#if it were just about New Year's then vacation would begin NEXT Friday
atwitchyship · 2 years
working with kids before xmas break
Cannot wait until this week is over and the kids go on break. They're all going bananas this week, nothing's really getting learned, but also they're not following basic instructions, like getting dressed to go outside- and there's limited time to go outside!
Like, if I could? They'd have two recesses a day. But there's only a certain amount of playground, and a lot of kids who want to use it. And we can combine classes to a certain extent, but toddlers really can't play while there are Elementary kids out there.
So my crazy kiddos aren't getting enough run-around time, and instead they're going nuts cooped up inside. Two more days until vacation.
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b33zlebubz · 7 months
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SIMON RILEY X AFAB READER | MASTERLIST | AO3 PREV CHAPTER | NEXT CHAPTER TAGS: reader uses she/her pronouns, blood violence & death, suicidal ideology, slow burn, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, toxic workplace environment "Abandoned in a battlefield with the one person you thought you would never see again; you're forced to come to terms with the ghosts of your past."
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Simon decides he prefers the cold.
Brazil is a pretty place, sure.  Of all the places he has been stationed, it's been by far one of the nicest; the closest to vacation that Simon Riley will ever get other than medical leave.  Running in over ten kilos of gear and getting shot at while doing it is probably one of the only things that could ruin a free trip to the tropical continent; he swears he nearly waterboarded himself with the amount of sweat he produced.  He went through three masks alone just in the two short weeks he was there, two of which had to be replaced.
Norway, though, was a little more tolerable.
He's new to the area, to the camp and to the people.  It's a nice day, for winter, but the frigid sun still stings through the eyeholes of his mask and where his gloves don’t quite reach the sleeves of his parka.  A familiar feeling; one he didn't exactly miss, but was closer to home and sure as hell beat the sweltering tropical heat of Brazil.
Captain Walker walks just a few strides in front of him, droning on about the base and what Simon would be doing here.  He had wasted no time at all giving Simon a tour of the camp fresh off the plane after he met with a few of the other COs he would be working under over the next couple of weeks.
It's busy for a relatively small and temporary base.  Soldiers of all ranks dart left and right; training, talking, and commuting.  Most of which are British, like him, but others are foreign as well.  He takes some amusement in the juxtaposition between him and the shorter man in front of him as he walks, and he's sure the others do, too.  Even some higher-ups are curious, pausing in the halls to take in his form a second time in surprise.
Simon's grown complacent over the years, he will admit.  He's too used to being around the same bases for too long, too used to people not sparing him a glance as he walks past—or rather—too used to people being used to him.  Here, people of all kinds seemed to lose track of what they were doing as he strides past, staring shamelessly.  Of course, he stares back, and it's usually enough to snap them out of it and send them on their way.
"Of course, you've likely been given the run-down plenty of times already, so I'll spare you all that rubbish," Walker drones on.  He's short.  Older, for an infantry man, but still strong, and with enough temper to make up for what he lacks in youth and height.  "I expect you know what you're doing with that shiny new rank of yours.  Need more men like you around…experienced men."
It isn't often Simon is sent anywhere for instructional purposes.  But with a recent lull in the violence and bloodshed in the world, he finds himself on more and more assignments like these—things to keep him busy.  Keep him moving.  With his new rank, he's attracted more work with leadership than much of anything else.
Camp Viking, Norway.  Assist Marine and Navy Corps with Arctic conditioning and training.
Should be easy enough.
"So, what's the uh…the deal?"
Simon raises an eyebrow at Walker, deciding to humor him despite knowing exactly what he was about to ask.  "Hm?"
"The classified-up-the-ass skeleton getup," he clarifies, eyeing Simon up and down.  "You think you're some superhero or something?”
The beginnings of an amused smirk twitch onto the lieutenant's face.  One thing that would never get old no matter where he was relocated was fucking with people.
"Something like that."
That seems to quell the man's curiosity for the time being.  He raises an eyebrow with an amused, or annoyed, huff before he shakes his head and changes the subject.
"For some of these boys…you're the only thing standing between them and a promotion," Walker gestures loosely to the shooting range at his right, where a handful of soldiers have taken to practicing.  "Don't go easy on 'em.  Not that I expect you to."
"Copy," Simon remarks, eyes sweeping across the field as he follows the captain.  The older man gestures to a plethora of concrete buildings and a few important people to remember.  He talks a lot, much more than Simon cares to listen to—but he follows anyway, taking in the scenery and acquainting himself with what will be his life for the next few weeks.  He eyes the soldiers around the shooting range, committing their faces to memory before Walker calls them to attention.
They're quite the squad.  Young, experienced.  Ghost notes with a huff that it's silent—the typical general shenaniganry of the Marines nonexistent; the product of strict instructors.  The captain goes on with all the formalities, introducing Simon and what he's here to do with the squad. 
Simon's eyes sweep the soldiers, who all avert their gaze the moment his eyes meet theirs.
Yours, however, doesn't.
You're rigid-still.  So still Simon thinks that if it weren't for the steady rise and fall of your chest, you'd be frozen to the snow you stand on.  Spine straight as a pole, boots pressed together, hands clasped at your back; the only thing that moves are your eyes when they flicker up to meet his.  Simon lingers, staring at you, eyes squinting down at where your upper face is exposed from your uniform gator.  
At first glance, you're harmless.  A handful of years younger than him, maybe—you seem like just another soldier who was roped into a station she was less than happy about.  He also thinks, maybe, he can tell what you're thinking—because you hold your head just a bit higher to make yourself appear taller. 
Your face is banged up.  Your nose is slightly crooked and there's a healing bruise across the bridge and under your eyes.  A scabbed-over cut crosses your upper cheek and another one cuts into your brow.  Your cheeks are sunken and your eyes bagged; and if Simon didn't know any better, he'd say it looked like you've been outside in the cold for weeks. 
"Well," Simon huffs.  "Aren't you a sight."
There's a glint in your eyes and Simon quickly realizes he's already underestimated your confidence.  "Could say the same to you, Lieutenant."
He raises an eyebrow at your boldness.  For a second, it's silent.  Behind him, Walker's head raises—appalled by your lack of respect. 
"Ignore her," he says.  "She may look it; but she’s no angel.  ‘Got more insubordination on her record than I have fingers on both hands, at this point."
Simon swears he sees your expression twitch, a slight crinkle of your injured nose at Walker's comment.  Your eyes flash with a concoction of emotions all hidden behind a barrier of discipline.  Regret, anger—fear, maybe—at the edge in your Captain's voice.  Nevertheless, you remain stoic. 
"Seems like you've had quite the week."  Simon says to you.  "Eh, Angel?"
You seem to short-circuit at the new nickname he dubs onto you, or maybe at the vaguest empathy in his voice—he can't tell.  He can see your mouth open with a response before it snaps shut again.  Your gaze flickers from Ghost, to Walker, and then back to Ghost again.
"I…"  you trail off, and then straighten yourself again.  "I will not hinder the team moving forward, sir."
It’s not really the answer he’s looking for.  His eyes narrow at you and your stubborn resolve, as if maybe if he looked at you close enough, he could see behind the thick wall of discipline you’ve put up.  He has questions, and lots of them.  
He holds your gaze for another moment, as if testing you.  When your stare doesn't budge, he finally relents with an approving nod.
"Hm," he says.  "Good."
Walker calls the squad at rest and Ghost continues on with the tour.  He feels your stare linger on the back of his neck as he walks close behind the captain before you return to target practice.  Once you’re out of earshot, Ghost turns his attention back to Walker.
The Captain sighs, already knowing what's about to be asked of him before Simon can say anything, “Lieutenant.”
“I’d like to take a look at her file once we get back to your office.”
“Copy that, Ghost.”
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xxsksxxx · 3 days
Almost Heaven
Mulder’s attempt to find more exciting cases to investigate while stuck in the bullpen turns into another weekend trip to the forest.
Meanwhile, Scully is faced with a tempting offer that could change both her future and their lives.
This story is complete, and I’m going to post one chapter a day.
AO3 | Back to the Beginning | @today-in-fic
Chapter 10: To the Place I Belong
Washington, D.C. Scully’s apartment Sunday, November 29th, 1998, 11:05 am
Scully let herself into her apartment and closed the door behind her. With a weary sigh, she leaned back against it and closed her eyes.
The familiar sounds from her empty apartment surrounded her, and she listened for a few moments to the clicking of the refrigerator in the kitchen and the ticking of the old clock in her living room. Her grandmother had gifted it to her when she’d moved into her first apartment, she remembered with a smile. A time when she’d been so full of hope and ambition. She listened to the muffled sound of children laughing and shouting at each other outside on the street until she felt herself calming down. Scully straightened back up, took a deep breath, and bent down to take her shoes off.
First things first, she thought, making her way into the kitchen and filling the kettle with water before setting it on her stove. While she waited for the water to heat, she checked the messages on her answering machine and leafed through the mail she’d left on the table next to the door on Friday. The mundane chores gave her time to settle her emotions and calm her mind.
The kettle started to whistle, and she methodically prepared herself a cup of tea, before carrying it to the living room and taking a careful sip. Her mind drifted back to the last few days.
Mulder’s words in front of her apartment were playing in a loop in her head. ‘Scully, you do make a difference. Every day. Not only at work but most of all in my life.’ She took another sip and put her hands around the cup. The warmth seeped into her palms, and she inhaled the calming peppermint fragrance wafting up.
I do know that, she thought. And I also know he means it. But is that enough? her mind questioned. Enough to always run in circles? To take one step forward and two steps back? To know that we might have to keep searching for the truth on our weekends and evenings while spending our days calling farmers about their fertilizer?
She exhaled and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. Talking about going in circles. She was nowhere closer to deciding than she had been Friday evening. And time was running out. Hadn’t she joined the FBI six years ago because she had wanted to make a difference? And hadn’t that choice nearly led to losing the respect of her father? She had thought the X-Files were exactly where she could make that difference, and she’d decided to stay, despite it costing her her sister and her health.
And what about her own life? Would she regret staying with Mulder? Her best friend—but still just that? During family visits holding babies, in church, watching people hold hands, and listening to friends plan couple vacations?
The new role would give her more room for things like that, she mused. No assignment could have as crazy hours as their quest for the truth. A smile curled her lips, and she recalled Mulder’s excited face the day before when he’d found the deer droppings in the forest, trying to convince her it was a sign of the existence of their Mothman.
Taking the offer would mean leaving those moments behind, she thought sobering. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine a life without him, and without Mothmen—not to slog through rainy forests on Saturday afternoons and research DNA after working hours, so she wouldn’t be caught by the lab staff, questioning what she was doing.
Life would be dull, she thought, and suddenly it felt like a weight was lifting off of her shoulders. She’d have time to sit at home and read books on Saturday afternoons instead of arguing with Mulder about West Virginian folklore. And with sudden clarity, she knew she’d be bored out of her mind in this normal life. She’d always be wondering what they could’ve uncovered and what truths they might have revealed together. Mulder was right. It just wasn’t the same when they weren’t doing it together.
And even though she’d always stay in his life, and couldn’t imagine ever saying no to joining him for one of his side investigations, it wasn’t the same. She’d have to meet him outside of work or for lunch, and just the thought of not being right by his side—even if it meant accepting that they might always be just friends—made her stomach turn.
Losing him and possibly his trust and friendship and what he had come to mean to her was—unthinkable, she realized with startling clarity.
Suddenly, it all seemed so clear. She put the empty cup down on the side table and walked to the window, opening it wide and taking a deep breath of the fresh November air. A part of her mourned the cost of her decision because deep down she knew that she’d never find anyone she could feel even close to what she felt for Mulder. This decision could mean that she’d spend the rest of her days in the shadows of hidden truths and mysterious secrets. And never in the light of a home she’d share with someone she could come home to, where the darkness would not follow.
With a deep breath, she picked up the phone and dialed Skinner’s number. He picked up on the second ring, his ’hello’ full of guarded suspense.
“Sir, it’s Agent Scully,” she said into the receiver. Not waiting for a reply, she continued, “I’ve decided on your job proposal. I want to thank you for considering me, and I deeply appreciate that you offered this role to me. However, I have to decline. I feel like my current work is not finished yet.”
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line, and then she heard Skinner sigh. “I’m not really surprised, Scully,” he said after a while. “I suspected that’s what your decision would be. And I understand. Even if it might not seem like I do.” He paused, waiting for Scully to break in, but she remained silent. “Very well. I’m sure you’ve made your choice considering all the relevant factors, Scully.” He waited once more for her reaction, but when she again stayed silent, he finished the call with a quick goodbye.
Scully heard the click of the line being disconnected and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. It was done. Now she’d only have to let Mulder know. She checked her watch, wondering if Mulder had arrived at the gunmen yet and what he was up to. Probably researching Mothmen droppings, she chuckled. She couldn’t wait for their usual nighttime call to arrive to hear all about it and to let him know what her decision had been.
Her neck cramped, and she stretched it from the left to right, trying to work out a kink from having been up in knots for hours. She could feel a headache forming behind her eyes and rubbed her temples. Right now, she needed to relax and ground herself before she had any more emotionally intense conversations, she decided.
With a spring in her steps, feeling almost weightless, she made her way into the bathroom, deciding to take a bath. She’d meant to try out that new bath salt, she’d gotten recently anyway. Scully stepped in front of the mirror, looking herself in the eyes, she smiled. Everything would turn out all right—even if it wasn’t going to be like she had hoped.
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dalhyp · 11 months
Naked HypnoCon 2023
This year, HypnoCon was located in Palm Springs, California. Friday we first gathered at The Toolshed Bar which was incredibly packed with men. Everyone was eventually found and we sat outside for a few drinks as friends and new attendants met. After that, we went to dinner at Grand Central. Then some of the people went to other bars, the rest decided to stay at resort, the El Mirasol Resort, a clothing-optional resort with a hot tub and a couple of pools. I thought I would be self-conscious about it, however THAT quickly went away.
Saturday morning, we met at the LBGT Community Center. And for introductions we gave the name we preferred to be called, how many HypnoCon’s we’ve attended, and if we were a hypnotist, subject, or switch. There were a few new faces. The learning session began at the very beginning, hypnosis 101. From Pre-talk, to Induction, to Deepening, to Suggestion, to Reentry, to Post-talk, each step of a typical hypnosis session for recreational purposes was discussed and demonstrated. Some very good subjects sat in the front of the group and experienced each part firsthand. I did deepening, which included convincers. I ran out of different deepening techniques, so I made a new one – silence. 
            The group moved on to some of the history of HypnoCon, how it started, and the reason it keeps moving around. From the @gayhypnosis channel in the past, a few names stood out as pillars of that channel. One of those people was Hypnojob (his handle now) AKA EnTranceU (his handle in the @gayhypnosis channel). He talked about those days and moving to newer forms of electronic communication such as Discord and Skype. He does have a Skype Hypnosis Chat Room. I just joined it and it does bring back memories of the @gayhypnosis channel. If you want to explore, first be very interested in hypnosis, and second reach out to @Hypnojob on Skype to request an invitation to the group. Some great questions regarding the typical session and recreational hypnosis in general flew as we concluded, took the “wish you were here” photo, and then went to lunch. Most of us went to Denny’s – this was not a high point. 
            HypnoCon continued after lunch with an exercise to demonstrate fractionation. People who want to experience fractionation as a subject sat in a circle facing outward. The people that wanted to show fractionation as a hypnotist proceeded to induce trance and then fractionation. Since we had about 30 people, the process took a bit of time, however, there were some people who experienced deep trance. I got to be the subject for a demonstration of the “Yes” induction method. I think I got through seven or eight “yeses” before collapsing into a deep trance and then being brought out of the trance way too quickly! Some toys that hypnotists can use are shown next from pendulums to pocket watches, to a “mind machine” that uses flashing LED lights at specific frequency of flashes to bring trance. Some of the participants played with the toys. We then departed to get ready for dinner, which was at Billy Reeds. Dinner tasted wonderful and we then disbanded for the evening. I personally took more naked time at the hot tub where a couple of fun things happened. First, I got into a staring contest with a fellow hypnotist. I started to wonder who the hypnotist was, until he said, “You are getting very relaxed.” 
            “Oh, I guess, I’m the subject.” I thought and proceeded to go into a nice deep trance where the water relaxed me even more. The other wonderful thing is that a subject proceeded to be hypnotized by me using a non-verbal induction for the first time. That was quite the ego boost!
            The next morning, we ate brunch at Sherman’s Deli. We, and by “we,” I mean most of the people who organized this event, decided to forgo the usual discussion on which city to go next and opted instead for a different approach. Searching cruise vacations, we found the from Boston, a cruise that travels north so that people can watch the foliage turn colors, departs the Sunday of Hypnocon. So, the proposal became that HypnoCon goes to Boston next year, and have the usual Friday and Saturday. On Sunday though, the gathering continues as it does with an informal group setting at the host hotel so that more specialized topics can be discussed and shown in small groups or begin the above-mentioned cruise. The idea was ratified by a general proclamation (nobody complained too loudly), and we then went back to the resort for some small group discussion and generally be laid back and, of course, naked. 
            Now I come to you dear reader, if you are interested in helping organize the next HypnoCon in Boston, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected]. HypnoCon has an operating budget of zero dollars, assistance in contacting venues for dinners and entertainment, asking people of interest to come to the gathering, and fresh ideas are greatly appreciated!
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vixen-academia · 2 years
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Summer Studying Challenge: Southern Hemisphere Edition
So, last year I did your own version of the summer studying challenge and we’re back! I really enjoyed it, it was pretty fun! So now this is the 22-23 edition!
The challenge is 100% inspired by @myhoneststudyblr summer challenge
The challenge goes from 1st December to 31st January, so we can do it during a part of South Hemisphere’s Summer
I’ll try to repost every post, you can mark them with #SouthernSummerChallenge
Everyday will have a different challenge
You can post pictures of your study sections, your readings or just of what are you doing!
If you have any questions, you can send me an ask!
If you want to join on the challenge, please reblog this post!
Catch-ups posts are 100% allowed! I know not everyone will be able to post everyday, so don’t worry!
If you do in any other social media, please give credits ❤️
The oficial star of out challenge is in December 1st, but feel fre to start whenever you want!
🍧 Dec 1: Do you like summer?
🍹Dec 2: This is your first “normal summer” since the pandemic? How does it feel?
🍧 Dec 3: Are you on vacation yet?
🍹 Dec 4: Show us a summer reading!
🍧 Dec 5: How hot is the place you live?
🍹Dec 6: What’s your favourite summer activity?
🍧 Dec 7: What are your summer plans?
🍹Dec 8: What’s your favourite summer drink?
🍧 Dec 9: Do you have any plans to travelling during this summer?
🍹 Dec 10: That’s for my latam fellas: cold coffee during summer or hot coffe no matter what?
🍧 Dec 11: Do you have any “summer ritual”?
🍹Dec 12: If you could chose a course to do during the summer, what would be?
🍧 Dec 13: Do you and/or your family celebrate any holiday during summer?
🍹 Dec 14: Your actual “summer music” (or summer playlist) please!
🍧 Dec 15: Do you think you study better during summer?
🍹 Dec 16: Recommend us a “summer movie”!
🍧 Dec 17: Do you like to go take sunbaths?
🍹Dec 18: Do you like beach, river, lake or pool baths?
🍧 Dec 19: Tell us something you’re very excited about doing during this summer!
🍹Dec 20: Do you plan go to any summer school/summer course runner by your college or school?
🍧 Dec 21: Two things you like and two you dislike about summer!
🍹Dec 22: Any New Year’s resolutions ideas yet?
🍧 Dec 23: How many books you read so far?
🍹 Dec 24: If your family celebrates Christmas, they celebrate at 24th’s night or 25th’s day? (Latines will understand lol)
🍧 Dec 25: What are your goals to next year?
🍹Dec 26: There’s something you regret off? (Doing or not doing)
🍧 Dec 27: How it was your last day of classes in 2022?
🍹 Dec 28: Any plans for New Years Eve?
🍧 Dec 29: Say some good memories about 2022 :)
🍹Dec 30: Just take the day to look back to who you were this year. Are you happy with what you see?
🍧 Dec 31: The last night! Make a wish to 2023 ❤️
🍹Jan 1: How was your New Years Eave?
🍧 Jan 2: Do you usually do goals list? Do a academic and “for life” mini goals list for this year!
🍹 Jan 3: What were your “new year’s firsts”? (First read, first music, first rain bath etc)
🍧 Jan 4: When your classes start?
🍹Jan 5: Your fav summer fruit?
🍧 Jan 6: What color you link with summer?
🍹Jan 7: You study/studied during vacations?
🍧 Jan 8: The first week of 2023 is over! How do you feel?
🍹Jan 9: Do you like summer rains?
🍧Jan 10: Name one thing for each human senses that reminds you of summer
🍹Jan 11: Have you finished any book(s) yet? Which?
🍧 Jan 12: Tell us something you’re really excited about this year
🍹 Jan 13: A FRIDAY 13TH RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR! You think it’s a good thing, a bad thing or are you just indifferent?
🍧 Jan 14: If you could have a summer trip to anywhere with your friends (or alone or with a loved one), with everything payed, where would you go?
🍹Jan 15: Favourite ice cream flavours!
🍧 Jan 16: How you usually dress yourself during summer?
🍹Jan 17: Tell us something new you learned this year
🍧 Jan 18: Do you feel anxious about going back to college?
🍹Jan 19: Pool party, luau or barbecue?
🍧 Jan 20: Did you try a new hobby this summer? Which?
🍹Jan 21: What’s the first movie you saw this year?
🍧 Jan 22: Did you chose your college or school classes already?
🍹Jan 23: Quick: a summer-friendly date idea. Go!
🍧 Jan 24: What’s your very first memory of summer time?
🍹Jan 25: The first month of the year is almost over… How do you feel about this?
🍧 Jan 26: Sunrise or sunset?
🍹Jan 27: If summer was a mythical creature, which one you think it would be?
🍧Jan 28: I challenge you to read or write a poetry about summer. Go!
🍹Jan 29: How do you like to spent you summer days?
🍧Jan 30: Tell us a fun fact about your relationship with summer.
🍹Jan 31: The challenge is over, but summer isn’t. This is a space so you can reflect about what you already did and what you want to do this summer (+ say if you enjoyed the challenge 😊)
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soyezheureux · 6 months
happy long holiday for people who have started holiday! for those who haven't started holiday, calm down guys! just a few days left hahaha. the vibes of the streets, in the school or in the office area has begun to feel different. bring the feel of welcome a long holiday hahaha. welcome back home to all the nomads too! 🎉
this time, my family and i won't be traveling to my parents' hometown because we already went on vacation (to my mom's hometown) at the end of last year.
in this post, i'll share the highlights of my recent vacation as a journal. and my travel journal starts here:
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it started with a road trip from central java to port in east java via the toll road. yup, for the trip at that time our family chose to use the ship to go to sulawesi. twas a very pleasant trip coz usually we as a family use airplanes for transportation, but at that time we decided to use ships. the last time i went on a ship was when i was in the 2nd grade of elementary school (around 2004) and i went on a ship again in 2023-2024. wow, 20 years passed. there are things that have changed and still remain the same because i can still clearly remember the details of the atmosphere on the ship.
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for the departure trip, the total land and sea journey took about 83 hours. crazy right? if by plane, i usually leave home at 8am and arriving at my grandma's house at 3 or 5pm (depends on the flight schedule). but if by ship, i leave on tuesday and arrive on friday aka 3 sunrises and 2 sunsets that i enjoyed at sea hahahaha. i was really lucky, twas like there were no waves at all! even the wind was like nothing hahahaha. so i'm pretty sure no stories of seasick people that day 😎
arriving at my grandma's house in the morning, my brother i had already decided to go riding around the city immediately after finishing breakfast. this was my first destination, a reclaimed island designated as a recreational area in the city center.
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and we back again to the same place at the afternoon hahah. it appears that the tide's beginning to rise. the sunset's clearly visible at the end if seen directly with the naked eye.
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the next day, the last day of 2023! still at the same location, i took a morning walk to exercise with my bro. not bad, we walked 5km.
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BUT in the evening, i had an accident! 🤣 i swear, of all the parts of my body, only my head is completely safe from open wounds or bruises. so this year's new year's eve, i spent my time lying down enjoying the roar of the fireworks while in pain HAHAHAH
the morning of january 1st, the streets were very quiet. it seemed like people were just starting to sleep after the new year's eve party. before the tragedy of the accident happened, i had promised my mom to accompany her on a morning walk (like with my bro the day before). there's no need to upload an image for this part as the location's still the same. i'm not lying, my whole body hurts! but i'm too embarrassed to tell my mom or anyone else HAHAHAHA. i got into an accident because of my own carelessness too. so i don't wanna show my pain to others, i've to be strong 🤣 because the track was the same as the day before, so the total distance i walked was also the same 5km. the difference was that i couldn't enjoy the morning walk because yeah HAHAHAHAHAH.
my torment that day didn't stop there. in the afternoon, i went to the beach to swim with my fams. swimming with the sensation of death! 🤣 i couldn't stop myself from moaning in pain, but my dad encouraged me to keep it in coz it would help dry out all the open wounds faster. it did, but the pain was incredible.
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the view is still beautiful even though the visitors are very very crowded. promised myself never to go to this beach again on holidays or weekends even though this is the closest beach to my grandma's house. fyi, this beach is only 10 minutes from home. on previous vacations, i would go to this beach once a day to swim. leave early in the morning and be back home before 9am. but on this vacation, i went to the beach once a week coz the weather was so hot! even just 5 days there, my skin was already a lot striped and burnt. geezz
but since i often travel with my big family there, it's hard not to choose to travel on sundays because on other days they have to work. but it seems like i was lucky, the tourist spot i visited at that time was deserted. my aunt's said, besides the location which is quite far from the city center, the tourist spot's also a bit past trend. that's great! i can enjoy the beauty of the place comfortably. i really spent time from morning to evening including the road trip.
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if you look at the 2nd pict, it's clear that the place i'm visiting is on top of the reef. and when the piece of reef's gone, it becomes clear that it's part of the deep sea. it's a passenger ship route to pass to the port in the capital, btw. you can imagine how deep it is, right?
my activities for the next day? of course splashing around on the beach AGAIN! there's a real difference between holidays and weekdays, right?
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there was one moment where my fams and i were driving to the top of the island. however, my brother and i accidentally found a new spot to see airplanes. as a aviation lovers, we were both very happy and excited about it. so the next day we went to that spot twice in the morning and afternoon according to the airplane schedule to observe planes taking off and landing. the place is really high coz we had to stand on the rocks and twas definitely not blocked by anything! the track to the rock was also quite steep, there was a certain fear if i couldn't stop my footsteps and fell into the ravine on the other side of the rock 🤣 but it didn't dampen our happiness and enthusiasm at all. it's just that because i'm in a small island, planes go in and out only 3-5 times a day.
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with the maximum zoom capability on my phone, i caught the body of ATR72 operated by wings air.
until finally it was sunday again and time for a vacation with my big family again. leaving early in the morning like school students going to the morning flag ceremony, we set off for the ferry port. our destination that day was… i forgot. but for sure twas a sub district town on the other side of the island. a 15 minute sea trip and about 8 hours for road trip coz we literally circled the whole island. what did we find there? of course the beach, the beach, and the beach! 🤣
unfortunately twas a cloudy day, so the beach we visited wasn't very good coz twas affected by dark clouds. we then returned home just before sunset.
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but even though twas tiring, i still liked the idea of traveling that day. twas my very first time travelling to other side of the island (in sulawesi area) by ferry.
i spent almost a whole month in the land of sulawesi. finally twas time to go back home. still the same as when we left, our family used the ship to return to the land of java. actually my ship's schedule at that time should have left at 3am. coz at that time the wind was strong and the waves were getting bigger, the ship could only leave at 5am (the ship had to sail against the current, so it couldn't sail quickly).
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(i tried my best to take a stable pict, but coz my left hand has to pull a large luggage + 1 carry on bag, so this is the only photo i could get while walk to board the ship).
once i got into the ship and found my bed, i laid down right away coz my head was so dizzy. the last 2 days while at my grandma's house, i really couldn't get enough sleep coz there were a lot of things to do. made even worse by the ship's delayed makes my sleep schedule have to be postponed so that my head gets even more dizzy. i was already a bit panicked at that time.... i was afraid of vomiting! hahahaha
boarding a ship with big waves and a headache from lack of sleep is a perfect combination for seasickness. thankfully i still have 50% sailor blood from my mom, so, i was safe again after 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep 😎 oh God, please forgive me, i have missed all the obligatory prayers on time because of my inability to even open my eyes, let alone stand up 🤣🙏🏻 dude, my head's really spinning hahahaha. i remember that afternoon my dad woke me up coz i had to eat, especially since i had missed my 2 scheduled meals. my dad said i had to eat so i wouldn't get dizzy, so i did! besides, i'm starting to get hungry too :D
30 minutes after going through the meal procession, all of us (except my dad) decided to walk to the outer deck of the ship. we think that being outside and enjoying the fresh breeze will really help relieve the symptoms of seasickness. apart from that, i also had to walk to find a prayer room to carry out all the prayers which had been delayed coz i was sleeping 🤣🙏🏻 my dad? hahahaha he was no longer able to sit upright, so he just stayed in bed. believe me, when the storm started to hit our ship, only my mom could sit upright with a fresh face out of the four of us. me, my bro, and my dad? we're all just able to lie down on our beds. i think having 100% sailor blood's never a lie. she just proved it.
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(the two photos are only 20 minutes apart. suddenly our ship entered a storm area. strong wind, heavy rain! the ship seemed to be swinging hard).
but since we saw the dark clouds were about to pass, i immediately called my family back into the room. my instincts told me something bad was gonna happen. sure enough, a rainstorm! hahaha. i had not yet started praying, the prayer room door was still locked coz (according to ship regulations) it wasn't yet the prayer schedule.
after a very longgg sea journey, we finally arrived safely on the mainland of java. if i recall, i should have arrived at 8/9pm on saturday, but in fact i only arrived on sunday at 8.30am. a dozen hours late due to the ship that couldn't speed up against the sea current. we got off the ship in a hurry coz we had to get to the station. at that time we hadn't booked any train tickets at all coz the time of arrival in java was very gambling! it'd be a pity if we had already booked and missed it since our ship hadn't docked yet hahaha
thankfully all my family members were still able to run coz as soon as we arrived at the station, i immediately bought tickets for the fastest train to my hometown and there were only 8 minutes left. running while pushing a 24-inch luggage with a full load has never been easy for me. thankfully (again) we all arrived on time and once we found our seats, the train took off.
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the train ride took 3 hours. i wanted to sleep, but the scenery outside the window was beautiful! so i just leaned back to enjoy the blue sky combined with the mountains, a very typical scene in java. at 12pm, we arrived at our destination city and i already booked a taxi home. i think twas an exciting sunday coz in just one day, i had experienced 3 different types of public transportation hahaha.
but i felt like my arrival at that time was unwanted, why? because the sky that was originally so blue and bright suddenly turned black and the rain fell very heavily as soon as our taxi approached the house. nah, i'm joking. i believe that rain brings blessings 😇🙏🏻 the first few hours after arriving home, i still felt like i was on a ship. my body suddenly felt like it was swinging on its own. i even had to hold on in the bathroom while brushing my teeth. you know, it felt like i still had to keep my body balanced like i was on the ship hahahah. of course the next thing i do is sleep, sleep, and sleep! gosh, i really miss my room and everything in it. can't imagine if one day i've to live alone and after a long time my room will have to turn into…. an extra room for storage maybe? 🥲
in the end, everything that has been started will definitely reach its end. including this short travel journal to my mom's hometown. thank you to all parties involved in the journey, especially to my uncles, aunts, grandma, brothers, sisters, and even my ex who were very kind and patient. i've had a lot of new experiences that i can use as lessons. i'm waiting for you guys return visit, i'll take you to many exciting places which are definitely quite difficult to find in sulawesi 🤣
i'm a happiness seeker, until next time!
0 notes
multi-writer · 2 years
The Broken Hearts Club – Friends Ending Eddie Munson x reader
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The Broken Hearts Club
Lovers Ending
Please read! A/N: Hellooo, thank you very much for all the support the first part had, honestly I was surprised to see that many liked it! As I mentioned, I will make two-second parts. This one is the friends ending, and rn I'm writing lovers ending. This idea was based on the movie 'Everything, Everywhere, All at Once' especially about how a single action can change your life completely (watch it, it's a work of art, I'm still crying). I'M STILL WORKING ON LOVERS ENDING, I MAY PUBLISH IT BETWEEN THE END OF THE WEEK AND BEGINNING OF NEXT WEEK so stay tuned.
Summary: Years have passed since you moved away from Hawkins in order to fulfill your dreams. But a small invitation made you have to return to the town where you grew up, opening with it several memories and discovering new truths.
Warnings: curses, angst, fluff, sour moments, nostalgic, mentions of death, right person-wrong time trope. To understand this you should read “The Broken Hearts Club”
Days turned into weeks, into months, into years. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't miss Eddie Munson with all your being. However, you knew you had to move on with your life. In college you met John, a guy with whom you shared several classes and went out with him and a group of friends for coffee every Friday, to talk about their lives, little by little you were meeting more people getting to have a group of friends with whom you shared everything. In November of your first year in college you decided not to return to Hawkins, maybe it was the fear of seeing Eddie or maybe you had convinced yourself that it was not the best idea to return to the past, so you spent all your vacations in your dorm which you shared with a roommate.
After a few months you and John started dating. He was everything you wanted in someone to be with you for the rest of your years, but you couldn't help but miss Eddie, sometimes you would wake up and dream of going to the kitchen of your apartment and meeting your best friend but it always ended in disappointment to find John instead.
Time went on and you were able to finish school and graduate. In a moment of courage you sent invitations to Robin, Steve and Eddie. Days later, at your graduation you were reunited with your best friend who arrived with an older looking Vicky besides her, Steve arrived in the middle of the ceremony but in time to see you go up to the stage and receive your diploma, when he saw you he only stood up with Robin to raise his arms and salute you while they celebrated for you. On that day John and Robin met.
"Meh, you're not as cute as Tom Cruise" Robin commented as she lifted her shoulders, Vicky and Steve tried to shut her up while John just laughed at the comment and nodded. You swore that seeing them all together would fill a hole in your heart. But it didn't, a part of you was trying not to cry at the disappointment.
Eddie didn’t went.
That same night you said goodbye to your friends and together with John you went to an apartment you both had rented in New York that you soon made your own as the weeks went by. There were days when you were happy as you wrote and lived life to the fullest. But there were other moments, where the city lights were accompanied by raindrops, when you thought of Eddie the most, remembering the times you had spent together, thinking of the laughs you had shared and the glances that went unnoticed by the rest to end with the sad memory of the last time you both spoke. Many sleepless nights you wondered why you hadn't waited a few more seconds, why you hadn't stopped to talk, why you hadn't just listened.
Soon you managed to publish your first book, the process was hard but not impossible and one day you finally had it in your hands. As you looked at it you felt John's presence congratulating you, but you only thought about how strange that moment felt. There was no doubt that you were happy, but you also knew that you wanted to live this part of your life together with your best friend. You had never felt so lonely as you did in that moment that should have been filled with happiness.
Years continued to pass quickly, you continued to publish several books and make your name known to people who enjoyed reading. At the celebration for your last book John gave a speech talking about how special you were and ended up getting down on one knee and asking you to marry him in front of the rest of the guests, who applauded with excitement when they saw the ring in the hand of the man in front of you. It was not the way you would have wanted to be asked to marry but you did not hesitate to say yes. The rest of your cold October days passed quietly until a letter arrived in all greens and oranges.
'86' Gen we invite you to the Hawkins High School Alumni Reunion. Don't miss!'
Your heart pounded at the thought of returning to Hawkins, returning to the town that saw you grow up and the one you hadn't visited in the last ten years. Noticing the date of the reunion you decided to quickly pack your bag, plan your trip and pause the lectures you had scheduled. John could only see you going from one place to another getting organized.
By the time it was time to leave, you were all set to return and meet up with your old colleagues. Hopefully Steve and Robin would be there too.
"Sure you don't want me to come with you?" John asked from his desk, sheets in hand ready to be sorted to form his concept to create his new book. You looked at him with a smile and shook your head.
"I'd like to go alone, see my friends, cry while we drown ourselves in alcohol and remember everything we lived through" you joked causing John to let out a serious laugh as he nodded. Your fiancé got up leaving his writing on the desk and walked over to you to kiss you.
"Remember I'm just a phone call away" He commented softly making you nod. You both shared one more kiss then parted, you grabbed your suitcase and left the apartment to head to your car.
The drive to Hawkins was too long, almost 12 hours on the road was not easy but you needed to see all that had changed in the last 10 years. The ring on your finger was shining thanks to the sun's rays coming through your window. You could perfectly remember the scenery around you as you drove into town. Many places you knew had closed, other buildings had lost their color and there weren't many people on the street anymore, everything looked grayer.
Or maybe you got used to the crazy life in New York.
You passed in front of the high school and could see several people arranging the gymnasium for the meeting that was going to happen that night, even the school looked smaller than you remembered. Arriving at the small hotel you booked a room and started to get ready, opting to wear a formal black dress for the occasion. Your nerves were growing as the time to leave for the meeting approached, the cold night did not take long to cool down the town. The walk to the school was short, from outside you could see the lights illuminate the place and the music created the atmosphere welcoming all those who wanted to enter.
"There's my favorite writer" shouted a voice making you turn around quickly. Robin stood behind you with a smile on her face, still wearing her favorite patterned jacket, ripped jeans and black Docs. The woman rushed up to you and caught you in her arms, you let out a laugh as you hugged her anyway. You had missed your best friend. Behind her was Vicky, who you quickly recognized by her reddish hair, as you separated from Robin you approached Vicky to greet her.
"At least one of us followed with her love" you jokingly commented causing another voice to join the group.
"Oh shut it, where's Johnny boy?" turning around you found Steve as he stuck his hands in his pants pockets and slowly approached. You gave a little yelp of joy and rushed over to the man to hug him and then were pulled in by Robin who wrapped Steve in a huge hug. You finally felt like you had come home.
“He stayed at home. I wanted to come alone” You answered while bringing your hand to your ear to move your hair to get a better view of your friends.
Vicky, upon seeing the ring on your finger let out a scream and hugged you again excitedly causing Robin and Steve to separate strangely, you only raised your left hand to show them the ring that adorned it causing them both to approach to congratulate you. The four of you started walking towards the gym as you talked about what had happened since you last saw each other.
"I knew it, you are going to have cute babies, I called it since highschool " Robin commented making you let out a laugh.
As you entered the place you noticed several of their former classmates who were chatting animatedly amongst themselves. It wasn't long when Robin let out a loud 'Hey!' while pointing with both hands, meters away from her were Nancy accompanied by a nice dressed Jonathan, your best friend grabbed Vicky and Steve's arms to run towards the couple, leaving you alone for a few seconds.
"Hey" Said an unmistakable voice behind you making you take a big breath of air and then turn around.
Eddie Munson stood in front of you after 10 years of not seeing him. He was taller now, you could notice a few more tattoos, he had cut his hair and grown a beard. His eyes were still the same, among the brown shades you could notice a familiar twinkle.
"Hey..." you muttered as you watched him, you didn't know what else to say, after all their last talk was the fight that had separated them. Eddie shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and swayed slowly trying to figure out what to say.
"How are you?" Said the man in front of you in a shaky voice. Eddie had missed you like crazy and to think that this was the first time you had spoken in a long time didn't help with his nerves. His question surprised you.
"All fine and nice" You turned to look at the decorated gym for a few moments then turned to see Eddie looking at you with a feeling you couldn't recognize. "Ten years already? How fast life goes by" you tried to make conversation but to no avail as you saw that Eddie was still silent. The air around him was tense and you didn't know what else to do.
"I've missed you so much ink" Eddie muttered using your old nickname causing a small pressure in your body. You couldn't hold back any longer so you moved in for a hug taking the man by surprise. However it didn't take long for him to wrap his arms around you.
"I missed you way more" you commented on his shoulder as you hugged him even tighter. You had waited for this moment for years and it had finally arrived. "What have you done? So many years you had to do something with your life" you joked as you pulled away from him. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.
"Would you believe me if I told you I´m a teacher here in Hawkins high school?" his comment made your eyes widen in surprise as the man nodded with a smile. "All my years of pissing off teachers are now coming back to me" he continued making you push him away as you laughed. Eddie came back next to you and continued. "But music club teacher!"
"No way!" you put your hands on your cheeks as you kept smiling. "You are what you swore to destroy!" you let out a laugh. "And the rest? Gareth? Jeff? The boys?" you asked.
"Gareth is a psychologist, can you believe it?" he asked as he held out his hands. You just nodded.
"Gareth was always a good listener" you commented to him as Eddie nodded. At last comfort between the two of you had returned.
"But he always gave shitty advices" Eddie commented causing you to let out a laugh. "I think Jeff went on with his dad's business, I haven't talked to him in years. The boys are still studying, sometimes I see them when they come to visit" you looked at him intently as he told you about the rest of your friends. Both of your eyes sparkled like they hadn't for years.
"I´m an author Eddie" you commented to him with a certain pride inside you. Eddie nodded as he looked at you with a small smile.
"I've read all your books" His comment surprised you. The man noticing your surprise continued. "Since I knew I had to go to the store and buy them. I recognized many things that you wrote in your books from those times you used to tell me your ideas" your eyes became crystalline when you listened to him, so many years and he still remembered the conversations you had in the same way you remembered those moments you spent together.
Seconds later you heard some shouting thanks to the reunions that were happening so you couldn't hear Eddie. The man pointed to the door while moving his lips, you only nodded and then followed him to a quieter place. Eddie opened the door for you letting you out into the dark night first and then following you. As he closed the door everything around you became silent giving you a chance to talk quietly.
"You know? I wanted to see you at my graduation" you commented as you turned to look at the sky, the stars were expectant of whatever was to come through this talk. Your arms folded across your chest trying to conserve the warmth that was escaping thanks to the cold Indiana nights. "I sent you an invitation and everything."
Eddie, noticing that you were cold, began to take off his jacket and then drape it over your shoulders in an attempt to shelter you. It still smelled like him, as if the years had not passed.
"I don't live in the trailer anymore" He commented gravely as he looked down at his hands, his fingers still bruised thanks to still playing the guitar. "I don't live there since Wayne died five years ago."
You turned to look at him quickly as your eyes glazed over, Eddie kept turning to face him trying to remain strong in the face of the news.
"How?" seeing that Eddie didn't answer you moved closer to him only to notice his eyes shining and his grimace trying not to break at that moment. "Oh Eddie."
The man only ducked his head as tears fell. He hadn't cried for Wayne in a long time but telling you the news - someone Wayne considered his daughter - reopened the wound Eddie thought had already healed. You reached out and hugged him, causing Eddie to lean into you, embracing the support you were giving him at that moment. In your throat you could feel a lump in your throat at the thought that Wayne was no longer with you. You would have called, you would have asked for him.
You would have gone back to Hawkins.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered making Eddie shake his head, after all it wasn't your fault, but the knowledge that Eddie had been alone these past few years completely tore you apart.
Minutes later Eddie pulled away from you to take a breath of air and then let it out, feeling better now that you were next to him. You just held one of his arms and leaned into it as a sort of half hug.
"But hey, I already have an apartment and I'm independent, let's be positive" Eddie commented trying to make you laugh, which he accomplished with ease. You had never forgotten how easy it was for Eddie to make you happy, it was like a gift he had perfected over the years. You continued to lean on Eddie thinking about the years you hadn't seen each other.
"All this time I thought you didn't go to my graduation because you hated me for what had happened" You commented loud enough so Eddie could hear it clearly. The man only turned his head away a little so he could see you, his eyebrows almost touching because of the frown on his face.
"Hate you? I would be incapable of hating you" He commented as he placed one of his hands on your shoulders to bring you as close to him as possible. Determined, Eddie took a big breath ready to confess. "I can't hate you because I love you."
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
He had finally said it, and it only took 15 years to do it.
You quickly backed away from him as you watched Eddie's face begin to droop.
"You can't do that," you finally said, anger beginning to take over your mind. "No...you can't come to...to...to tell me that you love me Eddie. Not like that" you claimed as you pointed your finger at his chest. "Not when I'm about to get married" Eddie nodded slowly, but he couldn't stay another day keeping what he felt, the news of your engagement hurt something inside Eddie in a deep way, after all he confessed his feelings too late.
But Eddie couldn´t stop there.
"I've always been in love with you (y/n)" The man in front of you confessed seriously making you let out a sarcastic smile at what was happening. You paced back and forth trying to control the fury you felt. Eddie just watched your reaction. It wasn't until a few minutes later that you stopped to put your hands on your face and wanted to scream.
Just like 10 years ago.
With speed you put your hands down and looked at Eddie angrily then approached him with large strides.
"And why didn't you tell me before? Why didn't you look for me? I always looked for you when we were kids, I always followed you when we were teenagers and just for once I wanted you to look for me. To follow me" You began to raise your voice as your breathing quickened and you walked around the man again. After years you were finally telling Eddie Munson all the questions that had lingered in your mind.
"I did" Eddie muttered as he watched you continue to talk.
"But I didn't even manage to get...what?" you turned to look at him quickly to see if you had heard correctly. The man in front of you dropped his shoulders as if he was carrying all the weight in the world, at the same time wetting his lips with his tongue preparing to finally say what he had done years ago.
"The same year you got into Columbia I went looking for you, to tell you how much I've loved you all these years" he confessed as he looked into your eyes. Thousands of thoughts were going through your mind at that moment, your throat closed and your eyes looked lost, as if you wanted to remember seeing Eddie in Columbia.
"But you never... surely you never found me, you would have said something" You answered in a desperate way, what Eddie had said fell like a bucket of cold water as you kept thinking of other possibilities as to why you hadn't seen him. The man wore a sad smile as he let out the air he was holding in.
"I always found you, every year I managed find you, it was like something was leading me to you. I would see you through the window but you never turned around" You could feel a lump forming in your throat, tears were beginning to fill your eyes and you had never wanted to cry as much as you did at that moment as you cursed yourself for not looking.
"Every year?" was all you could ask, then you bit your bottom lip trying to stop the sob that wanted to escape from you. Eddie only nodded as his eyes began to form a crystalline film over them.
"All the years you were in college I went to see you. I needed to see you, to know that you were okay, that you were happy" You closed your eyes as you heard his answer, tears rolled down your cheeks as you imagined Eddie looking for you, watching you from his car, traveling hours to just see you, but not to get close.
"Why...why didn't you talk to me? Why did you think it was a good idea not to tell me?" Your choppy breathing made it harder and harder to speak but you wanted to know. You needed to know. Eddie shook his head as he closed his eyes tightly letting small tears escape.
"I couldn't..." He took a breath of air. "Whenever I met you, you were always surrounded by people, and I don't doubt it, you always brighten the life of anyone who gets close to you. Your smile was huge as you chatted and waved your hands. I'm sure it was about something exciting, you always waved them when you told me something excited" Eddie let out a small laugh as he remembered those moments where they were both happy as children. "I couldn't risk approaching you and asking you to come back with me to Hawkins to give up your dream. I wouldn't forgive myself."
Your hands came up to your face to remove the moisture from it caused by the small droplets coming from your eyes. The ring on your finger felt heavy and wrong now that you knew the truth. Eddie likewise ran one of his hands across his cheeks, a sign of anxiety he had adopted since he was a kid.
"I would have picked you" you mumbled in embarrassment, it was like you were back in high school again remembering the times you talked to him and he made you blush. Eddie smiled through his tears
"I know."
They were both silent as they tried to compose themselves, the truth had never hurt as much as it did in those moments, which came 10 years later causing deeper pain. They had both moved on with their lives, they had accomplished things they would have loved to share with each other. But fate tends to be cruel and separate the most in love lovers that ever walked the earth just for the sake of entertainment.
Eddie was the first to be able to recover, he took his hand away from your face to see you better. Even 10 years later and with a noticeable change due to age, he could still see that little girl of 12 who brightened his afternoons, he could still see that young girl who dreamed of flying high for her dreams. Now in front of him was a woman who had achieved everything she was looking for, even finding love, even if it was not with him.
The man approached and gently moved your hands so he could see your shining eyes. Eddie smiled softly and placed his hands on your cheeks to look at you.
"Wayne would be proud of you" he murmured with a soft smile as he wiped away the tears that were still falling from your face with his thumbs. "I'm proud of you."
You just grabbed his wrists to pull his hands away from your face and moved in for a hug. After so many years you still missed hugging him, being close to him, feeling his body against yours and being able to feel his arms around you. Eddie put his head on top of yours as if he wanted to protect you from everything outside. Or maybe he wanted to hide you next to him so you could stay together longer.
"You didn't deserve an idiot like me, you deserved so much more" Eddie murmured over your head. "In another life I could have given you everything" you pulled away a little to see him as he had done.
"I wouldn't want everything. In another life I would have loved to just live in an apartment with you and listen to you play your guitar over and over and over again" You smiled as Eddie's eyes formed a crystalline layer of tears again. The man let out a ragged gasp of air then leaned in close and left a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you (y/n)" Eddie murmured while his lips were still close to your forehead.
"I love you too Eddie" You took Eddie by his cheeks so you could look directly into his eyes. "But I'm in love with John."
Eddie nodded again, understanding who you meant. Heartbroken he reached over and gave you one last kiss on the forehead and then pulled away from you. The man put one hand behind his back and the other pointed towards the school gym doors, re-adopting the little performances he did in high school.
"After you, pretty lady" he mentioned in a deep voice making you let out a laugh, causing a spark of happiness inside Eddie's chest that he hadn't felt for 10 years. You just nodded as you put a hand on your chest continuing to play along.
"Thank you very much sir" The man put his arm in front of you for you to take and you both walked towards the rest of the party. You didn't take more than five steps when you stopped causing Eddie to stop as well. "You like people who read Stephen King, don't you?" you commented remembering the fight they had had in the coffee shop years ago. Eddie just smiled.
"No, I love them" he replied as he wrinkled his nose for a couple of seconds. The smile that appeared on your face cheered Eddie up strongly. Maybe his heart was hurting at that moment, but he knew that together with you everything was going to get better.
After all, Eddie Munson was invincible when his best friend was by his side.
Why did I write it this way? Because life takes many turns, sometimes in a happy way and sometimes in a shitty way, so some love stories do not have a happy ending, sometimes because of a breakup or sometimes for fear of knowing what the other person feels, and some big changes come from small insignificant actions.
But I assure you something, some of the purest signs of love are found in friends and not in a romantic relationship.
In case you feel something for someone do not hesitate to say it, you have a 50% chance to feel the same and a 75% chance to remain friends regardless of the outcome. Take this advice from a stranger on Tumblr who regrets not telling someone she loved them in time.
Live the best you can and always look out for your happiness without hurting others, people come and go but the only person who will always be by your side is yourself so love and love yourself as you would want to be loved.
Tags: @b3an-bby @my-tearsricochet @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @iwillduckyou-up @bxckysdxll @aereth @ilovedilfs32 @purple-storm @bbrissa @klaine-92 @shewalksinstarlightt @joekeeryswife @bambi-laufeyson @eddie-moonson @teenwolflover28 @grimmbunniee @izzyxplr @thatcrazybitcholivia @munsonbloodymunson @luvforsworld @that-bitch-in-red @sanjuanas @fujiihime @supernaturalcat7 @harrys-tittie @josephquinnismyhusband @mayafatimakhan @vivi-wtz @ihavebecomesomething @inlovewithcharacterss @onlyangel-444 @sadbitchfangirl @sunkensinkers @teenyvee @curadied @eddiemunsonshankiesstuff @astro-cub @kaitioo @idkbbyx3 @xdarkcreaturex @endurexxsurvive @marleethebose @metalheadxeddie @toomanybandstocare @skybridgerton @laneywolf @nameless-ken @9osloki @parkersroses @mischiefmanagers @brimxy @evahadez @klaine-92 @buckysxgal @iamsiriuss @pokey-hedgehog
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
The End of the Week
Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language. Slight sexual implications.
Word Count: 1,856
A/N: Requests are still being written! I’ve just had this idea foreverrrrr. I gotta show my golden boy some love. I don’t even know what to name this.
“Hey! It’s just hot in here.”
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Cedric was as perfectly content as he could possibly be in this moment. He couldn’t even begin to imagine something better than where he was right now. You were curled up next to him, and the way your head was nuzzled into his neck was spreading extra warmth all over his body with each gentle exhale through your nose onto his skin. The Hufflepuff common room was as still and quiet as could be, considering that everyone else had gone to bed for the evening. 
It had been a hectic week for the both of you. Your schedules had been overcrowded with long Quidditch practices and impossibly difficult exams all while trying to throw in some social time into the balance. You hadn’t seen much of each other that week, only sharing loving glances when you passed in the halls or stealing quick kisses and small conversations between classes. 
The end of the second term was just around the corner, which meant that your workloads would only increase until it was time to leave for summer break. Cedric had made it a priority to spend every free moment that he had with you. He was hoping for you to spend summer vacation with him and his family, but in case his plans fell through, he wanted to be sure to see you as much as possible. 
Friday night had presented a break in the week’s chaos, both of you jumping on the opportunity like a hungry cat on a frightened mouse. Cedric basically snatched you out of your last class of the day when his Quidditch practice was canceled, which opened up his entire evening. The two of you were practically running hand in hand as your feet involuntarily made their way to his prefect room, the serenity and silence of it was calling your names.
Cedric had tossed you onto his bed, attacking you with sweet kisses and doing everything he could to draw laughter out of you. Not being able to be with you or touch you over the course of his stressful week had been killing him. You were his comfort, his single source of solace when life became too much for him. He always felt a little piece of himself missing when he strayed from you for too long.
Cedric had shown no mercy when your waist was between his knees as he tickled and teased at your sides and wherever else he knew you were ticklish. The sound of your happy giggles were music to his ears, which is how he could never bring himself to stop until your lungs were gasping for air and you were desperate with your pleas.
“Ced, stop!” You shrieked through strained laughs.
Cedric’s smile never left his face as he withdrew his hands, chuckling lightly as you wiped the tears of laughter from the corners of your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, sweet girl. I’ve just missed you.” He admitted, lowering his head and kissing you again once you had caught your breath.
You smirked under his soft lips, bringing a hand to cup his cheek. His heart fluttered at the feeling of your thumb stroking his slightly flushed skin and the way you pushed him onto his back to deepen your kissing.
“I’ve missed you too. I hate this time of year.” You remarked, resting your chin on his chest.
Cedric’s hand was resting on the back of your thigh, his fingertips fiddling with the hem of your skirt. 
“Oh, come on. You love springtime.” Cedric corrected.
“Yeah, I love seasonal allergies that kick my ass every year,” You grumbled sarcastically; “I mean because we hardly see one another this time of year.”
A knowing sigh fell from Cedric’s mouth, allowing his hand beginning to run lazily across the exposed skin on your leg. 
“I know. But we have summer to look forward to,” He mewled; “You know it gets so hot at home that you have to strip down to next to nothing...” Cedric purred.
With a shocked gasp, your arm swung out to playfully smack his shoulder at what he was insinuating.
“Cedric Diggory!”
He laughed with his usual hearty, light voice, gripping you under your arms and pulling you up next to him from where he was lounged up on his pillows. 
“What? I can’t think about my pretty girlfriend wearing nothing but her knickers?” He teased, kissing softly on your neck.
“Not if we’re going to be staying with your family. You have to keep your hands to yourself when they’re around.” You instructed.
Instinctively, your hand came to the back of his head and your fingers buried in his fluffy hair to direct him to your more sensitive areas on your neck. Cedric hummed happily, securing that you were flush with his body and entwining one of your legs between his. 
“Quick nap before dinner?” Cedric suggested, noting that dinner was in an hour and a half.
You perked up at that, eagerly snuggling up to him ever further and draping the covers over the two of you. You and Cedric were exhausted. You could feel the tiredness creeping its way into your bones, and even Cedric’s muscles were much more tense than usual. A small power nap was definitely in order.
“Yes, please.” 
Cedric wrapped his arms around you, his warmth cascading over you in a heavenly way. You were out like a light, your eyelashes fluttering every few minutes or so. Inky darkness had begun to paint the sky over Hogwarts, making the half-moon much more visible as stars began appearing alongside it. Cedric had to wrestle you out of bed, fighting your begs for five more minutes under his warm sheets, because he knew good and well you’d stay curled up for the rest of the night if he didn’t get you up now.
Once you were dragged away from your slumber sanctuary, he persuaded you to follow him to The Great Hall for dinner, walking with your fingers interlaced and whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
You and Cedric had very well become the power couple of your year. If Cedric was around, then you likely weren’t far away. Adolescence wasn’t an easy stage of life for anybody. Cedric considered himself lucky every single day that he had someone to take the journey with him. You and Cedric had blossomed into incredible young adults together, braving the wizarding world with the other in tow. 
Cedric’s future revolved around you, and there wasn’t a single aspect of his life that he hadn’t made sure you were a part of. He had decided long ago that he wanted to marry you soon after graduation. Later down the line, he wanted to have little Diggory kids running around with your eyes and his hair. His life was yours, and yours was his. 
You had protested going to dinner because staying cuddled up with Cedric sounded much better than choking down chicken for the fifth time in a week. But Cedric told you that he wanted you to get some food in your belly before any more shenanigans, so denying you kisses until you had eaten supper was the only way to put his foot down. 
He swept you away once you had both eaten, carrying you off into the Hufflepuff common room. Cedric usually would hang around the common room after dinner to make sure that no one was out after curfew, or until he was too tired to care anymore. Cedric never put too much energy into keeping an eye on mischievous Hufflepuffs, considering there weren’t many anyways and they were always far sneakier than Cedric could keep up with. 
Hufflepuffs of all ages straggled in and up the separated staircases to their dorm rooms, some of them sauntering past you and Cedric and some stopping to rant about their stressful week. Turns out that you weren’t the only ones who had been through the wringer. 
It was late now, you and Cedric being the only ones still up and energized from your nap a few hours ago. Cedric was soaking up every second of this moment, not wanting to forget this feeling in his heart. If he could end every day like this then he’d be the happiest man on Earth. 
“It’s a Hogsmeade weekend,” You announced, carefully breaking the silence; “You want to go tomorrow and I’ll buy you a Butterbeer?” 
Cedric snorted and looked down at your huddled frame, amusement clear on his face.
“Since when have I ever let you buy me anything? As long as I’m breathing, I pay for meals.” He proclaimed.
“It’s a Butterbeer. I’d hardly consider it a meal,” You said; “I just want to spoil you like you do me.” 
The bubbly laughter that came from the Hufflepuff boy’s chest sent a flash of care through your cells, your heartbeat speeding up at the sound of his joy.
“Oh, but I love spoiling you. I have to take care of my favorite girl.” He confessed.
A hot rush went straight to your cheeks, a shy smile appearing on your face that Cedric couldn’t possibly miss. His lips left a small kiss on your cupid’s bow, his voice lowering in the sweetest way.
“After all these years I still know how to make you blush.” He noted with a grin.
“You are very charming, Ced,” You complimented, fidgeting with the collar of his sweater; “And handsome.”
Now it was his turn to blush, his cheeks flooding red with a bashful smile. He caught your look of entertainment, and he was quick to defend himself.
“Hey! It’s just hot in here.” He half-lied, motioning towards the crackling fire in the fireplace just a few feet in front of you.
“Is it now?” You laughed, crawling over and placing a knee on each side of him. Your hands rested on his shoulders, a shudder going down your spine at the feeling of his grip on your hips. Your lips just barely brushed over his, a new mood taking over the room; “It is getting rather warm in here...”
Cedric let out a groan of temptation when you kissed him and rolled your pelvis into his, creating the most delicious friction. It didn’t take long for Cedric to dominate over you, pushing you into the cushions of the sofa and pinning you underneath him. His lips were hot wherever they sucked or left kisses, his aura and familiar feel was your favorite thing ever. 
“I’ve always wanted to make love to you here.” He mumbled, removing his belt from his pants before pushing your skirt up past your hips.
His hair fell onto his forehead in soft tufts when he lowered himself again to look down at the girl he had fallen so in love with. The only person he’d ever truly love with every ounce of his being.
“I love you.” He murmured passionately as he always did.
“I love you, Ced.” You returned.
His kisses and touches resumed, arousal growing and hearts beating with one another’s. It was a perfect moment.
And an even better way to make up for lost time.
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
who you are and who you’ve been
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 8,490
summary: Sometimes love takes a little longer to find you.
warnings: SMUT.  Mention of past abusive relationship, drinking, swearing.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @zeilenkrieg for commissioning this and being so patient while I wrote it!!
“Mama!  Mama!  You here?”
You sighed as you looked up from your coffee, seeing your daughter coming through the living room.  She had on that pair of daisy dukes that she stole from your wardrobe—the ones you used to wear in the heat of summer, a white shirt tied to let the sun on your tummy.  You used to scandalize your own mama with that outfit… 
You had argued with her that she had worn the same kind of outfit back in the seventies, and that vintage was in.  But she liked to wear hers with cowboy boots and you preferred it with a good pair of sneakers.
God, you missed being young…  Your twenties had been absolutely wild, even if they had started out with that horrible pandemic in 2020.
You still washed your hands after touching almost anything.  An instinct that never went away.
That year and the couple years before had been… insane.  But at least it incited real change in the world.  The people had learned from their mistakes, at least for now.
History did have a habit of repeating itself.  Humans were fickle, forgetful creatures like that.
“Yes, honey bun?” You said as you stood up, moving to hug her.
At thirty-seven years old, she was the only good thing that ever came out of your marriage.  That, and knowing how to wash blood out of clothing.
The only problem was that by the time you’d finally left him, you had no friends left.  You were in your forties by then, with no family besides your daughter, and no friends left to speak of.  You hadn’t even had Facebook at the time to keep in touch with old schoolmates from university.  And by then, what was the point?  They were all leading completely different lives and probably hadn’t spared you a thought in at least a decade.
“When’s the last time you left the house?” She asked, her hands on her hips in a stance that reminded you so much of yourself that it scared you.
Now that… that was hard to answer…  You honestly didn’t think you’d be able to remember.  You got practically everything delivered, you worked from home… 
Shaking your thoughts away, you shot her a look.  “I’m fine right where I am.”
“Your doctor called and said you haven’t been taking your medication.”
“Fuckin’ snitch,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you turned back to the window, staring down at the now cold coffee.
Josephine rolled her eyes.  “He said you haven’t picked up your refill in over two months.”  She came over to stand next to you, staring out the window with you for a long time.  “Mama, you’ve gotta take your medicine…  You remember what happened last time…”
Ah, yes, the infamous incident.
Which was an incident in a long line of incidents.
There had been a… few times when you’d stopped taking your medication—either intentionally or simply because you had forgotten—and it had resulted in a stay in the psych ward at the local hospital.  It had happened far too many times for your daughter to not be in contact with your doctor so she would be informed if you had stopped getting your refills.
You didn’t blame her, of course.  But it did make you feel like a horrible mother.  One who couldn’t even take care of herself to the point where your daughter had to.
“Yes, I remember last time,” you sighed, staring at a cardinal.  “You know, my mama used to tell me that if you see a cardinal, a loved one who’s passed is visiting you…”
“Mama, I signed you up for a seniors’ social club.”
You blinked.
And then, you blinked again.
You turned to look at your daughter, disbelief written all over your face.  “No the fuck you did not.  I swear to all that is holy, Josephine Ann, if you signed me up for one of those… those… pre-death support groups, I’ll tan your hide!”  You gasped as some of your coffee splashed onto your sweatshirt.  “I brought you into this world, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”
“You’ve been saying that since I was two,” She said, taking your arm and guiding you to sit down at the kitchen table.  “And it’s not a pre-death support group.  I feel like that’s offensive somewhere so make sure you don’t go running around the group saying that.”  Josephine used a paper napkin to dab at the coffee on your sweatshirt, muttering about throwing it into the wash and getting you a new one.
This was what you meant by your daughter taking care of you.
“Josie, really, I can get my own sweatshirt.”
“Doesn’t mean you gotta,” she said as she came back with a new one, helping you change.
Sometimes you felt like she thought you were a hundred years old.
“Honestly, mama…  I just want you to be happy…  You should have friends.  You shouldn’t be cooped up in this house all day, all the time.”
“What do I need friends for when I’ve got you?  And Danny?” You asked.
But you had been hit with the sudden reality that except for Josephine and her girlfriend, you were alone.  Completely, and utterly, alone.  Hell, they were the only people you had ever invited over to the tiny one bedroom you owned.
Repairmen didn’t count because they were there to do a job, not keep you company.
God, you had wanted more than this, once upon a time.  You had once had dreams, of maybe being a writer and making the New York Times’ Bestsellers List, of a husband who adored you and brought you flowers every Friday, of lazy Sundays eating waffles on the couch with the love of your life.
But life didn’t end up the way you had dreamed it.  There were no book signings or meetings with editors… there were no gardenias… and there was no smell of waffles and syrup.
And you’d made your peace with that.
Sort of.
Josephine’s arms wrapped around you as she rested her head against yours.  Like a mirror of yourself, she was, from her face down to her toes.
Thank god.  She didn’t deserve to have to look in the mirror and see reflections of her father.
“Will you at least try it?” She asked gently, her hand running up and down your arm, her freshly manicured nails tickling your skin.  “It’s not like a pre-death support group, as you call it…  It’s for seniors or people who are approaching seniority and are still active and want to go out and have fun, but maybe need some friends to do it with.  Please?”
And how could you say no when she wanted something so badly?
“Alright,” you said after a moment.  “I’ll go once.  And if it’s horrible, I’m not going back.  And I’m gonna tell Danny how you forced me to meet a bunch of strangers.”
She squealed excitedly, running off to your bedroom and going through your closet.  “Okay, the first thing the group is doing is having a first meeting at a bar, and we’re gonna get you all done up.”
Oh, good.  She was going all in.
“When’s the first meeting?” You asked as you sat on the bed, leaning back on your hands as you watched her.
Uh.  What?
“TONIGHT?!” You shouted in shock as you jumped up.  “What?!  You didn’t think to ask me about this a few days ago?!”
She snorted, picking out a few tops that you hadn’t worn in what felt like decades.  “I signed you up this morning, I didn’t know about it a few days ago.”
You watched in exasperation as she threw article after article of clothing onto the bed for you to try on.  “I don’t think I need to wear four pairs of jeans to a bar,” you said, beginning to pick up a few of the pieces.
Josephine gave you a look as she continued.  “Considering how long it’s been since you’ve been out, I think it’s fair that some of these might not fit anymore.”
Well, you had lost some weight…  Not necessarily in a healthy way, but she was right.
In the end, she ended up shoving you into the bathroom and forced you to do a full shower—which meant body and hair.
You hadn’t even gone to such lengths when you were going on your first date with her father.
She spent hours on your hair and makeup, chattering away excitedly about the vacation her and Danny were planning.  A South American cruise.
Josephine had never married, never had kids.  Never wanted to after seeing what her daddy had put you through.  It left a sour taste in her mouth, and even though it was legal now, her and her girlfriend hadn’t breathed a word of a wedding.
Though, you suppose they had a common law marriage at that point, if lesbians were included in it.
“Perfect,” she said as she got you to slip on an old jacket of yours that was a little too big.  “Come on.  I’ll drive you and pick you up.”
“Oh, honestly,” you snorted as you grabbed the purse Josephine had shoved all your things into.  “You’d think I could take an Uber.”
The bar wasn’t what you had expected when she had first told you that’s where the meeting was going to be held.  The last bars you’d been to had practically been nightclubs.
But this was… upscale.  Sophisticated.
Now you understood just why she had put so much work into making you look presentable.
It didn’t look like anyone else was there yet, even though most of the patrons were around your age, so you took a seat at the bar, the group’s site pulled up on your phone.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bartender asked as he set down a coaster in front of you.
A snort erupts from your throat as you look at him.  “You always call women as old as me miss?”
“Oh, come on, you’re a catch,” he said, shooting you a playful wink.  “My dad’s single, you know.  If you were… looking.”
“Thank you, but I’m not,” you said gently, your cheeks flushed.  “Can I get a Manhattan?”
The bartender nodded, gracefully backing off the subject of you possibly dating his father.  And barely a minute and a half later, there’s a perfectly made Manhattan set on your coaster.
You’d barely taken a sip before someone came up beside you.  “Do you have Macallan’s 18 Year Sherry Oak?” A man asked.  At the bartenders confirmation, he hummed.  “Can I get a double on the rocks?”
The bartender dropped a large ball of ice into a glass before pouring two shots of whiskey over it and handing it to the man.
“Macallan’s, huh?” You said softly, your heart pounding.  Josephine had told you to make friends.  That was the whole point of this, even if the man wasn’t part of the social club you’d been forced into.  “You know your whiskeys.”
The tall man took a seat beside you, his eyes boring into the side of your face.  You hadn’t dared look at him yet.  “I’ve always preferred those who choose a Manhattan over a martini any day.”
“And why is that?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
And oh, you wished you hadn’t.  He was… stunning.  The very definition of male beauty.  His salt and pepper hair reminded you of the photos of the men in the forties…  The 1940s, that is.  Blue eyes so striking that you lost your breath, and broad shoulders that you knew would haunt your dreams.  He was wearing a glove on his left hand for some reason, but you didn’t linger on it too long.
But at least he was at least your age, if not a little older.  You’d die if you’d just sort of flirted with a twenty-something asshole who just bought expensive whiskeys for the sake of buying expensive whiskeys to show that he had money to blow.
“Martini drinkers think they’ll get some kind of award for their choice of drink,” he said, “as though choosing a drink that generally tastes like shit is some kind of accomplishment.  Unless you’re just taking a shot, a drink should taste good.”  He looked you up and down, letting his pretty blues linger on your lips.  There were faint crow feet at the corners of his eyes, but they just seemed to make him even more handsome.  “And a Manhattan doesn’t need a fancy whiskey.  It is steady and sure even with the cheapest five dollar bottle you can get from a gas station.  Someone whose drink of choice is a Manhattan is sure of who they are and what they want.”
You hadn’t felt this hot under a man’s gaze in decades.  “Really?”  Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you took another sip of your drink to buy you a moment.
“Mmm…”  He stole one of the two cherries from your drink, biting it off the stem.  You were transfixed as he slipped the stem into his mouth, sticking his tongue out about thirty seconds later with a perfect cherry stem knot on display.  “Really.  I’m James.  What’s your name?”
Butterflies filled your stomach as you gave him your name.  God, you felt like you were sixteen again and being flirted with for the first time.
His eyes flicked down to your open phone that rested on the bar, the social club’s page still up.  “You’re here for the meeting, too?”
“Um…  Yes,” you said, ducking your head.
“But, doll…”  He leaned towards you, a charming smile on his lips.  “You don’t look a day over thirty-five.  Are you sure you’re a senior?”
Blinking, your mouth hung open in a soft o.  “Are you planning on flirting with every woman in the club like this?”
James looked around dramatically, his gloved hand resting over his heart.  “A club?!  Is that what you call this place?” He asked, mockingly serious.  “Damn, what does that make all those dirty, gross places these young kids go to now?  Brothels?”
For some reason, you felt comfortable enough to shove his shoulder, surprised a little at the feeling of metal under his jacket sleeve.
For the first time, he looked a bit… uncomfortable.  He had flinched a bit, his bright eyes focused surely on his drink.  “Um…”
“You’re the Winter Soldier.  James Barnes,” you said curiously, your head tilting to the side as you looked at him.  “I thought I recognized you from somewhere.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“You sure?”
“Mmhm,” you drawled, taking the cherry left in your drink and biting it off in a way that you hoped was alluring.  “Though, I gotta say, it is a bit awkward to meet the man I wrote two papers about in high school.”
Shit, his laugh was beautiful.  Everything about him was beautiful.  Like Apollo or something...
James’s head was thrown back in laughter.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes squeezed shut.  “Did you actually write two papers about me?” He asked as he tried to catch his breath.  At your nod, he smirked, leaning in close again.  “What did you write about?  How devilishly handsome I am?”
You couldn’t believe you were saying this.  “I mean, I can show you the papers and actually let you read them, but they’re at my place.”
Before he could pick his jaw up off the ground, there were other seniors in the group coming up to greet you.  Your throat was dry as the Sahara as you turned to face them, plastering on a smile as you tried to ignore the heated gaze on your face and the way he licked his lips.
The meeting was… long.  Boring.
Or at least, that’s how it felt when you had James’s dark, sultry eyes on you the entire goddamn time.
Mind fuzzy, you vaguely remembered agreeing to come to the next meeting, and even signing up for a hiking trip they were taking the next weekend.
As you headed outside, you felt Bucky’s hand slip into yours, his long, calloused fingers intertwining with yours.  “So…  Am I gonna get to come over and… read those papers?” He murmured, his lips brushing against your ear.
God, you could practically feel yourself bursting into flames.  You weren’t gonna survive.
Thank god your daughter had forced you into a full shower.
But what about how dirty your house was sure to be?
“Um…  Y-Yeah,” you said as you turned to look at him.  “But, my daughter is gonna be driving me home…  I don’t want her to know I’ve got someone coming over.  She’s nosey.  Real…  Real nosey.”
“Of course, darlin,’” he chuckled.  “Here, why don’t I give you my phone number, and you shoot me a text with your address when you’re ready for me to come over?”
Your head was swirling as you got into your daughter’s car, your phone burning a hole in your purse.
“How was it?” Josephine asked nervously once you got about halfway home.  She couldn’t tell from the look on your face.  “Did you like it?”
“Hm?  Yeah.”  Swallowing, you shot a text to James with your name, telling him you’d text him when it was all clear.
“Are you gonna go again?”
She seemed both dissatisfied and pleased by your vague answers.  At least you were getting out of the house.
Once you got home and said goodbye, it was a mad dash to ensure that your house was clean as could be.  Josie had put in some work while you’d been gone, it seemed.  She’d done the dishes and the laundry, as well as dusted.
Thank fuck.
You struggled for a solid twenty minutes to put fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed, lighting two candles and placing them in a manner that you hoped seemed natural.
“Shit,” you cursed as you smelled under your arms.
Okay, quick body shower.  It seemed all that flirting had made you a tiny bit sweaty.
You turned the water to scalding and scrubbed your body down, exfoliating and using your best scented body wash.
And to be quite frank, you’d never shaved your lady bits as quick as that.
As you texted him your address and that it was safe to come over, you pulled on your clothing from the bar (though, you did put on nicer, matching lingerie underneath.)  By the time he’d gotten there, you’d downed two shots of tequila for a bit of liquid courage and had poured yourself a glass of wine.
“Hey, baby doll,” he said, a crooked grin on his face as you welcomed him inside.  His glove had been abandoned, and black metal fingers lined with gold glittered in the light.  “Woah…  You know, I wasn’t sure how your place was gonna look, but this is very… you.”
“Oh, really?” You asked as you offered him a glass of wine, which he gratefully took.  “How so?”
“I don’t know,” he chuckled as he swirled the deep red liquid in its glass.  “It’s cozy.  Sweet.”
Your throat was dry as you watched his adam’s apple bob as he took a drink.  “Um… so those papers…”
Bucky whispered your name, moving closer to you as he set the wine glass down on the counter.  “Baby girl, I’m not really here for the papers, am I?” He asked as your back hit the island.  “If I am…  If I am, then just tell me, and I’ll stop this.”  His slightly chapped lips ghosted against yours like the tease he was.  “Am I here just for the papers?”
“No,” you breathed out, before pressing your lips against his in a firm kiss at last.  His breath was minty and cool, with just a touch of the wine you’d been sharing, like he’d brushed his teeth before coming over just like you had.
Could it be possible he was just as nervous as you were?
But he was perfect?  Why the hell would he be nervous?
Your thoughts were cut short as he reached down, his hands firmly grabbing your ass as he lifted you up and set you on the counter.  “That’s a good girl,” he growled as he kissed down your neck, his hands working at your blouse.  “Couldn’t stop thinking about you during that whole stupid fucking meeting.  Just wanted to kiss you.  Just wanted to… to touch you.”  He pulled back, kissing you fiercely as his hands moved from your blouse to hold your face again.  “You gonna let me touch you, angel?”
A whine escaped your throat as you nodded, desperately yanking at his shirt.  Once it was off, you didn’t hesitate to run your hands over the broad planes of his chest.  He wasn’t quite as toned as you remembered from when you were younger, when you used to (occasionally) stalk (lightly) his social media accounts.  There’d been so many pictures of him on vacation with the other Avengers… all tanned and toned…
But you liked this better.  There was a softness to him now, a gentleness.
You were so distracted by his physique that you didn’t notice he’d gotten your shirt and bra off until the cold air hit your chest.  “Fuck,” you mumbled as his lips found your neck, trailing down to your breasts.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been kissed, let alone the last time you’d had such… attention.
Especially when his hands worked your pants off and he stood between your legs, moaning as his fingers tickled your thighs.  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as his lips wrapped around one nipple, suckling at it and teasing until it was diamond hard, and he moved on to the other.
Gotta be fair, after all.
“Fuck, baby girl…  Never been with a woman as beautiful as you,” he growled, kissing down your tummy.  “You’re not making it out of here without orgasming at least twice,” he warned jokingly.  He was half bent over in front of the island, watching in wonder as he slowly pulled your silk panties down your legs and revealed your aching core to him.
“I-If you’re not comfortable standing like that, w-we can move somewhere else,” you stammered, suddenly growing self conscious.  What if he thought your pussy was weird?  Granted, you’d overcome thinking that when you were in your early twenties, after learning that each one looked different.
But he was born in the forties.
But that meant he’d probably seen an exponential amount of pussies!
Oh, god, there was no way you’d have anywhere near as much experience as him.  The only person you’d ever been with was your ex husband, and he wasn’t exactly the paradigm of lovers.
You refocused with a shake of your head, your eyes meeting James’s.  “Yes?”
“You’re in your head,” he said softly, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly ran his fingers along your sensitive folds.  “There’s no need…  It’s just you and me, okay?  And you’re absolutely perfect.”
Your heart was melting inside your chest as you nodded, stealing a tentative kiss.  “Okay…  Just you and me.”
James nipped at your lower lip as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.  “Come on.  I don’t want our first time to be on a kitchen counter.  Though I make no promises I won’t help christen every inch of this house after,” he said with a playful growl.
You whispered directions to your bedroom as he held you tight to his chest, his lips finding purchase on your neck.  “And here I thought you said the super soldier serum was wearing off,” you joked.
The man snorted as he pushed you up against the hallway wall.  “Trust me, doll, no lack of super soldier serum is gonna stop me from fucking you right,” he said, his voice husky and deep.
Before you could even open your mouth to reply, two thick fingers were slipping inside of you to slowly tease your cunt, his lips ghosting over yours.  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed at the whimper that fell from your lips.  “Y-Yes.  Yes.  Please, I need more, James…”
James smiled into the kisses he’d been giving you.  “I’ll give you everything you want.”
“That’s a tall order.”  You threaded your fingers through his hair, shivering at the way his metal fingers dug into the plumpness of your ass.  “You sure you can fill it?”
He doesn’t respond with words, growling as he kisses you fiercely, carrying you to the bedroom.  You don’t have time to think before he’s crawling over you and kissing up your tummy to your lips.  “I need to be inside you,” He whispered as he stroked his length.
“Please…  Don’t wanna wait anymore,” you said.  Vaguely, you’re aware of the twinge in your knees from all the physical activity, and you knew you’d be sore as hell in the morning.
Fucking worth it, though.
James didn’t hesitate to line himself up, the head of his cock pressing against your entrance.  When he finally pushed in, unison moans fill the air.
“I…  I haven’t done this in… so long,” you finally admitted as he slowly pushed in more, taking his time.  Eyes locked, your mouth fell open in a soft ‘o’ as he bottomed out, his hips meeting yours.  “Oh, fuck…”
“Then I better do a real good job fucking you right.”
You weren’t quite sure how long you two lasted, but you do know he manages to pull three orgasms out of you in the space of just a few hours.  There’s snack and water breaks in between rounds, his cool metal hand running up and down your spine to cool you down as you two whisper in the dim light of your desk lamp.
You can’t remember a time that you’d felt so at peace.
A spark had been lit inside your chest as you two laid there in bed, legs intertwined.  Both of you were quiet, his fingers moving to caress your cheek.
There were no words that needed to be said.
His sea blue eyes are sparkling in the dim light, and your hand runs over the sharp stubble that lines his jaw.  It had certainly marked up your neck.
“I had intended on asking you on a date,” he said quietly as his hand found yours, bringing it to his mouth.  Chapped lips kissed each of your knuckles like you were something precious, something to behold.  “I didn’t think the five minutes or so before the meeting counted…  But I’d still like to take you on that date, if you’ll let me.”
“That sounds nice,” you said, a grin twinging at the corners of your lips.
“Yeah?” He asked, sitting up a bit as his fingers brushed against your forehead.
“Yeah.”  A giggle escaped your lips as he playfully tackled you, starting yet another round as his hips rolled down against yours.
The next morning, you woke up alone.  The sheets beside you were mussed, though the space James had been occupying was still a bit warm.
Jazz music floated down the hall, through the cracked door, and you could vaguely hear the clinking of pans.
It took you a minute to gather the will to get yourself out of bed and find your robe, but you finally did it.  As your feet hit the ground and you pushed yourself to a stand, you winced.
You had been right about feeling it in your knees.
You forced yourself to walk smoothly down the hall, despite how much it hurt.  Embarrassing yourself in front of James was the last fucking thing you wanted to do.
He was in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove and humming along with the old jazz song playing on the Bluetooth speaker.  He had a pan full of pancake batter in front of him, a whole stack he’d already made on the side.
Standing in the doorway, you couldn’t help but grin as you watched him.  He’s so handsome… and he seemed so at home in your kitchen.  In your home.
Maybe he’d like to move in…
You shook your head, knowing that it’s already too much.
But the thought was nice.
Him in his pajamas, making coffee…  Him in your shower…  Him in your bed every night…  
Yeah.  It’s a really, really nice thought.
James jumped, his eyes wide as he whirled round to face you.  “Hi.  I thought I had another thirty minutes before I had to go and wake you up,” he said.  “I’m making pancakes.  For you.  For us.”  His cheeks flushed, turning a bright red as he turned back to the pan to quickly flip the pancake.  “I hope you don’t mind that I used your flour and shit…”
“Oh, no, I…  I almost never cook,” you admitted as you moved over to stand next to him, watching as he made two more pancakes.
As he carried the huge plate to the kitchen island, he teasingly grabbed your ass and squeezed.  “Maybe I’ll have to stay the night more often, if only so you get a homemade breakfast.”
It was sweet, and domestic, and somewhat terrifying.
You hadn’t had a man do anything for you like this since you were in your twenties, when your husband was still sweet and loving.
But even so, this was somehow better than anytime your husband made his famous burritos.
Maybe because James’s cooking actually tasted good.
Your first date was to a movie, a drive in.  Something that’s designed to be vintage but really just looked cheesy as all hell.
But it’s perfect.  Perfect and cheesy and romantic.
Your only complaint was that he didn’t kiss you at the door when he dropped you off.  He pressed his lips to your cheek and whispered a goodnight, and that was it.
It took two more dates within the same week for him to kiss you again.
Bright and early on the next Saturday morning, he knocked on your door, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“I figured I should make up for you having to be up so early with this,” he said as he came inside, kissing you quick before moving to put the flowers in a vase.
At this point, he knew your house almost as well as you did.  It felt good, when you two moved around like you were part of a team.
“Have you gotten your coffee this morning?” You asked, already pouring two travel mugs full of the good stuff.
He came up behind you, kissing your shoulder.  “I have, but you know I’ll never say no to more, doll.”
The rest of the group eyed you curiously as you got out of the same car, a few elbow nudges and whispers in the air.
“At least I know no old ass dickheads are gonna come hit on my girlfriend,” James growled in your ear, his calloused flesh hand squeezing your hip.
“Jamie…,” you whined, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.  No one had ever claimed you in such a way that made you feel so desired and… and worthy.
James made you feel worthy.
Which is something you’d only ever really gotten from your daughter.
It sent a bolt of arousal through you, and you were tempted to drag him back to the car so you could bring him right back home and do something about it.
Also…  Girlfriend?  Were you his girlfriend now?  Officially?
That just made you wanna find somewhere to fuck him even more.
But alas, you pushed the thought away as the lot of you boarded one of those white airport vans that took you out of the city to the closest state park.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out as you stared out the window, forehead pressed to the cool glass.  The morning air was a bit chillier than it had been lately, signaling the coming onslaught of winter.
Maybe Bucky would wanna make hot cocoa together… go sledding…  Would him, Josephine, and Danny would all come over for Christmas and New Years and—
Would he even want to meet Josephine?
Would Josie wanna meet him?
She had no idea that you’d found a—A boyfriend?
“Not as beautiful as you,” Bucky murmured against the shell of your ear as his vibranium fingers intertwined with yours and squeezed.  His stubble tickled your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder, watching the passing scenery with you.  “I’m really glad I met you, doll…”
“Me, too,” you said, grinning as you squeezed his hand back and leaned your head against his.
It was strange, falling so hard for someone so quick after everything you’d been through.
But you had a gut feeling.  One that you had never had with your ex husband.
James was a good one.  A really, really good one.
That reminded you.
When were you meant to tell him about all the shit you’d been through?
Despite the amount of time you had spent together already, you hadn’t found the courage for it.
Soon, you decided.
But first, you had to get through the damn hike.
Bucky was glued to your side the entire time, even though you were a lot worse at hiking than he was.  He would hold your hand, guiding you anytime there was a fallen tree or a creek.  His blue eyes were soft as he murmured encouragement, quietly praising your every move.
It was intoxicating.
So when you two fell behind from the group, watching them go around a curve and down a hill, you dragged James behind a large rock formation.
“Baby doll?  Darling, what the hell are you doing?” He laughed as you pressed a fierce kiss to his lips.
“Can’t a girl be spontaneous?” You teased as you dropped to your knees, ignoring the way a twig was poking into your left knee.  “Need to taste you.”
His eyes locked on you as you worked at his jeans, getting them down and off, his nails scratching at your scalp as he got a good grip on your head.  “Fuck…  Are you really this needy for me, angel?  Fuck, you’re so god damn gorgeous…  Look at you.”
Your heart pounded against your rib cage as you finally freed his length, a grin on your lips as you wrapped your hand around him and slowly stroked him.
Bucky’s eyes rolled back as your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.  “Fucking shit…  Good girl…  Suck me off real good, baby.”
The group probably would notice your absence, not that you particularly cared.
Not when you had your man so weak for you.  And all you’d had to do was get on your knees.
His metal and flesh hands guided you to take more of him in, going at a slow pace so as not to hurt you.  He was so big there was no way you’d get all of him down your throat but what you couldn’t take in your mouth, you pleasured with your hands.
Pleasuring your partner like this was addicting.  You’d never felt the desire—no, the incessant need—to please your ex husband.  All you could think about was getting Bucky off, making him feel so good that he couldn’t see or walk straight.
You choked around him as you took him as deep as possible, your eyes glassy.  When you popped off, you stroked him as you moved down to carefully suck at his balls, fighting a grin as he gasped, his hips stuttering.  Before he could orgasm, you took him back in your mouth, wanting to swallow him down.
“Fuck, fuck—  Oh, shit…  Baby—  I’m gonna…  I’m gonna—”  Bucky broke off with a shout as he came, spilling down your throat.  His large hands stroked your cheeks as you swallowed all of it, barring the little bit that had gotten on your lower lip.  “You did so good, darling,” he cooed as he helped you stand, pressing you against the rock behind him as he kissed you.  “Are you okay?  I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No, you didn’t,” you said, a faint smile on your lips as you helped him put himself back away.  “You were perfect, James…”
When you finally caught up to the group, a few of the others shot you knowing looks.
But Bucky just had a satisfied smirk on his lips, his hand tightly intertwined with yours even as you flushed in embarrassment.
“Once we get home, it’s your turn,” he whispered in your ear as you all headed back for the van.
Your relationship with James was… wonderful.
It was easy in a way you’d never had before.
Within just two months, he was living at your house almost full time, to the point where you’d been thinking about asking him to move in.
It was like you two were magnets.  Even when you both had work to do, you did it in the same room, slowly gravitating towards each other until you were sitting close, your foot running up his calf.
And he’d gotten you to start writing.
“It’s your dream, doll.  You’re never too old to chase your dreams,” he said one night as you two laid in bed.  His metal fingers were tracing shapes on your spine, a chill from the cracked window ruffling his sweaty hair.  “If you don’t mind me asking…  Why did you stop in the first place?”
The conversation you’d been avoiding for so long.
Sitting up, you pressed your hands to your face as you tried to find the words to say.  “Um…  I was married before…  I know you know, but, uh…”  Your fingers fiddled together nervously.  You swallowed around the lump in your throat.  “My husband…  He wasn’t…  He wasn’t nice.  At all.”
Bucky immediately sat up behind you, his vibranium hand resting flat on your back to reassure you that he was there, and to give you something to focus on while you spoke.  He didn’t need to speak for you to know.  He was there and he wasn’t running.
“I married him young… and I had Josephine young…  He’d always been so… possessive, but I just considered it protective,” you continued, pulling strength from his touch to keep on going.  You needed to tell him this.  You needed him to understand.  “Then after Josie was born, he started getting violent.  He’d always been mean, but he’d never hit me until after I gave birth…”
James was tense behind you, slowly scooting over so he could wrap his arms around you, his legs resting on either side of yours as he held you.  He needed you close.  Needed to know you were safe in his arms and that man was long gone.
“Put me in the hospital a few times…  He at least didn’t do it in front of Josie.  That’s the one thing I asked of him that he listened to.”  You couldn’t help but snort as you slowly relaxed back against him.  “She always thought all the bruises and shit was just a side effect of how clumsy I am…  But she came home one day during college, to surprise us…  She walked in on him holding a frying pan above his head, about to swing again.  She jumped in between us and told him if he ever touched me again, she’d kill him.”  You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as his lips pressed to your bare shoulder.  It was soothing, feeling his skin against yours.  “She moved me out of that house and into her apartment, helped me get the divorce, get back on my feet…”
“Remind me to tell Josephine thank you,” he said quietly as he squeezed you close.  “Thank you for telling me, doll…  I…  I can’t imagine how hard that was…  But he’ll never touch you again.  No one will ever touch you again if you don’t want it.”
“I know.”
He nuzzled into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo.  “I love you.  So much…”
A peace settled over you as you rested your head back against his, allowing yourself to truly fall into him, to relax.  “And I love you…”
After that night, Bucky slept over at your place five to six nights a week, only going home to get more clothes and do his laundry really, even though you’d told him a million times he could do it at your place.
“Wake up, sweetheart,” he murmured in your ear one morning, pushing your hair away from your face.  “Time to get up…  I’ve got breakfast ready for you…”
Groaning, you tried to pull him down for more cuddle time, but he wasn’t having it.  He always woke up before you, too many years a soldier coming into play.  He’d go for a run and make breakfast before waking you up.
“Come on, doll,” he chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he got you to sit up, your vision blurry from sleep still.  “Medicine,” he said, pressing your pills into your palm and putting a glass of water in your other. 
Ever since he’d found out about your prescriptions and how you had a hard time remembering to take them, he’d taken it upon himself to make sure you did, every morning and night without fail.
“What’d you make this morning?” You asked sleepily after swallowing your pills, letting him pull you to your feet.  His t-shirt clung to you as you followed him down the hall.  Your hand was tucked into his as you rounded the corner to the kitchen.
What neither of you had heard was the sound of the front door opening.
“Mama?!  What the hell?!” Josephine demanded, standing in the kitchen with Danny right behind her.  “Who the fuck is this?!  What is he doing here?!”
You’d neglected to tell your daughter, afraid of how she might take it.
“Hello.  I’m James.  Or Bucky,” your boyfriend said as he held out his hand to you, clearly unashamed and standing his ground even though he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Your daughter repeated angrily, ignoring his hand.
“Josie,” Danny began, trying to soothe her.
But your daughter was nothing but determined when she was in her protective mode.
Before you could open your mouth, Bucky supplied, “I’m her boyfriend.”
You felt a flush coming over you as she stared at the two of you, slack-jawed.  “He is,” you said, wrapping both of your arms around his metal one.  You were so nervous, you were shaking.
“When did this happen?!” She demanded, beginning to pace back and forth around the kitchen.
“Um…  The first meeting at the bar… for the club,” you said.  Seeing her so upset made your anxiety spike, and you knew James could feel it, could hear the way your heart rate increased exponentially.
Josephine whirled on you, her eyes—so much like yours—wide with disbelief.  No.  Betrayal.  “You’ve been seeing someone for almost three months and you didn’t tell me?”
“I…”  Tears pricked your eyes as you tightened your grip on Bucky’s arm.  This was not the way you wanted them meeting to go.  “I was scared… of how you’d react…”
At that moment, Bucky turned to meet your eyes, his forehead almost pressing against yours.  “Darling, I feel like this is a conversation you two should have alone, yeah?  So I’m gonna take—Danny, right?  Yeah—Danny to the living room with some coffee so we can get to know each other, okay?”
After a nod, and a squeeze of his hand, he got two mugs of coffee and led your daughter’s girlfriend to the living room.  You could see them sitting down from the corner of your eyes, but you were much too focused on Josephine.
“Mama, I—”
“I love him,” you said, before she could say anything more.
Her eyes were shining, locked on you as she waited for you to speak.  In her gut, she knew this was something you needed to get out.
“I love him more than I’ve ever loved a man.  More than I loved your father,” you whispered, your voice cracking.  “And I know…  I know you’re as protective as you are because you saw how he treated me.  You saw how much I hid that he was hurting you, but Jamie isn’t like that.”  Your fingers fiddled as you tried to keep yourself from pacing.  “He’s kind and adoring and gentle and…  and he loves me.  More than I thought anyone could ever love me.  And I know you feel like you need to take care of me and I am so grateful.  And I still need you.  Everyday.  But Bucky…  I love him.  I love him and he loves me and we take care of each other.”
Josephine reached out, slowly taking your hands in hers.  “He…  He makes you happy?  He takes care of you and you’re safe?” She asked, voice trembling as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Yeah.  He takes real good care of me,” you insisted with a weak laugh.  “And I’ve never been so happy before, honey.  I promise.”
“Okay…,” she said, taking a deep breath.  “I’m still giving him the shovel talk.”
Bucky looked up as Josephine entered the living room, looking much calmer.  He wasn’t sure what you’d said, but it had seemed to placate her for the time being.
“Can we talk outside?” She asked him, keeping her chin high.
God, she looked so much like you.
He nodded stiffly, getting to his feet and leaving his mug behind as he followed her to the front door and out onto the porch.  The former super soldier watched as she paced back and forth, biting her thumb.  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said finally, breaking the silence.
Josie stopped in her tracks, listening quietly.
“Your mama loves you something fierce.”  Nervously rubbing his hands on his pajama pants, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so nervous meeting a girl’s family.
Though, he supposed it was a bit different when it was meeting your girlfriend’s daughter.
“And I love her.”
Your daughter, your mini me, stared him directly in the eyes.  “I’m sure she’s told you about my father.  What he did.”
“She did.”
“So you know that if you put one fucking foot out of line, I’ll filet you?”
“I do.”
She eyed him for a long moment.  “What are you in this for?  What’s the long term?” She asked.  “I’ve heard of elders just… settling for someone because they don’t wanna be alone in their twilight years.  Is that what this is?”
Bucky tried really hard not to feel a little bit offended.  He wasn’t that old.  “I’ve been alive since 1917,” he said slowly.  “I have no doubt you know who I am.  But I’ve been alive a hundred and something years, and I’ve never met someone who makes me feel the way your mom does.”  His heart clenched inside his chest as he thought of you, seeing your shy smile in the mornings, how you clung to him when you went out in public, the sound of your voice as you read an excerpt of your writing to him, so nervous about what he would think.  “And I…  I can say that everything I’ve been through…  Everything I’ve ever been through was worth it, because I got to meet her.  And I get to be hers for the years I have left.”
She looked absolutely speechless.  “Good,” she said, coughing to clear her throat.  “Good.  I just…  I can’t see her get hurt again.  Not after everything.”
“Trust me, I don’t plan to,” he said, his mouth dry.  “I…  I actually have something to ask you about…  Been waiting to meet you to talk to you about it…”
Inside, you paced the kitchen and living room, going back and forth and back and forth, sometimes moving to the window to try to hear what they were saying.  But they were keeping it all very hushed.
“It’s gonna be fine, mama,” Danny said, standing up and moving to wrap her arms around you.  “Josie’ll see how much you two love each other, and it’ll be fine.  She’s just gotta have her protective moment.  You know how she is.”
Sniffling, you hugged her tightly.  “I shouldn’t have kept it from her for so long…  I was just so nervous…  They both…  They both mean the world to me.”  You paused, snorting.  “I knew you’d approve of him.  I wasn’t so worried about you.”
“Oh, please, the way that man looked at you?” She said, laughing as she kissed your forehead.  “Mama, there’s no way in hell that man would ever hurt you.  He looks at you like you’re his entire universe.”
Heart warm, you glanced towards the front door, wishing they’d just come inside already.  “I’ve never felt something like this…  But fuck, if the whole shit show that’s my life wasn’t worth it for him…  I wouldn’t change a thing, as long as it means I get to end up with him.”
You broke out of her grasp as the front door opened and they came back inside, looking relaxed and even… happy?  “Well?  You aren’t gonna kill him?” You asked Josie as you moved to James, heart racing.
“Nah…,” she said, giving him what seemed like a secretive smile.  “As far as dads go…  He’d be pretty nice to have.”
“What?” You said, brows furrowing as you looked between the two of them.
Bucky chuckled, winking at Josephine as he led you to the stove where breakfast was still waiting, making you waddle as his arms wrapped around you from behind.  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, baby doll.  It’s all good.”
You still couldn’t help but feel like the two were planning something as he made your plate for you, cutting up your pancakes and filling up your coffee.  “Why do I feel like you two are gonna end up ganging up on me?”
“Oh, come on, mama,” Josephine said with a smirk on her face.  Her and Danny had made their own plates and joined you and Bucky in the living room.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?”
“Yeah,” James said as he fed you a bite of pancake.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?” He asked, before leaning in and stealing a kiss.  “I love you.”
You’d never felt more relaxed, surrounded by the people you loved the most in the world.  What you’d said to Josephine had been true.
“I love you more,” you said, leaning back in for another kiss.
You’d never been so happy.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ | Planning The Trip
Part One of my "Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™" headcanon series
Includes: (The Whole Gang) Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
Word Count: 3.9k
Relationships: The Avengers x F!Reader, Ambiguous; just how we like it ;)
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ Master List
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→The whole idea starts when the team is lounging at the compound doing regular™ team things
→A.K.A Wanda, y/n, Pietro, and Vision are in a pile on one of the couches cuddling, Clint and Nat are across the room playing pool, Bucky is making ramen in the kitchen, Steve is trying to convince Bucky to add an egg or something for more protein, Bruce and Stephen are talking neuroscience and bickering over techniques of spinal fluid something, Thor and Loki are fighting over the remote before Loki finally rolls his eyes and picks up the book y/n had left on the coffee table, Sam is asleep on the floor, and Tony is just tired
→In the madness though he picks up on the conversation happening between the four people on the couch
→“You’ve never been to Disney World?”
→Three rounds of “no” “nope” “I’ve only had a body for a year, y/n. When would I have gone to Disney World?”
→”Okay, yeah, good point, Vis. But y’all would love it. I haven’t been since high school but I want to go again so bad. We need a vacation.”
→Tony doesn’t even stick around to hear the rest, he’s already walking away while speaking to FRIDAY, telling her start pulling up the Disney site and analyzing it, disappearing to his lab and using all of his monitors to compare the resorts and try to decide where to stay that everyone would like (and where they would all fit because there’s too many of them)
→It doesn’t take him long to realize they’re going to need large accommodations
→Bruce is the first to notice that he’s gone, sneaking into the lab and scaring the hell out of Tony
→“Whatcha’ doing?”
→“Ah shit-- Bruce! How are you so quiet?”
→And then he points to the seven open listings on the monitors and explains that the team needs a break and that he heard y/n talking about Disney World and that he wants to surprise the team-- Bruce agrees immediately (the man is always in need of relaxation)-- and that’s how the team’s geek squad ends up playing Disney Dad #1 and Disney Dad #2 and planning the most extravagant vacation in less than three hours
→They have it down to a science after the first twenty minutes-- dividing what needs to be done and tackling it individually while bouncing ideas off one another
→“Do you think they want to eat at Beauty and The Beast Castle or Ariel’s Grotto the second night?” “I’m not sure-- book them both.” “Tony we can’t--” “FRIDAY, book them both.” “You got it Mr. Stark.”
→There’s a lot of Bruce wondering if what they’re booking is too expensive and even more of Tony reminding him that he’s a literal billionaire and that he could buy the Disney company if he wanted to-- that still doesn’t stop Bruce from suggesting more frugal methods from time to time-- it only makes Tony want to spend even more money because you need to lighten up, Banner
→The next person who realizes Tony and Bruce are gone is-- surprisingly-- Sam
→Honestly it’s only because he has to pass Tony’s lab on the way back from his room and he sticks his head in to tell them that “Romanoff and Barton ordered pizza if y’all want any… holy crap is that Disney World? Are we going to Dis--”
→Tony literally grabs him by the collar and tells him to hush it, birdman before pulling him into the room and explaining his plans for the second time-- “Yes, we are going to Disney World and I want it to be a surprise.”
→Sam just nods, his eyes on the screen and his brows beginning to push down and-- “Okay but why are you booking dinner at Mickey’s Backyard Barbecue on the same day that you have fast passes for World of Color at Epcot?”
→And Tony and Bruce blink and are just like “What?”
→And Sam is already at the computer, fingers stuttering over the weird ass hoverscreens while pulling up the page which shows that the World of Color has a whole ass dining experience-- Tony and Bruce have no clue that was even a thing-- and suddenly Sam is the one telling them what to plan because, as it turns out, this man loves Disney World and has been upwards of thirteen times and knows it inside and out
→Thank gods for Sam because these two Disney Dads™ were really shooting blindly into the abyss of trip planning without ever having gone to Disney World-- he has to shift around fast passes, dining reservations, water park tickets, and even the family portrait session that Tony demanded Bruce add
→He shows them all the things they don’t even think to plan-- firework shows, dessert parties, literally all of Downtown Disney-- Tony wants to be mad but he’s too busy picking his jaw up off the floor when Sam manages to book them for an After Dark Party in Magic Kingdom
→Bruce gets so excited when Sam tells him that’s a thing that he almost gives the plan away when Natasha comes rushing to see what all the noise is (it’s Banner jumping up and down like a toddler) -- he has to rush to the doorway, make up a lie about him dropping a piece of equipment, and then walk her back to the common area and play a round of pool with her to keep her questions at bay
→It’s all fine because Sam puts the final touches on the plan and has Tony give the order for FRIDAY to book it all and then it’s ready to tell the team
→They sneak back into the common area, it’s nine pm and everyone just looks so worn out
→Stephen is literally half way to snoring, legs curled under him on the love seat, doing that thing people do when they’re falling asleep and their head slumps and then they spring back awake, repeating the process an embarrassing amount of times but nobody’s even paying attention
→Steve and Bucky are talking quietly in the corners about whether or not they should just go to sleep because it’s Thursday and there’s really no point in staying up any longer
→Clint and Thor are sharing a bag of popcorn and half watching John Wick while discussing the inaccuracies of the movie-- “If he had a bow none of this would have happened.” “Or a hammer.” “Yeah, that too.”
→Yeah, they’re exhausted, and it makes the Disney Dads™ and Sam that much more excited to share the news
→Sam’s twiddling his hands behind his back and sharing smiles with Banner who’s trying to keep his excitement at bay and Tony is rolling his eyes but smiling too and for a moment nobody notices their cheshire grins and nervous foot tapping until finally y/n lifts her head from Pietro’s chest-- who complains at the action and lifts his head too-- and lazily asks
→“Tones, what on earth are you smiling about?”
→And the man opens his mouth but before he can even get the words out Bruce and Sam are already jumping up and down again and screaming “We’re going to Disney World!”
→And the room goes dead silent for three beats-- one, two, three-- and it feels like a million seconds and Tony’s face is dropping slowly and he’s ready to be like sike and then she jumps up, literally stepping on Pietro’s stomach, hurtling the back of the couch like a damn track star and rushing the man at full force, flinging herself at him and jumping into his arms and there are tears streaming down her face and she’s screaming
→“Tony you didn’t! Oh my gods you didn’t! You’re lying oh my god no! Are you serious?”
→And he’s nodding but he still can’t get a word in edgewise because she’s still rambling-- “You heard me oh my gods! You heard me and you did it! Tony that’s insane and reckless and oh my god I love you! Are we actually going? This isn’t a trick? Please don’t let this be a trick!”
→And he just laughs and spins her around and tells her that no, this isn’t a trick I’m not the mischief god here and Loki rolls his eyes but he’s also kind of excited despite the frown on his face
→They’re all excited
→Pietro and Wanda and screaming with Sam, slapping each other and just full on freaking out like children, incoherent and happy and raring to just go already
→In turn this wakes Stephen up who hears the madness and jumps up, on edge and ready to literally fight before he realizes what’s going on and calmly sits back down, nodding his head but not speaking because if this literal grown man opens his mouth he knows he’s going to freak out too because holy shit Disney World-- even sorcerers like Disney!
→Steve and Bucky are kind of confused-- they just barely remember Snow White when it came out but Disney World? They made a-- what is it? A theme park? Regardless they’re excited, ready to break the old men lull they’ve fallen into-- Bucky hears y/n ask if Tony booked water park tickets and gets super excited
→Vision is also confused but he sees everyone getting turnt over Disney World and decides that he is also excited-- Wanda momentarily stops being hyped up to ask him if he’s waterproof in which he goes into explicit detail about how yes, he is and he’ll show her if she’d like and she has to slap her hands over his mouth and tell him to hush
→Thor and Clint also turn into children but they’re the run around the room yelling types as opposed to the stand in a circle and scream types-- the gang is apparently just like fifteen children who barely manage to get things done apparently because they’re all hyped as fuck
→Clint sprints over to Nat whose hands are already up, ready to fight the man off because she knows what’s coming, but he’s too fast and too happy and uses all his assassin training to dodge her kick, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around until she’s giggling and slapping his back
→“Natty we’re going to fucking Disney World!”
→“I know you lug, I heard Stark too. Let me down!”
→He doesn’t-- he just shakes her harder, cheering with the rest of them
→Thor slumps down next to his brother, nudging his shoulder-- “Migardians are strange”-- and Loki nods but pulls out his phone and starts looking up what’s actually at Disney World and-- “Look, brother, our home… wait is that us?”-- and the brothers get sucked into a rabbit hole of the Norwegian pavilion and whatever the hell the Frozen ride is and why their pictures are there
→It takes thirty minutes for everyone to calm down enough for them to actually have a conversation about what on earth Tony and Bruce and Sam did-- it takes another ten minutes after that for Stephen to finally break through the chatter to ask the most important question-- “Guys, seriously. You can ask about the plans after. The main question here is when are we going.”
→And Tony glances at Bruce and shrugs and is like “Tomorrow.”
→And they all erupt again-- y/n and Wanda because they have to pack and Stephen because normal people don’t just up and go on Vacation, you’re supposed to make time and Clint and Pietro because holy shit we’re going to Disney tomorrow!-- but Tony just brushes the worry off and reminds them-- again-- that they’re superheroes and that he’s a billionaire and that they can go on vacation whenever they damn want
→Cue fifteen more minutes of freaking out and y/n tackling Tony and then tackling Bruce and then, finally, tackling Sam who scoops her up and all but tosses her in the air before thanking her profusely for putting the idea in Tony’s brain
→They spend the next few minutes fangirling together-- Sam raves about all the food he’s going to eat-- Mickey bars, corn dogs, pretzels, those huge turkey legs-- and y/n talks about how she wants to get all the autographs she can-- especially Goofy and Pluto-- and then Sam mentions the After Dark Party and, like Bruce, she freaks out
→Finally Wanda has to split them up, grabbing y/n with one hand and hauling her over to the other redhead who’s still being held hostage by the resident archer and grabbing Nat with the other-- when Clint protests she curls her fingers, warning him with a pinch of red magic, and he holds his hands up, backing away slowly but telling Nat she’d better come see him before they leave
→On the way out Steve asks where they’re going and Wanda almost threatens him too until Nat tells him they’re going to pack for tomorrow-- he then turns to Bucky and reiterates the idea to a less than enthusiastic super soldier who tries to argue that I can pack in the morning but Steve just isn’t having it-- it takes five minutes but finally Buck agrees (but only after Steve says Bucky can just throw his stuff in his bag)
→The girls spend the rest of the night giggling and packing, holding up dresses and putting them down, shoving things in each other's bags and dancing to a playlist of oldies from Wanda’s phone-- Nat is the most boring packer but after some threats to get resident archer involved she gets her act together
→Pietro comes in when he’s done and Wanda scoffs at what he has packed but he only shrugs, slumping on y/n’s bed and giving her grabby hands until she rejoins him
→“But Pietro what if I forget something?”
→“You worry too much-- can’t Stange make portals?” He has a point
→What they all pack:
→Tony: Suits and graphic t-shirts. He’s either rolling up to Disney World in a Metallica t-shirt or a full three piece suit there’s no inbetween. He’s really not concerned about packing-- he can just buy whatever he needs there. After a text from y/n though he throws in a few pairs of shorts that he didn't even know he owned and his M.I.T. hoodie. He tops it off with a few gadgets he thinks he might need-- FRIDAY’s chip and some nanotech-- and he’s good to go. Billionaires don’t need to pack.
→Steve: Clothes and toiletries. Boring, basic, forgets swim trunks until he sees Bucky put his swim trunks and nothing else into Steve’s bag. That’s how he remembers most things actually; by looking at what Bucky doesn’t put into the bag. Along the way he suggests what the super soldier might want to pack while adding a few extra of his own just in case. After thinking about it for a few minutes he adds two books-- one for each of them. He also adds some tools-- a screwdriver and some pliers-- in case Bucky’s arm starts acting up. He’s sure Stark will have something but in case he doesn't, those will hold it over.
→Bucky: Swim trunks. And, when Steve begs, he grumbles and adds a few button downs and henleys. He also sneaks in a few knives, burying them in the henleys. He watches Steve pack for him though and leaves it at that-- what’s the point of packing when the super soldier can just do it for him? He’s not stupid-- he’s tired and Steve is fussy. He’ll have what he needs and if he doesn’t then he’ll just make y/n go swimming with him. Then he won’t need anything. Easy peasy.
→Nat: She’s the most level headed packer of the bunch, spare maybe Bruce and Sam. She Packs what she’ll need-- not too much and not too little. If anything she packs too many of Clint’s hoodies (three). Part of that, though, is her knowing that he’s probably going to forget one. She packs her normal toiletries, making sure to add an extra stick of deodorant and a bottle of Wanda’s red nail polish because-- despite the fact that she spends an hour watching Wanda pack her entire room-- she just knows that the woman forgot a bottle of that stuff and that she’ll be upset if her nails look chipped in the pictures. Wanda and y/n make her pack a bikini despite the fact that she has two scars from Bucky still and they threaten to get Clint involved if she tries to refuse-- “I suggest you put that little black number in that bag right now unless you want some aggressive compliments, you hear me woman?” She didn’t have to be told twice.
→Clint: Not as much as he should. Never as much as he should. He packs boxers, a pair of swim trunks, a few regular shirts and shorts (not enough), a couple nice shirts and a pair of jeans, and his toiletries. He’s gone longer with less but-- like-- he doesn’t have to this time? Nat walks into his room as he finishes packing and takes one look at his bag before marching to his closet and adding a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a jacket, a pair of sweatpants, and socks because who the hell doesn’t pack socks when they’re going to be walking around for days, how the hell are you an accomplished assassin Clint?
→Wanda: She literally packs as much as she can-- think the essentials times three and then some, like five different dresses, two leather jackets (even though y/n reminds her that Orlando is hot), her laptop and her ipad, two pairs of headphones. She has a notebook, a sketch book, and a regular book. Six bikinis and a one-piece. Three hats, four pairs of sunglasses, enough panties to last a month, let alone a week. She packs heels, boots, sneakers, flats, and sandals. Two purses and a backpack. Wanda Maximoff is the epitome of team mom-- anything Nat and y/n forget she’ll have it. She also packs a few things that she thinks Pietro will forget-- a few nice outfits for nights out and his main toiletries. Oh-- and sunscreen! Lots and lots of sunscreen!
→Pietro: Well, let's just say that it’s a good thing Wanda thinks to pack some things for Pietro because this man barely remembers his toothbrush let alone his phone charger. He gets the basics-- the bare necessities-- like three t-shirts, a pair of shorts, some (?) boxers, and like seven pairs of shoes because with how fast this man is he’s going to need them badly. He does, however, remember to pack his bathing suit and that’s more than a few people on the team can remember. Poor baby just wants to get there already-- he can just buy whatever he forgets.
→Vision: A very strange assortment of items. He doesn’t need clothes-- he can make whatever he would like appear on his body-- but he does want to feel included so Wanda gives him one of her backpacks and he puts like kind of random items into it. He sees a phone cord and shoves it in and like a hairbrush-- all items someone will need eventually but not him (later will find out that it’s the cord to Sam’s Iphone and will hand it over and have the audacity to say you’re welcome Samuel after doing it).
→Sam: He packs at least four ball caps. Nothing besides that really matters; he just knows how fucked you are if you don’t bring a hat and he’s bringing enough for the people who forget. As much as Bucky gets on his nerves he also packs him one. Besides that he packs normally-- t-shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, boxers-- all regular amounts. He freaks out a little when he can’t find his phone charger but he’ll just buy one when he gets there. He also brings a Polaroid camera and a shit ton of film-- some of his team members have never been and he will be documenting it all.
→Bruce: He’s the most boring packer and that isn’t a bad thing-- it’s the reason he has so many doctorates-- because he’s smart and level headed. He packs the clothes he needs with one extra of everything. He packs his toiletries. He doesn’t pack his whole room and he doesn’t pack nothing at all. He’s perfectly in the middle-- a Disney Dad™! He does, however, forget his swim trunks-- oops.
→Stephen: One backpack with a t-shirt, sweatpants, and swim trunks. That’s it. Why would he pack anything else? The man can open a portal whenever he needs! He’s always one step away from his bedroom! Stephen simply flicks his wrists and can change and rejoin the group in less time than it takes the rest of them to pull shit from their bags and wait for the washroom to free up. It’s actually a genius play.
→Loki: Despite being the most outwardly unenthusiastic he packs almost the exact same way that Wanda does. He’s a nervous packer. His brother laughs but, like, he has a point. Safe is better than sorry. It’s comical that he packs like five sweaters though considering that he can snap his fingers and make the sweater appear. All his clothes are either green or black. He packs at least one all black suit. Thor has to force him to add a red Hawaiian shirt and he scoffs at it and shoves it to the bottom. Definitely packs three pairs of swim trunks because he doesn’t like putting them one while they’re still wet. He doesn’t even know if he’s going to go swimming but he’s still doing it anyway. He also packs the scrunchie y/n gave him to keep his hair out of the way and when Thor tries to say shit about it he pulls a dagger from thin air and just chucks it. After dodging it Thor asks why don’t you just make your clothes appear the same way?
→Thor: Enough but, like, definitely not enough. The normal things but like less. He figures he’s going to be spending most of his time in his bathing suit anyway. Loki tries to remind him that he can’t go shirtless in the parks (he looked it up already) but he doesn't listen. It really is a good thing his brother can make things appear from thin air. He’s the type of guy to be content in a pair of flip flops and an open button down. He does, however, bring one of those dad-esque fanny packs and somehow he makes it look hot.
→Y/n: Literally packs the same as Wanda, if just a tad less. So many clothes that it’s insane. She, however, has the added bonus of her old Mickey ears-- a pink sequined pair that are a little worse from wear but still pretty. She packs a bucket hat to pin collectable pins to. She makes sure to leave extra room in her suitcase for souvenirs. She’s had her eye on the luxury bath salts from the Grand Floridian ever since the Disney Instagram posted them a few months ago and now that she’s going she won’t be leaving without them. She also packs the strapless dress she’s been meaning to wear for months now-- she doesn’t know who’s going to be there to admire it but she’s sure there’s at least one person who will. Besides, Nat’s been telling her to wear it for ages.
230 notes · View notes
Star Trek - Leonard "Bones" McCoy x reader - Southern Charm - Words: 3,556
A/N: While I did write this with TOS in mind, I do believe it is fairly AOS compliant as well. Enjoy!
"Lieutenant Commander Y/N L/N, Chief Medical Officer of the Starship Serenity."
"Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Doctor L/N. I'm Captain James T. Kirk. This is my first officer, Commander Spock and our CMO, Doctor McCoy. We're looking forward to having you as the first trainee in the Starship Exchange Training program."
"Pleasure to meet you all. And I'm looking forward to it as well," You replied, stepping off the transporter pad. You gave the Captain a handshake, the First Officer a Vulcan salute and then turned to the grumpy looking CMO.
"How old are you?" He demanded to know.
"Old enough," You assured him, crossing your arms. "Why do you ask?"
"Just don't see many youngsters like you with that rank," He trailed off, leaving the statement open ended.
"Well, I happen to be an outlier. Or haven't you heard of that, Doctor? Besides, I'm not that young," You replied, curtly. You didn't often become confrontational this quickly but questions on your age and suspicions on how you got your rank were a sore spot for you.
"Just because I have to train you doesn't mean I have to like it," McCoy grumbled.
"I never asked you to." You quickly grabbed your bag that was transported with you and walked to the doors. Just before you stepped out to the hallway, you turned back around. "Captain, Commander, have a good evening. I am looking forward to working with you two over the next few weeks. Don't worry, I know where my quarters are. Doctor, I will see you at 6."
As you unpacked your bag, you thought over what happened in the transporter room. You had really been looking forward to this training and you had heard many great things about the Doctor. Of course, you had also heard he was a bit of a grump, but you hadn't thought it was this bad! You decided to stay in your room for the rest of that evening, as it was already late when you arrived, and try for a fresh start in the morning.
"Are you out of your mind? I'm a doctor, not an assassin!"
"I was simply saying, Doctor McCoy, that Starfleet medical personnel are completely untrained in self defense techniques! We are trained to save lives, not take them. That I completely agree with. But we must also be trained how to defend and disable. Defend ourselves, disable our opponents. Otherwise we may become a hindrance to any away missions we get assigned on!"
"Look, even if you're right, and you're not, when would we have the time to train?" He yelled. "Have you ever been to medical school? Do you know how stressful that is?"
"Of course I went to med school! I happened to graduate top of my class! And I remember very clearly how stressful it is! But they need to make it work! Even another month would be enough for most!"
"Another month?" He screeched. He raked his fingers through his hair and rubbed his forehead. "Look, I have plenty of training to defend myself in the field. Let's just agree to disagree and get this over with."
"Alright, Doctor," You sighed. The first 2 weeks of training slowly passed with the only change in attitude being on your side. You'd gotten to disliking the Doctor as much as he disliked you. Every day you trained was near constant arguing and insulting.
Unbeknownst to you, Kirk had started taking bets from the senior crew members on when in the final week you two would get together. Whoever won would get 3 days vacation. The current bets on Kirk's paper were:
Uhura: As she steps on the transporter to leave Thursday
Scotty: Monday
Chekov: End of shift Tuesday
Sulu: Beginning of shift Wednesday
Spock: At precisely 07:35 in the evening Friday
Kirk looked oddly at Spock when he submitted his estimate. "Spock, you do realize she is scheduled to leave Thursday afternoon."
"Yes, Jim."
"So why-"
"I have my reasons."
"Logical, I'm sure."
"Quite. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in engineering."
"Ok, Spock. But don't get your hopes high about any vacation!"
Monday: Scotty's Day
You got up early and headed down to the rec room to get breakfast. Usually you had breakfast in your room but this morning, oddly enough, Scotty had invited you to join him for breakfast. Once you entered the rec room you mentally groaned. Of course McCoy would be there!
"Good morning, Scotty," You greeted, walking up to his table which was unfortunately right next to Kirk, Spock, and McCoy's table.
"Aye! And an even lovelier morning with you here, lassie!" You blushed slightly, surprised at the engineer's comment.
"Oh please!" You scoffed. You were about to walk away to the replicators to get your food when Spock cleared his throat.
"I believe Mister Scott is correct, Doctor. Your hair and makeup accentuate your natural beauty quite well."
"Spock!" You, Kirk and McCoy gasped at the same time.
"Look here," You finally said, gathering your composure. "I appreciate a compliment here and there but really! I'm going to go get my breakfast and I don't want to hear one more peep out of any of you when I return! Understand?" They all nodded and stuck to their word, not another compliment for the rest of the day.
Tuesday - Chekov's Day
Your shift had gone fairly well. Training with Doctor McCoy was finally becoming almost bearable and there hadn't been any major disasters. "Doctor, was there anything else you needed me for today?" You asked, stepping into the open doorway of his office.
"No, you can go if you'd like," He sighed, not lifting his eyes from his PADD.
"Is something troubling you, Doctor?"
"Just a lot of paperwork, darlin'," He said absently. You blushed brightly and he quickly tried to correct himself. "I mean, Doctor. Sorry." He finally looked at you, face as red as yours. You nodded and attempted to make a hasty exit but you ran into a gold blur.
"Oh! Ezcuze me!" Chekov quickly said, helping you up. "I'm wery sorry! Are you hurt?"
"Only my pride, Pavel," You replied, dusting yourself off.
"What in blazes happened out here?" McCoy yelled, stomping out.
"Oh nothing, Doctor," You assured him.
"Well watch where you're going next time!" He ordered. With that he marched back to his office and closed the doors. You sighed and wished Chekov goodnight before leaving.
"No vacation," Chekov mumbled softly before leaving Medbay too.
Wednesday - Sulu's Day
You walked into Medbay to start your shift only to find Sulu already there. "What are you doing here so early?" You asked. "Your check-up isn't for another 45 minutes."
"I wanted to make sure I got here on time. You know how it is on the bridge sometimes," He chuckled. You nodded and chuckled lightly. You checked the schedule on the PADD and noticed the Ensign before him had cancelled.
"Well, Sulu, you just managed to get an early appointment. Step on up!" You had him sit on the nearest biobed and grabbed your Tricorder. As you started running over the usual check-up points, Dr. McCoy walked in.
"You're here early," He commented. Sulu nodded and you explained what happened. "Alright. Y/N, I'm going to leave you to it. I have a headache this morning and I think I'll just sit in my office for a bit with the lights down." You looked at him a little better, noticing how exhausted he looked. His hair was a mess and there were dark bags under his eyes. He may be a pain but he was still human and you felt for him.
"Did you need me to get you anything, Doctor?" You asked. He shook his head but groaned at the movement. "Just comm me if you need anything." He made a noise of agreement and you went on with Sulu's checkup.
Thursday - Uhura's Day
"Good morning, Y/N," Uhura greeted you in the turbolift on your way to Medbay.
"Good morning, Uhura," You replied abit sadly.
"You alright, sweetheart?"
"I'm going to miss you all. I love my ship and my crew, don't get me wrong, but," You trailed off, unsure of how to explain yourself.
"You don't feel like family there?" She filled in. You nodded slightly. "Oh honey, I understand. Don't feel bad, alright? Who knows! Maybe you'll get a transfer one day even!"
"That would be nice I guess," You admitted. The doors swooshed open and as you stepped out, Dr. McCoy walked by.
"Doctor L/N," He said, sounding somewhat frustrated. "I need you to gather all the anti-toxin hypos we have."
"Of course. Is everything alright?"
"Spock just told me we're going on a mission tomorrow. He should have told me at least 2 days ago. The new colony on Oliza 6 sent out a distress call about 1 week ago saying that something was wrong. They said some of the younger people were having strange reactions to some of the foods."
"That's odd. Isn't the food on a planet usually tested first?"
"Yes but apparently they forgot to test on the younger adults. Blasted regulations. Test one adult you've tested them all." At this point you had nodded a silent goodbye to Uhura and started walking with Doctor McCoy down the hall. "Let's see if we can't find out what's on that planet and run some tests of our own. Might save some time."
"Doctor?" You said, somewhat hesitantly.
"I do have to go back to my ship this afternoon. I," you paused. McCoy had finally started to be nice with you and now you had to go. You didn't want to upset him again on your last day. "I'll help as much as I can on the tests of course, Doctor, but I-"
"No, no," He said with a sigh. "I didn't realize it was Thursday." He smiled slightly and put his hand on your shoulder. "If you tell anyone what I'm about to say, I'll have to kill you," He joked. "Your work has been excellent. Your skill set is beyond your years and please don't take that wrong. You've impressed me." You blushed at his praise. "Of course, I still don't agree with the extra combat training," He added. You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. "But I guess you're not so bad."
"Well thank you, Doctor. I, uh, I guess I'll get the hypos for you now."
"Oh, um, yes, thank you," he replied somewhat awkwardly. The rest of your shift went about the same. You and the Doctor awkwardly dancing around each other. Eventually, though, the time came for you to finish packing, and leave the Enterprise.
As you headed to the transporter room, Uhura came running up to you with a small package in her hands. "What's this?" You asked.
"Oh, just a little going away present that a few of us put together for you."
"That's really sweet of you. Thanks so-"
"Bridge to Lt. Uhura," The Captain's voice rang through her comm.
"Duty calls!" She exclaimed. "Keep in touch!"
"Will do!" You replied, heading off to the transporters. Once you got there though, you saw Scotty talking to the Captain through the comm. He seemed upset about something.
"But Captain! I-"
"Scotty, we need to help that colony. There's no time."
"Aye, Captain. Scott out," He sighed. "I cannae believe 'at."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, lassie. I'm so sorry! The Captain just got an emergency message from Oliza 6. We're heading there straight away."
"So I'll be staying another night?"
"At least." Your brows furrowed in thought. While you did want to get back to your ship to start your transfer application, a few more days here was not all that bad.
"Ok," You replied. Scotty seemed surprised. "I'll just take this back to my room and then head to Medbay. They'll probably need me handy."
"Aye. I'll let the Captain and Doctor know." You nodded in reply and headed off. When you returned to Medbay, you could have sworn you saw a look of relief on McCoy's face.
"Doctor L/N," McCoy said. "I'm putting you in charge of Medbay for the time being." Your eyebrows raised in surprise. "Jim's put me on the landing party and you technically are the next ranking medical officer on this ship."
"Well, thank you, I guess," You said. "Have you made any progress on the tests?"
"I believe so," He pulled up some test results on his PADD and showed them to you. "The hobgoblin ended up helping me but he was actually of some use." He looked around furtively. "Don't tell him I said so though."
"I promise," you said seriously. You stared at each other for a moment before you both broke out into a fit of laughter.
"Really though, the fruits on Oliza 6 seem to be causing a buildup of adrenaline in their systems causing aggression, anxiety and heart problems."
"Hm, interesting."
"That's what the hobgoblin said," McCoy grunted. You chuckled and he finished explaining their plan to administer hypos to everyone. The comm suddenly whistled.
"Bridge to Dr. McCoy," Uhura said.
"Yes, Lieutenant?" He replied.
"The Captain is preparing to beam down now and would like you to meet him in the transporter room."
"Alright, I'm on my way." You followed the Doctor as he gathered a few last minute items from his office. When he grabbed his phaser from his desk you couldn't help yourself.
"Doctor, that phaser is last year's model. Didn't you get your new one?"
"Oh, must not've. I'll ask Scotty for one." He grabbed his communicator and flipped it open. "McCoy to Scott."
"Scott here. Whaddya need, Doctor?"
"L/N said my phaser is old. Got a new one for me?"
"Sure do, Doc. I'll have her all polished up for ya when ya get to the transporters. Just remember, this one's a wee bit more powerful than the last. She's got a bit of a kick!"
"Don't worry, Scotty, I'm sure I can handle it. McCoy out." You looked worriedly at him because, knowing his views on defense training and based on what he said, this new phaser would throw him for a loop.
"Doctor, perhaps you should just stay with your old pha-"
"Doctor L/N," He said stiffly. "I do not want to hear anything more about training. I am perfectly capable of defending myself. Please do not worry yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mission to attend to. Do you think you'll be able to handle Medbay while I'm gone?"
"Of course, Doctor McCoy," You snapped. You heard the Medbay doors swoosh closed and sighed, leaning on he's desk in his office. You closed the office doors and locked them, needing a moment to gather yourself. "Gah! That man is so annoying!" You yelled to yourself. "If he doesn't get himself killed on this mission-" you left your threat unfinished. "Oh! I could just kiss him," You seethed. "I mean, kick." You paused, mid-pace, and shook your head vigorously. Your brain had apparently taken a left turn without telling you. "Did I seriously just-and now I'm talking to myself. Ok, Y/N, get yourself together. You'll figure it out later." You finished your little pep talk and headed back out.
The first few hours were fine. One or two clumsy engineers with a few cuts and bruises. A sniffle here and a headache there. It was actually somewhat relaxing. You decided to be a little helpful and got some paperwork done for Dr. McCoy. As you sat in his office tapping away on your PADD, you found yourself lost in thought. You hoped he wouldn't be upset that you did some extra work for him. "That's not what I asked you to do, Doctor!" You mocked under your breath. Chuckling slightly you continued your quiet monologue, "Oh wouldn't he be upset if I ran a report on him. He definitely is overworked. He'd come in here, yelling and screaming in that adorable southern accent of his, and he would proba-" You interrupted yourself again. Staring off for a second, realizing what you just said. "Adorable? Good grief. I'm either unconscious or demented."
The rest of the shift went fairly well and you heard that the landing party was making good progress too. Finally you turned everything over to the night shift doctor and went to your quarters to get some rest before your shift began again in the morning. Your sleep that night was restless, though, and when your alarm went off you didn't think you had slept a wink.
Friday - Spock's Day
"Good morning, Doctor L/N," one of the nurses greeted you as you walked into Medbay.
"Good morning," You replied tiredly. "Anything on the schedule?" You asked as you got a cup of coffee from the replicator.
"No. Just a couple of vaccines that the nurses can take care of."
"Good. I'll be in the office if you need me then."
"Are you alright, Doctor?"
"Fine. Just couldn't sleep last night."
"Oh, I understand. I'm worried about Dr. McCoy too. As I understand, the reaction the youths are having is fairly viol-"
"I am not worried about the good doctor!" You yelled, angrily. "Just in case you didn't notice, he's not exactly my type. And even if he was, that is no concern of yours, nurse!"
"Permission to speak freely, Doctor?" She asked with a slight smirk.
"Of course," You replied, rubbing your forehead. "I'm not the dang Captain." She giggled lightly before replying.
"That's exactly what McCoy would say. No go get some rest. We'll hold down the fort, Doctor." With that she walked off to get a few things prepped for the day. As you walked into the office and sat down, you thought about her observation.
"Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit."
A few hours later, after a short nap and another cup of coffee, you were reorganizing the supply room when Scotty called through on the comm. "Doctor L/N! We're gonna need a team down here immediately! The captain and Dr. McCoy were injured and we're beaming them aboard right now!"
"Ok, Scotty, we'll be right there, how serious is it?" You replied. Chills had run up your spine when he said Dr. McCoy had been injured but you kept yourself focused.
"The Captain's not too bad. I think he said a broken arm. Doctor McCoy though. He's in pretty rough shape."
"Alright. L/N out," You signed off. You started to grab emergency supplies and sent the emergency team down to the transporter room. Just like Scotty said, McCoy was in critical condition by the time you saw him. He was completely unconscious, had multiple broken ribs, a broken right arm, a fractured left leg, and a concussion. After about 3 hours in surgery, he was finally patched up. You looked at the chronometer and saw it was about 3 in the afternoon. Deciding that you needed to talk to him as soon as he woke, you opted to sit guard on a chair next to his bed.
"Doctor L/N?" A nurse called out. You opened your eyes with a start. Looking at the chronometer again you realized another 4 hours had passed.
"Has he woken up?" The nurse nodded. "Well why didn't you wake me?" You whisper yelled, not wanting to wake him now.
"For the same reason you're whispering now. He didn't want to wake you." You shook your head and looked back at him sleeping on the biobed. "His vitals are good and he will likely make a full recovery in about a week."
"Oh no! This doctor is getting a prescription for some real R&R for at least a month. He's been far too overworked." You immediately grabbed the PADD with his chart information and put him on medical leave for a month. The nurse smiled at you and shook her head.
"You know, you're technically off duty now. You can head back to your quarters."
"I think I'll stay here a bit longer," You said slowly, a blush rising to your cheeks.
"I thought so," She nodded. You settled back down in the chair and got a bit more paperwork done on your PADD. Looking at the chronometer again you saw it just turned to 7:33pm. You heard a groan from the bed and saw the Doctor waking up.
"Well hello there, darlin'," He smirked.
"Hello, Dr. McCoy," You smiled.
"Oh for Pete's sake, would you please just call me Leonard!"
"I'll consider it," You grinned. You stared at him for a moment, realizing again just how scared you had been.
"You alright, Y/N?"
"I was just so scared, Leonard," You admitted. "I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to tell you-" you stopped mid-sentence, nervous to continue.
"Tell me what?" You decided to chance it so you bent over and gave him a quick kiss. Standing up quickly, you looked away embarrassed. "Well, I'm not sure I understood. Can I hear that again?" He smirked. You smiled and leaned forward again for another kiss. You vaguely heard the doors open but neither you nor Leonard paid attention.
"So, any plans for your 3 days vacation, Spock?"
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Hiiii! I absolutely love your writing. Could you do an imagine based off of your pregnancy one shot? Since H is incredibly private, would the couple be able to hide her pregnancy from the public and then announce it similar to like Kylie Jenner’s video diary of the whole experience? Thanks!!
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A/N: Ok I was OBSESSED with this request, but for some reason I found it very difficult to write, so I’m so sorry if it’s shit. Hope you like it <3
Word Count: 2,698
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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Friendly reminder to please like and/or reblog. It helps more than you think :)
Is Forever Enough?
From the moment Harry found out he and Y/N were expecting their first child, he knew he wanted to document everything. He had been in the habit of capturing moments throughout their relationship, mainly of big events, but from this moment on, he wanted to capture it all. Little clips of every doctor’s appointment, every craving his wife had, every heartbeat, and every little kick. He wanted video documentation of the life growing inside his wife’s belly and everything that happened during that time. They had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was finally here, he wanted to make sure they would never forget a single second of it. From telling their closest friends and family members, designing the nursery, their tiny baby shower, attended by the select few that were lucky enough to know their secret.
At first, keeping silent was a way to protect themselves in case Y/N’s pregnancy didn’t stick like their fertility doctor had warned them was a possibility. It took them nearly two years to conceive, and the thought of going through a miscarriage in front of millions of watchful eyes was terrifying. But by the time they became aware that they weren’t going to miscarry, they had gone so long without announcing it that there wasn’t a point to do it. Why ruin something that was so well hidden?
The decision not to announce their pregnancy to the public wasn’t a hard decision to make. Harry was private, anyway, and everyone knew that. He was rarely on social media and didn’t talk about his private life to many people, and those who he did talk to were very loyal and trusting. They just wanted to enjoy being pregnant without the prying eyes of strangers and it was fairly easy keeping it under wraps considering how private they were, to begin with.
The timing of Y/N’s pregnancy helped, too. The early part of her pregnancy was during the summer, so they could enjoy tropical holidays together without worrying about being seen because she simply wasn’t showing yet. But, towards the end, it got harder to conceal, like during award season in the fall when an oversized shirt or puffy dress couldn’t conceal the roundness of her bump and plumpness of her cheeks and lips. It was the first award season she hadn’t accompanied Harry to in years and people began to get suspicious.
That’s when the rumors of her possible pregnancy started. Of course, no one could prove anything. But that, along with the lack of sightings of Y/N was enough proof for some. Luckily, nothing more came of it other than whispers. Harry had stopped doing interviews when he first got wind of the rumors, so no one could catch him off guard in uncomfortable positions or having to lie to protect his wife, and he began to focus his attention back on his music, halting his pursuance of on-screen work for the time being until after their baby boy’s arrival. Instead, he was the man behind the camera.
For the most part.
There were times when certain family members or friends would pick up their camera and film some things for them, capturing little intimate moments of the parents-to-be. They even enlisted the help of Harry’s on-tour photographer, Helene Pambrun, to help film the birth of their baby. Though she focused mainly on photography, her knowledge of videography and style of filming fit exactly with what the couple wanted, and Helene was all too honored to be a part of the day.
And although the birth of their child was, albeit, a bit traumatic, they couldn’t have asked for a sweeter baby boy. Born on a frigid Friday evening on March eighteenth after twenty hours of active labor and an onslaught of chaos, Paxton Robin Styles was born, tiny, healthy, and beautiful, surrounded by family that already loved him so dearly.
The hospital staff was wonderful in keeping their attendance private, no one having a clue that they were even there. No news articles or whispers were heard of their newest addition to which they were grateful to be allowed to enjoy their first week home, getting acclimated to being new parents. They had fallen in love with him.
“Y/N!” Harry exclaimed, bouncing into the nursery on a Monday afternoon as his wife fed their son, his phone in hand, and a bright smile on his face.
Y/N looked up, surprised and slightly offended, “Don’t ever call me by my name again,” she joked, stroking their son’s cheek.
Harry laughed, “Sorry, love. But, look! It’s here!”
He held his phone in front of her face, playing the edited version of their pregnancy and birth journey in video form one of Harry’s editor friends kindly put together for them after the birth of their son. The five minute and fifty-one-second video filled with shortened clips of the last nearly ten months of their lives in becoming first-time parents. They watched it together, occasionally glancing down at their baby that had fallen asleep while eating in Y/N’s arms, in awe that this was their life.
Tears were streaming down both of their faces, and Y/N giggled, wiping her husband’s cheek with her free hand. He was an emotional being, she knew that, but she had no idea what the effect of fatherhood would be on her Harry. She couldn’t have picked a better partner to raise a child with.
“I think we should post it,” Harry said, causing Y/N’s eyes to go wide.
“Post it? Like...social media?”
Harry nodded, “Well, we can’t keep him a secret forever. People are already starting to talk. I’d rather announce it on our own terms than on someone else’s. We can still stay as private as possible, I’ve already talked to Jeffrey and my publicist about it. I just...he makes me so proud and I feel like I need to show people that.”
Y/N smiles sweetly at her husband, taking his hand that rested on the arm to the nursing chair and pulling it up to her lips, kissing it gently. “Okay. We can post it.”
Later that evening, the internet was in an uproar and their phones were blowing up like crazy, for on both of their Instagrams they posted a grey-scale picture of a name tag sticker that read “Hello, I’m: P”, captioned ‘link in bio’, where they were directed to a youtube link posted under Harry’s account.
As soon as the video began, Harry’s soft voice was heard, singing his version of ‘Lullaby’ by the Dixie Chicks in the background as unseen footage of their wedding a few years prior had fizzled into view, video of their first dance as husband and wife played while the tail end of a speech made by Harry’s mom, Anne, was heard over everything else.
“We are so incredibly grateful to have Y/N now an official part of our family and I wish you both years of love, health, and happiness….and giving me tons and tons of grandchildren,” earning laughter from the attendees, “I love you both to pieces. Congratulations.”
The video slowly changed to little snippets. Y/N running towards the beach, holding her hat tight on her head with one hand while the other was holding onto Harry’s hand that was at the bottom of the screen as the breeze whipped at Y/N’s hair and sarong, cut to a clip of the camera propped on the beach overlooking the two of them sitting in the sand, looking out into the ocean, Y/N’s head falling on Harry’s shoulder and him kissing the top of her head as the sun set.
Next was a scene during one of Harry’s tour where someone filmed Y/N at the front of the stage in a VIP area beside a few of their friends, dancing and singing along with Harry who stood in front of her, smiling and singing at her.
The next images were upsetting. When they first started trying, they recorded videos of themselves awaiting the results of their tests, hoping to capture the moment they found out on film. One after another, the video showed negative test upon negative test, wanting to document the struggle they faced in fertility, one of the main reasons they decided to post this video. If it helped just one person who struggled with infertility and gave them a bit of hope, they needed to show it.
They showed clips of Harry holding an emotional Y/N in his arms, her eyes filled with tears and a quivering lip as he kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. Until the next clip showed. A shaky still of a screen that read ‘Pregnant’ that panned up to show a reflection of Harry and his wife in the mirror, Y/N pulling the test up to her face with a smile while Harry looked down at his wife in pride, softly touching her flat belly.
Clips of an ultrasound showed, Y/N stomach looking more bloated than anything as the doctor slid the wand around on her belly, Harry filming while squeezing his wife’s hand. His voice could barely be heard over the music of the video as he cooed, “Is that it, right there? So little…”
They included a few announcements they made to family members. How they told Anne while on an end of summer family vacation with a little jewelry box that opened up to two little birds and an egg in a birds nest with a note that said ‘A little birdy told me you are going to be a Nana.’ making Anne burst into tears, hugging them. And when they told Y/N’s best friend by giving her an orange and saying, “That’s how big our baby is right now,” which caused confusion before the screaming.
Y/N had filmed mirror clips of her growing belly in the floor-length mirror that stood in the corner of their room and had gotten clips of Harry laying beside her bump, his hands rubbing her stomach, clasped on either side as he sang, or talked, or read stories.
“I can’t wait to meet you,” he could be heard saying before kissing the top of her bump, looking up and past the camera to his wife, smiling lovingly.
There were images of Christmas, Gemma having caught an intimate moment between the two of them, Y/N sat in between Harry’s legs on the floor, mugs of hot chocolate in her hands and still in their Christmas Pajamas, Harry’s cheek pressed against hers as he held up a blue Gucci baby suit in front of them, smiling and gushing about how small it was.
The couple’s silhouette could be seen in the dark light sky as they stood in the middle of the field, illuminated by the New Years’ fireworks that went off in the distance, Y/N’s belly pressed against Harry’s stomach as they kissed intimately amongst their friends.
A small baby shower inside one of their London country homes was next, littered with a few familiar faces along with some that were likely family members. Harry still sang in the background as the two of them opened gifts, smiling and laughing with each other, genuine happiness and love could be seen on everyone’s faces and a few people popped onto the screen to say a few words for the unborn baby.
“You have wonderful parents,” Y/N’s parents grinned, her mom getting teary-eyed. “I can’t wait to see the person you become.”
Anne’s bright, shining smile was next, “You’re going to do amazing things. You are so loved.”
“Hi, my sweet nephew! It’s Auntie Gemma,” she grinned, waving at the camera, “I can’t wait to meet you and snuggle you! I hope you grow up to be just as kind and loving as your parents. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.”
Harry and Y/N were seen in the background, Y/N eating a slice of cake while Harry casually kissed her cheek before stealing a bite of her food, earning a smile from his pregnant wife
Video panned over their newly renovated nursery, mostly designed to be gender-neutral with little hints of outer space; moon lights, a solar system mobile hanging above the cot, with a star blanket draped over the nursing chair. Harry moved the camera to Y/N who was hanging some onesies in the nursery closet, smiling and waving at the camera.
Next, they were laying in bed. It was dark and, but a glow from a nightstand shone and Y/N’s belly was visible, round and very pregnant, a few freckles near her navel, and the faintest linea nigra could be seen running from her belly button down towards the bottom of her belly. Their voices were barely audible over the music still sung by Harry. A little ripple on her belly cast from left to right and then her belly distorted a little as their baby boy kicked and pressed against the center of her bump, making the couple laugh and Harry’s hand appeared, softly rubbing where his son’s foot would be.
It changed. They were in a hospital now, Y/N in a grey and white spotted hospital gown. The camera was propped on a table filming Y/N  who sat on the edge of her bed, moving her hips from side to side as she breathed heavily, moaning, while Harry kneeled on the floor in front of her, his hands on her hips and squeezing to relieve some pressure. They were talking to each other, concern, and empathy clear on Harry’s face.
In the next clip, Y/N was laying back in her hospital bed, sucking on gas and air. Harry was filming this time, and his Anne could be seen this time, sitting on Y/N’s other side holding her daughter-in-law’s free hand. Y/N put the gas and air down, gave a thumbs-up, and smiled, “We’re having a baby today!” as her mother-in-law smiled brightly.
The footage faded to black before it flashed to Y/N looking at someone just out of view as the disembodied voice said, “Whenever you feel the urge to push, let us know. You’ll be meeting your son soon.”
It faded to black again, Harry’s singing more evident in these moments, louder, as the footage flashed back into focus. The camera was, once again, being propped up on a table. At Y/N’s head on either side stood Anne who was still holding her daughter-in-law’s hand, while Harry stood, back to the camera, mostly blocking the view of his wife as one hand stroked her hair and the other held her hand. The doctors could be heard saying, “Deep breath” before Y/N took a deep breath in, bringing her legs to her chest with the help of a few nurses that could hardly be seen, bearing down and pushing as the nurses counted and Harry said, “Great job, love. Keep going. You’re so strong.”
The screen went black. A doctor’s voice was heard saying, “One more big push.” Y/N could be heard taking a deep breath, and a little exasperated yelp before gasping from both Harry and Anne followed by the beautiful, gurgling cry of their baby. Harry’s sweet singing voice in the background of the video got louder and finally, the video came back into view of a little name card on the bassinet that read:
Name: P, Styles.
DOB: March 18th
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz
Height: 20 inches
Time: 8:39 PM
The camera panned down to the top of a blue baby cap with a white embroidered ‘P’ in the center, moving as their son wiggled in his bassinet, the hushed reassuring whispers of his parents heard just behind the camera as little lip-smacking and coos could be heard from the baby.
The screen went blank as the song started to end and white words appeared on the screen.
“Welcome to the world, Baby P. We love you to the ends of the earth.
Mummy and Daddy”
@odetostep​ , @thurhomish​
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Paloma, Part I
Series Masterlist - Part I - Part II
Word count: 4100+
Rating: mature, 18+ only
Outline: Statesman!Frankie "Catfish" Morales, Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels, and "You" (OC cis/het female reader, Statesman research analyst, code name “Paloma”; age 26; reader is “blank canvas”/no physical description/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: fully legal age gap; curse words; references to M/F sex; lots of yearning; a little sprinkling of angst; American readers, please be warned that this piece features the absolutely filthy fantasy of Statesman paying off your student loans in full
You left Kentucky on a sunny June morning with a rolling suitcase, six cardboard boxes, and a heart full of golden light. You were ready for the new challenges of your promotion and the move to New York, but it was still hard to quell the little butterflies that insisted on dancing and twirling in your gut. Statesman HQ was like a beacon that had been calling to you for the last three years, and you were half-convinced that the promotion and the move were a daydream; something that would be snatched out of your hands if you thought about it too much.
It was strange to leave Kentucky, your home since you were four years old. You had been raised in a small town about an hour south of Louisville, and you hadn't had the opportunity to leave until college. Even then you didn't travel very far, just to a dorm room at the University of Louisville, going back to your hometown for every vacation instead of flying off to California or Europe like some of your more glamorous friends.
You had put your time to good use, though. You busted your ass and completed an accelerated program in Criminal Justice that earned you both a Bachelor's and a Master's in one go, with a minor in statistics and data science. The result was a deep and abiding love of research and analysis, with the burning desire to do good in the world.
The Friday morning of your graduation ceremony, you emerged from your apartment fresh-faced and giddy, ready to walk the stage and start the next phase: adult life in the "real world." You knew that your life was about to change, but as you juggled the garment bag with your cap and gown and tried to lock your door, you had no idea just how much. You heard a soft voice say your name behind you, and it made you jump and drop your purse, spilling the contents across your doorstep. You turned to see a woman of about 40, with flawless terra-cotta skin and an adorable mop of chestnut hair. Black horn-rimmed glasses framed bright, inquisitive eyes. She immediately bent to help you retrieve your belongings, stammering gentle apologies.
"I'm so sorry! Let me help you get your things. I didn't mean to scare you." She smiled sweetly at you and handed you back your sunglasses and lip gloss.
"No! It's fine, I'm sorry I'm so preoccupied." You lifted the garment bag by way of explanation. "Graduation day! Um, how can I help you?"
"You don't know me, but my name is Ginger. I work for an organization that recruits bright young minds like yours. It's a lot to explain, but if you're interested in a job interview next week, we'd love to talk with you." She handed you a creamy white business card with a Louisville address.
You frowned. "Statesman Distillery? I don't have any experience with alcohol production or marketing. I do data analysis and my degrees are in criminal justice."
"We know. We've been following your research and your schooling for a while." She gave you a mischievous smile, and it looked for all the world like she was hiding something fun behind it, something secretive and intriguing that made you want to know more.
"Please, just give me an hour of your time next week? When you have some time to pay us a visit, just call that number and ask for me. I'm really looking forward to chatting with you."
You thanked her and promised you would call, and then you tucked the card into your bag and forgot all about it for nearly a week. Graduation day was hectic, with lots of relatives visiting and interrogating you about your career plans, and the days afterward were spent attending parties and saying goodbye to friends who were scattering to far-flung places. After you had finished the last of your university-related errands like returning a few library books and picking up your official transcript, there wasn't much left to do except putter around your apartment and take a few days off before beginning a job search. Those student loans weren't going to pay themselves off.
You found Ginger's card in your purse on Wednesday morning and put it on the fridge with a magnet. On Thursday you were so hungover you didn't want to make any calls. On Friday you found yourself at loose ends with nothing planned, so you picked up the phone and dialed. When you reached the switchboard you gave your name and asked for Ginger, and they put you right through. She picked up after one ring, as if she had been waiting for your call.
"Hi! I'm so glad you called me! Can you come by today?" Ginger sounded genuinely excited to talk to you, not smarmy or fake like other corporate recruiters you had spoken with.
"Oh, uh, yeah. I mean, yes, thank you. Are you sure today's okay? I can come next week if that's better."
"No! Please come whenever you're ready. I'm really hoping you'll like what you see."
"Okay, will I need to dress up? Will I be meeting with anyone for an interview? Should I bring copies of my resume?" You wanted to make a good impression, but you weren't sure if this was just something the distillery did casually, like a winery tour, or if you would need to be ready for a formal interview.
"Nope! Just bring yourself! We already know everything we need to know about your qualifications."
"Ah... okay. I'm all yours. I'll see you in about an hour?"
"Perfect! I'll leave your name at the front gate with the guard. Just show them your ID and they'll wave you through."
You said your goodbyes and put the phone down. What kind of data analysis job was even available at a distillery? Market trends? Did they need a criminal justice major for tracking down rip-offs, like people counterfeiting their product? But wait, didn't the government do that kind of thing? The ATF? You shook your head clear of questions and hopped in the shower. You could ask Ginger all of your questions, since she seemed to be so happy to talk with you.
When you arrived at the Statesman Distillery an hour later, you were impressed at the size of the facility. Distilleries were pretty common in the state of Kentucky, with lots of little family companies sprinkled around. But Statesman rivaled the big names for sheer square footage.
Ginger met you in a conference room and offered you coffee, and then asked you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. You didn't think twice about it. NDAs were common in lots of industries, and you guessed that it had something to do with trade secrets, Statesman not wanting to leak information about their whiskey production details. When Ginger began the tour and you walked down a long hallway with multiple sparkling white laboratories behind thick glass, you found it unusual, but not alarming. Cleanrooms, maybe? Something to do with alcohol distillation formulas, probably.
When she ushered you into a large wood-paneled office and introduced you to Champ, the head of Statesman, you thought it was odd. Companies didn't normally introduce new college graduates to executives during tours. Based on the size of the organization, you thought you might meet the CEO or President once or twice a year, maybe at a holiday party or a company retreat. But he was friendly, and he seemed to have already heard of you; his eyebrows raised an inch at Ginger when she gave him your name. He also seemed far more interested in criminal justice and data analysis than you expected for a distillery executive, but you shook hands and answered all of his questions politely.
When Ginger asked you to step into an elevator and it dropped 10 floors, you started to wonder a little. When the doors opened and she walked you to a room with a huge bank of monitors, with screens showing all kinds of maps and security video feeds, you were downright confused. But when she revealed the cherry on top, the fact that Statesman was not in the business you thought they were? That was too shocking. You were sure she was joking. You turned behind you to look for hidden cameras, expecting a prank show host to come jumping out at you.
"This is a joke, right?"
Ginger smiled that sweet, warm smile at you. "No joke. We want you to join the Research Unit, working in the Data Analysis section. You would be keeping our agents safe, helping them make the best decisions possible. And in turn your work could save lives, hundreds of them. Maybe even thousands. What do you say?"
"I... uh... I still think you’re joking. I’ve never heard of anything like this. I… are you sure you want me?"
"Yes, if you're interested. We could use you on the team." She pushed a little slip of paper into your hand, and when you saw the annual salary that was listed, you almost fainted.
"Ginger, this is way too much. I just graduated and this is, like... this is a senior analyst's salary. I'd be able to pay off my student loans in like three years!"
"Actually, we would be paying your student loans off before you start work. If you have financial burdens hanging over your head you could be vulnerable to bribes or extortion attempts from foreign governments or bad actors. We want you clear before you start with us. Think of it as a signing bonus."
"Holy shit! Sorry, I mean... I... Jesus." You looked at her in confusion. "Y'all really want me?"
She smiled and nodded. "Yes, we really do."
"Okay, when do I start?"
And that had been it, your first "big girl" job out of college. You were welcomed warmly to the Statesman team, and you loved the fact that you did interesting work that had a real impact. The hardest part had been telling your friends and family the required cover story, saying you were doing market analysis until you could find a job in criminal justice somewhere. But since you were happy with your new job and it paid well, none of them pressured you to move on.
During your first two years with Statesman you climbed the ranks, earning promotions and new responsibilities that eventually put you in the seat of Assistant Director of Data Analysis. You had risen high enough in Statesman that your work required a code name, and you chose “Paloma,” a nod to your favorite grapefruit cocktail. You answered directly to the head of the Research Unit, and every report that your team produced was vital. You weren't wasting your talent in some corporate hole, enriching the CEO's salary at the expense of your sanity. You were saving lives, making a difference. Your reports had even been sent to the New York headquarters, where they used them as a model for operations.
And the job had brought you romance, too. One day not long after your promotion to Assistant Director, you were walking out of the conference room, so focused on your phone that you didn't see where you were going. You bumped into something large and solid in a denim shirt, and a pair of warm, calloused hands held your shoulders to steady you. You cursed softly to yourself and then looked up into the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes that you had ever seen. A man with patchy stubble and a well-worn baseball cap smiled at you, eyes crinkling with warmth.
"Whoa! Are you okay?" His eyes looked concerned as they searched your face. You looked at him with wonder. He was so, so beautiful. The smile dropped, and then his brows knitted together into a slight frown. "I said, are you okay?"
You realized you were staring with your mouth half open like some lovestruck teenager, and that an embarrassing amount of time had passed since you first met his eyes.
"Yes!" Your voice was louder than you intended. "Yes, I'm sorry. Sorry I bumped into you. I should have watched where I was going. I'm sorry."
"That's okay. Did I hurt you?"
"Ah, no. No, I'm fine. Sorry. Just distracted today."
"That's okay. Sorry I startled you." He smiled again and squeezed your upper arm.
You could have stayed there forever, leaning into his touch. He let go, much to your chagrin, and then went into the conference room. You made a note to ask someone who he was, to see if you could find out more about him. He wasn't being escorted by a staff member, so he was obviously part of the Statesman organization somehow. Someone would know who he was.
You went into the ladies room, running into Ginger at the sinks. "Oh, Paloma! I'm so glad I saw you. I need to steal your boss for an urgent matter. Can you run his 11:00 meeting in the conference room? I know it's last minute, but I'll buy you lunch later."
Your brain flickered out for a nanosecond. The 11:00 meeting? The conference room? The handsome man? You recovered your composure and smiled at Ginger. "Yeah, no problem at all. Tell him to drop his notes off in the conference room and I'll be there in just a moment."
Ginger smiled and punched your shoulder softly. "Thanks, Pal. I owe you one."
You washed your hands in a trance. Oh lord, this was going to be interesting. You squared your shoulders and met your own eyes in the mirror. You looked exactly like you had this morning, just your normal self. Most of the time that was fine, but right now you wanted to be more glamorous, more devastating. You wanted to absolutely bewitch the handsome mystery man in the meeting. In the absence of some kind of last-minute emergency Hollywood makeup team, you would have to settle for a fresh application of lip balm and a quick scrub of your teeth with a damp paper towel. You flicked a stray eyebrow hair into place, sighed, and headed back to the conference room. Looks weren't important anyway, right? Statesman had hired you for your brain, not your face. And really, you were more interested in showing your boss that you could do well in your new role. So you banished your insecurities from your mind and breezed into the meeting.
"Good morning everyone." You studiously chose not to look at the handsome man you had run into, keeping your eyes on your notes for the time being. You were afraid that if you looked at him you wouldn't be able to tear your gaze away. "The Director has been called away for an urgent matter, so I'll be leading today’s operational planning meeting. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Paloma."
You risked a glance at the handsome stranger, relieved to see that his eyes were on his notepad and not on you. You let out a breath and found your stride, walking the group through the team's findings, the data, the implications, and the desired outcome for the mission. Agent Tequila asked a few cocky, half-assed questions, probing you for weaknesses. Normally that would have irritated you, but today it was a welcome focus that took your mind off the butterflies. You knocked Tequila back in place with a few well-chosen words, and then opened up the floor for questions.
The handsome man raised his hand, and your eyes fixed on how large and thick his fingers were. Oh God, this was torture. "Yes, Mr...?"
"Catfish. Um, can you tell me more about the extraction plan?"
"Yes, absolutely." You went over that phase of the mission, giving all the details your team had gathered about the terrain and the timing. When you were done, Catfish smiled at you, and your knees went weak at the sight of the dimple that appeared. No one else had questions, so you closed the meeting and stood to leave.
Suddenly there was a warm wall of denim at your elbow. "Hey, that was really detailed information. Thank you so much for walking me through everything."
You turned and smiled. "You're welcome. Glad I could help." You fumbled for something to say, trying to extend the conversation and keep him in your orbit for however long you could while everyone else filed out of the room.
"So, um, you go by 'Catfish.' Can I ask why? That's your code name, right? There's not some kind of hidden tragedy where that's the name your parents actually wrote on your birth certificate?"
He chuckled, throwing his head back. The expanse of his thick neck and bobbing Adam's apple did nothing to improve the butterflies. They only fluttered harder, rising higher in your chest.
"It's an old Army nickname, I was Special Forces about a million years ago. Now I'm here on the transport team. I'm a helicopter pilot. When we're not working you can just call me Frankie."
"Ah." You bit your lip and nodded. Why couldn't you think of something else to say? Fortunately, Frankie continued the conversation.
"And you're Paloma around here? I love that drink. Am I allowed to know your real name, or is that classified?"
You grinned and shook his hand, giving him your name. When it rolled off his lips in that deep voice it sounded like heaven to you. You didn't want anyone else to say your name ever again. Just him.
He leaned closer, like he was sharing a secret. “Can I ask you a question? Top secret.” He winked, and you nodded.
“Can I take you to lunch?”
Your heart dropped into your pelvis, and you gulped, hard. “Y-yes. Yes, that would be great. I’d love to.”
When Ginger found you in your office at 2:00 p.m. you were staring off into space, smiling blissfully.
“Hey, Paloma. Why did you blow me off for lunch? I came by at 12:30, I was going to take you out.”
“Oh! Oh my god, Ginger, I’m so sorry! I had a date.”
She raised her eyebrows at you, settling down in one of your visitors chairs. “A date?”
“No! Not a date. A, um…” You burst into husky giggles, and then confessed everything to her: the handsome man, the crinkles around his eyes, his dimples and his silly code name, the easy conversation over lunch, and the fact that he had scribbled his phone number down on a sticky note that was now burning a hole in your pocket. You felt like you were 12 again, confiding in your girlfriend about crushes and cute boys.
Ginger laughed and gave your hand a squeeze. “No wonder you forgot about me. I can’t compete with a handsome helicopter pilot!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Ginger. I really didn’t mean to forget.”
“No, it’s okay. But definitely call him this weekend and make a real date. I’ll want details when you take me out for an apology lunch on Monday.” She winked and left your office.
You sat back in your chair and tilted back to look at the ceiling while you considered it. Was it too soon to call him and make a date? Ugh, this was agony. You decided that going by conventional rules hadn’t really mattered to you at any point in your life until now, so why the hell not?
You took a deep breath, trying to puff up your confidence. When he answered the phone on the second ring, you dove right in. “Hi, Catfish? It’s Paloma. Listen, I had a really good time at lunch, and I’d like to see you this weekend if you’re free.”
On Monday, you had a whole lot to report to Ginger.
Frankie took you up for a sightseeing flight on your date, and you loved the way he controlled everything; making sure he warned you before any sudden movements, and checking that you weren’t getting airsick or anxious. When the rotors were stilled and you were back on the ground, Frankie reached over to help you unbuckle your harness. Something got stuck, and the agonizing extra seconds of feeling him jostle the strap near your hip made you bold. When it was finally free and he was about to pull his hand away, you grabbed his wrist. He looked at you, alarmed that something was wrong, and you crashed your lips against his, all teeth and tongue and wanting. Frankie was as good a kisser as he was a pilot, and you spent the rest of the date making out in his truck.
The next weekend, you found out that his warm, work-worn hands were also magic in the bedroom. Frankie was adept at tweaking your sensitive spots as gently as the little buttons and switches of the flight panel, bringing you to thrumming heights the same way he did his helicopter.
The rest of the summer passed in heady, humid days and nights like a dream. You loved Frankie’s easy sense of humor and his confidence in the cockpit. But Frankie was less confident about your relationship, voicing concerns about the decade-plus that separated your ages, and whether he was keeping you from dating men your own age. He made self-deprecating comments about being an “old man,” and you reassured him that there was no one you’d rather be with, no one who could sway your attention. You loved using your hands and arms and lips and tongue to reassure him, finding that he had his own sensitive spots that you could manipulate. You loved sending him to sleep with a smile on his face.
But as much as you and Frankie enjoyed the relationship, the nature of his work with the transportation team meant that he was never in town for very long. At the same time, your job was getting more complex, requiring late nights at the office that interfered with your time together. You refused to dwell too much on the fact that you were torn, that you loved your work as equally as you wanted to spend those nights with Frankie.
By the end of the summer, you both came to the realization that it was nobody’s fault, simply a case of poor circumstances, and you decided to end things and remain friends. In October Frankie left Statesman to take a job that relocated him to Florida. You were wistful, and you missed him, but at least it had been an amicable split. At least friends was something. And as sometimes happens even with the best of intentions, the time in between each phone call grew longer, and you eventually lost touch. Last you heard he was spending weekends with his old Army buddies who all lived nearby, and he had a new girlfriend. By February the ache was starting to subside, and by April you were nearly ready to date again.
In May, almost three years to the day after Ginger’s visit to your apartment had changed your life, you were offered the position to lead the Data Analysis team in New York. You jumped at the chance. Statesman located an apartment for you, and from the pictures you were already in love with it. Huge windows looked out over the city, and it was within walking distance of Statesman HQ. Your farewell party was bittersweet. Ginger offered to come visit you, and promised that New York would be everything you hoped it would be. Your team gave you such high praises that you joked that if that’s what it took to hear accolades, you would have left ages ago.
Your first few days in New York were spent acclimating to the Statesman HQ, and getting to know your neighborhood. It was strange to find that you could walk or take the subway for whatever you needed, compared to the Midwest where a car was required for everything. Your new team was welcoming, and you enjoyed your new duties immensely. Your first two weeks on the job passed in no time, and you went home every night feeling like you could fly.
And then you hit a wall, in the form of Jack Daniels, a.k.a. “Senior Agent Whiskey.” You knew him by reputation, of course. Ginger had filled you in on his exploits, his overbearing charm, his smarmy flirtations. You had seen him once or twice in passing when he had visited Champ’s office, but you hadn’t actually met him in person.
When you finally did, you almost asked for an immediate transfer back to Louisville. --- "Paloma" Series Masterlist Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
Tag list: @honeymandos @driedgreentomatoes @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @honestly-shite @anaaaispunk @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @nicolethered @dihra-vesa @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @anxiousandboujee
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
Tutor, Tea, and Truth
draco malfoy x reader 
summary: Reader spends her Saturday mornings tutoring lower classmen by the library. Draco was intrigued with your enthusiasm and love for tutoring that he began watching you. When you finally noticed, he tried lying, saying that he never had the guts to ask you for help in the subjects he was having trouble with. Knowing that he was the second smartest wizard of your year, you didn’t buy his lie, catching him off guard. Being defeated, Draco begins a conversation with you and eventually asks you on a date.
a/n: i was really planning to continue this, and finally i have! 
word count: 6.1k
tag list: @the--queen-of-hell​ @bbeauttyybbx​
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If there was one thing you could do effortlessly, it was giving a hand to help others. It could be through any way and it would still be considered helping someone out. 
Whether it be the simple things such as lending an extra quill, picking up the things that a person has dropped in the corridor, to much more complex things that required more will power such as being a third-wheeler at a date at Hogsmeade, walking someone back to the common room at night, and your favorite favorite thing which was tutoring. 
The act of tutoring either your batchmates or lowerclassmen was the most favorite thing of all the things you could do as help. There were so many advantages of being a tutor to students. It could help gain you more friendships with people around year-levels and houses, train your brain to remember new and old information, and strengthen your reputation as a helpful person. 
With these many advantages, your favorite reason was the idea of being able to see the smiles of people at the end of the session or seeing them come back to you, thanking you that they raised their scores, giving you all the credit when you tell them that it was them, that did it all. 
Helping other people made you the happiest person in Hogwarts. You were a smart wizard of your year, certainly not levelling Hermione Granger, but enough to help other people out. It didn’t bother you that there was the possibility of getting drowned with your own work because you could use this advantage and call on other students from your year to form a study group with you, doing the work together and helping each other. 
If they declined the offer due to many reasonable excuses, you still used this advantage to finish the work as quick as possible, with quality of course, so that when your classmates finally have the time to do their work, they can come to you and you could teach them what you learned, helping your brain remember more of what you had recently taught yourself. 
It was a way of boosting your knowledge and grades, making you one successful student. 
Tutoring was something you had gotten from former upperclassmen when you were still in your first year. As a newcomer to Hogwarts, you were very much nervous of failing classes at such a prestigious school. 
So one day at the end of your first week of classes as a first year, you decided to head to the library, hoping to seek a quiet time to celebrate that classes of your first week had ended. But what you arrived at was a study group led by seventh years. 
Not being intimidated by large and older students, you walked towards them, asking them if they could help you with school work. They surprisingly agreed to help you, also giving you the idea of becoming a tutor just like them. They showed you the ropes and shaped you into the person you were today. You were very thankful for them.
Years later, you became a respectful tutor, just like the seventh years in your first year. 
From starting a group only for students in your year, you built your reputation over the years as word passed by, telling other students of lower years that you were a tutor that could be of service for all lowerclassmen. 
Having word passed by from some students of their year, lowerclassmen were more encouraged to find the famous you, and grab seats in the library to circle around you. With more students now coming to see you on a daily basis, you started to treat them like friends rather than pretend clients who you were offering your services to. 
Today was the first week back from the winter holidays. 
Everyone was still acting as if they'd forgotten to switch off their mindsets from “Vacation Mode”, as all they could think and talk about was the holidays. This year’s holidays were somehow excellent for almost everyone where they were spending it in Hogwarts or outside of the castle. Wherever you went, people were smiling, daydreaming about possibly what gifts they received, which meals they enjoyed, and everything you could name. 
The fact that people were still thinking of the holidays meant that it was hard to return focusing on academics. People were so used to waking up late and doing anything they pleased during the holidays that it was quite difficult for them to continue keeping up their grades in school. Worse, if they were taught by the teachers who planned on giving them tests and quizzes a week or two after their first week back, to jog up their memories on the things they have learned from the month before the break.  
You yourself may have had a slight relatable feeling with most of the students at Hogwarts, but you were more lucky than them as you still managed to read a book or two about lessons you were had recently learned and lessons you will be learning when the holiday ended. This action wasn’t done frequently during the break but it was enough to feel more confident when it came to returning to school after the holidays ended. Your little tutoring business would also be booming as others would beg for your time, asking if you could help teach them the things they’ve forgotten and need to remember. 
Usually, people spent their Friday’s after classes anywhere but the library. It was their way of removing their mindset of school and into their weekend freedom. For you on the other hand, your next place right after your last class was the library, the place you happily held your tutoring sessions. You didn’t need to be asked if you could spare time for people as they assumed that you would already be there in the library, waiting for people to come and be helped. 
Their assumptions today were right. You had finished setting up your things by one of the long tables at the library, opening your notebook and bringing out your quill when all of a sudden, a massive group of second years were quietly rushing around your table, huffing and puffing tiredness. 
“Hello, Y/N!”
“Good afternoon, Y/N!”
“Good to see you, Y/N!” 
Were some of the small greetings that your second year students greeted you as they were relieved to see you. You waved at them, giving them a warm smile as you greeted them back. You fixed your posture, straightening your back as you made yourself ready to teach them. 
“Now, my dear little friends,” you spoke, “What are we learning today?” 
“History of Magic,” they all groaned, looking so distressed. 
You giggled, trying to show a sympathetic pout at them, “Ah, yes, let me guess,” you placed a finger on your chin, “Binns expected you to study over the break, which you all didn’t, and announced a test next week?”
“Exactly!” One complained, “The mad ghost is holding it on Monday, Monday! Can you believe him?” 
You nodded, smiling at the memories when you were required to take History of Magic, “I do, that’s how Binns handles his classes,” you sighed, “But not to worry, when you’re older, his class wouldn’t be required any longer, you could choose something else if you’d like.”
“What did you choose, Y/N?” They all asked, giving curious eyes. 
“I chose to have a free period,” you admitted, watching them gasp with big eyes, “I know, a ‘smart’ cookie like me should be taking up the extra classes for the sake of landing that dream job or simply showing that you're an excellent student, right? But the classes I’m taking already have me set with the many choices I have with whatever dream jobs I have in mind to be honest. Besides, there are many things I could do during my free time, such as studying and doing my schoolwork so I could use this time to help you desperate kids in need. Now come on, let’s head onto the most vile lessons in your class,” you said, encouraging them to open their books. 
“The last breach you should remember was in 1790 when an American witch named Dorcus Twelvetrees made a serious breach when she confided secret information to a muggle, or what Americans call it, a ‘No-Maj’ named Bartholomew Barebone. She told him not only about the existence of MACUSA and the International Confederation of Wizards, but also the location of their wizarding school named Ilvermorny School. Barebone stole her wand and showed it off to the press and called for No-Maj persecution of magical folks like us. Due to this, President Emily Rappaport of MACUSA instated “Rappaport's Law” which completely segregated witches and wizards from the No-Majs, and remained the law of the land until repealed in 1965.” 
All your second year students were slightly dazed, looking as if their brains had stopped processing the information you had been teaching them. Understanding what they’re going through, you closed their books with the use of your wand, closing yours and using the magic to pack up. “Alright, you kiddos,” you said, “It’s time for you to rethink about the things I’ve taught you today, I wish you luck in your test next week, and advise you to possibly not pick this subject as an elective when you’re older,” you joked. 
“She’s right,” said a new voice, “I completely welcome you to pick Astronomy or Potions. As a successful student from those classes, think of it as a recommendation from another top student like me.”
You looked to your left, seeing that Draco Malfoy was nonchalantly leaning by the bookshelves, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. 
“Was it just a coincidence that you overheard the conversation and used the opportunity to lure my second years into your favorite subjects? Or were you here the whole time I tutored them and waited for the right timing to give us a grand entrance, because you look like you’ve been here for quite some time,” you asked, imitating your batchmate by crossing your arms out of curiosity. 
Catching Draco off guard, he tried recovering by placing a hand on his chest, appearing so offended by your words, “Heavens, Y/L/N, big with questions aren’t you?” he slightly chuckled, walking towards your table, “On you go kiddos, time to relax from all this young lady has been bombarding you with!” he joked, earning a laugh from the second years who were not aware of you, rolling your eyes at Draco. 
Draco shrugged, playing innocent as he dropped his sling bag as he pulled a seat, sitting down casually. He interlocked both his hands, placing them on the table as he gave you a small wink, “Y/L/N,” he formally greeted, nodding at you, “You come here often?” 
“Of course I do, Malfoy, everyone should know by now that I tutor people here,” you said, standing up from your table, “Shouldn’t you be elsewhere spending your Friday afternoon?” 
Draco may or may have not been lurking around the library, waiting for you to end your tutoring session for the day. He had been waiting ever since classes ended for him and had been wandering around the library in order to be caught stalking you endlessly for the entire hour as you taught your second years. 
 During the last twenty minutes of your session, he positioned himself by the nearest bookshelf on the other side in order not to be seen, as he was pulling out some books, peeping and watching you happily teach second years. 
When people passed by, Draco pretended to open the book he pulled, seeming ‘curious’ with the contents he was reading and if some gave him suspicious looks, he would quietly snap the book in front of them, eyeing them coldly and twitching his nose in a scary manner, causing them to walk away, looking anywhere but at Draco. 
“Is there something wrong with me being here, Y/N?” Draco asked, sounding so innocent, “It’s not like you own the place, dear.” he taunted, tilting his head for approval.
“You’re right, I don’t but it’s just highly unlikely for me to see you here, that’s all.”
“Would it be highly unlikely of me to ask if you could perhaps tutor me?” 
You shook your head slightly in amusement, looking at Draco who seemed so casual with the question he had just asked you. “You?” you pointed at him,  “You need a tutor?” 
“Is there something wrong with that?” he wondered.
“Well, yes,” you replied, “You’re a top student of our year, for Merlin’s sake, I doubt I’m even smarter than you!” you exclaimed, raising your hands in amusement. “You really have to be kidding me if you wanted a tutor.”
“What if I’m not kidding?”
“Okay, then, what do you need help with, Malfoy?”
Draco paused for a slight second, surprised he got far with this, a lightbulb went up quickly, so did his eyes when he looked at you and quickly said, “History of Magic!”
“Uh-huh, just like my second years?”, you asked, as he nodded in response. 
“I don’t remember you taking Binn’s class this year?” 
Draco clenched his hands as his heart started beating quickly, “And who are you to say that? I don’t suppose you’re in his class as well? Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember hearing you advise your second years not to take his class.”
“Right,” you said, with a raised eyebrow. He was correct, and you couldn’t say he wasn’t in Binn’s class, you wouldn’t know since you weren’t in his class. So you sat back down, placing your bag on the table as you removed your old History of Magic book and opened it. “So, what do you need help with?”
“Erm, Giant wars?” he asked, hoping to himself that was something people were learning this year. 
“Oh, okay, well you’re in luck because I happened to be reading that out of curiosity during the break. And well, my friends who were doing advance reading for his class were telling me all about it this week.” you said, looking for the page that had giant wars. 
When you found the page, you pointed at the chapter, “Ah, there we are, let’s start, shall we?”
“We shall,” he replied. 
“And remember, the conflicts between the giants and the wizards that had historical significance took place around the nineteenth century, alright?”
Draco calmly nodded, using his quill to write down the last thing he needed to remember for his class. Finished, he placed his parchment back in his bag and extended his hand, “Lovely,” he said, as you extended your hand, shaking his, “You truly are the best and by the way-
“Y/N!” said a new voice. 
Both you and Draco turned to the side of the open hall of the library to see Neville and Luna waving at you with beaming smiles. As Draco groaned to himself, Neville and Luna walked towards you, seeing that Draco was there as well. 
“Tutoring him?” Neville asked, looking at Draco who wanted to be elsewhere. 
“Surprisingly, yes,” you nodded, “Apparently he needs help with History of Magic and that’s understandable. It would have been more beneficial if you two were here with me, you could have taught him too considering that you three are in the same class.”
Neville looked at Luna with a puzzled look, then to Draco with a highly raised eyebrow. “That would have been beneficial indeed,” Neville said, as Draco gulped with a hint of fear, “If he actually took the class.”
“W-what do you mean?” you confusingly chuckled, looking now at Draco for reassurance, “Are you not taking History of Magic, Malfoy?”
“Nonsense,” he quickly replied, tightening his tie, “You’re confused, I’m probably in another period of Binn’s class, Longbottom.”
“There is no other class,” Luna innocently added, “Since there were only a few left interested in his class, we could only manage to create one class.”
You crossed your arms, giving Draco an open mouth, “Right,” you said, “Excuse us Neville and Luna, I think I can handle the interrogation from here.”
“Alright, see ya Y/N!” Neville said as Luna warmly waved goodbye, walking away from the scene to leave you, looking at Draco who was nervously chuckling to himself as he started packing up his things. 
Before he could stand up, you stopped him with a raise of your hand, commanding him to sit, “Don’t think you can just leave so quickly, Malfoy.”
He turned back to you, giving a small quick smile, “Right, I suppose you’re expecting a couple of galleons for your service.” He began getting coins from his bag, only for you to zip it shut with the wave of your wand. 
“Was there a reason for you to lie and waste, let’s see,” you looked at your pocket watch, “Hm, an hour of my time?”
He shrugged, smiling guiltily, “I don’t suppose it’s a waste of time, especially when you’re with me,” he said, trying to display a smirk in his mouth, which ended up looking as if he was giving his all for it. 
“Nice try, Malfoy, but really, why would you go all out and pretend you took Binn’s class?”
Draco exhaled, giving up the act of lying as he let out a small laugh, feeling ever so humiliated with himself as he looked at you and said, “Maybe I had something planned and things went too far that I wasn’t able to go back to the right track.” he shrugged, waiting for your response. 
Clueless yet interested, you leaned forward and asked, “Care to explain what your plans were?”
Malfoy smiled at himself, nervous yet ready to tell you the truth. 
“My initial plan was to wait till you were finished tutoring those little gits and ask you on a date, after all, I have been wanting to for awhile, figured it was time to make a move. I might have gone off script and used the opportunity of your tutoring sessions to… spend time with me.” 
You were vastly staggered as it was news to hear that Draco Lucius Malfoy was first, waiting for you in the library for Merlin knows how long, second, planning to ask you on a date, and third, has been wanting to ask you on a date! It wasn’t like you were head over heels for with such passion, but it filled your heart, discovering that one of the most outstanding students of your year was highly interested in you. Why you of all people? 
Still staring into the unknown, Draco’s spirits slightly started falling down as he had not received an answer yet from you. He wanted to make sure you had an answer, but at the same time, he didn’t want to make himself feel bad if he pressured you with time into giving him one. 
“You’re going to have to answer me verbally dear, contrary to popular belief, I can’t read minds.” he joked. 
You snapped back from all your lingering thoughts, chuckling to yourself out of embarrassment, as you saw that Draco gave you a faint smile. “Right,” you spoke, “I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Thinking?” he said, probing. 
“Yes, uhm, first of all, my second years are not gits,” you said, pointing at him, then you looked back down, placing a hand on your chest, “Second, I’m flattered, and third-”
“You’re going to reject me?” he suggested, feeling defeat in his voice. 
You shot him a worried look, shaking your head, “Goodness no,” you opposed as you waved your hands in front of him, “I’m extremely flattered because I never thought you’d be interested in me, actually.”
“What do you mean?” Draco asked, walking around the table to come closer to you. 
“I always thought you were too good for me.” you laughed at yourself, looking down at the ground. 
Draco placed his hands on your shoulders, rubbing you sympathetically as he gave a small, exalted smile, “You have no right to say that, Y/L/N for I should be the one saying that.” he removed his hands from you, straightening his robe and announced, “This time, I offer you my time as I’d like you to spend tomorrow with me at Hogsmeade. We will have the most excellent first date, should you choose to accept.” he confidently said. 
You slung your back onto your shoulder, smiling at the invitation you were given. “Alright, Malfoy, you got yourself a date tomorrow. Should I feel free to dress to impress?” 
He shrugged, appearing as if it didn’t matter, “To me, you’d look ravishing with or without the need to do that. But if you wish,” he said, smirking. 
You rolled your eyes, “See you, Malfoy,” waving him goodbye as you left the scene. 
You were waiting outside by the gates of the castle, sitting down on the stairs, patiently and calmly waiting for Draco, who happened to be your surprising date as you were still processing the fact you were about to go on a date with him. 
You hadn’t really thought about the possibility of dating Draco. You were just a simple girl in Hogwarts, being always on the sidelines of everyone’s story. To you, you were always someone not worthy of a demanding person such as Draco. 
Why would someone important like him want to go out with you? That was something you would have to find out sooner or later in your life, and maybe this date would be the perfect opportunity to ask Draco about this, hopefully he would answer truthfully. 
All of a sudden, the doors behind you opened slowly, causing you to turn around and stand up as you saw your date, eyeing you with a smile. “Y/N, for a minute there, I thought you were going to bail. Looks like I was wrong,” he said, still smiling. 
You let out a small laugh, “Now why would I do that?”
“I was waiting for you by your dorm room, like the gentleman I am, until when the doors opened, I was greeted by your roommate, who seemed very flustered by my gesture.”
“What gesture?” 
Draco confidently pulled up a bouquet of flowers from his back, presenting it to you with such pride in his face, “Then I asked where you were, and she said you weren’t there, leaving me to think, ‘Did she either bail, or was she already outside?’ so here I am.”
Still presenting the bouquet, you received it, smelling the freshness of the flowers with a smile on your face, “Gosh, you’re one kind of gentleman. Thank you for the flowers.” 
“A pretty girl should always have a pretty bouquet.”
You grinned, hoping your blush wasn’t evident. Draco placed his arm up, “Now, shall we?”
“We shall,” you agreed, taking his arm as you started walking away from Hogwarts. 
To your surprise, Draco brought you to Madam Pudifoot’s Tea Shop. It was the place people brought their dates to, for a more intimate time with them. This was your first time inside the place, and you now understood why it was a place for intimate dates. 
The teashop was a very quiet and tranquil place that had walls and floors of pink shades, screaming ‘Love,’ in the air as the different scents of teas gave a relaxing aura around the shop. Aside from a serene and silent touch to the shop, there were barely people inside, making things more private and affectionate for dates. 
Draco again to your surprise, held your hand as he made his way to an exact table, which Madam Pudifoot reserved for the two of you. It seemed as if Draco already made reservations beforehand, and it was weird because you haven’t really recalled establishments in Hogsmeade accepting reservations.  
When the two of you sat down, Draco surprisingly gave a warm smile to Madam Pudifoot, who handed the two of you her menus. “Take all the time you need, lovebirds.” she chuckled, then turned around, leaving Draco with a flustered you. 
“Um, Draco?” you brought down your menu to give your attention to Draco, who had his menu up, as he was still scanning for the right tea. 
“Ready to order already, Y/N?” he asked in a nervous yet playful tone which made him chuckle after, “I thought this was your first time here!” 
“No, actually I haven’t even looked at the menu,” you admitted embarrassingly, “I was just curious.”
“About?” His face was still covered by the menu, but fortunately, he seemed interested in what you had to bring up. 
“Why do I have the feeling that you secretly went all out with this date and got the chance to persuade Madam Pudifoot a table for us?” you blurted everything out awkwardly, which made you feel like jumping off a cliff. 
Draco pulled the menu down from his face, flashing a smirk, chuckling, “Because it’s true?”
You laughed in relief for not feeling like the craziest person in the entire town of Hogsmeade, “Oh, brilliant,” you replied. Then you shook your head, but still smiling cheekily, “But why?”
Draco tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, “Why what?”
“Why would you go all out for me?”
Draco narrowed his eyes and mouth, trying to contain his laughter, “Darling, have you not heard of Draco Lucius Malfoy? I’d go all out for you.”
You scoffed, playing with the fabric of the table’s smooth cloth. “I think we barely know each other though. This is clearly our first time actually interacting with each other properly.” 
After clasping his hands, he pulled his hands away, tilting his palms to face each other, “Alright, why don’t we get to know each other then?” he suggested. You nodded, which made him speak again, “Okay, let me start.”
“What do you want to know, Draco?”
“What do you want to do after Hogwarts?” he prompted. 
Your eyes drifted away from the boy in front of you as you pondered on the many occupational choices when Hogwarts ended. 
“Either a Hit-Witch or an Auror,” you shrugged, “I haven’t given much thought about it but the last time I did, I was looking into those two.”
“Intriguing,” he acknowledged, sounding highly surprised and in awe, “I never imagined you as either of those, but I know you’d be one of the best that I can feel safe at night.”
“Oh, please,” you waved off the flattery in embarrassment, “Neither did I see myself as one of those jobs. But, their job descriptions really do call me. What about you, Draco?”
Draco shrugged as well, “Possibly an Auror as well. Father thinks I can make my way to the top easily and become the Minister of Magic later on.” 
“Right, and then I can TOTALLY feel safe at night with you as Minister.” you teased, earning a grin from his face. 
“Oh, shut it, Y/N, you better take that back or else when I become Minister, I’d gladly remove you from your job.” 
“Has your mother ever taught you how to threaten a lady?” 
“Now, now, Y/N, we mustn’t go there,” he playfully warned you. 
“You’re right, we actually should order something before Madam Pudifoot thinks we’re using her place just to have a thrilling conversation.” 
Draco scoffed, smiling cheekily at himself as he enjoyed being with you. After taking a quick look from the menu, he raised his hand, signaling Madam Pudifoot to come by your table. Once she saw Draco’s hand, she quickly hurried by. 
“I was suspecting to think you two lovelies were having a good time and forgot about the tea,” she teased the two of you. 
Draco smirked, looking at her confidently, “What can I say?” he shrugged, “Once you enjoy the company of someone as enthralling as her, you just forget that time passes by. I could spend the whole day talking to her, and I wouldn’t take notice of time going by. What do you think, Y/N?” he now looked at you, grinning. 
Madam Pudifoot, interested by the action going on between you two, looked rapidly to you now, wanting to know what you’d say. 
“I think we should order,” you pointed out the obvious sarcastically, to hold yourself from melting over Draco’s words. 
“Hiding how you feel now, are we?” he checked on you, still grinning with pleasure. 
You playfully rolled your eyes, finally in defeat, “Okay, so I agree with what you say,” you replied and shrugged, “And I possibly have a mindfulness of you as a wholebeing. Now, can we order?” 
Draco opened his mouth in agreement, his mouth was open, but it was with a big smile, “Ah,” he said, pointing at you, “Careful darling, you’re starting to sound as if you care. It would be... unwise, of you to lead on, something such as I.” 
“Alright,” you sarcastically shrugged. You now looked up to Madam Pudifoot, who seemed to be gushing over what she was witnessing. You ended her gushing by deciding to order, “Okay, Madam, I’ll have a warm chamomile tea. And you, Draco?” you asked, now looking back at Draco. 
“I think I’ll have the same,” he nodded at her. 
“Excellent!” Madam Pudifoot said, closing her notepad, which had her magical quill inside it, “Right away, you two!” then she turned around, briskly walking away. 
This left you and Draco once again, together alone. He leaned onto the table, placing his folded hands on the edge of the table as he let his body lean over to you slightly. “So,” he whispered, “So you do like me?”
“I think I said I possibly have a mindfulness of you.” you smirked.
“It’s another way of saying that you care for me, and thus, that leads to liking me.” he reasoned out. 
“Pansy and Daphne care for you, but do they like you?” you pointed that fact out. He shook his head, rolling his eyes, “That’s different. They’re not here with me on a date, are they?”
“True,” you said, eyeing and receiving the tea that Madam Pudifoot had given the two of you just now. “I guess I’m the lucky girl who's about to take sudden interest in me,” you half-jokingly said. 
Draco beamed, silently sipping from his warm cup of tea. After a good sip, he shook his head, patting a cloth of napkin on his lips softly, as his eyes were back onto you. “I’m afraid you’re far too late my dear, you already have me thoroughly captivated.” 
Your eyes smiled affectedly, highlighting the sudden blush you had on your face. It felt as if you skipped a heartbeat, surprised with his words as you gulped the sip you were about to swallow. After swallowing carefully, you slowly placed the cup back on the table, leaving the warmth from your fingers. 
Chuckling lightly at yourself, you said, “That fast?” 
“Don’t think you had me captivated just today, dear Y/N,” he pointed out, “I may or may not have had eyes for you for quite some time.” 
“You couldn’t have possibly, Draco,” you narrowed your eyebrows, light-heartedly denying his statement. 
“Oh, but I have!” he admitted confidently. He fixed his sitting position, causing him to enthusiastically lean towards you, “You my darling, are one unique girl.”
“Is that so?” 
“I’ve never met another girl who could be so patient and loving to tutor anyone. I would be vastly impatient and non-committal to such things. I couldn’t possibly handle dealing with those… children. And of course the low-brains of our year.” 
You were extremely flattered by what Draco had said, causing you to simply flash a warm smile at him, bringing back the tea in your hands as you started sipping your chamomile tea once again. 
The date you had at Madam Puddifoot had unfortunately come to an end. Once the teacups were empty and your stomachs were full, Draco had paid for the expenses of the teas like the gentleman he was and pulled you up from your seat, waving goodbye to a happy Madam Pudifoot. 
Now, you and Draco were walking together around Hogsmeade. While you were looking around the shops passing by you, Draco’s eyes were taking a few glances at his hand and yours, wishing he had the courage to hold your hand. 
Somewhere under his nervous thoughts, his confident aura had started picking up again, reminding him of the smooth person he had in himself. There was a small smirk in his face as he perfectly knew what to do. 
“Y/N?” he asked, sounding curious. 
“Yes, Draco?” you asked, looking at him now. 
“It came to my attention that it seems your hand looks heavy.”
“Yes, in fact, would you like me to hold it for you?” he nonchalantly asked, giving himself an innocent tone to such a smooth question. This leads you to widen your eyes with such flattery in your face. Aside from blushing madly, you chuckled in embarrassment, feeling so unprepared with words to reply to him. 
“Oh,” was all you could say at first, “I’d love that, they do awfully look heavy don’t they?” 
“Indeed, I’m surprised myself. Lucky for you I’m here to address the issue.”
“What if you weren’t, though?”
“From now on, expect me to always be around. I doubt there would be another soul at school who could point out that issue. They’re too blind to see the little things such as that.”
You smiled at yourself, taking in the compliment that Draco had bestowed upon you, waving your hand with his, back and forth merrily. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked, imitating your voice from earlier, causing you to roll your eyes playfully. 
“Did you really mean it back at the tea shop?”
“Mean what?” He asked, stopping you and him from walking any further. 
“How you were captivated by me? Have you really been fancying me for some time?” 
“I know it sounds bizarre, you know, for me to come out suddenly to tell you how I feel but I do, I do have fancied you for some time. I-I like you.”
“That’s good then,” you truthfully told him, “Because I like you too.” you courageously admitted to him. 
Draco flashed the biggest smile he had ever shown in his facial expression. This smile may have had a smirk in his mouth, but it was also filled with genuine happiness, something he rarely felt and gave out.
Without hesitating, he grabbed you by the face, cupping your soft, smooth face with his hands as he shot a kiss on your lips. It was a short but whole-hearted kiss, which he had been dreaming about ever since he took interest in you. You were a little surprised that it was a short one, this was because he felt that he might have been overstepping his ‘first date boundaries’, so he was making his way on ending the kiss by slowly pulling himself from you. 
It was like you instantly read his mind, knowing that he was scared of overstepping his boundaries, but you answered his issue by pulling him back in, finishing the kiss with a much longer time given. Once you were done, the two of you synchronously pulled away from each other, looking at each other with such care in your eyes. 
Your eyes widened with realization, “Merlin’s beard!” you exclaimed, causing Draco to feel terror in his body. 
“W-what? Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?”
“No! I did!”
Draco frowned, assuming you felt the kiss was a mistake. “Oh, I see,” he said, only for you to wave your hands in front of him.
“Heavens no! I mean, I should have kissed you first!”
Draco raised an eyebrow, deeply confused, “You? Why? That’s not the right way to go, it should be the gentleman first.”
“Well, that doesn’t matter if I could have got you back with a pick up line!” 
Draco laughed, exhaling a wave of relief to hear your explanation, “Bloody hell, Y/N, all for a pick up line?”
“Yes! I thought of a good one which came well with the situation right now!”
“Alright,” Draco chuckled, “Let’s have a go with it, then.”
You composed yourself, breathing in to say, “Draco, do these smiles come with kisses?”
Draco nodding in agreement that your pick up line was a good one said, “Of course they do. Would you like them now?”
“Without a doubt,” you replied, knowing that Draco was about to lean in and kiss you. 
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lovelyirony · 4 years
"a single thread of gold/tied me to you" for ironhusbands?💛
If there is one thing that James Rhodes cannot stand, it is “love at first sight.” In his professional and personal opinion, there is no such thing. It is simply a concept that Disney invented so they could make cutesy stories about princesses finding their princes immediately and give people hope about love, but in the end it is all about the money. 
“You’re a cynic,” his sister Jeanie tells him over breakfast. She flings a stray Cheerio at him. “You are a cynic and you’re never gonna date someone because they’re going to think you suck.” 
“People are going to date me and realize that I’m a good, realistic choice,” James responds, sticking his tongue out and stealing a drink of her orange juice. “People are going to date you and you’ll be disappointed because you watched too many romantic movies and you let it taint reality.” 
And then he’s in college. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t meet Tony Stark for two years despite the fact that every single year, they live in the same building on different floors. He has had to evacuate about twenty different times because Tony cannot stop himself from doing experiments in his room. 
The third year, James is an RA and required to live with one of the residents because of “experimental tendencies.” They don’t elaborate on why he’s stuck with a roommate, what the tendencies are, or who he is. 
“You’ll know,” comes the email from the coordinator, and he has never wanted to curse so badly in an email before, but here he is. 
But he’ll deal with it. Just like how he’s going to deal with everything this year. 
He thought he would get the room to himself for a little while before everyone moved in and brought everything and he would check them in. 
But no. 
There’s his roommate, lounging on a bed, and grinning. 
“Simply enlightening to meet you, James. They told me I could come back if I had a trusted roommate.” 
“And they stuck you with me?” 
“Well they were going to stick me with some dude who got the email, and then immediately transferred to Dartmouth. So I think you were the second option.” 
He hates life, maybe just a little bit. 
Tony wants to do things. Which is fine, but he isn’t really in the mood to have the conversation of the fact that he can do things, but he doesn’t want to do them. He has to focus on being an RA and preparing for the Air Force. 
“Why prepare for that when you could be living?” Tony asks, lounging on Rhodey’s bed. 
Oh yeah, that��s new too. Rhodey. Apparently, “Jim,” “James,” and “Rhodes” were unacceptable nicknames. 
What is acceptable is Rhodey. And of course, the “honey bunches of oats” and “loveliest RA of all time in the history of MIT” and “sugar-puff” and “sweetness overload” 
He’s responding to all of them, by the way. 
Rhodey didn’t think his mental health would get this bad by the beginning. He had actually scheduled it to be around October. 
And then the students come. There are nervous freshmen, the sophomores who don’t say anything as they move in and get settled, and the returning juniors and seniors greet Rhodey and Tony with familiarity and laugh about the posters that Rhodey’s worked hard on. 
“So, we’re having joint-RA’s or something?” Miles asks, throwing his comforter over his bed. 
“No, we’re not,” Rhodey says, hoping his expression is somewhere along the lines of not-showing-emotion. “Tony’s just...” 
“I’m simply too exhausting for Housing to deal with anymore, so I have a babysitter,” Tony says with a wink. “And who better than our lovely Rhodey?” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“Still no.” 
Miles snorts. 
“This year should be good. Tony, you gonna pull any fire alarms this year?” 
“Rhodey has expressly banned experiments in the building, unfortunately,” Tony sighs. “It’s like he doesn’t want everyone to bond over having to leave at two in the morning...” 
“Nothing says bonding like hating a rude wake-up call,” Rhodey says, and Tony nods. “We’ll let you get all moved in, Miles. Remember that floor dinner is at six!” 
“You got it!” 
Rhodey gives Tony a look. 
“You know, I can do this on my own.” 
“Aw shutterbug, I’m not gonna let you.” 
“Are you really this intent on following me around?” 
“Well, what if I want to overtake your position next year? What if you tragically get a raging headache and it’s up to me to know what to do? What if your mother kidnaps you and never lets you come here again?” 
“I’m sure the college kids will be fine,” Rhodey stresses. “And I’ll still have access to email and the groupchat, genius.” 
Tony just laughs. 
“Alright, okay. I gotta go get some shit for my new class. The teacher sent out an email stating that the textbook is mandatory, and we have to do book work. This feels like eighth grade all over again.” 
Rhodey snorts. 
“Is it for Professor Casper?” 
“Yeah, did you have him?” 
“Yeah, you don’t need the book. You can find it online for free, and he never collects the book work. It’s a waste of time to get the book.” 
“You’re an angel-and-a-half, love of my life,” Tony says. “And for that, I’ll snag an extra pudding for you at the dining hall.” 
“Is it vanilla or chocolate this time?” 
“Chocolate with cookies in it.” 
“Oh my god, seriously? Already?” 
“Guess they must have had a jump,” Tony teases. “I’ll see you at dinner.” 
Tony has a specific way of getting people to open up and actually talk with others that Rhodey envies. 
If Tony wasn’t so hellbent on convincing the group that if Miles and Kamala create a distraction, they could totally sneak out one of the pictures of the mascot. 
“We are not doing that the first week,” Rhodey says. “Maybe the last.” 
“It’s a beaver,” Tony whines. “Who’s gonna miss it, a Canadian?” 
“It’ll be the floor bonding activity,” Gwen says, finishing off her fifth (maybe sixth) slice of pizza. “Better than talking about your feelings about the campus or whatever.” 
“We’ll convince him soon,” Tony whispers conspiratorially. “Also, who here is a freshman? I have some advice regarding the math classes and which teacher you want...” 
Rhodey does have to admit, that sometimes it’s easier to have Tony around, who is so willing to stay up until the late hours because of some stupid drama or to help Peter at his chemistry homework and also ease his anxiety about leaving his Aunt May all alone. 
Tony isn’t all wild and crazy as stories have led him up to be. 
"I wore out all my crazy freshman year after going to two frat parties and deciding that no one knew anything about how to have fun,” he declared. “I mean, come on. Why have beer pong when you could quiz people about obscure fashion facts?” 
Rhodey snorts. 
“Don’t make that the next game night. Hey, what do you think about having a movie night this Friday? I’m thinking something not scary, we’ve been doing a lot of those.” 
“It is October, what do you mean not scary?” 
“Some of our residents don’t like scary,” Rhodey reminds him. “Honestly, I think we could do with a bit of Halloween fun.” 
“Hocus Pocus? Double Double, Toil and Trouble? If you want to be slightly scared of old women and clown parties, I’d recommend it.” 
“You weren’t scared of clowns beforehand?” 
“Of course not, I wanted what they have; the ability to fit eighteen people in a car.” 
“Couldn’t you just gut the car?” 
“Not the same effect, honey-pie. Not the same effect.” 
Miles and Peter both end up lobbying for Hocus Pocus, with little to no competition other than a promise that the other choice would be shown later on in the semester. 
They’ve shoved all the chairs together and multiple people have brought out their own chairs, and Tony saves a seat for Rhodey under the premise of “Rhodey organized it, he gets a seat.” 
It’s a tough squeeze, and Tony and Rhodey get all tangled up together. 
Tony smells like expensive cologne and coffee, and he grins up at Rhodey and maybe the lights from the TV aren’t bright enough, but for a moment his heart skips a beat. 
Well. Shit. 
When he goes home for Thanksgiving break, Tony seems a bit...sad. 
“What, your mom cook the worst turkey in the world?” he jokes. 
"Sure,” Tony says, eyes unfocused. “Yeah.” 
"Dude, you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Tony says, turning. His smile brightens, eyes crinkling. “Why wouldn’t I be fine, buttercup?” 
Rhodey gives him a look. 
“I’m gonna call you when I get home, okay? You better answer.” 
“I always answer to you,” Tony says, and damn Rhodey’s mind shouldn’t be going where it is. 
Rhodey waves, gets in his car, and thinks about how Tony most likely has a problem on his mind, how he should probably not room with him, and his Aunt Ada’s green beans. 
God, he loves those green beans. 
Tony is alone for Thanksgiving. Jarvis and Ana got an opportunity to visit Aunt Peggy in England, and he knew that they hadn’t seen her in two years. He didn’t want to be selfish, have them stay just for him. 
So, it looked like deli turkey sandwiches were in his future. If there’s still some soda in the fridge, maybe that too. 
He sighs, and turns towards the lab. Dum-E’s not even here, as he didn’t fit in the travel car, so Tony let him loose on the floor to “keep guard” over the dorms and make sure that no one broke in or stole the cords that he knows he accidentally left in the common room. 
The odd thing is, he had almost told Rhodey. Almost let him know that he’d be alone for Thanksgiving, but is that weird? That’s weird, right? To tell people your emotions just...it’s so messy. 
They have to deal with it, you have to deal with the fact that they’re dealing with it, and then other people know that you both are dealing with it and it’s just a whole mess of epic proportions, you know? 
Rhodey finds out on Thanksgiving, when they’re doing the parade on the TV and there’s a new snippet on the gossip channel when they go on commercial break. 
Howard and Maria Stark, vacationing off the Mediterranean Coast. 
“It’s reported that Tony Stark has preferred to spend his time in the vacation home,” the news reporter said, her smile wide and placid. 
“Tony’s lucky,” Mama says, wrapping golden yarn around her fingers as she works on another sweater. (A small one, a tiny one. It’s for the new baby in the family for Christmas.) “He tell you about it?” 
“He’s not there,” Rhodey says numbly. 
“He’s not?” Dad says, eyes raised over the newspaper. 
“He didn’t tell you, did he?” Dad asks. 
“No, no he didn’t.” 
“Well then. Next time he’ll come with us.” 
Rhodey nods. 
“Clear it with his parents if they’re not spending time together.” 
“Got it.” 
Rhodey’s Thanksgiving is...nice. He can’t stop thinking about Tony going alone. 
So he calls him. It’s two in the morning, he might be asleep, and Rhodey’s not sure if he got the “eight” in the last four digits right or not. 
“Howard’s out, who is it?” comes a sleep-addled voice. 
“Good thing I’m not looking for Howard, Tones.” 
“Rhodey? Why are you calling me?” Tony asks, and Rhodey can imagine his eyes lighting up and that’s...that’s something. 
“You spent Thanksgiving alone, I wanted to see how you were.” 
“Aw, checking in your residents?” 
“Checking in on you.” 
Tony stills for a moment at the phone. 
Besides Jarvis, no one had ever really checked in on him. 
“Um, I’m fine?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I mean, it sucks to be alone on Thanksgiving, but I don’t really like any of the foods that people usually have, so I’ve been fine. I ordered wraps from my favorite place.” 
“Good to hear, good to hear.” 
There’s a silent pause for a moment, the one where they both try to find something to say. 
“Listen,” Rhodey says. “If you’re ever stuck for a holiday alone, you’re coming with me, okay?” 
“I don’t want to intrude on your family,” Tony says softly. 
“They all wanna meet you. Jeanie says she can kick your ass at ice hockey!” 
“You guys can actually play ice hockey?” 
“With limited degrees of success.” 
“Oh, now that I gotta see some time.”
They come back to college, and Tony is back to his usual antics, greeting everyone who comes through the elevator with a shower of shredded paper. 
“Welcome to Winter Wonderland! Next stop: suffering through finals!” 
“Ugh,” Kamala groans, “stop it. Stop making me think. I have to memorize Byronic poetry. Do you know how boring that is?” 
"Speak for yourself, I have to build a wooden chair,” Riri whines. “Who works with wood these days? It’s so old-fashioned.” 
“Create the most bitching chair alive,” Tony says. “And I’ll help you with the necessary tools. Your professor isn’t expecting much, mainly just that it can support the weight of two people, you’ll be fine. Kam, Byronic poetry is not that bad, you will be good. We will bake cookies.” 
“Can we even bake cookies? I thought our floor got banned from kitchen usage,” Peter says. “Hey Rhodey.” 
“Hey kiddo,” Rhodey says. “First of all, yes we are banned from the kitchen. Second, we’re only banned and get in trouble so long as they know we’re there. And since more than half of us are nocturnal creatures and I am willing to wake up to help, we can bake cookies.” 
There are cheers around the room, and Tony mocks offense. 
“You don’t trust me to help the future youth?” 
“Given that we’re not allowed to rent out any more equipment from the front office? Yes.” 
“You wound me, darling.” 
“Only as much as kitchen equipment goes, sweetheart.” 
Tony grins. 
“Aw, you missed me.” 
“Yeah, I did. Now come on, you gotta help me with a billboard about the movie night this Friday. We thinking a romantic comedy or something mildly terrifying but probably won an award?” 
“Mildly terrifying!” Gwen calls from her dorm. “If we watch two people falling in love I’ll choke! We’ve been doing it all year!” 
“We’ve only watched, like, three rom-coms?” 
Gwen rolls her eyes, as if he’s missed something completely obvious. 
“You don’t get it. I’ll try again later. Hey, are we doing floor dinner tonight?” 
“They’re serving pizza sandwiches, so obviously,” Tony says. “We will feast like kings.” 
Christmas is a festive time for Tony. He loves it, and goes overboard with decorations. Rhodey lets him, because you can’t stop Tony once he loves something (and Rhodey is kind of. Fond of him). 
Pepper comes up from the fifth floor, whistling. 
“Damn, Jim. I knew you would do a good job with decorations, but not this good. Is this...did you buy a miniature village? How was this budgeted?” 
“It wasn’t,” Rhodey says. “Tony’s really into Christmas and the floor convinced him that the theme should be Christmas Village. He’s been crafting identities for each villager instead of studying for any exam. The craft store employees know him by name now.” 
“Well, we all have our vices. You two seem to get along well. Housing is pleased that he hasn’t blown up anything yet.” 
“If they try to serve cheese ravioli again, he might.” 
“That’s a problem for Dining,” Pepper reminds him.  
“Still, it’s abominable. Where did they get them, bottom of the Hudson River?” 
She snorts, adjusting her shirt. 
“Probably, but hey. They still got eaten, even if that one freshman threw them all back up at the entrance.” 
“It was payback, they were vile.” 
Tony waltzes into the lobby, arms filled with glittering tinsel. 
“We are not letting you hang that,” Pepper says, gaping at it all. “Do you know how hard it is to get rid of tinsel?”
“We’ll manage!” Tony says. “Also, are you free at six-thirty?” 
“No, that’s when we’re getting dinner on my floor, what do you need?” 
“Just that little tidbit of knowledge,” Tony says, looking down at his phone. 
A message buzzes from the groupchat, and Rhodey glances at it: 
We are a go for the real Christmas tree. I have the vacuum, and a believable lie. Rhodey’s gonna tell us when the RA on duty is gonna come so we can hide it. 
Rhodey looks at Tony, grinning. He smiles right back. 
“Is there some weird roommate telekinesis I’m missing here?” Pepper asks. 
“Yes,” Rhodey says. “We’re discussing dinner plans.” 
Another text from Harley: 
I’m already picking one out with Peter. I have good taste. When is the ornament-making party? 
Pepper looks at them. 
“You’re planning something that I probably would have to disapprove of. I’ll tell people I got your floor watched tonight.” 
“Pepper, light of my life, my absolute sunshine? You’re the best,” Tony says, grinning. “Rhodey-darling, help me with tinsel?” 
He can’t say no. Simple as that. 
That is how tinsel gets strung throughout his hair as he’s watching Tony climb onto chairs that shouldn’t be climbed on to hang it from everywhere. 
“People deserve to have a good-looking Christmas,” he says. “Besides, I wanna win the decoration contest.” 
Rhodey laughs. 
“Okay, okay. I think we got it in the bag.” 
Later on in the week, Tony can be seen flitting about from room to room with help and jokes to lighten the mood. 
Rhodey has to admit, being an RA with Tony around is...nice. Better than he thought. 
And maybe he has feelings. He’s not going to say anything about it. After all, they’re roommates. He also isn’t allowed to have a relationship with anyone on the floor, regardless of anything. 
It doesn’t mean every RA follows it. God knows Sharon’s snuck down to the fourth floor to see Sam near-about every night, and her residents usually keep it a pretty good secret. 
Still. There’s also everything else to consider, and the fact that he doesn’t even know if Tony likes him like that. 
He doesn’t have to focus on it. 
At least, not until the week of finals when he’s dying and Tony’s made him peppermint hot chocolate and sits on his bed, just about an inch away from his notes for his history class. 
“Do you remember what you told me on the phone?” Tony asks softly. 
“You up to compete against Jeanie for this year’s ice hockey championship?” Rhodey asks, smiling. 
Tension releases from Tony’s shoulders. 
“Only so long as you’ll have me.” 
“Always, genius. Always.” 
After the last resident leaves for the holiday and Rhodey checks in with those who are staying, he and Tony hit the road, dragging suitcases behind them. 
“Are you sure I’m allowed?” Tony asks. “I can always find a hotel along the way...” 
“Mama wants to meet you, I keep telling them a ton about you,” Rhodey says, laughing. “They told me they want to hear your side of the great Glitter Debacle.” 
Tony laughs. 
“You mean the truth?” 
“Uh, I’m sorry, how are you going to convince them that green glitter was needed? And that you could clean it out of carpet?” 
“Determination and grit?” 
Rhodey laughs again as they pull onto the highway. 
After a couple of hours, they make it to Rhodey’s home. His sister comes out, hugs for both. 
“Good to meet you Tony,” Jeanie says. “I’ve heard a lot, and I think we’re going to get along awesomely after I tell you every single embarrassing thing that Jim’s ever done.” 
“Only if I get to share stories too,” Tony teases, grinning. “Aw, they call you Jim?” 
“What do you call him?” Jeanie asks. 
“Jim-Jam, angel-dear, sugar-puff, Rhodey. You know, the usual.” 
Jeanie snorts, taking one of Rhodey’s bags. 
“Calling you the first one from now on.” 
“Tony did you have to let her hear any of those?” Rhodey asks, exasperated in a teasing manner. 
“Of course I did,” Tony sing-songed. “Now after you, I’m sure your mom is waiting to hug the living daylights out of you.” 
It’s not until Rhodey gets all settled in and Tony is downstairs competing with his dad in a round of chess that Jeanie sits on his bed, the intention to annoy. 
But it’s...different. She looks at him. 
“You love him a lot, don’t you?” 
Rhodey stills. 
“You wouldn’t have told him he could come here if you didn’t.” 
“You’re right.” 
“I’m always right,” Jeanie says, flipping braids over her shoulder. “Nice of you to finally realize that I’m the smart one.” 
Rhodey doesn’t say anything as she saunters out of the room. 
He makes the decision not to tell Tony. 
If it goes wrong and if Tony says no, he doesn’t want it to be an awkward family event but more importantly, the most awkward rest of the year ever. He can say it as they’re moving out, and that’s that. 
He tells Jeanie as such. 
“I thought you didn’t believe in love,” she says as they’re preparing the soup for dinner.” 
“I don’t believe in love at first sight,” Rhodey says. “I do believe in love. There’s a difference.” 
There’s a hell of a difference. 
First sight, you don’t know everything. The second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on? Oh you learn so much more, and they become that more important. 
He learns that he doesn’t mind picking up tinsel, so long as Tony is laughing and singing along to all of the worst Christmas songs ever, and maybe. Just maybe he could picture looking at Tony underneath the fairy-lights that they hung in the dorm room for all time. 
Love is terrifyingly exhilarating, even when it isn’t supposed to be. 
Rhodey did not think his heart would race so much as Tony listened to his Mama talk about her wedding china, about the utter disaster that his father was. 
“He forgot his tie,” Mama said, smiling. “Oh my lord, my mother had a cow about that. I thought he looked kind of dashing.” 
Tony’s eyes drift towards the wedding pictures, which are slightly shaky, but everyone had such wide smiles. 
It’s a far cry from the publicity photos from the Stark wedding, Rhodey remembers the solemn expressions, the stuff tuxedos. 
“I love it,” Tony says softly. He looks at Rhodey across the table, setting down the final plate. “Tell me more, Mrs. Rhodes.” 
“Call me Mama, honey, Mrs. Rhodes is for people I don’t like that much. I think you’re gonna be my new favorite.” 
“Even over me?” Jeanie says, grinning as she kisses Dad on the cheek. “I’m your favorite.” 
“You’re my favorite until now,” Mama says. “Don’t think I don’t know that you skipped out on setting the table because Tony was here and graciously offered.” 
“It was nothing,” Tony says. “Just happy to help. Thank you for letting me stay at your home for the holidays.” 
“We’re always lucky to have guests,” Dad says, setting down the main dish. “Now let’s eat.” 
Family dinner is a brand new concept to Tony. He’s had maybe four or five of them, and the majority of which were staged for some holiday shoot or some “celebrating American values” shoot. 
It was awkward, weird, and he didn’t get why. 
Now, he does. Jeanie has been steadily moving mashed potatoes away from Rhodey’s plate, and Mama caught her eye and winked, distracting him with talk about his college major and news about the neighbors. 
Mr. Rhodes watches it all with a careful eye and a lax smile. 
After dinner, they play cards. 
It should be boring, but Jeanie puts on an old record and Rhodey keeps trying to count cards, and Tony didn’t think you could count cards in a game of Spoons. 
“You can’t, he’s just a try-hard,” Jeanie stage-whispers. 
Jeanie laughs, rolling herself out of Rhodey’s grasp as he chases her around the family room. Tony leans back into the couch, and shouts with surprise as Jeanie trips Rhodey into the couch. 
His body twists, and Rhodey’s facing him on the couch and they’re close and with the fire roaring in the fireplace and the Christmas lights outside shining through the windows, it’s almost magic. 
It is magic, but Rhodey is kind of terrified of that. 
Tony breathes in, breathes out. 
“Hello sugar-puff,” he says. 
“Hello genius,” Rhodey says, a smile on his face. 
The night does not get much sleep. 
Tony doesn’t sleep anyway, but Rhodey finds that quite often he can’t sleep without some softly-playing rock in the background, doesn’t matter if it is a highly-questionable AC/DC song. That and Tony softly murmuring about his plans, and it’s like a personalized lullaby. 
Rhodey cannot sleep. Tony’s in the guest room, and he can’t sleep. 
There’s a soft knock on his door. 
Tony’s there in shorts and a t-shirt that’s probably expensive, but he’ll never say if it is or not. 
“Can I...I can’t sleep.” 
“Get in here, Tones. I can’t sleep either.” 
The bed is a tight squeeze, but they make it work. 
Rhodey whispers until he drifts off to sleep about Christmas and school and everything else. 
Tony watches with quiet eyes, interjecting with his own stories occasionally. 
They fall asleep tangled up together, and Rhodey doesn’t mind it one bit, not as he pulls Tony in closer. 
Waking up is bittersweet, honestly. Rhodey has Tony in his arms, and that’s...that’s perfect. He thinks this is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened in his lifetime. 
“It’s too early, darling,” Tony groans. The light from outside is already peeking through the blinds, and he has stuffed his head right back into a pillow. 
“Jeanie’ll be here soon to bother us for Christmas breakfast,” Rhodey says. “And unless you want her pouncing on the bed and landing on wrong everything, we better get down there.” 
Tony smiles sleepily, stretching. 
“Thanks for letting me sleep in your room, honey-bunch.” 
“No problem,” Rhodey said. “Missed the constant AC/DC and late-night discussions about robotics.” 
“Not like I did much talking, Mr. Sap,” Tony teased. “Or was it me who mentioned that they had a favorite plate for dinner?” 
“Listen, it’s superior and you did not once interrupt that story to complain. I think I did a great job explaining it.” 
Tony laughs. 
“I’m gonna go get dressed, okay?” 
“Not until after present unwrapping,” Rhodey says. “We stay in pajamas.” 
“I’m cold,” Tony whines. 
Rhodey chucks his sweatshirt at him. 
“Then here you go.” 
Tony’s eyes light up as he shrugs it on, wiggling as he brings it up to his nose. It shouldn’t be that cute. But it is. 
“You are the light of my life.” 
Rhodey laughs, rolling his eyes. 
“Maybe. Now come on.” 
They head downstairs together, and they both get swept up into the speed of things, with Jeanie racing around the house and telling Tony that he got treats too, they just didn’t have a back-up stocking. 
“Hush,” Mr. Rhodes says, handing Tony a carefully wrapped gift. “After breakfast, we’ll go ahead and open it.” 
He smiles, and Rhodey thinks it’s the best thing he’ll ever see. 
Christmas gifts, Rhodey thinks, are his new favorite thing to see Tony interact with. 
It’s painfully obvious that he’s never really had any personal gifts, anything that reminds people of himself. He carefully unwraps the paper, careful not to rip it. 
“You nerd,” Rhodey says, grinning. “Come on, show us what you got.” 
Tony laughs as he opens a box with two coffee mugs from the rest of the family, emblazoned with “Rhodes” on one cup, and the other being a simple red with gold trim. 
“They’re perfect,” he says. “Thank you so much.” 
“You’re feeding his coffee addiction,” Rhodey answers. 
“Like you aren’t doing the same,” Jeanie teases. “You made him his cups of coffee this morning.” 
“That is because I have trained him well,” Tony says, grinning. “Rhodey, here’s my present to you, open it.” 
He’s nervous. 
Both of them are, but Tony especially so. 
He told Rhodey once that he’s not good at shopping for other people. He tends to have the phrase “go big or go home” permanently circling in his mind, and it can lead to...complications. 
(Rhodey remembers the overhaul of his closet for his birthday, complete with a visit from a rather well-known designer.) 
Inside is a beautiful jacket. It’s all patchwork, artfully sewn together with embroidery thread spelling out “James” at the lapel. 
“I commissioned Janet,” Tony says, smiling softly. “She wants you to still walk in her fashion show, by the way. Says you’re a model.” 
Rhodey snorts, shrugging on the jacket. 
“You helped with this, right?” Rhodey says. “I can see it in the gold thread you got on the sleeves.” 
“I may have had some creative input.” 
“I love it,” Rhodey says. “Now here’s mine.” 
Tony breathes, and Rhodey wonders if this gift will be enough. He feels a bit stupid, it doesn’t seem like that great of a gift, in retrospect- 
It’s a puzzle. 
A puzzle of their favorite cafe and restaurant to go to at MIT. It was in a shop window, and Rhodey could tell that Tony would love it. 
On top is a scarf, since Tony gave away his last one to another student in their philosophy class. 
“I love it,” Tony breathes, tackling Rhodey in a hug. “I love it, I love it! We have to do the puzzle after this.” 
Mrs. Rhodes sends her husband a look. 
Yeah, Tony would be around for a long time. 
They set up the puzzle on the floor of Rhodey’s room, clearing away any luggage. It’s silent for a while, Tony moving around the pieces and Rhodey looking for edge pieces. 
They work closely together, side by side. 
Rhodey can’t stop staring. 
He should be able to. He’s stopped himself before, but now? 
Sunlight is coming in through the window, playing around Tony’s fingers as he nimbly picks up puzzle pieces, and this is the eternity that Rhodey wants so badly. If he died right now, he thinks he would choose for Heaven to look like this. 
“You okay?” Tony asks, eyes looking up. He took his contacts out, and now he’s just in his tortoiseshell glasses, the ones that he secretly likes more and Rhodey loves. 
“I’m in love with you,” Rhodey blurts out, because he can’t stop thinking about how beautiful Tony is and how much he loves him. 
He realizes that this could very well be considered a mistake. Because they still have to live together and drive back together and it won’t be the same, and the residents will notice no matter how well they both act--
Tony pops his head right under Rhodey’s chin. 
“Kiss me?” 
That’s all it takes. 
They mess up part of the puzzle, but that’s okay. They find they don’t mind it too much. They can work on it later, when Tony’s done getting Rhodey out of his new jacket and Rhodey works his hands underneath Tony’s sweatshirt. 
Mama takes one look at them for dinner and grins. 
“Jeanie, you owe me a night of dish-washing.” 
“Mama!” Rhodey hisses, embarrassed beyond belief. 
Tony just cackles, and elbows Rhodey out of the way so he can get to his chair at the table. 
“Couldn’t have fooled you for a second, could we?” Tony teases. 
“Not at all,” Mama states proudly. 
Rhodey rolls his eyes and squeezes Tony’s hand under the table. All will be well. 
When they both get back to college, none of their residents are surprised, at least not until they have to have a “knocking before entering” policy put in place after one particular late morning. 
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doyumacy · 4 years
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summary: how did you get herself into this? It all started with a flirtatious smile, an adrenaline rush and a blowjob. you never thought giving taeyong a blowjob in the backseat of his car would put your world upside down.  now, almost 2 years later, you moved into your new condo with your two boyfriends, who also happened to be two successful businessmen. everything seemed to be going alright, until they weren't.
warnings: 「dotae x reader, smut (unprotected sex), polyamorous relationship, swearing, angst, mentions of blood, accidents, death threats 」
word count: 「 3,3K 」
Days later, you find yourself walking to Taeyong’s holding a craft bag with food containers inside of it. Everyone in the office knows who you are and some of them always give you judging looks. You are used to them and you don’t care what they really think since they don’t know how your relationship with both men works.
On Fridays, Doyoung, Taeyong and you have lunch in his Taeyong’s office or Doyoung’s, since they are in the same building. You knock on Taeyong’s door twice and opened it.
“I’ve got to finish this, and then I’ll be all yours honey I promise.” He grumbles over some papers without looking up at you.
“No it’s fine, we still have to wait for Doyoung.” You smile.
He looks up at you, with a smile, and when he takes in what you’re wearing, his face changes. Mouth dropping open for a moment before he bites his lip, eye raking up your body.
“Is that one of my shirts?”, you nod your head innocently, stepping further into the room closing the door behind you.
"Kinda matches my leather pants," you shrug.
Taeyong pushes his chair away from the desk, patting his knee.
“C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.” He says it in that low growl that lets you know you’ve got him.
You go and sit on his lap, and he adjusts the papers on his desks to one side, making some room for you to rest your hands over the desk.
He wraps an arm around your waist pulling you close, and places a soft kiss to the back of your neck.
“How long do you think you’ll be?”
“Not too long, I just need to go over this contract.”
You give him a small nod, and he quickly gets back to work, eyes diligently going over the words line by line.
You sit for a moment, watching him work, and pretending to read the contract with him before you start moving your hips against him. Slow movements at first, as if you are just adjusting yourself, but then quicker more purposeful circles grinding down. The hand that’s been resting on your thigh comes up around your waist, pulling your back closer to his chest. Your face split into a shit-eating grin thinking you will finally be able to pull him away from his work when he stops you making you let at the most pitiful whine of his name.
Of course, he is tempted to let you keep going, and eventually pull you down to your knees and have you suck him off. But that is not correct, not if Doyoung isn't there
That doesn't mean he is not going to have his fun first.
You adjust yourself, turning into his side, burying your face in his neck. You bring your lips up and down it, finding the spot you know he likes just under his jaw and gives it a good suck.  
“Oh, my baby just wants attention, hmm?” He smirks, one hand slowly running up your thigh, teasing, the other resting on your cheek.
“Mhm.” you nod, pulling yourself out of his shoulder, a full pout on your lips.
“Well, you’re going to have to be patient.”
“No, I have been all week. I don’t want to anymore.”
You lean down, to bury yourself back into his neck, but he pulls you back, heavy hand on the back of your neck.
“Good girls, don’t get what they want by being bossy, now do they?”
You try so hard to wipe the pout off your face but you are just so…needy! And he isn't doing anything about it.
Still, you stop your cheeky hip swivels and slow grinds, to let him get back to his work. You sigh, defeated. Then you feel one of Taeyong's large hands slowly inching up your thigh.
He teases you like that for what feels like forever, fingertips slowly going up and down your inner thigh, before he finally reaches your pussy. He doesn't move his hand, just let it rest heavy over your pants.
You hold your breath, biting down on your lip resisting the urge to grind down on his hand. There is nothing stopping you. Taeyong hasn't forbidden you from getting yourself off on his hand, but something about the way he spoke to you earlier. ‘Good girls don’t get what they want by being bossy’ It makes you want to wait.
To be good for him.  
So when he finally moves his hand and puts one of them inside your pants, he starts working you over your panties, you let your body go lax, leaning back against his chest. You couldn’t help the little whimpers that leave your lips, and you can't see Taeyong but you know he has the smuggest smirk on his face. It only takes his fingers over your panties and you are a painting mess.
He continues to work his fingers, making slow circles tight circles on your clit, all while keeping his eyes on his paperwork, and highlighting where he sees fit. Not so much as a glance up at you.
Cocky bastard.
His movements begin to pick up, and when that familiar heart begins to pool at the pit of your stomach, you let out a particularly loud moan. And he stops.
He stops.
Totally and completely, stops.
He pulls his hand away from your clit and rests it on your thigh, giving it an innocent and affectionate pat.
“You okay, honey? Not getting too bored watching me work are you?” He asks voice as soft and sweet.  
You groan. "Taeyong!"
"Huh?" He cocks an eyebrow. "What do you want, baby?
"You know..."
You reach your hand back, gripping on his thigh, giving it a hard squeeze. In part to make him stop teasing you, but also for something else to hold onto as he continues toying with your pussy.
“Good girls ask.” He coos, voice still husky and stern.
“I wa- I need to come. Please.”
Before you can answer, someone knocks on the door and Doyoung comes into the office. He glances at you, squinting eyes. "What are you guys doing?"
"(Y/N) is reading with me the contract," Taeyong smiles.
You nod quickly. "I just pretend I know Japanese. I had to kill some time waiting for you." You pout. "I'm starving."
Doyoung giggles and closes the door behind him. "Sorry I keep you waiting. I was on the phone with my mom.."
"How is she?" Taeyong asks, as he stands up, helping you to get as well.
“She's great. She and dad are going to Tahiti tomorrow,” Doyoung comments, loosening his tight.
“We should go on vacation as well,” Taeyong tilts head to the side.
“Definitely, but somewhere cold. I don’t like the beach,” Doyoung glances at you. “What do you say?”
You purse your lips as if thinking. “Zermatt?”
“Switzerland again? We went there last year,” Taeyong walks away a few steps back to the table where the food is.
“But we really had a great time there, don’t you remember?” You smirk.
One of the corners of Doyoung’s lips lift.  “She's right. Besides, we have a villa there. Easier and we can stay as long as we want to.”
Taeyong sighs. “Then you two better keep me warm.”
“Bet.” Doyoung pulls out a chair and sits. You copy him.
After you three are done eating, you stand up and walk to where your expensive bag is. You take out two black velvet envelopes with stylish pearl brooch embellishment and invisible magnet closure. You smile and hand one to each one.
"What is this?" Taeyong grabs the envelope, looking at it.
"It's the invitation to the magazine's anniversary party," you smirk.
"This is so nice," Doyoung's eyes wind. "It's so elegant. Thank you for the invitation, love."
You simper. "Thank you and you're welcome. Some of the editors from other countries are coming, I'm so excited."
"You're gonna do great, baby." Taeyong finds your hand and kiss it. "You're the best."
Then, Taeyong leans forward. One of his hands on the back of your neck, the other on your hip. Guiding you closer to him. His lips captured yours.
Doyoung almost walks towards you two when you wrap your arms around the other boy and pull him closer to your body.
But he didn't.
At the end of the day, the three of you are together.
The next day, you get home earlier than expected and find Doyoung watching TV. You change into more comfortable clothes and sit next to him. You don't remember how this all happened. First you were sitting in the living room watching a movie with Doyoung and now you are being shoved against the kitchen counter with Doyoung pinning you back.
Doyoung's arms are on either side of you, his hands on top of yours and pinning them onto the counter. He leans in close, slouching down a bit to get to your eye level. "We were just discussing suit bow colors," you bite your lip, your eyes still trained on him.
A small chuckle escapes his lips, eyes half lidded, mouth curving upwards into a smile. "The way you talk sometimes turns me on."
You can't help but feel your cheeks grow warmer by the second as you sigh loudly. "I can't believe that the man of my dreams says shit like this."
This catches Doyoung's attention, perking his head up. A wide smile is plastered onto his face. "Am I the man of your dreams?"
"Is it me you're talking about?" He tilts his head.
"Well, what do you think Sherlock?" You smart, smiling.
You feel your heart jump when he immediately pulls himself closer again, hands sliding around and wrapping themselves around your hips to bring your body closer. Doyoung accidentally uses a bit too much force, accidentally grinding your hips together as you suddenly let out a small moan. He smiles.
"You said I'm the man of your dreams."
"W-well, I.. haha."
Your face grows warmer and warmer by the second, watching how Doyoung brings his face closer to yours until your noses are touching. This makes you melt beneath him, wanting for it to happen already. Why does Doyoung make you feel so small around him? And why were you saying such things? You also love Taeyong.
Doyoung starts it, leaning in and closing his eyes as he places his soft lips against yours. He uses his hands to pick you up and push you onto the counter, making it a little bit easier for the both of you. He begins to pull himself back, noticing how flustered you are, listening to the soft pants you are letting out.
Your noses are touching again, lips so close to each other yet so far.  "Say it again."
"Mm.. hm..?"
"Say it again, (Y/N)."
Doyoung pulls himself back, smiling lightly as he waits for you to repeat the words Doyoung has in his mind right now.
"You're the man of my dreams..."
Doyoung chuckles lightly, repeating the phrase over and over into his head as he leans in and kisses you once more. You smile into the kiss, pulling his body close so he is chest to chest with you, sliding your arms up and around his neck as you wrap your legs around his waist. Doyoung keeps his hands on your hips, rubbing circles on the skin.
A moan escapes you as you feel Doyoung slide his tongue into your mouth, rubbing your crotch against his stomach to try and get more friction. He chuckles, pulling his head back and taking the moment to admire the mess you are looking like now. It is a beautiful mess.
You can't help but whimper a bit, embarrassed by the scene you are in, kicking your legs out and back in from your seat. Doyoung laughs a bit, pulling his hand up to cup your cheek, forcing your head up to look at him. He places a quick kiss on your lips before pulling back again, smiling as he stares down into your eyes.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Doyoung."
“Fuck me.”
“Huh?” You frown.
“I’m not gonna fuck you, I’m gonna make love to you, (Y/N).” His expression softens.
Now in the bedroom, Doyoung cups your cheeks, kissing you. His eyes are so focused on yours. He then kisses the corner of your mouth. “I love you so much it drives me insane."
Doyoung brings his hands to your stomach and slips them beneath your shirt. Your eyes fluttered closed as he leans in and kisses you.
Doyoung kisses you deeper before grabbing the edge of your shirt and pulling it up over your head. You sit up in bed, taking his shirt off of him and slot your lips to his.
You let out a heavy breath as Doyoung kisses your skin. He presses his lips to your collarbone, trailing between your breasts and down to your stomach. Lifting your hips, Doyoung takes your sweatpants and panties off. You watch him, lips parting when he pushes down his pants and boxers.
Doyoung pumps his cock a few times and reaches with his other hand to roll your clit with his thumb. You gasp slightly in surprise, hips arcing at the slightest touch on your bundle of nerves.
Propping himself on top of you as he melds his lips to yours. You rest your hands on his lower back. You feel the head of his cock peck at your entrance and Doyoung kisses you messily. As he pushes forward into your tight cunt, you sink your fingers harder into his back.
Doyoung moans under his breath. You close your eyes and bite your lip, shifting beneath him when he finally bottoms out. Doyoung slides his fingers into your hair and presses kisses over your neck.
He then starts thrusting his hips back and plunging into you again. You clamp your thighs on his waist and lock your ankles, letting your head fall back to the mattress.
"Fuck,” Doyoung groans, rutting at a slow pace.
You moan out his name. Doyoung slaps his hips against yours, shaking his head at just how goddamn wet you were for him, and thrust slowly deeper.
You sigh a breathy moan. You meet his eyes and bite your lip, cupping his face and kissing him tenderly as he strokes his cock inside your velvet walls. "Ah... fuck. I love you." You say against his lips.
And everything feels different. You feel different about Doyoung, his kisses, his touch... You were madly in love with him.
“Come on (Y/N) this is the tenth dress you’ve tried on” Jaehyun's voice resonates through the changing room.
You are at one the most expensive dress stores in the city looking for a dress for the anniversary party. “I’m sorry I swear this is the last one” You answer.
“You’ve been saying that since five dresses ago.” He replies giving an apologetic smile to the store employee that has been assisting you.
“Could you please remind me again why are you having a hard time? You don’t even like shopping." He says annoyed.
“First of all, I need to look perfect. Second, some of the editors around the world are coming and I need to look radiant.” You say dramatically, walking out of the changing room winking at him. “Well, how do I look?” You ask while twirling around.
You glance at Jaehyun and notice his index finger strokes his chin thoughtfully. He keeps staring at you without uttering a word. Then he hums. "I love it."
"Yes?" You smile.
"Hell yes. You look hot. Your boobs look amazing," his eyes dart to them.
"Jaehyun!" You laughed, covering yourself..
"Nothing I haven't seen before," he huffs. You remember when you two were in college and night you tried to seduce him while drunk and you blush.
"Shut up, Jaehyun," you growl, pushing him away.
He giggles. "They got bigger tho."
"Another word and I'll slit your throat," you warn him.
Jaehyun shakes his head. "But seriously, you look fantastic. The color pink suits you very well. Doyoung and Taeyong are two lucky bastards.”
You beam and look at yourself in the mirror: you're wearing a long, in different type of shades of pink dress with a plunge neckline. You think it is too revealing, but you feel really good in it.
"This is the one," you state.
"Then we have nothing else to do here," Jaehyun smiles.
"Can't believe I paid $9,000 bucks for a dress," you say as you walk next to Jaehyun to the exit.
"It's not like your bank account is empty now, I mean, you have a black Amex," Jaehyun rolls his eyes.
"Hey, it's not my fault Johnny took yours from you," you laugh.
"I was just getting baby stuff!" He groans.
Your mouth curves into a smile. "Do you have any news on my niece?"
"I do, actually," the corners of his mouth turned up. "We got some pictures yesterday and according to the lawyer, she's coming home next month!"
You press your hands on your cheeks and shriek. "Oh my, God!" You hug him. "This is great news. I wanna met her already."
"Want to see a picture of her?" Jaehyun beams.
You nod smiling. Jaehyun takes his phone out and goes to his photos, scrolling. Then he finds a picture of a newborn baby and hands you his phone. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
You smile and sigh looking at the photo. “She’s so small. Oh my, God. She’s beautiful, Jae.”
“I know,” Jaehyun beams proudly. “I already feel like the luckiest dad.”
“Do you guys have a name?” You ask.
“Not yet, but we’re still discussing,” Jaehyun bobs his head.
“Well, you need to hurry up or your baby will be nameless,” you pat his shoulder.
"You're doing it again," Jaehyun rests his head in his palm while the other hand is holding the menu.
"Huh?" You frown.
"You're overthinking something, what is it?" He wiggles his brows.
You sigh remorsly. "I fucked up."
"What do you mean?" He shoots you a questioning look. "Wait, did you cheat on Doyoung and Taeyong?"
"No!" You whimper. "I mean... kinda?"
"I'm not following," Jaehyun shakes his head.
You bite your lip, slapping a hand to your forehead and pushing back your hair. "Doyoung, Taeyong and I have rules, and one of them is that we can't fuck if one of us isn't there..."
"Who did you fuck?" The corners of his eyes crinkled.
You press your lips together. "Doyoung."
Jaehyun hums in response and crosses his arms over his chest, sliding a little on his chair. "So? How was it?"
You sigh frustrated. "So good, but it was also different, you know? We didn't fuck, we... made love."
"Oh girl, stop right there," Jaehyun leans in, waving hand to shoo you. "Are you hearing yourself?"
"I am!" You growl. "I'm so confused right now, Jaehyun. I even told him he's the man of my dreams and I can't even look at Taeyong."
"As you should." He nods. "Listen, (Y/N), the three of you have amazing chemistry and of course you care and love each other, but you must have more feeling for one of them."
"And I'm guessing it's Doyoung," Jaehyun states.
"I'm guessing that too."
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