirror, you could get used to it- you get in the shower and start to wash your hair until you hear the door creak open... "Luci? Is that you?" "Luci please, im not in the mood right now" you hear a chuckle and everything goes dark.
you blink your eyes open slowly as youre tied to a chair, the room seeming aquarium-like. then you hear a voice "You think she's awake yet? Im becoming so fucking impatient, why not just wake her up?" "Youre so fucking stupid val" "Oh really? youre calling butterfly over there stupid? have you seen your head? Its literally flat- no room for a brain whatsoever." "Excuse me-" "Shut the fuck up shes awake-" you see a shadowy figure approach you slowly "So... youre like lucifer's new servant, right? you see, we need you to do something." "Oh really? what? And you think i would actually help you now that you literally tied me to a chair while i was trying to take a fucking shower and clean myself." "well that wasnt my idea, so sorry that happened or whatever. anyways we need you to kill lucifer, or give us an opening to kill him. He doesnt even rule hell properly, but we will once we have the power." "So- you kidnapped me to just ask me that one question-?" "uh yeah-" "what the hell will i get then?" "idk like, 1 million dollars?" "yeah no-" "or we could kill you if you dont" that sent a chill down your spine. "Oh yeah? well not if i cant kill you first!" "really? what is a little maid gonna do? clean me to death?" he laughed "You know what, you could work for me, instead. You could make millions instead of not getting paid at all." "Again, no." you then get a more strange chill down your spine, someone else was in the room, you could sense someone behind you almost... *damn, demon hearing is something else* "guess we'll have to kill you then toots, jeez we offered you a better job and 1 million how are you that fucking loyal, all you do is clean shit that has to suck." "Who said I was a maid?" "Wait what?" you feel a warm presence behind you, you could tell it was a person. Then you see the Vs staring up behind you in shock and horror... "Hey- old pal! Uh, we were just making a deal with this lovely lady here..." you hear a demonic voice respond back "Oh really? Don't think for a second i wouldnt notice her missing. And ive known about your stupid little plan, its not happening." It was lucifer. "Lucifer?" "Im trying to get you out of here be quiet" "ill be taking her back now if you dont mind." "Since when did you care about sinners so much? is there something going on between you two? This one special to you or some shit?" "No, shes just my friend." vox started laughing "oh my god this will go trending for sure, velvette make a post or something." "God fucking damnit!" lucifer grabs you and puts you on his shoulder, and you teleport back home. "Why are they so annoying why cant they just leave me alone.." "I-ill just leave you to your thoughts-" you start to walk away until he grabs your arm. "please stay, i need you." you blushed "well, just let me get some clothes on first-" "right- sorry-" as you finished putting on a spare tshirt and shorts he had in his drawer for you to wear, you sat next to him on his bed. "Luci- are you ok?" "yeah! Just peachy! this morning my daughter got mad at me for replacing her mother, and now the whole internet in hell knows about us together! so im just fine." "Lucifer, i know alot has happened today but we both knew it wasn't going to stay a secret for long-" "yeah, there just never seems to be any privacy for the king of hell." "Luci please dont act like this. lets just go to bed." "Ok then..."
You and Lucifer get in bed and cuddle up together under the cold sheets, finally one night you weren’t getting practically railed into his mattress… you couldn’t blame him though- the man had literally been touch starved for 7 years- *damn that must’ve been rough..* your eyelids then finally get heavier and heavier the more tired you get, you let out a final yawn before dosing off for the night…
(A week passes by)
After spending a full week with Lucifer and the hotel, you get used to it, it feels like a big family in a way. You’ve stopped sleeping with Lucifer because you have been feeling under the weather for a few days now… he offered to take you to a doctor on multiple occasions but you politely declined, in a fear you would find out you had a severe illness or an incurable disease of some sort, you always feared the worst, given your anxiety. Then you got an idea- “Luci, I need to go to the store to buy some medications, I’ll be back soon!” “Oh- ok darling!” He was somewhat confused, since you haven’t been to a doctor recently about the issue, he was wondering what medicine you were picking up… you finally arrive at the store, you grab some pain medicines and some medicine to stop you from vomiting like crazy. You walk past some pregnancy tests and decide to take a few… *I know it’s probably going to be negative but I just want to make sure..* you remembered last time you and Luci had slept together… your eyes widened and you rushed home.
Lucifer sits on the couch confused with his plate of pancakes as you sprint to the bathroom with the bag of tests. “Is everything ok?” “YEP! EVERYTHING IS GOOD- ILL BE OUT IN A SEC!” you shuffle through the small boxes and tear the tests out, take them, one by one, and wait. “Are you sure everything is fin-“ you cut him off “YES LUCIFER EVERYTHING IS FINE LIKE I SAID.” he put down his empty plate and walked up to the bathroom door, he could tell something was up. “Are you completely sure? You don’t need to keep anything from me-“ that sent a chill down your spine- he knew you were hiding something. “Can I come in?” “I- yes-“ you sigh and sit down with the completed test in your hand. He opens the door. “Wait- y/n are you-?” “I don’t know yet.” “Ok… I guess we’ll wait then. While we’re waiting, I want to talk to you-“ he sits down next to you. “Do you like me? You say you’ve been feeling sick but refuse to go to the doctor or get medicine, it feels like you’re trying to keep a distance from me. I also feel like you were keeping this from me for a reason- “ “Y-yes ofcourse- (you blushed a bit) I was only keeping this from you because I wasn’t sure how you would react.” “Oh-“ “And- honestly- no- I wasn’t feeling sick- I just. (You hesitate)” Lucifer had a worried look on his face “Are you going to leave me…? Like Lilith?” “No, never! I- just feel homesick- I had friends and family in heaven- and I miss them a lot- it reminds me of heaven when I hang out with you, you’re kind to me, and I mean not to mention but you’re hotter than Adam to say the least-“ “wait- Adam… were you two- married or something?” “Yeah- I was the best exterminator, he preferred me over lute, and we got married a few months after I had joined and climbed to the top.” “Hm- were you thinking of Adam? Is that the REAL reason you felt homesick?” “No, to be honest I don’t miss a thing about him, we got divorced before I fell- plus, I’d say you’re much better than him at a lot of things” you watched as his expression changed and his pride swallowed him “oh really? And what would those things be~” "it could be many things darling~" you got closer to him to tease him, but your timer for 5 minutes had finally gone off. "So- What's the result?" you sighed with relief, "Its negative." "Whew! I mean- not saying I wouldnt want another child- I just think its too early for one-" "yeah i feel the same" you both awkwardly paused. "Umm... Do you want to-" "YES." In a split second lucifer grabbed you and carried you bridal-style to the bedroom.
To be continued....
I really hope you guys enjoyed it, part 4 will be out it maybe a week if im lucky. And i will consider making a part 5 if you want this to be continued. (please ask me or give requests I really want to do side-fics because im bored just working on this one, dont worry im not dropping this fic though i just saying i want to multitask)
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w1nters0ldier20 · 3 months
I’ll give up everything just to find you.
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Stucky fic🤍
A/N : this is my first fic so if its bad im srry😭
Warnings — angst, happy ending, language, a slur(I CAN SAY),
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Steve was panicking, shaking and every scared action you could possibly imagine. Bucky, his bucky had just got shot and taken by HYDRA. Steve had screamed “NO!” As he was forcefully taken back to the hellhole he had just escaped. But steve didn’t give up he started to chase the car down, but it was too late and too fast. He fell to his knees and sobbed.
Natasha walked over”steve..” steve shushed her”i don’t wanna hear it” he said in choked out sobs, “we’ll find him steve, come on back to the jet and lets get you healed.” Natasha replied and steve wobbled back to the jet crying into Natasha. “it’s my fault”he says in muffled sobs. “No, no steve it isn’t, its gonna be ok we’re going to find him” she says emphasizing the word going.
Bucky’s POV:
He woke up in a panic, breathing heavily as he slowly came back to reality realizing where he was. His mind overwhelmed with thoughts “nonono please no” “is steve ok?” “Is everybody captured” “fuck not again please..” he cried silently as these thoughts rushed over him. “If it isn’t the winter soldier.. back to reclaim your place?” The HYDRA agent spat. “First of all, im not the winter soldier anymore. I’ve changed, moved on, and hell i even found a fucking boyfriend. Secondly you forced me to be here you asshole.” Bucky spat back as the HYDRA agent smirked
“Still feisty aren’t ya?good you need a little fire to ignite the soldier”the agent chuckled as Bucky was paralyzed in fear. “Oh steve.. please please find me”
Steves POV:
Nonstop work. “Gotta find him, gotta find my buck”his mind screamed as he tried to find every HYRDA location. 2 days, 2 fucking days since Bucky was shot and captured and it had been all his fault. He was in sobs and practically murdered with guilt. Tony walks in to see him sobbing trying to find clues to as where Bucky went. “Hey cap.. it’s 4am, get some rest i’ll continue for now until you wake up.”tony says sadly”you’ve been at this nonstop let me help.”he trys to smile. “Thanks tony, but you really dont have too, i got this.” He says, his voice husky and barely there since the screaming and crying. Even so he fakes a smile.“Fine, if you don’t want to leave me to it lemme help cap.”tony sits down and starts to help pinpoint locations”
Buckys POV:
“Ready to comply?” The HYDRA agent says with a clenched jaw. “Nope.” Bucky chuckles emphasizing the p. The agent punches him again, “say no again see what happens faggot.” He scoffs at Bucky as bucky spits out blood.
The agent leaves the room and Bucky’s mine rushes over thoughts of steve and their last conversation.
“Lost your game buck?” Steve laughs playfully at him.”you wish Stevie” as buck throws a snowball at steve but misses again.”oh you have.”steve throws a snowball and hits Bucky in the chest.” Oh im so getting you back for that doll”he smirks
He would do anything to go back to that right now.
Steves POV:
“Oh my god tony, we did it” he sobs, “thank you. Thank you so much” he cries happily”im going now, i cant wait till morning.” He sniffles as tony snaps back”woah slow your roll you need to sleep first and eat AND get ahold of yourself before you go sweetheart” he looks at steve concerned, “ill eat and drink but im not sleeping till i see my Bucky again.” So tony takes that and makes him waffles and gives him water.”here we come Bucky..” his mind races with happy thoughts of getting him back
“So when can we go?” Steve says as he finishes his meal, all the avengers awake and ready to go get Bucky away from those stupid HYDRA agents. “Now i guess, right guys?” Natasha says trying to boost the mood. “Alright lets go”clint says smiling softly
Buckys POV:
“Your fuckin dead, you hear me? dead.” As he slaps bucky another time. His face is full of bruces and cuts. 10 minutes ago, atleast he thought it was ten minutes ago, Bucky spit 3 times on the hydra agent and now he’s taking his anger out on him, he swears hes gonna pass out or die or anything. “Steve..” he says before passing out.
Steves POV:
They are trying to sneak around the agents of HYDRA, “goddamn they have this place well guarded.. gotta hand it to the bastards” tony states,”shame we have to kick they’re ass!” Steve says before running out dodging bullets left and right beating them up fiercely with his fists, feet & his sheild
“Well fuck.” Natasha curses before running out to help him, “always running on impulse” she mutters under her breath laughing. “Im going in.” Steve states on the comms
“Bucky, oh Bucky where are you..” he whispered as hydra agents bombarded him with bullets(of course his shield blocked them). Steve starts to beat them off one by one, asking “wheres bucky?” To all of them, which none answered as they just replied”hail HYDRA”as they died
He runs until he sees a cell, and he sees.. bucky. Bloody, bruised and hopefully asleep or passed out. Steve runs inside breaking down the cell, that wakes bucky up.” Please sir no more..” he wakes up realizing its steve, “oh my god doll” he says as a tears slide down his face”i got you buck im here baby, can you walk?” Steve says as he breaks the refinements off him. “I think..” bucky wobbles but eventually starts to walk with steve, “need a gun?”steve chuckles as Bucky nods. Steve hands him a gun as they start beating the shit out of agents.
“Fuckkk yea! Revenge bitches!” Bucky screams as he shoots them. “Lets get out of here buck.” As they start to run to the jet. “We’re in the jet, make your way back” steve says to the comms.
Bucky’s POV:
“I missed you Stevie..” he purrs in Steve’s ear and kisses him, steve kisses him back and giggles, “how did you.. prevent the winter soldier thing you know?” He asks, “oh its not in “programming” anymore i guess” Bucky replies, “no more questions though just shut up and kiss me before they get back” he smiles and kisses him and it turns into a make out session “fuck Bucky..”steve whimpers, as if the worst timing the rest of the avengers start to come into the jet. “Get a room you animals, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes and you to are getting down dirty in the jet” tony remarks scoffing, “yea whatever grandpa” bucky snorts and kisses steve one more time, “oh yea, back of the jet now we need to clean these up” as he eyes the bruises on his face.“Finee” bucky sighs and walks to the back of the jet,
Oh how happy he was to be home.
A/n : AHHH I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A GOOD LENGTHED FIC?? For a first timee pls lmk if you like it!! :3 the title was based off an evanescene song!! Love her songs sm❤️also pls lmk how to see a word count😭 i cannot find it
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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ughgoaway · 6 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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ghostlysenses · 1 year
Can you Please Trust me?
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Ayo, check my pinned please!
TW: Angst, fighting, self deprication, kidnapping
Im a little rusty on my writing and It was kinda rushed but I wanted to get something out… hope its okay!
You wake up in your own bed, April sitting next to you
she looks over and sees you’re awake and hugs you
she explains everything that happened
but you already knew
you remembered everything
Month 1
April and y/n we’re both in the same robotics class, in-fact thats how they became friends last year, having classes with each other!
Last year it was mathematics
lets just say you aren’t the best at math but you’re passing!!!
“Hey Y/n wanna have a sleepover at my place? I got a new game we can play”
“Ill buy the pizza?”
“Bet! im down for a sleepover!!”
You high five each other, then the conversation turns to code. You help each other in the class and then head to your next period.
The day was going great
but when night came things kinda got out of hand
You walked to April’s house, bag in hand.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Mrs O’ Neil opens the door and greets you happily, she allows you in her house and you thank her kindly.
You walk into the living room, setting your bag down by the couch. April comes out of her room and hugs you, she holds up the game only for you to be surprised! It was the brand new (Fav game)
You squealed in excitement with april and you both sat on the couch, ready to play.
At around 3AM you and april were still playing the game, what can you say it was good!!!
But then you heard some strange knocking on her window, you both turned and looked before april laughed and said
“Oh its probably the shutters, let me go fix them!”
You kept your eyes trained on her as she opened the window, you turned back to the tv but then heard…shouting??? you turned back confused, whose she talking to?
“Everything okay april?” you ask, curiously
She nods and shouts a “YES! Yes! totally fine!”
you hear two people mumbling, someone saying “quit shoving!” and then BAM four turtles humanoid things fall into the living room through the window
“uh” *laugh* “I didnt know we were having company april”
Thats how you met the turtles, and you all hung out for the rest of the month
You all played games
went out on missions
and even had movie nights together!
but then suddenly
they shut you out, only to hangout with you when April was around, and they didnt want you going down to the lair anymore
“We’re just really busy”
“Donnie blew up the place, again”
“There’s paint everywhere!”
“I spilt a very dangerous chemical”
They always had some sort of excuse but even then April was still allowed down, why weren’t you?
They ignored you all of the second month.
It was just you and april and honestly, you missed them, the adventures, all of it!
And then then now
all contact with them ceased, they didn’t respond to texts or calls.
April was still hanging out with you, you had both gone to a skating rink on the 23rd
What you failed to notice was that you two weren’t alone
Cassandra and her two leaders were there too
on a stake out
They watched closely as you conversed with an associate of the turtles, they figured if you know her you have to be a threat too!
They will remember your face
they dont forget one c:
As you and April were walking home the topic of the turtles came up
and obviously you had asked why they were avoiding you, if anyone knew the answer it had to be her! right?
April had looked at you sadly “I don’t know, I even asked about it and all they did was give me vague answers like ‘I dont trust her’ ‘shes no good’ etc” she looked down and so did you
“well at least I kinda know why now” You laugh sadly
she smiles at you “but we’ll stay friends, dont worry”
you smile back
You both wave goodbye and walk the opposite way from each other, heading home. You checked your watch, 12:30 it said
Boy were you glad it was a weekend
Walking home would take you about an hour
but you weren’t alone
Or at least you felt like you weren’t, it was unsettling to say the least.
As you turned around a corner you found yourself face to face with two guys who had fire on their heads and a girl who, if looks could kill, was glaring at you like you had a death wish.
Now you had no clue who these people were but you stumbled back, knowing this could be dangerous, you got up but as soon as you did so, all you saw was black, Cassandra had knocked you out with one single hit, crazy huh?
You woke up the next morning, Chained up to a chair in what seemed to be an old warehouse, now this was truly crazy, why were you here? what did they want from you?
You looked around trying to find an escape, trying to find anything that will help you.
Thats when the dude who was skinny and had flames coming out from his head entered the room.
He started interrogating you
“Where are the turtles?”
“Wheres their base?!”
“what are their weaknesses”
You honestly were just in shock by everything happening that you didn’t answer, this caused him to get mad and stomp out
You were stuck here for a bout 3 weeks, hoping April and your parent(s) put missing posters up and that someone will find you.
With the turtles
April had come into the lair a week after you went missing and filled the brothers in, she was panicking, she didn’t know what to do, there was no sign of you
no sign of life
the talk of the town was ‘What happened to y/n’
After seeing April breakdown the boys knew this was serious, sure they don’t trust you, or probably like you
but they had their reasons (we’ll get to it)
Doesn’t mean they wont try and save you though
Donnie didn’t put a tracker on you, which meant this was going to be harder than normal.
So what else coul-
AHA! the NYC cameras!
Donnie looked through the cameras for 3-4 days!
He found you, he finally found you.
They had taken you off into a dirt path that lead to god knows where.
Once the brothers got to said path they all started walking, eventually making their way to the warehouse.
Raph bursts in and immediately takes notice of how quiet the place is, until they hear what sounds like chains? upstairs?
They rush up, checking every room and once they find you
they look on in shock
You looked tired, exhausted
You had been eating properly though
and it doesnt seem like they hurt you
but it looks like you have been awake for days
The foot brute walks in holding a tray as the brothers start undoing the chains
this starts a fight
The foot men are attacking at raph and leo
while Cassandra is fighting Mikey and Donnie
in the midst of this you come up with a way to get everyone out of here
The roof!
you grab Raphs arm, but he flinches and pulls away
you try with Leo but yet you get the same thing
you try again with Raph and this time he shoves you away and you retaliate by raising your voice and grabbing him again
“Can you please trust me?!”
he looks at you in shock
“just this once?”
Raph sighs
Once the foot is distracted Raph lets you lead him to the roof, his brothers following
As you guys are walking you whisper to Raph
“so…why do you guys suddenly not trust me”
all of them pause at this, then donnie flat out says
“we did a background check on you…”
they did what?! Sure you have stolen here and there but you never killed anyone!
“so me stealing things is a reason for you not to trust me?”
“of course! no rational person would trust a klepto!”
“Have you ever thought that people steal because they need too? not because they want too?”
this made everyone go silent
you sighed and shook your head
finally you reach the roof
and this is where ur plan plays out
You tell them to head down the ladder and they actually listen to you. Once they’re down you head back inside
Ignoring the fact they’re screaming at you
You sneakily make your way down to the basement, tiptoing to make sure no one hears you
Once there you find all the valves, water pipes, etc
and start turnin that shit!
pulling levers
flipping switches
pressing buttons
You then run out right before the place can explode
getting a few burns on the back of your arms
and as soon as you’re a safe enough distance away you pass out
You wake up in your own bed, April sitting next to you
she looks over and sees you’re awake and hugs you
she explains everything that happened
but you already knew
You tried texting the turtles but they didnt answer you
Even now they’re still pushing you away?
I guess the past does haunt you
Or maybe
they feel guilty they never trusted you.
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