#if rocks start falling on people's roof or window
doodle-pops · 1 year
Past!Mina: if I had a coin everytime someone try to make me a balrog simp I'd have two coins, which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice :)
Future!Mina: ...
Past!Mina: what?
Future!Mina: *drops a coin bag*
Past!Mina: ...oh
future!mina also has 2 coin. No more, less would be appreciated. Anyone comes around to attempt, they get beat up
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samkerrworshipper · 5 months
she’s on the run
beautiful girl series part 4 -> pt.1 -> pt.2 -> pt.3
leah williamson x daughter reader, jordan nobbs x daughter reader
this was created whilst i listened to so long, london and florida!!!!
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You waited until Leah had fully descended the stairs, waiting patiently until you heard Lia and her talking in the kitchen before you started to creep off of your bed and towards your open window. It was a easy climb, one you’d made hundreds of times, you hardly batted an eyelid as you climbed out of the window, your legs swinging out and over until they hit the tiling of the roof. After that it was a simple jump from the roof too the gravel drive way, your only concern was trying to be as quiet as possible, so instead of jumping as normal, you stepped to the edge of the tiles, being ever so careful to make sure that you didn’t slip and fall. Once you got to the edge you sat down, scooting until your feet were hanging over the edge, turning onto your stomach and sliding down until your feet found one of the tresses on the side.
It was a odd form of rock climbing but with some arm strength and dodgy footing, you managed to eventually get your feet onto the gravel of your moms driveway.
You didn’t look backwards as you tiptoed across the driveway, the only think you focused on was turning your location off before starting to jog away from your mom’s house.
You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew that you needed to get far enough away that your moms friends who crowded all of the surrounding neighbourhoods couldn’t find you, you needed a way out of here.
You didn’t have a lot of options, and the options you did have were shitty, but there wasn’t really any others that would work.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket as you rounded the corner of the block, ducking into the first alleyway that you spotted.
There were a couple of numbers that were options, some better than others, you went with the first one that came to head.
The phone rings out for a few seconds, your fingers jitter against the sides of your plastic case, whether you feel prepared to admit it or not, you’re going through withdrawals, it’s around now that you’re body is accustomed to shooting up, to getting a hit of drugs and right now it’s becoming more obvious by the minute how desperate your body is for that high that your body is used to receiving.
Maya had become the older sister that you never had, she cared about you, she treated you with more care and love then anybody else in your life, there wasn’t really any hesitation in your mind as you pressed down on her contact, the ringing noise being the only thing to register in your mind.
It rang out for a while, before your phone went silent for a few seconds.
Originally, you thought that it had rung out, but then there was a groan and something else from the other side of the phone.
You don’t know where the nickname had come from, but along the way it had just become the way that Maya had chosen to address you.
“Hey, I need your help, where are you?”
You heard some rustling, and then Maya’s voice.
“I’m still at Matt’s house, what’s happened?”
Fuck. Fuck.
Matt was a problem, but he was one of the only people who could solve your main problem right now, that was all that was at the forefront of your mind.
“Mom found out about the drugs, she took them off me. I’m crashing, can you come get me?”
More rustling, then someone talking in the background.
“Fuck, kid. I’m gonna come get you alright, we’ll get you to Matt’s house and he’ll look out for you, it’s gonna be okay, we’ll look after you, I always look out for my girls.”
More rustling, accompanied by more background talk.
“Just send me your location alright, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You nod your head, taking in the information and finding that your hands and body seem to relax with the knowledge that there is a resolution coming.
“Okay, okay, thank you, thank you, I love you.”
Maya’s like you, or at least you try to tell yourself that. She’s never had anyone who loved her, she’s all by herself. That’s what you tell yourself, that nobody’s ever loved you, that you’re all alone, she tells you the same. That nobody will love you like a good high, that your all alone, that you always will be. To start with, you thought it was all nonsense, that to her you were just a means of getting money, but after hearing it enough, after realising the truth behind her words, you thought it must be true, she was older than you, she’d seen more of the world than you had.
You stayed hunched over in the alleyway, ignoring the buzzing on your phone that meant your mother had realised you were gone. You felt a pang of compassion in your heart, just briefly. You didn’t want to worry her, you didn’t want to think about the anguish that would have crossed Leah’s face when she’d returned to your bedroom to find it empty, even worse if it was Jordan.
Consciously, you didn’t care, not really, all you cared about was the fucking high that you were missing out on. But the eight year old version of you, somewhere in the lowest pit of your heart felt horrifically bad.
It took fifteen minutes of you being hunched against a brick wall, hiding from the view of the street, shaking and shivering before you were hit with the light of headlights, coming from the end of the alleyway.
You stayed hidden, just in case it was your mother or somebody else, staying crouched down behind a bin.
“Babygirl, let’s go.”
You stood up properly, your body straightening out and beginning to walk towards the far to bright white lights.
You sat down in the passenger seat, closing the door behind you as swiftly as possible.
Maya captured you in a hug before you could do anything, her arms wrapping around your neck and torso.
“I’m so proud of you, you’re in good care, I’ll look out for you, me and Matt and the girls, you’re in good company.”
You nodded your head against her shoulder, slowly pulling yourself from her embrace.
Her pupils were dilated, your brain didn’t consider the danger behind her being high, more jealous that she was riding on a happy cloud that you were craving to be on.
The drive felt longer than it should have, your phone buzzed relentlessly the whole way there, it took everything in you not to look down and block the numbers that you knew were ringing, but you didn’t have it in you.
You didn’t like the feeling that hit your gut when you rolled up to the same house that you’d stumbled out of a couple nights ago, you loved Maya, you loved drugs, what you didn’t love was the overwhelming fear that you felt at having to face the same man who had done those horrible things to you days ago. Maya must have noticed, or seen something was up with you.
“Something wrong, darlin?”
She was 23, closer to your Mom’s age then yours, she cared about you.
“Matt, he didn’t want money for the drugs, he wanted something else.”
You expected, or you hoped that Maya would be shocked, but she wasn’t, not in the slightest.
“I think you’ll find babygirl that your body is the most powerful form of payment, men will do anything for a woman’s body, it’s good you learn that young. Matt provides a lot, drugs, care, a house, give him what he wants and he’ll treat you well.”
You stuttered on your words.
“W-what if I don’t want it?”
Maya put her hand on your cheek, squeezing firm enough to make it sting slightly.
“There is no such thing as not wanting it. We’re primal, we crave to be touched and wanted, he’s just teaching you that. It’s an eye for an eye. You get your high, he gets what he wants. It works out for everyone. He’s just trying to keep you safe, just trying to make you feel loved, it’s the only kind of love there is.”
In your core, in your brain, you know it’s untrue, Maya believes in what she’s saying though, or at least she appears to.
“Now c’mon, let’s get you upstairs, get you some artificial assistance.”
She pats you on the shoulder, before opening up the door on her side of the car and stepping out. You let go of the breath that you’d been holding in. Maya is like your big sister, she cares about you, she would never intentionally hurt you, she’s the only person who really gives a shit about you.
You open the car door without much more hesitation, having convinced yourself that she’s right, and more that once you shoot up that your brain will quiet down and all of your doubts will be silenced.
Maya leads you into the house, it’s a lot emptier than it was the other day, a lot less people sprinkled across all of the surfaces, instead there are a few girls and Matt, who’s right in the middle of all of them.
“Pretty girl, didn’t think I’d see you back so soon.”
He’s voice is drawling, slightly tilted.
You didn’t have anything to say that wouldn’t come off as rude, so you simply smiled at him, as well as you could considering the bile that was in your stomach just at the thought of the man in front of you.
“She got kicked out, needed some place to go, I told her there is always room for her here.”
Matt nodded and smiled, his hands were all over the women around him, you tried your hardest to keepy your eyes on his face and not the company he was keeping.
“Of course, I look out for my girls. You craving pretty girl? You need something?”
You nodded your head, hopefully, you were desperate, the emotional nature of what you’d just been through with your mother enough to be slowly pushing you towards the edge.
“Maya take her upstairs, the speed is in my bedside draw, I’ll be up in a bit.”
Maya smiled and nodded, grabbing you by the shoulder and pushing you towards the same stairs you’d stumbled down just a few days ago.
You tried not to feel completely daunted as you were tugged upstairs, your shaky legs carrying you the distance to the bedroom that you’d been in less than twenty for hours ago.
It was the same position, same place, same everything.
It was hard not to feel completely terrified.
Maya led you over to the bed, sitting you down whilst she rustled in the bedside table.
It was silent, calm, as peaceful as you could feel in your current situation, until your phone started buzzing again.
“Answer it, let them know you’re fine.”
You looked ay Maya like she was crazy, she sure seemed it.
“Excuse me?”
Maya looked up from her spot rustling through the drawer.
“They’ll leave you alone if you answer, let them know you’re fine and not dead in a ditch somewhere.”
You gulped, pulling your phone out of your pant pocket and looking at the flashing contact of your mom, your finger hesitating over the green button before clicking on it.
“Bubba? Bubba? Jord, she answered, I’ve got her.”
The exhale of relief that you heard leave your mom’s lips was one of pure happiness.
“Mom, please don’t ahte me, please don’t hate me.”
You could always deal with the thought or realisation that your mom didn’t love you, but having her hate you, it would do things to you that you couldn’t handle.
“Bubba where are you? I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, I love you so much bubba. Just let me know where you are, we’ll come get you, we’ll sort this out.”
Your mom sounded more desperate than you’d ever heard her.
“I’m okay mom, I’m okay, I’m safe.”
Another exhale of relief.
“Look bubba, all your aunties are out looking for you, me and Jord have been worried sick, just let me know where you are, please. I’m so worried about you bubba, look, just come home, we can figure out the drug stuff, me and mama will get you all the help you need, we’ll make it all better, just come home.”
It had been hardly two hours since you’d slipped out of your window, you didn’t want to know how stressed your mom would have gotten had it been six or twelve.
“Mom I know I did wrong, trust me, I know. But you want me to go to rehab, you want me to get better, and trust me I want it, but I can’t do it, please.”
You heard something being dropped and then a button being pressed.
“Chick, listen to me, your mom and I are worried sick, you need to come back home. We’ll sort it all out, we’ll get you the help you need, but you need to come home, just tell us where you are.”
The feeling of the rubber tourniquet being tied to your upper arm and a needle prodding at your vein distracted you slightly.
“Look mom, I’m in good company, I’m safe, I love you both but I can’t do rehab, I can’t do getting better, I’m not ready, I’m not strong enough for that, I’m not like you and mom, I can’t be strong and brave, I can’t tough it out when it gets hard. I just need you to love me from a distance and understand that I’m doing whats best for me.”
Maya looks on proudly, it feels like your saying things to appease her and that makes you feel good, the validation of having her smile at you and nod her head at you, it wasn’t love but it was something close, the closest you felt in a while.
“Bubba, listen to me. You are so strong, everything you’ve been through in your life, it’s nothing in comparison to this. You don’t need the drugs, you don’t. This isn’t you bubba.”
You think that deep down, Leah and Jordan have no idea who you are anymore. The injection into your bloodstream only solidifies those thoughts.
“This is me mom, this is who I am now. I was like you and jord’s perfect little child, your perfect girl but that’s not me anymore. I’m not the same kid, this is me.”
You swore you heard a sob, or sniffle from the other side of the line.
“Bubba, we’ll sort this out, just come back home, please.”
You shook your head, enjoying the feeling of your blood circulating the drugs that had just hit your system.
“I can’t do that mom’s, I love you, and I’m so grateful for you but I can’t come home, I just can’t mom, bye.”
Before either of them could reply to you, you pressed down on the hang up button, throwing your phone to the end of the bed and leaning back, letting the high begin to sink in.
The bed sunk down next to you, Maya’s arm snaking around your waist.
“Good job babygirl, I’m proud of you, you’ve got me, I’ll look out for you, I look out for all of my girls.”
If you were sane, you’d probably ask yourself the question of what kind of person looked out for their people by giving them drugs and subjecting them to sexual assault, but with the drugs running through your veins and the relief starting to hit your brain, you couldn’t find you in it to care.
“Feels good.”
Maya brought your head to her neck, it was warm, happy, nice.
“I know babygirl, feels so good doesn’t it?”
You nod your head, the bliss starting to really get to you, your whole body feeling the affects of it.
Everytime you get high you think it’ll last forever, that the overwhelming numb happiness will last permanently. Every time you shoot up, you think that maybe it’ll all get better, that the feeling you’ve been searching for, will finally set in. It doesn’t though.
You come to the conclusion that it must be a more pure solution, or more concentrated because it’s getting to your head a lot quicker than normal.
You don’t even notice when Matt slips into the room, too busy processing the overwhelming feeling of the drugs rushing through you. It’s good, it feels good, until the bed dips on the other side of you and a hand is on your waist.
Your body is too numb to try and fight back, even if you had the energy or will to, you doubt you’d be strong enough.
There are words being spoken around you, hands all over your body.
You can’t open your eyes, can’t even try to understand what is happening to you.
You bite down on your lip, as your pants are tugged down.
You dissasociate it, disassociate the hands on you, dissasociate the feeling of being violated, enjoy the fact that the mixture of the drugs in your system and pain coming from your lip manage to be enough to distract from the pain being inflicted on you.
It’s primal, it’s an eye for an eye, it’s a form of payment.
Some time during the process, you drift off, whether it’s from the drugs or pain you aren’t sure, you just know that the sweet mixture of the meth seems to be enough.
You wake up with an arm around you, your silently terrified to open your eyes and find out who, but you’re also in pain and a little bit too curious for your own good. You’re grateful that the hands are Maya’s, it’s a small win. Your head is still dazed, it feels good, but you’re itching for something, itching for more.
“Hey babygirl.”
It’s light outside, it has of been a couple of hours and based on the pain between your legs you don’t want to know what’s happened in the couple of hours you’ve been unconscious.
“You feeling a bit better?”
You nod your head, focusing in on the daze and not the itch across your body and the pain your experiencing.
“You’ve been such a good girl for Matt and I, doing exactly how we pleased, we’re so proud of you.”
It’s the kind of praise you’ve been searching for months. Growing up, for your mom’s, you’d always been the perfect child, a pathological people pleaser. You’d always been told you were independent, in the end though it had all just been loneliness. You grew up to quickly, from the moment you were in foster care, passed around like a piece of trash, there was no option but for you to be lonely. Then you moved in with Jordan and Leah, and they had each other, you were still alone. You didn’t allow for yourself to make mistakes, you had a chance with them, if you were anything less than perfect then how could they want you? You were a student, a star athlete, polite, a perfectionist to your core. You took on all of the burden during the breakup, you were there for both of your mom’s through it all, yet you were the one who was always at the brunt of their anger and discontent. You weren’t worthy of their love, not when the perfect child stopped being perfect because of the pressure, because of the self-hatred that had manifested inside of you since the first people to show you love had broken apart, leaving you empty on the inside.
You blamed yourself for a lot of it, Leah and Jordan had been fine before you, it was like as soon as you entered their life it was just a ticking time bomb, you wrecked everything, you were a semi truck that drove through people, pulled everyone and everything in it’s way a part.
Maya knew how it felt, she’d broken people a part, she knew what it felt like to be all alone, she’d taught you that it was okay, that it was okay to be lonely.
She cared about you, she understood you, she wanted you.
“More, need more.”
She looked into your eyes and you felt understood, like she knew exactly what you were going through and knew how to patch up and fix all of your problems.
“Alright babygirl, just give me a second and we’ll get you juiced up, huh? You deserve it, you’ve been such a perfect girl for us.”
Maya removed her body from yours, reaching over to the bedside table, rummaging through it the same way she did last night.
Your body was still vibrating with the endorphins, the dopamine was filling your head, replacing everything in you that felt dead and broken, it felt so good, it was the feeling that you craved, the reason that you’d given everything else up, because it made you feel more content and fulfilled then anything else.
You were scared of losing it, scared of losing touch with the feeling that you were relying on.
You craved her praise, craved the drugs, craved the nothingness that came from having everything around you turn into nothing, all of the feelings, all of the struggle, all the pain and suffering turned into dust.
It was what made your life worth living, without the high you didn’t think your life would even remotely worth living for, you had nothing, you had nobody, you were alone.
Maya was quicker with her mannerisms, she knew what she was doing.
You’d never seen her do needles before the last twenty four hours, but you also weren’t that shocked. She had the tracks along her arms, the attitude that seemed like she could. She was the one who’d introduced you to drugs, it had started with a bit of pot, then coke, then heroin, then any pill that you could find and eventually, speed.
You’d been tentative at first, speed was more addictive than any other drug, speed did bad things to a body, methamphetamines were a druggies worst enemy. You’d met cokeheads and some of the most addicted heroin junkies and yet plenty of them had told you that they would never touch meth, that it was too intoxicating.
Meth took control of a persons body, penetrated the system faster than most drugs, meth got into your head, it changed a person for the worse.
You wanted that though, you were seeking for that. You were seeking for something to take control of you, something to change you, something to change the way your brain was wired.
It felt so good, you’d never been into needles either, avoided them like they were the plague, but with the plastic tourniquet strapped onto your arm and the cold point of the needle pressing against your inner arm.
It was the best feeling in the world, the best feeling known to man.
You felt like you were on the peak of Mount Everest, like you were unstoppable.
It was the same feeling you’d once gotten from just being in a room with your moms, the same feeling you’d gotten after a good game of football, the same feeling you’d gotten out of getting a good mark back on a test.
A while ago, a time that you don’t like to think about anymore, it all came naturally. Your body did hunger for that kind of attention because it received it naturally, it didn’t have to worry about when the next burst of serotonin would come. You didn’t have to create your own sensation, like you do now, you didn’t have to put yourself on a constant calendar to keep yourself sane, to make sure that you stayed happy enough to stay alive.
You didn’t think about the fact that you’d shot up a couple of hours ago, that you’re body was only just now learning to absorb intravenous drugs, that you were more dosed up then you had been in your entire life and now you were adding gasoline to the fire inside of you, you didn’t care, all you wanted was for this feeling to keep lasting, for the pain in your stomach from everything that you knew had happened but couldn’t recollect to be numbed by the drugs that you were craving.
You felt alive when the needle pressed into your arm, it made you feel like you were unstoppable, enlightened, like nothing could stop you. It was a strak contrast to how you felt when you were sober, when you were sober, you felt like the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders, that you were responsible for all the people that were around you and if you failed them then you were no better than the little traumatised girl that had been handed to your moms all those years ago.
You tried to ignore the odd chest pain that set in as the drugs mixed in with your blood, or tried your very best at least, it was hard though, when the initial pain started to turn into a skin splitting sensation you tried your best to pay no mind to it.
It was odd, you figured it might be a new effect you were unearthing, needles gave a different high in comparison to your normal, it was understandable that their would be different effects.
For the first time though, in a long time, you weren’t overcome with the near overwhelming relief that normally flooded you, the pain in your chest was to strong, instead of your heart slowing, your pain subsiding and all the thoughts quieting down, it felt like you were going into overdrive, hyperaware of everything that resided inside of you. Your chest was hurting, your heart was beating at a abnormally fast pace and your brain hurt, like it was rattling around inside of your head, bruising the inside of your skull and cracking it into pieces as every second passed.
“Maya, maya.”
It was a croak, yourr eyes being forced open as you took sharp, short breaths.
“You’re okay babygirl, deep breaths, it’ll feel good any minute.”
Except it wasn’t feeling good and it was feeling worse as every second passed. Your skin was prickly, hot and red and burning all over, your heart felt like it was beating faster than it had ever before and everything about how you were feeling felt so inexplicably wrong.
“Not good, not good, not good.”
Maya’s hand was on your face, patting at you like you were a dog, like you were a pet to her.
“Ride it out, you’ve got it babygirl, it’ll pass.”
It wasn’t passing though, it wasn’t, nothing about how you felt was passing at all.
You could feel your control of your body start to fade, you didn’t understand how or why, you didn’t understand what was happening, you knew though that whatever this was, whatever you’d taken or been given, it wasn’t good. It felt like poison inside of you, slowly taking control of every thing inside of you, like something was eating you up from the inside, as every moment surpassed.
You wanted to think that it was going to be fine, that you were just experiencing some kind of heightened high from the buildup in your system, but there was something overwhelmingly odd and wrong about how you felt, it was real, realer than any drugs had made you feel.
Drugs were artificial, and they made you feel artificially happy, or numb, somewhere between those two. Drugs had never made you feel real and tangible, like you were more of a human than anybody else, but right now, you felt more personified then you ever had, like you were so synched with your body that it was too much, too much feelings, too much pain, to much of everything.
You struggled to get out anymore words, between the feeling of your heart beating the speed of light and your chest being too tight for any oxygen to enter your airway.
You supposed she got the message when your body started to shake, your eyes rolling into the back of your skull as your body struggled to cope.
You heard her scream, felt her pick up your body, in blinks of your eyes you made out the staircase, the entryway, Matt in your line of sight.
You get traded into his arms, arms that make you feel tense and uncomfortable, something your body seems to react to because the tremors or seizures, or whatever the fuck your experiecing only worsens.
You blink in and out of consciousness as you’re taken from the house, into the backseat of somebody’s car, Maya and Matt seated in the front, murmuring to each other as you violently shook in the backseat, your consciousness fading as your body became less connected to you.
You weren’t sure where you were going, where drug addicts thought it was a good idea to take a person fucked up out of their minds, you hoped it wasn’t back to your mothers, or rehab, you seriously doubted the latter considering that two addicts themselves were more likely to take you to a fucking graveyard instead of rehab.
You knew neither of them were talking to you, just talking between the two of them, you hoped they were getting you some kind of help, that the two of them would stick by you and find you some help, Maya loved you, Maya was the only person who cared, she would get you help, she would stop this feeling, she would fix it.
You couldn’t see, you couldn’t control your body, you couldn’t feel any sensations across your skin beside the burning created by the lack of oxygen being circulated throughout you. It was like the drugs were slowly infiltrating every part of you, that the veins which mapped out your body underneath your skin were being pumped full of the toxic substance that you’d been so desperate to fill yourself with.
It must have been a bad reaction, or something you’d taken was laced, probably with fentanyl or something that was mixing badly, fentanyl was renowned for being one of the worst things to combine with meth, opioids and stimulants were bad together, it was probably the two forms mixing together inside of you, creating a horrible chemical concoction of reactions inside of you.
You couldn’t keep yourself awake for most of the car ride, there were patches of consciousness, patches where your eyes would open just for them to close once again.
You were awake when the car stopped, not awake enough to catch a glimpse of where you’d stopped at but awake enough to hear the car engine turn still on. The passenger door opened, then footsteps, then the backseat door beside you opened.
Maya picked you up, or at least that’s who you thought had your arms around you, your eyes were forced shut so you didn’t have any confirmation.
A few steps were taken, fast ones, and then she was squatting like she intended to put you down, and then she did.
You didn’t know how or why or where, you just knew that it was cold, there was rain drizzling down on your face, your body was shaking more than ever and you could hear the footsteps getting further and further away from you, then the sound of a car door being opened and shut and the car pulling away.
You were in agony, there was no other way to put it.
You’d been abandoned before, it was nothing new for you, it only reinforced the idea that you were simply incapable of keeping people in your life, nobody wanted you long term, you weren’t made for long term love, you were like a toy to a child. Fun and entertaining for a short amount of time, before you were forgotten and then eventually, thrown away.
You passed out before you could think more about the toy comparison, cold, alone and forgotten.
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serene-sun · 1 year
𝕾𝖆𝖋𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊, 𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𓅓
Pairing: rain x gn reader fluff/comfort
Warning: panic attack, separation anxiety, fear, overthinking, fear of something bad happening, hyperventilation, crying, if I need to add something let me know!
Summary: being far away from home is never anyone’s desire, especially with so many people to care about
A/n: so I’m writing this falling asleep so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. This is pure comfort that I need rn bc this is my exact situation rn and my anxiety is through the roofs. Nevertheless, just being on a big ass tour bus freaks me out rn. All of this is based on what I’m feeling rn. TYSM for any comments, likes, and reblogs! <3 (Plz excuse the amount of times I say “rn”)
The bus rocks gently as you roll over to your other side, now facing the cold window. You felt the metallic side of the glass swoosh cold air onto your skin, the itchy blanket being pushed down to your feet in a temporary fit, the soft blanket you brought from home wrapped you into a warm embrace.
You brushed the hair out of your face, stretching an arm to move the curtain to reveal the moving road. The interstate signs passing by like shreds of light, the passing cars with different people in them. The landscape changed from high mountain tops and trafficked roads to small hills and starry skies.
As cars passed by, the red lights shined through the bus windows and cast dancing shadows across the many accessories across the rooms.
The windows ripple as rain softly runs down the sides of the bus. A tingling noise scattered about the walls, getting louder than slowing only to repeat that process.
Besides the sound of wheels on the road, you could hear faint honking and sirens as the city roads faded in and out between modern and rural.
You wondered if everyone at the ministry was doing ok, what if there was a fight between aether and the older ghouls? What if the higher members were plotting against papa? What if there was a fire? What if?
You’ve caught yourself on your own tongue as you realize you are too far away to do anything about it if you wanted. Just knowing that you were thousands and thousands of miles away from home made your stomach flip.
What if we were to get into trouble? What if someone saw what we advertised and wanted to hurt us? What if they were attacked? What if someone had a medical emergency? What if-?
Your heart beats, it pounds and it begs your brain to stop running so fast. You’re forced to put a hand over your mouth, realizing that you had forgotten to breath. You exhale, a shaky breath as your body desires more air. Your chest burns, and your skin starts to sweat.
It seemed like you were alone now, everyone was asleep so if something happened nobody would be able to help.
You saw how all of their privacy curtains were closed, it was so late even Swiss and rain were far off dreaming about the next show.
We are billions of miles away from home.
You feel the darkness creep into your top bunk, the air turning on you and swallowing you whole. The rain starts to pour onto the bus harder, streaks of water now blurring every car.
Where could I go? There is no where to go! I can’t escape, I can’t escape, I’m all alone!
You feel a thud, and realize that there’s a webbed hand on the side of your bunk. It dips into the mattress, although it’s dark, you can make-out a slender form that slithers its way up into your bunk.
Of course it’s rain, why would it not? Maybe the rain outside woke him up, or did he ever go to sleep?
“What’s going on up here?” Rains voice is just barely audible, so soft the rain over powers it, “I could hear you all the way down there.”
You pretend to be asleep, hoping the water ghoul will just go back to his own bed. You shuffle a little as he brings the blanket under his own legs.
“Sorry.” You squeak out, you knew you can’t ever lie to him. Number one because he would know, number two because he had such a kind sense to him that why would you need to?
“Hey, it’s alright.” He nudges his head over yours, laying behind you and wrapping a hand around your abdomen. “Woah, sunshine what’s the matter?” Rain feels your heart beat, that’s currently acting like you’re in a marathon.
Your lack of air won’t allow you to speak, all you can do is count the cars that speed by.
One, two, three, four, five, six…
“Honey….” Rains concerned now, he tries to turn you to face him, but you’re forced to stay still.
Your mind taunts you, every second that passes by, the further you get from safety.
“Look at me.” The ghoul demands, now scared of what’s overcome you.
He watches your chest rise and fall rapidly, you’re shaking so hard the others might wake up.
Rain forcefully turns you over, hearing a whimper escape your lips.
Your eyes let go of the built up tears, they begin to run down your face just like the rain drops one look away.
The bus shakes and bobs with the road, rains grip on the sides of your arms release. He grabs your hand and places it over his own heart.
“Hey, hey, hey look at me little drop.” He hold your hand there with his own, making you feel his heart beat, “I’m right here, I’m not leaving.”
You quiver, your eyes finally meet his.
“It’s ok…it’s all ok.” He brings his other arm around your back and brings you into a tight hug.
“I want to go home. I need to make sure they are alright. Are we alright?” Your breath fogs up the window and rain wipes away the tears on the apple of your cheek.
“We are fine. We are safe. We are together.” The water ghoul states firmly, as if it wasn’t anything anyone could ever change or question.
“You are safe with me, right here.”
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tbcanary · 10 months
for arrowfam week day one: "ghost" and "grow"
(set sometime around ga vol 7, but not exactly accurate based on current timelines within the run. suspend your disbelief with me for a sec.)
There’s a girl sitting at Mia’s desk.
Not that that’s unusual, or anything. Mia might come from a family of famous caped crusaders, but the vigilante business doesn’t exactly pay well enough for Ollie to foot all of her bills in the heart of Star City. She has roommates – two of them, actually, girls who have known each other since college but needed a third while so-and-so is studying abroad for a year, blah blah blah – and they’ve been known to sneak in to use her desk so that they both aren’t stuck studying at the kitchen table like they’re in the opening scenes of a Dickinson novel or whatever.
The point is, people sit at Mia’s desk sometimes. It happens, and normally it wouldn’t bother her, even coming home from work this late. Even after she spent all evening cleaning up the cafeteria in the community center after some kind of Bean Incident none of the kids would blab about, no matter how much she tried to wheedle it out of them.
Anyway. That’s not what bothers her. The thing that bothers her, actually, doesn’t hit until the girl looks up at her. The hood of her sweatshirt falls back from her head, revealing a shock of bright pastel hair, and Mia doesn’t know anyone with that hair color but –
But she knows those soft brown eyes. She knows that dimple in the left cheek, accompanying the uncertain smile.
“Lian,” she says. “What. The fuck.”
And then she slaps a hand over her mouth, and the laughter spills between her fingers despite her best efforts. “I mean, shit, I shouldn’t — goddammit, Roy is going to be so mad at me for cussing, but I —what?”
“Um.” Lian shrugs. It is her, after all; her voice sounds exactly like Cheshire, somehow, but the way her eyes crinkle at the corners is all Roy. “Hi.”
Mia stumbles into the room, sets her duffle bag to the ground with a thump that feels more like an earthquake. She drops down onto her unmade bed and stares – not bothering to hide her astonishment, her disbelief – at Lian, somehow so much older, somehow exactly the same.
“If I’m being haunted, you legally have to tell me,” Mia insists.
Lian shrugs. The toes of her sneakers drag against the floor as she kicks her feet, hands gripping the sides of her seat. “Nope. Not a ghost.”
Well. It’s not as weird as it sounds, probably. Roy had come back, and Ollie had, too, hadn’t he? But Mia… Mia had been there when Lian died. Sort of. Or at least, it was her not being there that had done it, and she’d done everything she could to find a loophole, but there had never been one. Nothing. She’d been gone; it had sat in Mia’s stomach like a weight, like a rock she’d swallowed and couldn’t spit back out.
“Clone?” she tried.
Lian shook her head. “Mm-nn.”
“Only from the universe.”
“Alternate dimension.”
“Well,” Mia said.
And then she swallowed.
And then her breath came out in a flurry of hysterical giggles again, a fountain she just couldn’t stop, and she dropped her face into her hands and let the flood come, let it pour out of her chest like an open wound.
“Fuck,” Mia hissed. “I—Fuck me. God. Lian, does Roy, does your dad know?”
Lian hums her confirmation. “He’s on the roof. He and Uncle Connor brought me to see you.”
“They’re…?” Mia pushes off the bed and stomps over to the window. She throws open the glass and leans out, looking upward.
Sure enough, a grappling hook arrow is hooked into the brick of her building with a rope dangling down. That must be how Lian got in. Mia should really start locking her windows, but it’s just so much easier to make a quick escape that way instead of going out the front door.
She doesn’t give a fuck about the neighbors, so she shouts as loud as she can. “Hey! Assholes!”
Two heads peek over the edge at her, one with shaggy red hair and one with a series of blonde braids. Connor, at least, has the decency to wave. Roy just raises an eyebrow at her, like she’s the one inconveniencing him.
Ugh. Brothers.
“What the fuck?” she shouts. “How did she get so tall?”
Roy snorts, and it echoes off the building next door. “Blame the multiverse, or something!”
“I can hear you,” Lian offers.
Mia waves a hand. “Shut up, I’ll deal with you in a minute. The adults are speaking.”
Lian huffs, and Mia can practically hear the eyeroll. As if she doesn’t get enough crap from the kids she works with all damn day, now she’s got a bratty teenager who’s going to be expecting a cool aunt she can come play hooky with, or whatever kids do. Mia wouldn’t know; she didn’t exactly have aunts and uncles to set an example.
“Can you at least come down here and walk me through it, instead of sitting around like two old farts at a chess tournament?” Mia demands.
On the streets below, someone must take offense to their big family reunion. Mia hears the distant – but distinct – sounds of someone telling her to shut the fuck up, lady! from the sidewalk.
Star City. Gotta love it.
“Fine, fine,” Connor says. He’s still smiling, though, and she watches as he pulls a rope arrow from his quiver. “Give us a second. Arsenal’s not as young as he once was.”
Roy lets out some kind of offended comment at that, Mia’s sure, but she doesn’t pay him any attention. Instead, she turns to face Lian again and all but tackles her, trapping her head in the bend of an elbow and ruffling her hair as she squeals.
“And you, you little brat,” Mia says, holding on tight as Lian laughs and tries to wriggle free, “are going to tell me everything.”
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djarinova · 1 year
words: 420
characters: levi, armin, eren, mikasa
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Levi as Winter
cold finger tips, wind swept hair, readjusting your scarf to better hide your face from the cold, putting on layers upon layers of clothes before going outside, sitting on a large chair beside a window and watching the snow fall, lying in bed listening to the rainfall, watching the steam rise from your cup of tea, rubbing your palms together to create the slightest bit of warmth, frost bitten cheeks, grey skies, hazy mornings, the smell of an open fire, your face heating up as you walk inside from the cold, runny noses, harsh truths, candles burning, slippery steps, wearing two pairs of socks, pulling on a knitted jumper as soon as you step out from under your duvet
Armin as Spring
freshly picked flowers, the smell of cut grass, morning dew on the leaves, walking around lakes wrapped in a light hoodie, watching the clouds part over the hill, picnics with friends spent reading and laughing, early morning bike rides as the sun comes up, walking through fields as a shortcut, eating fruit, new beginnings, dipping your toes in the freezing lake water, listening to the rain fall through an open window, wellie walks through misty rain, spotting a rainbow, watercolour paintings, thatched roof houses, baking, starting a new book, coffee and croissant dates, trips to the park
Eren as Summer
running as fast as you can along the beach and almost face planting into the sand, freshly squeezed lemonade with super curly straws, eating watermelon and feeling the juice run down your face, finding sand in your bag and your sink and your shoes and everywhere, collecting cool rocks and shells, diving headfirst into the pool, splashing people who refuse to join you in the pool, late night adventures, windows down and music cranked up in the car, writing messages in the sand, the smell of burnt marshmallows, screaming from the cliffs, suncream, always carrying bottled water and painkillers
Mikasa as Autumn
the ground shimmering from the last rainfall, orange cats, baking with a friend while listening to soft music, warm lights, orange and red leaves littering the ground, mist covering the hills, gingerbread hot chocolate, finishing your summer project and getting to show your loved ones the results, wooden tables, the wind blowing your windows shut, walks through the forest in the late afternoon, homemade soup, lunchtime picnics being interrupted by a sudden downpour and having to run for shelter, wet feet from splashing in puddles, warm hugs, wearing a scarf inside and outside, photography shoots, pumpkin and ginger flavoured everything
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daddysfangirls-dc · 3 months
UnTamed Ch.19
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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"It has potential," Jason said as he stepped over some broken floorboards. 
"It needs work," Asta said, lifting her cloak as she tiptoed across the weak floors. I don't smell mold. The roof and outer walls are intact. That's all good." She watched rats scurry across the floors. It was an abandoned apartment building sitting between Crime Alley and the Narrow. They plan to renovate it and put it to use.
They were still debating the use. Of course, they wanted it to house people, but the kind of people was the argument. Jason didn't want to put any stipulations on allowing all people in the building who needed it. Asta didn't want sex workers, drug dealers, or drug users. She had no problems with these people. Their activities and professions, however, were dangerous.
She had first had accounts of sex workers and drug dealers being followed and attacked by clients she didn't want to endanger the other residents. As for the drug users, they use and sometimes overdose; children didn't need to see that. Sometimes, they got desperate and stole. These people were already at rock bottom. They don't need their junkie neighbor stealing what little they have. And she witnessed enough dealers vs users fights to know housing them together wasn't a good idea. 
Asta figured they'd find or make housing for them elsewhere. Honestly, the argument didn't matter at the moment. It was the middle of late winter, and the snow was still piled high. Nothing could be done until the snow started to clear.
"This could be a room for the children. A playroom or daycare, perhaps?" 
"Perhaps? You talk like Damian."
"What's wrong with that?" she looked to the corner of the room where the ceiling had caved in. The damage was heavy. 
"Damian sounds fancy and talks as such." he steps over the debris to get a closer look. " You, however, have a street accent. It's just... sounds funny. Not trying to make fun of you or-"
" You think you can hurt me," she says as she looks out a broken window. There's a lot of space out back, and they could make a playground. I don't wear clothes, I walk around bear-footed, I can't... I've heard or thought of worse," she chuckles to herself. She had a lot of experience with Gotham's cruelty. 
"The Basement could be a laundry room," Damian said. He smirked at Jason's flinch.
" What are you doing here?" he was ignored.
" You'll have to order new machines and clean up the needles."
Asta approached him, giving him a peck on the cheek. " It needs more than a clean-up, Damian. Why are you here?"
"To see you and what you're working with. Also, Dick wants some sibling bonding. He and  the others are waiting in the car." 
Jason groaned before and started making his way outside. "
I don't—" he showed her a bag before she could finish. There went her excuse. " I made sure they were soft and comfortable." She dropped her cloak and pulled a dress from the bag. " It's soft cotton." She slipped on the grey sweater dress. It was soft and thick and stopped just above her knees. He pulled out a pair of socks and black boots that stopped just below her knees. 
"Do I look civilized?" 
"You look beautiful."
"Why dresses?" Asta asked. She noted that it was always a dress whenever Damian brought her clothes. No matter the season, weather, or occasion, it was always a dress. And Damian did indeed have reasons.
"You don't like clothes. Dresses are flowing and easy to remove once you tire of them." how thoughtful. She smiled and took his arm as he led her out of the building. 
"It's an Arcade," Dick said. "We can see that, stupid," Jason said, walking past him with the others. 
"What's your favorite game?" Duke asked, falling behind to walk with Asta and Damian." Um, cheese Viking," she said, although it was the only thing she played, so there were no other references. " Cheese Viking, really?" she shrugged. " They have one somewhere around here. Maybe you can beat Damian's score." She looked at Damian.
"Challenge accepted," Damian smirked before taking her hand and leading her away. 
Duke smiled as he watched the couple disappear into the crowd, looking for the game.
" Never would I have imagined Demon brat with a girl," Tim said as he stood with his other siblings watching Dick and Cassandra play air hockey.
" I always thought whoever he did end up with would be as crazy or weird as him, " Steph said 
"That's the problem," Jason said. " The moment you stop calling him crazy and Demon brat, you'll remember he's just a kid. It's quite easy to see they're just weird kids." with that said, he and Duke walked off to play an open shooting game together.
"Cute," Cassandra said as she looked at the young couple. She was just as competitive as Damian if her focus said anything. Damian looked very entranced with her. Finish their game, Dick approached the couple, who were now arguing. 
"Well then, call me Lady Luck because I just beat your score." 
"How about a rematch, Lady Luck?"
"how about you give others a chance to play," Dick said. 
"We have Cheese Viking at home." Damian whispered, " Let's find another game." 
They found a motorcycle game Damian vs. Tim. While Dick and Asta watched. 
"How did you meet him?" he asked. She smiled. " he was working... work? He caught me stealing from thieves. Robin Hood situation, he let it slide when I told him why-we met off and on during his work until he finally decided I was a friend. We were near inseparable after that." she looked on at him in adoration.
"How did he get you to be his girlfriend?" she turned to him, confused.
" He asked?"
"No, I mean, how did he do it?"
"why? Need advice? I'd talk to Alfred," she teased. " Lunch. He got me a fancy dress, took me to a fancy lunch, and told me his feelings had changed and grown, and he wanted to proceed into a possibility. A romantic relationship. His exact words. I said okay, and here we are," she said almost breathlessly.
Dick smiled as he thought about it. It definitely sounded like Damian. He could imagine Damian speaking in his posh tone, treating it more like a business meeting. All stiff and proper until she agreed. He couldn't imagine how he relaxed, though. He couldn't imagine Asta relaxed either. The only he'd ever seen her as relaxed was when she was unconscious. Any other time she was tense or anxious. They could always see it. She was never calm or relaxed despite everything they tried. Alfred hinted at seeing her relaxed but never told how.  Even now, Dick could see her anxiously pulling at her dress.
Despite her smile, she wasn't comfortable here. " Have you ever played Pac-Man?" he asked, maybe he could distract her. 
"I've heard of it."
Hours later, the group found themselves in a pizza parlor indulging in an amount of grease Alfred would not approve of. But everyone was enjoying themselves, so maybe he'd let it slide. 
"Alright, I see it now," Tim said. " You two are a perfect competitive match."
"Yes, we've come together to kick your butt," Asta said smugly. The others laughed and teased him. It was then that she noticed.
She arrived at the manor. Asta had been having trouble with her empath abilities, being emotionally overwhelming all the time but hiding so as not to be upset or seem rude. She focused on one person's emotions, usually Damian or Alfred. Damian was aware of her abilities and tried to help. And Alfred was simply more put together than others and held his emotions as such. They were easy to cling to.
But here she was now, surrounded by all his siblings, clinging to no one for the first time since entering the manor. She was taking in all their emotions (aside from Bruce and Alfred), and she was doing fine. She felt their joy, amusement, and love, and it felt so good. She felt so good.
Turning to Damian, she grins and takes his hand, engulfing him in the surrounding happiness she felt. He gasps at the sudden feelings. He grins, too, turning to her and pulling her into a kiss. Just a peak, but it was enough to have his siblings cooing and teasing. They did not care because with that one peck she felt all his love. 
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its-jaytothemee · 18 days
to find balance - chapter 1
Chapter 1: The Descent
Characters: Arabella
Word count: 1,637
Rating: Teen and up
Read on AO3
Summary: From surviving Elturel's descent into Avernus, to facing peril after peril on the road to Baldur's Gate. At the ripe old age of nine, Arabella truly thought she had seen it all.
But when she touched that idol in the druid's grove, something in her changed. She'll have to learn to navigate this bright new future ahead of her after so much pain and loss. Luckily for her, she'll make plenty of new friends to help her along her journey.
Tags: Arabella POV, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, tiefling shenanigans, anti-tiefling racism, multiple BG3 characters will be making sporadic appearances throughout the fic.
A/N: The brain worms just won't stop wiggling for this stupid game. Enjoy my take on Arabella's experiences through the events of Baldur's Gate, starting with the descent of Elturel into Avernus, going many years past the end of the game.
A lot of things are canon compliant, but the pre and post game things are just my own personal headcanons and the result of many forgotten realms wiki rabbit holes. It was very much inspired by my other ongoing long fic and my OC/Tav from that story will make a few appearances in this one alongside the rest of the tadfools.
Arabella squeezed her eyes shut while letting out a scream.
She’s falling. Falling further than she’s ever fallen before.
Further than the time she climbed on the roof of their house and broke two of her fingers when her foot slipped on a shingle. Further than the time she stepped on a broken branch while scaling a tree in the park, causing her to fall flat on her butt and sprain her tail.
But this time, someone’s holding her. Two someones.
She opened her eyes to see mum and pops huddled around her, hugging her tight between them as the entire city plummeted below the ground. They were kneeling in the street as strange looking winds rushed past them, all three of their tails coiled together.
The air was hot. Hotter than the sweatiest summer day she can remember. And it smells funny, like the time she threw a rotten egg at Umi’s window.
“Close your eyes, Bella,” mum shouted to be heard over the wind.
“I…I’m scared…” she sobbed into their arms. The air was so hot she swore her tears boiled on her face.
Was there another word for scared? One that’s scarier than scared? Because that’s the word she needs to tell her parents how scared she is right now.
“It’s alright my love,” pops yelled back and held her a little tighter. “Just stay close to us.”
Arabella had just been playing outside, chasing a small frog that was hopping along the stones leading up to their house.
Then the ground started to shake underneath her. She had been lucky that mum and pops were home that day. Arabella remembered them running outside as the quakes took over the city. They had barely made it to her side when the city started to fall.
The sun faded with every passing second, giving way to smoke and ash and rock. She saw weird looking meteors rush past them and even weirder creatures flying in the sky.
And then suddenly, she wasn’t falling anymore.
“Komira, run!” She heard pops yelling, but just barely. Her ears had a funny ringing sound in them, like there’s little bells being rung by a tiny pixie inside her brain.
Now she’s in pops’ arms…and he’s running. Their horns were clinking together in a soft rhythm as he sprinted down the road. Arabella had her tail wrapped tight around his waist as she clung to him
“Mum!” she yelled but had to cough a lot afterwards. The air tasted funny too, like the times she stood too close to a fire and the smoke filled her lungs.
“I’m here, Arabella,” mum called back to her, but it was hard to hear past the little pixie ringing the bells in her head.
Mum and pops aren’t the only people running. Everyone was yelling and cursing as they ran past them. She heard pops say something about the High Hall, but she didn’t think they’d ever been invited there.
The High Hall was a place for lords and ladies and other rich folks. Even a duke from Baldur’s Gate was staying there when the city started to fall.
Surely a duke would be a good fighter, and those guys tend to be the hero types. He would help save them, right?
When Arabella finally dared to look up again, she saw a giant black ball hanging in the air where the sun should have been. If it was so dark, why did it still hurt her eyes?
Even though they weren’t falling so fast anymore, the city was still moving further toward the ground. Which really didn’t make sense because she thought they were already standing on the ground.
A groan from pops startled her. She looked at his cheek and saw a big cut running down his cheek.
“Pops! You’re hurt!” she screamed to be heard over the chaos.
“I’ll be fine, Bella, just close your eyes!” he yelled back.
Lightning started to rain down on the city. Each strike summoned a creature that started to chase everyone who was running through the streets. Some of them looked like people but they were twisted and their skin looked kind of gross.
Then she started to hear more screams. Not the same terrified sounds she had heard before, but like the people making that wound were hurt. Really hurt.
She cracked one eye open with the rest of her face buried in pops’ shoulder, immediately wishing she hadn’t.
One of those strange demon zombies had just bitten into someone’s neck, sending a big spray of blood across the stone walkways.
Arabella let out another shriek and started to cry. She turned her head so pops’ neck would help cover her eyes.
I don’t want to be eaten by demon zombies. Why are we even here?
“Bella, love, keep your eyes closed.” Pops squeezed her just a little tighter as he continued to run. She could hear his breath getting heavier, and she hadn’t heard mum say anything in a while.
It’s okay. She’s probably just saving all of her breath for running.
She kept a tight hold on pops, her arms secured tight around his neck while her legs and tail kept wrapped around his waist.
“We’re almost there, Locke!” Finally, mum yelled at them.
“Where are we going?” Arabella yelled through her tears.
“The High Hall.” Pops had a very tight grip on her hips and the back of her head as he ran. “If we can get behind the walls and into the stronghold, we’ll be safer.”
So, they were going to the High Hall. They’d never been there before, she didn’t think–
A scream from mum startled her.
Arabella opened her eyes to try and find her. She had tripped behind them on a broken rock.
“Mum!” she screamed and pointed over pops’ shoulder.
“Shit,” she heard him hiss.
Pops skidded to a stop to go back for her, helping her off the ground just before another strike of lightning burnt the stone where she had been laying. It also brought down another one of those zombies. When he had turned around, Arabella could see the giant stone walls that protected the High Hall over pops’ shoulder.
But it looked like they were closing the gate.
Why would they do that when there were still so many people out in the streets?
Her tears came faster now. If the High Hall was the only place they could be safe, what would happen if they were locked out?
Mum and pops just kept running, even as Arabella screamed into his ears, even as she heard mum let out more infernal curses in one breath than she had ever heard her utter in her life.
She wanted so badly to yell out those curses too. Her parents were far too busy running to care about her cursing.
But she was too scared. No words came out of her mouth, only sobs and screams.
“Hold onto me tight, Arabella.” Pops turned and kissed her temple before squeezing her so hard she thought she might snap in two.
“Why what are you–”
Suddenly, they were flying through the air. For once in her life though, she listened to pops and kept her eyes closed as she clung to him.
Then, they hit something hard. It was the ground. Pops dove through the small gap left between the giant doors that blocked out the courtyard. Mum had landed not far from their side.
On the other side of the doors, Arabella could still hear the screams of everyone else who couldn’t make it in time.
“Everyone, in the keep. Now!”
A bald, dark-skinned man was shouting at them and pointing his sword toward the big doors of the High Hall. He wore armor with a strange symbol on it. It looked like a fist, but it was on fire.
It was chaos trying to get inside. Everyone was pushing past one another, throwing others to the ground to get ahead of them. Arabella was extra grateful pops was still holding her, otherwise she was sure she’d have been trampled to a pulp.
Once the courtyard was cleared, all the guards started stacking things in front of the doors. There were four giant planks of wood that slid into some brackets, but they also piled chairs and tables and chests in front of it as well.
Pops set her down, but Arabella kept her arms wrapped around his waist. Her tail was curled tight around her own leg.
The main doors to the keep rattled as the creatures outside tried to claw their way in.
“We’ve almost secured the way forward, Duke Ravengard!” A guard came running into the main hall.
The bald, armored man gave the guard a nod. “Finish clearing it and get these people out of here!”
She could have been imagining it, but she could have sworn that one was louder than the last one.
“You’re going to have to be brave now, my sweet girl.” She sniffled before wiping away Arabella’s tears.
Mum and pops knelt on either side of her, wrapping their arms around their shoulders and resting their foreheads against her horns.
Each loud knock against the doors made Arabella flinch away, causing her to dig her claws into their arms. She could hear the shrieks coming from the creatures on the other side.
“But no matter what happens, so long as we’re together, everything will be just fine, my love,” pops whispered to her.
The guard came sprinting back into the room.
“The way is clear. Everyone, this way!”
With that, pops picked her up in his arms again and started to run deeper into the High Hall…just as the doors broke into splintered pieces and the demons broke through.
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abimee · 1 year
other people may be too scared to have hermes get sucked into the azem friendship circle but not me i think hythlo and hermes could make pretty decent ''were not friends but were in the same room so often that if i got my foot trapped in a window i would call you over to come help me instead of getting embarassed in front of the fire department'' comradery. when althaea has rats in her apartment and doesnt wanna kill them but gets scared theyre going to eat her maggots she makes them come over (hades wants nothing to do with it) and while althaea is busy choking back sobs theyre standing in her kitchen trying to move her fridge because they saw it go back there and they think its made its hole/nest there but neither of them can really get it moving, and theyre trying really hard to move this fridge and they know they cant just unmake it because althaea is very particular about her shit so hythlodaeus is using his amaurotine brittle bones to try andget this ice box MOVING and hermes is like hold on maybe i can get behind it and push it out and this is where they find out elpis researches are shredded because they have to tackle creatures twice their size, so heres hermes getting up on the kitchen counter and trying to stick his hands as far back behind the fridge as possible and hythlo trying to help by grabbing from the lower bottom sides to make it do a scoochie but little do they know hermes is about to produce a force not unlike that of a polar bears bite and the fridge moves forward just enough to scare hythlo into thinking the fridge might fall on him but it actually just rocks a little as it scoots forward. enough for them to find the hole in the wall the rat lives in and with a bit more wiggle room hermes can jump behind the fridge and push it back farther with his back while hythlo scrambles to get up on his feet. and now whence the fridge is out of the way and the hole is made they recognize that they had no plan for if they actually found and hole and just look at eacher before hermes proffers that they can just. stick their hand in the hole and see whats up. and hythlo is like is this what you do on elpis? and hes like yes. for golphers. and hythlos like golphers? and hes like dreadful golpher problem yes. and with nothing else to lose hythlo takes initative and sticks her hand in the hole and is actually sort of horrified to actually touch the mouse. and once again althaea (and hermes) take issue with just blowing up animals to aether so now hythlodaeus has a hand full of mouse (roof rat actually) with his arm elbow-deep in his girlfriend's wall and he doesnt know what to do. so he just slowly extracts the mouse out which makes althaea cry harder because now its PROOF she had a MOUSE IN HER HOUSE and her POOR BUGS WERE IN DANGER and she was a horrible bug mom to let them be in this danger. while hythlo holds a dusty roof rat in his hand. and hermes asks for the mouse and with nothing else to really do he hands it over and watches hermes slowly approaches althaea with it which only makes her start wailing harder until he waits for her to calm down enough to show her the mouse and start telling her about them and how they primarily feed on seeds and berries and were probably attracted to her bad habit of eating walnuts in bed. and he eventually calms althaea down enough to get her to hold the mouse and shes like Theyre sorta cute up close..... and she starts talking to it and looking at it in its big ol eyes before saying something like this shouldnt live in the city where it can get hurt but she'd feel horrible taking it so far away from the only home its known to a scary place like a big field but she cant have it in her house cause all of her little maggot children might be scared of them
and hythlodaeus knows whats coming and his shoulders flinch backwards cause he can never say no to althaea asking him to house a poor little creature at their apartment for her and that she promises to come over and feed it and bath it and watch over it she just needs it to live at hythlos place. and this is the closest theyll get to having children. so what surprises him even more is when she turns to hermes instead and asks him to house that mouse and hes surprisingly accepting of this and takes the mouse and says hell care for them and then althaea holds the mouse while they set her fridge back to rights and during it hythlo cant help but feel a bit jealous that hermes got to take the animal this time because of said elaborate bullshit about this type of thing basically being the closest he'll get to having children with althaea but he blows this off because its one of those intrusive thinking patterns that he doesnt actually believe in and hermes isnt a threat to their relationship hes just a good friend and someone althaea is really enjoying having around since they met long ago when hermes first visited elpis as a child and althaea got to meet another kid and hang out with him after living at the cthonic horns with just her sister to play with for thousands of childhood years. so its like a heartwarming reconnecting moment where two kids who briefly met and thought theyd never see each other again get to be friends as adults and the mouse is like a welcome back gift between althaea and hermes. but hythlo goes home and has a nightmare about a fridge falling on him
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
the Rad Red — Play Translation
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Shout it out! Let's rock on forever!
Taichi Nanao as Daichi
Banri Settsu as Senri
Sakyo Furuichi as Ichihashi
Juza Hyodo as Hyota
Azami Izumida as Isa
Omi Fushimi as Yoshimi
Translation under the cut
Daichi loves music and has dedicated his life to his band, but is timid and has trouble taking center stage, and Senri is a troublemaking problem child with an outstanding presence at concerts. When the two childhood friends were in high school, Senri gave in to Daichi's enthusiasm and they formed a band.
Daichi plays guitar and Senri is on vocals, and after they join university, they're joined by Hyota on the drums and Isa on bass, and they gained fans by steadily performing at concerts.
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Daichi: Senri, it's done!
Senri: I told you to stop comin' in through the window, didn't I?
Daichi: I told you, I won't fall!
Senri: Your feet are dirty from walkin' on the roof. Take off your socks.
Daichi: You're surprisingly particular about this~
Daichi: That personality's definitely the reason you keep getting dumped so fast.
Senri: Shut up. Anyway, what's done?
Daichi: A new song!
Daichi: ♪~♪~
Senri: ... Huh~
Senri: That's pretty good.
Daichi: ♪~I wanna eat ramen~ Ramen~♪
Daichi: ♪~Tonkotsu, soy, miso ramen~♪
Senri: That was awful.
Daichi: I couldn't think of lyrics, so~
Daichi: But still, I wanna perform a new song at our next concert.
Senri: You're going too fast.
Daichi: I've kinda been on a roll lately. Y'know what they say, strike while the iron is hot 'n all.
Senri: Maybe you should sing every once in a while.
Daichi: Nowaynowaynowaynoway! I'll get laughed at if I try to sing!
Senri: Who the hell would laugh?
Daichi: It's gotta be someone like you on vocals. My voice's nothing special.
Senri: Just say you're scared.
Daichi: Yeah... I just think I'm better suited to standing at the very end of the stage, y'know.
After finishing a new song, Daichi barges into Senri's house. Saying he couldn't come up with any lyrics, he sang it with whatever words came to mind.
Senri said Daichi should try singing at concerts from time to time, but he refused, saying there was no way he could sing in front of people.
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Hyota: Now that's good.
Isa: I like it, too.
Daichi: So, like, I wanted to perform this at our concert next month.
Isa: Next month's pretty tight for me.
Hyota: I think I'm gonna be busy with job hunting starting next month.
Isa: Job hunting? You startin' already?
Hyota: Well, most guys have already started movin' their asses.
Daichi: Job hunting... So you're really gonna get a job?
Hyota: Well, I mean, yeah.
Senri: Oh, are you gonna start workin' at your old man's company?
Daichi: NO WAY! You're not, right? We'll earn money as a band, and...
Senri: That's not happenin'.
Isa: Well, realistically, we're not really earnin' anything yet. There's no way we can before we make our major debut, right?
Hyota: Yeah... Ideals are just ideals, after all. When it comes down to it, we can only really do this as a hobby.
Daichi: ... Still, I really just want to keep making music. I don't wanna do anything else.
Daichi suggests performing a new song at their concert next month. However, Hyota says he'll be busy with job hunting starting next month. When the conversation turns to what they'll do after graduation, Daichi says he wants to make a living off music, but the others say that's unrealistic.
Daichi dreams of continuing the band with the same members forever, but Senri only sings because Daichi wanted him to, and has no intention of making music his life's work. Unable to tell him this, Senri gets annoyed at Daichi, thinking he really does want to sing.
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Ichihashi: You should take this exam next month. Are you preparing to study abroad?
Daichi: I told you I'm not studying abroad. I'm busy with concerts next month, I can't.
Ichihashi: Don't give me that, and get it into your head that you're taking over the company.
Daichi: I'm not taking over the company.
Ichihashi: You don't study and you don't have any merits, so there's no way you're getting into a good company. If you even wanna make it to a half-decent place, you'd better study your ass off under me.
Daichi: SHUT UP! I'll make a living off my music, so it doesn't matter!
Ichihashi: Don't be stupid. The ones who can say that have already made their start by now. Right now, the world doesn't recognize you, so there's no point. Keep it a hobby. I can tell that you're struggling.
Daichi: --gh.
Ichihashi: DAICHI! Listen when people are talking to you!
While Daichi is thinking of lyrics for the new song in the living room of his house, his father comes home and tells him to study abroad so he can take over his company, causing an argument between them. Daichi declares that he plans to make a living off his music, but his father denies it, saying anyone who can has already made their start, so he should keep this as a hobby and stop saying foolish things.
Ignoring his father, Daichi shuts himself up in his room and tries to continue writing lyrics, but doesn't make much progress.
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Daichi: Sorry. I couldn't come up with lyrics.
Senri: We're gonna have to postpone performing the new song, then.
Isa: You were tryin' to go too fast. It's okay.
Hyota: It'd be better if ya made something you're satisfied with.
Daichi: Sorry. Thanks.
Senri: Let's stop here for today, then.
Daichi: Huh? Wait, but we're all here. What about practice-
Hyota: Sorry, I have some stuff I need to do, too.
Isa: Yeah, let's split up here, then.
Daichi: ... Okay.
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Senri: Oh? Hey, Uncle.
Ichihashi: Oh, Senri. Daichi isn't with you?
Senri: We just said goodbye to each other.
Ichihashi: ... Good grief. I wish he'd put this much effort into his studies.
Senri: Like that's ever happenin'.
Ichihashi: Sigh...
Senri: You goin' home from work?
Ichihashi: I had to check on a building that's just been completed, and now I'm heading straight home.
Senri: What did you construct this time?
Ichihashi: An Italian restaurant in front of the station.
Senri: Huh... I'll go check it out sometime soon. ... Actually, I've been interested in architectural design lately. I've been thinking about getting into the field.
Ichihashi: Is that so?
Senri: I haven't really told anyone about it yet, though.
Ichihashi: If you want to get into design, you should pick a company carefully. Some of them just outsource everything.
Senri: I see.
Ichihashi: You're welcome to join my company anytime, Senri. Well, it'd be bad for me if you get into too much trouble, though.
Senri: Haha. I've chilled out lately, so it'll be fine. For real, though, I might join your company in the future.
Ichihashi: Goodness. If only you and Daichi switched places.
Senri: Well, if it was my parents, they wouldn't have anything bad to say about me being in a band.
Ichihashi: Your parents have artistic spirits, too, after all. You could probably pull it off. Daichi is awkward like me, though. I don't think he can get by on just music.
Senri: Well, he still has until graduation, so he should be okay, right?
Ichihashi: Maybe, but... Ah, right. If you want to learn architectural design, you should consider studying abroad.
Senri: Abroad? I only just started getting interested in this, so I'll have to think hard about it...
Ichihashi: I've told Daichi about all the universities and courses I'd recommend, so try asking him about it.
Senri: Got it.
The day of the concert draws nearer, but Daichi can't come up with any lyrics, so the performance of the new song is postponed.
One day, on his way home from practice, Senri happens to meet Daichi's father, Ichihashi. Senri is interested in Ichihashi's workplace, and while listening to him talk about his job, he starts to realize it's what he really wants to do. Ichihashi sees this and says he wishes Daichi and Senri switched places. He says he doesn't think Daichi, who's awkward like him, can make it on music alone.
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Daichi: I really wanted to perform a new song, too... Oh well, we can have another concert next month, right?
Isa: We're doin' too much.
Hyota: Yeah... Sorry, but this concert might be my last.
Senri: Huh?
Hyota: I gotta work harder at job hunting than I expected. It's gonna be tough, so I'm leavin' the band. I'll support ya as much as I can once things calm down, though.
Isa: 'N you're sayin' that right before the performance?
Hyota: Sorry. It was hard to say.
Senri: Well, lookin' for jobs seems hard.
Isa: I guess there's no helpin' it...
Daichi: Huh? Wait a minute. What- Are you just acceptin' this!?
???: It's almost time.
Senri: C'mon, let's go.
Daichi: No, I'm not done talking!
The concert was quite a success.
Isa: That desperate energy was surprisingly good.
Senri: The only desperate one was Daichi.
Daichi: Anyone would be the same if they had to hear that right before a performance!
Hyota: Senri seemed just fine, though.
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Yoshimi: Can I have a moment? You're the members of Rad Red, right?
Daichi: Yes?
Yoshimi: I'm Yoshimi of AB Records.
Daichi: AB RECORDS!?
Hyota: Seriously?
Isa: That's the real deal...
Yoshimi: Your songs are amazing. You don't belong to a label yet, do you? Are you interested?
Daichi: W- we are, we are! We really are!
Yoshimi: There are a few things I'd like to consider, so if you have any audio files for what you've produced so far, could you give them to me?
Daichi: I'll send you tons!
Yoshimi: Thank you. I'll be in touch.
Daichi: D- does this mean we can debut!?
Senri: We don't know that yet. He could just be asking everyone.
Daichi: But if he asked us, it means there's a chance, right? We got noticed!
Hyota: Well, I guess that's true. 'M glad.
Daichi: Hey, this coming from the guy who said he was quitting!? This is our CD debut! You won't leave now, right!?
Hyota: Ah... Um...
Daichi: We said our ideal was to make a living off our songs, right!?
Hyota: Well, I'll put my withdrawal on hold for now.
Daichi: YAAAY!!!
Senri: ...
Right before the concert, Hyota states that because of job hunting, this may be his last gig. Daichi is shocked, but Senri is understanding of it. Isa seems to also think there's no other way. Daichi is angry at the others for this, and the concert continues with a tense atmosphere.
After the concert, Yoshimi from a record company approaches the band and says they may be able to make their CD debut, delighting Daichi. Hyota also promises to put his withdrawal on hold, even though he's unsure of his decision. Senri is the only one left, looking like he has mixed feelings on the situation.
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Daichi: I'm home.
Ichihashi: Daichi. This is on the topic of studying abroad from the other day. Senri has been putting a lot of thought into his future. And then there's you-
Daichi: I might make my CD debut. I'm continuing on the path of music.
Ichihashi: What are you talking about?
Daichi: Someone from a record company reached out to me today. He recognized our songs!
Ichihashi: Good grief... If you're lucky enough to debut and think you can make a living off it, you're sorely mistaken. How many people do you think just debut and then disappear? If you're getting so carried away by the words "CD debut", you won't last too long. You're much too naïve. Generally-
Daichi: -- I've had enough! No matter what I say, you really don't get it! You won't approve of anything I do!
Ichihashi: Stop this childish nonsense!
Daichi: I could say the same to you!
Ichihashi: DAICHI! Where do you think you're going!?
Daichi: I'M LEAVING!
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Senri: And you're comin' here? Goin' next door isn't really running away from home.
Daichi: It's fine.
Senri: ... That reminds me, has your dad told ya about potential universities you could study abroad at?
Daichi: Huh? Ah, I guess... I think he mentioned a few, but I didn't really pay attention.
Senri: You should try listenin' to him sometimes, too.
Daichi: There's no point. You should be sayin' that to him, anyway. He never listens to what I have to say. ... Hey, if you're askin' me... Senri, you said you were interested in my dad's company, right? Man, if only we could switch places...
Senri: ... You really are father and son. Daichi, I'm gonna sleep.
Daichi: Ah, sorry. Can I keep the lights on just a little longer?
Senri: Go ahead, but I have an early class tomorrow.
Daichi: Just a little longer.
Several hours passed after Senri fell asleep.
Daichi: ... I did it!! SENRI!! I DID IT!!
Senri: ... Yeah? Fucker, don't wake me up at a time like this-
Daichi: ♪ Yeah, after the worst of nights ♪
♪ Look, the dawn is waiting for this song ♪
♪ Bit by bit, the sky's dyed red, it lights up ♪
♪ The rest of our dreams, the paths we've each chosen ♪
How was that?
Senri: ... That was good.
Daichi: RIGHT!? This phrase here was totally cool, right~? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm sure you'll love singin' this. Seriously!
Senri: Yeah. I won't sing it, though.
Daichi: WHAT?
Senri: You sing it.
Daichi: HUH? Why? Did you not like it or somethin'? I'll change it, then.
Senri: Quit it. You already know why, don't ya? This is your song. No, all our songs so far have been yours, not mine. It wasn't me who wanted to be in a band. It wasn't me who wanted to sing.
Daichi: Huh-
Senri: Get outta here.
Daichi: Senri-
Senri: Come back after you've convinced your dad. Idiot.
Daichi tells his father about being approached by a record company, but it turns into an argument again, and he runs away from home, crashing at Senri's house. He turns a deaf ear to what Senri has to say. When Daichi says Senri should say all this to his father instead, Senri smiles bitterly to himself, thinking how the two really are like father and son.
Daichi finishes his song in the middle of the night and performs it for Senri. Senri heard the lyrics referencing Daichi's conflict with his father and told him to sing the song himself, kicking Daichi out of his house until he realized his own true intentions.
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Hyota: 'N you're lookin' for safety here?
Daichi: I don't get it. Does this mean Senri never wanted to be in the band? I mean, yeah, when I first invited him, he didn't seem to care either way, but... I thought we were having fun.
Hyota: Well, 'm sure he had fun. 'S different in your case, though.
Daichi: I'm having fun! Being in a band with you all is super fun.
Hyota: 'S not just fun with you though; you're tryin' to go even further, aren't you? Isn't that what it means to want to make a livin' off music? If it's just about fun, then it'd be fine to keep this a hobby. If you wanna make that your only source of income, though, you gotta really be ready for it. 'S not easy for everyone to make the decision of continuing on only music even after we're no longer students like it was for you.
Daichi: Are you sayin' Senri doesn't wanna do this with me anymore?
Hyota: He only joined you at all 'cuz you couldn't sing yourself 'n asked him to, didn't he?
Daichi: Well, yeah, but... I just thought maybe he wanted to keep makin' music forever, just like me-
Hyota: Just let him go, man.
Daichi: The hell do you mean, let him go? Besides, ever since we were kids, I'm the one who's been stuck to his side like his henchman...
Hyota: You're still the center of the band, though. Even I joined this band 'cuz I thought your songs were good, and I thought I could make a livin' off music with you forever. You have this kinda magnetic energy that drags people in. I thought a guy like that could even make a livin' off music, and if it's a band you're in, 'm startin' to think that maybe I wanna put my life on the line for it, too.
Daichi: ... What about Senri?
Hyota: You already know the answer, don't ya?
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Isa: The hell? Senri didn't show up today, either? What do we do about practicin' the new song?
Daichi: Uh...
Hyota: Daichi can sing it.
Daichi: No, but-
Isa: Sure, you'd make a good stand-in.
Hyota: You can sing if it's just for practice, right?
Daichi: ... Yeah, I'll be okay.
With nowhere else to go, Daichi heads to Hyota's place. When Daichi complains about Senri, Hyota lectures him about how everyone has different ideas about music and their futures, and tells him he should let Senri go.
As the concert where they planned to perform their new song draws closer, Senri stops showing up for practice.
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Senri: They're callin' way too much... 
Senri: Tsk, I'll teach 'em a lesson.
Punk A: What?
Punk B: What was that, fucker?
Senri: Huh? I didn't say shit to y'all.all the boring ass songs.
Senri: ...
Punk A: The fuck? You tryna start a fight?
Punk B: Oh? Isn't this Rad Red's vocalist? Saw him at a concert a while back.
Punk A: Ohhh, ya mean that band with 
Punk B: The hell's with that look? You wanna go, fucker!?
Senri: Y'all are the boring ones!
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Yoshimi: I got to listen to your songs. You can definitely look forward to debuting with our label!
Daichi: FOR REAL!? Thank you very much!
Isa: We're really gonna debut...
Hyota: Amazing...
Yoshimi: Also, for the song Senri wasn't singing in, was that you, Daichi?
Daichi: Ah, yes. That was just a demo track.
Yoshimi: It'd be nice if you sang at concerts, too, though. You're really good.
Daichi: Noo, I'm a wuss and I can't sing in front of people.
Yoshimi: Speaking of which, where's Senri today?
Daichi: Aah, he's just a little... AH!
Daichi: Senri!? Don't ignore my calls! Wait, what? Your mom? HUH? The police arrested you!?
Isa: Police?
Hyota: What'd he do this time?
Daichi: He said he got into a big fight and the police got involved.
Isa: And that kinda thing is really bad right now, isn't it?
Daichi: Ah...
Yoshimi: Does this kind of thing happen to Senri often?
Daichi: Um... sometimes... But he's not a bad guy!
Yoshimi: When you go pro, a scandal with any one of you can be fatal to the whole group. Not just the band members, but everyone in the team involved will be harmed. From now on, you won't just be making music among friends; you're going to be part of a bigger project. The number of people involved will also increase by a huge amount. That's what it means to be professionals. The same goes for your music-making process, of course. I need you guys to be aware of this.
Daichi: ... Okay.
Yoshimi: I wonder if I can ask for you to debut without Senri, with Daichi on vocals. This isn't just something I came up with on the spot. I thought the same thing while listening to your demo track. I reached out to you guys because I liked your songs, but after listening to Daichi's vocals, I feel like they could be even better.
Daichi: That's- We can't do that! All of us, including Senri, are Rad Red! If we have to leave Senri out, we won't debut!
Hyota: Hey, Daichi-
Yoshimi: Is that so... We do want to avoid risk as much as possible, though. Please give this some thought.
Daichi: -gh.
Right before the concert, Senri gets into a big fight and the police get involved. Yoshimi hears this, and asks the band to debut without Senri, with Daichi on vocals instead. He says it's not just because of the current incident, but also because he found Daichi's singing more appealing. Daichi instantly rejects the idea of debuting, saying Rad Red isn't complete without Senri. Still, Yoshimi says he wants the band to think this over and leaves.
Isa: The hell are you doin'? Is Senri not showing up after all?
Daichi: He just won't reply...
Hyota: If things 're like this, maybe it'd be better to just debut without him.
Daichi: NO WAY! Senri is our vocalist! I haven't heard anything from him yet!
Senri: That's what pisses me off about you.
Daichi: SENRI!
Senri: Let's start the show with "Seven".
Daichi: Y-yeah. I mean- you're late!
Isa: You goddamn problem child.
Hyota: You finally came.
Senri: Hey, you're all gettin' too bold!
Daichi: Your late ass is included in that!
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Senri: Uhh, so the next song's gonna be the last one. A new song. Daichi wrote this one after getting into an argument with his dad. Didn't you?
Daichi: Haha, I guess so.
Audience: Ahaha! What the hell?
Senri: Honestly, ever since we were in elementary school, Daichi's sucked at sports and studying, so he never stood out. He wasn't funny, either, so he was a pretty boring guy. But when it came to music, things were different. His songs are literally just good. That's why I joined his band as the vocalist. This song is about Daichi's determination when he decided he wants to spend his life with music. That's why... I want you to sing it. Convince your dad yourself.
Daichi: What--
Senri: This is as far as I'll go with you.
Daichi: Senri!
Senri: Hyota, count off!
Hyota: ... 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Senri: Everyone... Today's my last performance, so! Let's raise the damn roof!
Audience: WOOO!
Senri: Sing.
Daichi: -
Ichihashi: ...
Yoshimi: That band is good, aren't they?
Daichi: ♪ The moon blurred in the silent darkness ♪
Yoshimi: The last vocalist was good, too, but after switching to the guitarist, the strength of their songs gets across more directly.
Daichi: ♪ I was left behind and struggling ♪
Senri: ♪ Wondering who I really am ♪
Yoshimi: There's no doubt that they'll only grow from here on.
Senri: ♪ And where I want to go ♪
Ichihashi: That guitarist is my son.
Yoshimi: You're Daichi's-?
Daichi: ♪ This story has no set scenario ♪
Yoshimi: In that case, allow me to formally introduce myself- 
Daichi: ♪ I'm the one who decides the ending ♪
Yoshimi: I'm Yoshimi of AB Records.
Senri: ♪ When I mix words with sound ♪
Yoshimi: I've just been asking them if they'd like to debut with our label.
Senri: ♪ I can let loose with all my might ♪
Ichihashi: So it's you...
Daichi: ♪ Yeah, after the worst of nights ♪
Ichihashi: Daichi's been very shy since he was a child. He even cried before preschool every morning.
Daichi: ♪ Look, the dawn is waiting for this song ♪
Senri: ♪ Bit by bit, the sky's dyed red, it lights up ♪
Ichihashi: He always stayed in the shadows throughout elementary and middle school, too. Before I knew it, he grew up.
Senri: ♪ The rest of our dreams ♪
Yoshimi: You have a fine son.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Resounding with my identity ♪
Ichihashi: ... He's clumsy, so there's only one thing he can do.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ The autumn wind is drying up my tears ♪
Ichihashi: He really is just like me.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Even if we can't take the shortest route, we'll run ♪
Ichihashi: Please take care of Daichi.
Senri: ♪ We'll each dye our paths ♪
Daichi: ♪ A beautiful red ♪
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Rad Red ♪
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angie-j-kay · 8 months
Find The Word Tag, also Meme Monday
I was tagged by @dyrewrites. I am tagging @abalonetea, @gummybugg, and @k--havok. No pressure, no worries.
My words were: tight, blur, trap and sweet.
Yours are: heart, ick, hold, and bark.
Naturally, this is from What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt.
Tight: The thing holding Tracey back was tensed, wound so tightly that it felt as hard as the stone around them. Tracey felt the Reliquus lean backwards, just a bit. This was a new feeling, though. It wasn't fear, exactly. The Reliquus growled a bit in uncertainty, confusion dusting across both of their minds. Something was wrong. Tracey didn't know what it was, but something had just gone very, very wrong.
Blur: The suspect's eyes clapped closed against the sudden light, and she stumbled backwards against the frame of the door. Before she could fall, though, a blur of red fabric swung up in defense. Gabe moved just a fraction of a second too late to block it. He caught the drawstring backpack directly on the side of his head. If the bag had been holding anything heavy, the blow would have been devastating. Even as it was, it threw him ever so slightly off balance. His flashlight flew, bouncing off the wall loudly, and the shadows of the hall danced as it spun.
Trap: “Yeah, that's for the best,” Sarah smirked at her. “Shit like this is exactly why we try to stay hidden. The Florals, anyway. The Fae have been hiding from Humans for most of history.”
“Been wondering about that,” Tracey admitted. “They change depending on how they're perceived. I take it avoiding us helps them stay in one shape?”
“Yeah, something like that. To be honest, I never bothered to learn most of their history. There was something about Humans trapping them, long ago. I didn't care enough to read into it. They're in charge over us, and we're the redheaded stepchildren to them. That was always enough for me.”
Sweet: It was a mead hall, like the pictures in her history books. Well, it was supposed to be, anyway. The roof was vaulted high, and there was sunlight coming in from the little windows at the top. There was a fire pit in the middle, with a kettle of something savory-smelling hanging from a bar over the top of the embers. Tables set with candles, mismatched goblets, and trays of fruit lined the walls. It even smelled right. Tracey had never wondered what a mead hall would have smelled like, but somewhere between the smell of smoke, the massive amounts of old wood, the stew, and the sweetness of the fruit lying around, she felt almost as if she had been transported back in time.
This felt far more like what Faerie should have been. Even the stone of the floor under her feet felt like it just belonged to another world. If she didn't look too closely, Tracey could even ignore that the tables were of the variety that graced every park and picnic site in America.
What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt (Novel Masterpost HERE!)
A small college town is rocked by a horrific murder, with only one suspect. Officer Gabe Nelson knows Tracey Rutledge can't possibly be guilty, but the only thing more incriminating than the woman's behavior is everything else that his investigation reveals.
Why does the case trace back to her childhood home, and why did she run away from it eight years ago?
Why is the FBI as interested in Tracey as they are in the murder?
What smells like wet dogs?
As the case closes in on Tracey, so does the real killer. Gabe will have to choose between the life he has always believed in and the values he has always held, while the world he thought was real starts to fall apart.
Chapters are available for download on Ko-Fi and Patreon!
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gresidentdoorkicker · 10 months
There are many expressions that can be used to describe how hard it is raining. The more absurd the expression the harder it is raining. Today was one of those days. Those days when it wasn't simply raining cats and dogs but it was raining whales and hippos.
She cursed the rain, why couldn't the clouds have waited just a few minutes before throwing down their cold wrath onto the innocent earth. She could hardly see 10 feet in front of her. The car crawled forward agonizingly slow, seemingly timid, and scared of the golf ball sized droplets of frigid rain that bombarded everything below it.
She missed her turn and kept going down the road. She realized that she was lost when she glanced at the clock and saw that she was over an hour into a 20 minute drive. She pulled to the side of the road and shut the car off, staring at her phone as the battery indicator blinked red. She tried to open up her GPS, but she had no bars. The clouds up above were too thick.
She had kept the music up, along with the air conditioning, this storm had come from nowhere and she was not appropriately dressed. One moment it was bright and sunny, with ominous clouds brewing just beyond the mountains, the next trees were falling amidst the crashing rain.
Now she shivered. Almost selfishly she went to turn the key in the ignition, just to get warm, but to her horror her car stalled. The engine sputtered and died, refusing to turn over fast enough to roar to life.
"Son of a Bitch! You have got to be fucking kidding me, of course! Now of all times!"
She turned the key again, but this time she was greeted with a humble click, not even the sputtering of an engine trying to start.
Rachel slammed her hand against the steering wheel. Seething in anger she jerked the key hard in the keyway, seemingly believing that if she turned the key harder it would make the engine start. Alas, it did not.
She pondered her odds as she stared out of the fogging window. The nearest gas station was miles behind her, she couldn't go back there, she couldn't call for help, she had no service out here in the sticks, even if she had cell service her phone was dead.
She rubbed her face, flinging the door open, she figured her best bet was to backtrack and try to get home.
As she reached the back end of the truck she froze, breathing a sigh of relief. Through the fog and rain she could see light. Light meant electricity, electricity meant people.
She jogged down the road, trudging toward the cabin. The fleeting thought crossed her mind of evil creeping denizens, but she pushed the thought out of her mind, she had her pepper spray after all.
Besides, what scum of the earth had such a cozy cabin? Well tended wildflower beds, quaint picket fence guarding roses, oiled log porch and hand carved rocking chair.
She rapped sharply on the door, pounding above the pouring rain on a metal roof.
Relief flooded her sopping wet face as she heard a chain slide across a security lock and the door swung inward, then immediately fade away as she took in the sight of who had opened the door.
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rjalker · 1 year
"Strike me, lightning! Give me superpowers!" (protag who has just escaped mind control and thinks being struck by lightning will let him fly away)
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[Image description: A simple digital drawing without lines showing a stick figure standing on a large rock outside of a window of a dark building with many dark silhouettes crowding against the bright window. Dark walls and floors and metal tables are behind them. End image description.]
And then like five of the other people overcame their brainwashing to run outside to try and drag him-me back inside before Evil Guy could notice. And then kept chasing him-me even after we jumpef up onto the roof. And one of them tried to follow us even after we started scaling down the side of the floating city.
And we were supposed to be "the crazy one". Oh well, at least they cared lol.
She fell, I managed to catch her, and we couldn't climb back up or just drop her off in any of the growing trays because they were maintained by machines, so we just had to keep climbing with only one hand and somehow managed not to fall. We found an airlock that led to a maintenance room and managed to get the door open. Evil Guy came in and didn't recognize me-protag because apparently we were getting older the further we went from the top of the floating city, reverting closer to our true age and form with every level of shielding we passed.
The kid who fell was at this point small enough in comparison that she just hid behind us.
I don't remember what we said to Evil Guy or how he reacted to us. But eventually he got distracted again by the systems checker malfunctioning and we were able to stick the kid on an elevator so she could go wherever she wanted, then went back out the side and kept climbing down until we could jump to the ground.
There was a theme park directly under the city which was pretty much just repeating propaganda from the floating city about how they treated their workers SO well they never wanted to leave, that they supplied all the [xyz unnamed medicine] to the country, and blah blah blah stuff like that.
They held daily VR tours where you could "take a virtual tour of the magnificent floating city of Asheriwa (?), led by [unnamed Evil Guy] himself!"
Well turns out when the kid from before got back to the first floor, the panic of seeing her fall (they didn't see us catch her because the sides of the city curved and we were out of sight by that point) had broken everyone out of their mind control simulteneously. The machine had already been malfunctioning earlier which let protag escape, then trying to recapture him, so it hasn't had enough power left to try and calm everyone back down and make them forget they (thought) they'd just seen someone fall to her death
Long story short, they went on a rampage, smashing machines, breaking windows and furniture, toppling the fruit trees from sheer numbers, and when Evil Guy, oblivious, got to the top floor for the VR tour, instead of mindlessly smiling children who seemed perfectly happy he got quite literally torn apart by the mob.
He was apparently some sort of bone werewolf though so he did not go down without a fight and a bunch of the kids got hands or fingers bitten off. It was very gross.
So all the people on the VR tour were watching this live and it was being recorded and broadcast on live TV.
Before the recording even ended people were storming the floating city to help rescue the kids, not just using the elevator, throwing up grappling hooks and using gliders and one (1) stolen helicopter.
I love it when my dream just decided to give me a while novel's worth of a story.
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furrywerewolfpizza · 3 months
Chapter three
A weird birthday
The feeling of hands rocking me awake making me a little startled. Sis made sure I don't fall off and hit myself. She leaves me so I can get dressed, I awake at approximately one hour before six to brush my teeth. After showering away all the makeup, I removed my shower cap. Marilyn Monroe, said dimensions are a girl's best friend so I added necklaces with my dress.
A nocking sound echoes on my door, it kept going until I stop curling curls, when I opened the door mom stood bereft of speech.
"Ohhhh...sweetie, you look precious."
"Really," I say,
"Let me fix the top,"
She flips my hair using her fingers.
Mom said dad whas on his way but got stuck in mud. Something's wrong, very wrong about that I don't wanna worry her.
"Don't worry moma," I rubbed her back.
My sis smiled kind heartedly as always not desturbed, or disappointed.
"He'll be here,"
I fixed my Marilyn dress straps, "How do I look? Should I...lose the Ferragamo sho-"
"Ya you better. Your ass is gonna slip."
"Mom, language. You are a bad influence."
I told her while applying red lipstick and looking in the mirror, I switched my hills to white flats. "Move it people out of the room," sis was already gone not standing by my door any more.
"See you before dinner moma,"
I said hugging her.
Angela wished me a happy birthday and started her car driving me beside leafless trees, I admired them. Dad used to take me to his brother's cabin, he would climb the bark with me but failed everytime. I pulled out my note book when I made it to school and dashed my way to English class. I fill nerves about going alone, nobody knows me. People in the hallway stared, I wondered why they did.
A boy wearing a white and blue striped vest walks up to me, he's fallowed by another boy. "Hay I'm Troy. This is James. I never seen you around."
The boy said flirtatiously,
"What, I...
"Look at that she's speechless." James laughs making me nervous, I wanna hide and jump out the window.
"I'm just trying to find English, excuse me."
Troy boy stops me and pushes my back against the locker, not hard but vigorly. Dangerously close, he slips on a banana pile. Eruption of more laughter came from students filling the hall,
"Grosye." I spoke in Haitian. Bothe socked with embarrassment ran away. My backpack was already placed in my locker so I move leaving Troy and his dweeb friend. I've dealt with situations like this, usually I stand hopping someone would help but not this time. Worse start of my birthday.
Ms. Gray, handed work assignments about the fiddler on the roof to every student. I frown when I look at my homework, oh brother. Gray plays the film as we write notes, my tutor told me sounding out adjectives about fillings helps me, he believe it builds character. He reads to kill a mockingbird to me after school, I was approved in a early college program. I hand Mr. Ron a sheet with my address and mom's number. "Bye Mr. Ron,"
After Ron waved goodbye I walked into the hallway. When grabbing my bag I saw a paper on the wall for gem, Hawkins is having their 1984 snow ball. My family loves parties with fancy things, mom always planes every event. I could meet new people, make new friends.
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As I work on my math homework after school, the science teacher and Will's friend held up two fingers in a bye-bye gesture. I have to talk to him, end are weird energy. "Hello,"
He smiles than walkes away, "West is clear too, Will?" Silently speaking through headphones.
I caught up with him carrying my backpack.
"Hay! Wait. Your that Henderson kid, right?"
"Yah," the boy laughs awkwardly as if I broke the fourth wall. He holds a walkie talkie, "New girl. Science."
I wave and walk away with contentment. Friendships take time. According to my year in fifth grade, I must be aware, I must bend the social rules. That's what I'm born to do, people always see me as a mysterious girl. Angela took a night shift so mom will be picking me up, she wants to practice level one spells. I beat her everytime, the game goes one way. Objects are disband in other places by the alphabet. I start my timer by twisting it near sixty- minutes, and tossing my bolo knife in my bag as well.
0 notes
leopoldainter · 3 months
Hark the folder topiary
Professor McGonagall transfigures things, read it.
First described as akin to a space station a moment it moved by the way of foot placement okay a cat addendum shadow fax its a woman in black gown. A witch in robes of course and there's amenBIC shitposition door for privet drive way of the closest black out hopefully
Cat eyese
My nerves woman!
No I mean your nicer! Less hiss
Better be petunias poll in it. No, damn buzzer
We could do the window trick we regret to inform you we have left you with this child it did not do thus itself but if you mist know there art to be written works in pre i
Save it for the Methodists it's the fedup uncles
You people seem to not realize we have roofs upto the ladder down by the shed n lean less on the here's some nope fine against the eavestrough I have a feeling we'll be getting roofLength acunitz
We have a different government whatnot.
I've heard your half penilies zinc fields of tentalopes.
Web railed he has jeeves st his home station Wagon ago now. BIC nuff..
Rest assured mortal commando wfestoraltradition. Tight on submersible's then pressurized floats? Chop bridge scene down way of focusing in on woAh there horsy
HUD: I can do something similar myself but I'm on handed foot mounted sayurnTalia rookiku oof
SPRING ST. subway station
OPEN forum Nokia customer service phone it in
But before you puke you got that Robert coming back with turn on the night vision
Oh okay so press a button I see but can not see my finger on the other hand its rift
It's right here
Okay start running just trust this one line redundancy.
Should grabbed a tougher stick. Still some splatter here's some more well I figured after our supermangarfunkle I'd try just hold it in but after jurrasic park you can't just leave it to gravity.
So he wipes the lens
Thank God if the whole movie was going to be like that or this. Or even this, still rotator cuff gives me some sideas. Yes spring59th it's shopping time. I need a one new earing see
Nobody move nobody move
They do that well red splatter
Nike's up so Columbus circle
That is not where you want be right now
Woah there's horses! Not the only reason we are over booked. It's been written up for this.Say六so.
Duke Continue desk. There going for the bRight u eurovision contest! Take a look online. Ma ga,hear they have cartoon commercials. B.MiGuy!topseat wifebeater.lock her upto thee fore mAgAnounce!
It's just someone named Simon, get hurt a little. Maybe Tuesday night, this week. Europe vision song vouture tasteless objections, the poles saying when you reme.watch we're scene singing.
D is fore the awful stop. C goes in right below that one. Have you heard? No matter what chingn happens then the pool scene's up Robotcha chiki
Niles? Person, or animal? I'm seeing feet or motion oakProfessor snapshot no ited be those rocks tapping live ta plex you Visage quickly. And the other thing CD Players provoke over atypical Walkman is the anti'skip. To resolve the problem which was never there fo cassettes prohBlehm gates. For now .forgat to mention rails could just have been moistened by some cheddar garlic folk bread. Warmer than seasonal whether seen al ma n!a/counted for confusing smudge oreviAderchia popcorn but for who Orville redenbacber. Box shows happy people not sure what makes a good hair dresser an eye doctor of any sort but hettry it in seconds timer set start open following arrows printed on packaging.
No I will not leave them a tip thud time, how do they get from these boxes to the couch cushions, could it be piglet or something about being stuck in a root cellar for perverse prompting of hunky for lunch. Oh piglet I'm stuck in my way out. Window.
Sill no falling pots crashing no coyote forest Whitaker flying monkey ninjas its just deception.
Rastahjar Thelonious Andmaybe a baby, in between these dry release drawer sheets. Crying softly matoya cavern just a nuke just by fluke. Bridge out rings sky as if a safe place could not be bound round the off base antenna. Fire Wall, omega! Primitive actually hi hot and outta here.
I saw the rabit, right two before linkSwapo. Suite rabbit lair even Nikel procures from this harp.
Sorry, AIG tried and have you heard, ninjalondz rabies.
That's what's going old.
Want to go to a real party
I imagined more rails less spoons
That's a rollercoaster
Ok I want the Irish. again.
Guiness recognize these.
She's as drunk as a Mexican wrestler!
-Irish moped. Goin by the side. Dance floor hope you just hit my head. Party, on the floor. Head bump but what I thought you fish sire netizens
Erosion! Fish fore free sigh mundo! Life Style section weekly comics something nasty on Rosie o'Ji I dunno crying modelyodel better next time. Trump promises.s,écoute cadeuxfre indem more nigh'ng time, cerise marshmallow chocolate shell. Guy mauve damn good nurples.
Giy4Orealyou and kids for tearing promotion. Christmas arrives early this bath session.suds so far so good, now there's eyebrows and the beast if Bangalore above that. So must tread schwiftly shift if as it's can't don't not worth it. Are your contracts which arealrdy redone around:giギ a Hon. Ho may the comma rest nowhere. It's there right there. -n attachment. Nice lead on!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
ITSA Space In unit mission, yay after brief pause. National holiday! Cheers.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Wendigo the ghost monster and criminal depravity hits gravitational Apex in the downery Diagon byte the doorswimin see if he's free Tuesday. Or very good slytherin it was now. Very wand fur party. Party trick stick with this dursely vogue blonde and fifty five with half the payload by his side. According to smAsh these glasses frame again cello-anne
-Alex, from modern family because Narnia's, further from. I found this right next my head night stand lamp.
That's what she told me her name was, too.
She missed her birthday apparently
Cake! UCLA@anearlyAgethenCancerHitsdamntoHighSchool. Owlets Withdraw from ordinary that old way. Mistaken on purpose by virtue of lack of paying attention to the thing that was going on at that very moment.
Also, the other way that's wrong because you don't know all the slang I do know, and that's something you already knew, because otherwise what could it be. The Primeresidentir that's what happens at the Russian embassy people.
-K.Harris his debate performance cnn anchors those ladders his performance records he looks like Joe does normally, temperature subsides
WaterChuke really lookinat that for, autumn moment early angel ink red Abel only if she can do see. Monty biathlon March renRedharBecause
I remember the rest his drunk dads a judge but the card systems one for one till they trap two against the state. Newts the kid, Cids the dad, but that's a judge dadjudge onchocobo. Move Right Away. Judge Contestant honesty is straight forward tactics. Now advance, oh shit she is limp
Can this door slip? Shoulder pads woah she is in clothing.
Laura Secord is described avoiding the enemy in forest long enough to get her message through safely. Run!
Lassie the fascist chocolatier but it's not written there're. Inco Sudbury sew misspoke you're going away. So far.
Am HSTRebate
Trillium benefit
Some happy hours pass by outside
Besides that there's pictures. Some sticky looking stud from paint it's not going away next time for sure. Nearly read past his whole name in the first place why aren't they conversing with each other. The paintings don't wax both ways. Says some stair cases are clearly altering locations. Where did they write what they were on about.inside theway remove some house points we're following the Weasley whose brother we married on the train good were cuspHPgrainRanger. I'll stick with Ron handsomely you prequel with lunatic mom died if you only saw threw the traint fraction anyways the guy with the chocolate was no were to be found it looks like he was right about to get in the durslept through the wrong leap year, I candrive so more stick shift. Invisibility croak, I'm still harry
It's like not good but for cloaking
Okay so fly high and we'll see if we can sneak byent
Wrong apple way too easy it's book two Chamber stall hint bathroom queef burglar. That's nowhere in the Canon or gameboy cartridge. So you stick to flavored mms instead you switch to skittles cuz there's a funny ad you saw.
0 notes
spaciousreasoning · 3 months
Uncovering More Bridges
Nancy and I got back on the road on Wednesday in search of more covered bridges and anything else of interest that came along with them. It’s a good thing we counted six bridges because there wasn’t a lot more to see along the way.
That’s not a bad thing, because it’s always fun getting out on the roads here in Oregon, where there’s green and watery stuff. And the temperature Wednesday was in the lower 70s.
We started out south on the Bob Straub Parkway and continued when it turned into Jasper Road. And then Jasper Lowell Road. Then Jasper Lowell Road took a sharp turn to the left and shortly thereafter we came across the Pengra Covered Bridge that crossed Fall Creek.
Named for pioneer and surveyor B.J. Pengra, the bridge was first built in 1904 and replaced in 1938. It was constructed using two massive wooden planks, each measuring 125 feet long. Weather and traffic weakened the bridge over time, and it was temporarily closed in 1979. With the help of state funding from the Oregon Covered Bridge Program, the county repaired the structure, which was re-opened to traffic in 1995.
Next on our journey came the Unity Covered Bridge, which also crossed Fall Creek. It was built in 1936 at a cost of $4,400. Its east side features a full-length window with its own roof so that drivers can see oncoming cars. County officials temporarily closed the bridge for repairs in 1986. Work included a new floor, exterior painting, repair of piers and guardrails, and vandalism cleanup.
From there we followed the Jasper Lowell Road again and arrived in Lowell, a small town with a population of about 1,200 people. Nancy had seen a coffee shop on her map and we stopped for some caffeine and a nosh at the Stomping Grounds Coffee Shop. For such a small town, it turned out to be a very nice coffee shop.
It was located next to Rolling Rock Park, and from the parking lot we could see the Cannon Street Bridge. Built in 1988 by the community, this picturesque pedestrian covered bridge spans 20 feet across a dry ditch. The bridge is set in an interpretative park amid tributes to Lowell's railroad heritage. It is listed in the article about covered bridges in Oregon, but I had forgotten about finding it.
After enjoying our coffee and chocolate chip muffin, we headed for the Lowell Covered Bridge, which sat next to the street leading back to Oregon 58. The Lowell Bridge is the widest covered bridge in Oregon. It currently serves as an interpretive center on regional covered bridges, though it was not open when we reached it.
The first Lowell Covered Bridge was built in 1907, replacing ferry service across the Middle Fork of the Willamette River. In the 1940s a truck accident severely damaged the bridge, so a new bridge had to be constructed. The new bridge was completed by 1945 and the roof was added two years later. Then in 1953, with the impending construction of Dexter Dam, the bridge had to be raised an additional 6 feet to accommodate the forecasted water level increase. In 1981 a new concrete bypass bridge was built and use of the covered bridge was discontinued.
 On the way toward Oakridge, we turned off to locate the Office Covered Bridge in Westfir, a small town of less than 280 people. It is Oregon’s longest covered bridge at 180 feet, and is the only covered bridge west of the Mississippi River with a separate pedestrian walkway. Each Christmas season, the town decorates the bridge with lights. A firetruck driven by Santa Claus turns the lights on the first week after Thanksgiving. A small replica of the bridge sits in front of the nearby city hall.
Following an unsuccessful search for a lunch spot in Oakridge, we turned back north along OR 58, making one final stop at the Parvin Bridge. Built near Dexter in 1921 as a single-lane 75-foot bridge, it crosses Lost Creek, a tributary of the Middle Fork Willamette River. Roadwork in the mid-1970s realigned the road to bypass the bridge, being accessible only to pedestrians. A dedication ceremony was held in November 1986 to reopen the renovated span to vehicle traffic.
0 notes
The Haunting of Skyhold: Chapter 2, Somewhere Else
This chapter brought to you by the enter and tab buttons!
II: Somewhere Else
Necessity had made Varric a fairly light sleeper.  Now, with very little reason to jump out of bed at a moment’s notice with Bianca at the ready, he was beginning to regret acquiring that skill.
Something was falling to the stony ground outside his quarters.  He peeked outside the window.  A small scattering of rocks lay on the cobbles.
Another pebble joined them.  
“Andraste’s tits, ass, and everywhere in between,” he grumbled.  Probably Cole, he figured, doing another weird spooky scamp thing.  He pulled a coat over his shoulders and made for the battlements.  
It wasn’t Cole.  
“So I guess you can’t sleep.”
Lyn stopped where she was, pebbles in hand. “Nope,” she said without turning around.
“ Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Well you know where I am.”  Varric turned as if to leave.  
5, he thought.
“Actually, yeah.  I really could use someone to talk to.”
“I figured.  Where do you want to start?”
“Exactly where you’d expect, I guess.  Do you think I made the right decision with the whole…Blackwall…thing?”
“Who’s to say, really?  I mean, what did you want to happen?”
“Ideally, to go back in time to when I didn’t know about it, and live in blissful ignorance for the rest of my days.”
“Well, we do know a guy for that, but you broke his time travel amulet and sentenced him to hard labor for his crimes.”
“I did, didn’t I?” Lyn chuckled.  “At least that judgment call was pretty straightforward.”
“Okay, so besides time travel, what’s the best case scenario?”
“If, somehow, I could get things put back to rights.  If I could have, uh, Thom back, for one.  And if I could get our friends to still have respect for me even knowing that I pardoned him for selfish reasons.  If maybe I could forgive myself for that. Wouldn’t a Capital I Inquisitor have just left his ass in prison?  Or sent him to the Wardens for real?”
“Well, considering you’re the only Inquisitor there is, you’re also the only one who can say what a real Inquisitor would do.  And so maybe a real Inquisitor can still be a real person with real feelings. A soft spot, even.  Like almost every hero who came before. Maybe there are a couple of moments that history might look at you sideways for.  But the great thing about history is that the people who make it rarely have to read it.”
Lyn rolled her eyes.  “Says Mr. ‘Tale of the Champion.’ But thanks.”  She lobbed a pebble in the vague direction of the barn.   
“I noticed you didn’t say anything about forgiving him.”
“Well,” she said, lobbing another stone that buried itself neatly in the barn’s thatched roof. “What’s to forgive, really?  Okay so he gave me a false name.  We know the real one now.  Problem solved.  He lied to us about being a Warden, but it’s not like he ever gave us any information that was even remotely actionable.  How we didn’t suss that part out before now, I’ll never know.  He ran out on me and made me look like a complete idiot.” 
She sighed and turned to face Varric for the first time that night.  
“That might take some work.  I might even have to speak to him at some point.  I think for now, not killing him on the spot was a pretty good start.” Her laughter was bitter, and didn’t reach anywhere near her eyes.
“And the murders?”
“Not actually mine to forgive.  You’d have to ask any remaining Calliers about that one. If there are any.”  
“You’ve given this a lot of thought.”
“There’s something about bailing your lover out of jail even though you’re a public figure, he’s guilty as sin, and everyone’s in terrible mortal peril, that drags itself to the forefront of your mind.”
“You have a point.  And you need to get out of Skyhold for a while.  Maybe out of Orlais.  The whole thing is making you crazy, and we have enough crazy around here as is.  When’s your next field trip?”
“I was planning to take another swing through the Storm Coast starting on Monday, but I bet we can move that up.  Our scouts saw darkspawn tunnels all over the place, and that whole …situation…of Red Templars that we really ought to address.  I’m sure nobody would mind my absence for an extra day.  Nobody I’ll have to talk to, anyway.”
“A situation of Red Templars,” Varric said pensively.  “That’s a pretty good collective noun.  Might save that for a book.” 
“Don’t get settled at your desk too soon there, Mr. Tethras.  I’m going to want you to come with me.  These are Dwarven ruins we’re going through.”
“Really? Come on, I’m about as Dwarven as Sera is Elven.  If you don’t believe me, check out this beard I don’t have.”
“You’ve got one, it just fell down on your chest for some reason.”  This time some real laughter.  “For real though, you’re the one who knows how to trip all those funny Dwarven locks that lock up all the good loot.”
“That is true, I guess. And good loot is pretty keenly appreciated”
“So you’re with me?”
“Every step of the way, as always, your Inquisitorialness.”
“Good.  Now let’s both try to get some sleep.  We have a big day ahead of us.”
“No argument from me.  Just, if you come out to throw rocks again, can you aim them outside the keep from now on?”
“How come?”
Varric pointed down.  “That’s my windowsill, Lyn.”  
Lyn half-smiled sheepishly, but at the very least, the half that smiled was sincere. 
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