#if i won't be too busy by then maybe i can catch up by december or so
12am-motivation · 2 years
hey guys quick question: tiny barb or tiny sol
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goldengleams · 3 months
a fic with clingy trevor?
vacay vibes | t. zegras
My spring break plans failed to make it out of the gc so here's this while I wish I was on a beach😭🏖️
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With the All-Star break about to start, you were excited for the extra time you would have with your boyfriend, Trevor. It wasn't his fault that he was always busy, and you were fairly busy with college as well, but you both knew that you could use some rest and relaxation for a few days, just the two of you. Trevor had planned a little trip for you two back in December and had surprised you with it for Christmas. A trip to Hawaii was a perfect gift that you both needed more than ever.
Now, you stood at the door of your beachfront rental that Trevor had booked and watched as he walked up the sand with his surfboard.
"Catch any waves, Zegras?"
Trevor looked up when he heard you, eyes wild as always. "You saw that big one? It was crazy!" Trevor planted his board in the sand and jogged over to where you were lounging in a beach chair.
"You wanna come surfing tomorrow? Then we can do it together," Trevor said excitedly. He plopped down in the chair next to you and shook his wet hair out.
"Trevor!" You squealed. He paid you no mind, even trying to pull you over to sit on his chair with him.
"No, absolutely not, T! You are wet and smelly and need to get that wetsuit off," you protested. Trevor pouted in response. Oh how you had missed that face.
"Shower with me," he said, not missing a beat. He started pulling down the zipper on his wetsuit to expose his chest.
"Trevor, I already showered this morning."
"So? It's 80 degrees, we could both use a shower!" Trevor successfully pulled you over to his beach chair at this point, and you sat on his lap.
You pushed up your sunglasses to give Trevor your best deadpan. His hazel eyes took in every part of your face, unable to concentrate on just one aspect.
"You're clingy," you mused. You and Trevor were always touchy with each other, that wasn't the surprise. You just hadn't been used to his urgency in quite a while due to the start of the semester.
"Maybe," Trevor said quietly. His hands danced across your skin, relishing in the fact that your daily attire had become a bikini on this vacation. "Just missed you. Missed having you at the games and giving us our good luck charm."
You chuckled. "I don't know if I'm the good luck charm, Z. The Ducks aren't doing as bad as last year, at least."
"I don't even wanna talk about hockey. We need a whole new team," Trevor groaned. You knew he constantly beat himself up over the losses his team racked up and the last thing you wanted to do was to stress him out on his vacation.
"Okay, no hockey in Hawaii," you laughed. "And I missed you, too, T. I'm glad my classes won't be taking up too much time anymore" you smiled. You pulled him into a soft kiss, which quickly turned passionate. Trevor's hands found the sides of your bikini way too quickly and you slapped him.
"Okay, if you want to be clingy then you have to go shower, get this wet suit off, and then make lunch with me. Deal?" You asked, raising your eyebrows in question. Trevor nodded enthusiastically.
"Whatever you say, baby!"
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Heyo! Love your work btw *chef kiss* I'm obsessed with your poly turtles stuff. Could you maybe do some Christmas poly headcannons? Seasonal Activities they do with their s/o, possible gifts they receive, fav cookies/treats, fav Xmas music. Idk just some festive stuff? If you're busy that's cool 😎 your poly turt stuff has me needing more haha. Thanks!
Ok, I'm pretty sure I got this before Christmas and it's now May. I'm so sorry. I won't go into all the reasons I haven't really been writing because it's a lot but I want to get back into it so here goes with this very unseasonal post lmao
and thank you everyone for you patience as I get back into the swong of writing for my blog
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This big hunk of red and green first
He's very seasonal if you think about it
He's also super (secretly) into the holidays
catch him doing his rendition of rockin' around the Christmas tree very loudly when he's off his tits on eggnog
((side note I think he would hate eggnog but would drink it solely because it's festive))
He's secretly super sentimental and he knows you love this time of year so he really puts his back into it
I'm talking it's the 1st of December and he wakes you up in a full Santa outfit and white beard (that he knitted himself) yelling "Ho Ho Ho!" and asking if you've been naughty or nice
it's like 6am so you, naturally, tell him to piss off
to which he makes a big show of trying to shove you into his Santa sack because "Someone needs a trip to the North Pole to learn the Christmas spirit"
He's also pretty good with crafts
obvs you guys can't go outside and be seen so he creates a whole winter wonderland in the lair (without telling the others, Mikey was the only one who appreciated it tbh)
also he's a great cook so you spend evening after evening baking sugar cookies and decorating them, sipping hot chocolate with a candy cane in it and whipped cream on top, making warming winter soups.
In terms of gifts, he gets you anything and everything he even thinks you might like
real big spender this one
handmade too items like a scarf he knitted for you because your old one was a bit worn, handmade card, he even did a little snow globe that he made with figures of you and him inside of it
he'll say "I know it's lame" or "It's not the best but I tried" but it means the world to you
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Big boy blue up next
I see him loving a very traditional, old fashioned, classic Xmas.
His big thing is that he loves to decorate the tree with you
but you would always bicker about how it should look
"No, I think a gold and red theme would look better!"
"But, Leo, we have all of these cute glass candy canes I wanna hang!"
"But I have a vision!!"
so this year he decides to buy like 6 trees (and by buy I mean forage, steal or cut down)
so you can both have your own trees and decorate them however you want
this, obviously, becomes a Christmas competition
your very unwilling judges are Leo's brothers and even Splinter
they have never looked more uncomfortable than when you and Leo are very passionately stating your case for why your tree is better than the other's and it ends in you both throwing baubles at each other
about half an hour and a lot of tinsel lying everywhere later you decide that maybe you're both a little too competitive
but Leo reassures that "That's why I love you"
He's so big on quality time with you
lot's of sitting by a crackling fire, sipping coco and letting soft Christmas songs play
he's made a playlist of v gentle ones like Eartha Kitt's Santa baby, Conventry carol and god rest ye merry gentlemen.
it's all about the mood w/ Leo
as far as gifts, it's has to be something personal and sweet
a pressed flower in resin from the first day you both met, a silver heart shaped locket with a pic of you both in it, some sort of talisman that's supposed to keep you safe in ninja superstition
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Time for chaotic good to come to play
Mikey just manages to capture that almost childlike enthusiasm and wonder for the season
He has a funny habit of wrapping your gifts to look like something else
last year you were certain he'd gotten you a rocking horse but it turned out to be a new phone and headphones
"How long did it take you to wrap it like that?"
"Don't ask questions you don't wanna know.....3 hours to make the horse part look right"
normally he gets you silly but sweet gifts
lots of sticking filler things
oh and he gets you an actual stocking too, but like a comically oversized one to fit all the gifts
stuff he's made too
one year he made you 50 hand cut paper snowflakes with 50 reasons he loves you written and drawn on them
also stuff you guys can do together
video games he knows you'll find fun, stupid interactive games that you can play, that kinda stuff
he does a special Xmas scavenger hunt for you each year that the others pretend is stupid but it keeps getting more elaborate as time goes on and even they are started to get invested in the ending
there's a theme and everything ranging from polar express to murder at the Christmas party to Santa's grotto....
he also never fails to dress up as Mrs Clause every year (because Raph insists on being Santa and at first Mikey just wanted everyone to laugh, but now it's kinda a tradition)
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oh my sweet gadget boy
he's super big into cocktails, the sweeter the better
and you always get to name them together but you both have a warped sense of humour so the names are getting out of hand
you pick a fave each year as well
last year was "The abominable snowman's frozen left nut" and the year before was "Mrs Clause putting glass shavings in Santa's food because he came back with the clap"
I told you they were bizarre....
his gifts are always thoughtful and so romantic
I HC Donnie as being a super romantic guy
whether it be a painting he made of the constellations and planets in correct placement on the night the two of you first kissed
or a wreath of dried flowers and plants to hang on the door that came from the field behind your childhood house
but this year it's a scrapbook filled to the brim with every detail of the two of you, all dated and with a little annotation telling a story as to why it's in there. photos, cards, handwritten letters, magazine cut outs, diary entries.... it's all in there and it's enough to make you cry.
He also sneaks you out on Christmas eve every year without the others knowing (they'd flip if they came to know that he was stealing you away at that time)
but he takes you up to the rooftops to sit on blankets and drink hot chocolate (spiked with a little rum, it's Donnie after all...) and look at the lights and snowflakes and people bustling home to their families and you sit and feel at peace and laugh as you make up backstories to each individual you see scurrying home
you lean against his shoulder and every year that he does this it feels more magical than the last
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romanoffstarkovs · 11 months
pairing : nikolai lantsov x reader
summary : Y/N, a grisha raised at the little palace, forms an unbreakable bond with her childhood friend Nikolai, possibly evolving into something deeper. However, Nikolai shatters her heart when he discloses his departure for the University of Ketterdam. Years later, Y/N encounters a mysterious privateer known as Sturmhond.
A/N : hello dear reader! this is my first one shot so leave me some comments and critiques! enjoy!
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Y/n sat on the steps outside the little palace, her mind wandering through a labyrinth of thoughts. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. She was startled when a familiar voice interrupted her reverie.
“Well, well, well, if it isn't the daydreaming y/n," Nikolai teased as he sauntered toward her. He flashed a charming smile, his blonde hair catching the last rays of sunlight.
“Oh, look who decided to grace us with his presence," Y/n retorted, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "I was beginning to think you were too busy charming the ladies to notice your old friend."
Nikolai chuckled, taking a seat beside her. "You know you're my favorite lady, y/n. No one can compete with that."
Y/n and Nikolai were inseparable since they were children, and their bond had only grown stronger as they matured. As the conversation between the two shifted, Nikolai's playful demeanor changed, and his face turned serious.
“Y/n, there's something I need to tell you," Nikolai began, his tone carrying a hint of sadness. "I'm leaving for the University of Ketterdam."
The news hit y/n like a cold gust of wind. "Leaving? But why? When?"
Nikolai looked down, seemingly torn by his decision. "I've been accepted to study at the university, and the opportunity is too good to pass up. It's a chance to learn, to grow, and maybe even find a way to help Ravka in the future. But I'll miss you, y/n. You've been my anchor through everything."
Tears welled up in y/n’s eyes, and she turned away to hide her emotions. "You can't just leave me, Nikolai. What will I do without you?"
Nikolai reached out and gently gripped her chin toward him. "You're stronger than you think, y/n. And distance won't change our friendship. Here, I have something for you." He produced a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a delicate necklace with a small, shimmering gemstone.
“For me?" Y/n whispered, her heart aching with bittersweet emotions.
Nikolai nodded. "It's a way for you to carry a piece of me wherever you go. Whenever you wear this necklace, remember that I'm with you, cheering you on, no matter the distance."
He carefully fastened the necklace around her neck, his fingers brushing gently against her skin. As their eyes met, the unspoken feelings between them hung heavy in the air. Nikolai leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on y/n’s cheek, a tender farewell.
“Goodbye, y/n," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/n couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and she wrapped her arms around Nikolai, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Promise me we'll stay in touch," she managed to say through her tears.
Nikolai hugged her back just as tightly. "I promise, y/n. We'll write letters, share stories, and when I come back, we'll pick up right where we left off."
They stayed entwined for a few more moments, cherishing the time they had left together. When they finally pulled away, Nikolai wiped away a tear from y/n’s cheek and offered her a reassuring smile.
“I'll miss you, Nikolai," she whispered.
“And I'll miss you, my dear y/n. But this isn't goodbye forever; it's just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives," Nikolai said, trying to inject a sense of hope into the farewell.
With heavy hearts, they parted ways that evening, but the bond they shared remained unbroken. Y/n clutched the necklace close to her heart, finding comfort in Nikolai's words. No matter the distance, their friendship would endure, and they would always be connected, forever bound by the memories they had created together
In the bustling streets of Ketterdam, y/n weaved her way through the crowd, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. She had followed whispers and rumors, chasing after the elusive privateer known as Sturmhond, hoping against hope that it was Nikolai, her childhood friend. The man with ruddy red hair, a broken nose, and muddy green eyes somehow bore a striking resemblance to the prince she had once known so well.
As she approached him, he glanced in her direction, and she felt a jolt of recognition. There was something oddly familiar in his eyes, a spark that ignited a glimmer of hope within her. Y/n couldn't help but reach for the necklace hanging around her neck, a nervous habit she had developed over the years.
He studied her, something akin to reconciliation in his eyes. “Hello there," Sturmhond said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "That's a pretty necklace you have."
Her heart pounded louder, and she felt a mix of emotions surge through her. "It's you, isn't it?" she blurted out, her voice a mix of excitement and frustration.
Sturmhond's eyes flickered with surprise, and he hesitated for a moment before answering, "What makes you say that?"
Y/n pointedly glared at him and then at the necklace. "This necklace belonged to Nikolai. He gave it to me before he left, and I'm certain you're him."
He touched the necklace gently, fingertips gently caressing the gem, his expression softening. "You're right. It is me. Nikolai Lanstov, at your service."
Anger bubbled up inside her, and she couldn't contain it any longer. She pushed him with a forceful shove, her voice trembling with emotion. "Why did you leave me? Why didn't you tell me?"
Nikolai, or Sturmhond as he now called himself, held his ground, his eyes filled with remorse. "I never left you, y/n. I've always been right here." He pointed to the necklace safely tucked around her neck.
She scoffed, wiping away a stray tear. "That's not the same, dumbass," she retorted, unable to hide the hurt in her voice.
He took a step closer, reaching out as if to touch her cheek, but she flinched away. "I'm sorry, y/n. I never meant to hurt you. Leaving was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it was necessary. There were things I needed to learn, challenges I had to face."
“Why didn't you take me with you?" she whispered, her anger subsiding into a mix of sadness and longing.
Nikolai's eyes softened, and he looked at her with such intensity that it took her breath away. "I didn't want to burden you with my responsibilities. I wanted to make something of myself first, so I could come back and be the person you deserved."
She shook her head, tears flowing freely now. "You didn't have to do it alone. We could have faced everything together, just like we used to."
Nikolai's voice cracked as he confessed, "I was afraid, y/n. Afraid of losing you, afraid of failing you. But I can't keep pretending anymore. I love you, and I never stopped loving you."
His words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Y/n looked into his eyes, seeing the vulnerability in them, and the weight of her anger began to lift.
“I love you too," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Nikolai stepped closer, cupping her face in his hands. "Please forgive me," he pleaded.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I forgive you."
With that, they closed the distance between them, embracing each other in a tight hug. It felt like coming home after a long and arduous journey. In that moment, the years of separation melted away, and they were once again the inseparable friends they had always been.
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petrifact · 2 years
The Cult of the Shard: Summary So Far
So... all my previous posts here have been backdated to the dates in the Write Your First Adventure workshop when I was supposed to have that bit done. This is my first post here that's actually accurately dated to when I'm actually posting it. It's December 1, and I'm supposed to be done with my RuneQuest adventure by now.
I'm not.
My last post before this, at the time I'm writing this, is dated to November 12. Not because it was written on November 12—it was written and posted on November 22—but because well, that's the last day of the workshop I've actually finished the work for. (Well, that's not entirely true; I've done another day or two but haven't posted on Tumblr about them yet, but that's because I decided rather than prioritize posting on Tumblr I'd prioritize working on the adventure, which sounds like a good idea in principle except that I haven't been working on the adventure much either.)
Granted, I do technically have a little extra time; the deadline for inclusion in the workshop bundle is December 8... so I still have another week. Is it possible I'll get it done by then? Yes, if I really buckle down and work on it, it's possible. Is it likely? I'm honestly not sure.
I started off behind, sure, but I sure haven't done much catching up. I thought, hey, I'll have Thanksgiving off work, maybe the following weekend, too; I can get a lot done then. I did indeed have Thanksgiving off work, and the following weekend too, and got very little done. Sure, Thanksgiving itself I was with my family, and the next day too, so maybe I have an excuse for not getting much done those days, but I was home by myself on the weekend and didn't get much done then either, and sure, I could say well I needed some down time off work, I needed to take a break, but I could make up excuses all day and it's not going to help me get it done.
It's not that I'm stuck. It's not that I don't know what to do next. It's just that it's been really hard to make myself work on it. I said before that I had a lot of unfinished projects, and this is probably why. Maybe it's just something about how my brain works. I start on something, I make some progress, and then my brain just... decides it doesn't want to work on that anymore. Why? Search me. Maybe it's because I know once I finish the writing I'll have to do the layout and get it all PDF-ready, and that's something I haven't done before, so at some level I'm kind of apprehensive to get to it. Or maybe it's just the opposite; maybe it's because once I it all planned out, I've statted out the most important characters, and the hard part of the writing is over, the rest seems like just easy busy work and I lose interest. I don't know; I just know that... I really don't want to work on it. I want to have worked on it. I want to get it done. But it's been very hard to make myself sit down and do it.
(Although I've never been formally diagnosed with ADHD, I think it's... very possible that I may in fact have it, which if so may be a strong contributing factor.)
Anyway, though, another thing I know from experience about my brain is that once I do get started on something new and get in the groove, then my brain often decides it wants to focus on that for a while. It's been long enough since I was seriously working on this adventure that it's entirely possible if I do manage to make myself start on it this will kick in and I'll be able to power through and get it done. At least, that's the hope. I'm going to do my best to muster my willpower tonight to actually sit down and work on my adventure like I ought to be doing, and I think there's still a chance I'll be able to put in the time over the next week and get it done, and it won't become just another of my myriad projects I started and never got around to finishing. Here goes nothing...
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littlewalken · 9 months
Sep 26
The storage unit is over 1/3 but not quite 1/2 full, maybe my idea of playing Tetris with the tubs and larger boxes was a good idea, eh? But we've reached the stage of 'there might not be enough room for the your furniture' but there damn will be room for someone's ceramic houses, fake flowers, and fat kitchen chef collection.
There will be room for the stuff stuff and important things, she just needs the power trip of passive aggressively saying I have too much stuff to justify her hoarding.
I just need to balance what I do put in there, stuff that's been in the garage or the back of my closet since the 2021 move I'm not going to miss for another few months, and having things around to keep my hands busy. Last time we did substantially long storage (not counting 2021) and I obeyed and put my stuff in then things took longer than expected, I was bored, and it was all but my fault until she did admit I literally had nothing much to do.
Now aside from having much more control over everything I can also have half a mini van's worth of stuff with me not just a single suitcase because I have too much stuff but the Life Ruiner has to take...
Since our destination is a 55+ community this is the last time I will have to move for a good long while. If we end up in a 2 bedroom all I'll have to do is switch units, unless by then I have a live in care taker or something, or if we get a 1 bedroom then I can stay as long as I want.
And if this falls thru we have a real estate kid to kill. And we don't want to have to consider the complex in the shopping center that was built by people who don't have to live there so it would be places like the one elevator per building, unless we get on the ground floor, that wants a month's rent so the girl can get her hair and nails done for a background check.
My next plan of activity is to clear out what tubs I hopefully won't want to see until at least December, see why I don't do commissions, and make it easier to start reaching my books. I want to see what I can do to thin out the magick and Forteana section and what ever the hell is on top of the shelf that's been there since we moved in.
Got versions of Fresh Hell to watch on my phone so maybe I'll catch Brent Spiner again.
If I'm sitting around waiting to move I'm keeping my DVDs with me as long as possible. I have the multi region player so I'll be able to see everything but the handful of BluRays. That player is in storage and already a few years old and if it fucking software bricks before I get to use it I'll never get that brand again.
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Ace of Hearts
Sam “Ace” Rothstein x Reader
Hi guys! Corny title, I KNOW, but I’m so incredibly happy to finally be posting this. I’ve been working on it since December, and it’s probably the longest thing I’ll ever write! Just to give you a quick rundown: it’s based off of Casino so you’ll see some familiar events and verbiage, but it’s told out of order to fit what I wanted and there’s a new character (Miss y/n). I have worked so so hard on this, so I hope you all love it! Thank you so much!
TW: smut, anything in Casino that triggers you may be in here, violence, injury, drinking, smoking, drugs, death, threats, cheating/affair, divorce, cursing, etc.
Word Count: 17.9k
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"(Y/N)! Good evening, it's nice to see you, hun," Sam says, wrapping his arms around your waist for a hug and giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Looking beautiful as always." You place a hand on his chest, taking in the scent of his cologne; he always smelled good and expensive.
You are at Sam's casino, The Tangiers; he had invited you for dinner, like he does regularly. You and Sam are good friends; you met through Billy, the casino manager, and so Sam invites you to dinner there quite often. When it came to the casino, he was quite the social butterfly: always wanting to show the casino off to people and being extremely hospitable so that word-of-mouth would travel and bring new people in.
"Thank you, Sam, how have you been since I last saw you?" Most people call him Ace, but he had introduced himself you as Sam, for some reason, so it just stuck.
"Really good, actually, I have some news for you," you had become a person that Sam likes to confide in; he trusts you, and he says it's nice to get a woman's perspective.
"And what is that?" you ask with a smile as you head towards your usual table.
"I'm dating someone," he says with a grin, trying not to be too proud of himself.
"Sam! Really? You found a girl?!" you stop, taking his hand, waiting for details.
"Yeah, we just got together a few weeks ago. She's... Well, she's like me, I guess," you both start walking towards the table again, "She's driven and she's got a big presence when she walks in a room. And she's just got this spark; I don't know what it is about her."
"Ah, he must be going on about Ginger," Billy says as you walk up to where he's seated, waiting on you, "yeah, he was starstruck the moment he laid eyes on her."
"She'll be here soon; I'd like you to meet her," Sam says to you. Despite being a very confident man, there were certain people he likes to get approval from; you feel honored to be one of those people.
So, you take your seats at the table, and as promised, Ginger is there only a little while later. You can tell it's her; she is exactly the way Sam described her. Her tall, blonde figure really captures everyone's attention, especially Sam's.
"Hey, gorgeous," Sam greets her, motioning for her to slide into the booth next you him.
"Hi, Sam," she hands him her clutch purse and sits down, giving him a peck on the lips. He goes around and introduces her to everyone at the table including you. She seems like she has a great personality and excellent people skills, but you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she called him Sam too. You thought you were the only one, but it makes sense considering she is his girlfriend.
After everyone is settled in and food orders placed, Ginger leans forward so she can see past Sam to talk to you. "(Y/N)?" she says kind of quietly.
"Oh, hey!" you reply casually.
"I just wanted to say," she starts, "Sam talks about you a lot; it's nice to finally meet you, and I hope we can be friends. There aren't a lot girls in this business," she says with a bit of a chuckle at the end.
At that moment you both realize Sam is listening in on your conversation.
"Oh, well, thank you, Ginger. Any girl good enough for Sam must be really spectacular; he's a picky man!"
He puts his arm around her, "Spectacular is a good word to describe her." He takes your hand in one of his for just a moment, squeezing lightly and giving you a happy look, proud that you and her are getting along.
• • •
Over the next few months, you see Sam fall madly in love with Ginger. She couldn't deny that he was a very sweet man who gave her respect and anything should could ever ask for, but you could tell she never reciprocated those feelings as much as Sam. You get the feeling that she loved what he could do for her more than the man he was, but then again, maybe she's just slow to fall in love and you're being overprotective of your friend.
You trust Sam and know that even though he's in love, he'll maintain a level head. He treats everything like a business transaction.
As it turns out, that's exactly how he handles their engagement from what he tells you. You had stopped in for a visit at the casino, so he is sitting with you and catching up before he heads back out to the floor.
"Yeah, I told her that I know her feelings haven't developed as quickly as mine, but that if she lets me marry her, she'll be taken care of for the rest of her life, and she won't have to hustle the streets anymore. The love will come, I know it will," Sam explains to you, although it seemed like that last part was for him.
"And she said yes?" you ask.
"Yes. She said yes. She even agreed to have a baby with me." You'd never seen such a happy look in his eyes; Sam had always wanted a family, and it took a long time, but it's finally happening for him.
While this worried you a bit, you press on, "So, when's the wedding?!" you try to joke.
"Oh, well, uh... In a year at least. We want to have the baby first; it was part of our deal."
"What? Sam," you try to make sense of what he just told you, "you don't find it a little odd that you had to negotiate your own engagement, and that you can't trust her to have a baby with you 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 you're married?"
"I mean, it's unconventional, but that's just Vegas."
"No, love is love, no matter what city you're in. You deserve someone who will love you and respect you as much as you love and respect them. Not many people see it, but you have such a big heart, Sam; don't let someone take advantage of it," you place your hands on his, and his eyes glance up at you. You both share a knowing look. As much as Sam respects your opinion, nothing will stop him once he wants something, and he wants Ginger: her trust, her respect, and her love.
You see Sam and Ginger several times throughout their pregnancy, and honestly, they couldn't be happier. Sam is going to have the baby he always wanted, and Ginger is getting all the attention in the world for carrying Sam Rothstein's child. You think maybe this will solve all their problems.
• • •
Just a few months after the baby was born, you received an invitation to their wedding. You had been by their apartment a few weeks prior to visit and meet the baby, and gosh, she was so cute. Sam lit up when he held her; he was so proud of his baby girl, Amy. But Sam hadn't mentioned anything about a wedding happening so soon, although they do have the money to make one happen quickly.
The wedding is very nice, although it's more of a party than a wedding. Ginger is a socialite, so it only makes sense that there would be more attention on the reception than the ceremony.
You go sit with Nicky and his wife Jennifer so that you can hold the baby, while Sam and Ginger cut the cake and share champage. This is supposed to be a happy moment for them, but you can tell something is off. Maybe it's because they don't have baby fever anymore; parenting is not easy, so that's what you chalk it up to.
As you're making faces getting the baby to giggle, you see Sam sneak off into a back room, presumably looking for Ginger. You continue to entertain their baby while you wait for him to come back; you hadn't really gotten a chance to see him all night, and you want to show your support and congratulate him.
As you chat with Nicky, you see Ginger and Sam return from wherever they had gone; only problem is, they went two different directions and Ginger had clearly been crying. That's not normal behavior for newly weds. Nicky takes notice as well and says, "Eh, uh, why don't you go check on him? I'll take the baby."
And so, you hand him Sam's little bundle of joy, and make your way across the ballroom to your friend. He had been pulled into a conversation that he clearly didn't want to be having, so you tap him on the shoulder and excuse him from the group of people. He puts his hand around your waist as you walk off.
"Dance with me," you say simply, and he happily agrees. You knew you'd be able to talk privately because you'd be so close to him on the dancefloor, and it wouldn't look suspicious like if you swept him away to a different room.
"Trouble in paradise already?" you ask him, "You two have been so happy the past few months, what's going on?"
"Well, I guess maybe she realized this is the end of the road, and that I'm the one she'll be stuck with the rest of her life... Whatever the reason, she felt the need to call her pimp, Lester Diamond," he explains, pursing his lips at the end; he was really frustrated and trying not to show it.
"What did she call him for? She doesn't still love him or something, does she?"
"She says she called him to let him know it was over and that she's married now. He was her first love, and the only thing in this whole world she's got a soft spot for."
"Oh, Sam... You don't deserve that; you don't deserve someone that's holding onto their baggage with someone else."
"Well then maybe I should've married someone like you," he says with a small laugh and a look of longing in his eyes. He pulls you even closer to him, and you hold him a bit tighter in an effort to comfort him.
"You shouldn't say things like that on your wedding day," you say quietly next to his ear.
"But it's true. You've got the looks, the personality, a great heart, but for some reason, I only want Ginger, or at least for a while I did." With that, he stares into your eyes for a little while, before kissing you on your jawline and neck a few times.
After a pause, you say, "Well, I hope that was the last time she calls him. You deserve nothing but the best, but I know how much you love her, so I hope you two will find happiness with one other." You decide not to say anything about the way he implied that he wanted to be with you or the way he just kissed you; maybe that would make it worse. That probably isn't how he really feels; he's probably just speaking from a place of being hurt by Ginger. You stop dancing and hug him, "Congratulations on your big day, it was beautiful and glamorous in way that only Sam Rothstein could do."
You both share a laugh and hopeful smiles. His hand finds yours as you start to walk away, and he gives it a squeeze before letting his arm drop to his side.
"Everything okay?" Nicky asks when you get back to the table.
"Yeah, everything's gonna be fine," there wasn't much point in explaining it to him, he had a thing for Ginger, so he would make excuses for her. Plus it wasn't your news to share, Sam trusted that you would keep his secrets, because that's how you'd always been.
You grabbed your things to leave, and you shot one quick glance back at Sam before heading out. He was hugging Ginger, trying to comfort her; that didn't stop the nasty look she gave you when she saw you looking at her man. "Sadly, he belongs to her now," you think as you take in the cool night air outside the wedding chapel, "legally, at least."
• • •
The next several months of their marriage only take a turn for the worse. The issue isn't that they don't understand each other, it's that they're exactly alike: both strong-minded with the will to get what they want. The issue is that the things they want don't align with the other person's goals. Sam wants a successful casino and to have Ginger's love, but Ginger is someone who can't be tamed; she wants money wherever she can get it, and she wants to be the center of attention.
The thing that works on Sam's nerves more than anything is that Ginger just refused to cut ties with Lester Diamond.
"She just keeps- she- she asked me for all this money, and she won't tell me what it's for," Sam is fuming as he vents to you about his wife, "She knows I would give her anything she wants of she'll just tell me what it's for. She won't be honest with me, and that's how I know she's up to no good."
"What do you think the money is for?" you ask, placing your hand on his. He had come over to your house just to visit and have a few drinks. This has become a regular thing since he married Ginger; he relies on your company and your advice.
"Mmm, it's just a suspicion, but I think it might be for that pimp." He rubs his thumb across the back of your hand as he held it.
"I thought she ended things with him, but I wouldn't put it past her to go behind your back. I'm sorry that you can't trust your own wife; I know you value that so much."
"Well, I'm at least glad to know that someone in this world still has values like me. In a town like Las Vegas, everyone is so cutthroat. Sometimes I think you and Billy are the only ones left with a moral compass."
"You have one too, Sam, and a good heart," you pull him towards you, and he lies across the couch to place his head in your lap. He is only casual like this with a few people, but he finds it fun to kick back and relax with you. He looks up at you while you gently comb your fingers though his hair; eventually it will work the gel out of his hair, but you like it when he let his waves hang loose. "What are you gonna do about her giving Lester that money?"
"Hm, I don't know yet," he answers with raised eyebrows and a shoulder shrug.
"What if you let her have the money?"
"So she can give it to that scumbag?"
"Listen, honey," you chuckle at him, "what if you let her have the money, knowing she's going to give it to Lester, but you and Nicky's guys show up with her. Put him in his place, rough him up, that way he won't come begging on her doorstep again. AND she'll see what happens if she tries to give him your money again."
A surprised look appears on his face, "Damn, baby, you been hanging out with Nicky, taking some notes from him? It almost sounds like you hate my wife or something!" You both laugh together.
Your laughter dies off, and you look down at his face in your lap, "I hate the way she treats you." It's the simple truth; he deserves better.
• • •
A few weeks later, you're at a pool party at Billy's place. Las Vegas summers are hot, so pools are basically a requirement out here.
Normally, Sam brought Ginger to these kinds of things; that's just what you were supposed to do, but you had convinced him to come by himself. At first the thought made him uncomfortable, because he knew it would cause another argument at home, but he also just wanted to get away for a while. And so, he left Ginger with a stack of cash, told her to go shopping, and came over to Billy's.
You don't notice Sam when he first arrives; you're in the pool taking to some of Billy's business associates, some you had met before, some you hadn't. One of these guys has made himself really comfortable with you: grabbing at your hips and trying to keep you close to him. You're used to men like this putting their hands on you, and it's normally very casual, but this guy is being more aggressive than you are used to.
He's putting his arms around you and pulling you really close to his chest. You use your arms as a barrier between you and him; it's really more awkward than anything.
"Excuse me?"
You look over your shoulder to see Sam standing at the edge of the pool.
"Yeah?" the guy asks, adjusting his arm around you once again.
"Would you mind if the lady came with me?" Sam asked, pouring on the charm.
"She's fine here."
"Looks like she'd rather be with me" Sam says giving you a coy look.
The guy look at you, then back at Sam, "And who the fuck are you?" he replies, rudely.
"Someone you don't want to piss off." Sam takes your hand, and you free yourself from this other man. Sam helps you out of the pool and snags a towel for you to wrap yourself up in.
"Thank you for that," you tell Sam as you walk over to a table where Billy and his wife are.
"Eh, I'm sorry that he felt he could treat you like that. He'll be taken care of." You know what that means.
There are several people gathered around the table, people Sam and Billy work with at the casino, but they're also friends. Sam takes a seat in one of the lounge chairs and pulls you into his lap. Everyone at the table says their hello's and Sam whipsers to you, "Thank you for inviting me... And suggesting I leave the wife at home." He rubs a hand across your thighs and the other rests on your back.
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This is a crowd that you and Sam are comfortable being close in. You two were always like this before he got with Ginger, so it feels nice to have him close to you again. You gently squeeze at his side, while he lights a cigarette and takes a puff. He offers it to you, but you just smile and shake your head.
"Hey, Billy," Sam starts.
"Yeah, Ace?" he asks, turning his attention to the man next to you.
"You see that dopey ass motherfucker in the pool over there?" Sam asks, pointing with his cigarette between his fingers, "The tall one at the center of that group?"
"Yeah, yeah, I see him. Did he do something?"
"He thought it was okay to make (Y/N) here uncomfortable, and he tried to mouth off at me about it," Sam explains.
"(Y/N), is that true? What did he do to you?" Billy asks you.
"He was just being weird and way too handsy. I tried to get away from him but he would just grab me if I did that. I didn't wanna make a scene though."
Billy turns to look back at the group of guys in the pool, "And all those guys with him just let it happen, huh?" He turns back to you, "It'll be handled. That's unacceptable."
Sam gives your waist a squeeze, and you share a look with him. "You gonna get in the pool at all today?" you ask him, motioning to his outfit: khaki slacks, a button up shirt (unbuttoned a little bit), and a pale pink sports coat.
"I don't know, I'm having a good time right here. You look good in that bikini, baby," he whispers the last part, rubbing his fingers over the string on your back, "it doesn't leave much to the imagination..."
"Just the parts that all you boys want to see," you bite your lip, and you both giggle quietly.
The afternoon goes by with casual conversation as you and Sam lounge back in your chair with you leaning against his chest and your face tucked into the crook of his neck. He keeps his arms around you, as he chats and enjoys some drinks and cigarettes with the guys at the table.
Soon, the sun begins it's descent before the moon comes out, which means the temperature is dropping too. Vegas has some of the hottest days and the coldest nights.
You sit up from your cozy spot against Sam's chest and pluck the cigarette holder from between his lips. He raises his eyebrows at you as you take a drag off of it, then you exhale the smoke at the same time as him.
A warm smile spreads across your face as you return the cigarette to him. "I'm gonna go change," you whisper to him before getting up and heading inside Billy's house.
Upstairs in the bathroom, you take your change of clothes out of your bag and lay them out on the counter. You hear a small knock at the door before Sam enters the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
"Sam? What are you doing?" you ask him.
He walks over and places himself behind you, looking you up and down in the mirror. He wraps his arms around your midsection and rests his chin on your shoulder, making eye contact with you, again in the mirror.
"You're so beautiful," is all he says before one hand travels to your hip, and his lips find your skin. He kisses at your neck slowly but sensually; you close your eyes as your back arches into him. He has you turned on in a matter of seconds; you had never realized you wanted him this bad.
One of his hands slides up your back and pulls the string of your bikini top, untying it and leaving your back bare. Your top hangs on by the knot at the back of your neck.
His kisses grow increasingly sloppy as he becomes more turned on for you. One of his hands cups at the underside of your breast, while the other holds your hips in place. You feel his erection in his pants against your backside, as he unties one of the knots at your hip.
"Sam-" You want him badly, but your conscience won't let you do this. "Sam."
His motions stop and he looks up at you in the mirror. You turn around in his arms so that you can look him in the eyes. With a bittersweet look on your face, you say, "We can't do this. You're married, Sam. We can't do this, especially not in Billy's house."
A look of clarity comes to his eyes as you talk some sense into him. "Yeah, yeah, you're right," he answers. He reaches for a towel and wraps it around your body, as if to cover up the thing that was tempting him. You tie the towel in place and go ahead and remove your bikini, dropping it to the floor. Sam pulls you into a hug, holding your toweled waist tight, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry."
• • •
The next time you see Sam is just for a normal get-together at The Tangiers. Being the gentleman he is, he treats you as if the incident at Billy's place never happened, and it's best this way; he's one of your best friends after all.
This dinner is anything but normal, however. Ginger had started to catch on to Sam leaving her at home. You got the feeling Nicky was the one who let her in on that secret.
Ginger storms into the casino, making a scene like she always does; she's always been the kind of person you hear before you see when she's angry. Security follows her over as she makes her way to the table with their little girl on her hip. Sam stands up and rushes over to her, in an effort to keep Ginger away from everyone at the table. It doesn't work that well, she continues pushing towards the table as she screams at him about leaving her at home and making her take care of their toddler.
Sam gets the kid from Ginger, and she pushes past him and towards you, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU PUT THE IDEA IN HIS HEAD TO START SNEAKING AROUND ON ME!"
You sit there, completely taken back. You would try to say something, but you wouldn't get a word in as Ginger is letting you have it.
Sam comes over, grabbing Ginger's arm and pulling her to face him, "What the fuck is the matter with you? What the fuck is the MATTER WITH YOU?! Bringing our kid here at this time of night! Screaming at (Y/N)!" He points at you, "You ain't had nothin' to do with her since you met!! And you wanna come in here and blame your problems on her?!"
You had never seen Sam so angry before, screaming at the top of his lungs like this in front of everyone, in his own casino. There was a pause as everyone waited for what was gonna happen next.
Quietly, Ginger speaks, "Oh my God," her voice cracked like she was about to cry, "oh my God, you're defending her..." She turns to walk away, crying into her hands. Sam quickly hands Amy over to you and runs after Ginger.
Security follows them, and everyone at the table sits in silence as you all listen to Ginger yell and cry at Sam on the way outside, "You never defended me! To anyone! For anything! You've never defended me like that!"
• • •
A few days later, flowers show up at your house with a note from Sam.
"I'm so sorry for the other night and how crazy things have been lately. Let's go out and I'll make it up to you. -S. R."
Attached is a reservation card telling you that you're having dinner with him tonight at a small restaurant you used to go to when Sam first moved out to Las Vegas.
"I'm so glad you actually came. I thought maybe you didn't want anything to do with me after Ginger yelled at you like that."
"Have I ever been the type of girl that would blame you for your wife's actions?" you say greeting him with a kiss on the cheek, "it's good to see you all in one piece; I was worried what she might do to you." You both chuckle and sit down at your table.
"I just- uhh, I just wanted to take you out like we used to do before everything got so crazy. Back when I was still getting used to the desert and Billy introduced me to you; it was just simple... and always fun when you were around. So I just thought maybe we could re-live that for a night," Sam explains his reasoning for bringing you here alone.
"Well I think it'll be fun," you say reaching over and giving his hand an encouraging squeeze, "This place always had great food!" You lean back in your seat, slide your heels off under the table, and prop your feet up in Sam's lap across from you. He raises his eyebrows, giving you a look. "Well you said you wanted it to be like old times!" you exclaim.
After dinner and dessert, you both sit back with your bellies full. The food was so rich and lovely; you both ate so much more than you normally would have, but you aren't in the company of anyone fancy so you cut loose.
"You wanna get out of here? I got somewhere I'd like to take you," Sam asks.
"Ooooh, honey, I don't think I can move, I'm so full!" you groan at him, "Where are we going?"
"Somewhere you took me when I first moved here and I needed some peace and quiet from the city."
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And with that, you let him take you by the hand and lead you out to his car. When you cruise past the strip and out into the dark dessert, you lean on his shoulder and ask, "You're not gonna whack me, are you?"
"Now, I couldn't tell you if I was. Typically the guy you're gonna whack doesn't ask ya, and typically the guy you're gonna whack is a guy," you both laugh. Tonight really had been like old times.
You slide over and lay down, laying your head in his lap. He put his arm across your chest and shoulder as if you were an arm rest, and he looks down at you. "Eyes on the road, Mr. Rothstein!"
"Yes, ma'am" he cracks a smile and looks up like he's supposed to.
Parked just a few miles out in the desert, Sam gets out the car, grabbing a blanket from the back, and tossing it across the hood of the car. He also grabs an extra jacket for you for when it gets cold.
"Alright, get outta the car," he says, looking at you laid across the front seat of his Cadillac.
"Mmmm... but I'm so cozy here," you whine.
Sam grabs you by your feet and drags you across the seat to pull you up out of the car. Once you're on your feet, he grips both of your shoulders and looks you over, "Princess. You're a spoiled princess, you know that?" He grabs your hips and lifts you onto the hood of the car before walking around and hopping up to sit next to you.
"It's been forever since I came out here... Thank you for bringing me," you tell Sam as you lean back on the windshield of his car and look up at the endless sea of stars in the night sky. Out here in the desert, there was no light pollution, and it was such a clear night, it felt like there were a million stars up there.
"Want this?" Sam asks holding up his extra jacket.
You take it from him and bundle up in it. It was warm and smelled like him, like he had worn it recently or perhaps sprayed his cologne on it.
He put his arm around your shoulders; together, you looked up at night sky and talked, occasionally pointing out constellations or planets.
The lower the temperature drops, the more you snuggle into Sam. Every few moments you glance at each other, sometimes making eye contact and smiling at each other.
"Mm, come here," Sam grumbles pulling you into a full-on cuddle.
"Cold?" you joke.
"Nope, you're just too far away," he nuzzles his nose into your hair and leaves a kiss there.
You turn your head to face him, "Sam."
He places his hand on your cheek and sarcastically replies, "(Y/N)."
Your eyes linger on one another's for what feels like several minutes; for a moment, the whole world fell away and it was just the two of you. You both lean in, gently pressing your lips to one another's. You move your lips together slowly and carefully, as if you might break something. The moment lasts a long time, but not long enough.
Sam pulls back to look at you, "I love you."
You open your mouth to protest, but all that comes out is, "I love you, too."
Without another word, you both agree to not discuss it. Whether you liked it or not, things were about to get complicated, so you both just want things to be simple for the night.
• • •
You had always assumed Sam was the kind of man to take a woman to bed quickly in a relationship. Of course, your relationship is anything but conventional; you'd been friends for years, but now it was obvious those feelings of friendship had been something more all along.
You had spent some time together a few times since your outing to the desert. He greeted you with a kiss each of those times you met up, because you made sure to meet in private; word couldn't get out about this, or it would cause trouble with Ginger and the crime family Nicky and Sam were in. The family wouldn't take so kindly to Ginger causing a big scene over Sam's infidelity.
You and Sam also really wanted to take things slow; you didn't want to ruin a good friendship by rushing. So when he came to your house or you met in his office, you spent a lot of time in his arms, kissing him, and not too much more.
But your job right now is to act like none of that exists, like everything is just the way it's always been. You're at a big celebration for Sam; the gaming commission is giving an award to him for being such an important asset in the success of gambling in Las Vegas. Everyone who knows Sam is there; it's his big night!
As events like this usually go, Sam is at a table on a stage at the front of the room. His closest friends are all sat together: you, Billy, Nicky, Ginger, and a few others. On the surface everything is cool, but you know this mix of people isn't good news.
There are rumors floating around that the FBI agents keeping an eye on Nicky had gotten some pictures of him and Ginger together. Sam didn't want to pry into it; he didn't want another reason to be mad with her. Sam had also recently told you that Ginger's mysterious phone calls had started up again, and she refused to tell him who she was calling at all hours of the day. You and Sam both knew what that meant: Ginger is being anything but faithful to him.
It's a lovely dinner, aside from Ginger's remarks. It's almost like she knows about you and Sam somehow. Every time she mentions him, she makes sure to watch your reaction, and she makes several remarks like, "proud to call him my man," and, "so glad he belongs to me," while staring you down.
In an effort to try and make friendly conversation with Ginger, you lean over you her to say, "You know, I think Sam likes girls like us, because we're both like him: social and in the business. We make what he does look glamorous." You give her a hopeful smile.
She cuts her eyes and hits you with, "No, Sam likes a woman like me; we both came from the streets and had to hustle our way into money. Anyone can be a socialite in a nice gown. Some of us have more to show for it."
Upon hearing that, Billy gives Ginger a look of disapproval and puts his arm around you to comfort you. It couldn't be more obvious that she is trying to get a rise out of you, but you won't stoop to her level making a scene like that.
Ginger leans into Nicky, and you don't say much the rest of dinner.
After the award was presented to Sam and it's time to mingle, you work your way over to Sam, stopping to chat with several people along the way. As you approach him, it seems like the two of you only have eyes for each other. He greets you with a big smile spread across his face, a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
With his hands on your waist, and your hands on his chest, you tell him, "I'm so proud of you. You work so hard, and you've been so good for Las Vegas."
"Yeah, well, Las Vegas has been good to me," he says looking you in your eyes lovingly, and raising his eyebrows briefly.
What you don't realize is that Ginger sees the whole exchange, but she does something very out of character: she keeps her cool... For now.
• • •
"It was... It was the way you looked at her. You didn't have to look at her like that," Ginger sobs into the pillow on her and Sam's bed.
"How did I look at her? Huh? What did I do?" Sam questions her, pacing around their bedroom.
Ginger shifts to look up at Sam with tear-filled eyes, "Like you love her... You looked at her like you love her."
"Ginger-" Sam starts and pauses to keep his composure, "What do you care how I look at her? You me you didn't love me! And I thought I could change you!"
There was a pause before he continued, "You're not making any goddamn sense; I don't know why I'm trying to talk any sense into you. You been drinkin' all the time, and those fuckin painkillers you took have your brain so fucked up right now... I don't even know why I'm trying; it's not worth it."
"You really feel that way?" she asks quietly.
"Feel what way?"
"That I'm not worth it. You really think that I'm not worth it?" she sits up and pushes some of the hair out of her face.
That small bit of love Sam still had for Ginger creeped back up; he couldn't hurt her like that.
He sat on the bed next to her, "No," he says as he pulls her into his chest, "I don't feel that way." He simply holds her as she cries into his shoulder.
• • •
"I guess she's spread herself too thin," Sam vents to you as you lie on your couch cuddling, "I think the drinking and the drugs are a distraction from all the men she's trying to hold down. She's never been able to keep Lester under control, Nicky is getting all kinds of heat on him with the cops in Vegas, and she's realized I don't love her the way I used to, or maybe the way I thought I did."
The last part was mostly directed at himself; Sam is coming to terms with the decision he made when he married Ginger, and he's realizing that maybe it wasn't love at all. After all, lust isn't built on trust and respect.
"Don't blame yourself for falling for her. She said something to me the other night, and as hurtful as it was, it was true."
"What did she say to you?" he asks, sitting up a bit and furrowing his eyebrows.
"Well, uh, I just told her that I think you like girls like us because we're like you, but we make the business more glamorous. And she told me that you would only like a woman like her because you both worked for the success you have, and that means you and her have more to show for it."
"She said that to you?"
"Yeah, but don't worry about it. If you went to her about it, it would only cause you more problems," you try to get him to relax. There was no point in him getting stressed over it.
He sighs and lays back down, holding you tight, "I'm so sorry she said that to you. It's not true. I think her and I understand each other because of our backgrounds, but I think you know I like you just as much, if not more than I ever liked her."
"I thought you might say something like that. That's why I tried to not let it bother me," you look up and kiss him a few times.
He turns you to lay on your back, and he puts his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair on the back of his head.
"I wish we could just run away. I made such a mistake starting a life with Ginger. I meant it-" his voice catches a bit, "I meant it when I told you I love you. I wish I could just put her in the past and spend the rest of my days with you."
His voice got so soft at the end of his statement. From this position you couldn't see his face, and you figured there was a reason for that, as you felt some dampness forming on your shirt.
You had never seen Sam cry over anything. In that moment, it made you realize how real his feelings are. Even after all the hell Ginger put him through, it didn't break him as much as the idea of being with you.
He lies there and tries to keep his breathing even, while you wrap your arms around him and hold him. He just desperately needs love and comfort from a woman who really cares about him.
• • •
Sam and Ginger got to the point that they could hardly stand to be around one another, so they take periods of separation from one another, and they trade off who keeps Amy. Although, Sam will admit that he's more at ease when his little girl is with him.
Whenever Sam has Amy, he tries to take at least one day off work every week to spend with her. She's getting to be more of a kid than a toddler now, and she enjoys spending time with her daddy.
Today, Sam invited you along to the park and a for a picnic with Amy; it's what she asked for!
"You look pretty in your little sundress, baby," Sam compliments you, as he pushes his kid on the swing.
"It's nice seeing you dressed down a bit, too. Turns out it isn't the suit jacket that makes you so handsome!"
He was just wearing slacks and a button up shirt: sleeves rolled up, no tie, no sports coat. Oh, and don't forget the sunglasses and cigarette holder.
"Hey, Amy?" Sam calls to his daughter while she swings up and down through the air.
"Yeah, daddy?"
"You wanna go eat lunch, sweetie?"
"No?!" Sam exclaims sarcastically, "You don't wanna go eat your lunch? I packed your favorite."
She shook her head, despite the big smile on her face.
"PB and J's?!" he asks.
She shakes her head again.
Another no.
"Hmmm... How about those cupcakes we picked up from the bakery?"
Her little face lights up and she tries to stop the swing. Sam scoops her up on his hip to carry her over to their picnic blanket. The whole exchange is extremely adorable; you love watching Sam be a daddy to his little girl!
At lunch, surprisingly Amy stays near you. You've been babysitting her since she was a baby, and now she sees you hanging out with her dad a lot; luckily she likes you. It's really important to Sam that you two get along.
"You're gonna make a great mom one day," he says, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Hmm? And what makes you think I'll be a mom?" you ask him, helping wipe something off Amy's cheek.
"If you stay with me, and if we end up together, you'll be Amy's new mom... aaaand maybe if you really like me, we could have a baby together," he looks down at his hands with a smirk on his face.
You put your hands over Amy's ears, and joke with him, "I think we should probably have sex before you ask me to have your baby! Although, you can trust me to have your baby 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 the wedding."
You let go of Amy's ears, while you and Sam double over in laughter.
"What's so funny?" she asks sassily, sounding just like her dad.
"Nothing, honey, you'll understand when you're older," Sam replies, petting her hair.
"You always say that, daddy. Can I go play?"
"Yes, but stay where we can see you, okay?"
"Okay!" she says, already running off. She's a busy body, just like him.
Sam pulls you into a spooning position and holds you so you can both keep an eye on Amy on the playground.
"So, you want me to make love to you, huh?" he grumbles lowly in your ear, placing some kisses on your neck.
"Mmm... Why don't you come over to my place one night and find out?" you tease at him.
• • •
You assumed tonight would be just a casual night at home, and you appreciate that, because it isn't often you get alone time. You had just gotten out the shower and decided to relax in your robe on the couch for the night.
That all changes when you hear the doorbell ring.
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"Who could that be? I don't think I invited anyone over," you think as you walk to the door.
"Sam!" you exclaim, seeing him on your front stoop, "what are you doing here-"
You're cut off by his lips meeting yours in a fiery kiss. He pushes you into the house and shuts the door behind him all while his lips never leave yours. He pushes you against a wall, grabbing at your hips. When his lips move down to your neck, you gasp out his name.
"Sam! What has gotten into you?" you breathe out, "What is this?"
"Mmm..." He moans, leaving little kisses at your ear, "Ginger and Amy are out of town, and... you told me to come over and make love to you."
"That's not how I said it," you laugh, before letting out a soft moan at his actions.
He reaches over and locks your front door before leading you over to the couch. His lips find yours again, then he gently lays you down, positioning himself on top of you. His hands roam your body, as your lips move with his; his tongue enters your mouth and sends chills across your skin.
You pull away from his kiss to look at him in the eyes, "I know we've been seeing each other and doing a lot of kissing, but I don't want to make you a cheater."
"Baby, it's not about cheating. Ginger and I don't wanna be together as it is; I 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to be with 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
"Sam... are you sure? You can't go back from this."
"(Y/N), I already told you I love you. There's no going back from that." His hand snakes down to the ties on your silky robe, and pulls them loose. With his legs on either side of one of yours, he presses his hardness into your thigh. As he pulls your robe to the side just a few inches, he places soft kisses on your chest.
He pauses and looks up at you through his lashes. You place your hands on his face and shoulder, and he gives you a smile before he pulls your robe open, leaving you naked in front of him, except for the sleeves on your arms.
Sam kisses your lips lightly, then your cheek, then your neck and chest, where he starts leaving heated love bites. He gently squeezes at your breasts, as he teases them with his tongue and teeth. Soon after, he leaves a trail of kisses down your belly, leaving you with a few nips on your hipbone.
He sits up on his knees, taking your body in: your plump thighs, sensual hips, the way your breathing had become heavy, and obviously your naked parts he had always wanted to see. He moves to place himself between your legs, and he pulls one of them up, hooking your ankle on his shoulder and pressing a few kisses to your calf.
"You're beautiful," he tells you before he turns his attention back to your leg.
Sam really made you feel beautiful, but it was nothing in comparison to the way he looks: his dress shirt unbuttoned a little, shiny suit pants, large erection pressed against the fabric and poking at his waistband, his tight leather belt keeping it tame.
You're pulled from your thoughts by the feeling of Sam kissing your inner thigh; he had worked his way up to the soft, sensitive part of your leg.
He grabs you by your thighs, scooting you up the couch, giving him more room to work. Now he's bent over a bit more, placing sloppy kisses and and nibbles on your thighs as a way to get you to spread them apart. Finally, he gets down all the way, and you feel his hot breath on your center.
Seeing him crouched down on his elbows and knees, head between your legs... It's enough to make you want him. When places a few hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses on your labia, it makes you lose any fight you had to turn him down.
"Oh, Sam..." your hand slides into his hair as his tongue laps at you. He looks up making eye contact with you, and enjoying how flustered you look because of him.
He simply grins to himself and goes back to pleasing you. Your grip on his hair tightens each time he does something that you like, and he's smart: if you like it a lot, he does it over and over and over.
A few times, he moves down, licking at your entrance, testing the waters. When he hears a whine from you, he decides to stop being a tease and presses his tongue in past your lips. Your back arches up off the couch and you take in a deep breath; Sam digs his fingers into your thighs, keeping your hips firmly in place so he can continue swirling his tongue around inside you.
After a few minutes, he has mercy on you and goes back to your clitoris. He doesn't let up too much though. He slides his middle finger into you, slowly, and when he can't go any further, he curls it in a "come here" kind of motion.
"Oh, God," you let out, toes curling in pleasure.
Sam puts his lips on you and pulls your clit into his mouth, sucking on it. Jackpot. Your hand pulls his hair and you throw your head back; you can feel your climax coming. He lets out a low, grumbly moan, and it helps push you over the edge. Your orgasm comes in waves as Sam continues sucking and curling that finger; he's reveling in the feeling of you losing control at his hand.
When he decides you've had enough, he eases his motions to let you down from your high. The way he has total control over you and your body... You had never seen anything like it.
Sam crawls over you until he was face-to-face with you again to kiss you and make you taste yourself on his lips. He wraps his arms around you and picks you up, hands roaming your back as your robe hangs loosely behind you. With your legs wrapped around his hips, he takes you up to your bedroom.
"Can I ask you something, Sam?" you start.
"Of course you can, baby girl," he answers.
"Why would Ginger treat you so badly if you're this good in bed? And we haven't even made it to bed yet," you chuckle at the last part.
"I guess that's more of a question for Ginger than it is for me, but I'd really rather not talk about my wife right now," he says dropping you on your cozy bed. You lay there, arms above your head, your hair and silky robe spread out around you. Sam grabs you by wrapping his large hands around your ribcage and sits you up. It always impressed you how large and strong he is, because he keeps his muscles covered with all those suits. He pushes your robe off your shoulders, "That's better."
You giggle at him and reach out in front of you, giving his aching erection some much needed attention with the palm of your hand. Sam let's out a breath, and you take that as a sign to undo his belt. After opening his belt and unzipping his pants, you pull them down just a little, leaving them hanging on his hips. Your hand finds his member again, rubbing it through a much thinner layer of fabric, "You gonna show me what this thing can do?"
He puts a hand on the back of your head and pulls you to him. Your face nuzzles against his pelvis; you leave a few kisses on his groin and look up at him, "You want me to use my mouth on you?"
His eyes are fixed on yours as his lips pull into a half smile, "No, another time. I can't wait any longer to have you."
And with that, you pulled his pants off of his hips. He quickly works out of his shoes and pants and climbs on top of you.
"Oh, no, Mr. Rothstein! We are not doing this if you have those socks on!" you giggle at him.
He looks back at his feet, "What, you don't think they're sexy?" He turns back to you and kisses you, "I'd fuck you if you were wearing socks," he jokes before reaching back and pulling them off.
When he lays down on top of you, you work on unbuttoning his shirt while he kisses your lips and neck. A few seconds later his shirt is thrown to the floor. He wraps his arms around you as you make out, pressing your bodies together; like this, you can feel his muscles, his warmth, and his love, as if he was the thing you always needed.
His kisses slow down, and he pulls back to look at you, "I love you, (Y/N), and I mean it."
"I love you, too, Sam," you nearly whisper. After a short pause and Sam rubbing your cheek with his thumb, you ask, "Will you take those underwear off already? You're going awfully slow for a man who said he didn't want to wait anymore."
He smiles and shakes his head sarcastically at you, but he sits up on his knees and pushes them off, "Better?" he snarks.
He was sexier than you ever could've imagined. He left a lot to the imagination with all his suits, but like this, you got to take in his loving eyes, messed up hair, soft skin, toned arms, and the chest hair that made a lovely trail down to his large member that's standing at attention for you.
"Come here, sexy," you command.
"Who? Me?" he points to himself, jokingly.
You reach up, and grab his hands, pulling him down on top of you again, "Yes, you."
He lets out an excited moan, kicking his underwear to the floor and snaking a hand down between your thighs. As his fingers tease at your clit, he asks, "You ready, baby doll?"
"Very ready."
That's all he needs to hear before he's pulling your legs up to wrap around his waist, slicking up the head of his cock with spit and a little precum. The next moments are filled with moans from the two of you, as he lines up with your wet entrance and begins to enter you. His hips work slowly, giving small motions to sink into you.
You could tell from the way his hips were bucking lightly that he was torn between taking things slow and fucking into you hastily, right then and there. It's the neediest you'd ever seen him; it's sexy the way you make him lose a bit of that control he always has.
As soon as he's got enough length inside you, he starts rocking into you, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. "Baby, you feel so good," he says as he buries a hand in your hair and his face in your neck, kissing you. His breathing becomes more intense, and his back arches a bit allowing for some room for him to work his hand on you again.
As if the feeling of his hardness pushing in and out of you wasn't enough, his fingers start making circles on your clit, drawing moans from your mouth. "Oh, God, those noises... You're gonna drive me crazy," he whispers in your ear before leaving a few bites on your lobe.
He moves so he can kiss you and look at your pretty face while he makes love to you. He's so excellent, pleasing your clitoris while thrusting his hips into you. You lean up to leave a series of kisses and nips on his neck and collarbone; your fingernails leaving scratches on his back and hands tangling his normally perfect hair.
"Oh, fuck..." you hear Sam say as he slows down his movements.
"You okay, honey?" you ask, concerned.
"More than okay, baby, I just got close," he answers, looking almost embarrassed. It's hard to tell if the flush on his cheeks is from answering your question or from pleasure.
"You could've finished if you wanted," you say with a warm smile.
"Oh, no. I'm not done with you yet, princess." He sits up on his knees, snaking his arm around your back and gripping your hips to lift you off the bed. His other hand rests on your pelvis, and his thumb flicks over your clit. He starts rocking you back and forth on his dick, "How about that? You like that?"
Judging by your moans and the way your back arches for him, he got his answer. He picks up his pace until he's fucking into you with quick, hard thrusts, and your thighs clap against his belly. His fingers relentlessly try to please you, and it's working: you're coming apart at the seams once again for him.
When you feel your second orgasm coming on, you can't help but also feel a little surprised... but also so turned on that he made a mess of you, twice.
Feeling your orgasm and feeling you tighten around his hard length, Sam loses himself. His hips buck into you wildly as he cums deep inside you. He sits back on his heels, and pulls you up to straddle his lap. He pumps into you a few more times while he holds you close to him, kissing anywhere his lips can reach.
Your lips meet and you kiss him several times, both of you feeling very satisfied. You comb your fingers through his hair, fixing it a little bit; he seems to like that. His arms are wrapped around you, and he just holds you on his lap like that for a few minutes, kissing your chest.
He lays his head against your shoulder, and let's out a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm in love," he giggles and stares up at you with an innocent, happy look.
"Me too," you say quietly, kissing his head with a bit of a sad look on your face.
"Hey!" he gets you to look down at him, "You okay, sweetie?"
"Yeah... I just wish we could be together, and that it wouldn't be so complicated," you tell Sam.
He lays you down on the bed, pulling out of you, then he lays next to you and holds you in his arms, "Me too, baby, me too. I just feel bad because it's my fault we can't be together like we want to."
"Oh, Sam, you know I don't blame you for that. No one enters into a bad marriage on purpose."
"No, but you were always right about her. I should've listened to you, considering I came to you for advice. She never cared about me."
"Yeah, but you cared about her, and you still do," you say with a warm smile, "she's the mother of your child. You have a big heart, Sam."
You wrap your arms around his neck and hold his head against your chest. "I care about you, too," you hear him mutter.
"I know you do. I care about you, too," you whisper, snuggling into him to drift off to sleep in his arms.
• • •
The sex was amazing, but there's nothing like waking up in the arms of someone you love, at least, that's how you feel this morning. The way Sam clings to you, almost desperately, lets you know that while you may not wake exactly like this every morning, you will wake up loved each morning.
As you begin to stir a bit, Sam's arms squeeze around you, not wanting you to leave your comfortable spooning position. He grumbles to himself a few times before finally cracking his eyes open to tell you, "Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning," you respond, as he lies there with his eyes closed like he may go back to sleep.
He opens his eyes again, slowly, and you feel his hand gently move the covers off of you. You groan when the cool air hits your skin. "God damn, baby, you look so good," his voice rumbles.
"Mmm... You pushed the blankets off me just to tell me I look good?"
"Well, no..." he starts, and he finishes his statement by kissing your shoulder blade and neck, teasing at your thighs, and feeling your breasts. He presses his hips into your backside, letting you feel his morning wood.
"Oooh, someone's happy!" you giggle, pushing your butt back into him to give him some friction.
"I think you meant horny," he slides a hand down, grabbing at your butt before sliding further down teasing between your legs. He slowly runs his middle finger back and forth along your clit and your entrance, getting you wet for him.
"Hey, Sam?"
"Hm?" He mutters between kisses.
"I love you. I wanted to make sure to say it first for once."
He chuckles and continues what he's doing, "And I love you, and I wanna make sure you know this isn't about sex."
"Well, it's a little hard to believe that when you have a finger inside me, but Sam Rothstein is a man who's good on his word, so I'll believe you...just this once," you look over your shoulder, both of you grinning uncontrollably. You reach back and take his member in your hand, stroking it, "However, for the next few minutes, I'd like to make it about sex."
"Mmm, yes ma'am!" Sam exclaims, attacking your neck with sloppy kisses, and repositioning himself to enter you. You both relax into those feelings of pleasure as his warm cock fills you. He grips your hips loosely and thrusts his hips into you almost lazily, but it feels good.
His hand creeps down and grips your thigh, gently lifting your leg up in the air. You both light up with noises, moans, whines, heavy breathing. Within a few minutes, you hear Sam breathe out, "Baby, baby, I'm gonna cum."
You let out a hum, "Cum for me, sweetheart."
Sam pulls you close to him, moving against you with quick, small pumps. You grab his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, while he holds you tightly. After his orgasm, he slides out of you easily and turns you over to kiss your lips for the first time that morning.
Sam is so needy after sex; he wants to hold you as close as possible and shower you in kisses and affection and sweet words.
"I'm sorry I didn't finish you off, honey," Sam says to you.
"It's okay, sweetie, I'm just glad you felt so good," you hold his head in your hands, nuzzling your nose against his.
He lowers his voice as if someone might hear him, "I'll make up for it in the shower," giving you a little wink.
And he does, because Sam Rothstein is a man who's good on his word.
• • •
Since you and Sam spent that weekend together, you start fucking like bunnies. That is to say: you find time to make love to one another often, especially when Ginger is out of town. You both prefer to do it at your home, but when Sam has Amy, he will sometimes invite you over; you quickly get past sleeping in another woman's bed, because you know Sam's heart belongs to you. Sex for the two of you isn't about getting off; it's one of the many ways you show your feelings for one another.
You both find it very hard to hide your feelings for one another in front of others. You can be so open with one another and your feelings when you're in your little bubble. Despite that, you have to put your feelings aside for The Tangiers charity event tonight. Sam has a lot of big spenders flying in for this event; it's going to bring in a lot of money and a lot of publicity for the casino.
"Hey, baby," you say, sneaking into Sam's office, closing the door quietly.
He's standing by his desk signing a few papers; this is probably the one quiet moment he'll have all night. "Hey, princess," he gives you a cute look, signing a few more papers. You sit in comfortable silence, while you wait for him to finish his work. "Alright," he says, tapping his pen on the final paper, "Bring that sweet ass over here!"
He sits on the edge of his desk and pulls you into a hug, taking in your scent and the way your dress feels against your body. He lets out a relaxed sigh, "I missed you."
It has been few days since you've seen each other. With Ginger being home in preparation for this event, you and Sam decided it was best not to see each other. "I missed you, too," you nuzzle into him.
You feel his hand under your chin, lifting your face so he can kiss you. You kiss slowly at first, letting Sam explore your mouth with his tongue, but things quickly get more heated since it feels like it's been so long since you had each other.
He turns you around, sitting you on his thigh as he leans against his desk. You both crane your necks to keep your lips connected. Sam presses your back against his chest before dipping his hand into your dress, fingers teasing your nipple. You inhale sharply and brace a hand on his hip.
"You like that?" he purrs in your ear.
"Mm-hmm," you hum, leaning your head back against him.
His free hand pulls your dress up and disappears between your thighs, touching you through your panties.
"Sam..." you whine, moving your hand to squeeze at his half-hard length.
"Seems like someone misses me, needy baby," he whipsers to you.
You urge his hands off of you and stand up, facing him, "Now let's get something straight, Mr. Rothstein: I wasn't needy when I came in this office. I patiently waited for you to finish signing things, and then YOU made me needy."
There's a long pause between you before Sam cracks a little smirk and says, "You're sexy when you're mad."
Once you head downstairs to the casino floor, the party is on. Millionaires and billionaires fill the room, enjoying slots, tables, and free champagne. Sam always thought it was funny how rich people love a free handout.
Every business associate that Sam knew was here, plus the rich friends they brought with them. Those of you who spend a lot of time at the casino mingle with the guests who came to spend money; your job is to keep them spending money, because a hefty portion of what the house makes tonight is going to be split between a few charities. It was Billy's idea, saying that a charity event would be great publicity and raise goodwill with the people.
Most of your evening goes by playing table games with people you barely knew, so it's nice to see Billy, a familiar face. You hadn't seen him since you got there.
He hands you a glass of champagne and you find a more secluded place to talk while Billy watches the floor. You see Sam doing the same from his usual spot; Sam sees you and gives you a cute look, scrunching his nose when Billy isn't looking.
Almost on queue, Billy smirks, "So, you and Ace, huh?"
"Huh? What?" you stammer, caught off guard.
"Don't worry, I haven't told anyone. You know my lips are sealed," he has a pleased look on his face, and he gives you a wink.
You sigh and give Billy a knowing look, confirming his suspicions, "How'd you know?"
"Well, I'll admit it took me a while to catch on, because you two have always been close. Sam's been much happier the past few weeks, but I chalked it up to Ginger getting out of his hair with her little vacations. Tonight has been the first dead giveaway: you sneaking up to his office and coming down to the floor together, and the way he's been keeping an eye on you all evening, like he's worried about you getting too far away from him."
If Sam had been watching you like that, you hadn't noticed, but it was endearing. "You should tell him not to blow our cover," you smirk at Billy.
"Oh, I plan on it," Billy leans into you, "Let me tell you a secret, (Y/N). I've always liked you two together, and I think you have always liked one another; maybe you were just too blinded by the Vegas lights to see it... So, I'll keep your secret, because you two deserve to be happy." His hand squeezes your shoulder, and he clinks his glass with yours before leaving you to go stand with Sam so they can watch the floor together.
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As you walk the floor looking for a group of tycoons to mingle with, you feel a hand grab your arm. You turn to see Ginger who is now leading you across the casino floor.
"Hey, girl! Wanna work a table together? Maybe if we put our heads together, we could pull in more money." She is oddly pleasant in her tone of voice, but the way her nails grip your arm gives you a different vibe; however, you don't feel you have much choice in the matter. You are swept off to a table far away from the center of the casino, far away from Sam and Billy.
Unexpectedly, Ginger is nice to you and even jokes with you as you hustle all the rich men gathered around the roulette table, getting them to spend all of their money. When that's over, it's like a switch flips.
She drags you aside away from everyone except a few bouncers, and begins her tirade, "It's you. I know it's you." She's doing her best to remain calm with all of the donors around, but you knew she was high; she was always on something anymore.
"Ginger, what are you talking about?"
"You- your perfume! I smell it... in my bed, on Ace! I know you're sleeping with him!"
You can tell she's getting worked up, and you really don't want her to start yelling. "Now, we don't want things to get out of hand. You know I spend a lot of time with Sam; I've been helping him babysit Amy more since you guys have been more separate. Isn't it possible you smell my perfume around him because of that? You probably smell it on Amy too, right?"
Ginger is frustrated and confused, unable to make sense of things with all that junk in her system, "Yeah, yeah, I guess that makes sense," she pouts.
"Yeah, see? It's okay, everything's okay," you try to calm her down, resting your hand on her upper arm.
"No! Don't touch me!!" she shouts.
"Ginger, don't get excited; we don't wanna ruin the event."
"I don't care what you say; I don't trust you, and I don't trust you with my husband!" she sneers at you, "I have my connections just like your 'Saaam,' and if I find out anything is going on with you and him, you'll be nothing more than one of those holes in the desert these guys like to talk so much about. You're nothing but a whore as it is."
Her face is inches from yours. She had insulted you and threatened your life in a single statement, and clearly she had decided Sam was too personal a name for her husband, since she chastised you for calling him that. You decide to do your worst; you doubt she'll remember this interaction anyway.
"This coming from the woman who can't seem to shake her pimp."
Thankfully the bouncers nearby saw how heated things were getting, and they came over to break it up. They even called Nicky over talk Ginger down. It's pretty bad that even the casino staff knew about Nicky and Ginger, and that bringing Ace over would just make it worse.
But word quickly made it back to Sam about what Ginger had done to you, and so a few days later, he sent her to Beverly Hills with Amy; besides, he only needed her home for that one night at the Tangiers.
• • •
Despite all of his efforts to run a clean joint, it all came crashing down when Sam got word that the FBI had heard all about the casino and the Midwest bosses from that grocery store tap back home. Luckily, they couldn't really bring any heat down on Sam, because he didn't know much; he had been put in Las Vegas to run the casino, and he was even working on getting his gaming license which looked good on him.
Nicky, however, did get a lot of heat. He already had the attention of the Las Vegas police for a number of crimes, and he was the liaison between Las Vegas and and the Midwest bosses.
Sam had already been trying to pull away from Nicky and that meant also pulling away from the gangster business that had made him so successful as a handicapper.
Thankfully with Ginger out of town, you got to be with Sam when he found out about all this. There isn't much he can do, but he knows it's a possibility his whole casino could go under.
In order to cheer him up, you invite Sam to your place for a few days, so he can use your home as a getaway to just relax as much as he can. Despite everything going on, you both actually have a pretty good time. Sam only takes the calls he absolutely has to take which mostly meant Billy, and you both enjoy cooking together, showering together, making love together...
Unfortunately he can't stay for more than a few days or people will start to realize he isn't home, and any calls other than to Billy needed to come from Sam's house, especially any calls to Ginger. And so this morning you head off to Sam's place, so he can call the hotel in Beverly Hills to check on his wife and child.
He gets on the phone and cheerily greets the hotel receptionist before asking to be put through to Ginger's room. His tone quickly drops when he questions, "𝘔𝘳. and Mrs. Rothstein?"
You give him a concerned look as he wraps up the conversation and slams the phone down on the hook. He lets out a frustrated sigh and rubs his chin before he says, "She checked out of the hotel with another man and my kid."
"It's not Nicky, is it?" you ask.
"No, it's not Nicky, I know it's not Nicky; he's got too much heat on him to leave Vegas." That could only mean one thing: Lester.
Sam immediately gets back on the phone calling the police, the FBI agents he'd been in contact with, even Nicky, to try to find where Ginger and this pimp had taken his daughter. The FBI is very gracious in helping track down Ginger and Amy, quickly getting back to Sam with an address and phone number for where they are.
After a phone call with Lester that didn't really go anywhere, Sam is feeling helpless about what to do. He's so furious with Ginger, but he needs her to bring their daughter home. He sinks down into the couch when he looks at you desperately; he doesn't know what to do.
You quickly rush over and curl up next to him, taking the man in your arms, rubbing his shoulders for comfort. "How do I get her home? I just want Amy safe; she's not safe with that pimp, and clearly she's not safe with her mother anymore either."
"You're not gonna like to hear this, but I think Nicky is your best bet to get her back," you suggest.
He simply nods his head as he realizes you're right, then he picks up the phone to call his friend.
• • •
The next few days Sam and Ginger are walking on eggshells. It couldn't be more obvious that Ginger doesn't want to be home, but Sam had to know that Amy is safe. Since Ginger has to be home, Sam even tries being sweet to her again. He had tried to cuddle with her a few times, something they hadn't done in years, but she would just reject him each time, typically leaving the room. Sam is at his wits' end; he doesn't know what else to try with Ginger, what other approach he could take.
One night as Sam is about to leave the casino to head home, you follow him out to his car, "just to talk," you tell him. You hadn't seen him in days and you miss him.
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"Hey, baby," Sam says wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Hey, honey. I missed you," you smile at him.
He hums, "I miss you too, and I'm sorry you're in the middle of all this... It's not fair to you."
"It's okay, Sam. You're the one who's in a tough spot here. I'm just here to support you and love you and... make you feel better..." you trail off as you squeeze his thigh, your fingers gracing past his crotch.
"Oh..." Sam says, giving you a cheeky look.
You slide your hand back and forth over the front of his pants, getting him hard, while you lightly kiss at his neck and ear. "You've just been so stressed lately, sweetie; let me help you relax."
When his breathing becomes heavy, you know he's ready for more, "Baby girl, I need your mouth on me, now." He lets out a groan when you open his pants and stroke him through his underwear.
You don't waste much time before you're going down on him, kissing his leaking member before taking it in your mouth. He looks down at you and tries to keep his breathing even; all this came on pretty suddenly so you've got Sam very worked up. He takes your hair in his hands, forming a make shift ponytail to keep your hair out your face. He also likes to watch your face bob up and down on his cock.
You hollow out your cheeks and Sam savors that intense sucking feeling. Between that and your tongue pressing against his tip, he can hardly contain himself. You wrap a hand around the base of his member, pumping what you can't take in your mouth.
Sam's hands push you down making you take as much of him as you can, and his breathing becomes labored, letting out little moans as he climaxes in your mouth.
You take down what you can and lick up any of the rest. You look up to see Sam giving you a look with raised eyebrows.
"I didn't want you to make a mess..." you say with a raspy voice as you wipe your lips.
He simply stares at you, as if he was still trying to make sense of what just happened, before he grabs your hair and pulls you into a rough kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. When he pulls away from you breathing heavily, he says, "Baby, you have no idea how bad I needed that. Thank you." He softens up and pulls you back towards him, this time laying your head in the crook of his neck.
Sam leaves you at the Tangiers and at home, walks into a nightmare: his kid is tied to her bed and his wife is nowhere to be found. Despite the flood of panic and anger that he feels, he keeps his wits about him and calls you to come get Amy; with you is the safest place for her right now while Sam searches for Ginger. You only see him for a quick moment, before he rushes out the door, leaving you to pack Amy a bag and take her to your house for a few days.
Sam knows Ginger is at Nicky's new restaurant; he had called before he left the house. His tires screech to a halt as he rolls up to the place of business.
After a run-in with Nicky at the door and a quiet altercation in the corner booth, where Sam definitely threatened Ginger's life for what she did to Amy, Sam managed to get his wife in the car. On the ride home, oddly, all Sam could think was, "Where does Nicky get off asking 𝘮𝘦 to be civil, when he's the one that always gets heat brought on us?"
It's probably just a temporary distraction from elephant in the room, or car, in this case.
Sam has to admit: he's at his wits' end with Ginger. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about leaving her or kicking her out. But when they walk into the house, and he sees the apologetic look in his wife's eyes, whether honest or manipulative, one thought crosses his mind, "She's the mother of my child."
How could he walk out on her? He had promised she'd be taken care of, and even though he really only meant financially, his big heart wouldn't allow him to hurt her.
She doesn't care what he does; she won't be bothered as long as she gets the money she's promised.
"Come on, honey, let's go to bed," Sam says softly, taking his wife's hand. They take a few steps together before the man stops and turns to her; he places his hands on her sides, seeing if she'll hug him. When she does, sadly, it leaves Sam with a shred of hope for their relationship.
• • •
Sam had been exhausted, so he went to bed with the promise that Ginger would meet him there after she gets a shower. However, when Sam wakes up, seeing the time on the clock and the other half of his bed empty; he's immediately filled with suspicion.
At 3:03 A.M., he finds himself sneaking down the hallway--sneaking... in his own house. He shakes his head and quietly shuffles down the hallway towards the living room, where he can hear Ginger's voice moving at a rapid and excited pace.
"I don't care- I don't care!! I want that fucker dead! I want him dead! And that little slut too!! Sleeping in my bed- No! No, I will not calm down... I want a hit on that bitch, that way he can 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵! The same way he hurt me!" Ginger snarls and sobs into the phone.
Sam's heart sank. The thought of losing you--no, he couldn't think about that right now; he simply springs into action, grabbing the phone from Ginger's hands. "Who's this?" he demands to the person on the other end of the line, before slamming the phone down only a second later as Ginger leaps up, practically attacking Sam by pounding her balled up hands against his chest and arms.
"You want me dead, huh? You want me outta the picture?!" his voice booms as she starts to wrestle with him, crying and screaming. "Come with me, come on!" He gets her flailing hands undercontol and drags her down the hallway; Ginger's feet come out from under her, and he just keeps dragging her, both of them yelling at each other.
"I hate you!!! I hate your guts!" Ginger shouts at Sam from where she's laying on the floor of their walk in closet, her face red from crying.
"I know, you evil bitch! What did I ever do to you, huh? I tried to love you and look where it got me..." He slaps a duffle bag down on her lap.
"What's this?" she asks.
He follows it with a pile of clothes, gorgeous, expensive fabrics hitting the floor, "Get your shit, and get out," Sam growls, fire and pain in his eyes.
"You can't kick me out, you can't put me out on the street with no money!!!" She jumps up and starts grabbing expensive clothes.
"Money's all you care about, huh?" he questions, bending down to a shoe box under his clothes; he pulls out all that would fit in his hands, bringing it over to her on the floor. "Is this enough?? You'll probably blow through this in a week!" He dumps the cash in her lap, storming off from her to rip more of her clothes off hangers.
"You can't abandon me!! You told me I'd be taken care of! If you kick me out, I'll go take all my jewelry out the bank!!" she threatens.
He grabs her set of keys, taking her house key off the ring, leaving her with car keys and her bank keys. "And I will not stop you," Sam says, almost calmly.
He knew the key to his millions was still in his desk drawer upstairs, she'd only be leaving with the key to what's hers. He'd been feeling unsure about walking out on her, but Sam made his decision the moment Ginger threatened your life.
• • •
For the next week, you and Sam were waiting for the ball to drop and for Ginger to come storming through that door. But in another way, Sam didn't care; he had you over all the time, even when people came over. He started to put his hands on your waist or even kiss you in front of others. It made you so nervous the first time he kissed you in front of Nicky, but Sam knew what he was doing. Nicky couldn't run to anyone about it, because what Nicky had done was worse in the eyes of the Midwest bosses: sleeping with his best friend's wife, their precious "Golden Jew."
But that isn't the reason Nicky's here right now.
"Ace, they took the bosses in. Arrested every single one of 'em. The FBI knows what's going on, all of it, but they ain't got nothing on me or you, because we don't go in room where they count the money. That doesn't mean they won't question us though."
And boy did they. Sam was already irritated that his name was in the paper every time Nicky went to court for some crime, but now it was coming out that him and Nicky were both being held for questioning for the crime bust in the Midwest.
Nicky pretty much refused to give them anything, but Sam had a reputation with the law and a relationship with the FBI out here. They had helped him get his kid back after all. So, he didn't give them any new information, but he didn't mind confirming certain things they already knew, as long as it didn't incriminate him.
Because of his cooperation, the authorities left Sam alone after a little while. Most of the attention was on Nicky and what his connections were to the Midwest bosses and the casino. Somehow Nicky got himself out of it without getting arrested; Sam had to wonder if it was Nicky's rambling or his threats that did the trick.
Weeks went by, and it was clear that the casino was going down. It wasn't for trying though. Sam fought so hard to keep his precious establishment running, but the place had been riddled with scandals. And even with the bosses facing trial, the powers that be decided to get rid of the whole scam; Sam losing The Tangiers would just be a necessary evil to them.
Sam decided it was a better time than ever to leave the business behind. Besides, he'd never been into crime the way Nicky was; he'd just been pulled into this because he was a money maker.
So as Sam walks out of the casino for the last time, locking the doors to the completely empty building, he lights a cigarette and heads over to his car with only one thing on his mind: going home to you and Amy. Unfortunately, he won't make it home as soon as he would have liked, as his car goes up in flames from a car bomb that must've been rigged while he was inside the casino.
Sam had planned for this kind of thing though, and he had the manufacturers of the vehicle place a special metal plate under the passenger seat, giving him a few valuable seconds to save his life.
You get the call during Sam's ambulance ride to the hospital. At first you're devastated--why would anyone want to hurt your Sam? Before you could find to a conclusion, you quickly snap out of it, getting Amy into the car to get to the hospital.
"Mr. Rothstein-"
"I told you, I don't want-
"Mr. Rothstein, we think it's important that we run this test," the doctor speaks over Sam. Must be an important test for him to interrupt Ace Rothstein.
"I'm fine!" your boyfriend groans, "My arm is burned, but I feel fine."
"But sir, it's possible the adrenaline in your system-"
"Sam Rothstein!" You cut the doctor off, storming in with Amy on your hip.
"Hey, baby!" he holds a hand out towards you.
"Don't you 'baby' me. I know you're not arguing with this doctor, refusing medical advice!! You don't just have yourself to worry about here, you have me and Amy- and I swear to God, Sam Rothstein if you die on me, you'll have more than heaven and hell to worry about! You'll have me to answer to," you finish your rant with a stern look.
His face drops for a moment before a little smirk forms, "You're sexy when you're mad."
Ignoring him, you turn to his doctor, "Run any tests you need to. I'll deal with him." You pat the doctor on his tie.
"Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Rothstein," the doctor says as you walk away, giving them room to do what they need to do.
"Oh, we're not married... yet," Sam explains, scrunching his nose cutely at you.
"Well I'm not gonna be the one to tell her that," the doctor says under his breath.
As they wheel Sam out of the room to take him for some tests, you hear Amy's voice, "Why are you mad at daddy?"
"I'm not mad at daddy," a little chuckle leaves you and you hug the child close to you, "I just love him, and so I had to make him listen to the doctors."
• • •
You pick Sam up just a few days later, perfectly fine, except for some burns on his arm. He sits in the passenger seat of your car with a pile of things from the hospital: his coral pink suit in a plastic bag, burned in a few spots from the bomb, a folder with some information about caring for his burns, a packet full of bandages and prescription ointment, and a large yellow envelope.
"Now, don't be mad," Sam starts.
"What did you do?" you glare at him for a second before turning your eyes back to the road.
"I, uh, got a real estate agent to start looking for new homes for us."
"Sammy, why would I be mad about that? We practically live together already!"
"These homes--they're not in Las Vegas."
"What?!" you practically give him whiplash, pulling the car into a random parking lot. "You wanna leave Las Vegas? Sam, I grew up here..."
He looks down at his lap and back up at you, "I know," it comes out so quietly, "I just don't think we're safe here anymore... I'm not in the business anymore, I'm but afforded the same protections as I used to be. What if they come after you next? Or Amy? Right now, I know enough people that we could get out quietly..."
"Oh, Sam..." You cup his face in your hands, "I'm sorry I reacted like that, I'm scared too, and now I have a kid to worry about. I know she's not mine yet, but if anything happened to Amy-" You have to stop yourself before you cry.
"Here," he says, grabbing the yellow envelope, "I gave some pictures of some houses, and there's one I really like."
Instead of driving your boyfriend home, you sit in the car looking at pictures of beautiful homes, and daydreaming about where how you'll arrange the living room, where you'll put the bed, Amy playing in the backyard.
"Hey, look at this last one," he tells you.
"Is this the one you like?"
"Yeah," his face has a happy, soft smile as he thinks about moving into this house with you; he just knows it's perfect.
"Hmmm... San Diego, huh? 4 bedrooms and a mother-in-law suite. Sam we don't need 4 bedrooms," you look up at him.
He gently places his hand on your belly, "We might."
Your heart just melts... Even if you aren't sure about kids, clearly the thought makes him happy.
"Okay so there's a pool and a lot of grass, maybe we could put a trampoline there..."
• • •
Boxes are scattered all around your new home; you picked the one in San Diego, of course. It's completely perfect.
The movers had dropped off all the big furniture and help you set it up; Sam even got them to help set up Amy's trampoline, and he was so thrilled to surprise her with it. But it will be a few more days before the decorators can come to paint, unpack, and lay out the rest. Nothing but luxury for Sam Rothstein and his "wife."
Right now, Sam is dropping Amy off at the neighbor's house for a play date, so she can get to know the kids in the area. Of course, you two had been sure to meet with this couple first to scope them out, making sure they are safe for Amy to be around.
The plan is to get some unpacking done when your man gets home, but you thought it might be nice to spend some quality alone time together in your new home.
"Honey, I'm home!" Sam chimes at the front door; it makes him so happy to be able to say that. Sam stops at the door to look around for you.
You saunter down the hallway, wearing a black trench coat and bright red high heels, "Hey, sexy!"
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"Mmmm," Sam moans, "I think I should be saying that to you. What's this, baby?"
You stop just out of his reach and untie your jacket, holding it open to show off a new set of candy red lacy lingerie, "Just a little..." you turn around and drop the coat to the floor, revealing a big red bow at the top of your ass, "house warming present." You throw him a sultry look over your shoulder before walking into the kitchen, heels clicking loudly on your new porcelain floor.
Sam pulls his jaw up off the floor and quickly follows, watching as you crawl up onto the marble-top kitchen island. He walks over, appreciating your body by rubbing his hands on your sides, eyes roaming the red fabric hugging your frame. You rake your hands through his hair, and pull him into you, landing his face right between your breasts, which he seems very okay with judging by the way he closes his eyes and starts kissing at them. He wraps his arms around your waist, trying to pull you off the counter.
"Oh no, sir, Mr. Rothstein, you're not taking me to that bedroom. If we're gonna break this house in, we're gonna do it my way. What's that thing you like to say?" You look up acting like you're trying to remember, "There are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the wrong way, and the way that I do it..."
You practically yank him up onto the counter with you, his legs fumbling with the bar stools to help get him up there. Before Sam can even get his bearings straight, you have his back pinned against the marble, your lips taking his in a passionate, sloppy kiss.
Sam pushes you off of him, breathing heavily, "Damn, baby girl, where's this coming from? Not that I'm complaining."
"Well, my sexy, rich sugar daddy just bought me a nice, new house, and I just wanna thank him," you nuzzle into him.
"Sugar daddy, huh? Is that all I am to you?" he gives you a loving look, both of you smiling at his joke.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Moneybags..." You sit up and stretch a leg across his lap straddling him. As you grind your hips back and forth against his hard on, you both let out some light moans and hot sighs. His belt buckle makes some clinking noises as you unhook it before swiftly tugging it from his belt loops and dropping it to the floor.
Zip! You open his pants and pull them down just a few inches so you can return to grinding against his member through a much thinner layer of fabric. When Sam's fingers snake towards his groin so he can further please himself, he's met with a harsh smack on the hand.
"All the pleasure you feel is gonna come from me, got it?" you tell Sam.
He raises his eyebrows, surprised by this change that's overcome you, but down for the ride--literally. The pressure of his hardness against your clit is a great warm up for you, so you keep at it until Sam has a couple of wet spots on his underwear: one from you and one from his pre-cum soaking through.
At that point, you move off of him enough to pull his pants and boxer briefs down to his upper thighs, his erection springing free. You crawl back on top of him, pinning his wrists to the counter just above his head while you kiss him. You pull away, stroking his chin and swiping your thumb across his lips.
"Ready, baby?" you ask, kissing his cheek lightly.
"I- uhhh, yeah," he breathes out.
"Cat got your tongue, silly?" you giggle.
"No, I just, I've never -uh- had a girl top me quite like this," he explains.
"Oh, um, should I stop?" you ask innocently as you grind against his dick again.
"NO- no. I, um... You shouldn't stop."
The way Sam is fumbling through the conversation tells you that he probably likes the treatment he's being given, and so you move your hips against him a few more times before moving your panties to the side and guiding his member to your entrance. Your boyfriend let's out a low groan when he feels that warm wetness surround his sex; you think that's probably his favorite part of making love.
You start by setting a leisurely pace, knowing Sam will want more, but, gosh, the tease is so satisfying too...
"Please, baby," Sam breathes.
"Please what?" you play dumb.
"Go faster... Please, baby." So predictable of him.
"Mmmm, you mean you don't like when I take my time with you?" You speed up juuuust a little bit, but not nearly as much as he would've liked.
"I thought I was in charge in the bedroom," he groans.
"Well, we're not in the bedroom are we?" You lean down to kiss him, pinning his hands down again, next to his shoulders this time. You continue to hold them down while you pick up the pace, leaving Sam feeling a bit helpless as he can't touch you.
You take a little break from all the bouncing to slide back and forth, achieving a new kind of friction. Sam curls his hips up into you, clearly enjoying the sensation.
"Let me touch you, please?" Of course you're going to give in, but not without hearing him beg a little more. No one has this kind of control over Sam "Ace" Rothstein; no one but you. "Babyyy... Please, you know I like to hold you."
He gets nothing but silence in response, oh, and your hips working even faster, which only serves to make him more needy. "(Y/N), please... please, baby, I wanna hold you so bad."
You let go of his wrists and intertwine your first with his for a moment before his hands move to your face to cup your cheek. Afterwards, his palms smooth over your chest and arms; he's looking up at you: your pretty face, soft skin, the way your hair bounces along with your breasts as you ride him.
His hips become less tame the closer he gets to his climax. He's a man who just can't help himself; he likes to be in on the action, even if he isn't on top.
You lean yourself back, placing your palms on the cool countertop, giving him a great angle to attack your g-spot. Sam's hands roam your thighs until you find your rhythm with the changed position, but once he knows he's hitting the right spots, his fingers dive in to stimulate you from the outside as well. One hand pinches and rubs your nipple while the other sets a dangerous speed on your clit.
Despite you trying to have so much control over him, Sam just knows exactly what buttons to push on you, and you're cumming in a matter of seconds. The way it snuck up on you causes you to bend forward as your orgasm pulses through you.
The man beneath you takes advantage of this by pulling you flush to his chest, bracing his feet on the counter top, and railing up into you as fast as he can. You turn into nothing but a noisy mess as he uses your body to get off.
"Fuck, baby, I'm cumming..." Sam finds his release before he even realizes it; he just feels so tangled up and lost in the pleasure of being with you.
A few seconds later, you both find yourselves lying on the kitchen island, completely limp and trying to catch your breath. Sam lazily rolls onto his side, rolling you onto the marble counter beside him. Goosebumps litter your skin as the cold countertop comes in contact with you. You both lay on the counter, staring at each other before you both brsk out into giggles.
"I can't believe you let me fuck you on this thing," you laugh, patting the marble, "and I can't believe you let me fuck you... Like that. I wasn't being too much, was I?"
Sam tucks himself back into his pants, zipping them up and buttoning them before wrapping an arm around your waist. "What? You being a little dominatrix? No, I don't think it was too much," he nuzzles his nose against yours and gives you a few soft kisses. "But," he starts, "the only woman allowed to have me like that is Mrs. Sam Rothstein..."
"Well, uh- that's not me..." you say, a little confused.
"It could be," he says in a low, soft voice, "Whaddya say? You wanna marry me?"
"Sam-" you start to feel overwhelmed for a few reasons: 1. He literally just proposed to you, but 2. "You're still married, Sam. I couldn't be your wife even if I wanted to!" Tears start to form in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey, shhh..." he says, pulling you into a cuddle, "You remember when I flew back to Vegas last week to go close the sale on the house there?"
You sniffle and look up at him, "Mm-hmm."
"Well I ran into one of the judges that used to come by the casino all the time, he was a big spender, but we treated him real nice. He told me he had heard everything from his friends on the force, everything about Ginger and the car bombing. We talked for a while, and he told me to stop by his chambers before I left the city," Sam fishes in his pocket for some folded up papers, "and he gave me this."
He hands you the papers to unfold and look at. "Oh... Oh, Sam! He granted you a divorce. Why didn't you tell me??"
"I wanted to surprise you..." He smiles that charming smile.
"Well, I'm certainly surprised," you hug him by nuzzling into his chest, "I didn't even know you were considering this yet."
"I've been considering it for years, honey," he whispers, kissing you on the temple, "ever since I told you I love you."
You both pause to simply take in the other person for a moment: Sam's clothes all disheveled and your still in your lingerie, cuddling on the stone counter.
"You know I think you're perfect, right? If there was just one thing I could change about you, it would be your last name. So, whaddya think, princess? You wanna try Rothstein on for size?"
The tears quickly return to your eyes, "Yeah, yeah- yes!" You grab his face and start kissing him over and over.
He can hardly pull you off of him for all the kisses, not that he wants to. However, when you decide you're done loving on your fiancé, he apologizes, "I'm sorry I don't have a ring for you right now, but ummm," he reaches for his little pinky ring; it's gold and pink to match his outfit for that day, "you can wear this for now." He slips the piece of metal onto your left ring finger; it doesn't fit that well, but you're honored to wear it.
Sam sits up, sliding off the counter. He stands at the edge of the island, pulling you towards him and wrapping your legs around his waist. He cups your head in both his hands and kisses you softly. "Wanna go to 'break in' the bathtub, Mrs. Rothstein?"
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
My T9S/As The World Burns universe is better (and it doesn't take much, honestly). My second-gen character descriptions.
"I spent a year+ on my second-gen characters, mixing the first-gen characters in a blender and making a bunch of unique characteristics, only for this abject laziness to make it on the screen. Gah." As the World Burns is my first-gen/second-gen combo fic in the works, taking place in the early 2000s. Will I post it? Someday. I have so many interconnected plot threads to work out... Summary: 2001. New York, New York. A perfectly sunny day in September changes the political landscape, forever. 2001. Chicago, Illinois. The gang’s getting older, and their kids are growing up. In a rapidly changing world, can they all keep up? And fight against the madness, or will they fail to catch up with the times? J/H, E/D, R/K, K/B, F/R. A combo first-gen/second-gen fic. Main: Katherine "Kate" Erin Forman (born February 28, 1986) (played by a younger Lacey Hannan): I guess, broadly, she's the Jackie of the group. Stereotypically feminine (but a staunch feminist) and incredibly ambitious, the world is her oyster. But really, she's a combination of Kitty and Donna, for the most part. She's wicked smart, a creative perfectionist to her core, a melodramatic extrovert to a fault, has the heart and the guts to make the world a better place, and wants to be a journalist like her mother. And change the world, one pen stroke at a time. Leah Margaret Forman (born January 1, 1990) (played by a younger Katie LeClerc): She's a mix of her parents, and her Aunt Laurie. Some apt descriptors, according to me: -A nerdy tomboy, who fails to fit in with the crowd.
-A loud and proud Gryffindor.
-Stubborn as a mule, but as physically strong as a lion. As curious as a wild cat.
-Manipulative pot-stirrer (but she's not evil like her aunt, don't worry...usually).
-Awkwardly temperamental. Doesn't get along with Jackie, at all, but gets along swimmingly with James (to Jackie's utter dismay). He's her soulmate, he feels the same way, and Aunt Jackie's getting in the way of that, okay?
-Looks older than her age, and she tries to act like it, too. With catastrophic results. Rebecca "Becca" Leona Hyde (born December 5, 1985) (played by a young Jessica Brown-Findlay): I guess, broadly, she's a female Hyde. But she's more than that. She loves alternative fashion, thrifting, cooking and sewing, drawing, skateboarding, fixing up cars, South Park, Daria, Mean Girls, watching America's Next Top Model with her mother...yeah, music is her life, she loves the color black (and red), and struggles in school. Like her father. She likes to live under the bleachers, smoking weed awkwardly with her lot of loser friends, but she lives a life between a rock and a hard place. Between a world that won't accept her for being her, for being weird, grungy, and bi, and an underworld she doesn't want to be swallowed into. She has to walk that fine line, between being boring and mainstream and being a total outcast. James Reginald Hyde (born October 22, 1987) (played by a young Nicholas Hoult): A dangerous mix of Jackie and Hyde. He's badass and rebellious like Hyde, but he's ambitious, more socially adept, and business savvy like Jackie. He's always finding a way to game the system, for the greater good. And maybe sometimes, for the sake of his wallet. But that's beyond the point! Adrian Reginald Forman (born July 18, 1984) (played by a young Dylan O'Brien): I guess he's the Eric of the group, kind of. But really, he's an Eric, Hyde, and Red combo. He's Fez and Laurie's son, and his mother abandoned him when he was two. And he rarely sees eye to eye with his feminine, bisexual father. Instead, he's closer to Red and Kitty, Uncle Hyde, and Uncle Eric. And in regards to the kids, he's closest to James and Leah. He's socially awkward and usually, stereotypically masculine (but without his grandfather's staunchly conservative views). He loves video games (especially Fallout), building and modding PCs, peanut butter, calculators, Alien Ant Farm, soccer, baseball, and the girl next door. Next to his grandparents' formidable abode. Hallie Anna Rivera (born December 24, 1988) (played by a young Daisy Ridley): Leah's new best friend. She's the least developed of the main characters, I'm willing to admit. She's highly mechanical, a physical force to be reckoned with, manipulative and rebellious, and firmly lives on the wrong side of the tracks. Her mother abandoned her as an infant, and she's an emotional wreck over it. She's been raised by her car mechanic father, and several of his girlfriends. He's been a good father to her, but sometimes, he doesn't understand. At all. He can accept her for being a lesbian all he wants, but he'll never truly understand. Minor: Elizabeth "Betsy" Victoria Kelso (born January 15, 1979; yes, she exists!) (I can't think of a faceclaim for her to save my life): Kelso and Brooke's daughter. She's studying to become a doctor. Hannah Michaela Kelso (born November 23, 1984) (played by a younger Lyndsy Fonesca): Kelso and Brooke's daughter. Kind of a modern-day Kitty, with her Red firmly by her side (it's not Adrian, to Kelso and Fez's dismay, though). She's an absolute sweetheart, with a solid head on her shoulders. She loves helping others, and is a staunch animal lover. She wants to work with animals or kids, or stay at home with her future kids. Ashley Maria Tate (born May 4, 1989) (played by a younger Josie Loren): Fez and Rhonda's daughter. She's a sweet, popular cheerleader, with a talent for dancing and acting. And, she thinks, singing.
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daiseukiis · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 ┊ 01 ┊ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭 ┊ 03
⠀⠀⠀⠀"DOES HE HAVE A DEATH WISH?" kiyara wonders, annoyed at the current predicament.
"won't gojo-sensei be fine? isn't he the strongest shaman?" itadori soon catches up to fushiguro and kiyara who had a head start, kugisaki running right behind the two of them. the two were still confused, what was wrong?
an exasperated sigh leaves the pale blonde's lips, "god, he's not even here but i can already feel that man's ego growing." rolling her eyes they all took a turn towards the school, breaths escaping their bodies in patterns to keep their heart running and going.
kiyara knew this feeling. usually her hitches and feelings towards a certain thing were never wrong so far, why would it suddenly be wrong now?
"that's not what we're worried about." fushiguro explains them, but their confusion increased more than it needed to be. he glanced at them and groaned, 'of course they wouldn't know.'
"it's the two strongest jujutsu sorcerers possibly wiping the school off the map." the blonde says.
there was a pause between all four, the two staring at her back with wide eyes and disbelief. "w-wait... are you implying mizuki-sensei is as strong as him?"
"she can definitely put him at bay."
⠀⠀⠀⠀"fuck." fushiguro breathes out.
there stood all four students witnessing that most of their school buildings wer wrapped in black like mistー shadows. at first their response was that they were under attack, but that thought was dismissed when their eyes fell to the two teachers on the ground in front of them.
one female had flowing chocolate hair, strands which touched the ground as she laid atop their sensei's waist. pure annoyance was written all over her facial as amethyst eyes focus on her target. the strength of her body tries oh so hard to make the dagger in her two hands break through gojo's infinity, but to no avail.
the shaman on his back on the ground had his signature smirk gracing his lips, he was mocking her. anyone could see that her efforts to break his jujutsushiki was entertaining him, and he knew for a fact barely any to none could beat him, and she was no exception even after multiple spars and fights.
it was either a draw or her utter defeat.
"tch, strong bastard." she groans, throwing the dagger away after struggling to stab the snow haired male. the dagger faded into black and disappeared under her shadow. standing up from the mounted position she prompted a hand on her hip.
"still feisty, yusa." gojo smirks at her, yet a tick mark pops above her head and standing up after mizuki.
"please, for the love of the gods leave me alone." she looks at gojo's blindfold, hoping in some unearthly means he would actually listen to her for once in his life. but the teasing she earned right after was not it. "awh~ but your reactions are too cute! it's hard not to."
a straight was thrusted right at gojo's face, one he was able to tilt his head far enough to dodge. attempting to hit her with his right fist towards the stomach, mizuki spun into a round house kick and caught his arm after it extended out whilst her foot was stopped an inch before it landed on his head.
"she's... cool." itadori and kugisaki couldn't help but stare in awe.
"she's second to best from gojo-sensei, but the strongest female jujutsu sorcerer." kiyara glances back to her two companions that were new to the school, smiling at them as they both showed their excitement. "and she's going to be our sensei?!"
"yeah, amazing right?" the smile she gave was bright, kiyara couldn't be any prouder to see others admire her aunt after all the hardships and struggles she's been through.
"i'm just glad that they didn't destroy half the school like last time." fushiguro comments as the two behind him freeze up upon hearing his words. kiyara gives a light chuckle, "we don't talk about it..."
mizuki let go of gojo's arm as she plants her foot back down to the ground, her black coat fell to her calves as it slightly taps her knee high combat boots. black pants and top designed in the same way as almost every other sorcerer, she sighs.
"the new ichinen?" mizuki looks their direction, one click of her heel and the black mist that engulfed the area started to retreat back into her shadow. gojo gave a grin, his hand out gesturing for her to approach the four.
'the shadows disappeared!' itadori and kugisaki's mouths fell as they got starstruck by the simple gesture which unraveled everything.
"yusa, meet kugisaki nobara and itadori yuji." the said two straigthen up when the tall shaman inspected the two, "ryoumen sukuna's host, huh? reminds me of someone."
"right? i thought so too! too bad she's overseas right now." gojo slings his arm around mizuki's  shoulder as his chin rests on her collarbone behind her figure, grinning from ear to ear as a thumbs up was shown to the students. she grimaces at his actions, mizuki slaps his hand as a way to tell him to get his heavyass off her.
"who?" they chorus.
"you guys also don't know?!" itadori and kugisaki point at kiyara and fushiguro who flinch at tne sudden upbringing, yelling back at their classmates and pointing at their teachers in resort. "how would we? they never tell us anything!"
"right," mizuki breaks up their yelling fest, right hand planting on gojo's face and pushs it away from hers. the male lets out a string of complaints, which she continues to ignore and successfully pushes his body off hers. her hand lands on her hip and shifts her body to one leg causing her to accentuate her curves.
"where's my daughter?" she demands.
"mimi-chan's right here!" kugisaki takes a step to the side and gestures to the girl behind her. or so, was supposed to be there. their eyes look at the empty space that she introduced, gojo and mizuki furrow their brows as a question mark appears above their heads.
'we left her at kuidaore!' thunder struck behind the three of them, jaws dropping to the ground the moment they realize she was not even on sight. their skin went pale and blood turned cold, the gloomy aura ungulfs the teens as different worse case scenarios play in their mind.
"ah, there you are my little flower." gojo stands in front nomari who stood a few meters away from the group, his hands wrapping around her waist and bringing her up into his arms.
'how did she get there?!' itadori exclaims in his mind, shocked to see the child in perfect condition at her spot. kugisaki let out a small sigh of relief, hand over her chest and quickly smiled so mizuki wouldn't see that it was a mistake, 'yikes... that was close.'
'wait, so she walked here by herself..?' fushiguro ponders making kiyara groan and facepalm softly, 'we're such idiots.'
"hands off her sato. geez, you'll make her stupid." mizuki walks over to the two, her arms out to take her daughter back but gojo only pouts and swerves her, "heey, that's so mean yusa!"
itadori watches with his classmates on how the trio interacts, mizuki being continously annoyed by gojo as nomari kept the expression of her wondering exactly why she was stuck in their quarrel. yet something didn't add up to him, "mizuki-sensei actually looks really young... how old is she?"
in the next second the pinkett was powerfully punched in the face, kicked and screamed at by kugisaki that held a fist at itadori who laid on the ground with a bump on his head. "you idiot! how inconsiderate! you don't ask a lady her age! this is why you don't have a girlfriend!"
"i'm just curious!" he defends.
"it's still rude y'know!?" kugisaki screams.
'good thing i never asked...' fushiguro continues to keep quiet, watching the fuss go one beside kiyara who was just tired at this point. other than the fact she returned overseas from a mission, bombarded with new people and hadn't taken a nap just yet to replenish her dying sleeping schedule. listen, she just wants her bed and food at this point.
"do you know, kiyara?" itadori asks her, popping the girl out of her small break down. kugisaki in the background continued to yell at him for prolonging the situation and asking other alternatives which she thought was still rude concerning that it was about private information about a woman.
"sorry, but i don't. i just thought it wasn't my business." kiyara scratches the nape of her neck, a hand out in apology to the boy. 'well, it was more to the fact that she always looked like she never wanted to talk about it...'
"almost sixteen."
"yusa was almost sixteen when she had mari." gojo answers their questions, all eyes turning to focus on their white haired teacher that stuffs his hands into his pockets.
it took a while for them to register what he said, staring at gojo's figure to make sure if he said ant words about joking they would only get mad at him, but it never came. their lashes blink thrice, processing his words as the shock from it barely passed over them.
"that's really... young." kugisaki still couldn't recover from the disbelief, but fushiguro was the first to question gojo on his words. "what do you mean almost?"
"is that because they're both december babies?" kiyara adds on, taking a step forward filled with curiosity. she knew close to nothing about her aunt when it came to her younger days, she never said anything about it which led her to believe that it was a topic one she should never ask about. but now, maybe, just maybe, gojo had the answers to her questions.
"her early high school years is what you could say were the darkest points of her life," he starts, but his attention was nowhere near his students. his gaze fell to where mizuki and nomari were, watching the child hand her mother sweets she bought at the cafe and the smile that would light up the world as she embraced her loving girl.
"did you know the woman right there was known as the disgrace of the mizuki clan? until one day she showed up being as a special grade sorcerer and crashed the main estate, it was really a sight."
"gojo-san, you're sounding like a simp." kiyara snorts.
"i'm not a simp. but you might want to check with yourself if you're not one for, you know." quickly snapping back at her, he smirks and gestures his head with a little nod to the boy that stood beside kiyara.
his words made her cheeks flush, knowing full well he cracked a code he should have not to begin with. "go away!" her arms flung to push the older man from her group, but the blush that tinted her face remained pigmented and prominent. it only got worst when he chuckled, ears being coated by the same pink.
"no can do! i'm your awesome sensei, remember?" gojo gloats as his hands stop kiyara's effortless advances to push him out of the group circle.
the three students stand there lost in the conversation, 'they seem close...'
"can you stop picking on my niece, sato?" mizuki puts a hand on the sensei's shoulder, he grins and stops his movements as kiyara mirrors him, letting out a small huff. nomari shifts over to gojo who notices it and picks her up into his arms once more.
"anyways, get ready for tomorrow." mizuki hands nomari the bag of sweets she had, the child taking out and showing daifuku to gojo. he grins widely and lets her feed him the dessert as the others blink at the interaction but decide to ignore it.
"do we have a mission?" fusiguro asks. mizuki sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and stares at all four students.
"a high grade one."
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tags ; @to-move-on-means-to-grow @dearsukuna @sukun4s
notes ; these are probs gonna be all qued bc im lazy
© MGUQIIS 、 2020
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carrottuan93 · 3 years
Haven’t met you yet | Mark
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Masterlist (1/4) | part2 - part3 - part4
Starring: MK x You
Tags: Mark Tuan, Fluff, Destiny, Waiting, Christmas, Bookworm, Nerd, Love, Fate
Total WC: 2631
Foreword: You promise yourself you’re going to wait for the perfect love even if it takes forever but you’re already barging on it’s doorstep without even realizing that love has met you already in the first place.
It’s all about timing and seeking reassurance in all the right places.
It’s a chance you never want to miss and an opportunity that you wouldn’t trade for anything.
Learn to take risks and learn to fall in love along the way. Cause true love is patient and it’ll come when you least expect it.
Have you been good all year round? You never know what Santa has in stored for you this Christmas.
[Feel free to listen on the playlist that I made for this one shot :)))]
"Eunhee, I should probably take a break from your endless blind date setups. Nothing is working out for me, seriously." You heaved a sigh, slouching on the couch as you gave your best friend an exasperated look the moment you entered her humble bookshop. She's too excited for your love life ever since she and her long-time university crush Jackson became an official couple on your birthday when you celebrated it on Jeju last year. It was a really cold New Year’s Eve when you chose to reserve this romantic restaurant by the beach as the venue for your special day. Eunhee doesn't have any idea about Jackson's plan when you booked a flight to Jeju Island for a week despite the busy season. Since you wanted to play the fairy godmother role for the both of them, you saved Jackson from worrying and suggested that he'd do it on your birthday instead. And just like that, they spent the New Year countdown melting into each other’s puddle while greeting you a happy birthday. The things you do for your friend, if that ain’t salty for your part (it is, for being the third wheel), automatically elected you as the sole Queen of singles club after Neun’s grand exit.
 Since their anniversary is just around the corner, they are planning to spend it once again on Jeju and Eunhee, for being the supportive sister from another mother that she is, will surely drag you with them at all costs since it has been your tradition to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your best friend. She is dying to set you up with someone so you won't be celebrating your birthday alone anymore.
 "I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought you and my friend Hae In will work out. What happened by the way? tell me about your date." She sat beside your spot after closing the shop and did the honor of pouring you a glass of your favorite merlot. This girl knows how to calm you down for sure. I mean she isn't your best friend if she have no idea that wine is your comfort drink. For whatever reason it is, you don't know why it helps to lessen your loneliness by drinking the night away. Maybe knocking you down into a deep slumber and finding yourself completely clueless the next day, alongside the horrible hangover can patch up the painful truth that you are still single up to this point of your life. In addition to the earthly and God-sent smell of neatly piled books crowding the interior of her paradise, Eunhee's bookshop is your go-to place at all times. You used to frequent this a lot during your childhood days where you first met her and together you shared the same passion and love for books and wine through all these years.
 "He's too overrated for my type. Like I don't know why we need to talk about all of his exes and why his relationship with them didn't work out when we can sit and be comfortable with just talking about our interests, 'us' the present and not his past. He's a perfectionist per se and I don't like it when a guy shows disinterest whenever I told them about myself as some nerdy bookish girl who craves for a netflix kind of night compared to his ideal dream girl-next-door whom you can freely bring to a club the minute next." You look down on the red liquid in your glass, appreciating its refined and classic smell that is clouding your nostrils. You're way too excited to go home so you can finally sink on your newly changed bed sheets and savor the enticing smell of fabric conditioner which you cannot live without. You glanced outside the window, observing the couples walking together under the falling snow, as if Valentines day has come all of a sudden in the middle of December. Red roses are a popular gift for the ladies as you've observed and you cannot help yourself from wondering if someone will ever give you flowers on Christmas, particularly pink roses, which you really admire. You always dreamt of tending a bed of pink roses only for yourself because the sight of it makes you really happy. It's just unfortunate that they aren't in full bloom during this season that's why you can only wait for February to come so you could save the trouble of finding a lame date and just buy yourself a bouquet for Valentines. You can give yourself flowers and still feel like in a relationship with all the fictional characters on your novels. No one is stopping you from dating them in your mind, you thought.
 “Ugh I can’t believe that guy. I thought he’s a good catch but actually a bummer for real. Don’t worry, I’ll choose better next time." She gave you a warm hug, patting your head as you lay your cheek on her shoulder. She released you and you gave her an 'I'm-okay-don't-worry' kind of smile. And you sat there for almost an hour talking about your other failed blind dates in the past week that all belongs in either Jackson or Eunhee's circle. You have no idea why none of them matched your personality. Either they are too wild or too boring for them to function as your potential boyfriend. No one could really captivate your specific taste in a guy. It's not that you are too picky and have a high standard when it comes to scouting a lover. You just have your own preferences when it comes to choosing someone whom you'll devote your precious time into. No relationship is perfect because everything is built out of flaws, misunderstandings, heartaches and drama but if you'll enter in a commitment at least choose someone who's worthy of that pain. You aren’t getting any younger and all you need right now is someone reliable, honest and trustworthy enough to not waste your feelings and emotion. You need a serious guy who will not take you for granted and who welcomes the idea of settling in the near future. At least someone with a nice job? Or a bearable attitude, outlook and philosophy in life? He doesn't need to be the most handsome or richest guy in the planet. After all, you always talk to God about giving you with someone who will really love all your imperfections and flawed nature. You always pray to the heavens above that maybe he'll cross the mountains and bring you the moon and the stars like they always did on the movies and in stories but you're fed with too much fantasy and began to think that maybe the guy for you was rather inexistent or an alien inhabiting a distant galaxy located in a million light years away.
 "A break is all I need after all. I will be fine tomorrow at Christmas eve. Don't worry about me having a date on our dinner. I'll bring some macarons as an antidote for all things bitter for you and Jackson's couple party." It's your best friend’s first Christmas with her boyfriend that's why they are throwing a mini gathering for their family and close friends. You had this feeling that you will be the only one attending the party without a date so might as well go straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whatever wine you can get and spend the evening dancing on tipsy toes and the floor would be very much pleased to accommodate your drunken needs. But you will not gonna end up wasted on a party especially Eunhee will not be there beside you to take you home since you do not want to rob Jackson of his time with her. Their happiness always matters before you and that's what makes you happy, to see your best friend happy with the man that he really deserves.
 "All right sweetcheeks. We'll not let you feel gloomy on Christmas eve. Good girls get a reward from Santa so you have nothing to worry about." She gave you a wink and clanked your glasses in unison as you both emptied the bottle of wine to your heart's content. You both agreed to watch a romantic holiday movie over a shared furry blanket and hear out your friend as she talked to you mostly of his boyfriend, as if you’ve read a book about the guide to 101 ways on how to fall for Jackson. Maybe the love bug bit too hard on your friend now that she really has the man of her dreams right on her fingertips, she can’t ask for anything else. Their love story is too underrated and you’re one of the living witnesses that a coin is never wasted on a wishing well. If you only joined Eunhee on her wishing spree every time you both pass by your University’s fountain of love, your coin bank would have gone empty by now. But you didn’t do it and saved all of your coins for yourself cause you really enjoy playing basketball in the arcades for fun. For all you can remember way back in college days, your friend is just one of the many timid girls who are cheering and admiring the ever-famous fencing athlete, business student and heartthrob, Jackson. You have classes together with him and that is how your job as a love guru began. You really deserve a raise because you did succeed on making them a couple. You could set up a dating agency and earn better than your current job for all you care. But amidst all the love advice that you gave to them, you’re the complete opposite of a matchmaker. Because love never finds your way despite making love work for the others. Love is sweet but a bitch most of the time.
 If love finally came to Eunhee and Jackson, hopefully yours would come in a whirlpool, sweeping you off of your feet and rendering all the other love stories made in the history irrelevant. You love spontaneity and you’re up for the extraordinary. In fact, you already made a dozen of playlists on spotify and counting, awaiting to be dedicated to him. You may have weird habits, like using ketchup as a dip for your honey glazed donuts, and still act straight and sit the whole day finishing a book with your favorite espresso at coffee shops. You love taking midnight trips to the art museum and you wonder if he can appreciate the abstract the way it makes your soul come alive. You love travelling back to time and studying history and it would be a bonus if he’ll join you on the 3% mint choco enthusiasts in the whole world. And your list goes on and on and it’ll take a lifetime to introduce yourself to someone but you want to meet him soon. You can’t wait for that time to annoy the hell out of him and if he still chooses to come back after your endless nagging, that’s the time when you’re not gonna let go of him anymore. You know for yourself, you’re looking for an almost perfect individual but you’re ready to tear up your never ending list of your ideal guy if someone could really surprise you and made you want to look at the world in a different dimension. After all, an ideal can never be achieved in real life. You cannot make someone ‘the one’ but you can only search for someone and make them ‘your one’. Things may not come out the way you want them to be but things will work out if he’s your destiny. It might be hard to find the rarest form of love, which is true love, but you’re willing to go on a train trip bound to a destination you’ve never been to given that he’ll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Love isn’t hard. Love is supposed to be easy. You just need patience and it’ll come to you when you least expect it.
 It's nearing 11 pm already when you feel lightheaded because of your wine intake and maybe due to the fact that your early sleeping schedule has been breached by tonight's unfortunate event. You bid goodbye to your friend despite her invitation that you should just sleep on her place and decided to call for an uber to save yourself from zoning out like a zombie because you can no longer walk straight with your clouded vision. Eunhee lives upstairs her bookstore because she manages her family's business when her father passed away that's why she isn't living with you anymore. You've grown to be independent now that you're living on your own after sharing the same apartment with your friend during your university days.
 "Tomorrow night at 8. I'll text you the address. Don't be late, Y/n. Have a goodnight!” Eunhee tucked you up nicely on your seat and soon the taxi sped up passing underneath the city lights in the mood for the radio's yuletide playlist. You're a bit drunk to see clearly but you can recognize the faint Christmas lights flickering throughout the busy streets. In just half an hour, the uber came to a stop and you hopped off the cab as you made your way towards the entrance of the condo that you’re residing in. You walked past the concierge and romantic music is donning the halls screaming love is in the air but not for you cause it makes you suffocated. Inside the elevator you noticed that you'll join a couple on your way to a 5-minute trip to the 12th floor. You silently wished that nobody would enter in between floors so as not to slow down your fast lane to your unit or else it'll be another episode of 'You-are-single-fgds' slapping your face. Geez, you badly want a damn break but the couple is too absorbed in their own selves, doing whatever cringey couple thing it is behind you, so you chose to ignore their reflection on the elevator walls.
 God spared you for that ride and luckily you reached the 12th floor in the fastest speed possible. You walked in a crazy zigzag pattern when you reached the front step of your door and you held on the handle to prevent yourself from falling directly on the ground. Your eyes are zooming in for the door lock as you punch in your keycode multiple times and still wonder why the door isn't granting you any access at all.
 "The fudge why aren't you opening?" You tried all possible combinations already but to no luck, you are still denied. For the 10th time, the lock gave up on you and is now urging for a password reset when all of a sudden the heavens finally heard your prayer and the door automatically opened. You fell towards a pair of arms, as if on cue you are saved once again from falling directly on the floor. You grabbed on a pair of shoulders, and you felt like you've reached your bed already as your senses are welcomed with a lovely scent of fabcon, which for you is the sweetest scent in the world.
 "Hmm. I can finally sleep now." You smiled the moment you felt safe and secured within the parameters of what you think of as your bed.
"Wait, you cannot sleep on my arms." It's too late for you to wake up because you're already dozing off to dreamland.
"Oh shoot. What am I gonna do with you?" You barged into someone's room and you haven't had the slightest idea of what you'll gonna do the next morning when you wake up.
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harryfreakinstyles2 · 5 years
Torn (Part 4) H.S
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Harry's body relaxes in the seat across from me and it makes my heart feel like it could burst in my chest.
"So, since we are friends now," I say beyond excited that I get to ask him all the questions I have been dying to know the answers to.
"Let's get to know each other." I say with a smile and his eyes widen. "How long have you been in America?" I ask him genuinely wanting to know the answer.
I rest my elbows on the table and lean forward waiting for his answer. His smile widens across his face making his deep dimples appear, and I feel like I can't breathe. This just friends thing is going to be harder than I thought if he continues to look at me like that.
"I've been here for a little over four years now. I got a scholarship to go to school here and I kind of fell in love with the area and decided to stay after I graduated this past December."
I'm slightly surprised that he came here on scholarship, but why wouldn't he. Of course, he's smart. But what surprises me more is that he already graduated. I assumed he was still in school as well.
"Oh, you already graduated? I didn't know that!" I respond genuinely surprised.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Harry says with a smirk and winks at me.
I roll my eyes at him and I try not to smile as I avoid the playful smirk he is giving me that seems to be stuck on his face today. I ignore the spark it ignites in my stomach and continue with my questions.
"So what's your degree in then?" I ask continuing the conversation.
"Business management. I would like to own or run a hotel or restaurant or something like that someday." He tells me still making too much eye contact and making me shift in my seat.
"Wow! That's cool!" I say annoyed that he is not only smart and drop dead gorgeous but he also has plans for his life. "How old are you?" I blurt our on accident.
"Twenty three, but enough about me. Tell me something about you." He says copying my position and leaning towards me with his elbows on the table and he mocks me by placing his hands under his chin with a cheeky smile. He is good I will give him that.
We are closer than two friends should be while casually talking but I can't get myself to pull away even though I know I should.
"Ummm." I stutter for a minute not being able to process my thoughts when he is so close to me. "Well, I am twenty one. I will graduate in May with my degree in English. I'd like to work for a publishing company or something along those lines for a bit or maybe become an English teacher I haven't really decided yet." I say faster than normal. I keep having to look down every few seconds because his stare keeps making me flustered.
"Hmmm a teacher huh?" Is all he says in response.
His tone sounds sarcastic and his face is hard to read and I can't tell if he means it as a joke or what. Does he think I can't be a teacher? But I am already on edge "You don't even know me," I snap defensively while leaning back in my chair.
"What? Why did you say that?" He questions me in a serious tone, catching me off guard. He's staring me down and I realize he's waiting for me to answer.
"I don't know. You sounded like you were mocking me," I say my tone sharp.
"I don't know you well, yet. But I'm trying to. I want to." He states. "I was not making fun of you. I was just joking around." He looks at me with pleading eyes. "I wish you would lighten up a little. You are so serious." He says softly and I can tell by his voice that he is being sincere even though his words piss me off I try to push my irritation aside.
"Sorry. Really." I say leaning down to meet his eyes slightly thrown by his quick change in mood. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Just a habit I guess."
Lightning flashes outside the window followed by a rolling thunder distracting both of us from our conversation. I know I need to head home before the storm hits and it is getting close to my dinner plans with Julie.
"I need to head home." I sigh grabbing my backpack and car keys not wanting to leave just yet despite the change in mood.
"Okay." Is all he says in response his eyes focused on the table.
I can feel a shift and there is an uncomfortable tension between us. I get up from the table and start making my way towards the door when I realize he has nothing else to say. A weird wave of sadness hits me at his simple response wishing he would ask me to stay longer.
"Wait," I feel his now familiar warm hand wrap around my arm stopping me before I reach the door. I turn to face him not sure what to expect but happy the conversation will not end the way I thought it was going to.
"I'll see you again soon, yeah?" He asks with a soft smile. He says it like it's a question that he needs me to confirm as he searches my eyes. And just like that, everything feels okay again.
"See you soon." I confirm with a smile and walk out the door.
I arrive back home just as the rain starts, making me run for the front door. Rushing inside I drop my stuff on the kitchen counter and find Julie watching tv on the couch.
"Did you get the stuff for dinner?" I ask her. We have a tradition since we moved into our apartment together last year where every other Saturday she buys the groceries and I make dinner. Then we spend the evening watching Greys Anatomy on the couch together. It gives us a chance to catch up no matter how crazy our schedules get.
"Yeah, it's all in the fridge. Did you get a lot of studying done?" She says making casual conversation without looking away from the tv.
"Uhhh yeah," I say shrugging my shoulders even though she is not looking at me. The guilt comes back but this time I know I deserve it as I choose to not tell her about Harry showing up at the coffee shop and continue the conversation. "Was this all you had planned for today?" I say gesturing to her current spot on the couch hoping to get a reaction out of her.
"Basically, I was supposed to hang out with Harry but he got called into work." She responds still not looking away from the tv and I feel panicked.
I am so thrown off by her answer that I can't think of a response. Did he tell her that he had to work so he could come see me? Is she making it up? Why would she make that up? He said he told her they were done. But why would she lie about having plans with him? Why did he lie. I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore and it is starting to give me a headache.
"Hey, I was thinking we could have a movie night here tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" Julie asks me bringing my attention back to the present as she gets off the couch and joins me in the kitchen.
"Uhh yeah sure sounds good to me," I say not really paying attention.
"Awesome! I'll text everyone. Does 8 o'clock sound good to you?" Julie asks while already typing away on her phone.
"Perfect." I agree.
The evening drags on without much conversation. Julie stays on the couch while I make dinner in the kitchen replaying my conversation with Harry over and over again. One of them is lying and I can't figure out who or more importantly why. After dinner we watch one episode of Grey's and I head to my room for the rest of the night not wanting to have forced conversation with Julie any longer. I don't like how weird things feel between us now. I know it's only me. I'm so used to being able to talk to Julie about anything.
I pass out around 11 o'clock which is early for me but the last two days have been so draining I need the sleep and as soon as my head hits the pillow I am gone.
I wake the next morning still conflicted and debating whether having Harry around is worth all this confusion and the headache that follows. I know it won't end well but I am not sure that I can stay away from him. The morning and afternoon hours blur together as I stay in bed watching tv all day, my usual Sunday routine lately.
I finally look at the clock on my nightstand telling me it's now six thirty in the evening and I have been in bed all day. My stomach grumbles reminding me I haven't had anything to eat since eleven this morning so I force myself out of bed and slip on some jeans and grab my favorite hoodie. The weather outside my window is as gloomy as yesterday the clouds are covering the whole sky, and it has been raining on and off all day adding to my own gloomy mood.
I walk out of the bedroom and find Jules in the living room bringing pillows and blankets from her bedroom to the couch.
"What are you doing?" I ask her confused.
"Bringing out extra pillows and blankets for tonight." She says looking at me like I am an idiot.
"Oh crap! I forgot about that. Did you pick a movie?" I have been so in my head I forgot about her stupid movie night here tonight. I feel like I don't have the energy or mental capacity to deal with anyone. Perfect.
"No I can't decide so I'm just going to pick two and let everyone vote." She says while still arranging pillows on the couch and floor.
"Alright, well I am going to grab some food I will be back soon. Do you need anything while I am out?" I ask her secretly hoping she will say no.
"No I'm good, I bought popcorn and some candy when I was at the store yesterday and Maya and Tabs are bringing some snacks too." She tells me.
"Okay well, I'll be back." I say while grabbing my keys and heading for the front door.
"Okay see you later." She says with a smile.
As I walk to my car I sigh with relief at being alone again even if it is only for a short while.
I run through a drive-thru and back with about fifteen minutes to spare before everyone is supposed to come over. I rush into the apartment past the kitchen and Julie's room hoping she doesn't see me. And then head straight through the living room and into my room. I change out of my jeans and into some comfy yoga pants deciding to keep my hoodie on because I don't care to make to much effort in my appearance today. I finish the rest of my food in a hurry and decide to freshen up my make up a little so I don't look like complete crap when everyone comes over. Just as I finish up I hear an array of voices enter the house. Walking out of my room and into the kitchen I find Julie with Maya, Tabs, Dylan, and Sam all talking over each other loudly. Maya is pouring chips into bowls, Julie is putting popcorn into the microwave and of course, Dylan is loading the wine and beer into the fridge. I smile at my crazy group of friends even in my exhausted state.
"Is Emily coming?" I ask the whole group while taking a seat on the empty bar stool next to Sam.
"No she had to work tonight." Tabitha informs me while stealing a chip from Maya's bowl.
"Awe alright," I say disappointed because we haven't had a chance to catch up in a few weeks. "I'm gonna grab a blanket from my room really quick, will someone get me a bowl of popcorn please!" I say as sweetly as I can as I am leaving the kitchen.
I make my way back to my room and grab a blanket and pillow, and my phone from my nightstand before hearing the group make their way into the living room. I take a deep breathe already exhausted and walk back out.
Julie, Maya, Dylan, and Sam are all squished together on the couch and Tabitha took the chair which means I am stuck on the floor alone which I am actually okay with because it means I can watch the movie and relax without distractions. Just as I am getting comfortable on the floor I hear a loud knock at the door. Everyone sits not moving and then looks at me. Everyone is here already so I have no idea who it could be.
"Don't worry everyone, I'll get." I say sarcastically groaning as I get back up off the floor and they all smile trying not to laugh at my dramatic response.
I make my way to the door and open it not sure who to expect but definitely not him.
My mouth drops open stunned, "Harry?!" I whisper yell so everyone in the living room can't hear me.
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