#if i inherited this house the first thing i would do is get rid of all those horrible fluffy lampshades
ofbakerst · 1 year
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writing to holmes
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d4rkpluto · 12 days
ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ
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"𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐞."
⟶ saturn in astrology is the main commodity in the spirituality that governs karma that the child inherits from their father. saturn is the teacher in astrology and in Greek Belief, can be seen as kronus.
♱ if you don't know of kronus' story, he was told that a child of his would be able to inherit his status and over take him. thus, he began to eat his children, and when zeus was born, gaea fed him a stone a size of a child and hid zeus away until he was strong enough to take down his father and save his siblings.
♱ and after his take down of kronus, zeus inherited his father's status and began to rule mount olympus. in this lesson, we can see jupiter as the good you get after the defeat of inherited karma.
♱ we can see an example of kronus eating his children and zeus having the inherited karma to have many children.
♇ SATURN IN ARIES/1H ⟶ father might've been someone who had too much of an ego, father might've been someone with a strong temper, and you having this saturn placement means you have to be someone who learns how to control your anger and even libido. this placement could indicate that your father might've been a lazy person and didnt strive for the potential he could've had, so now you have the responsibility of being someone "who has to make it", and even being someone who is pioneering and successful. could feel ashamed easily when you dont see yourself progressing in life. could also have the karma of being someone who thinks more clearly and not "do first and think later". your father also could've been overly dominant, so you have the karma of being someone who has to be less power-hungry.
♇ SATURN IN TAURUS/2H ⟶ father might've been someone who didnt know how to handle finances. might've been someone who spoke over people and dismissed the opinion of others. could've been someone who was too lazy to make money, and too stubborn. your father might've been someone who couldnt keep it in their pants as well, and wasnt really grateful for the things in his life. so you have to be someone who needs to find your value, a stable way to make money. having to be someone who is patient with other people, and even being close to your family members. this placement can imply that you could have the karma of being the one who is the money-maker in your family. could even have to find a healthy life style with food.
♇ SATURN IN GEMINI/3H ⟶ like the taurus/2h, your father might've been someone who spoke over people and didnt consider the opinions of others. your father might've been someone who spoke poorly behind other people's back and even might've stolen from other people. whether is be possessions and ideas. so you could have the karma of learning how to speak in a healthy way with other people, being someone who has to develop critical thinking and going through trials and tribulations where you are held accountable with much things you do. people with this placement might find themselves always going through something, so doing the most small ill thing to someone could cost you a lot. could go through a lot of stalling moments in life because you might have to rid of your two-faced ways. could also mean might find it hard coming up with ideas as you have to learn how to be original.
♇ SATURN IN CANCER/4H ⟶ this placement can imply that your father figure might've been someone who was distant with their family and even absent. might've been someone who was manipulative and not emotionally caring, your father figure might've been someone who didnt leave a legacy, so now you are finding yourself being the person who has to work towards greatness and leave a legacy and will for the descendants. and might even not want to have children because of how you were brought up. could have a fear of children or having a family. could have the karma of having to have a family and not repeat the same mistake as the father, doesnt need to be your own family. could be found family. this placement could also mean you have to learn to be emotionally intelligent and mature. if you want your own family, there's a lot of generational curses you have to stop.
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♱ SATURN IN LEO/5H ⟶ saturn in the fifth house can imply that your father might've been into infidelity, could've been someone who wasnt as present in your childhood. with the leo influence, could be someone who might've restricted the fun out of other people, even their goals. could've been someone who was too arrogant and didnt care about the feelings of others. currently, you could be someone who could be struggling to reach your goals and knowing how to let loose. this placement could mean you could have the karma of not repeating bad habits onto your future children, if you do want some. or could have the karma of not getting into much relationship because "badness" normally comes out of it. might have to learn to not be controlling of others, and running away from romantic partners who could be very controlling.
♱ SATURN IN VIRGO/6H ⟶ similar to the 5h and leo section. this placement can insinuate that father might've been controlling towards other people, might've been someone who didnt care about their own health or the physical or mental health of others. might've been someone who allowed obstacles to stop them from reaching who they're supposed to be. now you could have the karma of having to overcome slothness, having to be someone who has to fight through much daily problems, and even having to be a health-freak because you could be someone who is easily sick. this placement can even indicate of having to suffer through bad co-workers.
♱ SATURN IN LIBRA/7H ⟶ once again, similar to 5h. saturn in both libra and in the seventh house could indicate that your father might've been someone who has destroyed homes and relationships. a player a cheat. could've been someone with a bad reputation, and might've been harsh and mean to other people. could've taken the advantage of other people as well. and for you, this could mean you could the karma of being someone who doesnt get into much relationships, or almost every relationship you get into is karmic. there could always be this circumstance where you always have to prove your goodness to other people, and meeting people who are unnecessarily mean to you. people from your father's past disliking you as well.
♱ SATURN IN SCORPIO/8H ⟶ your father might have been someone who was too overly dominant, might've taken stuff from other people and even abused their power onto other people. this placement could also mean your father might've been someone who was too intense and even too dangerous. so, with you, you have one of the biggest karmas compared to other people, having to learn how to stand up for yourself because sometimes you might feel like you can allow people to walk over you. having the karma of not getting inherited money and having to build that for yourself. could also mean could feel undervalued, and trying not to feel valued through sex and even drugs. this could mean you might attract lethal company, having to strengthen your discernment so you know who to run away from.
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♇ SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS/9H ⟶ saturn being in either the ninth house or sagittarius shows that your father might've been someone who forced their beliefs onto you or other people. might've been over-domineering with their views in the world, and might've been someone who disappeared in your life a lot, or was just very immature. you could have the karma of going through a lot of things, might've met life's roughness and cruelty early in your life. you could the karma of struggling faith in others, yourself or even in your faith. could also be someone who might find it hard to debate with other people. so, knowing how to stand your ground could be something you had to learn.
♇ SATURN IN CAPRICORN/10H ⟶ saturn being in the tenth house shows that your father might've been someone who was disconnected from their responsibilities, could've been a dead beat. could have been someone who was controlling of other people's goals and careers, might've been a restrictive person in general, and might not even be really liked by the public, [or family community you belong to]. this could mean you have to make a lane for yourself, and even having to go through the burdens of having people misinterpret your character without even knowing who you are. having to feel like you have to work ten times harder than the people around you so your success and achievements could be acknowledged by other people. could also have the habit of wanting to get validation from other people. might feel like you get exiled by everyone one you know.
♇ SATURN IN AQUARIUS/11H ⟶ saturn being in the eleventh house or in aquarius means that your father might've been someone who didnt express their creativity. could've been someone who was considered a mean friend and even someone who was too conservative. might've been someone who looked down on other people, and might've been someone who detached themselves from other people all the time. so right now you could be someone who struggles to make friends or have a stable friendship group. could have to go through obstacles of friends who attempt to walk all over you, this can also mean you could be someone who struggles to express their self-identity, individuality and even creativity. being your own person is something you have to learn how to be.
♇ SATURN IN PISCES/12H ⟶ this placement could mean your father might've been someone who was disconnected with reality, might've projected onto too much people, might've jinxed themselves a lot. could've been someone who became obsessed with faith and might've been extreme to the people around him. could mean your father figure could have been someone who might've had struggles with drugs and alcohol. so you could be going through the karma of going through your own addictions, whether it be drugs, sex or money, could be someone who feels like you're exiled no matter where you go, so you have to go through this period of having to find your community, your tribe. being someone who doesnt get your hopes to high because life would hit you with reality all the time. could be someone who has to be idolising other people, chiefly people in your real life, because you could end up becoming disappointed with them.
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paid chart readings open :)
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midnightstargazer · 5 months
In OotP, when Regulus is first mentioned, this is how he's introduced:
"He was younger than me," said Sirius, "and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded."
The juxtaposition of those two things - younger and a better son - stands out because the Blacks are such an old-fashioned family. Sirius and Regulus seem like a typical "heir and a spare" situation, so for the spare to be a "better son" than the heir is a big deal.
In DH, when Harry visits the top floor of Grimmauld Place, one thing he notices is that Sirius had the larger bedroom. To me, this suggests that, at least when they were young children, their parents showed more favoritism to Sirius. He was, after all, the oldest and the heir. Given that Bellatrix and Walburga didn't have quiet, passive temperaments either, I doubt his personality would be seen as a problem until he ended up in Gryffindor, befriending the wrong people and rejecting everything the family stood for.
Regulus's more dutiful and obedient attitude was no doubt something they appreciated once Sirius really started rebelling, and it's easy to imagine them pitting their sons against each other: look at your brother, he's in the right house, he's rarely ever in detention, he's got friends we approve of - why can't you be like him? But still, they didn't disown Sirius until he ran away at sixteen. This suggests to me that any favoritism towards Regulus was, at least at first, an attempt to bring Sirius back into line and get him to behave the way they expected.
Even after Sirius ran away, they kept his room exactly as it was. Even if everything on the walls was attached with a permanent sticking charm, it shouldn't have been too difficult to cover it up. Furniture and personal items could certainly be gotten rid of. The fact that the room was still pretty much untouched tells me they kept holding out hope he might come back.
However, I do think that things would have changed for Regulus after Sirius was Sorted into Gryffindor and after he ran away. In both cases, there would have been more pressure on him to live up to the family's expectations. The impression we're given of Regulus in the books is of someone who didn't really think for himself and was very proud of his conformity. It seems reasonable to me that that would have come from growing up with an older brother who constantly defied their parents and, as a result, had lost their favoritism. And knowing, of course, that their love for him was just as conditional.
(That's not me saying he was forced into anything. I actually don't think Orion and Walburga would have forced either of their sons to join the Death Eaters. But I do think Regulus felt he had something to prove, was taught basically the same ideology at home, and was therefore easier to radicalize. And I think that feeling of having something to prove probably came, at least in part, from watching Sirius go from favorite son and heir to scapegoat to disowned.)
Both brothers, I think, ended up living very different lives than their family would've chosen for them. They would've been expected to marry pure-blood women and have kids, to support the blood purist ideology but not actually risk their lives for it, and either to live off their inherited wealth or to work in relatively safe, prestigious careers. So, in different ways, they both fell short.
I do think there was definitely a scapegoat and golden child dynamic, but I think it's a bit more complicated than that: changing favoritism through the years as it became more and more obvious that Sirius wouldn't fall into line with the family expectations, first to pit them against each other and then to cut Sirius off and replace him with Regulus.
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metalomagnetic · 6 months
I was re-reading Dissonance and I wanted to ask if Abraxas ever kept the poison chandelier? Like is it a treasured family heirloom? Or does Lucius just inherit it when his dad dies with no clue why they have this dangerous, tacky piece of decor he can't get rid of because Lord Voldemort vaguely complimented(?) it one time?
It's hilarious that you sent me this ask, while I am still laughing myself to tears (I just read your comment 1 minute ago).
The 'homoerotic chandelier' (I am STILL laughing, thank you, truly) is, of course, gaudy; just horrid, really, there's a reason no one was buying it, even with Tom's outstanding sale talents.
Being an impulse purchase (a horny purchase), Abraxas didn't think it through- how on earth will he explain this monstrosity to his father?
He hides it in the dungeons, knowing his father doesn't go there (draft and all).
After Tom disappears, Abraxas might, or might not, visit the dungeons to have a look at it from time to time. He sent hundreds of letters to Tom, but they all returned unopened, so he's convinced his enemy-lover is dead. His cold, tiny heart, is broken.
Once his dad finally dies, Abraxas moves the chandelier to Gringotts, wrapped in a secure box, in the hopes he won't have to think about it (Tom) anymore, if it isn't in his house. At first, he wanted to destroy it, but he couldn't make himself. (It's lucky he didn't try, because that was one CURSED chandelier that would have reacted poorly to violence).
A decade or so later, Lord Voldemort shows up.
Abraxas is furious (happy)! How dare that mudblood be even more powerful than when he left? (how dare Tom just show up, as if Abraxas didn't mourn for him, thought him dead, and grew stupidly attached to an ugly chandelier as a stand in for Tom?)
Everyone is playing this silly game, pretending not to recognise this is Tom Riddle. Abraxas cannot wait to actually meet him face to face and spit 'Riddle' at him; he is a Malfoy, Riddle doesn't scare him! Alas, before he can meet him, he hears old classmates are dropping dead all over the place (the only thing they had in common was that they knew the name Riddle) and he reconsiders. It's not that he's afraid (he's terrified), but he's just cautious. Yes, cautious. He determines is better to avoid Riddle (even if his broken, even tinier and colder heart longs to see him again).
But then his stupid son comes back with a horrid brand on his arm (he remembers Riddle doodling it in his schoolboy silly journal) and Abraxas is horrified. Furthermore, Rodolphus keeps saying Voldemort is unnaturally close to Lucius, that they have many one on one meetings, and Abraxas has had ENOUGH. So he goes to face Riddle and tell him to stay away from his son (he has no idea that once, long ago, his own father went to tell Tom to stay away from Abraxas. Apparently it's a Malfoy tradition, now.)
Anyway, things don't go as planned, Abraxas freezes when he sees what Riddle had done to his previously perfect face. He freezes when he feels the *power* emanating from him. He ends up pretending he doesn't recognise him.
It's a long and complicated story (really, it is) but eventually Abraxas invites Voldemort to the Manor ( to discuss Lucius, of course, no other reason. Not like Abraxas had decade long fantasies of bringing Riddle to his Manor and fucking him in the master bedroom or anything like that). On a whim, he has the chandelier brought back from Gringotts and hangs it in the dining room.
Riddle's new waxy, harsh face does something funny, shows some emotion for once, when he sees it. Abraxas is suddenly hot all over, but they attempt to talk normally until Lucius comes home, bows to Riddle ( the indignity! Lucius should only bow to Abraxas) and then, with a sneer, asks if Abraxas has lost his mind, what is that ugly chandelier doing in their lovely home?
The chandelier apparently doesn't take the insult in stride, and , with a thunder like noise, starts raining poison down on Lucius.
It's fine, in the end. Riddle was always good with spells of all kind, the arrogant mudblood, so he fixes Lucius up, and then sends him to get some rest.
The next morning, when Lucius stumbles out of his room, with a headache from the remaining after effects of the poison, he witnesses his lord getting out of his father's room.
He blinks. Once, twice. He rubs his eyes, frozen.
"You're hallucinating," Lord Voldemort tells him. "From the poison. Go back to bed."
Lucius decides that yes, he must be hallucinating (he dearly hopes so, because why else would he see the dark lord, robe not entirely buttoned up, leaving his father's room at dawn?), and he retreats to the safety of his room.
Another decade later, when his father dies, Lucius decides to leave the chandelier in place ( in his father's room, where it was moved after it assaulted Lucius). He thinks it's wiser not to mess with the thing. Besides, it seemed to matter quite a lot to his old man; Lucius swears his father loved that ugly monstrosity more than he ever loved Lucius.
Thank you so much for your comment, and you're at fault for this lengthy, cracky answer! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
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coleszzzworld · 7 months
Baby daddy Keigo Takami (hawks) x fem reader (she/her pronouns.)
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Author’s note ✰~(hey guys!:) , I really don’t have much to say , but I think I’m going to make a baby daddy series ! , so lmk some characters you would like to see! Enjoy!) ✰~
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TRIGGER WARNING,~ ✰ cussing , suggestive content, reader is a mom , and hawks is a dad , hawks is a douche in this Ngl , definitely Yandere story:)~ ✰ POSITIVELY DO NOT READ IF EASILY TRIGGERED. -✰Enjoy the fall.✰-🐇♦️🖤
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-✰”I love you so….But why I love you, I'll never know.✰-
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✰-Baby daddy! Hawks who loves you and his and yours son very much , like he would lay down his life for you both , he would blow up the sun if you or his child asked.
✰-baby daddy! Hawks who doesn’t think the break up between you and him was mutual, I mean yes you wanted to break up , but he didn’t , you say he’s to “clingy” , yeah whatever he thinks , but trust me when I say this , even tho you two aren’t together, you can never truly get rid of him. He’s your baby daddy , the father of your son, your first love , I mean for god sake ! You two are child hood best friends ! No matter how many people you try to get to replace those roles , you can never get rid of him , he’s like a stain that’s permanently stained in your life!.
✰-Baby daddy! Hawks who spoils the hell out of yours and his child and spoils you too!, that kid gets what ever he wants , new iPad ? He has it , new Nikes and Jordans? He has every pair , even the expensive ones , oh your kid wants the newest iPhone? , it doesn’t matter that he is five years old , he’s getting that new iPhone 14! , not gonna lie , hawks lowkey stalks you while your out shopping, you see a purse you like , but you can’t afford it? , don’t worry hawks got you , you’ll be walking around the city with the newest parda bag , oh you want those new Jordans?! , don’t worry hawks will get you every pair and the new ones on top of it oh you like that 500$ necklace don’t worry he got you it but… he wants you to get it engraved with your and his initial’s!!, he wants you to show off , let the world know who you belong to…
✰-baby daddy! Hawks who definitely has your and y’all’s kid name tattooed on his neck , on the left side of his neck , right above his collarbone he has your name tattooed with a heart , and on the right side he has y/c/n (your child’s name) tattooed with a dove! , you think it’s pretty…dramatic? , but then you remember when you two were a thing you had got his name tattooed on the side of your middle finger , and when your son was born you got his name tattooed on your shoulder….with a dove , well now you both have matching tattoos.!
✰-baby daddy hawks! Who basically lives at your house , like no lie , this dude lives at your house , when you both broke up , he some how convinced you that living in the same house would be beneficial for y/c/n , obviously it doesn’t work y/c/n knows you two aren’t together but he questions it …. “Mommy?, if you and daddy aren’t together….then why do you guys live together?..” he asks you , looking up at you as you get him ready for bed , you inhale looking down at your kid … questioning what to say , your child looks like you , I mean he has some of hawks features like he inherited hawks quirk ! , and he has the same eyes as his dad , but mostly your child is a spinning image of you , as you breathe out feeling the awkwardness of the question, “i don’t-“ hawks cuts you off , “because even tho we aren’t together, I still love you and your mother very much kid.” Hawks says as he enters the room , “well… mommy do you love daddy?” He says as he looks back up to you smiling, ouch you don’t know what to say , you don’t want to crush your own child’s spirt ! , you do still love hawks , but your annoyed of his presences he’s so… overprotective. Hawks then looks up at you , curiosity in his eyes , he genuinely wanted to know your answer, you breathe out “i do…now let’s get you to bed hun.” You say as you pick y/c/n up , looking at hawks as you walk out of the room.
[✰-nsfw below! ✰-]
✰-baby daddy! Hawks who doesn’t let you go out on tinder dates , you could get hurt! That’s his excuse, I mean it’s valid but still , you can’t even go out with your girls unless hawks with you , I mean yes it’s to much the overprotectiveness… but when you two do go out , he knows how to have fun , so here you both are drunk as hell, and y/c/n is with your family for the weekend and you two are having a heated make out session in the back of the taxi , and your on top of him grinding your cunt into his hard on , you two only stop when the taxi driver stops at your house , of course you tip the driver greatly cause he was force to endure that .
✰-baby daddy! Hawks who fucks you so hard after that, actually you guys didn’t make it to the bedroom or any room at that… you guys just start going at it in the kitchen… so here you both are on the kitchen island him on top of you , thrusting in and out of you , clothes thrown on the table and the bar stools near the kitchen island , you can’t help but moan out , well actually whine out , yeah hawks was annoying but damn … his dick definitely wasn’t . As he keeps thrusting in and out of your tight pussy , he grabs you by the neck lightly choking you , “f-fuck I missed this pussy… h-how would you feel if I got you pregnant again …hmm? Fuck I bet you would like that.” He says as kisses you , he then lets go of your neck , letting you respond, “yes p-please… f-fuck I’m about to cum.. fuck hawks please harder !!” You say as your toes curl from the pleasure, your thighs shaking your on the brink of your high , “yeah , you want my cum?…..you want my babies ma?…god your such a good girl for me baby..” he says , and almost immediately you cum , and he wasn’t far behind, his thrust get sloppy , he groans as he puts his face into the crook of your neck , breathing in your scent , “I love you so much y/n… I’ll never let you go. Your mines …” he mumbles in your neck.
✰-baby daddy! Hawks who buys you a pregnancy test , let’s just say he won’t be moving out anytime soon, and let’s say you and him had some celebration sex later that night.
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A/n - Ik this was mad short but no kidding writers block hit me while I was writing this 😭 but let me know who else you want to see as a baby daddy!
Love y’all !🫶🏼
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zhaliacain · 23 days
I have acquired this!
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Well this is now my new favourite book. It essentially tells the story of season one with some outtakes and adaptions. Unfortunately some of my favourite episodes and scenes have been redacted but to be fair they had a lot to cover
So far I’ve only read it through google translate (using the camera to read the pages which my brother thinks is witchcraft) so I don’t have an accurate read yet but at some point I’ll sit down and translate it properly so I can read the whole thing at once rather than in batches (curse the shaky hands)
Here’s some of may favourite features I’ve found in my rough reading, I’ll put it under read more because there’s some stuff that either doesn’t line up with the canon or I suppose is a spoiler for some headcanons
A) Otto (Addo) is alive! During the final party after defeating the Professor it’s revealed that Guggenheim managed to get him back from the organisation and he is also there at the party. Zhalia is very relieved to see him and they catch up
B) Zhalia got a leg injury in the final battle, hence leaning on Dante
C) Defoe. During Dante and Griers fight on Sutos, Dante brings up Defoe and is told “the organisation got rid of him” take that as you will
D) you know that conversation Dante and Zhalia are having in the background of Lok and Sophie’s chat after defeating Madea? They’re arguing because Zhalia wants to bond with Madea and Dante won’t let her. I just found that interesting because I thought Zhalia wouldn’t want the Titan that brought up all her past trauma
D.1) little side note, to speed things up, Zhalia defeats Madea all by herself
E) after finding out Dante was NOT mind controlled and her thoughtspectre had worked, Zhalia wanted to hug Dante but didn’t
F) Sophie has keys to Dante’s house (kind of obvious considering they’re there alone all the time but it’s a nice feature)
G) tersely and Montehue give Lok a rare book of Norse mythology as a gift after defeating the professor
H) Montehue hugs everyone during the party and hugs Lok so hard, Dante has to step in
I) Dante describes Zhalia as beautiful
J) I need to check my translation but I think Zhalia’s parents were killed
K) Zhalia: tell me you aren’t lying to save yourself
Dante: I have never lied to you and I never will
Zhalia: klaus is like a father to me, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it
Dante: I’ll take care of it
L) “a meal worthy of metagolem” is how I’ll be complimenting food from now on
M) rather than all of them touching the crystals to see if they’re pure of heart, just Lok does it and he gets an electric sensation go through his chest
N) to celebrate the whole Thor and mjolnjr thing, Guggenheim takes everyone out to dinner
O) lok was sleeping on Dante’s sofa without permission, he just kind of moved in and Dante gave up
P) Defoe was meant to take the sword of St George to Klaus, who would study it and take it to the professor
Q) oh that whole speech about going to Vienna where Dante changes his mind and takes the team? Nope he just says no and walks out and Leblanche spends the next few days baking treats to cheer them up
R) Loks cover story for his mum and sister was going to be: Sophie is a classmate on the same intensive archeology summer course as him and Dante and Zhalia are assistants to their elderly professor who is sick which is why they’re getting a holiday (the book then skips that episode and it’s unclear whether they didn’t go or whether it’s just not mentioned)
S) Lok asks why Sutos is not under the Greek government and the holotome tells them that it’s a regent based government which is inherited to the first born son
T: Zhalia: klaus taught me everything
Dante: except honesty
(Slightly paraphrased but it just cracks me up)
U) much like most fanfiction, Cherit is forgotten throughout most of it and occasionally gets mentioned
V) Lok: how did you do it?
Sophie: magic.
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riswippiesx · 8 months
Drive you insane | Geto Suguru x Fem! Reader[Fall out AU]
•part one
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Theme: Mature(MDNI), 18+ NSFW
Fic TW: dark content! smut, world building, twisted morals, meteor fall out, world destroy, corruption, evil plans, conversation for world domination, foul language, looking down of the poor people, degradation, face slapping, slut shaming, spanking, unprotected sex(don't do this irl), fucking in a open place (but no body sees), teasing(a lot), creampie, breeding, mention of starting a family, porn with plot, not proof read !
Ch TW: Meteor attack, world destroy, uneven social systems, hate towards poors, death and injury, scams and plotting, foul language, barging into an oral sex, insult, fantasy, aroused thoughts, hint of masturbation etc.
Summary: You were respected in your world for being a savior during the meteor fall out but you had different plans which no one knew untill another heroic personality appeared to help the poor people. You thought would get rid of him but he knew everything about your little plan, he caught you. Would he expose you? Or help you out?
Note: Tried something new this time. To read this, you need mature mindset. Reader is twisted and not at all innocent. I hope you enjoy <3
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The fear of humans came true, the giant meteor, which was prophesied to hit the earth's ground soon, actually fell on the living planet, destroying a big part of asia. A few smaller meteors followed the bigger one and hit a few close areas. Despite of all the warnings and safety campaigns, many people died. The world population decreased in an instant. The ruler system fell apart. World economy was grounded. Smoke clouded the sky. Glimpse of heinous fire could be seen here and there. Air was heavy with painful whimpers and sobs.
Even in such crisis, a few classy families of politics and leaders were provided the highest level of safety with the secure houses made of the finest stuffs. A large part of food and water was preserved for them. Two or three of such families or family members survived well enough while the poor survivors died, lacking food water and medication.
You were the eldest daughter of a well known person. You dad used to be a bright face in world politics. He was cruel and selfish. He had both power and money. So he spoilt you as much as he wanted. You inherited his stubborn rude nature in yourself.
You were twenty years old when the fall out took place. Your younger brother was fourteen. If you were spoiled, he was like a little demon. He did whatever he wanted at such early age which costed his life in the meteor attack. He wanted to see how it looked when a meteor fell on poor average people. So he ran out of the safety shelter and your father followed him to bring him back. Of course the meteor hit both of them and they died. Their sudden death was tough for you to handle but a part of you was somewhat happy that you would have none in you way from then.
Your father was wise enough for collecting the precious papers and plans related to world domination before hand. So with the help of those papers and your dead father's reputation, you got your hands on the world politics easily.
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One year from that day, the world government fell apart but with the help of the survivors, somehow they managed to get things together in a way. The authorities chose the powerful survivors and decided the areas around the world to take care of. You were a chosen one. A large part of asia was given to you for nurturing and developing.
You agreed very easily and took over the area. You had to put on a mask which helped you to act kind. You hated people bellow your standard but for the sake of greater future, you offered help to those "bullshit" survivors.
At first you were disgusted by the condition of those survivors, some lost their legs, some lost their both of the eyes or one and the injury list could go far long. The authorities sent a team to each leaders and you chose some employs from your area. Your team was slowly building up. You were earning people's trust and respect with your coating of kindness. You were earning trust from the the head authorities as well. They were pleased with your work. But you had hunger, hunger for something greater, hunger for all of it. This was very less of a portion when you were starving for world domination. Your father was one of the main faces of the world. You needed to be the "only" main face of this fallen world.
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As the days continued, your team grew bigger with the healthier survivors joining. Your heavily inspired them. Your soft behavior and kindness intrigued a lot of them. Your pretty face was also another reason for many young men's joining. You could notice how many people looked up at you with adoration in their eyes, some were romantic, some were platonic.
Overall it was going how it was supposed to. But, behind every eyes, you were plotting something. You wanted to snatch away powers from the other seven leaders around the world, by corrupting them anyhow. You collected papers from various sources. Since the radio waves and towers fell apart, the world connection was slow but still content. You took your time in collecting the weak points and potholes of other leader's work. You spent years after years planning, earning trusts and working on papers which would destroy your enemies. After all, the world should belong to where it's supposed to, under your feet.
Your trusted team helped you in this. You made a private team of four people. They helped you to find the papers and other things whenever you needed. They were your right hand people.
Your first victim was your neighbour leader, with whom you shared a part of asia. He was a kind man, genuinely kind. He wanted to help the poor people. Though he also belonged to a famous household before the fall out, his mind wasn't that corrupted. How boring! You used the papers about the secret scams of his family which your dad once collected and anonymously sent it to the head authority, to show how much of a scammer that family was. Your father was a savior but couldn't save himself though. To prove your point a bit more, your team went undercover and stole the money which was sent by the head authorities for the fund works, resulting a huge miscalculation in reports. Poor leader couldn't defend himself and his spot was snatch away at once by the authorities. There were no chances of mistake in a world of needs. So you appeared as a savior again and helped the poor people with shelter and food with medication. Already pleased authority was delighted by your "sweet gesture" and offered that area to you and you took it the offer in order to "help the people in need".
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You were busy in checking the reports from your team about the developement around your area. Some files on the food and shelter restock was attached with the main report. You had a pen in your hand while you seated on the luxury chair of your office.
You heard a knock on your door.
"Ma'am? May I come in?"
You didn't raise your head and uttered a "yeah". The other person pushed the door open and entered your well maintained, classy office room.
"Ma'am, there is someone who seeks your visit"
Your brows got twisted as you looked up.
"I wasn't informed about any meeting today. Who is it?"
"He has stated that he wants to join your team."
"Oh. But in order to join, he needs to meet my assistant first. Not me. You all know the rule, right?", you looked at your worker.
"Yes ma'am we know. We tried to tell him all that but he isn't listening. He said that he was full of potential and you are the only one who could value it truly."
"Oh what a bold mouth he got", you grinned. "That's indeed interesting. Fine. Tell him to wait outside for ten minutes"
"Alright ma'am", the worker bowed and left the the room.
You were amused. You knew that you had some admirer who joined your team just for you. Actually you didn't mind them at all, instead they were easy to control. But this guy seemed very confident in himself. It'd be fun in taking control over him.
You were smirking to yourself as you finished your paper works and signed where you needed to. You kept the file aside when you heard a knock on your door. You checked the clock when your worker left to inform hin about ten minutes wait, it was 11:30 am and the knock came right on 11:40 am. Accurate on time ! Impressive.
"Come in", you spoke. The door was pushed open once again and there stood the guy, so majestic that you couldn't look away. Those raven hairs in neat bun with a lock hanging loose on his left side of face, those dark intriguing deep eyes and that sharp face— he was handsome, you needed to admit. And this dark ear piercing made him look even better.
"Thank you for giving me a chance, ma'am", honey dripped in his voice as he spoke. You were impressed by his physical appearance but you weren't a person to loose your composure either. You gestured him with your familiar sweet and kind smile.
"No problem. Come take a seat"
He came and sat at on the chair at the other side of your desk.
"I heard you claim that you have potential?", you questioned him.
"Certainly, ma'am"
"Very well. Care to introduce your self?", you eyes danced in hidden mischief.
"I'm Geto Suguru. I'm 27 now."
"Alright, Mr. Geto Suguru, reason for your arrival today?"
"I came here as a face of Japan"
"Face of Japan?"
"Yes, I survived by fate. So to help the others in need, I worked with the local helping teams. I'm well trained in doing the fund work. I used to work as a leader of National Public Support of Japan. So for greater help, the local people told me to come and join your team. I heard from them that you are a great leader. I'd be blessed if I get to work under you."
"Hmm. And you want me to hire you, based on your words only?"
"I have my reports and documents. Here", he offered you a file. You eyed the file and noticed the details. He was speaking the truth. While you were checking the file, you could feel that his eyes were pointed stright at you. Of course it was, almost everyone had the same reaction when they looked at you.
Those files didn't seem fake. You closed the file after you were done and handed it back to him.
"Not bad. But.." You leaned infront and kept your elbows pressed on your desk "I don't hire just by the past records. I need to see what you've got. So, you will be working a day with the jobs I assign for you. Hope that's okay for you?" You looked straight at his eyes. There was something in there which didn't go entirely with this external personality, you could easily tell.
A smile appeared on his face "Sure, I'd love to"
"Great. You may leave now and wait outside for your jobs for the day"
"Thank you"
"Don't be so thankful before you even get to know what you are going to be assigned with..hmm?", you grinned at him.
"Yeah sure, ma'am", he smiled back at you and left the office. He was capable. You could use him for your work but before that you needed to test his loyalty towards you for a few days or weeks.
You had a list for the jobs which were needed to be done, such as inspecting all the shelters and stop any of the illegal activity which some people did here and there recently. People, who wanted more than they were getting, committed small crimes like stealing and attacking. You hated all that nasty crimes. For you, those were so lame. And you needed to take control over all that. Someone had to take care of the crimes. So you decided to rest your rookie, basing on that.
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Christmas was around the corner. Authorities had sent some special and extra supply for the people in needs. Your workers took care of it. Surprisingly, Geto Suguru did a great job in inspecting the crimes. He submitted his reports on the topic and it was well detailed than the average ones. He really seemed professional and skilled about the whole thing. But you hated giving credits to your new worker on the first day. So you just received the reports and told him to leave.
You could have given him a bit credit only if your mind wasn't messed with a lot of things. After getting the major part of asia under your control, you had to take in the islands around the continent. But it was big deal. To begin with the issue, your father didn't have much of the papers on the leader of those island. Moreover, she seemed really tough to deal with. You tried to work as a partner but she refused. You thought this would help you to prove the less co-operation skills in her to the authorities but they seemed not to care about such a small issue. Your personal team tried to spy around her area but she was really well at handling and controlling her territory. But you weren't someone to let such a small fry stop you from achieving what you deserved. So you were intrigued in making up plans on dragging her down at your office.
Your mood was just messed up as you didn't seem find something good enough. So you were frustrated. You leaned back on your chair and groaned in annoyance. "Ugh fuck this!" and put your legs on top your desk. You were working for so long and your eyes were hurting, so was your back. So you decided to take a break and walk for a bit outside of your office.
You did as you thought. You went outside of your office building and started to walk around fot bit, aimlessly. The surroundings were being taken care of yet those were a lot of damage to be fixed so early where huminity almost got doomed. Broken buildings fell around, only the roads were cleaned, to resume the journey and connections. You were looking everywhere but at the road. Your mind was fogged. Them normal people, who respected you, were waving at your was but you were definitely not in a mood to do the same. So you just smiled at them, not to mention, that was forced.
In the meantime of smiling, you looked side way and didn't notice the a few stones and parts which littered around. Your feet hit one or two of those and tripped. You were about to fall but a strong hand caught you from your behind by your waist. Your hand grabbed on that hand and you quickly looked back. It was your new rookie, Geto Suguru. He was looking down at you with his pretty fox eyes and a slight smile on his lips. Your eyes for once stopped at his. It didn't last a minute before you looked away but it felt like so long. You coughed and made yourself free from his grip.
"Be careful Ma'am, there are stones every where. If you don't be careful enough.." He leaned very slightly, "you might trip". It sounded more like a warning than an advice. What was that tone ! You were pissed.
"I don't remember giving you permission of talking to me in that tone." You fixed your cloths.
"Ah well I just spoke of your well being, sorry if that offended you." He apologized but you could still sense the mild sarcasm in his voice.
"Just go back to whatever you were doing." And you started walk away. Your mind was already fogged and this one thing made you feel even more disgusting. That new bie might give you hard times in future. You would have to take of it before hand.
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There came the Christmas eve. With the help of the funds and other suppliments from the head authority, two of them destroyed buildings were finally fixed. One was a mart and another one was a small apartment, which would help people to get essentials and shelter. Those opened on the day of christmas. You, being they main figure, had to be presented in all the time, looking after the things you didn't want. But again, you needed to achieve as much faith as you could. So you kept up with everything.
It was late when you finished your works and finally relaxed on your seat. After staying silent, you decided to return to the apartment you chose for yourself to live in. You kept the files a side and took your house key. Then you left your office and started to walk across the small corridor. You were about to pass a room when some noises stopped you. Almost all of your workers left, your special team too. Also the room was a little conference room, which you used to discuss plans and tasks. Noone was supposed to be in there, at least not at that hour of night.
The noises were faint. So you brought yourself closer to the closed door and put your ear on it. With a bit of notice, you could hear that those noises sounded like whimpers and a few groans. It was strangely weird for you. Was someone fucking in there? But there? Really? Inside of your organised conference room? How dared them!?
You were getting furious again. It was so improper. Did some poor people break in? A lot of weird thoughts came in your head untill both of the voices started to sound a bit too familiar. But you could not actually catch it.
You couldn't just stand and listen to such nasty noises. So you decided to barge in. The door was fortunately unlocked and you pushed it open at once. What you saw was not something you expected at all.
Infront of you, you could see two very known humans. On the ground, there sat the only female employ of your special team, whom you actually trusted a lot. She was back facing you and was on her knees, naked. Her mouth was connected to someone's hard cock, sucking on it. And that someone was none other than, your new rookie, Geto Suguru. His pants were on the floor and last few buttons of his black shirt was opened, revealing his toned abs and defined v-line. His cheeks were flushed with a faint red, hair was partially up in a messy bun as he leaned back on the table behind.
You went silent for a good while. You were looking at them and they looked back at you. Your trusted employ was quick to let everything go and tried to cover her body. You could see the hickeys on two to three places or her body. She looked ashamed. She didn't expect you to catch them like that. Whereas, the other one had a smug expression on his face. His slightly lidded eyes hinted amusement.
"Ma'am..." She tried to speak.
"What the fuck is going on here?" You calmly asked. But the disgust was clear in your tone.
"Ma'am we can...explain...please", she was nervous.
"Shut up. Not a word. If you were willing that much to suck him off, you should have gone to your apartment. Don't you have any basic sense about place and time? Huh?"
"Ma'am but...he...he told me this would be fine...and also said that you had already left the office ...and I trusted him."
"You don't even know this guy properly. That's why you don't trust just..any person. Also what made you think that it'd be okay to fuck here after I am gone?"
"Ma'am....i'm so sorry, please."
"Leave. Get your as s out of my sight right now. And never show me that slutty face of yours!"
"Leave. Now."
She knew nothing could be stated after your stern order. So she took her cloths and somehow covered herself, then left. Then your eyes fell on Geto. He fixed his cloths already but those still looked messy. He was fixing his bun. His body was a bit sweaty from the previous intense activities. The light fell stright on his features which made him look even better. You sighed.
"I suppose you owe me an explanation.", you spoke to him.
"Extremely sorry, I thought you left and I ...well..I was feeling something. So she volunteered to help and I accepted.", his tone sounded more casual than it was supposed to.
"Wow. Keep your shits in your pants untill you are in a proper place. This isn't your little love hotels!"
"I apologize. It won't happen again."
"Apology my foot! You shithead. Stop trying to mess my special team. I warn you."
"I am not. It's just she is really attactive."
He spoke facts, you knew that. Yet your nerves burn for So me unknown reason. You couldn't just stand what he just said.
"Did I ask?", You almost yelled. But your self control game was great. So you tried to calm yourself down. "Just get out of here!" You spoke in disgust.
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You came back to your apartment with a bitter mind and a tired body. You just wanted to sink in your bed. You quickly freshen up and finally laid on the bed. Your body just thanked you for the long awaited rest. Your body wanted rest but your mind was racing. What you just saw before coming back, that scene could not leave your mind. You were disgusted but somewhere in my mind, you kept recalling the vulnerable look of Geto. It was really hot. He was an attractive man and his abs, v-line..even his hard dick..you just couldn't think otherwise. Your whole body felt like burning, with some desire. It wasn't like you were a virgin. Your fucked with a few friends of yours before the meteor attack but that was long ago. After that, you barely got time to think about your sexual desire, in a obsession of power.
So, such things from a genuinely attractive guy bought out you hidden desires and your pleasure deprived self danced with it.
You didn't notice when your thighs were pressing together. Your body wanted some friction in some special places. You could feel your arousal and your hard nipples, brushing against your tshirt painfully, wanting to be pinched and pulled and played with.
A soft groan left your lips as you hands started to move towards the hem of your panties as another hand cupped your left breast over your cloth..........
...To be continued
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Phew!! Finally first part is done💀 I typed a lot lol! My finger hurts now. Haha! Anyway! Please please let me if you like this or not! Commet down bellow. Reblogs are also highly appreciated 💗
Alsooo!! I might need some time to post the next part..(I have internals at college T_T) also I need some good response in this. I have put a lot of efforts in this lol! So I need results too :P otherwise i'm not posting another part anyway 🚶‍♀️
And..should I make a tag list for the next part/parts? Lemme know if you wanna be tagged. Haha
Thanks for reading tho<333
83 notes · View notes
ninapi · 10 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Faded Reality ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: Being the strongest wasn't always ideal, finding love and building a family behind closed doors not an easy fit, but you were worth it and the seed of that love had to be protected no matter what.
Word Count: 3087
Note: This is the second chapter for my "Infuriating Beauty" story, I named them differently just because lol, but you can read the first installment here~
Life can change drastically in within hours, that is a fact.
Satoru’s life has always been monitored, controlled even, he’s never had the chance to do as he pleases, even if to others, he does what he wants, but truth is he only does what he’s allowed to, he just has a longer leash than others.
The Gojo clan was not allowed to fall in love. They had one purpose only, and the council would make sure things would remain unchanged. 
His future has been planned since he wasn’t even born, and the moment his inheritance was confirmed, he became another toy of the higher ups. No matter how strong he was, he was still being controlled by them.
But this time things were more complex.
The moment Satoru returned home from his mission, he saw two very distressing scenes going on at the same time. As soon as he went into the house he saw a notification in his mailbox, the fact that it was an envelope completely sealed to only be able to be opened by him worried him to his core, but the moment he stepped in his living room and saw Megumi holding your legs up on his lap, rubbing your belly, his brain shut down.
Jealousy was painted all over his face, that was until he saw Megumi’s face. He had clearly not been sleeping for who knows how long, and you…you were pale, asleep, yet very much uncomfortable. 
“What happened?” it’s all he managed to mumble out, he wasn’t angry anymore but worried.
“You happened…” the angry teenager face was just lasting way too long for Megumi, it normally makes him laugh, how sour he could get, but not today…”What do you mean…? Who did this to her…?”
“YOU did!”
“Shhh you’ll wake her up! What do you mean? What did I do now?” he was honestly confused, whisper-yelling at his adoptive son.
“We think she’s pregnant…” 
All color left his face. He should be happy, he actually was, very deep down in his heart. Having a child with the love of his life seemed like a blessing, and would have been if he was a normal dude with his darling wife, but he wasn’t, this would bring chaos and potentially harm you if he didn’t do something, fast.
Going up immediately from your side, he went back to the letter he got from the council. While it wasn’t about your pregnancy, thankfully, it was regarding his now official engagement, he was to meet his future wife next Saturday, a party would be held as a thoughtful gift from one of the higher ups.
They really knew how to mess up people’s life…he just got to know he’ll be a father in a few months, only to be told he has to marry someone else, not the mother of his child but someone he’s never met before, on the same day.
“Toru…?” your voice was raw, your morning sickness has been too rough in your body and the sleepless nights just weren’t helping at all.
“I’m here baby. How are you feeling?” he burned the letter to ashes in seconds before heading back your way. He’ll think about how to get rid of that stupid engagement later, you were more important right now.
“I’m fine, it’s just a bit hard to keep things in my stomach…” Megumi was helping you sit up, wrapping you in a warm blanket; he was truly an angel.
“She’s been throwing up nonstop, she barely sleeps and doesn’t want to go to the doctor, doesn’t even want Ieri-san in the house…” he was tired, his eyes were barely open and the bags under his eyes were as dark as his hair.
“Why, my love? We need to get you checked, what if you’re just sick?” he was now by your side, holding your hand to his lips. 
“I have your child inside of me, Satoru…I’m their mother, I feel it…Ok? Don’t question me…” your angry outburst startled him, you’ve always been so sweet to him, specially after a long mission.
“You see? She needs a doctor but nobody listens to good old Fushiguro…” 
“I’m fine Gumi…I just need to sleep…Toru baby I’m sorry, I’m just a bit grumpy…my mood has been all over the place lately.” you were curling into a ball, clearly distressed by the entire situation, worrying Satoru.
“It’s fine, but I need you to see a doctor, love. It’s not that I don’t trust you, mothers are always right…I just want to make sure you and my baby are fine…can you do that for me…?” gathering you in his arms, he was more than sure you were right about it, he just could feel it, as weird as that sounded, he knew you were right.
“But what if someone sees or hears that I am pregnant? Isn’t that dangerous? What if they find out is yours?”
“You can say it’s mine…” Megumi was blushing madly, playing with his fingers. Even if it wasn’t the reality he wished it was, he wanted to at least be helpful to you in some way.
“Gumi, my angel, I would end up in jail if we say the baby is yours…” his cute idea made you chuckle, knowing you had both of them by your side willing to protect you and be with you all the way made you feel so full, tears were pooling in the corner of your eyes, proving your mood was indeed all over the place.
“Can’t Ieri-san see if she’s pregnant?”
“Unless a curse was the one impregnating her, I doubt Shoko would be of any help…”
“Well a curse did impregnate her…the worse curse there is…”
Satoru just hissed at Megumi, before placing soft kisses to the side of your head, “I’ll get someone I can trust. We need to make sure the baby is fine.” his word was final, even if you were the one pregnant, the child was his too, he had the right to demand his child's safety.
Facing the council was one of the things Satoru hated the most. They never listened to him and he would always end up throwing threats here and there until they would allow him to get away with whatever he wanted.
However, this time they were fully immersed in the argument, not giving the chance to fight back. They wanted him to marry this woman he knows nothing about, just because a rumor said he was bringing a girl home.
If they ever got to know this said woman is very much indeed his woman and currently carrying his child, not only your relationship will be in danger but your life and the one of your little seed of love too.
“I am not marrying that ugly wench, you hear me? I am Gojo Satoru, I am not letting you decide who gets to go in my pants and who doesn’t.”
“You disrespectful child…You’ll do as you’re told, end of the story.” 
“I won’t, and that’s final. Stop believing in stupid rumors, you know me, I don’t get attached, it’s all a baseless rumor and I won’t let you ruin my life for something as little as that. Now if you excuse me, I’m going in a little vacation, I’m sick of all your bullshit.” leaving the meeting behind, Satoru, who already had his and your bags packed and in a car outside, went out and straight to the airport where you and Megumi were waiting for him.
The doctor he took home to check on you confirmed you were very much pregnant, and warned the two of you of how it was probably going to affect you, recommending as much rest as possible to avoid loosing the child.
The idea of stress putting his baby in danger made Satoru want to leave the city as soon as possible.
Memories of how much fun he and Suguru had in Okinawa made him want to take you there.
Yaga knew about the situation and allowed the both of you to take a break disguised as a mission. It was all planned, he would say he’d spend a few days off by the beach on his own, then go off to this long mission. When in reality you’d be in the same resort as him and then move to a safe house in the other side of town until the baby was born.
And it all went surprisingly well, the elders stopped bugging him as he made them remember his past and who he was, it did sound a bit ridiculous, tying the man down over a rumor they weren’t able to prove.
But the pregnancy wasn’t as beautiful.
The stress was there, no matter how much he tried to distract you.
He was always on edge, checking the windows and locks constantly, while you missed Megumi dearly.
Hence the entire pregnancy was filled with stress, sorrow and pain from how big the child was. All this without being able to leave the house for months, was just souring your mood constantly.
Satoru loved you and his son. He would do anything to protect you, even if that ended up stressing you further.
“Toru come and rub my belly, your son is as stressed as you are right now…” he’s been kicking you all morning to the point that your hips now hurt in discomfort. He did feel when his daddy was on edge, they had a weird connection, one that scared him badly, what if he is also born with his infinity? Will the council take him away from you? Will they make you suffer as much as they did to his mother?
“I’m not stressed, babe. Just making sure everything’s ready…he’s coming soon and we gotta get him out safely…” he leaned on the couch beside you, gently rubbing the little protruded foot on your side, placing soft kisses all over your heavily swollen belly. “Our son is almost here, aren’t you boy?” listening to his daddy’s voice just made the child even more impatient, the kicking going wild. “You having a party in there, young man? Give your mama a rest will ya?” With his loving nuzzling and after humming a tune or two, the baby finally stopped moving, reminding Satoru how hard would be to keep the child hidden once he’s out.
“Feeling any better, babe? He’s a tough one, huh? Just like his daddy~” even with all this uncertainty, he was excited to meet his son, to bring life to this world, life coming out of the purest act of love, the only pure thing he’s ever created, his baby boy.
“Mhm…thank you. He really takes after you, I wonder how problematic will that be.” even if you were just talking about his little hyper self, Satoru’s mind was running a mile an hour, he would definitely have his powers. He suddenly remembered the tales of how uncomfortable his mother was when he was still inside of her, how sick she got, how she almost dies in child bed. He didn’t want that for you, didn’t want that for his child.
Being the strongest is great, but its also very lonely.
He doesn’t want his child to go through all he had to in his lifetime, so he’s got to do something.
“I’m going to kill them all (Y/N)…” his comment confused you, to say the least.
“Who baby?” reaching over to caress his face, you brought his head to rest on your chest. Satoru had this moments when his mind wasn’t as clear, when insanity took over all rational thought, and you couldn’t blame him, he had been through so much and he’s still so young.
“Everyone in the council, those old farts are a danger to my family. I must protect you and our son…they’ll always be a threat, they’ll never let me be happy, to have a normal life… I want to marry the woman I love, the mother of my son..be a normal dad take the kid to school, play catch, you know normal stuff, grill some meat on our yard, go to the zoo…They’ll never let us do that babe…” he was having one of his breakdowns, that much was clear to you, but this time he was right, there was nothing you could say to make him feel better.
“You can’t just kill them all, love. Even if you do, you won’t be able to do all that with us, because they’ll throw you in jail…” his face was now completely buried on your chest, his voice just a muffled whimpery mess. “I hate them…”
“I know you do, my love..I do too…but we can’t just do that and you know it.”
While you had permission to stay hidden while the child was born, you were to return to the school as soon as possible, both of you, as it would be suspicious to have you out for so long, it would draw too much attention.
“I will do what I can to get you two a normal life…”
The baby was as beautiful as his dad, his white hair shinning in the sunlight, his big blue eyes would make the sea go jealous of their beauty.
A true Gojo.
While you were thrilled of having a tiny Satoru in your arms, he was terrified. He feared they would try to take his son away, that they would get to you, his treasure, and get rid of you.
“Toru…your son is getting restless, remember, he feels your anxiety…” Satoru was now holding his baby boy in his arms, his eyes were so full of love, he was so tiny, so soft, so beautiful. Even if he looked just like him, he had your smile, and those adorable cheeks of yours he loves to bite so much. He never thought being a dad would feel like this, he felt so emotional, he would die willingly to protect his son.
“I’m sorry sweetpea, daddy was just thinking about something, that’s all.” kissing his tiny forehead while his son held his hand to his chest made him remember how much of a happy man he was.
“We have to go back to school next week, Yaga called, they’re starting to ask questions…” to this you just nodded, you knew this would happen but having to leave your new born home wasn’t something you wanted to do this fast.
“Can we take turns? I don’t know who we can trust to take care of him…”
“I’ll talk to Yaga, baby. I’ll go back to work first, you can rest a while longer.” forging a report on a five months long mission would be a pain, specially being Satoru in it, he could kill any curse in seconds, but he had to come up with a plan, something that would give you more time to rest, to give him more time to figure things out and see how he could give you two the life you deserved, not the one you currently lived in, in the shadows.
Satoru hated having to hide his true self from everybody, he wanted to tell the world how much he loved you, how beautiful his woman looked while pregnant, all rounded and fluffy, how cute and perfect his son is.
He hated having to go every so often to bars and clubs, to fake a ‘normal life’ just so those bastards would leave his family alone. He felt dirty, it was all just so wrong, having those women fawning over him, bringing him alcohol, when all he wanted was to cuddle his wife and son to sleep in his very comfy bed while watching Disney movies.
Having to live a double life just to please those who wanted him to have an ill fated life was starting to become too overwhelming and dark thoughts came hunting him once more.
It would all be fixed in seconds, all he has to do is get rid of them all. Then he’d take you to another country, learn the language and live as Frank, Jane and little Steve who lost their passports at sea…
“Satoru…you look awful…” Yaga was chewing on his sandwich, his worries have been growing as time went by, he was just not himself anymore, always down or angry, you were also not as bright as before, tired, sad even.
“If I said I wanna kill them all…would you help me?” he wasn’t thinking clear anymore, he was just so sick of everything.
“Easy boy, I know it’s difficult to live this way, but you should have thought about this before getting her full with child…”
“DON’T YOU TALK TO ME LIKE I REGRET IT! I love my son, I love my wife! I want them to have a normal life, I WANT A NORMAL LIFE. I want to eat my wife’s warm dinner every night, sleep in her arms, play with my son, read him a story! Why do I have to go drink with whores, go kill stupid curses? I’m sick of this…so sick of all this bullshit…I didn't ask to be the strongest, I didn't ask for any of this....why can't I just be happy with my family? Is that so wrong for me to do...?” he was crumbling, his mask shattering to millions of tiny pieces, pieces only you were able to glue back together with your love.
Heaving a deep sigh, Yaga patted Satoru’s back, “Let’s kill them all….”
Trying to give you a perfect life was difficult, nobody said it would be easy.
But he would do anything for you.
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Masterlist Next Chapter
Note: this ended up being too long, so I decided to split the idea in two and now there will be a third chapter lol
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galvanizedfriend · 3 months
Both Christmas fics!
Oh nonnie 😂 I love a Christmas AU. Come November (!!!), all I do, all day long, is leave my TV on Hallmark channel and watch the same crappy Christmas movies (full of TVD/TO actors btw lol) over and over. So naturally, I end up with intrusive thoughts about getting Klaroline into Christmas romcoms where Klaus is alwats a Scrooge or Grinch sort of creature and Caroline is the ray of sunshine that melts some of the ice around his heart. 😂 Could it be any more cliche? No. Do I care? Also no.
So the first Xmas AU was Caroline getting invited to spend Christmas in the UK with Enzo (her bestie) at his new husband's (lololol) family's ancestral home, Mikaelson House. But she was promised that Klaus wouldn't be there, because they're Christmassy people and he always spends the Holidays skiing. Except there's a snow storm and his flight got cancelled and so he's stranded. Caroline and Klaus have some beef from Enzo's wedding (which I can't remember what exactly what it was about, but I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere 😂). And so it would be a very Mikaelson family situation with Klaus and Caroline getting over their beef in the process.
The second one is more uhm *controversial*😂 But I think I like the execution of it more. Klaus inherits a property from his biological father whom he's had no contact with his entire life. He doesn't want anything to do with it because he obviously holds a giant grudge over the fact he was abandoned to suffer at the hands of Mikael his whole life while his father knew of his existence (he finds out about that when he's older). But Elijah (who also doubles as his lawyer because he's a hotshot one) pushes him to go check it out and put it in the market to at the very least get the money (not that he needs it, but anyway). So he goes and finds out the place is actually a Christmas Tree farm that doubles as a holiday theme park (or used to, before it was closed down years before when Ansel got sick), and Caroline is the person in charge of it (she's also a lawyer). He means to just get rid of the whole thing but she ends up convincing him to sell it to someone interested in keeping the business open because the small town where it's located has been suffering greately since the park shut down and it could create a lot of jobs and opportunities for local business owners and while Klaus couldn't care less, he finds out very soon that it's very hard for him personally to say no to Caroline. 😂 Then a lot of things happen (Elijah gets in the middle of it to expedite the sale and ruins everything, Klaus finds out the truth about why his father never contacted him, De Martels appear, etc).
Both sound silly af but that's the spirit of these holiday romcoms and honestly I love them, so whatever 🙆‍♀️
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mollysunder · 1 year
How the Medardas Ran Afoul of Noxus (Probably)
The more I think about the Medarda Family, the more I realize how obviously they were all going to end up on Swain's shitlist. One of the more relevant things to know about Noxus next season is that Swain's coup will not just depose the current emperor, but he's also going to purge a number of old Noxian noble family. Swain will get rid of not just those who betrayed him, but those he considers a detriment to the empire. These are supposed to be families that enjoy unearned positions or, in general, betray Noxus and its ideals.
First, we have Kino. The most defining aspect that we know about Kino is that he believes that "war is a failure of statecraft". War IS Noxus's state craft! It's the reason the empire exists, it's the mechanism to how it's meritocracy functions. Where anyone can advance in society, nobleman or former slave, everyone is supposed to start at the bottom on the battlefield and work up. I'm curious how Kino could have navigated Noxian society and all its veterans with that kind of attitude. Obviously, he wielded a good deal of political influence to a cross a man more powerful than Ambessa, but did he have to go on the battlefield for it? Even if he did, these kinds of comments would only inspire suspicion in him and to his allegiance to Noxus.
Then there's Mel, obviously she was exiled, but in the eyes of many she's still under the Medarda family. Like Kino, Mel abhors the brutality of war, which is why she's comfortable building a future for a place dedicated to establishing a focus on "progress" and "peace" like Piltover. But there's another aspect of Mel that doesn't align with Noxus that isn't as highlighted. Mel thinks of power in terms of crowns.
In Mel's flashback, when she shares her idea of who could replace the recently deposed regime, she calls the figure a "queen". When Ambessa offers her the opportunity to rule, Mel says, "You'd give me a throne". That's not how any of that is supposed to work in Noxus.
One of the most interesting aspects of Noxus is that they explicitly do not subscribe to the rule of kings. Under Noxian principles, their rule is unearned because they inherit their titles and impose a system where every citizen remains stationary despite their ability and skill. This isn't to say Noxus doesn't have high ranking nobility, they even technically had an emperor. But they're all supposed to earn their place through service to the empire. All captured territories are supposed to belong to the EMPIRE, not be one noble family's personal fiefdom. If any high-ranking officer of Noxus is assigned a territory, they're called a steward, and someone from the previous regime who swears loyalty to Noxus are designated governor. No one is supposed to be called king or queen to avoid any association with the divine right of kings and the way it stagnates the people. Even the emperor is actually titled the Grand General because he's (in concept) supposed to extend Noxus's border and build its strength first and foremost.
But here's Mel, who as smart as she is, should know better than to play with the idea of queens and crowns for others and herself. And it's not like she ever really let that go. In Piltover, she managed to find a space where she can hold court with all the self-titled "Great" houses. A place where the interests of the state and the interests of Mel's inner circle are essentially interchangeable. Just like the monarchies Noxus criticizes, Piltover offers no upward mobility and expects its citizens to respect their inherited titles.
You could argue that Mel does still integrate some upward mobility into her court by uplifting House Talis. It's technically true. It's mostly inoffensive to move an upper-middle class, factory owning family to the highest echelon of society under her own patronage. But to people like Swain, he'd probably see someone moving a key ally closer to power for their convenience while creating clear access to a source of possibly unlimited power in Hextech. All the while, you're about to have this woman's family executed for treason, and this surviving member would truly not understand how they failed Noxus.
Finally, there's Ambessa. You would think Ambessa would only be guilty by association since she very much seems to epitomize the ideal Noxian warlord. Ambessa's well versed in battle and the politics of Noxus. She uses her strength and cunning to expand Noxus's borders.
The common theme for both Kino and Mel's stories is that when it really mattered Ambessa didn't correct their behavior. Despite how often Ambessa hammered the cruelty of the world, she never corrected the way Mel saw and talked about power. More precisely, she didn't tell Mel that playing royalty gets you at best disparaged by their army and, worse, killed for it.
When it comes to Kino, I imagine that while Ambessa may not have been fully abreast of everything he was doing, she likely had general knowledge of it. Ambessa didn't stop Kino's scheming, and if it's true that he was a part of the Black Rose, a secret society of nobles in Noxus that work to spread their influence in Noxus and beyond for power, and she knew about it, that's a death sentence. For Swain, it's not about crossing him, it's about threatening the empire, if one person or a group of people put themselves above it for their own gain, they're the worst traitors.
And that's Ambessa's true failure to Noxus. She puts her family first. No matter how little her children could fit the mold for Noxus, Ambessa does what she can consider her best at "protecting" them. For Mel, it was sending her away because she couldn't handle Noxus's violence. We still have yet to find out how much she knew about what Kino was doing, but it was interesting that Ambessa focused on the fact Kino "crossed the wrong man" instead of what he was doing to cross him in the first place. It's what makes Ambessa an interesting opposite to Swain, a man who values the survival of Noxus so greatly that he would condemn his parents and family to death for betraying it.
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shego1142 · 3 months
I know yall probably know about poverty and generational poverty and what not but I just want to vent….
Because like… the things people don’t like know about generational poverty unless they’re experiencing it is just how… trapped you feel… weighed down by absolutely everything.
See I honestly think something may be up with our gas line
Which is a terrifying thought.
Now, idk if it’s a leak per se (though we’ve got the windows cracked just in case) but if we turn on our stove the gas smell is really strong, the flame flairs out of the sides of the stove, etc.
Shit that shouldn’t be happening.
Shit that is really fucking dangerous.
We know this is dangerous, we’re not stupid.
We know we should get it fixed.
But here’s the thing, okay?
The floors are just base boards, they’re falling in and there’s holes everywhere.
There’s rats that we’ve tried every trick in the book to get rid of, short of hiring an exterminator. We’ve borrowed traps, had traps “gifted” to us, tried poisons that friends and family have bought for us, etc. It cuts them down but they come back.
All of our food is in thick sealed plastic containers and yet they’ve eaten some of the containers open. They even ate our soap and makeup and cleaning supplies and that didn’t seem to stop them. (Our soap and cleaning supplies are now in plastic containers too but idk how long it will deter them, and the makeup is thrown away)
We have shoddy wiring in the house, done by my own grandpa back in the 70’s when they first bought this place.
Our roof has cracks in it that have failing patches, done by a family friend.
Our AC doesn’t exactly work very well and it’s been reaching 100°F weather (with 70% humidity no less) and to fix it we’d need $10k at least, but we’d also need new flooring, so it would likely be more than that…
And like, it’s not that the house is dirty, but that it’s falling apart.
And here’s the deal… calling someone who knows what’s what about houses to check the stove means calling someone who is going to inspect the whole house, someone who’s going to say:
“hey uh, your gas is messed up and your electricity is messed up and so’s your plumbing… Your floors are bad… we have to condemn this house and if you can’t pay to fix it up then you’re going to lose it.”
And it’s not like we got this house and destroyed it by a lack of maintenance, this house is like, 50+ years old, and has been my home since I was born.
My grandma and I couldn’t take care of everything because my grandpa had Alzheimer’s and he was going downhill and it was me and her caring for him.
My health is really bad and I can’t work a regular day job because of it, but I haven’t been able to hire a lawyer to apply for disability, so we’re living off one income and whatever side gigs I can do from time to time.
We don’t have the money to pay the mortgage, buy groceries, pay the home insurance, the gas bill, pay medical bills, buy pet food, etc and also then pay for our house to be inspected and potentially condemned for things I didn’t even do in the first place, things that came before I inherited this house…
My whole family has been poor my whole life, from my great great grandparents to my parents, etc.
It was always “you don’t pay for a professional to fix it, you either fix it yourself or get a family member or a friend of a friend to fix it”
Which means that if we ask a building inspector to tell us what’s wrong with the house… well… it’s going to probably be everything. Because this house has never been “professionally” fixed, it’s only ever had family members and friends of family members slap duct tape over glaring issues and say they’ll only charge you a glass of sweet tea.
Which means it’ll probably cost nearly the entire value of the house to fix tbh.
I just feel like I’m on a ship that’s sinking and way more water is coming in than I could ever manage to get out. I keep trying to patch the leaks but the materials just not available, and besides, if I stop bailing out the water for even a second to go and try and patch the leak, I’ll go fully underwater.
And you know, it’s not fair. It’s not right that it’s like this. This is our home and we love it. This has been my home for years and we love this house, this land, the trees and plants that grow, everything here is loved. It’s cared for. We try to take pride in it.
But you wouldn’t know that because we’re too busy trying to bail out that sinking ship. We’re too busy from constantly working and cleaning and repairing.
It’s not okay that it’s set up that way. We need help, we need community. We should be able to call someone and be like “Hey, we love this house, we’ve never been late on a payment, we’ve worked our butts off to try and keep things going, but we need help. Can you look at everything this house needs to function and be in good condition and help us get those things?”
Like, hell a payment plan option would work, wouldn’t it? Why isn’t that the done thing?
I mean, I know why, the more houses that are taken from the poor means the more real estate that’s available for the rich, they’re already trying to make our whole neighbourhood into some corporate venture instead of a residential area. And besides, if they manage to make us homeless they’d be just as happy throwing us in jail for the “crime” of being homeless and poor and making money off free labour.
Like that’s why it’s normal practice not to help anyone keep their home when they actually have a home. The system is set up for you to fail unless your family is at least moderately wealthy.
It’s just such an unforgiving cycle. And I know I’m beating a dead horse with this vent. I know that like over half of America’s population is likely in the same shitty place we’re in.
It’s just… I’m so tired of being in cycles like these.
I’m too sick to work, too poor to afford to get on disability, and both too poor and too exhausted to go to the doctor to get proper treatment, and it’s just a loop.
I’m too exhausted to fix the house, too busy cleaning the house to rest, too exhausted to make money to have professionals help fix the house, rinse and repeat.
The house breaking down is very likely making me more sick, but I’m too sick to be able to get the house fixed.
My grandparents didn’t have money to fix the house, my parents don’t have money to fix theirs, I don’t have money to fix my house.
Every step forward is like ten steps backwards and I genuinely don’t know what the solution to all of this is.
I feel so fucking trapped. I don’t even have the energy to run a gofundme for myself to try and get the help we need, because it takes so so much to to actually get a gofundme up and off the ground, I have tried before and it’s always been a failure because I just literally never have enough energy for it.
We have so many things we’d love to do. We’d love to make this house into an eco-friendly, sustainable home, with solar panels and a huge garden. We want to make a farm stand with fresh eggs and vegetables and fruit and let it operate on an honour system, so anyone who needs food can take what they need and pay what they can, yes even if it’s $0. I want to crochet hats and mittens and set those out too, for sale or just for those who need them…
We want so badly to take care of our community… but it feels like our community isn’t there to support us, not because people don’t want to support one another but because we’re all trapped or are being prevented from supporting one another.
Because having a farm-stand means you need to buy business licenses… building a sustainable home means you need to buy a building permit.
Every step of the way feels like good intentions are wasted, road-blocked.
I can’t even begin to explain how many jobs I’ve applied to, writing, editing, working as a cook or a waiter, data entry, etc.
In school they told me I’d be able to do anything I wanted to. I was a “gifted” straight A student and as I’m sure many people on this site know, that’s not bragging. It’s the opposite. The school system, the system that is supposed to help me be successful in life, told me I would be, and now I would be lucky to make $7.25/an hour while living in a place where the minimum liveable wage is $35/an hour.
It costs $35 an hour for one person to live moderately comfortably in my town. And this isn’t an arbitrary number, it’s literally on our county’s government ran poverty assessment website.
And that’s not a thriving wage it’s a surviving wage. It’s Home, Food, Utilities, Transportation & Clothes.
It leaves no room for medical care, comfort, entertainment, etc.
So what the hell are those of us who are working for anything less than that, or those of us unable to work, supposed to do?!
And like I said, I know I’m preaching to a choir rn, I know everyone is experiencing some version of this. I just… I need to be able to express it from time to time. To talk about how unfair and ridiculous and needlessly cruel this is.
It’s so deeply flawed and evil that we’re unable to have legitimate health concerns inspected because we’re worried about the house being taken away from us.
It’s trash. It’s inhumane.
And if anyone has any like… suggestions or advice that would be great… I’m considering just having our gas service canceled by our gas company and buying a small electric grill instead… but our gas also powers our hot water heater so…
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sirianasims · 9 months
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Samuel stopped visiting us. I spoke to Kailani, but we agreed to let them figure it out themselves. Still, it was hard to watch. Freya wasn’t at all her usual, fiery self.
She had always had quite the temper. I stubbornly claimed that she must have gotten it from Katherine, but I knew that my own temper had been terrible as well, at least before I learned to control it.
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It wasn’t too bad when she was younger, but the older she got, the worse her tantrums had become. Like Katherine, she could be glorious in her fury if she felt that something was unfair. But after losing her friendship with Samuel, she became despondent.
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Normally, I’d be happy that my teenage daughter was this easy to get along with, but Freya’s lack of snarky comebacks was worrying. She never argued with me, but she also never laughed.
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She barely even smiled, except when spending time with either Grace, our boxer, Daisy, or the new cat, Turtle.
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The house had felt too empty with just old Mimi left, so we had gotten them to replace Cooper and Zoe.
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I knew from experience how helpful pets could be when everything seemed hard to deal with, so I was glad that Freya had bonded so quickly with Daisy, but I was still starting to get worried. Maybe she had inherited my tendency towards depressive episodes? Something needed to change.
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“I’m going to bed, goodnight.”
“Freya, I know that you don’t want to talk about it, but I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine, dad. Just leave me alone.”
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“OK, fine, I get that you don’t want to talk to me, but do you want to talk to your mother, then? Maybe go visit her for a while?”
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She turned on me, her voice suddenly dripping with bitterness.
“Oh, so you can once again get rid of me when I’m too much trouble? Like mom did so she could be alone while fucking Conrad? Or like you did when I was little so you could fuck, well, everyone?”
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For a moment, I was speechless. Shock, anger and shame were all fighting to take the lead.
“Freya, what the…”
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She wiped her eyes and started turning away.
Anger won.
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She froze, her eyes wide. I had never yelled at her like that before.
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I took a deep breath to calm myself. Then I spoke through gritted teeth.
“Talk to me. Now.“
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For a moment, neither of us spoke. Freya glared at a spot on the floor, blinking away tears.
I took another deep breath. I felt the connection to my daughter floating in the air like a faint line, thin as a hair.
One wrong move from either of us and it could snap.
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My anger dissipated.
“Freya, honey, that was out of line. And so was I. I’m sorry for yelling. You need to tell me what is going on, because I am trying to help you. Why would you think I could ever want to get rid of you?”
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And then, finally, she started talking. About how I had never wanted her in the first place, that she was an accident. How she had ruined my life and how no one could ever love her.
Everyone just kept leaving her – me, her mother, Samuel.
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I was devastated. I tried to sort through all the half-truths and misunderstandings, to explain to her how loved she was. I explained that I had to let her go when she was little because I was being a terrible father, and how happy I had been when she moved back in four years ago.
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I wanted to be completely honest with her. I told her how much I was struggling during the first seven years of her life. With depression, with alcohol. How I had been trying to run away, not from her but from myself, from the guilt of feeling inadequate as her father.
She was quiet through it all, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
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“Freya. I love you and Gracie more than anything. You girls are my life. And you were there first. I’m sorry that I wasn’t ready when you arrived, but that was not your fault. Your mother and I made a lot of mistakes, but you are the one thing we ever got right. I’ve done my best to catch up, to be the dad you deserve -“
I stopped, my voice breaking.
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Freya stepped closer and clung to me like she was drowning. I held her tight.
“I love you, monkey. Forever and always.”
“I love you too, dad.”
beginning / previous / next
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antaxzantax · 2 months
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Chapter 51
Summary: Alex Paterson [Alex Wesker] murders James Marcus and associates with Oswell E. Spencer, her biological father.
The bullet pierced the skull and embedded itself in the frontal lobe. The barrel of the revolver burned.
The body crashed limp to the ground.
She grabbed a saw from the toolbox and cut off the head. She put the trophy in a vacuum bag.
She dialed an international number on the hacked phone.
“Who's calling?”
“Get me Mr. Spencer. It's urgent.”
“Lord Spencer won't see anyone without an appointment and without first meeting the caller.”
“Tell him I have the virus and James Marcus's head.”
She rode in the 4x4 with the virus and the head of James Marcus. A group of individuals in protective suits entered the basement of the ranch. A man with a thick British accent assured her that they would get rid of the body and the lab. The SUV started up. She would travel by private plane to Luxembourg.
Spencer examined the severed head of James Marcus with a clinical eye. A clean shot to the forehead had killed him. A single shot had extinguished the sullen Texan.
A single shot.
Spencer went to light a cigar but gave it up for the shocking sight of the head. The damned head with the glassy eyes and the jagged features, eaten away at the edges and yellowed with decay. He'd loathed Marcus in recent years, but cold-blooded murder and mutilation like that... On a par with what he'd done to Trevor.
He asked Patrick to turn his head away, for the putrid smell had congested his nostrils. He blew his nose into his handkerchief. The disturbing thing, however, had not been Marcus's death, but who had killed him: a twenty-eight-year-old woman who claimed to be the biological daughter of Oswell Ernest Spencer.
Alexandra Paterson.
“Hide the sample. It will be our secret,” he ordered Patrick.
The woman who claimed to be his biological daughter had inherited his blond hair, blue eyes and features. He recognised the mother at the mention of her name. The daughter of a millionaire rancher whom he had met at a party in California. The same mother who years before had sent him a letter to charge him for the care of a supposed daughter of his. And there it was: his worst nightmare.
Alex didn't drink tea and her American accent bounced off his ear canal as if he were at a rodeo. American on top. Stereotypically American. Spencer sipped from his teacup.
“And you're from California?”
“Oh, cows and cowgirls.”
Spencer set the cup down carefully and smiled condescendingly at his appearing daughter.
“I worked with Brandon Bailey in Africa. I befriended him so he'd trust me. I gave him the ranch and the lab when Marcus wanted to escape,” Alex said.
“Why did you kill Marcus?”
Alex looked down.
“He attacked me. He suspected me. He pointed the gun at me and wanted to kill me so I wouldn't steal his research. He thought you'd sent me; that I was a spy. He went mad. He hated you.”
“Why did he hate me?”
“Because all you care about is money and politics.”
Spencer laughed.
“He was a good friend... Brilliant at science, but stupid at social relations. Anyway, and you brought me his head as proof of loyalty?”
Alex shrugged.
“I doubted you'd listen to me if I rang the doorbell.”
“And what do you want from me?” Spencer prepared himself a cigar. “Money? Connections? A house on the prairie? A new cowboy hat?”
“I want to be your daughter.”
Spencer smiled.
“Sure, with that accent and manners. My family will welcome you with open arms.”
“I want to work at Umbrella. I want to research that virus.”
“I'm a virologist, and you're half physicist, half economist. Who have you hired to translate the reports for you?”
Spencer got serious.
“And you've come to save me, Alexandra. That's very kind of you. But I don't require anyone's services. No one. Let out of my house.”
“Marcus' virus is a variant T-virus untested in humans, only in insects and arthropods. It's capable of inducing exaggerated mutations in a very short time and replicating certain genetic structures.”
“Mimic the genetic structure of the host, like cloning. I started working with Marcus in 1983. I know how that virus works, and I know a few things about you and Umbrella. You're just gonna let me walk away?”
Tough as nails and twisted, just like her father.
“Let's make a deal. Suppose I hire you, you work for Umbrella, and I assign you to a lab. Suppose I let you research that virus and many others. Would I end up with a bullet in my head, or would you worship your father?”
“I can't inherit your fortune and your family will hate me, so why would I shoot my only safe conduct?”
Spencer finished his cigar.
“I'll give you one chance.”
One chance.
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aeronbracken · 1 year
TAMSIN LOREPOSTING (as I promised... it is long btw)
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-Tamsin was born in 1466 DR in Neverwinter to an Elven Noble family. She was the bastard daughter of the patriarch of the family; Aerin Morren. He took her out of obligation and acknowledged her as his daughter.
-In truth, she was not his own daughter and her real father was his twin brother Eldrin who vanished after giving the baby to him and making Aerin promise that he would take care of her. However, that caused resentment between him and Tamsin since he always thought she was the reason that his twin brother left his side.
-Speaking of her father; he was the younger twin which meant he wouldn’t inherit anything and it gave him a freedom that his brother never had. Eldrin wandered around the Sword Coast; one side of him yearning for power. During his travels, he met with a Drow Shadow Sorcerer who offered him to making a pact with the Raven Queen. With his help he became his Hexblade Warlock and the price was the conception of Tamsin.
-Her mother neither loves nor hates Tamsin. She is just an experiment in her eyes –someone made for the purpose of collecting memories and bring them to her once she died- and the Raven Queen is watching her from afar refusing to help her or ask anything from her.
-Back to Aerin, his wife wasn’t happy due to the situation even though he assured her that Tamsin wouldn’t inherit anything and his wealth would go to their sons. But she felt slighted by her existence and never hesitated to show it. While Aerin didn’t harbor any hatred for his ‘daughter’, he also didn’t interfere his wife’s cruelties.
-From an outside view she was taken care of; she had the best clothes and a decent education. But her stepmother made her life a living hell; every misstep had a consequence she would beat her for mundane things like eating too much, laughing too loud or talking in public.
-The only people who ever showed her kindness were his brothers but their affection was more like out of duty and not love. They were often away from home due to dealing with their father’s business to escort caravans and trading ships.
-When she was a teenager Tamsin had a short affair with their neighbor’s son: another Elven nobleboy. He was the first person she fell in love with and while their relationship was sweet it was short-lived. He left her for another Elven noblewoman when his parents arranged a match between them.
-Shortly after Tamsin’s stepmother convinced Aerin to find a suitable husband for her. It was an aging lord and their aim was to get rid of her while benefiting from the situation. When she came to her room to tease, Tamsin’s powers manifested and she killed her stepmother in a gruesome way.
-Aerin wasn’t pleased to find his wife’s corpse but there wasn’t any love between them and now he had a chance to get rid of his ‘daughter’ for good. He could give her to the authorities and nobody would blame him including his absent twin. However, Aerin couldn’t bring himself to do it and instead, he gave her a handful of coins then send Tamsin to Eldrin’s Shadow Sorcerer friend so he would teach her how to control her powers.
-So she found Callimar who is a Lolth-sworn Drow and a former member of the House Syr'thaerl which is annihilated by other houses. He barely escaped to the surface thanks to his powers and made a living by making shady businesses of others while traveling the Sword Coast. Tamsin found him in his home in Secomber and he took her in not out of affection for his friend but because he was obbsessed with the idea of exploring her potential in Shadow Magic.
-With time he developed an obsession due to Tamsin’s parentage and witnessing her creation back then. He taught her how to use Shadow Magic properly and how to play the game from his experiences in Menzoberranzan. –he was proud of her when she surpassed him- Tamsin grabbed everything he taught hungrily and he groomed her into a self-serving individual by using her vulnerabilities.
-Callimar also liked to have power over Tamsin and her being dependant on him. With time they developed a toxic affair between each other.
-After there was nothing left for Callimar to teach her, Tamsin grew restless. Making small works for worthless people made her feel like she was wasting her potential in this town and thought about leaving for good.
-One day she found Callimar’s diary while cleaning his room and learned the truth about her parents which made her want to leave even more. She escaped one night after he fell asleep, taking half of their coin.
-Her destination was Baldur’s Gate considering the long distance between the city and Secomber. In here she started to work in Sorcerous Sundries under Lorroakan for enough money to rent a small room. However her luck turned when the word of her profession spread and one of the power hungry nobles decided to hire her to do his bidding.
-After starting to work for Lord Cardan Asina, her life standards increased greatly. She started to live in his manor and from outside she was his ‘Arcane Advisor’ but her real mission was to work as an infiltrator, collecting information and help his personal assassin completing his tasks –sometimes killing the targets herself-. Her Shadow Magic skills helped Tamsin greatly.
-The more tasks Tamsin completed the more her Lord liked her and started to bring her with balls and soirees in the Upper City. She met with Gortash on a night like this, shortly after he became a Lord.
-I won’t go into detail about their affair but it was short-lived (around three months I believe?) and mostly physical though in the very end there was some kind of sick affection between them. (I will post so many fics about it btw.)
-However her pleasant life among the nobility came to an end when her patron learned about Tamsin’s affair and got rid of her. It was out of pettiness and paranoia; thinking she was working for Gortash and trying to steal his secrets. He took all of her savings and threw her to the street after spreading the lie that she tried to kill him to sully her reputation.
-Shortly after she got kidnapped by the mindflayers <3
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samkat10423 · 7 months
Sofia Carlton
A long, long time ago - back when the Sims Daily was up and running - we had a challenge to take a sim and help them achieve their LTW. And while you did it, you were supposed to world-hop. The first sim I did this with was River Irish. She was done with her mother and her free-loading friend and obnoxious brat, and just wanted to get the hell out of Sunset Valley. Her mother got her a job interview where she worked, but River blew that off and visited the local criminal warehouse in town. Luckily for her, her new associates needed a sap to take some contraband to Barnacle Bay. And River was all in. She eventually did achieve her LTW, and in the process, visited 3 other worlds. It was way easier than I expected, so when I finished with her, I moved on to another sim. Bebe Hart. (She slept her way to the top of the journalism career).
The third sim I chose to play, was that Paris Hilton wannabee in Twinbrook. She was actually a fun little sim to play. Which is why I decided to give her another go.
In the samkat universe, she was away at Uni when she got word that her parents had died mysteriously in a ski accident while visiting their accountant in Hidden Springs. She of course went back home, only to discover that the family home was being sold for unpaid back taxes. When she tried to call good, old "Uncle Bertie," she got the message, "the number you tried to reach is no longer in service." And when she went to the local bank, she discovered that her trust fund had been looted. With no simoleons or house, she turned to her 'friends' - who suddenly didn't answer the door when she knocked or return her calls.
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Luckily for her, Agnes Crumplebottom called and told her that a long, lost relative had left her a "mansion" in Sunset Valley! All she had to do was come to town, sign some papers, and it was hers!
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She also inherited a car - of sorts.
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Not only that, but the house came with a freeloading stray cat named Jinx.
Even though she has a Uni degree - thanks to Nraas, I gave her one in Fine Arts - she really doesn't have any marketable skills. So, no one wants to hire her. I got rid of some of her EA traits - the snob one that I hate, because all they do is stand in front of the mirror all day and the schmoozer one too, since why would she have had to mooch off others when her family was super rich? - and traded them for some others. I gave her the "shy and proper" ones. The proper one, because she came from 'old money,' and I figured her Southern parents taught her manners. The 'shy' one because she was an only child of older parents. I also gave her the bookworm one, since it helps when you're a writer. Then I got rid of the "lucky" one, since she lost everything, and gave her that "hopeless romantic" one instead.
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Luckily for her, the local library has free computers that she can use to write her tell-all books about her no-good, backstabbing ex-friends. Karma's a bitch!
Anyway, I enrolled her as a writer and plan on having her write to pay the bills. She just finished her first book and it's doing pretty good. She won't be able to buy a computer for home use unti she has 5 writing skill points.
As for the house, once she gets 3 gardening skill points, she can start cleaning up the yard. And she'll then be able to clear out the vegetation inside. She'll need 3 handiness points before she can start roof repairs and replacing windows. Plus, she'll need painting skill points. Plus to pay for stuff - such as new windows - she'll be able to sell the old stuff, but will still need enough simoleons to make up the difference for the new, replacement items.
After I moved her in, I stole all of her money. Then I went through all the bookcases and sold duplicate copies of books. I also sold all of the paintings and most of the furniture so that she could buy some things for her cat. I let her keep the bed in the master bedroom, the 2 chairs in the library, and the smaller sofa, a chair and coffee table in the living room. I also took all the food out of the frig and had her visit the local greenhouse - that store venue - to pick some free veggies. I figured any food that had been in the frig would have spoiled ages ago. Plus, by making her forage for food, she learned the gardening skill.
I was actually kind of impressed with this little sim. She started picking up all the trash and clothes that had been strewn throughout the house without any prompting from me. Then she went outside and started picking up trash in the yard. I did help her get rid of the cobwebs in the rooms that she cleaned up - since they are deco items and sims can't remove them. But Ieft the ones in the rooms she hadn't cleaned.
Anyway, I'll see how this goes.
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Hi, I saw that there were asks/posts of roommate horror stories and I thought that I could add something adjacent to it. About 7-8 years ago one of my uncles basically voluntold my mom to have 2 friends (and their dog) of his to stay for the night (it was after midnight following 4th of July). They left the next day (while I was at a doctor appointment) and by the time we came back, they had moved all of their stuff into our garage (which was a lot because one was apparently pack rat) and had asked to stay (after they put everything they own in the garage) until the next monday because they were moving to a new place in town. They were in and out of our home for about a week before they ended up not leaving. For 2 months. During this time period they had their dog in our "no pets allowed" rental house, broke a bathroom mirror, and drank all of the booze that was there (we didn't find out until months later) and replaced it all with water (as in filled the bottle with tap water). The only reason they didn't stay longer was the fact my mom and I were going to be gone for a month she didn't want them in our house, alone, for a month. When we got back one of them was in jail and the other one was awol and went to jail soon after. Their things were still in our garage. We couldn't get rid of any of it until about 6-7 years later when we were moving and we had to spent about $600 to get 2 car sized garbage dumpsters that the city/town would/could take.
Skip to about 4-6 years later (I can't remember the year, it was during covid) my uncle's (the same one) girlfriend was going through some schizophrenia/manic episode and was put into a mental hospital but because of that, someone had to take care of her 2 male cats. And who would have to do that might you ask, my mom and I. My mom who lives in a no pets allowed home and is severely allergic to cats (we didn't find out until this but I inherited a minor verison of it)! We not equiped to have cats at all and they had free reign to the house while we stuck in our singular room that we had to share. We only had them for 3 days but it was a nightmare and scarred me from ever being around cats again.
Your mom is a nicer person than I am because I would have gone no co tact with my brother after the first time he allowed someone/thing into my home so tbh out permission.
I’m really sorry both of those happened that sounds like a really bad situation
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