#if not! this form is still a GREAT way to participate!
icingin · 11 months
Reminder that this project is still ongoing!
If you’re someone who has been negatively impacted by the culture in either sports you’re in or have been a fan of, fill out this anonymous survey about your experience here.
It doesn’t have to be super formal, you can feel free to use this as an anonymous venting spot!
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cringe--is--dead · 4 months
Nekoma x Reader; manager!reader
You Won’t Be Alone
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“You need to join a club— something. Anything!”
Your parents' concerns rang loud in your head. It wasn’t your fault you had to move schools in the beginning of your second year. You had friends, you had clubs and things you participated in. Now you had nothing. A few friendly classmates, sure, but that was all.
Clubs were almost entirely filled at this rate anyways, and anyone that was still accepting members meant you had to go meet new people who already formed their own groups. You’d be the outcast, more than you already felt like you were.
Idly, you kicked at a rock that was laying on the ground beneath your feet; you were trying to kill time, hoping to brainstorm some solution before you made your way home.
The art club? There were some mediums you were decent at, but you also saw some of the showcases from other students— safe to say that club had some artists that would most definitely be studied in the future.
What about the literature club? While you enjoyed reading, something about reading at school made the notion far less fun. Not to mention you had met the club leader earlier that month, and while nice, she was intimidating.
Grumbling to yourself, you stopped walking, leaning against one of the building's walls, watching birds fly overhead. They cawed at each other, and the group in the sky made you feel more alone.
Great, you mused, jealous of birds now.
Your thought process was interrupted, rather sharply, as you watched a ball come flying out of the building you had been leaning against. Lucky for you, you were nowhere near the door— the speed at which the ball hit the dirt would have definitely bruised you.
Pushing forward, you decided to be a decent person, picking the ball up and moving slowly to the open gym door. You hadn’t made a point to pay attention to any of the teams your school had, not out of disdain but mostly fear.
If you showed any interest your dad would definitely force you to partake in some way.
“Um,” You stopped at the entrance of the door, holding the ball tightly in your arms, watching as the people before you continued moving.
One of the people, one of the coaches you supposed, noticed you, coming over to retrieve the ball.
“Thank you,” He spoke softly, smiling at you, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses, “They’ve been a bit overzealous lately.”
You nodded, handing the ball over, your eyes drifting back to those practicing.
You recognized one of them, some of them were in your year.
Fukanaga Shohei. You and he weren’t close by any means, but he was funny.
“They’re good, aren’t they?”
The coach's voice made you jump, cheeks flushing as you realized you had been staring.
“Oh— I’m sorry!” You turned, bowing in an apology, “I just…”
He smiled at you, “I’m coach Naoi.”
You introduced yourself, “Second year. I actually just transferred here a few weeks ago.”
“I hope the school’s been treating you well.”
You smiled, “No complaints yet.”
“Oi, Naoi!” The pair of you turned, the older coach having caught on to his assistant being distracted, “Care to invite your guest in?”
His shouting caused the team to look over, a lul in their practice as they took in the presence of an outsider. Your face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh— no! I’m so sorry! I was just returning a ball!”
Naoi chuckled, “One second,” He turned to you, eyebrow raising slightly, “You can come watch if you want.”
“I— I wouldn’t want to impose,” You crossed your arms, still feeling the gaze of the team on you.
“Are we getting a manager?” The question sounded more like a shout, and one of the members clutched his chest rather dramatically, “Take that Karasuno!”
“If you don’t scare her off with your shouting,” He either hadn’t heard the dig aimed at him or didn’t care.
Cautiously, you removed your sneakers, sock covered feet against the floor beneath you as you followed behind coach Naoi, keeping your gaze lowered.
“Well?” The older coach turned his attention back to his team, “Get on with it! Yamamoto, get up.”
You took a seat next to him, shoes laid across your lap, bag pressed close to your calves.
“Coach Nekomata,” He introduced himself to you, barely taking his attention from his team, “You join any clubs yet?”
“Oh, uh,” You swallowed, your throat suddenly dry, “No. Not yet. I haven’t found a good fit yet.”
“Lev, your receives still suck.”
You focused your attention forward, watching as the taller guy, one you somehow hadn’t noticed yet, got scolded, his shoulders drooping into himself.
“You have any interest in volleyball?”
You side eyed the man, his posture relaxed and unbothered, and you heard Naoi sigh from your other side.
“I… think it’s an interesting sport.”
“Oh?” He sounded amused, “Just interesting?”
You watched the balls fly around the court, people yelling out praises or playful insults at one another, “Yeah. Only ever seen it on TV a few times.”
“Hm,” He nodded, saying nothing more.
The three of you lapsed into silence, merely watching as the warmups switched, and you felt yourself losing tension in your body. Watching them was entertaining, the way they played and talked— they made it look fun.
They were all drenched in sweat, heavy breathing, some of their forearms looked red as did their knees. But they were smiling and laughing, though winded they may be.
“Yamamoto, the loudmouth, is right in his own way,” Coach Nekomata’s voice seemed to snap you back to reality, and you turned to look at him curiously, finding his attention already on you, “We could use a manager. Lord knows I could use the help with these hard heads.”
“Kenma, set it up!”
The one that had shouted when you came in was, once again, shouting. You didn’t know how to respond to the coach, so you turned, watching as the one with longer dyed hair set the ball, and the loudmouth, Yamamoto, went running forward.
He jumped, and in a split second, hit the ball over the net, the sound echoing in the gym, and you swore you felt the air from the ball move your hair.
“Woah,” You almost whispered the simple praise to yourself, unaware of the smug look on Coach Nekomata’s face, and the bemused one on Coach Naoi’s.
You licked your lips, turning away from where Yamamoto was singing his own praises, “Would I learn?”
You clarified, “If I… became a manager. I’d have to learn how volleyball works, first. Then how to actually be a good manager. I— I don’t have experience with either of those.”
Nekomata smiled at you, a kind look on his face, “Our team does one thing best above all else— connecting. If you become our manager, you wouldn’t be learning on your own, you won’t be alone. This I promise.”
You sighed, looking back towards the court. They seemed to be taking a small break, the unnamed members talking and joking, the one who had set the ball was getting his hair messed with, though he looked annoyed, he didn’t move away to stop it.
You won’t be alone.
That sounded… nice.
“How do I apply?”
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katiemccabeswife · 8 months
Can we get a part 2 for selflessness where Leah and yn adopt v and her sister? Please I absolutely loved your work
Princess Spider-man (Leah Williamson x FosterMum!Reader)
Selflessness Pt.2, you get to adopt your now daughters and to avoid an unnecessary tantrum, Vienna gets to be adopted as Princess Spiderman + Leah takes you on a date and takes your breath away.
i cried writing this 🤪
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You had Lilah sitting in the sink so she couldn't wriggle around while you were doing her hair when you heard the slapping of little feet running along the hardwood floors, "No running on the hard floors V! C'mon we've talked about this," Leah yelled out to the 5-year-old in exasperation.
You turned to the door, making sure to keep a hold of Lilah, when you saw Vienna pop around the corner, "Oh!" You said surprised.
"Mummy, I princess spiderman!" Today was the day you and Leah were officially going to adopt Vienna and Lilah. After a month of them staying with you the chances of their Dad regaining custody of the girls were slim to none and both of them had formed a strong relationship with not only yourself but Leah as well.
Your heart still warmed when either girl called you Mummy, the night Vienna had called out to you using Mummy you hadn't fully registered it until the second time. That night you cried to Leah about it and it was also that night that you knew you had to adopt the girls. It wasn't long until Lilah had caught on and started calling you Mummy as well and it was only a short period of time after that, that the both of them started calling Leah Mama.
When going through the necessary classes and checks required for adoption, which Leah participated in as well, you and Leah had decided that it was in the best interest of the girls if she moved in with you. Logistically it was a great idea, Leah spent almost all of her time at your house anyway and it was bigger than hers. The night after the conversation was held, Leah was moved in by the girls' bedtime.
You looked up at Leah who was now behind Vienna with her hands on her shoulders. She gave you a guilty look and shrugged. You smiled widely at the 5-year-old, " You most certainly are! And aren't you just beautiful? Are we sure we're going to wear that today?" You tried to get her to change her mind but she had taken on Leah's stubbornness in the month you had all been living together.
Vienna crossed her arms, "Yes! Mama said I had to wear my best outfit and this is my best outfit," She answered as if it was common knowledge.
You nodded in agreement knowing that arguing with her would only end in a tantrum, "Alrighty then! Now, do you want me to do your hair or do you want Mama to do your hair?" You asked as you finished up Lilah's hair and hoisted her on your hip.
Vienna tapped her chin for a moment, "Mummy!" She shot her hands into the air to be lifted onto the sink. You gave Lilah to Leah with a kiss on both of their cheeks before lifting V onto the bathroom bench.
Leah wandered off to finish getting herself ready, taking Lilah with her, "Alright Princess Spiderman are going to do a braid or piggies or bunnies today?" You had found that while Vienna was going through an independent stage, offering different options was the easiest and quickest way to get something done.
She pondered the question for a moment before perking up, "Braid, please!"
"Coming your way, Princess Spiderman!" You took off her mask and tiara and she began to sing as you were braiding her hair. Though when she got quiet you got a little worried, "What you thinking 'bout, V?" You finished tying off the braid and hugged her from behind, looking at her in the mirror.
"Is Mama adpating me and Lyly as well?" You smiled at her mispronunciation.
You shook your head slightly with a small smile on your face, "No she isn't but that doesn't mean that she isn't still gonna be your Mama. Is that ok?"
Vienna shrugged and looked down so you heaved her out of the sink and sat her on the edge of the counter facing you, "I want Mama as well," She mumbled into her chest and you guided her chin up gently.
"Mama and I loved you so much, yeah?" You asked and she meekly nodded her head, "But because Mummy has been taking care of you a bit longer than Mama, only Mummy can adopt you right now. But really, today isn't going to change much, you and Lilah are just going to have my last name and you're definitely going to live with me forever, and ever and ever," You tickled her belly and smiled widely when she laughed, "And hopefully, soon Mama will give me a ring and then she can adopt you and Lilah as well!" Vienna perked up at this and clapped.
"Mama give you a ring now?" She asked hopefully.
You lifted her off the bench and placed her on the floor, "I don't think so, V. Not yet, maybe soon," You guided her back to her bedroom, making sure to grab her mask and tiara. You missed Leah standing at the opposite end of the hallway, having heard the entire conversation, with a smile on her face.
You had walked into the living room in a long white sundress with little blue flowers and fancy heels when you saw Leah in her suit. She was wearing a grey suit with a black bodysuit and she had Lilah on her lap wearing a pink dress with white and blue tassels at the top, "Don't you two look beautiful," You announced yourself to the pair.
"I could say the same for you, my love," She rose from the couch and brought you into a hug before kissing you on the lips.
"What about Vienna?" The 5-year-old asked as she came out of her room, now wearing pink plastic heels.
Leah handed you Lilah and you gave her a quick peck and hugged her into your body, "Wow, darling you look gorgeous! Did you pick that outfit out all by yourself?" Leah questioned.
Vienna spun in a circle at the compliment and curtseyed, "Why yes I did, thank you very much," She ran up to Leah and gave her a big kiss.
Leah lifted her onto her hip and spun around making Vienna laugh, "My beautiful Princess Spiderman," She joked looking towards you as you shook your head in amusement.
V looked at her in judgment, "Umm, I'm not yours yet because you haven't given Mummy a ring," She crossed her arms and Leah looked at you.
You just shrugged your shoulders and picked up your bag and Lilah's baby bag, "Ready to go guys?" You asked ignoring the previous conversation.
"Yes!" Lilah cheered and you cheered back to her.
"Come on V," You held your hand out for the girl who took it excitedly, "Lock up would you please, love?" You smiled cheekily before taking the girls out to the car and getting them situated in their seats.
Once Leah was finished locking up she joined you in the car and quickly turned it on before driving off. She distracted Vienna with her favourite songs before she turned to you, "So you were talking to V about me getting you a ring, yeah?" She asked and rubbed her hand along your thigh.
"Oh, it may have been mentioned in passing. I think I prefer circle-cut diamonds actually," You teased.
"Alright then, I'll get onto that," She turned to look at your shocked face before laughing and turning back to the road and singing along with Vienna to Adele.
When you arrived at the courthouse you quickly briefed both the girls on what was going to happen. Vienna and Lilah had both been very attentive during this talk and seemed to actually be taking in the information you were telling them but as soon as you walked through the doors and saw all Leah’s teammates hanging around, they both squealed, Vienna ran off to Katie and Lilah was flapping her arms in demand to be let down. Once you had put Lilah on her feet she began to toddle over to Vivi.
“Oh my word, is that Princess Spider-man?” Katie exclaimed as she saw Vienna running over to her. When V reached her Katie threw her up in the air, caught her (thankfully) and began to tickle her tummy making the young girl fall into hysterics.
Viv had begun to make her way to where Lilah was waddling, cutting her walk short, and lifted her onto her hip, “Hello, little one,” She greeted. Lilah had been interested in Viv ever since she first met the woman, her calm composure matching her own.
Leah wrapped her arm around your shoulders as you smiled at your girls getting along with Leah’s (and now your) closest friends. You and Leah walked over to where both of your parents were standing and greeted them with warm hugs and hello’s.
Your mum took your cheeks between her hands and her eyes began to tear up, “Oh my little girl is getting so big now,” You shook your head and hit your lip.
“Don’t-” You pointed your finger at her threatening, “Don’t you dare make me cry right now,” Your mum laughed and brought you into a hug.
A set of large doors opened and a woman in a sharp suit and slick hair called out, “Vienna and Lilah Hansen, case 1747, the courthouse is now open and the session will begin in 5 minutes,” I have no idea how court or adoption works…
Leah squeezed your hand tightly and gave you a short passionate kiss before you walked over and grabbed Lilah out of Viv's arms and held Vienna’s hand. You walked to the front of the room where you met your co-worker and the girls’ social worker, Amelia, and greeted her and queued Vienna too as well but she moved to hide behind your legs.
The judge who seemed to be a friendly old man walked into the room and when he spotted Vienna he walked over and bent over, “Is that Spider-Man I see?” He questioned.
Vienna poked her head out from behind you and you gently guided her out with a hand on her back, “I princess spider-man,” She said sheepishly.
The judge straightened, “How could I be so silly,” He held his hand out to shake hers, “Welcome Your Highness, thank you for being a hero,” Vienna shook his hand with a giggle and when she looked at you, you smiled and gasped in wow.
“I’m y/n,” You reached out to shake his hand which he took gently.
“Pleasure to meet you, let’s get this started shall we?” You nodded and took a deep breath before setting the girls with Amelia before heading to the opposite side of the room.
After going through all of the legal crap and a few tears (a lot more than a few) you were up the front of the room in front of the judge's bench, surrounded by friends and family, holding your girls in your arms, wrapped in the arms of the woman you love, smiling for a photo that will forever hang proudly in your entryway for everyone to see.
Everyone had followed you home and there was now a small party being hosted in your house which consisted of half the girls outside playing a mini-game of football with Vienna accompanied by yours and Leah's dads, the other half of the girls sitting in the playroom playing FIFA except for Beth who was helping Lilah cook up a storm in the play kitchen and lastly Leah, you and your mothers were cooking up an actual storm in the real kitchen.
"Leah you have to eat real food, you can't just have potato smilies!' You laughed at Leah's grossed-out face.
"It all looks lovely but I just, I don't like it," The grown woman complained.
Amanda shook her head at her daughter, "Come on now Leah you're starting to sound like Vienna," You and your mother joined in laughing.
Leah dropped her jaw in offence, "I do not," She whined before straightening, hearing how whining and childlike she sounded.
There was a range of food either in the process of being cooked, ready to be cooked or cooling down that ranged from fresh scones (your mother's tradition) to beans with everything in between, even potato smilies.
"At least try something new, Lee," You begged.
Leah looked at you in displeasure, "Maybe," She mumbled when she buried her head into your back.
You moved to stir the mash which Leah had been working on, "Leah why on earth is this so watery?" You questioned.
"I don't know I just followed the recipe, 5 pounds of potatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 12 cups of milk-" You cut her off with a gasp.
"Oh my god, Leah 1/2 a cup of milk, not 12 cups! That's why we don't have any milk left!" Everyone in the kitchen laughed at Leah's mistake while she stood there scratching the back of her neck, "Right, you pop off to the corner shop and pick up some more milk and potatoes and when you get back you can go off and play with the kiddies alright?" You ordered jokingly.
"Okay," She pulled you into a hug which you reciprocated immediately, "Sorry, love," She mumbled sheepishly.
You patted her on the back before moving her off, "Don't worry about it, now off you go!" You smacked her bum when she turned to leave.
Just after Leah left Kyra ran into the kitchen looking red in the face, "Where's Leah, we need another defender, Katie's being a child," She puffed out.
"Am not!" You heard the Irish woman yell from the backyard.
The day was spent talking and laughing surrounded by your friends and family and when the day was finally coming to a close only a few of the girls were left and both sets of parents had gone home. Vienna was lying sleepily on Katie's chest and Lilah was knocked out on Viv's, you were wrapped in Leah's arms and the day could not have gone better.
2 months later...
"Alright, so everything they need is in their bags and they have both just been fed and napped so they are full of energy for you guys!" You and Leah were going on a date on her day off and you were dropping the girls off to hang out with Viv and Beth for the day. You bent down to Vienna's level, "OK sweetie, behave and be nice, please do as they ask and no be cheeky," You teased and tickled her belly before placing a kiss on her forehead, repeating the action to Lilah who sat contently in Viv's arms, "Goodbye my little chickens," You waved. Leah repeated your actions and gave Vienna a fist bump after whispering in her ear which made the girl giggle.
"Bye guys, thank you so much," You waved to Beth and Viv as you walked towards the car. You buckled yourself in before taking a deep breath and sighing, "I hate leaving them," You pouted at thinking about not being within arms reach of your daughters.
Leah moved her hand to your thigh and rubbed it comfortingly, "Well I'll try my best to make it worth your time then, yeah?" She said jokingly.
You laughed lightly, "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. I love spending time with you, you make every second worthwhile," You picked up her hand from your thigh and gave it a dramatic kiss.
Leah smiled over at you, "Aw you big sap," She followed with a laugh when you pathetically punched her.
"Lilah wouldn't be making fun of me right now," You proclaimed and crossed your arms.
Leah waved her hand in exasperation, "Yeah because she can barely talk, Vienna on the other hand would be making fun of you," She smirked at you.
Your jaw dropped, "Only because you've corrupted my sweet little angel," You placed your conjoined hands over your heart theatrically.
"Oh hunny, she has always been a cheeky little devil," You had to agree with her. Even before the girls had met Leah Vienna had a habit of getting up to mischief.
You both sat in silence as the speakers played your shared playlist mainly consisting of Adele and Taylor Swift until you perked at a sudden thought, "Where are we going?" Not recognising the area you were now in.
Leah smiled over at you cheekily which was almost analogous to Vienna's when she was up to no good, "It's a surprise," She sang and shook your hands slightly.
After half an hour of driving and singing you arrived at an open field covered in lush green grass and as you looked to your left you saw a small pond littered with lily pads and surrounded by bushes.
You looked around and noticed lines of rose bushes and other flowers scattered around the field, "Leah this is... gorgeous!" You said in awe.
"Not more gorgeous than you," She flirted and when you looked back at her she had her head rested against the seat and hearts in her eyes, you couldn't help yourself and quickly pulled her into a deep kiss.
"I love you," You smiled against her mouth as you separated from the kiss.
She pecked your lips once more before you could pull away, "I love you more," She smiled dreamily.
"Impossible," You muttered looking at her in admiration.
After spending a few more minutes looking into each other's eyes and making out you had made it outside and onto the field, Leah had set up a picnic for the two of you and your heart could not be more full.
You helped Leah set out the picnic blanket but left the food in the basket as you begged her to take you on a walk to the pond. She 'begrudgingly' agreed and you held hands while you walked around the stunning water, pointing out the fishes you saw swimming merrily. You were so entranced by the small fishes that you hadn't seen Leah taking multiple photos of you.
Once Leah had complained of being hungry you let her lead you back to the blanket and she pulled out the 'feast' she had bought. The meal contained ham sandwiches (her favourite), scones (courtesy of your mother) and sausage rolls (your favourite) which she had even gone through the effort of putting into an esky bag to keep them warm.
You snacked on the food while lying in the arms of your lover and talked about nothing and everything all at once. You set up the blanket near the roses and once you had moved to retrieve another sausage roll you noticed how beautiful your girlfriend was and couldn't help but take a photo of her in all her glory.
"Oi cheeky, no wonder where V gets it from," She teased.
"That's all you, baby," You held her chin and pulled her into a soft kiss
Once the kiss broke Leah looked behind you before shuffing around "Is that a goose over there? By the pond?" She pointed over towards the pond and you instantly got to your feet wanting to get a look at the goose.
"Leah, are you hallucinating? I can't see any-" You cut yourself off as you turned around and saw Leah on one knee holding an open box in her hands, "Oh you cheeky little shit," You reprimanded before cupping your mouth with your hands.
Leah laughed at your reaction and cleared her throat, "Y/N, ever since I met you in that Tesco's covered in tears and snot with a beautiful bird's nest on your head, I knew that I wanted to be with you. I wanted to love you and hold you and I knew that wanted to grow old with you." You were both crying and Leah was now holding one of your hands in hers, "I really wasn't supposed to be eating those Oreos and you probably saved me a grilling from Kim, so thank you for that. I remember how scared you were when you first brought V and Lil to one of my games and how I would react and I want you to know that I was never mad or angry I was actually enamoured at how beautiful you looked with two children on your hips and how effortless you made looking after them look." You had fallen onto your knees and Leah's hand was now gently wiping the tears away from your cheeks, "I want to thank you so much for letting me into their lives and your home and letting me help raise them and I'm so thankful that you let me hang out with your daughters cause they are seriously the coolest kids around. I'm serious-" You both laughed at the proclamation, "I can tell you with no doubt that I'd rather hang out with you and them than anyone else in the world and I would be the happiest woman in the world. I want to help you raise your girls to be powerful, strong women and I want to grow old with you. So, y/n y/m/n/ y/l/n, would you marry me?" There were so many tears between the two of you that you weren't sure if she had seen you nod or if she could work out what you had said through the heavy presence of tears in your throat but she had heard you crystal clear.
"Of course I will you idiot,"
Leah lept up from the floor and tackled you into a hug. You went back and forth from hugging and kissing only taking a quick break for Leah to place the ring on your finger and for you to admire the beauty of it. Leah had also surprised you with a similar ring on her finger as she claimed, "It wasn't fair that only you got a nice ring," but you both knew that even if she had asked you to marry her at 3 in the morning covered in blood, sweat and tears, you would have said yes.
You weren't sure how long you had been hugging Leah for and you also weren't sure if you were ever going to let go. You didn't believe you would have if it weren't for a sudden loud screech, "MUMMY!"
You abruptly pulled apart from Leah and held her shoulders between your hands, "You didn't..." Leah just smiled and nodded before pulling you into another passionate kiss.
The kiss was broken when a pair of arms wrapped around your legs, "Did Mama give you the ring?" She asked jumping on the spot in excitement.
You lifted her up into the air and laughed with your daughter, "She did sweetie! Did you put her up to this?" You tickled her belly when she was stationary on your hip.
Vienna nodded excitedly, "Yup!" She turned to look behind you, "And look!" When you turned around you saw Lilah waddling over as fast as she could and Leah quickly went to pick her up. You looked further back and saw Viv and Beth standing with what looked like a professional photographer and as you looked for an extra minute you could see Viv consoling a sobbing Beth.
"You cheeky little devils," You looked between Leah and Vienna before wandering over to Lilah and squished her cheeks gently, "And the little mastermind behind it all," You said jokingly which made all three of your girls laugh.
Vienna wriggled out of your arms and tugged Leah's shorts to get her to bend down and whispered in her ear, "Does this mean you can adapt me and Lily now?" Leah let out a wet laugh, trying to keep the tears at bay.
"Is that what you'd like V?" She asked genuinely.
Vienna jumped up and down and screamed 'yes!' over and over again. Leah handed you Lilah who instantly rested her head against your chest and you kissed her head on instinct while you watched Leah reach into her bag. When she pulled out a photo frame you smiled widely and hid it behind Lilah's head.
Leah got down onto one knee again and presented Vienna with the certificate of adoption, "I think that is a lovely idea," Leah choked out with tears streaming down her face. Vienna jumped into Leah's arms and wrapped her arms around her neck. Leah stood up, keeping a tight grip on V, and looked over to you where you had tears running down your cheeks and Lilah was wiping them away. She watched through clouded eyes as you grabbed Lilah's hands and kissed them making the toddler let out a belly laugh.
You stepped over the photo frame which now lay discarded on the floor and wrapped Leah into a hug that held such pure emotions, happy tears and happy laughter. You were content as you and Leah held your girls in your arms and tightly held onto each other's hands.
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and others
yourusername my girls... and a little surprise from the big one 💍
view all 604 comments
leahwilliamsonn only a little one 😕
yourusername i love you ❤️❤️
alexscott2 no one deserves this more than you two love birds 🤍
williamson06 be fr rn...
kimkardashian congratulations 🙌
yourusername thank you!!
arsenal06 ariana what are you doing here?
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liked by yourusername and others
leahwilliamsonn my love for you can not be put into words but the least I can do is applaud you for being the best mother out there and thank you tremendously for letting me help you raise the most perfect little girls and letting me love you with everything I have, I love you to the moon and back, and a million more times 💞
view all 839 comments
yourusername stop it I'm going to cry again ❤️
leahwilliamsonn do it ❤️
bethmead_ you're going to make me cry again!!
katie_mccabe11 beautiful family
arsenalrnumber1 i love them
mbaker1971 proud of all my girls ❤️❤️
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Jason Wilson at The Guardian:
In a December 2023 speech, JD Vance defended a notorious white nationalist convicted over 2016 election disinformation, canvassed the possibility of breaking up tech companies, attacked diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and talked about a social media “censorship regime” that “came from the deep state on some level”.
The senator’s speech was given at the launch of a “counterrevolutionary” book – praised by the now Republican vice-presidential candidate as “great” – which was edited and mostly written by employees of the far-right Claremont Institute. In the book, Up from Conservatism, the authors advocate for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act, for politicians to conduct “deep investigations into what the gay lifestyle actually does to people”, that college and childcare be defunded and that rightwing governments “promote male-dominated industries” in order to discourage female participation in the workplace. Vance’s endorsement of the book may raise further questions about his extremism, and that of his networks. The Guardian emailed Vance’s Senate staff and the Trump and Vance campaign with detailed questions about his appearance at the launch, but received no response.
‘Congratulations on such a great book’
Vance’s speech was given in the Capitol visitor center in Washington DC last 11 December, according to a version of C-Span’s subsequent broadcast of the event that is preserved at the Internet Archive. The occasion was the launch of Up from Conservatism, an essay collection edited by Arthur Milikh, the executive director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life. In his introductory remarks on the day, Milikh said the book “maps out the right’s errors over the last generation … on immigration, on universities, on the administrative state”.
The book, however, appears more directed towards supplanting an old right – seen as too accommodating – with a “new right” focused on destroying its perceived enemies on the left.
In the book’s introduction, Milikh writes: “The New Right recognizes the Left as an enemy, not merely an opposing movement, because the Left today promotes a tyrannical conception of justice that is irreconcilable with the American idea of justice … the New Right is a counterrevolutionary and restorative force.” Also in that piece, Milikh offers a vision of the new right’s triumph, which has an authoritarian ring: “We like to say that one must learn to govern, but a truer expression is that one must learn to rule.” In his speech, Vance first offered “congratulations on such a great book, and thanks for getting such a good crew together”, and then warmed to themes similar to Milikh’s. “Republicans, conservatives, we’re still terrified of wielding power, of actually doing the job that the people sent us here to do,” Vance said, later adding: “Isn’t it just common sense that when we’re given power, we should actually do something with it?”
Brad Onishi, author of Preparing for War, a critical account of Christian nationalism and the host of the Straight White American Jesus podcast, said: “Vance, many Claremont people, including some folks in this volume, and especially the ‘post-liberal’ conservative Catholics that he hangs out with, have advocated for a form of big government that will wield its power in order to set the country right.” He added: “And you may think, well, OK, that doesn’t sound so bad. But here the common good is rooting out queer people, making sure non-Christians don’t immigrate to the country and outlawing things like pornography that are currently a matter of personal choice. “You end up with this conservatism that promotes an invasive government conservatism rather than a small government.”
‘Free our minds … from the fear of being called racists’
In the book, commended by Vance, a series of authors take reactionary – or “counterrevolutionary” – positions on a number of social and economic issues. In one chapter, John Fonte writes of disrupting narratives of civil rights progress: “The great meaning of America, we are told, comes from liberating so-called oppressed groups and taming the power of privileged groups. Thus, our history is one of liberation: first of Blacks, then of women, then of gays, and now of the transgendered.” Fonte retorts: “Not only is this narrative false; it will take us further down the path of national self-destruction … On the questions of slavery, American Indians, and racial discrimination, the progressive narrative is not a historically accurate project designed to address past wrongs, but a weaponized movement to deconstruct and replace American civilization.”
Like other authors in the collection, Fonte offers policy recommendations. He proposes heavy-handed federal intervention into education: “[T]he US Congress should prohibit any federal funds in education to support projects … that promote DEI (“diversity, equity and inclusion”) and divisive concepts such as the idea that America is ‘systemically racist.’” In his chapter, David Azerrad tells readers: “We need to free our minds once and for all from the fear of being called racists.” The assistant professor and research fellow at rightwing Hillsdale College, and former Heritage Foundation director and Claremont Institute fellow, also claims that conservatives have been too conciliatory on race: “For too many conservatives, the goal is to outdo progressives in displays of compassion for blacks … yet blacks continue to vote monolithically for the Democratic Party and progressives have only ramped up their hysterical accusations of racism.”
Azerrad continues with white nationalist talking points on race, crime and IQ, writing: “It is not racist to notice that blacks commit the majority of violent crimes in America, no more than it is to incarcerate convicted black criminals … There is no reason to expect equal outcomes between the races … In some elite and highly technical sectors in which there are almost no qualified blacks, color-blindness will mean no blacks.” Elsewhere, Azerrad writes: “[C]onservatives will need to root out from their souls the pathological pity for blacks, masquerading as compassion, that is the norm in contemporary America … This is most obvious in the widespread embrace of affirmative action (the lowering of standards to advance blacks) and the general reluctance to speak certain blunt but necessary truths about the pathologies plaguing black America – in particular, violent crime, fatherlessness, low academic achievement, nihilistic alienation, and the cult of victimhood.”
‘Do not subsidize childcare’
Helen Andrews, meanwhile, offers “three things we could do right now that would put a big dent in the multiplying lies that have come from feminists for the last forty years about women and careers”. Her first proposal is to “stop subsidizing college so much”, since, according to Andrews, in the 22-29 age group, “there are four women with college degrees … for every three men. That is going to lead to a lot of women with college degrees who do not end up getting married.” “Second,” Andrews continues, “the Right can do more to promote male-dominated industries. Reviving American manufacturing and cracking down on China’s unfair trade practices isn’t just an economic and national security issue; it’s a gender issue.” Her third proposal is “do not subsidize childcare” – since the fact that “many working moms are struggling” with childcare costs “might actually be good information the economy is trying to tell you”. Andrews is the print editor of the paleoconservative magazine the American Conservative and has previously written sympathetically about white supremacist minority regimes in Rhodesia – renamed Zimbabwe after white rule ended – and South Africa.
Scott Yenor claims in his chapter that before the 1960s, America lived under a “Straight Constitution, which honored enduring, monogamous, man-woman, and hence procreative marriage. It also stigmatized alternatives”. Yenor is a political science professor at Boise State University and a fellow at the Claremont Institute. He then claims: “We currently live under the Queer Constitution”, which “honors all manner of sex”, and under which “laws restricting contraception, sodomy, and fornication are, by its lights, unconstitutional”. Yenor claims: “These changes in law are but the first part of an effort to normalize and then celebrate premarital sex, recreational sex, men who have sex with men, childhood immodesty, masturbation, lesbianism, and all conceptions of transgenderism.”
Yenor says the state should intervene in citizens’ sex lives: “In the states, new obscenity laws for a more obscene world should be adopted. Pornography companies and websites should be investigated for their myriad public ills like sex trafficking, addictions, and ruined lives. The justice of anti-discrimination must be revisited.” In a separate essay co-written with Milikh, the editor, Yenor advocates in effect destroying the current education system and starting again. The essay includes a recommendation for school curriculums: “Students could start building obstacle courses at an early age, learning how to construct a wall and how to adapt the wall for climbing … Students could learn to build and shoot guns as part of a normal course of action in schools and learn how to grow crops and prepare them for meals.”
The Guardian reports that Trump VP pick and Ohio Senator JD Vance promoted far-right extremist views from Arthur Milkh’s Up From Conservatism essay book.
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Today on popping the corn and feeding the children, what do you folks think of this discussion? :)
I'm always curious to hear what other Trek fans, especially queer Trek fans, think about our place in Trek history and how we fare as the queer participants within our fandom. What have your experiences been like?
Overwhelmingly I've found a great reception and a welcoming attitude, but I admit that has increased considerably since the 90s. However, there are still some Trek fans who seem to be vehemently in denial about queer history in Star Trek, or the fact that anyone who has worked on Trek has pro-LGBT attitudes. This always surprises me considering some of the blatant queer content we have already seen in Star Trek such as the Jadzia Dax and Lenara Kahn kiss.
Anyway, I enjoyed the discussion that followed and seeing the overwhelming outpouring of support coming from Star Trek fans in response to this thread.
Here was my two cents contribution:
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"No, what they said was factual.
Have you forgotten Nichelle Nichols was indeed an African American woman in the core seven bridge crew back in 1966?
Or the fact that Gene Roddenberry went out of his way to write The Motion Picture Novel, creating the term "T'hy'la: friend, brother, lover" so that fans could choose which interpretations of Kirk and Spock they saw fit? He also embraced K/S fans and hired a number of them to write the earliest Star Trek novels, including the very first official one (The New Voyages Vol. 1 & 2) which included slash fiction as well as Gene's approval/forward in the books.
In case anyone has forgotten, here's a little bit of background on Gene Roddenberry and his perspectives on queerness in Star Trek.
He admitted that in his early life he was very affected by how society and culture treated the LGBT community, and that he too found himself subjugating and judging others for that lifestyle because it was what people did at that time. As he got older and had more life experience, he began working with a number of queer artists in Hollywood -- and through TOS, a number of queer individuals began asking questions about Kirk and Spock.
Instead of vehemently shutting down this perspective, Roddenberry was intrigued, and saw potential to tap into a large audience (LGBT) that most others didn't want to go near or acknowledge publicity-wise. He saw it as an opportunity to expand the fanbase while also pushing yet another envelope.
But with the heat already on the show for what they'd already pushed, he found he was often stuck between what he'd like to do and what production would let him get away with. There are a number of Kirk and Spock scenes in scripts that got cut out for leaning a little too obviously romantic. Tiny trickles of that content still made it in were infamous moments like the backrub scene in Shore Leave. Even the 2009 movie had a K/S moment while Spock Prime and Kelvin Spock talked that was written and filmed that was cut out of the final product.
Queer subtext and coding has always been relentlessly weeded away at with an excuse ready to go for why they always try to cut us out, but we all know it's because they are scared of the homophobic backlash and ratings hits. Look how violently homophobes went after the gay romance episode of The Last of Us **just this year**. This has always been our reality, so for someone like Roddenberry to make efforts in the 70s? That was massive.
But Gene as well as the queer/slash Trek community managed to accomplish some things in the 70s which I'm surprised more folks don't talk about or give much credit.
In the same TMP novel which features "T'hy'la" and the famous footnote, Gene cleverly wrote Kirk with a bisexual/pansexual lens: Kirk describes himself as *preferring* women but being open to "physical love in **any** of its many Earthly, alien, and mixed forms." (Direct quote from Genes book). Basically, Captain Kirk was DTF with whoever if there was a connection, which was a very progressive take for a character in a novel written in 1979, but made sense for the future which would have a lot less hang ups about sex and love compared to our current rather puritan/conservative society.
I also prefer women, but I married a man. Shout out to Gene Roddenberry for giving us a seat at the table back in the 70's when folks *still* try to insist there is no place for K/S or queer concepts in Trek, because he made efforts -- however small -- to employ queer people and show queer perspectives. According to David Gerrold, LGBT+ representation was a big thing that Gene personally pushed for in TNG and wanted various depictions of love/couples in the Risa scenes, to name one example.
In the 70s, fanzines led to meetings and swapped fanmade magazines, which got so big that they needed hotel centers, then convention centers, then one day the TOS cast came to one and what we know as modern fan conventions were born -- inspiring even George Lucas who attended Trek conventions in the 70s and saw how popular Trek was in syndication; it was a great climate to launch his Space Opera. Star Wars then became so huge that we got TMP.
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But none of that would have happened without the level of organization, passion, and creativity that those fans poured into Star Trek and their characters after it got cancelled and went into syndication.
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Without queer folks we wouldn't have George Takei, Theodore Sturgeon who gave us Tribbles, Bill Theiss and his amazing TOS costumes, Mike Minor's art direction, Merritt Butrick, David Gerrold (writer for TOS, TAS, TNG) to name a few of many queer contributors to Trek that Roddenberry respected and tried to go to bat for wherever he could in a climate that was absolutely impossible to gain an inch in.
At a time during the 70s and 80s when so many people resented and feared the queer community and wanted us to disappear, especially in the 80s during the AIDS epidemic which many homophobes claimed was "God's punishment to the gay community" or "Gods's answer" to our "hedonism", thinking we'd gotten our just desserts and should just disappear . . .
During that time, Gene Roddenberry gave us queer folks a place to say: "You know what? Sure. Write your stories. TV says you guys shouldn't exist, they pull books with queer people off the shelves and burn them. Laws exist specifically to forbid you guys from loving each other, and call you mentally ill. You can't even hold hands in public. But I'm going to validate you guys and invite you to write novels or work for me, try to see what we can get by production, and allow you to see yourselves in my characters if you want to. There's a place for you in our fandom."
He gave us bi/pan Kirk, he gave us K/S is open to interpretation. In Phase 2 Kirk's surviving nephew Peter, son of his brother Sam from Operation: Annihilate!, was going to be written as gay and living on the Enterprise with his partner -- that also got chopped and reworked into a script that wouldn't get used until decades later. That was huge at a time that being queer was officially listed as a mental illness, and villainized due to the AIDS crisis.
So before you try to dismiss or tell K/S + queer Trek fans whether or not they deserve a seat at the table, remember that Gene Roddenberry was among the **first** to pull that seat out for us in a climate that was ruthlessly against LGBT+ folks." -- 1Shirt2ShirtRedShirtDeadShirt
P.S: Have some cute bisexual/pansexual K/S pride gifs. :) Pride month is a hop, skip and a jump away.
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risuola · 9 months
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I DON'T NEED MISTLETOE TO KISS YOU — F. READER x SUKUNA RYOMEN, who doesn’t exactly agree with your human traditions
It is the first Christmas party Sukuna ever went to and it’s really safe to say that most of the traditions are surreal, borderline absurd to him. Especially the one with the hanging weed…? A mistletoe? You couldn’t be serious when telling him that if he wants to kiss you, he needs to find himself underneath it with you.
cw: fluffy, suggestive?, lot's of kissing (duh), Sukuna has his own body and he's a grumpy old man — 2,5k words
kissmas masterlist
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There is a certain amount of respect Sukuna has grown to expect from people around him ever since he’s got a body of a human. Even though now somewhat mortal, he’s still a king of curses and that alone is enough of a reason to assume that he deserves some honors. You, of course, as his partner, are allowed to respect him a little less, but as Ryomen was sitting on the couch in the apartment you share, wearing the absolute atrocity that you called a Christmas sweater and listening to your rambling about a weird weed he wondered if it could still classify as “a little less”.
And it was a fact that you looked quite pretty in the little sweater-skirt combo you wore, the high socks made your thighs look absolutely delicious and the white, fluffy edges from the Santa hat you had on your head made you look almost too cute for your own good, but he wouldn’t be mad if you just shut up.
“Ryomen, are you even listening?” You whined, pointing a finger of accusation in his direction and, again, looking too adorable for your own safety with the pout your lower lip formed. It took the greatest art of control to not kiss it off your face immediately.
“No, honestly, not really,” he replied and it should touch him, the way you groaned upset, but at the same time he couldn’t help but find you oh-so-sweet at the moment. So sweet, in fact, that he’d gladly eat you.
“I was trying to get you into the Christmas spirit and you are ignoring me,” and you were pouting even more. Great. “It’s our first holidays together and it’s your first Christmas party in this era, you could pay me a little more attention.”
“No, I’m paying you all of my attention,” he retorted quickly, his eyes slowly scanning your figure from the tip of your head, down to your feet and back up. “I just tend to lose my interest when I hear something foolish.”
If you wouldn’t know the ex-curse well enough, you’d probably feel insulted, but thanks to the many months you’ve already spent with him, you know it’s just his way of expressing his thoughts. It made you sigh deeply.
“You are a human now, you know? You could indulge a little into our foolish traditions.”
“I am wearing this atrocity, am I not?” Sukuna scoffed, getting up and catching you quicker than you managed to run away from him. His strong, long arms wrapped around you, enclosing you in the warm embrace of his chest. “I admit, the human traditions were always below me. Even in my era, I never truly participated in whatever people were doing, but what you’re now telling me sounds straight up absurd to me. I mean, this… whatever the fuck that is. Weed thing with kissing?”
“It’s a mistletoe!”
“It’s preposterous,” he snapped quite softly, one of his hands sliding down your back and onto your ass. “I don’t need a mistletoe to kiss you and you have my word that I will snap the neck of anyone who dares to use this tradition to touch you.”
“You will not snap anyone’s neck, Sukuna Ryomen,” you warned, poking his chest with one of your prettily manicured fingers, the one on which you wear a ring he gifted you not too long ago – golden band with dark red diamonds embedded into the metal, the stones being a perfect representation of a color of his eyes. It was a warning, but he couldn’t help but smirk. “And during the party you will look for the mistletoe, otherwise you’re not allowed to kiss me.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“I am.”
And you were, to Sukuna’s greatest dismay, in fact avoiding his kisses as the evening went by. The party at Gojo’s apartment was annoying, but not nearly as much as the fact that you were just so damn stubborn. But you looked so pretty, all smiley and so open, he was willing to push through it all just to see your face twisted in so much happiness. It is, after all, only for you that he even agreed to come and surround himself with the celebrative aura that he had no will to understand. It was enough for him that you enjoyed it.
The apartment had been festively decorated for the holidays. Filled with the warm glow of Christmas lights that were scattered throughout the space, hanging from the walls and even wrapping around the legs of some of the furniture, along with the rows of ribbons and tinsel. A Christmas tree stood tall in the corner, decorated with sparkling ornaments and colorful lights, a large star on top of it. The party was already in full swing and the laughter and cheers of the guests warmed up the air, together with yummy smells of homemade treats, hot chocolate and mulled wine, the merriment adding to the festive magic. Everybody was chatting with one another, enjoying themselves and sharing stories, catching up on the holiday season, cherishing the time.
The music was playing softly in the background, the holiday hits spreading its warm melodies throughout the entire apartment, but in the midst of all the holiday cheer Sukuna’s attention was drawn to you. He watched you laughing and chatting with other guests, with people that usually he would hate but for you he forced himself to tolerate. He observed you mesmerized by your beauty, the way you moved, and though he had seen you countless times before, yet somehow it still never ceased to take his breath away. His eyes drank every detail of you, from the way your eyes sparkled just as brightly as the twinkle lights on the Christmas tree to your bright smile, the soft and subtle curve your lips had on all the time during the evening. He admired the way the few stray strands of hair had fallen from your hairdo and he could have sworn they were just for him to push back behind your ear. The cozy sweater you wore that though he deemed as atrocious, he couldn’t deny its vibrant colors made your skin tone pop. You were a sight to behold, an angel he knew he never deserved and yet, you were his. And yet, some of these beautiful smiles you aimed at him, and your hands searched for his, not caring at all about how much red and sorrow his skin had soaked during his lifetime.
“You’re not enjoying this, aren’t you?” Your soft, sweet voice poured into Sukuna’s mind, pulling him out the trail of thoughts and admiration.
“I couldn’t possibly care less about the Christmas spirit,” he replied, wrapping his arm around your waist as you sat down next to him on one of the sofas. Out of habit he leaned in to have a taste of your lips when you put a finger on top of his own. “What the fu—”
“Mistletoe, remember?” You grinned, a playful tease apparent in your voice.
“I already told you that I don’t need a mistletoe to kiss you, did I not?”
“You did but I also told you that you will need one during the Christmas party, didn’t I?” Your retort was both funny to him and annoying and if it wasn’t for you, he would have already snapped. There was a thin layer of patience Sukuna had and you were poking through this layer constantly, pushing his buttons and pulling on his nerves. He was ready to say something less than polite, when you spoke again, “please, ‘kuna, just for this night,” and the pout that your lips formed made it just that much harder for him to not kiss it away.
Ryomen found it comedic, really. He was considered the strongest of them all, the King of Curses feared for hundreds of years and yet when he was with you, he felt like he could melt into your arms and soften. As he stood in the face of danger, he never felt fear. Whether he was battling nations, facing enemies who had never seen defeat or fighting back a raging fire, his strength and determination never faltered. He was used to people looking up to him, he was used to giving orders and degrade the pawns and yet with you he let his guard down. In your presence, he felt comfortable and at peace with things he would never consider himself doing. The sweater you made him wear, he wouldn’t ever even think of putting on because someone asked. The party he was now sitting through, he would never attend if it wasn’t for you. And most importantly, there was no way throughout heaven and hell that someone would tell him what he can and cannot do, except from you. You were his weakness and his strength and he knew he would do anything for you, gladly following you to the ends of earth. The very thought of hurting you sent a chill down his spine, you had the power to make him forget everything else in the world and when everyone else would cause his blood to boil, you had the ability to unleash a huddle of butterflies into his stomach. It took him a thousand years to feel something like this. Your love was the only thing that truly scared him, the force that rendered the king completely powerless. But he wouldn’t have it any other way and though it made him conflicted, he was willing to follow the silly tradition just to see you smile. But on his own conditions.
“Fine.” He grumbled, a smirk already forming on his lips and just by the look of him you knew there’s an idea blooming in his head and for a moment you wondered if you should be worried or not. He wasn’t going to do anything inappropriate in here, right?
“Love you,” you whispered to him to award his willingness to bend his own rules and even gave him the softest of pecks onto his temple before you got back to chatting with your friends. Sukuna was, let’s say, okay with coming to the party but it didn’t mean he was going to carelessly chat with sorcerers. He already spent some unwanted time with the brat Yuji, wondering why on earth was that kid so happy. Needless to say, Sukuna was vibing much more with Megumi.
As the time was passing and your boyfriend was looking uncharacteristically relaxed in the festively twinkling surrounding, you managed to feel more at ease as well. You felt the slight burden at first, that you forced him to take part in something he had no wish to participate, something as odd and unknown to his nature as friendly people gathering but turned out he was able to push through the party and not kill or threaten anyone too much. He was sitting so calmly that you managed to forget about the mistletoe.
That’s why it took you by the biggest surprise when the strong, familiar arms wrapped around your middle as you got to the balcony to breathe some air and cool yourself, the hot chocolate in your system making a great job at raising your body temperature.
“Got you,” Sukuna’s low tone sounding right next to your ear made you smile and you turned in his embrace to face him. He pulled you close, pressing his large body against yours. “And I also got this,” he chuckled, showing you the little branch of mistletoe that he most likely salvaged from the much bigger bouquets inside Gojo’s apartment. He gave you no time to respond when he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. The impact of his passion pushed you back and as your butt touched the railings, instinctively you grabbed onto him more, melting into safety of his form. If your mind wouldn’t be so consumed by the feeling of Ryomen’s lips on yours, you’d probably curse the seventeenth floor Satoru got his apartment on.
There was a hunger to the kiss, it was intense and the passion was electric. It felt like time stood still and all you could do was to lose yourselves in one another.You felt as if you were about to melt into your lover’s body, his warmth pulling you in like a magnet, closer and closer. You leaned into the warmth of his love that sheltered you from the chill air. His embrace made you feel the cold night slip away, when he kissed you, you felt like you and him were the only two people in the world. One kiss led to another and another kiss led to the tongues dancing to the melody of longing and desire. It was magical, it tasted sweet, it was addicting.
You were breathless when Sukuna pulled away, just enough to look at you. The cold winter wind blew through your hair and the knit of your sweater making you shiver as you stood on the balcony overlooking the world below and yet your cheeks were hot and flushed. He was looking at you for a moment, saying nothing but the silence was comfortable. He was examining your features, just softly washed over with the lights coming from inside the apartment. He watched the snowflakes stick to your hair and reddened cheeks and allowed his fingers to brush it away. Then he was kissing you again, pressing himself to you even harder, the kiss sizzling in the cold of the night.
As your lips met, your heartbeat began racing again. Every touch felt like a jolt of electricity, the rush of adrenaline filled both of you with ecstasy and lust that made you forget about the frigid winter air nipping at your nose. Your tongues danced and your breaths grew heavy. Sukuna’s hands were roaming around your body, exploring your curves and sneaking underneath your sweater, but the chill air that he invited there was no match for the heat his hands were leaving on your skin. It was as if he wanted to devour you right here and you couldn’t help but to touch him as well.
“’kuna—“ you whimpered against his lips, feeling his calloused fingers gripping your thigh. “Wait ‘till we get home.”
“Why would I? I got the weed,” he mumbled, a smirk apparent on his mouth as he let his other hand squeeze your butt.
“Yes, to kiss me, not to fuck me,” you chuckled, cuddling to his chest, seeking the heated safety his form provided.
“If you’re gonna tell me I need another herb to—”
“You don’t,” you cut him, giggling softly. “But the balcony at Gojo’s apartment, during the Christmas party is not the right time for that. Besides, I’m freezing, so let’s get back inside.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes and you couldn’t help but feel all giddy. Of course he was going to find a way to get what he wanted, and of course he was going to do it in the most scandalous way possible.
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pikahlua · 1 year
Uh oh, it's sleepy grumpy Pika. Y'all know what that means, right?
It means I have no filter for my opinions.
If you're dissatisfied with the way Katsuki's bullying of Izuku is handled in MHA because you expected him to be confronted by someone else about it in some way, it's probably because you are unaware of the difference between bullying and attitudes towards it in Japan versus in your country of origin. I believe everyone would benefit from researching bullying in Japan. They do NOT view it the same way the west does, y'all.
And I guarantee when you learn about it, you're gonna find some stuff that makes you uncomfortable and horrified, because it's gonna take a while for you to get enough information to give context to a lot of the history and attitudes you'll find. AND EVEN THEN, EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE THAT CONTEXT, you're still definitely not going to like it.
However, with any luck, you'll see how MHA's portrayal of Katsuki's bullying is shockingly sympathetic and heartwarming to many people. It's because, from the perspective of a Japanese audience, Izuku was not targeted and bullied by Katsuki in the way we're used to seeing such situations portrayed in the west. Izuku was bullied by everyone. His classmates, his teachers, the pro heroes he encountered, and society in general ALL participated in the bullying of Izuku, because societal pressures to conform in Japan are MASSIVE, and that can often manifest as one form of bullying or another.
Katsuki's bullying is just the one that the story chooses to flesh out. It's the one that Horikoshi develops. Katsuki is the bully that changes his own perspective first and drastically, the one who realizes the greatness in Izuku and accepts that and comes to his side long before the rest of society can catch up. It is largely understood by the Japanese audience that Katsuki in middle school didn't seek Izuku out and follow him home every day to beat him up; Katsuki mostly ignored Izuku until Izuku would do something to remind Katsuki of his insecurities, and so he would lash out. And no one else at let's say Izuku's middle school would understand the true reason why Katsuki would lash out because what he does resembles what all of Izuku's bullies do to him: pressure him to conform. Pre-One For All Izuku stands out as different and constantly tries to rise above his position to become something society decrees he cannot be. Therefore, a significant part of Japanese society will generally approve of attempts to make him conform, even when some of those attempts are harsh and cruel and unreasonable and reactionary. MHA presents a caricature of that in the form of Izuku's middle school.
The fact that Katsuki identifies this toxic behavior in himself later in the story and decides to actively do something to change it IS the radical part. It's the piece that fits into the themes of MHA. It highlights a generally-accepted behavior in society that maybe society should rethink. It's asking for society to reconsider how it pressures people to conform, that sometimes nonconformity is good or at least should be tolerated to some degree. That's why Katsuki's story focuses so much on how his old behavior stems from fear. From the perspective of a "properly-functioning" collectivist society, pressure to conform should be done for the good of everyone in the society, not out of fear and misunderstanding. Katsuki's character arc provides one potential map for others in society to see the light and get to where he does.
And that's to say nothing of how Japan's versions of confrontation or retribution often look different from how they do in the west, that many of the forms of confrontation some people in the western fandom cry out for with regards to Katsuki sound absurd to an audience in the know. The karmic punishments Katsuki endures throughout the story are often overlooked by western readers, and is it any surprise? That readers from some societies--societies that laud nonconformity, tolerate counterculture, openly criticize the systems that be, preach about individual freedom and responsibility and justice and fairness, and watch and make movies and TV shows and other media about how victims of bullies achieve their righteous revenge--often miss how MHA doles out subtle, divine, poetic, karmic consequences for Katsuki's actions? That such readers often don't feel satisfied by MHA's dramatic ironies which serve more to guide Katsuki in a harmonious, productive direction rather than vindictively punish him and rest on its laurels as it laughs at his deserved misfortune? I don't blame anyone for feeling unsatisfied when their own societies have built up their expectations in such ways, but I do hope to draw your attention to it.
Now, does that mean you have to like and accept the Japanese attitudes about bullying? That you have to agree with the framing of pressure to conform as beneficial and productive? That, if you're triggered by the lack of overt condemnation of bullying in the story, you still have to like MHA? That, if you have personal traumatic experiences with Japan's bullying situation, you should shut up about it and accept that it's a good thing? No! In fact, I personally would hope that you don't! I think everyone should always have their perspectives on ANYTHING challenged so they can rethink and improve them, and Japan's attitude towards bullying is no exception! (And MHA actually does that in its own way!)
(And even saying that, I will always acknowledge that my perspective and opinions on this issue are heavily colored by my own experiences in life and the society in which I grew up and the ideas to which I've been exposed. This is and always will be my bias.)
But the question of what's the correct take on bullying is an entirely different beast. The question at hand here is about understanding the story and its characters as presented in MHA. If you don't come at this with a basic acknowledgement of how Katsuki's story reads to a Japanese audience in-context, you're going to be upset about what you see (which is a reasonable reaction). But I think if you're going to read a story, it's only due courtesy to understand the context surrounding its creation before you try to hold it to far-removed, foreign standards. There's a reason literature classes go over the history and context surrounding the older works they study. MHA is a Japanese story written for a Japanese audience. To focus on how it does not adhere to the typical western narrative of a bully's character arc is to miss the point entirely. If you are reading the story outside of Japan in a language other than Japanese, it is being translated so that you can read a Japanese story, not a story from your own culture. It's rude and self-defeating to expect stories from other cultures to suddenly cater to your own.
TL;DR Understanding the social context that informs bullying in MHA just might actually make the story more comprehensible and enjoyable for anyone who dares to learn about it, what do you have to lose?
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eydi-andrius · 4 months
Soldier Down (Harvey x Reader)
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Synopsis: After the heart wrenching experience of rejection from the last flower dance, you decided to skip it on year 2 making your newfound friends worried
a/n: the idea is all over the place... maybe. i just wanted to write something for my husband of two years, which was Harvey the town doctor. sorry, i got is so bad for him 😭
tw/cw: badly edited... it's 3AM, i wrote it after some idea boost, fluff, mild angst, happy ending
divider: @/cafekitsune
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“What do you mean you're not going to participate in this year's flower dance?” Emily almost flipped the sewing machine over when out of the blue you confessed your desire to not join the spring flower dance, an event in which everyone was looking forward to participating, except George who hates the look and smell of the flowers.
Meanwhile, beyond Emily’s shoulder, you watched as Haley, who was in the kitchen, minding her own business, turned her head slowly, frown plastered on her forehead, as she stared at you. Are you for real?, was written all over her pretty face. Haley loves the flower dance. In fact, you know she makes an effort to look the prettiest on that special day. The look of disbelief is so strong, that you found yourself clenching the glass of orange juice you're holding, trying to look small behind it. Wishing that it can hide you from the shame that's slowly creeping in.
Gulping the sweet and sour orange liquid in one go, you prayed that even without alcohol, the citrus would give you courage not to stutter and look like an idiot trying to explain your plan to skip an important event in the valley after experiencing a silly little rejection. Everyone gets rejected here and there. There is no way one rejection left you that traumatized……right?
“Well…..Uhmmm…. I just don't want to. I- I don't feel like joining.” Great. What a plan. And you practiced the reason in front of the mirror way too many times before finally having courage to share this big decision.
Palm sweaty, you tried clenching the evidence of fear on your denim pants, rubbing and squeezing, in hopes that it will help dry your hands. But, it did nothing to calm your nerves, absentmindedly, your right leg started shaking. Head hot from a million thoughts running inside your mind, scared that Emily and Haley will judge you the moment they found out that even after a year, you still can't get over how Harvey declined your offer to dance with him. At that time, when he mentioned that he was working on his courage to ask someone out, it gave you false hope that he may be referring to you. It may sound like a stretch but you thought there was something blooming with your relationship with him. It seems that way….. or so you’ve thought.
In your first year, as an early riser, you always meet the doctor at his clinic. Most of the time, you just see him by his window, sitting in front of the reception, waiting for any of the townsfolk to ask for his assistance. Your interaction started off with shy glances, which turned into a curt nod of acknowledgement, a nod turned into small smiles, smiles became hesitant waves of your hand, and a wave evolved into a morning routine of exchanging pleasantries and coffee before you two start your long day at work and doing your respective responsibilities.
You were so happy, and you admit at that time, you're grateful that despite the doctor being a bit awkward and shy, you two clicked and are forming a bond, and you usually don't admit your feelings easily, but you know deep down that you're starting to like him. He was so sweet and caring afterall. How could you resist him?
So when the rejection came on the day of the event, when you asked him politely to be your partner, then he awkwardly looked away and kindly said no. It felt like a bucket of ice cold water was splashed on your face. Your body went rigid, a chill ran down your spine, until it turned into a scorching fire of shame. After a mess of mumbling apologies, wishing that a hole would open up and swallow you down, you half walk and run as you left the forest and did not watch the whole event unfold. You were so glad that at that time, your tanned skin, after days of being under the sun farming, had hidden your embarrassment well from their naked eyes.
You involuntary flinched, when a firm hand held your shaking leg and effectively stopped the movement. Blurry eyes start focusing on Emily’s face, her eyes reflecting your ashen appearance, pity and worry were mixed on her gaze, and you admit that you feel small and vulnerable in front of her……and Haley, who held your shoulder and squeezed it to give you comfort. You did not notice her coming close at all. It says a lot on how you must have looked in their eyes. They must have been worried sick.
“Sorry. We don't want you to remember anything awful that may have happened that day. But maybe the doctor has his own reasons when he rejected you. It was your first month after all. Doctor Harvey is known to be very awkward and shy. Maybe he was just shy???” Your blue haired friend shrugged as she tried her best to reason out and make you feel better. A scoff was heard from Haley as she disapproves of what Emily said, or so you thought.
“I can't believe I am defending a man but my sister is right. Doctor Harvey is far too much of a softie to purposely play with your heart and reject you after giving you motives.” She tuts. “I bet he was feeling a bit overwhelmed that someone asked him for a dance. You know…. Choosing to dance with him, while the other younger bachelors were around.” She continued as a matter of fact.
You watched as Emily glared at Haley’s sharp tongue and the blonde just shook her shoulders with no care. Chuckling nervously, you twiddle with your thumbs as you process what they’ve said. It is easier said than done. You have been in this headspace for a year, that despite their words being reasonable, you just can't believe it to be true. Doctor Harvey probably has his eyes set on someone smarter. You are quite bright but not as smart as Maru.
“I- I don't know.” Unsure, you look at them, lip on a thin line. Now that you're on the hotseat and being grilled about it, you hope to steer away from the conversation. It's just childish to you, even though the sisters never called you anything similar to that. You felt childish. You were grateful when your phone alarm went off, screaming and screeching, signaling that the gold bars you processed are ready for harvest. After that, you have to go to Jodi and give it to her to finish her request and get some gold coins, which you have to use to save up for summer crops. Still far away per say but better saved up than use your dwindling savings again if something disastrous happens. Just like the last time where your crops suddenly died despite being taken care of.
Also, you just don't want to bawled your eyes out. Knowing Emily and Haley, they will try their best to cheer you up. You know you can't stay here with them trying to boost your confidence without crying. And you don't want to cry. It's too cliché. So with an obvious rush on your steps, you almost jump out of their door and run towards the nearest way to your home, which was near Marnie’s barn.
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“Do you really think the doctor is not playing with her heart?” Emily sighed as she watched the door, you almost closed way too loudly, as you obviously rushed towards it, with an intent to run away from the conversation you started. She would lie if she says she’s not worried. Despite the farmer being known to be strong-willed, both physical and mentally, she's also an empath and a softie. You feel things way too strongly. This is why Emily likes you a lot. She can be vulnerable towards you because she knows you’ll understand better than anyone in Pelican Town. And with that, she hopes that only good things come your way.
“Remember the story Abigail told you on your shift? After the accident with the farmer fainting inside the mines, Abigail rushed her to his clinic, barely alive, and he was waiting and ready. Remember that before that, he would often be seen to have his lights on at night, way past his usual bedtime, especially, on days wherein he knew that the farmer was inside the mines. If that isn't love, I don't know what that is?” Haley sighed as she flopped herself on the nearby couch. 
“He is the only town doctor, Haley. That's to be expected.” She doesn't want to be the party pooper but that needs to be addressed as well. 
“Emily…..usually, it would be you defending someone. But weirdly enough, I am doing it this time. So okay, let's make it our mission to help the doctor and the farmer to choose each other in this year’s flower dance. Doctor Harvey is a man of routine, however, when the farmer is included in the equation, he would go out of his way to accommodate her. I just have a good feeling about this. I bet they'll get married this year.” Haley shrugged before she pulled out her phone texting for reinforcements. 
“Luckily, this Thursday is my annual check-up.”
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“Remind me again why you two are at my farm?” You blinked as you watched Sebastian and Sam sit at your porch after they showed up earlier while you’re tending to your livestocks.
“How many times do we have to say that we came here to practice? You’re not sensitive to loud sounds. Your farm is huge. We can all jam here together.” He explained.
See…that's the thing. Sebastian, you would understand he’ll come here. He loves the quiet of the farm and would often help you out as a thank you for letting him stay and relax, here and there. But Sam? Sam hates the smell of animal manure. He also hates ducks because as per his story, he was chased down by them when he was a kid. Something is not right but you can't quite pinpoint where it was coming from.
Your suspicion may be written all over your face because Seb shrugged and sighed at his best friend's awful excuse.
“Sam just wants to see Helios.” Seb spoke.
As if on cue, upon hearing his name, a loud bark was heard from afar, and you heard his paws hitting the soft soil before you saw a brown dog, wearing a red collar, rushing towards where you three were standing. Like a giddy kid, Sam's eyes widened and he excitedly kneel and open his arms, waiting for Helios to go towards him. Helios, the smartest pup, went towards Sam without hesitation, knowing he’ll get good treats and pets from him.
You don't want to spoil Sam’s delusion that he was your pup’s favorite, but you and Helios know that it was Harvey he liked the most. Even your old rescue, Helga, the big orange grumpy cat, purrs at the doctor when he visits the farm. Helga isn't nice just to anyone. Even Seb took a long time before Helga finally purred at him. Yet, Harvey was loved at first sight. It was obvious that it was because he is very gentle towards them. You also witnessed a time where he was talking to them. Retelling stories of his childhood where his parents hated pets because they are dirty and a source of diseases. Their obsession and hatred towards the baby animals made Harvey anxious and avoided adopting any pet, not because he thinks they were a handful, but he feels conscience, that he wasn't able to do anything to save the cats and dogs his parents threw away after trespassing in their property.
You bite your lip when you realize that you're thinking about him again. The pang in your chest grows more painful as the day passes by, and the spring flower dance is getting closer, and no action was taken on your end. You want to dance with him. You want your intention towards him to be clear. However, the fear and doubt takes over and you crumple like a coward.
“Hey, you should ask the doctor about this upcoming flower dance.” Out of nowhere, Seb suggested. And there was something that clicked in your head.
So that….was the reason why they are here.
“Oh god no!” You grimaced and shook your head in refusal. Emily or Haley must have told him about what you’ve talked about last time.
“Emily told you?!” You asked, exasperated.
“She doesn't need to. It's a small town. Eventually, everyone will know.” He corrected your assumption and leaned towards the armrest of his seat. Your response was only a sigh, as you focused your attention on Sam and Helios, who was now playing fetch with a ball.
“Sam didn't know about this?” Putting your arm around your chest, you clarified.
“Nah. He does. He got distracted.” He shrugged. Internally, you heavily sighed.
“Then tell me how you found out?” You pry him some more.
“Should I tell you? I mean…it seems like you told Emily and Haley, and not me, your best friend. It kind of sucks.” He pouted.
You playfully slapped his shoulder at that and he only rolled his eyes.
“Fine. Fine! I’ll spill!” He raised his hand in surrender.
“Haley texted me.” He admitted with a grin.
“You are the worst!” You slap him again, but this time, you made sure it will hurt.
“I’m sorry! Hey! I said I’m sorry! Hahahaha!” Sebastian used his arms to shield himself from your attacks, and he had the audacity to laugh out loud from your hits.
When his laughter annoyed you more, shame and frustration mixed together, you made sure that some of the playful punches actually hit him quite hard. He yelped when he finally felt that you meant it, and used his strength to stop you from your continuous onslaught of him. He grabbed your hands and chuckled at your pouting lips and frowning brows.
There was a pause and you watched as something flashed in his eyes before he smiled.
“Don’t be scared. There is nothing wrong inviting and asking him again. The fifty percent chance of him saying no, is still a fifty percent chance of him saying yes. I mean….if he ever said no” He paused, his face morphed thoughtfully.
“I can always dance with you to the flower dance.” He continued.
You felt warmth from that, and you cannot help but smile.
Sebastian was like a brother to you. It was weird. But the moment you two met each other, there was this bond, that was akin to being siblings that was created.
He always looked out for you, and you always looked out for him. Robin being fond of you was probably one of the main reasons why your sibling-like relationship with him strengthened.
He is like a baby brother that you never had. However, you know that Sebastian always thinks he is the eldest brother which was a lie because you are two years older than him.
Seb’s sincere smile suddenly changed into a cheshire one, and you kind of got a hint that he will make fun of you.
But before you two could banter, a loud, intentional coughing was heard behind you and you froze when the source spoke.
“I- Hi! Sorry for interrupting.” He started with a stutter.
You suddenly realized the position you were at. Sebastian holding both of your hands, your faces inched closer from arguing. Embarrassed, you pulled your hand away from his hold, and like the speed of the lightning, moved farther from Seb, clenching both of your fists. Your face and ears, hot to the tips.
“Hey, doc! What are you up to?” Sebastian casually asked. And you gave him a deadly glare. He only smirked at your reaction.
You panicked as you watched Harvey look in between the both of you, and was about to open your mouth to explain, when the doctor smiled, although forcefully, as he continued.
“Well…uhnnnnm..I replenished the tonics I have at the clinic. I was wondering if you would like to buy some?” He asked, but he was looking down while offering.
“Didn't know you’re selling house to house now, Doctor Harvey?” Seb teased.
Your eyes widened at that, and you mouthed a threat at him, in which Sebastian only replied with a shrug.
“I-I usually don't. But the farmer was always in the mines so..I thought…uhm…I” Harvey’s face turned into a tomato, and his eyes were wide, as he stammered, and tried to explain why he was at your farm. He was caught off guard from the younger man’s question. He felt awfully shameful, the red was even creeping up to his neck.
“Harvey, it's okay. Seb was just teasing you.” You tried to deescalate the situation, and you stepped down from your porch, to come closer to the reddened Harvey.
Deep inside you are panicking for him. His red face, and embarrassed stammer, makes your heart beat faster, infected by his shame. You feel like your heart will jump out of your ribs.
Out of nowhere, Sam suddenly came into view, and tapped the doctor on his shoulder to say Hi.
As if the action woke him up, Harvey flinched, and he suddenly bid his farewell but with reminding you to come to his clinic if you ever needed a tonic when you mine and combat monsters.
You watched his back, as he rode his bicycle away from your farm, watching him slowly going away left a pang on your chest.
When he was out of view, your attention however, was now back to the culprit. With no person to stop you, you removed one of your slippers and threw it at Sebastian, who crouched down to hide, but was still hit straight to his head. He yelped in pain, but soon you heard his laughter.
Sam was oblivious and frowning, when Sebastian’s laugh boomed and he tried his best to apologize and breathe at the same time.
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You cannot sleep.
Yoda, forgive you for picturing Harvey’s downcast face when he saw you with Sebastian.
It was an image you do not wish to see. But every time you close your eyes, you see it oh so perfectly.
You don't wish to see Harvey sad or misinterpreting your relationship with Sebastian.
Yet, you have no strength to stand and go to him to explain or clarify.
Because….what if you're just assuming things? What if he wasn't really sad but just surprised? What if? Yoda! Too many what ifs!
You ruffled your hair from frustration, and you kind of forgot that Helga was sleeping beside your head. You profusely apologize when the old cat hissed at you, before jumping down, and comfortably sitting on the jacket Harvey lent for you to use. It was raining, and you were soaking when you visited him at his clinic.
At that time, you insisted that you are okay. That the rain will make your farmer body stronger. But he only pouted at that reasoning, and you cannot help but accept his offer anyways, because he looks so cute when he cares. Technically, he looks so cute in everything he does.
Those memories are precious to you. And you have this feeling that if you let this go, it will be the end of your relationship with him.
You have to make it up to Harvey. Whether he likes you or not. You cannot live knowing he misunderstood. Out of all the people in Pelican Town, you don't want to be perceived wrongfully by Harvey.
After yelling on your pillow, for courage, you stood up, wore your scarf, and started walking towards the clinic. With renewed vigor, you did not think things through, and you found yourself just standing in front of his door. Not knowing what to do.
Thoughts were on a haywire, you were breathing heavily, trying to force yourself, remind your head, why you were here in front of his door at 12 AM.
The courage that gave you strength earlier, slowly diminishes, and you realize how cold it was. Your teeth were chattering and you were shaking involuntarily from the bone chilling wind. You hugged the scarf tighter hoping it gives you enough warmth ... .as you walk back to the farm again. Feeling cowardly when it hit you how stupid you must have looked walking on an unmarried man’s house way past midnight.
You looked one last time at his mahogany door, deciding that whatever good idea you had was probably bad, as you stepped back, retrieved your hand, that was ready to knock, finally ready to just go back home and forget this…
When his door opened, revealing a disbehelved Harvey, glasses crook, hair was everywhere, white shirt soaked from sweat and breathing heavily from probably running from upstairs to downstairs just to meet you.
You were about to open your mouth, was about to ask him how did he know that you were in front of his door, when he explained himself after he was able to breathe.
“Your glow rings. It was only you who wore glow rings in Pelican Town.” Your cheeks heated at that and you involuntarily looked down on your fingers and in there, you were indeed wearing one of your glow rings you use for the mines. It was an automatic response. Wearing your glow rings at night, to see the dimmed pathways better.
“Oh Yoda! I’m so sorry for waking you up!” You panicked, and apologized profusely when you understood that you interrupted someone’s sleep again due to your glow rings. You remembered how the Mayor scolded you to make sure to remove or darken your ring once you walked past the town, on your way home to the farm.
“You didn't wake me!” He countered. “I cannot sleep.” He admitted face was red.
Was your only response before there was a pregnant pause that swallowed the whole conversation to a full stop. You bite your lip, thinking of many things to say to change the awkward silence. But truthfully, you don't know how. You watch him as he just stands there, cheeks red, hands on his neck, and shyly looking away. The crickets were loud, and you watched as the moths danced around the light post. Although the silence was loud…..it was weirdly comfortable.
“Would you like some tea?” He offered. Breaking the ice.
You nodded, not trusting to open your mouth, afraid to say anything that may sabotage whatever was starting.
You followed him up to his room upstairs, and he guided you to sit on his two person dining table. He apologized for how small his place was and you assured him it was okay, and it was you who was imposing.
While his back was turned on the kitchen preparing the tea, you looked around, and you cannot help but smile on seeing the familiar wallpaper of his room, and the posters of different planes plastered on his wall. You swore, it looks fuller now. It seems like the space for his planes are bigger than the ones for his medical profession. You chuckled at that.
“Care to share?” He playfully asked as he sat the steaming mug of chamomile tea in front of you, its aroma filling a sense of calm and familiarity, which you liked.
“You're building a new model plane again? Looks fun.” You nodded on the new wooden pieces on his work bench. He followed your eyes and smiled sheepishly at your attention and observation.
“Ah..yes. I was hoping to show it to you. Invite you over earlier when…” He paused and looked at you. When you felt his eyes on you, you stared back at him.
You felt like that was the perfect moment to say something.
“Sebastian is like a brother to me. Nothing more.” You explained, gripping the warm and comfortable tea cup, nervous of what he may tell you.
Maybe it was the warm cup, or the shift of energy in the air, that made you feel vulnerable and open as you blurted out a confession.
“Harvey…it was only you I like.”
At that moment, you have forgotten your dilemma that maybe he doesn't like you the same. At that time, you just felt that it was the right time to confess. You thought it was now or never.
You watched as his brown eyes widened, his mouth agape, he looked surprised, face blank from any emotions of rejection or happiness.
You were hopeful until you weren't. His none response jarring your confidence.
It took a couple of seconds before you felt the shame coming back, he was just staring at you, quiet, surprised, not saying a word.
You feel so bad, ashamed, that when he doesn't say anything, you started rapping, telling him he is not required to respond right away, that it wasn't your intention to drop a bomb to him late at night, that it was just you being silly, or probably just from the lack of sleep.
You were mouthing off a hundred and thousand of reasons and explanations, to get yourself out of the embarrassing moment, when you suddenly felt soft lips enveloping yours, warm calloused hands caging your face, moving in the direction in sync with his lips.
It was gentle and soft. Like a warm breeze in the field of flowers. Trees swaying, fallen leaves dancing, and air sweet as a honey.
You were never kissed like this before.
Most kisses you had were inexperienced, aggressive, and wild. This one…you liked it.
No, you love it.
You never thought that kisses could be felt like this. A warmth pooling in your stomach as you place your hand atop his, deepening the kiss, lost in the feeling.
There was only you and Harvey. And you think…. that wasn't such an awful idea to have. You feel lucky and blessed.
You slowly opened your eyes when Harvey let go of your lips, hands still in your face.
“Would you dance with me? This spring flower dance?” He asked. His whole demeanor changed. He felt much relaxed.
“I cannot think of anyone dancing with me that day.” You smiled, leaning closer to his hand. Happy that everything feels like it is in place.
The moment was beautiful and solemn, until a flash was directed on the window where you and Harvey were standing. Both of your heads snapped from its source and you cannot help but guffaw when your friends push against each other, as they fight off getting away first from being caught after they took a photo of you together.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
a feeling so peculiar * fem!driver
the new season is finally starting and it doesn't start out as great as she'd expected
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, liam lawson x fem!driver
notes: whatever is on the masterlist for the 2025 season is all i'm going to write for the 2025 season (i think) and it's all angst so sry in advance
(series masterlist) | (📂 2025: fall from grace)
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for starters, she’s never been shy of being on the receiving end of bad news. or devastating news, or ones that feel earth-shattering.
she knows that because growing up in a male-dominated scene has prepared her for that. people used to tell her to give it up because she wouldn’t get anywhere with it, or not to get her hopes up expecting something from a place where she’s clearly not wanted.
but she’s made it this far to formula 1. with her best friends.
her first year in the sport, she climbed to a mere 6th place and ended 4th in her sophomore year. just months ago when the 2024 season had wrapped up, she was on top of the world. a woman in the top 5 of the driver’s championship — it’s definitely something.
to her, she expected that the only way was up.
she could not have been more wrong about that.
the lights have just gone out, the cars on the grid have just skidded off for the evening and she’s… in the garage? in liam’s garage, to be exact.
noise-cancelling headphones on her ears as she stares dreamily into the screen of data of liam’s car. realistically, she should be helping out because she’s always been big on numbers, but not today. something didn’t feel right.
she’d been so excited all winter break to get back into the car, hopping from all the adrenaline and glory she put in her pocket from the year before. only for her car to have an irreversible problem that would force her out of the race before it even began.
she didn’t even have a chance to participate in the first race of the season. no way to shut down all of the unwanted background noise of the critics of her involvement still in the sport.
“hey.” she feels a bump against her hip, flinching at the sudden intrusion of her thoughts. “brought you ice cream.”
her eyes flutter close and a sigh of relief passes her lips. she smiles and takes a small cup into her hands. “i was wondering where you’d run off to.”
matt grins. “you looked pretty upset so i went ahead and got you some ice cream. does it at least make you feel a little better?”
“yeah, a little,” she says softly, pursing her lips. “thank you.”
but there’s still a yearning in her chest to be the one in the car to race tonight. that’s not fair — how come liam gets to race this weekend and she doesn’t?
she thought about politely asking for his car, but she couldn’t get herself to do that to him. he’s now become one of her best friends after all.
she tilts her head at the call of her name, turning around to meet a familiar pair of eyes. one that she’s honestly been avoiding all day from the turnout of the weekend.
sebastian had been the one to break the news to her: that she wouldn’t be able to participate in the race due to a fault in the car. she had simply nodded while tears formed in her eyes and turned to walk away from him.
if you were to ask sebastian, the lack of a response from her scared him.
“ice cream?” the girl offers with a small smile, extending her hand towards him.
sebastian glances down at the ice cream before lifting his hand to reveal a cup of himself. “matt got me a cup too,” he admits with a small grin. “i just wanted to check if you’re okay. with the car and the pulling out of the race…”
she smiles politely, lips pressed into a thin line. what exactly is she supposed to say to someone who doesn’t really have anything to do with the development of the car? well, he does have involvement in it — being a retired world champion warrants that kind of valuable input — but she hardly believes it’s his fault.
“it’s okay,” she says softly, feeding herself another spoonful of ice cream. she blinks as her answer registers in her head. she shakes her head with a small laugh. “i mean– i’m okay. it’s just one race.” she glances at matt, standing next to her. “right?”
matt blinks at her. caught off-guard by her sudden want of his opinion; he’s an actor, not a race car driver. he only knows more about one of the two and it’s the answer that his girlfriend wants to hear. so he nods, “right.”
she turns back to sebastian. “a little frustrating,” she shrugs, “but things like this happen. that’s what you always say.”
sebastian smiles. “you learn quick, kid,” he pats her head endearingly. “that’s a good grasp of the concept. you’ll be back on the track next week good as new, i promise.”
she nods, forcing herself to swallow down the words that sebastian spoke to her. but there’s a churning in her stomach that she cannot seem to ignore as she feels her appetite come to a halt suddenly.
she huffs softly as she turns back to the screen. things like this happen, she repeats in her head. surely it can’t get any worse than this.
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so it apparently can get worse.
she sits in the car slightly longer than she needs, eyes staring intensely at the steering wheel in her hands.
something’s not right, something’s off. something doesn’t feel okay.
she wants to blame something — rather someone — that isn’t the car. perhaps, she’s suddenly become the problem without her knowledge? it feels like something has shifted in the air recently because nothing seems to go her way anymore.
“is everything okay?”
she flinches at the sudden voice that fills her ears, reminded that she’s still sitting in her car in parc ferme. “yes,” she answers softly at first, “yeah. i’m okay. sorry. it was just a long race. i’m quite exhausted.”
“copy. let me know if you need help, okay? or if you need to talk. it was a tough race.”
a finish out of the points feels so foreign to her. to be two races into the new season and not be in the top 10 of the driver’s championship. this time last year, she was at least in the top 8 in the standings by the second race of the season.
not this time.
but a slow start isn’t so unheard of for her. it feels like the only thing she can do now is hope that everything gets better eventually. it can’t stay like this all year, right?
when she does arrive at her garage, though, it seems that sebastian is not the only one concerned about her first finish out of the points in almost a year. a crowd has formed in her garage, her friends all staring at her cautiously as they await to see the big reaction that they’ve been expecting from her.
“what?” she asks softly, putting her helmet down on one of the vacant tables. “why are you all staring at me like that?”
the silence doesn’t stop. eyes dart all over the garage, some avoiding her gaze and some staring right at her every couple of seconds.
logan is the first to step forward; the boost from mick prompting an annoyed click of his tongue as he throws his arms into the air. “you uh,” logan blinks at her, “didn’t finish in the points today. how are you feeling?”
she blinks back at him. “i’m,” she trails off and catches oscar’s stare, to which he immediately looks away, “okay?” she tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows. “are you guys okay? you’re acting kind of… weird.”
her friends’ consideration for her feelings during this trying time is valid. once upon a time, she couldn’t handle the outcome of her not finishing in the points. she just had — has — so much to prove.
but it’s just one time out of her many races.
liam smiles. “we’re just concerned.”
“well your concern is concerning,” she laughs sheepishly, now tearing the velcro from her neck and unzipping her race suit. “i’m 22 — i can handle my emotions when i finish outside of the points. also, not my first time.”
a lie. she actually wants to start throwing things around. perhaps the steering wheel since it’s the only part of the car that she could actually detach and yank around, unlike others.
but it’s just one race.
“yeah, but we’re just saying,” mick speaks with a smile, “if you need to scream and cry and vent because you were out of the points — you can talk to us.”
“i won’t even take it personally if it was because of the team orders,” liam adds with a grin. “you know what? i’ll even scream with you.”
there’s only one person she wants to scream with right now, and it’s the only person that isn’t directly involved in whatever the hell this is.
“as will i,” logan presses his lips together, “i feel like i need to scream into the void until my lungs give out actually.”
she runs a hand through her hair. “i’m okay,” she holds her hands in the air to stop any more chatter from her friends who decided they know her better than herself. “let’s freshen up and regroup at the mclaren camp. ice cream, right? maybe dinner? oscar made podium — we need to celebrate!”
oscar shakes his head, taking a step forward. “we really don’t have to. it’s okay, it’s not even a big deal.”
“no,” she says firmly, head snapping over to the australian. oscar flinches back at the way she’d turn to him with his hand pressed against his chest. it’s silly that after all these years, he still tries to minimise achievements when she’s not had the share of the glory. “i’ll see you guys in a bit. 40 minutes?” she looks around. “where’s matt?”
“in my garage getting ice cream,” mick smiles. “40 minutes, right?”
“yes,” she mutters, quickly dismissing them as she heads for the exit to the paddocks. “i’ll see you then.”
the air feels thick when she steps into the paddocks. the whispers are louder than they used to be and the stares are boring holes into her again.
a heavy sigh passes her lips as she picks up her feet into a run, heading straight for her racing home. she just needs to be alone; be by herself.
because surely, it can’t get worse than this.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mclarengf @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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azirafeast · 11 months
I am SO EXCITED for the 4th Annual #Azirafeast, The Feast Day of the Angel Aziraphale, an inclusive fandom event! It’s celebrated November 19th and is a made-up holiday that brings the community together, regardless of how a person participates in fandom.
On November 19th, everyone is welcome to celebrate the Feast Day of Aziraphale by drinking cocoa and wine, eating good food, reading, being stylish on their own terms, enjoying the company of friends and embracing the spirit of Aziraphale! Please share your pics on socials with #Azirafeast!
Creators are encouraged to show Aziraphale indulging in what makes him happy or why you love him (canon or fanon!) Create “Lore” for why Aziraphale has a feast day! What miracles throughout history has he performed? Creations can be dramatic, serious, sexy or silly!
All forms of creation are welcome: Draw, write, sing, act, sew, bake, cosplay or anything else! However YOU want to appreciate our favorite angel. All variations, versions and representations of Aziraphale are welcome on the feast of Aziraphale.
Anything tagged #Azirafeast or I will reblog, the same for Instagram and Twitter. I’ve had a permanent highlight on my Instagram for the last 3 years, and maintained this tumblr. Check out what others have made for previous years!
There is also an AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Azirafeast
Anything added to it I will promote on my socials for #azirafeast.
I know I don’t have the biggest following, but the idea is that on the feast of Aziraphale even fans who don’t have a large social media presence will still be seen, still have their experiences noticed, and will feel part of a community that cares.
Folk can get stressed about creating by a “due date.” I encourage folk to post early if they want, and to keep posting after Nov 19 if they miss the day or don’t finish in time. Aziraphale procrastinated on preventing the apocalypse, you’re just embracing that energy!
And remember, you don’t have to “make” anything to participate. Eating cake and lying to your boss is a great way to celebrate! Confuse some customers, watch a nature documentary, get drunk, be kind to someone (Muriel) who is new but trying their best!
Just make sure to tag your contributions with either #azirafeast so we can celebrate with you! Please feel welcome to take my words and reshare anyway that you like, and make your own posts to generate awareness! Please do share in any fandom communities you’re a part of, or feel free to try to convince people IRL this is totally a real holiday.
I do not run, own, control or anything of the sort in regards to #azirafeast. The idea came from Cliopadra and a private discord server, and the brilliant folk there picked the date and ran with it. I encourage folk to participate because I think it’s a lovely idea! It is NOT “mine.”
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diegosouzalions · 11 months
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These are the drafts of the pilot version of the three main Diamonds in the story, without these first concepts, the comic might not have the same current direction or even exist!
It all started when I was bored in a free class in 8th grade, I just created them for fun, I didn't intend to make a comic or anything like that, also the story I had created was something "private" and for the public it would just be gemsonas.
In the old version of the Color Diamond Authority, the Diamonds were divided because they did not agree with each other and thus, they would branch into 4 or 5 authorities: The Fruits, The Heavenly (Possibly Rainbow would be in that authority), The Colors and The Males.
Peach would be the leader of the Fruit Diamond Authority, Lime and Cherry would be its members. She would have a more boring and dry personality, she had no reason to be mean, differently than she has now. She would probably be a Rainbow fanatic in her early years and over time would lose interest in her creator. Rainbow had never appeared in form to the Diamonds, but she still communicated with them by voice through a shadow or dark cloud, and they would all know that they were created by her.
Hope would still continue in the original authority (which was later called the Heavenly Diamond Authority), along with Aqua, Sun and Moon. Her personality wouldn't change much, it would just be more expressive and cheerful. I confess that when I made her, I was in doubt about choosing the colors purple or white, until blue was the color chosen (and also because it was the same color as the original diamond). She would have no arms or legs or even hair, most of her body was made up of her aura, so she would have to feel hopeful all the time for her body to function.
Bi-Color would be leading the Colors Diamond Authority together with Gray. Her personality would be like Blue, only cheerful. Her first color version would only be 2, but then it went to 3 (with the colors pink, blue and purple), then it was changed again to pink, yellow and blue (which would represent the colors of the Great Diamond Authority). And to be honest, her first version always reminded me of Celia Mae from Monster Inc.
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And finally Magenta, the first Diamond created that was later added to the Color Diamond Authority on January 1, 2019.
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Magenta participated in the Spatial (or Spacial) Diamond Authority, however, after a conflict between me and the authority's creator, I decided to withdraw and create my own. (And I recommend not sharing the old comic, if you have seen it, cause there are Diamonds that are not mine, so it would be rude to use them on any occasion)
She would have a similar personality to White, but in a kinder way. She couldn't see imperfection in anything, she always saw things on the positive side, even if everything was going wrong. Unlike the current one, she would almost never feel sad, in addition to being more silly, and would ask a lot more questions.
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As time went by she would become colder and would no longer be able to think about anything positive, she would see things more realistic and would become almost like an "antagonist" or an "anti hero" of the Rebel Gems, due to the traumatic moments she developed in the authority.
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There are old script concepts that were used and will still be used in the comic. The current story has a direction almost similar to the old one in some points, but with drastic changes, it will be more explored and polished than before.
A curiosity is that Silver and Golden were only inserted later (I believe in March 2019), which added even more shine to the story, I don't know what the comic would be without them honestly. If the Peacocks and Magenta didn't exist, officially the Authority would split, just like the old concept, but it would be worked with the current Diamonds personalities.
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corrieweek · 2 months
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❤️ ~ Hello all! ~ ❤️
Come join us in participating in Corrie Week to celebrate the wonderful Courasant Guard! The week will start on October 4th and end on October 10th or Fox Day (10/10)!
With a few months away, we're still setting up prompts for the days so if you are interested and have some ideas send them in through the form! Keep a look out by following the page or listed tags! we will be sending it out this following Monday (July 15th).
We will be using the tags #CorrieWeek and for this year #CorrieWeek2024
Just as a general interest check use the poll below to show us your interest to join!
Our page is always open to questions! Below the cut is more information about the event! VV
Canon characters, OCs, and/or both are all welcome to the party! We just ask that the Corries (Coruscant Guard) be the central point in any: ships, drawings, fics, or any medium you'd like to use.
Speaking of ships, we don't discriminate. Canon x Canon, OC x OC, Non-clone x clone, clone x reader, clone x clone, etc. We love and live for spreading the love for the Guard! ❤️
Hate will not be tolerated on this page or during this event. If you do not enjoy someone's ship you are welcome to curate your online experience - the Back Button is up top. Everyone is welcome, so please be civil. This is going to be a great and fun way to bond with others in the fandom over our favorite characters. So remember: Don't Be A Dick.
** NSFW content will be allowed during this event follow this link to see how to format it! Link to post
We allow all forms of creativity to be posted for the week as long as it follows the prompt for the day!
Artwork - traditional and digital is allowed with a minimum of a refined sketch
Writing - any fics/drabbles/ficlets need a minimum of 100 words
Cosplay - Share your cosplays with us! Please for privacy reasons anything that reveals your face, name, address or any other sensitive information to be covered up. We want this event to be fun and public but also protect and keep everyone's privacy. (Even if you are okay with showing your face please still do so for the event)
Crafts - sewing, metal, wood burning, carving, stamps, scrapbooks, knitting, felt, if you have a craft you love, share it with us!
Moodboards - single or multiple submissions are allowed!
Photography - with cosplay (same privacy rules apply as listed above) or action/lego figures create a scene with your favorite guards!
Mixed - you don't have to stick to just one! For an example if you can or want you can do a fic and a mood board!
If you do not complete a specific prompt or any during the time period, no worries! please still tag us in your works because we'd love to share! ❤️
Thank you for reading and we hope to see you during CorrieWeek!
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romanarose · 6 months
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Banner by @winniethewife
Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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Perfect Match - Yae Miko & Lynette x Male!Hybrid!Reader
A/N: This is the start of a new fluff series, which will feature all the animal/yokai/adepti/hybrid girls and a reader of the same species - Kokomi included. If Fem!Readers will be interested, I might do a bit for the hybrid men. Enjoy! CW: Male!Reader, reader is the same species as the character, mentions of kids, might contain lore inaccuracies.
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Having someone who can understand her and relate to her way of being is such an immense joy for Miko. Kitsune are nowhere near as numerous as they were back in the day, so having a handsome, charming and attractive one as her husband is a true blessing. 
As a fellow fox envoy, you have more than the necessary knowledge on fur care, so she'll gladly use your skills. Gentle brushes through her tails not only help keep them in pristine condition, but also feel wonderful. Nothing compares to your ear massages, however. When she lies in your arms and your hands scratch at them lightly, she just melts away, quietly mumbling about her day. 
If Miko feels more cuddly than usual, she will have no problem with asking you for some fox cuddles. Fox bodies are a great deal better for cuddles, with the fluffy fur and flexible, small bodies. There's no better thing than curling up on the beanbag in your bedroom on cold days. It adjusts so perfectly to your little, furry bodies, and retains warmth very well. If she's in the mood for scritches, you will be able to tell as she always lies down on the couch, belly up and ready for affection. 
Since you molt too, the ever-present hair is not as much of an annoyance for you. It also helps in diffusing the responsibility for stray hairs in food. Both of you have pink fur, so how will you prove it’s hers? 
Not transforming into her other form recklessly granted her one big advantage - anonymity. Even if she is a fox of rather refined taste, who said that simple and silly pleasures don't interest her? The rumors of two small foxes zooming around and playing in the woods under the cover of night always bring a smile to her face. Her mind still can't understand just why and how sprinting around and tackling each other is so fun. And when you’ve had enough fun, you can either go back home or find one of your well-furnished hiding spots and spend the night there, curled into each other without a care in the world.
Affection towards you comes naturally to her, obviously, but your Kitsune blood pokes at the more foxy part of her mind. When you’re alone, no matter the form, Miko has a tendency to nibble on you. It can be your shoulder, your lip, ear or finger. Her teeth are very sharp, true, but her gentleness removes any risk of harm to you. Just this simple and natural (for Kitsune) act tends to get some nice reactions out of you with how openly she admits it. The small, barely visible teeth marks look so good on your skin, so why should she hold herself back?
When the exhaustion from your secret zoomies kicks in, Miko will gladly have you climb up on the roof of your residence and stargaze. A single blanket and your hand in hers improves on the experience, changing it from grim and lonely to comforting and familiar. Four hundred years is a lot of time, but one day, both of you will roam the skies as Kitsune Ascendants, together, for as long as the universe itself exists. Miko never stops the dreamy sigh from escaping her lips while considering the future you two have before you. Perhaps, with enough time, you will even become genuine fox deities. 
For now, however, using life for all it's worth seems like a sound plan. Whenever a particular gust of boredom hits you, Miko will coax you into participating in her schemes. Her favorite type of activity is creating problems in the shrine - especially those of the "What would happen if Lady Guuji saw this?!" variety. As the shrine maidens would struggle to solve the conundrum, you and Miko would wait in your fox forms, hidden in some dark nook of the shrine, listening and waiting for the right moment. When it eventually comes, you would emerge from the hiding spot and turn back into human forms behind a corner, and approach the maiden seemingly out of nowhere. The looks of terror on their faces are sure to stick in her mind for weeks, if not months to come. 
Of course, turning into inanimate objects is also a possibility, but is a lot more risky. Since there's no mobility to be had, an escape in case of someone trying to use the item for its intended purpose, oblivious to the fact that it's actually you and Miko playing a prank would require a shift back to human form, which in turn would reveal Miko's fairly childish sense of humor. The only people she can fool recklessly are the maids, but they've learned by now that, in a Kitsune's home, nothing is as it seems. Pranking you is out of the question since you can easily pick up her scent, though it doesn't mean that she won't try to mask it with perfume or cook distractingly delicious food. Beware!
Occasionally, when you wrap your tails around each other and love for the other fills you to the absolute limit, you might just experience shared dreams. Your adventures are very varied in activities and locations, but all have just one thing in common - you.
Having and raising kids, especially as many as you were gifted with, is an enormous task, but as most things in life, does not go without its benefits. They are cute, amusingly chaotic and so lovely. They way they stalk finches and other birds, their irises expanding before pouncing and failing to catch it never fails to make her chuckle. Their play fights look concerning, but Miko knows better than to break them up. A few bruises and scratches never killed anyone. No matter what they do or what form they take, they are always eight balls of pure, chaotic Kitsune energy. 
Even if their stamina for spreading entropy is baffling, it's not infinite. They will drag themselves home eventually, dirty, exhausted, but absolutely happy - as children in that state usually are. After a big meal and a thorough bath, the kids will turn into their animal forms and snuggle up to you and Miko, thus forming a big pile of fur, ears, tails and snouts. It's extremely cozy, warm and relaxing, but the sheer amount of Kitsune makes it hard to crawl out of it in the morning. That said, getting a bigger beanbag is a good idea - who said those eight are the last kids Miko wants? 
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It’s such a refreshment, to have someone who perfectly fits her needs. The chemistry between the two of you is natural, as in a world of noisy humans, feline blood guarantees at least a little quiet. 
Sure, she loves her brothers, but even they tend to be louder than she can take. Moving to your house was a notable step up in Lynette’s overall living comfort. Your movements, as silent and graceful as hers, never disturb her sleep nor catch her attention. Although for a child of The House that would be concerning, she never once caught you lying or acting even slightly suspicious.
Speaking of silence, most onlookers would never guess that you’re a couple if they were to examine your average day. Very few words are exchanged between you - your tails and ears, as well as subtle facial expressions, can signal almost everything. The right gaze into your eyes can get her exactly where she wants to be - be that an outing to a cafe, a cuddle session or an intimate moment - without the need to utter a single word. Frequently, your house is filled with nothing but the silent ticking of the clock. 
Having never experienced real intimacy, Lynette longs for your touch. She likes her cuddles tight and warm. There is no need for a fireplace to comfort her when she can snuggle into your arms and rest on your chest. The heat radiating from you is addictive, just as the rhythmic beating of your heart and gentle breathing are. Your touch is precise and skilled, scratching and caressing just the right spots to make her drowsy just after a few moments. What’s even more wonderful is the simple fact that you are nocturnal as well, meaning that you will never judge or get upset over her sleeping most of the day. Napping is her favorite activity, and should you join her, feels like heaven. 
Night is when you truly feel at home. The delightful stillness of the capital encourages exploration of the streets, now free of the crowds and bothersome noise. For somebody as agile as you two, scaling the outer walls is no problem, so the highest tier tends to be your hangout spot. Thanks to the wonders of portable kettles, it’s quite easy to have tea in the moonlight with Lynette, along with delectable biscuits. The nightly chill helps cool down the beverage, and in your excellent company, time flies by at breakneck speed. Before long, the sun rises again, and the Court Of Fontaine awakes. It’s not as much of a problem as it is an annoyance.
Being in a similar body to her means you face the same problems as she does, as well as share a few preferences. Your lifelong enjoyment of fish dishes means your skill in cooking them is up to par. Even despite being able to cook various exquisite and complex meals, such as the renowned Squirrel Fish, Lynette tends to ask for mostly simple salmon sushi. The strong taste of the raw fish coupled with the gentle base of rice tickles her taste buds in all the right ways. 
When it comes to ear and tail hygiene, she prefers to do it herself, but the care you provide on demand is undeniably pleasant. Lynette would much rather groom yours, without much real thought behind the reason as to why. Perhaps interacting with your unique features eases the feeling of standing out from the crowd? 
Sometimes, instead of a standard kiss, she might bump your cheek or touch your nose with hers. It's a silly little gesture, one that she will do her best to keep under wraps. One morning, however, somnolent Lynette did just that while greeting you in her family home. Luck had it that Freminet was the only witness… What would be if Lyney saw it? She wouldn't hear the end of it for at least a week, that's certain. 
Lynette is no stranger to catnip. Her sense of smell is as developed as that of a cat, and the plant still activates her hormones all the same. The magician used it only on a handful of occasions, scared of both clouding her mind and her brothers finding out. Now that she lives with you, the threat of the latter is no more, and she can enjoy her narcotic with you in privacy. Though the sober Lynette is reserved, the high Lynette is an absolute cuddlebug with her purring matching the dishwasher in volume. The sleep afterwards remains one of the best things in life in her opinion. 
Just use it in moderation. Addiction to catnip is a real problem amongst the feline population, and she doesn't want either of you going down that path. 
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Thanks for reading!
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itsabouttimex2 · 7 months
Platonic yandere shadowpeach x teenager daughter dating redson
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(First ship I’ve explicitly been asked to write for. Not too surprised that it was Shadowpeach! I’ve written for Wukong and Macaque’s reaction to dating Red Son here!)
(Also, I’ve got a questionnaire if anyone would like to help me with my blog)
Platonic Yandere Shadowpeach
Sun Wukong and Macaque should; in theory, balance each other out. One is bright and forthcoming, the other is secluded and scheming. One is a glittering ray of sunshine that everyone looks towards for safety and salvation, the other a beam of moonlight slinking about unseen in the shadows.
They should get along. They’ve both got a penchant for the dramatic, and take interest in different arts- one in drawing, one in performing. The two are both fond of food and wildlife.
They should be capable of getting along.
But they don’t. Or maybe they can’t.
They’re both too arrogant, too worn, too hurt to be something healthy or happy or wholesome. Why they’ve rushed into this relationship before either had begun to heal and forgive and truly make amends is anyone’s guess, but there’s one thing you know for certain-
You’re the glue holding this ramshackle family together.
A joke long ago led to your birth, two offerings of blood thrown blasphemously into a sacred vase of jade. Wukong had laughed and pitched down a measure of fresh blood from his chest, then Macaque frowned and followed along, dropping a handful of dried flakes gathered from a wrapped wound on his head.
Neither had bothered to read beyond a scant few characters carved on the vase, speaking of ‘rituals’ and ‘blood’ and ‘growing’- and both stopped short when their eyes fell upon ‘Guanyin’, goddess of mercy and compassion.
Immediately, Wukong had started an exuberant and loud routine of sacrilege, prodding the vase and shaking it, mockingly yelling into it and pretending to be a mortal pleading futilely for help from the heavens- right before he decided to take his disrespect a bit further.
“Bud,” the Monkey King hollered excitedly, bouncing on his heels, “Come here, come here! I have a great idea!”
Macaque cautiously uncovered his ears once the yelling had stopped, trudging over to the jade-hewn vase to stand beside his partner. “Uh, Wukong… I don’t know if messing with a sacred vase is all that great of an idea-“
“Hush! Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, bud! We’re gonna toss in a little bit of blood and see how sacred this silly thing really is!”
(Macaque would come to regret many things about has past- but being swayed by Wukong to participate in this sacrilegious ritual would not be amongst the list of them.)
Their blood alike; wrenched from beside Sun’s heart and pulled from the place nearest Macaque’s brain, dripped to the very bottom of the open-mouthed vase, mixing and melding as they oozed down. The blessed container rattled once, twice- then stopped short and went still.
The sudden halt had Wukong howling with laughter, doubled over and wiping tears from his eyes. “Of course not! Like the gods would do anything for the people down here,” he loudly called, as if trying to reach his accusations to the heavens through sheer volume. For good measure, he had given the precious vase a kick, rattling it around.
And listened as something thudded around at the bottom.
Macaque had turned on his sable heel at the sound, scurrying back over to his now alert partner. The demon’s eyes scrunched with worry as Wukong stuffed his arms all the way into the vase, gripping whatever sat at the previously empty bottom. His hand shifted to rest on the end of Wukong’s tiger-hide skirt, though it was more for his own comfort- a way to keep close to his exuberant partner without impeding his arms.
“It’s a baby,” Wukong had stated in awe, a rare note of outright reverence in his voice as he pulled your form past the jade maw of the vase and into his arms. “Bud, this thing just made a baby!”
For a few minutes, neither dared to speak. They just stood and stared, trying to register just how far this little ‘joke’ had spiraled.
Common sense quickly kicked in, leaving Macaque to pry you from his partner, staring down at you with softened eyes.
“Look at her- she’s ours, bud,” the Great Sage announced with pride, and few would have dared to argue with him.
A child fresh to the world, born from dregs of demon blood and formed by sacred jade, with fur and a tail and golden, glowing eyes to prove that you were theirs.
“…never knew I’d be a father,” Macaque quietly says, wrapping you in the long red scarf he always wore.
“Never knew we’d be fathers,” comes his partner’s supportive voice, a rare tone for the Monkey King. Wukong steps forward and slings an arm around Macaque’s neck, hauling him close.
“But I wouldn’t trade this family for the world.”
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You had grown up happy and safe, surrounded by uncles whose names had been your first words. Each one was an inspiration to you, standing proud as they walked in lockstep and wielded mighty weapons. They had been your heroes, every last one of them. You wanted to be strong and intelligent and graceful and noble, to be all that they were and even more.
When it had been them and your fathers, everything had been at least fine, when not outright good.
Learning to read maps with Uncle Yellowtusk. Eavesdropping on fights caused by training mishaps. Hunting with Uncle Bull. Getting scolded for messing with weapons without permission. Uncle Peng teaching you how to gut rabbits and fish. Climbing onto shoulders and backs so you wouldn’t fall underfoot.
Everything with Uncle Azure.
Listening close to his stories and relishing his kind touch, letting him braid your hair and fix your clothes. Sitting on his knees and sharing your food, trying new things with his gentle encouragement. Staying up far too late to stargaze with him before falling asleep in his arms, wrapped in his cape.
It had been family, however unorthodox.
But not all families are built to last- some crumble and sever, instead.
One fight years later had been the tipping point between your fathers, leaving Macaque to cart you away over his shoulder as he sulked away through the shadows, putting as much distance between himself and Wukong as possible- he still had you, Macaque reminds himself.
None of the past mattered if he could focus on a bright future with his daughter. The two of you. Alone. No brothers, no partners- just a father and his daughter. No more teasing remarks or being spoken over or dragged along on dangerous missions for a futile cause.
Just him and you.
And that works for all of five centuries, before there’s a ‘parent swap’ and one of your fathers is dead with a glittering gold staff struck through his flesh and bone, poking in through his eye and out through his skull.
Macaque’s blood; freshly splattered across you, hadn’t even dried before Wukong had swept you into his arms with a guttural scream of both sorrow and relief. His child, at the cost of his partner.
Not a fair trade. But one he chose to make anyways.
The Great Sage holds you close, pressing kisses to your forehead and wiping away your fearful tears. He whispers into your ear about how safe you are now, how you won’t ever be alone or scared again. How he’s back and so, so sorry that it took so long to find and save you, that he’ll protect you from now on.
And how he won’t let you go ever again.
How could he? You’re his.
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15-lizards · 1 month
Not sure if you've been asked this before but I love the detail and research you put into your ASOIAF material. What do you think ladies of various houses did for fun? What talents would they be encouraged to develop as they grew older? What did different kingdoms view as being an "accomplished" lady? I know this is HUGE, but I'm always so curious about domesticity and the interior lives of women in fantasy.
I loveeeee the domestic lives of historical women I love material culture and decorative arts that shows us how they lived
-northern noblewomen are usually taught a variety of textile arts, to repair old cloaks, embroider gowns, weave tapestries, quilting blankets, etc etc. A lot of it is practical, as everyone is needed to pitch in on household preparations, especially when it's getting close to winter, but it still functions as entertainment, like when Sansa goes to needlepoint circles to make pretty wall hangings and gossip. Other entertainments include singing and listening to traveling bards (though "refined" instruments are not common up north). An "accomplished" northern lady is one who can do a wide variety of domestic tasks in order to provide what she can for her family.
-Iron Islands womens' domestic life is as bleak as everything else on the islands :/ Women do a lot of practical sewing and weaving, but there isn't much time or product available to do it for leisure. Entertainment often comes in the form of drinking, feasting, and (oftentimes lewd) songs, but highborn women are not allowed to participate as much as the men, though they participate significantly more than mainlander women. The concept of an "accomplished" women is kinda sneered upon on the islands, as men think that kind of stuff is for uppity southerners, but there is still an unconscious expectation for noblewomen to be able to complete practical domestic tasks and be able to run the household, though not so much as they overstep the men.
-Riverlander highborn women take great pride and enjoyment in textile art especially I think. Obviously they do it for practical uses, but there is soooo much woven art in a Riverland women's household. Long, detailed tapestries that run the length of the wall and all of the pillows and gowns and blankets have cross stitch decoration. Outside of textiles, riverlander women love love love traditional songs and ballads, passing them down from generation to generation, especially the bittersweet ones about Jonquil or Simeon Star Eyes. An accomplished riverlands woman is well-rounded and able to apply her domestic talents to many areas, and creating a warm and comfortable home is the most important aspect.
-Noblewomen of the Vale are expected to be paragons of domesticity. Their leisure time is often filled with very feminine pursuits. Praying for her family in the sept. Shyly dancing with kings and lords at balls. Doing delicate lacework and needlework upon her gowns or gifts for others. Doing these things makes one an "accomplished" lady in the eyes of Vale culture. A pious and virtuous young woman who can offer her domestic talents to her family, as well as expertly navigate a complex social web full of gossip and drama, while still staying above all of said drama.
-In the Reach, noblewomen are given a masterclass in aristocratic leisure activities. Not only do they delicately sew and stitch, but they are also taught pretty songs, court dances, how to ride and hunt and hawk like a lady, and even how to gossip slyly appropriately. Because there is more room for comfort over practicality in the south, "accomplished" women are not expected to contribute as much in the way of household management. Instead they are molded into perfect ladies, who can lure in any suitor or charm any guest, one who clearly has the resources to learn so much in the way of entertaining. Overall expected to become a symbol of refinement for their father and/or husband's name.
-Westerlands women are very similar to Reach women in their leisure activities and domestic lives and what they consider to be "accomplished", due to their proximity. However I think there's more of a focus in the Westerlands for women to be more practical, so that they can be more apt in household management and "useful" domestic tasks. This is due to an underlying seriousness in western culture, which I think is the main difference between them and their neighbors. Both charming and sly and self-interested, but present themselves in different manners.
-Crownlands women have the most available to them in terms of leisure and entertainment (rivaled only by the Reach), both social and domestic. Large balls, public plays, and royal feasts are expected to be attended if you're a noble lady, but one is also free to privately garden, read, ride, bind books, make dolls, sew gowns, paint, etc etc. What counts as an "accomplished" women fluctuates on whoever has the most influence, so many nobles play it safe and teach their daughters the basics of court manners and needlepoint and dancing. However since Kings Landing especially is a large mix of cultures and values, there are many noblewomen who are differently talented and in their own right.
-Stormlands women often enjoy outdoor activities for their leisure. Even in the rainy, muggy weather, they are out on the hills to ride or hawk or hunt. They pursue domestic activities as well, like the other noblewomen of Westeros, but are also expected to enjoy the outdoors like the men, in order for their health and constitution. They feast and dance and sing and drink, and its not uncommon for them to match the men in these activities. An "accomplished" woman in the Stormlands is someone who can easily juggle domestic tasks, running a household, and be able to keep up with the men in their activities, and do it all without complaint. More "frivolous" activities are not required.
-Dornish women's domestic culture is fairly unique compared to the rest of Westeros. Due to the weather in most parts, many noblewomen do their leisure activities indoors. These include games like Cyvasse, reading fictions and Dornish poetry, arguing philosophy, playing instruments, singing, and dancing. Due to the general equality between genders (and no im not calling Dorne a feminist utopia) women are allowed to take part in more mental pursuits. Because of this, an "accomplished" Dornish woman is expected to be one who is well read and knowledgable about many fields, and can carry on intelligent conversations with anyone, as well as being charming and hospitable to all who meet her.
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