#if one day i have the gains i will just walk around my house **being** him
bbqhooligan · 7 months
so mad at people that can cosplay as my blorbo. die.
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kasagia · 5 months
Losing your memory
Pairing: Young! Coriolanus Snow x fem!Capitol! reader Summary: He used to be your Coryo. Now he has become the man you don't know. The Plinth heir. The future president of Panem. You pray every day to forget about the sweet boy you fell in love with, on whom you could always count. To forget who he was and lose the memory of the past. Just like he did. Well... not exactly. Unfortunately for you, he still wants to remember you. Inspired by: "Losing your memory" by Ryan Star Word count: 7,2 k ~•♤♤♤•~ Coriolanus Snow's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ Main Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~
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You've been avoiding him ever since you found out he was back in the Capitol.
A month ago, this news would have aroused great joy and ecstasy in you. Your Coryo is back home. He managed to shorten his exile and gain Dr. Gaul's favour again.
But the man who returned from District 12 was not your dear friend or lover. This wasn't your sweet Coryo, with whom you walked hand in hand to school. This wasn't the boy you shared your lunch with. This wasn't a boy who cared about your well-being above his own. This wasn't a boy who joked about snobbish children spoiled by the richest people in Panem with you and Sejanus at the end of the day. (Although he talked with them, trying to keep up good appearances—he used to call that one of the responsibilities of being Snow.)
The man who came back was Coriolanus. The new Plinth heir. The shell of someone you knew. The ruthless, cold pet of the mad creator of the Hunger Games you despised.
Sejanus' death didn't hurt you as much as the transformation of Coriolanus from the person closest to you into someone you barely even recognized. And from the tearful, sad, resentful, and disappointed stories you heard from Tigris, you had an accurate picture of the man who took your Coryo's place.
And you hated him with all your heart.
Especially after what he promised you when you stayed at his apartment for one snowy winter night.
You lay wrapped in the various blankets and quilts Coryo and Tigris could find. It was winter, and they didn't have much money for additional heating, so they mostly walked around the house in several layers and slept under piles of clothes.
You didn't know about that that night.
Tigris lent him her quilt so that he wouldn't have to be ashamed of the poverty his family had fallen into since you were supposed to come to sleepover with him after the argument with your parents.
Cuddling up to your blonde boy, you tried to fall asleep, listening to his heartbeat. You frowned at the sound of it being a little faster than usual.
You lift your head and look at him carefully. His gaze is distant and thoughtful as he lazily draws patterns on your back as he presses you against his chest.
"Coryo?" you whisper, cupping his cheek in your hand tenderly and forcing those blue irises you have loved so much to look at you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
He sighs long and presses a kiss on your forehead, the tip of his nose stroking your hair, as he is inhaling your scent. "I just... I just think about the fact that you deserve so much more. My grandma and Tigirs deserve much more than... this." he says with disgusting pointing at the room you were in.
"This..." you say, clasping your hands together and pressing a tender kiss to the back of his hand. "Is more than enough. You are all I need. And one day, when you are President of Panem or any other important figure in the Capitol, none of you will lack anything. This is a temporary state. You are too smart to be anything less than great, Coryo. You know it."
You see him hold back tears. He pushed your head onto his chest to rest his chin on your head. He is not crying. He almost never cries. But you know how close he is to it by the slight quiver in his breathing.
"I know I don't show it often enough... but you mean... everything to me. I can't imagine how I would go through these all without you by my side."
"I love you, Corio. Just promise me you won't forget this. What you went through, what you experienced. Don't forget your struggle. That's something you should never be ashamed of." he tenses at your words but leans in to kiss you passionately and hungrily. Putting all his unexpressed emotions into action and into that kiss that warmed you more than any blanket or radiator could ever.
"I promise. I will never forget how you kept me sane. When you were the only shelter I could go to and the only support that could bear the boundlessness of my troubles and doubts. How you were my only moonlight in the worst of my darknesses." you laugh softly, recognising part of his words.
"Quoting poets will get you nowhere, Coriolanus Snow." you say teasingly, rubbing your nose against him, at which he chuckles, licking his lips.
"Well... I've learned that in some situations, it gets me somewhere. And it's a very cold night tonight, don't you think? I can't let you freeze to death." he says as his hands go under your shirt—actually, his shirt that you stole from his closet.
"Well… I guess there's nothing left for me… but to place myself under your solicitous care." you sigh softly as he pins you underneath him, making sure the cocoon of blankets is still tightly wrapped around the two of you.
"I couldn't have said it better." he whispers and presses his lips against yours, stealing your breath countless times. He pulls away just a little to say against your lips, "You're mine. We belong together. No matter what."
He makes you shiver as you eagerly agree to everything he says. You don't realise how, in the future, you will curse every single intimate, sweet moment you shared with him.
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Ironically, you realise how deep he has gotten under your skin the moment he returns to the Capitol, and you have to avoid him, not when he is sent into exile.
It was probably because when he was gone, you were too distraught to bother leaving your room, opening the blinds, or wiping the tears that somehow kept leaking from your eyes to notice how almost every place reminded you of him. If you could, you'd go back in time and tell yourself there's no point in crying over the asshole he's become.
Although maybe you already felt that your Corio was leaving, and it was a way of mourning him?
Anyway, you saw him everywhere. Not Coriolanus. Coryo. He stalked you in the library, the park, the cafe near the academy that you two and Sejanus liked to go to, and of course the Academy itself. Kudos to your parents for not letting him into your house. At least he didn't pollute your room with memories of him.
Involuntarily, you wonder if he also sees you, for example, in every corner of his apartment. Or maybe he renovated it beyond recognition to erase all traces of his past?
You didn't know.
And you didn't want to know.
The information about him that Tigris gave you when you met her at your house when Coriolanus was at the university for classes was sufficient.
Just because it didn't work out with her cousin didn't mean you would abandon your only real friend. And just because things didn't work out with her cousin didn't mean she would stop (more or less subtly) encouraging you to go back to him.
"We talked about you." she says, making adjustments to your dress that she made for your birthday party thrown by your parents. Another one of the unpleasant responsibilities.
"You and your grandma?" you ask, trying to avoid HIM as a topic as much as possible.
"No. Me and Coriolanus." she says, pinning something to your waist—some decorative strip of fabric or something—you're not sure; you're too focused on the window and the bustling city as you are trying to ignore her words. "You know… I think… I think I saw in his eyes… the old Coryo. For a brief moment, but… maybe if you came back to him, he would come back to himself too."
"I'm sorry, Tigris, but I think he went too far on his path to simply go back to who he was. Surely not because of me."
"I understand… I just really miss him." she says it in a soft, broken tone, and your heart breaks at it. You hug her with all your strength, uniting with her pain that you also felt so deeply.
"Me too." you whisper in her ear as she cries into your shoulder.
Tigris was a very strong woman. She always impressed you. You wanted to be as strong as her. But even the toughest had to cry sometimes.
After all, there comes a time when even the snow melts... even if only for a little while.
You held him tightly in your arms as Corio cried into your chest.
His grandmother fell ill. Hard. Without a doctor, she definitely wouldn't be able to get out of this on her own, and they didn't have the money to pay for one, let alone the medicines.
Your boyfriend spent the whole day planning, thinking, and getting any money, but it was not enough even to buy the cheapest antibiotic.
However, you didn't expect that after you found out it all from Tigris and ran to him as fast as you could with the chicken soup prepared by your servants and all your pocket money, he would start crying.
Coriolanus Snow cried like a little baby.
You handed the money and soup to Tigris, who, after feeding up their grandma, quickly ran out with her to the doctor. At that time, you were holding your boyfriend in your arms in the other room, who simply fell apart from his helplessness.
"Shh… it's going to be okay, Coryo. She will live, falsify that stupid hymn and hate me for not being enough for you just as she used to." your attempt to comfort him didn't help. If anything, he only cried more, holding onto you tighter and tighter.
"I should be able to take care of them... I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around. I'm pathetic and weak. I'm not worthy of being called Snow."
"Hey, my sweet boy, look at me. You are strong. You are the strongest man I know. You are looking after me all the time; you literally give me everything you have, the last piece of your food, to keep me happy, safe, and full when I forget to bring a damn second breakfast from home or don't have time to eat something. You love me, and I love you, and that's how it works. We care about each other. And I have never, ever regretted being with you. Because what we have… is more valuable than anything else in this world. I trust you implicitly, and I will always be by your side. You are not alone with your problems and suffering. Not as long as I am here."
"But for how long will you stay? For how long will you endure with me?" he asks, and after one look at those a little red from crying, beautiful blue iris, you answer without a shadow of hesitation.
"As long as you love me and I can trust you. As long as I breathe. As long as I am in your mind and heart. I am not going anywhere, Coryo. Money can be earned, but what we have... you can't buy it. What I feel for you is more dear to me than any treasure in this world and I will never exchange it for anything else." you promise, stroking his hair tenderly to help him calm down.
You should've then wondered why he doesn't agree with you then. Why doesn't he say that he also feels this way and that he also values you more than money, glory, and honours?
But he blinds you by telling you for the first time that he loves you.
And you cling to him, wiping the tears from his face with your lips and foolishly believing that your love is pure and eternal.
Like a driven snow.
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You knew this day would come someday. The day you let your guard down. But you hoped it would take a little longer before you came face-to-face with Coriolanus.
You are completely unprepared for this. You just freeze like a deer in headlights when you see his face at the end of one of the university's corridors as he walks forward, looking for something in his bag. Before you can even think about running away, he looks up, probably feeling watched, and his blue, icy eyes meet yours.
You both stand there transfixed, looking at each other, taking in the changes in your appearance since the last time you saw each other, which was after you broke up with him, when you saw how tenderly he treated Lucy Gray and how comfortable he was around her. And after someone politely informed you that he had kissed her.
"Y/N!" Coriolanus calls out to you and takes a step towards you, but you quickly step back and run through the crowd of people to get away from him. Unfortunately for you, he doesn't give up that easily. He never does. "Y/N! Wait!"
You have no intention of doing so. You run as fast as you can, bumping into several students along the way. You don't even bother apologising; you just run, hoping that Snow will stop being hot on your heels. Which, by the way, was a miserable dream after how fit he was after his training and the time he spent as a peacekeeper.
On the way, you notice a woman's bathroom and immediately run into it. You lock yourself in a cabin, thanking God or whoever is up that you managed to get an empty cabin and hide in it. You hear his quick footsteps and the door opening, followed by the screams of other women in the bathroom. You sigh in relief as you hear him obediently leave the room.
You're not leaving, though. You are not stupid. You know he's waiting at the door for you to come out. You decide to wait here until the end of the break between classes and hope that he will drop the idea of continuing to chase you and talk to you, and he will attend the lecture instead.
As the bathroom begins to empty, you realise that the next lectures must be soon. You stand silently on the toilet seat, listening carefully, waiting for the right moment to emerge from your miserable hiding place.
Just as you are about to reach for the doorknob, the bathroom door opens. You shiver as you hear heavy footsteps echoing off the tiles of the empty bathroom. And you think that you can smell the subtle scent of roses in the air.
"Come on, Y/N. I know you're here. I just want to talk."
Said the snake moments before eating the bird alive.—you think, mentally mocking how gentle he was trying to present himself. As if he could still be your Coryo.
"I have time. I can play hide-and-seek with you, if you want to. After all, you always liked to play this when we were kids. And you always lost."
You roll your eyes, listening carefully to his footsteps. He was opening the first cabin. You were in the middle one—the one a little closer to the door (and him).
"We'll have to talk eventually. You can't avoid me and ignore me, no matter how good you are at it lately. Let's stop this ridiculous, childish behaviour and go talk over coffee and some of your favourite cookies at the cafe near the academy. Just like the good old days. Well, this time all your orders are on me. What do you say?"
You would have snorted if it hadn't immediately revealed your hiding place to him. How dare he invite you to the place where you, he, and Sejanus spent the most time? To the place where your first unofficial date was.
He wanted to manipulate you, to make you believe that your Corio is still there and lives behind the façade of the rich, arrogant asshole he has become. But you knew better. His eyes told you everything you needed to know.
Even without Tigris' help, you realised that he... was a completely different person. He turned into somebody you only used to know in the past.
"Seriously? Still nothing? So you prefer the hard way, then..." he says, opening another cabin. You wait patiently for him to come to yours.
You breathe as quietly as you can, trying not to let him know which cabin you're in. You listen to his slow, measured steps as, with the incredible confidence and calm that is typical of him, he opens each cabin door, moving inexorably towards you.
Your heart quickens, beating madly, when you see his shoes in the whole, under the cabin's door. He reaches for the door handle, and before he can open it, you push the door against him with all your strength.
You hear him curse, taking a few steps back in a daze and holding his nose. You take the opportunity and run to the exit of the bathroom as fast as you can, not looking back.
"Fuck! Y/N! Are you insane?!" he shouts, running after you.
You reach the door just in time and slam it behind you, sprinting out of the university. You get in your car and drive away with your tyres screeching. In the rearview mirror, you see him leaving the building and following your car with a furious glare.
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"I can't believe you invited Snow." you huff, fixing your makeup in the mirror. Your father is buttoning his cuffs, and your mother stands next to you, also putting the finishing touches on her appearance. "You hated him when we were together."
"He is an ambitious and clever boy. Plinth did well to make him his heir. You should reconsider whether he really is that bad. This match would have opened many doors for us. Not only among Plinth's allies but also among Dr. Gaul. God knows how she favours this boy. Who knows? Maybe one day he will be president of Panem."
"If so, I will run away abroad." you say it bitterly, putting your lipstick back in your purse and adjusting the necklace around your neck to make yourself look perfect.
"Don't be stupid. Snow wouldn't be so bad for you. Since you are our only child, we must marry you well. Make sure your husband doesn't blow our fortune in a week. And Snow is a thoughtful boy. He wouldn't let you live below the poverty line."
"And he's quite handsome." your mother adds, straightening your father's tie. "Still, he's not a womaniser. I heard he turned down the... special attention of Crane's daughter and a few other Capitol's girls. I guess he's been alone since your breakup."
"Hmm. Great. He wouldn't cheat on me with other snobs in the capital, but he would fuck with whores in the district. The perfect candidate for a husband." you scoff, walking with them to the next room, where the photographers were waiting to take a photo of you together.
“Language, Y/N. You are a lady. Besides, it is not certain whether he and this Lucy Gray actually had something between them. After all, she's a woman from the district.” your mom says this, smiling for the cameras.
The flashes blind you a little, but with your father's and mother's hands on your shoulders, you somehow manage to keep your pose, fake, pretty smile, and opened eyes.
Your father thanks them and leads you out of the room and into the corridor leading to the great hall where the ball was to be held.
"And even if he did, it's good that he had some fun. It will make him appreciate the treasure that you are and see that you are irreplaceable." he says, taking the box out of his pocket. He hands it to you with a warm smile. "Happy birthday, my treasure."
"We've already given her..." your father shushes your mother. You send them a confused look as you open the medium-sized box.
You find a tiara there. A small diamond tiara.
"It will match your dress perfectly." your father says proudly. You nod and walk to the mirror to put it on, despising the object in your hands with all your heart. You may look like a princess, but you've never felt so... disgusted with yourself before.
This feeling intensified even more when, after a toast and receiving wishes from several of your friends and more powerful families, you managed to sneak out to the balcony. Not long after you, all the single, young men of the richest family on the Capitol entered, with Coriolanus among them. They each took a cigarette and started smoking, gossiping about the events of the week…
And their topic of conversation was exactly what you were afraid of when you got that fucking tiara.
"Have you seen this? I bet they're pure diamonds. Old Y/L/N wants to marry her off so much that he's using every trick possible."
"He doesn't need to do much. She is beautiful in her own right. But this character… it's easier to train a dog than such a stubborn cow."
"What Snow? Are you now regretting that the Capitol's Diamond slipped from your hands? I heard she wants nothing to do with you. How unfortunate that it happened at the moment when you started to count in the eyes of the elite, and now you really have any chance of grabbing this precious gem for yourself."
The Capitol's Diamond. You shudder, thinking about the nickname you've been given.
That's what they called you. The sole heiress to your parents' fortune. Diamond of the Capitol, the best match in the city, with a dowry greater than any other woman. Anyone who won your hand was guaranteed to reach the top and success with your family's connections, your charm, beauty, and brain. And these vultures knew it perfectly well.
You were curious how the new Coriolanus would react.
Your Coryo only took advantage of your position in society when he had to. He didn't ask you for money or for you to convince your father to whisper a good word about him here and there. Maybe it was because of his pride; maybe he really didn't care. You have no idea. But Coryo despised that term as much as you did. You wondered if that had changed as well.
"I'm still in the game." he replies evasively, sipping his drink. The others laugh and he frowns in displeasure.
"Sure. Because the way she ran away from you today when you approached her with a gift says exactly that." they mock him. You see him clench his jaw, glaring at them coldly as he considers his next move.
"Enjoy it while you can. Your good mood will end when our cat-and-mouse game is over and the Capitol's Diamond hangs proudly on my shoulder." you huff, shaking your head in disbelief. You come out of hiding, and all the men on the balcony tense up and look at you in surprise.
Especially Coriolanus. Suddenly everyone is staring intently at the garden of your estate, too shy to look at you. Except Snow. He drills a hole into you with his gaze as he thinks of a way to undo what he said.
"Gentlemen." you scoff, walking past them and ignoring Coriolanus' glare. "For your information, I would rather live in one of the districts than marry any of you. Enjoy the party." you add sweetly, walking back to the ballroom.
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The party is in full swing. You are talking to Thomas, using a sweet boy in a shameful way—to scare other men away from you. Just as you expected, they started flocking to you like flies to a fire.
So you chose the least spoiled of them. Thomas was nice and funny; you had a good time talking to him, and dancing with him was even better.
He wasn't rich; he wasn't part of the cream of society. You were really starting to enjoy spending time with him. And most importantly... he looked nothing like Coriolanus. He was nice for the eyes, but his dark hair, eyes, and sweet, shy personality made him drastically different from your ex. So he was the perfect break from your dramatic love life. Boring, nice change.
You danced to a waltz with him. He held you gently, close but respectful, not invading your personal space. He was a perfect gentleman. The man of your dreams.
If only Coriolanus' icy eyes weren't focused on both of you like a predator waiting for its prey to stumble, you would be able to enjoy Thomas' company to the fullest.
You are with him at the buffet, sipping drinks, when suddenly the last person you expected to meet here approaches you.
"Mrs. Plinth." you whisper in shock as he stands in front of you.
She looks—probably the way she feels. Nice on the outside and devastated on the inside. The dark circles under her eyes cannot be fully covered by makeup, and the deep black of her dress is a clear reminder of what she is still going through.
You can't imagine the pain he's going through right now. And you wonder why the woman decided to join her husband for your birthday party. Since Sejanus' death, she has rarely left their apartment.
"Y/N. Can I steal you from this young man for a moment?"
"Of course." you say, not even looking in Thomas' direction as you and Mrs. Plinth walk to one of the empty living rooms in your mansion. You close the door behind her and point to the couch. "Can I get you something to drink? Or to eat?"
"No. There is no need, darling. I just… I just came here to give you something." she says, pulling a thick letter out of her purse. "I… the letters from Sejanus are still reaching us. The flow of information between the districts and the Capitol is… very heavy and long. Especially when the peacekeepers are now checking every one of his correspondence. He sent it to you. Or rather, he wanted you to send it to him. Or rather, he wanted you to have it, just in case he couldn't… I'm sorry."
Your heart aches with sadness, seeing her on the verge of tears. She probably has no one to talk to about her son except her husband. After all, Sejanus was a traitor of Panem…
"He was a wonderful friend. The best one somebody could have. I could always count on him. Thank you for... taking the trouble to give me a letter from him. That... means a lot." you say, fighting the urge to hug the woman. The Capitol is not famous for acts of tenderness, mercy, or compassion. You had to keep up a facade. Always.
You take the letter from her and walk her to the exit. You give her one sympathetic look—everything you could afford in your position—and close the door behind her.
You sit on the couch and open the letter with trembling hands, trying not to look too closely at the way he wrote your name on the envelope. You know that will remind you of how you taught him how to decorate letters in his first days at the Capitol. Because everything here had to be perfectly beautiful. Even the fucking handwriting.
A bracelet falls out of the envelope and onto your lap. It is not particularly beautiful or sumptuous. It is a simple strap holding a peg-shaped pendant with some black, crushed stone placed behind a piece of glass.
You place it on the coffee table and open the letter with trembling hands. You already feel that after all this you will have to fix your makeup, which you will probably ruin with tears, but Sej's letter cannot wait until the end of the party.
Y/N, If you are somehow reading this letter, it means that I am not at your 20th birthday party, which makes me very sad. (You know how I love celebrating in your garden away from these Capitol's snobs.) Coming back, you know that I wish you all the best (along with Coryo. He's too big of a stick up his ass to write to you, even though he misses you and can't stop thinking about you. Take pity on me and write to this stubborn idiot, because I don't think I can stand another tirade about you and your perfection. Seriously. Our boy is getting mad because of this despair. I don't recognise him at all.) So, my dear friend, I wish you the best. I don't have any trinkets, interesting books, sweets, or anything suitable as a gift here, so I hope you'll be satisfied with what I came up with. I am not a poet, so don't laugh at me. I shall hear... or not. I made the bracelet, which you've probably already seen, myself. And that stone that is inside (and I hope it survived) is coal. I wanted to give this to you as a symbol of who you are to me. Everyone sees you as a diamond, something precious and beautiful. But for me and probably other people close to you, you are something more. This shiny diamond facade hides carbon. A simple coal, an ordinary soul like many others. But you made something more out of that ordinary coal. You are a diamond. Indestructible, the most durable of all. The purest form, preserved among the other gems and stones of the Capitol, because that's what all these power-hungry assholes are—coals that have decided not to change, to choose what is easy for them. I hope now you can see why I liked that nickname for you, diamond. So I hope you always stay true to yourself. No matter what. That's what I learned here, and I want to pass it on to you. Although I hope that by then the three of us will meet again in the Capitol. Do not wait for us both, Sejanus P.S. I miss you too.
You fold the letter and put it back in the envelope. You wipe away the tears that remain on your cheeks with your hands and take a few ragged breaths, trying to calm down.
You freeze when suddenly someone's arms wrap around you. The scent of roses hits your nostrils.
You get up from the couch like you've been burned and push Coriolanus' arms away from you. The feeling of sadness quickly turns to anger and pure fury as you stare at Snow.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you growl through a clenched jaw, extremely glad that there's a couch between you, or you'd hit him. And it was easier for you to explain your tears and smeared makeup than your red knuckles.
"Sweet, kind Plinth, giving you thoughtful gifts from beyond the grave. You love the dead Sejanus so much and ignore the living me. It must be hypocrisy on your part, don't you think? You accuse me of forgetting about Sejanus when you treat me so shamefully, worse than a dog. Should I die so that you can finally stop giving me the silent treatment and running away from me?"
"Believe me, you don't want to hear what I have to say to you." you huff, taking the bracelet and the letter. You hide them in the bodice of your dress and go to the mirror to fix your smudged makeup.
"You do not have to do that. Your boy isn't at the party anymore anyway." he says, standing so that you can see his reflection in the mirror.
"What?" you ask in surprise, turning to face him. You both stare at each other. In fact, you're only now getting a chance to take a good look at him. And you notice with dissatisfaction that the bastard found out from Tigris what your dress would look like, and he chose a suite so that both of you would match. "Where is Thomas?"
"Your little boy toy? Do you think he's enough of a distraction? That he can replace me? That he'll make you feel what I feel? Maby, that he can even protect you from me? Only I know you. I'm the only one worthy of your fucking attention and affection." you push past him, but he grabs your elbow.
"Touch me again and I'll cut off your hand and shove it down your throat." you growl, breaking away from his grip.
"Such aggression… I don't remember you from this side." he mocks you and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You step away from him and cross your arms, staring at him defiantly.
"I will ask you one last time. Where is Thomas?"
"Let's just say that your mother and I caught him stealing your jewelry. We were merciful enough to solve the matter quietly. You will never see that garbage on the ball or any gala again. Certainly not on yours."
"Were you the one who framed him for this?" his silence and the calculating, self-proud look of the cat that caught the canary (or, in this case, the snake that choked the mouse) tell you everything. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" you ask furiously.
You want to move past him, but he pushes you back, making you bump into the wall. He closes the gap between you in one step, pressing his chest against yours.
"You're mine. You've always been. You shouldn't lead this loser on or give him false hopes. We both know we will end up together."
"I broke up with you." you remind him, not caring about his intimidating attitude.
"A mistake I intend to fix." he says, leaning towards you.
His nose brushes against yours, and you shiver. You lift your leg, trying to kick him in the groyne, but out of the corner of his eye, he sees your sudden movement and grabs your thigh in a tight grip. If it weren't for the thick layers of material, he would probably leave bruises.
"You... you have nothing to fix. There is no longer us. I don't even know you anymore, Coriolanus."
"Don't." he growls at you angrily. You can see the desperation and madness in his eyes at the fact that you're using his name and that you wrote off your relationship. "It was always you. You were always mine, Y/N, and I was always your Coryo."
"Things are changing quickly. We are not the same, and now we have nothing in common, nothing to talk about."
"We have EVRYTHING to talk about. I still love.."
"DON'T!" you interrupt him. He freezes. You rarely shout, especially at him. That's why he takes a step back before putting on his impassive mask again. "Don't even say that. You have no idea what love is. Sure, you may feel attached and even desire me at some point, but you have no idea of unconditional, true love. So for old time's sake, leave me alone."
"What about you? Do you think you are so holy and blameless? That I'm the only bad guy? You lied to me. You promised you would stay with me, no matter what."
"I promised it to my Coryo. Not to you, Coriolanus. My Coryo died in District 12 with Sejanus—maybe even in the Hunger Games—when you let Dr. Gaul brainwash you in the name of fame, money, and position. You think that old hag didn't tell me why Sejanus is dead? That I don't know that your songbird has disappeared? That I would believe that Highbottom just got high or drank himself to death?" he clenches his jaw and fists at your words. You can see how furious he is, but he holds back, still controlling himself.
"Everything I did, I did for us. For you. For Tigris and Grandma." you laugh, wondering who he's trying to fool—himself, you, or both of you at the same time.
"No. You're doing it for yourself. Only for yourself, Coriolanus." he gets even more angry and pins you to the wall again. His cool blue eyes are raging with rage, and you try hard to push away the feeling of fear he has stirred in you.
"Do you want a reason to hate me? So you and Tigris can still gossip about my madness? Then maybe I should let this old man pursue her and sell her as a wife to one of them for good money."
"KEEP HER OUT OF IT! It's Tigris, Coriolanus! Tigris! The woman whose sacrifice you owe your entire fucking life to! A woman who went out of her way to give your ungrateful, selfish ass something to wear. Who sacrificed the love of her life in the name of maintaining the façade of Snow's wealth?! You can give a damn about me, Sejan, and even that little songbird of yours, but if you fucking ruin the life of your cousin—the only goddamn person who still cares about you—I promise you, in memory of OUR dead friend, that there won't be a fucking hole where you could hide from me."
You stare daggers at each other, both openly expressing your resentment towards the other. You have no idea why he still cares about you—is it because of your money, position, or some sick fantasy he has in his head, or maybe he actually still cares about you?
You don't think about it when a more important issue arises.
Suddenly, he grabs your face in both hands and pulls you towards him, greedily kissing you as he connects your lips after a very long time of separation. He caresses your lips with his and kisses you with such fervour as if he craves you like a hermit starving for water.
And for a moment, you feel like you were with Coryo, when all that mattered to you was the other one, when you could get lost in each other, forgetting about the rest of the world and the worries that were waiting for you.
And that's exactly what he's doing now. He makes you forget about anything but him.
You can't help but moan into his mouth as he presses his body against yours. When he releases his strong grip on your cheeks to grab you around your waist and press you against his body, his leg is between yours.
He kisses you more hungrily, groaning too at the familiar warmth of your body against him and the feeling of your soft, silky skin pressing against him. The scent of your perfume mixes, creating a perfect combination of roses and your favourite flowers. Your hands automatically go to his hair as you hold on to him and press him to you. You don't like the gel on your hands from his hair, but you ignore this new, irritating feeling by biting his lip.
You don't think at all. As well as Coriolanus. You both just kiss each other, your tongues joining, as you both let your desire for one another take control of the situation.
You only come to your senses when your lips break apart. You gasp, trying to breathe again, as he fucks your exposed collarbones with kisses. Your brain comes back to you as he leaves a hickey on your neck. He bites you, making you moan so needily that a wave of shame washes over you with his tongue, soothing the bite. You push him away from you and place your hand on your chest, trying to regain control over yourself.
"See? We belong together. There is no other way, Y/N. We are all we need."
"Bullshit." you gasp, trying to ignore the possessive, smug feeling blooming in your chest when you see his messy hair and your lipstick smeared on his lips. "Since you are that good in losing your memory, then forget about me too."
"I can't. I just can't. You think I haven't tried? That you don't haunt me every damn step I take? Everything I have and everything I know is saturated with you. With the memory of both of us. I forgot about what I had with that songbird and my friendship with Sejanus, but I simply CAN'T forget about you. I haven't spent a single damn day without thinking about you. NOT EVEN ONE. And I know you felt the same way. Do you know why I didn't kill that stupid boy who was clinging to you? Because I knew it would make you hate me even more. I was alone without you at 12, and you know how it ended. You are my conscience. Without you... there's nothing holding me back. Without you, there is nothing to distinguish me from the Hunger Games tributes. I have no borders, mercy, compassion, or anything that makes people human beings. And Gaul knows it. That's why she told you all of my crimes; that's why you're paranoid now that I'm someone completely different. But it's still me. I. Am. Still. Your. Coryo." he says it firmly, taking a step closer to you with each word.
"Don't turn me into a fucking cricket for your Pinocchio. I am not, and I do not want to be your conscience. I will not take part in your lies, games, and manipulations." you say as you both stare at each other, neither of you wanting to concede to the other in any way.
"I will have you. One way or another, but I will. Even if it is the last thing I do, I will have you by my side. Just where you always belonged. I promised you to be my First Lady. And I intend to keep that promise."
"You must become president first. And believe me, I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening. Maybe you can't forget about me. But I can. I do not need you. I never needed you. How ironic to be able to lose the memories of everyone except the girl who will be the end of you, isn't it, CORIOLANUS?" you mock him, a smirk on your lips, making him a promise.
You walk past him, and this time he lets you go, knowing full well that he won't do anything more with you today. At least he got his kiss and a little taste of you, a reminder of the reward that awaits him when everything finally falls into place. When he finally has you in his arms and is at the top of Panem—his rightful place.
"The game has just begun!" he shouts after you, staring at you as you head towards the bathroom to touch up your ruined makeup. It gives you satisfaction to think that this bastard will probably have to clean himself up after your little make-out session, too.
You think that maybe Gaul was right about the Hunger Games being the whole world. But the reality was that there could only be ONE winner.
And among the people of the Capitol, only you and Coriolanus had a real chance of winning. It has always been like that. And even lost memories that do not want to go away so easily are proof of this.
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Part 2
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antoncyng · 2 months
౨ৎ the one he loves — p.sh
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synopsis - after spending a day with your bestfriend at the beach, you realize he really is the one you love.
warnings - tooth rotting fluff, bestfriends to lovers, maybe a few kys jokes??, kissing, cursing, fem!reader, reader can’t swim lol | wc - 500+
release date - 04/13/24
notes - first fic with the new theme.. what do we think (*´∀`*)
friday, april 12th, 2:47 was the day and time you found out you were in love with your bestfriend.
how did this happen? you two were just at a beach, and now you two were back at sunghoon’s house, in each others arms watching a movie.
——— 4 DAYS AGO
“yn, you know sunghoon has the biggest crush on you, right? how could you not see it?” one of your bestfriends, ningning, argues back to you. it was almost the end of lunch break, you and your bestfriends were in a group around you and giselle’s desks.
“he doesn’t like me, we’ve been bestfriends forever.” you argue back, gently hitting chaeryeong’s arm when she shakes her head and sighs in defeat.
“looks like you’ll just have to wait and see if he confesses..” she mumbles after hearing the bell, all your friends making their ways back to their own desks.
- DING -
you heard and felt your phone vibrate on your desk from the notification, picking it up and seeing 3 texts from sunghoon.
hoon (dni..) : ynynynynyn
hoon (dni..) : can we go to da beach dis weekend
hoon (dni..) : answer my texts woman
you just chuckled at his texts before unlocking your phone and tapping your keyboard to respond.
you : yes we can go
you : sorry i was talking to my friends
hoon (dni..) : u have other friends than me??!
you : kys
you laughed quietly again before shutting off your phone and putting it away, picking up your pencil while your teacher walks back into the class, perfect timing.
——— PRESENT DAY, APRIL 12TH, 12:35 PM.
lying on your stomach while resting your head on your arm, in a bikini, while sunghoon sat up with his hands behind his back for support. “isn’t that boring to you? why don’t we go into the water like real fun!” sunghoon whined once again, only having around 10-15 minutes between each complaint.
“it’s called tanning, it makes me look better! we can go in the water in.. 5 minutes..” you bit back at him, earning a groan from the boy next to you. “you look pretty tanned or not..” he mumbled, turning his head so you couldn’t hear what he said clearly.
still tanning, you soon felt arms lifting you, making you flinch. “sunghoon! put me down right now!!” you exclaimed, squirming in his arms while smacking his shoulder, only gaining laughs from your bestfriend.
“it’s been 5 minutes!!!” he fought back, finally reaching the water and sinking the both of you into the cold, clear ocean, finally putting you on your feet. both of you hissed at the cold, stepping backwards and still facing him, you went deeper into the water.
but you felt a rock hit the back of your ankle, tripping over and almost falling, but you felt sunghoon’s arms catch you by your waist before you hit the cold water with the top half of your body.
you opened your shut tight eyes, seeing sunghoon’s face closer to yours than you expected, making the both of your faces flush a shade of light red.
“sorry.. i know you can’t swim so i didn’t want you to fal-“ he started to ramble after stabling the two of you, being shut up by your lips on his. he stood frozen for a few seconds, before slowly wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing back.
pulling back from the kiss, you both smiled at each other. your arms still around his neck and his around your waist, you could just close the gap between you two and hug him tightly.
“you talk too much when you’re nervous, hoon.” you mumbled into his shoulder.
maybe ningning was right, you really were the one he loves.
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tags ; @ilovetaroo @wonifullove @lilacnini @naespas @copyhanni
thank you for reading ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Sweet Renegade Series Masterlist
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About the Sweet Renegade Series: A new arrival in town leads to an unexpected complication in the form of a sexy as sin Bounty Hunter named Ari Levinson.
This series features a collection of one-shots centered around a small town romance between Bounty Hunter Ari Levinson and a reluctant, curvy Reader.
It will also contain mature themes such as Sex, Interracial Relationships, Soft D/s Themes, Discussions of Body Image, Disordered Eating, Discussions of Race, Occasional Depictions of Violence, Cursing, and more. Minors, please do not engage or interact.
Special thanks to @curls-and-eyeliner for helping me brainstorm ideas. Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing more soon! (**) indicates smut
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Series Intro
New In Town: Introducing my Sweet Renegades Series. Sparks fly when you accidentally find yourself sitting next to Bounty Hunter, Ari Levinson.
Hello, Duchess: Your first encounter with Bounty Hunter, Ari Levinson, goes worse than you ever could've imagined.
New! The Do-Over: Everyone deserves a second chance, including jerks like Bounty Hunter, Ari Levinson.
A Friend in the Dark: Coming Soon
Untitled Story: Coming Soon
Sweet Morning Light: Watching you sleep has Ari hungry for more. Which means it's time for breakfast. And it looks like you're on the menu... **
Thirst Trap: Ari loves looking at your ass in those shorts, as long as he's the one who gets to walk behind you. **
Back to Sleep: Ari has the perfect cure for your insomnia. **
On the Clock: Ari stops by for a snack while he's out chasing a lead. **
Creep: You sneak out of the house to go on a midnight supply run, which inadvertently sends Ari into panic mode. ** [Request]
Moments Shared: You and Ari share a moment during a lazy afternoon... **
New! Quickie: You get caught up in the moment while dropping off dinner to your favorite bounty hunter.
Sweet Tooth: Ari gets inventive when he finds himself in the doghouse with you. ** [Request]
Sweet Tooth Deluxe: Ari teaches you a much needed lesson about ignoring him. ** [Request]
Sugar Fix: Your poor attempt at a joke lands you in hot water with your man. Takes place directly after the events in Sweet Tooth and Sweet Tooth Deluxe. ** [Request]
Disturbing the Peace: You're keeping a secret from Ari - one that you'll have to tell him about eventually. Right?
The Scent of you: Ari loves the sweet scent of you, which is why he's content to live between your thighs. **
Case of the Ex: Part I: Just as you decide to explore your feelings for Ari, an unexpected blast from your past sends you reeling...
Southern Comfort: A day after your ex-boyfriend's unexpected return, you show up on Ari's doorstep intending to ask for a little time. Too bad your grumpy bounty hunter isn't feeling particularly charitable. **
An Afternoon with Minerva: Ari finds himself finally ready to admit the truth about his feelings for you...
Off the Market: Ari learns that you're not the sharing type. Which is fine by him, because neither is he.
A Man Starved: Ari lives for the taste of you on his tongue... ** [Request]
Risky Business: Ari doesn't like it when you take unnecessary risks. So tonight he's going to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget. **
Worthy of You: After being forced to confront his own demons, Ari begins to question whether or not he is worthy of you.
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Miscellaneous Asks, Drabbles, & One-shots:
What's Eating You, Mr. Levinson?: You decide to test your man's patience with a prank you saw on TikTok. CLICK HERE to read Andrew Barber's reaction to the same prompt. [Request]
Cross-Country Christmas: When Ari is left stranded at the airport on Christmas Eve, you find yourself in need of a little holiday miracle... **
Bad Days: Ari helps you get through a particularly bad day... **
Michèle: Ari doesn't approve of your latest trip to the spa. ** [Request]
Jiggly: You find yourself feeling a little self-conscious after it becomes clear you've gained a little weight. **
Easy, Baby: Ari just wants to do his part to help you relax. **
Promises, Promises: Ari exacts a promise from you as a reward for his patience. **
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angelanderson · 1 year
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⚠️: gets 18+ under the cut. established relationship, dom!abby, bratty!reader, some degradation. aka you fuck around n find out with abby. no use of y/n. my first full length fic! woohoo! (2.3k words!) (men & minors dni!!!)
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abby definitely gets off on how easily she can overpower you. she’s the strongest person around. you know it, she knows it, everyone knows it. but sometimes you liked to act out— acting like you’re in charge, acting like you’re stronger. however, it always ends with you practically in tears because abby definitely doesn’t mind putting you back in your place. she’ll let you act out until she’s in the mood to make you her sweet girl again.
it all started this morning. you spent 10 minutes of abby’s workout time begging her to let you try and lift what she was. that was strike one in her mind. you were told to “stop being a brat. you know i don’t want you to get hurt, so sit down, and be good for me” by your girlfriend. everyone knows abby doesn’t like to have her workout time interrupted. if the hardened look on her face was anything to go by, you should have immediately stopped.
your second strike of the day was not following the orders abby gave you while out on a short patrol together. she knows she was explicit enough in her orders. the issue was you decided to be defiant, and it almost cost you.
abby decided she wanted to check an abandoned house for supplies, so you followed along. that was the start of your second incidence. the wooden stairs inside creaked with each step the two of you took— a nasty sound with each step. abby was in front, you nervously followed behind.
abby sucked in a breath as she neared the top, “fuck! stupid stairs almost broke under me. i want you to go back, okay? please go check the main floor to see if there's any usable supplies around. I'll be back soon."
she left you no choice to argue, walking the last few steps before turning the corner. you carefully retreat down the steps, mumbling about how you could take care of yourself under your breath.
it only took you twenty minutes to get bored enough to defy abby's orders. a book you'd shoved into your pocket to give to abby later was the only salvageable item you could find. reaching the staircase you quickly followed your steps as you started up the staircase again. you were able to avoid any loud sounds this time until you stepped on the ninth step. you screamed loudly as the stair broke under your left leg, rendering you stuck. abby immediately heard the scream, almost dropping her backpack as she ran to find you.
"fuck! what happened? do you think you're seriously injured?" abby asked you in a panic the second she saw you. all her usual level-headedness left her body the second she saw her girl hurt. a million panicked thoughts entered her head while you looked up at her with tears streaming down your face.
you whimpered in pain, "i think 'm mostly okay. just-just help me get out." you saw her once pale demeanor gain back its flush as you confirmed you were okay.
you could almost see the wheels turn in abby's brain as she thought about the best way to get you out. she looked much more confident as she bent down to reach under your armpits. "i'm going to pull you up slowly. it's best we don't add any more weight to the stairs. you tell me the second something starts to hurt, got it?"
you nodded in reply, too nervous to use your words. you let out a big exhale as you felt abby grab you. she moved you up higher and higher slowly. abby quickly pulled you next to her the second you were completely out.
"how does your leg feel now? think you can manage our trip back?" you knew by now this was your out before she got upset you defied her. you couldn't look her in the eyes,
"i'm fine. nothing hurts, 's just scary. let's just go back now." you didn't have to look her in the eyes to know her worry changed into annoyance.
"listen to me this time. we are going to walk down two steps at a time. keep your hands on the railing. i swear to god you better listen this time," she all but spat at you.
both of you wordlessly left the house together. you could tell abby was fuming about your choices as she practically dragged you back to your base. your usual post-pator silly conversations were a thing of the past tonight. neither of you dared to start a conversation— abby too upset, you too ashamed.
the second you got back you tried to push past abby as she start to speak. it was your third and final strike. abby grabbed your arm, "you are going to go back to our home right now. i expect you in nothing but your panties on the bed, got it? if you're not, i will make you regret not being on the bed by the time i'm back from speaking to manny. got it?"
abby didn't like the timid nod you gave in response. "what? too ashamed to speak up now? oh baby, i’m going to make you regret not following what i told you back there." she smacked your ass, signaling you to get hurry back.
the ticking of the clock just made time go by even slower for you. it only took you four minutes to get back home, two to take off and fold your clothes, and not even ten seconds to sit on the bed. guilt filled your mind for the other eight minutes it took for abby to get back. you knew it was stupid to go up those steps. you knew abby only ever looked out for you. so why did you do it? you had no time to dwell on it as your heard abby enter your shared home.
heavy boots echoed against the floor as you waited for her to enter the bedroom. two minutes later you saw her appear in the doorway. "so you can listen? what happened to being able to do that back on patrol, huh? you just had to be stupid, didn't you?" your girlfriend practically hissed as she approached you in a clean outfit.
"abby-" you went to interject. but abby wasn't having any of it.
"no. shut up. it seems like you can’t remember who's in charge here. you wanna act all big, baby? i have no trouble putting you back in your place." and with that, you were forcefully rolled onto your stomach, ass in the air.
"you fucked around. and now you're going to find out what happens when you do." her words barely registered to you before you felt her hands running over your left leg. she caught you before you could speak, "don't even try to speak. had to check on your leg just in case. seems a little bruised, but don't worry baby, it won't be as bruised as your ass by the time I'm done with you." you yelped as she smacked your ass.
fat tears were rolling down your face by the time the fifth smack rained down on you. you were blubbering out apologies as she spanked you again and again. you tried to apologize, to explain yourself, but all that came out were snot-filled babbles. she sighed looking at your current state. "you always wanna be my good girl again when i have to teach you a lesson. my sweet girl knows i just want her to be safe. can’t have my baby getting injured," she whispered that last part.
the guilt you felt started to pour over. a sob escaped your throat before you spoke, "abby, abby, i’m sorry. i just- i got bored! i wanted to show you i could do it myself." something about your confession made the girl soften for a second.
"i know angel, i know. you know i just always want you to be safe. gotta punish you now though baby. you know i'll always help you be my good girl again though, yeah?" you meekly nodded. she quickly gave you a sweet kiss to the lips. and with that, abby switched back into her dominating persona.
squealing as she suddenly flipped you over, you grabbed the bedsheets to stabilize yourself. you felt her hands start to trail down between your legs. you almost tried to quiet your moan but decided against it last minute-- things would only be worse if you did because abby loved hearing you. warm fingers slowly parted your legs. it felt like pure torture. fingers suddenly swirled, teasing your clit. you couldn't keep quiet any longer.
"please. please! I'll do anything! i'll be your good girl now," you begged her.
abby only chuckled and shaked her head at that, "we're just getting started and you're already begging me like a slut? pathetic." your cries only fueled her fingers to move faster.
abby quickly pushed you up the bed, forcing your legs to open more. you had no time to respond before you felt her thumb on your clit again with her pointer finger teasingly circling your hole. you felt so overwhelmed you couldn't do anything but let out a strangled moan.
"yes abby, please! I'll be good! i promise!" but your pleas weren't enough for her. she plunged in a finger before you could talk more. "
didn't say you could talk, did i?" no words of yours followed hers. you couldn't speak when she had started to repeatedly hit that spongey spot inside of you that always made you lose your mind with pleasure.
you weren't sure how much time had passed before you felt something familiar buildup in your stomach. both of you knew you were at the brink of orgasming. your moans started to get louder, babbling incoherently. abby just looked smug as she went faster, responding with 'uh-huh?' and 'you like that?' and 'yeah?' on repeat. you knew better than to cum without her saying so when you were in trouble. you shouted out as the coil inside you started to get tighter, you needed that release, you needed to chase that feeling.
"abby, abby, abby. please- oh! please let me cum", you begged her.
she pretended to think it over before suddenly ceasing all of her movements. you cried out pathetically as she pulled her fingers out of you. "shit baby, i need to see you crying this prettily on my cock. if you keep being good I'll let you cum, deal?" abby couldn't help but moan out at the sight of you all fucked out. she couldn't help but feel that rush of euphoria knowing it was because of her. her pants were off the second you whimpered out in agreement.
abby rubbed soothing circles in your thigh as she pushed you to the edge of the bed again. you watched abby tease your slit with her plastic cock. it was the purple one-- a sold 7 inches, with a thick girth, and fat tip. your mouth that was opened to beg suddenly morphed into a gasp as you felt her easily slip into you.
"fuck!" you exclaimed as abby smirked before picking up the pace. you were sure everyone could hear you by now. abby's moans joined the mix of wet sounds, moans, and tears as the base of the strap rubbed against her clit.
it all suddenly felt like too much. you could feel your slick running down your thighs. abby's moans while she chased her own orgasm added a new layer to your pleasure. abby knew you well enough to know that you were at the edge of cumming again. "beg me. make me believe you deserve this," she demanded in between her own moans.
and, well, you knew how to beg, "i'll never cause trouble again! promise! I'll be your best girl again. please abby!"
on the edge of cumming herself, she grunted before crashing your lips together, "cum for me. want to see you become more ruined all because of me." that was all the permission you needed before you fell apart-- you swore you saw stars as she continued to thrust into you screamed her name before cumming.
and usually abby would stop now, but tonight you were being punished so she continued to fuck you as you cried tears of overstimulation. a loan groan left her lips, "fuck angel, you feel so good." all it took was two more strokes before abby's whole body shook as her orgasm ran through her.
within the blink of an eye, abby pulled out of you, causing you to whine. she sushed you as she placed a kiss on your forehead. "you're my best girl, yeah? i’m going to go get a washcloth to wipe you down. not even a whole two minutes, okay sweet girl? she always reassured you she'd be back soon as you tended to whine about her leaving. all you could do was nod as you watched her slip out of the room.
abby kept her word of being less than two minutes. she came back with a big water bottle, your favorite blanket, and a washcloth. you were handed the water to sip on while she wiped in between your thighs. she worked as gently as she could, whispering quiet apologies as the rag ran over your most sensitive parts. you watched her as you sipped your water. "you did so well. always my bravest girl, huh? i just love you so much." you could see the way she looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
instead of telling her you loved her back like usual, tears started to roll down your eyes. abby looked at you panicked. "are you hurt? what's going on in my angel's head?" you shook off her questions before wiping your tears away.
"i didn't mean to scare you. i’m sorry abs." she sushed you, not allowing you to guiltily apologize any further. "
it's all over now. you did so well for me. why don't we nap now, yeah?" you nodded, signaling abby to get in bed with you. after throwing the rag to the side and turning off the lights she joined you in bed. you curled up next to her while she placed the blanket over the both of you. you fell asleep feeling safe to the whispers of the both of you confessing your love for the other.
not super edited cause i couldn't stare at it anymore after the second read through n also sleep deprived now oops? this is my first time writing smut, can you tell lmao? i wanted to push my writing boundaries so this lil guy was born. more n even better things to come as i start my summer! if you've read this far thank u so much!! a rb would be so cool if u liked it that much! xoxo, angelanderson (extra note: i realized it spaced it weirdly when i posted so hopefully it’s fixed now?! lmk if not!)
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permanentswaps · 7 days
Hello, Dad
Read Part 1 by @possessionbodythief.
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Two years have passed since that fateful night, and I’ve settled into my new life as Jake with surprising ease. Watching the residents of the house over the years has proven invaluable in adapting to the modern world. My mannerisms have changed, but since the real Jake had always been uncertain about how his dad would react to being in a new body, it didn’t matter much. People around me simply chalk it up to growing up and finding myself.
After some time living with "my dad" - or Jake now in Robert's body - in the old house, I realized I needed my own space to truly embrace this new life. Moving out was a big step, but one I knew I had to take. I found a small apartment downtown with a view of the city skyline, a far cry from the haunted house I was confined to for decades. This place, with its modern amenities and vibrant surroundings, felt like a breath of fresh air. The sense of freedom and independence was exhilarating, something I had never known in my previous life.
"It's so good to be free," I whisper to myself, a smile spreading across my face.
My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my reverie. It's a text from "my dad."
"Hey Jake, you wanna grab dinner tonight? Been missing you."
My smile widens. I quickly text back.
"Sure, Dad. There's a new spot near here I've been meaning to try, wanna meet at 7?"
"Perfect. See you then, kiddo."
I put my phone down, thinking about how much has changed. Lately, I've been working out a lot. I feel a bit bad for Jake; he was just kinda impatient. It would've happened for him eventually if he had kept with a routine. I mean look at the transformation from then to now:
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But hey, his impatience is my gain. I'm still more lean than buff right now, but that's how I like it. There are a bunch of cute guys checking me out all the time. I've even managed to get a hot boyfriend.
But it seems Jake has noticed the changes the most. He even jokingly muses, "Damn, what I would've done to have a body like yours at that age." He's kidding, of course. He never experienced this age. In fact, we still have never mentioned the swap – thank God, 'cause I don't want to risk him finding out who I really am in this body. Jake seems to be completely comfortable in his new body, never showing any signs of sadness or jealousy. He truly embraces his role as Robert and appears genuinely happy.
But sometimes, he throws in these playful comments that catch me off guard. Like the other day, I was stretching after a workout, and he walks in, giving me an exaggerated once-over.
"Look at you, all limber and toned. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to impress someone," he said with a wink.
He smirked, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, you're definitely turning heads. Just make sure you don't break too many hearts."
I grinned back at him. "And look at you, Dad. You're in fantastic shape. You've got those muscles everyone dreams of."
Jake's eyes gleamed with pride as he flexed his bicep. "Damn right. I know I've got it going on."
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Another time, we were out for dinner, and I mentioned I was thinking of getting a new wardrobe.
"Oh really?" he replied, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Trying to show off those gains? I can't blame you. If I had your body, I'd probably never wear a shirt."
I chuckled, feeling a flush creep up my neck. "Maybe I'll take your advice and start a new trend."
It's not just my body that's improved, though. Jake has also been hitting the gym hard. He's in fantastic shape, even better than when I first took over this body. His muscles are more defined, and his confidence radiates in every movement.
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As I step into the upscale restaurant, the blend of modern design and rustic charm immediately catches my eye. String lights are draped across the space, casting a warm, inviting glow over the wooden tables and cushioned benches. The walls are adorned with lush greenery and vibrant flower arrangements, creating a serene and picturesque ambiance. The gentle sound of a nearby water fountain adds to the tranquil atmosphere. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pizzas and herbed garlic bread fills the air, making my mouth water.
Jake is already there, waiting at our table. He looks up and grins when he sees me.
"Hey, kiddo," he says, standing up to give me a hug.
"Hey, Dad," I reply, embracing him warmly. "This place looks amazing. Ready for a feast?"
"You bet," he says with a laugh as we take our seats.
We start by ordering a variety of appetizers: bruschetta topped with fresh tomatoes and basil, crispy calamari, and a charcuterie board that looks almost too good to eat.
"These bruschettas are amazing," Jake says, biting into one.
I nod. "Definitely. This place is awesome."
As we work our way through the appetizers and move on to the main course, a handsome waiter catches Jake's eye. He can't help but flirt, turning on the charm with every word. The waiter, clearly interested, flirts back, and by the time dessert arrives, Jake has the waiter's phone number scrawled on a napkin.
I can't help but laugh. "Wow, Dad, you're really on fire tonight."
Jake grins, waving the napkin. "What can I say? When you've got it, you've got it."
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We finish our meal with splitting a tiramisu. As we're wrapping up, Jake leans over, a serious look in his eyes. "Hey, why don't you come back home tonight? I've missed having you around recently. I'd really like it if you stayed over."
"Sure, Dad," I say, smiling. "I'd love to."
When we get home, he catches me looking at myself in the mirror, admiring my progress. The muscles I've worked so hard to develop are finally starting to show, and there's a newfound confidence in my reflection. Jake walks up behind me, his presence warm and reassuring.
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"You know, you've got this whole 'boy-next-door' vibe going, but with an edge. It's... intriguing."
I chuckle, a bit embarrassed but also pleased by his words. He steps closer and grabs my waist, his hands firm yet gentle.
He looks at me in the mirror, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "See, I told you," he says with a twinge of irony, "You just needed to wait for your growth spurt."
I turn to face him, our eyes meeting. "I guess you were right," I say, with a knowing smile. "It just took a little time."
A look of lust flashes over his eyes, and I feel a thrill run down my spine. He moves closer, his hands sliding up to my shoulders, giving them a firm, appreciative squeeze.
"And now you’re all grown up," he murmurs, his voice low and husky.
Before I can respond, his lips are on mine, capturing me in a deep, passionate kiss. My body reacts instantly, pressing against him, the heat between us igniting something primal and intense. It's been two years since we last shared this kind of intimacy, and the hunger in his eyes tells me he’s been waiting just as long.
He guides me to the bedroom, our kisses growing more urgent, our touches more desperate. The anticipation builds as we shed our clothes, revealing the bodies we’ve both worked so hard to perfect. The air is charged with electricity, the desire between us palpable.
Jake pushes me gently onto the bed, his eyes roaming over my body with a mix of pride and lust. "You're perfect," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
He joins me on the bed, his hands exploring every inch of my skin, rekindling the flames of our past encounters. I gasp as his lips find the sensitive spots on my neck, my chest, my inner thighs. The pleasure is overwhelming, each touch sending waves of ecstasy through me.
When he finally enters me, it’s like coming home. The connection between us is deeper than ever, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. Every thrust brings us closer to the edge, the intensity building until it’s almost unbearable. I grip his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as I match his rhythm, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.
"It's been too long," Jake groans, his breath hot against my ear. "I’ve missed this."
"Me too," I gasp, my hands clutching at his back, urging him deeper. "God, I've missed this."
His pace quickens, each thrust more powerful than the last. The room is filled with the sounds of our passion—the slap of skin against skin, the low moans and gasps, the whispered words of desire. I can feel myself getting closer, the tension coiling tighter and tighter in my core.
Jake's hands grip my hips, pulling me closer, deeper. "You're mine," he whispers fiercely, his eyes locked on mine. "Always."
"Yes, Daddy," I moan, the words slipping out naturally, a thrill of submission coursing through me. "I'm yours."
The intensity of his gaze, the possessiveness in his voice, sends me over the edge. I cry out, my body arching beneath him as pleasure crashes over me, wave after wave. He follows moments later, a guttural groan tearing from his throat as he finds his release, collapsing onto me, spent and sated.
We lie there, tangled in each other’s arms, the afterglow of our lovemaking still shimmering around us. His weight is comforting, his presence a soothing balm. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against mine.
"That was incredible," I murmur, my voice soft and breathless.
He leans down to kiss me again, slow and sweet, a promise of more to come.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
okok you can make this super fluffy or u can add smut if you’d like, i don’t have a preference. i also can literally see this in my head so i’m sorry if there’s too much lolol. but basically reader + the triplets have been best friends since they were like 6, but reader and nick are closest. she’s had a crush on matt for ages and basically matt finally realizes what he feels (even though anyone w two eyes could see) and kisses her, but they get caught by nick and matt kinda runs out, later being scolded by nick saying smtg like “why are you doing this? she doesn’t need you breaking her heart over and over again anymore.” after that he confesses and at first she thinks he’s fucking w her before realizing he’s being genuine
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary - this rec ^^
warnings - kissing, fluff, swearing, use of y/n (i think thats all)
word count - 2400??
me and the triplets have been best friends for as long as i remember. i honestly think i gained consciousness when i was with them. we have spent countless summers together just playing around outside. showing off our new toys, board games and just growing up together.
we were all inseparable from the moment i met them and have pretty much experienced everything with them. i was always super close with chris and he was even my first kiss at the ripe age of 8. nick and i met first during baseball practice and i was the only girl on the team. nick is my best friend in the whole world and that never changed as we grew up. matt and i are very different people. we always got along and played together as kids but as i grew up i developed feelings for him. i had an eye for him ever since we were 13 when he ditched his date and took me to 8th grade formal because no one else would. he was always my knight in shining armor.
i always thought he was attractive but as time went on i grew to love everything about him. i confided in nick about my feelings when i was 15 and have continued to express my feelings for matt to him. nick promised me that this would be the only secret he would ever keep from his brother and he has kept it for 2 years now.
which brings us to present day.
matt was driving me home from school since nick and chris were hanging out with their friends after school.
“did you see that amount of homework our history teacher gave us, i was ready to walk out the second she gave me that booklet.” i say. “oh i fucking know she can be ridiculous.” matt replies. he was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other tapping his fingers on the centre console to the music we were listening to. “matt.” i ask looking at the size of my booklet, “hmm?” he says watching the road. “do you think we can work on these together i really dont think i can get this done on my own.” i mumble, he chuckles looking over at me “i was just about to ask you the same thing.” he smiles.
“ok ill drive over later i need to do some things at home before i start homework.” i breathe. “sounds good.” he says.
once matt dropped me home i immediately began getting ready. although i would never admit it, i always tried my best to look my best when i was around matt. even though we have known each other for years i never wanted him to think i was unattractive.
growing up and watching the girls matt would take on dates and have all of those ‘firsts’ with always crushed me. he never knew it but he broke my heart countless times. the worst time was when we were 15 and he came to me nick and chris after hanging out with his first girlfriend and told us he lost his virginity. that was the night i confessed to nick my feelings for his brother. i spent the rest of that weekend crying in my room about matt when he did nothing to hurt me, i was just in my own head about loving him since i was 13. its safe to say nothing has changed since then and i have continued to be in love with him and i am now currently 17.
- later that night - 6:15 pm
i arrived to their house and walked in after being greeted by their mom and a hug from her. their mom treated me like my own as i was at their house more than i was at my own. she told me that there was dinner left over since chris and nick werent home if i wanted some.
of course all i wanted to do was just hangout with matt.
i made my way up the stairs to matts room to find him playing a game on his computer with headphones on. i walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. “oh y/n you scared the shit out of me.” he breathes clearly startled. i laugh and walk over to his bed and plop down on it. “i actually think i would rather step on nails for a day than do this history bullshit.” i sigh.
matt chuckles while shutting off his computer and grabbing his history booklet and sitting down on his bed. we both got right to work going from looking in our textbooks, to writing down answers, copying the answers from each other and wording them differently. we continued that same process for about an hour before my hand felt like it was going to fall off.
“oh my god matt i cannot do this anymore we need to take a break.” i sigh laying down on my back. “me too i think my head will explode if i keep going.” he agrees. i close my eyes and get comfortable in his bed while he grabs his phone and starts scrolling on it eventually turning it to my face “what do you think of her.” he asks showing me a girl that is in our history class. i just raise my shoulders in response. “words would be more helpful you know.” he chuckles. “i dont know shes the same as the past 3 girls you have been with.” i blankly reply. he hums in response and goes back to scrolling. “so helpful.” he says jokingly rolling his eyes.
“you never really like any of the girls i talk to huh?” he blurts. i freeze not knowing how to respond, i dont know matt maybe because ive been in love with you for years but your too stubborn to fucking notice it? i obviously wanted to scream I LOVE YOU AND I HAVE SINCE I WAS 13, at him but i didnt. my face goes blank and i just turn away from him and go back to resting my eyes even tho i know it wont last long. while me and matt had a great relationship as friends i always shut down when it came to moments like these. matt knows when something is wrong, all the fucking time. its frustrating in moments like these when i am literally mad at him for showing me a girl hes interested in but of course i cant tell him that.
“ok snap out of it what is your problem now?” he snaps. “matt i dont have a problem.” i state lying through my teeth. “anyone from a mile away can read that you are upset right now so just tell me what the issue is so i can fix it.” he pleads. “matt can you drop it.” i huff twars brimming my eyes, “no.” he pauses “why do you keep doing this, you always shut me out when theres a problem. i know that your upset and you know that i know your upset, just tell me whats wrong.” he explains.
“matt i cant.” i say as tears spill out. he lifts his hand to turn me over to see that im crying, his face saddens. i instinctually cover my eyes and sit up.
“theres clearly something wrong, what happened why cant you open up to me anymore.” he says. i sniffle and get up to use the bathroom. i couldnt stand to even look him in the eye. not knowing the strong feelings i have for him.
j went into the bathroom and broke down. i never broke like that in front of him before. every time this has happened i usually just go home and deal with it or complain to nick. this time i was looking him right in the eye and he saw what he made me feel. matts not and idiot he definitely knows why that upset me. if he didnt have a hunch that i was in love with him before he absolutely knows now. everything ive held in for the past 4 years has spilled out and i dont know how to handle what will happen when i walk back in to that room.
knock knock
“y/n can you open the door.” he says in a quiet tone. i put my hand on the handle and press my other hand to the door. “deep breaths” i keep repeating to myself. i crack the door open and matt sees me mascara on my face. puffy eyes and a sniffily mess. he grabs my face and either side and wipes away my tears. i just watch him as he does this. he moves forward to get closer and slowly connects our lips. i immediately melt into his touch and start kissing him back, wrapping my hands around his on my face.
we continue kissing as i wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer as he smiles into the kiss. i heavily breathe in as he slips his tongue into my mouth. my heart beats faster at the new feeling. i always imagined kissing matt but this is better than what i ever could have imagined. he moves one hand from my face and places it on my hip.
“what. the. fuck.” i hear nick say from behind.
we both stop and turn around and nick and chris standing behind us.
“nick please dont be mad.” i plead. “i will talk to you in a minute y/n” he says point at me “matt go to your room with me.” nick says sticking his hand in the direction of matts room.
matts pov
my heart was beating so fast as nick followed me into my room. kissing his best friend what was i thinking. she was my best friend too but their relationship was always closer but its still no excuse.
“what the fuck are you doing kissing y/n?” he yells, i open my mouth to speak but he interrupts me. “do you know how much you have fucked with her already.” he exclaims.
now im confused.
“you have been messing with y/n’s head for years now and you have spent the past four years breaking her heart over and over, she doesnt need you doing it again.”
i pause i thinking about his words rubbing my hands over my face.
“she has spent everyday loving you since we were 13 and has watched you countless times talk to girls and being girls around and she has always kept it in as to how she feels. unless you truly have feelings for her that to you was nothing. but matt, what just happened right there.” nick says shaking his head, “just might hurt her more than anything you could ever have done to her.” nick breathes before walking out of my room.
y/n’s pov
i walked into chris’ room after what happened and just cried as he watched me spiral. he surprisingly had nothing to say and the silence of the situation made it even worse. i was freaking the fuck out. i never anticipated kissing matt and especially not his brother, my best friend catching us.
nick walks in to chris’ room “y/n are you ok?” he asks. i look at him and just break down. he walks over and sits down on the bed with me and chris. chris friendly pats me on the shoulder and i smile at him “thanks chris.” i say and he gives me a warm smile.
we hear a knock on the door and see matt open it. “y/n please can i talk to you.” he says and nick looks at me with worry written all over his face. “its ok.” i whisper as i get up and nod at matt.
we close the door behind us and he begins. “nick just told me ive been breaking your heart since we were 13.” he breathes, “why didnt you say anything before.”
“matt i couldnt.” i say tears threatening to come out of my eyes again. matt looks at me with concern. “dont, dont look at me like that. you never felt anything for me now dont start now because you feel bad for me.” i say now feeling angry at him. “y/n but thats the thing, i always felt something for you. anyone with eyes can see that. you know that i never let any girl come into my presence without asking your approval, your the most important girl to me in the world nothing can ever change that.” he says looking at the ground. “bullshit.” i huff. “i dont believe you, if you really ever had feelings for me you would have seen that i loved you for 4 years.” i say tears pooling out of my eyes but i dont care, “4 years matt. ive been seeing you with girls for years envious of their life and then you pass them on like their nothing.” i say putting a finger to his chest. “4 years i had to keep this to myself to prevent it from ruining years of friend ship, not just between us but between your family.” i say pushing my finger on his chest harder and he steps back. “4 years that i had to get my heart broken by someone who didnt give a shit about me.” i say walking towards him now pushing him harder, crying even harder now.
he wraps his arms around me and i fight out of his grip. he doesnt let go as i stuggled but eventually i grow tired and just clutch on to him like if i let go i would fall. “im sorry.” he says petting my hair and i cry into his chest. “you know that i would never hurt you, you are the one person besides my brother that i care about the most.” he says resting his chin on my head. “i love you.” he says. i look up at him from his grip. i moved up to his face finding his lips and connecting them once more. this kiss more sweet than the last.
“ive waited to hear that since i was 13.”
thank you for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry
a/n: i hope you guys enjoyed this and to the person who requested it i hope this lived up to your standards 🤍🤍🤍
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
Eddie’s voice rang out through Steve’s bedroom.
Steve jumped because, well, he was completely alone in his house less than a minute ago, and now Eddie Munson was standing in his doorway staring at him.
In a skirt.
Not like, a short one. Just one of Robin’s that she let him borrow with no explanation.
She kind of gave him a knowing look, but she didn’t say anything. She probably didn’t want to scare him or make him second guess himself or feel any of the shame he finally buried deep enough to even ask her for it.
It’s just when he first saw it in her closet, he fell in love with it. The way it flowed in just the right spots, how it hit above the hips (or he thought it would if he ever was brave enough to try it on), how the color was the exact shade of blue he always preferred.
And Robin never even wore it.
It was shoved in the back of her closet like a forgotten thing, never to see the light of day because then Robin would have to acknowledge something other than jeans or stupid pleated pants that were apparently “all the rage for lesbians, Steve!”
So he spent months picturing himself in it, touching the soft fabric any time he had to grab something from her closet, practicing asking to borrow it “for a girlfriend.” Practiced telling himself that skirts were only gendered because of society, or whatever bullshit spiel Robin had gone into when they saw a guy getting teased for wearing a dress in Indy.
And he believed it just fine when it came to others. Doesn’t make any man who is a man less of a man and all that.
But for him?
It’s just not allowed.
Until it was.
He was staying the night at Robin’s because they had to close and then open the next morning. She was showing him her new sweater she’d bought for her first date with Nancy that she refused to actually ask Nancy out on. When she opened the closet, he saw the edge of it.
“Can I borrow that?”
Robin looked at him like he’d gained ten heads.
“Borrow what? The sweater? No. This sweater cost more than most of my closet combined. It’s gonna be my magical confidence booster.”
“Not the sweater.” Steve took a deep breath. “The skirt.”
“I mean. Not for me. Obviously. For someone else.”
Robin raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“Uh. Do I know her?”
“Does she need clothes or something? I can do a closet clean out to help.”
Steve loved Robin. She wasn’t exactly well-off, but she’d literally give the shirt off her back if it meant someone else would have clothes who needed them.
He only felt a little guilty about lying to her.
“No, no. Uh. Just the skirt. She saw one like it the other day and loved it so much. She couldn’t get that one so I think if she can just wear this one once she’ll get it out of her system, ya know?”
If he was talking about himself, that was only for him to know.
But he saw the way Robin was looking at him. She knew. No amount of coverup was going to make her not know. He could only hope she wouldn’t ask questions.
“Sure. She can try it and see if it gets out of her system. She could also keep it if it doesn’t though.”
Steve gulped.
Robin gave him a small smile, encouraging when he felt like he was going to throw up all over her ugly bedroom carpet.
“Yeah. God knows I won’t ever wear it unless I’m being forced to.”
“Okay.” Steve smiled and walked over to the closet. “I…she’s gonna be really excited about this. Thanks, Robs.”
“Anytime Dingus.”
He turned to look at Eddie standing in his doorway, face flush with embarrassment and shame. He didn’t want this to be the end of whatever was going on between him and Eddie.
They were dancing around each other according to Robin and Will and Dustin and Max.
They were being ridiculous according to Nancy and Jonathan and Wayne.
They were being cautious according to Eddie.
They were just taking it slow.
Steve hated it.
But he knew why Eddie wanted to be cautious; Rushing into a relationship built on shared trauma is probably worth taking a little time on.
And even if they have been basically dating for months, it’s totally fine that they haven’t even kissed.
And now they probably never will because Eddie just walked in while he was wearing the skirt.
He loved this skirt. He felt pretty. He loved that when he turned in a circle, it fluttered out just enough to look cute, but not enough to show a bunch of skin. He loved the way the color made his tanned skin just a bit lighter, and he glowed a little in the mirror.
But now he would always think of Eddie leaving him in the dust because of it.
“I just. I. Sorry.”
Steve looked down at his feet, trying to feel for the zipper along the side of the skirt to take it off before he made things worse. His hands were shaking, adrenaline pouring through him so quickly he couldn’t find where the zipper began.
He felt a hand on top of his, holding it firmly to keep it from moving anymore.
“Stevie. Look at me.”
As hard as it was to do it, Steve looked up at Eddie, tears already forming in his eyes.
“You look beautiful. Keep it on, let me see you.”
And even though the words were so kind and made Steve feel so much better, he let the tears fall from his eyes.
Hearing Eddie say it out loud, that he was beautiful and allowed to wear this if it made him feel beautiful, was almost too much for him to handle. His last set of scars had really done a number on his self-confidence, but this skirt had given him hope for the first time in almost a year that he’d feel good in his skin again. Eddie had the power to tear him back down, but of course he hadn’t. He made it better, like he always did.
Eddie pulled his hand away from the skirt, holding it up and twirling him in a circle.
Steve giggled.
When was the last time he did that?
Never, maybe.
Eddie’s smile was contagious as they looked at each other with matching beaming smiles. He was staring at Steve’s face now.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy, sweetheart.” Eddie reached his unoccupied hand out to touch the waistline of the skirt. “I don’t think you know how incredible you look when you’re happy.”
What does a person even do with a compliment like that?
Pass out? Kiss? Die?
Steve settled on kissing Eddie.
It was time to move beyond whatever they’d been doing. Steve couldn’t wait any more.
If Eddie was going to not only accept this part of Steve that Steve had barely even accepted of himself, but also encourage him to feel beautiful, then Steve was going headfirst into this.
Their lips met harshly at first, Steve being a bit overzealous and misjudging how close they already were.
But within seconds, Eddie was slowing it down, placing both hands on Steve’s cheeks to control the pace better. He was licking along Steve’s bottom lip, silently asking for entrance, but not moving and faster or demanding anything more than what Steve wanted.
When they parted for air, Eddie rested his forehead against Steve’s, eyes blinking open slowly.
“You like the skirt?” Steve asked with a smirk.
“I love the person in it. I like whatever he feels best in.”
Steve sat with that for a moment, but recovered quickly.
“You love me?”
“Can’t imagine how you didn’t know, sweetheart.”
“Just didn’t know it was like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like the real kind. The kind where you love someone enough to love the things they love even if you aren’t sure what to do with it.”
“I love you the real kind.”
Eddie was smiling at him when he pulled away and left a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I love you the most kind.”
“I love you the best kind.”
Steve laughed.
“Can we dance?”
“If you want.”
“I wanna take the skirt for a test drive.”
Eddie settled his hands on Steve’s hips and started humming a song that was definitely not usually for a slow dance, but sounded nice enough for them.
When Eddie spun Steve out and twirled him back into his arms, and his skirt moved in just the right ways, he felt more like himself than he ever had before.
And when Eddie bought him his own skirt from a store in Indy the next time they had a date night, he let himself feel pretty in a way he didn’t think was possible.
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plant-based-feeder · 1 month
At first, you thought I was just a guy who liked bigger girls.
I let you eat whatever you want, and never told you that you’ve had too much.
I loved your curves, and was happy to help you add to them.
We went on cute dates, with chocolate, flowers, and even cute gifts to show that I loved you.
We were active. We went to the gym, loved going on vacations, and always went out on the weekends.
After a few month, you had changed from a curvy girl with a big ass and tits with a slimmer waste into a chunky girl with an ass that jiggles with every step and a belly that always seems to form a muffin top.
Then, the day came when I admitted that I was a feeder. You loved me, so you decided to go along with it.
Now whenever we get food, I always add an extra entree, or dessert, or at least make sure you get snacks afterwards.
I don’t just love your curves. I want to see you expand. I love the stretch marks, and the cellulite, and the new rolls forming all over your body.
Every date turned into a buffet trip. No more flowers or chocolate. Just me delivering plate after plate to my porky girl until she can’t even squeeze herself out of the booth.
Every activity now revolved around making sure you were fed. Every vacation was now just an opportunity for me to fly you to a new city with new restaurants to try. Our weekend club visits turned into us getting wasted and ordering 5 pizzas for you to stuff down your gullet. The gym wasn’t even an option anymore.
You were already fat before we started this feedism thing, but now you were straight up obese. You were wide, with a shelf of an ass and a belly that had grown down past your fupa. You were easily five hundred pounds. You could barely walk twenty feet without getting winded, and I’m pretty sure you hadn’t drank anything but coke and milkshakes in months.
At this point, you were fully into this feedism thing. You wanted it just as bad as I did. We talked for hours about how big you could get, what meals you would eat, and how hot it was to destroy your body like this.
Finally, we decided it was time to go all in. All you wanted to do was gain weight, so that’s all you would have to do from now on.
You no longer ate meals. Every day just consisted of a torrential onslaught of food that I would force down your throat from the time you woke up until you fell into a food coma.
All we wanted was to see you gain. Folds on top of folds, stretch marks across your entire body, and a triple chin that covered your entire neck.
No more dates, just feedings. We would get creative. Sometimes I would force feed you until you were just a morsel of food away from popping. Other times I would let you eat an entire cake off your massive belly while I ate you out.
At this point, you never left the house. You could barely walk, so why bother. No clubs, no gym, no vacations. Just the inside of our house and a mountain of food.
You were absolutely, grotesquely massive. It was a miracle that you could still move at all. You were so fat that you covered our queen size bed from corner to corner. You massive tits spilled over the sides of your belly, and your fupa was now as large as your belly was when this all started.
You were gorgeous, but not perfect.
One day, while you were locked away in your food coma, I brought in a machine. A large container with a tube. As you slept, I slowly inserted the tube down your throat and into your stomach. Then, with one flip of the switch, your fate was sealed. You awoke with a jolt, grabbing at the hose with a panicked look in your eyes, but soon you realized what was happening. Our eyes met, and I knew that this is what you wanted.
For however long you would live after this point, there was never a moment you weren’t packed to bursting. Your belly was now so accustomed to being full that it ballooned up above you like a deep red mountain, weighing heavy on your insides. At this point, your mind was so focused on how close you were to bursting that you could no longer think for yourself.
It was pure bliss
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writing-rat · 9 months
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Reader
Content: 18+ Content, blowjob/handjob, Sex, G!P Jenna Ortega, Smut, Gentle and rough sex
Requested by: @lalalalalal011010
Summary: Jenna is intrigued by a fan so she goes and talks to them. That's when you go to hers to hangout, however she always goes to the bathroom before hand... one day you get curious.
WC: 1700
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It was the premiere for Scream 6, and Jenna was nervous so to say. She knew something would go on during the night, but she wasn’t sure just yet. Currently she was walking with Jasmin and Melissa as she was ranting about one of her incidents from the day. That was until they arrived at the premiere, as she was looking around everywhere. Lightening up, she was able to take a breather… until she saw a certain someone in the crowd that she admitted she was attracted to.
She just couldn’t resist as she sneakily walked away from everything, looking for you. You meanwhile was going over to the side to take a breather from everyone. It was too crowded and loud for your liking, but you was just happy to see all of your favourite actors. As you was about to enter the crowd, you saw your all time favourite walking somewhere. Wait, no. Towards YOU. You was shocked as she stopped in front of you. “Hi. I couldn’t help but say hi to you. What is your name if I can ask?” she asked with a small, genuine smile.
“My name is Y/N,” was your quick response, flustered by her talking to you of all people.
“You probably know already but my name is Jenna. Talk more?” she asked as she knew she had to go back now. You nodded.
This started your friendship of close to a year now. 3 months into it she started to invite you to her house. You also had gained a bit of hate from toxic fans when you was caught with her at a restaurant, which she profusely apologised for. You had reassured her that she didn’t have to though, and you was ok being seen with her. 6 months into the friendship and Jenna came around to your house. It had been close to 7 months of friendship now, and you was going over to Jenna’s house for your weekly movie night. This week it was ‘Evil Dead Rise’ and you was excited.
Eventually, you arrived and was going over to the door about to knock when Jenna opened it up. “Hey,” she spoke casually, discreetly looking you up and down. “I’m going to the bathroom before the film. You can set it up if you want?” Jenna offered, waiting for your usual nod before she ran over to the bathroom. You proceeded to ignore it, always curious why she didn’t go to the bathroom until you arrived. You got the film ready nonetheless, checking the time. It had only been 2 minutes, and you was about to scroll on your phone when you heard a small groan in the closest bathroom. Concerned, you immediately got up and wandered over to the bathroom. 
“Are you ok?” You asked, knocking on the door when it opened by accident. You didn’t expect that and had a full view of Jenna. You glanced down and that’s when you saw it… a dick.
“Sorry. D-didn’t expect the door to open, I will just…” you spoke about to leave embarrassed before it hit you. “Do you masturbate every time I visit? Like, at the start?” you asked, Jenna stood in shock before she sighed with a blush and nodded. 
“Yeah, I do. I… kinda was attracted when we first met and so I went over and started to talk to with you,” Jenna admitted, still masturbating as she was moaning. You couldn’t help but bite your lip. “Want any help?” You boldly asked, curious about her dick admittedly. Jenna blinked before she smirked. 
“You want to suck my dick hm?” she teased you, as you was the one now flustered. You was gaping your mouth like a fish before Jenna stepped closer and pinned you against the wall. You blushed hard, before nodding as you slowly dropped down, Jenna watching with her eyes filled with lust. Slowly but surely you took her dick into your hand, stroking it first before you was sucking the tip, making eye contact, looking as innocent as possible. Jenna let out a small gasp before she suddenly grabbed your hair and forced you deeper down her dick. You gagged at first before adjusting while sucking more, stroking whatever else you couldn’t suck.
Jenna let out low moans as she was sucked off, grasping at your hair. She soon pulled her head back and was letting out  slight moan as her eyes closed. You kept sucking as you was wanting to plesure her, she deserved it. Plus, you had offerened and your crush on her had grown since you met her. “You are so good,” Jenna finally spoke as she was still moaning, amd was starting to pull your head closer. “I don’t usually get close this fast. Your mouth does wonders, I wonder how your pussy will feel around me,” she groaned out loudly as she was starting to hump your mouth. You kept your hand around her shaft as she thrusted, making sure she was having as much pleasure as possible.
Soon you felt something enter your mouth which shocked you before you was swallowing as much as possible. She was cumming without warning which led you to choke a bit but you was managing it quite well considering the surprise. She rubbed your head, praising you with a, “Good girl.” You let out a whimper of delight before she started to pull away and picked you up. You held onto her, surprised by her strength before you realised you was in her bedroom. “Do you want to do this?” Jenna asked, wanting your full consent before you did anything.
You was nodding. “Please, I need you Jenna,” you moaned out loudly as you was drenched. You could feel your underwear pressed against you. “Good girl,” Jenna spoke with a smirk and was starting to tug off her trousers and boxers fully. “You strip fully before me,” Jenna growled out to which you was nodding and was quick to strip. You were thankful you put some easy clothes to take off on and was also glad you didn’t put a bra on. Jenna licked her lips before she fully stripped down herself, sitting next to you. “Let me get you ready for my dick baby girl,” she spoke, slowly running her fingers from your inner thighs to your pussy. Moaning, you nodded and opened your legs further open.
Finding the position awkward, Jenna went between your legs to get more comfortable. She smirked when she realised she could see her finger enter into you. Innocently, she looked up before she entered a finger in. You let out a gasp of pleasure and bucked your hips. “Fuck Jenna, please, just get me ready for your dick,” you whined out needily. Jenna nodded as if to comply, slowly thrusting her finger in.
“I am. Just taking my time love, don’t want to hurt you, do I?” she asked cockily. You hesitated but nodded as you but your lip and was letting her enter a second finger soon. You was gasping out loud from the pleasure, Jenna looking up eagerly as she then entered a third one quickly, fully stretching you out.
After a few minutes, she pulled them out, and climbed up your body. “Ready?” She asked you. You nodded, about to speak when she kissed you suddenly. You squeaked in shock before you felt her enter. It wasn’t as painful due to the shock of her kissing you suddenly at least. You held onto her sides as she was gently entering you, her hands groping at your chest as she was rubbing the nipples. You were breathing harder as she was soon fully inside. “Let me adjust real quick,” you warned, pulling away from the kiss. She was nodding.
“Of course babe. For someone who found out I just had a dick, you are doing well,” she smirked out, rubbing your hair before she was kissing you again. You kissed back even harder, before nodding, giving her permission to move.
She was quick to move, being gentle and slow while making sure you were ok. “You ok?” she moaned out gently, to which you were nodding. “Yes babe,” you groaned out in pleasure, she had sped up. She smirked as she was kissing your jaw to your neck. You were letting out low moans as she was marking up your neck, making them in very visible places. You didn’t even worry about that as you were more focused on the pleasure she was giving you. She was manhandling your breast with one hand, one trailing down again as she was keeping on top of you, marking your shoulders at this point. That’s when you got a sudden sensation, a louder moan coming out of your mouth. She was rubbing your clit with her thumb, and you felt the smirk she held against your shoulders as she marked you. You kept grasping her sides hard and was starting to open your legs wider for her. She went even rougher as she was being rough and fast with you now. You loved that admittedly as you were getting close quickly. Jenna took note of that and was going even faster with a smirk.
“Such a good girl, why don’t you cum for me, hm?” she asked. Immediately you came at her command as she grinned, wanting to pull out so she didn’t make you pregnant by accident. She did a few rough pounds before she pulled out and came on your thighs and stomach. You gasped at the sensation of it being on you and smiled lazily at her. 
“I came for a movie. Instead I got a dicking down,” you joked and Jenna chuckled.
“Want some food and water now? I’ll bathe you after that then,” she asked, to which you nodded. “Please. Thank you for taking care of me,” you thanked her, happy to be cared for. 
“It’s the least I can do, you can wipe down with a wet wipe for now by the way,” she spoke, throwing a pack at you gently. You smiled then wiped yourself down. 
You wondered how often this was going to happen.
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lunamoonbby · 2 months
🌺💖🎀Simon's Little House Wife🌺💖🎀
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Gif credit goes to @poohbea
Warning ⚠️: slight body insecurities on Simon's end, female reader, reader is referred to be short like 4'11 height, reader being called wifey or lovie simon is referred to as hubby, reader having a slight belly pouch, and NSFW MINORS DON'T INTERACT
Being Simon's short little house wife who enjoys cooking and baking sweets for her hubby cause he's big and needs a the nutritional food he can get.
Simon who wasn't a big fan of sweets until he tasted a cupcake from his lovie.
Simon who can't help himself to just only one plate and will eat how ever much servings as he possibly can
Lovie who has to cook for a literal army meaning the pot that can have everyone eat the same leftovers for 5 days(I'm pretty sure we all know the pot) cause her hubby has an appetite as big as him.
The pot never really having 5 day leftovers inside but only enough for lovie and hubby to have for lunch the very next day
Lovie who make sure there is always sweets around, like cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, pies...just baked goods in general
Simon who starts to gain a bit of weight but doesn't know until someone tells him
Wifey who enjoys seeing the weight he put on cause it was her food that did that, and Simon is much more comfortable to cuddle with since he isn't all muscle anymore and has a nice dad bod going on
Simon who did his on base medical exam finding out he gained weight cause the doctor asked if he was bulking again (doctor was afraid he was going to go from walking brick wall to a walking tank cause he's already menacing enough)
Simon who is confused and when he really sees himself that's when he notice the weight gain
Simon who comes home and eats only a little bit of food and wifey being confused as to why that's happening
Wifey asking simon what's wrong you always EAT my cooking and that looks like a snack for you
Simon who tells her his insecurities saying he gained weight and he fears that he's no longer attractive
Lovie giving him that look before saying that she knows about the weight gain and that he's still the simon she married and that he's much more comfortable to cuddle now that he's not pure muscle, and his body heat keeps her warm at night, and it swells her with pride knowing that her food is that great and that he is getting the nourishment that he needs, and that he also eats her out like a man starved leaving no crumbs behind
So with that said simon is like I want dessert first and lovie being excited cause she made a yummy peach cobbler and Simon having to tell her not that kind of dessert but I will have me a piece of that cobbler when I'm done with you and my dinner
Lovie not being able to wait anymore goes in the living room lies down on the couch and lifts the skirt part of her dress up and removes her panties so Simon can get to eating which he does until reader has to push him away and squeeze her thighs together like she's gonna crush his skull
Simon who is content with his life
Lovie who brought in a batch of cupcakes for 141 cause it was prices birthday and it gave her and excuse to be a little baker
Soap saying that his LT's wife looks like a milf cause the sundress + belly pouch = mom bod and she also mothers the 141 and ghost reprimanding soap
141 getting a taste of lovies cupcakes and everyone telling ghost that they can see why he gained weight cause his lovie just makes really delicious food
Wifey who is like say all what you want about my hubby but I love him just the way he is, he looks even more grizzly, he knows exactly how to satisfy me and I love my walking tank he makes my size kink go brrr and he keeps me very warm when it's cold just like a bear and she just starts singing cuffing season by SZA
Simon bringing his wife in for a hug cause his wife is his hype woman and he can't get over how loving she is
141 wanting to have a wife like Simon's cause they're all jealous of the treatment simon is getting from his wife
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Body Worship
➤ Day 11
𖤐Pairing: Husband! König x Wife! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, NSFW, strong language, P in V, married couple, biting, boob grabbing, touching, dirty talking, eating out, mentions of pregnancy, badly translated German,
𖤐Summary: Y/n just had her first baby girl, and she has started to hate her stomach, it hasn't gone back to being flat and she has been scared that König may leave her because she wasn't skinny like she used to be and is worried her stomach may stop them from being active in the bedroom.
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Y/n stood in the mirror after her shower, she was in a matching bra and panty set looking at her stomach and pinching at the fat on her stomach. She grumbled at it and grabbed an oversized t-shirt and some sweatpants; she didn't want König to see her.
Their baby daughter, Heidi was asleep in the middle of the big King-sized bed. König was at work and would be home in a little bit. Y/n got back on the bed next to her sleeping daughter, she looked down at her and smiled.
She's glad that she could have her daughter being born and that the born went smoothly for her and Heidi. She was also worried about her and her husband's personal actives. Heidi was born 2 months ago, and she was worried König might have stopped liking her after the birth.
König walked through the door of his house and immediately walked up the stairs knowing his wife and daughter were upstairs on the bed. He smiled and removed his mask so he wouldn't scare his daughter. He smiled once again and kissed his daughter's forehead.
She shifted in her sleep and König gently picked her up and took her to her nursery and laid her down, he tried to make sure his tactical gear wasn't too loud and wouldn't also hurt her either.
He goes back into his shared bedroom and saw his wife Y/n now awake.
"Hey, mamas," he coos as he started striping from his gear.
"Did you just get home?"
"Yep. Why are you in sweatpants? You usually sleep in shorts, you get too hot in sweatpants," König knows his wife all too well.
"I was cold," she lied. Y/n thought her thighs were too thick and jiggled too much when she walked.
"Okay," he said, grabbing clean boxers and getting under the covers.
"Hm?" He looks up at her.
"Do...Do you...still like me?"
"What?" He chuckles. "What type of fucking answer is that? Why would you say that?"
"...Because I've gained weight..."
"Weight? You think...a little bit of baby weight will scare me? Liebling (sweetheart) if weight was going to scare me off...then I would have left when you were pregnant with Heidi...I would NEVER leave you just because of some baby weight...liebling if anything...you look so fucking sexy with baby weight on," König crawled to Y/n.
Her back hit the mattress of the bed with König just above her.
"K-King." His hands went to her face and dropped to her chest gently squeezing her waist. She lets out a soft moan. His hands then went up her shirt grabbing her stomach, he then lifts it up over her head.
"Goddamn, liebe (love) you are so sexy," he bites his lip and kissed her neck and down between the valley of her breasts. His hands went around her back and unhooked her bra tossing it away.
"Don't ever think that I don't want you, liebe. I will always want you, you are someone I want in my life, for fucks sake you gave birth to my tochter (daughter)." He said, kissing her left boob and groping her right one. She moans as she looked down at him sucking on her chest and leaving purple hickies on her.
"K-King," he smirks and kept kissing her chest. His hands then went down to her sweatpants pulling them off completely and tossed them somewhere in the bedroom and her panties were tossed away too, leaving her completely naked underneath him.
"Heilige Scheiße (holy fuck)." He mumbles.
"What?" She sounded nervous.
"You are so fucking gorgeous," he attacks her lower half licking between her wet folds and earning a soft moan from her lips. She covered her mouth thinking she was going to wake up Heidi.
"Moan for me, liebe (love), I want to hear you moan."
"B-But I don't w-want to wake up, H-Heidi." She stutters.
"Even she does I'll go get her," he said, licking her folds again. She grabbed a handful of his hair.
"Don't...Don't stop, K-King," she moans.
"Das hatte ich nicht gelpant (I wasn't planning on it)," he said with a smirk on his face and kissed her inner thighs and bit the fat of her thighs. She moans and her back arched, he smirked at her and licked between her folds.
He started to remove his boxers showing his thick cock and pushing it inside of her lower half. She moans and looks down at her stomach seeing his dick bulging in her stomach.
"AH!" She moans and throws her head back.
"Aww~ kleine mamas (little mamas)," his hand went down her stomach and felt his dick inside of her. "Jesus, liebe (love) you look so cute with my cock inside of you, holy shit," he threw his head back and looked back down at her.
"I'm not hurting you, am I kleine mamas?" She shook her head. König grabbed her chin making her look at his eyes. "Worte, kleine mamas (Words little mamas)."
"Nein (no)."
"God," he threw his head back again and started to thrust even harder and faster inside of her. "You are even more sexy when you speak Deutsch (German)," he groans.
"Ah! AH! AHHH!" She moans.
"God, you are such a goddess, sexy body, you carried...a baby inside of you for...9 months...you take my cock like a whore, my whore, and you feel so fucking good," he moans.
Her hands went to his stomach touching his abs and moaning when she felt herself about to cum. She threw her head back and looked back at König's face. Sweat dripped from his brow and within one more thrust, she ended up coming on his dick.
"Ahhh~ liebe (love)," he moans. His forehead rested on hers and he watched her twitch when she felt a rush of König's cum leak right into her.
He moved himself out of her and watched the cum leak from her clit. He smirks and licks his lips before licking between her folds, she moans and gripped a handful of his hair.
"Now...let's get you cleaned up, liebe."He coos as he picks her up.
Heidi was yelling for her parents to come and get her from her crib, she didn't care who as long as she was being held by one of them. Y/n came into her daughter nursery and picked her up, Y/n made some calming 'shushing' sounds trying to get her to quiet down.
König came into the nursery and saw his wife humming a soft tune and his little girl's eyes just softly about to close. He smiled to himself seeing his little girl asleep, Y/n was about to lay Heidi back in her crib, but König stopped her.
"Come on, let's bring her to our bed," he said.
"Okay," she whispered and walked past König and headed back to her shared bedroom. She laid on her side and gently laid Heidi between her and her husband.
König smiled at his two girls, he moved Y/n's hair from her face, she was looking down at her baby girl. He looked down at Heidi too and placed his head on his pillow.
Y/n moved the blanket over her body, Heidi's tiny body and König's body. She placed her hand on Heidi's tummy and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.
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elly-grace · 1 month
His world
Idk what to name this one lol also not edited at all
Pairing: Joe burrow x reader
Warning: not eating, mean comments
Word count: 1176
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The day started off like any other day. Joe wakes up to the sun shining through the window, then gets ready for practice. After Joe is ready he wakes you up with a good morning kiss, then after a short conversation heads to practice. This was normal, it was the status quo, it was routine.
But the status quo was broken after Joe left for practice, you felt off. You felt like crying, the hate from Joe's fans was really starting to get to you. There have been so many rumors about you and Joe recently. The main three were; cheating allegations, an engagement, and pregnancy. None of which were true, you would never cheat nor would Joe. You and Joe have been together since freshman year of college. Neither of you ever thought of cheating on the other in all the time you've been together. There's no engagement, at least that you knew of. But the pregnancy rumor hurt the most, you knew why it was being thrown around. You had been gaining a little weight, which you were self conscious about.
The comments flowed through your head.
‘She's so ugly! Like gross.’
‘She’s getting really fat, must have had to get pregnant for Joe to stay with her sorry ass.’
‘Joe can do so much better than her’
You felt the tears well up in your eyes.
“What if Joe leaves you?”
With that thought the floodgates were opened. Part of you knew that Joe would never leave you, he loved you with his entire heart. His world literally revolved around you, he didn't know how to do what he loved without you in his life. You two have been part of each other's lives since birth. Robin and (your mom) had been friends since childhood, which forced you to be friends. Joe was the built-in best friend, always there for you, and you were the same for Joe.
The other part of you thought the comments were factual. With you gaining weight you've been having troubles feeling comfortable in your body. It didn’t make you feel ugly just different. You knew Joe could have literally anyone he wanted, he could do better than you.
You try to calm down and take a few breaths coming back to rational.
You walked to your closet and found your oversized hoodie and a pair of leggings to change into. Then sluggishly made your way down the stairs then into the kitchen. Making your way to the fridge, you open it but then the fat comments come to your head. Deciding you would just skip breakfast you close the fridge. You check time seeing it was almost 9 which meant the other WAGs would be calling you soon. As if on cue your phone rings, it was Jess, Sam's fiance.
“Hey, are you coming out with us today?”
“Hey Jess. I think I am going to stay home.”
“You sure? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling good today.”
“Okay, call us if you need anything.”
“Okay, have fun!”
You said then hung up.
You started to do some house work around the house. You cleaned the entire house, starting in Joe's office and finishing in the basement. When you finished cleaning it was already noon meaning Joe would be home soon. You head to the kitchen to start making lunch for him, deciding to make a chicken caesar salad. You finished plating the food as soon as he walked in the door. He made his way to the kitchen and saw you and moved towards you to give you a kiss.
“Hi, baby. Have you been crying?” his eyes were fixed on your doleful looking face.
“Maybe.” you just shrugged, “it doesn’t matter.” as tears weld in your eyes.
“It does! It matters, why are you crying?” he said in a voice the told you he wasn’t going to stop until you told him.
“I’m getting so much hate. People say I'm ugly, fat, and you could do better than me. Which don’t say the last one isn’t true.” You looked down. Joe instantly made you look back up at him by putting his fingers under my chin. Noticing that my hair was messy and all over he moved some of it out of the way.
“Listen to me please, I love you, only you. You are beautiful, I don’t care that you're gaining weight, it means you're healthy.”
Your stomach starts to growl. Joe gives you a sad look.
“When did you eat last?”
“When? Cause you barely touched your dinner.”
“Breakfast was the last full meal.”
“You need to eat.”
You sighed but you would do anything for him. He was the love of your life.
“Okay” you said and started walking to the fridge when he grabbed your arm and pulled you back.
“Wait, I'm not done. I’m never going to leave you, never let those comments get to your head.”
He gave you a passionate kiss, then walked away. A few seconds later he comes back with something in his hand.
“This is definitely not how I wanted to do this but.” He spoke getting down onto one knee.
“Joe?” You were shocked.
“Y/n m/n l/n, I can not fathom my life without you in it. You’ve been here since day one, literally day one. You're the only constant thought in my mind. Every Injury, every bad day you’ve been there. You're it for me, it’s always been you. It took us 18 years to finally get together but I knew in middle school when that guy broke your heart. When I saw you crying I wanted to beat him up for hurting you. Now here we are 9 years later, I don’t think I can spend another moment of you not being mine forever. You are my world, my best friend and hopefully soon my Fiancé.” The tears that have been welling in your eyes finally fell.
You nod “yes”
Joe slides the ring onto your finger and stands and gives you a hug and then a kiss.
“I love you Joe”
“I love you too Y/n. I’m going to address the fans about the hate today when I go on ‘New Heights’.”
“Thank you.” You gazed at his face with his beautiful smile plastered upon it.
“How about you come with me?”
“Will Travis and Jason allow that?”
“They will, they’re pretty laid back.”
You nodded and soon you were in joes car with him.
“Welcome to the pod Joe, I hear you got some exciting news” Travis said
“Yeah, as of today I am an engaged man.”
“What, congrats man!” Jason yelled.
“Thanks guys, but I’d also like to address one more thing before we start.”
“Yeah go ahead.”
“So my fiancé has been receiving some pretty brutal hate from some of my fans recently. I just want to say that she is beautiful the way she is, and I love her more than anything in the world. Please stop hating on her.”
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Requested by: @funnyjb
Hope you enjoy!
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f4irys4n · 8 months
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dating yunho
jeong yunho x afab! reader
the before, during and nsfw sides of your relationship.
wc 1.3 k
before dating
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pls before you get together, he'd have the biggest crush on you
and he'd be so awkward. he would not be able to hide it
every time you walk into the room. bright red.
it'd take a long time for him to gain the courage to even look you in the eye, because for a while he wouldn't be able to do anything but grin
i think he'd be the kind of guy to have a fully thought out plan to ask you out but then would opt out at the last second
he'd talked it all through with the other members a not so smart move to make sure he had the best plan possible just for you
i can imagine him buying you flowers on valentines day, a whole speech prepared but the second he knocks on your door and hears movement on the other side
he's gone.
he'd leave the flowers at the doorstep and bolt
and as soon as the boys found out, yunho wouldn't be able to live it down
i mean... he still doesn't
eventually he'd gain the courage to tell you
or more like wooyoung blurted it out one day completely oblivious to the fact that you were sitting right there
so the poor boy literally had zero choice but to address what was said
insert a deep conversation where yunho confesses to you after he storms off pouting because wooyoung outed him after promising he wouldn't
would definitely stutter
the kinda guy to constantly stress 'it's okay if you don't like me back it's just...' or 'we can stay friends, i just need to get this off my chest' despite it being deadly obvious you like him back
during dating
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jump to present day and omg isnt he just so boyfriend material
constantly smothering you in hugs and kisses literally any chance he gets
whenever you’ve had a hard day at work or university, he’s definitely the kind of guy to run you a bath and try cook you dinner to help you relax as much as he can, or quickly run to the shop to get your favourite snacks and host a little movie night for the both of you.
dating him means you officially adopt all of his jumpers and hoodies, you literally have no choice. oh no, you were held against your will
seeing you in his clothes warms his heart
cooking dates!!!!
one of your first ever dates, he came around to your house and you both attempted to cook spaghetti
but it ended up basically being a good fight
you’d be mixing the sauce and he’d full on dip his fingers in it just to swipe it across your face whilst giggling to himself before running off
and instead of running after him like he'd expect, you just decided to grab and hand full of flour and launch it across the kitchen to reach him
he never really cooked before you, instant ramen and takeouts were his thing, but now cooking with you is his favourite things to do
when you first got together, it was a little hard due to living with 7 other boys, who were constantly about.
as much as you loved them as well i mean you're their friends having any alone time to do such simple things such as cuddle was difficult
and any time you did show affection to each other in front of the group, it'd be met with loud cheers or fake gipping from wooyoung
grabby hands when he wants to cuddle you.
whines every time you get out of bed and overdramatically begs you to come back because he's 'lonely' or going to 'freeze to death' without you.
wraps his hands around your waist whenever he gets the chance
he loves being close to you, no matter where
loves hearing you speak about your day, your interests, anything you've got planned or anything such. will position himself cross-legged and stare at you like you're the most ethereal being to ever walk upon the earth, taking in every last little thing you've said.
will constantly talk about his future with you
there's no doubt in my mind that he's a buy a house together, get married, and have kids/pets kind of man, and that doesn't change with you
and god, when he does move in with you, hell does he get excited
he'd get ecstatic over the basic things like brushing your teeth together, sharing a wardrobe, cooking all your meals together etc
if he's been up practicing all night, until early hours of the morning, he'll always run to the earliest opening coffee shop to pick something up for you because he knows you'll be getting up for work by the time he gets back
sometimes, if he's early enough, he'll even cook you breakfast so you don't have to
date nights every friday night unless his schedule like touring overlaps
and he lives for these nights
whether it be a stay in date, making heart shaped pizzas, or him taking you out to a fancy restaurant and admiring how stunning you look the entire time.
whenever he's on tour, he does nothing but phone or facetime you
they could all be practicing and yunho will be like 'guys! say hi to y/n' or 'y/n wants to watch us practice!!' and nothing makes him happier
like all relationships, you do get into small arguments
but you can genuinely say that neither of you have ever shouted at each other
despite yunho being scary when he's angry, he could never be like that towards you in his life
most arguments are usually about yunho overworking himself, and him denying it or the same situation but reversed. or just stupid things like yunho getting jealous over some person giving you a little too much attention for his liking.
even though he doesn't like to admit it he can get really jealous, it's not often but when he does it's so noticeable despite him trying to mask it
he pouts, rolls his eyes and makes small little off comments at whoever is causing him this jealousy and gets more touchy-feely than usual to make sure everyone knows that you're taken
brief nsfw
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he's definitely a dom
there's absolutely no doubt about it
it just depends on his mood whether he wants to be hard or soft
so we've all seen his fingers, right?
well.. he can seriously put them to use and he loves watching you fall apart all over them because of him
hearing you whine and moan because of him. music to his ears
he loves nothing more than to have his ears filled with your pretty sounds
honestly.. it's an ego boost for him and he can't help but smirk the entire time he's making you squirm just because of his fingers
and you know what they say about men with big hands and feet? in mr jeong yunho's case, it's true. more than true.
size kink to the max!!!
i feel like this is a given with yunho, but it honestly makes him go wild. even if it's the smallest size difference, it'll still drive him crazy
he just loves manhandling you and towering over you
most of the time, he is on the softer side; peppering you in kisses, praising you, worshiping your body and treating you so well..
but then there's other times where he's not so friendly
hard dom yunho usually comes out when he's jealous and despite knowing you'd never, ever get with anyone else, it's satisfying to him that he was able to seal that in with the sounds of your moans
jealousy sex with yunho is something different
the dirty whispers in your ears, the tight gripping on your skin, the harsh spanking with a pleased look at the hand print on your ass cheek
watching you choke on his cock is one of his favourite sights
the way spit runs down your chin and how you struggle to take it all in your mouth, makes him twitch
nothing could turn him on more
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
A Little Bit Happy
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Summary: You seem to have won your husband's heart all over again after the news of you having his child, until he shows you how truly dark his heart is.
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Part 1 Burn The House Down
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
"I'm pregnant." She spoke softly.
His eyes widened for a split second before he broke out in a soft chuckle. Was he imagining things, or were you truly saying what he thought he heard? “Do you mean it?” He asked slowly, taking in every word. He was unsure, but this would explain the weight gain, as well as why you had been so… moody. He had no other choice but to believe you for now. A child! This changes everything. Aemond was shocked. “P…. Pregnant?! Are you… serious?!” He was speechless. He tried to keep his composure but he could not hide his joy and excitement. Was it true, you were carrying his child? The thought alone sent his heart racing. He looked at you and put a smile on his face. This was the news he had been waiting for all this time. And he looked you straight in the eyes. “Is this true?” he asked, his eyes filled with joy and wonder. You heard Aemond's reaction, his eyes widened in shock and excitement. And you knew it was as you expected. You were truly carrying his child. "Yes, it is…" You replied in a sweet voice as your face grew bright with a wide smile. You felt so happy that Aemond was excited about the news, hoping the tension between you both would dissolve. "I am pregnant with our child." You continued, as you placed your hand on your stomach. "I've been trying to keep it a secret, but it has become difficult to hide. I guess I can make it official." You laughed and glanced at Aemond, who seemed to be beaming with enthusiasm. You wanted him to be happy and to hear the news he had been waiting for all this time. "It's true," you said, your eyes shining brightly.
“A baby?!” Aemond said with a grin. “You’re saying we’re going to have a baby?!” He placed his hand on your stomach, as you had done. “My lovely wife… I had feared that this day would never come. I could not imagine a day when we would not bring forth the next generation of our house. But, my worries are gone. We have made what I most desired.” Aemond laughed with joy and embraced you, holding you close in his arms as his grin grew wider and wider. Your hand rested on your stomach, the movement of your hand looked as though you were comforting the child being carried within. And he was overjoyed by this revelation. This was no secret anymore. Aemond was a man changed. He smiled and took your hand bringing it to his lips and kissed it. "Our child. Our beautiful child."
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Months later, the pregnancy went smoothly and you began to notice your belly growing larger and your mood changing. You felt your emotions become more intense as the pregnancy became more advanced. Your moods shifted from happy to angry to anxious to affectionate, all in the span of just a few hours. You could not explain it. Aemond knew your mood swings were common and he understood it the best he could. However, these mood swings of yours were becoming more frequent and intense as the pregnancy progressed. He was constantly finding himself walking on eggshells, unsure of which mood his wife might have. Your mood swings were often unpredictable, and Aemond never knew what to expect from one moment to the next. But he understood, you were carrying a life within you, it was bound to create such mood swings at the least. He had to be patient with you. And he was. The days he seemed to be distant were now fewer and further between the two of you, he was there by your side always. He could see the weight changes, you were getting rather large now. He could notice it in your face and around your midriff. It was not easy being married to someone who was so emotionally unstable. It was especially exhausting being forced to play the role of husband and father at the same time never finding a good enough time to come clean about what he'd done. He was constantly stressed and his nerves frayed at the slightest change in your behavior.
The pregnancy was taking a toll on you. Your mood swings were becoming more and more uncontrollable. You would be laughing one moment, sad the next, and you could not figure out what to do about it. You felt that you were losing yourself and had no control over your feelings. You were now getting closer and closer to the due date. Your belly was huge and you were uncomfortable even as you constantly asked if you were fat or pretty. You tried hard not to let it bother you, but it was getting more difficult to ignore. “My dear, you’re gorgeous.” Aemond’s tone was filled with love and kindness as he spoke to you. “You are bigger yes, because our child is too, but you are not fat. And you are not losing yourself.” He added as he held you close. “You are becoming a mother. These feelings are natural. You are carrying our child within you. Your emotions are bound to be different. This is how it should be. You are going to give life. You are becoming more beautiful with each day.”
You listened to him carefully as he tried to reassure you about your changing body. You felt your confidence rise at the way he talked, calming your nerves with his words. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love, nothing but honesty. "Thank you, my love… You are right. This is how it should be." You smiled faintly, feeling more at ease. You felt your mood shift slightly, your pregnancy hormones calming down. It felt good to hear the words come from him directly, not just in your head. He was happy to see, that his words were helping. He took you into his arms and held you. His hand stroked your belly, as he spoke. “You are more beautiful now than ever before.” Those were the words he believed in this moment. You were not getting larger, you were getting more beautiful. Because the child within you was, a part of you both. It was beautiful to him. Aemond kissed you, it was a long kiss, filled with love.
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Aemond was filled with nerves and excitement as the day of childbirth approached. He was as much worried for his wife’s health as he was for the child’s. But he did not show his worries to you. Instead, he tried to keep calm you. “You will be fine.” He told you. “In a few hours, we will see our child. Our beautiful child. I will be right beside you the entire time my dear.” He held your hand and kissed you once more. “I know you will. You have been by my side through everything… This will be no different.” You smiled gently at your husband, feeling comforted by his words. As you felt the baby kick inside your belly, you looked down and placed your hand upon your stomach, caressing the baby.
“Our beautiful child.” You repeated in a soft voice as you looked up to Aemond. Your breathing steadied and you felt more calm as he held your hand in his and placed gentle kisses upon it. You tried to focus on the good instead of the anxious thoughts that swarmed you. “I am so nervous.” You quietly admitted to him, feeling your emotions rise as you remembered the pain that would come during the delivery. “It is natural to get nervous my dear. But you won’t feel a thing. I hired the finest maester there is in King’s Landing to see to it that this whole process is as painless as possible.” He would let nothing happen to the woman he loved. You need not to worry. He would make sure of it. “When the time comes… we shall hold hands, and you need not fear any pain. I shall be by your side to ensure nothing goes wrong.” He spoke to you in a soothing tone, trying to quell your fears.
In your mind, all was well. You were going to give birth in a few hours to the child. A boy or girl. That did not matter much to you. As long as the baby was healthy and strong, it was all you could ask for. But the burning secret. It loomed over Aemond. He could not even feel anything but shame knowing what he was keeping from his wife. He had to keep this from you otherwise all would fall apart. He could not tell you. Not now. Perhaps never. It was the secret that loomed over him, that he felt he could not disclose to her. This was something that could change everything. But he could not find the right way to go about breaking the news to her. You were carrying his child, and you did not deserve to go through this pain when he could ease it. You were so vulnerable and he could not risk hurting you in this way. “I cannot stop thinking about the pain.” You said softly as you felt the discomfort in your stomach, moving your hand to your lower midriff and rubbing it gently. “What if I do not survive?” You whispered to Aemond, looking for reassurance from him as your eyes were glued to his. The burning guilt only grew as you approached your delivery hour. He knew he should have told you sooner, but each day the news got harder to reveal.
The more you spoke, the more he felt ashamed and remorseful. It had been months, and he had yet to tell you. What was so hard about telling you the truth, the same truth you so desperately wanted to hear. But it would ruin everything. The guilt he felt for hiding this from his wife was unbearable in this moment. You seemed so worried. You were afraid. You were looking at him of all people to console you, to tell you everything would be alright. “You will survive. I promise you that.” He told you. “You are strong. Stronger than any in the realm. I have faith you will emerge victorious.” The promise was meant to soothe you, to ease your fears, and he hoped you would believe it. He did not know how much further he could keep this from you. He had to figure out a way to tell you soon. But not now. Not while you were this fragile. His words comforted you, allowing you to smile faintly. Your gaze softened as you looked into his eyes. “I believe you.” You nodded, your breath becoming steady once again. “Just be by my side during this delivery, and we will be fine.” You said, holding his hands. You felt the contractions tightening and you gasped quietly, looking over to Aemond for a moment. "Thank you." You gave him a small smile, trying to stay positive. Your nerves seemed to have calmed down, and his words had given you a sense of relief. "I'm looking forward to holding our baby in my arms… The thought of me actually being a mother… We will raise our son or daughter with love, and we will be happy as a family." Your voice was soft and loving. You closed your eyes and leaned in to rest your forehead against his chest.
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You and Aemond were celebrating the one-year nameday of your babe being born. Holding held a grand feast, inviting all the important lords and ladies of the realm. The mood was lighthearted, and a sense of happiness permeated the air. The two took some time away from the feast to enjoy the evening alone together, walking through the gardens of the Red Keep as Aemond said he needed to speak with you. Aemond had been preparing for this moment. He wanted to finally tell you the truth. It had to be done. You were finally alone, the moment he had been dreading for so long. But he could not delay any longer. He had to tell you. All the signs pointed to now. “My love, there's something I must tell you” But now he hesitated again. Maybe this was not the best moment. Maybe it should be done tomorrow, yes. Tomorrow was a better day. Tomorrow was good. He will tell you tomorrow. But as the time of the walk came to a stop, he finally built up the courage.
You smiled at Aemond, not noticing anything amiss, and you continued walking with him through the gardens. You had been enjoying the quiet moment with your husband as you enjoyed the beauty of the gardens. Your mind was occupied with the happiness of the day, and you wanted to cherish the moment. "What is it dear?" Aemond stopped for a few moments. The time had come. He did not enjoy watching you walk and be so happy when he knew that he was going to shatter all joy. He hated himself and everything about what he was about to say. He turned to face you. For a few moments, he could not speak. But then finally, he managed to gather his words together. “I… there is something I must tell you. But I implore you, please understand…” You felt a sudden tension in the air when Aemond stopped walking and you could not read his facial expression. The feeling of unease set in and the happiness you had been feeling vanished. You looked up to him, awaiting him to continue speaking. You suddenly stopped as well, your face softening as you noticed the look in Aemond's eyes. You immediately grew worried, sensing something was wrong. There was a hint of fear in your eyes as you spoke to your husband, your tone becoming urgent. "What is it? What is wrong?" You said, your heart pounding.
You were so innocent. Too innocent to know what he was about to say. He would need to break this to you gently. To be kind in this moment. To not be too harsh. The guilt was eating him alive. There was so much he had done wrong. But he had to tell you. You deserved to know what he had been keeping from you all this time. “There is… an important thing I need to tell you…” His voice was filled with guilt. He struggled to find the words. To put a voice to his actions. And as he felt his heart pounding, he pushed through. “I have… I have seen.. another woman.” He paused. It felt as though the entire world was closing in on you both. “Her name is Alys… Alys Rivers. And I have been…” You did not believe what you just heard. You thought your whole world was crumbling down before you, yet Aemond's words were slowly chipping away at your heart. The fear and anger built within you as you listened to him confess about his affair. You felt cold and numb, all hope and happiness lost within you at that moment. It took you a few moments to even breathe, the shock of it making your heart sink even lower. You couldn't even look Aemond in the eyes… you just kept her eyes on the ground.
Aemond noticed how you did not look up to face him. It tore him to pieces. He was the one to hurt you. He was the one who had caused this. He was hoping there would be some sort of understanding. But he was not so lucky. “Please, I beg you. I could not stop myself.” He knew that what he did was unforgivable. But he had to at least try to make his case. It was all he could get out at this moment. He paused for a moment and thought about the consequences this could have. You were so sensitive and he was pushing you to the absolute limit. He did need to keep his words right. But he wanted to try something. Blame you for not getting pregnant sooner. He thought about that for a minute. It was the only thing he could think of, but was it the right thing to say? Could a simple lie ease the pain for now at least? He looked at you, hoping that his excuse would be enough. “You could have gotten pregnant sooner.” He said. He was testing the waters. He had to find a way to shift the blame.
Those words hurt you more than he could ever imagine. Hearing those words come out of his mouth shocked you to your very core. You hated him for blaming you, and yet your heart clenched at the thought. The rage inside of you grew hotter as you listened to his cruel remark. You felt furious as you thought about him placing the blame on you when he had been the one who had strayed from the marriage. That was absolutely unfair to you. You had been trying your very best to give him a child, while he had been fooling around. Your face grew pale as Aemond tried to blame you, and you felt your heart sink even lower. Your eyes turned to him, filled with anger and grief as you could not believe what he just said to you. You started to tremble, and your expression turned cold, as all of the memories of the failed attempts to bring another child to life came swirling into your mind whispering in a broken tone. "I did all I could." It was the best thing he could do. He had to do it. He could not imagine what would happen to him, to his marriage if he did not succeed. You might leave him. So he must use his cunning. It was something he had been practicing for years. He knew you were smart, but your feelings made you weak. He had to use it to his advantage. “You haven’t been trying hard enough, my love,” Aemond said in a harsh tone, His eyes softened to not give away his deception. “Yes… I only wish you would have done more.” He said to you. “I cannot help but think that this is all your fault.”
His words cut deeper than a razor, cutting directly into your heart. You froze at his words, unable to speak. You felt so lost and alone now. Your whole world was falling apart. Your heart was shattered. All of those times when you had attempted to bring another human life into this world… you gave her all, feeling so much frustration and worry when the attempts failed. To say it was all your fault was just cruel, but you kept quiet, letting him continue. The plan was working. He could see it in your eyes, in your expression. All he had to do now was continue to play it out. He was getting what he desired. The seeds of doubt had already been planted. And you were not stopping him. You were letting him dig his heels in and plant more. He had to continue, the entire fate of his marriage depended on it. He continued to push you. He was not holding back even as he stepped closer and cupped your face. It was best this way. No regrets. If he could not have your forgiveness he would settle for this. “It has always been so easy for you to give up. First with the miscarriages, then the failure to conceive sooner. It is sad, that it took me having an affair for you to do anything in life.”
Tears were flowing down your cheeks, your heart in pieces. You tried to keep your composure, but it was all becoming too much for you. His words were too cruel and too devastating. And the more he spoke, the more he cut into your heart making you think you should apologize, making you feel worthless. You were too weak to even speak, your mind and body both numb as you stood there, letting him continue. Yes, that was the effect he needed to see. The tears. The sadness. Your weakness. It was all there. He just needed to continue. “You need to understand your duty as a wife… it is to provide your husband with an heir. And you failed. You have failed until recently.” Aemond was enjoying this. Seeing you like this. You were so meek and pathetic. The thought of you on your knees, begging him to forgive you was not too far off now. He continued. “If you had tried harder…” he said. “If you had offered more…” The cruel words flowed from his mouth and landed perfectly. You were in a state of shock, but you were not fighting back. Instead, you were allowing him to tear you down. He could continue down this path and finally, he would have you. It did not take long for tears to flow from your eyes. He was taking full advantage of your sadness. No time for remorse now.
You could not believe what you were hearing. It was too much to bear. Your stomach twisted at these words. You felt sick. As you stood there, tears pouring down your cheeks, your voice was no more than a whisper as you let out some words. "P-Please…" You choked out as you tried to look away from him. Your knees began to tremble as you felt you were close to breaking, your eyes filling with fear. You were so close to giving up. Your strength failing you. 'Good,' he thought. You were close. He could taste your defeat in the air. His words had found their mark. You were in a despairing state that he had never seen you in before. He had to keep pushing you. You were on the brink, he could see it. You were on the verge of giving up. Now he just had to press on. “Your failure was the reason that I turned to another woman. You had the chance to give me children. You had the chance to keep me happy, all of those times when we tried…” He waited for you to apologize. For you to beg forgiveness. This is it. This was the moment that the seeds he planted would blossom into something grand. The thought of you on your knees, begging him to forgive you put a grin on his face. “Please?” He said, smiling at you as he watched you tremble. “Please what?”
"You're right. It's all my fault." You said as you finally looked into Aemond's eyes, your eyes overflowing with tears. "I should have tried harder. I should been a better wife. I should have given you more children. Please, please forgive me." You said as you began to weep, unable to hide your emotions any longer. You felt so weak, and powerless, and he had succeeded in breaking you even as you leaned against him for comfort. Exactly as planned. You were his. Now that you had said the words, you had admitted it. Your apology was accepted, despite its emptiness. You would not try again. “Good.” He said. “I hope that you have learned your place as a wife and as a woman… I hope that you will learn from this situation. And… I suppose I can forget this incident, so long as you behave yourself from now on. But I forgive you. I want to give you another chance.”
Relief washed over you at his acceptance of your apology and his forgiveness. You smiled softly at him, finally feeling some hope again after what felt like weeks of misery. You didn’t want to disappoint him again, and now that he had given you another chance, you were determined to make it count. “I promise you that I will behave. I won’t fail again.” You said in a soft voice before looking away for just a moment, feeling ashamed. “Thank you, my love.” “Of course.” He said, giving you a reassuring smile. “I know you will not let me down.” He saw how you still looked ashamed. A thought popped into his head. He must go further with this for now. Perhaps he would regret it later on but for now. “The fault is not completely with you. I have failed you as well. I have not loved you enough. I have not appreciated you. I have not given you all the attention you deserve.” He knew this was not the truth. But it was needed to ensure your completely submissive state. “Now, shall we return to the feast?”
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vhsgoghs · 2 months
bodyguard pt 1 (Simon Riley one shot)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x female reader
Summary: (Y/N) decides to open up to her bodyguard for the first time. word count: 1780 note: English isn't my first language but i have done my best, sorry for any mistakes.
★ part 2 here ★ masterlist here ★ spanish ver on wattpad (vhsgoghs)
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She wasn't one of the typical spoiled girls who loved shopping and hated everyone. She love shopping, but she was kind and usually shy.
Or at least that was before, before that girl named Molly crossed in her life.
Molly was one of the new girls at school, but for some reason she had gained popularity too quickly and (Y/N) was just trying to fit in, no matter that it meant going out to parties with people she didn't really like at all.
But it happened again, sitting on the sofa in the living room, after having received a scolding from her bodyguard when trying to escape from home at night.
Oh yes, her bodyguard. Simon Riley, a former military man who was now in charge of taking care of children of millionaire people, or at least that was what she always said as a form of mockery, her father had been in charge of hiring the best bodyguard for his daughter.
It was annoying have a bodyguard next to you all the time, in the past she had managed to live with that feeling of having someone next to her all the time, but Simon was different, he was more like a babysitter who didn't leave her house even on his days off, especially now that her father was not at home and travel more than usual.
Simon spent all his time with her and neither of them seemed to want to become friends, but they managed to get along well, Simon did his job and (Y/N) accepted that he was only there to do his job, even if it meant ruining her social life.
And that's why she was there now, with her frown on her face, sitting on the living room couch after Simon had forbidden her from going to that party Molly organized, it was important, or at least that's what she thought. The whole school would be there and it was her chance to have some social life. In that school, having money did not mean being popular.
"Can I go to my room?" she asked dazedly. It had been almost ten minutes since Simon had been mentioning the dangers of going out alone at night and she was starting to get tired. If she wasn't going to attend to the party, she would at least go to bed early.
"No! I won't let you try to escape again."
"I'm not going to escape, jumping out of my bedroom window is so dangerous," she responded as if it were not obvious. Of course she didn't mention the part where she had already tried it before and only ended up getting hurt.
Simon narrowed his eyes, feeling a little guilty when he noticed the look of disappointment in her eyes, but letting her out at night was against his job and he was only there to obey her father's orders.
"Okay, you can go."
She nodded and didn't wait a second to leave her place on the couch and start walking towards the stairs. She had her heels in one of her hands and the dress had chosen made her uncomfortable when walking.
When she closed the door to her room, she had mixed feelings. She didn't feel upset and she didn't feel any resentment towards Simon for ruining her plans. After all, he was just doing his job, actually, she felt a strange mix of relief, she didn't even want to go to that party in the first place.
In recent weeks she had done too many things due social pressure: wearing clothes she didn't like and try to get along with people who she didn't like, a few of many.
(Y/N) sighed in frustration and changed her clothes into something much more comfortable. It was around nine at night; she still had too much time before sleep began to overcome her, maybe she would have some dinner and watch a movie before going to sleep.
She had completely forgotten to eat something and was planning to attend the party that way, where she would surely end up drinking alcohol and be much more drunk than she was supposed to. Clearly, she hadn't had her best ideas that day.
When she went down the stairs to the kitchen, she saw him again, Simon was taking some pills that she didn't know what they were for. She frowned in confusion because she had no idea that he was taking any kind of medication, after all, he was the one who took care of her, and, although she didn't like to admit it, she certainly felt somewhat safer with him at home.
"What's that?" she asked, walking up to him.
Simon forced himself to swallow the pill in the middle of his throat and looked at her. He liked to see her in certainly normal clothes; he felt like it was like saw a real part of her. (Y/N) had never treated him badly, but she didn't talk to him much. After all, he was there to take care of her, not be her best friend.
"It helps me sleep," he answered honestly.
"Do you have trouble sleeping?" she asked again, she had no idea about it and suddenly became curious about him.
"Try being a soldier most of your life and tell me if you can sleep." He tried to joke, something that seemed to work, as a small smile formed on the girl's lips, which quickly disappeared.
"I'm sorry…"
"Why?" Simon looked at her for a few seconds and turned to put the glass he had used next to the rest of the dishes.
"For you went through." She shrugged, she knew how stupid that sounded, but she couldn't help but feel guilty, empathy probably.
Simon giggled and for a second she felt like a fool. It wasn't the first time she'd tried to start a conversation with him, but she just didn't know how to approach Simon.
"Now are you interested in me?" He turned to look at her again, the situation seemed to have changed and he found it amusing.
"I have never treated you badly."
It was true, maybe they weren't the best of friends, but she had never given him any reason to hate her or at least see her as a girl he couldn't tolerate. In fact, he had tried to get along with her many times, but (Y/N) seemed to be too closed girl.
Simon wondered if she at least had a friend to talk to when she needed it, it was something he would have liked at his age.
"So, why do you insist on leaving the house at night?" he asked. Simon leaned over the bar to look at her carefully, it was something she hated.
Simon didn't seem to mind the eye contact, while for her it was the opposite, she hated eye contact and it made her feel nervous, but no matter how she looked away, she could feel his eyes on her.
"I'm just trying to fit in." She answered honestly, for the first time since Simon had become her bodyguard.
"And that justifies you getting into trouble?"
She looked up at him and shook her head. It was true, anyone else in her place would simply accept not getting permission to go out and return to her room, but not her, she had done the impossible for fear of being judged and her new friends not accepting her in their small group.
"What am I supposed to do? I don't want to spend the rest of the years without friends."
"Listen, those people will never be your friends if they don't accept you as you are." Simon sighed. He was beginning to feel like a true counselor and he was partly grateful that she wasn't refusing to listen to him.
"And what am I supposed to do?"
He thought about it for a few seconds. During his adolescence he had not been a really sociable person, he was not the right person to give tips about how to make friends.
"I will be your friend." He joked, but there was something in his tone of voice that told her it wasn't entirely a lie. "Think about it, we spend most of our time together."
She giggled and for a second it seemed like a good idea. It was the first time they had talked that way and it was actually starting to feel fun not to be fighting every second.
"I'll think about it the next time someone invites me to a party." She smiled and looked down.
The idea of sharing time with him crossed her mind and it actually didn't seem like a bad idea. Now there was only one problem: how could she ask him to spend time with her if they had never really spent time together outside of his work orders?
Not to mention that her father would go crazy when he found out that Simon had become her friend. The only reason why her father went on trips with complete peace of mind was knowing that nothing could ever happen between them, not even a friendship.
Was a simple friendship that bad?
"Okay, I'll go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow" Simon said, smiling slightly in an attempt not to break that calm atmosphere between them.
Her mind began to work too hard, her heart pounded and she thought of any way to stop him from going to his room. She didn't want to be alone, she wasn't sleepy yet and she had actually liked having a normal conversation with the man who had been living with her for several months and was in charge of her safety.
"Wait!" And although she couldn't see it, Simon smiled. He stopped and waited a few seconds until his smile faded, before finally turning around and looking at her again. "I'm not sleepy yet, do you want to watch a movie?"
It was a stupid idea. The words had come out of her mouth without thinking, Simon had taken those pills and he would surely end up falling asleep at any moment.
Simon smiled slightly. Something stirred inside him, for the first time, he looked at her like a vulnerable person and suddenly he felt a strange need to take care of her, not as an obligation because his work, he really felt the need to protect her.
"Sure, let's go."
She nodded and something calmed in her chest. She took several steps until she was next to him to walk with him to the main room.
Maybe it was the beginning of a true friendship.
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