#if not. please do tell me and I'll change it no problem! :D
heirofhermes · 10 months
@lcbcshcart liked this for a starter
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"Mr. Reinhart?" Sebastián greeted, poking his head through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. It wasn't every day that he visited the FBI, but it always seemed to be memorable... Perhaps today wouldn't be the exception.
"I'm Sebastián Atehortúa, the Skadden lawyer who first came across the russian mob involvement with our mayor... I was told to come find you."
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httpskuzuu · 1 year
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hola :D fyodor is alive - fyodor esta vivo I was thinking about making a masterlist or something like that, I don't know if when I upload this I will have it published or how I will do it
anyway, I really liked this and enjoyed writing it, it's longer than I usually post but Idk, by the way, I hated translating this, it was a pain in the ass, but that's what I get for joining a mostly English community ññññññññññññ-- well, this is mostly inspired by Sinner by TheBloodySadist, you can find it in Ao3 if you want to read it, I had an obsession with it a few months xd
jaja this has gone on too long, well, adiós adiós :p
Yandere!Fyodor x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
sumary: You tried to escape and now you have to take the consequences, but you make something change in Fyodor... (juju, mistery >:p) Pt.2
tw: yandere behavior, kidnapping, failed escape attempt, explicit punishment, explicit violence, blood, broken bones, humiliation¿, manipulation, brainwashing, stockholm syndrome, reader needs therapy, stabbing, nudity, sedative, Fyodor is a fucking tw
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You tremble under the weight of the boot on your ribs, you swear that at some point you hear them cracking along with an agonizing pain throughout your body.
The pressure on your body makes it impossible for you to breathe properly, which is a serious problem considering you are hyperventilating. Every breath burns your exhausted lungs and aggravates the pain.
You'd ask Fyodor to kill you already if it weren't for the fact that your throat is in a terrible condition from so much screaming and pleading.
"Well, I see I can't trust you, can I?" Despite the situation, Fyodor's tone provokes you inner anger, sounding so sarcastic. Something deep inside you tells you it's not sarcasm, it's concern, but you can't believe it, especially not coming from Fyodor.
You imagine that, if you had the strength at this moment, you would kill him with your own hands. You know well you wouldn't be able to, but it's pleasant to think about it.
"I do everything for you, and still you try to escape." He puts more pressure against your ribs and you've never felt as much pain as you do now. "You spoiled brat." He growls and his Russian accent becomes much thicker.
He removes his foot from your body and you can breathe. Relief courses through your veins and, out of pure instinct, you thank him for that act of kindness. He could have stretched it out longer, put more pressure on you and broken your ribs more, but he was merciful and gave you a break…. A break, you know that your punishment is not yet over.
You don't know yourself and your thoughts. One thing you have to hand it to Fyodor is that his training is really effective, but you're tougher than that, or at least you like to think so. Realistically, right now, you just want to curl up against him.
A kick in the side snaps you out of your thoughts, you moan and cry from the pain, your throat burning with fire. You never want to utter a sound again in your life after this.
"Aw, you poor thing… Does it hurt? Now you know how I feel every time you leave me." He's lying, you know that, but that doesn't take away the guilt that settles in your head free-form.
You shouldn't have run away, Fyodor isn't even that bad if you behaved: no gratuitous physical harm and he takes better care of you than you could ask of a kidnapper. You were an idiot, you deserved all this for not appreciating your life with Fyodor properly. God… Why did you try to escape in the first place? The Russian would always would catch you, you were just causing trouble.
Ignoring your destroyed throat, you decide to speak. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't try to escape again. Please give me another chance, I'll be good…"
Fyodor kneels down next to your agonized body. He puts his hand against your tear-stained cheek, at first you flinch, thinking he was going to hurt you more, but then you lean almost automatically against his cold hand.
You cry harder as you feel Fyodor's gentle touch, you don't quite understand what's wrong with you, you just know that you want to melt against his hand. You close your eyes and tremble. You want a hug from him, you know you shouldn't want that, that it's disgusting, he kidnapped you and hurt you, but at a time like this, when you've been disobedient, he's still showing you affection….
"Shh, it's okay, милый." He catches the falling tears with his thumb. "I know you're sorry, but your punishment isn't over yet." You automatically tense up and slowly open your eyes to look at the man in front of you, there is a smirk of superiority painted on his face, observing your pathetic appearance.
You don't dare open your mouth to complain because deep down you know very well that you deserve it, you deserve the pain for being so bratty and causing inconvenience to Fyodor. You accept what lies ahead of you and let Fyodor pull his hand away from you.
With his grip firmly on your hip, he guides you to turn around. You keep the cheek that was previously receiving the loving touch against the ground a thousand times colder than Fyodor.
You concentrate exclusively on the Russian's hands, it's just an idiotic attempt to ignore the pain all over your body. He pulls up your shirt, leaving your back bare against the cold, why is everything so cold all of a sudden? Fyodor is too, in a way he brings you peace of mind, it's like he's everywhere, even in the air…. What the hell are you thinking? You firmly believe you're delusional at this point, these are not your real thoughts, it's clear to you, he put all these idiotic ideas in your head and now you can't get them out. It's agonizing in a certain way.
The only thing you hear is your irregular breathing, if it wasn't for Fyodor's hand clamped on your hip, you would think you were alone right now, and you don't know if you would like that more or less.
Something sharpening presses against your upper back. Everything breaks down in a moment as Fyodor makes a straight cut across your entire back. It hurts horrendously, especially as the blood starts to spurt out. You start to feel dizzy and for a few moments you convince yourself you're going to pass out, but no, your body is still holding on, focused solely on Fyodor's hand.
"Breathe, моя любовь. It's just a cut." You repeat Fyodor's last sentence in your head like a mantra: it's just a cut, it's just a cut. He could have done it much worse to you, you were fine, just a cut.
You take comfort in closing your eyes hard and imagining that you are once again a child at the doctor's office, that you are simply having blood drawn for a blood test because you have not been feeling very well lately. You make a fist with your hand and clench it, digging your fingernails deep into your palm, it's as if you are clutching the hand of one of your parents for comfort. There is no more pain, it's okay, it's all right-
Another cut, this time horizontal, creates a cross on your back. You don't care, you're at the hospital, and you're safe, nothing will happen to you. It's just a cut.
Fyodor stabs the weapon into your side. You open your eyes wide as a torn scream comes out of your mouth.
Fuck it all, do you really deserve this? Have you been so horrible? You assume that Fyodor simply hates you, that he wants to torture you.
Fyodor pulls the weapon out of your body, you look out of the corner of your eye and the wound doesn't seem to be that bad, you thought it was deeper because of the pain, but no, it was something apparently superficial. You didn't want to know how much it would hurt if he had really stabbed you deeper.
Fyodor's voice right next to your ear startles you. "Sorry, was that too much? Did I hurt my little one too much?" That mocking tone again, but you hear a hint of love and concern, or so you assume. No, it's impossible for Fyodor to hate you, if he hated you there wasn't that hint of love, was there? If he hated you, he wouldn't say to you like that: my little one, his little one.
"I can't take it anymore! Please, Fyodor!" He leaves a chaste kiss on the back of your neck, and you cry disconsolately, you don't know why, but you do know it's not because of the pain, the pain doesn't matter anymore.
"You can." Fyodor's voice is the ultimate authority right now, and if he says you can take it, it's because you can. "You don't want to disappoint me, do you?"
After those words you instantly panic, you desperately shake your head, of course you don't want to disappoint him! You have to accept your punishment, it was your fault in the first place.
"Brace yourself, dear." Fyodor leaves a trail of kisses from the nape of your neck all the way down your back, above the vertical cut. You assume he's filled his lips with blood and hate yourself at the thought of how attractive he'd look like that.
A new cut interrupts your hatred. You scream, but nothing more, you can take it, for Fyodor….
It's just one cut.
You don't know how many cuts there are next, you are not able to count them. You don't feel your throat anymore, but miraculously it still works, your screams are still coming out of it, you are relieved because you still want to keep your voice to talk to Fyodor, to ask him to hold you.
Fyodor removes your shirt completely and lays it aside on the floor. He holds you firmly and helps you sit up, any movement is hell for your ribs, but you endure it by concentrating on your kidnapper, on his loving but steadfast touch.
You look at him dizzy, teary-eyed and shattered. He is smiling, you have not disappointed him. Your head hurts as you cry disconsolately against his chest again.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying now? Your punishment is over, I won't hurt you anymore."
"You…" You're unable to speak, it's too much at once, the pain and your thoughts coming together in a ball of discomfort. You shake your head and hug him tightly.
"Are you afraid?" You weakly shake your head. It's true that Fyodor scares you, especially on these occasions when he punishes you, but you're not crying about it now.
Funny, you don't know why you're crying, but you do know what you're not crying about.
Fyodor is silent, thinking about why you're crying. "Is it about the pain?" You deny again.
Fyodor hums thoughtfully. "If you don't tell me what it is, I can't help you." You ponder on that: does he want to help you? Is he serious?
You make the feeble attempt to gather your thoughts and speak. "It's just- I don't know" Your voice comes out shakier than you wish it would. "When you touch me… It feels so good, I don't deserve it, I don't-"
"Oh, I see… Aren't you crying because of something bad? Is it because it feels good?" You nod quickly, yes, that's as close as you feel. You're happy when it touches you, when it's good to you. Were you crying out of happiness? Well, you guess so, although it feels more depressing.
"It's okay, relax." He leaves a kiss in front, and it breaks you inside. "You've taken the punishment very well, come on, you deserve to be taken care of."
The process of getting up from the floor is horrible, not only because of the pain all over your body and your numb legs, but because your mind doesn't stop spinning around Fyodor's last sentence. It feels horrible and so good at the same time that your mind is only around one specific person.
He helps you up and you let him lean your useless body against his. He guides you through the house, being patient with your slow pace. He's mostly silent, except when he tells you how well you're doing or that not long to go. Since when did Fyodor know how to talk so pleasantly?
You reach the bathroom, he sits you on the toilet and turns on the bathtub faucet. While it is filling, Fyodor takes some pills out of a drawer that you have always found locked. You don't know what the pills are or what they're for, but he hands you one and you take it without question.
You let your head fall against Fyodor's stomach, even though he is standing upright he doesn't move an inch and lets you be comfortable, he strokes your hair and you sigh lovingly. You don't deserve it, but you need more of this Fyodor, the soft Fyodor who takes care of you and makes you feel good, what did you have to do in the future to keep it in this shape? If you need to be damaged for that, well, you are willing to do it.
"The tub is full." He warns and moves a little away from you, causing you to raise your head. You miss a little that he's touching you, even though he's only been separated of you for three seconds. He holds you under your armpits and helps you up. "I need you to stand up on your own, can you, дорогой?"
You try not to focus so much on Fyodor asking you if you could do it instead of just sending you the order, and focus on standing on your own.
The Russian undresses you completely, his hands are soft, and you feel them all over your body. They are so cold, and you are so cold too now that you are naked. You are vulnerable, now more than ever, and Fyodor's fixed gaze on you disturbs you. You are simply an easy prey to hunt, his prey.
He doesn't look like a hunter now, as much as his gaze is like knives stabbing through every spot he focuses on, you think he's not doing it on purpose. Fyodor doesn't know how to be nice, he never has. He knows how to be neutral: he can keep you alive and give you necessities, but he can't kiss you and keep you warm.
But there's something wrong with all this, he's being warm because since when are his hands so soft against your battered body? You need him, you need him so much it hurts, is this his way of being nice? Okay, fine, you accept it without complaint.
When he puts you in the tub you want to die, the cuts on your back burn at the contact of the water. You don't dare say a word at that or ask Fyodor to pull you out, you're afraid you'll upset him, that he'll get tired of you being so weak and whiny and stop being gentle. Fyodor could have left you lying on the cold floor, bleeding, but he didn't. You can't be an unbearable child to him.
The Russian starts washing your body, putting special emphasis on your cuts and the wound on your side. You look at his serious face with need, why were you only now realizing how handsome he was? Mmmh, you must have been blind before. He notices obviously your shy look on his lips and he smiles, that smile indicating that he was superior to you and despite that, he was still keeping you alive and forgiving of everything you did.
He approaches you and gives you the only thing you needed to be satisfied for today: a kiss. It reminds you of all the good things, strangely enough in those memories Fyodor also appears and disturbs you minimally.
You question yourself that, maybe, Fyodor does know how to be gentle.
This is the proof you need to know that now this was a new version, right? He kissed you. You feel a warmth spreading throughout your body, now it is warm, and his hands are warm too. There is a big change in temperature and it feels like heaven.
After that, Fyodor continued to wash you with special care, ignoring how your face might explode from how red it was.
The only thing that could crush the heat was tiredness, you almost fell asleep a couple of times, but you didn't want to fall asleep because it would be like wasting time with this soft Fyodor, what if tomorrow he returned to his serious and impassive face? You can't waste this time or you would regret it.
"Go to sleep, take it easy. I'll take you to bed when I'm finished." You looked at him as the most merciful being in the world. He cared about you…
You hold back your sobs for these acts of kindness, you don't want to cry anymore, not only to avoid possible discomfort in Fyodor, but for yourself, the headache is unbearable.
You let yourself fall asleep, with your head supported on your knees and Fyodor's soothing touch.
You had a nightmare which you don't remember, or don't want to remember. You wake up with your body held in Fyodor's arms, warm and gentle.
Since when did everything become so homey? Homey? Would that be the right word? Describing any situation involving Fyodor with that word doesn't feel natural to you.
You find it hard to feel your body, and your thoughts don't flow as quickly and aggressively as they used to. It's like being enveloped in a cloud, full of comfort and calmness.
You just feel something on your side, at the site of the shallow stab wound. You think maybe it's some bandage, but your limbs are asleep and too comfortable against Fyodor to move them to check. Otherwise, you feel nothing, only someone else's hand on your lower belly, it's extremely intimate in your perspective.
You turn your sleepy head and glance sideways at Fyodor. He seems calm, looking at you, his face is emotionless again and it scares you. You come to convince yourself that he is still the soft Fyodor, if he wasn't his hand wouldn't be on you, he still hasn't changed, you repeat that to yourself until you believe it.
"… Fyodor, do you know what?" Your voice comes out weak and hoarse, you wonder how soon your throat will heal. You're thankful you can't feel it well, so there's no pain anymore.
"I think I love you."
"Do you?" There is a change, minuscule, but a change.
You nod and look away from his face, you can't stand it, no. There has been a change, you don't know in what. There's been a change, a change! Is it good or bad? You want to think it's a nice thing.
"You're different."
"I am? In what way?"
"You're softer, something nice."
"You're drugged, you don't talk sense."
"But you're different! Seriously, you never take care of me."
Silence rules the room and it hurts. Why did you talk? What idiocy, it's your fault everything that happens now, all your fault.
"You cried with happiness when I helped you sit up." Your gaze returns to the other.
"I know, so what? You want me to cry again?" There are no bad intentions behind your comment, there really aren't. You feel your brain empty, and you can't quite interpret the situation, what is Fyodor trying to tell you? Is he angry? Is he going to punish you again? It's exhausting to use your brain in this state, so you just give up and go with the flow.
"No, I don't want that." The silence stretches a little longer and, for just a few seconds, Fyodor looks away. He looks away. "I just… I thought maybe you'd be happier if I treated you good."
"Ah…" He wanted you to be happy? Really?
"I know I hurt you, but you know I only do it when you deserve it, don't you?" You nod and the cuts on your back burn for a few seconds. "Good. I really want you to be happy, with me."
You feel like at any moment the old Fyodor will appear through the door and say something like it was all a test, and then punish you for failing it. It's a horrible feeling, but you come to believe that it will seriously pass.
"So… Are you still going to be soft?"
"Yes, only if you are obedient in return."
Yes, yes, yes. He's going to keep being gentle. For some reason your chest hurts, and you sob, Fyodor has a few drops of surprise in his expression. You hide from his gaze and just focus on the yes, it's like releasing a horrible burden out of your body. You weren't afraid he was lying, something told you he wasn't, his expression maybe, or his voice, or….
"Are you crying with happiness now too?"
"I like the soft Fyodor…"
"Mmmh, that's good, isn't it?" He pulls you a little closer to his face and leaves a soft kiss on your forehead. You'd like to kiss him in return, but you can't move. "I'll keep being soft then."
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I swear all I could think about while writing this was to to send it all to hell and make these two fuck
maybe I will make a second part
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kairiscorner · 1 year
hi there!! :)) I saw that ur requests were open again and I wanted to ask if you could do a hc or short fic(?) for like a Hobie x Spiderperson! reader where they've got this vibe that they're dating???
Like whenever anyone asks about it they have no clue and reject the idea since Hobie doesn't believe in labels and the reader doesn't want to be tied down. But! they both get suuuper jealous whenever either of them gets too close/flirts with other people and drags them away or smth huehruehdids
Maybe they confess??? What if one time the jealousy gets too much or one of them got really hurt and the other realizes that they might never be able to tell the other their feelings? Maybe a big kiss at the end bc of the exploding feelings? That's all, thank you and have a great day!!! :DD
HI ANONNNN <33 omg i love so much WHAT i hope i do this justice <:))
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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"so... are you two a, y'know, a thing?"
questions like these never fail to keep you quick on your toes, especially since nothing could be farther from the truth. you and hobie were just good friends, really good friends. just a couple of buds that always had each other's back when battles go awry, or when the other gets in trouble for a few stunts here and there. you two were just... very close, is what you would call it, neither of you really used labels to express what you two were to each other.
hobie hated labels anyway to begin with, never believed in them and certainly doesn't want to use them to describe his relationship with you. he never felt the need to, all he was certain of was that if you were there for him, he'd obviously be there for you–even if you never asked for him to be, it was always a given.
you yourself were a free-spirited type of person, you refused to be weighed down by commitment when you already had yourself to worry about. and besides... you didn't feel anything for hobie, did you? nah, you didn't, you just thought that he was really, really cool. and awesome. and inspiring. and rebellious for the right reasons. and so... just, just a lot of amazing things.
you two wanted to make it clear: there was nothing going on between you two. and even though you convinced some of the folks at the spider society, a lot of others were still highly skeptical of you two, not that you guys cared, you two knew each other well. or so you both thought.
though hobie was always your first pick for a partner on a mission, you were being paired up with a lot of different spider people recently. and though it was no problem for hobie, you worried about leaving him alone. "hey, now, don't get all sentimental on me. i never believed in consistency, anyway. you're amazing, of course everyone wants you on their team. i'll catch you on the flipside," he'd tell you something along those lines and just... be gone for the rest of the day.
you tried not to worry so much, but guilt ate away at you sometimes and distracted you. but soon, this routine became more and more commonplace for you two, to the point that it distracted you seldom times when you heard that hobie was okay, he wasn't avoiding you, he was just... off somewhere else, and that much was enough to put you at ease.
you hung around the new people you met more and more often, even when hobie was around. you never meant to replace him, you could never do that; you just had your own life, and hobie... hobie knew. he understood that not every day can be for you two to share together, but honestly, he wished he didn't have to share your attention with these other guys, despite how well they mean, he wanted just you and him together for one more day; one more day, just like how it all was before this new change in routine.
little did hobie know that wish would come true sooner than he thought; for as you two were sent on a mission together, with just you two together, hobie had to admit how much he missed you--how much he wanted for things to be the way they once were. "i know i said i never believed in consistency, labels, and... i don't. but when it comes to you, i just have these thoughts, these thoughts of seeing you smile because of me, feeling your hand in mine after a long fight, getting together to make mischief and getting each other out of it--i really missed that... i missed you."
and you thought you were crazy for hearing that right then and there, because you yourself felt that exact same way. "i... i really missed you, too, hobie." you'd admit, and that was all the admission hobie needed to hear. "if you'll let me, may i... show you just how much i've missed you?" he ask as he brings his hand to your cheek and gazes into your eyes as you become more and more embarrassed about your feelings for him, but so was he when he realized you were, and are, all he ever loved.
you agreed, and in the blink of an eye, his lips were on yours. you felt his piercings, they were cold amidst both of your lips touching each other, but you two fit so well together; you two were each other's missing link, the only one who can right each other's wrongs and make them feel much more... alive.
though you two still refused to give other people any labels when asked about you two--because how was it their business, right?--you two knew just the other meant to you: it was ride or die with you, and only you; nobody else could replace or be the other, you're all he'll ever want, and he's all you could ever hope to love.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @ii01vq @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @fictarian @pixqlsin
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lionizingheathen · 2 years
Domdraco smut please??? I mean maybe with handcuffs and some kinks?
Sure, not a problem.
Draco fucking you while he's on various calls.
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader (featuring a sort of Pansy Parkinson aspect because this was the only ida I had)
Warnings: Smut, D/s, handcuff use, degredation, praising, spanking, hair pulling, name calling, semi-public smut, gagging, video call third party, overstimulation
Smut under the cut
Draco inisiting on fucking you every time he had a conference call was not something you were expected when you started the relationship with him, but it wasn't something that you felt was a bad thing... it simply meant that you were on his desk, legs thrown over his shoulder, handcuffed and gagged as he fucked you hard, on a call with whoever, you didn't even know and you didn't care... expect the gag wasn't working to keep you quiet.
"Hm? No, she's busy right now." He pulled your gag down, clearly it wasn't doing anything. "Shut the hell up, they can hear you. You're such a goddamn whore." He snapped, gripping at your chin as his pace increased. God, how were you meant to be quiet?
"Mmph." You whimpered, and he rolled his eyes, giving you a wary look
"Bet you love it though, the idea that one of them could hear you, that they're touching their cocks while they think about fucking you even though you're mine to use. And only mine." He sighed, and you nodded. Only his, he gave you such a good life.
"Good girl." "Sorry about that, she had a question. Yeah, she'll be coming with on Friday, of course. Yeah, see you then." He looked back down at you, his frustration clear again as his hand closed around your throat. Hard.
"Couldn't even keep quiet for a goddamn conference call, I swear you do it on purpose." He pulled you up by your neck. "Don't you?" You shook your head, clearly not able to speak right now. Who would?
"I asked you a fucking question." Draco snapped, smacking you hard across the face. You shook your head, giving him a frantic look. God, you would tell him anything, you just wanted him to not stop.
"No! Only for you!" You gasped, and Draco rolled his eyes, his hand finding your clit, rubbing it roughly as you tried to wiggle away.
"I don't believe you, I bet you'd love if someone heard us. Bet you'd think about it every time you touch that pretty little cunt." Draco growled, and you shook your head, feeling yourself fall over the edge, or at least begin to.
"No... All yours."
"I fucking know."
"Draco, oh my god..." You whined, feeling like you were going to vibrate out of your skin as you came again. He fucked into you harder, flipping you onto your stomach as his pace increased, both of you gasping at the change of position. Beside your head, his phone vibrated.
"Oh, shit. It's Pansy, she and I are working on a project. Can you be quiet for me? Can you be good?" He asked, and you nodded. You could be good for him... for her... for both of them.
"I'll be so good. Just please keep going, I'm so close." You begged, and Draco chuckled, grabbing his phone from where it was beside your head.
"Okay... Hey, Pans. Mhm. Yeah, I can do that. What?" He asked, and then he leaned forward, his pace slowing down as he spoke, making you let out a high moan.
"She's asking about you." He murmured, and you couldn't even respond. God, this felt too good.
"Yeah, she's in here. I know, nothing quiets her down." Draco sighed, and you pouted. Why was he being so mean?
"Draco..." You gasped, and he tutted, spanking you hard on the ass for talking out of turn.
"Sh, baby. Don't be rude." He continued to talk as though you weren't there. Fuck... "Handcuffs, I had a gag on her while I was on a call but I took it off." He explained, fucking into you lazily, making you whine. God, what the fuck? How does this feel so good?
"Yeah, she's bent over the desk right now, taking my cock. No, I know she just can't shut the hell up, it's embarrassing." Draco paused for a moment making you whine as you tried to fuck back against him, desperate for some friction. "Hm? Let me ask." Draco said, and he leaned down, kissing down your neck before he moved to murmur into your ears.
"Do you mind if I turn on the camera? Say no if you mind, I have no problem telling her that you don't want that." Draco asked, and your eyes were wide open. Pansy? Wanted to watch you? That was a dream come true.
"Please." You said, and he paused, placing a warm hand on your cheek so he could ease your face to look at him, even in the awkward angle. His eyes were soft, gentle. He was genuinely asking.
"Are you sure?" He asked, and you nodded. Yeah. You really really wanted this.
"'M sure." You heard the call change.
"Hey, Pans." Pansy let out a sigh.
"Hello. Y/N, my dear, how are you?" Pansy asked, and you cleared your throat, unable to pick yourself up to look at her. You were sure she looked good, everyone Draco was close to were fucking hot, his friend group was honestly unfairly attractive.
"So good... So good." You whined, and Pansy let out a low whistle at the tone of your voice.
"Oh my god, she sounds fucking wrecked." Pansy groaned, and Draco let out a little chuckle.
"Been fucking her all day. She should." Draco murmured, and Pansy let out a low noise, like a near moan.
"Lift her up, I wanna truly see." He did, holding you up with a hand over your throat. Pansy was seated in her desk chair, one knee pulled to her chest wearing a black button down unbuttoned to the lowest part of her sternum... Fuck, it was unfair. "Jesus Christ." Pansy murmured, and you could see her eyes flitting all over your body even through the screen.
"Like what you see? Take a good look, because you'll never get to touch." You couldn't help it, you pouted at how sure Draco sounded. That would feel so good.
"You're easily persuaded, so we'll see if that stands." Pansy said as you were eased back down on the desk and Draco's rough fucking resumed, pulling a silent gasp out of you.
"I am not."
"There he goes, lying again. Does he lie often, Y/N?" Pansy asked, and you opened your mouth, but no noise came out... he was fucking you too hard for you to be expected to speak right now.
"No... No..." You whined, and Draco chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss between your shoulderblades.
"See, my girl knows I'm honest. Why can't you give me the same benefit of the doubt?" Draco asked, and Pansy snorted. How were they carrying on common conversation when they was happening? That was a skill you'd never thought someone would have.
"Because you're my best friend. I know when you lie.... God, she really does just take anything, huh?" Pansy asked, and you blushed, shaking your head. But that was a lie and you knew it.
"Mhm." Draco pulled you up again, reaching around your body to rub roughly at your clit, making you try to jerk away from him, but it didn't work. He simply got to torture you with pleasure... and he was damn good at it. "Don't you, baby?" He asked, and you nodded. Yeah. Yeah.
"Yes." He tossed you back down on the desk as Pansy let out a little chuckle. You glanced up, knowing by the flush on her cheeks that she was turned on. God, that was so fucking hot.
"Aw, listen to that voice... so pathetic." You squeaked, your vision blurring for a moment as you came around Draco's cock for the millionth time that evening, making you feel like you were going to fall apart. "Is she seriously cumming again?" Pansy asked, sounding bored even though you knew she wasn't. She loved this, you three had gotten close to fucking a few times, but mostly it was just making out, fooling around, but this... this could lead to that dream.
"Yeah, got her so fucked out that she barely even makes a sound at this point... she just lets me use her until I feel she's had enough." Draco said, and you blushed at the way that they continued to talk about you like you weren't even there. Pansy sighed, and you glanced up, seeing the way that she was hungrily staring at you, even if there was a glare on the screen that kept you from seeing all of her... but you saw the dangerous smirk on her red lips, and that gave the rest of her expression away.
"That sounds very lucrative." Pansy said, her voice silky and edged with danger. God, it gave you goosebumps... this had been a fantasy of yours for a while, one you'd discussed with Draco many times... it just felt so good to see it be recognized.
"It is." Draco sighed, and you felt like you should fight back, say something.
"No-." Draco's hand smacked down hard on your ass, which was already sore from this morning, and you yelped. He pulled you up, holding his fingers loosely on the chain of your handcuffs before shoving you back down hard.
"Shut up, baby. I don't wanna have to punish you, you've been so good so far." Draco said, his tone sickeningly sweet. Your knees trembled as you let out a high whine as you thought about his last punishment. He'd tied you to the bed with a vibrator on your clit for hours... it'd been such a sweet torture.
"Seriously, you should let me join you two sometime. Think it would be pretty fun."
"For her, but I won't get anything out of it, aside from watching the two of you... which would be objectively hot, but still." Draco said, his tone surprisingly level considering the pace with which he was fucking you at this point. He should be gasping for air, you knew that you were.
"I can suck a cock too, Malfoy. I just don't want one inside me at the moment." Pansy sighed, and you let your brain wander, thinking about how that would look... God, that would be so fucking hot, watching them fuck each other... it only made you feel more sensitive, like you could cum another time, even though you were feeling frustratingly overstimulated.
"Really?" Draco asked, his voice sounding rough as he pushed you harder into the desk, pounding into you with an increased pace that made any coherent thought simply leave your head. You were here for him to use, that was what you were made for.
"Yeah." Pansy said, sounding amused from Draco's shock.
"Excellent." He said, letting out low grunting pants as he pulled you up by your arms, kissing and biting across your shoulders. You locked eyes with Pansy, and she winked, raising an eyebrow at you. "I'm gonna cum inside you, baby. You ready?" Draco asked, and you nodded, letting him drop you back down onto the desk. He pushed your head down, face flush to the cool desk.
"Please..." You begged, and Pansy let out a full laugh, shifting around in her chair. She should touch herself... you wanted her to, you wanted to see her fall apart.
"Is that all she can say?" Pansy asked, and Draco let out a low chuckled, raking his nails down your damp skin as his thrusts got sloppy. Good.
"She's too fucked for really words." Draco said, letting out a low groan after, thrusting hard once more, stilling inside of you. God, you wanted him to cum, you wanted to feel so good, and that always made you feel so good... "God, there we go... good... fuck..." Draco sighed, his cum filling you, making you gasp as your eyes rolled back in your head. You heard Pansy let out a quiet, astonished chuckle.
"Aw, she takes it so well, doesn't she?" Pansy asked, her voice close to a coo, making you blush even more as Draco drew out of you, his cum dripping down your inner thigh.
"Yeah." Draco said, stepping away, and you groaned. Why were they still teasing you?
"Shut up." You whined, face pressed into the desk as Draco wandered around, gathering the things you often required to feel better. It was sweet of him, and he knew you had someone watching in case something went awry. Pansy, though she was a lofty bitch, still looked out for things that were wrong.
"We should do this again sometime." Pansy said, and you wanted to nod, face still flush and body still melted to the counter, but you couldn't. Though that was the hottest thing Draco had ever done.
"Maybe. We'll see." Draco said from across the room, and you felt chilled to your bone suddenly. You missed his skin, the feeling of him, the smell of him... he needed to come back.
"Right, well... I've got dinner plans, are you two still coming over on Saturday for the party?" Pansy asked, and you nodded, thought she couldn't see it, so Draco responded verbally. Good. He was so good to you.
"We'll be there." Draco promised, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders as he brushed hair out of your face, pressing soft kisses to any skin he could reach.
"Excellent. And Y/N, dear?" Pansy asked, and you lifted your head, still feeling like your feet were hardly on the ground. She looked at you through thick eyelashes, leaning back in her chair. "I'm proud of you. Good job." Pansy said, her smirk and silk tone making you shiver as she ended the call. Draco picked you up, carrying you over to the bed, holding you close, making the world feel a bit less buzzy.
"Are you alright?" He asked, and you nodded. You'd need some care later, but right now this was all you needed.
"Talk later. Rest now." You mumbled against his skin, feeling your eyelids get heavy. God, he'd really worn you out this time... good on him, you'd asked him to.
"Okay, my love. Okay." Draco murmured against your hairline, holding you against his chest.
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fazfacts · 1 year
quotes from "groundhog day" and "happy death day;" feel free to change as needed!
❝ Didn't we do this yesterday? ❞
❝ Don't mess with me. What day is this? ❞
❝ Sorry. I'm having a bad day. ❞
❝ I'm feeling a little strange. ❞
❝ Have you ever had déjà vu? ❞
❝ I've got to talk to you. I think I'm losing my mind. ❞
❝ Can I be serious with you for a minute? ❞
❝ I'm being serious. ❞
❝ I'm having a problem -- no, I may be having a problem. ❞
❝ I'm trying to say that if I was having a problem, just hypothetically, I'd like to know that you're someone I could count on in a crisis. ❞
❝ Just trust me. ❞
❝ I've done it before. ❞
❝ I'm talking about today. I lived it before. ❞
❝ I know it's nuts, but I keep reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ This is the third time. ❞
❝ I'm not making it up. I'm asking for your help. ❞
❝ I'd like you to spend the next 24 hours with me. Don't leave my side for a second. ❞
❝ You're saying this thing is not really happening to me? ❞
❝ Are you saying I'm crazy? ❞
❝ What would you do if there was no tomorrow? ❞
❝ I don't worry about anything anymore. ❞
❝ I have a life wish. I'm just trying to enjoy it. ❞
❝ I know you won't believe me, but we could do anything we want today and it wouldn't matter one bit. ❞
❝ I've already been here for 211 days. ❞
❝ There's got to be more to it than this. ❞
❝ If you only had one day to live, what would you do with it? ❞
❝ I've been planning this day for weeks. ❞
❝ But there is no tomorrow for me! ❞
❝ I can't stand this place anymore! ❞
❝ Just remember, we had a wonderful day together once. ❞
❝ I'm a God. ❞
❝ It's the only explanation. I'm a supernatural human being. ❞
❝ I always wake up the next day without a scratch, without even a headache. I'm telling you, I'm immortal. ❞
❝ I want you to believe in me. ❞
❝ I told you the truth. ❞
❝ In five seconds, there's going to be a grease fire in the kitchen. ❞
❝ Please believe me. You've got to believe me. ❞
❝ It's not that bad. You get used to it. ❞
❝ The worst part is waking up every day. Tomorrow, you won't remember any of this. ❞
❝ It doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. ❞
❝ It's not true. It's not. It can't be true. ❞
❝ You're here! My god! I can't believe you're here! ❞
❝ It's happened! Don't you get it? It's tomorrow! ❞
❝ Did I just dream it? ❞
❝ What day is it? ❞
❝ I'm totally having déjà vu right now. ❞
❝ I'm having a weird day. ❞
❝ This can't be happening...this can't be real! ❞
❝ This is a nightmare. ❞
❝ I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm so confused. ❞
❝ This isn't going to make any sense, but I've already lived through this day. Twice. ❞
❝ I know! It's not possible, but it's happening! I swear to God! ❞
❝ Nobody told me! Don't you see? I know what's going to happen before it happens! ❞
❝ I'm reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ Oh my God...make it stop. Please, make it stop. ❞
❝ Nobody believes me. ❞
❝ I'm sorry. I'm just...going through a lot right now. ❞
❝ I'll explain everything tomorrow...assuming there is one. ❞
❝ No...this can't be happening. This can't be happening! ❞
❝ I don't get what you mean. ❞
❝ I know you're losing it. ❞
❝ What is this? ❞
❝ Are you drunk? ❞
❝ What are you trying to say? ❞
❝ Yesterday? What are you talking about? ❞
❝ You're having déjà vu? ❞
❝ Uh-huh. I'm waiting for the punchline. ❞
❝ I'm racking my brain, but I can't even begin to imagine why you'd make up something like this. ❞
❝ Okay, I'll bite. What do you want me to do? ❞
❝ Have you considered psychiatric help? ❞
❝ I'd say that maybe you're, I don't know, a little delusional. ❞
❝ What makes you so special? ❞
❝ You really do have a death wish, don't you? ❞
❝ That's quite a long time, isn't it? ❞
❝ Is this real, or are you just going to make me look like a fool? ❞
❝ It's sort of like the way I feel about UFOs. I'd have to see it to believe it. ❞
❝ There's something so familiar about this. Do you ever have déjà vu? ❞
❝ Do you really expect me to trust you? ❞
❝ Are you alright? You look terrible. ❞
❝ What are you doing? What are you thinking? ❞
❝ For a minute there, I thought you might be crazy. ❞
❝ Why are you telling me this? ❞
❝ It's not possible. ❞
❝ This is nuts. ❞
❝ Okay, enough. Let's just sit down and think for a second. ❞
❝ How are you doing this? ❞
❝ How did this start? ❞
❝ It sounds so...lonely. ❞
❝ Is this what you do with eternity? ❞
❝ Have we done this before? ❞
❝ Maybe it's not a curse. It all just depends on how you look at it. ❞
❝ Hold it right there. I want to know what's going on and I want to know right now. ❞
❝ This is too much. I must be dreaming. ❞
❝ There's something going on with you. ❞
❝ You must've had some dream. ❞
❝ Wow. Have you been here before? ❞
❝ You were acting really weird this morning. ❞
❝ Just calm down and start from the beginning. ❞
❝ Okay, I get it. Who put you up to this? ❞
❝ You're starting to freak me out. ❞
❝ What's wrong? Are you sick? ❞
❝ Maybe I can help. ❞
❝ You literally think you're reliving the same day? ❞
❝ Come on. You're just messing with me, right? ❞
❝ I'm just trying to work this whole thing out. ❞
❝ I guess it's kinda like that movie, "Groundhog Day," only you're not Bill Murray. ❞
❝ If I were you, I would stop trying to figure out how it's happening and start figuring out why. ❞
❝ There has to be a reason you're stuck in this day. ❞
❝ You probably just had a bad dream. It happens to me whenever I drink too much. ❞
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ladybugsimblr · 10 months
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D-Lo: Before you head out, I really need to talk to you. Bailey: Uh oh. Should I be scared? D-Lo: Ummm maybe?? It’s about Mizuki. Bailey: I don’t want to go there today. Or any day for that matter. D-Lo: I know. I hate to kill the vibe but the doc said it’s not good to keep holding shit inside. Bailey: Doctor?! Damn. Ok umm… give me a minute.
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D-Lo: I don’t know how to say this… Bailey: Deangelo, please don’t tell me you got her pregnant. D-Lo: No! Naaah! NO! Bailey: Ok it can’t be worse than that, so just say it. D-Lo: Mizuki is trying to get out early and she asked for my help. Bailey: Oh. D-Lo: Yeah…
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D-Lo: I said no at first because I didn’t want you to think I was choosing her over you. You and I are finally at a good place and I’m not trying to lose that. But Skye really wants this and you know I would do anything for her. Bailey: I know... D-Lo: And don’t think Skye doesn’t care about you either. You’re her Queen. She loves you, but that’s her mom. Bailey: D, I get it. Believe me. I hate that the kids are separated from their mother. When things started to settle down, that part was really hard for me to deal with. Especially after Rebi was born. I felt like the bad guy, worst fellow Mom ever. Bailey: I still think she deserved to be punished but I just question if I should’ve pushed so hard.
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D-Lo: I think she deserved what she got. She needed to learn a lesson. Bailey: Has she learned it? D-Lo: She says she has but I honestly don’t know. That’s another reason this has been hard. Is being out of jail really the best thing for her or my kids? Bailey: I don’t know that answer either, but don’t let my feelings and issues with Mizuki play a part in your decision. I would never hold it against you or Skye if you decide you want her home.
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D-Lo: Would you ever consider meeting with her and squashing everything? Bailey: Absolutely not. I’m cool with you and the kids but that’s it. I have no interest in talking to her, dealing with her, forgiving her, none of that. Maybe that’s still something I need to work on but not today! D-Lo: Ok I feel you. I’m not even trying to change your mind. As long as you don’t hate me because of her. Bailey: I don’t. Not anymore. D-Lo: Ha! Ok. Bailey: Do what’s best for you and the babies. We're good. I promise. D-Lo: Great.
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Bailey: Speaking of babies, I need to find mine before I go. D-Lo: Speaking of babies, I'm kinda hurt you thought I got her pregnant again. Bailey: I meannnn... It’s not that impossible. D-Lo: I’m a changed sim! Bailey: Mm-hmm. D-Lo: No faith! Sad.
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Bailey: How worried do I have to be about this doctor situation? D-Lo: (Baby mama stressing me, Wifey not wanting my kids around, Not over you, Fame dropping, Dizziot pushing my buttons, Using juice to solve all these problems) I'll be good. I think this therapy thing might actually work. Bailey: Well OK for getting your life together! I support you talking to someone about whatever is going on. And I’m here for you too. D-Lo: I appreciate that. For real.
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trashboatprince · 8 months
For the writing meme aziraphale crowley with "I've got your back, ok?" please?
Sounds good! :D
On with the fic!
"Crowley!" Aziraphale shouted in distress when the addressed demon waltzed into the shop. "Oh, Crowley, I need your help!"
Crowley blinked slowly behind his shades, stopping in his task of heading for the back room. "Uh, what's the matter? Did someone touch one of your first editions with sticky fingers?"
"No, no! It's not that, it's just..." Aziraphale looked antsy, pacing in a small circle. Crowley waited patiently, knowing that it was best to let the angel gather his thoughts before speaking again.
Aziraphale stopped, let out a small breath, then turned to face him, frowning deeply. "I made a mistake."
"A mistake."
"Yes, you see, I tend to schedule things for myself, events for the month, what days some of my favorite restaurants want me to stop by for taste testing, when Maggie wants to have tea with me while we listen to her record collection, all that!"
Crowley nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "Right, well, I noticed my schedule for today at half past two is the auction. You know the one, I was telling you about it."
"The one with those books and manuscripts from the Eastern Mediterranean, yes?"
Aziraphale's pleased smile made Crowley's insides feel like melted butter on fresh bread. "Oh, you were listening! Anyway, yes, well, I had already planned to go to the auction to obtain some of the items, or at least try my hand at getting them. I've got my eyes on a certain manuscript..."
"But I had made a huge mistake! At the exact same time, I'm meant to be dealing with new clientele on this street, and I'm the landlord of the building! I had mistaken the date, I had thought it was next month, but no, it's today, and I can't change it on that young couple. They're looking forward to opening up their bakery of... well..." A blush came over his face for a second. "It certainly fits the spirit of SoHo and its history with adult... enjoyments."
Crowley grinned. "An erotic bakery? Cute. So, what's the problem?"
"I can't cancel on them, the meeting is to be done today so they can get started with renovations for the shop as soon as possible. And the auction is only today, once the sells are done, they're done!"
The demon crossed his arms, tilting his head. "Sooooo... it's either do your job, or go and blow your money on rare goods?"
"You make it sound like a bad thing..."
"No, no, I'm just thinkin' aloud." Crowley rolled his head. "Alright, I'll help. You wanna do the auction and I do the landlord thing?"
Aziraphale's smile could rival the sun's brightness. "Y-you'd do it? Really?"
"'s no problem, angel, I've had to do the landlord thing for you a few times in the past, remember? I think I helped with setting up the lease for that one shop, that music guy, the one that likes Doctor Who. Remember? You had to do that mission in Canada."
"Ah, yes, I remember! Oh, thank you, so much!"
"Eh, don't thank me. I've got your back, okay? Like I always do, just take me to that nice wine bar later tonight in return, yeah?"
"Of course, of course." Aziraphale said, still smiling, before grabbing Crowley's hands, giving them a squeeze. "You are simply the best, Crowley, how can I ever repay you?"
Crowley made a noise with his throat that sounded like a vacuum that sucked up something it shouldn't have. He turned his head away, not wanting to look at that beautiful face. "W-wine bar! That's enough of a thanksssss! Now, go get yourself dolled up, you've got some ancient nerd stuff to purchase."
I dunno why I picked erotic bakery, but it's SoHo, and canonically Aziraphale's shop is right next to an adult shop. Oh, and Mrs. Sandwich works there and we all know what sort of business she runs. :)
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mrsjavierp · 8 months
Where You Belong?
Chapter 7 - Torture
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2,6k
A/N: I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3 Btw, I'm tagging @pedrostories! Babe, let's show'em why we're so much in love for that man!
Obs: Oops, I did a "past x present situation" again, so, anytime you see something written like this, is past. If not, it's just Javi's memory about the night he won't (and can't) forget... And neither can you, reader <3 Let's be honest, how would we forget a night like that?
Narrator's POV:
Javier went to see how Steve was doing, after Connie left.
The apartment was a mess, with empty bottles all over.
If ever Steve were sober, it was before his girls went back to Miami.
He was so depressed... Made Javier think about his family as well, but in a different way: if it was him and Lorraine, would he try to do some or anything?
Steve sniffed and cleared his throat, handing Javier a beer, bringing him back from his thoughts.
"Have you, uh... Had anything to eat in the last 24 hours?" - he asked.
"About Y/LN..." - Steve ignored Javier. - "Do you think she's gonna send me back? Did she say anything?"
"To be honest, I think if she was going to send you back, she'd have done it already. We know she doesn't put up any shit."
Steve sputted.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Do you think I am out?"
"I don't know." - Javier answered.
"Well, I ain't ready to go home yet, Javi. I'll tell ya that." - Steve threw the top from his bottle away. - "Damn it! She's fucking..."
Javier got up, he needed to do some or anything.
"Take a shower. Sober up." - he suggested to the friend. - "I'll get back to you."
Steve sighted, sitting back down.
"Thanks for talking to Y/LN again, man." - Steve thanked, while Javier was driving to their new office. - "I mean that... You saved my ass."
"One more fuck-up, Murphy..."
"Oh, I know." - he responded.
"Is it gonna happen again?" - Javi asked, worried.
"I don't know. I really don't." - Murphy seemed lost in thoughts.
"Let's hope for the sake of our careers that is the first and the last one."
Shortly after they arrive, you show up by helicopter, wearing a black tight suit, heels and sunglasses. Javier was already shivering.
Making an effort to change his focus, he said to Steve:
"Get ready to get your balls snippet." - and they both smirked.
Steve and you sat down at your office, his expression was awful: sad, bitter, hangover.
“So Connie left… You’re upset, knocked a few back to numb the pain and then decided to take it out on some Wall Street pendejo”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Isolated incident?”
“You still don’t trust me? That’s fine. But if I’m gonna have your back, I need to know that I can trust you. Otherwise, I have no problem sending you back to Connie in Miami… Am I making myself clear or do you need a drawing?”
“Loud and clear, Jefe.” - He sighed. 
“Dismissed, Murphy. Go to work.”
He got up and left your office.
He was just a ghost… A resemblance to what he was, when Connie was here. God, you felt sorry for him.
Hours later, you sat down at the bar, close to your office, after all those hours, alone.
You just wanted peace.
So much happened and you also got quite some happening.
Steve and his bullshit, Escobar on the run, Crosby up on your ass...
"A Dry Martini, por favor. Seco." (A Dry Martini, please. Extra dry.) - you order.
"¿Señorita, dry martini? ¿Seco? ¿Estás enferma?" (Miss, dry martini? Extra dry? Are you sick?)
"No, amigo... Soló necesito olvidar algunas cosas." (No, my friend… Just need to forget a few things.)
He knew your drink was a neat scotch, he never saw you drinking any other thing.
You hated how the gin burned while going down your throat. You could almost remember when Javier fucked your throat at the same time you used your vibrator because he wanted to see how you've done by yourself... He convinced you to pick it up at your place because he needed to ruin you, as you did to him...
"Díos mio... I don't wanna remember anymore, please, make it stop..." - you whispered like a secret prayer, closing your eyes.
About 2 hours later, taking off his tie, Javier walked into the same bar.
He sighed, so frustrated, so hurt, so pissed off.
Lorraine just had put the cherry on top: she wanted to leave Laredo to Dallas or Austin, because... He didn't even understand why. She asked for more money, his visit for a few days... The only good thing on that call was his baby boy, Lucas, who your so called wife insisted on calling Luke. Sometimes, he felt a little prejudice from her against his latin origin.
And she demanded again! Javier was trying to delay it, but she was coming on strong at him.
The worst part is… He didn’t care about Lorraine. Not that he ever did in the first place, but… 
In reality, he was just sad... 
Sad that he spent an intimate long night fucking you and... Nothing.
You just disappeared. Left him hanging.
Javier didn't even get to listen to you masturbating anymore.
He asked for a scotch, neat.
Just like he purred to you that night…
Sometime that night, you sat down on the armchair by his bedroom window, lit up your cigar, while he served you a glass of whiskey. You wore nothing but your red panties...
Javier kneeled down, again, for you.
There you were, smelling like your cigars, whiskey, sex... And Javier.
His hands worshiped your figure, opening you for him, again.
"Javier, I'm a little occupied..." - you said to him, almost purring.
"I don't care. I need to touch you. Go ahead with whatever you drink or smoke. It's sexy as fuck."
He loved that your scent was just like his. Make him feel like you belong to him, only him. 
“When I'm done with you, you're gonna smell just like me… Like my come, my perfume, my spit, my sweat… You ruined me, cariño. I'm just returning the favor.”
“You know where you belong, don't you?” - his index and middle fingers entered you again. You moaned. - “You belong with me, cariño. I'm not letting you go.”
“Oh fuck…” - you moan. - “You also smell just like me, Javi…” - his eyes widened, surprised. - “You also smell just like my french perfume, my spit on your dick, my sweat on your skin… My come all over you…” 
You were so distracted you didn't even notice when he walked in and sat across from you.
When he spotted you, Javier went up to you.
"Martini, Y/N? Gotta say, did not see this coming."
"Bite me, Peña." - you responded through your teeth.
"I wish I could, cariño, but you won't let me get near you. I miss you. Don't tell me that you don't remember or you didn't like it." - his mouth came closer to your ear and murmured: - "You came so many times in my mouth that shirt I wore still smells like your cum, even after I washed 3 times already... Wanna know where it is?"
You sighted slowly, catching your breath, eyes closed.
"My bed, cariño. Right where you left your red panties, where you belong. Where you should be." - he continued to whisper in your ear.
"No, not Peña. Call me Javi, babyboy, obedient soldier, anything but as if we were working… We both know that’s not under your obligations."
You looked at him, in pain.
"I-I-I can't. We gotta be a part, Peña."
He hit the bar with his fist.
"Bullshit! You may be an award winning actress, but you can't pretend any of that. I remember it all too well... I remember you telling me that was a fucking dream and you didn't wanna wake up! I remember you melting under my touch..."
You laughed.
"Peña, I quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of you."
"Because it tastes just like you." - aside from the scotch, he smoked cigarettes, not cigars. Your eyes are almost in tears.
He looked at you with those puppy brown eyes.
"Cariño... You don't have to..."
"Yes, Peña. I do... You don't get it, do you?"
"Actually, no, I don't. Enlighten me, then." - Javier responded, rude. He couldn't bear to be hurt one more time. He wanted to be yours and you to be his, only his.
"It was a mistake, Peña. You're overthinking what happened... I... We..." - you didn't know how to say or justify. You were lying and you were such a lousy liar... Javier could see right through you.
"Don't! Don't you dare to continue to say anything like that!" - it was his time to respond through his teeth. - "You don't get to do that! I won't accept these lies! You're not fooling me nor anyone… Days ago you were moaning and coming all over me... Now you want to take it back? News flash, you can't! You can’t change the past, you can’t change the fact that we fucked worse than rabbits, cariño. I told ya, I’m greedy as fuck." - his voice went from pissed to almost cooing at you.
You were feeling awful. Guilty. You shouldn't want Javier so badly, but you wanted.
"Peña, I'm your boss. We've got a job to do. I can't get involved with you, it was a mistake!"
Javier's heart was pounding. You couldn't do that to him.
You tried to get up, but your liquor betrayed you, almost throwing you on the ground, but Javi picked you up before you got hurt.
"Vamos, cariño. I'll take you home, vecina." - he said.
You only cuddled with him, holding up all you could.
Javier helped you get inside, paying attention to what you needed: You needed to eat, to take a shower and lay down, unfortunately, too drunk to do it alone.
First, Javier prepared a bath for you, a warm one.
"Peña, I just dumped you... You don't get to see me naked again." - you said to him, while you were sitting on the closed toilet and he took off your shoes.
He laughed. You were a cute drunk.
"Don't call me Peña. I already told you. Right now, I'm not calling you by 'jefe' or 'Y/LN' either. You're cariño, hermosa or even babygirl."
You began to take off your clothes, while he took off his jacket and folded his sleeves.
"I like cariño, Javi..." - you almost purred. - "I shouldn't. But I do..."
"Good. Cariño will be, Hermosa."
He helped you finish undressing and getting in the tub.
"Oh, it's gooood. Thank you, Javi..."
He remained outside it, just taking care of you, not letting you lay down too much or sleep.
When you finished, he covered you with a towel, leaving you alone for a few minutes to look for some medicine, as hangover prevention, and some food.
A little like him, your fridge only had whiskey, water and a leftover pizza.
You two were more alike than any of you wanted or expected.
He used the oven to heat it, at the same time you put a red and lacy nightgown.
"Oh, fuck, cariño... Had to be this one?" - he asked you, trying not to sound so horny.
"It was this one or none. Pick your poison, Javi."
He sighed. What a fucking brat you were, even drunk as a skunk.
"Sit, please. There you go, eat it. Where do you keep your painkillers?"
"My bedroom..."
"Finish your dinner, cariño. I'm going to give you some, we've got work to do tomorrow, you need to bring your A-game."
"Peña, I always do. Don't mess with me."
He snorted. Feisty one you are, as usual. He liked that about you.
You finished your slice and he took you into bed, made you take your medicine. He didn't lay down, he just sat next to you, observing.
"He never took care of me like that, you know?" - you revealed, almost sleeping.
"Who, cariño?"
"Who's Ben anyway?" - Javier asked, pretending not to be curious, but you were too drunk to notice anything in his voice.
"My ex fiance... A cabrón... Malparido." - you cursed.
"Remind me, cariño, why?"
"You know... All the cheating, all the lying..." - you yawn. - "I'm tired, Javi..."
"Sleep, cariño. Buenas noches, hermosa... I'll bring breakfast tomorrow morning, before we go to the office."
But you slept before he even finished his sentence.
Javier left you safe and sound, at your apartment.
However, he never felt worse.
He wanted to be with you, more than sex. More than he ever wanted to be with any woman. 
The problem is...
He's also a cheating bastard. He also fucked half of Medellin and Bogota.
He doesn't deserve you and he knows it.
Javier doesn't care.
He's not going to give up on you: on the contrary, he's going to solve all that he can before you ever find out...
But how? How is he going to keep Lorraine away? How will he manage his boy's custody?
Too many questions, no answers.
“One problem at the time…” - Javier told himself, crossing the hall and entering his apartment.
He looked around: all in order, but you were missing. He wanted to do it right…
Javier laid on his sofa… But it smelled like both of you. He got up and sat at the table in the kitchen, Lorraine’s letters organized in a box. 
Pandora's box, as he joked sometimes to himself.
“Fuck…” - he cursed. - “How am I going to pull it off?”
Next morning, he knocked on the door, anxious.
The seconds before you opened it felt like hours. He was bringing you breakfast from Mrs. Hernandez's café: arepas with cheese and eggs, mantecada, marquesa and, of course, black colombian coffee.
You open, holding back a smile, wearing a black dress and boots.
"What are you doing here? Something happened?" - you sound surprised.
Javi smiled, coming in as you let.
"Yes, cariño, I told you I would bring breakfast... I don't get the surprise. Wait, you don't remember? You were that drunk?"
"Oh, fuck! I forgot... Sorry, by the way."- you said as Javi entered your home.
He pulled you into his embrace, after putting the food at the table, and held you close, smelling your hair. - "I miss you so much, cariño... Don't push me away, please." - he begged.
You took a deep breath, Javier's scent was so good, so masculine and strong... You miss him too, but how can you manage it all?
You look deep in those puppy eyes.
Fuck, you hate that effect on you.
"Can we talk about it later? I'm very thankful that you brought food and took care of me last night... But things are not that simple. I don't quite remember, I was really drunk. But I do remember that I said I dumped you."
He laughed, stroke your hair.
"Not exactly... But you did reveal a few things, including that you quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of me."
You turn your face away. You felt a stupid girl, alcohol in and truth out. Your own mind betrayed you.
"Oh, fuck. Peña, I... Really, let's eat. After work we can talk, okay?"
He agreed and you both set the table. It was all delicious, he brought everything you like.
"Was Ben at least thoughtful during your hangovers?" - he asked, casually, with a smirk on his lips.
"Peña, what the fuck? How dare you? That's none of your business!" - you screamed towards him.
How and what does Javier know about my ex? - you thought.
"Cariño, you're the one who brought him up last night. I was just curious..."
"Peña, you have no right! Leave my home! Right the fuck NOW!"
"Y/N, what the fuck?! What the hell happened to you from last night to this morning?"
"I got sober, my senses got back to the right place. And you know what? I was only delaying what I was going to say. We're not getting together again. That night was a huge mistake!"
"Your car is in the garage, by the way. Keys in the ignition. See you later, jefe." - he picked up his coffee that was on the travel mug and left your apartment, not looking back.
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pomeloandtv · 1 year
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Are you sure we didn't go too big?
I mean "I"
That's right. Who's decision was it to let me pick?
My decision
That's right, you loved the thought of me being unable to turn away from you, out of mind with lust, didn't you?
And whose idea was it first, to have the augmentation? Mine or yours?
And why did you want to do that?
I'd always been interested, but my boobs started to sag after the baby, and then I wanted to do something about it. And I suggested the idea to you. So much changed after the baby...
That's right, but the hypnosis worked for you, the depression passed, didn't it?
Anyway, so you suggested the boob job first, you wanted this, and you wanted me to pick, so what's the problem?
I'm not sure I wanted this big, they're so heavy...
But now you have an excuse to keep fit, you were never diligent about that before, now you have to keep fit to keep your back strong. So it's good they're heavy, right?
I guess so. But they get in the way...
You love that. You've told me before how hot it can make you feel.
Yeah, but I say that when I'm horny or when I see you notice how big they are. When I'm not horny it can be annoying
Well, it's good that your breasts can make you horny isn't it, so you can enjoy them getting in the way. And remember how your sex drive went away when you were sad after the baby. Isn't it good that it's back, and that you have an extra thing to feel hot about.
It is good that my sex drive is back, but....
And I know you love it when I play with them, I know it must feel great for you, right?
It feels so good
Like now?
Mmmmmm, yeeeaaahhh, mmm
OK, now take that top off, because what I've noticed is how your eyes roll back in your head when I slap them, see?
Nnnnggggggg, oooohhhhh
And I know you love how I describe how fake they are. See how they don't even move like real breasts?
Like big heavy lumps, the shape of the implant distorting, but still there, real breasts would flow like the sea, but look at these "things" bouncing off each other.
It gets you so wet to hear me describe you like an object, doesn't it
oh god, yes, but wait, uhhh, please?
I, uh, I it always goes like this, recently anyway, I get up the courage to talk to you about something and you make me horny and I can't think and then you just decide, I never win anymore, I dunno, since the hypnosis ...
Hold that thought. *clicks fingers*. Ok good. You know how much worse things were during your depression. The hypnosis cured it. Things are different now, but they're better. I'll reinforce that chain of thought for you later, but for now, you were complaining about your big sexy boobs. Wake.
... um? ....
Go on?
Uhhh. Um, I was talking about my big *squeezing* sexy boobs? uhhh, yeah
Complaining, you were complaining about them
Yeah, uh my friends, my sisters, some of them are surprised with how big I went, shocked even. Diane and Bobby want to host a barbecue pool party next month. Diane made me promise I wouldn't wear a bikini. A one piece, high collar at most, she said
She, uh, she didn't say it, but I think she thinks they're obscene, and her boys, well they're teenagers now...
She thinks *you're* obscene? Your friend does?
Well, not me, my breasts.
Can you go to the party without these *slap* melons?
Some friend.
But, everyone was shocked. You told me to lie and tell everyone I was going for a "small D", and then afterwards tell them I got up the courage to ask for what I really wanted at the last minute.
But you know how hot I found that, you did that for me, remember. Are you regretting it?
No, um no, I'm glad. I remember, the month after I healed, we visited everyone, how, much you loved how shocked everyone was, and, yeah it is hot, they never imagined I would do that. I loved it too.
So what's the problem? Why are we talking about this? Do you love your breasts or not?
This isn't going the way I hoped. There's other stuff too?
I'm listening
People just stare all the time, strangers, I, sometimes it is annoying.
Sometimes? Remember before the surgery when we spent the week away, and you wore the inserts the whole time?
You loved how everyone stared.
Yes, but that was a holiday, holidays feel easier, always. Its a different mood to real life. And you were always there, and seeing you be proud, showing me off, you're not always there.
And remember last week in Ikea?
You specifically said to me was how much you loved "being the yummy mummy with the loud heels and the huge rack"
I know, I did, I do.
And remember what I said to you?
You said everyone who wants to look at my tits knows where to find me, they just need to follow the sound of my heels
And then?
And we were in a little mock kitchen and you put your hand down my jeans and fingered me and showed me how wet your finger was *giggles, squeezing boobs*
You love your huge tits
Yeah, I do, but it's still sometimes annoying, when you're not there. People aren't listening to me, or are being too nice...
You've been hot all your life, you're used to people being too nice
Yes, but now, with big boobs they're even nicer. I used to have an idea which people were genuine and which were just being nice because I was hot, but now it is impossible to tell, even people who act uninterested, I'm thinking are they over compensating because of my huge boobs?.
Ok, you're right, before some people were only being nice because of your looks and now even more will be nice because of your looks and boobs. But this is good too
Before, there were times when you could believe one particular person was being sincere. But there was always a chance you would be wrong and trust someone you shouldn't. Now that everyone is being even nicer it is harder for you to distinguish fact from fiction, and you know this, and this means you won't make the mistake to trust someone who you shouldn't
That means I should always assume everyone is treating me different because of my boobs? Is that good?
It means you won't be hurt. *kneading boobs again*. Even when people are disinterested, you should always assume they are over compensating for the effect of your boobs. I'll work on that idea later
What do you mean "work on it later?"
Hold that thought *clicks fingers* You're complaining about your boobs, worried about people being too nice. But you feel like you've lost the argument. None of your points felt as substantive outside your head as inside. You feel so stupid. My arguments always seem so strong and obvious and logical. And now you worry that you are annoying me or boring me. If there is any different argument you haven't said yet, try now so you don't have to start this conversation again later, but you definitely would love to mollify any annoyance I have by getting me to squeeze your boobs again. Wake
I dunno, sometimes they're too much, people are so weird, not trusting anyone, I dunno. I ... it's fine, I, uh, I just needed to vent, I do love them so much, I'm glad you got them. I, one thing, I worry about the effect it might have on our son. Or if we have a daughter. Like, if they're Mom has these enormous fake breasts, and is nearly always showing off cleavage... is that a problem? Am I hurting them?
That's a stupid thing to say
Wha , stupid, I...what, why would you....??
Listen to me
Do you want your children to have a mother who hides who they are, who tries to be a person they are not, who lives a life oppressing herself? Who lives by other peoples standards and not her own? Is that the kind of influence you want to be to them?
No, but, I ... I didn't used to be like this though, things have changed
But you've already told me several times you love it, were you lying?
No! I mean, I ... I'm sorry baby, I'm just feeling funny. I do love everything. I don't want to be a bad influence to our son, you'll see. And you're right. Thank you for explaining it to me, I feel better now.
Cheered up?
Yeah *brave smile*
*big squeeze* You like them huge don't you?
Uhhh, *giggle* yap.
You love being huge for me
*under her breath* I looooooove it
And you know how much I love it that people we don't know who live around here, they all recognise you as the mom with the huge fakes. You make me very happy.
Ok, here, take care of this
Mmmm, I love how hard you are!
*said between squeezing and sucking and biting her tits* You do that to me, your tits do that to me. It's your fault.
I love that I do that to you! Making you so hard so often makes me feel so good!
I know it does, and it makes me happy that you find meaning being my slut
*giggling* yeah, I'm a slut for you. Just tell me what I need to do for you, to be exactly what you need, to make me feel this good, I'll do it
Ha! You'd change for me again, wouldn't you slut?
Uh, wait...
Shhh, lay back so I can absolutely annihilate you
~~~ LATER ~~~
Um, earlier in bed, I, uh, when I said I would change, I meant like, hair or clothes or something, but I don't know if you meant that though
Hold that thought *clicks fingers* You want to ask about what I said about changing, but you already tried to ask me one thing today, and it didn't go well, all your arguments went nowhere. You feel so stupid and weak, better not say anything and feel stupid and weak again. Ask me about your friend Diane. Wake.
Um, uh. Where? Oh, so Diane, um I wanted to talk about her, sometimes I'm so stupid, what did I want to say?
Was it about the barbecue, the bikini.
I don't know. Maybe?
Listen, if she is your friend, she should accept you how you are. If she doesn't want to invite your tits to the party, then she doesn't want to invite you. Talk to her about it. If she can't see reason here, you should think hard about your friendship with her.
But I've known her since middle school!
And I expect she will see sense, but sometimes people change, and if she is no longer someone who supports their friends, I'm not saying ditch her immediately, but you do need to examine your friendship with her. You survived post-natal depression, we, as a family, survived it. You don't need toxic, controlling people in your life, telling you what to do. Do you?
I guess not
And you can always talk to me, you know that, right?
Yes, I know
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✏️Chiaki can pretend to be as disinterested as she likes, it won't change the fact that she was clearly jealous upon learning that Hajime and Mikan once woke up in the same bed together. Speaking of which, did learning of that incident motivate her to be a bit more bold around her precious player-two going forward?
Warning: Lewd Content Below
(thanks for the ✏️, means a lot <3)
“First place again. You really are too good.” Hajime sighed, but not in sadness. Playing games with Chiaki has been his main way to end each night on the island. Though he had to take a small break when he was sick, he's glad to be back in his best friend's room. What could he say? He felt more at home there than anywhere else.
“You've gotten rusty. You sure you aren't still sick?” Chiaki asked. She was currently wearing a onesie that hugged her curves a little too tightly for Hajime’s liking (the thought of another guy seeing his best friend like this made him several different kinds of weird that he didn't want to unpack). So he had to avert his eyes whenever he spoke to her.
“Uh, yeah, I think I'm just not as good as you haha. Mikan gave me the all clear. Should be right as rain.” Unfortunately, if Hajime would look at Chiaki, he'd notice her clear look of jealousy whenever he talked about other girls.
“...she could be wrong.”
“Nurses make mistakes all the time…I think?”
“Oh well, you know Mikan. She's a really good nurse. Not just because she's an ultimate. Plus, she tends to go a little overboard when confirming people's health. She wouldn't even let me sleep by myself.”
“Yeah, she slept in the same hospital bed as me to make sure I didn't have any convulsions while I slept. Was totally embarrassing.” Hajime chuckled to himself as he recalled the story, even blushing a bit. However, Hajime still couldn't see Chiaki's facial expressions, nor explain that his blush was just embarrassment from being babied so much while recovering. As such, he didn't witness Chiaki's absolutely furious stare, and near controller smashing grip. She stood up and stared at the talentless student, determined she needed to make her move before it was too late.
“...but if you're still sick, I need to care for you too, even if I need to sleep with you too.” Chiaki got closer.
“N-no, it's fine, you don't have to do that.” Hajime backed away.
“...is my outfit making you uncomfortable?”
“H-huh. W-what, noooooo?” Hajime struggled to lie as his head was still turned away from his crush friend.
“It's fine Hajime…I've already changed.”
“Thank go-aaaaaaah!” Hajime, for the first time, turned to face her. Unfortunately when he did, Chiaki had already taken off her tight-fit onesie. And put on nothing else! She fully flaunted her naked body in front of him. Her double d cup tits were practically in his face, while her big fuckable ass seated on his leg. “C-chiaki!”
“You've been driving me crazy with your words, mister. So now, I'm going to drive you crazy.”
“C-chiaki…” Hajime's jaw was on the floor. His brain struggled to keep up with his body. She was his best friend. He couldn't.
“C'mon, let's ruin our friendship~”
Fuck it.
[The following morning]
“Oh Chiaki! I didn't know you were with Hajime this early in the morning. Could I speak with him right now?”
“N-no! He's…busy at the moment.”
“Oh, I see. Sorry, I was just checking up on his condition. As a nurse I take my job very seriously.”
“Well I'll tell him tha- oh don't you dare put on that condom!”
“I-I, uh, I said d-don't you dare put down the phone! I-I can tell Hajime anything you tell me…I think?”
“Really? Thank you so much Chiaki!”
“No- FUCK!. S-sorry, I meant no problem.”
“Just please tell him to get at least 9 hours of sleep each night.”
“And to take his medicine once every 6 hours.”
“Yes. Yes yes yes oh fucking yes!”
“A-and make sure he eats primarily hot meals.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh! Yes, more!”
“Wow, you really care about healthcare too Chiaki?” Mikan spoke on the other side of the phone with sparkles in her eyes.
“...I fucking love it~”
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harus-simp · 1 year
Burning fire
-S.Hanbin x reader-
Warning:suggestive (mentions of making out,fingering),fluff
(I'll put a warning were the suggestive part starts so please minors dni)
Author's note: I think I was enjoying this too much opps 🤭
Also my first time writing something suggestive so let's see if you like it :D
Enjoy it ;))
Your facade of a cold person towards sung hanbin will start to break down after a couple of touches and kisses that leave you a burning sensation due to being locked up with him in a cramped room.
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Sung Hanbin. The most popular guy on college, the envy of many. He exceeded at literally everything, his teaching skills were phenomenal, his attention to detail,just name something and he'd just know what to do.
He belonged to the dancing department and was specialised in tutting and wacking,earning a lot of respect from his sunbaes and almost everyone.
His looks weren't ones to mess with as well, he literally earned the title of the college's crush, there wasn't anyone that hadn't fell for his smile and his charms, and that would include you as well. However you wouldn't just admit it directly because you didn't want to seem like you blended with the rest, so you just made this facade where you found him indifferent.
And he definitely noticed this, you both shared some classes and he had been meaning to grow closer to you, however it didn't matter how nice he was, you just pushed him away. And it was starting to get into his nerves, not just because he wanted to be nice, but you were starting to occupy most of his thoughts. He always thought of new ways to get you two closer and to make you notice him.
The smile you dedicated to others, he wanted that for himself as well, the little clapping you did when you got excited over something, he needed to see it directly(oh, he was falling hard I tell you).
But all that would change soon without any of them really knowing what they were getting involved on.
It was a day like any other, hanbin still trying to get you to talk to him and failing miserably, your friends teasing you about the situation (yes they knew your crush on him), yeah nothing new.
As the classes finished you headed quickly to the cafeteria to have lunch with your friends, while they all dedicated you that smug smile you so much hated.
"Still ignoring the pretty boy?"asked seunghwan
"Oh come on guys, leave me alone, I just want to have a normal year"
"By ignoring the love of your life?" junhyeon said while making kissing noises.
Oh my God how annoying could your friends get sometimes?
"Hey look who's coming"pointed out gunwook
As you turned around you saw someone you didn't expect, seok matthew, also part of the popular guys and most importantly, hanbin's closest friend.
"Hey there, is y/n here?"he asked casually
"Yes, I am here"
"Well teacher hoetaek is calling for you"
Jesus christ, you thought it had something to do with hanbin. That was a relieve.
"Alright, thanks"you answered as you headed towards his office
Once you got there you were notified by him that you needed to run a little errand for him, bring stairs from the janitor's closet.
Well perhaps we forgot to mention that you were the first in his class and that's why he always trusted you to do little things for him (and of course you didn't have any problem).
On your way there you felt that someone was watching you, but when you turned around there was literally no one there. Hmm, how weird. But you resumed your walk until you were in front of the door you were told to be.
When you opened it you were about to grab the stairs that were there when a loud voice interrupted your action.
"Please y/n help"
It was none other than hanbin running for his life for God knows what reason, but he seemed really panicked and frustrated. You were completely surprised at his actions, you had never seen him act like that. However you didn't have time to react as he pushed you inside the room and closed the door behind him.
You felt your cheeks get instantly red as he put a finger to shush your mouth, not letting you protest about the situation.
"Sorry about this y/n, but there are this guys that I don't know and they have been chasing after me"he whispered into the dark because the lights were off.
The only thing you could feel was the heat radiating from his body and his touch on your lips.
"It's- it's alright"you muttered out how you could.
When you heard the footsteps get away you felt all the tension on your shoulders go away and so did his.
"Well thank God, I don't know what they want from me tho. Sorry for that"he said
"No, don't worry. Now let's get out of here, i still need to bring this to Mr hoetaek"
But as you tried to opened the door it was stucked, or more like it was locked from the outside.
You tried a couple more times but to no avail.
"Um, hanbin?"
"The door won't open..."
He tried himself but just like your attempts, they were a failure. Now what?
"OMG I think they're coming again" and he put his finger where it was before as you could only stare at nothing.
But this time with his other free hand he turned on the lights as he saw your slightly parted mouth and your almost pleading eyes stare back at him. God you looked stunning just like that, like a pretty doll.
The janitor's room, that was actually pretty small, suddenly felt a little hotter than usual.
You both were starting to fell into each other's charms, but hanbin was the one to take the big step and started to approximate slowly to your mouth, and just before your lips made contact he asked you in the softest voice: "may I?"
You just nodded at him as he took his finger away from you and instead placed his lips on yours, but not with the softness you were expecting, instead desperation and frustration were felt from his quick and rapid pace(not that you were complaining tho).
.......................Minors DNI..........................
He then placed his arms around your hips, squeezing them from time to time making you whimper a little bit at his action as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Then you put them on his hair tugging on some strands a little harshly provoking low grunts to escape from his lips.
He then moved one of his hands to trap you to the door using the remaining one to wrap it around your waist.
The kisses you were sharing were starting to get quicker and deeper, tongues clashing and skin burning.
He then started trailing off kisses through your neck and collarbone sucking and pulling on your skin leaving deep purple marks there. Your soft moans pierced through his ears making him chuckle.
His soft hand starting to roam under your shirt making you feel literal fire. And the other one finding its way under the little skirt you were wearing and that was driving him crazy from just looking at it.
That same hand starting massaging your clit in soft motions making you see literal stars, then he moved aside your panties and started fingering you delicately, like you were the most fragile thing on the world, while he kissed you to keep your loud moans from coming from your pretty mouth.
Once you reached your climax he took out some tissues to clean you a little bit as he separated from you before it escalated into something else, not wanting your first proper interaction to go that far.
........................END OF IT...........................
He rested his forehead against yours as he stared right into your beautiful eyes, a soft smile making its way into his face.
"Y/n..."he breathed heavily.
You just nodded your head softly waiting for his answer as you didn't have the energy to say nothing more
"I've been meaning to do this for a long time now, but you just pushed me away not letting me even talk to you"he said sadly
"I'm really sorry, it's just I like you very much but didn't want to confess it to you"
"And how else where you supposed to see if I corresponded or not?"he teased you
You just hided your face on his chest to avoid the conversation making him giggle in the process.
"Anyways, after classes finish I'll bring you to a real date"
Oh how hard had you fell for this boy and how dizzy he made you feel from his contact, your skin burning from the lingering touches.
At the other side of the door stood a proud matthew thanking his friend from outside the dance department for the little persecution he had prepared for someone to confess, it was getting pretty obvious now and he was growing tired of his friend already so yeah 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ (he's definitely not telling you though hehe)
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thebroccolination · 2 years
i need to know all of your thoughts on the dialogue in THAT last scene PLEASE 🥺
Hi, Anon! :D
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk abut this scene.
Essentially, I put all my thoughts into this fic.
Like………I've rewatched this scene so many times, and the part that keeps stabbing me in the heart is here:
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To me, this just feels like Win's giving so much of himself to Team, and Team probably doesn't have a clue how significant all of this is. Win's breaking the rules, but only for Team. He's older and more experienced, but he's willing to give up control.
Arguably, he wants to.
He's the one everyone else depends on, the one who'll step in to take responsibility for running the resort business because his older brother has no interest.
It's no wonder he'd want someone else to lead for once, but it's incredible that that someone is a first-year he's only known for a few weeks at this point. He's a third-year, and in all that time he's never met someone who interested him so thoroughly he's starting to bend his life around him.
It's not just that they're vers that I love, it's why they are. (Why I think they are.)
Some vers couples just enjoy the physical sensations of being both top and bottom, and it doesn't get any more complicated than that. But with Win, I think part of why he's into it is psychological, too. I think he wants someone he can rely on, and it's beautiful that he chooses Team: someone younger who suffers from sleep problems and possibly anxiety and PTSD.
And it's not like Win's totally clueless about that, either.
He's seen hints of it already because he's been paying very close attention.
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I just love how their relationship is set up in these first two episodes. In the first episode they had a hookup where Win made sure that Team knew what he was doing, where he was, and who he was with. In the second episode they established more concretely that this is something they both want to continue, at least for now, and that Team can stop whenever he wants.
And and and! I wanted to make a whole other post for this but I'll just do it now:
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The sad string music, right? It plays over them making out initially, but y'know where it stops?
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It stops right after Team asks Win if he's done this before: broken the rules and hooked up with people in the locker room after practice. Because Team already knows Win went into the club's files to find out Team's room number to check on him earlier.
Win just puts his forehead on Team's, and it's such a sweet and affectionate gesture when they really, really don't know each other that well yet, but Win's starving for someone to love whether he accepts it about himself or not.
And then my favorite music transfer yet!
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It starts up again when Win kisses Team.
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And then back to forehead stuff. :')
Usually I tend to see a piece of music in a scene as representing one character's emotional state, but I think here it feels more like the music represents their relationship's direction, if that makes sense?
Like, the sad violins are what could have been: if Team hadn't stopped Win and clarified what they're doing, where they stand with each other. If they'd just hooked up again the way they did that first night, without continuing the conversation of what they are to each other, they could have ended up in a much darker, less healthy place.
We get two music changes after we reach what I'm calling Team's song until I find out the official title (it's Prem singing from Team's POV, for anyone who hasn't heard yet). The first change is when Team asks Win directly if he does this a lot, and the second…
Is after Team asks what'll happen if he wants to end whatever they're doing. And I love that Win's staring into his eyes, because I think it shows that he's actually listening, no matter how out-of-it he seems.
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It's only when Win effectively tells him there won't be larger consequences, they'll just stop, that they get the big escalation of the jubilant part of Team's song.
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And I think this just cements Win's whole belief that he's never going to have someone who stays, something that lasts. But the music isn't sad, it's triumphant. Because, I think, they're doing what they should have: Team clarified what they were doing, and Win reassured him that he doesn't have anything to fear from Win himself if he wants to end it.
Almost like Team can be afraid of anyone else, but not him. /excessivecrying
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter twenty
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 2.8k
my masterlist
series masterlist
Topper drives us out to this line of townhouses on the pier, and we climb out of his car. Rafe thanks him and pats him on the shoulder before getting out and helping me out of the backseat.
"I feel like I'm floating right now, this is so weird." I giggle as Rafe throws my backpack over his shoulder and guides me up to the door.
"Yeah, I bet." He says flatly, stopping at the lockbox and entering a code before grabbing the key for the door.
"Where are we?" I ask as he lets us in closing the door behind us and turning on a light.
"Rose is selling this place."
"Oh, cool." I nod, looking around.
"Let's get you to bed, come on.." He says, grabbing my arm to lead me upstairs. I follow quietly, I can tell he's a little mad at me now that we're not in front of people. I thought for a bit that maybe he didn't know about what happened earlier with the gold, but now I'm doubting that again. This panic is starting to sober me up- fast.
"Are you mad at me?" I hear myself asking as we walk into a large bedroom.
"No," He sighs, putting my bag down on the floor. "No, I'm not mad at you, Snowy."
I don't believe him. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I just didn't think to ask what was in the bottle and I thought because he was drinking it was fine-" I ramble on.
"I don't care about that." Rafe interrupts me, and I freeze as he stares me down.
"Oh, okay... I'm sorry." I mumble.
"If you want to talk about this right now we can." He says, almost dauntingly.
"Talk about what?" I ask, hearing JJ's voice in my mind. Deny, Deny, Deny.
Rafe scoffs, shaking his head. "So this is how it's going to be?" He asks, I'm assuming rhetorically. "You're going to lie to me?"
"I'm not lying, Rafe, just tell me what you want to talk about and we'll talk, okay?" I smile softly, trying to calm him down.
"Tell me what is going on with your Poguey friends- what the fuck are you guys doing?" He asks, and I feel my breath hitch in my throat.
"I don't want to lie to you," I say, hearing my voice sounds shaky. "I don't want to lie to you but I can't tell you yet."
"You robbed a drug dealer, Snowy! Are you kidding me? That is something you tell me." Rafe insists, and I can tell he's trying to stay calm. "The same guy who gave me this!" He says, showing me his arm where he has a large burn mark. "I couldn't pay him, and he did this. That's not someone you fuck with!" I stare at his arm for a moment before looking up at him. He sighs as he looks at me, lowering his arms slowly. "Look, like you said, I'm a proactive type of person. We talked about this last night but you're already putting yourself in harms way again!"
"We... I... It's hard to explain- but please, listen to me." I say since he looks like he's about to interrupt me. "I didn't do anything, I was just in the car. He attacked us first. He pulled us over in a ghost car, and held a gun to my head and-" I choke a little on my words. "And I was so scared I didn't want to be alone and I told JJ not to go in, I told him we couldn't retaliate but I didn't want to be alone after that I was so scared, Rafe." I'm crying now as he watches me intently.
"I'll deal with him, okay? Don't be scared of him." Rafe says quickly, stepping closer to me and reaching up to wipe the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. "He won't hurt you." He says, his voice much softer now.
"No... No, now I'm worried about you, don't deal with anything- it was my friends, we'll handle it. We can handle it." I shake my head. "You've got your own problems- bigger problems, and I'm just adding to the list and I don't want to make anything worse for you." I explain as he shakes his head at me.
"It's okay... Hey, look at me, Juliette.." He says, looking into my eyes. "It's okay. I will protect you, okay?"
I nod softly and I hold up my pinky finger to him. He smiles as he links our fingers together, and I press my lips to my hand. He watches and then does the same. "I promise." He says, letting go and wrapping his arms around me.
I nod softly as he plants a kiss on my forehead. "I promise." He mumbles again against my skin, holding me closer as I hug him.
It's only two days later, and I'm waking up to a four am alarm to get up and go fishing with Ward and John B after spending almost the whole time with Rafe. My friends weren't particularly pleased, but we hadn't spent a huge amount of time together since we made our relationship official, even though it has been over a month since we were basically together. I'm honestly a little nervous after what Ward was asking me about the other day, but John B will be there, so really what is the worst that could happen?
I climb out of my new bed, which may be the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in, or maybe I just don't want to get up. I have a quick shower and then get dressed, throwing on a bathing suit under some shorts and a button-up, just drying my hair with a towel when there's a light knock on the door and it opens slightly.
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"Snowy?" John B whispers. "Can I come in?" He asks.
"Yeah," I reply quietly, just buttoning up my shirt.
"You ready to go? We loaded up the Druthers already." He says as he enters and I nod.
"Yeah, as much as I can be." I chuckle, and we both step out into the hall, tiptoeing down the stairs and out the door so we don't wake anyone up.
"So, you know that drug dealer who JJ robbed, Barry?" I ask John B as we walk towards the long dock.
John B laughs. "Yeah, I'm familiar."
"So apparently- here's the tea, so Rafe owes him like a chunk of change, so Barry jumped him and stole his bike, and then Ward found out, paid the guy off, and then kicked Rafe out of the house," I explain. "Isn't that crazy?"
"No way." John B says, looking down at me. "Well, that explains why I haven't heard him sneak into your room in the middle of the night." He shrugs, making me roll my eyes.
"It's not like that." I laugh.
"You didn't tell Rafe though, right?" He asks me.
"No, he doesn't know anything about the gold," I promise him.
"I would say he would be happy to help, but I think Kie would actually take JJ's gun and shoot me if I ever suggested it." I laugh.
"No doubt." John B agrees, "Then probably steal it all, nothing major."
"Hey, I'm his girlfriend. So, we'd play the long game, I would absolutely be all over him forever. Then, once he's in love with me and asks me to marry him five years down the line, I get into the account and Venmo all of you guys one hundred mill." I joke and John B laughs as well.
"Yeah, that's a good plan B, Snowy." He says as we approach the boat.
"Good morning, Mr. Cameron." I wave as he reaches out for my hand to help me on the massive boat.
"Snowy, come on, you're family now. Call me Ward."
Ward decides we should go out to a different spot than John B suggests, that won't be as busy; Swansboro Hole. I don't know a lot about fishing, since my dad is a contractor and when the boys take me I'm usually there for the entertainment value of talking the entire time, so I trust their judgment. It seems Ward understands this as well, so I am mostly sitting and enjoying the weather, just chatting with the two of them while they fish.
"We picked a good one, didn't we?" Ward asks, sitting next to me.
"Sure did." John B nods.
"Definitely, it's beautiful out today." I agree with a smile.
"Hey, John B, hit me again," Ward says, handing him his glass. "Maybe, actually, hold the grapefruit juice on this one. Let's get this day on its feet."
John B nods and pours the drink out for him. "You know what? Pour one for Snowy and yourself too."
"Sir, I'm seventeen." I laugh slightly.
"Only because you have an early birthday- we were born the same year." John B laughs at me.
"I know, I know. It's okay guys, just one drink. We're practically in international waters." Ward insists, taking the glass from John B before he pours out two more and handing one to me.
I take it and take a sip, cringing a little at the taste.
"See, I don't know if you know this, John B, but you are fishing with a Grand Knight of the Rhododendron. Snowy knows, of course since she was there, but do you guys know what that really means?" Ward starts, and we both shake our heads.
"It doesn't seem like a big deal to you guys, sure, but to me, it is, because it means I'm a trusted member of this community. That means a lot to me. Trust." He explains, and John B and I make brief eye contact, nervous about where this is going.
"Absolutely." John B agrees with him and I nod.
Ward raises his glass, "Here's to trust." He smiles.
"To trust." We both smile, clinking the three of our glasses together before taking a drink.
"Okay, I've got one more," Ward says, sitting up straighter. "I hear your girlfriend is pretty nice." He says to John B, who nods.
"To Sarah." John B says, holding his glass back up.
"And, to Snowy- for helping me tame my son." Ward adds and I smile politely, nodding and knocking my glass with theirs one more time. He really is not Rafe's biggest fan- if his toast to him is actually to me for taking on some sort of burden by dating him. He has no right to treat Rafe the way he does.
About an hour passes after this, and I'm still sunbathing while they try and fish, but I don't think there's been a single bite. They're talking about something, and then my attention is drawn when John B mentions his father.
"That's what my dad used to say."
"John B, Snowy, I want to be real honest with you right now," Ward says, and I sit up a little to watch and listen. "And I'm gonna ask you to do the same for me." He looks back at me and I nod.
"Okay." John B agrees, but I can see he's nervous.
"First thing I have to do is apologize to you."
"For what?" John B asks, now confused.
"I told you to stop looking for the Royal Merchant Gold," He pauses, and I freeze, looking at John B who avoids eye contact with me to remain calm. "And you didn't."
Ward looks between the two of us. "And god damn it, you kids found it!" He chuckles.
John B laughs a little and shakes his head. "I wish." Okay, we're sticking with our plan- deny, deny, deny.
"You guys can play it like that if you want, I won't force your hand- but I know that you did."
"Yeah.." John B admits and I look at him shocked. I think my best move is just to stay quiet.
"And it's amazing! Sincerely, it's unbelievable." Ward laughs, looking over at me for a second. "One hundred and fifty years people have been looking for that goddamn gold. None of 'em could find it- but you guys did. But here's the thing, kids, finding the gold is where your fun ends. And this is where all your problems begin. Ones you haven't even probably thought of, like excavating it." He explains. We already have a plan, but I'm not about to tell him that.
"You're probably trying now, but if it's in water, how do you get it up? If it's on land, on someone's property, what if they catch you trying to take it? Because that's theft. Jesus, kids, we are talkin' a massive amount of gold. You're sixteen, how are you going to transport it? How are you going to turn it into something in your bank account that you can spend?"
John B and I look at each other, more nervous now. Ward is kind of right, but I know that we would figure it out. We always do.
"What I'm saying, all these difficulties, you guys are in way over your heads. You need someone to be able to help you with the legalities of it, and that's where I come in. I can make all those problems go away. We can work out an equitable split, since I know your friends helped you we will cut them in too. Let's do this together."
"Uh... well..." I start to talk, but I'm cut off.
"Don't be so nervous, okay? I'm just here to help you. You just have to trust me." Ward says to me, looking back at John B. "What do you say?"
"I still don't know what you're talking about." John B says, trying again to deny it.
"Okay, John, we can play it that way, but I think you'll quickly realize that there's really no other choice. I know you have it and that you've had a little taste of it." Ward's tone starts to darken- he's definitely not giving us a choice. As he bickers at John B, I look around for some kind of escape. We're in the middle of the ocean, alone. I spot the jetski, and by the looks of it, that's our only option right now. I'm torn out of my planning when I hear John B raise his voice.
"How do you know about Redfield?" He asks, sounding angry and confused. Ward looks shocked, and while he recovers I quietly get up and sneak inside, looking around for something- anything, that can help us out of this situation. I look out the window and see John B climbing up to the top deck, and then we lurch forward as he starts to drive us away. At least we had the same plan. I duck down as I see Ward approaching the ladder as well, and watch as he spots a gaff hook, picking it up as he climbs up the ladder. "Shit, shit, shit.." I mumble to myself, looking around more frantically now.
I hear yelling on the deck above me, and banging as I assume they're fighting now. I start digging through drawers, out of sheer panic, hoping to find anything that could help- I'll know when I see it. My hand lands on something stiff under some papers, and I lift it up. I get the same rush of adrenaline I had when we all realized John B got the gold- it's his father's compass. I shove the compass into my pocket and continue looking. I pull up some couch cushions and dig into the storage there, pulling out a speargun. I sigh to myself as I turn it in my hand. Am I about to use a speargun to threaten my boyfriend's dad? If I have to. I'm standing there thinking when I hear the sound of something falling off the top deck in front of the door, and I see it's John B.
"Holy shit- holy shit John B are you okay?" I ask, now panicked.
"I'm fine- I'm fine, give me that." John B takes it from me and loads it, just as Ward slides the door open.
"Stay right there!" John B yells, pointing the speargun at him and I step behind him to hide. "Don't move!"
Ward instantly throws the gaff at us and I scream as we both duck down, and the speargun accidentally fires into the wall beside Ward. I run back and down the stairs behind me and Ward runs at us. I'm trying every door in the hall downstairs, and John B comes down right after me, pushing me to the door at the end. "Here, this way." He says frantically, and we run in and look around for a second after locking the door behind us. We both spot the ceiling light at the same time, and John B instantly pushes it open. We climb out onto the deck and instantly get to work on moving the jetski over the water.
"Snowy, get on, get on it now!" John B shouts, and I quickly do what he says, climbing on while it's being lifted off the boat and over the water.
I look up and see Ward on the top deck, aiming the spear gun right at me. I'm frozen. Just then, John B jumps on in front of me and pulls the lever to drop the jetski, right as Ward fires into the water behind where I was previously hovering. Ward Cameron just tried to kill us. Rafe's dad actually just tried to kill me.
taglist: @boo22sstuff @madelynie (message me or reply if you want to be added!!)
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plaindangan · 4 days
Sexy club asks: The gift giving club was supposed to be a club where the three games protags could find time to relax with all the panic of their daily lives. But recently, all they seem to do is tell stories about how chaotic their lives are due to some horny babes (even from outside of their class)!
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
Ah, the gift giving club.
President: Makoto Naegi
Vice President: Hajime Hinata
Treasurer: Shuichi Saihara
A club exclusively for those who give gifts out on a near daily basis, meaning it was a place just for them. I mean, Kaede qualified as well, but given its main purpose as a designated break room - they were sort of holding off on adding any more people just yet.
Especially, given their experiences with women recently.
Makoto sighed and was the first to speak up. "Rough week for you guys too?"
"Fucking Hell you wouldn't believe it..."
Makoto pointed towards Shuichi. "You go first. I heard you were having some problems at your agency recently? With new hires?"
The emo detective's face flushed pink.
"...You could say that."
"M-maaahiiiruuuu~ I...I need to focus on on the case~" moaned Shuichi. It was dead at night and Shuichi would have been trying to collect evidence on a recent burglary. Mahiru had joined his agency, usually using her talent to take photos of the crime scene before he got to work...
But, now seems to solely focuses on jerking of Shuichi through his pants instead. "Q-quiet!! This is just...yeah! To clear your mind!! Just clearing your mind before we start. Just...relax~ Relax and focus on cumming for Big Si-erm! I-I mean, cumming so you can be in a calm state when investigating~"
"Oh, is Shuichi getting nervous? That's no good. Here...you can use these to steady yourself! I...I have been eating more of Hina's donuts to make them softer and, a-ah, bigger. T-to help provide immediate on-site comfort, of course!! It's all for the sake of the investigation!! So...please, indulge yourself~" Entering the room was Sakura Ogami. Needing some extra change for herself, Sakura joined Shuichi's agency to be a bodyguard for his crime scenes and organization itself. She had came inside for a break - overheard sounds of a thick cock being pumped - and just had to see for herself. Ignoring the brief jealousy against Mahiru for such boldness, she upped the ante by pulling down her shirt to flash her sweaty, incredibly milky boobs to Shuichi's face. Before promptly pulling his face in-between them.
Yeah, safe to say, not much work got done that day~
"God, yeah that sounds...rough." Hajime agreed, before a hand went to his head. "Reminds me of the situation I'm in right now..."
All Hajime wanted to do...
Was just in the library and read.
This was not reading!!!!
At the moment, Hajime was in the very back of the library, pants down and cock being ferociously sucked off. And by whom? Why it was none other than the de facto librarian herself, Toko Fukawa, who looking so lost in his sweaty, salty, meat. She dragged him there to tackle a 'noise complaint' (blatant lies)...in her own way~
"T-tookooooo!! D-damn it, I-I...I just wanna-ghhhh!!" He started, but a nother lick from her slimy tongue had him cringe in pleasure and stopped in his tracks.
"Keep this going?~ Why a-a-aren't you a c-cute l-little stud!!! Or rather, big stud?~ Eheheehe~ Sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurpppp! God, you taste amazing!! I wish I had 'her' tongue for this moment to savor this better!!" she wished before going back to bobbing his head on his meat stick.
Well...least no one else could see thi-
"GASP!!! H-hajimeeee!!! I-I knew it! I knew you were a degenerate!!!! I thought maybe a Reserve Course student would be different, but you clearly are just as much scum as the filthy men in this course as well!! I'll punish you!!!" Oh God, no. It was Tenko. For a moment, as the martial artist hovered over him, he thought she was going to kick his face in. However, instead, she not only dropped her skirt and panties, she sat down right on his face.
Smothering him with his fatty globes until Hajime eventually passed out from it...and from cumming his balls out down Toko's throat.
"T-tenko and Toko together...that's a deadly combo." Shuichi said, patting Hajime on the back. Though, now both Shuichi and Hajime were curious.
"So, Makoto, what did you face?"
With his face bright scarlet, the luckster pressed his fingers together.
"C'mon, Makoto, this is a collab of a century!!! Just picture it!!! Your club of plain audience surrogates molds itself under me to create a proper Plain People Club! An audience for ordinary people, by ordinary people and empowers even more plainers like us!! It'd be amazing!! And do you know the best part?" Tsumugi smirked and with sudden force squeeze her tits together. Tits that had been jerking off Makoto for the past hour and having in a state of extreme pleasure. "I can do this...whenever you want~ So, what do you say?"
"Aaaaaaahh.....I-I....o-ohhh...." Makoto groaned, trying desperately not to give in. Knowing that the Hope of a sanctuary rest upon him to not be taken in by Tsumugi's words...or her phat tits!!! Though he really was about to cum...when Hiyoko burst into the room.
"HEY!!! Fuck off nerd!!!" With a mighty bump from her thicc hips, Hiyoko pushed Tsumugi away before smirking darkly at the wet cock in front of her. Turning around she flashed her mega thicc moneymaker at Makoto before plopping right on down his twitchy member.
"Teeheehee~ Please, forget that blue bitch!!! What you really wanna do is get you and all those losers in your silly club onto MY club to start it up!! The Domination Protection Club!! You lame-o's give me cash and I use that to keep you all off every other bully's menu? Seems like a fair deal, riiiight?~ Plus...you get this as a reward for each payment threshold you meet!!" Hiyoko said, grinding her soft cake onto Makoto's dick, taking pride in how close he was to cumming and selling the club's soul-!!!
"--But then Tsumugi tackled her off me. While they were fighting, I managed to sneak away." Both other guys looked at Makoto incredulously and with the deepest of sympathies.
"God, that sounds tiring...but at least we're safe here." Hajime said, sighing and leaning back in his chair.
Shuichi nodded, smiling and giving a thumbs up. "Yeah, it's just us for the next hour."
With his two friends in good spirits, Makoto couldn't help but give a reassuring nod. "Yep!! It's just our time at last to catch our breaths and-"
Who...who was at the door? All three made their way to the door window...and their face paled. All six mentioned women were at the door. All six looking incredibly horny. All six more than capable of finding a way in there.
The boys cocks twitched in fear and excitement.
Yeah, they wouldn't be safe at all~
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heinzpilsner · 6 months
Tadadada! Here's the epilogue to my 'Overanalyzing beach Maiko' series.
Firstly, let's list some main conclusion theses:
1) Mai became interested in Zuko's problems after he directly mentioned his scar and his relationship with Ozai for the first time, so her final change of attitude does make some sense.
2) The basis for Zuko's irrational jealousy was Mai's annoyed facial expression after he criticized Ruon-Jian.
3) The context of Zuko's jealousy rampage actually leaves a loophole for not-possessive interpretation (yay).
4) Despite how badly Zuko screwed up, Mai somehow managed to screw up even more (yep, still sounds contr-intuitive).
5) Mai actually expresses herself all the time and her "childhood trauma" is a big bullshit.
6) Apart from his inner crisis, Zuko has to fix many problematic attitudes and personality settings before he'll become a decent romantic partner for anyone.
7) So does Mai.
Something like this.
And now, a bit of old good boring and inaccurate psychology lecture mistake correction.
I think that I misinterpreted Zuko's side of "bring me food" scene, actually. You see, I saw it as conscious submission in order to avoid conflict with Mai, but...
It actually looks more like Zuko genuinely didn't realize that Mai's demand was not okay. He wasn't exactly eager to please her*, but he also didn't see her attitude towards him as problematic.
(*Not catching Mai's "I'm hungry" initial hint is kind of an indicator of Zuko's cool-off towards her. I mean, acts of service is his typical way of showing affection, which makes his sudden cluelesness pretty notable.)
Basically, Mai and Zuko in this scene demonstrate opposite facets of locus of control problem. Simply put, they both believe that Zuko is responsible for something he really isn't - in this case, satisfying Mai's hunger.
Later, though, it's Zuko who believes Mai owes him something - namely, to give him affection and meet his emotional needs. In his head, he gives responsibility for his emotional well-being to Mai and scolds her when she "ignores her duty" by not being "passionate" enough.
(But while Mai doesn't owe Zuko anything formally, she made a mistake of severely underestimating Zuko's contribution into relationship and his real value for her. This resulted in her coldness and lack of gratitude in response to his affection, which is quite a big relationship screw-up.)
Okaaay, and with that part out of the way, it's time for my final personal reflections.
In general, I have no doubts I made lots of other mistakes during my analysis. I tried my best, but to dissect relationship conflicts correctly, you need to have good feeling of personal boundaries and empathy of your own. And... Well. It's not exactly my forte.
I compensate for some things with theoretical knowledge, but my mind is a mess, so... Yep.
I feel like I have to go and read more psychological theory after this.
Also, I kinda tried to do an entertainment out of this, and roasting format doesn't exactly mix good with being objective. So, yep. It seems I got some kind of useless Frankenstein monster in the end, lol.
And finally... Perhaps I had to make it clear much earlier, but...
I have nothing against Maiko shippers or Mai fans. Ta-da!
I'm sure they have a lot against me now though, pffft.
I realize what I wasn't exactly restrained in my roasting, so it's natural for you to dislike me. But my goal wasn't to tell you what your preferences are inadequate or something. I mean, I myself ship much more toxic problematic shit (and have a weak spot for all sorts of flawed characters). It isn't supposed to be about being rational. You like it, I don't, it's ok.
Dunno, maybe someone needed to hear this.
That's all, I guess. If you were reading this series - thanks for your attention. Despite everything, it was a rather interesting experience for me, and I hope you found something useful for yourself too.
I wonder what I should analyse next >:D
I ignore all notifications, but maybe I'll make an exception soon. Ta-da! What a cliffhanger.
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girlwiththepapatattoo · 7 months
The Unlikely Similarities Between Kittens and Vampires, Chapter 22
Warnings: angst heavy, mentions of torture, fear, arguing, Astarion being himself
Summary: Trust is hard won.
Notes: An angsty one today, folks, but they make up for it in the end. I'll fully admit, the editing on this one was a bit half-assed (going through some health issues yet again), so if anything stands out to you, feel free to point it out! <3 -D
Read on ao3 here!
Previous chapter | First chapter
Stopping just outside their room door, Astarion takes a moment to just listen. 
And he hears nothing. 
Granted, he’s not totally sure what form her anger would take-she’s not angry often. Or at least, she’s not angry outside of dealing with assholes they’re trying to kill, anyway. 
Would her anger be a soft, silent, tense thing? Pursed lips and doing tasks a little more forcefully than strictly needed, curt words and eyes darting anywhere but at him? (Like with Nere, he thinks.) 
Or would it be a storm this time, shouting and throwing the most breakable items she could get her hands on? 
He almost snorts out loud. No, that last one isn’t like his kitten. Still, he hates it when she’s mad at him. It makes his guts all squirmy. 
Taking a deep breath, he opens the door and steps inside. 
His eyes immediately find the small black cat curled up on one of the pillows on the bed. Sighing softly as he closes the door, he pulls his boots off and crosses the room, climbing onto the mattress and sitting with his back against the wall. “You’re not yelling, so I’ll take it.” 
His tadpole wriggles faintly, and her voice filters into his mind. No point.
“Oh? Why’s that?” he asks softly. 
Because it won’t change anything.
His brow furrows. “What does that mean?” 
She’s quiet a long moment. Then, she sits up, her hazel eyes staring up at him as she makes nervous biscuits on the pillow. When I first got up here, I was so angry. I remember after we met Raphael for the first time, you were proud of me for turning down his offer. I thought that meant that you didn’t want anything to do with what he could offer us. But down there…my first thought was of how hypocritical you seemed. You wouldn’t take the offer when we all benefitted, but if it’s just you, no problem? 
He can’t help a wince. “Darling, I-” 
No, please let me finish. 
He falls silent, lips pursed, watching her as she stares at him. 
Then I realized that you’ve probably been thinking about asking him about your scars since we met him. He’s a devil who deals in contracts; if anyone would know what yours is for, it would be him. 
“...you’re not wrong,” he says slowly. 
I get it. I really do. Your reasoning makes sense. But you…you never told me. You never mentioned once that you wanted to do that, to try and make a deal for that. Why? 
Guilt is roiling in his veins. “You have so much already on your plate, kitten, I didn’t want to add to your worries.” 
Her eyes narrow. Some of the scruff on the back of her neck rises. So instead, you keep me in the dark and then spring it on me? You think that’s any better? Don’t bullshit me, Astarion. The reason you didn’t tell me was because you were worried I would have tried to talk you out of it.
“Wouldn’t you have?” he replies, crossing his arms. “You’re not exactly the kind for taking the choice that’s anything less than good.” 
Her look turns into a full-on glare. And I’ve told you why that is! Back in the forest, weeks ago, I told you why I do my best to stay kind!
“Yes, you did, and trust me when I say it’s one of the things I admire about you,” he all but spits. “But not all of us have that luxury! Not every choice is going to have a good outcome!” 
You really think I don’t get that?! Once again, being kind doesn’t mean I’m naive! I’ve seen my share of shit living in Baldur’s Gate. But the right and wrong of your decision isn’t the gods-damned point! 
“Then what is?!” he snaps. 
Her form ripples, and in a blink Sable is herself before him, eyes overbright with tears and a deep, aching sadness. “The point,” she whispers thickly, “is that you don’t trust me enough to tell me about your plans.” His eyes widen. “You don’t trust me to have your back, no matter what I think of your choices. After everything that’s happened so far, you still don’t trust me.”
He stares at her; a tear streaks down her cheek, and she dashes it away. “I…kitten, I…of course I-” 
“Don’t. Don’t keep trying to bullshit me, Astarion,” she says, her voice small. “Because I get it. After two hundred years of being tortured, I wouldn’t trust easily either. But…you’ve gotta learn how to trust people again. Or else, when all of this is over, you’ll end up completely alone.” 
He stares at her. His lips part, but no words come out. She’s not wrong, but he can’t force himself to say out loud that she’s right. Because where would that leave him? Taking the plunge into trusting someone like that terrifies him to the point of…of…
But that’s it, isn’t it? He can’t speak…but he could feel. 
Which means so could she.
His hand shoots out, cupping around the back of her head, and he pulls her to him. He pushes his forehead against hers, and pushes into her mind through their tadpole link. 
His name cuts off with a gasp as sensations flood into her. 
If I follow his orders he says he’ll give me fresh rat tonight but if I fail he’ll flay open my chest again but the last time he said that he changed his mind and flayed me anyway just because he felt like it. The remembered misery of his skin being cut off in strips makes Sable choke and writhe on his lap. Can’t know which one he’ll pick but I can’t disobey either. Can’t trust anyone in this house not to turn me over to him if I disobey about anything, and no one can trust me because I’d do the same. The only thing I can trust is that there’ll be pain pain pain pain PAIN-
She shrieks as the agony of centuries of torment and torture is pushed into her mind, and she breaks away, slamming the mental connection shut and throwing herself off his lap. She all but cowers in the corner, curling up trembling and covering her head with her arms. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry,” she gasps over and over. 
“Words are so easy, aren’t they?” he sneers, rage and terror and guilt, so much guilt, warring within him. And the guilt just pisses him off more. He stands, staring at her, his hands balling into fists by his sides. “You can tell someone what to do until you’re blue in the fucking face, but actually doing it?” He shakes his head, and he gestures to his chest. “I want to trust you, Sable! More than anything, I want to trust you. You’re the first person in two hundred years at least that I’ve let in at all! I’m so sorry if my progress isn’t fast enough for your liking!” 
He storms out, slamming the door behind him. But he doesn’t make it far enough away before his enhanced hearing picks up his kitten bursting into tears. 
The cool night air stirs the ends of Sable’s hair, cools her overheated face and sore eyes. She sits on the edge of a balcony, her legs through the rungs of the railing, her forehead pressed to one. Even though it’s the middle of the night at this point, she can hear various Harpers moving around, working on various tasks. 
But Sable just stares off into the dark, not really seeing anything. She can’t stop replaying what happened earlier, over and over, in her mind. She feels awful. Guilt writhes in her guts, in her veins, like snakes through burrows. 
He probably hates me now, she thinks miserably, closing her eyes. And I don’t blame him. I knew he’d suffered, but I didn’t know it was that bad…He never let on that it was that bad…
She’s not sure how long she sits there, how long she wallows in her pain. Eventually, a voice cuts through her thoughts. “Why are you not asleep?” Jaheira. “You have much to do tomorrow.” 
She turns to look at her, and the older woman stops dead in surprise. Red eyes holding an aching sadness, tear tracks, blotchy, flushed face under the freckles…”S-Sorry, Jaheria, I-I don’t think I’ll be sleeping.” 
“Little one, what has happened?” Jaheira asks, quickly coming over to sit beside her. 
Sable’s chin trembles as she fights not to try again as her all-but-adopted mother gently rubs her back. Slowly, the story comes out, from the time that she met Astarion until now. “...and I-I’m just a fucking idiot to say something like that to him,” she sobs. 
Jaheira sighs heavily, wrapping her arms around the young elf. “Oh, my child…you’ve chosen to give your heart to an incredibly complicated man. Anyone involved with Szarr knows nothing but pain and despair. They must fight and plot and scheme just to avoid worse than they already get. A man like your Astarion, after so much time under that yoke, would have all but forgotten how to love.” 
Sable shakes her head, pulling back and looking earnestly up into the older druid’s eyes. “He can. He can! I’ve seen it! He wants so much to heal. But it’s going to take more time than what he’s had so far and I…I pushed him. I pushed him on it instead of letting things go at his pace and…and…” 
Jaheira’s eyebrow raises. “You may have pushed him, but he’s trying to make a deal with a devil. You are only trying to protect him from that.” 
“I know…I know, but…” She swallows thickly. “But what he chooses to do should be his choice. I don’t have the right to take that away from him.” 
“You’re not wrong, my smart child,” the Harper leader says fondly. “People must be free to make their own choices, even if the consequences will later bite them in the arse.” She brushes a fond kiss over Sable’s hair. “Your heart was in the right place, though, and that matters. I think he was much too harsh on you.” 
Sable thinks about it, and she shakes her head. “I don’t think so. What he’s been through…it honestly can’t be described.” She shivers, remembering the pain pushed through their connection. “Without the tadpoles, no one else can really know what he’s been through. But I felt it. I…” She shudders, hard, words locked behind a sudden lump in her throat. 
Jaheira gently shushes her, stroking her hair. “I believe you, my child. I can only begin to guess what horrors Szarr put him through.” She pauses, looking down at the younger druid. “The question now is, what do you want to do?” 
Sable sighs, rubbing absently at the tear tracks dried onto her face. “I don’t know. I want to talk to him, to apologize, but…” 
“Ah, there you are.” Both women turn their heads to see Astarion standing there, a very small smile on his lips but his eyes wary. “You weren’t in our room anymore. I…” His eyes widen when he sees the state Sable is in, and he drops his gaze. “I’m…well. I’ll leave you be.” 
“No, you stay. I was just going.” Jaheira gives Sable a gently stern look, then stands and walks inside. As she passes Astarion, she gives him a similar look, before disappearing into the inn. 
Astarion swallows as Sable scrambles to her feet. The vampire approaches, slowly, stepping up beside her but looking out over the river. “I was…worried when I couldn’t find you. I thought I’d scared you off for good.” 
Her breath catches, and she shakes her head. “No. You…y-you won’t get rid of me that easily.” 
He barks a humorless laugh. “You thought that was easy? You’re either brave or stupid. Possibly both.” 
She smiles faintly. “Probably both.” His lips curve, unable to help the fond look. It’s quiet for a bit, the two looking out over the water, at the shield protecting this place from the darkness. “...Astarion. I’m so sorry,” she finally whispers. Her hands tighten around the railing. “You’re free to make your own choices. And while I’m also free to tell you exactly what I think about those choices, I want…I want to be there for you. No matter what you choose. It’s like…when we were in the Underdark, and you told me that having someone around to tell you the unsavory options is important. Well, the opposite is true too. But…” She swallows thickly. “But I went about it really badly. I’m so sorry for making you think you weren’t healing fast enough. That isn’t what I thought at all! The fact that you’ve let me in-” 
“Sable.” She turns her head to look up at him, just in time for his lips to press gently to hers. This kiss is tender, gentle in a way he’s never been. It’s almost chaste in a way his kisses never are. She shudders, and she’s not sure why. Relief, maybe? Relief that he doesn’t hate her. 
He pulls away, and he smiles when she leans forward, almost chasing his lips. His fingers travel softly over her jaw. “Apology accepted. I’m sorry too. I never should have shown you.” 
She shakes her head. “No, I…in a weird way, Astarion, I’m glad you did. Because I understand you better now.” 
“...still. I never want to hurt you like that. Most people I don’t give two shits about. But you…” His eyes soften, depthless crimson pools. “I’d burn the world for you.” 
She smiles, offering him her hand. “How about you help me save it instead?” 
He blinks at her, before he laughs and takes her hand, lacing their fingers together. “Oh, I suppose. A lot less fun, honestly, but since it’s you asking…” 
She smothers a giggle, and she lays her head on his shoulder, feeling the weight lifting from her chest. She hasn’t said half the things that she wants to, but…she has a feeling he understands. 
“You know, I think we’re good for each other in that way,” he murmurs, his thumb rubbing softly over the inner edge of her hand. 
“Hm?” she replies, her eyes closed, exhaustion beginning to set in. 
“About choices. Seeing all sides of a problem.” 
Sable smiles. “Will you be the devil on my shoulder, Astarion?”
He grins, pressing his lips to her forehead before answering, “Only if you’ll be the celestial on mine.” 
She laughs and wraps her arms around him. “Deal.”
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