#if i need to tag this as anything else lmk pls
deepfriedseagullfeet · 6 months
the actor having a cocaine addiction since 1922 and literally doing it off of silver platters vs jack making henrik shoot him up with morphine stolen from the hospital every single night. and somehow both these guys are still alive despite this
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knightforflowers · 5 months
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mermay was made for them
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TWIN PEAKS (1990) YELLOWJACKETS (2021) (insp @holdbeast) 
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yooniesim · 2 months
Hi uh, I hope it's okay to ask, but which creator are you referring to? Because the whole cp thing is kind of a huge accusation and I'm definitely not comfortable with supporting someone who's into that kind of stuff
to be clear it's not csam (real children) it's fictional (drawn & in sims), but they're extremely creepy as a person & remind me of abusers in my past that exposed me to that same fictional material as a child. it's common for those that do have bad intentions to use it to blur the lines/make minors feel like it's normal/okay so that they're easier to groom & abuse. this isn't something that everyone that consumes this content does, obviously, but the amount of times they specifically have had questionable boundaries raises red flags for me. (Having a minor character in a fetish pose in a preview on a blog they specifically allowed minors to follow for cc, defending that by saying the original mangaka posed the character that way first so it was his fault not theirs, having a discord server with a dead dove channel that minors could access & saying it was ok bc they had to use a react role to get in, calling survivors that were uncomfortable with this crybabies, puritans & dumbasses, etc)
I never could finish the full post i was making about them bc it was frankly pretty triggering to me & I was dealing with my father's passing at the time, but I still have the screenshots despite them changing their name multiple times, wiping their blog of everything & changing their pinned to be 18+ only. There's also other people that have called them out for certain things (like the pose incident) before in the past. I'm not saying they're a predator or child abuser, since I know they'll jump to that immediately- but I am saying they're creepy and their history of a lack of solid boundaries between minors & the adult content they consume is irresponsible and unacceptable. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable having them in the same spaces as minors in this community. I personally blocked them a long time ago when they were rentbunny bc I saw they (as a non-black person) liked posts that were calling me a c*on and telling me to kms, but the full extent of all the rest that was brought to my attention was staggering tbh.
When I figured out they were in my server at the time (members came to me with the proof & said they were uncomfortable/triggered), I banned them silently. They responded by publicly harassing me for weeks and claiming that I had bullied them. They openly admitted they had only been in my server with the aim of baiting people into talking about them, and then posted screenshots of... people saying their cc was too high poly, had too many swatches for their liking, and someone editing the buns off one of their hairs for personal use. And they listed off usernames of people that had never mentioned them/were not active, purely with the goal to get others to attack them. They also mocked me for being in mourning for my father that had just passed, and after I had blocked them continued to make passive aggressive references to my grief. And this isn't even counting all the cc issues, taking money for commissions & ghosting the commissioners for months, and miscellaneous bigotry & bad behavior they've been involved in. This is all now deleted & they changed their username to yin-shimo directly after acting a complete fool towards me. But none of my posts are deleted, and I didn't forget. A lot of other people haven't either. So overall, I think they have bigger issues in their own house to focus on before worrying about someone else's cc dress.
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tarteggs · 1 year
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family photo
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coleomegilla-maculata · 5 months
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Textpost Time B)
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youredreamingofroo · 8 months
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"When you've fallen, she will come and the sensation to clasp her hand is too strong to pull away from. She's beautiful and kind, but you must open your eyes, She will kill you. Her eyes will leave you frozen, hauntingly white as she sickeningly cracks open her jaw and draws her teeth, but by the time you come to your senses, you'll have drowned in a sorry pool of your blood."
FLASHING gifs under the cut, as well as the unedited stills
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Unedited stills
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on choosing to heal (and choosing not to) ft tattoos, scars, and some of my von karma family headcanons
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rosethorn-zz · 1 year
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(rbs appreciated)
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kits-ships · 1 month
📷 , 👕, and 🩼 for the S/I ask game!! You pick
the ione brainrot continues <3
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📷 What are some images that sum up your S/I’s aesthetic?
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ok ok i wont go with all purple this time !!
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her favorite animals, food, places, and what i imagine her home to look like :3
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🩼 Do you have any S/I’s that die in their story?
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yes ofc i do! (says the person who made the ask game shes answering)
varina (star wars): stabbed by anakin
myla (star wars): stabbed by her daughter
olive (dw): not canonically, but i kill her off sometimes
nilla (dbz): beam through chest :/ but theres probably more
vivi cade (oc): dies in a fire
willow (minecraft): killed with an axe, dies of a broken heart later
malice (symbiote): exorcised by dr. strange
assumedly dead: briar (old age), cain (old age), zolana (canon - old age), vivi roma (presumed dead by family)
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👕is under the cut bc its kinda long :3
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👕What are some other outfits your S/I wears throughout their story? Show us some examples of clothes they wear!
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ok i am NOT making this easy for myself.
its so hard to find purple kimonos or even yukatas online buT. i can make this work
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kimonos / yukatas (kimonos mostly)
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some haori
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some michiyuki (more outerwear)
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obi !
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and juban! (they go under kimonos)
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piplupod · 11 months
nooooo dont find omens in the otherwise explainable, you're so sexy ahahahaaa
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starspeckler · 2 years
do you know what you are?
“Can I have them?”, she starts forward.
“Sure… one second”, he drops them, pulls out a flint and steel before she can move. 
Click. Woosh.
The gifts are burning. Their souls are burning. Ramsey is there. Flint and steel in hand and the gifts are burning. Water still dripping from his hair from his dip in the river. Drip. Drip. Drip. Into the fire. It evaporates with a sizzle but the fire doesn’t go out. Etoile freezes, mind blank. Tries to run forward but doesn’t move. The gifts are burning and she is frozen in time. As if fire burning had stolen the oxygen from the air, from her lungs, and left the world stagnant. If she squints, she thinks she can see Fiacre’s monocle amidst the flames, the golden metal going red hot. The glass shatters, shards flying from the flames. She thinks one flicks past her face, if it leaves a mark, she can’t feel it. The air is hot. The fire is burning but she is frozen. Numb. It’s so cold. Maya is yelling and so is Chort. The fire goes out, leaving a charred mass of metal, ashes, and other miscellaneous things. Things that once held the essence of the Catalysts. The fire is gone and Etoile can breathe again. She slips back into her skin. Allows herself to think. It feels like a frost.
She wants to find a way to undo it. To fix it. This has always been her first thought. Etoile is a healer. Though her hands are stained red, the perpetual crust of blood under her nails stems more from patching wounds than creating them. Her cracked fingers are far more familiar with the coarse cotton of bandages than the splintered wood of shields, they know the slim head of a needle more than the cold steel of a sword. Etoile is not a fighter. She is a healer. Through it all, she has tried to do good and received nothing but pain in return. She does not know if she can be a healer anymore. She slips out of this skin. Allows herself to mourn. It feels like a storm. 
She wants to sink into herself. To fall to the ground. This is her second thought. Etoile is no longer a healer. Her hands are still stained red but she doesn’t quite know what to do with them anymore. Her fingers itch for something to hold, something to remember them by, but there is nothing. It has burned. It lies in front of her in a pile of ashes. She has nothing. Etoile is not a healer. She is a mourner. This is not productive. She does not think she should be a mourner right now. She slips out of this skin. Allows herself to rage. It feels like a hurricane. 
She wants to scream to the heavens. To yell of injustice. This is her third thought. Etoile is no longer a mourner. She doesn’t quite know what she is anymore. Her hands twitch at her sides. They itch now for the cold steel of a sword, forgetting the once comforting feel of a needle. Ramsey is gone now but he’ll be back. She will not allow him to hurt her anymore. She snaps back to her body. Allows herself to be. It feels like freedom. 
She knows what she is now. No longer a healer. No longer a mourner. Etoile is an omen.
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thvnderr · 2 years
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❀ *゚ hwang hyunjin. demi man. he/they. bisexual/demiromantic. ⇝ hey, isn’t that bronx dong-geun ( nickname: ghost )? i think that the twenty-four year old from buffalo, new york works as a part time scare actor at the house of judgement, part time dancer at sugar's lounge and a member of the bastards, but outside of that people describe them as the buzz in the ears after a gun is shot nearby, smudged lipstick, one last prayer before kicking the bag into the ditch. i hear they are emotionally unavailable & self-serving, but they are also known to be confident & adaptable. consider giving them a visit at their home in the seal harbor apartments and get to know why they’re called the matryoshka.
[ Fire. Brimstone. Water torrents. Gasoline. Lightning.
Red nail polish. Menthol cigarettes. Poet shirts. Chains. Leather.
Squeeze on the waist. Lip chewing. Blueberry gum. Shared lipstick after kissing. Hickies. ]
Violence tw, depersonalization tw, anxiety tw, death mention tw
Blurred memories and dreams fog the mind of someone easily chthonic. Vague sensations, FEELINGS of a long forgotten home. COLD. Muffled words.      WAKE UP.
Memories about disappointment never lack, though. “Not quite like the others”, “Good results, but rough process”, “Too independent”. These are spoken in a haze from faceless shadows, but still, the ANXIOUSNESS jolts him up from his bed.
Bronx gets a headache every time he tries to fully remember. The sensation of being ditched like a broken doll remains. No. Not only a sensation, he knows he was abandoned to his own sheer luck like a stray animal to lick his wounds on his own.
Odd jobs got him some cash to get through the day; mostly offering himself as server or entertainer in clubs and pubs.
He’s good at other things too, though.
A good liar, an EXCELLENT liar even to himself. Really good at playing pretend and dressing up. Chameleons into people’s lives as necessary, but he never really knows how to get out.
Pretends detachment, but his necessity for affection makes him obsessed, one to cling to fake personalities and life stories for the sake of being SOMEONE that people appreciate.
Bronx looks at the mirror and sometimes recognizing himself does not come easily. How many jobs has he done in the past that his personality ( own and mimicked ) blur?
He gotta keep his brain busy with two part time jobs and whatever entertainment he manages to find in his free time.
Then he’s rescued recruited by the Bastards. Bronx is good at getting the shit done. He doesn’t mind getting his hands DIRTY, specially if he’s going to receive a pat on the back afterwards.
Old habits die hard. The Bastards gives him enough entertainment, enough work even to keep his mind busy, but still, a lighter is constantly fidgeted between his fingers; the faster the click, the faster the wick will burn out.    “Sometimes, a little spark is all we need”, he’d say to himself.
GOD, poor kid has only been doing the ugly stuff for the attention and the affection. He will claim independence and ruthless behavior, but scratch behind his ear and you will have him following you around for a day or two.
Enabler and easy to enable. Bronx can get carried away without much of a resistance if his buttons are easily pushed. Recklessness gets you killed. He knows this very well and still, the adrenaline rush drowns his brain faster than common sense.
Look, be weary. REALLY. Whether you can or cannot trust him is very up to how he is feeling that day. Will rarely harm out of nowhere, but never test the patience of a survivor.
Casually friendly, Bronx is someone who’s easy to get along with… unless you meet him at any of his odd jobs. Seems calm, but has a huge apetite for chaos, so parties are a good place to find him.
Aquarius, but probs has an Aries and/or Scorpio moon or rising, because he is intense.
Very shameless in general.
Sometimes goes to church in a pitiful attempt to enlighten himself. Usually gets kicked out before the ceremony is over for something he did or said. Clearly, the enlightening is not getting anywhere, but he still finds the thrill at pulling an act some Sundays.
Is touchy. Loves holding hands and giving kisses. Has never been in love, I think, so he gives affection to everyone.
Befriending him includes 3 am drives to the 7/11 for a snack, sabotaging your ex’s car, netflix & chill with a dick you can trust, emotional scarring and making your crush jealous.
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tarteggs · 9 months
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room 276
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jessescatorccio · 11 months
body issues vent below
i am at the heaviest weight i have ever been at (probs almost 30 pounds more than i have been for my whole life) and it is literally so uncomfortable. i hate the way my body feels and looks and it causes me daily distress and self-loathing lol. i am trying so hard to make healthier choices after years of treating my body like shit and it’s so hard to feel like it’s not actively working against me. ever since my assault i have struggled to reconnect w feeling present in my body and gaining weight has NOT been a healing process for me. it has caused a lot of my body dysmorphia to resurface bc now i am so obviously a Woman w Boobs and an Ass when all i want is to be androgynous and shapeless and honestly i just wish i was not Perceived most of the time. anyway 🤪
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alexxkresnik · 11 months
💓-- life signs-- Green Oak 👀
People say that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. ‘Follow the light and you will be set free’. 
There he was, a lone strip of light underneath his feet. Darkness to either side and behind. At the end of the path? A brighter, whiter light. Almost blinding. How had he gotten here? Where was here? He wasn’t sure, but it felt cold. Restrictive. Isolated. Who in their right mind thought this was a comfortable way to meet their end? 
A heartbeat in the distance. Faint. Slowly fading. Turning around, he saw nothing but pitch black. It was obvious what way he was meant to go, but when had Alex ever followed the easy path perfectly laid out before him? 
And he wasn’t going to start now. 
Taking one cautious step off of the lighted path, he half expected to plunge into the depths below. But no. There he stood, just as easily as he had in the light. Another cautious step. Then another. And another. Until he was finally running, leaving the light behind as he chased after whoever’s heartbeat he was hearing. 
It felt like he had been running for hours when the thumping started to pick up, finally sounding strong enough to stay alive. He was happy for whoever it was, glad to see that they were still fighting. Not giving up. It wasn’t long until the thumping he heard finally synchronized with his own heartbeat.
And then, there was darkness.
He could feel hands on him. Wrist. Neck. Chest. Someone was shouting. Everything was buzzing to life all at once and he wanted to scream. He couldn’t feel anything, though. His entire body felt like a rock, unwilling to move. It took a few minutes before he could finally open his eyes, the world nothing but a blur of color. A sharp pain in his head made him groan, quickly closing his eyes once more. 
Then the hands were back. Checking. Monitoring. Trembling. He heard a voice next to him. It sounded familiar. Who…? 
“Green…?” The name barely came out; it felt like his throat was on fire. At least there was a familiar presence next to him now, though. Someone he knew. Could trust. Even if he understood nothing of what was going on, knowing Green was next to him made all the anxiety and panic ebb away. Finally, he could relax.
He was unable to recall what had happened, his memories of the past few hours a blur of color and sound and pain. As his body finally began to give back control to him, he reached out until he could find Green’s hand, holding it gently. He would ask him about what had happened later. For now, he would just gently squeeze his hand to reassure him that he hadn’t given up on life just yet.
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