#if im doing a lay out or the like the jumper is added to the card i was shuffling for as a clarifier
klausysworld · 2 years
could you do something like being short and dating klaus mikaelson a fluff and longer pleaseeeeeeeee
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Pancakes with Nik <3
I woke up surprisingly early, normally Klaus was up before me and painting. Today i woke up still caged in his arms, I struggled to turn in his hold before facing his chest, my body was curled in a ball against him, his legs were bent at the knees to keep my close, we lay together like two puzzle pieces. I tilted my head back to look at his peaceful state. His expression shined of innocence as he mumbled incoherently in his sleep.
I brought my hand up to touch his face, gently tracing his features. I tucked my head under his chin as his arms tightened around me.
“Back to sleep” he muttered and i smiled into his neck
“But i’m awake now” i whispered and he groaned
“Noo” he mumbled pulling me closer. I tried to push myself away from him to get up but I couldn’t move from his hold. His body rolled ontop of mine, effectively squishing me as i gasped dramatically.
“Im gonna die” i rasped and he hummed
“Dying beneath me is a lovely way to die sweetheart”
“I don’t think this is a fun as when I’m usually beneath you” i complained and he chuckled
“Mm well i can always change that” he whispered dipping his head to connect our lips. His large hand wrapped around my throat keeping me in place while the other cupped one side of my face, his body weight shifted so he was balanced on one hand and his knees leaving me less constricted. He pulled away shortly after and tilted his head at me
“I love you very much” he muttered in a husky tone
“I love you too” i laughed, his hand squeezed my neck lightly as his eyes flickered gold for a second, his eyes wondering my body as be inhaled.
“Im hungry” i mumbled snapping him out of his daze
“What would you like?” He asked now moving to sit on his knees, i followed suit and sat up, his hand unconsciously still holding me until i tapped his wrist and he dripped it to run down my leg to my ankle, his fingers wrapping all the way round pulling me closer to him
“I’ll make pancakes” I offered as he lifted my to straddle him before standing up with me still in his hold
“Nonsense i’ll do it for you” his lips pressed to my hair as he held the back of my head pressing me against his chest.
He carried me down the stairs and sat me on the kitchen counter, i still had to look up a bit to look him in the eye but i didn’t mind. He didn’t ever seem to mind having to bend down to give me a kiss.
His back turning to me as he reached up to grab the frying pan from the cupboard, i swear he purposefully puts things up high so I can’t get to them.
He grabbed the ingredients to make the pancakes and started adding them to the bowl, i smiled to myself seeing him in such a domestic state. I dropped down from the counter and made my way over to him, slipping under his arm to stand with my back to his front, watching as he cracked the eggs
“Are you cold my love?” He asked as he quickly stirred the mix with his hybrid speed.
“A little i mumbled with a yawn and his hands dropped the spoon and bowl to rub my arms gently
“You have goosebumps” he muttered wrapping his arms around me, i squeaked as he lifted me from the ground, my toes nearly reaching as he walked us into the living room. He grabbed an oversized jumper and then brought us back to the kitchen setting me back down to be stood on his feet. I moved my head back to look up to find him already looking down, a peck to my nose had my face scrunching up before the soft material was pulled over my head and he guided my arms into the sleeves.
“Would you like to try and flip a pancake my love?” He asked with a hum and i nodded shyly. He petted my hair before turning the stove on. A little piece of butter was sliding around the pan before he poured the batter in. We waited for a minute before he took my hand and put it on the handle. He kept his hand over mine as he guided my actions, together me flipped it perfectly making me smile and look up to him
“Good job, little chef” he whispered, another kiss to my hair as i grinned
“You did most of it” i told him but he shook his head
“I just wanted to hold your hand, you did the work” he replied. I shuffled the pancake from the pan to the plate, i moved it back as he added more of the mix. His hands moved to play with my hair while i managed to ip the rest of them myself.
Somehow he managed to hold both plates of food, two glasses and me as he brought us to the table, i had the strawberries, cream and chocolate sauce in my arms while my legs clung to him. He put everything down though before i could sit he had pulled me to his lap, i sat on his knee with my legs either side.
“It’s not fair when i sit on your lap, i can barely reach the ground” i grumbled, he shushed me while bringing a loaded piece of pancake to my lips. I rolled my eyes before opening my mouth and taking the food. His other hand rested on my thigh, he turning it up and opened it encouraging me to interlock our fingers together. His hand flexed before holding mine tightly, completely engulfing it.
I brought my legs up to sit cross legged more central on his lap, happily munching away as he alternated between feeding me and himself.
When finished he slipped and arm under my thighs and scooped me up into a bridal hold. I stayed snuggly against him once he sat down on the sofa stretched out while scrolling through Netflix. I watched his fingers click the button repeatedly, the little sound creating a rhythm each time he pressed it. I felt my eyes drooping as his other hand pulled my knees to my chest keeping me wrapped in a ball, the jumper falling over my knees making him pull it over me
“Are you sleepy my love?” He asked softly now rubbing my knee in small circles
“Little bit” I uttered
“You can have a nap if you like, we have nothing planned for today, war will resume tomorrow” his words were warm against the too of my head where he kissed every now and then
“You took the day off from being king?” I questioned quietly
“I wanted to be with my princess” he whispered and i felt my body relax further
“You’re cheesy” I muttered
“Its also known as romantic” he huffed and i smiled
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Out Of The Blue - Part 3
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1300+
Summary: Reader has some exciting news to share with her longtime boyfriend Chris but what happens when he beats her to it with some news of his own?
A/N: I think i got everyone who asked to be tagged, if i didnt please send me an ask so i dont loose it 🤣
Please like/comment/share 💕
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Hearing Chris's voice i pushed back my chair and made my way to the front door.
"She's not here" i heard Alex say as i got closer.
"Come on man, its important...."
"Alex it's fine, i'll be okay" i spoke up. I saw Chris sigh with what looked like relief?... but it was quickly replaced with a look of regret, maybe a little fear. Good!
"I'll just be in there" he pointed back towards the dining room " if you need me...."
"I'll let you know" i smiled. Alex eyed Chris once more before reluctantly retreating.
"How'd you find me?" I asked crossing my arms, it was kinda like my protective barrier.... he hated when i did this.
"Um, you used your card for gas.... a notification came up on your iPad. I looked up the gas station and drove out there. I asked the cashier if she'd seen you...."
"Great" i rolled my eyes, making a mental not to turn of my notifications!
"She said she remembered you coming in because you looked exhausted and she tried to get you to stay in a motel. But that you told her you only had an hours journey... thats when i kinda figured this was where you were. I didn't think you'd come this far to be honest".
"Was kinda the point"
Chris nodded sadly realising that i came here because i knew he wouldn't think id drive all the way out to Chelsea's.
"I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but Y/N we need to talk about some stuff...."
"Not here, i don't want the kids hearing" i said stepping outside and walking across the street to where his car was parked.
Once we were both in the car i turned to face him trying to keep myself from crying, because my god that was all i wanted to do!
"So what do you wanna talk about.... how you cheated on me??"
"I made the biggest mistake of my life. Its over i promise you.... it was never serious, but what i was doing.... it should never had happened!!"
"You slept with someone else of course it shouldn't have happened!!" I shouted.
"I never slept with her!!"
"I never slept with her i promise!"
"But you said you've been seeing someone!"
Chris nodded running his hand over his bearded jaw "it wasn't about sex, we just connected on an emotional level....I didnt even realise it was a problem at first...."
he sighed "but i found myself seeking her out when i was having a bad day. When things got hard with us.... we'd been trying everything to get pregnant and it just wasn't happening"
"You confided in her??! About our relationship?..."
"I was stressed and i blamed myself..... i felt like i was letting you down. I felt us drifting apart...." he told me sadly "i don't even know when it happened. But i started spending a lot of time with her...."
"And less time with me. All while i was sitting waiting for you to come home like an idiot! I know it was hard trying to get pregnant Chris but thats no excuse for you doing this! You should have come to me!" I turned my head away to wipe away some stray tears that managed to escape.
"Please don't cry dahlin'...."
"How can i not??....."
"Tell me how i can make this right? I don't want to loose you...."
"Im not sure you can. Chris do you have any idea how this makes me feel?? I feel like I'm not enough for you..."
"You are! I promise you, you are enough..."
"Clearly im not or we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"So thats it? You're just gonna give up on us?"
"I wasn't the one who gave up on us. My god Chris, i would've done anything for you..... you were my world!"
"And now?....."
"Right now i can't even stand looking at you" i said sadly "my heart is in pieces..... i still can't wrap my head around the fact you did this. Its so out of the blue..... i thought we were happy" I cried into the sleeve of my jumper "i was so excited to tell you i was finally pregnant...... this baby couldn't have happened at a worser time. This should be one of the happiest days of my life but its been anything but happy".
"Will you just come home, please? We can sort this out...."
"I can't. I think we need some time apart"
"No..." he cried, tears running down his face "baby please don't leave me...."
"Go home Chris" i said quickly as i opened the door and stepped out.... i was in such a rush to get away from him that i didn't see the SUV coming towards me.
"Y/N!!!!" Was the last thing i heard before everything went black.
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"Y/N!.... Y/N wake up....." i could hear Chris' voice as i slowly opened my eyes.
"Yeah baby its me, you were dreaming" he said quietly as his hand stroked up and down my back. It was then that i realised i was laying in bed with Chris' arms around me.
It had all been a dream??!
I suddenly burst into tears, sobbing into Chris' bare chest.
"Hey.... hey whats wrong?" He asked tightening his hold on me "is it your dream?"
I nodded as i continued to cry "it was h..horrible! It felt so real...."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"No. Chris let go of me.... i think I'm gonna be sick...." i pulled out of his arms and ran to the en suite. I made it just in time before i spilled my guys into the toilet.
Once the sickness passed i headed downstairs telling Chris i needed a minute to myself. I knew it was a dream... he hadn't actually done anything wrong, but i was pissed at Chris and felt ridiculous! I was sitting on the sofa under a blanket holding a warm mug of Chamomile tea when he came walking in. He hovered in the doorway for a minute before finally coming to sit next to me on the sofa.
"Look i'm not sure what i did to piss you off but will you come back to bed please? You know i hate sleeping without you"
"You haven't done anything wrong" i reached out and took his hand "that dream just really shook me up"
"Talk to me.... you might feel better if you talk about it"
"I... i found out i was pregnant...."
"Dahlin, its gonna happen i promise...." he quickly added thinking that was the reason i was so upset, because that part of my dream was real.... we'd been trying to get pregnant for so long now but it just wouldn't take.
"Thats not what got to me..... i found out i was pregnant but before i got to tell you, you came home from work and told me you had been seeing someone else. It felt so real...."
"Sweetheart....." Chris looked at me sadly tightening his hold on my hand "it was just a dream. I would never do that to you.... you're my world. Id be lost without you"
"It was horrible Chris! It felt so real! I left and went to Chelsea' but you tracked me down..... we were arguing in your car one minute, the next I'm getting out to leave and i got hit by a car! then i woke up...."
"I know it felt real, but its not. Im not going anywhere, you're stuck with me"
He pulled me in and pressed a tender kiss to my lips "i love you".
"I love you too".
"Sweetheart?.... are you crying again?"
"Yes!" I cried loudly, my god i was a mess! Chris chuckled softly.
"You're not still pissed at me because of your dream are you?"
"No! Im just very emotional!"
"Okay don't get mad at me but, are you sure you're not pregnant?".
I sat up straight on the sofa and stopped crying long enough to think about when i had my last period.
"Oh my god.... i'm late" i gasped, I was never late! "Do you think this is really it?"
"I hope so dahlin!" Chris replied with a huge smile.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields @turtoix @dottirose
Out Of The Blue tags: @kenzieam @ilovetheeagles @mrspeacem1nusone @kawairinrin @coldmuffinpartycloud @memoriesat30 @idk123906 @thummbelina @uniquebeautyqueen
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ughitsnic · 4 years
Pumpkins and Iron man: Chris Evans
i was supposed to post this lastnight, but i feel asleep, no one is surprised. i also hit 250 followers and im planning on doing a little sleepover to celebrate, so if you have any ideas on what we should do please let me know. i was thinking of doing blurbs or something but idk i didnt think id hit this milestone
this was also a request but i cant find it in my inbox any more lol. enjoy
Your feet were frozen as you finally got back into the house, you Chris and the kids had spent all day choosing pumpkins at the pumpkin patch, and now all you wanted was some hot chocolate, your warm fuzzy pajamas and five minutes to yourself before you started to carve the pumpkins.
“Your hands are so cold princess” Chris tells Rose, rubbing his hands over hers and blowing on them. Her little nose was also red, the same shade as her cheeks.
“We do pumpkins now?” Theo asks. You shake your head.
“You need to go put your pajamas on, do you need help?”
“I a big boy” he tells you, walking into the hall towards his room, but stopping to make sure you were still following him. He sits on the bed waiting for you to pick out his clothes.
“I thought you were a big boy?”
“I am”
“Iron man or Micky mouse?” you ask, holding up the pajamas tops.
“Iron man” he jumps up onto the bed, bouncing.
“You’ll break your dad's heart with that one kiddo” you sigh, Theo didn't care and continues to bounce. “Can i be iron man for trick and treating?” he asks, jumping off the bed, falling to his knees, but getting straight back up and taking the pjs out of your hand, struggling to get off his sweatshirt.
“I thought you were being woody?”
“I want to be iron man mommy” he shouts, getting annoyed. You help him get off the jumper.
“Okay, can you do the rest yourself?” you ask. He nods, and you leave him to go get changed yourself. Chris was sat on the edge of the bed, Rose lay on the bed next to him.
“I have bad news” you lean against the door. “Brace yourself, but your son wants to be iron man”
“No, that's your son now” Chris jokes.
“Pumpkin now?” she asks.
“Soon, why don’t we leave mom get changed and we can get everything ready”
It took you a little longer to get ready as you were looking for the costume for Theo but when you walked into the kitchen you didn't expect for the pumpkin to be everywhere. On the floor, on the cabinets, in their hair.
“I don't even know what to know” you laugh, boiling the kettle.
“It was them not me” Chris says defensively, you watch Theo scoop the pumpkin, flinging it everywhere as he does.
“You’re just as bad as them, remember Easter and those chocolate finger prints on the couch?” you remind him and he stays quiet,
“Mommy, my pumpkin is going to have big spiky teeth” Theo tells you excitedly.
“Daddy can you help me?” Rose sighs, “it's too hard” Chris goes over to help her hollow it out. “I want mine to look like Cheshire cat. I going to play with dodger” she announces climbing down from the kitchen island and running off.
“I heard you wanted to be iron man for halloween” Chris starts and Theo breaks out into a big cheesy grin. “Captain america is way cooler” Theo does a dramatic face palm.
“no , iron man is way cooler daddy, he goes pew pew pew” he jumps up holding his arms out.
“Are you sure that's not spiderman, kid?” Chris questions laughing. He was quick to shake his head.
“Who do you think would win in a fight Theo, iron man or captain america?” you question adding fuel to the fire. You watch your son deep in thought.
“Id win” chris says, “cause i can do this all day” you laugh at his answer.
“No. no. no. because iron man can blast and he would kill you!” Theo shouts and you burst out laughing. Chris didn't look happy.
“No!” he says defensively. “Babe” he looks to you for help.
“Cmon, finish your pumpkins” you laugh.
“Moms favourite is captain america” your son looks over and you shake your head miming ‘nope’.
“You told me it was” Chris looks at you in disbelief.
“I told you my favourite was Chris”
“Wait… Thor? You’re not being serious?”
“No im not. You boys are crazy, i'm going to go play with rose”
You sit cuddled with Rose playing with her dolls, but still listening to the playful bickering in the kitchen.
“Look mommy” Theo runs in, with his pumpkin, Chris following with his- Roses pumpkin.
“Wow daddy” smiles getting up to grab it. “Thank you, i wove it!” she claps.
“That’s super scary, I think that might scare away the trick or treaters” you tell theo as he puts it on the coffee table in front of you and he giggles.
“I think its movie time” you decide. “Go wash your hands, whilst me and daddy go get snacks” you follow Chris back into the kitchen, ignoring the mess and getting out the microwave popcorn.
“So Chris hemsworth?” Chris questions. “You’ve ruined halloween”
“Shut up, you know you’re my favourite Chris” you laugh standing on your tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.
“I better be, and what did you think of my pumpkin?”
“I didn’t realise i had 3 kids” you joke and he pouts. “I think its great”
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Next chapter of My Past Became Our Future is up on Ao3! 😄
Still in Logan’s POV, it’s a long one... but I really wanted to include a lot of details that I think worked pretty well! :)
TW: There’s alcohol mentions in this one, but that’s it.
Taglist: @psychedelicships @edupunkn00b @jwillowwolf @look-ma-im-on-tv @kacklingisanart @lost-in-thought-20 @stardustlv 🌟
If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, let me know! 💜
Chapter Six
“If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Logan thought that if he stared at the photograph long enough, he could live in it. He’d be with the Virgil of the past and they would be happy. No secrets, no dramatic revelations, just the two of them. He wouldn't be lying on the floor on his own, Virgil would be here with him, hand in hand. Just like they had done on many nights during their marriage. His mind was overwhelmed with trying to cling to the past, trying to work out if there any signs that he missed, but he continued to stare at the photograph and begged the memory to come to the forefront. It finally worked and Logan could escape to the past, even if it was just for a little while...
He remembered feeling incredibly nervous as he pulled up to Virgil’s apartment. At this point, they had been seeing each other for six months, but this was the first time he had gone to Virgil’s place and their first official date as boyfriends. He walked up gingerly to the door and searched for his name. Even here, he didn’t have a last name. He shrugged and just assumed Virgil liked his privacy as he pressed the buzzer waiting for a response.
“Hello?” Virgil’s voice was cautious as he answered the intercom.
“Greetings Starlight, it’s Logan.” He took a deep breath as the door unlocked and he made his way up the stairs to Virgil’s front door. He stopped on the doorstep and saw a letter handwritten to Virgil with a small dagger insignia in the corner which he picked up. The front door was slightly ajar and he saw Virgil peering out of the small gap, there was a small glint of something metal in his hand, but as soon as he saw Logan he smiled and threw the door open. He ran out while pocketing the metal thing that Logan couldn’t decipher and lept into Logan’s arms. They spun around before Logan put him down and smiled softly at him, Virgil grabbed his hand and pulled him into the apartment.
He was impressed at the size of the place, and how immaculate it was. He must be in the wrong job if working in HR gives you enough money to rent somewhere like this. Virgil shuffled around uncomfortably so he tried to not look too amazed.
“Do you want a drink or something before we head off to the restaurant? I’ve got pretty much everything, even that wine you like.” Logan saw that he was rubbing his shoulder and wincing like he was trying to get rid of a nagging pain there as he spoke, but decided not to press it.
“Aww it’s sweet that you remembered! I’ll have a glass of the wine, as long as you have one with me!” He winked as Virgil laughed and went off to the kitchen.
“Oh, I forgot! There was a letter in the main hall for you. It’s got a dagger stamp in the corner so I guessed it was something you’ve been waiting for?” There was an uncharacteristic silence as he waited for Virgil to tell him what to do with it.
“Could you… put it in the cabinet drawer please? I’ll take a look at it later.” There was a slight hint of panic in Virgil’s voice, but he did what was asked and walked over to the cabinet and opened the drawer. It was difficult to put the letter in because there were already five or so letters already in there, but still managed to set it in carefully and closed the drawer before moving away.
Logan wandered around the main space of the apartment and noticed a whole collection of photos on a set of shelves. He looked closely at them and saw Virgil with a group of people he didn’t recognize. There was one of him squished between the middle of two guys that were slightly taller than him, he noticed they were all wearing similar wristbands of different colours; one red, one yellow and Virgil’s was purple. Logan smiled, Virgil looked really cute when he was a few years younger. He moved onto the next frame, he was arm in arm with a slightly older man, if he had to hazard a guess that could be his father or someone. The wristbands again were a common theme, the other man was wearing a thicker light blue one compared to Virgil’s purple band. Logan squinted as he saw there was a person lingering in the back of that photograph, he was staring intently at the older man, almost like his sole purpose was to protect him. He wouldn’t have even noticed him if it wasn’t for the bright green wristband.
He turned around suddenly as Virgil coughed from behind him holding out two glasses of wine. He blushed a little and took the glass, he looked down at the floor unsure whether to ask about the photos.
“You can ask me… If you want to.” His eyes shot up, was Virgil telepathic or something? He took a breath before making his choice.
“I’m sorry, I got a bit curious… You haven’t mentioned any friends or close family before. So I was wondering who these people were…?” He smiled in a reassuring way that emphasized that he didn’t need to share any information he didn’t want to.
“… It’s okay. I trust you. These guys are- were, my Family. I moved in with them when I was eighteen. Here…” He gently took the two photo frames, leant against Logan and pointed to the different people.
“This is Roman, then me, and Janus. They were basically my brothers. The… other person is Patton. Practically my dad, that’s how I used to think of him. He was my martial arts instructor for many years until I joined the league- I mean, moved into the Family. My parents had… left, so Patton took me in until I wanted to move on.” Logan opened his mouth about to ask about the person at the back, but looking at how Virgil was biting his lip desperately trying not to cry, he decided to leave it. He took the photos back and set them exactly where they were before an alarm went off on his phone.
“Oh crap, we need to get going Starlight or we’ll be late!” He set the wine glass down that he hadn’t drunk yet, and Virgil downed his quickly before running off to grab a jacket. Logan sighed, that was quite lucky.
They drove to the restaurant with the windows down and music blaring as loud as it could go. He loved watching Virgil singing along to incredibly cheesy pop music, it made his heart swell every time. As they got closer, he turned the music down as he parked the car. He noticed Virgil’s leg was bouncing and he looked a little agitated. So Logan grabbed his hand and squeezed it, he squeezed it back strongly and as soon as they got out the car, he held his hand out halfway for Virgil to take again. From what Virgil had said, he never went out to restaurants very often, so this was a brand new experience for him.
They walked in and Logan gave his name. The girl grabbed the menus and sat them down, she called them an adorable couple before leaving to give them some time to look over everything. He couldn’t help but notice how Virgil blushed at the compliment before staring intensely at the menu. She came back quickly and jotted down their pretty basic order before lighting the candle in the middle of their table and leaving them to it once again. Logan grabbed Virgil’s hand and just gazed at him smiling gently.
“What are you looking at?” Virgil giggled as he noticed Logan staring at him.
“You, and how perfect you are.” He replied back as Virgil blushed an even brighter shade of pink.
“Stop it!” Logan couldn’t help but laugh, and squeezed his hand once again.
The table next to them was then filled by two men about the same age as them and Virgil pulled his hand away sharply. Logan understood why, you never know what people might be like.
“Oh my gosh! Honey, aren’t they just the cutest!!” The taller man in the red shirt squealed and held his hands over his mouth as he looked at Virgil and Logan, they glanced at each other. That wasn’t the reaction they were expecting. The slightly shorter man in the gold jumper rolled his eye affectionately before he stepped forward.
“Oh boys, please excuse my husband… He gets over excited sometimes. Anyway, my name is Nico and this is Thomas. It’s lovely to meet you!” He held out his hand, Logan shook it first and Virgil stopped looking at Nico like he was a threat and shook his hand too, then Thomas came forward to do the same.
“Hi, I’m Logan and this is my boyfriend, Virgil.” He smiled warmly and after Thomas ordered for their table, they talked about everything and anything for the rest of the evening.
The one part of the conversation that Logan always remembered was when they had all received their food and Thomas asked,
“So, come on! Spill the gossip! What’s your favourite thing about each other??” Thomas and Nico were leaning forward, intent on hearing the answer. Logan looked at Virgil, he could only pick one thing? This is going to be difficult. They both stopped eating so they could think of an answer.
“He makes me laugh, on my worst days, he always knows how to make me smile.” Logan was surprised that Virgil spoke first, but he beamed proudly at him. That was a really sweet statement, Nico and Thomas clearly agreed as they shrieked at how adorable it was.
“Yes, he keeps me grounded. There’s no one else’s opinion I care about more than his, he listens to me and no one has ever made me feel as happy as he does.” Logan smiled fondly as Virgil’s eyes welled up with tears slightly. Thomas and Nico had to contain themselves and Thomas clutched his chest as they both cheered.
“Ahh my heart! You two are absolute cuteness overload. Nico, we don’t need desert… these two are sweet enough! Quick, Logan. Hand me your phone, I want to get you a picture of the two of you!” While Logan handed Thomas his phone, Nico snuck off to go and grab the waitress. Logan moved his chair so he was next to Virgil, held his hand and the two of them smiled at the camera and Thomas took a ridiculous number of photos in the process.
“I thought we could get a photo of the four of us? You are our new best friends after all!” Nico asked excitedly, there was absolutely no way they could or would have said no. They all stood up and gathered around the table beaming at the camera, and as they then paid for the bills, they checked the photos and Logan agreed to send them on. He took their phone numbers and gave them Virgil’s as well before heading out hand in hand with Virgil.
As they drove back to Virgil’s apartment, he couldn’t help but notice how much Virgil’s eyes were sparkling, it truly was a beautiful evening. The music was blaring again, and even Logan sang along this time. They reached the apartment way too quickly, he didn’t want to leave yet, but they both got out of the car slowly and walked to the door agonizingly slow. He took both of Virgil’s hands and mustered up all of his courage…
“This might sound crazy, but after tonight I feel like I can say this with absolute confidence. I cannot picture my life without you, and I think it’s very clear now. I love you, with every fibre of my being.” As soon as those words left his lips, he knew that it was right, he didn’t mind if Virgil didn’t say it yet. He just wanted him to know that he was loved and cherished.
“I feel exactly the same, I didn’t want to say it because I thought it would be too early on and I didn’t want to scare you off. I love you too, to the ends of the unknown universe and back.” He felt a weight lift off his shoulders and he pulled Virgil in for a passionate kiss which was eagerly reciprocated. He pulled away and smiled fondly at Virgil who was beaming back at him. He slowly stepped backwards allowing their hands to disconnect as he practically walked on air back to his car.
Logan snapped out of that memory and looked around desperately trying to find Virgil before realizing he wasn’t there right now. That was a perfect night, almost as perfect as their wedding day. There were so many signs that he missed, why did he ignore them? He shut his eyes tight and grounded himself to reality. He needed to clear up the mess first before he even considered remembering the most beautiful day of their life. His phone lit up with some pointless news article, he probably needed to talk to someone before he spiraled into living a fantasy.
Who did he really want to talk to though? Thomas and Nico? Or Virgil?
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Christmas break- Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: 84 & 92 from the 2nd prompt list with Fred Weasley
Prompts: 84. “No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
92.”I love you in every possible way.”
Word Count: 2k
a/n: The confession scene under the stars was inspired by a fic I read a while ago where Fred proposes under the stars near the burrow! Although I cant remember the name:/
also i’d love some feedback if you guys don’t mind, you can drop it in my asks or inbox or whatever, i feel like my writing is getting a little repetitive
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During Christmas break you had arranged to stay over at the Burrow with the Weasleys. Your family had decided to go on a cruise for your parents anniversary, so Mrs. Weasley gladly took you in for the break. You hadn't told Fred though, you wanted to surprise him. It was actually surprising he hasn't noticed you where keeping it a secret from him. He usually figured out your secrets within 0.2 seconds, having been best friends for the last 5 years, it wast really a surprise. So, just before your parents left for their cruise, they had driven you to Ottery St. Catchpole. Being muggle-born, they where very wary of you using magic.
So, as you pulled up to the burrow, you gave your parents a hug and a quick kiss, saying goodbye. You where far too excited to spend your Christmas break here. You had spent the previous night imagining all the scenarios that could happen over the next few weeks. It made you sad to be honest, knowing that they most likely wouldn't happen. But you could hope. You hurriedly knocked on the Weasleys door, waving a final goodbye as your parents got into the car.
Inside the burrow, Mrs Weasley was cleaning up from cooking, her family sat at the table eating, when she heard the knock on the door, she could only assume was you.
“Aww, Fred get the door please, im busy” Mrs Weasley huffed while all his siblings giggled at the table. Did he miss something? He gave his twin a confused look but brushed it off.
“Who is it, we aren't expecting anyone?” He wondered aloud.
“(Y/N)” She stated promptly, throwing a smile at him, preparing for what he would say next.
“WHAT!” He jumped from his seat. The last thing he wanted was to spend his Christmas break with her. Not in a mean way, he loved her and all but that was the problem. He was in love with her. He usually spent his Christmas fantasizing about what it would be like to be in a relationship with her, love her wholly and fully, have a life with her. He was excited, obviously to spend his Christmas with her, but Christmas meant gifts, then he had to get a gift that conveys ‘Ive been secretly in love with you since the day I lay eyes on you but I don't want to tell you in case I ruin our relationship so im going to wait for any smidgen of a hint that you like me, so I don't screw anything up and if that doesn't come then ill wait it out till you get a boyfriend, then ill cry and eat chocolate with George and try to get over it’ vibes, which was hard.
George interrupted his panicked thoughts. “Yeah! Mum invited her over to tell her all about how you drool all over her and daydream about herrrrr ”
“And how her eyes are so god damn dreamy” Ron and Harry had joined in and soon the whole table was reciting Fred's love lines.
“No! Mum don't tell her I said that about her!” He insisted. This had been going on for around 5 minutes while you where still stood outside, so you gave another quick knock on the door, as it was snowing and bloody freezing.
“Get the door!”
“Yeah, don't want to keep the love of your life waiting” Ron said dreamily, but Fred just threw a bread roll at him. He trudged towards the door, conflicted emotions but heart beating with excitement. He opened the door, there you stood, beanie on, snowflakes in your hair, basking in the moonlight, more beautiful than he had ever seen you. He was snapped from his trance by you, enthusiastically throwing your arms around him.
“Freddie! Surprise!” You hugged him and held tightly, having missed him.
“Blimey” He stumbled back from the force of your hug, but grabbed you protectively. “Its only been a week, you missed me that much?” He was right, your break from Hogwarts came about two weeks before Christmas, meaning one week to go. You subconsciously glanced at your case, wondering if he'd like your present.
“Of course I have Freddie! Couldn't live without my partner in crime!” She stated enthusiastically before they heard George shout from the kitchen. “What about me?!” You two laughed it off. You walked into the kitchen, Fred offering to carry your bags.
“How are my favourite gingers doing, and of course Harry?” They cheered as you walked into the kitchen, they all hugged you one by one, and you thanked Mrs Weasley profusely, but she just brushed it off.
“You'll be in the twins room” She smiled, Ron quietly wolf whistled in the background, causing Harry to laugh and Ginny to smack him on the shoulder, hiding a small smile. Fred nudged you.
“Wanna put your stuff upstairs?” He questioned and you nodded, he grabbed your stuff and started heading upstairs, with whoops and cheers behind you from the boys, while Mrs Weasley tried to calm them down.
When you where close to his room you asked the question that had been on your mind. “What was all the cheering about when they mentioned me sleeping in your room?” You questioned innocently.
“uh...” Fred felt a blush creeping up his neck. “its just, they know we’ll be sleeping in the bed, and you know how boys are”
It had never occurred to you that you'd be sleeping in the same bed, the thought made your heart speed up, you assumed you'd be sleeping on the floor.
“Unless of course you don't want to share a bed, id be fine sleeping on the floor” He said smiling.
“Don't be silly, of course we can sleep in the same bed, come on!” You raced him to the top of the stairs, both laughing like crazy.
The next week leading up to Christmas went crazily quickly. And the first night sleeping in Fred's bed with him was possibly a Christmas miracle, at least that's what it felt like. You guys where cuddled up, obviously George had given you the ‘no shagging while im asleep next to you two’ talk. But honestly, it felt right, being there with him. You tried to convince yourselves you where just friends, but that was never the case.
And so the day of Christmas came, and the entire Weasley family and their guests where so excited. Molly had helped Fred pick out something he knew you'd love. So the crackers where opened and candy canes eaten, and it was time to open the presents, you and Fred had waited last to give yours to each other. After everyone had finished giving gifts, they turned to you two expectantly. You ran to your suitcase, gently picking up the box, and Fred went to get his present. You'd returned to the living room, adorned In your own honorary Weasley jumper, clutching the present.
“Ill give yours first?” You asked, he nodded and you handed over the present. He carefully unwrapped it, savouring every moment. He flipped open the lid, and stared at the glinting ring.
“See, its a ring, but it has the first words you ever said to me on it” You giggled, the ring had the first words he had said to you on that train in first year. ‘Blimey, your gorgeous. Wait, what?’ The Weasleys laughed at the fond memory, and Mrs Weasley recalled all the letters she received that year, about the pretty Gryffindor that he was enchanted by.
“(Y/N), i-” He was honestly speechless.
“Oh and also!” She bounced excitedly “Its charmed to show a different picture of us and glows every time you think of mwah!” She giggled and mockingly flipped her hair. God she was perfect. He hugged her, tighter than he'd ever hugged her before. He whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ in your ear, you kissed his cheek and giggled, adding an ‘of course Freddie’. They pulled away and it was Fred's turn to give you his gift. Mr and Mrs Weasley where already tearing up at the scene in front them. Fred delicately handed you a similar box, you slowly ripped away the gold wrapping. Flipping the lid of the white box, sat a ring similar to the one you gave him, but as well as gold it had a purple stripe (your favourite colour) and a green stripe (his favourite colour). You stared at it, it was so beautiful.
“Its a promise ring” He began to explain. “i promise to always be...” He paused, breath hitched in his throat. Your faces where astonishingly close. “Your best friend” He breathed out. It honestly felt like a dagger in the chest, for both of you. You stared into each others eyes, desperately waiting, wanting, willing something to happen. Until you snapped away at the sound of Ron couching and Mrs Weasley shouting everyone for dinner.
Later that night, after dinner and the sun set, You and Fred had decided to go and watch the stars. A comforting act in itself but felt suddenly romantic with Fred. You two lay on a hill at the back of the burrow. Your head on his arm, cuddled up into him. You pointed out a star, Sirius.
“See that one?” You pointed towards the brightest star in the sky. Fred reached past your hand and pointed somewhere in the sky, that was definitely not where you where pointing.
“That one?”
You grabbed his wrist and moved to point it at the star. “See, Sirius, my uncles named after that star, ya know. Isn't it beautiful?” You questioned but Fred wasn't listening any more. Any thoughts of the stars had been discarded, he was only looking at you.
“Yeah, yeah it is beautiful” A small smile lit up his face as he stared at you in the moonlight.
You giggled as you saw Fred's ring glow brighter than any star in the sky. “Freddie, you rings glowi-” You turned to look at him but he was already staring. “What's up?” You questioned, a concerned look on your face.
“i love you in every possible way” He was still staring, a peaceful glint in his eye. Your heart stopped, your breath hitched. What did he just say? You sat up on your elbows and turned to look at him.
“What-” you whispered quietly.
“i love you (Y/N)” He matched your position on his elbows. “Ive loved you since that day I stepped foot into your carriage on the train and accidentally called you gorgeous. Ive loved you since you stood up against that Slytherin in second year. Ive loved you since you played that prank on Snape in third year. Ive loved you since you gave Hermione advice about her crush on Draco in 4th year. I love you under the sun and under the stars, in the Burrow or in Hogwarts or anywhere. I love you now and ill love you forever. I don't care if it ruins our friendship any more because I want you and only you.” You where brought to tears by his speech, and so where all the Weasleys who where watching from the kitchen windows. You threw your arms around him and kissed him. Pouring all the tears and bottled up feelings into the kiss.
“Of course I love you back Freddie, you idiot!” You jumped on top of him and he began giggling, you burst out in a fit of giggles. Mr. and Mrs Weasley watched from the kitchen, knowing his son had finally found the one. That was the most magical and memorable Christmas of your life.
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Chained To Him (8)
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Pairing: Dad Aizawa x reader (platonic), Dad Mic x reader (Platonic), Bakugou x reader (slow build)
Summary: The last rounds in the sports festival
Words: +- 3500
Warnings: Bakugou as an anchor, swearing, realisation of feelings, feeling scared, voices talking to you and to the best dads ever, not paying attention, people fearing you, villain parents, orphan, panicking/ panic attacks, speaking of past trauma, crying, being called Princess and Baby by parents, being carried, cat care, stress, anxiety, dissociating, caring voices, numbness, shock, caring Bakugou, quirks manifesting (graphic but has hyphen before and after), blood, gore, screaming, pain, midnight using her quirk on baby you, scars, spirits.
A/N: This is so sad, im not doing the best and it’s clearly showing in my writing but it fits the story so I quite liked it. I’m thinking of starting a patreon for exclusive fanfics and commissions comment/ask/message your thoughts. 
Tags:  @puppetofyourdreams​ @aurorahoneybuns @star-witchs-blog​ @mha4life007​
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Jumping down the tunnel I threw my hands into the air and my smile never faltered. “You did it,” the voices said and I could even hear the smiles in those voices. I nodded and was taken to where the awards would be held. “You did it yourself” I raised an eyebrow as I walked. “You left that form” I stopped in my tracks and looked down to my hands and shook my head “All by yourself” those two words that I thought controlled my life were just sitting there like they were nothing “It’s him, grounded” I flushed. 
“Bakugou is not an anchor he's a friend” I whispered looking down to the floor, he was just a friend, he was a friend, he was a friend...I wished he was more. A gasp left my lips as I stood and shook my head. “Fuck” I whispered licking my lips. 
I continued to walk and, needing to get underground for the awards. I went down the steps slowly “Scared” the voices whispered and I sighed out, I wasn’t scared of this feeling, I was utterly terrified, he did not feel the same. We were friends and I wasn’t going to ruin that. 
I walked into the room keeping my head low as I walked up to the podium and waited, I just had to wait. Bakugou and Todoroki walked in shortly after and took their places, not one spoke, no one moved. We all just waited. I could hear Midnight talking and then we were being hoisted into the stadium, cheering and screams could be heard as I waited. 
Their cheers were silent, the voices were silent, I couldn’t hear anything. I only stood on the podium and waited. I stood ahead as videos were played and people yelled and screamed as I stood and looked forward. 
“Y/N, Y/N” I looked up seeing All Might with a tilted head and a smaller than normal smile “Are you ok” he whispered and I shook my head and smiled nodding. “You did a very good job today, I am very impressed with your growth” of course he was, he watched me grow, he watched me struggle and lose myself. Just as I was doing right now. “Here they are the winners of this year's sports festival” All Might called out with a smile as he turned to the audience. I stayed still, not moving and just standing there. 
“Fear” I looked down and sighed out “People fear you” I cracked my neck and breathed a little heavier “Fear power” I swallowed thickly, my throat was so dry “Fear where you got those quirks” I felt my hands balled into fists and breathed out again. I noticed both Bakugou and Todoroki turned their hands to me. No one knew people had similar quirks all over the world, I’m sure there was someone who could control chains just like me, it was a normal quirk “Those chains” I grit my teeth “Your mother” I don’t have a mother, I had two amazing and loving fathers who rescued me. “That board in your chest” I grit my teeth more “Your father” no one knew about either of them, only Dad and Pa knew, they saved me. They are my family “Fear you” it was a scary quirk, it was unusual and unusual quirks are scary that’s normal. I heard a hum close to my ear “Will protect you” I knew they would “No one will hurt you again” I felt my chest burn and sighed out slowly, I looked down and saw the scars “In here, with you, a part of you” I swallowed. 
I wasn’t listening and soon this was over and I was practically running away from the podium and into the tunnels, I was running faster. I was running upstairs and around corners, I couldn’t breathe, where my parents were. I was running faster, my chest burned. I knew they were trying to help but I was scared, I shouldn’t have shown my quirk off, I should have just lived with it and then lost. I could have won without it, I shouldn’t have done the festival. I was running faster, my breathing uneven and I slammed the door to the box open just as Dad and Pa were closing down all the speakers. 
“Y/N What’s wrong?” I ran into Dads’ chest wrapping my arms around his waist and I could feel the tears coming to my eyes, I wasn’t a villain. I didn’t do villainous things, I was human, I was good. I was going to be a hero. I did want to be a hero. I felt his arms wrap around me and my legs gave out as I fell and he fell with me. I was good, being a villain isn’t genetic. It doesn’t matter what they did, I was innocent. I was just a baby, both of my parents are heroes. “I have to go to class but take her home, I’ll have Midnight give me a lift” I was pried from Dad’s arms and picked up by Pa as I cried into his neck. 
We walked out and I could hear the talking stopped as we passed and went downstairs. I was a teen, I shouldn’t have my Pa carrying me around. “It’s ok Princess” I cried harder. This was meant to be a proud moment, I was meant to feel good, so why was I crying my eyes out as I shook. 
We came to stop and I felt a hand come to my hair “I’ll be home in a few hours ok, Pa’s going to take you home” I felt a kiss come to my head and I felt more tears rise, “It’s ok, I’ll bring home some dinner” the hand left my hair and then we were walking away. 
“Come on Princess, my car is in the parking lot” once at the car, I was placed in and bulked up, Pa smiled and put his jumper over me as I looked forward and soon we were off driving but everything just seemed to pass, I wasn’t computing anything, I wasn’t getting anything. Nothing was going through my brain, I wasn’t picking up anything. Once home I was picked up out of the car and then we walked up the stairs to the house and then I was placed onto the couch, it was soft. A blanket swapped for the jacket “I’ll make some food, you’ve had a long day” I stared forward “I’ll put on a show” Pa whispered and kissed my head as a show was put on as I just stared at the TV. 
I sat in silence as my eyes just stared at the screen and then I felt a lightweight pull on the blanket, my eyes turned and I saw a small black cat looking at me. I looked at the animal made of fluff as he came to sit in my lap. Cats always had a thing with sensing stress and anxiety. My hand pet along with the fluff as I stared at the cat. The other two came and joined me on the couch, white and ginger. We didn’t have creative names, Coal, Snow and Ginger, it fit the look and we usually just called them the baby. 
They all sat around my lap as I sat in the corner of the couch even though there was space to put my legs out I kept them crossed, Coal was in my lap after all. Snow sat next to my hip and Ginger in front of me with her head on my leg. I smiled, it didn’t reach my eyes but it did make me feel a little better. I wasn’t paying attention to the show, only the cats. I just wanted to feel their warmth. Coal was my cat, Snow for Dad and Ginger for Pa, but right now they all paid attention to me. 
“Oh they seem to be in a good mood today, Ginger never sits with me anymore,” Pa said sadly and placed himself on the couch a small bowl placed on the table of my favourite noodles “Eat when you’re ready” he smiled and I looked back down to the cats and started paying attention to the show that was on. 
I was watching and then the door was opening yet the cats never moved from their spots on me and the couch. “Hey” Dad spoke softly and kissed my head “I haven’t ordered yet, finished earlier than expected, but I’ll order something in an hour or so” I nodded “Mic I have some groceries, care to help” we all knew that meant he had no choice and so Pa left me and the cats. 
Aizawa P.O.V
Walking into the house it felt gloomy, not right. It wasn’t right, it wasn’t ok. I saw Y/N on the couch and as I looked down I could see all the cats laying around her but what I noticed more was the uneaten food in the bowl on the table, she never missed out on those noodles, something was wrong. Walking into the kitchen with Mic he sighed out and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“She’s been sitting there since we got home, she hasn’t said anything and is just looking at the TV like it’s the most boring thing in the world. I don’t know what’s wrong, we shouldn’t have let her participate today” Mic’s hands left his hair and fell beside him “What did I miss” he sighed.
“I don’t know, the cats never get together. The class asked where she was and I just had to say she wasn’t feeling well. Bakugou and Todoroki didn’t believe it, I think something happened before the awards ceremony” I looked down and shook my head not quite knowing what to do. “I saw she didn’t eat,” I added. 
Mic shook his head sadly “No she didn’t, she’s just staring at the TV or the cats” he shook his head again “On the way home she just stared out the window like she wasn’t present and I even had to carry her to the house. It’s like she's shut down” I looked down and pushed my hair back at my husband's words. 
“It’s the first time she came back without help, Bakugou's fight, she was so focused on winning that she just did it. Did something happen” I whispered and swallowed as I began to put away the food, not needing help? I needed to talk to my husband. Mic nodded. “Let’s just spend some time with her, they have two days off to regroup and get all their strength back. I think she needs it” Mic nodded again. 
“Fear” we both perked up at those words, it was that voice that always spoke when we were playing games and couldn’t find her. Those voices that continuously spoke to her. “Fear of the audience” I was confused, what was this voice talking about. A small laugh was heard and I felt uneasy “People noticed the quirk, who it’s from” my eyes went wide as I looked at Mic. Her biological parents, the villains that left her to be killed so they could getaway. “She is quite upset” I looked down, she had always been self-conscious of that quirk. “Noticed the fear of power” I nodded and understood. “She wants pancakes” I let out a laugh and nodded “With syrup” 
I walked out to the lounge room “Y/N” her head turned as she looked, eyes blank and hand mindlessly petting the black cat happily sleeping in her lap. “I was thinking instead of takeaway for dinner since you won. What about pancakes” her face slowly widened into a very small smile but it was there. 
“I’d like that” she whispered, her voice so small and quiet but I nodded. “With syrup” she added her eyes filling with a little colour. She hasn’t been like this in quite a while but with those words from that voice. I knew what was wrong with her, she was in a state of shock. Her past may never leave her but I hope she can move on at some point. 
I nodded “With syrup” then I walked off back into the kitchen to make those pancakes, with syrup. When walking in I saw Mic getting the ingredients ready and on the bench.  
“It’s time to get these pancakes ready” he sang into the air with a wide smile and breathed out. “Let's get this party started” I nodded and smiled with a light kiss to his lips. 
It felt strange, I hadn’t felt this way in quite some time. The numbness that comes from shock and realisation. I regret going into the sports festival, I regret the looks and beating hearts. I regret the fact that both my parents probably knew what was going on. I had no idea what I was meant to do but I just sat and pet the cats. I felt my pocket vibrate and moved to grab my phone, unlocking it and my eyes adjusted to the message. I stared at the message for a solid minute just trying to focus on the words. 
“Where were you after the festival?” those were the words my eyes slowly drifted to the name of the sender, who sent that. Someone from my class? A teacher, who was it. I stared at the message and my eyes adjusted to the name “Bakugou” I nodded slowly. Bakugou, Bakugou messaged me. 
My fingers moved slowly to reply “Not feeling the best” I couldn’t tell him my feelings sent me into a spiral of my abandonment issues and people hating me due to some trying to connect dots. Maybe no one had even heard of my biological parents, perhaps no one realised but what if they did. 
“Aizawa seemed off when people asked” it was almost instant, he was fast at typing and always had been yet I didn’t want to comment. I sighed out, how was I meant to explain this. My feelings for him rose and when they bubbled over all my past regrets bubbles with it. I regretted my feelings, why wouldn’t I? We were fine just being friends. 
“I cried after the awards, just a lot going on” maybe that would deter him, people crying always seemed to bug him, maybe he would just regret his choices and send simple messages of him saying ok and then not messaging again. 
“You looked stressed at the awards, what’s wrong?” I shook my head, of course, he would ask that of course, he knew what I was talking about. Of course, he sensed my problems, he hadn’t figured it out yet though. 
“Just some past issues rose, I’ll be fine in a few days” these issues usually lasted a few days and then fizzled into nothing as I simply came to terms with them. Bakugou was great at everything even just talking, he was amazing. 
“Do you want to talk?” I stared at those messages in that little box for quite some time, far too long for anyone's liking, it was far too long. I was sure he too was thinking the same thing. 
“Not yet” I answered, I doubted I’d ever burden him with my problems but this way he knew I didn’t want to talk about it right now and that he would have to wait until I’m ‘ready’ even though my whole life I doubt I would even talk to my parents about it. I wanted to tell them, I wanted to tell them all my problems but whenever I tried I always changed the topic and moved on quickly. 
“Ok, message me later if you need” I smiled even if it was only a twitch of my lip on a normal day I would be smiling ear to ear. My hands were shaking as I slowly typed out a response, The autocorrect was the only reason he got a reply as I shook. 
“I will, thank you Bakugou” my phone was placed down to my side and I saw Snow look up and then moved to lay on my phone. I didn’t know if she was doing it so I didn’t have to look at the phone or because she liked the heat of the phone. Either way, I was thankful for the screen and the device itself was out of my sight. 
I continued to pet Coals back as Dad and Pa made dinner for the three of us. I had no idea what I was meant to do now. Coal let out a purr and I smiled down to the fluffball as Ginger wiggled his way onto his back and went back to sleep. My eyes dragged to the TV with the show still playing. I'm sure a few episodes ahead from where we started. 
“Talk to dad” the voice whispered like a breeze running through a meadow, small and quiet but could be felt through a shiver “Talk to Pa” I looked down again. I don’t think I was able to tell them my problems just yet, they knew most by just living with me but the constant thoughts and fear of abandonment were starting to get to me. I knew my biological parents were villains but my biological mother carried me and birthed me only to leave me as a way to distract the authorities. When I was young I didn’t care she was a villain, she was my mother but now I wanted nothing to do with her and if I met her I doubt I’d be able to hold myself back from ripping her apart. She left an innocent and helpless baby as a last resort to getting away. I loathed her, I loathed him. I loathed them both. I loathed their quirks and hated them both more than life itself. “They love you” they do, they took me in when I had nothing. I was young and sick, so very sick and yet through all my life, they stayed with me even the first time my quirk came to be. 
All I knew was that I was screaming, I was screaming and had fallen to the living room floor clutching my chest in pain. Tears falling from my eyes, then came the running footsteps. 
“Y/N, Y/N what's wrong” I was screaming when Dad ran over his eyes went wide “Call Recovery Girl and Midnight” I couldn’t hear the response but I was still screaming and crying. “Y/N let me see, let me see what's the wrong baby” I moved my hands though they were now red and I could feel liquid falling from my chest. What was happening, I was only four, I didn’t know what was going on. “Arms up” I put my arms up and he was quickly pulling my wet shirt off me and throwing it to the side. His eyes were wide and breathing quick. “Look at me baby” I met his eyes as my breath quickened. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think. I was only a baby, I didn’t understand these things. 
His hands were wiping my chest and as he looked around, I didn’t understand at the time but he was trying to wipe the blood away. I was drenched and he was trying to see how I had hurt myself though he didn’t find any cuts but something embedded into my skin. 
Soon Midnight and Recovery Girl were running in with All might hot on their tale having brought them I guessed. I was scared and my tears continued as I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs, I didn’t understand the pain and I didn’t understand this would one day be my quirk. 
“Oh my god” Midnight ran over and held my small body in her arms as her quirk took over my breathing room and I was knocked out soon after. My last view was my Dad covered in blood with Mic running in and Midnight holding my small body tight to her chest as the purple mist swirled around. 
That memory never left my mind, I looked down at those scars, all the pain they had caused all the sleepless nights of souls trying to get in the board, how scared they all were. I saw my first spirit at the age of four and a half. Only two months after my blood bath incident. Then it only continued. I was judged in school as people would show up and help me in class or try and scare me with malice intent. I learnt to ignore the spirits who roamed around and only listen to voices. I kept my board open for those who wished to come and go. 
“Hey, Princess, Pancakes ready” I was given a plate with cut-up pancake with syrup “I cut it up for you so the cats wouldn’t get angry” I nodded and took the fork from his other hand as I began to eat. 
“Can Pa and I sit with you baby?” I nodded and we began to eat as I smiled, these were my parents, the ones who risked their lives and careers to take in a villain's child. They were here for me. 
“Thank you for being my parents,” I whispered.  ______________________________________________________________
Chapter 9 in the making
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Hi! This is the first piece of writing I've shared cause i wanted to participate in the writing thing created by @suddenly-im-respecsable i know this is like almost 2 days late so sorry about that. Also sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes and the spacing/paragraphing that's kinda messed up :p
The sky was stormy grey with air that was crisp and cold and blew in large blustery gales that chilled to the bone. Jack Kelly pushed himself against the large glass door that stood between him and warmth, he was cursing himself for not bringing a thicker jumper, not that he’d ever admit he was cold, but god, it was cold. The door cracked open and he practically tumbled into the foyer, sighing in relief as the wall of warm air hit him. Making sure the door was closed properly behind him, he began the climb up the stairs, warming his hands inside his sleeves. As Jack approached his apartment door, he fumbled for the key, fingers still frozen solid. His evasive key stayed buried the bottom of his pocket, slowly annoying him, his patience already worn thin by the cold (it wasn’t even December yet!), but then he heard it. A sound that he had been dreading the whole day. Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’.  Jack sighed, pulling his hand from his pocket and instead pinched the bridge of his nose. Race was home. Opting not to dig through his endless pockets again, he pounded on the door and waited for his roommate to answer, bracing himself for what was to come. Don’t get him wrong, Jack was all for a little holiday cheer, and loved to listen to the carollers down on the streets below, but after listening to Race sing along to the same song for almost a week now, the opening notes sent pure terror into his soul. Race opened the door and the music got louder. Jack had to resist the urge to block his ears. It had started with Race singing quietly a week ago, and even Jack joined in, but that slowly built up to singing louder and louder, then eventually adding the backing track and ruining the song for Jack permanently. Race stood there, singing into a half empty pack of oreos “I won’t even wish for snow! And I-"
“No. No! Not again!” Jack pushed the door open wider and barged past Race desperate to get to his room and try to drown the noise out with headphones and literally any other song. As he speed walked past the lounge room he caught sight of another person, he backed up and saw Albert sitting rigid in the couch staring blankly at the wall across from him. “Four... Four… and a half hours.” Albert’s gaze was unwavering, “He has been playing this on loop… for four and a half hours.” Jack nodded sympathetically.
“I know, I know. There’s nothing we can do but wait for him to get bored.” Albert turned to him.
“But it’s the middle of November…” he whispered.
“I know… I’ve tried to get him to stop for the last week, but nothing works.” Jack sighed, “He can’t keep this up for too much longer.” As if on cue, the music got louder. Albert whimpered. Jack took that as his cue to leave.
It was now 6:42 pm, three and a bit hours since Jack had gotten home, and the music hadn’t stopped. Jack was surprised they hadn’t been kicked out of the apartment by now. Albert left shortly after the fifth hour and Jack wished he could do the same. He even ordered a pizza for himself just to get away from the music for a few minutes. What would it take to make Race stop? Jack was willing to do anything at this point. As he was considering maybe selling soul to make the music end, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” he hollered, already sprinting out of his bedroom door. He bolted down the hallway and skid to a stop at the door. He flung it open and there stood Elmer, wide eyed and with the same hazy look Jack and now Albert had. “Please.” Elmer said. “Please change it.”
“I’ve been trying-“
“It needs to stop. That song has been playing for the last week-“
“I know! I’m living in the same apartment as him! At least you’re down the hall!”
“That doesn’t make it any better! It has wormed its way into my head. I can’t go anywhere without hearing it! It’s bad enough that I hear it almost all day, but when I try to sleep and all I can hear is that damn song, I need it to end! It’s November!”
“I know what month it is!” the door was pulled open wider and Race stuck his head around the side of it.
“Oh hey Elmer! What can we do for ya?” he smiled. Elmer turned to him eyes wide and pleading.
“The music. Please, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t hear myself think, I can’t sleep, I can’t go anywhere without hearing it in my head.”
“Oh!” Race smiled. “Not a problem, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jack narrowed his eyes.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Elmer gave a tired smile and walked off down the hall.
“Have a good night bud!” Race called after him before closing the door. Jack stood there in shock. That’s all it took? Really!? “What’s the matter Jacky-boy? You frozen to the spot or something?” Jack blinked. “Are you still hungry?” Race pressed, “I can cook you up something if you really want. Actually, you look a little pale, are you feeling sick?” Jack shook himself out of his stupor.
“No… I’m just gonna head to bed, maybe listen to some music. See ya in the morning.” Race shrugged. “Alright, good night.” Jack turned and made his way back to his room both annoyed that that was all it took for Race to stop, and thankful that it was finally over. He lay in bed listening to some calming music and trying to get some sleep, but he couldn’t. There was a voice in the back of his head that started to pester him. He screwed his eyes up. No. he thought. Please not another one. But ten minutes had passed and the voice wouldn’t leave him alone, so against his better judgement, he rolled over and changed the song. ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’. He lay back and closed his eyes and felt his body relax as the song filled the quiet room. About halfway through the song, there was a knock on Jack’s door and Race cracked it open. “Hey, I brought you some water.” Jack sat up as Race walked over and took the glass from his hands. “Thanks.” Race shrugged.
“You looked like you’d seen a ghost, can’t have you getting sick on me.” Jack put the glass on the nightstand. “I’m feeling a little better now, Thanks Race.”
“Don’t worry about it. G’night” He walked over to the door. Then turned back and cocked his head. “Really Jack?” he asked. “Christmas songs? It’s only November.” He smiled and closed the door as the pillow Jack threw at his head bounced harmlessly off the doorframe.
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qualityjoonie · 5 years
Sweet Lullaby (JB)
—Im Jaebum X Idol! Reader
— warnings: non but it is not gender specific:)
— word count: 1.8k
A/N : I had this idea for an idol. I wanted to make it gender neutral. If it sucks I’m sorry 🤧 I’m writing this on my phone while I’m in vacation
Your group, MidnightStars, had just finished two weeks of promoting your new single ‘Desired Love’. Your agency, JYP, allowed your group to cover one of your senior groups from JYP Entertainment. From Day6 to Twice to JYP himself, a variety of different artist and different taste along with talent was given to choose from. Each successful group represented the success from the JYP Entertainment.
After given the options to choose and which songs you are able to perform, your group members stared at you and chose GOT7. Snickers were heard in the meeting room after the final decision was made.
You knew all too well why GOT7 was chosen. You have been dating Jaebum for over two years and hid it from the media. Your team, along with GOT7, always teased you for having the leader whipped for you. Your charms caused Jaebum to fall in love with you. If it wasn’t for your clumsiness, you wouldn’t have met your boyfriend during both your trainee days.
With a smile, you texted Jaebum the news about performing a GOT7 song in Music Bank. Jaebum grinned when he opened your message after rehearsing for their upcoming comeback for ECLIPSE. Groans were heard around the practice room after having a small 5 minute break, all tired and exhausted from their tough leader’s orders for perfection.
“What’s going on hyung?” Yugyeom asked, laying down on the practice room floor with his hair sticking to his head as his sweat was gel. “Oh it’s nothing, it’s just (Y/N) told me that MidnightStars are going to sing our song for Music Bank.” Jaebum explained to GOT7, panting in between his words.
Immediately the maknae line got really happy for the sudden announcement. Everyone was happy and excited for the incoming performance from the agency’s new junior group. Jaebum was more excited to see you perform one of his songs with love and passion. He felt like this performance was going to hold a special place in his heart.
It was finally the day of the performance and you were nervous to say. Your white long sleeve shirt was starting to stick to you as you were sweating thinking about the performance. As you were getting ready, GOT7 was back at Jaebum’s apartment ready to support you and MidnightStars. “Let’s take a bet in which member (Y/N) gets to be,” suggested Bambam to his bandmates while he pet Nora. Jaebum rolled his eyes and smirked with confidence and certainty, “We all know who (Y/N) is going to be.”
Jinyoung and Jackson started to make kissing noises while Bambam and Yugyeom added moans to the background to annoy Jaebum even further. Youngjae and Mark were laughing while poor Nora was startled for Coco’s parents loud laughs. “Quiet down, they’re about to perform.” Jaebum a announced and turned up the tv full volume as the MCs announced your groups name for the next stage performance.
You could hear the cheers from your fans outside your earpiece. Your heart beat was loud and echoed through your head. You got to your position with butterflies in your stomach. You didn’t want to mess this up. Not for your team, your fans, GOT7, and especially not for Jaebum. As a instinct, you immediately stared at the cameras as GOT7’s ‘Lullaby’ started playing in your earpiece. All you had to do is sing and dance correctly.
GOT7 were spread out in the living room grinning eagerly in anticipation. They saw your group replicating the formation for the start of Lullaby. The lights were all dimmed low and they couldn’t recognize which member is which, especially when your group has 8 members instead of the 7 GOT7 has. It would be harder to distribute the lines and will lead to the MidnightStars members to cut some of their lines short. Jaebum felt confident you had his part only and not another one of your members.
At the start everything seemed normal except the the extra member in the formation. Everything was fine until he heard your voice sing Yugyeom’s part after Ice, the oldest of the group, finished Mark rap in the beginning.
Jaebum felt worried but then he reassured with himself that it was a just a small line for another member to get another line. As Jaebum’s solo approached, he smirk flew away when he noticed that it wasn’t you singing his part. While he felt stunned, the other members of GOT7 cheered for MidnightStars’s maknae as they sang their leader’s solo.
Yugyeom kept screaming and shoving Bambam as you showed up in the screen singing his lines and executing the choreography with a smile in your face. You no longer felt nerves when you started dancing to the start of Lullaby. You felt the adrenaline going around in your body once you felt the beat and moved to the rhythm.
“Look at how great (Y/N) is doing hyung!” Yugyeom exclaimed while Jaebum stayed unfazed. Jinyoung could sense the irritation Jaebum is feeling from the maknaes constant yelling whenever your shown on the screen.
Your eyes were dark but you kept a wicked smile as you danced Yugyeom’s solo. Every move hit the beat perfectly. You look powerful and it showed for the first time to the whole South Korea who was the main dancer for MidnightStars. You were glad that you could finally dance by yourself rather than as a group for this performance.
GOT7 stayed in awe as your solo came to an end. Jaebum had goosebumps along with Yugyeom. Yugyeom has never seen someone who can dance with so much perfection and great body movement, and Jaebum has never seen you with so much confidence and sexyness in your dance.
As the song’s finale came to an end, cheers from both Jaebum’s living room and the Music Bank audience were loud and chaotic. You smiled, all nerves gone and you were only worried on how you looked during Yugyeom’s solo dance. Jackson and Youngjae congratulated their hyung on having one of the best dancers in the world as a partner, while Mark and Jinyoung started to tidy up the living room after the sudden chaos from MidnightStars performance.
Jaebum’s kept a poker face anytime one of the members talked to him about you or the performance. They could see the look of jealousy Jaebum gives Yugyeom when they talk to each other. Even a blind person can see that Im Jaebum was ticked off for having their partner do another persons line instead of his.
As you said your goodbyes and changed to your jeans and a light weight maroon jumper, you texted Jaebum in hopes to see if he was proud of your performance. The similar ding caught Jaebum’s ears. Seeing it was you who texted him, he didn’t bother to reply back to your message. After 20 minutes of saying bye to fans and taking pictures for the press outside the studio, your members left in groups in separate vans to go either back to the dorm or hit the streets.
You on the other hand, took the van to Jaebum’s apartment. You found it odd that he didn’t text you after having heard your message. You felt that something was wrong as your homescreen was empty from his messages he would’ve sent over 10 minutes ago. It never took him long to respond to you.
Arriving at his apartment, you felt the mood outside his door was staggering everywhere. Laughter was mostly heard, but you could still feel an unsettling feeling.
Opening the door, GOT7 were gathered in the living room with alcohol and delicious chicken. Mark and Bambam greeted with with mouth fulls while Jackson, Youngjae, and Yugyeom ran up to hug you. Jaebum and Jinyoung we’re at the sofa staring at your entrance.
Jaebum tensed up when he saw Yugyeom squeezing you to death. “Wow (Y/N)! You did me amazing!” Yugyeom exclaimed, still having you in his arms rocking back and forth. The entire living room erupted with laughter, all laughing expect for one. You rolled your eyes from having six grown men think like a couple of twelve-year olds.
You noticed that Jaebum continued to stay quiet and kept staring at your bear hug with the giant maknae. He stood up immediately, excusing himself and left towards his room. GOT6 stopped laughing and like looked at each other, already knowing what happened to their leader.
You, oblivious to Jaebum’s reaction to your performance, asked Jinyoung for help by sending hand motions toward him. “He’s mad that you performed Yugyeom’s part and not yours.” Jinyoung explained to you and the team.
“Uh oh, someone is jealoussss!” Jackson said as he shook you playfully. “Go get him, (Y/N). We’re going to go as we finished all the chicken and beers”
Quietly thanking them, you headed to Jaebum’s room. Pressing your ear to the door, it seem quiet. No sound, just pure silence. Slowly opening the door, you saw nothing in the dark room. Knowing Jaebum’s room, as you stayed there’s in mutilple occasions, you went to the direction of the bed.
Although it was dark, you can still see the outline of his body on the bed. Quietly, you went up and layed on his body and hugged him. You can smell his cologne that smelled like pine trees and Christmas. His heart beat went on a rampage having you laying on him like a baby. He was so in love with you.
“Jaebum, babe what’s wrong?” You quietly murmured as you stared at Jaebum while he played with one hand one of the necklaces you have given him for his birthday. He stopped playing for a second, hesitant to answer. He shook his head and continued playing.
Staring deeply in his eyes, you moved up from laying on him to kiss him. You asked again the same question while grabbing one of his hands and holding it on your chest. He too could feel how your heart beats wildly with each other’s presence.
“Why did you get Yugyeom’s part?” Jaebum stuttered a bit. You can hear the disappointment in his question. Finally holding on to his hand, you have it a squeeze of reassurance.
“I’m the main dancer for MidnightStars,” you explain trying to sit up from his body on to the bed, “ The team wanted me to shine in Yugyeom’s routine. They felt that I deserve to show the audience my natural talent.”
With a sigh, Jaebum sat next to you. “ I wanted to be singing your solos and reenact your chic and sexy self to our fans and South Korea. But unfortunately, my team wanted me to be the one who shines the brightest.” Jaebum felt selfish. He understood why your team did it after your explanation, but he felt self pity toward himself for being mad on you having your moment to shine as the rightful main dancer.
“Don’t worry (Y/N),” Jaebum grabbed you again to have him lay down on top of him. You squealed from the sudden shift and pressure, but felt at peace when hearing his heart beat by your head. “I will still love you.”
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
Tumblr media
PAIRING: fred weasley x muggleborn!reader
REQUEST: @im-eating-rn asked “Oh! What about Fred falling for his classmate who is best friend with practically everybody,she's really sweet and intriguing, and her dad is a toy maker, she's a muggle born and she always brings them something awesome.One day Fred and George coming home with roller skates "look what our fine best friend gave us dad, muggle skates" "those are actually roller skates" "cause they roll" Being best Bros with Arthur also, and him pumping Fred up to ask her out finally so she can join them for real,”
WARNINGS: probs swearin
NOTES: cuteeee requesttt ilyyy
WORD COUNT: 1.2k boii my fics are getting longer!! heres to actual story arcs lol
“Fred! George! Over here, guys!” you yelled from the other side of the Great Hall, waving the twins over. Once they approached, you chucked a box at Fred, laughing as he nearly dropped it, before he set it down on the table and opened it, pulling out... shoes? He looked at you, slightly puzzled. “Y/N, I appreciate the thought and all, but why did you get me shoes... is that wheels on the bottom?!”
You grinned at his excitement, before giving George his pair, Fred already ramming his feet into the roller skates. He beamed as he stood up, before his legs slipped, his arms windmilling as he clattered to the floor. Fred sat there, baffled, before valiantly trying, and failing, to get back up. This carried on for about five minutes, George soon joining him, you literally crying with laughter. Finally they both lay on the floor, defeated. You bent down to untie the laces on them, and the twins stood up, picking them up. Fred turned to his brother. 
“You wanna skip Potions and figure out how to use these?” George grinned and high fived Fred, nodding before turning to you and hugging you, mumbling a ‘thank you’ in your ear. Fred followed, although his hug lasted longer, and he kissed your cheek at the end of it, which came as a shock to both you and him. George wasn’t surprised at all, but soon got impatient, dragging Fred off by the arm to test out the skates. “You’re the best, Y/N!”
From weeks after that, it was a common sight to see Fred and George whizzing down the corridors, and a first-year swore he saw Dumbledore using them too. As Fred’s skating skills had been growing, so had his crush on you: he had been skating down the hall, saw you and crashed into a crowd of third years because he was so distracted. It was really becoming a problem, that was the fifth time that had happened. Thankfully, you hadn’t caught on yet, although Fred didn’t know how- he wasn’t exactly subtle.
After a couple weeks of Fred being a stuttering mess around you, it was approaching the Christmas holidays, and for the first time, you were staying at the Burrow for the festive season. You were over the moon to finally meet Mr and Mrs Weasley- they had been sending you jumpers for years now, but you had only heard Molly’s voice through the howlers she sent to the twins.
You were just pulling in to King’s Cross, and you shifted from where you’d been sleeping on Fred’s lap, rubbing your eyes as Fred grinned down at you. “Hello, sleepyhead.” You smiled lazily, stretching. “Sup, ginger ninja.” He snorted, shaking his head. “Never call me that again, L/N. Or I’ll have to bust out some of my snazzy ninja moves on you.” You laughed, before George kicked Fred from across the compartment. “Oi, lovebirds, we’re here. Quit making googoo eyes at each other, I can see Mum and Dad.”
Quickly sitting up, you refused to make eye contact with Fred, embarrassment burning your face. You stood up, mumbling an excuse about needing to talk to a friend, and grabbed your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder and hurrying out. 
Fred groaned, kicking his brother. “Arsehole.” George laughed, shoving him back. “Oh I’m sorry, were you having a moment?”
“Shut up, George!”
From the start, you hit it off with all the Weasleys. You already knew Percy, Ron and Ginny from Hogwarts, and had briefly met Charlie from your first and second year- Bill, however, was a new face, and you got on well. As soon as you met Molly, she suffocated you in one of her infamous bear hugs, and Arthur- well, it’s safe to say he liked you.
More often than not, you and Arthur could be found testing out some of your dad’s products. Arthur liked to enhance them magically- your personal favourite being when he charmed the space hopper your dad had sent you to go much higher, Ron nearly having a heart attack when he saw his dad above the house. You also liked to explain muggle things to Arthur, him fascinated with the most mundane things. On Christmas Day, you gave him a whoopee cushion, and when Harry came to visit he was convinced Arthur had a gas problem.
Of course, you got your Christmas jumper, with [initial] on the front, and you got all the Weasleys muggle chocolate, except for Fred and George. You got George a box, crammed with muggle pranks, and Fred? You wanted to get him something special. Shyly, you handed him a slim rectangular package, wrapped in golden snitch wrapping paper. He looked at you curiously as he opened it; he was expecting the same as George.
As soon as he saw the contents, he smiled- it was a photo of you and him on a broom, zooming around the Quidditch pitch, Colin Creevey taking the photo from the stands. He watched the two of you go round and round, you resting your head on Fred’s shoulder as you laughed, your hair blowing about in the wind.
He pulled you into a hug as Molly took it from him, wanting to get a look at her son and the girl he so obviously liked. 
“Do you like it?” you mumbled into his chest, nerves still coursing through you. He laughed into your hair, squeezing you tighter. “I love it, Y/N. Thank you.”
Molly stood up to put the photo on the mantelpiece, sharing a knowing look with Arthur- their boy was whipped.
It was the day before you headed back to Hogwarts, and the Burrow was a madhouse- everybody was running around, trying to pack. Arthur only had one thing on his mind, however- to talk to Fred.
Finally he cornered him in the kitchen, Molly having distracted you. Arthur sat down at the table with a cup of tea, looking innocently at his son. “So, you and Y/N, hm?” Fred flushed, shaking his head violently. “What? No. Me and Y/N- we’re not- I mean not that I wouldn’t want to- no. We’re not... just no, Dad.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow knowingly. “She’s a nice girl, Fred! We all like her, you like her, she likes you, why not?” Fred snorted, looking down. “She doesn’t like me.”
Arthur frowned. “Oh yeah? How do you know?” Fred laughed bitterly. “Just trust me on this one, okay?”
“Trust me on this one, Fred. Just- talk to her tonight, okay? For me. For your old man.” Fred groaned, grabbing his dad’s tea. “Fine. But I warned you it was going to go wrong.”
But it didn’t go wrong, if the kiss you shared that night was anything to go by. If the next few years of happiness were anything to go by. If that one night, that one wonderful night where Fred got down on one knee, and asked you to spend your life with him, was anything to go by.
It all went right.
aww i actually liked how that turned out!!
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated!!
send an ask if you wanna be added to my taglist.
tags: @shadylittlewonder @blackpinkdolan @hoewkeye @sassy-specter @im-eating-rn @knowledgeisthebomb
requests are closed
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notmuchofarolemodel · 4 years
It's 4 a.m
I'm still awake
Thinking of all the
I've done
I've been told to meditate
it's called 'loving kindness'
the practice.
I was supposed to start by saying kind things to myself
but it became clear that I couldn't do that
I tried sending love to other people.
but I couldn't decide who
so many people deserve
Than I've given them.
does laying
these words
f make me cool? quirky?
f I'm a shallow self-absorbed kid.
r i play ukulele ffs
i hate me
i read three books today. people think im so clever. they're dissapointed when they find out the truth
i have two running commanteries
in my brain
One is where The other is a web
It's like I'm of confusion but
Being constantly. blindingly clear
Watched or Thoughts.
Is it better to have no noise?
when i put the headphones on, i hear nothing. Is it nice? no. my head is echoing. Ah, early morning paranoia. WHO'S CALLING MY NAME? I rip them off. No noise. My clock ticks.
I breathe. Something Hits my window. (under no circumstances look up) but the space between the noise is
a g o n i z i n g l y SILENT.
I don't listen for the noise that could shatter the void. but they're invading my ears like caterpillars, if they liked inhabiting ears. someone's downstairs. Footsteps. They're going to kill us all. "WHO'S THERE?!" I scream. silently. nobody. I'm crazy.
I try to block out the thoughts, and memories of what I've said to hurt people.
I'm too tired to get up
though. Not uncommon. still.
I wish I could write songs.
but I can only do whatever the hell these are.
you know when the teacher falls silent and you know you're in trouble? I hate that.
I hate answering teacher questions
I hate being scared
I have to do the things I hate though
mY hoMeWoRK lOOmS in front of me. like something stuck in a door hinge. I can't shut the damn door on it and enjoy myself.
because i 'NEED' to do the stupid stuff(not what a need is defined as in business studies) but I don't.
adj. (1)/ me
i dislike people
I'm not unhinged but I'm desperate for someone to view me as normal
c a n' t y o u s e e
I act like this as a defense?
If the weirdo does something weird it's because she's weird so it's not questioned, but if other people do the same thing, they're judged ad ridiculed and pitied and Hurt and i don't want that
how can I so crave attention from other people but want to be left alone at the same time?
I don't want to sleep
I don't like the
lying sTILL LIKE a log
thing. Too much thinking.
I can't channel them into anything
When I was little I loved dressing up girly and fixing things. Pretending to build bookshelves with my plastic power tools. building bookshelves with my dad. I'm not asked to help with that stuff anymore. then I'm called lazy? I wonder why?? Hypocrites. I wonder where I get it from.
I gained like [lots of] kilos in a year. Yes growing, and yes hips and shit, yes I was really skinny but still
f a t t y ✓
hm. I need a shower.
It's 5:05 a.m
my parents think I don't get enough sleep anyway. shit.
Last time this happened, they didn't believe me so it's fine.
I'm a tad dizzy.
The world is too awake
For me to sleep
but yet I can only watch it go by.
the moon. How bright
For a ball of cheese.
lockdown is more busy than non lockdown
I feel numb
OW. I dislike emotions.
I wish people would stop commenting.
"you're eating too loud"
*Insert laugh here*
*pitying look*
ok maybe it's not just comments.
the little ones hurt the most
when they didn't expect you to care about something stupid. About you.
I really wanted this jumper (profile pic) but they're sold out and were limited edition. FB said there was one left.
This started as a poem thing.
My pencil is running out.
I wrote it originally in watercolor pencil.
A bit of water and "all gone"
they were my first words .
my logical thought takes over and tells me my irrational thoughts are stupid. And me. I can't tell them apart anymore.
P i L os OPHY
gotta make it into a joke as per usual
hehe I'm nocturnal. ♪
i want my phone back now. It's 7 minutes past 5:05 a.m. I'm sick of thinking.
I need a haircut
I don't like acting anymore because I dislike thinking about my emotions and acting is trying to harness these emotions that I've got locked away
[NOTE: my organs could implode somehow for some reason somehow]
Emotion layered leftovers
1+2 constantly refreshed, not deep, happy sad angry etc.
They're the ones ppl see
3. Stuff. If I trust u, u get this mess
4. Lol idk
5+6 stagnant sad shit. Fermenting.
Haha my therapist would like my emotion kombucha. Yum. I'd like a therapist. Y O M
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bexlynne · 5 years
Time To Go Slumming (Chapter 1)
(A/N): Hey!  I’m finally writing again, after over a year of not!  I’m very happy to be doing what I love again.  I’ve been working on this story for close to a year, and I’ve finally written enough of it that I’m ready to start posting!  Let me know what you think of the story and my OC’s, and let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates of this story! Trigger warnings for this chapter: use of the word ‘whore,’ sexual harassment, violence, mentions of death.
Spot paced back and forth along the roof, fingering the gold finial on his cane. Every so often he stole a glance at the street down below, keeping an eye on his boys. They were just starting to get home, trickling into the lodging house in twos and threes as the sun started to go down. He kept a mental tally, swearing under his breath when he came up two short. The two he was looking for, of course.
"Extra, extra!" Riddle shouted. Her voice carried even to Spot's ears, a block down and two stories up. "Maniac on the loose in 'Hattan! Hundreds flee the city!"
Hot Shot grinned, cupping his hands around his mouth to bellow his own headline. "Unda'paid milkman drives truck through factory! Death count high!"
"Mayor falls in love with seagull!"
"Drunk jockey at Sheepshead runs race without a horse!"
"Drunk vaudeville singer falls off stage mid-song!"
Spot shook his head in disgust, watching as a man stopped them a few feet from the lodging house. He took the pape from Riddle and handed a coin to Hot Shot, touching his cap to both of them before he left. I didn't think it was possible. These two is worse than Kelly.
Pushing himself up from the railing, Spot brought his fingers up to his mouth and let out a piercing whistle. Both newsies looked startled, and he pointed at them with his cane. "Both of ya!" he called. "Get up here." Hot Shot let Riddle slide to the ground, leading the way to the fire escape ladder. Spot could hear them bickering even from where he stood.
"Ladies first," Hot Shot said with a bow.
Riddle took a step back with a shake of her head. "Not a chance. I ain't gonna have ya checkin' me out as I climb the ladder."
"I had ya on my shoulders all day and didn't try nothin' once, what are ya talkin' about?" Hot Shot said indignantly.
"Ya can neva' be too careful," Riddle said in a singsong voice.
"Yeah, since ya care so much 'bout bein' careful," Hot Shot teased.
Riddle parked her hands on her hips with a scowl, like the older boy didn't have a good six inches on her. "Says the fella who let me fall."
"It was an accident!" Hot Shot protested.
"Twice?" Riddle scoffed.
Spot rolled his eyes. "Would you two cut it out an' just get up here?" he yelled down the ladder. He resumed his agitated pacing, muttering to himself. "Why can't ya just act your age?" he said under his breath, casting a baleful glare in their direction.
Hot Shot pulled himself up onto the roof, giving Spot a nod and pausing for a second to give Riddle a hand. She sat down right where she was, leaning her back against the railing and stretching her legs out in front of her. "I wanna sleep," she said with a yawn. "Is it time for bed yet?"
"Quit your gripin', I did all the walkin'," Hot Shot said good-naturedly, nudging her leg with his foot. He reached into his shirt pocket, taking out a slightly squashed hunk of bread and tearing it in half. "Ya eat yet today?"
Riddle sat up straighter, reaching out for it. "No," she said, a note of bitterness in her voice. "Those old bats don't give me a second glance. Judgmental old hags."
Both boys' heads whipped in her direction. "Riddle!" they said at the same time. Spot's tone was scolding, and Hot Shot sounded horrified.
"Ya can't just insult nuns!" the Italian said, his dark eyes wide. He performed the sign of the Blessed Cross, making Riddle -the only one of them who wasn't raised Catholic- roll her eyes.
"Whateva' ya say," she said drily. "My point is, they won't give me food. They think I's some kind a' whore."
Spot grunted. "Ya are a whore."
Riddle opened her mouth to protest, then she changed her mind. "Fair enough." She sat back against the railing, chewing her bread, and Hot Shot dropped down beside her to count out the days' earnings, dividing the coins into two neat piles. Spot waited impatiently for them to finish, tapping out a beat with his cane on the ground.
Most people had a way of getting on his nerves, these two only slightly less than others. They could be irritating enough most days, but these two -the cool-headed Italian and the fiery, flirty gypsy girl- were part of his inner circle, somewhere between allies and friends. Hot Shot was the same age as Spot, fifteen, and the two of them had been fast friends since they were eleven. The other boy had Spot's level head for leadership, but without the quick temper that so often got Spot into trouble. His easy-going nature and the way he kept his temper under control made him a valuable second-in-command to have.
Riddle was a year younger, and the only girl living at the Poplar Street lodging house. She had been only ten years old when she had somehow charmed her way past house manager Mr. Crawley and into the ranks of the Brooklyn newsies, and she hadn't lost any of her skill since then. Then again, she was a lot less trouble back then, and old Mr. Crawley's heart was a lot softer. Either way, her quick thinking and out-of-the-box ideas had earned her a place close to Spot... in more ways than one. She had a few other attributes he was fond of, too.
Finally, Riddle swallowed the last of her bread and looked up, her violet-blue eyes meeting Spot's. "What'd ya need us for?" she asked, starting to untie the length of twine securing one of her braids.
Spot rolled a cigarette between his fingers before striking a match against the concrete and lighting it. He didn't miss Hot Shot's flinch as he did so, or the way he tugged his shirtsleeves down further and wrapped his arms around his torso. Spot saw it all -he saw everything- but he ignored it, blowing out a breath of smoke. "I's been hearin' things from me boids," he said. "There's whispers of a turf war brewin', ova' in Queens."
The other two exchanged glances. "So?" Riddle said cautiously. "Queens always fights ova' boundaries. Stretch is a good enough leada', he keeps 'em in check."
"He did," Spot corrected with a grim smile. "'Til they found 'im in the river."
He kept that eerie smile on his face as Riddle let out a gasp and Hot Shot muttered a curse in Italian. "A'right," Hot Shot said after a moment. "So they's without a leada', and they's fightin' with themselves. What's that gotta do with us?"
Spot rolled his eyes, running his fingers down the length of his cane. "'S only a matta' a' time 'fore a new leada' rises ta the top. New leada's is full a' bluff an' bluster. First thing he'll wanna do is try ta prove himself by takin' Brooklyn."
"Ya don't know that," Hot Shot said with a slight frown.
Spot took a seat, propping his feet up and letting his cigarette dangle from his fingers. "Ya wanna bet? I'se been around long enough ta see three guys take ova' Queens. Neither a' you was here, but Jumper always stomped 'em out quick 'fore they could do any damage." He noticed Riddle stiffen at the mention of the old leader's name, and he was curious as to why. Carefully, he filed that information away before finishing his thought. "We's got a chain goin', and I ain't lettin' myself be the weak link. Brooklyn don't fall, not on my watch."
Riddle rearranged her features carefully, building up her mask of indifference before she spoke again. "That why we ain't allies with them like we are with 'Hattan?"
Spot studied her appraisingly. "More or less," he said finally. "If me boids is right, they'll have a new leada' come summa'. We's'll hafta be on our guard 'til then, make sure they don't try nothin' while it's still every man for hisself. I want ya ta stay away from the borda', Riddle."
"I don't go there, anyways," the girl said, shaking out her hair and stuffing the twine in her pocket. "Too close ta Blade's territory."
"Don't talk about him," Spot snapped. "I ain't in the mood."
Riddle frowned. "I ain't talkin' bout nothin'," she said. "You's the one who brought it up."
"I didn't bring nothin' up," Spot countered. "I just told ya-"
"As entertainin' as this is," Hot Shot cut in. "I'm out. It's too late for sparks ta be flyin' between you two. I's headed ta bed."
Spot glanced up, surprised to see the moon high in the sky. "Yeah, that's prob'ly a good idea," he agreed. "Whaddaya say, Rid? Let's save the sparks flyin' for the bedroom."
Riddle shifted her position to sit by Spot. "Sounds good by me," she said, her hands traveling up his suspender straps to rest behind his neck. Her slender fingers tangled themselves in his hair, and a playful smirk crossed her face. "Let's save the real fun for lata'."
"Yeah, I didn't need ta hear that," Hot Shot stated, scooping up his coins and getting to his feet. "'Night, sorella," he added to Riddle, handing her her share.
Riddle slipped the coins into her pocket and gave him a little wave. "'Night, Hot Shot," she said, laying her head back on Spot's chest. It was only a few moments before his restless energy was back, and he pushed Riddle off of him and crossed over to the railing.
The gypsy girl stood up with a sigh. "I should head down, too," she said. Spot didn't turn, didn't even seem to hear her. "Are ya comin'?" she pressed, wrapping her arms around her waist.
He glanced back at her. "Nah, I'm good up here," he said. "G'night."
Riddle waited a moment, but he was apparently done talking to her. "Night," she said, turning to find the ladder.
"Up and at 'em, boys!" Crawley yelled through the open doorway. He heard a few muffled groans from inside and rolled his eyes, stepping through the doorway and into the darkened room. He was instantly hit with the smell of unwashed socks, teenage boys, and wool clothes drying on the radiator. "C'mon, get up, get up," he scolded, crossing to the first bed he saw and giving the boy in it a shake.
The boy -Tracks, judging by the shock of red hair poking out from under his blanket- swatted Crawley's hand away. "Lea'e me 'lone," he mumbled, curling up tighter.
The house manager shook his head in response, a grin spreading across his face. "C'mon, boys! Up and at 'em!" he ordered, flicking on the lights. He opened the windows for good measure, shivering slightly at the draft. With a glance at Spot's empty bed, he ducked out of the room and took the attic stairs two at a time to wake Riddle. "You up, girlie?" he asked, rapping on the wooden door.
"Yeah, I's gettin' there," the girl called from inside.
"Spot better not be in there with ya," he warned, not budging an inch.
He heard a pause, a snap of suspenders, and then- "oh, Mr. Crawley, we would neva'."
"Don't you try that on me," Crawley retorted, rolling his eyes. "Ya may have those boys all wrapped up in those pretty little fingers a' yours, Miss Ridley, but not me. Where's Conlon?"
The thin door couldn't muffle her laughter, prompting him to roll his eyes again. "No idea. He was up on the roof all night, came down the fire escape. He passed my winda' on by. It was about four, I think. Ain't seen him since then."
Crawley shook his head, turning back to head down the stairs. That boy. Pausing outside the bunk room door to yell a few early morning encouragements to the boys -"Hurry up, ya lazy bums! My ol' granny moves faster than all y'all, God rest her soul!"- he strode into the front room and dropped into his desk chair.
"Mornin'," a voice said, causing the man to jump a foot into the air. Spot stood in the doorway to the kitchen, leaning against the jamb with a smirk on his face.
"Land sakes, boy!" Crawley sputtered, his southern drawl coming out thicker than usual. "Scarin' me nigh ta death like that."
"Calm down, old man," Spot said, leaning lazily against the desk.
"Old," Crawley muttered indignantly. "Ya better watch that mouth a' yours, boy. I'm twenty-five, and ya know it."
"The boys givin' ya trouble?" Spot asked knowingly, ignoring the threat.
Crawley waved a hand dismissively, sitting back down. "Boys'll be boys."
"Not on my watch," Spot said darkly, pushing up from the desk and heading up the stairs.
Riddle passed him on her way down, dressed in a green-and-blue checked shirt and gray trousers, her cap stuck in her back pocket and her hair tied up in braids. "Mornin', Crawley," she said sweetly.
The Texan softened some, sending the girl a fond smile. "Good mornin', darlin'."
Spot rolled his eyes. "Suck up," he hissed to Riddle as he breezed past.
Riddle grinned, flipping him off behind Crawley's back.
"Hey, that ain't very ladylike," a voice drawled from the top of the stairs. Sting sauntered down to stand next to Riddle, his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall, just a little too close for her liking. "What about me? Don't I get a good mornin'?"
Riddle crossed her arms over her chest, sliding back a step out of the older boy's reach. Sting- seventeen, always pushing the envelope and a constant thorn in Spot's side. And, by extension, Riddle's. "Good mornin'," she said stiffly.
"Not good enough," Sting said, snatching up one of her suspenders and tugging her towards him. His tone was joking, but his eyes were cold as ice.
"Let go," Riddle said irritably, yanking the strap out of his hands and snapping them up on her shoulders.
"Ohh, I see how it is," Sting said with a grin. "You's Spot Conlon's whore, but when it comes ta the rest of us you's man-shy."
Crawley got to his feet, but Spot beat him to it. "Sting," he said brusquely from the landing. Crawley felt a smile spread slowly across his face. For all his faults, Spot had a radar when it came to Riddle. It made Crawley's job that much easier.
Spot moved down to the bottom step, folding his arms and gripping his cane tightly. "Ya got somethin' ta say ta Riddle?"
Even on the step Spot was about two inches shorter, but Sting's resolve wavered. "No," he muttered.
Sting shifted uncomfortably as Spot's gaze burned into him. "Somethin' ya got ta say ta me? Thoughts on how I run the place?" When he didn't get an answer, Spot's arm jerked up without warning, clipping the bigger boy's jaw with the head of his cane. "Get outta my sight," he ordered. One hand flying up to cradle his chin, Sting fled without a word.
Riddle bit her lip, smiling slightly. "My hero," she teased, wrapping her arms around Spot's neck. She pressed a quick kiss to the side of his neck, right below his ear.
Instead of grabbing her waist and pulling her closer, like he usually did, Spot batted her off. "I's gotta get the boys," he said, sliding his cane through his belt loop without looking at her. "They take too long." He spun on his heel and headed for the staircase.
Crawley hesitated, still standing behind his desk. "You okay, girlie?" he asked, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Riddle glared at Spot's retreating back. "I's fine," she said shortly. "Tell Hot Shot ta hurry it up, will ya?" Shrugging out from under Crawley's hand, she pushed through the front door and let it close with a bang.
Crawley sighed, leaning back against the desk. "It's too early for them to start with this," he muttered.
Riddle was leaning against the red brick wall of the distribution center when the boys got there, poring over a copy of the day's paper. "We get paid ta hawk the papes, not read 'em," Hot Shot said, snatching it out of her hands and examining the headline.
Riddle bumped against him with all her weight, but the Italian boy barely wobbled. "Gotta check out the merchandise," she said. "Figure out the angle for the day."
"Fair enough," Hot Shot said with a shrug, handing the paper back. "Why'd ya skip out on us?" he inquired.
Riddle fiddled with the chain around her neck, sinking down to sit cross-legged with her back to the wall. "Don't see no point in waitin' 'round for the nuns, not when I don't get nothin' outta it," she said finally, spreading the paper out in front of her. "Figured I's'd get here early, beat the crowd."
"Good plan," Hot Shot agreed. "'Cept I don't have my papes yet, so you's still gotta wait."
Riddle threw a bundle of papers at his chest, a smirk spreading across her face. "Ya owe me forty-five cents," she said.
Hot Shot dug around in his pocket and flipped her a fifty-cent piece, deftly catching the nickel she tossed his way with the other hand. "Let's get movin' then, whaddaya waitin' for? We's wastin' daylight and losin' customers." He let his bundle of papes rest on his shoulder, pushing his long dark bangs out of his eyes. "Usual spots. Yell if ya get inta trouble, 'kay Rid?" When a moment or two went by without an answer he tried again. "Rid. Ridley," he said in a singsong voice. "Riddle!"
His selling partner flinched, her violet-blue eyes snapping into focus. "What? Jeez, Hot Shot."
"Bad mornin'?" he asked, the corner of his mouth lifting in a grin. "You was blankin' out."
"Shuddup," Riddle said, ducking away from him. "I don't blank out. I was plottin' out my sellin' patterns for the day," she added primly.
"Sure," Hot Shot said knowingly. "Flirt with anythin' that moves and beg for money. Takes a lotta thought ta plan that one."
"Didn't I tell ya ta shut up?" Riddle protested, dodging the hand that reached out to ruffle her hair. "Get out there, we's got papes ta sell. I ain't buyin' your dinner for ya tonight."
"Yes, ma'am," the older boy said with mock severity. "Ya won't see me again today." Shaking his head with a smirk, he headed off towards Prospect Park. "I'll take the south side a' the park, you take the north."
"No... Hot Shot!" Riddle yelled after him. "Wind's comin' from off the bay. You'll sell more on the east side."
He grinned, halting in his tracks. "Grazie per il consiglio, sorella," he called back, not bothering to turn around. "Stai attento." He knew she most likely didn't know that phrase, but he also knew that he was confused practically every time she tried to give him advice, so he figured they were even. Taking a deep breath, he set out to face the day. Take it one thing at a time, Hot Shot. For now just work on sellin' your first pape.
"Ma'am!" he said, falling into step beside a woman pushing a pram. "Have ya read today's paper? There's some kind a' maniac loose in the park, ya might wanna find a different route for your walk. A penny'll buy ya all the details."
I can do this. Today's gonna be a good day.
Italian translations:
Sorella - sister
Grazie per il consiglio, sorella. - Thanks for the advice, sister.
Stai attento. - Be careful
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Married Girl
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I sighed grabbing some things since those goon boys took over whitey’s kept to himself a lot, I’ve only seen him lately in the bar so I wander over to his place and knock on his door I stood a couple seconds there was a clear chatter inside a few little strange noises till the door opened a little and whitey stood there his hair a mess, his pants undone a little only in his shirt sorting himself out a little as he opened the door not letting me see anything inside 
“Uhh Hiya Maggie, did ya want somin’?” he asked 
“Yeah, came to check up on ya, what’s going on?” I ask looking him up and down
“Ohhh I uHh Uhhh nothing” he stuttered
“Its okay, I’m off anyway” a voice smiled the door was opened a little more and I saw Y/n one of the ladies in town just doing up a button on her dress “see ya later” she smiled giving his cheek a kiss before she went off towards her house he just looked a little sheepish stood in the doorway
“let me in right now whitey before I kick your ass” I tell him so he let me in sorting himself out a lot better now getting his jumper on and doing his pants up sitting at the table with me
“what?” he asked
“what was y/n doing here whitey?” i ask him and he just looked at the floor “well?” i ask
“visiting” He answered still not looking up from the floor
“Yeah visiting, why did you two need to get your clothes on?” i ask him
“Uhhh we Uhh… we spilt dinner” he answered
“Bullshit whitey, I dont want the details just tell me what happened” I tell him
“she slept with me” He blushed “but not like sex!” he added “Just sleep, after what happened with Rob and all, she doesn’t get a lot of sleep on her own, so she comes over and just sleeps with me” he explained
“So what you just lay i bed together?” I ask a bit confused
“Pretty much, sometimes we cuddle, sometimes just our underwear if its hot” he explained finally looking up from the floor
“don’t let the town know you’re doing that, every other widow in town will be snuggling in ya bed whitey” I laugh making him chuckle too “how long has this been happening?” I ask him
“since the accident” He answered
“you love her don’t ya?” I ask him 
“what no” he laughed and I just look at him “Yes” he sighed “I can’t help it, she’s the only girl around her my own age, and she’s beautiful and just wonderful, of course, I love her, It broke my heart when she married that - bastard, he never treated her right, never took care of her” he explained 
“be that as it may whitey, by eyes of the law she’s still a married woman” I explain “Just because her husband ain't here, doesn't mean she’s not married” I explain “she’s a married girl whitey, and if the town finds out about all this, even if you haven't had sex with her won't stop them lynch’en ya off the tree”
“I know” he sighed … 
I sighed getting in from work slipping off my jacket and sitting on my bed a moment till there was a knock on my door “it’s open” I sigh and within a couple seconds y/n walked in with a little basket and a huge coat on
“Hi whitey” she smiled
“Hi” I smile at her “You ready for bed?” I ask her and she nods putting her basket on the table and slipping off her coat leaving her in just her little nightie putting her coat on the hook with my jacket grabbing her basket a moment getting a little box out her basket as she came over sitting next to me 
“I made you some cookies” she smiled
“aww y/n thank you” I tell her giving her hand a little kiss making her blush a little so I put the cookies on the table next to my bed as we got comfy in my bed and she happily rested her head on my chest as well as one of her arms so we both relaxed a little very used to doing this every other night
“whitey?” she whispers sound very sleepy
“yeah?” I ask her
“humm?” she moans rubbing her face close to my chest
“Ohh right” I laugh sitting up a little and stripping my shirts off so she could rest against my bare chest...
I just got in from my shift in the office sighing as I slipped off my jacket as I stepped through the door till I saw a person laying on my bed I went over and it was y/n laid snuggling with my pillow 
“Hi y/n whatcha doin’ here?” I ask her gently stroking her cheek waking her up a little 
“I couldn’t sleep” she smiled as she opened her eyes to see me
“but you were gone so I snuggled with your pillow, you don’t mind do you?” She asks sweetly 
“Course not” I tell her stripping my shirt off and getting into bed with her letting her cuddle with me
 “Umm I missed you" she smiled snuggling closely to my bare skin 
“thats sweet, I missed ya too” I tell her
"I had a thought ya know whitey” she smiled 
“Ohh? Bout what?” I ask her 
“I don’t think it’s sleeping with someone I miss” she smiled “ it’s not the sleeping beside someone or the cuddles I think…I just like snuggling with you” she explained sitting up a little
“where are you going with this?” I ask her a bit confused and she just smiled moving forward and kissing me I instantly melted into her kisses holding her waist gently pulling her closer she smiled into the kiss a little our kisses getting more passionate the longer they went on till I pulled away
“Y/n...I- I really want to keep going, but you're married,”I tell her
“But whitey, rob’s gone” she sighed
“I know, but you’re still a married girl” I tell her
“whitey. rob’s long gone even if he did come back, I don’t want to be with him, he treated me so badly” she explains “You treat me so nicely whitey, I’m sorry I let my father convince me to marry rob, If I had it my way ,I would have married you” she explains
“Yo- You would?” I ask her in shock
“I would have whitey” she smiles snuggling her head into my neck
“I love you y/n, I always have” I told her
“aww whitey, I kinda guessed I love you too” she smiled giving me another sweet kiss “come on you’ve got work tomorrow” she smiles so we laid back down a little closer her head on my bare chest her leg around mine, her hand holding mine tightly often playing with my fingers so I did it a little too, my other hand stroking her soft hair as she sighed happily both of us drifting off to sleep
“Shhh” she told me as she snuggled closer to my bare skin the covered tucked in tight as it was a little chilly tonight
“I know you want to sleep I’ll shut up” I laugh
 “No I don’t want to sleep just yet, I like chatting with you” she smiled kissing up my chest and around my neck
“Then why-” I began a little confused
“Just shh I don’t want someone to hear us” she giggled giving my lips a sweet kiss before she moved down a little her head going under the covers I was a bit confused for a second before I felt her soft hands on my half hard cock I grabbed y pillow in shock trying not to moan as she pressed soft tender kisses up my shaft to my head and lightly kitten licking it over and over 
“Uhhh Y/n” I moan but she stops
“shhh” she told me before taking every inch of me in her mouth I bit my mouth so hard trying to keep myself quiet as she sucks hard and fast I knew I was close so close it wasn’t going to take much she sped up pumping with her other hand and I came in her mouth with a groan and a grunt my cock twitching a little as it left her mouth and she sat back up swallowing the last of my seed 
“Whoa!” I tell her “that was...unexpected” I laugh
“did I do okay?” she asked a little nervous “Rob always said i was shit at it” she sighed
“Okay? you did amazing, I mean that, Best I’ve ever had” I tell her giving her head a little kiss
 “I'm off I have to go see the dry goods man about something …” she smiled getting up and getting her normal dress on
“Okay, will you be back later?” i ask her getting comfy in my bed watching her get dressed
“Of course I will” she smiled giving me a little kiss even if it turned into about four kisses before she went off to go do whatever she needed to do till there was another knock on the door 
“It’s open” I tell them
“ You alright?” Maggie asked as she came in
 “Yeah she just uhhh took it out of me” I smirk
“How so?” she asked
 “She uhhh” I smirk miming what she did to me
“Ohhhh” she laughed “having fun with your married girl then?” she asked
“Um she knows what a guy likes” I smirk..
“Hey whitey” Y/n giggled coming in from doing some hunting out by the fields
“Hey, I missed you,” I tell her
“I missed you too” she giggled climbing into bed with me 
“Don’t you want a cuddle?” I ask her
“well okay” she smiles turning away from me so I wrapped my arms around her cuddling her closely “Ummm whitey you have missed me haven’t you” she smirked
“what?” I ask her a bit confused
“this whitey” she giggles moving her arse against my cock
“Ohh? so, could we have a little fun” I smirk giving her a few sweet little kisses 
“Okay whitey, but I don’t want to move” she complains
“well can I still?” I ask her
“course whitey” she smirks so I pull her dress up a little as she moves a lot closer to me making it alot easier to slip inside her 
“Ummm y/n” I smirk bitting her neck a little harder holding her tightly trying not to make to much noise
“having fun whitey” she smirked 
“Ummm yes darlin’” I moan thrusting even faster holding her tighter till I finshed inside her “You are amazing” I tell her giving her a few little kisses and slipping out of her cuddling her a little more 
“hehe, whitey” she giggles turning to face me and giving me a few little kisses “You like doing that don’t you” she giggles
“Of course I do, you’re so beautiful, its hard to resist you” I smirk giving her more kisses ...
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phan-of-the-pen · 6 years
I Dare You To Stay: Chapter 9
Tags for chapter: fluff, mentions of depression, mentions of internalized aphobia
Words for chapter: 4.7k
Fic Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco’s to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
<– Previous chapter Next chapter -->
Dan was curled up on one of the booth seats, his feet tucked underneath of him, body leaned towards the huge, warm-to-the-touch window separating him from outside. It wasn't because he was cold—it was never cold in the store—but because the sunlight spilling in just felt too good on his skin.
He was on his lunch break and for once had decided to abstain from holing himself up in the break room. And okay, maybe it had something to do with Jaime letting him pick the music that played from the shop's speakers. But really, he was enjoying it much more than he had thought, even to the point of considering making it a habit. But it was still a consideration, mind you.
Dan scrolled through twitter, retweeting or liking some of the posts that caught his eye. He didn't know what time it was, but he knew that he had plenty of it; his break had just started.
"Wow, Dan, you look just like a cat basking  in the sun."
Dan jumped in surprise and snapped up his head from where it was staring down at his phone in his lap. Phil was sliding into the booth seat across from Dan, a smile on his face. He looked relaxed in a soft looking jumper and his glasses, hair done up in a quiff.
"Oh, hi," Dan said, lamely. He mentally berated himself, but tried to not let his awkwardness take center stage by ignoring it, praying Phil did the same. "It's been a while, Lester."
Phil snorted and took a sip of his coffee.
"A while? Dan it's been ages."
Dan laughed, and just like that, the air between them cleared and it was like they had restarted right where they had left off.
"Last time I saw you it was Wednesday, Dan. You're not allowed to be sick anymore, by the way. Thursday I had absolutely no one to talk to while I had my coffee, and I didn't even bother coming in Friday because I figured you wouldn't be here since you were so sick the day before. And then you're off on Saturday so I couldn't stop in then." Phil scoffed like the fact that he and Dan hadn't seen each other in a few days was a personal insult. And Dan really shouldn't have found the notion as cute as he had, and definitely not as endearing.
"So what? You'll only come in if I'm here?" Dan asked, a warmth in his voice and a grin on his face. Is Phil really that attached to me? Ha. For some reason, the prospect that Phil didn't know what to do with himself when Dan wasn't around just made Dan's smile spread wider.
Phil blushed, pink flooding to his cheeks and protesting weakly.
"No one else here makes my coffee the way that you do." He said, his face still pink and his bottom lip finding its way in between his teeth. Dan laughed.
"I'll make sure to rub the fact that I make the best coffee in her face later, then."
Phil hummed and brought the coffee cup in his hands up to his lips again for another sip. 
"How're you feeling, Dan?" Phil asked, pulled Dan from his thoughts.
"How are you feeling? Like I know when I get sick I'm in this weird half-sick half-better stage for like a week afterwards; are you one of those people?" Phil said, his gaze returning to Dan's.
Dan nearly snorted.
Half-sick, half-better, huh? I think you mean my permanent state, Phil, Dan thought. He didn't dare think about saying it out loud though, no matter how often Dan seemed to just blurt things out. He had some self control.
Dan thought back to the past few days, to all of the hours melting together, a prisoner in his own mind. He saw himself laying in bed, not moving, just...just thinking, for lack of a better word. And really, it wasn't thinking at all, but self torture. Dan remembered the numbness that filled every part of his body, and how it had taken Jaime Friday and Saturday to finally pull Dan out of his own headspace.
Even today, it had taken him more time than usual to get himself out of bed and start his day. The world wasn't quite as vibrant, the smile on his face not quite as sincere, his depression still louder than normal. So yes, maybe he was in that half-sick half-better stage.
"Yeah, I would say I'm still somewhat sick." Dan finally settled with. He felt like he was lying with how vague he was being right now. But it was better than spilling about his dead mental health, right?
Phil frowned and reached forward so his palm was flush against Dan's forehead. Dan sputtered and felt his cheeks grow hot at Phil's cool touch. He ignored the heat on his face and tried to pass it off as nonchalance, hoping to god that Phil didn't notice.
"Stop fidgeting I'm trying to see if you have a fever."
"And what if I do? I'm at work so it's not like I can do anything about it." Dan said, determinedly not thinking very hard about how there would be no fever because Dan wasn't sick. Or at least, not like how Phil thought he was.
"Dan, if you have a fever you're going home even if I have to walk you back myself." Phil replied, seriously.
“Well what does my forehead say then, oh wise one?” Dan asked sarcastically.
Their eyes locked and something in Phil's glimmered. “Turbulence,” Phil said. “Conflict between what you want and what you need.”
“And what do I need?”
The hand was withdrawn. Dan missed it immediately.
“To be beaten at Mario Kart, of course.”
“Phil,” Dan said, laughing a little nervously. Once again, he tried to ignore what had just happened as best as possible, batting his eyelashes and trying to stay in step with whatever this was that they were doing. “At least buy me dinner first.”
"Okay." Phil said, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Dan's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. He can't be serious. "We can swing by someplace before we get to my flat, or we can always order out." Oh my god he is serious.
"Besides," Phil said, with a sly curl of his lips, sipping at the coffee in his hand, "dinner is the least I could do.”
“Wait until you see me order a whole lobster. Your wallet will be crying.”
Phil’s eyes glittered. “Can you even get that delivered?”
“If you can’t, I’m quitting this job and setting up a lobster delivery service.”
Dan wanted to know why talking with Phil was so easy, so natural. The only person that Dan had ever connected this fast with before was Jaime. And even then, their banter hadn't developed this quickly.  
"Invite me to the wedding," Jaime called from where she was wiping down a few tables with the ratty—but clean—washcloth she and Dan were always using. Neither Dan nor Phil had noticed her working a few feet away from them, and both of their eyes widened in surprise. Phil, however, took it in stride much better than Dan, the look on his face softening to one of amusement.
Fuck, how didn't I notice her there?
Phil laughed while Dan's face burned, surely as red as the lobsters they had just been fantasizing about. In the back of his mind, Dan worried Jaime would turn this into something like that, something to do with sex, like last time. He prayed that she wouldn't. He wasn't interested in hiding his discomfort at the implication that he would be involved in any kind of sexual situation, and he certainly wasn't interested in trying to pretend that the thought didn't make him mentally revisit parts of his past that just tear into his heart.
Dan's head started to work in overdrive, all kinds of repressed memories surfacing. He pushed them all away. Happy. That's what he was feeling a moment ago. Time to get back to it.
"I'm sure Dan will let you be his bridesmaid."
"Hey!" Dan cried, snapping out of his dark thoughts. He reached over and wacked Phil's arm, who looked entirely too pleased with himself. "Who decided that I would be the wife in this relationship? You would be the housewife for sure."
Phil gave him a look and Dan heard Jaime's snort all of the way from where she was standing clear as day. If anything, it only made Dan's blush deepen.
"The both of you are absolute bullies. I'm calling friend abuse for crushing my dreams."
"Yeah, Howell, I'm sure that's one of your dreams." Jaime muttered, finishing up with the table she was cleaning. Meanwhile, Dan wanted to find a hole and die.
He didn't like Phil like that. Sure, he was handsome and good company and had really fucking pretty eyes, but that was it. Besides, Dan didn't date.
Phil thankfully didn't comment, though. He twisted around in his seat so he could see Jaime and held out his coffee cup, a pleading expression on his face.
"Jaime, could you refill my coffee please?"
Jaime sighed, but stepped forward and grabbed it, nodding. She turned to walk away, but Dan called out to her as well.
"Could you get me a drink too?" Dan asked. Then, as an afterthought, he added: "Please?"
"You work here, Howell, you know how to make yourself a drink," she said, cocking an eyebrow, a disapproving look on her face. Dan shrugged and gave her the best puppy-eyed look he could manage.
"But I'm on break. Please? I won't ask for anything else the rest of the day."
"We both know that's a lie, but sure, Danny-boy, I'll get you a drink."
"Danny-boy?" Phil asked, a smirk starting to form on his face. Dan groaned, putting his head in his hands and cursing Jaime.
"Don't you dare start calling me that too, Phil."
Dan brought his head up to find Phil looking at him with a downright mischievous glint in his eye.
"Don't you dare."
"Are you-"
"Oh my god."
Phil started to laugh and Dan didn't miss how the tip of his tongue stuck out in between his teeth or how after a few moments of breathless giggling he brought his hand up to his mouth. Fuck. It was adorable.
"I don't think this friendship is going to work with this blatant betrayal, Philip. I shouldn't have to put up with this. Especially not if I'm supposedly going to have to deal with this while I destroy you in Mario Kart."
Phil had finally managed to pull himself under control, and he gave Dan a semi-sobered look, but Dan could still see the repressed jokes and sly remarks that Phil was just dying to make.
"Beat me, huh? I'll have you know that I'm the best out of all of my friends in Mario Kart."
Jaime returned, two drinks in her hands, sticking her tongue out at the both of them in the process of handing them over. Dan noticed that she had drawn little frowny faces on their cups and laughed.
"Well," Dan said, turning back to Phil who was clutching his warm coffee in between his palms, "you're definitely wrong on that one, mate." Dan took a sip—yes, Jaime added in extra sugar. The heat of the liquid didn't bother Dan's mouth though; he was too used to chugging back a sometimes-still-burning drink on a regular basis in a desperate attempt to combat his lack of sleep in the mornings.
There was still a little voice at the back of Dan's skull that nervously fretted at how this was possibly a bad idea, but really, for once his social anxiety wasn't overriding everything in his system, and Dan was positively living for it.
"You're going to have to wait until the weekend though, if that's alright. I've got to work a bunch of double shifts to make up for the pay I lost by missing work, so I'm not going to have time until Saturday. You free then?"
"Yeah, I'm free for the whole day after I do my weather segment."
Dan snorted.
"Sorry, I forgot you were famous, Phil, but I'm glad you're making time for us peasants."
"No! No no no!" Phil jumped up from the sofa, his fingers furiously working at the buttons on the controller in his hands. His body was tense and his mouth was open in a silent protest. Dan, meanwhile, was laughing on the sofa behind him, relaxed as hell, and enjoying how Phil was desperately trying to beat him in Mario Kart.
He didn't stand a chance; Mario Kart was Dan's game.
Too bad it had taken Phil this long to figure out that Dan hadn't been lying when he said he would crush him.
Dan's grin grew to an impossible width when he got another power-up.
"Phil, oh Phil, I'd just stop trying if I were you."
Phil made a sound of protest, but didn't dare take his eyes off of the screen.
Maybe Dan was enjoying this just a little too much, but really, Phil was terrible. It was unbelievably easy to have this much of a lead on him, and Dan was sure that if he had pulled out all of the stops, he would have stretched the gap between him and Phil even wider. Currently, Dan was in first, Phil in fifth. Part of the reason why Phil was so far back was because Dan kept messing with him, dropping back just to hit him with a shell or something similar, more times than not making Phil swerve, running into a wall. And while Dan would laugh and pull back in first, Phil would groan and shove Dan's shoulder, pouting.
Dan drifted around the corner, and used his power-up, increasing his speed and sending him flying over the finish line.
"Yes!" Dan shrieked, thrusting his controller into the air and nearly jumping from the couch. Phil cried out in protest, a hopeless "No!" pouring out from his lips as the game ended. He spun around, and Dan couldn't stop laughing, feeling it in his whole body.
"How are you so good?! That's got to be something like witchcraft."
"Maybe you're just that bad." Dan managed to squeak out in between bursts of his hyena laugh. Phil's face scrunched up and Dan tried to reign himself in, but really, Phil made it too easy.
"That was just a practice! I could totally beat you now that my fingers are warmed up." He grumbled, walking back to the couch where Dan was splayed out and lying down, his long legs reaching all the way to the other side. He started to move them, but before he really could Phil just picked up his ankles and lifted them up, sliding under them and sitting on the sofa. Phil let Dan's feet drop into his lap and looked up at the screen, already selecting another map.
(Dan ignored the beginning of a blush on his cheeks because all Phil did was touch his ankle he shouldn't be acting like this)
"Are you looking to be beaten for a second time?"
"Ha. In your dreams, Howell. I'm going to be the one beating you today."
Dan scoffed, but the effect was ruined because he couldn't stop smiling.
Phil turned his head and looked over at Dan, a wide grin on his face.
"You have a dimple."
"Your dimple. I've never seen it before. It's cute."
"Oh." Dan said, and there was definitely a blush on his cheeks now. Phil didn't comment on it, just letting his attention fall back to the TV. However, Phil let his hands drop so they were resting on top of Dan's crossed ankles, the touch seemingly to burn through Dan's jeans.
Dan didn't say anything about it, or about how there was something new added into the atmosphere between them—something he couldn't quite place.
Phil finally selected a track and a new game started. Dan flicked his eyes to the screen as the game started to count down from three. When the horn went off, he sided right up to Phil's kart and drove him into a wall, a brilliant plan of attack forming in his head. Phil tossed Dan a dirty look but Dan just stuck his tongue out. Whatever had popped up between them in that little exchange a few moments ago was gone, for now.
Phil tossed his controller onto the floor and crashed back into the back of the couch, an arm falling over his face.
"I give up. You win. You bloody win, Dan, there's no way anyone can beat you."
They had been playing Mario Kart for over two hours now, and Phil hadn't come close to winning once. In fact, the closest he had gotten was a whopping third. And in hindsight, with Dan harassing him as he was, getting third was a decent enough achievement.
"I'm glad it only took you a million games of me handing you your own arse for you to figure it out, Phil."
"Oh shut it," Phil said, pulling his arm down to smack Dan's leg. He was smiling though, so Dan knew that he wasn't as annoyed as he let on. Dan let his controller fall to the floor and shifted down further into the sofa, wiggling his toes on Phil's lap. Phil pretended to gag.
"I hate to break up our little Mario Kart marathon, but you promised me dinner and I think my stomach is literally going to digest itself."
"That sounds painful." Phil said. His hands were on Dan's ankles again, but this time Phil's thumb was unconsciously tracing little patterns on the skin that was exposed there.
"Where should we order out from then? There's a Indian place not too far away, or maybe the Chinese one a few blocks away? Something else?"
"Phil," Dan whined, "I thought I was promised lobster remember?" Dan said, trying to bring back the playful atmosphere that it was a few moments ago. Now...now there was something more.
"Dan, there's a reason why I have two jobs. Maybe in like, ten years I can get you those lobsters."
Dan sighed as if in disappointment, and nodded. "How about some Indian then, if we must."
Phil rolled his eyes and once again curled his fingers around Dan's ankles, lifting them up just like before and sliding out from under Dan's legs, getting up.
"I'll call us in something, wait here."
After the food was ordered and Phil had returned, he had just shifted Dan's body once again so he could sit before letting Dan's feet fall onto the tops of his thighs. Dan was too nervous to move them.
Instead of playing more Mario Kart, however, they decided to turn on a movie while they were waiting for their food.
When it arrived, Phil hopped up before Dan could and paid, bringing the bags back and putting them on the table. Dan sat up eagerly, his stomach growling at the smells wafting from what Phil was spreading out in front of them. They dug in, sitting close enough for their thighs to brush together, the movie playing in the background. Dan didn't really care if he was missing parts though; it was an old Marvel film they had both seen countless times before.
Dan let out a little noise of content when he finished.
"You were right Phil, that was delicious. I want to marry the chef so they could cook like that for me every day."
Phil looked at him. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes were intense. It pinned Dan down and dissected him, took him apart and looked at all of his pieces.
And Dan was helpless to fight it. He couldn't look away if he tried.
"Yeah? Would you propose to him with a bagel?" He asked, the question nothing but a breath.
There it was again. That…that feeling between them. Dan recognized it now, for certain. His heart picked up a little, and he could feel the beginnings of sweat prickling on the back of his neck.
He remembered why he didn't date, why he didn't do anything other than platonic. He remembered the tears and the screaming and the pain, the damage he was still dealing with. He remembered, god did he remember, but he still couldn't stop the Phil Phil Phil in his head.
Dan licked his lips. He needed to get them away from this territory.
He needed to.
He didn't want to.
"Maybe. Would that bother you?"
Dan's heart was in his stomach, yet it was still beating like crazy, sending his senses into overdrive. He didn't know what the hell he was doing, but he also didn't want to stop. And god, he couldn't stop looking into Phil's blue eyes, fuck.
Phil just stared, not saying a word. Dan was about to pull away, to give up whatever he seemed to be chasing. But Phil didn't give him the chance.
Something shifted in Phil's eyes, some kind of resolve forming right before Dan's gaze. Phil leaned forward and curled a hand around Dan's jaw.
"You tell me," he whispered and pressed forward. Dan met him halfway and he couldn't help how his eyelids fluttered closed when their mouths met. It was soft, questioning, with a clear open exit for Dan to run to if he wanted, but there was nothing unsure in how Phil kissed him; there was no doubt in the emotions Phil was pouring over Dan.
Dan would be lying if he said that the kiss shut up every voice in his head. If he claimed that this mind wasn't a shitshow, in a civil war with itself. If there wasn't a part of him that wanted to run.
But Dan was tired of running. He was exhausted and he hadn't known it, and yes, part of him was screaming that this was a bad idea, but fuck it he didn't care.
He wanted to be happy.
Phil pulled away a little, letting their mouths disentangle, but Dan just fisted a handful of Phil's shirt and brought him crashing back.
Phil groaned and nipped at Dan's bottom lip, flicking over it with his tongue. He was leaning heavily into Dan, the one hand that wasn't cupping Dan's face gently was locked beside Dan's body, holding Phil up. Dan, for his part, was angled back, and as their lips met over and over and over again it felt like Dan was just falling farther and farther back.
Dan brought his other hand to the back of Phil's head, and using the one buried in his shirt as well, Dan let his body fall, pulling Phil down with him. It wasn't as coordinated as he had imagined in his head, however, and their mouths broke apart. Dan was lying on his back, his legs angled awkwardly to the side of Phil's body, which was still somewhat posed overtop of Dan's. Phil laughed a little, but Dan didn't have the time to be embarrassed because Phil reached down and parted Dan's legs so they were on either side of Phil's body. Phil let his body blanket Dan's, bringing their faces impossibly close to each other.
"Is this okay?" Phil asked, his eyes so close, his mouth just out of reach.
Dan couldn't help but nod and reach out, pulling Phil in the rest of the way so they were kissing again. Phil let out a little sound that sounded a bit like a chuckle before turning his head and letting their mouths slot together better than before.
Dan had always liked kissing, but god, kissing Phil was a dream come true.
He didn't know how long they made out on Phil's scratchy couch, but Dan enjoyed every moment of it. He loved how Phil's fingers ran through his hair and curled around his waist, how Dan's own palm fit so well between Phil's shoulder blades, and how Phil's soft fringe brushed up against Dan's forehead.
Of course, things came to a crashing end.
Phil was kissing the life out of Dan, pressing him into the sofa with the weight of his own body, when he slipped a hand under Dan's shirt, his fingers burning into Dan's skin.
And then reality came crashing down onto Dan.
Dan gasped and both of his hands flew to Phil's chest, pushing him away. Dan rolled out from under Phil and consequently onto the floor.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
He knew this was a bad idea, he knew it.
All of the reasons why a relationship between them wouldn't work burst through his head like grenades. And really, it was just the same reason, repeated over and over in a mantra.
You're ace you're ace you're ace you're-
Dan sprang up from the floor and Phil was up from the couch in an instant, eyes wide and filled with fear and worry and concern.
"Oh my god Dan I'm so sorry! Fuck, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or-"
It was cowardly, but Dan couldn't stand there. A panic attack more fierce than anything he had faced in a while was building up in him and he didn't want to be here when it hit. Fuck. fuck. He turned, nearly dashing for the door, stomping into his shoes at a lightning and inhuman speed. Phil had caught up with him, however, and before Dan could grasp the door handle, his hand grabbed Dan's sleeve.
"Dan please don't go oh my god I swear I didnt-"
"It's not going to work between us, Phil, I'm sorry," Dan said, not missing how breathless he sounded, how kissed-out Phil looked, "but it just won't okay? I can't love you like you need me to."
"Dan? Woah, slow down, I don't-"
"I'm can't, okay? Now please let go of me."
"But I-"
Dan didn't seem capable of letting Phil finish a single sentence because he was already opening his mouth to retally. But then again Dan didn't really care if he was being rude at the moment because his heart was about to beat out of his chest and the world was spinning and all of the bad thoughts were rushing around his head in a whirlwind, unable to be stopped. Dan was panicking.
"I'm asexual! I just can't, Phil!" he blurted, and just as the words passed from his mouth his heart stopped, as well as the rest of the world. Everything stopped. Phil's eyes went wide, and that was it, Dan was ripping his arm out of Phil's grip and ripping the door open, sprinting down the hallway and taking the stairs down from Phil's flat so fast he was sure he was going to trip and break his neck.
He could hear Phil running after him, trying to keep up, shouting for him to "Wait! Please!" but Dan wasn't listening. Dan wasn't listening.
Dan burst out of Phil's apartment complex and ran faster than he had ever before. His feet felt like they were barely skimming the ground and it was like he was being chased by Death itself, but he only ran faster, pushed himself harder. And he was crying, tears blurring his vision until he could barely see. He hiccuped on a sob, but Dan wasn't stopping to catch his breath.
He had to run.
From Phil.
From the situation.
From the kisses, the feeling, the giggles and smiles and joy.
From his inability to shut his mouth.
From himself.
He ran.
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Before-bed replies. :)
For @emeraldfalconsims, @tamtam-go92, @scibirg, @didilysims, @penig, @ssatinn, @immerso-sims, and @fuzzyspork...
emeraldfalconsims replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Tbh, I looked at those and was immediately turned off by the terrible English in the popups. I wouldn't care if it was just the post itself, but I'm the kind of person who wants mods to fix the EAxis grammar errors, soooo...
I get you, but...Really, that's all easily fixable. One just needs to find and rewrite the text strings. I've done that often, especially when I used to use custom careers in my game, many of which included chance cards littered with badly-worded and grammatically-incorrect text written by obviously-not-native-English-speakers. This particular modder is obviously not a native English-speaker and obviously not fully fluent in the language, but I'm all kinds of tolerant when that's the case. With EA? Not so much, but even with them? We all make mistakes and typos from time to time that are missed in the editorial process, even when that process involves multiple people. Also, I'm well aware that my own grammar when yakking online and in forum/blog posts and things like that is far from perfect -- often deliberately so because, let’s face it, “speaking” with perfect grammar just “sounds” weird and/or unbearably pretentious -- so I try to be neither a pedant nor a hypocrite on the subject.
Anyway, yeah...Text strings be totes fixable, m'friend. ;)
tamtam-go92 replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Those Sound like really great Modus but im always a bit nervous about adding stuff like that to my game...
I am, too, mostly because I already use hundreds of mods in my game, so the outcome of adding new ones, especially those that alter lots of things, is always uncertain. 
So, what I do is have a testing neighborhood that I don’t care about. Its associated downloads folder contains a copy of just the Mods folder from my “real” game. I put the new mod in and play with it a bit in debug mode, see if I get error messages or if menu options go missing or any other stuff that’s a symptom of mod conflicts. If I do, I change loading order to see if that fixes the issues. If it does, then I copy the testing Mods folder back over to the folder in my “real” game. If it doesn’t, then I either don’t use the new mod or, if it’s something I really want, I run the Hack Conflict Detection Utility to see if it can tell me what the conflicting mod(s) is/are, and then I decide which I want more. And if the HCDU doesn’t give me any useful info, then I 50/50 until I find the conflicts and then decide between mods. Anyway, this way I find out if I can use the new mod along with those I already have without the possibility of doing any damage to any neighborhood I care about.
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “More random captioned pics because, basically, this is a household...”
Hopefully the girls will be old enough when Amalia dies...
Margo was like a day or two away from teenhood when those pics were taken, so no problem. :)
scibirg replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Did you see the ladies ski jumping? Brave girls!
Honestly, most of the winter events involve bravery. Well, except curling, I guess. *laugh* I guess the worst that can happen with that is you drop a 40-lb rock on your foot or maybe slip and fall on your butt. :) And I guess the cross-country skiing is more physically-taxing than actually dangerous. And I guess the figure skating isn’t that risky, although some of those things that the pairs skaters do look more than a little scary for the female partner. But yeah, the ski-jumpers and downhill skiers and sliders and speed-skaters and snowboarders are all completely nutty in adrenaline-junkie ways that I totally identify with. :D
scibirg replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
Slalom is from Norwegian, meaning ski track with turns. In Norwegian cross-country skiing is called "langrenn" meaning long slide. Probably due to it being used for travelling long distances.
ssatinn replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
We call Nordic skiing "längdskidor" - direct translation would be "long ski". Alpine skiing we call "slalom", no idea where that word comes from though..
Hm, interesting! So in Swedish, any type of downhill skiing is called “slalom?” Because in English that word is reserved for the type of downhill skiing where you’re zig-zagging in a pattern through gates -- as the Norwegian word would imply -- not the kind where you’re just shooting straight down the hill. Or does Swedish have a different word for that, too?
I don’t know why I find stuff like this so interesting, but I do. :) Maybe I shoulda been a linguist or something...
didilysims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Woo Olympics! I find just watching the events gives me an adrenaline rush. Watching luge reruns today had me all "oh my-ing" and "oh no-ing" and actually jumping out of my seat a few times. Love those crazy dangerous downhill events. :D
OMG, that poor American luge-slider today! Did you see that? Quite the wipeout she had. Even so, I sooooooooooooooo want to luge. Like, if I could just go and do it once, like how people go skydiving, I totally would. Buuuuuut I suppose it’s something you actually have to learn how to do before you lay on a minimalist sled and zoom down a track of ice at ungodly speeds... :)
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
It's too bad that marksmanship is so tied in practical applications to killing. It was so empowering for me when I discovered a sport I was actually naturally good at.
That's not really the case, though. I mean, maybe it is in the mind of Joe Q. Public that's been fed a daily diet of crazy people killing other people mixed with glamorized violence in "entertainment," but beyond that, the practical application of marksmanship isn't killing (either people or other animals) but rather marksmanship competitions. Aside from niche things like biathlon, there are all sorts of local, regional, state, and national marksmanship competitions that happen throughout the year, regulated by their own governing bodies. I used to do 3-gun competitions, myself. 
Marksmanship isn't about killing anything because when you get down to it, hunting animals -- or even killing a person, if that’s your goal for whatever reason -- doesn't require sharpshooting levels of accuracy, certainly not with automatic weapons. (With those, you just kind of squeeze the trigger and try to hold on while pretending the thing is a garden hose. I don’t like them; I like precision.) Killing just requires doing enough damage, and you can do that without being at all accurate. Marksmanship's about consistent accuracy, often under pressure. Which can have applications in killing things, and can make you better at killing things (ideally things that are legal to kill, of course) but that's not what it's about. I wish more people would realize that. And I wish the NRA would GTFO, but that’s an entirely different subject.
penig replied to your post “Do you know why some custom doors and arches doesn't work in apartment...”
Custom content that was made before AL came out doesn't update and confuses the already-confused apartment code. To reduce annoyance I tend to use Maxis doors and arches inside exclusively. Windows are no problem.
Good to know. :) I guess I never really noticed because I don’t build apartments all that often. Mostly because I think furnishing them is mind-numbingly boring. :) And even when I do build them, I mostly use Maxis interior doors, often add-ons like centered-on-two-tile versions of a Maxis door, but since those use Maxis coding, I’m guessing they don’t present a problem in this regard.
immerso-sims replied to your post “The feel-good song meme. :)”
Thanks. I tried searching for happy songs in my iTunes collection, but I realised I am a total sad/dark/melancholic/whatever songs lover, so I'll pass on the meme :D
HAH! :) But hey, if a sad/melancholy song makes you feel better, I suppose that actually counts as a feel-good song! :)
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Big long reply post about...lots of stuff”
I've had both the high witches (excluding the neutral one because they are apparently very anti-social) on a community lot at the same time several times. If a Sim interacts with whichever arrives first then when enough time passes the other witch will usually show up. I think they must have negative relationship by default, so I've seen them fight! Fisticuffs style though. This is where magic would have been awesome. :/
Really? I don’t think I’ve ever had more than one high witch on a community lot, even when I’ve had playable stay on them for multiple days at a time, like when I send them on a weekend camping trip or what-have-you. Maybe it’s because I pretty much never have Sims interact with the high witches, since I use other means to have Sims become witches? Maybe I should try interacting with them... Although if there’s just fisticuffs as opposed to zapping each other with magic, I suppose there’s not much point. Then it’s just yet another fight between non-playables.
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All I Want for Christmas is You (Naked) - Chapter 2
Part 2!  Rose and Nine make it to the Powell Estate, where Jackie drops quite the surprise on them about how they spend the holiday.  Later, conversations about movies based on Time Lords/Ladies.
Plus, smut.  Only one scene this time, sorry.  :P  NSFW
@chiaroscuroverse @dwsecretsanta
@timepetalsprompts - Eccleston smouldering/smirking.
@doctorroseprompts - snuggling under blankets.  Non-platonically.
Beta’d by the spectacular @stupidsatsuma!
Overnight bag in hand, Rose walked into the console room to find the Doctor standing off to the side, a puzzled look on his face as he glanced between the captain’s seat, the main console, and the railing by the front door.
“Everything alright?” She asked, wrapping an arm around his waist.  He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before smirking at her.
“Just trying to plan my reward.”  His eyebrows wiggled as he slid one hand into her back pocket, kneading the flesh below it before pulling her close against him.  Even through two pairs of jeans, Rose could feel him stirring to life.
“You’ve gotta earn it, first,” she reminded him sweetly.
“Oh, I will.”  The Doctor promised, leaning down to lay kisses along her neck.
“Mmhmm.  Keep in mind I will kill you if there’s a mark for Mum to find,” she murmured even as she held his head in place.
He shuddered in exaggerated horror.  “No chance I can talk you back to bed?”
“Sorry.”  Not sounding sorry at all, Rose slipped from his grasp to lay their bag by the door.
Scowling, he began his dance around the console, coordinates already set.  “Fine.  21st December, 2006.  Powell Estate.”
The landing was rough, and as always they were thrown to the floor laughing.  The Doctor ended up lying half on top of her, and took the opportunity to steal a kiss.
“Now, remember, Mum knows nothin’ about us, yeah?  Let’s keep it that way,”  she ordered.
“Yeah, yeah.”  His huff turned into a groan when she squeezed him through his jeans before running her knuckles along his zip.
Before he could react further she was up and away, bouncing by the exterior door.
“Come on!  It’s just a couple of days.”
Grabbing the bag, she didn’t wait for him.  She’d already learned that as much as he disliked the idea, he hated being separated from her more.
Muttering under his breath in Gallifreyan about teases and what he planned to do to her when she decided he’d earned his reward, he followed.
By the time the Doctor had gotten himself under control and reached the Tyler flat, Rose and Jackie had already hugged and were headed for the kitchen, gossiping away.
More than happy to be ignored, he merely closed the door behind him and headed for his usual seat in the far corner of the sofa.
He was flipping idly through Jackie’s mail when they returned from the kitchen.  Jackie pausing when she saw him, before settling the tea tray on the coffee table.
“Hello,”  she said stiffly, glaring at the alien she held responsible for her daughter’s continued disappearance.
“Jackie.”  He replied, adding a grin when Rose glared.
“So, you said you had a surprise involving cousin Mo.  What’s going on?”  Rose knew that limiting the conversation between her mother and her boyfriend/traveling companion/alien lover was the safest bet.
“Mo has a new boyfriend,” her mother announced with relish.
“So – he’s young. Handsome.  Rich.”  Jackie wiggled her eyebrows.
“And that’s why we had to come rushing here so early?”  The Doctor demanded, looking up from fixing his tea.
Jackie glared at him. “Yes.  Because, he’s got an estate in the country, and he’s invited Mo to spend Christmas with ‘im.  And of course she said, ‘I’m sorry, dear, but I always spend Christmas with my cousin and her daughter, that’s the only family I’ve got’, and do you know what he said? He looked at her, and he said, ‘Darling, invite them along.  I must meet them.’  Isn’t that wonderful?”
Rose stared at her mother, aghast.  Being at the flat for a few days was bad enough; he could always flee to the TARDIS if Jackie got to be too much.  But a country estate?
“So instead of spending Christmas here…”
“We’ll be at his estate! It’s a full manor house, and Rose, Mo said it’s gorgeous.  She’d marry ‘im today if it meant she could keep the house, even pop out a kid or two!  Can you imagine?”
Rose smiled weakly, listening with one ear as Jackie continued to prattle on about her expectations, feeling the Doctor’s horrified gaze burning into her.
She was so screwed.
“No,” the Doctor said adamantly the first moment they were alone, Jackie off to begin tea.
Rose bit her lip, torn between her mother and him.
“Look, you don’t have to go, yeah?  Stay here, spend a couple days working on maintenance.  Or you could just wait ‘til we leave then jump forward to the 27th.”
“What and leave you alone for six days?  Not bloody likely, Miss Jeopardy Friendly,”  he snorted.
“Well, I’m going.  You can join me and suffer in silence, you can stay here, or you can jump ahead like I suggested.”
She glared as good as she got, and their heated staring contest only ended when the Doctor realized that with how close they were standing and the neckline of her top, he had a decent view down her shirt.
“I don’t like any of those options,” he told her breasts, and she snorted, obligingly rolling her shoulders back slightly to present a better view for him to ogle.  If the two lumps on her chest could convince him better than her promises, well, Rose knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Unless it was a Totrionian horse, but that was another matter altogether.
“Doctor.”  She casually folded her arms, smirking when his mouth fell open a bit at how the movement pushed her breasts together and up. For all his claims about ‘superior biology’ this, and ‘Time Lords don’t do relationships, Rose’ that, he was more susceptible to her womanly charms than any other bloke she’d ever met, and she wasn’t above exploiting that.
“Fine,” he capitulated, pulling her hips against his as her arms instinctively went around his neck. “But I’ve a right to complain, and you can’t stop me.  And when we’re done, I’m going to take you to Dreamia III, where they really know how to celebrate Christmas right.  The only preview you’re getting is: the best hot chocolate of your life served in a mug bigger than your head.”
“So long as your complaints are to me and me only, not where anyone else can hear, then fine.”
“Fantastic.”  He lowered his head to seal the deal with a kiss, but Rose stopped him before he could lay one on her.
“Uh uh, not where Mum could see.”
Groaning, the Doctor dropped his forehead to hers.  
It was going to be a long six days.
“Do you think he’s a time thingy like you?”  Jackie asked out of the blue.
It was much later that night, and she was in the armchair while Rose and the Doctor were snuggled together on the couch behind her, It’s a Wonderful Life playing on the telly.
“What?”  The Doctor looked up from where he’d been tracing a single fingertip along Rose’s ear, grateful for the dark room that blocked Jackie’s view of them.
“This angel person. ‘S he a time whatsit like you, to be able to show ‘im an alternate future?”  She munched on popcorn, waiting his answer.
He stared blankly at the back of her head.  “It’s a movie, Jackie.  He’s not a Time Lord.”
Jackie huffed.  “Well, I don’t know.  There’s more than just you, isn’t there?  Couldn’t it be based on one of your lot?”
The question sent a thousand images rushing through his mind, of things burning, glass breaking, children screaming, a terrible robotic voice crying ‘EX-TER-MIN-ATE.’  Rose’s warm hand on his thigh drew him from the memory.
“No,”  he answered shortly.  A squeeze to his leg told him he’d been too abrupt, so he tried to offer an olive branch.  “Mary Poppins was, though.”
“What, really?”  Rose looked up at him, startled.
“Yeah.  Friend of mine, actually - Romana.  Long story.”
She considered the idea for several long moments.  “Makes sense. After all, her bag was bigger on the inside.”
He grinned down at her, but instead of a reply, he let out an undignified squeak when Rose’s hand pressed along the front of his jeans.
“Alright, there?”  She asked, eyes twinkling up at him as her fingers began to stroke along his zip, coaxing him to life.
He was fairly certain he made some sort of affirmative noise, glancing over at Jackie to see her once again enthralled in the film.
Looking back at Rose, he saw the mischievous look in her eye just before she timed undoing the zipper to a sound effect.
“We watch this every year,” she explained unnecessarily, fingertips wandering through the slit in his pants.
“Fantastic.”  The Doctor struggled to keep his breathing even, suddenly understanding why Rose had insisted they cuddle under the blanket on the near side of the couch; they were mostly behind Jackie, leaving less of a chance of being caught.
After several minutes of her gently stroking him while watching the movie, he tried to relax and enjoy the low hum of pleasure.  Her touch was light enough it was unlikely he’d make a mess of himself, and he made a valiant effort to pay attention to the film.
Eventually, one hand still casually pumping him, Rose tapped his chest with the other.  Looking down at her, it took several seconds to process that she wanted them to shift.  Turning fully onto his side and sliding down, back against the back of the couch, Rose stretched out flat next to him, laying one foot flat so her raised knee would block Jackie’s view, were she to turn.
The Doctor resettled the blanket over them, before gliding his hand under Rose’s jumper to lie against her stomach, his thumb idly stroking her belly button and his pinky dipping below the waist of her trousers.  Meanwhile, she tightened her fist around him, giving him more of the friction he needed as she began to work him in earnest.
Giving up on the movie he allowed his eyes to fall closed, focusing instead on both the feel of her hand around him and the soft skin under his own as it crept further inside Rose’s knickers.
He’d just run his middle finger through the wetness she was leaking, about to work it inside her, when Jackie stood abruptly causing his eyes to snap open and Rose’s hand to freeze. “Right.  Bloody hell, that wine goes right through me now.  I’ll be back, but you can let it play.”
The moment Rose heard the bathroom door close, she scrambled off the couch to kneel in front of it, the Doctor staring at her.
“Well go on, sit up, we’ve only got a minute or two.”  She hissed at him, and he obeyed, still not understanding.
The moment he was upright, though, Rose whipped the blanket away and unceremoniously slid her mouth over him.
Barely managing to contain his shout of surprise, he gaped at her furiously bobbing head.  The low-burning fire she’d been cultivating in him for the better part of an hour quickly built to a raging inferno as his eyes rolled back and he pressed a hand to her hair, fighting the urge to thrust against her.
“Unh, unh, unh,” he panted as she sucked him, stroking what she couldn’t reach.  The third time she took him whole she hummed lightly around him and he was lost in a wave of pleasure.  It wasn’t until he came down he realized that he’d been steadily chanting a chorus of Rose, fuck, and yes.
She was just tucking him back into his pants when the bathroom door opened, and by the time Jackie returned to the sitting room they were back in their original positions, calm and casual as could be.
Completely unaware of what had transpired practically under her nose, Jackie settled in her chair, asking blithely, “Did I miss anything?”
No matter how many times she asked, her daughter refused to admit why she’d burst into laughter at the question.
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waitinginthedarke · 7 years
A BTS/ Kim Seokjin Fanfiction
Summary: He looked like an angel, and spoke like a singer. Next to you, a university student surviving on 5 hours sleep a night, and holes in your shoes, he seemed to have it all. But at the end of the day, you were both just Existing. You just cant help but think, it might be more fun to Exist together…
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22
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Chapter 22
‘You’re my Princess, and i am your prince.’
After he’d said that, leaving to go to class had been a struggle.
It probably hadn’t helped that he’d then jumped out of the car and walked around to open the door for you, proceeding to pull you close against him when you kiss him as soon as you get out, and the way he leans back against the car as you stand between his legs caused your brain to buzz with exhilaration at the moment.
However, after many a kitten kiss where you hadn’t wanted to let go of each other, he finally tells you to go before you missed your classes, allowing you to take 2 steps away from him as you pout at his bossiness before he’d stopped you.
You turn back to look at him with a grin, skipping back into his arms, and kissing him once again as his hands grab gently at your hips.
‘I just realized I forgot to tell you how cute you looked in my jumper.’ He murmurs against your lips, his muffled explanation making you chuckle, breaking away from the kiss to muffle your giggles in his neck, before lifting your head back up to look at him.
‘But you’ve already told me that.’ You murmur, watching his expression slip from thinking to sheepish when he remembers your moment in the front room of the dorm, before he quickly snatches your mouth with his again.
‘Well…I wanted to tell you again. Because clearly you’re beauty is so great that it makes me forgetful.’ He chuckles, laughing louder when you hit him for playfully mocking you, before his hand coming up to cup your cheek has your giggles trailing off into a happy smile as you stare at him.
‘See you later?’ he asks quietly, gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips, before he smiles and dips into one last kiss as you answer.
That had been 5 hours ago, and now as you sat in the cafeteria at your university nibbling on some carrot sticks and humus as you scoured the same page in your text book for the 10th time, you couldn’t help but grow frustrated and sad that he wasn’t there with you.
‘Hey, is this seat taken?’
Your head snaps up at the sound of the voice, your brain trying to catch up with the person you saw before you as you frown in complete confusion.
‘uhh…no.’ you murmur, your response timing being awful as you watch him chuckle at you before sitting down on the seat beside you, legs either side of the bench to face you, his angels smile only adding to bewilder you as you try to process the fact that he was there.
‘Beautiful, aren’t you glad to see me?’
Its that question that pushes you from your thoughts and makes you automatically lean over and hug him, feeling like all the air leaves you as his arms wrap around you.
‘Im always glad to see you.’ You murmur into Jin’s shoulder, your mouth slowly curling into a smile as you breathe in the smell of him, before you suddenly jolt up as your brain kicks into gear.
‘But what are you doing here?’ you ask, reaching out subconsciously to hold his hand, maintaining the physical contact that your body had been craving, and watching him with wide eyes as you wait for his answer.
‘Well, we had an hour break from our schedule, so I decided I’d come and find you since I remembered you saying you had lunch around this time, when you were giving me a run down of your day in the car.’ He explains, chuckling at the end when he sees you smiling sheepishly to yourself.
‘So…, what have you been eat-…carrots and humus….is that it?’ he asks disappointedly as he looks at your snacks dotted around your workbooks in front of you, the way his lips turn down at the edges making you bite your lip to hide your laughter, before you reach over to dip a carrot stick into the condiment and bring it back in front of him.
‘This, I’ll have you know, is the greatest revision snack, of all time.’ You state, eyes greedily raking over the vegetable, and you’re about to put it in your mouth, when he rudely snatches it from your hand with his teeth.
‘Hey!’ you object, feeling him squeeze your joined hands as he smiles at you, making ‘yummy’ faces at you before he swallows.
‘Well, I had to see if you were telling the truth!’ he explains, eyebrows high on his face as he gives his explanation, and you cant help but grin at him as his eyes twinkle at you.
‘And?’ you ask, feeling tingles run through you when he sets his hand on your leg and his face turns mock thoughtful.
‘Hm…..still not as good as you.’ He mutters, before stealing a kiss from you, and leaving you grinning at him like a school girl as you lean forward to curl into his chest, trying to push away the thought that a few people nearby were staring reproachfully at your public display of affection.
‘But, if you’re taking a break…shall we scout out some real food?’ he asks suddenly, breaking you out of the moment as he looks over your table of work, before flickering his gaze back to you with a hopeful smile as you sit up once again.
‘I don’t know if I’ll have time. I cant be gone for long, I’ve got a class in half an hour.’ You explain, looking at him regretfully, but instead of the reaction of sadness that you expect, you feel him shrug his shoulders instead, before standing up and proceeding to pull you up with him.
‘That’s fine. We’ll just have to make do with cafeteria food; I hear its exquisite.’ He says, chuckling when you grin up at him and his silliness, before allowing him to drag you over to the food, leaving your books on the table as you do so, and biting your lip happily as you skip alongside him with your hand fit snugly in his.
He ends up getting three trays full with every type of food there was on offer, somehow charming the ahjummas behind the counter enough to score himself some free portions- after which they turned to you and told you how lucky you were to have such a ‘handsome young man’ as a boyfriend’- before the two of you had relocated back to your table, looking a little greedy if the incredulous stares of other people you passed were anything to go by.
‘I think you might have gone slightly overboard.’ You chuckle once the two of you were sat with your mountains of food in front of you, the sight of the selection making your mouth water, despite the fact you’d already eaten the breakfast he’d prepared for you that morning and had been half way through your carrots and hummus.
‘Actually...I see it more as trying the local delicacies.’ He points out, grinning at you when you roll your eyes at him across the table, before he takes the first mouthful of some tteokbokki he’d been given, and you watch him groan in happiness.
‘I don’t know why people would ever complain about school lunches, food is food. It always tasted great to me.’ He chatters as he begins picking from each dish he’d piled onto the trays, the sight of him filling his cheeks making you chuckle, and you watch him grin goofily as a result, before he offers you some and you open your mouth gratefully, cheeks heating when he runs his thumb across the corner of your mouth afterwards to catch some sauce that had gone astray, and licks the remainder off himself.
‘Have you got any plans later?’ he asks around the food in his mouth, smirking at you smiling to yourself, and lightly stepping on your shoe under the table to make you scowl up at him, which causes him to simply laugh back, before raising an eyebrow in wait of your answer.
‘I was just going to go to the library, I’m a little behind on revision after going to the show yesterday.’ You admit, smiling politely at him, but catching the way he frowns as though he thought it was his fault.
‘Oh. I was going to see if you wanted to watch a movie but-‘
‘Oh! Well, a movie sounds-‘
‘How about I come and keep you company at the library instead?’ he asks, smiling softly at you and reaching over the table to lay his fingers gently over yours, ‘you can say no if you think I’ll distract you too much…but I have the evening off and I wanted to spend it with you…’
Any argument you had, any excuse to let him down gently in turn for getting your work done, dies on your words as soon as he speaks those final words. And so even though you know it was probably the wrong choice to make, you cant help yourself as you lift your fingers slightly to entwine with his, and you smile cutely back at him.
‘How could I ever say no to you?’
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